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Petition to Amend Petition to Intervene of Ny City Council- Members.Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 12/10/1981
From: Messinger R
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
Download: ML20039A566 (11)




In the Matter of )


CONSOLIDATED EDISON COMPANY OF NEW YORK ) Docket Nos. 50-247 SP (Indian Point Unit 2) ) 50-286 SP



(Indian Point Unit 3) )

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I, Ruth W. Messinger, on behalf of myself, Miriam Friedlander, Carol Greitzer, Stanley E. Michels, Susan D. Alter, Edward C. Wallace, Mary Pinkett, Mary T. Codd, Gilberto Gerena-Valentin , and Arthar J.

Katzman, all signatcries'of the Petition for Intervention of the members of the Council of the City of New York, seek leave to amend that document as follows:

A. Amend paragraoh 1. of the Petition for Int'ervention to read as follows:

1. Ruth Messinger, Miriam Friedlander, Carol Greitzer, Stanley E. Michels, Susan D. Alter, Edward C. Wallace, Mary Pinkett, Mary T. Codd, Gilberto Gerena-Valentin, Arthur J. Katzman, ,

Robert S. Steingut, Abraham G.Gerges, Frederick E. Samuel, ,

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8112180372 811210 PDR ADOCK 05000247 h $$}


. .- 2 Wendell Foster, Morton Povman, Theodore Silverman, Stephen B.

Kaufman, and Robert Dryfoos are all members of the Counct s o f the' City of New York, and, as such, each a representative of a munici-pality. Together we represent close to five and a half million constituents who reside in our. districts on whose behalf we hereby seek leave to-intervene as Interested State in the Indian Point Atomic Safety and Licensing Board proceeding, pursuant to 10 C.F.R. 5 2. 715( c) .

B. Amend the Petition for Intervention by adding paragraphs.

3. through 5. as follows:
3. Our concern for protection the health, safety, and well-being of our constituents has been long standing, with regard to the potential consequences of a radiological accident at Indian Point without adequate emergency plans in place to protect the residents of New York City. This concern is evidenced by the passage of a series of resolutions by the Council of the City of New York (attached) regarding potential dangers posed by the Indian point reactors 25 miles north of the city'. (Please note that two 'of these resolutions request hearings in New York City; we hope that at least a portion of the hearing sessions will thus be held here.)
4. There is no other New York City interested state in this proceeding. The Mayor's Office has not sought to inIervene; nor have any Departments of the City of New York sought party status.
5. The New York State Energy Office, far from representing our constituents with regard to health and safety, has failed to provide adequate radiological emergency plans for the residents of
  • New York City. That Office has not even recommended or suggested ,

'.~ ~ - .-

that such plans be developed and implescnted, relying instead solely on generic federal guidelines which neglect to take into account the' unique characteristics and problems of densely populated munici-palities near nuclear power plants which, like New York City, could .

suffer grave consequences to public health and safety in the event of an accident involving radiation releases -to the environment.

C. Amend the signature section of the Petition for Interven .

tion as follows to include eight additional Councilmembers:

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RtJTH MESSINGER GILBERTO GERENW-VALENTIN Council of the City of New York Council of the City of New York City Hall City Hall New York, New York 10007 New York, New York 10007 District #4 District #11 *

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MIRIAM FRIEDLANDER ARTHUR Jr KATZNAN Council of the City of New York Council of the City of New York City Hall City Hall New York, New York 10007 New York, New York 10007 District #2 District #22 ny' n

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CAROL GREITZER - MARY PINKETT Council of the City of New York Council of the City of New York Ciry Hall City Hall New York, New York 10007 New York, New York 10007 District #3 D' strict #28

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y ,: pig , (3 n MART CODD SOSAN I.LTER Council of the Cit, of New York Council of the City of New York City Hall City Hall New York, New York 10007 New York, New York 10007 Staten Island, At-Large r District #32

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Council of the City of New York Council of the City of New York City Hall City Hall New'Ycrk, New York 10007 . New York, New York 10007 District #6 Brooklyn, At-Large

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M & g Oxncil of the City of New Ycrk City Hall City M New York, New York 10007 New York, New York 10007 District #5 District #7 I ~

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Council of the City of New York EDWARD C. WALLACE, JR. '(/

Council of the City of New York City Hall _

New York, New York 10007 City Hall New York, New York 10007 District #9 Manhattan, At-Large


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MORTON POVP N gy a j C cil of e City of New York b ,

Council of the City of New York New York, New York 10007 City Hall District #18 New York, New York 10007 District #29 THEODORE SILy RMAN Council of the City of New York City Hall New York, New York 10007 District $25

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/STEPJHEN B. Council of the City [of New York ,

City Hall

, New York, New York 10007 District #13 I have been authorized by my colleagues to submit this peti-tion for leave to amend and to coordinate their participation in ,

the the proceeding. I hereby request that service of all

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documents be made to me.

Respectfully, submitted,

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, j/ ,, ! i 's lwy PUTH MESSINGER Council of the City of New York City Hall New York, New York 10007 District 44 December 10, 1981



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W OM P2:28

$40 Apri! 14.1981.

Res. Na 1494 Resolution Caning Upon the Mayor to Instruct the Appropriate City Agencies to Prepare Spectsc Emergency Plans to Protect the Residents of New York City in

- the Event of a Major Acc: dent at the Indian Point Nuclear P; ants.

By Counci! Memoer Messinger: also Council Members Alter. Codd. Eistand. Fried-lander. Gerena Valentin. Kam I.efEer Michels. Ortow. Steingat and Stern-Whereas. The three Indian Point nuclear reacters located 25 miles north of New York City, pose a potential threat to the health and safety of 19 m llion people living within 50 mHes of tae plants, including all New York City residents; and Whereas. Portions of New York City are within 50 miles ef two other nuclear plants. Oyster Creek in Toms River. New Jersey (in operation), and Shoreham on Island fin construction); and Whereas. The March.1979 accident at the Three Mile Island nuclear plant served to alert the country cf the possibility of major accidents at nuclear generating stations; and Whereas. The Ke=eny Commission. Rogovin. and Congressional investigations of de accident all e=phasized the lack of emergency preparedness at Three Mile Island and the need for emergency plans to protect the public in the event cf future nuclear plant accidents; and Whereas. The Nuiear Regu'atory Commission has enunciated a new safety policy to the efect that, hene forth, e=ergency planmng wi!! be considered of equal impor-tance to plant des?gn anu siting; and Whereas. In August,1980, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission published new reg-ulations requiring emergency planning for 10- and 50-mile Emergency Planning Zones (EPZs) around nuclear power plants: and Wheress. These regulations require sheltering and evituation plans for the 10-mile EPZ. but only the monitoring of ingestion substances (fresh foodstuffs, milk and water) for the 50-mile EPZ. requiring no further emergency procedures to protect the public beyond 10 =iles from direct radiation exposure; and Whereas. In the aftermath of a major radiation release from Indian Point. wind and weather conditions could result in direct radiation expcsure of New York City residents in excess cf Enytronmental Protection Agency dese guidelines, which could canes large numbers of thyroid tumors. cancers, genetic efects. and even early fatali-ties: and Whereas. A major accident at Indian Point could necessitate emergency measures for sheltering:New York City residents from dangerous levels of radiation and later evacuating them out ci contaminated sections of the City; and Whereas, Any evacuation for regions within 10 miles of Indian Point could reason-ably be expected to trigger panic and extensive voluntary self-evacuation throughout the metropolitan region, including from New York City-even if there were no radia-tien threat to our etty: and Whereas. New York City might have to serve as a reception center for evacuees from areas closer to the plant, requiring shelter. food, and medical care: and Whereas. After the accident at Three Mile Island. Robert Ryan, then Director of State Programs at the Nuclear Regulatory Commistien. stated:

l it is insane to have a 3-unit reacto- on the Hedson River in Westchester

.. County. 40 miles from Times Square. 20 miles from the Bronx It's a nightmare

( from the point of view of emergency preparedness.

~hree Mile Is!and, and I agree.

l "Everybody says what a terrible situation we had at l but can you imagme what it would have been if it had been at Indian Point."

and Whereas. At present. New Yerk City has no specisc emergency plans for coping with an accident at Indian Point; and Whereas. Prevention of panic and protection of public health and safety fer New l

L York City residents ne assitates extensive advance planning and puo ic education. spe-ci5c sheitering and te 2;ation procedures, and possibly a potassium iodide distribution .

( program-nene of witch has to date been undertaken by our city; and Whereas. It is the acar responsibility of the Council cf the City of New York and the Mayor to protect the health and safety of New York City residents; taerefore. be it RescIved. That the Council ci the Chy of New York requests de Mayor to in-l et act the Of5ce of Civil Preparedness. the Bureau for Radiation Control, tne Depart-i ment of Health, and other apptcpriate agencies to begm immediately to prepare snefter.

ing and relocation plans, advance puolic education programs, and decontamination procedures to deal with potential raciat:en fall-out resulting from an accident at Indian Point (or other nuclear power plants near our city) afectmg all or part of New York City.

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..s Amended Res. Nou 84a- A-Resolution CalEng Upon the United States Nuclear RAtory Commassion to Schedule At Least One Hearms in New York City Whenever They Schedule Heanngs on the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plants.

By Counct! Member Greitzer; also Council Members Codd Foster, Friedlander, Ger:ss, Mes-singer, Michels, Katzman. Pinkett, Spigner. Alter and Eisland--

%%as, The Indian Point nuclear power plants are less than 30 mi:es i'om New York City; and whereas, The Chairman of the Nuclear Regulatcry Commis,i<m .n in fact stated that operations of maclear giants located close to major population centns may have to be cut down or eliminated altoget cr if viable emergency evacuation pans are deemed impossible; and Whereas, Questions have been raised by public officiais as to the very possibihty of any erTective evacuation of New York City in tin event of a nuclear accident: and Whereas, Because of the large concentration of peeple living in New York City, an accident at Indian Point would have a re'atively great impact here, especially with respect to evacuation problems : now, therefore, te it Resolved. That the Council of The City of New York calls upon the United States Nuclear Regulatory Comnussion to schedule at least one hearing in New York City whenever they schedule bearings on the Indian Point Nuclear Pcwer Plants.


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Amended Res. NoJ43-A Resolution Ca!!ing Upon the U.S. Nuc: car Regulatoey Co ..miss! ort to Require Con Ed and the Power Authority State of New York (PASNY) to Ertng Indian Poine Plants to the Required Sa.fe*y Standards. and if Flants 2 and 3 Fai! to Meet the

Safety and 3 Rec U;drements, the Nuclear Regahtory Ccemission Should Order Their Phasing -

O ut. .

B'e Cuuncil Me -Ler Fried *ander: also Cmnei! .'.f een Cadd. Eistand, Foner, Gere a-Val-entin, Gerges, Greita-r,'L!euinger, St ci .pt. T:ichter, Kattman, Pinkett a-d Alter-Whereas, The permits to build and evente the !, San Point nuclear power piants -

en!y X mrn frem .New Yt.rk Ci:y were based on de Atenic Encrgy Cocimissut cec.usmo that probable serious accidents were so kw that Indian Foint ;' ants would not TNuire prc-tection for the puh!ic arainst se-ious ac ddems sich as core meltdown: and Whereas, The accidents at the Three '!ile Ished and ether nac! car power piants has e demcastrated that nueltar plants, mn new cres, are prone to breakdown and accidents ; and

%"cereas. In the event on a serious accident contaminants can easily be released into New York City's uter su+p!y at Kensico and Croto , re<eru. irs. wh'ch are in close proxi ttity to de-hnts ; arai -

Whereas, P! ant No. 2 has a record of 146 unweheduted service ir.terruptions in the 1:st -

Sve years-twice as many as the nati< nal average for ne:h.r power phn:s-and is now cper-at:nr with a "C" rating, of the Jonest in the rati.n: and Whereas. These plants are located on the Ibespa Fault with the inherri t duger of earthquake damage; and Whereas The Sul cocntnittee on En,ironraent. E:.cegy and Netura' Roo:rees of the House Goscrnmmt Opera: ions Com nittee has reco nmcrded that - the Federal per .mtat make the er .at.!id : .ent (i ar. emergency etar-a'le:: p*an a cWifon fer the centi: urd c4erati:m -

of ruckar prmer p. ants; and Ncw s'ork City public hea!th authorities have also reccmmended that the Nurkar Reguh: cry Corr.rr::ssion cl.ange its reg.::i.e.s to make erTective evacuation plant a .

.n-areSNry requirement; and Whereas, No plan for the evacuation of New Ycrk City has been estaLIished-nor is such a p*an passible-and an accident er a .erises mahnetion of any of the Indian Point plants cruid end.nger the lirrs of the 20 mi!! ion resMents of the Nrw York City metrc5v4itan area : and Whereas Any rna!or'mu1 function at Indian Point would create fear and panic, causing irreparahie darnare to the ppie and pro;erty of ths me ro;c'itan area; and Whereas. Ofcials of the Nuclear Regubscry Cr rnminicn have nut lielr adinirted that they wru'd not grant a perrnit for a pia .i at Indiaa Pcint and wou*d se,ek an ahernate site.

c:rarls demenstr: ting that a rue: car ;! ant at In.'ian To:nt is intrinsically umafe; now, there.

ferc f,eit Resolved. That the Council of The City of New Verk calls upon the U.S. Nue: car Recuhtory Com.= inion to require Con Ed and the Pcwer Authority State c.f New York (PASNY) to bring Inha Toint phnts 2 ar.d 3 trp to the re quired saft:y s andards; .nd M it fu-ther Resolved., That should phnts 2 and 3 not cm.;-!y v.ith the saft:y rn.uirsmcats, that tF e N.::b ar Rephwy Caninim eder their phui? e out. #ee-A&q'ed.

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..l or/. xi.31 ".0 0 ce AaceC w'.O n ' fint ol Cisastrous nUC 3 ear pCwer plant accident now known to be possible > now> therefore> be it a.

R a s olve'd , Ihat the Council of Tne City cf I ew York calls, upon the federal !!uclear Regalator~v Cc .cissior. and the I ew York State .

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Energy Office to dcin with the City Cour.cil to hold public haar5 nE4

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In the Matter of )


CONSOLIDATED EDISON COMPANY OF NEW YORK ) Docket Nos. 50-247 SP (Indian Point Unit 2) ) 50-286 SP



(Indian Point Unit 3) ) ,

Certificate of Service I hereby certify that copies of the attached document,

" Petition for Leave to Amend Petition for Intervention of New York City Councilmembers and to Add Eight Additional Signatories" have been served by first class mail to all the parties to this proceeding, this 10th day of December, ef --

Ruth W. Messinger Member, Council of the City of New York <


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