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Final Status Survey Report for Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corporation Saxton Steam Generating Station Structural Surfaces Discharge Tunnel Transition Area SS23, SS25, Appendix B Snec Calculation Sheet
Person / Time
Site: Saxton File:GPU Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 08/12/2004
From: Brosey B, Donnachie P, Paynter A
GPU Nuclear Corp
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
E900-04-015, Rev 0
Download: ML052090248 (83)


Appendix B Spray Pump Pit Survey Design

SNEC CALCULATION COVER SHEET CALCULATION DESCRIPTION Calculation Number Revision Number Effect' Date f Page Number E900-04-015 0 P /O 7/ I of 10 Subject Spray Pump Pit - Survey Design Question I - Is this calculation defined as 'in GA Scope ? Refer to definition 3.5. Yes 0 No [I Question 2 - Is this calculation defined as a 'Design Calculation'? Refer to definitions 3.2 and 3.3. Yes 0l No D Question 3 - Does the calculation have the potential to affect an SSC as described in the USAR? Yes El No 0D NOTES: If a Yes' answer is obtained for Question 1, the calculation must meet the requirements of the SNEC Facility Decommissioning Quality Assurance Plan. If a 'Yes' answer is obtained for Question 2, the Calculation Originators immediate supervisor should not review the calculation as the Technical Reviewer. If a YES' answer is obtained for Question 3, SNEC Management approval Is required to Implement the calculation. Calculations that do not have the potential to affect SSC's may be implemented by the TR.


. . APPROVAL SIGNATURES Calculation Originator B. Broseyl 3Z -

Technical Reviewer P. Donnachiel Additional Review A. Paynterl Additional Review SNEC Management Approval

?-ve SNEC CALCULATION SHEET Calculation Number Revision Number Page Number E900-04-015 0 Page 2 of 10 Subject Spray Pump Pit - Survey Design 1.0 PURPOSE 1.1 The purpose of this calculation is to develop a survey design for the Spray Pump Pit and Transition area from the Discharge Tunnel. These survey units are listed in Table 1 and are shown in Attachments 1-1 through 1-6.

Table 1, Survey Unit Information Survey Units Location Material Types Area Classification Area (mA2)

SS9-1 Spray Pump Pit to El. 795' Floor Concrete 1 51.9 SS25-1 Transition Between SPP & DT Concrete 1 -41.3 SS25-2 Transition Area Steel Gate Steel 1 NOTE: The majority of steel surface area (SS25.2) Is severely corroded with portions that are difficult to access. Survey work will encompass only accessible surface areas.

  • Steel gate is withdrawn Into a cavity In the overhead exposing only about i/ the total surface area (estimated to be -16 m2).



OF RESULTS The following information should be used to develop a survey request for this survey design:

2.1 GFPC Scanning Criteria 2.1.1 A gas flow proportional counter (GFPC) shall be used in the beta detection mode for the initial scan survey work (Ludlum 2350-1 with a 43-68B probe).

2.1.2 All GFPC instruments used shall demonstrate an efficiency (ce) at or above 23.9%

(value used for planning). Detector efficiency factors are presented in the following Table.

Table 2, GFPC Detection Efficiency Results Used for Planning Material Type el e5 et (as %)- ECF  % Cs-137 Resulting countsldislntegraton Concrete 0.478 0.5 23.9% -0.2 0.982 0.047

  • Typical SNEC GFPC detector efficiency factors (as of 711/04) are provided in Attachment 2-1.

NOTE 1: Total efficiency should not be less than Et value for any instrument used during this survey effort.

2.1.3 An efficiency correction factor (ECF) is applied to compensate for efficiency loss over rough surface areas based on Reference 3.1 criteria and Attachment 3-1.

2.1.4 The amount of detectable beta emitter is dependent on the amount of Cs-137 present in the radionuclide mix. From Attachment 4-1 through 4-6 the mix is determined to be 98.2% Cs-137. No other nuclides are credited with providing any additional (detectable) beta emissions.

SNEC CALCULATION SHEET Calculation Number Revision Number Page Number E900-04-015 0 Page 3 of 10 Subject Spray Pump Pit - Survey Design Table 3, Summary Of GFPC Scanning Parameters Surface to Detector Area or Structure Material Type Scan Speed Face Coverage MDCscan 0.9- per sec SS9-1 & SS25-1 Concrete (2.2 cmlsec) Contact 100% 2,644 dpm/100 cm2 2.1.5 The action level during first phase scanning is 350 cpm above background. If this level is reached, the surveyor should stop and perform a count of at least 1/2 minute duration to identify the actual second phase count rate from the elevated area. If the second phase count rate is equal to or greater than 424 cpm, the area must be identified, bounded and documented to include an area estimate.

2.1.6 Any area that cannot be adequately surveyed with a GFPC, should be identified for Nal scanning lAW Section 2.2.

2.2 Na! Scanning Criteria 2.2.1 A 2" by 2" diameter Nal detector with a Cs-137 window setting shall be used for gamma scanning these survey units IAW Table 4 parameters.

2.2.2 The conversion factor for Nal survey instruments used shall not be less than 208.302 cpm/mRo h (see Attachment 2-1 for current Nal instrument conversion factors as of 7-1-04).

Table 4, Summary Of Scanning Parameters Instrument Type Material Used Area or Structure Type Scan Speed Surface to Detector Face Coverage MDCscan' Nal (2- by 2 Cs- 1persec 137 Window) S9-1 & SS25-1 Concrete (2.54 cm/sec) 2(5.08 cm) 100 % 2.7 pCVg Nal (2- by 2- Cs- 2 per sec 3,717 dpm/100 137 Window) SS25-2 Steel (5.08 cm/sec) 2 (5.08 cm) 100% cm2

'See Attachment 5-1 to 5-6 for calculation results using an assumed 100 cpm background value and MicroShield output for modeled survey areas. The steel scan MDC is based on a surface deposition model and the concrete model assumes a 1 thick source term. Both models are

-12 In diameter.

2.2.3 The action level during first phase scanning using a Nal instrument is 200 gross com. If this level is reached, the surveyor should stop and perform a count of at least 15 seconds duration to identify the actual count rate of the elevated area.

2.2.4 Inaccessible areas, steel surfaces, or any area where a 43-68 beta probe can not be used, shall be scanned using a Nal detector.

2.2.5 Based on Nal scanning work, sample areas IAW the following criteria: When an area is confirmed to be above the action level sited in Section 2.2.3, the location should be marked for sampling (see Section 2.5) These areas shall be bounded and documented, or if no areas are found above the action level, the highest detected count rate area encountered during the Nal scanning process regardless of material type.

C- SNEC CALCULATION SHEET Calculation Number Revision Number Page Number E900-04-015 0 Page 4 of 10 Subject Spray Pump Pit - Survey Design 2.3 Fixed PointNa! Measurements 2.3.1 Perform a one (1) minute count, 2" from the surface of the center of each accessible cell depicted on Attachment 7-6 (1 through 35). Document all results.

2.4 DCGLw Values The following Table shows the DCGLw values that were used to plan surveys in these areas. Soil volumetric DCGLw values are used as a planning tool.

Areas above the action level should then be sampled to determine the actual concentration and fraction of Table 5 values.

Table 5, Summary Of DCGLw Values Surface DCGLw(dpm1100 cm2) Volumetric DCGLw(pCI/g)

GA = 8,968 (6,726 A-L.) 6.52 (4.89 A.L.) for Cs-137 DCGLw values from Attachment 4.1 to 4-6.

A.L = the administrative limiL 2.5 Fixed Point GFPC Stafic Measurements 2.5.1 The minimum required number of static survey points for each area is provided in Table 6 (see Attachment 6-1 to 6-7 for the calculation yielding the minimum No. of random start systematic grid survey points - Compass output).

Table 6, Minimum No. Random Start Systematic Grid Survey Points (GFPC)

Survey Units Locadon l Statc Points ]

SS9-1 Spray Pump Pit to El. 795' Floor 13 SS25-1 Transition Between SPP & DT 13 See Attachment 7-1 to 7-5 for locations of fixed point measurements.

2.5.2 VSP (Reference 3.2) is used to plot all measurement points on Attachment 7-1 through 7-5. The actual number of random start systematically spaced measurement points is greater than that required by the Compass computer code because of any of the following:

  • placement of the initial random starting point (edge effects),
  • odd shaped diagrams, and/or
  • coverage concerns 2.6 Sampling of Concrete and Steel Surfaces Sample concrete or steel materials at locations above action levels when scanning with a Nal detector. (see Section 2.2).

2.6.1 A 4' long core bore sample is preferred so that the depth of penetration can be identified. However, when a core bore cannot be taken because of the quality of the concrete, or because of limited access in an area, sampling should remove the first

m MSNEC p CALCULATION SHEET Calculation Number Revision Number Page Number E900-0415 0 Page 5 of 10 Subject Spray Pump Pit - Survey Design 1" of concrete and yield a volume of at least 200 cc to ensure an adequate counting MDA for Cs-137 (a 4" diameter area by 1' deep = -200 cc).

2.6.2 For steel surfaces above the action level, scrape the surface to collect a sample for gamma scanning by removing as much material as possible in the suspect area.

Document the approximate size of the area where the materials were removed.

Whenever possible, obtain a volume of no less then 25 cc's (200 cc's is preferred).

2.6.3 In general, samples should be collected any location where scanning measurements indicate elevated count rates exist above action levels, or where measurement capability is deemed inadequate due to poor geometry.


3.1 SNEC Calculation No. 6900-02-028, GFPC Instrument Efficiency Loss Study.

3.2 Visual Sample Plan, Version 2.0 (or greater), Copyright 2002, Battelle Memorial Institute.

3.3 ISO 7503-1, Evaluation of Surface Contamination, Part 1: Beta-emitters (maximum beta energy greater than 0.15 MeV) and alpha-emitters, 1988.

3.4 SNEC Procedure E900-IMP-4520.06, uSurvey Unit Inspection in Support of FSS Design".

3.5 Plan SNEC Facility License Termination Plan.

3.6 SNEC Procedure E900-IMP-4520.04, "Survey Methodology to Support SNEC License Termination'.

3.7 SNEC Procedure E900-IMP-4500.59, 'Final Site Survey Planning and DQA".

3.8 MicroShield, Computer Radiation Shielding Code, Version 5.05-00121, Grove Engineering.

3.9 NUREG-1507, 'Minimum Detectable Concentrations With Typical Radiation Survey Instruments for Various Contaminants and Field Conditions," June 1998.

3.10 NUREG-1575, "Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual", August, 2000.

3.11 Compass Computer Program, Version 1.0.0, Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education.

3.12 Microsoft Excel 97, Microsoft Corporation Inc., SR-2, 1985-1997.

4.0 ASSUMPTIONS AND BASIC DATA 4.1 Remediation History This area was cleaned-up (general housekeeping) to remove loose material, sediment and water and prepare the area for FSS. A post remediation type survey was then performed in the area. No remediation was necessary with the exception that materials that could hinder survey work were removed. Since the Spray Pump area moved water from the Discharge Tunnel, the same radionuclide mix is assumed for this area as was used inside the Discharge Tunnel. Because surface water leakage into the Discharge Tunnel could occur from this area, potentially flooding the Discharge Tunnel, a small dam made of concrete was placed across floor at the entrance to this area. This dam will not be removed for survey work unless contamination above the gross activity DCGLw is found on the original structure at or near this location. In addition, a steel gate originally used to cut off the

G. SNEC CALCULATION SHEET Calculation Number Revision Number Page Number E900-0415 0 Page 6 of 10 Subject Spray Pump Pit - Survey Design Discharge Tunnel water flow from the Spray Pump Pit is in its upper most position which does not allow survey of the back side of the gate area. Therefore, only the accessible exposed surfaces will be surveyed.

4.2 Cs-137's detection efficiency has been checked by SNEC personnel using ISO standard 7503-1 methodology (Reference 3.3). The SNEC facility uses a conservatively low GFPC efficiency as input to the survey design process.

4.3 Survey unit variability (GFPC only) used to plan the number of fixed point measurement locations, is shown in Attachment 8-1. Attachment 8-2 is the existing variability of the Spray Pump Pit and Attachment 8-3 is the Williamsburg concrete background results.

Since the Transition areas variability is the most significant, it was used to represent both areas.

4.4 An GFPC detector stand-off distance of is assumed for all areas to compensate for rough surfaces in each survey unit. This factor corrects the overall efficiency by a factor of 0.2 (see Reference 3.1), as shown on Attachment 3-1.

4.5 The detectors physical probe area is 126 cm2, and the instrument is calibrated to the same source area for Cs-1 37. The gross activity DCGLw is taken to be 6,726 dpm/100 cm2 x (126 cm physical probe area/100 cm2) = 8,475 x (0.982 disintegration of Cs-137/ disintegration in mix) x q (0.478) x Es (0.5) x 0.2 (distance factor) which yields -398 net cpm above background (Compass calculates 424 ncpm as the gross beta DCGLw). The 0.047 count per disintegration counting efficiency considers only the Cs-137 contaminant present in the sample material matrix, and is calculated by: Ei (0.478) x X5 (0.5) x 0.982 disintegration of Cs-137/disintegration in mix x 0.2 (efficiency loss factor due to distance from surface) =

0.047 cts/disintegration.

4.6 These survey units were inspected IAW Reference 3.4. A copy of portions of the SNEC facility post-remediation inspection report are included (see Attachment 9-1 to 9-10).

Surface defects (gouges, cracks, etc.), are present within these survey units, yielding a mean rough surface factor of 0.2. Thus the average concentration of the source term will be overestimated for all surfaces (GFPC only).

4.7 MicroShield models containing Cs-137 were developed for this survey design. One slab and one surface model were used to develop Nal scan MDC values (see Attachment 5-3 and 5-6):

1) a 1" thick slab of concrete 12" in diameter with a density of 2.35 g/cc. This model assumes that the majority of the activity resides in no more than the first inch of concrete and that elevated areas are small in diameter. These models are based on previous remediation information from other areas within the SSGS facility.
2) a surface deposition of -12" in diameter to simulate the steel surface area of the gate. A 1/8" layer of FexO, is assumed to compensate for a heavily corroded steel surface.

4.8 The modeled concentration used was 1 pCi/g or 1 pCi/cm2 Cs-137, and a full density concrete is assumed for the volumetric model. Then the concentration of Cs-137 in the first model is 2.35g/cc x 1 pCig or 2.35E-06 uCi/cc of Cs-137 for slab model, and 1.00E-06 uCi/cm2 for the surface model. The calculated MDCscan for these two models is shown in the following table for a typical 2" by 2" Nal detector.

A d~ SNEC CALCULATION SHEET Calculation Number Revision Number Page Number E900-04-015 0 Page 7 of 10 Subject Spray Pump Pit - Survey Design Table 7, Nal Scanning Parameters (Cs-137)

MaterialModel l Estimated BKGND (ctslmin) l MDCscJ 4 1 Concrete Slab (2.35 gIcc) 100 Attachment 5-1 to 5-3 = 2.7 pCilg Surface Deposition 100 Attachment 54 & 5-6 = 3,717 dpm/100 cm See attachment 4-1 to 44.

4.9 The results of the MicroShield modeling indicate that an exposure rate of approximately 7.881E-05 mR/h is obtained at a distance of 3" (2" inches from the face of the detector),

from the surface of the slab model, and 1.734E-05 mR/h is seen 3 inches from the surface model. Exposure rate is measured to the center of the detector and therefore the air gap between the surface of both models is taken to be 2".

4.10 The majority of the structural surface area is concrete. GFPC measurements of structural concrete are compared to concrete background values (see Williamsburg concrete background values - Attachment 8-3).

4.11 The scan MDC calculation is determined based on a 1.38 index of sensitivity at a 95%

correct detection probability and 60% false positive rate. In all cases, the scan MDC is less than the gross activity DCGLw for these survey units. A surveyor efficiency factor of 0.5 is assumed.

4.12 No special area characteristics including any additional residual radioactivity (not previously noted during characterization) have been identified in these survey units.

4.13 No special measurements are included for this survey design.

4.14 The applicable SNEC site radionuclides and their associated DCGLw values are listed on Exhibit 1 of this calculation.

4.15 The survey design checklist is listed in Exhibit 2.

4.16 Area factors for Class 1 survey units are shown on Attachment 6-1.

4.17 The decision errors and other Data Quality Objectives for this survey design are listed within Attachment 6-1 through 6-7, and are justified IAW Reference 3.5 criteria.

4.18 Analysis results (MDA requirements, etc.) will be IAW Reference 3.6 criteria.

5.0 CALCULATIONS 5.1 All complex calculations are performed internal to applicable computer codes or within an Excel spreadsheet previously identified.

6.0 APPENDICES 6.1 Attachment 1-1 to 1-6, diagrams of Spray Pump Pit area and Transition Area.

6.2 Attachment 2-1, is typical calibration information for Nal and GFPC detection systems used at the SNEC facility as of 7-1-04.

6.3 Attachment 3-1, is a calculation result for determining efficiency loss for a GFPC detector as a function of distance from a calibration source.

6.4 Attachment 4-1 to 4-6, is the DCGL Calculation Logic for the Discharge Tunnel area which is applicable to the Spray Pump Pit and Transition area.

SNEC CALCULATION SHEET Calculation Number Revision Number Page Number E900-0415 0 Page 8 of 10 Subject Spray Pump Pit - Survey Design 6.5 Attachment 5-1 to 5-6, is calculation sheets to determine the scan MDCscan for a Nal detection system using a typical background count rate and a 12" diameter, 1 thick MicroShield slab model, and a -12' diameter surface deposition model.

6.6 Attachment 6-1 to 6-7, are Compass output results.

6.7 Attachment 7-1 to 7-6, are the random start, systematic grid diagrams of GFPC fixed point survey locations.

6.8 Attachment 8-1 and 8-2, are the GFPC variability measurements from these survey units.

6.8.1 Attachment 8-3, are background measurements of concrete using a GFPC instrument in an non-impacted area (Williamsburg).

6.9 Attachment 9-1 to 9-10, are sections of survey unit inspection reports for the Spray Pump Pit and Transition Areas.

e-_ SNEC CALCULATION SHEET Calculation Number Revision Number Page Number E90004-015 I 00 Page9of10 Subject Spray Pump Pit - Survey Design Exhibit I SNEC Facility Individual DCGL Values (a) 25 mremly Limit 4 mremly Goal 25 mremly Limit (All Pathways) (Drinking Water)

Radionuclide Surface Area Open Land Areas Open Land Areas (

(dpml100cm2 ) (Surface & Subsurface) (Surface & Subsurface)

(pCilg) (pCi/g)

Arn-241 2.7E+01 9.9 2.3 C-14 3.7E+06 2 5.4 Co-60 7.1 E+03 3.5 67 Cs-1 37 2.8E+04 6.6 397 Eu-152 1.3E+04 10.1 1440 H-3 1.2E+08 132 31.1 Ni-63 1.8E+06 747 1.9E+04 Pu-238 3.0E+01 1.8 0.41 Pu-239 2.8E+01 1.6 0.37 Pu-241 8.8E+02 86 19.8 Sr-90 8.7E+03 1.2 0.61 NOTES:

(a)While drinking water DCGLs will be used by SNEC to meet the drinking water 4 mrem/y goal, only the DCGL values that constitute the 25 mremly regulatory limit will be controlled under this LTP and the NRCs approving license amendment.

(b) Listed values are from the subsurface. model. These values are the most conservative values between the two models (Le.,

surface & subsurface).

SNEC CALCULATION SHEET Calculation Number Revision Number Page Number E900-04-015 0 Page 10 of 10 Subject Spray Pump Pit - Survey Design Exhibit 2 Survey Design Checklist (From Reference 3.7)

Calculation No. l

___ E9000401 5 ISS9..1 SS25-1 &5S25-2 _____

Status Reviewer ITEM REVIEW FOCUS (Circle One) Initials & Date I Has a survey design calculation number been assigned and is a survey design summary N/A description provided? ___________

2 Are drawings/diagrams adequate for the subject area (drawings should have compass

____headings)? W 3 Are boundaries properly identified and is the survey area classification clearly indicated? oYes /A 4 Has the survey area(s) been properly divided into survey units IAW EXHIBIT 10 Y ye,)

S Are physical characteristics of the areaflocation or system documented? _ _

6 Isa remediation effectiveness discussion included? (Peg tA Have characterization survey and/or sampling results been converted to units that are :Yje N/A comparable to applicable DCGL values? k eg o 8 Is survey and/or sampling data that was used for determining survey unit variance Included? ( N/A 9 Is a description of the background reference areas (or materials) and their survey and/or W/A sampling results Included along with a justification for their selection? A d 0o 10 Are applicable survey and/or sampling data that was used to determine variability included? Yes N/A o 11 Will the condition of the survey area have an impact on the survey design, and has the Yes, A probable impact been considered In the design? __________

Has any special area characteristic including any additional residual radioactivity (not 12 previously noted during characterization) been identified along with its impact on survey YeCN/A/

design? '-'

13 Are all necessary supporting calculations and/or site procedures referenced or included? i~) N/A 14 Has an effective DCGLw been identified for the survey unit(s)? (ies) N/A o 15 Was the appropriate DCGI-Ew Included in the survey design calculation?

16 Has the statistical tests that will be used to evaluate the data been identified? CYes;) NIA 17 Has an elevated measurement comparison been performed (Class 1 Area)? Yes, 18 Has the decision error levels been identified and are the necessary justifications provided? Les W/A 19 Has scan instrumentation been identified along with the assigned scanning methodology? (;NIA 20 Has the scan rate been identified, and is the MDCscan adequate for the survey design? N  ;)IA4 21 Are special measurements e.g., in-situ gamma-ray spectroscopy required under this design, Y N/A / /

and is the survey methodology, and evaluation methods described?

22 Is survey instrumentation calibration data included and are detection sensitivities adequate? (Ye) N p/A/I 23 Have (he assigned sample and/or measurement locations been clearly identified on a diagram or CAD drawing of the survey area(s) along with their coordinates? e IA I

t l /

Jes) o//ov 24 Are investigation levels and administrative limits adequate, and are any associated actions (Yes N/A r~

dvh clearly indicated?

25 For sample analysis, have the required MDA values been determined.? Yes N/A Lk W, /

26 Has any special sampling methodology been identified other than provided in Reference 6.3? Yes, A NOTE: a copy of this completed form or equivalent, shall be included within the survey design calculation.




Spray Pump Pit Class 1 Area 51 5" I -I 60" 132" At 144" Pit Walls Unfolded 0

Ic AON I Pit Bottom

1 4.25' X

IL 112" 112 - I F v-;,~~~~~~

.,,,,/, ~ ;:,'; ;,,,-, :,

42" 31" 43" 10J 05' z

4 I, 128" Floor of Transition Area to SPP

a-l) <41.25l 24- s w 12.', X 158" 71" 70" 73" 128" Ceiling of Transition Area to SPP I2

C 24" 73"I

_C- @ @ A. @

.> 2 5, Discharge I unnel Side _

I i4.5~

_ _ I 8"

55" North Wall of Transition Area to SPP

South Wall of Transition Area to SPP 146" 1I 66" C) m H

~i f

62" 68" L 24" -J SPP-m--

Exposed Section of Steel Door/Frame To Spray Pump Pit DDDDD 0

ll 0







<E WI - -- -- - -- -- --- -- - -- 0-Door - Bottom Edge Door- Back Edge

2350 INSTRUMENT AND PROBE EFFICIENCY CHART 7/01/04 (Typical 2" by 7' Nal (Cs-137 W) Conversion Factors)

Inst.# Cal Due l AP # l Probe # Cal Due l cpm/mRlh 98625 5/18/05 R& Y 211680 Pk 5/18/;'05 214.882 98647 5/1 S/05 G &Y 211667 Pk S/18105 218.807 1294231 5/18/05 P &Y _ 211687 Pkl6  ; 5/ S1/05 213.39

_ _ I __ I _ __ ___ ___

1 17573 571 1 S/050 0 &Y _ 211674 Pl; 5/18105 212.173 1 l7566) 419/05 G&R I1S58-52) Pk l 4/13105 209.S62 12618 3 11/19/04 B&R l 206280 Pk 12/12/04 190,907

_ _ _ _ I I __ I I __ __

129429 1 1,/3-7/04 j Y'&W _ 206283Pk 10/31/04j 177185 126198 11/03 /04 IZ&W 196021 Pkl 5/25/05 209.194 126172 6/07/05 G&W _ 196022 6/07/05 20S.302 129440 4/09/05 O&W I I _

210938 Pk 4/14/05

_ i 205.603) 120588 6/08/05 B&W 1 185844 Pk 6/09/05 216.654 95361 6 i25)  ! P&w I 025686 L/28/05 2 1 !.799 2350 INSTRUMENT AND PROBE EFFICIENCY CHART 7/01/04 (Typical 43-68 Beta Efficiency Factors)

DiFfrtrent ImidnimncnlT'rot CaI. Duc I CeIium1onh li I II til V to tHn l, INST 43-68 PROBE 44-10 PROBE BETA ALPHA INST # C/D PROBE C/D PROBE CID BEF EAP 79037 04/05/05 122014 04/23/05 __=____ 7 N/A 126188 1/27/05 099186 1/27/05 28.2% N/A 126218 01/08/05 095080 01/09/05 27.9% N/A

CMMUfiinyLAI IsI I Sourc Cs-I 37 Efficiency Loss with Distance From Source 1.0 Data: DetalI _Loss

_- ____Modet

- ------------------------- ExpDecayl ChIA2- 0.00018 0 0.8 yO 0.03536 +/-t0.0211 8 x0 0 -+/-0 (U Al 1.00693 +/-0.01809 LL tI 1.61706 +/-t0.07558

>1 0.6 C,


_ Fit= yO+A1eA(_(xxO)fl1) w 0.4 0.2 -,.

I 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Inches from 150 cm2 Source ATTACHMENT  : I-

DCGL Calculation Logic-Discharge Tunnel Survey Unit: SNEC Discharge Tunnel


The purpose of this calculation is to determine a representative isotopic mix for the Discharge Tunnel from available sample analyses. The effective surface area and volumetric DCGLWs are then determined from the mean percent of applicable samples.

Ill. Data Selection Logic Tables: The radionuclide selection logic and subsequent DCGL calculations are provided in seven (7) tables. These tables were developed using Microsoft Excel spreadsheet software. Table explanation is as follows.

Table 1: Data Listing - This table, which has been extracted from a larger database, provides a list of the most representative Discharge Tunnel sample analyses. These results are from scoping, characterization, and pre/post remediation surveys. The samples consist of various sediments, scrapings and concrete cores that were taken in support of the aforementioned surveys. As applicable, a sample number, sample location/description, radionuclide concentration, analysis date are provided for each sample. Positive nuclide concentrations are noted with yellow/shaded background fields while MDAs are noted in the gray shaded fields.

Table 2: Decayed Listing - This table provides the best overall representation of data selected and decayed from Table 1. In Table 1 half-life values (days) are listed above each respective nuclide column. Samples are decayed to the date noted above Table 1 (e.g. January 15, 2004). Positive results are denoted in a yellow background field while MDA values are in a gray background.

Table 3: Decayed Listing of Positive Nuclides & MDAs Removed- This table provides the decayed values of positive nuclides selected in Table 2. In addition MDA values have been removed from this table.

Table 4: Mean Percent of Total for Positive Nuclides - This table provides the calculation methodology for determining the relative fractions of the total activity contributed by each radionuclide. From this information the mean, sigma, and mean % of total are calculated.

The mean % of total values is used to calculate the surface gross activity DCGLW per MARSSIM equation 4-4. See Table 6. Note that the Co-60 mean percents were averaged using only samples I & 2. In addition, the mean percents calculated from sample 2 for Am-241, Pu-238, Pu-239 and Ni-63 were not averaged throughout the spreadsheet since there was only one sample where these respective nuclides were positive. This results in higher 'mean percent of total" values in the mix, which are conservative.

Table 5: Ratio to Cs-1 37 for Positive Nuclides -This table provides the calculation methodology for determining the surrogate ratio to Cs-137 for each radionuclide. From this information the mean, sigma, and mean % of total are calculated. The mean % of total values is used to calculate the volumetric DCGL, per MARSSIM equation 1-14. See Table 7. Note that the Co-60 ratios were averaged using only samples 1 & 2. In addition, the ratios calculated from sample 2 for Am-241, Pu-238, Pu-239 and Ni-63 were not averaged throughout the spreadsheet since there was only one sample where these respective nuclides were positive. This results in higher"mean percent of total" values in the mix, which are conservative.

Note: From Tables 4 and 5 only the "mean % of total" values are used as Input to the "Effective DCGL Calculation Spreadsheet" as Illustrated in Tables 6 and 7.


Table 6: Effective DCGL Calculator for Cs-1 37 (dpm/1 00 cmA2) - This table provides the surface gross activity DCGLW calculation results from data inputted from Table 4.

Table 7: Effective DCGL Calculator for Cs-1 37 (in pCi/g) - This table provides the surrogate volumetric modified Cs-1 37 DCGLW calculation results from data inputted from Table 5.

IV. Summary - Since the Discharge Tunnel is a concrete structure the release limit is primarily based on the surface area DCGLW. However, a small portion of the Discharge Tunnel ceiling Class 1 area has volumetric contamination. Using the above data selection logic tables the calculated gross activity DCGLW for surface area is 8,968 dpm/100 cm2 . The Cs-137 volumetric DCGLW is 6.52 pCi/g. These values would be reduced by 25% as part of SNEC's requirement to apply an administrative limit as required by the License Termination Plan (LTP).


TABLE I - Data Listing (pCI/g) 2ecay0ep T112 T112 T112 T 1/2 T112 1112 1/2 T 112 T1f2 T 112 r 112 ,tanuarV 15.2004l 1 cucr r i j --=------

4I S"CSmbh W -I.z Lowrew~pw ElapsedTime (d) 1 SXIOSD99C31i CschargeTunnelWallScraoiml 0.84 1 120 02 , 0.04 I 004 July 29,1999 1631 Dichargeounrnel 6 DrainLe Scrapin 100 8 30 4800 54 1.6 1 25 60 6 55 T 20 July 22. 1999 1653 SSGSDrechargeTUDedFoor Sedwnert-67C 0.2 1.6 1

November22 1999 1615 0.3 223 __ _ 1 1 1 1 November 22. 1999 ISIE I 4I 0.16 j Now 2 1 1 1 1 _ _ 199911515


1. 5Ice1 0732 1 0.059I 0.0237 258 0.0181 I 0.02 0.0159 1 2.52 1 0.1it1 0.54 I 0.13 I October16. 203 0.0863 2659 .148 00119 1 3.98 I 0.189 I 2.43 I 0.207 May 6 2003

_ sxC a sXC1W7DO 10 SXSD923 TABLE 2-DDecaed Listing (pCg)

,. i Location/Dese 51s 1 I DischargeTunnel I 33 I I"--hr*lnS 3S SX5SD99284 -IMcm F Ir ien 6 November 22. 1999 4 SXOSO992661 /t -SIC November 22.1999 61 SX5SD99267 1 November 22.1999 1I SXCC4236 I SS( 11.sire 1 722E4t1 T 24?E+0i 1EJ 2.54 tt i 39E-1 I 12W-01 October 16.2003 SXCW2S38 DSAM.02101401 81510 1.4 E.01 SXC'MS39 E4-2 I 0E0 t2.31E41 I 0.2$

SXCV73s SSGS7 i FromFloor March 6 2001 10 SXSD923 SSGSTunnelRubie a 700.SR.0008 I ,ME=1 May 22.2001 Ileane 157E+01 I 1.22E+001 1.77E+00 4.52E+02 8.3SE-01 I 2.9SE-01 3.92E-01 I 110E+O1 I 1.7SE+00 I 1.23E+01 I 2 0E+00 499.84 0-

__ 181 . - 5 _C4 IA 45---D--- ---e Ia~

- -197 o r .0.I<__

. I - r, T ^^ r_ e.e  ::.k:Cs.R::I:z IMean sigmw otTotau


'30 1

I -i 3%1 024 % I 522"4 036 % 1

-- 6308

'; 4 Of1 t

o. s5 0.06%

o~9301 0.0 %

18 -1 I

2 580 21 % 035% 245%I 0 5 %

20 308 I

6 423 0000 KEY yel1ow Shaded Background = Positive Resuft I I IlGray Shaded Background -l lDA 3

TABLE 3 - Decayed Listing of Positive Nuclides & MDAs Removed (pCilg)

SNEC Sample No LocationlDescription Co-60 Cs-137 Am-241 Pu-238 Pu-239 Ni43 Total (pC1i1)

I SX10SD990031 Diacharge Tunnel Wall Scraping 4.67E-01 1,08E+02 108-77 2 SX1OSD990033 Discharge Tunnel 6" Drain Line Scraping 1 66E+01 4.33E+03 5 36E+00 154EI+00 2.SOE+00 5.33E+01 4409.52 3 SXSSD99284 SSGS Discharge Tunnel Floor Sediment -670 1.46E+00 1.45 4 SXSSD99286 SSGS Discharge Tunnel Floor Sediment -610 2 09E+00 2.09 6 SXSSD99267 SSGS Discharge Tunnel Floor Sediment -550' 1.82E+00 1.82 6 SXCC4236 SSGS Discharge Tunnel SP-3, Ceiling, Sect 1. Slice 1 2.67E+01 26.65 7 SXCW3538 SSGS DScharge Tunnel # 2. Concrete Wall Core - SR-56. Building Structure 2.65E+01 26.47 8 SXCN3539 SSGS Discharge. Tunnel # 3, Concrete Wall Core - SR-56. Building Structure 1.40E+00_ 1 40 9 SXCW735 SSGS Tunnel. North WNall - S-8S From Floor 2.12E+01 21.16 10 SXSD923 SSGS Tunnel. Rubble a 700', SR-0008 1.41E-01 0.14 Mean_ 8.56E+00 4.S2E+02 5 36E+00 1.54E+00 250E+00 5.33E+01 523.14 Sigma_ 11 433 1363086 _ _

ttean % of otal 1.63% 86.38% 1.02% 0.30% 0.48% 1019% 100.00%

TABLE 4 - Mean Percent of Total for Positive Nuclides SNEC Sample No LocationlDescriptlon Co-SO Cs-137 Am-241 Pu-238 Pu-239 l Ni-3 Total I SX10SD990031 Discharge Tunnel Wall Scraping 0.43% 99.57%

. 100 00%

2 SX1OSD990033 Discharge Tunnel6 "Drain Line Scraping 0.38% 98.20%e 0.12% 0.04% 0.06% 1.21% 100.00%

3 SXSSD99264 SSGS Discharge Tunnel Floor Sediment -670 10OV101% 100.00%

4 SxSSD992e6 SSGS Discharge Tunnel Floor Sediment -610 10000% 100.00%

5 SX5SD99267 SSGS Discharge Tunnel Floor Sediment -550' 100.00% 100 00%

6 SXCC4236 SSGS Discharge Tunnel SP-3, Ceiling, Sect 1, Slice 1 100 00% 100.00%

7 SXCW3538 SSGS Discharge Tunnel 6 2. Concrete Wall Core - SR-56. Building Structure 100 00% 100-00%

8 SXCWV3539 SSGS Discharge, Tunnel# 3. Concrete Wall Core - SR-56. Building Structure 1w000% 100.00%

9 SXCWV735 SSGS Tunnel, North Wall - S -B From Floor 10000% 100.00%

10 SXSD923 SSGS Tunnel, Rubble $ 700'. SR-0008 _ _ 10.00% 100.00%

_Iean= 4 03E-03 9.98E-01 1.22E-03 50E-04 3 5.67E-04 1.21E-02 1.02 Sigma-*, 0.0004 0.006 IMlean% of Tota- 040% 9820% 0.12% 0 03% 0.06% 1.19% 100.00%

TABLE 6 - Ratio to Cs-137 for Positive Nuclides SNEC Sample No LocatlonlOescription Co-SO Cs-137 Am-241 Pu-238 Pu-239 Ni-63 Total I SX10SD990031 Discharge Tunnel Wall Scraping 4.31E-03 1.OOE+00 _ 1 00 2 SX10SD990033 Discharge Tunnel 6" Drain Line Scraping 3.84E-03 1.OOE+00 1.24E-03 3.57E-04 5.77E-04 1.23E-02 1 02 3 SXSSD99264 SSGS Discharge Tunnel Floor Sediment -670 1.OOE+00 l_ 1.00 1 4 SXSSD99266 SSGS Discharge Tunnel Floor Sediment -610' 1.OOE+00 l 1.00 6 SXSSD99267 SSGS Discharge Tunnel FloorSediment -550 1 .0;E+00 l_ 1.00 1 6 SXCC4236 SSGS Discharge Tunnel SP-3. Ceiling. Sect 1. Slice 1 1 .00E+001 i 1.00 7 SXCN3538 SSGS Discharge Tunnel 6 2, Concrete Wall Core - SR-5S, Building Structure 1 .OE+00 l 1.00 8 SXCIAv3539 SSGS Discharge. Tunnel 6 3. Concrete Wall Core - SR-58. Building Structure 1.00E00 1.00 9 SXCW735 SSGS Tunnel. North Wall 8' From Floor 1.1OOE+00 _ 1.00 10 SXSD923 SSGS Tunnel. Rubble @ 700', SR-0008 1.OOE+00 _ 1 00 Nltean~ A ORF-01 I OOF+nfl 1 24F-03 3 57F-04 5. 7717-04 1 23E-02 1 02 sigma~ v-ooo.-r-v-- VU 0

lWean h of T otal.~ 0040% 98.18% 012% 0.04% 0 06% 1 1.21% 1 00 .00%


Table 6 Effective DCGL Calculator for Cs-137 (dpml100 cmA2) l 8968 ldpm/lOO cmA21 I .

6726 ldpml100 cmA2 I m 25.Cmremjy TEDE Limit r .

SAMPLE NO(s)= Discharge Tunnel I 8807 dpml100 cmA2 6605 ldpmll00 cm^2 75%

Y Individual Sample Input Limits Allowed Beta dpml100 Alpha dpmllOO Isotope (pCila, uCi, etc.)  % of Total (dpm/100 cm^2) doml100 cmA2 mrem/y TEDE cmA2 cmA2 1 Am-241 1.22E-03 0 120% 27 1077 9.97 10 77 Am-241 2 C-14 0 000% 3,700,000 0 00 0 00 0.00 C-14 Co-60 4.03E-03 0.397% 7,100 35 56 0 13 35.56 Co-60

_ *

  • l _ _ _ _ _ S~~~~~~~~~~~. ,,......... ................................

s Eu-152 0.000% 13,000 0.00 0 00 00Eu-152 6 H-3 0 000% 120,000,000 0.00 0. 00 NotD tectable H-3 Ni-63 1.21E-02 1 191% 1,800,000 10678 0.00 NotDetectable. .. Ni-63 8 Pu-238 3.50E-04 0.034% 30 3.09 2.57 . . .. 3 09 Pu-238

. Pu-239 5.67E-04 0.056% 28 5.00 4 47 5 00 Pu-239 10 Pu-241 0 000% 880 0 00 00 0 not Detectable :::::..:.:.'.'.'- Pu-241 11 Sr-90 0.000% 8,700 0 00 0.00 0 00 ....... Sr-90 100.000% 8968 25.0 8843 19 Maximum Permissible dpml100 cm^A2 5

Table 7 75% M M I Effective DCGL Calculator for Cs-1 37 (in pCUg) 1 6.64

_ _ r IpCi/gq l __

4.98 w_ _

IpCi/g I

SAMPLE FlUMBER(s)='i scharg Tunnel I 15.34% 1 25.( mremty TEDE Limit 1 6.52 IPCI/g 1 4.09 PC 9 i -_ _

0.55% E mremly Drinking Water Ir Cec fr 25mr:Yl

  • tX Sample Input (pCilg, uCi, % 25 mremqy TEDE A -Allowed pCi/g for lThis Sample Isotope of Total etc.) %ofTotal Limits (pCifg) 25 mremly TEDE .0mrem0 TEDE Am-241 0.001 0122% 9.9 001 Am-241 2

C-14 0.000% 2.0 0.00 0 0000 C-14 2

Co-60 0.0041 0-401% 3.5 0.03 Co-60 4 Cs-137 1.0000 98 178% 6.6 6.52 Cs-I 37 Eu-152 0 000% 10.1 0.00 0-003 0.00 Eu-152 6 H-3 0.000% 132 0 00 H-3 7 Ni-63 0.0123 1.208% 747 008 0.00 Ni-63 a Pu-238 0.0004 0 035% 1.8 0.00 Pu.238 S Pu-239 0.0006 0.057% 1.6 0.00 Pu-239 10Pu-241 0.000% 86 0.00 0.00 Pu-241 I I Sr-90 0.000% 1.2 0.00 I0.00 Sr-90 1.02E+00 100.000%

I 6.64 3.835 1 v.VuI Maximum Permissible Maximum To Use ThIs bInfmaon, pCilg Permissible pCilg Sample Input Units Must Be In (25 mreml) (4 mremqy) pCY9g nof X of al 6

Nal Scan MDC Calculation - Nal Scan MDC Calculation - Concrete Volume b := 100 p. := 0.5 HS' ' -- ;30.48 SR-:=--2.54 -7., Z-77 .,-%

R .:_Y.-.:7 4 ;. s _:.!.-

Conv := 208302 ..".. ... . i . I-.

04tT41z .I,1.88 88 , 10.4 HSd

= 12 ObservationInterval (seconds)

SR HS d ObservationInterval (seconds)

' SR (b-O i) 60 60 MDCR i:= (d.Vi) 0i MDCR i = 30.858 net counts per minute MDCR -

CRsurveyor :=

MDCR surveyor u = 43.639

. net counts per minute MDCR surveyor MDER:=

Conv ME -

MDER ~O2 , jIR/h MDER MDC scan :=

MS output' I0 1VOC san265 PCi'g 8/9/2004 4of, 5.


Nal Scan MDC Calculation - where:

b backgroundin counts perminute bi backgroundcounts in observation interval Conv = Na! manufacturersreportedresponse to energy of contaminant(cpm/uRfh) d = index of sensitivity (Table 6.5 MARSSIM), 1.38 = 95% ofcorrect detection's, 60%false positives HSd = hot spot diameter (in centimeters)

MDCSc,,n = Minimum Detectable Concentrationforscanning (pCi/g)

MDCR, = Minimum Detectable Count Rate (ncpm)

MDCRvt,r,,, = MDCRj correctedby human performancefactor (ncpm)

MDER = Minimum Detectable Exposure Rate (auRh)

M30uput = MicroShieldoutput exposure ratefor I pCi/g of contaminant (mR/h)

O0= obervationInterval (seconds) p = human performancefactor SR = scan rate in centimeters per second 8/9/2004 5 of 5 All ACHMENT-6 MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00121)

GPU Nuclear Page :1 File Ref.: -

DOS File: SLABD.MS5 Date:

Run Date: August 9, 2004 By:

Run Time: 1:51:51 PM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:03 Case


Concrete Slab


12" Diameter by 1" Deep - Cs-137 @ 1 pCilg Y Geometry: 8 - Cylinder Volume - End Shields f ASourceP nimp,riminns Height 2.54 cm 1.0 in Radius 15.24 cm 6.0 in Dose Points X Y z

  1. 1 Ocm1 10.16 cm 0cm 0.0 ir1 4.0 in 0.0 in Shields Shield Name Dimension MatEerial Density Source 113.097 in3 Conc rete 2.35 Air Gap Ai r 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Actual Photon Energies Nuclide curies becquerels uCi/cm3 Bq/cm 3 Ba-1 37m 4.1201e-009 1.5245e+002 2.2231e-006 8.2255e-002 Cs-137 4.3553e-009 1.6115e+002 2.3500e-006 8.6950e-002 Buildup The material reference is : Source Integration Parameters Radial 60 Circumferential 60 Y Direction (axial) 60 Rewlts Energy Activitv Fluenge Bate Fluence Rate ExposM[e Rate Expo§ure Rate MeV phot6ns/sec MeV/cm 2 /sec MeV/cm 2 /sec mnRlhr * - mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.0318 3.156e+00 6.355e-06 7.682e-06 5.293e-08 6.399e-08 0.0322 5.823e+00 1.222e-05 1.486e-05 9.832e-08 1.196e-07 0.0364 2.119e+00 6.726e-06 8.749e-06 3.821e-08 4.971e-08 0.6616 1.372e+02 3.200e-02 4.053e-02 6.204e-05 7.858e-05 TOTALS: 1.483e+02 3.203e-02 4.057e-02 6.223e-05 7.881 e-05 ATTACHMENT -

Nal Scan MDC Calculation - Surface Nal Scan MDC Calculation - Surface Deposition b:= 100 p :0.5 HS.;"`--31.'75 SR. :-=>5.08

_-. SI - V" dA.+1.38, Conv  := 208.302

- .... ... . ... MS SR -I1 10 ,?1 0 i = 6.25 ObservationInterval (seconds)

(b-O i) 60 MDCR i := (d- ) 60 MDCR i = 42.758 .. net counts per minute

  • , t p  ;- ~ .......

VDCR; MDCR surveyor `

MDCR survey or 60-469 net counts per minute MDCR surveyor.


Conv MDER=029 J jiWh MDER MDC scan :=

MS output' I 10 7I pCi/cm 2

.L. scan 77-4-, -.

MDC -- ;- ...22c- =-3716.551

- . scan -., .s .; dpm/100 cm2 819/200-4 4 of 5 ATTACHMENT 4f

Nal Scan MDC Calculation - Surface where:

b = backgroundin counts per minute b1 = backgroundcounts in observation interval Cony = Nal manufacturersor calibrationinformationreportedresponse to energy of contaminant(cpm/uR/h) d = index of sensitivity (Table 6.5 MARSSIM, 1.38 = 95% of correctdetection's, 60%false positives HSd hot spot diameter (in centimeters)

MDCsC,,, =Minimum Detectable Concentrationforscanning (pCi/cm2)

MDCRj = Minimum Detectable Count Rate (ncpm)

MDCRjjjver = MDCR! corrected by human performancefactor(ncpm)

MDER = Minimum Detectable Exposure Rate (uR/h)

MS3yupu, = MicroShield output exposure ratefor I pCi/cm 2 of contaminant(mRlh)

O = obervation Interval (seconds) p = human performancefactor SR = scan rate in centimetersper second 8/9/2004 ATTACHMENT .7. 5 of 5

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00121)

GPU Nuclear Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File: GATE.MS5 Date:

Run Date: August 9, 2004 By:

Run Time: 1:41:44 PM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:02 Case


Steel Gate


Area of Steel Gate in Transition Area of DT - 12" x 13" Y Geometry: 4 - Rectangular Area - Vertical Source Dimensions Width 30.48 cm 1 ft Height 33.02 cm 1 ft 1.0 in 0 Dose Points X Y z

  1. 1 7.9375 cm 16.51 cm 15.24 cm 3.1 in 6.5 in 6.0 in z Shields Shield Name Dimension Material Density Shield 1 .125 in Iron Oxide 5.1 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Actual Photon Energies Nuclide curies becquerels uCilcm2 Bq/cm 2 Ba-1 37m 9.5210e-010 3.5228e+001 9.4600e-007 3.5002e-002 Cs-137 1.0064e-009 3.7239e+001 1.00OOe-006 3.7000e-002 Buildup The material reference is : Shield I Integration Parameters Z Direction 50 Y Direction 50 Results Enerny Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm2 /sec MeV/cm 2 /sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.0318 7.293e-01 5.790e-1 0 6.708e-1 0 4.823e-1 2 5.588e-1 2 0.0322 1.346e+00 1.438e-09 1.670e-09 1.157e-11 1.344e-11 0.0364 4.897e-01 7.258e-09 8.725e-09 4.124e-1 1 4.957e-11 0.6616 3.170e+01 7.670e-03 8.944e-03 1.487e-05 1.734e-05 TOTALS: 3.426e+01 7.670e-03 8.944e-03 1.487e-05 1.734e-05 ATTACHMENT 5 - 4

Site Report Site Summary Site Name: Spray Pump Pit & Transition Area Planner(s): BHB Contaminant Summary NOTE: Surface soil DCGLw units are pCi/g.

Building surface DCGLw units are dpmllOO cm2.

Screening Contaminant Type DCGLw Value Used? Area (M2) Area Factor o.25 Gross Activity Building Surface 6,726 No (A'A 1 10.1 10.1

\q\ 4 3.4 9 2 16 1.5 25 1.2 36 1 ATTACHMENT 6 * {

81912004 Page 1 COMPASS vl.0.0 COMPASS v1.0.0 8s9s20o4 Page I

'I-' Building Surface Survey Plan Survey Plan Summary Site: Spray Pump Pit & Transition Area Planner(s): BHB Survey Unit Name: Spray Pump Pit Comments: Class 1 - Pit Only to 795' El.

Area (m 2): 52 Classification: I Selected Test: WRS Estimated Sigma (cpm): 45.4 DCGL (cpm): 424 Sample Size (N12): 13 LBGR (cpm): 350 Estimated Conc. (cpm): -1 Alpha: 0.050 Estimated Power: 1.00 Beta: 0.100 EMC Sample Size (N): 13 Prospective Power Curve 2

4-C1 --- IT I I 5J

-GA-on I _ %11I I-

0. -IN  %

Zi O I rI 00 0 1 00 200 300 400 SOO Net Beta (cpm)

- Power - DCGL - - Estinated Power

- LBGR a 1-beta 81912004 COMPASS vl.0.0 COMPASS v1.0.0 8A9M2004 Page 1 ATTACHMEM (9 SZ-!

Building Surface Survey Plan Contaminant Summary DCGLw Contaminant (dpml100 cm')

Gross Activity 6.726 Beta Instrumentation Summary Gross Beta DCGLw (dpmV100 cm2): 6,726 Total Efficiency: 0.05 Gross Beta DCGLw (cpm): 424 ID Type Mode Area (cm2) 25 GFPC Beta 126 Contaminant Energy' Fraction' Inst. Eff. Surf. Eff. Total Eff.

Gross Activity 187.87 1.0000 0.48 0.10 0.0469

' Average beta energy (keV) [NWA indicates alpha emission]

2 Activity fraction Gross Survey Unit Mean (cpm): 305 +/- 45 (1-sigma)

Count Time (min): I Number of Average Standard MDC Material BKG Counts (cpm) Deviation (cpm) (dpm/l100 cm2)

Concrete 31 306 34.5 1,339 COMPASS v1.0.0 81912004 Page 2 ATTACHMENT 6-' .3

RI, II-"-I Ir.

-. - . . - . -11 .

aI., .waa., -rmn. :me

- ' OLIT-Ina.TTFIVtTET. M 11

_ 11 1 Xl I

i&14~-I~x~ .....

Elevated Measurement Comparison (EMC) for Beta Followthe order of each tab belowto perform the EMC.

1)Enter Scanning Instrunent Effincie 2)Enter Scan MDC Parameters 31 View EMC Results Scan MDC Required per Contaminant Contaminant I DCGLw- l Area Factor I Scan MDC Required l Gross Activity 6.726 3.40 22,868

-. 4 .'1 4

Statistical Design Hot Spot Design N/2: l 13 Actual Scan MDC: l 2.644

  • I 2): 4.0

.jF1' BoundedArea(m Area Factor. l 3.40 Area Factor EoundedArea(mr):

l I

N/A N/A DCGLw-. l 6,726 Post-EMCN/2: l 13 Scan MDC Required*: 22.868 WI] .tx

' dpm/1 00 cr2 (j No additional samples are required because the actual (w scan MDC isless than the DCGLw fr each contaminant 17 Enable Trainin vl.O.O ATTACHMENET }

',Jb Building Surface Survey Plan Survey Plan Summary Site: Spray Pump Pit & Transition Area Planner(s): BHB Survey Unit Name: Transition Area Between DT & SPP Comments:

Area (m2): 41 Classification: 1 Selected Test: WRS Estimated Sigma (cpm): 45.4 DCGL (cpm): 424 Sample Size (N12): 13 LBGR (cpm): 350 Estimated Conc. (cpm): -1 Alpha: 0.050 Estimated Power 1.00 Beta: 0.100 EMC Sample Size (N): 13 Prospective Power Curve 1



ut - .S- _

n.6 = 1:

E _ -I 1

ne i _

00 0 100 200 300 400 SOO NetBeta (cpm)

- Power - DCGL - - Estimated Power


  • 1-beta COMPASS v1.0.0 8r9s2004 Page 1 ATTACHMENT e - 5

Building Surface Survey Plan Contaminant Summary DCGLw Contaminant (dpml100 cm2)

Gross Activity 6,726 Beta Instrumentation Summary Gross Beta DCGLw (dpm/100 cm2 : 6,726 Total Efficiency: 0.05 Gross Beta DCGLw (cpm): 424 ID Type Mode Area (cm2) 25 GFPC Beta 126 Contaminant Energy' Fraction2 Inst. Eff. Surf. Eff. Total Eff.

Gross Activity 187.87 1.0000 0.48 0.10 0.0469

' Average beta energy (keV) [NIA indicates alpha emission]

2 Activity fraction Gross Survey Unit Mean (cpm): 305

  • 45 (1-sigma)

Count Time (min): I Number of Average Standard MDC Material BKG Counts (cpm) Deviation (cpm) (dpml100 cm")

Concrete 31 306 34.5 1,339 COMPASS v1.0.0 8/912004 Page 2 ATTACHMENT- L4-

-. 'I

- .....- II L, I. I-. Z -:Ellkt= = =11 -' .1 I. -

j I

Elevated Measurement Comparison (EMC) for Beta I Followthe order of each tab belowto perform the EMC.

-JJ 1)Enter Scanning Instrument Effiencie4 2)Enter Scan MDC Parameters 3 View EUC Results 31

/ Scan MDC Required per Contaminant

- .4 Contaminant DCGL* I Area Factor Scan MDC Required* _

r} Gross Activity 6,726 5.19 34.908 SJ :

Statistical Design Hot Spot Design I-....

N/2: l 13 Actual Scan MDC. l _2,644 Bounded Area (m): l 3.2 Area Factor l N/A I AreaFactor l 5.19 BoundedArea(m2): l N/A DCGLW': l 6,726 Post-EMCN/2: l 13 Scan MDC Required. i 34.908

  • dpm/1 00 cm2 No additional samples are required because the actual

( ' scan MDC isless than the DCGLw for each contaminant

  • Jiii. P-EnableTraininc zij vl.O.O ATTACH EN 1. -

Spray Pump Pit Class 1 Area 515" F -I I


A Pit Walls Unfolded 164Pi t

Pit Bottom

I 8" L

A 41.25".

CI 71'" Yu "I 7-57,-~&66~-c24" 128" Floor of Transition Area to SPP

70" 10 r 1 T12 73 74 8+ g+j LVV C 128 o T Ceiling of Trans ition Area to SPP

E:5 j Discharge Tunnel Side _-

+8 9 40 112 54"1 64" 16" 4 5 1 -F4 8" ° tA Ind 55"1 North Wall of Transition Area to SPP

South Wall of Transition Area to SPP 146",


--- I 66" D

I (I

I 62" 68" L- 24" _J

Exposed Section of Steel Door/Frame To Spray Pump Pit Door - Boftom Edge I -I Door - Back Edge ATTACH MENT7

Transition Area Variabilitv Measurements SR-0142 . .- -

- = .-.

i2biea5Jim Fox Irn.e uetemor Counts CounlK lI mt isecl moos Designator tF55-113 bHk sWO Cf(cpmJ-TI Shielded Unshielded NET com 9 SS2s FP1 FS 7114/2004 11:16 1 2.10E+02 60 SCL Shielded 2.10E+02 _

10 SS25 FP1 FU 7/14/2004 11:18 1 2.77E+02 60 SCL Unshielded 2.77E+02 6.70E+01 11 SS25 FP2 FS 7/14/2004 11:20 1 217E+02 60 SCL Shielded 2.17E+02 12 SS25 FP2 FU 7/14/2004 11:21 1 3.05E+02 60 SCL Unshielded 3.05E+02 8.80E+01 13 SS25 FP3 FS 7/14/2004 11:22 1 2.17E+02 60 SCL Shielded 2.17E+02 14 SS25 FP3 FU 7/14/2004 11:24 1 3.10E+02 60 SCL Unshielded 3.10E+02 9.30E+01 15 SS2s FP4 FS 7114/2004 1125 1 2.14E+02 60 SCL Shielded 2.14E+02 16 SS25 FP4 FU 7/14/2004 11:26 1 3.12E+02 60 SCL Unshielded 3.12E+02 9.80E+01 17 SS25 FPS FS 7114/2004 11:28 1 2.28E+02 60 SCL Shielded 2.28E+02 18 SS25 FPS FU 7/14/2004 1129 1 3.00E+02 60 SCL Unshieded 3.00E+02 7.20E+01 19 5S25 FP6 FS 7114/2004 11:30 1 2.17E+02 60 SCL Shielded 2.17E+02 20 SS25 FP6 FU 7/14/2004 11:32 1 3.06E+02 60 SCL Unshielded 1 3.06E+02 8.90E+01 23 SS25 FP1 TS 7/1412004 13:04 1 2.08E+02 60 SCL Shielded 2.08E+02 24 5525 FPI TU 7/14/2004 13:05 1 3.17E+02 60 SCL Unshielded 3.17E+02 1.09E+02 25 SS25 FP2 TS 7/14/2004 13:06 1 2.47E+02 60 SCL Shielded 2.47E+02 _

26 SS25 FP2 TU 711412004 13:08 1 2.54E+02 60 SCL Unshielded 2.54E+02 7.00E+00 27 SS25 FP3 TS 7114/2004 13:09 1 2.03E+02 60 SCL Shielded 2.03E+02 28 SS25 FP3 TU 7/1412004 13:11 1 2.95E+02 60 SCL Unshielded 2.95E+02 9.20E+01 29 SS25 FP4 TS 711412004 13:12 1 2.12E+02 60 SCL Shielded 2.12E+02 _

30 5S25 FP4 TU 7/1412004 13:13 1 3.12E+02 60 SCL Unshielded 1 3.12E+02 1.OOE+02 31 SS25 FP1 BS 7114/2004 13:16 1 2.41E+02 60 SCL Shielded 2.41E+02 _ _

32 5S25 FP1 BU 7/14/2004 13:17 1 2.72E+02 60 SCL Unshielded 2.72E+02 3.10E+01 33 SS25 FP2 BS 7/1412004 13:18 1 1.99E+02 60 SCL Shielded 1.99E+02 34 5S25 FP2 BU 7/14/2004 13:20 1 3.09E+02 60 SCL Unshielded 3.09E+02 1.1OE+02 35 SS25 FP3 BS 7/14/2004 13:21 1 2.34E+02 60 SCL Shielded 2.34E+02 36 5525 FP3 BU 7/14/2004 13:23 1 3.11E+02 60 SCL Unshielded 3.t1E+02 7.70E+01 37 SS25 FP4 BS 7114/2004 13:24 1 2.06E+02 60 SCL Shielded 2.06E+02 38 SS25 FP4 BU 7/14/2004 13:26 1 3.07E+02 60 SCL Unshielded 3.07E+02 1.01E+02 51 SS25 FP1 CS 711412004 14:04 1 2.16E+02 60 SCL Shielded 2.16E+02 52 SS25 FP1 CU 7114/2004 14:06 1 3.61E+02 60 SCL Unshielded 3.61E+02 1.45E+02 53 SS25 FP2 CS 7/14/2004 14:07 1 2.13E+02 60 SCL Shielded 2.13E+02 54 SS25 FP2 CU 7/14/2004 14:08 1 4.50E+02 60 SCL Unshielded 4.50E+02 2.37E+02 55 SS25 FPI NS 7114/2004 14:10 1 1.89E+02 60 SCL Shielded 1.89E+02 56 SS25 FP1 NU 7114/2004 14:11 1 2.48E+02 60 SCL Unshielded 2.48E+02 5.90E+01 57 SS25 FP2 NS 7/14/2004 14:13 1 1.80E+02 60 SCL Shielded 1.80E+02 58 SS25 FP2 NU 7/142004 14:14 1 2.75E+02 60 SCL Unshielded 2.75E+02 9.50E+01 59 SS25 FP3 NS 7/14/2004 14:15 1 1.82E+02 60 SCL Shielded 1.82E+02 __. _

60 SS25 FP3 NU 7/1412004 14:16 1 2.29E+02 60 SCL Unshielded 2.29E+02 4.70E+01 61 SS25 FP4 NS 7/1412004 14:18 1 2.22E+02 60 SCL Shielded 2.22E+02 62 SS25 FP4 NU 7/14/2004 14:19 1 2.72E+02 60 SCL Unshielded 1 2.72E+02 5.00E+01 63 SS25 FP1 SWS 7/14/2004 14:20 1 2.24E+02 60 SCL Shielded 2.24E+02 64 SS25 FP1 SWU 7/14/2004 14:22 1 2.55E+02 60 SCL Unshielded 2.55E+02 3.10E+01 65 SS25 FP2 SWS 7114/2004 14:23 1 1.88E+02 60 SCL Shielded 1.88E+02 66 SS25 FP2 SWU 7/1412004 14:24 1 3.20E+02 60 SCL Unshielded 3.20E+02 1.32E+02 67 SS25 FP3 SWS 7/14/2004 14:26 1 2.14E+02 60 SCL Shielded 2.14E+02 68 SS25 FP3 SWU 7/14/2004 14:27 1 2.72E+02 60 SCL Unshielded 2.72E+02 5.80E+01 69 SS25 FP4 SWS 7/14/2004 14:29 1 1.73E+02 60 SCL Shielded 1.73E+02 70 5525 FP4 SWU 7/14/2004 14:30 1 3.75E+02 60 SCL Unshielded 3.75E+02 2.02E+02 71 SS25 FP5 SWS 7114/2004 14:31 1 1.96E+02 60 SCL Shielded 1.96E+02 72 SS25 FP5 SWU 7/14/2004 14:32 1 3.21E+02 60 SCL Unshielded 3.21E+02 1.25E+02 73 SS25 FP6 SWS 7/14/2004 14:34 1 2.28E+02 60 SCL Shielded 2.28E+02 74 SS25 FP6 SWU 7/14/2004 14:35 1 3.54E+02 60 SCL Unshielded 3.54E+02 1.26E+02 Minimum: t.71E+02 2.29E+02 7.00E+00 Maximum = 2.47E+02 4.60E+02 2.37E+02 Mean _ - 2.t E+02 3.05E+02 9.39E+01 SItmarI- 1.84E+01 I 4.64E+01 I 6.00+E01 ATTACHMENT I-

Snrav Pumn Pit Variabilitv Measurements SR-0108 126179 K. Lane Time Detector Counts Count Time isec) Mode Designator FSS-485 BHB p mW CF(cpm) O

_ Shielded Unshielded NET cpm 2 SS9 FP1S 3/24n2004 14:13 1 1.86E+02 60 SCL Shielded 1.86E+02 .__;. .

3 SS9FPIU 3/24/2004 14:15 1 2.49E+02 60 SCL Unshielded l 2.49E+02 6.30E+01 4 SS9 FP1S 3n24/2004 14:17 1 2.IOE+02 60 SCL Shielded 2.10E+02 ..

5 SS9 FPIU 3/24/2004 14:18 1 2.23E+02 60 SCL Unshielded 2.23E402 1.30E+01 6 559 F11S 3/24/2004 14:20 1 1.89E+02 60 SCL Shielded 1.89E+02 _

7 SS9 FP1U 3124/2004 14.21 1 2.53E+02 60 SCL Unshielded p 2.53E+02 6.40E+01 8 SS9 FP1S 3/24/2004 14:23 t 1.75E+02 60 SCL Shielded 1.75E+02 - .

g ss9 FP1U 3/24/20o4 14:24 1 2.58E+02 60 SCL Unshelded p 2.58E+02 8.30E+01 10 SS9 FP1S 3/24/2004 14:26 1 1.g9E+02 60 SCL Shielded 1.99E+02 _ __

11 SS9 FP1U 3/24/2004 14:28 1 2.42E+02 60 SCL Unshielded P 2.42E+02 4.30E+01 13 sS9 FP1S 3/24/2004 14:34 1 1.37E+02 60 SCL Shielded 1.37E+02 .'.

14 SS9 FP1U 3/2412004 14:36 1 1.68E+02 60 SCL Unshielded 1.68E+02 3.1OE+01 15 SS9 FP1S 3/24/2004 14:38 1 1.39E+02 60 SCL Shielded 1.39E+02 _. __

  • 16 SS9 FPIU 3/24/20o4 14:41 1 2.22E+02 60 SCL Unshielded 2.22E+02 8.30E+W 17 sS9 FP1S 3/24/2004 14:43 1 1A7E+02 60 SCL Shielded 1.47E+02 ___

18 SSs FPIU 3/24/2004 14:45 1 2.07E+02 60 SCL Unshielded 2.07E+02 6.OOE+01 19 SS9 FPIS 3/24/2004 14:46 ¶ 1.64E+02 60 SCL Shielded 1.64E+02 20 SS9 FP1U 3/24/2004 14:48 1 2.14E+02 60 ScL Unshielded . 2.14E+02 5.OOE+01 21 SS9 FP1S 3/24/2004 14:51 1 1.69E+02 60 SCL Shielded 1.69E+02 22 sS9 FPIU 3/24/2004 14:52 1 2.03E+02 60 SCIL Unshielded . Z03E+02 3.40E+01 23 SS9 FP1S 3/24/2004 14:55 1 1.BOE+02 60 SCL Shielded 1.80E+02 ._

24 SS9 FP1U 3/24/2004 14:57 1 2.54E+02 60 SCIL Unshielded . 2.54E+02 7.40E+01 Minimum =I 1.37E+02 1.68E+02 1.30E+01 Maximum = 2.IOE+02 2.58E+02 8.30E+01 Mean I 1.72E+02 2.27E+02 S.44E+01 Slama 2.40E+01 2.78E+01 2.25E+01 ATTACHMEN1

  • 2.-

Williamsburg Concrete Backaround Measurements 37122N21 Instrument 95348 RLM6220 Time Detector Counts Count Time (sec) Mode Designator FSS-001 BHB 0 BKGND 11412002 8:52 1 7.26E+03 1800 SCL Inital Background p 1 Source Check 1/4/2002 9:07 1 1.79E+05 60 SCL Source p 2 BKGND 11412002 10:05 2 4.40E+01 1800 SCL Inital Background a Concrete CFfcnm)i l ° 14 Source Check 1/412002 10:39 2 1.51E+05 60 SCL Source a Shielded Unshlelded 15 CON AlS 1/412002 13:00 1 2.78E+02 60 SCL Shielded 2.78E+02 l_ _

16 CON A1U 1)412002 13:02 1 3.88E+02 60 SCL Unshielded 3.88E+02 17 CON A2S 1/412002 13:20 1 2.39E+02 60 SCL Shielded 2.39E+02 18 CON A2U 1/412002 13:21 1 2.22E+02 60 SCL Unshielded n 2.22E+02 19 CON A3S 1/412002 13:28 1 2.39E+02 60 SCL Shielded 2.39E+02 20 CON A3U 1/4/2002 13:30 1 2.62E+02 60 SCL Unshielded B 2.62E+02 21 CON A4S 1/412002 13:36 1 2.45E+02 60 SCL Shielded 2.45E+02 22 CON A4U 1/412002 13:38 1 2.71E+02 60 SCL Unshielded B 2.71 E+02 23 CON ASS 11412002 13:58 1 2.OOE+02 60 SCL Shielded 2.OOE+02 24 CON A5U 1)412002 14:00 1 2.82E+02 60 SCL Unshielded B 2.82E+02 25 CON A6S 11412002 14:03 1 1.84E+02 60 SCL Shielded 1.84E+02 26 CON A6U 11412002 14:05 1 3.10E+02 60 SCL Unshielded B 3.1 OE+02 27 CON A7S 11412002 14:09 1 1.98E+02 60 SCL Shielded 1.98E+02 28 CON A7U 1/412002 14:10 1 3.15E+02 60 SCL Unshielded _ 3.15E+02 29 CON A8S 1/412002 14:19 1 2.34E+02 60 SCL Shielded 2.34E+02 30 CON A8S 1/4/2002 14:22 1 2.31E+02 60 SCL Shielded 2.31 E+02 31 CON A8U 1/412002 14:24 1 2.88E+02 60 SCL Unshielded _ 2.88E+02 32 CON A9S 1/412002 14:31 1 2.65E+02 60 SCL Shielded B 2.65E+02 33 CON A9U 1/412002 14:33 1 2.89E+02 60 SCL Unshielded _ 2.89E+02 34 CON A10S 1/412002 14:42 1 2.46E+02 60 SCL Shielded 2.46E+02 35 CON A10U 1/412002 14:43 1 3.16E+02 60 SCL Unshielded _ 3.16E+02 36 CON A11S 1/412002 15:10 1 1.95E+02 60 SCL Shielded 1.95E+02 37 CONA11U 1/412002 15:12 1 2.94E+02 60 SCL Unshielded B 2.94E+02 38 CON A12S 1)412002 15:13 1 2.21E+02 60 SCL Shielded 2.21E+02 39 CON A12U 1/412002 15:14 1 2.84E+02 60 SCL Unshielded B 2.84E+02 40 CON A13S 1/412002 15:23 1 1.74E+02 60 SCL Shielded 1.74E+02 41 CON A13U 1)412002 15:24 1 2.94E+02 60 SCL Unshielded B 2.94E+02 42 CON A14S 1/412002 15:25 1 1.96E+02 60 SCL Shielded 1.96E+02 43 CON A14U 1/412002 15:26 1 3.33E+02 60 SCL Unshielded _ 3.33E+02 44 CON A15S 1/412002 15 28 1 2.16E+02 60 SCL Shielded 2.16E+02  ;

45 CON A1SU 1/412002 15:29 1 3.45E+02 60 SCL Unshielded B 3.45E+02 46 CON A165 1/412002 15:30 1 1.83E+02 60 SCL Shielded B 1.83E+02 _ __

47 CON A16U 1)412002 15:31 1 3.13E+02 60 SCL Unshielded _ 3.13E+02 48 CON A175 1/412002 15:33 1 1.82E+02 60 SCL Shielded 1.82E+02 -

49 CON A17U 1/4/2002 15:34 1 3.22E+02 60 SCL Unshielded 3.22E+02 50 CON A185 1/412002 15:35 1 1.84E+02 60 SCL Shielded 1.84E+02 51 CONA18U 11412002 15:36 1 3.24E+02 60 SCL Unshielded _ 3.24E+02 52 CON A19S 11412002 15:37 1 1.91E+02 60 SCL Shielded 1.91 E+02 53 CON A19U 1/412002 15:39 1 3.07E+02 60 SCL Unshielded B 3.07E+02 54 CON A20S 1/412002 15:40 1 1.94E+02 60 SCL Shielded 1.94E+02 55 CON A20U 1/412002 15:41 1 3.33E+02 60 SCL Unshielded 1 3.33E+02 56 CON A215 1/412002 15:57 1 2.23E+02 60 SCL Shielded 2.23E+02 57 CON A21U 1/412002 15:58 1 2.92E+02 60 SCL Unshielded B 2.92E+02 58 CON A225 1/412002 15:59 1 1.72E+02 60 SCL Shielded 1.72E+02 59 CON A22U 1/412002 16:00 1 2.80E+02 60 SCL Unshielded _ 2.80E+02 60 CON A235 1)412002 16:01 1 1.94E+02 60 SCL Shielded 1.94E+02 61 CON A23U 11412002 16:02 1 3.29E+02 60 SCL Unshielded fl 3.29E+02 62 CON A245 1/412002 16:04 1 1.87E+02 60 SCL Shielded 1.87E+02 63 CON A24U 11412002 16:05 1 3.48E+02 60 SCL Unshielded 3.48E+02 64 CON A255 1/412002 16:06 1 2.07E+02 60 SCL Shielded 2.07E+02 65 CON A25U 1)412002 16:07 1 3.72E+02 60 SCL Unshielded 3.72E+02 66 CON A26S 114/2002 16:09 1 2.09E+02 60 SCL Shielded 2.09E+02 67 CON A26U 1)412002 16:10 1 3.26E+02 60 SCL Unshielded _ 3.26E+02 68 CON A27S 1/412002 16:11 1 2.07E+02 60 SCL Shielded 2.07E+02 69 CON A27U 1/4/2002 16:12 1 3.30E+02 60 SCL Unshielded 3.30E+02 70 CON A28S 1/412002 16:14 1 2.30E+02 60 SCL Shielded 2.30E+02 71 CON A28U 1/4/2002 16:15 1 3.06E+02 60 SCL Unshielded n 3.06E+02 72 CON A29S 1/412002 16:20 1 2.13E+02 60 SCL Shielded 2.13E+02 73 CON A29U 1/412002 16:21 1 2.58E+02 60 SCL Unshielded 2.58E+02 74 CON A30S 1/412002 16:24 1 2.33E+02 60 SCL Shielded 2.33E+02 75 CON A30U 1/412002 16:25 1 2.89E+02 60 SCL Unshielded B 2.89E+02 76 CON A31S 1/412002 16:28 1 1.84E+02 60 SCL Shielded 1.84E+02 77 CON A31U 1/412002 16:29 1 2.63E+02 60 SCL Unshielded B 2.63E+02

- Source Check 1/4/2002 17:27 1 1.70E+05 60 SCL - B Minimum = 1.72E+02 l 2.22E+02 Maximum u 2.78E+02 l 3.88E+02 ATTACHMEN ~y *.. 3. Mean = 2.11E+02 j 3.06E+02 Slama& 2.69E+01 I 3.45E+01

ORKiMAL Exhibit I Survey Unit Inspectlon Check Sheet

^. i t - .SECTiON 1 -SURVEY.UNTINSPECTIONTDESCRIPTiON . 71.;'S I Survey Unit SS9-1,SS10, SS11 Suvey UnLocation Spray Pump Pt Floor, Walls Below & Above 795' I el Date 7/29/04 Time 0800 Inspection Team Members T D. Sarge SECTION 2 - SURVEY UNITINSPECTION UNIT ~ SC

~I.PCTO 3/4 SCP * .. .<

Inspection Requirements (Check the appropriate Yes/No answer.) Ye! ; I No I N/A

1. Have sufficient surveys (i.e.. post remediation, characterization, etc.) been obtained for the survey unit? X
2. Do the surveys (from Question 1) demonstrate that the survey unit will most likely pass the FSS? X
3. Is the physical work (I.e., remediation & housekeeping) In or around the survey unit complete X
4. Have all tools, non-permanent equipment, and material not needed to perform the FSS been removed? X
5. Are the survey surfaces relatively free of loose debris (i.e., dirt, concrete dust, metal filings, etc.)? X
6. Are the survey surfaces relatively free of liquids (i.e., water, moisture, oil, etc.)? X
7. Are the survey surfaces free of all paint, which has the potential to shield radiation? X
8. Have the Surface Measurement Test Areas (SMTA) been established? (Refer to Exhibit 2 for Instructions.) X
9. Have the Surface Measurement Test Areas (SMTA) data been collected? (Refer to Exhibit 2 for Instructions.) X
10. Are the survey surfaces easily accessible? (No scaffolding, high reach, etc. is needed to perform the FSS) X
11. Is lighting adequate to perform the FSS? X
12. Is the area Industrially safe to perform the FSS? (Evaluate potential fall & trip hazards, confined spaces, etc.) X
13. Have photographs been taken showing the overall condition of the area? X
14. Have all unsatisfactory conditions been resolved? X NOTE: If a No answer is obtained above, the Inspector should Immediately correct the problem or Initiate corrective actions through the responsible site department, as applicable. Document actions taken and/or justifications In the 'Comments section below. Attach additional sheets as necessary.


Survey Unit Inspector (print/sign) 0D. Sarge /I l l Date 7/29/04 Survey Designer (print/sign) 2 M L t /5/3/a/ / z . Date ATTACHMENTR /

- . .. I 'I orl I-; :,-*DF.'i

%! 7i

i. ,

- ,; !I

'U ;.;jIr EXHIBIT3 Surface Measurement Test Area (SMTA) Data Sheet

... .>-i:

- SECTION 1 - DESCRIPTION SMTA Number SS9-1-1 Survey Unit Number SS9-1 SMTA Location Spray Pump Pit Floor Survey Unit Inspector D. Sarge I Date 6/29/04 Time 0930 SECTION 2 - CALIPER INFORMATION &PERSONNE INVOL6VED, Caliper Manufacturer I-TjroiToo AhkiJ7/ l Caliper Model Number i &6 C5 Caliper Serial Number l 7 56595l Calibration Due Date (as applicable) l W, Rad Con Technician I D. Sarge I Date 6/29/04 Time 0930 SurveyUnitInspectorApproval D. Sa ge/ Date 6/29/04


SMTA Grid Map & Measurement Results in Units of mm Comments (Insert Results in White Blocks Below) 1 7 13 19 2 . 31 2.1 0 5 5 .

  • Floor surfaces indicate similar depth irregularity 2-1 0.9 -.0 5.9 3.- 5.0 similar to these readings.

8 14 20 26 . 32 3.6 6.0 3.4 2.1 37 3.0

. S .21 5  : 27 33 2.7 4.8 3.7 1.9 0.7 1.9 10 1

1. .22 28 34 2.3 29 2.0 1.6 0.7 0.8 7 11 17 23 t 29 . 36 1.0 1.6 1.8 10 1.2 1.3
6. 12 8 2i 30': 36 --

13 0.6 1.0 1.5 1.0 1.6 Average Measurement -2.4 mm Additional Measurements Required A-TFACHMEN1T --

L-,-. tj . .'"

j " ...  ; '?, "

q,  ;. I . t - ,I . ..,

NV v , . '..,

1: -

EXHIBIT 3 G, d 1 ez. L-z

. .l - --, I Surface Measurement Test Area (SMTA) Data Sheet SECTION 1 - DESCRIPTION -

SMTA Number SMTA-SS10-1 Survey Unit Number SS10 SMTA Location Spray Pump Pit Walls Below 795' el Survey Unit Inspector D. Sarge Date 7/29/04 Time 0940 SECTION 2- CALIPER INFORMATION & PERSONNELINVOLVED :x Caliper Manufacturer Mitotoyo Caliper Model Number CD-6CS Caliper Serial Number 76389) Calibration Due Date (as applicable) N/A Rad Con Technician D.Sarge" CA$( 17, Date 07/29/04 Time 1 0815 Survey Unit Inspector Approval D. Sa e I Date 7/29/04

= ' - SECTION 3- MEASUREMEN E .SULtS-SMTA Grid Map & Measurement Results in Units of mm Comments (Insert Results in White Blocks Below) 1 7 13 19 25 31

  • Wall surfaces throughout SS1 0 up to 795' el e5 3indicate depth irregularity similar to these Zs 15.3 17.3 21.4 12.1 4.4 readings.

2 8 14 20 26 32 16.3 242 Numerous I-Beams and Rebar are protruding 16.3 6 244 14.6 232 72 from walls around pit. (795' el) 4 9 15 21 27 33 4.2 7.5 17 18.5 18.3 6

  • A 2-inch pipe is protruding from North wall 1 16 .- 22 .234 approx. 2 inches at 795"el.

4.6 10.5 14.3 4.0 17.3 2.9

' 1I 17 23 29 335 3.3 4.9 13.7 9.9 8.9 2.6

.6 12 .1- 24 :30 36 4.6 2.7 13.8 13.7 3.5 1.6 Average Measurement -10.4 mm Additional Measurements Required ATTACHMEN q - 3

Exhibit I Survey Unit Insoection Check Sheet ORIIGINAL SECTION I PT-!N Suiey nitSS5 Survey Unit Location SSGS - Transition Area from Discharge Tunnel to i Spray Pond Pump Pt Date 7/29104 Time 1010 Inspection Team Members D.Sarge SECTION 2 -SURVEYNIT NSPECTON SCOPE d Inspection Requirements (Check the appropriate Yes/No answer.) Yes No N/A

1. Have sufficient surveys (i.e., post remediation, characterization. etc.) been obtained for the survey unit? X
2. Do the surveys (from Question 1) demonstrate that the survey unit will most likely pass the FSS? X
3. Isthe physical work (i.e.. remediation & housekeeping) In or around the survey unit complete? X
4. Have all tools, non-permanent equipment, and material not needed to perform the FSS been removed? - X
5. Are the survey surfaces relatively free of loose debris (i.e., dirt, concrete dust, metal filings, etc.)? X
6. Are the survey surfaces relatively free of liquids (i.e., water, moisture, oil, etc.)? X
7. Are the survey surfaces free of all paint, which has the potential to shield radiation? . X
8. Have the Surface Measurement Test Areas (SMTA) been established? (Refer to Exhibit 2 for Instructions.) X
9. Have the Surface Measurement Test Areas (SMTA) data been collected? (Refer to Exhibit 2 for Instructions.) X
10. Are the survey surfaces easily accessible? (No scaffolding, high reach, etc. Is needed to perform the FSS) X
11. Is lighting adequate to perform the FSS? X
12. Is the area Industrially safe to perform the FSS? (Evaluate potential fall & trip hazards, confined spaces, etc.) X
13. Have photographs been taken showing the overall condition of the area? X
14. Have all unsatisfactory conditions been resolved? X NOTE: If a No answer Is obtained above, the Inspector should immediately correct the problem or Initiate corrective actions through the responsible site department, as applicable. Document actions taken andlor justifications in the Comments section below. Attach additional sheets as necessary.


Response to Question 6: Water is present. Must be dried prior top FSS. Notified L. Shamenek. Response was Dand Dwill dry prior to FSS.

Response to Question 12: Low ceiling and gate pose potential head injury. Notified L. Shamenek. Response was care must be taken while performing FSS.

Survey Unit Inspector (print/sign) D. Sarge I Date l 7/29/04 Survey Designer (print/sign) Date/3Dat ATTACHMENLTL--- (

ORIGINAL Exhibit I Survey Unit Inspection Check Sheet SU N YSECTION PETION DESCRIP SS25 S S e Ut Unit Location SSGS - Transition Sray area Pondfrom purvey Discharge Pump Pit Tunnel to Date 7/19/04 Time l 1600 Inspection Team Members D. Sarge

.  :.:::;SECTION 2- SURVEY UNIT INSPECTION SCOPE nX Inspection Requirements (Check the appropriate Yes/No answer.) Yes No N/A

1. Have sufficient surveys (i.e., post remediation, characterization, etc.) been obtained for the survey unit? X
2. Do the surveys (from Question 1) demonstrate that the survey unit will most likely pass the FSS? X
3. Is the physical work (i.e., remediation & housekeeping) In or around the survey unit complete? X
4. Have all tools, non-permanent equipment, and material not needed to perform the FSS been removed? X
5. Are the survey surfaces relatively free of loose debris (i.e., dirt, concrete dust, metal filings, etc.)? X
6. Are the survey surfaces relatively free of liquids (I.e., water, moisture, oil, etc.)? X
7. Are the survey surfaces free of all paint, which has the potential to shield radiation? X
8. Have the Surface Measurement Test Areas (SMTA) been established? (Refer to Exhibit 2 for instructions.) X
9. Have the Surface Measurement Test Areas (SMTA) data been collected? (Refer to Exhibit 2 for Instructions.) X
10. Are the survey surfaces easily accessible? (No scaffolding, high reach, etc. Is needed to perform the FSS) X
11. Is fighting adequate to perform the FSS? X
12. Is the area Industrially safe to perform the FSS? (Evaluate potential fall & trip hazards, confined spaces, etc.) X
13. Have photographs been taken showing the overall condition of the area? X
14. Have all unsatisfactory conditions been resolved? X NOTE: If a 'No answer is obtained above, the Inspector should Immediately correct the problem or initiate corrective actions through the responsible site department, as applicable. Document actions taken andlor jusifications in the Comments section below. Attach additional sheets as necessary.


Response to Question 5: Sediment/metal flakes are present on floor of gate trench. Needs to be removed prior to FSS.

Response to Question 6: Water is present on floor throughout survey unit. Flow needs to be isolated/dried prior to FSS.

Response to Question 12: Low ceiling present in survey unit. Additionally, gate poses head injury.

Survey Unit Inspector (printsign) D. Sarge / 9'.l Date 7119/04 Survey Designer (print/sign) Date A-iSTc erq - :L -

EXHIBIT 3 Surface Measurement Test Area (SMTA) Data Sheet

- SECTION 1 nOW' SMTA Number SMTA-SS-25-1 Survey Unit Number SS25 SMTA Location SSGS Transition Area from Discharge Tunnel to the Spray Pond Pump Pit (Ceiling)

Survey Unit Inspector D. Sarge Date 7/19/04 Time 1600

_., . SECTION 2- CALIPER INFOR Caliper Manufacturer I Mitotoyo l Caliper Model Number I CD-6' CS Caliper Serial Number I 763893 I Calibration Due Date (as applicable)

Rad Con Technician I D. Sarge Survey Unit Inspector Approval D. Sarge /


,1:\K - , *. .* . SECTION 3-r SMTA Grid Map & Measurement Results in Units of mm Comments (Insert Results in White Blocks Below)

-3 -

See below 2 - *11 14 2

  • 26

'3' '32

.....- I.,


a}, a X, st1O 0 ..16. .. , 2s 2. oa ' 283^.

'.2 <m ;'. .1.1..veameMeaurmen 1 7... 4 23.. - m 2 9:. 3 t 6s He' 6 12. ...1_

8 .  ! h '24

.'30 -'~ .3 6 '-

Average Measurement - mm Additional Measurements Required Due to difficulty of template adherence to surface, depth measurements were obtained using the Mitotoyo Caliper and a detector template to simulate actual measurement distance. Twelve measurements were obtained, spaced throughout survey surface. Depth results range from 14 mm to 52 mm with an average of 40 mm.

A17ACHI-IENT. S - l -

EXHIBIT3 Surface Measurement Test Area (SMTA) Data Sheet


  • SMTA Number SMTA-SS-25-3 Survey Unit Numberl SS25 SMTA Location SSGS Transition Area from Discharge Tunnel to the Spray Pond Pump Pit (Leading Edge of Transition Wall - Both Sides)

Survey Unit Inspector I D. Sarge Date 7/19/04 lTime l 1600


Caliper Manufacturer I Mitotoyo Caliper Model Number I CD-6 CS Caliper Serial Number 763893 Calibration Due Date (as applicable) N/A Rad Con Technician D. Sarge n /i Date 7/19/04 Time 1600 Survey Unit Inspector Approval I D. Sarge / 9 ?L- I Date 1600

  • - . SECTION 3 -ME lUMENTRESU SMTA Grid Map & Measurement Results in Units of mm (Insert Results in White Blocks Below) Comments 7 ' 199.3 t 2 315 See below 144 20 .32 26 9 ,1 21 27 53

. - i .- 22 11t 'j., 0X23> 029 E7 Ar12 -18sr 4 3m Average Measurement - mm Additional Measurements Required Due to narrow band of rough surface (approx. 1 foot), depth measurements were obtained using the Mitotoyo Caliper and a detector template to simulate actual measurement distance. Ten measurements were obtained, spaced throughout survey surface. Depth results range from 10 mm to 70 mm with an average of 32 mm.

4-MACHtV'ENT 9 -

EXHIBIT3 Surface Measurement Test Area (SMTA) Data Sheet

  • SECTION 1.-DESCRIPTION1 SMTA Number SMTA-SS-25-5 Survey Unit Number SS25 SMTA Location SSGS Transition Area from Discharge Tunnel to the Spray Pond Pump Pit (Steel Gate)

Survey Unit Insp ctor D. Sarge lDate 7/20/04 Time 1000 a ,. aSECTION 2 ;-CAUPER INFORMATI6ON&J ,qLV-E;Sy Caliper Manufacturer Mitotoyo Caliper Model Number CD-6* CS Caliper Serial Number 763893 l Calibration Due Date (as applicable) J N/A Rad Con Technician D. Sarge I Date I 7/20/04 Time I 1000 Survey Unit inspector Approval 0D. Sarge / D. LV iDate I 1000

.'Te - -'s ", -- "... ".



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SMTA Grid Map & Measurement Results in Units of mm (Insert Results in White Blocks Below) Comments Xb ',,, 7 19,#,5XZ5 '1~25A .l '31*. See below 1 14,h2,0 ef262 X '3tW27 M

'. 3J, 9 -, ' Ua5? 7 3 gg.'.t"._,23 :--'--6 m All

.g;10- <s§t -16 2 ' a=':; _ ,1,0>..36 Average Measurement - mm Additional Measurements Required Due to surface matrix, depth measurements were obtained using the Mitotoyo Caliper without the 36-grid template. Ten measurements were obtained, spaced throughout survey surface. Depth results range from 1.2 mm to 3.2 mm with an average of 1.8 mm.

GA1 isC 15 SWGe V SOF . L' iIItT to CON;:l6URM IN V 'R°W.5 7 cowpols of CAd 1,9 MA1rz f

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EXHIBIT 3 Surface Measurement Test Area (SMTA) Data Sheet

  • J*f 2 ;.fig;> - :-SECTION.1 -DESCRIPTJONgj SMTA Number SMTA-SS-25-2 l Survey Unit Number SS25 SMTA Location SSGS Transition Area from Discharge Tunnel to the Spray Pond Pump Pit (East Facing Wall)

Survey Unit Inspector I D. Sarge I Date l 7/19/04 l Time I 1600 SECTION 2 -CALIPER INFORIMATiON & PERSONNI Caliper Manufacturer I Mitotoyo Caliper Model Number l CD-6'CS Caliper Serial Number 763893 Calibration Due Date (as applicable)

Rad Con Technician I D. Sarge Survey Unit Inspector Approval I D. Sarge I SMTA Grid Map & Measurement Results in Units of mm (Insert Results in White Blocks Below) Comments 3<< 7 my W< ~ .~ 19 ',~ 26K , 31 -E' See below 2',-- '.'8 14 2 ,-20'.-9: iA 26 use-magi10, 16,r _ 2E+.;2 ' S

2. !..:il 11 17' 9 2 3g $ 0i.J-2 @ ' '35t 39 Average Measurement -mm Additional Measurements Required Due to difficulty of template adherence to surface, depth measurements were obtained using the Mitotoyo Caliper and a detector template to simulate actual measurement distance. Ten measurements were obtained, spaced throughout survey surface. Depth results range from 14 mm to 27 mm with an average of 22 mm.


EXHIBIT 3 Surface Measurement Test Area (SMTA) Data Sheet

  • -: " .SECTION 1 -DESCRIPTION :>$, I SMTA Number l S SMTA-SS-25-4 l Survey Unit Number l SS25 SMTA Location lSSejG S Transition Area from Discharge Tunnel to the Spray Pond Pump Pit (Floor Area - Under SMTALocaIo Ceiling)

Survey Unit Inspector D. Sarge lDate 7/20/04 Time 1000

'SECTION 2 CALER IPE INFORMAT IONP.ERSO .. IUN Nyy...-.. *...VED EINVOLVED Caliper Manufacturer I Mitotoyo I Caliper Model Number l CD-6 CS Caliper Serial Number 763893 Calibration Due Date (as applicable) N/A Rad Con Technician lD. Sarge a Date l 7/20/04 -- Time 1000 Survey Unit Inspector Approval i D. Sarge I (J i Date 1000

  • .. .. -  :.; .. SECTION 3ME SMTA Grid Map & Measurement Results in Units of mm (Insert Results in White Blocks Below) Comments

- 7 i 13 19 -l 25 31 See below

,A i- .

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O C 6 g .'22 . 28 34.

7,,,,; ,j,.

1'23 ,:,-"29;. i36, 6 ., 18 24

' 30 J 36 Average Measurement - mm Additional Measurements Required Due to surface moisture, depth measurements were obtained using the Mitotoyo Caliper. Ten measurements were obtained, spaced throughout survey surface. Depth results range from 12 mm to 75 mm with an average of 40 mm.

Appendix C Steel Gate Results Assessment

aagv SNEC CALCULATION COVER SHEET CALCULATION DESCRIPTION Calculation Number Revision Number Effective Date Page Number E900-04-020 0 j25 Oe-AZOg) I of 6 Subject Assessment of Survey Results for Transition Area Steel Gate Question I - Is this calculation defined as 'in QA Scope'? Refer to definition 3.5. Yes 0 No a Question 2 - Is this calculation defined as a 'Design Calculation? Refer to definitions 3.2 and 3.3. Yes El No ED NOTES: If a Yes answer Is obtained for Question 1. the calculation must meet the requirements of the SNEC Facility Decommissioning Quality Assurance Plan. If a 'Yes answer is obtained for Question 2, the Calculation Originator's immediate supervisor should not review the calculation as the Technical Reviewer.

DESCRIPTION OF REVISION APPROVAL SIGNATURES Calculation Originator B. BroseyI y/ 3 l Date Jo-I-O'4 Technical Reviewer R. D. Holmes/ Date sfe-Review A. Paynteri Date 6 5 O ek ;24 Additional Review Date Date

r-V .SNEC CALCULATION SHEET Calculation Number Revision Number Page Number E900-04-020 0 Page 2 of 6 Subject Assessment of Survey Results for Transition Area Steel Gate 1.0 PURPOSE 1.1 The purpose of this calculation is to review and assess Nal measurements that were taken at locations on the face of the steel gate that separates the Discharge Tunnel from the Spray Pump Pit. This component is shown on Attachment 1-1. Attachment 1-2 is a diagram of a single cell of the exposed surface of the steel gate. There are 35 of these cells on the Discharge Tunnel side of the gate. The results are reported in Section 2.0 below.



OF RESULTS 2.1 Nal Scan Survey Design Results and DQO's The SR (survey request - Reference 3.1) reported results from gamma scanning the exposed surface of the corrosion encrusted steel gate to be less than the action level of 200 gross cpm (see Attachment 5-1).

2.1.1 Survey design E900-04-015 specified the following DQO's

  • The MDCscan was calculated lAW Reference 3.2 guidance and yielded a MDCscan value of 3,717 dpm/100 cm2 for Cs-137.
  • The Cs-1 37 fraction of the mix was determined from numerous sample results to be 0.982. Thus the gross activity MDCscan was 3,717 dpm/100 cm2/0.982 =

-3,785 dpm/100 cm (see Reference 3.3 for radionuclide mix).

  • A MicroShield model was used to generate an exposure rate from an assumed area hotspot of -12" in diameter (12" by 13" area).
  • The source term loading for the MicroShield model was 1 pCi/cm 2 (Cs-137).
  • A 200 gross cpm action level was set for first phase (2" by 2' Nal) scanning of the exposed surface area of the steel gate. A surveyor was to stop for at least 15 seconds over the suspect area in order to verify the action level was exceeded.
  • The DCGLw values applicable for this area are shown in the following Table.

Applicable DCGLw Values Surface DCGLw (dpm/100 Cm)

GA = 8,968 (6,726 A.L.)

DCGLw values from Reference 3.3.

AL = the administrative limit.

  • A human performance factor of 0.5 was assumed in the MDCscan calculation.
  • An index of sensitivity of 1.38 (from Table 6.5 of Reference 3.4) was used which yields a 95% probability of correct detection and a 60% probability of false positive detection for the scanning process.
  • A minimum conversion efficiency factor of 208,302 cpm/mRh for Cs-137 using a 2" by 2" Nal detector with a Cs-1 37 (0.662 MeV) energy peak window setting was required for this survey work. A copy of the actual instrument conversion efficiency data sheet used for this survey work is shown as Attachment 8-1.


?-- -SNEC CALCULATION SHEET Calculation Number Revision Number Page Number E900-04-020 0 Page 3 of 6 Subject Assessment of Survey Results for Transition Area Steel Gate

  • A scan rate of 2"/second was specified with a standoff distance of 2" from the surface.
  • A background value of 100 cpm was assumed as input to the MDCscan calculation. This value is about two times the expected background value for the Transition area since most other non-impacted areas in this below grade environment register about 50 cpm or less.



No Nal scanning results of the steel gate were above the action level assigned by the survey design. That is, no gross count rate equaled or exceeded 200 gross cpm (see Attachment 5-1).

NOTE No Gas Flow Proportional Counter (GFPC) measurements were required from the steel gate surface area because of a significant corrosion layer which would have inhibited accurate measurements of beta radiations from this objects surface (see photo -

Attachment 2-1).

2.2 Fixed Point Nal Measurements 2.2.1 Thirty five (35) fixed point measurements were made at the locations shown on Attachment 1-1. MicroShield models were used to represent one cells area as shown on Attachment 1-2. The approximate interior surface area of a cell is -3500 cm2. Therefore, thirty five of these cells yields about 12.2 m2 which is the majority of the exposed surface area of the steel gate (-16 m2 total). The opposite side of the steel gate area is a flat surface of about 5 m2 (not accessible). Then the total gate area is approximately 21 m2 (16 m2 + 5 M2 ). The measurement performed under SR-158 surveyed about 16/21 x 100% = -76% of the total surface area of the steel gate (both scans and fixed points combined).

2.2.2 Fixed point results were modeled using the MicroShield computer code (Reference 3.5). Results from three cases were summed to produce an exposure rate of 2.7964E-05 mR/h per pCi/cm 2 for an individual cell area (Attachment 3-1 to 3-3).

The modeled results indicate a maximum Cs-137 surface concentration (pre-sampling) of approximately 6,771 dpml100 cm2 (-6,895 dpm/100 cm2 GA value)

(see Attachment 4-1 for calculation results). The mean surface concentration (pre-sampling) was -1,319 dpm/100 cmA2, which is well below the administrative limit of 6,605 dpm/100 cm2 (Cs-1 37). After sampling, repeat Nal measurements of cells 9 and 10, were lowered such that the highest measured value was as shown on Attachment 4-2 or 5,145 dpm/100 cm2 Cs-137 (5,239 dpm/100 cm2 GA value). The mean concentration of the gate area was also lowered to 1,145 dpm/100 cm2 Cs-137. Attachment 4-2 measurement results (highest and average) are well below the administrative limit of 6,605 dpm/100 cm2 (Cs-137).

NOTE The administrative limit is 75% of the maximum allowed mean concentration for a survey unit.

- .SNEC CALCULATION SHEET Calculation Number Revision Number Page Number E900-04-020 0 Page 4 of 6 Subject Assessment of Survey Results for Transition Area Steel Gate 2.3 Samples of Elevated Areas 2.3.1 Cell areas 9, 10 and 26 were scrape sampled yielding a Cs-1 37 concentration of 41.5 (for a 147 gram sample),40.8 (for a 143 gram sample) and 3.5 pCi/g (for a 134 gram sample) respectively. These sample results should be considered a surface deposition from the steel gate, since they were each scraped from an area of -3,500 cm'.

2.3.2 After sampling cell areas 9 and 10, a one (1) minute re-count with a 2" by 2" Nal detector was performed that showed a 57% and 37% reduction in net count rate.

Thus the simple act of sampling these two cell areas removed about 1/2 the total surface activity (see Attachment 5-1 to 5-5, Attachment 6-1 and Attachment 7-1 to 7-4).

2.4 CoPhysics Report Results 2.4.1 From Reference 3.6, pages 30 and 31 display results from an independent Nal measurement of the steel gate area. Eight measurements were made by CoPhysics across the exposed section of the steel gate on the Discharge Tunnel side. The worst case measurement result indicated a less than value of 1,914 dpm/100 cm2 (Cs-1 37) exists over the gate surface area. One sample was taken during this measurement effort from a trench at the base of the gate. The sample result indicated a Cs-137 concentration of I +/- 0.14 pCi/g. The CoPhysics sampling location was not performed at the same location as the SNEC FSS sampling effort, which was guided by elevated fixed point Nal measurement results. Nonetheless, the CoPhysics results of the steel gate area are in good agreement with the SNEC FSS results performed under SR-1 58.

2.5 Conclusion Measurement and sampling efforts indicate that surface concentrations on the exposed surface area of the steel gate are below the SNEC release criteria IAW the requirements of the SNEC LTP (Reference 3.7).


3.1 SNEC Survey Request SR-158, "SSGS - Transition Area from Discharge Tunnel to the Spray Pond Pump Pit".

3.2 NUREG-1507, "Minimum Detectable Concentrations With Typical Radiation Survey Instruments for Various Contaminants and Field Conditions," June 1998.

3.3 SNEC Calculation No. E900-04-015, "Spray Pump Pit - Survey Design".

3.4 NUREG-1575, uMulti-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual", August, 2000.

3.5 MicroShield, Computer Radiation Shielding Code, Version 5.05-00121, Grove Engineering.

SNEC CALCULATION SHEET Calculation Number Revision Number Page Number E900-04-020 0 Page 5 of 6 Subject Assessment of Survey Results for Transition Area Steel Gate 3.6 Embedded Pipe Radiation Survey by CoPhysics Corporation, 1242 Route 208, Monroe, N.Y. 10950 for GPU Nuclear Corporation, Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corporation, Saxton, Pa., August, 2003, Final Report April, 2004.

3.7 Plan SNEC Facility License Termination Plan.

3.8 SNEC FSS Radiological Survey Form for Survey Unit SS25-1 and SS25-2 (FSS-958),


3.9 SNEC Procedure E900-IMP-4500.59, "Final Site Survey Planning and DQA".

3.10 Microsoft Excel 97, Microsoft Corporation Inc., SR-2, 1985-1997.

4.0 ASSUMPTIONS AND BASIC DATA 4.1 From the CoPhysics report, a sediment layer with a density of 1.0 g/cc and a thickness of 1" thick was assumed as the steel gate model. The source term was assumed to be 1 pCi/g Cs-137. The model was a 24" by 48" planer source with the dose point 12" from the center of the source.

4.2 For the SNEC facility source model, a 3/8" thick layer of iron oxide is assumed for the corrosion layer thickness of the steel gate with a density of 5.1 g/cc.

4.3 Background of 50 cpm for a Nal detector (with a Cs-137 window), is estimated from other measurements made at the same below grade elevation (Seal Chamber 1,Spray Pump Pit, etc.). These measurements were made in areas that were determined to be essentially uncontaminated areas even though they were originally classified as impacted.

4.4 The minimum corrosion layer thickness can be estimated for cell number 9 based on two scrape samples that were taken in this cell (147g and 148g - one sample was a QC sample). The estimated surface area of a cell is -3,500 cm2. If the total number of grams removed is the total available in this area, the number of grams present per cm2 is -295 grams/3,500 cm2 = 0.084 g/cm2 . Assuming a density of 5.1 g/cm 3 for this material yields a thickness of approximately 0.0165 cm. The assumed model thickness of the surface coating is 1/8" or -0.32 cm. Thus the modeled surface corrosion thickness is reasonably conservative.

5.0 CALCULATIONS 5.1 All calculations are performed internal to applicable computer codes or within an Excel spreadsheet previously identified.

6.0 APPENDICES 6.1 Attachment 1-1 to 1-2, diagrams of steel gate between the Discharge Tunnel and Spray Pump Pit.

6.2 Attachment 2-1, is a photo of the steel gate showing the extensive corrosion of the surface of this facility component.

6.3 Attachment 3-1 to 3-3, are three MicroShield models whose results are combined to represent the exposure rate from one cell of the steel gate area.

6.4 Attachment 4-1, is a summarized data sheet with calculation results of pre-sampling surface contamination estimates for each cell (from SR-1 58 data).

E n SNEC CALCULATION SHEET Calculation Number Revision Number Page Number E900-04-020 0 Page 6 of 6 Subject Assessment of Survey Results for Transition Area Steel Gate 6.4.1 Attachment 4-2, is a summarized data sheet with calculation results of post-sampling surface contamination estimates for each cell (from SR-158 data).

6.5 Attachment 5-1 to 5-5, is the SR-158 continuation sheets used to close-out FSS measurement results for the Transition area.

6.6 Attachment 6-1, is the SNEC lab data sheet showing the results from scrape sampling the surface of the steel gate at elevated measurement areas.

6.7 Attachment 7-1 to 7-4, is a copy of the FSS radiological survey results of survey units SS25-1 and SS25-2.

6.8 Attachment 8-1, is a copy of the actual conversion efficiency data sheet for the Nal detector used during this survey effort.

Exposed Section of Steel Door/Frame To Spray Pump Pit VA I-w C-,

Door - Bottom Edge Door - Back Edge


Case 3 91 91" 1r 1\

1 3"' _0 6.5" 8"1 Ir Case 2 Case 1 177 in A2 12"1 4-6' 3111 '~155 in A2 T *1**

em 6" 2

-117 in 2 Individual Cell AlTACHMe MEN- 2.


MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00121)

GPU Nuclear Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File: CENTER.MS5 Date:

Run Date: September 21, 2004 By:

Run Time: 10:48:26 AM CA45- I Checked:

Duration : 00:00:01 Case


Center Section


Steel Door Cells - Cs-137 @ I pCi/cmA2 Y Geometry: 4 - Rectangular Area - Vertical Solirce Dimensions Width I 30.48 cm 1 ft Height 33.02 cm 1 ft 1.0 in Dose Points X Y z

  1. 1 7.9375 cm 16.51 cm 15.24 cm 3.1 in 6.5 in 6.0 in z Shields Shield Name Diimension Material Density Shield 1 .125 in Iron Oxide 5.1 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Actual Photon Energies Nuclide curies becquerels uCi/cm2 Bqcmlcm Ba-137m 9.521 0e-01 0 3.5228e+001 9.4600e-007 3.5002e-002 Cs-1 37 1.0064e-009 3.7239e+001 1.00OOe-006 3.7000e-002 Buildup The material reference is : Shield 1 Integration Parameters Z Direction 40 Y Direction 40 Results Ener-iy Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm 2 /sec MeV/cm 2 /sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With BuilduM No Buildup With Buildup 0.0318 7.293e-01 5.790e-1 0 6.708e-1 0 4.823e-12 5.588e-12 0.0322 1.346e+00 1.438e-09 1.670e-09 1.157e-11 1.344e-11 0.0364 4.897e-01 7.258e-09 8.725e-09 4.124e-1 1 4.957e-1 I 0.6616 3.170e+01 7.670e-03 8.944e-03 1.487e-05 1.734e-05 TOTALS: 3.426e+01 7.670e-03 8.944e-03 1.487e-05 1.734e-05 ATTACHMU IT Z

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00121)

GPU Nuclear Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File: SIDES.MS5 Date:

Run Date: September 21, 2004 By:

Run Time: 10:52:25 AM Duration : 00:00:01 GA65 a Checked:



Cell Side


Steel Door Cells - Cs-137 @ 1 pCi!cmA2 Geometry: 4 - Rectangular Area - Vertical Y

Source Dimensions Width 30.48 cm 1 ft Height 16.307 cm 6.4 in

-Xe Dose Points x Y z

  1. 1 16.827 '5 cm 7.62 cm 15.24 cm 6.6 in 3.0 in 6.0 in z

Shields -

Shield Name Dimension Material Densitv Shield 1 .318 cm Iron Oxide 5.1 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Inpi Grouping Method : Actual Photon Energies Nuclide curies becquerels uCi/cm2 Bq/cm 2?

Ba-137m 4.7019e-010 1.7397e+001 9.4600e-007 3.5002e-002 Cs-1 37 4.9703e-010 1.8390e+001 1.00OOe-006 3.7000e-002 Buildup The material reference is: Shield I Integration Parameters Z Direction 40 Y Direction 40 Results Energy Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm2 /sec MeV/cm 2 /sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.0318 3.602e-01 4.696e-1 0 5.433e-1 0 3.912e-12 4.525e-12 0.0322 6.645e-01 1.155e-09 1.339e-09 9.292e-12 1.078e-11 0.0364 2.418e-01 5.192e-09 6.217e-09 2.950e-1 1 3.532e-1 I 0.6616 1.565e+01 1.938e-03 2.161e-03 3.757e-06 4.190e-06 TOTALS: 1.692e+01 1.938e-03 2.161e-03 3.757e-06 4.190e-06 ATTACHMENT 3 - Z2

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00121)

GPU Nuclear Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File: LSIDE.MS5 Date:

Run Date: September 21, 2004 By:

Run Time: 10:55:41 AM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:01 CA5.F 3 Case


Large Side


Steel Door Cells - Cs-137 @ I pCi/cmA2 Y Geometry: 4 - Rectangular Area - Vertical Source Dimensions Width 33.02 cm 1 ft 1.0 in Height 22.86 cm 9.0 in Dose Points X Y z

  1. 1 15.5575 cm 7.62 cm 16.51 cm 6.1 in 3.0 in 6.5 in z Shields Shield Name Dimension Material Density Shield I .125 in Iron Oxide 5.1 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Actual Photon Energies Nuclide curies becquerels uCi/cm 2 Bq/cm 2 Ba-1 37m 7.1408e-010 2.6421e+001 9.4600e-007 3.5002e-002 Cs-137 7.5484e-010 2.7929e+001 1.00OOe-006 3.7000e-002 Buildup The material reference is: Shield I Integration Parameters Z Direction 40 Y Direction 40 Results Energy Activitv Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm 2 /sec MeV/cm 2 /sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.0318 5.470e-01 5.230e-1 0 6.055e-1 0 4.357e-12 5.044e-12 0.0322 1.009e+00 1.292e-09 1.500e-09 1.040e-11 1.207e-11 0.0364 3.672e-01 6.114e-09 7.333e-09 3.474e-1 1 4.166e-1 1 0.6616 2.377e+01 2.953e-03 3.31 9e-03 5.726e-06 6.434e-06 TOTALS: 2.570e+01 2.953e-03 3.319e-03 5.726e-06 6.434e-06 ATTACHMENT 43 - 3

Pre-Sampling Static Measurements of Steel Door Sections (cells)

MicroShleld Model Geometry Result-> 2.80E-05 mRIhIpClIcmA2 GA DCGLw (A.L.)=> 6,726 dpm/100 cmA2 DCGLw (Cs-I 37 A.L.)=> [6,60s dpm/100 cm^3 Nal Conversion Efflclency pm/mRth)-> 209862 Background=>F 50 cpm Count Tlme=> I1 min.

Bkgnd CT-> Im min. Instnument S/N J.Fox FSS-958 SR-158 117566 185852 _ Cs-137 No. Date Time cpm Time (sec) Mode ncpm _ncpm (a) mRIh pCI/cmA2 dpm/100 cmA2 % of A.L. Limit GATE FP1 8/24/2004 8:01 84 60 SCL 34 i 11.6 1.62E-04 5.79 1286 19.5%

GATE FP2 8/24/2004 8:03 84 60 SCL 34 +/- 11.6 1.62E-04 5.79 1286 19.5%

GATE FP3 8/24/2004 8:04 80 60 SCL 30 +/- 11.4 1.43E-04 5.11 1135 17.2%

GATE FP4 8/24/2004 8:05 84 60 SCL 34 +/- 11.6 1.62E-04 5.79 1286 19.5%

GATE FP5 8/24/2004 8:07 73 60 SCL 23 +/- 11.1 1.10E-04 3.92 870 13.2%

GATE FP6 8/24/2004 8:08 71 60 SCL 21 +/- 11.0 1.OOE-04 3.58 794 12.0%

GATE FP7 8/24/2004 8:10 71 60 SCL 21 +/- 11.0 1.00E-04 3.58 794 12.0%

GATE FP8 8/24/2004 8:11 186 60 SCL 136 +/- 15.4 6.48E-04 23.17 5145 77.9%

GATE FP9* 8/24/2004 8:13 229 60 SCL 179 +/- 16.7 8.53E-04 30.50 6771 102.5%

GATE FP10* 8/2412004 8:16 208 60 SCL 158 +/- 16.1 7.53E-04 26.92 5977 90.5%

GATE FP11 8124/2004 8:17 176 60 SCL 126 +/- 15.0 6.00E-04 21.47 4766 72.2%

GATE FP12 8/24/2004 8:19 137 60 SCL 87 +/- 13.7 4.15E-04 14.82 3291 49.8%

GATE FP13 8/24/2004 8:20 168 60 SCL 118 +/- 14.8 5.62E-04 20.11 4464 67.6%

GATE FP14 8/24/2004 8:21 150 60 SCL 100 +/- 14.1 4.77E-04 17.04 3783 57.3%

GATE FP15 8/24/2004 8:26 78 60 SCL 28 +/- 11.3 1.33E-04 4.77 1059 16.0%

GATE FP16 8/24/2004 8:27 75 60 SCL 25 +/- 11.2 1.19E-04 4.26 946 14.3%

GATE FP17 8/24/2004 8:29 62 60 SCL 12 +/- 10.6 5.72E-05 2.04 454 6.9%

GATE FP18 8/24/2004 8:30 57 60 SCL 7 +/- 10.3 3.34E-05 1.19 265 4.0%

GATE FP19 8/24/2004 8:31 75 60 SCL 25 +/- 11.2 1.19E-04 4.26 946 14.3%

GATE FP20 8124/2004 8:33 62 60 SCL 12 +/- 10.6 5.72E-05 2.04 454 6.9%

GATE FP21 8/24/2004 8:34 72 60 SCL 22 +/- 11.0 1.05E-04 3.75 832 12.6%

GATE FP22 8/24/2004 8:36 61 60 SCL 11 +/- 10.5 5.24E-05 1.87 416 6.3%

GATE FP23 8/24/2004 8:37 50 60 SCL 0 +/- 10.0 O.OOE+00 0.00 0 0.0%

GATE FP24 8/24/2004 8:39 46 60 SCL -4 +/- 9.8 -1.91E-05 -0.68 -151 -2.3%

GATE FP25 8/24/2004 8:40 47 60 SCL -3 +/- 9.8 -1.43E-05 -0.51 -113 -1.7%

GATE FP26* 8/24/2004 8:42 40 60 SCL -10 +/- 9.5 4.77E-05 -1.70 -378 -5.7%

GATE FP27 8/24/2004 8:43 54 60 SCL 4 +/- 10.2 1.91E-05 0.68 151 2.3%

GATE FP28 8/24/2004 8:46 57 60 SCL 7 +/- 10.3 3.34E-05 1.19 265 4.0%

GATE FP29 8124/2004 8:47 45 60 SCL -5 +/- 9.7 -2.38E-05 -0.85 -189 -2.9%

GATE FP30 812412004 8:49 35 60 SCL -15 +/- 9.2 -7.15E-05 -2.56 -567 -8.6%

GATE FP31 8/24/2004 8:50 38 60 SCL -12 +/- 9.4 -5.72E-05 -2.04 -454 -6.9%

GATE FP32 8/24/2004 8:51 43 60 SCL -7 +/- 9.6 -3.34E-05 -1.19 -265 -4.0%

GATE FP33 8/2412004 8:53 43 60 SCL -7 +/- 9.6 -3.34E-05 -1.19 -265 -4.0%

GATE FP34 8124/2004 8:54 48 60 SCL -2 +/- 9.9 -9.53E-06 -0.34 -76 -1.1%

GATEFP35 8/24/2004 8:55 81 60 SCL 31 +/- 11.4 1.48E-04 5.28 1173 17.8%

  • Location was sampled. Area was scraped to remove loosely adherent materials. Average=> 1319 ldprn/OO CMA2 ATrACHMENT L - L

Post-Sampling Static Measurements of Steel Door Sections (cells)

MlcroShleld Model Geometry Result-> 2.80E-05 mR/hIpCiIcmA2 GA DCGLw (A.L.)=> 6,7 dpm/100 cmA2 DCGLw (Cs.137 A.L.)=> L 6,605 dpm/100 cmA3 Nal Converslon Efflcency (pmImRIh)=>; 2098621 Background=> 50cpm Count Tlme> I lmin.

Bkgnd CT=> [ Imin. Instrument SIN J.Fox FSS-958 SR-158 117566 185852 _C8-137 No. Date Time cpm Tlime (sec) Mode ncpm _ ncpm (a) mRlh pCI/cmA2 dpm/100 cmA2 % of A.L. Limit GATE FP1 8/24/2004 8:01 84 60 SCL 34 i 11.6 1.62E-04 5.79 1286 19.5%

GATE FP2 8/24/2004 8:03 84 60 SCL 34 i 11.6 1.62E-04 5.79 1286 19.5%

GATE FP3 8/24/2004 8:04 80 60 SCL 30 i 11.4 1.43E-04 5.11 1135 17.2%

GATE FP4 8/24/2004 8:05 84 60 SCL 34 i 11.6 1.62E-04 5.79 1286 19.5%

GATE FP5 8/24/2004 8:07 73 60 SCL 23 i 11.1 1.10E-04 3.92 870 13.2%

GATE FP6 8/24/2004 8:08 71 60 SCL 21 i 11.0 1.00E-04 3.58 794 12.0%

GATE FP7 8124/2004 8:10 71 60 SCL 21 i 11.0 1.OOE-04 3.58 794 12.0%

GATE FP8 8/2412004 8:11 186 60 SCL 136 +/- 15.4 6.48E-04 23.17 5145 77.9%

GATE FP9- 8/24/2004 8:13 127 60 SCL 77 +/- 13.3 3.67E-04 13.12 2913 44.1%

GATE FP1O^ 8/24/2004 8:16 149 60 SCL 99 +/- 14.1 4.72E-04 16.87 3745 56.7%

GATE FP11 8/24/2004 8:17 176 60 SCL 126 +/- 15.0 6.00E-04 21.47 4766 72.2%

GATE FP12 8/2412004 8:19 137 60 SCL 87 +/- 13.7 4.15E-04 14.82 3291 49.8%

GATE FP13 8/24/2004 8:20 168 60 SCL 118 +/- 14.8 5.62E-04 20.11 4464 67.6%

GATE FP14 8/24/2004 8:21 150 60 SCL 100 +/- 14.1 4.77E-04 17.04 3783 57.3%

GATE FP15 8/24/2004 8:26 78 60 SCL 28 +/- 11.3 1.33E-04 4.77 1059 16.0%

GATE FP16 8/24/2004 8:27 75 60 SCL 25 +/- 11.2 1.19E-04 4.26 946 14.3%

GATE FP17 8/24/2004 8:29 62 60 SCL 12 +/- 10.6 5.72E-05 2.04 454 6.9%

GATE FP18 8/24/2004 8:30 57 60 SCL 7 +/- 10.3 3.34E-05 1.19 265 4.0%

GATE FP19 8124/2004 8:31 75 60 SCL 25 +/- 11.2 1.19E-04 4.26 946 14.3%

GATE FP20 8/24/2004 8:33 62 60 SCL 12 +/- 10.6 5.72E-05 2.04 454 6.9%

GATE FP21 8/24/2004 8:34 72 60 SCL 22 +/- 11.0 1.05E-04 3.75 832 12.6%

GATE FP22 8124/2004 8:36 61 60 SCL 11 +/- 10.5 5.24E-05 1.87 416 6.3%

GATE FP23 8/2412004 8:37 50 60 SCL 0 +/- 10.0 O.OOE+00 0.00 0 0.0%

GATE FP24 8124/2004 8:39 46 60 SCL -4 +/- 9.8 -1.91 E-05 -0.68 -151 -2.3%

GATE FP25 8/2412004 8:40 47 60 SCL -3 +/- 9.8 -1.43E-05 -0.51 -113 -1.7%

GATE FP26* 8/24/2004 8:42 40 60 SCL -10 +/- 9.5 -4.77E-05 -1.70 -378 -5.7%

GATE FP27 8/24/2004 8:43 54 60 SCL 4 +/- 10.2 1.91 E-05 0.68 151 2.3%

GATE FP28 8/24/2004 8:46 57 60 SCL 7 +/- 10.3 3.34E-05 1.19 265 4.0%

GATE FP29 8/24/2004 8:47 45 60 SCL -5 +/- 9.7 -2.38E-05 -0.85 -189 -2.9%

GATE FP30 8/24/2004 8:49 35 60 SCL -15 +/- 9.2 -7.15E-05 -2.56 -567 -8.6%

GATE FP31 8/24/2004 8:50 38 60 SCL -12 +/- 9.4 -5.72E-05 -2.04 -454 -6.9%

GATE FP32 812412004 8:51 43 60 SCL -7 +/- 9.6 -3.34E-05 -1.19 -265 -4.0%

GATE FP33 8/24/2004 8:53 43 60 SCL -7 +/- 9.6 -3.34E-05 -1.19 -265 -4.0%

GATE FP34 8/24/2004 8:54 48 60 SCL -2 +/- 9.9 -9.53E-06 -0.34 -76 -1.1%

GATE FP35 8/24/2004 8:55 81 60 SCL 31 +/- 11.4 1.48E-04 5.28 1173 17.8%

-Location was sampled. Area was scraped to remove loosely adherent materials. Average=> I 1145dpM/100 cm-2 ATTACHMENTNT_a_1


-"-flR ~ - Transition Area from Discharge Tunnel to the

.-~ - a-*-;i.--~- ---: -i.-'- l Spray Pond Pump Pt eRSPECIFIC SAMPLING I SU RUC INFORMATION ONLY RESULTS


FOR SR-I58 SR-158 was issued to perform Final Static Survey in the Spray Pump Pit and in the Transition Area from the Discharge Tunnel to the Pit Area. The survey unit covered under this SR is SS9-1, SS25-1, and SS25-2. The SR required the following radiological measurements:

  • Surface Scan Measurements Using a 2" x 2" Sodium Iodide Detector - perform 100% scan on concrete surfaces. The detector shall be held 2 inches from the surface and moved at a rate not to exceed 1 inch per second. Steel surfaces shall receive 100% scan. The detector shall be held 2 inches from the surface and moved at a rate not to exceed 2 inches per second. The action level is 200 gross cpm. If static measurements exceed this value, obtain a representative core bore or scrape sample of at least 25 cc's.
  • Surface Scan Measurements Using a GFPC Detector - Survey Units SS9-1 and SS25-1 shall receive 100%

surface scan on all concrete surfaces. The action level is 350 ncpm, If static measurements then exceeds 424 ncpm, bound the area and notify the SR Coordinator.

  • Static Measurements Using a Nal Detector - Obtain the required 1-minute static measurements of the steel gate. Measurements shall be obtained at a distance of 2 inches. Locations are listed in the SR.
  • Static Measurements Using a GFPC Detector - Obtain the required 1-minute static measurement pairs at the locations listed in the SR.
  • Concrete Samples - Obtain representative samples (approx. 4 inches in depth) of areas indicating activity in excess of the Nal detector static measurement action level. In difficult to reach areas, it is acceptable to obtain samples (at least 150 cc) by chipping the concrete using hand tools.
  • Additional measurements may be obtained as requested by the SR Coordinator.
  • QC Repeat Measurements - as a minimum, 5% of all measurements and sampling will be re-performed and analyzed using identical methodology and lAW E900-IMP-4520.04.
1. Summary of Results A. Surface Scan Measurements Using a 2"x 2" Nal Detector 100% scan was performed on the concrete and steel surfaces except for a total of 12.5 ft2 of area that were inaccessible. SR Coordinator was notified. Action level was 200 gross cpm.

Results: All areas indicated levels below action level.

Page 1 of 5 AllACHMENTENT ..--! -

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~ IAR-AAT .'I SSGS - Transition AreaPond

-Spray from Discharge Tunnel to the Pump PAt SPCFCSAMPLING ISURV&YINS~TRUdTiONS OR COMMENTS .7.-

B. Surface Scan Measurements Using a GFPC Detector 100% scan was performed on SS9-1 and SS25-1. Action level was 350 ncpm.

INFORMATION ONLY Results: All areas Indicated levels below action level.

C. Static Measurements Using a Nal Detector Thirty-five (35) measurements were performed on the steel gate (SS9-1).

Results: The highest static measurement result was 229 cpm. The range of results was 35 to 229 cpm. The following table lists the locations with the static measurement results:

Static Measurement Measurement Static Measurement Measurement Designation Results (cpm) Designation Results (cpm)

FP-1 84 FP-19 75 FP-2 84 FP-20 62 FP-3 80 FP-21 72 FP-4 84 FP-22 61 FP-5 73 FP-23 so FP-6 71 FP-24 46 FP-7 71 FP-25 47 FP-8 186 FP-26 40 FP-9 229 FP-27 54 FP-10 208 FP-28 57 FP-11 176 FP-29 45 FP-12 137 FP-30 35 FP-13 168 FP-31 38 FP-14 150 FP-32 43 FP-15 78 FP-33 43 FP-1 6 75 FP-34 48 FP-17 62 FP-35 81 FP-18 57 MEANM , -- .. 8'4*9.

2 SIGMA,-.-> ,' ,7103.3 '


.  ; 229-:::- '- n

_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. M ED IA N . -  ;^.^. ' ^7 Page 2 of 5 ATTACHIVID rr ----5 .-2=-


SR NUMBER' SR-158 I LOCAfON SSGS - Transition Area from Discharge Tunnel to the

.--- I

~Spray Pond Pump Pit


D. Static Measurements Using a GFPC Detector INFORMATION ONLY A total of seventy-five (75) measurement pairs were obtained on the required surfaces. The following table lists the locations and the results:

Static Shielded Unshielded Net Difference Static Shielded UnshIelded Net LocationNumber Reading(cpm) Reading(cpm) (ncpm) LocationNumber Reading(cpm) Reading(cpm) Diference (ncpm)


-1 204 286 82 TRANSMON AREA FLOOR -I 237 316 79 2 186 429 243 2 236 289 53 3 204 356 152 3 261 482 221 4 211 477 266 4 225 302 77 5 242 408 166 5 195 321 126 6 209 469 260 6 207 317 110 7 166 346 180 7 197 228 31 8 212 376 164 8 151 210 59 9 174 473 299 9 180 214 34 10 215 382 167 10 156 192 36 11 178 250 72 11 154 193 39 12 160 343 183 12 169 208 39 13 225 371 146 13 157 196 39 14 260 430 170 14 224 340 116 15 267 390 123 15 226 308 82 MEAN 207.5 385.7 c MEAN 198.3 274.4 2 ST. DEV. 64.0 131.2 2 ST. DEV. 71.6 159.6 MAX 267 477 MAX 261 482 MIN 160 250 MIN 151 192 MEDIAN 209 382 MEDIAN 197 289 _

Page 3 of 5 ATrACHMENT -3


.SR NUMBER - SR-158 lAREAILOCAON SSGS - Transition Area from Discharge Tunnel to the I I I Spray Pond Pump PRt


.. ::SPECIFIC . ..

INFORMATION ONLY Static Static Net LocationNumber Shielded Unshielded Net Difference LocationNumber Shielded Unshlelded Difference

________Readincm eadngcPml (ncpm) Reading(cpm) Readinpm) npm)

NORTH WALL -1 158 250 92 PIT AREA -1 248 294 46 2 157 193 36 2 192 276 84 3 180 234 54 3 202 264 62 4 160 230 70 4 240 279 39 5 144 203 59 5 139 219 80 6 171 213 42 6 153 248 95 7 184 243 59 7 156 219 63 8 152 236 84 8 169 220 51 9 148 256 108 9 134 211 77 10 165 191 26 10 198 228 30 11 172 261 89 11 169 213 44 12 202 335 133 12 197 277 80 13 191 256 65 13 211 227 16 14 182 342 160 14 196 239 43 15 207 334 127 15 174 250 76 MEAN 171.5 251.8 t MEAN 185.2 244.3 2 ST. DEV. 38.4 98.7 & 2 ST. DEV. 66.9 55.4 MAX 207 342 MAX 248 294 MIN 144 191 MIN 134 211 MEDIAN 171 243 A"f MEDIAN 192 239 SOUTH WALL -I I 78 237 59 2 161 294 133 3 184 226 42 4 158 248 90 5 171 211 40 6 171 238 67 7 186 251 65 8 181 264 83 9 185 244 59 10 163 216 53 11 177 251 74 12 193 211 18 13 168 299 131 14 178 356 178 15 184 325 141 MEAN 175.9 258.1 ., ,r> ..

2 ST. DEV. 20.5 85.4 MAX 193 356 MIN 158 211 MEDIAN 178 248 Page 4 of 5 AllAC HMEMNTr


MBER SR-1 8 ARE I'-8 ASSGS iARENfLOCATlO. - Transition Area from Discharge Tunnel to the

-,- . llSpray Pond Pump Pit

SPECIFIC SAMPUNG I SURVEY INSTRUCT, MSR CM E. Steel Scrape Samples INFORMATION ONLY In response to elevated static measurement obtained on the steel gate, three scrape samples were obtained:

two on elevated points and one on background activity point (for comparison). The following table lists the sample locations and the static measurement results and sample analysis results:

Sample Location Static Measurement Sample Number Sample Results Cs-I37 SLoml a onR esult (cpm ) __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _

Gate FP #26 40 SX-ST-6900 3.5 +/- 0.28 Gate FP #10 208 SX-ST-6901 40.8 +/- 3.6 Gate FP #9 229 SX-ST-6902 41.5 +/- 3.2 Note: Static measurements at fixed points #9 and 10 were reperformed following scrape sampling. Activity Indicated a significant reduction in surface contamination. Results indicated 127 and 149 cpm, respectively.

The D and D Engineering group has reviewed these results and concludes that the survey units covered under this SR meet the site release criteria.

F. Quality Control (QC) Measurements and Comparisons Repeat Scan/Static Measurements was performed and met the applicable acceptance criteria established in Section 4.6 of E900-IMP-4520.04.

2. Exceptions and Discrepancies:

a) A total of 12.5 fl? of area within SS25-1 could not be 44-10 detector scanned due to inaccessibility. SR Coordinator was notified.

b) The initial static measurement pair obtained on the transition floor FP2 location was suspect. SR Coordinator was notified. Repeat measurements were obtained for comparison and the results indicate activity statistically comparable to the initial scan results.

An investigation was conducted to determine the cause of the suspect instrument response. The instrument was inspected for performance anomalies. No indication of problems was identified.


Although no cause for the erroneous reading was found for the instrument, the initial static measurement pair is declared as invalid. Based on the statement above, the repeat measurements are valid and are used for this SR.

David Sarge (GRCS) Date Page 5 of 5 ATTACHMENT- -

SNEC SURVEY REQUEST DATA SR 0158 SAMPLE GAMMA ANALYSIS RESULTS/2- ADDITIONAL SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE DESCRIPTION SAMPLE SAMPLE NUMBER LOG# SIGMA UNCERTAINTY RESULTS/2-SIGMA DATE TIME WEIGHTIg) VOLUME (ccl UNCERTAINTY SX ST 6900 5-18684 Cs-137 3.5 pCi/g 0.28 8/24/04 0855 SS25-2 FP-26 134.0 100 Co-60 <0.05 pCl/g Additional Info SX ST 6901 1-18683 Cs-137 40.8 pCi/g 3.6 8/24/04 0900 SS25-2 FP-10 143.0 100 Co*60 <0.04 pCI/g Additional Info SX ST 6902 2-18689 Cs-137 41.5 pCi/g 3.2 8/24/04 0905 SS25-2 FP-9 147.0 100 Co-60 <0.05 pCi/g Additional Info SX ST 6903 2-18685 Cs-137 37.6 pCi/g 2.9 8/24/04 0910 SS25-2 FP-9 QC 148.0 100 Co-60 <0.05 pCi/g Additional Info

.. A.s Tuesday, August 31, 2004 'rTACHMENN*.N - Page 1 ofI

. 11 "I4- ,

--. f*-UIUIKRL Wn Cu,/ 1AM AP ORY9VEYEQM'~' SS525-1, SS25-2 E: I 5 SSGS - Transition Area from Discharge Tunnel to the Spray Pond Pump Pit WA '.Area Cliton; l1 l 2#$158 FSS44-10 Fixed Point Readings, Scan and Steel l4a9tulY:l8W4lu Datke oi Srv-ey 123040 vtl00

.ri Radioiogicai in tr t Datas::

2350/44-10 *

'Inoey U A NIA 117566 / 185852 Pk Se u 4/09105 4/13105 _ALDiie _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

w P;@ . vee A r.__e >2g,;, , -R-..1'4,6 <

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  • , Sat 1 Unsat O ,.Source Cieci QSaL a F l Sat lE UnsaL I ..

,~~~____________ J.;,.r ~.


>.> aimns.'..-,....v.'s C ,.*-t-r'f

. .1 air temperature at survey location was 74 degrees Fahrenheit.

..Arnbient 44410 fixed point readings of steel door to SPP with steel scrape samples.

!4410 scan of steel door, floor and ceiling of transition area to SPP, with results less than 200 gross CPM.

- *~** >- *--. , ~W -. % c. bureyriap.


See attached maps.


Page 1 of 4 ATACHMINT * .2-


_ #jYtl I FXFSS-958

.NI IJ PmtkQi; FrM .

.. 1 '.I J. rox

.f' ' f ME , L.'%'

-4GATE FP1 8/24/04 8:01 4 84 60 SCL 5 GATE FP2 8/24/04 8:03 4 84 60 SCL 6 GATE FP3 8/24/04 8:04 4 80 60 SCL 7 GATE FP4 8/24/04 8:05 4 84 60 SCL

_8 GATE FP5 8/24/04 8:07 4 73 60 SCL

_9 GATE FP6 8/24/04 8:08 4 71 60 SCL 10 GATE FP7 8/24/04 8:10 4 71 60 SCL 11 GATE FP8: 8/24/04 8:11 4 -3186 60 SCL

'12 GATE FP9. 8/24/04 8:13 4 .229 60 SCL SX-ST-6902SX-ST-6 )

_13 GATE FP10. 8/24/04 8:16 4 208 60 SCL SX-ST-6901

  • -14 GATE FP11I 8/24/04 8:17 4 176 60 SCL 15 GATE FP12 8/24/04 8:19 4 137 6ISCL
16 GATE FP13 8/24/04 8:20 4 168 60 SCL

-17 GATE FP14' 8/24/04 8:21 4 150 60 SCL

.W18 GATE FP15 8/24/04 8:26 4 78 60 SCL d19 GATE FP16 8/24/04 8:27 4 75 60 SCL

  • "'o20 GATEFP17 8/24/04 8:29 4 62 60 SCL

.;-'21 GATE FP18 8/24/04 8:30 4 57 60 SCL

Ž.-22 GATE FP19 8/24/04 8:31 4 75 60 SCL

'2 GATE FP20 8/24/04 8:33 4 62 60 SCL

24 GATE FP21 8/24/04 8:34 4 72 60 SCL

, i:25 GATE FP22 8/24/04 8:36 4 61 60 SCL

. 26 GATE FP23 8/24/04 8:37 4 50 60 SCL

-:#27 GATE FP24 8/24/04 8:39 4 46 60 SCL GATE FP25 8.28 8/24/04 8:40 4 47 60 SCL

'.29 GATE FP26 8/24/04 8:42 4 40 60 SCL SX-ST-6900

.;30 GATE FP27 8/24/04 8:43 4 54 60 SCL

n. GATE FP28

^31 8/24/04 8:46 4 57 60 SCL 45 60 SCL


. 3 GATE FP29 8/24/04 8:47 4

  • ,33 GATE FP30 8/24/04 8:49 4 35 60 SCL I

.34 GATE FP31 . AIA2MA

-1. -

_. SI ..%.o. A A

tj -o actUb 3;GATE FP32 8I24Ic04 _:51 4.43 60 SCL

. 36 GATE FP33 8/24/04 8:53' 4 43 60 SCL

.. 3 GATE FP34 8/24/04 8_54 4 48 60 SCL

.. 38 GATE FP35 8/24/04 8:55 4 811 60 SCL

. o SP te Gat t1sl FP a Fxed point Page 2 of 4 AiTACHMEN-TrJ-

  • 1.


',7. -

T1 Ceiling of Transition Area to SPP

_ 4!

_-O5v I5 22" - -

2i 24'

-4 I- ~~118' i 12r Floor of Transition Area to SPP IN = Scan Area Page 3 of 4 ATACHMEN , .3


izj .

ORIGINAL W-00-00MMIA0 VF , jQVNUAT IONIF,413 mlp,..4, '(

-Car7v # I FSS-958 '-,' -

Exposed Section of Steel Door/Frame To Spray Pump Pit Door- Bottom Edge

-a 1---e d d Door- Back Edge Or = Steel Scrape Sample Location ax = ScanArea Page 4 of 4 ATTACHMEN T  %-

L E 41 HHV .. LA P.iTAD LUDLUM MODEL 44-10 HIGH VOLTAGE PLATEAU DATA SHEET Serial Number: 185852 HIGH VOLTAGE SOURCE (6 second count) 688 11.166 689 13,937 690 15,989 691 16,900 692 18,020 693 (SET) 18.537 694 18,302 695 17,261 696 16.207 697 15508 Detector plateau performed using Cs137 #019454 5uCl nominal value button source Detector Parameters for Peaking Parameter Setting Setting Threshold (lOmVl100) 642 612 Window (On) 40 100 High Voltage 693V 693V CPM/mRJHr 115,106 l 209.862 Background CPM 39 76 CPM/rntRHr conversion performed using Csl37 #049711 Ccrtificatlon Date; 04109i04 FWHM values performed with Cs137 #019454 (Threshold = 642 and Window= 40)

FWHM = 678 -590 13.3%

662 x 100%

Detector peaked for Cs' 37 using Ludlum peaking procedure and threshold setting of 642 and window setting of 40. As left threshold setting is 612 and window at 100 as requested by John.Duskin. 2350-1 #117566 calibration due 04109/05 used for peaking 44-10 detector.

Performed By: _Lui .L.. Date: 4LaLL4 t

Reviewed By; Date: y/ r-o A1TACHMENT 8 -

t dt4Od IA1IZIVj -aNs ,L.rE-E~r18 0:o 1 rooz/r /60 LO