MONTHYEARML20056E5101993-08-11011 August 1993 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR20 Re Radiological Criteria for Decommissioning ML20059P0531990-10-15015 October 1990 Comment Opposing Proposed Rules 10CFR2,50 & 54 Re Nuclear Power Plant License Renewal ML20129A3751985-05-16016 May 1985 Order Revoking CPPR-88,based on Util 840127 Plan to Convert Facility to Coal Fuel ML20133N3621985-03-14014 March 1985 Unexecuted Amend 3 Terminating Indemnity Agreement B-85 ML20094C3571984-08-0202 August 1984 Transmittal of Info Re Util 840320 Motion for Withdrawal of OL Application.Fuel Removed from Site,Steam Supply Sys Modified & CRD Mechanisms Removed.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20087H7881984-03-20020 March 1984 Motion Requesting Issuance of Order Authorizing Withdrawal of Application.Plant Will Be Used as Part of New Fossil fuel-fired Electric Generating Plant.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20087N2281984-03-0101 March 1984 Endorsement 25 to Nelia Policy NF-249 ML20079F8181984-01-16016 January 1984 Response Opposing Miami Valley Power Project 831231 Proposed Issues & Support for Contentions Re Qa.Issues Not Specific or Litigable.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20083J5321983-12-31031 December 1983 Proposed Issues & Prospective Witnesses Supporting Miami Valley Power Project Proposed Contentions Re Qa,Character & Competence.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20079H6901983-12-14014 December 1983 Petition Per 10CFR2.206 to Defer Judgment or Decision on Proposed Course of Action for Completion of Facility Until Suppl Created for Record of J Keppler 831215 Briefing.W/O Encls ML20082P8501983-12-0606 December 1983 Response Opposing City of Mentor 831115 Memorandum in Support of NRC 831031 Motion to Defer Rulings on Miami Valley Power Project Motion to Reopen Record.Motion W/O Merit.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence ML20082M5791983-12-0202 December 1983 Response Opposing Applicant 831115 Answer to NRC 831031 Motion to Defer Ruling on Petition for Reconsideration & Motion for Leave to File Addl Evidence Prior to 831215 Conference of Counsel.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20082L0991983-11-30030 November 1983 Memorandum in Support of City of Mentor Motion to Further Defer Rulings Until Completion of Investigation Into Matl False Statements by NRC & Applicants.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20081M7951983-11-15015 November 1983 Answer Opposing NRC Motion to Defer Rulings on Miami Valley Power Project (MVPP) 831003 Motion to Reopen Record.Decision Should Not Be Deferred to Await Completion of Investigation. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20082D6991983-11-15015 November 1983 Memorandum in Support of NRC Motion to Defer Rulings on Miami Valley Power Project Motion to Reopen & City of Mentor Motion to Further Defer Rulings Until Completion of Investigation.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20085K7841983-10-18018 October 1983 Answer Opposing Miami Valley Power Project 831003 Petition for Reconsideration of ASLB 830915 Memorandum & Order Denying Project Motion to Reopen Record to Admit Eight Late Filed Contentions on Qa.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20078K5621983-10-13013 October 1983 Memorandum in Support of Miami Valley Power Project (MVPP) Petition for Reconsideration of ASLB 830915 Order.Mvpp Urges ASLB to Address Stds for Reopening Record.Issues Should Be Included to Ensure Complete Record.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20078F8751983-10-0606 October 1983 Notice of Jh Laverty Employment W/Conner & Wetterhahn,Pc. Previous Employment W/Commissioner Roberts Eliminates Any Contribution to Zimmer Case ML20078F8891983-10-0606 October 1983 Notice of Jh Laverty Employment W/Conner & Wetterhahn,Pc. Laverty Will Not Participate in Matters Leading to OL Issuance Due to Previous Employment W/Commissioner Roberts. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20078F9641983-10-0606 October 1983 Notification to Commission of Miami Valley Power Project Misrepresentation in 831003 Motion for Reconsideration of ASLB 830915 Order.No Util Counsel Communicated W/Govt Accountability Project.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20080P0141983-10-0303 October 1983 Petition for Reconsideration of ASLB 830915 Order Denying Miami Valley Power Project Motion to Reopen Record for Admission of Eight Proposed Contentions.Addl Info Provided Since Original Decision.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20080P0771983-10-0303 October 1983 Motion for Extension to File Appeal Until 10 Days After Svc of ASLB Decision on Miami Valley Power Project Petition for Reconsideration.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20080P0291983-09-26026 September 1983 Affidavit of D Jones for Govt Accountability Project Protesting Torrey Pines Rept Chapter on Cases Studies.Ref to Author Interviews Incomplete & Thus Inaccurate.Analysis of Whistleblower Missed Real Problem of Lack of Freedom ML20080P0481983-09-26026 September 1983 Affidavit of T Devine Summarizing 830919 Discussion W/ C Weaver Re Summary of Interview in Torrey Pines Rept. Weaver Seriously Challenges Completeness of Interview Summary ML20080P0671983-09-24024 September 1983 Affidavit of R Reiter for Govt Accountability Project Expressing Dissatisfaction of W/Summarized Interview in Torrey Pines Rept ML20080F2451983-09-13013 September 1983 Memorandum Supporting Miami Valley Power Project 830603 Motion to Reopen Record for Admission of Eight Contentions. Torrey Pines Mgt Review & NRC Repts Confirm Project Substantially Correct on Qa.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20080E6921983-09-12012 September 1983 Answer Opposing Miami Valley Power Project 830826 Motion for Leave to Submit New Documents & for ASLB Review of Pending Investigations.Motion Unjustified Attempt to Bend Rules on Late Contentions.W/Certificate of Svc ML20024F4261983-08-31031 August 1983 Answer Opposing Miami Valley Power Project 830811 Motion for Leave to File Reply Brief.No Good Cause Shown. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20080D2791983-08-26026 August 1983 Motion for Leave to Submit New Evidence in Support of 830603 Proposed Contentions & for ASLB Review of Significant Pending Investigations.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20080C7171983-08-25025 August 1983 Answer Opposing Miami Valley Power Project 830811 Motion for Leave to File Reply Brief to Util & NRC Answers to Project 830712 Motion to Compel Discovery.Project Had Opportunity to Brief Issue in Original Motion.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20076A6451983-08-15015 August 1983 Notice of Substitution of Counsel for Amicus Curiae Brief & Appearance Before Aslb.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20024E5591983-08-11011 August 1983 Motion for Leave to File Reply Brief to Applicant & NRC 830803 & 01,respectively,answers Opposing Miami Valley Power Project Motion to Compel Discovery.Assertion of Boundary on Discovery Should Be Briefed.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20024E3531983-08-0808 August 1983 Order Denying Miami Valley Power Project Motion to Reopen Record.Motion Premature Due to Pendency of Similar Motion Before Aslb.If ASLB Denies Motion on Jurisdictional Grounds or on Merits,Project Can Then Seek Aslab Relief ML20024E3941983-08-0505 August 1983 Motion for Leave to File Reply Brief & for Clarification of Responsibility to Duplicate Previous Analysis & Evidentiary Submissions.Util Challenge Frivolous,Heavy on Chutzpah & Deficient on Common Sense.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20077L5161983-08-0303 August 1983 Response Opposing Miami Valley Power Project 830707 Reply Brief Supporting Project 830603 Motion to Reopen Record.Aslb Lacks Jurisdiction to Hear Motion to Reopen to Admit Eight late-filed Contentions.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20024D2471983-08-0101 August 1983 Answer Opposing Miami Valley Power Project 830712 Motion for Protective Order & Motion for Discovery Re Confidential Identity of Individuals Providing Certain Affidavits. Discovery Forbidden by Regulations.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20024D2121983-08-0101 August 1983 Answer in Opposition to Miami Valley Power Project 830712 Motion Requesting Aslab Assume Jurisdiction to Rule on Reopening Record Re Eight Contentions Re Qa,Character & Competence.Motion Premature.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20024D1381983-07-27027 July 1983 Answer Opposing Miami Valley Power Project 830712 Motion for Protective Order to Withhold Identity of Persons Upon Whose Allegations Project Relied in Seeking to Reopen Record.Motion W/O Merit.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20024D1261983-07-27027 July 1983 Answer Opposing Miami Valley Power Project 830712 Motion to Reopen Record for Admission of Eight QA Contentions. Motion Actually Is Untimely Appeal from Earlier ASLB Rulings.Relief Sought Contrary to Commission Orders ML20024D1171983-07-27027 July 1983 Answer Opposing Miami Valley Power Project 830712 Motion to Defer Ruling on Review of ALAB-727 Pending Ruling on Motions to Reopen.No Justification Given to Delay Review for Unrelated Matters ML20080A2721983-07-21021 July 1983 Response to Applicant Motion for Leave to Respond to Miami Valley Power Project Reply Brief.Applicant Should Respond Only to Substance of Proposed Contentions Re QA Program Inadequacy.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20076L4691983-07-15015 July 1983 Motion for Leave to Respond by 830729 to Miami Valley Power Project (MVPP) Reply Brief Re Applicant Opposition to Eight QA Contentions.Mvpp Reply Distorts Record & Applicant Position.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20072N4501983-07-12012 July 1983 Reply Brief Supporting Miami Valley Power Project 830603 Motion to Reopen Record for Admission of Eight Contentions on QA & Corporate Character & Competence & Motion to Compel Discovery on Contentions ML20072N4631983-07-12012 July 1983 Motion to Reopen Record for Admission of Eight Contentions on QA & Corporate Character & Competence.Aslab Has Jurisdiction Even If ASLB Lacks Jurisdiction to Reopen Record ML20072N4741983-07-12012 July 1983 Motion to Defer Ruling on Whether to Review ALAB-727 Until ASLB & Aslab Rule on Miami Valley Power Project 830603 & 0712 Motions to Reopen Record to Admit Contentions on QA & Character & Competence,Or Alternatively,To Reopen Record ML20072N4901983-07-12012 July 1983 Motion for Protective Order to Shield Identity of Affiants Providing Portion of Basis for Miami Valley Power Project Eight Proposed Contentions.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20072K7331983-07-0101 July 1983 Answer Opposing Miami Valley Power Project 830629 Motion for Leave to File Reply Brief to Util & NRC Answers to Project 830603 Motion to Reopen Record.No Purpose Would Be Served by Permitting Redundant Discussion.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20024B0591983-06-29029 June 1983 Motion for Leave to File Reply Brief,By 830706,to NRC & Util 830630 Answers to Miami Valley Power Project 830603 Motion to Reopen Record to Admit Eight Contentions on QA & Util Character & Competence.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20072F4481983-06-22022 June 1983 Memorandum Supporting Miami Valley Power Project 830602 Motion to Reopen Record to Admit Eight Contentions on QA & Lack of Corporate Character & Competence.Reopening Necessary to Foster Public Confidence in Nrc.W/Certificate of Svc ML20024A6661983-06-20020 June 1983 Response Opposing Motions to File Amicus Curiae Brief in Support of Miami Valley Power Project Motion to Reopen Record for Admission of Eight QA Contentions.Certificate of Svc Encl 1993-08-11
[Table view] Category:TRANSCRIPTS
MONTHYEARML20136E0751983-05-16016 May 1983 Transcript of 830516 Interview of Ga Phillips in Glen Ellen,Il Re Allegations in MG Malsch 821116 Memo ML20028D1421983-01-0505 January 1983 Transcript of 830105 Hearing in Cincinnati,Oh.Pp 1-244 ML20028B5261982-11-23023 November 1982 Unofficial Transcript of 821123 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Re SECY-82-425 & SECY-82-449 ML20134A5961982-09-14014 September 1982 Statement of DG Iselin on 820914 Before Subcommittee on Energy & Environ in Support of Kaiser Engineers Commitment to Integrity of Plant.Resume Encl ML20134A6161982-09-14014 September 1982 Testimony of DM Milan on 820914 Before Committee on Interior & Insular Affairs,Subcommittee on Energy & Environ Re Boiler & Pressure Violations at Plant ML20134A6261982-09-14014 September 1982 Testimony of Re Jagger on 820914 Before Committee on Interior & Insular Affairs Re Natl Board of Boiler & Pressure Vessel Inspectors Audit Team at Site ML20134A6471982-09-14014 September 1982 Testimony of DD Altman on 820914 Before Subcommittee on Energy & Environ Re QA at Plant ML20134A5361982-09-14014 September 1982 Transcript of Subcommittee on Energy & Environ 820914 Oversight Hearing in Washington,Dc Re QA at Zimmer Nuclear Station.Pp 1-3 ML20134A6651982-09-14014 September 1982 Testimony of Tm Devine on 820914 Before Subcommittee on Energy & Environ,Committee on Interior & Insular Affairs Re QA Breakdown at Plant ML20062E3311982-07-30030 July 1982 Transcript of Commission 820730 Public Meeting in Washington,Dc Re Affirmation/Discussion Session on SECY-82-318.Pp 1-7 ML20062E2151982-07-26026 July 1982 Commission Determination Withholding Transcript of 820607 Briefing Re Status of Zimmer Investigation.Meeting Closed Per 10CFR9.108(c) & 10CFR9.104(a)(5) & (7) ML20054H1251982-06-16016 June 1982 Unofficial Transcript of 820616 Public Meeting in Washington,Dc Re Cincinnati Gas & Electric Govt Accountability Project on Qa/Qc & Related Matters at Facility.Pp 1-126 ML20054L4641982-06-16016 June 1982 Transcript of 820616 Meeting in Washington,Dc W/Util & Govt Accountability Project Re Qa/Qc & Related Matters. Pp 1-126 ML20023C0501982-06-10010 June 1982 Testimony of Jg Keppler Before Us House of Representatives, Committee on Interior & Insular Affairs,Subcommittee on Energy & Environ on 820610 Re QA Problems & Related Activites at Facility.Pp 1-12 ML20053E5811982-06-0707 June 1982 Unofficial Transcript of Commission 820607 Public Meeting in Washington,Dc Re Status of Investigation.Pp 1-76. Supporting Documentation Encl ML20052E5221982-05-0606 May 1982 Proposed Corrections to Transcript of Evidentiary Hearings on Emergency Planning Issues.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20041E2731982-03-0404 March 1982 Transcript of 820304 OL Hearing in Cincinnati,Oh. Pp 7,893-7,979 ML20041E2461982-03-0303 March 1982 Transcript of 820303 OL Hearing in Cincinnati,Oh.Pp 7,681- 7,892 ML20041E3301982-03-0202 March 1982 Transcript of 820302 OL Hearing in Cincinnati,Oh.Pp 7,380- 7,680 ML20041E3051982-03-0101 March 1982 Transcript of 820301 OL Hearing in Cincinnati,Oh. Pp 7,133 - 7,379 ML20041B5371982-02-18018 February 1982 Transcript of ACRS Subcommittee on Zimmer Nuclear Power Station 820218 Meeting in Cincinnati,Oh.Pp 1-224 ML20040F2441982-02-0505 February 1982 Transcript of 820205 OL Hearing in Cincinnati,Oh.Pp 6,865- 7,132.Testimony & Prof Qualifications of RW Meyer,Pt Frost, Jc Herd & Be Williams Encl ML20040F2721982-02-0404 February 1982 Transcript of 820204 OL Hearing in Cincinnati,Oh.Pp 6,634- 6,864 ML20040F2881982-02-0303 February 1982 Transcript of 820203 OL Hearing in Cincinnati,Oh.Pp 6,325- 6,633 ML20040F2961982-02-0202 February 1982 Transcript of 820202 OL Hearing in Cincinnati,Oh.Pp 6,021- 6,324 ML20040F2931982-01-29029 January 1982 Transcript of 820129 OL Hearing in Cincinnati,Oh.Pp 5,858- 6,020 ML20040D5541982-01-28028 January 1982 Transcript of 820128 Hearing in Cincinnati,Oh.Pp 5,592- 5,857 ML20040D5491982-01-27027 January 1982 Transcript of 820127 Hearing in Cincinnati,Oh.Pp 5,251- 5,591.Citizen Testimonies Addressing Zimmer Area Citizens - Zimmer Area Citizens of Ky Contentions Encl ML20040D5481982-01-26026 January 1982 Transcript of 820126 Hearing in Cincinnati,Oh.Pp 4,647- 5,250.HD Gideonse Testimony Encl ML20040D5471982-01-25025 January 1982 Transcript of 820125 Hearing in Cincinnati,Oh.Pp 4,866- 4,946 ML20040A9461982-01-19019 January 1982 Testimony of Tj Mckenna Re ZAC-ZACK Contention That Brown County,Oh Must Have Radiological Emergency Response Plan. Commission Regulations Do Not Require Any Portion of County to Be Included in Plume Exposure Zone.W/Certificate of Svc ML20040A9431982-01-19019 January 1982 Testimony of RW Meyer,Pt Frost & Jc Heard Re Contentions on Adequacy of State of Oh & Clermont County Radiological Emergency Response Plans ML20040B1261982-01-15015 January 1982 Testimony of Applicants Re Emergency Planning Contentions. Prof Qualifications & Certificate of Svc Encl ML20039G2501982-01-12012 January 1982 Direct Testimony of DC Gandola Addressing ZAC-ZACK Contentions 21(b)(2).Related Correspondence ML20039G1991982-01-12012 January 1982 Direct Testimony of Hd Gideouse Addressing ZAC-ZACK, D Fankhauser & Mentor Contentions.Related Correspondence ML20039G2391982-01-0808 January 1982 Testimony of M Reder Re ZAC-ZACK & City of Mentor,Ky Contentions 34,35 & 36 B,C,D,I & K.Interim County Radiological Emergency Plans Unworkable.Related Correspondence ML20039G0701982-01-0808 January 1982 Direct Testimony of T Nishiyama Addressing ZAC-ZACK Contention 20x.Related Correspondence ML20039G0741982-01-0808 January 1982 Direct Testimony of Slemmer Addressing ZAC-ZACK Contentions 20c(5),23(1)-(5) & 24(10).Related Correspondence ML20039G1841982-01-0808 January 1982 Direct Testimony of M Erbe Addressing ZAC-ZACK Contentions 20,20b,21,21b,21c,21d,21e & 23.Related Correspondence ML20039G2141982-01-0808 January 1982 Direct Testimony of D Brown Re ZAC-ZACK & City of Mentor,Ky Contentions 20c (7),(8),(9) & 10 & 36 (B),(C),(D) & (I). Discusses Roads in Evacuation Routes.Related Correspondence ML20039G2211982-01-0707 January 1982 Direct Testimony of G Nelson Re ZAC-ZACK & City of Mentor,Ky Contentions 20c (2),(7),(8),(10),36 (B)(C) & (D).Discusses Roads in Evacuation Routes.Related Correspondence ML20039G2081982-01-0707 January 1982 Direct Testimony of R Beiting Re ZAC-ZACK & City of Mentor, Ky Contention 35 (B).Discusses Road Conditions Re Evacuation Route.Related Correspondence ML20039G1921982-01-0707 January 1982 Direct Testimony of J Wesseler Addressing ZAC-ZACK Contention 20x.Related Correspondence ML20039G0611982-01-0707 January 1982 Direct Testimony of J Goode Addressing ZAC-ZACK Contentions 20c(5) 20e(4),24(6) & (10).Related Correspondence ML20039G2321982-01-0707 January 1982 Direct Testimony of H Kennedy Addressing ZAC-ZACK Contentiions 20b(4),20c(2),(3),(5),(6),(12),(14),20e(3),(4), (5),(6),20f(1),20g(1),23(1),(2),(4) & (5).Related Correspondence ML20039G2181982-01-0707 January 1982 Direct Testimony of R Mccormick & R Smith Addressing ZAC-ZACK & City of Mentor Contentions 20e,(7),(8),(9),34,(G) & (H).Related Correspondence ML20039G2131982-01-0707 January 1982 Direct Testimony of R Arthur,Addressing ZAC-ZACK & D Fankhauser Contentions 4(12),23(4) & (5).Related Correspondence ML20039G2471982-01-0606 January 1982 Direct Testimony of E Erbe Addressing ZAC-ZACK Contentions 20x,20(b),20(c),20(e),20(f) & 20(g).Related Correspondence ML20039G2521982-01-0606 January 1982 Direct Testimony of C Mcmillian Addressing ZAC-ZACK Contentions 20,20(c)(2),(3),(5),(6),20(g)(1) & 23.Related Correspondence ML20039G2161982-01-0606 January 1982 Direct Testimony of Rl Sutton Addressing ZAC-ZACK Contentions 25(3) & (4).Related Correspondence 1983-05-16
[Table view] Category:DEPOSITIONS
MONTHYEARML20136E0751983-05-16016 May 1983 Transcript of 830516 Interview of Ga Phillips in Glen Ellen,Il Re Allegations in MG Malsch 821116 Memo ML20028D1421983-01-0505 January 1983 Transcript of 830105 Hearing in Cincinnati,Oh.Pp 1-244 ML20028B5261982-11-23023 November 1982 Unofficial Transcript of 821123 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Re SECY-82-425 & SECY-82-449 ML20134A5961982-09-14014 September 1982 Statement of DG Iselin on 820914 Before Subcommittee on Energy & Environ in Support of Kaiser Engineers Commitment to Integrity of Plant.Resume Encl ML20134A6161982-09-14014 September 1982 Testimony of DM Milan on 820914 Before Committee on Interior & Insular Affairs,Subcommittee on Energy & Environ Re Boiler & Pressure Violations at Plant ML20134A6261982-09-14014 September 1982 Testimony of Re Jagger on 820914 Before Committee on Interior & Insular Affairs Re Natl Board of Boiler & Pressure Vessel Inspectors Audit Team at Site ML20134A6471982-09-14014 September 1982 Testimony of DD Altman on 820914 Before Subcommittee on Energy & Environ Re QA at Plant ML20134A5361982-09-14014 September 1982 Transcript of Subcommittee on Energy & Environ 820914 Oversight Hearing in Washington,Dc Re QA at Zimmer Nuclear Station.Pp 1-3 ML20134A6651982-09-14014 September 1982 Testimony of Tm Devine on 820914 Before Subcommittee on Energy & Environ,Committee on Interior & Insular Affairs Re QA Breakdown at Plant ML20062E3311982-07-30030 July 1982 Transcript of Commission 820730 Public Meeting in Washington,Dc Re Affirmation/Discussion Session on SECY-82-318.Pp 1-7 ML20062E2151982-07-26026 July 1982 Commission Determination Withholding Transcript of 820607 Briefing Re Status of Zimmer Investigation.Meeting Closed Per 10CFR9.108(c) & 10CFR9.104(a)(5) & (7) ML20054H1251982-06-16016 June 1982 Unofficial Transcript of 820616 Public Meeting in Washington,Dc Re Cincinnati Gas & Electric Govt Accountability Project on Qa/Qc & Related Matters at Facility.Pp 1-126 ML20054L4641982-06-16016 June 1982 Transcript of 820616 Meeting in Washington,Dc W/Util & Govt Accountability Project Re Qa/Qc & Related Matters. Pp 1-126 ML20023C0501982-06-10010 June 1982 Testimony of Jg Keppler Before Us House of Representatives, Committee on Interior & Insular Affairs,Subcommittee on Energy & Environ on 820610 Re QA Problems & Related Activites at Facility.Pp 1-12 ML20053E5811982-06-0707 June 1982 Unofficial Transcript of Commission 820607 Public Meeting in Washington,Dc Re Status of Investigation.Pp 1-76. Supporting Documentation Encl ML20052E5221982-05-0606 May 1982 Proposed Corrections to Transcript of Evidentiary Hearings on Emergency Planning Issues.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20041E2731982-03-0404 March 1982 Transcript of 820304 OL Hearing in Cincinnati,Oh. Pp 7,893-7,979 ML20041E2461982-03-0303 March 1982 Transcript of 820303 OL Hearing in Cincinnati,Oh.Pp 7,681- 7,892 ML20041E3301982-03-0202 March 1982 Transcript of 820302 OL Hearing in Cincinnati,Oh.Pp 7,380- 7,680 ML20041E3051982-03-0101 March 1982 Transcript of 820301 OL Hearing in Cincinnati,Oh. Pp 7,133 - 7,379 ML20041B5371982-02-18018 February 1982 Transcript of ACRS Subcommittee on Zimmer Nuclear Power Station 820218 Meeting in Cincinnati,Oh.Pp 1-224 ML20040F2441982-02-0505 February 1982 Transcript of 820205 OL Hearing in Cincinnati,Oh.Pp 6,865- 7,132.Testimony & Prof Qualifications of RW Meyer,Pt Frost, Jc Herd & Be Williams Encl ML20040F2721982-02-0404 February 1982 Transcript of 820204 OL Hearing in Cincinnati,Oh.Pp 6,634- 6,864 ML20040F2881982-02-0303 February 1982 Transcript of 820203 OL Hearing in Cincinnati,Oh.Pp 6,325- 6,633 ML20040F2961982-02-0202 February 1982 Transcript of 820202 OL Hearing in Cincinnati,Oh.Pp 6,021- 6,324 ML20040F2931982-01-29029 January 1982 Transcript of 820129 OL Hearing in Cincinnati,Oh.Pp 5,858- 6,020 ML20040D5541982-01-28028 January 1982 Transcript of 820128 Hearing in Cincinnati,Oh.Pp 5,592- 5,857 ML20040D5491982-01-27027 January 1982 Transcript of 820127 Hearing in Cincinnati,Oh.Pp 5,251- 5,591.Citizen Testimonies Addressing Zimmer Area Citizens - Zimmer Area Citizens of Ky Contentions Encl ML20040D5481982-01-26026 January 1982 Transcript of 820126 Hearing in Cincinnati,Oh.Pp 4,647- 5,250.HD Gideonse Testimony Encl ML20040D5471982-01-25025 January 1982 Transcript of 820125 Hearing in Cincinnati,Oh.Pp 4,866- 4,946 ML20040A9461982-01-19019 January 1982 Testimony of Tj Mckenna Re ZAC-ZACK Contention That Brown County,Oh Must Have Radiological Emergency Response Plan. Commission Regulations Do Not Require Any Portion of County to Be Included in Plume Exposure Zone.W/Certificate of Svc ML20040A9431982-01-19019 January 1982 Testimony of RW Meyer,Pt Frost & Jc Heard Re Contentions on Adequacy of State of Oh & Clermont County Radiological Emergency Response Plans ML20040B1261982-01-15015 January 1982 Testimony of Applicants Re Emergency Planning Contentions. Prof Qualifications & Certificate of Svc Encl ML20039G2501982-01-12012 January 1982 Direct Testimony of DC Gandola Addressing ZAC-ZACK Contentions 21(b)(2).Related Correspondence ML20039G1991982-01-12012 January 1982 Direct Testimony of Hd Gideouse Addressing ZAC-ZACK, D Fankhauser & Mentor Contentions.Related Correspondence ML20039G2391982-01-0808 January 1982 Testimony of M Reder Re ZAC-ZACK & City of Mentor,Ky Contentions 34,35 & 36 B,C,D,I & K.Interim County Radiological Emergency Plans Unworkable.Related Correspondence ML20039G0701982-01-0808 January 1982 Direct Testimony of T Nishiyama Addressing ZAC-ZACK Contention 20x.Related Correspondence ML20039G0741982-01-0808 January 1982 Direct Testimony of Slemmer Addressing ZAC-ZACK Contentions 20c(5),23(1)-(5) & 24(10).Related Correspondence ML20039G1841982-01-0808 January 1982 Direct Testimony of M Erbe Addressing ZAC-ZACK Contentions 20,20b,21,21b,21c,21d,21e & 23.Related Correspondence ML20039G2141982-01-0808 January 1982 Direct Testimony of D Brown Re ZAC-ZACK & City of Mentor,Ky Contentions 20c (7),(8),(9) & 10 & 36 (B),(C),(D) & (I). Discusses Roads in Evacuation Routes.Related Correspondence ML20039G2211982-01-0707 January 1982 Direct Testimony of G Nelson Re ZAC-ZACK & City of Mentor,Ky Contentions 20c (2),(7),(8),(10),36 (B)(C) & (D).Discusses Roads in Evacuation Routes.Related Correspondence ML20039G2081982-01-0707 January 1982 Direct Testimony of R Beiting Re ZAC-ZACK & City of Mentor, Ky Contention 35 (B).Discusses Road Conditions Re Evacuation Route.Related Correspondence ML20039G1921982-01-0707 January 1982 Direct Testimony of J Wesseler Addressing ZAC-ZACK Contention 20x.Related Correspondence ML20039G0611982-01-0707 January 1982 Direct Testimony of J Goode Addressing ZAC-ZACK Contentions 20c(5) 20e(4),24(6) & (10).Related Correspondence ML20039G2321982-01-0707 January 1982 Direct Testimony of H Kennedy Addressing ZAC-ZACK Contentiions 20b(4),20c(2),(3),(5),(6),(12),(14),20e(3),(4), (5),(6),20f(1),20g(1),23(1),(2),(4) & (5).Related Correspondence ML20039G2181982-01-0707 January 1982 Direct Testimony of R Mccormick & R Smith Addressing ZAC-ZACK & City of Mentor Contentions 20e,(7),(8),(9),34,(G) & (H).Related Correspondence ML20039G2131982-01-0707 January 1982 Direct Testimony of R Arthur,Addressing ZAC-ZACK & D Fankhauser Contentions 4(12),23(4) & (5).Related Correspondence ML20039G2471982-01-0606 January 1982 Direct Testimony of E Erbe Addressing ZAC-ZACK Contentions 20x,20(b),20(c),20(e),20(f) & 20(g).Related Correspondence ML20039G2521982-01-0606 January 1982 Direct Testimony of C Mcmillian Addressing ZAC-ZACK Contentions 20,20(c)(2),(3),(5),(6),20(g)(1) & 23.Related Correspondence ML20039G2161982-01-0606 January 1982 Direct Testimony of Rl Sutton Addressing ZAC-ZACK Contentions 25(3) & (4).Related Correspondence 1983-05-16
[Table view] Category:NARRATIVE TESTIMONY
MONTHYEARML20136E0751983-05-16016 May 1983 Transcript of 830516 Interview of Ga Phillips in Glen Ellen,Il Re Allegations in MG Malsch 821116 Memo ML20028D1421983-01-0505 January 1983 Transcript of 830105 Hearing in Cincinnati,Oh.Pp 1-244 ML20028B5261982-11-23023 November 1982 Unofficial Transcript of 821123 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Re SECY-82-425 & SECY-82-449 ML20134A5961982-09-14014 September 1982 Statement of DG Iselin on 820914 Before Subcommittee on Energy & Environ in Support of Kaiser Engineers Commitment to Integrity of Plant.Resume Encl ML20134A6161982-09-14014 September 1982 Testimony of DM Milan on 820914 Before Committee on Interior & Insular Affairs,Subcommittee on Energy & Environ Re Boiler & Pressure Violations at Plant ML20134A6261982-09-14014 September 1982 Testimony of Re Jagger on 820914 Before Committee on Interior & Insular Affairs Re Natl Board of Boiler & Pressure Vessel Inspectors Audit Team at Site ML20134A6471982-09-14014 September 1982 Testimony of DD Altman on 820914 Before Subcommittee on Energy & Environ Re QA at Plant ML20134A5361982-09-14014 September 1982 Transcript of Subcommittee on Energy & Environ 820914 Oversight Hearing in Washington,Dc Re QA at Zimmer Nuclear Station.Pp 1-3 ML20134A6651982-09-14014 September 1982 Testimony of Tm Devine on 820914 Before Subcommittee on Energy & Environ,Committee on Interior & Insular Affairs Re QA Breakdown at Plant ML20062E3311982-07-30030 July 1982 Transcript of Commission 820730 Public Meeting in Washington,Dc Re Affirmation/Discussion Session on SECY-82-318.Pp 1-7 ML20062E2151982-07-26026 July 1982 Commission Determination Withholding Transcript of 820607 Briefing Re Status of Zimmer Investigation.Meeting Closed Per 10CFR9.108(c) & 10CFR9.104(a)(5) & (7) ML20054H1251982-06-16016 June 1982 Unofficial Transcript of 820616 Public Meeting in Washington,Dc Re Cincinnati Gas & Electric Govt Accountability Project on Qa/Qc & Related Matters at Facility.Pp 1-126 ML20054L4641982-06-16016 June 1982 Transcript of 820616 Meeting in Washington,Dc W/Util & Govt Accountability Project Re Qa/Qc & Related Matters. Pp 1-126 ML20023C0501982-06-10010 June 1982 Testimony of Jg Keppler Before Us House of Representatives, Committee on Interior & Insular Affairs,Subcommittee on Energy & Environ on 820610 Re QA Problems & Related Activites at Facility.Pp 1-12 ML20053E5811982-06-0707 June 1982 Unofficial Transcript of Commission 820607 Public Meeting in Washington,Dc Re Status of Investigation.Pp 1-76. Supporting Documentation Encl ML20052E5221982-05-0606 May 1982 Proposed Corrections to Transcript of Evidentiary Hearings on Emergency Planning Issues.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20041E2731982-03-0404 March 1982 Transcript of 820304 OL Hearing in Cincinnati,Oh. Pp 7,893-7,979 ML20041E2461982-03-0303 March 1982 Transcript of 820303 OL Hearing in Cincinnati,Oh.Pp 7,681- 7,892 ML20041E3301982-03-0202 March 1982 Transcript of 820302 OL Hearing in Cincinnati,Oh.Pp 7,380- 7,680 ML20041E3051982-03-0101 March 1982 Transcript of 820301 OL Hearing in Cincinnati,Oh. Pp 7,133 - 7,379 ML20041B5371982-02-18018 February 1982 Transcript of ACRS Subcommittee on Zimmer Nuclear Power Station 820218 Meeting in Cincinnati,Oh.Pp 1-224 ML20040F2441982-02-0505 February 1982 Transcript of 820205 OL Hearing in Cincinnati,Oh.Pp 6,865- 7,132.Testimony & Prof Qualifications of RW Meyer,Pt Frost, Jc Herd & Be Williams Encl ML20040F2721982-02-0404 February 1982 Transcript of 820204 OL Hearing in Cincinnati,Oh.Pp 6,634- 6,864 ML20040F2881982-02-0303 February 1982 Transcript of 820203 OL Hearing in Cincinnati,Oh.Pp 6,325- 6,633 ML20040F2961982-02-0202 February 1982 Transcript of 820202 OL Hearing in Cincinnati,Oh.Pp 6,021- 6,324 ML20040F2931982-01-29029 January 1982 Transcript of 820129 OL Hearing in Cincinnati,Oh.Pp 5,858- 6,020 ML20040D5541982-01-28028 January 1982 Transcript of 820128 Hearing in Cincinnati,Oh.Pp 5,592- 5,857 ML20040D5491982-01-27027 January 1982 Transcript of 820127 Hearing in Cincinnati,Oh.Pp 5,251- 5,591.Citizen Testimonies Addressing Zimmer Area Citizens - Zimmer Area Citizens of Ky Contentions Encl ML20040D5481982-01-26026 January 1982 Transcript of 820126 Hearing in Cincinnati,Oh.Pp 4,647- 5,250.HD Gideonse Testimony Encl ML20040D5471982-01-25025 January 1982 Transcript of 820125 Hearing in Cincinnati,Oh.Pp 4,866- 4,946 ML20040A9461982-01-19019 January 1982 Testimony of Tj Mckenna Re ZAC-ZACK Contention That Brown County,Oh Must Have Radiological Emergency Response Plan. Commission Regulations Do Not Require Any Portion of County to Be Included in Plume Exposure Zone.W/Certificate of Svc ML20040A9431982-01-19019 January 1982 Testimony of RW Meyer,Pt Frost & Jc Heard Re Contentions on Adequacy of State of Oh & Clermont County Radiological Emergency Response Plans ML20040B1261982-01-15015 January 1982 Testimony of Applicants Re Emergency Planning Contentions. Prof Qualifications & Certificate of Svc Encl ML20039G2501982-01-12012 January 1982 Direct Testimony of DC Gandola Addressing ZAC-ZACK Contentions 21(b)(2).Related Correspondence ML20039G1991982-01-12012 January 1982 Direct Testimony of Hd Gideouse Addressing ZAC-ZACK, D Fankhauser & Mentor Contentions.Related Correspondence ML20039G2391982-01-0808 January 1982 Testimony of M Reder Re ZAC-ZACK & City of Mentor,Ky Contentions 34,35 & 36 B,C,D,I & K.Interim County Radiological Emergency Plans Unworkable.Related Correspondence ML20039G0701982-01-0808 January 1982 Direct Testimony of T Nishiyama Addressing ZAC-ZACK Contention 20x.Related Correspondence ML20039G0741982-01-0808 January 1982 Direct Testimony of Slemmer Addressing ZAC-ZACK Contentions 20c(5),23(1)-(5) & 24(10).Related Correspondence ML20039G1841982-01-0808 January 1982 Direct Testimony of M Erbe Addressing ZAC-ZACK Contentions 20,20b,21,21b,21c,21d,21e & 23.Related Correspondence ML20039G2141982-01-0808 January 1982 Direct Testimony of D Brown Re ZAC-ZACK & City of Mentor,Ky Contentions 20c (7),(8),(9) & 10 & 36 (B),(C),(D) & (I). Discusses Roads in Evacuation Routes.Related Correspondence ML20039G2211982-01-0707 January 1982 Direct Testimony of G Nelson Re ZAC-ZACK & City of Mentor,Ky Contentions 20c (2),(7),(8),(10),36 (B)(C) & (D).Discusses Roads in Evacuation Routes.Related Correspondence ML20039G2081982-01-0707 January 1982 Direct Testimony of R Beiting Re ZAC-ZACK & City of Mentor, Ky Contention 35 (B).Discusses Road Conditions Re Evacuation Route.Related Correspondence ML20039G1921982-01-0707 January 1982 Direct Testimony of J Wesseler Addressing ZAC-ZACK Contention 20x.Related Correspondence ML20039G0611982-01-0707 January 1982 Direct Testimony of J Goode Addressing ZAC-ZACK Contentions 20c(5) 20e(4),24(6) & (10).Related Correspondence ML20039G2321982-01-0707 January 1982 Direct Testimony of H Kennedy Addressing ZAC-ZACK Contentiions 20b(4),20c(2),(3),(5),(6),(12),(14),20e(3),(4), (5),(6),20f(1),20g(1),23(1),(2),(4) & (5).Related Correspondence ML20039G2181982-01-0707 January 1982 Direct Testimony of R Mccormick & R Smith Addressing ZAC-ZACK & City of Mentor Contentions 20e,(7),(8),(9),34,(G) & (H).Related Correspondence ML20039G2131982-01-0707 January 1982 Direct Testimony of R Arthur,Addressing ZAC-ZACK & D Fankhauser Contentions 4(12),23(4) & (5).Related Correspondence ML20039G2471982-01-0606 January 1982 Direct Testimony of E Erbe Addressing ZAC-ZACK Contentions 20x,20(b),20(c),20(e),20(f) & 20(g).Related Correspondence ML20039G2521982-01-0606 January 1982 Direct Testimony of C Mcmillian Addressing ZAC-ZACK Contentions 20,20(c)(2),(3),(5),(6),20(g)(1) & 23.Related Correspondence ML20039G2161982-01-0606 January 1982 Direct Testimony of Rl Sutton Addressing ZAC-ZACK Contentions 25(3) & (4).Related Correspondence 1983-05-16
[Table view] |
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'82 JN! 12 P3:26 h
In the Matter of : ;
(William H. Zimmer Nuclear :
(2); 21c(4); 21d, 21d (1) , ( 2 ) , ( 3) , ( 4 ) ; 21e, 21 , , 4 (2) , (3) ; 36 (E) .
State of Kentucky ) j JAN1'31982"* I2
) SS: K nare m p er %
County of Campbell ) 9 "**lgema n
Gene Sell, Myron Reinhardt and William Voelker, b G3 0) cautioned and sworn, as their testimony ~ state as follows.
I, Gene Sell, am the Superintendent of the Campbell County School District and my business office is 101 Orchard, Alexandria, Kentucky.
As the Superintendent of the Campbell County School District, I am responsible for the health and safety of the students enrolled in the public schools of my district at all times that the students are within the control of the district, which includes presehce at public school sites, during school programs conducted away from the school site and during school bus transportation of students. I am ,
further responsible for the health and safety of the students enrolled in the private schools of my district at times that such students are being transported by school bus and I am obligated to ensure safe transportation of such privately enrolled school children and T
9 9b
to provide school bus-transportation for students enrolled in private 4
schools within Campbell County, Kentucky. I am responsible for the administration of all affairs present and touching upon the public schools within the Campbell County School District, and to provide-the programs required by law for the benefit of pupils and to take measures necessary for the well-being and protection of school children entrusted to my care in the Campbell County School District.
I, Myron Reinhardt, am the Deputy Superintendent and Director of Transportation for the Campbell County School District and my business office is 101 Orchard, Alexandria, Kentucky. It is my responsibility to assist-Gene Sell in the administration of his-duties as Superin-tendent and I have the direct responsibility for the direction, l operation, control, routing and other matters pertaining to the transportation of both public and private students enrolled in the -
schools'within the Campbell County School District. Included within my duties is the responsibility to provide safe transportation for 1
all students enrolled in the schools within the Campbell County School District and to protect the health and. safety of school children. -
I, William Voelker, am the Principal of A. J. Jolly Elementary.
f School, a public school of the Campbell County School District and located at Route 2, California, Kentucky. My business address'is 101 Orchard, Alexandria, Kentucky. As the Principal of A. J. Jolly l
Elementary School, I am responsible for the health and safety of the pupils attending this school during their presence at the school
- site and for their transportation to and from that school site to the point and place where the students are released to the care and control of a parent, guardian or other proper custodian.
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the student at the mid-day shif t change. Once the buses commence their routes there is no meant of communicating with the driver and'the drivers are not available during the course of the day b tween routes for communications unless reached by telephone and l'
if the driver is present at the site of that phone. In the event
- J
- that it is necessary to summons buses to schools for evacuation r'5
, during the course of the school day it is difficult and time consum-r '
-ing to summons the drivers and there is no reasonable assurance that drivers can be contacted to respond to such an emergency.
Snow and ice accumulation and flooding circumstances present a
/ I difficult situation with which to effectively transport school e children'by school bus. During December, 1981, the schools of
> , 371 this District were closed due to roadway conditions of snow accumu-7
.s / /
laticn for a period of four days: consecutive Thurs' day, Friday and
following Monday and Tuesday. During the scholastic years 1976-1,977 and 1977-1978 the schools of this District were closed 23 and g5 dafa, respectively, due to impassable roadway conditions.
f" , In the past, and due to snow and ice accumulation and flooding 1 :
cpnditions,as well as vehicular accidents blocking roadways, school
buses' have been unable to transport school children or were blocked during transportation due to traffic conges' tion. Portions of Route l' '
b 10 for an approximate distance of four miles, between Cartha~ge and
.,e c.
, Chlifornis Cross Roads, are rendered impassable due to either flash
,* m flo6 ping"dr flooding of the Ohio River and remain impassable for 7 several' days requiring alternate bus routing. Oneonta Road from
+ 3 Ro'nte 8.to Ecur and ,12 Mile Pike is rendered impassable for approx-imE sly',10 days each year due to flash flooding and the floodir,g of
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!. --- _f T - , . . , . . , . . . - . , , , , . , . , , . . , _ ,
th 4- .
l : :v :
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the b io River. U.S. 27 du ing snow and ice circumstances is closed fr8m A.lekandria to Cold Spri6gs.
.- Bus transportation is limited V '. r s-
- n. ~ .
during i'nclement weather due t6 the nature of the roadways within the District: narrow, steep and winding roads, generally without t berms, and the' absence of adequate bus turn-arounds. These roadways
_ further creats the
- problem of s'tudent transportation, especially s._,
A. J. Jolly and St. Peter an'djPaul Elementary Schools, because of tra f fic congestion-due to vehicular accident or snow fall, and .in the event of resident evacuation the movement of school buses into and' from those two elementary schools would' be grea61y curtailed.
i ' Campbell# County School District has neither the funds nor the i
i buses and drivers to maintain' buses parked at the A. J. Jolly
! and St. Peter and Paul Elementary Schools to be available in the .
- f. .
event of-student evacuation. Buses would have to be dispatched from other sites to evacuate the students of those two schools and under the most optimum conditions to evacuate those schools it vould require two hours for evacuation, and under reasonably optimum i .
conditions three hours to facilitate evacuation of the students of '
h .A. J. Jolly and St. Peter and Paul. Under other conditions the -
minin us evacuation time for those scho.ols would be five hours to ;
probably several hours after notification to evacuate.
._ ~
The' Superintendent's office has fo.ur service telephone lines, p the bus garage has two service telephone lines,. Campbell County High School has'three service telephone lines, Alexandria Elementary
- :[ has two service telephone lines and the remaining schools have one service ' telephone line. During snow conditions and other similar e
circumstances the telephone lines servicing the schools, bus garage 4
. e
=ee-A t-v"'rw wwur m' s-r,mt e vwwers--*-Tw- *mv e=< -rw-ea 4 -meg =~---ee*----*--ew--+-**+-=~~--s ^
and Superintendent's Office are overloaded limiting and halting telephone communications. In the event of a declared emergency at the Zimmer Station telephone communications would be rendered useless due to overloading of the service lines by parent telephone calls and the total inability of the Superintendent to communicate with Principals, drivers, and othecs necessary during an emergency. Under the present conditions of relying upon telephones for communications and reception of radio transmissions, as well as television inform-ation, the Campbell County School District cannot timely and effectively communicate within its system or to summons and dispatch bus drivers to afford any evacuation of students to protect their health and safety. Evacuation of the students within the plume exposure pathway of the Zimmer Station would require at least several hours and would permit exposure of the children within the affected schools. The complexity of buses located at various sites during the course of the school day or in route, the communication with school bus drivers, the roadways involved, population reaction, school bus routes, and the other factors present, incidding the limited buses and telephone system, results in the inability of this District to effectively respond to timely and safely evacuate school children.
Two children attending the A.J. Jolly Elementary School, a school situated 3.5 miles from the Zimmer Station, have received maximum doses of radiation and this concern by the parents of those children has been expressed as to the timely evacuation of that school. Parents have generally evidenced anxiety as to the plans to be implemented for the protection of their children.
Meetings have been held between ourselves and emergency planners
e-and we have reviewed the Campbell County Radiological Emergency Plan ,
and the Protective Action Procedure plans in draf t form for schools j .-
in other counties and the A.J. Jolly Elementary School. Those plans are inadequate for us to engage in any emergency response i
for the protection of the children within our District. The plans to date are totally inadequate. We have been afforded 'little information. By way of example, the Protective Action Procedure plan for the response of "Take Shelter" provides that upon notif-ication~ teachers are to instruct the students to place cloth or paper over their mouth and nose, but without any consideration of the situation that would then and there exist as to the child's 4
anxiety or appropriate explanation and advice.
The county plan provides for the closing of school and discharging of students to their home upon the event of any accident at the Zimmer Station before an accident circumstance requiring "Take i Shelter" or " Evacuation." We cannot discharge our respo rsibility -
! to student and parent by transporting school children to a home which may be una'ttended and where the child may not be capable of entering upon the advice to do so and with the potential that the j . accident may accelerate.
We have not been advised of the hazards attended to a Zimmer Station
! accident, the times within which we must respond or other. matters i
critical to our planning and to-afford information to staff, including drivers, to obtain their assurance and agreement that they would provide emergency response support necessary to protect the children within this. school district. We have no means to obtain the support
.of parents and in the event of a Zimmer Station emergency parents would respond to the schools to transport their children and create
, _ _ . , . . ~ . _ . . . _ . _ - _ _ - . - _ . . . _ - - . . . . _ _ _ . . _ ~ . - -_
f i
traffic congestion at school sites frustrating any timely evacuation
- of students by school bus.
In the event that an evacuation is declared during school when chil-dren are in route on buses there is no means available by which we could advise and alter busing and evacuate children present at schools, f . some portion of the student population being~at school sites and the other portion being on buses.
We do not have sufficient buses, drivers or communication systems ,
i 'to effectively implement protective action plans for the health and safety of school children within our District. We cannot implement the plans currently in existence to afford any protection of the students within this District and based upon the limitations
- heretofore addressed we must state that the Campbell County School District cannot respond to a Zimmer Station emergency in any degree which will protect the health and safety of our school children.
k ~
WILLIAM VOELKER 5 worn to and subscribed in my presence this 4th day of January,
, . 1982. .
L l}6 I Notary Public
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