LR-N16-0012, Supplemental Response to Request for Additional Information License Amendment Request Regarding Replacement of Source Range and Intermediate Range Neutron Monitoring Systems

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Supplemental Response to Request for Additional Information License Amendment Request Regarding Replacement of Source Range and Intermediate Range Neutron Monitoring Systems
Person / Time
Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 02/10/2016
From: Jamila Perry
Public Service Enterprise Group
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
CAC MF6065, CAC MF6066, LAR S15-02, LR-N16-0012
Download: ML16042A600 (15)


PSEG Nuclear LLC P.O. Box 236, Hancocks Bridge, NJ 08038-0236 PSF:<I NudearLLC FEB to' zo1s 10 CFR 50.90 LR-N16-0012 LAR S15-02 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 Salem Nuclear Generating Station Units 1 and 2 Renewed Facility Operating License Nos. DPR-70 and 75 NRC Docket Nos. 50-272 and 50-311


Supplemental Response to Request For Additional Information Re: License Amendment Request Regarding Replacement Of Source Range And Intermediate Range Neutron Monitoring Systems (CAC NOS. MF6065 AND MF6066)

References 1. PSEG letter to NRC, "License Amendment Request Regarding Replacement of Source Range and Intermediate Range Neutron Monitoring Systems,"

dated April 3, 2015 (ADAMS Accession No. ML15093A291)

2. PSEG letter to NRC, "Supplemental Information Needed for Acceptance of Requested Licensing Action Re: Amendment Request Regarding Replacement of Source Range and Intermediate Range Neutron Monitoring Systems (TAC Nos. MF6065 and MF6066)," dated June 2, 2015 (ADAMS Accession No. ML15153A193)
3. NRC letter to PSEG, "Salem Nuclear Generating Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 -

Request For Additional Information Re: License Amendment Request Regarding Replacement Of Source Range And Intermediate Range Neutron Monitoring Systems (CAC NOS. MF6065 AND MF6066)," dated November 2, 2015 (ADAMS Accession No. ML15287A141)

4. PSEG Letter to NRC, "Response to Request For Additional Information Re:

License Amendment Request Regarding Replacement Of Source Range And Intermediate Range Neutron Monitoring Systems (CAC NOS. MF6065 AND MF6066)," dated November 27, 2015 (ADAMS Accession No. ML15334A107)

In the Reference 1 letter, PSEG Nuclear LLC (PSEG) submitted a license amendment request for Salem Nuclear Generating Station (Salem), Units 1 and 2. The proposed amendment would revise Technical Specifications (TS} 3/4.3.1, Reactor Trip System, to support the replacement of the existing source range (SR) and intermediate range (IR) nuclear instrumentation.

10 CFR 50.90 Page 2 LR-N16-0012 In Reference 3, the NRC provided PSEG a Request for Additional Information (RAI) related to the Reference 1 request, dated November 2, 2015. Reference 4 provided the response to the NRC RAI. In the Reference 4 response to Questions 1, 2 and 3, PSEG stated that the qualification summary reports provided by Thermo Fisher Scientific were being formally reviewed and approved as part of issuance of the Design Change Package (DCP).

This letter is to confirm that PSEG has reviewed and accepted the Thermo Scientific qualification summary reports. The qualification summary reports demonstrate that the replacement Source Range and Intermediate Range instrumentation meets the environmental qualification, seismic qualification, and the electromagnetic interference/radio frequency interference (EMI/RFI) requirements of PSEG Specification S-C-DE-NIS-0210. As requested by the NRC, Enclosure 1 provides the applicable pages from PSEG Specification S-C-DE-NIS-0210 describing the environmental qualification, seismic qualification, and the EMI/RFI requirements.

PSEG has determined that the information provided in this submittal does not alter the conclusions reached in the 10 CFR 50.92 no significant hazards determination previously submitted. In addition, the information provided in this submittal does not affect the bases for concluding that neither an environmental impact statement nor an environmental assessment needs to be prepared in connection with the proposed amendment.

There are no regulatory commitments contained in this letter.

If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Mr. Brian Thomas at 856-339-2022.

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

Executed on FEB 1 o' 2016

  • (date)

Respectfully, CZ_£ ohn F. Perry . (/

Site Vice President Salem Nuclear Generating Station Enclosure 1 - Pages from PSEG Specification S-C-DE-NIS-0210 cc: Mr. D. Dorman, Administrator, Region I, NRC Mr. T. Wengert, NRC Project Manager, Salem NRC Senior Resident Inspector, Salem Mr. P. Mulligan, Chief, NJBNE Mr. L. Marabella, Corporate Commitment Tracking Coordinator Mr. T. Cachaza, Salem Commitment Tracking Coordinator

LR-N16-0012 Enclosure 1 Pages from PSEG Specification S-C-DE-NIS-0210

PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SPECIFICATION NO.: s c DE*NIS0210 SALEM UNIT 1 & 2 Excore Nuclear Instrumentation System (NIS)


Peer Design Issue for Approval Reviewer (S&L)



PREPARER/DATE (Print & Sign)

Important to Safety Excore Nuclear Instrumentation System Detailed Specification Sa/em Generating Station Units 1 & 2 Revision 0 Document No S-C-DE-N/S-0210 Apri/30, 2014 6.3 Equipment Qualification Requirements 6.3.1 The NIS equipment shall be qualified by type test, previous operating experience, analysis, or any combination of these three methods, to su b stantiate that it will be capable of meeting, on a continuing basis, the performance requirements as specified in this detailed specification.

6.3.2 The NlS system S uppl ier shall provide equipment qualification testi ng results that includ e exposure to temperature, humidity, radiation, electromagnetic and radio interference, and seismi c input as described in the following sections . The results of the N!S instrument qualification testi ng shall be provided as supporting documentation of the equipment qualifications in the form of test plans, method ologies , and test reports.

6.4 Environmental Qualification 6.4.1 The new NIS chassis drawers will be installed in existing panels located in the Salem control equipment room. The control equipm ent room is defined as a Mild Environment; Table 6.41 provides the Normal and Abnormal environmental levels to which the NIS components located in the control equipment room shall be qualified.

Table 6.4-1 Normal Operating and Abnormal Conditions Control Equipment Room Parameter Normal Normal DBA Min Max Max Temperature 55 UF 85 UF 85 UF Humidity 20% 90% 90%

Pressure o.125" we 0.125"WC o.125" we Radiation, Gamma Rate N/A 0.25 Not Calc (mr/hr)

Radiation, Gamma TID (r) N/A 87.7 884 6.4.2 The new Excore detectors will be installed in the existing well loca tions within containment The Containment is classified as a Harsh Environment; Table 6.4-2 provides the Normal and Abnormal environmental levels to which the detectors and interconnecting cables shall be qualified.

Table 6.4-2 Normal Operating and Abnormal Conditions Containment ( Reactor Vessel Area}

Parameter Normal Normal Min Max DBA Temperature 60 UF <120 UF 351 UF S-C-DE-NIS-021 0-Rev 0 Page 20 of 85

Important to Safety Excore Nuclear Instrumentation System Detailed Specification Salem Generating Station Units 1 & 2 Revision 0 Pocument No 7C-DE-NIS-0210 Apri/30, 2014 Table 6.42 Normal Operating and Abnormal Conditions Containment (Reactor Vessel Area)

Parameter Normal Normal Min Max DBA Humidity 20% 90% 100%

Pressure +0.3 psig -1.5 psig 47 psig Radiation, Gamma (r/hr) N/A 7.16E3 2.07E6 Radiation, Beta (r/hr) N/A N/A 1.35E8 Radiation, Gamma TID (r) N/A 2.51E6 3.18E7 Radiation, Beta TID (r) N/A N/A 1.35E8 6.4.3 Environmental Qualification of the NIS instruments shall be demonstrated in accordance with S-C-ZZ-SD-1419- "Salem Generating Station Environmental Design Criteria" which requires testing per I E E E-323-1974 including any testing margins required by the standard. The tested capability shall meet or excee d the maximum allowed conditions accounting for any internal panel heat rise conditions to ensure that the minimum design limits described in table 6.4.1 and 6.4.2 are maintained.

6.4.4 If the Supplier has previously performed environmental testing under a generic qualification program, the Supplier shall prov ide a summary report or>certificate of

,,.i com p liance for all testing performed. The testing methodology and criteria used to perform the generic testing and the test results of the testing shall envelope the PSEG requirements and be easily discernable in the test reports.

6.5 EMI/RFI Qualification 6.5.1 The equipment shall be certified to meet or exceed the requirements of EPRI TR-1 02323; Rev. 3 or RG 1.1 &.0 Rev 1 for both transmission and susceptibility. The new equipment shall be qualified through a suitable testing program w h ere EMI/RFI qualification for the NJS equipment assures the equipment has the ability to complete its safety function under all EMC environmental co nditions that may exist up to and including the time the equipment has finished performing it's safety function.

6.5.2 The following MIL-STD-461 (E) tests are referenced for radiated and conducted emissions. These tests are generally bo u nded by the requirements of RG 1.180

  • CE101
  • CE102
  • RE101
  • RE102 S-C-DE-NIS-021 0-Rev 0 Page 21 of 85

j Important to Safety I

Excore Nuclear Instrumentation System Detailed Specification  ::j1 Salem Generating Station Units 1 & 2 Revision 0 Document No S-C-DE-NIS-0210 *i j

Apri/301 2014


6.5.3 If th e Su p plier has previously conducted EMI/RFl tests under a generic program that l'i ,,

adequately demonstrate compliance to the required industry codes and standards, I additional testing specific for this application is not required.* .,I

  • I 6.5.4 If the Supplier has performed previous testing under a generic qualification program, the i Supplier shall provide a llst of standards and or testing to which the equipment was i qualified. This may be provided in a qualification summary report or certificate of 6.5.5 compliance for all EMIIRFI testing performed.

EMI!RFI considerations to be addressed as part of installation activities will be included I

I as part of the detailed design package performed by PSEG. However, the Supplier shall lI identify any special installation requirements that are necessary to mitigate EMC interferences and maintain the systems EMIIRFI qualification.

6.6 Seismic Qualification Ii  !

6.6.1 Equipment shall remain operable before, during and after a Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE).

I The seismic/dynam'ic qualification of the NIS equipment shall be performed using a 6.6.2 Required Response Spectra (RRS) that bounds the SGS Seismic Spectra shown in I

. *---II Attachments K and L, and be performed fn accordance with IEEE 344.

e. 6.3 The tested equipment shall be a rep-resentative unit inCluding. all hecessa ry cable/conduit connections to simulate the field mounting configurations-to account for the weight of cables, conduits and fittings. I 6.6.4 The mounting details and the orientation of tested equipment shall simulate the in !i I

service mounting details and orientation as close as practical. *I 6.6.5 For both OBE/Upset and SSE/Emergency/Faulted tests, the test response spectra shall I envelop the RRS with at least 1 0% margin.

6.6.6 Any differences in the design of the equipment as delivered from the configuration of the equipment as tested shall be justified by the Supplier.

6.6.7 The analysis or test shall be performed for the Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) case and the Operating Basis Earthquake (OBE) case at the floor response spectra provided in Attachments K and L of this specification. The figures are applicable to the mounting location of the equipment. For the SSE case, 3% damping shall be applied. For the OBE case, 2% damping shall be applied. The equipment shall operate and perform their functions during and after they have been subjected to five (5) OBE and one (1) SSE tests.

6.6.8 If the Supplier has previously performed testing under a generi.c qualification program, then the Supplier shall provide a summary report or certificate of compliance for all testing performed. The testing methodology atid criteria used in the generic testing shall envelope the PSEG requirements and the SGS Seismic Spectra.

S-C-DENIS-0210-Rev 0 Page 22 of 85


  • I





I iI I

Excora Nuclear Instrumentation System Important to Safety Detailed Specification Il I

Salem Generating Station Units 1 & 2 RavlslonO Document No S*C-DE-NIS-0210 April 301 2014 i


  • Salem 1&2 Auxiliary Bldg Seismic Spectra- El140' J

Publlcf:l"erlice Electric & Gas BUtlt:liNG : AuxlttafY i Unlls 1 and 2 E;LEVATtON : 140 Ampttfied Floor Response Spectra Salem DIRECTION : l-lorizonlal I

..._10% Broadened MOTION:DBE 10 too Freq\lency(Hz)

Page 1 of4 ScC-DE-NIS-0210-Rev 0 Page 64 of85

Important to Safety Sa/em Generating station Units 1 & 2 Excore Nuclear Instrumentation System D&talted Specification Document No S*C*DE-Nl$*021 0 RevlslonO Apr/130, 2014 Public SeNice Elctrlc & Gas BUILDINCil : Atll<lllary Ampllfled floor Response Speclra Salam Unils J ana 2 eLEVATION: 140 (l[R ECTION : florlzontal

+-1 0% Broadened MOTION:OBE

  • 1.0
  • 0 1

r 0.5

  • r * * ** i *
  • I
  • r*

.: - i*  : .... :*

' I" 0 t1*

  • 0 0 h 0
M 0 ,.*

10 100 Prequency(Hz)

Page 2 of4 S*C-DE-NIS-0210-Rev 0 Page 65 of86

Important to Safsty Sa/em Generating Station Units 1 & 2' Revlstono Excore Nuclear Instrumentation System Detailed Specification Docum&nf No S*C*DE*NIS-0210 Aprl/30, 2014 Publto SeNice Eletfric & Gas BUILDING.: Auxillal}'

Salem Unito*1 and 2 ELEVATION; 1<10 M01'10N: DBE AmpiiMad Floor Re*pohse Spr.tlra DIRECTION: Vertical

. *-10% Broadenad.

Frequenny(Hzi Page 3 of4 S*C-DE-NIS*0210-Rev 0 Page 66 of 85

Important to Safety Salem Generating Station Units 1 & 2 Excore Nuclear Instrumentation System Detailed Specification Document No S-C-DE-NIS-0210 Revision 0 April 30, 2014 Public Service Electric & Gas BUILDING :AUxiliary Salem Units 1 and 2 ELEVATION : 140 Amplified* Floor flesj1onse Spectra DIRECTION :Vertical

+10% Broadened MOTION:OEE 4 r-------.-_,V_a_n_lrln-g:--.--r,------.----r--4':_-;

' . *. 1

  • {*+*

J I t I

  • 'I * * ->* *I** *
  • I ' 'e' " ', - i - j ' ( '

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l -* . ... J 10 10Q Frequency(Hz)

Page 4of4 S-C-DE-NIS-0210-Rev 0 Page 67 of 85

Nuclear Jnstntmentation System Detalled Specification Important to Safety Revision 0 Excore Sa/em Generating Station Units 1 & 2 Document No S"C-DE*NIS-0210 April 30, 2014 ATTACHMENT L. Salem 1&2 Containment Seismic Spectra- El100' PUbRc Serv!oa E;lac!rlc & Gas Salem Unit; 1 and 2 AmpQiled Floor Response Spectra

.J-10% Sroatlenad aUILDING : Containment ELEVATION: 100 DIRECTION : Hori%0nlal MonON:DBE


I i


I 1.5 I!

i 1.0 1

0.5 0

0.1 10 ioo Frequency(l*l<)

SC.DE*TS.ZZ*4201(Q) Plol P.41 Altachment7 paga 43 Page 1 of4 S-C-DE-NIS-021 O*Rev 0 Page 68 of85

Detailed Specification Important to Safety Salem Generating Station Units 1 & 2 Revision 0 Excore Nuclear Instrumentation System Document No S-C-DE-NIS-0210 April 30, 2014 Pubfin Service Elec!ric & Gas BUILDING *Containment salem Units i and 2 EiLEVA1'10N: 100 Amptined F!oor Rasponso Spcc!r< DIRECTION: Horl2:ontat T-10% 13roadened MOTION : oa*E 1.25 1.00

§: 0.75 I 0.00 0 25 0

0.1 10 100 Frequency(Hz).

SC.DE-TS.ZZ-4201(0) Plot P.42 Attachment 7 paQe 44 Page 2 of4 Page 69 of85

1 Important to Safety Salem Generating Station Units 1 & 2 Excore Nuclear Instrumentation System Detailed Specification Document No S*C*DE*NIS*0210 April 30,. 2014 Revision 0 PublloServlce Electric & as BUILDING: ConlalnmenJ Salem Units i and 2 ELEVATIOI'I : 100 Amplified Floor Reliiponae Spectra .

OIRECTIDN : VOI11091 t-10% Srondenad MOTIDN:DBE 0.8 '

I o.a 0.4 .

100 Fraquenoy(Hz)

SC.DE-TS.ZZ-4201 (Q) Plot P.43 11\lllchment7 pageA5 Page 3 of 4 S*C-DE-NIS-0210-Rev 0 Page 70 ofB5

Important to Safety Salem Generating Station Units 1 & 2 Revision 0 Excore Nuclear Instrumentation System Detailed Specification Document No S*C*DE-N/S-021 0 Apr/130, 2014 Public *service Eleclrlo & Oa 13UILDING ConiEiinment St'!IE;Itll Unll!l 1' nnd' 2 ELEVATION: 100 Amplified f-loor Response Spectra DIRECTION : Vedical

+ 1 D% aroadaned MOTJON;OBE 0.8 ,-------r--*r-.,---,-...,-.,-,--r.----,---r-r-r--,-,,--,.---,--;-; r-,--,--


  • r* *,*


5 Iit 0.4 l:!!

' I I I

      • -*' . ..l-l.,J.
  • o.2
    • ! *t\

__, .. ,_ .,. *I- I l

Frequenoy(Hz) 10 100 SC.DE*TS.ZZ-4201(0) PlotP.44 Attachment 7 page 46 Page 4 of 4 S.*C-DE-NIS*0210*Rev 0 Page 71 of 85