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Testimony of B Norton,L Wayne,M Kaku,R Finston,R Kohn, M Pulido,D Dupont,S Aftergood,L Foster,D Hirsch & s Plotkin, Questioning Inherent Reactor Safety
Person / Time
Site: 05000142
Issue date: 06/14/1983
From: Aftergood S, Dupont D, Finston R, Foster L, Hirsch D, Kaku M, Kohn R, Morton B, Norton B, Plotkin S, Pulido M, Wayne L
Shared Package
ML20024A493 List:
NUDOCS 8306170379
Download: ML20024A499 (29)


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) Docket No. 50-142 ~


OF CALIFORNIA ) (Proposed Renewal of

) Facility License)

(UCLA Research Reactor) )



1. My name is Boyd Norton. From 1960 to 1969 I was employed in reactor safety studies at the National Reactor Testing Station j in Idaho, five of the years spent as Group Leader of the Nuclear Test Section of SPERT -(Special Power Excursion Reactor Test). I was in charge of operation of both the SPERT I and III ,
reactors, and was at the controls of SPERT I during its final destructive test. A statement of professional qualifications is I attached.
2. My name is Dr. Lowell Wayne. I am a chemist and environmental scientist associated with the Southern California Federation of Scientists. I am also Vice President and Director of Scientific

, Activities for Pacific Environmental Services. Among my previous employment were several years spent as the Occupational Health Engineer at UCLA. Professional qualifications are attached.

3. My name is Dr. Michio Kaku. I am a nuclear physicist at the City College of the City University of New York. A statement of professional qualifications is attached.
4. My name is Dr. Roland Finston. I am Director of Health Physics and the Radiation Safety Officer at Stanford University. A statement of professional qualifications is attached.
5. My name is Dr. Roger Kohn. I am a physicist and systems analyst. I have a B.A. in physics from HaverfordiCollege and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in physics from Stanford. I have completed coursework and employment in both experimental and theoretical nuclear physics, and have had twenty years experience in various applications of physics, mathematics, and computer programming.

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, s My professional resume, giving my credentials prior to entering law school three years ago, is attached.

6. My name is Miguel Pulido. I am a mechanical engineer employed by McCaughey & Smith Energy Consultants. I am also a member of the. Executive Committee of the Southern California Federation of

-Scientists. A statement of professional qualifications is attached.

7. My name is David duPont. I am a chemist associated with the Southern Calf ornia Federation of Scientists. A statement

! of professional qualifications is attached.

8. My name is Steven Aftergood. I am a staff engineer and environmental researcher with the committee to Bridge the Gap, with-responsibilities for review of the UCLA application for license renewal of the Argonaut reactor. I am also a member of the Southern California Federation of Scientists. A statement of prof essional qualifications is attached.
9. My name is Louis Foster. From 1975 through 1979 I was employed by the Nuclear Environmental Services Division of Science Applications, Inc. My duties were primarily in radiation safety and environmental protection in and around nuclear facilities. A statement of

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professional qualifications is attached.

10. My name is Daniel Hirsch. I am President of the committee to Bridge the Gap, and a Visiting. Lecturer at the University 6f California. At CBG I am Project Manager for the technical review of the UCLA reactor license renewal-application. In that capacity I participate in and oversee the scientific review of the UCLA application, the Staff analyses, and the materials produced through discovery. A statement of professional qualifications is attached. _
11. My name is Dr. Sheldon Flotkin. I am President of S.C. Plotkin 1 & Associates, a consulting engineering firm specializing in

. safety and systems engineering. I serve on the Executive Committee of the Southern California Federation of Scientists and have i participated in the a ctivities of the SCFS review group assessing reactor safety matters related to the UCLA reactor. A statement of prof essional qualifications is attached.

12. We have participated as members of panels reviewing certain aspects of the UCLA reactor related to inherent safety considerations.

Relevant portions of the various analyses performed to date and the materials provided in discovery were reviewed, and site visits conducted. The results of these reviews are detailed in the testimony of the panels. The panels and their participants are identified on the following page.


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l The Panels:


Norton, Kaku, Kohn, Hirsch, Plotkin, Aftergood I. POWER EXCURSIONS -- Norton, Kaku, Kohn, Hirsch, Aftergood, Pulido, duPont II. CHEMICAL REACTIONS -- Wayne, duPont, Norton, Kaku, Pulido, Kohn, Hirsch, Plotkin, Aftergood III. CORE DISRUPTION AND RELATED ACCIDENTS -- Norton, Kaku, Kohn, 9 Pulido, Plotkin Hirsch, Aftergood, duPont

't IV. ACCIDENT CONSEQUENCES -- Wayne, Finston, Af tergood, Foster, Kaku, Norton, Kohn, Plotkin, Pulido, duPont, Hirsch

Professional Qualifications  !

BOYD NORTON My name is Boyd Norton. From 1960 to 1969 I was employed in reactor safety studies at the National Reactor Testing Station in Idaho.

During that period I was in charge of operation of both the SPERT I and SPERT III reactors. The SPERT program (Special Power Excursion Reactor Test) was designed to investigate the vulnerability of certain kinds of reactors to accidents induced by large reactivity insertions and to understand better the behavior of reactors during power excursions.

From 1960 to 1962 I was staff physicist at NRTS, assigned


From 1963 to 1968 I was Group Leader of the Nuclear Test Section of SPERT. I was in charge of operation of both SPERT III and the rebuilt SPERT I.

In 1968 I became Section Chief. Experiment and Analysis Section, of the Power Burst Facility at NRTS. I was in charge of the Safety Analysis Report for the PBF.

Prior to my arrival at NRTS, I received a Bachelor of Science degree in physi'es from Michigan College of Mining and Technology. I worked summers during 1954-59 at M&C Nuclear, later a subsidiary of Texas Instruments. M&C Nuclear was a metallurgical laboratory where I did research on fuel elements for nuclear submarines.

In 1969 I was offered, as a result of extensive involvement in conservation work in Idaho, a job with the Wilderness Society, where I remained till 1971. I am now a freelance writer and photographer, mainly on conservation themes but also on nuclear matters.

Statement of Professional Qualifications Pfl0FESSOR MICHIO IAKU My name is Michio Kaku. I am Associate Professor of Theoretical Physics at the City University of New York (City College campus).

I did my undergraduate work in physics at Harvard University, from which I graduated in 1968 summa cum laude and gp_ beta ]cagg.

I did my graduate work in. nuclear physics at the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory of h University of California at Berkeley, from which I received g Ph.D. in 1972.

From 1972-73 I.was on h faculty of Princeton University as a lecturer.

From 1973 through the present I have been on the faculty at CCNY.

c I have published approximately thirty-five research papers in theoretical physics in such professional journals as Nuclear Physics, Physical Review, and Physics Letters, and have contributed to five books on nuclear and theoretical physics.

i My special interests include reactivity calculations for breeder and other reactors, neutron transport theory in reactor physics, the history of accidents at n,n power rosators, and metal-water reactions in reactor accident sequences, as wall as aspects of theoretical physics such as hadron-hadron interactions, gensral relativity, supergravity, and unified field theories of h strong and weak interactions.

I ar n -44 tor of the book Buclear Powers Both Sides, phblished by Norton in 1962

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Statement of Professional Qualifications DR. ROLAUD FINSTON My name is Roland Finston. I am Director of Health thysics and Radiation Safety Officer at Stanford University and Stanford Hospital.

I received my A.B. and S.B. degrees (in physics) in 1957 from the University of Chicago. I received an M.S. in Health Phycles in 1959 from Vanderbilt University, in conjunction with Oak Ridge National Laboratory. In l'965 I received a Ph.D. in Biophysics from the Cornell University School of Medical Sciences.

, From 1965-66 I was Associate Professor of Radiological Physics at Oregon State University in Corvallis.'

From 1966-75 I was Health Physicist at Stanford University.

In 1975 I became Director of Health Physics at Stanford, a position I hold currently.

From 1970 to the present I have been Lecturer in Radiology (Ndclear Medicine), and since 1975 I have been Radiation Safety Officer at Stanford. In 1983 I also assumed duties as Radiation Safety Officer for the Palo Alto Veterans Administration Hospital.

I am a member of the Health Physics Society, the Society of Nuclear Medicine, and the American Association of Physicists in Medicine.

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DR. LOWELL WAYNE Statement of Professional Qualif_ications

% name is Lowell Wayne. I an a chemist and environmental scientist associated with the Southern California Federation of Scientists.

I received my Bachelor of Science degree in themistry from the University of California at Berkeley in 1937, and my Ph.D. in chemistry from the California Institute of Technology in 1949. In 1942 I received a Certificate in Industrial Hygiene from Harvard University, based on completion of a Joint Program between the Harvard School of Public Health and the Graduate School of Engineering.

From 1937 to 1939 I was employed by Shell Development Co., the research arm of Shell 011. From 1939 to 1941 I was a teaching assistant in the Department of Chemistry at the University of California at Davis. From 1942 to 1946 I was an Industrial Hygiene Officer in the U.S. Navy.

From 1948 to 1949 I was a post-doctoral fellow in Chemistry at the University of Colorado.

From 1949 to 1953 I was a Fellow at the Mellon Insitute of Industrial Research (now part of Carncgie-Mellon University).

From 1953-54 I was a Senior. Physical Chemist at the Stanford Research Institute (now SRI, International).

From 1954 to 1956 I was the occupational Health Engineer at UCLA. ,

From 1956 to 1962 I was a Research Photochemist with the Los Angeles' County Air Pollution Control District.

From 1962 to 1972 I was at the University of Southern California as a Research Associate of the Allan Hancock Foundation, and also part of that time as a Research Associate of the School of Public Health Administration, involved in research on air pollution.

In 1972 I joined Pacific Environmental Services, a company providing environmental services to governmental agencies and industry. I am currently Vice President and Director of Scientific Activities for the firm.

I have published approximately fifty papers in various areas of chemistry and environmental science.

I am a member of AAAS, the New York Academy of Science, the American Chemical Society, Sigma X1, the American Industrial %gience Association, the Air Pollution Control Association (and chair of its committee on chemistry),

and was one of the original founders in the early 1950s of what is now the Southern California Federation of Scientists.


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1 Vice-President, Senior Research Scientist EDUCATION B.S. 1937 Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley 1942 Certificate in Industrial Hygiene', School of Public Health and Graduate School of Engineer-ing, Harvard University '

Ph.D. 1949 Chemistry, California Institute of Technology 1948-49 Post-doctoral research in Photochemistry, Uni-versity of Colorado, Boulder PROFESSIONAL SPECIALTIES Atmospheric chemistry, industrial hygiene, air quality modeling, statistical analysis of air quality data, computer simulation of photochemical smog.

EXPERIENCE Pacific Environmental Services, Inc., Santa Monica, CA. 1972- .

present. Director, Scientific Activities and senior research scientist. Cofounder and vice president of PES. Responsible for quality assurance, occupational health, and computer simula-tion of photochemical smog. Has prepared theoretical and criti-cal reviews of trends in photochemical oxidant air quality and of atmospheric transport of oxidants and precursors into rural areas from urban areas. Was principal investigator for a major study on the behavioral toxicology of formaldehyde, and served as a professional consultant to the National Academy of Sci-ences' Committee on Motor Vehicle Emissions. An industrial hygiene chemist of long standing, Dr. Wayne is an acknowledged authority on the chemistry of urban atmospheres, including chem- .

ical reaction kinetics and biological effects of photochemical smog. Chairman of the Atmospheric Chemistry Committee (Commit-tee TT2) of the Air Pollution Control Association.

i University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA. 1962-1972.

Sector head of the Air Pollution Control Institute and research analyst for the Allan Hancock Foundation. The Air Pollution Control Institute, carried on by the USC School of Public l

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Resume, Page 2 Administration between 1965 and 1972, presented a professional-level three-month course to orient students in all aspects of air pollution control; Dr. Wayne was responsible for curriculum development and management of instruction in the scientific aspects of the subject, including chemistry, meteorology, toxi-cology, epidemiology, and statistics. For the Allan Hancock ,

Foundation, Dr. Wayne coordinated research efforts and managed data analysis for several investigative teams studying various aspects of the biological effects of photochemical smog under an extended program supported by the U.S. Public Health Service ,


Air Pollution Control District, Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, CA. 1956-1962. Research photochemist. Participated in various research projects including studies of the photochemical reac-tions of automobile exhaust gases and the formation of eye irri-tants on irradiation of synthetic smog mixtures. Prepared the APCD's definitive technical report, " Chemistry of Urban Atmospheres."

University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles', CA. 1954-1956. Occupational health engineer for all campuses and field stations of the University in the southern part of the state.

PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION American Academy of Industrial Hygiene, Diplomate. Certified in Chemical Aspects of Industrial Hygiene by the American Board of Industrial Hygiene,1962 1



( Air Pollution Control Association, member and chairman, l Committee TT2, Atmospheric Chemistry, 1973-present American Chemical Society, member, Environmental Science Division American Industrial Hygiene Association, member, Committee on Criteria for Community Air Quality Committee on Motor Vehicle Emissions, National Academy of Sciences, professional consultant, Panel 7, Photochemical Reactions, 1972-1973 l

Federation of American. Scientists, Los Angeles Chapter, chairman, 1957, 1963, 1971

New York Academy of Sciences l



Resume, Page 3 HONORS Pi Mu Epsilon, elected ~ member, 1936 University of California, B.S. cum laude, 1937 i- California Institute of Technology, Fellowship of Allied .

i-Chemical ~and Dye Co., 1947-1948 Sigma Xi, The Research Society of North America, elected full member, 1948 University of Colorado, postdoctoral fellowship, Department of Chemistry, 1948-1949

' American Association for the Advancement of Science, elected ,

fellow, 1967 American Institute of Chemists, elected fellow,1969 PUBLISHED WRITINGS Wayne, L.G., Stredler, J.L., and Braverman, T.F., "Implementa-tion of a Software System for Data Quality Assurance for Point Source Emission Files," paper 81-12.6, presented at the 74th Annual Meeting of the Air Pollution Control Association, Phila-delphia, Pennsylvania, June 21-26, 1981, June 1981.

i Wayne, L.G., correspondence concerning air quality simulation modeling of. ozone in Norfolk, VA, Environ. Sci. Technol.,1981, 5, 600 (Vol. 15), May 1981.

Wilson, K.W., Lowe, G.Y. and Wayne, L.G., " Effects of Increasing VOC Speciation in a Photochemical 0xidant Simulation Model,"

paper 80-52.3, presented at the 73rd Annual Meeting of the Air Pollution Control Association, Montreal, Quebec, June 22-27, .


3 Wayne, L.G., Gelinas, G.G. and Wilson, K.W., " Advantages of Tra-jectory Models over Grid Models in Simulating Photochemical 0xi-dant for Air Quality Planning," paper presented at APCA Spe-cialty Conference on Ozone /0xidants: Interactions with the Total Environment, Houston, Texas, October 14-17, 1979. Proceedings,

p. 414.

Wayne, L.G. and Weisenberg, I., " Studies of Air Quality in Sil-ver Valley, Idaho: Estimates of Area Source Emissions of Parti-

, culate Matter and Lead," prepared for U.S. Environmental Protec-tion Agency under Contract No. 68-02-2536, Task No. 9, April


Wayne, L.G. and Kochis, P., " Tampa Bay Area Photochemical 0xi-dant Study AQMA: Assessment of the Anthropogenic Hydrocarbon and Nitrogen Oxide Emissions in the Tampa Bay Area, prepared for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region IV, under Contract No. 6S-02-2606, Task No. 2 September 1978.


Resume, Page 4 -

Wayne, L.G., Boyd, C. and Gordon, H., " Seasonal Variations in Organic Emissions for Significant Sources of Volatile Organic Compounds," prepared for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, OAQPS, under Contract No. 68-02-2583, Task No. 6, September 1978. ,

Drivas, P. , Missen, R. , Wayne, L.G. and Wilson, K.W., "Proce-dures for the Preparation of Emissions Inventory Requirements for Volatile Organic Compounds, Volume II: Emissions Inventory Requirements for Photochemical Air Quality Simulation Models,"

Draft Report prepared for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under Contract No. 68-02-2583, Tasks No. 5, 13, September 1978 (final report in preparation).

Wayne, L.G., Wilson, K.W. and Drivas, P., " Case Study Evaluation of Ozone Isopleth Methodology," prepared for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under Contract No. 68-02-2606, Task No. 5, February 1978.

Wayne, L.G., "Five-Year Plan to Assure the Availability of Cred-ible and Acceptable Source-Receptor Relationships for Photochem-ical 0xidants," Draft Report prepared for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 0AQPS, under Contract No. 68-02-2606, Task No. 6, January 1978.

Drivas, P.J., Wilson, K.W., and Wayne, L.G., " Emission Inventory Requirements for Photochemical Air Quality Simulation Models,"

paper presented at APCA Specialty Conference on Emission Factors and Inventories, Anaheim, CA, November 1978.

Drivas, P.J. and Wayne, L.G., " Sensitivity Studies of a Lagran-gian Photochemical Air Quality Simulation Model," paper No.

78-10.3, presented at 71st Annual Meeting of the Air Pollution Control Association, Houston, TX, June 1978.

Wayne, L.G. and Drivas,'P.J., " Sensitivity of the Empirical Kin-etic Modeling Approach to Input Data and Local Conditions,"

Paper No. 78-72.2, presented at 71st Annual Meeting of the Air Pollution Control Association, Houston, TX, June 1978.



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Resume, Page 5 -

Wayne, L.G., Wilson, K.W. and Boyd, C., " Detection and Interpre-tation of Trends in Oxidant Air Quality," presented at ASTM Con-ference on Air Quality Meteorology and Atmospheric Ozone, Boulder, CO, August 1977. .

Drivas, P. and Wayne, L.G., " Validation of an Improved Photo-chemical Air Quality Simulation Model," PES Document TP-04, 7 March 1977.

Haagen-Smit, A.J., and Wayne, L.G., " Atmospheric Reactions and Scavenging Processes," chapter 6 in Air Pollution, Vol. I, 3rd ed., ed. Arthur C. Stern, Academic Press, New York,1976.

, Wayne, L.G., Wilson, K.W. and Boyd, C., " Detection and Intenpre-tation of Trends in Oxidant Air Quality," prepared for U.S.

Environmental Protection Agency under Contract No. 68-02-1890, Task No. 1, September 1976.

[ Wayne, L.G. and Yamada, M.M., "0xidant Strategy Error Analysis,"

prepared for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under Contract -

No. 68-02-1890, Task No. 2, July 1976.

I-Wayne, L.G., " Eye Irritation. A Literature Review," in Behav-ioral Toxicology: Early Detection of Occupational Hazards, ed.

Xintaras et al., U.S. Departnent of Health, Education and Wel-fare, NIOSH 74-126, 1974, pp. 329-332.

Weyne, L.G., Kokin, A. and Weisburd, M.I., " Controlled Evalua- .

tion of the Reactive Environmental Simulation Model (REM), Vol-ume I: Final Report (EPA Document R4-73-013a); Volume II:

User's Guide (EPA Document R4-73-013b)," NTIS numbers PB 220 456/8; PB 220 457/6, February 1973.

i Wayne, L.G., Kokin, A. and Weisburd, M.I., " Model (REM) Vol.

I,". prepared for U.S. EPA Meteorology Lab, NERC, Research Tri-angle Park, NC, under Contract No. 68-02-0345, February 1973.

Wayne, L.G. and Weisburd, M.I., " Computing the Effects of Chem-i ical Reactions on Air Quality of the Urban Atmosphere," paper

' presented at the International Congress on Chemical Engineering in the Service of Mankind, Paris, France, 2-9 September 1972.

l Abstract in Chimie et Industrie, genie chimique 105, 15:C5,4.




Resume, Page 6 .

Wayne, L.G. , Weisburd, M.I., Danchick, R. and Kokin, A., " Final Report: Development of a Simulation Model for Estimating Ground Level Concentrations of Photochemical Pollutants," technical memorandum TM-(L)-4673/000/00, System Development Corporation, Santa Monica, CA, January 1971. '

Wayne, L.G., " Simulation: The Road to Co-existence," Datamation 17, 8:26, April 15,1971.

Wayne, L.G. , Danchick, R., Weisburd, M.I . , Kokin, A. and Stein, A., "Modeling Photochemical Smog on a Computer for Decision-Making," J. Air Pol. Contr. Assoc., Vol. 21, No. 6, June 1971.

Danchick, R. and Wayne, L.G., "Modeling of the Photochemical Smog Reaction in the Los Angeles Basin," paper presented at the Pacific Conference on Chemistry and Spectroscopy, San Francisco, CA, October _1970.

Wayne, L.G., " Technology Assessment,1970," statement at hear-ings before the Subcommittee on Science, Research and Develop-ment of the Committee on Science and Astronautics, U.S. House of Representatives, Ninety-First Congress, Second Session on H.R.

17046. Part II (No. 21), pp. 521-525, 1970.

Wayne, L.G., discussion of paper, " Mathematical Models of Air Quality Control Regions," by John H. Seinfeld, in Development of Air Quality Standards, ed. Atkisson and Gaines, Columous, Ohio, 1970, pp. 196-199.

Wayne, L.G., "The Environmental Crisis," in Agenda for the Los Angeles Area in 1970, eds. W.Z. Hirsch and S. Hale, Institute of Government and Public Affairs, University of California, Los Angeles, 1969, p. 32.

Wayne, L.G. and Ernest, T.E., " Photochemical Smog, Simulated by Computer," Paper No. 69-15, presented at the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Air Pollution Control Association, New York, 1969.

Wayne, L.G. and Chambers, L.A., " Biological Effects of Urban Air Pollution
A Study of Effects of Los Angeles Atmosphere on Lab-l oratory Rodents," Arch. Envir. Health 16:871, 1968.

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4 Resume, Page 7 -

Wayne, L.G., " Health Effects of Photo-Oxidant Smog from Motor Vehicle Emissions," prepared for World Health Organization, Div-ision of Environmental Health, May 1968.

Haagen-Smit, A.J. and Wayne, L.G., " Atmospheric Reactions and Scavenging Processes," chapter 6 in Air Pollution, Vol. I, 2nd ed., ed. Arthur C. Stern, Academic Press, New York, 1968.

Wayne, L.G., " Air Conservation," book review in Quart. Rev.

Biol . , 42:49. 1969.

Knudson, Jr., A.G., Wayne, L.G. and Hallett, W.Y., "On the Selective Advantage of Cystic Fibrosis Heterozygotes," Am. J.

Human Genetics 19:338, 1967.

Wayne, L.G., " Eye Irritation as a Biological Indicator of Photo-chemical Reactions in the Atmosphere," Atmospheric Environment 1:97, 1967.

Swann, Jr. , H.E. , Brunol, D., Wayne, L.G. and Balchum, 0.J. ,

" Biological Effects of Urban Air Pollution II. Chronic Exposure of Guinea Pigs," Arch. Envir. Health 11:765, 1965.

Wayne, L.G. , " Smog: Los Angeles and Other Cities," Scientist and Citizen 7, 4:1-9, March 1965.

Wayne, L.G., " Implementation of an Air Pollution Program," in Proceedings, 4th Annual Bio-Environmental Engineering Symposium:

Water and Air Pollution Control, 29 September - 1 October 1964, USAF School of Aerospace Medicine, Brooks Air Force Base, San Antonio, TX. .

Wayne, L.G. , " Ozone: Protection of the Plants from Injury,"

letter in Science 142:447, October 1963.

Wayne, L.G.,. "On the Mechanism of Photo-Oxidation in Smog,"

Arch. Envir. Health 7:229, 1963.

Wayne, L.G., " Photo-Oxidation Systems with Added Iodine," letter in Science 139:251, 1963.


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Resume, Page 8 ,

Wayne, L.G., "The Chemistry of Urban Atmospheres," Technical Progress Report, Vol. III, Los Angeles County Air Pollution Con-trol District, December 1962.

Hamming, W.J. , Mader, P.P. , Nicksic, S.W., Romanovsky, J.C. and -

Wayne, L.G., " Gasoline Composition and the Control of Smog,"

joint report, Air Pollution Control District, County of Los Angeles and Western Oil and Gas Association, September 1961.

4 Wayne, L.G. ar.d Romanovsky, J.C., " Rates of Reaction of the -

, 0xides of Nitrogen in Photo-oxidation of Diluted Automobile

Exhaust Gases," in Chemical Reactions in the Lower and Upper-l Atmosphere, pp. 71-81, New York, 1961.

Wayne, L.G. and Orcutt, J.A., " Relative Potentials of Common Organic Solvents as Precursors of Eye Irritation of Urban Atmos-pheres," J. Occupational Medicine 2:383, 1960.

Broadwell, S.J., Heath, A.E. and Wayne, L.G., "Possible Kinetic Interaction of Ethylene and Other Olefins in Photo-oxidation .

Systems," paper presented at 4th Conference, Methods in Air Pol-lution Studies, California State Department of Health, 5-6

, December 1960.

I Heath, A.E., Broadwell, S.J., Wayne, L.G. and Mader, P.P.,


" Transitory Products in the Gas Phase Reaction of Ethylene with Ozone," J. Phys. Chem. 64:9, 1960.

Broadwell, S.J., Heath, A.E. and Wayne, L.G.. " Infrared Spectra

of Samples of Los Angeles Atmosphere," paper presented at Con-i ference Workshop on Techniques in Air Pollution, University of i

California, Riverside, 15 May 1959.

l Wayne, L.G., " Relation of Reactive Components of Gasoline to the

Production of ' Photochemical Smog'," prepared for Air' Pollution Control District, County of Los Angeles, CA, 8 April 1959.

Wayne, L.G., "A Method for Obtaining Approximate Pore-Siz( Dis-tribution Curves from Nitrogen Desorption Isotherms," J. Am.

Chem. Soc. 73:5498, 1951.

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Resume, Page 9 Wayne, L.G. and Yost, D.M., " Rate of the Rapid Gas Phase Reac-tion between NO, NO2 and H20," J. Chem. Physics, 19:41, 1951.

Wayne, L.G. and Yost, D.M., ibid., 18:767, 1950.

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  1. f DR. SFELDON C. PLOTKIN PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Py'name is Sheldon C. Plotkin. I as President of S.C. Plotkin & Associates,, .

a c:nsulting ==4 = -45 firm spea4=14=4M in accident analysis. I an also ~

a member of several review panels established by the Southern California -

3 Federation af Scientists to assess fundamental safety aspects of the UCLA i nuclear reactor.

I have over thirty years exped.ence in analysis and design of elev6 sic, elec h ::+ 'dcal, mechanical, human factdrs, chemical and computer systems, as wall as combinations thereof. )ty previous employers includes-Los Alamos Scientific Taboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico - 1946-7, design and construction of electronic equipment U.S. Naval Air Missile Test Center, Point Mugu, California - 1949-5C.

( conducted and evaluated missile flight testa l

University of Califcznia, Berkeley-1950-56 -

1950-54, teaching assistant in Engineering Department 1954-56, Project Enginner, in charge of operatioh.of'the l

Cosmic Ray Iaboratory ,

. Energy Systems (formerly Levinthal Electronics), Palo Alto, California - 1956-68 l Senior Project Engineer for design and safety of high voltage,

! high power pulse modulators.

I Hoffman Electronics Corporation - 1959 to 1961 Consultant in the Communications Systems Departacat, University of Southern California - 1958 to 1961 Assistant Professor of Engineering Hughes Aircraft Company, Culver City, California - 1961 to 1967

, Staff Engineer for C&C Advanced Systems Iabor2 tory j TRW Systems, Redondo Beach, California - 1967 to 1969 Senior Staff Engineer, ESD Systems Engineering Iaboratory l

RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, California - 1969 to 1971 ,

l Senior Engineer in the Engineering Sciences Department.

Pron 1971 to the present I have run a consulting engineering firm which specializes in safety engineering and systems approaches to accident analysis. ,

I have puh1 hhed several hundred papers, reports, and intra-company documents.

Accident ani Product Failure Analyses. (book). " Introduction to Accident, Se#cty, and Forensic Engineering" (seminar).

I am a Registered Professional Safety Engineer, and a member of I.E.E.E., Pi Mu Epsilon, Eta Kappa Nu, Sigma'X1, and the Executive Board of the Southern California Federation of Scientists.

Fducation: B.S.E.E. (University of Colorado,1946): B.S. Aero.E. University of Colorado,1949){

- Ph.D. E.E. (University of California at Berkeley,1956()

Statement of Professional Qualifications I.

touIS mSrsa My name is Louis Foster. From 1975 to 1980 I was employed at the Nuclear Environmental Services Division of Science Applicabns, Inc.,

involved primarily in radiation safety and envirorumental protection in and around nuclear facilities.

My duties at M included implementation of radiation monitoring systems to dete mine levels of gamma and beta muitting naalides in effluent streams and in environmental samples.

I was assigned through M to implet radiation monitoring systes at the nuclear power plants at Calvert Cliffs, Oyster Creek, Salem, Peach Bottom, Three Mile Island, Ginna, Indian Point, Vermont Yankee. -

Main Yankee, Quad Cities, Dresden, Zion, and others.

I have extensive experience in field and lab radiation mesurements and quality analysis / quality assurance testing.

When I left M I was the Technical Supervisor for the M field

research team involved with radiation safety monitoring as well as esperimental research on radiciodine differentiation and concentration as part of the Three Mile Island Unit 2 cleanup.

I received my Associate of Arts degree in Environmental Science and Technology in 1977 front Montgomery College in Maryland, and thereafter completed numerous courses at the University of Maryland relating to my radiation protection work at M.

l 1


, Professional Qualifications DAVID R. DUPONT My name is David R. Dupont. I am a chemist associated with the Southern California Federation of Scientists (SCFS).

I worked, in cooperation with Professor James Warf, a collea6ue at SCFS, on:an assessment of chemical reactions that might affect reactor safety at UCIA. Bis included assessment of the potential for combustion of the reactor's graphite, magnesium, and/or uranium constituents: the potential for explosive reactions with steam, water, or carbon dioxide should such a fire occur or elevated temperatures otherwise result: Wigner energy storage ani other effects of radiation upon the chemical and physical propertiesofjhereactormaterials: and the chemistry of fission product release at temperatures above and below the melting point of the fuel meat.

I received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemistry from the State University of New York at Albany in 1977. From 1980-1982 I was a Research Associate in the Biological Chemistry Department at the University of California at Los Angeles.

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Statement of Professional Qualifications MIGUEL A. PULIDO My name is Miguel A. Pulido. I an an engineer employed by McCaughey and Smith Energy Associates, Consulting Engineers, Inc. My work at McCaughey and Smith entails work with energy systems heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems estimating leak rates from bnmings and other st metures; air flow matters generan y; and other related aspects of mechanical engineering.

I received my Bachelor of Science degree in Engineer.^ng, with a specialty in Mechanical Engineering and a subspecialty in Energy Engineering, from California State University at Fullerton in 1980 j

I an an Associate Moaber of the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Airconditioning Engineers (ASERAE) and of the American Society of Mechanica1' Engineers (ASME). I am a Member of the Association of Energy Engineers.

I am also a member of the Executive' Board of the Southern California Federation of Scientists.

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ROGER L. KOHN 524 Eleventh Street, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 (213) 379-3956 Education:

Ph.D. Applied Physics 1968 Stanford University 1963-1963 M.S. Applied Physics 1965 Stanford, California B.A. Physics (Honors) 1963 Haverford College 1959-1963

. Haverford, Pennsylvania Irofessional experience:

Research and development -

  • Laboratory experiments Computer simulation Systems and mission analysis Performance analysis Test design and evaluation Fields of specialization:

Laser and optical systems and applications Communication Atmospheric propagation Object detection, tracking, and ranging Atmospheric pollution measurement Image transmission and display Lasers and optical devices Solid-state, gas, and vapor-phase lasers Dye lasers and fluorescence spectroscopy Short optical pulses, modulation, and mode-locking Photodetectors Deflectors and scanners Retroreflectors Frequency doublers and nonlinear effects l

Xerography and electrophotography l

Electronic devices Gaseous discharges Nuclear-particle detectors

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Roger L. Kohn (cont'd) 4 Employment:

4 Pacific-Sierra Research Corporation Senior Scientist 1456 Cloverfield Boulevard -

1978 - 1980 Santa Monica, California 90404 ,

Responsible for performance analysis, and design, supervision, and evaluation of tests of optical systems and components. Specifically, laser rangefinders and trackers have been modeled, the effects of atmos-pheric turbulence and aerosol scatter analyzed, and interesting cargets characterized. The utility of various lasers-- tunable dye, neodymium, and carbon dioxide-- for use in such applications as air to ground, air to sea, and ground to ground has been investigated. Key individual com-ponents have been studied and, in some cases, characterized through lab-oratory measurements. These optical elements include heterodyne detec-tors, vide-field optical filters, visible and infrared lasers, and retro-reflective devices. Changes in device or system designs or test proca-dures are recommended through agency or contractor personnel briefings and reports.

i The- Aerospace Corporation Member of Technical Staff Electronics Research Laboratory 1973 - 1978 El Segundo, California (P.O. Box 92957, Los Angeles, CA 90009)

Involved in laser research, development, and the application of op-tics and lasers to mission-oriented programs. Responsibilities included development of new concepts and devices, conducting of laboratory pro-jects, maintenance of expertise on present and future lasers, systems, and applications, and briefing of agency personnel.

Laser research included study of new dye and vapor-phase lasers with emphasis on small-scale, visible devices, and the investigation of laser noise sources. Applications of optics included the measurement of atmos-pheric pollutants, transmission spectrum of the atmosphere, and the anal-ysis of precision rangefinders for satellite positioning (e.g. for pro-posed solar-power stations). Laser lifetime tests were designed for the USAF communication satellite program. Novel concepts were pursued: small particles were levitated by radiation pressure with the aim of rotating t!.a suspended beads for numerous research and device purposes.

Bell Laboratories Member of Technical Staff Active Optical Device Department 1968 - 1972 Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974 and Coherent Optics Research Department Holmdel, New Jersey 07733 l

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Roser L. Kohn (cont'd)

I Conducted research into fluorescence and lasing properties of dyes and their interactions, excitation, and decay. Computerised data proces-sing and automated spectroscopic equipment were developed to assure reli-able results. .

Proposed and developed a unique continuously-operating dye laser, independently of other groups previously equipped and working toward this goal, and introduced fundamental design now incorporated in all commer-cial and most experimental cw dye lasers.

Involved in the development of a high-resolution facsfaile recording system, including research and development in gas-discharge and laser image recording, optics and deflection devices, and laser image scanners (the proprietary nature o,f this work precluded publication).

Microwave Laboratory Research Assistant W.W. Hansen Laboratories of Physics 1963 - 1968 Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 Conducted research into the mechanism and applications of mod'- e locking of ruby lasers. A model for phase- and amplitude-modulated transient mode-coupling of lasers was developed and computer calcula-tions compared with experimental results. Mode-locking was proposed and shown to increase nonlinearly-generated power, and second-harmon-ic enhancement was used to study locking.

Experimental Reactor Division , Research Assistant Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory 1963 (summer)

Los Alamos, New Mexico Research involved the study of gamma-ray noise mechanisms in nuclear-particle detectors in the vicinity of nuclear re' actors.

1 Bell Telephone Laboratories Technical Aide Murray Hill, New Jersey 1961 (summer)

Continued the development and testing of a newly-devised nuclear-particle detector.

Radiation Laboratory Laboratory Assistant Johns Hopkins University 1959,1960 (summer)

Baltimore, Maryland Modified, calibrated, and operated an infrared spectrometer.

I Roger L. Kohn (cont'd)


" Internal Modulation of Ruby Lasers and Second-Harmonic Generation,"

1966 International Quantum Electronics Conference, Phoenix, April, 1966.(with R.H. Pantell).

"Second-Harmonic Enhancement with an Internally-Modulated Ruby Laser,"

Appl. Phys. Letters 8_, 231 (1 May 1966) (with R.H. Pantell).

" Mode Coupling in an External Raman Resonatur," Appl. Phys. Letters 9_,

104 (1 August 1966) (with R.H. Pantell, B.G. Huth, H.E. Puthoff) .

" Mode Coupling in a Ruby Laser," IEEE J. Quantum Electr. QE-1, 306 (August 1966) (with R.H. Pantell).

" Mode-Coupling Effects with Ruby Lasers," Ph.D. Dissertation, Stan-ford University, May 1968; Microwave Laboratory Report 1636.

"An Intracavity-Pumped CW Dye Laser," Opt. Commun. 3_, 177 (May 1971)

(with C.V. Shank, E.P. Ippen, A. Dienes).

" Observation of Inhomogeneity in the Gain Spectrum of a Coumarin Laser Dye," Opt. Commun. 7, 309 (April 1973) (with C.V. Shank, A. Diunes).

" Characteristics of the 4-Methylumbelliferone Laser Dye," IEEE J.

Quantum Electr. QE-9, 833 (August 1973) (with A. Dienes, C.V. Shank).

" Automated System for Measuring Gains in Organic Dyes," Appl. Opt. 1,2,, 2 2939 (December 1973) (with C.D. Lingel, C.V. Shank, A. Dienes).

Aerospace Corporation technical reports

" Laser' Transmitter for NASA Satellite Rangefinder," 8 May 1974.

" Laser Trimming of Precision Resistors for Aerospace Applications," 17 October 1974.

" Angular Acceleration of Neutr a l Particles with Laser Radiation," 15 October 1975 (with M. Birnbaum).

" Low Frequency Pulsation Noise in Continuous Argon-Ion Lasers," 24 October 1975.

"Short-Range Satellite-to-Satellite Lidar: Cooperative vs. Uncooperative Targets." 3 February 1976.

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Roger L. Kohn (cont'd)

"Retroreflectors for Precision Optical Ranging," 17 February 1976.

" Laser Rangefinder for Use with. Satellite Elements of Adaptive Station-kept Array " 30 July 1976. ,

" Aerospace 4055 Laser communications Laboratory," 13 October 1976.

" Measurement of Off-Axis Beam Intensity of 405-B Downlink," 7 January 1977.

" Dye Laser for KrF-Pumped Formaldehyde Isotope-Separation Applica-tions," 15 August 1977.

"Carenkov Radiation in Optical Systems," 22 August 1977.

Pacific-Sierra Research Corporation technical reports.


" Considerations for a Narrowband Optical Filter for ODCS," July 1978,

" Initial Assesment of OCCULT Performance," July 1978 (vich R. Lutemirski),

" Compass Hammer Parametric Tests. Part I," September 1978 .

" Application of an OCCULT-Type Laser System to an Electro-Optical Countermeasure," April 1979 .

" Geometric Considerations when Using an Optical Scintillometer," Jan-uary 1979.

" Measurement of Plastic Retroreflector Arrays for Some Radiometric Applications," March 1979.


" Dye Laser with Pump Cavity Mode Matched to Laser Resonator" Inventor: R.L. Kohn. #3 766 488, October 16, 1973.

Others submitted to employers for further action.

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Roger L. Kohn (cont'd)

Professional affiliations:

American Physical Society, IEEE, AAAS, Sigma Xi.

Personal data:

Born -

1 December 1941, Baltimore, Maryland.

Citizenship - U.S.A.

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Statement of Professional Qxalirications STEVW ND 4

My name is Steven Aftergood. I an an environmental researcher on the staff of the Committee to Bridge the Gap. I as also a member of the Southern California Federation of Scientists.

I received my Bashelor of Soisase degrees S E M e from the School of E4eering at the University of California at Los Angeles in 1977. In 1977 I was also elected to Tau Seta Pi.

In 1976 I uns employed by Meret opto-Electronies, a fiber opties firm, as an applications engineer.. In 1960 I was employed as a research physicist at b Technion, in Haifa, Israel, working on the development of photovoltaics from amorphous silieon. In early 1961 I joined h staff of the Committee to Bridge the Gap.

My responsibilities at the Committee to Bridge the Gap include research local environmental issues and, in particular, ooordination .

j of the technical review of the UCLA remotor license application.

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Statement of Professional Qualifications DANIEL 0. HIRSCH My name is Daniel 0. Hirsch. I am President of the Committee to Bridge the Gap and a Visiting Lecturer at the University of California at Los Angeles.

At CBG I am Project Manager for the technical review of the UCLA .

reactor license renewal application. In that capacity I participate in and oversee the scientific review of the UCLA application, the Staff analyses, and the materials produced through discovery.

I helped found CBG in 1970 and have been associated with it since that time. In addition to the UCIA application, I have been Project Manager of the environmental assessment of the radioactive waste dump in Brentwood being considered by the City of Los Angeles as the site of a proposed parks review of past accidents at the Atomics International facility in Santa Susana, in particular the Sodium Reactor Experiment (SRE) partial meltdown and subsequent assessment of consequences attendant thereto; review of the potential for criticality accidents at the Atomics International fuel fabrication facility in Canoga Parks review of past ocean disposal of radioactive waste and potential environmental impacts of proposed renewal of the practice by the United States ~, particularly with regards submarine reactor vessels.

I am a member of the Ad Hoc Scientific Advisory Committee to the Joint Committee on Fisheries and Aquaculture of the California Legislature, assessing the impacts of past and proposed ocean radwaste disposal off the l

California coast; the Hazardous Materials Task Force Advisory Committee of


the City of Los Angeles, assessing local zoning and other regulation of radioactive materials; and the Executive Board of the Southern California Federation of Scientists. I have provided technical review of SCFS studies on conversion of partially-completed nuclear power plants, emergency planning at California nuclear power plants, and initiators of accidental nuclear war.

I chaired one of the two panels on public health impacts of the nuclear fuel cycle at the first " science court" conducted by the American Public Health Association, at its annual convention in 1981. I am co-author, with Professor Jackson Davis, Professor John Van Dyck and colleagues of his at

! the University of Hawaii, of " Ocean Disposal of Radioactive Wastes: An Assessment,"

the technical background documents submitted by several Pacific island nations to the upcoming Iondon Dumping Convention.

I received my B.A. from Harvard University in 1972, magna cum laude, ,

l in Special Studies, an interdisciplirary program.. Since spring ~1975 I have been a Lecturer at the University of California at Los Angeles, in an interdisciplina program called the Council on Mucational Development, a program of the UCLA Academic Senate. I am currently teaching " Energy Alternatives and Public Policy," which crosses technical and policy lines.on nuclear and related issues.

In August,1981, I was approved by the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board in the UCIA reactor proceeding as an " expert interrogator" under 10 CFR 2 733 (LEP-81-29,14NRC333). I have presented invited testimony on nuclear matters before tne U.S. Radiation Policy Council, the Subcommittee on Energy, Environment, and Natural Resources of the Gorernment Operations Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives, the Joint Committee on Fisheries andA 'quaculture of the California Legislature, and numerous other governmental bodies.


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