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Figure 2.1-6, Geologic Map of the Project 4 Study Area.
Person / Time
Site: Palo Verde  Arizona Public Service icon.png
Issue date: 07/11/2018
Arizona Public Service Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML18192B844 (1)


QT8 qs I

I bh I I


'7<7 CI Sedimentary rocks Ikcludes Upper Missikkiptdan paraCise Formation uf Stouanow (lggk) gnd Hernon (>gksj in extreme Z ll.

soulhrastern Arizonuf Bscabrosa Limestone (Upper + I(I e

ond ho>ocr M(ss(ksippian) gnd Martzn Formahon Z III rvk (Devonian) Jn eluck of southern and central Ariz>ma; 0 If)

Redo>all limestone (Mississippian) anlt Temple +m I(I uj Butte Limestone ('Upper? Devonian) in northern 0 5 Qb Ql'I Iu Kv Kr Arizonal Modoc Limestone (Lower Mississippianj Mzso 5 "'I;I

'ul Iqhgn 0 and Morenct Skulk (Vpper Devonian) in u'sstern Sedimentary deposits Volcanic rocks Dikes and plugs Greenlee Colzntyl awd Locally Pennsylvanian hme-Sedimentary and voicaui<<rocks Mesozoic metamorphic rocks U stone Z Mainly aguvial gravel sand and si hinfluod Qb, basaltic Jlows, agglomerate, tuJfk, awd Mlrinly basaltic in compositv>n fl plains, terraces, fans, and pediwlent cap- cinders distinguished from older b salts by Kv, >hgoh'tic to andesitic flow and tuffk M sc, schist, and pkyllite der'iludfroul Meso-35 Kr, predominaw tly rhyohLic Jlows and tuff zoic sedi mentary rocks U pings but locally includes dune sand, Lake recognizable cinder canes, calderas, and IJI deposits, and lanCklide mosses. Skoum only other geomorphw evidence of youtk I predominantly andeshtc flo'tl>8 and, t gfk l'u, Mlgn, gneiss LE in areas where they are of appreciable 0 Qr, rhyoli tie flows and tuffrekting Ciscon- CI thhfc>wkk or extent furmubly on Qs. Becognzzed only I'n Yuma Sedimentary rocks IL County Includes Louafellou L(mestee (I ower Ordavicmn und 0 CI W Upper Calnbrian) and Corouudo Qug>'tzite (U'p'Per Z LE Cambrian) iw. Greenlee County; BL Paso Limestone 0 (Luwer Ordovician), Abrigo Formation (Upper amt 7 Middle Cambriar), and Bolas Quurtzite (Middle Cambrian) in ealtern Corkise County; Ab>igo I'm I vl:II, ~.'u.". ~ Ix" '" 8,<<., 1 Sedimentary deposits Voicauic rocks Dikes and piugg and Bolku Quartzzte hl wes>erw Cockise, Graham, pimg, So~La Cruz, Pinal, Gila, and Z

Includes Cata Conglomerate and otjwr st~eam Includek units Jnterfingerzng u>ith QTs and Alte and Lake deposits mainly iw zntermontane arena Conktkteofluossly tofirmly consoli-some possibly older units whose debrisik in QTs Mmnly andeslh<< t> bekattzr Jn comyosztzon but includes kol>e rhyulzlir. intrusives in cent>al Fume Co Jnty Mesozoic granite to quartz diorit.e Mgricopa Counliss, Tonto Crroup (M(ddtk and I oreer Cambrian) inand and Ordomcign(f) northern and central Arizonal Cambrian Limestone and I

LL k g dated gravel sand and szyl local cLay QTb, basaltic Jlows, agglomerate, tuff, and dolomite in northwestern Mokave Couwty cf u 0 c'Incer8

) I gypsum marl lzmesfone dzatomlte and U u

Q some Jntercalated bukgltflo~s and fehzr 2

tzlffbeck d

q u ex Mesozoic sedimentary rocks Includes limestone, shale, sandstone, und Intrusive rocks Sedimentary rocks rowglomerute; Locally metouu>rphokrd PCgr, grgwite, quartz monzonl Le, granodiorite, and Mgtnty conglomerate sands(one kdtstone limestone, and tuffaceouk beds but Locally quartz diorite. Locally includes areas of granxtzc i>wtudss volcanic units ranging from rAy- rocks, unit other igneous rocks uf post- Paleozozc age otitw so andes kw in composihon PCCI, Ciouite, dh>rite pr>rphgry, and gabbro Chin)a Formation

'%08 S)nngrump )I(ember mapped separately north of latitude 85'B>'nortA Grand Canyon Series Sedimentary deposits lncludek Ckuur and Unkar Groups Tr& 1 >

>8 l lk Tps, I'ncludemfossiLtferous alluviul and la-custrine depusitk qf middle or early PL(ocene Tv Tvg Tvl Tvm age witkin vaBeys of the present drainage system and correlative conglomerate, sand, Moenkopi Formation siltand clay'aniels Conglomerate oJ Iuest- Voicauic rocks LLI fnchldes Hokkinnini Member of Triassw (I) ern Pi ma County and otker unfosk(L(ferous Flow'8, tuff's, brecciak, and agglomerates inter- ggrin Monument Vogey area Metaluurphuaed sl.'d>mentary anti voicaulc I'Ocka alluvial conglomerutek thut locally contax> flngerlng Jn part wltA Tertzary seCJmen Jary rocks. Includes some plugs and dikes Mainly pkyllile slate, mica 8chist, cMorite schist. and lavgflows, tuffs, and brecrzas and inter-amphi bohte derived fru >n inte rbedded shale, sgnd-finger with Tertiary volconw rocks known Tv, rhyolitic to basaltzc rock>>

Tvs, <<Cicic volcan(c rocks ktlwe, and rhyolitic to basaltic flows and tuffs but to be younger than Tms and terrestrial Mesozoic aud Paieozoic sedimentary local ty includes intrusive rA polite, I io<<>> gabbro deposits tentatively correlated anth the Tvl, i uter med(atk volcanic ~ocks Tvm, mafic volcanic rocks rocks undivided and pyroxcnite Ckuska Sandstone or Bidahocjn F'ormation Kaihah Limestone and Toroweap Formation pCsc,i~eludes Visknu Schist in Grand Cuwtu>w o yazopod Seri'csin rentrai Arizona PI Lahietzn j 7 south<<kte>m Arhong, and unnamed sckzstose units gnmsk zncludek some areas of undivided 8oktst


34 -j and granite Sedimentary rocks Coconiuo Sandstone

/ >>J.

Terrestria conglomerate, <<anCkhme, eil tet>me, h'meetone, tuffaceous beds, and andesitic flows and breccias,inclmhng Locomotive Fangtomerate, Helmet F'onglomerate, Pan-N tono Formatfow, an>i Whitetazt Conglouu.>-

ate'nd fokslhferuuk beds in Pima and STRUCTURAL SYMBOLS




~( ~

Yama tkan Countws known late Oligocene or Lo be younger no older tkan Hermit Shaie lz Z Jf







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~~ liddle Miocene Intrusive rocks 0

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TKg, granite, quurlz monzonite, grurwdiori>>




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~ ~

~ ~ ~

Ifl LE Thrust fault


Normal fault Anticline


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'p x


~ ~

quartz C>omte, and somk porpkyry equiva-


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~~ Qs, lents of these reeks hi

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TKI, grilnltii; dwri(i c, rhyohtic, und rinilesitic dikes, silL8, and pisa)8 g W ul~

Z fl h

Sedimentary rocks Supai Formation Paieozoie sedimentary 77 Id et Sync)inc Mouociine Cinder cone Includes Cloudburst harmattan tn Pznat rocks undivided n

8 t Ceunty and unnamed. shale kandstowe con U G.

ul 8 8 glomerate gnd Linwetone unite in southern and wester~ parte of'he State; locally con- I m tazne volcanic rocks r Qs Pakoon Limestone (Permiau) and Callviiie I

Ltmeatoue (Ponnsyivamau) of MENatr (1951) undivided 8