IR 05000317/2006004

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November 9, 2006

Mr. James A. Spina, Vice PresidentCalvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, Inc.

Constellation Generation Group, LLC 1650 Calvert Cliffs Parkway Lusby, Maryland 20657-4702


Dear Mr. Spina:

On September 30, 2006, the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) completed aninspection at your Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 and 2. The enclosed inspection report documents the inspection results, which were discussed on September 29, 2006, with you and other members of your staff.The inspection examined activities conducted under your license as they relate to safety andcompliance with the Commission's rules and regulations and with the conditions of your license.

The inspectors reviewed selected procedures and records, observed activities, and interviewed personnel.This report documents two NRC-identified findings of very low safety significance (Green) thatwere determined to involve violations of NRC requirements. However, because of the very low safety significance and because these issues were entered into your corrective action program, the NRC is treating these violations as non-cited violations (NCVs) consistent with Section VI.A.1 of the NRC Enforcement Policy. If you contest any NCV in this report, you should provide a response within 30 days of the date of this inspection report, with the basis for your denial, to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, ATTN.: Document Control Desk, Washington, DC 20555-0001; with copies to the Regional Administrator Region I; the Director, Office of Enforcement, United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001; and the NRC Resident Inspector at the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant.In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRC's "Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter, its 2J. Spinaenclosure, and your response (if any) will be available electronically for public inspection in theNRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRC's document system (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Website at (the Public Electronic Reading Room).

Sincerely,/RA/Arthur L. Burritt, Acting Chief Projects Branch 1 Division of Reactor ProjectsDocket Nos.50-317, 50-318License Nos. DPR-53, DPR-69


Inspection Report 05000317/2006004 and 05000318/2006004


Supplemental Informationcc w/encl:M. J. Wallace, President, Constellation Generation J. M. Heffley, Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer President, Calvert County Board of Commissioners C. W. Fleming, Senior Counsel, Constellation Generation Group, LLC Director, Nuclear Regulatory Matters R. McLean, Manager, Nuclear Programs K. Burger, Esquire, Maryland People's Counsel State of Maryland (2)






.........................................................11R01Adverse Weather Protection .......................................1

1R04 Equipment Alignment.............................................2

1R05 Fire Protection..................................................3

1R06 Flood Protection Measures........................................41R07Heat Sink Performance...........................................4

1R11 Licensed Operator Requalification Program............................4

1R12 Maintenance Effectiveness........................................51R13Maintenance Risk Assessments and Emergent Work Control..............51R15Operability Evaluations...........................................61R19Post-Maintenance Testing.........................................91R22Surveillance Testing..............................................9

1R23 Temporary Plant Modifications.....................................10

1EP6Drill Evaluation.................................................10Radiation Safety...........................................................112OS1Access Control to Radiologically Significant Areas.....................11 2OS2ALARA Planning and Controls ....................................122OS3Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation ...............................12 2PS3Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP)................13OTHER ACTIVITIES........................................................144OA1Performance Indicator (PI) Verification ..............................14 4OA2Identification and Resolution of Problems............................154OA3Event Followup................................................18 4OA6Meetings, Including Exit..........................................19ATTACHMENT:





OPENED, CLOSED AND DISCUSSED...........................A-1








Docket Nos.50-317, 50-318License Nos.DPR-53, DPR-69

Report Nos.05000317/2006004 and 05000318/2006004

Licensee:Constellation Generation Group, LLC

Facility:Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2

Location:Lusby, MD

Dates:July 1, 2006 through September 30, 2006

Inspectors:John Giessner, Acting Senior Resident InspectorMarlone Davis, Resident Inspector

Todd Jackson, Health Physicist

Randolph Ragland, Health Physicist

C.J. Fong, Reactor InspectorApproved by:Arthur L. Burritt, Acting ChiefProjects Branch 1

Division of Reactor Projects


OF [[]]

FINDINGSIR 05000317/2006-004, 05000318/2006-004; 07/01/06 - 09/30/06; Calvert Cliffs Nuclear PowerPlant, Units 1 and 2; Operability Evaluations; Problem Identification and Resolution.The report covered a three-month period of inspection by resident inspectors and announcedinspections performed by reactor and health physicist inspectors. Two Green findings both of

which were non-cited violations (NCVs) were identified. The significance of most findings is

indicated by their color (Green, White, Yellow, Red) using Inspection Manual Chapter (IMC)

0609, "Significance Determination Process" (SDP). Findings for which the SDP does not apply

may be Green or be assigned a severity level after

NRC management review. The


program for overseeing the safe operation of commercial nuclear power reactors is described in

NUREG -1649, "Reactor Oversight Process," Revision 3, dated July 2000.A.

NRC-Identified and Self-Revealing FindingsCornerstone: Mitigating SystemsGreen. The inspectors identified a non-cited violation (NCV) for the Service Water(SRW) and Auxiliary Feedwater (AFW) systems being inoperable without completing the

actions required by Technical Specifications. Constellation did not declare

AFW and

SRW trains inoperable when water tight doors providing a High Energy Line Break

(HELB) barrier were opened for maintenance or testing. Station personnel wrote

condition report (CR)

IRE -016-870 to address the control of these

HELB barriers and

have provided guidance to declare the trains inoperable if the water tight doors are

open.This finding is more than minor because it had a credible impact on the objective for themitigating system cornerstone and the attribute of component availability during design

basis events, specifically

HELB s. The

SDP phase 1 review determined a phase 2

evaluation was required since both

SRW and

AFW subsystems could have been

impacted with the

HE [[]]

LB barrier removed. The phase 2 evaluation yielded a very low

safety significance (Green), because of the low exposure time when the watertight doors

were open. A contributing cause of the finding is related to the cross-cutting aspect in

the area of problem identification and resolution (PI&R) because Constellation did not

implement and institutionalize operating experience (OE) related to control of the

HE [[]]
LB barriers through changes to station processes or procedures. (Section 1R15) Green. The inspectors identified a
NCV of

TS 5.4.1.a because Constellation did notinitiate a condition report (CR) to document the adverse performance of the service

water (SRW) heat exchanger salt water (SW) strainers during high debris loading as

required in the Service Water Heat Exchanger Alarm Manual. Constellation also did not

assess the operability of the strainers as required by the Corrective Action Program.

Station personnel initiated

CR [[]]

IRE-017-018 to address the issue and assess operability

of the strainers.

EnclosureivThe finding was more than minor since it had a credible impact on the objective for themitigating system cornerstone and the attribute of component reliability during design

basis events where the SRW system was required. This finding was determined to be a

finding of very low safety significance (green) because only one subsystem of the SRW

system was inoperable at any time, and the subsystem inoperability time was less than

the maximum allowed by TS. A contributing cause of this finding was related to the

cross-cutting aspect of PI&R because Constellation did not implement the corrective

action program with a low threshold for identifying the problems with the SRW heat


SW strainers. (Section 4

OA2)B.Licensee-Identified ViolationsNone.



SSummary of Plant StatusUnit 1 began the inspection period at 100 percent power. On July 7, 2006 during an influx ofaquatic life (jellyfish) at the plant intake structure, operators rapidly reduced Unit 1 power to

around 35 percent power to facilitate removal of two circulating water pumps. Power was

restored to 100 percent on the same day. On August 26, operators reduced power to

approximately 85 percent power for planned waterbox cleaning and main turbine valve testing.

Power was restored to 100 percent the next day. Unit 2 began the inspection period at 100 percent reactor power. On September 1, 2006,operators reduced power to approximately 78 percent due to storm related debris at the intake

from tropical storm Ernesto. Power was restored to 100 percent the same day. On September

9, 2006 operators reduced power to approximately 85 percent power for planned waterbox

cleaning and main turbine valve testing. Power was restored to 100 percent the next day.

1.REACT [[]]
OR [[]]
SAFE [[]]

TY Cornerstones: Initiating Events, Mitigating Systems, Barrier Integrity1R01Adverse Weather Protection (71111.01 - 3 samples).1Adverse Weather Seasonal Preparations - Hot Weather a.Inspection Scope The inspectors reviewed the adverse weather preparations and mitigating strategies forhot weather operations. This review included an assessment of Operations

Administrative Policy 94-5, "Guidelines for Nuclear Plant Operations Support For Electric

System Operation and Planning Department Transmission System Operations." The

inspectors assessed the effectiveness of Constellation preparations for hot weather and

stressed grid conditions. Risk-significant systems affected by hot weather and a heavily

loaded grid were selected for review. The review included the service water, saltwater,

and selected auxiliary building ventilation systems. The inspectors performed a partial

walkdown of ultimate heat sink components and safety related ventilation systems. The

inspectors conducted interviews with control room operators and system engineers to

ensure protective measures applicable to these risk-significant systems were available.

This inspection satisfied two inspection samples for review of risk-significant systems.

Documents reviewed for each section of this report are listed in the Attachment. b.FindingsNo findings of significance were identified.

2Enclosure.2Adverse Weather Conditions - Tropical Storm a.Inspection Scope On September 1, 2006, Calvert Cliffs entered Emergency Response PlanImplementation Procedure (ERPIP) 3.0, "Immediate Actions," for severe weather

conditions due to high winds and heavy rains from tropical storm Ernesto. The

inspectors reviewed the adverse weather preparations and mitigating strategies for

severe weather events. This review included an assessment of Emergency Response

Plan Implementation Procedure (ERPIP) 3.0, "Immediate Actions," Attachment 20,

"Severe Weather," Emergency Planning (EP) 1-108, "Severe Weather Preparation,"

3, "Severe Weather Preparation Checklist Operations," and Operations

Administrative Policy (OAP) 00-01, "Severe Weather Operations." The inspectors

conducted discussions with control room operators to verify severe weather mitigating

strategies and measures were appropriate for the event. This inspection satisfied one

inspection sample for the onset of adverse weather. b.FindingsNo findings of significance were identified. 1R04Equipment Alignment .1Partial Walkdown (71111.04Q - 4 samples) a.Inspection ScopeThe inspectors performed a partial walkdown of the following four systems to verify theoperability of redundant or diverse trains and components when safety equipment was

inoperable. The inspectors attempted to identify any discrepancies that could impact

the function of the system, and, therefore, potentially increase risk. The inspectors

reviewed applicable operating procedures, walked down system components, and

verified that selected breakers, valves, and support equipment were in the correct

position to support system operation. The inspectors also verified that Constellation had

properly identified and resolved equipment alignment problems that could cause

initiating events or impact the capability of mitigating systems or barriers and entered

them into the corrective action program. *Unit 1 Emergency core cooling system (ECCS) during dewatering of the

22ECCS pump room cooler*Unit 2
ECCS with
22 HPSI pump and 2

MOV654 being out of service

  • Unit 1 Component cooling (CC) water system after cleaning of the
11 CC heatexchanger*2A Emergency diesel generator (

EDG) during maintenance on the 2B EDG

3Enclosure b.FindingsNo findings of significance were identified..2Complete Walkdown (71111.04S -1 sample) a.Inspection ScopeThe inspectors performed a complete system walkdown of the accessible portions of theservice water system. The inspectors determined the correct system lineup using

OI-15, Attachment 1, "Service Water Valve Alignment (Unit 1 Valves)," as well as

appropriate piping and instrument drawings. The inspectors reviewed the open

maintenance work requests on the system for any deficiencies that could affect the

ability of the system to perform its function. Inspectors also reviewed the unresolved

design issues such as temporary modifications, operator workarounds, and items

tracked by plant engineering to assess their collective impact on system operation. In

addition, the inspectors reviewed the condition report database to verify that equipment

alignment problems were being identified and appropriately resolved. b.FindingsNo findings of significance were identified.1R05Fire Protection (71111.05Q - 6 samples) a.Inspection ScopeThe inspectors conducted a tour of the six areas listed below to assess the materialcondition and operational status of fire protection features. The inspectors verified that

Constellation controlled combustibles and ignition sources in accordance with their

administrative procedures and that fire detection and suppression equipment was

available for use. The inspectors also verified that station personnel maintained passive

fire barriers in good condition and that Constellation implemented compensatory

measures for out-of-service, degraded, or inoperable fire protection equipment in

accordance with their fire plan.*Unit 1 Service water pump room (Room 226)*Unit 2 Service water pump room (Room 205)

  • Unit 2 Component cooling water pump room (Room 201)

4Enclosure1R06Flood Protection Measures (71111.06 - 1 external flooding sample) a.Inspection ScopeThe inspectors reviewed flood protection measures associated with external floodevents. These events were described in the Updated Final Safety Analysis (UFSAR)

and the Individual Plant Examination of External Events (IPEEE). The inspectors

walked down risk significant areas at the site which included the intake structure and

outside areas near plant structures. The inspectors evaluated the integrity of watertight

doors, floor drains, and penetrations for these selected areas. The inspectors also

walked down external drains identified by the

IPE [[]]

EE to verify their ability to mitigate the

effects of external flood events. b.FindingsNo findings of significance were identified.1R07Heat Sink Performance (71111.07 - 1 sample) a.Inspection ScopeThe inspectors observed the 12 A and 12B service water heat exchanger thermalperformance tests. The inspectors reviewed the performance data and evaluated the

test acceptance criteria from this completed test to ensure that design basis

requirements were satisfied. The inspectors also evaluated existing heat transfer

capabilities based on completed flow verification test results to ensure that specific

safety functions could be performed in accordance with design specifications. The

inspectors also reviewed Calvert Cliffs' periodic maintenance methods to verify that they

conformed to the guidelines delineated in

EPRI Report

NP-7552, "Heat Exchanger

Performance Monitoring Guidelines." b.FindingsNo findings of significance were identified.1R11Licensed Operator Requalification Program (71111.11Q - 1 sample) a.Inspection ScopeOn September 6, 2006, the inspectors observed a licensed operator simulator trainingscenario to assess operator performance and the adequacy of the licensed operator

training program. The training scenario involved a turbine malfunction requiring

operators to perform a manual reactor trip. Following the trip, equipment failures

occurred resulting in a loss of all vital 4Kv buses. The inspectors focused on high-risk

operator actions performed during implementation of the abnormal and emergency

operating procedures, emergency plan implementation, and classification of the event.

The inspectors evaluated the clarity and formality of communications, the

5Enclosureimplementation of appropriate actions in response to alarms, the performance of timelycontrol board operations and manipulations, and the oversight and direction provided bythe shift supervisor. The inspectors also reviewed simulator fidelity to evaluate the

degree of similarity to the actual control room, especially regarding recent control board

modifications. b.FindingsNo findings of significance were identified.1R12Maintenance Effectiveness Quarterly Review (71111.12Q - 2 samples) a.Inspection ScopeThe inspectors reviewed the two samples listed below for items such as: (1) appropriatework practices; (2) identifying and addressing common cause failures; (3) scoping in

accordance with

10 CFR 50.65(b) of the maintenance rule (

MR); (4) characterizing

reliability issues for performance; (5) trending key parameters for condition monitoring;

(6) charging unavailability for performance; (7) classification and reclassification in

accordance with 10 CFR 50.65(a)(1) or (a)(2); and (8) appropriateness of performance

criteria for structures, systems, and components (SSCs) classified as (a)(2) and/or

appropriateness and adequacy of goals and corrective actions for SSCs classified as

(a)(1). *Unit 2 Wide range nuclear instrumentation power supplies*Unit 2 21A reactor coolant pump seal flange leakage b.FindingsNo findings of significance were identified.1R13Maintenance Risk Assessments and Emergent Work Control (71111.13 - 6 samples) a.Inspection ScopeThe inspectors reviewed the following six activities to verify that station personnelperformed the appropriate risk assessments prior to removing equipment for work.

When emergent work was performed, the inspectors verified that the plant risk was

promptly reassessed and managed. The inspectors compared the risk assessments

and risk management actions performed by station procedure NO-1-117, "Integrated

Risk Management," to the requirements of

10 CFR 50.65(a)(4), the recommendations of
NUMA [[]]

RC 93-01, Revision 2, "Industry Guideline for Monitoring the Effectiveness of

Maintenance at Nuclear Power Plants," and approved station procedures. In addition,

the inspectors assessed the adequacy of Constellation's identification and resolution of

problems associated with maintenance risk assessments and emergent work activities.

6Enclosure*High grid stress during an electric system operator declaration for maximumemergency generation*Unit 2 auxiliary feedwater testing

  • Unit 1 11 & 14 4kV busses transferred to and from their alternate power sourceto support maintenance on 11 4kV bus normal feeder breaker*Unit 2 high pressure safety injection and low pressure safety injection checkvalve closure test*11 and 23 battery chargers planned maintenance activities b.FindingsNo findings of significance were identified.1R15Operability Evaluations (71111.15 - 5 samples) a.Inspection ScopeFor the five operability evaluations described below, the inspectors evaluated thetechnical adequacy of the evaluations to ensure that Constellation properly justified TS

operability and that the subject component or system remained available such that no

unrecognized increase in risk occurred. The inspectors reviewed the

UFS [[]]

AR to verify

that the system or component remained available to perform its intended function. In

addition, the inspectors reviewed compensatory measures implemented to verify that

the measures worked as stated and that they were adequately controlled. The

inspectors also reviewed a sampling of condition reports to verify that Constellation

identified and corrected any deficiencies associated with operability evaluations. *Unit 1 core exit thermocouple reading lower than hot leg temperatures *Unit 2 scaffolding in safety related switchgear room

  • Unit 2 shutdown cooling heat exchanger inlet throttle valve for componentcooling due to difficult valve operation*Unit 1 auxiliary feedwater pump room water tight door open during test
  • 1A emergency diesel generator room fan performance with switches installedimproperly b.FindingsSafety Related Watertight DoorsIntroduction. The inspectors identified a Green
NCV of Technical Specifications (

TS) forthe service water (SRW) and auxiliary feedwater (AFW) systems being inoperable for

longer than the allowed time without completion of the actions required by TS, including

placing the plant in hot shutdown. Constellation did not declare the associated AFW

and SRW trains inoperable when the watertight doors that provide a high energy line

break barrier were opened for maintenance or testing.

7EnclosureDescription. On August 30, 2006, during the testing of Unit 1 #12 Turbine-DrivenAuxiliary Feedwater (TDAFW) pump, in accordance with STP-O-5A-1, the inspectors

noted that the procedure directed operators to open a set of watertight doors for the

room that houses the #11 and #

12 TDA [[]]

FW pumps. These doors are opened to the

non-safety related turbine building and are different from the watertight door used for

normal ingress and egress. The watertight doors that the procedure requires to be open

are maintenance doors, which are larger and do not automatically close and latch.

Station personnel opens these watertight doors to allow for quick egress during testing,

and stations a fire watch while the doors are open. The inspectors discussed the operability of the

TDA [[]]

FW pumps with Operationspersonnel, since it would be unlikely that the doors could be closed fast enough to

mitigate a high energy line break event and prevent a harsh environment in the

TDA [[]]
FW room. This reasoning was consistent with
NRC Information Notice (

IN) 2000-20,

"Potential Loss of Redundant Safety Related Equipment Because of A Lack of High

Energy Line Barriers" and Regulatory Issue Summary (RIS) 2001-009, "Control of

Hazard Barriers." The inspectors determined that since a

HE [[]]

LB was considered a

credible design basis accident, and the

TDA [[]]

FW pump had a specified safety function for

that accident, then in accordance with the definition of operability in TS section 1.1, both

pumps were inoperable. Constellation subsequently determined that both

TDA [[]]


pumps were inoperable during this test. The Technical Specification Action Statement

(TSAS) 3.7.3c requires, in part, that the remaining operable pump be aligned for

automatic initiation and the verification of the other unit's motor-driven



pump as well as the AFW cross-tie valve to the opposite unit is operable in one hour.

Station personnel performed the required actions when they determined the

TDA [[]]
FW pumps were inoperable. Constellation initiated a
CR to evaluate their control of
HELB barriers including an extent of condition evaluation. As part of the extent of condition evaluation for the last three years, Constellationdiscovered that the
TDA [[]]

FW pump room doors for both units had been opened

periodically for testing and maintenance activities without declaring the associated

pumps inoperable. In addition, the Service Water (SRW) rooms for each unit, which

contain the three SRW pumps, Salt Water/Service Water heat exchanger components,

and the 13 or 23 AFW pump, had watertight doors which had been opened periodically

without declaring the associated pumps inoperable. Having all three SRW pumps

inoperable on both trains of the service water system would have required entry into


TS 3.0.3.Analysis. Failure to declare the
SRW and
AFW pumps or safety-related train inoperablewhen its

HELB barrier (watertight door) was opened for other than normal ingress and

egress was a performance deficiency. The inspectors considered the deficiency was

more than minor since it had a credible impact on the objective for the mitigating system

cornerstone and the attribute of component availability during design basis events,


HELB s. The

SDP phase 1 review determined a phase 2 evaluation was

required since both

SRW subsystems could have been inoperable with the

HELB barrier

removed. For the

AFW system, two cases existed where the opposite unit's


system was impacted due to open watertight doors.

8EnclosureThe phase 2 evaluation used an unavailability of both

TDA [[]]

FW pumps in theconservative 3-30 day range. Constellation's data shows calculated unavailability times

in the last year for unit 1 and 2 of 85 hours9.837963e-4 days <br />0.0236 hours <br />1.405423e-4 weeks <br />3.23425e-5 months <br /> and 64 hours7.407407e-4 days <br />0.0178 hours <br />1.058201e-4 weeks <br />2.4352e-5 months <br />, respectively. Inspectors

determined that these times were reasonable. To account for possible cases where the

opposite unit's

MDA [[]]

FW may not have been available and some cases where the logs

were not complete, the inspectors conservatively assumed only one train of AFW

remained. SRW pump or component unavailability was 13 hours1.50463e-4 days <br />0.00361 hours <br />2.149471e-5 weeks <br />4.9465e-6 months <br /> for Unit 1 and three

hours for Unit 2. The inspectors used the initiating event of Main Steam Line Break

Outside Containment (Table 3.10) of the Risk Informed Inspection Notebook, revision 2,

for Calvert Cliffs. The phase 2 worksheet resulted in a very low safety significance

(green) for both units because of the low exposure time when the watertight doors were

open. Constellation performed their own detailed risk assessment using their risk model

and determined the highest Incremental Core Damage Probability was green. The inspectors identified that a contributing cause of this finding was related to thecross-cutting aspect in the area of PI&R because Constellation did not implement and


OE related to the control of

HELB barriers, from a 2004 site


RIS 2001-009 and

IN 2000-20, through changes to station processes

or procedures.Enforcement. With the watertight doors open in the respective rooms,


SRW, andSW subsystems would be inoperable. TS 3.7.3c, "Auxiliary Feedwater System,"

requires, in part, action to verify the other unit's motor-driven AFW pump is operable

within one hour. In addition, the

SRW and

SW TS require both trains operable in modes

1-4. There is no

TS action for both subsystems being inoperable, therefore,

TS 3.0.3 is

applicable and requires action to be in mode 3 within seven hours. Contrary to the above, on several occasions on both units, most recentlyAugust 30, 2006, Constellation did not verify the other unit's AFW pump operable in one

hour from the inoperability of the

TDA [[]]

FW pumps. Additionally, contrary to the

requirements for

SRW and

SW operability, on December 9, 2004, Unit 1 SRW pump

room doors were open for more than nine hours, exceeding TS 3.0.3 requirement to be

in mode 3 within seven hours. This violation is documented in Constellation's corrective

action program as

IRE -016-870 and is being treated as a non-cited violation consistentwith Section
VI.A. 1 of the
NRC Enforcement Policy:
NCV 05000317 and 318/2006004-01, Failure to Comply With
TS for
SRW and
AFW With Watertight Doors Open. 1A

EDG Room Fan Performance The inspectors identified that the 1A Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) roomventilation fan temperature switches were installed with the shipping protectors over the

sensing element. On September 24, 2006, while observing a 1A EDG surveillance test,

the inspectors noted the temperature in the room slowly rising while the EDG was being

loaded. The system design is such that at approximately 85F, the second ventilationfan starts and around 95F, the third ventilation fan starts. The inspectors observed thelocal temperature over 95F (with a maximum peak of 97F) with only one fan running.

9EnclosureThe inspectors discussed the observation with the Constellation staff, and theysubsequently determined the fan temperature switches were installed with the shipping

protectors over the sensing element which created a delay in activation of the

temperature switch. Station personnel initiated a condition report IRE-017-390 and

removed the shipping protectors to restore the EDG to the intended design

configuration. This item is unresolved pending an investigation and operabilityassessment by the station personnel. Unresolved Item (URI 05000317/2006004-03,1A EDG Ventilation Fan Performance1R19Post-Maintenance Testing (71111.19 - 5 samples) a.Inspection ScopeThe inspectors reviewed the five post-maintenance tests listed below to verify thatprocedures and test activities ensured system operability and functional capability. The

inspectors reviewed the test procedure to verify that the procedure adequately tested

the safety function(s) that may have been affected by the maintenance activity, that the

acceptance criteria in the procedure were consistent with information in the applicable

licensing basis and/or design basis documents, and that the procedure had been

properly reviewed and approved. The inspectors also witnessed the test or reviewed

test data, to verify that the test results adequately demonstrated restoration of the

affected safety function(s).*22 shutdown cooling heat exchanger component cooling water solenoid valve(2SV3830) replacement*High pressure safety injection (HPSI) main header isolation motor operated valve(2MOV-654) maintenance*22

EC [[]]

CS pump room cooler

  • U-4000-12 transformer out of service (supply to 4kv safety bus)
  • Fire system containment isolation motor operated valve (2MOV-620), circuitbreaker inspection b.FindingsNo findings of significance were identified. 1R22Surveillance Testing (71111.22 - 5 samples) a.Inspection ScopeThe inspectors observed and/or reviewed the five surveillance tests listed below,associated with selected risk-significant
SSC s, to verify

TS compliance and that

Constellation properly specified test acceptance criteria. The inspectors also verified

that station personnel established proper test conditions as specified in the procedures,

no equipment preconditioning activities occurred, and that acceptance criteria had been


10Enclosure*Unit 1 reactor coolant system leakage surveillance (STP O-27-1)*11 auxiliary feedwater pump inservice surveillance test (STP O-5A-1)

  • Unit 1 remote shutdown and post accident monitoring instrumentation channelcheck (STP O-63-1)*Unit 2 high pressure safety injection and low pressure safety injection checkvalve closure test (STP O-65-2) b.FindingsNo findings of significance were identified.1R23Temporary Plant Modifications (71111.23 - 1 samples) a. Inspection Scope The inspectors reviewed one temporary modification to verify that safety systems did notdepart from the design basis and system success criteria. The inspectors reviewed the

associated 10 CFR 50.59 screening against the system design bases documentation,

including the

UFS [[]]

AR. The inspectors walked down each modification to verify that

proper configuration control was maintained to ensure continued system operability. In

addition, the inspectors verified that the licensee controlled the modification in

accordance with the requirements of procedure

MD -1-100, "Temporary Alterations."*Disabling an alarm relay in the 0C diesel generator battery monitor alarm circuit b.FindingsNo findings of significance were identified.Cornerstone: Emergency Preparedness (

EP)1EP6Drill Evaluation (71114.06 - 1 sample) a.Inspection ScopeThe inspectors observed a site emergency response drill training exercise conducted onJuly 26, 2006, to assess licensed operators' and site Emergency Director performance

in the area of emergency preparedness. This training exercise focused on equipment

failures and operator challenges that would typically exist during a significant event

which resulted in protective action recommendations (PARs) to state and local officials.

The inspectors also observed and evaluated the required procedural transitions and

associated event classifications. b.FindingsNo findings of significance were identified.

11Enclosure2.Radiation SafetyCornerstone: Occupational Radiation Safety (OS)2OS1Access Control to Radiologically Significant Areas (71121.01) a.Inspection Scope (7 Samples)The inspectors reviewed radiological work activities and practices and proceduralimplementation during observations and tours of the facilities and inspected licensee

Performance Indicators (PIs) relative to the Occupational Exposure Cornerstone. The

licensee had one PI in this cornerstone for the period from October 2005 -

September 15, 2006 (NRC Inspection Report Nos. 5000317/2006002 and

5000318/2006002)The inspectors reviewed corrective action reports related to access controls. This reviewincluded any high radiation area radiological incidents, identified by the licensee, in highradiation areas <1R/hr that have occurred since the last inspection in this area.

Additionally, the inspector reviewed any pertinent problem identification and resolution

issues identified in this area, and assessed the licensee's self-assessment activities.The inspectors reviewed licensee documentation packages relative to possible PIevents occurring since the last inspection to determined if any events involved dose

rates >25 R/hr at 30 centimeters or >500 R/hr at 1 meter, what barriers failed or

remained available to prevent personnel access. The inspectors reviewed unintended

exposures >100 mrem Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE) (or >5 rem Skin Dose

Equivalent (SDE) or >1.5 rem Lens Dose Equivalent (LDE)), to determine if there were

any overexposures or substantial potential for overexposure. There were no licensee

events which occurred between October 2005 - September 15, 2006 which met any of

the above criteria. The inspectors conducted radiation worker performance observations during dry storagecask movement and lid welding activities to determine if radiation workers were aware of

significant radiological conditions in the work place, the required RWP controls, and to

assess the level of radiological hazards present.The inspectors reviewed radiological problem reports relative to radiation worker errorssince the last inspection to examine the licensee's cause assessments, including the

determination of any observable pattern traceable to a similar cause; and, the

effectiveness of the licensee's efforts to resolve the reported problems. The inspectors

discussed corrective actions with the Radiation Protection Manager (RPM). The

inspectors verified the adequacy of postings and verified the integrity of Locked High

Radiation Areas, and Very High Radiation Areas (if reasonably accessible).

2EnclosureThe inspectors conducted radiation protection technician observations during drystorage cask movement and lid welding activities to determine if job coverage

technicians were aware of significant radiological conditions in the work place, therequired RWP controls; and to assess their appreciation of the radiological hazards.

The inspectors reviewed any radiological problem reports associated with radiation

protection technician performance errors. b.FindingsNo findings of significance were identified.2OS2ALARA Planning and Controls (71121.02) a.Inspection Scope (3 Samples)The inspectors reviewed the integration of

ALARA requirements in work procedures and

RWP documents.The inspectors evaluated the radiation protection group generated shielding requestswith respect to dose rate reduction problem definition and assigning value (dose savings

or dollars). In addition, the inspectors evaluated engineering shielding responses for

follow through.The inspector determined if there have been any declared pregnant workers during thecurrent assessment period, and reviewed the exposure results and monitoring controls

employed by the licensee with respect to requirements of

10 CFR 20. b.FindingsNo findings of significance were identified.2

OS3Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation (71121.03) a.Inspection Scope (1 Sample)The inspectors verified the calibration expiration and source response check currencyon radiation detection instruments staged for use. The inspector interviewed radiation

protection technicians and observed technicians select and self verify instrument

operability prior to use. b.FindingsNo findings of significance were identified.

13EnclosureCornerstone: Public Radiation Safety (PS)2PS3Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) a.Inspection Scope (10 Samples)The inspector reviewed the current Annual Radiological Environmental MonitoringReport and recent licensee assessment results to verify that the

RE [[]]

MP was

implemented as required by technical specifications (TS) and the offsite dose calculationmanual (ODCM). The review included changes to the

OD [[]]

CM and environmental

monitoring program commitments concerning sampling locations, monitoring and

measurement frequencies, land use census, inter-laboratory comparison program, and

data analysis. In addition, the inspector reviewed station self-assessments and audits,

licensee event reports, inter-laboratory comparison program results, the

UFS [[]]

AR for

information regarding the environmental monitoring program and meteorological

monitoring instrumentation, and the scope of the audit program to verify that it met the

requirements of 10 CFR 20.1101(c).The inspector walked down four (of five) air particulate and iodine sampling stations;one (of 3) vegetation sampling locations; one (of one) shoreline sediment location; two

(of two) bay water composite sampling locations; and eight (of 23) thermoluminescent

dosimeter (TLD) monitoring locations, and determined that these were located as

described in the

OD [[]]

CM and determined the equipment material condition to be

acceptable.The inspector observed the collection and preparation of a variety of environmentalsamples (listed above) and verified that environmental sampling was representative of

the release pathways as specified in the

OD [[]]

CM and that sampling techniques were in

accordance with procedures.Based on direct observation and review of records, the inspector verified that themeteorological instruments were operable, calibrated, and maintained in accordance

with guidance contained in the


NRC Safety Guide 23, and station procedures.

The inspector verified that the meteorological data readout and recording instruments in

the control room and at the tower were operable. The inspector reviewed each event documented in the Annual Environmental MonitoringReport which involved a missed sample, inoperable sampler, lost TLD, or anomalous

measurement for the cause and corrective actions. The inspector conducted a review of

Constellation's assessment of any positive sample results.The inspector reviewed any significant changes made by the licensee to the

OD [[]]

CM asthe result of changes to the land census or sampler station modifications since the last

inspection. The inspector also reviewed technical justifications for any changed

sampling locations and verified that the licensee performed the reviews required to

ensure that the changes did not affect its ability to monitor the impacts of radioactive

effluent releases on the environment.The inspector reviewed the calibration and maintenance records for air samplers, as

14Enclosurewell as technical descriptions of new air sampling equipment purchased and beingintroduced into the field by Constellation. The inspector reviewed: the results of Calvert

Cliffs' interlaboratory comparison program to verify the adequacy of environmental

sample analyses performed by the station; the station's quality control evaluation of the

interlaboratory comparison program and the corrective actions for any deficiencies;

Calvert Cliffs' determination of any bias to the data and the overall effect on the

RE [[]]


and quality assurance audit results of the program to determine whether the licensee

met the

TS /

ODCM requirements. The inspector verified that the appropriate detection

sensitivities with respect to

TS /

ODCM are utilized for counting samples and reviewed

the results of the quality control program including the interlaboratory comparison

program to verify the adequacy of the program.The inspector observed several locations where the station monitors potentiallycontaminated material leaving the radiologically controlled area, and inspected the

methods used for control, survey, and release from these areas, including observing the

performance of personnel surveying and releasing material for unrestricted use verifying

that the work is performed in accordance with plant procedures.The inspector verified that the radiation monitoring instrumentation was appropriate forthe radiation types present and was calibrated with appropriate radiation sources. The

inspector reviewed Constellation's criteria for the survey and release of potentially

contaminated material; verified that there was guidance on how to respond to an alarm

which indicates the presence of licensed radioactive material; and reviewed the

licensee's equipment to ensure the radiation detection sensitivities were consistent with


NRC guidance contained in

IE Circular 81-07 and IE Information Notice 85-92 for

surface contamination and

HPPOS -221 for volumetrically contaminated material. b.FindingsNo findings of significance were identified.4.
OTHER [[]]

TIES (OA)4OA1Performance Indicator (PI) Verification (71151 - 2 Samples) a.Inspection ScopeCornerstone: Occupational Radiation Safety*Occupational Exposure Control Effectiveness (OECE)(02.01)

The inspectors interviewed cognizant personnel and selectively examined records usedby the licensee to identify occurrences involving high radiation areas, very high radiation

areas, and unplanned personnel exposures for the time period from October 2005 to

September 15, 2006. The reviewed records included selected corrective action program

records and the periodic

PI data records for this

PI. This review was conducted against

the applicable criteria specified in Nuclear Energy Institute's (NEI) Regulatory

Assessment Performance Indicator Guideline No. 99-02 (Revision 3), with an effective

date of April 1, 2005.

15EnclosureThe inspectors determined that the licensee had one occurrence during the periodspecified which met the applicable criteria and this event was properly reported as a PI.

This event is documented in NRC Inspection Report Nos. 5000317/2006002;

5000318/2006002. This review and examination did not identify any problems with the

PI accuracy or completeness and thus, verified this performance indicator. This

inspection activity represents the completion of 1 sample relative to this inspection area

(i.e., inspection procedure section 02.01) for one performance indicator (i.e.,

OECE ). *Radiological Effluent Technical Specification/Offsite Dose Calculation ManualRadiological Effluent Occurrences (

RETS/ODCM REOs)(02.01)The inspector interviewed cognizant personnel and selectively examined records use bythe licensee to identify any occurrences involving gaseous or liquid effluent releases for

the time period from October 2005 - September 15, 2006. The reviewed records

included selected corrective action program records and the periodic PI data records for

this PI. This review was conducted against the applicable criteria specified in Nuclear

Energy Institute's (NEI) Regulatory Assessment Performance Indicator Guideline No.

99-02 (Revision 3), with an effective date of April 1,

2005.T his review and examination did not identify any problems with the

PI accuracy orcompleteness and, thus, verified this performance indicator. This inspection activity

represents the completion of 1 sample relative to this inspection area (i.e., inspection

procedure section 02.01) for one performance indicator (i.e.,

ODCM [[]]
REO s). b.FindingsNo findings of significance were identified.4

OA2Identification and Resolution of Problems.1Review of Items Entered Into the Corrective Action ProgramThe inspectors performed a daily screening of items entered into Constellation'scorrective action program as required by Inspection Procedure 71152, "Identification

and Resolution of Problems." The review facilitated the identification of potentially

repetitive equipment failures or specific human performance issues for follow-up

inspection. Inspectors reviewed each issue report, attended screening meetings, and

accessed Constellation's computerized database. .2Annual Sample: Review of Operator Workarounds a.Inspection ScopeThe inspectors performed an in-depth review of workarounds in accordance withIP 71152. This included an evaluation of the cumulative effects of documented

workarounds, field walkdown to determine potential undocumented workarounds, review

of Condition Reports (CRs) and Control Room walkdowns. The evaluation followed the

guidelines in 71152 paragraph 03.02 b and assessed potential workarounds not

evaluated by station personnel, workarounds that have been formalized as long-term

16Enclosurecorrective actions, and workarounds that increase the potential for human performanceerrors. b.FindingsNo findings of significance were identified..3Annual Sample: Review of Safety Related Salt Water System Performance DuringDebris Intrusion a.Inspection ScopeThe inspectors conducted a review of Constellation's safety related salt water (SW)system, which takes a suction on the Chesapeake Bay and acts as an ultimate heat

sink. Inspectors selected this sample since there were several events which challenged

the system. Specifically, in July and August 2006 there was an unusually high number

of jellyfish at the traveling screens which remove debris from the suction of the

circulating and salt water systems. The jellyfish clogged the traveling screens to the

point were circulating water pumps had to be removed from service. In September

2006, there was an excessive amount of debris in the bay caused by high winds. The

inspection involved a system evaluation by reviewing logs, procedures, design basis

documents, performance monitoring, interviewing site personnel, and walkdowns of

plant equipment. The inspection focused on possible common mode failure conditions

and susceptible equipment, as well as equipment and personnel performance during

this time. b.FindingsIntroduction. The inspectors identified a Green

NCV of

TS 5.4.1.a, "AdministrativeControls - Procedures," for failure to follow the Alarm Manual for the service water

(SRW) system. Specifically, the operators did not initiate

CR s to address

SRW heat

exchanger salt water (SW) strainer trouble alarms. Constellation also did not assess

system operability as required by the Corrective Action Program.Description. During a jellyfish intrusion on July 19, 2006, the inspectors walked downthe traveling water screens and noted some carryover of debris from the front side of

the screen to the backside of the screen. A review of control room logs for that day

identified several SW strainer trouble alarms. Further investigation showed that the 22A

SW strainer valve was not in its correct position. The alarm response procedure directs

the operator to attempt to reset the circuitry, determine which valve failed, and if the

flushing valve is fully or partially open, consider placing the control system to "Off" for

that strainer to allow the other strainer on the same train to function in automatic.

Finally, the alarm response procedure directs initiation of a condition report for

equipment deficiencies. Operators performed a manual flush of the strainer and the

alarm cleared. The manual flush is not described in this alarm response procedure, no

CR was written, and station personnel did not assess system operability. On July 21,

2006, following a discussion with the inspector, Operations personnel initiated

CR [[]]


016-074. Constellation categorized this

CR as a level 4 and closed the

CR to trend, with

no actions taken. The operability explanation noted that "the alarm was apparently

caused by influx of jellyfish and was promptly resolved per the Alarm Manual." The

17Enclosureinspectors also discussed with engineers that if manual action was required duringdebris intrusions, then SW strainer operability could be challenged. Constellation

created an Incident Response Team (IRT) and performed an apparent cause evaluation

for the jellyfish intrusion but did not perform an evaluation on the potential impact to

safety-related systems. On September 1, 2006, following high winds from tropical storm Ernesto inspectorsreviewed the control room logs and found several cases where condition reports were

not written for SW strainer trouble alarms. The alarms came in and cleared with no

action taken on a number of occasions. The system is design for the strainer to

autoflush before an alarm is received. In one case, a 12B SW strainer valve was not in

its correct position and the control room logs indicate the actions taken for the alarm

were unsuccessful. On other occasions operators were dispatched to observed the

SW strainer going into an autoflush or to manually flush the strainer following an alarm.In response to the inspectors observations and discussions regarding strainerperformance, the Constellation staff initiated
IRE -017-018 to address why no

CRs were

initiated for these issues. The inspectors concluded that with the SW strainer valve in

the wrong position, the automatic backwash feature of the associated subsystem

strainer would not function, and therefore the SW strainer was inoperable. The

inspectors also concluded that there was an adverse impact to the SW strainers from

debris intrusion and that Constellation, by not documenting the adverse conditions in

their corrective action process as required by their procedure, missed an opportunity to

assess the impact on system operability as well as determine the corrective actions

needed to address the issue. The inspectors determined that on July 19, 2006 a SW

strainer was inoperable for one subsystem on Unit 2 for less than one hour. On

September 1, both subsystems were inoperable, but not at the same time and for less

than one hour. Analysis. The failure to follow the Alarm Response Manual for the salt water system isthe performance deficiency in that the Constellation staff did not initiate CRs to address

salt water strainer trouble alarms or assess system operability as required by the

procedure. The performance deficiency more than minor since it had a credible impact

on the objective for the mitigating system cornerstone and the attribute of component

reliability during design basis events where the SW system was required. The finding

was determined to be of very low safety significance, Green, using phase 1 of the SDP

since the TS allowed outage time for one subsystem inoperable was not exceeded. The

inspectors identified that a contributing cause of this finding was related to the cross-

cutting aspect of PI&R because Constellation did not implement the corrective action

program with a low threshold for identifying the problems with the

SW strainers. Enforcement.

TS 5.4.1a, "Administrative Controls - Procedures," requires, in part, thatwritten procedures be established and implemented for activities recommended in

Regulatory Guide 1.33, revision 2, Appendix A of February 1978. Paragraph 6 of

Appendix A requires procedures for safety-related alarm conditions. The SW strainers

are safety-related and have alarm response procedures associated with each of its

service water heat exchangers. Contrary to the above, on July 19 and

September 1, 2006, Constellation failed to adequately implement the alarm response

procedures because no condition report was written. This violation is documented in

Constellation's corrective action program as IRE-017-018 and is being treated as a

18Enclosurenon-cited violation consistent with Section

VI.A. 1 of the
NRC Enforcement Policy:
NCV 05000317 and 318/2006004-02, Failure to comply with

TS 5.4.1 for Salt Water

Strainers. .4Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program a.Inspection ScopeThe inspector reviewed the Constellation's Licensee Event Reports, Special Reports,and audits related to the radiological environmental monitoring program performed since

the last inspection. The inspector determined that identified problems were entered into

the corrective action program for resolution. The inspector also reviewed corrective

actions affecting environmental sampling, sample analysis, or meteorological monitoring

instrumentation. b.Findings and ObservationsNo findings of significance were identified.4OA3Event FollowupReduction of Power Generation due to Jellyfish IntrusionThe inspectors assessed operator performance associated with a Unit 1 event thatinvolved a rapid reduction of power. On July 7, 2006, at approximately 4:30 p.m., a

large number of jellyfish entered the intake basin of the plant. The jellyfish challenged

the circulating water and screen wash systems. Unit 1 control room operator (CRO)

received high differential pressure (D/P) alarms on several traveling screens in the

control room. The CRO immediately dispatched outside operators to investigate the

cause and subsequently gave directions to clear the traveling screens. The outside

operators used fire hoses to deflect the jellyfish away from the intake. At approximately

4:59 p.m., The Unit

1 CRO s implemented Abnormal Operating Procedure (

AOP) - 7L,

"Circulating Water / Intake Malfunction," due to continuos high D/P alarms on the

traveling screens and securing two circulating water pumps. Unit 1 required a rapid

reduction of power in accordance with AOP-7L. The inspectors observed plant

operation, procedure adherence and system performance during this time. The

inspectors assessed the plant response and conditions specific to the event, and

evaluated the performance of licensed operators. The inspectors reviewed control room

procedures and operator logs to determine if operators performed the appropriate

actions in accordance with their training and established station procedures. b.FindingsNo findings of significance were identified.

19Attachment4OA6Meetings, Including ExitExit Meeting SummaryOn September 29, 2006, the resident inspectors presented the inspection results to MrSpina and other members of his staff who acknowledged the findings. The inspectors

asked the licensee whether any of the material examined during the inspection should

be considered proprietary. No proprietary information was identified.ATTACHMENT:

OF [[]]
CONTA [[]]

CT Constellation PersonnelJ. Spina, Vice President

J. Pollock, Plant General Manager

D. Bauder, Operations Manager
A. Barnett,

REMP Laboratory, Ft. Smallwood

L. Bartal, Laboratory Supervisor, Ft. Smallwood

J. Branyan, Functional Surveillance Test Coordinator
R. Conatser, Senior Chemist,

REMP Program Manager

S. Dean, General Supervisor Operations

J. Detechemundy, Health Physics Technician

B. Erdman, Radiological Engineering Supervisor

S. Etnoyer, Plant Health Physicist

H. Evans, Health Physics Leader

M. Flaherty, Engineering Services Manager

P. Furio, Supervisor Licensing

J. Gaines, Director Calvert Cliffs Licensing

D. Geneva, General Supervisor, Chemistry

T. Hickey, Welder

J. Johnson, Licensing

P. Jones, Senior Plant Health Physicist

R. Kellner, Senior Plant Health Physicist

T. Kirkham, Principle Plant Health Physicist

L. Larragoite, Constellation Licensing Director

R. Marshall, Health Physics Technician

K. Mills, System Engineering General Supervisor
D. Murphy, Supervisor

NSSS Systems

S. Marie Reichard, Engineering Analyst

C. Neyman, Engineering Analyst

E. Roach, General Supervisor of Health Physics

D. Scroggy, Health Physics Technician

A. Simpson, Sr. Licensing Engineer

B. Snuse, Licensing

M. Stanley, Operations, Fire Brigade

L. Williams, System Manager
M. Yox, Engineering Analyst
LIST [[]]
OF [[]]
ITEMS [[]]
AND [[]]
DISCUS SEDOpened05000317/2006004-03URI1A
EDG Ventilation Fan PerformanceOpened and Closed05000317-318/2006004-01
NCVF ailure to Comply With
TS for

SRW andAFW With Watertight Doors Open

A-2Attachment05000317-318/2006004-02NCV Failure to comply with

TS 5.4.1 for SaltWater Strainers
LIST [[]]
OF [[]]
EDS ection 1R01: Adverse WeatherCalvert Cliffs Integrated Schedule
WW 0629, dated July 17, 2006Unit 1 and 2

QSS Week 0629 - Risk Evaluation Rev. 3, July 14, 2006

Abnormal Operating Procedure, AOP-7M, Major Grid Disturbances, revision 1

Operations Administrative Policy 94-5, Guidelines for Nuclear Plant Operations Support For

Electric System Operation and Planning Department Transmission System Operations Unit,

revision 10

IRE -016-300, Original calculation did not consider

CW001 temperature indication uncertainty,

August 2, 2006

Rep task ID 20421009, Cross Calibration of Circulating Water temperature detectors, August 1,


Drawing Bechtel 63-077-B, Block Diagram

RTD recorder 2

TR17, revision 4

Emergency Response Plan Implementation Procedure (ERPIP) 3.0, "Immediate Actions,"

20, "Severe Weather," revision 39.

Emergency Planning (EP) 1-108, "Severe Weather Preparation," Attachment 3, "Severe

Weather Preparation Checklist Operations," revision 0

Operations Administrative Policy (OAP) 00-01, "Severe Weather Operations," revision

0.S ection 1R04: Equipment AlignmentClearance Order 2200600309, Tagout 22
ECCS Pump Air Cooler, September 12, 2006Simplified Drawing 84304, Circulating and Salt Water Cooling System, revision 6
UFS [[]]

AR Table 9-17A, Single Failure Analysis, revision 34

Simplified Drawing 64311, Safety Injection and Containment Spray, revision 9

Operating Instruction (OI) OI-3A Unit 2, Safety Injection and Containment Spray, revision 22

Drawing 62731 Sheet 1, Safety Injection and Containment Spray, revision 72

OI 29 Unit 1 and 2, Salt Water System, revision 52

OI-15, Service Water System, revision 43,

CA03387, Unit 1 Service Water Flow Analysis, revision 1.

Maintenance Order (MO) 2200601499


ID # 2200600153Section 1R05: Fire ProtectionCombustion Loading Analysis Report, Calculation

CA02243, revision 1IRE-016-887, Combustible Load calculation underestimates quantity of Armaflex Insulation,

August 31, 2006

Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Section 9.9,

CCN [[]]

PP Fire Protection Program, revision35

SA-1, Fire Protection Program, revision 6.

FP-2, Fire Hazards Analysis Summary Document, revision 0.

A-3AttachmentSection 1R06: Flood Protection MeasuresRAN 97-031, Individual Plant Examination of External Events Summary Report, MN-1-319, Structure and System Walkdowns, rev. 7

BG&E 62308, Area & Equipment Drains Containment and Auxiliary Building Unit 2 Plan at

Elevation.45'-0", revision 14Section 1R07: Heat Sink PerformanceCA04879, rev. 0, (93-074 Rev. 3), Salt Water

NPSH and Pressure Evaluation

SRWHX-4, rev.9, Service Water Heat Exchanger Cleaning and Inspection

CA03387, rev. 1, Unit 1 Service Water Flow Analysis

ES 200400743, Plate Heat Exchanger Thermal Performance Trending Evaluation, revision 0
EPRI [[]]
NP -7552, Heat Exchanger Performance Monitoring Guidelines, dated December 1991Section 1R11: Licensed Operator Requalification Program Drill Simulator Guide
EPOP -9, Turbine Failure and loss of 4

KV Bus, revision 1Section 1R12: Maintenance EffectivenessMN-1-101, Control of Maintenance Activities, revision 31Maintenance Order (MO) 2200504499

Maintenance Order (MO) 2200500523

Maintenance Order (MO) 2200602453

Maintenance Order (MO) 2200600776

Maintenance Order (MO) 2200602796

Maintenance Order (MO) 2200602679

SP-0556, Reactor Coolant Pump - Seal Area, Attachment 1, revision 2.




IRE-009-026Section 1R13: Maintenance Risk Assessments and Emergent Work ControlIntegrated Work Schedule 0631, August 1, 2006Integrated Work Schedule 0635, August 29, 2006

Integrated Work Week 0636, September 3 - September 10 2006.

Integrated Work Schedule 0638, September 20, 2006

Maintenance Order (MO) 2200600937

Maintenance Order (MO) 1200600619Section 1R15: Operability EvaluationsIRE-014-572,

RV Head Replacement Project Changed Design of the

ICI Thimble in the Area ofthe CET, May 11, 2006

Engineering Services package (ESP) ES199600729-000, revision 0

CET printout August 3, 2006

Drawing 12021A-0037, ICI Thimble Assembly, revision 0B

Maintenance Order (MO) 2200602722, Scaffold and Insulation Support for

SWGR [[]]

HVAC Duct,

A-4Attachment8/8/2006Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Administrative Procedures MN-1-203, Scaffold Control,

revision 15

IRE -017-054,
SRW Door and
TDA [[]]

FW Pump Doors opened and not risked assessed,

September 11, 2006

IRE -017-110, #22

ECCS Pump room Air Cooler Maintenance PRA did not assess water tight

doors open on opposite Unit1, September 13, 2006

IRE -016-911, Engineering Review identified vulnerabilities in barrier control, August 31, 2006
IRE -016-870,

AFW Steam Train Operability with AFW Pump Room Double Watertight Door

Open, August 30, 2006

Reasonable Expectation of Continued Operability (RECO)

IRE -016-008, 2-
CC -266
22 SDC [[]]


throttle valve, unable to fully shut, August 29, 2006

IRE -016-843, Cell 20 battery 20 has a crack in jar cell top, August 29, 2006
IRE -017-387, 1A

EDG room fan switches have shipping protectors installed over the sensing

element, September 27, 2006

Unit 1 and 2 AOP-9A, Control Room Evacuation and Safe Shutdown Due to Severe Control

Room Fire, revision 12

NO -1-106, Functional Evaluation/Operability Determination, revision 10
QL -2-100, Corrective Action Program, revision 20Section 1R19: Post-Maintenance Testing
DWG [[]]
62710SH 002, Calvert Cliffs Unit 2 Component Cooling System, revision 24Maintenance Order (
MO ) 2200600164,
EQ Replacement on #22 Shutdown Cooling

HX Outlet


Unit 2 Emergency Operating Procedure (EOP) -5, Loss of Coolant Accident, revision 21

Surveillance Test Procedure (STP) O-65G-2, Component Cooling Valve Quarterly Operability

Test, performed August 29, 2006

Purchase Order (PO) 41590, Solenoid 3 way valve

ASCO Model

NPEFL8300382ERF, August

11, 2005

MO 220050296, 2
MOV 654OP,
2 SI [[]]
HPSI Header Isolation Inspection, September 12, 2006
MO 2200600538, Inspect Replace Anodes #22

ECCS Pump Room Cooler, September 12,


MO 1200504571, 11 4kv Bus Normal feeder, September 19, 2006Section 1R22: Surveillance Testing

STP O-27-1/2, Reactor Coolant System Leakage Evaluation (Unit 1 and 2), revision 19, change5

Information Technology System Type Screening Form

IT [[]]

SF-2000-0051, Operations

Calculations, July 20, 2000

Nuclear Engineering Unit Memo


DE05497, RCS Volume Change with Replacement

Steam Generator, January 21, 2002

U1 and U2

RCS Leakage Calculations from
STP O-27-1/2, August 25, 2006
STP O-5A-1, Auxiliary Feedwater System Quarterly Surveillance Test completed for 11


August 30, 2006

IRE -017-007,
STP O-27 not revised for
NRC [[]]
IN 94-46, September 9, 2006
IRE -016-789,

STP O-027 1&2 software does not meet standards to ensure full compliance with

TS, August 25, 2006

Administrative procedure

EN -4-107,

ASME Inservice testing of Pumps, revision 1

Calvert Cliffs IST Program Plan, revision 2


EP 6: Emergency Response DrillCalvert Cliffs Emergency Response Drill Scenario, State Participation -1, dated August 1, 2005Calvert Cliffs Emergency Response Plan Implementation Procedures (

ERPIP) 3.0, Immediate

Actions, revision 39

Emergency Action Level (EAL) Technical Basis Document, revision 10

IRE-016-353, Emergency Director training using judgment, August 3, 2006

Emergency Preparedness Unit File 9.5 - Drill/Exercise Reports for July 25, 2006 Emergency

Response Plan Implementation procedure Drill, July 27, 2006Section

2OS 1: Access Control to Radiologically Significant Areas; Section 2
OS 2:
ALARAP lanning and Controls; and Section 2
OS 3: Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation andProtective EquipmentProcedures and DocumentsCCNPP Administrative Procedure,
RP -1-101,
ALARA , Rev.
4CCNPP Technical Procedure,
RSP 1-200,
ALARA Planning and
SWP Preparation, Rev. 22
CCNPP Technical Procedure,
RSP 1-106, Special Work Permit Administration, Rev. 10
CCNPP Administrative Procedure,
NO -1-117, Integrated Risk Management, Rev. 17
CCNPP Administrative Procedure,
RP -1-100, Radiation Protection
CCNPP Technical Procedure,
RSP 1-203, Temporary Shielding, Rev. 13
ALARA Plan 2006 - 2010
CCN [[]]
PP Monthly Dose Report for August 2006
CCN [[]]
PP Plant Status/Integrated Work Schedule, September 13, 2006
CCNPP 2006
RFO Source Term Management High Impact Team CharterCondition Reports (CR):IRE-014-370;
IRE -014-035;
IRE -014-920;
IRE -011-739;
IRE -016-686;
IRE -015-339;
IRE -014-021;
IRE -014-057;
IRE -015-174;
IRE -011-421;
IRE -014-516; IRE-011-735;
IRE -016-769;
IRE -011-740;
IRE -010-870;
IRE -013-639;
IRE -011-278;
IRE -015-716;
IRE -013-800;
IRE -016-589;
IRE -012-220;
IRE -015-268;
IRE -016-759;
IRE -011-203;
IRE -014-475;
IRE -014-858;
IRE -013-087;
IRE -011-718;
IRE -016-507;
IRE -013-203;
IRE -011-297;
IRE -016-043Special Work Permits and
ALARA Reviews
SWP 2006-0128 and
ALARA Review Checklist
SWP 2006-0156 and
ALA [[]]

RA Review Checklist

SWP 2006-0126

Temporary Shielding Request Nos. 1-06-001; 1-06-002; 1-06-003; 1-06-004; 1-06-006;

1-06-008; 1-06-610; 1-06-011; 1-06-017; 1-06-018; 1-06-023; 1-06-025; 1-06-027;

2-05-024; 2-03-056; 0-05-030;Maintenance Work Order Nos. 2200604664; 1200600392; 0200600987;2200601047;

200600738; 1200403667;


2PS 3: Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (

REMP)Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report for the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power PlantUnits 1 and 2 and the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (January 1 - December 31,


Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report for the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power PlantUnits 1 and 2 and the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (January 1 - December 31,


Offsite Dose Calculation Manual, Revision 8 (August 2004)

Land Use Census Around Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant (August 2005)

Chemistry Audit CHE-05-01-C, dated May 5, 2005

Focused Self-Assessment of H-3, and potential risks associated with the release of H-3 to the

environment (Focused Self-Assessment Report FSA-2006-79, performed April 3-June 30,

2006. Tritium Groundwater Protection Action Plan, Rev. 0, July 25, 2006

CP-103, Rev 10, Chemistry Quality Assurance and Quality Control Program

CP -224, Rev 14, Monitoring Radioactivity in Systems Normally Uncontaminated
CP -234, Rev 4, Specification and Surveillance for the


CP-235, Rev 4, Specification and Surveillance Unconditional Release

CP-301, Rev 2, Setup, Calibration, and Operational Checks of the Gamma Spectroscopy

Counting System

CP-340, Rev 5, Verification of Lower Level of Detection

CP-438, Rev 7, Operation of the Environmental Trailers and Sampling of Intake and Outfall

CP-509, Rev 2, Land Use Census

CP -977, Rev 7, Operation of Gamma Spectroscopy Counting System
ITEEC -650, Rev 1, Calibration of Bicron/
NE Technology Small Articles Monitor Model SAM-9 or
SAM -11, including current calibration data sheets for

SN 417 and SN 5236

RP -2-100, Rev. 10, Radioactive Materials Management
RP -2-301, Rev 1, 10

CFR 50.75(g) and 10 CFR 72.30(d) Documentation Requirements

RSP 1-113, Rev 9, Release of Items, Material and Vehicles from a Contaminated or

Radiologically Controlled Area

STP--461-0, Rev 13, Meteorological Calibration, including calibration data sheets dated June

21, 2006

Lab Services Section, Procedure

II -2, Rev 7, Gamma Counting Using a Ge(Li) or


Detector and the

GENIE [[]]

PC Counting System

Lab Services Section, Protocol for Packing Solver Zeolite Cartridges

IRE -008-937,
IRE -014-108,
IRE -010-785,
IRE -004-984,
IRE -008-901,

IRE-008-461, IRE-005-


IRE -010-043,
IRE -016-276,
IRE -004-985,
IRE -014-508,
IRE -012-356,

IRE-009-037, IRE-


IRE -008-651,
IRE -016-319,
IRE -016-320 Section 4
OA 2: Identification and Resolution of Problems
IRE -016-978, 11A
SRW Heat Exchanger Strainer Circuit, September 6,
2006IRE -016-074, K-20 22A/B
SRW HX trouble alarm, July 21, 2006
IRE -017-018,

SW Strainer and manual flushes, September 7, 2006

Control Room Logs September 6-7 2006; July 6-7, 2006; September 1, 2006

IRE -015-773, Unplanned

LCO TS 3.5.2A caused by jellyfish intrusion, July 7, 2006

Operational Decision-Making Checklist, Increased Jellyfish Concentration, July 7, 2006

IRE-016-781, Three occasions since June 2006, shift compliment was reduced below minimum

staffing per AOP-9A, August 25, 2006

IRE-016-727, Broken Control room hand switches are not identified as priority 3 or Control

room deficiencies, August 23, 2006

A-7AttachmentControl room Deficiency list, August 23, 2006Operation Administrative Policy (OAP) 04-01, Managing Operator Impacts, February 26,

2004LIST [[]]
OF [[]]
MSADAM SAgency-wide Documents Access and Management SystemAFWAuxiliary Feedwater
ALAR [[]]
AA s Low As Reasonably Achievable
AO [[]]

PAbnormal Operating Procedure

CCC omponent Cooling
CCNP [[]]
PC alvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant
CC [[]]
WC omponent Cooling Water
CE [[]]
TC ore Exit Thermocouple
CF [[]]

RCode of Federal Regulations

CRC ondition Report
CR [[]]

OControl Room Operator

D/PDifferential Pressure

ECC [[]]
SE mergency Core Cooling System
ED [[]]

GEmergency Diesel Generator

EPEmergency Preparedness

EPE mergency Plan
ERPI [[]]
PE mergency Response Plan Implementation Procedure
EPRIE lectric Power Research Institution
HELBH igh Energy Line Break
HPS [[]]
IH igh Pressure Safety Injection
ICCD [[]]
PI ncremental Core Damage Probability
IM [[]]

CInspection Manual Chapter

INI nformation Notice
IPEE [[]]
EI ndividual Plant Examination of External Events
IR [[]]

TIncident Response Team


LD [[]]
EL ens Dose Equivalent
LPS [[]]
IL ow Pressure Safety Injection
MDAFWM otor Driven
AFW [[]]
MO [[]]

VMotor-Operated Valve

MRMaintenance Rule


NC [[]]
VN on-Cited Violation
NE [[]]
IN uclear Energy Institute
NR [[]]
CN uclear Regulatory Commission
OA [[]]
PO perations Administrative Policy
ODC [[]]

MOffsite Dose Calculation Manual

OEO perating Experience
OO [[]]
SO ut of Service
PA [[]]
MP ost-Accident Monitor
PA [[]]
RP rotective Action Recommendation
PAR [[]]

SPublicly Available Records

PIPerformance Indicators

QAQuality Assurance

A-8AttachmentPI&RProblem Identification & ResolutionRRoentgen

RC [[]]
AR adiologically Controlled Area
RC [[]]

PReactor Coolant Pump

RCS Reactor Coolant System
REM [[]]
PR adiological Environmental Monitoring Program
RET [[]]
SR adiological Effluent Technical Specification
RI [[]]
SR egulatory Issue Summary
RP [[]]
MR adiation Protection Manager
RW [[]]
PR adiation Work Permit
SD [[]]
ES kin Dose Equivalent
SDH [[]]
XS hutdown Cooling Heat Exchanger
SD [[]]
PS ignificance Determination Process
SR [[]]
WS ervice Water
SRWH [[]]
XS ervice Water Heat Exchanger
SS [[]]
CS ystems, Structures, and Components
ST [[]]

PSurveillance Test Procedure

SWS altwater
TDAFWT urbine Driven
AFW [[]]
TED [[]]
ET otal Effective Dose Equivalent
TL [[]]

DThermoluminescent Dosimeter

TST echnical Specifications
TSA [[]]
ST echnical Specification Action Statement
UFSA [[]]
RU pdated Final Safety Analysis Report
UR [[]]
IU nresolved Item
WRN [[]]
IW ide Range Nuclear Instrument