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University of Florida, Submittal of Revised Chapter 5 of FSAR in Support of Application for License Renewal
Person / Time
Site: 05000083
Issue date: 03/26/2010
From: Haghighat A
Univ of Florida
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
TAC ME1586
Download: ML100880334 (44)


UF UNIVERSITY 9f College of Engineering 202 Nuclear Science Bldg.

Department of Nuclear & Radiological Engineering PO Box 118300 University of Florida Training Reactor Gainesville, FL 32611-8300 352-392-1401 x306 352-392-3380 Fax March 26, 2010 Document Control Desk U. S, Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Attn: Mr. Duane Hardesty

Dear Mr. Hardesty,


University of Florida Training Reactor (UFTR) License Renewal (TAC NO. ME 1586),

DOCKET NO. 50-83 Enclosed is the revised Chapter 5 of the FSAR in support of our application for renewal of Facility Operating License No. R-56 for the University of Florida Training Reactor (UFTR).

If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at or (352) 392-1401 x306.

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

Executed on March 26, 2010 Sincerely ,,L*.* Lisa L. Purvis s q//

Commission # DD608673


... Expires November 3,-2010 lifeISo Tro gus*wavrace, iACoo0mm7019 4~\A,~

Alireza Haghighat, PhD (

FP&L Endowed Chair Professor Director of UFTR Y~a (LA)

Cc Jack Donohue, NRC Gabriel Ghita, UF David Hintenlang, Interim Chair Brian Shea, UFTR Manager Glenn Sjoden, RSRS Chair UFTR - NRC file The Foundationfor The Gator N/ation

Revised Chapter 5 of The UFTR Final Safety Analysis Report Prepared by: Prof. DuWayne Schubring Reviewed by: Prof. Glenn Sjoden Approved by: Prof. Alireza Haghighat

Table of Contents 5 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEMS ....................................................................... 5-1 5.1


DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................ 5-1 5.2 PRIMARY COOLANT SYSTEM ................................................................................. 5-1 5.2.1 COOLANT STORAGE TANK ................................................................................ 5-3 5.2.2 H EAT E XCHANGER .............................................................................................. 5-4 5.3 SECONDARY COOLANT SYSTEM ............................................................................ 5-4 5.4 PRIMARY COOLANT CLEANUP SYSTEM ................................................................ 5-4 5.5 PRIMARY COOLANT MAKEUP WATER SYSTEM ................................................... 5-5 5.6 NITROGEN-16 CONTROL SYSTEM .......................................................................... 5-5 INDEX OF FIGURES Figure 5-1 Revised (2010) Primary Piping System in Vicinity of Fuel ................... 5-6 Figure 5-2 Schematic of UFTR Primary Coolant Loop and Purification System ......... 5-7 Figure 5-3 UFTR Storage Tank Diffuser Arrangement (Vortex Eliminator) ................ 5-8 Figure 5-4 UFTR Coolant Storage Tank Aluminum Bucket Baffle .............................. 5-9 Figure 5-5 Schematic of UFTR Secondary Water Cooling System ............................ 5-10 Figure 5-6 Diagram of UFTR Primary Water Makeup System ................................... 5-11 R EF EREN CES .......................................................................................................................... 5-12 APPEN D IX A ............................................................................................................................ 5-13 5-ii

5 Reactor Coolant Systems 5.1 Summary Description This chapter describes the UFTR cooling system and its various components. The UFTR is cooled by a primary and secondary coolant system. Due to the simplicity of design and low power operation of the UFTR argonaut type reactor, this chapter is greatly simplified from what is required for a typical reactor.

In general, the primary coolant system transfers the heat from the reactor to the heat exchanger. This heat is removed by the secondary coolant systems to the storm sewer with no mixing of water between the two systems.

The primary and secondary cooling systems are installed in the equipment pit located on the north side of the reactor structure.

Appendix A provides detailed analysis performed in support of a recent revision made to the primary cooling system. This Appendix demonstrates that there is negligible impact on the performance of the revised primary piping.

Following Sections provide detailed discussions on both primary and secondary cooling systems and their associated components.

5.2 Primary Coolant System The UFTR primary coolant loop and purification system are shown schematically in Figure 5.1. The UFTR has a reactor core capacity of 33 gallons and a primary coolant flow rate of approximately 41 gpm, with a maximum capacity of 65 gpm flow [1]. The primary coolant is demineralized water with a minimum allowable resistivity of 0.5 Mohm-cm. The primary coolant is stored in the coolant storage tank that has a capacity of 200 gallons of water, approximately six (6) times the capacity of the reactor. Water is made up to the primary system using demineralized city water and using a temporary connection to the primary coolant storage tank (see section 5.5). The primary pump (rated at 65 gpm) draws suction from the primary storage tank and circulates the water through the heat exchanger before delivering it to the fuel boxes.

The water flows upward through the fuel boxes. After passing over the fuel, the water rises to the top of the fuel boxes where it is discharged, gravity driven through the side orifices. Flow from the coolant storage tank is controlled by a ball valve in the pump discharge line that presently limits the flow rate to 43 - 48 gpm. A flow-measuring instrument, located on the exit line from the heat exchanger, transmits a flow rate indication to the control console and a scram signal to the Reactor Protection System (RPS). The scram signal prevents operation when the primary flow is insufficient for heat removal. The normal flow is 43 - 48 gpm with a reactor trip set at 41 gpm. A reactor trip will also occur in the event of loss of power to the primary coolant pumps.


Each of the six fuel boxes discharge lines (2" schedule 40 pipe) contains temperature sensors that send temperature information to the control system The outflow from each set of 3 fuel boxes flows together into a single 3" schedule 40 pipe that flows downward. These two pipes join into a single 3" schedule 40 pipe.

The original piping was recently (February 2010) modified such that a longer entrance region (3.38 m vs. 3.28 m) to the fuel boxes with two additional 450 bends is present; changes were also made to the return pipes. In all cases, the change to flow resistance through friction and form (minor) losses is much smaller than that due to gravity.

These additional flow restrictions are equivalent to an additional length of pipe of 33 x diameter (16 from each bend [2], 1 from lengthened pipe). Given the flow rates present and roughness of the metal pipes, an additional resistance of less than 200 Pa is present at nominal conditions. This is only 1% of the pressure loss associated with ascending the 2 meter tall fuel boxes. A range of parameters (temperatures of 10-100 'C, flow rates of 25-65 gpm, and 25-75 ptm roughness in the pipes) was considered to bound all conditions likely to occur in the UFTR; even in the highest-resistance (minimum temperature, maximum flow rate and roughness) scenario, the additional pressure loss (required pumping power) does not exceed 2%.

Each 3 fuel-box return pipe also has a new restriction. The pipe returning from the group of 3 assemblies nearer the coolant inlet has a new insert that reduces the flow area.

This sort of flow obstruction is typically modeled using a loss coefficient, K=(2 AP)/(pV 2). In the case with a temperature of 10 'C, 75 gm roughness, and 65 gpm full-core flow, a K of 1 corresponds to a pressure loss of less than 100 Pa. Even a K of 10 (corresponding to a valve over 60% closed [3]) produces a pressure loss of only 1000 Pa, less than 5% of the driving force of gravity.

An additional 900 bend is present in the pipe returning from the group of 3 assemblies farther from the coolant inlet. The 90' bend contributes effective L/D of 30

[2]. The additional restriction due to the 900 bend is estimated as 73 Pa, approximately 0.36% of the driving at this condition.

Located in this primary coolant return line is an additional temperature sensor that monitors the combined coolant bulk temperature and a primary coolant flow switch that monitors the flow from the core. The reading from each temperature sensor is supplied to the RPS with an alarm setpoint at 150'F and a reactor trip at 155°F. This safety measure prevents reactor operation under reduced or restricted primary coolant flow, reduced or restricted secondary coolant flow, a heat exchanger malfunction, a temperature sensor malfunction, or excessive reactor power.

The flow switch in the coolant return line will also actuate a reactor trip signal in the event of complete loss of primary coolant flow. This serves as a backup to the low 5-2

flow reactor trip in the fill line previously discussed and also monitors the integrity of the piping.

The "dump valve" (see Figure 5.1) is a solenoid-operated valve that opens automatically when a scram signal (nuclear type) is generated by the control system, allowing water in the fuel boxes to drain into the coolant storage tank. Only "nuclear type" scrams (high power, fast period, loss of Nuclear Instrumentation High Voltage, and loss of power) open the dump valve.

A sight glass located on the north wall of the reactor room allows visual check of the reactor core water level. An electric level switch located behind the sight glass is wired to the RPS actuating a reactor trip when the water level in the core falls below preset limits (at least two inches above the fuel).

A graphite rupture disk is set to burst at 7 psig, 2 psia above the normal operating pressure, to further protect the system. Should a power excursion occur, this diaphragm would rupture causing the water from the core to be drained into the equipment storage pit, shutting down the reactor by loss of moderator [4].

A water level sensor, located at the primary equipment pit, alarms in the control room whenever a detectable amount of water (1 in. above pit floor level) is present in the equipment pit.

The primary reactor cooling system does not contain any valves that could be inadvertently left in the wrong position and restrict or shut off the flow of cooling water for the system without actuation of the RPS [4].

5.2.1 Coolant Storage Tank The primary coolant is stored in the primary coolant storage tank (see Figure 5.2) that has a capacity of 200 gallons of water, approximately six times the capacity of the reactor [1]. The storage tank has several features designed to optimize the overall performance of the reactor cooling system and to eliminate undesirable water surges in the core. Special storage tank features include the diffuser illustrated in Figure 5.3 and the baffle illustrated in Figure 5.4 [1].

The diffuser forces the water in the coolant storage tank to diffuse through the input line to the primary coolant pump; the diffuser eliminates the formation of vortices inside the storage tank as a result of the pump's suction. The design specifications of the diffuser are included on the drawing in Figure 5.3. The second storage tank feature is an aluminum "bucket" baffle shown in Figure 5-4. This baffle is designed to suppress the splashing of the primary water coming into the coolant storage tank and to change its direction of flow (see Figure 5.2 for location in the coolant storage tank). This device reduces entrapment of air in the coolant flowing through the system [ 1].


5.2.2 Heat Exchanger The heat exchanger is a 316 stainless steel water-to-water tube and shell heat exchanger, one pass on shell side and 4 passes on primary side, designated to circulate from 150 to 250 gpm of well water through the shell side and 75 gpm of reactor coolant water through the tube side for removal of up 500 kW thermal load. The tubes are seal welded to the tubesheet to minimize leakage.

5.3 Secondary Coolant System The secondary coolant system is capable of continuously removing 500 kW of heat from the primary system under normal operation. A schematic diagram of the secondary cooling system of the UFTR is shown in Figure 5.5, which depicts the source of water, which is a deep well. The well water is pumped by a submersible, 10 horsepower pump. Pump on-off controls are located in the reactor console. Note that as shown in Figure 5.5, another source of water is the city water, which is used only for providing makeup water.

The deep well is 126' deep with a casing diameter of 3" with the static water level approximately 87' below grade. The well pump has approximately 260 gpm pumping capacity for this arrangement. The well water flows through a basket strainer, with a stainless steel mesh of approximately 1/16". This water flows into the shell side of the heat exchanger and subsequently into the storm sewer as depicted in Figure 5.4.

There is a sample flow valve in the heat exchanger discharge line that continuously bleeds a small sample flow into the hold-up sample tank. A second sample valve normally kept closed is used for actual sample collection.

A flow-measuring instrument located on the input line for the heat exchanger monitors the secondary flow rate. At 140 gpm, a warning signal is transmitted to the control room and 60 gpm initiates a trip at or above 1 kW. A trip will also occur in the event of loss of power to the secondary pump.

Pressure of the secondary coolant system is maintained higher than the primary system to prevent contamination of secondary water, although secondary coolant is not required until 1 kW.

The secondary coolant system inlet and outlet temperatures are monitored with alarm and record functions in the control room.

5.4 Primary Coolant Cleanup System The primary purification system loop shown in Figure 5.2; it is supplied with a separate pump allowing continuous purification flow. The purification pump is 5-4

interlocked with the primary coolant pump in a manner that prevents operation of the purification pump when the primary coolant pump is running. The flow of the primary coolant pump is sufficient to maintain a flow through the purification loop when it is in operation.

The purification system is arranged to provide the reactor with continuous monitoring of the resistivity of the primary water and the functioning of the amberlite-nuclear type resin (H-OH; pH control) in the purification system. The in-line, wall-mounted resistivity bridge is set up to accept two conductivity cell signals - one before the demineralizer and one after the ceramic filter. A schematic showing components of the purification is depicted in Figure 5.2.

5.5 Primary Coolant Makeup Water System Demineralized water is used as makeup to the primary coolant system. The makeup system consists of two demineralizers in series filled with amberlite, H-OH, nuclear resin. The unit has a hose connection to the coolant storage tank, supplying primary coolant whenever necessary. A schematic of the UFTR primary water makeup system is shown in Figure 5.6. The makeup orifice for the primary system is located on the side of the coolant storage tank as illustrated in Figure 5.2.

5.6 Nitrogen-16 Control System For power operation of 1 kW or above, the equipment pit is shielded with a concrete block. Entry into the equipment pit is permitted no sooner than 15 minutes after shutdown from power operation of 1 kW or more to allow time for N-16 decay [5].


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- ----- EDE-I--ED Figure 5-1 Revised (2010) Primary Piping System in Vicinity of Fuel.



ORIFICEAIR BLEED VIALVE 2" OUT I I CONDUCTIVITY I 1SAZ,1PLE =-* I DRMNI N ERAL*IE R Figure 5-2 Schematic of UFTR Primary Coolant Loop and Purification System.



~-v 50-1/2a vloý o

I I I 0 0

0 0

0 I I 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 PUMPA aeUCTIO4N I. 4 1 I 4-

1. 375* 2.75-1 4.125 'I .5" 6.875R1 8.143'i19.625' 11" - 1 SECTION OF HOLES SECTION A:- 8/32" diameter holes SECTION ,9/32"~diamet, holes SECTION C: 10/3,2" diameter holes SECTION D: 11/32" diaijieter 'holes Figure 5-3 UFTR Storage Tank Diffuser Arrangement (Vortex Eliminator).


PL,1Y 011 FLO'I)W1ý BAFFLE Figure 5-4 UFTR Coolant Storage Tank Aluminum Bucket Baffle.


Gate Check Total Reliaf Flownaeter Valve Strainer Valve Flow Valve City Water and Flow Switch L

Figure 5-5 Schematic of UFTR Secondary Water Cooling System.






1. J.A. Zuloaga, J., "OperationalCharacteristicsof the Modified UFTR ", in Department of Nuclear and RadiologicalEngineering.1975, University of Florida:

Gainesville, Fl.

2. N.E. Todreas and M.S. Kazimi, Nuclear Systems I: Thermal HydraulicFundamentals, 1st Edition, 1991.
3. W. S. Janna, Introduction to FluidMechanics, 4th Edition, 2010.
4. Duncan, J.M., University of FloridaTrainingReactor HazardsSummary Report.,.

1958, Florida Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station, Bulletin Series #99

5. NRE, Department of Nuclear and Radiological Engineering, "StandardOperating Proceduresof the University of Florida TrainingReactor", 2000, University of Florida: Gainesville, Fl.


Appendix A Detailed Analysis of the Revised Piping of the UFTR conducted in February 2010 5-13

UF17NRE ProjectID. QA-1 UFTR QUALITY ASSURANCE DOCUMENT Revision 0 Copy I PageI of 12 Appendix A to Chapter 5 of FSAR Project Title: UFTR DIGITAL CONTROL SYSTEM UPGRADE Task: Revised Reactor Piping Analysis Vol. 1 Prepared by, Revi*wed by, Prof. DuWayne Schubring (Print) Prof. Glenn Sjoden (Print)

Date:. Date:

Approved by Prof. Alireza Haghighat (Print) t(Signat ure)...

D ate: 210,2/V

Preparedby Reviewed by QA-1, Task_, Subtask Glenn Sjoden, PhD Revision 0 Copy 1 UFTR DuWayne Schubring,PhD Date :3/18/2010 Date :3/25/2010 VoL 1 Page 2 of 28 THE DISTRIBUTION LIST OF THE DOCUMENT No. Name Affiliation Signature Date 1.






THE LIST OF THE REVISED PAGES OF THE DOCUMENT Revision no. Reviewed by Approved by The Modified Pages Date

Preparedby Reviewed by QA-1, Task, Subtask UFINRE Glenn Sjoden, PhD Revision 0 Copy 1 UFTR DuWayne Schubring,PhD Date :3/18/2010 Date :3/25/2010 VoL 1 Page4 of 28 TABLE OF CONTENTS

1. Purpose/Scope
2. References
3. Definitions, Abbreviations and Acronyms
4. Revised Reactor Piping Analysis 4.0 Executive Summary 4.1 Primary Coolant Flow to Fuel Boxes 4.2 Primary Coolant Return
5. Appendices

Preparedby Reviewd by QA-1, Task, Subtask UFINRE Glenn Sjoden, PhD Revision 0 Copy 1 UFTR DuWayne Schubring, PhD Date :3/18/2010 Date :3/25/2010 VoL 1 PageS of 28

1. Purpose/Scope This document demonstrates the continued safe performance of the UFTR after completion of the proposed piping changes.
2. References
0. W. Eshbach, Handbook ofEngineeringFundamentals,3 rd Edition, 1975.

W. S. Janna, Introduction to FluidMechanics, 4th Edition, 2010.

N.E. Todreas and M.S. Kazimi, Nuclear Systems I: Thermal HydraulicFundamentals, 1" Edition, 1991.

3. Definitions/Abbreviations/Acronyms Acronyms UFTR - University of Florida Training Reactor Symbol A - cross-sectional area (m 2 )

D - pipe diameter (m) f - (Darcy) friction factor (-)

g - acceleration due to gravity (in S-2)

K - loss coefficient (-)

L/D - pipe length divided by diameter (-)

L/Deffectiv - effective pipe length divided by diameter (considers form losses) (-)

Rewater - Reynolds number for water (-)

Vwat, - average flow velocity of water (in s-')

Vwater - volumetric flow rate of water (m 3 S"1)

Greek Symbols Ah - change in height (in)

APfri,+form - combined friction and form pressure losses (Pa)

APgrav- gravitational pressure losses (Pa)

Preparedby Reviewed by QA-1, Task,* Subtask UF/NRE Glenn Sjoden, PhD Revision 0 Copy 1 UFTR DuWayne Schubring,PhD Date:3/18/2010 Date :3/25/2010 VoL. 1 Page 6 of 28 F- roughness of pipe (m) iwat, - dynamic viscosity of water (Pa s)

Pwater - density of water (kg m-3)

Subscripts old - pertains to old piping system new - pertains to new piping system

4. Revised Reactor Piping Analysis 4.0 Executive Summary The revised primary piping system for the University of Florida Training Reactor (UFTR) includes additional flow restrictions in the form of two additional 450 bends and additional length in the approach pipes (towards the fuel boxes) and an additional 900 bend in one of two return pipes. While these changes increase the pressure loss and required pumping power at constant flow rate (or decrease flow rate at constant power) and reduce the maximum coolant return flow rate, neither change is significant relative to the resistance to flow (or driving force) provided by gravity and consequently neither will affect the safe operation of the UFTR.

A range of parameters (temperatures of 10-100 0 C, flow rates of 25-65 gpm, and 25-75 pim roughness in the pipes) was considered to bound all conditions likely to occur in the UFTR. For the approach piping, losses due to gravity range from 19.2 to 20.0 kPa. Losses due to friction and form (the pipe bends) range from 77 to 653 Pa and do not exceed 3.3% of the loss due to gravity, based on Reynolds numbers between 20,000 and 230,000. Additional flow restrictions on the return pipe produce resistance less than 1% of the driving force due to gravity.

4.1 Primary Coolant Flow to Fuel Boxes Inbound flow encounters several sources of resistance, including friction and form losses in the pipes to be replaced, gravitational losses due to flowing upwards, friction and form losses through the fuel, and friction and form losses through the heat exchanger. Only the first of these is to be changed. It is found that this component is minor compared to the others and therefore will not strongly change reactor performance.

In particular, the friction and form losses in the new pipes are minor relative to the gravitational pressure loss. Friction and form losses through the fuel boxes themselves and through the heat exchanger need not be analyzed in detail to demonstrate the continued safe operation of the UFTR with new primary piping.

The total required upflow height is approximately 2.04 meters, considering both the upward-flowing pipes towards the fuel boxes and the flow in the boxes themselves. With the acceleration due to gravity at 9.81 m S2, gravitational pressure loss is computed for water at 115 'F (46 °C) as:

APqrav = pwatergAh (990 kg m- 3 )(9.81 m s-2)(2.04 m) = 19.8kPa

Preparedby Reviewed by QA-1, Task_, Subtask UFINRE Glenn Sjoden, PhD Revision 0 Copy 1 UFTR DuWayne Schubring,PhD Date :3/18/2010 Date:3/25/2010 VoL. 1 Page8 of 28 The.density of water, Pwater varies inversely with temperature. For water temperatures ranging from 10-100 'C (which encompasses all temperatures that can plausibly be found in the primary system), the density ranges from 1000 kg m-3 to 958 kg m 3 . The gravitational pressure loss ranges from 20.0 kPa to 19.2 kPa, decreasing with increasing liquid temperature.

The total length of the approach pipes was computed as the sum of three parts based on dimensions obtained from the second attached Figure. The straight pipe approaching the bends is to have a length of 6'0.5". The length of the pipes through the bends must be computed as the length of the hypotenuse of a triangle with sides of 2'0" and 1'1.75" (2.30'). The final segment of straight pipe into the bottom of the fuel box area is computed from the dimensions given (3' 3 3/8" + 1' 5 5/16" - 2') as 2.74'. The total length of pipe approaching the fuel boxes is 11.1' (3.38 m).

According to the schematic diagrams attached, the new coolant inlet system is to be constructed of 3 in Schedule 40 pipe. This pipe has an inside diameter of 3.068 in (0.0779 m) (Handbookof EngineeringFundamentals,Eshbach, 3rd edition, page 186). Therefore, the flow must pass through 43 L/D. This pipe includes two (2) 450 bends. Each bend can be well-approximated as equivalent to 16 L/D (Nuclear Systems P. ThermalHydraulicFundamentals,Todreas and Kazimi, 1st edition, page 358). The total effective L/D on approach to the fuel assemblies is thus

75. The previous system did not include the two bends and contained only 3.28 m of piping (42 L/D). This was determined by examination of Fig. 6.

The pressure loss in these pipes is then computed by:

APfr+fom L Pwatervwater D ef fective 2 In the revised system, the fraction of friction losses is proportional to the fraction of L/D attributed to each part of the flow. The two lengths of straight pipe sum to a length of 8.78' (2.68 m - 34 L/D) and are therefore responsible for 45% of the total frictional and form losses. The two bends are equivalent to 32 L/D - 43% of the losses. The length of pipe in the vicinity of the two bends is the location for the remainder (12%) of the losses.

This computation of friction and form losses, combined and expressed as an effective L/D, requires the density and velocity of the flow. Computation of the friction factor requires an estimate of the roughness of the pipes and a computation of the Reynolds number. The roughness, s, of commercial pipe varies. Very low roughness (less than 10 rim) is generally reported for aluminum - a value of 45 pm (typical of steel) is used in the interest of conservatism.. Flow rates can vary during operation with a nominal value of 41 gpm.

Computations were repeated for roughness values in a range of 25 to 75 gm (incremented by 10 gm), flow rates from 25 to 65 gpm (incremented by 10 gpm) and temperatures from 10 to 100 'C (incremented by 10 °C).

Preparedby Reviewed by QA-1, Task_, Subtask UFINRE DuWayne Schubring,PhD Glenn Sjoden, PhD Revision 0 Copy 1 Date :3/18/2010 Date :3/25/2010 VoL 1 Page9 of 28 Computations proceeded as follows. The volumetric flow rate, Vwater, was first converted from gpm to mn3 s1 by noting that 1 gpm is 6.309 x 10-5 M3 S-1. The area, A, of a circular pipe 0.0779 m in diameter, D, is found (0.25 a D2 ) to be 0.004766 m 2 . The flow velocity is then computed:

A-Vwater vwat r The density and viscosity, Igwate, of water are functions of temperature and are included in the calculations as taken from tables (example table attached). The Reynolds number is then:

Re~wat~ = PwaterVwaterD JLwater Friction factors can be read manually off the Moody chart (attached) or computed using equations. In a sensitivity analysis, it is convenient to use an explicit formula for friction factor.

The Haaland correlation (below) was selected for this purpose:

f={_1.8,1og1[( /3.)+ Rewater This correlation is an approximation to the (implicit) Colebrook friction factor correlation that is appropriate for the range of flow rate and roughness observed.

The combined friction and form losses are then computed for the revised piping (L/Deffecive = 75) and the original piping (L/Deffective = 42). The difference between these, and the new system losses alone, is then compared to the gravitational pressure loss for the temperature (water density) considered.

For the case most closely resembling typical operating conditions (45 gm roughness, 45 gpm flow, 50 'C temperature), the following values are found:

Pwater 988 kg m-3 1

I-Lwater = 0.000547 kg m- s-3 Vwater = 45 gal min- 1 x 6.309 x 10-5_m 3 8 0.00284 mr s-1 gal rmin- 1 3

0.00284 m 8-1 Vwater 0.004766 m2 0.594 m s-1 988 kg m- 3 x 0.594 m s-1 1 x 0.0779 m Rewate - 0.000547 kg m- s-1 83700 f= 0.02082 APfric+form,old = 0.0208 x 42 x 988 kg m- 3 (0.594 m -1)2 = 153 Pa 2

APfric+formn,new =0.0208 x 75 X 988 kg m- 3 (0.594.m s-1) 2 = 274 Pa 2

APg*av = 2.04m x 988 kg m- 3 x 9.81 m s-2 = 19772 Pa APfric+form,new = 1.38%

APgrav APfric+form,new - A~f ric+form old = .fl_1*

APgrav .

The relative change in pressure loss is of order 1%. The significance of frictional and form losses increases with increasing flow rate, increasing roughness, and decreasing temperature. Within the envelope specified, the most severe increase is found at 10 'C, 65 gpm flow, and a roughness of 75 pm. For this condition, the following comparisons are found:

APfrie+formnewi - 3=26%

APgrav Apfric+form,new - Apfric+form,ald

= 1.44%

APgrav Therefore, even this conservative condition experiences a relatively small increase in pressure loss. Furthermore, pressure losses due to friction and form within the fuel and in the unchanged sections of the piping (heat exchanger, etc.) are not considered. These losses will remain the same for the new piping system at the same flow condition. As a result, the fractional change in total primary system pressure loss due to the new piping is even less than this analysis would predict (i.e., the present analysis is conservative).

All cases of temperature, roughness, and flow rate are shown in the attached spreadsheet document.

It is possible that the installation of the piping system will lead to a higher roughness than as-manufactured pipe. The roughness required to produce a 10% effect (APWfic+form,new = 0.1 APgrav) for the low-temperature, high-flow limit was computed. For APro+fob,new to be a 10% effect, a roughness of approximately 3.9 mm is required. This is unrealistically high given the nature of

the pipes to be installed. (Such a high roughness is only appropriate if there are many strong protrusions into the flow through the aluminum, e.g., rivets). This analysis is also shown in the spreadsheet.

4.2 Primary Coolant Return The driving force provided to the coolant return is equal to APgrav for the flow towards the boxes as the same height exists in both directions. There were several modifications to this section of piping as well.

An additional 900 bend is present in the pipe returning from the group of 3 assemblies farther from the coolant inlet. As approximately one-half of the coolant flows through this 3" tube, the velocity and Reynolds number each drop by a factor of 2 (relative to the same overall flow conditions in the approach piping). As demonstrated above, friction and form losses are maximized when the temperature is low, the roughness is large, and the flow rate is high. A case at 10 'C, 75 gim roughness, and 65 gpm full-core flow is considered.

The 900 bend contributes (NuclearSystems I: Thermal HydraulicFundamentals,Todreas and Kazimi, 1st edition, page 358) an effective L/D of 30. Given the Reynolds number (25600) and the assumed roughness, a (Darcy) friction factor of 0.02627 is found. The additional restriction due to the 90' bend is estimated as 73 Pa, approximately 0.36% of the driving force (APgv) of 20.0 kPa at this condition.

The pipe returning from the group of 3 assemblies nearer the coolant inlet has a new insert that reduces the flow area (see Figure 3). This sort of flow obstruction is typically modeled using a loss coefficient, K=(2 AP)/(pV 2 ). In the case with a temperature of 10 'C, 75 tim roughness, and 65 gpm full-core flow, a K of 1 corresponds to a pressure loss of less than 100 Pa. Loss coefficients for this sort of obstruction are not generally tabulated, so that an approximation must be made.

From the list provided by Janna (Introductionto FluidMechanics, Janna, 4th edition, pages 229-231), the most similar structure is a partially closed gate valve. A half-closed gate valve (flow area reduced by a factor of two) has an estimated loss coefficient of 2.06. The actual area obstructed in the pipe is less than one-half of the total flow area, so this estimate is conservative.

The total loss across the obstruction, even with a very conservative K of 10, is less than 1000 Pa (less than 5% of the total driving force).

Finally, temperature sensors are to be included in each return pipe and two protrusions into the flow per fuel box are present to allow for this. These protrusions obstruct only a small part of the flow and will therefore provide negligible resistance to flow.

As such, the revised piping will not significantly change the flow rate through these return pipes and will not affect the operational parameters of the UFTR.

Preparedby Reviewed by QA-1, Task, Subtask UFINRE UFTR Du Wayne Schubring,PhD Glenn Sjoden, PhD Revision 0 Copy 1 Date :3/18/2010 Date :3/25/2010 VoL 1 Page 12 of 28

5. Appendix

" Six figures (full page each):

1. Schematic of new piping system.
2. Inbound piping detail, with dimensions.
3. First portion of outbound piping detail, with dimensions.
4. Second portion of outbound piping detail, with dimensions.
5. Third portion of outbound piping detail, with dimensions.
6. Schematic of previous piping system, from SAR.

"A tabulated list of fluid properties and an example Moody diagram (same sheet, reference cited).

  • A spreadsheet printout containing approach piping calculations across the range considered and coolant return calculations for the case of largest effect. This has also been distributed as the spreadsheet itself to Q/A.

Figure 1: Overall schematic I,



Preparedby Reviewed by QA-1, Task_, Subtask UFINRE Du Wayne Schubring,PhD Glenn Sjoden, PhD Revision 0 Copy 1 Date :3/18/2010 Date :3/25/2010 VoL. 1 Page 14 of 28 Figure 2: Inbound piping detail


i I


,. .,

A iK


& ~





Figure 3: Outbound piping detail (1)



? ~L V

E ""

____4 7

Reviewd by QA-1, Task_, Subtask UFINRE Preparedby DuWayne Schubring, PhD Glenn Sjoden, PhD Revision 0 Copy 1 Date :3/18/2010 Date :3/25/2010 VoL. 1 Page 16 of28 Figure 4: Outbound piping detail (2)


....... .....


t............,. .....

A i -!-- t-= + iH * ... i -- i ... . ...........  :"


Preparedby Reviewed by QA-1, Task-, Subtask UFINRE DuWayne Schubring,PhD Glenn Sjoden, PhD Revision 0 Copy 1 Date :3/18/2010 Date :3/25/2010 VoL 1 Page 17 of 28 Figure 5: Outbound piping detail (3)

C~' 3/4-'

k7)Y PPii



Preparedby Reviewed by QA-1, Task_, Subtask UF/NRE Glenn Sjoden, PhD Revision 0 Copy 1 UFTR DuWayne Schubring,PhD Date :3/18/2010 Date :3/25/2010 VoL 1 Page 18 of 28 Figure 6: Old piping system (from SAR)

... n.o Pu.O

-- la .- ýWo

'K. t0~

W9 .1

Figure 7: Fluid properties reference and Moody chart PROPERTIES OF WATER! SI METRIC UNITS U


RV at C

0* (0 to S. U)

ES 0 00 n

C I- :Z5 C I I 0.87 1.23

.1.70 2.34 3.17 4.24 738 12.33 19.92 31.16 47.34 70.10 I01 33

'From "Hydraulic Models." A.S.CE. annalofEngineering Pracnce.No. 25, A.SC.E.. 1942.

From J.H. Keenan and F.G. Keyes. Thennodytoantic P*opertes of Steamn,John Wiley & Sons. 1936.

'Conmpiled from many sources including those indicated. Handbook of Ciemnisny and Physics. 54th ed. Thie CRC Press, 1973. and Handbook of Tables for Applied Engineering Science, The Chemical Rubber Co., 1970.

Vennard. 2.K. and Robert L. Street, Elementary FlhidMechanics, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1954.

MOODY (STANION) DUIGRAM e, (ft) e, (mm)

Riveted steel 10.003-0.03. 0.9-9_0 Concrete 0.001-0.01 0.3-3.0 Cast iron 0.00095 0.25 Galvanized iron 0.0005 0.15 Commercial steel or wrought iron 0.00015 0.046 Dian tubing 0.000005 0.0015 0.09 0.08 I

0.06 0.05 64 Re 0.04

.a 0

0.03 I

FZ 0.02 0,015 0.010 0,009 0,008 103 2 3 5 104 2 3 5 t1 2 3 5 t10 2 3 5 1O1 2 3 5 1t REYNOLDSNUMBER. Re Ref: Fundamentalsof EngineeringReference Book, Notional Council of Examinersfor Engineeringand Surveying, P ed, Clemson, South Carolina, 2006, p.53-54.

Preparedby Reviewed by QA-1, Task_-, Subtask Glenn Sjoden, PhD Revision 0 Copy I UFTR DuWayne Schubring,PhD Date :3/18/2010 Date :3/25/2010 VoL 1 Page 20 of28 Spreadsheet (next 8 pages)

Preparedby Reviewed by QA-1, Task_, Subtask UFINRE lDu Wayne Schubring,PhD Glenn Sjoden, PhD Revision 0 Copy 1 Date :3/18/2010 Date :3/25/2010 VoL 1 Page 21 of 28 CONSTANTS jDameter (m]

[Helant Iml IGravity 1"V821 1 9.81 L*I 0.071 Turea JTD AL/MIN, VARYING TEMPERATURE

~Tempetture [C] 104 201 301 401 5o 601 701 801 901 1001

_ _ _ _7_ I.10.0013071 9M2 922 e 932 7.1 918 0.0010021 0.0007981 0.0006531 0.0005471 0.0004661 0.0004041 0.0003541 0.000315T 0-0002821 IV ?water) Im3fIs v_{water} [mi/s 0.330M I 0.330M 0.3309 Ke twaern i-i "DW2A 1 3.07E-00513.07601 3,07E-005 *I.U; *.*UU= 3.076-005 3.07E-0"[ 3.07E-005 3.07E-005

-- T.W-459 0.02274 0.02000 0.01967 DP fform+ftic) fnewtF 92-.66 79.3 77.43

[UP 4form+11lcT 44.41 43.36 DP (fojm+*ic} change [Pal 47.61 44."34 42.6 ---- 46W 39.241 37.92 35.7f 34.8S

_I 006 (gbrav[%D I 77.2F 01P(gras PhD}1 ZIIýPI ROUGHNESS OF 25 MICRONFLOW RATE OF 35 GALiMIN, VARYING TEMPERATURE Fremperature [C] 301 401 501 601 701 801 901 1001 990.1 992.21 1 971.81 971.81 950.41 0.010,001 1______ 102 0.0007981 0.00053 0.0571 0.00 6104 008 000 0.0002821

______1_2__251 2 25 51I~

1 351 351 35 351 351 351 35 35 2.21E-003 2.21E-0 2216-0 2.21- -003 2.216-00 21E-00 0.4633 7. 3 0. 3 85188.53 78147.83 87351.4 9977.54 110N.55 1226W8.9 3.07E-0 3.07E-005 3.076 3.07E-005 3076 3.076-00

.06 9.08 -005 7.906 6.9- 8.246 5.63E-00

0. 02012M -7~ m.0172 0-f.oO 164.33 159.27 154.92 51 147.57 144.3 92.0 89.1 84.56 82.64 80.8 70.O08.5 1977 5 19676.19 19179.

2P (gray) [pal 3P (tornl4ric)(nowy OP(ray (%l 0.9I fuUUA 0.92371 1998.3.

It(939 0 NI% 0.86% 0. 0,81 .7 0.75 0. 0.75 DP(Dtfor+fdc) Change/DP-fgrav [%D] 0.43/ 0.41% 0.39%1 0.38' 0.37% 0,36%] 0.35%* 0.:34% 0.34%1 0.33%

ROUGHNESS OF 25 MICRONFLOW RATE OF 45 GAIJMIN, VARYING TEMPERATURE lTaffverature [C] 301 401 501 601 701 80 901 1004 p-m.3 I .00107 0.0000m, O'A'54 . 1ý 0. 6"404o03510.502051 0.000221A

.07E-005 3.07E-0051 3.07E-0 3076.05 3.07E-00I 3.07E-005 3.07E-0051 3.07E-0051 3.07E-0051 3.07E-005

.94E-004 149E 1-19E-004 9.79E-005 823E-0051 7.05E-005 5.1 4.30E-V05 46TT1M1

+1I 0.320- 0.2201 00 10 2 . 1981 0.1

>Jformn 308577 292.31 279.59 269.15 260A7 253 DP.{foml+i 172,m 163.7 15&.57 150.72 1--45,5 141.88 DP_{fonn.l 13577 18 12302 118.43 114.6 111.32 108.491 105.94 103.71 101.82 200084 19976.M 1992635 19858.3 1772.25 t9676.19 I919.2 1t 19119.11b 1.54% 1.46-A 1.40%1 1.1 n~%4 1.20,

~E J 0.8~ 064% 0.82%1 0. 0.53%

ROUGHNESS OF 25 MICRON.FLOW RATE OF 55 GAL/MIN, VARYING TEMPERATURE 2q 301 401 So 601 701 801 901 1004 DensiNW fko/m31 965.31 909.41 990.11 992.w1 99881 9W8.2 97.1 911.81 m9.2 Wiscoaty [kg/m-sl 0.0013071 0.0010021 0.0007981 0.0006531 0.0005471 0.0004661 0.0004041 0.0003541 0.0003154 0.000282f

-. [O..


0.72801 0.7280 0.728( 0.72801 0,72804 0.72801 0.72801 0.7280 155693.2 173799.29 19T82749.8 3.07E-005 1 3.076-00{ 3.07E-005 3.0T7-005 6.74Ef-00g 4.43E-00! 3.97E-005 3.58-05

'H 0.022281 0.021204 0.020371 0.01973 0.01921 0.018784 0.018431 0.01814J 0.017901 0.01769 177.42 171.17 1858971 1861.5 157,65 154.1* 151.111 9926.35 19 .3 19772.2 196 6.9 _ 1, 1 .0 19317.97

)P(forml+ 2.1111 2.02% 1.96%I 1.91%1 1.87%j 1.83%1 1.80'A 1.78% 1,76%


Preparedby Reviewed by QA-1, Task_, Subtask UF/NRE Glenn Sjoden, PhD Revision 0 . copy 1 UFTR DuWayne Schubring,PhD Date :3/18/2010 Date :3/25/2010 VoL 1 Page22 of 28 ROUGHNESS OF 25 MICRONFLOW RATE OF 65 GAIJMIN, VARYING TEMPERATURE c 1eprtu 101 201 301 401 50 60 701 801 90 100

[k]m] 997 9_8. 99. _N22 9881 983.21 977.8 971-8 95. 954 oy[kg/m-s] . .. 00 0.000543 0.000466 0.000404 0.0003 0.00031, 0.000282 Roughness [micron] 252 25 25X 25 25 Flow rate [ga min] 65 65 65151 516 6 V.wate 3s 4.1 4.10E 4.1OE-0 4.10E-003 4.10E-003 4.10E-OM 4.IOE-00 4.10E-003 4.-OE-003 413E-00 v_jwater) mms 0.8 0. 0.86N4 0.8604 0.8604 0.8604 0.8604 0. 0 0.

Re_(water) 516 86772 83632.01 101843.41 121064A2 1417.4 1 2224.18 4001.1 205399. 227795.2 3 .07 E -00.07RN 5 3.0 7 E -0V 3E7E-P F 35 F0 RA3E 2

.e0O999.71 7 E -005 Giesnte

RO n in eaquaton 9821 5.71 6 9922-0 .- . 4.88E.,09832 -37.275971.8 3 365. 93.00 S0.0 0.00 0. 8 0.01922 0.0187 0.0183 0.01805 .0 0. 0.0 DfP_Jfor+fric} [nawl [Pal 5752 9W - 2M,5 -77.37 -70M2 489.92 2 fo OM fp35cr 3o19 30681 23 .33 288.032 216.8 235.3 Pfor [Pa 23.53 250.91 1963 251.06 233 226. 220,54 215.5 2 D)PI.gmaj [Pal Lm 200A 196.8 19856.3 . 19772.29 19676.191 19568.1213797 119
3flo-ric) [new/DP_{gra 2.%]) 2.5 .5 2.6719 2.60W. 2.55%1 2.50%1 2Tl .49t I)Pt ,,,forrfc:)Cha rqeiUFP,,-  %- -117 .14% 1.12%1 1.10%1 glm ROUGHNESS OF 35 MICRONFLOW RATE OF 25 GAL/MIN, VARYING TEMPERATURE reperamufe [C] 10 3 40 50 60 70 90 1 Density [kg/n3] 999.7 998.2 995.7 992.2 988 983.2 977.8 971.8 965.3 958.4 l~scosity [W-s] 0.001307 0.001002 0. 0 0.000653 0.00054 0.00M6 0,0004 0.000354 0.000318 Roughness [icron] 3 3 35 35 3F5 35 3 35 3

-Flowrate [gal/mln] 25 251 25 25 251 25 25 25 25 A Z 4._1waler" Im/s 1.58E-003 1.58E-003i15E-0031 1.58E-3 ,8- 1.58E-M16E*) 15803 .W-0 15E0 702tr.m10 Re water) [-1 M!c - TP----04-0.4 0.3 .33 0*330 0.3539 0.33919 19182 2W16 2 .1 39170.54 4=656324 64391.31 62393.91 7796 89,8 ý635 4.46EN005 4.4VEAR05N 4.46ET005RT_______ 4.46E4005 4.48E.005___

[onROU teNterIn f OF435.M0CR4AFE5RATEOF0 eation equation 1012--Tom= 1.7 5-0 6717m427E-01 1.1E 80 90 DP_(frm~vfrio} Inew) [Pal 03 030 81 94.08 90.741 87.88 85A42 8.1 82 D*P lformn+frvc:) [old] [Pa] 77 49 I12 52.69 50.82; 492?1 ' 47.83 46 5.2 4.

I)P ?form4+fric) charnge Pa]  ::: 41. 3993 385.773.5 LD P-1 MD"6.111955 192.5 56IM.3 19448.011 1935.6.172.

DP (fom'fric) [newyfDP frav [%I)I U5ý 'o 0471 A9 0.467.1 U.457. U.44%1 O3 04% Cl

Pý_(IfM+ric Chne/DP.a 02N .3] .2% 0-21%1 0.20%1 0.20% 0.19%] 0". .-

ROUGHNESS OF 35 MICRON,FLOW RATE OF 36 GAL/MIN,VARYING TEMPERATURE Temlperaturve [C] 10 2( 30: 4 50 60: 70 so 90 10 Densit Nftm3j 999.7 998.2 996.7 992. 9881 983.2 977.8 971.8 965.3 958.A Viscosity [kg/m-s] 0.001307 0.00100;1 0.000790 0.00653 0.000541 0.000482 0.000404 0.000364 -60.000315 00022 n]35 3*35 3 5 351 35 35 35 35= 35 Ztouhnass ( i roe[alh/tinj

.To 35 3N 3;5 35 3N so :351 35 3. 3 Swae[m/ i2.21E-M0 2.1-N2.2..03 2.21E-003 2.21E...03 2.21E-M0 2.21E-00: 2.21 E..32 1E003 2.21E0

,*ae}(//, 0.4633 0 0.43 834633 0.46U= 0.4633, 0.4633 0.4633 0433 0 Ke_{wvler}i H- 2705.51 35954.35 58.517147.83 -- %.6 87351.48 T99077M.4 19.

fMrsterm In f equation 4.46E-M A0-054.46E-O0S 4.46E-005 4.46E-00 4.6405 4.46E-00 4.46E-0 5 4.46E--00 05 9 4.4,E-s~econd term in I equation 2 501=-004 1.92E-O00 1.3E00 1,26E-00 1,06E-004I 9.06E-005 7.90E-00 6.96E-005 62E055.63E0 D.P_{for.ric) 1-1w [Pal 992 188.6 1s.

73.57 W57.7 163.18 159.05 -155.35 --- 5Zl 19 111.5 6 1 05 . 1 9 2 94 .0 7 [ 91.3m8 9 87 DP - fo_ n'n+ frIc }[o ld] [Pa l P_{fom-+fnc} change [Pal 87.66 82,98 93 76.37 791 71.8 69.98 68.35 6.3 6 DP .{ g"ay)[Pa l 20006 A4 19978 .38 1 9 63 19856 .3 1107 2 -251 19678.1 9 19568.1 2 19448 .05 1-3 7 9 1 O . 8 DPý_(fonn~fric) [now]/DP_{ra l 1f[%]} 0.94 9-w ---- m 0.87% -.. . -°.! 0.81% --- 0.80%9 O;71 09i C ng(o** _agravm, OT}i

  • 4% 0.42% 0.4 0.5W 0.3W% .6, 0 .5 ROUGHNESS OF 35 MICRONFLOW RATE OF 45 GALJMIN, VARYING TEMPERATURE tiemperatulre [C]1 10 201 301 401 501 601 701 8 901 10(

Density m("3*

3 999.7 998W. 995.7 m 983.21 977.8 fiscosity [kg/rn-l 1 0.0013071 0.0010021 0.0007981 0.0006531 0.0005471 0.0004681 0.0004041 0.0003541 0.0003151 2.84-00 2.4E-03 2,8E-03 284E,00 284E00* .84-00 2,4E-03 284E003 2.84E-031 2,84E-003

!(waterl [MIs) I 0.595 0 0.5957 0.5957 0.5957 0.5957 0.5957 0.5557

_=42A79 46227.2 .578419.08E 700.8 883.- 991 3 1095 127385.41 142199.42 - 157704.3 in i equation 4 4 44E-0 446E-005 444.46E- 44E- 446E-00 4.E-0 4.46E-00 4.46E-005 4.46E-005 rRterdterm second term in f equation 11 .94E02 1.00422 0.02153 0.7E-02 002033 7.05E-01 .4 4001001924 4.8- 438 0.0235A 0.0=931 0.02153 0.02086 0.02033 0.01989* 0.019641 0.01924 0.018m* 0.018I70 rfH

[W Itormnl+ncII rkawlIPae DP{form-fric) foldl [Pa]

1.56% ,1.4"= 1A3%.1 1.3"91 1.351A 1.32%I 1.30%1 1.28%1 1.269M 1.25%

Preparedby Reviewed by QA-1, Task_, Subtask UFINRE UFTR Du Wayne Schubring,PhD Glenn Sjoden, PhD Revision 0 I Copy 1 Date :3/18/2010 Date :3/25/2010 VoL 1 Page 23 of 28 ROUGHNESS OF 35 MICRON.FLOW RATE OF 55 GALJMIN, VARYING TEMPERATURE TemPeratUrG [C] _1 201 30 41 501 601 701 8 901 1001 999.7 998.2 99.7 992.; 988

  • 1 _

0.0013071 0.0010021 0.0007981 0.0006531 0.0005471 0.000466 0.004040 91,91.5 0.000354

  • o5,3 0.0003151 0.0002831 I_ 3.47E 3A7E-00 3.47W-003 347E 3A7E-00M 3.4 3A7E-00M 3.47E-003 3.47E-003 0.72z 0 ,728q 0.7280 0.72130 0.72801 0.728q 0.72801 0.7280 6.74E-0051 5.77E-0051 5.03E-0051 4.43E-001 3.97E-005 3.58E-005 u.0ivi9 0.01901 0.01881 U.U1541 450.1! 429 412.68 399.321 388.291 378.821 370.681 363,281 356876 350.66 252.8( 04*e 21.0M MEo0 20005.l 0

J* 2.25 0.9.

UD ROUGHNESS OF 35 MICRONFLOW RATE OF 65 GALIMIN. VARYING TEMPERATURE Temperature 201 301 401 801 601 701 801 901 10O1 971 .a 950.31 1 0.0013071 0.0010021 0.0007981 0.0006531 0.0005471 0.000466[ 0.00040 0.0003541 0.0003151

,_water) [mls] 0.8804 0,8604 0.86041 0.8604 0.86041 086041 0.8604 0.8604 83632.01 101843.41 121064.42 141417.41 162224.1 184001.15 205399.16 227795.22 4.46E-0051 4.4 4.4E-005 4.46E-005 4.46E-0051 4.46E8005E-005 4.4-06E-005 4.48E-005 4.46E-005 8.25E-005 6.78E-005 6.70E-0I 4_88E-OD5 4.25E 3.75E-0 33-0053 3E-005

0. 0.01979 0.1936* 0.01901 0.018731 0.01849 0.01830 0.018T3 562.12 545.04 530.921 518.79 508.321 49.883 490.39 482.47 341.711 326.5q 31418 30 .2 91! 279.0 .27:4.62 -270.18 2Z8A41 256.561 241M] 2391574 233.5 i 219.4 21.77T 212.29 gray [%]I
  • j*mvl%]


[remperature [C] 201 301 401 501 601 701 801 901 1001 lvwater in ]ai 0.3309j 0.33091 0.3309 0.33091 0.3309 0.3309 0.3309 0.330M 0.3309 0.3309 19718.22 5 In 32 1 W1. 463 5391.31 623999 tut o,40 tadttermmi equation 5.90E-005 5.90E-0051 5.90E- 005 5 590-00 .90E-005 5 90E-005 5.90E-m0 5.90E-00l 92,2Z 89.531 87.171 85.051 83.21 81A9 51.681 50.141 48,811 474 46.59 45.63 48.561 45.81 43.741 42.021 40.61 39.3gj 3.3 37.4;L2 L6.671 395.86 19676.19 195.81 19448 . 19317.97 19179.88 0.6%i 0.4% 0.44bi 0.43-l 0.42%

0.217 0.20% 0.20% 0.191A 0.19%1 0.19%

ROUGHNESS OF 45 MICRONFLOW RATE OF 35 GAL/MIN, VARYING TEMPERATURE rrempematire [C] 1 101 201 301 401 501 601 701 80 901 100O lenarty IKQfM31 I du.(I WHO.A t5b.7I 92,Z

[Vtsoostty [kgim-s] 0.0013071 0.0010021 0.0007981 0.0006531 0.C I 0.c 0A8331 0.46331 0.4633 tradtermIn f equation 5§0 E W 5 .90E-00 590E-005 5906-005 5490E-005 5.6 j 590 5.90E-00 5.90E-001 5190E-.05 2.50E-004 1.92E 153E-004 0.214 0.024 0.021091 0.02075 0.020391 0.2015 0.01905

H 0.025051 0.02881 0.02287 0.02214 0.02157 0.021091 0.02071 0.02009 0.020131 0.01990

)P (form~fric) [new] [Pal 3P_(formnfric) [oldi [Pal 3P_(formfric} change PI 88.691 84.171 80.661 77.821 75.4( 73A51 71.731 70.11 68,811 67.54

%] oI c 5%

Preparedby Reviewd by QA-1, Task__ Subtask Glenn Sjoden, PhD Revision 0 Copy 1 UFTR DuWayne Schubring,PhD Date :3/18/2010 Date :3/25/2010 VoL 1 Page24 of 28 ROUGHNESS OF 45 MICRONFLOW RATE OF 45 GAL/MIN, VARYING TEMPERATURE 80 901

, 100.

911.51 V80.3l S.41 0.001 0001, 2Q 0.00079 01000547 0.00046 0000404! 0.000354 0.000315 0.00028 Flowh5 ion40 004045 0.2 45

-low rate [ga/min] 1 45 4q 415 451 45 45f 45b 45 41 4 2I4IP4-J.I*

0.595" 0-59571 0.59M7 0,59571 0.59571 0.59571 0.59571 0.59571 0.5957 83813.831 97904.36 127385.411 142199.42 157704.36

.90E-005 5.90E-00e 5.90E-00MI 6.90E-"05 5.90E-005I 5.9E0ý 5,90E-005 5.90E-00N 5.90E-005 5.90E-005 0.02. 0.0221. 1.19E-00 5.42E-00* 4.85b-00M 4.38-E005 0.0238 0.02271 0.02198 0.021321 0.020821 0.020421 0.020091 0.019821 0.019604 0.01940 2P_{grev) [Pal 1.29%

ROUGHNESS OF 45 MICRON,FLOW RATE OF 55 GAL/MIN, VARYING TEMPERATURE 0.0003151 0.0002821 4b1 4b1 IFlowrate (gaLt/mIn 1 551 55! 551 551 551 551 55 55 55! 5N 0.728 0.7280 19Z749.11 5.90E-0051 5.90E-005 5.90E-005 r[-1 0.023021 0.0220D4 0.021311 0.020751 Trm Inew [pal lP (form+flw) 2P -(fonn+ffic) [old][Pal 3iP IformOrlcl dtao [Pal 3P (grav) [Pa]

ROUGHNESS OF 45 MICRON,FLOW RATE OF 65 GAL/MIN, VARYING TEMPERATURE emperaure[C1 10 2( 301 50 DensFt', [/m3j 999. 998. 995.7 992. 98 Vrscosity Ikulm-s] 0.0013071 0.0010021 0.00079BI 0.0006531 0.0005471 0.00 Roughness [micron]

651 651 851 651 651 851 4.10E-0031 4.10E-0031 4.10E-00M! 4.1E-0031 Rewater) 1-]

=rst term 1i f equation tecond termin f equation 2311-5-20004-,

0,022381 0.021491 0.020831 0,020321 0.0199W

)P_{fonn+fric} [new] lPal
lP_{form+fric) [old] [Pa]

.)P 0fon 235.48 231.14 227.21":""- 223.88 220.35 19676.19 195U.12 19W.05! 19317.97 19179.88 2.72% 2.68 2 a% .3 2.61%

1.20% 1.1% 1.16%1 1.1 15%


  • 2 30{ 40 PO Wit TTTTg/m1]999.7 998.2 995.7 9922 251 2-2 251 251 25! 251 251 2-! 251 251 E -00 30 -00 39 8E 1.5 0.3309 E-00 [

1.580.330m 1. 30 9 50. 0 0,330

. .09 1. 0.33M*

301 1 0.33091 E-

.58 03 1.580,3309 E- 3 0 30 . 9 1 .580.330*

E 5 0.4330 0.330i 0,33091 7.37E-M0l 7.37E-005 7.37E-00W 7.37E-005I 7.37E-005 7.37E-0051 1 Ae4uti.

0.02402 0.02378 0.023121 0,022571 0.022131 0.021761 0.02145! 0.02119 100.691 9.9

)P._{form+fric) [old] [Pa] 62.37 56.35 54.27



0.51%1 0.49%1 0.47% 0.46%9 0.45%1 0.45 0.441A 0.43%

Preparedby Reviewed by QA-1, Task_ Subtask UFINRE Glenn Sjoden, PhD Revision 0 Copy 1 UFTR DuWayne Schubring,PhD Date :3/18/2010 Date :3/25/2010 VoL 1 Page25 of 28 ROUGHNESS OF 55 MICRON,FLOW RATE OF 35 GALIMIN, VARYING TEMPERATURE

[Temperature [C]

IL)erIsuytKsmliI 1 0.0013071 0.0010021 0,0007981 0.0006531 0.0006471 0.0004661 0.0004041 0,0003541 0,0003151 0.0002821 irst term in f equation 7.37E-005 7.37E-0 7.37E-O0lj 7.37E-00517-37EZ005 7.37E-005 woond termaInI equation I 2.5E.41 1.9E0 .3-D4 t

'1 0.02534 0.024141 0.023241 0.022541 0.022001 0.021551 0.02119 0.02089 0.020651 0.02044 ROUGHNESS OF 55 MICRONFLOW RATE OF 45 GAI/MIN. VARYING TEMPERATURE

-low rats [galtmin] 1 451 451 451 451 451 451 451 451 451 451

~4rn~s Re..Jwater) H-racond term in I eqr

'I-H 0.02419 0 0.0231 0022371 0.021771 0021W30 002 002082 002036I 0.020151 0.01998

.82 3027, 27 27908 7 263.3 25892 254A8 180.22 172.1 165.94 160*

029 15.79f 153.251 150.2 147.45 14[ 142.88 IP I pal 141.6 135.26 130.38 126.441 13.191, 120AI1 118.02 . 115.85 113.92 1121

)P lgrav) [Pal 1 20006.41 19976.381 19926.351 19856.3! 19772251 19676,191 19568.12 19448.051 19317.971 19179.8e ROUGHNESS OF 55 MICRON.FLOW RATE OF 55 GAL/MIN. VARYING TEMPERATURE 0 0.0005471 0.2 j0.00q61 OOO 4 00. 0031~ 0.00031:1 0.000282 V_{water) [m3/s] 3.47E-003 3.47E-0031 3.47E-003! 3.47E-0031 i wateri tm/al e {water) [-1 260.2 249., 241.121 234.431 228.9, 224.191 220.09 216.371 213.04 209.89 Pal 204. 196.9 189.45i 184 179.86 176.151 172.93 170.01 167.39 164.92 1997.3 7 B200084 19926.351 19856.31 19772.251 19576.191 19568.121 19448.051 19317.971 19179.88 ROUGHNESS OF 55 MICRONFLOW RATE OF 65 GAL/MIN, VARYING TEMPERATURE 651 651 61 651 651 651 651 V(A-terl [m3jsJ 4.10E-0031 4.10E-0D3 4.10E-0031 4.10E-003 4.109-003 4.10E-003 4.10E-031 4.10E-003 4.10E-003 i-Lwaterl[nI" lratterrnnsrfIquation 7.37E-005 Inequation i~etne C 0.01974 0.019591 o.01945 DP {form+fric) f-]w (Pal 532." 524.92 517.62 DP {tonn+ffic) [old] FPa] 314.291 308.281 303.05 298.27 293.981 289.87 IF lTorm+fnc)InswLut- tan

)P_(form+fdc) ChangelDP_{

Preparedby Reviewed by QA-1, Task_, Subtask UFINRE Glenn Sjoden, PhD Revision 01 Copy 1 UFTR DuWayne Schubring,PhD Date :3/18/2010 Date :3/25/2010 VoL 1 Page26 of 28 ROUGHNESS OF 65 MICRONFLOW RATE OF 25 GAL/MIN. VARYING TEMPERATURE

- 0.0013Q7 0.0010P 0.000798 0600065 0.000547 0006.003 0.221 0.000315 0.00028 ouner ra t it-ow rale tatmin]

ic n] 66

Il 25 25 . 25 251 28 25 56 2* 25l 25l 2*x 655 2l 25

,'Jwater) [m3fa]

8.87E.0054 8.87E-0061 8.87E-Ml5 8.87E-0051 8.87E-Mi5 &87E-M]5 8.87E-"05 8.87E-0061 8.87E-0051 I_ 3.50-004 2.69E-004 2.i-5E004 1766-0041 1.4 M 1.7E-041~ I.TIE:654 -9.756-O

'[- 0.027371 0.025981 0.024931 0.024121 0.023481 0.02296 0.02254 0.022181 39.82 38.9( 38.1S 37.49 19568.12 19448.06 19317.97 19179.88 3Pjfo-m+frc) [new)/DP {gray [%]D 0.56%1 0.53%1 0.51%1 0.50%1 0.4n8 0.47%] 0,A4% 0.469A 0.45%1 0.44%

3P_ Gmfic ChangsfeýJgPray [] 0.25%1 0.3 02% 0.2% 0.211 02% 0.20% 0.20% O.M .


65 00.001

~0010 J 000798 65 000053 6

0000547 6.

0 00048 65 0.004 0

0000354 65*

0.0003154 6I5 6,=

0.0002020 I]

0.00135j 35 3. 3 0 35

.(water) [m3/s] 2.21E-003 2.21E-0031 221E-003 2.21E-003 2.21E-001 I it watero In/sI O.4VA31 0.46M31 UA03.i 27605.511 35954.351 45032.62

[I 0.02563 0.024481 0.023604 0.022931 0.022411 0.021991 0.021651 0.021371 0.02114 0.02094 1 206.24 189.15 183.16 178.24 174.03 170.421 167.1

)P`_fonii4fric) [old] [Pal 115,494 110.081 105.931 102.57 99.81 97.4A 95.44 93.61 3)Plformifnc) change [Pal I

)Pfgrav) (Pal 0.88% 0.87% 0.8 0.84%

0.39% 0.38 08 0.37 0.37%

ROUGHNESS OF 65 MICRONFLOW RATE OF 45 GAL/MIN, VARYING TEMPERATURE 501 604 704 80 904 1004 451 451 451 451 451 451 451 451 V.water} fm3/s]

( {watern must Re~water) F-I- _

bst term In f equation econd term in f equation T1 0.021751 0.021401 0.021111 0.020881 0.020691 0.02052 3P!_fomn-+frlc) [n-w) [Pal

)Pjlfonn+frIc} [Wd] [Pal 174.851 168.894 164.091

)P_(fonntrfic change [Pal

)P {gray) [Pal 3P_(forn+frlc) (newy/DPlg "IP lfn.f*% rh-nsxln U.WoA ROUGHNESS OF 65 MICRONFLOW RATE OF 55 GAL/MIN, VARYING TEMPERATURE 904 1004 oG.~JI W50.44 04668 0.0004041 0.000354 0.0003154 0.0002824 bb 551 5N 55 55q 554 55 0.7280 ewater)[ -1 11M4M.I eat term m r eo*Jr &87E-005 8.87E-005 iecond term in I equation 3.971-005 3.58E-4005 0.02374 0.022841 0.02218 0.02168 0.02130 0.02099 0.02075 0.0205d 0.02038 0.02024 4714 453.1 439.05 427. 41.8 4102 403 396.8M 391,07 385.61 264.1 253. 245.I7 239.41 234.2 229.72 225. 222.Z 219 215.94 207.5m 199.391 193.18 188.17 184.04 180.5 177.42 174.t 172.07 169-67 20006.4 19978. 199W.35 198.3 19.7225 19676.19 195W.12 19448.01 19317-97 1917§.8 2.02% 2.01%

0.69% 0.8

Preparedby Reviewed by QA-1, Task, Subtask Copy 1 UFTR DuWayne Schubring,PhD Glenn Sjoden, PhD Revision 0 Date :3/18/2010 I Date :3/25/2010 VoL 1 Page 27 of 28 ROUGHNESS OF 65 MICRON.FLOW RATE OF 65 GAL/MIN, VARYING TEMPERATURE Temperature [C] 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 90 10 Density[kg/m31 99. 9. 95.1 W2.2 988 983.2 977. 971.8 965.3 958.

IViscosity Tkgm-s]

0.0013071 0.0010021 0.0007981 0.0006531 0.0005471 0.0004661 0.0004041 0.0003541 0.0003151 0.000282 k/_(water) [m3tsJ I 4.10E-U31 4.10E-03 4.10E-00 4.1 i (water [rn/s] I 0.8604 0.86041 0.86041 4.25E-05 3.jSE-05 3.03E-005 002~

OA __ 0~

587.031 575.161 564.931 555.981 547.771 DP.(fom*fniic) change [Pal 282,731 272.451 264.621 258.291 253.071 DP _(gray)(Pal 200 9i9i38 LIP_(to*rmfic) (newi/P (gray 1%)) ý3216% ý 31 LIP(forni+fric)crkangatop Wwl%D) I 1.41-M 1.ýsm ROUGHNESS OF 75 MICRON.FLOW RATE OF 25 GAJJMIN. VARYING TEMPERATURE 501 601 701 80 901 1001 u166 983.

1Vmcosity 0k9/r-si I 0.0013071 0.0010021 0.0007981 0.0006531 0.0005471 0.0004661

-JW3 ibiS 0.33091 0.33091 0.33091 0.33091 0.33091 0.33M9"

ý2st t r.e~dtr

%1f inlf e equation uatio n 9.75E-005l I r[-H u.(uOzw LIP{fom+fnic) (w] [Pal 107.631 103.1 99.65 96.72 94.24 92.11 90.191 88.51 86.94 DP (formnftic) (old] [Pa] 6(12, DPjform-fric) change [Pal 49.89 47.3I LIP [gray [Pal 1 2 DIP fofns+fric) fnewyDP (grav [%])

LIP (forni+fric) Change/OP _(gray [%ll I 0.209A 0.201A ROUGHNESS OF 75 MICRONFLOW RATE OF 35 GAL/MIN.VARYING TEMPERATURE 401 50o 601 701 801 901 1001 PVisost [ 1z'-s I 0.001307 1 itlwrate [gaurnin] 35 0.46331 0.46331 0.46331 0A6331 0.46331 0.46331 0A6331 0.4633 Rejwateo [-I 51 38.760 6518.5-4 147.63 s'atterm in f equation 1.04E-004 1.04E-0041 1.04E-0041 1.04E-0041 11.04E-0041 1 moond term in I equation

'H-173.891 17074j 167.941 165.31 97.3 561 4.051 92A7 91.76 87.6; 84.4A 81.92 79.&* 78.061 76.511 75,131 7328 72.74 1179.86 0.88%

2uP_ 0.39%[ 0.38%


[rem! [CJ 1 101 201 301 401 501 601 701 0 wdU.1I W96.4

[osoty [kg/m-a] 0.0013071 0.0010021

,l V.{water} Imfe L{weter) [mn3/a]

0.59571 0.59571 0.5957 0.59571 0.5957 0.5957 0.59571 0.5957 0.5951 0.5957 36492.79 46227102 57899.081 7050698 3813.836 , 97904.36 112309.05 127385.4A1 142199.42 Irst term In f equation 1.04= 1.04E-0I 1.04E-004 1046 I.04E-0041 1.04E-004 1.46 1.04E-0041 1.04E-004 umond term in I equation 0.02484 0.0238M 0.02315 0.022611 0.02219 0.02185 0.02159 0.02136 0.0211E

)P_{formifrtc} (new] Pal IP {forn+frlc) [oldi [Pal LIP_(formi~frc} change [avPalPal


+P 145.361 139.4A1 134.951 131.321 128.341 125.781 123.571 121.5! 119.741 110.03


)P_(form+fric) [newiOP_(grav [%])

.)P fform+fftc) Chanae/DP meav I%1D


,*vv * ,,.*v1 v Ie! VUHlo

,. . . . .....




Miscesity [klm-s] 1 0.0013071 0.0010021 0.0007981 0.0006531 0.0005471 0.000468! 0.0004041 0.0003541 0.00031


,Flowrate [gaUmin) 1 651 f['] 0.07201I COOLANT RETURN - MAXIMUM CHANGE CASE Temperaure[ 1[

Doenslty ($g/m3] 999.7' n-0.0013s Roughness [micron] 75 Core Flow rate I[Vmin]n P Flow

_ rate l/mln 32.5 watemUa r

v(water) [n/sI 0"43,0 Rewater) H 25833;69 Iist term in f equation 1,04E-004 second terfn in f equation 2869S-00 DPMfor j ric} ange [Pal 72.F9 IDPifrm~ri) hane/P1grav ePDP  %

[*/.)} 20006.A 0.36Y.1 9DP rna Cha