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University of Florida-Gainesville - Transmittal of 2014-2015 Annual Report
Person / Time
Site: 05000083
Issue date: 02/29/2016
From: Shea B
Univ Of Florida, Gainesville
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML16064A429 (8)


UF FLORiDA College of ngineering 340 W iJ H II UFTR Nu lear Facilities PO Box 11 6 1 4 Gaine *ville FL , 26 1 352-294-2 100 February 29, 2016 U.S . Nuclear Regulatory Commission 2014-2015 Annual Report Attention: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 University of Florida Training Reactor CUFTR) - Facility License R-56. Docket No. 50-83 Please find enclosed the 2014-2015 annual report for the UFTR. This report is being submitted as required by our Techni al Specifications, Section 6.6.1.

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct to my knowledge.

E ecuted on February 29, 2016.

Brian Shea Reactor Manager, University of Florida Training Reactor Email: Phone: 352-294-2104 Enclo ure cc: Duane Hardesty, USNRC Reactor Safety Review Subcommittee The Foundation for The Gator Nation

University of Florida Training Reactor Annual Progress Report September 1, 2014- August 31,2015 Submitted by Brian Shea Reactor Manager University of Florida Gainesville, FL February 2016

Introduction As stated in the UFTR Technical Specifications, Section 6.6.1:

Routine annual reports covering the activities of the reactor facility during the previous calendar year shall be submitted to the Commission within six (6) months following the end of each prescribed year. The prescribed year ends August 31 for the UFTR. Each annual operating report shall include the following information:

(1) a narrative summary of reactor operating experience including the energy produced by the reactor and the hours the reactor was critical (2) the unscheduled shutdowns including, where applicable, corrective actions taken to preclude recurrence (3) tabulation of major preventative and corrective maintenance operations having safety significance (4) tabulation of major changes in the reactor facility and procedures, and tabulation of new tests of experiments, that are significantly different from those performed previously and are not described in the Safety Analysis Report, including conclusions that no unreviewed safety questions were involved (5) A summary of the nature and amount of radioactive ejjluents released or discharged to the environs beyond the effective control of the facility operators as determined at or before the point of such release or discharge. (The summary shall include to the extent practicable an estimate of individual radionuclides present in the ejjluent. if the estimated average release after dilution or diffusion is less than 25% of the concentration allowed, a statement to this effect is sufficient.)

(6) A summarized result of environmental surveys performed outside the facility.

(7) A summary of exposure received by facility personnel and visitors where such exposures are greater than 25% of that allowed.

The following discussion on the above seven sections covers the period from September 1, 2014 to August 31 , 2015, except as noted otherwise.

1. Summary of Reactor Operation Experience The UFTR had been in extended maintenance outage since late 2008. Efforts began in 2014 to get the reactor operational to continue the broad range of research and educational utilization that was performed in the past. Facility staff completed the restart plan in September 2015.

The energy generated and operation hours in the reporting year are given as follows:

Energy generated: 5566.3905 kW-hrs Reactor runtime: 104.5 hrs.

2. Unscheduled Shutdowns There were 4 unscheduled shutdowns during this period, each one is summarized below:

On 4113115, a Hi PC Temp trip occurred with the reactor operating at 10 kW steady state. A< 1 second spike to approximately 176°F in fuel box 3 outlet temperature was observed on the temperature monitor. Solid core wire is used for the thermocouples and is a known issue to facility management. Replacement of wire will occur during next unstacking of core.

On 5/4/15, a Hi PC Temp trip occurred with the reactor operating at 100 kW steady state. A< 1 second spike to approximately 143°F in fuel box 3 outlet temperature was observed on the temperature monitor. Replacement of wire will occur during next unstacking of core.

On 5114/15, a Safety Ch. 2 Hi Power Trip occurred with the reactor operating at 100 kW. The channel failed high causing the trip. The failed amplifier was replaced and the channel was placed back in service after testing was completed.

On 7/24/15, a Hi PC Temp trip occurred with the reactor operating at 100 kW. A trip occurred at 95°F for the primary inlet temperature. City water secondary cooling in use to perform Alpha-T measurements. Due to elevated primary temperatures when operating in the city water cooling mode, reactor power will be reduced when performing the Alpha-T surveillance.

3. Safety Significant Major Maintenance Operations MLP 14-5, 6/30/14 to 3/25/15, Replacement of failed PC based temperature monitor system.

MLP 14-15, 9111114 to 111115, Wide range drawer terminal board replacement due to damage from high voltage leakage to the board.

MLP 14-18, 11/24-25/14, Safety Channel #2 trip test switch replacement due to bad electrical contact.

MLP 14-19, 12/1-23114, S-3 blade shaft alignment and cleaning to improve drop time.

MLP 14-20, 12/1-23114, S-3 blade up-drive button control repair and J8 connector repair due to damage due from possible overcurrent condition.

MLP 14-21 , 12/5-18114, S-1 blade capacitor replaced due to leakage and shorting of circuit.

MLP 15-02, 1120-28115, Stack fan power wiring replacement due to overheating wires.

MLP 15-03, 2/9-10/15, Core vent rough and absolute filter replacement due to high DP.

MLP 15-11 , 5114-29/15 , Safety channel #2 failed amplifier replaced.

MLP 15-12, 5/29-7/6115, Linear channel resistors replaced to calibrate channel.

MLP 15-14, 8/26-9/9/15, South area radiation monitor signal connector repair due to bad connector.

MLP 15-15,8/26115-1125116, Radiation monitor battery charger power supply replacement due to lack of adjustability and reliability of old power supply.

4. Major Changes in Reactor Facility, Procedures and Experiments The following change was implemented under 10CFR50.59 during this period:
  1. 15-8, Replacement of failed PC based temperature monitor system with a Fuji Electric Digital Paperless Recorder System No major changes to procedures or experiments during this period.
5. Radioactive Effluents Liquid Releases:

The UFTR is equipped with a waste water holdup tank. The radioactivity in the waste water is measured prior to release.

Table I Volume and Concentration of Waste Water Released Date Water Released (Gallons) Activity Released (J..t Ci/mL)

September 22, 2014 928.4 <LLD July 24, 2015  :

928.4 1.13 E -9 Argon-41 Releases:

The Argon-41 release concentration is measured every six months during facility operation. Ar-41 was measured once for this reporting period due to extended maintenance outage and the release values reported below reflect this fact.

Table II Concentration of Argon-41 Released 2014-2015 kW-hrs ~tCi Avg ~tcilmL September 0 0 0 October 0 0 0 November 0 0 0 December 0 0 0 January 0 0 0 February 0 0 0 March 6.83E-04 3.0263E+O 9.6758£-16 April 242.9958 1.0767£+6 3.4424£-10 May 2817.3605 1.2484£+7 3.9913£-09 June 1890.5199 8.3768£+6 2.6782£-09 July 24.6803 1.0936£+5 3.4963E-11 August 590.8333 2.6179E+6 8.3701£-10 Release per kW-hr of operation: 4430.93 ~Ci/mL Total Ar-41 release for the reporting year: 24.6643 Ci Yearly average Ar-41 release concentration: 6.5714 E-10 ~Ci/mL

6. Environmental Surveys In addition to periodic radiation surveys using hand-held instruments, environmental monitoring is accomplished using radiation dosimetry badges. Areas monitored are located around the exterior of the reactor building and nearby buildings, including the Nuclear Sciences Center and the Journalism Building. This monitoring is performed by the Radiation Control Office of the Environmental Health and Safety Division at the University of Florida. The environmental dosimetry reports are tabulated and presented in Table II.

The environmental dosimetry badges closest to the reactor cell radioactive materials storage areas are at locations 1, 2, 5, and 7.

Table III Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE) at Monitored Locations Quarterly TEDE Annual TEDE Area No. (mrem) (mrem)

Sep- Nov Dec- Feb Mar-May Jun-Aug 1 7 9 11 13 40 2 0 0 4 0 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 1 0 4 5 6 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 1 0 0 1 8 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 Room 101C 0 0 0 0 0 Room 103 0 0 0 0 0

7. Radiation Exposures There were no exposures received to facility personnel or visitors where such exposures were greater than 25% of the permissible limit. Facility personnel dosimetry reports are tabulated and presented in Table III.

Table IV Total Effective Dose Equivalents (TEDE) for the UFTR Staff Quarterly TEDE Annual TEDE Individual (mrem) (mrem)

Sep- Nov Dec- Feb Mar-May Jun-Aug Berglund 0 0 0 0 0 Cronin 0 0 0 0 0 Jordan 0 0 0 0 0 Blohm - 0 0 0 0 Springfels - - 0 0 0 Newman 0 0 0 0 0 Shea 0 0 4 0 4

UF FLORiDA College of ngineering 340 W iJ H II UFTR Nu lear Facilities PO Box 11 6 1 4 Gaine *ville FL , 26 1 352-294-2 100 February 29, 2016 U.S . Nuclear Regulatory Commission 2014-2015 Annual Report Attention: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 University of Florida Training Reactor CUFTR) - Facility License R-56. Docket No. 50-83 Please find enclosed the 2014-2015 annual report for the UFTR. This report is being submitted as required by our Techni al Specifications, Section 6.6.1.

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct to my knowledge.

E ecuted on February 29, 2016.

Brian Shea Reactor Manager, University of Florida Training Reactor Email: Phone: 352-294-2104 Enclo ure cc: Duane Hardesty, USNRC Reactor Safety Review Subcommittee The Foundation for The Gator Nation

University of Florida Training Reactor Annual Progress Report September 1, 2014- August 31,2015 Submitted by Brian Shea Reactor Manager University of Florida Gainesville, FL February 2016

Introduction As stated in the UFTR Technical Specifications, Section 6.6.1:

Routine annual reports covering the activities of the reactor facility during the previous calendar year shall be submitted to the Commission within six (6) months following the end of each prescribed year. The prescribed year ends August 31 for the UFTR. Each annual operating report shall include the following information:

(1) a narrative summary of reactor operating experience including the energy produced by the reactor and the hours the reactor was critical (2) the unscheduled shutdowns including, where applicable, corrective actions taken to preclude recurrence (3) tabulation of major preventative and corrective maintenance operations having safety significance (4) tabulation of major changes in the reactor facility and procedures, and tabulation of new tests of experiments, that are significantly different from those performed previously and are not described in the Safety Analysis Report, including conclusions that no unreviewed safety questions were involved (5) A summary of the nature and amount of radioactive ejjluents released or discharged to the environs beyond the effective control of the facility operators as determined at or before the point of such release or discharge. (The summary shall include to the extent practicable an estimate of individual radionuclides present in the ejjluent. if the estimated average release after dilution or diffusion is less than 25% of the concentration allowed, a statement to this effect is sufficient.)

(6) A summarized result of environmental surveys performed outside the facility.

(7) A summary of exposure received by facility personnel and visitors where such exposures are greater than 25% of that allowed.

The following discussion on the above seven sections covers the period from September 1, 2014 to August 31 , 2015, except as noted otherwise.

1. Summary of Reactor Operation Experience The UFTR had been in extended maintenance outage since late 2008. Efforts began in 2014 to get the reactor operational to continue the broad range of research and educational utilization that was performed in the past. Facility staff completed the restart plan in September 2015.

The energy generated and operation hours in the reporting year are given as follows:

Energy generated: 5566.3905 kW-hrs Reactor runtime: 104.5 hrs.

2. Unscheduled Shutdowns There were 4 unscheduled shutdowns during this period, each one is summarized below:

On 4113115, a Hi PC Temp trip occurred with the reactor operating at 10 kW steady state. A< 1 second spike to approximately 176°F in fuel box 3 outlet temperature was observed on the temperature monitor. Solid core wire is used for the thermocouples and is a known issue to facility management. Replacement of wire will occur during next unstacking of core.

On 5/4/15, a Hi PC Temp trip occurred with the reactor operating at 100 kW steady state. A< 1 second spike to approximately 143°F in fuel box 3 outlet temperature was observed on the temperature monitor. Replacement of wire will occur during next unstacking of core.

On 5114/15, a Safety Ch. 2 Hi Power Trip occurred with the reactor operating at 100 kW. The channel failed high causing the trip. The failed amplifier was replaced and the channel was placed back in service after testing was completed.

On 7/24/15, a Hi PC Temp trip occurred with the reactor operating at 100 kW. A trip occurred at 95°F for the primary inlet temperature. City water secondary cooling in use to perform Alpha-T measurements. Due to elevated primary temperatures when operating in the city water cooling mode, reactor power will be reduced when performing the Alpha-T surveillance.

3. Safety Significant Major Maintenance Operations MLP 14-5, 6/30/14 to 3/25/15, Replacement of failed PC based temperature monitor system.

MLP 14-15, 9111114 to 111115, Wide range drawer terminal board replacement due to damage from high voltage leakage to the board.

MLP 14-18, 11/24-25/14, Safety Channel #2 trip test switch replacement due to bad electrical contact.

MLP 14-19, 12/1-23114, S-3 blade shaft alignment and cleaning to improve drop time.

MLP 14-20, 12/1-23114, S-3 blade up-drive button control repair and J8 connector repair due to damage due from possible overcurrent condition.

MLP 14-21 , 12/5-18114, S-1 blade capacitor replaced due to leakage and shorting of circuit.

MLP 15-02, 1120-28115, Stack fan power wiring replacement due to overheating wires.

MLP 15-03, 2/9-10/15, Core vent rough and absolute filter replacement due to high DP.

MLP 15-11 , 5114-29/15 , Safety channel #2 failed amplifier replaced.

MLP 15-12, 5/29-7/6115, Linear channel resistors replaced to calibrate channel.

MLP 15-14, 8/26-9/9/15, South area radiation monitor signal connector repair due to bad connector.

MLP 15-15,8/26115-1125116, Radiation monitor battery charger power supply replacement due to lack of adjustability and reliability of old power supply.

4. Major Changes in Reactor Facility, Procedures and Experiments The following change was implemented under 10CFR50.59 during this period:
  1. 15-8, Replacement of failed PC based temperature monitor system with a Fuji Electric Digital Paperless Recorder System No major changes to procedures or experiments during this period.
5. Radioactive Effluents Liquid Releases:

The UFTR is equipped with a waste water holdup tank. The radioactivity in the waste water is measured prior to release.

Table I Volume and Concentration of Waste Water Released Date Water Released (Gallons) Activity Released (J..t Ci/mL)

September 22, 2014 928.4 <LLD July 24, 2015  :

928.4 1.13 E -9 Argon-41 Releases:

The Argon-41 release concentration is measured every six months during facility operation. Ar-41 was measured once for this reporting period due to extended maintenance outage and the release values reported below reflect this fact.

Table II Concentration of Argon-41 Released 2014-2015 kW-hrs ~tCi Avg ~tcilmL September 0 0 0 October 0 0 0 November 0 0 0 December 0 0 0 January 0 0 0 February 0 0 0 March 6.83E-04 3.0263E+O 9.6758£-16 April 242.9958 1.0767£+6 3.4424£-10 May 2817.3605 1.2484£+7 3.9913£-09 June 1890.5199 8.3768£+6 2.6782£-09 July 24.6803 1.0936£+5 3.4963E-11 August 590.8333 2.6179E+6 8.3701£-10 Release per kW-hr of operation: 4430.93 ~Ci/mL Total Ar-41 release for the reporting year: 24.6643 Ci Yearly average Ar-41 release concentration: 6.5714 E-10 ~Ci/mL

6. Environmental Surveys In addition to periodic radiation surveys using hand-held instruments, environmental monitoring is accomplished using radiation dosimetry badges. Areas monitored are located around the exterior of the reactor building and nearby buildings, including the Nuclear Sciences Center and the Journalism Building. This monitoring is performed by the Radiation Control Office of the Environmental Health and Safety Division at the University of Florida. The environmental dosimetry reports are tabulated and presented in Table II.

The environmental dosimetry badges closest to the reactor cell radioactive materials storage areas are at locations 1, 2, 5, and 7.

Table III Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE) at Monitored Locations Quarterly TEDE Annual TEDE Area No. (mrem) (mrem)

Sep- Nov Dec- Feb Mar-May Jun-Aug 1 7 9 11 13 40 2 0 0 4 0 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 1 0 4 5 6 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 1 0 0 1 8 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 Room 101C 0 0 0 0 0 Room 103 0 0 0 0 0

7. Radiation Exposures There were no exposures received to facility personnel or visitors where such exposures were greater than 25% of the permissible limit. Facility personnel dosimetry reports are tabulated and presented in Table III.

Table IV Total Effective Dose Equivalents (TEDE) for the UFTR Staff Quarterly TEDE Annual TEDE Individual (mrem) (mrem)

Sep- Nov Dec- Feb Mar-May Jun-Aug Berglund 0 0 0 0 0 Cronin 0 0 0 0 0 Jordan 0 0 0 0 0 Blohm - 0 0 0 0 Springfels - - 0 0 0 Newman 0 0 0 0 0 Shea 0 0 4 0 4