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Discontinuation Agreement Regarding Groundwater Monitoring at La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor Facility
Person / Time
Site: La Crosse  File:Dairyland Power Cooperative icon.png
Issue date: 08/26/2019
From: Gerard van Noordennen
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Download: ML19240A312 (31)


August 26, 2019 LC-2019-0023 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor Facility Operating License No. DPR-45 NRC Docket Nos. 50-409 and 72-046


Discontinuation Agreement Regarding Groundwater Monitoring at La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor Facility LaCrosseSolutions is requesting Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) concurrence regarding termination of the groundwater monitoring program at the La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor (LACBWR) facility. Groundwater monitoring has been ongoing throughout the decommissioning process and is typically performed on a quarterly basis. In March of 2018, the NRC Operations Center was notified via phone that tritium levels in excess of reportable limits had been identified in select onsite groundwater monitoring wells. An investigation into this issue was initiated, and the sampling for the impacted wells was increased to a monthly frequency. The source of the contamination was identified and remediated. Since that time, tritium levels in the impacted wells have decreased significantly and are now well below the EPA drinking water standard. Based on the lack of any other evidence to date regarding radioactive groundwater contamination and completion of all radwaste shipments by September 13, 2019, we are proposing that the groundwater sampling program be discontinued. A summary of groundwater sample results to date are provided in Enclosure l . [f any sample result anomalies occur between now and the final samples taken, we will commit to additional sampling as agreed to with the NRC.

Several verbal discussions with the NRC have taken place regarding termination of the groundwater monitoring program and it is our understanding that there is mutual agreement regarding the proposal for termination of the program. We are requesting NRC concurrence of this proposal via written communication.

There are no regulatory commitments made in this submittal. ff you should have any questions regarding this submittal, please contact me at (860) 462-9707.

Respectfully, G~~~

Gerard van Noordennen Senior Vice President Regulatory Affairs Enclosure 1: Summary of Groundwater Monitoring Sample Results cc: Marlayna Doell, U.S. NRC Project Manager Service List S460 I State Highway 35 , Genoa, WI 54632

La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor Service List cc:

Ken Robuck Regional Administrator President and CEO U.S . NRC, Region III EnergySolutions 2443 Warrenville Road 299 South Main Street, Suite 1700 Lisle, IL 60532-4352 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Paul Schmidt, Manager John Sauger Radiation Protection Section President and CNO Bureau of Environmental and Occupational Health Reactor D&D Division of Public Health EnergySolutions Wisconsin Department of Health Services 121 W. Trade Street, Suite 2700 P.O. Box 2659 Charlotte, NC 28202 Madison, WI 53701-2659 Joseph Nowak Barbara Nick Project Manager President and CEO LaCrosseSolutions Dairyland Power Cooperative S4601 State Highway 35 3200 East A venue South Genoa, WI 54632-8846 La Crosse, WI 54602-0817 Gerard van N oordennen Cheryl Olson, ISFSI Manager Senior VP Regulatory Affairs La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor Energy Solutions Dairyland Power Cooperative 121 W. Trade Street, Suite 2700 S4601 State Highway 35 Charlotte, NC 28202 P.O. Box 817 Genoa, WI54632-8846 Russ Workman General Counsel Lane Peters EnergySolutions La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor 299 South Main Street, Suite 1700 Dairyland Power Cooperative Salt Lake City, UT 84111 S4601 State Highway 35 Genoa, WI54632-8846 Jerome Pedretti, Clerk Town of Genoa Thomas Zaremba E860 Mundsack Road Wheeler, Van Sickle and Anderson, S.C.

Genoa, WI 54632 44 East Mifflin Street, Suite 1000 Madison, WI 53703 Jeffery Kitsembel Division of Energy Regulation John E. Matthews Wisconsin Public Service Commission Morgan, Lewis & Beckius LLP P.O. Box 7854 1111 Pennsylvania A venue, NW Madison, WI 53707-7854 Washington, DC 20004

Enclosure 1 Summary of Groundwater Monitoring Sample Results to LC-2019-0023 Page 1 of 28 Summary of Groundwater Monitoring Sample Results Location 3 3 3 3 3 3 S-plo1D MW-OW!M>61820U Wotl-3-071018 Well-3-081518 Wotl-3-o91018 Well-3-101011 Woll-3-110618 W11~3-120518 Woll-3-012219 Woll-3-022019 WEU-3-032719 WEU* 3-0U719 WEU-3-050719 WEU-3-061319 Somoll Dato 06/18/20U 07/10/2018 Ol/15/ 2018 09/10/2018 10/10/2018 11/06/2018 12/05/2018 01n>12019 02/20/2019 03/27/2019 1/17/2019 5/7/2019 6/13/2019 Radiological (pCi/L)

Amen c,um -241 0.0538 +/- 0.0898 Carbon -14 2.79!8.74 Cesium-137 -0 .597 +/- 2.03 2.65 U +/- 3.38 1.12 U +/- 3.78 3.86 U +/- 7.02 -1.49 U +/- 3.82 1.44 U +/- 3.98 0.475 U +/- 3.33 *2.28 U +/- 2.99

  • 1.31 U +/- 3.1 -3.15 U +/- 3.31 0.219 U +/- 2.97 -3.45 U +/- 3.54 0.853 U +/- 3.11 Co balt-60 1.02 +/- 1.98 -1.85 U +/- 3.41 4.12 U +/- 3.42 4.15 U +/- 5.37 -1.42 U +/- 5 -0.427 U +/- 3.93 0.69 U +/- 3.14 -1.1 U +/- 3.04 0.0152 U +/- 2.81 3.25 U +/- 3.59 -0.589 U +/- 3.13 -1.39 U +/-4.73 -3.15 U +/- 4.07 Europium-152 9.48 +/- 12.9 4.7 U +/- 10.5 -3.83 U +/- 10.3 8.81 U +/- 10.8 1.78 U +/- 11 -2.13 U +/- 8.83 -0.702 U +/- 7.17 3.75 U +/- 7.32 5.53 U +/- 7.6 5.66 U +/- 9.97 -0.53 U +/- 8.36 7.04 U +/- 9.47 2.86 U +/- 7.85 Eu ropium-154 -5 .23 +/- 4.13 -3.56 U +/- 10.7 7.27 U +/- 12.8 -0.876 U +/- 9.33
  • 11.8 UJ +/- 10.9
  • 11.2 U +/- 11.5 -1.59 U +/- 8.9 8.19 U +/- 8.2 -6.74 U +/- 10.9 8.90 U +/- 8.97 -3.0 U +/- 9.09 -7.5 U +/- 10.8 1.28 U +/- 7.66 Europium- 155 *2.67 +/- 4.38 Gross Alpha Analytes 0.126 +/- 1.01 Gross Beta Analytes 1.48 +/- 1.57 lron-55 -20 +/- 70 Nkke l-59 18.3+/- 62 .2 Nicke l-63 -1.77 +/- 3.82 12.8 U +/- 20 -9.41 U t 24 .6 8.01 U +/- 21.7 4.83 U +/- 19.8 l.76U+/-l9.3 23 U t20.l -7.76 U t 18.6 14.2 U +/- 18.8 5.67 U :t 19.S 20.0 U +/- 18.7 -6.76 U +/- 16.8 1.44 U t 18.1 Niobium-94 0.44 +/- 2.13 Pluto nium-238 0.0 282 :t 0 .279 Plutonium-239/240 -0.096 t 0.201 Plutomum-241 3.51 +/- 17.4 Strontium-90 0.609 t 0.686 -0.0243 U +/- 0 .634 -0.0845 U t 0.959 1.42 U +/- 1. 22 -0.374 U +/- 0.688 1.21 U +/- 1.03 0 .301 UJ +/- 0 .84 0.473 U +/- 1.06 0.287 U +/- 0.577 -0 .588 U ! 0 .785 l.56U +/- 1.09 -0.286 U t 0.605 -0.434 U t 0. 722 Technetium-99 -8.27+/- 3.48 Tritium 104 +/- 137 .99 U +/- 267 -347 UJ +/- 265 245U +/-317 55.4 U t 259 -54.6 U +/- 262 -42 .4 U +/- 249 70 U t 295 -188 U t 293 -25 .8 U +/- 336 325U+/-311 177U +/-231 -3.36 U +/- 282 Not~s:


1 R1!9u/otory critl!1io from NR 140 10, Subchopcr , II


R Rl!sult is fl!Jl!d l!d p(i/L :a: p,coCuril!s (Hr liur U = drtutl!d, numbu is thr

/oborotory rl!portmq limit Shad~d cdb indicatr duplicatl!

analys~s {Hr/arm l!d.

to LC-2019-0023 Page 2 of 28 Summary of Ground water Monitoring Sample Results Location s 5 Sample ID WEU-3-4171619 '

MW-DW4,0618201' MW-D-11201, -.()~'201, DW-~3252015 DW*S-11122015 Woff S-120716 Wel--2217 Well-S-120717 Well-!M*1611 Wel~S-071011 07/10/2011 Well-5-081511 QI /H/2011 Samole Date 7/16/2019 06/18/201, 06/18/201' 09/2"201' OJh<l2015 111012015 12/07/2016 05/22/2017 12/07/2017 06'"'"2011 Radiological (pd/l)

Americmm-241 0.0341 +/- 0.09 0.00464 +/- 0.0846 0 .128 +/- 0 .156 Carbon-14 0 t 8.89 -3 .97 +/- 8 .76 *0.944 +/- 7.34 Cesium-137 *2.6 U +/-5.50 -0.346 +/- 1.49 -0.745+/- 2.06 3.96 +/- 2.45 2.17+/- 2.8 -0.568 +/- 3.01 0.249 U +/- 2.32 -0.132 U +/- 2.08 -1.03 U +/- 4.12 -1.02 U +/- 2.84 l U t3.04 -3.26 UJ :t 2.98 Cobalt -GO -1.79 U +/- 5.83 0.394 +/- 2. 17 2.49 +/- 2.11 2.17 +/- 3.17 2.37 +/- 3.52 0.377 +/- 2.15 0.0409 U +/- I.SO -1.12 U +/- 2.41 0.45 7 U +/- 4.65 0.189 U +/- 3.88 0.954 U +/- 2.2 2.45 U +/- 3.99 Europium- 152 7.43 U +/- 12.6 2.34 +/- 7.76 -7.42 +/- 11.2 2.48 +/- 20.5 4.59 +/- 12.6 I. SI +/- 17.9 4 .54 U ! 10.6  ! .7 U +/-7.7 5.32 U +/- 8.88 Europium- 154 2.61 U +/- 16.4 3.15 +/- 5.06 1.34 +/- 6.02 -3.3 :t 7.97 -3.36 +/- 10.1 *0.26 +/- 7.18 -3.98 U +/- 9.77 -2.29 U +/- 9.91 1.08 U +/- 9.05 Eu ropium-155 1.46 +/- 4.67 -0.154 +/- 4.42 2.68 +/- 4.49 0.902 +/- 7.84 0.438 +/- 6.76 Gross Alpha Analytes -0.132 +/- 0.862 4.43 +/- 1.7 1 0.847+/- 0.725 -1.06 +/- I.IS 0 .947 t 1.82 Gross Beta Ana lytes 3.13 +/- 1.65 1.92+/- 2.15 2.95 +/- 1.74 2.09 t 1.64

  • I.OS t 2.42 lron-55 -31.1 +/- 78.2 *26.6 +/- 80.2 9.39 +/- 77.7 Nickel-59 39.6 +/- 76.9 -47 .4 +/- 87.9 3.12 +/- 59.9 Nicke l-63 -5.39 U +/- 19.5 -6.13+/- 3.62 -7.4 +/- 3.62 2.79 +/- 2.89 16.4 U +/- 25 .4 18.6 U +/- 19.7 *14.5 U +/- 18.1 *9.21 U +/- 21.9 2.58 U +/- 19.6 3.08 U +/- 22.1 Niobium-94 0.143 +/- 1.98 -1.25 t 1.68 -0.945 t 2.04 1.86 t 2.14 -0.374 t 2. 1 Plutonium-238 -0.0476 +/- 0.172 -0.0221+/- 0.154 0.0171+/- 0.0713 Plutonium-239/240 0.0336 +/- 0.172 0.0313 t 0.16 0.0928 t 0.12 Plutonium-241 2.7 t 20.1 -8.39t 17.6 3.17 t 9.31 Strontium-90 0.220 U t 0.611 0.0898 +/- 0.658 0.0898 t 0.595 -0.0174 +/- 0.657 -0.0369 t 0.658 -0.579 +/- 0.906 0.870 U +/- 0.829 0.370 U +/- 0.696 *0.25 U +/- 0.443 0.970 U t 0.959 -0.335 U +/- 0.698 0.691 U +/- 1.06 Tec hnetium-99 -7.37+/- 3.52 -8 .26 t 3.48 -1.54 t 3 .14 Tritium 66.7 U +/- 266 159 +/- 140 194 t 141 34.2 +/- 139 -52.6 t143 -104 +/- 146 -96.7 U t 133 -8.03 U .t 237 -127 U t 330 -166 U t 226 1.44 U t 276 -97 .8 U +/- 285 Notts:

l r Rt9ulatory criteria from NR 140 JO, Subchopctr II R = Rtsult ,s rtjtcttd pCi/L

  • p,coCurits ~r lit tr U :r dttrcttd, numbl!r is tht laboratory rtportmg limit Shodtd ul/s indicatt dupl/cott onolysu ~ rformtd.

to LC-2019-0023 Page 3 of 28 Summary of Groundwater Monitoring Sample Results Location s s s-plelD Wri-5-091111 Woll-5-101011 Wol~S-110611 Wri-5-120511 Well-5-012219 Wol~S-OU019 WElL*S.032119 WElL-5-cM1719 W£LL*S.OS0719 W£LL*5-061319 W(Ll-5-071619 MW-OW7.o61l2014 s-o1e o 11e 09/11/2011 10/10/2011 11m,;no11 wosnn11 Ot/1112019 02/20/2019 03/21/2019 4/17/2019 snno19 6/13/2019 7/16/2019 06/11/20H Radiological (pCi/L)

Americium-241 -0.0109 +/- 0.0766 Carbon-14 -5.08 +/- 9.8 Cesium -137 -0.56 U +/-3.1 2 2.94 U +/- 3.48 I.BS U +/- 3. 22 l .SS U +/- 3.51 1.17 U +/- 2.71 -5.5 U +/- 3.92 3. 21 U :!: 4.95 1.11 U +/- 3.49 0 .658 U +/- 2.67 -1.79 U ! 2.69 1.78 U ! 4.61 -1.83 ! 2.24 Cobalt-60 0.489 U +/- 2.62 -0 . 785 U +/- 3.84 -0 .435 U +/- 4 .45 0.415 U +/- 4. 23 -0 .818 U +/- 2. 76 2.51 U +/- 3.86 0 .815 U +/- 2.42 0.968 U +/- 3.26 -1.76 U +/- 3.72 -0 .0579 U +/- 3.08 2.64 U +/- 4.79 -2.41+/- 3. 24 Europium- 152 0. 201 U +/- 7.98 -2.7 U +/- 10.2 2.5 U t 7.9 4.33 U t 11 1.03 U t 7. 22 -1.85 U t 9.94 -0. 279 U t 6.32 -2.94 U +/- 9.87 3 .81 U t 7 .27 -1.57 U t 6.99 -9.53 U +/- 11.5 -5.5 +/- 21.1 Europium-154 -11.9 U t 12.5 -2.36 U ! 10.8 -10.2 UJ :!: 7.64 0 .232 U +/- 9 .75 7.8 U +/- 7.41 -3.65 U +/- 9.5 3.60 U +/- 7.48 -0.319 U +/- 13.0 1.01 U +/- 7.71 3.70 U +/- 7.91 -6.43 U +/- 9. 75 -4 .73+/- 5.45 Europium-155 -0.174 +/-4 .33 Gross Alpha Analytes -0.378 +/- 0.909 Gross Beta Analytes 0 +/- 1.38 lron-55 -38.5 t 82.3 Nickel -59 26 +/- 65.9 Nickel-63 IS .I U +/- 21 .7 4.71 U +/- 20.9 0 .125 U t 17.9 16. 2 U t 19.5 8.47 U +/- 20.6 18.4 U t 19 12.0 U +/- 19.7 -4.SU +/- 17 -11.1 U +/- 17.1 -1.39 U +/- 18.1 3.62 U t 18.6 -4.38+/-3.83 Nio bium-94 0.748 +/- 2.35 Plut onium-238 0.0822 +/- 0 .168 Ptuto nium-239/240 0.406 t 0.331 Plutonium-241 2.62+/- 13 Stro nt iu m -90 0.00966 U +/- 0 . 76S -0 .429 U t 0. 771 0 .483 U t 0 .9 0 .0442 UJ t 0 .99 0.0815 U t 1.07 D.00829 U +/- 0.63 -0 .257 U +/- 0 .97 -0.949 U +/- 0.824 -0 .469 U +/- 0 .9 76 -0 .829 U +/- 0 . 765 0.0822 U +/- 0.858 0.0177 +/- 0.725 Technetium-99 -9 .35 +/-3.53 Tritium -62.9 U +/- 181 238 U +/- 273 -55.3 U +/- 261 153 U t 268 106 U +/- 299 -224 U +/- 277 108 U +/-350 46U+/-283 -15.4 U +/- 234 -31.6 U +/- 296 96.6 U + 2S9 123 +/- 139 No tes:

l =- Rtgufotory crittrio from NR 140 10, Subchopttr II R = Result IS ftJt!cttd pCi/t. =- picoCurits ~r littr U: dtttcttd, number is the laboratory reporting lim it Shaded cells Indicate dupl(cott onolyus ~rformtti.

to LC-2019-0023 Page 4 of 28 Summary of Groundwater Monitoring Sample Results Location 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Sample ID Wotl-HMi06ll Wotl-H1710ll Wol~7--0l1Sll Wotl-7-0,1111 Wol~7-1010ll Wol~7-1106ll Wotl-7-120511 Wotl-7.0U219 WolH.022019 wtU-7.032119 wtLL-7-041719 WEU-7-050719 WELL-7-061319 SomoloDoto 06-/2011 07/10/2011 Ol/1511ftll O,/tt/2011 10/10/2011 11-12011 12/05/2011 01n2nn1, 02/20/2019 03/21/2019 4/17/2019 5/7/2019 6/13/2019 Radiological (pCi/l)

Americium-241 Carbon -14 Cesium-137 -0 .149 U +/- 4 0.607 U +/- 3.29 0 . 787 U +/- 4.09 3.49 U +/- 3 .98 0.731 U .t 3.9 -2.88 U +/- 4 .16 3.05 U +/- 4.64 .0.126 U +/- 2.38 -2.18 U +/- 3 .58 1.39 U ! 2.9 1.68 U +/- 2.76 1.92 U +/- 3.09 -1.75 U +/- 3.99 Cobalt-60 1.57 U +/-4.26 1.09 U +/- 2.68 0 .585 U +/- 3.02 -3.02 U +/- 3.24 5.67 U +/- 5 .89 3.08 U +/- 3.18 -2.75 U +/- 4.89 1.47 U +/- 1.99 -2.6S U +/- 3 .82 -1.49 U +/- 4.04 -0.243 U +/- 2.97 1.22 U +/- 2.60 0 .765 U +/- 4.06 Europium-152 -1.03 U +/- 11.2 0 .291 U +/- 9 .09 9 .63 U +/- 11.5 1.65 U +/- 9 .34 0.408 U +/- 14.8 -2.5 U +/- 9 .16 -11.3 U +/- 13.2 -3.73 U +/- 7.13 1.16 U +/- 9 .34 0 .533 U +/- 8 .09 -4.69 U +/- 7.91 3.18 U +/- 7.68 4.24 U +/- 8 .29 Europium-154 6.22 U +/- 17.7 0 .821 U +/- 9 .17 -9U +/- 10.1 3.66 U +/-10.6 8 .58 U +/- 11.7 -12.6 UJ +/- 11.3 11.2 U +/- 13.7 1.57 U +/- 7.5 5.41 U +/- 11

  • 2.05 U +/- 7.98 -4.2 U +/- 7.11 -3.43 U +/- 8.58 0.129 U +/- 10.1 Europium-155 Gross Alpha Anatytes Gross Beta Analytes lron-55 Nicke l-59 Nk:kel-63 -5.36 U +/- 22.8 23.4 U +/- 20.2 0 .0239 U +/- 20.9 8.65 U +/- 20.5 7.20 U +/- 20.5 6 .06 U +/- 18.6 2.19 U +/- 19 .1 11.4 U +/- 18.9 13.9 U +/- 18.7 14.5 U +/- 20 2.35 U +/- 17.1 -10.4 U +/- 16.8 -9 .32 U +/- 17.9 Nk>bium-94 Plutonium-238 Plutonium-239/240 Plutonium-241 Strontium-90 -0.205 U +/- 0.653 0 .903 U +/- 0.908 0 .184 U +/- 0 .86 0.454 U +/- 0.685 -0 .98 UJ +/- 0. 712 0 .944 U +/- 0 .966 -0.171 UJ +/- 0.537 -0.348 U +/- 0 .825 -0.924 U +/- 0.612 0 .251 U +/- 0 .906 0.344 U +/- 1.01 -0.25 U +/- 0.390 -0.392 U +/- 0.871 Technetium-99 Tntium 124 U i: 245 -49.3 U +/- 271 10.2 U +/- 289 -45.5 U +/- 189 45.6 U +/- 254 - 175 U t 260 114 U t 263 265 U +/- 305 -305 U +/- 272 166 U +/- 320 258 U +/- 301 258 U +/- 301 -164 U +/- 274 Notes:

1 :r Rrgulatory crirrria from NR 140 10, Subchoptrr II R = Rrwlt 1s rej t!ctt!d pCi/L

  • piCoCurirs ~r lir t!r U :r drtrcted, number is the laboratory rrpo,ting lim it Shodt!d cd ls indicatt! dupllcatt!

anolyst!s ~rformt!d.

to LC-2019-0023 Page 5 of 28 Summary of Groundwater Monitoring Sample Results Location 7 811AR 811AR 111AR 811AR 811AR 811AR 111AR 111AR 811AR BUAR Sample ID wru.-7-071619 MW-811AR-061S2014 MW-lllAR-09242014 MW-lllAR-03252015 MW-811AR*11122015 lllAR-120616 BllAR-052217 BllAR-D-052217 lllAR-120517 BllAR*D-120517 lllAR-060411 SamoleDtto 7/16/2019 06/11/2014 09/24/2014 03/1§/2015 11/12/2015 """2016 05/22/2017 05/22/2017 ""'5/2017 12/05/2017 06~/2011 Ra d iological (pCi/L)

Americium-241 0 .0837 +/- 0.107 -0 .0168 +/- 0 .0514 Carbon-14 6 .83 +/- 9.84 0 +/- 7.01 Cesium -137 -0.161 U +/- 3.33 1.83 +/- 3.8 0 .972 t 2.18 -0.186 ! 2. 71 2.38+/- 2.93 -0 .727 U +/- 1.95 -0.421 U +/- 1.98 1.08 U +/- 2.19 8 U +/- 10.5 -0.274 U +/- 4.93 o.702 U ! 3.25 Cobalt-GO -0.533 U +/-3.71 -1.93+/-3.73 1.22 +/- 1.98 2.58 +/- 2.21 6.3 +/- 3.29

  • 1.72 U +/- 2.18 -0.214 U +/- 2.30 0 .690 U +/- 2.19 *1.94 U +/- 6 .37 -lU+/-S.26 -0 .767 U +/- 2.71 Europium-152 6 .45 U +/- 9.56 1.47 +/- 21 .7 6 .41 +/- 13.9 *4.68 +/- 15.7 -29.8 +/- 36.3 0 .210 U +/- 9.42 Eu ropium-154 -1.09 U +/- 9.13 -2.61 +/- 9.62 1.1 +/- 5 .62 4.5 +/- 7.25 -0.762+/- 4.12 3.81 U +/- 9.47 Europium-155 -4.46 +/- 5.54 1.69 +/- 4.49 -5.89 +/- 7.09 1.69 +/- 7.93 Gross Alpha Analytes 0 .733 t 1.6 0.207 +/- 1.86 0 .221 +/- 1.56 *0 .239 +/- 2.61 Gross Beta Analytes -0.269 +/- 2.36 0.303 +/- 1.97 *l.43+/- 3.06 -0.0949 +/- 3.01 lron-55 -37.S +/- 74.2 -34.8 ! 77 .2 Nicke l-59 2.52+/- 54.9 -8.49 +/- 60.6 Nickel-63 -3. 52 U +/- 18.6 0 +/- 3.62 -0 .413 +/- 2.92
  • 12.5 U t 23.2 5.53 U +/- 16.6 21 .4 U +/- 22.1 -6.1 U +/- 17.1 -5.69 U +/- 17.5 -1.61 U +/- 22.4 Niobium-94 1.52+/- 3.07 -0.129 +/- 1.8 2 0.985 +/- 2.13
  • 1.22 +/- 3.25 Pluto niu m-238 0.0409 +/- 0 .118 -0 .0055 +/- 0 .0643 Plutonium -239/240 -0 .0339 +/- 0 .122 -0.0109 +/- 0 .0652 Plut onium-241 0.837 +/- 12.4 -2.29 +/- 8.27 St ront ium -90 -0.146 U +/- 0.446 0 .611 +/- 0.633 1.32+/- 0.735 3.52+/- 0.924 1.4 +/- 0 .678 0.248 U +/- 0 .609 1.02 U +/- 1.01 1.44 U +/- 1.01 -0 .784 UJ +/- 0.396 0.0335 U +/- 0.561 0 .389 U +/- 1.05 Technetium-99 -8 .46 +/- 3 .48 -1.56 +/- 3.18 Tritiu m 45.4 U +/- 271 161 +/- 142 34.3 +/- 139 -69.4 +/- 141 -86.3+/- 146 -367 U +/- 316 -93.5 U +/- 229 -51 U + 224 -243 U +/- 322 -85.9 U +/-337 309 U +/- 261 Notes:

1 :Regulotorycrir.triofrom NR 140.10, Subchopter II R : Result IS reJtcted pCi/L ..- picoCuries per littr U: de tected, number is the loborato,y rtportm9 limir.

Shaded ctffs indicate duplicate analyses ~rformed.

to LC-2019-0023 Page 6 of 28 Summary of Groundwater Monitoring Sample Results loutlon 111AR 111AR 111AR 111AR BllAR 111AR 111AR BllAR BllAR 111R BUR BUR S-plelD B11-A11~710U B11AR~14U B11AR-o910U 111AR-10091I BllAR-110618 lllAR-120411 B11AR~ll219 111AR~Z2119 B11AR-o61119 MW-111R-o6182014 MW-111R~242014 MW-111R~3252015 SamoloDato 07/10/2011 Ol/14/2018 09/10/2011 10/09/2011 1""'"2011 u1n.11201a 01'"'2019 2/21/2019 6/11/2019 06/11/2014 09/2*nn14 03/2$/2015 Radiological {pCi/L)

Amencium-241 0.0122 +/- 0.0626 0.0368 +/- 0.108 Ca rbon -14 9 .0619.66 -2.H 6.97 Cesium-137 -4 69 UJ +/- 4.38 0 .0977 U +/- 3 --0.389 U .:t. 3.98 -1.38 U +/- 3.33 0.673 U +/- 2.35 -1.51 U ! 3.81 0.446 U t 3.47 -2.83 U +/- 3.SS 1.13 U :t 4.93 1.24 +/- 2.12 --0.724 +/- 2.06 -2.2t 2.54 Cobalt'"60 u

-3 02 +/-3.76 0.568 U ! 3.52

  • 1.52 U +/- 3.9 4.85 U +/- 3.53 -2.05 U +/- 2.53 -3.36 U +/-3.77 0.714 U t 3.74 -1.52 U +/- 3.73 -0.181 U t 3.48 0.876 t 1.87 1.32+/- 2.08 1.04 +/- 2.7 Europium-152 8.76 U t 10.6 0.253 U t 8.28 -0.069 U +/- 9 . 74 -1.67 U +/- 8.42 -0.476 U +/- 6.69 3.23 U +/- 8.93 0 UI +/- 33.6 -2.87 U +/- 10.0 6.23 U t 9.29 -0.993 +/- 13.4 3 +/- 10.3 10 5 +/- 16.9 Europium-154 2.9 U t 14.9 11.2 U t 11.7 -1.69 U +/- 14.8 3.86 U +/-8.78 0.577 U +/- 6.52 -8.69 UJ +/- 8.54 -1.48 U t 8.59 0.582 U t 11.l 10.6 U t 10.9 163+/- 5.5 -3.92+/- 5 31 -0.782+/- 5 42 Europlum-155 1.59 +/- 4.53 1.94 t 4.61 2 39+/-6.91 Gross Alpha Analytes 0 t 1.66 3.08 t 1.94 -1.11 t 2.1 Gross Beta Analytes 3.59 +/-3.02 14.4 t 4.05 468t28 lron-55 -31.8 t 81.3 -30.9 t 71 Nic.kel-59 -4.16 +/- 55.6 16.3 t 66.8 Nickel-63 2.8 U t 20.4 -5.34 U t 21.1 10.5 U t 20.6 5.45 U t 19.7 -7.9 U t 18.9 8.21 U t 19.3 6 .08 U t 19.6 17.1 U t 19.9 -16.8 U t 17.9 -3 .56t4.l 2.47 +/- 2.98 Niobium-94 -0.699+/- 1.83 -1.39 t 1.64 -0.556 t 2.32 Plutonium-238 0 +/- 0.12 0.0368 t 0.102 Plutonium-239/240 -0.0254 t 0.092 0 t 0.102 Plutoniu m-241 -5.72+/- 9.32 -3.68 +/- 8.84 Stronttum -90 -0.0161 U t 0.52 1 U t 1.14 0.254 U t 0.813 0.738 U t 1.09 0.286 UJ t 0.871 0.0456 UJ t 0.926 -0.787 U t 0.992 -0.834 U t 0.783 -0.771 U t 0.680 0.733 t 0.673 1.6H 0.642 0.974t 0.682 Tec hnetlum-99 -5.52t 3.48 -0.399 +/-3.27 Trit ium -238 U t 257 32.9 U t 291 75.1 U t 206 214 U t 271 -163 U t 258 237 U t 275 -244 U t 226 98.7 U t 320 24 .9 U t 306 245 tl41 Ot 140 -191 t 139 Notts:

J :r Rt9ulotory cr,ttria /tom NR 140 10, Subchopur II R "' Result ,s rtj<< p(i/l z picoCunts ~' llttr U : dtrtcttd, numbtr is tht laboratory rtportmg limit Shadtd cdls indicate du plicou analysts ~ rformttJ.

to LC-2019-0023 Page 7 of 28 Summary of Groundwater Monitoring Sample Results Location BUR BUR BUR BUR BUR BUR BUR BUR BUR BUR BUR BUR 111R SamplelD MW-IUR-11122015 l11R*12D616 BUR-052217 B11R-12DS17 BUR-460411 BUR-071011 IUR--081*11 BUR--091018 BllR-100911 B11R*UD61I B11R*1ZIM11 IUR-012219 IUR-022119 Samolo Doto 1t1012ou 12""'/>nl& 05n,no11 12/05/2017 06ltl.l/2011 07/10/2011 08/1.,2011 09/10/2011 10/09/2011 11"'°'/>nll 12/U./2011 01/22/2019 02/21/2019 Radiological (pCi/l)

Americium -241 Carbon-14 Cesium -137 -0.562+/- 2.79 0.0792 U +/- 2.81 1.81 U +/- 4.06 1.68 U +/- 3.07 2.5 U +/- 3.73 0.211 U +/- 3.1 -2.06 U :!: 3.92 2.85 U +/- 3.28 0 .455 U +/- 3 .33 -5.51 UJ +/- 3.65 -0.582 U +/- 2.51 -0.605 U +/- 3.11 Coba lt-60 1.34 ! 2.06 0.436 U +/- 2.00 -0 .347 U +/- 2.05

  • 2.31 U +/- 5 .16 0 .199 U +/- 4.17 -0 .979 U +/- 5.62 1.62 U +/- 2.97 1.8 U +/- 4.44 1.79 U +/- 2.48 2 U +/- 4 .14 -0.651 U +/- 2.77 0.465 U +/- 2.91 -0.082 U +/- 3.59 Europium- 152 *6 .36 +/-14.7 -0.331 U +/- 7.3 -6.29 U +/- 9.45 2.03 U +/- 8 .22 -9 .32 UJ +/- 9 .22 0 .0972 U +/- 8.67 . 1.34 U +/- 9.85 -5.38 U +/- 9.69 -6.1 U +/- 6.49 *1.38 U +/- 8. 16 EuropitJm-154 1.97+/- 6 .45 *2.21 U +/- 8.7 5 .1.7 U +/- 11.6
  • 2.76 U +/- 9 .24 -1.5 U +/- 9 .72 -0 .597 U +/- 8 .03 4.68 U +/- 10.3 5.3 U +/- 9.52 1.09 U +/- 7 .88 11.0 U +/- 9 .47 Europium-155 -6.62+/- 7 .29 Gross Alpha Analytes -0.267+/- 3 .1 Gross Beta Anatytes 2.26 +/-3.61 lron-55 Nickel-59 Nicke l-63 3 .05 U +/- 24.3 12.8 U +/- 17.4 -4 .5 U +/- 17.6 -5.48 U +/- 22.3 7.01 U +/- 18.8 9.57 U +/- 22 .4 *2.07 U +/- 20. 7 5.90 U +/-20 *0.188 U +/- 17.8 23.2 U +/- 19.7 14.6 U +/- 20.4 19.7 U +/- 19.4 Niobium-94 -0.284 +/- 2.3 Plut onium-238 Pluton ium-239/240 Plutonium-241 Strontium-90 2.46 .t 0.777 -0 . 702 U t 0.482 0 .993 U +/- 0.918 -0.313 U +/- 0.572 0.166 U +/- 0 .628 0 .0515 U +/- 0 .825 *1.21 UJ +/- 0.903 *0 .858 UJ +/- 0 .615 -0.036 U +/- 0 .96 1.28 UJ +/- 1.01 -0.168 UJ +/- 0.467 ..0.519 U t 0 .672 1.29 U t 0.992 Technetium-99 Tritium
  • 105 +/- 147 -322 U +/- 318 -69.3 U +/- 229 -89.2 U +/- 331 49.4 U +/- 237 -191 U +/- 255 -200 U +/- 277 -19.6 U +/- 192 210 U t 274 123 U .t 284 143 U .t 269 34 .8 U .t 289 -44 U +/- 307 NotH:

1 ,,. Rrgulotory critrria from NR 140.10, Subchop<rr II R = Rrsu/t is rrj rctrd pCi/L :r p1coCurirs prr /1trr U = drtr ctrd, numbrr is thr labararory r rportmg llmit Shadrd cdfs indicatr duplicotr analysrs prrformrd.

to LC-2019-0023 Page 8 of 28 Summary of Groundwater Monitoring Sample Results

~ BUR 82 13 MW-ZOOA MW-ZOOA MW-200A MW-ZOOA MW-ZOOA MW-ZOOA MW-200A MW-ZOOA S-plelD 111R-G61119 MW-82-G61l2014 MW-83-061l2014 MW*ZOOA-G6172014 MW--242014 MW-200MJ3242015 MW-ZOOA-11112015 MW-ZOOA-120816 MW-200A-052217 MW-ZOOA-120617 MW-20Qjl-OIOS11 s....o1ooote i/1t/>ft19 06/t&/M14 06/11/2014 06/17/2014 09/24/2014 031>*1>n15 111111>n1s 12/08/2016 OS/U/2017 nmu2011 Q6HKl>n1J Radiolocical (pCi/l)

Amencium-241 0.00398 +/- 0.0725 0.0228 t 0.066 0.172 +/-0. 179 0.11 t 0.133 Carbon-14 1.93+/- 10

  • 2.04 t 10.5 9.25+/- 7.33 -0.455 t 7.09 Cesium-137 -0.883 U +/-4.07 1.36 +/-2.02 2.13 t 2.22 0.176 t 2.05 1.71 +/-2.73 1.13+/-3.08 3.93 +/- 4.18 1.29 U t 1.98 -1.68 U t 2.61 0.559 U +/-5.19 1.54 U +/-3.16 Cobatt-60 2.36 U t 3.53 -1.38 +/- 1.86 -l.13 ! 1.77 1 t 2.0 2 3.55 +/- 2.86 4.15 +/- 3.8 -0.653 +/- 4.12 I .II U +/- 1.89 0.176 U t 1.98 -1.24 U t 4.48 3.17 U +/- 3.01 Eu ro p,um-152 -4.32 U t 9.92 0.106 112 14.H 13.1 9.7 t 14.8 -2.38 t 21.9 -3.51+/- 18.4 4.84 t 28.7
  • 2.27 U t 8.o7 Europium-1S4 -0.52 U t 11.6 2.35+/- 4.86 1.69 +/-5.46 0.576 tS -0.657 t 7.96 11 +/- 8.14 -0.816 t 7.7 0.326 U t 10.4 Europium-1SS -1.6 t 4.72 -3.16 t 4.36 -3.62+/- 4.33 -0.816 t 3.91 2.13 t 7.82 -8.19 t 7.63 Gross Alpha Analytes -2. 12+/- 3.23 0.645 t 1.83 4.04 t 1.91 0.241 t 1.7 1.05 t 1.82 0.322 t 2.89 Gross Beta Analytes 11.2 +/-4.99 4.1413.33 8.65 +/-3.88 2.4 +/-3. 16 5.27 t 5.09 0 .964 t 4.44 lron -SS -9.2 t 72.9 -43 .9 t 85.6 19.H 74 .6 -33.4 t 73 4 Nickel-59 -7 12+/- 57.7 31 .4 t 76.5 -21.8 t 68 7.84 t 66.7 Nk:kel-63 0.0267 U t 19. 7 -7 94 t 3.63 1.49 t 3.83 -1.97 t 2.86 3.61 t 2.93 0.294 U t 23.1 -2.58 U t 16.5 0. 184 U t 18.3 -9.23 U t 21 .8 Nlo bJu m -94 1.76 t 1.62 0.664 t 1.87 1.08 t 1.75 -1.42+/- 2.63 1.94 +/-3.18 0.59 t 4.27 Plutonium-238 0.0539 t 0.142 0.0829 t 0.138 -0.0138 t 0.0818 0.0264 t 0.0635 Plutonium-239/240 0.034 t 0.0985 0.145 t 0.192 0.0267 t 0.0819 0.0583 t 0.0894 Plutonium-241 0 t 11.8 -0.739 +/-10.9 0 t 7.96 -2.22+/-8.04 Strontium-90 0.491 U t 0.980 0.652 t 0.69 0.612 +/- 0.671 0.986 t 0.723 2.17+/- 0.748 0.522 t 0.644 2.4 t 0.919 -1.8 U i 0.916 -0.567 U i 0.981 1.31 U t0.935 0.101 U i 0.78 Technetlum-99 -7 41 t 3.44 -8.09 i 3.41 3.54 i 3.15 -1.57 i 3.2 Tritium -277 U t 260 159 i 141 193+/- 140 52.3 i 140 68.6 i 140 -155 t 139 -17.2 +/- 147 -469 U t 326 -174 U i 221 244 U t 355 -2 1.4 U t 240 Note,:


  • Regulorory criteria from NR 140 10, Subchopce, II R = Result ,s rr111ctrd pCi/l
  • ptcoCuries ~r In er U
  • det11ct11d, number is thfl

/oboroto,y ,11porrm9 llm it Shod11d cdls indicat11 dupllcote onalys11s ~rformtti.

to LC-2019-0023 Page 9 of 28 Summary of Groundwater Monitoring Sample Results Location MW-ZOOA MW-ZOOA MW-ZOOA MW-ZOOA MW-ZOOA MW-ZOOA MW-ZOOA MW-ZOOA MW-ZOOA MW-ZOOA MW-ZOOA SomplelD MW-ZOOA-071111 MW-ZOOA-ol1411 MW-ZOOA-091011 MW-ZOOA-0-091011 MW-ZOOA-100918 MW-ZOOA-D-100918 MW-ZOOA-110711 MW-ZOOA-120511 MW-ZOOA-OUZ19 MW-ZOOA-021919 MW-ZOOA-061119 SomaloDoto 07/11/ZOU Ol/14/ZOU 09/10/ZOU 09/10/ZOU 101nanou 1QlftGlZOU 11/07/ZOU nMs/ZOU 01/ZZ/2019 OZ/19/2019 6/11/Z019 Radio logical (pCi/l)

Americium -241 Carbon-14 Cesium-137 0.456 U +/- 3.51 -1.84 U +/- 3.59 2.61 U :t 3.31 -0.517 U +/- 3.27 0 .202 U +/- 2.94 0.785 U +/- 2.9 2 -1. 16 U +/- 3.19 -1.35 U +/- 4.09 4.94 U +/- 6 .07 -0.0243 U +/- 3.34 -4.19 U +/- 4.00 Cobalt-GO -0.315 U +/- 3.05 0 .454 U +/- 3.54 1.34 U +/- 3.01 -0 .94 U +/- 4. 23 1.64 U +/- 2.91 -0.735 U +/- 3.32 -0.658 U +/- 2.99 -0.295 U +/- 5.52 0.504 U +/- 3.1 -2.13 U +/- 4.14 2. 20 U +/- 3.78 Europium-152 0 .631 U t 8.97 -3 .59 U +/- 8.85 -6.15 U +/- 8.94 1.23 U +/- 8.3 3.27 U +/- 7.48 1.61 U +/- 7.84 4.79 U +/- 7.93 2.04 U +/- 10.5 3.12 U +/- 8.01 -7.59 U +/- 9. 28 1.03 U +/- 9.06 Europium-154 4.1 U +/- 10.4 2.81 U +/- 9.91 5.38 U +/- 9.98 5.07 U +/- 8.13 13.4 U +/- 12.3 -1.62 U +/- 8.27 -2.51 U +/- 10.1 -8.89 U +/- 13.1 1.68 U +/- 7.92 9.35 U +/- 9.76 5.06 U +/- 8.30 Europium-155 Gross Alpha Analytes Gross Beta Analytes lron-55 Nickel-59 Nickel-63 0.0695 U +/- 21 . 7 -4 .15 U i 21.4 -0.71 U +/- 20.1 14 U +/- 20.9 -12.5 U +/- 20.3 18.3 U +/- 20.8 6 .87 U +/- 18.4 -3 U +/- 18.4 0.594 U +/- 20.1 15.0 U +/- 18.5 -12.4 U +/- 18.1 Niobium-94 Plutoniu m-238 Plutonium-239/240 Plutonium -241 Strontium-90 0.197 U +/- 0.837 1.31 U +/- 1.11 -0 .417 U +/- 0.69 0.229 U +/- 0.712 -0.394 U +/- 0.767 1.02 U +/- 0.922 -0.4 41 UJ +/- 0.991 0.781 UJ+/- 0.904 1.78 U +/- 1.28 0.0303 U +/- 0.678 -0.31 U :t 0.499 Te chnetium-99 Tritium -226 U +/- 247 -212 U +/- 274 -19.1 U +/- 191 73.7 U +/- 208 35 .7 U + 255 12.3 U + 254 -47.4 U +/- 255 -26.7 U +/- 255 -45.9 U +/- 249 -104 U +/- 299 -11 2 U t 283 Notes:

1 = Regulotorycrheriofrom NR 140.10, Subchopttr II R : Result is rt j tcted pCi/L ~ p1coCuries per liter U

  • detected, number is the foborot ory reporting limit Shaded cells indicate dupl/cott analyses performed.

to LC-2019-0023 Page 10 of 28 Summary of Groundwater Monitoring Sample Results Location MW-2008 MW-2008 MW-2008 MW-2008 MW-2008 MW-2008 MW-2001 MW-2008 MW-2001 MW-2008 MW-2008 som.,i.10 MW-2008-0617201* MW-2IJOI.092"201* MW-200M32"2015 MW-2008-1Hl32'2015 MW-2008-11112015 MW-2008-120816 MW-200M>52217 MW-2008-120617 MW-200&-060511 MW-200M>71111 MW-ZOOB--Ol1'18 5amoloOllto 06/17/201' 09/2'/201* 03/2*/2015 03/20/2015 11/11/2015 12/lla/2016 05/22/2017 12/06/2017 06/05/2011 07/1 1 ""11 01/1&nn11 Radioloeical (pCi / L)

Americium -241 0.37 t 0.232 0.229 +/- 0.249 Carbo n-14 4.84 t 7.48 -4 .98 !: 6 .99 Cesiu m -137 -0.364 +/- 2.2 1.94 +/- 2.8 2.34 +/- 2.44 0 .725 +/- 2.4 3 1.49 +/- 2.35 0.608 U +/- 1.55 *0.176 U +/- 2.10 -2. 36 U +/- 3. 41 -0 .481 U ! 3.34 -0.606 U +/- 4.1 1.55 U +/- 3.83 Cobalt -GO -1.26 +/- 3 .1 0 .619 +/- 2.47 0.676 +/- 2.4 0.388 t 1.84 -0.506 +/- 2.35 0.114 U +/- 1.80 0.257 U +/- 2.56 3.19 U +/- 3.2 1.58 U +/- 3.52 -1.86 U +/- 4.03 2.18 U +/- 3.2 Europium-152 *11.5 t 17.1 -13.4 +/- 19.1 3.81 t 13.9 *2.24 t 17.4 15. 1 +/- 14 2.04 U t 8.21 10.3 U +/- 10.6 -1.37 U +/- 9.77 Europium-154 0.55917.46 -1.53 +/- 7.96 2.98 +/- 6 .58 0.376 +/- 7.28 0.619 +/- 6.92 *1.27 U +/- 10 .5.49 U +/- 10.8 -3.54 U +/- 8.58 Europium-155 -3.44 t 4.39 -1.64 t 4.2 -2.74 +/-6.91 1.33+/- 6.85 2.79 +/- 6.37 Gross Alpha Analytes -0.226 t 2.12 2.01 t 1.87 0.958 t 0.995 1.51 t 1.19 1.06 +/- 3.46 Gross Beta Analytes -1.79 t 3.42 9.1 t 3.35 2.17 +/- 1.6 1.66 +/- 2.51 4.36 lron-55 -41.6 t 78.4 -45 .5 t 75.9 Nickel-59 75.2 23 .7 t 70.8 Nkkel-63 -4.68 t 3.36 -0.787 +/- 2.77 11.2 U +/- 24.6 0.622 U t 19.2 -3.58 U +/- 17.2 -5.96 U t 21.4 -5.43 U +/- 19.l 3.09 U +/- 21.3 Niobium-94 0.847 +/- 2.48 -0.268 t 2.69 1.22+/- 2.58 0.332 +/- 1.97 l .lt 2.34 Pluto niu m-238 O.Dl5 t 0.0628 -0.00649 +/- 0.076 Pl utoniu m -239/240 -0.0156 t 0.0628 0 t 0.105 Plutonium -241 4.49 +/- 6.55 8.49 +/- 10.4 Strontium-90 0.998 t 0.758 1.54 +/- 0.731 2.14 t 0.813 3.68 .t 1 0.829 +/- 0.896 0 .531 U +/- 0 .485 1.44 U +/- 1.14 0.548 U +/- 0.849 0.129 U t 0.909 -0.751 U +/- 0.831 0.677 U +/- 1.06 Technetium-99 5.08 t 3.18 -1.53 t 3.13 Tritium 123 t 144 51.7 +/- 140 -121 +/- 141 -104 +/- 142 -52 t 147 -107 U + 357 38.S U t 233 128 U +/- 346 -10.8 U +/- 236 -214 U t 250 -77.6 U +/- 284 Notes:

l = Regulatory criUrio from NR 140.10, Subchapter II R = Result is re1ected pC1/l = picoCuries per liter U = detected, number is the laboratory reporting limit Shaded cells indicate duplica te analyses ~rformed.

to LC-2019-0023 Page 11 of 28 Summary of Groundwater Monitoring Sample Results Location MW*ZOOI MW-2008 MW-ZOOI MW-2008 MW-2008 MW-2008 MW-2008 MW-2001 MW-201A MW-201A MW-201A Sample ID MW-2008-1191018 W-2008-100918-1~ MW-2008-110118 MW-2008-120518 MW-2008.012219 ~W-2008-0-01221! MW-2008-021919 MW-2008-061119 MW-201A-06112014 MW-201A-D-o6112014 MW-201A-09242014 SamDle Date 09/10/2018 10/09/2018 11/01/2018 12""2018 01122nn19 01/22/2019 02/19/2019 6/11/2019 06/11/2014 06/11/2014 09/24/2014 Radiological (pCi/L)

Americium-241 0 .0945 +/- 0 .123 0.03 :t 0.0792 0.14 +/- 0. 14 Carbon-14 4.83+/-7.47 0 +/- 7.06 2.69 +/- 7.06 Cesiu m-137 0 .519 U +/- 3.63 1.04 U :t: 2.49 OUJ +/- 11.1 3.06 U +/- 7.13 2.91 U +/- 3.19 2.97 U +/- 3.15 -2.6 U :!: 3.35 2.54 U +/- 3.58 0.309 +/- 1.84 -1.13 +/- 2.25 -1.09+/- 2.07 Co balt-GO -2.32 U +/- 2.7 1.42 U +/- 2.79 0.802 U +/- 3.18 2.35 U +/- 4.03 -0 .426 U +/- 2.68 -1.6 U +/- 2.91 0.248 U +/- 3.2 -0.77 U +/- 3.29 -0.0604 +/- 1.68 1.42 +/- 1.99 -0.0723 +/- 1.85 Europium-152 9.35 U +/- 9.79 -2.94 U +/- 7 .12 1.62 U +/- 7.21 0 .377 U +/- 10 -1. 54 U +/- 7.33 3 .64 U +/- 7.76 8 .47 U +/- 9 .07 -2.22 U +/- 9.38 4.15 +/- 11.l 1.41+/- 18.4 4.79+/-13.2 Europium-154 4.31 U +/- 8.74 -0 .155 U +/- 8.69 2.69 U +/- 8.71 -3 .79 U +/- 11.4 -1.38 U +/- 8.65 -0 .96 U +/- 7.95 -3.09 U +/- 9.5 -7 .88 U +/- 9 .61 *2.39 +/- 4.89 1.15 +/- 7.85 -3.08 +/- 6.44 Europium-155 -2.92+/- 4.61 1.75 +/-4.34 -1.47 +/- 4.43 Gross Alpha Analytes 0.383 +/- 1.59 0 .636 +/- 2.16 1.18 +/- 2.31 Gross Beta Analytes 7.25 +/- 3.54 6.75+/-3.17 7.36 +/- 3.27 lron -55 -32 +/- 73. 4 0.717+/- 67 .6 -21. 8 +/- 77 Nickel-59 -16.7 +/- 60.4 16.41 61.7 -19.8 +/- 63 .9 Nicke/-63 3.18 U +/- 21 1.52 U +/- 19.5 -16.2 U +/- 16 .9 5.17 U t 20.8 5.77 U +/- 19.1 -10.2 U +/- 18.9 17.7 U +/- 18.5 -16.1 U +/- 17.2 1.81+/- 2.72 -1.8 +/- 2.62 4.99 +/- 2.96 Niobium-94 0.373 t 2.03 0.348 +/- 2.4 0 .655 +/-1.92 Plut onium-238 0.0532+/- 0 .115 -0 .0739 +/- 0.0898 -0.0358 +/- 0.0887 Plutonium-239/240 -0.00685 +/- 0 .0802 -0.00671 t 0.0785 0+/-0.117 Plutonium-241 -0.485 +/- 6 .95 0 +/- 8 .85 -0.691 +/- 10 Strontium -90 0.94 U +/- 0.957 -0.893 UJ +/- 0. 706 1.09 UJ +/- 1.11 0 .639 UJ +/- 0 .754 -0.367 U +/- 0 .914 0.452 U +/- 1.02 0 .0873 U +/- 0 .78 2 -0.599 U +/- 0.824 0 .0686 +/- 0. 708 1.53+/- 0 .748 0.92+/- 0.716 Technet iu m-99 3.91 +/- 3.15 6 .95 +/- 3.3 -0.794 +/- 3.24 Tritium 81.2 U +/- 197 223 U +/- 271 -151 U +/- 255 230 U +/- 277 309 U +/- 306 281 U +/- 299 -34.6 U +/- 305 64 .6 U +/- 294 70.2+/- 142 87 +/- 14 1 86.6 +/- 141 Notes :

l = Rl!!gu/arory criteria from NR 140.10, Subchopter II R = Result is rejected pCi/L = p1coCurit!S per /itrr U = dt!tected, number is thl!!

laboratory reporting limit Shodl!!d u l/s indicatl!! duplicotl!!

analyses ~rforml!!d.

to LC-2019-0023 Page 12 of 28 Summary of Groundwater Monitoring Sample Results Location MW*201A MW-201A MW-201A MW-201A MW-201A MW-201A MW-201A MW-201A MW-201A MW-201A MW-201A Sample ID MW-201A.(13252015 MW-201A*11112015 MW-201A-120l16 MW-201A.(152317 MW-ZOIA-120617 MW-ZOlA.(120118 MW-201A.(l60618 MW-ZOlA.(171118 MW-201A-Ol1518 MW-201A-o91118 MW-201A*101018 Som... Doto 03/1§/2015 11/11/2015 UIOah016 05/23/2017 U""'/2017 2/1/2018 061n<h018 07/11/2018 Ol/15/2018 09/11/2018 10/10/ZOU Radiological (pCi/l)

AmeriClum -241 Ca rbon-14 Cesium-137 0 .346 +/- 3.79 0 .388 +/- 2.38 -0 .629 U +/- 2.60 -2.08 U +/- 2.95 2.45 U +/- 4.14 -2.17 U +/- 2.85 -1.03 U +/- 3.55 -0 .943 U +/- 3.09 1.77 U +/- 3.27 2.76 U +/- 2.87 *2.44 U +/- 2.7 Cobalt-60 3.58 +/- 3.2 0 .258 +/- 2.38 3.57 U +/- 3.10 -2.05 U +/- 3.15 2.8 U +/- 4.44 1.23 U +/- 2.64 -0 .219 U +/- 3.45 -1.46 U +/- 3.31 -0 .572 U +/- 3.8 -0.983 U +/- 3.41 0.881 U +/- 3.21 Europ ium-152 10 +/- 20.S -10.4 +/- 11.3

  • 2.18 U +/- 7.87 3.43 U +/- 9.43 3.64 U +/- 10.1 -2 .42 U +/- 7.83 -6.23 UJ +/- 6.21 Europ ium-154 4.57+/- 7.38 -2.9+/-7.7 -0.877 U +/- 9.31 -2.71 U +/- 8 .01 2.79 U +/- 9 .8 2.67 U +/- 7.94 -3.16 U +/- 7.55 Europium-155 0.338 t 7.79 0 .845 +/-6.8 Gross Alpha Analytes 0 .873+/- 2.48 3.26 +/- 2.55 Gross Beta Analytes 2.37 +/- 3.78 3.4 +/- 4.95 lron-SS Nickel-59 Nickel-63 9 .55 U +/- 24.4 14.3 U +/- 19 .0 0.537 U +/- 18 -16.9 U +/- 22 0.389 U +/- 19.5 -8.59 U +/- 21.7 5.17 U +/- 20.6 1.23 U +/- 20 Niobium-94 0 .0628 +/- 3 .24 1.15 +/-2.17 Plutonium-238 Plutonium-239/240 Pluton,um-241 Strontium-90 0 .866 +/- 0 .662 1.24 +/- 0.705 0 .301 U +/- 0.615 1.47 U +/- 1.03 0.34 3 U +/- 0.599 -0 .0488 U +/- 0.516 0.110 U +/- 0 .874 0.0963 U +/- 0 .871 1.44 U +/- 1.08 0.432 U +/- 0. 715 0 .4 29 U +/- 0.886 Technetium-99 Tritium 52+/- 144 -17.3 +/- 147 -375 U +/- 331 -115 U +/- 225
  • 192 U +/- 322 264 U t 255 245 U t 255 132 U +/- 287 24.4 U t 292 326 U !265 587 +/- 340 Notes:

J = Rl!gu/otory critrria from NR 140.10, Subch optt!r II R = Rrsuft IS fl!j t!dt!d pCi/L =p,coCurirs ~, f1trr U"' drtrctl!d, numbl!r /J thr labororo,y rrpo(tin9 limir Shaded ulls indicate duplicate onolysr.1 ~rform~.

to LC-2019-0023 Page 13 of 28 Summary of Groundwater Monitoring Sample Results Location MW-201A MW-201A MW-201A MW-201A MW-201A MW-2011 MW-2011 MW-2011 MW-2011 MW-2011 MW-2011 Sample ID MW-201A-110711 MW-201A-120411 MW-201A-OU319 MW-201A-021919 MW-201A-06U19 MW-2011-06172014 MW-2011-G9242014 MW-2011-03252015 MW-2011-11112015 MW-20111-120816 MW-20111-0S2317 SamDlo Doto 11/07/2011 Ull>ll>nH 01/23/2019 02/19/2019 6/12/2019 06/17/2014 09/24/2014 03/25/2015 11/11/2015 12/00/2016 05/23/2017 Radiological (pCi/L)

Americ,um-241 0.00398 +/- 0.0726 0.028 +/- 0.0777 Carbon-14 4.51+/- 6.97 0.927 +/- 7.25 Cesium-137 -0.721 U +/- 3.75 0.706 U +/- 3.98 -0.218 U t 2.77 -0.371 U :t 3.39 -0 .0727 U +/- 4.81 -0 .62 +/- 2.07 1.84 +/- 2.12 2.18 +/- 2.63 0.067 ! 2.77 2.40 U +/- 2.65 1.31 U +/- 2.11 Cobatt-60 6.16 U +/- 4.12 1.29 U +/- 4.43

  • l.97 U +/- 2.9 3.29 U +/- 4.05 -0.815 U +/- 2.52 1.72 +/- 1.83 0.95 +/- 1.94 1.46 +/- 2.11 0.977 +/- 2.3 1.08 U :t: 2.13 0.927 U +/- 2.36 Eu ropium-152 0.998 U +/- 10.7 0.905 U +/- 10.9 -0.213 U +/- 7.38 4.96 U +/- 9.85 -6.67 U +/- 7.95 11.2 +/- 12.4 2.52 +/-10.4 -8.2+/- 15.l 12.7 +/- 15.4 Europium-154 2. 8 U +/- 11.5 4.41 U +/- 10.9 1.73 U +/- 8.75 0. 781 U +/- 10.8 0.444 U +/- 8.00 -2.43+/- 5.38 1.93 +/- 5.49 -0.9 +/- 7.37 -4 .44 +/- 6.84 Europium-155
  • 2.6 +/- 4.38 4.12+/- 4.66 0.169 +/-6.35 0.269 +/- 6.65 Gross Alpha Analytes -1.03 +/- 2.67 1.42+/- 1.33 2.25+/-1.76 0 +/- 2.93 Gross Beta Analytes -1.03 +/- 3.17 3.67 +/- 2.74 2.77 +/- 2.63 -0.121+/- 4.14 lron-55 15.7 +/- 72.3 27 .6 +/- 78.9 Nickel-59 -71.1 +/- 123 30.8 +/- 74.3 Nickel-63 -2. 51 U t 17.5 13.3 U +/- 21
  • 1.9 U +/- 19.4 6.64 U +/- 18.2 -5.6 U +/- 17.0 -1.91 +/- 2.78 2.15 +/- 2.82 10.3 U +/- 24.5 -3.85 U t 18.9 Nlobium-94 1.79 +/- 1.87 0.643 +/- 1.48 0.208 +/- 2.23 1.32+/- 2.17 Plutonium-238 -0.0501+/- 0.11 0.0854 +/- 0.128 Plutonium-239/240 0.0236 +/- 0.0986 0.141 +/- 0.146 Plutonium-241 -1.41 +/- 10.1 -0.584 +/- 8 .48 Strontium-90 0.903 UJ +/- 1.04 0.0236 UJ +/- 0.386 -0.243 U +/- 0.964 -0.0492 U +/- 0.683 -0.864 U +/- 0. 793 1.01+/- 0.716 0.541+/- 0. 708 1.27 +/-0.735 0.875 +/- 0.732 -0.208 U +/- 0.474 1.06 U +/- 0.834 Technet ium-99 1.17 +/- 3.06 -1 .94 !: 3 .16 Tritium 188 U +/- 276 315 U +/- 284 140 U +/- 301 56.1 U +/- 316 30.7 U +/- 296 105 +/- 142 -34 .1 +/- 137 17.2 t 142 34 t 146 -123 U ! 307 106 U +/- 235 Notrs :

1 ~ Rtgulotory criltriofrom NR 140 10, Subchoptrr II RzRtsu/tisrtJ<<tf!d pCI/L z p1coCurits perllttr U

  • dttf!Ctrd, numbtr is tht labotatory rtportmg l1m;t Shadtd cdls indicatt du plicort anolysrs ptrformtd.

to LC-2019-0023 Page 14 of 28 Summary of Groundwater Monitoring Sample Results Location MW-2011 MW*Z018R MW-2011R MW-Z018R MW-Z018R MW-ZOllR MW-ZOllR MW-Z018R MW-ZOllR MW-Z01BR MW-ZOZA SompltlD MW-Z01LMJ60618 MW-ZOlBR-071111 MW-Z011R-oll518 MW-Z01BR-G91111 MW-ZOllR-101011 MW-201BR*l10718 MW-2018R-120418 MW-ZOllR-012319 MW*ZOllR-021919 MW-2011R-G61219 MW-20ZA-G6172014 Sample Datt 06/06/2011 07/11/2018 Ol/15/1018 09/11/1018 10/10/2018 11/07/2018 12/04/2018 01/23/2019 02/19/2019 6/l'/7019 06/11/201, Radiological {pCi/L)

Americium-241 0.116 +/- 0.118 Carbon-14 0 +/- 7.09 Cesium -137 2.03 U +/- 3.51 -2. 16 U +/- 4.17 -0.4 78 U +/- 3.02 3.27 U +/- 4.03 2.08 U +/- 3 .36 0.988 U +/- 3.07 0 .514 U :!: 3.85 -0.228 U +/- 4.25 0.508 U +/- 3.49 1.64 U +/- 2.67 -0.463 +/- 2.12 Cobalt-60 -1.66 U +/- 5.09 -0 .3 U +/- 4.13 -0.398 U +/- 2.54 2.13 U +/- 2.93 0.957 U +/- 2.93 -1.26 U +/- 3.37 -1.74 U +/- 3.32 -0.593 U +/- 3.57 0.280 U +/- 3.91 0.0811 U +/- 3.19 -0.891 +/- 1.66 Europium-152 -6.07 U +/- 11. 7 -5. 76 U +/- 10.6 0.119 U +/- 7.42 -1.78 U +/- 7.58 1.72 U +/- 7.88 -4 .41 U +/- 7.85 -1.85 U +/- 7 .76 0.507 U +/- 9.07 0.534 U +/- 9.18 4.94 U +/- 7.31 4.1 +/- 11 Euro pium-154 -0.503 U +/- 10.4 -9.3 U +/- 16.7 0.338 U +/- 8.03 -20.1 UJ +/- 11.8 0.929 U +/- 7.13 4.69 U +/- 10.2 -7.06 U +/- 9.97 -4.84 U +/- 13.9 4.21 U +/- 8.15 -8.31 U +/- 10.3 -1.11 :!: 5.46 Europium-155 *I .SB+/- 4.39 Gross Alpha Analytes I .OS+/- 1.29 Gross Beta Analytes 4.33 .t 2.12 lron-55 -3.26 +/- 74 .7 Nicke l-59 24.8 +/- 68.3 Nickel-63 -1.69 U +/- 22.3 -6U+/-l8.7 -3.9 U .t 22 .4 7.7 U +/- 20.l 13.6 U +/- 21 -4.26 U +/- 16.7 3.95 U +/- 20.3 16.8 U +/- 20.5 5.67 U +/- 18.6 -6 .54 U .t 18.2 -1.93 +/- 2.81 Niobium-94 -0.355 +/- 1.63 Pluto niu m -238 -0.00846 +/- 0.0956 Plutonium-239/240 -0.0226 t 0.091 Plutonium-241 2.19 +/- 10.S Stront ium-90 -0.105 U +/- 0.885 0 .369 U +/- 0 .996 0.73 U +/- 1.04 -0.91 UJ +/- 0.609 -0.177 U +/- 0.771 -0.38 UJ +/- 0.831 -0.734 UJ +/- 0. 726 0.553 U +/- 1.07 -1.03 U +/- 0 .921 0.948 U +/- 1.06 1.12+/- 0.755 Technetium-99 0.388 +/-3.02 Tritium !76U+/-250 -186 U +/- 261 -ISi U +/- 271 28.4 U +/- 201 113 U +/- 265 31.4 U +/- 271 180 U +/- 272 239 U +/- 300 56.8 U +/- 317 8.45 U :t 300 335 +/- 149 Notu :

1 = R~9ulorory crir~rio from NR 140.10, Subchapttr II R = Rtsuft is rtJtctt d pCi/L : p1coCudts ~' ltttr U: dtttcttd, numbtr is tht faborarary rtportmg limit Shadtd ctf/s indicatt duplicott onalyst s ptrformttl.

to LC-2019-0023 Page 15 of 28 Summary of Groundwater Monitoring Sample Results Loutton MW-20ZA MW-20ZA MW-20ZA MW-20ZA MW-20ZA MW-20ZA MW*20ZA MW-20ZA MW-20ZAR MW*20ZAR MW-20ZAR SamplolD MW-20ZA-o923201* MW-20ZA-032,201S MW-20ZA-11112015 MW-20ZA-120716 MW-20ZA-D-120716 MW*20ZA-052317 MW-20ZA-120717 MW-20ZA-020111 MW-20ZAR-11 MW-20ZA-0&0511 MW-20ZAR-071011 Samnle Date 09/23/201' 03/2'/2015 11/11/2015 W07/2016 12/07/2016 05/23/2017 ""'712017 02J'01/2011 °..

""'11 06/05/2011 07110/2011 Rad iological (pO/L)

Americium-241 0.0662 +/- 0.126 Carbon* l4 4.94 +/- 7.14 Cesium-137 -0.433 +/- 2.18 1.68 t 3 2. 1 +/-3.24 -1.33 U +/- 2.62 -0 .0139 U +/- 1.97 0.143 U +/- 1.96 -0. 896 U +/- 5.42 0 .167 U +/- 2.62 0 .0594 U +/- 2.66 0.328 U +/- 3.97 -3.12 U +/- 4.06 Cobalt -60 0.972 +/- 1.6 3.46 +/- 3.23 0.236 +/- 3.4 2.01 U +/- 2.65 -2.49 U +/- 2.64 -0.0306 U +/- 2.45 -2.38 U +/- 4.99 0.34 5 U +/- 2.79 0 .123 U +/- 2.74 2.85 U +/-4.57 -0.0719 U +/-4.01 Europium-152 9 .4 +/- 12.6 3.66 +/- 22.4 0 +/-7.83 1.21 U +/- 6 .9 10.8 U +/- 9 .59 0 .598 U +/- 10.4 Europiu m-154 -0.367 +/- 5 .23 -8 .38 +/- 12.1 -0 .635 +/-4.36 0.446 U +/- 7.5 13.6 U +/- 9 .97 -18.7 U +/-19.5 Europium-155

  • 2.08 +/- 4.54 -1.96 +/- 8.13 -1.31 +/- 7.86 Gross Alpha Analytes 1.03 +/- 0 .574 0 .106 +/- 0.86 0.475 +/- 1.72 Gross Beta Analytes 0 .486 +/- 1.56 1.47 +/- J.77 2.51 +/- 2.74 lro n-55 -54.3 +/- 81 Nkkel-59 -11.7+/- 65 .4 Nicke l-63 0 .8 24 +/- 2.94 -4.11 U t 21.5 0.983 U +/- 22.2 17.0 U t 18.4 2. 46 U +/- 18.l 11.7 U +/- 20.2 3.58 U t 22. 9 14.2 U t 20.6 Niobium-94 -0.0647 t 1.96 -0 .125 +/- 2.64 0 .926 t 2.8 Pluto nium-238 0.0113 t 0.0731 Plutonium-239/240 0.0586 t 0.0998 Plutonium-241 O:t 9.65 Strontium-90 1.71 t 0.741 0 .0945 .t 0 .741 1.21 t 0 .81 0 .236 U t 0 .626 0.430 U +/- 0.825 0.576 U t 0 .818 -0 .359 U +/- 0 .512 0 .590 U t 0 .758 0 .304 U +/- 0.928 -0.172 U t 0 .803 1.36 U +/- 0.947 Technetium-99 0.797 t 3.29 Tritium .51.7 t 138 498 +/-153 174 t 152 -182 U .t 350 -192 U +/- 317 113 U t 239 -11.3 U +/- 338 13200 t 785 702 t 283 1100 t 305 281 U ! 294 Note~ :

J s Regulatory criteria from NR 140 10, Subchapur II R = Rrsu/t 1s rrjmrd pCi/l. = {'lcaCurirs ~r lltrr U = drtrct~d, numb~, is th~

laboratory rtportmg limit Shadrd ct/ls indicatr duplicate analysts ~rform~.

to LC-2019-0023 Page 16 of 28 Summary of Groundwater Monitoring Sample Results Location MW-202AR MW-202AR MW-202AR MW-202AR MW-202AR MW-202AR MW-202AR MW-202AR MW-202AR MW-202AR Sample ID MW-202AR.-1511 MW-202AR-o91111 MW-202AR-101011 MW-202AR-110611 MW-202AR-120511 MW-202AR-012419 MW*202AR-021919 MW-202AR-032619 MW-202AR-D-03261! MW-202AR-041619 Samnlo Dato Ol/15/2011 09/11/2011 10/10/2011 11/06/2011 12MC'2011 0,,,.,2019 0211tno19 0312&12019 0Jn&no19 4/1&1201, Radiolog ical (pCi/l)

Americium-241 Carbon* l4 Cesium -137 -0.0899 U +/- 3. 23 -0 .0297 U +/- 3. 98 -1.15 U +/- 3.19 -4 . 75 UJ +/- 3.69 -0.268 U +/- 4 .11

  • 2.54 U +/- 3 .27 0 .00 Ut :t 3.9 2.06 U +/- 3.8 --0.53 U +/- 3.32 *0.705 U +/- 3.99 Cobalt-GO 5.04 U +/- 3 .91 1.42 U +/- 3 .34 7.68 U +/- 5.36 2.68 U +/- 3.13
  • 2.33 U +/- 3.57 0.617 U +/- 2.56 --0.689 U +/- 3.38 1.89 U +/- 4.27 *0.803 U +/- 3.17 -0.729 U t 3.19 Eu ro pium-152 -6.29 U +/- 7.85 -3 .91 U +/- 7.95 0 .372 U +/- 8 .66 3.11 U +/- 10.S *1 .73 U +/- 9 .85 -6 .27 U t 8.21 -5.11 U +/- 7.99
  • 2.82 U +/- 9 .09 1.38 U t 8.58 2.18 U +/- 7.46 Europium-154 -1.99 U +/- 9.72 -0.293 U +/- 7.24 2.01 U +/- 7.97 -6 .08 U +/- 8.39 8.59U+/-17 1.8 U t 8.22 -4.26 U +/- 7.46 4.81 U +/- 10 -10.9 U +/- 10.1 -0 . 726 U +/- 9.25 Europium-155 Gross Alpha Analytes Gross Beta Analytes lron-55 Nickel-59 Nickel-63 20.4 U +/- 22 .8 15 U +/- 20 13.5 U +/- 20.7 0 .918 U +/- 17.9 15.9 U +/- 20 10.8 U +/- 20.7 2.01 U +/- 17.8 12.6 U +/- 19.4 1.70 U +/- 18.S 12.S U +/- 17.6 Niobium-94 Plut onium-23 8 Plutonium-239/240 Pluton[um-241 Strontium-90 1.49 U +/- 1.12 0 .000448 U +/- 0 . 784 1.49 U +/- 1.02 1.81 UJ +/- 1.22 *0.66 UJ +/- 0 .699 0.309 U +/- 1.01 0.488 U t 0.856 0.0634 U +/- 0. 79 --0.276 U +/- 0.905 -0.30 U +/- 0.845 Technetium-99 Tritium 937 t 356 1040 +/- 374 1190 +/- 391 1060 +/- 324 801+/- 330 1790 +/-474 1580 +/- 357 2390 +/- 417 1480 +/- 471 2110 +/- 535 1770 t 435 Notes :

l = Regulatory criteria from NR 140.10, SubchopCt!r II R = Rt!sult is rejected pCI/L = picoCuries ~r liter U = detected, number Is the laborotory reporting limit Shaded cells indicate duplicate onofyses ~rjormed.

to LC-2019-0023 Page 17 of 28 Summary of Groundwater Monitoring Sample Results Location MW-ZOZAR MW-ZOZAR MW-20ZAR MW-20ZAR MW-2028 MW-2028 MW-2028 MW-2021 MW-2028 MW-2028 SamplelD MW-20ZAR-o50719 MW-20ZAR--061219 MW-20ZAR-071619 MW-20ZAR-D-o7161! MW-2028--06172014 MW-2021-o9232014 MW-2028-0324201S MW-2028-11112015 MW-2028-120716 MW-2021-G52317 SamDlo Dato sn,2019 6/12/2019 7/16/2019 7/16/2019 06t11no14 09nu2014 03/24/2015 11/11/2015 12/07/2016 OS/23/2017 Radioloeical (pCi/l)

Americium-241 0.0391 +/- 0.0652 0.0947 +/- 0.121 Carbon-14 4.7:!:7 .27 -2.71 t 7.02 Ceslum-137 -0.871 U +/- 3.62 -1.54 U +/- 3.04 0.901 U +/- 5.27 0.00 UI +/- 4.19 2.86 +/- 2.36 2.3 :!: 2.61 -0. 704 +/- 2.64 4.26 :!: 4.28 -1.88 U +/- 2.71 -0.914 U +/- 2.38 Coba lt-60 -0.958 U +/- 3.86

  • 1.92 U +/- 2.88 -0.368 U +/- 3.43 -2.26 U +/- 2.56 1.02+/- 2.89 1.17 +/- 2.98 0.862 +/- 2.46 1.33 +/- 4.06
  • 2.07 U +/- 3.19 2.17 U +/- 1.73 Europium-152 7.15 U +/- 9.40 -1.72 U +/- 8.55 -5.31 U +/- 11.8 -1.78 U +/- 7.32 10.8 +/- 17.9 6.51 +/- 17.3 -7.32 +/- 14.4 4.37 +/- 21.8 Eu ropium-154 -1.54 U 1 9.82 0.0929 U +/- 8 .49 -3.53 U ! 10.4 -0.0465 U 1 9.47 -1.18 1 2.55 4.18 ! 8.87 1.09 +/- 5.78 -10.5 1 14.2 Europium-155 -3.4814.19 -0.841 +/- 4.47 4.96 +/- 6.54
  • 2.1617.53 Gross Alpha Analytes 0.406 11.49 -0.209 +/- 1.59 0.55311.4 1.46 +/- 2.04 Gross Seta Analytes 1.48 +/- 2.84 2.312.77 1.4 +/- 2.57 4.7914.47 lron-55 -45.4+/- 77.9 33.6 +/- 76.7 Nicke l-59 -10.4 t 65.4 44.6 t 87 .3 Nicke l-63 -0.258 U +/- 17.6 13.7 U 1 19.2 20.7 U 1 19.8 12.6 U +/- 21.8 -3.7312.68 -0.829 +/- 2.92 2.79 U t 23.1 16.5 U 1 19.0 Niobium -94 0.104 11.99
  • l.02 1 2.07 -0 .556 1 2.45 -0.253 1 3.95 Plutonium-238 0.148 +/- 0.179 0.0363 1 0.0909 Plut onium-239/240 -0.0453 1 0.0729 0.0524 1 0.0892 Plutonium-241 2.72+/-7.87 -1.75 +/- 8.48 Strontium-90 -0.0108 U 1 0.672 -0.185 U +/- 0.889 0.166 U 10.773 -0.70 U +/- 0.754 0 .604 +/- 0 . 701 1.57+/- 0.748 1.04 +/- 0.732 1.54+/- 0.792 0.145 U 1 0.687 1.30 U +/- 1.17 Tech netium-99 2.7212.89 -0.194 +/- 3.19 Tritium 17501349 1460 t 399 1180 +/- 331 1130 +/- 326 888 +/- 316 105 +/- 143 103 + 141 -52+/- 141 0+/-147 -197 U t 349 54.5 U :t 236 Notes:

1 s- Regufotory criteria f r om NR 140.10, Subchopter II R z Result is re1ected pCi/l

  • p1coCuries per f1ter U z detected, number is the laboratory reporting hmit Shad~d ulfs indicat~ duplicate onatyse.s performed.

to LC-2019-0023 Page 18 of 28 Summary of Groundwater Monitoring Sample Results Location MW-2028 MW-2028 MW-2021 MW-20ZB MW-2028 MW-2028 MW-2028 MW-2028 MW-2021 MW-2028 MW-ZOZB Sample ID MW-2028-120717 MW-2028-040311 MW-2028-060511 MW-2021-IM>60511 MW-2028-071011 MW-2028-o81511 MW-202B-o91111 MW-2021-101011 MW-2028-110611 MW-2021-120511 MW-2028-012419 Samole Date 12/07/2017 04/03/2011 06/M/2018 06/05/2011 07/10/2018 08/15/2011 09/11/2011 10/10/2011 U/IH;/2011 12/05/2011 01/24/2019 Radiological (pCi/ L)

Americium -241 Carbon -14 Cesiu m-137 -1.72 U +/- 5.69 0 .913 U +/- 3 .39 0 .756 U +/- 3.72 1.25 U +/- 3.67 0 .731 U +/- 3.33 0 .257 U +/- 4.08 0 .799 U +/- 3.04 -1.12 U +/- 4.65 1.9 U +/- 3.05 -1.06 U +/- 3.2 3.38 U +/- 4.ll Cobalt -60 -3 .67 U +/- 4.29 2.07 U +/- 3.18 -0.909 U +/- 3.59 -1.5 U +/- 3.62 3.41 U +/- 3.57 2.41 U +/- 4.03 2.4 U +/- 2.04 2.05 U +/- 4.67 -1.39 U +/- 3.5 0.758 U +/- 3.8 1.78 U +/- 2.98 Europium-152 -10.3 UJ +/- 10 -3 .01 U +/- 12. 7 1.04 U +/- 9 .61 0 .281 U +/- 9.01 -0 .816 U +/- 8 . 71 *2.25 U +/- 8.17 -8 .02 U +/- 15.6 5.3 U +/- 8.65 0.943 U ! 9.1 -0.0336 U +/- 8.59 Europium-154 1.48 U +/- 10.1 -5.6 U +/- 12.S 10.2 U +/- 13.7 12 U +/- 9.52 -5.41 U +/- 13.9 -1.34 U +/- 8.82 -3.06 U +/- 13.5 -l.57 U +/- 7.07 -6 .55 U +/- 11.4 0.802 U +/- 7.95 Europium-155 Gross Alpha Analytes Gross Beta Analytes lron -55 Nickel-59 Nickel-63 -0 .455 U +/- 17.5 -6.87 U +/- 18.4 -6.9 U +/- 22.1 -4 .7 U +/- 22.7 0.561 U +/- 19.4 6.63 U +/- 22.1 10.4 U +/- 19.4 10.3 U +/- 19.8 -6.78 U +/- 17.l 2.01 U +/- 19.9 15.7 U +/- 19.4 Niobium-94 Plutonium-238 Plutonium-239/240 Plutonium-241 St rontium-90 0.39 U +/- 0 .606 -0 .418 U +/- 0 .541 -0 . 796 UJ +/- 0 .656 0.843 U +/- 0.918 -0.0289 U .t 0.741 0.593 U +/- 0 .985 0.697 U +/- 0. 789 -0 .202 U +/- 0 .837 -0 .791 UJ+/- 0 .922 0 .461 UJ +/- 0.921 -0.0129 U ! 0.998 Technet ium-99 Tritium -193 U +/- 320 113U+/- 239 -11.2 U +/- 231 -220 UJ +/- 217 -170 U +/- 257 -290 UJ +/- 272 163 U + 230 208 U +/- 274 189 U +/- 292 46.S U +/- 261 136U+/-316 Notes :

l "'Rep ulotory criteria from NR 140.10, Subchopur II R::: ResultisreJected pCi/L =ptcoCur,es ~r liter U =detected, number is the laboratory reportin9 limit Shaded cells indicate duplicate analyses ~rformed.

to LC-2019-0023 Page 19 of 28 Summary of Groundwater Monitoring Sample Results Locotton MW-202B MW-202B MW-202B MW-2028 MW-202B MW-2028 MW-202B MW-203A MW-203A MW*203A Sample ID MW-2028--021919 MW-2028--032719 MW-2028-041619 MW-2021-050719 ~W-2028-D--05071! ~W-202B-D-o6U1! MW-2028-D--071619 MW* 203A--06172014 MW-ZOJA--09232014 MW-ZOJA--03242015 5amolo Doto 02/19/2019 03/27/2019 4/16/2019 5/17/2019 5/17/2019 6/12/2019 111&no19 06/17/2014 0912*nn14 03n41zo1s Radiological (pCi/l )

Americium-241 0.0293 +/- 0.085 0.25 +/- 0.304 Ca rbon-14 4.54 +/- 7 .02 -3.95 +/- 7 .64 Cesium-137 0.484 U :t 3.46 -1.32 U +/- 2.78 --0.662 U +/- 4.99 0.910 U +/- 3.14 -3.45 U +/- 5.05 -0 .485 U +/- 3.56 2.47 U +/- 3 .46 1.48 +/- 1.67 1.55+/- 2.53 3.68 +/- 3.45 Cobalt-GO 1.96 U +/- 3.22

  • 2.2 U +/- 2.71 -1.86 U +/- 6.76 3.27 U +/- 4.13 1.16 U +/- 4.10 0.00551 U +/- 4.23 -2.07 U +/- 3.10 0.0348 +/- 1.98 3.66 +/- 2.85 2.59 +/- 3.43 Europium-152 4.22 U t 8.88 1.58 U +/- 7.44 8.18 U +/- 12.0 *2.51 U +/- 7.08
  • 2.85 U +/- 8.90 2.76 U +/- 9.40 3.15 U t 8.89 *0.958 +/- 9.46 4.06 +/- 21 .1 23 .6 +/- 24.9 Europium-154 -3.37 U t 13.3 -2.19 U +/- 8.59
  • 3.25 U +/- 13.0 6 .68 U +/- 8.09 *8.99 U t 9.91 4.08 U +/- 9.07
  • 3.02 U +/- 8.60 1.93 +/- 6.1 -3.32+/- 9.28 -0.997 +/- 10.5 Europium-155 -4.9 +/- 4.39 -0.0953t 4.4 5.47 +/- 6.26 Gross Alpha Analytes 1.74 +/- 1.05 1.36 +/- 1.04 1.39 +/- 0.803 Gross Beta Analytes 2.26 t 1.74 I.SI+/- 1.56 3.87 t 1.89 lron-55 -49.5 +/- 75.1 -49.4 +/- 79.5 Nickel-59 -27 .1 +/- 69.2 53 +/- 90.8 Nickel-63 12.2 U +/- 17.6 1.82 U +/- 18.7 5.94 U +/- 17.0
  • 2.26 U t 17.0 *12.7 U +/- 16.3 -12.1 U +/- 17.3 13.1 U +/- 18.9 -3.69 +/- 2.65 1.61 t 2.9 Niobium-94 1.58 +/- 1.66 0.0853 +/- 2.05 0.0209 +/- 3.33 Ptutonfum-238 *0.0567 +/- 0.0747 0.0708 +/- 0.106 Plutonium-239/240 *0.0226 t 0.0691 0.0915 +/- 0.12 Plutonium -241 4.06 +/- 8.43 0 .504 ::!:: 7 .33 Strontium -90 *l.14 U +/- 0.79 0.0781 U +/- 0 .736 -0.348 U +/- 0 .899 -0 .605 U +/- 0 .645 -0 .281 U t 0 .591 -0 .107 U t 0.926 -0. 772 U +/- 0.859 1.17 +/- 0.708 1.52 +/- 0.782 0.177 t 0.665 Technetium-99 4.36 +/- 3.2 -1.23 +/- 3.37 Tritium *81 U +/- 287 469 U t 389 -97.3 U +/- 262 22.0 U + 243 19.7 U +/- 229 81.6 U +/- 299 626 +/- 305 476 +/- 289 279 +/- 146 -34.3 t 138 -34.7 +/- 142 Notes :

l =- Regulatory criteria from NR J40.10, Subchopter II R =- Remit is reJected pCi/L :r picoCuri es ~ ' liter U =- detected, number is the laboratory reporting limit Shaded cells indicate duplicate onalyse.s ~rformed.

to LC-20 19-0023 Page 20 of 28 Summary of Groundwater Monitoring Sample Results localton MW-203A MW-203A MW-203A MW-203A MW-203A MW-203A MW-203A MW-203A MW-203A MW-203A MW-203A Sample ID MW-203A*1111Z01S MW-203A*120716 MW-203A-OSZ317 MW-ZOJA-120717 MW-203A-020111 MW-ZOJMM0411 MW-203A-G60611 MW*203A-071111 MW*203A-OS1S11 MW-203A-091111 MW*203A-101011 SomoloDate 11/11/2015 U/07/2016 05/23/2017 U/07/2017 02/01/2011 04/0&12011 06/0l;/2011 07/11/2011 Ol/lS/2011 09/11/2011 10/10/2011 Rad io logical (pCi/l )

Americium-241 Carbon *14 Cesium-137 -2.32 +/- 2.S4 -0.403 U +/- 2.93 -0.355 U t 1.89 1.08 U +/- 4.46 -0.94 U +/- 3.22 0.951 U t 3.47 -3. lS U +/- 4.96 0.0155 U +/- 3.57 0.608 U t 2.81 1.55 U +/- 2.82 0.00 UH 4.65 Cobalt-60 0 .467 +/- 2.4 2 1.34 U +/- 2.20 -0.0464 U +/- 1.81 0.389 U +/- 5.62 0.947 U t 2.58 0.866 U t 4.82 3.27 U +/- 5.77 1.61 U +/- 4.15 -2.12 U +/-3.17 -8.83 UJ +/- 4.83 -0.309 U +/- 4.1 Europium-152 -0.672 i 14.2

  • 2.01 U t 7.97 -8.19 U +/- 9.8 8.64 U t 11 .2 -0.722 U tB.09
  • 2.67 U +/- 7.92 0.106 U t 9.77 Europium-154 2.94 t 5.41 *2.24 U i 7.87 -6.08 U t 10.7 *1.73 U t 9.59 -6.58 U t 8.84 -9.55 UJ+/- 8.3 6.81 U t 9.6 Europium-155 3.09 t 5.19 Gross Alpha Analytes 0.819 t 1.6 Gross Beta Analytes 1.26 t 3.21 lron-55 Nickel-59 Nickel-63 1.09 U t 25.2 16.0 U t 20.2 7.03 U t 17.8 15.2 U +/- 20.4 6.28 U t 21.5 1.2 U t 18.6 5.29Ut21 -5.21 U +/- 19.9 6.49 U i 19 Niobium-94 1.67 t 2.05 Plutonium-238 Plutontum-239/240 Plutonium-241 Strontium-90 1.37 t 1.3 1.01 U t 0.834 -0.44 U +/- 1.03 *0.517 U t 0.526 *0.269 U t 0.454 -0.30 U +/- 0.935 0.579 U +/- I .OS -0.143 U t 0.89 0.277 U t 1.02 -0.104 U t 0.515 0.314 U t 0.817 Technetium-99 Tritium 104 t 150 -303 U t 340 -6.35 U t 227 13000 t 874 24200 +/- 1040 12100 t 722 11900 + 713 2360 +/-410 315 U t 288 616 t 347 350 U t 321 Notes:

l r Rt9uJotory crittrio from NR 140.JO, Subchapttrll R r Rtsuft u rtJtettd pCi/L :r picoCudts ~r littr U

  • dttecttd, numbtr is tht lobo,atorv rtporting lim it Shodtd cdls indic:att dup/lcort analysts ~rformtd.

to LC-2019-0023 Page 21 of 28 Summary of Groundwater Monitoring Sample Results Location MW-203" MW-203" MW-203" MW-203A MW-203" MW-203" MW-203" MW-203" MW-203" MW-203" Samplo ID MW-203"-110818 MW-203"*120518 MW*ZOJA-012319 MW-203"-022019 MW*203A-032619 MW*203A-o.11619 MW*203A-OS0719 MW-203A-o61219 ~W-203A*D-o6121! MW-203"-071619 Somolo Doto 11/08/2018 UIIK/2018 01/23/2019 02nnnn19 03/26/2019 4/16/2019 sn/2019 6/12/2019 6/1212019 111,12019 Radiological (pCi/l)

Americium-241 Carbon -14 Cesium-137 1.02 U +/- 3.87

  • l.68 U +/- 3.4 0 .818 U +/- 3.26 -1.73 U +/- 5.17 -1.87 U +/- 2.94 2.11 U +/- 3.25 1.85 U +/- 2.45 0.750 U +/- 2.95 2.35 U +/- 3.24 1.19 U +/- 6.20 Coba lt -60 3.25 U +/- 3.51 0 .684 U +/- 4.17 1.58 U +/- 3.68 0 .739 U +/- 4.98 -0 .745 U +/- 2.98 1.05 U +/- 4.26 -2.08 U +/- 2.41 *0 .512 U +/- 2.56 0.788 U +/- 2.79 0 .011 U +/- 3.43 Europium-152 -5.62 U +/- 10.4 0 .936 U +/- 9.04 2.01 U +/- 8.63 0. 744 U +/- 10.4 4.10 U :t 7.01 -2.99 U +/- 8 .29 4 .12 U +/-6.11 5.08 U +/- 7.14 0.863 U +/- 8 .12 1.58 U +/- 8.79 Europium-154 *3 .12 U +/- 8.67 *6.3 U +/- 8.95
  • l.6 2 U +/- 10.9 9.62 U +/- 11.7 -4. 14 U +/- 7.72 -3 .3 U +/- 10.1 *3.37 U +/- 7.0 3 10.2 U +/- 5 .45 *2.11 U +/- 8.28
  • 2.51 U +/- 9.62 Europium-155 Gross Alpha Analytes Gross Beta Analytes lron-55 Nickel-59 Nicke l-63 -2.05 U :t 17.6 17.9 U +/- 20.6 *3.07 U +/- 20.1 10 .6 U +/- 17.9 -6.57 U +/- 17.7 5 .76 U +/- 17.l
  • 17 U +/- 16.S -6.07 U +/- 18.0 12.2 U +/- 18.8 9 .00 U +/-18.7 Niobium-94 Plutonium-238 Pluto niu m-239/240 Plutonium-241 Strontium-90 0.314 UJ :t 1.05 -0.252 UJ +/- 0.888 -0.781 U :t 0 .894 -0 .0221 U :t 0.936 -1.03 U +/- 0.807 0.244 U +/- 0 .826 -0 .424 U +/- 0.835 -0 .0306 U ! 0 .882 -0.346 U ! 0.861 -1.01 U +/- 0 .916 Technetiu m-99 Tritium 265 U +/- 292 233 U +/- 347 28.2 U +/- 254 53.5 U +/- 339, *10.8 U +/- 242 -1.29 U +/- 310 294 U +/- 350 948 +/- 339 1200 +/- 332 471 U ! 336 698 U +/- 332 972 :!: 321 Notes:

1 = Regulatory criteria from NR 140.10, Subchoprer II R = Result is rejected pCi/L = picoCuries per liter U = detuted, number Is the laboratory reporting limit Shaded cells indicau duplicate analyses performed.

to LC-2019-0023 Page 22 of 28 Summary of Groundwater Monitoring Sample Results location MW-2031 MW-2038 MW-2031 MW-2038 MW-2038 MW-2038 MW-2031 MW-2031 MW-2038 MW-2038 Sample ID MW-2038--06172014 MW-2038-09232014 MW-2038-0--09232014 MW-203M3242015 MW-2038-11112015 MW-2038-D-11112015 MW-2031*120716 MW-2031-052317 MW-2038-120717 MW-203M40418 Samole Dato 06/17/2014 09/23/2014 09/21/2014 03/24/201S 11/11/2015 11/11/2015 12/07/2016 05/23/2017 12/07/2017 04/Nl/2018 Radiological (pCi/l )

Ame ricium-241 0.0763 +/- 0.0979 0.102 +/- 0.124 -0 .00498 ! 0 .0564 Carbon-14 4.54 +/- 7.03 0.489 +/- 7. 64 -2.74 +/- 7.09 Cesium -137 1.38 +/- 2.57 0.683 +/- 1.92 0.335 +/- 2.92 *l.65 +/- 2.64 -0 .0708 +/- 2.71 2.83 +/- 2.59 -2.13 U +/- 3.72 -0 .161 U +/- 2.80 -0.562 U +/- 3.3 0.447 U +/- 2.66 Cobalt-60 -0 .955 +/- 2.82 1.99 +/- 1.84 1.21 +/- 2.65 -0.949 +/- 2. 48 0.613 +/- 2.56 2.15 +/- 2.31 2.40 U +/- 2.63 -2 .19 U +/- 2.64 -1.54 U +/- 4.27 2.36 U +/- 2.85 Europium-152 4.98 +/- 21.5 -I.JS+/- 12.3 -4.86 +/- 18.4 9.69 +/- 12 -3.14 +/- 16.9 -10.8 +/- 18.3 0 .294 U +/- 7.31 Eu ropium-154 -3 .69 +/- 7.71 -0.231+/- 5.18 -1.53 +/- 7.34 0 +/- 7.55 -2.96 +/- 4.19 -1.28 +/- 6 .61 7.39 U +/- 6.82 Europium-155 4.04 +/- 4.44 -0.365 :!: 3.81 -4 ! 4.13 6.5 +/- 6.46 2.79 +/- 6 .32 1.5 +/- 6.23 Gross Alpha Analytes -0.228 +/- 2.14 -0.668 +/- 2 0.785 +/- 1.54 1.09 +/- 1.02 3.32 +/- 2.68 -1.41 +/- 2.42 Gross Seta Analytes 5.53 +/- 2.99 1 +/- 3.02 2.4 +/- 2.63 1 +/- 2.22 3.04 +/- 4.83 -0.386 +/- 4.16 lro n-55 -49.5 +/- 73.2 43 .2 ! 74 .5 28.4 +/- 80.2 Nickel-59 -4 .66 +/- 56.1 -43.4 +/- 90.8 2.7+/- 61 Nicke l-63 -3. 8 +/- 2.73 -1.77+/- 3.1 -3.l +/- 2.86 11.7 U 125.7 5.62 U +/- 17.2 -5. 67 U +/- 17.4 6 .25 U .t 18 Niobium-94 1.5 +/- 2.33 2. 16 +/- J.92 0.565 +/- 2.32 0.806 +/- 1.57 1.51 +/- 2.28 -0.947 +/- 2.32 Plutonium-238 -0.0586 +/- 0.128 0.0812 +/- 0.113 -0.0264 +/- 0.106 Plutonium-239/240 -0 .0394 +/- 0 .125 0.0596 +/- 0.0915 -0 .00882 +/- 0 .103 Plutonium -241 10.2 +/- 13.6 -3.71 +/- 8.92 -6.33 +/- 13 Strontium -90 0 .822 +/- 0.671 1.91 +/- 0.765 J.93+/- 0.734 1.12 +/- 0 .682 0.737+/- 0.781 1.21 +/- 0 .823 0.210 U +/- 0 .593 0 .287 U +/- 0 .796 -0.256 U +/- 0.538 -0.00534 U +/- 0.995 Technetium-99 4.16 +/- 3.19 -3.32+/- 3.16 -1.37+/- 3.21 Tritium 278 :t: 145 121 +/- 142 68.7+/- 140 -139 +/- 140 -153 +/- 143 -120 +/- 145 -297 U +/- 335 101 U +/- 241 13.1 U +/- 338 226 U +/- 246 Notrs:

l =Re9ulatorycriteriofrom NR 140.10, Subchoprer II R = Result is rejected pCi/L = picoCuries ~r liter U = detrcted, number is the laboratory reportmg limit Shaded cef/s indicate duplicate analyses ~rformt.d.

to LC-2019-0023 Page 23 of 28 Summary of Groundwater Monitoring Sample Results Location MW-20311 MW-20311 MW-203B MW-2039 MW-20311 MW-2038 MW-2038 MW-2031 MW-20311 MW-20311 Sample ID MW-2031-o&o711 MW-203M71111 MW-203Ml1511 MW-20-1111 MW-2039-101011 MW-2039-110811 MW-2038-D-110811 MW-2039-120511 MW-2031-012319 MW-2038-022019 SamoleData 06"'7/1011 07/11/2011 08/15/2011 09/11/2011 10/10/2011 UIM/2011 llMA/2011 12/05/2011 01/23/2019 02/20/2019 Radiological (pCi/l)

Americium -241 Carbon-14 Cesium -137 0.322 U +/- 3.25 -1.49 U ! 3.36 0 .25 U +/- 4 .67 1.05 U +/- 4.36 -0 .978 U +/- 3.25 1.8 U +/-4.32 3.39 U +/- 3.98 -0.856 U +/- 2.92 0 .205 U +/- 2.82 -0 .951 U +/- 3.97 Cobalt-GO 0 .618 U +/- 2.92 1.24 U +/- 3 .43 0.562 U +/- 3.42 -2.29 U +/- 4.06 -0 .0177 U +/- 3.67 -0.185 U +/- 3.58 3.57 U +/- 3.93 -1.95 U +/- 3.07 0 .926 U +/- 2.57 -0.956 U +/- 3.88 Europium-152 0.478 U +/- 9.67 0 .0125 U +/- 9.58 0 UJ +/- 16.5 -3.67 U +/- 8.87 3.55 U +/- 9.19 3.65 U +/- 7.41 -1.81 U +/- 8.68 -4.32 U +/- 9 .16 -4.93 U +/- 6.87 -7.48 U +/- 9.28 Europium-154 2.28 U +/- 9.18 1.46 U +/- 7.8 -1.02 U +/- 8.3 -6 .8 U +/- 1 2__8 -5.57 U +/- 11.9 -2. 71 U +/-7.73 -4.8 U +/- 11.2 0.368 U +/- 11.2 -4. 1 U +/- 8.86 0.890 U +/- 11 Europium-155 Gross Alpha Analytes Gross Beta Analytes lron-55 Nickel-59 Nickel-63 -3.13 U +/- 21.4 -3. 72 U +/- 18.6 -16 U +/- 21 21.7 U +/- 21.9 9.34 U +/- 20.S -11 .6 U +/-17.7 -4 .52 U i 18.2 9 .77 U +/- 19 .1 1.53 U +/- 19.8 2.14 U +/- 17.6 Niobium-94 Plutonium-23 8 Plutonium-239/240 Pluton ium-241 Strontium-90 0 .894 U +/- 1.01 1.23 U +/- 0.893 0.777 U +/- 1.05 0 .819 U +/- 0.755 0.277 U +/- 0.802 -0 .261 UJ +/- 0 .899 -0.65 UJ +/- 0.803 1.6 UJ +/- 1.24 -1.33 U +/- 0.938 -0.1 2 U +/- 1.04 Technetium-99 Tritium -43.8 U +/- 231 -167 U +/- 260 206 U +/-306 324 U +/- 261 457U+/-299 209 U .t 265 246 U +/- 287 504 U +/- 326 431 U +/- 356 1270 +/- 366 918 +/-414 709 +/- 292 42SU+/-341 Notes:

1 = Regulatory crir~ria from NR 140.10, Subch opttr II


R Rtsult is rtjtcttd pCi/L =picoCurits ~r lit tr


U dttt!Cltd, numbtr is rht loborocory rtportmg limit Shadtd ctl/s indicatt dupllcatt analysts ~rformtd.

to LC-2019-0023 Page 24 of 28 Summary of Groundwater Monitoring Sample Results Location MW-2031 MW-203B MW-2038 MW-203B MW-2038 MW-203B MW*203B MW-204A MW-204A MW*204A sam.,i.10 MW-2031-D-022019 MW-2038--032619 MW*Z0-1619 MW-20311-0--04161! MW-2038-050719 MW-2031--061219 MW-2038--071619 MW-204A--06172014 MW-204A--09232014 MW*204A-03242015 sama1a Dato 0212012019 03/26/2019 4/16/2019 4/16/2019 sn,2019 6/12/2019 7/16/2019 06/17/2014 09/23/2014 03n4J201s Radiological {pCi / L)

Americium-241 0 .155 +/- 0 .149, 0 .0362 +/- 0 .0955 0.105 +/- 0.11S Carbon-14 4.65 +/- 7.19 0.473 +/- 7.39 Cesium-137 2.82 U +/- 6 .07 -1.57 U +/- 2.94 2.94 U +/- 6.64 -0 .842 U ! 3.4 7 -0. 738 U +/- 3.64 -0.514 U +/- 3.09 -3.07 U +/- 3.81 -0.303 +/- 2.02

  • l.14 +/- 2.49 -0.633 +/- 4.54 Cobalt-60 0.974 U +/- 3.44 1.53 U +/- 3.72 -1.49 U ! 2.61 0.534 U +/- 4.33 -0 .32 U +/- 2.96 1.20 U +/- 2.50 -0.4 27 U +/- 3.45 0. 19 +/- 3.23 *0 .377 ! 2.42 0.23+/- 4.16 Europium- 152 5.43 U +/- 7.94
  • 1.87 U +/- 7.55 0.136 U ! 7.76 -2.24 U +/- 10.2 8.00 U +/- 11.0 2.19 U +/- 7.05 4.07 U +/- 10.9 2.11 +/- 18.3 -19.2 +/- 18.2 19.1 ! 23.6 Europiu m-154 3.79 U +/- 8.31
  • 2.94 U +/- 8.4 2 4.05 U +/- 9.40 3.94 U +/- 12.9 6.67 U +/- 8.50 -0 .844 U +/- 9.55 -1.61 U +/- 11.3 2.36 +/- 8.67 -4.94 +/- 8.1 *8.09 +/- 12.2 Europium-155 -0 .43 3 +/- 4.28 -2.02 +/- 4.49 -2+/- 5.32 Gross Alpha Analytes 0 .758 +/- 1.96 0 .599 +/- 1.66 0.978 +/- 1.5 Gross Beta Analytes 2.68 +/- 2.98 5.28 +/- 2.21 10.9 +/- 3.06 lron -55 .-40.3 +/- 79.2 34.S +/- 75.3 Nickel-59 -6 .22 +/- 59.1 -31.2 +/- 74.8 Nickel-63 18.5 U +/- 19.1 -7 .52 U +/- 19.7 14.6 U t 16.2 4.24 U t: 16.0 -7.99 U +/- 16.2 -10 U +/- 18.4 17.0 U t 20.9 0 +/- 2.75 -0 .183 +/- 2.6 Niobium-94 0 .225 +/- 1 0 .118 +/- 2.46 -0.241+/- 3. 76 Plutonium-238 -0 .0512 +/- 0.115 -0 .000645 +/- 0.0685 Plutonium-239/240 -0 .0 248 +/- 0.075 7 -0 .00548 +/- 0.0641 Plutonium-241 4.07 +/- 8 .44 -3.97 +/- 8 .17 Strontium-90 -0.0701 U +/- 0 .627 0 .358 U +/- 0.712 0 .135 U +/- 0 .724 -0 .443 U +/- 0 .711 -0 .657 U +/- 0 .518 -0.36 U +/- 0 .851 0.852 U +/- 1.07 2 +/- 0 .675 1.94 +/- 0.734 4.52 +/- 1.07 Technetium-99 6 .95 +/-3.3 -1.95 +/- 3.18 Tritium 311 U ! 326 178 U :!: 343 162 U +/- 292 188 U +/- 306 183 U +/- 236 222 U +/- 310 362 U +/- 286 105 +/- 143 68.7 + 140 -52+/- 141 Notts :

J : Rtgulotory criruio from NR 140.JO, Subchopttr II R = Rtsult IS ft}tcttd pCi/l " p,coCuritts ~r lit tr U

  • dtttcttd, numbtr is tht laboratory rtportmg limit Shadtd cdls indicatt dupl/cott analysts ptr/ormtd.

to LC-2019-0023 Page 25 of 28 Summary of Groundwater Monitoring Sample Results Loatlon MW-ZIMA MW-ZIMA MW-ZIMA MW-ZIMA MW-ZIMA MW-ZIMA MW-ZIMA M W-ZIMA MW-ZIMA MW-ZIMA MW-ZIMA Somple ID MW-204A-11112015 MW-ZIMA-120716 MW-204A-052Z17 MW-204A-120617 MW* ZIMA-718 MW-~71218 MW*ZIMA-~71218 MW-ZIMA-OS1418 MW-204A-D-oa1418 M W-ZIMA-091218 MW*ZIMA-100918 Samala Date 11/11/2015 12/07/2016 05/22/2017 12/06/2017 06/07/2011 07/12/2011 07/12/2018 Ol/14/2018 08/14/2018 09/12/2018 10-12011 Radiolo1ical (pCi/L)

AmeriClum-241 Carbon-14 Cesium-137 4.4 +/- 5.41 -3.09 U +/- 3 .17 -2.7 U +/- 3.51 1.72 U +/- 5.24 -3.19 U +/- 4.13 0.811 U +/- 3.66 -4.34 UJ +/- 3.91 0.232 U +/- 2.31 0.43 U +/- 2.99 1.27 U +/- 3.11 *2.25 U +/-4.11 Cobalt -60 2.52 +/- 3.46 0.909 U +/- 2.68 -0.666 U +/-3.02 -0. 771 U ! 5.63 0.114 U t4 .63 -4.57 U +/- 5.31 2.08 U +/- 4.46 -1.28 U +/- 2.26 1.03 U +/- 3.07 -0.936 U +/- 3.55 -0.371 U +/- 3. 75 Europium -152 0 +/- 12.2 -5.77 U +/- 10.7 17.2 U +/- 10.3 1.96 U +/- 9.96 0.752 U +/- 7 -5.5 U +/- 8.86 1.55 U +/- 7.74 7.6 1 U +/- 11.3 Europium-154 -1.27 +/- 12.8, 6.04 U +/- 13.6 -8.19 U +/- 9.62 3.77 U +/- 13.l 2.08 U +/- 6.82 7.52 U +/- 9.29 -3.41 U +/- 9.13 3.93 U +/- 11.4 Europium- 155 1.39 +/- 8.05 Gross Alpha Analytes 1.97+/- 2.62 Gross Beta Anatytes 11.1 ! 4.57 lron -55 Nickel-59 11.3 U :t 23 .6 11.6 U i 20.3 -7.5 U +/- 17.8 17.4 U +/- 22.9 0.183 U +/- 18.4 -1.27 U :t: 19.8 -11.2 U +/- 21.1 -0.57 U +/- 20.4 32 .2 U :t 21 .8 -7.77 U +/- 20 Nickel-63 Niobium-94 1.52+/- 2.09 Plutonium-238 Plutonium-239/240 Plutomum-241 Strontium-90 0.76 +/- 0.703 0.428 U +/-0.958 0.463 U +/- 1.18 0.38 U +/- 0.595 0.723 U ! 0.944 0 .33 U +/- 0 . 738 0.105 U +/- 1.06 0.436 U i 1.02 -0.0389 U +/- 1.02 -0.166 U +/- 0.521 0.210 U +/- 0 .849 Technetium-99

-206 U +/- 340 22 .4 U i 236 211 U +/- 356 329 U +/- 260 -28.2 U +/- 267 -227 U +/- 258 59.6 U +/- 296 248 U +/-313 -45.6 U i 189 331 U t 284 Tritium 17.2 i 147 Notes :

1 = Regulatory crirtria from NR 14010, Subchaptt!rll R = Rt!sult ,s ff!jf!Ctf!d pCi/L

  • p,coCurif!s Pf!' lttf!r U ::: dt!tUtt!d, numbf!r 1s tht!

laboratory tf!portmg 1,m1t Shodrd ct/ls indicatr duplicate onalysrs ~rformrd.

to LC- 2019-0023 Page 26 of 28 Summary of Groundwater Monitoring Sample Results loutlon MW*zo.lA MW-204A MW-zo.lA MW-zo.lA MW-204A MW-204A MW-2048 MW-2048 MW-2048 MW-2048 Sample ID MW-zo.lA-110814 MW-204A-120414 iMW-zo.lA-0-lZCNU MW*204A-0U319 MW*204A-021919 MW-zo.lA-461319 MW--172014 MW*204l-o9232014 MW-2048-03242015 MW-2048-11112015 Somole Datt 1,-11n14 t>IIW./2014 """2014 01/23/2019 02/19/2019 6/13/2019 06/17/2014 o,12J1201* 03n4120is 11111120is Radio logica l (pCi/l)

Amerietum -241 0.0824 +/- 0.146 0.268 +/- 0.351 Carbon-14 12.9 t 10.2, 4.61 t 7.13 0.946 t 7.39 Cesium-137

  • l .36 U t 3.16 1.23 U +/- 4.84 -1.22 U +/- 4.65 0.406 U t 3.54 -1.07 U +/- 4.67 -0.255 U +/- 3.33 1.92 +/- 2.24, 2.46 t 2.15 1.24 +/- 2.09 1.87+/- 3.73 -4.15 t 3.09 Cobalt -60 -2.03 U +/- 3.22 -1.75 U +/- 4.5 -3.78 U +/- 5.21 -0.344 U t 3.96 3.08 U t 5.08 2.72 U +/- 3.29 -0.231 t 1.83, 0.665 t 1.8 2.05 t 2.11 2.63+/- 3.78 -0.162 +/- 2.53 Europiu m -152 -2.17 U +/- 8.85 11.6 U t 11 .7 -5 U t 13.5 -0.417 U t 8.43 -1.37 U t 11.2 -5.98 U +/-7.17 7.67 t 11.1. 4.91 t 10.4 2.23 t 12.8 7.43 t 28.l 8.74+/- 10.9 Europium-154 3.95 U +/- 8.76 1.12 U t 9.01 6.4 U t 14.8 -8.36 U t 8.13 4.12 U +/- 11.8 -2.52 U t 8.87 0.605 t 6.39, -3.23 t 5.89 2.36 +/-5.6 -0.428 t 11.8 -1.76 +/- 6.92 Europium- 155 1.66 t 4.52, -0.45 t 4.2 0.945+/- 4.76 -) .87 t 7.28 3.68 +/-6.73 Gross Alpha Analytes 1.26 t 2.15, 1.92 t 3.21 3.52+/- 2.03 -0.537 t 2.88 3.65 +/-3.4 Gross Beta Analytes 0.256 +/- 4.48, 1.25 i 4.09 0 +/-3.39 1.8 +/-3.64 15 +/- 6.28 lron-55 8.68 t 68.2, -3.98 t 78.7 -92.5 +/- 89.8 Nickel-59 -24.7 +/- 71.8, -22 t 65.7 -18.6+/-67 Nickel-63 -12.6 U t 17.l 3.54 U +/- 18.9 -1.13 U +/- 19.8 -8.07 U +/- 18.3 13.6 U +/- 19.) -10.9 U +/- 17.3 -1.97 t 2.86, -1.95 t 2.84 0.393+/- 2.79 Niobium-94 1.28 t 1.65, -0.511 t 0.624 -i .88 t 1.76 0.0185 t 1.66 2.3 t 2.03 Plutonium-238 -0.00928 t 0.108, O.oJ43 t 0.0929 -0.0326 t 0.0806 Plutonium-239/240 0.0627 t 0.157, -0.0381 t 0.0942 0.0701 t 0.107 Plutonium-241 -1.89 +/- 9.01, 6.16 +/- 9.99 -6 .46 +/- 10.3 Strontium-90 1.27 UJ +/- 1.12 0.712 UJ +/- 0.992 0.345 Ult 0.927 0.461 U t 1.11 0.356 U +/- 0.865 0.515 U +/- 0.985 0.61 +/- 0.637, 0.355 i 0.681 1.26+/-0.741 0.654! 0.728 1.25 !0.745 Tech netlum-99 6.3 +/- 3.25, 4.96 t 3.22 0.389+/- 3.2 Trit ium 244 U +/- 292 254 U +/- 272 278 U +/- 281 327 U +/- 314 -146 U 1 296 -55.4 U +/- 273 34.9 +/- 140 139+/- 142 -120 +/- 136 -120 1 140 -17.3 +/- 147 Notes:


  • Regulatory criteria from NR 140.10, Subchopter II R
  • Result 1s re1ected pCi/ L
  • p,coCuries ~ ' /;fer U
  • detected, number is the lab01atory reporting limit Shaded cdls indicate duplicate onolyse5 ~rformed.

to LC-2019-0023 Page 27 of 28 Summary of Groundwater Monitoring Sample Results Location MW-2048 MW-2048 MW-2048 MW-2048 MW-2048 MW-2048 MW-2048 MW-2048 MW-2048 MW-2048 MW-2048 Sample ID MW-2048-120716 MW*204II-OS2217 MW-2048-120617 MW-2~711 MW-2048-071211 MW-2048-081411 MW-2048--091211 MW-2048*100911 MW-2048-llDBll MW-2048-120411 MW-2048--012319 Samole Doto 12/07/2016 OS/22/2017 1>-12011 06/07/2011 07/12/2011 Ol/14/2011 09/12/2011 10/09/2011 11/08/2011 12/04/2011 01/23/2019 Radiological (pCi/l)

Amencium*241 Carbon-14 Cesium -137 -0.257 U t 2.60 -0. 721 U +/- 2.41 0. 793 U +/-3. 77 *1.76 U +/-2.93 *3.08 U t 3.81 *2.66 U t 3.37 -l.S7 U +/- 3.63 .{;.43 UJ t 4.37 3.82 U +/- 4 *2. 95 U +/- 2.98 3.38 U +/- 2.61 Cobalt-60 *0.097 5 U t 2.11 -0.0548 U t 1.95 1.96 U t 4.73 0.179 U t 3.23 -0.131 U ! 4.73 -0.463 U +/- 3.43 0.464 U +/- 2. 73 1.49 U +/- 3.21 1.17 U +/- 3.98 -0.347 U +/- 3.66 0.357 U +/- 2.93 Eu ropium- 152 0.934 U t 9.69 -4.88 U t 9.68 -4 .67 U t 7.19 2.1 U t 8.74 0.319 U +/- 8.21 2.62 U +/- 9.25 -8.27 U +/- 9.77 -3.17 U +/-8.36 Europium- 1S4 8.92 U t 10.8 0.515 U +/- 9.27 -2.43 U +/- 7.8 3.23 U +/- 13.1 -0.286 U +/- 11.3 -6.2 U +/- 10.8 -0.0231 U :t 10.1 5.37 U +/- 8.49 Europium- 155 Gross Alpha Analytes Gross Beta Analytes lron-55 Nickel-59 Nlckel-63 -2.04 U +/- 24.6 6 .34 U :t 17.3 4.95 U +/- 16.1 -9.86 U :t 21.7 4.23 U t 19.8 -3.82 U t 20.2 2.55 U t 19.6 18.8 U ! 19.9

  • 10 U t 17.8 11.4 U +/- 20.3
  • 1.5 U t 18 Niobium -94 Plutonium-238 Plutonium-239/240 Plutonium-241 Strontium-90 0.719 U t 0.652 1.00 U t 0.908 0.937 U t 0.801 *1.11 Ult 0. 763 *0.487 U t 0.95 1.16 U t 1.1 0.0301 U +/- 0.49 -0.342 U +/- 0. 737 0.246 UJ +/- 0.849 -0.347 UJ t 0.736 -0.425 U +/- 1.03 Technetium-99 Tritium -453 U :t 327 -124 U t 228
  • 179 U t 325 83.4 U +/- 241
  • 238 U t 243 -76.4 U +/- 285 -7.34 U +/- 180 324U+/-282 -15.5 U +/- 269 119 U +/- 267 143 U +/- 307 Notes :

1 = R~gu/oto,y cr#.~ria from NR 140 10, Subchapt~r II R = R~sult is r~j~cud pCi/L = p,coCuries per liter U = detected, number is the laboratory reportmg limit Shadrd ctlls indicarr duplica te analyses fX!rformed.

to LC-2019-0023 Page 28 of 28 Summary of Groundwater Monitoring Sample Results Location MW-2048 MW-2048 s-ple ID MW-2048-021919 MW-2048-061319 Sam""' Dito 02/19'19 6/13/2019 Radiological (pCi/L)

Americium-241 Carbon -14 Cesium-137 2.10 U +/- 2.66 3.48 U +/- 3 .72 Cobalt-60 0.500 U +/- 2.73 0.539 U ! 3.12 Europium-152 -2.56 U +/- 7.38 1.88 U +/- 7.43 Europium-154 -5.91 U +/- 8.07 -2.5 U t 8.04 Europium-155 Gross Alpha Analytes Gross Beta Analytes lron -55 Nickel-59 Nkkel-63 2.07 U +/- 19.8 -8.95 U +/- 16.9 Niobium-94 Plutonium-238 Plutonium-239/240 Plutonfum-241 Strontium-90 0.108 U +/- 0.869 0.338 U :t: 0 .972 Technetium-99 Tritium -317 U +/- 281 -137 U +/- 288 Notes:

l :: Regulatory criteria from NR 140.lD, Subchapcrr II R r Rrsult is rrj<<trd p(i/L :: picoCurirs ~' l1tr, U

  • drtrctrd, numbrr is thr laboratory reporting limit Shaftd cft/s indicatr dupllcotr analysrs ~rformttJ.