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Program for Groundwater Monitoring
Person / Time
Site: Byron  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/30/1979
Shared Package
ML19207B964 List:
PROC-790830, NUDOCS 7909060251
Download: ML19207B966 (10)


NRC Docket Nos. 50-454 and 50-455

/,.ATTACB1ENT 1 Program for Groundwater Monitoring

.I.Introduction and Scone Cocconwealth Edison Company currently has several groundwater monitoring studies in progress at new station construction sites.Monitoring is done to establish background conditions, and is continued through various phases of site development to determine if construction or operation of the facility affects groundwater quality.

Following an inspection at Byron Station by the Nuclear Regu-latory Co= mission (NRC), specific requests were made by that agency to the Co pany to incorporate changes into its ground-water monitoring programs.

These changes were to establish an" action" guide that would be activated when specific limiting values of the parameters =onitored were exceeded, and to de-velop a data presentation technique to core readily show trends in the pcrameters measured.

.In addition to the requested changes, Environmental Affairs Department is establishing co con criteria for all groundwater monitoring at future sites.

This program will provide uni-form guidelines for all phases of groundwater monitoring.

The program is divided into five areas:

1) well selection;
2) monitored para
eters; 3) length of phases of monitoring program; 4) determinaticn of action levels; and 5) specific action plan.

These areas are detailed in the following sec-tions.II.Well Site Selection and Well Construction Criteria Well sites for monitoring should be selected according to the groundwater hydrology characteristics of the area.

The basic premise is to select representative locations on and/or around

'the construction site.

New wells should be constructed unifor:1'/, in accordance with the following guidelines.

The wells should be at least 4" in diameter, with solid casings, preferably of PVC or similar material.The depth of the wells should be determined by the grcundwater hydrology of the area, with all wells drawing from the same surface acquifer.

Wells should be capped and be easily accessible for onitoring.

Ccnstruction of wells should o . - -v, ,.k. $ NA 7909060 N N


.-2-f , such as to permit sampling by bailing.

Existing wells can be incorporated into the survey if they meet the criteria for new wells.

III.Parameter Selection The following classes of parameters have been selected for monitoring:

A.For Nuclear Station Sites:

Parameter Reason for Selecti 3

'1.Depth *Excavation or operation may affect groundwater level.

2.pH Construction and operating activities might effect changes in this parameter.

.3.Dissolved Solids Shows decrease or increase in groundwater flow and dis-solved parameters.

Sulfuric acid is used in con-4..Sulfate, SO4 struction activities.

5.Boron, B Boron is used in neutron-ab-sorbing materials at stations.

6.011 & Grease Used in station activities

' normally not found in ground-water.B.For Fossil Station Sites:

The same parameters included for nuclear sites, plus the following.

Boron is included due to its presence in com-bustion by-products.

-* Depth should be reported to the nearest inch and be measured from the top of the

-well casing to the water level.

q4 1, -u .n.e t. ,g r ,.J

--?-r..Parameter Reason for Inclusion 1.Sulfite, S02

2. . Arsenic, As*

These parameters are onea re-3.Cadslun, Cd*

quired by the Resource Conser-4.Chrctium, Cr*

vation and Recovery Act for 5.Lead, Pb*combustien by-product disposal 6.Selenium, Se*

sites.* Total Motals.

, C.Site - Specific Those parameters which have some special relevance to a specific construction site er site-related peculiarity, e.g.cyanide (CN) at. Byron.

IV.Lencth of Sannlinz Program Phases Sampling shall begin at least one year prior to the co==ence-ment c' vonstruction activities at the site, and be continued thre eh at least one year of con =ercial station operation.

At t' - and of the sampling period, the =onitoring program will be evaluated to determine if the progra: should be continued.

The frequenc/ cf sa pling shall be monthly during the back-ground and construction phases.

Samples will be collected quarterly after the station begins concercial operation.

, i f*j V.Determinatien of Acticn Plans

, Data collected prior to the contencement of construction shall be used to establish the action levels for each specific para-ceter for each well.

For pH, the action levels shall be either 0.5 pH units greater than the highest observed background value, or 0.5 pH units

,;less than the lowest observed background value.

!.For all other parameters, the action levels shall be 5C%

-greater than the highest observed background value er 50!i less than the Icwest observed background value.

m e.'.u . a Ot-io n VI.Action Plan During the background =cnitoring period (pre-construction), monitoring data . vill be reported by the laboratory performing the analyses to the Environmental Affairs Departmen: (EAD).

At the end of the background pericd, EAD will then determine the action values for each parameter for each well.

The Director of ' dater Cuality will notify the laboratory of the exact action values and of the acticn plan to be followed.

,.Upon the determination that an action value

.'n-been exceeded, the laboratory will notify EAD as soon as possible, reporting the specific well, para =eter and value determined.

The lab-oratory will recample the well within one week after it is determined that an action value has been exceeded and re-analyze for the parameter in question.

EAD will be notified of the date and result of the resampling.

If the resampling does not show the action value to be exceeded, normal sampling will be resumed.

If the resampling reveals that the action value is still ex-ceeded, EAD will notify appropriate on-site personnel, and coordinate and arrange a joint field investigation.

During the period of investigation, weekly samples will be collected from the well in question, and analyzed for the suspect para-meter.Environmental Affairs will be notified of the results of the field investigation.

If the investigation reveals that a specific cause exists for the action value exceedance, then EAD will notify the appropriate Company departments.

If a specific cause of the exceedance cannot be determined, EAD will request the suspension of the investigation, and the re-sumption of normal sampling.

In the event that no cause is discovered, action values will be re-examined to determine if adjustments should be made duo to the naturally occurring variability of groundwater.

Each excursion from the prescribed action values will be documented in the EAD files.

In all probability, most ex-cursions of specificparameters will not be explainable, due to their normally occurring variability; results of ground-water monitoring programs should be viewed with this fact in mind..O e e.e ,-

NRC Docket Nos. 50-454 and 50-455

[t.ATTACHMENT 2 Byron Station Groundwater Monitoring Program

  • I.Introduction

, Groundwater quality has been monitored at several locations in the vicinity of Byron Station since December, 1975.

Monitoring was formerly carried out under two separate sampling programs.

A review of the well locations, physical conditions of the wells, parameters selected and monitoring data collected has been undertaken.

The conclusion has been reached that modifi-cation of the existing program is desirable, based on the need for justification of the parameters measured and on the poor conditions of certain wells.

Therefor.e, in conjunction with

'the recently formulated Program for Groundwater Monitoring (attached) which is to be implemented at future station con-struction sites, the following revised program will be imple-mented..II.Monitoring Wells The following wells shall be monitored:

PC I'PC II Spink Hageman Well #7 (Edison Real Estate Office)

Well #8 (Motosports Park) fil.'.T.C.';'O

.g...Locations are shown on the attached caps.

These wells have

  • been selected according to the criteria set forth in Section II of the Program for Groundwater Monitoring.. , , _III.Parameters to be Monitored The following parameters have been selected for monitoring at all wells, according to Section III of tne Program for Groundwater Monitoring: ,A.For Nuclear Station Sites:

Depth Sulfate pH Boron.Dissolved Solids Oil and Grease

.B.Site Specific:

Due to former cyanide and heavy-metal du= ping in the area prior to the cot =encement of staticn construction activ-ities, the following additional paraceters are included:

Cyanide Lead (total)

Cadmium (total)

Zinc (total)

IV.Action Levels Action levels have been determined for those wells for which

.sufficient monitoring data is available and are listed in Table 1.Due to the changes effective with this revised con-itoring program, sufficient data to determine action levels is not now available for certain parameters for specific wells.In those cases, background data vill be collected for q, o.ei f.e , Q U .*

' ' * *..the required period and action levels determined at the end of the background monitoring phase.

V.Action Plan Operational Analysis Depart =ent will be responsible for the collection and analysis of sa=ples fro the wells selected.

In the event that an action level is exceeded, OAD will notify Environ = ental Affairs Depart =ent and resa=ple the well within one week.

Deter =ination of the cause of the ex-

' cursion will proceed according to the Program for Groundwater Monitoring.

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