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MONTHYEARML0623604652006-05-0909 May 2006 Duke Power Oconee Unit 3R EOC22 ECT Examination Status Report, Enclosure 2 to 05/09/2006 Meeting Summary for Conference Call Spring 2006 Steam Generator Inspection at Oconee, Unit 3 Project stage: Meeting ML0623602172006-05-0909 May 2006 Steam Generator Tube Inspection Discussion Points, Enclosure 1 to 05/09/2006 Meeting Summary for Conference Call Spring 2006 Steam Generator Inspection at Oconee, Unit 3 Project stage: Meeting ML0623404902006-11-28028 November 2006 Meeting Summary, Spring 2006 Steam Generator Inspection Project stage: Meeting 2006-11-28
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Category:Meeting Briefing Package/Handouts
MONTHYEARML24100A8062024-04-0909 April 2024 Duke Energy Sites Annual Assessment Meeting Presentation Slides April 23, 2024 ML22251A2352022-09-14014 September 2022 Presentation Slides for September 14, 2022, Observation Public Meeting ML22130A0102022-04-28028 April 2022 Duke Presentation for April 28, 2022 Public Meeting - Containment Liner ML22130A0092022-04-28028 April 2022 Duke Presentation for April 28, 2022 Public Meeting - Bolting Integrity ML22067A1992022-03-0303 March 2022 Annual Assessment Meeting Presentation ML22063A1142022-01-17017 January 2022 Duke Presentation for Public Meeting on February 17, 2022 ML21235A0452021-08-25025 August 2021 August 25, 2021, Oconee Nuclear Station, Units 1, 2, and 3 Subsequent License Renewal Application Public Environmental Scoping Meeting Presentation ML21102A0632021-04-14014 April 2021 ONS Slides for Pre-Application Meeting to Discuss Proposed Relief Request Related to Code Case N-853 ML21089A1732021-03-30030 March 2021 EOC Slides Final ML21081A1242021-03-22022 March 2021 EOC Slides Final ML20300A0902020-10-27027 October 2020 Subsequent License Renewal Environmental Pre-Application Meeting - NRC Presentation ML20300A0872020-10-27027 October 2020 Subsequent License Renewal Application NRC Environmental Pre-Application Meeting - Duke Energy Presentation ML19318F2912019-11-18018 November 2019 Duke Energy Presentation for the Pre-submittal Meeting on November 18, 2019, Regarding the RPV Stud Examination Relief Request ML19302E0512019-11-0606 November 2019 High Energy Line Break License Amendment Public Meeting ML19214A0562019-08-0707 August 2019 Presentation: Duke Energy Presubmittal Meeting - August 7, 2019 ML19207A0172019-07-30030 July 2019 Summary of Meeting with Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC to Discuss Proposed License Amendment Request for Oconee Nuclear Station, Units 1, 2, and 3 Regarding High Energy Line Break Licensing Basis ML18227B3212018-09-0505 September 2018 Tornado License Amendment Pre-Application Meeting Slides ML18134A2292018-05-14014 May 2018 Summary of April 26, 2018, Public Teleconference with Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC to Discuss Proposed License Amendment and 3 Regarding Technical Specification 3.8.1 ML17258A0122017-09-26026 September 2017 Presentation Slide Regarding Committee to Review Generic Requirements Meeting on Oconee Nuclear Station Cable Separation TIA ML15348A2032015-12-14014 December 2015 Duke Energy Presentation in Support of December 15, 2015, Public Meeting with NRC Staff Cable Testing Discussion for Proposed 50.55a Alternative Request ML15343A1142015-12-0808 December 2015 NRC Questions to Duke Energy Regarding Cable Testing in Support of Public Meeting on 12/15/15 ML15321A1782015-11-17017 November 2015 Presentation Material in Support of November 18, 2015 Pre-Application Meeting Between NRC and Duke 50.55a(z) Alternative to Code and Standards Requirements ML15286A0762015-10-13013 October 2015 Duke Energy Presentation in Support of October 13, 2015, Public Meeting with NRC Staff Pre-Application Meeting for LAR to Support Khu Stator Replacement. (Revised) ML15282A0722015-10-0909 October 2015 Duke Energy Presentation in Support of October 13, 2015, Public Meeting with NRC Staff Pre-Application Meeting for LAR to Support Khu Stator Replacement ML15148A2632015-05-27027 May 2015 Meeting Slides from the May 27, 2015 Oconee Major Projects Between Duke Energy and NRC ML15113A6262015-04-23023 April 2015 April 14, 2015 Summary of Public Meeting on Oconee Nuclear Station, Units 1, 2 and 3 to Discuss the Annual Assessment ML14356A0062014-12-0303 December 2014 Presentation at December 3, 2014, Category 1 Public Meeting with Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC to Discuss NTTF Recommendation 2.1, Flooding Response ML14211A2162014-07-31031 July 2014 NRC Meeting Slides 7-31-14 Reg Conference ML14211A2132014-07-31031 July 2014 Duke Energy Presentation for 2014-07-31 Meeting ML14147A3652014-05-27027 May 2014 Annual Assessment Public Meeting Summary Memo ML14058A0772014-02-0404 February 2014 Slides on Oconee Ssf Flood Barrier Breach SDP Lessons Learned ML14058A0742014-02-0404 February 2014 Slides on Oconee Ssf Flood Barrier Breach SDP - Lessons Learned ML14058A0482014-02-0404 February 2014 NRR Briefing on Oconee Flood Protection (Nrr/Dra) ML13336A5452013-11-13013 November 2013 Presentation Slides from Meeting with Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC, Oconee Nuclear Station Units 1, 2, and 3, Keowee Hydro Unit Generator Field Pole Rewind Project - License Amendment Request ML13312A9882013-11-0808 November 2013 Summary of Public Meeting with Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC, to Provide Opportunities to Discuss the Planned Fukushima-Related Modifications ML13308A0072013-11-0101 November 2013 Open Phase Resolution Update Meeting Duke Energy Entitled Open Phase Detection and Protection. ML13275A2692013-10-0303 October 2013 10/3/13 Presentation Slides from Meeting with Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC, Oconee Nuclear Station Units 1, 2, and 3, Protected Service Water Alternate Cooling ML13275A2252013-09-24024 September 2013 9/24/13 Meeting Slides from Meeting with Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC, Oconee Nuclear Station Units 1, 2, and 3, Jocassee Dam Seismic Analysis ML13239A3372013-08-27027 August 2013 NRC Meeting Slides, Oconee Major Project Meeting - August 28, 2013 ML13239A3402013-08-27027 August 2013 Presentation for NRC Projects ML13099A4472013-04-10010 April 2013 Slides from Meeting with Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC, Oconee Nuclear Station Units 1, 2, and 3, Milestones for Corrective Actions for an Apparent Violation of a License Condition on Fire Protection ML13095A2132013-04-0909 April 2013 Slides from Meeting with Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC, Oconee Nuclear Station Units 1, 2, and 3, External Flood Reevaluation ML13123A2042013-03-25025 March 2013 Slides from Meeting with Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC, Oconee Nuclear Station Units 1, 2, and 3, Concerning the Flooding Hazard Reevaluation Report ML13064A1022013-03-0505 March 2013 Slides from Predecisional Enforcement Conference with Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC, Oconee Nuclear Station Units 1, 2, and 3, Apparent Violation of a License Condition on Fire Protection ML13056A1042013-02-0606 February 2013 Briefing Slides on the Fliod Scenario Rupture of Jocassee Dam ML13056A1032013-02-0606 February 2013 Briefing on Draft Information Notice - Potential Nonconservative Screening Value for Dam Failure Frequency in Probabilistic Risk Assessments. ML13052A7822013-02-0606 February 2013 Slides on Oconee Ssf Flood Barrier Breach SDP - Lessons Learned ML13056A0992013-02-0606 February 2013 Meeting Slides on Oconee Ssf Flood Barrier Breach Sdsp - Lessons Learned ML13056A1022013-02-0606 February 2013 Meeting Slides on Oconee Flood Issue Jocassee Dam Failure Frequency ML13035A2332013-01-30030 January 2013 Projects Meeting - Licensee'S Public Meeting Slides 2024-04-09
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NRC Conference Call (5/9/06)
Steam Generator Tube Inspection Discussion Points Oconee Nuclear Station, Unit 3
- The steam generators are of the once-through design type and were manufactured by Babcock & Wilcox - Canada
- The tubing is thermally treated Alloy 690
- The SG has 15 support plates, the support plates are made of 410 SS, the support openings are of the trifoil broach design, with the exception of some drilled openings at the 14 th TSP
- The tubes are hydraulically expanded into the tubesheet to a depth of 13 inches
- Widespread tube wear was discovered during the first inspection on the Oconee Unit 1 replacement steam generators; similar but less widespread wear was observed on Unit 2; similar wear was expected on Unit 3 because of the similarity in steam generator design and operating characteristics between units NRC Generic Questions
- 1. Discuss any trends in the amount of primary-to-secondary leakage observed during the recently completed operating cycle.
There has been no primary-to-secondary leakage during the recently completed operating cycle. 2. Discuss whether any secondary side pressure tests were performed during the outage and the associated results.
No secondary side pressure tests have been performed. None are planned.
- 3. Discuss any exceptions taken to the industry guidelines.
No exceptions have been taken to the EPRI PWR Steam Generator Examination Guidelines.
- 4. For each steam generator, provide a description of the inspections performed including the areas examined, the probes used, and the expansion criteria. Also, discuss the extent of rotating probe inspections performed in the portion of the tube below the expansion transition region.
A full length inspection is being performed on all in-service tubing in both steam generators using combination x-probes. Indications identified by bobbin are being further characterized with an array probe. No rotating coil inspections are being performed.
Enclosure 1
- 5. For each area examined, provide a summary of the number of indications found to date for each degradation mode. For the most significant indications in each area, provide an estimate of the severity of the indication. In particular, address whether tube integrity was maintained during the previous operating cycle. In addition, discuss whether any location exhibited degradation mode that had not previously been observed at this location in this unit. Wear is the only degradation that has been observed to date during this inspection. This is the first in-service inspection on this unit, so this degradation mode has not been previously observed on these steam generators. However, similar wear was identified during the Unit 1 and 2 inspections in April and October, 2005, respectively.
SG A - The inspection on the 3A steam generator is 88% complete. See Attachment A for a summary of results and comparison to Unit 1 and 2.
SG B - The inspection on the 3B steam generator is 72% complete. See Attachment A for a summary of results and comparison to Unit 1 and 2.
None of the wear indications approach tube integrity limits.
- 6. Describe repair/plugging plans.
Determination of tube repair criteria is underway. Tentatively, no tubes have been identified for plugging.
- 7. Describe in-situ pressure test and tube pull plans and results.
No in-situ pressure testing or tube pulls are planned.
- 8. Provide the schedule for steam generator related activities during the remainder of the current outage.
SG A Schedule
- complete eddy current testing (Wednesday)
- perform tube plugging and stabilization if required (Thursday-Friday)
- perform secondary side visual inspection at 9th - 11th TSP locations (Friday-Saturday)
- install instrumented inspection port covers (Sunday-Monday)
SG B Schedule
- complete eddy current testing (Wednesday)
- perform tube plugging and stabilization if needed (Thursday-Friday)
- 9. Discuss the following regarding loose parts: What inspections are performed to detect loose parts, a description of loose parts identified and their location within the steam generator, if loose parts were removed, tube damage associated with loose parts, and the source or nature of the loose parts.
No indications of loose parts have been identified via eddy current.
- 10. For OTSGs, if you have Babcock& Wilcox welded plugs installed in the steam generators, discuss the actions taken in response to Framatome's notification of the effect of tubesheet hole dilation on the service life of the welded plugs.
Not applicable. No plugs are installed in the Unit 3 steam generators.
- 11. For OTSGs, discuss any actions taken in response to the severed tube issue during the outage (reference NRC IN 2002-02).
No actions taken. This problem is not applicable to the Oconee replacement steam generators.
Attachment A Unit 3 EOC 22 Unit 2 EOC 21 Unit 1 EOC 22 3A SG
- 2A SG 2B SG 1A SG 1B SG # of wear indications 1852 717 627 902 2439 1769 # of tubes with indications 1477 567 495 698 1798 1450 % tubes with indications 10.7% 4.4% 3.2% 4.5% 11.5% 9.3% Maximum wear depth 23% 26% 22% 32% 42% 42% Average wear depth 7.4% 7.6% 8.0% 8.4% 10.0% 9.7% EFPY 1.27 1.27 1.31 1.31 1.24 1.24 Average depth per EFPY 5.8% 6.0% 6.1% 6.4% 8.0% 7.8% # indications > 40% TW 0 0 0 0 3 2 # indications > 30% TW 0 0 0 2 20 16 # indications > 20% TW 2 1 3 8 88 85 # tubes plugged 0 ** 0 ** 0 3 30 18
- Unit 3 data is based on 88% inspection completion on 3A SG and 82% inspection completion on 3B SG ** Projected number of tubes to be plugged