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Draft - Section B Operating Exam (Folder 2)
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 12/11/2006
Entergy Nuclear Operations
To: Johnson G
Operations Branch I
Sykes, Marvin D.
Shared Package
ML060800104 List:
NUREG-1021, Rev 9
Download: ML070610469 (101)


ES-301 Control Room/ln-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-30 1 -2 P Facility:

PNPS Date of Examination:

2 -26.07 Exam Level (circle one): RO / SRO(I) I SRO (U) Operating Test No.: 2007 NRC Control Room Systems@

(8 for RO; 7 for SRO-I; 2 or 3 for SRO-U, including 1 ESF) Type Code* Safety Function System I JPM Title S-I 201 003 Control Rod and Drive Mechanism M, A, L, s I S-2 217000 Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System M, A, S 2 Withdraw control rods during a reactor startup Inject to RPV with RCIC Transfer Bus A5 to UAT from EDG S-3 262001 A.C. Electrical Distribution D, s 6 S-4 206000 High Pressure Coolant Injection System N, A, s 4 Operate HPCI for pressure Control Recover RBCCW Loop B with an elevated Drywell Temperature S-5 400000 Component Cooling Water System M, A, S 8 S-6 239001 Main and Reheat Steam System Reopen MSlVs following an MSlV Closure I NTS 13 19 S-7 288000 Plant Ventilation Systems Resettina an isolation

~~ 5-8 2 12000 Reactor Protection System

@ All RO and SRO-I control room (and in-plant) systems must be different and serve different safety functions; all 5 SRO-U systems must serve different safety functions; in-plant systems and Criteria for RO I SRO-I / SRO-U [D)irect from bank s9/58/54 2 1/21 /r 1 2 1 />I 12 1 22/22/21 I 3 /I 3 15 2 (randomly selected) (E)rnergency or abnormal in-plant :L)ow-Power

/ Shutdown :N)ew or (M)odified from bank including I (A) :P)revious 2 exams NUREG-I 021, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Worksheet Form ES-C-1 Facility:

l../ ~ PILGRIM Task No.: 200-05-01-014 Task Title: Reactor Scram and From Outside JPM No.: 2007 NRC JPM the Control Room ROISRO PI KIA


AA1.01 3.8 13.9 MI .06 4.0 14.1 NRC Examiner:

Date: Examinee: Facility Evaluator:

Method of testinq: Simulated Performance:

X Actual Performance:

Classroom Simulator Plant X READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

'c- Initial Conditions:

The plant was operating at 50% power. The main control room has been evacuated due to a fire, a scram will be performed from outside the control room, and RFPs 'A' and 'C' must be tripped.

Task Standard: A reactor scram from outside of the control room shall be completed without causing inadvertent actuations. The scram and RFP trips shall be accomplished in accordance with all system precautions and limitations.

PNPS 2.4.143 shall be followed without failure of any critical elements. Required Materials:

"S" key for panel C-511 (CR-50) General


Procedure 2.4.143, Revision 36 Initiating Cue: Scram the reactor and trip reactor feed pumps 'A' and 'C' from outside the control room using procedure 2.4.143. Inform me when you have completed the task. Time Critical Task: NO Validation Time: 15 minutes ~L-,' 2007 NRC JPM ROISRO PI NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet SIMULATOR SETUP NIA 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO PI NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 3 of 6 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark) Li START TIME: Performance Step: I Standard:

Review the applicable sections of the procedure.

Operator reviews the applicable section of the procedure.

Evaluator's Note: Evaluator's Note: This task is covered in 2.4.143 Section 4.[IO](a), (b), and (c). All manipulations are performed from the RPS panel located on the West wall of the RPS MG set room and at 4160V AC bus 1 and bus 2. All critical steps must be performed in order unless otherwise noted. Eva1 uator's Note: Comment: .\ ' L,' Performance Step: 2 Standard:

Evaluator's Note: 4 Standard:

Evaluator's Cue: 4 Standard:

Evaluator's Cue: Comment: -- 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO PI SCRAM the Reactor by opening the following breakers on RPS power panel C511 (23' RPS MG Room): 0 Operator locates, unlocks and opens panel C511. Panel C511 is open. Operator locates PRNM Bus A, Bkr A4 on RPS power panel C511 and pushes the handle down to the OFF position.

"APRM-Bus A, Breaker A4 has snapped into the OFF position ." Operator locates PRNM -Bus B, Bkr B4 on RPS power panel C511 and pushes the handle down to the OFF position.

"APRM-Bus B, Breaker B4 has snapped into the OFF posit ion ." APRM Bus A, Bkr A4 (red)

APRM Bus B, Bkr B4 (red) NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 4 of 6 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION

.. ' -..---- Performance Step: 3 CLOSE the APRM breakers on RPS Power Panel C51 I : 0 0 APRM-Bus A, Bkr A4 (red) APRM-Bus B, Bkr B4 (red) Standard: Operator locates PRNM-Bus A, Bkr A4 on RPS power panel C511 and pushes the handle up to the ON position.

Evaluator's Cue: "APRM-Bus A, Breaker A4 has snapped into the ON position."

Standard: Operator locates APRM-Bus B, Bkr B4 on RPS power panel C511 and pushes the handle up to the ON position.

Evaluator's Cue: Standard: "APRM-Bus B, Breaker B4 has snapped into the ON position ." Operator reports that scramming the reactor is completed.

Comment: Performance Step: 4 TRIP the Reactor Feed Pumps at their 4160 VAC breakers:

RFPA-Bkr152-101, BusAI. 0 RFP C - Bkr 152 - 102, Bus AI -b-. .I Standard:

.( Standard: Operator locates breaker 152-701 on bus AI and locally trips the breaker. Operator locates breaker 152-1 02 at bus AI and locally trips the breaker. Comment: Terminating Cue: This JPM is complete. STOP TIME:


"=xi- 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO PI NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 5 of 6 Form ES-C-1 VERI F I CAT1 0 N 0 F COM P LET1 0 N Job Performance Measure No.:

2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO PI ii Examinee's Name: Date Performed: Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts: Time to Complete: Question Documentation:

Question: .I --- Response:

Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature: Date:

\--.-./ 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO PI NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 6 of 6 JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 IN IT1 AL CONDITIONS:

The plant was operating at 50% power. The main control room has been evacuated due to a fire, a scram will be performed from outside the control room, and RFPs 'A and 'C' must be tripped. .-L.-/' INITIATING CUE: Scram the reactor and trip reactor feed pumps 'A and 'C' from outside the control room using procedure 2.4.143. Inform me when you have completed the task.

2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO PI NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Worksheet Form ES-C-I Faci I i ty : PILGRIM '4 Task Title:

Task No.: 200-05-04-077 Defeat MSlV Isolation Siqnals JPM No.: 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO P2 KIA


223002 K4.08 3.3 13.7 Examinee:

NRC Examiner:

Facility Eva1 uator: Date: Method of testins: Simulated Performance: X Actual Performance:

Classroom Simulator Plant X READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

.-' Initial Conditions:

0 Containment flooding is in progress.

0 The MSIV's need to be opened to establish a vent path, but there are MSlV isolation signals present.

To open the MSIV's, all isolation signals must be bypassed.

0 Task Standard:

MSlV isolation interlocks bypassed with jumpers installed in proper locations in control room panels C915 and C917, and the MSlV isolation signal reset in accordance with Attachment 14 of procedure 5.3.21. The procedure shall be followed without failure of any critical elements. Required Materials:

0 Key CR-X 0 Four (4) Jumpers General


Procedure 5.3.21, Revision 25 Initiating Cue: You are to bypass the MSlV isolation signals IAW Att. 14 of procedure 5.3.21. Inform me when I can have the C905 operator reset the Group I isolation. 2007 NRC JPM ROISRO P2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 ij Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-I Worksheet Time Critical Task: NO Validation Time: 15 minutes 2007 NRC JPM ROlSRO P2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet SIMULATOR SETUP N/A 2007 NRC JPM ROBRO P2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 4 of 12 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION

~~ (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark) .Ll' START TIME: Performance Step: I Evaluator's Note: Evaluator's Note: Review applicable section of the procedure.

All jumpers are installed in control room panels C915 and C917. All critical steps must be performed in order written unless otherwise noted. Operator reviews the applicable sections of the procedure. Applicable sections of the procedure have been reviewed.


Comment: Performance Step: 2 OBTAIN permission form the SM before placing jumpers or lifting leads. Operator obtains permission from NEW to install jumpers per 5.3.21, Attachment

14. Standard:

Evaluator's Cue: Comment: Permission obtained. (As SM) "You have permission to defeat the MSlV isolation signals."

2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO P2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 5 of 12 Form ES-C-I PERFORMANCE INFORMATION

',i Performance Step: 3 OBTAIN the tool kit for jumpers and lifted leads from the SM's office (key CR-X). Operator obtains key from SM's office. .I Standard:

Evaluator's Note: .\, Standard:

Evaluator's Note: Evaluator's Cue: Key in operator's possession.

The Evaluator may check out the key prior to the performance of this JPM and provide it to the Operator when the correct key is identified in the procedure. Operator obtains correct bag of jumpers from tool box. Correct bag of jumpers identified.

Once the box is opened and the correct jumpers are identified, recluse and lock box. "You have the jumpers."

Comment: Performance Step: 4 Evaluator's Note: PLACE jumpers OR LIFT leads of locations identified on specific Attachment for the interlock or isolation signal to be bypassed.

Since this part of the procedure is in a "chart form", the sequence of installing the jumpers can be accomplished in any order since it is not specified.

.---.--, Standard:

Comment: Operator refers to Attachment

14. 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO P2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 6 of 12 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-1 l/-' Performance Step: 5 Standard:

Standard: Evaluator's Cue:

.( Standard: Evaluator's Cue:


Evaluator's Cue: .--' Comment: ,. ~, --- 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO P2 Place a jumper from location EE-3 to EE-4 at Main control Room panel C917. Operator identifies jumper locations EE-3 and EE-4 at panel C917. Jumper locations EE-3 and EE-4 at panel C917 correctly identified. Operator requests second verifier concurrence with location.

Second verification requested.

"I agree that is the proper location."

Operator places jumper at location EE-3 to EE-4. Jumper installed at location EE-3 to EE-4. "The jumper is installed."

Operator requests second individual to concur with locations identification.

Second individual is requested to verify location.

"I concur that the jumper is installed at location EE-3 to EE-4". NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 7 of 12 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION

~d* Performance Step: 6 Place a jumper form location DD-22 to DD-23 at Main Control Room panel C915. Operator identifies jumper locations DD-22 and DD-23 at panel C915. Standard: Jumper locations DD-22 and DD-23 at panel C915 correctly identified.

Operator requests second verifier concurrence with location.


Second verification requested.

Evaluator's Cue: "I agree that is the proper location."

Operator places jumper at location DD-22 to DD-23. 4 Standard:

Jumper installed at location DD-22 to DD-23. Operator requests second individual to concur with locations identification.

Second individual is requested to verify location.

"I concur that the jumper is installed at location DD-22 to Standard:

Evaluator's Cue: DD-23. Comment: ..d' -L/' 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO P2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 8 of 12 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-1 l--.,-, Performance Step: 7 Place a jumper from location AA-3 to AA-4 at Main Control Room panel C917. Operator identifies jumper locations AA-3 and AA-4 at panel C917. Standard:


Eva1 u at or's Cue: 4 Standard:

Evaluator's Cue: Standard:

Evaluator's Cue: Jumper locations AA-3 and AA-4 at panel C917 correctly identified. Operator requests second verifier concurrence with location.

Second verification requested.

"I agree that is the proper location."

Operator places jumper at location AA-3 to AA-4. Jumper installed at location AA-3 to AA-4. "The jumper is installed."

Operator requests second individual to concur with locations identification.

Second individual is requested to verify location.

"I concur that the jumper is installed at location AA-3 to AA-4." .- d' Comment: 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO P2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 9 of 12 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-1

'-e' Performance Step:

8 Standard:


Evaluator's Cue: 4 Standard:

Eva1 u at or's Cue: Standard:

Eva1 u ator's Cue: Place a jumper from location BB-22 to BB-23 at Main Control Room panel C915. Operator identifies jumper locations BB-22 and BB-23 at panel C917. Jumper locations BB-22 and BB-23 at panel C915 correctly identified. Operator requests second verifier concurrence with location.

Second verification requested.

"I agree that is the proper location." Operator places jumper at location BB-22 to BB-23. Jumper installed at location BB-22 to BB-23. "The jumper is installed." Operator requests second individual to concur with locations identification.

Second individual requested to verify location.

"I concur that the jumper is installed at location BB-22 to BB-23." '. i \Wr Comment: I Performance Step: 9 Standard:

Inform the supervisor that the GP 1 isolation logic can be reset. Operator informs supervisor that the GP 1 logic can be reset.

Comment: .. . -' 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO P2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 10 of 12 Form ES-C-I PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: IO Evaluator's Note: TAG the jumper or lifted lead to identify the terminals to which it applies. The tags may be placed on the jumpers in any order and at any time during the conduct of this JPM since it is not specified in the procedure. Operator tags the EE-3 to EE-4 jumper in panel C917. ----- St and a rd : Evaluator's Cue: Standard:

Evaluator's Cue: Standard:

Evaluator's Cue: Standard:

Evaluator's Cue: Comment: Terminating Cue: Tag has been simulated filled out and jumper to be tagged has been identified. "The EE-3 to EE-4 jumper is tagged." Operator tags the DD-22 to DD-23 jumper in panel C915.

Tag has been simulated filled out and jumper to be tagged has been identified.

"The DD-22 to DD-23 jumper is tagged." Operator tags the AA-3 to AA-4 jumper in panel C917. Tag as been simulated filled out and jumper to be tagged has been identified.

Operator tags the AA-32 to AA-4 jumper is tagged"" Operator tags the BB-22 to BB-23 jumper in panel C915. Tag has been simulated filled out and jumper to be tagged has been identified.

"The BB-22 to BB-23 jumper is tagged.

This JPM is complete.

STOP TIME: TIME CRITICAL STOP TIME: 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO P2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 11 of 12 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No.: 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO P2 Examinee's Name: Date Performed: Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete: Question Documentation:


., --- Response:

Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature

Date: 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO P2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 12 of I2 Form ES-C-I JPM CUE SHEET INITIAL CONDITIONS:

0 Containment flooding is in progress.

Ll The MSIV's need to be opened to establish a vent path, but there are MSIV isolation signals present. To open the MSIV's, all isolation signals must be bypassed.

0 INITIATING CUE: 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO P2 You are to bypass the MSIV isolation signals IAW Att. 14 of procedure 5.3.21. Inform me when I can have the C905 operator reset the Group I isolation. NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility:

PI LGRl M Task No.: 201-01-04-012 .W' Task Title: Shift CRD Flow control Valves JPM No.: 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO P3 WA


A2.07 3.2 13.1 Examinee:

NRC Examiner: Facility Evaluator:

Date: Method of testinq: Simulated Performance:

X Actual Performance: Classroom Simulator Plant X READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

., =*--' Initial Conditions:

0 The reactor is operating at power.

0 The in-service CRD Flow Control Valve, FCV-302-6A has failed CLOSED. Task Standard:

The "B" CRD Flow Control Valve will be placed into service in accordance with procedure 2.2.87. The valve shall be placed in service without causing inadvertent actuations, in accordance with all system precautions and limitations and without failure of any critical elements. Required Materials:

NONE General


PNPS 2.2.87, Revision 114 Initiating Cue: You are to changeover to the "B" CRD Flow control Valve in accordance with 2.2.87. Inform me when the task is complete.

Time Critical Task: NO Validation Time: 12 minutes ..../' 2007 NRC JPM ROISRO P3 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-I Worksheet N/A 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO P3 SIMULATOR SETUP NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 3 of 7 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-1

'4 (Denofe Critical Steps with a check mark) START TIME: Notes: This task is covered in 2.2.87, Section 7.7.5, Steps 1 - 9. All controls are located on the Reactor Building CRD mezzanine. HEARING PROTECTION IS REQUIRED.

All critical steps must be performed in order written unless otherwise noted. Changeover of Flow control Valves ESTABLISH communications between Control Room and the master control station.

Verifies communications between Control Room and the master control station. Performance Step: 1 Standard:

Comment: .\-, Performance Step: 2 Standard:

Eva1 uator Cue: Comment: At Panel C905, PLACE FIC-340-1, CRD FLOW CONTROL, setpoint to 0 GPM (controller may be left on automatic).

Contacts control room, requests FIC-340-1, CRD FLOW CONTROL, setpoint set to 0 GPM. FIC-340-1, CRD FLOW CONTROL, setpoint is 0 GPM Performance Step: 3 SLOWLY OPEN 301-40A (B), Standby Flow control Valve (A or B) Inlet Valve. Opens 301-40B, Standby Flow control Valve B Inlet Valve. I/ Standard:

Comment: 'd' 2007 NRC JPM ROlSRO P3 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C

~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ Page 4 of 7 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-1

'4 Performance Step: 4 SLOWLY OPENS 301-41A (B), Outlet Valve from standby Flow control Valve. Opens 301-41 B, Outlet Valve from standby Flow control Valve. 4 Standard:

Comment: Performance Step: 5 Standard: CLOSE 301-4A (B), Outlet Valve from in-service Flow control Valve. Closes 301-4A, Outlet Valve from in-service Flow control Valve.

Comment: Performance Step: 6 CLOSE 301-40A (B), Inlet Valve for the previously in-service Flow control Va Ive. 'L/' Standard: Closes 301-40A, Inlet Valve for the previously in-service Flow control Valve. Comment: Performance Step:

7 On local valve control panel, SWAP Selector Switch 3B-S1, for electrical signal to EIP unit, from valve IN-SERVICE to STANDBY valve position.

4 Standard:

Comment: *i' 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO P3 Swaps Selector Switch 3B-S1, for electrical signal to E/P unit, from valve IN-SERVICE to STANDBY valve position.

NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 5 of 7 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-1 *-L-/ Performance Step: 8 SWAP valve 3-H0-301-29, CRD Air Diversion Valve to Selected Flow Control Valve, from valve IN-SERVICE position to that of STANDBY valve (FCV-302-6A, Position 1 ; FCV-302-6B, Position 2). Swaps valve 3-HO-301-29, CRD Air Diversion Valve to Selected Flow Control Valve, from valve IN-SERVICE position to that of STANDBY valve FCV-302-6B, Position 2. 4 Standard:

Comment: Performance Step:

9 Standard:

NOTIFY Control Room that flow control valves have been "swapped over" locally. Notifies control Room that flow control valves have been swapped over locally. Comment: w Terminating Cue: This JPM is complete.


br ' 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO P3 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 6 of 7 VE R 1 F I CAT1 0 N 0 F C 0 M P L ET1 0 N Form ES-C-1 Job Performance Measure No.: 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO P3 Examinee's Name: Date Performed: Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete: Question Documentation:



Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature:

Date: I 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO P3 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 7 of 7 JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-I IN IT1 AL CONDITIONS:

INITIATING CUE: 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO P3 0 0 The reactor is operating at power. The in-service CRD Flow Control Valve, FCV-302-6A has failed CLOSED. You are to changeover to the "B" CRD Flow control Valve in accordance with 2.2.87. Inform me when the task is complete.

NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility: PILGRIM Task No. : 20 1-04-0 1 -003 +W' Task Title: Withdraw Control Rods Durinq a JPM No.: 2007 NRC JPM Reactor Startup RO/SRO S-I K/A


A2.01 3.4 / 3.6 Examinee: Facility Evaluator:

NRC Examiner:

Date: Method of testinq: Simulated Performance:

Actual Performance:

X Classroom Simulator X Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

L-' Initial Conditions: Task Standard:

Required Materials: General


Initiating Cue: The plant is starting up following a forced outage. The reactor is slightly subcritical. The operator is required to continue the reactor startup withdrawing control rods and performing CRDM coupling checks. While withdrawing control rods, a control rod will become stuck requiring the operator to take appropriate actions (Faulted).

The reactor startup shall continue without causing inadvertent actuations.

The reactor startup shall be accomplished in accordance with all system precautions and limitations.

The station startup procedures shall be followed without failure of any critical tasks. 0 Current revision of pull sheets filled in up to current rod pull step. Watercolor pen for marking pull sheets. Continue reactor startup in accordance with procedure 2.1.4. Notch override may be used at your discretion. . Coupling checks are required.

2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S-I NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet

.. Time Critical Task: NO '-' Validation Time: 20 minutes 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S-I NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Worksheet Form ES-C-I SIMULATOR SETUP A reactor startup sequence has commenced.

The reactor is slightly subcritical in the middle of life. The IC utilized should provide flexibility in control rod movements. The SRM recorder and the IRM recorders are selected to fast speed. Insert malfunction RD-09, Stuck Rod, on control rod 34-23. When initial conditions are established, freeze the simulator for turnover to the operator.

2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S-I NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 4 of IO PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-1 -u' (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark)

START TIME: Performance Step: I Evaluator's Note: Standard:

Evaluator's Note: Standard:

Evaluator's Note: Comment: 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S-1 Review the applicable sections of Procedure 2.1.4. All critical steps must be performed in order unless otherwise noted. Operator reviews the applicable sections of Procedure 2.1.4. This task is covered by PNPS 2.1.4, Section 7. Provide operator with a copy of PNPS 2.1.4, completed through step 7.0[4]. Operator compares pull sheet to rod position indication and current control rod selection.

This information is provided by the pull sheet, Form RE.12. NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 5 of 10 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-1 Performance Step: 2 Evaluator's Note: .I Standard:

Evaluator's Note: .I Standard:

.( Standard:


Comment: 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S-I Withdraw Control Rods in the sequence specified on Form RE 12. Steps 2.a-2.d are to be evaluated "SAT" after being correctly applied to all control rod movements.

a. Operator determines correct control rod selection from the control rod sequence pull sheet (Form RE 12). Nuclear instrument discernable response checks are NOT required, b. Operator selects the correct control rod by depressing the ROD SELECT MATRIX pushbutton on control room panel C-905 horizontal section.
c. Operator rotates the ROD MOVEMENT CONTROL switch clockwise to the OUT NOTCH position on control room panel (2-905 horizontal section. d. Operator periodically observes the SOURCE RANGE MONITOR PERIOD and SOURCE RANGE MONITOR LEVEL meter/recorder indications on control room panel C-905 vertical section. NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 6 of 10 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-I .-' Performance Step: 3 When each rod reaches position 48 (Full Out), THEN MAKE a coupling check as follows: 0 ATTEMPT TO NOTCH the rod out from position 48 OR CONTINUOUSLY WITHDRAW the rod until it stalls at position 48. IF the position indicator extinguishes AND annunciator "ROD OVERTRAVEL" (C905L-B3) annunciates, THEN STOP withdrawals AND REFER to PNPS 2.4. I 1, "Control Rod Positioning Malfunctions".

DOCUMENT the coupling checks on Form RE.12. 0 Operator recognizes control rod at OR approaching position 48. Bulleted steps are to be evaluated "SAT" after being correctly applied to all control rod movements.

Standard: Evaluator's Note: .I Standard:


Operator attempts to notch control rod out from position 48 OR continuously withdraws control rod approaching position 48. Operator monitors control rod position on control room panel C-905 vertical section and annunciator ROD OVERTRAVEL on panel C-905. Standard:

Operator documents coupling checks on Form RE 12. -.../= .I Standard: Operator identifies control rod 34-23 is stuck. Refers to PNPS 2.4.1 1 .I, CRD System Malfunctions. Evaluator's Note: Provide copy of PNPS 2.4.1 1.1. Comment: 2007 NRC JPM ROlSRO S-I NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 7 of 10 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-I 'd Performance Step:

4 Standard:

1. Y-J. Evaluator's Note: Standard:

4 Standard:

4 Standard:


Standard: Evaluator's Note:

Reference PNPS 2.4.1 1.1, Attachment

1. 0 ATTEMPT TO MOVE Control Rod one notch in the direction specified by the procedure in use when the degraded rod motion was identified. ATTEMPT to determine the condition of the drive by observing the drive water flow for normal indications.

If drive motion is assumed to be degraded due to excessive friction, THEN PERFORM the following:

0 INCREASE drive water pressure in approximately 50 psi increments attempting to move the drive (IAW PNPS 2.2.88) after each increment.

IF the drive is successfully moved prior to or upon reaching 600 psid drive water pressure, THEN RETURN drive water pressure to approximately 250 psid AND go to step 7. 0 0 0 0 DOCUMENT the control rod motion discrepancy by initiating a Control Rod Deficiency Report IAW PNPS 2.2.87 Attachment

11. Operator attempts to withdraw control rod 34-23 one notch. IF operator attempts to notify Reactor Engineering, state:

"Reactor Engineering has been notified and has instructed you to attempt to move the control rod.

Operator observes drive water flow. Operator increases drive water pressure in approximately 50 psid increments and attempts to withdraw control rod 34-23 after each drive water pressure adjustment. Operator observes rod 34-23 is successfully moved prior to reaching 600 psid drive water pressure. Operator returns drive water pressure to approximately 250 psid. Operator documents control rod motion discrepancy IAW PNPS 2.2.87 Attachment

11. Operator may request that CRS document control rod motion discrepancy.

Comment: 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S-I NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 8 of IO Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: 5 Evaluator's Note: .I Standard:

Eva1 u at or's Note: 4 Standard:

.( Standard:


Comment: Terminating Cue: WITHDRAW Control Rods in the sequence specified on Form RE 12. Steps 5.a-5.d are to be evaluated "SAT" after being correctly applied to all control rod movements.

a. Operator determines correct control rod selection from the control rod sequence pull sheet (Form RE 12). Nuclear instrument discernable response checks are NOT required.
b. Operator selects the correct control rod by depressing the ROD SELECT MATRIX pushbutton on control room panel C-905 horizontal section. c. Operator rotates the ROD MOVEMENT CONTROL switch clockwise to the OUT NOTCH position on control room panel C-905 horizontal section. d. Operator periodically observes the SOURCE RANGE MONITOR PERIOD and SOURCE RANGE MONITOR LEVEL meterlrecorder indications on control room panel C-905 vertical section. JPM is complete when normal control rod withdrawal is resumed and control rod 34-23 is fully withdrawn.


~'LJ Job Performance Measure No.: 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S-I Examinee's Name: Date Performed: Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete: Question Documentation:


., L -e Response:

Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature: Date:

2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S-1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C ~~ ~ ~ Page 10 of 10 JPM CUE SHEET ~~ Form ES-C-1 INITIAL CONDITIONS: The plant is starting up following a forced outage. The reactor is slightly subcritical.

The operator is required to continue the reactor startup withdrawing control rods and performing checks.

While withdrawing control rods a control rod will become stuck requiring the operator to take appropriate actions (Faulted). .e INITIATING CUE: 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S-I Continue reactor startup in accordance with procedure 2.1.4. Notch override may be used at your discretion. Coupling checks are required.

NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility:

  • Ll' ~~ ~ PILGRIM Task No.: Task Title:

Operation Of RClC To lniect To The JPM No.: 2007 NRC JPM - RPV RO/SRO S-2 WA


A2.01 3.8 13.7 A3.01 3.5 / 3.5 Examinee: NRC Examiner: Facility Evaluator:

Date: Method of testinq: Simulated Performance:

Actual Performance:

X Classroom Simulator X Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

-4 Initial Conditions:

The reactor has scrammed.

All the Reactor Feed pumps and HPCl are unavailable. Water Level is - 30 inches. EOP-1 is being used to control RPV parameters. Task Standard:

RClC will inject into the vessel with the controller in manual. The procedure should be followed with no failure of critical elements. Required Materials:

NONE General


PNPS 5.3.35, Revision 10 PNPS, Revision 12 Initiating Cue: Inject with RCIC, maintain reactor level

+20 -40. Time Critical Task: NO Validation Time:

8 minutes 2007 NRC JPM ROlSRO S-2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet

'4' SIMULATOR SETUP I. 2. 3. Place HPCl in P-T-L. 4. Initialize simulator to a full power IC. Trip all reactor feed pumps.

Allow level to lower to between -40 and -30 inches. 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S-2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 3 of 7 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION i/ (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark) START TIME: RClC Injection - Manual Push Button Checklist (Reference PNPS Attachment

1) Do not operate RClC System at less than 100 GPM. Momentarily Depress the RClC System Injection Mode push button. Operator depresses the RClC System Injection pushbutton.

Caution: 4 Performance Step: I Standard:

Comment: Performance Step:

2 Verify the MANUAL START SEQUENCE indicating light is ILLUMINATED.

.~ Standard: Operator verifies that light is illuminated.

Comment: .I Performance Step: 3 Verify the following automatic actions occur: 0 MO-1301-61, TURBINE SUPPLY VLV, has OPENED. Standard: Operator determines MO-1401-61 did NOT OPEN. Places control switch to OPEN. Final configuration is FULL OPEN with RED light ON, GREEN light OFF. Evaluator's Cue: Comment: Take actions as required to inject with RCIC. .u' 2007 NRC JPM ROBRO S-2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 4 of 7 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-I ii' Performance Step: 4 MO-1301-49, INJ VLV #2, has OPENED. Standard: Operator verifies MO-1301-49 by observing valve opening. Final configuration is full open with RED light ON, GREEN light OFF. Comment: Performance Step: 5 MO-1301-60, PUMP MIN FLOW VLV, CLOSES when pump discharge flow is greater than or equal to IOOGPM. Standard: Operator verifies MO-1301-60 by observing valve closing. Final configuration is full closed with RED light OFF, GREEN light ON. Evaluator's Note: Comment: Valve will initially OPEN and then go CLOSED after sufficient flow has developed.

-. , \_.- Performance Step: 6 e AO-1301-34 and AO-1301-35, STEAM LINE DRN VLVs, CLOSE. AO-1301-12 and AO-1301-13, BAROMETRIC CONDR DRN VLVs, CLOSE. Standard: Operator verifies drain valve position by observing the RED indicting lights being OFF and the GREEN indicating lights being ON. Comment: 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S-2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

~~ - ~ Appendix C Page 5 of 7 Form ES-C-I PERFORMANCE INFORMATION "d Performance Step: 7 Standard:

Evaluator's Note: P-222, VACUUM PUMP, STARTS.

MO-1301-62, COOLING WTR SUPPLY VLV, OPENS. Operator determines MO-1301-62 valve did NOT OPEN. Places control switches to OPEN. Final configuration is MO-I 301-62 OPEN and vacuum pump running as verified by observing the RED indicting lights being ON and the GREEN indicating lights being OFF. If the operator places the MO-1301-61 control switch to open prior to the initiation signal clearing (30 seconds after depressing the initiation pushbutton), MO-I 301 -62 will open when MO-1301-61 opens. Comment: Performance Step: 8 RClC flow levels OFF and stays at 400 GPM, indicating that FIC- 1340-1, INJECTING FLOW CONTROL, has control of turbine Operator determines that system is coming up to rated flow. %l.J' speed. Standard:

Comment: Performance Step: 9 Operator verifies that reactor water level is rising. Standard:

Comment: Terminating Cue: Operator checks water level and verifies RClC is injecting by observing RClC system flow. This JPM is complete.

,. / STOP TIME: -.---' TIME CRITICAL STOP TIME: 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S-2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 6 of 7 Form ES-C-I VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No.: 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S-2 \4 Examinee's Name: Date Performed: Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:


.. --/- Response:

Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature: Date: 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S-2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 7 of 7 JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 i,; INITIAL CONDITIONS:

The reactor has scrammed.

All the Reactor Feed pumps and HPCl are unavailable. Water Level is - 30 inches. EOP-1 is being used to control RPV parameters.

INITIATING CUE: Inject with RCIC, maintain reactor level

+20 -40. 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S-2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Worksheet Form ES-C-1 Facility: PILGRIM Task No.: 262-001-04-01 i/ Task Title: Transfer Bus A5 to the UAT From JPM No.: 2007 NRC JPM the Diesel Generator RO/SRO S3 WA


A4.04 3.7 13.7 Examinee: NRC Examiner: Facility Evaluator:

Date: Method of testing: Simulated Performance: Actual Performance:

X Classroom Simulator X Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

.. =.-.--* Initial Conditions:

A degraded grid voltage condition requiring placing A5 and A6 on their associated diesels 20 minutes ago. The condition has since been cleared and A6 has been returned to the UAT. The '6' EDG has been secured. Task Standard:

Bus A5 is being carried by the UAT with the "A EDG output breaker open. The transfer shall be accomplished in accordance with all applicable system precautions and limitations. The procedure shall be followed without failure of any critical elements. Required Materials:

0 Syncro Switch Control Handle a Key for "A EDG "NORMALTTEST" keylock switch on C3. General


2.4.144, Revision 37 Initiating Cue: You are to return bus A5 to the unit auxiliary transformer in accordance with Attachment 1, beginning at step 8 of procedure 2.4.144. Inform me when you have completed this task. Time Critical Task: NO -il Validation Time:

10 minutes 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S3 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet SIMULATOR SETUP Reset the simulator to any condition with the 4160V buses on the UAT. Start and parallel the "A" EDG to A5 and open the UAT feeder to A5. Return the DG test switch to "NORMAL" and the Governor Mode Selector to "IS0 CH RON0 US". Acknowledges alarms. Place the A5 auto der selector switch to "OFF". Turn off the "A" EDG sync switch. Remove the sync switch from the panel and place it in the horizontal section of C3. Use recirc flow to reduce reactor power to 590%. 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S3 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 3 of IO PERFORMANCE JNFORMATION Form ES-C-1 ~~ (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark) .U START TIME: Performance Step: 1 Evaluator's Note: Evaluator's Note: Evaluator's Note: Standard: Review the applicable sections of the procedure. This task is covered in 2.4.144, Att. 1 beginning at Step 8. All controls are located on control room panels C3 unless noted. All critical steps must be performed in order written unless otherwise noted. Operator reviews the applicable section of the procedure. Operator turns to Attachment 1 of 2.4.144 and looks at the procedure.

Comment: Caution: When transferring the EDG(s) to isochronous mode, changes to the safety bus (A5/A6) frequency may occur and may cause the vital MG set output voltage to change. This output voltage change may cause a step change in recirc scoop tube position.

Performance Step: 2 VERIFY OR MANUALLY INITIATE a Scoop Tube Positioner Lockup on both Recirculation Pump MG Sets A and B. (Refer to PNPS 2.2.84, Attachment I, step 8.b.) Standard: Operator initiates Scoop Tube Positioner Lockup on Recirculation Pump MG Set A and B using the pushbuttons on Panel C904. Evaluator's Note: Comment: Operator verifies lockup or depresses pushbuttons on C904 to give lockup for Recirc MG Sets A and B. 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S3 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 4 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION i./ Performance Step: 3 Evaluator's Note: 4 Standard:

Comment: Performance Step: 4 .I Standard:

TRANSFER the DIESEL GENERATOR "A test switch to "TEST". Operation of test switch requires a key. Keys are located on the vertical section of C 3. Operator inserts key and rotates "DIESEL GEN "A TEST" switch to the "TEST" position.


Comment: u Performance Step:

5 POSITION the UNIT AUX XFMR TO BUS A5 sycroscope switch to "ON". Standard:

Comment: Operator inserts and rotates "UNIT AUX XMFR TO BUS AS' synchroscope switch to the "ON" position.

2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S3 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 5 of 10 Form ES-C-I PERFORMANCE INFORMATION W Performance Step: 6 ADJUST DIESEL GENERATOR "A VOLTAGE REGULATOR SETPOINT ADJUSTER so that "RUNNING" VOLTAGE potential is the same as "INCOMING" VOLTAGE potential.

Standard: Operator rotates "DIESEL GEN "A VOLTAGE REGULATOR SETPOINT ADJUSTER to the "RAISE and/or "LOWER positions as necessary until running and incoming voltage potentials are matched.

Comment: Performance Step: 7 ADJUST DIESEL GENERATOR "A GOVERNOR SPEED CONTROL so that synchroscope rotation is slow in the fast direction.

Standard: Operator rotates "DIESEL GEN "A' GOVERNOR SPEED CONTROL" switch to "RAISE" - or - "LOWER until "AUXILIARY SYSTEM SYNCHROSCOPE" is rotating slowly in the "FAST" direction.

Comment: Performance Step: 8 WHEN the synchroscope is at five degrees before twelve o'clock, THEN CLOSE the unit auxiliary transformer to safety bus breaker UNIT AUX XFMR TO BUS A5. .( Standard: Operator rotates "UNIT AUX XFMR TO BUS A5 breaker control switch to the "CLOSE" position when "AUXILIARY SYSTEM SYNCHROSCOPE" position is approximately "5" degrees before 12 o'clock. Verifies breaker A505 closes and breaker A509 did not trip open. Comment: 2007 NRC JPM ROlSRO S3 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 6 of 10 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-1 i/' Performance Step: 9 Standard: Position the Unit Aux XFMR to Bus A5 synchroscope switch to OFF. Unit Aux XFMR to Bus A-5 Sync switch in OFF. Comment: Note: Following EDG operation at low loads (<650kW) for greater than one hour, the EDG should be run at > 50% (1300kw) for a minimum of I hour prior to securing.

As part of the initial conditions, the diesel has been loaded on the bus for 20 minutes. Performance Step: 10 UNLOAD the diesel as follows: -.,i Standard:



0 LOWER reactive load to 0 kVAR using the voltage regulator setpoint adjuster.

LOWER real load to between 50 and 150kW using the governor speed control. OPEN diesel generator output breaker diesel generator "A" to bus A5. 0 Operator rotates "DIESEL GEN "A" VOLTAGE REGULATOR SETPOINT ADJUSTER to the "RAISE" and/or "LOWER" positions as necessary until reactive load is 0 kVAR. Operator rotates "DIESEL GEN "AGOVERNOR SPEED CONTROL" switch to "LOWER" until real load is between 50 and 150kW. Operator rotates "DIESEL GEN "A" TO BUS A5 breaker control switch to the "TRIP" position.

Comment: 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S3 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 7 of 10 Form ES-C-I PERFORMANCE INFORMATION

'.-' Performance Step: 11 Adjust Diesel Generator output voltage to 4200V using DIESEL GEN "A VOLTAGE REGULATOR SETPOINT ADJUSTER.


Operator rotates "DIESEL GEN "A" VOLTAGE REGULATOR SETPOINT ADJUSTER to the "RAISE" and/or "LOWER positions as necessary until output voltage is 4200V. Comment: Performance Step:

12 RAISE DG speed to 61 Hz using Diesel Generator "A" governor speed control.

Standard: Operator rotates "DIESEL GEN "AGOVERNOR SPEED CONTROL to "RAISE" and/or "LOWER positions as necessary until frequency is 61 Hz. ._ ,, Comment: V' Performance Step:


Standard: Operator rotates "DIESEL GEN "A" GOVERNOR MODE SELECTOR switch to "ISOCH". Comment: Performance Step: 14 TRANSFER the DIESEL GEN "A TEST switch to "NORM". Standard:

Operator rotates "DIESEL GEN "A TEST switch to "NORM". Comment: /, -4 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S3 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 8 of 10 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-1

'-d Performance Step: 15 VERIFY Diesel Generator is running at 60 Hz and approximately 4200V. Standard: Operator verifies DG "A is at 60 Hz and 4200V.

Comment: Performance Step:

16 Standard:

Evaluator's Cue: Comment: L-' Terminating Cue: STOP TIME: Allow the Diesel Generator to run for 3 minutes to equalize temperatures. Operator waits 3 minutes. "3 minutes have elapsed."

This JPM is complete.


%-d Job Performance Measure No.: 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S3 Examinee's Name: Date Performed: Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:


'u,' Response:

Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature: Date:

2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S3 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 10 of 10 Form ES-C-I JPM CUE SHEET *.-/ INITIAL CONDITIONS:

A degraded grid voltage condition requiring placing A5 and A6 on their associated diesels 20 minutes ago. The condition has since been cleared and A6 has been returned to the UAT. The 'B' EDG has been secured. INITIATING CUE: 2007 NRC JPM ROlSRO S3 You are to return bus A5 to the unit auxiliary transformer in accordance with Attachment I, beginning at step 8 of procedure 2.4.144. Inform me when you have completed this task. NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Worksheet Form ES-C-1 Facility: PILGRIM Task No.:


'd Task Title: Operation Of HPCl For Pressure JPM No.: 2007 NRC JPM Control RO/SRO S4 WA


A2.14 3.3 i 3.4 Examinee:

NRC Examiner: Facility Evaluator: Date:

Method of testing: Simulated Performance:

Actual Performance:

X Classroom Simulator X Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied. .I ---. Initial Conditions:

The reactor has scrammed. The MSlVs are closed. EOP-1 is being used to control RPV parameters.

Task Standard:

HPCl operating in pressure control with the controller in manual. The procedure should be followed with no failure of critical elements. Required Materials:

NONE General


PNPS, Revision 13 initiating Cue: Place HPCl in service for pressure control using PNPS, Attachment

2. Pressure band is 900 to 1050 psig. Time Critical Task: NO Validation Time:

5 minutes 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S4 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet SIMULATOR SETUP Scram the reactor and close the MSIVs. Stabilize reactor level.

2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S4 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 3 of 8 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-1 is (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark) START TIME: Performance Step: I Verify Flow Controller FIC-2340-1, Injection Flow Control, is in AUTO and set for 4250 gpm. Standard: Operator checks FIC-2340-1 is in auto and verifies setpoint is 4250 gpm. Comment: Performance Step: 2 Start P-223, Gland Seal Condenser Blower.


Operator places control switch for P-223 to start and verifies Gland Seal Condenser Blower is RUNNING by observing the RED indicating light LIT. Comment: Performance Step: 3 OPEN MO-2301-15, HPCVRCIC Test return Valve. 4 Standard: Operator places MO-2301-15 control switch to OPEN. Verifies RED light ON, GREEN light OFF. Comment: Performance Step: 4 JOP OPEN MO-2301-10, HPCl full flow test valve, for 7 seconds. 4 Standard:

Comment: '.d Operator holds MO-2301-10 control switch to OPEN for seven seconds. Verifies RED light and GREEN light ON. 2007 NRC JPM ROlSRO S4 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 4 of 8 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-1 -w Performance Step: 5 Perform the following steps in close sequence:

4 Standard:

0 0 Operator places MO-2301-3 control switch to OPEN. When MO-2301-3 RED light comes ON, operator immediately places P-229 control switch to START. OPEN MO-2301-3, Turbine Supply Valve.

As MO-2301-3 begins its stroke, start P229, Aux Oil Pump. Comment: Performance Step: 6 Observe that flow increase and stabilizes at 4250 GPM. Operator observes that HPCl flow stabilizes at - 1000 gpm. 4 Standard:

Eva1 u at or's Cue: (if required)Take action to place HPCl in pressure control maximizing energy removed from the reactor pressure vessel. -v- Comment: Performance Step: 7 Standard: Place the selector switch to the "BAL" position. Controller selector switch placed in Balance position.

Evaluator's Note: This step and the following steps were extracted from section 2.0 of attachment 2 that addresses manual operation of the controller. This procedure is based on a controlled shift to manual. As a result this step may not be performed.

Comment: 2007 NRC JPM ROISRO S4 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 5 of 8 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-1 i./' Performance Step: 8 Adjust the potentiometer until the deviation is removed (needle in green band). Standard: Operator adjusts the potentiometer until the deviation is in the green band on the controller.

Evaluator's Cue: This step was extracted from section 2 of attachment 2 that addresses manual operation of the controller.

This procedure is based on a controlled shift to manual. As a result this step may not be performed.

Comment: Performance Step: 9 Place the selector switch to the "MAN" position.

4 Standard: Controller selector switch placed in MANAUAL position.

Comment: Performance Step: IO Use potentiometer to control turbine speed to obtain desired flow rate AND maintain turbine speed above 1000 RPM.

4 Standard: Operator rotates manual potentiometer, knurled knob, and raises system flow. Comment: Performance Step: I I Operator adjusts FIC-2340-1 and MO-2301-10 as necessary to maintain desired flow and pressure. Operator adjusts FIC-2340-1 and MO-2301-10 to obtain - 1100 psig and 4250 gpm. 4 Standard:

Evaluator's Note: Comment: This step was extracted from section 2 of attachment

2. 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S4 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 6 of 8 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-1 Terminating Cue: This JPM is complete.

u STOP TIME: TIME CRITICAL STOP TIME: 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S4 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 7 of 8 Form ES-C-1 VERI F I CAT ION 0 F CO M PLETlO N '\.> Job Performance Measure No.: 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S4 Examinee's Name: Date Performed: Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature: Date:

2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S4 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 8 of 8 JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 L.J IN IT1 AL CONDITIONS:

The reactor has scrammed.

The MSlVs are closed. EOP-1 is being used to control RPV parameters.

INITIATING CUE: Place HPCl in service for pressure control using PNPS, Attachment

2. Pressure band is 900 to 1050 psig.

2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S4 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Worksheet Form ES-C-1 Faci I i ty : PILGRIM 'LJ' Task No.: 200-05-01-021 Task Title:

Recover RBCCW Loor, "6" With an JPM No.: 2007 NRC JPM Elevated Dwell Temperature ROISRO S5 KIA


AA1.02 3.8 13.8 Examinee: Facility Evaluator: NRC Examiner:

Date: Method of testina: Simulated Performance: Actual Performance:

X Classroom Simulator X Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

., -u' Initial Conditions:

A loss of 614 has occurred resulting in a loss of "6 loop RBCCW pumps. RBCCW could not be cross-tied due to the inability to open a cross connect valve. 0 The reactor was scrammed.

0 EOP-03 has been entered on high drywell temperature. The fault on B-14 has been cleared.

"6" Loop RBCCW pumps are in PTL in preparation for restoring 614 IAW 2.4.42. Drywell temperature has exceeded 250 degrees. Task Standard:

The RBCCW Loop "6" will be restored without causing condensation-induced water hammer due to elevated drywell temperature.

When indication of a break in the drywell occurs, RBCCW Loop "B" will be isolated. Procedure 2.4.42 shall be carried out without failure of any critical elements.

Required Materials: NONE

., v- General


PNPS 2.4.42, Revision 27 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S5 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Initiating Cue: B14 has been re-energized. Restore RBCCW Loop "B" IAW PNPS 2.4.42 using a loop 'B' pump. Time Critical Task: NO Validation Time: 20 minutes 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S5 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. IO. SIMULATOR SETUP Initialize to any at power IC. Insert a loss of 8-14 (power supply to "B" Loop RBCCW pumps). Place all Loop "B" RBCCW Pumps in PTL. Re-energize B-14.

Stabilize RPV Pressure and Level. Allow Drywell Temperature to rise to greater than 250 degrees. Maximize RBCCW on loop

'A. Maximize torus cooling on lop 'A Secure makeup to RBCCW loop 'B' head tank.

Install maximum RBCCW leak in drywell cooler.

Pend on MO-4009NB red light OFF 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S5 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 4 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION (Denofe Critical Sfeps with a check mark) .u START TIME:

Notes: This task is covered in 2.4.42, Section 4.2. All critical steps must be performed in order written unless otherwise noted. Performance Step: I Recovery of RBCCW Loop "B" with an elevated drywell temperature

[NRC GL96-061.

Caution: If Drywell temperatures exceed 250°F and the RBCCW Loop "B" pumps are not running, it is possible for boiling to occur in the Drywell Coolers that may result in a condensation-induced water hammer when the RBCCW Pumps are started or the loops are cross-tied, unless the RBCCW nonessential block valves are closed first. 0 [ N RC-96-06]

IF indications of a major LOCA exist, THEN EXECUTE Step 2. IF NO indications of a major LOCA exist, THEN EXECUTE Step 3. 0 Standard: Operator enters Step 3 of the procedure.

Evaluator's Note: Comment: Initial Conditions described Non-LOCA conditions.

2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S5 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 5 of IO Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION

'U' Performance Step: 2 IF ALL of the following conditions exist:

Note: .I Standard:

.. Comment: -- Caution: 0 THEN RECOVER RBCCW Loop "B" as directed in the following steps: "Drywell Temperature" as stated in this section of PNPS 2.4.42 shall be determined by the direction provided according to PNPS 2.1.27, "Drywell Temperature Indication".

This is the same direction given for Drywell temperature CLOSE the following RBCCW Loop "B" Nonessential Isolation Valves at Panel C1: 0 MO-4009AI RBCCW Loop "B" Nonessential Loop Inlet Valve 0 MO-4009B, RBCCW Loop "B" Nonessential Loop Outlet Valve Operator closes MOQOO9A & B. Both valves indicate closed as evidenced by RED light OFF and GREEN light ON. NO indications of a major LOCA inside Primary containment; Drywell temperature has been 2 250°F; RBCCW flow has been lost to the Drywell for 2 6 minutes; The RBCCW loops shall not be cross-tied when the Suppression Pool temperature is 2 130°F and only one loop of containment cooling is operable.

Performance Step: 3 START one "B" RBCCW loop pump OR CROSS-TIE RBCCW loops in accordance with Attachment

5. 4 Standard: Operator starts one RBCCW pump. RED light ON and GREEN light OFF, and pressure increase on PI-4008 Panel C-I. Comment: 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S5 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

-Appendix C Page 6 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION -L' Performance Step: 4 Standard:

Eva1 u ator's Cue: Comment: Note: IF Maximized Torus Cooling, Torus Spray, Drywell Spray, OR LPCI Injection with Maximized Cooling mode is required, THEN MAXIMIZE RBCCW Cooling in accordance with PNPS Attachment 1 AND ALIGN the RHR System for the required mode in accordance with PNPS Attachment 3,4, 5, OR 6. Operator questions CRS as to need to align systems for maximized cooling.

The ECCS operator has placed RBCCW and torus cooling in service using loop "A" systems. Continue restoration of "B" loop RBCCW. Drywell Cooler Motor Operated Supply Valves MO-4038A MO-4039A MO-404OA MO-4038B MO-4039B MO-4040B MO-4038C MO-4039C MO-4041 A MO-4038D MO-4039D MOA041 B MO-4038E MO-4039E MO-4038F MO-4039A Performance Step: 5 At Panel C7, PLACE all Drywell cooler motor operated supply valves (SEE Note directly above) to approximately the 10% OPEN position. All 16 Motor operated valves are opened to 10%.

4 Standard:

M 0 -40 3 8A MO-4039A MO-4040A - MO-40386 MO-4039B MO-4040B - MO-4038C MO-4039C MO-4041 A - MO-40380 MO-4039D MO-4041 B - MO-4038E MO-4039E - MO-4038F MO-4039A Comment: 2007 NRC JPM ROlSRO S5 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 7 of 10 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-1 ,.-' 4 Performance Step: 6 Standard: Evaluator's Note:

Comment: OPEN the following RBCCW Loop "B Nonessential Isolation Valves at Panel C1: MO-4009A, RBCCW Loop "B" Nonessential Loop Inlet Valve 0 MO-40098, RBCCW Loop "B" Nonessential Loop Outlet Valve MO-4009A and B are opened. RED light ON / GREEN light OFF. The leak path in the drywell is present when the operator opens the MO-4009A AND B. A short time later, the low surge tank level will annunciate.

Performance Step: 7 Standard:

OPEN all Drywell cooler supply MOVs [SEE Note above Step

51. All 16 motor operated valves are taken to the full open position.

MO-4038A at 100% MO-4039A at 100% MO-4040A at 100% MO-4038B at 100% MO-4039B at 100% MO-40408 at 100% MO-4038C at 100% - MO-4039C at 100% - MO-404 I A at 100% MO-4038D at 100% MO-4039D at 100%

MO-4041 B at 100% MO-4038Eat 100% MO-4039E at 100% MO-4038F at 100% MO-4039F at 100% Comment: .v' 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S5 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 8 of 10 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-I -d .I Performance Step: 8 IF plant conditions indicate a breach in the Drywell RBCCW cooling piping, THEN ISOLATE the RBCCW flow to the Drywell by closing: Standard:

0 MO-4009A, RBCCW Loop "B Nonessential Loop Inlet Valve s MO-40098, RBCCW Loop "B" Nonessential Loop Outlet Valve Operator determines that there is a break in RBCCW cooling piping in DNV. Operator places control switch for MO-4009A and MO-4009B to close. Checks RED lights OFF, GREEN lights on for both valves. Eva1 u at or's Cue: Role play as required to provide indication that RBCCW loop "B" has been breached if operator request information from field. When MO-4009A / 4009B are closed, cue "this concludes the JPM. The operator can make this determination in several ways, including the following: Operator can use steady pressure indication on RBCCW loop "B" and 1 or RBCCW loop "B" surge tank alarm andlor request field operator to verify steady surge tank level. Evaluator's Note: .-' Comment: Terminating Cue: This JPM is complete. STOP TIME:

TIME CRITICAL STOP TIME: 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S5 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 9 of 10 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Form ES-C-1 ~- ~ ~ Job Performance Measure No.: 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S5 .d' Examinee's Name: Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:


'W Response:

Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature: Date:

2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S5 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

~ ~~ ~ Appendix C Page 10 of 10 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET INITIAL CONDITIONS:

'd' 0 A loss of B14 has occurred resulting in a loss of "B" loop RBCCW pumps. RBCCW could not be cross-tied due to the inability to open a cross connect valve. The reactor was scrammed.

EOP-03 has been entered on high drywell temperature. The fault on B-14 has been cleared.

"B" Loop RBCCW pumps are in PTL in preparation for restoring B14 IAW 2.4.42. Drywell temperature has exceeded 250 degrees. INITIATING CUE: 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S5 B14 has been re-energized. Restore RBCCW Loop "B" IAW PNPS 2.4.42 using a loop 'B' pump. NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Worksheet Form ES-C-I Facility:

i-/ ~~~ PILGRIM Task No.: 200-05-01-003 Task Title: Reopen MSIVs Followins an MSIV JPM No.: 2007 NRC JPM Closure RO/SRO S-6 K/A


A2.03 4.0 14.2 Examinee: NRC Examiner: Facility Evaluator: Date: Method of testing: Simulated Performance: Actual Performance:

X Classroom Simulator X Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

'U Initial Conditions: The plant is operating at 70%. 0 The operator is required to reopen the outboard and inboard MSIVs following MSlV closure. Task Standard:

MSlVs shall be opened without causing inadvertent actuations and shall be accomplished in accordance with all system precautions and limitations.

2.2.92 shall be followed without failure of any critical elements. Required Materials:

N/A General


Procedure 2.2.92, Revision 51 Initiating Cue: You are to re-open the outboard and inboard D MSIVs. Time Critical Task: NO Validation Time:

10 minutes 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S-6 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

~ ~~ Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet .LJ SIMULATOR SETUP IC: Time in core life:

Any Reactor Power:

70% or less Control Rod Sequence:

NIA Any IC with all MSlVs open and power at or below 70%. 0 Initialize the simulator.

0 0 0 Verify reactor power at or below 70%. Close Main Steam Line D Outboard and Inboard MSIVs. Open MO-220-3 and jog open MO-220-4.

2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S-6 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 3 of 8 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION LJ (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark) START TIME: Performance Step: I IF operation of the main turbine for longer than 15 minutes, with one or more closed MSIVs is expected, THEN REFER TO PNPS 2.2.92, "Main Steam Line Isolation and Turbine Bypass Valves", Section 7.2 (Operation with One or More MSlV Closed and Main Steam to the Main Turbine).


Operator enters PNPS 2.2.92, and reviews precautions and limitations.

Eva1 uator's Note: Standard:

Eva1 u at or's Not e: Operator retrieves PNPS 2.2.92 and reviews precautions and limitations.

Operator turns to section 7.2 of PNPS 2.2.92. Operator begins reading section 7.2 of 2.2.92 Comment: 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S-6 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 4 of 8 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-1 NOTE: Operation with a fully closed MSlV for longer than 15 minutes, when the other steam lines contain flowing steam, creates the potential for significant condensation of steam in the idle steam line. The idle steam line may be at a lower pressure than its drain line due to pressure differences between the idle and lowing main steam lines and the configuration of the main steam line drains. Turbine damage could result, without condensate drainage, upon a rapid load reduction causing backflow from the isolated line into the flowing lines or upon re-establishing flow in the idle steam line. If drainage is established after 15 minutes, but before 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of MSlV closure, maintain an open drainage path to the condenser for a minimum of 10 minutes prior to reopening the MSIV. If drainage is established after 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of MSlV closure, maintain an open drainage path for a minimum of one hour prior to reopening the MSIV. Upon full closure of an MSIV, except for testing of individual MSIVs, reactor power will have to be reduced to 290.1 % rated in accordance with the requirement of SE 3222, "Operation with One Main Steam Line Closed" [CYCLE 'I2 SPECIFIC], and 11035 psig (Operations Administrative Limit). --- Performance Step: 2 CLOSE OR VERIFY CLOSED MO-220-1 (MSIV DRNS INBD MO-220-4 (Main Steam Line Drn to Condr.) Operator looks at indicating lights for MO-220-1, 2, and 4. Operator observes green indicating lights lit and red lights extinguished for MO-220-1, MO-220-2 and MO-220-4 on the PCIS status board or apron section of C904. ISOL VLV), MO-220-2 (MSIV DRNS OUTBD ISOL VLV), AND Standard:

Comment: Performance Step: 3 OPEN MO-220-3, (Main Steam Line Drain Valve) Operator verifies MO-220-3 in the OPEN position.


Operator observes RED light LIT and GREEN light EXTINGUISHED for MO-220-3.

Comment: 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S-6 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 5 of 8 Form ES-C-I PERFORMANCE INFORMATION CAUTION: 'ic/ Performance Step: 4 Standard:

Comment: Performance Step: 5 Standard:

Evaluator's Cue: .I Standard:

Evaluator's Cue: C.l' Fully openning the main steam drain to the condenser may affect condenser vacuum. Closely monitor condenser vacuum when opening MO-220-4, (Main Steam Line Drain to Condenser). Operator verifies MO-220-4 is throttled OPEN. Operator observes RED and GREEN lights LIT for MO-220-4.

CONTINUE TO OPERATE with MO-220-3, Main Steam Line Drain Valve and MO-220-4, Main Steam Line Drain to Condenser, OPEN until the closed MSIV can be returned to service. a. b. C. d. e. f. g. h. i. 0 0 Operator determines Main Steam line has been drained through MO-220-3 and MO-220-4 for greater than 15 minutes. Operator CLOSES MO-220-4 and MO-220-3. OPEN MO-220-1 and MO-220-2.

Slowly jog OPEN MO-220-4.

OPEN MSLD Outboard MSIV. OPEN MO-220-3.

CLOSE MO-220-3. OPEN MSL-D Inboard MSIV. CLOSE the following valves: MO-220-4 MO-220-2 MO-220-1 Verifies drain path for >I5 minutes. MO-220-3 control switch placed in CLOSE. MO-220-4 control switch held in CLOSE. Operator observes GREEN indicating lights LIT, RED indicating lights OFF. Main Steam Line D has been drained for several hours. SAT / UNSAT MO-220-1 and MO-220-2 control switch placed in OPEN. Operator observes GREEN indicating lights OFF, RED indicating lights LIT. SAT I UNSAT 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S-6 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 6 of 8 Form ES-C-I PERFORMANCE INFORMATION .I Standard:

0 MO-220-4 control switch held in open until valve is fully OPEN. Operator observes GREEN indicating light OFF, RED indicating light LIT. -e Evaluator's Cue: IO minutes have elapsed.

SAT / UNSAT 4 Standard:

0 AO-203-2D control switch placed in OPEN. Operator observes GREEN indicating light OFF, RED indicating light LIT. Evaluator's Cue: SAT I UNSAT .I Standard:

0 MO-220-3 control switch placed in OPEN. Operator observes GREEN indicating light OFF, RED indicating light LIT. Evaluator's Cue: SAT / UNSAT Standard:

0 MO-220-3 control switch placed in CLOSE. Operator observes GREEN indicating light LIT, RED indicating light OFF. Evaluator's Cue: ...-A' SAT I UNSAT 4 Standard:

AO-203-1 D control switch placed in OPEN. Operator observes GREEN indicating light OFF, RED indicating light LIT. Evaluator's Cue: SAT I UNSAT Standard: MO-220-4, MO-220-2 and MO-220-1 control switches placed in CLOSE. Operator observes GREEN indicating lights LIT, RED indicating light OFF. Evaluator's Cue:

SAT / UNSAT Comments:

Terminating Cue: This JPM is complete.

STOP TIME: 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S-6 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 7 of 8 Form ES-C-I VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION L.-' Job Performance Measure No.: 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S-6 Examinee's Name: Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



Result : SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature:

Date: 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S-6 , NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 8 of 8 JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 INITIAL CONDITIONS:

INITIATING CUE: 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S-6 s 0 The plant is operating at 70%. The operator is required to reopen the outboard and inboard MSlVs following MSlV closure. You are to re-open the outboard and inboard D MSIVs. NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-I Worksheet Facility: PILGRIM

'iJ Task No.: 288-01 01 5 Task Title: Resettinq Secondary Secondary JPM No.: 2007 NRC JPM Containment Followinq An Isolation ROISRO S7 WA


A4.03 3.6 13.5 Examinee: NRC Examiner:

Facility Eva1 ua tor: Date:

Method of testinq: Simulated Performance: Actual Performance:

X Classroom Simulator X Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

i--' Initial Conditions:

Following an isolation, the operator is required to reset the RBIs and to restore the reactor building ventilation system dampers on C-7. Task Standard:

The secondary containment isolation signal is reset and the reactor building normal ventilation system is restored to the normal lineup. The system shall be operated in accordance with all applicable precautions and limitations.

The procedure shall be followed without failure of critical elements. Required Materials:

Reset Keys for RBIs General


PNPS, Revision 16 Initiating Cue: Reset the Group II and Reactor Building isolations and restore secondary containment ventilation to normal IAW PNPS

Time Critical Task: NO Validation Time: 15 minutes 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S7 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Worksheet Form ES-C-1 SIMULATOR SETUP 1. 2. Manually scram. 3. Reset simulator to at power IC. Verify water level drops to < +I2 inches and that an RBIs is generated, 4. Restore water level to > +12" and stabilize.

2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S7 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 3 of 14 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION

,..d (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark) START TIME: NOTE: CAUTION: If a Secondary Containment damper gives a dual indication, this is a symptom of a damper stuck in mid-position.

When these dampers are in the mid-position, there is both a red (open) light and a green (closed) light illuminated.

Operator action may be necessary to manually close dampers. (PR94,9358.01)

The NRC requires that all safety related equipment receiving a containment isolation signal remain in the safe position when containment isolation logic is reset. If the below listed components are not aligned as required below, the components will reposition when the isolation logic is reset. Performance Step: I When Secondary Containment isolation signal clears, THEN PLACE OR VERIFY that the following control switches are in the safe position as follows: 0 At Panel C61: 0 PLACE OR VERIFY the control switch for VSF-201A in the OFF position.

PLACE OR VERIFY the control switch for VSF-201 B in the OFF position.

PLACE OR VERIFY the control switch for VSF-202A in the OFF position.

PLACE OR VERIFY the control switch for VSF-202B in the OFF position. PLACE OR VERIFY the control switch for VSF-203A in the OFF position.

PLACE OR VERIFY the control switch for VSF-203B in the OFF position. PLACE OR VERIFY the control switch for VEX-201A in the OFF position.

PLACE OR VERIFY the control switch for VEX-201 B in the OFF position.

PLACE OR VERIFY the control switch for VEX-202A in the OFF position. PLACE OR VERIFY the control switch for VEX-202B in the OFF position.

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S7 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 4 of 14 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Standard:

Evaluator's Cue: Comment: Performance Step: 2 d Standard:

0 PLACE OR VERIFY the control switch for VEX-203A in the OFF position.

PLACE OR VERIFY the control switch for VEX-203B in the OFF position.

PLACE OR VERIFY the control switch for VEX-206 in the STOP position.

0 0 Operator contacts field operator to place reactor building supply and exhaust fans in the off position (VEX-206 placed in stop). "All reactor building supply and exhaust fans have been placed in OFF with the exception of VEX-206 which is placed in the STOP position." At Panel C7 PLACE OR VERIFY the control switch for damper AO-N-97 in the CLOSE position. Control switch for AO-N-97 rotated to the CLOSE position.

-..-.,' Comment: Performance Step: 3 PLACE OR VERIFY the control switch for damper AO-N-96 in the CLOSE position. Control switch for AO-N-96 rotated to the CLOSE position.

d Standard:

Comment: 4 Performance Step: 4 PLACE OR VERIFY the control switch for damper AO-N-91 in the CLOSE position. Control switch for AO-N-91 rotated to the CLOSE position.


Comment: 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S7 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 5 of 14 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION

=4 Performance Step: 5 PLACE OR VERIFY the control switch for damper AO-N-90 in the CLOSE position. Control switch for AO-N-90 rotated to the CLOSE position.

4 Standard:

Comment: Performance Step:

6 PLACE OR VERIFY the control switch for damper AO-N-93 in the CLOSE position. Control switch for AO-N-93 rotated to the CLOSE position.

.\I Standard:

7 Comment: Performance Step:

7 PLACE OR VERIFY the control switch for damper AO-N-92 in the CLOSE position.

\---. d Standard: Control switch for AO-N-92 rotated to the CLOSE position.

Comment: Performance Step: 8 PLACE OR VERIFY the control switch for damper AO-N-94 in the CLOSE position.

Control switch for AO-N-94 rotated to the CLOSE position.

.\I Standard:

Comment: Performance Step:

9 PLACE OR VERIFY the control switch for damper AO-N-95 in the CLOSE position. Control switch for AO-N-95 rotated to the CLOSE position.

4 Standard:

Comment: -u' 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S7 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 6 of 14 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-I +L/ Performance Step: 10 PLACE OR VERIFY the control switch for damper AO-N-114 in the CLOSE position.

Control switch for AO-N-114 rotated to the CLOSE position.

4 Standard:

Comment: Performance Step: I1 PLACE OR VERIFY the control switch for damper AO-N-115 in the CLOSE position. Control switch for AO-N-92 rotated to the CLOSE position.

4 Standard:

Comment: Performance Step: 12 PLACE OR VERIFY the control switch for damper AO-N-116 in the CLOSE position.

--...-/, 4 Standard: Control switch for AO-N-116 rotated to the CLOSE position.

Comment: Performance Step: 13 PLACE OR VERIFY the control switch for damper AO-N-117 in the CLOSE position. Control switch for AO-N-117 rotated to the CLOSE position.

4 Standard:

Comment: Performance Step: 14 PLACE OR VERIFY the control switch for damper AO-N-79 in the CLOSE position. Control switch for AO-N-79 rotated to the CLOSE position.

4 Standard:

Comment: 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S7 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 7 of 14 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-1 'u Performance Step: 15 PLACE OR VERIFY the control switch for damper AO-N-78 in the CLOSE position. Control switch for AO-N-78 rotated to the CLOSE position.

4 Standard:

Comment: Performance Step:

16 PLACE OR VERIFY the control switch for damper AO-N-81 in the CLOSE position. Control switch for AO-N-81 rotated to the CLOSE position.

4 Standard:

Comment: Performance Step: 17 PLACE OR VERIFY the control switch for damper AO-N-80 in the CLOSE position. .L/ 4 Standard: Control switch for AO-N-80 rotated to the CLOSE position.

Comment: Performance Step:

18 PLACE OR VERIFY the control switch for damper AO-N-83 in the CLOSE position. Control switch for AO-N-83 rotated to the CLOSE position.

4 Standard:

Comment: Performance Step: 19 PLACE OR VERIFY the control switch for damper AO-N-82 in the CLOSE position. Control switch for AO-N-82 rotated to the CLOSE position.

4 Standard:

Comment: u 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S7 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 8 of 14 Form ES-C-I PERFORMANCE INFORMATION

>-4 Performance Step: 20 PLACE OR VERIFY the control switch for damper AO-N-101 in the OPEN position.


Comment: Performance Step: 21 Standard:

Evaluator's Note: Comment: -..-/-, Performance Step:

22 4 Standard:

Comment: Performance Step: 23 4 Standard:

Evaluator's Note: .--.-./-.

Comment: Control switch for AO-N-101 rotated to the OPEN position.

Damper positioning RED light ON, Damper positioning GREEN light OFF. PLACE OR VERIFY the control switch for damper AO-N-100 in the OPEN position. Control switch for AO-N-101 rotated to the OPEN position. Damper positioning RED light ON, Damper positioning GREEN light OFF. Normal position is OPEN. PLACE OR VERIFY the control switch for damper AO-N-98 in the OPEN position. Control switch for AO-N-98 rotated to the OPEN position. Damper positioning RED light ON, Damper positioning GREEN light OFF. PLACE OR VERIFY the control switch for damper AO-N-138 in the OPEN position. Control switch for AO-N-138 rotated to the OPEN position. Damper positioning RED light ON, Damper positioning GREEN light OFF. Normal position is OPEN. 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S7 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 9 of 14 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-1 Performance Step:

24 PLACE OR VERIFY the control switch for damper AO-N-137 in the OPEN position.

4 Standard: Control switch for AO-N-137 rotated to the OPEN position. Damper positioning RED light ON, Damper positioning GREEN light OFF. Evaluator's Note: Comment: Normal position is OPEN. Performance Step: 25 PLACE OR VERIFY the control switch for damper AO-N-99 in the OPEN position.

d Standard: Control switch for AO-N-99 rotated to the OPEN position. Damper positioning RED light ON, Damper positioning GREEN light OFF. Comment: '---.2 Evaluator's Note: Standby Gas Train Fan B (VEX-21OB)'

which is normally in STANDBY, will start and its Train B outlet damper (AO-N-112) will open during the performance of the next step. PLACE OR VERIFY the control switch for damper AO-N-106 in the OPEN position.

4 Performance Step: 26 Standard:

Control switch for AO-N-106 rotated to the OPEN position "B" SBGT starts. Comment: 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S7 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 10 of 14 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION

'4 4 Performance Step: 27 PLACE OR VERIFY the control switch for damper AO-N-108 in the OPEN position. Control switch for AO-N-108 rotated to the OPEN position.


Comment: 4 Performance Step: 28 PLACE OR VERIFY the control switch for damper AO-N-112 in the OPEN position. Control switch for AO-N-112 rotated to the OPEN position.


Comment: Performance Step: 29 St and a rd : PLACE OR VERIFY the control switch for STANDBY GAS FAN A, VEX-21OA, in the RUN position. Control switch for SBGT Fan VEX-21 OA placed in RUN position.

~.e' Comment: Performance Step: 30 PLACE OR VERIFY the control switch for STANDBY GAS FAN B, VEX-210B, in the STANDBY position.


Comment: 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S7 Control switch for SBGT Fan VEX-210B is verified to be in the Standby position. NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 11 of 14 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION

'iJ NOTES: 0 Refer to Attachment 2 for the PCAC valves that have an electrical interlock with the RBIs isolation logic. This interlock requires that all the control switches for the PCAC valves affected by RBIs signal be in the CLOSED position before these logics will reset. -' A high dP condition between the Reactor Building and the Torus will override the isolation signal and open AO-5040A and AO-5040B in order to protect the Primary Containment from excessive negative pressure.

Performance Step: 31 PLACE OR VERIFY PLACED the following control switches for the PCAC valves as indicated below: Panel C7: AO-5044A CLOSE AO-5040A AUTOlCLOSE AO-50448 CLOSE AO-5040B AUTO/CLOSE 0 AO-5043A CLOSE AO-5035A CLOSE 0 AO-5043B CLOSE AO-50358 CLOSE 0 AO-5042A CLOSE AO-5036A CLOSE 0 AO-5042A CLOSE AO-5036B CLOSE AO-5041 A CLOSE AO-5033A CLOSE AO-5041 B CLOSE AO-5033B CLOSE AO-5033C CLOSE Standard: Operator verifies that the following control switches are n the CLOSE position or AUTO/CLOSE position.

AO-5044A CLOSE - AO-5040A AUTO/CLOSE - AO-5044B CLOSE - AO-5040B AUTO/CLOSE - AO-5043A CLOSE - AO-5035A CLOSE - 0 AO-5043B CLOSE - AO-5035B CLOSE - AO-5042A CLOSE - AO-5036A CLOSE - AO-5042BA CLOSE - AO-5036B CLOSE - AO-5041A CLOSE - AO-5033A CLOSE - AO-5041 B CLOSE - AO-5033B CLOSE - AO-5033C CLOSE - Eva1 u at or's Note: All valves were closed.

L-.' Comment: 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S7 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 12 of 14 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION

'4 Performance Step: 32 IF applicable, REFER TO PNPS 2.2.155 to reset the Refuel Floor Radiation Monitor Trip Units on Panel C910. Standard: Operator determines that this step is not necessary and proceeds to the next step. Evaluator's Notes: Initial conditions stated that the cause of the isolation was low vessel water level. Comment: Performance Step: 33 RESET the Secondary Containment isolation at Panel C905 by using switch "PCIS GROUP 2,3,6 SOL RESET. 4 Standard:

Comment: Performance Step: 34 Evaluator's Note: d Standard:

4 Evaluator's Cue: Evaluator's Note: Comment: Terminating Cue: Xd STOP TIME: PClS Group 2, 3, 6 ISOL Reset switch on C905 rotated to BOTH inboard and outboard positions.

OBTAIN the keys from the SM AND REET Secondary Containment isolation (RBIs) logic by momentarily taking the RBIs TRIP RESET keylock reset switches (2) Channel A and Channel B to "RESET" at Panel C7, then back to "NORMAL".

The isolation is now reset. Channel A RBIs Trip Reset Keylock switch placed in RESET. Channel B RBIs Trip Reset Keylock switch placed in RESET. When the operator identifies the need for keys to reset the RBIS, and where to obtain them, provide the operator with the two keys. No dampers should reposition on C7 panel if previous steps were performed correctly.

If a damper repositions then a previous step was omitted. This JPM is complete.


2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S7 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 13 of 14 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION

"./ Job Performance Measure No.: 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO 57 Examinee's Name: Date Performed: Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete: Question Documentation:


-.1 Response:

Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature:

Date: 2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S7 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 14 of 14 Form ES-C-I JPM CUE SHEET INITIAL CONDITIONS:

Following an isolation, the operator is required to reset the RBIs and to restore the reactor building ventilation system dampers on c-7. INITIATING CUE: Reset the Group I1 and Reactor Building isolations and restore secondary containment ventilation to normal IAW PNPS

2007 NRC JPM RO/SRO S7 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-I Worksheet Facility: PI LGRl M Task No.: 212-01-01-006 Task Title: Reset a Reactor Scram JPM No.: 2007 NRC JPM RO S8 WA


AA1.01 4.2 14.2 '.d Examinee: NRC Examiner: Facility Evaluator:

Date: Method of testinq: Simulated Performance: Actual Performance:

X Classroom Simulator X Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

V' Initial Conditions:

0 The reactor has scrammed.

0 0 0 The immediate actions of the scram procedure are complete.

The cause of the scram has been determined and corrected. The BOP operator is controlling vessel level and pressure. Task Standard: The reactor scram is reset without causing another scram. The reset shall be accomplished in accordance with all system precautions and limitations.

The procedure shall be followed with no failure of critical elements.

Required Materials: NONE General


PNPS 2.1.6, Revision 62. Initiating Cue: Reset the reactor scram IAW PNPS 2. I .6 Section 5.0 beginning at step 18. Time Critical Task: NO Validation Time:

15 minutes LX' 2007 NRC JPM RO S8 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

ij ~ Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet SIMULATOR SETUP 1. 2. Verify EPIC is operating.

3. 4. 5. Initialize the simulator to any at pressure condition.

Insert a manual reactor scram. Complete the immediate actions of 2.1.6. Stabilize vessel level and pressure.

2007 NRC JPM RO S8 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 3 of 8 Form ES-C-I PERFORMANCE INFORMATION

-' (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark) START TIME: Performance Step: 1 Scram Reset.

Caution: d Standard:

Comment: Be aware that if the Reactor Mode switch is taken out of "REFUEL" or "SHUTDOWN" with any SDlV Hi Level Channel not cleared, a full Reactor Scram will result, even if the SDlV Hi Level Scram Bypass switch is in "BYPASS".

BYPASS the SDlV HI LEVEL SCRAM BYPASS signal (Panel C905). Operator inserts key and rotates switch to bypass and "SDIV BYPASSED ROD BLOCK" annunciator illuminates.

.>----- Performance Step: 2 RESET the Scram as soon as all Scram signals are cleared or bypassed as follows: MOMENTARILY ACTUATE the Scram Reset Selector Switch. 4 Standard: Operator rotates the SCRAM RESET SWITCH to the group 1 & 4 and group 2 & 3 position.

Comment: Performance Step: 3 Standard:

VERIFY all Group Scram lights on Panel C905 are ON. Group scram logic lights on C905 vertical section is illuminated.

Comment: 2007 NRC JPM RO S8 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 4 of 8 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-1

'd Performance Step: 4 Standard: Annunciator C905R-F1 is illuminated.

WAIT approximately 1 minute before continuing AND VERIFY alarm "SPVAH PRESSURE LO" (C905R-F1) does NOT clear. Comment: Performance Step: 5 Place the AIR DUMP SYSTEM TEST SWITCH (Panel C905) to the "ISOLATE" position.

d Standard: Air dump system test switch in isolate position.

Comment: Performance Step: 6 WHEN the alarm "SPVAH PRESSURE LO" (C905R-F1) clears, THEN RETURN the AIR DUMP SYSTEM TEST SWITCH to "NORMAL". -k/ d Standard:

Operator waits until the SCRAM PILOT VALVE HEADAER LO PRESSURE annunciator clears, then vent and drain lines are opened. Comment: Performance Step: 7 IF necessary, RESET the control rod drift lights on the full core display by momentarily placing the C905 ROD DRIFT RESET/TEST switch in the "RESET" position.

Drift lights in the 905 panel go out. Standard:

Comment: 2007 NRC JPM RO S8 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 5 of 8 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION

'4 Performance Step: 8 WHEN all of the following alarms clear: 0 "SDIV LEVEL HI" (C905D3) "SIDV EAST NOT DRAINED" (C905R-G4) "SDIV WEST NOT DRAINED" (C905R-GI)

Standard: Operator verifies annunciators are clear. Evaluator's Note: Comment: The annunciators are located on Control Room panel C965, vertical section right side. Performance Step: 9 IF the process computer is available, all of the following alarm typer alarms are NORMAL (USE EPIC MAIN MENU Format Mol, "SCRAM Display"):


Evaluator's Cue: Comment: "If EPIC not available, then ALL POINTS ARE NORMAL." Performance Step: 10 Standard:

THEN WAIT 5 minutes for the SDV RTDs to heat to operating temperature. Operator begins 5 minute wait period. Evaluator's Cue: Comment: "Five mi nu tes have elapsed ." i/ 2007 NRC JPM RO S8 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 6 of 8 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: I1 Standard:

WHEN 5 minutes have elapsed, THEN the CRS will verify the above alarms are CLEAR. Operator asks CRS to verify alarms are clear. Evaluator's Cue: Evaluator's Note:

Comment: The CRS has verified and signed that all alarms are clear. Verification is required for alarms and annunciators delineated in Steps 8 and 9. Performance Step: 12 PLACE the SDlV HI LEVEL SCRAM BYPASS switch to "NORMAL". Operator rotates the SDlV HI LEVEL SCRAM BYPASS SWITCH to "NORMAL" position.

4 Standard:

Comment: .--' Terminating Cue: This completes this JPM. STOP TIME:

TIME CRITICAL STOP TIME: 2007 NRC JPM RO S8 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 7 of 8 Form ES-C-I VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No.: 2007 NRC JPM RO S8 Examinee's Name: Date Performed: Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete: Question Documentation:



Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature:

Date: 2007 NRC JPM RO S8 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 8 of 8 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET '- INITIAL CONDITIONS:

The reactor has scrammed. The immediate actions of the scram procedure are complete.

The cause of the scram has been determined and corrected.

The BOP operator is controlling vessel level and pressure.

INITIATING CUE: ., .r 2007 NRC JPM RO S8 Reset the reactor scram IAW PNPS 2.1.6 Section 5.0 beginning at step 18. NUREG 1021, Revision 9