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Letter Dated October 9, 2012, from Richard L. Holm, University of Illinois, to John B. Hickman, NRC, Regarding the Submission of Final Status Survey Report and Request for License Termination for the University of Illinois Nuclear Reactor L
Person / Time
Site: University of Illinois
Issue date: 10/09/2012
From: Holm R
Univ of Illinois - Urbana
To: John Hickman
Download: ML12345A245 (190)


UNIVERS-ITY O0F ILLINOIS:AT URBA.NA-C HAMPAIGN Department of Nuclear, Plasma Rich Holm and Radiological Engineering ii Reactor Administrator 217-333-7755, 216 Talbot Laboratory

,.. 104 South Wright Street Urbana, IL 61801-2983 October 9, 2012 Docket No. 50-151 John Hickman USNRC MS T-8F5 Washington, DC 20555 RE:-Submission of Final Status Survey Report and Request for License Termination

Dear Mr. Hickman,

Please find enclosed the University of Illinois Final Status Survey Report for the Nuclear Reactor.Laboratory.

All nuclear material under the reactor license has been removed and the site remediated.

Upon the satisfactory completion of the NRC review of the University of Illinois Final Status Survey Report for the Nuclear Reactor Laboratory I would request the termination of the license (R:115).If there are any questions regarding the Final Status Survey Report please do not hesitate to contact me.'Sincerely, Rich Holm Reactor Administrator C: Jim Stubbins, Head, Department of Nuclear, Plasma and Radiological Engineering Craig Stewart, American' Nuclear Insurers -telephone 217-333-2295 .fax 217-333-2906 E N E R CON SE.RVICES

-FINAL STATUS SURVEY REPORT University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Nuclear Reactor Laboratory Nuclear Regulatory COmmission Facility Operating License R-115 UI-MCP-FS-01 Revision 0 October 4, 2012 Prepared by LVI Environmental Services, Inc.621 East Wildwood Ave.Villa Park, OK 60181.And Enercon Services, Inc..4490 Old William Penn Highway Murrysville, PA 15668 Prepared for The University of Illinois Decommissioning of the Nuclear Reactor Laboratory Excellence-Every project. Everyday.FINALSTATUS SURVEY- REPORT University of Illinois -at Urbana-Champaign, Nuclear, Reactor- Laboratory.

Nuclear Regulatory -Commission Facility Operating License R-115-UI-MCP-FSO:_1 Revision 0...October 4, 2012 Prepared by:..Reviewed by: Approved by: Approved by: Dustin G. Miller, CHP Technical Specialist.

Kevin E. Taylor, PE',' CHP _ _ __ _"_ "_" Project Health Physicist..

Corey E. DeWitt A, Project Manager Rich L. Holm.Director, Nuclear Reactor Laboratory E N E R CON Excellence-L

Every project Every day.


OF CHANGES Revisions to this report will be tracked-when revisions are issued. Changed sections will be -identified by special demarcation in the margin. A summary description of each-revision will be noted in the following table.Revision .Date Description of Change NumberoI.0 October 4, 2012 Initial issue ...

SERWCES" University of Illinois Nuclear Reactor Lab D&D Final Status Survey Report TABLE OF CONTENTS-ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS....................................









3 2.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................

3 2.2 Project Background



3 2.3 Decom m issioning A ctivities




3 3.1 Release C riteria ...................................................................................................

13 3.2 Classification and Sample Size ..............




........ 14 3.2.1 Sample and Location Identification


15 3.3 Types and Methods of Surve .s.....2.........


..,15 3.4 Survey Instrumentation

....... .......................................

16 3.4.1 Instrum ent M odels ....................................

...... ...... ..........................

16 3.4.2 Instrument Calibration




16 3.4.3 Pre-Operational Checks ..................................

17 3.4.4 _Instrum ent Efficiency


17 3.4.5 Minimum Detectable Concentration



18 4.0 FINAL STATUS SURVEY RESULTS..............................

21 4.1 Excavation Area ..............................................................

21 4.2 Perimeter Area.... .............................


22 4.3 Subsurface Structures










25 LIST OF TABLES.Table 3-1: NRC License Termination Screening Levels for Soils ...............

13 Table 3-2: Release Criteria for Surface Contamination


14 Table 3-3: Survey Instrument M DCs .......................................

.....,.. .... ... ....... .. 20 1*

University of lllin6is " Nuclear Reactor Lab D&D SERVICES Final Status Survey Report LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A -TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION OF INSTRUMENTS

.APPENDIX B -CALIBRATION RECORDS APPENDIX C -DAILY SOURCE CHECKS APPENDIX D -RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY FORMS APPENDIX E -LABORATORY DATA PACKAGE ii 5WkI rt University of Illinoi Nuclear Reactor Lab D&I-_ Final Status Survey gR/hr ALARA...cpm D&D DP dpm Ei E~t FSS GM HEPA HTD LLRW MARSSIM MDC MDCR Nal NRC NRL ORISE pCi/g TEDE UIUC LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS microRoentgen per hour.As Low As Reasonably Achievable Counts per minute, Decontamination and Decommissioning Decommissioning Plan Disintegrations per minute Instrument efficiency Surface efficiency*, Total instrument efficiency Final Status Survey Geiger Muller High Efficiency Particulate Air Hard to Detect Low-level Radioactive Waste Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual Minimum Detectable Concentration Minimum Detectable Count Rate Sodium Iodide US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Nuclear Reactor Laboratory., Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education picocuries per gram Total Effective Dose Estimate University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign iii

.University of Illinois;Nuclear Reactor Lab D&D SERWCES Final Status Survey Report 1.0 EXECUTIVE


The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (University, UIUC) Nuclear Reactor Laboratory

.(NRL) was an 80-foot by 45-foot, steel frame, concrete block building located between Green ,Street and Springfield Street on the 1,468-acre campus of the UIUC in the twin cities of Urbana and Champaign in Champaign County, Illinois.

The building housed an Advanced TRIGA pool-type reactor designed and constructed by General Atomic Division of General Dynamics Corporation.

The reactor operated under U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)License R-1 15.The University discontinued operations of the Advanced TRIGA nuclear research reactor in 1998 and decided to- decommission the facility.

Removal of the reactor fuel elements was accomplished in 2004. In 2007, the NRC approved the NRL Decommissioning Plan (DP) Which required complete removal of the reactor, systems, and demolition of the, facility.In 2011, the University selected a Decontamination and Demolition (D&D) contractor to decommission the NRL in accordance with the DP. In October 2011, the D&D contractor mobilized to the site and began preparing the facility for D&D. Facility systems were isolated-and all legacy waste was removed from the NRL. The reactor core and internals were removed in January 2012 with the subsequent removal of activated portions of the bioshield.

Following removal of all auxiliary systems within the NRL, the NRL was decontaminated where necessary and a full radiologicali release survey wa s performed.

A confirmatory survey was performed by NRC Region 3 personnel in May 2012 and the building was demolished.....

In July 201 a Final Status Survey (FSS) was conducted in the soils of thebuilding f6otprintper the NRC-approved FSS Plan. The Class 1 survey unit consisted of the exposed soils in -the building footprint and the Class 2 survey unit was the immediate area surrounding the excavation area. The results-for the soil samples support an unrestricted release of the NRC license. In the excavation area -survey unit, two of the'56 soil samples haddetectable Cesium-137 (Cs-137).concentrations with a maximum result of 0.1 picocuries per gram (pCi/g); approximately 1% of its release criteria.

In the perimeter survey unit, the maximum result for 28 soil samples collected was 0.25 pCi/g Cs-137-(i.e., 2% of the release criteria)

Out of only 4 samples that had ElAN -LVI: SERVICES University of Illinois'Nuclear Reactor Lab D&D Final Status Survey Report detectable Cs-137. No other radionuclides of concern were detected in the FSS samples. While Cs-137 is identified as a radionuclide of concern in the FSS Plan, it is-also present in background

soils at low levels as, a result of atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons., 2 University -of Illinois Nuclear Reactor Lab D&D SER.. CES' -Final Status Survey Report


-This report describes the D&D activities of the University of Illinois Nuclear Reactor Lab as well as thepurpose, scope, and technical approach used during the FSS.2.1 Purpose -The purpose of the FSS is to -demonstrate that the radiological conditions at~the UIUC NRL satisfy the release criteria approved in the DP; thus supporting a request to the NRC to terminate the NRL license. For the purpose of this demonstration, the area"is divided into survey units with each survey unit being independently evaluated.

The objective of the evaluation is to demonstrate that the radiological release conditions have been achieved.2.2 Project Background The NRL was an 80-foot by, 45-foot, steel frame, concrete block, building located between Green Street and Springfield Street. on the 1,468-acre campus of the UIUC in the twin cities of Urbana and Champaign in Champaign County Illinois as shown in Figures 2-1 and 2-2: The building.,was,,supported by 30 metal-shell, cast-in-place concrete piles with minimum lengths of 40.5 feet.A 6.5-foot deep by 1-foot wide concrete foundation, which was laid on concrete pile caps, supported the walls. The building housed a TRIGA pool-type reactor designed and constructed by General Atomic Division of General Dynamics Corporation.

The reactor operated under NRC License R-I 15.The University discontinued operations, of its Advanced TRIGA nuclear research reactor at the NRL in 1998. Prior to shutdown of the. reactor and the removal of the reactor fuel elements in 2004, the University decided to decommission and dismantle the NRL and terminate the NRC license. In 2007, the NRC approved the. NRL DP which required the, complete removal of the reactor,, systems, and demolition of the facility.In 2011, the University selected a team led by LVI Environmental Services, Inc. (LVI), a D&D contractor, to safely implement the DP. Additional members of this team included Enercon Services, Inc. and AECOM Technical Services; Inc. Beginning in October 2011, the team began removing the legacy waste from the NRL. The reactor bridge and control *rod drive were 3 University of Illinois LVI 0 Nuclear Reactor Lab D&D SERCES" Final- Status Survey Report, removed in November 2011. Clean portions of the bioshield were removed using. wire-saw-cutting in December 2011 to allow better access to the reactor core and internals for disassembly.

The reactor-core assembly (core; Lazy Susan, reflector; grid.plates; stand, etA.), as removed in.January 2012 with the subsequent-removal of activated portions of the bioshield.

Auxiliary systems within the NRL were removed and the NRL was decontaminated where necessary to support radiological releae survey.- The contractor performed the release survey and following a confirmatory survey by the NRC, the building was demolished except for the cast-in-place concrete pilings and the concrete sumps.Figure 2-1: Aerial View of the NRL, 4 SERMICE...... University-of Illinois Nuclear Reactor Lab D&D Final Status Survey Report Figure 2-2: Campus Location of the NRL J ~ A Afýj WGf,nOlAle

_ V"'I In July 2012, the FSS was conducted per the NRC-approved FSS Plan. A Class I survey unit consisted of the building .footprint (i.e., the exposed soil excavation area). A Class 2 survey unit.consisted of the immediate.

area surrounding the excavation area.2.3 Decommissioning Activities Decommissioning entailed numerous tasks -involving remediation, dismantlement; and.-demolition of various systems,:.structures, and components with a"constantfocus on safety and limiting radiation dose to the on-site staff. This section details the result of these tasks. The final project collective Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE) to personnel was 2.57 person-rem.

The DP estimated the collective project dose to be 8.5 person-rem and there were no. OSHA recordable injuries or lost work time incidents.

.5 University of Illinois LW Nuclear Reactor Lab D&D-SERVICES, Final Status Survey Report 2.3.1 Miscellaneous Non-contaminated Items.Following site mobilization, the non-reactor related equipment and materials located throughout the facility .were collected, surveyed-with Geiger Muller (GM) detectors,.

and released-from the-facility for reuse or for disposal as clean trash. All released items were surveyed for removable and fixed contamination, including removable tritium. There were no indications of any activity above detectable levels with minimum detectable concentrations (MDC) equal t6 no -greater than 50 percent of the Regulatory Guide 1.86 release criteria as described in the DP. These materials included office and shop equipment, old radiation detectors that were no longer in serVice, and miscellaneous materials used or stored in the NRL.2.3.2 Glove Box One of the. first,jlarge., radioactive items removed, during the initial decommissioning activities.

was a glove box located on the reactor room lower level. The glove box was characterized for waste disposal and determined to contain uranium isotopes.

The glove box was disconnected from its ventilation stack and duct work and packaged without disassembly into a 20-foot sealand container.

The ventilation ductwork was additionally wrapped in polyvinyl and added to the container alofig with herculite fill material.

The container was shipped offsite for processing and disposal as low level radioactive waste (LLRW).2.3.3 Reactor Components More .than 90 percent of the reactor components were removed prior to bioshield demolition.

Pool water was Jleft i6 the reactor tank to provide shielding.

The reactor bridge was removed and-all of the components packaged for disposal as LLRW.The "LazySusan," which contained several, curies of Co-60 in its activatedstellite bearings, was separated from the reactor assembly to reduce worker dose* exposure during reactor assembly-dismantlement.,,It was placed in a shielded container and stored in the southeast comer of the reactor room floor until a shipping cask was available.

Prior to removal, an ALARA review was performed to ensure dose to radiation workers and the public was kept as low as possible and within regulatory limits. Concrete blocks from the bioshield were placed around the container for shielding..

Dose rate .surveys of the container and surrounding area were performed after placement and the area was posted in accordance with the radiation control plan.6 1151 ".University of Illinois I' ..Nuclear Reactor Lab D&D SERVIS Final Status Survey Report Due to the elevated dose rate of the Lazy Susan, a: Type A shipping cask was-required to" transport .the article to the waste disposal site. When the shipping cask arrived- at the NRL, the Lazy Susan container-was removed from the facility..and placed in the.cask and shipped to EnergySolutions' Containerized Waste Facility in Clive, Utah.Following removal of the Lazy Susan, the reactor tank water was pumped to a holding tank, the core support was unbolted from the tank bottom, the beam ports were cut from the reflector, and.the reactor assembly was removed. The assembly contained three lifting eyes and was pulled from. the pool with the NRL's overhead crane. The reflector contained poured lead inside an aluminum shell. This reflector was shipped for offsite processing to remove the lead-which was disposed as mixed waste. The remaining portions of the aluminum assembly were repackaged.

offsite and disposed as LLRW.The TEDE for-the removal of the reactor assembly (.including removal of the Lazy Susan) as well as the loading and shipping of the same was approximately

1. 1 person-rem.

2.3.4 Reactor Tank Water Initially'the" water in the reactor tank was partially drained and the water was managed according to the existing Universityprocedures.

-This allowed better access to reactor components while still providing*

sufficient shielding to keep dose rates ALARA. After the reactor components were removed, the tank was completely drained. When the water level approached the bottom, the water was agitated to suspend radioactive deposits on the bottom of the reactor tank. The tank water was filtered to remove the suspended particulate matter. After passing through a particulate filter and ion exchange resin, the tank water was added to a 1,000-gallon hold up tank and sampled according to current University procedures allowing the filtered water to be discharged to the sanitary sewer system. Dose rates were carefully monitored as the tank was drained, .and never exceededlimits set in the Radiation Work Permit (RWP).2.3.5 'Reactor Tank The upper portions of the reactor tank were removed during diamond wire cutting activities described in the following section. -As the concrete blocks from the top 12 feet of the bioshield were removed, the top portion of thealuminum tank sections was also removed: The tank pieces 7 University of-Illinois

'"I~ .Nuclear Reactor Lab D&D SERVICES .. .- Final Status Survey Report, were. not anchored or attached to -the concrete in any way and were easily separated from the..blocks. The tank pieces were surveyed and some surface contaminration was identified.

These pieces of the tanks were managed as LLRW.'The lower part of the reactor tank was removed during the inside-out demolition of the-lower-section of the bioshield described below. The removal of the lower part of the reactor tank-was performed-remotely in a negative air containment that was .constructed over the bioshield.

Aluminum pieces were removed from the bioshield interior and. packaged for disposal as LLRW. .2.3.6 Bioshield and Bulk Shielding Tank Segmentation

.LVI used diamond wire cutting, performed by Cutting Edge, Inc., to segment the upper level of the concrete bioshield and the Bulk Shielding Tank (BST). The purpose of the removal action was to allow more direct access tO the reactor and internals and to remove the BST walls to support the demolitionof the lower activated regions of the bioshield using a Brokk demolition tool. The Bioshield Wiresaw Cutting Work Plan (MCP-OPS-04) provided instructions for cutting the: concrete into manageable sections.

However, prior to making the initial cuts in the top of the bioshield, the top surface of the bioshield was decontaminated.

Contamination-levels of approximately.

10,000 dpm beta/gamma were reduced to non-detectable levels. The decontamination waste was collected into vacuums and added to the LLRW waste stream..The bioshield concrete was cut into 3-ton maximum blocks, using air-cooled diamond core drills and water-cooled track saw and diamond wire saws. With these specialized cutting tools, .dust and debris were strictly controlled.

A recycling system utilizing a "Slurry Fox" filter press was used to filter the water before* circulating back to the cutting tools. The resulting slurry from the filtered cutting water was drummed and shipped offsite as LLRW for processing and disposal..

.Concrete blocks. removed from the bioshield and BST were surveyed with GM detectors to demonstrate that they contained no detectable levels of contamination or- activation prior to their release as clean-waste.

Additionally, concrete samples were collected from 14 different blocks --using a hammer-drill.

These samples were biased toward the most likely activated areas such as the blocks in proximity to, the reactor core. Samples were examined by an independent laboratory for tritium, iron-55, nickel-63, and gamma-emitting radionuclides.

The analysis of 8 University of Illinois.. .W "Nuclear Reactor Lab D&D SERVICES*

Final Status SurveyReport each concrete block sample indicated that contaminants of concern were below detectable levels.Concrete blocks were shipped to a local landfill as non-radiological "clean" waste., 2.3.7 Bioshield Demolition and Beam Tube'Removals The Site Characterization Report (Scientech 2005b)-estimated that the reactor bioshield

'was activated to a depth of about 3 feet into the concrete from the- tank wall and to a -height of about 4 feet from the reactor core centerline.

With the use of a remote contr6l Brokk 330 and demolition hammer attachment; this "area of activation" was removed working from the inside out. This demolition work was performed under negative air with air filtered through high-efficiencyparticulate air (HEPA) filters. concrete rubble and rebar was packaged in "super_sacks" and ultimately disposed of as LLRW.The characterization assessment of the area of activation was relatively accurate6-However, neutron scatter along the length of the beam tubes had activated a few inches of the concrete surrounding the beam tubes. As such, four of the six beam tubes were completely removed from the bioshield using the Brokk and the surrounding concrete decontaminated.

The remaining two beam tubes were left for removal during the final demolition of the bioshield.

Following the removal of the activated, concrete, the interior cavity of the bioshield was surveyed and sampled. If a survey point demonstrated potential residual activity, the'location was further decontaminated using hand demolition tools. Concrete samples indicated that the bioshield met the release criteria provided in the DP.2.3.8 Forced Circulation System The primary pump and heat exchanger from the reactor tank water circulation system were located in the Mechanical Equipment Room. These items were disconnected and removed from the Mechanical Equipment Room intact (no cutting or sawing). All system components were surveyed for free release. No contamination was detected on approximately 75% of the systems and they were free released.

The heat exchanger.

and primary pump were determined to be.9

.....University of Illinois fi Nuclear Reactor Lab D&D SERWCES. Final Status Survey Report internally contaminated above release limits and managed as LLRW. The pump motor, which was separate from the pump, was free of internal contamination.

There were two nitrogen-16 (N- 16) decay tanks located in a vault under the Mechanical Equipment Room. One tank had a 3,000-gallon-capacity and the other tank had a 1,500-gallon capacity.

These tanks were emptied to the extent possible and the.water was added to the hold-up tank- for filtering and testing' according to. University procedures before -ultimately being released.

into the sewer. Once the water was .removed from each -of the tanks, they were segmented into manageable-sections.

Each piece was surveyed with GM detectors with more-than 75%/*of the sections.

shown to be free of detectable contamination and free released.

The contaminated.

sections were packaged and shipped offsite for processing and disposal as LLRW.2.3.9 Water Retention System The water retention system consisted of three floor drains, a trench.drain; the emergency shower drain, the utility sink drain, associated piping embedded in the concrete floor of the reactor room, and the 500-gallon storage tank located in a small vault under the western side of the reactor room floor north of the Radioactive Materials Storage Cage.ý-. The water retention system remained intact through the majority, of the D&D project so that it could be utilized to contain spills and/or process water (such as water needed for, concrete cutting or coring). The 500-gallon storage tank-was removed from the pit when wet decommissioning tasks were complete.

It was surveyed and released as clean waste. --One of the three floor drains was identified during confirmatory surveys as having measureable contamination.'.

The drain and an impacted section of pipe and conduit were removed during the -demolition of the concrete floor. About -4 feet of pipe and 4 feet of conduit were disposed as&: LLRW.2.3.10 Dry Fuel Storage Pits There were six dry fuel storage pits located in the floor of the truck loading bay. These pits were 1 foot in diameter, 8 feet deep, and lined with 3/8-inch steel with a 1/2-inch bottom plate. Each pit had a 1-foot thick concrete end plug with a 14-inch diameter steel cap. Each pit contained an aluminum storage rack. Surveys with GM detectors showed no activation or contamination 10 University of Illinois Nuclear Reactor Lab D&D SERVES Final Status Survey Report above detectable levels within the tubes or the caps. The tubes were removed as clean waste along with concrete floor during final demolition.

2.3.11 Building Exhaust System The building exhaust system consisted of filter housing on the storage level, a charcoal filter bed, exhaust ducts, and the roof stack and blower. The exhaust system was operated during decommissioning operations until after the removal of the activated interior concrete of the bioshield.

Once the system was shut down, the filter media (charcoal and fiber filters) were removed and disposed as LLRW. The entire exhaust system was then surveyed and no contamination was identified above detectable levels. The exhaust system components were disposed of as clean waste.2.3.12 Interference Removal After the final removal of activated concrete from the interior of the bioshield, the remaining interferences within the NRL were removed. These materials consisted of piping, conduit, wall hangers' and other miscellaneous items. These materials were surveyed and determined to be free of detectable contamination.

2.3.13 Building Clearance Survey and Sampling The goal of the building clearance surveys was to document that the building materials included in the demolition debris meet free-release criteria established in the Section 2.1.5 of the DP. The methods described in MARSSIM were used to provide a statistical basis for the design of the surveys. Surveys included interior floor and wall surfaces in the reactor room, control room, offices, materials storage areas, mechanical rooms, etc. (including doors). Surveys also included overheads such as ceilings, roofing supports, the bridge crane, and the roof of the mezzanine office. Exterior surveys included wall surfaces, doors, and roof materials.

Samples from the-concrete floors and the interior surface of the bioshield were also collected and analyzed for the activation products of concern provided in Table 2-4 for the DP. A total of 33 samples (including one duplicate:

sample) were collected and analyzed by Teledyne Brown Engineering, Inc.11 University of Illinois L I * ,Nuclear ReactorLab D&D SERWCES Final Status Survey Report After the completion of the building clearance surveys and sampling, Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) performed a confirmatory survey for the NRC. ORISE collected five split concrete samples from the reactor bioshield; collected two additional biased bioshield samples, and collected a sample fromthe pipe tunnel below the reactor bioshield.

A collective analysis of all surveys and sample results indicated that the building could be demolished in accordance with the DP.'2.3.14 Building Demolition After the completion of the building clearance survey and approval from the NRC, the. building, including the remainder of the bioshield, was demolished.

Demolition began with the systematic removal of the exterior concrete block walls. This approach was required because the hollow blocks, were discovered to contain vermiculite, an asbestos-containing material.

Theblocks and the vermiculite were disposed of at a local landfill as asbestos-containing material.Following removal of these blocks, the remaining structure was demolished in two weeks utilizing a large track hoe with various demolition attachments.

Demolition debris and rubble was segregated and disposed of as clean waste. Metal and roofing materials were separated from concrete rubble resulting in approximately two truckloads of each material.

About 8000 cubic feet of concrete waste was generated from the.floor and bioshield demolition.

All trucks containing demolition debris were surveyed using a gamma exposure rate meter prior to leaving the site; none measured higher than background.

Concrete footings and pylons remained in place following demolition of the NRL structure consistent with DP. The survey of these items is described as part of the FSS in Section 4.0.12 University of Illinois Nuclear Reactor Lab D&D SERVICES Final Status Survey Report 3.0 FINAL: STATUS SURVEY METHODOLOGY The' FSS provided data and information to demonstrate that the NRL facility and site complies-, with the NRC annual dose 'limit -c iteria of 25-mrem/yr TEDE, by meeting the radiological criteria listed in'the DP as approved by the-NRC for use for the termination of NRC`License R-115.The FSS was designed in accordance with -the ,.NRC-approved FSS' Plan, CS-RS-PN-003

  • (EnergySolutions, 201.1),. in order, to, demonstrate that the NRL site complies with..the radiological release criteria stated. in Section 3.1. The FSS Plan described the process for survey preparation, survey design, data collection, data evaluation, and documentation of survey-results.

The FSS included gross gamma scans and collection of soil samples analyzed via gamma spectroscopy for the radionuclides of interest and analyzed for HTD radionuclides.

3.1 Release Criteria For the UI FSS, the NRC License Termination Screening Levels for surface soils listed in NUREG 1757, Volume I, Appendix B Table B.2 were approved as the derived concentration.-

guideline -levels (DCGLw). The NRC-approved screening criteria for UIUC NRL radionuclides of concern are listed in Table 3-1. Compliance with the volumetric contamination screening criteria was -demonstrated with a combination of gamma walkover --surveys and -volumetric material sampling and analysis.

--Table 3-1: NRC License Termination Screening Levels for Soils Radionuclide DCGLW (pCi/g)-Gamma Emitting Radionuclides Cobalt-60 3.8-.Europium-152 6.9 Cesium-137 11-Europium-154

....8.0 HTD Radionuclides Tritium (hydrogen-3) 110 Carbon-14 " 12 Iron-55 10,000 Nickel-63 " 2,100 13 .

"lefU.- University of Illinois Nuclear Reactor Lab D&D SERVICE. Final Status Survey Report The release criteria for surface contamination on remaining buildingg materials, such as concrete or steel footingsand foundation, are provided in Table 3-2. -These release criteria are from the: NRC's Regulatory Guide 1.86.Table 3-2: Release Criteria for Surface Contamination.

Average" 1 Maximum" 2 Removable Net beta-gammia activity 5,000 15,000 1,000 in dpm/100 cm 2 Notes: n' Averaged over not more than 1 square meter'2 Applicable to an area of not more than 100 square centimeters The average and maximum activity values apply to the total beta-gamma activity from the gamma-emitting radionuclides in Table 3-2 and, carbon-14.

The detector efficiency.

for-carbon-14 was used to conservatively estimate the total activity.

The removable contamination limit applies to theihard-to-detect isotopes as well as those detectable with direct measurements, 3.2 Classification and Sample Size Area classification in accordance with MARSSIM protocols ensures that the number of* measurements and the scan 'coverage is commensurate -with the' potential for residual contamination to exceed the approved release criteria.

The classification of an area is based on characterization measurements and historical use of the area. Areas- that have no reasonable potential for residual contamination because there was no known impact from site operations are classified as .non-impacted areas. Non-impacted areas are not required to be surveyed beyond what is completed as a part of site characterization to confirm the area's non-impacted classification.

Areas that may contain residual radioactivity from licensed activities are considered impacted areas. Based on the levels of residual radioactivity .present, impacted areas are further divided into Class 1, Class 2, or Class 3 designations.

Class I areas have the greatest potential for residual activity while Class 3 areas have the least potential for residual contamination.

Each-classification will typically be bounded by areas classified one step lower to provide a buffer zone around the higher class. Exceptions occur when an area is surrounded by a significant 14 university of Illinois L-: .Nuclear Reactor Lab D&D SERWCE5 Final Status Survey Report physical barrier that would make transport of residual activity unlikely from one area to the adjacent area. In such cases, each area will be classified solely on its own-merit using the most reliable information available.....

3.2.1 Sample and Location Identification Measurement and sampling locations were determined using the methods provided in MARSSIM.For the Class I survey unit, the random start location for the sample location-grid was biased so that it would fall within the footprint of the N-16 tank vault so that samples could be collected from under the concrete floor before building demolition.

This was necessary as the vault was not to be removed during building demolition because of safety concerns.

The number of primary samples, twenty-eight'(28), was determined in the FSS Plan using MARSSIM protocols and site characterization data. Also as described in the FSS Plan, because HTD .isotopes are not detectable with a walkover survey, additional secondary sample locations within the MARSSIM-derived sample grid were added to the sampling There were twenty-eight (28)additional sample locations.-

For the Class 2 survey unit, sample locations were evenly spaced'around the rectangular

  • perimeter.Class 1 survey unit. The number of samples was determined in the FSS Plan.An off-site laboratory facility, Teledyne Brown Engineering Laboratory in Knoxville,-TN, was used for gamma spectroscopy and HTD analyses of all FSS Soil samples.-3.3 Types and Methods of Surveys Survey measurements Were performed by personnel trained and qualified in accordance With the'FSS Plan. FSS measurements included a 100% walkover gamma survey of the Class 1 survey unit using-2-inch by 2-inch sodium iodide (2x2 NaI) gamma -scintillation detectors. -The Class'2 survey unit received a 100% walkover survey. Direct I1-minute gamma measurements Were also made at each sample point in the Class 1 (56 points) and Class 2 (28 points) survey units.15

... ..University of Illinois LV. .Nuclear Reactor Lab D&D SER. ES. Final Status Survey Report 3.4 Survey Instrumentation Handheld portable instruments were selected that provided an adequate response to radionuclides of concern and capable of having a MDC less than the applicable release criteria for the survey.The MDC was calculated using formulae contained in MARSSIM and shown in Section 5.2.3.The MARSSIM contains the most. current guidance on recommended methods of calculating survey instrument.

MDC. The background rate and detector efficiency used in the MDCare..averages calculated from the daily operational check of each instrument.

3.4.1 Instrument Models The instruments selected for this survey are described .in the following sections.

Technical description data sheets for each instrument and detector used are provided in Appendix A. Ludlum Model 2221 with 44-9 "Pancake" GM Detector The Model 2221 with 44-9 detector was used for beta/gamma static and scan measurements on the concrete footings.

The active area of the-detector is 15 cm 2 . Ludlum Model 2221 with Model 44-10 2x2 Nal Detector The Model 2221 with 44-10 was used for gamma radiation walkover .surveys and direct measurements across the Class 1 and Class 2 FSS areas. The 2x2 Nal detector has a sensitivity of approximately 900 cpm per microRoentgen per hour (PtR/hr) for Cs- Ludlum Model 19 MicroR The Model 19 was-used for gamma exposure rate surveys. The generally accepted MDC of this instrument is equivalent to. the background readings.3.4.2 Instrument Calibration All field instrumentation was calibrated by MJW Technical Services located in Olean, NY. The survey instruments were calibrated prior, to initiation of the FSS. ENERCON maintains original instrument calibration data at the calibration lab and provided copies to the on-site project file.Appendix B provides the calibration records for the instruments used.16 University of Illinois Nuclear Reactor Lab D&D SERVCE5. Final Status Survey Report 3.4.3 Pre-Operational Checks Background readings for counting-instruments were conducted daily during instrument use. Any instrument that used a battery had a daily battery check performed before instrument operation.

An appropriate initial source -response, as determined by a comparison to calibration information, to the appropriate on-site check source was obtained prior to the instrument being placed in service for the project.'Each day an instrument was used, the instrument received an operational check that consisted of a background reading (observed response rate for rate meters and 1-minute static count for scalers) and a count of a known check source. (observed response rate. for rate meters .and 1-.minute static count for scalers) with the detector in contact with the source in its holder to provide a consistent source to detector distance.

If at any time an instrument exceeded its calibration due date or fell outside of the +/-10 percent of the established initial source response, the instrument was replaced or recalibrated, and a new initial source check was performed.-

This information was recorded on a Daily Source Check Log form. Appendix C provides the results of the source check measurements made for instruments used during the FSS.3.4.4 Instrument Efficiency The efficiency of the detection capabilities for each GM instrument was'calculated using the following formula: E W,(C-Cb)Instrument Efficiency (El) S Where: Cs= Measured source count in cpm Cb = Measured background count in cpm S = 2 pi source activity value in dpm Total instrument Efficiency (Et) Et Ei E* .Where: Ei = Instrument efficiency E, = Surface efficiency (0.25 for beta emitters < 400 keV f3 m ax)17 5*jJ -~University of Illinois W I Nuclear Reactor Lab D&D SERCES ....... .Final Status Survey Report The total instrument efficiency (Et) is a product of the instrument efficiency (Ei) and the surface efficiency. (Es) and is used to convert the raw instrument counts into the standardized unit of dpm. The surface efficiency utilized follows the recommendations in ISO-7503-1, which makes recommendations for default surface efficiencies.

A surface efficiency of 0.25 is recommended for beta emitters with maximum energies less than 400 keV (NUREG 1507); therefore, the surface efficiency used for the FSS was 0.25 based on a beta energy maximum 318 keV for Co- Minimum Detectable Concentration The instrument and detector combination selected for the wall and floor scans had a MDC well below the.release criteria specified in Section 3.1 as shown in Table 3-3. The MDC is the concentration I of radioactivity that, an- instrument-can be expected to detect.. at- a,95 percent.confidence level. For instruments performing direct and/or scan measurements, the MDC goal was 10 to 50% of the applicable release criteria.

The MDC goals were met for the FSS instruments and information used to calculate the MDC for instrumentation used during the FSS were documented on the radiation survey form.For static (direct) surface measurements, with conventional detectors, the MDC was calculated using the formula: MDC.(dpm/lO00cm

2) =[3+3.29-(A/XTsX1

+Ts /Tbr Variables:

Rb = Background count rate (cpm)Tb = Background count time (min)T =SampleCount Time (min) .-E, = Total Instrument Efficiency (MARSSIM Section 6.6.1)The MDCsan for beta-gamma measurements was calculated by determining the Minimum Detectable Count Rate (MDCR). The MDCR was determined by first determining the minimum detectable net source, counts using Formula 6-8 in the MARSSIM as below...18 10.5 SERMIES~University of Illinois Nuclear Reactor Lab D&D Final Status Survey Report Minimum number of detectable source counts: s = d'Cbj-Where: d'= value from MARSSIM Table 6.5 for applicable true and false positive rates (1.38 for a true positive proportion of 0.95 and a false positive proportion of 0.60)bi = Number of background counts in a given time'interval The MDCR is calculated from Formula 6-9 in the MARSSIM: Minimum detectable count rate: MDCR -s,

  • 60 i Where: i = Observed time interval (seconds)

= the inverse of the detector scan speed in detectors-widths per second Finally, applying the'detection efficiency correction resulted in an MDCscan in standardized units (dpm/1 00.-cm 2) from this formula: Scan MDC: MDC,. =ICR-, * ,probearea S .100cm 2 Where: qi = Instrument efficiency s, =.Surface efficiency probearea

= total area of the detector face. in cm 2 p Surveyor efficiency (value from a range between 0.5 and 0.75)Note: The value for p was developed in Draft NUREG/CR-6364 and NUREG-1507.

It is a percentage estimate of the likelihood a surveyor will reliably detect an elevated count rate..The-a:priori MDCs for the GM detector used in the FSS are listed in Table 3-3 below and are recorded on the Radiological Survey forms in Appendix D. Scan speeds were equal to one 19 University.ofIllinois Nuclear Reactor Lab D&D"SERCES .Final Status Survey Report detector-width per second and the surveyor efficiency was assumed to be 0.5. Background count'tirhes were 10 minutes and direct measurement count times were 30 seconds.Table 3-3: Survey Instrument MDCs Instrument and Detector Serial Probe 2-pi BKGD 0/y MDCR 0/y MDC Number, Area Efficiency (cpm) ýý(gross cpm) (dpm/100 Cm 2 Ludlum Model 2221 with Model 44-10 W Nal 1781,010 N/A N/A 7230.. 8139 N/A Probe Ludlum Model 2221 with 21 1 1808 -15 CM2 14% 1 0' 1 38 2767 Model 44-9 GM Probe 20 University of Illinois L W" rNuclear Reactor Lab D&D SERVICES, Final Status Survey Report 4.0 FINAL STATUS SURVEY RESULTS The following sections describe the FSS survey techniques employed in each survey unit and are organized by survey area, i~e.;excavation area, perimeter area, and footers. The data collected in the FSS are summarized in each section With each radiological survey record provided in Appendix D. Data results were calculated with instrument background subtraction only.aterial -specific background, i.e., naturally occurring radioactivve isotopes, nuclear weapi-onis s testing, fall-out isotope concentrations in soil/concrete, was not subtracted from the gross results.Due to the extremely low and or non-detectable results, the average and standard deviation were not calculated.

  • 4.1 Excavation Area The excavation area was designated a Class 1 survey area. This area is depicted.

on.the Class 1 survey form in Appendix.

D. The FSS in this area consisted of primary and secondary, soil samples as well as a gamma walkover scan over all accessible areas. Twenty-eight (28) primary soil samples were collected on fifteen (1 5) foot centers in a triangular grid pattern. The primary samples were submitted for HTD -and gamma spectroscopy.

analyses.*, Additionally, twenty-eight (28) secondary soil samples were collected in the center of every four primary soil samples. All primary samples were submitted to Teledyne Brown for analysis of HTDs and gamma-emitting radionuclides using gamma spectroscopy.

Secondary samples were submitted for only HTD analyses.

The results are shown in Table, 4-1 below with the raw laboratory data located in Appendix E.The, 100% walkover gamma Surveydid not in.di~cate the presence of any near-surface radioactive materials aboye. background levels.21 University of Illinois W91 Nuclear Reactor Lab D&D SERVICES Final Status Survey Report Table 4-1: Class 1 Area Sample Results Summary Radionuclide Number Number TMaximum Samples Samples Result..____ >MDC Gamma Emitting Radionuclides

-_ ___Cobalt-60 28 0 <MDC Europium-152 28 0- <MDC Cesium-7137 28 2 0.10 Europium-154 28 0 <MDC HTD Radionuclides

....._, Tritium (Hydrogen-3) 56 0 <MDC Carbon- 14 56 0 <MDC Iron-55 56 0 <MDC Nickel-63 56 0 <MDC.4.2.. Perimeter Area The perimeter of the excavation area was designated a Class 2 area. This survey unit is depicted.on the Class 2 survey form in Appendix D. The FSS in this area consisted of soil samples as well as a gamma walkover scan over 100% of the area. Twenty eight (28) primary soil samples were collected around the excavation area. The primary. samples were submitted for gamma spectroscopy analysis and every fourth sample location was also analyzed for HTDs. The results are shown in Table 4-2 below.The 100% walkover gamma survey did not indicate the presence of any near-surface radioactive materials above background levels.Table 4-2: Class 2 Area Sample Results-Summary Radionuclide

.Number, Number -- Maximum ,Samples Samples Result.......___..........

>M DC Gamma Emitting Radionuclides

" Cobalt-60 28 0 <MDC Euirbpium-152

.28 0 '-. MDC Cesium-137 28 4 0.25 Europium-154 " 28 .0 <MDC HTD Radionuclides

......___ .....Tritium (Hydrogen-3) 28 0 <MDC Carbon-14 28 0 <MDC Iron-55 28 0 <MDC Nickel-63 28 .0 <MDC 22 University of Illinois Nuclear Reactor Lab D&D SERfCE." Final Status Survey Report 4.3 Subsurfice Structures and Building Materials The side walls and floors of the sub-floor pits that once contained the N-16 decay tanks (under the Mechanical Room) and the water hold-up tank (under floor near the *radioactive materials storage cage) were not removed due to stability concerns and worker safety. The concrete construction materials were backfilled along with the building foundation and support footings.Beta/gamma surface surveys and general area dose rates were collected during the building release survey in each relevant area. All measurements collected in these areas were in the range of established site background.

Table 4-3: Subsurface Soil Samples Radionuclide

.Number -Number Maximum Samples Samples Result>MDC Gamma Emitting Radionuclides


1. -0 <MDC Europium-152 1 0 <MDC.Cesium-137 1 0 <MDC Europium-154 1 0 <MDC HTD Radionuclides

-Tritium (Hydrogen-3) 1 0 <MDC _Carbon-14 1 0 <MDC Iron-55 1 0 <MDC Nickel-63 1 0 <MDC Additional direct measurements on the building footers, Hold-up Tank Vaults, and N-16 Tank Vault-are shown on the survey form in Appendix D. Direct measurements were collected with a GM detector.

Gamma scans with a 2x2 Nal detector were performed with count rates in the range of background.

23 S.. ."University of Illinois L.- Nuclear Reactor Lab D&D SERVICES' Final Status Survey Report


S The results for the soil samples support an unrestricted release of the NRC license. In the Class 1 excavation area survey unit, only two of the 56 soil samples had detectable Cs-137 concentrations with a maximum result of 0.1 pCi/g; approximately I% of its release criteria.

In the Class 2 perimeter survey unit, the maximum result for 28 soil samples collected was 0.25 pCi/g of Cs-137 (i.e., 2% of the release criteria) out of only 4 samples that had detectable Cs-137.The Cs-137 results can be! attributable to fall-but from historical atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons. No other radionuclides of concern were detected in the FSS samples and all gamma walkover count rates were at background levels.Based on the results of the NRL FSS, the conditions in 1 OCFR20.1402, Radiological criteria for unrestricied use, have been met with the absolute maximum dose to. an average member of the.public calculated (by compwison of the residual concentration of material to the release criteria)to be less that 0.5 mrem per year or 2% of the release criteria.24 LLWW A SERVICES.University of Illinois Nuclear Reactor Lab D&D Final Status Survey Report


1. 1 0CFR20.1402, Radiological Criteria for Unrestricted Use 2. 1OCFR50.82, Termination of License 3. NUREG-1575, Multi-Agency-.

Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual (MARSSIM), Revision 1 (August 2002)4. NUREG-1507, Minimum Detectable Concentrations With Typical Radiation Survey Instruments for Various Field Conditions, December 1997 5. NUREG-15 05, A Nonparametric Statistical Methodology for the Design and Analysis of Final Status Decommissioning Surveys, Rev. 1, June 1998 draft 6. NUREG-1757, ConsolidatedDecommissioning Guidance, September 2006 7. ISO-7503-1, Evaluation ofsurface contamination, 1988 8. 82A9571, Site Characterization Report, Nuclear Research Laboratory, University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, Scientech, LLC. 2005 9. CS-RS-PN-003, Final Status Survey Plan -University of Illinois Nuclear Research Lab Revision 1. EnergySolutions.

2011 10. Regulatory Guide 1.86, Termination of Operating Licenses for Nuclear Reactors, Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

1974 25 tVif S- University of Illinois Nuclear Reactor Lab D&D Final Status SurveyReport APPENDIX A TECHMNCAL DESCRIPTION OF INSTRUMENTS


Radiation Detection for a Safe.r World Features* Digital Ratemeter with Built-In Scaler.* Dual Analog Meter & Digital LCD Presentation

  • Rich Array of Discrete Front Panel Controls" Single Channel Analysis* RS-232 Data Output* Wide Range HV* Overload Protection r"-C.2 Part Number: 48-2065 Specifications

.. -INDICATED USE: field analysis RATEMETER:

provides a four-decade analog display that is operational any time the instrument is turned on, the ratemeter can also be presented on the accompanying LCD as a digital value when the LCD is switched to the "Dig. Rate" position SCALER: rarigefrom 0-999999 counts TIMERý Switch'selectable divisions of 0.1, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10 minutes or CONT (continuous) for manual timing CONCURRENT USE: scaler or digital ratemeter is active when not selected, allowing for concurrent use SUGGESTED DETECTORS:

GM, proportional, scintillation HIGH VOLTAGE: adjustable from 400-2400 volts (can be checked on display)THRESHOLD:

adjustable from 100-1000 (can be checked on display)WINDOW: adjustable from 0-1000 above threshold setting (can be turned on or off)GAIN: adjustable from 1.5-100 mV at a threshold setting of 100 OVERLOAD:

senses detector saturation, indicated by ----" on LCD display-and meter going to full scale (adjustable depending on detector selected)CONNECTOR:

series "C" type METER DIAL: 0-500 cpm, 50-500k cpm Iogarithmic scale (others available)

DIGITAL DISPLAY: 6-digit LCD display with 1.3 cm (0.5 in.) high digits LCD BACKLIGHT:

activated by LAMP switch AUDIO: built-in unimorph speaker with volume control switch for 1, 10, or 100. events per click AUDIO JACK: for optional headset CONTROLS: " Power Switch: on/off* Scale Selector Switch: xl, xl0, xl00, xlK, Log" Response Switch: toggles between FAST (4 sec.) or SLOW (22. sec.) from 10% to 90% of final reading* Meter Zero Pushbutton:

to zero meter* Audio Volume Knob: adjusts volume of audio output* Audio Divide Switch: divides audio clicks by either 1, 10, or 100* Meter Lamp Switch: illuminates meter* Window Switch: selects wide open window counts or a narrower setting for viewing a specific energy band* Scaler Count Time Selector Switch: 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, or 10 minutes* Count Pushbutton:

starts or resets scaler count Count Hold Pushbutton:

stops scaler count and leaves result in the display* Scaler/Digital Rate Switch: selects which mode is presented on the LCD* Test Buttons: battery, high voltage, threshold, window* Calibration Controls:

recessed screwdriver adjustments with calibration cover POWER: 4 each "D" cell batteries BATTERY LIFE: typically 250 hours0.00289 days <br />0.0694 hours <br />4.133598e-4 weeks <br />9.5125e-5 months <br /> with alkaline batteries (battery condition can be checked on digital display)SIZE: 22.9 x 10.9 x 25.4cm (9 X 4.3 x 10 in.) (H x Wx L) including handle WEIGHT: 2'5 kg (5.5 Ib) including batteries-RS-232 OUTPUT OPTION: This option facilitates exporting data to be read as output to a computer or serial printer-from either the ratemeter or scaler reading. (Part No. 4261-148)CD 3ýCD P.O. Box 810, Sweetwater, Texas 79556 / 800-622-0828

/ 325-235-5494

/ Fax: 325-235-4672

/ E-mail: 6/15/2010 o ý M 44.4dillet' GaollnaDetector Radiation Detection for a Safer World Pat ube: 71r.APart Number:0 47-1540 1 x5.1cm 2 x2,i.) Diax LCDa ENRAGE RAOO G-~12GG0KoWtt Me U AW'~~$tx~~~~~"5t~~

Ih~ cm& 1rndDaxdLd~

At$2 ER TUBE 5.1~4 2w,(2 i'ihee "Ae al ER(2.6Ex 11, in.)i(iD)

' ,L)2.3 1Ib)> ,S P.O. Box S10,Siweetwater, Texas 79556 / 800-622-0828

/ 325-235-5494

/ Fax: 325-235-4672

/[E-mail: 6/17/2010 Miciý bok-Wme' eter Model 19 t m Radiation Detection for a Safer World_-Features.

  • High Sensitivity to Gamma.0-5000 pR/hr Range (others available) a* Rugged m.Splashproof Protection for Outdoor Use .S..2000 Hour Battery life* CE Certified 2 Introduction Part Number: 48-1615 The Model 19 is.a highly sensitive gamma The front-panel controls include a rotary switch pR/meter employing an internally housed, 2.5 for selecting the five-decade range and instrument cm diameter by 2.5 cm thick. (1.0 x 1.0 in.) Nal shut-off, an audio.. on/off switch, a fast/slow:.-


The measuring range is 0-5000 pR/ response switch, and pushbuttons for -D hr. The cast aluminum instrument housing with its activating the meter lamp, high-voltage display, separate battery compartment and accompany-battery test,"and count reset. The Model 19 is ing metal handle offer an industrial robustness a complete turn-key system and includes two and quality that promote long lasting protection "D" cell batteries.

and instrument life.2M.."s 0-5000R/hR/h ENRYenergy dependen~LINEARITY-:

reading +/-10% /oftrue value~ =3~~METER. 6.4 c,, 1 mA analog type 1 D AW IAL: 0-25 JR/hr, 0-50 pR/h, ~BAT 1 TIES'T'High Voltage TestiI 0 AY BSLCO 0 0-20,0500, 0-5000 pR/hr, Instrument Off .61=RESPOISI toglesitch for FAST- (4s§'dt ýLV 2 seconds) fo10to:0%o~f~fnal~reading

, switch'i(greater than 60 dB at0.meters2dh-SEIT-ting09, meter~t zero mee " EAR.-1uhutouiatvt meter -K TEMPERAWTU

~ ~ ~ RE RAGE -2 o5 C(4t 2 -) ayb e o prto rm-40 to! 65-?C (-40 to 150 'F)~PO~WER: 2ea~ch D" cell batteries (housed in sealed compartment that is externally accessible),~I-BATT[ERY LIFE: typically 2000 hours0.0231 days <br />0.556 hours <br />0.00331 weeks <br />7.61e-4 months <br /> with alkaline batteries (battery condition can be checked on meter),>4 CONSRUCION cas an drwn aumium ithbeige polyurethane enamel painti[IPySIZE 115,2,x 8:9 x 21-.6 cm (6.0 x 3.5 x 8.5in.)(H x 1 VV x itothandle.

0 '.P.O, Box 810, Sweetwater, Texas 79556 / 800-622-0828

/ 325-235-5494

/ Fax: 325-235-4672

/ E-mail: 4/5/2010 SERWCES.University of Illinois Nuclear Reactor Lab D&D Final Status Survey Report APPENDIX B CALIBRATION RECORDS m 243 Root St.Suite 100 Olean. New York 14760 Voice: (716) 372-6300 E PFax: (716) 372-5307 Certificate Of Calibration This Certificate will be accompanied by Calibration Charts or Readings where Applicable Customer Name: Enercon Services, Inc.Manufacturer:

Ludlum Measurements Address: 4490 Old William Penn Hwy Model: 2221 Serial Number: 178100 Murrysville, PA 15668 Detector Manufacturer:

Ludlum Measurements Contact Name: Dustin Miller aDet. Model: 44-10 Serial Number: PR206809 Customer PO/ ork er Calibration Method: Electronic CC. Number: Numbei: 2012-3725 Instrument Received:

[] Within Tolerance

[3 Out of Tolerance

[3 Repairs required [3 Other (See Comments)0Z Geotropism 0 Meter Zero 0 Mech. Ck. 0 HV Readout 0 Battery Check 0 Reset 0 Audio [3 Window Status 0] FS Rilpengmo-Ueilflelt 0 Background Subtract DjAkmnlm Temperature:

72.0 F Humidity:

54% Pressure:

28.5 in Hg Altitude:

1450 ft K .~____ _ ~Instaimen1tC41ibr on, MultiplierýRange Calibration Instrument Response Reference instruments and i or Sources Point Before Calibration After Calibration Pulser: 500-2 220106 X I 100 cpm 100 cpm 100 cpm Am241 C7-660 X 1 400 cpm 400 cpm 400 cpm X 10 1 kcpm 1 kcpm 1 kcpm Isotope Efficiency Distance X 10 4 kcpm 4 kcpm 4 kcpm Am241 20,7% 0 inch X 100 10 kcpm 9.9 kcpm 9.9 kcpm X 100 40 kcpm 40.5 kcpm 40.5 kcpm X 1K 100 kcpm 99 kcpm 99 kcpm Model 2221 currently set for gross counts X 1K 400 kcpm 400 kcpm 400 kcpm High Voltage: 1 000V detector connected with 5 foot cord Digital Ratemeter 40 cpm 40 cpm 40 cpm Threshold:

100 (1 OmV)Digital Ratemeter 400 cpm 400 cpm 400 cpm Window: OUT Digital Ratemeter 4 kcpm 3.998 kcpm 3.998 kcpm Digital Ratemeter 40 kcpm 39.39 kcpm 39.939 kcpm See page 2 also Digital Ratemeter 400 kcpm 399.305 kcpm 399.305 kcpm Digital Scaler 40 cpm 40 cpm 40 cpm Digital Scaler 400 cpm 399 cpm 399 cpm Digital Scaler 4 kcpm 4 kcpm 4 kcpm Digital Scaler 40 kcpm 39.925 kcpm 39.925 kcpm Digital Scaler 400 kcpm 399.18 kcpm 399.18 kcpm Log Scale 50 cpm 52 cpm 52 cpm Log Scale 500 cpm 500 cpm 500 cpm Log Scale 5 kcpm 5 kcpm 5 kcpm Log Scale 50 kcpm 50 kcpm 50 kcpm Log Scale 500 kcpm 499 kcpm 499 kcpm SStatem ntof Certfication MJW Technical Sevices, Inc certifies that the above instrument has been calibrated by standards traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology, or to the calibration facilities of other International Standards organization members, or have been derived from accepted values of natural physical constants or have been derived by the ratio type of calibration techniques.

The calibration system conforms to the requirements of ISOIIEC 17025 and ANSI N323. The Instrument listed above was inspected prior to shipment and it met all the manufacturer's published operating specifications (MJW technical Services is not responsible for damage incurred during shipment or use of this instrument).

instrumentI Calfbrtled BY: '"00 RevsiidBy Data&r .0,p ,Calibration Date: 06/21/2012 Calibration Due: 06/21/2013 Voltage 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 Bko 310 840 2120 3470 4910 5170 5720 5310 5730 6100 6010 6850 6500 6820 7060 8250 10600 18460 Am241 500 1230 2630 3880 5650 12620 13200 13850 14770 13620 14730 14800 14680 16190 15260 1i930'19130 26360 40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 105011001150 1200 1250 1300 1350 1000 v Am241 Bkg I SRC I Ef C7-660 40242 gamma/decay 5900 1 14200P1. 2..63%, 83001, 1 uCi Cal 37 Energy resolution Threshold Window counts voltage 9.7 % 6.421 0.41 654001 700 Det SN 44-10 PR206809 high low-' -i% A* flhAflt%*.

-U. / 011 u"" II 6.141 0.41 ,33380 Plateau Instrument Model 2200 SN: 42030 Source Am241 on contact 6/21/2012 Energy resolutlon is performed to test the Integrity of the crystal and tube socket.The resolution should be less than 13% to be considered an acceptable detector.A new detector will be between 8% and 9% and increase towards 13% as it ages.

QCP-20 Rev I QCP-2O Rev I Instrument Model: 2221 Serial Number: 178100 Calibration tag is attached to the Instrument?

LY-*I Information on tag is correct? (date, model, serial number)V-~All pieces of the instrument are included per the work order?Calibration Certificate has been generated?

Information on Calibration Tag and Certificate matches?Calibration Certificate is signed?Instructions on the work order are complete?Special requirements by customer are met?Note any problens and subsequent resolutions Verify proper shipping address is listed on packing slip, certificate of calibration and work order.QA Verification Date Signature ATTACHMENT 1 May 7,2007@ 2005 MJW Technical Services, Inc. --I .... .1 Disclosure of any material contained herein without the written permission of the MJW Technical Services, Inc. is strictly prohibited.

243 Root St.Suite 100 Otan, New York 14780 Voice: (716) 372-5300 Finx: (716)372-5307 Certificate Of Calibration Customer Name; Enercon Services, Inc.Manulactuer:.

LUalIUm ea9surements Address: 4490 Old William Penn Hwy Model: 2221 Serial Number: 211808 Murrysville, PA 15888 Detector Manufacturer:

Ludlum Measurements Contact Name: Dustin Miller Dot. Model: 44-10 Serial Number: PR206815 Customer PO/ Work re Calibration Method: Electronic CC. Number: SUNYUB025 Number: 2012-3307 Instrument Received:

0 Within Tolerance 13 Out of Tolerance

[3 Repairs required 03 Other (See Comments)0 Geotropism 1Z Meter Zero I Mech. Ck. 0 KV Readout 0 BtteMy Check R Reset 0 Audio [3 Window Status 0 FS Response 0 Linearity

[0 Background Subtract [] Alarm Set Temperature:

89.9 F Humidity:

28 % Pressure:

28.4 in Hg Altitude:

1450 ft Multiplifletsnge Calibration Instrument Response Reference instrurnoits and tor Sources Point Before Calibration After C4.o n Putelser 500-2 220100 X 1 00 cpm 99 cpm 99lcpm Am241 C7-0 Cs137 1130105 X 1 400cpm 403 cpm 403 cpm X10 1 kcpm I kcpm I kcpm tInst. Voltage: 900 V Wisotpe EffidOOVy Dbn X I0 4 kepm 4.03 kcpm 4.03 kcprn Input SenslliW.

10 mV Amn241 21.7% 0 Inch X 100 10 kcpm 10 kcpm 10 kcpm Xl100 40 kcpm 40.3 kcpm 40.3 kcpm Ref. Voltage 1: 1500V X1K 100 kcpm 100 kJcpm 100 kcpm Inst. Voltsp 1: 1500V X 1K 400 kepm 403 kcpm 403 kepm Rot. Voltage 2: 5W0 V Digital Raterneter 40 cpm 40 cpm 40 cpm Inst. Voltage 2: 498 V Digital Ratemeter 400 copm 400 cpm 400 cpm Digital Ratemeter 4 kcpm 3.999 kcpm 3.999 kcpm Model 2221 cuxrenty Wet for grao counts..Digital Ratemeter 40 kcpm 40.004 kcpm 40.004 kcpm High Voltage: 900V detector connected with 1 meter cable.Digital Ratemeter 400 kcpm 400.003 kcpm 400.003 kcPm Threshold:

100 (10MV)Digital Scaler 40 cpm 40 cpl 40 cpm Window: OUT Digital Scaler 400 cpm 399 cpm 399 cpm RS-232 Operation:

Verified Digital Scaler 4 kcpm 4 kcpm 4 kcpm Digital Scaler 40 kcpm 40.001 kcpn 40.001 kqIm Model 44-10 enerw resolution

& 89%. acceptable detector onergy Digital Scaler 400 kcpm 400.026 kcprn 400.026 kcprn resolution is <13%Log Scale 50 cpm 51 cpm 51 cpm Log Scale 50D cpm 510 cpm 510 cpm Log Scale 5 kcpm 5.1 kcpm 5.1 kcpm Log Scale 50 kcpm 52 kcpm 52 kcpm Log Scale 500 kcpn 500 kcpm 500 kcpm p MW Techmical Sevices, Inc celils that ite Mbove instrument has been calatrad by standards r acetrm e to ge National IneUftule of Stlandards and Tachnoil or to the calb0t)on facitities of Other internationlr Standards Wga*Mo members, or have been derived from accepted values of natual phsical consians or hav been e b r of calibration techntiques.

The calibration system confoirms to the requirements of ISO/EC 17025 and ANSI N323. The Instrunent lited above was Inspected prior to and It met all the manufactureri published operltng specIficallons. (MJW technical Services Is not responsible for damsge Incurred during shipment or use of this Instlurnlent).


-7 , Calibrated By I Reviewed By: Date Calibration Date: 01116/2012 Calibration Due: 01/18/013 F W 243 Root St.U e Suite 100 Olean, New Yorl 14760 Voice: (718) 372-5300 h'~iJ~ Fax: (716) 372-5307 Certificate Of Calibration This Certificate will be accompanied by Calibration Charts or Readings where Applicable Customer -Instrument Customer Name: Enercon Services, Inc. Manufacturer:

Ludlum Measurements Address: 4490 Old William Penn Hwy Model: 19 Serial Number: 89439 Murrysville, PA 15668 Detector Manufacturer:

Ludlum Measurements Contact Name: Dustin Miller Det. Model: Internal Scintillator Serial Number: n/a Customer POI Work Order Calibration Method: Electronic and Source CC. Number: Number. 2012-3549 Instrument Received:

[3 Within Tolerance 0 Out of Tolerance 0 Repairs required [3 Other (See Comments)j] Geotropism

[ Meter Zero 0 Mech. Ck. 01 HV Readout 0 Battery Check 2! Reset 0 Audio E3 Window Status [ FS Response 0 Linearity

[] Background Subtract [3 Alarm Set Temperature:

70.01F Humidity:

36% Pressure:

28.0 in Hg Altitude:

1450 ft'Instrument Calibration MultiplierRange Calibration Instrument Response Reference instruments and / or Sources Point Beft~ Calibration After Calibration Pulser: 500-2 220106 25 uR/hr 5 uR/hr 880 cpm 880 cpm Cs137 7753CM 25 uR/hr 20 uR/hr 3520 cpm 3520 cpm _CO__ Ulnt_ _ _ _ _50 uR/hr 20 uRPhr 3520 cpm 3520 cpm Inst. Voltage: 770 V 50 uR/hr 40 uRlhr 7150 cpm 7150 cpm Input Sensitivity:

38 mV 250 uRPhr 50 uR/hr 8800 cpm 8800 cpm 250 uR/hr 200 uR/hr 35200 cpm 35200 cpm 250 uRfhr 200 uR/hr 200 uRlhr 200 uR/ht 500 uR/hr 200 uR/hr 35200 cpm 35200 cpm 500 uR/hr 200 uR/hr 195 uRlhr 195 uR-hr 500 uR/hr 400 uR/hr 71500 cpm 71500 cpm 500 uR/hr 400 uR-hr 400 uR/hr 400 uR/hr 5000 uR/hr 1000 uRPhr 1000 uR/hr 1000 uRPhr 5000 uR/hr 4000 uR/hr 4200 uR/hr 4200 uR/hr Statement of Certification MJW Technical Sevices, Inc certifies that the above instrument has been calibrated by standards traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology, or to the calibration facilities of other Intemational Standards organization members, or have been derived from accepted values of natural physical constants or have been derived by the ratio type of calibration techniques.

The calibration system conforms to the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025 and ANSI N323. The Instrument listed above was inspectad prior to shipment and It met all the manufacturer's published operating specifications. (MJW technical Services is not responsible for dem, incurred during shipment or use of this instrument)


/74 .Calibted By: f-T k/ ,/ Reviewtd By: i..-T._. 'p,_ , 2 Calibration Date: 0423/2012 Calibration Due: 04/23/2013 QCP-20 Rev I QCP-20 Rev 1 Instrument Model: 19 Serial Number. 89439 Calibration tag is attached to the Instrument?

Information on tag is correct? (date, model, serial number)All pieces of the instrument are included per the work order?Calibration Certificate has been generated?

Information on Calibration Tag and Certificate matches?Calibration Certificate is signed?Instructions on the work order are complete?Special requirements by customer are met?Note any problems and subsequent resolutions Verify proper shipping address is listed on packing slip, certificate of calibra&Wlkntwork order.I I QA Verification 1/-/ 23 Z7ý2 Date 0- -Signature ATTACHMENT 1 May 7,2007@ 2005 MJW Technical Services, Inc. -.Disclosure of any material contained herein without the written permission of the MJW Technical Services, Inc. is strictly prohibited.

LOft SERVICESýUniversity of Illinois Nuclear Reactor Lab D&D Final Status Survey Report APPENDIX C: -.DAILY SOURCE CHECKS Attachment A Initial Source Count and Pre Operational Check Form Model Model.S/N Dector. Detectosr SIN Instrument Efficiency Ludlum 19 1 89439 7 -`13% 1 5~d5rvI~t i7

  • t~r Date I Check IBackaroundI Source I Source I P/F 07/03/12 OK 8 120 112 Pass 07/10/12 OK 5 100 95 Pass 07/12/12 OK 8 120 112 Pass 07/13/12 OK 9 110 101 Pass 07/17/12 OK 7 110 103 Pass 07118/12 OK 5 100 95 Pass 07/19/12 OK 6 100 94 Pass 07/20/12-

-OK 5 110 105 Pass 07/23/12 OK 5 110 .105 Pass Source CalibrationlReference Reading Source Type: Gamma Isotope:.

Cs-137 Source S/N: 192690 Source Activity pR/hr: 800 Distance to source: 0 Background pR/hr: 13 .Reading: Gross Net 1 80 67 2 120 107 3 140 127 4 130 117ý5 ,120 -107 6 150 137 7 80 67 8 80 67 9 150 137 10 120 107 Upper Limit: 114 Average: 104 Lower Limit: " 94 -" Calibration Due: 4/23/2013__ [ ___ I __ I __ I __ iii __i 4 i +Note: A new sheet should be used each month and when a new calibration has been performed.

Transfer the Source Reading data to the new sheet when changing sheets at the beginning of a new month.1. Record Instrument information

2. With RSO Approval, select an appropriate check source and record information.
3. Perform a 10-minute background count (scaler instruments only) and record the value as CPM 4. Perform 10 one-minute counts of the check source and record gross readings and net readings.S 5. Calculate an average source count --.*6. Calculate

+/- 10% of the average source count and record as upper and lower limits.,7.-Perform daily instrument check and compare one-minute source count to-upper and lower limts.* 8. Notify the RSO if the cource check readings do not fall within limits and tag instrument "Do Not Use."

Attachment A Initial Source Count and Pre Operational Check Form Model ModelSN,.

.Detector Detector SIN Instrument Efficiency Ludium 2221 I 178100 44-10 PR206809 : 12%Battery/Physica

.-.I Gross I Net.I Check I Backaround Source Source Date P/F 7/12/12 OK 4577 173878 169301 Pass 7/13/12 OK 4037 172389 168352 Pass 7/16/12 OK 4169 174173 170004 Pass 7/17/12 OK 4762 173415 168653 Pass 7/18/12 OK 4606 171937 167331 Pass 7/19/12 OK 4796 172532 167736 Pass 7/20/12 OK 4643 171848 167205 Pass 7/23/12 OK 4589 173324 168735 Pass Calibration Due: 6/21/2013 Source CallbratlonlReference Reading Source Type: Gamma Isotope: Cs-137 Source S/N: 192690 Source Activity DPM: 1.29E+06-. -Distance to source: 0 Background CPM: 4505.4 Reading: Gross Net 1 196414 191908.6 2 135177 130671.6 3 135712 131206.6 4 173394 168888.6 5 174234 169728.6 6 134174 129668.6, 7 126423 121917.6-_8 179674 175168.6 9 184182 .179676.6 10 ... 199216 194710.6 Upper Limit: .175290 Average: 159355 Lower Limit: 143419 I I .1. 1.1 __________

JJ. S Note: A new sheet should be used each month and when a new calibration has been perfonmed.

Transfer the Source Reading-data to the new sheet when changing sheets at the beginning of a new month.1. Record Instrument information

2. With RSO Approval, select an appropriate check source and record information.
3. Perform a 10-minute background count (scaler instruments only) and record the value as CPM 4. Perform 10 one-minute counts of the check source and record gross readings and net readings..
5. Calculate an average source count 6. Calculate

+/- 10% of the average source count and record as up per and lower limits.7. Perform daily instrument check and compare one-minute source count to upper and lower limts.8. Notify the RSO if the cource check readings do hot fall within limits and tag instrument "Do Not Use."

Attachment A Initial Source Count and Pre Operational Check Form.Model Model SIN Ludlum 2221 211808 Detector Detector SIN Instrument.Efficiency 44-9 I 14%0 Battery/Physica ICheck Gross Net Source Source Date Backaround 07/12/12 OK 44 716 672. Pass 07/19/12 OK 43 628 585 Pass 07/20/12 OK 44 632 588 Pass 07/23/12 OK 45 .674 629 Pass Calibration Due: 1/17/2013 Source Calibration/Reference Reading Source Type: Beta.Isotope: Tc-99 SourceS/N:

DNS-12 Source Activity DPM: 4,370 Distance to source: .0 Background CPM: 41.2 Readina: Gross Net.1 646 604.8 -2 731 689.8 3 547 505.8 4 621 579.8._ 5 ._ _ 696 ... 654.8-6 628 586.8 7 518 476.8 8 .769 -727.8.9 732 690.8 10 678 636.8 Upper Limit: 677 Average: 615 Lower Limit: 554.*Nobe: A new sheet should be used each month and when a new calibration has been performed.

Transfer the Source Reading data to the new sheet when changing sheets at the beginning of a new month.1. Record Instrument information

2. With RSO Approval, select an appropriate check source and record information.
3. Perform a 10-minute backgroundcount (scaler instruments only) and record the value as CPM 4. Perform 10 one-minute counts of the check source and record gross readings and net readings.5. Calculate an average'source count -. .. .6. Calculate

+/- 10% of the average source count and record as upper and lower limits.7. Perform daily instrument check and compare one-minute source count to upper and lower limts.8. Notify the RSO if the cource check readings do not fall within limits and tag instrument "Do Not Use."

Attachment A Initial Source Count and Pre Operational Check Form Model. Model SIN Detector Detector SIN nt BatCeryc B k dSucarcs I Check l8ackaroundi ouc NetP Source Date Initials Calibration Due: Source CallbratlonlReference Reading*Source Type: Isotope:_,,, Source S/N:_Source Activity DPM: Distance to source: Background CPM: Reading: Net 2 3 4 5 7 8 I 9 10Upper Limit: Average: Lower Limit: Note: A new sheet should be used each month and when a new calibration has been performed.

Transfer the Source Reading data to the new sheet when changing sheets at the beginning of a new month.1. Record Instrument information

2. With RSO Approval, select an appropriatecheck source and record information.
3. Perform a 10-minute background count (scaler instruments only) and record the valueas CPM 4. Perform 10 one-minute counts of the check source and record gross readings and net readings.5. Calculate an average source count 6. Calculate

+/- 10% of the average source count and record as upper and lower limits.7. Perform daily instrument check and compare one-minute source count to upper and lower Hints.8. Notify the RSO if the cource check readings do not fill within limits and tag instrument "Do Not Use."

SERVICES .UniversityofIllinois Nuclear Reactor Lab D&D Final Status Survey Report APPENDIX D RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY FORMS

LVI/ENERCON Project 811139 Survey No. " -." sumivmyO Chris HIplains Prim Ro0/oWmr:

Rich Holm sign 711812012 711812012 Daot PNtMS v Exposure Rate (uR/hr)Instrument S 2 Mater Model 0 MIS Mete, Seriala 89439 Detector Model C(auRfhr)

NA Detector Serial t NA Cal Due 412312013 Detector Efficiency

(.) 13%Total (Direct) y (Asphalt)Instrurnent

  1. Merts Model A Meter SellaN #.Detector Model # (Nal 2X2)Detector Seral/ /Cal D- 6 Detector Eftclaency ej(Sample rne 'I") (nt/n)BackgroLmd Time (IT J) (rtn)BKG (5,) (CpM)St Rate (SJ) (mlsec.)MDCR (gross epm)L.2221 178100 44-10 206809 121/2013 12%I-10 6067-1 6900 Instrument
  1. Water Model s ater Serial # -Detector Model # (Nal 2X2)Detector Serial #Cal Due Detector Eficiency

(.J Sample rme (T,) (odn)Background Time IT ) (rtIn)8KG (Ro) (cpm)MDCR (Woss cp.)I L.2221 178100 44-10 206809 6/2112013 Instrument

  1. Metsr Model #Metsr 8edM # .Detector Model 4 (N.N 2X2)Detector Se/aI 0 Cal D00 1( Samtpolle Tie T,) (mt/e L2221.178100-.44-10 206809 6/21/2013-12%1 10 11684 10 I Tactgroat/linmet

(,) ITran)7230 1BKG (R( )I(po)9KG (P,) (uRAhr)Scatn Rate (0//eec.)MDCR (rotse uROhr)29 8 Rat s""R ( rtus c.(819 MDCR (stat,. cpa,)1*1*LOCAtiON:

U~rtt/V yofillot /00 CUoo 2 PURPOSE: Fine! 0/0/ue SurcOV Y soon/cc = 20r X spconrl = 10-x M ,DCR = ÷Rb+1.38V(Rb,)(60/Sr) 1 I .R (6olsr) ..Note: Raw Data Available Note: Map Not to Scale Not.: Origin is SW comer IN ate: Material is So/l unless mer o. Note: Sar oenotes Ornlen LVIIENERCON Project 811139 Survey No. Ul-Surveyor.

Chris Higgins PrRRh Reviewer:.

Rich Holm " sign Sign 7/19/2012 Date 7/1912012 Dame " P1t`1 Survev Meters Surve Motors*. .Total (Direct) P y (Concrete) instrument#

211808 Meter Model # L2221 Meter Seral# 211808 Detector Model # 44-9 Detector Serial # 1 Cal Due 111712013 Detector Efficiency

41) 14%Surface Efficiency

$.) 50%Total (Direct) y (Concrete)


  1. Meter Model #Meter Serial #Detector Model# (Nal 2X2)Detector Serial #Cal Due Detector Efficiency 41)Sample Time (T.) (min)Background Time (Tb) (mini BKG (Rb) (cpm)I L2221 178100 44-10 206809 612112013 12%Removable a Instrument
  1. Meter Model #Meter Serial #Detector Model #Detector Serial S Ca! Due Detector Efficiency 41)Surface Efficiency

$.)NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Exposure Rate (uRlhr) .Instrument

  1. 2 Meter Model # M1S Meter Serial # 89439 Detector Model # (uR/hr) NA Detector Serial # NA Cal Due 412312013 Detector Effciency 44 13%Sample Thme (IT) (min)Background Time (Tb) (min)BKG (R%) (cpm)Probe Area (A) (cm)MDC (dpmMl00cm2)

Release Umit (dpm/1Ocm2)

Scan Rate (det. wldth/cec.)

MDCR (gross cpin)10 87 18 2767 8000 1 138 Sample Thee (T.) (min)10 Background Time (Tb) (min)7230 18KG (R.) (cpm)8KG (RJ) (uR/hr)8 Swipe Area (A) (cm)MlDC (dpm/100cm2)

Release Umit (dpen1Olcm2)

Scan Rate (S,) (misec.)MDCR (gross cpm)1 8139 Scan Rate (m/eec.)MDCR (gross uR/hr)1 29 dpm/1 00crn2 , I.S Nal .Wx Nai I uR/hr @111y- Total I aOS (-cpm) I. , corn Im .East E 4 i 10 5 18 1 <MDC -8000 1 6835 5 21 1 <MDC 8000 1 8275 6 8 FO erj Note: Frisk with NDA Note: Map Not to Scale.. C [3-+-3-29V(RJT,)(1+T MD = , I.T,)V, )(--,)(A / 100)ap~o~ 2 C"P *bke LVIIENERCON Project 811139 Survey No. JIl.-surveyor Chris Higgi!s Reviewer:

Rich Hoim A.ra.,A Uatmr Print 711912012 fet 7/1912012 Date v Su meters L=Total (Direct) Py Instrument

  1. feter Model #WeterSeriel f 3etector Model 0)erector Serial #:W Due 2etctor Efficiency 4¢)Ourface Efficiency I,)Sample Thie (TJ (min)Background Thme (Tb) (min)3KG (Re) (cpm)'robe Area (A) (cm)'ADC (dpmtlOOcmZ) taleze ULmit (dpmfllOcm2)

Scan Rate (dat, widthseec.)

WDCR (gross cpm)NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Total (Direct) y (Soil)natrument

  1. feter Model #%iter Serial C)etector Model # (Nal 2X2)metector Serial #411 Due)ftector Efficiency Q)Sample Time (T.) (min)Background Time (Tb) (mln)3KG (Re (cpm)Scan Rate (r) (nmtec.)IADCR (gross cpm)Removable a I L2221 178100 44-10 206809 612112013 12%1 10 10684 1 11684 nstrument
  1. dAter Model C deter Serial C).tector Model C)otector Serial #;al Due)mtctor Efficiency
  1. J Surface Efficiency 4,)NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Exposure Rate (uRlhr)rnstrument
  1. 2 Water Model # M19 ieter Serial # 89439)terctor Model # (uRthr) NA 3etnctor Serial 0 NA:al Due 412312013)etector Efficiency
  1. 4 13%Sample Time (T.) (min)Background Time (Tb) (min)3KG (ft) (cpm)Swipe Ares (A) (cm)CDC (dpmilOOcm2) telease Umit (dpnVl00cw2) 9KG fe) (uRrhr)S Scan Rate (mlsec.)WDCR (gross uR/hr)29 dpm/lODcro' 22 Nal IxW Nal IuRlrOr East I Smple Note: Frisk with NDA Note: Map Not to Scale MDC= [3 (i3.29,1(R'XdT O)(1+7:. ITO-)]II 1b (nI d ,.)).f.2p OO bk# p.

LVI/ENERCON Project 811139 n mMeter Meter Meter Instrument#

211808 Instrument

  1. 89439 Instrument
  1. 178100 Meter Model # Ludlum 2221 Meter Model # M19 Meter Model # Ludlum 2221 Meter Serila, 211808 Meter Seria # 89439 Meter Serial 178100 Cal Due 1/16/2013 Cal Due 4/23/2013 Cal Due 6/21/2013 Probe (Pancake)

Probe (uRlhr) Probe (Nal 2X2)Instrument

  1. 1 Instrument
  1. NA Instrument
  1. 206809 Meter Model # 44-9 Meter Model #, NA Meter Model # 44-10 Meter Serial # I Meter Serial # NA Meter Serial # 206809 Cal Due NA Cal Due NA Cal Due NA LOCATION:

University of Illinois Count Time: 1 min PURPOSE: Tabulation of backgrounds Asphalt (cpml concrete (cpml Soil lcpml Asphalt IuRthr) Conrete luR/hrl Soil (uR/hrl Asphalt (cpm Concrete fepm) Soil lcpml 33 60 68 5 4 7 6360 7151 10722 45 62 80 5. 4 7 5869 7490 .10525 47 55 88 5 4 5 6318 7379 10987.34 67 73 4 4 8 6030 7122 10173 39 -60 77 4 4 8 ..5981,4. ,7500 10236,-ý--

47 54 68 4 4 9 6664 7308 10451.56 50 72 5 5 5 5899 7226 10587 41 42 89 5 5 7 6180 7186 10445-41. 60 79 5 5 7 .6015. 7171 9951", 43 58 75 6 5 7 6241 7399 10619 44 53 63 6 5 5. 6907 7064 10809 44 61 73 " 6 5 8 6040 7439 10284 47 54 71 5. 4 .8 5919 6898 10740 39 35 86 5 4 8 6240 7675 11114 48 57 85 5 4 9 5877 7880 11304 56 -64 75 4- 6 9 5672 7239 10631 52 57 78 4 6 9 5866 7513 10314 64 .63 60, .. 4 6 5. .5913 7111 10081 52 52 59 7 8 5 5888 7025 10699 54 41 48 7 8 7 5952 7458 10892 51 61 59 7 8 7 6025 7309 10222 60

  • 70 71 6 8 7 5942 7157 10537 42 54 82 6 5 7 '5910 6877 10846, 56 60 64. 5 5 7 6025 7066 10499.57 ..... 55 '75 5 5 -7 6034 6717 '11588 52 72 63 5 5
  • 7 5887 6831 10415 51 54 56 5 ' 5 8 6068 -6935 10561 50 58 64 5 4 5 6123. 7342 10231 56 62. 57 5 .4 5 5945 7043 10496 53 47 63 4 4 5 6234 7392 10575 Mean 48 57 Median 49 58 Standard Dev 8 .8 71 72 10 5 5 5 5*7 7 6067 6020--250-7230 7206 260 10584 10549 357 LVI/ENERCON project 811139 Survey No. UL-m chris HIlM Reteewer Rich Holm pre, pre, Sir 712012012 712012012 Exposure Rate (uR/hr) Total (Direct) y (Asphalt)

Total (Direct) y (Concrete)

Total (Direct) V (Soil)Instrument 0 2 Inlltnstmeint 1 instrument

  1. 1 I nstrument 0 1 Me SeM1lC M19 met model L2221 Meter Model L.2221 Mete Model n L2221 mee deh M 894 meter 0 178100 meter aemid # 178100 meter aw 178100 Delm~ot Model 0 1uR1*r) NA Detetor Model 0 (NMe 2X2) 44-10 Deltetor Model 0 (al. 2X2) 44-10 Deote.o Model 0 (Mal 2V2) 44-10 De etor So"11 0 NA Deteor SeemlU 2060N Doetctor Smial 0 20680$ Deftecor Settell 020608 Cal Due 412312013 ca Due 0/21/2013 Cal Due 0/21/2013 Cal Due 6/21/2013 Deote.O Efiecy (Qc) 13% Detector (4.) 12% Detector Efiolency (a,) 12% Dete-tor Etlodtnmy (Q,) 12%SampleTimefTj(ntn)

I sample rTim (T.) (nd) 1 Sample Tim (r , (rdn) 1 BaoCkgroud em T b) (lodn) 10 Bahoeund11me (T ) (ndn) 10 BaeoroUnd Time (T b) (rain) 10 BKO (PR) (uRh0 6 8KG (R.) (ametl) 66 BK (Re) lopme 7230 BKO (Re) (opm) 10,8A4 Raw (me.o4 I scon Rasoe (1) (nVW ) I R (SJ) (ne0.O) 1 Scaon Rae (8t) (ed.C.) 1 MCR lWass uLA 29 MDCR (f0 owe) 6900 GDCR ( ope") 8139 MDCKl (aur eptm) 11084 B1 anti 82 Are Blased sampites discovered by NRC. N, 8, E, W, and under T1 Is blNeed for underneath the tunnel.S: Primary MARSSIM Sanple Point -GS and LSC Aroe = 1 W x 75' N = 28 points 0 Supplement marmole points -LSC only L -17.V' (reduced to 1IV to fit 28 points in area)r w m 2,2d N1 2I2W N [ uPfrr C GS Sampyle HITDSample Omfcs, xpi) I -, ter I T SON Taeln I Soil Takten CoO~~ ~~dl 0 Sta I S 0 Q QIti 0)0 37 Q3 0 Ii f .) f AI.D CR = [Rb +1.38VIRbT1(60

/S)1 Note: Locatlons 7, 14, 28, 42. and 56 moved 2 feet due to sample refusal.Note: Raw Data Available IMote: Material Is Boll unless meriked Note: Mao Not to Stale Note: Origin Is SW corner Note: Star denotes Orisen Los*: Material Is Soil unless marked N :110im-Nottollcals, SERV/CESl.University of Illinois Nuclear Reactor Lab D&D Final Status Survey Report APPENDIX E LABORATORY DATA PACKAGE.

~. TELED3YNE 7 BROWN INC.A TeledynTechnologies Company 2508 Quality Lane Knoxville, TN 37931-3133 865-690t6819 Ltx JI((C~Chris Higgins Enercon 4490 Old William Penn Highway Murrysville, PA 15668 Report of Analysis/Certificate of Conformance 10/02/2012 LIMS #: Project ID#: Received: Delivery Date: L51312 EN005-3EREGUOI-12 07/26/2012 08/25/2012 P.O.#: U of]L Release #: proj # MLIC LVI 008 SDG#: This is to certify that Teledyne Brown Engineering

-Environmental Services located at 2508 Quality-Lane, Knoxville, Tennessee, 37931, has analyzed, tested and documented samples, as received by the laboratory, as specified in the applicable purchase order.This also certifies that requirements of applicable codes, standards and specifications have been fully met and that any quality assurance documentation which verified conformance to the purchase order is on file and may be examined upon requeo.I hr Z eerifythat the above s Itatements are .true and corr .ect.Keith Jeter U Operations Manager Cross Reference Table Client ID Laboratory ID Station ID (if applicable)

FS-C2-01 L51312-1 FS-C2-01 FS-C2-02 L51312-2 FS-C2-02 FS-C2-03 L51312-3 FS-C2-03 FS-C2-04 L51312-4 FS-C2-04 FS-C2-05 L51312-5 -FS-C2-05 FS-C2-06 L51312-6 FS-C2-06 FS-C2-07 L51312-7 FS-C2-07 FS-C2-08 L51312-8 FS-C2-08 Page 1 of 26 AWAIVITELEDYNE 7q 'BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Technologies Company 2508 Quality Lane Knoxville, TN 37931-3133 865-690-6819

.Cross Reference Table Client ID Laboratory

1) Station ID (if applicable)

FS-C2-09 L51312-9 FS-C2-09 FS-C2-10 L51312-10 FS-C2-10 FS-C2-11 L51312-11 FS-C2-11.FS-C2-12 L51312-12 FS-C2-12 FS-C2-13.

L51312-13 FS-C2-13 FS-C2-14 -L51312-14 FS-C2-14 FS-C2-15 L51312-15 FS-C2-15 FS-C2-16 L51312-16 FS-C2-16 FS-C247 L51312-17 FS-C2-17 FS-C2-18 L51312-18 FS-C2-18 FS-C2-19 L51312-19 FS-C2-19 FS-C2-20 L51312-20 FS-C2-20 Method Reference Numbers Matrix Analysis MethdReference S GAMMA EPA901.1 This report shall not be reproduced or distributed except in its entirety.Page 2 of 26 Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:39 L51312 TELEDYNE P"! V BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledlyne Technologies Company Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 Sample ID: FS-C2-01 Collect Start: 07/18/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C2-01 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51312-1 __ _ __,__Activity Uncertainty

!' IRun Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Conc 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units DDate .ate Time Units I Flag Values SOP ConeU it I Dat I BE-7 2007 < 4.70E-1I pCi/g 338. gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7730 Sec U No K-40 2007 1.09E+01 9.90E-01 pCi/g 338 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7730 See + Yes MN-54 2007 < 4.79E-02 pCi/g .338 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7730 Sec U No CO-58 2007 < 4.19E-02 pCi/g 338 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7730 Sec U No FE-59 2007 < 1.15E-01 pCi/g 338 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7730 See U No CO-60 2007 < 5.12E-02 pCi/g 338 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7730 Sec U No ZN-65 2007 < 1.04E-01 pCi/g 338 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7730 See U No ZR-95 2007 < 9.18E-02 pCi/g 338 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7730 Sec U No RU-103 2007 < 5.01E-02 pCi/g 338 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7730 Sec U No RU-106.. 2007 < 4.09E-01 pCi/g 338 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7730 Sec U No 1-131 2007 < 1.22E-01 pCi/g 338 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7730 Sec U No CS-134 2007 < 4.53E-02 pCi/g 338 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7730 Sec U No CS-137: 2007 2.53E-01 4.69E-02 pCi/g 338 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7730 Sec + Yes.BA-140 2007 < 3.01E-01 pCi/g 338 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7730 Sec U No CE-141 2007 < 8.79E-02 pCi/g 338 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7730 Sec U No CE-144 2007 < 2.99E-01 pCi/g 338 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7730 Sec U No EU-152 2007 < 1.19E-01 pCi/g 338 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7730 See U No EU-154 2007 < 8.16E-02 pCi/g 338 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31112 7730 Sec U No RA-226 2007 < 9.69E-01 pCi/g 338 gwct 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7730 Sec U Yes TH-228 2007 6.95E-01 7.06E-02 pCi/g 338 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7730 Sec + Yes TH-232 2007 6.08E-01 1.31E-01 pCi/g 338 g~wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7730 Sec + Yes U-235 2007 < 3.12E-01 pCi/g 338 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7730 See U No U-238. 2007 < 5.73E+00 pCi/g 338 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 ' 07/31/12 7730 Sec U No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (<MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peank identified(gamma only)U*" = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.P Page 3 of 26 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/021.12 13:39 L51312 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 dm TELEDYNE , P" BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-C2-02 Collect Start: 07/18/2012 12:00 , Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C2-02 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LRMS Number: L51312-2 1 Activity Uncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP#? Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values BE-7 2007 4.58E-01 pCi/g 310.71 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7730 Sec U No K-40 2007 1.19E+01 1.12E+00 pCi/g 310.71 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7730 Sec + Yes MN-54 2007 < 5.10E-02 pCi/g I310.71 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7730 Sec U No CO-58 2007 < 5.57E-02 pCi/g 310.71 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7730 Sec U No FE-59 2007 9.73E-02 pCi/g 310.71 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7730 Sec U No CO-60 2007 5.33E-02 pCi/g 310.71 gwet. 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7730 Sec U No ZN-65. 2007 < 1.11E-.1 pCi/g 310.71 gwet .07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7730 Sec U Noo ZR-95 2007 < 1.01E-01 pCi/g " 310.71 gwet. 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7730 Sec U No RU-103 2007 6.07E-02 pCi/g 310.71 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7730 Sec U No RU-106. 2007 < 4.42E-01 pCi/g. 310.71 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7730 Sec U .No 1-131 2007 < 1.46E-01 pCi/g 310.71 gwet 07/18/12 12:00, 07/31/12 7730 Sec U No CS-134 2007 4.84E-02 pCi/g 310.71 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7730 Sec U No CS-137 2007 5.49E-02 pCilg 310.71 gwet 07/18112 12:00 07/31/12 U. .Yes BA,-140 2007 < 3.25FM)1 pCi/g 310.71 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7730 Sec U No CE-141 2007 < 8.94E-01 pCi/g 310.71 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7730 Sec U No CE1d4 2007 < 3.12E-01 pCi/g 310.71 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7730 Sec U No I EU-152 2007 < 1.46E-01 pCi/g 310.71 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7730 Sec U No EU-154 2007 < 8.39E-02 pCi/g 310.71 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7730 Sec U No RA-226 2007 1.78E+00 9.74E-01 pCi/g 310.71 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7730 Sec + Yes TH-228 2007 6.72E-01 7.24E-02 pCilg 310.71 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7730 Sec + Yes TH-232 2007 6.11-01 1.20E-01 pCi/g 31.0.71 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7730 Sec + Yes U-235 2007 3.09E-01 pCi/g 310.71 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7730 Sec U No U-238 2007 < 6.47E+00

  • pCi/g 310.71 g wet 07/18/12 12:00. 07/31/12 7730 Sec U No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MD) or less than 3'sigma+ Activity concentration exceeds MI)C and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* -Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High. Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery II High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 4 of 26 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:39 L51312 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 00"R161 TELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Teohnologies Company.Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-C2-03 Collect Start 07/18/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C2-03 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012


LIMS Number: L51312-3 I I Activity.


'Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count I Count Count. I Radionuclide SOP# Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values BE-7 2007 < 3.99E-01 pCi/g 310.21 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7729 Sec U No K-40 2007 1.12E+01 9.52E-01 pCi/g 310.21 gwet 07/18/1212:00 07/31/12 7729 See + Yes MlN.-54 2007 <., 4.76E-02 pCi/g 310.21 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7729 See U No CO-58 2007 .< 4.70E-02 pCi/g 310.21 gwet 07/18/12 12:00. 07/31/12 7729 See U No FE-59 2007 < 1.03E-01 pCi/g j 310.21 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7729 Sec U No CO-60 2007 < 5.59E-02 pCi/g .310.21 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7729 See U No ZN-65 2007 < 9.52E-02 pCi/g 310.21 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7729 Sec U No ZR-95 2007 < 7.95F-02 pCi/g

  • 310.21 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31112 7729 Sec U No RUrl103 2007 < 4.83E-02 pCi/g 310.21 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7729 Sec U No RU-106 2007 < 4.26E-01 pCi/g 310.21 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7729 See U No 1-131 2007 < 1.30E-01 pCi/g 310.21 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31112 7729 See U No CS-134 2007 < 4.31E-02 pCi/g 310.21 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7729 Sec U No CS-137 2007 < 4.78E-02 pCi/g 310.21 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7729 Sec U No BA-140 2007 < 2.86E-01 pCi/g 310.21 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7729 Sec U No CE-141 2007 < 8.54E-02 pCi/g 310.21 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7729 Sec U No CE-144 2007 < 2.91E-01 pCi/g 310.21 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31112 7729 Sec U No EU-152 2007 < 1.26E-01 pCi/g 310.21 gwet, 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7729 See U No EU-154 2007 < 8.06E-02 pCi/g 310.21 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7729 Sec U No RA-226 2007 < 1.13E+00 pCi/g 310.21 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7729 'Sec U No TH-228 2007 7.14E-01 8.36E-02 pCi/g 310.21 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7729 Sec + Yes TH-232 2007 5.07E-01 1.1OE-01 pCi/g 310.21 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/,12 7729 See + Yes U-235 j 2007 < 3.04E-01 pCi/g 310.21 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7729 Sec U No U-238 2007 < 4.49E+O0 pCi/g 310.21 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7729 See U No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 5 of 26 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:39 L51312 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 ,qL TELEDYNE * : ,* lBROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Teohnologles Company Chris I-iggins Sample ID: FS-C2-04 Collect Start: 07/18/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C2-04 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012


LIMS Number: L51312-4 Activity Uncertainty 1 Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuelide SOP# Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units [ Flag Values C-14 2003 < 6.46E-01 pCi/g 2.45 g wet 08/17/12 60 M U FE-55 2006 < 1.12E+01 pCi/g 2.0017 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08117/12 600 Sec -U No H-3 2003 < 9.56E-01 pCi/g 2.45 g wet 08/19/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 < 4.41E-01 pCi/g .2.0017 gwet 08/17/12 45 M .U BE-7 2007 < 5.69E-01 pCi/g 332.24 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7.197 See U No K-40 2007 3.21E+00 .6.92E-01 pCi/g 332.24 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7197 See + Yes MN-54 2007 < 5.91E-02 pCi/g 332.24 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7197 See U No CO-58 2007 < 6.48E-02 pCi/g 332.24 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7197 See U No FE&59 2007 < 1.37E-01 pCi/g 332.24 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7197 See U No CO-60 .2007 < 6.47E-02 pCi/g 332.24 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7197 See U' No ZN-65 2007 < 2.01E-01 pCi/g 332.24 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7197 See U* No ZR-95 2007 < 1.06E-01 pCi/g 332.24 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7197 See U No RU4103 2007 < 6.74E-02 pCi/g 332.24 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12.

7197 Sec U No RU-106 '2007 < 5.56E-01 pCi/g 332.24 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7197 See U No 1-131 2007 < 1.68E-01 pCi/g 332.24 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7197 See U No CS-134 2007 < 1.06E-O1 pCi/g .332.24 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7197 Sec U* No CS-137 2007 6.56E-02 pCi/g 332.24 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7197 See U No BA440 2007 < 4.15E-01 pCi/g 332.24 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7197 See U No CE-I41 2007 < 1.09E-01 pCi/g. 332.24 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7197 Sec U No CE-144 2007 < 3.54E-01 pCig 332.24 gwet .07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7197 See U No EU-152 2007 < 1.80E-01 pCi/g 332.24 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7197 See U No EU-154 2007 < 9.42E-02 pCi/g 332.24 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7197 See U No RA-226 2007 2.42E+00 9.65E-01 pCi/g 332.24 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7197 .See + Yes TH-228 2007 1.15E-01 6.11E-02 _ _ pCi/g 332.24 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7197 See + Yes U-235 .2007 .3.88E-01 pCi/g 332.24 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7197 See U No U-238 2007 < 6.88E+00 pCi/g 332.24 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7197 See U No Flag Values U -+ -U* =High =Spec =L -H -Bolded text Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value MDC exceeds customer technical specification Low recovery High recovery No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration t indicates reportable value.Page 6 of 26 Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:39 L51312 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12

,' TELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Technolose Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-C2T- Collect Start: 07/18/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C2-05 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51312-5 Activity Uncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values BE-7 2007 < 5.36E-01 pCi/g 313.5 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7271 See U No K-40 2007 3.91E+00 6.67E-01 pCi/g 313.5 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7271 Sec + Yes MN-54 2007 5.75E-02 pCi/g 313.5 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7271 Sec U No CO-58 2007 6.13E-02 pCi/g 313.5 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7271 Sec U No FE-59 2007 < 1.13E-01 pCi/g 313.5 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7271 Sec U No CO-60 2007 < 6.32E-02 pCi/g 313.5 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7271 See U No ZN-65 2007 < 1.64E-01 pCi/g 313.5 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7271 Sec U* No ZR-95 2007 < 1.17E-1 pCi/g 313.5 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7271 Sec U No RU-103 2007 < 6.45E-02 pCi/g 313.5 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7271 Sec U No RU-106 2007 5.36E-01 pCi/g 313.5 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7271 Sec U No 1-131 2007 < 1.72E-01 pCi/g 313.5 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7271 Sec U No CS-134 2007 < 8.86E-02 pCi/g 313.5 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7271 See U* No CS-137 2007 < 6.31E-02 pCi/g 313.5 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7271 See U No BA-140 2007 < 3.81E-01 pCi/g 313.5 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7271 See U No CE-141 2007 < 1.05E-01 pCi/g 313.5 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7271 Sec U No CE-144 2007 < 3.34E-01 pCi/g 313.5 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7271 Sec U No EU-152 2007 < 1.70E-01 pCi/g 313.5 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7271 Sec U No EU-154 2007 < 8.91E-02 pCi/g 313.5 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7271 See U No RA-226 2007 < 1.18E+00 pCi/g 313.5 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7271 Sec U Yes TH-228 2007 1.68E-01 5.76E-02 pCi/g 313.5 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7271 Sec + Yes U-235 2007 < 3.62E-01 pCi/g 313.5 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7271 See U No U-238 2007 < 6.71E+00 pCi/g 313.5 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7271 Sec U No Flag Values U -Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = CompoundnAnalyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L -Low recovery H = High recovery No -Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 7 of 26 Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:39'L51312 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-C2-06 Collect Start 07/18/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C2-06 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51312-6 Activity Uncertainty JRun Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP'# Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units N Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values BE-7 2007 < 3.88E-01 pCi/g 440.84 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7723 Sec U No K-40 2007 7.35E+00 7.68E-01 pCi/g 440.84 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 .07/31/12 7723 Sc + Yes MN-54 2007 4.25E-02 pCi/g 440.84 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7723 Sec U No CO-58 2007 3.92F-02 pCi/g 440.84 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7723 Sec U No FE-59 2007 4 8.08E-02 pCi/g 440.84 gwet 07/18/12 l2!00 07/31/12 7723 Sec U No CO-60 2007 < 3.63E-02 pCi/g 440.84 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7723 Sec U No ZN-65 2007 < 7.97E-02 pCi/g 440.84 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7723 Sec U No ZR-95 2007 < 837E-02 pCi/g 440.84 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7723 Sec U No RU-103 2007 < 5.03E-02 pCi/g 440.84 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7723 Sec U No RU-106 2007 < 83.60E-02 pCilg 440.84 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7723 Sec U No 1-131 2007 < 1.19E-01 pCi/g 440.84 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7723 Sec U No CS-134 2007 < 4.1532-0 pCi/g 440.84 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7723 See ,U No CS-137 2007 < 4.12E-02 pCi/g 440.84 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7723 Sec U No BA-140 2007 < 2.69E-01 pCi/g 440.84 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7723 Sec U No CE-141 2007 <8.94E-02 pCi/g 440.84 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7723 Sec U No CE-144 2007 < 3.06E-01 pCi/g 440.84 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7723 Sec U No EU-152 2007 < 1.229-01 pCi/g 440.84 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7723 Sec U No EU-154 2007 < 8.41F-02 pCi/g 440.84 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7723 See U No RA-226 2007 < 9.15E-01 pCi/g 440.84 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7723 Sec U Yes TH-228 2007 2.73<-01 5.59E-02 pCi/g 440.84 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7723 Sec Yes 111-232 2007 2.58E-01 1.09E-01 pCi/g 440.84 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7723 Sec + Yes U-235 2007 < 3.09E-01 pCi/g 440.84 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7723 Sec U No U-238 2007 < 4.55E+00 pCi/g 440.84 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7723 Sec U No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but'forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value. P 8f Page 8 of 26 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum* Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported axe related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:39 L51312 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Technolooes Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-C2-07 Collect Start: 07/18/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C2-07 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51312-7 1 Activity Uncertainty 1 1 Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count] Count Radionuclide SOP# Colic 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values BE-7 2007 < 4.60E-01 pCi/g 334.23 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7143 Sec U No K-40 2007 9.39E+00 9.22E-01 pCi/g 334.23 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7143 See + Yes MN-54 2007 < 5.28E-02 pCi/g 334.23 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7143 Sec U

  • No CO-58 2007 < 4.93E-02 pCi/g 334.23 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7143 See U No FE-59 2007 < 1.25E-01 pCi/g 334.23 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7143 See U No CO-60 2007 < 6.08E-02 pCi/g 334.23 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7143 See U No ZN-65 2007 < 1.42E-01 pCi/g 334.23 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7143 See U No ZR-95 2007 < 9.19E-02 pCi/g 334.23 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7143 Sec U No RU-103 2007 < 5.11E-02 pCi/g 334.23 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7143 Sec U No RU-106 2007 < 4.18E-01 pCi/g 334.23 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7143 Sec U No i-13 1 2007 < 1.28E-01 pCi/g 334.23 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7143 See U No CS-134 2007 < 6.45E-02 pCi/g 334.23 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 71,43 Sic U* No CS-137 2007 < 5.27E-02 pCi/g 334.23 g~wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7143 Sec. U Yes BA-140 2007 < 3.33E-01 pCi/g 334.23 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7143 Sec U No CE-141 2007 < 7.89E-02 pCi/g 334.23 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7143 Sec U No CE-144 2007 < 2.80E-01 pCi/g 334.23 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7143 Sec U No EU-152 2007 < 1.29F-01 pCi/g 334.23 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7143 Sec U No EU-154 2007 < 7.40E-02 pCi/g 334.23 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7143 Sec U No RA-226 2007 < 9.27E-01 pCi/g 334.23 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7143 Sec U
  • Yes TH-228 2007 3.31E-01 5.66E-02 pCi/g 334.23 g wet 07/18/12 12:.00 07/31/12 7143 Sec + Yes, TH-232 2007 3-32E-01 7.75E-02 pCi/g _, _ 334.23 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7143 Sec + Yes U-235 2007 < 2.73E-01 pCi/g 334.23 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7143 See U No U-238 2007 < 6.31E+00 pCi/g 334.23 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7143 Sec U No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer techmical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery.Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 9 of 26 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC.- Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:39 L51312 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 AffR1111 TELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-C2-08 Collect Start: 07/18/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C2-08 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51312-8 1 Activity Uncertainty Run Aliquo Reference count Count Count Radionuclide:

SOP# C~nc 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values C-14 2003 < 6.40E-01 pCi/g 2.47 g wet 08/18/12 60. M U FE-55 2006 8.18E+00 pCi/g 2.0278 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/17/12 600 See U 'No H-3 2003 <, 8.28E-01 pCi/g 2.47 g wet 08/22/12 60 M U NI-63 .2013 < 4.48E-01 pCi/g 2.0278 gwet 08/17/12 45 M U BE-7 2007 < 2.22E-01 pCi/g 373.82 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 See U No K-40 2007 1.14E+ý01

'7.40E-01 pCi/g 373.82 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 Sec + Yes MN-54 2007 < .2.85E-02 pCi/g 373.82 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 See U No CO-58 2007 < 2.56E-02 pCi/g 373.82 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 See U No FE-59 2007 < 5.91E-02 pCi/g 373.82 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 See U No CO-60 2007 < 2.82E-02 pCi/g 373.82 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 See U No ZN-65 2007 < 6.02E-02 pCi/g 373.82 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 See U No ZR-95 2007 < 4.80E-02 pCi/g 373.82 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 See U No RU-103 2007 < 2.93E-02 pCi/g 373.82 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 See U No RU-106 2007 < 2.32E-01 pCi/g 373.82 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 See U No 1-131 2007 < 7.05E-02 pCi/g 373.82 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 See U No CS-134 2007 < 2.44E-02 pCi/g 373.82 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 See U No CS-137 2007 < 2.90E-02 pCi/g 373.82 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 See U No BA-140 2007 < 1.65E-01 pCi/g 373.82 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 See U 'No CE-141 2007 < 5.14E-02 pCi/g 373.82 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 See U No CE-144 2007 < 1.65E-01 pCi/g 373.82 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 See U No EU-152 2007.1 7.43E-02 pCi/g .373.82 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 See U No EU-154 2007 4.30E-02 pCi/g 373.82 .gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 See U No RA-226 2007 < 5.73E-01 pCi/g 373.82 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 See U Yes TH-228 2007 3.43E-01 3.94E-02 pCi/g 373.82 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 See + Yes'111-232 2007 2.98E-01 7.38E-02 pCi/g 373.82 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 .9082 Sec + Yes U-235 2007 < 1.81E-01 pCi/g 373.82 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 See U No* Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma* + Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High i Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value. P~Page 10 of 26 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum n**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report ýof Analysis 10/02/12 13:39 L51312 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE P'l BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-C2-08:

Collect Start: 07/18/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C2-08 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51312-8 Activity Uncertainty Run Aliqu Reference count Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units N Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values U-238 2007 < 3.40E+0O pCi/g '373.82 g wet 107/18/12 12:00, 07/31/121 9082 1 Sec I U No Flag Values U -Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U*" Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MI)C and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 11 of 26 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum*** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration' "7 : ... ? -. ...7-Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:39 L51312 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 kw TELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.;ATeledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: F-C2-09 ,Collect Start: 07/18/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C2-09 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51312-9 n Activity Uncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide " Cone 2 Sigma MDC units volume units Date Date Time Units Flag Values BE-7 2007 < 2.85E-01 pCilg 430.44 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 Sec O No K-40 2007 9.50E+00 7.66E-01 pCi/g 430.44 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 See + Yes MN-54 2007 < 3.11E-02 pCi/g 430.44 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 Sec U No CO-58 2007 <; 2.98E-02 pCi/g 430.44 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 .07/31/12 9082 Sec U No FE-59 2007 < 7.38E-02 pCi/g 430.44 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 See U No CO-60 2007 < 3.58E-02 pCi/g 430.44 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 Sec U No ZN-65 2007 < 8.58E-02 pCi/g 430.44 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 Sec U No ZR-95 2007 < 6.08E-02 pCi/g 430.44 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 Sec U No RU-103 2007 < 3.23E-02 pCi/g 430.44 g wet 07/18112 12:00 07/31/12 9082 See U No RU-106 2007 < 2.70F,01 pCi/g 430.44 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 Sec U No 1-131 2007 < 7.53E-02 pCi/g 430.44 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/121 9082 Sec U No CS-134 2007 < 2.80F-02 pCi/g 430.44 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 See U No CS-137 2007 3.43E-02 pCi/g 430.44 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 See U No BA-140 2007 < 2.09E-01 pCi/g 430.44 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 Sec U No CE-141 2007 07 5.37E-02 pCi/g 430.44 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 Sec U No CE-144 2007 < 1.80E-01 .pCi/g 430.44 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 SeC U No EU-152 2007 <, 8.52E-02 pCi/g 430.44 gwet 07/18112 12:00 107/31112 9082 Sec U No EU-154 2007 < 4.68E-02 pCi/g 430.44 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 -'07/31/12 9082 See U No RA-226 .2007 < 7.54E-01 pCi/g 430.44 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 .07/31/12 9082 Sec U No TH-228 2007 3.24E-01 4.26E-02 pCi/g 430.44 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/1.2 9082 Sec + Yes TH-232 2007 2.80E-01 7.62E-02 pCi/g 430.44 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 See + Yes U-235 2007 < 1.94E-01 pCi/g 430.44 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 Sec u No U-238 2007 < 3.99E+00 pCi/g 430.44 1 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 See U No Flag Values U -Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but foreed activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma Hligh = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value. a Page 12 of 26 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC .Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:39 L51312 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATaledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-C2-10 Collect Start: 07/18/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C2-10 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51312-10 S Activity Uncertainty U Run[ Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Conc 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values BE-7 2007 < 2.95E-01 pCi/g 394.87 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9081 Sec U` No K-40 2007 9.59E+00 8.30E-01 pCi/g 394.87 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9081 See + Yes MN-54 2007 < 3.54E-02 pCi/g 394.87 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9081 See U No CO-58 2007 < 3.83E-02 pCi/g 394.87 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9081 See U No FE-59 2007 < 8.04E-02 pCi/g 394.87 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9081 See U No CO-60 2007 < 4.15E-02 pCi/g 394.87 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9081 Sec U No ZN-65 2007 < 7.84E-02 pCi/g 394.87 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9081 Sec U No ZR-95 2007 < 6.06F.02 pCi/g 394.87 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9081 Sec U No RU-103 2007 < 4.03E-02 pCi/g 394.87 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9081 See U No RU-106 2007 < 2.74E-01 pCi/g 394.87 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9081 See U No 1-131 2007 < 9.43E-02 pCi/g 394.87 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9081 Sec U No CS-134 2007 < 3.03E-02 pCi/g 394.87 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9081 Sec U No CS-137 2007 < 3.78E-02 pCi/g 394.87 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9081 Sec U No BA-140 2007 < 2.29E-01 pCi/g 394.87 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9081 Sec U No CE-141 2007 < 6.03E-02 pCi/g 394.87 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9081 Sec U No CE-144 2007 < 2.14E-01 pCi/g 394.87 gwet 07/18/12 12:00. 07/31/12 9081 See U No EU-152 2007 < 9.55E&02 pCi/g 394.87 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9081 Sec U No EU-154 2007 < 5.61E-02 pCi/g. 394.87 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9081 Sec U No RA-226 2007 < 6.42E-01 pCi/g 394.87 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9081 See U Yes TH-228 2007 3.04E-01 4.17E-02 pCi/g 394.87 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9081 Sec + Yes 1T1-232 2007 2.60E-O1 9.05E-02 pCi/g 394.87 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9081 Sec + Yes.U-235 2007 < 2.09E-01 pCi/g 394.87 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9081 Sec U No U-238 2007 < 4.61E+00 pCi/g 394.87. g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9081 Sec U _____ No Flag Values I .U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 13 of 26 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum****.Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:39 L51312 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 ,qL. TELEDYNE Apr BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Technologies Company i .Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-C2-11 Collect Start: 07/18/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C2-11 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: ,L51312-11 Activity Uncertainty D t Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count RadionuclideS[

Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values BE-7 2007 < 3.27E-01 pCi/g 311.42 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 Sec U No K-40 2007 1.01E+01 8.17E-01 pCi/g 311.42 gwet 07/18/12'12:00 07/31/12 9082 Sec + Yes MN-54 2007 < 3.89E-02 pCi/g 311.42 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 See U No CO-58 2007 < 3.76E-02 pCi/g 311.42 gwet. 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 See U No FE-59 2007 < 8.70E-02 pCi/g 311.42 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 Sec U *No CO-60 2007 < 4.53E-02 pCi/g 311.42 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 Sec U 'No ZN-65 2007 < 8.47E-02 pCi/g 311.42 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 Sec U ,No ZR-95 2007 < 7.24E-02 pCi/g 311.42 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 Sec U No RU-103 2007 < 3.81E-02 pCilg 311.42 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 Sec U No RU-106 2007 < 3.49E-01 pCi/g 311.42 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31112 9082 Sec U No 14131 2007 < 9.67E02 pCi/g 311.42 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 .9082 Sec U No CS-134 2007 < 3.37E-02 pCi/g 311.42 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 '07/31/12 9082 See U No CS-137 2007 < 4.46E-02 pCi/g 311.42 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 Sec U No BA-140 2007 < 2.37E-01 pCi/g 311.42 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 Sec U No CE-141 2007 < 6.35E-02 pCi/g 311.42 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 Sec U No CE-144 2007' < 2.21E-01 pCi/g 311.42 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 Sec U No EU-152 2007 < 1.04E-01 pCi/g 311.42 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 Sec U No EU-154 2007 < 5.72E-02 pCi/g 311.42 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 Sec U No.RA-226 2007 2.31E+00 6.28E-01 pCi/g .311.42 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 Sec + Yes TH-228 2007 4.33E-01 5.08E-02 pCi/g 311.42 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 Sec + Yes T'"H-232 2007 3.94E-01 1.18E-01 pCi/g 311.42 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 Sec + Yes U-235 2007 < 2.20E-01 pCi/g 311.42 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 Sec U No U-238 2007 < 4.34E+00 pCi/g 311.42 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9082 Sec U No-Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 14 of'26 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:39 L51312 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE P' BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-C2-12 Collect Start- 07/18/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C2-12 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51312-12

_ ..__._R Activity Uncertainty U Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP#. Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values C-14 2003 < 6.70E-O1 pCi/g 2.36 g wet 08/18/12 60 M U FE-55 2006 < 1.26E+01 pCi/g 2.045 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/17/12 600 Sec U No H-3 2003 < 9.93E-01 pCi/g 2.36 g wet 08/19/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 < 4.29E-01 pCi/g; 2.049 g wet 08/17/12 45 M U BE-7 2007 < 4.05E-"1 pCi/g 289.92 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9081 Sec U No K-40 2007 1.26E+01 9.53E-01 pCi/g 289.92 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9081 Sec + I' Yes MN-54 2007 < 4.86E-02 pCi/g 289.92 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9081 Sec U No CO-58 2007 < 4.41E-02 pCi/g 289.92 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9081 Sec 1U No FE-59 2007 < 9.88E-02 pCi/g 289.92 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9081 Sec U No CO-60 2007 < 5.00E-02 pCi/g 289.92 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9081 Sec U No ZN-65 2007 < 1.06E-01 pCi/g 289.92 gwet 07/18/12 12:00- 07/31/12 9081 Sec U No ZR-95 2007 < 9.76F,0.2 pCi/g 289.92 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9081 Sec U No RU-103 2007 < 5.04E-02 pCi/g 289.92 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9081 Sec U No RU-106 2007 k 4.05E-01 pCi/g 289.92 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31112 9081 Sec U No 1-131 2007 < 1.34E-01 pCi/g. 289.92 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9081 Sec U No CS-134 2007 < 4.68E402 pCi/g 289.92 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9081 Sec U -No CS-137 2007 1.08E,01 3.52E-02 pCi/g 289.92 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9081 Sec + Yes BA-140 2007 < 3.04E-01 pCi/g 289.92 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9081 Sec U No CE-141 2007 < 9.18F-02 pCi/g 289.92 g Wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9081 Sec U No CE-144 2007 < 3.27E-01 pCi/g 289.92 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9081 Sec U No EU-152 2007 < 1.29E-01 pCi/g 289.92 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9081 Sec U No EU-154 2007 < 8.17E-02 pCi/g, 289.92 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9081 Sec U No RA-226 2007 1.66E+00 7.91E-01 pCi/g. 289.92 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9081 Sec + Yes TH-228 2007 , 8.51E-01 7.62E-02 pCi/g 289.92 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9081 Sec + Yes TH-232 2007 7.OOE-01 1.17E-01 pCi/g 289.92 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9081 See + Yes U-235 2007 < 3.30E-01 pCi/g 1 289.92 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9081 Sec U No Flag Values U =+ =U*High Spec L -H =Bolded texi Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value MDC exceeds customer technical specification-Low recovery High recovery No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are rMlated only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration t indicates reportable value.'Page 15 of 26 Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:39 L51312 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE P1 BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-C2-12 Collect Start: 07118/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C2-12 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

%0 Moisture:.

LIMS Number: L51312-12 So# Activity Uncertainty MCU Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count count Count Radionuclide SON Conc 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values U-238 2007 1 < I 4.73E+00 I pCi/g 1 1 289.92 g wet 107/18/12 12:00 1 07/31/121 908 1 See U No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 16 of 26 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum* Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:39 L51312 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 7 ULTELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Technologies Compeny .Chris Higgins Sample ID): FS-C2-13 Collect Start: 07/18/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C213 Collect Stop: Volume:



Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51312-13[ Activity o Uncertainty SimaRun Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count] Count Count Radionuclide SOCone 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume units Date Date Time Units Flag Values BE-7 2007 < 5.77E-01 pCi/g 286.18 gwet 07/18/12 12:00. 07/31/12 9079 Sec U No K-40 2007 9.39E+00 9.39E-01 pCi/g 286.18 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9079 Sec + Yes MN-54 2007 4 6.58E-02 pCi/g 286.18 gWet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9079 Sec U No CO-58 2007 < 6.84E-02 pCi/g 286.18 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9079 Sec U No FE-59 2007 < 1.50E-01 pCi/g 286.18 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9079 Sec U No CO-'60 2007 < ___ .96E02 pCi/g ;286.18 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9079 Sec U No ZN-65 2007 < 1.94E-01 pCi/g 286.18 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9079 Sec U* No.ZR-95 2007 < 1.29E-01 pCi/g 286.18 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9079 Sec U No RU-103 2007 < 7.09E-02 pCi/g .286.18 g wet 07/18112 12:00 07/31/12 9079 Sec U No RU-106 .2007 <5.97E-1 pCi/g 286.18 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9079 Sec U No 1-131 2007 .< .1.79E-01 pCi/g 286.18 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9079 Sec U No CS-134 2007 < 1.04E-01 pCi/g 286.18 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9079 Sec U* No CS-137 2007 < 7.09E-02 pCi/g 286.18 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9079 Sec U No BA-140 2007 < 4.52E-02 pCi/g 286.18 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9079 Sec U No CE-141 2007 < 1.16E-01 pCi/g 286.18 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9079 Sec U No CE-144 2007 < 3.87E-01 pCi/g 286.18 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9079 Sec U No EU-152 2007 < 1.84E-01 pCi/g 286.18 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9079 Sec U No EU-154 2007 < 1.08E-01 pCi/g 286.18 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9079 Sec U No RA-226 2007 < 1.32E+01 pCi/g 286.18 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9079 Sec U Yes TR-228 2007 5.91E-01 7.46E-02 pCi/g 286.18 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9079 Sec + Yes TH-232 2007 4.74E-01 1.20E-01 2 _ r__ pCi/g 286.18 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9079 Sec + Yes U-235 2007 4.74E-1 4.03E-11 pCi/g 286.18 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9079 Sec U No U-238 2007 4 7.96E+00 pCi/g .286.18 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9079 Sec U No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value: Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 17 of 26 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:39 L51312 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12,,kTELEDYNE

' ; , .BROWN ENGINEERING, INC'ATeledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-C2-14 Collect Start: 07/18/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C2-14 Collect Stop: Volume:>Description:

Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51312-14 t I .,_CountCoun Activity.I Uncertainty IRun] Aliquot 1Aliquot Reeec ount] Con 1 o ]t Radionuclide SOP# Conc 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date D Time Units Flag Values BE-7 2007 < 5.25E-01 pCi/g 304.23 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9078 Se U K-40 2007 1.17E+O1 1.09E+00 pCilg 304.23 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 '07/31/12 9078 S +MN-54 2007, < 5.82E-02 pCi/g 304.23 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9078 Sec U No CO-58 2007 < 5.83E-02 pCi/g 304.23 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 .07/31/12 9078 Sec U No FE&59 2007 < 1.13E-01 pCi/g 304.23 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9078 c UNo CO-60 .2007 < 5.35E_2 pCi/g 304.23 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9078 Sec U NO ZN-65 2007 < 1.23E-01 pCi/g 304.23 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9078 No ZR-95 2007 < 9.86E-02 pCi/g 304.23 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9078 Sec U No RU-103 2007 < 6.78E-02 pCi/g 304.23 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 , 07/31/12 9078 Sec U No RU-106 --2007 < 4.98E-01 pCi/g 304.23 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 .07/31/12 9078 Sec U No 1-431 2007 < 1.72E-01 pCi/g .304.23 gwet 07/18/12412:00 07/31/12 9078 Sec U No CS-134 2007 < 5.86E-02 pCi/g , 304.23 g wet 07/18/12.12:00 07/31/12 9078 Sec U NO CS4137 2007 < 5.91E-02 pCi/g 304.23 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9078 Sec U Yes BA-140 2007 < 3.60E-01 pCi/g 304.23 g wet 07/18/1212:00 07/31/12 9078 Sec UNo CE-141 2007 < 1.26E-01 pCi/g 304.23 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9078 Sec U No CE-144 2007 4.19E-01 pCi/g 304.23 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9078 Sec U No EU-152 2007 1.56E-01 pCi/g 304.23 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9078 S U No EU-154 2007 < 1.14E-01 pCi/g 304.23 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07131/12 9078 Sec U RA-226 2007 2.48E+00 1.48E+00 pCi/g 304.23 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9078 Se +TH-228 2007 8.53E-01 8.50E-02 pCi/g 304.23 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9078 Sec + Yes TH-232 2007 5.84E-01 1.65E-01 pCi/g 304.23 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9078 Sec + Yes U-235 2007 .< 5 4A7E-01 pCi/g .304.23 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9078 Sec U No U-238 2007 < .6.52E+00 pCi/g _ 304.23 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 9078 Se U* Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected-Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma-High .Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H High recovery lBoldedtext indicates reportable valuie.Page 18 of 26 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02112 13:39 L51312 Enercon Chris Higgins EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE rI !BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Technologies Company , Sample ID: FS-C2-15 Collect Start 07/18/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C2-15 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LlMSNumber:

L51312-15 Sn R Aliquot Alquo Cou ount Radionuclide SOP# Conc 2 Sigma MDC Units Volume Units Date Date [ Time Units Flag Values BE-7 2007 < 3.25E-01 pCi/g 280.42 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No K-40 2007 1.10E+01 8.85E-01 pCi/g 280.42 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec + Yes MN-54 2007 < 4.28E-02 pCi/g 280.42 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No CO-58 2007 < 4.17E-02 pCi/g 280.42 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No FE-59 2007 8.36E-02 pCi/g 280.42 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No CO-60. 2007 < 4.41E-02 pCi/g 280.42 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No ZN-65 2007 < 9,26E-02 pCi/g 280.42 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No ZR-95 2007 < 6.64E-02 pCi/g 280.42 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No RU-103 2007 < 4.23E-02 pCi/g 280.42 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No RU-106 2007 < 3.47E-01 pCi/g 280.42 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No 1-131 2007 < 1.08E-01 pCi/g 280.42 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No CS-134 2007 < 3.36E-02 pCi/g 280.42 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Se .U No CS-137 2007 4.19E-02 pCi/g 280.42 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No BA-140 2007 < 2.64E-01 pCi/g 280.42 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Se UNo CE-141 2007 " < 07E-02 pCi/g 280.42 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No CE-144 2007. < 2.47E-01 pCi/g 280.42 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No EU-152 2007 < 1.08E-01 pCilg 280.42 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No EU-154 2007 < 6.21E-02 pCi/g 280.42 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/1.2 7200 Sec U No RA-226 2007 7.87E-01 pCi/g 280.42 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 .07/31/12 7200 Sec U Yes TH-228 2007 3.28E-01 -5.26E-02 pCi/g 280.42 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec + Yes TH-232 2007 3.60E-01 1.15E-01 pCi/g _ 280.42 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec + Yes U-235. 2007 _ < 2.37E-O1 pCi/g 280.42 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No U-2381 2007 < 4.98E+00 pCi/g 280.42 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07131/12 7200 See U No U.Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected-Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 19 of26 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:39 L51312 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 APOF q&TELEDYNE F1 BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Teohnologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-C2-16 Collect Start: 07/18/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C2-16 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51312-16 Activity Uncertainty M [Run I Aliquot, Aliquot Reference Count Count [ Count Radionuclide SOP# Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units Volume Units Date [ Date Time f Units Flag Values C-14 2003 < 5.88E-01 pCi/g 2.69 .g wet 08/18/12 60 M U FE-55 2006 < 7.23E+00 pCi/g 2.0249 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/17/12 600 See U No H-3 2003 < 7.60E-01 pCi/g 2.69 g wet 08/22/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 4.55E-01 pCi/g 2.0249 g wet 08/17/12 45 M U BE-7' 2007 < 5.96E-01 pCi/g 231.37 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 See U No K-40 2007 1.59E+01 1.62E+00 pCi/g 231.37 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 See + Yes MIN-54 2007 < 8.50E-02 pCi/g 231.37 gwet 07118/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No CO-58 2007 < 7.26E-02 pCi/g 231.37 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No FE-59 2007 < 1.89E-01 pCi/g 231.37 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No CO-60 2007 < 8.26E-02 pCi/g 231.37 gwet 07/18/12.12:00 07/31/12 7200 See U No ZN-65 2007 < 1.56E-01 pCi/g 231.37 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 See U No ZR-95 2007 < 1.36E-01 pCi/g 231.37 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No RU-103 2007 < 7.42E-02 pCi/g 231.37 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No RU-106 2007 < 636E-01 pCi/g 231.37 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No 1-131 2007 < 2.08E-01 pCi/g 231.37 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 See U No CS-134 2007 < 5.92E-02 pCi/g 231.37 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 See U No CS-137 2007 < 7.12F-02 pCi/g 231.37 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U Yes BA-140 2007 < 4.90E-01 pCi/g 231.37 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 See U No CE-141 2007 < 1.17F-01 pCi/g 231.37 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 See U No CE-144 2007 < 3.85E-01 pCi/g 231.37 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 See U No EU-152 2007 1.85E-01 pCi/g 231.37 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 See U No EU-154 2007 < 1.OOE-01 pCi/g 231.37 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 See U No RA-226 .2007 2.13E+00 L 37E+00 pCi/g. 231.37 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 See + .Yes TH-228 2007 1.07E+00 1.20E-01 pCi/g 231.37 g wet 107/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec + Yes TH-232 2007 9.43E-01 2.61E-01 .pCi/g 231.37 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec + Yes U-235 2007 < .4.11E-01 pCi/g 231.37 gwet 07/18/1212:00 07/31/12 7200 See U No Flag Values U =U*High =Spec =L =H =Bolded text Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value MIDC exceeds customer technical specification Low recovery High recovery No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum* Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration t indicates reportable value.Page 20 of 26 Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:39 L51312 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 AWL= TELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Technologles Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-C2-16 Collect Start: 07/18/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C2-16 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51312-16 S Activity Uncertainty M CRun Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Conc 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values U-238 2007 < 8.31E+00 pCi/g .23.1.37 1 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 107/31/121 7200 1 Sec IU INo Flag Values U =+ -U* =High =Spec =L =H =.Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identilied(gamma only)Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value MIDC exceeds customer technical specification Low recovery High recovery No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes --Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 21 of 26 Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:39 L51312 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 ,qL TELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-C2-17 Collect Start: 07/18/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C2-17 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51312-17 Activity Uncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference

[ Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Conc 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values BE-7 2007 < 4.30E-01 pCi/g 294.34 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No K-40 2007 1.06E+01 1.12E+00 pCi/g 294.34 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec + Yes MN-54 2007 < 4.52E-02 pCi/g 294.34 g wet. 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No CO-58 2007 < 5.44E-02 pCi/g 294.34 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec. U No FE-59 2007 < 1.49E-01 pCi/g 294.34 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No CO-60 2007 < ; 5.26E-02 pCi/g 294.34 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No ZN-65 2007 < 1.22E-01 pCi/g 294.34 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No ZR-95 2007 8.74E-O2 pCi/g 294.34 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No RU-103 2007 < 5.43E-02 pCi/g 294.34 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 :07/31/12 7200 Sec U No RU-106 2007 < 4.18E-4 1 pCi/g 294.34 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No R1-136 2007 < 1.42E-01 pCi/g 294.34 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No CS-134 1 2007 < 4.69E-4 2 pCi/g 294.34 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No CS-137 2007 < 5.75E-02 pCi/g 294.34 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No BA-140 2007 < 3.40E-01 pCi/g 294.34 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No CE-141 2007 < 8.98E-02 pCi/g 294.34 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No CE,1441 2007 < 3.25E-02 pCi/g 294.34 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No EU-152 2007 < 143E-01 pCi/g 294.34 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No EU-154 2007 < 8.29-FM2 pCi/g 294.34 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No RA-226 2007 < 9.99E-01 pCi/g 294.34 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U Yes TH-228 2007 5.36E-< 1 1.15E-01 pCi/g 294.34 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec + Yes U-235 2007 < 3.15E-01 pCi/g 294.34 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec' U No U-238 2007 < 5.77E+00 pCi/g 294.34 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = , Low recovery H = High r-cvery Bolded text indicates reportable value. Page 22 of 26 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectnum* Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they arm received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:39 L51312 Enercon Chris Higgins EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE P" BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Technologies Company Sample ID: FS-C2-18 Collect Start: 07/18/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C2-18 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51312-18 1" Activity Uncertainty Run[ Aliquot Aliquot Reference1 Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Conc 2 Sigma MDC Units 1 Volume Units j DDate ate Time Units Flag Values BE-7 2007 < 4.51E-01 pCi/g 270.49 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No K-40 2007 1.34E+01 1.1713+00 pCi/g 270.49 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 See + Yes MN-54 2007 < 5.15E-02 pCi/g 270.49 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 See U No CO-58 2007 5.00E-02 pCi/g 270.49 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No FE-59 2007 < 1.15E_-01 pCi/g 270.49 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No CO-60 2007 < 6.45E-02 pCi/g 270.49 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 See U No ZN-65 2007 < 1.27E-01 pCi/g 270.49 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No ZR-95 2007 <" 1.03101 pCi/g 270.49 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No RU-103 2007 < 14.8E-02 pCi/g 270.49 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 See U No RU-106 2007 < 4.30E-01 pCi/g 270.49 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No 41031 2007 < 1.38E-01 pCi/g 270.49 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No CS-134 :2007 <4.97F_2 pCi/g 270.49 g1wet 0718/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No CS-137 2007 < ' 5.55E1-02 pCi/g 270.49 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U Yes BA-140 2007 < 3.42E-01 pCi/g 270.49 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No CE-141 2007 <8.651-02 pCi/g 270.49 ' gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No CE-144 2007 < 2.941E-01 pCi/g 270.49 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 See U No EU-152 2007 < 1.35E-01 pCi/g 270.49 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/1 7200 Sec U No EU-154 2007 < 7.67E-02 pCi/g 270.49 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 See U No RA-226 2007 1.6811+40 9.55E3-01 pCi/g 270.49 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec + Yes TH-228 2007 9.521.501 7.80E-02 pCi/g 270.49 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec + Yes TH-232 ' 2007 8.34<-01 1.568-01 pCi/g 270.49 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec + Yes U-235 ' 2007 < 3.093-01 pCi/g 270.49 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 See U No U-238 2007 < 6.11EF+00 pCi/g 270.49 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No Flag Values : U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)SU* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 23 of 26 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum* Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum' Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:39 L51312 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 7 mLk TELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-C2-19 Collect Start: 07/18/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C2-19 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51312-19

" 1 1 Activity Uncertainty 1 I Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference f Count Count r Count Radionuclide SOP# Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units. Date- Date .Time Units Flag Values BE-7 2007 < 4.63E-01 pCi/g 315.27 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 See U No K-40 2007 1.18E+01 1.22E+00 pCi/g 315.27 gwet 07/18/1212:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec + Yes MN-54 2007 4.96E-02 pCi/g 315.27 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 See U No CO-58 2007 < 5.08E-02 pCi/g 315.27 gwet 07/18/12;12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No FE-59 2007 < J1.27E-01 pCi/g 315.27 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 See U No CO-60 2007 < 6.10E-02 pCi/g 315.27 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 See U No.ZN-65 2007 < 1.18E-01 pCi/g 315.27 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07131/12 7200 Sec U No ZR-95 2007 < 1.02F-01 pCi/g 315.27 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No RU-103 2007 < 5.72E-02 pCi/g 315.27 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No RU-106 2007 < 5.OOF-01 pCi/g 31517 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 See U No 1-131 2007 < 1.46E-01 pCi/g 315.27 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No CS-134' 2007 < 4.59E-02 pCi/g 315.27 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No CS-137 2007 < 6.32E-02 pCi/g 315.27 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 .07/31/12 7200 See U No BA-140 2007 <3.43E-1 pCi/g 315.27 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 See U No CE-141 2007 < 9.37E-02 pCi/g 315.27 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 See U No CE-144 2007 < 3.30E-01 pCi/g 315.27 gwet .07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No EU-152 2007 < 1.45E-01' pCi/g .315.27 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 See U No EU-154 2007 < 8.89E-02 pCi/g 315.27 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No RA-226 2007 1.65E+00 1.04E+00 pCi/g _ 315.27 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 .7200 Sec +. Yes TH-228 2007 7.15E-01 7.73E-02 pCi/g 315.27 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 .7200 Sec + Yes TH-232 2007 5.85E-01 1.38E-01.

pCi/g 315.27 g wet '07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 See + Yes U-235 2007 < 3.31E-01 pCi/g 315.27 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No U-238 2007 < 6.62E+00 pCi/g 315.27 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 See U No Flag Values U =U*ffigh Spec -L H -Bolded tex Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value MDC exceeds customer technical specification Low recovery High recovery No =Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration tindicates reportable value.Page 24 of 26 Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:39 L51312 Enercon Chris Higgins EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE P BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Technologies Company Sample ID: FS-C2-20 Collect Start: 07/18/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C2-20 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012


LIMS Number: L51312-20 Activity Uncertainty o Run Aliquotun Aliquot U Reference Count Count J Count Radionuclide.

SOP# Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values C-14 2003 < 5.57E-01 pCi/g 2.84 g wet 08/18/12, 60 M U FE-55 ..2006 < 1.04E+01 pCi/g 2.0033 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/17/12 ..600 Sec U No H-3 2003 < 8.25E-01 pCi/g 2.84 g wet 08/19/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 < 4.41E-01 pCi/g 2.0033 g wet 08/17/12 45 M U BE-7 2007 < 4.58E-01 pCi/g

  • 288.75 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No K-40 2007 1.45E+01 1. 3E+00 pCi/g 288.75 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 See + Yes MN-54 2007 < 5.68E-02 pCi/g 288.75 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No CO-58 2007 < 5.18E-02 pCi/g 288.75 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12, 7200 Sec U No FE-59 2007 < 1.26E-01 pCi/g 288.75 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 See U No CO-60 2007 < 5.71E-02 pCi/g 288.75 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 See U No ZN-65 2007 < 9.67E-02 pCi/g 288.75 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No ZR-95 2007 < 1.04F-01 pCi/g 288.75 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12.

7200 See -U No RU-103 2007 < 6.06E-02 pCi/g 288.75 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 See U No RU4106 2007 < 4.66E-01 pCi/g 288.75 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No 1-131 2007 < 1.59E-01 pCi/g 288.75 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No CS-134 .2007 < 5.13E-02 pCi/g 288.75 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 See U No CS-137 2007 < 5.86E-02 pCi/g 288.75 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 See U No BA-140 2007 <. 3.28E-01 pCi/g 288.75 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No CE-141 2007 < 1.01E-01 pCi/g 288.75 g wet 07/18112 12:00 07/31/12 7200 See U No CE-144 2007 < 3.55E-01 pCi/g 288.75 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No EU-152 2007 < 1.49E-01 pCi/g 288.75 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 See U No EU-154 2007 < 9.21E-02 pCi/g ..288.75 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec U No RA-226 2007 <

  • 1.31E+00 pCi/g 288.75 g wet 07/18/12 12-00 07/31/12 7200 See U No TH-228 2007 .6.93E-01 8.26E-02 pCi/g 288.75 g wet 07/18/12 12-00 07/31/12 7200 Sec + Yes TH-232 2007 5.99E-01 1.29E-01 pCi/g , .288.75 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 7200 Sec + Yes U-235 2007 < 3.42E-01 pCi/g.. 288.75 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/121 7200 See U No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MD) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 25 of 26 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:39 L51312 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE P" BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Technologles Compeny Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-C2-20 .Collect Start: 07/18/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C2-20 Collect Stop: ..Volume:


.Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51312-20.

Acti t n aR Aiquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values U-238 2007 < 5.56E+00 pCi/g 288.75 .g wet 07/18/12 12:00 1 07/31/121

,7200 Sec U No.i Flag Values U = Compound/Analyto not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = -Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but fbrced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery Ht = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value. Page 26 of 26 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Page: of 10 Project #: MLIC LVI 008 Name: Chris Higgins / Rich Holims COC Number O'): COC-UI-07 E , Street: 190N MRL 104 S Goodwlri AVE City/State/Zip:

Urbana, IL 61801-2902.

Excellence-Every project, Every day Phoe: 203-565-3272

'ENERCON P.O.C: Corey DeWitt 412-889-3124 e-mail: cdew. oi Sample Analysis Requested ( (Fill in the number of containers for each test)Project/Site Name: University of Illinois e-mail: christoplcr h iggins tiNeconi orn <- Preservative Type (3)Address: 190N MRL 104 S Goodwin AVE Urbana; IL 61801-2902 g C Collected by (print/sign):

Chris Higgins 0 q Note: extra sample is D)ate Collected T Collected r ý z required for sample Sample ID (Military)

QC Code " a1 (o, specific QC* For composites

-indicate start and stop date/time (m-dd-yy) (hhmm) atr%: FS-C2-01 07-18-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X FS-C2-02 07-18-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X FS-C2-03 07-18-12 12:00 N SO Y N 1 X FS-C2-04 07-18-12; 12:00 N :SO Y N 1 X X X X X FS-C2-05 07-18 12:00 N SO Y N I X FS-C2-06 07-18-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X FS-C2-07 07-18-12, 12:00 N SO Y N 1 X FS-C2-08 07-18-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X X X X X FS-C2-09 07-18-1T 12:00 N SO Y N I X FS-C2-10 07-18-12 12:00 N SO Y N 1 X TAT Requsted:-

Normal: X Rush: Specify: E-mailResults: / No Circle Deliverable:

CofA / Csumma / Level 1 -Level2 / Level 3 / Level4 Remarks. Samle Collection Time Zone Eastern Pacific Central Other Mountain Chain of Custody Signatures Sample Shipping and Delivery Details Relinq Signed) Date Time Received by (signed) Date Time Laborato PM:`2 2- / 1 Y2 0- Method of Shipment:

Date Shipped 2 2 Airbill #: 3 3 AirbiU #: 1.) Chain of Custody Number = See Procedure 2.) QC Codes: N = Normal Sample, TB = Trip Blank, FD = Field Duplicate, EB = Equipment Blank, MS f Matrix Spike Sample, MSD = Matrix Spike Duplicate Sample, G =-'Grab, C = Composite 3.) Preservative Type: HA -Hydrochloric Acid, NI = Nitric Acid, SH = Sodium Hydroxide, SAff Sulfuric Acid, AA = Ascorbic Acid, H X = Hexane. ST -Sodium Thiosufiate If no preservative is added = leave field bltnk 4.) Matrix Codes: DW=Drnlidn8 Water, GW=Oroundwater, SW-Surface Water, WW-Waste Water, W=Water, MLffMisc Liquid, SO-Soil, SD=Sediment, SL=Sludge, 5-=Sooid Waste, O=Oil, F-Filter, P-Wipe, U-Urine, FIFecal, N=Nusal 5.) Sample Analysis Requested:

Analytical method requested (i.e 8260B, 6010aB7470A) and number of containers provided for each (i.e. 8260B -3, 601OB/7470A

-I).For Lab Receiving Use Only Custody Seal Intact?YES NO Cooler Temp:

Page: 2 of 10 Project #: MLIC LVI 008 .Name: Chris Higgins I Rich Holms COC Number (: COC-UI-07 E N E ElO N ': Street: 190N MRL 104 S Goodwin AVE City/State/Zip:

Urbana, IL 6 1801-2902 Excellence-Every project Every day, Phone: 203-565-3272.

ENERCON P.O.C: Corey DeWitt 412-889-3124 e-mail: cdewittfccr@onLcoric Sample Analysis Requested (s (Fill in the number of containers for each test)Project/Site Name: University of Illinois e-mail: christo,,hcr.higins

<-- Preservative Type (3)Address: 190N MRL 104 S Goodwin AVE Urbana, IL 61801-2902

0. o":~ C o r Comments Collected by (print/sign):

Chris Higgins Cq Note: extra sample is"= required for sample*Date Collected

  • Time Collected

= .... Sareli forzsample ID (Military)

QC Code ae 2" 1 Specific QC'For composites

-indicate start date/time (mm-dd-yy) (hhmm) 0 FS-C2-11 0748-12 12:00 N SO Y N 1 X FS-C2-12 07-18-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X X X X X FS-C2-13 07-18-12 12:00 N SO Y N 1 X FS-C2-14 07-18-12 12:00 N SO Y N 1 X FS-C2-15 07-18-12 12:00 N. SO Y N 1 x FS-C2-16 07-18-12 12:00 N so Y N I X x x x x FS.C2-17 07-18-12 12:00 N SO Y N 1 X FS-C2-18 07-18-12 12:00. N SO Y N I X FS-C2-19 07-18-12 12:00 N SO Y N 1 X FS-C2-20 .07-18-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X X 'X X X TATRequested:Normal:

X Rush:. Specify: E-mailResults:

Yes / No CircleDeliverable:

CofA C CSumm / Levetl I Level2 / Level3 / Level4 Remarks: :Samle Collection Time Zone Eastern Pacific Central Other_ _Mountain Chain of Custody Signatures Sample Shipping and Delivery Details Relicsh y (Signed) Date Time Received by (signed) Date Time Laborato PM: 1 -t. 2 t 1 Method of Shipment" Date Shipped, 2 2 Airbill #: 3 1. 3 Airbill #: 1.) Chain of Custody Number = See Procedure 2.) QC Codes: N Normal Sample, TB =Trip Blank, FD Field Duplicate, EB Equipment Blank, MS = Matrix Spike Sample, MSD -Matix Spike Duplieate Sample, G = Grab, C = Composite 3.) Preservative Type: HA = Hydrochloric Acid, NI = Nitric Acid, SH -Sodium Hydroxide, SA = Sulfuric Acid, AA = Ascorbic Acid, HX Hexane, ST = Sodium Thiosulfate, If no preservative is added leave field blank 4.) Matrix Cdes: DW=DrinkitgWater, GW-Groundwatez S=Surac Water. WW=Waste Water, =-atML=MisoLquid, S=SilSD=edic hý L-ldg e ' SSS "~sc 0=:il, -- te, -Wp cý ;-- -ine, N=Nas 5.) Sample Analysis Requested:

Analytical method requested

(.e. 8260B, 6010B7470A) and number of containers provided for each (La. 8260B -3, 6010/7470A

-1). [For Lab Receiving Use Only Custody Seal Intact?YES NO Cooler Temp:

07/26/1215:05 Teledyne Brown Engineering Sample Receipt Verification/Variance Report SR #: SR32186 Client: Enercon Services, Inc. Project #: EN005-3EREGUOI-12 LIMS #L51312 Initiated By: RCHARLES Init Date: 07/26/12 Receive Date: 07/26/12 Notification of Variance Person Notified:

Contacted By: Notify Date: Notify Method: Notify Comment: Client Response Person Responding:

Response Date: Response Method: Response Comment Criteria Yes No NA Comment 1 Shipping container custody seals present NA and intact.2 Sample container custody seals present NA and intact.3 Sample containers received in good y condition 4 Chain of custody received with samples Y 5 All samples listed on chain of custody Y received 6 Sample container labels present and Y legible.7 Information on container labels y correspond with chain of custody 8 Sample(s) properly preserved and in NA appropriate container(s) 9 Other (Describe)

NA Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:40 L51313 q~ TELEDYNE P"1 BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Technologies Company Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12, Sample ID: FS-C2-21 Collect Start: 07/18/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C2-21 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51313-1 :_.1 Activity fUncertainty Run Aluo Aiquot Reference ICount ICount ICount Radionuelide SOP# Conc 2 Sigma MD)C Units # Volume Units Date Date Time .Units Flag Values BE-7 2007 < 5.29E-01 pCi/g 389.58 g wet, 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 6000 Sec U No K-40 2007 1.13E+01 9.74E-01 pCi/g 389.58 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 6000 Sec + Yes MN-54 2007 < 5.77E-02 pCi/g 389.58 g wet., 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 600.0 Sec U No CO-58 2007 < 6.16E-02 pCi/g 389.58 g wet, 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 6000 Sec U No FE-59 2007 < 1.38E-01 pCi/g 389.58 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 6000 Sec U No CO-60 2007 < 7.23E-02 pCi/g 389.58 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 6000 Sec U No ZN-65 2007 < 1.61E-01 pCi/g 389.58 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 6000 Sec, U* No ZR-95 2007 < 1.15E-01 pCi/g 389.58 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 6000 Sec. U No RU-103 2007 < 6.68E-02 pCi/g 389.58 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 6000 Sec U No RU-106 2007 < 5.59E-01 pCi/g 389.58 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 6000 Sec U No 1-131 2007 < 1.78E-01 pCi/g 389.58 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 6000 Sec U No CS-134' 2007 < 8.23E-02 pCi/g 389.58 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 6000 Sec U* No CS-137 2007 < 6.04E-02 pCi/g 389.58 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 .07/31/12 6000 See U No BA-140 2007 < 3.66E-01 pCi/g. 389.58 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 6000. Sec U No CE-141 2007 < 1.05E-01 pCi/g 389.58. g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 6000 Sec U No CE-144 2007 < 3.56F,-01 pCi/g 389.58 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 6000 Sec U No EU-152 2007 < 1.52E-01 pCi/g 389.58 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 6000 See U No EU-154 2007 < 9.38E-02 pCi/g 389.58 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 6000 Sec U No RA-226 2007 < 1.14E+00 pCi/g 389.58 g wet 07/18/12 12:00. 07/31/12 6000 Sec U Yes TH-228 2007 4.19E-01 7.41E-02 pCi/g 389.58 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 6000 See + Yes U-235 2007 < 3.69E-01 pCi/g 389.58 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 6000 Sec U No U-238 2007, < 6.94E+00 pCi/g 389.58 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 6000 Sec U NoFlag Values, U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma S+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec MDC exceeds customer technical specification L Low recovery 1 = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value. Page3of24 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:40 L51313 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12:, TELEDYNE P! BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-C2-22.

Collect Start: 07/18/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C2-22 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51313-2 I Activity Uncertainty 1s Runj Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP# C 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time j Units Flag Values BE-7 2007 < 5.OOE-01 pCi/g 359.08 g wet 07/18/12412:00 0/31/12 6000 Sec U No K-40 2007 1.09E+01 1.12E+00 pCi/g , 359.08 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 6000 Sec + Yes MN-54 2007 < 5.25E-02 pCi/g .359.08 gwet 07/18/12.12:00 07/31/12 6000 Sec U No CO-58 2007 < 5.75E-02 pCi/g 359.08 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 6000 Sec U No FE-59 2007 < 1.13F-01 pCi/g 359.08 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 6000 See U No CO-60 2007 < 5.85E-02 pCi/g 359.08 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 6000 Sec U No ZN-65 2007 < 1.05E-01 pCi/g 359.08 .gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 6000 Sec U No ZR-95 2007 < 9.88E-02 pCi/g 359.08 , g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 6000 Sec U No RU-103 2007 < 5.76E-02 .pCi/g 359.08 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 6000 Sec U No RU-106 2007 < 4.83E-01 pCi/g 359.08 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 6000 See. U No 1-131 2007. < .1.70E-01 pCi/g 359.08 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 .07/31/12 6000 Sec U No CS.134 2007 < 5.16E-02 pCi/g 359.08 g wet 07/18/12 12:00. 07/31/12 6000 Sec U No CS-1372007

< 5.28E-02 pCi/g 359.08 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 6000 Sec U No BA-140 2007 < 3.85E-01 pCi/g .359.08 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 6000 Sec U No CE-141 2007 < 1.1E-01 pCi/g .359.08 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 6000 Sec U No CE-144 2007 < 4.22E-01 pCi/g 359.08 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 6000 1 Sec U No EU-152 2007 < .1.69E-01, pCi/g 359.08 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 6000 Sec U No EU-154 2007 < 1.08E-01 pCi/g 359.08 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 6000 See U No RA-226 2007 < 1.24E+00 pCi/g 359.08 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 6000 Sec U Yes TH-228 2007 2.27E-01 1.11E-01 pCi/g 359.08 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 6000 Sec + Yes TH-232 2007 3.27E-01 1.60E-01 pCi/g 359.08 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 6000 Sec + Yes U-235 2007!_ < 3.82E-01 pCi/g 359.08 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/12 6000 Sec U No U-238 2007 < 5.63E+00 pCi/g 359.08 .g wet 07/18/12 12:00 07/31/1 6000 Sec U No -Flag Values U =U*High =Spec =L =H =Bolded tex Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value MDC exceeds customer technical specification Low recovery High recovery No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration t indicates reportable value.Page 4 of 24 Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:40 L51313 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 0jr TELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-C2-23 Collect Start: 07/18/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C2-23 Collect Stop:' Volume:




% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51313-3 Activity Uncertainty R Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOfP Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units Volume Units -Date Date Time Units Flag Values BE-7 2007 < 4.75E-O1 pCi/g 381.67 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3964 Sec U No K-40. 2007 1.16E+01 1.33E+00 pCi/g 381.67 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3964 Sec + Yes MN-54 2007 < 5.95E-02 pCi/g 381.67 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3964 Sec U No CO-58 2007 < 5.24E-02 pCi/g 381.67 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3964 Sec U No FE-59 2007 < 1.55E-01 pCi/g 381.67 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3964 See U No CO-60 2007 < 7.09E-02 pCi/g 381.67 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3964 Sec U No ZN-65 2007 < 1.44E-"1 pCi/g 381.67 gwet 07118112 12:00 08/01/12 3964 Sec U No ZR-95 2007 < 1.04E-01 pCi/g 381.67 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3964 Sec -U No RU-103 2007 < 5.20E-02 pCi/g 381.67 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3964 Sec U No RU-106 2007 < 4.99E-01 pCi/g .381.67 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3964 Sec U No 1-13! 2007 < 1.46E-01 pCi/g 381.67 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3964 See U No CS-134 2007 < .5.40E-02 pCi/g 381.67 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3964 Sec U No CS-137 2007 < 5.6.93E-02 pCi/g 381.67 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3964 Sec U No BA-140 2007 < 3.59E-01 ,pCi/g 381.67 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3964 Sec U No CE-141 2007 < 8.52E-02 pCi/g 381.67 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3964 Sec U No CE-144 2007 < 2.79E-01 pCi/g 381.67 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01112 3964. Sec U No EU-152 2007 < 1.45E-1 pCi/g 381.67 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3964 Sec U No EU-154 2007 < 7.96E-02 pCi/g 381.67 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3964 See U No RA-226 2007 < 71.03E+0 pCi/g 381.67 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3964 Sec U Yes RH-228 2007 4.12E-01 7.88E-02 pCi/g 381.67 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3964 Sec + Yes TH-232 2007 4.48E-01 1.51E-01 pCi/g 381.67 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3964 Sec + Yes U-235 2007 < 3.11E-01 pCi/g 381.67 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3964 Sec U No U-238 2007 <. 6.46E+00 pCi/g 381.67 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3964 Sec U No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = 'Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value. Page5of24 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported arc related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:40 L51313 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 Al mmL. TELEDYNE I P* BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Technolojies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-C2-24 Collect Start: 07/18/2012 12:00 Matrix- Soil (S)Destition:

Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 0726/212 % Moisture: LIMS Number: L51313-4* 1 Activity [Uncertainty 1 Rn Aiut Aiut Reference Count Count TCount Radionuclide SOP# Cone 2 Sigma MDC' Units Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values C-14 2003 < 7.09E-o1 pCi/g 2.23 g wet 08/18/12 60 M U FE-55 2006 < 2.19E+01 pCi/g RI 2.0064 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/28/12 600 See U No H-3 2003 < 9.17E-01 pCi/g 2.23 g wet 08/22/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 < 4.22E-01 pCi/g 2.0274 gwet 08/20/12 45 M U BE-7 2007 4.84E-01 pCi/g 397.2 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3964 Sec U No K-40.. 2007 1.12E+01 1.25E+00 pCi/g 397.2 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3964 See + Yes MN-< 2007 5.70E-02 pCi/g 397.2 g wet 07/181/12 12:00 08/01/12 3964 See U No CO-58 2007 < 4.60E-02 pCi/g 397.2 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3964 See U No FE-59 2007 9.56E-02 pCi/g 397.2 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3964 See U No CO-60 2007 7.20E-02 pCi/g 397.2 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3964 Sec U No 7N-65 2007 < 1.11E-01 pCi/g 397.2 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3964 See U No ZR-95 2007 < 8.80E-02 pfi/g 397.2 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01112 3964 Sec U No RU-103 2007 < 5.04E-12 pCi/g 397.2 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3964 See U No RU-106 2007 < 4.44E-01 pCi/g 397.2 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3964 See U No R-131 2007 <1.57E-O1 pCig 397.2 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3964 Sec U No CS-134 2007 < 5.09E-02 pCi/g 397.2 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3964 Sec U No CS-137 2007 < 4.44E-02 pCi/g 397.2 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/1. 3964 Sec U No BA-140 2007 < 3.03E-O1 pCi/g 397.2 g wet 07/18/12 12:00. 08/01/12 3964 See U No CE-141 2007 < 8.E-02 pCi/g 397.2 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3964 See U No CE-144 2007 < 3.01E-01 pCi/g 397.2 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3964 See U -No EU-152 2007 < 41.27E-01 pCi/g 397.2 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01112 3964 See U No EU-154 2007 < 8.52E-02 pCi/g 397.2 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3964 See U No RA-226 2007 < 1.09E+O0 pdi/g 397.2 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3964 See U No TH-228 2007 3.45E-01 7.40E-02 pCi/g 397.2 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3964 See + Yes-1ti-LiL U-235 2UUI 3.52E-01 1.4BE-01 pCi/g 397.2 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3964 See+Yes 2U0I 2.9UE-01 pcuig 397.2 g wet 07/18112 12:00 1 08/01/12 3964 See U No Flag Values U = % Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 6 of 24 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes Peak identified in gamma spectrum* Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:40 L51313 Enercon Chris Higgins EN005-3EREGUOI-12 ,qL. TELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Technologies Company Sample ID: FS-C2-24 Collect Start: 07/18/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C2-24 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number-. L51313-4 Activity, Uncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Conc 2 Sigma MDC Units 9 Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values U-238 2007 <5.76E+0 pCi/g 1 1 397.2 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 1 08/01/121 3964 Sec IU No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma.High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable viluni.Page 7 of 24 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum* Unless otherwise noted, the analytical re#ults reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:40 L51313 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 Arqb TELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-C2-25 Collect Start: 07/18/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C2-25 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/2612012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51313-5 I Activity Uncertainty C Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values BE-7 2007 4.71E-01 pCi/g 419.22 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3965 See U No K-40 2007 8.34E+00 1.1 8E+00 pCi/g .419.22 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3965 See + Yes MN-54 2007 < 5.38E-02 pCi/g 419.22 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3965 See U No CO-58 2007 < 5.OOE-02 pCi/g 419.22 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3965 See U No FE-59 2007 < 1.09E-01 pCitg 419.22 g wet 07/18112 12:00 08101/12 3965 Sec U No CO-60 2007 < 5.04E-02 pCi/g 419.22 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3965 See U No ZN-65 2007 < 1.16E-01 pCi/g .419.22 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3965 See U No ZR-95 2007 < 1.01E-01 pCi/g 419.22 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3965 See U No RU-103 2007 < 5.24E-02 pCi/g 419.22 gwet 07/18/12 12:00. 08/01112 3965 See U No RU-106 2007 < 4.76E-01 pCi/g 419.22 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3965 See U No 1-131 2007 < 1.55E-01 pCi/g 419.22 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/121 3965 See U No CS-134 2007 4.87E-02 pCi/g 419.22 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3965 See U No CS-137 .2007 < 6.73E-02 pCi/g 419.22 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3965 See U No BA-140 2007 < 3.09E-01 pCi/g 419.22 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3965 See U No CE-141 2007 < 8.67E-02 pCi/g 419.22 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3965 See U No CE-144 2007 < 3.13E-01 pCi/g 419.22 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3965 See U No EU- 152 2007 < 1.27E-01 pCi/g 419.22 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/0112 3965 See U No EU-154 2007 < 8.20E-02 pCi/g 419.22 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3965 See U No RA-226 .2007 1.47E+00 9.40E-01 pCi/g 419.22 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12, 3965 See + Yes TH-228 2007 3.20E-01 7.16E-02 pCi/g 419.22 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3965 See + Yes TH11-232 2007 2.57E-01 9.67E-02 pCi/g 419.22 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3965 See + Yes U-235 2007 3.OOE-01 pCi/g 419.22 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3965 Sec U No U-238 2007 < 6.16E+00 pCi/g 419.22 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01112 3965 Sec U No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MMC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 8 of 24 Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:40 L51313 Enercon Chris Higgins EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeladyne Technolooges Company Sample ID: FS-C2-26 Collect Start: 07/18/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C2-26 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51313-6 S Activity Uncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionudlide SO P Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values BE-7 2007 < ___1_5.14E-01 pCi/g 317.14 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3962 Sec U No K-40 2007 8.24E+00 1.25E+00 pCi/g *317.14 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3962 Sec + Yes MN-54 2007 < 5.09E-02 pCi/g 317.14 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3962 Sec U No CO-58 " 2007 < 5.46E-02 pCi/g 317.14 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3962 See U No FE-59 2007 < 1.21E-01 pCi/g 317.14 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3962 Sec U No CO-60 2007 < 7.78E-02 pCi/g 317.14 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3962 Sec' U No ZN-65 2007 < 1.06E-01 .pCi/g 317.14 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3962 Sec U No ZR-95 2007 < 1.13E-01 pCi/g 317.14 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3962 Sec U No RU-103 2007 < 6.90E-02 pCi/g 317.14 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3962 Sec U No RU-106 2007 < 5.00E-01 ipCi/g 317.14 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3962 Sec U No 1-131 2007 < 1.67E-01 pCi/g 317.14 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01112 3962 Sec U No CS-134 2007 < 4.78E-02 .pCi/g 317.14 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 '3962 Sec U No CS-137 2007 < 6.09E-02 *pCi/g 317.14 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3962', Sec U No BA-140 2007 < 3.87E-01 pCi/g 317.14 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 08101/12 3962 Sec U No CE-141 2007 < 1.27E-01 pCi/g 317.14 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3962 Sec U No CE-144 2007 < 4.90E-01 pCi/g 317.14 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3962 Sec U No EU-152 2007 < 1.57E-01 pCi/g 317.14 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3962 Sec U No EU-154 2007 < 1.15E-01 pCi/g 317.14 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01112 3962 Sec .U No RA-226 2007 < 1.37E+00 pCi/g 317.14 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3962. Sec U Yes TH-228 2007 2.91E-01 1.31E-01 pCi/g 317.14 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 .08/01/12 3962 Sec + Yes TH-232 2007 2.54E-01 1.05E-01 pCi/g 317.14 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3962 Sec +. Yes U-235 2007 < 4.48E -01 pCi/g 317.14 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/121 3962 Sec .U N o U-238 2007 < 7.67E+00 pCi/g 317.14 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 3962 Sec. U No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec , MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.P~age 9 of 24 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they arc received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:40 L51313 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE F'l G BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-C2-27 Collect Start: 07/18/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C2-27 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07126/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51313-7 _ _* _Sop# Activity Uncertainty 1 Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionudide "P Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units " Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values BE-7 2007 < 3.82E-O1 pCi/g 325.08 g wet 07118/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No K-40 2007 9.67E+00 9.18E-01 pCi/g 325.08 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 See + Yes lN-54 2007 4.56E-02 pCi/g 325.08 g wet 07/18/12.12:00 08/01/12 -5356 Sec U No CO-58 2007 < " 4.29E-02 pCi/g 325.08 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/i2 5356 See U No FE-59 2007 < 8.21E-02 pCi/g 325.08 gwet 07/1811212:00

.08/01/12 5356 Sec U No CO-60 2007 < 5.11E-02 pCi/g 325.08 g wet. 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 See U No ZN-65 2007 < 9.13E-02 pCi/g 325.08 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No ZR-95 2007 < 8.29E-02 pCi/g 5 325.08 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No RU-103 2007 < 4.48E-02 pCi/g 325.08 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 See U No RU-106 2007 <3.62E-01 pCi/g 325.08 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No 1-131 2007 <1.29E-1 pCi/g 325.08 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No CS-134 2007 < 3.80E-02 pCi/g 325.08 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No CS-137 K 2007 1.65E-01 4.76E-02 pCi/g 325.08 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 See + Yes BA-140 2007 < 2.88E-01 pCi/g __ S325.08 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No CE441 2007 < 7.89E-02 pCi/g 325.08 g wet, 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 See U No CE-144 2007 < 2.82E-01 pCi/g 325.08 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No EU-152 2007 < 1.23E-01 pCi/g 325.08 g wet. 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 See U No EU-154 2007 < 7.67E-02 pCi/g 325.08 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No RA-226 2007 1.42E+00 9.17E-01 pCi/g 325.08 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 See + Yes TH-228 2007 5.21E-01 6.29E-02 pCi/g 325.08 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec + Yes TH-232 2007 4.64E-01 9.26E-02 pCi/g 325.08 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 See + Yes U-235 2007 < 2.77E-01 pCi/g " _ 325.08 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sc U No U-238 2007 4.92E+00 I pCi/g 325.08 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 1 08/01/121 5356 Sec UI No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected.(<

MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = LOw.recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 10 of 24 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum i**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they.are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:40 L51313 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE F'qi BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-C2-28 Collect Start: 07/18/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C2-28 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51313-8 SF I Activity lUncertitnty F I Runi Alqo liquot Reference Count~ Count Count RadionuclideSOP#

Conc 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date -Time .Units I Flag Values C-14 2003 < 6.15E-01 pCi/g 2'57 gwet 08/18/12.

60 M U FE-55 2006 < 1.55E+01 pCi/g RI 2.0184 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/28/12 600 Sec U No H-3 2003 9.12E-01 pCi/g 2.57 g wet 08/19/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 4.27E-01 pCi/g 2.0221 g wet 08/20/12 45 M U BE-7 2007 < 4.38E-01 pCi/g 372.76 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec. U No K-40 2007 8.48E+00 1.01E+00 pCi/g 372.76 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec Yes MN-54 2007 < 4.59E-02 pCi/g 372.76 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No CO-58 2007 < 5.26E-02 pCi/g 372.76 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No FE-59 2007 1.28E-01 pCi/g 372.76 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No CO-60 2007 < 5.50E-02 pCi/g 372.76 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U. No ZN-65 2007 < 1.33E-01 pCi/g 372.76 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 'Sec U No ZR-95 2007 < 1.07E-01 pCi/g 372176 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No RU-103 2007 < 5.62E-02 pCi/g 372.76 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No RU-106 2007 < 4.50E-01 pCi/g 372.76 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No 1-131 2007 < 1.37E-01 pCi/g 372.76 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 See U No CS-134 2007 < 4.33E-02 pCi/g 372.76 g wet, 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No CS-137 2007 1.64E-01 7.24E-02 pCi/g 372.76 g wet t 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec + Yes BA-140 2007. < 3.14E-01 pCi/g 372.76 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No CE-141 2007 : < 8.71E-02 pCi/g 372.76 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No CE-144 2007 < 2.70E-01 pCi/g 372.76 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No EU-152 2007 < 1.32E-01 pCi/g 372.76 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No EU-154 2007 < 7.63E-02 pCi/g 372.76 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No RA-226 2007 < 9.01E-01 pCi/g 372.76 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U, Yes TH-228 2007 4.36E-01 7.05E-02 pCi/g 372.76 g wet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec + Yes TH-232 2007 3.96E-01 1.13E-01 pCi/g 372.76 gwet 07/18/12-12:00 08/0.1/12 5356 Sec + Yes U-235 2007 < 2.92E-01 pCi/g 372.76 gwet 07/18/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gammi only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page I11 of 24 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:40 L51313 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 AW"q TELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-C2-28 Collect Start: 07/18/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station:.

F-C2-28 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51313-8 Activity uncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot Referene Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP#I Conc 2 Sigma MDC Units Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values U-238 12007[ < __ [ 5.72E+O0 [ pCi/g ] 372.76 4 gwet 107/18/12 12:00 1 08/01/12]

5356 L See U uNo.IN°I Sample ID: FS-Cl-O1 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-CI-01 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: '07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51313-9 ctivity Uncertai Run Aliquot Aliquot 'Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide Couc 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values C-14 2003 < 5.81E-01 pCi/g 2.72 g wet 08/18/12 600 M U FE-55 2006 1.11E+01 pCi/g RI 2.0474 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/28/12 600 Sec U No H-3, 2003 <__________

7.51F,01 pCilg __ 2.72 g wet 08/22/12 60 M U NI-63 ] 2013 J < 4.28E-01 pCi/g 2.0029 g wet .. _ 08/20/12 45 M U Sample ID: FS-CI-02 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-CI-02 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51313-10 Activity Uncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference count Cot n Radionuclide SOPN Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units uf Volume Units Date Date [ Time Units Flag Values C-14 2003 < 6.82F-01 -pCi/g _ 2.32 g wet _______08/18/12 60 M U FE-55 2006 < 1.47E+01 pCi/g Ri 2.0006 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/28/12 600 Sec U No H-3 2003 < 8.81E-01 pCi/g 2.32 g wet 08/22/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 < 4.23E-01 pCi/g 2.0354 g wet 08/20/12 45 M U Flag Values U = Compotmd/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detecte& Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec MDC exceeds customer technical specification L Low recovery H = High recovery Boldedtext indicates reportable value.Page 12 of 24 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum* Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:40 L51313 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE JM BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-CI-03 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C1-03 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number. L51313-11

_1 1 Activity ~Uncertainty 1 RunT Aliquot [Aliquot, Reference Count Count [Count Radionuclide SOP# Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date j Date Time [Units Flag Values C- 14 2003 < 7.42E-01 pCi/g __ 2.13 g gwet _______08/18/12 60 M U FE-55 2006 < 1.51E+01 pCi/g R1. 2.026 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/28/12 600 -Sec U No H-3 2003 < 1.10E+00 pCi/g 2.13 g wet _ 08/19/12 60 _. M U NI-63 2013 4.28E-01 pCi/g 2.0182 g wet 08/20/12 45 M U Sample ID: FS-Cl-04 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C1-04 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51313-12 i d so Activity Uncertainty i Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units ? bate Date Time Units,. Flag Values C-44 2003 < 7.68E-01 pCilg __ 2.06 g wet 08/18/12 60 M U FE-55 2006 < 1.49E+01 pCi/g R1 2.0097 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/28/12 600 Sec U No H-3 2003 < 9.92E-01 pCi/g 2.06 g wet 08/22/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 < 4.27E-01 pCi/g 2.0081 g wet ._ _ _ 08/20/12 45 M U Sample ID: FS-Cl-05 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-Cl-05.

Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07126/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51313-13"1 I Activity [Uncertainty 1 1 [Run I Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count [ Count Radionuclide SOP# Cone. 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units 4 Date Date .Time Units* Flag Values C,14 2003 < 6.85E-01 pCi/g -2.31 gwet _ 08118112 60 M U FE-55 2006 [ < 6.35E+00 pCi/g RI 2.0509 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/28/12 600 Sec U No H-3 2003 < 1.01E+00 pCi/g 2.31 gwet " _, 08/19/12 60 M NI-63 -2013 < [ 4.23E-01 pCi/g 2.0224 g wet _08/21/12 45 M U Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma.+ = Activity concentration exceeds MIDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 13 of 24 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples'tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02112 13:40 L51313 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE P' BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-C1-06 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-CI-06 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51313-14 Activity Uncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Cone 2 Sigma MDC ant Volume Units Date Date, Time Units ['iFlag Values C-14 2003 < 5.92E-01 pCi/g , 2.67 g wet 08/18/12 60 M Uwet FE-55 2006 < 8.83E+00 pCi/g 1R 2.0019 1, gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/28/12 600 Sec U N H-i 2003. < 1.7 __p___ 267 08/19(12 60 M U NI-63 2013 < 4.29E77 1 pCi/g 2.0009 gwet 08/21/12 45 M Sample ID: FS-C1-07 .Collect Start 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C1-07 Collect Stop:. Volume:


Receive Date: '07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51313-15 SOP Activity Uncertainty Run] Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count RadionuclideS Conc 2 Sigma MDC Units , # Volume Units Date Date ] Time Units Flag Values C-14 2003 <, 5.79E-01 pCi/g -2.73 gwet 08/18/12 60 M U FE-55 2006 < 8.84E+00 pCi/g RI 2.0721 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/28/12 600 Sec U No H-3 g2003 < 7.49E-01 pCi/g i 2.73 g7wet 08/22/12 , 60 M U NI-63. 2013 < 4.30E-01 20023 8/21/12 45 M U Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 14 of 24 No * = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes =Peak identified in gamma spectrum* Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MNC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:40:L51313 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12

APkMk TELEDYNE.BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-C1-08 Collect Start. 07123/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C1-08 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51313-16

___Activity Uncertainty T Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units j Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values C-14 2003 < 5.45E-01 pCi/g 2.9 gwet 08/18/12 60 M U U FE-55 2006 < 1.64E+01 pCi/g RI 2.001 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/28/12 600 Sec. U No H-3 2003 < 8.08F01 pCi/g 2.9 g wet 08/19/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 < 4.29EMO1 pCi/g 2.0008 g wet 08/21/12 45 M U BE-7 2007 < 5.30E-01 pCi/g 299.85 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5355 Sec U No K-40 2007 1.47E+01 1.46E+00 pCi/g 299.85 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5355 Sec + I Yes MN-54 2007 < 6.80F02 pCi/g 299.85 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5355 See U No CO-58 2007 < 5.60E-02 pCi/g 299.85 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5355 Sec U No FE-59 2007 < 1.41E-01 pCi/g 299.85 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5355 Sec U No CO-60 2007 < 7.72E-02 pCi/g 299.85 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5355 Sec U No ZN-65 2007 < 1.12E-01 pCi/g 299.85 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5355 Sec U No ZR-95 2007 < 1.20E-01 pCi/g 299.85 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5355 Sec. U No RU-103 2007 < 5.94E-02 pCi/g 299.85 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5355 Sec U No RU-106 2007 < 5.56E-01 pCi/g 299.85 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5355 Sec U No 1-131 2007 < 1.14E-01 pCi/g 299.85 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5355 Sec U No CS-134 2007 < 5.32E-02 pCi/g 299.85 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5355 Sec U No CS-137 2007 < 7.99E-02 pCi/g 299.85 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5355 Sec U Yes BA-140 2007 < 2.99E-01 pCi/g 299.85 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5355 Sec U No CE-141 2007 < 9.71E-02 pCi/g 299.85 gwet. 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5355 Sec U No CE-144 2007 < 3.74E-01 pCi/g 299.85 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5355 Sec U No EU-152 2007 < 1.72E-01 pCi/g 299.85 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5355 Sec U No EU-154 --2007 < 1.03E-01 pCi/g 299.85 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5355 Sec U No RA-226 2007 2.22E+00 1.25E+00 pCi/g 299.85 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5355 Sec + Yes TH-228 2007 1.05E+00 1.05E-01 pCi/g .299.85 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5355 See + Yes TH-232 2007 7.16F-01 2.02E-01 pCi/g 299.85 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5355 Sec + Yes U-235 2007 < 3.99F-01 pCi/g 299.85 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5355 Sec U No N Flag Values U Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; p identified(gamma only) 3 U* "= Compound/An.ialyte not detected..

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MIM and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds .customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery .Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 15 of 24, No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes. = Peak identified in gamma spectrum* Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results are related only to the samples tested in the conditic are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration reported onthey.......... ...............

..I s Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:40 L51313 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE P'* BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-CI-08 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil .(S)Station: FS-C1-08 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012


LIMS Number: L51313-16 CcUtUsn Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide, SO Conc 2 Sigma MDC Units 0 Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values U-238 2007 < 6.88E+00 pCi/g 299.85 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/121 5355 ISc I UN Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compomund/Analyte not detected.-

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 16 of724 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum* Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported ar related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:40 L51313 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 if tL TELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Teohcnlogles Company.Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-C1-09 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-CI-09 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51313-17 F T Activity Uncertainty2 iF Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Cone 2 Sigma AMDC Units # Volume[UnitsD Date Time Units Flag Values C-14 2003 5.67E-)1 pCilg 2.79 g wet 08/18/12 60 M U FE-55 2006 < 8.57E+00 .pCi/g RI 2.0098 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/28/12 600 Sec U No H-3 2003 < 8.39E-01 pCi/g 2.79 g wet 08/19/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 1< 4.86E-01 pCi/g 2.0161 gwet .08/28/12 45 M U BE-7 2007 < 2.92E-01 pCi/g 372.55 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08101/12 5357 Sec U No K-40 2007 9.68E+00 9.36E-01 pCi/g 372.55 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5357 Sec + Yes MN-54 2007 < 3.97E-02 pCi/g 372.55 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01112 5357 Sec U No CO-58 2007 < 4.27E-02 pCi/g 372.55 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5357 Sec U No FE-59 2007 < 8.32E-02 pCi/g 372.55 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5357 Sec U No CO-60 2007 < 4.43E-02 pCi/g 372.55 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 :5357. Sec U No ZN-65 2007 < 9.55E-02 pCi/g 372.55 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08101/12 5357 Sec U No ZR-95 2007 < 7.78E-02 pCi/g 372.55 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5357 Sec U No RU-103 2007 < 3.71E-02 pCi/g 372.55 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5357 Sec U No RU-106 2007 < 3.20E-01 pCi/g 372.55 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5357 Sec U No 1-131 2007 < 7.42E-02 pCi/g 372.55 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5357 Sec U No CS-134 2007 < 3.50E-02 pCi/g 372.55 g wet 07/23/12 12:00. 08/01/12 5357 Sec U No CS-137 2007 < 4.67E-02 pCi/g 372.55 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5357 Sec U No BA-140 2007 < 2.01E-01 pCi/g 372.55 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5357 Sec U No CE-141 2007 < 5.62E-02 pCi/g 372.55 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5357 Sec U No CE-144 2007 < 1.98E-01 pCi/g 372.55 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5357, Sec U No EU-152 2007 < 9.79E-02 pCi/g 372.55 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5357 Sec U No EU-154 2007 < 5.34E-02 pCi/g 372.55 gwet -07/23/12 12:00 08/01/112 5357 Sec U No RA-226 2007 1.37E+O0 6.76E-01 pCi/g 372.55 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5357 Sec + Yes TH-228 2007 2.72E-01 6.25E-02 pCi/g 372.55 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5357, Sec + Yes'1T1-232 2007 2.59E-01 1.12E-01 pCi/g 372.55 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5357 Sec + Yes 4;..U-235 2007 2.13E-01 pCi/g 372.55 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 1 08/011121 5357 Sec U No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peaknot identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MD and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery.H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 17 of 24 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:40 L51313 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 W TELEDYNE J BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-CI-09 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C1-09 Collect Stop: .. Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

.% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51313-17 Activity Uncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Conc 2 Sigma MDC Units u Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values U-238 2007 <4.20E+0 pCi/g 372.55 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 1;08/01/12 5357 Sec IU No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 18 of 24 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:40 L51313 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-1 2 ,P 4rIL TELEDYNE' BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-Cl-10 , Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-CI-10 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51313-18 Sop Activity Uncertainty IIRuni Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count [Count Radionuclide SO Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Dateý Time Units Flag Values C-14 2003 < 6.43E-01 pCi/g 2.46 g wet 08/18/12 60 M U FE-55 2006 < 1.18E+01 pCi/g Rl 2.0085 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/28/12 600 Sec .U No H-3 2003 < 9.52E-01 pCi/g 2.46 g wet 08/19/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 < 4.84E-O1 pCi/g 2.0301 g wet 08/28/12 45 M U BE-7 2007 < 4.16E-01 pCi/g 370.88 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5357" Sec U No K-40 2007 9.99E+00 1.23E+00 pCi/g 370.88 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5357 Sec + Yes MN-54 2007 < 5.20E-02 pCi/g 370.88 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5357 Sec U No CO-58 2007 < 5.49E-02 pCi/g 370.88 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5357 Sec U No FE-59 2007 < 1.14E-O1 pCi/g 370.88 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5357 Sec U No CO-60 2007 < 6.40E-02 pCi/g 370.88 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5357 Sec U No ZN-65 2007 < 1.33F-01 pCi/g 370.88 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5357 Sec U No ZR-95 2007 < 8.77E-02 pCi/g 370.88 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5357 Sec U No RU-103 2007 < 4.96E-02 pCi/g 370.88 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5357 Sec U No RU-106 2007 < 5.00E-01 pCi/g 370.88 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5357 Sec U No 1-131 2007 < 8.81E-02 pCi/g 370.88 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5357 Sec. U No CS-134 2007 < 5.OOE-02 pCi/g 370.88 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 -5357 Sec U No CS-137 2007 < 5.15E-02 pCi/g 370.88 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5357 Sec U No BA-140 2007 < 2.79E-01 pCi/g 370.88 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 15357 Sec.: U No CE-141 2007 < 7.77E-02 pCi/g 370.88 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 -5357 Sec U. No CE-144 2007 < ' 2.96E-01 pCi/g 370.88 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 :5357 Sec U No EU-152 2007 <138E-OI pCi/g .370.88 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5357 Sec U No EU-154 2007 < 7.97E-02 pCi/g 370.88 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5357 Sec U No RA-226 2007 1.58E+00 1.05E+00 pCi/g 370.88 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5357 See + Yes TH-228 2007 3.75E-01 6.51E-02 pCi/g 370.88 g wet 07/231/12 12:00 08/01/12 5357. Sec + Yes TH-232 2007 4.63E-01 1.15E-01 pCi/g 370.88 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5357. See + Yes U-235 2007 .<.3.05E-01 pCi/g 370.88 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5357. Sec U No* Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MD) or less than 3 sigma-+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only):U* .= Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds 'customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes, = Peak identified in gamma spectrum* Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 19 of 24 Report of Analysis* 10/02/12 13:40 L51313 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 7l TELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-CI-10 Collect Start: 07/2312012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-CI-10 Collect Stop: Volume: Descriptiop:

Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51313-18 Activity Uncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count' Count Radionuclide.

SOn Conc 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units nits Flag Values U-238 2007 5.68E+00 pCi/g 370.88 g wet [0723/12 12:00 08/01/121 5357 1 Sec I U I I No I Flag Values U Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Ainalyte notdetected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 20 o1724 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum.* Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:40 L51313 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE P* BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATetedyne Technologtes Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-CI-I1 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-CI-11 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51313-19 Activity Uncertainty 1nts Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference ICount Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values C-14 2003 < 5.99E-01 pCi/g 2.64 g wet 08/18/12 60 M U -FE-55 2006 < 6.38E+00 pCi/g R1 2.0102 g wet, 07/23/12 12:00 08/28/12 600 Sec U No H-3 2003 < 7.74E-01 pCi/g 2.64 g wet 08/22/12 60. M U NI-63 2013 < 4.83E-01 pCi/g 2.0151 gwet 08/28/12 45 M U BE-7 2007 < 3.24E-01 pCi/g 374.54 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No K-40 2007. 1.11E+01 9.64E-01 pCi/g 374.54 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sce + Yes MN-54 2007 < 4.20E-02 pCi/g 374.54 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No CO-58 2007 < 4.29E-02 pCi/g 374.54 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No FE,59 2007 <9.20E-02 pCi/g 374.54 g"wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No CO-60 2007 < 4.78E-02 pCi/g 374.54 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 See U No ZN-65 2007' < 9.09E-02 pCi/g 374.54 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No ZR-95 2007 < 7.87E-02 pCi/g 374.54 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No RU-103 2007 < 4.69E-02 pCi/g 374.54 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No RU-106 2007 3.62E-01 pCi/g 374.54 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No 1-131 2007 < 8.32E-02 pCi/g, 374.54 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No CS-134 2007 < 4.05E-02 pCi/g .374.54 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No CS-137 2007 < 4.07E-02 pCi/g 374.54 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No BA-140 2007 < 2.34E-01 pCi/g 374.54 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No CE-141 2007 < 7.76E-02 pCi/g 374.54 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 See U No CE-141 2007 < 2.80E-02 pCi/g 374.54 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No EU-152 2007 < 28E-01 pCi/g 374.54 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No -EU-154 2007 < 7.91E-02 pCi/g 374.54 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No RA-226 2007 < 9.21E-01 pCi/g 374.54 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U Yes TH-228 2007 4.28E-01 6.61E-02 pCi/g .374.54 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec: + Yei TH-232 2007 3.44E-01 9.81E-02 pCi/g 374.54 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Secý + Yes U-235 2007 < 2.92E-01 pCi/g 374.54 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDW ) or less than 3 sigma.+ .= Activity concentration exceeds MNDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Campound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High. = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec: = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 21 of 24 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in g a-ma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested m the condition they are received by the laboratory.:

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:40 L51313 Enercon Chris Higgins EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE P'~ BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyneTechnologles Company Sample ID: FS-CI-11 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-CI-I1 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LlMSNumber:

L51313-19 Activity Uncertainty I Ru AliquotI Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Conc 2 Sigma MIDC Units 4 Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values U-238 2007 < I5.84E++00]

pCi/g 374.5.4 .1 g wet 107/23/12 12:00 08/01/121 5356 6 Sec I U No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< NfDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sgma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Lbw recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 22 of 24 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum* Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:40 L51313 Enercon Chris Higgins EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE 9"1 BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Technologies Company , Sample ID: FS-Cl-12 Collect Start: 07123/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-CI-12 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51313-20 1 I Activity IUncertainty I .Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count ount Radionuclide SOP# Cone J2 Sigma MDC Units to Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values C-14 2003 < 5.69E-01, pCi/g ."2.78 g wet 08/18/12 , 60 M U FE-55 2006 < 1.17E+01' pCi/g Ri 2.0347 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/28/12 600 Sec U No H-3 2003 < 842E-O1 pCi/g 2.78 g wet 08/19/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 < 4.83E-01 pCi/g 2.0211 g wet 08/28/12 45. M U BE-7 2007 < 4.58E-01 pCi/g .366.64 g wet 07/23(12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No K-40 2007 1.39E+01 1.26E+00 pCi/g 366.64 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec + Yes MN-54 2007 < 5.53E-02 pCi/g 366.64 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 See U No CO-58 .2007 < 5.21E-02 pCi/g 366.64 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No FE-59 2007 < 1.43E-01 pCi/g 366.64 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No CO-60 2007 < 5.97E-02 pCi/g 366.64 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08101/12 5356 Sec U. .No ZN-65 2007 < 1.34E-01 pCi/g 366.64 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No ZR-95 2007 < 9.83E-02 pCi/g 366.64 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08101/12 5356 Sec U No RU-103 2007 < 5.92E-02 pCi/g 366.64 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No RU-106 .. 2007 < 5.37E-01 pCi/g 366.64 g wet 07123112 12:00 08/01/12 5356 See U No 1-131 2007 < 1.19E-I. pCi/g 366.64 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 See U No CS-134 2007 < 5.18E-02 pCi/g 366.64 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/112 5356 Sec U No CS-137 2007 < 5.66E-02 pCi/g 366.64 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No BA-140 2007 < 2.69E-01 pCi/g 366.64 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No CE-141 2007 < 1.02E-01 pCi/g 366.64 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No CE-144 2007 < 3.46E-01 pCi/g 366.64 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01(12 5356 Sec U No EU-152 2007 < 1.46E-01 pCi/g ,366.64 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec. U No EU-154 2007 < 9.02E-02 pCi/g 366.64 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec U No RA-226 2007 < 1.25E+00 pCi/g 366.64 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08(01/12 5356 Sec U 'Yes TH-228 2007 4.41E-01 7.76E-02 pCi/g 366.64 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 Sec + ýYes TH-232 .2007 5.17E-01 1.17E-01 pCi/g 366.64 gwet 07/23(12 12:00 08/01t12 5356 Sec + Yes U-235 :2007 < 3.87E-01 pCi/g 366.64 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5356 SSec U No Flag Values U Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = , Activity concentration exceeds MDW and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only).U* Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 23 of 24 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrumn* Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported arm related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:40 L51313 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE~I BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Technologies Company ." ",.Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-Cl-12 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-CI-12 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMSNumber:.

L51313-20 SOM Activity Uncertainty Run Aliquot 7Aliquot Reference

  • Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Conc 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values U-238 2007 5.89E+09 pCi/g 366.64 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 0 08/01/121 5356 1 Sec IU No Flag Values U Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 24 of 24 No -' Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration

_571 3 1- , Page: 4 of 10 .Project #: MLIC LVI 008 .Name: Chris Higgins Rich Holms COC Number "): COC-UI-07 E N Street: 190N MRL 104 S Goodwin AVE City/StatetZip:

Urbana, IL 61801-2902 Excellence-Every project."very Phone: 203-565-3272 ENERCON P.O.C: Corey DeWitt 412-889-3124 e-mail: cdewi I@icncrco con. Sample Analysis Requested ( (Fill in the number of containers for each test)'Project/Site Name: University of Illinois e-mail: chiristoplhrr.hisiinsagaieconlucoonl

<-- Preservative Type (3)Address: 190N MRL 104 S Goodwin AVE Urbana, IL 61801-2902 oo: .';e , [. :Comments.Collected by (print/sign):

.Chris Higgins' ..Note: extra sample is Date Collected

  • Time Collected

., U P. Z" required for sample Sample ID (Ml QC Code M Matix ef-" specific QC.* For composites

-indicate start and stop date/time (mm-dd-yy) (hhnmu) a%FS-C1-03 07-23-12 12:00 N so Y N I X X X X FS-CI-04 07-23-12.

12:00 N SO Y N 1 X X X X.FS-C1-05__

07-23-12 .12:00 N so Y N I X X X X FS-CI-06 07-23-12 12:00 N sO Y N .I X X X X FS-CI-07.

07-23-12 12:00 N so Y N 1 X X X X FS-CI-08 07-23-12 12:00 N So Y N 1 X X X X X FS-CI-09 07-23-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X X X X X FS-CI-10 07-23-12 12:00 N SO Y N I A X X X X" FS-CI-11 07-23-12 12:00 N SO Y N 1 X X X X X FS-C1-12 07-23-12 12:00 N So Y N 1 X X X X X TAT Requested:

Normal: X Rush: Specify: E-mailResults:

Yea / No Circle Deliverable:

CofA QCSummar / Level I / Level2 / Level3 I Level4 Remarks: Sample Collection Time Zone Eastern.'

Pacific Central Other______

Mountain Chain of Custody Signatures Sample Shipping and Delivery Details RelinquishedB ( ed) Date, Time Received by (signed) Date Time Laborator PM: 1 19 .1 (_2 10l(o MethodofShipment:


2 : 2 Airbill #: 3 3 "AirbiUl#:

i.) Chain of Custody Number =See Procedure

,-. 7* :-: '- L.l , L" .* * * ", t :or nRecetvng use Ulmy -2.) QC Codes: N = Normal Sample, TB = Trip anmk, FD = Field Duplicate, E = -Equipment Blank, MS =Matrix Spike Sample, = Matrix Spike Duplicate Sample, G =rab, C =Composite.

.£ e"vr:ueL.3.) Presevative Type: HA -

Acid, NI Nitric Acid, H5= Sodiun Hydroxide, SA = Sulfuric Acid, AA -Ascorbic Acid,HX =Hexane. ST Sodium Thiosulfate.

lfno preservative is added -leave field blank Custody Seal 7ntact?YES , NO 4.) Matrix Codes: DW=Drinking Water, GW=Groundwater, SW=Surface Water, WW=Waste Water. W=Water, ML=Misc Uquid, SO=Soil, SD-Sedioment SL=Sludge, SS=SolidWaste, 0-=il, F=Filter, P-Wipe, U-Urine, F-Fecal, N=Nasal .' ES NO Cooler Tempr 5.) Sample Analysis Requested:

Analytical method requested (Le. 260B, 60108/7470A) and number of containers provided for each (i.e. 8260B -3, 6010B1747A 4 1)... .. .... .. ..... ... ." .-.i , ..'

Page: 3 of 10 I -Project #: MLIC LVI008 Name:* Chris Higgins / Rich Holms COC Number o): COC-UI-07

.N E Street: 190N MRL 104 S Goodwin AVE City/State/Zip:

Urbana, IL 61801-2902 Excellence-Every project Every day. Phone: 203-565-3272.

-ENERCON P.O.C: Corey DeWitt 412-889-3124 e-mail: Fdcdvitt (cnlercon.con.

Sample Analysis Requested s (Fill in the number of containers for each test)Project/SiteName:

University of Illinois e-mail: christoylhcrhigyitisb cacu.conIi A_""_"" PreservativeType(3)

Address: 190N MRL 104 S Goodwin AVE Urbana, IL 61801-2902 A cn" ' 8 ,: Comments Collected by (print/sign):

Chris Higgins ,. ,, Note: extra sample is SDati Collected

  • Time Collected I t-: required for sample 1(Mitary)

QC Code sa1m A i M .** For composites

-indicate start andstop datetime (mm-dd-yy) (hhmm) matrix (4) specific QC.FS-C2-21 07-18-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X.FS-C2-22 07-18-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X FS-C2-23 07-18-12 12:00 N SO Y N 1 X FS-C2-24 07-18-12 12:00 N So Y N 1 X X X X X FS-C2-25 07-18-12 12:00 N SO Y N 1 X FS-C2-26 07-18-12 12:00 N SO Y N 1A X FS-C2-27 07-8-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X FS-C2-28 07-18-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X X X X X*FS-CI-01 07-23-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X X X X FS-CI-02 07-23-12 12:00 N SO. Y N I X X X X TAT Requested:

Normal: X Rush: Specif L E-mail Results: e / No Circle Deliverable:

C ofA / Summary Level I / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4 Remarks: Sample Collection Time Zone'Eastern Pacific Central Other Mountain Chain of Custody Signatures Sample Shipping and Delivery Details gelinquiste By (Signed) Date Time Received by (signed) Date Time I /~'fI Laboratory P I I-'~~~~~~~

v1 'Dj J\~'6j,1~)(~l,-))

jMethod of Shipmsent:

IDate Shipped: 2 2 .Airbill #: 3 3 3Aibill #:.) ChainofCustodyN berSeeProedureFor Lab Receiving Use Only, 2.) QC Codes: N -Normal Sample, TB = Trip Blank, FD -Field Duplicate.

EB = Equipment Blank, MS .Matrix Spike Sample, MSD -Matrix Spike Duplicate Sample, G.= Grab, C = Composite


__Receiing__se 3.) Preservative Type: HA = Hydrochloric Acid, NI 7 Nitric Acid, SHi = Sodium Hydroxide, SA -Sulfuric Acid, AA -Ascorbio Acid, HX = Hexame, ST -Sodium Thiosulfate, If no preservative is added- leave field blank Custody Seal Intact?, 4.) Matrix Codes: DW. Drinking Water. GW-Oroundwater, SW=So.-,re Wate, ww=Waste Water, w=watet. ML=Mitsc Liqsid, SO-Soil, SD=Sedi-ent, SLl=Sudge. W.aste. O=Ol1, F--Filter, P=Wipe, U-J'-- .. a.. YES.' NO Cooler Temp: 5.) Sample Analysis Requested:

Analytical method requested (i.e. 60B001f70A) and of containers provided for each (i.e. 8260B -3, 6010B17470A


0Teledy.e-A wn Engineering SapeRecelpt" Vei catiori/Vaiiance Report SR I: SR32187 Client: ... Enercon Services,.'Inc.

.-Project #: EN005-3EREGUOI-12 LIMS #L51313 Initiated By: RCHARLES init Date: 07/26/12-Receive Date: 07/26/12 Notification of Variance Person Notified:

Contacted By: Notify Date: Notify Method:.Notify Comment: Client Response Person Responding:

Response Date:;.Response Method:.Response Comment Criteria Yes No IAT Comment 1 Shipping container custody seals.present NA and intact.2 Sample container custody seals present NA and intact.3 Sample containers received in good Y condition 4 Chain of custody received with samples Y-5 All samples listed on chain of custody Y received 6 Sample container labels present and Y legible..7 Information on container labels Y correspond with chain of custody 8 Sample(s) properly preserved and in NA appropriate container (s)9 Other (Describe)


BROWIrENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Technologies Company 2508 Quality Lane Knoxville, TN 37931-3133:

865-690-6819 I'3 ~L c(Ode(Chris Higgins Enercon 4490 Old William Penn Highway Murrysville, PA 15668 Report of Analysis/Certificate of Conformance 10/02/2012-LIMS#: L51314 Project ID#: EN005-3EREGUOI-12 Received:

07/26/2012 Delivery Date: 08/25/2012 P.O.#: U of IL Release #: proj MLIC LVI 008 SDG#: This is to certify that Teledyne Brown Engineering

-Environmental Services located at 2508 Quality Lane, Knoxville, Tennessee, 37931, has analyzed, tested and documented samples, as received by the laboratory, as specified in the applicable purchase order.This also certifies that requirements of applicable codes, standards and specifications have been fully met and that any quality assurance documentation which verified conformance to the purchase order is on file and may be examined upon request.I hereby " that the above statements are true and correct.Keith Jeter 0'Operations Manager Cross Reference Table Client ID Laboratory ID Station 1,I (if applicable)

FS-CI-13 L513144 FS-CI-13 FS-CI-14 L51314-2 FS-CI-14 FS-Cl-15 L51314-3 FS-CI-15 FS-CI-16 L51314-4 FS-CI-16 FS-CI-17 L51314-5 FS-CI-17 FS-CI-18 L51314-6 FS-CI-18 FS-CI-19 L51314-7 FS-CI-19 FS-Cl-20 L51314-8 FS-CI-20 Page 1 of 23 TELEDYNE .FN .BROWNENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Technologies Company 2508 Quality Lane Knoxville, TN 37931-3133 865-690-6819 Cross Reference Table-Client ID Laboratory IDW -Station ID (if applicable)

FS-C1-21 L51314-9 FS-C1-21 FS-C1-22 L51314-10 FS-CI-22 FS-C1-23 L51314-11 FS-CI-23.FS-C1-24 L51314-12 FS-Cl-24 FS-C1-25 L51314-13 FS-CI-25 FS-Cl-26 L51314-14 FS-CI-26-FS-CI-27 L51314-15 FS-C1-27 FS-CI-28 L51314-16 FS-C1-28 FS-C1-29 L51314-17 FS-C1-29 FS-CI-30 L51314-18 FS-C1-30 FS-CI-31 L51314-19 FS-C1-31 FS-CI-32 L51314-20 FS-CI-32 Method Reference Numbers Matrix Analysis Method Reference S GAMrlMA EPA 901.1 This report shall not be reproduced or distributed except in its entirety.Page 2 of 23 Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:40 L51314 Aýol TELEDYNE P* BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Taechnologles Company Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 Sample ID: FS-CI-13 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-CI-13 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51314-1 _Activity n Uncertainty 1 DC Run Aliquot Aliquot 1 Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP# 2,Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values C-14 2003 < 6.88E-01 pCi/g 2.47 gwet -08/21/12 60 M U FE-55 2006 < 1.28E+01 pCi/g 2.004 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/21/12 600 See U No 1-3 2003 <8.28E-01 pCi/g: 2.47 g wet 08/23/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 < 5.14E-01 pCi/g 2.0039 gwet 08/23/12 45 M U BE-7 2007 < 4.31E-01 pCi/g 381.35 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5072 See U No K-40 2007 8.24E+00 9%94E-01 pCi/g 381.35 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5072 See + Yes MN-54 2007 < --5.35E-02 pCi/g 381.35 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5072 See U No CO-58 2007 < 5.15E-02 pCi/g 381.35 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5072 See U No FE-59 2007 < 1.29E-01 pCi/g 381.35 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5072 Sec U No CO-60 2007 < 6.45E-02 pCi/g 381.35 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5072 See U No ZN-65 2007 < 9.05E-02 pCilg 381.35 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5072 See U No ZR-95 2007 < 8.89E-02 pCi/g 381.35 gwet 07/23/12 12:00. 08/01/12 5072 See U No RU-103 2007 < 5.63E-02 pCi/g 381.35 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5072 See U No RU-106 2007 < 4.58E-01 pCi/g 381.35 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5072 See U No 1-131 2007 < 1.14E-01 pCi/g 381.35 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5072 See U No CS-134 2007 < 5.64E-02 pCi/g 381.35 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5072 See U No CS-137 2007 < 6.08E-02 pCi/g 381.35 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5072 See U. No BA-140 2007 2.81E-01 pCi/g 381.35 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5072 See U No CE-141 2007 < 8.94E-02 pCi/g 381.35 g wet 07/23/12 12:00: 08/01/12 5072 See U No CE-144 2007 < 3.76E-01 pCi/g 381.35 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08101/12 5072 See U No EU-152 2007 < 1.62E-01 pCi/g 381.35 g wet 07/23/12 12:00- 08/01/12 5072 See U No EU-154 2007 < 1.01E-01 pCi/g .381.35 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5072 See U No RA-226 2007 1.20E+00 pCi/g 381.35 g wet. 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5072 Sec U Yes TH-228 2007 2.17E-01 9.58E-02 pCi/g 381.35 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5072 Sec + Yes U-235 2007 < 3.49E-01 pCi/g 381.35 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5072 See U No U-238 2007 < 5.85E+00 pCi/g *381.35 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5072 See U No Flag Values U High Spec L H Bolded text Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(ganma only)Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value MDC exceeds customer technical specification Low recovery High recovery No =Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration indicates!reportable value.Page 3 of 23 Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:40 L51314 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 , ~ TELEDYNE* BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: ,FS-Cl-14 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-CI-14 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date:, 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51314-2 p Activity 1Uncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count o Radionuclide SOP# Cone 2 Sigma j DC Units! Volume Units Date Date Time f Units .Flag Values C-14 .2003 < 6.64E-01.

pCi/g , 2.56 g wet'. 08/21/12 60 M U..FE-55 2006 < 8.80E+00 pCi/g 2.0291 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/21/12 600 Sec U No H-3 2003 < 7.98E-01 pCi/g 2.56 g wet 08/23/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 < 5.15E-01 pCi/g 2.0291 g wet .08/23/12 45 M U -BE-7 2007 < 2.80E-01 pCi/g 382.28 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5073 See U No K-40 2007 5.25E+00 7.88E-01 pCi/g 382.28 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5073 See + Yes MN-54 2007 3.44E-02 pCi/g 382.28 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5073 See U No CO-58 2007 < 3.92E-02 pCi/g 382.28 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5073 See U No FE-59 2007 < 8.25E-02 pCi/g 382.28 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5073 See U No CO-60 2007 < 3.98E-02 pCi/g 382.28 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5073 See U No ZN-65 2007 <. 7.84E-02 pCi/g 382.28 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5073 See U No ZR-95. 2007 < 6.30F-02 pCi/g 382.28 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5073 See .U No RU4103 2007 < 3.91E-02 pCi/g 382.28 .g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5073 Sec U No RU-106 2007 < 2.94E-01 pCi/g 382.28 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5073 Sec U No 14-31, 2007 < 7.42E-02 pCi/g 382.28 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5073 See U No CS4134 2007 < 3.74E-02 pCi/g 382.28 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5073 Sec U No CS-137 2007 < 3.75E-02 pCi/g 382.28 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5073 See U No BA-140 2007 < 2.18E-01 pCi/g 382.28 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5073 See U No CE-141 2007 < 6.19E-02 pCi/g 382.28 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5073 See U No CE-144 2007 < 2.07E-01 pCi/g 382.28 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5073 Sec U No EU-152 2007 < 1.04E-01 pCi/g 382.28 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5073 See U No EU-l 54 2007 < 5.71E-02 pCi/g 382.28 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5073 See U No RA-226 2007 1.29E+00 7.08E-01 pCi/g 382.28 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5073 Sec + Yes TH-1-228 2007 2.37E-01 4.89E-02 pCi/g 382.28 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5073 See + Yes U-235 2007 2.32E-01 pCi/g 382.28 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5073 See U No U-238 2007 < 4.84E+00 pCi/g 1 382.28 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5073 See U No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery Ht = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value. P o Page 4 of 23 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they.are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:40 L51314 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE F'l BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-Cl-15 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 'Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-CI-15 Collect Stop:

  • Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51314-3 Sop1 Activity Uncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units Volume Units Date.. Date Time Units Flag Values C_-14 2003 < 6.43E-01 pCi/g 2.64. g wet 08/21/12 60 M U FE-55 2006 < 1.07E+01 pCi/g 2.0003 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/21/12 600 -Sec U No H-3 2003 < 7.74E-01 I pCi/g _ 2.64 g wet 08/22/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 < 5.14E-01 pCi/g 2.0003 g wet 08/24/12 45 M U SamplelID:

FS-Cl-16 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-CI-16 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51314-4 1 Activity UncertaintyT I Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Con 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values C-14 2003 < 7.86E-01 pCilg 2.16 gwet 08/21/12 60 M U FE-55 2006 _ _< 1.39E+01 pCi/g 2.0049 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/21/12 600 Sec U No H-3 2003 < 9.46E-01 pCi/g 2.16 g wet 08/22/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 < 5.24E-01 pCilg 2.0049 g wet 08/24/12 45 M U Sample ID:. FS-CI-17 Collect Start: 07/-23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-CI-17 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51314-5 So#. Activity Uncertainty T Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count CountI Radionuclide Conc 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume. Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values C_1 ____ etant _ __I T__I_ _ _1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _C-14 2003 <___'- 6.09E-01 pCi/g 2.79 g wet 08/21/12 60 M U FE-55 20063 7.22E+<0 pCi/g .2.0042 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/21/12 600 Sec U No H-3 2003 < 7.33E-01 pCi/g .2.79 g wet 08/22/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 < -5.61E-01 pCi/g 2.0042 gwet _ _ _ 08/24/12 45 M Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or lessthan 3 'sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates.reportable value.Page 5 of 23 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum****Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the'condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:40 L51314 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 , TELEDYNE;BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Teohnologoes Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-Cl-18 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil.. (S)Station: FS-CI-18 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51314-6 SOP# Activity Uncertainty]

C t Run Aliquott AliquotI Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide S Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units Volume Units Date Date Time Units -Flag Values C-14 2003f < 6.51E-01 pCi/g 2.61 g wet _ __ _08/21/12 60 M U FE-55 2006 < 1.23E+01 pCi/g 2.0127 g wet. 07/23/12 12:00 08/21/12 600 Sec U No H-3 2003 < 7.83F-01 pCi/g. 2.61 g wet 08/22/12 60 M U , NI-63 2013 < 5.29E-01 pCi/g 2.0127 gwet 08/24/12 45 M U Sample ID: FS-CI-19 Collect Start: .07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-CI-19 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51314-7 _ _If Activity Uncertainty I Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference 1 Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Conc 2Sigma MDC Units INI Volume Units Date Date Time Units FlagValues C-14 2003 < 6.79E-01 pCi/g ___ 2.5 gwet 08/21112 60 M U FE-55 2006 < 9.07E+00 pCi/g _ 2.0283 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/21/12 600 -See U No H-3 2003 < 8.18E-01 pCi/g ___ 2.5 g wet 08/22/12 60 M __ U NI-63 2013 < 5.03E-01 pCi/g 2.0283 gwet ' _08/24/12 45 M U Sample ID: FS-CI-20 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-CI-20 Collect Stop: Volume: "


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number. L51314-8 1Activity Uncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide so# Cone 2 Sigma* ] MDC U Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values C-14 2003 < 2.62E+00 pCi/g _ 2.43 g wet 08/21/12 5 M U FE-55. 2006 <1.14E+01 pCi/g ! 2.0215 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/21/12 600. See U. "No H-3 2003 < 8.411-01 pCi/g [ 2.43 g wet 08/22/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 < 5.09E pCi/g 2.0215 gwet _08/24/12 45, M U Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification, L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value. Page6of23 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:40 L51314-Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE P" BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Technolooies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-CI-21 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C1-21 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51314-9 dipi Activity Uncertainty Rn Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide OP oc 2 Sigma MD Units # Volume Units Date Date Time U~nits Flag Values C-14 2003 < 6.46E-01 pCi/g 2.63 gwet 08/21/12 60 M U FE-55 2006 < 1.18E+01 pCi/g 2.013 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/21/12 600 Sec U No H-3 2003 < 7.77E-01 pCi/g 2.63 g wet 08/22/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 < 5.25E-01 pCi/g _ 2.0131 g wet 08/24/12 45 M U Flag Values U Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 7 of 23 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:40 L51314 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE P11 BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A7Te6edyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-CI-22 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-CI-22 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51314-10 S Activity Uncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units' # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values C-14 2003 < 2.03E+00 pCi/g 2.9 gwet 08/21/12 5 M U FE-55 2006 < 1.03E+01 pCi/g 2.0029 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/21/12 600 Seci U No H-3 2003 < 7.05E-01 pCi/g 2.9 g wet 08/22/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 "_ < 5.61E-01 pCi/g 2.0029 g wet 08/24/12 45 M U BE-7 2007 < 4.46E-01 pCi/g 339.67 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5072 See U No K-40 2007 1.39E+01 1.31 E+00 pCi/g 339.67 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5072 Sec + Yes MN-54 2007 < 4.97F-02 pCi/g __ 339.67 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5072 Sec U No CO-58 2007 < 5.44E-02 pCi/g .339.67 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5072 See U No FE-59 2007 < 1.01E-01 pCi/g 339.67 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5072 Sec U No CO-60 2007 < 5.85E-02 pCi/g 339.67 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5072 Seec U No ZN-65 2007 < 1.13E-01 pCi/g 339.67 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5072 See U No ZR-95 2007 < 1.05E-01 pCi/g 339.67 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5072 See U No RU-103 2007 < 5.93E-02 pCi/g 339.67 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5072 See U No RU-106 2007 < 4.86E-01 pCi/g 339.67 g wet 07/23/1.2 12:00 08/01/12 5072 See U No 1-131 2007 < 1.05F_01 pCi/g 339.67 gwet 07/23/12 12"00 08/01/12, 5072 Sec U No CS-134 2007 < 5.38E-02 pCi/g 339.67 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5072 See U No CS-137 2007 < 6.96E-02 pCi/g 339.67 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5072 Sec U No BA-140 2007 < 2.82E-01 pCi/g 339.67 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5072 Sec U No CE-141 2007 < 1.19E-01 pCi/g 339.67 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5072 Sec U No-CE-144 2007 < 4.20E-01 pCi/g 339.67 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5072 Sec U No EU-152 2007 < 1.54E-01 pCi/g 339.67 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5072 See U No EU-154 2007 < 1.18E-01 pCi/g 339.67 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5072 See U No RA-226 2007 < 1.31E+00 pCi/g 339.67 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5072 Sec U Yes TH-228 2007 7.40E-01 9.69E-02 pCi/g 339.67 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5072 See + .Yes TH-232 2007 7.06F01 1.40E-01 pCi/g 339.67 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5072 See + Yes U-235 2007 < 4.44E-01 pCi/g 339.67 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5072 See U No Flag Values, U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 8 of 23 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:40 L51314 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE* BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-C1-22 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil. (S)Station: FS-CI-22 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51314-10 Activity Uncertainty -FRu-n Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units N Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values U-238 2007 < 5.61E+00 [ pCilg 339.67 gwet I07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 5072 See U No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 9 of`23 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:40 L51314 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 W1L, TELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Technologies Company Cbris Higgins Sample ID: FS-C1-23 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-CI-23 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51314-11

__I IM Activity lUncertainty Run Aliquot 1Aliquot I Reference ICount* Count [Count Radionuclide

{ S Conc 2 Sigma M Units Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values C-14 2003 < 2.86E+00 pCi/g 2.06 g wet 08/21/12 5 M U FE-55 2006 < 7.58E+00 pCi/g 2.0141 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/21/12 600 Sec U No H-3 2003 < 9.92E-01t pCi/g 2.06 g wet 08/22/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 < 5.42E-01 pCi/g 2.0141 g wet 08/24/12 45 M U BE-7 2007 <2.59E-01 pCig 412.51 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No K-40 2007 1.05E+01 7.94E-01 pCi/g 412.51 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec + Yes MN-54 2007 < 3.42E-02 pCi/g 412.51 g wet 07/23112 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No CO-58 2007 < 3.11E-02 pCi/g 412.51 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No FE-59 2007 7.55E-02 pCi/g 412.51 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No CO-60 2007 < 3.74E-02 pCi/g 412.51 -g wet, 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No ZN-65 2007 < .6.40E-02 pCi/g 412.51 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No ZR-95 2007 < 6.13E-02 pCi/g 412.51 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08101/12 6000 See U No RU-103 2007 < 3.25E-02 pCi/g 412.51 gwet 07/23/12,12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No RU-106 2007 < 2.59E-01 pCi/g 412.51 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No 1-131 2007 < 6.33E-02 pCi/g 412.51 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No CS-134 2007 < 2.82E-02 pCi/g 412.51 g wet 07123/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No CS-137 2007 < 3.15E-02 pCi/g 412.51 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No BA-140 2007 < 1.66E-01 pCi/g 412.51 :g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No CE-141 2007 5.21E-02 pCi/g 412.51 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No CE-144 2007 < 1.93E-01 pCi/g 412.51 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No EU-152 2007 < 8.33E-02 pCi/g 412.51 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No EU-154 2007 < 5.27E-02 pCi/g 412.51 "gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No RA-226 2007 9.98E-01 6.39E-01 pCi/g 412.51 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec + Yes TR-228 2007 3.43E-01 4.70E-02 pCi/g 412.51 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec + Yes TH-232 2007 3.20E-01 8.80E-02 pCi/g 412.51 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec + Yes U-235 2007 < 2.03E-01 pCi/g 412.51 g wet, 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MD and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* -Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L -Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable valde: Page 10 of 23 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:40.L51314 Enercon Chris Higgins EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE .P"! BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Technologies Company Sample ID: FS-Cl-23 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-Cl-23 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51314-11 SAtivity Unertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Cot o Radionuclide SOP# Conc 2 Sigma MDC Units Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values U-238 2007 :< 3.73E+00 pCi/g 1 412.51 1 gwet 07/23/1212:00 08/01/121 6000 1Sec U No INo I Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma peak.identified(ganmma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activityýconcentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 11 of 23 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to:the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:40 L51314 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12TELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Technologles Company Chris HigginsýSample ID: FS-Cl-24 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C1-24 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51314-12

,__, _ _ _I Activity Uncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Conc 2 Sigma UMDC I nits # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values C-14 2003 <. 2.48E+00 pCi/g _ 2.37 g wet 08/21/12 5 M U FE-55 2006 < 1.35E+01 pCi/g 2.0111 gwet 07123/12-12:00 08/21/12 600 Sec U No H-3 2003 <:. 8.62E-01 pCi/g 2.37 g wet 08/23/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 < 5.09E-01 pCi/g 2.0111 g wet 08/24/12 45 M U BE-7 2007 < 3.99E-01 pCi/g 374.24 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No K-40 2007 1.15E+01 1.11E+00 pCi/g 374.24 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See + Yes MN-54 2007 < 4.89E-02 pCi/g 374.24 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No CO-58 2007 < 4.52F-02 pCi/g 374.24 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No FE-59 2007 < 1.16E-01 pCi/g 374.24 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No CO-60 2007 5.66E-02 pCi/g 374.24 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No ZN-65 2007 < 1.04F-01 pCi/g 374.24 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No 7R-95 2007 7.92F-02 pCi/g 374.24 g wet 07/23112 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No RU-103 2007 < 4.76E-02 pCi/g 374.24 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No RU-106 2007 < 4.32E-01 pCi/g 374.24 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 .08/01/12 6000 See U No 1-131 2007 <9.39E-02 pCig 374.24 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No CS-134 2007 < 4.09E-02 pCi/g _ 374.24 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No CS-137 2007 < 4.57E-02 pCi/g 374.24 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No BA-140 2007 < 2.51E-O1 pCi/g 374.24 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No CE-141 2007. < 7.37E-02 pCi/g 374.24 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No CE-144 2007 < 2.86E-01 pCi/g 374.24 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No EU-152 2007 < 1.23E-01 pCi/g 374.24 g wet 07123/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No EU-154 2007 < 7.27E-02 pCi/g 374.24 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No RA-226 2007 < 1.17E+00 pCi/g 374.24 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No TH-228 2007 4.54E-01 6.51E-02 pCi/g 374.24 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 0 Sec + Yes TH-232 .2007 3.57E-01 1.12E-01 pCi/g 374.24 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec. + Yes J-235 , 2007 < 2.89E-01 pCilg 374.24 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No Flag Values U =+U*High =Spec =L.H =Bolded text Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value MDC exceeds customer technical specification Low recovery High recovery No -Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum* Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration indicates reportable value.Page 12 of 23 Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:40 L51314 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12, TELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Technologies Company Chris Migg Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MIDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected-Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.'Page 13.of 23 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:40 L51314 Enercon Chris Higgins EN005-3EREGUOI-12 4W TELEDYNE*r BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Technologies Company Sample ID: FS-Cl-25 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-CI-25 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51314-13 1 Activity Uncertainty I Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count iCount RadionuclideSO Cone 2 Sigma I MDC Units I # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values C-14 2003 < 2.83E+00 pCi/g 2.08 gwet .08/21/12 5 M U FE-55 2006 < 4.55E+00 pCi/g 2.0049 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/21/12 600 Sec U No H-3 2003 < 9.83E-01 pCi/g 2.08 g wet 08/23/12 60 M U NI-63 .2013 < 4.91E-01:

pCi/g 2.0049 g wet 08/24/12 45 M U BE-7 2007 < 3.88E-01 pCi/g 354.36 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No K-40 2007 1.16E+01 1.15E+00 pCi/g 354.36 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01112 6000 See + Yes MN-54 2007 < 4.85E-02 pCi/g 354.36 g wet. 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No CO-58 2007 < 4.35E-02 pCi/g 354.36 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No FE-59 2007 < 9.14E-02 pCi/g 354.36 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No CO-60 2007 < 5.02E-02 pCi/g 354.36 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No ZN-65 2007 <_ 7.66E-02 pCi/g 354.36 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No ZR-95 2007 < 8.29E-02 pCi/g 354.36 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No RU-103 2007 < 4.81E-02 pCi/g 354.36 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No RU-106 2007 <' 3.85F-01 pCi/g 354.36 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No 1-131 2007 <. 8.131-02 pCi/g 354.36 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No CS-134 2007 4.19E,-02 pCi/g 354.36 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No CS-137 2007 < 5.121_-02 pCi/g 354.36 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No BA-140 2007 < 2.27E-01 pCi/g 354.36 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No CE-141 2007 < 7.38E-02 pCi/g 354.36 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No CE-144 2007 < 2.88E-01 pCi/g 354.36 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No EU-152 2007 < 1.36E-01 pCi/g 354.36 gwet 07123/12 12:00 08/01/12.

6000 See U No EU-154 2007 < 7.44"-02 pCi/g _ 354.36 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No RA-226 2007 < 8.88E-01 pCi/g 354.36 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U Yes TH-228 2007 4.55E-01 6.79E-02 pCi/g 354.36 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec + Yes TH-232 2007 3.041-01 1.49E-01 pCi/g 354.36 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec + Yes U-235 2007 < 2.81E-01 pCi/g 354.36 g wet, 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No Flag Values U =+ =U* =High =Spec =L =H t Bolded text Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value MDC exceeds customer technical specification Low recovery High recovery No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrsm**** Unless othenvise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration indicates reportable value.Page 14 of 23 Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:40 L51314 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE P! BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MD)C) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = CompoundlAnalyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value', Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 15 of 23 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum* Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02112 13:40 L51314 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 1k TELEDYNE 1'k BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-Cl-26 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-CI-26 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51314-14 S Activity [Uncertainty C T U Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count I Count Count Radionuclide SON Conc 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values I-I C-14 2003 < 2.57E+00 pCi/g 2.29 gwet 08/21/12 5 M U FE-55 2006 < 1.22E+01 pCi/g 2.0069 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/21/12 600 See U No H-3 2003 < 8.93E-01, pCi/g 2.29 g wet 08/23/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 < 5.22E-01 pCi/g 2.007 g wet 08/24/12 45 M U BE-7 2007 < 3.18E-01 pCi/g 371.66 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No K-40 2007 1.22E+01 1.03E+00 pCi/g 371.66 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See + Yes MN-54 2007 < 4.14E-02 pCi/g 371.66 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No CO-58 2007 < 4.05E-02 pCi/g 371.66 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No FE-59 2007 <8.69E-02 pCi/g 371.66 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No CO-60 2007 < 4.91E-02 pCi/g 371.66 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No ZN-65 2007 < 8.56E-02 pCi/g 371.66 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No ZR-95 2007 < 7.48E-02 pCi/g 371.66 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No RU-103 2007 < 3.56E-02 pCi/g 371.66 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No RU-106 2007 < 3.65E-01 pCi/g 371.66 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No U-10 1 2007 < 6.65E-02 pCi/g 371.66 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No CS-134 2007 < 3.40E-02 pCi/g 371.66 g wet 07/23/12.12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No CS-137 2007 < 408E-02 pCi/g 371.66 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No BA-140 2007 < 42.06E-01 pCi/g 371.66 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No CE-141 "2007 < 5;44E-02 pCi/g 371.66 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No CE-141 2007 < 2.20E-01 pCi/g 371.66 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No EU-152 2007 < 9.89E-02 pCi/g 371.66 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No EU-154 2007 < 5.53E-02 pCi/g 371.66 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No RA-226 2007 < 6.83E-01 pCi/g 371.66 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U Yes"1"1-228 2007 4.89E-01 5.50E-02 pCi/g 371.66 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See + Yes TH-232 2007 4.66E-01 9.54E-02 pCi/g 371.66 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08101/12 6000 Sec + Yes U-235 2007 < 2.35E-01 pCi/g 371.66 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No Flag Values U ,U* =High =Spec =L H =Bolded tex Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value MDC exceeds customer technical specification Low recovery High recovery No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration t indicates reportable value.Page 16 of 23 Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:40 L51314 Eneroon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 ,QFr irTELEDYNE IP"? BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* ' Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High. = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L " Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value. P 1o' , Page 17 of 23 No Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes Peak identified in gamma spectrum* Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested, in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis* 10/02/12 13:40 L51314 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE P' BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Technologies Company Chris HI-ggins Sample ID: FS-CI-27 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C1-27 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51314-15 S Activity Uncertainty I.. Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count C Count 1 riui Cone 2 Sigma Units # Volume Units J Date j Date Time Units Flag Values C-14 2003 <2.48E+00 pCig 2.37 .gwet 08/21/12 5 MK U FE-55 2006 < 7.72E+00 pCi/g 2.0449 gwet 07/23/12.12:00

'08/21/12 600 Sec U No H-3 2003 < 8.62E-01 pCi/g 2.37 g wet 08/22/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 < 5.10E-01 pCi/g 2.0449 g wet 08/24/12 45 M U BE-7 i 2007 < 4.14F-01 pCi/g 360.73 g wet 07/23/12.12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No K-40 2007 8.80E+00 .10E+00 pCi/g 360.73 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12.

6000 Sec + Yes MN-54 2007 < 4.83E-02 pCi/g 360.73 g wet. 07/23/12.12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U. No CO-58 2007 < .-4.14E-02 pCi/g .360.73 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12..

6000 Sec U No FE-59 2007 <. 1.05.F-01 pCi/g 360.73 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No CO-60 2007 < 6.26E-02 pCi/g 360.73 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No ZN-65 2007 < 1.09E-01 pCi/g 360.73 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 .. 6000 Sec U No ZR-95 2007 < 8.97E-02 pCi/g 360.73 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No RU-103 2007 <. 4.82E-02 pCi/g 360.73 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No RU-106 2007 < 4.43E-01 pCi/g .360.73 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No 1-131 .2007 < 9.15E-02 p Ci/g 360.73 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No CS-134 2007 < 4.30F-02 pCi/g 360.73 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No CS-137 2007 < 5.46E-02 pCi/g 360.73 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec T No BA-140 .2007 < 2.38E-01 pCi/g 360.73 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No CE-141 2007 < 7.37F-02 pCi/g 360.73 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No CE-144 2007 < 2.72E-01 pCi/g 360.73 .g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01112 6000 See U No EU-152 2007 < ' 1.27E-01 pCi/g 360.73 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No EU-154 2007 < 7.34E-02 pCi/g 360.73 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No RA-226 2007 1.35E+00 8.36E-01 pCi/g 360.73 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See + Yes TH-228 2007 3.88E-01 6.15E-02 pCi/g 360.73 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec + Yes TH-232 2007 3.04E-01 1.21E-01 pCi/g 360.73 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec + .Yes U-235 2007 < .2.73E-01 pCi/g 360.73. g wet 07/23/12 12:00 ý 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(ganmma only)Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity boncentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MIDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H High recovery Bohled text indicates reportable value.Page 18 of 23 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum****Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:40 L51314 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE P"I BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Technologies Company .Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-CI-27 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-CI-27 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51314-15 Sop# Activity Uncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values U-238 2007 < 5.07E+.00 pCi/g 360.73i g wet 107/23/12 12:00 1 08/01/12 6000 1 Sec U No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec MIDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 19 of 23 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum****Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the'condition they-are received'by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:40 L51314 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE'r BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-CI-28 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-CI-28 Collect Stop:' Volume,


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number:, L51314-16

____e t:0__/02____

Activity Uncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Con ] 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units. Flag Values C-14 2003 < 7.08E-01 pCi/g 2.4 g wet 08/21/12 60 M U FE-55 2006 <1.08E+01 pCi/g 2.0088 g wet, 07/23/12 12:00 08/21/12 600 Sec U No H-3 2003 < 8.52F-01 pCi/g 2.4 g wet 08/22/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 < 5.62E-01 pCi/g 2.0088 g wet- 08/24/12 45 M U BE-7 2007 < 3.50E-01 pCi/g 363.43 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No K-40 2007 1.01E+01 8.89E-01 pCi/g 363.43 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec + Yes MN-54 2007 < 4.59E,02 pCi/g 363.43 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No CO-58 2007 < 4.24E-02 pCi/g 363.43 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No FE-59 2007 < 9.18F,-02 pCi/g 363.43 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No CO-60 2007 3.74E-02 pCi/g 363.43 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No ZN-65 2007 < 9.80E-02 pCi/g 363.43 g wet 07/23/12 11T00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No ZR-95 .2007 < 8.29E-02 pCi/g 363.43 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No RU-103 2007 < 4.35E-02 pCi/g 363.43 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No RU-106 2.007 < 3.50E-01 pCi/g 363.43 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No 1-131 2007 < 7.79E-02 pCi/g 363.43 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No CS-134 2007 4.11E-02 pCi/g .363.43 gwet 07/23/1212:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No7 CS-137 2007 < 4.14E-02 pCi/g 363.43 .g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No BA-140 2007 4 2.18E-01 pCi/g 363.43 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No CE-141 2007 2 6.74E-02 pCi/g 363.43 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No CE- 144

  • 2007 < 2.81E-1 pCi/g 363.43 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No EU-152 2007 < 1.29E-01 pCi/g 363.43 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No EU-154 2007 < 7.29E-02 pCi/g 363.43 gwet 07/23/1212:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No RA-226 2007 < 8.27E-01 pCi/g 363.43 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U Yes'111-228 2007 3.28E-01 8.08E-02 pCi/g 363.43 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec + Yes TH-232 2007 3.23E-01 1.05E-01 pCi/g 363.43. g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec + Yes.U-235 2007 < 2.56E-01 pCi/g 36343 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U .No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U*, = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDM -Minimum Detectable Concentration Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 20 of 23 Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:40 L51314 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 I qL, TELEDYNE"W BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-C1-28 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-CI-28 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51314-16 IO T Activity Uncertainty

[ 1 Run Aliquot Aliquot[ Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide Son Cone 2 Sigma #nDC UnIs N Volume [Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values U-238 2007 I < [ I 4.43E+00 ] pCi/g 1 [ 363.43 :[ g wet 107/23/12 12:00,[ 08/01/121 6000 1 Sec I U I No Sample ID: FS-C1-29 ..Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C1-29 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMSNumber:

L51314-17 So# Activity Uncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide Conc 2 Sigma MDC Units N Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values C-14 2003 < 6.85E-01 pCi/g .2.48 gwet 08/21/12 60 M U FE-55 2006 < p 7.58E+00 pCilg 2.0333 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/21/12 600 Sec U .No H-3 2003 < 8.24E-01 pCi/g 2.48. g wet 08/22/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 < 4.92E-01 pCi/g 2.0333 gwet 08/24/12 45 M U Flag Values U .= Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High " Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 21 of'23 No Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gammna spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:40 L51314 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 W TELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-CI-30 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-CI-30 Collect Stop: Volume:


-Receive Date: 07/26/2012


LIMS Number: ,L51314-18 1 1 Activity.

Uncertainty 1 Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP#} Cone 2 Sigma ] MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values C-14 2003 < 7.72E-01 pCi/g 2.2 g wet 08/21/12 60 M U FE-55 2006 < 1.10E+01 pCi/g 2.0213 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/21/12 600 Sec U No H-3 2003 < 9.29E-01 pCi/g 2.2 g wet 08/22/12 .60 M U NI-63 2013 < 4.42E-01 pCi/g 2.0213 g wet 08/24/12 45 M U BE-7 2007 < 3.98E-01 pCi/g 362.38 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No K-40 2007 1.26E+01 1.12E+00 pCi/g 362.38 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec + Yes MN-54 2007 < 5.09E-02 pCi/g 362.38. g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No CO-58 2007 < 5.42E-02 pCi/g .362.38 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No FE-59 2007 < 9.58E-02 pCi/g 362.38 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No CO-60 2007 < < 5.94E-02 pCi/g .362.38 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No ZN-65 2007 < 1.28E-01 pCi/g 362.38 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 .08/01/12 6000 See U No ZR-95 .2007 < 9.73E-02 pCi/g 362.38

  • g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No RU-103 2007 < 5.10E-02 pCi/g 362.38 g wet, 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No RU-106 2007 < 4.41E-01 pCi/g 362.38 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No 1-131 2007 < 9.55E-O2 pCi/g 362.38 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No CS-134 2007 < 4.43E-"2 pCi/g 362.38 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No CS-137 2007 < 5.42E-02 pCi/g 362.38 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No BA-140 2007 2.59E-01 pCi/g 362.38 g wet I07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No CE-141 2007 7.76E-02 pCi/g 362.38 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U 'No CE-144 .2007 < 3.O1E-01 pCi/g 362.38 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No EU-152 2007 < 1.45E-01 pCi/g 362.38 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No EU-154 2007 < 8.20E-02 pCi/g 362.38 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No RA-226 2007 1.75E+00 9.45E-01 pCi/g 362.38 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See + Yes TH-228 2007 5.21E-01 7.81E-02 pCi/g 362.38 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec + Yes TH-232 2007 3.91E-o1 1.11E-01 pCi/g 362.38 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec + Yes U-235 2007 3.04E-01 .pCi/g 362.38. g wet 107/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No Flag Values U+ =:U*High-Spec =L =H -Bolded text Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)Compound/Ainalyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value MDC exceeds customer technical specification Low recovery High recovery No = Peak not identified in gamma spectnrm Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum***Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration t indicates reportable value.Page 22 of 23 Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:40 L51314 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE P 1 BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Taechnologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-C1-30 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-Cl-30 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51314-18 Activity Uncertainty 1I Run] Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count count Count Radionuclide SOP# Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units Volume, Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values U-238- 2007 [ < 5.56E+00 pCi/g ] -362.38 1 g wet 107/23112 12:00 1 08/01/121 6000 1 See I U 1 I No I Sample ID: FS-Cl-31 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-CI-31 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51314-19

.-Activity Uncertainty Runi Aliquot Aliquot Reference Countl Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values C-14 2003 < 2.75E+06 pCi/g 2.31 gwet 08/21/12 FE-55 2006 < 1.24E+01 pCi/g ___ 2.0059 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/21/12 600 Sec , U No H-3 2003 < 8.85E-01 pCi/g .2.31 g wet 08/22/12 60 M ..U NI-63 2013 < 5.20E-01 pCi/g 2.0059 g wet 08/24/12 45 M , U Sample ID: FS-C1-32 .Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-CI-32 " Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012, % Moisture: LIMS Number: L51314-20 Activity Uncertainty DRuni Aliquot 1Aliquot Reference Count Count] Count1 Radionuclide SOP# Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values C-14 2003 8- .25E-01 pCi/g ___ 2.06 g wet 08/21/12 60 M U FE-55 2006 < 1.22E+01 pCi/g 2.0048 g wet 07/23/12 12:00: 08/21/12 600 Sec U No H-3 2003 < 9.92E-01 pCi/g 2.06 g wet 08/22/12 60 M [U_NI-63 2013 < 4.85E-01 pCi/g '2.0048 g wet 08/24/12 45 M U Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec MDC exceeds customer technical specification L Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 23 of 23 No = Peak not identified in gamma'spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they.are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Page: of 10N E -C Project#:

MLIC LVI 008 Name: Chris Higgins /ich Holms COC Number o': COC-UI-07

--Ki N Street 190N MRL 104 S Goodwin AVE rCity/State/Zip:

Urbana IL 61801-2902 Excellence-Every project. Every day, Phone: 203-565-3272 ENERCON P.O.C: Corey DeWitt 412-889-3124 e-mail: cdcwit( Sample Analysis Requested (5) (Fill in the number of containers for each test)Project/Site Name: University of Illinois e-mail: c!rislophcr.hiiggiuits(

<-- Preservative Type (3)Address: 190N MRL 104 S Goodwin AVE Urbana, IL 61801-2902 J .w 5 Comments Collected by (print/sign):

Chris Higgins Note: extra sample is Sample *Date Collected

  • Time Collected required for eID (QC Code Sampile specific QC*For composites

-indicate start and stop date/time (mim-dd-yy) (hhmm) Matrix t4" FS-CI-13 07-23-12 12:00 N SO Y N 1 X X X X X FS-CI-14 07-23-12 12:00 N SO Y N 1 X X X X X FS-CI-15 07-23-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X X X X FS-CI-16 07723-12 12:00 N SO Y N 1 X X X X FS-CI-17 07-23-12 12:00 N so Y N 1 X X X X FS-CI-18 07-23-12 12:00 N SO Y N 1 X X X X FS-CI-19 07-23-12 12:00 N SO Y N 1 X X X X FS-CI-20 07-23-12 12:00 N SO Y N 1 X X X X FS-Cl-21 07-23-12 12:00 N SO Y N 1 X X X X FS-C1-22 07-23-12 12:00 N SO Y N 1 X X *X X X TAT Requested:

Normal: X Rush: Spe f: E-mail Results: /Ye No Circle Deliverable:

C ofA QC Summary Level I 1 Level 2 / Level 3 / Level4 Remarks: Sample Collection Time Zone Eastern Pacific Central Other Mountain Chain of Custody Signatures Sample Shipping and Delivery Details Reli (Signed) Date Time Received by (signed) Date Time Lort PM: (Z ~~j (L 1 & 1~4, /O0D Method of Shipment IDate Shipped: 2 2 Airbill #!.3 3Airbill #:'1.) Chain of Custody Number See Procedure Pnr Labs leceivins, Use Only"8 2.) QC Codes: N = Normal Sample, TB = Trip Blank, FD -Field Duplicate, ED = Equipment Blank MS = Matrix Spike Sample, MSD = Matrix Spike Duplicate Sample, G = Grab, C = Composite 3.) Preservative Type: HA = Hydrochloric Acid, NI = Nitric Acid, SH -Sodium' Hydroxide, SA = Sulffric Acid, AA -Ascorbic Acid, HX = Hexane. ST = Sodium Thiosulfate, If no preservative is added = leave field blank 4.) Matrix Codes: DW=D tinding Water, GW=mrouodwater.

SW=Surface Water, W61B47 aste Water. W oWater. ML'Msc Liquid, SO0BSoil, SD470Sedimen SL-Sludge, SSSolid Waste, 0-)Oil, F.Filter, P'Wipe, Ucin% F--FecaI, NNasaI 5.). Sample Analysis Requested:

Analytical method requested (i.e. 8260B, 6010U17470A) and mnesber of containsers provided for each (i.e. 8260B -3, 6010&D7470A

-1).Custody Seal Intact?YES .NO Cooler Temv:

Page: 6 of 10 P M L 0 Name: Chris Higgins / Rich Holms COC Number ... COC-ULI-07 E N E N Street 190N MRL 104 S Goodwin AVE City/State/Zip:

Urbana, IL 61801-2902 Excellence-Every veryday. Phone: 203-565-3272 ENERCON P.O.C: Corey DeWitt 412-889-3124 e-mail: cdywitl(icnyrcon,.olf Sample Analysis Requested (Fill in the number of containers for each test)Project/Site Name: University ofIllinois e-mail: clirisiogher.hi ,eins " <- Preservative Type (3)Address: 190N MRL 104 S Goodwin AVE Urbana, IL 61801-2902 Collected by (print/sign):

Chris Higgins Nt C m et s"'t Note: extra sample is Cot T Cc required for sample*Da~te Collected "rlineColicedý San D(Military)

QC Code 0' ') specific QC!Fcompostes

-indicate start and stop date/time (mm-dd-yy) (hhmm) H For 07-23i1 1: M so C N I X s QCX FS-CI-23 07-23-12 12:00 N SO Y N 1 X X X X X: FS-C1-24 .:07-23-12 12:00 N SO Y N 1 X X X X X" FS-CI-25 07-23-12 12:00 N so Y N I X X X X X FS-C1- 07-23-12 " 12:00 N SO Y N 1 X X X X XIT FS-CI-26 07-23-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X X X X X FS-CI-27 07-23-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X X X X X.FS-C1-28 07-23-12 12:00 N SO Y N 1 X X X X X FS-CI-30 07-23-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X X X X FS-C1-31 07-23-12 12:00 N SO Y N 1 X X X X FS-C1-32 07-23-12 12:00 N SO Y N" 1 X X X X TAT Requested Normal: X Rush: Specify: 2Email Results: / No Circle Deliverable:

C'ofA / Summry I Levell / Level I I Level 3 / Level 4'Remarks: Setsle Collection Time Zone Eastern Pacific Central Other____: -Mountain.'

Chain of Custody'Signatures Sample Shipping and Delivery Details Relinquir ed) Date Time Received by (signed) Date Time Labo PM: 1 Li Method ofShlpment:

DateShi ed 2 2 Airbill #: 3 13 iAirbill#:

I.) Chain of Custody Number = See Procedure 2.) QC Codes: N = Normal Sample, TB -Trip Blank, FD = Field Duplicate, EB = Equipment Blanl, MS.- Matr ix Spike Sample, MSD,- Matrix Spike Duplicate Sample, G = Grab, C -Ctmposite 3.) Preservative Type: HA -Hydrochloric Acid, N1 = Nitric Acid, SH -Sodiurm Hydroxide, SA -Sulfuric Acid, AA -Ascorbic Acid, HX -Hecxanc, ST,- Sodium Thiosulfate, If no preservative is added- leave field blank 4.) Matri C.od. DW-Dri-ki-g Water GW-Groundwater, SW-Surface Water, WW-Waste Water, W'Water, MLMisc liquid, SO-Sol], SD-.Sedimrme SbSludgc, SS-"olid Waste, 0-Oil, P-Fter. P-VWiipe, U-Urine. F-Fera. N.Na.5.) Sample Analysis Requested:

Analytical method requested (i.e. 8260B, 601011/7470A) and number of containers provided for each (i.e. 82fOB -3, 60OB17470A

-1)... ....." ........ .... .... ...- = ... .......... ... .... ...... ..: ' ....'---. .. .... .........-.. .... .......--. ... ........ .... .. .. ....-. ...-- ---.. ' -For Lab Receiving Use Only Custody Seal Intact?YES NO Cooler.Teip 07/26/12 15:19 SRl#: SR32188 ClIent: Enercon Services, Inc.Teledyne Brown Engineering Sample. a fla'i Ve 3ication/Variance Report Project #: EN005-3EREGUOI-12 LIMS #L51314 Initiated By: RCHARLES Init Date: 07/26/12 07/26/12 i Receive Date: Notification of Variance Person Notified:. .Contacted By: Notify Date: Notify Method: Notify Comment: Client Response Person Responding:

Response Date: Response Method: Response Comment Criteria Yes No NA Coment 1 Shipping container custody seals present NA and intact..--2 Sample container custody seals present NA and intact.3 Sample containers -received in good Y..condition 4 Chain of custody received with samples Y 5 All samples listed on chain of custody Y received 6 Sample container labels present and Y legible.7 Information on container labels Y correspond with chain of. custody 8 Sample(s) properly preserved and in NA appropriate container (s)9 Other (Describe)


~b/NIEEIRI'NG, INC.A Teledynolechnwogles Company 2508 Quality-Lane Knoxville, TN 37931-3133 865-690-6819 Chris Higgins Enercon 4490 Old William Penn Highway Murrysville, PA 15668 oifI c&ci Report of Analysis/Certificate of Conformance 10/02/2012-LIMS #: L51315 Project ID#: EN005-3EREGUOI-12 Received:

07/26/2012 Delivery Date: 08/25/2012 P.O.#: U ofl.Release #: MLIC LVI 008 SDG#: This is to certify that Teledyne Brown Engineering

-Environmental Services located at 2508 Quality Lane, Knoxville, Tennessee, 37931, has analyzed, tested and documented samples, as received by the laboratory, as specified in the applicable purchase order.This also certifies that requirements of applicable codes, standards and specifications have been fully met and that any quality assurance documentation which verified .conformance to the purchase order is on file and may be examined upon request.I hereby certif that the above statements are true and correct.Keith Jeter Operations Managr Cross Reference Table Client ID Laboratory ID Station ID (if applicable)


L51315-1 ..........

FS-C1-33 FS-C1-34 L51315-2 FS-C1-34 FS-C1-35 L51315-3 FS-C1-35 FS-C1-36 L51315-4 FS-C1-36 FS-C1-37 L51315-5 FS-C1-37.FS-CI-38 L51315-6 FS-Cl-38 FS-CI-39 L51315-7 FS-Cl-39 FS-Cl-40 L51315-8 FS-C1-40 Page 1 of 25 ArdL TELEDYNE-.... I 'BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A TeledyneTechnlogies Company 2508 Quality Lane Knoxville, TN 37931-3133 865-690-6819 Cross Reference Table Client ID Laboratory ID Station ID (if applicable)

FS-C1-41 L51315-9 FS-C1-41 FS-C1-42 L51315-10 FS-CI-42.- FS-C1-43 L51315-11 FS-C1-43 FS-C1-44 L51315-12 FS-C1-44 FS-C1-45 L51315-13 FS-CI-45 FS-C1-46 L51315-14 FS-Cl-46 FS-C1-47 L51315-15 FS-C1-47 FS-CI-48 L51315-16 FS-CI-48 FS-C1-49 L51315-17 FS-C1-49 FS-C1-50 L51315-18 FS-CI-50 FS-C1-51 L51315-19 FS-Cl-51 FS-C1-52 L51315-20 FS-CI-52 Method Reference Numbers Matrix Analysis Method Reference s GAMMA EPA90l.1 This report shall not be reproduced or distributed except in its entirety.Page 2of 25 Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:41 L51315 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE IP"' BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Technologies Company Sample ID: FS-C1-33 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00.' Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C1-33 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51315-1 F* I Activity ~Uncertainty 11fRun Aliquot Aliquot. Reference

[Count [Count TCount Radionuclide SOP# Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values C-14 2003 <____ 2.41E+00 pCi/g _ 2.64 g wet 08/21/12 5 M U FE-55 2006 < 8.68E+00 pCi/g 2.0121 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08122/12 600 See U No H-3 2003. < 7.64E-01 pCi/g _ 2.64 g wet 08/23/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 < 5.97E-01 pCi/g 2.0121 gwet 1 08/27/12 45 M I U Sample ID: FS-C1-34 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-CI-34 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51315-2 Activity Uncertainty 11 iquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide

'Conc 2 Sigma j MC Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values C-14 2003 ,"_ 2.24E+00 pCi/g 2.84 gwet 08/21/12 5 M U FE-55 2006 _ < 1.44E+t-01 pCi/g 2.0094 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/22/12 600 -Sec U No H-3 2003 _ < 7.10E-01 pCi/g 2.84 g wet 08/23/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 6.03E-01 pCi/g 2.0094 ..g wet 08/27/12 45 M I Sample ID: FS-C1-35 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-CI-35 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51315-3 :_,_Activity Uncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide Cone 2Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values C-14 2003 < 2.65E+00 pCi/g 2.4 .gwet 07_23/12 _ 08/21/12 5 M U FE-55 2006 < 1.10E+01 pCi/g 2.0055 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/22/12 600 Sec U No H-3 2003 < 8.41F-01 pCi/g , 2.4. g wet 08/24/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 < 6.29E-01 pCi/g 2.0055 g wet '08/27/12 45 M U Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentrationexceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.SPage 3 of 25.No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum* Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:41 L51315 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE F" BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Technologies Company , Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-C1 36 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-CI-36 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture:" LIMS Number: L51315-4 SActivity Unetit Runi Aliquot Aliquot Reference 1CountT Count Count Cadionuclide conc 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values C-14 2003 < 2.97E+00 pCi/g 2.14 gwet 08/21/12 5 M U FE-55 2006 < 1.43E+01 pCi/g 2.0049 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/22/12 600 Sec U No H-3 2003 < 9.43E-01 pCi/g 2.14 g wet 08/24/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 < 6.06E-01 pCi/g 2.0049 g wet 08/27/12 45 M U BE-7 2007 < 5.90E-01i pCi/g 308.23 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No K-40 2007 1.38E+01 1.40E+00 pCi/g 308.23 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec + Yes MN-54 2007 < 6.66E-02 pCi/g 308.23 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No CO-58 2007 < 6.55E-02 pCi/g 308.23 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No FE-59 2007 < 1.49E-01 pCi/g 308.23 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No CO-60 2007 < 7.38E-02 pCi/g 308.23 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No ZN-65 2007 < 1.43E-01 pCi/g 308.23 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No ZR-95 2007 < 1.35E-01 pCi/g 308.23 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No RU-103 2007 < 6.80,-02 pCi/g 308.23 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No RU-106 2007 < 5.62E-01 pCi/g 308.23 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No 1-131 2007 < 1.57E-01 pCi/g 308.23 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No CS-134 2007 < 6.02E-02 pCi/g 308.23 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No CS-137 2007 < 8.37F-02 pCi/g 308.23 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No BA-140 2007 < 3.21E-01 pCi/g 308.23 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No CE-141 2007 < 1.24E-01 pCi/g 308.23 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No CE-144 2007 < 4.64E-01 pCi/g 308.23 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No EU-152 2007 < 2.02E-01 pCi/g .308.23 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01112 6000 Sec U No EU-154 2007 < 1.23E-01 pCi/g 308.23. g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec; U No RA-226 2007 < 1.42E+00 pCi/g 308.23 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U Yes 1TH-228 2007 7.99E-01 1.28E-01 pCi/g 308.23 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec + Yes TH-232 2007 7.87E-01 1.87E-01 pCi/g 308.23 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec + Yes U-235 2007 < 4.89E pCi/g 308.23 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec I U No Flag Values U U* =High =Spec =L -H Bolded text Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value MDC exceeds customer technical specification Low recovery High recovery No Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes Peak identified in gamma spectrum****Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration t indicates reportable value.Page 4 of 25 Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:41 L51315 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE ,' BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Taechnologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-CI-36 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C1-36 Collect Stop: Volume:



Receive Date: 07/2612012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51315-4 SOP# Activity Uncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP Conc 2 Sigma MDC Units N Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values U-238 2007 < 6.78E+400 pCi/g 308.23 g wet 107/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec I U No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 5 of 25 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:41 L51315 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE 7* BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-CI-37 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C1-37 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51315-5 Sop# Activity Uncertainty T Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide Cone 2 Sigman MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values C-14 2003 < 2.19E+00 pCi/g 2.9 g wet 08/21/12 5 M U FE-55 2006 < 7.79E+00 pCi/g 2.0103 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/22/12 600 Sec U No H-3 2003 < 6.96E-01 pCi/g .2.9 g wet 08/24/12 ; 60 M U NI-63 2013 < 5.91E-01 pCi/g. 2.0103 g wet 08/27/12 45 M U BE-7 2007 < 2.94E-01 pCi/g 351.72 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No K-40 2007 1.16E+01 1.02E+00 pCi/g .. 351.72 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec + Yes MN-54 2007 < 4.35E-02 pCi/g 351.72 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No CO-58 2007 < 4.06E-02 pCi/g 351.72 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No FE-59 2007 < 7.97E-02 pCi/g 351.72 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No CO-60 2007 < 5.31E-02 pCi/g .351.72 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No ZN-65 2007 1.10E-01 pCi/g 351.72 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No ZR-95 2007 < 7.03E-02 .pCi/g 351.72 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12.

6000 Sec U No RU-103 2007 < 4.22E-02 pCi/g 351.72 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No RU-106 2007 _ < 3.68E-01 pCi/g 351.72 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No 1-131 .2007 < 7.62E-02 pCi/g 351.72 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No CS-134 2007 < 3.93E-02 pCi/g 351.72 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No CS-137 2007 < 4.09E-02 pCi/g .351.72 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No BA-140 2007 1.82E-01 pCi/g 351.72 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No CE-141 2007 < 6.49E-02 pCi/g 351.72 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 See U No CE-144 2007 < 2.40E-01 pCi/g 351.72 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sce U No EU-152 2007 < I.13E-01 pCi/g 351.72 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12.

6000 Sec U No EU-154 2007 < 6.49E-02 pCi/g 351.72 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No RA-226 .2007 8.27F-01 pCi/g 351.72 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U Yes TH-228 2007 4.82E-01 7.58E-02 pCi/g 351.72 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec + Yes TH-232 2007 3.75E-01 1.02E-01 pCi/g 351.72 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec + Yes U-235 2007 2.38F,01 pCi/g 351.72, g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No Flag Values U Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentrafion exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 6 of 25 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes Peak identified in gamma spectrum* Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:41 L51315.Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE P" BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-C1-37 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C1-37 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012.

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51315-5 ctivity Uncertainty Run Aliquot Aiquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Conc 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date P ate Time units Flag Values U-238 72007 < 4.36E+0 pCi/g 351.72

  • gwet 107/23/12 12:00 1 08/01/12 6000 See U -1 NoT Flag Values U -+ =U*High =Spec =L =H =Bolded text Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value MDC exceeds customer technical specification Low recovery High recovery No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum* Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration t indicates reportable value.Page 7of 25 Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:41 L51315 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE .pr~q BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-Cl-38 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-CI-38 Collect Stop: Volume: Desription:

  • 'Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51315w6 Activity 1 Uncertainty us Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Cone 2 Sigma MIX Units Volume Units

  • Date Date Time Units Flag Values C-14 2003 < 2.51E+00 pCi/g 2.53 g wet 08/21/12 5 M U FE-55 2006 1.10E+01 pCi/g 2.0063 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/22/12 600 See U No H-3 2003 < 7.97E-01 pCi/g 2.53 g wet 08/24/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 < 5.88E-01 pCi/g 2.0063 g wet 08/27/12 45 M U BE-7 2007 < 4.19E-01 pCi/g 336.98 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No K-40 2007 1.14E+01 1.15E+00 pCi/g 336.98 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec + Yes MN-54 2007 < 4.38E-02 pCi/g 336.98 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No CO-58 2007 < 4.56E-02 pCi/g 336.98 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No FE-59 2007 < 9.17E-02 pCi/g 336.98 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No -CO-60 2007 < 4.82E-02 pCi/g 336.98 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No ZN-65 2007 < 1.15E-01 pCi/g 336.98 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No ZR-95 2007 < 9.01E-02 pCi/g 336.98 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No RU-103 2007 < 4.70E-02 pCi/g 336.98 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/0112 6000 Sec U No RU-106 2007 < 3.94E-01 pCi/g 336.98 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No 1-131 2007 < 9.63F,02 pCi/g 336.98 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No CS-134 2007 < 4.37E-02 pCi/g 336.98 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No CS-137 2007 < 4.39E-02 pCi/g 336.98 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No BA-140 2007 < 2.20E-01 pCi/g 336.98 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No CE-141 2007 < 9.74E-02 pCi/g 336.98 gvwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No CE-144 2007 < 3.65E-01 pCi/g 336.98 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No EU-152 2007 < 1.17E-01 pCi/g 336.98 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No EU-154 2007- < 9.64E-02 pCi/g 336.98 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U No RA-226 2007 < 1.19E+00 pCi/g 336.98, g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec U Yes TH-228 2007 4.42E-01 1.311E-01 pCi/g 336.98 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec + Yes TH-232 2007 4.48E-01 1.20E-01 pCi/g 336.98 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/01/12 6000 Sec + Yes U-235 2007 < 3.88E-01 pCi/g 336.98 gwet 07/23/1.2.12:00 08/01/12 .6000 Sec U No Flag Values U Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 8 of 25 No Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical'results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:41 L51315 Enercon Chris Higgins EN005-3EREGUOI-12 W TELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Technologies Company Sample ID: FS-Cl-38 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station:.

FS-CI-38 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51315-6 Activity Uncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values U-238 2007 < 1 4.94E+0I pCi/g 336.98 1 g wet 107/23/12 12:00 08/01/121 6000 Sec U No 7 Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.~Page 9 of 25 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysisý 10/02/12 13:41 L51315 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 A. l TELEDYNE' BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-CI-39 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-CI-39 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012


LIMS Number: L51315-7 __"_ __ _ _ ___ _S 1 Activity Uncertainty

[ Runi Ailiquo uot Reference County Count Count Radionuclide Cone S2 Sigma nDC its # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values C-14 2003 < .2.37E+00 pCi/g 2.68 g wet 08/21/12 5 M U FE-55 2006 < 6.15E+00 pCilg 2.0081 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/22/12 600 Sec U No H-3 2003 < 7.53E-01 pCi/g 2.68 g wet 08/24/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 < 6.01E-01 pCi/g 2.0081 gwet 08/27/12 45 M. U BE-7 2007 2.59E-01 pCi/g 383.35 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec. U No K-40 2007 1.09E+01 7.75E-01 pCi/g 383.35 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec + Yes MN-54 2007 < 3.06E-02 pCi/g 383.35 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec U No CO-58 2007 < 2.63E-02 pCi/g 383.35 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 See U No FE-59 2007 < 7.00E-02 pCi/g 383.35 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec U No CO-60 2007 < 4.14E-02 pCi/g 383.35 g wet .. 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec U No ZN-65 2007 < 6.27E-02 pCi/g 383.35 g wet 107/23/1212:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec U No ZR-95 2007 < 5.37E-02 pCi/g 383.35 g wet 07(23/12 12:00 08/02/12 , 7401 Sec' U No RU-103 2007 < 3.10E-02 pCi/g 383.35 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec U No RU-106 2007 < 2.37E-01 pCi/g 383.35 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec U No 1-131 2007 < 6.01E-02 pCi/g 383.35 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec U No CS-134 2007 < 2.90E-02 pCi/g 383.35 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec U No CS-137 2007 3.26E-02 pCi/g 383.35 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec. U No BA-140 2007 < 1.63E-01 pCi/g 383.35 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec U No CE-141 2007 < 4.66E-02 pCi/g 383.35 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec U No CE-144 2007 < 1.67E-01 pCi/g 383.35 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec U No EU-152 2007 < 8.86E-02 pCi/g 383.35 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 See U No EU-154 2007 < 4.96E-02 pCi/g 383.35 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec. U No RA-226 2007 1.14E+00 6.11E-01 pCi/g .383.35 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec + Yes 1TH-228 2007 4.02E-01 4.61E-02 :_ pCi/g 383.35 .g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec. + Yes TH-232 2007 4.20E-01 8.05E-02 pCi/g .383.35 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec + Yes U-235 2007 < 1.77E-01 pCi/g 383.35 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/121 7401 Sec U No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 10 of 25 No = Peak not identified in gamma specrum, Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:41 L51315.Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 Alorj, TELEDYNE 'BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-CI-39 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-CI-39 Collct Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51315-7# Activity Uncertainty Run Aiquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide S Conc 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values U-238 2007 < 3.48E+00 pCi/g 383.35 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec U I No Flag Values U = .Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration e6iceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma Hligh = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec -MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value. P: Page 11 of 25 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:41 L51315 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE P1 BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Technolootes Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-CI40 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C1-40.

Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51315-8 1 F Activity 1Uncertaintyj Run Aliquot 1Aliquot 1 Reference TCount fCount 1Count Radionuclide SOP# Conc 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values C-14 2003 < 2.26E+00 pCi/g 2.82 g wet 08/21/12 5 M U FE-55 2006 < 8.24E+00 PCi/g 2.0068 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/22/12 600 Sec U No H-3 2003 < 7.15E-01 pCi/g 2.82 g wet 08/24/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 < 5.91E-01 pCi/g 2.0068 g wet .08/27/12 45 M U BE-7 2007 < 3.42E-01 pCi/g 350.5 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 V08/02/12 7401 See U No K-40 2007 1.23E+01 1.02E+00 pCi/g 350.5 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 .08/02/12 7401 Sec + Yes MN-54 2007 < 4.37F-02 pCi/g 350.5 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec U No CO-58 2007 < 4.35E-02 pCi/g 350.5 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sece U No FE-59 2007 < 9.36E-02 pCi/g 350.5 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec U No CO-60 2007 < 5.68E-02 pCi/g 350.5 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec U No ZN-65 2007 <, 8.57E-02 pCi/g 350.5 g wet 07/23/12.12:00 08/02/12 7401 See U No ZR-95 2007 < 7.81E-02 pCi/g 350.5 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 , See U No RU-103 2007 < 4.17E-02 pCi/g 350.5 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 See U No RU-106 2007 < 3.48E-01 pCi/g 350.5 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 See U No 1-131 2007 < .8.12E-02 pCi/g 350.5 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec U No CS-134 2007 < 3.81E-02 pCi/g 350.5 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 See U No CS-137 2007 < 4.88E-02 pCi/g 350.5 g Wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 See U. No BA-140 2007 < 2.09E-01 pCi/g 350.5 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec U No CE-141 2007 < 6.69E-02 pCi/g 350.5 g.wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec U* No CE-144 2007 < 2.30K-01 pCi/g 350.5 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec U No EU-152 2007 < 1.06E-01 pCi/g 350.5 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec U No EU-154 2007 < 6.15F-02 pCi/g 350.5 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec U No RA-226 2007 1.42E+00 8.08E-01 pCi/g 350.5 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 .08/02/12 7401 See + Yes TH-228 2007 5.05E-01 6.37E-02 pCifg 350.5 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec + Yes TH-232 2007 4.59K-01 9.98E-02 pCi/g 350.5 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec + Yes U-235 2007 < 2.27E-01 pCi/g 350.5 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec U No Flag Values.U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MIM and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)V* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 12 of 25 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:41 L51315 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE P'O~ BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins" Sample DD: FS-Cl-40 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C-40 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51315-8 Activity Uncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP Conc 2 Sigma. MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values U-238 2007 < 4.43E+00 pCi/g 350.5 : g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/121 7401 Sec U No Flag Values U -High =Spec =L =H -Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value MDC exceeds customer technical specification Low recovery High recovery No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 13 of 25 Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:41 L51315 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE P', BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-CI-41 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C141 Collect Stop: Volume-Description:

Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture:.

LIMS Number: L51315-9 _S Activity Uncertainty Un1 i Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference

.Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP Conc .2 Sigma:. MDC Units # Volume Units Date ate Time Units Flag Values C-14 2003 < 2.34E+00 pCi/g 2.72 gwet 08/21/12 5 M U 0 FE-55 2006 < 6.89E+00 pCi/g 2.0048 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/22/12 600 Sec U No H-3 2003 < 7.42E-01 pCi/g 2.72 g wet 08/24/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 <5.66E-1 pCi/g 2.0048 gwet 08/27/12 45 M U BE-7 2007 < 3.96E-01 pCi/g 298.63 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7400 See U No K-40 2007 1.26E+01 1.12E+00 pCi/g 298.63 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7400 Sec + Yes MN-54 2007 < 4.85E-02 pCi/g 298.63 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7400 Sec U No CO-58 2007 < 5.22E-02 pCi/g 298.63 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7400 Sec U No FE-59 2007 <. 1.14E-01 pCi/g 298.63 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02112 7400 Sec U No CO-60 2007 < 6.91E-02 pCi/g 298.63 g~wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7400 See U No ZN-65 2007 < 1.11E-O1 pCi/g 298.63 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7400 See U No ZR-95 2007 < 8.64E-02 pCi/g 298.63 g wet 07123/12 12:00 '08/02/12 7400 See U No RU-103 2007 < 5.40E-02 pCi/g 298.63 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7400 See U No RU-106 2007 < 4.40E-01 pCi/g 298.63 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7400 See U No 1-131 2007 < 1.05E-0l pCi/g 298.63 g wet 07/23112 12:00 08/02/12 7400 See U No CS-134 2007 < 4.48E-02 pCi/g 298.63 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7400 See U No CS-137 2007 < 5.04E-02 pCi/g 298.63 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7400 See U No BA-140 2007 < 2.61E-01 pCi/g 298.63 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7400 Sec U No CE-141 2007 < 7.98E-02 pCi/g 298.63 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7400 See U No CB-144 2007 2.95E-01 pCi/g 298.63 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7400 See U No EU-152 , 2007 < 1.37E-01 pCi/g 298.63 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7400 See U No EU-154 2007 < 8.35E pCi/g

  • _ 298.63 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 .08/02/12 7400 See U No RA-226 2007 < 9.68E-01 pCi/g 298.63 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7400 See U Yes TH-228 2007 4.67E-01 6.87E-02 pCi/g 298.63 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7400 See + Yes TH-232 2007 4.54E-01 1.20E-01 pCi/g " 298.63 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7400 See + Yes U-235 .2007 < 3.01E-01 pCi/g 298.63 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/11 7400 See U No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L =, -L46w recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 14 of 25 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they arc received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:41 L51315 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE .P* BROWN ENGINEERING.

INC.ATeledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-C1-41 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-CI-41 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: 1,51315w9# Activity Uncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Conc 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values U-238 2007 5.88E+O0 pCi/g 298.63 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7400 Sec U No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* .= Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification

,, L = Low recovery H High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value. ag1o2' ' Page 15 of 25 No 1.= Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes =Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otheridse noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested'in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:41 L51315 Enercon Chris Higgins EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyneTechnologies Company;Sample ID: FS-C1-42 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-CI-42 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L5i315-10 2006 Activity Uncertainty M IRun Aliquot1 Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SO# Colic 2 Sigma. DUnits .# Volume. Units. Date Date ! Time. Utits

  • agale..!".

C-14 2003 < 3.09E+00 pCi/g 2.06 g wet 08/21/12 5 M U FE-55 2006 < 1.57E+01 pCi/g 2.0153. g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/22/12 600 Sec U No H-3 2003 < 9.79E-01 pCi/g 2.06 g wet 08/24/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 < 5.36E-01 pCi/g 2.0153 g wet 08/27/12 45 M U BE-7 2007 < 3.04E-01 pCi/g 346.34 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7402 Sec U No K-40 2007 1.10E+01 8.89E-01 pCi/g 346.34 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7402 Sec + Yes MN-54 2007 < 3.55E-02 pCi/g 346.34 g wet. 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7402 Sec U No CO-58 2007 < 3.OOE-02 pCi/g 346.34 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7402 Sec U No FE-59 2007 < 7.06E-02 pCi/g 346.34 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7402 Sec U " No CO-60 2007 < 3.87E-02 pCi/g 346.34. g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7402 Sec U No ZN-65 2007 < 8.11E-02 pCi/g 346.34 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7402 Sec U No ZR-95 2007 < 6.85E-02 pCi/g 346.34 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7402 Sec U No RU-103 2007 < 3.30E-02 pCi/g, 346.34 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7402 Sec U No RU,-106 2007 < 2.85E-01 pCi/g 346.34 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7402 Sec U No 1-131 2007 < * .6.40E-02 pCi/g 346.34 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7402 Sec U No CS-134 2007 .< 3.19E-02 pCi/g 346.34 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7402 Sec U No CS-137 2007 < 3.72E-02 pCi/g 346.34 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7402 Sec U No BA-140 2007 < 1.83E-01 pCi/g 346.34 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7402 Sec U No CE-141 2007. < 5.63E-02 pCi/g 346.34 g wet 07/23/1212:00 08/02/12 7402 Sec -U No CE-14 .2007 < 2.OOE-01 pCi/g 346.34 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7402 Sec U No EU-152 2007 < 9.62E-02 pCi/g 346.34 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7402 Sec U , No EU-154 2007 < 5.11E-02 pCi/g 346.34 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7402 Sec U .No RA-226 .2007 < 6.76E-01 pCi/g .*346.34 g wet. 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 .7402 Sec T Yes TH-228 2007 4.50E-01 5.1713-02 " pCi/g 346.34 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7402 Sec + Yes TH-232 2007 4.37E-01 8.10E-02 pCi/g 346.34 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7402 Sec + Yes U-235 2007 < 2.11E-01 pCi/g 346.34 g wet 07/23/12 12:00. 08/02/12 7402 Sec U No Flag Values U!+ =ýU* =High-Spec =L -H.-Bolded text Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value MDC exceeds customer technical specification Low recovery High recovery No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration t indicates reportable value.Page 16 of 25 Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:41 L51315 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE'~ BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Tichnologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-C1-42 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C1-42 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51315-10.Activity Uncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Cone 2 Si a 1DC Units # Volume units Date Date Time Units "Flag Values U.-238 2007 < 4.11E+00 pCi/g. 346.34 J gwet 07/23/12 12:00 1 08/02/121 7402 [ See I, " NoSample ID: FS-C1-43 Collect Start:. 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C1-43 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LLMS Number: L51315-11 SP1 Activity [Uncertainty T w

  • Run Aliquot Aliquot r Reference Coun a ont Count Radionuclide SOP# Cone 2 Sigma [ MDC Units f Volume Units Date Date
  • Time Units Flag Values IC-14 2003 < 2.70E+00 pCi/g 2.36 gwet 08/21/12 5 M U FE-55 2006 < 1.21E+01 pCi/g 2.0232 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/22/12 600 Sec U No H-3. 2003 < 8.55E-01 pCi/g 2.36 g wet 08/24/12 60 M U iNI-63 2013 < 5.87E-01 pCi/g 2.0232 g wet 08127/12 45 M U Sample ID: FS-C1-44 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C1-44 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

.% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51315-12 RaincieSl4 Activity [Uncertainty

]D nt Run I 'Aliquot Aliquot Reference count ICount Count Radionuclide L OA 1 Cone Z:2Sigma MDC 1 Units [u oum Units Date Dt ie[nt a~le Cone 2S. 9 Volume UntDae'ate, Time Units Flag Values C-14 2003 < .2.63E+00 pCi/g-. __ 2.42 g wet .08/21/12 5 M U FE-55 2006 < 1.18E+01 pCi/g` .:2.0023 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/22/12 600 Sec U No H-3 2003 < 8.34E-01 pCi/g 2.42 g wet 08/24/12 60 _M U NI-63 2013 < 5.43E-01 pCi/g 2.0023 g wet 08/28/12 45 M U Flag Values U =+ -11* -High =Spec =L -H -Bolded text Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value MDC exceeds customer technical specification Low recovery High recovery No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the sanples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory., MDC'- Minimum Detectable Concentration:

I indicates reportable value.Page 17 of 25 Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:41 L51315 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12R TELEDYNE P* BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-CI-45 Collect Start- 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C1-45 Collect Stop:. Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51315-13

__: So# Activity Uncertainty IRun [Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count fCount, Radionuclide O# Cn im D nt oue Units Date at Time Units Flag Values C-14 2003 < 2.53E,+00 pCi/g 2.51 g wet 08/21/12 5 M U T FE-55 2006 < 1.10E+01 pCi/g 2.013 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/22/12 600 Sec U No H-3 2003 < 8.04E-01 pCi/g _ 2.51 g wet 08/24/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 < 4.84E-01 pCi/g21013 g wet 08/28/12 45 M U Sample ID: FS-C1-46 .Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-CI-46 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51315-14 Activity UncertaintyCn Run Aliquot Aliquot f Referencer Count Count. Count Radionuclide

  • SOP# Cone 2 Sigma MDC UnitsVolume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values C-14 2003 <__ 2.74E+00 pCi/g 2.32 gwet 08/21/12 5 M U FE-55 2006 < 1.80E+01 pCilg 2.0135 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/22/12 600 Sec U No H-3 2003 < .8.70E-01 pCi/g
  • 2.32 g wet 08124/12 60, M U NI-63 2013 < 5.22E-01 pCi/g 2.0085 g wet 08/28/12 45, M U Sample ID: FS-C1-47 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-CI-47 Collect Stop. Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMSNumber..'L51315-15

______So,, Activity -Uncertainty T Run Aliquot Aliquot, Reference Count count Radionuclide

{ SOP# Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Unit Flag Values C-14 2003 < _ _ , 2.59E+00 pCi/g 2.46 g wet 08/21/12 5 M U FE-55 2006 < 1.22E+01 pCi/g .2.0524 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/22/12 600 Sec U No H-3 2003 < 8.20E-01 pCi/g 2.46 g wet .08/24/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 4.75E-01 pCi/g 2.0524 g wet 08/28/12-45 M Ul .I I I Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ =. Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value. Page 18 of 25 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum U Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:41 L51315 Enercon Chris Higgins. EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE P! BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Technologies Company Sample ID: FS-C1-48 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-Cl-48 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51315-16 I ~Activity Uncertit Run] Aliquot Aliquot Reference

]Cut1Count Con Rpdionuclide SO P# Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units j Volume Units Date Date .Time Units Flag Values C-14 2003 .< 2.46E+00 pCi/g 2.59 g'Wet 08/21/12 5 "M U FE-55 2006 < 1.51E+01 pCi/g 2.0035 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/22/12 600 See U No H-3. 2003 < 7.79E-01 pCi/g 2.59 g Wet 08/24/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 < 4.92E-01 pCi/g 2.0035 g wet 08/28/12 45 M U Sample ID: FS-C1-49 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00'. Matrix: Soil ". (S)Station: FS-CI-49 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012


LIMS Number: L51315-17.Activity Uncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Conc 2 Sigma MDC [ Units # Volume Units Date Date! Time Units .Flag Values C-14 2003 < 2.881E+00 pCi/g 2.21 ,gwet 1 .08/21/12 5 M U FE__5 2006 < 7.45E-__0 pCi/g 2.004 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/22/12 600 Sec U No H-3 2003 _ _ 9.13E-01 pCi/g 2.21 g wet 08/24/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 < 5.45E-01 pCi/g 2.004 g wet 08/28/12 45 UM Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* .= Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery.H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 19 of 25 No .. = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum* Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:41 L51315 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-Cl-50 Collect Start: 07/2312012 12:00 Matrix:, Soil (5)Station: FSC1 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51315-18 Activity Uncertainty Run i Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Conc 2 Sigma MDC Units N Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values C-14 2003 < 2.93E+00 pCi/g 2.17 gwet 08/21/12 5 M U FE-55 2006 < s 1.14E+01 pCi/g 2.0212 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 .08/22/12 600 Sec U No H-3 2003 < 9.30E-01 pCi/g 2.17 g wet 08/24/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 < 5.34E-01 pCi/g" 2.0212 gwet ,08/28/12 45 M U BE-7 2007 < 3.44E-01 pCi/g 364.76 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 -,08/02/12 7402 Sec U No K-40 2007 9.57E+00 9.64E-01 pCi/g 364.76 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7402 Sec + Yes MN-54 2007 < 4.16E-02 pCi/g 364.76 ýgwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7402 Sec U No CO-58 2007 < 4.28E-02 pCi/g 364.76 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08102/12 7402 Sec U No FE-59 2007 < 9.96E-02 pCi/g 364.76 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7402 Sec U No CO-60 2007 < 5.01E-02 pCi/g 364.76, g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7402 Sec U No ZN-65 2007 < 1.OIE-01 pCi/g 364.76 g wet 07/23/12 12:00, 08/02/12 7402: Sec U No ZR-95 2007 < 7.68E-02 pCi/g 364.76 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7402 Sec U No RU-103 2007 < 4.33E-02 pCi/g 364.76 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7402 Sec U No RU-106 2007 < 3.91E-01 pCi/g 364.76 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7402 Sec U No 1-131 2007 < 8.69E-02 pCi/g 364.76 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7402 See U No CS-134 2007 < 3.57E-02 pCi/g 364.76 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7402 Sec U No CS-137 2007 7.04E-02 3.27E-02 pCi/g 364.76 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7402 Sec + Yes BA-140 2007 < 2.13E-01 pCi/g 364.76 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7402 Sec U No CE-141 2007 < 5.60F_,02 pCi/g .364.76 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7402 Sec U No CE-144 2007 < 2.07E-01 pCi/g 364.76 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7402 See U No EU-152 2007 < 1.04E-01 pCi/g 364.76 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7402 Sec U No EU-154 .2007 < 5.52E-02 pCi/g 364.76 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 .7402 See U No RA-226 2007 < 8.94E-01 pCi/g 364.76 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7402 Sec U No T1t-228 2007 2.94E-01 6.70E-02 pCi/g 364.76 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7402 Sec + Yes TH-232, 2007 3.51E-01 9.12E-02 pCi/g 364.76 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7402 Sec + Yes U-235 2007 < 2.13E-01 pCi/g 364.76 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7402 Sec U 0No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MWC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low reeovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value. a 2 2-, .Pagec20of 25 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum****IUnless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:41 L51315 Enercon Chris Higgins EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE JF BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Technologies Company Sample ID: FS-Cl-50 Collect Start: 07/2312012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-CI-50 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51315-18 Activity Uncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values U-238 2007 < 5.41E+00 pCi/g 364.76. g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7402 Se UI No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigm peak identified(gamma only)JU* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 21 of 25 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:41 L51315 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12

  • 0tL, TELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-CI-51 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C15 1 Collect Stop: Volune:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51315-19

_S Activity Uncertainty 1 Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SON Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units Volume Units Date : Date Time Units Flag Values C-14 ' 2003 <3.04E+0 pCi/g 2.09 g wet 08/21/12 5 M U FE-55 2006 < 1.20E+01 pCi/g 2.0154 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/22/12 600 Sec U No H-3 2003 < 9.65E-01 pCi/g .2.09 g wet 08/24/12 60 M U NI-63 r 2013 < 4.84E-01 pCi/g .2.0154 g wet 08/28/12 45 M U BE-7 2007 < 3.42E-01 pCi/g 356.75 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 .7401 Sec U No K-40 2007 1.08E+01 8.30E-01 pCi/g 356.75 g wet 07/23/12 12:00, 08/02/12 7401 Sec +.I Yes MN-54 2007 < 3.55E-02 pCi/g 356.75 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec U No CO-58 2007 < 4.OOE-02 pCi/g 356.75 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec U No FE-59 2007 < 7.25E-01 pCi/g 356.75 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec U No CO-60 2007 < 4.39E-02 pCi/g 356.75 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec U No ZN-65 2007 8.59E-02 pCi/g 356.75 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec U No ZR-95 2007 < 6.92E-02 pCi/g 356.75 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec U No RU-103 2007 < 3.95E-02 pCi/g 356.75 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec U No RU-106 2007 < 3.27E-01 pCi/g 356.75 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12:

7401 Sec U No 1-131 2007 < 7.34E-02 pCi/g 356.75 g wet, 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec U No CS-134 2007 < 3.95E-02 pCi/g 356.75 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 See U No CS-137 2007 < 4.81E-02 pCi/g 356.75 g wet 07/23/12 12;00 08/02/12 7401 Sec U No BA-140 2007 < 2.16E-01 pCi/g 356.75 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec U No CE-141 2007 < 6.45E-02 pCi/g 356.75 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec U No CE-144 2007 < 2.30E-01 pCi/g 356.75 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 .7401 Sec U " No EU-152 2007 < 1.01E-01 pCi/g 356.75 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec U No EU-154 2007 < .6.48E-02 pCi/g 356.75 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec U No RA-226 2007 < 7.92E-01 pCi/g 356.75 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec U Yes TH-228 2007 4.11E-01 5.74E-02 pCi/g 356.75 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec + Yes TH-232 -2007 3.93E-01 8.56E-02 pCi/g " 356.75 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec + Yes U-235 2007 I 2.42E-01 pCi/g 356.75 g wet, 07/23/12.12:00 08/02/12 7401 See U No FlagValues U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only), U* Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value. Page 22 of 25 No Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:41 L51315 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE F1 BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-CI-51 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S) I Stationi:

FS-CI-51 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51315-19 Activity Uncertainty

! Run Aliquot'. Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Conc 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values U'238 2007 < 4.65E+00 pCi/g 356.75 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 1 08/02/121 7401 1 Sec I NoU p 4 Flag Values U Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 isigma+ Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value SOec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 23 of 25 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak-identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:41 L51315 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE FN BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATelidyne Technologle Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-C1-52 Collect Start:, 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C1-52 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture:.

LIMS Number: L51315-20

____. ...._,______Activity 1Uncertainty ,nt Run FAliquot }Aliquot'1 Reference Count] count 1count Radionulide SCone

  • 2 Sigma MDC. Units # Volume Units Date Date Time .Units Flag Values C-14 2003 < 2.87E+00 pCi/g 2.22 g wet 08/21/12 5 M U FE-55 2006 < 1.39E+01 pCi/g 2.0269 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/22/12 600 See U No H-3 2003 < 9.09E-01 pCilg 2.22 g wet 08/24/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 < 4.80E-01 pCi/g 2.0269 g wet 08/28/12 45 M U BE-7 2007 < 3.53E-01 pCi/g 363.4 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 74011 Sec U No K-40 2007 1.33E+01 1.08E+00 pCi/g 363.4 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec + Yes MN-54 2007 < 4.16E-02 pCi/g 363.4 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 See U No CO-58 2007 < 4.29E-02 pCi/g 363.4 gwet 07/23/12.12:00 08/02/12 7401 See U No FE-59 .2007 < 8.24E,02 pCi/g 363.4 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12
  • 7401 Sec U No CO-60 2007 < 5.10E-02 pCi/g 363A g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec U No ZN-65 2007 < 1.13E-01 pCi/g .Y363.4 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 See U No ZR-95 2007 < 8.20E-02 pCi/g 363.4 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec U No RU-103 2007 < 4.23E-O2 pCi/g 363.4 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec U No RU-106 , 2007 < 3.82E-O1 pCi/g 363.4 g wet 07/23/12 12:00. 08/02/12 7401 See U No 1-131 2007 < 8.39E-02 pCi/g 363.4 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 See U No CS-134 2007 < 3.86E-02 pCi/g 363.4 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec U No CS-137 2007 < 4.46E-02 pCi/g 363.4 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 See U No BA-140 2007 < 2.17E-01 pCi/g _ 363.4 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 See U No CE-141 2007 < 6.50E-02 pCilg 363.4 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec U No CE-144 2007. < 2.44E-01 pCi/g 363.4 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec U No EU-152 .. 2007 < 1.12E-01 pCi/g 363.4 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec, U No EU-154 2007 < 6.64E-02 pCi/g 363.4 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec U No RA-226 2007 1.44E+00 8.18E-01 pCi/g 363.4 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 See + Yes TIH-228 2007 4.37E-01 6.57E-02 pCi/g 363.4 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec. + Yes TH-232 2007 4.22E-01 1.22E-01 pCi/g 363.4 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 .08/02/12 7401. See + Yes U-235 2007 , 2.49E-01 pCi/g 363.4 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7401 Sec U No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U = CompoundiAnalyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery 11 = High recovery Bo0ded text indicates reportable value. .'Page 24 of 25 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:41 L51315 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-i2TELEDYNE' BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-C1-52 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C1-52 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51315-20 Activity Uncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Conc 2 Sigma MDC Units Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values U-238 2007 4.86E+00 pCi/g 363.4 Ig wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/121 7401 1 Sec [ U I No Flag Values U Compound/Analyte' not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ -Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigmna peaXidentified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L, Low recovery H High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 25 of 25 No = Peak not identified in gammi spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum'****,Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Page: 7 of 10 Project#:

MLIC LVI 008 Name: Chris Higgins I Rich Hoims COC Number o': COC-UI-07

.Street: 190N MRL 104 S Goodwin AVE proectEvry ayCity/Stsie/ZiO:

Urbana, EL 61801-2902 Excellence-Every project Every day, Phone: 203-565-3272 ENERCON P.O.C: Corey DeWitt 412-889-3124 e-mail: cdeYiUeliercoflcrn Sample Analysis Requested s (Fill in the number of containers for each test)Project/Site Name- University of Illinois e-mail: christopher.hieeinst. ,

.. <-- Preservative Type (3)Address: 190N MRL 104 S Goodwin AVE Urbana, IL 61801-2902 5 Comments: ' ...* "Comments Collected by (print/sign):

Chris Higgins ', ? Z Note: extra sample is*Date Collected

  • Time Collected required for sample Sample ID 0I)ta,) Qcode o) Sample "specific QC* For composites

-indicate sart and stop dateltime (mm-dd-yy) (hhmm) Matrix t 4) A FS-CI-33 07-23-12 12:00 N SO Y N 1 X X X X FS-CI-34 07-23-12 12:00 N So Y N -1.X X X X FS-CI-35 07-23-12 12:00 N SO Y N 1 X X X X FS-C1-36 07-23-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X X X X X FS9-CI-37 07-23-12 12:00 N SO Y N, 1 X X X X X FS-C1-38 07-23-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X X X X FS-CI-39 07-23-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X X X X X PS-CI-40 07-23-12 12:00 N: SO Y N I X X X X FS-CI.41 07-23-12 12:00 N SO Y i X X X X X FS-CI-42 07-23-12 12:00 N SO N 1 X X X X X TATRequested'.Normal:

X Rush Specif: E-mailResults:

Yes '/ No CircleDeliverable:

CofA I Summa / Level I / Level2 Level3 / Level4 Remarks: "" .]Sample Collection Time Zone Eastern 'Pacific Central .Other_Moutain Chain of Custody Signatures Sample Shipping and Delivery Details Relinqu edBy(Signed)

Date Time Received by (signed) Date Time La.boratry PM: 1 ~ ~ i R tc~ i( ~ k 1~e t.Method of Shipient atShi pet 2 2" Airbill #: 3 .3 ATbill#: i.) Chain of Custody Number= See Procedure F 2.) QC Codes: N -Normal Sample, TB -Trip Blank, FD l Field Duplicate, EB = Equipment Blasik MS = Matrix Spike Sample, MSD -Matrix Spike Duplicate Sample, G -Grab, C Compositeo 3.) Preservative Type: HA = Hydrochloric Acid, NI Nitric Acid, SH = Sodium Hydroxide, SA = Sulfuric Acid, AA = Ascorbic Acid, FiX -Hexate, ST -Sodium ThiosuffhIef no preservative is added= I"eve field blank Custody Seal Intact?4.) Matr ix Codes: DW=D1onkidg Water, GW=Groundwater, SW'Surface Water, WW-Waste Water, W=Waterx ML=hMisc Liquid, S0=Soil, SD-Sediment, SL-Sludge, SS=Solid Waste, 0=Oil, F--ilter, P-Wtpe, U=Urins, N=Nual YES NO Cooler Temp: 5.) Sample Analysis Requested: .Analytical method requested (Le. 3260B, 6010B17470A) and number of containers provided foreach (Le. 8260B -3, 6010B/7470A


Page: 8 of 10 Project#:


  • lf NoName.: Chris Higgins / Rich Holms C.C u (I) s Street 190N MRL 104 S Goodwin AVE City/StatefLip:

Urbana, IL 61801-2902 Excellence-E very pro Eve day Phone: 203-565-3272 ENERCON P.O.C: Corey DeWitt 412-889-3124 e-mail; cdevtfill.uu,,erdon.coni Sa#ip Analysis Requested ( Fill in the number of containers for each test)Project/Site Name: University of Illinois e-mail: christopher.higginiilsg aecran Loin <- Preservative Type (3)Address: 190N MRL 104 S Goodwin AVE Urbana, IL 61801-2902

-0 8 Comments Collected by (print/sign):

Chris Higgins Note: extra sample is a~a Coleced ollcte I e44 required for sample Dam Co llce Time ,,Colete Sample *1 e--* )1kt .(Military)

QC Code sml SamleID Miitay)specific QC.For composites

-idicate starl and stop date/lnme" (mos-dd-yy). (bhmm).' " FS-CI-43 07-23-12 12:00 N SO Y N I. X X X X* FS-CI-44 07-23-12 12:00 N SO Y N A' X X X X FS-CI-45 07-23-12 12:00 N SO Y N 1 X X X X FS-C1-46 07-23-12 12:00 N so0 Y N 1 X X X X FS-C1-47 07-23-12 .12:00 .N SO Y N X X X X FS-C1-48 07-23-12 12:00 -N SO Y N 1 X X X X FS-CI-49 07-23-12 12:00 N SO Y N ,I X X .X X FS-CI.50 o07-23-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X x X x. x FS-Cl-51 07-23-12 12:00 N SO Y N 1 X x x x x FS-C1-52 .07-23-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X X X -X TAT Requested.

Normal: X Rush: Specify: E-mail Results: Yea I No Circle Deliverable:

C of A / QC Summ i Level1 I Level 2 I Level 3 / Level 4 Remarks: Sample Collection Time Zone Eastern .Pacific Central Other* , ' ~Mountain," .Chain of Custody Signatures Sample Shipping and Delivery Details Relinqt a y Signed) Date Time Received by (signed) Date Time 1.

/*OO .Laboratory PK---, 12 4, 7 IN 02 MethodofShipmett "DateShi 2 2 "Aitbill #: 13 3 Airbifl #: I.) Chain of CustodyNtumber" See Procedure

.,, ,,,.* i,,,,.17.Q2. QC Codes: K --'Normal Sample, TB -Trip Blank, FD = Field Duplicate, E13 = Equipment Blank, MS = Matrix Spike Sample, MSD = Matrix Spike Duplicate Sample, G -Grab, C = Composite 3.) Preservative Type: HA = Hydrochloric Arid, NI = Nitric Acid, SH -Sodium Hydroxide, SA Sulfueic Acid, AA Ascorbic Acid, HX Hexane, ST -Sodium ThIosulNte, If no preservative is added -leave field blank 4.) Matrix Coder. DWADal nkis t Water. mWetroreudwater, SWS.u0face Water, WWWa7tA Water, W=Watecr MLMisc L iquid, SO-Soil, SD 60es0ment 0 SL= -lu 5)-Solid Waste, 0.Oil, F-iltar, P-WIp U-Urine, F-'ecal. N-Nasal 5.) Sample Analysis Requested:-Analytical method requested (i.e. $260B, 6010D17470A) and number of containers provided for each (Le. 8260B -3, 60J0B17470A

-1). 7 Custody Seal Intact?YES NO Cooler Temr: I 07/26/12 15:20 SR #: SR32189 Client: Enercon Services, Inc.Te6d1jn#rown Engineering Sample- Receipt. Verification/Variance Report Project #: EN005-3EREGUOI-12 LIMS #L51315 Initiated By: RCHARLES Init Date: 07/26/12 Receive Date: 07/26/12 Notification of Variance Person Notified:

Contacted By: Notify Date: Notify Method: Notify Comment: Client Response Person Responding:

Response Date: Response Method: Response Comment.Criteria Yes N0o NA Comment 1 Shipping container custody seals present NA and intact.2 Sample container custody seals present NA ,. and intact.3 Sample containers received in good Y condition 4 Chain of custody received with samples Y 5 All samples listed, on chain of. custody .Y received 6 Sample container labels present and Y legible.7 Information on container labels Y correspond with chain of custody.8 Sample (s) properly preserved and in NA appropriate container (s)9 Other (Describe)

.. ,. .. .NA SYNE 9.. k ',.,-FN ENGINEERING, INC.ý.AATAJ"ho~

Coi Pa 2508 Quality Lane Knoxville, TN 37931-3133 865-690-6819 Chris Higgins Enercon 4490 Old William Penn Highway Murrysville, PA 15668 Report of Analysis/Certificate of Conformance 10/02/2012 LIMS #: L51316 Project ID#: EN005-3EREGUOI-12 Received:

07/26/2012 Delivery Date: 08/25/2012 P.O.#: U of Minois Release #: MLIC LVI 008 SDG#: This is to certify that Teledyne Brown Engineering

-Environmental Services located at 2508 Quality Lane, Knoxville, Tennessee, 37931, has analyzed, tested and documented samples, as received by the laboratory, as specified in the applicable purchase order.This also certifies that requirements of applicable codes, standards and specifications have been fully met and that any quality assurance documentation which verified conformance to the purchase order is on file and may be examined upon request.I hereby certify that the abov statements are true and correct.Keith Jeter U Operations Manager Cross Reference Table Client ID Laboratory ID Station ID (if applicable)

FS-CI-53 L51316-1 FS-C1-53 FS-C1-54 L51316-2 FS-C1-54 FS-CI-55 L51316-3 FS-CI-55 FS-C1-56 L51316-4 FS-CI-56 FS-TI-01 L51316-5 FS-TI-01 FS-B1-N L51316-6 FS-BI-N FS-Bl-E L51316-7 FS-Bl-E FS-Bl-S L51316-8 FS-Bl-S Page 1 of 24 A102 ..1TELEDYNE...P'" BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATaledyne Technologies Company 2508 Quality-Lane Knoxville, TN 37931-3133 865-690-6819 Cross Reference Table Client ID Laboratory ID Station ID (if applicable)

FS-BI-W L51316-9 FS-B1-W FS-B1-U L51316-10 FS-B1-U FS-B2-N L51316-11 FS-B2-N FS-B2-E L51316-12 FS-B2-E FS-B2-S L51316-13 FS-B2-S.FS.B2-W L51316-14 FS-B2-W FS-B2-U L51316-15 FS-B2-U,, Method Reference Numbers Matrix Analysis Method Reference S GAMMA EPA901.1 This report shall not be reproduced or distributed except in its entirety.Page 2 of 24 Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:42 L51316 TELEDYNE PI BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Technologies Company Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 Sample ID: FS-Cl-53 Collect Start 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C1-53 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51316-1 __R Activity Uncertainty J U Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count] Count Count Radionuclide.

SOP Conc 2 Sigma MDC Units Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values C-14 2003 < 2.73E+00 pCi/g 2.33 g wet 08/21/12.

5 M U FE-55 2006 < 1.14E+01 pCi/g 2.024 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/17/12 600 See U No H-3 2003 < 8.66E-01 pCi/g 2.33 g wet 08/24/12 60 M U NI-63. 2013 < 4.37E-01 pCi/g 2.024 .gwet 08/17/12 45 M U BE-7 2007 < 3.20E-01 I pCi/g 412.96 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7128 See U No K-40 2007 8.63E+00 787E-01 pCi/g 412.96 g Wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7128: See + Yes MN-54 2007 < 3.37E-02 pCi/g 412.96 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7128 Sec U. No CO-58 2007 3.52E-02 pCi/g 412.96 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7128 See U No FE-59 2007 < 8.32E-02 pCi/g 412.96 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7128. See U NO CO-60 2007 < 4.33E412 pCi/g 412.96 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7128 See U No ZN-65 2007 < 6.91E-02 pCi/g 412.96 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7128 Sec U No ZR-95, 2007 < 6.69E-02 pCi/g 412.96 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7128 See U No L RU-103 2007 < 3.76E-02 pcig 412.96 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7128 Sec U No RU-106 2007 < 2.89E-01 pCi/g '412.96 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7128 See U No 1-131 2007 < 7.45E-02 pCi/g 412.96 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7128 Sec U No CS-134 2007 < 3.29E-02 pCi/g 412.96 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7128 See U No CS-137 2007 < 4.03,E-02 pCi/g 412.96 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7128 See U No BA-140 2007 < 1.63E-01 pCi/g 412.96 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7128 See U No CE-141 2007 < 5.65E-02 pCi/g 412.96 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 .08/02/12 7128 See U No CE-144 2007 < 2.12E-01 pCilg 412.96 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7128 Sec U No EU-4152 2007 < 29.54E-02 pCi/g 412.96 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7128 See U No EU-154 2007 < 5.44E-02 pCi/g 412.96 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7128 Sec U No RA-226 2007 < 7.11E-01 pCi/g 412.96 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7128: See U Yes TH-228 2007 2.44E-01 5.98E-02 pCi/g 412.96 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 .08/02/12 7128 See + Yes TH-232 2007 2.69E-01 9.79E-02 pCi/g 412.96 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7128 Seec + Yes U-235 2007 < 2.19E-01 pCi/g 412.96 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7128 Sec U =-No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDc) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* .= Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L ' = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 3 of 24 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they.are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:42 L51316 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12:

TELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.,(.A Teledyne Technologies Company .Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-Cl-53 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-CR-53 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51316-1 SON Activity Uncertainty Rn Aliquot Aliquot Reference Co6unt Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Conc 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Uns DData Time Units U-238 2007 4.39E+00 pCi/g 412.96 gwet 107/23/12 12:00 08/02/121 7128 1Si u N ol SFlag Values U =+/- =, I-Ugh =Spec =L =.H -Bolded text Compound/Analyte not detected (< MNW) or less than 3 sigma Activity c9ncentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only).Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value MDC exceeds customer technical specification Low recovery High recovery No = Peak.not identified in gamma spectrum Yes =ýPeak identified in gamma spectrum*Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -,Minimum Detectable Concentration indicates reportable value.Page 4'of 24 Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:42 L51316 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 ,ao , RhTELEDYNE F'1 BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Technologiae Company .Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-C1-54 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil, (S)Station: FS-C1-54 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012


LIMS Number: L51316-2 _ !Activity Uncertainty 1 Run Aliquot[ Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide Conc 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume: Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values C-14 2003 2.65E+00 pCi/g. 2.4 g wet 08/21/12:

5 M U FE-55 2006 < 1.43E+01 pCi/g 2.0019 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/17/12 600 Sec U No H-3 2003 < 8.41E-01 pCi/g 2.4 g wet 08/24/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 < 4.41E-01 pCi/g 2.0019 g wet 08/17/12 45 M U BE-7 '2007 < 4.05E-01 pCi/g 340.77 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12.

7127 Sec U No K-40 2007 1.15E+01 1.13E+00 pCilg 340.77 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7127 See + Yes MN-54 2007 < 5.04E-"2 pCi/g 340.77 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7127 See *U No CO-58 2007 < "4.62E-02 pCi/g 340.77 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7127 See U No FE-59 2007 < 1.04E-01 pCi/g 340.77 .g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7127 Sec 'U No CO-60 2007 < 5.59E-02 pCi/g 340.77 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7127 See U No ZN-65 2007 < 1.17E-O1 pCi/g 340.77 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7127 See U No ZR-95 2007 < 1.04E-01 pCi/g 340.77 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7127 See U No RU-103 2007 < 5.21E-02 pCi/g 340.77 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7127 See U No RU-106 2007 < 4.74E-01 pCi/g 340.77 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 .7127 See U No 1-131 2007 <1.15E-1 pCi/g 340.77 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12, 7127 See U No CS-134 2007 < 4.82E-02 pCi/g 340.77 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7127 Sec U No CS-137 2007 < 5.82E-02 pCi/g 340.77 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7127 See U No BA-140 2007 < 2.67E-01 pCi/g 340.77 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7127 See U No CE-141 2007 < 8.78E-02 pCi/g 340.77 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08102/12 7127 See U No CE-144 2007 < 3.51E-01 pCi/g 340.77 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7127 See U No EU-152 2007 < 1.46E-01 pCi/g 340.77 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7127 See U No EU-154 2007 < 9.456F02 pCi/g 340.77 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7127 See U No RA-226 2007 2.02E+00 1.05E+00 9.4 pCi/g. 340.77 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7127 Sec + Yes TR-228 2007 2.85E010 1.01E-00 pCi/g 340.77 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7127 See + Yes TH-232 8 2007 3.31E-01 1.52E-01 pCi/g 340.77 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7127 See + Yes14-235 2007 <3 -3.291_2El pCi/g 340.77 g wet 07/23/12 12.00 08/02/12 7127 See U No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (<,MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.: Page 5 of 24 No .= Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:42 L51316.Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE* BROWN ENGINEERING,, NC.ATeledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-C1-54 Collect Start:. 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-C1-54 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51316-2 Activity Uncertainty Run Aliquot AliquOt Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units .Volum Date Date Time IUnit Flag Values U-238 2007 < 5.90E+00 pCi/g 340.77 1 g wet 107/23/12 12:00 1:08/02/21, 7127 Sec U N Flag Values U Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.: ~Page 6 of 24 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in'the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:42 L51316 Enercon Chris Higgins EN005-3EREGUOI-12 Am10 1, TELEDYNE P1 BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Technologies Company Sample ID: FS-CI-55 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix' Soil (S)Station: FS-CI-55 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51316-3 _____, Activity 1Uncertainty I]ul Aiut Aliquot ] Reference Count] Count 1Count1 Radionuclide SOP# Conc 2 Sigma MDC Units Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values C-14 2003 5525E+00 pCi/g .2.49 g wet 08/21/12 5 M U FE-55 2006 < 8.20E+00 pCi/g 2.0216 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/17/12 600 Sec U No H-3 2003 < ,8.10E-01 pCi/g .2.49 g wet 08/24/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 < 4.35E-01 pCi/g 2.0216 g wet 08/17/12 45 M U BE-7 2007 < 2.72E-01 , pCi/g 387.71 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7128 Sec U No K-40 2007 1.09E+01 9.00E-01 pCi/g 387.71 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/121 7128 Sec + Yes MN-54 2007 < 3.64E-02 pCi/g 387.71 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/121 7128 See U No CO-58 2007 < 3.06E-02 pCi/g 387.71 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/120 7128 Sec U No FE-59 2007 7.59E-62 pCi/g 387.71 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7128 Sec U No CO-60 2007 4.51E-02 pCi/g 387.71 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7128 Sec U No ZN-65 2007 < 8.55E-02 pCi/g 387.71 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7128 Sec U No ZR-95 2007 < 6.65E-5 2 pCi/g 387.71 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7128 Sec U No RU-103 2007 < 3.60E-02 pCi/g 387.71 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7128 See U No RU-106 2007 < 2.79E-01 pCi/g 387.71 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7128 See U No-1-13 1 2007 < 6.61E-02 pCi/g : 387.71 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7128 See U NoW CS-134 2007 < 3.20E-02 pCi/g 387.71 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7128 Sec U No CS-137 2007 < 3.69E-02 pCi/g 387.71 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7128 Sec U No BA-140 2007 < 1.80E-01 pCi/g 387.71 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08102/12 7128 Sec U No CE-141 2007. 4.99E-02 pCi/g 387.71 ..g wet 07/23112 12:00 08/02/12 7128 Sec U No CE-1 2007 <1.78E-01 pCi/g 387.71 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7128 Sec U No EU-152 2007 < 9.38E-02 pCi/g 387.71 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 -7128 Sec U No EU-154 .2007 < 5.27E-02 pCi/g 387.71 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7128 Sec U No RA-226 2007 < 5.82E-01 pCi/g 387.71 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7128 Sec U Yes TH-228 .2007 3.93E-01 4.71E-02 pCi/g 387.71 g wet. 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7128 Sec + Yes TH-2 U-23.3 32 2007 3.71E-01 8.51E-02 pCi/g 387.71.g wet 07/23/12.

12:00 08/02/12 7128 Sec+Yes 4 4. -.~-. ----+ ----- + I----------F

-. +-+5'2007 1.95E-01 pCi/g 387.71 .1 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7128 See U No.1 _______ ____________

1 ____________

£ ___________

C _____________

X...~.X -C. -.5 ______________

1 ________ U ________ A J......~C

______Flag Values U Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value. P e" Page 7 of24* No Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes =Peak identified in gamma spectrum Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

i MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:42 L51316 Enercon Chris Higgins EN005-3EREGUOI-12 W TELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Technologies Company Sample ID: FS-C1-55 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-CI-55 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number. L51316-3 SOP# Activity Uncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units U Volume Units Date -Date Time Units Flag Values U-238 2007 < 4.23E+O0 pCilg 387.71 g wet F07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7128I Sec [ U IrNO I Flag Values U.High =Spec =L , H Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value MDC exceeds customer technical specification Low recovery High recovery No =Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Ye -Peak identified in gamma spectrum* Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported'.

are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 8 of 24 Report of Analysis.10/02/12 13:42 L51316 Enercon Chris Higgins' EN005-3EREGUOI-12" Wft. TELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Technologies Company .4 Sample ID: FS-C1-56 Collect.Start:

07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-CI-56 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51316-4 Activity Uncertainty

[uI Miot Aqut1 Reference Count Count Count1 Radionuclide SOP# Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values C-14 ý2003 < 3.12E+00 pCi/g 2.04 gwet 08/21/12 5 M U FE-55 .2006 < 9.71E+00 pCi/g 2.022 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/17/12 .600 See U No H-3 2003 < 9.89E-01 pCi/g 2.04 g wet 08/24/12 60. M U NI-63 2013 < .4.36E-01 .pCi/g 2.022 gwet 08/17/12 45 M U BE-7 2007 < 3.43E-01 pCi/g 316.28 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 Sec U No K-40 .2007 1.27E+01 9.97E-01 pCi/g. 316.28 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 Sec + I Yes MN-54 2007 < 4.11E-02 pCilg 316.28 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 See U No CO-58 2007 < 3.66E-02 pCilg 316.28 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 Sec U No FE-59 2007 < 8.99E-02 pCi/g 316.28 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 See U No CO-60 2007 3.76E1-02 pCi/g 316.28 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 See U No ZN-65 2007 < 9.16E-02 pCi/g 316.28 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 Sec U No ZR-95 2007 < 7.54E-02 pCi/g .316.28 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 Sec U No RU-103 2007 < 4.01F-02 pCi/g 316.28 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 See U No RU-106 2007 < 3.37F_01, pCi/g 316.28 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 See U No 1-131 2007 < 8.22E-02 pCi/g. 316.28 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 See U No CS-134 2007 < 3.63E-02 pCi/g 316.28 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 See U No CS-137 2007 9.48F-02 3.95E-02 pCi/g 316.28 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 See + Yes BA-140 2007 < 2.20E-01 pCi/g 316.28 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 See U No CE-141 2007 < 6.68E-02 pCi/g 316.28 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 See U No CE-144 2007 < 2.39E-01 pCi/g 316.28 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 See U No EU-152 2007 < 1.11-01 pCi/g 316.,28 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 Sec U No EU-154 2007 < 6.15E-02 pCi/g 316.28 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 See U No RA-226 2007 2.39E+00 8.21E-01 pCi/g 316.28 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 Sec + Yes TH-228 2007 8.82E-01 7.08E-02 pCi/g 316.28 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 See + Yes ITH-232 .2007 6.87F,-01 1.17E01 pCitg 316.28 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 See + Yes U-235 20071 < 2.65E-01, pCi/g 316.28 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 Sec U No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = fHigh recovery No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum*** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 9 of 24 Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:42 L51316, Enercon Chris Higgins EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNEBROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATe!edyne Technologies Company Sample ID: FS-Cl-56 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station" FS-CI-56 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012


LIMS Number: L51316-4 Activity Uncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count COunt Radionuclide Con S MDC UnitsV Date Time Units Flag Values U-238 2007 1 < I 5.08E+00 I pCi/g 1 1 316.28 L gwet 107/23/1212:001 08/02/121 7010 1 Sec I U I N Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value. Page 10 of 24 Pag 10 of 24.No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:42 L51316 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE P'le' BROWN ENGINEERIN9 INC.ATeledyne Technotogies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: Fs-TI-o1 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)" Station: FS-TI-OI Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51316-5 Io [ Activity Uncertainty iRuan Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count F V Radionuclide SOP# Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values C-14 2003 < 3.O0E+00 pCi/g 2.12 gwet 08/21/12 5 M U FE-55 2006 < 1.03E+01 pCi/g 2.0386 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/17/12 600 See U No H-3 2003 9.52E-01 pCi/g 2.12 gwet 08/24/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 < 4.57E-01 pCi/g 2.0336 g wet 08/17/12 45 M U BE-7 2007 < 4.42E-01 pCi/g 286.11 g wet 07/23/12 12:00: 08/02/12 7010 Sec U No K-40 2007 1.65E+01 1.42E+00 pCi/g 286.11 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12.

7010 See + Yes MN-54 200,7 < 5.34E-02 pCi/g 286.11 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 See U No CO-58 2007 < 5.51E-02 pCi/g 286.11 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 See U No FE-59 2007 < 1.11E-01 pCi/g 286.11 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 See U No CO-60 2007 < 6.14E-02 pCi/g 286.11 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 See U No ZN-65 2007 < 1.28E-01 pCi/g 286.11 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 See U No ZR-95 2007 < 1.09E-01 pCi/g 286.11 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 See U No RU-103 2007 < 5.39E-02 pCi/g 286.11 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 See U No RU-106 2007 < 4.39E-01 pCi/g 286.11 gwet 07/23/12 12:00.. 08/02/12 7010 Sec U No 1-131 2007 < 1.06E-01 pCi/g 286.11 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 See U .No CS-134 2007 < 5.51E-02 pCi/g 286.11 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 See U No CS-137 2007 < 4.82E-02 pCi/g 286.11 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 See U. No BA-140, 2007 < 2.51E-01 pCi/g 286.11 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 Sec U No CE-141 2007' < 8.38E-02 pCi/g 286.11. gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 See U No CE-144 2007 < 3.07E-3 1 pCi/g. 286.11 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 See U No EU-152 2007 < 1.38E-01 pCi/g 286.11 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 See U No'EU-154 2007 < 8.37E-02 pCi/g 286.11 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 See U No RA-226 2007 2.1IE+00 9.98E-01 pCi/g ,286.11 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010, See + Yes TH-228 2007 8.25E-01 8.41E-02 pCi/g 286.11 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 See + Yes TIt-232 2007 7.26E-01 1340-01 pCi/g 286.11 g:wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 Sec + Yes U-235 2007 3.05E-01 pCi/g : 286.11 ,gwet. 07/23112 12:00 08/02/12 7010 See U No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MD) or less than 3.sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting.value.

Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification.

L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value. Page Pae1 of 24 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum****Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis.10/02/12:13:42 L51316 Enercon Chris Higgins EN005-3EREGUOI-12 ,qL TELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Technologic, Company, 'Sample ID: FS-TI-01 Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-TI-01 Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51316-5 Activity Uncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values U-238 2007 < I 5.55E+00 I pCi/g 286.11 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/121 7010 Sec U No I, Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MD) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting ,alue Spec MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 12 of 24 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in ganma spectrum****Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:42 L51316 Enercon Chris Higgins EN005-3EREGUOI-12 7qiL TELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Teohnologoes Company ..Sample ID: FS-B1-N Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-BI1-N Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number. L51316-6 _ _ _Sop# Activity Uncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot J Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide Cone 2 Sigma MDC Uniti # Volume". Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values BE-7 2007 < 3.19F-01 pCi/g 380.95 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 Sec u No K-40 2007 1.09E+01 9.94E-01 pCi/g 380.95 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 Sec + Yes MN-54 2007 < 4.16E-02 pCi/g 380.95 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 See U No CO-58 2007 < 3.66E-02 pCi/g 380.95 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 Sec U No FE-59 2007 < 9.34E-02 pCi/g 380.95 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 Sec U No CO-60 2007 4.65E-02 pCi/g 380.95 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 Sec U No ZN-65 2007 < 9.73E-02 pCi/g 380.95 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 Sec 'U No ZR-95 2007 < 8.99E-02 pCi/g 380.95 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 Sec U No RU-103 2007 < 4.40E-02 pCi/g 380.95 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12.

7010 See U No RU-106 2007 < 3.69E-01 pCi/g 380.95 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 Sec U No 1-131 2007 < 8.47E-02 .pCi/g 380.95 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 See U No CS-134 2007 < 3.93E-02 pCi/g 380.95 g wet 07/23/12 12:00,, 08/02/12 7010 See U No CS-137 2007 < 4.50E-02 pCi/g 380.95 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08102/12 7010 Sec U No BA-140 2007 < 2.04E-01 pCi/g 380.95 g wet 07/23/12 12:00: 08/02/12 7010 Sec U No CE-141 2007 < 6.77E-02 pCi/g 380.95 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 Sec U No CE-144 2007 < 2.65E-01 pCi/g 380.95 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 Sec U No EU-152 2007 < 1.13E-01 pCi/g 380.95 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 Sec U No: EU-154 2007 < 7.22E-02 pCi/g 380.95 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 See U No RA-226 2007 1.30E+00 6.40E-01 pCi/g 380.95 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 Sec + Yes TH-228 2007 5.24E-01 6.21E-02 pCi/g , _ 380.95 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 See + Yes TH-232 2007 4.54E-01 1.04E-01 pCi/g 380.95 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 Sec + Yes U-235 2007 < 2.68E-01 pCi/g 380.95 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 Sec U No U-238 2007 < 4.53E+00 pCi/g 380.95 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7010 Sec U No T-Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.., ."Page 13 of 24 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory..

MDC.- Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:42 L51316 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 W 4 LTELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Tachnologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-BI-E, Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-B1-E Collect Stop:' Volume:,


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51316-7 1SO Activity Uncertainty U [Run Aliquot I Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide On Cone 2 Sigma NDC Units # Volume Units Date Date j Time Units Flag Values BE-7 2007 < 3.17E-01 pCi/g 301.9 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No K-40 2007 1.25E+01 1.09E+00 pCi/g 301.9 g wet 07/23/12.12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec + Yes MN-54 2007 < s 4.28E-02 pCi/g 301.9 g wet 07/23/12 12:00' 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No CO-58 2007 < 64.16E-02 pCig 301.9 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No FE-59 2007 < : " 1.16E-O0 pCi/g 301.9 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No CO-60. 2007 < 5.02E-02 pCi/g 301.9 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No ZN-65 2007 < 9.44E-02.

pCilg 301.9 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No ZR-95 2007 5< 7.0E-02 pCi/g 301.9 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No RU-103 2007 < 3.71E-02 pCi/g 301.9 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No.RU-106 2007 < 3.75E-01 pCi/g 301.9 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No 1-131 2007 < 8.447-02 pCi/g 301.9 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No CSR-134 2007 < 3.71E-02 pCi/g 301.9 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No CS-137 2007 < 4.69E-02 pCi/g 301.9 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No BA-140 2007 < 2.35E-01 pCi/g 301.9 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02112 7017 Sec U No CE-141 2007 < 6.369-02 pCi/g 301.9: gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 See U No CE-144 2007 < 2.30E-01 pCi/g ". 301.9 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No EU-152 .2007 < 1.11E-01 pCi/g 301.9 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No EU-154 2007 < 6.35E-012 pCi/g 301.9 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No RA-226 .2007 < 7.90E-01 pCi/g 301.9 g wet 07/23/1212:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U Yes TH-228 2007 5.85E-01 6.1IE-02 pCi/g 301.9 g wet 07/23/1212:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec + Yes TH-232 2007 4.27E-01 1.37E-01 pCi/g 301.9 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec + Yes U;235 2007 < 2.42E-01 pCi/g 301.9 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No U-238 2007 1 5.00E+00 pCi/g 301.9 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 1 08/02/12 7017 1 Sec IU No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* =' Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L, = Low recovery H = High recovery, Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 14 of 24 No Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum* Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:42 L51316 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 W l TELEDYNE A BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.AT@tdyne Technolwos Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-BI-S Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-B1-S Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012


LIMS Number: L51316-8 Activity Uncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Conc 2 Sigma MMC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values BE-7 2007 < 3.65E-01 pCi/g 320.37 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No K-40 2007 1.32E+01 1.28E+00 pCi/g 320.37 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec + Yes MN-54 2007 < 5.49E-02 pCi/g 320.37 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No CO-58 2007 < 5.52E-02 pCi/g 320.37 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No FE-59 2007 < 1.01FE01 pCi/g 320.37 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No CO-60 2007 < 6.78E-02 pCi/g 320.37 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No ZN-65 2007 < 1.20E-01 pCi/g 320.37 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No ZR-95 2007 < 9.30E-02 pCi/g 320.37 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No RU-103 2007 < 5.01iE-02 pCi/g 320.37 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No RU-106 2007 < 4.27F01 pCi/g 320.37 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No 1-131 2007 < 1.03E-01 pCi/g 320.37 gwet 07/23/12 12-00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No CS-134 2007 < 4.44E-02 pCi/g 320.37 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No CS-137 2007 < 5.68E-02 pCi/g 320.37 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No BA-140 2007 < 2.72E-01 pCi/g 320.37 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No CE-141 2007 < 6.93E-02 pCi/g 320.37 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No CE-144 2007 < 2.65E-M1 pCi/g 320.37 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No EU-152 2007 < 1.34E-01 pCi/g 320.37 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No EU-154 2007 < 7.15E-02 pCi/g 320.37 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No RA-226 2007 1.43E+00 8.43E-01 pCi/g 320.37 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec + Yes TH-228 2007 6.27E-01 7.6913-02 pCi/g 320.37 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/1 7017 Sec + Yes TH-232 2007 5.73E-)1 1.2413-01 pCi/g 320.37 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 0./02/12 7017 Sec + Yes U-235 2007 < 2.68EO)1 pCi/g 320.37 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No U-238 2007 < 6.51E+00 pCi/g 320.37 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+/- = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High overy Bolded text indicates reportable value. Page 15 of 24 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless othenwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples testdin the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:42 L51316 Enercon Chris Higgins EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE F' BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Teahnologleas Company Sample ID: FS-BI-W Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-BI-W Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: 1L51316-9 Activity Uncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot 1-.Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units volume Units Date Date [ im Units Flag Values BE-7 2007 < 3.19E-01 pCi/g 343.8 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7016 Sec U No K-40 2007 1.23E+01 9.94E-01 _ pCi/g 343.8 g Wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7016 See + ) Yes MN-54 2007 < 3.92E-02 pCi/g 343.8 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7016 See U No CO-58 2007 < 3.75E-02 pCi/g *343.8 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 09/02/12 7016 Sec U No FE-59 2007 < 8.68E-02 pCi/g 343.8 g Wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02112 7016 Sec U No CO-60 2007 5.27E-02 pCi/g 343.8 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7016 See U No ZN-65 2007 <8.54E-02 pCig 343.8 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7016 See U No ZR-95 2007 < ; 7.62E-02 pCi/g 343.8 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7016 Se U No RU-103 2007 < 4.63E-02 pCi/g 343.8 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7016 See U No RU-106 2007 < 3.07EO1 pci/g 343.8 gwet. 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7016 Sec U No 14131 2007 8.50E,412' pCi/g 343.8 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7016 Sec U No CS-134 2007 < 3.75E-02 pCi/g 343.8 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7016 Sec U No CS-137 2007 < 4.165E-02 pCi/g 343.8 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7016 Sec U No BA-140 2007 < 2.375E-0l pCi/g 343.8 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7016 See U No CE-141 2007 < 7.03E-02 pCi/g 343.8 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7016 Sec U No CE-140 2007 < 2.62E-3 1 pCi/g 343.8 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7016 See U No EU-152 2007 < 1.20E-01 pCi/g 343.8 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7016 Sec U No EU-154 2007 < 6.58E-02 pCi/g 343.8 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7016 Sec U No RAE-226 2007 <.32E+0 7.22E-01 1 pCi/g 343.8 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7016 Sec + Yes TH-228 2007 5.<1E-01 6.57E-02 pCi/g 343.8 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7016 See + Yes TH-232 2007 4.60E-01 8.97E-02, pCi/g 343.8 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7016 See + Yes U-235 2007 < 2.53E-01 pCi/g 343.8 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 .08/02/12 7016 Sec U No U-238 2007 < 4.72E+00 pCi/g 343.8 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 '08/02/12 7016 See U No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery IH = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 16 of 24 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:42 L51316 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI 142 TELEDYNE P BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-B1-U Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-B1-U Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012


LIMS Number: L51316-10 T ] Activity Uncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Conc 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values C-14 2003 < 2.94E+00 pCi/g 2.16 g wet 08/21/12 5 M U FE-55 2006 < , 9.81E+00 pCi/g 2.0238 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/17/12 600 See U No H-3 .2003 < 9.34E-01 pCi/g 2.16 g wet 08/25/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 5.67E-01 pCi/g RI 2.0309 g wet 08/30/12 45 M U BE-7 2007 < 4.76E-01 pCi/g 297.93 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 See U No K-40 2007 1.33E+01 1,30E+00 pCi/g 297.93 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec + Yes MN-54 2007 < 6.30E-02 pCi/g 297.93 g wet 07/23/12,12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No CO-58 2007 < 4.81E-02 pCi/g 297.93 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No FE-59 2007 < 1.06E-01 pCi/g. 297.93 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 See U No CO-60 2007 < 6.47E-02 pCi/g 297.93 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 See U No ZN-65 " 2007 < pCi/g 297.93. g wet 07/23/12 12;00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No ZR-95 2007 < 1.03E-01 pCi/g 297.93 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 See U No RU-103 2007 < 5.70E-02 :pCig, 297.93. gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No RU-106 2007 < 4.30E-02 pCi/g 297.93. g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec .U No R-131 2007 < 1.21E-01 pCi/g 297.93 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 See U No CS-134 2007 < 4.76E-02 pCi/g 297.93 g wet 07/23112 12:00 08/02/12 7017 See U No CS-137 2007 < 5.74E-02 pCi/g 297.93 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No SA-140 2007 < 2.667F-1 pCi/g 297.93 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No CE-141 2007 < 8.16E-2 pCi/g 297.93 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No CE-144 2007 < 2.976E-1 pCi/g 297.93 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No.EU-152 2007 < 1.53E-01 pCi/g 297.93 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No EU-154 .2007 < 8.53E-02 pCi/g 297.93 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No RA-226 2007 < 9.69E-01 pCi/g 297.93 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 See U Yes 1T1-228 2007 6.71E-0I1 8.54E-02 pCi/g 297.93 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7017 See + Yes TH-232 2007 6.09E-01 1.30E-01 pCilg 297.93 g -wet 07/23/1212:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec + Yes,-U-235 2007 3.21E-01 pCi/g 297.93 gwet 07/23/12 12:00, 08/02/12 7017 Se1 U No Flag Values U U* =High =Spec =L =H =Bolded text Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or'less than 3 sigma Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamrna only)Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value MDC exceeds customer technical specification Low recovery High recovery No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration indicates reportable value.Page 17 of 24 Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:42 L51316 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE* .BROWN. ENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-BI-U Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-B 1-U Collect Stop:" Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51316-10

-P0 Activity Uncertainty Uis Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count FlgVue Radionuclide SOF# Conc 2 Sigma MDC Units Volume Units Date Date Time Units FlagValues U-238 207 I < 6.16E+00 pCi/g 297.93 gwet 07/23/1212:00 08/02/12 7017 Sec U No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification LU : = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 18 of24 No = Peak not identified n gamma spectnum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis;..10/02/12 13:42 L51316 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 ,AW .TELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-B2-N Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-B2-N Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51316-11 Activity Uncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Conc 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values BE-7 -2007 < 4.08E-01 pCi/g 324.27 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 See U No K-40 2007 1.24E+01 1.03E+00 pCi/g 324.27 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 See .+ Yes MN-54 2007 <4.78F,02 pCilg 324.27 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 See U No CO-58 2007 < 4.68E-02 pCi/g 324.27 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 Sec U No FO-59, 2007 < 1.68E-01 pCi/g 324.27 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 See U No CO-609 2007 < 5.09E-02 pCi/g .324.27 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08102/12 7024 See U No ZN-65 2007 < 1 5.06E-01 pCi/g 324.27 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 .7024 Sec U No ZR-95 2007 < 8.17E-02 pCi/g 324.27 g wet ,07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 See U No RU-103 2007 < 5.12E-02 pCi/g _ 324.27 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 Sec U No RU-106 2007 < 4.15E-01 pCi/g 324.27 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 Sec U No 1-131 2007 < 1.11E-01 pCi/g 324.27 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 See U No CS-134 2007 < 4.21E-02 pCi/g 324.27 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 See U No CS-137 2007 < 5.15E-02 pCi/g 324.27 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 Sec U No BA-140 2007 < 2.59E-01 pCi/g 324.27 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 See U No CE-141 2007 < 8.05E-02 pCi/g 324.27 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 Sec U No CE-144 2007 < 2.81E-01 pCi/g 324.27 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 See U No EU-152 2007 < 1.30E-01 pCi/g 324.27 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 See U No EU-154 2007 < 18.0E-06 pCi/g 324.27 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 Sec U No RA-226 2007 2.E+ 1.05+00 pCi/g 324.27 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 Sec + YesU TH-228 2007 5.14E+01 6.88E-02 pCi/g 324.27 g wet 07/23/12 12100 08/02/12 7024 Sec + Yes TH-232 2007 4.OOE-01 1.43E-01 pCi/g 324.27 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 See + Yes U-235 2007 < 3.11E-01 pCi/g , 324.27 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 Sec U No4-U-238 2007 < 5.47E+00 pCi/g 324.27 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 Sec U No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec MDC exceeds customer technical specification, L L Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value., , : .Page 19 of 24 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes Peak identified in gamma spectrum****Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:42 L51316 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12" TELEDYNE 16BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Teohnologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-B2-E Collect Start 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-B2-E Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51316-12 0P# Activity Uncertainty A Run [ Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count F Radionuclide SON Conc 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values I I I n BE-7 2007 < 4.95E-01 pCilg 296.31- g wet. 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 Sec U No K140 2007 1.21E+01 1.32E+00 pCi/g 296.31 g wet, 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 Sec + Yes MN-54 2007 < 5.34E-02 .pCi/g 296.31 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 Sec U No CO-58 2007 < 6.40E-02 pCi/g 296.31 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 See U No FE-59 2007 < 1.44E-01 pCi/g 296.31 g wet; 07/23/12 12:00- 08/02/12 7024 Sec U No CO-60 2007 < 8.16E-02 pCi/g 296.31. g Wet 07/23/12 12:00. 08/02/12 7024 See U No ZN-65 2007 < 129E-O1 pCi/g 296.31 g wet, 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 See U No ZR-95 2007 < 1.05E-01 pCi/g 296.3.1 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 Sec U No RU-103 .2007 < 6.45E-M2 pCi/g 296.31 g wet. 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 Sec U No RU 106 2007 <5.56E-01 pCi/g 296.31 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 See, U No 1-131 2007 < 1.27E-01 pCi/g 296.31 gwet. 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 See U No CS-134 2007 < 5.57E-02 pCi/g 296.31 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 Sec U No -CS-137 2007 < 6.32E-02.

pCi/g 296.31 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 Sec. U No BA-140 2007 < 3.26E-01 pCi/g 296.31 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 Sec U No CE-141 2007 < 9.55E-02 pCi/g 296.31 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 Sec U No CE-144 2007 < 4.08E-01 pCi/g 296.31 gwet 07/23/1212:00 08/02/12 7024 Sec U No EU-152 2007 < 1.64E-01 pCilg .296.31 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 Sec U No EU-154 2007 < 1.06E-01 pCi/g 296.31 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 Sec U No RA-226 2007 < 1.25E+00 pCi/g 296.31 gmwet' 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 Sec U Yes TH-228 2007 5.79E-01 8.71E-02 pCi/g 296.31 g wet: 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 Sec + Yes TH-232 2007 5.67E-01 1.92E-01 pCi/g 296.31 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 Sec + Yes U-235 2007 < 3.58E-01 pCi/g 296.31 g wet 07/23112 12:00 :08/02/12 7024 Sec U No U-238 .2007 ' < 6.78E+00, pCi/g , 296.31 g wet 07/23/12.12:00 08/02/12 7024 Sec U No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H1 = High recovery " Bolded text indicates reportable value.Pa 2o2* ., : .Page 20 of 24 No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum Unless otherwise noted, the analyical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:42 L51316: Enercon Chris Higgins EN005-3EREGUOI-12 TELEDYNE P" BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Technologies Company Sample ID: FS-B2-S Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S).Station: FS-B2-S Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/2612012

'% Moisture: LIMSNumber:., L51316-13

___1 1 Activity Uncertainty Run Aliquot- Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Conc 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values IRE-7 2007 < 2.99E-01 : pCi/g 330.88 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 Sec U No K-40 2007 1.09E+01 9.62E-01 pCi/g 330.88 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 Sec + Yes MNW-54 2007 < ,. 3.70E-02 pCi/g 330.88 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 Sec U No CO-58 2007 < 3.79E-02 pCi/g 330.88 g wet 07/23/12,12:00.

08/02/12 7024 Sec U No&E-59 2007 < 8.54E-02 pCi/g 330.88. g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 See U No CO-60 2007 < 5.04E-02 pCi/g 330.88 g-wet 07/23/12 12:00: 08/02112 7024 Sec U No ZN-65 2007 < 8.82E-02 pCi/g 330.88 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 Sec U No ZR-95 2007 < 6.95E-02 pCi/g *330.88 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 See U No RU-103 2007 < 3.90E-02 pCi/g 330.88 g wet 07/23/12.12:00 08/02/12 7024 Sec U No RU-106 2007 < 3.23E-01 pCi/g. 330.88 g wet 07/23/12 12:00: 08/02/12 7024 Sec U No'1-131 2007 < 7.62F-02 pCi/g 330.88 g wet 07/23/12-12:00 08/02/12 7024 Sec U No CS-134 2007 < 3.52E-02 pCi/g 330.88 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 Sec U No CS-137 2007 < 4.17E-02 pCi/g 330.88 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 Sec U No 4 13A-140 2007 1.81E-01 pCi/g 330.88 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 See U No CE-141 2007 < 5.89E-02 pCi/g 330.88 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 Sec U No CE-144 2007 < 2.29E-01 pCi/g 330.88 g wet 07/23/12 12:00: 08/02/12 7024 Sec U No EU-152 2007 < .1.06E-01 pCi/g 330.88 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 Sec U No EU-154 2007 < .74-02 pCi/g 330.88, g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 Sec U No RA-226 2007 < 5.740E-1 pCi/g 330.88 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 Sec U Yes TH-228 2007 4.54E<O 5.61E-02 pCi/g 330.88 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 .08/02/12 7024 Sec + Yes TH-232 2007 4.42E-01 8.49E-02 pCi/g _ 330.88 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 Sec + Yes U-235 2007 < 2.18E-01 pCi/g 330.88 g wet 07123/12 12:00 .08/02/12 7024 Sec U No U-238 2007 < 5.32E+00 pCi/g 330.88 g wet [07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7024 Sec U No Flag Values U U*High =Spec =L -H =Bolded text Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(garnma only)Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value MDC exceeds customer technical specification

-Low recovery.High recovery No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration t indicates reportable value.Page 21 of 24 Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:42 L51316 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12

'qE TELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.A Teledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS.-B2-W Colect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-B2-W Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Numbers L51316-14 So Activity [Uncertainty

[Runi Aliquot Aliquot r Reference Count~ Count ICount Radionuclide SOP# Cone 2 Sigm MLDC Units N Volume U/nits .Date Date Time Units Flag Values BE-7 2007 < 3.01E-01 pCi/g 319.93 gwet 07/23112 12:00 08/02/12 7087T Sec U No K-40 2007 1.14E+01 8.65E-01 pCi/g 319.93 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7087' Sec + Yes MN-54 2007 < 4.01E-02 pCi/g 319.93 gwet, 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7087. Sec U No CO-58 2007 < 3.47E-02 pCi/g 319.93 g wet; 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7087 Sec U No FE-59 2007 < 8.22F-02 pCi/g 319.93 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7087 Sec U No CO-60 2007 < 4.54E-02 pCi/g 319.93 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7087 Sec U No ZN-65 2007 < 7.97E-02 pCi/g 319.93 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7087 Sec U No ZR-95 2007 < 6.56E-02 pCi/g 319.93 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7087 Sec U No RU-103 2007 < 3.79E-02 pCi/g 319.93 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7087 Sec U No RU-106 2007 < 2.67E-O1 pCi/g 319.93 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7087 Sec U No 1-131 2007 <6.84E-02 pCi/g 319.93 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7087 Sec U No CS-134 2007 < 3.28E-02 pCi/g 319.93 g wet 07/23/12 112:00 08/02/12 7087 Sec U No CS-137 2007 < 4.06E-02 pCi/g 319.93 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7087 Sec U No BA-140 2007 < 1.81E-01 pCi/g 319.93 gwet. 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7087 Sec U -No CE-141 2007 <. 5.85F-02 pCi/g .319.93 g wet. 07/23/12 12:00, 08/02/12 7087. Sec. U No CE-!44 2007 < 2.18E-01 pCi/g 319.93 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7087 Sec U No EU-152 2007 < 1.01F,01 pCi/g 319.93 , g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7087 Sec U No EU-154 2007 < 5.36E-02 pCi/g 319.93 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7087 Sec U No RA-226 2007 1.50E+00 7.72E-01 pCi/g .319.93 gwet. 07/23./12 12:00 08/02/12 7087 .Sec + Yes TH-228 2007 4.80E-01 6.22E-02 .pCi/g 319.93 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7087 Sec + Yes TH-232 2007 4.44E-01 9.07E-02 pCi/g 319.93 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7087 Sec + Yes U-235 2007. < 2.25E-01 pCi/g 319.93 9gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 : 7087 Sec U No U-238 2007 < 3.74E+00 pCi/g 319.93. .gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/121 7087 Sec U No Flag Values U High -Spec =Li. -H -Bolded text Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamuna only)Compound/Analytc not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value MDC exceeds customer technical specification Low recovery High recovery No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum****Unlesotherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to thesamples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration indicates reportable value.Page 22 of 24 Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:42 L51316 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 P'1 BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATelodyno Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-B2-U Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-B2-U Collect Stop: Volume.Description:

Receive Date; 07/26/2012

% Moisture: LIMS Number: L51316-15 Activity Uncertainty R Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference f Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Conc .2 Sigmaý MDC Units Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values C-14 2003 < 2.75E+00 pCi/g 2.31 g wet 08/21/12 5 M U FE-55 2006 < 1.16E+01 pCilg 2.0066 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/17/12 600 Sec U No H-3 2003 < 8.74E-01 pCilg 2.31 g wet 08/25/12 60 M U NI-63 2013 < 4.83E-O1 pCi/g 2.0063 g wet 08/17/12 .45 M U BE-7 2007 < 3.68E-01 pCi/g' 339.06 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7077 Sec U No K-40 2007 1.09E+01 1.04E+00 pCi/g 339.06 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7077 Sec + Yes MN-54 2007 < 4.01E-02 pCi/g 339.06 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7077 Sec U No CO-58 2007 < 3.55E-02 pCi/g 339.06 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7077 See U No FE-59 2007 < 7.49E-02 pCi/g 339.06 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7077 Sec U No CO-60 2007 < 4.77E-02 pCi/g 339.06 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7077 See U No ZN-65' 2007 < 8.44E-02 pCi/g 339.06 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 .08/02/12 7077 See U No ZR-95 2007 < 7.39E-02 pCi/g 339.06 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08102/12 7077 See U No RU-103 .2007 < " 4.02E-02 pCi/g _ 339.06 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7077 Se .U No RU-106 2007 < 2.902F01 pCilg 339.06 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7077 Sec U No 1-1301 2007 < 8.74E-02 pCi/g L339.06 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7077 Sec U No CS-134 z 2007 < 3.29E-02 pCig 339.06 gwet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7077 Sec U No'CS-137 2007 < 4.15E-02 pCi/g 339.06 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7077 Sec U No BA-140 2007 < 2.21E-01 pCi/g 339.06 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 .08/02/12 7077 See U No CE-141 2007 < 8.73E-02 pCi/g 339.06 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7077 Sec U No CE-144 2007 < 3.53E-01 pCi/g 339.06 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 .8/02/12 7077 Sec U No EU-152 2007 < 8.09E-01 pCi/g 339.06 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7077 See U No EU-154 2007 < 8.84E-02 pCi/g 339.06 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7077 Sec U No RA-226 2007 < 1.03E-00 pCi/g 339.06 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7077 See U Yes TH-228 2007 4.23E-< 1 7.45E-02 pCi/g 339.06 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7077 See -Yes TH-232 2007 4.45E-01 1.28E-01 pCi/g 339.06 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08102/12 7077 Sec + Yes U-235 2007 4.4 1 3.47E-11 pCilg 339.06 g wet 07/23/12 12:00 08/02/12 7077 See U No Flag Values U -Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds M[DC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detectecd Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value.Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.: ~Page 23 of 24 " No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwkise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they are received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration, Report of Analysis 10/02/12 13:42 L51316 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-12 W TELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.ATeledyne Technologies Company Chris Higgins Sample ID: FS-B2-U Collect Start: 07/23/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)Station: FS-B2-U Collect Stop: .Volume:


Receive Date: 07/26/2012

% Moisture:.


L51316-15 Activity Uncertainty Run Aliquot. Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOPN Conc 2Si "DC units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values P-238 2007 < .91S 1E+00 pC-ig 1 339.06 g wet 107/23/1212:00 08102/12 7077 Sec U No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)U* = Compound/Analyte not detected.

Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.Page 24 of 24 No ='Peak not identified in gamma spectrum Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum**** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported are related only to the samples tested in the condition they ae received by the laboratory.

MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration Page: 9 of 10-- -Project #:. MLIC LVI 008. E 1

  • Name: Chris Higgins / Rich Hoims tOC Number 0): COC-Ul-07

-E E R ' -( Street: 190N ?4RL 104 S Goodwin AVE City/State/Zip:

Urbana, IL 61801-2902 Excellence-Every project. Everyday Phone: 203-565-3272 ENERCON P.O.C: Corey DeWitt 412-889-3124 e-mail: cdeyitllg.enercon corn Sample Analysis Requested (5 (Fill in the number of containers for each test)Project/Site Name: University of Illinois e-mail: chrislophcr.hiuign)sý(i)acom.corn o ". " <- Preservative Type (3)Address: 190N MRL 104 S Goodwin AVE Urbana, IL 61801-2902 8 C m Collected by (print/sign):

Chris Higgins Z Note: extra sample is*Date Collected

  • Time Collected z W5 z required for sample (military)

QC Code a -z 0 specific QC*For composites

-indicate start and stop date/time (mm-dd-yy) (hhmm) M FS-C1-53 07-23-12 12:00 N SO Y N 1 X X X X X FS-CI-54 07-23-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X X X X X FS-CI-55 07-23-12 12:00 N SO Y N 1 X X X X X FS-CI-56 07-23-12 12:00 N SO Y N 1 X X X X X FS-TI-01 07-23-12 12:00 N. SO Y N 1 X X X X X FS-B1-N 07-23-12 12:00 N,. SO Y N 1 X FS-BI-E 07-23-12 12:00 N SO Y N 1 X FS-BI-S 07723-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X FS-B1-W 07-23-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X FS-Bl-U 07-23-12 12:00 N SO Y N 1 X X X X X TAT Requested:

Normal: X Rush: Specify: E-mailResults:

Ye / No Circle Deliverable:

CofA QC Summary/ Level1 / Level2,/ Level 3 / Level 4 Remarks: Sample Collection Time Zone Eastern PaCific' * 'Central :Other Mountain Chain of Custody Signatures Sample Shipping and Delivery Details Relinquished By (Signed) Date Time Received by (signed) Dale Time/Laborato.PM:

1 " 1 .-'& Z MethodofShipmenit ,Date Shipped: 2 2 Airbill #: 3 3 .. .Airbill #: I.) Chain of Custody Number = See Procedure 2.) QC Codes: N = Normal Sample, TB = Trip Blank, FD -Field Duplicate EB = Equipment Blank, MS = Matrix Spike Sample, MSD = Matrix Spike Duplicate Sample, G = Grab, C = Composite 3.) Preservative Type: HA = Hydrochloric Acid, NI = Nitric Acid, SH = Sodium Hydroxide, SA = Sulfuric Acid, AA = Ascorbic Acid. HX = Hteane, ST = Sodium Thiosulfate, If no preservative is added -leave field blank 4.) Matrix Codes: DW=Dtinking Water, GW=sGvundwater, SW--Suface Water, WW=Waste Water, W=Water, MLMisc Liquid, SO=Soil, SD-Sediment, 5L-Sludge, s-soliid Wste,:O-'-O, FfFijter, P-Wipe. Ulfrine. F-Fecal, N 5.) Sample Analysis Requested:

Analytical method requested (i.e. 8260B, 60tOB/7470A) and number of containers provided for each (i.e. 8260B -3, 6010B/7470A

-1).For Lab Receiving Use Only Custody Seal Intact?YES : NO Cooler Temv: I I Page: 9 of 10 Project#:

MLIC LVI008 Name: Chris Higgins I Rich Holms COC Number (1): COC-UI-07 , " Street 190N MRL 104 S Goodwin AVE-City/State/Zip:

Urbana, IL 61801-2902 Excellence-Every project. Every day, Phone: 203-565-3272 ENERCON P.O.C: dorey DeWitt 412-889-3124 e-mail: cdcwyittt(ctiCercon corn Sample Analysis Requested ( (Fill in the number of containers for each test)Project/Site Name: University of Illinois e-mail: chtistonl rct~hieatinsqioaecorn.cornm'

<-- Preservative Type (3)Address: I :90N MRL 104 S Goodwin AVE Urbana, IL, 61801-2902

-"~~ C11,, Comments Collected by (print/sign):

Chris Higghs Note: extra sampleeis ggtns ,~requioe:


  • Date Collected "Tine Coltecter Sapl r eure o sm SapeS q o, ample II- .specific QC aSampleUID (Military)

QC Coden 0) 4) spcii QC For composites

-indicate start and stop datelme (me-sdd-yy). (hlhmes)FS-B1-N 07-23-12 12:00 N so Y. N I X FS-B1-E 07-23-12 12:00 N SO Y N 1 X07-23-12 12:00 N SO Y N' I X FS-BI-W 07-23-12 12:00 N SO Y N 1 X FS-Bl-U 07-23-12 12:00 N SO Y N 1 X X X X X TAT Re uested: Normal: XX Rush; Sp : E-mailSResults:

/ No Circle Deliverable:

CofA / CSumnar / Level 1 / Level2 / Level3 / Level4 Remarks: Satmpe Collection Time Zone Eastern Pacific Central Other_ _Mountai iY/7 n.llil oI I.llUS 0 111111111 r! Oampll e illpp lg anll elll~l e a7111 s Relinq Ied) Date Time Received by (signed) Date Time LaboratorPM:

1 1 W. " -Method of Shipment Date" Shipped-2 2 Airbill #: 3 3 Airbill #: I.) Chain of Custody Number= See Procedure For Lab Receiving Use Only 2.) QC Codes: N =Normal Sample, To= Trlp Blank FD -Field Duplicate ElB =Equipment Blankl MS -'Matix Spike Sample, MWSD MalsixSpike Duplicate Sample, G "lrab,'C=Composita 3.) Preservative Type: HA -Hydrochlotio Acid, NI Nitrc Acid, SH = Sodium Hydroxide, SA -Suoiic Acid, AA -Ascorbic Acid, HX = Heins, ST -Sodium Thiosuifate, If no preservative is added = leave field blank Cuzsody Seal Intact?.4.) Matrix Codes: D"- dng Water. W=Groundwater, SW-Surface Water, ,W Was, e Water. W, Wate, ML,4-s, S0,-oil, SD=Sediem-a- , SL=Sludge, SSSolid Waste, o-oit, F-.Fil-er, P ,Wlpe, U-Urin.e i ,a.a, YES., NO Cooler Temp.5.) Sample Analysis Requested:

Analytical method requested (i.e. 8260]X 6901117470A) and number of coatainers provided for each (1.e. 8260B -3, 601 OB17470A -1 07/26/12 17:21 SR #: SR32190 Client: Enercon Services, Inc.Teledyne Brown Engineering Sample Receipt Veri'fication/Variance Report Project *: EN005-3EREGUOI-12 LIMS #L51316 Initiated By: RCHARLES Init Date: 07/26/12 I Receive Date: 07/26/12 Notification of Variance Person Notified:

Contacted By: Notify Date: Notify Method: Notify Comment: Client Response Person Responding:

Response Date: Response Method: Response Comment Criteria Yes No NA Comment 1 Shipping container custody seals present NA and intact.2 Sample container custody seals present NA and intact.3 Sample containers received in good Y condition 4 Chain of custody received with samples Y 5 All samples listed on chain of custody Y received 6 Sample container labels present and Y legible.7 Information on container labels N correspond with chain of custody FS-B!-U LISTED TWICE ON COC. Sample FS-B2-U not litsted on COC FS-BI-E LISTED TWICE ON COC. Sample FS-B2-E not litsted on COC FS-BI-N LISTED TWICE ON COC. Sample FS-B2-N not litsted on COC FS-Bl-S LISTED TWICE ON COC. Sample FS-B2-S not litsted on COC FS-BI-W LISTED TWICE ON COC. Sample FS-B2-W not litsted on COC 8 Sample(s) properly preserved and in NA appropriate container (s)9 Other (Describe)