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Letter Dated July 13, 2012, from Richard L Holm, University of Illinois, to John Hickman, NRC, Regarding University of Illinois Response and Clarification to Orise Report of Independent Confirmatory Survey
Person / Time
Site: University of Illinois
Issue date: 07/13/2012
From: Holm R
University of Illinois
To: John Hickman
Download: ML12355A096 (66)


UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CLANIPAIGN Department of Nuclear, Plasma Richard L. Holm and Radiological Engineering Reactor Administrator 21", [albot Labotator 217-333-7755 H4South Wnght Street Urbana, IL61801- 243 r-holmwjllinoistjdu Docket No. 50-151 License No. R-115 July 13, 2012 John B. Hickman USNRC MS T-8F5 Washington, DC 20555


University of Illinois Response and Clarification to ORISE Report: DCN 5173-SR-01-0 Mr. Hickman, Please find enclosed the University of Illinois Response and Clarification to ORISE Report DCN 5173-SR-01-0.

If there are any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on July 13, 2012.

Sincerely, Richard L. Holm Reactor Administrator C: James Stubbins, Dept Head, Nuclear Plasma and Radiological Engineering rc!rphý,,u 2 1-1 11", - tai 2 17 3:11 2 00t,

University of Illinois Response and Clarification to ORISE Report:

"Independent Confirmatory Survey of the Nuclear Research Laboratory at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Illinois" June 2012, DCN 5173-SR-01-0 The following is a response to issues identified in the Summary section 9, pages 13 and 14 of DCN 5173-SR-01-0:



At NRC's request, ORA U conducted confirmatory survey activities within the NRL at the University during the week of May 7, 2012. The survey activities included visual inspections!

assessments, surface activity measurements, and volumetric concrete sampling activities.

Duringthe course of the confirmatory activities, ORA U noted several issues with the survey-for-release activitiesperformed at the University. Issues included inconsistencies with: survey unit classificationswere not designatedaccording to MARSSIM guidance; survey instrument calibrationswere not representativeof the ROCs: calculationsfor instrumentationdetection capabilitiesdid not align with the release criteriadiscussed in the licensee's survey guidance documents; total surface activity measurements were in excess of the release criteria;and Co-60 and Eu-152 concentrationsin the confirmatory concrete samples were above their respective guidelines."

" .survey unit classificationswere not designatedaccording to MARSSIM guidance:"

The building clearance surveys were a MARSSIM "style" survey. This was not a final status survey and hence was not meant to meet the guidance in MARSSIM. No class I survey was mentioned in the U of I Building Clearance Survey Guidance document because the bioshield (the only *class I" area) was covered by a separate document (UI RX Guidance for Release of Bioshield) which specified 100% scan of the interior concrete surface. (See Attachment 1)

" "survey instrument calibrationswere not representativeof the ROCs;,"

C-14 was suggested as a calibration source for our surface scan instruments instead of Tc-99. C-14 is listed as a Radionuclide of Concern (ROC) only with respect to the Derived Concentration Guidance Limits (DCGLs) for the soil. The default NRC DCGLs were adopted in the Decommissioning Plan wholesale. C-14 is identified in the Site Charactization Report (2005) only with respect to graphite and not general building contamination. C-14 was not considered to be present in any quantity to be a surface contamination problem in comparison with Co-60 and Cs-137. Smear surveys were analyzed in an LSC and no indication of C-14 was present. The Tc-99 check source is

much more representative of the decay energy levels for Co-60 and Cs-137.

S"calculationsfor instrumentationdetection capabilitiesdid not align with the release criteriadiscussedin the licensee's survey guidance documents;"

The survey sheets upon which ORISE made this statement were not the completed sheets.

I am unsure how this occurred. The final sheets have been provided and show the Scan MDC below the surface scan release criteria in all cases. (See Attachment 2)

  • "total surface activity measurements were in excess of the release criteria;"

Several areas were identified by ORISE as having surface activity above the release criteria. All areas identified by ORISE were remediated and resurveyed to be less than the release criteria. The survey sheets showing the remediated areas and survey points have been provided. (See Attachment 3)

-Co-60 and Eu-152 concentrations in the confirmatory concrete samples were above their respective guidelines. "

ORISE identified four locations from biased samples that showed activity above the release criteria for concrete rubble that are based on a resulting dose of I mrem/yr. These areas were remediated and resampled. Offsite analysis verified that the areas were now below the release criteria. (See Attachment 4)

Attachment 1 UI Rx Guidance for Release of Bioshield

Guidance for release of Bioshield April 9, 2012 Prepared by: Chris Higgins Radiation Safety Officer Reviewed by: Scott LaBuy LVI Project Manager Approved by: Rich Holm University of Illinois Project Manager

Guidance Release of the Lower Bioshield



Once the upper bioshield and Bulk Shielding Tank (BST) walls are segmented and removed, LVI/ENERCON will begin removal of the internal components of the reactor tank and drain the remaining water from the tank. The result will be an empty aluminum tank about 12 feet deep surrounded by high density concrete more than 7 feet thick in some locations. The bioshield is only 3 feet think on the side of the BST and there is direct access to the tank interior through the two thermal columns and the various beam ports.

With the water gone, the tank interior will be surveyed using hand-held and long-reach survey instruments as deemed necessary to maintain radiation doses ALARA. It will then be removed in sections using appropriate metal cutting techniques to expose the concrete behind the tank wall. A Radiation Work Permit (RWP) will define the necessary radiation protection methods to be used during the tank removal task.


Radiological surveys will initially be performed to assess surface activity, assess the potential for volumetric activation, and to support the planning of work to maintain doses ALARA. Additional decontamination support surveys will be used to evaluate the progress of the removal of activated concrete. Once site health physics personnel believe that all activated concrete has been removed, additional surveys will be performed to confirm that there is a low probability for additional activated or contaminated concrete above the rerelease criteria provided in Table 2.4 of the Decommissioning Plan. This guidance provides the methods for conducting surveys these confirmation Surveys and collecting concrete final confirmation samples from the interior surface of the reactor bioshield.


The guidance below applies to the reactor bioshield concrete walls, concrete making up the base and floor of the bioshield, and the concrete walls and floor of the pipe chase tunnel located below the bioshield. It also applies to metal components embedded within the bioshield wall. These include steel rebar, shadow shields and the beam tubes. Components removed from the bioshield such as beam tubes or shadow shields will be surveyed and released or managed as radioactive waste in accordance with material and equipment free-release procedures.

Release Criteria:


The inner concrete surfaces of the bioshield must conform with the release criteria previously established for detectable surface contamination as well as the volumetric criteria provided in Table 2-4 of the Decommissioning Plan (shown below).

TABLE 2-4 RELEASE CRITERION TRITIUM IN CONCRETE RUBBLE 95'b Percentile Dose Associated Radionuclide (mrem/yr per pQi 1 mreu/yr Release Critical Scenario Criftd= 5!i/z)"

Tritium 1.1 E-03 9.1 E+02 Leajbae-indjjia

-Iron-55 1.5-&05 6.7E+04 PCocessing oocre*e Cobalt-60 2.OE+00 5.0E-0I1 Road building I Nickel-63 1.5E-05 6.7E+04 Processing conicrete I Buropium-152 8.IEI. I E+O0 Road Building Notes:.

a - The associated release criteria is the invemsc of the 95P percentile dose.

As previously discussed in separate documents including the Decommissioning Plan and a subsequent procedure outlining surface contamination release criteria for clean waste to be released from the NRL, there will be no radioactivity associated with licensed activities measureable on any material released from the NRL as clean waste.

This includes portions of the bioshield that will remain in place for final "clean" building demolition. For concrete surface surveys, the measurable limit criteria equate to about 2

2,500 dprm/100 cm 2 total beta/gamma, about 350 dpm/100 cmr removable beta/gamma, about 16 dpm/100 cm 2 removable alpha, and about 200 dpm/100 cm 2 removable tritium (actual values are dependent on the daily background values).

Shadow Shields, etc.:

Surface contamination release criteria for clean waste to be released from the NRL will apply to shadow shields and other embedded items removed from the bioshield during demolition. There will be no radioactivity associated with licensed activities measureable on any piece of material released from the NRL as 2clean waste. For surface surveys, the criteria equates to about 2,500 dpm/1 00 cm total beta/gamma, 2

about 350 dpm/100 cm 2 removable beta/gamma, about 16 dpm/100 cm removable 2

alpha, and about 200 dpm/1 00 cm removable tritium (actual values are dependent on the daily background values).


RWPs-wi llbe prepared for removal ofthe alumihnum reactor tank, concrete.'and Oembddedeitem removals (.interiordemoliition),. and interior surveys :and concrete sampling. RWPs will describe proper personnel protective equipment (PPE),

engineering controls, and dose monitoring.

Personnel entering theand interiorspace of the bioshield will wear appropriate fall protectionequipment recovery harnesses if accessing the area from above. If personnel access is by way of the largetherrnal column openinhg fall prqtectiod Will not be necessary.

Calibrated instruments capable of measudrng totalanbd.removable betafgamma are available and maintained in accordance with. ENERCON 'procedures. The University's liquid s-cintillatioh counter (LSC) is available for measuring remoVable H-3 contamination samples.

Sample contaihers and sampling equzipmentare available'fot collecting concrete samples of:50 to100 grams.


1. Cjoncrete blocks removed from the top of the reador showed occasionai low-level surface.contamination onmthe'surface against.the tank wail. Therefore, once.

the alumiunum tank is removed, the initial step Will be to perform a surface

decontamination on thejnterior concrete surface. While initial surface
decontamination will not remove activated 'material, it should 'remove surface cohtamination -thatcould be transfer to other surfaces, equipment, or personnel.
2. LVI ýwill use 'a Brokk robotic tool withaifttached demolition hammers-to rubblize the

,bioshield from the inside.-oUt Periodically demolition will stop for removal of the corncrete rubble. Concrete rubble will be containerized fordisposal As LLRW.

3. At a point when itis believed that most of.the activated concrete has been
removed, surface surveys of the interior will be performe dto assess additional gross' or targeted decontamination/demolifion.

a, Perform a 1 0 0 %/ scan of the,interior concrete sUrface using 2-inch by 2-inch sodium iodide (2x2Nal) gamma scintillation detectors. These detectors will allow'for the delineation of additional areas activated, above the release criteria that wil! require additional targeted removals.

b. ,Micro Shield indicates 'that concrete with ýconcentrations of C-0,or Eu-152. at the criteriavprovided. inr Table 2-4 of t]e Decommissioning Plan, will resulthin an increase of about 1000 counts per mhinutte (cdprm),onb the 2x2.Z Nal detector.
c. Activated concrete samplescollelted in.2005 indicated that the Co-60 ,and Eu-1 52 concentrations were approximately equal (on average)., However, because m0re than".one half-ife.ofG o-60 has:passed since 2065:and"dnly about one--half of an Eu-I 52^ hallf4ife, has passed .the Co-60 concentrations are expected to be about one-half of the Eu-I52' co.ncentratibn.s.

d.. Activated: concrete samples. from 2005: indicpate that Fe-55 is aboutfhalfof the:Co-60 con.centration*.. Due to,the differences'in lthe half-liveS, Fe-55 in, activated 'concrete is expected to be about one-quarter of the Co-60 activity. Given that the Table 2-4 -release criterion for Fe-55 is 10,000 times, the;criteria fo*r-Co-60, 2,2 Nal surveys ihdicating that the Co-60 and Eu-I 52, concentrationsarebelow the Table 2-4 criteria, the surveys will also be indica~ive of the Fe-55 activity concrete being well below.-the Table, 2-4 criteria. The maximum F-55 concentiration rýeported in 13 samplesý was

522,+/-69 -pCi/g.,(decayed to about 100 pC,ilg today-and more than..500.

times.less than the Table-2-4 criterio.m,)

e, Activated cobnredtesample..s from 2005 indicate that Ni-,63 is not present'in measureable amounts,. Thirteen of 13 concretesam-ples analyzed for Ni-63 indýicated that concentrations are :less,than the.-detection imit which Was Jess than 5 pCilg or moretthan 1.000 times than'.the'Table.2-4 release criterion.

f, Targeted decontaminnation/demolition'may include removing rebar or other

  • embedded items or:concrete rubbilization.
4. Repeat surveys with,2x2, Nal detectors and targeted remoivals until no. areas of activation are idenitified.

5., Once the 2x2- Nal surveys. indicate that activated concrete.and activated embedded itemshave been removed, a detailed, survey will ýbe:perform"ed using, a MARSSIM-based grid system. Thb survey will include a .100% scan of the intJe'rior of the andsurvey bioshieid static measurementsusihg 2x2.Nal de.tectors instruments sensitive to beta/garmma, radiation (iý.e., Geiger-Mueller, gas proportionali, r beta scintillationAdetectors). Static measurement oIcatiodns willbe determined using a random-start grid. Removable;contamination smears Will :also be taken at static measurement ioc.*ations fo.r total beta, and H,3 analysis.

6. AlI2x- Nal measurements should be, indistinguishable from backgroundand beta survey measutements..should, be below the surface contamination releas.e criteria discussed above,
  • 7. Additional biased measurements will be taken on exposed r#ebar. These

-measuremeritswill be noted on the survey form.

8. Gammaarindbeta/gamma surveys, together with prior characterization data, are sufficient to demhonstrate:compliance, with the volumetric'release criteria in Table 2-4 criteria and the surface conrtamination criteria. Therefore, :concrete sampling

will be limited to 6 samples collected from six different direct measurement locations. Each sample will be analyzed by an off-site laboratory by gamma spectroscopy for gamma-emitting isotopes including Co-60 and Eu-1 52 and by liquid scintillation counting for H-3, Fe-55, and Ni-63. Minimum detectable concentrations should be less than 50% of the Co-60 and Eu-I 52 criteria and less than 10% of the H-3, Fe-55, and Ni-63 criteria.

9. An additional 2 rebar samples will be collected from two separate locations that received direct survey measurements. These samples will be analyzed as described above. However, H-3 analysis is not required.

Attachment 2 UI Rx Building Clearance Surveys

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Attachment 3 UI Rx ORISE Cleanup Points

Pra"Kc 811139 LVVENERCON 84mvay ft _____ZO I IIIIII lllllllll [I I II Pat. Mý bKII rw - -

WIZ&)1 2 ft..

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_________________ * - I 3__ 3.9j ýTX -+

t (T7X, 100o)

LVI/ENERCON Pmject811139 W. __


Identified and Decontaminated Locations

  • Lvi/ENERCON Prod811139 No, ZC, Proect81139Survey Identified Locations for Future Remedlation

P. Siii3* Suvyo.__6113 Projecta-O LVUIERCON hewy mUm T

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Attachment 4 Ul RX Building Clearance Survey Offsite Analysis


ATdedyne Ts*tMn Compan 2508 Quality Lane Knoxville, TN 37931-3133 865-690-6819 Chris Higgins Enercon 4490 Old William Penn Highway Murrysville, PA 15668 Report of Analysis/Certificate of Conformance 05/01/2012 LIMS #: L49994 Project ID#: EN005-3EREGUOI-12 Received: 04/10/2012 Delivery Date: 05/10/2012 P.O.#A PER RECEIPT Release #:


This is to certify that Teledyne Brown Engineering - Environmental Services located at 2508 Quality Lane, Knoxville, Tennessee, 37931, has analyzed, tested and documented samples, as received by the laboratory, as specified in the applicable purchase order.

This also certifies that requirements of applicable codes, standards and specifications have been fully met and that any quality assurance documentation which verified conformance to the purchase order is on file and may be examined upon request.

I hereby certify that the above statements are true and correct.

Keith Jeter (I Operations Manager Cross Reference Table Client ID Laboratory ID Station ID (if applicable)

SS-RRF-001 L49994-1 SS-RRF-002 L49994-2 SS-RRF-003 SS-RRF-004 I I A9994-3

-L49994_4 7 I

I SS-RRF-00L49994-5 L49994-SS-RRF-006 L49994-7 SS-RRF-008 _____ L49994-8 Page I of 24


ATWn Twhnowgu Cowpany 2508 Quality Lane Knoxville, TN 37931-3133 865-690-6819 CrossReference Table Client 1) Laboratozy ID Station ID (if applicable)

SS-RRF-M0 L49994-9 SS-RRF-010 L,49994-10 _____________________

SS-RRF-0 I L49994-11 SS-RRF-012 L49994-12 SS-RRF-013 IA9994-13 SS-RRF-014 L49994-144 SS-RRF-015 LA9994-15 ____________________

SS-LAF-001 L49994-16 SS-RCF-001 L49994-17 SS-BCT-W L49994-18 SS-BCT-NW L49994-19 SS-BCT-NE L49994-20 _________________

SS-BCT-E L49994-21 SS-WTF-001 L49994-22 SS-NFT-001 L49994-23 SS-NFr-002 L49994-24 SS-RRF-007 (DUPLICATE) L49994-25 UI-BS-001 L49994-26 UI-BS-002 L49994-27 UI-BS-003 1 L49994-28 LU-BS-004 A942 UTI-BS-005 LA9994-30 Ul-BS-006 -- L49994-31 Ul-BSR-001 ] A9994-32 UI-BSR-002 L49994-33 Method Reference Numbers Matrix Analysis Method Reference IS GAMMA EPA 901.1 SD GAMMA EPA 901.1 This report shall not be reproduced or distributed except in its entirety.

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Report of12 Analysis ofAnl Report i BROWN TEFh EDmwE ENGINEERING, INC.

05/01/12 10:44 ATole" Tachnotlag Company L49994 Enercon ENOOS-3EREGUOI-12 Sample ID: SS-RRF-001 Collect Start: 04/05/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 04/10/2012  % Moisture:

LIMS Number LA9994-1 Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP#

OPF Activity Cone IUncertainty 2 Sigma MDC Units Run Aliquot Volume AlIiquot Units Reference Date Date Time Units Flag Values H-3__-003 2.61E+00- - - -- g --- 1.91 gwet 104/30/121 20 M- - -- -F---I -

Sample ID: SS-RRF-002 Collect Start: 04/05/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 04/10/2012  % Moisture:

LIMS Number IA9994-2 Sop# Activity Uncertainty 1 FRun: Aliquot Aliquot T Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide Cone 2 Sigma MDC UNits #, Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values FF5 06 <206E+01 pCi/g 2.0147 _ wet 104/05/12 12:001 0/7/1211800 Sec U No W-3 2003 < 21E+00 pCi/g [ 1.99 g wet 04/30/12-20 M U 2013 < 41E501 pCi/g" 2.0147 gwet1 04/27/1 45 M U Sample ID: SS-RRF003 Collect Start: 04/05/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)

Station: Coiled Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 04/10/2012  % Moisture:

LIMS Number. LA9994-3

  1. Activityn UncertaintY2 Cone 2 Si 1gMDC units Run Aliquot Volume Aliquotu Units 1 Reference Date I Count Date

[ Count Time Count units Flag Values Radionuclide H-3 12003 < ..... . J i.94.*+i pCi/g 2.57 g wet 04/30/12f 20 M- -T= UT*

Sample ID: SS-RRF-004 Collect Start: 04/05/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (5)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 04/10/2012  % Moisture:

LIMpNActivity n Uncertainty its ý Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count LIMS Number: L49994-4 Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values 1"-3 ____....3 2.38E+00 pCi/g f 1 gwet 04/30/121 20 Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 signma No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum

+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak ideatified(gamma only) Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum U = Compoud/Anslye not detected. Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value **** Unless o n tle anlytical mutts Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification are related only to the samples tested in the condition they L = Low recovery ae received by the laboratory.

If 1-ugh recovery tl = HightccocryMDC - Minimum Detectable Concentration value.

Bolded text indicates reportable Page 3 of 24


05/01/12 10:44 ATOM" TI n~dWogiqSCOuIm.VY L49994 Enercon Chris Higgins EN005-3EREGUOI-12 Flag Values II Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or les than 3 sigma No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum

+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamnm only) Yes a Peak identified in gamma spectrum U* - Compound/Analytc not detccted. Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration cxcccds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value **** Unless oducrwisc noted, the analytical results mpoted Spec = MIX exceeds customer technical specification are related only to the samples tested in the condition they L = Low recovcry we received by the laborat".

H = High recovery MDC - Minimum Detectable Concentration Bolded text indicates reportable value. Page 4 of 24


05/01/12 10:44 ATetpy Toduatss Cwumi L49994 Enercon Chris Higgins EN005-3EREGUOI-12 Sample ID: SS-RRF-008 Collect Start: 04/05/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 04/10/2012  % Moisture:

LIMS Number: IA9994-8 RAntivty o ne rtDainty 1 Run Aliquot AliquotI Reference Count Count [VCount Radionuclide SOP# Cs2 MDC Units Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values

-3 ... ... L[203 < 2.55E+O 1, pCi/g [] 1.961 gwet I 20 [ M .. F04/30/12 Sample ID: SS-RRF-009 Collect Start: 04/05/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 04/10/2012  % Moisturc:

IJMS Number: L49994-9 R Activity FUncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot I Reference Count Count Radlonuulide SO Cone 2 Sigm. MIUnDC U# Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values V-3 < 2.06E+00 pCi/g Vgwet

.. 2.42 . . 04/30/121 20 [ M I] UI i [ZY Sampl ID: SSRRF010O Collect Start: 04105/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 04/10/2012  % Moisture:

LIMS Number LA9994-10 RaP Activity Uncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Come 2 Sigma MDC Units N Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values H-3 [ < _ _ 272003 6 2_27+0_ pCi/g t7 2 i gwt 04/30/121

0. 20 1 M Sample ID: SS-RRF-011 Collect Start: 04/05/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 04/10/2012  % Moisture:

LIMS Number: LA9994-11 Activity Uncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radiouuclide SOP# Conc 2 Sigma MDC Units 0n Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values H-3 2_< - ------ _


_pCi/g ___22 _g w 04/30/121 20 J M__[

Flag Values U = Ccsnpmd/Anal)4e not detected (< MC) or less than 3 sigma No ý Peak not identified in gamma spectrum

+ Activity conentration ceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only) Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum U* - CompoumdAnalyte not detcted. Peak not identified, but forced activity concentratio exceeds MDC and 3 sigma

        • Unless oenise noted, dhe malytical results reported High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification are related only to the samples testd in the condition they L = Low recovey arc received by the laboratoy.

H = High recovery MDC - Minimum Detectable Concentration Bolded text indicates reportable value. Page 5 of 24


05/01/12 10:44 AT

%dTetwmqie Coairy IA9994 Enercon Chris Higgins EN005-3EREGUOI-12 Sample ID: SS-RRF-012 Collect Start: 04/05/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 04/10/2012  % Moisture:

LLMS Number- L49994-12 1 Activity Uncertainty I 1 i Runi Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count RadionuclideSON Coic 2 Sigma MDC Units U Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values

-3 -2003 -] < .... 1E+ pCi/g gwe _04/30/12 20_ I U-J I Sample iD: SS-RRF-013 Collect Start: 04/05/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 04/1012012  % Moisture:

LIMS Number. IA9994-13 SOT Activity IUncertainty 1 1 Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide Conc 2 Sigma MI# Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values FE-55 2006 2.46E+01 pCi/g 2.0017 gwet 04/05/12 12:00 04/30/12 600 Sec U- No tl-3 2003 <_2.57E+00 pCi/g 1.94 g wet 04/30/12 20 M U Nj-63 2013 < 4.5E-01 pCi/g 2.0017 gwet 04/27/12 45 M U Sample ID: SS-RRF-014 Collect Start: 04/05/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 04/1012012 %Moisture:

LIMS Number: IA9994-14 Radionuclide _______ ~Activity SO# Cone UncrtInty 2 Sga MDC Units Ru1 -- Volunie Units DtDae CountT on Time on uis FagVle H-3 ]2003 < 2.30E+O0 pCi/g ] 2.17 4 gwet [ _[ "10 ___-i [-"-M4/30/121

- MJ 2 Sample ID: SS-RRF-OIS Collect Start: 04/05/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume;


Receive Date: 04/10/2012  % Moisture:

LIMS Number. L49994-15

. . .. - . - 7 E -- ...

-- --... - -i_ i Radionuclide 1--3 SOP# ] Conc Activity 2 Sigma Uncertainty MDC 1i Units Run Aliquot Volume Aliquot Units Reference Date count Date count Time count Units Ftag Values 2003j < 1.96E+00 pCi/g ....- 2.55 g L --L-Flag Values U - Compound/Analytc not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum

+ - Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigmna peak idcatified(ganuna only) Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum U* = Compound/Analyte not detected. Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value **** Unless otherwise notel, the analytical results repoted Spec = MDC cxcceds customer technical specification aw related only to the samples tested in the condition they L = Low recovery an received by the laboratory.

H - High recovery MDC - Minimum Detectable Concentration Bolded text indicates reportable value. Page 6 of 24


05/01112'10:.44 ATeae1,dmaoe~Cse IA9994.

-Enercon Chris Higgins EN005-3EREGUOP-I2I Samplýe D:ý SS-LAF-001 Collect Stait 0*,o152ol2 12:00 Matfix: Soil (S) 1 Station:l Collcct Stop: Volume:


v ReceiveDate: "0410/2012  % Moisture:

LIMSNumber: L49994-16 Actvty Uncertainty ~Runj Moiot. jAliquot' *Reference Count Co6unt. Countr

-Radidfnudideý SOP# Cone I 2 Si* 'AIM units 9f Volume Units' Date 'Date jTime -Units I Flag Values 1 2.0030 1 i 2.00E+o0 pCi/g 2.5 'Og:,t 05101M12 20 M, U BET A2007 ___ _ 3.09E-O1 A pCi/g 208.67 04105/12-12:00. 04/212f12. 6124- Sec V PO K-40 2007 t7.4E+60* 8.85E01 1 pCilg 208.67 g,'t' I04/05/12'!2f00 04/12/12/ 6124" -Sec + Ye MN954 2007 < 3.97F,-02. pCi/g 208.67 j giw-t W4905112 12:00 04/12/121 6124 .Sec U No CO-.58 2007 < 3.00E-42, pCilg 208.67 *gwd. 04105/12-12:00, 04f112] 6124 ISeC .U _ No.

FE-59 ".2007 < 803E.02 pCilg _ 208.67 1 gwct: 04/05/12,12:00 '0412A2 6124 Sec U. No CO-60, -2007 <,_ 3.65E-02 pCi/g 208.67 J gwet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12]: 61242 See U No

,N-65, -2007 8.30E-022 pCi.g _ j 208.67 igwet 04/05/12 12:00 04112112- 6124*: .See: U No ZR795 207 < 6.21E-02 pCi/g _ j 20.8.67 g 04/05/12 12p00 N04/-12/2 6124 Sec, U _

RU-.03 32007 3.32&02 pC-i/g j 2,8.67 g 04/05112 12:001 04/12/12 6124 'Sec U No RU-106 "2007 _ _ _ 3.30EAI : pOi/i - " 208.67 *gwet 04/05[12 12:00 04/12/12[ 6124 j Sec U iN 1431 .2007 <. _ _ _ 5.64F-0 pCi/k 20817 g~wet- 10/5/2201411162 Sec U - Nol CS-134 200 <________ 2. pCilg L _ 208.67 ,g-wet 04/05(12 12'-00 04/121121 -6124. Sec. U ____ 0N

ý1.J37 1,2007 <13.7.4E-02 pCi/ j 298.67 g~wet N405/12 12:00104/12/126'4,1Sec, V ~ NO 13A-140' i 2007 ______ l70-I pCi/g __j208.67 gwet 04/05/12-12.00 [04/12/2 12 Sec -U jNo.

CE.441 J 2007 _____ _____ 4E:02 P 208.67. g wet7 104105/12.12:00 04.1212 6124 "Sec . U N CIE- w1 2007 <l.99E.01 . pCilg f 208:67 get. 04/05/1212:00 04.12I 6124;t. Sec U No 2

WS-152- 2007 < 8.77E-02. pCi/g _ 208.67 g.Nyq 04105/12 12:00 W1O /l 6124 Sec No.- S-.2261 12007 6.6,-04",,

0< pCi/g __ 208.67 gwet 04/05/12.12:00 04/12/12. 6124. Sec U t es.

W-228. 2007 5, 025&02_". pCi/g 208.67 g.Wd W04/12:12:00 04/12i1 t6124 Sec T-3,I1 I<O 2007 5_ 02 i pCi/g [ .20867 g.wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6124 Sec TUes U-235 -2007 < 2.;16EA,]I pCiig [ 208:67 gwet 04105/1241200 04/12/12 6124 Sec' UNo _

U-238. -2007 4<S E_-_,+00 I pCi/g 1 208.67. gct .04105/12 12:00 '04/l212Uj 6124 j U j1Sec No flýg Values-U Co*poundiAnalyte not detected (< MDC) or less than-3.sigma. N1o =lPaknot idcnil~d iigarnsa~speefur

+ Actvit*yoneenraiocxeeedMDC and3 sigma; peak idintried(gaumna only). Yes =Peak identified in gamma spectrum U Crf-ohind/AnaIlenot detetd. Peaknotidwntifled bid forced ativityconcentratin exceeds MDC arid 3sigma, high- Activity concentrml*on exceeds customerreporting valu. Onless 6tberwise ntited the anai)licalresylts reported*

Spec, AMDC iceds customer telnil specification are related only tothe samples-tested in the conditio Ithey L Lo6wrecovery -Are received by the laboratiny..

H -= tigh:rcovery MDiC- Minimum DetetableCOncetr-alion Boldedtext indicates reportable'value. Page? o.024


05/01/12 10:44 AT*Wdpw Tedwiolope Compeav L49994 Enercon Chris Higgins EN005-3EREGUOI-12 Sample ID: SS-RCF-O01 Collect Start: 04/05/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 04/10/2012  % Moisture:

LIMS Number. IA9994-17 SOP# Activity Uncertainty Ran Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Units Flag Values Radionuclide Conc 2 Sigma MDC Units N Volume Units Date Date Time 7-3 - -ý 2003 < 1.94E+00 pCLg 2.58 g wet 05101112 20 pCi/g g wt s* -UNo 2007 4.32F,01 04/05/12 12:00 04/U112 Sec + Yes k 2007 6.4E+00 1.041+0 1101g _ 199.99 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 60O Sec U NO 5.70E-02 pCi/g 199.99 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 Sec U No E6000 4.68F-02 _pCi/g 199.99 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 6O000 Sc U No FE-59 2007 < 1i.21E-01 pCi/g 199.99 g wet 04M05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 04/12/12 Sec U No

_i.iE_-02 pCi/g 199.99 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 6OO Sec U 20071 < i.SSE-42 pCi/g 199.99 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6O000 199.99 g wet 04/05/12 04/12/1 j 2007 < 9AO0E-02 pCi/g 199.99 12:00 Sec U No 2007 < 4.70F,02 pCilg g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12112 6000 Sec U No RU-103 RFU-4 ___

4.63E-01 pCi/g i 199.99 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 Sec U No i

201V7 < 8.46"~O pCi/g 199.99 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/I 12/12 6000 Sec U No tS-1_34 2007 < 4.99F,2 199.99 gwet 04/05/12 12:00 06411 2/12 6000 Sec U No pCi/g _

2007 < 4.7F) pCi/g 199.99 1 gwet 04/05/12 12:00 04/112/12 6000 Sec U No 2007 < 2.23FeOl pCi/g 199.99 g wct 04/05/12 12:00 04/I .2/12 6000 Sec U No 2~007 <

2007 7.23F,-02 pCi/g 199.99 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/1.2/12 6000 Sec U No CE-lU4 2007 < 2.79"1-l pCi/g 199.99 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 Sec U No VU-152 -- ___- IM3E-01 pCi/g 199.99 g wet 04/05112 12:00 04/12/12 6000 Sec U No RA-226 - IIJ4E-+00 pCi/g 199.99 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/1 6000 Sec U Yes Sec [ Yes 2007 2.70E-OI 7.255E-02 pCi/g 199.99 gwet 04/05/12 12:00 04/I .2/12 6000 2007 3.55E-01 I.24E-01 199.99 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/I 12/12 Sec] + Yes

_pCi/g 6000 U-2F35- 2.79E.-01 PCI/g __

F- 199.99 gwet 04/05/12 12.00 04/I 6000

_6.2E+00_ pCi/g 1999.99 gwet 04/05/12 12:00 04/1 2/12 6000 Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum

+ Activity concentration exeeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak ideatified(gamma only) Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum U*= Conpmmod/Analyte not detected. Peak not identified, but forced activity concen*ration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma Iligh - Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value **** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported Spec = MDC exceds customer technical specification are related only to the uamples tested in the condition they L Low recovay are received by the laboratory.

II High recovery MDC - Minimum Detectable Concentration Bolded text Indicates reportable value. Page8 of 24

Report of Analysis ,P11h TELEDYNE 05/01/12 10:44 BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.

ATvId*aeT-chamqtesCmpany L49994 Enercon Chris Higgins EN005-3ERFGUOI-12 Sample ID: SS-BCT-W Collect Start: 04/05/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 04/10/2012  % Moisture:

LIMS Number. LA9994-1 8 I J Activity Uncertainity Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionudide SOP# Conc 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values H-3 2003 2.61E+00 pCi/g 1.91 gwet __ 05/01/12 20 M U 2007 BiE-7 _ _ 4.4rE0 - 188.17 gwet--d 405/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 Sec U No K-40___ _ 2007 pCi/g _

&.77E+00 9.82E-01 pCi/g 188.17 gwet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 Sc + .. Yes 2007 2YO07 WN-54 pCi/g 188.17 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 SecU No 2007 pCi/g 188.17 g wet 04/05/12 12-0'04/12/12 6000 Sec i N

,"E-59 2007 1.07F,01 pC/g 188.17 gwet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 Sec U -

cX-60 2007 6.61E-02 188.17 1 gwet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 Scc pCi/g U No ZN-65 2007 1.OSE-01 pcilg 188.17 gwct 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 Sec U No zic-9 188.17 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000

-pCi/g Sec U No RU-103 2007 pCi/g 188.17 gwet 04/05/1212:00 04/12/12 6000 Sec U No RU-106 2007 pCi/g 188.17 gwet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 Sec U No 1-131 2007 7.90E-02 pCi/g 188.17 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 Scc U No CS-134 188.17 gwct 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 Sec U No 2007 6Ow0 CS-137 6.06F,02l pCi/g 188.17 gwet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 Sec U No BA-140 __ _2.51E-01 pCi/g 188.17 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 2007 2007 CE-141I _____ 8.1 ZE-2 PCi/g - 188.17 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 Sm- U No CE-144 2007 3.20E-01 188.17 gwct 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 Scc pCi/g U No

2007 2007 EU-152 2007 1.2,7E-I 188.17 gwet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 Sec U No 2007 2007 pCi/g (6000 RA-226 2007 - 1.02E+00 188.17 gwct- 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 Sec U- - Yes RO0 pCi/g Th-228 2.539-Ol 6.55F-02 188.17 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 Sec + Yes pCi/g 6000 rH-232 2.42F-01 I.09B-01 188.17 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 Sec + Yes U-235 pCi./g 3.04F,01 188.17 gwet 04/05/12 12:00 04112/12 6000 Scc U No pCi/g 188.17 gWt 04/05/12 12:00 04/1I/V2 SecI No

____ 5 +000 Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte at detected (< MD* or less tlum 3 sigma No = Peak not identified in gamnma spectrun

+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC ad 3 sigma; pcok identifiefdamnma only) Yes Pedak idatirwd in gamma spectrum U* - Compound/Analyte not detected. Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC mad 3 sigma **** Unes otherwise noted, the malytical results reporied High = Activity conicntratio exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specifiwation we related only to the samples tested in the condition they L = Low recoveay am received by the labotmtoy.

H = High recovery MDC - Minimum Detectable Concentration Bolded text indicates reportable value. Page 9 of 24


05/01/12 10:44 A TVlme Tschneo4oes Coany L49994 Enercon Chris Higgins EN005-3EREGUOI-12 Sample ID: SS-BCT-NW Collect Start: 04/05/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 04/10/2012  % Moisture:

LIMS Number: L49994-19

-- 7T ~. t ~. 7 T -- -

Activity Uncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionudide SOP# Conc 2 Sigma MDCI Units N Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values H-3

~T20031 < 1 2.26E+00 pCi/g 2.21 g wet 05/01/12 20 M U BE-7 2007 < 32IKO pCi/g 189.44 g wet 04/05112 12:00 04/12/12 6000 Sec No K-40 2007 6.01K+00 pCi/g 189.44 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04112/12 6000 Sec + Yes 1.00E+00

< 04112/12 60O0 Sec U No MN-5 2007 4.15E.02 pCig 189.44 g wet 04/05112 12:00 CO-58 2007 4.OOE-02 pCi/g 19.44 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 60001 Sec LU No F 4- -4 F 4 4 4..Z ~

FE-59 2007 9.40E.-02 pCi/g 189.44 g wet 04/05/112 12:00 04112/12 6000 Sec IU No CO-60 2007 5.05E-02 pCi/g 189.44 g wet 104/05/12 12:00 04112/121 6000 Se U No b4-65 4W07 8.43E-02 -pell/ 189.44 g wet 04/05112 12:00 04/12/12 6000 Sec U No

_____ 4 -. 4 -l I-ZR-95 2007 939F-02 pCi/g 189.44 gwet 104/05/12 12:00 04112/12 6000 Sec U No 2007 189.44 gwet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 Sec No RU-103 4.2 1E102 pCi/g A F + -

RU-106 2007 3.47E-01 pCi/g 189.44 g wet 04/05112 12:00 04/12/12 6000 Sec U No I . . . .... . . -

2007 7.25E-02 pCi/g 189.44 gwet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 Scc U No CS-134 2007 4.19E-02 pCi/9 189.44 gwet 04/05/12 12:00 04112/12 6000 Sec U No A I- -+ No CS-137 2007 < 5.28E-02 pC0g 189.44 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 Sec U g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 Sec U No BA-140 2007 < 2.OOE-01 pCi/g 189.44 CE-141 ~20O7 < 5.66E-02 pCi/g 189.44 g--et 04/05/12 12:00 04112/121 6000 Sec IU No 2007 F- A F +zzr-F 4~

CE-144 20-7 2.27E-01 pCi/g 189.44 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 Sec U No

EU-152 1.09E-01 pCi/g 189.44 g net 04/05/12 12
00 04/12/12 _6000_ Sec U No iRA-226 2007 9.07E-01 5.7213-01 pdi/g - 189.44 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 Sec + Yes 189.44 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 Sec Yes 1TI1-228 2007 2-SOE-01 5.61E-02 pCi/g +

2007 189.44 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04112/12 6000 Sec + Yes TH-232 2.76E-O 9.771B-02 pCi/g 1J.-235 2007 2.39E-01 pCi/g 189.44 g wet :04/05/12 12:00 04112/12 6000 Sec No 2007 pCi/g 189.44 g wet 104/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 ~6000 Sec U No Uf-238 ".52+00 Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrmn

+ = Activity concentration cxceeds MDC and 3 sigma, peak idenlifled(gamma only) Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectnrm U* = Compound/Anhlyte not detected. Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma **** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported High Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value Spec = MWC exceeds customer technical specification ae related only to the samples tested in the condition they L Low recovery we received by the laboratory.

H = High recovery MDC - Minimum Detectable Concentration Bolded text indicates reportable value. Page 10 of 24


05101112 10:44:

'ATeled*a Tnhwhngls Conanp L4999.4


Chris Higgins ENOO5-3EREGIJL142 Sa4m : SS-BCT-NES Collect Staxt: .04105/201212:00 Mgd: Si (S)

  • Staon: :Co~llct Stop: Volume:.


Receive Date:- 04/tq101201 osue LIMS Number: 1A999-20 1Activity Uncetainty Aliquot -Reference Count Count- Count Radioqnuclideý Sol? Cone ZSigrna MDC. j Units 1

0 Volume Units -Date Date jTime. Units [ FlagVaes FE-55-20 2.19E-i01. pCikg __ 2.0025 .gWet- 04105112:12-00' 04/30/12j 600 SeW: ~ W o 113. 20031 < 2.92E40 0 pcg /1.71 gwet 05101/12! 20 1 U NI763 2013 C _ _ _ '4.56F01 pCi/gk 2.0025 gwet 104/27/12] 4 f5 M U BE-7 K-40.



.2007 2007 1

7.8sE+00 1 !-04fE-0 1

4 .420 5.88E-02 J pCig.

pClg-pCi/g f j 18o.36 180.36


gw' get 0410511212:00 oet 04/12/12 04/05/1212:001 04112/12 04105/12A2:00 04112/12 6000 6000 Sec

.-Sec -6000' -J -Se U [No*


U No CO-58: 12 0 07 1 <. _ 4.54E-02 :pCilg: 18036 g wet 04105/1212:00 .04/12/12 6*000 Sc F-59' 'o2007- < 1J l-:09O01oJ .pi 180.36 gwet .04/05/1o.12*1.ý;' 01. 2/12 6000 Uo, o.Sec CO-60 :2007 <'< Jj &45&-02 . ig .!10.836, glvet J-04o0!/212:0 4/22 6000 Sec ,

ZN-652 7R-95, 2007


_7 180 L3E-O1

9. 2I J pCi/g pCilg -



gc;t 104105/12312:00 . :,04/12/12 .'6000 g2wt 104/051212:00 I04/12/12 "6000 Sec Sec U

U Nd' T00.3.7F0 0415 '04/12/12t RU-103.- 120071 < 1 5.27F&)2 pCifg 180.36 gwet .04105/12112"00 j 04/12/1 6000 Se U No RU-106 2007'1 <. _ __ 432E-01 pCi0g 18036- gwct JW045112.12:00,1 04/12/12 6000 Sec: UI INO 1-131 ;2007 J <_ _ i 9.110F,02 .pCi'g_ 18036. gwet 0ý/05/1212.00.1._04.12/122 6000 Secr U No CS-134.

CS-13?l IBA140 20007 200T7' 2007' j '

j______J4S1E-02 J .7OF.02 2 5Z8]-B01 I -pCilg pCi/g' pCi/g -

4 8036' 180,36 i180.36'

[gmwet ý04I05/12_'1I200 104/12/212 g5wet' :04/05/12.12-00 gwet 104/05112,12:00



6000 6000 JSec;

'6000_': See' Secý.




ýNo "No; CF-141 -200-  :< .785F_02 .pCi/gf 18036- gwet '04105112:12:00 60 .0412/1 Se U. , No-CE-144 207.<'3.21&-01 f pCi/g 180.36'- gwet. .04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 600 Sec U ___ N' iU-152 2007'- <: 463F.,-01 PCi/g - '180.36ý gkwt j.04/0/12.12:00. 0121 6000 Sec. U RA-226 2007 1.1-E+00 1.<'" PCiLg 180.36. g vwet 104/05/12-12:00 04/12/1 6000 Sce U jYes

-228 f 2007 2.03F-0I ICO9E-01 _-0_-0pcikg: 180.36.: g:wet 104/05112,12:00 6000

-04112] Sec 7 Yes U.-235 2007- < -3.l,-1 [ .pCi/g. J8036"' gwet '04105/12 12:00 ,60100 Sec U ,No U-238: . 2007 l -<,

6.06E+00 .pCilg 180.36- g wet J04/0512"12:00'0412/I 600ý0 Sec. U W.4o

'FlagValues UI CompoundlAnalyre nor deitected (<MDC or less ihmn 3sigma No =Pea.not identifited ingammaipem

+: Activity concentrti"on exceeds M* and 31s p identifi!d(*gmma onl) Yes' =-Peak'idicrtilied ingrm spectnun

U.- = Cqmpoýn&.Analytc nordetected. Peak not identified, but Rtced actiity c6ncnltration excecds MDC and-3 sigma High Actiiitk *encemntiio cxe*" customer. reportigValue *44ijaesoqrriisc noted, tihe ana~tcl results reported Spec' .MDICcxmeds cimer technical sp*ification ae related onlyo the'samples tested in the condition they
L = Low recoVery* are received bythe laboratoy.

MDC - Mfinimum Detectable Concantration Boldedltexttindicates reorita-le Ivalie. e .

Report of Analysis A*r.



.05011/ -10:-44

'At&,"ITedclres Caunpiey L49994 ERdneon

  • Chris Higgins ENOOS-73EREGUOI1_i2

'Sample ID: SSmBCT-E Collect6Sta&t 04105/2012 12:00 .Marix: ,Soil (S.

,Station: CollecutStop: Volume:


ý RcceiveDate:'04/10=2012:  %'Moistur ULMS Numbe. :L49994-21 Activity lUncertainty ARimtj Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count

.Radioinuxide jSOP#. Cone , 2 Sigma MDC Units Volume. Unis J Date ,Date Time Units Flag Values, FE-55 <2006

< I.65E-+0l pCi/g 2.0028 g*wt 10/12 12:080 04/30112 '43j .-Sec'. _U No H13. :21003. < 2.38E400 pCitg 1:2.1 1gwet 1 " " I 05/01/12 20( M U _

N-63, -2013 J _ 4.58&01o pCr/g 2.0028 *gwet._ _ 04/27/12 45. M U -

BE?7 2007 3.IE-0. piClg 19261 J .gwet '04/05/12,12:00: 04/1-2/12 6000 f uNo KAO: 2007 6.12E+00 1.04E+00 ICi/g 19Z61 r gwetr 04/05/1I22:00' 04/12/12 6000

Scc + "Ye MN-54 2007 _ < 2.84F_02, pCilg :192761 g wet 04/0512-1220 04/1211.2 6000, See U -Wo CO-58 2007 _ < 3.76E-02 pg 192.61 I ,g wet- 04/05/12-12:00' 04/12/12 6000 I Sec U, " .No FE-59 .2007. _ _<+ 8.08E-02I pCi/g 1 92.61_ gwet 04/05112 12:00. 04/12.12 6000.- Sec 1. ... . No90 CO-60 ý2007 J 1.62E"O1 4.97E-02 .pCig 192.61 g wet 04/05/12 12:00. 04/12/12 6000 .Sec +Yes 1192-61'2ZN-65. pCi/g g rWet 04/05/12,12:00 '04/12/12 6000' Sc U. No ZR-95 2007 1 < 5566E-0Z P0/g 192.616 gwet; 04105/12,12:00 04112V12 6000, .Se U No RU-103 2007 [ < 3iSE-02 p-l/g 192-61

- gwct 0104/05/12.1200 04/1211,2 6000 "Sec :Uo RU-06 2Q07 _ _ 2,91E-01:

2_ 0 0Pi/g 1,92.61' .g9 .vet 04/05112.12:00. 041./12112 '60001 -Scc -No 1-:131. 2007 1 _..23E-:02 F,0 pC0g4 192.61 .gwet- 04/05/12.!2:00' 04/1V12 6000 Sec "U i No S.-33.0 2007 _ _< :3205-0Z pCrlg 192.61' :gviet .04/05/12,12:00 ,04/12/12 6000 'Sic U NO CS437. 2007 "< 53.E-02FM pCpi/g 192.611 gwet 104/05/-1212:00 04/12/12 6000: S*c; U, -

BA-140 2007 < I_.71F-,01, pCig I' 19.61 . :g t 04/05/12 12:.00. 04112/12 6000 Sec. ..U -.No CE4I41. 2007 _ < _4.12&M, "pu*i~g 192.61 igwet .04/05/1212.00, 04/2/12 :6000 Secý O No CE-144 2007 _ _ _ 1.S5E-01 "pCi/g * .192.61 gwet 04105(1212:00., 04,12/12t 6000 Sec U -jo EU-152 2007 I 1.OSE-01 :pCV/g -192.61 gwet 04/05/12 12:00 .04/12/12 6000 Sac -

RA-226 2007 _C < 9.15E-"1 pCi/g 1 ." 192.616 g.v 0/05/1212:00 OV -04/12A-2 6000. Sc :U' No T11-228 2007. ISU1E.0 5.66E-0 _____pM/ 192.611 6wt %1045f1212:00,'. 04/12/12 6000 jScec + yes U-235 2007 < 1 t.85E pCi/g -192.61, gwct 10410511212:001:04.1212, 6000-.. Sce U jNo U7238; 2007 .< 4.-74E+001 pCilg J 192.61, g wet 104/05/1212:00 1.04/12/121 6'000 soc. U " " o.

F14 Val&e U CbmpmmundfAnaly1c riot detrted (<NMD)Qor-less than 3 gigma "No 'mPeak.nt id*entificd igamma spectrum

- Activit.yconcenfltaiion.eeeds A'nd i3 sigimapeak identiie gamnma only) Yes: Pe aik idititUci,in gamma spectrun U Corpwiud/Ana1)ie not dewtect. Peak-not ideiitified,,but forced actiity conicnrai~on exceeds MDC and 31sga Hh Ativi'ty conCefliaiii xicceds~cusitoiiierepo 'igvowlu U0-ýnkss othaviisc noted lhi analytica results reported Spe MI L-c ea 'customer tedtmicals'pciaion areirlated only to tht samples tested in thconditioo they.

are received bi the'laborato.

BH -High ateo.

MDC -Mintimum DetcctaibmiCocentration.

Bolded text indicates-rpodrtaible value.

t :20 4


05101112 10:44 ATdom TNemo Cami L49994 Enercon Chris Higgins EN005-3EREGUOI-12 Sample ID: SS-WTF-001 Collect Start: 04/05/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 04/10/2012  % Moisture:

LIMS Number: IA9994-22 l

Activity Uncertainty 2 Sigma hD i Run I Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count lgVle Radionuclide coneSOF Coe Sima i Volume Nt Units Date I Date 71Tme Units FlgVle 130-7-- 2007 _ _.1_+5.47E.-O- pi/g 19-7.69 wct 104/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 2 -6000 S-c U- No K-40 2007 S.*K126-04 ) .20*- ppCi/g 197.69 gwet w 04/05/12 12:00 W /1211 6000 e I

+ Ye0 MN4-54 200 -< .2 7.47.. pCi/g 197.69 gwet ,104/05/12 12:00 04/12/121 6000 -Sec 1J No 2007 < 7.JsM..02 1 pCi/g 197.69 ge 04/05712 12:00 -04/12/12I 6000 -Sc UN

]FE-59 2007 I 1J4E-I_ __i/ 197-.69 g*wet 104/05/1212:00 04/12/121 6000 Se- U No 2007 1.051E+0i 9.98E-02 pC /g -- 19769 -- g-wet -04/05/-12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 Sec +-

ZN-65 2007 1<

.7SF-1i pci/g 197.69 g&wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12i 6000 Se*c U ZR-95 S2007 < 1.14E-O pCi/g i97.&69 -gwct+- 04/05/2 12:00 -04/12/i21 -6000 e--c U -No RiJ-103 2-f-- <-- 27E-02 pCi/g 197.6 B -- gwet 04/05/12,12:00 04/12/12 6000 Sec U No RU-106- 2007 < pCi/g 197.69 g.wet 04/05/12 12-00 04/12126000 Sec U No

.CS-137 -

2007 2007 7


.. OF-0" 67

-. 02 pCi/g pCi/g 197.69 197.69 g wet gwet 04J05/-12100 04/05/12 12:00

/12 04/12/12 6*0 6000 T Sec


.U No

_t7_04- -

EBIAý-14 1 - -

<000 2007 < 17.239F0 pCi/g 197.69 g-wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000+-" Sec Jl No

-20077 207 <

< 1.93F-00 3.5-t pCi/g pig197.69 197.69 gg wet wet 04/05/12_12:00 04/05/ 2 12:00 0,/12-i2 04112/12 6600 Sec Sec U No N

9.21E-02 pCi/g 197.69 gwct- 0/05/112.00 0412/12 -6000 Sec U.N EU152 2007 <_ 1.99E-O1 1~/

97.69 g wct 04/05/f2 12:00 0-4/21212 6000 Sec U No RUA-'226 2067 <

2 -0 I211 73 1 - 2pci/g 19FI.2E0 ~ / 197.69 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12112j 6000 Sec Uý7 Ye

-197.69 -gw et- 04/ '035/1 +2f12 00 04/1 112 6 000- -I S c +c y !

((2007 < - -[ 3-.72E-0-1 pCi/g 197.69 gwet /05/12 1200 /2 6000 Sec U No 2007 ! <- .6019 pCi/g " - 197.69 gwet 6405/12 12.0o 04/12/12 6000 ec U No IU-238 Flag Values U = CompourdlAaalyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma No = Peak not idenlified in gumn spectrum

+ = Activity concentration exceeds MMX and 3 sigma; peak identified(ganm only) Yes Peak identified in gamma spectuam U* = Compond/Analyte not detected. Peak not identified, but fbroed activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High Activity concentration exceeds custmner reporting value 0***Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported Spec MDC exceeds customer technical specification ae redlated only to the samples tested in the condition they L = low recovery awe received by the laboratory, H ttigh recovery H

MDC - Minimum Detectable Concentration Bolded text indicates reportable value.

Page 13 of 24


05/01/12 10:44 A ltatya Tsrmk*togs"ComwmN 149994 Enercon Chris Higgins EN005-3EREGUOI-12 Sample ID: SS-NFT-001 Collect Start: 04/05/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 04/1012012  % Moisture:

LIMS Numbcr: L49994-23 Aliquot Alquot Reference Count Count Count Unit, Rn 2

Radionuclide -Activity Uncertainty Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values 04/05/12 12.00 0/2 6000 Sce U No BE-7 K-40 MN-54

-- 2007 2007 5.24F,+00

<_<6.14E-02 L171-',+00 Pci/g PCi/g9 182.16 412J6 182.16 g__

gwet e7 0/05/12 g wt-12:o00 -4/12/12-04/05/12 12:00 0411I 2I2 6000 Sec See


U Yes No

--- i0( "

CO-58 2007 6.70E-02 182.16 gwct 04/05/12 12-00 04-12/12 6000 Sec U No pCi/g 04/05/12 12:00 04/12J1 u 4*.

FE-59 2007 < '9.1-01 182.16 g-wet Sec - . No*- -

CO-60 <9.79E-02 1*2.16 g wet 04/05/12 12-00 04/12/U2 6000

.ZN-65 -- -2007 pCi/g 2007 < 1.28E-01 182.16 gwet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 S7 Se-c U U

ZR-95 2007- < 1.18E-01 Pci/g 04/05/12 12:00 04/12-2 6000 182.16 gwet - U No I RU-103 2007 < 6.83E-02 182.16 g wet 04/05/1 12:00- 04/12/12 6000 S*e U NO

-oNo RtU-106 207 < 6.%F,01 182.16 gwet 04/0512 '20o4/12,12 6000 Sec U u4 f-1-3-1 2007 <1.14K-1 PCi/g 182.16 gwet 04/5/12 12-00 04/12/12 see U No 6.841-02 60600 CS-134 2007-ý-

- < 6.7s£02 1821.16 get - 0/05/12 12:00 *4-121 2 6000 see U No CS- 137 182.16 gwet 04/W/2 12.:00 0412112 Sec 7U No Pci/g 6000 BA-4140 2007W < 3.43K-0l 182.16 g wet 04/03/12 12:00 04/12/12 CE-141 007 < 9.95-02 1-82.16 gjw-ct 04/05/12 12:0 04/-1212

~~6000 04/05/2 12:-00 Sec U No CE-144 pCi/g -04/12/12126000 020707 < - 4.04K-01 182.16 g wet pCiJ/g 04/05/12 12:00 -.04/1 2/12 f 6000 U 0 rEU-152 20607 < 10--E.-01 182.16 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/121 Sec U No I*R*-226 - -2007 - 1.32E+00 182.16 wet 04105/12 12:00 0I4/12/12 6000 12007-7 2.24E-Cl 1.07E-i 182.16 04/121 Sece Yes TH-228 g wet 04/5/12-12:00 I1J-235 PCi/g 2007 20!07 -

3.96&-01 8.Z3E+060 PCilg i 182.16 182.16 g wet g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/121 6000 600 Sec See U No o

Fag Values U - Conpound/Analytc not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrun

+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identifed(ganuma only) Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum U* Compownd/Analyte not detected. Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MD)C and 3 sigma Iligh = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value **** Unless otherwise noted, the aalytical results reported Spec MC exceeds customer technical specification are related only to the samples tested in the condition they L = Low recovery ae received by the laboratory.

H = Iligh recovery MDC - Minimum l~nectable Concentration Boided text indicates reportable vaiue. Page 14 of 24

Report of Analysis IABRhWN ENGINEERING, INC.

05/01/12 10:44 A TdospwTschncolqiWComp" 1.49994 Encrcon Chris Higgins EN005-3EREGUOI- 12 Sample ID: SS-NFT-002 Collect Start: 04/05/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S) I Station: Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 04/10/2012  % Moisture:

LIMS Number: IA9994-24 So#IActivity Uncertainty IIRun Aliquot Aliquot Reference count count Count Radionuclide SOP# Cone 2 Sigma i MDC Units N Volume Units Date Date Time Units

[BE7 2007 < 6.37E-01 Pai/g 158.6 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 b-4-/2/12 6000 -See LK-4o ___ 2007 6-34E+00 1.34E8400 pCi1g 158.6 g wet 04/05/12 12:00O 04/12/12j 6000 SOe

,_. 4 2007 " 6J6.-- .. .. g I I 158.6 gwwet _04/05/1 212:00 04/12/12, 6000 sec CO58 - 2007 < 8.48E-02 pCi/g - _158.6 g wd 04/05/12 12:00 -04/12/12' 6000 See FH-59 . . - 2007 < 1.65E-01I pCi/g 158.6 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12t 600 S 1

CO-0 207 47E01 .26-0 - ~ pi/g __ 58. Wet 0405 12:0 4i/-12/112 600-0 See O-60. 2007 < 9- 6 - "1.9- / -2 158.6 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12; 6000 Sec ZN-65 - 2007 <1.69F101 pCi/g 1-581.6 g we -04/05/12-l2-:00 04/12/12 6000 Sec ZRU-103 200 6 7 .6.E-02 -3< pci/g __ 158.6 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 sec R-103 1-131 2007 2007 - <

<- 1_ -~- .7-I 1.148F.-O2 pig pCi/g - 186 158.6 ge gwwet 40/22000411260 c

/0/1212.:0 04/12/121 6000 Sec IcM.134 20 ZO.. < ... 4E- _ ,ig - 158.6 g wet -4/05/1_2 2-:.0 04/12/126000 _sec

'1-31 _ 2007 i 1.76E-0I1.02-01 ..- g.158.6 gwet 04/05/1212:00 04/12/12 6000 Sc

"- I 2007 < _ . . 3.61 pg _ 158.6 - wet_

w"I- 005/12 12:000/2/12 2 00 Se jCE-41 2 *-i 7.1 pý2 - 15.6 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 0W12/1 *6000 Sec

CE-144 __-_ 2007 ! < I 3.64E-01 - pCi/g i 158.6 gwet 04/05/12 12.00 04112/12, 6000 S' EU-152-- 2007 2 i_3.

76--01 - - --. 158.6 15. 9/-0 0 04/I2/h2 6000 Set

  1. Aý-6102007 gýwctý

_g--w 04/05/2120 --

E1141228 --

- - . ..... pCi/g I'158.6 -12gw-t 04/0 12:00 04/12/12 6000 Sec 2007 1.67E-01 I 1.OO-01

.. . pCi-g -- 158.6 g.wet 0405/1212:00 04712/12 6000 Sec

'E142007~ < /0 _

RU-238 __. _2-6 2007 < - - 14.401 6-9K93_+00 pCi-g pCi/. 158.6 158.6 gg wet 04/05/12 12:0I wet _04/05112 12:00 04/12/12 04/12/121 6000 6000 _, Sec U

Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MM) or less tham3 sigma No = Peak not ientified in gamma spcctun

+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak idcntified(gpuua only) Yes = Peak identified in gamma specltrm U* - Compound/Analyte nat detected. Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds custwer reporting value **** Unless otherwise noted, the =alytical results repuled Spec MIC exceeds custoame tedmical specilfeation ar related only to the sunples tested m the condition they L = Low recovery we rceived by the labatory.

H = Iligh rcwovcry MIX - Minimum Detcctable Concentration Bolded text indicates reportable value. Page 15 of 24

Report of Analysis TELEDYNE


05/01/12 10:44 ATeledyne Technologies Compare L49994 Enercon Chris Higgins EN005-3EREGUOI-12 Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MX") or less than 3 sigma No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum

+ = Activity concentration excecds ML)C and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only) Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum U* = Compound/Analyte not detected. Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MIC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer rcpirting value **** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported Spec MDC exceeds customer technical specification are related only to the samples tested in the condition they I. = Low recovery are received by the laboratory.

if = Iligh recovery MDC - Minimum lclectable Concentration Holded text indicates reportable value. Page 16 of24


05/01/12 10:44 ATOWV TM**ine- Comp" IA9994 Enercon Chris Higgins EN005-3EREGUOI-i 2 Sample ID: UI-BS-001 Collect Start: 04/05/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 04/10/2012  % Moisture:

LIMS Number- L49994-26 SO#Activity Uncertiy Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Cne 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date 1me Units Flag Values FE-55 2006 < 1.29E+01 pCi/g 2.0123 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/30/12 600 Sec U 2003 < 1.61 05/01/12 pCi/g g wet 20 M 2013 < pci/g 2.0123 g wet 04 W2812 45 M -V 2007 < 196.77 g wet 04 U

_____ 3.90E-01 pCi/g 04/05/12 12:00 6000 Sec No 2007- 7.33E+00 1.11 -E+00 -pCi/g 196.77 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 Sc U No Yes M-54 2007 <

/12/12 Sec +

4.31E-02 pCi/g 196.77 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 6000 No

/-12-/l2 -U C6o-58s 2007 < 5.10E-02 pCi/g 196.77 gwet 104/05/12 12:00 04 6000 6000 Sec sec U No FE-ý59 2007 < 1.10O,011 pCi/g 196.77 gwet 04/0511212:00104 2007 < Sec pCi/g 196.77 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6-000-- u No ZN-65 2007 1.OIE-.01 pCi/g 196.77 T gwet 104/05/12 12:00 04/12112 6000 Sec Sec U No ZR1-95 2007 1.05K-Ol pCi/g 196.77 g wet 04/05/1212:00 04/12/12 6000 U No Sec RU-103 2007 < 5.26F,02 Wilk~ 196.77 gwet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 -U No RU-106 2007 < 4.17E-01 pCi/g _ 196.77 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 See No 1-131 2007 < 7.80E-02 pCi/g--- 196.77 g wet 04/05/12 i2:00 04/12/12 Sec No CS-134 2007 4.79-A-2 pCi/g 196.77 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 Sec U- No CS-137 2007 5.67E-02 pCi1g 196.77 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 Smc -U 6000 No BA-140 2007 2.18E-01 pCi/g 196.77 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 Sec -V CE-141 2007 7.90E-02 196.77 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 pCi/g 6000 Sec U No CE-144 2007 < 2E7E-01 pCi/g 196.77 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 Sec KU--1-5 2 No No 2007 < 1.46"-01 196.77 g wet 04/05/12 1200 04/12/12 Sec --U.

RA-226 2007 < 1.17E+00

~pCi/g 196.77 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 Sec U No TH~i-228 2007 2.37E-01 8.04E-02 196.77 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 60OO Sec +

Yes U-235 2007 < pCi/g -No-3.15"10 pci/g 196.77 g wet 04/05112 12:00 04112/121 6000 Sec U-238 2007 < t6iwEo 1- --

196.77 196.77 05FI212:00 1 04/1ý/Iý -

wet W--- 6000 See Uij

ýNo Flag Values U = CompoundJAnalyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum

+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak idantified(gamma only) Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum U* - Compound/Anaiyt not detected. Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Acvity cwcer" exceeds customer reporting value **** Unless oherwise noted, the analytical results reported Spec = MDC exceeds cutonmer technical specificatio are related only to the samples tested in the condition dthy L = Low ecovey are received by the laboratory.

H = High recovery MDC - Minimum Dtectabl Concentration Bolded text indicates reportable value. Page 17 of 24


05/01/12 10:44 Alms Ted~aoes Ceipq L49994 Enercon Chris Higgins EN005-3EREGUOI- 12 Sample ID: UI-BS-002 Collect Start: 04/05V2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 04/10/2012  % Moisture:

LIMS Number: L49994-27 Activity Uncertainty Run! Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values 9.-- ,.=~---

2006 < 1.25E+01 pCi/g 2.0072 g wet 104/05/12 12:00 1 04/30/12 600 20 Sec U No 05/0l/12j H-3 2003 ___< _ 2A9E+00 1 pCi/g1.73 g wet 05/tn/iý zu M U M--63 2013 *458F,01 - pc - .02 2.0072 g wet 42li2 M U 2007 200.95 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/124 6000 Sec Uii No i 3.33F.41 pCi/9 0C4/5/1212:i-0-0 2007 7.33 r+-0 8.86E-01 pci/g 200.95 g wet 04112/121 6000 Sec + IYesI MN-54 4.60E-02 200.95 g wet 6000 No 2007 pCi/g 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 Se I U t6:-58 .U1-4K-Cl2- 200.95 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 60M - Sec U No F&-59 2007 1.15K-Cl --pCi/g 200.95 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 4/12/12 6000 Sec U No CO-60 2007 6.43E-02 200.95 gwet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 Sec U No

&£-65 2007 MUMK-C pCi/g 200.95 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000- Sec U No ZR 2007 7.55K-02 pCi/g 200.95 g wet 04/05/12 12.00 04/12/121 6000 Sec IU No RU- 10-3 2007 4.13K-C2 200.95 6000_ Sec U pCi/g gg wet wet 04/05/12 1200 04/12/12 No R-U-406 2007 3.53E-01 pCi/g 200.95 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 S6000 Sec U No

--2007 1-131 CS--134 ___ 2007

<~ 7.35K-C2 3.60E-02 pCi/g pCi/g 200.95 200.95 g wet g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/121 04/05/12 12:00- 04/12/12 60001 6000 See Sec U No No CS-437- 2007- 4.84K-02 pCi/g 200.95 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 Sce U No BA-140 2007 2.12K-01 P019g 200.95 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 U No ME- 14-1 2007 6.27E-C1 pCi/g 200.95 g wet 04/05/12 12:U00 04/12/121 6000 Sec -U No ffE-1-i44- 2007 2.37K-01 pCi/g 200.95 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/121 6000 Sec U No EU--152- 07 2007 I.OE-01K pCi/g 200.95 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 1 04/12/121 6000 Sec U No


RA-226 2007 2007 7.60E-01 pCi/g 200.95 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/121121 6000 Sec U Yes M1-228 2100-7 3.60E-01 5.5313-02 pCi/g 200.95 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 041~12112 6000 Sec + Yes rHi-232 - 2007 2.90K-01 1.24E-01 pCi/g 200.95 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 -0/12-12 + Yes 6000 2.50K-Cl pCi/g 200.95 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 600O Sec U No U-235-5.ISE-+00 pCi/g 200.95 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 {04/12/12 Sec U No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MIX,) or less than 3 sigma No lPeak not identified in gamma spectrum

+ - Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(ganmm only) Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum U* = Compound/Analyte not detected. Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value *"" Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results merted Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification are related only to the samples tested in the condition they L = Lowrecovery ae received by the laboratory.

H = High recovery MDC - Minimum Detectable Concentration Bolded text indicates reportable value.

Page 18 of 24


05/01112 10:44 AT.4adyTkh-e"a~~Cuup" L49994 Enercon Chris Higgins EN005-3EREGUOI- 12 Sample ID: UI-DS-003 Collect Start: 04/05/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: W410/2012 %moisture:

LIMS Number: 1,49994-28 1,49994-28 Collcct Receive Date: 04/10/2012 12.'00 Stop: 04/05/2012 Collect Start:

LIMS Numb:r:

Sample ID:


UI-BS-003So I Activity Uncertainty I Run Aliquot Aliquot Refeirence Count Count Count Station:

Radian uclide Conc 2 Sigma MI)C Units Volume Units Dote De Time Units Flag Values

___2063 _< 1.09E+01 pCig l 20116. Wet 04105/12.12:00 04/30/12 _09_ Sec U1i _J0 11-3 2003 2.31IE+00O pCi/g 216 g wet 400 5/01/2 20 M Ui

[Nl-63 2013 < 4.56-0*1 pCi/g 2.0116 - gwet 04-/28/1 45 M U

ýBE-? 2007 < 3.93E-41 pCi/g 218.38 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 sac U No

..... 2007 s.76E+00 7.84E-01 _ pci/g 218.31 -gw-et 04/05/1212:00 011*/2 60o Sec Yes 2N07 < _E-02 pCig - 218.3- ggwet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/121 6000 Sec U No 2007 <4.51 0 pcJ g 218.38 gw-et 04/05/12 12:00 W-/12/12 6000 Sc U No rFE-58 2007 < 9.05*e-l2 *i/g 218.38 g-wet 04/05/1212:00 04/12/121. 6000 Sec U. No

_ 4__0 _< _ -- -4 riý& pCi/g _ 218.38 gwet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/121 6000 Sec U Not 2007 < L$IK-02 pCi/g 218.38 gwet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 Sec U No RU- 06 j2007~ <_ 7.95"-02 pCi/g 218.38 g wct 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 600 Sec- No 2007 < 4.93E-02 pCi/g . 218.38 g wct 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/1I_ - 6000 S0c- U ~ No 20o07 < .. .. _ :i/g 6000 Sec U No Kt1 34 2007 2<67 2007 7.81E-02 4 4.,02 i 5.09E-02 pCi/g pCi/gI pCi/g 218.38 218.38 gwet g wet

-C0/05/1212:00 04/05/12-12:0-04112/12 04/12/12 60-00 6000 6000 Sec

-- c -- U Scc U

o U

--- N No No 0-0

__- _ < _- 6_07E-01 pCi/g -- 218.38 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 041 2/I-2 2007 fpffi/gL~o woo- "sa- UU-7-- -140-218.38 g-wet 04/05/12 l2i.-- 04/12/12 6000 ISci NO

ý E-141 218.38 gg wet 04/03/12 12:00 04/12/12 1C11144 2007 < 6E-o1 - p-/g1 218.38 wct 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/1 6ooo- -ScIU-6000 eL u-U 1 2007 < 1.2F-01 pCi/g 218.38 g wct 104/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 5cc U Ye RA-226 200-7 -&1871F01 pCi/g 218.38 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 SeclU Yes 2007 3.IoE-o0 6.5(0-02 pCi/g 21.38- gwt 0/5 1:0-0 04/'12/12 TH-228

.TII-232 2007 0071 2S.4-1 9.63E,02-2.57E-01 pi/g pCi/g 218.38 21 .3 wet J04/05/12120 g et- 04/0 /12 12:00 042/

604/12 /1 60-00 ~ v L-38 2007 < 5.45E+0o 1 pCi/g 218.38 jg~wct 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 U icc N

Flag Values U = ConpouwdAnalye not detected (< MDC) or lks than 3 sigma No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum

+ = Activity concenratim exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only) Yes - Peak identified in gamma spectrum Us = Cenmpound/Analyte not desected. Peak not identified, hut forced activity concentration exceeds MDC mad 3 sigma High = Acivity coucaiuiion exceeds custemer reporting value '*'*Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported Spec = MDC exceeds custome technical specification are related only to the samples tested in the condition they L = Low recovery art received by the laboratory.

H = High recery MIC - Minimum Detabc Con*cntration Bolded text indicates reportable value. Page 19 of 24


05101/12 10:44 A TO44- T-.Anolooiw CeWpIy L49994 Enercon Chris Higgins EN005-3EREGUOI-12 Sample ID: UI-BS-004 Collect Start: 04/05/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 04/10/2012  % Moisture:

LIMS Number L49994-29 S

. ..... Activity Uacerteinty Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide sop# Cone 2 Sitpis MDC Units # I Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Val FE-55 200 <___ 151K+01 pCi/g 2.0106 g wet 04/05/12 12:,00 04/30/12 600 scc U H-3 20-03 M.556H0 .96 g wet 05m/01/1 20 _ M U .

NI-63 2013 - < -

-4."K-01 pCi/g _ 2.0106 g Wet 04/28/12 45 M U BE-7 K-40

".2007 2007 4.93E+O0 8.74E-01 2.93F,0 pCi/g__

_210.06 210.06 g wet 04/05/12 12.00 g-w_- OV/60112 12-00

  • iV-1 W1/2/12 04/1212 6(

6000 6000 Sec Se

+ - -!



--U MN-54 2007 < 2.52E-02 g wet_ 04/05/12 12:00 CO-M- 2007 pCi/g _

< 4.12F,02 210.06 g we( 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 Sec U FE-59 . 2007 pCi/g _

g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04112/12 7.10E-02 6000 Sec U__

pCilg co-660 i0_07 _3.53_F_02 210.06 g wet 04/05/1212:00 04/12/12 6000 Sec U ZN-65 2< pCi/g 7.57&-N 210.06 g wet 04/05/12 12.00 04/12/12 60 ae IU Uc -

pCi/g _

ZR-95 2--i < s5s"zuVi 210.06 04/12/1* 6000 SeeP U RU- 103 2007 < 2.95K-In pCi/g- 210.06 g-wet M4-5/12 1*.00- 04/121 60-0 -Sc -UT--

RUJ-1066 0- 2.85E-01 gwet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 Sec U 210.06 1-131 207- - 4_.99K-2_ 4/12/*12 6000 Sec_ U pCi/g CS-134 2007 < 7.74F,032 210.06 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000- Sec U CS-137 2007 < _3.3_2K-lU gg-wet wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/05112 12:00 04/12/12 6000 Sec U 2007 04/12/ - 6000 Se '

LBA-1406 < . 1.30K-e[l Pý1/g --- 210.06 04/12/12 6000 See U 2007 < 3.44K-02 pCi/g 210.06 gwet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12t12 6000 5c U k.EU-I CE4-14 52 2007 2007

< _TI 11.12"-I -pCi/

210.06 210.06 g wet wet g wet-04/05/12 12:00 04/5/12-12:060 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 See U

-04/12112 _6000- Sec- U iRA-226 2067 < 4.63K-0l pCi/g 210.06 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 207 -.. 3E,-01

111-228 pCi/g 210.06 g wet 04/05/12 12:00

_tH-232 2007 2.14K"Ol 7.99E-02 - 10.06 04/12/12

. 6000_. ec + -

I pCi/g -- :0-~6- g -weit "6/5/121-2-00 0/-12/126000 Sec FU-235 -

2007 210.06 -U -U LU-238 - 4.36K4430 p~i/g g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/i2/12j§ 600 _SceQ-r Rlag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less th 3 sigma No - Peak not identified in pmmna spectrum

+ Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigmr peak identified na only) Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum U* = Compound/Analyte not detected. Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 signma High Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value **** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reoted Spec = M exceeds customer technical specification eC we related only to the samples tested in the condition they L = Low recovery re received by the laboratory.

H High recovery MDC - Minimum Detectable Concentration Bolded text indicates reportable value.

Page 20 of 24


05/01112 10:44 ATeWadvnTemW~swsCmu LA9994 Enercon Chris Higgins EN005-3EREGUOI-12 Sample ID: UI-BS-005 Collect Start 04/05/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 04/10/2012  % Moisture:

LIMS Number- L49994-30 soP#dActivity Uncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count CAPmOt RaSdionuclide S Conc 2 Sigma KDC Units N# Volume [lnits Date Date Time Units Flag Values

,FE.S 7 _2006 1i.39E+01 pCi/g -* 2.00 gwct- 04/05/12 12:00 040_12--_600 Sec U NoJ

-1.15600 pci/g 2. .32 g we

  • __ _ 056/0/12l 20 M U NI-63 2013 < 4.54F,01 _ 2.008 gwet_

g _ 04/28/12 45 M U BE_7 2007oi A A, ]F-n pCi/g 177.82 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 Sec 11 No K-.40 _2007 7.3569-D00 1.21E40 pCi/g -177.82 gwet 104/05/2 12:00 04/12/12 *60 ec -e-IM-54 2007 pCii/g 177.82 gwet -04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 sec U No 2007 < pCi/g CO-SlI 177.82 gwct 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 Sec U i No FE-59 j6_2007 <

6.28&-02 pCi/g CO-60 i667 <

6.IIE-02 pCi/g 9 wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/1211 6000 ZN-65 200-7*- pCi/g j__

177.32 177.32 177.32 177.82 [ _gwet_04/0/!2 wet_ 04/05/12 12:00}.!04/12/12_

gwet g 12:00 04/12/12 04/12/12 6000__

6000 Sec Sec Sec r UU No

_ ~No No _

iR-95 12007 < 7.11E-02 pCi/g 177.82 gwet 04/05/12 12:00 04/1V/12 6000 Scc U No RU-103 -- 2007 <_

1.230141 pCi/g RU-106 2007 < pCil/g

&6.42142 177.-2 gw1et 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 See I No 1 2007 < pCi/g 177.82 gwet gwet 04/05/12 12:00 12:00 04/12/121 04/12/12 6000 Sec IUl vie U No CS-134 2007 -pCi/g pCi/g CS-137 .... - . pCi/g . 177.82 g wet 04A05/1212:00 04/12/121 6000 USc No 8.581-02 BA-1440 __2007-- -- -< 177.82 gwet 04/05/12 02.-0 04lI2/121 6000 Se s U No CF-141 ___ 2007 < pCi/g 177.s2 g-wet 04_05/i2 1 041/2 6000 Sec _- - _

iCE-144 2007 < . 177.82 gwet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 Sec U No 1.612-01 EU-15-2 2007 < pCi/g- 177.2 __gwet -0405/12-12:00 /1 6000 see Uf-IRa-:

RA-22 2067-20 -<-- pcW pCi/g- 177.82 g wt 04105/12-12:00 04/12/12 6000 Sec U No

-177.82 gwt 04105/12-12-:00 04/12/12 6000 Sec +6 Yeo TH-228 __ 20 2.891-01O 8.42E-0:

fU-235 ---  :- <-2 t .443 pCi/g U4 8 -- 2007- +

177.2 g wet -04/65/1.2 12:00 (04/-12/I2 60oof-6 e -LNo Opoi/ 177.82 g wet 0401 2:- 04/112/1211-660 Sm 1+ N Flag Values U = Compound/Anlle not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma No = Peak not ideitified in gamma spectrum

+ = Activity conentration exceeds MDC and 3 signm peak idenified(ganuns only) Yes - Peak identified in gamma spectrum Us = C"pndVAnuyte not detected. Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma lligh - Activity concentration xceeds customer repoting value **** Unless oterwise noted, the analytical results reported Spec MDC exceeds customer technical specification ae related only to the samples tested in the condition they 11 Low recovery Me received by the laboratory.

H = High recovery MDC - Minimum l)etctable Concentration Bolded test indicates reportable value. Page 21 of 24


05/01/12 10:44 ATWu*hne Wiioou Coui L49994 Enorcon Chris Higgins EN005-3EREGUOI- 12

.Start: 04/05/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)


% Moisture:

Aliquot Aliquot Reference Cout Count Count 1 I Volume Units Date Date Tune Units Flag Values 2.0051 gwet g 04/05/12 12:00 04/30/12 600 Sec U No 2.37 gwct .... 05/01/12 20 M U 2.0051 g wet . . -28/12 45 M U 182.53 gwet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 - 6000 Se- U No -

18 2-.53 _gwet 04/0'5-/12 12:00- 0-4/12/1'2 6000 Sec + Yes 12- g wet 04/5-/12 12:oo0 04/12/12 6000 Sec u -- No 18_.53__ wet 0_405/12 1200 04/12/12 6000 Sec U No 12."53 - g wet 0415/12 12:00 04/ 12/12 6000 -Sect UF Nio 182.53 _gwet. 04105t12_12:00 6/I21-12 182.53 g w*t 045/12 12:00 W0412/12 6000 SWc N 182.53 gwet 0'6/5/12 12:0 04/1211_ 6000 Sec U No 182.53 w 04/05/12 12:00 - 04/12/12 6000 Sec U No 182,53 gwct -041051i2 12:00 04/12/12 6000-Sec U -No 182.53 g wet 04/05/12_12:00 04/12/121 6000 See U No 182.53 I g wct ___05/121200 04-12(121 l8.53 _gwct 0-4/05/1212:00 _04/12/121 6000 Sec U No 182.53 gwet 04/0512 12:00 04/12/12 6000 S-C U No 1 -2.53 gwetI 04105/1212:0- 04/12/12" Xl Sec U No 182.53 gwet 045/12 12:W0 04/72/12 6000Sei U -No

_182-.53 gc 40/21:0 0/21 6000 Sec U No 182.53 g wet 04/05/12 12:00- 04/12-112- 6000 Sec U Ye 1253 g wet 04/05/122:004112 6000 Sec -+ Yes 182.53 g wet 104/05/1 12:00 04(1-/121 6000 Sec + . Yes 182.53 igwct 0*/0/12-12:00 104/1V12 6000 Sec U No 12.53 gwct 04/0!/2 212:00 704[12/121 6000 Sec U N Flag Values I) - Compouad/Analyte not detected (< MID) or less than 3 sigma No = Peak not identified ia gamma spectrum

+ Activity concentration eacceds MDC and 3 sigma, peak idntifid(gaua only) Yes = Peak identificd in gauna spectrum Us CompodWAnaytc not detected. Peak not identified, but forccd activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma

        • Unless otherwise noted, the analytical resuits reported High = Activity concentration eceeds custome reposting value Spec NDW exceeds customer technical specification ma related only to the snupls tested in the condition thdy L = Low recovery arI -ceiivmdby Dtelaboratory.

H - Iligh recovery MCDC - Minimum Detectable Concentration Boded text indicates reportable value.

Page 22 of 24


05/01/12 10:44 ATdudu T-khnoW9- Cwmnpy L49994 Enercon Chris Higgins ENO05-3EREGUOI-12 T

Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma No ý Peak not identified in gamma spectnun

+ - Activity coccnutaion exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only) Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrur u* - Comaund/Anfyte not detected. Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma

        • Unless otherwise noted, the analytical eults reported High = Activity concentration exceeds custmw porting value Spec = MDC exceeds customw technical specification we related only to the sa*plcs tested in the cndition they

, = Low recovery ae received by the laboratory.

H fish recovery MDC - Mbinuan Detectable Concentration Boldled text indicates reportable value. P 23 of24

Report of Analysis TELEDYNE 05/01/12 10:44 P BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.

ATgsdml rhfchWlOO aOCmy L49994 Eamcon Chris Higgins EN005-3EREGUOI-12 Sample ID: UI-BSR-002 Collect Start: 04/05/2012 12:00 Matrix: Solids (SD)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 04/10/2012  % Moisture:

IIMS Number: LA9994-33 Activity Uncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flog Values

ýBE-7 1.28-K411 6000 Sec U 2007 ptv/g- 67.14 g wet 04/05/12 12.M0 04/12/12 60 K-40 2007 7.2i1F,1 pCi/g 67.14 g wet 04/05/12 12.00 04/12112 6000 S U -c Yes MN-S4 2007 67.14 pCi/g g wet 04/0541212:00< Sec U No 6.78E-02 04/12/12 600 CO-58 2007 67.14 g wet 04/05/1212-00 6000 -U - - - No i-i-59 2007 7.661-02 67.14 gwet 04/05/12 12:00 4/12/12 6000 Sec U No pCi/g _ 04/12/12 2OO7 1.59E-01 7.13E-02 67.14 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 Sec + Yes pCi/g 04/12/12 6000 ZN-65 2007 1.20E-01 67.14 gwct 04/05/12 12:00 S§= U No ZR-95 04/12/12 2007 11.5-Z41 pCi/g _ 67.14 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 6000 Sec U No RUJ-103 __

6.95F,02 67.14 g wet 04/05112-12.00 04/12112 Sec U No pCi/g 04/12112 RU- 106 6.871-01 67.14 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 Sec U No 1-131 CS-134 2007 2007 2007 2007 1.13"1-

. 7AI-M02 KpCi/g pCi/g p1/g__

67.14 67.14 g wet gwet 04/05412 12:00 04/05/12 12:00 04/12112 04112/12 04/12/12 6O0 6000 6000 Sec -U No CS-137 2007 2007 6.79F,02 67.14 g wet 104/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 Sec U No BA-140 pCi/g 2007 3.06F-01 67.14 1wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12112 Sec U No CE-141 pKite 6000 2007 9.411-02 67.14 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 Sec U No CE-144 pCi/g 2007 67.14 gwet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 Sec U No pCi/g EU-152 2.411-01 67.14 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12112 6000 Sec U No RA-226 1.47E44)i 67.14 gwet 04/05/12 12:00 04/12/12 6000 Sec U No T11-228 pCi/g 2007 1.32F,01 67.14 g wet 04/05/12 12:00 04/1112 6000 U-235 2007- 3.60F,01 pCi/g 67.14 g wet 04/05/12 1200 Sec U No W411-2/12 6000 U-238 6.7-8E+00 pCi/g 67.14 04/05112 12:00 Sec U No-Flag Values U = Conpouud/Analyte not detced (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma No = Peak not identified in gammna spectrum

+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identilied(gaunma only) Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum U* = Ccmnpotd/Analyte not detected. Peak not identified, but flrced atvity cancentrakio exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High - Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value **** Unles otbcrwisc noted, the analytical results rted Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification ae reldated only to the samples tested in the condition they L = Low recovery we received by the laboutoy.

H = High recovey MDC - Minimum Dctcctablc Cocemnration Bolded text indicates reportable value. Page 24 of 24

I ( I Cl Q Ci Q m Project#: MLIC LVI 008 Page: Number COC I "': COC-UI-03 of 4 F .3 4 E 1R% Name:


Chris Higgins IRich Holm 190' M*RL 104 S Goodlwin AVE City/StalrLip: Urbana. If.61901-2902 Excellence-Every project.Every day. Phone: 203-565-3272 ENERCON P.O.C: Coey DeWitt 412-889-3124 e-mail. 4 . ,!... Sample Analysis Requested (s (Fill in the number of containers for each test)

Project/Site Name: University of Illinois e-mail: h aac.A'nl o.m *1hr0,ihi:r

.1 1! <-.P vaive Type (3)

& i Address: 190N MRL 104 S Goodwin AVE Urbana, IL 61801-2902 U C m t Note:Cextra sample is Collected by (print/sign): Chris Higgins eic s-ti .required for sample Sample ID 1

ZkQ- specific QC

. /,'or postes - indicate start andstop date imee (um-dd-yy) (Idani) Q SS-RRF-O01 / 04-05-12 i2:00 N so Y N I X No drying or grinming SS-RRF-002 7 04-05-12 12:00 N so Y N I X X X _ No drying orgrindin SS-RRF-003 04-05-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X No drying or grinding SS-RRF-004 si 04-05-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X No drying or grinding SS-RRF-005 04-05-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X No drying or grinding SS-RRF-M5 J 04-05.12 12:00 N SO Y N I X X X No drying or grinding SS-RRF-007 04-05-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X X X No drying or grinding SS-RRF-008 / 04-05-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X No drying or grinding SS-RRF-009 04-05-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X No drying or grinding SS-RRF-OI0 1 04-05-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X No drying or grinding TAT RequestedL Normal: X Rush: Specify: E-mail Results: cs) / No Circle Deliverable: CofA I QCSummary I 1-vell / Level2 / Level 3 / Lcve14 Remarks: Normal TAT is defined as 30 days by Q233. 5SmLC o Time Zone Egn Pacific central Other Mountain Chain or Custody Signatures Sample Shipping and Delivery Details R7R By(Signed) Date Time i ved by (signed) Date Time Laboratory PM:

2 2 Airbill C 3 3 Airbill 0:

i.) t. or mody Number -*S ;rocdq. hor Lab Receivig Use Only 2.) QC Codes: N - NonmalSample, T1 Trip Ba* FD - Field Duplicate. £S Equaimea Blark. MS ý Matix Spike S sli le, MSD Matix Spike Duapit Sampie, G G - Grab, C - CoLmposile 3.) Prm*e*vati Type: HA - Hydrochlouic Acid, NI = Nitric Acid, Sit = Nodim Hydroxide. SA S*uifivic Acid, AA - Ascorbic Acid, LX - Hexame,ST Sodium Thiosufilne Woo pri rvotive is added - leave field blankh Cusiod'eal Intact?

4.) Nsiubi Codes: DW-Drinkbig Water GW-4Cqmodwatee. NW-Surface Wale. WW=Waste Water, W-Warer. ML -Misc Liquid, SG-Soid, Sfl-Sedimort SL.'Sludae. SS=Solid Waste 0-0dL V'iieer. P-wipe. iJ=Uirne, F-Fecal, N-Nasai YES N'O Cookr Temp:

5.) Sample Analysis Requeited Analytical meothd rquested (i.e, 82605, 601Ot7470A) aWdnumber ofoetainers provided for each (ue. 82608 -3, 60108 7470.4 - I).

Project#: MLIC LV008 Name: Chris Higgins / Rich Holm COC Number "': COC-UI-03 F 3J E Street: 190tN MRL 104 S Goodwin AVE Every day Cproject.

CityState/7zp: Urbana. IL 61801.2902 Excellence-Every pPo: 203-565-3272 ENERCON P.O.C: Corey DeWitt 412-889-3124 e-mail: d Sample Analysis Requested (Fill in the numbcr of containers for each test)

Project/Site Name: University of Illinois e-mail: chrtsto1nhi IliŽgŽi)Lc3,lhj 11 I ---- <- Preservative Type (3)

Address: 19ON MRL 104 S Goodwin AVE Urbana, IL 61801-2902

  • U C

.3 K Comments Collected by (printisign): Chris I iggins _____1 ~Note: extra sample is

-Date Collected 'Time Collected z eurdfrsml Sample ID isme 1tuaJy) QCcc, specific QC ForcOmpomes- Idicare stoy and stop date (-e-dd-yy) (bai4 I I I I I SS-RRF-OI I J, 04-05-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X No drying or grinding SS-RRF-012 1 04-05-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X No drying or grinding SS-RRF-013 1 04-05.12 12:00 N SO Y N I X X X No drying orgrinding SS-RRF-014 1 04-05-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X No drying or grinding SS-RRF-O15 J 04-05-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X No drying or grinding SS-LAF-001 J 04-05-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X X No drying or grinding SS-RCF-001 04-05-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X X No drying or grinding 00N SS-BCT-W 04-05-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X X I No drying or grinding SS-BCT-NW 04-05-12 12:00 N SO Y N 1 X X __ No drying or grinding SS-BCT-NE 04-05-12 12:00 N so Y N I X X X X No drying or grinding TAT Requested: Normal: X Rush: Specify: E-mailResats: ( ) No Circle Deliverable: CofaA QC Summary / Level1 I Level2 / Level3 / Level4 Remarks: Normal TAT is defined as 30 days by Q233. Sanmole Collection Time Zone Eastem Pacific Central Other Mountain Chain of Custody Signatures Sample Shipping and Delivery Details y (Signed) Date Time Rý by (signed) Ti/ Laboratory PM:

I 5


%&_'~ <;P t /

'~ 3 s'v Method ofShipmcm Date Shilpd 22 Airbill #:

3 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __#:

I.I Chain ot Cusody Number - See Procedure For Lab Receiving Use Only M0stx Spike Duplicate Sample. C- Grab, C Composite 2.) QC Codes: N - Normal Sample. 3 = Trip Blsh. FD - Field Duplicate. ED - Equipment Blank MS - Marix Spike Sample. MSD -

3.) Prescrvatve Type: HA - Hydrochlorc Acid, NI-1Nitric Acid. SH - Sodium Hydroxide. SA ýiSluic Acid, AA = Ascorbic Acid, lIX =Hexane, ST =Sodium "rioulia. Ifn preservaiwve is added = leave fieddbtmk CustodySeal Intact?

4.) M;a,,, Codes- DI-Drinking Waler, GW-G*...dwa.e.. SW-Su.rAe WSW.r, -*Wa_,ewater, W=Waser. ML- Misc Liquid. SO- Soil, SD-Sediment. S.-Sludge. ..- Solid Wsateý 0-Oil, F-Filter, P-Wipe, U, Urine, F-i*-eu, N-Nasal YE.S NO Cooler Tern 5.) Sample Analysis Requested Analytial metbod requested (i.e. 52603. 6010174"70A) and number of containers provided for each (ic 82608 .-3, 60108;7470A . I).

Pap 3 of 4 Project #: MLIC LVI 008 Name: Chris Higgins I Rich Holm COC Number "': COC-41-03 .3 E Sir:et: 190N MRL 104 S GoodWn AVE City/State)Zip: Urbana, IL 61801-2902 Excellence- Every project Every day. Phone: 203-565-3272 ENERCON P.O.C: Corey DeWitt 412-889-3124 e-mail: cxk",i'., ci*.ca,?txa,- Sample Analysis Requested (' (Fill in the number of containers for each test)

Project/Site Name: University ofIllinois e-mail: Jirq,.opihi a aLj.,

£ec.mi w I I I I <-- Preservative Typc (3)

Address: 190N MRL 104 S Goodwin AVE Urbana. IL 61801-2902 Bn Collected by (print/sign): Chris Higgins I ,~ .~Note: N Coextra extra sample ampmentsis

'Date Collected *Time cteaW eo T zape*S**fcQ required for sample Sample ID (MIary)h 04-)

) QC Code Madrnt' specific QC For compo*sies -indicate stai and stop dateime (m-dd-yy)

SS-BCT-E Y 04-05-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X X X X No drying org rinding SS-WTF-001 04-05-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X X No drying or grinding SS-NrF-001 1 04-05-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X X No drying or grinding SS-NTF-002 / 04-05-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X X No drying or grinding SS-RRF-007 (Duplicate) 04-05-12 12:00 N SO Y N 1 X No drying or grinding UI-BS-001 04-05-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X X X X No drying or grinding UI-BS-002 M 04-05-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X X X X _ No drying or gnnding UI-BS-003 04-05-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X X X X No drying or grinding J,

/1 0051 12:0 N so N I___Ndiornn UI-BS-O04 0

,/ 04-05-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X X X X No drying or grinding UI-BS-005 04-05-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X X X X __ No drying or grinding TAT Requested: Normal: X Rush: Specify: E-mailResuRIs: y / No CircleDeliverable: CofA / QC Summary / Level I Level2 / Level3 / Level4 Remarks: Normal TAT is defined as 30 days by Q233. sanie Collection Time Zon Eastern Pacific CaIL Other

_Mountain Chain of Custody ýi'patures Sample Shipping and Delivery Details Signd) Tim ate ~ b (ssae) ~Time ReMIigne)TireDi 31 Daw imeLaborator PM:

I 1-I 4 ý_ 1 , t ,0b I 1 P, OvC MediodofShia t- iDate Shipp:

2 2 Aibill #:

3 .Airbill 3 0:

I.) ClaImof CustodyNum er =See Procedure IFor Lab Receving Use Only 2.) QC Codes: N =Normal Sample. Ta - Trip Blan, FD - Field Duplicate. [3N Equipmem Blank, MS = Matrix Spike Sample. MSD , Matrix Spike Doplicate Sam*e. G - Umrab. C = Composite 3.) Preservatie Type: HA- Hy .&dorlcAcid. NI - Nitric Acid,SH - Sodium Hydroxide. SA - Sulfiwic Acid, AA - Axucit Acid, HX - Hexmw.ST Sodium Thimalfse. If an prelnativme is added =leae field blank Cuody Seal Intact?

4.) MatixiCodesDW-Drtisking Waters. GW-Gromnsdwaier, SW-Stulact WaterhW-Waste waiter.W-Waser. ML-Miac Liquid. SO-Sol SDeSdsmemt. SL-Shudge. 555obid Wasic,(Y-61. F-Fulter. ?'-Wtpe. [J=Uie, F-Fera, N=N&Wn YES NO Cooler Temp:

3.) Sample Analysis Requested Aunlytical method requested (.e.826011 60101/7476A) andaumber ofecmaineirs provided for etb (i.e. 142608 - 3, 6010&-7470A. -I).

Project #: MLIC LVI 008 Nam: Chris Higgins / Rich Holm COC Number "': COC-UI-03 Street: 19ON MRL 104 S Goodwin AVE City/Stale/Zip: Urbana, I. 61801.2902 Excellence-- Every project. Every day. Phone: 203-565-3272 ENERCON P.O.C: Corey DeWit 412-889-3124 e-mail: 4kv'u rrcrii,.a Sample Analysis Requested ( (Fill in the number ofcontainers for each test)

PrejWct/Sitc Name: University of Illinois e-mail: .41--

i, (V--1 i 1 L-- - . Note-

<-- Preservative Type (3) extra1------

Address: 190N MRL 104 S Goodwin AVE Urbana, IL 61901-2902 SCm et Collected by (print/sign): Chris Higgins No:etrsapei

  • T~ ~I F required for sample Sample ID (military) QC C specific QC Forcampiwwies - indicate stalr andslop date time (sm-Y)l-yy (liw-) Mr 43hfuQ UI-BS-006 17 04-05-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X X X X No dying or grinding UI-BSR-001 "'04-05-12 12:00 N
  • Y N I X_________

U1-BSR.002 0 4-052 12:00 N Y N I X TAT Requested: Normal: X Rush: Specify: E-mail Results: ( I No Circle Deliverable: C ofA / QC Summary / Level I / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4 Remarks: Normal TAT is defined at 30 days by Q233. Snamle Collection Time Zone Eastern Pacific Central Other

_______________________________________ Mountain Chain of Custody Signatures Sample Shipping and Delivery Detail epiid sined) Date Time Rt edl b~y (signed) Date Time Laboratory PM:

1 I Method- fShipment: , aeSbhip  :

2 2 -Airbill #:

3 3 Airbil 0:

L) Chain of Culody Number - See fteedu For Lab Receiving Use Only

2) QC Codes: N - Normal Sample. Ta - Tnp Bhmb. tFD- Field Duplicate, ED - Equipment Btlak, MS Matrix Spike Sample. MSD = Matrix Spike Duplicule Sample. G - CDrb, C - Composite 2.) Pieservative Type: HA= Hydroclori Acid. NI = Nilt Acid. SH - Sodium Hydroxide, SA - Sulfusic Acid, AA - Ascorbic Acid, 1X -=texas., ST - Sodium Thiesulfue, If no peservae is added- leave field blark Custod Seatl Intact?

4.) MVaimCodes:VWDW-O~iuSk Waler.GW=3rowidwaier, SW'Smufaee Water.WW-Waste Water.W-Walee, ML MlfscLiquid. SO-Soil, 5D-'5edimnusi SL=Stiud*. 5SS-Sotid Waste.O-Oil, F-Tiher, P-Wipe. tl-UJrne F-l'eeal, NmNasal YS Nvo Cooler Temp:

5.) Suvmle*A.ialysms Requestedrt Analytical method requ"ed (Le. 826011. 6I4011747OA) &ad nuanber of comamersprovided foe each (i.e. 260H - 3, 60109 7470.4 - I).

04/10/12 13:05 Teledyne Brown Engineering SR/#:1SR3:099 Sample Receipt Verification/Variance Report SR #: SR30991 Client: Enercon Services, Inc. Project #: EN005-3EREGUOI-12 LIMS #L49994 Initiated By: JSIMMONS Init Date: 04/10/12 Receive Date: 04/10/12 Notification of Variance Person Notified: Contacted By:

Notify Date:

Notify Method:

Notify Comment:

Client Response Person Responding:

Response Date:

Response Method:

Response Comment Criteria Yes No NA Comment 1 Shipping container custody seals present NA and intact.

2 Sample container custody seals present NA and intact.

3 Sample containers received in good y condition 4 Chain of custody received with samples Y 5 All samples listed on chain of custody Y received 6 Sample container labels present and y legible.

7 Information on container labels y correspond with chain of custody 8 Sample(s) properly preserved and in NA appropriate container(s) 9 Other (Describe) NA For Hazardous Materials Only:

10 Paperwork shows TBE and shippers name, NA address and phone number 12 Paperwork shows sample quantity NA information


ATedf, e Tohmosogio Cmpany 2508 Quality Lane Knoxville, TN 37931-3133 865-690-6819 Chris Higgins Enercon 4490 Old William Penn Highway Murrysvillc, PA 15668 Report of Analysis/Certificate of Conformance 06/28/2012 LIMS #: L50878 Project ID#: ENOOS-3EREGUOI-12 Received: 06/26/2012 Delivery Date: 06/28/2012 P.O.# PER RECEIPT Release #:


This is to certify that Teledyne Brown Engineering - Environmental Services located at 2508 Quality Lane, Knoxville, Tennessee, 37931, has analyzed, tested and documented samples, as received by the laboratory, as specified in the applicable purchase order.

This also certifies that requirements of applicable codes, standards and specifications have been fully met and that any quality assurance documentation which verified conformance to the purchase order is on file and may be examined upon request.

I hereby certify that the above statements are true and correct.


Keith Jeter Operations Manager Cross Reference Table Clienti1 __) Laboratory ID StationI applicable) uI-BS.Fi- L50878-1

[ L50878-2 Ul-BS-F2 UI-BS-WW L50878-3 UI-B3S-NW S L50878-4 Method Reference Numbers Matrix Knalysis Method Refrence S GAMMA EPA 90 1.1 Page 1 of 6


A Teledyne Technrobes Company 2508 Quality Lane Knoxville, TN 37931-3133 865-690M6819 This report shall not be reproduced or distributed except in its entirety.

Page 2 of 6


06/28/12 09:42 A Tk*@usT-mobgtOmm ap L50878 Enercon EN005-3EREGUOI-! 2 Sample ID: UI-BS-FI Collec Stairt: 06/25/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 06/26/2012  % Moisture:

LIMS Number: L50878-1 Activity Uncertainty Run[ Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count CountI ActitCoy 2 Sigma MDC Units 01 Volume Units Date Date Time Units I B&-7 -~2007 - 2.15F-01 PCi/g 1 199.31 g dry 06125/12_12:00 06/27A2 i2982 Sec -Ul 2007 S.33E+0O 5.25E-01 pCi/g 19931 g dry 06/25/1212:00 06/27/12! 12982 Sec _*+

K-~40 -- 2007 < 3.102 pCi/g-

-T < -- _ !s2.33E-02 pCi/g 199.31 __gdlTy 06/25/12 12:00 06/27/12 12982 Sec I

-12007 T < S.42E-02 pýcilg I 193-31 +g dry 06/25/12 12:00 O6/2 7 It12 12982 See U 2007 ý < _ - pCi/g 199.31 gdry 06/25/12 12:00 06/27/12 12982 Sec U ZN-65 199.31

_I gdry 06/25/12 12:00 06/27/12 12982 Sec jitu~

2 0 07 T- < _ 6.54F,02 6- pCi/- g"i-d 0605/1291200 06/27/12 1 29 Se- UI2

,V-95 . . . 2007+ < 14.73E-02 pCi/g g dry 06/25/12 12:00 06/27/12 12982 Sec R/U- 1-03 2007 < " .52E-0ipCi/- 199.31 dry ggdry ý06125/12 120 06/25/121200 06/27/12 N027/12 - 129k2 12982 tSc Sec UV U

RU-106 2007 < 2.370E-OI pCi/g 199.31 1-131- I-993-1 CS--134- 2007-m < -- I _ ____

199.31 gdry 06/25/12 12:00 06/27/12 12982 Smc t§S-37 2007 <.9 -- 2 pCi/g 199.31 g dry 06/25/12 12:00 06/27/121 12982V Sec U BA-140 2007 - < _- 1.03. .- 1 pCi/g g dry 06125/12 12:00 06-.--/12 128_S g ry062v-fIE66 06/27/12 12982 Sc CEi-4 1 -- -



3ASE-02 pCi/g

- 199.31 199.31 g dry 06/25/12 12:00 06/27/121 12982 Se U Cfi-144 pCi/g 199.31 EU- 152 199.31 4.58E1 E-2 jC/ g dry 06/21212:00 06/2/W12' 2982 S.c U 2007 11.7&E-01 199.31 Yes T-228 ý2007 1.SKO 4.33E-0 pCi/g 19433 1 T gg dry 02 06/25/12 12:00 06/27/12 12-00 106/27/12 2122 12982 Sec j +


[I1-132 07

-~~~~~ - 219-1 861 2 - pci/g g dry 06/25/12 12:00 106/27/12 12982 Sec I-235 199.311

-- 2007 - i. ,72&el-T pCi/g-199.31 No

-:238 -- -207~ < I - - ý/38+0 -9gdz 06/25/1212MOO 6612f/121 _2982 Flag Values U = CompoundiAnalyte not detected (< MC or less than 3 signm No =Peak not identified in gmmna spectrum Activity conceatration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma pea identifled(gamma only) Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectnum U* f Ut.s = CompoundAnalytc not detected. Peak not identified, but forced activity conntrdion exceeds MDC and 3 sigwm hligh Activity conccntatio, exceeds customer reporting value ... Unless otherwise noted. the analytical results repole Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification re related only to the samples tested in the condition ihey L = Low recovery are recived by the laboratory.

H = Iligh recovery Bolded testt indicates reportable value. MIX - Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 3 of 6


06/28/12 09:42 A1I4U I*TIClfOt Conpayw L50878 Enercon Chris Higgins EN005-3EREGUOI- 12 Sample ID: UI-BS-F2 Collect Start: 06/25/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 06/26/2012  % Moisture:

LIMS Number: L50878-2 Activity IUncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count TCount Count I Radionucide SOP# Conc 2 Sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values BE-7 2007 < 2.32F-01 f 19227*~g dry 06125/12 12:00 06/27/12 12981. sc UL No 192.27 06_2511212:00 1gdy 106/27M12 12981 Sec - 4 . . NYes WK-40 .2007 6.31E-t00 6.42E-01 -pCi/g 192.7 gdry_ 06W25/12 12'00 062/12 12981 Sec U No MN-54 - 2007 pCi/g --U - No 06/25/12 12:00 06/27/12 0 12981 Sec 2I0-0-7 192.27 g-dry 634-5 -- _-PCi/ ----

06*27/12 12981 Sec U No ftE-59 - 2007 < ~6.59E-02 192.27 gdry 06/25112 12:00 - No 06/25/12 12:00 06/27/12 12981 Sec - 192.27 g-dry C-60 2007- 1.60E-01 3.01E-02 See U No pCi/g ig-dry 06/25/12 12:00_.06/27/12 12981 ZN-65 2007 < 6.19E-02 192.27 Sece U. NONo ZR-95 i200 pCi/g9 gdy'06/25/12 12:001 06/27/12 12981 -

< 5.45E-O2 9 192.27 pCi/g9 i0U-t03 2007 < 2.87"-2 192.27_ gdry _-065/l-22.:00b 06/27/12 - 12981i.Sec - No RU-16 . .200W7 192.27-1 gdry 06025/12 12:00 06/27/12 12981 F Sec -U No pug 11-131 CS-137 2007

, 2007 3.04&-02 2.70F-02 _Pci/g, 192.27 P9-2.274 192.27 1 g dry 06/25/12_12:00-[

gdry 40"9125/12 2:00 06/27/1 gd, 06/25/12 12:00 *06/27/12 12_ 12981 1298 12981 See Sc Sec



U No Ys No I

L pCi/g 192.7 gdry 0409512 E200i0/71 128 Se UN 2.59E-01 3.94E-02 192.2ý7 g-dry 06/25/1 2 00Y6/2-7112 12981- -Sec

[BA-I4O- 007 -U N6o

<~_ 1.13E-1 pCi/g _

06/27/12 12981 Sec U I-No CE-141 - __ 2007 < ~ 3.65-02 pCi/g _ 192.27 gdciy 06/25/1212:00 06 125/12_42:00 06/2.7/12 12 81 Se e - J+ -

Yes 192.27 06/25/12 12:00 06/27/12 12981 Se_ U--

192.27 g dry EU-52I2007 < &.IOE.02 SI + Yec pCL/g dry 06/25/12 12:00 1 06/27/12 12981 M RA-226 2007- SJ39R0I0 4.68E-01l 1.0127 g dry 06/25/12 12:00 06/27/12 12981/ Scc-SYe + -1

.. 192.27 2.47E-01 3.72E-02 __ pCi/g U No 06127/12 129811 Sec I."9E01 -7.896-02ý -pC~iig 192.27 g dry_06/25/12:1200 06/27/12 12981 Sec +U N

[U-235 -- 2007- - -;_- T 1-.64-E-61ij pCig 192.271 gdry 06/25/12 12:00 U-238 12007 < ~ 3-19E+00 pCi/g Flag Values U = Compound/Anaile not detected (< MDC.) or less than 3 sigma No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum

+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only) Ye = Peak identified in gamma spectrum U* = Compound/AnalrC not detected. Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value **** Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification are rdated only to the samples tested in the condition they L = Low recery we received by the laboratory.

H = High recovery MDC - Minimum )etectable Concentration Bolded text indicates reportable value.

Page 4 of 6

Report of Analysis


06/28/12 09:42 A Taoym Tuhn*W" Comrpan L50878 Enercon Chris Higgins EN005-3EREGUOI-12 Sample ID: UI-BS-WW Collect Start: 06/25/2012 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 06/26/2012  % Moisture:

LIMS Number: L50878-3 A CcI I Sr U IRu.n Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide _ 10P#Ac Unerai] Units # Volue Units Date Time Uniths Flag Values Date Coa 2 Sim - 120 1.9 -gr 0&6 5/12 12 0/5-12 6 E T-2 < 2.88E-01 - pCi/g I 201.96 . g dry I.N04 6/27/12 12978T SecU- 14-F 2007 6.E-456004 7.34E pCiEi 2671.- g dry

_- 06/25/212 06_27/12 129782 Sec + Yes K

iMN-54 2007 < 3.74E-02 pC_/ - 201.96 g dry 06/25/1212:010 06/27/12 12978 Sec U No -

29 2007 <z 1 -E42

- pCi/g _ 261.9_ igy -06/25/1212:04 06/27/12- 12978 Se U No' 27 < 7X1-02

  • 4I09-0F- p:i/g pCi/g 2 -

- 201.96 Igdry 06/25/12 12:04

-a--dry 06_25/12 12:0.

06/71/12 12978 Sec U -No -

CO-60 2007 -7 .. -

_c-201.96 __-

106/27/12 12975 Sýec U_ IN 2007 < 201.96 g dry -06/Z52 1204 *7*---i*12978 f- Sec- Uu -

06/2-7/12 No Nmo --

200 ---*o*7v . ... -- o-.o 5.69"E-02"f 1.4-pCi/g _< 20.9 lV --- -i-201.96 g dry 1-11:a,23027/12, 12978~ Sec UJ 06/25/12 12:04 No

-2007 -< 3.51E-02 pCi/g 201.96 gdry 06/25/1212:01 6~06/7/12 12978 e - i47t IRU-106 2007 < .- ......... pCi/g -0 201.96 g dry 0625/12 120 0j6/27/1 2 12971 See Ui No 1 F1--131_ Vý2 007 < 4.02E,02 pCi/g9 . ..- . 20.9-20-1.6 g..

Jr- Ooi.l g dry

  • 1--2 i1-02:

06/25/1,2 12:0 3 06/27/12 12978 Sec U -No r162007 _ 23.4-8F-02 8PCi-0" 201.96% gdy 06/25/12 12:043 06/27/12I 12978 Sec U I No 306/27/12 127icc U- o CS-137 ij 3.44E-2 p/ dry W25/12 12:04 Ba- 140 2007 < 1.27E-01 pCi/g 201 96 -dry 6-/25/12 12:i 06271 2 i 129-78 6W Sec 4U -No CE-IM1 129-78 Si- U No S2007 - ~-J 3 pCi/g 201.96 gdsy 106/25/12 12"0. 306/27/121 P2007 <

42.301:O pCi/g 201.% g dry 0.6/25/12 12.01 06127/12 129784 Sec IU No EU-l152 -

07 1.8 ' 6.8 -01 I ,_- ~

306/27/12{ 12078+~c 200 l18+00 6.8E0lpCi/g 201.96 g dry 06/25/12 12.) I/ 7 /~j1278 6

Soc + yes

_20607- 2394-F-,4 5.51E-02_ 20196 g dry 06/25/12 120) 06&27/121 12I9_78 1Sec + Yes.

2007 2.671:41 7168E-02 --


pCi/g _ 201.96 gdiy 4 6/25/12 12:0 F &ýW/i12 47-+/-1 81 Yest U-_2 j_5 2007 ~ 2.56E41~pig 201.% g dry 06/25/12 120) 306/27/12 12978 Sc 78i SwcUI7N-0

"- 38 2007 - <j - .E-4600 pCi/g 20NO1:96 _g-dry 106/5/1-212:04( 1-W 62711229_

Flag Values U Como*und/Analyte not detected (< MD) or less than 3 sigma No = Peak not identified in gamnam spectrum

+ = Activity wonentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only) Yes = Peak identified i gamma spectrum U* = CompoundlAnalyte not dctected. Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration cxcecds MDC and 3 sigma High - Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value *** Unless otherwise noted, t1e analytical results reported Spec MDC exceeds customer technical specification are related only to tie samples tested in the condition they L Low recovery ar received by the labonatory.

H High recovery MDC - Minimumn Detectable Concentration Bolded text indicates reportable value.

Pagec5of 6

Report of Analysis TELEDYNE 06/28/12 09:42 JIM BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.

ATs~hme T~c-W-C-haiaCw L50878 Enercon Chris Higgins EN005-3EREGUOI-12 SI I I_

pCi/-g -_- -

T pCi/g 182.09 g dr dry 06/25/12 00:00 06ý25/2_00:*00 pNi/g 182.09 gdry 106/25/1200.00 pCi/g 182.09 g cry LO6/2S/12 00:00 pCi/] _ . 182.09 g-dry 06/25/1200:00

.209 g dry !06/25/12 00:00 pcI/ . gdr 06/25/12 00:00 pCi/g 182.09 g dry 06/25/12 00:00 1pCi/g

-82.09 gdry !06/25/12 00:00 pCi/gp/g182.09+ 182.09 gdry 66a 5 /12 00 :00 g-dry -i106/25/1200b00-

~ pii ~ -h 182.09 gdry b6/5/I2 00:00

~ p~r/g-- 18.0 g rn L--

pCi/g - 182.09 gdry [o6/25/12 00:00 pcvig 14-82.09 g-dy [06/2/12 00:00 pcP F: 182.09 gddry [" -/12 00:00 p ~-/ 182.09 gdry_ 06/25/12 00:00 pCi/g - ~ 182.09 g dry 06/25/.12 00:00 SpCi/g _182.09 g dry 06/25/12 00:00 Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected (< MDC) or less than 3 sigma No - Peak not identified in gamma spectrum

+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only) Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum U = Compound/Analyte not detected. Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration e"ceeds MDC and 3 sigma High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value 0*00 Unless otherwise noted, the analytical results reported Spec MI)C exceeds customer technical specification ate related only to the samples tested in the condition they I. Low recovery ae received by the l*antory.

I! = High recovery MDC - Minimum Detectable Concentration Bolded text Indicates reportable value. Page 6 of 6

Page I of I~

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Project N: MLIC LVI 008 Nne: Chris Higgins / Rich Holms COC Number ... :COC-Ul-06 E N E Street: 190N MRL 104 S Goodwin AVE CityiStatctZip: trbana, IL 61801-2902 Excellence--Every project.Every day. Phone: 203-565-3272 W A 3c.

ENERCON P.O.C: Corey DeWitt 412-889-3124 e-mail: ý.tdsAitt a,cn.r ,qt.gAmlj Sample Analysis Requested (' (Fill in the number of containers for each test)

Project/Site Name: University of Illinois e-mail: _hrt r ,. Ul <- Preservative Type (3)

Address: 19ON MRL 104 S Goodwin AVE Urbana, IL 61801-2902 AuI1 SComments

'a Comet Collected by (print/sign): Chris Higgins Note: extra sample is

'DaueCollected *Time Collected Sampeuiedfrleml 4

Sample ID '..111 Mrl specific QC j

Q C h'arcomposites - indicate start and stop date time (tm-d&yy) (hmw) _ ._

UI-BS-FI 06-25-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X UI-BS-F2 06-25-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X U1-BS-WW 06-25-12 12:00 N SO Y N I X UI-BS-NW 06-25-12 0:00 N SO Y N I X TAT Requested Normal: Rush: X Specify: ASAP F-mail Results: Y* / No CircleDeliverable: C ofA QC Summary / Levelt /ILvel2 / Level3 / Levd4 Remarks: 1Samle Collection Time Zone Eastgn Pacific Central Other Mountain Chain of Custody Signatures Sample Shipping and Delivery Details

)" Date Time Received by (signed) Date Time Laboatory PM:

I__________________________ 1__________________________Method ofShi DaeShippd 2 2 Airbill #:

3 3 Airbill #:

1) i of Cu Number - SelePrceue ]or Lab Receiving Use Only 2.) QC Codes- N - Normal Sample, -"B - Trip Blank, FD = Field Duplicate. EX - Equipment Bflak, MS - Matrix Spike Sample, MSD = Matrix Spike Duplicate Sample, G - Grab, C - Composite 3.) Preservadve Type: HA - Hydochloric Acid. NI - Nitric Acid SH - Sodium Hydroxide, SA = Sulfufic Acid. AA Ascorbic Acid, fix - tilcm, ST - Sodims Thiosltate, Btan preservative is added - leva field blank Custody SealIntact?

4.) Multi, Codes:DW-Drinking water. GW Groundwater, gw-Surface water WW=Waste Water, W-Wuler, N4L-Misc Liquid, SO-Smd.SD-Sedime.u.SL-Slmidg, SS-Solid Waule,0-0i. F-kilter, P--Wipe.VU4Jroe, F4ecai. N-Nasal YES NO Cooler lemp.,

5.) Sample Analysis Requested: Analytical method requested (i.c.$260B. 6S1011'/470A) andsnumber of contain provided foteach (i.e. 8260B -3, 60108'7470A . I).

06/26/12 08:29 Teledyne Brown Engineering Sample Receipt Verification/Variance Report SR #: SR31803 Client: Enercon Services, Inc. Project #: EN005-3EREGUOI-12 LIMS #L50878 Initiated By: JSIMMONS Init Date: 06/26/12 Receive Date: 06/26/12 Notification of Variance Person Notified: Contacted By:

Notify Date:

Notify Method:

Notify Comment:

Client Response Person Responding:

Response Date:

Response Method:

Response Comment Criteria Yen No NA Comment 1 Shipping container custody seals present NA and intact.

2 Sample container custody seals present NA and intact.

3 Sample containers received in good Y condition 4 Chain of custody received with samples Y 5 All samples listed on chain of custody Y received 6 Sample container labels present and Y legible.

7 Information on container labels Y correspond with chain of custody 8 Sample(s) properly preserved and in NA appropriate container (s) 9 Other (Describe) NA For Hazardous Materials Only:

10 Paperwork shows TBE and shippers name, NA address and phone number 11 Paperwork shows sample quantity NA information

Name Location SS-RRF-001 Rx Floor SS-RRF-002 Rx Floor SS-RRF-003 Rx Floor SS-RRF-004 Rx Floor SS-RRF-005 Rx Floor SS-RRF-006 Rx Floor SS-RRF-007 Rx Floor SS-RRF-008 Rx Floor SS-RRF-009 Rx Floor SS-RRF-010 Rx Floor SS-RRF-011 Rx Floor SS-RRF-012 Rx Floor SS-RRF-013 Rx Floor SS-RRF-014 Rx Floor SS-RRF-015 Rx Floor SS-LAF-001 Loading SS-RCF-001 Cage SS-BCT-W Beam SS-BCT-NW Beam SS-BCT-NE Beam SS-BCT-E Beam SS-WTF-001 Water Tank SS-NTF-001 N16 North SS-NTF-002 N16 South SS-RRF-007 (Duplicate)

UI-BS-001 Biosield UI-BS-002 Biosield Ul-BS-003 Biosield UI-BS-004 Biosield UI-BS-005 Biosield UI-BS-006 Blosield UI-BSR-001 Biosield Rebar UI-BSR-002 Biosield Rebar UJ-BS-FI Floor I MOO00 ORISE#5 UI-BS-F2 Floor 2 M0002 ORISE #7 UI-BS-WW West Wall M0008 ORISE #8 Eyebrow UI-BS-NW North Wall M0009 ORISE #20


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