TMI-13-007, Decommissioning Funding Status Report

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Decommissioning Funding Status Report
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/29/2013
From: Pace D
GPU Nuclear
Document Control Desk, NRC/FSME
Download: ML13088A143 (16)


TT'UCI.EAfr GPU Nuclear, Inc.Three Mile lslandNuclear StationRoute 441 SouthPost Office Box 480 Middletown, PA 1 7057-0480 Tel 717-948-846110 cFR 50.75 10 cFR 50.82 March 29,2013 TMt-13-007 ATTN: Document Control DeskU.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001


Three Mile lsland Nuclear Station, Unit 2 Docket No. 50-320, License No. DPR-73 Decommissioning Fundinq Status Report for the Three Mile lsland Nuclear Station.Unit 2 Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.75(f)(1) and 10 CFR 50.82(aX8Xv), GPU Nuclear, Inc. is hereby submitting a Decommissioning Funding Status Report for Three Mile lsland Nuclear Station, Unit 2for the yearending December 31,2012.

The report contains an analysis based on a site specific decommissioning cost study, an analysis based on the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) formula described in 10 CFR 50.75(b) and (c), and a financial assurance status as required by 10 CFR 50.82(aXBXv).

There are no regulatory commitments contained in this letter. lf there are any questions or if additional information is required, please contact Mr. Thomas A. Lentz, Manager

-FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company Fleet Licensing, at (330) 315-6810.Danny L. Pace President


Decommissioning Funding Status Report Three Mile lsland Nuclear Station, Unit 2 As of December 31 , 2012cc: NRC Region lAdministratorNRC Project ManagerNRC Resident Inspector Sincerely, Attachment TMI-13-007Decommissioning Funding Status ReportThree Mile lsland Nuclear Station, Unit 2 As of December 31.20'12Page 1 of 15 Decommissioninq Analvsis Based on Site Specific Decommissioninq Cost Studv1 . Decommissioning funds estimated to be required pursuant to '10 CFR 50.75(b) and (c)are based upon a site specific decommissioning cost study, Decommissioning CostAnalysis for Three Mile lsland Unit 2, dated January 2009, and escalated to 201 2 dollars:

Radiological Non-Radiological FirstEnergy Corp. Consolidated

$909,407,166 34,520,080

$943.927.246 2.The estimated total decommissioning costs escalated to future year dollars (2034 - 2054)is $2,552,867,000.

The amount accumulated in external trust funds as of December 31 , 2012:After Tax Metropolitan Edison Company

$323,877,865 Pennsylvania Electric Company 173,233,628Jersey Central Power & Light Company 200,294,017 FirstEnergy Corp. Consolidated

$697,405,510 There are no longer any funds to be collected from the ratepayers.The assumptions used regarding escalation in decommissioning cost, rates of earningson decommissioning funds, and rates of other factors used in funding projections:

Consolidated Ownership Interest in Unit 100%Estimated Rate of Escalation in Decommissioning Costs 2.81o/o Estimated Net Investment Rate 2.00o/o Estimated After-Tax Rate of Return 4.810/o Year of Site Restoration Completion 2054Dormancy Period Early 2034 - Mid-2043 Year of Three Mile lsland Nuclear Station, Unit 1 Operating 2034License Termination An additional assumption is that the decommissioning activities for Three Mile lsland NuclearStation, Unit 2 will be synchronized with those of Three Mile lsland Nuclear Station, Unit 1 suchthat the licenses for both units will be terminated concurrently.There are no contracts upon which the owners/licensees are relying pursuant to10 cFR 50.75(e)(1)(v).

There are no modifications to the licensee's current method of providing financial assurance since the last submitted report.

Attachment TMr-13-007 Page 2 of 15 7.8.There were no amendments to the trust agreements for the above-mentioned owners ofThree Mile lsland Nuclear Station, Unit 2.Schedules 1 through 3 each contain an analysis of funding earnings and withdrawals forthe three owners of Three Mile lsland Nuclear Station, Unit 2; Metropolitan EdisonCompany, Pennsylvania Electric Company, and Jersey Central Power & Light Company;respectively.

Schedule 4 contains a consolidated analysis for FirstEnergy Corp.

Mathematical rounding was performed during the development of the supporting calculations.



Decommissioning Cosf Analysis for Three Mile lsland Unit 2, dated January 2009*Financial Escalation Analysis for the Decommissrbning of Three Mile lslandUnit 2, dated May 2009**Previously provided in GPU Nuclear, Inc. letter to Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), dated March 29,2010,


Decommissioning Funding Status Report forthe Three Mile lsland Nuclear Station, Unit 2 (Accession No. M1100960464) 9.A.B.

Attachment TMr-13-007 Page 3 of 15 Estimated Net Investment Rate Estimated Escalation Rate Estimated After-Tax Rate of Return Qualified Trust Balance on December 31

,2012 Non- Qualified Trust Balance on December 31 ,2012 Schedule 1 Metropolitan Edison Company Reflects 50% ownership in Three Mile lsland Nuclear Station, Unit 2 Year 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2426 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 Beginning Balance 323,877,865 339,456,390 355,784,243 372,897,465 390,833,833 409,632,940

429,336,295 449,997,360 471 ,631 ,752 494,317,239 518,093,899 543,014,215 569,133,199 596,508,505 625,200,565 655,272,712 686,791,329 719,925,992 754,449,622 790,738,649 828,773,178 869,637,169

909,105,871 950,916,888

994,679,798 1,040,496,347 1,088,458,502

1 ,138,667,371 1 ,191 ,223,160 1 ,246,248,714 1,303,854,966 1,301 ,218,734 1,254,058,708

1,186,072J02 Deposits:: Total Earningsl 15,578,525 16,327,852 17,113,222 17,936,368 18,799,107

19,703,344 20,651,075 21,644,392 22,685,487 23,776,659 24,920,317 26,118,984 27,375,307 28,692,059 30,072,147 31 ,518,617 33,034,663 34,623,630 36,289,027 38,034,529 39,863,990 41,721 ,203 43,640,017 45,648,410 47 ,751,049 49,952,155 52,256,369 54,668,289

57,193,553 59,837,252 59,716,269 57,551,974 54,431 ,894 50,985,019 After-Tax 2.00%2.81o/o 4.81o/o 323,877,865 323,877,865 Withdrawals2'3







(2,112,500 (2,168,000 (2,231,000 (62,352,500 (104,712,000 (122,418,500

(126,092,500 Pre-Tax Equivalent 6.03%Ending Balancea 339,456,390 355,794,243 372,897,465

390,833,933 409,632,940

429,336,285 449,987,360 471 ,631 ,7 52 494,317,239 518,093,898

543,014,215569,1 33,1 99 596,508,505 625,200,565 655,272,712 686,791,329 719,825,992

754,449,622 790,738,649 828,773,178 868,637,168 909,105,871 950,916,888

994,679,798 1,040,496,347


1,138,667,371 1,191,223,160 1,246,248,714 1,303,854,966 1,301 ,218,734 1,254,058,708 1 ,186,072,102 1,110,964,621 Attachment TMt-13-007Page 4 of 15 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 Total Note 1: Note 2: Note 3: Note.4: 1,110,964,621

1,028,273,743 937,123,234 950,430,692 761,581,094 664,514,364 573,979,629 544,591,946 47,190,122 43,006,991 39,028,447 34,950,912 30,496,270 26,336,764 24,992,718

24,702,205 (129,881,000 (134,157,500

(125,721 ,000 (123,800,500 (127,563,000 (116,972,500 (54,279,500

(31,032,500 1,029,273,743 937,123,234 950,430,682 761,581,094 664,514,364 573,878,628 544,591,846

538,261,550 (1,276,433,500)

The earnings are calculated using the estimated after-tax rate of return.The withdrawals are Metropolitan Edison Company's share of the total decommissioning expenditures contained in the Financial Escalation Analysis for the Decommissioning of Three Mile lsland Unit 2, dated May 2009 (Reference B). The expenditures are assumed to be made at the beginning of the year.The estimated escalation rate has been applied to the withdrawals.

Mathematical rounding was performed during the development of the supporting calculations.

Attachment TMt-13-007 Page 5 of 15 Estimated Net lnvestment Rate Estimated Escalation Rate Estimated After-Tax Rate of Return Qualified Trust Balance on December 31

,2012 Non-Qualified Trust Balance on December 31 ,2012 Schedule 2 Pennsylvania Electric Company Reffects 25% ownership in Three Mile lsland Nuclear Station, Unit 2 After-Tax 2.00o/o 2.81o/o 4.81o/o 173,232,542 Pre-Tax Equivalent 6.03%Ending.Balancea 181,566,166 190,299,498 199,452,904 209,046,589 219,101,730 229,640,523 240,686,232 252,263,240 264,397,101 277,114,602 290,443,814 304,414,162 319,056,483


350,487,889 367,346,356

385,015,716 403,534,972 422,945,004

443,288,659 464,610,843

486,302,252 508,734,903 532,216,956 556,802,817 582,542,173 609,489,459 637,698,846 667,236,020



677,817,411 646,267,014

611,273,682 1.086 Year 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 Beginning Balance 173,233,629 181,566,166 1g0,2gg,4gg 199,452,904 209,046,599 219,101,730 229,640,523 240,696,232 252,263,240 264,397,101 277,114,602 290,443,914 304,414,162 319,056,493 334,403,100

350,487,999 367,346,356 385,015,716 403,534,972 422,945,004

443,299,659 464,610,943

496,302,252 508,734,903 532,216,956 556,802,917 582,542,173 609,499,459 637,698,846 667,236,020 699,160,917

699,066,630 677,817,411 646,267,014 Deposits Total Earningsl 8,332,538 8,733,333 9,153,406 9,593,685 10,055,141 10,538,793 11,045,709 11,577,008 12,133,862 12,717,541 13,329,212 13,970,347 14,642,321 15,346,617 16,084,789 16,858,467

17,669,360 18,519,256 19,410,032 20,343,655


22,317,659 23,347,151 24,424,80325,553,1 11 26,734,356 27,971,036 29,265,637

30,621,174 32,040,397 32,081,962

31,106,781 29,658,853 28,052,919 173,233,628 Withdrawals2'3

(626,250 (914,500 (942,750 (967,250 (995,000 (1,023,750 (1,056,250

(1,084,000 (1,115,500 (31 ,176,250 (52,356,000

(61,209,250 (63,046,250 Attachment TMr-13-007 Page 6 of 15 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 Total Note 1: Note 2: 611,273,692 572,611,909

529,849,199 489,450,955 448,115,789 402,820,768 360,997,009 349,910,993 26,278,626 24,316,140 22,462,156 20,565,184 18,486,479 16,562,490 16,053,724 16,079,577 (64,940,500

(67,078,750 (62,860,500

(61,900,250 (63,781,500


(27,139,750 (15,516,250 572,611,808

529,849,199 489,450,855 448,115,789 402,820,768 360,897,009 349,810,983 350,374,309 Note 3: Note 4: (638,216,750)

The earnings are calculated using the estimated after-tax rate of return.The withdrawals are Pennsylvania Electric Company's share of the total decommissioning expenditures contained in the Financial Escalation Analysis for the Decommissioning of Three Mile lsland Unit 2, dated May 2009 (Reference B). The expenditures are assumed to be made at the beginning of the year.The estimated escalation rate has been applied to the withdrawals.

Mathematical rounding was performed during the development of the supporting calculations.

Attachment TMt-13-007 Page 7 of 15 Estimated Net Investment Rate Estimated Escalation Rate Estimated After-Tax Rate of Return Qualified Trust Balance on December 31 ,2012 Non-Quafified Trust Balance on December 31

,2012 Beginning Year Balance Deposits Schedule 3R efl e ct s r "Jil".?,:^iJ il"ffi lil ,l il : il i,il ::11, ",, o n, U n i t 2 After-Tax 2.00o/o 2.81o/o 4.81%200,293,019 998 Pre-Tax Equivalent 6.03%2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 201 I 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 200,294,017 209,928,159 22A,025,704 230,608,940 241,701,230

253,327,059 265,512,091 279,293,222 291,669,645 305,697,907 320,401,976 335,813,312

351,965,932 368,895,493 386,639,366 405,236,720 424,729,606 445,159,052 466,570,154 489,012,179 512,533,665 537,186,534 562,369,934

588,460,297 615,777,131 644,382,236 674,334,162 705,696,643 738,533,595 772,920,921 808,929,26281 5,1 62,932 799,497,945 773,900,391 Total Earningsl 9,634,142 10,097,544 10,583,236 11,092,290

11,625,829 12,195,032 12,771,132 13,385,423 14,029,262


15,411,335 16,152,620 16,929,561 17,743,873

18,597,354 19,491,886 20,429,446

21,412,102 22,442,024 23,521,486 24,652,869


27,005,953 28,259,594

29,572,355 30,946,926 32,386,231 33,893,203 35,471,326 37,123,841

37,409,920 36,691,013 35,511,686 34,187,274 200,294,017 Withdrawals2'3 Ending Balancea 209,928,159 220,025,704 230,608,940 241,741,234 253,327,059 265,512,091

278,283,222 291,668,645 305,697,907 320,401,976 335,813,312 351,965,932

368,895,493 386,639,366 405,236,720

424,728,606 445,158,052

466,570,154 489,012,179 512,533,665 537,186,534 562,368,834

588,460,287 615,777,131 644,382,236

674,334,162 705,696,643 738,533,595 772,920,921 908,929,262 81 5,1 62,932 799,497,945 773,800,381 744,941,405

(626,250 (914,500 (942,7 50 (967,250 (995,000 (1,023,750 (1,056,250 (1,084,000

(1,115,500 (31 ,1 76,250 (52,356,000 (61,209,250 (63,046,250 Attachment TMr-13-007 Page 8 of 15 2047 744,941,405 2048 712,709,949 2049 676,695,011 2050 643,349,470 2051 609,416,929 2052 571,990,492 2053 539,099,505 2054 535,525,390 TotalNote 1: Note 2: Note 3: Note 4: 32,708,044 31,054,813 29,524,959 27,967,707 26,245,064 24,694,263 24,576,635 25,012,440 (64,940,500) 712,708,949 (67,078,750) 676,685,011 (62,860,500) 643,349,470 (61,900,250) 609,416,928 (63,781,500) 571,880,492 (58,486,250) 538,088,505 (27,139,750) 535,525,390(15,516,250) 545,021

,579 (638,216,750)

The earnings are calculated using the estimated after-tax rate of return.

The withdrawals are Jersey Central Power & Light Company's share of the total decommissioning expenditures contained in the Financial Escalation Analfts for the Decommissioning of Three Mile lsland Unit 2, dated May 2009 (Reference B). The expenditures are assumed to be made at the beginning of the year.The estimated escalation rate has been applied to the withdrawals.

Mathematical rounding was performed during the development of the supporting calculations Attachment TMt-13-007 Page 9 of 15 Schedule 4FirstEnergy Gorp. ConsolidatedThree Mile lsland Nuclear Station, Unit 2Estimated Net Investment Rate Estimated Escalation Rate Estimated After-Tax Rate of Return Qualified Trust Balance on December 31 ,2012 Non-Qualified Trust Balance on December 31 ,2012 Beginning Balance 697,405,510 730,950,715 766,109,444 802,959,309

941,591,651 882,061,729 g24,4gg,ggg 968,956,914 1,015,563,637 1,064,412,249 1,115,610,477 1,169,271,341 1,225,513,292 1,284,460,492 1,346,243,031


1,478,866,292 1,549,999,760 1,624,554,749


1,784,595,502 1,870,434,545 1,957,776,957 2,A48,112,079 2,142,67 3,994 2,241,681,399



2,567,455,602 2,686,405,655 2,810,945,145 2,815,448,296 2,731,374,064 2,606,139,497 Deposits: Total Earningsl 33,545,205 35,158,729 36,849,864 38,622,343 40,480,077 42,427,169 44,467,916 46,606,823 48,848,611 51,198,229 53,660,864 56,241,951 58,947,189 61,782,549

64,754,290 67,968,971 71,133,469

74,554,988 78,141,083 81,999,670 85,839,044 89,847,411 93,993,122 98,332,806 102,876,515 107,633,437 112,613,636 117,927,130 123,286,053 129,001,490 129,208,151


119,602,433 113,225,211 After-Tax 2.00%

2.81%4.81%697,403,426 2.084 697,405,510 Withdrawals2'3

.: i,sos,oool 3,658,000) 3,771,000) 3,969,000) 3,980,000) 4,095,000) 4,225,000) 4,336,000)






Pre-Tax Equivalent 6.03%Ending Balancea 730,950,715 766,1 09,444 802,959,309

841,581,651 882,061,729 924,488,898 968,956,814 1,015,563,637

1,064,412,248 1,115,610,477 1,169,271,341 1,225,513,292 1,294,460,482 1,346,243,031 1 ,410,997 ,321 1,479,866,292 1,549,999,760

1,624,554,749 1,702,695,832 1,784,595,502 1,870,434,545 1,957 ,776,957 2,048,112,0782,142,67 3,884 2,241,681,399

2,345,334,836 2,453,853,473

2,567,455,602 2,696,405,655 2,810,945,145

2,815,448,296 2,731,374,064

2,606,139,497 2,467,179,708 Year 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018201 I 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2438 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 Attachment TMt-13-007Page 10 of 15 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 TotalNote 1: Note 2: The earnings are calculated using the estimated after-tax rate of return.The withdrawals are the total decommissioning expenditures contained in the Financial Escalation Analysis for the Decommissioning of Three Mile lsland Unit 2, dated May 2009 (Reference B). The expenditures are assumed to be made at the beginning of the year.The estimated escalation rate has been applied to the withdrawals.

Mathematical rounding was performed during the development of the supporting calculations 2,467,179,709 2,313,594,500 2,143,657,444 1,983,231,007 1 ,91 9,1 1 3,910 1,639,21 5,624 1 ,472,964,141 1,429,929,2191 06,1 76,792 98,377,944 91,015,563

83,483,803 75,227,814 67,593,517

65,623,077 65,794,221 (259,762,000)








(2,552,867,000) 2,313,594,500

2,143,657,444 1,983,231

,007 1 ,819,1 13,810 1,639,215,624 1,472,864,141 1,429,928,218

1,433,657,439 Note 3:Note 4:

Attachment TMr-13-007 Page11of15 Decommissioninq Analvsis Based on NRC Formula1. The minimum decommissioning fund estimate, pursuant to 10 CFR 50.75(b) and (c) (see Schedule 5): Metropolitan Edison Company Pennsylvania Electric Company Jersey Central Power & Light Company FirstEnergy Corp. Consolidated2. The amount accumulated in external trust funds at December 31, 2012: Metropolitan Edison Company Pennsylvania Electric Company Jersey Central Power & Light Company FirstEnergy Corp. Consolidated Consolidated Ownership Interest in Unit Estimated Net Investment Rate Year of Site Restoration Completion Dormancy Period 3.4.There are no longer any funds to be collected from the ratepayers.The assumptions used regarding escalation in decommissioning cost, rates of earningson decommissioning funds, and rates of other factors used in funding projections:

$251 ,1 17,930 125,558,965 125,558,965

$502.235.860 After Tax$323,877,865 173,233,628 200,294.017

$697.405.510 100%2.00o/o 2054 Early 2034 - Mid-2043 5.6.Year of Three Mile lsland Nuclear Station, Unit 1 OperatingLicense Termination 2034An additional assumption is that the decommissioning activities for Three Mile lsland Nuclear Station, Unit 2 will be synchronized with those of Three Mile lsland Nuclear Station, Unit 1 suchthat the licenses for both units will be terminated concurrently.

There are no contracts upon which the owners/licensees are relying pursuant to10 CFR 50.75(eXlXv).

There are no modifications to the licensee's current method of providing financial assurance since the last submitted reoort.

Attachment TMt-13-007 Page 12 of 15 7.8.There were no amendments to the trust agreements for the above-mentioned owners ofThree Mile lsland Nuclear Station, Unit 2.Mathematical rounding was performed during the development of the supporting calculations.

Attachment TMt-13-007 Page 13 of 15 Schedule 5FIRSTENERGY CORP.

Calculation of Minimum Financial Assurance Amount December 31 , 2012 THREE MILE ISLAND NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 2 Pennsvlvania Reqions Labor (L) = Northeast Energy (E) = National Waste Burial (B) = Generic For PWR Unit Adjustment Factor'Ratio Escalation Factor ($7s + 0.0088(2772))

million =Escalated Amount for unit =99,393,600 x Owner/Licensee Pennsylvania Electric Company Jersey Central Power & Light Company Metropolitan Edison Company FirstEnergy Corp. Consolidated 0.65 0.1 3 0.22$125,558,965



$502,235,860 l-=$=2.547 2.632 13.885 5.053 Ownership 25o/o 25%50o/o 100o/o 1.656 0.342 3.055 PWR Escalation Factor =5.053 Base Amount for PWR between 1200 MWt and 3400 MWt = ($ZS + 0.0088P) million (P = power level in megawatts thermal = 2772)$99,393,600

$502,235,860 Note 1: Actual fourth quarter 2012 Bureau of Labor Statistics data used to develop Labor factor, actual December 2012 Bureau of Labor Statistics data used to develop Energy factor, and Burial factor isbased on NUREG-1307, "Report on Waste Burial Charges:

Changes in Decommissioning Waste Disposal Costs at Low-Level Waste Burial Facilities," Revision 15 data.

Attachment TMt-13-007Page 14 of 15 1.Financial Assurance Status As Required Bv 10 CFR 50.82(aXBXv)

Formal decommissioning has not started at Three Mile lsland Nuclear Station, Unit 2. lt is assumed that the decommissioning activities will be synchronized with those of Three Mile lsland Nuclear Station, Unit 1 such that the licenses for both units will be terminated concurrently.

A special disbursement of decommissioning trust funds occurred in 2005 for disposal of three submerged demineralizer system CuNO-filters that were stored at the ldaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory at that time. Notification of this use of decommissioning funds was made to the NRC by letter dated February 1,2005 (Accession No. ML050380143), with the NRC response provided by letter dated February 14,2005 (Accession No. ML050350213). The amount disbursed was $416,400.00.

No funds were spent on decommissioning activities in 2012.Decommissioning funds estimated to be required pursuant to 10 CFR 50.75(b) and (c)are based upon a site specific decommissioning cost study, Decommissioning Cosf Analysis forThree Mile lsland Unit 2, dated January 2009, and escalated to 2012 dollars amount accumulated in external trust funds as of December 31,2012.2.Radiological Non-Radiological FirstEnergy Corp. Consolidated Metropolitan Edison Company Pennsylvania Electric Company Jersey Central Power & Light Company FirstEnergy Corp. Consolidated

$909,407,166 34,520.080 W The estimated total decommissioning costs escalated to future year dollars (2034 - 2054)is $2,552,867,000.3. The amount accumulated in external trust funds as of December 31.2012: After Tax$323,877,865 173,233,628 200,294,017

$697.405.510There are no modifications to the licensee's current method of providing financial assurance since the last submitted report.There were no amendments to the trust agreements for the above-mentioned owners of Three Mile lsland Nuclear Station, Unit 2.Mathematical rounding was performed during the development of the supporting calculations.


Attachment TMt-13-007 Page 15 of 157.


B.Decommssionrng Cosf Analysis for Three Mile Island Unit 2, dated January 2009*Financial Escalation Analysis for the Decommissioning of Three Mile lsland Unit 2, dated May 2009**Previously provided in GPU Nuclear, Inc. letter to Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), dated March 29,2010,


Decommissioning Funding Status Report forthe Three Mile lsland Nuclear Station, Unit 2 (Accession No. M1100960464).