TMI-13-007, Decommissioning Funding Status Report

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Decommissioning Funding Status Report
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/29/2013
From: Pace D
GPU Nuclear
Document Control Desk, NRC/FSME
Download: ML13088A143 (16)



ThreeMilelsland Nuclear Station TT'UCI.EAfr Route441South PostOfficeBox480 Middletown,PA17057-0480 Tel717-948-8461 March29,2013 TMt-13-007 10 cFR 50.75 1 0c F R 5 0 . 8 2 ATTN:DocumentControlDesk U.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555-0001


ThreeMilelslandNuclearStation,Unit2 DocketNo.50-320,LicenseNo.DPR-73 Decommissioning FundinqStatusReportfor the ThreeMilelslandNuclearStation.

Unit2 Pursuant to 10 CFR50.75(f)(1)and 10 CFR50.82(aX8Xv), GPUNuclear, hereby submitting a Decommissioning FundingStatusReportfor ThreeMilelslandNuclear Station,Unit2for the yearendingDecember 31,2012.The reportcontainsan analysis basedon a sitespecificdecommissioning coststudy,an analysisbasedon the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)formuladescribed in 10 CFR50.75(b)and(c),anda financialassurance statusas required by 10 CFR50.82(aXBXv).

Thereare no regulatory commitments containedin this letter. lf thereare anyquestionsor if additional is required,pleasecontactMr.ThomasA. Lentz,Manager-information FirstEnergy NuclearOperating CompanyFleetLicensing, at (330)315-6810.

Sincerely, DannyL. Pace President


Decommissioning FundingStatusReportThreeMilelslandNuclearStation,Unit2 As of December31, 2012 cc: NRCRegionlAdministrator NRCProjectManager NRCResidentInspector

Attachment TMI-13-007 Decommissioning Funding StatusReport ThreeMilelslandNuclear Station,Unit2 As of December 31.20'12 Page1 of 15 Decommissioninq Analvsis Basedon SiteSpecific Decommissioninq CostStudv

1. Decommissioning fundsestimated to be required pursuant to '10CFR50.75(b) and(c) arebasedupona sitespecificdecommissioning coststudy,Decommissioning Cost Analysisfor ThreeMilelslandUnit2, datedJanuary2009,andescalated to 2012 dollars:

Radiological $909,407,166 Non-Radiological 34,520,080 FirstEnergyCorp. Consolidated $943.927.246 The estimatedtotaldecommissioning costsescalated to futureyeardollars(2034- 2054) is $2,552,867,000.

2 . The amountaccumulated in externaltrustfundsas of December31, 2012:

AfterTax Metropolitan EdisonCompany $323,877,865 Pennsylvania ElectricCompany 173,233,628 JerseyCentralPower& LightCompany 200,294,017 FirstEnergy Corp.Consolidated $697,405,510 3 . Thereare no longeranyfundsto be collected fromthe ratepayers.

4 . The assumptions usedregarding escalation in decommissioning cost,ratesof earnings on decommissioning funds,and ratesof otherfactorsusedin fundingprojections:

Consolidated Ownership Interestin Unit 100%

EstimatedRateof Escalation in Decommissioning Costs 2.81o/o EstimatedNet Investment Rate 2.00o/o EstimatedAfter-TaxRateof Return 4.810/o Yearof SiteRestoration Completion 2054 DormancyPeriod Early 2034 - Mid-2043 Yearof ThreeMilelslandNuclearStation,Unit1 Operating 2034 License Termination An additionalassumption isthatthedecommissioning activitiesforThreeMilelslandNuclear Station, Unit2 willbe synchronized withthoseof ThreeMilelslandNuclear Station,Unit1 such thatthelicenses for bothunitswillbeterminated concurrently.

5 . Therearenocontracts uponwhichtheowners/licensees arerelyingpursuant to 10cFR 50.75(e)(1)(v).

6 . Thereareno modifications to the licensee's currentmethodof providing financial assurance sincethe lastsubmitted report.

Attachment TMr-13-007 Page2 of 15 7 . Therewereno amendments to the trustagreementsfor the above-mentioned ownersof ThreeMilelslandNuclearStation,Unit2.

8 . Schedules1 through3 eachcontainan analysisof fundingearningsandwithdrawals for thethreeownersof ThreeMilelslandNuclearStation,Unit2; Metropolitan Edison Company, Pennsylvania ElectricCompany, andJerseyCentralPower& LightCompany; respectively. Schedule4 containsa consolidated analysisfor FirstEnergyCorp.

9 . Mathematical roundingwas performed duringthe development of the supporting calculations.



A. Decommissioning Cosf Analysisfor ThreeMilelslandUnit2, dated January2009*

B . FinancialEscalationAnalysisfor the Decommissrbning of ThreeMilelsland Unit2, datedMay2009*

  • Previously providedin GPUNuclear,Inc.letterto NuclearRegulatory Commission (NRC),datedMarch29,2010,


Decommissioning FundingStatusReportfor the ThreeMilelslandNuclearStation,Unit2 (Accession No.M1100960464)

Attachment TMr-13-007 Page3 of 15 Schedule1 MetropolitanEdisonCompany Reflects50%ownership in ThreeMilelslandNuclearStation,Unit2 Pre-Tax After-Tax Equivalent EstimatedNetInvestment Rate 2.00%

EstimatedEscalationRate 2.81o/o EstimatedAfter-TaxRateof Return 4.81o/o 6.03%

TrustBalance Qualified on December 31,2012 323,877,865 Non-QualifiedTrustBalance on December 31,2012 Total 323,877,865 Beginning Ending Year Balance Deposits Earningsl Withdrawals2'3 Balancea 2013 323,877,865 15,578,525 339,456,390 2014 339,456,390 16,327,852 355,794,243 2015 355,784,243 17,113,222 372,897,465 2016 372,897,465 17,936,368 390,833,933 2017 390,833,833 18,799,107 409,632,940 2018 409,632,940 19,703,344 429,336,285 2019 429,336,295  : 20,651,075  : 449,987,360 2020 449,997,360 21,644,392 471,631,752 2021 471,631,752 22,685,487 494,317,239 2022 494,317,239 23,776,659 518,093,898 2023 518,093,899 24,920,317  : 543,014,215 2024 543,014,215 26,118,984 569,133,199 2025 569,133,199  : 27,375,307 596,508,505 2426 596,508,505 28,692,059 625,200,565 2027 625,200,565 30,072,147 655,272,712 2028 655,272,712 3 1, 5 1 8 , 6 1 7 686,791,329 2029 686,791,329 33,034,663 719,825,992 2030 719,925,992 34,623,630 754,449,622 2031 754,449,622 36,289,027 790,738,649 2032 790,738,649 38,034,529  : 828,773,178 2033 828,773,178 39,863,990 868,637,168 2034 869,637,169 41,721 ,203 (1,252,500) 909,105,871 2035 909,105,871 43,640,017 (1,829,000) 950,916,888 2036 950,916,888 45,648,410 (1,885,500) 994,679,798 2037 994,679,798 47,751,049 (1,934,500) 1,040,496,347 2038 1,040,496,347 49,952,155 (1,990,000) 1,088,458,502 2039 1,088,458,502 52,256,369 (2,047,500) 1,138,667,371 2040 1,138,667,371 54,668,289 (2,112,500 1,191,223,160 2041 1,191,223,160 57,193,553 (2,168,000 1,246,248,714 2042 1,246,248,714 59,837,252 (2,231,000 1,303,854,966 2043 1,303,854,966 59,716,269 (62,352,500 1,301,218,734 2044 1,301,218,734 57,551,974 (104,712,000 1,254,058,708 2045 1,254,058,708 54,431 ,894 (122,418,500 1,186,072,102 2046 1,186,072J02 50,985,019 (126,092,500 1,110,964,621

Attachment TMt-13-007 Page4 of 15 2047 1,110,964,621 47,190,122 ( 1 2 9 , 8 8 1 , 0 0 0 1,029,273,743 2048 1,028,273,743 43,006,991 (134,157,500 937,123,234 2049 937,123,234 39,028,447 (125,721 ,000 950,430,682 2050 950,430,692 34,950,912 (123,800,500 761,581,094 2051 761,581,094 30,496,270 (127,563,000 664,514,364 2052 664,514,364 26,336,764 (116,972,500 573,878,628 2053 573,979,629 24,992,718 (54,279,500 544,591,846 2054 544,591,946 24,702,205 (31,032,500 538,261,550 Total (1,276,433,500)

Note1: The earningsare calculatedusingthe estimatedafter-taxrateof return.

Note2: Thewithdrawals are MetropolitanEdisonCompany's shareof the total decommissioning expenditurescontainedin the FinancialEscalation Analysisfor the Decommissioning of ThreeMile lslandUnit2, datedMay2009(ReferenceB). The expendituresareassumedto be madeat the beginning of theyear.

Note3: The estimatedescalation ratehasbeenappliedto the withdrawals.

Note.4:Mathematical roundingwas performed duringthe development of the supporting calculations.

Attachment TMt-13-007 Page5 of 15 Schedule2 PennsylvaniaElectricCompany Reffects25%ownership in ThreeMilelslandNuclearStation,Unit2 Pre-Tax After-Tax Equivalent EstimatedNetlnvestment Rate 2.00o/o EstimatedEscalationRate 2.81o/o EstimatedAfter-TaxRateof Return 4.81o/o 6.03%

TrustBalance Qualified on December 31,2012 173,232,542 Non-Qualified TrustBalance on December 31,2012 1.086 Total 173,233,628 Beginning Ending.

Year Balance Deposits Earningsl Withdrawals2'3 Balancea 2013 173,233,629 8,332,538 181,566,166 2014 181,566,166 8,733,333 190,299,498 2015 1g0,2gg,4gg 9,153,406 199,452,904 2016 199,452,904 9,593,685 209,046,589 2017 209,046,599 10,055,141 219,101,730 2018 219,101,730 10,538,793 229,640,523 2019 229,640,523 11,045,709  : 240,686,232 2020 240,696,232 11,577,008 252,263,240 2021 252,263,240 12,133,862 264,397,101 2022 264,397,101 12,717,541 277,114,602 2023 277,114,602 13,329,212 290,443,814 2024 290,443,914 13,970,347 304,414,162 2025 304,414,162 14,642,321  : 319,056,483 2026 319,056,493 15,346,617 334,403,100 2027 334,403,100 16,084,789 350,487,889 2028 350,487,999 16,858,467 367,346,356 2029 367,346,356 17,669,360 385,015,716 2030 385,015,716 18,519,256 403,534,972 2031 403,534,972 19,410,032 422,945,004 2032 422,945,004 20,343,655 443,288,659 2033 443,299,659 21,322,184 464,610,843 2034 464,610,943 22,317,659 (626,250 486,302,252 2035 496,302,252 23,347,151 (914,500 508,734,903 2036 508,734,903 24,424,803 (942,750 532,216,956 2037 532,216,956 2 5 , 5 5 31, 11 (967,250 556,802,817 2038 556,802,917 26,734,356 (995,000 582,542,173 2039 582,542,173 27,971,036 (1,023,750 609,489,459 2040 609,499,459 29,265,637 (1,056,250 637,698,846 2041 637,698,846 30,621,174 (1,084,000 667,236,020 2042 667,236,020 32,040,397 (1,115,500 698,160,917 2043 699,160,917 32,081,962 (31,176,250 699,066,630 2044 699,066,630 31,106,781 (52,356,000 677,817,411 2045 677,817,411 29,658,853 (61,209,250 646,267,014 2046 646,267,014 28,052,919 (63,046,250 611,273,682

Attachment TMr-13-007 Page6 of 15 2047 611,273,692 26,278,626 (64,940,500 572,611,808 2048 572,611,909 24,316,140 (67,078,750 529,849,199 2049 529,849,199 22,462,156 (62,860,500 489,450,855 2050 489,450,955 20,565,184 (61,900,250 448,115,789 2051 448,115,789 18,486,479 (63,781,500 402,820,768 2052 402,820,768 16,562,490 (58,486,250 360,897,009 2053 360,997,009 16,053,724 (27,139,750 349,810,983 2054 349,910,993 16,079,577 (15,516,250 350,374,309 Total (638,216,750)

Note1: The earningsare calculatedusingthe estimatedafter-taxrateof return.

Note2: Thewithdrawals are Pennsylvania ElectricCompany'sshareof the total decommissioning expenditures containedin the FinancialEscalationAnalysisfor the Decommissioning of ThreeMile lslandUnit2, datedMay2009(ReferenceB). The expendituresare assumedto be madeat the beginning of the year.

Note3: The estimatedescalation ratehasbeenappliedto the withdrawals.

Note4: Mathematical rounding wasperformed duringthe development of the supporting calculations.

Attachment TMt-13-007 Page7 of 15 Schedule 3 Reflectsr il"ffilil ,lil:il i,il::11, ",,on,Unit2Pre-Tax "Jil".?,:^iJ After-Tax Equivalent EstimatedNetInvestmentRate 2.00o/o EstimatedEscalationRate 2.81o/o EstimatedAfter-TaxRateof Return 4.81% 6.03%

TrustBalance Qualified on December 31,2012 200,293,019 Non-Quafified TrustBalance on December 31,2012 998 Total 200,294,017 Beginning Ending Year Balance Deposits Earningsl Withdrawals2'3 Balancea 2013 200,294,017 9,634,142 209,928,159 2014 209,928,159 10,097,544 220,025,704 2015 22A,025,704 10,583,236 230,608,940 2016 230,608,940 11,092,290 241,741,234 2017 241,701,230 11,625,829 253,327,059 2018 253,327,059 12,195,032 265,512,091 201I 265,512,091 12,771,132 278,283,222 2020 279,293,222 13,385,423 291,668,645 2021 291,669,645 14,029,262 305,697,907 2022 305,697,907 14,704,069 320,401,976 2023 320,401,976 15,411,335 335,813,312 2024 335,813,312 16,152,620 351,965,932 2025 351,965,932 16,929,561 368,895,493 2026 368,895,493 17,743,873 386,639,366 2027 386,639,366 18,597,354 405,236,720 2028 405,236,720 19,491,886 424,728,606 2029 424,729,606 20,429,446 445,158,052 2030 445,159,052 21,412,102 466,570,154 2031 466,570,154 22,442,024 489,012,179 2032 489,012,179 23,521,486  : 512,533,665 2033 512,533,665 24,652,869 537,186,534 2034 537,186,534 25,808,550 (626,250 562,368,834 2035 562,369,934 27,005,953 (914,500 588,460,287 2036 588,460,297 28,259,594 (942,750 615,777,131 2037 615,777,131 29,572,355 (967,250 644,382,236 2038 644,382,236 30,946,926 (995,000 674,334,162 2039 674,334,162 32,386,231 (1,023,750 705,696,643 2040 705,696,643 33,893,203 (1,056,250 738,533,595 2041 738,533,595 35,471,326 (1,084,000 772,920,921 2042 772,920,921 37,123,841 (1,115,500 908,929,262 2043 808,929,262 37,409,920 (31,176,250 815,162,932 2044 815,162,932 36,691,013 (52,356,000 799,497,945 2045 799,497,945 35,511,686 (61,209,250 773,800,381 2046 773,900,391 34,187,274 (63,046,250 744,941,405

Attachment TMr-13-007 Page8 of 15 2047 744,941,405 32,708,044 (64,940,500) 712,708,949 2048 712,709,949 31,054,813 (67,078,750) 676,685,011 2049 676,695,011 29,524,959 (62,860,500) 643,349,470 2050 643,349,470 27,967,707 (61,900,250) 609,416,928 2051 609,416,929 26,245,064 (63,781,500) 571,880,492 2052 571,990,492 24,694,263 (58,486,250) 538,088,505 2053 539,099,505 24,576,635 (27,139,750) 535,525,390 2054 535,525,390 25,012,440 (15,516,250) 545,021,579 Total (638,216,750)

Note1: The earningsarecalculated usingthe estimatedafter-taxrateof return.

Note2: Thewithdrawals are JerseyCentralPower& LightCompany's shareof the total decommissioning expenditurescontainedin the FinancialEscalationAnalfts for the Decommissioning of ThreeMile lslandUnit2, datedMay2009 (ReferenceB). The expendituresare assumedto be madeat the beginning of the year.

Note3: The estimatedescalation ratehasbeenappliedto the withdrawals.

Note4: Mathematical roundingwas performed duringthe development of the supporting calculations

Attachment TMt-13-007 Page9 of 15 4

Schedule FirstEnergyGorp.Consolidated ThreeMilelslandNuclearStation,Unit2 Pre-Tax After-Tax Equivalent EstimatedNetInvestmentRate 2.00%

EstimatedEscalation Rate 2.81%

EstimatedAfter-TaxRateof Return 4.81% 6.03%

TrustBalance Qualified on December 31,2012 697,403,426 Non-Qualified TrustBalanceon December 31,2012 2.084 Total 697,405,510 Beginning Ending Year Balance Deposits Earningsl Withdrawals2'3 Balancea 2013 697,405,510 33,545,205 730,950,715 2014 730,950,715 35,158,729 766,109,444 2015 766,109,444 36,849,864 802,959,309 2016 802,959,309  : 38,622,343 . 841,581,651 2017 941,591,651 40,480,077 882,061,729 2018 882,061,729 42,427,169 924,488,898 201I g24,4gg,ggg 44,467,916 968,956,814 2020 968,956,914 46,606,823 1,015,563,637 2021 1,015,563,637 48,848,611 1,064,412,248 2022 1,064,412,249 51,198,229 1,115,610,477 2023 1,115,610,477 53,660,864 1,169,271,341 2024 1,169,271,341 56,241,951 1,225,513,292 2025 1,225,513,292 58,947,189 1,294,460,482 2026 1,284,460,492 61,782,549 1,346,243,031 2027 1,346,243,031 64,754,290 1,410,997,321 2028 1,410,997,321 67,968,971 1,479,866,292 2029 1,478,866,292 71,133,469 1,549,999,760 2030 1,549,999,760 74,554,988  : 1,624,554,749 2031 1,624,554,749 78,141,083 1,702,695,832 2032 1,702,695,932 81,999,670 1,784,595,502 2033 1,784,595,502 85,839,044 1,870,434,545 2034 1,870,434,545 89,847,411 i,sos,oool 1,957,776,957 2035 1,957,776,957 93,993,122 3,658,000) 2,048,112,078 2036 2,A48,112,079 98,332,806 3,771,000) 2,142,673,884 2037 2,142,67 3,994 102,876,515 3,969,000) 2,241,681,399 2438 2,241,681,399 107,633,437 3,980,000) 2,345,334,836 2039 2,345,334,936 112,613,636 4,095,000) 2,453,853,473 2040 2,453,853,473 117,927,130 4,225,000) 2,567,455,602 2041 2,567,455,602 123,286,053 4,336,000) 2,696,405,655 2042 2,686,405,655 129,001,490 4,462,000) 2,810,945,145 2043 2,810,945,145 129,208,151 (124,705,000) 2,815,448,296 2044 2,815,448,296 125,349,769 (209,424,000) 2,731,374,064 2045 2,731,374,064 119,602,433 (244,837,000) 2,606,139,497 2046 2,606,139,497 113,225,211 (252,185,000) 2,467,179,708

Attachment TMt-13-007 P a g e1 0o f 1 5 2047 2,467,179,709 106,176,792 (259,762,000) 2,313,594,500 2048 2,313,594,500 98,377,944 (268,315,000) 2,143,657,444 2049 2,143,657,444 91,015,563 (251,442,000) 1,983,231 ,007 2050 1,983,231,007 83,483,803 (247,601,000) 1, 8 1 9 ,113 , 8 1 0 2051 1, 9 19 , 113 , 9 1 0 75,227,814 (255,126,000) 1,639,215,624 2052 1,639,21 5,624 67,593,517 (233,945,000) 1,472,864,141 2053 1,472,964,141 65,623,077 (108,559,000) 1,429,928,218 2054 1,429,929,219 65,794,221 (62,065,000) 1,433,657,439 Total (2,552,867,000)

Note1: The earningsare calculated usingthe estimatedafter-taxrateof return.

Note2: Thewithdrawals arethe totaldecommissioning expenditures containedin the FinancialEscalation Analysisfor the Decommissioning of ThreeMile lslandUnit2, datedMay2009(Reference B). The expenditures are assumedto be madeat the beginning of theyear.

Note3: The estimatedescalation ratehasbeenappliedto the withdrawals.

Note4: Mathematical rounding wasperformed duringthe development of the supporting calculations

Attachment TMr-13-007 Page11of15 Decommissioninq Analvsis Basedon NRCFormula

1. Theminimum decommissioning fundestimate, pursuant to 10CFR50.75(b) and(c)(see Schedule 5):

Metropolitan EdisonCompany $ 2 5 1, 11 7 , 9 3 0 Pennsylvania ElectricCompany 125,558,965 JerseyCentralPower& LightCompany 125,558,965 FirstEnergy Corp.Consolidated $502.235.860

2. The amountaccumulated in externaltrustfundsat December31, 2012:

AfterTax Metropolitan EdisonCompany $323,877,865 Pennsylvania ElectricCompany 173,233,628 JerseyCentralPower& LightCompany 200,294.017 FirstEnergy Corp.Consolidated $697.405.510 3 . Thereare no longeranyfundsto be collected fromthe ratepayers.

4 . Theassumptions usedregarding escalation in decommissioning cost,ratesof earnings on decommissioning funds,and ratesof otherfactorsusedin fundingprojections:

Consolidated Ownership Interestin Unit 100%

EstimatedNet Investment Rate 2.00o/o Yearof SiteRestoration Completion 2054 DormancyPeriod -

Early2034 Mid-2043 Yearof ThreeMilelslandNuclearStation,Unit1 Operating 2034 LicenseTermination An additional assumption is thatthedecommissioning for ThreeMilelslandNuclear activities Station,Unit2 willbe synchronized withthoseof ThreeMilelslandNuclearStation,Unit1 such thatthe licenses for bothunitswillbeterminated concurrently.

5 . Thereareno contracts uponwhichtheowners/licensees arerelyingpursuantto 10CFR50.75(eXlXv).

6 . Thereareno modifications to thelicensee's currentmethodof providing financial assurance sincethelastsubmitted reoort.

Attachment TMt-13-007 Page12of 15 7 . Therewereno amendments to the trustagreementsfor the above-mentionedownersof ThreeMilelslandNuclearStation,Unit2.

8 . Mathematicalroundingwas performed duringthe development of the supporting calculations.

Attachment TMt-13-007 P a g e1 3o f 1 5 Schedule5 FIRSTENERGY CORP.

Calculation of MinimumFinancial Assurance Amount December31, 2012 THREEMILEISLANDNUCLEARSTATION, UNIT2 Pennsvlvania Reqions Labor(L) = Northeast Energy(E)= National WasteBurial(B) = Generic For PWRUnit Adjustment Escalation Factor' Ratio Factor l-= 2.547 0.65 1.656 2.632 0 . 13 0.342

$= 13.885 0.22 3.055 PWREscalation Factor= 5.053 BaseAmountfor PWRbetween1200MWtand 3400MWt= ($ZS+ 0.0088P)million (P = powerlevelin megawatts thermal= 2772)

($7s+ 0.0088(2772)) million= $99,393,600 Escalated Amountfor unit=

99,393,600 x 5.053 $502,235,860 Owner/Licensee Ownership Pennsylvania Electric Company 25o/o $125,558,965 JerseyCentralPower& Light Company 25% $125,559,965 Metropolitan EdisonCompany 50o/o $251,117,930 FirstEnergy Corp.Consolidated 100o/o $502,235,860 Note1: Actualfourthquarter2012Bureauof LaborStatisticsdatausedto developLaborfactor,actual December2012Bureauof LaborStatistics datausedto developEnergyfactor,and Burialfactoris basedon NUREG-1307, "Reporton WasteBurialCharges:Changesin Decommissioning Waste DisposalCostsat Low-Level Revision15 data.


Attachment TMt-13-007 Page14 of 15 Financial Assurance StatusAs Required Bv 10 CFR50.82(aXBXv) 1 . Formaldecommissioning hasnotstartedat ThreeMilelslandNuclearStation,Unit2. lt is assumedthatthe decommissioning willbe synchronized activities withthoseof Three MilelslandNuclearStation,Unit1 suchthatthe licenses for bothunitswillbe terminated concurrently. A specialdisbursement of decommissioning trustfundsoccurredin 2005 for disposalof threesubmerged demineralizer systemCuNO-filters thatwerestoredat the ldahoNationalEngineering and Environmental Laboratory of at thattime. Notification this useof decommissioning fundswas madeto the NRCby letterdated February1,2005(Accession No.ML050380143), withthe NRCresponse providedby letterdatedFebruary14,2005(Accession No.ML050350213). Theamountdisbursed was$416,400.00.

Nofundswerespenton decommissioning in 2012.

activities 2 . Decommissioning fundsestimated to be required pursuant to 10 CFR50.75(b) and(c) are basedupona sitespecificdecommissioning coststudy,Decommissioning Cosf AnalysisforThreeMilelslandUnit2, datedJanuary2009,and escalated to 2012 dollars amountaccumulated in external trustfundsas of December 31,2012.

Radiological $909,407,166 Non-Radiological 34,520.080 FirstEnergy Corp.Consolidated W Theestimated totaldecommissioning costsescalated to futureyeardollars(2034- 2054) is $2,552,867,000.

3. Theamountaccumulated in external trustfundsas of December 31.2012:

AfterTax Metropolitan EdisonCompany $323,877,865 Pennsylvania ElectricCompany 173,233,628 JerseyCentralPower& LightCompany 200,294,017 FirstEnergy Corp.Consolidated $697.405.510 4 . Thereare no modifications to the licensee's currentmethodof providing financial assurance sincethe lastsubmittedreport.

5 . Therewereno amendments to the trustagreements for the above-mentioned ownersof ThreeMilelslandNuclearStation,Unit2.

6 . Mathematical rounding was performed duringthe development of the supporting calculations.

Attachment TMt-13-007 Page15 of 15



Decommssionrng Cosf Analysisfor ThreeMileIslandUnit2, dated January2009*

B . FinancialEscalationAnalysisfor the Decommissioning of ThreeMile lsland Unit2, datedMay2009*

  • Previously providedin GPUNuclear, Commission Inc.letterto NuclearRegulatory (NRC),datedMarch29,2010,


Decommissioning FundingStatusReportfor the ThreeMilelslandNuclearStation,Unit2 (Accession No.M1100960464).