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LER 88-011-00:on 880423,control Room/Relay Room Chiller Removed from Svc After Second Chiller Removed from Svc. Caused by Fouled Chiller Refrigerant filter-dryer Elements. Filter-dryer Elements replaced.W/880520 Ltr
Person / Time
Site: Surry Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 05/20/1988
From: Benson D
88-022, 88-22, LER-88-011-02, LER-88-11-2, NUDOCS 8806010092
Download: ML18152B157 (4)



APPROVED 0MB NO. 31LI0-01Ge EXPIRES: 1/31/111 FACILITY NAME 111 !DOCKET NUMIIER 121 T PAGE 131 Surry Power Station, Unit 2 o 15 I o 1.0 I o I 2 18 11 1 OF O 13 TITLE 141 Control/Relay Room Chiller Inoperable Due to Fouled Filter-Dryer Element IVINT DATE 1111 LEA NUMBER 1111 REPORT DATE 171 OTHER FACILITIES INVOLVED Ill MONTH DAY YEAR YEAR .}{ SE~~~~;~AL


MONTH DAY YEAR FACILITY NAMES DOCKET NUM8ERISI o I 4 2 I 3 a a a la -o I 1 I 1 -o I o o Is 21 o a I a Ol'EIIATING MODEIII NAME N THII REPORT 111 IUIMITTED PURIUANT TO THE REOUIREMENTII OF 10 CFR §: (Ch0<:k on, or moro of 1h1 following) 1111 20.402(bl 20.-lcl 1--,_ 20.4081*1111111 II0.311cll1l 1--...._ 20.4081*11111111 II0.311cll21 1--...._ 20.408Call1 llilll X 110.73101121111

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--Z0.40llall1 IM II0.731allZ)Ciiil LICENSEE CONTACT FOR THIS LEA 1121 II0.731all211ivl II0.731allZIM II0.731all21(viil IIO. 731* I 121 Mill IAI II0.731all21MiillBI 50.731all211xl

--73.71(bl 73.711cl OTHER /Spacify in Ab11roc1 1--b*low *nd ;n T*Kt. NRC Form 366A) TELEPHONE NUMBER D. L. Benson, Station Manager AREA CODE 8 IO 14 31 5 17 I -, 3 1 l 18 f COMPLETE ONE LINE FOR EACH COMPONENT FAILURE DESCRIBED IN THIS REPORT (131 CAUSE SYSTEM COMPONENT MANUFAC-TURER ::::::::::::,:::::::,::::::,:::::::::


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-:-::-:-:::::,:: I I I I I I I EXPECTED SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT EXPECTED 1141 MONTH DAY YEAR SUBMISSION n YES (If y1r, comp/Ill EXPECTEO SUBMISSION DA TE) NO DATE {151 I I I ABSTRACT (Limir ro 1400 1P1ce,, i.e .* 1pproximer,/y fif?Hn 1ingl**11>>C*

rvpewrirr,n Hnel} (11) NRC Form 31111 19-831 On April 23, 1988 at 2316 hours0.0268 days <br />0.643 hours <br />0.00383 weeks <br />8.81238e-4 months <br />, with Unit 1 in cold shutdown and Unit 2 at 100% power, it was necessary to remove from service one of the three control room/relay room chillers, 1-VS-E-4A (EIIS-CHU), to perform minor maintenance.

The refrigerant filter-dryer was becoming clogged and the unit was secured to prevent the unit from tripping.

The "B" chiller unit (l-VS-E-4B) had previously been removed from service for a major overhaul, leaving only one chiller (l-VS-E-4C) operating.

This is contrary to Technical Specification 3 .14 which requ-ires one control room/relay room chiller to be operating and another to be operable.

The refrigerant filter-dryer elements of 1-VS-E-4A were becoming fouled with debris and required replacement.

Chiller.l-VS-E-4A had recently been replaced with a new unit. This type of debris is not unusual when a new chiller/unit is placed in service. Chiller 1-VS-E-4A was secured, the filter-dryer elements were replaced, and the chiller was returne*d to service at 2334 hours0.027 days <br />0.648 hours <br />0.00386 weeks <br />8.88087e-4 months <br /> on April 23, 1988. A major upgrade of the chiller units has been completed to improve the capacity and reliability of these units. 8806010092 880520 PDR ADOCK 05000281 S PDR NRC Farm 366A (9-831 FACILITY NAME (11 . LICENSEE EVENT REPORT (LERI TEXT CONTINUATION DOCKET NUMBER (2) POW 28-06-01-01 U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION APPROVED 0MB NO. 3150-0104 EXPIRES: 8/31 /88 LER NUMBER (61 PAGE (31 Surry Power Station, Unit 2 o Is I o I o I o I 2 I 8 I 1 8 I 8 -OI 11 1 -O I O O I 2 OF O I 3 TEXT /ff more ,poco i8 required, U/ltJ 11ddition11/

NRC Form 366A'8J (17) NRC FORM 366A (9-831 1.0 Description of the Event On April 23, 1988 at 2316 hours0.0268 days <br />0.643 hours <br />0.00383 weeks <br />8.81238e-4 months <br />, with Unit 1 in cold shutdown and Unit 2 at 100% power, it was necessary to remove from service one of.the three control room/relay room chillers, l-VS-E-4A (EIIS-CHU), to perform minor maintenance.

The refrigerant dryer was becoming clogged and the unit was secured to prevent the unit from tripping.

The "B" chiller unit (l-VS-E-4B) had previously been removed from service for a major overhaul, leaving only one chiller (1-VS-E-4C) operating.

This is contrary to Technical Specification 3.14 which requires one control room/relay room chiller to be operating and another to be operable.

Maintenance was pleted and 1-VS-E-4A was returned to service at 2334 hours0.027 days <br />0.648 hours <br />0.00386 weeks <br />8.88087e-4 months <br /> on April 23, 1988. The chiller was out of service for a period of mately 18 minutes. 2.0 Safety Consequences and Implications The control room/relay room air conditioning system consists of three 100% capacity air conditioning chiller units. The design temperature of the control and relay room spaces is from 40 degrees Fahrenheit to 100 degrees Fahrenheit, and the electrical equipment has been qualified to 120 degree$ Fahrenheit ambient temperature.

During this event, the control room/relay room air handling units, which receive chilled water from the chiller units, remained operable or operating.

In addition, there was no noticeable crease in ambient temperature of the affected.

areas. Therefore, the health and safety of the public were not affected.

3.0 Cause T.he refrigerant filter-dryer elements of 1-VS-E-4A were coming fouled with debris and required replacement.

Chiller l-VS-E-4A had recently been replaced with a new unit. This type of debris is not unusual when a new chiller unit is placed in service. 4.0 Immediate Corrective Action(s)

Chiller 1-VS-E-4A was secured, the filter-dryer elements were replaced, and the chiller was returned to service.

NRC Form 366A (9-83)



  • ,:,:,;,;.

REVISION YEAR :;:;:;:;:;:

NUMBER ;:;:;:;:::*

NUMBER Surry Power Station; Unit 2 o Is I o I o I o 1 21 s 11 s I s -o 1 11 1 -o Io o 13 oF o p TEXT (ff mom_,,,, is required, u.,, additional NRC Farm 366A'sl (17) NRC FORM 366A (9-831 5.0 Additional Corrective Action(s)

A major upgrade of the chiller units has been completed to improve the capacity and reliability of these units. 6.0 Action(s)

Taken to Prevent Recurrence Replacement of the filter-dryers is considered normal maintenance.

No additional actions are required at this time. 7.0 Similar Events None. 8.0 Manufacturer/Model Number McQuay, Model KB086

. ' (' ----------~ May 20. 1988 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk 016 Phillips Building Washington, D.C. 20555 Gentlemen:


!L(CT .. IC ANO POWER COMl',iNv Surry ,owe, Station ,. O. lo* 31& Surrv, Vlrglnl1 23883 Serial Hoa: Docket Ro.: Licensee Moo : 88-022 50-281 DPR-37 Pursuant to Surry Power Station Technical Specifications.

Virginia Electric and Power Company hereby submits the following Licensee Event Report for Surry Unit 2. REPORT NUMBER 88-011-00 This report has been reviewed by the Station Nuclear Safety and Operating Committee and will be reviewed by Safety Evaluation and Controlc Very truly yours~ David L. Benson Station Manager Enclosure cc: Dro J. Nelson Grace Regional Administrator Suite 2900 101 Marietta Street, RW Atlanta. Georgia 30323