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Salem Generating Station Unit 2 Control Sys Failures Analysis.
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Site: Salem PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 05/31/1982
Public Service Enterprise Group
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ML18086B513 List:
NUDOCS 8206090042
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8206090042 8


' .. . MAY 1982 "he Energy SALEM GENERA TING STATION UNIT. 2 CONTROL SYSTEMS FAILURES ANALYSIS ! I CONTROL SYSTEMS FAILURES The purpose of this document is to provide an analysis demonstrating that the postulated events in Chapter 14 of the Salem FSAR adequately bound the consequences of single control system failures.

The following analysis consists of postulated failures of major trol systems and system interrelationships.

The systems reviewed were: 1. Steam Dump. 2. Excore Nuclear Instrumentation.

3. Pressurizer Pressure and Level Control. 4. Feedwater Control. 5. Rod Control. The systems were evaluated for: 1. Break of common instrument lines. 2. Loss of power to all components powered from a single source, and
  • 3. Break of any single instrument line. The enclosed Tables analyze these systems in the following manner: Table #1 -Break of Instrument Lines This table is comprised of an instrument by instrument analysis evaluating the effect of the individually failed instrument line upon its related trol system. The analysis is formulated to incorporate the instrument and channel, its failure mode, the effects of failures (upon all related tems), available redundant functions, the bounding event contained in the FSAR and any necessary remarks. Table #2 -Break of Common Instrument Lines Within Table #2, the analysis examines the NSSS control system instruments common to the same instrument line. These instruments are evaluated to the same criteria as in Table #1. However, in Table #2, the evaluated analysis encompasses the effects of all instruments common to the related instrument 1 i ne. Table #3 -Failure of Excore Nuclear Instrumentation Table #3 evaluates control system failures in regard to Nuclear tion only. As in Tables #1, and #2, the Nuclear Instrumentation System is also evaluated to demonstrate that the postulated failure is bounded by the events in Chapter 14 of the FSAR. Table #4 -Loss of Power Sources Table #4 is an individual analysis of all vital instrument buses affecting each instrument previously analyzed.

It is an evaluation of the implied failure resulting from the loss of a particular instrument bus. Also contained within Table #4, is information inherent to the cumulative affects ensuing from the postulated total loss of a single vital instrument bus. Based upon this information, it is concluded that the postulated failures are bounded by the analyses contained within Chapter 14 of the FSAR. All aforementioned Tables refer to Appendix A of this analysis.

Appendix A depicts all related control system instruments, related power sources, trol functions, and process taps for the systems reviewed.

It is concluded that these proposed failures are bounded by the postulated events in Chapter 14 of the Salem FSAR.

I I I I CONTROL SYSTEMS FAILURES ANALYSIS -TABLE #1 COITTRO!Jl SYSTF.M Fl\IlJIRES Tl\BJ.E I 1 -BRP..AK OF lNS'l'RlJMEl'l'r LINES SYSTEM: PRffiSURIZER PRESSURE AND LEVEL CXNI'ROL INSTJllMENl'S Cllannels PT-455 Qi I Pl'-456 di II FAIWRE IOJffi . low low EFFttl'S OF FAIWRffi -Palse initiation of: (I) 1/4 Pressurizer low Pressure Reactor Trip Signal (llbolle P7, 2/4 required for Reactor trip). (2) 1/4 overtemperaturaAT Reactor Trip am 1/4 overtemperature

.6 T Auto 'l\Jrblne blocks auto aoo manual R:Jd Withdrawl.

(3) 1/3 Pressurizer low Pressure Safety Injection Siqnal. -If Cllannel I ls being used as the controlling channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following FAISE Signals are lilitiated:--

  • False Operation of Pressurizer heaters (turns-on).

Ioss of auto operation:

(1) Pressurizer Operated Relief valve PR2. (2) Pressurizer Spray valves PSl am PS3. -False low Pressurizer Pressurf!

Annunciation in the Main Control ltxlm. . =<ilannel II operates Relief Valve PR1 am alaans only. -If Cllannel II is being used as the relief channel when the tulated failure occurs, then the following FAISE Signals are initiated:--


-<llannel III is available as the redumant control channel. -<llannel III also controls surizar Rlwer Operated Relief Valve PR.1. -<:hannel IV is available as the redundant relief channel for PR2. =<ilannel IV Is avaUahle as the re-duooant Relief channel. -<:hannel IV also controls Operated Relief Yalve PR2. -<flannels I or 111 are available as reilu00ant control chanools.

-'Ihe event is bounded by the inarlvertent openinq of a pressurizer safety valve as associatP.d with the 11.ccidental ization of. the Reactor OJolant System analysis.

See PT-455, Sheet -SHEF.'1' 1 -Redundancy used to pi:otect against accidental sur i zat ion of. the Reactor Coolant System.

. \ *cc.ll'ROLS SYS'l'F.M FAIUJRES TABLE 11 -BRFJ\K OF INSTRUMF.N'r LINES SYSTIM: PRF..SSURIZER PRESSURE AND LEVEL CCNl'ROL INSl'RUMEm'S Pl'-456 . (Cont'd) PT-457 anne s 01 III FAIWRE IOJES EFFEX:TS OF FAIWRES . -False Initiation of: (11 1/4 Pressurizer IDw Pressure Reactor Trip Signal (above P7, 2/4 required to trip the reactor).

(2) 1/4 overtentierature..QT Reactor Trip and 1/4 overtemperature .OT Auto 'l\Jrbine Runback, blocks auto and manual ltJd Withdrawal.

(3) 1/3 Pressurizer IDw Pressure safety Injection Signal. toss of operation for Pressurizer (llerated Relief Valve PR1. -False [Dw Pressurizer pressure annunciation in the Main Control R:x:m. -False Initiation of: (1) 1/4 Pressurizer IDw Pressure Reactor Trip Signal (Above P7, 2/ 4 required for Reactor trip) (2) 1/4 overtenperature.6T or Trip and 1/4 tureAT Auto 'l\Jrbine Runback, blocks auto and manual ltJd Withdrawal.

(3) 1/3 Pressurizer low Pressure safety Injection Siqnal. -If Olannel III is being used as the controllinq channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following FAISE Siqnals are initiated:--

False initiation of operating the Pressurizer heaters (turns-<>n).

toss of auto operation:

11) Pressurizer cp!rated Relief valve PR2. . (2) Pressurizer Spray Valves PSI and PS3. (3) Pressurizer operated Relief valve PR1

-<llannel I is available as the dundant control channel (except for operating PR1). -<:hannel II is available as a dant relief channe1 for operation of the Pressurizer R>wer Operated Relief Valve PR1. -<:hannel IV is available as a dant relief channel for operation of the Pressurizer lbwer Operated Relief Valves PR1 and PR2. See PT-455, Sheet 1 SHEET 2 Rml\RKS -Redundancy used to protect against accidental suri zat ion of the system.



AtJll I.FVF.L CCffl'ROI, INSTRlMENI'S P'l'-457 (Cont'd) LT-459 Olanne s di I FAILllRE KJ)f!S Rlati . F:FFEr.l'!l OF FAIUIRP.S -False I.ow Pressurizer pressure annunciation in the Main Control R'.Joni. -anne I opera es POwer Re e Valves PR1 anit PR2 anit alarrm only. -If Oiannel IV is beillCI used as the relief. channel -.tien the posulate<'

failure occurs, then the followillCI FALSF. Siqnals are initiated:

loss of auto operation for the Pressurizer Power Q:>erated Re1ief Valves PRl and PR2. -False initiation of 1/4 Pressurizer I.ow Pressure Reactor Trip Siqnal (llhove P7, 2/4 reau!red for or Trip). -False I.ow Pressurizer pressure annunciation in the Main Control lbotn. -False'(nlElatlon of 1/3 izer Hiah Water Level Reactor Trip Sianal (7/3 reauirP.<'l for reactor trip). -If Cllannel I is beillCI used as the controllillCI channel -.tien the tulated failure.occurs, the illCI FAL.'lf. Sic;mals are initiaten:

-anne nur.iant Re]ief channel for Power l)>erater'I RP.Jief Valve Pill. --<hannelR I or III are availahle as rer'lundant contro1 cfiannels, an<! aJRO for operation of Power Operate(!

lie.lief Valve PR2. -Oiannels n or Ill are availahle as the rrounitant crmtro1 channels.

CQITTROLS SYSTEM FAIUJRES TABLE 11 -BREAK OF INSTRUMEN'r LINES svsim: PRESSURIZER PRESSURE !\ND.LEVEL crnrROL LT-459 (Cont'd) Channels FAIWRE 1-DJES EFFECI'S OF FAIWRF.S False Operation of Pressurizer Backup Heaters (turns-<>n)

Charging PUmpS decrease flow. -False High Pressurizer level nunciation in the Main Control lbcJn. n essur-i zer High Water Level Reactor Trip Signal (2/3 required for reactor trip) .. -If Olannel II is being used as the controlling channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following FALSE Signals are initiated:--

False initiation of Pressurizer Backup Heaters (tums-<>n).

Charging PUmpS decrease flow. -False High Pressurizer level nunciation in the Main Control lbcJn.


izer High Water Level Reactor Trip Signal (2/J required for reactor trip). -If Olannel III is being used as the controlling channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following FALSE SiQnals are initiated:--

    • SHEET 4 AVAILABLE REOONDANl' FUNCTIOOS REMMKS -Oiannels I aM!fareaVaITab""Ie as ---see PT-4S"S-, sheet ,

the redundant control channels.


cn1J'ROL.'l SYSTF.M FMIJJRF.S TABLE 11 -BRf'.AK OP INS'l'RllMF.N'r LINES SYSTEM: PRESSURIZER PRESSURE l\tlll LEVP.L CONTOOL LT-461 (Cont'd! LT-459 LT-460 LT-461 PT-458 LT-462 anne s Cfl I Ch II di III FAIUJRE IOJES I.ow I.ow High EFFOCTS OF FAIWRES False Initiation of Operatinq the Pressurizer Backup Heaters (turns-<>n).

Oiarqing Plmt>S decrease flow. -False High Pressurizer level nunciation in the Main Control ltxlln. -If Channel I ls being used as the controlllnq dlannel when the postulated failure occurs, the following FAISE Siqnals are initiated:--

  • All Pressurizer heaters in auto mode de-enerqize.

letdown isolation valves CV277 and CV2 close. All letdown orifice isolation valves close (CV3, 4, & 51. -False I.ow Pressurizer level nunciat ion in the Main Control IO:Jln. See LT-459, Sheet 5 see LT=459, Sheet 5 Nile -ca116ratlon Channel High N'Jne -calibration Channel AVAilABLE RID!NDA!fl' FUNCTIOOS

=<llannels 11 or III are available as the reundant control channels.

=<llannels I or III are available as the redundant control channels.

=<llannels I or II are available as the redundant CO(ltrol dlannels.

SHEF:I' 5 See Pl'-455, Sheet 1 See PT-455, Sheet See pr::455, Sheet .:-'t*


  • 1 -BREAK OF INS'l'RUMF.NT LINES SYSTEM: PRESSURIZER PRESSURE AND LEVEL <XNI'ROL FAIWRE INSTRIJMENl'S r-l)()ES Channels LT-1649 High Pir-1648 EFFECTS OF FAIUJRES -False High Pressurizer Level Alarm at the lbt Shutdown Panel. -False I.ow Pressurizer Pressure Alarm at the lbt Shutdown Panel. AW\IIABLE REOONDANT FUNCTirn5 -Level control system not affected.


!ban alarm capability still available. -Pressure control system not affected.


!ban alarm capability still available.

SHEET 6 N/A N/A ..



-STEAM GENERA'IUR STEAM FI.av FAIWRE INSTRUMENl'S f-DDF.'l SGt21 FT-512 SGt22 -rics22 Channels Ch I Ch I High High EFFECT'S OF FAIWRES -False initiation of: (1) 1/2 High Steam Flew Steam line isolatiai signal (2/4 required and either a lcw steamline pressure or lcw Tavg required for Reactor trip). (2) 1/2 Steam flcw/feecJ..iater fl<M" mismatch. (This cident with 1/2 l<M" steam generator water level, trips the Reactor). -If this instnment is being used as the controlling channel when the postulated failure occurs, then the foll<M"ing FALSE signals are initiated:

--False High Steam Fl<M" Signal to feed p!.DllPS and turbine speed trol (increases speed). False High steam flCM signal to associated feecJ..iater control valve (opens Feed.rater valve). (OOI'E: Mismatch causes steam erator level to increase I. -False high steam f l0o1 tion in the Main Control Roan. -Failure of this line causes a small steam leak. -False high steam f l0o1 signal to Safety Injection initiation (Fs>Frefl*

See FT-512, Sheet 7 AVl\ILl\BLE REOONl.Wll' FUNCTIONS -Fl<M' control for steam generators 122, 123, and 124 remain operable. -Level controls for all steam erators remain operable. -Channel II is available as the redundant channel for steam flCM control. -Fl<M" control for steam generators i21, 123, and 124 remain cperable._

See FT-512, Sheet 7 DOONDING E.VENl' -Initial increase in steam fl<M" decreases as steam pressure decreases.

'l1lis transient is bounded by the Accidental ization of the Main Steam System analysis.

See FT-512, Sheet 7 Sl!EE'I' 7 Rml\RKS NOI'E: If nigh level detected by 2 out of 3 steam generator level transmitters, all associated main and bypass feed.olater valves will close.


  1. 21, #22, and 124 remain operable.

See FT-512, Sheet 7 Sheet 7/\ IJCUNDING E\IEN'I' REMARKS See FT-512, Sheet 7 *:*.

<XNI'IULS svsrEM FAIWRES Tl\DLE Ill -llREl\K OF' INSTRUMENI' f,INES SYSTEM: FEEll'/A'rER CCNl'IDL -srF.AM GENERAIDR STEAM FUM FAIWRE INS'mlJMENI'S 1-aJES SGl24 Pl'-542 SGl21 FT-513 22 FT-523 SGl23 FT-533 SGl2 r'l'=S'43 SGt21 FT-512 Channels Ch I High Ch II High Ch II High Ch II High Ch II High Ch I EFFECTS OF FAIWRES See FT-512, Sheet 7 See FT-512, Sheet 7 See F'l'-512, Sheet 7 See F'l'-512, Sheet 7 See FT-512, Sheet 7 -False initiaticn of 1/2 Steam flCM/Feedwater flow mismatch (lCM Feedolater flew). (This coindicent with 1/2 lD<i Steam Generator water level trips the reactor). -If this instrwrent is being used as the oonti:olling channel when the postulated failure occurs, then the follCMing FALsE signals are initiated:

--AVAILABLE REOONDANT ruNCTIONS -FlCM conti:ol for steam generators

  1. 21, #22, and 123 remain operable.

See FT-512, Sheet 7 -Channel I is available as the dant channel for steam flCM oontrol. See F'l'-512, Sheet 7 -channel I is available as the dant channel for steam flo,.i conti:ol See FT-522, Sheet 7 -Channel I is available as the dant channel for steam flCM oonti:ol.

See FT-532, Sheet 7A* -Channel I is available as the dant channel for steam flo,.i conti:ol.

See FT-542, Sheet B -Flo,.i conti:ol for steam generators 122, 123, and 124 remain operable. -Level conti:ols for all steam era tors remain operable. -Channel II is available as the dundant channel for steam flCM conti:ol.

see FT-512, Sheet 7 See FT-512, Sheet 7 See FT-512, Sheet 7 See FT-512, Sheet 7 See F'l'-512, Sheet 7 -This event is bounded l:rj the analysis covering the Loss of Normal Feedwater.

SHP.F.:l' 8 REW\RKS C<MI'ROl.S SYS'rF.M f'AI IJJRES T/lf!LE u -13RF.N< Of' INSTRmmr LINES SYSTEM: f'EECWATER CCNl'ROL -STEl\M GENERA'IDR STF'J\M f'LO.'/ FAIWRE INSTRUMEl'll'S MODES SGl21 f'l'-512 (Cont'd) Fl'-522 SGl23 FT-532 2 Fl'-542 SGt21 f'l'-513 Channe s Ch I Ch I [£W Ch I Ch II EFFECTS OF FAIWRES False lCM steam flCM signal to feedpUJ11lS and turbine speed trol (decreases speed). False lo.1 steam flo.1 signal to associated feedwater oontrol valve (closes Feec'Water valve). (!UI'E: Mismatch causes steam erator level to decrease). -False !CM steam f!CM annunciation in the Main Control Room. -Failure of this line causes a small steam leak. See Fl'-512, Sheet 8 See Fl'-512, Sheet 8 See Fl'-512, Sheet 8 See Fl'-512, Sheet 8 AVAILl\BLE REOON!Wfl' fUNCTIOOS -Flo.1 control for steam generators 121, 123, and 124 remain See f'l'-512; Sheet 7 -FlCM control for steam generators 121, 122, and 124 remain operable.

See f'l'-512, Sheet 7 -FlCM control for steam generators 121, 122, and 123 remain See Fl'-512, Sheet 7 -Channel I is availoable as the redun-dant channel for steam flo.1 control. See Fl'-512, Sheet 7 SHEIIT 9 BOONDING EVENT Rfl'IARKS See Fl'-512, Sheet 7 See f'l'-512, Sheet 7 See Fl'-512, Sheet 7 See Fl'-512, Sheet 7 SYSTEM: FEE!:WATER CCNl'ROL -STEAM GENERA'IUR STEAM FLCM FAIWRE INSTIUJMEm'S

!DDES EFFECTS OF FAIWRES Channels SGl22 FT-523 Ch II UM See FT-512, Sheet 8 SGl23 FT-533 Ch II La4 see FT-512, Sheet 8 SGl24 FT-543 Ch II UM See FT-512, Sheet 8 aNI'RJlS SYSTEM FAIWRF.S TABLE n -llRF.l\K m* INSTRUMENr LINES AVAILABLE REOONDl\Nl' ruNCTIOOS BOUNDIN3 EVEm' -channel I is available as the redun-See FT-512, Sheet 7 dant channel for steam flew control. See FT-522, Sheet 9 -Channel I is available as the redun-See FT-512, Sheet 7 dant channel for steam fl°'1 control. see FT-532, Sheet 9 -Channel I is available as the redun-See FT-512*, Sheet 7 dant channel for steam fl°'1 control. See FT-542, Sheet 9 SllEF:r 10 REMARKS CXlNI'l10l.'l SYR'l'FM FAILllRFS TABLF. I 1 -11RF.AA OF INS'l'RltlF.N'I' f ,JNF.S SYSTEM: FEE!JolATER CXNI'ROL -STEAM GENERA'IOR r FEE!JolATER Flll'1 SGl21 f"l'-510 Flr-8924 f"l\-520 Flr-8925 Flr-8926 f"l\-540 Flr-8927 Ch I Qi I Ch I Ch I FAillmE OOIJES High High High Hi<lh High High High EFFECI'S OF FAIIIJ'REi:; -False initiation of 1/2 steam flow/feedwater flow mismatch.

('!his coincident with 1/2 low steam generator water level trips the Reactor). -If these instrunents are beinq used as the controllinq channel t.'hen the postulated failure occurs, then the followilJ!!

FAISE siqnals are initiated: False hiqh feedwater flow siqnals to associated feedwater control valve (closes feedwater valve). Failure of Instrument Line causes a srnall feedwater leak. -False hiah feedwater flow ciation in the Main O::>ntrol R:>an. N:ll'E: Mismatch causes steam erator level to decrease.

See f"l\-510, Sleet 11 See FT-510, Sleet 11 See f"l'-510, Etteet 11 -Flow control for steam qenerators 122, 123, and 124 remain or:ierahle. -Level controls for alJ steaJ11 erators remain operahle. -Channel II is available as the dundant channel for feedwater flow control. See f"l'-5111, Sleet 11 -Flow control for steam aenerators 121, 123, and 124 remain operahle.

See F"l'-510, Sheet 11 -Flow control for steam qenerators 121, 122, and remain operable.

See FT-51 o, Sheet 11 -Flow control for steam aenerators 121, 122, and 123 remain operahle.

-'!his event is l'Ouncle<'I hv the analysis Minor Secondary Svstein Pipe 11reaks. See FT-51 ll, Etteet 11 See Ft-510, 9leet 11 See FT-51 O, Sleet 11 SflP.P-1' 11 c::<JNTROIS SYSTEM FAIUJRES TABLE t 1 -BRF.AK OF INSTRUMF.m' LINES SYSTEM: FEEl:MATER CXNl'ROL -STEAM GENERA'IDR, FEECMATER FID'/ SGf21 SGf22 FT-S21 SGl23 FT-531 SGt24 FT-541 SGf21 FT-510 Fir-B924 anne s Ch II Ch II Ch II Ch II Ch I FAIWRE IDlES High High High High EFFECTS OF FAIWRES See FT-510, Sheet 11 see FT-510, Sheet 11 See FT-510, Sheet 11 See FT-510, Sheet 11 -False initiation of 1/2 steam flow/feedwater flow mismatch.

('Ibis coincident with 1/2 low Steam Generator Water level trips the Reactor). -If these instrmients are being used as the controllinq channel when the postulated failure occurs, then the following are initiated:

AVAIIABLE REOONDANl' fUNCTICRl See FT-510, Sheet 11 -<llannel I is available as the dundant channel for f eedwater control See FT-520, Sheet 11 -Oiannel I is available as the dundant channel for feedwater control See FT-530, Sheet 11 -Oiannel I is available as the dundant channel for feedwater control. See FT-540, Sheet 11 -Oiannel I is available as the dundant channel for feedwater control -Flow control for steam qenerators 122, 123, and 124 remain operable. -level controls for all steam erators remain operable. -channel II is available as the dundant channel for feedwater flow control. SHEET 12 See FT-510, Sheet 11 See FT-520, Sheet 11 See FT-530, Sheet 11 See FT-540, Sheet 11 -'Ibis transient is bounded 'Wl'E: If High level by the analysis effecting cretected by 2 out of Excessive Heat Renoval due 3 steam generator to Feedwater System mal-level transmitters, function.

all associated main and bypass f eedwater valves will close. ..


SYSTF.M FAIUIRES TARLE 11 -BllFAJ< OF INS'l'llllMf.111'1' Lll\TFS SYSTEM: FEE!:WATER CXNI'ROL -STEAM GENEAA'IOR, FEEIJ'IJITF.P FU:W SGt21 F'l'-510 FL-8924 (Cont'd) 5Gf22 F'l'-520 FL-8925 F'l'-530 FL-8926 FL-8927 F'l'-521 anne s Ch I Ch I Ch I Ch II Ch II FAIWRE OODES Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low EFFECI'S OF FAIWRF.S False low feedwater flow sional to associate<!

Feedwater control valve (opens Feedwater valve) -Failure of Instrument line causes a small feedwater leak. -False low feedwater f.low ciation in the Main Control Room. N:JI'E: Mismatch causes steam erator level to increase.

See F'l'-510, Sheet 12 See F'l'-510, Sheet 12 See F'l'-510, Sheet 12 See F'l'-510, Sheet 12 See F'l'-520, Sheet 13 A'IAHABI.E REDUNDANT FIJM'.:J'IONS See F'l'-510, 1' -Flow control for steam oenerators t21, *n, am t:;>4 re111ain operahle.

See F'l'-510, Sheet 12 -Flow control steam aenerators 121, 1:;>2, and J24 re!Nlin operable.

See F'l'-510, !:heet 12 -Flow control for steam qenerators t21, 122, .anrl t23 re111ain operahle See F'l'-510, Sheet 12 --<llannel I is available as the dunc'lant channel for f eedwater control See F'l'-5211, Sheet 13 --<llannel I is availahle as the nunflant channel for rontrol. f:f>e F'l'-5 1 O, Sheet 1 ' See F'l'-510, Sheet 11 See Pl'-510, Shl*>t f;ee F'J'-5111, 1?. See F'T'-5111, Sheet 12 See F'l'-510, Sheet !:'-See F'l'-520, !'1t>eet 13 SYSTrn:

CCNl'ROL -STEAM GENERA'IOR, F'EEJ:M/ITER F'LCM SGl23 FT-531 SGl24 FT-541 Channe s Ch II Ch II Fl\IUJRE MJDES EFFECTS OF Fl\IWRF'.S See FT-530, Sheet 13 See FT-540, Sheet 13 ONl'ROfAc; sYSTF'11 F'AIUJRES T/IBLE U -RREllK OF' INSTRU111'N'l' UNF.S AVAILABLE RFTIJNDJWI' FllNCTIOOS See FT-530, Sheet 13 -Channel I is available as the dundant channel for feedwater trol. See FT-540, Sheet 13 -Channel I is available as the dundant channel for feedwater control. RHF'P.l' 14 RF'11ARKS See FT-530, Sheet 13 See FT-530, Sheet 13 See FT-540, Sheet 13 See FT-540, Rheet 13 crnrror..s SYS'l'r.M FAIUJRES TARLP. ffl .:. BRF.AK OP INS'l'RUMEN'l' LINP.S SYSTEM: FEEll'IATER CXNI'FOL -STEAM GENERA'IlJR LEVEL, NARROW RJ\N:iE FAILURE INS'lWMENI'S OODES ellannels . LT-519 ell II High LT-529 di I High LT-539 di I High LT-1642 High LT-549 ell II Hi9h LT-519 II LcM EFFECT'S OF FAIWRF.S -False initiation of 1/3 steam gen-erator Hi-Hi level turbine trip signal. -If this instrunent is being used as the oontrolling channel when the postulated Failure occurs, then the following FALSE signals are initiated:

False high level signal to its assicated Feedwater Control Valve (closes feedwater valve), -Failure of this Instrunent line

  • causes a small steam leak. -False high level annunciation in the Main Control Roan See LT-519, Sheet 15 (High) See LT-519, Sheet 15 (High) See LT-519, Sheet 15 (High) 3 steam gen-erator water level Reac-tor Trip signal (2/3 required for Reactor trip). -If this instrunent is being used as the controlling channel when the postulated failure occurs, then the following FALSE signals are initiated: -ellannels III or IV are available as redundant channels for steam generator level, narra.i range protection.

See LT-519, Sheet 15 (High) see LT-519, sheet 15 (High) See LT-519, Sheet 15 (High) -anne s III or IV are ava a e as redundant channels for steam generator level, narrow range protection.

OOUNDING P.VENI' -'ltlis event is bounded by the analysis effecting Minor Seoondary System Pipe Breaks. See LT-519, Sheet 15 (Hiqh) See LT-519, Sheet 15 (High) SHP.P.T 15 REMJIRKS NCJI'F.: ""Hf9h level detection by 2 out of 3 steam generator level transmitters will close all main and bypass feedwater valves. See L'l'-519, Sheet 15 (High) See LT-519, Sheet 15 (High) See LT-519, Sheet 15 (Hi h) NOl'E: the analysis effectinq

---rfitigh level is Excessive Heat Removal due tected by 2 out of 3 to Feedwater System mal-steam generator function.

level transmitters, then all associated main and bypass feedwater valves will close.


l'llDF.5 EFFECl'S OF FAILURES AVAILABLE RF.IX.JNDAm' FUNCTictTS Cllanne s LT-Sl9 (Cont'd) False low level signal to its associated Feedwater Control valve (open feedwater valve), -Failure of this Instrunent line causes a small steam leak. -False low level annunciation in the Main Control Room. LT-529 di I Low See LT-519, sheet 15 (Low) See LT-519, Sheet 15 (Low) LT-539 Ch I Low See LT-519, sheet 15 (Low) See LT-519, Sheet 15 (Low) LT-1642 Low LT-549 di II Low See LT-519, sheet 15 (Low) See LT-519, Sheet 15 (I.owl SllF:P.l' u; See LT-519, sheet 15 See LT-519, Sheet 15 (Low) (IDw) See LT-519, Sheet 15 See LT-519, Sheet 15 (Low) (Low) See LT-519, sheet is (Low) See LT-519, Sheet 15 (Low)


P'l'-514 Pl'-524 P'IL534 P'IL544 Pl'-515 anne S di I di I Qi I Qi I di II FAIWRE KlDES Low Low LOW row Low EFFECJ'S OF FAIJ.URES

-False initiation of: (1) 1/3 Low Steamline Differential Pressure Siqnal ( 2/3 required for Reactor trip). (2) 1/2 Low Steam Feedwater Flow mismatch siqnal. ('Ihis coincident with 1/2 [DW Steam Generator Water Level required for Reactor trip). -If this instrunent is being used as the controllinq channel when the postulated failure occurs, the followil'lQ F.AISE siqnals are initiated:

  • --False low pressure siqnal to water Pl.DP speed control. False low pressure signal to iated feedwater control valve. -Failure of instrument line causes a small steam leak. -False low pressur;e annunciation in the Main Cbntrol lb:Jm. See P'l'-514, Sleet 17 see J5'1L514, Sieet 17 see J5'1L514, §ieet 17 See P'l'-514, Sleet 17 AVAHAflI.F.


-Oiannel II is available as the rl'ilundant channel for pressure control. See P'I'-514, illeet 17 see P'l'-514, Sheet 17 see P'I'-514, §ieet 17 ::a1annel I Is available as the redundant channel for pressure control. -'lhis event is houn<'IP.d t>y the Accinental ization of t.he Main Steam System anaJvsis.

See P'J'-514 , illeet 17 Ree P'iL514, §Ii pet 17 see p>jL t; 14, Sheet 17 See P'I'-14, Sheet 17 crnT!lOLS SYSTF.M FAIUJRF'B TARLF: tl -ARF.l\K OF INSTRUl'IFNT LINF:S SYSTEM: FEEll'IATER CXNl'ROL -STF..AM GENERA'IUR, STFJ\H PRF.SSURE SHF:P.I' lR FAIWRE INSTHJMmrS MJDES EFFECTS OF FAILURF.S AVAILABLE RF.OONllANI' FUNCTICllS ro!JNDING F.llFNI' RFMAAKS Channels Pl'-525 Ch II Low See P'l'-515, Sheet 17 See P'l'-515, Sheet 17 See P'l'-515, Sheet 17 Pl'-535 di II Low See P'l'-515 , Sheet 17 See P'l'-515, sheet 17 See P'l'-515, Sheet 17 Pl'-545 di II Low See P'l'-515, Sheet 17 See P'l'-515, Sheet 17 See P'l'-515, Sheet 17 SYSTEM: .STF.AM OOMP Channels PT-507

  • Plr727 l"l'-508 FAIWRE fol)OJ'll Low N/A rorrnoL.'l SVSTFl1 FAUJIRl'S T.1\11T,F.

11 .:. nru::l\K OF INSTRlllf'N'r r,rnr.s EFFECTS OF FAILURES -If these instrunents are being used when the postulated failure occurs, a false low pressure signal to steam duip is initiated. -False low pressure annunciation, locally and in the Main Control lb:m. -Failure of inst:runent line causes a snall stean leak. -False low pressure signal to the feed punps and turbine speed control. -If this lnstr1m1ent Is being used when the postulated failure occurs, a false low pressure signal to the feed pmps and turbine speed control is initiated. -False low pressure annunciation in the Main Control lb:m. AVAILABLE REOONill\m' FllNCTICl'IS -All al:JllJspheric steam relief valves, MS lO's, remain operahle. -All steam safety valves remain operable.

OO!INnIOO F.VFMr N/11 N/A SllF.P.I' 19 Rfll/\RKS -steam Olm'1 \.ontrol is not a safety lated system and therefore doeR not require redundancy.


cnrmJL SYSTEM FAllJIRES TABLE 12 -BREA!( OF INS'rnlJMENl' LINES SYSTEM: PRESSURIZER PRESSURE AND LEVEL CXNl'RJL Pl'-455 L'l'-45!1 Pl'-474 Pl'-456 L'l'-460 Channels Ch I Ch I Ch IV Ch II Ch II FAIUJRE KDES EFFECI'S OF FAIWRES AVAILABLE REIJJNlll\Nl' EUNCTIOOS low Hiqh low -Failure of: -Channel III ls available as the redundant channel for pressure control. low High (1) 2/4 Pressurizer low Pressure Signal (Jeactor Trip above P7). (2) 1/3 Hiqh Water level Reactor Trip Signal (2/3 required for Reactor trip). (3) 1/3 Pressurizer low Pressure Safety Injection Signal. -Channels II or III are available as the redundant channels for level control. -Channel II ls available as a redundant dtannel for control relief Rlwer Operated RP.lief Valve PR1. -If these instrmients are beinq used as the controlling channels when the postulated failure occurs, then these instruments initiate the followinq FAISE signals: False operation of the Pressurizer Heaters (turns-on)

  • False hiqh level siqnal decreases charging puq> flow. -False low pt"essure (Ch's I ' IV) am False high level (Ch II ciations in the Hain Control ltxxn. -loss of operation for: (1)

Operated Jelief Valves PR1 am PR2. ( 2) Spray Valves PSI am PS3. -False initiatioo of1 -Channel IV is available as the (1) 1/4 Pressurizer low Pressure redundant channel for control . Reactor Trip Signal (2/4 relief of tuwer Operated llelief required for lleactor Trip). Valves PR1 and PR2. (2) 1/3 Hiqh Water level Reactor Trip Signal (2/3 required to Trip Reactor).

(3) 1/3 Pressurizer low Pressure Safety Injectioo Signal. SHEET 1 RE11ARKS -1bls event is bounded by -1bis event causes a the inadvertent openinq of Reactor Trip (above a pressurizer safety valve P7). as associate<!

with the llccidental Depressurlzation of the Reactor Coolant System analysis.

See above -1bis event will not cause a Reactor Trip.

TABLE *2 -BllFJllC OP ItJITTlllJ.ll'NI' J,JJllF.S SYSI'EH: PIIBSSURIZER PRESSURE AND LEVEL <nfl'ROL P'l'-456 LT-460 (Cbnt 'di P'l'-457 P'l'-458 LT-462 LT-°'461 LT-1649 PT-1648 OJarmels OJ III N/A N/A OJ III FAIWRE K>DES EFFF.Cl'S OF FAIUJRES lDw ffiqh High Hiqh ffiqh 1.oW -If these instrlJTl!!nts are beinq used as the inq channels when the p:>Stulated failure occurs, then these instrlJTl!!nts initiate the followina FALSE siqnals: False operation of the Backup heaters (hiqh level -on). False hiqh level si911al decreases cha1:9ina ptJTp flow. -loss of (\'.leration of Pressurizer Power Relief Valve PR1. -False low pressure (OJ II) and False high level (<ll III ciations in the Main Cbntrol lhom. (OOIB: Channel II low ure does not effect pressurizer heaters).

-False initiation of: (1) 1/4 Pressurizer lDw Pressure Reactor Trip Siqnal (l\bove P7, 2/4 reQUired for Reactor Trip). (2) 1/3 Hiqh Water Level Reactor Trip Siqnal ( 2/3 reQUired for Reactor Trip). (3) 1/3 Pressurizer IDw Pressur Safety Injection Siqnal. -If these instrlJTl!!nts are beinq used the ling channels when the postulated failure occurs, then the followina FALSE; siqnals are False operation of the pressurizer heaters (turns-on I . -Channels I or III are availahle as the redumant channels for level control. -OJannels I or III are available as the redundant channels for pressure control. -<llannel I is available as a redunrtant channel for pressure control. -Channels I or II are available as the redundant channels for level control. -OJannel II is availahle as a redumant channel for control relief of Power q:>erated Relief Valve PRI. -Channel IV is availahle as a redumant channel for cnntrol relief of Power q:>erated Relief Valves PR1 and See !lleet 1 Rflo!Alll flow. -False low pressure (Ch III) and False high level (Ch Ill) ciations in the Main Control Roan. AVAILADLE REOONDANl' FUNCTIONS SllEF.T l mwiKs SYSTF.M: STEAM DUMP SGl21 Pi'=ST6A Pl'-516 Pl'-1644 SGl22 Pl'-526A Pl'-526 Pl'-1645 &;123 Pi'=Sl6A Pl'-536 Pl'-1646 SGl24 PiC5t6A Pl'-546 Pl'-1647 Channels Ch I Ch I Ch II Ch II Ch III Ch III Ch IV Ch IV CCN!'ROL SYSTEM FAIWRES TABLE 12 -BREAK OF CGM:N INSTRllMENT LINES FAIUJRE MCDES EFFEC'l'S OF FAIWRES I.ow -False indication of 1/4 low Cow steamline pressure (2/4 Cow required and 2/4 high steam line flow required to trip reactor).

I.ow I.ow I.ow I.ow I.ow I.ow I.ow I.ow I.ow -Failure of associated steam generator atm:>spheric relief valve M.SlO (valve closes). -Failure of this instrunent line causes a small steam leak.


-All other atm:>spheric steam relief valves, 122, 123, and 124 MS 10 remain operable.

-All steam safety valves remain operable.

-All other atm:>spheric steam relief valves, 121, 123, and 124 HS 10 remain operable.

-All steam safety valves remain operable.

-All other atm:>spheric steam relief valves, 121, 122, and _124 MS 10 remain operable.

-All steam safety valves remain operable.

-All other atm:>spheric steam relief valves, 121, 122, and 123 M.S 10 remain operable.

-All steam safety valves remain operable.

N/A N/A N/A N/A SHEET 4 -Failure of atm:>spheric reliefs do not pose a problem due to ability of the steam safety valves. 'IVI'E: S.I. initiated

'fiY!/3 low steam line differential pressure.


FEEl:MATER eotn'IDL -REAClDR am . .J\Nl' TEMPERA'IUE INSTRlJMENI'S SGt24 TE-441A TE-4418 Channels OI IV Ch IV FAIWRE r-l)DES EFFECTS OF FAIWRES -If these instruments are being used when the postulated failure occurs, the folla.1ing FALSE Signals are Reactor Protection System: False initiation of: (1) 2/4 I..c:w Tavg Signal (prevent suboooling and loss of shut do,.in margin on a reactor trip I=!{ isolation of water system). (2) 2/4 Low-Low Tavg Signal (establishes Pl2 permissive; used in ex>incidence with high steamline flCM as indication of steamline break and generation of safety injection signal). (3) LoOpAT-Overtenperature

,6T trip (2/4 ex>incident) used as a measure of reactor pCMer. (4) OVerpCMer ll.T trip (2/4 ex>incident)-used as a measure of reactor pCMer. Also acts to la.1er the base trip setpoint established for full PQ<ler Tavg. (5) LCX>p Tavg-overtenperature AT Trip (2/4 acts to la.1er the base trip setpoint established for full pCMer Tavg. -Failure to this 2" reactor coolant line casues a small UXA. AVAILABLE REOONDANI' FUNCTIONS

-All reactor coolant tenperature instruments in hot and ex>ld legs for loops 121, 122, 123 remain operable.

-The transient is bounded I=!{ the analysis resulting in actuation of Core Cooling caused I=!{ the loss of Reactor Coolant fran small ruptured pipes. SHEET 5 REMARKS -Deviation alarms alert the operator when any one loop's temperature is abnormally la.1 pared to the eered high Tavg or high AT signal.


FEE!l'IATER CXNI'ROL -REACIIJR COOLANT TEl'1PERATURE INSTRlJMENl'S Oiannels SGl23" TE-431A Ch III TE-431B Ch III SGl22 TE-421A Ch II TE-421B Ch II SGl21 'IB-411A Ch I TE-4118 Ch I FAIUJRE OODES low low low low low low EFFECTS OF FAIWR&S See TE-441A-B Sheet 5 See TE-441A-B Sheet 5 See TE-441A-B Sheet 5 AVAILABLE REIJUNDANl' FUNCTIOOS

-All reactor ooolant tenperature instruments in hot and cold legs for loops 121, 122 and 124 remain operable.

-All reactor ooolant tenperature instruments in hot and cold legs for loops 121, 123, and 124 remain operable.

-All reactor ooolant tenperature instruments in hot and cold legs for loops 122, 123, and 124 remain operable.

SHEffi' 6 EVENT See TE-441A-B Sheet 5 See TE-441A-B Sheet 5 See TE-441A-B Sheet 5 SYSTF.M: STEAM DUMP Pl'-505 PL-183 PA-8529 PD-459 Pl'-506 PA-6110 Cllannels Cll I Cll II CCNI'ROL SYSTF.M FAIUJRES TABLE 42 -BREAK OF INSTRIJMEtn' LINES FAIUJRE l'DJES EFFECTS OF FAIUJRES low low low low -If these instruments are being used for control INhen the lated failure occurs, the lowing FALSE Signals are initiatecr.-

If Steam Pressure is controlling Steam IAJrnp then the false low pressure signal is sent to the condenser dlJlli> valves. (IAJrnp Valves nr:idulate to equalize turbine and reactor loads). If Tavg is controlling Steam IUnp then a False low Tavg signal is used in a control of load rejection.

(!Unp valves respond to F.qualize Tavg and Tref). -False low signal for first stage turbine irr{lulse pressure to steam dump control. -False low signal for load tion in Electro-hydraulic Control. -False low signal for turbine trip in Electro-hydraulic Control. -False low pressure annunciation, locally and in *the main control roan. -Failure of instrument line causes a small steam leak. -False low signal blocks rod drawals AVAILABLE REDUNDAm' ruNCTIOOS

-Cllannel II is available as a redundant channel for steam dump control. low -If these instruments are being -Cllannel I is available as a redun-N/A used for control INhen the postu-dant channel for steam dump control. lated failure occurs, a false low signal for the first stage turbine imp.llse pressure to steam dump control is initiated.

N/A N/A SHEET 7 REMARKS -Steam dump control is not a safety lated system and therefore does not require redundancy.

See Pl'-505, Sheet 7 SYSTE?l: STEAM llJMP Pl'-506 PA-6110 (Cont'd) Channels CXNI'ROL SYSTEM FAIWRES TABLE 12 -DREAK OF (J)tfil'I lNSTRUMENT LINES FAIWRE r-DDES

-False low annunciation in the main control roan. -Failure of instrument line causes a small stean leak. AVAILABLE REOONDANI' ruNCTIOOS SHEP.I' 8 REMARKS CONTROL SYSTEMS FAILURES ANALYSIS -TABLE #3 SYSTEM: NUCLEAR INS'l'RUMENI'ATIOO Channels NEl-35 Ch I NB-36 Ch II NEJ-35 Ch I FAIWRE MODF.S High High CTWroL SYS'J'F.H FAJWRFS TAllLF. #3 -FAIWRE OF F.XCORE NUCLFJ\R JNSTRIJMFNI'ATIGI F.FFECl'S OF FAILURES -If this channel is being used when the postulated failure occurs, the following FAI..5E signals are mitted: --(1) 1/2 High Neutron* Flux Reactor trip signal. ('Ibis coincident with the pc:Mer above P-6 but AVAILARLE RF.OONlW'1'I' FllNCI'IOOS -Channel II is available as the redundant channel for protection.

less than P-10 trips the Reactor).

(2) 1/3 High Neutron Flux Rod Stop signal (Block Rod Withdrawal).

('Ibis coincident with an tiated Trip Bypass and Rod Stop Block provides Rod Step). (3) 1/2 P-6 permissive Signal. ('Ibis coincident with Manual Rod Block provides block of High Neutron Flux Reactor Trip). (4) False high Neutron Flmc annunciation in the Main Control Roan. See NE-35, (High) Sheet 1 If this channel is being used when the postulated failure occurs, the follCMing FALSE signals are transmittea=-

(1) 1/2 LCM Neutron Flux Reactor Trip Signal. (2) 1/3 LCM Neutron Flux Rod Stop Signal. (3) 1/2 LCM P-6 permissive signal. (4) False LCM Neutron Flux annunciation in the Main Control Roan. -Channel I is available as the dundant channel for protection. -Channel II is available as the redundant channel for protection.

-'!'he event is bounded by the Uncontrolled Rod Cluster Control Assembly Bank Withdrawal at Power. See NFl-35 (High), f:heet 1 See NFJ-35 (High), Sheet 1 SHRP.P 1 SYSTEM: NUCLEAR INSTHJMEm'ATICJil NE-36 NE-41 Channels di II CH I FAIUJRE IOJES Low. High CCNrRIJL SYSTF.M FAIUIRF.S TABLE 13 -FAIUIRE OF EXOORE NUCLEAR INSTRUMEm'ATICJil EFFECTS OF FAIUJRES See NE-35, (low) Sheet 1 AVAIUtBLE REIXlNDl\Nl' FUOCTICJilS -channel I is available as the dundant channel for protection.

BOONDING EVEm' See NE-35 (Hiqh), Sheet -If this diannel is being used When -Olannels II, III, and 'N are avalla-see NE=lS (H1qh), Sheet the postulated failure O<.."'Cllrs; the ble as redundant channels for pro-followinq FALSE signals are trans-tection. mitted: --(1) 1/4 High Neutron Flux Rate Reactor Trip Signal (2/4 quired for trip). (2) 1/2 High OU'erpower Stop signal. ('nlis coincident with uninitiated Manual Bypass blocks Autanatic and Manual drawal). (3) 1/4 P-8 permissive High siqnal (2/4 required for P-8 permissive). ( 4) 1/4 P-7 and P-10 permissive High signals (2/4 required for P-7 and P-10 permissive).

(5) 1/4 Hiqh Neutron Flux Reactor trip siqnal-High Setpoint (2/4 required for Reactor trip). (6) 1/4 Hiqh Neutron Flux Trip signal-Low Setpoint (2/4 required for Reactor trip). (7) 1/4 False High siqnal to Upper and IDWer Flux l'inplifiers which supply inputs to the T and CNerpower.AT Reactor Trips, (2/4 each is required for trip), and to the CNertemperature .AT and CNerpower AT Auto Tl.lrbine Runback and Block Auto. and Manual Withdrawal (2/4 each is required).


!ol)OES EFFF.CTS OF FAIIJJRES AVAILABLE REDClNllAm' FmCJ'IOOS diannels NE-42 Cl"I II High. See NE-41, Sheet 2 NE=43 di III High NE=44 Qi IV High NE-41 di I See NE-41, Sheet 2 see NE-41, Sheet 2 -If this Channel Is being used iJlen the postulated failure occurs, the following FALSE signals are mitted: --( 1) 1/ 4 row Neutron Flux Rate Reactor Trip Signal. ( 2) 1/2 low Ollerpower lbd Stop Signal. (3) 1/4 P-8 permissive IDw signal. (4) 1/4 P-7 and P-10 permissive low signals. (5) 1/4 low Neutron Flux Reactor

  • trip signal -High Setpoint.

(6) 1/4 IDw Neutron Flux Reactor trip signal -Iow Setpoint.

(7) 1/4 False low signal to Upper and rower Flux Amplifiers wich supply inputs to the temperature

/jT and Ollerpower AT Reactor trips, and to the power .!lT Auto. 'l\Jrbine Runback and Block Auto and Manual lbd Withdrawal.

(8) False row Neutron Flux ciation in the Main Control !ban. -channels I, III, and IV are ble as redundant channels for tection. =<::flannels I, II, alii IV are ble as redundant channels for tection. =<l'iannels I, II, aiil III are ble as redundant channels for tection. =tfiannels II, III, ai'rl IV are ble as redundant channels for tect ion. SHEET 3 BOONDIOO EVEm' See NE-35 (High), Sheet see NE-35 (Hiqh), Sheet see NE-35 (High) , Sheet See NE-35 (High), sheet SYSTEM: WCLEAR INSTRUMENTATION FAIWRE INSTRUMENIS MOO ES Oiannels NE-42 Oi II row NE-43 Of III row NE-44-Qi IV I.ow CDll'ROL SYSTEM FAIUJRES TABLE 13 -FAIUJRE OF EXOORE NUCLF.J\R INSTruJMEtll'ATION EFFOCTS OF FAIUJRF.S See NE-41, Sheet 3 see NE-41, Sheet 3 See NE-41, Sheet 3 AVAIUIBLE REIXlNDIWl' FUOCTIONS -channels I, III, and r.v are ble as redundant channels for tection. ::Channels I, II, aiii r.v are ble as redundant channels for tection. :cliannels I, II, and III are ble as redundant channels for tect ion. SHEP.l' 4 BOONDING EllENl' REMARKS Se NE-35 (High), Sheet see NE-35 (High), Sheet flee-NE-35 (High), Sheet -:-'t*

CONTROL SYSTEMS FAILURES ANALYSIS -TABLE #4 CONTl!OL SYSTEM FAILURES TABLE H4 -LOSS OF POWER SOURCES SYSTEM: PRESSURIZER PRESSURE AND LEVEL CONTROL INSTRUMENTS PT-455 Channels Ch. I VITAL BUS (Loss) A B c D EFFECTS OF FAILURES If Channel I is being used as the control channel when the lated failure occurs, the ing happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Heater Control-Variable Signal. (2) Spray Valves PSl and PS3. (3) Group 21 and 22 Heaters. (4) Power Operated Relief Valve PR2. . (5) Auto Turbine Runback and Block Auto & Manual Rod Wi thdrawa 1. None If Channel I is being used as the control channel when the lated failure occurs, the ing happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Heater Control-Variable Signal. (2) Spray Valves PSI and PS3. (3) Group 21 and 22 Back-up Heaters. (4) Power Operated Relief Valve PR2. If Channe 1 I is being used as the control channel when the postu-1 a ted failure occurs, the fo 11 owing happens: -Loss of related operation of Power Operated Relief Valve PR2. AVAILABLE REDUNDANT FUNCTIONS Channel III is available as the redundant control channel. Channels II and IV are also available for reJundant control of Auto Turbine Runback and Block Auto and Manual Rod Iii thdrawa 1. None None None BOUNDING EVENT These events are bounded by the analysis ciated with the Acci den ta 1 pressuri za tion of the Reactor Coolant System. Sheet REMARKS Ref: Appendix A-pages 1, lA, 5 and 7.

CONTROL SYSTEM FAILURES . TABLE #4 -LOSS OF POWER SOURCES SYSTEM: PRESSURIZER PRESSURE AND LEVEL CONTROL INSTRUMENTS PT-456 Channels Ch. II VITAL BUS (Loss) A B c D EFFECTS OF FAILURES If Channel II is being used as the relief channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of Power Operated Relief Valve PRl. If Channei II is being used as the relief channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Power Operated Relief Valve PRI. (2) Auto Turbine Runback and Block Auto and Manual Rod Withdrawal.

If Channel II is being used as the relief channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of Power Operated Relief Valve PRl. None AVAILABLE REDUNDANT FUNCTIONS None Channels I, III and IV are available for redundant control of Auto Turbine Runback and Block Manual and Auto Rod Wi thdrawa 1. Ncine None BOUNDING EVENT See PT-455, Sheet #1. Sheet 2 REMARKS Ref: Appendix A-pages 2, 2A, 5 and 8.

CONTROL SYSTEM FAILURES TABLE 04 -LOSS OF POWER SOURCES SYSTEM: PRESSURIZER PRESSURE AND LEVEL CONTROL INSTRUMENTS PT-457 Channels Ch. Ill VITAL BUS (Loss) A B c D EFFECTS OF FAILURES If Channel III is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of Power Operated Relief Valve PRl. If Channel III is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of Operated*Relief Valve PRl. If Channel Ill is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Power Operated Relief Valves PRl and PR2. (2) Heater Control-Variable Signal. (3) Spray Valves PSl and PS3. (4) Group 21 and 22 Back-up Heaters. (5) Auto Turbine Runback and Block Auto and Manual Rod Hithdrawa

l. If Channel III is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of Power Operated Relief Valves PRl and PR2. AVAILABLE REDUNDANT FUNCTIONS None None Channels I, II and IV are also available for redundant control of Auto Turbine Runback and Block Auto and Manual Rod thdrawa l. Channel II is available as the redundant channel for operation of Power Operated Relief Valve PRl. BOUNDING EVENT See PT-455, Sheet #1 Sheet 3 REMARKS Ref:

A-pages 3, 3A, 5 and 9.

CONTROL SYSTEM FAILURES TABLE #4 -LOSS OF POWER SOURCES SYSTEM: PRESSURIZER PRESSURE AND LEVEL CONTROL INSTRUMENTS PT-474 Channels Ch. IV VITAL BUS (Loss) A B c . D EFFECTS OF FAILURES If Channel IV is being used as the relief channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of Power Operated Relief Valves PRl and PR2. If Channel IV is being used as the relief channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of Power Operated Relief Valve PRl.

  • If Channel IV is being used as the relief channel when the postulated fa i1 ure occurs, the fo 11 owing happens: -Loss of related operation of Operated Relief Valves PR! and PR2. If Channel IV is being used as the relief channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Power Operated Relief Valves PRl and PR2. (2) Auto Turbine Runback and Block Auto and Manual Rod Withdrawal.

AVAILABLE REDUNDANT FUNCTIONS BOUNDING EVENT Channel III is available as the re-See PT-455; dundant channel for operation of Power Sheet #1 Operated Relief Valve PR2. None None Channel II is available as the dundant channel for operation of Power Operated Relief Valve PR!. Channels I, II and III are available for redundant contra l of Auto Turbine Runback and Block Auto and Manual Rod Wi thdra1*1a

1. Sheet 4 REMARKS Ref:

A-pages 4. 4A, 5 and 10.

CONTROL SYSTEM FAILURES TABLE H4 -LOSS OF POWER SOURCES SYSTEM: PRESSURIZER PRESSURE AND LEVEL CONTROL INSTRUMENTS LT-459 Channels Ch. I VITAL BUS (Loss) A B c EFFECTS OF FAILURES If Channel I is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs; the fo 11 owing happens: -Loss of related operation of: (I) Channel I operation.

(2) Block *Auto Control and tion of Group 21 and 22 up Heaters. (3) Speed Signal to Charging Pump. (4) Block Closed Letdown Isolation Valves CV 2, 3, 4, 5 and 277. If Channel I is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Block Auto Control and tion of Group 21 and 22 up Heaters. (2) Speed Signal to Charging Pump. (3) Block Closed Letdown Isolation Valves CV 3, 4, 5 and 277. If Channel I is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Block Auto Control and tion of Group 21 and 22 up Heaters. (2) Speed Signal to Charging Pump. (3) Block Closed Letdown Isolation Valves CV 2, 3, 4 and 5. AVAILABLE REDUNDANT FUNCTIONS BOUNDING EVENT Channels II and Ill are available as redundant control channels.

See PT-455,' Sheet # 1 Channel III is available as the dant control channel except for operation of Letdown Isolation Valve CV277. (NOTE: Channel I operation is only partially available.)

Channel II is available as the redundant control channel for Letdown Isolation Valve CV 3, 4, 5 and 277 and Block tion of Group 21 and.22 Back-up Heaters. (NOTE: Channel 1 operation is only partially available.)

Sheet 5 REMARKS . Ref: Appendix A-pages 6, nA, 45 and 46. NOTE: Worst of VP" signal to heaters.

  • CONTROL SYSTEM FAILURES TABLE 04 -LOSS OF POWER SOURCES SYSTEM: PRESSURIZER PRESSURE AND LEVEL CONTROL INSTRUMENTS LT-459 (Cont'd) LT-460 Channels Ch. I Ch. II VITAL BUS (Loss) D A B EFFECTS.OF FAILURES If Channel I is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Block Auto Control and tion of Group 21 and 22 up Heaters. (2) Speed Signal to Charging Pump. (3) Block Closed Letdown Isolation Valves CV 2, 3, 4 and 5. If Channel II is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Block Auto Control of Group 21 and 22 Back-up Heaters. (2) Speed Signal to Charging Pump. If Channel II is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Channel II operation. . (2) Block Auto Control and tion of Group 21 and 22 up Heaters. (3) Block Closed Letdown Isolation Valves CV 2, 3, 4, 5 and 277. (4) Speed Signal to Charging Pump. AVAILABLE REDUNDANT FUNCTIONS Channels II and III are available as redundant contra l channe 1 s for down Isolation Valves CV 3, 4, 5 and 277 and Block operation of Group 21 and 22 Back-up Heaters. (NOTE: Channel I operation is only partially available.)

BOUNDING EVENT Channel III is as the redun-See PT-455, dant control channel. Sheet #1 (NOTE: Channel II operation is only partially available.)

Channels I and III are available as redundant control channels except for operation of Letdown Isolation Valve CV277. Sheet 6 REMARKS Ref: Appendix A-pages 6, 6B, 45 and 46. !!QU:_: Wars t case-loss of S/P signal to heaters.

CONTROL SYSTEM FAILURES . TABLE 04 -LOSS OF POWER SOURCES SYSTEM: PRESSURIZER PRESSURE AND LEVEL CONTROL INSTRUMENTS LT-460 (Cont'd) LT-461 Channels Ch. II Ch. III VITAL BUS (Loss) c D A EFFECTS OF FAILURES If Channel II is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Block Auto Control and tion of Group 21 and 22 up Heaters. . (2) Block Closed Letdown Isolation Valves CV 2, 3, 4 and 5. (3) Speed Signal to Charging Pump. If Channel II is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Block Auto Control and tion of Group 21 and 22 up Heaters. (2) Speed Signal to Charging Pump. (3) Block Closed Letdown Isolation Valves CV 2, 3, 4 and 5. If Channel III is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Block Auto Control of Group 21 and 22 Back-up Ilea ters. (2) Speed Signal to Charging Pump. AVAILABLE REDUllDANT FUNCTIONS Channel I is available as the dant control channel for Letdown Isolation Valves CV 3, 4, 5 and 277 and Block operation of Group 21 and 22 Back-up Heaters. (NOTE: Channel II operation is only partially available.)

Channels I and ill are available as the redundant control channels for Letdown Isolation Valves CV 3, 4, 5 and 277, and Block operation of Group 21 and 22 Back-up Heaters. (NOTE: Channel II operation is only partially available.)

BOUNDING EVENT See PT-455," Sheet #1 Channel II is available as the redun-See PT-455, dant control channel. Sheet #1 (NOTE: Channel III operation is only partially available.)

Sheet 7 REMARKS Ref: Appendix A-pages 6, 6C, 45 and 46. NOTE: Uors t case-I oss Ci"fS/P signal to heaters.

CONTROL SYSTEM FAILURES _TABLE U4 -LOSS OF POWER SOURCES SYSTEM: PRESSURIZER PRESSURE AND LEVEL CONTROL I NS TRUMENTS LT-461 (Cont'd) Channels Ch. I I I VITAL BUS (Loss) B c D EFFECTS OF FAILURES If Channe 1 I I I is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Block Auto Control and tion of Group 21 and 22 up Ilea ters. (2) Speed Signal to Charging Pump. (3) Block Closed Letdown Isolation Valves CV 3, 4, 5 and 277. If Channel III is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Block Auto Control and tion of Group 21 and 22 up lleaters.

(2) Speed Signal to Charging Pump. (3) Block Closed Letdown Isolation Valves 2, 3, 4 and 5. (4) Channel III operation.

If Channel III is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Block Auto Control and tion of Group 21 and 22 up Heaters. (2) Speed Signal to Charging Pumps. (3) Block Closed Letdown Isolation Valves CV 2, 3, 4 and 5. AVAILABLE REDUNDANT FUNCTIONS Channel I is available as the ant control channel except for down Isolation Valve CV277. (NOTE: Channel III operation is only partially available.)

Channel II is available as the dant control channel for Letdown lation Valves CV 3, 4, 5 and 277 and Block operation of Group 21 and 22 Back-up Heaters. Channels I and II are available as dundant control channels for Letdown Isolation Valves CV 3, 4, 5 and 277 and Block operation of Group 21 and 22 Back-up Heaters. (NOTE: Channel III operation is only partially available.)

Sheet 8 BOUNDING EVENT REMARKS CONTROL SYSTEM FAILURES TABLE #4 -LOSS OF POWER SOURCES SYSTEM: FEEDWATER COIHROL -REACTOR COOLANT TEllPERATURE INSTRUMENTS TE-411A Channels Ch. I VITAL BUS (Loss) A B c EFFECTS OF FAILURES If Channel I is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: ( 1) Channel I operation.

(2) Auto Turbine Runback and Block Auto and Manual Rod Withdrawal.

(3) Rod Control. (4) Modulation of Feedwater Valves (11 & 12 BF 19 & 40). (5) Steam Dump. (6) Speed Signal to Charging Pump.* (7) Block Auto Control of Group 21 and 22 Back-up Heaters. None If Channe 1 I is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Rod Control. (2) Modulation of Feed11ater Valves (11 & 12 BF 19 & 4D). (3) Steam Dump. (4) Speed Signal to Charging Pump. (5) Block Auto Control of Group 21 and 22 Back-up Heaters. AVAILABLE REDUNDANT FUNCTIONS Channels II, III and IV are available as redundant control channels, except for related Steam Dump. Loops #22, #23 and #24 remain operable.

Channels III and IV are available as redundant control channels.

Loops #21, #23 and #24 remain operable.

Channel I is only partially available.)

Channels II and IV are redundant control channels for Auto Turbine Runback and Block Auto and Manual Rod llithdrawal.

All Loops (#21, #22, #23 and #24) are unavailable.

  • (NOTE: Channel I is only partially available.)

BOUNDING EVENT These events are bounded by the analyses covering sive Heat moval due to Feedwater System malfunction and/ or Loss of Normal Feedwater.

Sheet 9 REMARKS Ref: Appendix A-pages 1, 7, 7A, 40, 44, 45 and 46.

CONTROL SYSTEM FAILURES .TABLE #4 -LOSS OF POWER SOURCES SYSTEM: FEEDWATER CONTROL -1\EACTOR COOLANT TEMPERATURE INSTRUMENTS TE-tlllA (Cont'd) TE-411B Channels Ch. I Ch. I VITAL BUS (Loss) D A EFFECTS OF FAILURES If Channel I is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following*

happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Rod Control. (2) Steam Dump. (3) Speed Signal to Charging Pump. (4) Block Auto Control of Group 21 and 22 Back-up Heaters. If Channel I is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of the Auto Turbine Runback and Block Auto and Manual Rod IJithdrawal.

AVAILABLE REDUNDANT FUNCTIONS Channels II and III are available as redundant control channels for Auto Turbine Runback and Block Auto and 11anual Rod Withdrawal, Modulation of Feedwater Valves (11 & 12 BF 19 & 40) and related Steam Dump. Loops #21, #22 and #23 remain operable. (NOTE: Channel I is only partially available.)

BOUNDING EVENT Channels II, III and IV are available These events are as redundant control channels.

bounded by the analyses ing excessive Heat Removal due to Feedwater System malfunc-------------------------------------

tion and/or Loss B None c None D None Channels III and IV are available as of Normal redundant control channels.

water. Channel I remains operable.

Channels II and IV are available as redundant control channels.

Chaunel I remains operable.

Channels II and III are available as redundant control channels.

Channel I remains operable.

Sheet 10 REMARKS Ref: Appendix A-pages 1, 7, 7A, 40, 44, 45 and 46.

CONTROL SYSTEM FAILURES TABLE #4 -LOSS OF POWER SOURCES SYSTEM: FEEDWATER CONTROL -REACTOR COOLANT TEMPERATURE INSTRUMENTS TE-42IA Channels Ch. II VITAL BUS (Loss) A B c EFFECTS OF FAILURES If Channel II is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of Steam Dump. If Channel* II is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (I) Channel II operation.

(2) Auto Turbine Runback and Block Auto and Manual Rod Withdrawal.

(3) Rod Control. (4) Modulation of Feedwater Valves (11 & 12 BF 19 & 40). (5) Steam Dump. (6) Speed Signal to Charging Pump. (7) Block Auto Control of Group 21 and 22 Back-up lleaters.

If Channel II is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Rod Control. (2) Modulation of Feedwater Valves (11 & 12 BF 19 & 40). (3) Steam Dump. (4) Speed Signal to Charging Pump. (5) Block Auto Control and Group 21 and 22 Back-up Ilea ters. AVAILABLE REDUNDANT FUNCTIONS BOUNDING EVENT Channels III and IV are available as See TE-411A, redundant control channels, except Sheet #9 for related Steam Dump. Loops #22, #23 and #24 remain operable. (NOTE: Channel II is only partially available.)

Channels I, III and IV are available as redundant control channels.

Loops #21, #23 and #24 remain operable.

Channels I and IV are available as dundant control channels for Auto *Turbine Runback and Block Auto and Manual Rod Withdrawal*.

All Loops (#21, #22, #23 and #24) are unavailable. (NOTE: Channel II is only partially available.)

Sheet 11 REMARKS Ref: Appendix A-pages 2, 8, SA, 41, 44, 45 and 46.


OF POWER SOURCES SYSTEM: FEEDWATER CONTROL -REACTOR COOLANT TEMPERATURE INSTRUMENTS VITAL BUS (Loss) Channels TE-421A Ch. II D TE-42IB Ch. II A B c D EFFECTS OF FAILURES If Channel II is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Rod Control. (2) Steam Dump. (3) Speed Signal to Charging Pump. (4) Block Auto Control of Group 21 and 22 Back-up Heaters. None If Channel II is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of the Auto Turbine Runback and Block Auto and 1-lanua l Rod fJithdrawa

l. None None AVAILABLE REDUNDANT FUNCTIONS Channels I and Ill are available as redundant control channels for Auto Turbine Runback and Block Auto and Manual Rod Withdrawal, Modulation of Feedwater Valves (11 & 12 BF 19 & 40) and related Steam Dump. Loops #21, #22 and #23 remain operable. (NOTE: Channel II is only partially available.)

Channels Ill and IV are available as redundant control channels.

Channel II remains operable.

Channels I, Ill and IV are available as redundant control channels.

Channels.I and.IV are available as dundant control channels.

Channel II remains operable.

Channels I and III are available as redundant control channels.

Channel II remains operable.

BOUNDING EVENT See TE-411A, Sheet #9 Sheet 12 REMARKS Ref: Appendix A-pages 2, 8, BA, 41, 44, 45 and 46.

CONTROL SYSTEM FAILURES _TABLE #4 -LOSS OF POWER SOURCES SYSTEM: FEEDWATER CONTROL -REACTOR COOLANT TEMPERATURE INSTRUMENTS TE-431A Channels Ch. III VITAL BUS (Loss) A B c EFFECTS OF FAILURES If Channel III is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the follm*1ing happens: -Loss of related operation of Steam Dump. None If Channel III is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Channel Ill operation.

(2) Auto Turbine Runback and Block Auto and Manual Rod

l. (3) Rod Control. (4) Speed Signal to Charging Pump. ( 5) Steam Dump. (6) Modulation of Feedwater Valves (11 & 12 BF 19 & 40). (7) Block Auto Control of Group 21 & 22 Back-up Heaters. AVAILABLE REDUNDANT FUNCTIONS BOUNDING EVENT Channels II and IV are available as See TE-411A,'

redundant control channels, except for Sheet #9 Steam Dump.

  • Loops #22, #23 and #24 remain operable. (NOTE: Channel III is only partially available.)

Channels I and IV are available as redundant control channels.

Loops #21, #23 and #24 . .remain operable. (NOTE: Channel III is only partially available.)

Channels I, II and Ill are available as redundant control channels for Auto Turbine Runback and Block Auto and Manual Rod Withdrawal.

All Loops (#21, #22, #23 and #24) are unavailable.

Sheet 13 REMARKS Ref: Appendix A-pages 3, 9, 9A, 4 2, 44 , 45 and 46.

CONTROL SYSTEM FAILURES .TABLE H4 -LOSS OF POWER SOURCES SYSTEM: FEEDWATER CONTROL -REACTOR COOLANT TEMPERATURE INSTRUMEtlTS VITAL BUS (Loss) Channels TE-431A Ch. I II D TE-4316 Ch. III A B c D EFFECTS OF FAILURES If Channel Ill is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Rod Control. (2) Steam Dump. (3) Speed Signal to Charging Pump. (4) Block Auto Control of Group 21 and 22 Back-up Heaters None None If Channel III is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the happens: -Loss of related operation of the Auto Turbine Runback and Block Auto and Manual Rod Withdrawal.

None AVAILABLE REDUNDANT FUNCTIONS Channels I and II are available as redundant control channels for lated Steam Dump, to modulate *water Valves (11 & 12 BF 19 & 40), and Auto Turbine Runback and Block Auto and Manual Rod l'li thdrawa l. Loops #21, 1122 and #23 remain operable. (NOTE: Channel III is partially available.)

Channels II and IV are available as redundant control channels.

Channel III remains operable.

Channels I and IV are available as redundant control channels.

Channel Ill remains* operable.

Channels I, 11* and IV are available as redundant control channels.

Channels I and II are available as dundant control channels.

Channel Ill remains operable.

BOUNDING EVENT See TE-411A, Sheet #9 Sheet 14 REMARKS Ref: Appendix A-pages 3, 9, 9A, 42, 44, 45 and 46.

CONTROL SYSTEM FAILURES *TABLE 04 -LOSS OF POWER SOURCES SYSTEM: FEEDWATER CONTROL -REACTOR COOLANT TEMPERATURE INSTRUMENTS TE-*141A Channels Ch. IV VITAL BUS (Loss) A B c . EFFECTS OF FAILURES If Channel IV is being used as th,e control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of Steam Dump. None If Channel IV is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Rod Control. (2) Modulation of Feedwater Valves . (11 & 12 BF 19 & 4D). ( 3) Steam Dump. (4) Speed Signal to Charging Pump. (5) Block Auto Control of Group 21 and 22 Back-up Heaters. AVAILABLE REDUNDANT FUNCTIONS BOUNDING EVENT . Channels II and III are available as See TE-411A, redundant control channels, except Sheet #9 for related Steam Dump. Loops #22, #23 and #24 remain operable. (NOTE: Channel IV is only partially available.)

Channels I and III are available as redundant control channels.

Loops #21, #23 and #24 remain operable. (NOTE: Channel IV is only partially available.)

Channels I and II are available as dundant control channels for Auto Tur*bi ne Runback and Block Auto and 11anua l Rod llithdrawa

l. A 11 Loops ( #21, #22, #23 and #24) are unavailable. (NOTE: Channel IV is only partially available.

Sheet 15 REMARKS Ref: Appendix A-pages 4, 10, lOA, 43, 44, 45 and 46.

CONTROL SYSTEM FAILURES TABLE 04 -LOSS OF POWER SOURCES SYSTEM: FEEDWATER CONTROL -REACTOR COOLANT TEMPERATURE . INSTRUMENTS TE-441A TE-4418 Channels Ch. IV Ch. IV VITAL BUS (Loss) D A B EFFECTS OF FAILURES If Channel IV is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Channel IV operation.

(2) Auto Turbine Runback and Block Auto and Manual Rod Withdrawal.

(3) Rod Control. (4) Modulation of Feedwater Valves (11 & 12 BF 19 & 40). ( 5) Steam Dump. (6) Speed Signal to Charging Pump. (7) Block Auto Control of Group 21 and 22 Back-up Heaters. None None AVAILABLE REDUNDANT FUNCTIONS Channels I, II and III are available as redundant control channels for Auto Turbine Runback and Block Auto and Manual Rod Withdrawal and to Modulate Feedwater Valves (11 & 12 BF 19 & 40). Loops #21, #22 and #23 remain avail-. able. Channels II and III are available as redundant control channels.

hanne l IV remains operable.

Channels I and Ill are available as redundant control channels.

Channel IV remains operable.

C None Channels I and II are available as redundant control channels.

Channel IV remains operable.

D If Channel IV is being used as the Channels I, II and III are available as control channel when the postulated redundant control channels.

failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of the Auto Turbine Runback and Block Auto and Manual Rod IH thdrawa l. BOUNDING EVENT See TE-411A, Sheet 9 Sheet 16 REMARKS Ref: Appendix.A-pages 4, 10, lOA, 43, 44, 45 and 46.

CONTROL SYSTEM FAILURES TABLE H4 -LOSS OF POWER SOURCES SYSTEM: FEEDWATER CONTROL -STEAM GENERATOR, FEEDWATER FLOW/STEAM FLOW INSTRUMENTS SG#21 FT-510 Channels Ch. I VITAL BUS (Loss) A B C, 0 EFFECTS OF FAILURES If Channel I is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Channel I operation.

(2) Feedwater Control Valve (21 BF 19). If Channel I is being used as the control channel when the postulated ,failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of water Control Valve (21 BF 19). If Channel I is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of water Control Valve (21 BF 19). AVAILABLE REDUNDANT FUNCTIONS In Steam Generators

  1. 21, #22, #23 and #24 all other level protection remains operable.

In Steam Generators

  1. 21, #22, #23 and #24 all other level protection remains operable. (NOTE: Channel I is only partially available.)

Steam Generators #21, #22, #23 and #24 le*vel protection remains available.

tlOTE: (1) Channel I is only partially able. (2) Part of all other Steam Generators' level protection is unavailable (each bus implies different able level protection).

BOUNDING EVENT These events a ri> bounded by the analysis covering sive Heat moval due to Feedwater System malfunction.

Sheet 17 REMARKS Ref: Appendix A-pages 11, llA, 13, 27 and 31.

-CONTROL SYSTEM FAILURES . TABLE 04 -LOSS OF POWER SOURCES SYSTEM: FEEDWATER CONTROL -STEAM GENERATOR, FEEDWATER FLOW/STEAM FLOW INSTRUMENTS SG #21 FT-511 Channels Ch. II VITAL BUS (Loss) A B C, D EFFECTS OF FAILURES If Channel II is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of water Control Valve (21 BF 19). If Channel II ls being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Channel II operation.

(2) Feedwater Control Valve (21 BF 19). If Channel II is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of water Control Valve (21 BF 19). AVAILABLE REDUNDANT FUNCTIONS BOUNDING EVENT Steam Generators

  1. 21 and #24 control See FT-510, and level protection remains operable.

Sheet #17 In Steam Generators

  1. 21, #22, #23 and #24, all other level protection remains operable. (NOTE: Channel II is only partially available.)

Steam Generators

  1. 22 *and *#23 control. and level protection remains operable.

In Steam Generators

  1. 21, #22, #23 and #24, all other level protection remains operable.

Steam Generators

  1. 21, #22, #23 and #24 level protection remains operable.

NOTE: (1) Channel II is only partially able. (2) Part of all other Steam Generators' level protection is unavailable (each bus implies different able level protection).

Sheet 18 REMARKS Ref: Appendix A-pages 12, 12A, 13, 27 and 31.

CONTROL SYSTEM FAILURES .TABLE 114 -LOSS OF POWER SOURCES SYSTEM: FEEDWATER CONTROL -STEAM GENERATOR, FEEDWATER FLOl.J/STEAM FLOl4 INSTRUMENTS SG #21 FT-512 Channels Ch. I VITAL BUS (Loss) A B C, D EFFECTS OF FAILURES If Channel I is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Channel I operation.

(2) Feed Pumps and Turbine Speed Control. (3) Feedwater Control Valve (21 BF 19). If Channel I is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of water Control Valve (21 BF 19). If Channel I is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation water Control Valve (21 BF 19). AVAILABLE REDUNDANT FUNCTIONS BOUNDING EVENT Steam Genera tors #21 and #24 control These events and level protection remains operable.

are bounded by In Steam Generators #21, #22, #23 and the

  1. 24, all other level protection remains 1 operable.

ss o onna Feedwater.

Channel II is available for redundant control of Feed Pumps and Turbine Speed Control. Steam Generators*

  1. 22 and #23 control and level protection remains operable.

In Steam Generators #21, #22, #23 and #24, all other level protection remains operable. (NOTE: Channel I is only partially available.)

Steam Generators

  1. 21, #22, #23 and #24 level protection remains available.

flOTE: (1) Channel I is only partially avail-able. 1 (2) Part of all other Steam Generators level protection is unavailable (each bus implies different level protection).

Sheet 19 REMARKS Ref: Appendix A-pages 11, 118, 13, 23, 27 and 31.

CONTROL SYSTEM FAILURES _TABLE 04 -LOSS OF POWER SOURCES SYSTEM: FEEm-JATER CONTROL -STEAM GENERATOR, FEEDWATER FLOW/STEAM FLOll INSTRUMENTS SG #21 FT-513 Channels Ch. II VITAL BUS (loss) A B C, D EFFECTS OF FAILURES If Channel II is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of water Control Valve (21 BF 19). If Channel II is being used as the control channel when the postulated fa i1 ure occurs, the fo 11 ng nappens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Channel II operation.

(2) Feed Pumps and Turbine Speed Control. (3) Feedwater Control Valve (21 BF 19). If Channel II is being used when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of water Control Valve (21 BF 19). AVAILABLE REDUNDANT FUNCTIONS BOUNDING EVENT In Steam Generators #21, #22, #23 and See FT-512, #24, all other level protection remains Sheet #19 operable. (NOTE: Channel II operation is only partially available.)

In Steam Generators

  1. 21, #22, #23 and #24, all other level protection remains operable.

Channel I is available for redundant control of Feed Pumps and Turbine Speed Control. Steam Generators

  1. 21, #22, #23 and #24 level *protection remains operable.

NOTE: (1) Channel II is only partially avail-(2) all other Steam Generators 1 level protection is unavailable (each bus implies different able level proteGtion.)

Sheet 20 REMARKS Ref: Appendix A-pages 12, 12B, 13, 24, 27, 31 and 32.

CONTROL SYSTEM FAILURES .TABLE 04 -LOSS OF POWER SOURCES SYSTEM: FEEOWATER CONTROL -STEAM GENERATOR, FEEDWATER FLOH/STEAM FLOW INSTRUMENTS SG #22 FT-520 Channels Ch. I VITAL BUS (Loss) A B C, D EFFECTS OF FAILURES If Channel I is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Channel I operation.

(2) Feedwater Control Valve (22 BF 19). None If Channel I is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of water Control Valve (22 BF 19). AVAILABLE REDUNDANT FUNCTIONS BOUNDING EVENT Steam Generators

  1. 21 and #24 control See FT-510, and level protection remains operable.

Sheet #17 In Steam Generators

  1. 21, #22, #23 and #24, all other level protection remains operable.

Steam Generators

  1. 22 and #23 control and level protection remains operable.

In Steam Generators

  1. 21, #22, #23 and #24, all other level protection remains operable. (NOTE: Channel I operation is available.)

Steam Generators #21, #22, #23 and #24 control and level protection remains operable.

NOTE: (1) Channel I is only partially able. (2) Part of all other Steam Generators' level protection is unavailable (each bus implies different able level protection).

Sheet 21 REMARKS Ref: Appendix A-pages 14, 14A, 16, 28, and 31.


CONTROL -STEAM GENERATOR, FEEDWATER FLOW/STEAM FLOH INSTRUMENTS SG #22 FT-521 Channels Ch. II VITAL BUS (Loss} A B C, D EFFECTS OF FAILURES If Channel II is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of water Control Valve (22 BF 19). If Channel II is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Channel II operation.

(2) Feedwater Control Valve (22 BF 19). If Channel II is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of water Control Valve (22 BF 19).-AVAILABLE REDUNDANT FUNCTIONS BOUNDING EVENT Steam Generators

  1. 21 and #24 control See FT-510, and level protection remains operable.

Sheet #17 In Steam Generators

  1. 21, #22, #23 and #24, all other level protection remains operable. (NOTE: Channel II is only partially available.)

Steam Generators

  1. 22 and #23 control and level protection remains operable.

In Steam Generators

  1. 21, #22, #23 and #24, all other level protection remains operable.

Channel :r is available as the dant control channel. Steam Generators

  1. 21, #22, 923 and #24 level protection remains operable.

NOTE: (1) Channel II is only partially able. (2) Part of all the Steam Generators' level protection is unavailable (each bus implies different able level protection).

Sheet 22 REMARKS Ref: Appendix A-pages 15, 15A, 16, 28, and 31.


COflTROL -STEAM GENERATOR, FEEDWATER FLOW/STEAM FLOW INSTRUMENTS SG #22 FT-522 Channels Ch. I VITAL BUS (Loss) A B C, D EFFECTS OF FAILURES If Channel I is belng used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (ll Channel I operation.

(2 Feed Pumps and Turbine Speed Control. (3) Feedwater Control Valve (22 BF 19). None If Channel I is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of water Control Valve (22 BF 19). AVAILABLE REDUNDANT FUNCTIONS BOUNDING EVENT Steam Generators

  1. 21 and #24 control See FT-512, and level protection remains operable.

Sheet #19 In Steam Generators

  1. 21, #22, #23 and #24, all other level protection remains operable.

Channel II is available as the dant control channel for Feed Pumps and Turbine Speed Control. Steam Generators.#22 and #23 control and level protection remains operable.

In Steam Generators

  1. 21, #22, #23 and #24, all other level protection remains operable. (HOTE: Channel I remains operable.)

Steam Generators

  1. 21, #22, #23 and #24 level protection remains operable.

tlOTE: (I) Channel I is only partially able. (2) Part of all other Steam Generators' level protection is unavailable (each bus implies different level protection).

Sheet 23 REMARKS Ref: Appendix A-pages 14, 148, 16, 23, 28, and 31.

CONTROL SYSTEM FAILURES TABLE #4 -LOSS OF POWER SOURCES SYSTEM: FEEDWATER CONTROL -STEAM GENERATOR, FEEDHATER FLOlUSTEAM FLOW INSTRUMENTS SG #22 FT-523 Channels Ch. I I VITAL BUS (Loss) A B C, D EFFECTS OF FAILURES If Channel II is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of water Control Valve (22 BF 19). If Channel II is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Channel II operation.

(2) Feed Pumps and Turbine Speed Control. (3) Feedwater Control Valve (22 BF 19). If Channel II is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the happens: -Loss of related operation of water Control Valve (22 BF 19). AVAILABLE REDUNDANT FUNCTIONS BOUNDING EVENT Steam Generators

  1. 21 and #24 control See FT-512, and level protection remains operable.

Sheet #19 In Steam Generators

  1. 21, #22, #23 and #24, all other level protection remains operable. (NOTE: Channel II is only partially available.)

Steam Generators

  1. 22 and #23 control and level protection remains operable.

In Steam Generators

  1. 21, #22, #23 and #24, all other level protection remains operable.

Channel I is available as the redundant control channel. Steam Generators

  1. 21, #22, #23 and #24 level protection remains operable.

NOTE: (1) Channel II is only partially able. (2) Part of all the Steam Generators'.

level protection*

is unavailable (each bus implies different able level protection).

Sheet 24 REMARKS Ref: Appendix A-pages 15, 15B, 16, 25, 28, 31, and 32.

CONTROL SYSTEM FAILURES .TABLE #4 -LOSS OF POWER SOURCES SYSTEM: FEEDWATER CONTROL -STEAM GENERATOR, FEEDWATER FLOfl/STEAM FLOU INSTRUMENTS SG #23 FT-530 Channels Ch. I VITAL BUS (Loss) A B c D EFFECTS OF FAILURES If* Channel I is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Channel I operation.

(2) Feedwater Control Valve (23 BF 19). None None If Channel I is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of water Control Valve {23 BF 19). AVAILABLE REDUNDANT FUNCTIONS BOUNDING EVENT Steam Generators

  1. 21 and #24 control See FT-510, and level protection remains operable.

Sheet #17 In Steam Generators

  1. 21, #22, 1123 and #24, all other level protection remains operable.

Steam Generators

  1. 22 and #23 control and level protection remains operable.

In Steam Generators

  1. 21, 022, and #24, all other level protection remains operable. (NOTE: Channel I operation is available.)

Steam Generators #21, #22, #23 and #24 level protection remains operable.

NOTE: (1) Channel I remains operable.

(2) Part of all other Steam Generators' level protection is unavailable.

(3) Channel II is available as the dundant contro 1 channe 1. . Steam Generators

  1. 21, #22, #23 and #24 level protection remains operable, NOTE: (1) Channel I is only partially able. (2) Part of all other Steam Generators' level protection is unavailable.

Sheet 25 REMARKS Ref: Appendix A-pages 17, 17A, 19, 29, and 31.


CONTROL -STEAM GENERATOR, FLOW/STEAM FLOW INSTRUMENTS Channels Ch. JI VITAL BUS (Loss) A B c D EFFECTS OF FAILURES If Channel Iris being used as the control channel the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: . -Loss of related operation of Feed-water Con'trol Valve (23 BF 19). If Channel II is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Channel II operation.

(2) Feedwater Control Valve (23 BF 19). None If Channel:II:is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of water Control Valve (23 BF 19). AVAILABLE REDUNDANT FUNCTIONS BOUNDING EVENT Steam Generators

  1. 21 and #24 control See FT-510, and level protection remains operable.

Sheet #17 In Steam Generators

  1. 21, #22, #23, and #24, all other level protection remain operable. (NOTE: Channel II is only partially available.)

Steam Generators

  1. 22 and #23 control and level protection remains operable.

In Steam Generators

  1. 21, #22, #23 and #24, all other level protection remains operable.

Channel I is available as the redundant control channel. Steam Generators

  1. 21, #22, #23 and # 24 level protection remains operable.

NOTE: (1) Channel II remains operable.

(2) Channel I is available as the dundant control channel. (3) Part of all other Steam Generators' level protection in unavailable.

Steam Generators

  1. 21, #22, #23 and #24 level protection remains operable.

NOTE: (1) Channel JI is only partially available.

(2) Part of all other Steam Generators 1 level protection is unavailable.

Sheet 26 REMARKS Ref: Appendix A-pages lB, IBA, 19, 29, and 31.

CONTROL SYSTEM FAILURES TABLE #4 -LOSS OF POWER SOURCES SYSTEM: FEEDWATER CONTROL -STEAM GENERATOR, FEEDWATER FLOH/STEl\M FLOfl INSTRUMENTS SG #23 fT-532 Channels Ch. I VITAL BUS (Loss) A B c D EFFECTS OF FAILURES If Channel I is being used as the control channel when the postulated fa i1 ure occurs, the fo 11 owing happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Channel I operation.

(2) Feed Pumps and Turbine Speed Control. (3) Feedwater Control Valve (23 BF 19). None None If Channel I is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of water Control Valve (23 BF 19). AVAILABLE REDUNDANT FUNCTIONS BOUNDING EVENT Steam Generators

  1. 21 and #24 control See FT-512, and level protection remains operable.

Sheet #19 In Steam Generators

  1. 21, #22, #23 and #24, all other level protection remains operable.

Channel II is available as the dant control channel for Feed Pumps and Turbine Speed Control. Steam Generators

  1. 22 and #23 control and level protection remains operable.

In Steam Generators #21, #22, #23 and #24, all other level protection remains operable. (NOTE: Channel I remains operable.)

Steam Generators

  1. 21, #22, #23 and #24 level protection remains operable.

NOTE: ( 1) Channel I remains operable.

1 (2) Part of all other Steam Generators level protection is unavailable.

Steam Generators

  1. 21, '122, #23 and #24 level protection remains operable.

NOTE: (1) Channel I is only partially available.

1 (2) Part of all other Steam Generators level protection is unavailable.

Sheet 27 REMARKS Ref: Appendix A-pages 17, 17B, 19, 26, 29, and 31.


CONTROL -STEAM GENERATOR, FEEDl-IATER FLOW/STEAM FLOU INSTRUMENTS SG 1123 FT-533 Channels Ch. II VITAL BUS (Loss) A B c D EFFECTS OF FAILURES If Channel I I is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of water Control Valve (23 BF 19). If Channel II is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Channel II operation.

(2) Feed Pumps and Turbine Speed Contra l. (3) Feedwater Control Valves (23 BF 19). None If Channel II is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of water Control Valve (23 BF 19). AVAILABLE REDUNDANT FUNCTIONS BOUNDING EVENT Steam Generators

  1. 21 and #24 control See FT-512, and level protection remains operable. "heet #19 In Steam Generators
  1. 21, #22, 1123 and #24, all other level protection remains operable.
  • (NOTE: Channel II is only partially available.)

Steam Generators

  1. 22 and #23 control and level protection remains operable.

In Steam Generators

  1. 21, #22, #23 and #24, all other level protection remains operable.

Channel I is available as the redundant control channel. Steam Generators

  1. 21, #22, #23 and #24 level protection remains operable.

NOTE: (1) Channel II remains operable.

(2) Channel I is available as the dundant control channel. (3) Part of all other Steam Generators 1 level protection is unavailable.

Steam Generators

  1. 21, #22, 1123 and #24 level protection remains operable.

NOTE: (1) Channel II is only partially available.

(2) Part of all other Steam Generators' level protection is unavailable.

Sheet 28 REMARKS Ref: 1\jipendix A-pages 18, 188, 19, 24, 29, 31, and 32.

CONTROL SYSTEM FAILURES TABLE #4 -LOSS OF POWER SOURCES SYSTEM: FEEDl-JATER CONTROL -STEAM GENERATORS, FEEDHATER FLOW/STEAtl FLOH INSTRUMENTS SG #24 FT-540 Channels Ch. I VITAL BUS (Loss) A B c D EFFECTS OF FAILURES If Channel I is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Channel I operation.

(2) Feedwater Control Valve (24 BF 19). If Channel I is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of water Control Valve (24 BF 19). None If Channel I is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of water Control Valve (24 BF 19). AVAILABLE REDUNDANT FUNCTIONS BOUNDING EVENT Steam Generators

  1. 21 and #24 control See FT-510, and level protection remains operable.

Sheet #17 In Steam Generators

  1. 21, #22, #23 and #24, all other level protection remains .operable.

Steam Generators

  1. 22 and #23 control and level protection remains operable.

In Steam Generators

  1. 21, #22, #23 and #24, all other level protection remains operable. (NOTE: Channel is only partially available.)

Steam Generators

  1. 21, #22, #23 and #24 level protection remains operable.

NOTE: (1) Channel I remains operable.

(2) Part of all other Steam Generators' level protection is unavailable.

Steam Generators

  1. 21, #22, 923 and #24 level protection remains operable.

NOTE: (1) Channel I is only partially available.

(2) Part of all other Steam Generators 1 level protection is unavailable.

Sheet 29 REMARKS Ref: Appendix A-pages 20, 20A, 22, 30 and 31. I '

CONTROL SYSTEM FAILURES _TABLE #4 -LOSS OF POWER SOURCES SYSTEM: FEEDHATER CONTROL -STEAM GENERATORS, FEEDllATER FLOIUSTEAM FLO:-/ INSTRUMENTS SG #24 FT-541 Channels Ch. II VITAL BUS (Loss) A B c D EFFECTS OF FAILURES If Channel II is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of water Control Valve (24 BF 19). If Channel II is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Channel II operation.

(2) Feedwater Control Valve (24 BF 19). None If Channel II is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of water Control Valve (24 BF 19). AVAILABLE REDUNDANT FUNCTIONS BOUNDING EVENT Steam Generators

  1. 21 and #24 control See FT-510, and level protection remains operable.

Sheet #17 In Stearn Generators

  1. 21, #22, #23 and #24, all other level protection rearnins operable. (NOTE: Channel II is only partially available.)

Steam Generators

  1. 22 and #23 control and level protection remains operable.

In Steam Generators

  1. 21, #22, #23 and #24, all other level protection remains operable.

Steam Generators #21, #22, #23 and #24 level protection remains operable *. NOTE: (1) Channel II remains operable.

(2) Part of all other Steam Generators'

  • level protection is unavailable.

Steam Generators

  1. 21. #22, #23 and #24 level protection remains operable:

NOTE: (1) Channel II is only partially available. ( 2) Pa rt of a 11 other Steam Genera tors 1 level protection is unavailable.

Sheet 30 REMARKS Ref: Appendix A-pages 21, 21A, 22, and 31.

CONTROL SYSTEM FAILURES .TABLE #4 -LOSS OF POWER SOURCES SYSTEM: FEEDVJATER CONTROL -STEAM GENERATOR, FLOW/STEAM FLOW INSTRUMENTS SG #24 FT-542 Channels Ch. I VITAL BUS (Loss) A B c D EFFECTS OF FAILURES If Channel I is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Channel I operation.

(2) Feed Pumps and Turbine Speed Control. (3) Feedwater Control Valve (24 BF 19). If Channel I is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of water Control Valve (24 BF 19). None If Channel I is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the fallowing happens: -Loss of related operation of water Control Valve (24 BF 19). AVAILABLE REDUNDANT FUNCTIONS BOUNDING EVENT Steam Generators

  1. 21 and #24 control See FT-512, and level protection remains operable.

Sheet #19 In Steam Generators

  1. 21, #22, #23 and #24, all other level protection remains operable.

Steam Generators

  1. 22 and #23 control and level protection remains operable.

In Steam Generators

  1. 21, #22, #23 and #24, all other level protection remains operable. (NOTE: Channel I is. only partially available.)

Steam Generators

  1. 21, #22, #23 and #24 level protection remains available.

flOTE: (1) Channel I remai11s operable.

(2) Part of all other Steam Generators' level protection is available.

(3) Channel II is available as the dundant control channel. Steam Generators #21, #22, ..'.'23 and #24 level protection remains available.

llOTE: (1) Channel I is only partially available.

(2) Part of all other Steam Generators' level protection is unavailable.

Sheet 31 REMARKS Ref: Appendix A-pages 20, 208, 22, 26, and 31.


CONTROL -STEAM GENERATOR, FEEDHATER FLOIUSTEAl1 FLOfJ INSTRUMENTS SG #24 FT-543 Channels Ch. II VITAL BUS (Loss) A B c D EFFECTS OF FAILURES If Channel If is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of water Control Valve (24 BF 19). If Channel II is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Channel II operation.

(2) Feed Pumps and Turbine Speed Control. (3) Feedwater Control Valve (24 BF 19). None If Channel II is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of water Control Valve (24 BF 19). AVAILABLE REDUNDANT FUNCTIONS BOUNDING EVENT Steam Generators

  1. 21 and #24 control See FT-512, and level protection remains operable.

Sheet #19 In Steam Generators

  1. 21, #22, #23 and #24, all other level protection remains operable.

Steam Generators

  1. 22 and #23 control and level protection remains operable.

In Steam Generators

  1. 21, #22, #23 and f.124, all other level protection remains operable.
  • Channel I is available for redundant control of Feed Pumps and Turbine Speed Control. Steam Generators #21, #22, #23 and #24 level protection remains operable.

NOTE: (1) Channel II remains operable. ( 2) Part of a 11 other Steam Genera tors 1 level protection is unavailable.

Steam Generators

  1. 21, #22, #23 and #24 level protection remains operable.

NOTE: (1) Channel II is only partially available.

(2) Part of all other Steam Generators 1 level protection is unavailable.

Sheet 32 REMARKS Ref: Appendix A-pages 21, 21B,

  • 22, 25, 30, and 32.

CONTROL SYSTEM FAILURES . TABLE U4 -LOSS OF POWER SOURCES SYSTEM: FEEmlATER CONTROL -STEAM GENERATOR, STEAM PRESSURE INSTRUMENTS PT-514 Channels Ch. I VITAL BUS (Loss) A B C, D EFFECTS OF FAILURES If Channel I is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Channel I operation.

(2) Feed Pumps and Turbine Speed Control. (3) Feedwater Control Valve (21 BF 19). If Channel I is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of water Control Valve (21 BF 19). If Channel I is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of Control Valve (21 BF 19). AVAILABLE REDUNDANT FUNCTIONS Channel II is available for redundant control of Feed Pumps and Turbine Speed Control. Also see FT-512, Sheet #19. Channel I remains available except for operation of Feedwater Control Valve (21 BF 19). Also see FT-512, Sheet #19. Channels I and II are only partially for .control operation.

Also see FT-Gl2, Sheet #19. BOUNDING EVENT These events "are bou11tled by the ana lys 1 s ing the Loss of Nonna] Feedwater.

Sheet 33 REMARKS Ref: Aopendix A-pages 11, 13, 23, 23A, 27, and 31. J ,.

CONTROL SYSTEM FAILURES _TABLE 04 -LOSS OF POWER SOURCES SYSTEM: FEED:.IATER CONTROL -STEAM GENERATOR, STEAM PRESSURE INSTRUMENTS PT-515 Channels Ch. II VITAL BUS (Loss) A B C, D EFFECTS OF FAILURES If Channel II is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of water Control Valve (21 BF 19). If Channel II is being as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Channel II operation.

(2) Feed Pumps and Turbine Speed Control. (3) Feedwater Control Valve (21 BF 19). If Channel II is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of water Control Valve (21 BF 19). AVAILABLE REDUNDANT FUNCTIONS BOUNDING EVENT Channel II is available for control of See PT-514,

  • Feed Pumps and Turbine Speed Control. Sheet #33 Also see FT-513, '.;heet #20 Channel I is available as redundant control for Feed Pumps and Turbine Speed Control. Also see FT-513, Sheet #20. Channel I and II are available for con tf'.O 1 of Fef!d Pumps and Turbine Speed Control. Also see FT-513, Sheet #20. Sheet 34 REMARKS Ref: Appendix A-pages 12, 13, 24, 24A, 27, 31, and 32 .. '



  • EFFECTS OF FAILURES If Channel I is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Channel I operation.

(2) Feed Pumps and Turbine Speed Control. (3) Feedwater Control Valve (22 BF 19). None If Channel I is being used as the control channel when the postulated fa i1 ure occurs, the fo 11 ng happens: -Loss of related operation of water Control Valve (22 BF 19). AVAILABLE REDUNDANT FUNCTIONS Channel II is available as control of Feed Pumps and Turbine Speed Control. Also see FT-522, Sheet #23. Channel I remains operable.

Also see FT-522, Sheet #23. Channels I and II remain operable for control of Feed Pumps and Turbine Speed Contra 1. Also see FT-522, Sheet #23. BOUNDING EVENT See PT-514, Sheet #33 Sheet 35 REMARKS Ref: Appendix 14, 16, 23, 238, 28, and 31. *I I CONTROL SYSTEM FAILURES TABLE #4 -LOSS OF POWER SOURCES SYSTEM: FEEDflATER CONTROL -STEAM GEllERATOR, STEA11 PRESSURE INSTRUMENTS PT-525 Channels Ch. I I VITAL BUS * (Loss) A B C, D EFFECTS OF FAILURES If Channel II is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of water Control Valve (22 BF 19). If Channel II is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of rela.ted operation of: (1) Channel II operation.

(2) Feed Pumps and Turbine Speed Control. (3)

Control Valve (22 BF 19). If Channel II is being the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the follm1ing happens: -Loss of related operation of water Control Valve (22 BF 19). AVAILABLE REDUNDANT FUNCTIONS Channel II is only partially available.

Also see FT-523, Sheet #24. Channel I is available as the redundant control channel. Also see FT-523, Sheet #24. Channels I and II are available for control of Feed Pumps and Turbine Speed Control.

see FT-'i23, Sheet #24. BOUNDING EVENT Si:e PT-514," Sheet #33 Sheet 36 REMARKS Ref:

A-pages 15, 16, 25, 25A, 28, 31, and 32.


CONTROL -STEAM GENERATOR, STEAM PRESSURE INSTRUMENTS PT-534 Channels Ch. I VITAL BUS (Loss) A B, .C o. EFFECTS OF FAILURES If Channel I is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Channel I operation.

(2) Feed Pumps and Turbine Speed Control. (3) Feedwater Control Valve (23 BF 19). None If Channel I is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of water Control Valve (23 BF 19). AVAILABLE REDUNDANT FUNCTIONS Channel II is available as redundant control for Feed Pumps and Turbine Speed Control. Also see FT-532, Sheet #27. Channel I remains operable.

Also see FT-532, Sheet #27. Channels I and II remain operable for control of Feed Pumps and Turbine Speed Control. Also see FT-532, Sheet #27. BOUNDING EVENT See PT-514; Sheet #33 Sheet 37 REMARKS Ref: Appendix A-pages 17, 19, 26, 26A, 29, and 31.

CONTROL SYSTEM FAILURES TABLE #4 -LOSS OF POWER SOURCES SYSTEM: FEEDWATER CONTROL -STEAM GENERATOR, STEAM PRESSURE INSTRUMENTS PT-535 Channels Ch. II VITAL BUS (Loss) A B c D EFFECTS OF FAILURES If Channel II is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of water Control Valve (23 BF 19). If Channel II is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Channel II operation.

(2) Feed Pumps and Turbine Speed Control. (3) Feedwater Control Valve (23 BF 19). None If Channel II is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of water Control Valve (23 BF 19). AVAILABLE REOUNOANT FUNCTIONS Channel II is only partially available.

Also see FT-333, Sheet #28. Channel I is available as redundant control for Feed Pumps and Turbine Speed Contra l. Also see FT-533, Sheet #28. Channel I is available as the redundant control channel. . . Also see FT-533, Sheet #28. Channel I and II are available for control of Feed Pumps and Turbine Speed Control. Also see FT-533, Sheet #28. BOUNDING EVENT See PT-514, Sheet Sheet 38 REMARKS Ref: Appendix A-pages 18, 19, 24, 24B, 29, 31, and 32.

CONTROL SYSTEM FAILURES . TABLE #4 -LOSS OF POWER SOURCES SYSTLM: FEEDliATER CONTROL -STEAM GENERATOR, STEAM PRESSURE INSTRUMENTS PT-544 Channels Ch. I VITAL BUS (Loss) A B c D EFFECTS OF FAILURES If Channel I is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Channel I operation.

(2) Feed Pumps and Turbine Speed Control. (3) Feedwater Control Valve (24 BF 19). If Channel I is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of water Control Valve (24 BF 19). None If Channel I is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of water Control Valve (24 BF 19). AVAILABLE REDUNDANT FUNCTIONS Channel II is available as redundant control for Feed Pumps and Turbine Speed Control. Also see FT-342, Sheet #31. Channel I is only partially available.

Also see FT-542, Sheet #31. Channel II is available as the dant control channel. Also see FT-542, Sheet #31. Chann2l II is as the redunant control of Feed Pumps and Turbine Speed Centro l. Also see FT-542, Sheet #31. BOUNDING EVENT See Sheet #33 Sheet 39 REMARKS Ref: Appendix A-pages 20, 22, 26, 26B, 30, and 31.

CONTROL SYSTEM FAILURES . TABLE #4 -1.0SS OF POWER SOURCES SYSTl.H: FEEmlATER CONTROL -STEAM GENERATOR, STEAM PRESSURE I NS TRUMENTS PT-545 Channels Ch. II VITAL BUS (Loss) A B c EFFECTS OF FAILURES If Channel II is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of water Control Valve (24 BF 19). If Channel II is being used as the control channel the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Channel II operation.

(2) Feed Pumps and Turbine Speed Control. * (3) Feedwater Control Valve (24 BF 19). None If Channel II is being used as the control channel when the postulated fa i1 ure occurs, i:he following happens: -Loss of related operation of water Control Valve (24 BF 19). AVAILABLE REDUNDANT FUNCTIONS Channel II is only partially available.

Also see FT-543, Sheet #32. Channel I is available as the redundant control channel for Feed Pumps and Turbine Speed Control. Also see FT-343, Sheet #32. Channels I and II remain operable.

Also *see FT-543, Sheet #32. Channel I and II are only partially available.

Also see FT-543, Sheet #32. BOUNDING EVENT See PT-514, Sheet #33 Sheet 40 REMARKS Ref: Appendix A-pages 18, 19, 24, 24B, 29, and 31.



  1. 21, 1122, 323 and These events are Ref: control channel when the postulated
  1. 24, all other level protection remains bounded by the Appendix A-pages failure occurs, the following available.

analysis cover-13, 27, 27A, and happens: ing excessive -Loss of related operation of Feed-Heat Removal due water Control Valve (21 BF 19). to Feedwater

'iystem malfunc-B C, D lf Channel II is being used as the

  1. 22, and #23 control tion. control channel when the postulated and level protection remains available.

failure occurs, the following In Steam Generators

  1. 21, #22, lj23 and happens: 324, all other level protection remains -Loss of related operation of Feed-available.

water Control Valve (21 BF 19). If Channel II is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of water Control Valve (21 BF 19). In Steam Generators

  1. 21, #22, #23 and 124, all other level protection remains available.

NOTE: Part of all Steam Generators' level protection is unavailable (each bus implies different level protection).

11, 12, 31.


  • D EFFECTS OF FAILURES If Channel I is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of water Control Valve (22 BF 19). None If Channel I is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of water Control Valve (22 BF 19). AVAILABLE REDUNDANT FUNCTIONS BOUNDING EVENT In Steam Generators
  1. 21, #22, #23 and #24, all other level protection remains available.

Channel I remains operable.

In Steam Generators #21, #22, #23 and #24, all other level protection remains available.

NOTE: Part of all Steam Generators' level protection is unavailable (each bus implies different level protection).

See LT-519; Sheet #41 Sheet 42 REMARKS Ref: Appendix A-pages 14, 15, 16,* 28, 28A, and 31.

( CONTROL SYSTEM FAILURES . TllBLE U4 -LOSS OF POWER SOUllCES SYSTEM: STEAM GENERATOR LEVEL, 1IARROW RANGE INSTRUMENTS SG #23 LT-539 LT-549 Channels Ch. I Ch. II VITAL BUS (Loss) A, D B, C A, D B c EFFECTS OF FAILURES If Channel I is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of water Control Valve (23 BF 19). None If Channel II is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following

  • happens: -Loss of related operation of water Control Valve (24 BF 19). If Channel II is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Low of related operation of water Control Valve (24 BF 19). None AVAILABLE REDUNDANT FUNCTIONS In Steam Generators
  1. 21, #22, #23 and #24, all other level protection remains available.

tlOTE: Part of a 11 Steam Generators*

level protection is unavailable (each bus implies different level protection).

Channel I remains operable.

BOUNDING EVENT See LT-519, Sheet #41 In Steam Generators

  1. 21, 922, n3 and See LT-519, #24, all other level protection remains Sheet #41 available.

NOTE: Part of all Steam Generators' level protection in unavailable (each bus implies different 1 evel protection).

Steam Generators

  1. 22 and #23 control and level protection remain available.

In Steam Generators #21, #22, #23 and #24, all other level protection remains avail ab 1 e. Channel II remains operable.

Sheet 43 REMARKS Ref: Appendix A-pages 17, 18, 19, 29, 29A, and 31. Ref: Appendix A-pages 20, 21, 22, 30, 30A, and 31.

SYSTEM: STEAM DUMP INSTRUMENTS PT-505 Channels Ch. I VITAL BUS (Loss) A B c D CONTROL SYSTEM FAILUrtES Tl\DLE 04 -LOSS OF POWEn sotmCES EFFECTS OF FAILURES If Channel I is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Channel I operation.

(2) #21, #22, #23 and #24 Feed-11a ter Control Valves. (3) Rod Control. ( 4) Steam Dump (Load Rejection).

None If Channel I is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of Steam Dump (Load Rejection).

If Channel I is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) #21, #22, #23 and #24 water Control Valveso (2) Rod Control. (3) Steam Dump (Load Rejection).

AVAILABLE REDUNDANT FUNCTIONS Channel II is available for redundant Iii-Steam Flow Protection and related Steam Dump (Load Rejection).

Channel I remains operable.

Channels I and II remain available for control of Hi-Steam Flow Protection, Rod Control, and related Feed11ater Control Valves. Channel II is available for redundant Hi-Steam Flow Protection and related Steam Dump (Load Rejection).

BOUNDING EVENT N/A Sheet 44 REMARKS Ref: Appendix A-pages 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22, 31, 31A, 44, and 46.


If Channel II is being used as the Channel I is available as the redundant control channel when the postulated control channel. failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Channel II operation.

(2) Steam Dump (Load Rejection).

If Channel II is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -loss of related operation of _Steam Dump (Load Rejection).

None If this instrument is being used when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: ( 1) Condenser Steam Dump Valves (21 & 22 HS 31, 33, 35, 37, 39 & 41). (2) Feed Pumps and Turbine Speed Control. Channels I and II are available for Hi-Steam Flow Protection, Rod Control, and related Feedwater Control Valves. Instrument remains operable.

All atmospheric steam relief valves (MSlO's) and steam safety valves remain operable.

BOUNDING EVENT fl/A N/A Sheet 45 REMARKS Ref: Appendix A-pages 12, 15, 13, 21, 32, and 32A. Ref: Appendix A-pages 33 and 33A.


D If this instrument is being used when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: A B, C D -loss of related operation of Feed Pumps and Turbine Speed Control. If Channel I is being used as the Channels II, III and IV remain operable.

control channel the postulated All steam safety valves remain operable.

failure occurs, the happens: -Loss of related operation of spheric steam dump valve (21 MS lD). None If Channel I is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of spheric steam dump valve (21 MS 10). Channels I and IV are available for atmospheric steam dump. All steam safety valves remain operable.

Channels II and III remain operable.

All steam safety valves remain operable.

BOUNDING EVENT N/A N/A Sheet 46 REM/IRKS Ref: Appendix A-page 33 and 33B. Ref: Appendix A-pages 34 and 34B.

SYSTEM: STEAM DUMP INSTRUMENTS PT-526A PT-536A Channels Ch. II Ch. III VITAL BUS (Loss) A, D B c A B c D CONTROL SYSTEM FAILURES . TABLE 04 -LOSS OF POWER SOURCES EFFECTS OF FAILURES None If Channel II is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of spheric steam diimp valve (22 MS 10). If Channel II is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of spheric steam dump valve (22 llS 10). None None If Channel III is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of spheric steam dump valve (23 MS 10). None AV/\ILABLE REDUNDANT FUNCTIONS BOUNDING EVENT Channels II and III remain operable.

I/A All steam safety valves remain operable.

Channels I, III and IV remain operable.

All steam safety valves *remain operable.

Channel I is available for atmospheric steam relief. All steam safety valves remain operable.

Channels II, III and IV are available N/11 for atmospheric steam relief. All s*team safety valves remain available.

Channels I, III and IV are available for atmospheric steam relief. /Ill steam safety valves remain operable.

Channel I is available for atmospheric steam dump. All steam safety valves remain operable.

Channels I, II and III are available for atmospheric steam relief. All steam safety valves remain operable.

Sheet 47 REMARKS Ref: Appendix A-pages 35 and 35B. Ref: Appendix A-pages 36 and 36B.

SYSTEM: STEAM DUMP INSTRUMENTS PT-546A Channels Ch. IV VITAL BUS (Loss) A B c D CONTROL SYSTEM FAILURES TABLE 04 -LOSS OF POWER SOURCES EFFECTS OF FAILURES None None If Channel IV is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of spheric steam dump valve (24 MS 10). If Channel IV is being used as the control channel when the postulated failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of spheric steam dump valve (24 MS 10). AVAILABLE REDUNDANT FUNCTIONS BOUNDING EVENT Channels II, III and IV remain operable.

N/A All steam safety valves remain operable.

Channels I, III and IV operable.

All steani safety valves remain operable.

Channel I is available for atmospheric steam dump.

  • All steam safety valves remain operable.

Channels II and III remain operable for atmospheric steam dump. All steam safety valves remain operable.

Sheet 48 REMARKS Ref: Appendix A-pages 37 and 37B. .

CONTROL SYSTEM FAILURES TABLE #4 -LOSS OF POWER SOURCES SYSTEM: NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTATION INSTRUMENTS NE-35 NE-36 Channels Ch. I VITAL BUS (Loss) A B,C,D EFFECTS OF FAILURES AVAILABLE REDUNDANT FUNCTIONS If Channel I is being used as the Channel II is available as the redun-control channel when the postulated dant control channel. failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of Channel I Intermediate Range Detector.

None Channel remains operable.

Ch. II A,C,D None Channel II remains operable.

B If Channel II is being used as the Channel I is available as the control channel when the postulated dant control channel. failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of Channel II Intermediate Range Detector.

Sheet 49 BOUNDING EVENT REMARKS These events are Ref: bounded by the Appendix A-page 38. analysis cover-ing the Uncon-trolled Rod Cluster Control Assembly Bank Hithdrawa l at Power. See NE-35, Ref: Sheet #49 Appendix A-page 39.

SYSTEM: NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTATION INSTRUMENTS Channels Ch. I VITAL BUS (Loss) A B c D CONTROL SYSTEM FAILURES TABLE #4 -I OSS OF POWER SOURCES EFFECTS OF FAILURES AVAILABLE REDUNDANT FUNCTIONS If Channel I is being used as the Channels II, Ill and IV are available control channel when the postulated as redundant control channels.

failure occurs, the fa 11 owing

  • happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Channel I operation.

(2) Auto Turbine Runback and Block Auto and Manual Rod Withdrawal.

(3) Rod Control. None None None Channels Ill and IV are available as redundant control channels.

Channel I remains operable.

Channels II and IV are available as redundant control channels-Channel I remains operable.

Channels II and III are available as control channels.

Channel I r;,emains operable.

BOUNDING EVENT See NE-35, ' Sheet #49 Sheet 50 REMARKS Ref: Appendix A-pages 7, 40, and 44.


Channel II remains operable.

B If Channel II is being used as the Channels I, Ill and IV are available control channel when the postulated as redundant control channels.

failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Channel II operation.

(2) Auto Turbine Runback and Block Auto and Manual Rod Withdrawal.

(3) Rod Control. C None Channels I and IV are available as redundant control channels.

D None Channel II remains operable.

Channels I and III are available as redundant control channels.

Channel II remains operable.

BOUNDING EVENT See NE-35, . Sheet #49 Sheet 51 REMARKS Ref: Appendix A-pages 8, 41, and 44.


Channel III remains operable.

Channels I and IV are available as redundant control channels.

Channel III remains operable.

C If Channel III is being used as the Channels I, II and IV are available as control channel when the postulated redundant control channels.

failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (1) Channel III operation.

(2) Auto Turbine Runback and Block Auto and Manual Rod Wi thdrawa 1. (3) Rod Control. D None Channels I and II are available as dundant control channels.

Channel III remains operable.

BOUNDING EVENT See NE-35, Sheet #49 Sheet 52 REMARKS Ref: Appendix A-pages 9, 42, and 44.


Channel IV remains operable.

Channels I and Ill are available as redundant control channels.

Channel IV remains operable.

C None Channels I and JI are available as dundant control channels.

Channel IV remains operable.

D If Channel IV is being used as the Channels I, II and III are available as control channel when the postulated redundant control channels.

failure occurs, the following happens: -Loss of related operation of: (I) Channel IV operation.

(2) Auto Turbine Runback and Block Auto and Manual Rod Withdrawal.

(3) Rod Control. BOUNDING EVENT See NE-35,. Sheet #49 Sheet 53 REMARKS Ref: Appendix A-pages IO, 43, and 44.

CONTROL SYSTEMS FAILURES APPENDIX A APPENDIX A TABLE OF. CONTENTS t System: Pressurizer Pressure and Level Control Instrument Page r Pressurizer Pressure.

PT-455 CH I l,lA,5 Protection and Control PT-456 CH II 2,2A,5 PT-457 CH III 3,3A,3B,5 1 I' PT-474. CH IV 4,4A,5 Pressurizer Level LT-459 Prot I 6,6A Protection and Control , LT-460 Prot II 6,6B LT-461 Prot III 6,6C,6D System: Reactor Coolant Temperatures Instrument Page ' Jl.T and Tavg Protections TE-411 A Loop 21 7,7A TE.;..411 B 7 TE-421 A Loop 22 8,8A TE-421 B 8 TE-431 A Loop 23 9 TE-431 B 9,9A '1 TE-441 A Loop 24 10 TE-441 B 10,lOA System: Feedwater Control Instrument Page 1 Stearn Generator Feedwater FT-510 SG#21 Prot I 11,llA ,13 Flow Protection FT-512 11,llB,13 FT-520 SG#22 Prot I 14,14A,16 FT-522 14,14B,16 FT-530 SG#23 Prot I 17,17A,19 FT-532 17,178,19 FT-540 SG#24 Prot I 20,20A,22 FT-542 20,20B,22 Steam Generator Steam FT-511 SG# 21 Prot II 12,12A,13 Flow Protection FT-513 12,12B,13 FT-521 SG#22 Prat II 15,lSA,16 FT-523 15,158,16 FT-531 SG#23 Prot II 18,18A,19 FT-533 18,lSB,19 FT-541 SG#24 Prat II 21,2.lA,22 FT-543 21,21B,22

, I r l I System: Feedwater Control (Cont'd) Steam Generator Steam Line Pressure Protection Steam Generator Level System: Steam Dump High Steam Flow Steam Generator Header Pressure Steam Generator Inlet Header Pressure Steam Sump to Atmosphere Instrument PT-514 SG#21 PT-524 SG#22 PT-515 SG#21 PT-535 SGt23 PT-525 SG#22 PT-545 SG-i¥24 PT-534 SG#23 PT-544 SG#24 LT-519 SG#21 LT-529 SG#22 LT-539 SG#23 LT-549 SG#24 Instrument PT-505 PT-506 PT-507 PT-508 PT-516A SG#21 PT-526A SG#22 PT-536A SG#23 PT-546A SG.# 24 System: Nuclear Instrumentation Intermediate Range #1 Detector Intermediate Range t2 Detector Power Range Detector Instrument NE35 NE36 NE41A NE41B NE42A NE42B NE43A NE43B Prot I Prot II Prot II Prot I Prot II Prot I Prot I Prot II CH I CH II CH I CH II CH III CH IV Paqe 23,23A 23,23B 24,24A 24,24B 25,25A 25,25B 26,26A 26,26B 27,27A 28,28A 29,29A,29B 30,30A Paqe -----31,31A,31B 32,32A,32B 33 33 34,34A,34B 35,35A,35B 36,36A,36B 37,37A,37B Paqe 38 39 40 41 42

( System: Nuclear Instrumentation (Cont'd) Power Range Detector (cont' a) System: Rod Control System: Tavg and Steam Dump Instrument*

NE44A NE44B Page 43 Page 44 Page 45 and 46

--*---.., --.... **------------

  • -.. :,.* -** **------. -***-* -.

PREssuRE LEJ/eL Co#TROL P£ESStll2F PROT. CONTROL r;:;A1 : lllVAC V//At. l==.l INSTR 41/S PRDTECTJO>I I: /JT-4SS PRE.SS. XMr.c'. I I I I I ,Pt2 -4S5 ooP PW.R Y

I r-----T --:-----------,-------, I I I I I I I I PC-455 8-1) I I I I CdM.PARATP,e I I I I I I I + i I I i e.N'ANAl&l 111-,PRe.s.s I I t. I) -PA' &S.5 REAC/OA!. .S&tlc r C/RCl./rr Re"Acr1uc I I ,PAc;E 5 T-f 1P ..--J L SSPS --,

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\ 0 ..___-___ ...._ NC.'1..

D l'AtiE IA . ...


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()VTl'llT llVTl'llT I

  • CONTRO' Ch'A..+'Hc P4t;E 5 REAC T17'2 REAC/IJR.

.,. I 2 TRIP /'Rl.P IH.J"ECT/{),I/


_______ / v SSPS I ' . _SALEM No. 2_(..f/.11r_

l?R.ESSL/Rli!C'R.J?.RESSl.l/!2..E' CJ.1.4NNEt.. .ZZ ;:Jt(),f(

NOUS.W9 D -----c. 'r\. ,... \l 'e:... '-\\ 'e * : .A/0.2 'Pli!ESS.

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Slt$NAi. COM .l'A.c'A SSPS I .

I ... + UH!Jt.tJCK SArcTY .SArETY /AIJ"EC7/PH tJU/,,PVl"-'° I tJUTPVT'2 SSPS. PROTECTION III PT-4S7 PRESS. XM T.e I I I ,PQ-457 t.OOP ,PWI(. StJPPI. Y PM--IS7 0 SIGN"A(. .SP.MM4 PM-4-57-4 S/qHAL /SOL.A I I I I + I I I I + ro: ro:

C()N7. CHAN.

CKT. I + TO: TC-4.3/A. ,tJ r P7-457 I. -I E.\..l.\ ! I l NO. '1. _SALEM No. 2J.11J1r_


uJ " ,-t/I '% -CNANNEt.. .zzr D .\*. . \\ s \.l. \ \.J;) ;: Ro.,.,._

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PEE SS/JR£ I Le'IEL CoNTRt7L PRESSURIZER PRG'SSIJICE PROT.<; CONTROL l2D 1=117VAC V17AL. INSTR. ELIS 12 P7-474 PRESS. XMIR. P&-474 iOOPPWR. SUPPLY I r--------------_T _____ °'T __ ---r_:_ __ ---------. I I I I I I I + + t.o. Px£.ss. 1 ' Ht-P.R.ess T,RIP Y

  • TRIP ' , .I y SSPS PM-474C Sl6NAt.. SUMMA TOR I I ..... I I I + '--.{--/ PAtiE fO PM-474A SIGNAi.. ISOt..A TOR I I I I I I I I I I I I ... * .,.. I k*k .. .. \rj ' v PAGE 5 SSPS I .,.DT-474

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___ SALEM No. 2 t..l/'JtT_


IE . 5 ? z uJ 0 ,,. cf) '2.?Slc Z NO, "t c.""' 'E... '-" t) ,,

-rlal/5 V /IC VITAL INSTR. BUS FROM PM-457A I. I . I I I i ' . I I . ' **:' 'PAG; 3 I I . . I FROM PM-4.SSA PAGf I



  • p,tt456A P/o'hf74A . I I I CONTROL lNANNEL SELECTOR-CIRCUIT PD-52o4CB-S>>'*


  • .SW. PX-45SA(J-RE.LA'( ; ' ; PC-474 f3 516/fAL COMPARATOR I I I I PC-4.!i7E SIGNAJ. COMPARATOR PC-4551< PC* 45&E *i : CONTRO/.J.ER 51'5/'IAL . . :
  • 1 ' I I . . Mo.D. 124 COMPARATOR . , . , . . .
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TO lDNTROJ. SP.fAY VA* ZP.S3* . I" ' PC-.4SSH-I .SIGNAL . COMPARATOR t TtltfZNON ,J BLOCk Aura Ca#Ti(', -.* c;. P. "21 ;z2 * -pc.,,455£' . SIGNAL* . .COMPARATOR I ¥ *I OPcN 2PR/ . .W.*

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I1Z .t..T-461 .4 PRESS.

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I REACrtul.

'1"'.Rl.P I I S.SPS

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  • SSPS REt.:

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LE. ve L. . ' ; CHANNEL. I ' ;


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I . J'ALi=M 1\14'. 2 UN1r REACTaR Co/VTAINMENT No. 2



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I I I I I I I I I r------------r-

__ ;_ _ _.L ______ r ___ -y----. : I 1 A 1 ST/ti. ])u/rff P I I I CDllD°'EfJ.scR I VIA 'T&*411G*N Sl&llAI..

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Sl&NAI. I ourPvr 1 z ..1..1 ;,II CONPARA. 'TOR I I I SUMMA TOli' '--------, I I I I SUMMA.TOR

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  • I I NI-HI


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  • Tc-41/A TC-4118 AUTO TUR81N£ lfVNEACI<


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r--------I r------1-:--L--

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  • ST.A(. DIJHP I TtJ: coJ/IJEllScR.

T't'.C I

r. AV(;'Z up_'-"

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1"EMP. _ r-rA.;1.-1?vr,,-vr,..1 , .sd.--.

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  • Tekf P£.e4TUl<E

.. -------. -*-. C/J"NTAINl1£'#T.

WA.l.Z JNSIDE: C o N .1 A .1. N. M E: N._T (ZTE-4308

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  • I 2/) : : sr>t 'll,rltlP I . 7C-44-l-G-ll Sl&NAL COMPARATOR SIGNAi. SVMMATD!f 7'M*44ZE 5161'/AJ.

TM*-#42T St6NAL SUMMAroR I '/If 1..0 r*1ve;} I OUTPUT tt'J. S.SP.S I . rt I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I : I I I I r-------*----:---------1 TM* 442.F .SIGNAL /JOLATDR PA6/!.4S t.J.J.$ TU 0 'f' I I GIM-441 FllNCTIOH GE/'/* I : I I . r-------i----1-------------



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  • I : lfAtlJ! 9 ..1!.4_AIJI 1 l Nc6E 9 , I 1 ' , AUTO TlllttBtNk MAl;IUAI.


  • IN-10 DVT'l"trr

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  • No. 2 UA'1r NIO. :;Jt RG4CTOR COt::J.t..ANT PUMP t.00 P .c .. -COL]) L..E(i

"'])tr TCMPG.te4TVIC'G

-* -Cl/ANN.1 Z; ]/5Y'i1?::

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... =117VAC INSTR . .av.S S. G. # 21 FLOW I PRESS l"r-s12 Ml-MESS.

I I I ,d/*$12 PJllor. r (', Nl SrN..,11.0W I . t:NAN. z

  • ---: . .s. 4. 21 .ST""-,P,e&:ss.l p,e11r. .r PtR-S/4 PAt:i£ 2.3 I 31 I I I _ I I I I I ,-N-412/J

,&-412 .SltlNAI.

CIJMP;tf,U1'.JIN I I I .. I I + .S.Z. Zll'I' ,,.s I .S.5!-S ,r-S/() ml-M4$S. XMT'I' ;rdl-6/() .SUA'l.Y ,M*S/tJC' SMNAL I I I I I I r------I -... I. . . l'2A1 I I ,M-SIZO S'd/IML JS'l:IUTIJA I + CHA/I/NII. ,N-4/IJA-.B SltiAIAI.

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