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Updated Page A4-4 of Boric Acid Concentration Reduction Effort Technical Bases & Operational Analysis, Changing Figure Numbers A5-1 & A5-2 to A4-1 & A4-2 at End of First Paragraph
Person / Time
Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 09/16/1993
Shared Package
ML18100A627 List:
CEN-606-01, CEN-606-1, CEN-606-R, CEN-606-R00, NUDOCS 9309290252
Download: ML18100A628 (1)


BORIC ACID CONCENTRATION REDUCTION EFFORT CEN-606 TECHNICAL BASES AND OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS REV. 00 The limiting boron concentration curves were calculated for Salem Unit 2, Cycle 6. Unit 2, Cycle 6 is the most limiting case and bounds the reload design boron requirements; hence, with additional conservatism, the results may be considered bounding for near-term future reloads. The results are also conservative for Salem Unit 1, Cycle 11. The limiting boron curves used in this report were determined from the most restrictive normalized cycle calculations (Unit 2, Cycle 6),

with additional conservatism. These curves are shown in Figures A4-1 and A4-2.

Description of Methodology The bounding changes in boron concentration which are required to maintain SDM during the conservative post-trip cooldown were calculated using the standard Westinghouse shutdown margin procedure. A brief description of this procedure follows.

For a given fuel cycle, a table of required boron concentration versus temperature and average burnup is utilized to maintain SDM during shutdown and cooldown. The values of boron concentration in the table are calculated using the following assumptions:

1. No xenon or samarium present in core,
2. Most reactive control rod stuck out of core,
3. The maximum Technical Specification SDM of 1600 pcm is present, and
4. A margin of safety is included in the maximum boron concentrations as an allowance for calculational uncertainty.

ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Services Page A4-4 of A4-9


I 9309290252 930916 PDR ADOCK 05000272 P __ _ _ _PDR D