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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML19283B61730 January 1979Requests That Applicant Be Required to File W/Aslb & Parties Copies of All Communications W/Nrc
ML19289C17916 November 1978Forwards Ltrs Sent in Error to Dept of Treasury
ML19289C18127 November 1978Request Consideration of 781019 Citizen'S Ltr & a Copy of Nrc'S Reply
ML19289C6869 January 1979Plans to File Motion Regarding Propriety of Continuing Hearings.Believes Need for Hasty Action Re Floating Nuclear Plants Has Subsided
ML19289C8112 January 1979Submits Press Release Issued by Westinghouse Re Option to Maintain Floating Nuclear Plant.Responds to Util'S Cancellation of Contract for 4 Floating Nuclear Plants. Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19289C89311 January 1979Responds to 780809 Ltr Which Forwarded NRC Guidelines Re Component Cooling Water Supply to Reactor Coolant Pumps.As Discussed in Util 781031 Ltr & NRC 781122 Ltr,Category 4 Matters Will Be Addressed During Final Design Review Stage
ML19289D19911 January 1979Cites Failure to Receive Applicant 781031 Ltr to NRC Describing Proposed Schedule for Responding to Update Review Matters.Requests Board Direct Applicant to Cease Negligent Behavior Immediately
ML19289F5476 June 1979Forwards Revision 1 to 790517 Core Ladle Rept (OPS Rept 36A59)
ML19296A1622 January 1979Consents to Offshore Power Systems Motion That Direct Briefs Be Filed by 790105 & Reply Briefs by 790115.W/781222 Request for Extension of Time for Filing
ML19296A55424 April 1979Forwards List of Items to Be Addressed by Harbison & Walker Refractories & OPS at 790507-08 Meeting in Jacksonville,Fl
ML19305C42418 March 1980Forwards Response to NRC 791017 Ltr Requesting Addl Info Re Core Thermohydraulic Effects
ML19308A32627 March 1979Requests Repts Buckling Criteria & Application of Criteria to Design of Steel Containment Shell & Review of OPS Rept 7270-RP-16A51.
ML19320B75816 May 1980Ack Receipt of Encl 800407 Ltr to President Carter Re Employment Opportunities Offered by Offshore Floating Nuclear Plant Project.Decisions on Commercial Projects Are Made by Private Sector,W/Nrc Approval
ML19320D46215 July 1980Forwards 36A93, OPS Responses to Post-TMI NRC Requirements, Revision 1.Rept Represents Vast Majority of New Info Required to Support Issuance of Mgt License. Requests Meeting W/Nrc at Earliest Possible Convenience
ML19322A06421 December 1978Notifies NRC That Document SS15A18/A, Portable Fire Extinquishers-Sys Specs Is Being Forwarded to Us Coast Guard for Review & Approval
ML19322A13622 December 1978Requests Extension of 2 Weeks within Which to File Brief as Amicus Curiae,Per 10CFR2.772(b).Request Based on Complicated Nature of Issue & Voluminous Record
ML19322A17919 December 1978Announces Intent to File a Brief Opposing the Decision in ALAB-489,pursuant to Commission Invitation in Its 781208 Order
ML19323C6326 May 1980Forwards Review Re Applicability of post-TMI Action Plan Requirements Contained in Draft 3 of NUREG-0660 & Applicability of Item III.A.2-2 of NUREG-0654.Response to All Action Plan Items,Except Item II.B.8 Planned for
ML19329G19721 May 1980Requests Reply to CT Brown 800407 Ltr Expressing Support for Floating Nuclear Power Plant Project
ML19331C62822 July 1980Requests Available Info Re Projected Offshore Floating Nuclear Power Plant
ML19332A0835 September 1980Requests That Schedule Be Established for Completing Review of Application for Mfg License & That NRC Resources Be Committed for That Purpose.Nrc Should Initiate Review of Util 800715 Responses to NUREG-0660
ML19345C27129 October 1980Requests Info Re Facilities W/Active CPs Pending,License Definitions & Requirements for Floating Nuclear Plants
ML19346A41511 June 1981Forwards Draft App C to Plant Design Rept, in Response to post-TMI Requirements.App C Will Be Filed Formally at Conclusion of Technical Review & Upon Resolution of NRC ConcernsSafe Shutdown
Non-Destructive Examination
Grab sample
Fire Barrier
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
ML20002E35516 December 1980FOIA Request for All Documents Re OPS Application for License to Mfg Floating Nuclear Plants Containing Statements Re Alternate Land Uses
ML20004E5456 June 1981Requests Name Be Deleted from Mailing List Re Hearings
ML20008F5564 March 1981Urges Inclusion of OPS Mfg License Application in Proposed Rule Defining TMI accident-related Requirements for Pending CP & Mfg Licenses
ML20008F5623 March 1981Expresses Concern Re Inclusion of OPS Application in Proposed Rule Currently Under Consideration for near-term Cp/Mfg License Applications
ML20008F56724 February 1981Urges Inclusion of OPS Mfg License Application in Proposed Rulemaking Defining TMI accident-related Requirements for Pending CP & Mfg Licenses
ML20009C89322 July 1981Advises That Review of Plant Design Rept & Amends for Barge Mounted Floating Nuclear Plant Has Been Completed.Final Approval Will Depend on Successful Plan Review,Insp During Const & Approval by Officer in Charge
ML20010E61028 August 1981Corrects Date of Ref Cited in 810818 Ltr Responding to NRC Request for Info Re Generic Technical Issues A-2 & A-36
ML20010F8664 September 1981Ack Receipt of NRC 810831 Ltr Re Meeting W/Util to Discuss Facility.Gl Paulson No Longer W/Nj Dept on Environ Protection.A Mclellan Now Assistant Commissioner for Science & Research & Should Replace Paulson on Mailing List
ML20010J37410 September 1981Submits Addl Info Re Equipment Qualification Modifying 810902 Response Re Generic Issue A-24.Safety-related Equipment Will Be Qualified in Accordance w/NUREG-0588, Category I Requirements
ML20038B59112 November 1981Submits Info Requested in 811106 Telcon W/Nrc Re Turbine Missile ShieldSafe Shutdown
Stress corrosion cracking
Turbine Missile
Overspeed trip
ML20038B9602 December 1981Repts on 811113 Telcon.Aslb Denied Applicant Request That Answers to ASLB 811112 Questions Be Provided Orally at 811204 Hearing.Answers Are to Be Filed in Advance by 811127. Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20039E74221 December 1981Delegates Authority for Review of Info Sought to Be Withheld from Public to Pb Haga,Director of Power Sys Technology
ML20040G35329 January 1982Requests Public Response to 760615 Testimony
ML20041D68624 February 1982Advises of Westinghouse Nuclear Energy Sys Organizational Changes.Organizational Charts Encl
ML20041E5785 March 1982Advises That OPS Became Div of Water Reactor Div of Westinghouse on 820201.Change Does Not Affect Licensing Process.Svc List Encl
ML20049A73717 September 1981Confirms 810917 Telcon Re Containment Design Pressure.Util Reluctantly Commits to Design Containment Vessel to Meet ASME Svc Level a Stress Limits for Design Interval Pressure of 25 Psig at Ambient TempOperating Basis Earthquake
ML20052G60911 May 1982Advises of RA Thomas Appointment as Acting Manager of Offshore Power Sys Div.Pb Haga Appointed Director of Engineering.Svc List Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20054M34623 June 1982Confirms 820623 Telcon Re Official Closing of Lpdr for Offshore Nuclear Power Plant.Lpdr in Jacksonville,Fl Will Remain Open
ML20062M29911 December 1981Forwards Applicant 811211 Proposed Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law in Form of Proposed Initial Decision. Document Supersedes Applicant 790601 Proposed Partial Findings of Fact in Form of Proposed Initial Decision
ML20069G52917 September 1982Forwards Revisions to Environ Protection Plan Per 820915 Telcon
ML20071E8321 March 1983Ack Receipt of Generic Ltr 83-07 Re Requirements of Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982.Lists Reasons for Not Entering Into Waste Disposal Contract W/Doe
ML20072A86212 December 1982Requests Response to Previous Correspondence Opposing OPS Floating Nuclear Power Plants,Heretofore Unacknowledged by Nrc.June 1976 Testimony on SER EnclTurbine Missile
ML20072A86729 December 1982Requests Public Statement Responding to 760615 Testimony Before NRC Re Safety Concerns Associated W/Ops Floating Nuclear Power Plants
ML20072A87014 August 1982Lists Reasons for Opposing Issuance of Mfg License to OPS for Floating Nuclear Power Plants
ML20072A8761 December 1982Requests Response to ,Mistakenly Directed to Former Chairman Jm Hendrie
ML20073B5178 April 1983Responds to Generic Ltr 83-10D Re Resolution of TMI Action Item II.K.3.5, Study Need for Auto Trip of Reactor Coolant Pumps. Resolution Will Be Initiated When Customer for First FNP Is Attained & Final Design Efforts Begun
ML20083K73027 March 1984Responds to IE Bulletin 83-08.Circuit Breakers Not Purchased or Specified for safety-related Applications.No Further Design Activities Planned Prior to Obtaining Customer