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 Issue dateTitleTopic
IA-84-930, Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 105 & 99 to Licenses DPR-31 & DPR-41,respectively24 August 1984Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 105 & 99 to Licenses DPR-31 & DPR-41,respectively
IA-87-213, SER Finding Facility Design Acceptable W/Respect to Conformance to Reg Guide 1.97,Rev 3,except for Accumulator Tank Level & Pressure Instrumentation,Containment Sump Water Temp Instrumentation & Quench Tank Temp Instrumentation11 June 1986SER Finding Facility Design Acceptable W/Respect to Conformance to Reg Guide 1.97,Rev 3,except for Accumulator Tank Level & Pressure Instrumentation,Containment Sump Water Temp Instrumentation & Quench Tank Temp InstrumentationBoric Acid
IR 05000456/198404425 February 1986Supplemental SER Re Electrical Separation Deficiencies Revealed During Const Appraisal Team Insps 50-456/84-44 & 50-457/84-40
ML20056D49227 July 1993Safety Evaluation Re Fuel Reconstitution
ML20058L9966 August 1990Safety Evaluation Denying Licensee Response to Station Blackout Rule.Staff Recommends That Licensee Reevaluate Areas of Concern Identified in SERSafe Shutdown
Emergency Lighting
ML20058M0006 August 1990Safety Evaluation Denying Licensee Response to Station Blackout Rule.Staff Recommends That Licensee Reevaluate Areas of Concern Identified in SERSafe Shutdown
Manual Operator Action
ML20059E28730 December 1993Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 57,57,45,45,93,77,152 & 140 to Licenses NPF-37,NPF-66,NPF-72,NPF-77,NPF-11,NPF-18, DPR-39 & DPR-48 Respectively
ML20059L33714 September 1990SER Granting Interim Relief for 1 Yr or Until Next Refueling Outage to Continue Current Testing Methods While Licensee Investigates Feasibility of Acceptable Alternatives
ML20059L45814 September 1990Sser Supporting Util Changes to Inservice Testing ProgramSafe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Stroke time
ML20127N18525 January 1993Safety Evaluation Accepting Inservice Testing Program for Valves,Relief Request VR-4
ML20127N99115 May 1985SER Re Util 831105 Response to Generic Ltr 83-28,Item 1.1., Post-Trip Review. Program & Procedures Inadequate
ML20128G11121 June 1985SER of Util Response to Generic Ltr 83-28,Item 1.2 Re post-trip Review (Data & Info Capability).Response to Item 1.2 Complete & Acceptable
ML20128H9041 July 1985Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 63 to License DPR-61
ML20128H9441 July 1985Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 103 to License DPR-21
ML20128M93917 May 1985SER Based on Util 831105 Response to Generic Ltr 83-28, Item 1.1 Re post-trip Review Program Description & Procedure
ML20129A90224 August 1984Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 105 & 99 to Licenses DPR-31 & DPR-41,respectively
ML20129F91025 October 1996Safety Evaluation Accepting Request to Apply LBB Analyses to Eliminate Large Primary Loop Pipe Rupture from Structural Design Basis for Plant,Units 1 & 2Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Stress corrosion cracking
Water hammer
ML20129H79314 December 1984Sser Re Fire Protection Program.Proposed License Condition for Fire Protection Program & SALP Input EnclFire Protection Program
ML20129H90711 July 1985SER Accepting 850605 Submittal Re Generic Ltr 83-28,Item 1.1 on post-trip Review Program & Procedures
ML20132B36924 September 1985SER Granting Licensee 850831 Request to Defer Preservice Insp of Safety Injection Sys Class 2 Welds Until First Outage of at Least 10 Days DurationIncorporated by reference
ML20134L78118 November 1996Safety Evaluation Granting Listed Relief Requests,Per 10CFR50.55a(f)(6)(i) Based on Impracticalities in Design of Valves That Limit IST in Traditional Manner Using Position Indicating LightsSafe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Ultimate heat sink
Stroke time
Weld Overlay
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Incorporated by reference
Local Leak Rate Testing
Cold shutdown justification
Power-Operated Valves
Water hammer
ML20136E40010 December 1985Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 71,108 & 106 to Licenses DPR-61,DPR-21 & DPR-65,respectively
ML20136G79012 August 1985Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 64 to License DPR-61
ML20136G80312 August 1985Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 105 to License DPR-21
ML20136G83512 August 1985Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 103 to License DPR-65
ML20137S72426 September 1985Safety Evaluation Supporting Licensee Responses to Generic Ltr 83-28,Items 3.1.1,3.1.2,3.2.1,3.2.2,4.1 & 4.5.1 Re post-maint Testing & Reactor Trip Sys Reliability
ML20138A8717 October 1985Sser Supporting Util 850725 Proposed FSAR Change, Incorporating Nuclear Const Issues Group Rev 2 to Visual Weld Acceptance Criteria for Structural Welding at Nuclear Power Plants Into FSAR Table 3.8-2 & Section
ML20138H06521 October 1985Safety Evaluation Denying Util 850812 Application to Amend Tech Specs to Permit Qualified Offsite Licensee Personnel or Independent Consultant to Perform Fire Protection Audit. Generic Ltr 82-21 Should Be UtilizedFire Barrier
Fire Protection Program
ML20138P6069 October 1985SER Accepting Licensee Response to Items 3.1.3 & 3.2.3 of Generic Ltr 83-28.No post-maint Test Requirements Found in Tech Specs That Degraded Safety
ML20138S05530 November 1985SER Supporting Util Responses to Generic Ltr 83-28,Items 3.1.3 & 3.2.3 Re post-maint Test Requirements
ML20140G57315 July 1975Safety Evaluation Supporting Tech Spec Changes to License DPR-59 to Revise Suppression Pool Water Temp Limits
ML20140G9335 April 1982SER Input Re Design of Category 1 Structures & Remedial Actions.Completion of SER Controlled by Util Response to NRC Request for Info Re Soil Remedial ActionsSafe Shutdown
Tornado Missile
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
ML20140H8878 May 1997Safety Evaluation Supporting Request for Relief from ASME Code Repair Requirements for ASME Code Class 3 Piping CecoOperability Assessment
ML20141B55513 May 1997SE Accepting First 10-yr Interval Inservice Insp Program Plan Request for Relief NR-29 for Braidwood Station,Units 1 & 2Incorporated by reference
ML20141D22326 March 1986Safety Evaluation Suporting Util 801104,810303,0626,821203 & 851231 Responses to IE Bulletin 80-11, Masonry Wall Design. Technical Evaluation Rept Encl
ML20141L93229 May 1997Safety Evaluation Accepting Use of ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code,Section Ix,Code Cases 2142-1 & 2143-1 for Reactor Coolant Sys for Plants
ML20147D96325 February 1988Safety Evaluation Accepting Util 860404 Evaluation of Environ Qualification of Equipment Considering Superheat Effects of high-energy Line Breaks for Plants,Per IE Info Notice 84-90
ML20147E92623 February 1988Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 100,14,125 & 15 to Licenses DPR-61,DPR-21,DPR-65 & NPF-45,respectively
ML20151X71923 January 1968AEC Safety Evaluation in Matter of Licensee PlantSafe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Design basis earthquake
Integrated leak rate test
Fuel cladding
ML20153F3517 February 1987Safety Evaluation Accepting Util Latest Design Mods to MSIV Actuation Control Sys,Per IEEE 279 & GDC 21
ML20153F36730 April 1987Safety Evaluation Accepting Util 870311 Proposed Changes to Tech Spec Tables 2.2.1-1, & 3.6.3-1 Re MSIV-closure Setpoint
ML20153F3854 May 1987SER Accepting Util 870301 & 0407 Requests for Rev to Tech Specs,Modifying MSIV Actuation Control Sys,Per IEEE Std 279 & GDC 21
ML20153F62927 August 1986Safety Evaluation Concurring W/Applicant 860703 Exemption Request Re Testing of 16 Relief Valves,Per 10CFR50,App JHydrostatic
Exemption Request
ML20154A40514 November 1985Safety Evaluation Supporting 831108 Response to Generic Ltr 83-28,Items 3.1.1,3.1.2,3.2.1,3.2.2,4.1 & 4.5.1 Re post-maint Testing & Reactor Trip Sys Reliability.Salp Input Encl
ML20154A4204 November 1985Safety Evaluation Supporting 831108 Response to Generic Ltr 83-28,Items 3.1.1,3.1.2,3.2.1,3.2.2 & 4.5.1 Re post-maint Testing & Reactor Trip Sys Reliability
ML20154C36425 February 1986Suppl to Safety Evaluation Supporting Results of Tests Conducted by Wyle Labs Contained in Test Rept 17769-01 to Justify Less Separation Between Class 1E & non-Class 1E Cables than Required by Reg Guide 1.75
ML20154D4402 October 1998Safety Evaluation Authorizing Second 10-yr Interval ISI Program Request for Relief 12R-30 for Plant,Units 1 & 2Boric Acid
Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking
Stress corrosion cracking
ML20154H21718 May 1988Safety Evaluation Accepting Util 880414 Submittal Re Reload Startup Physics Test Program
ML20155B67126 October 1998Safety Evaluation Accepting Requests for Relief Associated with Second 10-yr Interval ISI Program PlanBoric Acid
High Radiation Area
Non-Destructive Examination
Nondestructive Examination
Incorporated by reference
Integrated leak rate test
ML20155E98619 December 1973Draft Safety Evaluation Detailing Items Requiring Resolution Expected to Occur Prior to Issuance of Const PermitUltimate heat sink
Fuel cladding