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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML11276011329 December 1978LER 78-030/01T-0 on 781218:during surveillance,MO-2-64A Recirculation Loop 11 Discharge Bypass Valve Would Not Close.Cause Is Unknown Due to Inaccessibility of Valve
ML11276011829 January 1979LER 78-016/03X-1 on 780908:during Normal Operation,Trip of Essential MCC B33A Supply Breaker 52-304 Resulted in Operation in Degraded Mode.Caused by Low Setpoint on Trip Device & by Loss of Dash Pot Oil in Trip Device
ML1127601202 February 1979LER 79-001/03L-0 on 790110:during Normal Operation,Steam Leak Found in Elbow on Turbine Main Steam Bypass Header 1 Inch Drain Line to Condenser,Due to Erosion Caused by Steam & Water Flow of Restricting orifice,RO-2569
ML11276013815 December 1978LER#78-022/03L-0 on 781117:steam Leak Was Discovered in a 1 Wye Strainer,YS-4002,on the Main Steam Equalizer Drain Line. Leak Caused by a Defective Casting & Dev After Two Days of Svc
ML11276014014 December 1978LER#78-021/03L-0 on 781114:during Refueling Outage While Testing RHR SW Sys,A Pinhole Leak Was Discovered in CV-1729, RHR SW Differential Pressure Control Valve.Caused by Corrosion & Erosion of Upper Valve Body
ML11276014319 December 1978LER#78-028/03L-0 on 781124:during Normal Oper,Small Steam Leak Was Discovered in Weld of 45 Degree Elbow on HPCI Steam Supply Line 1 Inch Drain Line to Main Condenser Due to Corrrosion.Weld Repair Made at Leak.Awaiting Parts
ML1127601489 February 1979LER 79-002/03L-0 on 790118:during Normal Operation,Weekly Average Power Range Monitor Functional Scram Test Was Not Completed within Time Allowed.Caused by Personnel Error
ML11278015115 March 1979LER 79-003/01T-0 on 790301:containment Vent & Purge Isolation Valves Would Not Close During DBA-LOCA.Cause Unknown.Fisher Continential 18 & 20 Inch,Type 9220 Butterfly Valves Opening Is Administratively Controlled
ML11290066214 March 1980LER 80-007/01T-0:on 800303,during Refuel Shutdown,Cable Routing for HPCI & Automatic Depressurization Sys Cables Identified Lack of Physical Separation Between Automatic Depressurization Sys Cables & Ones for Div of HPCI Sensors
ML11290066521 March 1980LER 80-013/01T-0:on 800309,during Refueling Operations,Rod Withdrawn Block Not Received When Refueling Bridge Traversed Core.Caused by Actuating Arm Out of Adjustment.Components Readjusted & Interlocks Tested Prior to Refueling
ML11290066820 March 1980LER 80-011/01T-0:on 800306,during Refueling Outage,Repairs to Outboard MSIV Stop Valve Revealed Flow Path Between Secondary Containment & Turbine Bldg When MSIV Poppet Was Pulled.Caused by Lack of Preventive Procedure Controls
ML11290067826 March 1980LER 80-006/03L-0:on 800226,during Refueling Outage,Seven of Main Steam Line Area Temp Switches Found to Trip Above Required Level.Caused by Setpoint Drift.Switches Recalibr
ML11290068027 March 1980LER 80-015/01T-0:on 800317,during Refueling Outage & Insp Required by IE Bulletin 79-01B,unqualified Splices Found in Power Cables for Inboard MSIV Solenoid Valves.Cause Not Stated.Splices Replaced W/Qualified Matls
ML11290068510 April 1980LER 80-016/01T-0:on 800327,during Refueling,Supports for SRV Pneumatic Supply Sys Would Not Meet Seismic Class I Requirements.Caused by Inadequate Design & Installation of Sys.Sys Was Upgraded to Satisfy Requirements
ML11290070711 April 1980LER 80-017/01T-0:on 800328,Bechtel Power Corp Notified Util That Control Rod Driveline Hydraulic Piping Frame Supports Would Not Meet OBE Stress Limits.Caused by Eds Computer Code Error.Supports Modified
ML1129007229 May 1980LER 80-018/03L-0:on 800411,during Routine Operator Insp, Attachment Weld of Ripple to Level Switch Float Chamber Assembly on Moisture Separator Level Switch LS-1188 Found Cracked.Caused by Improper Weld Procedure
ML11290074527 May 1980LER 80-020/03L-0:on 800427,during post-maint Startup of Reactor Recirculation Sys,Inaccessible Recirculation Valve Motor Failed.Cause Not Stated.Motor Is Limitorque Type SMB-2 W/Magnetic Brake
ML1129007482 June 1980Updated 79-015/03L-1:on 790712,during Routine Insp,Steam Leak from 13A Intermediate Pressure Feedwater Heater Was Detected.Insulation Removal Revealed through-wall Flaw in Heater Shell.Caused by erosion-corrosionFeedwater Heater
ML11290075112 June 1980LER 80-021/03L-0:on 800515,during Normal Startup,Reactor Core Isolation Cooling Control Power Fuse Opened.Caused by Shorted Relay Coil in Circuit Due to Ac Relay Inadvertently Installed by Maint Personnel.Relay Replaced
ML11290075426 June 1980LER 80-022/03L-0:on 800529,primary Containment Oxygen Concentration Exceeded 5% by Weight Tech Spec Limit.Caused by Open Svc Air Isolation Valve to Drywell.Procedures Have Been Revised to Assure Proper Valve Positioning
ML1129007601 July 1980LER 80-023/03L-0:on 800601,air Ejector Offgas Radiation Monitors Dropped to About 20% Normal for About 40 Minutes. Caused by Mechanical Vacuum Pump Offgas Sample Valve Being Incorrectly Opened.Valve Now Wired Shut
ML11290085628 June 1979LER 79-011/03L-0 on 790529:no Min Flow in B Train Standby Gas Treatment Sys.Caused by Dilution Flow from Compressed Storage Not Isolated by BV-5.Replaced Positioner & Installed Filter in Cylinder Supply/Return Line
ML1129008771 August 1979LER 79-012/03L-0 on 790702:during Reactor Core Isolation Cooling Sys Test,Governor end-bearing Temp Alarm Received & Bearing Exhibited High Vibration.Sys Inoperative.Caused by Turbine Oil Pump Drive Gear Failure.Gears Replaced
ML1129008806 August 1979LER 79-014/03L-0 on 790709:water Leak Discovered in 1/2 Inch Instrument Line from Reactor Water Cleanup Sys Nonregenerative Heat Exchanger.Cause Not Determined.Leaking Line Isolated & Will Be Further Investigated & Repaired
ML1129008837 August 1979LER 79-013/03L-0 on 790708:motor Operator Failed,Rendering Torus Cooling Injection Valve Inoperable During Normal Operation.Caused by Failure of Motor Winding Due to Limit Switch Not de-energizing Motor.Switch Replaced
ML11290088910 August 1979LER 79-015/03L-0 on 790712:discovered Steam Leak from Intermediate Pressure Feedwater Heater.Cause Undetermined. Temporary Patch Installed Pending Replacement of Heater ShellFeedwater Heater
ML11290090331 August 1979LER 79-017/03L-0:on 790806,steam Leak Observed on Feedwater Extraction Steam Line Drain 15A.Caused by Steam Erosion Through Wall of Steam Trap on Line.Trap Isolated Pending Repair or Replacement at Next Appropriate Outage
ML11290095519 December 1979LER 79-021/03L-0:on 791119,during IE Bulletin 79-02 Evaluation,Snubber SS-31 Base Plate Expansion Anchor Bolt Safety Factor Found to Be Less than One.Caused by Inadequate Base Plate & Expansion Anchor Bolts
ML11290097414 January 1980Updated LER 79-023/01T-1:on 800103,one Fuel Type Noted to Exceed Max Allowable Max Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate Value & Another as Improperly Programmed in Plant Computer.Caused by Inadequate Review
ML11290097718 January 1980LER 79-024/03L-0:on 791220,during Normal Operation,Routine Operator Insp Revealed Steam Leak in 1-inch 90 Degree Elbow in Reactor Core Isolation Cooling Steam Line Drain to Condenser.Caused by Pinhole Failure of 3,000-lb Socket Weld
ML19332B37922 September 1980LER 80-027/03L-0:on 80823,during Monthly surveillance,42-11 Test Control Rod Could Not Be Withdrawn After Partial Insertion.Caused by Closed Drive Withdraw Riser Isolation Valve CRD-102.Valve Opened & Rod Was Operable
ML19346G97019 July 1994LER 94-006-00:on 940620,group 2 Isolation Occurred Due to Operator Turning Wrong Switch & Deenergizing Radiation Monitor.Operator Disciplined & Radiation Monitor Switches modified.W/940719 Ltr
ML20009D56716 July 1981LER 81-017/03L-0:on 810617,cracks Discovered on 4-inch & 1-inch Reactor Water Cleanup Heat Exchanger Piping,At Connection to Heat Exchanger.Caused by Poor fit-up & Welding Due to 3-inch Slag Line Near Root of Weld
ML20009E41420 July 1981LER 81-018/03L-0:on 810620,reactor Water Cleanup Sys Was Returned to Svc Following Maint W/Discharge Isolation Valve MO2399 Open & Inoperable.Caused by Torque Switch Failure. Motor & Torque Switch Replaced & Sys Returned to Svc
ML20024H21722 May 1991LER 91-008-00:on 910422,cracking Discovered on Control Rod Drive Housing Flange Cap Screws.Caused by Inadequate Design of Screws.Four New,Original Equipment Cap Screws Installed & Reactor Vessel Hydro performed.W/910522 Ltr
ML20027C23724 August 1981LER 81-020/03L-0:on 810724,main Steam Leak Revealed in Drain Line to Condenser.Caused by Piping Leaking Immediately Downstream of 45 Degree Elbow Due to Erosion & Impingement Resulting from Steam & Water Flow from Restricting Orifice
ML20027D5039 October 1982Updated LER 82-016/01T-1:on 821009,during Inservice Insp, Indication Found at 12 O'Clock Location on Recirculation safe-end to Pipe Weld E & at 3 O'Clock Location on 821020. Caused by Intergranular Stress Corrosion CrackingWeld Overlay
Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking
ML20028E82621 January 1983LER 83-001/01T-0:on 830108,during Cold shutdown,post-LOCA Recombiner B Discharge Inboard Primary Containment Isolation Valve & Leak Test Valves Not Fully Closed.Caused by Contractor Error.Valves Closed
ML20029C69222 April 1994LER 94-002-00:on 940324,discovered That Breaker Tripped at Current Below Tolerance.Caused by Design of Breakers. Corrective Action:Circuit Breakers Revised for Further Classification for Testing Instantaneous trip.W/940422 Ltr
ML20029C70622 April 1994LER 94-001-00:on 940323,missed Surveillance on SRV Low-Low Set Logic.Caused by Incorrect Surveillance Procedure Prerequisite.Corrective Action:Removed Incorrect Prerequisites,Trained on Procedure review.W/940422 LtrMissed surveillance
ML20029D7902 May 1994LER 89-021-02:on 890916,crack Was Discovered on Upper Support Brace of One Jet Pump Riser.Caused by High Cycle Fatigue.Testing Has Demonstrated That Cracking Is Self limiting.W/940502 LtrFinite Element Analysis
ML20039B22810 December 1981LER 81-023/03L-0:on 811110,during Cold shutdown,4 Channel a Main Steam Line High Flow Switches Found Inoperable.Caused by Heating of Switching Element Due to Relay Coil Failure, Initially Reported in LER 81-021.Elements Replaced
ML20040A57015 January 1982LER 82-001/01T-0:on 820102,outboard Shutdown Cooling Suction Isolation Valve Found to Exceed Tech Spec Limits for Local Leak Rate Test.Caused by Valve Disc,Undersized by Extensive Lapping of Disc & Valve Body Seats,Traveling Too Far
ML20040G7376 February 1982LER 82-002/03L-0:on 820107,core Spray Pump 11 Start Time Delay Relay Failed to Operate.Caused by Loose Terminal Connection & Microswitch Contact Burned Open.New GE CR 2820 Relay Installed
ML20042A46312 March 1982LER 82-003/03L-0:on 820212,reactor Water Cleanup Primary Containment Inboard Isolation Valve MO-2397 Became Inoperable While in Full Open Position.Caused by Normally Energized Relay Coil 16A-K36 Shorting.Relay Replaced
ML20044D53614 April 1993LER 90-001-05:on 900313,design Deficiencies Noted in Emergency Filter Train Sys.On 930315,determined That Train B of CR Emergency Filtration Sys Could Not Provide Adequate Flow.Alternate Measuring Sys Method Implemented
ML20044D53814 April 1993LER 89-040-02:on 891219,secondary Containment Failed to Meet Operability Requirements During Special Test.Caused by Design Deficiencies.Operating Procedures Revised & Administrative Hold Placed on One Sys Component
ML20045B2609 June 1993LER 93-006-01:on 930323,RPM Actuation Occurred from High Pressure Caused by Inadequate Procedure.Turbine Stop & Control Valve Tightness Test Procedures & Plant Simulator revised.W/930609 Ltr
ML20045G3246 July 1993LER 93-007-00:on 930604,ESF Actuation Occurred Due to Loss of Reactor Protection Sys Power Supply.Replaced Failed Relay & Returned Motor Generator Set to svc.W/930706 LtrHalf scram
ML20050B05323 March 1982Updated LER 81-001/03X-1:on 810126,while Performing Surveillance Test Mo 2035,HPCI Outboard Steam Supply Isolation Valve Failed to Close.Caused by Opened Limitorque SMB-O,240-volt Dc & Torque Switches.Switches Replaced