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 Issue dateTitleTopic
L-00-072, Annual Financial Report - 1999 for Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit 1 and 224 May 2000Annual Financial Report - 1999 for Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit 1 and 2
L-01-035, Retrospective Premium Guarantee28 March 2001Retrospective Premium Guarantee
L-01-160, Letter Forwarding Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit 1, Fourteenth Refueling Inservice Inspection Report2 January 2002Letter Forwarding Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit 1, Fourteenth Refueling Inservice Inspection ReportBoric Acid
L-01-163, Cycle 15 Steam Generator Tube Inspection 90 Day Report2 January 2002Cycle 15 Steam Generator Tube Inspection 90 Day ReportBoric Acid
L-02-002, G20100238/EDATS: OEDO-2010-0305 - Ltr. Tom Gurdziel, 2.206 - Firstenergy - Davis-Besse15 April 2010G20100238/EDATS: OEDO-2010-0305 - Ltr. Tom Gurdziel, 2.206 - Firstenergy - Davis-BesseBoric Acid
Nondestructive Examination
Pressure Boundary Leakage
Through-Wall Leakage
L-02-003, Inservice Testing Program, Proposed Revision 2G4 January 2002Inservice Testing Program, Proposed Revision 2G
L-02-021, Bulletin 2001-01 Circumferential Cracking of Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Penetration Nozzles28 March 2002Bulletin 2001-01 Circumferential Cracking of Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Penetration NozzlesBoric Acid
Through-Wall Leak
L-02-026, February 2002 Monthly Operating Report for Beaver Valley Units 1 & 27 March 2002February 2002 Monthly Operating Report for Beaver Valley Units 1 & 2
L-02-030, Request for Extension of Time to Submit an Answer and Request a Hearing15 March 2002Request for Extension of Time to Submit an Answer and Request a Hearing
L-02-034, Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for 200129 March 2002Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for 2001Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
L-02-038, Technical Specification Bases Change Submittal19 April 2002Technical Specification Bases Change Submittal
L-02-039, Report of Facility Changes, Tests and Experiments22 April 2002Report of Facility Changes, Tests and ExperimentsBoric Acid
Temporary Modification
Foreign Material Exclusion
L-02-040, Supplemental Response to Bulletin 2002-01, Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Degradation and Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Integrity19 April 2002Supplemental Response to Bulletin 2002-01, Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Degradation and Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary IntegrityBoric Acid
Through-Wall Leakage
L-02-041, Annual Financial Reports & Certified Financial Statements for Perry Nuclear Power Plant, Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station & Beaver Valley Power Station24 April 2002Annual Financial Reports & Certified Financial Statements for Perry Nuclear Power Plant, Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station & Beaver Valley Power StationBoric Acid
Incorporated by reference
L-02-043, Supplemental Reply to Order for Interim Safeguards and Security Compensatory Measures17 April 2002Supplemental Reply to Order for Interim Safeguards and Security Compensatory MeasuresB.5.b Mitigating Strategies
L-02-044, 2001 Firstenergy Corp. Annual Report Completing Requirements for Retrospective Premimum Guarantee16 April 20022001 Firstenergy Corp. Annual Report Completing Requirements for Retrospective Premimum Guarantee
L-02-047, Year 2001-2002 Steam Generator Examination Reports, Describing the Results of the Steam Generator Eddy Current Examinations That Occurred During the Unit 1 14th Refueling Outage & the Unit 2 9th Refueling Outage7 May 2002Year 2001-2002 Steam Generator Examination Reports, Describing the Results of the Steam Generator Eddy Current Examinations That Occurred During the Unit 1 14th Refueling Outage & the Unit 2 9th Refueling Outage
L-02-048, Request for Regulatory Conference19 April 2002Request for Regulatory Conference
L-02-051, Annual Man-Rem Report29 April 2002Annual Man-Rem Report
L-02-053, Annual Environmental Report, Non-Radiological30 April 2002Annual Environmental Report, Non-RadiologicalGrab sample
Zebra Mussel
L-02-054, Reply to Request for Information Concerning Beaver Valley Power Station Responses to NRC Bulletins 2001-01 & 2002-0110 May 2002Reply to Request for Information Concerning Beaver Valley Power Station Responses to NRC Bulletins 2001-01 & 2002-01Boric Acid
Pressure Boundary Leakage
Through-Wall Leak
L-02-055, 60-Day Response to Bulletin 2002-01, Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Degradation and Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Integrity17 May 200260-Day Response to Bulletin 2002-01, Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Degradation and Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary IntegrityBoric Acid
Nondestructive Examination
Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking
Pressure Boundary Leakage
Pressure boundary leak
Unidentified leakage
Unidentified leak
L-02-056, April 2002 Monthly Operating Report for Beaver Valley Power Station7 May 2002April 2002 Monthly Operating Report for Beaver Valley Power Station
L-02-059, 2001 Annual Environmental Report, Radiological15 May 20022001 Annual Environmental Report, RadiologicalGrab sample
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report
L-02-062, Ninth Refueling Outage Inservice Inspection Report23 May 2002Ninth Refueling Outage Inservice Inspection ReportBoric Acid
Packing leak
Non-Destructive Examination
L-02-063, Inservice Inspection Program, Proposed Revision 118 July 2002Inservice Inspection Program, Proposed Revision 11Boric Acid
L-02-067, Revised Decommissioning Funding Report for 20014 June 2002Revised Decommissioning Funding Report for 2001
L-02-068, Order for Interim Safeguards & Security Compensatory Measures31 May 2002Order for Interim Safeguards & Security Compensatory Measures
L-02-072, Emergency Preparedness Plan Implementing Procedure (Volumes 2 & 3)8 July 2002Emergency Preparedness Plan Implementing Procedure (Volumes 2 & 3)Siren
L-02-074, June 2002 Monthly Operating Report for Beaver Valley Units 1 & 28 July 2002June 2002 Monthly Operating Report for Beaver Valley Units 1 & 2
L-02-077, License Amendment Request No. 17924 July 2002License Amendment Request No. 179Stroke time
Tornado Missile
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
High Energy Line Break
Large early release frequency
Power-Operated Valves
Turbine Missile
Overspeed trip
L-02-078, License Amendment Request Nos. 307 & 1787 August 2002License Amendment Request Nos. 307 & 178Foreign Material Exclusion
L-02-079, Mid-Cycle Core Operating Limits Report Revision31 July 2002Mid-Cycle Core Operating Limits Report Revision
L-02-080, Supplemental Information in Support of LAR No. 301 Positive Moderator Temperature Coefficient3 September 2002Supplemental Information in Support of LAR No. 301 Positive Moderator Temperature CoefficientPower Uprate
L-02-081, Fitness-for-Duty Program Six Month Report7 August 2002Fitness-for-Duty Program Six Month ReportFitness for Duty
L-02-082, Preparation & Scheduling of Operator Licensing Examinations, NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2002-0919 August 2002Preparation & Scheduling of Operator Licensing Examinations, NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2002-09Generic Fundamentals Examination
L-02-086, Emergency Response Data System7 August 2002Emergency Response Data System
L-02-087, Withdrawal of License Amendment Request 2974 September 2002Withdrawal of License Amendment Request 297Exemption Request
L-02-088, Supplemental Information in Support of License Amendment Requests 300 (Unit 1) and 172 (Unit 2)19 August 2002Supplemental Information in Support of License Amendment Requests 300 (Unit 1) and 172 (Unit 2)
L-02-090, Notification of Completion of Security Compensatory Measures for Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit No. 1 & No. 229 August 2002Notification of Completion of Security Compensatory Measures for Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit No. 1 & No. 2
L-02-092, Transmittal of Commitment Changes & Report of Facility Changes, Tests & Experiments for Beaver Valley Power Station Unit No. 1 & Unit No. 230 August 2002Transmittal of Commitment Changes & Report of Facility Changes, Tests & Experiments for Beaver Valley Power Station Unit No. 1 & Unit No. 2Safe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
Temporary Modification
Fire Protection Program
L-02-093, Supplemental Information in Support of LAR No. 165 New Fuel Storage Racks Enrichment Limit11 September 2002Supplemental Information in Support of LAR No. 165 New Fuel Storage Racks Enrichment Limit
L-02-095, Response to Bulletin 2002-02, Reactor Pressure Valley Head and Vessel Head Penetration Nozzle Inspection Programs11 September 2002Response to Bulletin 2002-02, Reactor Pressure Valley Head and Vessel Head Penetration Nozzle Inspection Programs
L-02-100, Response to a Request for Additional Information in Support of License Amendment Request Nos. 298 & 17017 October 2002Response to a Request for Additional Information in Support of License Amendment Request Nos. 298 & 170Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Process Control Program
Fire Protection Program
Grace period
L-02-101, 10 CFR 50.46 Report of Changes or Errors in ECCS Evaluation Models25 September 200210 CFR 50.46 Report of Changes or Errors in ECCS Evaluation ModelsLoop seal
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Fuel cladding
L-02-105, Revised Response to Generic Letter 88-14, Instrument Air Supply System Problems Affecting Safety Related Equipment, Related to Condensate Polishing Instrument Air System22 November 2002Revised Response to Generic Letter 88-14, Instrument Air Supply System Problems Affecting Safety Related Equipment, Related to Condensate Polishing Instrument Air System
L-02-108, Emergency Preparedness Plan and Implementing Procedures (Volumes 1, 2 & 3)16 November 2002Emergency Preparedness Plan and Implementing Procedures (Volumes 1, 2 & 3)Safe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Reactor Vessel Water Level
Pressure Boundary Leakage
Potassium iodide
L-02-112, Supplement to License Amendment Request Nos. 295 and 1672 December 2002Supplement to License Amendment Request Nos. 295 and 167Shutdown Margin
High Radiation Area
Pressure and Temperature Limits Report
L-02-115, Response to a Request for Additional Information in Support of License Amendment Requests Nos. 300 & 1722 December 2002Response to a Request for Additional Information in Support of License Amendment Requests Nos. 300 & 172
L-02-121, Updated Information Regarding Bulletin 2001-01 & Bulletin 2002-018 January 2003Updated Information Regarding Bulletin 2001-01 & Bulletin 2002-01Boric Acid