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LD-85-103, Forwards Schedule for Shipment of Spent Fuel Shipments from West Valley Nuclear Svcs to Re Ginna Nuclear Station. Schedule Withheld6 September 1985Forwards Schedule for Shipment of Spent Fuel Shipments from West Valley Nuclear Svcs to Re Ginna Nuclear Station. Schedule Withheld
LD-85-116, Submits,On Behalf of Rochester Gas & Electric Corp,Fourth Notification for Series of Up to 81 Spent Fuel Shipments from West Valley Nuclear Svcs to Re Ginna Nuclear Station. Schedule Forwarded.W/O Encl23 September 1985Submits,On Behalf of Rochester Gas & Electric Corp,Fourth Notification for Series of Up to 81 Spent Fuel Shipments from West Valley Nuclear Svcs to Re Ginna Nuclear Station. Schedule Forwarded.W/O Encl
LD-85-122, Submits,On Behalf of Rochester Gas & Electric Corp,Fifth Notification for Series of Up to 81 Spent Fuel Shipments from West Valley Nuclear Svcs to Re Ginna Nuclear Station. Schedule Forwarded.W/O Encl4 October 1985Submits,On Behalf of Rochester Gas & Electric Corp,Fifth Notification for Series of Up to 81 Spent Fuel Shipments from West Valley Nuclear Svcs to Re Ginna Nuclear Station. Schedule Forwarded.W/O Encl
LD-85-127, Notifies of Two Spent Fuel Shipments from West Valley Facility to Bmi in West Jefferson,Oh.Encl Shipment Schedule Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21)17 October 1985Notifies of Two Spent Fuel Shipments from West Valley Facility to Bmi in West Jefferson,Oh.Encl Shipment Schedule Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21)
LD-85-137, Notifies of Continuation of Series of Spent Fuel Shipments from West Valley Nuclear Svcs to Re Ginna Nuclear Station. Encl Shipment Schedule Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21)24 October 1985Notifies of Continuation of Series of Spent Fuel Shipments from West Valley Nuclear Svcs to Re Ginna Nuclear Station. Encl Shipment Schedule Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21)
LD-85-143, Notifies of Continuation of Series of Spent Fuel Shipments from West Valley Nuclear Svcs to Re Ginna Nuclear Station. Encl Schedule for Shipment Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21)30 October 1985Notifies of Continuation of Series of Spent Fuel Shipments from West Valley Nuclear Svcs to Re Ginna Nuclear Station. Encl Schedule for Shipment Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21)
LD-85-160, Notifies of Continuation of Spent Fuel Shipments from West Valley Nuclear Svc to Re Ginna Nuclear Station.Schedule Info for Shipment Withheld8 November 1985Notifies of Continuation of Spent Fuel Shipments from West Valley Nuclear Svc to Re Ginna Nuclear Station.Schedule Info for Shipment Withheld
LD-85-166, Notifies of Continuation of Spent Fuel Shipments from West Valley Nuclear Svcs to Re Ginna.Schedule Withheld15 November 1985Notifies of Continuation of Spent Fuel Shipments from West Valley Nuclear Svcs to Re Ginna.Schedule Withheld
LD-85-194, Notifies of Continuation of Series of Spent Fuel Shipments from West Valley,Ny to Robert E Ginna Nuclear Station. Schedule of Shipments Forwarded as Safeguards Info.Encl Withheld27 December 1985Notifies of Continuation of Series of Spent Fuel Shipments from West Valley,Ny to Robert E Ginna Nuclear Station. Schedule of Shipments Forwarded as Safeguards Info.Encl Withheld
ML20055H49519 July 1990Advises That 900523 Request for Approval of Encl Spent Fuel Route from Fulton,Mo to Us/Canadian Border,Alexandria Bay,Ny for Transport of Spent Fuel,Approved
ML20058B83924 October 1990Forwards Insp Rept 70-3020/90-01 on 900924-25.No Violations or Deviations Noted
ML20059B32122 August 1990Forwards Sanitized Spent Nuclear Fuel Route from VC Summer to Us/Canadian Border at Alexandria Bay,Ny,In Response to 900523 Request for Approval of Three Routes to Be Used for Transport of Spent Fuel
ML20126G96710 June 1985Approves Encl 850531 Proposed Route for Transport of Spent Reactor Fuel for West Valley,Ny to Dresden Facility in Illinois (Erie County Alternate),Per 10CFR73.37
ML20127F44519 June 1985Responds to 850507 Request for Approval of Route Used for Transport of Spent Reactor Fuel.Proposed Primary & Alternate Route Meet 10CFR73.37 Requirements
ML20128D40731 May 1985Advises That Comm Ed Requested Nuclear Assurance Corp to Obtain Approval to Use Previously Approved Route for Shipment of Spent Fuel from West Valley,Ny to Morris,Il.Info Re Cargo & Route Descriptions Provided
ML20128E65711 June 1985Notifies of Comm Ed Spent Fuel Shipment from West Valley Nuclear Svcs to Dresden Nuclear Station.W/O Encl
ML20128G00121 June 1985Forwards Schedule Info for Shipment of Spent Fuel from West Valley Nuclear Svcs to Re Ginna Nuclear Station.Schedule Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21)
ML20132A98911 December 1996Informs That Route,As Set Forth in Encl 1 Meets Regulatory Requirements of 10CFR73.37.Encl 2 Constitutes Approval for Route
ML20133H3949 December 1996Forwards Copies of Notifications Sent to States Involved in Shipment for Mcmaster Univ to SRS
ML20133N23022 October 1985Discusses 850820 Request for Approval of Encl Route to Be Used for Transport of Spent Reactor Fuel.Route Meets Requirements of 10CFR73.37 & Is Acceptable
ML20134G26613 January 1997Forwards Insp Rept 70-3020/96-01 on 961212-14.No Violations Noted
ML20135F5984 November 1996Requests That NRC Approve Sf Route Between Mcmaster Univ, Hamilton,Ontario & DOE Savannah River Site Near Aiken,Sc
ML20137G29922 August 1985Approves 850719 Request for Approval of Route for Spent Fuel Transport from Alexandria Bay,Ny to Savannah River,Sc. Sanitized Route Description Encl
ML20137R4217 November 1985Notifies of Spent Fuel Shipment from West Valley Facility to Bmi,In Accordance W/Requirements of 10CFR73.72
ML20141E9751 April 1986Notifies of Continuation of Series of Spent Fuel Shipments from West Valley Nuclear Svcs to Re Ginna Plant.Shipment Schedule Withheld
ML20141J15921 April 1986Responds to 860415 Request for Approval of Encl Alternate Route to Be Used for Transport of Spent Reactor Fuel from West Valley,Ny to West Jefferson,Oh.Route Meets 10CFR73.37 Requirements & Approved
ML20151R08510 January 1986Notifies of Continuation of Series of Spent Fuel Shipments from West Valley Nuclear Svcs to Robert E Ginna Nuclear Station.Shipment Schedule Encl.Encl Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.37)
ML20196J5298 March 1988Informs That Route for Transport of Spent Reactor Fuel from Port of Entry,Alexandria Bay,Ny to DOE Savannah River Plant, Contained in ,Meets Requirements of 10CFR73.37 & Acceptable.Sanitized Route Encl
ML20198B28120 August 1985Requests Route Approval for Irradiated Fuel Shipments from Former NFS Facility Near West Valley,Ny to Bmi in West Jefferson,Oh.Info Provided Re Cargo Description, Anticipated Schedule & Route Description,Per NUREG-0561
ML20198B34323 August 1985Forwards Schedule of Series of Spent Fuel Shipments from West Valley Nuclear Svcs to Re Ginna Nuclear Station.W/O Encl
ML20198S0815 December 1997Requests Approval of Spent Fuel Route for Rail Movement Between NWS & Ineel.Cargo Will Consist of Triga Fuel Elements Containing Highly Enriched U.Shipment Scheduled to Arrive at NWS During First Wk of April,1998
ML20198S0979 December 1997Withdraws Request for Route Approval,Dtd 971205,for Shipment Between California & Idaho,Per Customer Request.Request Will Be Resubmitted as Soon as Routes & Schedule,Finalized
ML20202D2749 December 1997Withdraws Request for Route Approval, for Shipment Between California & Idaho,Per Request of Customer.Request Will Be Resubmitted as Soon as Routes & Schedules Are Finalized
ML20202D3035 December 1997Requests NRC Approval of Spent Fuel Route for Rail Movement Between Naval Weapons Station & Idaho Natl Engineering & Environ Lab
ML20203P23922 April 1986Notifies of Continuation of Series of Spent Fuel Shipments from West Valley Nuclear Svcs to Re Ginna Nuclear Station, Per 10CFR73.37.Schedule Withheld
ML20203P24915 April 1986Requests Use of State of Ny Portion of Route Previously Approved on 840620 to Ship Spent Fuel & High Level Waste to Bmi.Original Route Cannot Be Used Due to Bridge Repairs. Complete Route Listed
ML20203Q00815 April 1986Partially Withheld Ltr Notifying of Six Spent Fuel Shipments & One High Level Waste Shipment from West Valley Facility to Bmi at West Jefferson,Oh.Schedule Info Withheld
ML20210P7284 June 1999Requests NRC Approval of Spent Fuel Route for Highway Movement Between Savannah River Site & Ineel for Safeguards & Security Reasons,Per 10CFR73.37(b)(7)
ML20210Q09311 August 1999Responds to & Suppl Ltrs ,requesting Approval of Route to Be Used for Transport of Spent Foreign Research Reactor Fuel from DOE Savannah River Site Near Aiken,Sc to Idaho Engineering & Environ Lab,Scoville,Id
ML20210Q63725 April 1986Notifies of Reduction of Spent Fuel Shipments from Six to Five & Extension of Schedule Due to Changed Conditions at West Jefferson Receiving Site.Extended Schedule Encl.W/O Encl
ML20211E85013 October 1986Submits Info Re Shipment of Irradiated Fuel from Former NFS Facility Near West Valley,Ny to Battelle Columbus Labs in West Jefferson,Oh.Cargo Described.Route Description & Anticipated Schedule Details Withheld
ML20213E17523 October 1986Notifies of Series of Spent Fuel Shipments from Battelle Columbus Labs in West Jefferson,Oh to Re Ginna Nuclear Station in Ontario,Ny.Encl Schedule Info Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.72)
ML20215K26122 October 1986Approves 860930 Request for Encl Primary & Alternate Route for Transport of Spent Reactor Fuel from West Jefferson,Oh to Ontario,Ny