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 Issue dateTitleTopic
05000498/FIN-2007002-02Inadequate procedure leads to inoperable turbine-driven AFW pump for longer than TSs allowed outage time
05000498/FIN-2007007-01Failure to Specify Setpoint Calibration Limits in Relay Setpoint Calculations
05000498/FIN-2007007-02Manual Loads Not Considered for Fuel Oil Storage Tank Sizing Calculation
05000498/FIN-2007007-03Failure to Use Correct Design Inputs in Determination of the Weak Link for the Auxiliary Feedwater System Outside Containment Isolation Motor Operated ValvesWeak link
05000498/FIN-2007007-04Surveillance Procedure Lacked Check for Timing of Chiller Loading on the Bus
05000498/FIN-2007007-05Inadequate Test Program for 125V DC Molded Case Circuit Breakers
05000498/FIN-2007007-06Failure to Incorporate Instrument Uncertainties Into Surveillance Requirements for Technical Specification Limiting Condition for Operation 3.5.2 (Specifically Surveillance Requirement 4.5.2.F)
05000498/FIN-2007007-07Effect of Standby Diesel Generator Technical Specification Voltage Variation on Supplied Equipment
05000498/FIN-2007007-08Combined Adverse Conditions Not Considered in Fuel Oil Storage Tank Sizing
05000498/FIN-2008002-01CRE HVAC Makeup Fan 11B Failure to StartSignificance Determination Process
05000498/FIN-2008003-01Failure to Follow Procedure Results in Motor Operated Valve Motor DamageSignificance Determination Process
05000498/FIN-2008003-02Failure to Evaluate And/Or Document Multiple Boric Acid Leaks with Changed ConditionsBoric Acid
Significance Determination Process
05000498/FIN-2008003-03Failure to Conduct Adequate Radiation Surveys in the Pressurizer CubicleSignificance Determination Process
Substantial potential for overexposure
05000498/FIN-2008003-04Licensee-Identified Violation
05000498/FIN-2008004-01Failure to Follow Procedures Resulted in Isolation of Majority of Fire WaterProbabilistic Risk Assessment
Significance Determination Process
05000498/FIN-2008005-01Failure to Adequately Perform Routine Operator Rounds Results in the Creation of Fire HazardsSignificance Determination Process
05000498/FIN-2008005-02Licensee-Identified Violation
05000498/FIN-2008006-01Failure to Conspicuously Post a Radiation AreaSignificance Determination Process
Substantial potential for overexposure
05000498/FIN-2008008-01Potential Fire Damage to the Fire Suppression Water Supply SystemFire Protection Program
05000498/FIN-2008008-02Potential Loss of Centrifugal Charging Pump Suction Due to Fire DamageSafe Shutdown
Fire Protection Program
05000498/FIN-2008008-03Protection of Safe Shutdown CapabilitiesSafe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
Enforcement Discretion
Operator Manual Action
Fire Protection Program
05000498/FIN-2008009-01Ineffective Corrective Actions on the Equipment Clearance Order ProcessSignificance Determination Process
05000498/FIN-2009002-01Failure to Assess and Manage Outage Maintenance Risk Activities Resulting in the Loss of the Residual Heat Removal SystemSignificance Determination Process
05000498/FIN-2009002-02Inadequate Reportability Misses an Inoperable Component Cooling Water TrainTime of Discovery
Significance Determination Process
05000498/FIN-2009002-03Inadequate Surveillance Test for Component Cooling WaterSignificance Determination Process
05000498/FIN-2009003-01Failure to Identify Maintenance Rule A1 ConditionSignificance Determination Process
05000498/FIN-2009003-02Failure to Perform Radiation SurveysSignificance Determination Process
Substantial potential for an overexposure
05000498/FIN-2009003-03Failure to Ensure a Reliable Fire Suppression Water Supply systemSafe Shutdown
Significance Determination Process
05000498/FIN-2009003-04Potential Loss of Centrifuge Charging Pump Suction Due to Fire DamamgeSignificance Determination Process
05000498/FIN-2009003-05Licensee-Identified Violation
05000498/FIN-2009003-06Licensee-Identified ViolationSignificance Determination Process
05000498/FIN-2009004-01Inadequate Reportability Results in Two Trains of the Essential Chilled Water System Being InoperableSignificance Determination Process
05000498/FIN-2009005-01Inadequate Maintenance Procedure Degrades Cold Overpressure Mitigation System
05000498/FIN-2009005-02Licensee-Identified ViolationSignificance Determination Process
05000498/FIN-2009301-01No Title ListedSignificance Determination Process
05000498/FIN-2010002-01Failure to follow procedures results in repetitive malfunction of electrical auxiliary building air handling unit 21B smoke purge inlet damperSignificance Determination Process
05000498/FIN-2010002-02Inadueage Engineering Evaluation Causes an Inoperable Essential Chilled Water TrainSignificance Determination Process
05000498/FIN-2010003-01Failure to Submit a Licensee Event Report for a Safety System Functional Failure Associated with a Main Steam Isolation Valve
05000498/FIN-2010003-02Failure to Submit a Licensee Event Report for an Unanalyzed Condition Associated with Fire WaterSafe Shutdown
Unanalyzed Condition
05000498/FIN-2010003-03Inadequate Design Change Review of AMSACSignificance Determination Process
05000498/FIN-2010004-01Failure to Repair Essential Cooling Water System Leak within the Technical specification Allowed Outage TimeThrough-Wall Leak
05000498/FIN-2010004-02Failure to Perform Adequate Operability Review of High Temperatures in Isolation Valve Cubicle RoomFunctionality Assessment
05000498/FIN-2010004-03Licensee-Identified ViolationSignificance Determination Process
05000498/FIN-2010005-01Inadequate Design Review Removes Safety Injection Flush Line Valves from Locked Valve Program
05000498/FIN-2010005-02Failure to Install the Required Number of Smoke Detectors (4) in the Auxiliary Shutdown RoomsFire Protection Program
05000498/FIN-2010005-03Failure to Follow Procedure Results in Protective Relay Trip of Residual Heat Removal Pump
05000498/FIN-2010005-04Licensee-Identified Violation