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LER 80-028/03L-0:on 800730,while Performing Monthly Surveillance Testing of Reactor High Pressure Scram Sensors, REO3C & REO3D Were Found to Trip at Lower than Specified Pressure Values.Caused by Sensor Repeatability
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 08/28/1980
From: Ross D
Shared Package
ML19337A233 List:
LER-80-028-03L, LER-80-28-3L, NUDOCS 8009090365
Download: ML19337A244 (3)


{{#Wiki_filter:~. C RC PORM 366 U.S. NUCLEAR GEGULATIRY COMMISSIOe x .sg +l n.m '; . Ii

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     ?       8                    80             St                DOCKET NUME ER EVENT DESCRIPTION AND PROSA8LE CONSEQUENCES h                                                                                                                                 7 1 o 121 l On July 30, 1980, while performing monthly surveillance testino of the                                                                                                   I o 2 l Reactor High Pressure Scram Sensors, RE03C and RE03D were found to trio                                                                                                  l lo I41 l at pressure values which'were less conservative than that specified in                                                                                                    l' ITTsl I the Technical Specifications. The satpoint for sensor RE03C was found                                                                                                      I lo is I         to be 4 psig higher than desired and that for sensor RE010 was 6 osia                                                                                              l

_ l o l 71 I higher. A Ilmiting condition for operation as eer Technical Soecificat- 1 l oIa I i ions, sectIon 2.3.3 was exceeded. I < N 7 8 3 ScTE T$0 sLSCSE CoMPcNENT Coot s[sYo's sEoI: E loisi l i I A10l @ l X I@ l X l @ l I13l N l 5 I T l R l U.4 l@ l19E l@ l,_Z_l @ , 7 8 9 11 12 20 . SEQUENTIAL OCCURRENCE REPCRT REVISION gg EVENT YE AR REPORT NO. COCE TYPE N Q. 1012iBI

                  @ a,s;q/go o,g       18l01                    l-l                                     I/I           10 13 I              I Ll             I-I         l 0l

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       ,,   ,,,l the prescribed limits. An engineering study is in orogress concerning                                                                                                    I g ] the feasibility of replacing the existing sensors with a sclid state                                                                                                           l J

I i l 41 l system. l 7 8 9 90

                 $A                 % POWER                            OTHER STATUS              Ol5CO RY                              CISCOVERY CESCRIPT'CN Ii ls 'l l' El@ l 0 l 8 l 5 l@ln                                      NA               l     W     @lg       Survei11ance Test                                                   l             :
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                 '$$U E                                                                                                                                                                     e, lllllllllllll; 12 i o l l Yf@DE       l          CRIPT:CN                      Weekly news release                                                          l 7      9 9            10                                                                                                                   68 69                              80. g Oonald A. Ross                                                PHONE:        201-455-8784                               {{


   .                                                                                                                                             u Jersey Central Power & Ught Company' Madison Avenue at Punch Bowt Road                      :

Monistown, New Jersey 07960 (201)455-8200 'b OYSTER CREEK NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION , Forked River, New Jersey 08731 Licensee Event Report Reportable Occurrence No. 50-219/80-28/3L Report Date I August 28, 1980 l Occurrence Date i July 30, 1980 I l Identification of Occurrence I ( Exceeding a limiting condition for operation as per Technical Specifications, section 2.3 3, when Reactor High Pressure Sensors RE03C and RE03D exceeded their required setpoints during survelliance testing. This event is considered to be a reportable occurrence as defined in the Techni-cal Specifications, paragraph 6.9.2.b.1. Conditions Prior to Occurrence The plant was operating at steady state power. i The major parameters at the time of occurrence were: Power: Reactor, 1635 MVT Generator, 535 MWe Flow: Feedwater 6.026 x 106 LB/HR Recirculation 12.8 x 104 GPM Stack Gas: 3.61 x 103 pCi/sec Descriotion of Occurrence ( On Wednesday, July 30, 1980, at approximately 1100 hours, while performing monthly surveillance testing of the Reactor High Pressure Scram Sensors, RE03C - and RE030 were found to trip at pressure values which were less conservative than those specified in the Technical Specifications. Tests on all Reactor High Pressure Switches revealed the following data: Pressure Switch Desired Designation Set Point As Found As Left System 1 RE03A 1068 1068 1068 RE03C 1066 1070 1065 System-2 RE038 1068 1068 1068 RE030 1066 1072 1065 . Jersey Central Fewer & Lgnt Corrcany .s a Merrter cf tne Gereral Pucic Ut*tres System

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                                                                                                  .p Reportchlo'Occurrcnco No. 50-219/80-28/3L                                    Page 2           i August 28, 1980                                                                              l-5 Apparent Cause of Occurrence

{ The cause of switches RE03C and RE03D tripping at 1070 psig and 1072 psig respec-tively is attributed to sensor repeatability. 1L


Analysis of Occurrence Both pressure switches RE03C and RE03D would have actuated but at pressures slightly higher than their prescribed values. Due to the existing logic config-urations, failure of these switches would not have affceted reactor high pressure scram initiation but it would remove the redundancy of the logic. The safety significance of this event is considered minimal since both redundant sensors. RE03A in Reactor Protection System 1 and RE038 in Reactor Protection System 2, would have operated at their required values. Corrective Action Reactor high pressure sensors RE03C and RE03D were reset to trip within the pre-scribed limits. An engineering study is in prog'ess concerning the feasibility of replacing the existing sensors with a solid state system. Failu.'s Data Barksdale Pressure Actuated Switch Switch #82T-Al2SS Proof 1800 psig Adjustable Range. 50-1200 psig .-


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