MONTHYEARML20045B2381993-06-0909 June 1993 Special Rept:On 930523,EDG E-2 Declared Inoperable When Engine Lubricating Oil Temp Alarm Annunicated on Low Temp Condition.Caused by Circulating Pump Trip on Thermal Overload.Thermal Overload Assembly Reinstalled ML20029A1281991-01-28028 January 1991 Special Rept:On 910107,diesel Driven Fire Pump Out of Svc in Excess of 7 Days.Three Control Relays Burned Out Due to Failure of Voltage Regulator for diesel-mounted Generator. Generator Rebuilt & Reinstalled.Relays & Regulator Replaced ML20024D2331983-07-0505 July 1983 Followup Ro:Response Spectrum Analyzer Experienced Intermittent Operability Problems.Caused by Voltage Spikes in Dc Current Due to Induced Noise on Dc Signal Lines of Seismic Instrumentation.Fuses Removed ML20028G1961983-01-28028 January 1983 RO 3-83-2/IP:on 830126,containment Isolation Valve MO-5244, Associated W/Hpci Turbine Exhaust Line Vacuum Breaker,Failed to Fully Close During Local Leak Rate Testing.Caused by Solidified Lubricant in Valve Operator ML20052F9001982-04-16016 April 1982 RO 2-82-10/01P:on 820413,w/Unit 2 Shutdown for Refueling/ Maint Outage & Unit 3 at Full Power,Possible Overexposure Identified on Eberline TLD for Month of Mar 1982.Cause Under Investigation ML19318D2251980-06-30030 June 1980 Ro:On 800329,RHR Motor Failed.Caused by Failure of Lower Guide Bearing.Instructions Issued to Operate RHR Sys at Full Flow Conditions.Fans on Motor Shaft Ends Being Replaced. Failed Motor Replaced W/New Motor ML19209B4321979-09-0707 September 1979 RO 2-79-43/1P:on 790906,in Response to IE Bulletin 79-07, Failure in One Support Associated W/High Pressure Svc Water Sys Piping in RHR Room 2A Identified.Larger Anchor Bolts Will Replace 7/8 Inch Bolts W/Installation of Plate Washers 1993-06-09
[Table view] Category:LER)
MONTHYEARML20045B2381993-06-0909 June 1993 Special Rept:On 930523,EDG E-2 Declared Inoperable When Engine Lubricating Oil Temp Alarm Annunicated on Low Temp Condition.Caused by Circulating Pump Trip on Thermal Overload.Thermal Overload Assembly Reinstalled ML20029A1281991-01-28028 January 1991 Special Rept:On 910107,diesel Driven Fire Pump Out of Svc in Excess of 7 Days.Three Control Relays Burned Out Due to Failure of Voltage Regulator for diesel-mounted Generator. Generator Rebuilt & Reinstalled.Relays & Regulator Replaced ML20024D2331983-07-0505 July 1983 Followup Ro:Response Spectrum Analyzer Experienced Intermittent Operability Problems.Caused by Voltage Spikes in Dc Current Due to Induced Noise on Dc Signal Lines of Seismic Instrumentation.Fuses Removed ML20028G1961983-01-28028 January 1983 RO 3-83-2/IP:on 830126,containment Isolation Valve MO-5244, Associated W/Hpci Turbine Exhaust Line Vacuum Breaker,Failed to Fully Close During Local Leak Rate Testing.Caused by Solidified Lubricant in Valve Operator ML20052F9001982-04-16016 April 1982 RO 2-82-10/01P:on 820413,w/Unit 2 Shutdown for Refueling/ Maint Outage & Unit 3 at Full Power,Possible Overexposure Identified on Eberline TLD for Month of Mar 1982.Cause Under Investigation ML19318D2251980-06-30030 June 1980 Ro:On 800329,RHR Motor Failed.Caused by Failure of Lower Guide Bearing.Instructions Issued to Operate RHR Sys at Full Flow Conditions.Fans on Motor Shaft Ends Being Replaced. Failed Motor Replaced W/New Motor ML19209B4321979-09-0707 September 1979 RO 2-79-43/1P:on 790906,in Response to IE Bulletin 79-07, Failure in One Support Associated W/High Pressure Svc Water Sys Piping in RHR Room 2A Identified.Larger Anchor Bolts Will Replace 7/8 Inch Bolts W/Installation of Plate Washers 1993-06-09
[Table view] Category:TEXT-SAFETY REPORT
MONTHYEAR05000278/LER-1999-005-03, :on 990920,uplanned Esfas During Planned Mod Activitives in Main CR Were Noted.Caused by Inattention to Detail by Individuals Performing Work.All CR Mods Were Ceased to Allow Review of Mod Work Packages.With1999-10-20020 October 1999
- on 990920,uplanned Esfas During Planned Mod Activitives in Main CR Were Noted.Caused by Inattention to Detail by Individuals Performing Work.All CR Mods Were Ceased to Allow Review of Mod Work Packages.With
ML20217K9931999-10-14014 October 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 234 to License DPR-56 ML20217B4331999-10-0505 October 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 233 to License DPR-56 05000278/LER-1999-004-03, :on 990901,3A RPS Bus Was Inadvertently Deenergized,During Planned Mod Activities on Main CR Panel. Caused by Electrician Failing to Self Check Work.All CR Work Was Ceased Immediately & Shutdown Meeting Held1999-10-0101 October 1999
- on 990901,3A RPS Bus Was Inadvertently Deenergized,During Planned Mod Activities on Main CR Panel. Caused by Electrician Failing to Self Check Work.All CR Work Was Ceased Immediately & Shutdown Meeting Held
ML20217G3541999-09-30030 September 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Sept 1999 for Pbaps,Units 2 & 3. with ML20216H7091999-09-24024 September 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 229 & 232 to Licenses DPR-44 & DPR-56,respectively ML15112A7681999-09-20020 September 1999 SER Accepting Revision 25 of Pump & Valve Inservice Testing Program,Third 10-year Interval for Plant,Units 1,2 & 3 ML20212D1281999-09-17017 September 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Proposed Alternatives CRR-03, 05,08,09,10 & 11 05000278/LER-1999-003-03, :on 990814,HPCIS Was Declared Inoperable Due to Erratic Behavior Resulting in Loss of Single High Train Safety Sys.Caused by Weakness in Procedural Guidance. Readjusted Hydraulic Governor Needle Valve.With1999-09-13013 September 1999
- on 990814,HPCIS Was Declared Inoperable Due to Erratic Behavior Resulting in Loss of Single High Train Safety Sys.Caused by Weakness in Procedural Guidance. Readjusted Hydraulic Governor Needle Valve.With
ML20212A5871999-08-31031 August 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Aug 1999 for Peach Bottom,Units 2 & 3.With ML20211D5501999-08-23023 August 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 228 & 231 to Licenses DPR-44 & DPR-56,respectively ML20212H6311999-08-19019 August 1999 Rev 2 to PECO-COLR-P2C13, COLR for Pbaps,Unit 2,Reload 12 Cycle 13 ML20210N7641999-07-31031 July 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Jul 1999 for PBAPS Units 2 & 3. with 05000277/LER-1999-005-01, :on 990616,failure to Maintain Provisions of FP Program Occurred.Caused by Less than Adequate Engineering Rigor in Both Development & Review Analysis.Fire Watch Immediately Established.With1999-07-16016 July 1999
- on 990616,failure to Maintain Provisions of FP Program Occurred.Caused by Less than Adequate Engineering Rigor in Both Development & Review Analysis.Fire Watch Immediately Established.With
ML20209H1121999-06-30030 June 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for June 1999 for Pbaps,Units 2 & 3. with ML20195H8841999-05-31031 May 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for May 1999 for Pbaps,Units 2 & 3. with 05000278/LER-1999-002-02, :on 990406,safeguard Sys to Unrelated Door Was Inadvertently Disabled by Security Alarm Station Operator. Caused by Noncompliance with Procedures & Less than Adequate Shift Turnover.Briefed Personnel on Event.With1999-05-0606 May 1999
- on 990406,safeguard Sys to Unrelated Door Was Inadvertently Disabled by Security Alarm Station Operator. Caused by Noncompliance with Procedures & Less than Adequate Shift Turnover.Briefed Personnel on Event.With
ML20206N1661999-04-30030 April 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Apr 1999 for Pbaps,Units 2 & 3. with ML20206A2921999-04-20020 April 1999 Safety Evaluation Concluding That Proposed Changes to EALs for PBAPS Are Consistent with Guidance in NUMARC/NESP-007 & Identified Deviations Meet Requirements of 10CFR50.47(b)(4) & App E to 10CFR50 05000278/LER-1999-001-03, :on 990312,ESF Actuation of Rcics Occurred Due to High Steam Flow Signal During Sys Restoration.Temporary Change to Restoration Procedure Was Initiated to Open RCIC Outboard Steam Isolation Valve in Smaller Increments1999-04-0808 April 1999
- on 990312,ESF Actuation of Rcics Occurred Due to High Steam Flow Signal During Sys Restoration.Temporary Change to Restoration Procedure Was Initiated to Open RCIC Outboard Steam Isolation Valve in Smaller Increments
ML20205K7411999-04-0707 April 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 227 & 230 to Licenses DPR-44 & DPR-56,respectively ML20205P5851999-03-31031 March 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Mar 1999 for Peach Bottom Units 2 & 3.With ML20207G9971999-02-28028 February 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Feb 1999 for Peach Bottom Units 2 & 3.With 05000278/LER-1998-009-01, :on 981227,unplanned Esfa Were Noted.Caused by Transformer Insulator Failure.Replaced Failed Insulator. with1999-01-20020 January 1999
- on 981227,unplanned Esfa Were Noted.Caused by Transformer Insulator Failure.Replaced Failed Insulator. with
ML20206P1651998-12-31031 December 1998 Fire Protection for Operating Nuclear Power Plants, Section Iii.F, Automatic Fire Detection ML20206D3651998-12-31031 December 1998 1998 PBAPS Annual 10CFR50.59 & Commitment Rev Rept. with ML20205K0381998-12-31031 December 1998 PECO Energy 1998 Annual Rept. with ML20206D3591998-12-31031 December 1998 1998 PBAPS Annual 10CFR72.48 Rept. with ML20199E3471998-12-31031 December 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Dec 1998 for Peach Bottom,Units 1 & 2.With 05000277/LER-1998-008-01, :on 981130,circuit Breaker SU-25 Tripped.Caused by Less than Adequate Procedural Guidance.Operators Verified Sys Integrity & Successfully Returned Sys to Svc.With1998-12-30030 December 1998
- on 981130,circuit Breaker SU-25 Tripped.Caused by Less than Adequate Procedural Guidance.Operators Verified Sys Integrity & Successfully Returned Sys to Svc.With
05000277/LER-1998-007-02, :on 981107,failure to Meet TS & Associated LCO Requirments of Absolute Difference in APRM & Calculated Power of Less than 2% Was Noted.Caused by Substitute Valves Being Used.Removed Substitute Valves.With1998-12-0404 December 1998
- on 981107,failure to Meet TS & Associated LCO Requirments of Absolute Difference in APRM & Calculated Power of Less than 2% Was Noted.Caused by Substitute Valves Being Used.Removed Substitute Valves.With
ML20196G7021998-12-0202 December 1998 SER Authorizing Proposed Alternative to Delay Exam of Reactor Pressure Vessel Shell Circumferential Welds by Two Operating Cycles ML20198B8591998-11-30030 November 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Nov 1998 for Pbaps,Units 2 & 3. with ML20196E8261998-11-30030 November 1998 Response to NRC RAI Re Reactor Pressure Vessel Structural Integrity at Peach Bottom Units 2 & 3 05000278/LER-1998-005-03, :on 981025,inadvertent Unit 3 Electrical Bus E33 Trip (Esfa) During Performance of Unit 2 Electrical Bus E32 Surveillance Test Was Noted.Caused by Personnel Error. Sp S12M-54-E32-XXF4 Was Completed.With1998-11-20020 November 1998
- on 981025,inadvertent Unit 3 Electrical Bus E33 Trip (Esfa) During Performance of Unit 2 Electrical Bus E32 Surveillance Test Was Noted.Caused by Personnel Error. Sp S12M-54-E32-XXF4 Was Completed.With
ML20206R2571998-11-17017 November 1998 PBAPS Graded Exercise Scenario Manual (Sections 1.0 - 5.0) Emergency Preparedness 981117 Scenario P84 ML20198C6751998-11-0505 November 1998 Rev 3 to COLR for PBAPS Unit 3,Reload 11,Cycle 12 ML20195E5341998-10-31031 October 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Oct 1998 for Pbaps,Units 2 & 3. with ML20155C6071998-10-26026 October 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 226 to License DPR-44 ML20155C1681998-10-22022 October 1998 Safety Evaluation Accepting Proposed Alternative Plan for Exam of Reactor Pressure Vessel Shell Longitudinal Welds ML20155H7721998-10-12012 October 1998 Rev 1 to COLR for Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Unit 2, Reload 12,Cycle 13 05000277/LER-1998-006-02, :on 980915,automatic RWCU Isolation Occurred While Placing RWCU Sys in Svc.Caused by Unexpected Surge of Water.Procedure Change Was Initiated to Open MO-2-12-74 & RWCU Sys Was Successfully Returned to Svc.With1998-10-0909 October 1998
- on 980915,automatic RWCU Isolation Occurred While Placing RWCU Sys in Svc.Caused by Unexpected Surge of Water.Procedure Change Was Initiated to Open MO-2-12-74 & RWCU Sys Was Successfully Returned to Svc.With
ML20154J2401998-10-0505 October 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 224 & 228 to Licenses DPR-44 & DPR-56,respectively ML20154H4771998-10-0505 October 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 225 & 229 to Licenses DPR-44 & DPR-56,respectively ML20154G6821998-10-0101 October 1998 SER Related to Request for Relief 01A-VRR-1 Re Inservice Testing of Automatic Depressurization Sys Safety Relief Valves at Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station,Units 2 & 3 ML20154G6631998-10-0101 October 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 223 & 227 to Licenses DPR-44 & DPR-56,respectively ML20154H5541998-09-30030 September 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Sept 1998 for Pbaps,Units 2 & 3. with 05000278/LER-1998-004-03, :on 980820,automatic RWCU Isolation Occurred While Placing B RWCU Sys Demineralizer in Svc.Caused by less-than-adequate Control of Equipment.Isolated B Demineralizer & Returned RWCU Sys to Svc1998-09-18018 September 1998
- on 980820,automatic RWCU Isolation Occurred While Placing B RWCU Sys Demineralizer in Svc.Caused by less-than-adequate Control of Equipment.Isolated B Demineralizer & Returned RWCU Sys to Svc
05000277/LER-1998-005-02, :on 980824,noted Failure to Meet TS Actions for Suppression chamber-to-drywell Vacuum Breaker Not Being Fully Seated.Caused by Personnel Failing to Take All TS Required Actions.Temporary Procedure Changes Were Made1998-09-18018 September 1998
- on 980824,noted Failure to Meet TS Actions for Suppression chamber-to-drywell Vacuum Breaker Not Being Fully Seated.Caused by Personnel Failing to Take All TS Required Actions.Temporary Procedure Changes Were Made
ML20153B9651998-09-14014 September 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 9 to License DPR-12 1999-09-30
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... ......~
'Hf f AN.Y. PHI A 3'iCCT3t ti' CottP Af(Y Feweh sart e Ate Ic Pawer Station DeIt:e. P-annyIv,n h .
17311 Febnsary 22, 1980 . I
< f Inspectico and Enforcament Of't.ca i a*ubm. 1 _-
siteclear Regislutary Comission 7 N ewt states .
t 4.11 Park Avenur 10406 tint of Pnsasia, P4 "-
l 51mJECT: REPORTABt.E OCCURRENCE l V. T. Il11 rich's etwsversat ten with1940. Mr. firaensman,13.5. Nuc ear .-
<>n f1 minst
%gistet.ory Cm==is sim , Regten I en February 21,
ceference: Oncket No. 5ft.279 T Pe=c81 Mtt w unit '! 6. 9. 2. a (6) .i 1 Tectwsics1 . Spec i fic at irm Reference : .
M-yort Mo. 3.ag-7/IP 71. 1990 r-Occurrenc, Pete: Fahrtenry : .3 Identifiestien of Occurrence _: {
seismic air supply to five containment ventitation valves volved euc .
af s rvice. E f-Apparent Cause of Occiscrence:
procedurst and operator error.
Anntrsis of Occurrence: backupp seismically- y threiner a emittne inspection of plant equipent, the I tion he==ver, were j ,
gastified,bott. led nitresen vyp1y to fletve eontaionmt The vaiv-s vesitx =
nd werg,ther=(ove, t
l volv=s was foned te be volved esat of serv e . l 7 y>
heing supplied frw the normel instrinnent air supp y aThe nersel instriunmt sie supp completely operable. j' If a selwte event ocentrednvolved whichcmeld e*7ntted in fat havn permitted t* r, of the '
qaneli f ted. tha five valven i t instrio W . sirlesysteet, kare aft =r so=e time latervat if correctiv, action was i no d ,
egeteine m.t If a ealmete mt had ocetrered, the valves decreased woestd have rwen ne takest. to about
' tite required seated for abowt 24 ho.ses. If the disc s==L pressure 52 psig, en ledicating 1.t she in the control roa=this identi.fr wowtd condition show that.
ance-per-shift pawnet chack by the operator wm:14b t h d prior to less of and the **immic *ir supply would cbe re-este i s e hevw r***elted in leas of conteinment Amrastrity. This e mne* eettid rs occurred and if
cesstata==nt integeity enly if addifica=1 orarster erroadonai i
C4=et. ,
~ ~
800227o 6 0 9.
l _
. s Corr-etive Action:
When tb- First se t.m le,lly 'pst: 81flad batt imi backtip sirpply was i den t i ficit ,
nu investination into *.hst enu*e and an inapactiim of all containment vantilstien vnivaa v eta im= diataly initiesta,l. This inspection i<len t t fled ;
the co 'te other battled surpi.le9 which wara vntved out of *ervice. !
Pr-11minnry invetig= tion indientes that thesa bottles Wre l valved ant of re- eice en February 5; 19810 when tha etmeriinment VGntiitttien valves were set up for inerting of the containment prior to reactor startty.
The containnent vantilatien valva eparators and si.r mgply systems are being m lified to qualify the-t for operation ditring salmic avents.
See of the y=Iv-s have bean nimlified and others have not baen nodified.
Those valvas which are nat 'wodified have a nitroen bottia supply to the valve disc sael which is manually actumted following the positioning of tha volve in a closeil pas ttion. In order to opan these uneodt. fled vaivae, an acentar ==ts t VMlve out the str supply to the disc sam t prior to <merattne the valva fram tlie control ruim. It is pos=ibia that3 due to lack of overstor infamestion. in operator vatved out tha bott1=d mir supply en t!m five valves twtiaving they wera me yat not modified.
These five valves, Sewever, bed haen modified. Th9 whift that comoteted the inerting operntion on Fabruary 6. t#80,therefore ,Enited to restare the sai smic air supply bacouse they were not swere it had been valved out-ef service.
The inspection of the Unit 3 centnipaent ventilation valves also identifted a recent blocking nrrer. . At approximataly 2:20 AM on February 20 1980.
ventilation valve A9. 3512 was blocked for modification work. The operator cyplying the permit incorrectly velved ont the disc sesi sit supply to A0 3511 as wel.1 me AO 3512. At the time the inspection was made, the disc *ast prea*'tre on these valves ves 15 psig and 55 psia. Normai semi pr ,asure is.. granter than 75 psig. This crnaditten was immediately corrected. Leak tests performed to detemine the seal citpebility of these valves at the lower disc sealing pressure . indicated leakage we,Il be.Iow the . acceptable Iey,1.
f _. m . , . . ,,--: 4 , ..
r .
Tha inspectI'm of all other Wit 2 =nd thsit 3 contaim=ent vent 11= tion volves did not identify any other deficiencies. . The deficiencies discuesed above were imedintely corrected. ,
Tho investientinn of this occurr-nce ir continuing. Preliminary investigation indientes that. a6Litionel corractive action is required ist the area of erriipment identification, edification information transfer ,
a to the operations group, and procedural improvements.
Previous Failures: * ~
Very' tru1( yours, u
4 T. tilt rich
- Station Superintendent WTil:1hd 8
J 9 49 8
- - - - - - - . - - ,