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Proposed Tech Specs Re Core Operating Limits Rept
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/28/1991
Shared Package
ML18009A790 List:
NUDOCS 9102060099
Download: ML18009A791 (3)


4 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS CORE OPERATINC LIMITS REPORT roJA>ant rotc u~PlP)Db Core operation Lxmzts shaLL be established and documented in the CORE OPERATINC LIMITS REPORT pz ior to each reload cycle, or'prior to any remaining portion oE a reload cycle, Eoz'he foLLowing:

R+(ocL~ah Zns~4 (r~z.>Py)a.The shutdown rod insez'tion Limits oE Specification control rod insertion limits of Specification 3.1,3.6.c.The axiaL flux difference of Specification 3.2.1.d.The surveiLlance requirements of Specifications,, and The analytical methods used to determine the coze operating Limits shaLL be those previously reviewed and approved by the NRC, speciEicaLly those described in the EoLlowing documents.'cplacc, bdlf'L macr~k (nex<+4 a~b.WCAP-10216-P-A, Relaxation of Constant Axial Offset ControL FO SurveilLance TechnicaL SpeciEication, 1983~WCAP-9272-P-A, Westinghouse Reload Safety EvaLuation MethodoLogy, 19B5.6.9,1.6.3,The coze operating Limits shall be determined so that alL appLicable Limits (e.g., fuel thirmalmechanical limits, core thermal-hydrauLic limits, nucLear Limits such as shutdown margin, and transient and accident anaLysis Limits)of the safety analysis are met. The CORE OPERATINC LIMITS REPORT, including any mid-cycle revisions or suppLements, shaLL be provided, upon issuance Eor each zeload cycLe, to the NRC Document ControL Desk, with copies to the Regional Administrator and Resident Inspector.

SPECIAL REPORTS 6.9.2 SpeciaL reports shalL be submitted to the Regional Administrator of the Regional, Office of the NRC within the time period specified Eor each report.6.10 RECORD RETENTION 6.10.1 In addition to the applicable record retention requirements oE Title LQ, Code of FederaL Regulations, the EoLLowing records shaLL be retained Eor at least the minimum period indicated.

C 6.10.2 The EoLLowing records shaLL be zetained Eor at Least 5 years:.a.Records and logs of unit operation covering time intervaL at each power LeveL$SHEARON HARRIS.-UNIT 1 6-24 Amendment No.g, 7$>A ,.9i02060099

.9.i.Oi 28 PDR ADOCK 05000400 P PDR INSERT A: a.II, b.C~d.e.Moderator Temperature Coefficient Positive and Negative Limits and 300 ppm surveillance limit for Specification 3/, Shutdown Bank Insertion Limits for Specification 3/, Control Bank Insertion Limits for Specification 3/, Axial Flux Difference Limits, target band, and APL for Specification 3/4.2.1, Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor, F, K(Z), W(Z), APL and W(Z)BL RTP ND for Specification 3/4.2.2, Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Factor, F<H 9 and Power Factor Multiplier, RTP PF<H for Specification 3/4.2.3.INSERT B: a.b.C~d.e.WCAP-9272"P-A,"WESTINGHOUSE RELOAD SAFETY EVALUATION METHODOLOGY", July 1985 (W Proprietary).(Methodology for Specification Temperature Coefficient, Bank Insertion Limit, Bank Insertion Limit, 3.2.1-Axial Flux Difference, 3.2.2-Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor, and 3.2.3-Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Factor).WCAP-11914,"SAFETY EVALUATION SUPPORTING A MORE NEGATIVE EOL MODERATOR TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR H EARON RI C OWE NT" u ust 1988 (W Proprietary).

Apped~b~>kC Safety EVa.luatSOn Ct~ge.mO.q BR, IR 8'(Metho o ogy for Specification

...3-Moderator emperature Coefficient).

WCAP-10216-P-A,"RELAXATION OF CONSTANT AXIAL OFFSET CONTROL F SURVEILLANCE TECHNICAL SPECIPICATION", JUNE 1988 (N Peopeietae)).(Methodology for Specifications 3.2.1-Axial Flux Difference (Relaxed Axial Offset Control)and 3.2.2-,Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor (F~Methodology for W(Z)surveillance requirements).)

WCAP-10266-P-A, Rev.2,"The 1981 Version of the WESTINGHOUSE ECCS EVALUATION MODEL USING THE BASH CODE", March 1987 (W Proprietary).(Methodology for Specification 3.2.2-Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor).WCAP-8385,"POWER DISTRIBUTION CONTROL AND LOAD F 0 U S CA R 0" temb r 1974 (W Pro rietary)HAP'oval g i'd<lS~$M EV~la~+AO~

date.airy l l9 V7~et o o y or peer xca on..-]a Flux Difference (Constant Axial Offset Control)~).WCAP-11837-P-A,"EXTENSION OF METHODOLOGY FOR CALCULATING TRANSITION CORE DNBR PENALTIES", January 1990 (W Proprietary).
