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Letter Request for List of Protected Species with in the Area Under Evaluation for the Limerick Generating Station, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Application Review (Pndi Number 21136)
Person / Time
Site: Limerick  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/16/2011
From: Wrona D J
License Renewal Projects Branch 2
To: Firestone C
State of PA, Dept of Conservation and Natural Resources
Regner L M, 415-1906
PNDI No. 21136
Download: ML11230B346 (10)


UNITED NUCLEAR REGULATORY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555-0001 September 16, 2011 Mr. Chris Firestone Pennsylvania Department of Conservation


Dear Mr. Firestone:

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or the staff) is reviewing an application submitted by Exelon Generation Company, LLC (Exelon), for the renewal of the operating license for Limerick Generating Station, Units 1 and 2 (Limerick).

Limerick is located in Limerick Township of Montgomery County, PA, and is approximately 35 miles upriver of Philadelphia.

The application for renewal was submitted in a letter dated June 22, 2011, pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) Part 54. The NRC has established that, as part of the staff's review of any nuclear power plant license renewal application, a site-specific Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) to its "Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants," NUREG-1437, will be prepared under 10 CFR Part 51, the NRC's regulation that implements the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended. The SEIS includes an analysis of pertinent environmental issues, including endangered or threatened species and impacts to fish and wildlife.

This letter is being submitted under the provisions of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended, and the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act of 1934, as amended. Limerick is a two-unit site with forced-circulation General Electric boiling-water reactors.

The facilities consist of the reactor enclosures, turbine enclosures, cooling towers, electrical substations, independent spent fuel storage installation, Schuylkill River Pumphouse, and spray pond. Additional facilities are the cooling-tower blowdown discharge line and associated structures, which are submerged immediately downriver from the Schuylkill River Pumphouse.

The Limerick plant site contains a total of 645 acres, including 491 acres in Montgomery County and 154 acres in Chester County. The proposed action includes the use and continued maintenance of existing plant facilities and transmission lines. See Enclosures 1 -5 for figures of the facilities and transmission lines. Exeion states that it has no plans for refurbishment or replacement activities to support renewal of the operating licenses.

As part of the SEIS preparation, the applicable transmission line corridors will be reviewed.

The Limerick transmission system is comprised of the transmission lines and associated structures from the three main power transformers of Limerick Unit 1 to the Limerick 230-kV Substation, and the three main power transformers of Limerick Unit 2 to the Limerick 500-kV Substation:

both SUbstations are located on the plant site. The system also includes the substations, C.

-transmission lines, and associated structures to connect Limerick to the regional electricity grid, including: two 230-kV lines, designated 220-60 and 220-61, connecting the Limerick 230-kV Substation to the Cromby Substation located at Exelon Generation's Cromby Generating Station; one 230-kV line, designated 220-62, connecting the Cromby SUbstation to the North Wales Substation and the regional electricity grid; one 230-kV line connecting the Cromby Substation to the Plymouth Meeting Substation and the regional electricity grid, consisting of: One segment, designated 220-63, connecting the Cromby Substation to the Barbadoes Substation; and One segment, designated 220-64, connecting the Barbadoes Substation to the Plymouth Meeting Substation; and one 500-kV line, designated 5031, connecting the Limerick 500-kV Substation to the Whitpain Substation and the regional electricity grid. Additionally, the transmission system includes the rights-of-way (ROWs) for the transmission lines. These ROWs were either pre-existing at the time Limerick was built (Le., the lines are being shared with other linear features that were already in place) or were added in conjunction with construction.

The system is basically the same as originally constructed.

See Enclosure 5 for an overview of the transmission line ROW routes, which traverse Montgomery County and Chester County. The four offsite 230-kV lines exclusively serve Limerick, Unit 1, and the one offsite 500-kV line exclusively serves Limerick, Unit 2. Exelon states in the LRA, U[e]ven though these lines were constructed solely to serve the Limerick units, it is anticipated that some or all of these lines would continue to be used for transmitting electriCity produced by other generating sources even if the Limerick operating licenses are not renewed." PECO, the energy delivery subsidiary of Exelon Corporation serving retail customers in southeastern Pennsylvania, owns in fee the offsite substations and a portion of the transmission line ROWs associated with the transmission system. A significant portion of the transmission system is located over or under highways, streets, other public places or property owned by others, for which PECO has permits, grants, easements, or licenses.

To support the SEIS preparation process and to ensure compliance with Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act, the NRC requests a list of species and information on protected, proposed, and candidate species and critical habitat that may be in the vicinity of Limerick and its associated transmission line ROWs. The applicant, Exelon, corresponded with your office by letter dated January 19, 2011. You replied by letter dated March 9, 2011 (PNDI Number: 21136), with a list of plant and terrestrial invertebrates species, and natural communities and geologic features potentially occurring in the vicinity of the plant and its associated transmission line ROWs. To avoid any duplicaton of effort, you may confirm that the list previously provided to Exelon from your office is still current rather than compiling a new list. If any information is C. Firestone -3 not current, please provide any applicable updates. Both the January 2011 letter from Exelon and the March 2011 letter from The Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources are enclosed for your reference.

In addition, please provide any information you consider appropriate under the provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act. The NRC staff plans to hold two public license renewal overview and environmental seeping meetings on September 22, 2011, in the area of Limerick.

The first session will be held in the afternoon and an identical session will be held later that evening. Both sessions will be held at the Sunnybrook Ballroom, 50 North Sunnybrook Road, Pottstown, PA 19464. The afternoon session wi" be from 2:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. and the evening session will be from 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. In addition, the NRC plans to hold a one hour Open House prior to each meeting to answer public questions.

You and your staff are invited to attend the public meetings and Open House. Your office will receive a copy of the draft SEIS along with a request for comments.

The anticipated publication date for the draft SEIS is August 2012. The Limerick license renewal application is available on the internet at If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Mrs. Lisa Regner, License Renewal Project Manager, by phone at 301-415-1906 or bye-mail at

frr-David J. Wrona, Chief Projects Branch 2 Division of License Renewal Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket Nos. 50-352 and 50-353


As stated cc w/encls: Listserv Exelon. Legend NAD 1____.....0.. _

U....,Unit_US T<DI&-' __ 1145_ Exelon Generation -* County Boundary Figure 2.1-1 LGS Plant Site Boundary CI Property Boundary _

  • Municipal Boundary Exelon Generation o 2500 Ft Radius Exclusion Area Limerick Generating Station -+-Conrail Line lirnelicl<


Montgomery Coumy. PA Enclosure 1

11nc:h .150 feel Exelon. Figure 3.1-4 Cooling Tower Blowdown Diffuser Location Cooling Tower Slowdown Line Exelon Generation

_I Diffuser Pipe tJ County Boundary Enclosure 2

N A 2 4 b!mI!l!l* llmeliclc Generation Station @ State Route Exelon. -'""'" ESIil :IJlOO ___ _ ,

lJriMf U'"t Foot US Figure 2.1-3 6-Mile VICinity Map* Perldomen Pump/loU$!l U.S. Highway Exelon Generation o 6-Mile Radius -:., County Boundary Limerick Generating Station llmeliclc Township, Mol'llgomery Counl)', PA Enclosure 3

N A New York Pennsylvania Maryland a 15 3() i!!.....,!!!

.. Exelon. .!.::!.SI!mt

  • Umerick Generation Station o Otlaware River Basin f,iiD Sub-Basins Figure Delaware River Exelon Umerick Generating limeriel<


Montgomery PA Enclosure 4

lin =2 miles Exelon. Legend

  • SUbstatiOn

,.,.Cromby.Balbadoes 220-63 Figure 2.1-6 LGS Transmission Une Route Map 230 IcV VOltage Ba/badoes.PtymMeeting 220-64 Exelon Generation Limerick Generating station ,." Umerick-Croml>y 22().60 Une SOO leV Voltage ."**.Umerick-Cromby 22().61 Une At?

5()31 Line H CroInby-N wales 221).62 Line & Chester Counties.

PA Enclosure 5

Michael P. Gallagher, PE Nuc1ear V\ce Pres:dent .p;',f.lW.e

,\o:,eloncor cxenSe Projects fY'1\cr ac\\agher

@*xE'10no)fp COPl Exelon 2(10 Fxdon \f.;ay i} -F January 19, 2011 Ms. Chris Firestone Pennsylvania Department of Conservation

& Natural Resources Bureau of Forestry -Plant Program Forest Advisory Services P.O. Box 8552 Harrisburg, PA 17105-1673 Renewal of Operating Licenses for Limerick Generating Station, Units 1 and 2 Request for Information on Listed Threatened and Endangered Species Dear Ms. Firestone; In mid-2011, Exelon Generation Company, LLC (Exelon Generation; a subsidiary of Exelon Corporation) plans to apply to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for renewal of the operating licenses for Limerick Generating Station, Units 1 and 2 (LGS). The existing license for Unit 1 will expire on October 26, 2024 and the existing license for Unit 2 will expire on June 22,2029. The renewal term for each unit would be an additional twenty years beyond the existing license expiration date. The NRC requires that license renewal applications include environmental reports assessing potential environmental impacts from license renewal activities.

One such impact would be effects of license renewal activities on threatened and endangered species that are listed or proposed for listing in accordance with the Endangered Species Act (ESA) (16 USC 1531, et seq.) (10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii){E>>.

Accordingly, we are contacting you to obtain input for use in addressing these effects in the LGS license renewal environmental report. Later, NRC may also request an informal consultation with your office consistent with Section 7 of the ESA (16 USC 1536(a>>. Project Features LGS existing features that are relevant to the effects of license renewal on threatened and endangered species include the following; Enclosure 7

Ms. Chris Firestone January 19, 2011 Page 2 of 4 The LGS plant site, which hosts the two generating units, is located on Exelon Generation-owned properties that are mostly situated in Limerick Township.

Montgomery County, but some of which are in the adjacent Lower Pottsgrove Township, Montgomery County or directly across the Schuylkill River in East Coventry Township, Chester County. The LGS makeup water supply system, which conveys water from approved sources to LGS for use in its circulating water system, is composed of the following components: The Perkiomen Pumphouse, located in Graterford Township, Montgomery County, and an associated underground 7.6-mile long Perkiomen LGS pipeline; both are located along an easement held by Exelon Generation within an electrical transmission line right-of-way (ROW) controlled by PECO, a subsidiary of Exelon Corporation; The Bradshaw Reservoir and Bradshaw Pumphouse, which are both situated in Plumstead Township, Bucks County, on Exelon Generation-owned properties totaling 42 acres; The Bedminster Water Processing Facility, which is situated in Bedminster Township, Bucks County, on a 3-acre Exelon Generation-owned property; and An underground water transmission main, which is routed within a natural gas pipeline ROW along an easement held by Exelon Generation that runs from the Bradshaw Pumphouse to the East Branch Perkiomen Creek by way of the Bedminster Facility.

The buried Perkiomen Pumphouse-to-LGS water pipeline and the underground water transmission main are located below ground within ROWs that exist for other purposes, and their operation requires no independent vegetation management or ground disturbing activities along these ROWs. Hence, these underground components of the makeup water supply system are assumed to have no effects on threatened and endangered plant species. The LGS transmission system is composed of the following components: Two electrical transmission lines constructed to connect the LGS main power transformers with two onsite electrical substations (these components are located on the LGS plant site); and Four 230-kiioVolt (kV) and one 500-kV electrical transmission lines, with associated structures and offsite electrical substations, constructed to connect the onsite electrical substations to the regional electricity grid. All offsite substations and transmission lines are operated by PECO and are located in ROWs situated in Montgomery and Chester Counties either on PECO-owned properties or on properties for which PECO holds pennits, grants, easements, or licenses.

On site transmission lines traverse only land that was disturbed during initial station construction.

Figures 1 through 9 showing the locations of the existing LGS project features are provided in Attachment


Ms. Chris Firestone January 19, 2011 Page 3 of 4 Activities During the License Renewal Terms LGS license renewal will involve no new construction, refurbishment, ground disturbing activities, changes to operations, or changes to existing land-use conditions.

Operation and maintenance activities during the terms of the renewed LGS licenses are only expected to occur in previously disturbed areas or existing ROWs. Hence, no new adverse impacts to threatened and endangered plant species are anticipated from license renewal. Identification of Threatened and Endangered Species Resources Using the Pennsylvania Natural Diversity Inventory (PNDI) Environmental Review Tool, a based application sponsored by the Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program (PNHP), Exelon Generation has reviewed the potential for the LGS plant site area and the properties associated with the LGS makeup water supply system to adversely affect known occurrences of species or natural communities of concern. Receipts for PNDI search #s 20100421240174 (LGS plant site), 20100421240163 (Perkiomen Pumphouse area), 20100406237563 (Bradshaw Reservoir and Pump house area), and 20100407237630 (Bedminster Water Processing Facility area) are attached (Attachment 1). One "Special Concern Species" was identified for the LGS plant site: tooth-cup (Rotala ramosior).

The responses for the other project sites stated that no impact is antiCipated to threatened and endangered species and/or special concern species or resources.

Given the sizable acreage and distances associated with the LGS transmission line corridors, no PNDI searches were conducted for this project component.

For review by your office in identifying species of concern, we instead offer the figures in Attachment 3 showing the routes and widths of the corridors.

A review of the PNHP web site for state-listed endangered and threatened species indicates that numerous state-listed plant species could occur in Montgomery, Chester, and Bucks Counties.

The enclosed Attachment 2 contains a list of these species. One perennial orchid species, the small whorled pogonia (lsotria mede%ides), state-listed as endangered, with Chester County as its recorded location, also is federally-listed as threatened.

Although the American Holly (/lex opaca), which is state-listed as threatened, was observed on the LGS plant site in 1978, Exelon Generation is not aware of the recent presence of any state-listed plant species on or near the properties associated with LGS and its associated transmission lines. Also, Exelon Generation and PEeO adhere to regulatory requirements regarding sensitive areas that could contain state-listed threatened and endangered plant species and work closely with your department to protect these resources.

Because license renewal involves no new construction, refurbishment, ground disturbing activities, changes to operation, or changes to existing land use conditions, Exelon Generation does not expect LGS license renewal to adversely affect threatened and endangered plant species located near the LGS plant site, makeup water supply system, or transmission system ROWs. Nevertheless, we are requesting your help to identify issues we may have overlooked that need to be addressed in the LGS license renewal environmental report. We are also interested in learning of any information your staff believes could help expedite the NRC's review of the LGS license renewal application.

Hence, in closing, we would appreciate receiving a response from you detailing such issues and information for the LGS plant site, makeup water supply system and transmission system. We would also welcome your confirmation of our conclusion that LGS license renewal would not adversely affect threatened and endangered plant species.

Ms. Chris Firestone January 19, 2011 Page 4 of 4 Because we plan to incorporate a copy of your response, as well as this letter, into the LGS license renewal environmental report that will be submitted to the NRC as part of the LGS license renewal application, your response will be most helpful if we receive it by March 10, 2011. Please call Nancy Ranek (610-765-5369), our License Renewal Environmental Lead, jf there are questions or you require additional information. Michael P. Gallagher


Attachment 1: Receipts for PNDI Search #s 20100421240174,20100421240163, 20100406237563, and 20100407237630 Attachment 2: Threatened and Endangered Plant Species that could occur in Montgomery, Chester, and Bucks Counties Attachment 3: Figures Depicting LGS Project Features (Figures 1 through 9)

Ms. Chris Attachment January 19, Page 1 of ATTACHMENT Receipts for PNDI Receipt for PNDI Search # 20100421240174, Limerick GS ............................... Receipt for PNDI Search # 20100421240163, Perkiomen Pumphouse

............... Receipt for PNDI Search # 20100406237563.

Bradshaw pump ...................... Receipt for PNDI Search # 20100407237630, Bedminster WPF......................

Ms. Chris Firestone Attachment 1 January 19, 2011 Page 2 of 19 PNDJ Project EnviroNDcntaJ Review Receipt Project Search ID: 20100421240114

1. PROJECT INFORMATION ProjfId Name: Limwtck GS Dale 01 nwtew: GiI201G 4:33:'" PM Project Category.

EM"' ...... Production, and T......,e ....... Produdion i........,))tucIur Power P.... -.........nce. mocIftcaltoft.

01' tocpIIMIon Project ArM: 41"8 acres County: ChIaRw,Montgolnery I!Ut COWItIIry.u""""LOWW' POIlSgrOW Quadrangle Name: PHOENIXVILLE

.. ZIP Code: 11415,1.....

2. SEARCH Agency Results PA Game CofrtIrUI6on PA Department at Conset\IaIJon FURnER REVIEW IS REQUIRED.... and Natural Reeources AfI!!!CY 1tlI!....FURTHER REVIEW 18 REQUIRED.

_ !P!!r"po!!!!No Known Impact As ......... Nabnf IrwenbY CPNDI) ffICIOfd!a k1dicIIeII

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Ms. Chris Firestone Attachment 1 January 19. 2011 Page 3 of 19 PNDI Project ED"ironmental Re".iew Receipt Project Search lIT. 20100421240114 Noie hat ,.."111 oIPNDf...-h


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V.. 3. ACENCV COMMENTS ....01 ..........

DeP pIm'IIit .. Me.lliry 10r I'lIa proposed pqect. .." impIdBlO .........a'IdIcr IJ)llC.'illllconoIm II*'iII8If'1d mUll be 1eIiOIved!lOMe c;;a--. * .,.,... or.....izaiIorI iom..jurisdIc:tonaI agency fNIV be needed If EKtreI'8e 10 IIeee apeeiII'Ie and haIIitat&

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No ImpaCt is ...."...., 6:1 thnNJIInId anci spedea: IlIf'IdoIor

&p8CfaI conoem specitsand PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Ii IllUi iii II fin ilU: ; u {Ilii .. .... l:I i.1 hU i.. 11 I'n.; Ilnf it U. ,..1,.1 i 1 I" 11 8 l Ii ti 1-If .. II** til !p ,.* '" .Ur q J!il! I II tlil d 1 i if* I III ILl 1 'I r I it Q'i nil i -( i 0 t. i --:r 2l fl Jl t* f . I . . 2 f i l B 1'1' Ifi!J Ii ltl! I \ f II it * ....<.1 i I. fJ.i I. ".'1 a.I... .. 111 'll 1<<' :.. 'I f.l.J i I.. ,". Ii) II Jill r l If . II .*il I m J 'J" Ill-i f II.. "1' I I: , .. L t-.J 0 I I ; l ihi f § .--C ::r '"'0 cu ?i ::!.S cu-<cu(/l'3 St i tit I _co Oil -J (1) ->. ::r :;. :. +"

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Ms. Chris Firestone Attachment 1 January 19, 2011 Page 5 of 19 PNDI Project En"iroomental Review Receipt If>: iOUM142124fl174 cw..."'......"+:H.fa..........._ ....U eopydlftlll Pro;eet RfIIifeW 0IIWd Pf!QjIICt.1M wcett m sltltlli'ld...,am bt _Pft$!tCt Ioc8tICn 1nIamiaIroI. (name ofOSGS ...._USGS 70uiJctar1Qla


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if.............-rt in the prQjact 111M. pnMdI pn:Iject ...tIKlwing lIS 1IIeaIOrI 01..prefeCt feaiJfu. ..wei fII WfIIandt ItId ...".. _The DEP perm\ll(1)

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For QItII8'""PoIenIIaf ImpId" to_

......oouId be IIAJIntlad to DEP along with the Pro receipt. a OOft'iJ'Il_d PNDI bin..... USGS 7.5 mfnuiIII map.tln 1MprojIa bc:iI.nSa..liIInaill.1I OI!I the map. The PNOI Receipt..,....., be to IOdhdiOI. (II'Itt. PNDI AeeIIipt.

OEP 1II'Id1he 8ifi!inC\'.'" WOftr: 1'8IOM11he See lie DEP PHDI Pi*J at tJII&tIltortt!t!W


"."ft.1IL Ms. Chris Firestone Attachment 1 January 19, 2011 Page 6 of 19 Projoof Saaroi. It>: 20100411240174

5. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The PNOt ...w.w......15 8 ..........

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found CJI'l h PA NaIUraI HiIrit:Ivt Program (PNHP) honw page AIfiO f'IIDI81hst

..PNOI i:JwtroIlftl8l1i1s1 Aewrew Toci only irtblilliliun aboUt IJIIIda fa hiNe adIUIIIy bMn to ..PNHP. 6. AGENCY CONTACT INFORIIAnON PA Department of CorIMn'atioft and u.s. FIaft and WId..Natural Resources Enc.....,.iId 9t.HiiJU cI Foruly, E!cDt9c-SecIon 315 SCUIh.AIten SiJNt SlAt 322, SIIIID 4OO ......1710&8552 NO r::....fl'IeaR. Fsx:(7'17)

Tn-0211 PA FlIIh iIIId Boat Coi.Iii"tMon OMsioncfEtwifOi


...., CIf'Wlkllf8 450 Lane, BaI.1Dnte., PA 16823-7437 0MIi0n d EmilallIl...... and Hab1iat NO F__PiaaMt z001 EIMeI1on .......... p;,., 171't04197 Fu:(111) 7&7-8951 7. PROJECT CONTACT INFORMATION ,t PqeSofS Ms. Chris Firestone Attachment 1 January 19,2011 Page 7 of 19 PNDI Project Environmental Review Receipt Project Search ID: 20100421240163

1. PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name: Pwklo...... Pumphou.. Date of review. 4121120104:16:12 PM Project category:

Energy Storage, Production.

and Tranefer,Energy Production (generatlon).NucJaar Power Plant -maintenance.

modfflcdon, or expansion Project Area: 3.5 acres County: Montgomery T ownshJp/MunicipaUty:

Perklomen Quadrangle Name: COLLEGEVILLE

-ZIP Code: 19428 Decimal Degrees: 40.215811 N. *75.451022 W

2. SEARCH RESULTS Agency PA Game Commission Results No Known Impact Response No Further Review Required PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources PA F"1Sh and Boat Commission No Known Impact No Known Impact No Further Review Required No Further Review Required U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServIce No Known Impact No Further Review Required As IIUITW1UIrtz.d above, Pennsylvania Natural OMnity Inventory (PNDI) indicate no known Impacta to th....tened and species endIor special conc:em IPeciea and I'8IOUrcet WIthIn the projecl8lU.

llMnfore, baed on the Infonnalon you pl'OYlded.

no further coordination

.. required with lie juI1tdIctIonaI agencies.

This reaponte does not refted potential agency c:oncems regarding Impecl8 to other ecological reIIOUrcn, IUCh at wetlands.

Page 1 014 Ms. Chris Firestone Attachment 1 January 19, 2011 Page 8 of 19 PNDI Project Environmental Review Receipt Project Search ID: 20100421240163 Note that regan::tlets or PNDlseard1 retUta, pn:Ij<<:tI requiring.

Chapter 105 OEP IndMduaI pennit or GP 5, 6, 1,8,9 or 111n C8I1IIn coLrrtlea (Adat'nt, Berks, Bucks, Carbon, Chester, Cumberland.

Delaware, Lancastet, Lebanon. lehigh, Monroe. Montgomery.


SdtuytldR and Yode) rmm comply with the bog turtle habitat acreenIng requirements of the PASPGP. 3. AGENCY COMMENTS Regardless of whether a DEP pennit Is neceaury for !his proposed project. any potential impeclts to threatened and endangered spedaa and/or &pedal cont$ftlllpeCie$

and f8IOt.a'C8S must be with the approprlata jurisdictional agency. In 1!101'111!1 cases, a permit or authoI1zatIon from the jUl1sd1c:tional agency may be needed If ac:foIenIe impacts 10 the8e apecies and habitats cannot be 1VOIded. TheSe agency detenninatiorMJ am responses are valid for one year (fI'Om the date oflhe review). and are based on the project information that was provided, lndudilg the exact project location; the project type, deaaiptlon, and features; and any responses to questions that were gerteI'8UK'J during this search. It any 01 the following change: 1) prqect location.

2) project size or conftguratk:ln.
3) proJect type, or 4) I'88pon8eS to the questions that were asked dlMing 1he online review. the results of this review are not valid, and the review muat be aeatChed again via the PNOr Envin:lnmental Revfew Tool and /'Mtbnltfed 10 the jurfsdidional agencies.

The PNOI toot is a primary screening tool, and a desktop I"8'IIiew may reveal more or fewer Impacts than what Is Bated on this PNOI receipt PA Game Commission RESPONSE:

No Impact is anticipated to threatened and endlll'lgeAld sped.. and/or special concem specie. and resources.

PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources RESPONSE:

No Impact Is anticipated to thI'eatened and endangenlld 1IP8d-and/or lpeclal coneem sped_ and 1'elSCU1'C8S.

PA Fish and Boat Commission RESPONSE:

No Impeet Is anUdpated to threatened and endangered spedes andIOt special (;.(')/'IC8m species and 1'I!I$OUI'C8S.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service RESPONSE:

No impacts to fItderaItv listed or proposed spedet are anticipated.


no further conauIIatIonICOOI'dtnation under the Endangered Spedet Ad. (87 Stat. 884, a8 al'n8"ldad; 16 U.S.C. 1631 sf seq. Ia requiAJd.

Becauae no bike of fedeaIIly IIsIBd species 18 aotIdpated, none Is auft1Of'lZed.

ThIS response dOes n01 I'8fIect polantlal Fish and Wildlife Service coneems under the FISh and Wildlife CoordIt'atIon Ad. or other authorities.

4. DEP INFORMATION The Pa Oepariment of Envtronmental Protadion (DEP) require. that aligned copy of rhIa recaipt, along With any required documentation from Jurisdictional agendet conceming retOlutton of potentlal be SUbmiUed with applications for permits reqUiring PNOt rwiew, For cases where 8 "Potentlellmpact" to threatened and endangered aped..has been identified before the application has been IUbmItted to OEP. ttteapplk:atlan shOUld not be submitted unUl the impact has been retOIved.

For C8IIH where -Potential Impact" to tPed8f concern species and f8SOll'C88 hat been identified before the application has been eubmlaed.

the application Page 2 014 Ms. Chris Firestone Attachment 1 January 19, 2011 Page 9 of 19 PNDI Project Environmental Review Receipt Project Search ID: 20100421240163 should be 80bmIlIed 10 DEP along wiIh the PNDI receipt. 8 completed PHDI form and a USGS 7.5 minute qLl8drangle map wWt the project boI.mdaries delneated on the map. The PHDI Receipt shedd allO be submitted 10 the appropriata agency according to directions on the PNDI ReceIpt. DEP and the jUmdictional agency will work tDgethef to resolve the potentlallmpact(S).

see the DEP PND' policy at hllp:Jlwww.naluralheritagg.ItatI*(

Page 3 of.

Ms. Chris Firestone Attachment 1 January 19, 2011 Page 10 of 19 PNDI Project Environmental Review Receipt Project Search ID: 20100421240163

5. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The PNOI environmental review website Is a preliminary screening tool. There are oft8n delays WI updating species status clauiflc:allons.

Because the proposed status represents the best available Information regardklg the COf'ISMV8IIon stalu$ of the species. state jurildictionaf agMCy staff glWIlhe pmposad statuses at least the same ccnslderatlon as the current legal status. If surveys or flnher information I'f:I\Ie8l Chat a threatened and endangered andfor special ooncem .pedes and resources 8ldst In your prcjec:t area. contact the appmpt1ate jUrisdictional agency/agendes immediately to identify and resotve any inpacts. For a list of species knoWn to occur In the COtM'ItY where your proiect 1& located, please see the species IitM by county found on the PA Natural Heritage Program (PHHP) home page (

Also note Chat the PHOI EtMronmentaI Review Tool only contains Information about $p8Cie$ OCCumtnC88 thai have adualIy been reported to the PNHP. 6. AGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION PA Department of Conservation and u.s. Fish and Wildlife Service Natural Resources Endangl:ln!d Species SectIon Buraau at Forestry.

EcoIogicaf Setvices SectIon 315 South Allen Street. Suite 322, state Collage. PA. 400 Market Street. PO Box 8552, Harrisburg, PA. 16801-4851 17105-8552 NO Faxes Please. Fax:(717) 772-0271 PA Fish and Boat Commiuion PA Game Commlaaion Division of EnvItonmenI8l SeMca Bureau of \NIkIife Habitat Management 450 Robinsan Lane, Bellefonte.

PA. 16823-7437 DlvlIIOn of Environmental Planning and Habitat Protection NO Faxes Please 2001 E1menon Avenue, Hantsbufg.

PA. 17110-9797 Fax:(717) 787-6957 7. PROJECT CONTACT INFORMATION

8. CERTIFICATION I certify that AU of the project information contained In this racelpt (including project Iocallon.

project slzeJconfIguratlon.

project type. answers CO qlJ88tlons)

IS true. accurate and complete.

In addition.

If the project type, location, size or configuration changes. or If the answers to any questions that were asked d\.I1ng thiS Page4of4 Ms. Chris Firestone Attachment 1 January 19, 2011 Page 11 of 19 PNDI Project Environmental Review Receipt Project Search ID: 20100406237563

1. PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name: Bradshaw"pump Date of review; 4181201 0 3:53:37 PM Project category:

Energy Storage, Production, and Transfer.Energy Production (generatfon),Nuclear Poww Plant -main.nance, rnodItIcation, or _pan.1on Project Area: 38.5 acres COunty: Bucks Townshlp/Municipality:

PlumstHd Quadrangle Name: LUMBERVILLE

-ZIP Code: 18947,18801 Decimal Degrees:

N, -75.093140 W Degrees .... *7 2. SEARCH RESULTS Agency Results Response PA Game Commission No Known Impact No Ft.W1her Revfew Required PA Department of Conservation No Known Impact No Fwther RevieW Required and Natural Reaowces PA Fish and Boat Commission Potent.llmpact FURTHER REVIEW IS REQUIRED, 8M Agency R..pon** U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service No Known Impact No Further Review Required , As Nnf'I'8riz8d above. PennaytvanIe Natural DIYendly Inventory (PHOI) 1'8CQrd$ Indfcate ttl.". may be patenlllli impads to thniNiUled

.-xl endangered 1I'tdI0I tpIIdaf collC8fn apeciM and reeotJI'CeI wIttIln the 1IAI8. " ttl. JWpOII" IbcMt IndIcaIiH

  • No Further ReWIw Required" no additional communiCation with .... respecIve agency .. required.

If the resp(lnH i8 "FUt1her RevIew Required'" t:K "See f9;Incy RNporw... refer to the appropriate aganc;y comrnentII below. PIe... see1he OEP InformeUon s.cIIon of this ntceIpt If. PA Department of Environmental Protection Permit is rwquired.

P8..,81of5 Ms. Chris Firestone Attachment 1 January 19, 2011 Page 12 of 19 PNDI Project Environmental Review Receipt Project Search ID: 20100406237563 Nota that regardless of PNDI search results, projectr.

requiring a Chapter 105 OEP individual permit or GP 5, 6, 7,8.9 or 11 in certain t:OUnties (Adams, Berka, Bucks, Carbon. Chester, CumbeIIand, OeIawaAt, Lancaster, Lebanon, lehigh. Monroe. Montgomery.


Schuylkill and Yortt) must comply with l'Ie bog IuI1Ie habitat screening requirements of the PASPGP. RESPONSE TO QUESTION(S)

ASKED Q1: AccI.nteIy describe what Is knoWn about wetland presence In the projeCt 81M or on the land parcel. -Project'" Indudes ell features of the project (Indudlng roads. utility linea. outfall and Intake struc:::tures.

web, stormwater refentionJdetentfon baeins, pertdng Iota. cfriIteways.

lawns. atc.). as wei as aM 8I8OCIated II'I"IPIIdB (e.g** temporary staging ..... wen ..... temporaty road crossings.

areas lUtJject 10 grading or dearing. etc.). Include all aru. that will be or temporatfJy affected -either directly or indIrectty

-by MY type 01 disturbance (e.g .* land clearing.

grading. free removal, tIoodlng, etc.). Land parcel :; the Iot(s) on which some type of projed(s) or actlvity{s) are prDpOUd to occur

  • Your answer Is: 2. The project ..... (or parcel) Ita not been IfWMtIptICI by 10m...quaun.d to identify lind del,.... wetlands, or It '-cul'ntf1lly unknoWn If the project or proJIM:t actMtI..wi/I .rfect wetlands.

Q2: Aquatic habitat (stream, riVer, lake, pond, etc.) is located on or adjacent to the subtect property and project adMtie. (induding discharge) may occur within 300 feet of these habitats Your answer is; 3. Unknown 3. AGENCY COMMENTS Regardless of Whether a OEP permit 1$ necesury for this proposed project. any potemla Impacts to threatened and endangered species and/or special concem species and resources must be resolved with the appropria1e jurisdictional agency. In some cases, a permit or authorization from the jurisdictional agency may be needed if adVerSe Impacta to these spedes and habitats cannot be avoided. TheM agency detefmlnationa and responses are valid for or.-year (from the da\8 cAlha revtew). and ant based on Ile project Information that wa. pnMdad. induding the exact project location; the project type, and features; and any ruponae$ to queetiona

\hat went generated during Ihia search. If any of the following change: 1) project location, 2) pojed Jize or configuration, 3) project type. or..) to the questicna that were asked during the online nwIew, the resuttt of this nwtew are not 'l/alkl, and the I'WYIew must be searched again via the PNOI En\Ifronmental Review Tool and resubmitted to the lufl$diCtionai aganeiea.

The PHDI tool is a primary acreering tool. and a deaktDp review tIUIy ",veal mere or fewer If'I'IP8(:1a than what lelisted on thi$ PHDI receipt. PA Game Commission RESPONSE:

No Impact III antIelpated to ttnatened and endangentd species and/or apeoIal concem epedes and resourcea.

PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources RESPONSE:

No Impact Is anticipated to threatened and endangered sped. and/or special concern species and I'8SOtWC8s.

PA Fish and Boat Commission Page 2015 Ms. Chris Firestone Attachment 1 January 19. 2011 Page 13 of 19 PNDI Project Environmental Review Receipt Project Search ID: 20100406231563 PFBCSpec"':

Scientific Name: Sensitive Common Current Status:

Proposed Status: Special Concern RESPONSE:

Further reVieW of this project I, neceasary to fMOtve the potential impects(s).

Please send ptCjectinformation to this agency for I'OIIkIw ($OG WHAT TO SEND). u.s. Fish and Wildlife Service RESPONS E: No impacts to fldll'Jlly listed or proposed species are anticipated.

Therefore, no further consuItation/c:oordinationunder the Endangered Spedes Act (87 Stat 884, as amanded; 16 U.S.C. 1531 et eeq. Is required.

Because no take t1 federally lintd spades Is antIcipat8d.

nOll8 is authorized.

This response does not reflect potential Fish and Wildlife Servke concern. under the Fish and Wikllife Coordination Act or oCher autI'Iodties.

,. SpecfaI Coneem Species or Resource

  • Plant or animal species clasaHled
  • I1Ire. twItatMJIy UI"Idefem1Ined or candidate as wei as other taxa of conservatJon concern, stgnI1k:ant natl.nJ coml1U'lltles, special eoncem populations (plants or Irimafa) and unique geologic features* ... SensItMl Spedet -Specie$ identIftad by the Jurlsdlctlnal agency sa coIledItIIe, having economic value. or being suaceptible to dadine 85 a result of \/isitetion.

WHAT TO SEND TO JURISDICTIONAL AGENCIES If proj4Ict Informatton wu requested by on. or mora of the agencln 1boYe, send the foUowtng infonnation to the ageney(s) seeking this tnfcfmation (see AGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION).

Cbtck...of IIIn1mum .......fA be

_SIGNED copy of this Project environmental Review Receipt _Project narrative wIh a description of the overall project. the work to be performed.

CU'I'8tIl physical characteristics of the site and acreage to be Impacted.

_Project lOcation Intormallon (name of USGS Quadrangle.

TownShIplMunk:ipaIHy, n County) _USGS 7.5-mlnute Quadrangle with project boundary ete,arty indicated.

and quad name on the map TM Inch_Ion of the following Infonnatlon

.., expedite the "",lew

_Asite plan(partlcularly Showing the relationship d the project to the physical features wetlands.

streams. ponc:ItJ.

rodI: outcrope. _Color photoll keyed to the basic site plan Q.e. showing on Ile sits ptan where and In what direction phofD was taken and the date of the _Information about the presence and Iocaticn of Mtlands In the project area, .-xi how this was (e.g.. by a qoaIIfied wetlands bioIogi$t).

if wetlands are present In the project area, proYIde project pfanI showing the location of all project at wei. wetlands and stream. _The DEP permit(s) required forthla pl'Oject Page3of5 Ms. Chris Firestone Attachment 1 January 19, 2011 Page 14 of 19 PNDI Project Environmental Review Receipt Project Search ID: 20100406237563

4. DEP INFORMATION The Pa Department of Environmamat Protection (DEP) nlqUires that a signed copy of this receipt. aJong -will any required doCUmentation from jlJlilclctlonal agencies concerning resolution d potential Impacts, be submitted wfth applications for permits requiring PNOt revi$W'. For caMS whele a "Potantiallmpad" to threatened and endangered species ha been identified before the application hal been aubmmed to DEP. 1he application

$houId not be submitted untIlltla Impact has been reAOlved.

For caHS whent *Potsntlaf to apedal ooncam species Md n!ISOI..ItCtS has been id<<llllled before the applfc8tion tIN been aIDnitted, the appIicalon should be subrnllted to DEP along with Ihe PNDI receipt.

  • campleWld PNDI form and
  • USGS 7.5 minute quadrangle map with the project boonda.... delneated on the map. The PNOi Receipt ShOuld also be submitted to the appropriate agency according to dlrecUons on the PNDt Recelpt DEP and tie jul1ldldlonal agency wfIj work together to rNOIve !he potentlallmpact(s).

See the DEP PNDf polley at http://www.natytaIIwjtage

&tate PI LII* Page 40f 5 Ms. Chris Firestone Attachment 1 January 19, 2011 Page 15 of 19 PNDI Project Environmental Review Receipt Project Search ID: 20100406237563

s. ADDITIONAL INf=ORMATION The PNDI envtronmef'ltaj revIeW website Is a preliminary ecreenIng tool. There are often delays in updating species status daalficatloos.

Because the proposed status represents the best available information regarding the conservation ata1Us of the species. state jlM'iedidionai agency staff the proposed statuses at least the same consideration It the current legal status. tf lUlVeys or further Informatlion reveal that a thn!atenecI and endangered and/or special c:oncem spedes and rascuces exist In '1CU project .... contact the appropriate jurisdlctional agency/agencies Immediately to Identify and resotve any Impac:ts.

For a list 01 species known to occur In the county where your projec:t ,.Iocated, pINte see the species lilts by county found on lie PA Natural Heritage Program (PNHP) home page (

Also note that the PNOI EnvIronmental RevIeW Tool only contains information abolIt specles occurrences that have actuaJy been reported to the PNHP. 8. AGENCY CONTACT INFORMAnON PA Department of COnservation and U.S. Flah and Wildlife Service Natural Resources Endangered Species Sedion Bureau of Forestty.

Ecological Setvices Section 315 south Allen StrHt, SUIte 322. State CoDege. PA.. 400 Market Street. POBox 8552. HarriSburg, PA.. 18801-4851 17105-8552 NO Faxes Please. Fax:(717) 772-OV1 PA Fish and Boat CommiAlon PA Game Commission OMsion of Environmenfaf Services Bureau of Wildlife Habitat Management 450 Robinson Lane, Bellefonte, PA.. 16823-7431 DMiion of Envlronmentai Planning and Habitat Protection NO Faxes Please 2001 Bmertorl Averue, Haniaburg.



8. CERTIFICATION , c.uty thai ALL of the projeCt information contained In this (InclUding project location, Protect size/configUration.

projed type. answats to question.)

is true, accurate and complete.

In addition.

If the project type, loCation, site or conIIgureUon change** or if the anawers to any questions that were asked dl.ling this anI... _ .... ....

project ptoponeot signature Page Sof 5 Ms. Chris Firestone Attachment 1 January 19, 2011 Page 16 of 19 PNDI Project Environmental Review Receipt Project Search ID: 20100407237630

1. PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name: Beclmlnater_WPF Date of review: 41112010 10:02:31 AM Project Category:

Energy Stonge, Production, and Tranefer,Energy Production (generatlon).Nuclear Power Plant -maintenance, modification, or expanalon Project Area: 2,. acres County: Bucks TownahlplMunlcipality:

Bedminster Quadrangle Name: BEDMINSTER

-ZIP Code: 18947 Oedmal Degrees: 40.399023 N. -76.158205 W

______'-" 2. SEARCH RESULTS Agency Results Response PA Game Commission No Known Impact No Further Review Required PA Department of Conservation No Known Impact No Further Review Required and Natural Resources PA Fish and Boat Commission No Known Impact No Further Review Required U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service No Known Impact No Further Review Required As sunvnarlzed above. Pennsyllfania Natural Diver8ity Inventory (PHDI) records Indicate no known Impacts to threatened and endangered species and/or special concern species and relKlUfCeS wtIhIn th. protect area. Therefore.

based on the Information you provided, no fulther coordination 18 required with the jurIscIctionaI agencies.

Thta tWpOIlM does not refIecI potential agency concerna ,.rding Impacts to other eccIogIcaI resources, such u wetlands.

Paga1of4 Ms. Chris Firestone Attachment 1 January 19, 2011 Page 17 of 19 PNDll>roject Environmental Review Receipt Project Search ID: 20100407237630 Note that regardless of PNDI H8f'doI results, prqecta teqUiring a Chapter 105 OEP Intlvidual pennit or GP 5, 6, 7. 8, 9 or 11 In certain counties (Adams. BerM. EIucke. Carbon, CheAIr. Cumberland, Delaware.

Lebanon, lehigh. Monroe. Montgomery.


Scnuytkil and YOI1c) mult comply wtth 1he bog habitat screening requirements of the 3. AGENCY COMMENTS Regardless of Whether

  • OEP permit Is necessary for this proposed projed, any potenttaJ impacts to threatened and endangwed species snj/or epecIal concern species and resources must be reaoIYed wi1h the appropriate jurlsdk:tianal agI!III'l(:y.

In some caaes. a P<<mit or authorization from the jul'lSdietlonllagency may be needed if adverse imp8d8 to these species and habitats eamot be 8VOIdad. TheM agency determinations and respc:HlIieS are vaUd for one y.NIr (from the date of the nMew), and are on the project information that W8$ provided.

induding \he exact project 1OC8IIon; the pt1lject type.

and features; and any responses to quett/Ont that wen; generated during this HiItth. If any of the change: 1} prqea 1ocatJon.

2} project si!e or configuration.

3) Pf'Ojecttype.

or 4) retponHS to the quHtions were asked during the online review, the resuh ofthie review are not valid. and the,.vIeW must be again via the PNOI Environmental RevIew Tool and resubmltl8d to the jUrisdidlonal agencies.

The PHDI tool is primary screening tooi. and a desktop review may teveill more or fewvr ImpactB than What is listed on thi8 PA Game Commission RESPONSE:

No Impact is ent\clpatld to thrutentld end endangenKi spedes ..ctor special CtlrlOIm specIe$ and resources.

PA Deparbnent of Conservation and Natural Resources RESPONSE:

No Impact 1$ anticipated to threatened and endangered specieS and/or special COI1C*n specie$ and resotJl'C88.

PA Fish and Boat Commission RESPONSE:

No Impact Is anticipated to threatened and endangered species and/or special concern species and resources.

u.s. Fish and Wildlife Service RESPONSE:

No Impac:;ta to ftdIraIlK fisted Of proposed apeciN are anticipated.

Therefore, no ful1her COI'\$Uft8tIon/clOordlneUon under the Endangered Ad (81 Stat. 884. as amended; 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq . .* required.

Because no take cI tederaly IItted anUclpated.

none Is authorized.

this responII4I does not reflect potential Fish and Wildlife Service concerns under the FISh iInd Wildlife Coordlnelon Act or authorities.

4. DEP INFORMATION The Pa Department of Environmental Protection (OEP) requires that
  • signed C09Y of tJ1s receipt, along with any requirad documenIatlon from Iurlsdidional concerning resoIutton or potentIallmpact&, be umltted with applicatfons for permits requiring PNDI review. For caMS where * "Potential Impact" to threatened and endangeNd 1peCi..has been identified the application haS bMn submitted to DEP. the applie&tIon should not be submitted lnIil the impact has been l'8$OIved.

For cases where -PotentiaJ Impact" to speciat concem speciea and resources has been identified before the application has been submltled.

the application Page 2 014 Ms. Chris Firestone Attachment 1 January 19, 2011 Page 18 of 19 PNDI Project Environmental Review Receipt Project Search ID: 20100407237630 shoYld be submitted to DEP along with the PNDt receipt. a completed PHDI form and a USGS 7.5 minute quadrangle rNIP with the proJect bou.ndarie$

deineatItd on the map. The PNDI Receipt should also be aubmIUed to the appropriate agency acc:ordIng to dlredIons on the PNDI Receipt. DEP and the jUrisdictional agency will work togettIerto I'tIOlvefhe potentIallmpact(a).

See the OEP PNDI policy at !lUP1fWWW.!.1ItlQIht!1tag

....Pl.UI. Page 3 014 Ms. Chris Firestone Attachment 1 January 19, 2011 Page 19 of 19 PNDI Project Environmental Review Receipt Project Search ID: 20100407237630

5. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The PNOlerwtronmental revieW website Is a prvIlmlnary saeenIng tooL There are often delaye in updating spedes status da&IificatIons.

Becausa h proposed $talus represents the best available infotmation regarding the conserva1lon I1atUI of the apecift. state juI1s<IctionaI agency staff (ItIe the propoeed statosea at least the same conaiderdon at the eutr.nt legalltatul.

If IUMI)'I or tunher infofrnati<ln reveal that a Ihreetaned and endangered and/or special concern .....and reeourcea exist In yotM' protect ..... contact the appropriate juri&dic:tlonal agency/agencies Immediately to Identify and tesOIw any inpacts. For a !at d spedes knoWn to occur In the colJ'lty Where your project ia located, pIeue Me the spede. lifts by county foIMJd on the PA Natural Heritage Ptogfam (PNHP) home page (

). Also note that the PNOI Environmental RevIew Tool only contains information about species occurrencee that have adUaty been reported to the PNHP. 6. AGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION PA Department of Conservation and U.S. Fish and Wild"" ServIce Natural Resources Endangered Species Sectton Bureau of FOf8SIJy, Ecological Sefvicee Section 315 South Allen Street, Suite 322, SCste College. PA. 400 Marital Street, PO Box 8552. Harrisburg, PA. 16801-4851 17105-8552 NO Faxes Please. Fax:(111) n2-027t PA Fish and Boat Commission PA Game Commission OMskln at Envln:lnmentlll Services 450 Robinson L.ane, Bellefonte, PA. 16823-1431 Bureau of Wllclife Habitat Management DMsIon of Environmental Plenrmg and Habitat Proledion NO Faxes Please 2001 E)nerton Avenue. Harrisburg, PA. 17110-9191 Fax:(711) 187-6951 7. PROJECT CONTACT INFORMATION

8. CERTIFICAnON I certify that ALL of the project Infonnallon contelned in this receipt (including project 1ccttIon.

projId size/configuration, project Iype, answers to questions)

Is true, accurat& and complete.

In addition, If the project type, Iocallon, sl2e or conftguratic:ln chenges. or If the answers to any q\MlStion$

U'lat were 8Iked cUing this



'age 4 014 Ms. Chris Firestone Attachment 2 January 19, 2011 Page 1 of5 ATTACHMENT 2 State-Listed Endangered and Threatened Species Ms, Chris Firestone Attachment 2 January 19, 2011 Page 2 of5 Attachment 2 Threatened and Endangered Plant Species that could occur in Montgomery, Chester, and Bucks Counties Counties with Scientific Name Common Name Federal Status State Status Recorded Location Agalinis auriculata Eared False-foxglove

-Endangered Montgomery, Chester, Bucks Ammanian coccinea Scarlet Ammannia -Endangered Bucks Arabis missouriensis Missouri Rock-cress Montgomery Arethusa bulbosa Swamp-pink

-Endangered I Chester Aristida purpurascens Arrow-feathered Three Threatened Chester, Bucks Awned Arnica acaulis Leopard's-bane Endangered Chester Asplenium bradleyi Bradley's Spleenwort

-Threatened Chester Bidens bidentoides Swamp Beggar-ticks Threatened Bucks Boute/oua curtipendula Tall Gramma Threatened Chester Carex a/ata Broad-winged Sedge Threatened Bucks Carex bicknellii Bicknell's Sedge Endangered Chester, Bucks Carex bullata Bull Sedge Endangered cks Carex crinita var. brevicrinis Short Hair Sedge Endangered Chester, Bucks Carex po/ymorpha Variable Sedge Endangered Chester Carex prairea Prairie Sedge Threatened Bucks Carex sten'/is Sterile Sedge Threatened Montgomery, Bucks Carex tetanica A Sedge Threatened Chester, Bucks Carex typhina Cattail Sedge Endangered Montgomery, Chester, Bucks Cerastium arvense var, Serpentine Chickweed Endangered Chester villosissimum


/axum Slender Sea-oats Endangered Bucks Chrysopsis mariana Maryland Golden-aster

-Threatened Chester, Bucks Cirsium hOffidulum Horrible Thistle -Endangered Chester Clematis viorna Vase-vine Leather-flower Endangered Chester Cyperus diandrus Umbrella Flatsedge

-Endangered Chester, Bucks Cyperus refractus Reflexed Flatsedge

-Endan", Montgomery, Bucks Cyperus retrorsus Retrorse Flatsedge

-Endangered Bucks Dodecatheon radicatum Jeweled Shooting-star Threatened Montgomery Echinochloa walteri Walter's Barnyard-grass

-Endangered Bucks Eleocharis obtuse vaL Wright's Spike-rush Endangered Bucks peasei --Eleocharis parvula Little-spike Spike-rUSh Endangered Bucks E/eocharis quadrangulata Four-angled Spike-rush Endangered Bucks Elephantopus carolinianus Elephant's foot Endangered Chester Ellisia nyctelea Ellisia Threatened Montgomery, Ms. Chris Firestone Attachment 2 January 19, 2011 Page 3 of 5 Threatened and Endangered Plant Species that could occur in Montgomery, Chester, and Bucks Counties Scientific Name Common Name Federal Status State Status Counties with Recorded Location Chester, Bucks Epilobium strictum Downy Willow-herb Endangered Montgomery.

Bucks Eriophorum gracile Slender Cotton-grass Endangered Montgomery, Bucks Eriophorum tenel/um Rough Cotton-grass Endangered Chester Eriophorum viridicarinatum Thin-leaved Cotton-grass Threatened Bucks Euphorbia ipecacuanhae Wild Ipecac Endangered Bucks Euphorbia purpurea Glade Spurge Endangered Chester Eurybia spectabi/is Low Showy Aster Endangered Bucks Euthamia tenuifolia Grass-leaved Goldenrod Threatened Montgomery, Bucks Festuca paradoxa Cluster Fescue Endangered Chester Fimbristy/is annua Annual Fimbry Threatened Chester Gaylussacia dumosa Dwarf Huckleberry Endangered Montgomery.

Chester Glyceria obtusa Blunt Manna-grass

-Endangered Montgomery Helianthemum bicknellii Bicknell's Hoary Rockrose Endangered Chester, Bucks Heteranthera multiflora Multi-flowered Mud-plantain Endangered Bucks Hypericum majus Larger Canadian St. wort Threatened Chester lIex opaca American Holly Threatened Chester, Bucks Iris prismatica Slender Blue Iris Endangered Montgomery, Chester, Bucks Iris verna Dwarf Iris Endangered Bucks Isotria medeoloides Small-whorled Pogonia Threatened Endangered Chester Juncus dichotomus Forked Rush Endangered Montgomery.

Chester, Bucks Juncus scirpoides Scirpus-like Rush Endangered Montgomery, Chester, Bucks Juncus torreyi Torrey's Rush Threatened Chester Unum intercursum Sand plain Wild Flax Endangered Montgomery.

Chester, Bucks Ustera australis Southern Twayblade

-Endangered Chester Listera cordata Heart-leaved Twayblade Endangered Bucks Lobelia kalmii Brook Lobelia Endangered Montgomery Lobelia puberula Downy Lobelia Endangered Chester Lycopodiella alopecuroides Foxtail Clubmoss Endangered Bucks Lycopodie/la appressa Southern Bog Clubmoss Threatened Bucks Lycopus rubellus Bugleweed

-Endangered Bucks Lyonia mariana Stagger-bush Endangered Montgomery, Chester, Bucks Ms. Chris Firestone Attachment 2 January 19,2011 Page 4 of5 Threatened and Endangered Plant Species that could occur in Montgomery.

Chester, and Bucks Counties Scientific Name Common Name Federal Status State Status Counties with Recorded Location Magnolia tripeta/a Umbrella Magnolia -Threatened Chester, Bucks Magnolia virginian a Sweet bay magnolia -Threatened Montgomery, Chester, Bucks Myriophyllum farwellii Farwell's Water-milfoil Endangered Bucks Myriophyllum heterophylJum Broad-leaved Water -milfoil Endangered Bucks Nymphoides cordata Floating-heart

-Threatened Bucks Panicum amarum var. amarulum Southern Sea-beach Panic-grass -Threatened Bucks Panicum scoparium Velvety Panic-grass

-Endangered Chester, Bucks Parnassia glauca Carolina Grass-of-parnassus Endangered Bucks Phemeranthus teretifolius

    • Round-leaved Fame-flower Threatened Chester Phyllanthus caroliniensis Carolina Leaf-flower

-Endangered Chester Poa autumnaJis Autumn Bluegrass

-*dangered Chester, Bucks Poa paludigena Bog Bluegrass

-reatened Chester Polygala cruciata Cross-leaved Milkwort -Endangered Montgomery, Chester, Bucks Polyga/a curtissii Curtis's Milkwort -Endangered Chester Polygala incarnata Pink Milkwort -Endangered Chester Polystichum braunii Braun's Holly Fern -gered Bucks Populus balsamifera Balsam Poplar -Endangered Montgomery Potamogeton pulcher Spotted Pondweed -Endangered Bucks Potentilla paradoxa Bushy Cinquefoil Endangered Montgomery Prunus maritima Beach Plum Endangered Montgomery, Bucks Pte/ea trifoliata Common Hop-tree -Threatened Bucks Ptilimnium capillaceum Mock Bishop-weed

-Endangered Bucks Pycnanthemum torrei Torrey's Mountain-mint

-Endangered Bucks Quercus falcala Southern Red Oak Endangered Montgomery, Chester, Bucks Quercus phellos Willow Oak -Endangered Chester, Bucks Ranunculus fascicularis Tufted Buttercup Endangered Montgomery, Chester Rhamnus Ian ceo lata Lance-leaved Buckthorn Endangered Chester Rhexia mariana Maryland Meadow-beauty Endangered Chester, Bucks Rhynchospora capil/acea Capillary Beaked-rush Endangered Bucks Sagitta ria calycina var. spongiosa Long-lobed Arrow-head Endangered Bucks Scaphiopus holbrookii Eastern Spadefoot Endangered Bucks Schoenoplectus smithii Smith's Bulrush -Endangered Bucks Scleria minor Minor Nutrush Endangered Chester Sc/eria muehlenbergii Reticulated Nutrush Endangered Chester Ms. Chris Firestone Attachment 2 January 19, 2011 Page 5 of 5 Threatened and Endangered Plant Species that could occur in Montgomery, Chester, and Bucks Counties Scientific Name Common Name Federal Status State Status Counties with Recorded Location Scleria pauciflora Few Flowered Nutrush Threatened Montgomery, Chester, Bucks Sedumrosea Roseroot Stonecrop

-Endangered Bucks Sericocarpus linifo/ius Narrow-leaved White-topped Aster -Endangered Montgomery , Chester, Bucks Sisyrinchium atlanticum Eastern Blue-eyed Grass Endangered Chester, Bucks Sparganium androcladum Branching Bur-reed Endangered Bucks Spiranthes romanzoffiana Hooded Ladies'-tresses Endangered Montgomery Spiranthes vernalis Spring Ladies'-tresses Endangered Montgomery, Chester Sporobo/us heterolepis Prairie Dropseed Endangered Chester Symphyotrichum depauperatum Serpentine Aster Threatened Chester Symphyotrichum novi-belgii New York Aster Threatened Montgomery, Bucks Triphora trianthophora Nodding Pogonia Endangered Montgomery , Chester, Bucks Triplasis purpurea Pu rple Sandgrass

-Endangered Bucks Trollius laxus Spreading Globeflower Endangered Bucks Utricularia intermedia Flat-leaved Bladderwort Threatened Bucks Utricularia radiata Small Swollen Bladderwort Endangered Bucks Vernonia glauca Tawny Ironweed Endangered Montgomery, Chester Viburnum nudum Possum-haw Endangered Montgomery, Chester, Bucks Viola brittoniana Coast Violet Endangered Bucks Note: --in the Federal Status column signifies that the species is not a federally-listed species.

Ms. Chris Firestone Attachment 3 January 19, 2011 Page 1 of 10 ATTACHMENT 3 Figures Depicting LGS Project Features Figure 1 LGS Plant Site Property Boundaries Figure 2 Perkiomen Pumphouse Figure 3 LGS Makeup Water Supply System Figure 4 Bradshaw Reservoir and Bradshaw Pumphouse Properties Figure 5 Bedminster Water Processing Facility Property Figure 6 Limerick to Cromby 230 kV Transmission Line Route Figure 7 Cromby to North Wales 230 kV Transmission Line Figure 8 Cromby to Plymouth Meeting 230 kV Transmission Line Route Figure 9 Limerick to Whitpain 500 kV Transmission Line Route Ms. Chris Firestone Attachment 3 January 19, 2011 Page 2 of 10 o 875 1.7 50 Exelon. J.til!ml Exelon Generation -* County Boundary .::I Property Boundary --Municipal Boundary <::) 2500 Ft Radius exclusion Area -+-Conrail Line N.4D 1933 9a1a?lane I1nnS)4va,..

Soui'! FrojttCbon:

larril&rt Confotn"IaJ Conic Total E.ton Genetal:iOfl-OWlled property.645._ Figure 1 lGS Plant Site Property Exe!on Limerick Generating Lrneock TownShip, Courly, PA Ms. Chris Firestone Attachment 3 January 19, 2011 Page 3 of 10 U93$TDpogr&phic

.. Foot COIegovrlle,I;oo Exetcn. NrAO 1983 Sibte Ptane PennS)trtarua South.!.!.IHwI Projection Larrtlart Conformal ConIc unu, Unl: Foot US[!]Pumphouse Lotalion Figure 2 Perkiomen Exelon Umerick Generating L,mencl< Township.

Montgomery County, PA Ms. Chris Firestone Attachment 3 January 19, 2011 Page 4 of 10 i ' \ ' , " .1II......:., CoI_ \..... D..,Nn ,,' ......_.

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'. East Brnnd1 )

Main (8.1 miles) --"'7; 1,; ( Bradshaw Res&rvior and Bradshaw Pumphouse

",': Combined Transmission Main ........ (2.4milos) . POlrt Pleasanl , Pump Stabon " " .. ),\ '-" ......

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\.::u.n \. '\ \. o 10 20 b!a!m!I Exelon.

  • Pumphouse

'" Schuylkil lIIRtershed Figure 3 LGS Make up Water

'-Umerick Ganarating Station -_. Transmission Mains c'J Populated Ar_ ;' i County Boundary R<<9rence ESRI2Ill9 SlI'ul. and Roads SCtull lin**, Unt Fool US K..yMepNOI ... Supply System Exelon Generation Limerick Generating Station Umenck TownshlD, Montgomery County. PA Ms. Chris Firestone Attachment 3 January 19, 2011 Page 5 of 10 2,00) ExeIon.

LIMbt"** 19:98_.'.'.191lr1


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LIM. U,II:; foctut: Figure.$ Bradshaw ReselVoir Ehdshaw Pumphouse Exelon Umerick Ge nerating Umeridt Montgomery COU1IY. PA Ms. Chris Firestone Attachment 3 January 19, 2011 Page 6 of 10 Exelon. .b!W!!.ll!

c:J Boundary Una." Uns* Fc(!t us Figure 5

\/\later Processing Facility ExeJon limerick Generating limerick Township.

MontQomery County, Ms. Chris Firestone Attachment 3 January 19, 2011 Page 7 of 10 Limerick 230 kV (Exelon Generation)

Rasfsnce: o 0.5 1 ESRt 2003 Streets and Road'll 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;i;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiMiles ESRI 2C03 Lakes and Rtwets: Exelon. NAD 19n Salt Pl:ane Penn&)tt;VMa SOoth 1 in = 1 miles Lalfi:lerl Con(OrT'l"eJ C.omc """" 230 kVVoltage

<1 Municipal Boundary "'" ltmerick-Cromby 22G-60 line

  • interstate Highway N Llmer.::k-Crumby 22G-61 line US Highway
  • Substation (PO'M:Rmap 2009) 0 Stale Road Un/: Foot US Figure 6 Umerick to 230 kV Transmissioo Line Exelon Umerick Generating limenc!< TownSflIP.

Montgomery County.

Ms. Chris Firestone Attachment 3 January 19, 2011 Page 8 of10 o 2 4 'i!!!!!!!!Iiiiiii;iii!!!!!!!!!!!!i;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiles 1 in" 2 miles .!.!9!!::!Q Exelon.

llOear Un!, Foot us 230 IN V0l1llQ. <r Municipal Boundary Figure 1 Cromby to North Wales ,..., Cromby-N VIIaIes 22()"62 Line

  • lnIerstate HigtlWay 230 kV Transmissioo line Exelon Generatioo
  • Substation

(?OVVERmap 2009) U$ Highway Umerick Generating Station* State ParkS (DCNR 2009) o StateRoad limenck Township, Montgomery County. PA Ms. Chris Firestone Attachment 3 January 19, 2011 Page 9 of 10 Exelon. ....D 1983 State Piane Soutrl 1 Inch :;;; 2. miles'rt19rt COdof!'\".GiM lJ,.,atUnt foot uS notcO:n1!t1T'Je(J.I.!!a!!J9 230 kV Vobg.

  • State Parks (DCNR 2()09) Figure 8 Cromby to Plymouth Meeting /'V Cromby-PI;,mMeebng 220-<13
  • Interstate Highway 23O-kV Transmission Line Route <fIV Cmmby-Pl;,mMeeong 220-<14 U.S. Highway Exelon Generation Limerick Generating Station
  • Substation (PO'M:Rmap 2009) 0 State Road Lllnerick Township.

County. PA Ms. Chris Firestone Attachment 3 January 19, 2011 Page 10 of 10 !!!!lliiili!!!!!Ii;;;;;i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Miles 2 4 Exelon. 1 in =2 miles J.til!llil 600 kV Volta;_ q Muricipal Boundary ",..., lJmenck-lMlitpain 5031 line

  • interstate H,ghway
  • S...t>stat,on (POVIIERmap 2009) 0 US H,gnway
  • State Parks (DCNR 20(9) 0 State Rood I\I.f.o 15:83 Satt Pian. ?nnqIYanhl SoU'lh Prnjectih:m:

L.attbet1 COniC lJtle.. lJr>1 fOOliJS Figure 9 Limerick to 500 kV Transmission L.ine Exelon Umerick Generating BUREAU OF FORESTRY March 9, PNDI Number: 21136 Michael P. Gallagher, PE Exelon Nuclear 200 Exelon Way KSA/2-E Kennett Square, PA 19348 Renewal of Operating Licenses for Limerick Generating Station, Units 1 and 2 Chester, Montgomery, & Bucks Counties

Dear Mr. Gallagher,

Thank you for your submission of the Pennsylvania Natural Diversity Inventory (PNDI) Environmental Review Large Project Number 21136 for review. PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources screened this project for potential impacts to species and resources of concern under DCNR's responsibility, which includes plants, terrestrial invertebrates, natural communities, and geologic features only. No Impact Anticipated PNDI records indicate species or resources of concern are located in the vicinity of the project. However, since the renewal does not involve new construction, refurbishment, ground disturbance, changes to operations or existing land use conditions, DCNR has determined that no impact is likely to occur to species of special concern under our jurisdiction as a result of this project. For your information, we have included details on the species of special concern which are known near the rights of way of the LGS transmission corridors.

If plans change to include earth disturbance in these locations, please coordinate with us further. Limerick to Cromby 230kV Transmission Line Route Rotolo romosior (Tooth-cup, PA Rare): habitat is described in Plants of PA, by Rhoads and Block as wet, sandy shores and other swampy open ground; flowers July-Sept.

Tooth-cup is known in a wet wooded stretch along the west side of the Schuylkill River. Cyperus schweinitzii (Schweintiz's fiatsedge, PA Rare): habitat includes dry or moist sand flats and dunes; flowering and fruiting time is mid-summer to early fall. Schweinitz's flatsedge was found in association with Tooth-cup in a wet wooded area along the west side ofthe Schuylkill River. Arabis miss(iuriensis (Missouri rock-cress, PA Endangered):

habitat includes dry slopes; flowers early June. Missouri rock-cress was found nearby in a dry forested slope with scattered outcrops of Brunswick red shale. If work is planned (especially ROW widening) in the future for the eastern Limerick -Cromby 220-60 Line, please coordinate with us further, Arabis patens (Spreading rock-cress, Currently Unlisted, Proposed PA Threatened):

habitat is moist, rocky woods; flowers April-July.

Spreading rock cress was found nearby in a shaded NW-facing rock face. Cromby to North Wales 230kV Transmission Line Route Enclosure 7 conserve sustain enjoy p.o, Box 8552, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8552717-787-3444 (fax) 717-772-0271 dcnr.state,pa, us PNDI Number: 21136 Arabis patens (Spreading rock-cress, Currently Unlisted, Proposed PA Threatened):

habitat is moist, rocky woods; flowers April-July.

Spreading rock cress was found nearby in a shaded NW -facing rock face. Iris prismatica (Slender Blue Iris, PA Endangered):

habitat is moist meadows and sandy or gravelly shores; flowering time is late May-June.

Slender blue iris was found nearby in gently sloping land, open with scattered red maples in a mossy floodplain of the Perkiomen Creek. Ranunculusfascicularis (Tufted buttercup, PA Endangered):

habitat includes dry, think woods and exposed calcareious slopes and edges; flowers April-May.

Tufted buttercup was found nearby in a ridgetop glade near trails in a state park. Cromby to Plymouth Meeting 230kV Transmission Line Route Arabis patens (Spreading rock-cress, Currently Unlisted, Proposed P A Threatened):

habitat is moist, rocky woods; flowers April-July.

Spreading rock cress was found nearby in a shaded NW -facing rock face. Andropogon gyrans (Elliott's beardgrass, Currently unlisted, Proposed P A Rare): habitat is dry or moist fields or open woods; flowering time is September to October. Elliott's beard grass was found nearby in an old field. Cuscula campestris (Dodder, Currently Unlisted, Proposed PA Threatened):

habitat includes thickets and waste ground, parasitic on wild and cultivated hosts; flowers June-September, fruits July-October.

This dodder species was previously found in an old impounding basin, near the Schuylkill River.

Rotola romos;or (Tooth-cup, P A Rare): habitat includes wet, sandy shores and other swampy open ground; flowers July-Sept.

This population of Tooth-cup was found on an exposed mud flat and sandy-cobbly shores of seasonally flooded shallow basins. Limerick to Whitpain Meeting 500kV Transmission Line Route Ranunculus fasciculoris (Tufted buttercup, P A Endangered):

habitat includes dry, think woods and exposed calcareious slopes and edges; flowers April-May.

Tufted buttercup was found nearby in a ridgetop glade near trails in a state park. Iris prismatica (Slender Blue Iris, PA Endangered):

habitat is moist meadows and sandy or gravelly shores; flowering time is late May-June.

Slender blue iris was found nearby in gently sloping land, open with scattered red maples in a mossy floodplain of the Perkiomen Creek. This response represents the most up-to-date summary of the PNDI data flIes and is valid for oneQ..)xear from the date of this letter. An absence of recorded information does not necessarily imply actual conditions on-site. Should project plans change or additional infonnation on listed or proposed species become available, this detennination may be reconsidered.

Should the proposed work continue beyond the period covered by this letter, please resubmit the project to this agency as an "Update" (including an updated PNDI receipt, project narrative and accurate map). This finding applies to impacts to DCNR only. To complete your review of state and federally-listed threatened and endangered species and species of special concern, please be sure the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, PA Game Commission, and the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission have been contacted regarding this project as directed by the online PNDI ER Tool found at www.naturalheri!:1!

Sincerely, Rebecca H. Bowen, Environmental Review Manager FOR Chris Firestone, Wild Plant Program Mgt. Ph: 717-772-0258 conserve sustain enjoy

..---...Box 8552, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8552 717-787-3444 (fax) 717-772-0271 C. Firestone

-not current, please provide any applicable updates. Both the January 2011 letter from Exelon and the March 2011 letter from The Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources are enclosed for your reference.

In addition, please provide any information you consider appropriate under the provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act. The NRC staff plans to hold two public license renewal overview and environmental scoping meetings on September 22, 2011, in the area of Limerick.

The first session will be held in the afternoon and an identical session will be held later that evening. Both sessions will be held at the Sunnybrook Ballroom, 50 North Sunnybrook Road, Pottstown, PA 19464. The afternoon session will be from 2:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. and the evening session will be from 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. In addition, the NRC plans to hold a one hour Open House prior to each meeting to answer public questions.

You and your staff are invited to attend the public meetings and Open House. Your office will receive a copy of the draft SEIS along with a request for comments.

The anticipated publication date for the draft SEIS is August 2012. The Limerick license renewal application is available on the internet at If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Mrs. Lisa Regner, License Renewal Project Manager, by phone at 301-415-1906 or bye-mail at

Sincerely, IRA Lisa Regner fori David J. Wrona, Chief Projects Branch 2 Division of License Renewal Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket Nos. 50-352 and 50-353


As stated cc w/encls: Listserv DISTRIBUTION:

See next page ADAMS Accession Nos: Package: ML 11256A185 Letter: ML11230B346 Encls 1 --5: ML 11230B335 Encls 6 -7' ML 11256A192 OFFICE LA:RPOB:DLR PM:RPB2:DLR BC:RPB2:DLR NAME IKing LRegner(PCooper for) DWrona (LRegner for) 9/13/11 09/16/11 09/16/11 DATE OFFICIAL RECORD COPY


HARDCOPY L Regner E-MAIL: PUBLIC RidsNrrDlr Resource RidsNrrDlrRpb1 Resource RidsNrrDlrRpb2 Resource RidsNrrDlrRerb Resource RidsNrrDlrRarb Resource RidsNrrDlrRasb Resouce DLR_RPOB Resource RidsOpaMail RidsOgcMailCenter LRegner RKuntz PBamford MSmith,OGC EDiPaolo, RI NSieller, RI NMcNamara, RI DScrenci, RI NSheehan, RI