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APPROVED: Manager, Quality S/o-:1 Date Effective REVISION NO.25 ORIGINAL ISSUE: May 10, 1978 WASHINGTON PUBLIC POWER 44 SUPPLY SYSTEM 97osxsoaos 97oeo9P PDR ADOCK 050003'P7 P PDRQ

WA5MIMCTON tVILICJOWSL4PSUPPLYSYSTEMOPERATIONAL QUALITYASSURANCE PROGRAMDESCRIPTION PAGEREV.25LISTFEFFEIVEPAPAEREVISION251V1-1-1-132-1-2-43-1-3-24-1&4-25-16-1-6-37-1-7-28-1&8-29-1&9-210-1&10-211-1&11-212-1&12-213-114-115-1&15-216-117-1&17-218-1&18-2II-1-II-142525251810121212968-25060 (4/92)
WA5MIMCTON tVILIC JOWSL 4P SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE REV.25 LIST F EFFE IVE PA PA E REVISION 25 1V 1-1-1-13 2-1-2-4 3-1-3-2 4-1&4-2 5-1 6-1-6-3 7-1-7-2 8-1&8-2 9-1&9-2 10-1&10-2 11-1&11-2 12-1&12-2 13-1 14-1 15-1&15-2 16-1 17-1&17-2 18-1&18-2 II-1-II-14 25 25 25 18 10 12 12 12 968-25060 (4/92)
W*$HIMCTON tUSLIC tOWRR LP SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE REV.25 1-R ANIZATI~PR~P$E This section provides a description of the authorities and responsibilities assigned to Supply System organizational units and individuals involved in establishing, implementing, verifying implementation, and measuring the overall effectiveness of the administrative controls and quality assurance program during the initial testing (pre-operational and startup testing)and subsequent operations phases of Supply System nuclear power plants.1.2 PLY Y TEM R A IZATI The Supply System organization responsible for establishing, implementing, verifying'implementation, and measuring the overall effectiveness of the administrative controls and quality assurance program for its nuclear power plants is as depicted in Figures 1-1 and 1-2.Portions of these activities may be delegated to external organizations qualified to the requirements of this Operational QA Program, hereafter referred to as QA Program;however, the responsibility shall remain with the Supply System.1.3 MANA EMENT R PONSIBILITIES 1.3.1 The hief Execu ive fficer is responsible for the establishment of policies and for overall management of Supply System operations.
The Chief Executive Officer has issued a Management Statement which commits the Supply System to design, construct, and operate its nuclear power plants without jeopardy to the health and safety of the public.The Chief Executive Officer has the responsibilities as the Chief Nuclear Officer, is the ultimate Supply System authority on matters involving Plant Nuclear Safety and Quality, and appoints the members of the Corporate Nuclear Safety Review Board (CNSRB), including the Chairman and Alternate Chairman.The Chief Nuclear Officer operates through the Vice President, Nuclear Operations; Vice President, Operations Support/Public Information Officer;and Vice President, Administration/Chief Financial Officer, to provide for engineering, construction, procurement, quality assurance/quality control, and operations activities for Supply System nuclear power plants.'IIDS MANUAL IS CLASSIHED AS A LEVEL 2B DOCUMENT 968-25060 (4/92)W:iOgAm B~I.P~
W*$HIMCTONtUSLICtOWRRLPSUPPLYSYSTEMOPERATIONAL QUALITYASSURANCE PROGRAMDESCRIPTION PAGEREV.251-RANIZATI~PR~P$EThissectionprovidesadescription oftheauthorities andresponsibilities assignedtoSupplySystemorganizational unitsandindividuals involvedinestablishing, implementing, verifying implementation, andmeasuring theoveralleffectiveness oftheadministrative controlsandqualityassurance programduringtheinitialtesting(pre-operational andstartuptesting)andsubsequent operations phasesofSupplySystemnuclearpowerplants.1.2PLYYTEMRAIZATITheSupplySystemorganization responsible forestablishing, implementing, verifying'implementation, andmeasuring theoveralleffectiveness oftheadministrative controlsandqualityassurance programforitsnuclearpowerplantsisasdepictedinFigures1-1and1-2.Portionsoftheseactivities maybedelegated toexternalorganizations qualified totherequirements ofthisOperational QAProgram,hereafter referredtoasQAProgram;however,theresponsibility shallremainwiththeSupplySystem.1.3MANAEMENTRPONSIBILITIES 1.3.1ThehiefExecuivefficerisresponsible fortheestablishment ofpoliciesandforoverallmanagement ofSupplySystemoperations.
W*$HINGTOM tllILIC tOWCR 4P SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSMWNCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PhGE REV.1-2 25 1.3.2 The Vice President Nuclear rations reports to the Chief Executive Officer and is responsible for: a.Safe and efficient operation of Supply System nuclear power plants.b.Safe and successful completion of initial testing activities for WNP-2 (through the WNP-2 Plant General Manager).c.Establishing and monitoring maintenance systems common to operational nuclear power plants.d.Training of nuclear plant staff and support personnel.
TheChiefExecutive OfficerhasissuedaManagement Statement whichcommitstheSupplySystemtodesign,construct, andoperateitsnuclearpowerplantswithoutjeopardytothehealthandsafetyofthepublic.TheChiefExecutive Officerhastheresponsibilities astheChiefNuclearOfficer,istheultimateSupplySystemauthority onmattersinvolving PlantNuclearSafetyandQuality,andappointsthemembersoftheCorporate NuclearSafetyReviewBoard(CNSRB),including theChairmanandAlternate Chairman.
e.Development of programs and procedures to ensure uniform application at operational nuclear power plants.f.Radiological protection, fire protection, and radioactive waste management.
TheChiefNuclearOfficeroperatesthroughtheVicePresident, NuclearOperations; VicePresident, Operations Support/Public Information Officer;andVicePresident, Administration/Chief Financial Officer,toprovideforengineering, construction, procurement, qualityassurance/quality control,andoperations activities forSupplySystemnuclearpowerplants.'IIDSMANUALISCLASSIHED ASALEVEL2BDOCUMENT968-25060 (4/92)W:iOgAmB~I.P~
g.Engineering design and analysis support for WNP-2.To accomplish this role, the Vice President, Nuclear Operations operates through the Plant General Manager;Engineering General Manager;Manager, Nuclear Training;Corporate Chemist;and Corporate Radiological Health Officer. The En ineerin General Mana er reports to the Vice President, Nuclear Operations and is responsible for providing project engineering and design control, nuclear fuel supply, and maintenance/operation engineering support as required for WNP-2.The Engineering General Manager is specifically responsible for: ao Developing, maintaining, and implementing design control programs and processes by which plant design, and design changes, and modifications are defined, controlled, and verified.b.Developing and maintaining programs for in-service inspection, and materials and welding engineering.
W*$HINGTOMtllILICtOWCR4PSUPPLYSYSTEMOPERATIONAL QUALITYASSMWNCEPROGRAMDESCRIPTION PhGEREV.1-2251.3.2TheVicePresident NuclearrationsreportstotheChiefExecutive Officerandisresponsible for:a.Safeandefficient operation ofSupplySystemnuclearpowerplants.b.Safeandsuccessful completion ofinitialtestingactivities forWNP-2(throughtheWNP-2PlantGeneralManager).
C.Providing engineering support for technical resolution of nuclear safety and licensing issues.d.Maintaining a current engineering data base for WNP-2.968-25060 (4/92)WAOQhPSeclionl.PAA WAERIROTOR tUELIC tOWER 44 SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSUR&ICE PROGIUdrI DESCRIPTION PAGE 1-3 25 e.Implementing configuration control by establishing site-specific policy, procedures, and methods that allow control and accountability.
c.Establishing andmonitoring maintenance systemscommontooperational nuclearpowerplants.d.Trainingofnuclearplantstaffandsupportpersonnel.
Management of major plant modifications, major maintenance tasks, and contractor support, g The supply, engineering, and efficient in-core management of nuclear fuel.h.Transient analysis and licensing issue resolution to support technical specification changes and reload fuel licensing.
e.Development ofprogramsandprocedures toensureuniformapplication atoperational nuclearpowerplants.f.Radiological protection, fireprotection, andradioactive wastemanagement.
Reliability and availability analysis to improve plant performance, safety, and maintainability.
g.Engineering designandanalysissupportforWNP-2.Toaccomplish thisrole,theVicePresident, NuclearOperations operatesthroughthePlantGeneralManager;Engineering GeneralManager;Manager,NuclearTraining; Corporate Chemist;andCorporate Radiological HealthOfficer., NuclearOperations andisresponsible forproviding projectengineering anddesigncontrol,nuclearfuelsupply,andmaintenance/operation engineering supportasrequiredforWNP-2.TheEngineering GeneralManagerisspecifically responsible for:aoDeveloping, maintaining, andimplementing designcontrolprogramsandprocesses bywhichplantdesign,anddesignchanges,andmodifications aredefined,controlled, andverified.
k.Developing and maintaining fire protection programs.Training and qualification of engineering and technical support staff.The Engineering General Manager operates through the Manager, Design/Projects Engineering; Manager, Engineering Programs;Manager, Technical Services/Systems Engineering; and Manager, Reactor/Fuels Engineering.
b.Developing andmaintaining programsforin-service inspection, andmaterials andweldingengineering.
The Engineering organization and functional responsibilities of key personnel are described in Chapter 13 of the Final Safety Analysis Report for WNP- The Plant General Mana er for WNP-2 reports to the Vice President, Nuclear Operations and is directly responsible for safe and efficient operation of the plant in accordance with the requirements of the Operating License, the Plant Technical Specifications, and the Plant Procedures Manual.Some of the specific responsibilities of the Plant General Manager are: a.Planning, coordinating, and directing all test, operation, modification, inspection, maintenance, and refueling activities subsequent to the issuance of an Operating License.b.Authorizing all plant modifications subsequent to the issuance of-an Operating License.C.Qualifying and training plant staff.d.Ensuring calibrated measuring and test equipment (including installed instruments covered by the Plant Technical Specifications) is utilized at WNP-2.968-25060 (4192)W:>OQAPSeCtiOI5l.
C.Providing engineering supportfortechnical resolution ofnuclearsafetyandlicensing issues.d.Maintaining acurrentengineering databaseforWNP-2.968-25060 (4/92)WAOQhPSeclionl.PAA WAERIROTOR tUELICtOWER44SUPPLYSYSTEMOPERATIONAL QUALITYASSUR&ICE PROGIUdrI DESCRIPTION PAGE1-325e.Implementing configuration controlbyestablishing site-specific policy,procedures, andmethodsthatallowcontrolandaccountability.
P&A WASHINGTON tUII.IC tOWIR Lp sUpPLY SYSTHM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE 1-4 25 e.Dispositioning of nonconforming items, g h.Implementing the in-service testing program.Implementing a fire protection program.Off-Site Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM).The Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program and Bioassay Program.Environmental sciences function which performs nonradiological monitoring and fitness for duty chemical analysis.The Plant General Manager operates through the Operations Manager, Maintenance Manager, Plant Support Services Manager, and Planning/Scheduling/Outage Manager.The plant organization and functional responsibilities of key plant personnel are described in Chapter 13 of the Final Safety Analysis Report for WNP- The Mana er Nuclear Trainin reports to the Vice President, Nuclear Operations and is responsible for nuclear training policy and implementation, fire prevention and protection training, technical maintenance of the simulator to support operator training and testing, and training records management for nuclear plant operations.
Management ofmajorplantmodifications, majormaintenance tasks,andcontractor support,gThesupply,engineering, andefficient in-coremanagement ofnuclearfuel.h.Transient analysisandlicensing issueresolution tosupporttechnical specification changesandreloadfuellicensing. The o orate Chemis reports to the Vice President, Nuclear Operations and is g responsible for policy development, oversight, and integration of matters pertaining to chemistry at WNP- The o orate Radi lo ical Health fficer reports to the Vice President, Nuclear Operations and is responsible for the development and oversight of radiation protection policies and programs which support operation of WNP-2.The Corporate Radiological Health Officer provides support to WNP-2 through coordination of radiation protection projects and long range planning, program oversight, audits and evaluation of the Radiation Protection Program.1.3.3 The Vice Presiden i n Pu lie Inf rm i n fficer reports to the Chief Executive Officer and is responsible for the development and implementation of policies and programs which support operafion of Supply System nuclear power plants in the areas of: a.Quality Assurance program definition, implementation and effectiveness.
Reliability andavailability analysistoimproveplantperformance, safety,andmaintainability.
968-25060 (4/92)WAOQARScctioa1.PAh WATMIMOTOM TUII55C tOW5ll 4P SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE REV.1-5 25 b.Maintaining cognizance of changing regulatory requirements and providing controlled interface between the Supply System and regulatory agencies to assure that commitment documents receive the necessary degree and depth of reviews prior to transmittal.
k.Developing andmaintaining fireprotection programs.
c.Providing licensing support functions in such areas as acquisition and maintenance of nuclear power plant construction permits and operating licenses.d, Safeguards, physical plant security and fitness for duty.e.Emergency preparedness, safety and health.f.Procurement, inventory, spare parts engineering, vendor quality, and warehousing.
Trainingandqualification ofengineering andtechnical supportstaff.TheEngineering GeneralManageroperatesthroughtheManager,Design/Projects Engineering; Manager,Engineering Programs; Manager,Technical Services/
g.Reviewing in-house and external events for determination of cause and necessary corrective action to minimize potential for recurrence at Supply System nuclear facilities.
SystemsEngineering; andManager,Reactor/Fuels Engineering.
h.Establishing, managing, and administering the implementation and effectiveness of the Nuclear Safety Issues Program (NSIP).To accomplish this role, the Vice President operates through the Manager, Quality;Manager, Regulatory Affairs;Manager, Security;and Manager, Procurement.
TheEngineering organization andfunctional responsibilities ofkeypersonnel aredescribed inChapter13oftheFinalSafetyAnalysisReportforWNP-, NuclearOperations andisdirectlyresponsible forsafeandefficient operation oftheplantinaccordance withtherequirements oftheOperating License,thePlantTechnical Specifications, andthePlantProcedures Manual.Someofthespecificresponsibilities ofthePlantGeneralManagerare:a.Planning, coordinating, anddirecting alltest,operation, modification, inspection, maintenance, andrefueling activities subsequent totheissuanceofanOperating License.b.Authorizing allplantmodifications subsequent totheissuanceof-anOperating License.C.Qualifying andtrainingplantstaff.d.Ensuringcalibrated measuring andtestequipment (including installed instruments coveredbythePlantTechnical Specifications) isutilizedatWNP-2.968-25060 (4192)W:>OQAPSeCtiOI5l. p<<h Pd P dd,pp h Ppp IPIO dd directly responsible for the definition, direction, and effectiveness of the overall Quality Assurance Program during design, construction, and operation phases of all Supply System nuclear power plants.Major functions of the Quality organization are: ap Establishing and maintaining assurance programs, Nuclear Operation Standards, and directorate procedures which incorporate nuclear safety considerations and comply with the Quality Assurance (QA)criteria delineated in Appendix B to 10CFR 50.b.Assuring through reviews, surveillances, assessments, inspections, nondestructive examinations, and audits that Supply System and its suppliers'ctivities are being performed in a safe and legal manner in accordance with written and approved documents which comply with applicable requirements defined by the assurance programs and Nuclear Operation Standards.
P&A WASHINGTON tUII.ICtOWIRLpsUpPLYSYSTHMOPERATIONAL QUALITYASSURANCE PROGRAMDESCRIPTION PAGE1-425e.Dispositioning ofnonconforming items,gh.Implementing thein-service testingprogram.Implementing afireprotection program.Off-SiteDoseCalculation Manual(ODCM).TheRadiological Environmental Monitoring ProgramandBioassayProgram.Environmental sciencesfunctionwhichperformsnonradiological monitoring andfitnessfordutychemicalanalysis.
968-2$060 (4/92)WAOQAHScctica1.P&A IP A'44~%4 WA5MIMOCOM tO55IC tOW5M 4P SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGMAl DESCRIPTION PAGE 1-6 25 c.Assessing the overall effectiveness of assurance programs'mplementation, including evaluation of plant performance and reporting conclusions to the Chief, Executive Officer.d.Stopping unsatisfactory work and controlling further processing, delivery, or installation of nonconforming material.e.Establishing and maintaining adequate and qualified assurance staffing levels.f.Providing trending of deficiencies to identify areas where corrective actions have not minimized recurrence.
ThePlantGeneralManageroperatesthroughtheOperations Manager,Maintenance Manager,PlantSupportServicesManager,andPlanning/Scheduling/Outage Manager.Theplantorganization andfunctional responsibilities ofkeyplantpersonnel aredescribed inChapter13oftheFinalSafetyAnalysisReportforWNP-, NuclearOperations andisresponsible fornucleartrainingpolicyandimplementation, fireprevention andprotection
g.Establishing, maintaining, and controlling the Operational QA Program Description (WPPSS-QA-004) and the Supply System Functional Manual for Nuclear Operation.
: training, technical maintenance ofthesimulator tosupportoperatortrainingandtesting,andtrainingrecordsmanagement fornuclearplantoperations.
h.Certifying Supply System examination personnel for non-destructive examinations (NDE).Qualifying and certifying Supply System Audit Team Leaders, QC inspection and test personnel., NuclearOperations andisgresponsible forpolicydevelopment, oversight, andintegration ofmatterspertaining tochemistry atWNP-, NuclearOperations andisresponsible forthedevelopment andoversight ofradiation protection policiesandprogramswhichsupportoperation ofWNP-2.TheCorporate Radiological HealthOfficerprovidessupporttoWNP-2throughcoordination ofradiation protection projectsandlongrangeplanning, programoversight, auditsandevaluation oftheRadiation Protection Program.1.3.3TheVicePresideninPulieInfrminfficerreportstotheChiefExecutive Officerandisresponsible forthedevelopment andimplementation ofpoliciesandprogramswhichsupportoperafion ofSupplySystemnuclearpowerplantsintheareasof:a.QualityAssurance programdefinition, implementation andeffectiveness.
Acquiring and maintaining ASME Certificates of Authorization and/or.Owners Certificates.
968-25060 (4/92)WAOQARScctioa1.PAh WATMIMOTOM TUII55CtOW5ll4PSUPPLYSYSTEMOPERATIONAL QUALITYASSURANCE PROGRAMDESCRIPTION PAGEREV.1-525b.Maintaining cognizance ofchangingregulatory requirements andproviding controlled interface betweentheSupplySystemandregulatory agenciestoassurethatcommitment documents receivethenecessary degreeanddepthofreviewspriortotransmittal.
k.Ensuring that a written agreement with an Authorized Inspection Agency is obtained to provide for Authorized Nuclear In-Service Inspection Services.Administering the WNP-2 industry and in-plant operating experience programs.m.Providing the Independent Safety Engineering Group (ISEG)functions for assessing programs, processes and activities of various areas and operations that affect plant nuclear safety and reliability.
c.Providing licensing supportfunctions insuchareasasacquisition andmaintenance ofnuclearpowerplantconstruction permitsandoperating licenses.
n.Administering the nonconforming condition and corrective action processing including assisting the cognizant organization in evaluation and determination of the root cause for plant-related events.968-25060 (4I92)WAOQAHSectioal.PAA WAIIIINOTOII tUALIC tOWbb 4P SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSU1ULNCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE 1-7 25 The Manager, Quality has effective communication channels with all Supply System senior management positions and has no duties or responsibilities unrelated to quality assurance that would prevent his full attention to Quality Assurance Program matters.To accomplish the above defined role, the Manager, Quality operates through the Supervisor, Quality Services;and Supervisor, Quality Programs.The qualification requirements for this position are as described in Appendix I, Qualification Requirements.
d,Safeguards, physicalplantsecurityandfitnessforduty.e.Emergency preparedness, safetyandhealth.f.Procurement, inventory, sparepartsengineering, vendorquality,andwarehousing.
A management representative from the Quality Organization is a member of the Plant Operating Committee (see WNP-2 Technical Specification) and has sufficient authority and organizational freedom to identify problems;to initiate, recommend, or provide solutions; and to verify implementation of solutions.
g.Reviewing in-houseandexternaleventsfordetermination ofcauseandnecessary corrective actiontominimizepotential forrecurrence atSupplySystemnuclearfacilities.
The representative has no duties or responsibilities unrelated to quality assurance matters and has effective communication channels with all plant supervisory and management personnel.
h.Establishing, The Su rvisor ualit Services reports to the Manager, Quality and is directly responsible for performing internal Supply System quality assurance functions that are necessary to verify that the QA Program is being effectively implemented.
: managing, andadministering theimplementation andeffectiveness oftheNuclearSafetyIssuesProgram(NSIP).Toaccomplish thisrole,theVicePresident operatesthroughtheManager,Quality;Manager,Regulatory Affairs;Manager,Security; andManager,Procurement.
This includes maintaining a sufhcient number of qualified auditors to perform QA audits, as required.The Supervisor has the authority and responsibility to stop unsatisfactory work and control further processing, delivery, or installation of nonconforming material.When the unit is operating, the Supervisor may recommend that the unit be shut down;the Plant General Manager, however, has the final responsibility for the overall evaluation of all aspects and implications of shutting down the operating unit.Qualification requirements for this position is described in Appendix I, Qualification Requirements.<<hPdPdd,pphPppIPIOdddirectlyresponsible forthedefinition, direction, andeffectiveness oftheoverallQualityAssurance Programduringdesign,construction, andoperation phasesofallSupplySystemnuclearpowerplants.Majorfunctions oftheQualityorganization are:apEstablishing andmaintaining assurance
The Supervisor, Quality Services is specifically responsible for: a.Reviewing and concurring with programs, procedures, and/or instructions affecting safety, including changes thereto, to assure that applicable quality assurance requirements have been identified and specified therein.968-25060 (4l92)WAOQAPScctionl.PdN k k<<I'I 4 JI' wArmuorou ruruc rowra 4P SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE REV.1-8 25 b.Verifying internal Supply System activities to assure that they are being conducted in a safe and legal manner in accordance with approved programs, plans, procedures, or instructions.
: programs, NuclearOperation Standards, anddirectorate procedures whichincorporate nuclearsafetyconsiderations andcomplywiththeQualityAssurance (QA)criteriadelineated inAppendixBto10CFR50.b.Assuringthroughreviews,surveillances, assessments, inspections, nondestructive examinations, andauditsthatSupplySystemanditssuppliers'ctivities arebeingperformed inasafeandlegalmannerinaccordance withwrittenandapproveddocuments whichcomplywithapplicable requirements definedbytheassurance programsandNuclearOperation Standards.
Such verifications will be in the form of audits, technical assessments, or quality assurance surveillances.
968-2$060(4/92)WAOQAHScctica1.P&A IPA'44~%4 WA5MIMOCOM tO55ICtOW5M4PSUPPLYSYSTEMOPERATIONAL QUALITYASSURANCE PROGMAlDESCRIPTION PAGE1-625c.Assessing theoveralleffectiveness ofassurance programs'mplementation, including evaluation ofplantperformance andreporting conclusions totheChief,Executive Officer.d.Stoppingunsatisfactory workandcontrolling furtherprocessing,
Included in the scope of these verifications are: (i)control room operations; post modification/major maintenance testing and operational tests;maintenance, modification, repair, and calibration; personnel training;and refueling activities;(ii)activities associated with satisfying technical specifications and in-service inspection and testing;(iii)activities associated with the implementation of security, fire protection, and radiological protection programs;(iv)activities including engineering, maintenance, modifications, operational problem resolution, technical support activities, and operational analysis that affect plant nuclear safety and reliability; and (v)activities related to procurement, storage and issuance of parts, materials, and services to assure implementation of QA Program and management requirements.
: delivery, orinstallation ofnonconforming material.
C.Providing the Independent Safety Engineering Group (ISEG)functions involving: (i)Assessing programs, processes and activities including engineering, maintenance, modifications, operational problems, technical support activities and operational analysis that acct plant nuclear safety and reliability.(ii)Assessing plant operations and performance regarding conformance to regulatory requirements.(iii)Evaluating industry operating experience, including recommendations for improvements in overall plant performance involving plant practices, procedures and equipment, (iv)Providing certain key operating experience information to operators and other plant personnel.
e.Establishing andmaintaining adequateandqualified assurance staffinglevels.f.Providing trendingofdeficiencies toidentifyareaswherecorrective actionshavenotminimized recurrence. The u ervis r li Pr ram reports to the Manager, Quality and is directly responsible for: a.Administration of the nonconforming condition and corrective action program.b.In-plant QC functions and nondestructive examinations.
g.Establishing, maintaining, andcontrolling theOperational QAProgramDescription (WPPSS-QA-004) andtheSupplySystemFunctional ManualforNuclearOperation.
968-25060 (4/92)W:(OQAPScction1.PAA WA5AIAOTOM tlJ551C AOWAA 4N SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSU1ULNCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE 1-9 25 c.Certifying Supply System nondestructive examination, QC, and test personnel.
h.Certifying SupplySystemexamination personnel fornon-destructive examinations (NDE).Qualifying andcertifying SupplySystemAuditTeamLeaders,QCinspection andtestpersonnel.
d.Maintaining Quality Program documents.
Acquiring andmaintaining ASMECertificates ofAuthorization and/or.OwnersCertificates.
Qualification requirements for this position are described in Appendix I, Qualification Requirements.
k.Ensuringthatawrittenagreement withanAuthorized Inspection AgencyisobtainedtoprovideforAuthorized NuclearIn-Service Inspection Services. The Mana er Re ulato Affair reports to the Vice President, Operations Support/PIO and is responsible for: a.Acquiring and maintaining operating licenses of Supply System nuclear power plants.b.Defining and implementing programs which assure that licensing submittals receive an adequate technical review from cognizant Supply System, NSSS, or AE personnel prior to transmittal.
Administering theWNP-2industryandin-plantoperating experience programs.
c.Tracking licensing commitments and taking action necessary to assure that they are being met in a timely manner.d.Providing coordinated development of responses and comments to new laws, regulations, regulatory guides, and other regulatory issuances.
m.Providing theIndependent SafetyEngineering Group(ISEG)functions forassessing
e.Developing and maintaining an emergency response program that includes plans, implementing procedures, training, and drills and exercises.
: programs, processes andactivities ofvariousareasandoperations thataffectplantnuclearsafetyandreliability. The Mana er Procurement reports to the Vice President, Operations Support/PIO and is responsible for contracting, procurement and storage control services that support operation and maintenance of Supply System nuclear power plants, the sale and demolition of Projects WNP-3, WNP-4 and WNP-5, and the definition and implementation of the source surveillance/audit program for verification of activities performed by Supply System vendors (including the Nuclear Steam Supply System vendors).He is further responsible for assuring that items received for WNP-2 meet the required quality standards.
n.Administering thenonconforming condition andcorrective actionprocessing including assisting thecognizant organization inevaluation anddetermination oftherootcauseforplant-related events.968-25060 (4I92)WAOQAHSectioal.PAA WAIIIINOTOII tUALICtOWbb4PSUPPLYSYSTEMOPERATIONAL QUALITYASSU1ULNCE PROGRAMDESCRIPTION PAGE1-725TheManager,Qualityhaseffective communication channelswithallSupplySystemseniormanagement positions andhasnodutiesorresponsibilities unrelated toqualityassurance thatwouldpreventhisfullattention toQualityAssurance Programmatters.Toaccomplish theabovedefinedrole,theManager,QualityoperatesthroughtheSupervisor, QualityServices; andSupervisor, QualityPrograms.
These responsibilities include: a.Development of Supply System procurement policies and procedures.
Thequalification requirements forthispositionareasdescribed inAppendixI,Qualification Requirements.
b.Procurement of items and services in response to approved purchase requisitions.
Amanagement representative fromtheQualityOrganization isamemberofthePlantOperating Committee (seeWNP-2Technical Specification) andhassufficient authority andorganizational freedomtoidentifyproblems; toinitiate, recommend, orprovidesolutions; andtoverifyimplementation ofsolutions.
968-25060 (4/92)WAOQA PIC tio551.PAh WA5H5MGCOM tUAWC tOWHH 44 SUPPLY.SYSTBM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE REV.1-10 25 C.Coding, cataloging, handling, storage, shipping, and disposal of procured items.d.Providing project management for disposition of assets from terminated power projects and disposition of major assets surplus to operating power projects.e.Maintaining the Restricted Use Equipment List (RVEL).Providing criteria for Class 1 and commercial grade dedicated spare parts procurement.
Therepresentative hasnodutiesorresponsibilities unrelated toqualityassurance mattersandhaseffective communication channelswithallplantsupervisory andmanagement personnel.
g Establishing vendor witness points for inspection and release of material/equipment for shipment.h.QC receipt inspection of materials and equipment received by the Supply System.Establishing and maintaining evaluated vendors list.j~Planning, coordinating, and performing source surveillances, source inspections, and external audits to verify implementation of vendors'A/QC programs.k.Reviewing and approving vendor furnished QA/QC procedures and programs.Reviewing for acceptance other utility audits furnished through the Nuclear Procurement Issues Committee (NUPIC)or Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI). The Mana er Securi Pr m the Vice President, Operations Support/PIO and is responsible for overall Supply System security activities. TheSurvisorualitServicesreportstotheManager,Qualityandisdirectlyresponsible forperforming internalSupplySystemqualityassurance functions thatarenecessary toverifythattheQAProgramisbeingeffectively implemented.
The Manager, Security Programs is specifically responsible for: a.Administering a security program which includes preemployment screening, physical security surveys and investigations, loss prevention, and fitness for duty.'.Managing the security force by assuring that physical security is consistent with needs and is maintained within individual plant safeguards security plans.968-25060 (4l92)%AOQAPScctio55l.
Thisincludesmaintaining asufhcient numberofqualified auditorstoperformQAaudits,asrequired.
P&A WALMIMCTON tIIALIC tOWLN IP SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PhGE c.Providing training, administrative, and technical support to the Plant General Manager in the area of plant security. The Vice Pr iden A mini i n hief Financial Seer reports to the Chief Executive Ofhcer and is responsible for providing Administrative Services that are required to Support Operation and Maintenance of WNP-2.To accomplish this role, the Vice President operates through the Manager, Administrative Services. The Mana er Admini tive ervi reports to the Vice President, Administrative/Chief Financial Ofhcer and is responsible for: a.Developing and implementation of administrative controls for plant procedures, processes and systems to maintain nuclear plant design, construction, and operating records.b.Providing program definition and policy development for Supply System records management activities, which includes processing, retrieval, storage and dispositioning of records.C.Providing administrative support functions necessary for the maintenance of manuals and procedures, d.Managing an administrative process by which engineering-related activities
TheSupervisor hastheauthority andresponsibility tostopunsatisfactory workandcontrolfurtherprocessing,
.and commitments are assigned, scheduled, tracked, and dispositioned.
: delivery, orinstallation ofnonconforming material.
Whentheunitisoperating, theSupervisor mayrecommend thattheunitbeshutdown;thePlantGeneralManager,however,hasthefinalresponsibility fortheoverallevaluation ofallaspectsandimplications ofshuttingdowntheoperating unit.Qualification requirements forthispositionisdescribed inAppendixI,Qualification Requirements.
TheSupervisor, QualityServicesisspecifically responsible for:a.Reviewing andconcurring withprograms, procedures, and/orinstructions affecting safety,including changesthereto,toassurethatapplicable qualityassurance requirements havebeenidentified andspecified therein.968-25060 (4l92)WAOQAPScctionl.PdN kk<<I'I4JI' wArmuorou rurucrowra4PSUPPLYSYSTEMOPERATIONAL QUALITYASSURANCE PROGRAMDESCRIPTION PAGEREV.1-825b.Verifying internalSupplySystemactivities toassurethattheyarebeingconducted inasafeandlegalmannerinaccordance withapprovedprograms, plans,procedures, orinstructions.
OUTAGE MANAGER RADIATION PROTECTION MANAGER-ADMINISTRATIVE AND FUNCTIONAL REPORTING COMMUNICATION UNES Supply System Organization Relative To Operational QA 890853.2 968-25060 (12/93), Rcv.6/96 Section 1.P6IA/OQAPD1 WASHINGTON tUESIC tOWER 14 SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSU1UkNCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE 2-1 18 2-UALITY AS URANCE A PR RAM 2.1 This section provides an overall description of the QA Program that will be applied to initial testing and subsequent operation and maintenance activities throughout the life of Supply System nuclear power plants.2.2 ENERAL 2.2.1 The QA Program will be implemented through a series of Nuclear Operation Standards (NOSs)contained in the Supply System Functional Manual for Nuclear Operation.
Suchverifications willbeintheformofaudits,technical assessments, orqualityassurance surveillances.
In turn, these NOSs will be implemented by Supply System organizational procedures, programs, or plans which prescribe detailed methods for functional accomplishment.
Includedinthescopeoftheseverifications are:(i)controlroomoperations; postmodification/major maintenance testingandoperational tests;maintenance, modification, repair,andcalibration; personnel training; andrefueling activities; (ii)activities associated withsatisfying technical specifications andin-service inspection andtesting;(iii)activities associated withtheimplementation ofsecurity, fireprotection, andradiological protection programs; (iv)activities including engineering, maintenance, modifications, operational problemresolution, technical supportactivities, andoperational analysisthataffectplantnuclearsafetyandreliability; and(v)activities relatedtoprocurement, storageandissuanceofparts,materials, andservicestoassureimplementation ofQAProgramandmanagement requirements.
The NOSs will address the applicable requirements of Appendix B to 10CFR 50 and Sections 1 through 18 of the QA Program.A matrix of Nuclear Operation Standards cross referenced against each criteria of Appendix B to 10CFR 50 is included in Table 2-1.The NOSs and implementing procedures, programs, or plans will collectively comply with the regulatory positions of QA-related Regulatory Guides as identified and modified in Appendix II, Position Statements and the additional Quality Program requirements as identified in Appendix III.The NOSs are being replaced by Site Wide Procedures (SWPs).These procedures contain the same information currently in the NOSs, and implement the QA Program.Table 2-2 lists the SWPs and are cross.referenced to the criteria of 10CFR50, Appendix B.2.2.2 A list of safety-related items that will be subject to the applicable controls of the QA Program is included in the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR)for the applicable Supply System nuclear power plant.Changes to this listing shall be controlled by the Engineering, General Manager and approved by the Plant General Manager.2.2.3 Applicable provisions of the QA Program shall be implemented by the earliest of the following and shall remain in effect for the life of Supply System nuclear power plants: a.Prior to inception of the activity.b.At the time of temporary/permanent transfer of system/component custody to Test and Startup organization.
C.Providing theIndependent SafetyEngineering Group(ISEG)functions involving:
c.Ninety (90)days prior to initial fuel loading.968-25060 (4/92)WAOQAPDScction2.P4t:A WA5HINGTON tUSllc tOWCR 44 SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE 2-2 18 2.2.4 Revisions to the QA Program will be made by the Quality organization as follows: a.Proposed changes to the QA Program will be evaluated to determine whether or not they would result in a reduction of commitments previously accepted by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).b.Changes that do not reduce the commitments may be implemented prior to forwarding such changes to the NRC.However, all such changes shall be forwarded to the NRC at least annually.c.Changes that reduce commitments will be forwarded to the NRC for their review and acceptance prior to implementation.
Such changes shall be regarded as accepted by the NRC upon receipt of a letter from the NRC to this effect or sixty (60)days after submittal to the NRC, whichever occurs first.'.2.5 Managers of Supply System organizations responsible for implementing the applicable provisions of the QA Program shall assure that activities that affect safety-related functions of plant items are performed by personnel who have been indoctrinated and trained.The scope, objective, and method of implementing the indoctrination and training program shall be documented.
: programs, processes andactivities including engineering, maintenance, modifications, operational
Proficiency of personnel performing activities that affect safety-related functions of plant items shall be maintained by retraining, re-examination, and/or recertifying, as applicable.
: problems, technical supportactivities andoperational analysisthatacctplantnuclearsafetyandreliability.
Methods shall be provided for documenting training.2.2.6 The scope, implementation, and effectiveness of the QA Program is routinely audited by the Quality organization.
(ii)Assessing plantoperations andperformance regarding conformance toregulatory requirements.
Copies of audit reports are presented to Supply System management to provide for assessment of the effectiveness of the QA Program.Additionally, at least once per two (2)years, the Supply System management arranges for an independent evaluation of the adequacy of the scope, implementation, and effectiveness of the QA Program.This is accomplished by knowledgeable personnel outside of the Quality organization to assure achievement of an objective program assessment.
(iii)Evaluating industryoperating experience, including recommendations forimprovements inoverallplantperformance involving plantpractices, procedures andequipment, (iv)Providing certainkeyoperating experience information tooperators andotherplantpersonnel.
Results of these independent evaluations are reported to the Chief Executive Officer, Vice President, Nuclear Operations, and Vice President, Operations Support/PIO. TheuervisrliPrramreportstotheManager,Qualityandisdirectlyresponsible for:a.Administration ofthenonconforming condition andcorrective actionprogram.b.In-plantQCfunctions andnondestructive examinations.
968-25060 (4/92)W:(OQAPScction1.PAA WA5AIAOTOM tlJ551CAOWAA4NSUPPLYSYSTEMOPERATIONAL QUALITYASSU1ULNCE PROGRAMDESCRIPTION PAGE1-925c.Certifying SupplySystemnondestructive examination, QC,andtestpersonnel.
d.Maintaining QualityProgramdocuments.
Qualification requirements forthispositionaredescribed inAppendixI,Qualification Requirements., Operations Support/PIO andisresponsible for:a.Acquiring andmaintaining operating licensesofSupplySystemnuclearpowerplants.b.Definingandimplementing programswhichassurethatlicensing submittals receiveanadequatetechnical reviewfromcognizant SupplySystem,NSSS,orAEpersonnel priortotransmittal.
c.Trackinglicensing commitments andtakingactionnecessary toassurethattheyarebeingmetinatimelymanner.d.Providing coordinated development ofresponses andcommentstonewlaws,regulations, regulatory guides,andotherregulatory issuances.
e.Developing andmaintaining anemergency responseprogramthatincludesplans,implementing procedures,
: training, anddrillsandexercises. reportstotheVicePresident, Operations Support/PIO andisresponsible forcontracting, procurement andstoragecontrolservicesthatsupportoperation andmaintenance ofSupplySystemnuclearpowerplants,thesaleanddemolition ofProjectsWNP-3,WNP-4andWNP-5,andthedefinition andimplementation ofthesourcesurveillance/audit programforverification ofactivities performed bySupplySystemvendors(including theNuclearSteamSupplySystemvendors).
Heisfurtherresponsible forassuringthatitemsreceivedforWNP-2meettherequiredqualitystandards.
Theseresponsibilities include:a.Development ofSupplySystemprocurement policiesandprocedures.
b.Procurement ofitemsandservicesinresponsetoapprovedpurchaserequisitions.
: handling, storage,shipping, anddisposalofprocureditems.d.Providing projectmanagement fordisposition ofassetsfromterminated powerprojectsanddisposition ofmajorassetssurplustooperating powerprojects.
e.Maintaining theRestricted UseEquipment List(RVEL).Providing criteriaforClass1andcommercial gradededicated sparepartsprocurement.
gEstablishing vendorwitnesspointsforinspection andreleaseofmaterial/
equipment forshipment.
h.QCreceiptinspection ofmaterials andequipment receivedbytheSupplySystem.Establishing andmaintaining evaluated vendorslist.j~Planning, coordinating, andperforming sourcesurveillances, sourceinspections, andexternalauditstoverifyimplementation ofvendors'A/QC programs.
k.Reviewing andapproving vendorfurnished QA/QCprocedures andprograms.
Reviewing foracceptance otherutilityauditsfurnished throughtheNuclearProcurement IssuesCommittee (NUPIC)orNuclearEnergyInstitute (NEI) theVicePresident, Operations Support/PIOandisresponsible foroverallSupplySystemsecurityactivities.
TheManager,SecurityProgramsisspecifically responsible for:a.Administering asecurityprogramwhichincludespreemployment screening, physicalsecuritysurveysandinvestigations, lossprevention, andfitnessforduty.'.Managingthesecurityforcebyassuringthatphysicalsecurityisconsistent withneedsandismaintained withinindividual plantsafeguards securityplans.968-25060 (4l92)%AOQAPScctio55l.
: training, administrative, andtechnical supporttothePlantGeneralManagerintheareaofplantsecurity. SeerreportstotheChiefExecutive Ofhcerandisresponsible forproviding Administrative ServicesthatarerequiredtoSupportOperation andMaintenance ofWNP-2.Toaccomplish thisrole,theVicePresident operatesthroughtheManager,Administrative Services., Administrative/Chief Financial Ofhcerandisresponsible for:a.Developing andimplementation ofadministrative controlsforplantprocedures, processes andsystemstomaintainnuclearplantdesign,construction, andoperating records.b.Providing programdefinition andpolicydevelopment forSupplySystemrecordsmanagement activities, whichincludesprocessing, retrieval, storageanddispositioning ofrecords.C.Providing administrative supportfunctions necessary forthemaintenance ofmanualsandprocedures, d.Managinganadministrative processbywhichengineering-related activities
.andcommitments areassigned, scheduled, tracked,anddispositioned.
OUTAGEMANAGERRADIATION PROTECTION MANAGER-ADMINISTRATIVE ANDFUNCTIONAL REPORTING COMMUNICATION UNESSupplySystemOrganization RelativeToOperational QA890853.2968-25060 (12/93),Rcv.6/96Section1.P6IA/OQAPD1 WASHINGTON tUESICtOWER14SUPPLYSYSTEMOPERATIONAL QUALITYASSU1UkNCE PROGRAMDESCRIPTION PAGE2-1182-UALITYASURANCEAPRRAM2.1Thissectionprovidesanoveralldescription oftheQAProgramthatwillbeappliedtoinitialtestingandsubsequent operation andmaintenance activities throughout thelifeofSupplySystemnuclearpowerplants.2.2ENERAL2.2.1TheQAProgramwillbeimplemented throughaseriesofNuclearOperation Standards (NOSs)contained intheSupplySystemFunctional ManualforNuclearOperation.
Inturn,theseNOSswillbeimplemented bySupplySystemorganizational procedures,
: programs, orplanswhichprescribe detailedmethodsforfunctional accomplishment.
TheNOSswilladdresstheapplicable requirements ofAppendixBto10CFR50andSections1through18oftheQAProgram.AmatrixofNuclearOperation Standards crossreferenced againsteachcriteriaofAppendixBto10CFR50isincludedinTable2-1.TheNOSsandimplementing procedures,
: programs, orplanswillcollectively complywiththeregulatory positions ofQA-related Regulatory Guidesasidentified andmodifiedinAppendixII,PositionStatements andtheadditional QualityProgramrequirements asidentified inAppendixIII.TheNOSsarebeingreplacedbySiteWideProcedures (SWPs).Theseprocedures containthesameinformation currently intheNOSs,andimplement theQAProgram.Table2-2liststheSWPsandarecross.referenced tothecriteriaof10CFR50,AppendixB.2.2.2Alistofsafety-related itemsthatwillbesubjecttotheapplicable controlsoftheQAProgramisincludedintheFinalSafetyAnalysisReport(FSAR)fortheapplicable SupplySystemnuclearpowerplant.Changestothislistingshallbecontrolled bytheEngineering, GeneralManagerandapprovedbythePlantGeneralManager.2.2.3Applicable provisions oftheQAProgramshallbeimplemented bytheearliestofthefollowing andshallremainineffectforthelifeofSupplySystemnuclearpowerplants:a.Priortoinception oftheactivity.
b.Atthetimeoftemporary/permanent transferofsystem/component custodytoTestandStartuporganization.
c.Ninety(90)dayspriortoinitialfuelloading.968-25060 (4/92)WAOQAPDScction2.P4t:A WA5HINGTON tUSllctOWCR44SUPPLYSYSTEMOPERATIONAL QUALITYASSURANCE PROGRAMDESCRIPTION PAGE2-2182.2.4Revisions totheQAProgramwillbemadebytheQualityorganization asfollows:a.ProposedchangestotheQAProgramwillbeevaluated todetermine whetherornottheywouldresultinareduction ofcommitments previously acceptedbytheNuclearRegulatory Commission (NRC).b.Changesthatdonotreducethecommitments maybeimplemented priortoforwarding suchchangestotheNRC.However,allsuchchangesshallbeforwarded totheNRCatleastannually.
c.Changesthatreducecommitments willbeforwarded totheNRCfortheirreviewandacceptance priortoimplementation.
SuchchangesshallberegardedasacceptedbytheNRCuponreceiptofaletterfromtheNRCtothiseffectorsixty(60)daysaftersubmittal totheNRC,whichever occursfirst.'.2.5ManagersofSupplySystemorganizations responsible forimplementing theapplicable provisions oftheQAProgramshallassurethatactivities thataffectsafety-related functions ofplantitemsareperformed bypersonnel whohavebeenindoctrinated andtrained.Thescope,objective, andmethodofimplementing theindoctrination andtrainingprogramshallbedocumented.
Proficiency ofpersonnel performing activities thataffectsafety-related functions ofplantitemsshallbemaintained byretraining, re-examination, and/orrecertifying, asapplicable.
Methodsshallbeprovidedfordocumenting training.
2.2.6Thescope,implementation, andeffectiveness oftheQAProgramisroutinely auditedbytheQualityorganization.
Copiesofauditreportsarepresented toSupplySystemmanagement toprovideforassessment oftheeffectiveness oftheQAProgram.Additionally, atleastoncepertwo(2)years,theSupplySystemmanagement arrangesforanindependent evaluation oftheadequacyofthescope,implementation, andeffectiveness oftheQAProgram.Thisisaccomplished byknowledgeable personnel outsideoftheQualityorganization toassureachievement ofanobjective programassessment.
Resultsoftheseindependent evaluations arereportedtotheChiefExecutive Officer,VicePresident, NuclearOperations, andVicePresident, Operations Support/PIO.
968-25060 (4/92)WAOQAPDScction2.PAA  
968-25060 (4/92)WAOQAPDScction2.PAA  
$~,lKD1 WASHlNCTON tUtllCtOWtll4PSUPPLYSYSTEMOPERATIONAL QUALITYASSURANCE PROGIUD4DESCRIPTION PAGE2-318TABLE2-1OPERATIONAL QAPROGRAMDESCRIPTION IMPLEMENTING NUCLEAROPERATION STANDARDS (Page1of1)Nuclear0erationStandards 1CFR0AendixBCrterionNumberTitle123456891012131415161718NOS-1NOS-2NOS-3NOS-4NOS-5NOS-6NOS-8NOS-9NOS-llNOS-13NOS-14NOS-19NOS-20NOS-21NOS-22NOS-23NOS-24NOS-26NOS-27NOS-30NOS-32NOS-33NOS-34NOS-35NOS-36NOS-37NOS-39NOS-41NOS-45Organizational Responsibilities/Changes ControloftheFunctional ManualforNuclearOperation Operational QAProgramDescription ControlPlantOperations andMaintenance ControlPersonnel
$~,l K D 1 WASHlNCTON tUtllC tOWtll 4P SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGIUD4 DESCRIPTION PAGE 2-3 18 TABLE 2-1 OPERATIONAL QA PROGRAM DESCRIPTION IMPLEMENTING NUCLEAR OPERATION STANDARDS (Page 1 of 1)Nuclear 0 eration Standards 1 CFR 0 A endix B Cr terion Number Ti tl e 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 NOS-1 NOS-2 NOS-3 NOS-4 NOS-5 NOS-6 NOS-8 NOS-9 NOS-ll NOS-13 NOS-14 NOS-19 NOS-20 NOS-21 NOS-22 NOS-23 NOS-24 NOS-26 NOS-27 NOS-30 NOS-32 NOS-33 NOS-34 NOS-35 NOS-36 NOS-37 NOS-39 NOS-41 NOS-45 Organizational Responsibilities/Changes Control of the Functional Manual for Nuclear Operation Operational QA Program Description Control Plant Operations and Maintenance Control Personnel Training, Qualification and Certification Review Committees (CNSRB&POC)Nuclear Safety Assurance Assessment Program Procedures/Instructions Control Conduct of Licensing Activities Reporting of Incidents Operating Experience Review Plant QC Inspection Program Quality Assurance Evaluations ASME Pressure Boundary Work Q-List Control Plant Modification Control Control of Records Computer Software QA Procurement and Storage Control Control of Nonconformances and Corrective Action Configuration Management Program Inservice Inspections Inservice Testing of Pumps and Valves Nuclear Materials Control Chemistry Rad.Environmental Hon.Program Fire Protection Program QA Program for Radioactive Materials Shipping Packages Simulator Certification X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 968-25060 (4/92)WAOQAPDEcclion2.PdtA WAtlllMCTOM tUbl.lC tOWRL 4N SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE 2-4 18 TABLE 2-2 OPERATIONAL gA PROGRAM DESCRIPTION IMPLEMENTING SITE WIDE PROCEDURES (Page 1 of I)Site Wide Procedures 1 CF R OA endix B Cr terion Number Title 1 2 345 678 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 SWP-PRO-Ol Procedure/Instruction Use SWP-PRO-02 Prep./Review/Approval of Procedures SWP-PRO-03 Procedure Writer's Hanual SWP-PUR-Ol Procurement of Services SWP-PUR-05 Emergency Purchasing SWP-MNP-02 Warehousing X X X 968-25060 (4/92)WAOQAPDEection2.PAh lTATlllVCTOh tl4llc FOlT44 4P sm eD.svsmuw OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE 17-1 17-ALITY A RAN E RE RD 17.1~PR~P$E This section sets forth requirements for generation, transmittal, retention, and maintenance of quality assurance records for Supply System's nuclear power plants.17.2 GENERAL 17.2.1 Sufficient records shall be maintained to furnish evidence of the quality of safety-related plant items and activities.
: Training, Qualification andCertification ReviewCommittees (CNSRB&POC)NuclearSafetyAssurance Assessment ProgramProcedures/Instructions ControlConductofLicensing Activities Reporting ofIncidents Operating Experience ReviewPlantQCInspection ProgramQualityAssurance Evaluations ASMEPressureBoundaryWorkQ-ListControlPlantModification ControlControlofRecordsComputerSoftwareQAProcurement andStorageControlControlofNonconformances andCorrective ActionConfiguration Management ProgramInservice Inspections Inservice TestingofPumpsandValvesNuclearMaterials ControlChemistry Rad.Environmental Hon.ProgramFireProtection ProgramQAProgramforRadioactive Materials ShippingPackagesSimulator Certification XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX968-25060 (4/92)WAOQAPDEcclion2.PdtA WAtlllMCTOM tUbl.lCtOWRL4NSUPPLYSYSTEMOPERATIONAL QUALITYASSURANCE PROGRAMDESCRIPTION PAGE2-418TABLE2-2OPERATIONAL gAPROGRAMDESCRIPTION IMPLEMENTING SITEWIDEPROCEDURES (Page1ofI)SiteWideProcedures 1CFROAendixBCrterionNumberTitle123456781011121314151617SWP-PRO-Ol Procedure/Instruction UseSWP-PRO-02 Prep./Review/Approval ofProcedures SWP-PRO-03 Procedure Writer'sHanualSWP-PUR-Ol Procurement ofServicesSWP-PUR-05 Emergency Purchasing SWP-MNP-02 Warehousing XXX968-25060 (4/92)WAOQAPDEection2.PAh lTATlllVCTOh tl4llcFOlT444PsmeD.svsmuwOPERATIONAL QUALITYASSURANCE PROGRAMDESCRIPTION PAGE17-117-ALITYARANERERD17.1~PR~P$EThissectionsetsforthrequirements forgeneration, transmittal, retention, andmaintenance ofqualityassurance recordsforSupplySystem'snuclearpowerplants.17.2GENERAL17.2.1Sufficient recordsshallbemaintained tofurnishevidenceofthequalityofsafety-related plantitemsandactivities.
As a minimum these records shall include the following:
a.Operating logs b.Results of design reviews, inspections, tests, audits, and material analysis c.Monitoring of work performance d.Qualifications of personnel, procedures, and equipment.
a.Operating logsb.Resultsofdesignreviews,inspections, tests,audits,andmaterialanalysisc.Monitoring ofworkperformance d.Qualifications ofpersonnel, procedures, andequipment.
17.2.2 e.Drawings, specifications, procedures, and procurement documents.
17.2.2e.Drawings, specifications, procedures, andprocurement documents.
f.Nonconformance and corrective action reports g.Records as required by Appendix III, Section 4.0.Inspection and test records shall identify the following where applicable:
f.Nonconformance andcorrective actionreportsg.RecordsasrequiredbyAppendixIII,Section4.0.Inspection andtestrecordsshallidentifythefollowing whereapplicable:
a.Inspector and/or data recorder b.The type of observation c.The date and results of inspection or test.d.Acceptability of results.e.The action taken to resolve any deficiencies noted.968-25060 (4/92)WAOQAPDScctin1 7.Pl9 A i'WASlll'OCTO%
a.Inspector and/ordatarecorderb.Thetypeofobservation c.Thedateandresultsofinspection ortest.d.Acceptability ofresults.e.Theactiontakentoresolveanydeficiencies noted.968-25060 (4/92)WAOQAPDScctin1 7.Pl9A i'WASlll'OCTO%
tLSWC FOWSS kP suppD.svsTHM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE REV.17-2 17.2.3 Quality assurance records shall be generated (prepared, reviewed, and approved), accumulated, transmitted for incorporation into the records retention system, retained, maintained, and controlled in accordance with documented procedures and/or instructions.
tLSWCFOWSSkPsuppD.svsTHMOPERATIONAL QUALITYASSURANCE PROGRAMDESCRIPTION PAGEREV.17-217.2.3Qualityassurance recordsshallbegenerated (prepared,
17.2.4 The quality assurance records shall be organized and filed so that each document is identifiable and retrievable.
: reviewed, andapproved),
17.2,5 The quality assurance records shall be filed and maintained in facilities that provide protection from possible deterioration or damage and shall be controlled to prevent loss.968.25060 (4/92)W:<OQAPDScctinl7.PEA W*ShlhGTON PUhllC hOWhh 4N SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE III-1 REV.APPENDIX III"ADDITIONAL UALITY PRO RAM RE UIREMENTS" This Appendix identifies additional quality program requirements that were formally located in the WNP-2 Technical Specification, Section 6.0, Administrative Controls.To implement the Improved Technical Specification Program, several requirements from Section 6.0 were required to be relocated into the Operational Quality Assurance Program Description.
accumulated, transmitted forincorporation intotherecordsretention system,retained, maintained, andcontrolled inaccordance withdocumented procedures and/orinstructions.
The following requirements have been incorporated by Supply System organizations into their procedures and/or instructions.
17.2.4Thequalityassurance recordsshallbeorganized andfiledsothateachdocumentisidentifiable andretrievable.
This Appendix will be revised, as and when necessary, by the Supply System Quality Department, in accordance with the provisions of Section 2 of the QA Program.1.0 LEAR SAFETY ASS RANCE DIVI I N NSAD 1.1 The NSAD shall function to examine unit operating characteristics, NRC issuances, industry advisories, Licensee Event Reports, and other sources of unit design and operating experience information, including units of similar design, which may indicate areas for improving unit safety.The NSAD shall make detailed recommendations for revised procedures, equipment and modifications, maintenance activities, operations activities, or other means of improving unit safety to the Quality Manager.1.1.1 The NSAD shall be composed of at least five, dedicated, full-time engineers, with a minimum of three located on site.Each shall have a bachelor's degree in engineering or related science or qualifications meeting ANS.3.1 Draft Revision dated March 13, 1981, Section 4.2 or 4.4, or equivalent, as described in Section 4.1 and at least 2 years professional level experience in his field, at least 1 year of which experience shall be in the nuclear field.1.1.2 The NSAD shall be responsible for maintaining surveillance of unit activities to provide independent verification (not responsible for sign-off function)that these activities are performed correctly and that human errors are reduced as much as practical.
17.2,5Thequalityassurance recordsshallbefiledandmaintained infacilities thatprovideprotection frompossibledeterioration ordamageandshallbecontrolled topreventloss.968.25060 (4/92)W:<OQAPDScctinl7.PEA W*ShlhGTON PUhllChOWhh4NSUPPLYSYSTEMOPERATIONAL QUALITYASSURANCE PROGRAMDESCRIPTION PAGEIII-1REV.APPENDIXIII"ADDITIONAL UALITYPRORAMREUIREMENTS" ThisAppendixidentifies additional qualityprogramrequirements thatwereformallylocatedintheWNP-2Technical Specification, Section6.0,Administrative Controls.
1.1.3 Records of activities performed by the NSAD shall be prepared, maintained, and forwarded each calendar month to the Quality Manager.968-25060 (4/92)OQAPDAPP.IIIiWAOQAPD Iq fl p V WAElllROTOR tCEEIC tOWER 4N SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE III-2 2.0 REVIEW AND A DIT 2.1 PLANT OPERATIONS COMMITTEE (POC)The POC shall function to advise the Plant General Manager on all matters related to nuclear safety.2.1.1 The POC shall be composed of the: Chairman Vice Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Plant General Manager As designated from the POC Members by the Plant General Manager and documented in the POC minutes.Operations Manager Health Physics Operations General Supervisor/RPM System Engineering/Technical Services Division Manager.Maintenance Manager Administrative Manager Quality Services Supervisor Engineering Programs Manager 2.1.2 All POC alternate members shall be appointed in writing by the POC Chairman or Vice Chairman to serve on a temporary basis.2.1.3 The Plant Operations Committee shall meet at least once per calendar month and as convened by the POC Chairman or his designated alternate.
Toimplement theImprovedTechnical Specification Program,severalrequirements fromSection6.0wererequiredtoberelocated intotheOperational QualityAssurance ProgramDescription.
2.1.4 The quorum of the POC necessary for the performance of the POC responsibility and authority provisions of these requirements shall consist of the Chairman or Vice Chairman and four members including alternates.
Thefollowing requirements havebeenincorporated bySupplySystemorganizations intotheirprocedures and/orinstructions.
No more than two alternates shall make up the quorum.2.1.5 The POC shall be responsible for: ao Review of (1)all proposed procedures or proposed programs required by Technical Specification 5.4 and changes thereto, and (2)any other proposed procedures or changes thereto as determined by the Plant General Manager to affect nuclear safety;b.Review of all proposed tests and experiments that affect nuclear safety;968-25060 (4I92)W:IOQAPDIOQAPDAPP.III  
ThisAppendixwillberevised,asandwhennecessary, bytheSupplySystemQualityDepartment, inaccordance withtheprovisions ofSection2oftheQAProgram.1.0LEARSAFETYASSRANCEDIVIINNSAD1.1TheNSADshallfunctiontoexamineunitoperating characteristics, NRCissuances, industryadvisories, LicenseeEventReports,andothersourcesofunitdesignandoperating experience information, including unitsofsimilardesign,whichmayindicateareasforimproving unitsafety.TheNSADshallmakedetailedrecommendations forrevisedprocedures, equipment andmodifications, maintenance activities, operations activities, orothermeansofimproving unitsafetytotheQualityManager.1.1.1TheNSADshallbecomposedofatleastfive,dedicated, full-time engineers, withaminimumofthreelocatedonsite.Eachshallhaveabachelor's degreeinengineering orrelatedscienceorqualifications meetingANS.3.1DraftRevisiondatedMarch13,1981,Section4.2or4.4,orequivalent, asdescribed inSection4.1andatleast2yearsprofessional levelexperience inhisfield,atleast1yearofwhichexperience shallbeinthenuclearfield.1.1.2TheNSADshallberesponsible formaintaining surveillance ofunitactivities toprovideindependent verification (notresponsible forsign-offfunction) thattheseactivities areperformed correctly andthathumanerrorsarereducedasmuchaspractical.
1.1.3Recordsofactivities performed bytheNSADshallbeprepared, maintained, andforwarded eachcalendarmonthtotheQualityManager.968-25060 (4/92)OQAPDAPP.IIIiWAOQAPD IqflpV WAElllROTOR tCEEICtOWER4NSUPPLYSYSTEMOPERATIONAL QUALITYASSURANCE PROGRAMDESCRIPTION PAGEIII-22.0REVIEWANDADIT2.1PLANTOPERATIONS COMMITTEE (POC)ThePOCshallfunctiontoadvisethePlantGeneralManageronallmattersrelatedtonuclearsafety.2.1.1ThePOCshallbecomposedofthe:ChairmanViceChairmanMemberMemberMemberMemberMemberMemberMemberPlantGeneralManagerAsdesignated fromthePOCMembersbythePlantGeneralManageranddocumented inthePOCminutes.Operations ManagerHealthPhysicsOperations GeneralSupervisor/RPM SystemEngineering/Technical ServicesDivisionManager.Maintenance ManagerAdministrative ManagerQualityServicesSupervisor Engineering ProgramsManager2.1.2AllPOCalternate membersshallbeappointed inwritingbythePOCChairmanorViceChairmantoserveonatemporary basis.2.1.3ThePlantOperations Committee shallmeetatleastoncepercalendarmonthandasconvenedbythePOCChairmanorhisdesignated alternate.
~UIILIC PGWlM 4N SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE III-3 C.Review of all proposed changes to the Appendix A Technical Specifications; d.Review of all proposed changes or modifications to unit system or equipment that affect nuclear safety;Investigation of all violations of the Technical Specifications, including the preparation and forwarding of reports covering evaluation and recommendations to prevent recurrence, to the Chief Nuclear Officer and to the Corporate Nuclear Safety Review Board;Review of all REPORTABLE EVENTS;g Review of unit operations to detect potential hazards to nuclear safety;h.Performance of special reviews, investigations, or analyses and reports thereon as requested by the Plant General Manager or the Corporate Nuclear Safety Review Board;Review of the Security Plan and implementing procedures and submittal of recommended changes to the Corporate Nuclear Safety Review Board;Review of the Emergency Plan and implementing procedures and submittal of recommended changes to the Corporate Nuclear Safety Review Board;k.Review of any accidental, unplanned, or uncontrolled radioactive release including the preparation of reports covering evaluation, recommendations, and disposition of the corrective action to prevent recurrence and the forwarding of these reports to the Chief Nuclear Officer and to the Corporate Nuclear Safety Review Board;and Review of changes to the PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM and the OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL.2.1.6 The POC shall: a.Recommend in writing to the Plant General Manager approval or disapproval of items considered under Appendix III, 2.1.5a.through d.prior to their implementation.
2.1.4ThequorumofthePOCnecessary fortheperformance ofthePOCresponsibility andauthority provisions oftheserequirements shallconsistoftheChairmanorViceChairmanandfourmembersincluding alternates.
968-25060 (4/92)OQAPDAPP.III':IOQAPD WASHINGTON tUbLIC tOWth 4P SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAI'8 DESCRIPTION PAGE III-4 b.Render determinations in writing with regard to whether or not each item considered under Appendix III, 2.1.5a.through e.constitutes an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10 CFR 50.59.C.Provide written notification within 24 hours to the Chief Nuclear Officer and the Corporate Nuclear Safety Review Board of disagreement between the POC and the Plant General Manager;however, the Plant General Manager shall have responsibility for resolution of such disagreements pursuant to Technical Specification 5, The POC shall maintain written minutes of each POC meeting that, at a minimum, document the results of all POC activities performed under the responsibility provisions of these Specifications.
Nomorethantwoalternates shallmakeupthequorum.2.1.5ThePOCshallberesponsible for:aoReviewof(1)allproposedprocedures orproposedprogramsrequiredbyTechnical Specification 5.4andchangesthereto,and(2)anyotherproposedprocedures orchangestheretoasdetermined bythePlantGeneralManagertoaffectnuclearsafety;b.Reviewofallproposedtestsandexperiments thataffectnuclearsafety;968-25060 (4I92)W:IOQAPDIOQAPDAPP.III  
Copies shall be provided to the Chief Nuclear Officer and the Corporate Nuclear Safety Review Board.2.2 CORPORATE NUCLEAR SAFETY REVIEW BOARD (CNSRB)2.2.1 The CNSRB shall function to provide independent review and audit of designated activities in the areas of: a.Nuclear power plant operations, b.Nuclear engineering, c.Chemistry and radiochemistry, d.Metallurgy, e.Instrumentation and control, f.Radiological safety, g.Mechanical and electrical engineering, and h.Quality Assurance practices.
The CNSRB shall report to and advise the Chief Nuclear Officer on those areas of responsibility in Appendix III, 2.2.7 and (4/92)OQAPDAPP.III':IOQAPD  
~UIILICPGWlM4NSUPPLYSYSTEMOPERATIONAL QUALITYASSURANCE PROGRAMDESCRIPTION PAGEIII-3C.ReviewofallproposedchangestotheAppendixATechnical Specifications; d.Reviewofallproposedchangesormodifications tounitsystemorequipment thataffectnuclearsafety;Investigation ofallviolations oftheTechnical Specifications, including thepreparation andforwarding ofreportscoveringevaluation andrecommendations topreventrecurrence, totheChiefNuclearOfficerandtotheCorporate NuclearSafetyReviewBoard;ReviewofallREPORTABLE EVENTS;gReviewofunitoperations todetectpotential hazardstonuclearsafety;h.Performance ofspecialreviews,investigations, oranalysesandreportsthereonasrequested bythePlantGeneralManagerortheCorporate NuclearSafetyReviewBoard;ReviewoftheSecurityPlanandimplementing procedures andsubmittal ofrecommended changestotheCorporate NuclearSafetyReviewBoard;ReviewoftheEmergency Planandimplementing procedures andsubmittal ofrecommended changestotheCorporate NuclearSafetyReviewBoard;k.Reviewofanyaccidental, unplanned, oruncontrolled radioactive releaseincluding thepreparation ofreportscoveringevaluation, recommendations, anddisposition ofthecorrective actiontopreventrecurrence andtheforwarding ofthesereportstotheChiefNuclearOfficerandtotheCorporate NuclearSafetyReviewBoard;andReviewofchangestothePROCESSCONTROLPROGRAMandtheOFFSITEDOSECALCULATION MANUAL.2.1.6ThePOCshall:a.Recommend inwritingtothePlantGeneralManagerapprovalordisapproval ofitemsconsidered underAppendixIII,2.1.5a.throughd.priortotheirimplementation.
~1~$~f Jf p WA5lllMOCOM tUAllC POW5k 4P SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE REV.2.2.2 The CNSRB shall be composed of nine members appointed in writing by the Chief Nuclear Officer from his senior technical staff and/or from outside the Supply System.He shall designate from the members a Chairman and an Alternate Chairman.The qualifications of all members shall meet the minimum requirements of Section 4.7 of ANSI/ANS 3.1-1981 and have, cumulatively, expertise in the areas listed in Appendix III, 2.2.1, as a minimum.2.2.3 All alternate members shall be appointed in writing by the CNSRB Chairman to serve on a temporary basis;however, no more than two alternates shall participate as voting members in CNSRB activities at any one time.2.2.4 Consultants shall be utilized as determined by the CNSRB Committee to provide expert advice to the CNSRB.2.2.5 The CNSRB shall meet at least once per calendar quarter during the initial year of unit operation following fuel loading and at least once per 6 months thereafter, 2.2.6 The quorum of the CNSRB necessary for the performance of the CNSRB review and audit functions of these specifications shall consist of the Chairman or the alternate Chairman and at least four CNSRB members.including alternates.
968-25060 (4/92)OQAPDAPP.III':IOQAPD WASHINGTON tUbLICtOWth4PSUPPLYSYSTEMOPERATIONAL QUALITYASSURANCE PROGRAI'8 DESCRIPTION PAGEIII-4b.Renderdeterminations inwritingwithregardtowhetherornoteachitemconsidered underAppendixIII,2.1.5a.throughe.constitutes anunreviewed safetyquestionasdefinedin10CFR50.59.C.Providewrittennotification within24hourstotheChiefNuclearOfficerandtheCorporate NuclearSafetyReviewBoardofdisagreement betweenthePOCandthePlantGeneralManager;however,thePlantGeneralManagershallhaveresponsibility forresolution ofsuchdisagreements pursuanttoTechnical Specification 5,,ataminimum,documenttheresultsofallPOCactivities performed undertheresponsibility provisions oftheseSpecifications.
No more than a minority of the quorum shall have line responsibility for operation of the unit.2.2.7 The CNSRB shall review: aI The safety evaluations for (1)changes to procedures, equipment or systems and (2)tests or experiments completed under the provision of 10 CFR 50.59 to verify that such actions did not constitute an unreviewed safety question;b.Proposed changes to procedures, equipment, or systems which involve an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10 CFR 50.59;C.Proposed tests or experiments which involve an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10 CFR 50.59;d.Proposed changes to Technical Specifications or the Operating License;968-25060 (4/92)OQAPDAPP.IIIIW:IOQAPD  
CopiesshallbeprovidedtotheChiefNuclearOfficerandtheCorporate NuclearSafetyReviewBoard.2.2CORPORATE NUCLEARSAFETYREVIEWBOARD(CNSRB)2.2.1TheCNSRBshallfunctiontoprovideindependent reviewandauditofdesignated activities intheareasof:a.Nuclearpowerplantoperations, b.Nuclearengineering, c.Chemistry andradiochemistry, d.Metallurgy, e.Instrumentation andcontrol,f.Radiological safety,g.Mechanical andelectrical engineering, andh.QualityAssurance practices.
'~g WASMIMOTOM tOSI IC SOWSh 4P SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE III-6 e.Violations of codes, regulations, orders, Technical Specifications, license requirements, or of internal procedures or instruction having nuclear safety significance; Significant operating abnormalities or deviations from normal and expected performance of unit equipment that affect nuclear safety;g All REPORTABLE EVENTS;h.All recognized indications of an unanticipated deficiency in some aspect of design or operation of structures, systems, or components that could affect nuclear safety;and i.Reports and meeting minutes of the POC.j.Audit reports and summary reports of audits.2.2.8 Audits of unit activities shall be performed under the cognizance of the CNSRB.These audits shall encompass:
TheCNSRBshallreporttoandadvisetheChiefNuclearOfficeronthoseareasofresponsibility inAppendixIII,2.2.7and2.2.8.968-25060 (4/92)OQAPDAPP.III':IOQAPD  
a.The conformance of unit operation to provisions contained within the Technical Specifications and applicable license conditions at least once per 12 months;b.The performance, training and qualifications of the entire unit staff at least once per 12 months;C.The results of actions taken to correct deficiencies occurring in unit equipment, structures, systems, or method of operation that affect nuclear safety, at least once per 6 months;d.The performance of activities required by the Operational Quality Assurance Program to meet the criteria of Appendix B, 10 CFR Part 50, at least once per 24 months;e.The fire protection programmatic controls including the implementing procedures at least once per 24 months by qualified licenses QA personnel; The Emergency Plan and implementing procedures at least once per 12 months per 10 CFR 50.54(t).968-25060 (4/92)OQAPDAPP.IIIIW:IOQAPD WASHINGTON tUllllC tOWtll 4N SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE III-7 g The Security Plan and implementing procedures at least once per 12 months.h.The fire protection equipment and program implementation, at least once per 12 months utilizing either a qualified offsite licensee fire protection engineer(s) or an outside independent fire protection-consultant.
~1~$~fJfp WA5lllMOCOM tUAllCPOW5k4PSUPPLYSYSTEMOPERATIONAL QUALITYASSURANCE PROGRAMDESCRIPTION PAGEREV.2.2.2TheCNSRBshallbecomposedofninemembersappointed inwritingbytheChiefNuclearOfficerfromhisseniortechnical staffand/orfromoutsidetheSupplySystem.Heshalldesignate fromthemembersaChairmanandanAlternate Chairman.
An outside independent fire protection consultant shall be utilized at least once every third year;and Any other area of unit operation considered appropriate by the CNSRB or the Chief Nuclear Officer.J~The radiological environmental monitoring program and the results thereof at least once per 12 months.k.The OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL and implementing procedures at least once per 24 months.The PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM and implementing procedures for processing and packaging of radioactive wastes at least once per 24 months.m.The performance of activities required by the Quality Assurance Program for efHuent and environmental monitoring at least once per 12 months.2.2.9 Records of CNSRB activities shall be prepared, approved, and distributed as indicated below: a.Minutes of each CNSRB meeting shall be prepared, approved, and forwarded to the Chief Nuclear Officer 14 days following each meeting.b.Reports of reviews encompassed by Appendix III, 2.2.7 above, shall be prepared, approved, and forwarded to the Chief Executive Officer within 14 days following completion of the review.C.Audit reports encompassed by Appendix III, 2.2.8 shall be forwarded to the Chief Nuclear Officer and to the management positions responsible for the areas audited within 30 days after completion of the audit.968-25060 (4/92)OQAPDAPP.IIIIW:IOQAPD J A'.!4.~+PJil-.
Thequalifications ofallmembersshallmeettheminimumrequirements ofSection4.7ofANSI/ANS3.1-1981andhave,cumulatively, expertise intheareaslistedinAppendixIII,2.2.1,asaminimum.2.2.3Allalternate membersshallbeappointed inwritingbytheCNSRBChairmantoserveonatemporary basis;however,nomorethantwoalternates shallparticipate asvotingmembersinCNSRBactivities atanyonetime.2.2.4Consultants shallbeutilizedasdetermined bytheCNSRBCommittee toprovideexpertadvicetotheCNSRB.2.2.5TheCNSRBshallmeetatleastoncepercalendarquarterduringtheinitialyearofunitoperation following fuelloadingandatleastonceper6monthsthereafter, 2.2.6ThequorumoftheCNSRBnecessary fortheperformance oftheCNSRBreviewandauditfunctions ofthesespecifications shallconsistoftheChairmanorthealternate ChairmanandatleastfourCNSRBmembers.including alternates.
WASlllMCTON tUllllC tOWCR 4N SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE III-8 3.0 PRO ED R AND PROGRAMS 3.1 Each procedure of Technical Specification 5.4.1, and changes thereto, shall be reviewed by the POC and shall be approved by the Plant General Manager prior to implementation and reviewed periodically as set forth in administrative procedures.
Nomorethanaminorityofthequorumshallhavelineresponsibility foroperation oftheunit.2.2.7TheCNSRBshallreview:aIThesafetyevaluations for(1)changestoprocedures, equipment orsystemsand(2)testsorexperiments completed undertheprovision of10CFR50.59toverifythatsuchactionsdidnotconstitute anunreviewed safetyquestion; b.Proposedchangestoprocedures, equipment, orsystemswhichinvolveanunreviewed safetyquestionasdefinedin10CFR50.59;C.Proposedtestsorexperiments whichinvolveanunreviewed safetyquestionasdefinedin10CFR50.59;d.ProposedchangestoTechnical Specifications ortheOperating License;968-25060 (4/92)OQAPDAPP.IIIIW:IOQAPD  
3.2 Temporary changes to procedures of Technical Specification 5.4.1a.through e.may be made provided: a.The intent of the original procedure is not altered;b.The change is approved by two members of the unit management staff, at least one of whom holds a Senior Operator license on the unit affected;and c.The change is documented, reviewed by the POC, and approved by the Plant General Manager within 14 days of implementation.
'~g WASMIMOTOM tOSIICSOWSh4PSUPPLYSYSTEMOPERATIONAL QUALITYASSURANCE PROGRAMDESCRIPTION PAGEIII-6e.Violations ofcodes,regulations, orders,Technical Specifications, licenserequirements, orofinternalprocedures orinstruction havingnuclearsafetysignificance; Significant operating abnormalities ordeviations fromnormalandexpectedperformance ofunitequipment thataffectnuclearsafety;gAllREPORTABLE EVENTS;h.Allrecognized indications ofanunanticipated deficiency insomeaspectofdesignoroperation ofstructures, systems,orcomponents thatcouldaffectnuclearsafety;andi.ReportsandmeetingminutesofthePOC.j.Auditreportsandsummaryreportsofaudits.2.2.8Auditsofunitactivities shallbeperformed underthecognizance oftheCNSRB.Theseauditsshallencompass:
4.0 RE RD RETENTI N A Records Disposition Program was established to manage the identification, retention, retirement and disposal of Supply System records and documents.
a.Theconformance ofunitoperation toprovisions contained withintheTechnical Specifications andapplicable licenseconditions atleastonceper12months;b.Theperformance, trainingandqualifications oftheentireunitstaffatleastonceper12months;C.Theresultsofactionstakentocorrectdeficiencies occurring inunitequipment, structures, systems,ormethodofoperation thataffectnuclearsafety,atleastonceper6months;d.Theperformance ofactivities requiredbytheOperational QualityAssurance ProgramtomeetthecriteriaofAppendixB,10CFRPart50,atleastonceper24months;e.Thefireprotection programmatic controlsincluding theimplementing procedures atleastonceper24monthsbyqualified licensesQApersonnel; TheEmergency Planandimplementing procedures atleastonceper12monthsper10CFR50.54(t).
Refer to the Records Disposition Program to insure compliance with various Federal and Washington State record retention requirements.
968-25060 (4/92)OQAPDAPP.IIIIW:IOQAPD WASHINGTON tUllllCtOWtll4NSUPPLYSYSTEMOPERATIONAL QUALITYASSURANCE PROGRAMDESCRIPTION PAGEIII-7gTheSecurityPlanandimplementing procedures atleastonceper12months.h.Thefireprotection equipment andprogramimplementation, atleastonceper12monthsutilizing eitheraqualified offsitelicenseefireprotection engineer(s) oranoutsideindependent fireprotection
4.1 In addition to the applicable record retention requirements of Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, the following records shall be retained for at least the minimum period indicated.
4.2 The following records shall be retained for at least 5 years: a.Records and logs of unit operation covering time interval at each power level.b.Records and logs of principal maintenance activities, inspections, repair, and replacement of principal items of equipment related to nuclear safety.c.ALL REPORTABLE OCCURRENCES submitted to the Commission.
Anoutsideindependent fireprotection consultant shallbeutilizedatleastonceeverythirdyear;andAnyotherareaofunitoperation considered appropriate bytheCNSRBortheChiefNuclearOfficer.J~Theradiological environmental monitoring programandtheresultsthereofatleastonceper12months.k.TheOFFSITEDOSECALCULATION MANUALandimplementing procedures atleastonceper24months.ThePROCESSCONTROLPROGRAMandimplementing procedures forprocessing andpackaging ofradioactive wastesatleastonceper24months.m.Theperformance ofactivities requiredbytheQualityAssurance ProgramforefHuentandenvironmental monitoring atleastonceper12months.2.2.9RecordsofCNSRBactivities shallbeprepared,
d.Records of surveillance activities, inspections, and calibrations required by the Plant Technical Specifications.
: approved, anddistributed asindicated below:a.MinutesofeachCNSRBmeetingshallbeprepared,
968-25060 (4/92)OQAPDAPP.IIIIWAOQAPD 0 r~4' W*$ll'INCTOM 1UILIC tOWRR CP SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE REV.III-9 e.Records of changes made to the procedures required by Technical Specification 5.4.1.g Records of radioactive shipments.
: approved, andforwarded totheChiefNuclearOfficer14daysfollowing eachmeeting.b.Reportsofreviewsencompassed byAppendixIII,2.2.7above,shallbeprepared,
Records of sealed source and fission detector leak tests and results.h.Records of annual physical inventory of all sealed source material of record.4.3 The following records shall be retained for the duration of the unit Operating License: a.Records and drawing changes refiecting unit design modifications made to systems and equipment described in the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR).b.Records of new and irradiated fuel inventory, fuel transfers, and assembly burnup histories.
: approved, andforwarded totheChiefExecutive Officerwithin14daysfollowing completion ofthereview.C.Auditreportsencompassed byAppendixIII,2.2.8shallbeforwarded totheChiefNuclearOfficerandtothemanagement positions responsible fortheareasauditedwithin30daysaftercompletion oftheaudit.968-25060 (4/92)OQAPDAPP.IIIIW:IOQAPD JA'.!4.~+PJil-.
Records of radiation exposure for all individuals entering radiation control areas.d.Records of gaseous and liquid radioactive material released to the environs.e, Records of transient or operational cycles for those unit components identified in Technical Specification 5.5.5.Records of reactor tests and experiments.
WASlllMCTON tUllllCtOWCR4NSUPPLYSYSTEMOPERATIONAL QUALITYASSURANCE PROGRAMDESCRIPTION PAGEIII-83.0PROEDRANDPROGRAMS3.1Eachprocedure ofTechnical Specification 5.4.1,andchangesthereto,shallbereviewedbythePOCandshallbeapprovedbythePlantGeneralManagerpriortoimplementation andreviewedperiodically assetforthinadministrative procedures.
Records of training and qualification for current members of the unit staff.h.Records of inservice inspections performed pursuant to the Technical Specifications.
3.2Temporary changestoprocedures ofTechnical Specification 5.4.1a.throughe.maybemadeprovided:
Records of quality assurance activities required by the Operational Quality Assurance Manual not listed in Appendix III, 4.2.j.Records of reviews performed for changes made to procedures or equipment or reviews of tests and experiments pursuant to 10 CFR 50.59.k.Records of meetings of the POC and the CNSRB.968-25060 (4/92)OQAPDAPP.IIAWAOQAPD  
a.Theintentoftheoriginalprocedure isnotaltered;b.Thechangeisapprovedbytwomembersoftheunitmanagement staff,atleastoneofwhomholdsaSeniorOperatorlicenseontheunitaffected; andc.Thechangeisdocumented, reviewedbythePOC,andapprovedbythePlantGeneralManagerwithin14daysofimplementation.
~A5 WA5IIINCTON tUbl,lC POWbb 44 SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE REV.III-10 Records of the service lives of all hydraulic and mechanical snubbers required by WNP-2 Snubber Program including the date at which the service life commences and associated installation and maintenance records.m.Records of analysis required by the radiological environmental monitoring program that would permit evaluation of the accuracy of the analysis at a later date.This should include procedures effective at specified times and QA records showing that these procedures were followed.n.Records of reviews performed for changes made to the OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL and the PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM.968-25060 (4/92)OQAPDAPP.II':IOQAPD  
~4 F g fff$&/P fl his v iJ , g'I S}}
==4.0 RERDRETENTINARecordsDisposition==
Programwasestablished tomanagetheidentification, retention, retirement anddisposalofSupplySystemrecordsanddocuments.
RefertotheRecordsDisposition Programtoinsurecompliance withvariousFederalandWashington Staterecordretention requirements.
4.1Inadditiontotheapplicable recordretention requirements ofTitle10,CodeofFederalRegulations, thefollowing recordsshallberetainedforatleasttheminimumperiodindicated.
4.2Thefollowing recordsshallberetainedforatleast5years:a.Recordsandlogsofunitoperation coveringtimeintervalateachpowerlevel.b.Recordsandlogsofprincipal maintenance activities, inspections, repair,andreplacement ofprincipal itemsofequipment relatedtonuclearsafety.c.ALLREPORTABLE OCCURRENCES submitted totheCommission.
d.Recordsofsurveillance activities, inspections, andcalibrations requiredbythePlantTechnical Specifications.
968-25060 (4/92)OQAPDAPP.IIIIWAOQAPD 0r~4' W*$ll'INCTOM 1UILICtOWRRCPSUPPLYSYSTEMOPERATIONAL QUALITYASSURANCE PROGRAMDESCRIPTION PAGEREV.III-9e.Recordsofchangesmadetotheprocedures requiredbyTechnical Specification 5.4.1.gRecordsofradioactive shipments.
Recordsofsealedsourceandfissiondetectorleaktestsandresults.h.Recordsofannualphysicalinventory ofallsealedsourcematerialofrecord.4.3Thefollowing recordsshallberetainedforthedurationoftheunitOperating License:a.Recordsanddrawingchangesrefiecting unitdesignmodifications madetosystemsandequipment described intheFinalSafetyAnalysisReport(FSAR).b.Recordsofnewandirradiated fuelinventory, fueltransfers, andassemblyburnuphistories.
Recordsofradiation exposureforallindividuals enteringradiation controlareas.d.Recordsofgaseousandliquidradioactive materialreleasedtotheenvirons.
e,Recordsoftransient oroperational cyclesforthoseunitcomponents identified inTechnical Specification 5.5.5.Recordsofreactortestsandexperiments.
Recordsoftrainingandqualification forcurrentmembersoftheunitstaff.h.Recordsofinservice inspections performed pursuanttotheTechnical Specifications.
Recordsofqualityassurance activities requiredbytheOperational QualityAssurance ManualnotlistedinAppendixIII,4.2.j.Recordsofreviewsperformed forchangesmadetoprocedures orequipment orreviewsoftestsandexperiments pursuantto10CFR50.59.k.RecordsofmeetingsofthePOCandtheCNSRB.968-25060 (4/92)OQAPDAPP.IIAWAOQAPD  
~A5WA5IIINCTON tUbl,lCPOWbb44SUPPLYSYSTEMOPERATIONAL QUALITYASSURANCE PROGRAMDESCRIPTION PAGEREV.III-10Recordsoftheservicelivesofallhydraulic andmechanical snubbersrequiredbyWNP-2SnubberProgramincluding thedateatwhichtheservicelifecommences andassociated installation andmaintenance records.m.Recordsofanalysisrequiredbytheradiological environmental monitoring programthatwouldpermitevaluation oftheaccuracyoftheanalysisatalaterdate.Thisshouldincludeprocedures effective atspecified timesandQArecordsshowingthattheseprocedures werefollowed.
n.Recordsofreviewsperformed forchangesmadetotheOFFSITEDOSECALCULATION MANUALandthePROCESSCONTROLPROGRAM.968-25060 (4/92)OQAPDAPP.II':IOQAPD  

Revision as of 12:07, 6 July 2018

Rev 25 to Operational QA Program Description.
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Site: Columbia Energy Northwest icon.png
Issue date: 03/10/1997
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ML17292A785 List:
WPPSS-QA-004, WPPSS-QA-4, NUDOCS 9704150196
Download: ML17292A786 (43)



APPROVED: Manager, Quality S/o-:1 Date Effective REVISION NO.25 ORIGINAL ISSUE: May 10, 1978 WASHINGTON PUBLIC POWER 44 SUPPLY SYSTEM 97osxsoaos 97oeo9P PDR ADOCK 050003'P7 P PDRQ

WA5MIMCTON tVILIC JOWSL 4P SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE REV.25 LIST F EFFE IVE PA PA E REVISION 25 1V 1-1-1-13 2-1-2-4 3-1-3-2 4-1&4-2 5-1 6-1-6-3 7-1-7-2 8-1&8-2 9-1&9-2 10-1&10-2 11-1&11-2 12-1&12-2 13-1 14-1 15-1&15-2 16-1 17-1&17-2 18-1&18-2 II-1-II-14 25 25 25 18 10 12 12 12 968-25060 (4/92)


W*$HIMCTON tUSLIC tOWRR LP SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE REV.25 1-R ANIZATI~PR~P$E This section provides a description of the authorities and responsibilities assigned to Supply System organizational units and individuals involved in establishing, implementing, verifying implementation, and measuring the overall effectiveness of the administrative controls and quality assurance program during the initial testing (pre-operational and startup testing)and subsequent operations phases of Supply System nuclear power plants.1.2 PLY Y TEM R A IZATI The Supply System organization responsible for establishing, implementing, verifying'implementation, and measuring the overall effectiveness of the administrative controls and quality assurance program for its nuclear power plants is as depicted in Figures 1-1 and 1-2.Portions of these activities may be delegated to external organizations qualified to the requirements of this Operational QA Program, hereafter referred to as QA Program;however, the responsibility shall remain with the Supply System.1.3 MANA EMENT R PONSIBILITIES 1.3.1 The hief Execu ive fficer is responsible for the establishment of policies and for overall management of Supply System operations.

The Chief Executive Officer has issued a Management Statement which commits the Supply System to design, construct, and operate its nuclear power plants without jeopardy to the health and safety of the public.The Chief Executive Officer has the responsibilities as the Chief Nuclear Officer, is the ultimate Supply System authority on matters involving Plant Nuclear Safety and Quality, and appoints the members of the Corporate Nuclear Safety Review Board (CNSRB), including the Chairman and Alternate Chairman.The Chief Nuclear Officer operates through the Vice President, Nuclear Operations; Vice President, Operations Support/Public Information Officer;and Vice President, Administration/Chief Financial Officer, to provide for engineering, construction, procurement, quality assurance/quality control, and operations activities for Supply System nuclear power plants.'IIDS MANUAL IS CLASSIHED AS A LEVEL 2B DOCUMENT 968-25060 (4/92)W:iOgAm B~I.P~

W*$HINGTOM tllILIC tOWCR 4P SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSMWNCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PhGE REV.1-2 25 1.3.2 The Vice President Nuclear rations reports to the Chief Executive Officer and is responsible for: a.Safe and efficient operation of Supply System nuclear power plants.b.Safe and successful completion of initial testing activities for WNP-2 (through the WNP-2 Plant General Manager).c.Establishing and monitoring maintenance systems common to operational nuclear power plants.d.Training of nuclear plant staff and support personnel.

e.Development of programs and procedures to ensure uniform application at operational nuclear power plants.f.Radiological protection, fire protection, and radioactive waste management.

g.Engineering design and analysis support for WNP-2.To accomplish this role, the Vice President, Nuclear Operations operates through the Plant General Manager;Engineering General Manager;Manager, Nuclear Training;Corporate Chemist;and Corporate Radiological Health Officer. The En ineerin General Mana er reports to the Vice President, Nuclear Operations and is responsible for providing project engineering and design control, nuclear fuel supply, and maintenance/operation engineering support as required for WNP-2.The Engineering General Manager is specifically responsible for: ao Developing, maintaining, and implementing design control programs and processes by which plant design, and design changes, and modifications are defined, controlled, and verified.b.Developing and maintaining programs for in-service inspection, and materials and welding engineering.

C.Providing engineering support for technical resolution of nuclear safety and licensing issues.d.Maintaining a current engineering data base for WNP-2.968-25060 (4/92)WAOQhPSeclionl.PAA WAERIROTOR tUELIC tOWER 44 SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSUR&ICE PROGIUdrI DESCRIPTION PAGE 1-3 25 e.Implementing configuration control by establishing site-specific policy, procedures, and methods that allow control and accountability.

Management of major plant modifications, major maintenance tasks, and contractor support, g The supply, engineering, and efficient in-core management of nuclear fuel.h.Transient analysis and licensing issue resolution to support technical specification changes and reload fuel licensing.

Reliability and availability analysis to improve plant performance, safety, and maintainability.

k.Developing and maintaining fire protection programs.Training and qualification of engineering and technical support staff.The Engineering General Manager operates through the Manager, Design/Projects Engineering; Manager, Engineering Programs;Manager, Technical Services/Systems Engineering; and Manager, Reactor/Fuels Engineering.

The Engineering organization and functional responsibilities of key personnel are described in Chapter 13 of the Final Safety Analysis Report for WNP- The Plant General Mana er for WNP-2 reports to the Vice President, Nuclear Operations and is directly responsible for safe and efficient operation of the plant in accordance with the requirements of the Operating License, the Plant Technical Specifications, and the Plant Procedures Manual.Some of the specific responsibilities of the Plant General Manager are: a.Planning, coordinating, and directing all test, operation, modification, inspection, maintenance, and refueling activities subsequent to the issuance of an Operating License.b.Authorizing all plant modifications subsequent to the issuance of-an Operating License.C.Qualifying and training plant staff.d.Ensuring calibrated measuring and test equipment (including installed instruments covered by the Plant Technical Specifications) is utilized at WNP-2.968-25060 (4192)W:>OQAPSeCtiOI5l.

P&A WASHINGTON tUII.IC tOWIR Lp sUpPLY SYSTHM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE 1-4 25 e.Dispositioning of nonconforming items, g h.Implementing the in-service testing program.Implementing a fire protection program.Off-Site Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM).The Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program and Bioassay Program.Environmental sciences function which performs nonradiological monitoring and fitness for duty chemical analysis.The Plant General Manager operates through the Operations Manager, Maintenance Manager, Plant Support Services Manager, and Planning/Scheduling/Outage Manager.The plant organization and functional responsibilities of key plant personnel are described in Chapter 13 of the Final Safety Analysis Report for WNP- The Mana er Nuclear Trainin reports to the Vice President, Nuclear Operations and is responsible for nuclear training policy and implementation, fire prevention and protection training, technical maintenance of the simulator to support operator training and testing, and training records management for nuclear plant operations. The o orate Chemis reports to the Vice President, Nuclear Operations and is g responsible for policy development, oversight, and integration of matters pertaining to chemistry at WNP- The o orate Radi lo ical Health fficer reports to the Vice President, Nuclear Operations and is responsible for the development and oversight of radiation protection policies and programs which support operation of WNP-2.The Corporate Radiological Health Officer provides support to WNP-2 through coordination of radiation protection projects and long range planning, program oversight, audits and evaluation of the Radiation Protection Program.1.3.3 The Vice Presiden i n Pu lie Inf rm i n fficer reports to the Chief Executive Officer and is responsible for the development and implementation of policies and programs which support operafion of Supply System nuclear power plants in the areas of: a.Quality Assurance program definition, implementation and effectiveness.

968-25060 (4/92)WAOQARScctioa1.PAh WATMIMOTOM TUII55C tOW5ll 4P SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE REV.1-5 25 b.Maintaining cognizance of changing regulatory requirements and providing controlled interface between the Supply System and regulatory agencies to assure that commitment documents receive the necessary degree and depth of reviews prior to transmittal.

c.Providing licensing support functions in such areas as acquisition and maintenance of nuclear power plant construction permits and operating licenses.d, Safeguards, physical plant security and fitness for duty.e.Emergency preparedness, safety and health.f.Procurement, inventory, spare parts engineering, vendor quality, and warehousing.

g.Reviewing in-house and external events for determination of cause and necessary corrective action to minimize potential for recurrence at Supply System nuclear facilities.

h.Establishing, managing, and administering the implementation and effectiveness of the Nuclear Safety Issues Program (NSIP).To accomplish this role, the Vice President operates through the Manager, Quality;Manager, Regulatory Affairs;Manager, Security;and Manager, Procurement. p<<h Pd P dd,pp h Ppp IPIO dd directly responsible for the definition, direction, and effectiveness of the overall Quality Assurance Program during design, construction, and operation phases of all Supply System nuclear power plants.Major functions of the Quality organization are: ap Establishing and maintaining assurance programs, Nuclear Operation Standards, and directorate procedures which incorporate nuclear safety considerations and comply with the Quality Assurance (QA)criteria delineated in Appendix B to 10CFR 50.b.Assuring through reviews, surveillances, assessments, inspections, nondestructive examinations, and audits that Supply System and its suppliers'ctivities are being performed in a safe and legal manner in accordance with written and approved documents which comply with applicable requirements defined by the assurance programs and Nuclear Operation Standards.

968-2$060 (4/92)WAOQAHScctica1.P&A IP A'44~%4 WA5MIMOCOM tO55IC tOW5M 4P SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGMAl DESCRIPTION PAGE 1-6 25 c.Assessing the overall effectiveness of assurance programs'mplementation, including evaluation of plant performance and reporting conclusions to the Chief, Executive Officer.d.Stopping unsatisfactory work and controlling further processing, delivery, or installation of nonconforming material.e.Establishing and maintaining adequate and qualified assurance staffing levels.f.Providing trending of deficiencies to identify areas where corrective actions have not minimized recurrence.

g.Establishing, maintaining, and controlling the Operational QA Program Description (WPPSS-QA-004) and the Supply System Functional Manual for Nuclear Operation.

h.Certifying Supply System examination personnel for non-destructive examinations (NDE).Qualifying and certifying Supply System Audit Team Leaders, QC inspection and test personnel.

Acquiring and maintaining ASME Certificates of Authorization and/or.Owners Certificates.

k.Ensuring that a written agreement with an Authorized Inspection Agency is obtained to provide for Authorized Nuclear In-Service Inspection Services.Administering the WNP-2 industry and in-plant operating experience programs.m.Providing the Independent Safety Engineering Group (ISEG)functions for assessing programs, processes and activities of various areas and operations that affect plant nuclear safety and reliability.

n.Administering the nonconforming condition and corrective action processing including assisting the cognizant organization in evaluation and determination of the root cause for plant-related events.968-25060 (4I92)WAOQAHSectioal.PAA WAIIIINOTOII tUALIC tOWbb 4P SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSU1ULNCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE 1-7 25 The Manager, Quality has effective communication channels with all Supply System senior management positions and has no duties or responsibilities unrelated to quality assurance that would prevent his full attention to Quality Assurance Program matters.To accomplish the above defined role, the Manager, Quality operates through the Supervisor, Quality Services;and Supervisor, Quality Programs.The qualification requirements for this position are as described in Appendix I, Qualification Requirements.

A management representative from the Quality Organization is a member of the Plant Operating Committee (see WNP-2 Technical Specification) and has sufficient authority and organizational freedom to identify problems;to initiate, recommend, or provide solutions; and to verify implementation of solutions.

The representative has no duties or responsibilities unrelated to quality assurance matters and has effective communication channels with all plant supervisory and management personnel. The Su rvisor ualit Services reports to the Manager, Quality and is directly responsible for performing internal Supply System quality assurance functions that are necessary to verify that the QA Program is being effectively implemented.

This includes maintaining a sufhcient number of qualified auditors to perform QA audits, as required.The Supervisor has the authority and responsibility to stop unsatisfactory work and control further processing, delivery, or installation of nonconforming material.When the unit is operating, the Supervisor may recommend that the unit be shut down;the Plant General Manager, however, has the final responsibility for the overall evaluation of all aspects and implications of shutting down the operating unit.Qualification requirements for this position is described in Appendix I, Qualification Requirements.

The Supervisor, Quality Services is specifically responsible for: a.Reviewing and concurring with programs, procedures, and/or instructions affecting safety, including changes thereto, to assure that applicable quality assurance requirements have been identified and specified therein.968-25060 (4l92)WAOQAPScctionl.PdN k k<<I'I 4 JI' wArmuorou ruruc rowra 4P SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE REV.1-8 25 b.Verifying internal Supply System activities to assure that they are being conducted in a safe and legal manner in accordance with approved programs, plans, procedures, or instructions.

Such verifications will be in the form of audits, technical assessments, or quality assurance surveillances.

Included in the scope of these verifications are: (i)control room operations; post modification/major maintenance testing and operational tests;maintenance, modification, repair, and calibration; personnel training;and refueling activities;(ii)activities associated with satisfying technical specifications and in-service inspection and testing;(iii)activities associated with the implementation of security, fire protection, and radiological protection programs;(iv)activities including engineering, maintenance, modifications, operational problem resolution, technical support activities, and operational analysis that affect plant nuclear safety and reliability; and (v)activities related to procurement, storage and issuance of parts, materials, and services to assure implementation of QA Program and management requirements.

C.Providing the Independent Safety Engineering Group (ISEG)functions involving: (i)Assessing programs, processes and activities including engineering, maintenance, modifications, operational problems, technical support activities and operational analysis that acct plant nuclear safety and reliability.(ii)Assessing plant operations and performance regarding conformance to regulatory requirements.(iii)Evaluating industry operating experience, including recommendations for improvements in overall plant performance involving plant practices, procedures and equipment, (iv)Providing certain key operating experience information to operators and other plant personnel. The u ervis r li Pr ram reports to the Manager, Quality and is directly responsible for: a.Administration of the nonconforming condition and corrective action program.b.In-plant QC functions and nondestructive examinations.

968-25060 (4/92)W:(OQAPScction1.PAA WA5AIAOTOM tlJ551C AOWAA 4N SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSU1ULNCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE 1-9 25 c.Certifying Supply System nondestructive examination, QC, and test personnel.

d.Maintaining Quality Program documents.

Qualification requirements for this position are described in Appendix I, Qualification Requirements. The Mana er Re ulato Affair reports to the Vice President, Operations Support/PIO and is responsible for: a.Acquiring and maintaining operating licenses of Supply System nuclear power plants.b.Defining and implementing programs which assure that licensing submittals receive an adequate technical review from cognizant Supply System, NSSS, or AE personnel prior to transmittal.

c.Tracking licensing commitments and taking action necessary to assure that they are being met in a timely manner.d.Providing coordinated development of responses and comments to new laws, regulations, regulatory guides, and other regulatory issuances.

e.Developing and maintaining an emergency response program that includes plans, implementing procedures, training, and drills and exercises. The Mana er Procurement reports to the Vice President, Operations Support/PIO and is responsible for contracting, procurement and storage control services that support operation and maintenance of Supply System nuclear power plants, the sale and demolition of Projects WNP-3, WNP-4 and WNP-5, and the definition and implementation of the source surveillance/audit program for verification of activities performed by Supply System vendors (including the Nuclear Steam Supply System vendors).He is further responsible for assuring that items received for WNP-2 meet the required quality standards.

These responsibilities include: a.Development of Supply System procurement policies and procedures.

b.Procurement of items and services in response to approved purchase requisitions.

968-25060 (4/92)WAOQA PIC tio551.PAh WA5H5MGCOM tUAWC tOWHH 44 SUPPLY.SYSTBM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE REV.1-10 25 C.Coding, cataloging, handling, storage, shipping, and disposal of procured items.d.Providing project management for disposition of assets from terminated power projects and disposition of major assets surplus to operating power projects.e.Maintaining the Restricted Use Equipment List (RVEL).Providing criteria for Class 1 and commercial grade dedicated spare parts procurement.

g Establishing vendor witness points for inspection and release of material/equipment for shipment.h.QC receipt inspection of materials and equipment received by the Supply System.Establishing and maintaining evaluated vendors list.j~Planning, coordinating, and performing source surveillances, source inspections, and external audits to verify implementation of vendors'A/QC programs.k.Reviewing and approving vendor furnished QA/QC procedures and programs.Reviewing for acceptance other utility audits furnished through the Nuclear Procurement Issues Committee (NUPIC)or Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI). The Mana er Securi Pr m the Vice President, Operations Support/PIO and is responsible for overall Supply System security activities.

The Manager, Security Programs is specifically responsible for: a.Administering a security program which includes preemployment screening, physical security surveys and investigations, loss prevention, and fitness for duty.'.Managing the security force by assuring that physical security is consistent with needs and is maintained within individual plant safeguards security plans.968-25060 (4l92)%AOQAPScctio55l.

P&A WALMIMCTON tIIALIC tOWLN IP SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PhGE c.Providing training, administrative, and technical support to the Plant General Manager in the area of plant security. The Vice Pr iden A mini i n hief Financial Seer reports to the Chief Executive Ofhcer and is responsible for providing Administrative Services that are required to Support Operation and Maintenance of WNP-2.To accomplish this role, the Vice President operates through the Manager, Administrative Services. The Mana er Admini tive ervi reports to the Vice President, Administrative/Chief Financial Ofhcer and is responsible for: a.Developing and implementation of administrative controls for plant procedures, processes and systems to maintain nuclear plant design, construction, and operating records.b.Providing program definition and policy development for Supply System records management activities, which includes processing, retrieval, storage and dispositioning of records.C.Providing administrative support functions necessary for the maintenance of manuals and procedures, d.Managing an administrative process by which engineering-related activities

.and commitments are assigned, scheduled, tracked, and dispositioned.



OUTAGE MANAGER RADIATION PROTECTION MANAGER-ADMINISTRATIVE AND FUNCTIONAL REPORTING COMMUNICATION UNES Supply System Organization Relative To Operational QA 890853.2 968-25060 (12/93), Rcv.6/96 Section 1.P6IA/OQAPD1 WASHINGTON tUESIC tOWER 14 SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSU1UkNCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE 2-1 18 2-UALITY AS URANCE A PR RAM 2.1 This section provides an overall description of the QA Program that will be applied to initial testing and subsequent operation and maintenance activities throughout the life of Supply System nuclear power plants.2.2 ENERAL 2.2.1 The QA Program will be implemented through a series of Nuclear Operation Standards (NOSs)contained in the Supply System Functional Manual for Nuclear Operation.

In turn, these NOSs will be implemented by Supply System organizational procedures, programs, or plans which prescribe detailed methods for functional accomplishment.

The NOSs will address the applicable requirements of Appendix B to 10CFR 50 and Sections 1 through 18 of the QA Program.A matrix of Nuclear Operation Standards cross referenced against each criteria of Appendix B to 10CFR 50 is included in Table 2-1.The NOSs and implementing procedures, programs, or plans will collectively comply with the regulatory positions of QA-related Regulatory Guides as identified and modified in Appendix II, Position Statements and the additional Quality Program requirements as identified in Appendix III.The NOSs are being replaced by Site Wide Procedures (SWPs).These procedures contain the same information currently in the NOSs, and implement the QA Program.Table 2-2 lists the SWPs and are cross.referenced to the criteria of 10CFR50, Appendix B.2.2.2 A list of safety-related items that will be subject to the applicable controls of the QA Program is included in the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR)for the applicable Supply System nuclear power plant.Changes to this listing shall be controlled by the Engineering, General Manager and approved by the Plant General Manager.2.2.3 Applicable provisions of the QA Program shall be implemented by the earliest of the following and shall remain in effect for the life of Supply System nuclear power plants: a.Prior to inception of the activity.b.At the time of temporary/permanent transfer of system/component custody to Test and Startup organization.

c.Ninety (90)days prior to initial fuel loading.968-25060 (4/92)WAOQAPDScction2.P4t:A WA5HINGTON tUSllc tOWCR 44 SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE 2-2 18 2.2.4 Revisions to the QA Program will be made by the Quality organization as follows: a.Proposed changes to the QA Program will be evaluated to determine whether or not they would result in a reduction of commitments previously accepted by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).b.Changes that do not reduce the commitments may be implemented prior to forwarding such changes to the NRC.However, all such changes shall be forwarded to the NRC at least annually.c.Changes that reduce commitments will be forwarded to the NRC for their review and acceptance prior to implementation.

Such changes shall be regarded as accepted by the NRC upon receipt of a letter from the NRC to this effect or sixty (60)days after submittal to the NRC, whichever occurs first.'.2.5 Managers of Supply System organizations responsible for implementing the applicable provisions of the QA Program shall assure that activities that affect safety-related functions of plant items are performed by personnel who have been indoctrinated and trained.The scope, objective, and method of implementing the indoctrination and training program shall be documented.

Proficiency of personnel performing activities that affect safety-related functions of plant items shall be maintained by retraining, re-examination, and/or recertifying, as applicable.

Methods shall be provided for documenting training.2.2.6 The scope, implementation, and effectiveness of the QA Program is routinely audited by the Quality organization.

Copies of audit reports are presented to Supply System management to provide for assessment of the effectiveness of the QA Program.Additionally, at least once per two (2)years, the Supply System management arranges for an independent evaluation of the adequacy of the scope, implementation, and effectiveness of the QA Program.This is accomplished by knowledgeable personnel outside of the Quality organization to assure achievement of an objective program assessment.

Results of these independent evaluations are reported to the Chief Executive Officer, Vice President, Nuclear Operations, and Vice President, Operations Support/PIO.

968-25060 (4/92)WAOQAPDScction2.PAA

$~,l K D 1 WASHlNCTON tUtllC tOWtll 4P SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGIUD4 DESCRIPTION PAGE 2-3 18 TABLE 2-1 OPERATIONAL QA PROGRAM DESCRIPTION IMPLEMENTING NUCLEAR OPERATION STANDARDS (Page 1 of 1)Nuclear 0 eration Standards 1 CFR 0 A endix B Cr terion Number Ti tl e 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 NOS-1 NOS-2 NOS-3 NOS-4 NOS-5 NOS-6 NOS-8 NOS-9 NOS-ll NOS-13 NOS-14 NOS-19 NOS-20 NOS-21 NOS-22 NOS-23 NOS-24 NOS-26 NOS-27 NOS-30 NOS-32 NOS-33 NOS-34 NOS-35 NOS-36 NOS-37 NOS-39 NOS-41 NOS-45 Organizational Responsibilities/Changes Control of the Functional Manual for Nuclear Operation Operational QA Program Description Control Plant Operations and Maintenance Control Personnel Training, Qualification and Certification Review Committees (CNSRB&POC)Nuclear Safety Assurance Assessment Program Procedures/Instructions Control Conduct of Licensing Activities Reporting of Incidents Operating Experience Review Plant QC Inspection Program Quality Assurance Evaluations ASME Pressure Boundary Work Q-List Control Plant Modification Control Control of Records Computer Software QA Procurement and Storage Control Control of Nonconformances and Corrective Action Configuration Management Program Inservice Inspections Inservice Testing of Pumps and Valves Nuclear Materials Control Chemistry Rad.Environmental Hon.Program Fire Protection Program QA Program for Radioactive Materials Shipping Packages Simulator Certification X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 968-25060 (4/92)WAOQAPDEcclion2.PdtA WAtlllMCTOM tUbl.lC tOWRL 4N SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE 2-4 18 TABLE 2-2 OPERATIONAL gA PROGRAM DESCRIPTION IMPLEMENTING SITE WIDE PROCEDURES (Page 1 of I)Site Wide Procedures 1 CF R OA endix B Cr terion Number Title 1 2 345 678 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 SWP-PRO-Ol Procedure/Instruction Use SWP-PRO-02 Prep./Review/Approval of Procedures SWP-PRO-03 Procedure Writer's Hanual SWP-PUR-Ol Procurement of Services SWP-PUR-05 Emergency Purchasing SWP-MNP-02 Warehousing X X X 968-25060 (4/92)WAOQAPDEection2.PAh lTATlllVCTOh tl4llc FOlT44 4P sm eD.svsmuw OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE 17-1 17-ALITY A RAN E RE RD 17.1~PR~P$E This section sets forth requirements for generation, transmittal, retention, and maintenance of quality assurance records for Supply System's nuclear power plants.17.2 GENERAL 17.2.1 Sufficient records shall be maintained to furnish evidence of the quality of safety-related plant items and activities.

As a minimum these records shall include the following:

a.Operating logs b.Results of design reviews, inspections, tests, audits, and material analysis c.Monitoring of work performance d.Qualifications of personnel, procedures, and equipment.

17.2.2 e.Drawings, specifications, procedures, and procurement documents.

f.Nonconformance and corrective action reports g.Records as required by Appendix III, Section 4.0.Inspection and test records shall identify the following where applicable:

a.Inspector and/or data recorder b.The type of observation c.The date and results of inspection or test.d.Acceptability of results.e.The action taken to resolve any deficiencies noted.968-25060 (4/92)WAOQAPDScctin1 7.Pl9 A i'WASlll'OCTO%

tLSWC FOWSS kP suppD.svsTHM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE REV.17-2 17.2.3 Quality assurance records shall be generated (prepared, reviewed, and approved), accumulated, transmitted for incorporation into the records retention system, retained, maintained, and controlled in accordance with documented procedures and/or instructions.

17.2.4 The quality assurance records shall be organized and filed so that each document is identifiable and retrievable.

17.2,5 The quality assurance records shall be filed and maintained in facilities that provide protection from possible deterioration or damage and shall be controlled to prevent loss.968.25060 (4/92)W:<OQAPDScctinl7.PEA W*ShlhGTON PUhllC hOWhh 4N SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE III-1 REV.APPENDIX III"ADDITIONAL UALITY PRO RAM RE UIREMENTS" This Appendix identifies additional quality program requirements that were formally located in the WNP-2 Technical Specification, Section 6.0, Administrative Controls.To implement the Improved Technical Specification Program, several requirements from Section 6.0 were required to be relocated into the Operational Quality Assurance Program Description.

The following requirements have been incorporated by Supply System organizations into their procedures and/or instructions.

This Appendix will be revised, as and when necessary, by the Supply System Quality Department, in accordance with the provisions of Section 2 of the QA Program.1.0 LEAR SAFETY ASS RANCE DIVI I N NSAD 1.1 The NSAD shall function to examine unit operating characteristics, NRC issuances, industry advisories, Licensee Event Reports, and other sources of unit design and operating experience information, including units of similar design, which may indicate areas for improving unit safety.The NSAD shall make detailed recommendations for revised procedures, equipment and modifications, maintenance activities, operations activities, or other means of improving unit safety to the Quality Manager.1.1.1 The NSAD shall be composed of at least five, dedicated, full-time engineers, with a minimum of three located on site.Each shall have a bachelor's degree in engineering or related science or qualifications meeting ANS.3.1 Draft Revision dated March 13, 1981, Section 4.2 or 4.4, or equivalent, as described in Section 4.1 and at least 2 years professional level experience in his field, at least 1 year of which experience shall be in the nuclear field.1.1.2 The NSAD shall be responsible for maintaining surveillance of unit activities to provide independent verification (not responsible for sign-off function)that these activities are performed correctly and that human errors are reduced as much as practical.

1.1.3 Records of activities performed by the NSAD shall be prepared, maintained, and forwarded each calendar month to the Quality Manager.968-25060 (4/92)OQAPDAPP.IIIiWAOQAPD Iq fl p V WAElllROTOR tCEEIC tOWER 4N SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE III-2 2.0 REVIEW AND A DIT 2.1 PLANT OPERATIONS COMMITTEE (POC)The POC shall function to advise the Plant General Manager on all matters related to nuclear safety.2.1.1 The POC shall be composed of the: Chairman Vice Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Plant General Manager As designated from the POC Members by the Plant General Manager and documented in the POC minutes.Operations Manager Health Physics Operations General Supervisor/RPM System Engineering/Technical Services Division Manager.Maintenance Manager Administrative Manager Quality Services Supervisor Engineering Programs Manager 2.1.2 All POC alternate members shall be appointed in writing by the POC Chairman or Vice Chairman to serve on a temporary basis.2.1.3 The Plant Operations Committee shall meet at least once per calendar month and as convened by the POC Chairman or his designated alternate.

2.1.4 The quorum of the POC necessary for the performance of the POC responsibility and authority provisions of these requirements shall consist of the Chairman or Vice Chairman and four members including alternates.

No more than two alternates shall make up the quorum.2.1.5 The POC shall be responsible for: ao Review of (1)all proposed procedures or proposed programs required by Technical Specification 5.4 and changes thereto, and (2)any other proposed procedures or changes thereto as determined by the Plant General Manager to affect nuclear safety;b.Review of all proposed tests and experiments that affect nuclear safety;968-25060 (4I92)W:IOQAPDIOQAPDAPP.III


~UIILIC PGWlM 4N SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE III-3 C.Review of all proposed changes to the Appendix A Technical Specifications; d.Review of all proposed changes or modifications to unit system or equipment that affect nuclear safety;Investigation of all violations of the Technical Specifications, including the preparation and forwarding of reports covering evaluation and recommendations to prevent recurrence, to the Chief Nuclear Officer and to the Corporate Nuclear Safety Review Board;Review of all REPORTABLE EVENTS;g Review of unit operations to detect potential hazards to nuclear safety;h.Performance of special reviews, investigations, or analyses and reports thereon as requested by the Plant General Manager or the Corporate Nuclear Safety Review Board;Review of the Security Plan and implementing procedures and submittal of recommended changes to the Corporate Nuclear Safety Review Board;Review of the Emergency Plan and implementing procedures and submittal of recommended changes to the Corporate Nuclear Safety Review Board;k.Review of any accidental, unplanned, or uncontrolled radioactive release including the preparation of reports covering evaluation, recommendations, and disposition of the corrective action to prevent recurrence and the forwarding of these reports to the Chief Nuclear Officer and to the Corporate Nuclear Safety Review Board;and Review of changes to the PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM and the OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL.2.1.6 The POC shall: a.Recommend in writing to the Plant General Manager approval or disapproval of items considered under Appendix III, 2.1.5a.through d.prior to their implementation.

968-25060 (4/92)OQAPDAPP.III':IOQAPD WASHINGTON tUbLIC tOWth 4P SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAI'8 DESCRIPTION PAGE III-4 b.Render determinations in writing with regard to whether or not each item considered under Appendix III, 2.1.5a.through e.constitutes an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10 CFR 50.59.C.Provide written notification within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> to the Chief Nuclear Officer and the Corporate Nuclear Safety Review Board of disagreement between the POC and the Plant General Manager;however, the Plant General Manager shall have responsibility for resolution of such disagreements pursuant to Technical Specification 5, The POC shall maintain written minutes of each POC meeting that, at a minimum, document the results of all POC activities performed under the responsibility provisions of these Specifications.

Copies shall be provided to the Chief Nuclear Officer and the Corporate Nuclear Safety Review Board.2.2 CORPORATE NUCLEAR SAFETY REVIEW BOARD (CNSRB)2.2.1 The CNSRB shall function to provide independent review and audit of designated activities in the areas of: a.Nuclear power plant operations, b.Nuclear engineering, c.Chemistry and radiochemistry, d.Metallurgy, e.Instrumentation and control, f.Radiological safety, g.Mechanical and electrical engineering, and h.Quality Assurance practices.

The CNSRB shall report to and advise the Chief Nuclear Officer on those areas of responsibility in Appendix III, 2.2.7 and (4/92)OQAPDAPP.III':IOQAPD

~1~$~f Jf p WA5lllMOCOM tUAllC POW5k 4P SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE REV.2.2.2 The CNSRB shall be composed of nine members appointed in writing by the Chief Nuclear Officer from his senior technical staff and/or from outside the Supply System.He shall designate from the members a Chairman and an Alternate Chairman.The qualifications of all members shall meet the minimum requirements of Section 4.7 of ANSI/ANS 3.1-1981 and have, cumulatively, expertise in the areas listed in Appendix III, 2.2.1, as a minimum.2.2.3 All alternate members shall be appointed in writing by the CNSRB Chairman to serve on a temporary basis;however, no more than two alternates shall participate as voting members in CNSRB activities at any one time.2.2.4 Consultants shall be utilized as determined by the CNSRB Committee to provide expert advice to the CNSRB.2.2.5 The CNSRB shall meet at least once per calendar quarter during the initial year of unit operation following fuel loading and at least once per 6 months thereafter, 2.2.6 The quorum of the CNSRB necessary for the performance of the CNSRB review and audit functions of these specifications shall consist of the Chairman or the alternate Chairman and at least four CNSRB members.including alternates.

No more than a minority of the quorum shall have line responsibility for operation of the unit.2.2.7 The CNSRB shall review: aI The safety evaluations for (1)changes to procedures, equipment or systems and (2)tests or experiments completed under the provision of 10 CFR 50.59 to verify that such actions did not constitute an unreviewed safety question;b.Proposed changes to procedures, equipment, or systems which involve an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10 CFR 50.59;C.Proposed tests or experiments which involve an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10 CFR 50.59;d.Proposed changes to Technical Specifications or the Operating License;968-25060 (4/92)OQAPDAPP.IIIIW:IOQAPD

'~g WASMIMOTOM tOSI IC SOWSh 4P SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE III-6 e.Violations of codes, regulations, orders, Technical Specifications, license requirements, or of internal procedures or instruction having nuclear safety significance; Significant operating abnormalities or deviations from normal and expected performance of unit equipment that affect nuclear safety;g All REPORTABLE EVENTS;h.All recognized indications of an unanticipated deficiency in some aspect of design or operation of structures, systems, or components that could affect nuclear safety;and i.Reports and meeting minutes of the POC.j.Audit reports and summary reports of audits.2.2.8 Audits of unit activities shall be performed under the cognizance of the CNSRB.These audits shall encompass:

a.The conformance of unit operation to provisions contained within the Technical Specifications and applicable license conditions at least once per 12 months;b.The performance, training and qualifications of the entire unit staff at least once per 12 months;C.The results of actions taken to correct deficiencies occurring in unit equipment, structures, systems, or method of operation that affect nuclear safety, at least once per 6 months;d.The performance of activities required by the Operational Quality Assurance Program to meet the criteria of Appendix B, 10 CFR Part 50, at least once per 24 months;e.The fire protection programmatic controls including the implementing procedures at least once per 24 months by qualified licenses QA personnel; The Emergency Plan and implementing procedures at least once per 12 months per 10 CFR 50.54(t).968-25060 (4/92)OQAPDAPP.IIIIW:IOQAPD WASHINGTON tUllllC tOWtll 4N SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE III-7 g The Security Plan and implementing procedures at least once per 12 months.h.The fire protection equipment and program implementation, at least once per 12 months utilizing either a qualified offsite licensee fire protection engineer(s) or an outside independent fire protection-consultant.

An outside independent fire protection consultant shall be utilized at least once every third year;and Any other area of unit operation considered appropriate by the CNSRB or the Chief Nuclear Officer.J~The radiological environmental monitoring program and the results thereof at least once per 12 months.k.The OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL and implementing procedures at least once per 24 months.The PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM and implementing procedures for processing and packaging of radioactive wastes at least once per 24 months.m.The performance of activities required by the Quality Assurance Program for efHuent and environmental monitoring at least once per 12 months.2.2.9 Records of CNSRB activities shall be prepared, approved, and distributed as indicated below: a.Minutes of each CNSRB meeting shall be prepared, approved, and forwarded to the Chief Nuclear Officer 14 days following each meeting.b.Reports of reviews encompassed by Appendix III, 2.2.7 above, shall be prepared, approved, and forwarded to the Chief Executive Officer within 14 days following completion of the review.C.Audit reports encompassed by Appendix III, 2.2.8 shall be forwarded to the Chief Nuclear Officer and to the management positions responsible for the areas audited within 30 days after completion of the audit.968-25060 (4/92)OQAPDAPP.IIIIW:IOQAPD J A'.!4.~+PJil-.

WASlllMCTON tUllllC tOWCR 4N SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE III-8 3.0 PRO ED R AND PROGRAMS 3.1 Each procedure of Technical Specification 5.4.1, and changes thereto, shall be reviewed by the POC and shall be approved by the Plant General Manager prior to implementation and reviewed periodically as set forth in administrative procedures.

3.2 Temporary changes to procedures of Technical Specification 5.4.1a.through e.may be made provided: a.The intent of the original procedure is not altered;b.The change is approved by two members of the unit management staff, at least one of whom holds a Senior Operator license on the unit affected;and c.The change is documented, reviewed by the POC, and approved by the Plant General Manager within 14 days of implementation.

4.0 RE RD RETENTI N A Records Disposition Program was established to manage the identification, retention, retirement and disposal of Supply System records and documents.

Refer to the Records Disposition Program to insure compliance with various Federal and Washington State record retention requirements.

4.1 In addition to the applicable record retention requirements of Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, the following records shall be retained for at least the minimum period indicated.

4.2 The following records shall be retained for at least 5 years: a.Records and logs of unit operation covering time interval at each power level.b.Records and logs of principal maintenance activities, inspections, repair, and replacement of principal items of equipment related to nuclear safety.c.ALL REPORTABLE OCCURRENCES submitted to the Commission.

d.Records of surveillance activities, inspections, and calibrations required by the Plant Technical Specifications.

968-25060 (4/92)OQAPDAPP.IIIIWAOQAPD 0 r~4' W*$ll'INCTOM 1UILIC tOWRR CP SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE REV.III-9 e.Records of changes made to the procedures required by Technical Specification 5.4.1.g Records of radioactive shipments.

Records of sealed source and fission detector leak tests and results.h.Records of annual physical inventory of all sealed source material of record.4.3 The following records shall be retained for the duration of the unit Operating License: a.Records and drawing changes refiecting unit design modifications made to systems and equipment described in the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR).b.Records of new and irradiated fuel inventory, fuel transfers, and assembly burnup histories.

Records of radiation exposure for all individuals entering radiation control areas.d.Records of gaseous and liquid radioactive material released to the environs.e, Records of transient or operational cycles for those unit components identified in Technical Specification 5.5.5.Records of reactor tests and experiments.

Records of training and qualification for current members of the unit staff.h.Records of inservice inspections performed pursuant to the Technical Specifications.

Records of quality assurance activities required by the Operational Quality Assurance Manual not listed in Appendix III, 4.2.j.Records of reviews performed for changes made to procedures or equipment or reviews of tests and experiments pursuant to 10 CFR 50.59.k.Records of meetings of the POC and the CNSRB.968-25060 (4/92)OQAPDAPP.IIAWAOQAPD

~A5 WA5IIINCTON tUbl,lC POWbb 44 SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE REV.III-10 Records of the service lives of all hydraulic and mechanical snubbers required by WNP-2 Snubber Program including the date at which the service life commences and associated installation and maintenance records.m.Records of analysis required by the radiological environmental monitoring program that would permit evaluation of the accuracy of the analysis at a later date.This should include procedures effective at specified times and QA records showing that these procedures were followed.n.Records of reviews performed for changes made to the OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL and the PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM.968-25060 (4/92)OQAPDAPP.II':IOQAPD

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