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| number = ML20196B470
| number = ML20196B470
| issue date = 06/14/1988
| issue date = 06/14/1988
| title = Forwards L Chiles 880509 Ltr to CA Franklin Transmitting Constituent Jc Filonowicz 880401 Correspondence Re Facility, for Response
| title = Forwards L Chiles to CA Franklin Transmitting Constituent Jc Filonowicz 880401 Correspondence Re Facility, for Response
| author name = Isaacs T
| author name = Isaacs T
| author affiliation = ENERGY, DEPT. OF
| author affiliation = ENERGY, DEPT. OF
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| contact person =  
| contact person =  
| document report number = OLA, NUDOCS 8806300278
| document report number = OLA, NUDOCS 8806300278
| title reference date = 05-09-1988
| package number = ML20196B450
| package number = ML20196B450

Latest revision as of 08:03, 9 December 2021

Forwards L Chiles to CA Franklin Transmitting Constituent Jc Filonowicz 880401 Correspondence Re Facility, for Response
Person / Time
Site: Saint Lucie NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/14/1988
From: Isaacs T
To: Cotter B
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
Shared Package
ML20196B450 List:
OLA, NUDOCS 8806300278
Download: ML20196B470 (2)



Department of Energy Washington, DC 20585 June 14, 1988 Mr. B. Paul Cotter, Jr.

Atomic Saf ety and Licensing Board Panel U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555

Dear Mr. Cotter:

Enclosed is a letter from Senator Lawton Chiles transmitting correspondence f rom his constituent, Mr. Joseph C. Filonovicz, regarding the St. Lucie Nuclear Power Plant on Hutchinson Island in Florida. As the conceras of Mr. Filonovicz pertain to Nuclear Regulatory Commission activities, we are forwarding this correspondence to you for response.

Since re ly ,

Thomas B. Isaacs Acting Associate Director for External Relations and Policy Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Enclosures 8805300278 880615

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l Itr. C. Anson Franklin

  • l Acting Asst. Sec. for Cong. Affe Department of Energy The Forrester Bldg., 7-B-138 1000 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20585

Dear Anson:

I have recently receivec the enclosed correscondence regarding a matter involving your agency, and because of my desire to be responsive to all inquiries, I would appreciate havin: vour comments and views.

Your early consideration of this matter will be appreciated. If convenient, I would like to have your reply in duplicate and to have the enclosure returned.

Please refer to Joseph C. Filonowi c:: in your reply.

With kindest regards, I am Most sincerely, f

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v LAhTON CHILES LC/ma Enclosure macLv To: rrOcRai. sulLDING, LAKELAND. FLORID A M401

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REASURE COAST ENVIROi4 MENTAL COALITION A Four County League of Conservationists c

11,4 i April 1, 1988 u,,-

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l omcEns Mr. D. Paul Cotter,' Chairman Atomic Safety and Licensing Board / W PRES U.S. Nuclear Regdlatory Commission MCE PREEDENT Washington, D.C. 20555 ucyv s,umn.w SECRETARY

Dear Mr. Cotter:

scry Lau won.

E This Coalition requests that this letter be made a part of the hearing proceedings conducted March 29, 1988 pertaining to the St. Lucie Nuclear Power Plant on Hutchinson Island in Florida.

DIRECTORS We fullysupport Mr. Campbell Rich's contentions and concerns wm over the "routin?" approval of the expansion of radio-active fue c.a n storage facilites at the Plant by the Nuclear Regulatory w o re. ission. Long term storage of large quantities of this extremel) 8 * * * *""

hazardous material at this site on a barrier beach island is an unacceptable threat to public health and safety and to our local environment. Further, we strongly contend that the NRC legal DIRECTORS AND opinion that a full-fledged environmental impact statement is coum coceomTons not required is not consistent with the National Environment mmm Policy Act and the President's Council on Environmental Quality' N.ncy % guidelines. We wish to cite one of many factors which support u ARTIN COUNTY our Contention.

c.rol Howes

$8 sr. Luc 3E couMTV The original E.I.S. and design criteria for the St. Lucie Nuclear Power Plant assumed an 18 foot storm surge would occur as a result of a 1000 year frequency hurricane. This engin-eering assumtion is no longer valid. World-wide ocean levels are rising at an increasing rate according to measurements by ENwRoNutwig such scientific organizations as N.O.A.A. and the Woods Hole ATTOANEYS Oceanagraphic Institution. The last major hurricane hit this area in 1949 and caused an estimated storm surge near the plant uAnm coum site of 13 +/- feet m.s.1. Since 1949 the ocean level has pg),[eg eong7y N risen 8 to 12 inches. Many U.S. scientists now predict that Amn. the world-wide ocean levels will continue to rise as a result of the melting of the Anartic ice shelves due to the overall warming of tne Earth's climate. Within 50 to 100 years the ocean levels will rise according to conservative predictions somewhere between 2-4 feet. Less conservative estimates predict 6-8 feet. Obviously, such an increase in ocean levels would proportionately increase the storm surge elevation at the St. Lucie Nuclear Power Plant site. The plant site, which was at an elevation of 23 feet above mean sea level at const-ruction will in,the future become a small island and be subject to wave damage and flooding when a 1000 year frequency hurr-l icane occurs. These facts alone were sufficient reason to l mandate the preparation of an EIS before any decision was made i

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$d4 wpf V I f' 55 East Ocean Boulevard, Stuart, Florida 34995

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(B. Paul cotter 2) by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and staff. In addition, the approved safety and design criteria must be revised to reflect the new flooding and wave damage potential during a major hurricane.

This coalition wishes to make one additional request:

The issue of long term storage of spent fuel rods on-site is not unique to the St. Lucie Nuclear Power Plant. It is endemic to nuclear plants in the U.S.A. The original design and safety standards, on-which the approval of construction of every power plant was based, was predicated on the assumption that on site emergency fuel rod and spent rod storage would be short term and justified for two reasons:

1. A plant shutdown for repair or in an emergency requiring removal of the fuel rods from the core; and
2. Temporary storage of spent fuel rods during a cooling down period prior to shipment to a reprocessing plant or central hazardous waste storage facility.

As you well know, the Congress, The Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the nuclear power industry through their national lobby organ-ization (She Atomic Industrial Forum and the National Association of Electric Companies) have failed in their promise and responsibilit to the American People; to build the reprocessing and nuclear waste storage facilities. This crucial decision has been allowed to become a political football.

The time is long overdue for the President and the Nuclear Regulator)

Commission to set a firm date for terminating long term storage of hazardous wastes on nuclear power plant sites. This would of course pose the threat of closing down all the nuclear plants in the nation and should provide the necessary political and economic incentives to get the long overdue legislation and appropriations through the Congress. Clearly, Florida Power and Light is not the culprit here.

We contend that no further study is justified or varranted; public health and safety dictate that a nationwide cutoff deadline be estab- '

lished immediately.

1 Sincerely,

  • f. ..

Joseph C. Filonowicz, President joseph C.FILON0mCZ l c . t, Gov. Bob Martinez M75 SW Femt H4 Ct i Senator Lawton Chiles g g pg Senator Bob Graham ggg Cong. Tom Lewis St. 1,ucie County Commission Martin County CoHNission Council on Environmental Quality