MONTHYEARML20211E7151999-08-20020 August 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Incorporating Many Generic Improvements Agreed Upon Between Industry & NRC Since GGNS Conversion to ITS ML20196K0831999-06-29029 June 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Page 3.4-3,reflecting Implementation of BWROG Enhanced Option I-A,reactor Stability long-term Solution ML20196G7131999-06-23023 June 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Revising TS Associated with Various Esfss Which Need No Longer Be Credited Following Design Basis Fuel Handling Accident ML20206K5361999-05-0606 May 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Pages,Changing SLMCPR ML20206R9351999-01-12012 January 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Re Refueling Equipment Interlocks Required Actions ML20154Q4511998-10-16016 October 1998 TS Bases Update for Period of 970410 Through 981015 ML20236T1661998-07-20020 July 1998 Proposed Tech Specs 3.2.4,,,3.4.1,5.6.5, B 3.2.4,B,B & B 3.4.1,enabling Full Implementation of Enhanced Option I-A Long Term Solution to Address Neutronic/Thermal Hydraulic Instability Issue ML20198J3581998-01-0909 January 1998 Proposed Tech Specs,Providing Certain Clarifications to Amend & Adding Restriction to Allowed Interval Extensoions ML20210F6651997-12-22022 December 1997 Redeacted Version of Test Rept M-J5.08-Q1-45161-0-8.0-1-0, Pressure Locking & Thermal Binding Test Program on Two Gate Valves with Limitorque Actuators for Entergy Operations ML20217H6211997-12-15015 December 1997 Rev 21 to Odcm ML20199L5711997-11-26026 November 1997 Rev 8 to Program Plan GGNS-M-189.1, Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Pump & Valve IST Program - Safety Related ML20198N3231997-11-0606 November 1997 Rev 11 to GGNS-M-489.1, Program Plan for ASME Section XI ISI Plan ML20198N3941997-10-28028 October 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Implementing Option B & Ref SE Issued by NRR for Ggns'S App J Exemption as Implementing Document for performance-based Leakage Testing Program ML20211M8481997-10-0606 October 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Replacement Bases Pages Associated W/Proposed Amend to License Re Response Time Testing ML20210V5581997-09-18018 September 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Reflecting Decrease of Two Recirculation Loop SLMCPR Limit to 1.11 & Single Recirculation Loop SLMCPR Limit to 1.12 ML20210H0871997-08-0606 August 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Changing TS 3.8.1, AC Sources Operating. Removal of Accelerated Testing Requirements for Standby DGs as Advised by GL 94-01 ML20141A1681997-05-0707 May 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Re Eliminating Selected Response Time Testing Requirements ML20140E3211997-04-18018 April 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Revising TS Bases to Include Changes Made Since Rev 1 Was Sent to NRC 960201 ML20134N7841996-11-21021 November 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Pp 5.0-20 & 5.0-21,revised by Adding Footnote Indicating Proposed Change Applicable Only for Cycle 9 ML20134N7611996-11-20020 November 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Re MCPR Limits for Two Recirculation Loop Operation ML20134E1261996-10-22022 October 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Revising TS Figure 3.4.11-1, Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature Vs Reactor Vessel Procedure, Curves Using Methodology of NRC Reg Guide 1.99, Rev 2, Radiation Embrittlement of Reactor Vessel Matls ML20128M5681996-10-0909 October 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Re Surveillance Requirements ML20117P4461996-09-19019 September 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Re Containment Purge Valves W/Resilient Seals on Performance Based Leakage Testing Frequency ML20117M7021996-09-0505 September 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Re Min Critical Power Safety Limit ML20117G6781996-08-27027 August 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Re Surveillance Requirements for Safety/Relief Valves ML20116F0211996-07-31031 July 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Required to Support Cycle 9,reload 8 ML20113B7381996-06-20020 June 1996 Proposed Tech Specs,Redefining Secondary Containment Boundary to Allow Encl Bldg to Be Inoperable During Upcoming Refueling Outage ML20117L2581996-06-0404 June 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Re Replacement Page for Ltr RBG-42764, Proposed Tech Specs 3.9.1 Re Refueling Equipment Interlocks1996-05-31031 May 1996 Proposed Tech Specs 3.9.1 Re Refueling Equipment Interlocks ML20117D6941996-05-0909 May 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Required to Support Unit 1 Cycle 9, Including Changes to SLMCPR & Ref for Analytical Methods Used to Determine Core Operating Limits.Addl Methodology Ref in Various TS Bases Revised to Reflect GE Methodologies ML20117F4661996-05-0909 May 1996 Proposed Tech Specs,Modifying SRV Surveillance Test for Relief Mode of Operation ML20111B2701996-05-0808 May 1996 Proposed Tech Specs,Placing Containment Purge Valves W/ Resilient Seals on Performance Based Leakage Testing Frequency ML20108E3591996-05-0606 May 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Re Change in Co Name from Mississipi Power & Light to Entergy Mississippi,Inc ML20107E4681996-04-18018 April 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Re Fuel Loading W/Control Rods Withdrawn or Removed from Defueled Core Cells ML20100J8391996-02-22022 February 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Re Safety Setpoint Tolerance Requirements for Safety/Relief Valves ML20097C3541996-02-0101 February 1996 Proposed Tech Specs,Revising TS Bases to Include Changes Since 950221 Approval of TS Bases ML20094M8001995-11-20020 November 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Re Drywell Leak Rate Testing Requirements ML20087B5061995-08-0404 August 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Assoc W/Various ESF Sys Following Design Basis Fuel Handling Accident ML20082K3451995-04-13013 April 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Re Change to Be Reduced to Leave in TS Requirement to Test Outboard MSIV LCS Blowers ML20108A2691995-03-10010 March 1995 Rev 17 to ODCM ML20078S5141995-02-14014 February 1995 Proposed TS Consisting of Changes to SR & ML20078N6611995-02-10010 February 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Supporting Performance of Drywell Bypass Leakage Rate Surveillance on Performance Based Interval ML20079B4501994-11-0909 November 1994 Proposed Tech Specs Associated W/Various ESF Systems Following Design Basis Fuel Handling Accident ML20070C9751994-06-24024 June 1994 Proposed TS Pages 3/4 6-4 & 3/4 6-6 Associated W/Proposed Exemption to 10CFR50,App J ML20065L4971994-04-15015 April 1994 Proposed Tech Specs Re Administrative Controls ML20059H6101994-01-14014 January 1994 Cycle 7 Startup Physics Test Summary Rept for Physics Testing Completed on 931220 ML20059H6061994-01-13013 January 1994 Proposed Tech Specs,Removing 2,324 Spent Fuel Pool Storage Limit ML20029D6451993-11-30030 November 1993 Reactor Containment Bldg 1993 Integrated Leakage Rate Test. ML20058D3911993-11-23023 November 1993 Proposed Tech Specs Bases Pages Re Cycle 7 Reload ML20059A4871993-10-22022 October 1993 Proposed Tech Specs Modifying Testing Frequencies for Drywell Test & Airlock Tests 1999-08-20
MONTHYEARML20217H6211997-12-15015 December 1997 Rev 21 to Odcm ML20199L5711997-11-26026 November 1997 Rev 8 to Program Plan GGNS-M-189.1, Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Pump & Valve IST Program - Safety Related ML20198N3231997-11-0606 November 1997 Rev 11 to GGNS-M-489.1, Program Plan for ASME Section XI ISI Plan ML20108A2691995-03-10010 March 1995 Rev 17 to ODCM ML20056C9241993-06-30030 June 1993 GGNS GL 89-10 MOV Program ML20095J9471992-03-31031 March 1992 Quarterly Status Rept for Period Ending 920331 Re Degraded Core Accident Hydrogen Control Program ML20114B8011992-01-23023 January 1992 Rev 13 to Offsite Dose Calculation Manual ML20086A4101991-11-0707 November 1991 Rev 0 to Administrative Procedure 01-S-10-4, Emergency Plan Training & Drills, Reflecting Cancellation of Emergency Plan Procedure 10-S-01-23,Rev 11 ML20043H0541990-06-19019 June 1990 Receipt,Routing & Disposition Form for Procedures S-330, Security Training & Qualification Plan & S-480, Physical Security Plan. ML20043B2501990-05-14014 May 1990 Rev 4 to Spec SERI-M-189.1, Pump & Valve Inservice Testing Program. ML20059C9231990-04-11011 April 1990 Rev 3 to Process Control Program ML20196E9331988-11-30030 November 1988 Cycle 4 Proposed Startup Physics Tests ML20154L7771988-04-27027 April 1988 Rev 3 to SERI-M-189.1, Pump & Valve Inservice Testing Program ML20153G7031988-01-0101 January 1988 Temporary Change Notice 6,Directive 04-1-01-EX-1 to Rev 18 to Administrative Procedure 04-1-01-E32-1, MSIV Leakage Control ML20235Y9141987-09-22022 September 1987 Rev 0 to Procedure 07-S-53-C11-22, Loop Calibr Instruction Backup Scram Valve B Functional Test,Safety-Related ML20235Y8951987-09-22022 September 1987 Rev 0 to Procedure 07-S-53-C11-21, Loop Calibr Instruction Backup Scram Valve a Functional Test,Safety-Related ML20212E0031986-12-10010 December 1986 Rev 10 to Offsite Dose Calculation Manual ML20207G9301986-11-24024 November 1986 Rev 2 to MP&L-M-189.1, Mississippi Power & Light Pump & Valve Inservice Insp Program ML20212G1571986-10-31031 October 1986 Revised Pages to Procedures Generation Package ML20215L2871986-10-15015 October 1986 Rev 2 to Process Control Program Description ML20212E0751986-10-15015 October 1986 Rev 2 to Process Control Program Description ML20212D9411986-08-28028 August 1986 Rev 9 to Offsite Dose Calculation Manual. Marked-up Rev 9 to Manual Encl ML20212D8001986-08-25025 August 1986 Rev 8 to Offsite Dose Calculation Manual. Marked-up Rev 8 to Manual Encl ML20215C1921986-08-25025 August 1986 Rev 8 to Offsite Dose Calculation Manual ML20211Q9111986-07-31031 July 1986 Rev 1 to Grand Gulf Nuclear Station-Unit 1 Emergency Procedures Upgrade Program Procedures Generation Package ML20137L6891985-11-15015 November 1985 Rev 6 to Vol 8,Section 3,Procedure 08-S-03-17, Chemistry Procedure Core Damage Estimation Safety-Related ML20133G9951985-09-27027 September 1985 Rev 6 to Offsite Dose Calculation Manual ML20133F3731985-07-31031 July 1985 SPDS Safety Analysis & Implementation Plan ML20128K6621985-06-28028 June 1985 Rev 0 to App a of Spec MP&L-M-189.1, Max Stroke Times for Power Actuated Valves ML20115G5241985-04-30030 April 1985 Emergency Procedures Upgrade Program,Procedures Generation Package ML20126D3521985-02-0505 February 1985 Rev 15 to Sys Operating Instruction 04-S-01-P64-1, Fire Protection Water Sys AECM-84-0537, Detailed Control Room Design Review Program Plan1984-12-19019 December 1984 Detailed Control Room Design Review Program Plan ML20098B7801984-08-31031 August 1984 Rev 4 to Offsite Dose Calculation Manual ML20093A2691984-07-31031 July 1984 Phase 1B Program,Div I Diesel Generator Disassembly,Reinsp & Verification of Div II Diesel Generator As-Mfg Similarity ML20092P2831984-07-0303 July 1984 Rev 2 to Offsite Dose Calculation Manual ML20093J5121984-06-29029 June 1984 Vols I-III to Inservice Insp 10-Yr Program ML20092P2841984-05-31031 May 1984 Rev 3 to Offsite Dose Calculation Manual - Safety-Related ML20127B5201984-04-14014 April 1984 Rev 13 to Procedure 05-1-02-I-4, Loss of Offsite Power ML20127B5301984-04-14014 April 1984 Rev 11 to Procedure 05-1-02-I-6, Station Blackout ML20087H5071984-03-31031 March 1984 Tech Spec Review Program Description ML20127B5241984-03-31031 March 1984 Rev 0 to Gas/Turbine Generator Sys Maint & Operation Procedure AECM-84-0180, Rev 1 to Procedure 14-S-01-4, Training & Administrative Section Procedure1984-03-30030 March 1984 Rev 1 to Procedure 14-S-01-4, Training & Administrative Section Procedure ML20087N6031984-03-23023 March 1984 Rev 2 to Administrative Procedure TS-1, Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Tech Spec Review,Safety-Related. W/840323 Memo ML20087N5951984-03-22022 March 1984 Administrative Procedure TS-1, Requirements for Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Tech Spec Review ML20087N6001984-03-18018 March 1984 Rev 1 to Administrative Procedure TS-1, Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Tech Spec Review,Safety-Related. W/840318 Memo ML20087N5981984-03-13013 March 1984 Rev 0 to Administrative Procedure TS-1, Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Tech Spec Review,Safety-Related ML20212E0311984-02-29029 February 1984 Rev 1 to Process Control Program Description ML20127B5331983-12-0606 December 1983 Rev 12 to Procedure 05-1-02-VI-2,Hurricanes,Tornados & Severe Weather ML20083G3421983-11-0707 November 1983 Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures,Including Procedures 10-S-01-19 Re Personnel injury,10-S-01-25 Re Onsite Personnel Response & 10-S-01-26 Re Offsite Emergency Response ML20080E1111983-09-24024 September 1983 Rev 1 to Procedure 08-S-04-109, Chemistry Instruction: Operation of Orion 701 Ion Analyzer,Safety Related 1997-12-15
[Table view] |
PLANT OPERATIO"3 EMUA1. Attachment 4'to AECM-82/339 1
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- /olute 3 03-5-O!.-107 Section 04 Revision 3 Date: 6-13-62
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B208030645 820730 PDR ADOCK 05000416 p PDR
Opera: ice of pH Mater No.: 08-5-O'-107 : Revision: 3 Page: 1 I
1.0 INSR MINT DESCRIPTION 1.1 3eck=an Expandc=atic SS-2 pH Me ter Model Number 76007.
1.2 Leeds & Nerthrup Laboratory pH Meter, Model Number 7'413-20 1.3 Leeds & Northrup portable pH Me:er, Model Nu=ber 7417.
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5 2.1 3eckman Ins:ru=ent s Manual-I: pande=a:ic SS-2, Ins truction S16SC-A 2.2 Leeds and Northrup Instruction Manual, Medel 7413-IO(177621), Issue 1
- 2.3 Leeds and Nor:hrup Instruction Manual, Model 7417 (177674) 2.4 Che=istry Procedure 08-S-03-1, Qualification of Chemistry Program 2.3 S:andard Metheds, 14th Edition', Section 424 2.6 Che=is try Procedure OS-S-03-07,' Cont rol of Cnemis try Support Ecuipment
- 1. 0 MT.;.
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.r n et.n in .va.3ues 4.2 3eaker, 4.3 Ther=cmeter, 0-100*C '
- a. attacn=ents
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'T:tle: Opere: ion o pH . Meter 'No.. 06-5-06-107 !aevision: 3 ;? age: 2
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3.1 Always make reasurements wi:h the tes: solutien in a non-re tal con:ainer.
3.2 Place the ins:rument control :.nch to s:andby prior to removing the electrede frer :he solution.
a..nv . s.. .c . r. . . w-.%. - e.s.
. e 6.i Ir.s : rune n: S st:up
- 0TI - 5 Instrument is normally left in stand-by ar.d does act normally recuire startup. ,
-o 6.1.1 Make sure the function control switch is in the stand-by position.
6.1.2 Connect the line cord to a 50/60 H: power source i.f recuired and allow ten minutes for var =up. Portable pH units utilize self-centained batteries for power.
. 6.2 Standardization / Functional Check .
- i Star.dardi:e ins:ru ent dail;. er prior :: use; whiche.er is less frecuent.
6.2.1 Insure instrument, star:-up is in acecrdance yi:~ sec:icr. 6.1.
i.2.2 Verify instrumer.: functional check performed on required .'
frecuency, and if applicable the calibration due date is within acceptable range. ,
6.2.3 If not already attached, plug in the =easuring and reference electrode leads.
l s .
' lIitie:
1 Oparation of pH Me:er lNo.. 06-5-04-107 ' Revision: 3-j? age: 3 l-I I I I 6.2.4 Immerse the electrode and a :her cme:er in ':cffer solutions wi:hin the range of expected samples, bu: at leas: 3 ;)H units apart.
6.2.5 Check to ensure tha: :he spar swi:ch is se: to receired pH range end the slope cecpensator dia'. is se: a: 1000, if instrumen: is
.so ecuipped.
6.2.6 Measure buffer solution tempera:ure and adjus: the te perature *C compensator to =easured tempera:ure. Recove, rinse, and secure ther:cceter. '
3 6.2.7 Determine buffer solutien pH fro = :e=perature versus pH table for the respective buffer.
p 6.2.8 Position function control swi:ch to measure position and adjust
, the standardize control until pF. deteesined in step 6.2.7 is indicated; pH indication for second buffer should be within .1 pH unit of the known value, if not, contact the Chemistry Supervisor.
6.2.9 Release function' con:rcl swi:ch to :he stand-by~ position.
6.2.10 Rinse and store electrode in demineralized water.
6.3 Anal',. sis -
6.3.1 Verify ins:rumen: s:ar:ep.inac$crdancevi:h6.1. '
l 6.3.2 lerify func:icnal check perferred Si:hin pr:per time fra:e.
i Als o verify calibratien due da:es are not ex c a e d.e d , if applicable.
6.3.3 '!e r i f-j st:ndardization of instrumen: has been perfor:ed. -
6.3.4 Rinse electrode and thermometer in de=ineralized water. Remove -
excess by blotting or gently shaking. Imme rs e th em in t h e s a=pl e solution.
6.3.5 Measure the sample solution :emperature and adjust the Te=pera:ure
- C Co=pensc:or to ceasured temperature.
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jiltle: Ope re:icn of pri .':e ter Oc-5-vu-107 * ?.evi s t en : 3 j? age:
.i . ,
! i 6.2.o Remove, r nse, anc secure *:her=cmeter.
6.3.7 Position functie:. contre'. r.sitch to the = essure positica and read
, pH on 0 to 14 sezle. Reccrd value.
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7.2 Dec; men: resul:s on proper reper:ir.g forms as pek Chemist-/ Procedure 05-5-03-10. .
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