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{{#Wiki_filter:AEROTEST OPERATIONS, INC. 3455 FOSTORIA WAY* SAN RAMON CA 94583 * (925) 866-1212
* FAX (925) 866-1716 August 14, 2019 AEROTEST RADIOGRAPHY AND RESEARCH REACTOR DOCKET NO 50-228/LICENSE NO R-98 ATTENTION Document Control Desk US Nuclear Regulatory Comm1ss1on White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 SubJect Supplemental to License and TS Amendments Ladies and Gentlemen Tlus letter transfers supplemental mformatlon relevant to the ongomg LAR The documents, provided m the accompanymg enclosure, compnse of a retyped and formatted copy of the license and TSs mcorporatmg the proposed changes Should you have any questions or reqmre additional mformation regardmg tlus subrmss10n, please contact AO President DaVId M Slaughter, PhD at (801) 631 5919 or dmsraven@gmail com I declare under penalty of peIJury that the statements above are correct and truthful David M Slaughter, PhD President, Reactor Adffilillstrator, Manager Aerotest Operations, Inc Enclosure Retyped and formatted proposed License and TSs AEROTEST OPERATIONS, INC DOCKET NO 50-228 AEROTEST RADIOGRAPHY AND RESEARCH REACTOR (ARRR) AMENDMENT TO FACILITY OPERATING LICENSE AmendmentNo 6 License No R-98 1 The Nuclear Regulatory Comrmss1on (NRC or the Comm1ssion), havmg previously made the findmgs set forth m Amended Facility Operatmg License No R-98 issued on January 28, 1981, has now found that A The application for mdirect transfer of license and conformmg amendments to Amended Facility Operating License No R-98, filed by Aerotest Operations, Inc , and Nuclear Labynnth, LLC, dated May 30, 2012, and supplemented on July 19 and October 15, 2012, January 10, 2013, and Apnl 21, June 16, August 22, and October 10, 2016, complies with the standards and requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (the Act), as amended, and the rules and regulations of the Comm1ss1on as stated m Title 10, Chapter I, "Nuclear Regulatory Comrmss1on," of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR Chapter I) B Construction of the facility has been substantially completed m conformity with Construction Permit No CPRR-86, and the application, as amended, the provisions of the Act and the rules and regulations of the Comrmss1on, C The facility will operate m confornuty with the application, as amended, the prov1s1ons of the Act, and the rules and regulations of the CoID1TI1ss1on, D There 1s reasonable assurance (1) that the activities authonzed by this operatmg license can be conducted without endangenng the health and safety of the public, and (11) that such activities will be conducted m compliance with the rules and regulations of the CoID1TI1ss1on, E Aerotest Operations, Inc 1s techmcally and fmancially qualified to possess, use, and operate the facility m accordance with the rules and regulations of the Commission, 1 Amendment No 6 F The issuance of this operatmg license will not be llllillical to the common defense and secunty or to the health and safety of the public, and does not mvolve a sigmficant hazards consideration, G The receipt, possession, and use of byproduct and special nuclear matenal as authonzed by this license will be m accordance with the Comm1ssion's regulations m 10 CFRParts 30 and 70, mcludmg Sections 30 33, 70 23, and 70 31, H The licensee 1s qualified to be the holder of the license, and The transfer of the license is otherwise consistent with applicable provisions of law, regulations, and orders issued by the Commission pursuant thereto 2 Facility Operatmg License No R-98, issued to Aerotest Operations, Inc , is hereby mdrrectly transferred to Nuclear Labyrinth, LLC, and the license is amended to read as follows A This license applies to the Aerotest Radiography and Research Reactor (ARRR), a pool-type nuclear reactor owned by Aerotest Operations, Inc The facility is located at the Aerotest Operations site near San Ramon, California, and is descnbed m the application dated September 14, 1964 (the application), and m supplements thereto, mcludmg the application for transfer of license dated Apnl 24, 1974, and the application for mdirect transfer dated May 30, 2012 B SubJect to the conditions and requrrements mcorporated herem, the Commission hereby licenses Aerotest Operat10ns, Inc ( 1) Pursuant to Section 104c of the Act and 10 CFR Part 50, "Licensmg of Production and Utilization Facilities," to possess the reactor at the designated location m San Ramon, California, m accordance with the procedures and limitations set forth m this license, (2) Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFRPart 70, "Special Nuclear Matenal," to possess up to 5 0 kilograms of contamed uranium 235 m connection with operation of the reactor, and (3) Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFRPart 30, "Licensmg of Byproduct Matenal," (1) to possess, and 2 cune amencmm-berylhum neutron startup source, and -(2) to possess, but not to separate, such byproduct matenal as may be produced by operation of the reactor 2 Amendment No 6 C Tlus license shall be deemed to contam and is subject to the conditions specified m the followmg Comm1ssion regulations m 10 CFR Chapter I Part 20, Section 30 34 of Part 30; Sections 50 54 and 50 59 of Part 50, and Section 70 32 of Part 70, is subject to all applicable provisions of the Act and to the rules, regulations, and orders of the Coillilllssion now or hereafter m effect, and is subject to the additional conditions specified or mcorporated below ( 1 ) Maxlillum Power Level The licensee is not authonzed to operate the facility at any power (2) Techmcal Specifications The Techmcal Specifications contamed m Appendix A, as revised through Amendment No 6, are hereby mcorporated m the hcense The licensee shall mamtam the facility m accordance with the Techmcal Specifications (3) Physical SecuntyPlan D Reports The licensee shall mamtam m effect and fully lillplement all prov1S1ons of the NRC-approved physical secunty plan, mcludmg amendments and changes made pursuant to the authonty of 10 CFR Section 50 54(p) The approved secunty plan consists of the document withheld from public disclosure pursuant to 10 CFR 2 790( d), entitled "Aerotest Operations, Inc Secunty Plan" dated August 10, 1976, submitted by letter dated October 4, 1976, as revised January 16, 1979 In addition to reports otherwise required under the license and applicable regulations ( 1 ) The licensee shall report m wntmg to the Coillilllssion witlun 10 days of its observed occurrence any mcident or condit10n relatmg to the operation of the facility wluch prevented or could have prevented a nuclear system from performmg its safety function as descnbed m the Techmcal Specifications or m the Hazards Summary Report (2) The licensee shall report to the Coillilllssion m wntmg witlun 30 days of its observed occurrence any substantial vanance disclosed by operat10n of the facility from performance specifications contamed m the Hazards Summary Report or the Techmcal Specifications (3) The licensee shall report to the Comm1ssion m wntmg witlun 30 days of its occurrence any sigmficant change m transient or accident analysis, as descnbed m the Hazards Summary Report 3 Amendment No 6 E. Records F. In addition to those otherwise required under this license and applicable regulations , the licensee shall keep the following: ( 1 } Reactor operating records , including power levels (2) Records showing radioactivity released or discharged -into the .air or water beyond the effective control of the licensee as measured at the point of such release or discharge. (3) Records of emergency reactor scrams, including reasons for emergency shutdowns. This amended license is effective as of the date of issuance and shall expire at midnight on 4 Amendment No 6 APPENDIX A LICENSE NO R-98 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE AEROTEST RADIOGRAPHY AND RESEARCH REACTOR (ARRR) 1 0 Definitions 11 Permanent Shutdown 12 13 14 15 16 17 The reactor 1s permanently shut down when the reactor 1s maintained in permanent shut down conf1gurat1on with the fuel elements stored in storage racks that maintain a cnt1cahty of equal to or less than O 8 kett Permanent Shutdown Conf1gurat1on Core lattice containing no fuel or reflector elements and control rods disabled fully inserted Operable A system or component shall be considered operable when 1t 1s capable of performing its required function in its normal manner Operating A component or system 1s operating 1f 1t 1s performing its required function m its normal manner Experiment Experiment shall mean any apparatus, device, or material installed m the core or experimental fac1ht1es (except for underwater lights, fuel storage racks and the hke) which 1s not a normal part of these fac1ht1es Experimental Fac1ht1es Experimental fac1ht1es shall mean Glory Hole, vertical tubes, pneumatic transfer systems, central thimble, beam tubes, thermal column, and m-pool 1rrad1at1on fac1ht1es Reactor Safety Circuits Reactor safety circuits shall mean those circuits, including their associated input c1rcu1ts, which are designed to initiate a reactor scram 20 30 40 1 8 Core Lattice The array of machined pos1t1ons for fuel or reflector elements in the grid plates 1 9 Core Structure The upper and lower grid plates connected by structural members Reactor Site 2 1 The reactor and associated equipment 1s located within an exclusion area 2 2 A steel, locked perimeter fence shall surround the ARRR facility, forming an exclusion area The minimum distance from the center of the reactor pool to the boundary of the exclusion area fencing shall be 50 feet The restricted area, as defined in 10 CFR 20, shall consist of the entire exclusion area 2 3 Th principal act1v1t1es carried on within the exclusion area shall be those associated with the decomm1ss1oning of the ARRR reactor and the use of machine shop, electrical shop and chemistry laboratory Reactor Building 3 1 The reactor shall be housed in a steel building capable of meeting the following functional requirements 3 11 All circulating fans and air cond1t1oning systems except the system which supplies air to the control room shall have the capability to be shut off from a single control in the control room, 3 1 2 Vent1lat1on shall be achieved by gravity ventilators located in the roof of the building, and 3 1 3 A pos1t1ve air pressure shall be maintained in the control room with respect to the reactor room 3 2 An alarm system shall be installed to detect unauthorized entry into the reactor building The alarm system shall be monitored constantly and its annunc1at1on shall be tested monthly Reactor Pool (Primary System) 4 1 The minimum depth of water above the top of the core structure shall be 16 ft The max11:num bulk water temperature shall be 130°F and the minimum 40°F 4 2 The conduct1v1ty of the primary coolant shall be measured at least once quarterly Corrective action shall be taken to avoid exceeding a conduct1v1ty of 5 µmho/cm 5 0 Reactor Core 60 70 5 1 Fuel Elements No fuel elements shall be allowed in the core lattice 5 2 Reflector Elements No reflector elements shall be allowed in core lattice 5 3 Control Elements Control elements shall be disabled and fully inserted in core lattice Reactor Safety Systems Reactor operations sequences, interlock and safety systems need not be operable smce no fuel and/or reflector elements shall be allowed in the core lattice Rad1at1on Monitoring 7 1 A fixed gamma monitor employing Geiger tube detectors shall be located on the wall connecting the control room and the reactor room This monitor shall serve as both an area rad1at1on monitor and a cnt1cahty alarm and will annunciate through an automatic monitoring system to the San Ramon, California, Fire Department and actuate a siren within the reactor building on high rad1at1on level The monitor shall have a minimum range of Oto 20 mr/hr The annunc1at1on and the siren actuation shall be tested monthly 7 2 During fuel movement in reactor pool, a gas sample shall be continuously withdrawn from the roof vent above the reactor, or from the v1cin1ty of the reactor bridge over the core structure, and pumped through a rad1oact1ve gas detection chamber The gas chamber shall be monitored by a beta-gamma detector which shall have a continuous readout in the control room An annunciator shall indicate when the gas exceeds 2 mr/hr 7 3 A f1ss1on product water monitor shall be attached to the process water cleanup system loop adJacent to the deminerahzer and shall provide continuous ind1cat1on m the control room High rad1at1on levels within the deminerahzer or pool water shall annunciate an audible alarm in the control room The range of the monitor shall be from O 1 to 100 mr/hr 80 7 4 Portable survey instruments for measuring beta-gamma dose rates m the range of O 01 mr/hr to 50 r/hr shall be available at the facility 7 5 Portable instruments for measuring fast and thermal neutron dose rates from O 1 mrem/hr to 1 0 rem/hr shall be available at the facility 7 6 Rad1at1on detector packets contammg a series of threshold detectors shall be placed at several locations w1thm the reactor building for post-accident rad1at1on analysis 7 7 Process mstrumentat1on with readout m the control room shall be operating to permit continuous md1cat1on of pool water temperature and conduct1v1ty Alarms shall be operable to md1cate low water flow, low pool water and improper location of the crane bridge Table 1 contains alarm setpomts for sensors Experimental Fac1lit1es 81 82 83 84 Large-Component lrrad1at1on Box Not m pool and shall not be authorized for use Pneumatic Transfer Facility Not m core lattice and shall not be authorized for use Glory Hole Facility Not m pool and shall not be authorized for use Neutron Radiography Facility Shall not be authorized for use 8 4 1 The beam tube shall consist of a two-section tapered tube havmg a rectangular cross-section The upper and lower sections of the tube shall be equipped with a fill and dram lme 8 4 2 All components contacting the pool water shall be fabricated from aluminum or stainless steel 8 4 3 The beam catcher shield shall consist of a movable rad1at1on shield 8 5 Thermal Column Shall be authorized for reflector element storage only 90 8 5 1 The thermal column shall be pos1t1oned remotely on steel locating pins 1mmed1ately adJacent to the reactor core 8 6 Vertical Tube 87 Shall not be authorized for use Other lrrad1at1on Fac1lit1es Shall not be authorized for use Experiment L1m1tat1on No experiments shall be authorized 10 0 General Operating L1m1tat1ons No reactor operation shall be authorized 11 0 Fuel Transfer and Storage 111 The fuel storage pits located in the floor of the reactor room shall accommodate a maximum of 19 fuel elements (700 gm U-235) in storage racks dry or flooded with water The fuel storage pits shall be secured with a lock and chain when fuel 1s present except during fuel transfer operations 11 2 Add1t1onal fuel storage racks may be located in the reactor tank Each of these storage fac1lit1es shall be so designed that for all cond1t1ons of moderation kett shall not exceed a value of O 8 11 3 A fuel handling tool shall be used in transferring fuel elements of low rad1oact1v1ty between storage pits and the reactor, a shielded transfer cask shall be used for the transfer of highly rad1oact1ve fuel elements The fuel handling tool shall remain in a locked cabinet under the cognizance of the Fuel Handling Supervisor when not authorized for use 11 4 Transfer of irradiated fuel in the reactor tank shall be conducted by a minimum of staff of two, a Cert1f1ed Fuel Handler (CFH) and an add1t1onal person trained in rad1at1on safety The staff shall monitor the operation using the appropriate rad1at1on monitoring instrument A RSO or des1gnee shall be present for irradiated fuel transfers outside of the reactor tank but within the facility Under no circumstances 1s fuel to be transferred to or stored in the core lattice 11 5 Not more than one fuel element shall be allowed in the facility which 1s not in storage 12 0 Admin1strat1ve Requirements 12 1 Organization 12 11 The Cert1f1ed Fuel Handler Supervisor shall have the respons1b1hty of the reactor facility In all matters pertaining to fuel handling operations and to these Technical Spec1f1cat1ons, the Cert1f1ed Fuel Handler Supervisor shall be responsible to the President, Aerotest Operations, Inc The President, Aerotest Operations, Inc shall report to the Board of Directors of Aerotest Operations, Inc 12 1 2 The Rad1olog1cal Safety Officer shall review and approve all procedures and experiments involving rad1olog1cal safety He shall enforce rules, regulations and procedures relating to rad1olog1cal safety, conduct routine radiation surveys and 1s responsible to the President, Aerotest Operations, Inc 12 1 3 The Reactor Safeguards Committee shall be composed of not less than five members, of whom no more than three are members of Aerotest Operations, Inc The committee shall meet on call of the chairman and they shall meet at least annually The committee shall be responsible for, but not limited to the following 12131 12 13 2 1213 3 12 13 4 12 13 5 1213 6 Reviewing and approving nuclear safety standards associated with the use of the facility, Reviewing fac1ht1es procedures and s1gnif1cant mod1f1cat1ons, Determining whether proposed procedures or mod1f1cat1ons involve unrev1ewed safety questions, as defined m 10 CFR 50, part 50 59(c), and are in accordance with these Technical Spec1f1cat1ons, Conducting periodic audits of procedures, maintenance, equipment performance, and records, Reviewing all reported abnormal occurrences and v1olat1ons of these Technical Spec1f1cat1ons, evaluating the causes of such events and the corrective action taken and recommending measures to prevent reoccurrence and, Reporting their findings and recommendations concerning the above to the President, Aerotest Operations, Inc 12 1 4 The CFH Supervisor shall have at least 5 years of experience m 1rrad1ated fuel movements and demonstrated knowledge of the relevant NRC regulations and ALARA principles Classroom education in the nuclear and rad1at1on related fields of study may be considered in heu of the experience requirement 12 2 12 1 5 The Rad1at1on Safety Officer shall have a minimum of 2 years of experience in personnel and environmental rad1at1on monitoring programs Classroom education in the nuclear and rad1at1on related f1elas of study may be considered in lieu of the experience requirement Procedures 12 2 1 Detailed written procedures shall be provided and followed for the following operations 12 211 12 212 12 213 Fuel Handling operations, Actions to be taken to correct spec1f1c and foreseen potential malfunctions of systems or components, including responses to alarms resulting from suspected primary system leaks, Preventative or corrective maintenance operations which could have an effect on the safety of the facility 12 2 2 Temporary procedures which do not change the intent of previously approved procedures may be utilized on approval by a qualified ind1v1dual Such procedures shall be subsequently reviewed by the Reactor Safeguards Committee 12 3 Records Maintain records required under the facility license and applicable regulations SENSOR OR TRIP DEVICE High Temperature of Coolant Water Low Pool Water Level Se1sm1c Disturbance Bridge Crane Location Area Rad1at1on Monitor Water Rad1oact1v1ty Demmerahzer Water Flow Bu1ldmg Gas Effluent Monitor TABLE 1 SAFETY SYSTEM FUNCTIONS NO OF SWITCHES OR SENSORS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ANNUNCIATOR AND ALARM SET POINT :s; 130° F :s; 1 ft max decrease IV on Mod1f1ed Mercalh Scale When located off storage pos1t1on :s; 10 mr/hr :s; 20 mr/hr ~4gpm :s; 2 mr/hr}}
3455 FOSTORIA WAY* SAN RAMON CA 94583 * (925) 866-1212
* FAX (925) 866-1716 August 14, 2019 AEROTEST RADIOGRAPHY AND RESEARCH REACTOR DOCKET NO 50-228/LICENSE NO R-98 ATTENTION Document Control Desk US Nuclear Regulatory Comm1ss1on White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 SubJect Supplemental to License and TS Amendments Ladies and Gentlemen Tlus letter transfers supplemental mformatlon relevant to the ongomg LAR The documents, provided m the accompanymg enclosure, compnse of a retyped and formatted copy of the license and TSs mcorporatmg the proposed changes Should you have any questions or reqmre additional mformation regardmg tlus subrmss10n, please contact AO President DaVId M Slaughter, PhD at (801) 631 5919 or dmsraven@gmail com I declare under penalty of peIJury that the statements above are correct and truthful David M Slaughter, PhD President, Reactor Adffilillstrator, Manager Aerotest Operations, Inc Enclosure Retyped and formatted proposed License and TSs
AMENDMENT TO FACILITY OPERATING LICENSE AmendmentNo 6 License No R-98 1 The Nuclear Regulatory Comrmss1on (NRC or the Comm1ssion), havmg previously made the findmgs set forth m Amended Facility Operatmg License No R-98 issued on January 28, 1981, has now found that A       The application for mdirect transfer of license and conformmg amendments to Amended Facility Operating License No R-98, filed by Aerotest Operations, Inc ,
and Nuclear Labynnth, LLC, dated May 30, 2012, and supplemented on July 19 and October 15, 2012, January 10, 2013, and Apnl 21, June 16, August 22, and October 10, 2016, complies with the standards and requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (the Act), as amended, and the rules and regulations of the Comm1ss1on as stated m Title 10, Chapter I, "Nuclear Regulatory Comrmss1on," of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR Chapter I)
B       Construction of the facility has been substantially completed m conformity with Construction Permit No CPRR-86, and the application, as amended, the provisions of the Act and the rules and regulations of the Comrmss1on, C       The facility will operate m confornuty with the application, as amended, the prov1s1ons of the Act, and the rules and regulations of the CoID1TI1ss1on, D       There 1s reasonable assurance (1) that the activities authonzed by this operatmg license can be conducted without endangenng the health and safety of the public, and (11) that such activities will be conducted m compliance with the rules and regulations of the CoID1TI1ss1on, E       Aerotest Operations, Inc 1s techmcally and fmancially qualified to possess, use, and operate the facility m accordance with the rules and regulations of the Commission, 1                                   Amendment No 6
F       The issuance of this operatmg license will not be llllillical to the common defense and secunty or to the health and safety of the public, and does not mvolve a sigmficant hazards consideration, G       The receipt, possession, and use of byproduct and special nuclear matenal as authonzed by this license will be m accordance with the Comm1ssion's regulations m 10 CFRParts 30 and 70, mcludmg Sections 30 33, 70 23, and 70 31, H       The licensee 1s qualified to be the holder of the license, and The transfer of the license is otherwise consistent with applicable provisions of law, regulations, and orders issued by the Commission pursuant thereto 2 Facility Operatmg License No R-98, issued to Aerotest Operations, Inc , is hereby mdrrectly transferred to Nuclear Labyrinth, LLC, and the license is amended to read as follows A       This license applies to the Aerotest Radiography and Research Reactor (ARRR), a pool-type nuclear reactor owned by Aerotest Operations, Inc The facility is located at the Aerotest Operations site near San Ramon, California, and is descnbed m the application dated September 14, 1964 (the application), and m supplements thereto, mcludmg the application for transfer of license dated Apnl 24, 1974, and the application for mdirect transfer dated May 30, 2012 B         SubJect to the conditions and requrrements mcorporated herem, the Commission hereby licenses Aerotest Operat10ns, Inc
( 1)     Pursuant to Section 104c of the Act and 10 CFR Part 50, "Licensmg of Production and Utilization Facilities," to possess the reactor at the designated location m San Ramon, California, m accordance with the procedures and limitations set forth m this license, (2)       Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFRPart 70, "Special Nuclear Matenal," to possess up to 5 0 kilograms of contamed uranium 235 m connection with operation of the reactor, and (3)       Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFRPart 30, "Licensmg of Byproduct Matenal,"
(1) to possess, and 2 cune amencmm-berylhum neutron startup source, and -
(2) to possess, but not to separate, such byproduct matenal as may be produced by operation of the reactor 2                                   Amendment No 6
C     Tlus license shall be deemed to contam and is subject to the conditions specified m the followmg Comm1ssion regulations m 10 CFR Chapter I Part 20, Section 30 34 of Part 30; Sections 50 54 and 50 59 of Part 50, and Section 70 32 of Part 70, is subject to all applicable provisions of the Act and to the rules, regulations, and orders of the Coillilllssion now or hereafter m effect, and is subject to the additional conditions specified or mcorporated below (1 )   Maxlillum Power Level The licensee is not authonzed to operate the facility at any power (2)     Techmcal Specifications The Techmcal Specifications contamed m Appendix A, as revised through Amendment No 6, are hereby mcorporated m the hcense The licensee shall mamtam the facility m accordance with the Techmcal Specifications (3)     Physical SecuntyPlan The licensee shall mamtam m effect and fully lillplement all prov1S1ons of the NRC-approved physical secunty plan, mcludmg amendments and changes made pursuant to the authonty of 10 CFR Section 50 54(p) The approved secunty plan consists of the document withheld from public disclosure pursuant to 10 CFR 2 790(d), entitled "Aerotest Operations, Inc Secunty Plan" dated August 10, 1976, submitted by letter dated October 4, 1976, as revised January 16, 1979 D  Reports In addition to reports otherwise required under the license and applicable regulations (1)     The licensee shall report m wntmg to the Coillilllssion witlun 10 days of its observed occurrence any mcident or condit10n relatmg to the operation of the facility wluch prevented or could have prevented a nuclear system from performmg its safety function as descnbed m the Techmcal Specifications or m the Hazards Summary Report (2)     The licensee shall report to the Coillilllssion m wntmg witlun 30 days of its observed occurrence any substantial vanance disclosed by operat10n of the facility from performance specifications contamed m the Hazards Summary Report or the Techmcal Specifications (3)       The licensee shall report to the Comm1ssion m wntmg witlun 30 days of its occurrence any sigmficant change m transient or accident analysis, as descnbed m the Hazards Summary Report 3                                   Amendment No 6
E. Records In addition to those otherwise required under this license and applicable regulations, the licensee shall keep the following:
( 1}     Reactor operating records, including power levels (2)     Records showing radioactivity released or discharged -into the .air or water beyond the effective control of the licensee as measured at the point of such release or discharge.
(3)     Records of emergency reactor scrams, including reasons for emergency shutdowns .
F. This amended license is effective as of the date of issuance and shall expire at midnight on 4                                     Amendment No 6
APPENDIX A LICENSE NO R-98 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE AEROTEST RADIOGRAPHY AND RESEARCH REACTOR (ARRR) 10 Definitions 11       Permanent Shutdown The reactor 1s permanently shut down when the reactor 1s maintained in permanent shut down conf1gurat1on with the fuel elements stored in storage racks that maintain a cnt1cahty of equal to or less than O 8 kett 12      Permanent Shutdown Conf1gurat1on Core lattice containing no fuel or reflector elements and control rods disabled fully inserted 13      Operable A system or component shall be considered operable when 1t 1s capable of performing its required function in its normal manner 14      Operating A component or system 1s operating 1f 1t 1s performing its required function m its normal manner 15      Experiment Experiment shall mean any apparatus, device, or material installed m the core or experimental fac1ht1es (except for underwater lights, fuel storage racks and the hke) which 1s not a normal part of these fac1ht1es 16      Experimental Fac1ht1es Experimental fac1ht1es shall mean Glory Hole, vertical tubes, pneumatic transfer systems, central thimble, beam tubes, thermal column, and m-pool 1rrad1at1on fac1ht1es 17      Reactor Safety Circuits Reactor safety circuits shall mean those circuits, including their associated input c1rcu1ts, which are designed to initiate a reactor scram
18      Core Lattice The array of machined pos1t1ons for fuel or reflector elements in the grid plates 19      Core Structure The upper and lower grid plates connected by structural members 20 Reactor Site 21    The reactor and associated equipment 1s located within an exclusion area 22      A steel, locked perimeter fence shall surround the ARRR facility, forming an exclusion area The minimum distance from the center of the reactor pool to the boundary of the exclusion area fencing shall be 50 feet The restricted area, as defined in 10 CFR 20, shall consist of the entire exclusion area 23    Th principal act1v1t1es carried on within the exclusion area shall be those associated with the decomm1ss1oning of the ARRR reactor and the use of machine shop, electrical shop and chemistry laboratory 30 Reactor Building 31      The reactor shall be housed in a steel building capable of meeting the following functional requirements 3 11     All circulating fans and air cond1t1oning systems except the system which supplies air to the control room shall have the capability to be shut off from a single control in the control room, 312      Vent1lat1on shall be achieved by gravity ventilators located in the roof of the building, and 313      A pos1t1ve air pressure shall be maintained in the control room with respect to the reactor room 32      An alarm system shall be installed to detect unauthorized entry into the reactor building The alarm system shall be monitored constantly and its annunc1at1on shall be tested monthly 40 Reactor Pool (Primary System) 41    The minimum depth of water above the top of the core structure shall be 16 ft The max11:num bulk water temperature shall be 130°F and the minimum 40°F
42      The conduct1v1ty of the primary coolant shall be measured at least once quarterly Corrective action shall be taken to avoid exceeding a conduct1v1ty of 5 µmho/cm 50 Reactor Core 51      Fuel Elements No fuel elements shall be allowed in the core lattice 52      Reflector Elements No reflector elements shall be allowed in core lattice 53      Control Elements Control elements shall be disabled and fully inserted in core lattice 60 Reactor Safety Systems Reactor operations sequences, interlock and safety systems need not be operable smce no fuel and/or reflector elements shall be allowed in the core lattice 70 Rad1at1on Monitoring 71      A fixed gamma monitor employing Geiger tube detectors shall be located on the wall connecting the control room and the reactor room This monitor shall serve as both an area rad1at1on monitor and a cnt1cahty alarm and will annunciate through an automatic monitoring system to the San Ramon, California, Fire Department and actuate a siren within the reactor building on high rad1at1on level The monitor shall have a minimum range of Oto 20 mr/hr The annunc1at1on and the siren actuation shall be tested monthly 72      During fuel movement in reactor pool, a gas sample shall be continuously withdrawn from the roof vent above the reactor, or from the v1cin1ty of the reactor bridge over the core structure, and pumped through a rad1oact1ve gas detection chamber The gas chamber shall be monitored by a beta-gamma detector which shall have a continuous readout in the control room An annunciator shall indicate when the gas exceeds 2 mr/hr 73      A f1ss1on product water monitor shall be attached to the process water cleanup system loop adJacent to the deminerahzer and shall provide continuous ind1cat1on m the control room High rad1at1on levels within the deminerahzer or pool water shall annunciate an audible alarm in the control room The range of the monitor shall be from O 1 to 100 mr/hr
74    Portable survey instruments for measuring beta-gamma dose rates m the range of O 01 mr/hr to 50 r/hr shall be available at the facility 75    Portable instruments for measuring fast and thermal neutron dose rates from O 1 mrem/hr to 1 0 rem/hr shall be available at the facility 76    Rad1at1on detector packets contammg a series of threshold detectors shall be placed at several locations w1thm the reactor building for post-accident rad1at1on analysis 77    Process mstrumentat1on with readout m the control room shall be operating to permit continuous md1cat1on of pool water temperature and conduct1v1ty Alarms shall be operable to md1cate low water flow, low pool water and improper location of the crane bridge Table 1 contains alarm setpomts for sensors 80 Experimental Fac1lit1es 81     Large-Component lrrad1at1on Box Not m pool and shall not be authorized for use 82    Pneumatic Transfer Facility Not m core lattice and shall not be authorized for use 83    Glory Hole Facility Not m pool and shall not be authorized for use 84    Neutron Radiography Facility Shall not be authorized for use 841      The beam tube shall consist of a two-section tapered tube havmg a rectangular cross-section The upper and lower sections of the tube shall be equipped with a fill and dram lme 842      All components contacting the pool water shall be fabricated from aluminum or stainless steel 843    The beam catcher shield shall consist of a movable rad1at1on shield 85    Thermal Column Shall be authorized for reflector element storage only
851      The thermal column shall be pos1t1oned remotely on steel locating pins 1mmed1ately adJacent to the reactor core 86      Vertical Tube Shall not be authorized for use 87      Other lrrad1at1on Fac1lit1es Shall not be authorized for use 90  Experiment L1m1tat1on No experiments shall be authorized 10 0 General Operating L1m1tat1ons No reactor operation shall be authorized 11 0 Fuel Transfer and Storage 111     The fuel storage pits located in the floor of the reactor room shall accommodate a maximum of 19 fuel elements (700 gm U-235) in storage racks dry or flooded with water The fuel storage pits shall be secured with a lock and chain when fuel 1s present except during fuel transfer operations 11 2   Add1t1onal fuel storage racks may be located in the reactor tank Each of these storage fac1lit1es shall be so designed that for all cond1t1ons of moderation kett shall not exceed a value of O 8 11 3   A fuel handling tool shall be used in transferring fuel elements of low rad1oact1v1ty between storage pits and the reactor, a shielded transfer cask shall be used for the transfer of highly rad1oact1ve fuel elements The fuel handling tool shall remain in a locked cabinet under the cognizance of the Fuel Handling Supervisor when not authorized for use 11 4   Transfer of irradiated fuel in the reactor tank shall be conducted by a minimum of staff of two, a Cert1f1ed Fuel Handler (CFH) and an add1t1onal person trained in rad1at1on safety The staff shall monitor the operation using the appropriate rad1at1on monitoring instrument A RSO or des1gnee shall be present for irradiated fuel transfers outside of the reactor tank but within the facility Under no circumstances 1s fuel to be transferred to or stored in the core lattice 11 5   Not more than one fuel element shall be allowed in the facility which 1s not in storage
12 0 Admin1strat1ve Requirements 12 1   Organization 12 11 The Cert1f1ed Fuel Handler Supervisor shall have the respons1b1hty of the reactor facility In all matters pertaining to fuel handling operations and to these Technical Spec1f1cat1ons, the Cert1f1ed Fuel Handler Supervisor shall be responsible to the President, Aerotest Operations, Inc The President, Aerotest Operations, Inc shall report to the Board of Directors of Aerotest Operations, Inc 12 1 2 The Rad1olog1cal Safety Officer shall review and approve all procedures and experiments involving rad1olog1cal safety He shall enforce rules, regulations and procedures relating to rad1olog1cal safety, conduct routine radiation surveys and 1s responsible to the President, Aerotest Operations, Inc 12 1 3 The Reactor Safeguards Committee shall be composed of not less than five members, of whom no more than three are members of Aerotest Operations, Inc The committee shall meet on call of the chairman and they shall meet at least annually The committee shall be responsible for, but not limited to the following 12131           Reviewing and approving nuclear safety standards associated with the use of the facility, 12 13 2          Reviewing fac1ht1es procedures and s1gnif1cant mod1f1cat1ons, 1213 3          Determining whether proposed procedures or mod1f1cat1ons involve unrev1ewed safety questions, as defined m 10 CFR 50, part 50 59(c), and are in accordance with these Technical Spec1f1cat1ons, 12 13 4          Conducting periodic audits of procedures, maintenance, equipment performance, and records, 12 13 5          Reviewing all reported abnormal occurrences and v1olat1ons of these Technical Spec1f1cat1ons, evaluating the causes of such events and the corrective action taken and recommending measures to prevent reoccurrence and, 1213 6          Reporting their findings and recommendations concerning the above to the President, Aerotest Operations, Inc 12 1 4 The CFH Supervisor shall have at least 5 years of experience m 1rrad1ated fuel movements and demonstrated knowledge of the relevant NRC regulations and ALARA principles Classroom education in the nuclear and rad1at1on related fields of study may be considered in heu of the experience requirement
12 1 5 The Rad1at1on Safety Officer shall have a minimum of 2 years of experience in personnel and environmental rad1at1on monitoring programs Classroom education in the nuclear and rad1at1on related f1elas of study may be considered in lieu of the experience requirement 12 2 Procedures 12 2 1 Detailed written procedures shall be provided and followed for the following operations 12 211           Fuel Handling operations, 12 212          Actions to be taken to correct spec1f1c and foreseen potential malfunctions of systems or components, including responses to alarms resulting from suspected primary system leaks, 12 213            Preventative or corrective maintenance operations which could have an effect on the safety of the facility 12 2 2 Temporary procedures which do not change the intent of previously approved procedures may be utilized on approval by a qualified ind1v1dual Such procedures shall be subsequently reviewed by the Reactor Safeguards Committee 12 3 Records Maintain records required under the facility license and applicable regulations
TABLE 1 SAFETY SYSTEM FUNCTIONS SENSOR OR TRIP DEVICE     NO OF SWITCHES OR SENSORS ANNUNCIATOR AND ALARM SET POINT High Temperature of                   1                             :s; 130° F Coolant Water Low Pool Water Level                  1                  :s; 1 ft max decrease Se1sm1c Disturbance                  1            IV on Mod1f1ed Mercalh Scale Bridge Crane Location                1            When located off storage pos1t1on Area Rad1at1on Monitor                  1                        :s; 10 mr/hr Water Rad1oact1v1ty                  1                        :s; 20 mr/hr Demmerahzer Water Flow                  1                            ~4gpm Bu1ldmg Gas Effluent Monitor              1                          :s; 2 mr/hr}}

Revision as of 00:13, 8 October 2019

Aerotest Operations, Inc. - Supplemental to License and TS Amendments
Person / Time
Site: Aerotest
Issue date: 08/14/2019
From: Slaughter D
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML19231A127 (13)



3455 FOSTORIA WAY* SAN RAMON CA 94583 * (925) 866-1212

  • FAX (925) 866-1716 August 14, 2019 AEROTEST RADIOGRAPHY AND RESEARCH REACTOR DOCKET NO 50-228/LICENSE NO R-98 ATTENTION Document Control Desk US Nuclear Regulatory Comm1ss1on White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 SubJect Supplemental to License and TS Amendments Ladies and Gentlemen Tlus letter transfers supplemental mformatlon relevant to the ongomg LAR The documents, provided m the accompanymg enclosure, compnse of a retyped and formatted copy of the license and TSs mcorporatmg the proposed changes Should you have any questions or reqmre additional mformation regardmg tlus subrmss10n, please contact AO President DaVId M Slaughter, PhD at (801) 631 5919 or dmsraven@gmail com I declare under penalty of peIJury that the statements above are correct and truthful David M Slaughter, PhD President, Reactor Adffilillstrator, Manager Aerotest Operations, Inc Enclosure Retyped and formatted proposed License and TSs


AMENDMENT TO FACILITY OPERATING LICENSE AmendmentNo 6 License No R-98 1 The Nuclear Regulatory Comrmss1on (NRC or the Comm1ssion), havmg previously made the findmgs set forth m Amended Facility Operatmg License No R-98 issued on January 28, 1981, has now found that A The application for mdirect transfer of license and conformmg amendments to Amended Facility Operating License No R-98, filed by Aerotest Operations, Inc ,

and Nuclear Labynnth, LLC, dated May 30, 2012, and supplemented on July 19 and October 15, 2012, January 10, 2013, and Apnl 21, June 16, August 22, and October 10, 2016, complies with the standards and requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (the Act), as amended, and the rules and regulations of the Comm1ss1on as stated m Title 10, Chapter I, "Nuclear Regulatory Comrmss1on," of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR Chapter I)

B Construction of the facility has been substantially completed m conformity with Construction Permit No CPRR-86, and the application, as amended, the provisions of the Act and the rules and regulations of the Comrmss1on, C The facility will operate m confornuty with the application, as amended, the prov1s1ons of the Act, and the rules and regulations of the CoID1TI1ss1on, D There 1s reasonable assurance (1) that the activities authonzed by this operatmg license can be conducted without endangenng the health and safety of the public, and (11) that such activities will be conducted m compliance with the rules and regulations of the CoID1TI1ss1on, E Aerotest Operations, Inc 1s techmcally and fmancially qualified to possess, use, and operate the facility m accordance with the rules and regulations of the Commission, 1 Amendment No 6

F The issuance of this operatmg license will not be llllillical to the common defense and secunty or to the health and safety of the public, and does not mvolve a sigmficant hazards consideration, G The receipt, possession, and use of byproduct and special nuclear matenal as authonzed by this license will be m accordance with the Comm1ssion's regulations m 10 CFRParts 30 and 70, mcludmg Sections 30 33, 70 23, and 70 31, H The licensee 1s qualified to be the holder of the license, and The transfer of the license is otherwise consistent with applicable provisions of law, regulations, and orders issued by the Commission pursuant thereto 2 Facility Operatmg License No R-98, issued to Aerotest Operations, Inc , is hereby mdrrectly transferred to Nuclear Labyrinth, LLC, and the license is amended to read as follows A This license applies to the Aerotest Radiography and Research Reactor (ARRR), a pool-type nuclear reactor owned by Aerotest Operations, Inc The facility is located at the Aerotest Operations site near San Ramon, California, and is descnbed m the application dated September 14, 1964 (the application), and m supplements thereto, mcludmg the application for transfer of license dated Apnl 24, 1974, and the application for mdirect transfer dated May 30, 2012 B SubJect to the conditions and requrrements mcorporated herem, the Commission hereby licenses Aerotest Operat10ns, Inc

( 1) Pursuant to Section 104c of the Act and 10 CFR Part 50, "Licensmg of Production and Utilization Facilities," to possess the reactor at the designated location m San Ramon, California, m accordance with the procedures and limitations set forth m this license, (2) Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFRPart 70, "Special Nuclear Matenal," to possess up to 5 0 kilograms of contamed uranium 235 m connection with operation of the reactor, and (3) Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFRPart 30, "Licensmg of Byproduct Matenal,"

(1) to possess, and 2 cune amencmm-berylhum neutron startup source, and -

(2) to possess, but not to separate, such byproduct matenal as may be produced by operation of the reactor 2 Amendment No 6

C Tlus license shall be deemed to contam and is subject to the conditions specified m the followmg Comm1ssion regulations m 10 CFR Chapter I Part 20, Section 30 34 of Part 30; Sections 50 54 and 50 59 of Part 50, and Section 70 32 of Part 70, is subject to all applicable provisions of the Act and to the rules, regulations, and orders of the Coillilllssion now or hereafter m effect, and is subject to the additional conditions specified or mcorporated below (1 ) Maxlillum Power Level The licensee is not authonzed to operate the facility at any power (2) Techmcal Specifications The Techmcal Specifications contamed m Appendix A, as revised through Amendment No 6, are hereby mcorporated m the hcense The licensee shall mamtam the facility m accordance with the Techmcal Specifications (3) Physical SecuntyPlan The licensee shall mamtam m effect and fully lillplement all prov1S1ons of the NRC-approved physical secunty plan, mcludmg amendments and changes made pursuant to the authonty of 10 CFR Section 50 54(p) The approved secunty plan consists of the document withheld from public disclosure pursuant to 10 CFR 2 790(d), entitled "Aerotest Operations, Inc Secunty Plan" dated August 10, 1976, submitted by letter dated October 4, 1976, as revised January 16, 1979 D Reports In addition to reports otherwise required under the license and applicable regulations (1) The licensee shall report m wntmg to the Coillilllssion witlun 10 days of its observed occurrence any mcident or condit10n relatmg to the operation of the facility wluch prevented or could have prevented a nuclear system from performmg its safety function as descnbed m the Techmcal Specifications or m the Hazards Summary Report (2) The licensee shall report to the Coillilllssion m wntmg witlun 30 days of its observed occurrence any substantial vanance disclosed by operat10n of the facility from performance specifications contamed m the Hazards Summary Report or the Techmcal Specifications (3) The licensee shall report to the Comm1ssion m wntmg witlun 30 days of its occurrence any sigmficant change m transient or accident analysis, as descnbed m the Hazards Summary Report 3 Amendment No 6

E. Records In addition to those otherwise required under this license and applicable regulations, the licensee shall keep the following:

( 1} Reactor operating records, including power levels (2) Records showing radioactivity released or discharged -into the .air or water beyond the effective control of the licensee as measured at the point of such release or discharge.

(3) Records of emergency reactor scrams, including reasons for emergency shutdowns .

F. This amended license is effective as of the date of issuance and shall expire at midnight on 4 Amendment No 6

APPENDIX A LICENSE NO R-98 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE AEROTEST RADIOGRAPHY AND RESEARCH REACTOR (ARRR) 10 Definitions 11 Permanent Shutdown The reactor 1s permanently shut down when the reactor 1s maintained in permanent shut down conf1gurat1on with the fuel elements stored in storage racks that maintain a cnt1cahty of equal to or less than O 8 kett 12 Permanent Shutdown Conf1gurat1on Core lattice containing no fuel or reflector elements and control rods disabled fully inserted 13 Operable A system or component shall be considered operable when 1t 1s capable of performing its required function in its normal manner 14 Operating A component or system 1s operating 1f 1t 1s performing its required function m its normal manner 15 Experiment Experiment shall mean any apparatus, device, or material installed m the core or experimental fac1ht1es (except for underwater lights, fuel storage racks and the hke) which 1s not a normal part of these fac1ht1es 16 Experimental Fac1ht1es Experimental fac1ht1es shall mean Glory Hole, vertical tubes, pneumatic transfer systems, central thimble, beam tubes, thermal column, and m-pool 1rrad1at1on fac1ht1es 17 Reactor Safety Circuits Reactor safety circuits shall mean those circuits, including their associated input c1rcu1ts, which are designed to initiate a reactor scram

18 Core Lattice The array of machined pos1t1ons for fuel or reflector elements in the grid plates 19 Core Structure The upper and lower grid plates connected by structural members 20 Reactor Site 21 The reactor and associated equipment 1s located within an exclusion area 22 A steel, locked perimeter fence shall surround the ARRR facility, forming an exclusion area The minimum distance from the center of the reactor pool to the boundary of the exclusion area fencing shall be 50 feet The restricted area, as defined in 10 CFR 20, shall consist of the entire exclusion area 23 Th principal act1v1t1es carried on within the exclusion area shall be those associated with the decomm1ss1oning of the ARRR reactor and the use of machine shop, electrical shop and chemistry laboratory 30 Reactor Building 31 The reactor shall be housed in a steel building capable of meeting the following functional requirements 3 11 All circulating fans and air cond1t1oning systems except the system which supplies air to the control room shall have the capability to be shut off from a single control in the control room, 312 Vent1lat1on shall be achieved by gravity ventilators located in the roof of the building, and 313 A pos1t1ve air pressure shall be maintained in the control room with respect to the reactor room 32 An alarm system shall be installed to detect unauthorized entry into the reactor building The alarm system shall be monitored constantly and its annunc1at1on shall be tested monthly 40 Reactor Pool (Primary System) 41 The minimum depth of water above the top of the core structure shall be 16 ft The max11:num bulk water temperature shall be 130°F and the minimum 40°F

42 The conduct1v1ty of the primary coolant shall be measured at least once quarterly Corrective action shall be taken to avoid exceeding a conduct1v1ty of 5 µmho/cm 50 Reactor Core 51 Fuel Elements No fuel elements shall be allowed in the core lattice 52 Reflector Elements No reflector elements shall be allowed in core lattice 53 Control Elements Control elements shall be disabled and fully inserted in core lattice 60 Reactor Safety Systems Reactor operations sequences, interlock and safety systems need not be operable smce no fuel and/or reflector elements shall be allowed in the core lattice 70 Rad1at1on Monitoring 71 A fixed gamma monitor employing Geiger tube detectors shall be located on the wall connecting the control room and the reactor room This monitor shall serve as both an area rad1at1on monitor and a cnt1cahty alarm and will annunciate through an automatic monitoring system to the San Ramon, California, Fire Department and actuate a siren within the reactor building on high rad1at1on level The monitor shall have a minimum range of Oto 20 mr/hr The annunc1at1on and the siren actuation shall be tested monthly 72 During fuel movement in reactor pool, a gas sample shall be continuously withdrawn from the roof vent above the reactor, or from the v1cin1ty of the reactor bridge over the core structure, and pumped through a rad1oact1ve gas detection chamber The gas chamber shall be monitored by a beta-gamma detector which shall have a continuous readout in the control room An annunciator shall indicate when the gas exceeds 2 mr/hr 73 A f1ss1on product water monitor shall be attached to the process water cleanup system loop adJacent to the deminerahzer and shall provide continuous ind1cat1on m the control room High rad1at1on levels within the deminerahzer or pool water shall annunciate an audible alarm in the control room The range of the monitor shall be from O 1 to 100 mr/hr

74 Portable survey instruments for measuring beta-gamma dose rates m the range of O 01 mr/hr to 50 r/hr shall be available at the facility 75 Portable instruments for measuring fast and thermal neutron dose rates from O 1 mrem/hr to 1 0 rem/hr shall be available at the facility 76 Rad1at1on detector packets contammg a series of threshold detectors shall be placed at several locations w1thm the reactor building for post-accident rad1at1on analysis 77 Process mstrumentat1on with readout m the control room shall be operating to permit continuous md1cat1on of pool water temperature and conduct1v1ty Alarms shall be operable to md1cate low water flow, low pool water and improper location of the crane bridge Table 1 contains alarm setpomts for sensors 80 Experimental Fac1lit1es 81 Large-Component lrrad1at1on Box Not m pool and shall not be authorized for use 82 Pneumatic Transfer Facility Not m core lattice and shall not be authorized for use 83 Glory Hole Facility Not m pool and shall not be authorized for use 84 Neutron Radiography Facility Shall not be authorized for use 841 The beam tube shall consist of a two-section tapered tube havmg a rectangular cross-section The upper and lower sections of the tube shall be equipped with a fill and dram lme 842 All components contacting the pool water shall be fabricated from aluminum or stainless steel 843 The beam catcher shield shall consist of a movable rad1at1on shield 85 Thermal Column Shall be authorized for reflector element storage only

851 The thermal column shall be pos1t1oned remotely on steel locating pins 1mmed1ately adJacent to the reactor core 86 Vertical Tube Shall not be authorized for use 87 Other lrrad1at1on Fac1lit1es Shall not be authorized for use 90 Experiment L1m1tat1on No experiments shall be authorized 10 0 General Operating L1m1tat1ons No reactor operation shall be authorized 11 0 Fuel Transfer and Storage 111 The fuel storage pits located in the floor of the reactor room shall accommodate a maximum of 19 fuel elements (700 gm U-235) in storage racks dry or flooded with water The fuel storage pits shall be secured with a lock and chain when fuel 1s present except during fuel transfer operations 11 2 Add1t1onal fuel storage racks may be located in the reactor tank Each of these storage fac1lit1es shall be so designed that for all cond1t1ons of moderation kett shall not exceed a value of O 8 11 3 A fuel handling tool shall be used in transferring fuel elements of low rad1oact1v1ty between storage pits and the reactor, a shielded transfer cask shall be used for the transfer of highly rad1oact1ve fuel elements The fuel handling tool shall remain in a locked cabinet under the cognizance of the Fuel Handling Supervisor when not authorized for use 11 4 Transfer of irradiated fuel in the reactor tank shall be conducted by a minimum of staff of two, a Cert1f1ed Fuel Handler (CFH) and an add1t1onal person trained in rad1at1on safety The staff shall monitor the operation using the appropriate rad1at1on monitoring instrument A RSO or des1gnee shall be present for irradiated fuel transfers outside of the reactor tank but within the facility Under no circumstances 1s fuel to be transferred to or stored in the core lattice 11 5 Not more than one fuel element shall be allowed in the facility which 1s not in storage

12 0 Admin1strat1ve Requirements 12 1 Organization 12 11 The Cert1f1ed Fuel Handler Supervisor shall have the respons1b1hty of the reactor facility In all matters pertaining to fuel handling operations and to these Technical Spec1f1cat1ons, the Cert1f1ed Fuel Handler Supervisor shall be responsible to the President, Aerotest Operations, Inc The President, Aerotest Operations, Inc shall report to the Board of Directors of Aerotest Operations, Inc 12 1 2 The Rad1olog1cal Safety Officer shall review and approve all procedures and experiments involving rad1olog1cal safety He shall enforce rules, regulations and procedures relating to rad1olog1cal safety, conduct routine radiation surveys and 1s responsible to the President, Aerotest Operations, Inc 12 1 3 The Reactor Safeguards Committee shall be composed of not less than five members, of whom no more than three are members of Aerotest Operations, Inc The committee shall meet on call of the chairman and they shall meet at least annually The committee shall be responsible for, but not limited to the following 12131 Reviewing and approving nuclear safety standards associated with the use of the facility, 12 13 2 Reviewing fac1ht1es procedures and s1gnif1cant mod1f1cat1ons, 1213 3 Determining whether proposed procedures or mod1f1cat1ons involve unrev1ewed safety questions, as defined m 10 CFR 50, part 50 59(c), and are in accordance with these Technical Spec1f1cat1ons, 12 13 4 Conducting periodic audits of procedures, maintenance, equipment performance, and records, 12 13 5 Reviewing all reported abnormal occurrences and v1olat1ons of these Technical Spec1f1cat1ons, evaluating the causes of such events and the corrective action taken and recommending measures to prevent reoccurrence and, 1213 6 Reporting their findings and recommendations concerning the above to the President, Aerotest Operations, Inc 12 1 4 The CFH Supervisor shall have at least 5 years of experience m 1rrad1ated fuel movements and demonstrated knowledge of the relevant NRC regulations and ALARA principles Classroom education in the nuclear and rad1at1on related fields of study may be considered in heu of the experience requirement

12 1 5 The Rad1at1on Safety Officer shall have a minimum of 2 years of experience in personnel and environmental rad1at1on monitoring programs Classroom education in the nuclear and rad1at1on related f1elas of study may be considered in lieu of the experience requirement 12 2 Procedures 12 2 1 Detailed written procedures shall be provided and followed for the following operations 12 211 Fuel Handling operations, 12 212 Actions to be taken to correct spec1f1c and foreseen potential malfunctions of systems or components, including responses to alarms resulting from suspected primary system leaks, 12 213 Preventative or corrective maintenance operations which could have an effect on the safety of the facility 12 2 2 Temporary procedures which do not change the intent of previously approved procedures may be utilized on approval by a qualified ind1v1dual Such procedures shall be subsequently reviewed by the Reactor Safeguards Committee 12 3 Records Maintain records required under the facility license and applicable regulations

TABLE 1 SAFETY SYSTEM FUNCTIONS SENSOR OR TRIP DEVICE NO OF SWITCHES OR SENSORS ANNUNCIATOR AND ALARM SET POINT High Temperature of 1 :s; 130° F Coolant Water Low Pool Water Level 1 :s; 1 ft max decrease Se1sm1c Disturbance 1 IV on Mod1f1ed Mercalh Scale Bridge Crane Location 1 When located off storage pos1t1on Area Rad1at1on Monitor 1 :s; 10 mr/hr Water Rad1oact1v1ty 1 :s; 20 mr/hr Demmerahzer Water Flow 1 ~4gpm Bu1ldmg Gas Effluent Monitor 1 :s; 2 mr/hr