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{{#Wiki_filter:UNIVERSITY of MISSOURIRESEARCH REACTOR CENTERJanuary 28, 2015U.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionAttention: Document Control DeskMail Station P1-37Washington, DC 20555-0001REFERENCE: Docket 50-186University of Missouri-Columbia Research ReactorAmended Facility License R-103SUBJECT: Written communication as specified by 10 CFR 50.4(b)(1) regarding the response tothe "University of Missouri at Columbia -Request for Additional InformationRegarding the Renewal of Facility Operating License No. R-103 for the University ofMissouri at Columbia Research Reactor (TAC No. ME1580)," dated December 3,2014; Two attachments (22 and 23) should be withheld from public disclosure per 10CFR 2.390On August 31, 2006, the University of Missouri-Columbia Research Reactor (MURR) submitted arequest to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to renew Amended Facility OperatingLicense No. R- 103.On December 3, 2014, as part of the NRC staff s review of the renewal request, the NRC requestedadditional information in the form of two (2) questions. Those questions, and MURR's responses tothose questions, are attached. Additionally, we request that you withhold Attachments 22 and 23, ProjectRL-76, "Production of 1-131 Radiochemical Sodium Iodide Solution," and 50.59 Screen No. 12-07,"Iodine-131 Processing Laboratory," respectively, from public disclosure per 10 CFR 2.390. Attached isthe affidavit, dated January 27, 2015, which explains the reasoning for this request. The Attachments areclearly labeled "Withhold from Public Disclosure Under 10 CFR 2.390."If there are questions regarding this response, please contact me at (573) 882-5319 I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.ENDORSEMENT:Sincerely, Reviewed and Approved,John L. Fruits Ralph A. Butler, P.E. DONNA RATHKENotary Public -Notary SealReactor Manager Director State of MissouriCommissioned for Boone CountyMy Commission Expires: August 15, 2017Commission Number: 135151901513 Research Park Drive Columbia, MO 65211 Phone: 573-882-4211 Fax: 573-882-6360 Web: www.murr.missouri.eduFighting Cancer with Tomorrow's Technology Enclosed:Attachment 1:Attachment 2:Attachment 3:Attachment 4:Attachment 5:Attachment 6:Attachment 7:Attachment 8:Attachment 9:Attachment 10:Attachment 11:Attachment 12:Attachment 13:Attachment 14:Attachment 15:Attachment 16:Attachment 17:Attachment 18:Modification Record 05-08; "Replacement of Primary Coolant System HeatExchangers HX 503A and HX 503B"Modification Record 05-08, Addendum 1; "Replacement of Primary Coolant SystemHeat Exchangers HX 503A and HX 503B -Instrumentation Portion"Modification Record 05-08, Addendum 2; "Replacement of Primary Coolant SystemHeat Exchangers HX 503A and HX 503B -Heat Exchanger and Piping Portion"Modification Record 94-04, Addendum 1; "Replacement of Pool Coolant System HeatExchanger HX52 1"Modification Record 05-06; "Replace Pool Pump Piping"Modification Record 09-01; "Interfacing MURR Systems with the Shipping andReceiving Building"Modification Record 11-02, "Replace Cooling Tower"Modification Record 14-01; "Interfacing MURR System Changes in Support of theMURR Industrial Building Eastward Expansion"Modification 14-01, Addendum 1; "Construction of Usable Laboratory Spaces withinthe Expanded MURR Industrial Building"Modification Record 88-07, Addendum 3; "Exhaust Ventilation in MIB EastwardExpansion"Modification Record 90-01, Addendum 3; "Evacuation System Changes in Support ofthe MURR Industrial Building Eastward Expansion"Modification Record 0 1-02, Addendum 11; "Intercom and Paging System Changes inSupport of the MURR Industrial Building Eastward Expansion"Modification Record 01-09, Addendum 5; "Emergency Electrical in MIB EastwardExpansion"Modification Record 03-03, Addendum 5; "Fire Protection System Changes in Supportof the MURR Industrial Building Eastward Expansion"Modification Record 03-03, Addendum 6; "Fire Protection System Changes in Supportof the MIB Eastward Expansion Fit-out"Modification Record 04-03, Addendum 2; "Liquid Radioactive Waste in MIBEastward Expansion"Modification Record 14-02; "Normal Electrical Distribution in MIB EastwardExpansion"Modification Record 14-04; "Lab Impex Iodine Duct Monitor" Attachment 19:Attachment 20:Attachment 21:Attachment 22:Attachment 23:Attachment 24:Attachment 25:Modification Record 75-16, Addendum 4; "Reactor Safety System Monitoring Circuit("White Rat') Panel -Revision to Panel Overlays in Support of Flux-Trap IrradiationsReactivity Safety Trip (FIRST)"Modification Record 06-03, Addendum 2; "Replace Flux Trap Holder Wear Ring"Modification Record 11-01; "Flux-trap Irradiations Reactivity Safety Trip (FIRST)Instrument Channels"Project RL-76; "Production of 1-131 Radiochemical Sodium Iodide Solution"(Proprietary version -withhold from public disclosure per 10 CFR 2.390)50.59 Screen No. 12-07; "Iodine-131 Processing Laboratory"(Proprietary version -withhold from public disclosure per 10 CFR 2.390)Project RL-76; "Production of 1-131 Radiochemical Sodium Iodide Solution"(Redacted version -maybe released to the public)50.59 Screen No. 12-07; "Iodine-131 Processing Laboratory"(Redacted version -maybe released to the public)xc: Reactor Advisory Committee, w/o attachmentsReactor Safety Subcommittee, w/o attachmentsDr. Kenneth Dean, Interim Provost, w/o attachmentsDr. Robert Hall, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research, w/o attachmentsMr. Alexander Adams, U.S. NRC, w/o attachmentsMr. Geoffrey A. Wertz, U.S. NRC, w/o attachmentsMr. Johnny Eads, U.S. NRC, w/o attachments The MURR license renewal application (LRA,) SAR was submitted August 31, 2006. Changes to thefacility since that time have been summarized in the MURR Annual Reports, but detailedinformation, including any relevant safety analyses, updated SAR sections, or results of any reviewsof those changes performed in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.59, have not beenprovided NUREG-1537, Section 1.8, "Facility Modifications and History, "provides guidancethat significant modifications to the facility should be provided in the LRA.a. Provide a list of the significant changes to the MURR facility since the submittal of the LRAin August 2006.The following are all of the facility modifications that were implemented at MURR in accordancewith administrative procedure AP-RO- 115, "Modification Records," since the license renewalapplication (LRA) was submitted. The modifications are listed by the year that they werecompleted. Additionally, proposed changes to the Safety Analysis Report (SAR) based on thesemodifications are also listed as well as whether the modification was performed under a LicenseAmendment or 10 CFR 50.59.Furthermore, at the end of this section is revised wording to Sections 1.7.3 and 1.7.4 of the LRASAR. These facility changes would be considered "significant modifications" as per NUREG-1537, Section 1.8, and Modification Records and 50.59 Screens which document implementation ofthese changes are included as attachments. Facility changes performed under a LicenseAmendment are also documented under a Modification Record, such as License Amendment No.35 which was implemented under Modification Records 75-16, Addendum 4; 06-03, Addendum 2;and 11-01 (Attachments 19, 20 and 21). License Amendment No. 34 did not require any changes tothe LRA SAR but the most recent version of the relicensing Technical Specifications (January 27,2014, ADAMS Accession No. ML14030AI32) does incorporate this change (TS 3.6.o). LicenseAmendment No. 36 revised the Safety Limits. Section 2.1 of the most recent version of therelicensing Technical Specifications does incorporate this change. Sections 4.6.2 and 4.6.3 of theLRA SAR will be replaced by Attachment 11 (Appendix F) of the August 24, 2011 submittal insupport of License Amendment No. 36.Page 4 of 40 FACILITY MODIFICATIONS -YEAR 2006:1. Modification 94-04, Addendum 1; "Replacement of Pool Coolant System Heat Exchanger HX521"a) This addendum to Modification Record 94-04, "The Replacement of the Pool Tube andShell Heat Exchangers with a Plate Type," documents the replacement of the current plate-type pool coolant heat exchanger with the exact same model that was initially installed in1995 (with 151 plates). Since installation in 1995, the pressure drop across the heatexchanger had steadily increased, which resulted in a decrease in total pool coolant systemflow rate. An evaluation of the pool coolant heat exchanger was performed in February2005 by the Engineering Firm Black & Veatch (B&V), Kansas City, Missouri. In theevaluation B&V states that due to the tight clearances between the plates, the heatexchanger will act like a filter and collect impurities in the water. Additionally, the makerof the heat exchanger (Graham Corporation) had previously inspected plates that had whatappeared to be a thin layer of surface contaminants. Both of these factors are sufficient tocause an increase in the pressure drop across the heat exchanger. Installation of the newheat exchanger returned total pool coolant system flow rate to design values.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.2. Modification 05-08; "Replacement of Primary Coolant System Heat Exchangers HX 503A andHX 503B"a) This Modification Record was used as the initiating document in a coordinated set ofaddenda whose purpose was to replace the existing primary coolant system heatexchangers, modify and upgrade existing flow detectors and associated instrumentation,replace affected primary coolant system piping, and replace and re-plumb affectedsecondary coolant system piping. Each major system modification (i.e. -instrumentation,and primary and secondary coolant system hydraulics) was documented as a separateaddendum to this Modification Record.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.3. Modification 05-08, Addendum 1; "Replacement of Primary Coolant System Heat ExchangersHX 503A and HX 503B -Instrumentation Portion"a) This addendum to Modification Record 05-08, "Replacement of Primary Coolant SystemHeat Exchangers HX 503A and HX 503B," documents the instrumentation changes thatwere necessary to support the replacement of the old shell and tube-type primary coolantheat exchangers with new plate-type heat exchangers.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 5 of 40 Page 7-12 through 7-15, Table 7-3, Instrument Panel Instrumentation:Delete:Replace with:Delete:Replace with:Delete:Replace with:Delete:Replace with:Delete:Replace with:Delete:Replace with:Delete:Replace with:Delete:Replace with:Delete:Replace with:Add:Add:"26 Primary Coolant HX503A Outlet Temperature Meter -TE 980A""26"27"27"43"43"46"46"89"89"90"90"91"91"100"100"101"101"133"134Primary & Pool Coolant Demineralizer Flow Recorder -2 Pen"Primary Coolant HX503A Outlet Temperature Meter -TE 980B"Dual Alarm Unit (EP 920E/F) Primary Low Flow Scram"Square Root Transmitter (EP 919E) -Primary Flow "B" Loop"Square Root Transmitter (EP 919E) -Primary Flow "A" Loop"Alarm Unit -Pressurizer Water Level"Square Root Transmitter (EP 919G) -Primary Flow "B" Loop"Primary Coolant System Flow Recorder -2 Pen"Primary Coolant System "A" Loop Flow Recorder -2 Pen"Pool Coolant System Flow Recorder -2 Pen"Primary Coolant System "B" Loop Flow Recorder -2 Pen"Primary & Pool Coolant Demineralizer Flow Recorder -2 Pen"Pool Coolant System Flow Recorder -2 Pen"Primary Coolant HX503A Differential Pressure Meter -DPS 928A"Primary Coolant HX503A Outlet Temperature Meter -TE 980A"Primary Coolant HX503B Differential Pressure Meter -DPS 928B"Primary Coolant HX503B Outlet Temperature Meter -TE 980B"Dual Alarm Unit (EP 920G/H) Primary Low Flow Scram"Square Root Transmitter (EP 919H) -Primary Flow "B" Loop"Page 7-46 and 47, Section, Primary Coolant System:Delete: "Primary coolant system flow is measured at the following locations withthe indicated Flow Transmitters (FTs) and Differential Pressure Sensors (DPSs);(a) Downstream of Primary Coolant Heat Exchanger (HX503A) -FT 912A;(b) Downstream of Primary Coolant Heat Exchanger (HX503B) -FT 912E;(c) Differential Pressure across HX503A -DPS 928A;(d) Differential Pressure across HX503B -DPS 928B; and(e) Differential Pressure across the Reactor Core -DPS 929.Primary coolant system flow is recorded on a strip-chart, two-penrecorder mounted on the instrument panel. Differential pressure across orificePage 6 of 40 plates (Flow Element 913A and 913B) located downstream of HX503A andHX503B is measured by FT 912A and FT 912E, respectively. The output signal(10 to 50 mA) generated by each flow transmitter is directed to a Square RootConverter which provides a linear output signal for the two-pen recorder and aDual Alarm Unit. In addition to providing flow indication, the recorder willinitiate a "Reactor Loop Lo Flow" annunciator alarm if primary coolant flowdownstream of either heat exchanger decreases to 95% of the normal operatingvalue. If primary coolant flow decreases to 90% of the normal value, a reactorscram and a "Reactor Loop Lo Flow Scram" annunciator alarm are initiated. TheDual Alarm Unit for FT 912A opens a contact (K30-2) in the process input stringto E4A of the Reactor Safety System NCLUs, thereby interrupting power to thecontrol blade electromagnets. The Dual Alarm Unit for FT 912E opens a contact(K38-2) in the process input string to E3B of the NCLUs.A primary coolant system low flow scram may also be initiated by a lowdifferential pressure across the primary coolant heat exchangers. Differentialpressure across HX503A and HX503B, which provides an indication of flow, ismeasured by DPS 928A and DPS 928B, respectively. The output signal (4 to 20mA) produced by each differential pressure sensor is directed to an Alarm Unit.If primary coolant flow decreases to 90% of the normal operating value, a reactorscram is initiated. The Alarm Unit for DPS 928A opens a contact in the processinput string to E3B of the Reactor Safety System NCLUs, thereby interruptingpower to the control blade electromagnets. The Alarm Unit for DPS 928B opensa contact in the process input string to E4A of the NCLUs. The Alarm Units willalso de-energize relays 2K24 and 2K26, which will cause the following actionsto occur:1. "Low Primary HX AP Scram" annunciator alarm is initiated; and2. In-Pool Heat Exchanger Isolation Valves V546A and V546B open.The output signals produced by DPS 928A and DPS 928B also powermeters on the instrument panel, thus providing the reactor operator with anindication of primary coolant heat exchanger differential pressure."Replace with: "Primary coolant system flow is measured at the following locations withthe indicated Flow Transmitters (FTs) and Differential Pressure Sensors (DPSs);(a) Downstream of Primary Coolant Heat Exchanger (HX503A) -FT 912Aand FT 912E;(b) Downstream of Primary Coolant Heat Exchanger (HX503B) -FT 912Gand FT 912H; and(c) Differential Pressure across the Reactor Core -DPS 929.Page 7 of 40 Primary coolant system flow measurement system includes two orificeplates, one in each of the two heat exchanger legs. Flow as measured by twotransmitters connected to each orifice plate is recorded on two, two-pen recordersmounted on the instrument panel. Differential pressure across orifice plates(Flow Element 913A and 913B) located downstream of HX503A and HX503B ismeasured by FT 912A and FT 912E, and FT 912G and FT 912H, respectively.The output signal (10 to 50 mA) generated by each flow transmitter is directed toa Square Root Converter which provides a linear output signal for thecorresponding two-pen recorder and a Dual Alarm Unit. In addition to providingflow indication, the recorder will initiate a "Reactor Loop Lo Flow" annunciatoralarm if primary coolant flow downstream of either heat exchanger decreases to95% of the normal operating value. If primary coolant flow decreases to 90% ofthe normal value, a reactor scram and a corresponding "Reactor Loop A Lo FlowScram" or "Reactor Loop B Lo Flow Scram" annunciator alarm is initiated. TheDual Alarm Unit for FT 912A opens a contact (K30-2) in the process input stringto E4A of the Reactor Safety System NCLUs, thereby interrupting power to thecontrol blade electromagnets. The Dual Alarm Unit for FT 912E opens a contact(K38-2) in the process input string to E3B of the NCLUs. The Dual Alarm Unitfor FT 912G opens a contact in the process input string to E3B of the ReactorSafety System NCLUs, thereby interrupting power to the control bladeelectromagnets. The Alarm Unit for FT 912H opens a contact in the processinput string to E4A of the NCLUs. Alarm Unit EP No. 920 A/B and EP No. 920G/H will also de-energize relays 2K24 and 2K26 respectively, which will causethe following actions to occur:1. Corresponding "Reactor Loop A Lo Flow Scram" or "Reactor Loop BLo Flow Scram" annunciator alarm is initiated; and2. In-Pool Heat Exchanger Isolation Valves V546A and V546B open."Page 51, Table 7-8, Reactor Scrams:Delete: "15. Low Primary HX Diff. Pressure"4. Modification 05-08, Addendum 2; "Replacement of Primary Coolant System Heat ExchangersHX 503A and HX 503B -Heat Exchanger and Piping Portion"a) This addendum to Modification Record 05-08, "Replacement of Primary Coolant SystemHeat Exchangers HX 503A and HX 503B," documents the primary and secondary coolantsystem changes that were necessary to support the replacement of the old shell and tube-type primary coolant heat exchangers with new plate-type heat exchangers. Thisaddendum primarily documents the hydraulic modifications.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 8 of 40 Page 5-2, Section 5.2.4, Heat Exchangers:Delete: "The primary coolant heat exchangers are tube type, water-to-watershell, with removable tube bundles. The tubes, and all materials in contact withthe primary coolant, are made of stainless steel. The primary coolant flow makestwo passes through the tube side of the heat exchanger with a velocity of nogreater than 7 ft/sec (2.1 m/sec). At a maximum of 1,600 gpm (6,057 lpm) ofsecondary water flow and an inlet water temperature at 87 OF (31 0C), one heatexchanger is capable of removing 17 x 106 BTU/h of heat from 1,800 gpm(6,814 1pm) of primary coolant water and returning it at 140 OF (60 'C)."Replace with: "The primary coolant heat exchangers are plate-type with all surfaces incontact with the reactor coolant constructed of stainless steel. At a maximum of1,600 gpm (6,057 1pm) of secondary coolant flow at 87 OF (31 'C), one heatexchanger is capable of removing 16.9 x 106 BTU/hr of heat from 1800 gpm(6,814 1pm) of coolant and returning it at approximately 140 °F (60 'C)."Page 5-9, Section 5.4.3, Heat Exchangers:Delete: "The secondary water flow makes a single pass on the shell side of theprimary coolant system heat exchangers and on the opposite plate side of thepool coolant in the pool coolant system heat exchanger."Replace with: "The secondary coolant flows on the opposite plate side of both theprimary coolant system heat exchangers and the pool coolant system heatexchanger. In both the primary and pool coolant heat exchangers, the secondarycoolant water flows in a cross-flow configurations to the process water beingcooled."5. Modification 05-10; "Replace Pressure Vessel Tie-Rod Clevis Pins with Instrumented Load-Cell Clevis Pins"a) This Modification Record documents the replacement of the reactor pressure vessel tie-rodclevis pins with instrumented load-cell clevis pins. The clevis pins are constructed with aninternal strain gauge, as well as the full bridge circuit necessary to correlate strain totension; thus, allowing a more accurate method of determining the load applied to the tie-rods.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.6. Modification 06-01; "Removal of Pressurizer Low Liquid Level Alarm Unit EP-932 and SignalResistor Unit EP-931"a) This Modification Record documents the removal of alarm unit EP-932 and its associatedsignal resistor unit EP-93 1. EP-932 is a Bailey Type 745 Single Alarm Unit; whereas, EP-931 is a Bailey Type 766 Signal Resistor Unit. Elimination of these components allowedfor the removal of the Bailey Type 761 Instrument Rack, which was located below theother process instrumentation racks, allowing for the installation of a 4th General ElectricPage 9 of 40 Measurement and Control (GE/MAC) rack to support the additional instrumentation thatwas necessary for the primary coolant system heat exchanger project.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 7-13, Table 7-3, Instrument Panel Instrumentation:Delete: "46 Signal Resistor Unit -Pressurizer Water Level"Page 10 of 40 FACILITY MODIFICATIONS -YEAR 2007:1. Modification 90-01, Addendum 1; "Evacuation System Changes in Support of the New NorthOffice Addition"a) This addendum to Modification Record 90-01, "Evac Horn," documents changes to thefacility Evacuation System in support of the facility's new North Office Addition (NOA).The manual actuation switch was relocated and additional horns and lights were added tothe facility Evacuation System in order to safely occupy the new building addition.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 3-31, Section 3.5.5, Containment System:Delete: "(Room 202)"Replace with: "(Room 210)"Page 7-59, Section, Manual Initiation:Delete: "A second facility evacuation switch is located at the reception desk inthe facility lobby (Room 202)."Replace with: "A second facility evacuation switch is located at the reception desk inthe facility lobby (Room 210)."2. Modification 01-02, Addendum 2; "Intercommunication and Paging System Changes inSupport of the New North Office Addition"a) This addendum to Modification Record 01-02, "Installation of a New Reactor FacilityIntercommunication and Paging System," documents changes to the facilityintercommunication and paging system that are in support of the facility's new NorthOffice Addition (NOA). Additional intercom staff stations and paging speakers wereadded in order to safely occupy the new building addition.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 9-11, Table 9-1, Intercommunication System Master and Staff Station Locations:Add: The following to Table 9-1 under Staff Stations:"Corridor C2002 Cyclotron SuiteCorridor C2000 Exit to LobbyRoom 2041 Laboratory Area"3. Modification 0 1-14, Addendum 1; "120/2081V Electrical Distribution System Upgrade"a) This addendum to Modification Record 01-14, "Installation of a 300-kVA Transformer,"documents the upgrade of the facility's 120/208V electrical distribution system.Modification Record 01-14 documented the installation of a new 300-kVA transformer tohelp increase the facility's overall 120/208V load capacity while reducing the load on thePage 11 of 40 current 120/208V distribution center. This upgrade included installation of a new 300-kVAtransformer to eventually replace the existing 120/208V distribution center transformer,and to power both 300-kVA transformers via a new 480/277V high voltage panel which isfed from the laboratory building 2,000-kVA transformer.b) Modification perfonned under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.4. Modification 04-01, Addendum 1; "Replace the 943 LFE Meter Relay Unit (EP-942) with aBeede Meter Relay Unit"a) This addendum to Modification Record 04-01, "Replace the General Electric Type 551Reactor Pressure Transmitter PT-943 with a Rosemount Model 1151," documents thereplacement of the LFE Model 195 meter relay unit for primary coolant system pressuretransmitter PT-943 with a Beede Model MR4 meter relay unit. Replacement of the LFEmeter relay unit was necessary because the instrument could no longer satisfactorily passcalibration, and this particular make and model was no longer commercially available.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.5. Modification 05-01, Addendum 1; "Upgrade Pneumatic Tube System Photo Sensor Collar andCounting Circuit"a) This addendum to Modification Record 05-01, "Pneumatic Tube System Photo SensorCollar Upgrade," documents the replacement of the pneumatic tube system photo sensorcollars with a new, standardized version that supports the new fiber optic connections. ThisModification Record also documents the replacement of the photo sensor relays with fiberoptic photo relays.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.6. Modification 05-06; "Replace Pool Pump Piping"a) This Modification Record documents the replacement of certain sections of pool coolantsystem piping in order to reduce operational system head losses and therefore increaseavailable system flow. This modification, in conjunction with the replacement of poolcoolant heat exchanger HX521 (performed under Modification Record 94-04, Addendum1), returned pool coolant system flow rate to design values.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.7. Modification 06-03; "Replace Flux Trap Holder Wear Ring"a) This Modification Record documents the replacement of the center test hole experimentalsample holder wear ring with an improved design which helps to further ensure that thePage 12 of 40 experimental contents of the sample holder remain secured during reactor operation. Thisimproved design was a corrective action for Licensee Event Report No. 05-02.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.8. Modification 07-01; "Installation of the Five and Six Inch Sample Diameter IrradiationFacility"a) This Modification Record documents the replacement of the bulk pool sample irradiationfacility with a new three-position irradiation facility of improved design and capacity. Thenew design incorporates an increased number of self-powered detectors, an underwaterrotating mechanism, and stabilizing legs for additional support.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.9. Modification 07-02; "Installation of Circuitry to Indicate a Loss of the Main Annunciator"a) This Modification Record documents the installation of circuitry that provides a visual andaudible alarm to the control room operator in the event of a loss of power or any otherabnormal condition in the main annunciator panel.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 7-11, Section 7.3.1, Annunciator:Add: "To ensure the annunciator panel remains operable, an out of normal or loss ofpower condition is indicated on the auxiliary annunciator."10. Modification 07-03; "Replace Cooling Tower Fan Vibration Switches"a) This Modification Record documents the replacement of the cooling tower fan vibrationswitches with an improved design. The new switches offer the following threeimprovements: (1) the existing switches were originally mounted near the fan gearbox andthen relocated to the motor baseplate where fan vibration levels are significantly dampedwhile the set point was not changed, (2) an ongoing effort is being made throughout thefacility, where possible, to replace switches that contain mercury, and (3) the old enclosuresno longer provided adequate weather protection to prevent corrosion of the internalelectrical connections.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.11. Modification 07-04; "Interfacing MURR Systems with the North Office Addition"a) This Modification Record was used as the initiating document to ensure that all systemsrelated to emergency response have been identified and modified prior to safely occupyingthe facility's new North Office Addition (NOA). Actual modifications to these systems -Page 13 of 40 facility evacuation, fire protection, intercommunication and paging, and emergencyelectrical power -were performed under addendums to previously approved ModificationRecords.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following changes to the SAR are required:Page 1-6, Figure 1.2, Grade Level Plan:Replace with: Updated Figure 1.2, Grade Level Plan (MURR Dwg No. 1145, Sheet 2 of 5)Page 1-10, Figure 1.6, North and East Elevation:Replace with: Updated Figure 1.6, North and East ElevationPage 6-8, Figure 6.2, Grade Level Floor Plan:Replace with: Updated Figure 1.2, Grade Level Plan (MURR Dwg No. 1145, Sheet 2 of 5)12. Modification 07-05; "Beamport 'E' Changes to Replace Collimator Liner in Support of Boron-Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) Project"a) This Modification Record documents the replacement of Beamport 'E' removablecollimator liner with a new design, and the associated piping changes necessary for itsutilization. The replacement collimator liner is a combined liner and filter cavity whichutilizes as much of the 8-inch diameter portion of the collimator liner in order toaccommodate as much neutron and gamma filter material as possible. Due to this largerdiameter filter material, no provisions can be made in the collimator liner for the heliumand water connections, or concrete shielding annulus.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.Page 14 of 40 FACILITY MODIFICATIONS -YEAR 2008:1. Modification 75-01, Addendum 2; "Addition of Jumpers to Electronic Circuit Jumper Panel"a) This addendum to Modification Record 75-01, "Electronic Circuits Jumper Panel,"documents the addition of three jumper circuits to support the surveillance requirements ofnew flow detector instrument channels that were installed during the recent upgrade to theprimary coolant system. The electronic circuit jumper panel provides a positive means of(1) inserting and removing circuit jumpers for maintenance, surveillance, andtroubleshooting, and (2) verifying that the jumpers are removed.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.2. Modification 01-02, Addendum 3; "Removal and Relocation of Unused StaffIntercommunication Stations"a) This addendum to Modification Record 01-02, "Installation of a New Reactor FacilityIntercommunication and Paging System," documents the removal and relocation of twointercom staff stations in the Intercommunication and Paging System. One staff station,which was previously located in the laboratory building outer corridor, was relocated nearthe outer airlock door to aid in communication when entering the containment building.The staff station located in Room 271 was removed since it was no longer required at thislocation.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 9-11, Table 9-1, Intercommunication System Master and Staff Station Locations:Delete: The following to Table 9-1 under Staff Station:"Room 210 Laboratory Building Outer CorridorRoom 271 Machinery ShopCorridor C2000 Exit to Lobby"Add: The following to Table 9-1 under Staff Stations:"Room 287 Central Corridor"3. Modification 05-01, Addendum 2; "Replace Pneumatic Tube System Irradiation Counter"a) This addendum to Modification Record 05-01, "Pneumatic Tube System Photo SensorCollar Upgrade," documents the installation of two new-style photo sensor collars to thepneumatic tube system which allow the light source and sensor to be removed or realignedwithout having to relax reactor containment integrity.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.Page 15 of 40 4. Modification 06-03, Addendum 1; "hIstall Temporary Flux Trap Holder Wear Ring"a) This addendum to Modification Record 06-03, "Replace Flux Trap Holder Wear Ring,"documents the replacement of the center test hole canister wear ring with a temporary testdesign which allows the wear ring to engage a device consisting of two position sensingswitches. This temporary installation is being performed in conjunction with ModificationRecord 08-05, "Install Temporary Prototype of the Flux-trap Irradiations Reactivity SafetyTrip (FIRST) Device," which documents the temporary installation of a prototype switchdevice which senses the position of the center test hole canister.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.5. Modification 08-02; "Addition of Service Catwalk to 15-ton Overhead Crane"a) This Modification Record documents the installation of a service catwalk to thecontainment building 15-ton overhead rectilinear crane. The crane requires periodicmaintenance, inspection and repair to safely perform its intended functions. Prior to thecatwalk, the ability to perform these items had been severely limited by the lack of aphysical access to the north-south drivetrain. The catwalk consists of two separate steelinstallations: (1) a fixed catwalk assembled and bolted as an auxiliary platform, and (2) amoving catwalk welded to the north box girder of the crane. The moving catwalk isdesigned to allow access to the north-south drive and electrical panels without limiting thenorth travel of the crane platform.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.6. Modification 08-03; "Replacement of Graphite Reflector Elements 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9"a) This Modification Record documents the replacement of eight graphite reflector elements.From April, 2005, until October, 2007, all but one of the twelve graphite reflector elementswere replaced during various maintenance evolutions. Three of these reflector elementswere documented specifically in previous Modification Records. The remaining eightreflector elements were documented in this Modification Record in order to provideconsistency in documentation.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.7. Modification 08-04; "Replacement of Demineralized Water Storage Tanks T-300 and T-301"a) This Modification Record documents the replacement of demineralized water storage tanksT-300 and T-301. Due to degradation of their phenolic liner, the original two carbon steelwater storage tanks were replaced with 3 16L stainless steel tanks of almost identical designand capacity.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 16 of 40 Page 9-21, Section 9.12.3, Reactor Plant Make-Up Water Storage Tanks:Delete: "lined carbon steel"Replace with: "stainless steel"8. Modification 08-05; "Install Temporary Prototype of the Flux-trap Irradiations ReactivitySafety Trip (FIRST) Device"a) This Modification Record documents the temporary installation of a prototype switchdevice intended to positively indicate the position of the center test hole canister when it isin its secured and latched position. The current method of calculating the total experimentreactivity worth in the center test hole includes the reactivity contribution of the center testhole canister (sample holder) itself. This is a conservative approach that severely limits thetotal available reactivity of samples loaded into the canister. The MURR is considering analternative methodology in which the reactivity contribution of the center test hole canisteris not included, and only the reactivity contribution of the experiment samples is includedin the calculation. This temporary installation is being performed in conjunction withModification Record 06-03, Addendum 1; "Install Temporary Flux Trap Holder WearRing," which documents the temporary installation of a test design wear ring on the centertest hole canister.b) Modification perfonned under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.Page 17 of 40 FACILITY MODIFICATIONS -YEAR 2009:1. Modification 90-01, Addendum 2; "Evacuation System Changes in Support of the Shipping andReceiving Building"a) This addendum to Modification Record 90-01, "Evac Horn," documents changes to thefacility Evacuation System that were necessary in order to safely occupy the new shippingand receiving building (SaRB). To ensure a prompt and effective response from facilitystaff to an emergency or abnormal condition, the facility Evacuation System was extendedinto the SaRB. One (1) horn was installed in the open space of this building.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.2. Modification 96-0 1, Addendum 2; "Removal of the Nuclepore Experiment Equipment"a) This addendum to Modification Record 96-01, "Removal of Nuclepore Gas Lines, IsolationValves, and Valve Control Wiring," documents the removal of the remaining utilityconnections and abandoned components associated with the nuclepore facility not removedunder Modification Record 96-01 and Modification Record 96-01, Addendum 1. Thenuclepore facility was installed in 1977 to provide a means of producing finely controlledporosity in an irradiated plastic film. To accommodate the required equipment aredesigned thermal column door was installed. Within this door, a removable set ofuranium-bearing 'fission plates' was exposed to thermal neutron flux in the thermal columnfacility. As the target film slid across these fission plates, the fission products releasedpenetrated the film, thus producing finely distributed perforations, which were later acid-etched to produce the desired porosity. After the nuclepore facility was decommissionedand abandoned in place in 1993, Modification Record 96-01 documented the removal ofgas lines, isolation valves and valve controls. The irradiator case (that part of theexperiment that was moved into and out of the neutron flux) was removed using reactor testprocedure RTP- 166D. Addendum I to Modification Record 96-01 documented the removaland disposal of the shield box ventilation exhaust filter housing and associated duct work.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.3. Modification 01-02, Addendum 4; "Intercommunication and Paging System Changes inSupport of the Shipping and Receiving Building"a) This addendum to Modification Record 01-02, "Installation of a New Reactor FacilityIntercommunication and Paging System," documents changes to the facilityintercommunication and paging system that were necessary in order to safely occupy thenew Shipping and Receiving Building (SaRB). To ensure a prompt and effective responsefrom facility staff to an emergency or abnormal condition, the intercommunication andpaging system was extended into the SaRB. Two (2) paging speakers were installed in thisbuilding.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.Page 18 of 40 c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.4. Modification 01-09, Addendum 3; "Emergency Electrical System in the Shipping andReceiving Building"a) This addendum to Modification Record 01-09, "Installation of Emergency Lighting PanelNo. 1," documents the addition of loads to the emergency electrical power system in thenew Shipping and Receiving Building (SaRB). This addition provides two (2) 120Vemergency power circuits to the SaRB for key systems such as fire protection and buildingaccess control.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.5. Modification 06-03, Addendum 2; "Replace Flux Trap Holder Wear Ring"a) This addendum to Modification Record 06-03, "Replace Flux Trap Holder Wear Ring,"documents the replacement of the center test hole canister temporary wear ring with adifferent design. The new ring covers a larger circumference of the flux trap holder; thus,ensuring rotation will not disengage the position sensing switches of the flux-trapirradiations reactivity safety trip (FIRST) instrument channel. This installation was done insupport of preliminary long form Modification Record, "Flux-Trap Irradiations ReactivitySafety Trip (FIRST) Instrument Channel." The prototype FIRST rig was installed underModification Record 08-05, and subsequent details of the FIRST device and its function areprovided in this Modification Record.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.6. Modification 09-01; "Interfacing MURR Systems with the Shipping and Receiving Building"a) This Modification Record was used as the initiating document to ensure all systems relatedto emergency response and routine operation have been identified and modified prior tosafely occupying the facility's new shipping and receiving building. Actual modificationsto these systems -facility evacuation, fire protection, intercommunication and paging, andnormal and emergency electrical power -were performed under addendums to previouslyapproved Modification Records.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following changes to the SAR are required:Page 1-9, Figure 1.5, Fifth Level Plan:Replace with: Updated Figure 1.5, Fifth Floor, Cooling Tower and SaRB (MURR Dwg No.1145, Sheet 5 of 5)7. Modification 09-02; "Airlock Door Control"a) This Modification Record documents the replacement of the existing pedestrian entry(airlock) door analog control system with a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)-drivenPage 19 of 40 system. In addition, the control scheme was modified to maintain both airlock doors closedand sealed when in an idle condition. All existing interlocks and protective functions werepreserved, with the addition of controls necessary to open and close both doors. ThisModification Record is classified as "Safeguards Information" due to the inclusion ofsecurity-sensitive information.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 6-15, Section 6.2.6, Description of Operations:Delete: "During normal operation of the reactor, the following conditions exist: onepedestrian entry door is closed and sealed,"Replace with: "During normal operation of the reactor, the following conditions exist: atleast one pedestrian entry door is closed and sealed,"Page 20 of 40 FACILITY MODIFICATIONS -YEAR 2010:1. Modification 01-09, Addendum 2; "Emergency Electrical System in North Office Addition"a) This addendum to Modification Record 0 1-09, "Installation of Emergency Lighting PanelNo. 1," documents the extension of the Emergency Electrical Power System to the NorthOffice Addition (NOA). This system extension provides 120/208V electrical power to keyNOA systems such as facility access and security, fire protection, computing servers, stackmonitor, and Cyclotron processing and pharmacy.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.2. Modification 10-01; "Addition of Junction Box and Terminal Board for Control Rod Drive 'D'Drive Cable"a) This Modification Record documents the addition of a junction box and terminal board tothe drive cable for control rod 'D' drive mechanism. The more frequent handling of controlrod 'D' drive mechanism drive cable increases the likelihood of damage to the cable.Previous efforts at providing strain relief at significant flexure points have been lesseffective than desired. This Modification Record documents the addition of a junction boxand terminal board near the drive mechanism. This addition reduces the magnitude offlexure and should extend the service life of the drive cable. The addition has the addedadvantage that when drive cable replacement is necessary; this work can be accomplishedwith a much shorter length of cable and can be performed entirely from the upper bridge.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.Page 21 of 40  
{{#Wiki_filter:UNIVERSITY of MISSOURIRESEARCH REACTOR CENTERJanuary 28, 2015U.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionAttention: Document Control DeskMail Station P1-37Washington, DC 20555-0001REFERENCE: Docket 50-186University of Missouri-Columbia Research ReactorAmended Facility License R-103SUBJECT: Written communication as specified by 10 CFR 50.4(b)(1) regarding the response tothe "University of Missouri at Columbia -Request for Additional InformationRegarding the Renewal of Facility Operating License No. R-103 for the University ofMissouri at Columbia Research Reactor (TAC No. ME1580)," dated December 3,2014; Two attachments (22 and 23) should be withheld from public disclosure per 10CFR 2.390On August 31, 2006, the University of Missouri-Columbia Research Reactor (MURR) submitted arequest to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to renew Amended Facility OperatingLicense No. R- 103.On December 3, 2014, as part of the NRC staff s review of the renewal request, the NRC requestedadditional information in the form of two (2) questions. Those questions, and MURR's responses tothose questions, are attached. Additionally, we request that you withhold Attachments 22 and 23, ProjectRL-76, "Production of 1-131 Radiochemical Sodium Iodide Solution," and 50.59 Screen No. 12-07,"Iodine-131 Processing Laboratory," respectively, from public disclosure per 10 CFR 2.390. Attached isthe affidavit, dated January 27, 2015, which explains the reasoning for this request. The Attachments areclearly labeled "Withhold from Public Disclosure Under 10 CFR 2.390."If there are questions regarding this response, please contact me at (573) 882-5319 I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.ENDORSEMENT:Sincerely, Reviewed and Approved,John L. Fruits Ralph A. Butler, P.E. DONNA RATHKENotary Public -Notary SealReactor Manager Director State of MissouriCommissioned for Boone CountyMy Commission Expires: August 15, 2017Commission Number: 135151901513 Research Park Drive Columbia, MO 65211 Phone: 573-882-4211 Fax: 573-882-6360 Web: www.murr.missouri.eduFighting Cancer with Tomorrow's Technology Enclosed:Attachment 1:Attachment 2:Attachment 3:Attachment 4:Attachment 5:Attachment 6:Attachment 7:Attachment 8:Attachment 9:Attachment 10:Attachment 11:Attachment 12:Attachment 13:Attachment 14:Attachment 15:Attachment 16:Attachment 17:Attachment 18:Modification Record 05-08; "Replacement of Primary Coolant System HeatExchangers HX 503A and HX 503B"Modification Record 05-08, Addendum 1; "Replacement of Primary Coolant SystemHeat Exchangers HX 503A and HX 503B -Instrumentation Portion"Modification Record 05-08, Addendum 2; "Replacement of Primary Coolant SystemHeat Exchangers HX 503A and HX 503B -Heat Exchanger and Piping Portion"Modification Record 94-04, Addendum 1; "Replacement of Pool Coolant System HeatExchanger HX52 1"Modification Record 05-06; "Replace Pool Pump Piping"Modification Record 09-01; "Interfacing MURR Systems with the Shipping andReceiving Building"Modification Record 11-02, "Replace Cooling Tower"Modification Record 14-01; "Interfacing MURR System Changes in Support of theMURR Industrial Building Eastward Expansion"Modification 14-01, Addendum 1; "Construction of Usable Laboratory Spaces withinthe Expanded MURR Industrial Building"Modification Record 88-07, Addendum 3; "Exhaust Ventilation in MIB EastwardExpansion"Modification Record 90-01, Addendum 3; "Evacuation System Changes in Support ofthe MURR Industrial Building Eastward Expansion"Modification Record 0 1-02, Addendum 11; "Intercom and Paging System Changes inSupport of the MURR Industrial Building Eastward Expansion"Modification Record 01-09, Addendum 5; "Emergency Electrical in MIB EastwardExpansion"Modification Record 03-03, Addendum 5; "Fire Protection System Changes in Supportof the MURR Industrial Building Eastward Expansion"Modification Record 03-03, Addendum 6; "Fire Protection System Changes in Supportof the MIB Eastward Expansion Fit-out"Modification Record 04-03, Addendum 2; "Liquid Radioactive Waste in MIBEastward Expansion"Modification Record 14-02; "Normal Electrical Distribution in MIB EastwardExpansion"Modification Record 14-04; "Lab Impex Iodine Duct Monitor"  
19:Attachment 20:Attachment 21:Attachment 22:Attachment 23:Attachment 24:Attachment 25:Modification Record 75-16, Addendum 4; "Reactor Safety System Monitoring Circuit("White Rat') Panel -Revision to Panel Overlays in Support of Flux-Trap IrradiationsReactivity Safety Trip (FIRST)"Modification Record 06-03, Addendum 2; "Replace Flux Trap Holder Wear Ring"Modification Record 11-01; "Flux-trap Irradiations Reactivity Safety Trip (FIRST)Instrument Channels"Project RL-76; "Production of 1-131 Radiochemical Sodium Iodide Solution"(Proprietary version -withhold from public disclosure per 10 CFR 2.390)50.59 Screen No. 12-07; "Iodine-131 Processing Laboratory"(Proprietary version -withhold from public disclosure per 10 CFR 2.390)Project RL-76; "Production of 1-131 Radiochemical Sodium Iodide Solution"(Redacted version -maybe released to the public)50.59 Screen No. 12-07; "Iodine-131 Processing Laboratory"(Redacted version -maybe released to the public)xc: Reactor Advisory Committee, w/o attachmentsReactor Safety Subcommittee, w/o attachmentsDr. Kenneth Dean, Interim Provost, w/o attachmentsDr. Robert Hall, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research, w/o attachmentsMr. Alexander Adams, U.S. NRC, w/o attachmentsMr. Geoffrey A. Wertz, U.S. NRC, w/o attachmentsMr. Johnny Eads, U.S. NRC, w/o attachments The MURR license renewal application (LRA,) SAR was submitted August 31, 2006. Changes to thefacility since that time have been summarized in the MURR Annual Reports, but detailedinformation, including any relevant safety analyses, updated SAR sections, or results of any reviewsof those changes performed in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.59, have not beenprovided NUREG-1537, Section 1.8, "Facility Modifications and History, "provides guidancethat significant modifications to the facility should be provided in the LRA.a. Provide a list of the significant changes to the MURR facility since the submittal of the LRAin August 2006.The following are all of the facility modifications that were implemented at MURR in accordancewith administrative procedure AP-RO- 115, "Modification Records," since the license renewalapplication (LRA) was submitted. The modifications are listed by the year that they werecompleted. Additionally, proposed changes to the Safety Analysis Report (SAR) based on thesemodifications are also listed as well as whether the modification was performed under a LicenseAmendment or 10 CFR 50.59.Furthermore, at the end of this section is revised wording to Sections 1.7.3 and 1.7.4 of the LRASAR. These facility changes would be considered "significant modifications" as per NUREG-1537, Section 1.8, and Modification Records and 50.59 Screens which document implementation ofthese changes are included as attachments. Facility changes performed under a LicenseAmendment are also documented under a Modification Record, such as License Amendment No.35 which was implemented under Modification Records 75-16, Addendum 4; 06-03, Addendum 2;and 11-01 (Attachments 19, 20 and 21). License Amendment No. 34 did not require any changes tothe LRA SAR but the most recent version of the relicensing Technical Specifications (January 27,2014, ADAMS Accession No. ML14030AI32) does incorporate this change (TS 3.6.o). LicenseAmendment No. 36 revised the Safety Limits. Section 2.1 of the most recent version of therelicensing Technical Specifications does incorporate this change. Sections 4.6.2 and 4.6.3 of theLRA SAR will be replaced by Attachment 11 (Appendix F) of the August 24, 2011 submittal insupport of License Amendment No. 36.Page 4 of 40 FACILITY MODIFICATIONS -YEAR 2006:1. Modification 94-04, Addendum 1; "Replacement of Pool Coolant System Heat Exchanger HX521"a) This addendum to Modification Record 94-04, "The Replacement of the Pool Tube andShell Heat Exchangers with a Plate Type," documents the replacement of the current plate-type pool coolant heat exchanger with the exact same model that was initially installed in1995 (with 151 plates). Since installation in 1995, the pressure drop across the heatexchanger had steadily increased, which resulted in a decrease in total pool coolant systemflow rate. An evaluation of the pool coolant heat exchanger was performed in February2005 by the Engineering Firm Black & Veatch (B&V), Kansas City, Missouri. In theevaluation B&V states that due to the tight clearances between the plates, the heatexchanger will act like a filter and collect impurities in the water. Additionally, the makerof the heat exchanger (Graham Corporation) had previously inspected plates that had whatappeared to be a thin layer of surface contaminants. Both of these factors are sufficient tocause an increase in the pressure drop across the heat exchanger. Installation of the newheat exchanger returned total pool coolant system flow rate to design values.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.2. Modification 05-08; "Replacement of Primary Coolant System Heat Exchangers HX 503A andHX 503B"a) This Modification Record was used as the initiating document in a coordinated set ofaddenda whose purpose was to replace the existing primary coolant system heatexchangers, modify and upgrade existing flow detectors and associated instrumentation,replace affected primary coolant system piping, and replace and re-plumb affectedsecondary coolant system piping. Each major system modification (i.e. -instrumentation,and primary and secondary coolant system hydraulics) was documented as a separateaddendum to this Modification Record.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.3. Modification 05-08, Addendum 1; "Replacement of Primary Coolant System Heat ExchangersHX 503A and HX 503B -Instrumentation Portion"a) This addendum to Modification Record 05-08, "Replacement of Primary Coolant SystemHeat Exchangers HX 503A and HX 503B," documents the instrumentation changes thatwere necessary to support the replacement of the old shell and tube-type primary coolantheat exchangers with new plate-type heat exchangers.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 5 of 40 Page 7-12 through 7-15, Table 7-3, Instrument Panel Instrumentation:Delete:Replace with:Delete:Replace with:Delete:Replace with:Delete:Replace with:Delete:Replace with:Delete:Replace with:Delete:Replace with:Delete:Replace with:Delete:Replace with:Add:Add:"26 Primary Coolant HX503A Outlet Temperature Meter -TE 980A""26"27"27"43"43"46"46"89"89"90"90"91"91"100"100"101"101"133"134Primary & Pool Coolant Demineralizer Flow Recorder -2 Pen"Primary Coolant HX503A Outlet Temperature Meter -TE 980B"Dual Alarm Unit (EP 920E/F) Primary Low Flow Scram"Square Root Transmitter (EP 919E) -Primary Flow "B" Loop"Square Root Transmitter (EP 919E) -Primary Flow "A" Loop"Alarm Unit -Pressurizer Water Level"Square Root Transmitter (EP 919G) -Primary Flow "B" Loop"Primary Coolant System Flow Recorder -2 Pen"Primary Coolant System "A" Loop Flow Recorder -2 Pen"Pool Coolant System Flow Recorder -2 Pen"Primary Coolant System "B" Loop Flow Recorder -2 Pen"Primary & Pool Coolant Demineralizer Flow Recorder -2 Pen"Pool Coolant System Flow Recorder -2 Pen"Primary Coolant HX503A Differential Pressure Meter -DPS 928A"Primary Coolant HX503A Outlet Temperature Meter -TE 980A"Primary Coolant HX503B Differential Pressure Meter -DPS 928B"Primary Coolant HX503B Outlet Temperature Meter -TE 980B"Dual Alarm Unit (EP 920G/H) Primary Low Flow Scram"Square Root Transmitter (EP 919H) -Primary Flow "B" Loop"Page 7-46 and 47, Section, Primary Coolant System:Delete: "Primary coolant system flow is measured at the following locations withthe indicated Flow Transmitters (FTs) and Differential Pressure Sensors (DPSs);(a) Downstream of Primary Coolant Heat Exchanger (HX503A) -FT 912A;(b) Downstream of Primary Coolant Heat Exchanger (HX503B) -FT 912E;(c) Differential Pressure across HX503A -DPS 928A;(d) Differential Pressure across HX503B -DPS 928B; and(e) Differential Pressure across the Reactor Core -DPS 929.Primary coolant system flow is recorded on a strip-chart, two-penrecorder mounted on the instrument panel. Differential pressure across orificePage 6 of 40 plates (Flow Element 913A and 913B) located downstream of HX503A andHX503B is measured by FT 912A and FT 912E, respectively. The output signal(10 to 50 mA) generated by each flow transmitter is directed to a Square RootConverter which provides a linear output signal for the two-pen recorder and aDual Alarm Unit. In addition to providing flow indication, the recorder willinitiate a "Reactor Loop Lo Flow" annunciator alarm if primary coolant flowdownstream of either heat exchanger decreases to 95% of the normal operatingvalue. If primary coolant flow decreases to 90% of the normal value, a reactorscram and a "Reactor Loop Lo Flow Scram" annunciator alarm are initiated. TheDual Alarm Unit for FT 912A opens a contact (K30-2) in the process input stringto E4A of the Reactor Safety System NCLUs, thereby interrupting power to thecontrol blade electromagnets. The Dual Alarm Unit for FT 912E opens a contact(K38-2) in the process input string to E3B of the NCLUs.A primary coolant system low flow scram may also be initiated by a lowdifferential pressure across the primary coolant heat exchangers. Differentialpressure across HX503A and HX503B, which provides an indication of flow, ismeasured by DPS 928A and DPS 928B, respectively. The output signal (4 to 20mA) produced by each differential pressure sensor is directed to an Alarm Unit.If primary coolant flow decreases to 90% of the normal operating value, a reactorscram is initiated. The Alarm Unit for DPS 928A opens a contact in the processinput string to E3B of the Reactor Safety System NCLUs, thereby interruptingpower to the control blade electromagnets. The Alarm Unit for DPS 928B opensa contact in the process input string to E4A of the NCLUs. The Alarm Units willalso de-energize relays 2K24 and 2K26, which will cause the following actionsto occur:1. "Low Primary HX AP Scram" annunciator alarm is initiated; and2. In-Pool Heat Exchanger Isolation Valves V546A and V546B open.The output signals produced by DPS 928A and DPS 928B also powermeters on the instrument panel, thus providing the reactor operator with anindication of primary coolant heat exchanger differential pressure."Replace with: "Primary coolant system flow is measured at the following locations withthe indicated Flow Transmitters (FTs) and Differential Pressure Sensors (DPSs);(a) Downstream of Primary Coolant Heat Exchanger (HX503A) -FT 912Aand FT 912E;(b) Downstream of Primary Coolant Heat Exchanger (HX503B) -FT 912Gand FT 912H; and(c) Differential Pressure across the Reactor Core -DPS 929.Page 7 of 40 Primary coolant system flow measurement system includes two orificeplates, one in each of the two heat exchanger legs. Flow as measured by twotransmitters connected to each orifice plate is recorded on two, two-pen recordersmounted on the instrument panel. Differential pressure across orifice plates(Flow Element 913A and 913B) located downstream of HX503A and HX503B ismeasured by FT 912A and FT 912E, and FT 912G and FT 912H, respectively.The output signal (10 to 50 mA) generated by each flow transmitter is directed toa Square Root Converter which provides a linear output signal for thecorresponding two-pen recorder and a Dual Alarm Unit. In addition to providingflow indication, the recorder will initiate a "Reactor Loop Lo Flow" annunciatoralarm if primary coolant flow downstream of either heat exchanger decreases to95% of the normal operating value. If primary coolant flow decreases to 90% ofthe normal value, a reactor scram and a corresponding "Reactor Loop A Lo FlowScram" or "Reactor Loop B Lo Flow Scram" annunciator alarm is initiated. TheDual Alarm Unit for FT 912A opens a contact (K30-2) in the process input stringto E4A of the Reactor Safety System NCLUs, thereby interrupting power to thecontrol blade electromagnets. The Dual Alarm Unit for FT 912E opens a contact(K38-2) in the process input string to E3B of the NCLUs. The Dual Alarm Unitfor FT 912G opens a contact in the process input string to E3B of the ReactorSafety System NCLUs, thereby interrupting power to the control bladeelectromagnets. The Alarm Unit for FT 912H opens a contact in the processinput string to E4A of the NCLUs. Alarm Unit EP No. 920 A/B and EP No. 920G/H will also de-energize relays 2K24 and 2K26 respectively, which will causethe following actions to occur:1. Corresponding "Reactor Loop A Lo Flow Scram" or "Reactor Loop BLo Flow Scram" annunciator alarm is initiated; and2. In-Pool Heat Exchanger Isolation Valves V546A and V546B open."Page 51, Table 7-8, Reactor Scrams:Delete: "15. Low Primary HX Diff. Pressure"4. Modification 05-08, Addendum 2; "Replacement of Primary Coolant System Heat ExchangersHX 503A and HX 503B -Heat Exchanger and Piping Portion"a) This addendum to Modification Record 05-08, "Replacement of Primary Coolant SystemHeat Exchangers HX 503A and HX 503B," documents the primary and secondary coolantsystem changes that were necessary to support the replacement of the old shell and tube-type primary coolant heat exchangers with new plate-type heat exchangers. Thisaddendum primarily documents the hydraulic modifications.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 8 of 40 Page 5-2, Section 5.2.4, Heat Exchangers:Delete: "The primary coolant heat exchangers are tube type, water-to-watershell, with removable tube bundles. The tubes, and all materials in contact withthe primary coolant, are made of stainless steel. The primary coolant flow makestwo passes through the tube side of the heat exchanger with a velocity of nogreater than 7 ft/sec (2.1 m/sec). At a maximum of 1,600 gpm (6,057 lpm) ofsecondary water flow and an inlet water temperature at 87 OF (31 0C), one heatexchanger is capable of removing 17 x 106 BTU/h of heat from 1,800 gpm(6,814 1pm) of primary coolant water and returning it at 140 OF (60 'C)."Replace with: "The primary coolant heat exchangers are plate-type with all surfaces incontact with the reactor coolant constructed of stainless steel. At a maximum of1,600 gpm (6,057 1pm) of secondary coolant flow at 87 OF (31 'C), one heatexchanger is capable of removing 16.9 x 106 BTU/hr of heat from 1800 gpm(6,814 1pm) of coolant and returning it at approximately 140 °F (60 'C)."Page 5-9, Section 5.4.3, Heat Exchangers:Delete: "The secondary water flow makes a single pass on the shell side of theprimary coolant system heat exchangers and on the opposite plate side of thepool coolant in the pool coolant system heat exchanger."Replace with: "The secondary coolant flows on the opposite plate side of both theprimary coolant system heat exchangers and the pool coolant system heatexchanger. In both the primary and pool coolant heat exchangers, the secondarycoolant water flows in a cross-flow configurations to the process water beingcooled."5. Modification 05-10; "Replace Pressure Vessel Tie-Rod Clevis Pins with Instrumented Load-Cell Clevis Pins"a) This Modification Record documents the replacement of the reactor pressure vessel tie-rodclevis pins with instrumented load-cell clevis pins. The clevis pins are constructed with aninternal strain gauge, as well as the full bridge circuit necessary to correlate strain totension; thus, allowing a more accurate method of determining the load applied to the tie-rods.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.6. Modification 06-01; "Removal of Pressurizer Low Liquid Level Alarm Unit EP-932 and SignalResistor Unit EP-931"a) This Modification Record documents the removal of alarm unit EP-932 and its associatedsignal resistor unit EP-93 1. EP-932 is a Bailey Type 745 Single Alarm Unit; whereas, EP-931 is a Bailey Type 766 Signal Resistor Unit. Elimination of these components allowedfor the removal of the Bailey Type 761 Instrument Rack, which was located below theother process instrumentation racks, allowing for the installation of a 4th General ElectricPage 9 of 40 Measurement and Control (GE/MAC) rack to support the additional instrumentation thatwas necessary for the primary coolant system heat exchanger project.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 7-13, Table 7-3, Instrument Panel Instrumentation:Delete: "46 Signal Resistor Unit -Pressurizer Water Level"Page 10 of 40 FACILITY MODIFICATIONS -YEAR 2007:1. Modification 90-01, Addendum 1; "Evacuation System Changes in Support of the New NorthOffice Addition"a) This addendum to Modification Record 90-01, "Evac Horn," documents changes to thefacility Evacuation System in support of the facility's new North Office Addition (NOA).The manual actuation switch was relocated and additional horns and lights were added tothe facility Evacuation System in order to safely occupy the new building addition.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 3-31, Section 3.5.5, Containment System:Delete: "(Room 202)"Replace with: "(Room 210)"Page 7-59, Section, Manual Initiation:Delete: "A second facility evacuation switch is located at the reception desk inthe facility lobby (Room 202)."Replace with: "A second facility evacuation switch is located at the reception desk inthe facility lobby (Room 210)."2. Modification 01-02, Addendum 2; "Intercommunication and Paging System Changes inSupport of the New North Office Addition"a) This addendum to Modification Record 01-02, "Installation of a New Reactor FacilityIntercommunication and Paging System," documents changes to the facilityintercommunication and paging system that are in support of the facility's new NorthOffice Addition (NOA). Additional intercom staff stations and paging speakers wereadded in order to safely occupy the new building addition.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 9-11, Table 9-1, Intercommunication System Master and Staff Station Locations:Add: The following to Table 9-1 under Staff Stations:"Corridor C2002 Cyclotron SuiteCorridor C2000 Exit to LobbyRoom 2041 Laboratory Area"3. Modification 0 1-14, Addendum 1; "120/2081V Electrical Distribution System Upgrade"a) This addendum to Modification Record 01-14, "Installation of a 300-kVA Transformer,"documents the upgrade of the facility's 120/208V electrical distribution system.Modification Record 01-14 documented the installation of a new 300-kVA transformer tohelp increase the facility's overall 120/208V load capacity while reducing the load on thePage 11 of 40 current 120/208V distribution center. This upgrade included installation of a new 300-kVAtransformer to eventually replace the existing 120/208V distribution center transformer,and to power both 300-kVA transformers via a new 480/277V high voltage panel which isfed from the laboratory building 2,000-kVA transformer.b) Modification perfonned under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.4. Modification 04-01, Addendum 1; "Replace the 943 LFE Meter Relay Unit (EP-942) with aBeede Meter Relay Unit"a) This addendum to Modification Record 04-01, "Replace the General Electric Type 551Reactor Pressure Transmitter PT-943 with a Rosemount Model 1151," documents thereplacement of the LFE Model 195 meter relay unit for primary coolant system pressuretransmitter PT-943 with a Beede Model MR4 meter relay unit. Replacement of the LFEmeter relay unit was necessary because the instrument could no longer satisfactorily passcalibration, and this particular make and model was no longer commercially available.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.5. Modification 05-01, Addendum 1; "Upgrade Pneumatic Tube System Photo Sensor Collar andCounting Circuit"a) This addendum to Modification Record 05-01, "Pneumatic Tube System Photo SensorCollar Upgrade," documents the replacement of the pneumatic tube system photo sensorcollars with a new, standardized version that supports the new fiber optic connections. ThisModification Record also documents the replacement of the photo sensor relays with fiberoptic photo relays.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.6. Modification 05-06; "Replace Pool Pump Piping"a) This Modification Record documents the replacement of certain sections of pool coolantsystem piping in order to reduce operational system head losses and therefore increaseavailable system flow. This modification, in conjunction with the replacement of poolcoolant heat exchanger HX521 (performed under Modification Record 94-04, Addendum1), returned pool coolant system flow rate to design values.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.7. Modification 06-03; "Replace Flux Trap Holder Wear Ring"a) This Modification Record documents the replacement of the center test hole experimentalsample holder wear ring with an improved design which helps to further ensure that thePage 12 of 40 experimental contents of the sample holder remain secured during reactor operation. Thisimproved design was a corrective action for Licensee Event Report No. 05-02.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.8. Modification 07-01; "Installation of the Five and Six Inch Sample Diameter IrradiationFacility"a) This Modification Record documents the replacement of the bulk pool sample irradiationfacility with a new three-position irradiation facility of improved design and capacity. Thenew design incorporates an increased number of self-powered detectors, an underwaterrotating mechanism, and stabilizing legs for additional support.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.9. Modification 07-02; "Installation of Circuitry to Indicate a Loss of the Main Annunciator"a) This Modification Record documents the installation of circuitry that provides a visual andaudible alarm to the control room operator in the event of a loss of power or any otherabnormal condition in the main annunciator panel.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 7-11, Section 7.3.1, Annunciator:Add: "To ensure the annunciator panel remains operable, an out of normal or loss ofpower condition is indicated on the auxiliary annunciator."10. Modification 07-03; "Replace Cooling Tower Fan Vibration Switches"a) This Modification Record documents the replacement of the cooling tower fan vibrationswitches with an improved design. The new switches offer the following threeimprovements: (1) the existing switches were originally mounted near the fan gearbox andthen relocated to the motor baseplate where fan vibration levels are significantly dampedwhile the set point was not changed, (2) an ongoing effort is being made throughout thefacility, where possible, to replace switches that contain mercury, and (3) the old enclosuresno longer provided adequate weather protection to prevent corrosion of the internalelectrical connections.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.11. Modification 07-04; "Interfacing MURR Systems with the North Office Addition"a) This Modification Record was used as the initiating document to ensure that all systemsrelated to emergency response have been identified and modified prior to safely occupyingthe facility's new North Office Addition (NOA). Actual modifications to these systems -Page 13 of 40 facility evacuation, fire protection, intercommunication and paging, and emergencyelectrical power -were performed under addendums to previously approved ModificationRecords.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following changes to the SAR are required:Page 1-6, Figure 1.2, Grade Level Plan:Replace with: Updated Figure 1.2, Grade Level Plan (MURR Dwg No. 1145, Sheet 2 of 5)Page 1-10, Figure 1.6, North and East Elevation:Replace with: Updated Figure 1.6, North and East ElevationPage 6-8, Figure 6.2, Grade Level Floor Plan:Replace with: Updated Figure 1.2, Grade Level Plan (MURR Dwg No. 1145, Sheet 2 of 5)12. Modification 07-05; "Beamport 'E' Changes to Replace Collimator Liner in Support of Boron-Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) Project"a) This Modification Record documents the replacement of Beamport 'E' removablecollimator liner with a new design, and the associated piping changes necessary for itsutilization. The replacement collimator liner is a combined liner and filter cavity whichutilizes as much of the 8-inch diameter portion of the collimator liner in order toaccommodate as much neutron and gamma filter material as possible. Due to this largerdiameter filter material, no provisions can be made in the collimator liner for the heliumand water connections, or concrete shielding annulus.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.Page 14 of 40 FACILITY MODIFICATIONS -YEAR 2008:1. Modification 75-01, Addendum 2; "Addition of Jumpers to Electronic Circuit Jumper Panel"a) This addendum to Modification Record 75-01, "Electronic Circuits Jumper Panel,"documents the addition of three jumper circuits to support the surveillance requirements ofnew flow detector instrument channels that were installed during the recent upgrade to theprimary coolant system. The electronic circuit jumper panel provides a positive means of(1) inserting and removing circuit jumpers for maintenance, surveillance, andtroubleshooting, and (2) verifying that the jumpers are removed.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.2. Modification 01-02, Addendum 3; "Removal and Relocation of Unused StaffIntercommunication Stations"a) This addendum to Modification Record 01-02, "Installation of a New Reactor FacilityIntercommunication and Paging System," documents the removal and relocation of twointercom staff stations in the Intercommunication and Paging System. One staff station,which was previously located in the laboratory building outer corridor, was relocated nearthe outer airlock door to aid in communication when entering the containment building.The staff station located in Room 271 was removed since it was no longer required at thislocation.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 9-11, Table 9-1, Intercommunication System Master and Staff Station Locations:Delete: The following to Table 9-1 under Staff Station:"Room 210 Laboratory Building Outer CorridorRoom 271 Machinery ShopCorridor C2000 Exit to Lobby"Add: The following to Table 9-1 under Staff Stations:"Room 287 Central Corridor"3. Modification 05-01, Addendum 2; "Replace Pneumatic Tube System Irradiation Counter"a) This addendum to Modification Record 05-01, "Pneumatic Tube System Photo SensorCollar Upgrade," documents the installation of two new-style photo sensor collars to thepneumatic tube system which allow the light source and sensor to be removed or realignedwithout having to relax reactor containment integrity.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.Page 15 of 40 4. Modification 06-03, Addendum 1; "hIstall Temporary Flux Trap Holder Wear Ring"a) This addendum to Modification Record 06-03, "Replace Flux Trap Holder Wear Ring,"documents the replacement of the center test hole canister wear ring with a temporary testdesign which allows the wear ring to engage a device consisting of two position sensingswitches. This temporary installation is being performed in conjunction with ModificationRecord 08-05, "Install Temporary Prototype of the Flux-trap Irradiations Reactivity SafetyTrip (FIRST) Device," which documents the temporary installation of a prototype switchdevice which senses the position of the center test hole canister.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.5. Modification 08-02; "Addition of Service Catwalk to 15-ton Overhead Crane"a) This Modification Record documents the installation of a service catwalk to thecontainment building 15-ton overhead rectilinear crane. The crane requires periodicmaintenance, inspection and repair to safely perform its intended functions. Prior to thecatwalk, the ability to perform these items had been severely limited by the lack of aphysical access to the north-south drivetrain. The catwalk consists of two separate steelinstallations: (1) a fixed catwalk assembled and bolted as an auxiliary platform, and (2) amoving catwalk welded to the north box girder of the crane. The moving catwalk isdesigned to allow access to the north-south drive and electrical panels without limiting thenorth travel of the crane platform.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.6. Modification 08-03; "Replacement of Graphite Reflector Elements 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9"a) This Modification Record documents the replacement of eight graphite reflector elements.From April, 2005, until October, 2007, all but one of the twelve graphite reflector elementswere replaced during various maintenance evolutions. Three of these reflector elementswere documented specifically in previous Modification Records. The remaining eightreflector elements were documented in this Modification Record in order to provideconsistency in documentation.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.7. Modification 08-04; "Replacement of Demineralized Water Storage Tanks T-300 and T-301"a) This Modification Record documents the replacement of demineralized water storage tanksT-300 and T-301. Due to degradation of their phenolic liner, the original two carbon steelwater storage tanks were replaced with 3 16L stainless steel tanks of almost identical designand capacity.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 16 of 40 Page 9-21, Section 9.12.3, Reactor Plant Make-Up Water Storage Tanks:Delete: "lined carbon steel"Replace with: "stainless steel"8. Modification 08-05; "Install Temporary Prototype of the Flux-trap Irradiations ReactivitySafety Trip (FIRST) Device"a) This Modification Record documents the temporary installation of a prototype switchdevice intended to positively indicate the position of the center test hole canister when it isin its secured and latched position. The current method of calculating the total experimentreactivity worth in the center test hole includes the reactivity contribution of the center testhole canister (sample holder) itself. This is a conservative approach that severely limits thetotal available reactivity of samples loaded into the canister. The MURR is considering analternative methodology in which the reactivity contribution of the center test hole canisteris not included, and only the reactivity contribution of the experiment samples is includedin the calculation. This temporary installation is being performed in conjunction withModification Record 06-03, Addendum 1; "Install Temporary Flux Trap Holder WearRing," which documents the temporary installation of a test design wear ring on the centertest hole canister.b) Modification perfonned under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.Page 17 of 40 FACILITY MODIFICATIONS -YEAR 2009:1. Modification 90-01, Addendum 2; "Evacuation System Changes in Support of the Shipping andReceiving Building"a) This addendum to Modification Record 90-01, "Evac Horn," documents changes to thefacility Evacuation System that were necessary in order to safely occupy the new shippingand receiving building (SaRB). To ensure a prompt and effective response from facilitystaff to an emergency or abnormal condition, the facility Evacuation System was extendedinto the SaRB. One (1) horn was installed in the open space of this building.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.2. Modification 96-0 1, Addendum 2; "Removal of the Nuclepore Experiment Equipment"a) This addendum to Modification Record 96-01, "Removal of Nuclepore Gas Lines, IsolationValves, and Valve Control Wiring," documents the removal of the remaining utilityconnections and abandoned components associated with the nuclepore facility not removedunder Modification Record 96-01 and Modification Record 96-01, Addendum 1. Thenuclepore facility was installed in 1977 to provide a means of producing finely controlledporosity in an irradiated plastic film. To accommodate the required equipment aredesigned thermal column door was installed. Within this door, a removable set ofuranium-bearing 'fission plates' was exposed to thermal neutron flux in the thermal columnfacility. As the target film slid across these fission plates, the fission products releasedpenetrated the film, thus producing finely distributed perforations, which were later acid-etched to produce the desired porosity. After the nuclepore facility was decommissionedand abandoned in place in 1993, Modification Record 96-01 documented the removal ofgas lines, isolation valves and valve controls. The irradiator case (that part of theexperiment that was moved into and out of the neutron flux) was removed using reactor testprocedure RTP- 166D. Addendum I to Modification Record 96-01 documented the removaland disposal of the shield box ventilation exhaust filter housing and associated duct work.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.3. Modification 01-02, Addendum 4; "Intercommunication and Paging System Changes inSupport of the Shipping and Receiving Building"a) This addendum to Modification Record 01-02, "Installation of a New Reactor FacilityIntercommunication and Paging System," documents changes to the facilityintercommunication and paging system that were necessary in order to safely occupy thenew Shipping and Receiving Building (SaRB). To ensure a prompt and effective responsefrom facility staff to an emergency or abnormal condition, the intercommunication andpaging system was extended into the SaRB. Two (2) paging speakers were installed in thisbuilding.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.Page 18 of 40 c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.4. Modification 01-09, Addendum 3; "Emergency Electrical System in the Shipping andReceiving Building"a) This addendum to Modification Record 01-09, "Installation of Emergency Lighting PanelNo. 1," documents the addition of loads to the emergency electrical power system in thenew Shipping and Receiving Building (SaRB). This addition provides two (2) 120Vemergency power circuits to the SaRB for key systems such as fire protection and buildingaccess control.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.5. Modification 06-03, Addendum 2; "Replace Flux Trap Holder Wear Ring"a) This addendum to Modification Record 06-03, "Replace Flux Trap Holder Wear Ring,"documents the replacement of the center test hole canister temporary wear ring with adifferent design. The new ring covers a larger circumference of the flux trap holder; thus,ensuring rotation will not disengage the position sensing switches of the flux-trapirradiations reactivity safety trip (FIRST) instrument channel. This installation was done insupport of preliminary long form Modification Record, "Flux-Trap Irradiations ReactivitySafety Trip (FIRST) Instrument Channel." The prototype FIRST rig was installed underModification Record 08-05, and subsequent details of the FIRST device and its function areprovided in this Modification Record.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.6. Modification 09-01; "Interfacing MURR Systems with the Shipping and Receiving Building"a) This Modification Record was used as the initiating document to ensure all systems relatedto emergency response and routine operation have been identified and modified prior tosafely occupying the facility's new shipping and receiving building. Actual modificationsto these systems -facility evacuation, fire protection, intercommunication and paging, andnormal and emergency electrical power -were performed under addendums to previouslyapproved Modification Records.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following changes to the SAR are required:Page 1-9, Figure 1.5, Fifth Level Plan:Replace with: Updated Figure 1.5, Fifth Floor, Cooling Tower and SaRB (MURR Dwg No.1145, Sheet 5 of 5)7. Modification 09-02; "Airlock Door Control"a) This Modification Record documents the replacement of the existing pedestrian entry(airlock) door analog control system with a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)-drivenPage 19 of 40 system. In addition, the control scheme was modified to maintain both airlock doors closedand sealed when in an idle condition. All existing interlocks and protective functions werepreserved, with the addition of controls necessary to open and close both doors. ThisModification Record is classified as "Safeguards Information" due to the inclusion ofsecurity-sensitive information.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 6-15, Section 6.2.6, Description of Operations:Delete: "During normal operation of the reactor, the following conditions exist: onepedestrian entry door is closed and sealed,"Replace with: "During normal operation of the reactor, the following conditions exist: atleast one pedestrian entry door is closed and sealed,"Page 20 of 40 FACILITY MODIFICATIONS -YEAR 2010:1. Modification 01-09, Addendum 2; "Emergency Electrical System in North Office Addition"a) This addendum to Modification Record 0 1-09, "Installation of Emergency Lighting PanelNo. 1," documents the extension of the Emergency Electrical Power System to the NorthOffice Addition (NOA). This system extension provides 120/208V electrical power to keyNOA systems such as facility access and security, fire protection, computing servers, stackmonitor, and Cyclotron processing and pharmacy.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.2. Modification 10-01; "Addition of Junction Box and Terminal Board for Control Rod Drive 'D'Drive Cable"a) This Modification Record documents the addition of a junction box and terminal board tothe drive cable for control rod 'D' drive mechanism. The more frequent handling of controlrod 'D' drive mechanism drive cable increases the likelihood of damage to the cable.Previous efforts at providing strain relief at significant flexure points have been lesseffective than desired. This Modification Record documents the addition of a junction boxand terminal board near the drive mechanism. This addition reduces the magnitude offlexure and should extend the service life of the drive cable. The addition has the addedadvantage that when drive cable replacement is necessary; this work can be accomplishedwith a much shorter length of cable and can be performed entirely from the upper bridge.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.Page 21 of 40  

FACILITY MODIFICATIONS -YEAR 2011:1. Modification 01-02, Addendum 5; "Intercommunication and Paging System Changes inSupport of the North Office Addition Lab Space"a) This addendum to Modification Record 01-02, "Installation of a New Reactor FacilityIntercommunication and Paging System," documents changes to the facilityintercommunication and paging system that were necessary in order to safely occupy thenew laboratory space in the North Office Addition (NOA). To ensure a prompt andeffective response from facility staff to an emergency or abnormal condition, theintercommunication and paging system was extended into the NOA laboratory space.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.2. Modification 0 1-2, Addendum 6; "Intercommunication and Paging System Changes in Supportof the North Office Addition Classroom Space, Laboratory Break Room and LaboratoryBasement"a) This addendum to Modification Record 01-02, "Installation of a New Reactor FacilityIntercommunication and Paging System," documents changes to the facilityintercommunication and paging system that were necessary in order to safely occupy thenew classroom space in the North Office Addition (NOA) and provide additional coveragewithin NOA. To ensure a prompt and effective response from facility staff to anemergency or abnormal condition, the intercommunication and paging system wasextended into the NOA classroom space, NOA break room and NOA basement.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.3. Modification 09-04; "Cooling Tower Temporary Cooling"a) This Modification Record documents the changes to the Secondary Coolant and NormalElectrical Power Systems to allow connection of temporary cooling to the existing system.The existing cooling towers cells were approaching the end of their operational lifetime dueto the degrading integrity of wooden structure members, as well as steel fan supportmembers. The planned replacement of these cells required several weeks to complete. Toensure continued reactor operation at 10 MW for the duration of the maintenance, rentalcooling towers were connected to provide a means of cooling the Secondary CoolantSystem.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.Page 22 of 40 FACILITY MODIFICATIONS -YEAR 2012:1. Modification 75-16, Addendum 4; "Reactor Safety System Monitoring Circuit (White Rat)Panel -Revision to Panel Overlays in Support of FIRST Device"a) This addendum to Modification Record 75-16, "Portable White Rat for Safety System,"documents a revision to the Reactor Safety System Monitoring Circuit ("White Rat")Panel. New overlays reflect the addition of a series of contacts in both the "green leg" and"yellow leg" of the Reactor Safety System. The new contacts provide a SCRAM functionfrom the Flux-Trap Irradiations Reactivity Safety Trip (FIRST) instrument channel. Thismodification did not change the function of the "White Rat" Panel itself.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.2. Modification 98-02, Addendum 1; "Sulfuric Acid System Changes in Support of Cooling TowerReplacement"a) This addendum to Modification Record 98-02, "Overhaul the Secondary SystemPump/Motors (SP-1, SP-2, SP-3) and Replacement of Bulk Sulfuric Acid System,"documents the reconfiguration of the existing Sulfuric Acid System due to replacement ofthe Cooling Tower cells. The replacement of the Cooling Tower removed the original opensump, resulting in a need to convert the Sulfuric Acid System from a gravity drip system toan injection system. The reconfiguration consisted of demolition of the existing gravityday tank along with the associated transfer equipment and controls, installation of aninjection metering pump and piping injector, and installation of supporting piping,electrical power and controls.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.3. Modification 01-02, Addendum 8; "Intercommunication and Paging System Changes inSupport of the Sterility Suite Rooms 2045A and 2045B"a) This addendum to Modification Record 01-02, "Installation of a New Reactor FacilityIntercommunication and Paging System," documents changes to the facilityintercommunication and paging system that were necessary in order to safely occupy thenew sterility suite in the North Office Addition (NOA) to ensure a prompt and effectiveresponse from facility staff to an emergency or abnormal condition.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.4. Modification 0 1-09, Addendum 4; "Emergency Electrical Power System in Room 231"a) This addendum to Modification Record 01-09, "Installation of Emergency Lighting PanelNo. 1," documents the transfer of loads on the Emergency Electrical Power System inRoom 231. The change consisted of transferring the one remaining load from EmergencyPage 23 of 40 Lighting Panel No. IA (ELP-IA) to the Diesel Generator Room Distribution Panel whichallowed the removal of ELP- IA.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.5. Modification 03-03, Addendum 3; "Fire Protection System Changes in Support of CoolingTower Replacement"a) This addendum to Modification Record 03-03, "Installation of a Facility FireDetection/Suppression System," documents the removal of the Deluge System in theCooling Tower due to the replacement of the Cooling Tower cells. Replacement of theCooling Tower cells, as documented in Modification Record 11-02, provided an all-stainless steel structure and significant reduction of potential fire loading, resulting in aFactory Mutual (FM) rating for the new Cooling Tower cells. This removed the need forthe existing non-freezing deluge system.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 9-8, Section 9.3, Fire Protection Systems and Programs:Delete: ", and a deluge, non-freezing system used in the cooling tower"Page 9.9, Section 9.3, Fire Protection Systems and Programs:Delete: "a deluge system used in the cooling tower,"6. Modification 05-01, Addendum 3; "Pneumatic Tube System Changes in Lab 227"a) This addendum to Modification Record 05-01, "Pneumatic Tube System Photo SensorCollar Upgrade," documents the removal of the Pneumatic Tube (P-Tube) System fromLab 227. The master control station for Labs 218 and 227 were removed from Lab 227. Anew simplified control station is now located in Lab 218. Also, the existing transfer valvefor Labs 218 and 227 were replaced with a section of tubing that directs Row 2 to Lab 218.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 10-14, Section, Description:Delete: "three sending-receiving stations"Replace with: "two sending-receiving stations"7. Modification 09-03; "Lab Jmpex Stack Monitoring System"a) This Modification Record documents the installation of a Lab Inpex Stack MonitoringSystem which provides off-gas radiation monitoring capability as required by the HazardsSummary Report (HSR) and its addenda. This system replaced a Nuclear MeasurementsCorporation (NMC) RAK Stack Monitoring System, including the function of releaseintegration, which had reached the end of its operational lifetime.Page 24 of 40 b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.8. Modification 09-03, Addendum 1; "Update to Lab Impex Stack Monitoring System"a) This addendum to Modification Record 09-03, "Lab Impex Stack Monitoring System,"documents an update to the installation of a Lab Impex Stack Monitoring System whichprovides off-gas radiation monitoring capability as required by the Hazards SummaryReport (HSR) and its addenda. This system was previously installed to replace the existingNuclear Measurements Corporation (NMC) RAK Stack Monitoring System, including thefunction of release integration. This addendum contains additional information anddocuments changes performed since initial installation. Completion of these changesallows the Lab Impex Stack Monitor to be commissioned as a licensed system, subject tosurveillance requirements of the Technical Specifications, and relied upon for use in bothemergency response and effluent reporting roles.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.9. Modification 10-02; "Addition of MURR Systems to Lab 251"a) This Modification Record documents the conversion of Room 251 to a laboratory (lab)space outfitted for the safe disposal of acids. Room 251 was not originally fitted as a labspace. Therefore all major lab utilities, save Natural Gas and Vacuum, were routed to thisspace. These include Facility Air, Deionized Water, Domestic Cold Water, Domestic HotWater, Normal Electrical Power, Exhaust Ventilation, and Radioactive Liquid Waste.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.10. Modification 11-02; "Replace Cooling Tower"a) This Modification Record documents the replacement of the existing Cooling Tower. Thereplacement of the Cooling Tower consisted of the demolition of the existing woodstructure, removal of an asbestos containing basin liner, conversion of the existing basin toa structural slab, installation of a steel elevating structure, installation of three (3) currentgeneration stainless steel modular towers, installation of associated piping and electricalcomponents and supporting instrumentation, as well as repairs to the existing mechanicalbuilding.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 5-9, Section 5.4.6, Instrumentation:Delete: Entire paragraph under Section 5.4.6Replace with: "The secondary water inlet and outlet temperatures to theprimary and pool coolant heat exchangers, the coolant flow to the poolPage 25 of 40 coolant heat exchanger and the total flow in the secondary coolantsystem, are displayed and recorded in the reactor control room."Page 5-9, Section 5.4.7, Cooling Tower:Delete:Replace with:Entire paragraph under Section 5.4.7"The cooling tower is a stainless steel, induced-draft, cross-flowtype, with three cells and two-speed fan assemblies for each cell. Thetower is designed to cool 5,400 gallons (20,440 I) of water per minute toa temperature of 85 'F (29.4 'C) from an initial temperature of 115 'F(46.1 'C) at a maximum wet bulb temperature of 80 'F (26.7 'C).Vibration and low oil cutout switches are mounted on each fan assemblyto secure the associated fan motor to prevent damage to the fan orcooling tower structure should an imbalance or low oil level conditiondevelop. The number of fans and fan speed is configured as required toprovide sufficient cooling for 10-MW operation."11. Modification 11-01; "Flux-Trap hIradiation Reactivity Safety Trip (FIRST) InstrumentChannels"a) This Modification Record documents the addition of the FIRST device to the ReactorSafety System that ensures that the Center Test Hole Canister and its contents remain inplace during reactor operation. The change is authorized by issuance of LicenseAmendment No. 35 to Amended Facility License No. R-103. Installation of the FIRSTdevice allows a change in the methodology that was previously used to calculate thereactivity contribution of samples loaded in the flux trap region.b) Modification performed under License Amendment No. 35 (issued February 9, 2012).c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 7-9, Table 7-1, Reactor Control Console Display Instruments:Add:"61 FIRST62 FIRSTOff-BypassOff-Bypass2 Pos. Key Lock2 Pos. Key Lock"Page 7-51, Table 7-8, Reactor Scrams:Add: "15. Flux-Trap Irradiation Reactivity Safety Trip (FIRST)"Page 7-51, Section 7.6.6, Surveillance:Replace with:"7.6.7 Surveillance"Page 7-51, New Section 7.6.6, Flux-Trap Irradiation Reactivity Safety Trip:Add: "The Flux-Trap Irradiation Reactivity Safety Trip (FIRST) deviceconsists of two instrument channels, including sensors, components and modules,which detect the position of the Center Test Hole Canister and converts thatposition into a logic input to the Reactor Safety System. The FIRST device iscomprised of the following components: Center Test Hole Canister Wear Ring,Page 26 of 40 Sensor Switches, Support Rig, Relays and Power Supply, Safety SystemInterface, and FIRST Bypass Switches.The FIRST device provides protection against an excessive reactivitystep insertion in the Flux Trap region. This is achieved by two independentposition sensing switches mounted on a removable support rig at the top of thepressure vessel head. In the event the Center Test Hole Canister leaves itssecured and latched position, a reactor scram and "PLI or FIRST Scram"annunciator are initiated by either or both of these sensing switches, whichactuate auxiliary relays K61 and K62, which in turn interrupt logic unit inputs toE4A and E3B of the NCLU."Page 27 of 40 FACILITY MODIFICATIONS -YEAR 2013:1. Modification 75-01, Addendum 3; "Rod Run-In Electronic Circuit Jumper Panel"a) This addendum to Modification Record 75-01, "Electronic Circuits Jumper Panel,"documents the installation of a jumper panel dedicated to the rod run-in system. Thisjumper panel supports the use of the rod run-in system monitoring circuit installed underModification Record 13-04.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 7-12/15, Table 7-3, Instrument Panel Instrumentation:Add: "138 Rod Run-In System Monitoring Circuit"2. Modification 01-02, Addendum 9; "Intercommunication and Paging System Changes inSupport of MURR Industrial Building (Room 299) Renovations"a) This addendum to Modification Record 01-02, "Installation of a New Reactor FacilityIntercommunication and Paging System," documents changes to the facilityIntercommunication and Paging System that will enhance communications in Rooms299M, N and 0.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.3. Modification 01-02, Addendum 10; "Intercommunication and Paging System Changes inSupport of MURR Industrial Building (Room 299), Room 243, Room 246 and Room 271Renovations"a) This addendum to Modification Record 01-02, "Installation of a New Reactor FacilityIntercommunication and Paging System," documents changes to the facilityIntercommunication and Paging System that will enhance communications in MURRIndustrial Building (Room 299), Room 243, Room 246 and Room 271B. It also documentsthe relocation of the Health Physics Office staff station from Room 288 to Room 271B.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.4. Modification 04-03, Addendum 1; "Liquid Radioactive Waste System In MURR IndustrialBuilding"a) This addendum to Modification Record 04-03, "Liquid Radioactive Waste Modification,"documents the changes required to incorporate the MURR Industrial Building (MIB)Liquid Radioactive Waste (LRW) system into the existing facility LRW system.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.Page 28 of 40 5. Modification 04-05, Addendum 8; "Cooling Tower Electrical Arc Flash Danger Mitigation"a) This addendum to Modification Record 04-05, "Cooling Tower Electrical UpgradeProject," documents the changes to Motor Control Center 1 in order to provide forimproved arc flash protection and subsequent classification reduction of the cooling towermotor control center.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 8-2, Section 8.1.2, Description of System (1st paragraph, last sentence):Delete: "Substation A houses two main feeder breakers, one feeder breakers provideselectrical power to a Motor Control Center (MCC) also located in the electricalequipment room, while the other breaker is an installed spare."Replace with: "Substation A houses a fused main feeder breaker and an in-line disconnect.These provide electrical power to a Motor Control Center (MCC) also located inthe electrical equipment room."6. Modification 11-03, Addendum 1; "Addition of Blow-Down Meter to the Data AcquisitionMonitoring Systemn"a) This addendum to Modification Record 11-03, "Data Acquisition and Monitoring Systemfor Secondary Coolant System," documents the installation of an additional component tothe Data Acquisition and Monitoring System for the Secondary Coolant System. Asecondary coolant blow-down transmitter and associated indication were installed to assistin monitoring the amount of secondary coolant that is required to be discharged to thesanitary sewer in order to maintain appropriate Secondary Coolant System chemistrycontrol.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.7. Modification 12-01; "Replace PT-944A/B with Rosemount Transmitters"a) This Modification Record documents the replacement of two pressure transmitters, PT-944A and PT-944B, which measures reactor core outlet pressure in the primary coolantsystem. The previous pressure transmitters could not be directly replaced due toobsolescence of both the transmitters and repair parts. The replacement pressuretransmitters meet or exceed the performance specifications of the previous transmitters.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.8. Modification 12-02; "Control Blade Fabrication Alternative Using Laser Welding"a) This Modification Record documents a fabrication alternative for construction of thecontrol blades. An assembly method using laser welding on the edge channels required aPage 29 of 40 change in the edge channel alloy. A more streamlined connection between the topmounting plate and the BORAL absorber plate was also documented.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.9. Modification 13-01; "Replacement of TE-980A and TE-980B Power Supply 2PS5"a) This Modification Record documents replacement of the power supplies for thetemperature instrument channels on Primary Coolant Heat Exchanger outlet temperatures,TE-980A and TE-980B. The previous power supply, 2PS5, was obsolete and unavailablefor purchase. The replacement power supply EP-9 11 C meets or exceeds the performancespecifications of the previous power supplies, and was relocated from behind theInstrument Cabinet to the former General Electric Measurement and Control (GE/MAC)rack on the Instrument Cabinet face.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 7-12/15, Table 7-3, Instrument Panel Instrumentation:Add: "137 Isolated Power Supply (EP 911 C) -TE-980 A/B"10. Modification 13-02; "Replacement of Secondary Chemistry Controllers"a) This Modification Record documents the replacement of the Secondary Coolant System pHand conductivity controllers. The previous model controllers had become obsolete andrepair parts, were no longer available. The replacement controllers meet or exceed theperformance specifications of the existing controllers.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.11. Modification 13-03; "Replacement of the GH and IJ Wedge with a Single 60-Degree Wedge"a) This Modification Record documents the redesign and replacement of the 30-degree "GH"and "IJ" graphite reflector elements with a single 60-degree graphite reflector element(GHIJ). The new reflector element accommodates a 6-inch irradiation position as well as a3-inch, two 2-inch and two 1-inch irradiation positions designated G-6, B-3, B-2 and R-2,G-1 and H-i, respectively. The 6-inch irradiation position is designed such that a sleeveinsert with nickels bands may be installed to allow for manipulation of the flux profile.This insert is bolted securely to the element cover plate, and is inserted and/or removedonly when the reactor is shutdown. The reflector element is constructed of aluminum606 1-T6 with graphite in the void area.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.Page 30 of 40 12. Modification 13-04; "Rod Run-In Monitoring System"a) This Modification Record documents the implementation of a passive monitoring circuit onthe rod run-in system to improve troubleshooting capabilities for rod run-in signals that aretoo short in duration to detect with the annunciator system. The monitoring circuit worksin conjunction with a new jumper panel dedicated to the rod run-in system, and providesadditional unused monitoring capacity for future troubleshooting expansion. Themonitoring circuit was constructed in a manner similar to the reactor scram systemmonitoring circuit.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.13. Modification 13-05; "T-300 & T-301 Level Sensing System"a) This modification to the Reactor Plant Make-Up Water Storage Tank System documentsthe replacement of the previous level sensing and annunciating instrument channels withcurrent loop transmitters that also display the tank levels in the Control Room.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.14. Modification 13-06; "Modifications -to MURR Industrial Building (Room 299) in Support of theNS-99 Project"a) This Modification Record documents the remodeling of portions of the MURR IndustrialBuilding (Room 299) to provide the necessary space needs and services required to supportthe dispensing system for the NS-99 Project.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.Page 31 of 40 FACILITY MODIFICATIONS -YEAR 2014:1. Modification 86-01, Addendum 4; "Replacement of Graphite Reflector Element '51' -Reflector Tank Position 5A/Irradiation Position L6"a) This addendum to Modification Record 86-01, "Reflector Element 5A and 5BReplacement," documents the replacement of reflector element 51; the graphite element thataccommodates irradiation position L6. Addenda I and 3 documented the replacement ofthe same element, which occurred in March 2000 and 2006, respectively. This reflectorelement was replaced with an element of similar design and this Modification Record wasused as documentation for the replacement time, sequence, and pre- and post-maintenancetests. Replacement was due to demonstrated signs of binding between the irradiationsample holder and irradiation position inner wall.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.2. Modification 88-07, Addendum 3; "Exhaust Ventilation in MIB Eastward Expansion"a) This addendum to Modification Record 88-07, "Exhaust Ventilation Upgrade," documentsthe installation of radioactive exhaust ventilation in the newly expanded MURR IndustrialBuilding (MIB). The system consists of charcoal and high efficiency particulate air(HEPA) filter banks, constant volume control valves (CVCVs), hot cell ventilation exhaustfans, flow and pressure measurement devices, and associated ducting and dampers. Themodification to the exhaust system in the MH3 eastward expansion is designed to maintainRooms 299T, 299U and 299V at a slight negative pressure with respect to the surroundingareas; maintain hot cells HC-1 1A, HC- I B and HC-I IC at a negative pressure; provide thenecessary charcoal and HEPA filtration to ensure radioactive airborne being released to theenvironment are kept at minimum concentrations; and provide continuous monitoring of allradioactive airborne releases discharged through the MIB Eastward Expansion exhaustventilation system.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required3. Modification 90-01, Addendum 3; "Evacuation System Changes in Support of the MURRIndustrial Building Eastward Expansion"a) This addendum to Modification Record 90-01, "Evacuation Horns," documents changes tothe facility Evacuation System that are necessary in order to safely occupy the MURRIndustrial Building (MIB) Eastward Expansion. This modification adds three evacuationshorns to the areas in the MIB Eastward Expansion.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.Page 32 of 40 4. Modification 01-02, Addendum 11; "Intercom and Paging System Changes in Support of theMURR Industrial Building Eastward Expansion"a) This addendum to Modification Record 01-02, "Installation of a New Reactor FacilityIntercommunication and Paging System," documents changes to the MURRIntercommunication and Paging System that will enhance communications in the MURRIndustrial Building (MIB) Eastward Expansion through the addition of six paging speakers.The installation of an additional amplifier will reduce loading on existing paging speakeramplifiers throughout the facility, and provide capacity for future system growth facility-wide. It also documents the addition of a speaker in the Laboratory Building, as well ascorrecting minor discrepancies found during a speaker location audit.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.5. Modification 01-09, Addendum 5; "Emergency Electrical in MIB Eastward Expansion"a) This addendum to Modification Record 01-09, "Installation of Emergency Lighting PanelNo. 1," documents the addition of loads to the Emergency Electrical Power System in theMURR Industrial Building (MIB) Eastward Expansion. The addition will provide a single120V circuit, supplied by the Diesel Room Distribution Panel, to the MIB EastwardExpansion for supplying emergency lighting.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.6. Modification 03-03, Addendum 1; "Fire Protection in North Office Addition"a) This addendum to Modification Record 03-03, "Installation of a Facility FireDetection/Suppression System," documents the installation of an additional Fire ProtectionSystem in the North Office Addition (NOA) to the existing MURR FireDetection/Suppression System. The new NOA system provides two functions: a detectionsystem compromised of heat, smoke and remote manual devices, and a suppression systemthat incorporates a traditional sprinkler system with a pre-action system used in areas withsensitive electrical equipment. These systems are integrated with the remainder of theMURR Fire Detection/Suppression System at the new central control panel located in theMain Lobby. The control station continuously monitors each system component and willannunciate if any component is not in its normal condition. The sprinkler system issupplied by the MURR Fire Main Loop.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.7. Modification 03-03, Addendum 4; "Fire Protection System in the Shipping and ReceivingBuilding"a) This addendum to Modification Record 03-03, "Installation of a Facility FireDetection/Suppression System," documents the installation of an additional Fire ProtectionSystem in the new Shipping and Receiving Building (SaRB) to the existing MURR FirePage 33 of 40 Detection/Suppression System. The SaRB system provides two functions: a detectionsystem compromised of heat, smoke and remote manual devices, and a suppression systemthat incorporates a traditional sprinkler system. The sprinkler system is supplied directlyfrom the University water distribution system and is separate from the MURR Fire MainLoop. The detection system is connected to the facility control station in the Main Lobbyand will also annunciate if any component is not in its normal condition.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.8. Modification 03-03, Addendum 5; "Fire Protection System Changes in Support of the MURRIndustrial Building Eastward Expansion"a) This addendum to Modification Record 03-03, "Installation of a Facility FireDetection/Suppression System," documents the installation of a Fire Protection System inthe new MURR Industrial Building (MIB) Eastward Expansion. This phase of themodification only provides the addition of a traditional sprinkler system for the MIBEastward Expansion stairwell and mezzanine areas. The sprinkler system will beconnected to the existing MIB sprinkler header.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.9. Modification 03-03, Addendum 6; "Fire Protection System Changes in Support of the MiIBEastward Expansion Fit-out"a) This addendum to Modification Record 03-03, "Installation of a Facility FireDetection/Suppression System," documents the installation of additional Fire ProtectionSystem equipment in the newly constructed MURR Industrial Building (MIB) EastwardExpansion. The MIB Eastward Expansion system provides two functions: a detectionsystem compromised of heat, smoke and remote manual devices, and a suppression systemthat incorporates a traditional sprinkler system. The sprinkler system is supplied from theMURR Fire Main Loop via the MIB sprinkler header. All of these systems and devicescombine to form a complete Fire Detection/Suppression System and are integrated with theremainder of the MURR Fire Detection/Suppression System at the central control panel inthe Main Lobby.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.10. Modification 04-03, Addendum 2; "Liquid Radioactive Waste in MIB Eastward Expansion"a) This addendum to Modification Record 04-03, "Liquid Radioactive Waste Modification,"documents the changes required to extend facility Liquid Radioactive Waste (LRW) systemto the eastward expansion of the MURR Industrial Building (MIB). This modificationdocuments the installation of two lift stations and an elevator sump with associatedconnections to the existing MIB LRW header. Drainage from a small sink and eyewashstation on the grade level is connected to a small lift station which in turn discharges to aPage 34 of 40 larger duplex lift station located in the MIB Eastward Expansion basement. The basementlift station also receives condensate from the air handling units, cooling coils of the airconditioning system and a sink in the grade level laboratory (Room 299V). The elevatorsump discharges directly to the MIB LRW header.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.11. Modification 14-01; "hIterfacing MURR System Changes in Support of the MURR IndustrialBuilding Eastward Expansion"a) This Modification Record was used to document the basic construction of the MURRIndustrial Building (MIB) Eastward Expansion and as the initiating document to ensure thatall systems related to emergency response have been identified and modified prior to safelyoccupying the facilities MIB Eastward Expansion. Actual modifications to these systems -facility evacuation, fire protection, intercommunication and paging, and emergencyelectrical power -were performed under addendums to previously approved ModificationRecords.The MIB Eastward Expansion provides approximately 2,880 ft2 of usable space to theMURR facility. The building is construction Type II-B with a grade level floor of pouredconcrete designed for a heavy load rated. The basement flooring is also rated for heavyloads. The steel and concrete structure rests on pilings driven to bedrock. The east wall ofthe building has a masonry shield wall in part of the structure to reduce possible dose to thepublic. The building is equipped with standard heating ventilation and air conditioning.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following changes to the SAR are required:Page 1-6, Figure 1.2, Grade Level Plan:Replace with: Updated Figure 1.2, Grade Level Plan (MURR Dwg No. 1145 Sheet 2 of 5)Page 1-10, Figure 1.7, South and West Elevation:Replace with: Updated Figure 1.6, South and West ElevationPage 6-8, Figure 6.2, Grade Level Floor Plan:Replace with: Updated Figure 1.2, Grade Level Plan (MURR Dwg No. 1145 Sheet 2 of 5)12. Modification 14-01, Addendum 1; "Construction of Usable Laboratory Spaces Within theExpanded MURR Industrial Building"a) This addendum to Modification Record 14-01, "Interfacing MURR System Changes inSupport of the MURR Industrial Building Eastward Expansion," documents theconstruction of the usable laboratory spaces within, and extension of MURR systems to,the dedicated laboratory facility in the new eastward expansion to the MURR IndustrialBuilding (MIB). The laboratory contains three adjoined and inter-connected hot cellslocated on the grade level. Each hot cell is heavily shielded with lead. The area to the rearof the cells, the cask loading area, is where the cell support facilities and equipment arePage 35 of 40 located and where cells inputs and outputs occur. The area in front of the cells, theoperator area, is where the cell windows, manipulators, glove boxed and controls arelocated. There is an additional laboratory on the grade level and a full basement beneaththe expansion. The extension of existing systems such as Fire Protection, LiquidRadioactive Waste, Radioactive Exhaust Ventilation and Electrical modifications werecovered by addendums to existing Modifications Records.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following changes to the SAR are required:Page 1-6, Figure 1.2, Grade Level Plan:Replace with: Updated Figure 1.2, Grade Level Plan (MURR Dwg No. 1145 Sheet 2 of 5)Page 6-8, Figure 6.2, Grade Level Floor Plan:Replace with: Updated Figure 1.2, Grade Level Plan (MURR Dwg No. 1145 Sheet 2 of 5)13. Modification 14-02; "Normnal Electrical Distribution in MIB Eastward Expansion"a) This Modification Record documents the expansion of the Normal Electrical Power Systemfor the eastward expansion to the MURR Industrial Building (MIfi). Electrical power willbe supplied from the facility 2000-kVA transformer through high voltage panel HVP-3 andthe 120/208V Distribution Center 1 to a newly installed high voltage panel HVP-3A andtwo new low voltage panels designated LP-46 and HC-1 1 Electrical Power Panel. Allelectrical components have sufficient capacity to provide the necessary loads and remainbelow an 80% overall panel loading.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.Page 36 of 40 In addition to the above mentioned changes to the SAR, the following changes are also required:Page 1-30, add the following to the end of Section 1.7.3:"Amendment 34 -Date of Issuance: October 10, 2008Amendment 34 authorized the MURR to revise the requirements for the conduct of fueledexperiments. This amendment allowed Technical Specification 3.6.o to be changed such thatfueled experiments, with inventories of iodine-131 through -135 greater than 1.5 curies orstrontium-90 greater than 5 millicuries, could be placed in irradiation containers that satisfy therequirements of Specification 3.6.i.Amendment 35 -Date of Issuance: February 9, 2012Amendment 35 authorized the MURR to implement a flux-trap irradiations safety device to thereactor protective system. This amendment allowed an increase in irradiation capacity in thecenter test hole by removing the reactivity contribution of the sample holder while alsoallowing the use of the 6-barrel sample holder for movable samples.Amendment 36 -Date of Issuance: July 8, 2013Amendment 36 changed Section 2.1, "Reactor Core Safety Limit," of the TechnicalSpecifications. The Safety Limits were revised to correct an error caused by misinterpretingthe definition of "diameter of heated surface" (Di) in the Bernath correlation as. "heateddiameter" (Dh). Additionally, updated peaking factors were used based on modem analyses."Page 1-33, add the following to the end of Section 1.7.4:"December 2006 -Replacement of the Two Primary Coolant System Heat ExchangersThe two existing primary coolant system shell and tube-type heat exchangers (HX 503A andHX 503B) were replaced by heat exchangers of plate-type design. This replacement wasnecessitated by the degradation of the heat transfer capability of the heat exchangers since theywere approaching the end of their design operational lifetime.December 2006 -Replacement of the Pool Coolant System Heat ExchangerThe current plate-type pool coolant heat exchanger was replaced with the exact same modelthat was initially installed in 1995 (with 151 plates). Since installation in 1995, the pressuredrop across the heat exchanger had steadily increased, which resulted in a decrease in total poolcoolant system flow rate. An evaluation of the pool coolant heat exchanger was performed inFebruary 2005 by the Engineering Firm Black & Veatch (B&V), Kansas City, Missouri. In theevaluation B&V states that due to the tight clearances between the plates, the heat exchangerwill act like a filter and collect impurities in the water. Additionally, the maker of the heatexchanger (Graham Corporation) had previously inspected plates that had what appeared to bea thin layer of surface contaminants. Both of these are sufficient to cause an increase in thepressure drop across the heat exchanger. Installation of the new heat exchanger returned totalpool coolant system flow rate to design values. Furthermore, replacement of certain sections ofpool coolant system piping in order to reduce operational system head losses and thereforeincrease available system flow were also performed in conjunction with the replacement ofpool coolant heat exchanger HX-52 1.Page 37 of 40 June 2014 -Construction of the Shipping and Receiving BuildingA Shipping and Receiving Building (SaRB) was constructed on-site to enhance the security atMURR by creating a location external to the main facility where packages are received, openedand examined prior to being transported into the facility.January_ 2012 -Replacement of the Cooling TowerThe old cooling tower, which was a wood-framed, induced-draft, cross-flow type, with threecells and two-speed fan assemblies per cell, was replaced with a stainless steel, induced-draft,cross-flow type, with three cells and two-speed fan assemblies per cell. The new tower isdesigned to cool 5,400 gallons (20,440 1) of water per minute to a temperature of 85 IF (29.4'C) from an initial temperature of 115 IF (46.1 °C) at a maximum wet bulb temperature of 80°F (26.7 °C).June 2014 -Construction of the MURR Industrial Building Eastward ExpansionAn eastward expansion to the MURR Industrial Building (MIB) was constructed in order toprovide additional laboratory space at MURR -1,440 ft2 and 1,432 ft2 of net usable space onthe grade and the below grade levels, respectively. The grade level floor is poured concretedesigned for a 125 lb/ft2 live load with additional steel and concrete framing to support four (4)100,000 lb hot cells positioned next to each other anywhere along the North-South direction.The steel and concrete structure rests on pilings driven to bedrock. The below grade floor isalso poured concrete designed to handle a 125 lb/ft2 live load. Additionally, the floor canhandle a 10,000 lb load on a 6 ft x 6 ft base plate."Modification Records, including the 50.59 Screens which supported these changes, are included asAttachments I through 9 and 19 through 21.Page 38 of 40 b. Provide a description of the review/approval process for the implementation of the significantfacility changes (i.e., 50.59, License Amendment, etc.).As stated in Section a. above, each facility change was performed either under a LicenseAmendment or 10 CFR 50.59. The method of review and approval is listed above.c. Provide a copy of the safety analysis, 50.59 review checklist/evaluation, and/or any updatedSAR information for the significant facility changes. If not applicable, state the basis for thedetermination.Safety analyses and 50.59 Screens are included as attachments. Any changes to the SAR are alsodescribed in Section a. above.d. Provide the relevant infornmation (50.59 review, safety analyses, updated SAR information)for the iodine facility.In addition to the Project Authorization (RL-76) and its 50.59 Screen, which describes theprocessing of iodine and its safety evaluation, the following eleven (11) facility modifications wereperformed in support the iodine facility:1. Modification 14-01; "Interfacing MURR System Changes in Support of the MURR IndustrialBuilding Eastward Expansion" (Attachment 8)2. Modification 14-01, Addendum 1; "Construction of Usable Laboratory Spaces Within theExpanded MURR Industrial Building" (Attachment 9)3. Modification Record 88-07, Addendum 3; "Exhaust Ventilation in MIB Eastward Expansion"(Attachment 10)4. Modification Record 90-0 1, Addendum 3; "Evacuation System Changes in Support of theMURR Industrial Building Eastward Expansion" (Attachment 11)5. Modification Record 0 1-02, Addendum 11; "Intercom and Paging System Changes in Supportof the MURIR Industrial Building Eastward Expansion" (Attachment 12)6. Modification Record 01-09, Addendum 5; "Emergency Electrical in MIB EastwardExpansion" (Attachment 13)7. Modification Record 03-03, Addendum 5; "Fire Protection System Changes in Support of theMURR Industrial Building Eastward Expansion" (Attachment 14)8. Modification Record 03-03, Addendum 6; "Fire Protection System Changes in Support of theMIB Eastward Expansion Fit-out" (Attachment 15)9. Modification Record 04-03, Addendum 2; "Liquid Radioactive Waste in MIB EastwardExpansion" (Attachment 16)10. Modification Record 14-02; "Normal Electrical Distribution in MIB Eastward Expansion"(Attachment 17)Page 39 of 40 11. Modification Record 14-04; "Lab Inpex Iodine Duct Monitor" (Attachment 18)Project RL-76; "Production of 1-131 Radiochemical Sodium Iodide Solution," and 50.59 ScreenNo. 12-07; "Iodine-131 Processing Laboratory," are Attachments 22 and 23,' respectively.Changes to the SAR in support of the iodine facility are described in Section a. above under theModification Records.2. The proposed MURR Technical Specifications (TS) (see letter dated January 27, 2014, ADAMSAccession No. ML14030A132), TS 5.2, "Reactor Coolant Systems, Exceptions" Specifications aand b, do not have supporting information in the SAR necessary to justify the TS Bases for each.Provide support information to explain the basis for TS 5.2, Exception a and b, or justify why nochange is necessary.The bases for Technical Specification 5.2, Exceptions a and b, are implied in the bases forSpecifications 5.2.a and 5.2.e.The basis for 5.2.a states: "Specification 5.2.a as excepted, permits reactor operation at 50% of fullpower in the event of a major component failure in which repairs cannot be accomplished in areasonable period of time. The reactor was designed and has extensive safe operating history foroperation at 50% of 10 MW cooling capacity. In this event, the shutdown system shall be securedin a manner such as to assure system integrity."The word "excepted" in the basis allows, for instance, a component, such as the primary coolantheat exchanger in the shutdown system (one of two parallel legs) to be removed for repairs whilestill allowing 5 MW operation with the operating system while not being in violation ofSpecification 5.2.a. Specification 5.2.c allows for Mode II operation with just one system, or leg.The basis for 5.2.a states: "Specification 5.2.e assures strength and corrosion resistance of thecoolant system components and excepts some components in the instrumentation of the systemwhich are not commercially available in the materials specified. The size of these components issuch that a failure would not result in a hazard to safe operation of the reactor."The word "excepted" in the basis allows "...some components in the instrumentation of the systemwhich are not commercially available in the materials specified. The size of these components issuch that a failure would not result in a hazard to safe operation of the reactor." This exceptionallows for materials other than those stated in Specification 5.2.e.Page 40 of 40 ATTACHMENT 1 AAP-RO-l 15Revision 2MODIFICATION RECORD: LONG FORMModification Number: 05-8Modification Title: Replacement of Primary Coolant System Heat Exchangers HX 503A and HX 503BPage No.12345a-c6789Page TitleModification Record: Long FormModification DescriptionHazards Summary Report EvaluationReactor Safety EvaluationOperator Review and EvaluationOperating Procedure EvaluationCP and PM EvaluationParts RequirementsSpare Parts and Technical ManualRequirementsRequired DateYes No Completed_ 12 0-5K-(I12 -Z- 015"/I e-6 a"ro/-, .- iBy(Initials)50.59 Screen orEvaluation Completed: _(Asst. Reactor Manager -E gneering)Modification Approved:( ReactorMan er)Modification Completed: ,4(Reactor MagDate: /2--- --gDate: /2- -e--ODate: /2-Z'-ocREVIEW AND FOLLOW-UP ACTIONItem No.1234Page TitleReactor Safety Subcommittee ReviewReactor Advisory Committee ReviewU.S. NRC ReviewMURR Prints UpdatedRequiredYes NoDateCompleted.)-?-o7A,,/1, -Documented by(Initials),,d/Z.4IAttachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 1 ORIGINALAP-RO-1 15Revision 2 IModification Number: 05-8MODIFICATION DESCRIPTIONProvide a concise description of the system change. Include any proposed PRE-OPERATIONALTESTS required for this change. (If additional pages are necessary, insert after this page.)The primary coolant system consists of the reactor pressure vessels, two main circulating pumps, two heatexchangers, two automatic isolation valves, a pressurizer, a closed in-pool convective cooling system(decay heat removal system), an in-pool invert loop and anti-siphon system, a fuel element failuremonitoring system, a bypass loop for water clean-up, and associated piping and valves. Instrumentation isinstalled to monitor the system's operation, pressures, water temperatures, and flows.The primary coolant heat exchangers, designated as HX503A and HX503B, are tube-type, water-to-watershell, with removable tube bundles. The primary coolant flow makes two passes through the tube side ofthe heat exchanger with a velocity of no greater than 7 ft/sec. At a maximum of 1,600 gpm of secondarywater flow and an inlet water temperature at 87 OF (31 OC), one heat exchanger is capable of removing17E6 BTU/hr of heat from 1,800 gpm of primary coolant and returning it at 140 OF (60 OC). Two heatexchangers are installed for design power operation.This Modification Record will be used as the initiating document in a coordinated set of Addendums whosepurpose is to replace the existing primary coolant heat exchangers, modify and upgrade existing flowdetectors and associated instrumentation, replace affected primary coolant system piping, and replace andreplumb affected secondary coolant system piping. Each major system modification (i.e. -Instrumentation,primary and secondary coolant system hydraulics) will be documented as a separate Addendum to thisModification Record. Each Addendum will include all of the information that a Long Form ModificationRecord contains: Modification Description, Hazards Summary Report Evaluation (including 50.59 Screeningor Evaluation, if applicable), Reactor Safety Evaluation, Spare Parts Requirements, and any Operating orCompliance Procedure, Print, and/or PM revision required. Additionally, a formal crew evaluation, andsubsequent review and approval by the Reactor Manager will be performed for each Addendum. Thefollowing two Addendums are proposed as the initial scope of work for this Modification Record.Modification Record 05-8, Addendum 1 will detail the instrumentation changes required to implementreplacement of the primary coolant heat exchangers. This addendum primarily documents the changesassociated with relocating two existing reactor safety system flow measurement instruments to newdetectors, and associated changes to the control room Instrument Cabinet.Modification Description continued on Page 2a.2Attachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 1 ORIGINALAP-RO- 115Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8MODIFICATION DESCRIPTION (con't)Addendum 2 will detail the primary coolant system changes required to implement replacementof the primary coolant heat exchangers. This Addendum primarily documents the following fivemodifications: (1) the choice of the replacement heat exchangers; (2) the geometry of theprimary coolant piping required to backfit the replacement heat exchangers; (3) replacement ofthe existing flow orifice flanges to provide additional independent flow detection output; (4) thegeometry of the secondary coolant piping required to backfit the replacement heat exchangers;and (5) installation of additional secondary coolant piping and valves required to providebackflush capability for the new heat exchangers.The addendums described above are planned to be implemented during one week-long outage inDecember of 2006. Additional work coinciding with that outage includes: Replacement of thePool Coolant System Heat Exchanger (Modification Record 94-4; Addendum I); Replacement ofPool Coolant System Piping (Modification Record 05-6); Updating the "White Rat" Overlays(Modification Record 75-16; Addendum 3); and Replacement of Graphite Reflector Elements 6,7 and 8.2aAttachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 1 ORIGINALAP-RO-I 15Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8HAZARDS SUMMARY REPORT EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a modification to the reactor facility as defined in the Hazards SummaryReport'?Yes: ___No: Signature: Date: I___-_ _'-If YES, make an analysis below and provide the suggested revision(s) to the HSR. If NO, outlinethe basis for the decision.This modification does involve a change to the reactor facility as defined in the Hazards Summary Report(HSR) and its addenda.Due to the extensive nature of and multiple systems affected by this modification, an HSR analysis will beperformed for each Addendum and the suggested revisions to the HSR and its addenda, as required, will bedocumented in that Addendum. No specific references or suggestions will be stated here.3Attachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 1ORIGINANAP-RO- 115Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8REACTOR SAFETY EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a revision(s) to the Technical Specifications or a safety hazard as describedin 10 CFR 50.59?NOTE: A licensee may make changes to the facility as described in the HSR without obtaining a license amendmentonly if:(i) A change to the Technical Specifications incorporated in the license is not required, and(ii) The change does not produce any of the following results:I. More than a minimal increase in the frequency of occurrence of an accident previously evaluated inthe HSR;2. More than a minimal increase in the likelihood of occurrence of a malfunction of an SSC important tosafety previously evaluated in the HSR;3. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of an accident previously evaluated in the HSR;4. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of a malfunction of an SSC important to safetypreviously evaluated in the HSR;5. Create a possibility for an accident of a different type than previously evaluated in the HSR;6. Create a possibility for a malfunction of an SSC important to safety with a different result than anypreviously evaluated in the HSR;7. Altering or exceeding a design basis limit for a fission product barrier as described in the HSR;8. A departure from a method of evaluation described in the HSR used in establishing the design bases orthe safety analyses.Yes: No: __Signature: Z4*Date: /z-& -If YES, the change must be performed using a Long Form Modification Record. If NO, outline thebasis for the decision.This modification does not involve a change to the Technical Specifications or a question pursuant to 10 CFR50.59. A 50.59 Screen (06-32) is attached which shows that the proposed activity may be implementedwithout further evaluation or license amendment.Specific impacts related to reactor safety are analysed in each of the planned Addendums to this ModificationRecord. An additional 50.59 Screen will be performed for each of those Addendums as well.Deliberate planning has been done to ensure the following reactor safety elements:1. No significant impact to the thermal-hydraulic characteristics of the Primary Coolant System;2. No new mechanism for initiating a loss of coolant or loss of flow accident;3. No deviation from the Safety System Instrumentation requirements of the Technical Specifications;4. No new or unreviewed mode of failure for the new plate-type heat exchangers or instrumentationcomponents; and5. No deviation from the single failure criteria of IEEE-279.4Attachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 1 ORIGINALAP-RO-l 15Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8OPERATOR REVIEW AND EVALUATIONOperators are asked to comment on any safety and/or operational concerns relating to the proposedchange. Pleas indicate any additions, questions, or changes regarding the Hazards Summary Reportand Reactor Safety evaluations.Name Comments_____.___,, _____,PJO't"5aAttachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 1 ORIGINALAP-RO- 115Revision 2 IModification Number: 05-8OPERATOR REVIEW AND EVALUATION (CONT.)Name Comments5bAttachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 1 ORIGINAIAP-RO-115Revision 2 IModification Number: 05-8OPERATOR REVIEW AND EVALUATION (CONT.)Name Comments5cAttachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 1ORIGINALAP-RO-I 15Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8OPERATING PROCEDURE AND PRINT EVALUATIONIf a revision to, or a new Operating Procedure and/or Print are required in order to implement thechange, note the Procedure or Print Number, Title, and Section and attach a copy of the proposednew or revised procedure or print.OPERATING PROCEDURESNumberN/ATitleSectionRequired revisions to any Operating Procedure will bespecified in the applicable Addendum to this ModificationRecord.PRINTSNumberN/ATitleRequired revisions to any Print will be specified in the applicable Addendum to thisModification Record.6Attachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 1ORIGINALAP-RO-1 15Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8COMPLIANCE AND PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE EVALUATIONIf a revision to, or a new Compliance and/or Preventative Maintenance Procedure are required inorder to implement the change, note the Procedure Number, Title, and Frequency and attach a copyof the proposed new or revised procedure.COMPLIANCF PROCEDI IRESTitleNumberNIAFrequencyRequired revisions to any Compliance Procedure will bespecified in the applicable Addendum to this ModificationRecord.NumberN/APREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURESTitleRequired revisions to any Preventative MaintenanceProcedure will be specified in the applicable Addendumto this ModificationRecord.Frequency7Attachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 1nRIGINALAP-RO-115Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8PARTS REQUIREMENTSList all parts that are required in order to implement the change, noting Part Number, Description,and Quantity.Part NumberNonePart DescriptionRequired Parts will be specified in the applicable Addendum to thisModification Record.PO No.:Ordered From:Date:PO No.:Ordered From:Date:PO No.: Date:Ordered From:PO No.: Date:Ordered From:8Attachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 1nRIGINALAP-RO-l 15Revision 2 IModification Number: 05-8SPARE PARTS and TECHNICAL MANUAL REQUIREMENTSList all spare parts and technical manuals that are required in order to implement the change, notingPart Number, Description, and Quantity, and Manual Title and where ordered from.Part NumberN/ASPARE PARTSPart DescriptionReauired Spare Parts will be specified in the applicableAddendum to this Modification Record.PO No.: Date: PO No.: Date:Ordered From: Ordered From:PO No.: Date: PO No.: Date:Ordered From: Ordered From:TECHNICAL MANUALSManual TitleOrdered FromRequired Technical Manuals will be specified in theapplicable Addendum to this Modification Record.9Ree0FrAttachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 1AP-RR-003Revision 450.59 SCREENActivity Screening Number: 06-32 Page I of 2Title: "Modification Record 05-8, Replacement of Primary Coolant System Heat Exchangers HX503A and HX 503B"Description of Activity (what is being changed and why):This Modification Record is the umbrella record for replacing the Primary System HeatExchangers. Each addendum will also be separately screened based on the specificmodifications described within them.Safety Determination:Does the proposed activity have the potential to adversely affect nuclear safety or safefiiciliity (i.e., xMURR) operations? YES NOIf this question is answered yes, do not continue with this procedure. Identify and report the concern tothe Reactor Manager.50.59 Screening Questions:I. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a design.Junction Xdescribed in the HSR? YES NO2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to a pIrocedurt that adversely affects how HSP Xdescribed SSC design functions are performed, controlled, or tested? YES NO3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an HSR described evaluation methodology Xthat is used in establishing the design bases or used in the safet, analyses? YES NO4. Does the proposed activity involve a test or exvpeirimeut not described in the HSR, where an SSC is Xutilized or controlled in a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for that SSC or YES NOis inconsistent with analyses or descriptions in the HSR?5. Does the proposed activity require a change to the MURR Technical Specifications? XYES NOIt" all screening questions are answered NO, then implement the activity per the applicable approvcdfitclit procedure(s). A LicenseAmendment or a 50.59 Evaluation is not required.If Screcen Question 5 is answered YES, then rcqttest and receive a License Amendment prior to implementation of the activity.If Screen Question 5 is answered NO and Question I, 2, 3, or 4 is answered YES, then complete and attach a 50.59 Evaluation totto.( Refer to Attachment 9.2. ]NOTE: If the conclusion of the screening questions is that a 50.59 Evaluation is not required, provide justification for the "No"determination. In addition, list the documents (-ISR, Technical Specitications, and other Licensing Basis documents) reviewed whererelevant information was found. Include section / page numbers. Use page 2 of this foi-m to document your statements.Print Name Sign Name DatePreparer: Carl A. Herbold /2-7-0o-Reviewer:Reactor Manager: Les P. Foyto /cAttachment 9.1 ATTACHMENT 1AP-RR-003Revision 450.59 SCREEN (Cont.)Activity Screening Number: 06-32 Page 2 of 2Title: "Modification Record 05-8, Replacement of Primary Coolant System Heat Exchangers HX503A and HX 503B"If the conclusion of the five (5) Screening Questions is that a 50.59 Evaluation is not required, providejustification to support this determination: [ Use and attach additional pages as necessamy. ]I. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a designfwrction describcd in theHSR?No. The proposed activity does not involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a designfunction described in the HSR. The replacement heat exchangers and piping arrangement arechosen such that thermal and hydraulic performance will remain essentially unchanged. Thisensures that the design function of the heat exchangers remains unchanged.2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to aprocedure that adversely affects how HSR described SSC designfunctions are performed, controlled, or tested'?No. The proposed activity does not involve a change to a procedure that adversely affects theperformance, control or testing of HSR described SSC design functions. The proceduralchanges required primarily reflect addition and relocation of instrumentation valving andnomenclature. One new procedure SM-RO-105 will provide detailed steps to perform thereplacement. That procedure will also be separately screened for impacts to Reactor Safety.3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an HSI? described evaluation methodology that is used inestablishing the design bases or used in the safrty analyses?No. The proposed activity does not involve revising or replacing an HSR described evaluationmethodology that is used in establishing the design bases or used in the safety analyses. Theheat exchangers were deliberately chosen such that assumptions and conclusions of the safetyand accident analyses remain unchanged.4. Does the proposed activity involve a lest or exyperinient not described in the UISR, where an SSC is used or controlledin a ranner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for that SSC, or is inconsistent with analyses ordescriptions presented in the HSR?No. The proposed activity does not involve a test or experiment not described, outside thereference bounds, or is inconsistent with analyses or descriptions presented in the HSR.Instrumentation testing will be performed using approved post-maintenance and surveillanceprocedures, and the thermal and hydraulic performance testing will be performed using theapproved new procedure SM-RO-105 described above. All testing will be performed within SSCreference bounds described in the HSR.List the documents (HSR, Technical Specifications, and other Licensing Basis documents) reviewed whererelevant information was found. [ Include section / page numbers. ]HSR Section 5.2, 5.4, Figure 5.1, Addendum 3 Section 2.1, Figure 2.2, Addendum 4 Figure A.2,Appendix D, and Appendix E.Black and Veatch -Rep~lacement of Primary Coolant Evaluation Report (Proiect No. 400031)Technical Specifications 3.3, 3.9, 4.4, 5.2, 5.4, and Modification Record 05-8Attachment 9.1 ATTA~f p~AP-RO- 115Revision 2MODIFICATION RECORD: LONG FORMModification Number: 05-8, Addendum 1Modification Title: Replacement of Primary Coolant System Heat Exchan-qers HX 503A and HX 503B-Instrumentation PortionPage No.1345a-c6789Page TitleModification Record: Long FormModification DescriptionHazards Summary Report EvaluationReactor Safety EvaluationOperator Review and EvaluationOperating Procedure EvaluationCP and PM EvaluationParts RequirementsSpare Parts and Technical ManualRequirementsRequired DateYes No Completed7" /2--2-o,____ _____-a-J oc/- __ (2..- By(initials)50.59 Screen orEvaluation Completed:(Asst. Reactor Manager -Engineering)Modification Approved: -4Mant er(Reactor Man er)Modification Completed:(Reactor nager)Date: 1/2--/0-06"Date: /2-/16-o"Date: /2-C-oCREVIEW AND FOLLOW-UP ACTIONItem No.1234Page TitleReactor Safety Subcommittee ReviewReactor Advisory Committee ReviewU.S. NRC ReviewMURR Prints UpdatedRequiredYes No/7DateCompleted3-9e?-07A.. Documented by(InitiasIAttachment 8.2ORIGINAL Aýtd 2AP-RO-115Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8, Addendum 1MODIFICATION DESCRIPTIONProvide a concise description of the system change. Include any proposed PRE-OPERATIONALTESTS required for this change. (If additional pages are necessary, insert after this page.)Primary coolant system flow rate is currently measured at the following locations with the stated FlowTransmitters (FT) and Differential Pressure Sensors (DPS):(a) Downstream of Primary Coolant Heat Exchanger HX 503A -FT-912A;(b) Downstream of Primary Coolant Heat Exchanger HX 503B -FT-912E;(c) Differential pressure across Primary Coolant Heat Exchanger HX 503A -DPS-928A;(d) Differential pressure across Primary Coolant Heat Exchanger HX 503B -DPS-928B; and(e) Differential pressure across the reactor core -DPS-929.Primary coolant flow rate is recorded on a strip-chart, two-pen recorder mounted on the control roomInstrument Panel. Differential pressure across orifice plates (FE-913A and FE-9138) located downstream ofHX 503A and HX 503B is measured by FT-912A and FT-912E, respectively. The output signal generatedby each flow transmitter is directed to a square root converter which provides a linear output signal to therecorder and a dual alarm unit. In addition to providing flow indication, the recorder will initiate a "ReactorLoop Lo Flow" annunciator alarm if primary coolant flow downstream of either heat exchanger decreases to95% of the normal operating value. If primary coolant flow decreases to 90% of the normal value, a reactorscram and a "Reactor Loop Lo Flow Scram" annunciator alarm are initiated. The dual alarm unit for FT-912A opens a contact (K30-2) in the process input string to E4A of the reactor safety system non-coincidence logic units (NCLU), thereby interrupting power to the control blade electromagnets. The dualalarm unit for FT-912E opens a contact (K38-2) in the process input string to E3B of the NCLUs.A primary coolant low flow scram may also be initiated by a low differential pressure across the primarycoolant heat exchangers. Differential pressure across HX 503A and HX 5038, which provides an indicationof flow, is measured by DPS-928A and DPS-928B, respectively. The output signal produced by eachdifferential pressure sensor is directed to an alarm unit. If primary coolant flow decreases to 90% of thenormal operating value, a reactor scram is initiated. The alarm unit for DPS-928A opens a contact in theprocess input string to E3B of the safety system NCLUs, thereby interrupting power to the control bladeelectromagnets. The alarm unit for DPS-928B opens a contact in the process input string to E4A of theNCLUs. The alarm units will also de-energize relays 2K24 and 2K26, which will cause the following actionsto occur:1. "Low Primary HX Delta-P Scram" annunciator alarm is initiated; and2. In-Pool Heat Exchanger Isolation Valves V546A and V546B open.As discussed in Modification Record 05-8, this addendum documents the instrumentation changes that arenecessary to support the replacement of the current shell and tube-type primary coolant heat exchangerswith new plate-type heat exchangers. Addendum 2 documents changes to the hydraulics of the primaryand secondary coolant systems, namely the new heat exchangers and associated piping changes.Modification Description continued on Page 2a.2Attachment 8.20RIGINAL  
FACILITY MODIFICATIONS -YEAR 2011:1. Modification 01-02, Addendum 5; "Intercommunication and Paging System Changes inSupport of the North Office Addition Lab Space"a) This addendum to Modification Record 01-02, "Installation of a New Reactor FacilityIntercommunication and Paging System," documents changes to the facilityintercommunication and paging system that were necessary in order to safely occupy thenew laboratory space in the North Office Addition (NOA). To ensure a prompt andeffective response from facility staff to an emergency or abnormal condition, theintercommunication and paging system was extended into the NOA laboratory space.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.2. Modification 0 1-2, Addendum 6; "Intercommunication and Paging System Changes in Supportof the North Office Addition Classroom Space, Laboratory Break Room and LaboratoryBasement"a) This addendum to Modification Record 01-02, "Installation of a New Reactor FacilityIntercommunication and Paging System," documents changes to the facilityintercommunication and paging system that were necessary in order to safely occupy thenew classroom space in the North Office Addition (NOA) and provide additional coveragewithin NOA. To ensure a prompt and effective response from facility staff to anemergency or abnormal condition, the intercommunication and paging system wasextended into the NOA classroom space, NOA break room and NOA basement.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.3. Modification 09-04; "Cooling Tower Temporary Cooling"a) This Modification Record documents the changes to the Secondary Coolant and NormalElectrical Power Systems to allow connection of temporary cooling to the existing system.The existing cooling towers cells were approaching the end of their operational lifetime dueto the degrading integrity of wooden structure members, as well as steel fan supportmembers. The planned replacement of these cells required several weeks to complete. Toensure continued reactor operation at 10 MW for the duration of the maintenance, rentalcooling towers were connected to provide a means of cooling the Secondary CoolantSystem.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.Page 22 of 40 FACILITY MODIFICATIONS -YEAR 2012:1. Modification 75-16, Addendum 4; "Reactor Safety System Monitoring Circuit (White Rat)Panel -Revision to Panel Overlays in Support of FIRST Device"a) This addendum to Modification Record 75-16, "Portable White Rat for Safety System,"documents a revision to the Reactor Safety System Monitoring Circuit ("White Rat")Panel. New overlays reflect the addition of a series of contacts in both the "green leg" and"yellow leg" of the Reactor Safety System. The new contacts provide a SCRAM functionfrom the Flux-Trap Irradiations Reactivity Safety Trip (FIRST) instrument channel. Thismodification did not change the function of the "White Rat" Panel itself.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.2. Modification 98-02, Addendum 1; "Sulfuric Acid System Changes in Support of Cooling TowerReplacement"a) This addendum to Modification Record 98-02, "Overhaul the Secondary SystemPump/Motors (SP-1, SP-2, SP-3) and Replacement of Bulk Sulfuric Acid System,"documents the reconfiguration of the existing Sulfuric Acid System due to replacement ofthe Cooling Tower cells. The replacement of the Cooling Tower removed the original opensump, resulting in a need to convert the Sulfuric Acid System from a gravity drip system toan injection system. The reconfiguration consisted of demolition of the existing gravityday tank along with the associated transfer equipment and controls, installation of aninjection metering pump and piping injector, and installation of supporting piping,electrical power and controls.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.3. Modification 01-02, Addendum 8; "Intercommunication and Paging System Changes inSupport of the Sterility Suite Rooms 2045A and 2045B"a) This addendum to Modification Record 01-02, "Installation of a New Reactor FacilityIntercommunication and Paging System," documents changes to the facilityintercommunication and paging system that were necessary in order to safely occupy thenew sterility suite in the North Office Addition (NOA) to ensure a prompt and effectiveresponse from facility staff to an emergency or abnormal condition.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.4. Modification 0 1-09, Addendum 4; "Emergency Electrical Power System in Room 231"a) This addendum to Modification Record 01-09, "Installation of Emergency Lighting PanelNo. 1," documents the transfer of loads on the Emergency Electrical Power System inRoom 231. The change consisted of transferring the one remaining load from EmergencyPage 23 of 40 Lighting Panel No. IA (ELP-IA) to the Diesel Generator Room Distribution Panel whichallowed the removal of ELP- IA.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.5. Modification 03-03, Addendum 3; "Fire Protection System Changes in Support of CoolingTower Replacement"a) This addendum to Modification Record 03-03, "Installation of a Facility FireDetection/Suppression System," documents the removal of the Deluge System in theCooling Tower due to the replacement of the Cooling Tower cells. Replacement of theCooling Tower cells, as documented in Modification Record 11-02, provided an all-stainless steel structure and significant reduction of potential fire loading, resulting in aFactory Mutual (FM) rating for the new Cooling Tower cells. This removed the need forthe existing non-freezing deluge system.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 9-8, Section 9.3, Fire Protection Systems and Programs:Delete: ", and a deluge, non-freezing system used in the cooling tower"Page 9.9, Section 9.3, Fire Protection Systems and Programs:Delete: "a deluge system used in the cooling tower,"6. Modification 05-01, Addendum 3; "Pneumatic Tube System Changes in Lab 227"a) This addendum to Modification Record 05-01, "Pneumatic Tube System Photo SensorCollar Upgrade," documents the removal of the Pneumatic Tube (P-Tube) System fromLab 227. The master control station for Labs 218 and 227 were removed from Lab 227. Anew simplified control station is now located in Lab 218. Also, the existing transfer valvefor Labs 218 and 227 were replaced with a section of tubing that directs Row 2 to Lab 218.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 10-14, Section, Description:Delete: "three sending-receiving stations"Replace with: "two sending-receiving stations"7. Modification 09-03; "Lab Jmpex Stack Monitoring System"a) This Modification Record documents the installation of a Lab Inpex Stack MonitoringSystem which provides off-gas radiation monitoring capability as required by the HazardsSummary Report (HSR) and its addenda. This system replaced a Nuclear MeasurementsCorporation (NMC) RAK Stack Monitoring System, including the function of releaseintegration, which had reached the end of its operational lifetime.Page 24 of 40 b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.8. Modification 09-03, Addendum 1; "Update to Lab Impex Stack Monitoring System"a) This addendum to Modification Record 09-03, "Lab Impex Stack Monitoring System,"documents an update to the installation of a Lab Impex Stack Monitoring System whichprovides off-gas radiation monitoring capability as required by the Hazards SummaryReport (HSR) and its addenda. This system was previously installed to replace the existingNuclear Measurements Corporation (NMC) RAK Stack Monitoring System, including thefunction of release integration. This addendum contains additional information anddocuments changes performed since initial installation. Completion of these changesallows the Lab Impex Stack Monitor to be commissioned as a licensed system, subject tosurveillance requirements of the Technical Specifications, and relied upon for use in bothemergency response and effluent reporting roles.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.9. Modification 10-02; "Addition of MURR Systems to Lab 251"a) This Modification Record documents the conversion of Room 251 to a laboratory (lab)space outfitted for the safe disposal of acids. Room 251 was not originally fitted as a labspace. Therefore all major lab utilities, save Natural Gas and Vacuum, were routed to thisspace. These include Facility Air, Deionized Water, Domestic Cold Water, Domestic HotWater, Normal Electrical Power, Exhaust Ventilation, and Radioactive Liquid Waste.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.10. Modification 11-02; "Replace Cooling Tower"a) This Modification Record documents the replacement of the existing Cooling Tower. Thereplacement of the Cooling Tower consisted of the demolition of the existing woodstructure, removal of an asbestos containing basin liner, conversion of the existing basin toa structural slab, installation of a steel elevating structure, installation of three (3) currentgeneration stainless steel modular towers, installation of associated piping and electricalcomponents and supporting instrumentation, as well as repairs to the existing mechanicalbuilding.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 5-9, Section 5.4.6, Instrumentation:Delete: Entire paragraph under Section 5.4.6Replace with: "The secondary water inlet and outlet temperatures to theprimary and pool coolant heat exchangers, the coolant flow to the poolPage 25 of 40 coolant heat exchanger and the total flow in the secondary coolantsystem, are displayed and recorded in the reactor control room."Page 5-9, Section 5.4.7, Cooling Tower:Delete:Replace with:Entire paragraph under Section 5.4.7"The cooling tower is a stainless steel, induced-draft, cross-flowtype, with three cells and two-speed fan assemblies for each cell. Thetower is designed to cool 5,400 gallons (20,440 I) of water per minute toa temperature of 85 'F (29.4 'C) from an initial temperature of 115 'F(46.1 'C) at a maximum wet bulb temperature of 80 'F (26.7 'C).Vibration and low oil cutout switches are mounted on each fan assemblyto secure the associated fan motor to prevent damage to the fan orcooling tower structure should an imbalance or low oil level conditiondevelop. The number of fans and fan speed is configured as required toprovide sufficient cooling for 10-MW operation."11. Modification 11-01; "Flux-Trap hIradiation Reactivity Safety Trip (FIRST) InstrumentChannels"a) This Modification Record documents the addition of the FIRST device to the ReactorSafety System that ensures that the Center Test Hole Canister and its contents remain inplace during reactor operation. The change is authorized by issuance of LicenseAmendment No. 35 to Amended Facility License No. R-103. Installation of the FIRSTdevice allows a change in the methodology that was previously used to calculate thereactivity contribution of samples loaded in the flux trap region.b) Modification performed under License Amendment No. 35 (issued February 9, 2012).c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 7-9, Table 7-1, Reactor Control Console Display Instruments:Add:"61 FIRST62 FIRSTOff-BypassOff-Bypass2 Pos. Key Lock2 Pos. Key Lock"Page 7-51, Table 7-8, Reactor Scrams:Add: "15. Flux-Trap Irradiation Reactivity Safety Trip (FIRST)"Page 7-51, Section 7.6.6, Surveillance:Replace with:"7.6.7 Surveillance"Page 7-51, New Section 7.6.6, Flux-Trap Irradiation Reactivity Safety Trip:Add: "The Flux-Trap Irradiation Reactivity Safety Trip (FIRST) deviceconsists of two instrument channels, including sensors, components and modules,which detect the position of the Center Test Hole Canister and converts thatposition into a logic input to the Reactor Safety System. The FIRST device iscomprised of the following components: Center Test Hole Canister Wear Ring,Page 26 of 40 Sensor Switches, Support Rig, Relays and Power Supply, Safety SystemInterface, and FIRST Bypass Switches.The FIRST device provides protection against an excessive reactivitystep insertion in the Flux Trap region. This is achieved by two independentposition sensing switches mounted on a removable support rig at the top of thepressure vessel head. In the event the Center Test Hole Canister leaves itssecured and latched position, a reactor scram and "PLI or FIRST Scram"annunciator are initiated by either or both of these sensing switches, whichactuate auxiliary relays K61 and K62, which in turn interrupt logic unit inputs toE4A and E3B of the NCLU."Page 27 of 40 FACILITY MODIFICATIONS -YEAR 2013:1. Modification 75-01, Addendum 3; "Rod Run-In Electronic Circuit Jumper Panel"a) This addendum to Modification Record 75-01, "Electronic Circuits Jumper Panel,"documents the installation of a jumper panel dedicated to the rod run-in system. Thisjumper panel supports the use of the rod run-in system monitoring circuit installed underModification Record 13-04.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 7-12/15, Table 7-3, Instrument Panel Instrumentation:Add: "138 Rod Run-In System Monitoring Circuit"2. Modification 01-02, Addendum 9; "Intercommunication and Paging System Changes inSupport of MURR Industrial Building (Room 299) Renovations"a) This addendum to Modification Record 01-02, "Installation of a New Reactor FacilityIntercommunication and Paging System," documents changes to the facilityIntercommunication and Paging System that will enhance communications in Rooms299M, N and 0.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.3. Modification 01-02, Addendum 10; "Intercommunication and Paging System Changes inSupport of MURR Industrial Building (Room 299), Room 243, Room 246 and Room 271Renovations"a) This addendum to Modification Record 01-02, "Installation of a New Reactor FacilityIntercommunication and Paging System," documents changes to the facilityIntercommunication and Paging System that will enhance communications in MURRIndustrial Building (Room 299), Room 243, Room 246 and Room 271B. It also documentsthe relocation of the Health Physics Office staff station from Room 288 to Room 271B.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.4. Modification 04-03, Addendum 1; "Liquid Radioactive Waste System In MURR IndustrialBuilding"a) This addendum to Modification Record 04-03, "Liquid Radioactive Waste Modification,"documents the changes required to incorporate the MURR Industrial Building (MIB)Liquid Radioactive Waste (LRW) system into the existing facility LRW system.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.Page 28 of 40 5. Modification 04-05, Addendum 8; "Cooling Tower Electrical Arc Flash Danger Mitigation"a) This addendum to Modification Record 04-05, "Cooling Tower Electrical UpgradeProject," documents the changes to Motor Control Center 1 in order to provide forimproved arc flash protection and subsequent classification reduction of the cooling towermotor control center.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 8-2, Section 8.1.2, Description of System (1st paragraph, last sentence):Delete: "Substation A houses two main feeder breakers, one feeder breakers provideselectrical power to a Motor Control Center (MCC) also located in the electricalequipment room, while the other breaker is an installed spare."Replace with: "Substation A houses a fused main feeder breaker and an in-line disconnect.These provide electrical power to a Motor Control Center (MCC) also located inthe electrical equipment room."6. Modification 11-03, Addendum 1; "Addition of Blow-Down Meter to the Data AcquisitionMonitoring Systemn"a) This addendum to Modification Record 11-03, "Data Acquisition and Monitoring Systemfor Secondary Coolant System," documents the installation of an additional component tothe Data Acquisition and Monitoring System for the Secondary Coolant System. Asecondary coolant blow-down transmitter and associated indication were installed to assistin monitoring the amount of secondary coolant that is required to be discharged to thesanitary sewer in order to maintain appropriate Secondary Coolant System chemistrycontrol.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.7. Modification 12-01; "Replace PT-944A/B with Rosemount Transmitters"a) This Modification Record documents the replacement of two pressure transmitters, PT-944A and PT-944B, which measures reactor core outlet pressure in the primary coolantsystem. The previous pressure transmitters could not be directly replaced due toobsolescence of both the transmitters and repair parts. The replacement pressuretransmitters meet or exceed the performance specifications of the previous transmitters.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.8. Modification 12-02; "Control Blade Fabrication Alternative Using Laser Welding"a) This Modification Record documents a fabrication alternative for construction of thecontrol blades. An assembly method using laser welding on the edge channels required aPage 29 of 40 change in the edge channel alloy. A more streamlined connection between the topmounting plate and the BORAL absorber plate was also documented.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.9. Modification 13-01; "Replacement of TE-980A and TE-980B Power Supply 2PS5"a) This Modification Record documents replacement of the power supplies for thetemperature instrument channels on Primary Coolant Heat Exchanger outlet temperatures,TE-980A and TE-980B. The previous power supply, 2PS5, was obsolete and unavailablefor purchase. The replacement power supply EP-9 11 C meets or exceeds the performancespecifications of the previous power supplies, and was relocated from behind theInstrument Cabinet to the former General Electric Measurement and Control (GE/MAC)rack on the Instrument Cabinet face.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 7-12/15, Table 7-3, Instrument Panel Instrumentation:Add: "137 Isolated Power Supply (EP 911 C) -TE-980 A/B"10. Modification 13-02; "Replacement of Secondary Chemistry Controllers"a) This Modification Record documents the replacement of the Secondary Coolant System pHand conductivity controllers. The previous model controllers had become obsolete andrepair parts, were no longer available. The replacement controllers meet or exceed theperformance specifications of the existing controllers.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.11. Modification 13-03; "Replacement of the GH and IJ Wedge with a Single 60-Degree Wedge"a) This Modification Record documents the redesign and replacement of the 30-degree "GH"and "IJ" graphite reflector elements with a single 60-degree graphite reflector element(GHIJ). The new reflector element accommodates a 6-inch irradiation position as well as a3-inch, two 2-inch and two 1-inch irradiation positions designated G-6, B-3, B-2 and R-2,G-1 and H-i, respectively. The 6-inch irradiation position is designed such that a sleeveinsert with nickels bands may be installed to allow for manipulation of the flux profile.This insert is bolted securely to the element cover plate, and is inserted and/or removedonly when the reactor is shutdown. The reflector element is constructed of aluminum606 1-T6 with graphite in the void area.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.Page 30 of 40 12. Modification 13-04; "Rod Run-In Monitoring System"a) This Modification Record documents the implementation of a passive monitoring circuit onthe rod run-in system to improve troubleshooting capabilities for rod run-in signals that aretoo short in duration to detect with the annunciator system. The monitoring circuit worksin conjunction with a new jumper panel dedicated to the rod run-in system, and providesadditional unused monitoring capacity for future troubleshooting expansion. Themonitoring circuit was constructed in a manner similar to the reactor scram systemmonitoring circuit.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.13. Modification 13-05; "T-300 & T-301 Level Sensing System"a) This modification to the Reactor Plant Make-Up Water Storage Tank System documentsthe replacement of the previous level sensing and annunciating instrument channels withcurrent loop transmitters that also display the tank levels in the Control Room.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.14. Modification 13-06; "Modifications -to MURR Industrial Building (Room 299) in Support of theNS-99 Project"a) This Modification Record documents the remodeling of portions of the MURR IndustrialBuilding (Room 299) to provide the necessary space needs and services required to supportthe dispensing system for the NS-99 Project.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.Page 31 of 40 FACILITY MODIFICATIONS -YEAR 2014:1. Modification 86-01, Addendum 4; "Replacement of Graphite Reflector Element '51' -Reflector Tank Position 5A/Irradiation Position L6"a) This addendum to Modification Record 86-01, "Reflector Element 5A and 5BReplacement," documents the replacement of reflector element 51; the graphite element thataccommodates irradiation position L6. Addenda I and 3 documented the replacement ofthe same element, which occurred in March 2000 and 2006, respectively. This reflectorelement was replaced with an element of similar design and this Modification Record wasused as documentation for the replacement time, sequence, and pre- and post-maintenancetests. Replacement was due to demonstrated signs of binding between the irradiationsample holder and irradiation position inner wall.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.2. Modification 88-07, Addendum 3; "Exhaust Ventilation in MIB Eastward Expansion"a) This addendum to Modification Record 88-07, "Exhaust Ventilation Upgrade," documentsthe installation of radioactive exhaust ventilation in the newly expanded MURR IndustrialBuilding (MIB). The system consists of charcoal and high efficiency particulate air(HEPA) filter banks, constant volume control valves (CVCVs), hot cell ventilation exhaustfans, flow and pressure measurement devices, and associated ducting and dampers. Themodification to the exhaust system in the MH3 eastward expansion is designed to maintainRooms 299T, 299U and 299V at a slight negative pressure with respect to the surroundingareas; maintain hot cells HC-1 1A, HC- I B and HC-I IC at a negative pressure; provide thenecessary charcoal and HEPA filtration to ensure radioactive airborne being released to theenvironment are kept at minimum concentrations; and provide continuous monitoring of allradioactive airborne releases discharged through the MIB Eastward Expansion exhaustventilation system.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required3. Modification 90-01, Addendum 3; "Evacuation System Changes in Support of the MURRIndustrial Building Eastward Expansion"a) This addendum to Modification Record 90-01, "Evacuation Horns," documents changes tothe facility Evacuation System that are necessary in order to safely occupy the MURRIndustrial Building (MIB) Eastward Expansion. This modification adds three evacuationshorns to the areas in the MIB Eastward Expansion.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.Page 32 of 40 4. Modification 01-02, Addendum 11; "Intercom and Paging System Changes in Support of theMURR Industrial Building Eastward Expansion"a) This addendum to Modification Record 01-02, "Installation of a New Reactor FacilityIntercommunication and Paging System," documents changes to the MURRIntercommunication and Paging System that will enhance communications in the MURRIndustrial Building (MIB) Eastward Expansion through the addition of six paging speakers.The installation of an additional amplifier will reduce loading on existing paging speakeramplifiers throughout the facility, and provide capacity for future system growth facility-wide. It also documents the addition of a speaker in the Laboratory Building, as well ascorrecting minor discrepancies found during a speaker location audit.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.5. Modification 01-09, Addendum 5; "Emergency Electrical in MIB Eastward Expansion"a) This addendum to Modification Record 01-09, "Installation of Emergency Lighting PanelNo. 1," documents the addition of loads to the Emergency Electrical Power System in theMURR Industrial Building (MIB) Eastward Expansion. The addition will provide a single120V circuit, supplied by the Diesel Room Distribution Panel, to the MIB EastwardExpansion for supplying emergency lighting.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.6. Modification 03-03, Addendum 1; "Fire Protection in North Office Addition"a) This addendum to Modification Record 03-03, "Installation of a Facility FireDetection/Suppression System," documents the installation of an additional Fire ProtectionSystem in the North Office Addition (NOA) to the existing MURR FireDetection/Suppression System. The new NOA system provides two functions: a detectionsystem compromised of heat, smoke and remote manual devices, and a suppression systemthat incorporates a traditional sprinkler system with a pre-action system used in areas withsensitive electrical equipment. These systems are integrated with the remainder of theMURR Fire Detection/Suppression System at the new central control panel located in theMain Lobby. The control station continuously monitors each system component and willannunciate if any component is not in its normal condition. The sprinkler system issupplied by the MURR Fire Main Loop.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.7. Modification 03-03, Addendum 4; "Fire Protection System in the Shipping and ReceivingBuilding"a) This addendum to Modification Record 03-03, "Installation of a Facility FireDetection/Suppression System," documents the installation of an additional Fire ProtectionSystem in the new Shipping and Receiving Building (SaRB) to the existing MURR FirePage 33 of 40 Detection/Suppression System. The SaRB system provides two functions: a detectionsystem compromised of heat, smoke and remote manual devices, and a suppression systemthat incorporates a traditional sprinkler system. The sprinkler system is supplied directlyfrom the University water distribution system and is separate from the MURR Fire MainLoop. The detection system is connected to the facility control station in the Main Lobbyand will also annunciate if any component is not in its normal condition.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.8. Modification 03-03, Addendum 5; "Fire Protection System Changes in Support of the MURRIndustrial Building Eastward Expansion"a) This addendum to Modification Record 03-03, "Installation of a Facility FireDetection/Suppression System," documents the installation of a Fire Protection System inthe new MURR Industrial Building (MIB) Eastward Expansion. This phase of themodification only provides the addition of a traditional sprinkler system for the MIBEastward Expansion stairwell and mezzanine areas. The sprinkler system will beconnected to the existing MIB sprinkler header.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.9. Modification 03-03, Addendum 6; "Fire Protection System Changes in Support of the MiIBEastward Expansion Fit-out"a) This addendum to Modification Record 03-03, "Installation of a Facility FireDetection/Suppression System," documents the installation of additional Fire ProtectionSystem equipment in the newly constructed MURR Industrial Building (MIB) EastwardExpansion. The MIB Eastward Expansion system provides two functions: a detectionsystem compromised of heat, smoke and remote manual devices, and a suppression systemthat incorporates a traditional sprinkler system. The sprinkler system is supplied from theMURR Fire Main Loop via the MIB sprinkler header. All of these systems and devicescombine to form a complete Fire Detection/Suppression System and are integrated with theremainder of the MURR Fire Detection/Suppression System at the central control panel inthe Main Lobby.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.10. Modification 04-03, Addendum 2; "Liquid Radioactive Waste in MIB Eastward Expansion"a) This addendum to Modification Record 04-03, "Liquid Radioactive Waste Modification,"documents the changes required to extend facility Liquid Radioactive Waste (LRW) systemto the eastward expansion of the MURR Industrial Building (MIB). This modificationdocuments the installation of two lift stations and an elevator sump with associatedconnections to the existing MIB LRW header. Drainage from a small sink and eyewashstation on the grade level is connected to a small lift station which in turn discharges to aPage 34 of 40 larger duplex lift station located in the MIB Eastward Expansion basement. The basementlift station also receives condensate from the air handling units, cooling coils of the airconditioning system and a sink in the grade level laboratory (Room 299V). The elevatorsump discharges directly to the MIB LRW header.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.11. Modification 14-01; "hIterfacing MURR System Changes in Support of the MURR IndustrialBuilding Eastward Expansion"a) This Modification Record was used to document the basic construction of the MURRIndustrial Building (MIB) Eastward Expansion and as the initiating document to ensure thatall systems related to emergency response have been identified and modified prior to safelyoccupying the facilities MIB Eastward Expansion. Actual modifications to these systems -facility evacuation, fire protection, intercommunication and paging, and emergencyelectrical power -were performed under addendums to previously approved ModificationRecords.The MIB Eastward Expansion provides approximately 2,880 ft2 of usable space to theMURR facility. The building is construction Type II-B with a grade level floor of pouredconcrete designed for a heavy load rated. The basement flooring is also rated for heavyloads. The steel and concrete structure rests on pilings driven to bedrock. The east wall ofthe building has a masonry shield wall in part of the structure to reduce possible dose to thepublic. The building is equipped with standard heating ventilation and air conditioning.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following changes to the SAR are required:Page 1-6, Figure 1.2, Grade Level Plan:Replace with: Updated Figure 1.2, Grade Level Plan (MURR Dwg No. 1145 Sheet 2 of 5)Page 1-10, Figure 1.7, South and West Elevation:Replace with: Updated Figure 1.6, South and West ElevationPage 6-8, Figure 6.2, Grade Level Floor Plan:Replace with: Updated Figure 1.2, Grade Level Plan (MURR Dwg No. 1145 Sheet 2 of 5)12. Modification 14-01, Addendum 1; "Construction of Usable Laboratory Spaces Within theExpanded MURR Industrial Building"a) This addendum to Modification Record 14-01, "Interfacing MURR System Changes inSupport of the MURR Industrial Building Eastward Expansion," documents theconstruction of the usable laboratory spaces within, and extension of MURR systems to,the dedicated laboratory facility in the new eastward expansion to the MURR IndustrialBuilding (MIB). The laboratory contains three adjoined and inter-connected hot cellslocated on the grade level. Each hot cell is heavily shielded with lead. The area to the rearof the cells, the cask loading area, is where the cell support facilities and equipment arePage 35 of 40 located and where cells inputs and outputs occur. The area in front of the cells, theoperator area, is where the cell windows, manipulators, glove boxed and controls arelocated. There is an additional laboratory on the grade level and a full basement beneaththe expansion. The extension of existing systems such as Fire Protection, LiquidRadioactive Waste, Radioactive Exhaust Ventilation and Electrical modifications werecovered by addendums to existing Modifications Records.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following changes to the SAR are required:Page 1-6, Figure 1.2, Grade Level Plan:Replace with: Updated Figure 1.2, Grade Level Plan (MURR Dwg No. 1145 Sheet 2 of 5)Page 6-8, Figure 6.2, Grade Level Floor Plan:Replace with: Updated Figure 1.2, Grade Level Plan (MURR Dwg No. 1145 Sheet 2 of 5)13. Modification 14-02; "Normnal Electrical Distribution in MIB Eastward Expansion"a) This Modification Record documents the expansion of the Normal Electrical Power Systemfor the eastward expansion to the MURR Industrial Building (MIfi). Electrical power willbe supplied from the facility 2000-kVA transformer through high voltage panel HVP-3 andthe 120/208V Distribution Center 1 to a newly installed high voltage panel HVP-3A andtwo new low voltage panels designated LP-46 and HC-1 1 Electrical Power Panel. Allelectrical components have sufficient capacity to provide the necessary loads and remainbelow an 80% overall panel loading.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.Page 36 of 40 In addition to the above mentioned changes to the SAR, the following changes are also required:Page 1-30, add the following to the end of Section 1.7.3:"Amendment 34 -Date of Issuance: October 10, 2008Amendment 34 authorized the MURR to revise the requirements for the conduct of fueledexperiments. This amendment allowed Technical Specification 3.6.o to be changed such thatfueled experiments, with inventories of iodine-131 through -135 greater than 1.5 curies orstrontium-90 greater than 5 millicuries, could be placed in irradiation containers that satisfy therequirements of Specification 3.6.i.Amendment 35 -Date of Issuance: February 9, 2012Amendment 35 authorized the MURR to implement a flux-trap irradiations safety device to thereactor protective system. This amendment allowed an increase in irradiation capacity in thecenter test hole by removing the reactivity contribution of the sample holder while alsoallowing the use of the 6-barrel sample holder for movable samples.Amendment 36 -Date of Issuance: July 8, 2013Amendment 36 changed Section 2.1, "Reactor Core Safety Limit," of the TechnicalSpecifications. The Safety Limits were revised to correct an error caused by misinterpretingthe definition of "diameter of heated surface" (Di) in the Bernath correlation as. "heateddiameter" (Dh). Additionally, updated peaking factors were used based on modem analyses."Page 1-33, add the following to the end of Section 1.7.4:"December 2006 -Replacement of the Two Primary Coolant System Heat ExchangersThe two existing primary coolant system shell and tube-type heat exchangers (HX 503A andHX 503B) were replaced by heat exchangers of plate-type design. This replacement wasnecessitated by the degradation of the heat transfer capability of the heat exchangers since theywere approaching the end of their design operational lifetime.December 2006 -Replacement of the Pool Coolant System Heat ExchangerThe current plate-type pool coolant heat exchanger was replaced with the exact same modelthat was initially installed in 1995 (with 151 plates). Since installation in 1995, the pressuredrop across the heat exchanger had steadily increased, which resulted in a decrease in total poolcoolant system flow rate. An evaluation of the pool coolant heat exchanger was performed inFebruary 2005 by the Engineering Firm Black & Veatch (B&V), Kansas City, Missouri. In theevaluation B&V states that due to the tight clearances between the plates, the heat exchangerwill act like a filter and collect impurities in the water. Additionally, the maker of the heatexchanger (Graham Corporation) had previously inspected plates that had what appeared to bea thin layer of surface contaminants. Both of these are sufficient to cause an increase in thepressure drop across the heat exchanger. Installation of the new heat exchanger returned totalpool coolant system flow rate to design values. Furthermore, replacement of certain sections ofpool coolant system piping in order to reduce operational system head losses and thereforeincrease available system flow were also performed in conjunction with the replacement ofpool coolant heat exchanger HX-52 1.Page 37 of 40 June 2014 -Construction of the Shipping and Receiving BuildingA Shipping and Receiving Building (SaRB) was constructed on-site to enhance the security atMURR by creating a location external to the main facility where packages are received, openedand examined prior to being transported into the facility.January_ 2012 -Replacement of the Cooling TowerThe old cooling tower, which was a wood-framed, induced-draft, cross-flow type, with threecells and two-speed fan assemblies per cell, was replaced with a stainless steel, induced-draft,cross-flow type, with three cells and two-speed fan assemblies per cell. The new tower isdesigned to cool 5,400 gallons (20,440 1) of water per minute to a temperature of 85 IF (29.4'C) from an initial temperature of 115 IF (46.1 °C) at a maximum wet bulb temperature of 80°F (26.7 °C).June 2014 -Construction of the MURR Industrial Building Eastward ExpansionAn eastward expansion to the MURR Industrial Building (MIB) was constructed in order toprovide additional laboratory space at MURR -1,440 ft2 and 1,432 ft2 of net usable space onthe grade and the below grade levels, respectively. The grade level floor is poured concretedesigned for a 125 lb/ft2 live load with additional steel and concrete framing to support four (4)100,000 lb hot cells positioned next to each other anywhere along the North-South direction.The steel and concrete structure rests on pilings driven to bedrock. The below grade floor isalso poured concrete designed to handle a 125 lb/ft2 live load. Additionally, the floor canhandle a 10,000 lb load on a 6 ft x 6 ft base plate."Modification Records, including the 50.59 Screens which supported these changes, are included asAttachments I through 9 and 19 through 21.Page 38 of 40 b. Provide a description of the review/approval process for the implementation of the significantfacility changes (i.e., 50.59, License Amendment, etc.).As stated in Section a. above, each facility change was performed either under a LicenseAmendment or 10 CFR 50.59. The method of review and approval is listed above.c. Provide a copy of the safety analysis, 50.59 review checklist/evaluation, and/or any updatedSAR information for the significant facility changes. If not applicable, state the basis for thedetermination.Safety analyses and 50.59 Screens are included as attachments. Any changes to the SAR are alsodescribed in Section a. above.d. Provide the relevant infornmation (50.59 review, safety analyses, updated SAR information)for the iodine facility.In addition to the Project Authorization (RL-76) and its 50.59 Screen, which describes theprocessing of iodine and its safety evaluation, the following eleven (11) facility modifications wereperformed in support the iodine facility:1. Modification 14-01; "Interfacing MURR System Changes in Support of the MURR IndustrialBuilding Eastward Expansion" (Attachment 8)2. Modification 14-01, Addendum 1; "Construction of Usable Laboratory Spaces Within theExpanded MURR Industrial Building" (Attachment 9)3. Modification Record 88-07, Addendum 3; "Exhaust Ventilation in MIB Eastward Expansion"(Attachment 10)4. Modification Record 90-0 1, Addendum 3; "Evacuation System Changes in Support of theMURR Industrial Building Eastward Expansion" (Attachment 11)5. Modification Record 0 1-02, Addendum 11; "Intercom and Paging System Changes in Supportof the MURIR Industrial Building Eastward Expansion" (Attachment 12)6. Modification Record 01-09, Addendum 5; "Emergency Electrical in MIB EastwardExpansion" (Attachment 13)7. Modification Record 03-03, Addendum 5; "Fire Protection System Changes in Support of theMURR Industrial Building Eastward Expansion" (Attachment 14)8. Modification Record 03-03, Addendum 6; "Fire Protection System Changes in Support of theMIB Eastward Expansion Fit-out" (Attachment 15)9. Modification Record 04-03, Addendum 2; "Liquid Radioactive Waste in MIB EastwardExpansion" (Attachment 16)10. Modification Record 14-02; "Normal Electrical Distribution in MIB Eastward Expansion"(Attachment 17)Page 39 of 40 11. Modification Record 14-04; "Lab Inpex Iodine Duct Monitor" (Attachment 18)Project RL-76; "Production of 1-131 Radiochemical Sodium Iodide Solution," and 50.59 ScreenNo. 12-07; "Iodine-131 Processing Laboratory," are Attachments 22 and 23,' respectively.Changes to the SAR in support of the iodine facility are described in Section a. above under theModification Records.2. The proposed MURR Technical Specifications (TS) (see letter dated January 27, 2014, ADAMSAccession No. ML14030A132), TS 5.2, "Reactor Coolant Systems, Exceptions" Specifications aand b, do not have supporting information in the SAR necessary to justify the TS Bases for each.Provide support information to explain the basis for TS 5.2, Exception a and b, or justify why nochange is necessary.The bases for Technical Specification 5.2, Exceptions a and b, are implied in the bases forSpecifications 5.2.a and 5.2.e.The basis for 5.2.a states: "Specification 5.2.a as excepted, permits reactor operation at 50% of fullpower in the event of a major component failure in which repairs cannot be accomplished in areasonable period of time. The reactor was designed and has extensive safe operating history foroperation at 50% of 10 MW cooling capacity. In this event, the shutdown system shall be securedin a manner such as to assure system integrity."The word "excepted" in the basis allows, for instance, a component, such as the primary coolantheat exchanger in the shutdown system (one of two parallel legs) to be removed for repairs whilestill allowing 5 MW operation with the operating system while not being in violation ofSpecification 5.2.a. Specification 5.2.c allows for Mode II operation with just one system, or leg.The basis for 5.2.a states: "Specification 5.2.e assures strength and corrosion resistance of thecoolant system components and excepts some components in the instrumentation of the systemwhich are not commercially available in the materials specified. The size of these components issuch that a failure would not result in a hazard to safe operation of the reactor."The word "excepted" in the basis allows "...some components in the instrumentation of the systemwhich are not commercially available in the materials specified. The size of these components issuch that a failure would not result in a hazard to safe operation of the reactor." This exceptionallows for materials other than those stated in Specification 5.2.e.Page 40 of 40 ATTACHMENT 1 AAP-RO-l 15Revision 2MODIFICATION RECORD: LONG FORMModification Number: 05-8Modification Title: Replacement of Primary Coolant System Heat Exchangers HX 503A and HX 503BPage No.12345a-c6789Page TitleModification Record: Long FormModification DescriptionHazards Summary Report EvaluationReactor Safety EvaluationOperator Review and EvaluationOperating Procedure EvaluationCP and PM EvaluationParts RequirementsSpare Parts and Technical ManualRequirementsRequired DateYes No Completed_ 12 0-5K-(I12 -Z- 015"/I e-6 a"ro/-, .- iBy(Initials)50.59 Screen orEvaluation Completed: _(Asst. Reactor Manager -E gneering)Modification Approved:( ReactorMan er)Modification Completed: ,4(Reactor MagDate: /2--- --gDate: /2- -e--ODate: /2-Z'-ocREVIEW AND FOLLOW-UP ACTIONItem No.1234Page TitleReactor Safety Subcommittee ReviewReactor Advisory Committee ReviewU.S. NRC ReviewMURR Prints UpdatedRequiredYes NoDateCompleted.)-?-o7A,,/1, -Documented by(Initials),,d/Z.4IAttachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 1 ORIGINALAP-RO-1 15Revision 2 IModification Number: 05-8MODIFICATION DESCRIPTIONProvide a concise description of the system change. Include any proposed PRE-OPERATIONALTESTS required for this change. (If additional pages are necessary, insert after this page.)The primary coolant system consists of the reactor pressure vessels, two main circulating pumps, two heatexchangers, two automatic isolation valves, a pressurizer, a closed in-pool convective cooling system(decay heat removal system), an in-pool invert loop and anti-siphon system, a fuel element failuremonitoring system, a bypass loop for water clean-up, and associated piping and valves. Instrumentation isinstalled to monitor the system's operation, pressures, water temperatures, and flows.The primary coolant heat exchangers, designated as HX503A and HX503B, are tube-type, water-to-watershell, with removable tube bundles. The primary coolant flow makes two passes through the tube side ofthe heat exchanger with a velocity of no greater than 7 ft/sec. At a maximum of 1,600 gpm of secondarywater flow and an inlet water temperature at 87 OF (31 OC), one heat exchanger is capable of removing17E6 BTU/hr of heat from 1,800 gpm of primary coolant and returning it at 140 OF (60 OC). Two heatexchangers are installed for design power operation.This Modification Record will be used as the initiating document in a coordinated set of Addendums whosepurpose is to replace the existing primary coolant heat exchangers, modify and upgrade existing flowdetectors and associated instrumentation, replace affected primary coolant system piping, and replace andreplumb affected secondary coolant system piping. Each major system modification (i.e. -Instrumentation,primary and secondary coolant system hydraulics) will be documented as a separate Addendum to thisModification Record. Each Addendum will include all of the information that a Long Form ModificationRecord contains: Modification Description, Hazards Summary Report Evaluation (including 50.59 Screeningor Evaluation, if applicable), Reactor Safety Evaluation, Spare Parts Requirements, and any Operating orCompliance Procedure, Print, and/or PM revision required. Additionally, a formal crew evaluation, andsubsequent review and approval by the Reactor Manager will be performed for each Addendum. Thefollowing two Addendums are proposed as the initial scope of work for this Modification Record.Modification Record 05-8, Addendum 1 will detail the instrumentation changes required to implementreplacement of the primary coolant heat exchangers. This addendum primarily documents the changesassociated with relocating two existing reactor safety system flow measurement instruments to newdetectors, and associated changes to the control room Instrument Cabinet.Modification Description continued on Page 2a.2Attachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 1 ORIGINALAP-RO- 115Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8MODIFICATION DESCRIPTION (con't)Addendum 2 will detail the primary coolant system changes required to implement replacementof the primary coolant heat exchangers. This Addendum primarily documents the following fivemodifications: (1) the choice of the replacement heat exchangers; (2) the geometry of theprimary coolant piping required to backfit the replacement heat exchangers; (3) replacement ofthe existing flow orifice flanges to provide additional independent flow detection output; (4) thegeometry of the secondary coolant piping required to backfit the replacement heat exchangers;and (5) installation of additional secondary coolant piping and valves required to providebackflush capability for the new heat exchangers.The addendums described above are planned to be implemented during one week-long outage inDecember of 2006. Additional work coinciding with that outage includes: Replacement of thePool Coolant System Heat Exchanger (Modification Record 94-4; Addendum I); Replacement ofPool Coolant System Piping (Modification Record 05-6); Updating the "White Rat" Overlays(Modification Record 75-16; Addendum 3); and Replacement of Graphite Reflector Elements 6,7 and 8.2aAttachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 1 ORIGINALAP-RO-I 15Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8HAZARDS SUMMARY REPORT EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a modification to the reactor facility as defined in the Hazards SummaryReport'?Yes: ___No: Signature: Date: I___-_ _'-If YES, make an analysis below and provide the suggested revision(s) to the HSR. If NO, outlinethe basis for the decision.This modification does involve a change to the reactor facility as defined in the Hazards Summary Report(HSR) and its addenda.Due to the extensive nature of and multiple systems affected by this modification, an HSR analysis will beperformed for each Addendum and the suggested revisions to the HSR and its addenda, as required, will bedocumented in that Addendum. No specific references or suggestions will be stated here.3Attachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 1ORIGINANAP-RO- 115Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8REACTOR SAFETY EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a revision(s) to the Technical Specifications or a safety hazard as describedin 10 CFR 50.59?NOTE: A licensee may make changes to the facility as described in the HSR without obtaining a license amendmentonly if:(i) A change to the Technical Specifications incorporated in the license is not required, and(ii) The change does not produce any of the following results:I. More than a minimal increase in the frequency of occurrence of an accident previously evaluated inthe HSR;2. More than a minimal increase in the likelihood of occurrence of a malfunction of an SSC important tosafety previously evaluated in the HSR;3. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of an accident previously evaluated in the HSR;4. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of a malfunction of an SSC important to safetypreviously evaluated in the HSR;5. Create a possibility for an accident of a different type than previously evaluated in the HSR;6. Create a possibility for a malfunction of an SSC important to safety with a different result than anypreviously evaluated in the HSR;7. Altering or exceeding a design basis limit for a fission product barrier as described in the HSR;8. A departure from a method of evaluation described in the HSR used in establishing the design bases orthe safety analyses.Yes: No: __Signature: Z4*Date: /z-& -If YES, the change must be performed using a Long Form Modification Record. If NO, outline thebasis for the decision.This modification does not involve a change to the Technical Specifications or a question pursuant to 10 CFR50.59. A 50.59 Screen (06-32) is attached which shows that the proposed activity may be implementedwithout further evaluation or license amendment.Specific impacts related to reactor safety are analysed in each of the planned Addendums to this ModificationRecord. An additional 50.59 Screen will be performed for each of those Addendums as well.Deliberate planning has been done to ensure the following reactor safety elements:1. No significant impact to the thermal-hydraulic characteristics of the Primary Coolant System;2. No new mechanism for initiating a loss of coolant or loss of flow accident;3. No deviation from the Safety System Instrumentation requirements of the Technical Specifications;4. No new or unreviewed mode of failure for the new plate-type heat exchangers or instrumentationcomponents; and5. No deviation from the single failure criteria of IEEE-279.4Attachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 1 ORIGINALAP-RO-l 15Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8OPERATOR REVIEW AND EVALUATIONOperators are asked to comment on any safety and/or operational concerns relating to the proposedchange. Pleas indicate any additions, questions, or changes regarding the Hazards Summary Reportand Reactor Safety evaluations.Name Comments_____.___,, _____,PJO't"5aAttachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 1 ORIGINALAP-RO- 115Revision 2 IModification Number: 05-8OPERATOR REVIEW AND EVALUATION (CONT.)Name Comments5bAttachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 1 ORIGINAIAP-RO-115Revision 2 IModification Number: 05-8OPERATOR REVIEW AND EVALUATION (CONT.)Name Comments5cAttachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 1ORIGINALAP-RO-I 15Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8OPERATING PROCEDURE AND PRINT EVALUATIONIf a revision to, or a new Operating Procedure and/or Print are required in order to implement thechange, note the Procedure or Print Number, Title, and Section and attach a copy of the proposednew or revised procedure or print.OPERATING PROCEDURESNumberN/ATitleSectionRequired revisions to any Operating Procedure will bespecified in the applicable Addendum to this ModificationRecord.PRINTSNumberN/ATitleRequired revisions to any Print will be specified in the applicable Addendum to thisModification Record.6Attachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 1ORIGINALAP-RO-1 15Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8COMPLIANCE AND PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE EVALUATIONIf a revision to, or a new Compliance and/or Preventative Maintenance Procedure are required inorder to implement the change, note the Procedure Number, Title, and Frequency and attach a copyof the proposed new or revised procedure.COMPLIANCF PROCEDI IRESTitleNumberNIAFrequencyRequired revisions to any Compliance Procedure will bespecified in the applicable Addendum to this ModificationRecord.NumberN/APREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURESTitleRequired revisions to any Preventative MaintenanceProcedure will be specified in the applicable Addendumto this ModificationRecord.Frequency7Attachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 1nRIGINALAP-RO-115Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8PARTS REQUIREMENTSList all parts that are required in order to implement the change, noting Part Number, Description,and Quantity.Part NumberNonePart DescriptionRequired Parts will be specified in the applicable Addendum to thisModification Record.PO No.:Ordered From:Date:PO No.:Ordered From:Date:PO No.: Date:Ordered From:PO No.: Date:Ordered From:8Attachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 1nRIGINALAP-RO-l 15Revision 2 IModification Number: 05-8SPARE PARTS and TECHNICAL MANUAL REQUIREMENTSList all spare parts and technical manuals that are required in order to implement the change, notingPart Number, Description, and Quantity, and Manual Title and where ordered from.Part NumberN/ASPARE PARTSPart DescriptionReauired Spare Parts will be specified in the applicableAddendum to this Modification Record.PO No.: Date: PO No.: Date:Ordered From: Ordered From:PO No.: Date: PO No.: Date:Ordered From: Ordered From:TECHNICAL MANUALSManual TitleOrdered FromRequired Technical Manuals will be specified in theapplicable Addendum to this Modification Record.9Ree0FrAttachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 1AP-RR-003Revision 450.59 SCREENActivity Screening Number: 06-32 Page I of 2Title: "Modification Record 05-8, Replacement of Primary Coolant System Heat Exchangers HX503A and HX 503B"Description of Activity (what is being changed and why):This Modification Record is the umbrella record for replacing the Primary System HeatExchangers. Each addendum will also be separately screened based on the specificmodifications described within them.Safety Determination:Does the proposed activity have the potential to adversely affect nuclear safety or safefiiciliity (i.e., xMURR) operations? YES NOIf this question is answered yes, do not continue with this procedure. Identify and report the concern tothe Reactor Manager.50.59 Screening Questions:I. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a design.Junction Xdescribed in the HSR? YES NO2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to a pIrocedurt that adversely affects how HSP Xdescribed SSC design functions are performed, controlled, or tested? YES NO3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an HSR described evaluation methodology Xthat is used in establishing the design bases or used in the safet, analyses? YES NO4. Does the proposed activity involve a test or exvpeirimeut not described in the HSR, where an SSC is Xutilized or controlled in a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for that SSC or YES NOis inconsistent with analyses or descriptions in the HSR?5. Does the proposed activity require a change to the MURR Technical Specifications? XYES NOIt" all screening questions are answered NO, then implement the activity per the applicable approvcdfitclit procedure(s). A LicenseAmendment or a 50.59 Evaluation is not required.If Screcen Question 5 is answered YES, then rcqttest and receive a License Amendment prior to implementation of the activity.If Screen Question 5 is answered NO and Question I, 2, 3, or 4 is answered YES, then complete and attach a 50.59 Evaluation totto.( Refer to Attachment 9.2. ]NOTE: If the conclusion of the screening questions is that a 50.59 Evaluation is not required, provide justification for the "No"determination. In addition, list the documents (-ISR, Technical Specitications, and other Licensing Basis documents) reviewed whererelevant information was found. Include section / page numbers. Use page 2 of this foi-m to document your statements.Print Name Sign Name DatePreparer: Carl A. Herbold /2-7-0o-Reviewer:Reactor Manager: Les P. Foyto /cAttachment 9.1 ATTACHMENT 1AP-RR-003Revision 450.59 SCREEN (Cont.)Activity Screening Number: 06-32 Page 2 of 2Title: "Modification Record 05-8, Replacement of Primary Coolant System Heat Exchangers HX503A and HX 503B"If the conclusion of the five (5) Screening Questions is that a 50.59 Evaluation is not required, providejustification to support this determination: [ Use and attach additional pages as necessamy. ]I. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a designfwrction describcd in theHSR?No. The proposed activity does not involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a designfunction described in the HSR. The replacement heat exchangers and piping arrangement arechosen such that thermal and hydraulic performance will remain essentially unchanged. Thisensures that the design function of the heat exchangers remains unchanged.2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to aprocedure that adversely affects how HSR described SSC designfunctions are performed, controlled, or tested'?No. The proposed activity does not involve a change to a procedure that adversely affects theperformance, control or testing of HSR described SSC design functions. The proceduralchanges required primarily reflect addition and relocation of instrumentation valving andnomenclature. One new procedure SM-RO-105 will provide detailed steps to perform thereplacement. That procedure will also be separately screened for impacts to Reactor Safety.3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an HSI? described evaluation methodology that is used inestablishing the design bases or used in the safrty analyses?No. The proposed activity does not involve revising or replacing an HSR described evaluationmethodology that is used in establishing the design bases or used in the safety analyses. Theheat exchangers were deliberately chosen such that assumptions and conclusions of the safetyand accident analyses remain unchanged.4. Does the proposed activity involve a lest or exyperinient not described in the UISR, where an SSC is used or controlledin a ranner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for that SSC, or is inconsistent with analyses ordescriptions presented in the HSR?No. The proposed activity does not involve a test or experiment not described, outside thereference bounds, or is inconsistent with analyses or descriptions presented in the HSR.Instrumentation testing will be performed using approved post-maintenance and surveillanceprocedures, and the thermal and hydraulic performance testing will be performed using theapproved new procedure SM-RO-105 described above. All testing will be performed within SSCreference bounds described in the HSR.List the documents (HSR, Technical Specifications, and other Licensing Basis documents) reviewed whererelevant information was found. [ Include section / page numbers. ]HSR Section 5.2, 5.4, Figure 5.1, Addendum 3 Section 2.1, Figure 2.2, Addendum 4 Figure A.2,Appendix D, and Appendix E.Black and Veatch -Rep~lacement of Primary Coolant Evaluation Report (Proiect No. 400031)Technical Specifications 3.3, 3.9, 4.4, 5.2, 5.4, and Modification Record 05-8Attachment 9.1 ATTA~f p~AP-RO- 115Revision 2MODIFICATION RECORD: LONG FORMModification Number: 05-8, Addendum 1Modification Title: Replacement of Primary Coolant System Heat Exchan-qers HX 503A and HX 503B-Instrumentation PortionPage No.1345a-c6789Page TitleModification Record: Long FormModification DescriptionHazards Summary Report EvaluationReactor Safety EvaluationOperator Review and EvaluationOperating Procedure EvaluationCP and PM EvaluationParts RequirementsSpare Parts and Technical ManualRequirementsRequired DateYes No Completed7" /2--2-o,____ _____-a-J oc/- __ (2..- By(initials)50.59 Screen orEvaluation Completed:(Asst. Reactor Manager -Engineering)Modification Approved: -4Mant er(Reactor Man er)Modification Completed:(Reactor nager)Date: 1/2--/0-06"Date: /2-/16-o"Date: /2-C-oCREVIEW AND FOLLOW-UP ACTIONItem No.1234Page TitleReactor Safety Subcommittee ReviewReactor Advisory Committee ReviewU.S. NRC ReviewMURR Prints UpdatedRequiredYes No/7DateCompleted3-9e?-07A.. Documented by(InitiasIAttachment 8.2ORIGINAL Aýtd 2AP-RO-115Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8, Addendum 1MODIFICATION DESCRIPTIONProvide a concise description of the system change. Include any proposed PRE-OPERATIONALTESTS required for this change. (If additional pages are necessary, insert after this page.)Primary coolant system flow rate is currently measured at the following locations with the stated FlowTransmitters (FT) and Differential Pressure Sensors (DPS):(a) Downstream of Primary Coolant Heat Exchanger HX 503A -FT-912A;(b) Downstream of Primary Coolant Heat Exchanger HX 503B -FT-912E;(c) Differential pressure across Primary Coolant Heat Exchanger HX 503A -DPS-928A;(d) Differential pressure across Primary Coolant Heat Exchanger HX 503B -DPS-928B; and(e) Differential pressure across the reactor core -DPS-929.Primary coolant flow rate is recorded on a strip-chart, two-pen recorder mounted on the control roomInstrument Panel. Differential pressure across orifice plates (FE-913A and FE-9138) located downstream ofHX 503A and HX 503B is measured by FT-912A and FT-912E, respectively. The output signal generatedby each flow transmitter is directed to a square root converter which provides a linear output signal to therecorder and a dual alarm unit. In addition to providing flow indication, the recorder will initiate a "ReactorLoop Lo Flow" annunciator alarm if primary coolant flow downstream of either heat exchanger decreases to95% of the normal operating value. If primary coolant flow decreases to 90% of the normal value, a reactorscram and a "Reactor Loop Lo Flow Scram" annunciator alarm are initiated. The dual alarm unit for FT-912A opens a contact (K30-2) in the process input string to E4A of the reactor safety system non-coincidence logic units (NCLU), thereby interrupting power to the control blade electromagnets. The dualalarm unit for FT-912E opens a contact (K38-2) in the process input string to E3B of the NCLUs.A primary coolant low flow scram may also be initiated by a low differential pressure across the primarycoolant heat exchangers. Differential pressure across HX 503A and HX 5038, which provides an indicationof flow, is measured by DPS-928A and DPS-928B, respectively. The output signal produced by eachdifferential pressure sensor is directed to an alarm unit. If primary coolant flow decreases to 90% of thenormal operating value, a reactor scram is initiated. The alarm unit for DPS-928A opens a contact in theprocess input string to E3B of the safety system NCLUs, thereby interrupting power to the control bladeelectromagnets. The alarm unit for DPS-928B opens a contact in the process input string to E4A of theNCLUs. The alarm units will also de-energize relays 2K24 and 2K26, which will cause the following actionsto occur:1. "Low Primary HX Delta-P Scram" annunciator alarm is initiated; and2. In-Pool Heat Exchanger Isolation Valves V546A and V546B open.As discussed in Modification Record 05-8, this addendum documents the instrumentation changes that arenecessary to support the replacement of the current shell and tube-type primary coolant heat exchangerswith new plate-type heat exchangers. Addendum 2 documents changes to the hydraulics of the primaryand secondary coolant systems, namely the new heat exchangers and associated piping changes.Modification Description continued on Page 2a.2Attachment 8.20RIGINAL  

Revision as of 04:18, 27 March 2018

Written Communication as Specified by 10 CFR 50.4(b)(1) Regarding the Response to the University of Missouri at Columbia - Request for Additional Information Regarding the Renewal of Facility Operating License No. R-103 for the University o
Person / Time
Site: University of Missouri-Columbia
Issue date: 01/28/2015
From: Butler R A, Fruits J L
Univ of Missouri - Columbia
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML15034A472 List:
TAC ME1580
Download: ML15034A474 (602)


{{#Wiki_filter:UNIVERSITY of MISSOURIRESEARCH REACTOR CENTERJanuary 28, 2015U.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionAttention: Document Control DeskMail Station P1-37Washington, DC 20555-0001REFERENCE: Docket 50-186University of Missouri-Columbia Research ReactorAmended Facility License R-103SUBJECT: Written communication as specified by 10 CFR 50.4(b)(1) regarding the response tothe "University of Missouri at Columbia -Request for Additional InformationRegarding the Renewal of Facility Operating License No. R-103 for the University ofMissouri at Columbia Research Reactor (TAC No. ME1580)," dated December 3,2014; Two attachments (22 and 23) should be withheld from public disclosure per 10CFR 2.390On August 31, 2006, the University of Missouri-Columbia Research Reactor (MURR) submitted arequest to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to renew Amended Facility OperatingLicense No. R- 103.On December 3, 2014, as part of the NRC staff s review of the renewal request, the NRC requestedadditional information in the form of two (2) questions. Those questions, and MURR's responses tothose questions, are attached. Additionally, we request that you withhold Attachments 22 and 23, ProjectRL-76, "Production of 1-131 Radiochemical Sodium Iodide Solution," and 50.59 Screen No. 12-07,"Iodine-131 Processing Laboratory," respectively, from public disclosure per 10 CFR 2.390. Attached isthe affidavit, dated January 27, 2015, which explains the reasoning for this request. The Attachments areclearly labeled "Withhold from Public Disclosure Under 10 CFR 2.390."If there are questions regarding this response, please contact me at (573) 882-5319 I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.ENDORSEMENT:Sincerely, Reviewed and Approved,John L. Fruits Ralph A. Butler, P.E. DONNA RATHKENotary Public -Notary SealReactor Manager Director State of MissouriCommissioned for Boone CountyMy Commission Expires: August 15, 2017Commission Number: 135151901513 Research Park Drive Columbia, MO 65211 Phone: 573-882-4211 Fax: 573-882-6360 Web: www.murr.missouri.eduFighting Cancer with Tomorrow's Technology Enclosed:Attachment 1:Attachment 2:Attachment 3:Attachment 4:Attachment 5:Attachment 6:Attachment 7:Attachment 8:Attachment 9:Attachment 10:Attachment 11:Attachment 12:Attachment 13:Attachment 14:Attachment 15:Attachment 16:Attachment 17:Attachment 18:Modification Record 05-08; "Replacement of Primary Coolant System HeatExchangers HX 503A and HX 503B"Modification Record 05-08, Addendum 1; "Replacement of Primary Coolant SystemHeat Exchangers HX 503A and HX 503B -Instrumentation Portion"Modification Record 05-08, Addendum 2; "Replacement of Primary Coolant SystemHeat Exchangers HX 503A and HX 503B -Heat Exchanger and Piping Portion"Modification Record 94-04, Addendum 1; "Replacement of Pool Coolant System HeatExchanger HX52 1"Modification Record 05-06; "Replace Pool Pump Piping"Modification Record 09-01; "Interfacing MURR Systems with the Shipping andReceiving Building"Modification Record 11-02, "Replace Cooling Tower"Modification Record 14-01; "Interfacing MURR System Changes in Support of theMURR Industrial Building Eastward Expansion"Modification 14-01, Addendum 1; "Construction of Usable Laboratory Spaces withinthe Expanded MURR Industrial Building"Modification Record 88-07, Addendum 3; "Exhaust Ventilation in MIB EastwardExpansion"Modification Record 90-01, Addendum 3; "Evacuation System Changes in Support ofthe MURR Industrial Building Eastward Expansion"Modification Record 0 1-02, Addendum 11; "Intercom and Paging System Changes inSupport of the MURR Industrial Building Eastward Expansion"Modification Record 01-09, Addendum 5; "Emergency Electrical in MIB EastwardExpansion"Modification Record 03-03, Addendum 5; "Fire Protection System Changes in Supportof the MURR Industrial Building Eastward Expansion"Modification Record 03-03, Addendum 6; "Fire Protection System Changes in Supportof the MIB Eastward Expansion Fit-out"Modification Record 04-03, Addendum 2; "Liquid Radioactive Waste in MIBEastward Expansion"Modification Record 14-02; "Normal Electrical Distribution in MIB EastwardExpansion"Modification Record 14-04; "Lab Impex Iodine Duct Monitor"


19:Attachment 20:Attachment 21:Attachment 22:Attachment 23:Attachment 24:Attachment 25:Modification Record 75-16, Addendum 4; "Reactor Safety System Monitoring Circuit("White Rat') Panel -Revision to Panel Overlays in Support of Flux-Trap IrradiationsReactivity Safety Trip (FIRST)"Modification Record 06-03, Addendum 2; "Replace Flux Trap Holder Wear Ring"Modification Record 11-01; "Flux-trap Irradiations Reactivity Safety Trip (FIRST)Instrument Channels"Project RL-76; "Production of 1-131 Radiochemical Sodium Iodide Solution"(Proprietary version -withhold from public disclosure per 10 CFR 2.390)50.59 Screen No. 12-07; "Iodine-131 Processing Laboratory"(Proprietary version -withhold from public disclosure per 10 CFR 2.390)Project RL-76; "Production of 1-131 Radiochemical Sodium Iodide Solution"(Redacted version -maybe released to the public)50.59 Screen No. 12-07; "Iodine-131 Processing Laboratory"(Redacted version -maybe released to the public)xc: Reactor Advisory Committee, w/o attachmentsReactor Safety Subcommittee, w/o attachmentsDr. Kenneth Dean, Interim Provost, w/o attachmentsDr. Robert Hall, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research, w/o attachmentsMr. Alexander Adams, U.S. NRC, w/o attachmentsMr. Geoffrey A. Wertz, U.S. NRC, w/o attachmentsMr. Johnny Eads, U.S. NRC, w/o attachments The MURR license renewal application (LRA,) SAR was submitted August 31, 2006. Changes to thefacility since that time have been summarized in the MURR Annual Reports, but detailedinformation, including any relevant safety analyses, updated SAR sections, or results of any reviewsof those changes performed in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.59, have not beenprovided NUREG-1537, Section 1.8, "Facility Modifications and History, "provides guidancethat significant modifications to the facility should be provided in the LRA.a. Provide a list of the significant changes to the MURR facility since the submittal of the LRAin August 2006.The following are all of the facility modifications that were implemented at MURR in accordancewith administrative procedure AP-RO- 115, "Modification Records," since the license renewalapplication (LRA) was submitted. The modifications are listed by the year that they werecompleted. Additionally, proposed changes to the Safety Analysis Report (SAR) based on thesemodifications are also listed as well as whether the modification was performed under a LicenseAmendment or 10 CFR 50.59.Furthermore, at the end of this section is revised wording to Sections 1.7.3 and 1.7.4 of the LRASAR. These facility changes would be considered "significant modifications" as per NUREG-1537, Section 1.8, and Modification Records and 50.59 Screens which document implementation ofthese changes are included as attachments. Facility changes performed under a LicenseAmendment are also documented under a Modification Record, such as License Amendment No.35 which was implemented under Modification Records 75-16, Addendum 4; 06-03, Addendum 2;and 11-01 (Attachments 19, 20 and 21). License Amendment No. 34 did not require any changes tothe LRA SAR but the most recent version of the relicensing Technical Specifications (January 27,2014, ADAMS Accession No. ML14030AI32) does incorporate this change (TS 3.6.o). LicenseAmendment No. 36 revised the Safety Limits. Section 2.1 of the most recent version of therelicensing Technical Specifications does incorporate this change. Sections 4.6.2 and 4.6.3 of theLRA SAR will be replaced by Attachment 11 (Appendix F) of the August 24, 2011 submittal insupport of License Amendment No. 36.Page 4 of 40 FACILITY MODIFICATIONS -YEAR 2006:1. Modification 94-04, Addendum 1; "Replacement of Pool Coolant System Heat Exchanger HX521"a) This addendum to Modification Record 94-04, "The Replacement of the Pool Tube andShell Heat Exchangers with a Plate Type," documents the replacement of the current plate-type pool coolant heat exchanger with the exact same model that was initially installed in1995 (with 151 plates). Since installation in 1995, the pressure drop across the heatexchanger had steadily increased, which resulted in a decrease in total pool coolant systemflow rate. An evaluation of the pool coolant heat exchanger was performed in February2005 by the Engineering Firm Black & Veatch (B&V), Kansas City, Missouri. In theevaluation B&V states that due to the tight clearances between the plates, the heatexchanger will act like a filter and collect impurities in the water. Additionally, the makerof the heat exchanger (Graham Corporation) had previously inspected plates that had whatappeared to be a thin layer of surface contaminants. Both of these factors are sufficient tocause an increase in the pressure drop across the heat exchanger. Installation of the newheat exchanger returned total pool coolant system flow rate to design values.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.2. Modification 05-08; "Replacement of Primary Coolant System Heat Exchangers HX 503A andHX 503B"a) This Modification Record was used as the initiating document in a coordinated set ofaddenda whose purpose was to replace the existing primary coolant system heatexchangers, modify and upgrade existing flow detectors and associated instrumentation,replace affected primary coolant system piping, and replace and re-plumb affectedsecondary coolant system piping. Each major system modification (i.e. -instrumentation,and primary and secondary coolant system hydraulics) was documented as a separateaddendum to this Modification Record.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.3. Modification 05-08, Addendum 1; "Replacement of Primary Coolant System Heat ExchangersHX 503A and HX 503B -Instrumentation Portion"a) This addendum to Modification Record 05-08, "Replacement of Primary Coolant SystemHeat Exchangers HX 503A and HX 503B," documents the instrumentation changes thatwere necessary to support the replacement of the old shell and tube-type primary coolantheat exchangers with new plate-type heat exchangers.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 5 of 40 Page 7-12 through 7-15, Table 7-3, Instrument Panel Instrumentation:Delete:Replace with:Delete:Replace with:Delete:Replace with:Delete:Replace with:Delete:Replace with:Delete:Replace with:Delete:Replace with:Delete:Replace with:Delete:Replace with:Add:Add:"26 Primary Coolant HX503A Outlet Temperature Meter -TE 980A""26"27"27"43"43"46"46"89"89"90"90"91"91"100"100"101"101"133"134Primary & Pool Coolant Demineralizer Flow Recorder -2 Pen"Primary Coolant HX503A Outlet Temperature Meter -TE 980B"Dual Alarm Unit (EP 920E/F) Primary Low Flow Scram"Square Root Transmitter (EP 919E) -Primary Flow "B" Loop"Square Root Transmitter (EP 919E) -Primary Flow "A" Loop"Alarm Unit -Pressurizer Water Level"Square Root Transmitter (EP 919G) -Primary Flow "B" Loop"Primary Coolant System Flow Recorder -2 Pen"Primary Coolant System "A" Loop Flow Recorder -2 Pen"Pool Coolant System Flow Recorder -2 Pen"Primary Coolant System "B" Loop Flow Recorder -2 Pen"Primary & Pool Coolant Demineralizer Flow Recorder -2 Pen"Pool Coolant System Flow Recorder -2 Pen"Primary Coolant HX503A Differential Pressure Meter -DPS 928A"Primary Coolant HX503A Outlet Temperature Meter -TE 980A"Primary Coolant HX503B Differential Pressure Meter -DPS 928B"Primary Coolant HX503B Outlet Temperature Meter -TE 980B"Dual Alarm Unit (EP 920G/H) Primary Low Flow Scram"Square Root Transmitter (EP 919H) -Primary Flow "B" Loop"Page 7-46 and 47, Section, Primary Coolant System:Delete: "Primary coolant system flow is measured at the following locations withthe indicated Flow Transmitters (FTs) and Differential Pressure Sensors (DPSs);(a) Downstream of Primary Coolant Heat Exchanger (HX503A) -FT 912A;(b) Downstream of Primary Coolant Heat Exchanger (HX503B) -FT 912E;(c) Differential Pressure across HX503A -DPS 928A;(d) Differential Pressure across HX503B -DPS 928B; and(e) Differential Pressure across the Reactor Core -DPS 929.Primary coolant system flow is recorded on a strip-chart, two-penrecorder mounted on the instrument panel. Differential pressure across orificePage 6 of 40 plates (Flow Element 913A and 913B) located downstream of HX503A andHX503B is measured by FT 912A and FT 912E, respectively. The output signal(10 to 50 mA) generated by each flow transmitter is directed to a Square RootConverter which provides a linear output signal for the two-pen recorder and aDual Alarm Unit. In addition to providing flow indication, the recorder willinitiate a "Reactor Loop Lo Flow" annunciator alarm if primary coolant flowdownstream of either heat exchanger decreases to 95% of the normal operatingvalue. If primary coolant flow decreases to 90% of the normal value, a reactorscram and a "Reactor Loop Lo Flow Scram" annunciator alarm are initiated. TheDual Alarm Unit for FT 912A opens a contact (K30-2) in the process input stringto E4A of the Reactor Safety System NCLUs, thereby interrupting power to thecontrol blade electromagnets. The Dual Alarm Unit for FT 912E opens a contact(K38-2) in the process input string to E3B of the NCLUs.A primary coolant system low flow scram may also be initiated by a lowdifferential pressure across the primary coolant heat exchangers. Differentialpressure across HX503A and HX503B, which provides an indication of flow, ismeasured by DPS 928A and DPS 928B, respectively. The output signal (4 to 20mA) produced by each differential pressure sensor is directed to an Alarm Unit.If primary coolant flow decreases to 90% of the normal operating value, a reactorscram is initiated. The Alarm Unit for DPS 928A opens a contact in the processinput string to E3B of the Reactor Safety System NCLUs, thereby interruptingpower to the control blade electromagnets. The Alarm Unit for DPS 928B opensa contact in the process input string to E4A of the NCLUs. The Alarm Units willalso de-energize relays 2K24 and 2K26, which will cause the following actionsto occur:1. "Low Primary HX AP Scram" annunciator alarm is initiated; and2. In-Pool Heat Exchanger Isolation Valves V546A and V546B open.The output signals produced by DPS 928A and DPS 928B also powermeters on the instrument panel, thus providing the reactor operator with anindication of primary coolant heat exchanger differential pressure."Replace with: "Primary coolant system flow is measured at the following locations withthe indicated Flow Transmitters (FTs) and Differential Pressure Sensors (DPSs);(a) Downstream of Primary Coolant Heat Exchanger (HX503A) -FT 912Aand FT 912E;(b) Downstream of Primary Coolant Heat Exchanger (HX503B) -FT 912Gand FT 912H; and(c) Differential Pressure across the Reactor Core -DPS 929.Page 7 of 40 Primary coolant system flow measurement system includes two orificeplates, one in each of the two heat exchanger legs. Flow as measured by twotransmitters connected to each orifice plate is recorded on two, two-pen recordersmounted on the instrument panel. Differential pressure across orifice plates(Flow Element 913A and 913B) located downstream of HX503A and HX503B ismeasured by FT 912A and FT 912E, and FT 912G and FT 912H, respectively.The output signal (10 to 50 mA) generated by each flow transmitter is directed toa Square Root Converter which provides a linear output signal for thecorresponding two-pen recorder and a Dual Alarm Unit. In addition to providingflow indication, the recorder will initiate a "Reactor Loop Lo Flow" annunciatoralarm if primary coolant flow downstream of either heat exchanger decreases to95% of the normal operating value. If primary coolant flow decreases to 90% ofthe normal value, a reactor scram and a corresponding "Reactor Loop A Lo FlowScram" or "Reactor Loop B Lo Flow Scram" annunciator alarm is initiated. TheDual Alarm Unit for FT 912A opens a contact (K30-2) in the process input stringto E4A of the Reactor Safety System NCLUs, thereby interrupting power to thecontrol blade electromagnets. The Dual Alarm Unit for FT 912E opens a contact(K38-2) in the process input string to E3B of the NCLUs. The Dual Alarm Unitfor FT 912G opens a contact in the process input string to E3B of the ReactorSafety System NCLUs, thereby interrupting power to the control bladeelectromagnets. The Alarm Unit for FT 912H opens a contact in the processinput string to E4A of the NCLUs. Alarm Unit EP No. 920 A/B and EP No. 920G/H will also de-energize relays 2K24 and 2K26 respectively, which will causethe following actions to occur:1. Corresponding "Reactor Loop A Lo Flow Scram" or "Reactor Loop BLo Flow Scram" annunciator alarm is initiated; and2. In-Pool Heat Exchanger Isolation Valves V546A and V546B open."Page 51, Table 7-8, Reactor Scrams:Delete: "15. Low Primary HX Diff. Pressure"4. Modification 05-08, Addendum 2; "Replacement of Primary Coolant System Heat ExchangersHX 503A and HX 503B -Heat Exchanger and Piping Portion"a) This addendum to Modification Record 05-08, "Replacement of Primary Coolant SystemHeat Exchangers HX 503A and HX 503B," documents the primary and secondary coolantsystem changes that were necessary to support the replacement of the old shell and tube-type primary coolant heat exchangers with new plate-type heat exchangers. Thisaddendum primarily documents the hydraulic modifications.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 8 of 40 Page 5-2, Section 5.2.4, Heat Exchangers:Delete: "The primary coolant heat exchangers are tube type, water-to-watershell, with removable tube bundles. The tubes, and all materials in contact withthe primary coolant, are made of stainless steel. The primary coolant flow makestwo passes through the tube side of the heat exchanger with a velocity of nogreater than 7 ft/sec (2.1 m/sec). At a maximum of 1,600 gpm (6,057 lpm) ofsecondary water flow and an inlet water temperature at 87 OF (31 0C), one heatexchanger is capable of removing 17 x 106 BTU/h of heat from 1,800 gpm(6,814 1pm) of primary coolant water and returning it at 140 OF (60 'C)."Replace with: "The primary coolant heat exchangers are plate-type with all surfaces incontact with the reactor coolant constructed of stainless steel. At a maximum of1,600 gpm (6,057 1pm) of secondary coolant flow at 87 OF (31 'C), one heatexchanger is capable of removing 16.9 x 106 BTU/hr of heat from 1800 gpm(6,814 1pm) of coolant and returning it at approximately 140 °F (60 'C)."Page 5-9, Section 5.4.3, Heat Exchangers:Delete: "The secondary water flow makes a single pass on the shell side of theprimary coolant system heat exchangers and on the opposite plate side of thepool coolant in the pool coolant system heat exchanger."Replace with: "The secondary coolant flows on the opposite plate side of both theprimary coolant system heat exchangers and the pool coolant system heatexchanger. In both the primary and pool coolant heat exchangers, the secondarycoolant water flows in a cross-flow configurations to the process water beingcooled."5. Modification 05-10; "Replace Pressure Vessel Tie-Rod Clevis Pins with Instrumented Load-Cell Clevis Pins"a) This Modification Record documents the replacement of the reactor pressure vessel tie-rodclevis pins with instrumented load-cell clevis pins. The clevis pins are constructed with aninternal strain gauge, as well as the full bridge circuit necessary to correlate strain totension; thus, allowing a more accurate method of determining the load applied to the tie-rods.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.6. Modification 06-01; "Removal of Pressurizer Low Liquid Level Alarm Unit EP-932 and SignalResistor Unit EP-931"a) This Modification Record documents the removal of alarm unit EP-932 and its associatedsignal resistor unit EP-93 1. EP-932 is a Bailey Type 745 Single Alarm Unit; whereas, EP-931 is a Bailey Type 766 Signal Resistor Unit. Elimination of these components allowedfor the removal of the Bailey Type 761 Instrument Rack, which was located below theother process instrumentation racks, allowing for the installation of a 4th General ElectricPage 9 of 40 Measurement and Control (GE/MAC) rack to support the additional instrumentation thatwas necessary for the primary coolant system heat exchanger project.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 7-13, Table 7-3, Instrument Panel Instrumentation:Delete: "46 Signal Resistor Unit -Pressurizer Water Level"Page 10 of 40 FACILITY MODIFICATIONS -YEAR 2007:1. Modification 90-01, Addendum 1; "Evacuation System Changes in Support of the New NorthOffice Addition"a) This addendum to Modification Record 90-01, "Evac Horn," documents changes to thefacility Evacuation System in support of the facility's new North Office Addition (NOA).The manual actuation switch was relocated and additional horns and lights were added tothe facility Evacuation System in order to safely occupy the new building addition.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 3-31, Section 3.5.5, Containment System:Delete: "(Room 202)"Replace with: "(Room 210)"Page 7-59, Section, Manual Initiation:Delete: "A second facility evacuation switch is located at the reception desk inthe facility lobby (Room 202)."Replace with: "A second facility evacuation switch is located at the reception desk inthe facility lobby (Room 210)."2. Modification 01-02, Addendum 2; "Intercommunication and Paging System Changes inSupport of the New North Office Addition"a) This addendum to Modification Record 01-02, "Installation of a New Reactor FacilityIntercommunication and Paging System," documents changes to the facilityintercommunication and paging system that are in support of the facility's new NorthOffice Addition (NOA). Additional intercom staff stations and paging speakers wereadded in order to safely occupy the new building addition.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 9-11, Table 9-1, Intercommunication System Master and Staff Station Locations:Add: The following to Table 9-1 under Staff Stations:"Corridor C2002 Cyclotron SuiteCorridor C2000 Exit to LobbyRoom 2041 Laboratory Area"3. Modification 0 1-14, Addendum 1; "120/2081V Electrical Distribution System Upgrade"a) This addendum to Modification Record 01-14, "Installation of a 300-kVA Transformer,"documents the upgrade of the facility's 120/208V electrical distribution system.Modification Record 01-14 documented the installation of a new 300-kVA transformer tohelp increase the facility's overall 120/208V load capacity while reducing the load on thePage 11 of 40 current 120/208V distribution center. This upgrade included installation of a new 300-kVAtransformer to eventually replace the existing 120/208V distribution center transformer,and to power both 300-kVA transformers via a new 480/277V high voltage panel which isfed from the laboratory building 2,000-kVA transformer.b) Modification perfonned under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.4. Modification 04-01, Addendum 1; "Replace the 943 LFE Meter Relay Unit (EP-942) with aBeede Meter Relay Unit"a) This addendum to Modification Record 04-01, "Replace the General Electric Type 551Reactor Pressure Transmitter PT-943 with a Rosemount Model 1151," documents thereplacement of the LFE Model 195 meter relay unit for primary coolant system pressuretransmitter PT-943 with a Beede Model MR4 meter relay unit. Replacement of the LFEmeter relay unit was necessary because the instrument could no longer satisfactorily passcalibration, and this particular make and model was no longer commercially available.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.5. Modification 05-01, Addendum 1; "Upgrade Pneumatic Tube System Photo Sensor Collar andCounting Circuit"a) This addendum to Modification Record 05-01, "Pneumatic Tube System Photo SensorCollar Upgrade," documents the replacement of the pneumatic tube system photo sensorcollars with a new, standardized version that supports the new fiber optic connections. ThisModification Record also documents the replacement of the photo sensor relays with fiberoptic photo relays.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.6. Modification 05-06; "Replace Pool Pump Piping"a) This Modification Record documents the replacement of certain sections of pool coolantsystem piping in order to reduce operational system head losses and therefore increaseavailable system flow. This modification, in conjunction with the replacement of poolcoolant heat exchanger HX521 (performed under Modification Record 94-04, Addendum1), returned pool coolant system flow rate to design values.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.7. Modification 06-03; "Replace Flux Trap Holder Wear Ring"a) This Modification Record documents the replacement of the center test hole experimentalsample holder wear ring with an improved design which helps to further ensure that thePage 12 of 40 experimental contents of the sample holder remain secured during reactor operation. Thisimproved design was a corrective action for Licensee Event Report No. 05-02.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.8. Modification 07-01; "Installation of the Five and Six Inch Sample Diameter IrradiationFacility"a) This Modification Record documents the replacement of the bulk pool sample irradiationfacility with a new three-position irradiation facility of improved design and capacity. Thenew design incorporates an increased number of self-powered detectors, an underwaterrotating mechanism, and stabilizing legs for additional support.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.9. Modification 07-02; "Installation of Circuitry to Indicate a Loss of the Main Annunciator"a) This Modification Record documents the installation of circuitry that provides a visual andaudible alarm to the control room operator in the event of a loss of power or any otherabnormal condition in the main annunciator panel.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 7-11, Section 7.3.1, Annunciator:Add: "To ensure the annunciator panel remains operable, an out of normal or loss ofpower condition is indicated on the auxiliary annunciator."10. Modification 07-03; "Replace Cooling Tower Fan Vibration Switches"a) This Modification Record documents the replacement of the cooling tower fan vibrationswitches with an improved design. The new switches offer the following threeimprovements: (1) the existing switches were originally mounted near the fan gearbox andthen relocated to the motor baseplate where fan vibration levels are significantly dampedwhile the set point was not changed, (2) an ongoing effort is being made throughout thefacility, where possible, to replace switches that contain mercury, and (3) the old enclosuresno longer provided adequate weather protection to prevent corrosion of the internalelectrical connections.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.11. Modification 07-04; "Interfacing MURR Systems with the North Office Addition"a) This Modification Record was used as the initiating document to ensure that all systemsrelated to emergency response have been identified and modified prior to safely occupyingthe facility's new North Office Addition (NOA). Actual modifications to these systems -Page 13 of 40 facility evacuation, fire protection, intercommunication and paging, and emergencyelectrical power -were performed under addendums to previously approved ModificationRecords.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following changes to the SAR are required:Page 1-6, Figure 1.2, Grade Level Plan:Replace with: Updated Figure 1.2, Grade Level Plan (MURR Dwg No. 1145, Sheet 2 of 5)Page 1-10, Figure 1.6, North and East Elevation:Replace with: Updated Figure 1.6, North and East ElevationPage 6-8, Figure 6.2, Grade Level Floor Plan:Replace with: Updated Figure 1.2, Grade Level Plan (MURR Dwg No. 1145, Sheet 2 of 5)12. Modification 07-05; "Beamport 'E' Changes to Replace Collimator Liner in Support of Boron-Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) Project"a) This Modification Record documents the replacement of Beamport 'E' removablecollimator liner with a new design, and the associated piping changes necessary for itsutilization. The replacement collimator liner is a combined liner and filter cavity whichutilizes as much of the 8-inch diameter portion of the collimator liner in order toaccommodate as much neutron and gamma filter material as possible. Due to this largerdiameter filter material, no provisions can be made in the collimator liner for the heliumand water connections, or concrete shielding annulus.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.Page 14 of 40 FACILITY MODIFICATIONS -YEAR 2008:1. Modification 75-01, Addendum 2; "Addition of Jumpers to Electronic Circuit Jumper Panel"a) This addendum to Modification Record 75-01, "Electronic Circuits Jumper Panel,"documents the addition of three jumper circuits to support the surveillance requirements ofnew flow detector instrument channels that were installed during the recent upgrade to theprimary coolant system. The electronic circuit jumper panel provides a positive means of(1) inserting and removing circuit jumpers for maintenance, surveillance, andtroubleshooting, and (2) verifying that the jumpers are removed.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.2. Modification 01-02, Addendum 3; "Removal and Relocation of Unused StaffIntercommunication Stations"a) This addendum to Modification Record 01-02, "Installation of a New Reactor FacilityIntercommunication and Paging System," documents the removal and relocation of twointercom staff stations in the Intercommunication and Paging System. One staff station,which was previously located in the laboratory building outer corridor, was relocated nearthe outer airlock door to aid in communication when entering the containment building.The staff station located in Room 271 was removed since it was no longer required at thislocation.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 9-11, Table 9-1, Intercommunication System Master and Staff Station Locations:Delete: The following to Table 9-1 under Staff Station:"Room 210 Laboratory Building Outer CorridorRoom 271 Machinery ShopCorridor C2000 Exit to Lobby"Add: The following to Table 9-1 under Staff Stations:"Room 287 Central Corridor"3. Modification 05-01, Addendum 2; "Replace Pneumatic Tube System Irradiation Counter"a) This addendum to Modification Record 05-01, "Pneumatic Tube System Photo SensorCollar Upgrade," documents the installation of two new-style photo sensor collars to thepneumatic tube system which allow the light source and sensor to be removed or realignedwithout having to relax reactor containment integrity.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.Page 15 of 40 4. Modification 06-03, Addendum 1; "hIstall Temporary Flux Trap Holder Wear Ring"a) This addendum to Modification Record 06-03, "Replace Flux Trap Holder Wear Ring,"documents the replacement of the center test hole canister wear ring with a temporary testdesign which allows the wear ring to engage a device consisting of two position sensingswitches. This temporary installation is being performed in conjunction with ModificationRecord 08-05, "Install Temporary Prototype of the Flux-trap Irradiations Reactivity SafetyTrip (FIRST) Device," which documents the temporary installation of a prototype switchdevice which senses the position of the center test hole canister.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.5. Modification 08-02; "Addition of Service Catwalk to 15-ton Overhead Crane"a) This Modification Record documents the installation of a service catwalk to thecontainment building 15-ton overhead rectilinear crane. The crane requires periodicmaintenance, inspection and repair to safely perform its intended functions. Prior to thecatwalk, the ability to perform these items had been severely limited by the lack of aphysical access to the north-south drivetrain. The catwalk consists of two separate steelinstallations: (1) a fixed catwalk assembled and bolted as an auxiliary platform, and (2) amoving catwalk welded to the north box girder of the crane. The moving catwalk isdesigned to allow access to the north-south drive and electrical panels without limiting thenorth travel of the crane platform.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.6. Modification 08-03; "Replacement of Graphite Reflector Elements 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9"a) This Modification Record documents the replacement of eight graphite reflector elements.From April, 2005, until October, 2007, all but one of the twelve graphite reflector elementswere replaced during various maintenance evolutions. Three of these reflector elementswere documented specifically in previous Modification Records. The remaining eightreflector elements were documented in this Modification Record in order to provideconsistency in documentation.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.7. Modification 08-04; "Replacement of Demineralized Water Storage Tanks T-300 and T-301"a) This Modification Record documents the replacement of demineralized water storage tanksT-300 and T-301. Due to degradation of their phenolic liner, the original two carbon steelwater storage tanks were replaced with 3 16L stainless steel tanks of almost identical designand capacity.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 16 of 40 Page 9-21, Section 9.12.3, Reactor Plant Make-Up Water Storage Tanks:Delete: "lined carbon steel"Replace with: "stainless steel"8. Modification 08-05; "Install Temporary Prototype of the Flux-trap Irradiations ReactivitySafety Trip (FIRST) Device"a) This Modification Record documents the temporary installation of a prototype switchdevice intended to positively indicate the position of the center test hole canister when it isin its secured and latched position. The current method of calculating the total experimentreactivity worth in the center test hole includes the reactivity contribution of the center testhole canister (sample holder) itself. This is a conservative approach that severely limits thetotal available reactivity of samples loaded into the canister. The MURR is considering analternative methodology in which the reactivity contribution of the center test hole canisteris not included, and only the reactivity contribution of the experiment samples is includedin the calculation. This temporary installation is being performed in conjunction withModification Record 06-03, Addendum 1; "Install Temporary Flux Trap Holder WearRing," which documents the temporary installation of a test design wear ring on the centertest hole canister.b) Modification perfonned under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.Page 17 of 40 FACILITY MODIFICATIONS -YEAR 2009:1. Modification 90-01, Addendum 2; "Evacuation System Changes in Support of the Shipping andReceiving Building"a) This addendum to Modification Record 90-01, "Evac Horn," documents changes to thefacility Evacuation System that were necessary in order to safely occupy the new shippingand receiving building (SaRB). To ensure a prompt and effective response from facilitystaff to an emergency or abnormal condition, the facility Evacuation System was extendedinto the SaRB. One (1) horn was installed in the open space of this building.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.2. Modification 96-0 1, Addendum 2; "Removal of the Nuclepore Experiment Equipment"a) This addendum to Modification Record 96-01, "Removal of Nuclepore Gas Lines, IsolationValves, and Valve Control Wiring," documents the removal of the remaining utilityconnections and abandoned components associated with the nuclepore facility not removedunder Modification Record 96-01 and Modification Record 96-01, Addendum 1. Thenuclepore facility was installed in 1977 to provide a means of producing finely controlledporosity in an irradiated plastic film. To accommodate the required equipment aredesigned thermal column door was installed. Within this door, a removable set ofuranium-bearing 'fission plates' was exposed to thermal neutron flux in the thermal columnfacility. As the target film slid across these fission plates, the fission products releasedpenetrated the film, thus producing finely distributed perforations, which were later acid-etched to produce the desired porosity. After the nuclepore facility was decommissionedand abandoned in place in 1993, Modification Record 96-01 documented the removal ofgas lines, isolation valves and valve controls. The irradiator case (that part of theexperiment that was moved into and out of the neutron flux) was removed using reactor testprocedure RTP- 166D. Addendum I to Modification Record 96-01 documented the removaland disposal of the shield box ventilation exhaust filter housing and associated duct work.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.3. Modification 01-02, Addendum 4; "Intercommunication and Paging System Changes inSupport of the Shipping and Receiving Building"a) This addendum to Modification Record 01-02, "Installation of a New Reactor FacilityIntercommunication and Paging System," documents changes to the facilityintercommunication and paging system that were necessary in order to safely occupy thenew Shipping and Receiving Building (SaRB). To ensure a prompt and effective responsefrom facility staff to an emergency or abnormal condition, the intercommunication andpaging system was extended into the SaRB. Two (2) paging speakers were installed in thisbuilding.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.Page 18 of 40 c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.4. Modification 01-09, Addendum 3; "Emergency Electrical System in the Shipping andReceiving Building"a) This addendum to Modification Record 01-09, "Installation of Emergency Lighting PanelNo. 1," documents the addition of loads to the emergency electrical power system in thenew Shipping and Receiving Building (SaRB). This addition provides two (2) 120Vemergency power circuits to the SaRB for key systems such as fire protection and buildingaccess control.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.5. Modification 06-03, Addendum 2; "Replace Flux Trap Holder Wear Ring"a) This addendum to Modification Record 06-03, "Replace Flux Trap Holder Wear Ring,"documents the replacement of the center test hole canister temporary wear ring with adifferent design. The new ring covers a larger circumference of the flux trap holder; thus,ensuring rotation will not disengage the position sensing switches of the flux-trapirradiations reactivity safety trip (FIRST) instrument channel. This installation was done insupport of preliminary long form Modification Record, "Flux-Trap Irradiations ReactivitySafety Trip (FIRST) Instrument Channel." The prototype FIRST rig was installed underModification Record 08-05, and subsequent details of the FIRST device and its function areprovided in this Modification Record.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.6. Modification 09-01; "Interfacing MURR Systems with the Shipping and Receiving Building"a) This Modification Record was used as the initiating document to ensure all systems relatedto emergency response and routine operation have been identified and modified prior tosafely occupying the facility's new shipping and receiving building. Actual modificationsto these systems -facility evacuation, fire protection, intercommunication and paging, andnormal and emergency electrical power -were performed under addendums to previouslyapproved Modification Records.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following changes to the SAR are required:Page 1-9, Figure 1.5, Fifth Level Plan:Replace with: Updated Figure 1.5, Fifth Floor, Cooling Tower and SaRB (MURR Dwg No.1145, Sheet 5 of 5)7. Modification 09-02; "Airlock Door Control"a) This Modification Record documents the replacement of the existing pedestrian entry(airlock) door analog control system with a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)-drivenPage 19 of 40 system. In addition, the control scheme was modified to maintain both airlock doors closedand sealed when in an idle condition. All existing interlocks and protective functions werepreserved, with the addition of controls necessary to open and close both doors. ThisModification Record is classified as "Safeguards Information" due to the inclusion ofsecurity-sensitive information.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 6-15, Section 6.2.6, Description of Operations:Delete: "During normal operation of the reactor, the following conditions exist: onepedestrian entry door is closed and sealed,"Replace with: "During normal operation of the reactor, the following conditions exist: atleast one pedestrian entry door is closed and sealed,"Page 20 of 40 FACILITY MODIFICATIONS -YEAR 2010:1. Modification 01-09, Addendum 2; "Emergency Electrical System in North Office Addition"a) This addendum to Modification Record 0 1-09, "Installation of Emergency Lighting PanelNo. 1," documents the extension of the Emergency Electrical Power System to the NorthOffice Addition (NOA). This system extension provides 120/208V electrical power to keyNOA systems such as facility access and security, fire protection, computing servers, stackmonitor, and Cyclotron processing and pharmacy.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.2. Modification 10-01; "Addition of Junction Box and Terminal Board for Control Rod Drive 'D'Drive Cable"a) This Modification Record documents the addition of a junction box and terminal board tothe drive cable for control rod 'D' drive mechanism. The more frequent handling of controlrod 'D' drive mechanism drive cable increases the likelihood of damage to the cable.Previous efforts at providing strain relief at significant flexure points have been lesseffective than desired. This Modification Record documents the addition of a junction boxand terminal board near the drive mechanism. This addition reduces the magnitude offlexure and should extend the service life of the drive cable. The addition has the addedadvantage that when drive cable replacement is necessary; this work can be accomplishedwith a much shorter length of cable and can be performed entirely from the upper bridge.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.Page 21 of 40

FACILITY MODIFICATIONS -YEAR 2011:1. Modification 01-02, Addendum 5; "Intercommunication and Paging System Changes inSupport of the North Office Addition Lab Space"a) This addendum to Modification Record 01-02, "Installation of a New Reactor FacilityIntercommunication and Paging System," documents changes to the facilityintercommunication and paging system that were necessary in order to safely occupy thenew laboratory space in the North Office Addition (NOA). To ensure a prompt andeffective response from facility staff to an emergency or abnormal condition, theintercommunication and paging system was extended into the NOA laboratory space.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.2. Modification 0 1-2, Addendum 6; "Intercommunication and Paging System Changes in Supportof the North Office Addition Classroom Space, Laboratory Break Room and LaboratoryBasement"a) This addendum to Modification Record 01-02, "Installation of a New Reactor FacilityIntercommunication and Paging System," documents changes to the facilityintercommunication and paging system that were necessary in order to safely occupy thenew classroom space in the North Office Addition (NOA) and provide additional coveragewithin NOA. To ensure a prompt and effective response from facility staff to anemergency or abnormal condition, the intercommunication and paging system wasextended into the NOA classroom space, NOA break room and NOA basement.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.3. Modification 09-04; "Cooling Tower Temporary Cooling"a) This Modification Record documents the changes to the Secondary Coolant and NormalElectrical Power Systems to allow connection of temporary cooling to the existing system.The existing cooling towers cells were approaching the end of their operational lifetime dueto the degrading integrity of wooden structure members, as well as steel fan supportmembers. The planned replacement of these cells required several weeks to complete. Toensure continued reactor operation at 10 MW for the duration of the maintenance, rentalcooling towers were connected to provide a means of cooling the Secondary CoolantSystem.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.Page 22 of 40 FACILITY MODIFICATIONS -YEAR 2012:1. Modification 75-16, Addendum 4; "Reactor Safety System Monitoring Circuit (White Rat)Panel -Revision to Panel Overlays in Support of FIRST Device"a) This addendum to Modification Record 75-16, "Portable White Rat for Safety System,"documents a revision to the Reactor Safety System Monitoring Circuit ("White Rat")Panel. New overlays reflect the addition of a series of contacts in both the "green leg" and"yellow leg" of the Reactor Safety System. The new contacts provide a SCRAM functionfrom the Flux-Trap Irradiations Reactivity Safety Trip (FIRST) instrument channel. Thismodification did not change the function of the "White Rat" Panel itself.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.2. Modification 98-02, Addendum 1; "Sulfuric Acid System Changes in Support of Cooling TowerReplacement"a) This addendum to Modification Record 98-02, "Overhaul the Secondary SystemPump/Motors (SP-1, SP-2, SP-3) and Replacement of Bulk Sulfuric Acid System,"documents the reconfiguration of the existing Sulfuric Acid System due to replacement ofthe Cooling Tower cells. The replacement of the Cooling Tower removed the original opensump, resulting in a need to convert the Sulfuric Acid System from a gravity drip system toan injection system. The reconfiguration consisted of demolition of the existing gravityday tank along with the associated transfer equipment and controls, installation of aninjection metering pump and piping injector, and installation of supporting piping,electrical power and controls.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.3. Modification 01-02, Addendum 8; "Intercommunication and Paging System Changes inSupport of the Sterility Suite Rooms 2045A and 2045B"a) This addendum to Modification Record 01-02, "Installation of a New Reactor FacilityIntercommunication and Paging System," documents changes to the facilityintercommunication and paging system that were necessary in order to safely occupy thenew sterility suite in the North Office Addition (NOA) to ensure a prompt and effectiveresponse from facility staff to an emergency or abnormal condition.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.4. Modification 0 1-09, Addendum 4; "Emergency Electrical Power System in Room 231"a) This addendum to Modification Record 01-09, "Installation of Emergency Lighting PanelNo. 1," documents the transfer of loads on the Emergency Electrical Power System inRoom 231. The change consisted of transferring the one remaining load from EmergencyPage 23 of 40 Lighting Panel No. IA (ELP-IA) to the Diesel Generator Room Distribution Panel whichallowed the removal of ELP- IA.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.5. Modification 03-03, Addendum 3; "Fire Protection System Changes in Support of CoolingTower Replacement"a) This addendum to Modification Record 03-03, "Installation of a Facility FireDetection/Suppression System," documents the removal of the Deluge System in theCooling Tower due to the replacement of the Cooling Tower cells. Replacement of theCooling Tower cells, as documented in Modification Record 11-02, provided an all-stainless steel structure and significant reduction of potential fire loading, resulting in aFactory Mutual (FM) rating for the new Cooling Tower cells. This removed the need forthe existing non-freezing deluge system.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 9-8, Section 9.3, Fire Protection Systems and Programs:Delete: ", and a deluge, non-freezing system used in the cooling tower"Page 9.9, Section 9.3, Fire Protection Systems and Programs:Delete: "a deluge system used in the cooling tower,"6. Modification 05-01, Addendum 3; "Pneumatic Tube System Changes in Lab 227"a) This addendum to Modification Record 05-01, "Pneumatic Tube System Photo SensorCollar Upgrade," documents the removal of the Pneumatic Tube (P-Tube) System fromLab 227. The master control station for Labs 218 and 227 were removed from Lab 227. Anew simplified control station is now located in Lab 218. Also, the existing transfer valvefor Labs 218 and 227 were replaced with a section of tubing that directs Row 2 to Lab 218.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 10-14, Section, Description:Delete: "three sending-receiving stations"Replace with: "two sending-receiving stations"7. Modification 09-03; "Lab Jmpex Stack Monitoring System"a) This Modification Record documents the installation of a Lab Inpex Stack MonitoringSystem which provides off-gas radiation monitoring capability as required by the HazardsSummary Report (HSR) and its addenda. This system replaced a Nuclear MeasurementsCorporation (NMC) RAK Stack Monitoring System, including the function of releaseintegration, which had reached the end of its operational lifetime.Page 24 of 40 b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.8. Modification 09-03, Addendum 1; "Update to Lab Impex Stack Monitoring System"a) This addendum to Modification Record 09-03, "Lab Impex Stack Monitoring System,"documents an update to the installation of a Lab Impex Stack Monitoring System whichprovides off-gas radiation monitoring capability as required by the Hazards SummaryReport (HSR) and its addenda. This system was previously installed to replace the existingNuclear Measurements Corporation (NMC) RAK Stack Monitoring System, including thefunction of release integration. This addendum contains additional information anddocuments changes performed since initial installation. Completion of these changesallows the Lab Impex Stack Monitor to be commissioned as a licensed system, subject tosurveillance requirements of the Technical Specifications, and relied upon for use in bothemergency response and effluent reporting roles.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.9. Modification 10-02; "Addition of MURR Systems to Lab 251"a) This Modification Record documents the conversion of Room 251 to a laboratory (lab)space outfitted for the safe disposal of acids. Room 251 was not originally fitted as a labspace. Therefore all major lab utilities, save Natural Gas and Vacuum, were routed to thisspace. These include Facility Air, Deionized Water, Domestic Cold Water, Domestic HotWater, Normal Electrical Power, Exhaust Ventilation, and Radioactive Liquid Waste.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.10. Modification 11-02; "Replace Cooling Tower"a) This Modification Record documents the replacement of the existing Cooling Tower. Thereplacement of the Cooling Tower consisted of the demolition of the existing woodstructure, removal of an asbestos containing basin liner, conversion of the existing basin toa structural slab, installation of a steel elevating structure, installation of three (3) currentgeneration stainless steel modular towers, installation of associated piping and electricalcomponents and supporting instrumentation, as well as repairs to the existing mechanicalbuilding.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 5-9, Section 5.4.6, Instrumentation:Delete: Entire paragraph under Section 5.4.6Replace with: "The secondary water inlet and outlet temperatures to theprimary and pool coolant heat exchangers, the coolant flow to the poolPage 25 of 40 coolant heat exchanger and the total flow in the secondary coolantsystem, are displayed and recorded in the reactor control room."Page 5-9, Section 5.4.7, Cooling Tower:Delete:Replace with:Entire paragraph under Section 5.4.7"The cooling tower is a stainless steel, induced-draft, cross-flowtype, with three cells and two-speed fan assemblies for each cell. Thetower is designed to cool 5,400 gallons (20,440 I) of water per minute toa temperature of 85 'F (29.4 'C) from an initial temperature of 115 'F(46.1 'C) at a maximum wet bulb temperature of 80 'F (26.7 'C).Vibration and low oil cutout switches are mounted on each fan assemblyto secure the associated fan motor to prevent damage to the fan orcooling tower structure should an imbalance or low oil level conditiondevelop. The number of fans and fan speed is configured as required toprovide sufficient cooling for 10-MW operation."11. Modification 11-01; "Flux-Trap hIradiation Reactivity Safety Trip (FIRST) InstrumentChannels"a) This Modification Record documents the addition of the FIRST device to the ReactorSafety System that ensures that the Center Test Hole Canister and its contents remain inplace during reactor operation. The change is authorized by issuance of LicenseAmendment No. 35 to Amended Facility License No. R-103. Installation of the FIRSTdevice allows a change in the methodology that was previously used to calculate thereactivity contribution of samples loaded in the flux trap region.b) Modification performed under License Amendment No. 35 (issued February 9, 2012).c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 7-9, Table 7-1, Reactor Control Console Display Instruments:Add:"61 FIRST62 FIRSTOff-BypassOff-Bypass2 Pos. Key Lock2 Pos. Key Lock"Page 7-51, Table 7-8, Reactor Scrams:Add: "15. Flux-Trap Irradiation Reactivity Safety Trip (FIRST)"Page 7-51, Section 7.6.6, Surveillance:Replace with:"7.6.7 Surveillance"Page 7-51, New Section 7.6.6, Flux-Trap Irradiation Reactivity Safety Trip:Add: "The Flux-Trap Irradiation Reactivity Safety Trip (FIRST) deviceconsists of two instrument channels, including sensors, components and modules,which detect the position of the Center Test Hole Canister and converts thatposition into a logic input to the Reactor Safety System. The FIRST device iscomprised of the following components: Center Test Hole Canister Wear Ring,Page 26 of 40 Sensor Switches, Support Rig, Relays and Power Supply, Safety SystemInterface, and FIRST Bypass Switches.The FIRST device provides protection against an excessive reactivitystep insertion in the Flux Trap region. This is achieved by two independentposition sensing switches mounted on a removable support rig at the top of thepressure vessel head. In the event the Center Test Hole Canister leaves itssecured and latched position, a reactor scram and "PLI or FIRST Scram"annunciator are initiated by either or both of these sensing switches, whichactuate auxiliary relays K61 and K62, which in turn interrupt logic unit inputs toE4A and E3B of the NCLU."Page 27 of 40 FACILITY MODIFICATIONS -YEAR 2013:1. Modification 75-01, Addendum 3; "Rod Run-In Electronic Circuit Jumper Panel"a) This addendum to Modification Record 75-01, "Electronic Circuits Jumper Panel,"documents the installation of a jumper panel dedicated to the rod run-in system. Thisjumper panel supports the use of the rod run-in system monitoring circuit installed underModification Record 13-04.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 7-12/15, Table 7-3, Instrument Panel Instrumentation:Add: "138 Rod Run-In System Monitoring Circuit"2. Modification 01-02, Addendum 9; "Intercommunication and Paging System Changes inSupport of MURR Industrial Building (Room 299) Renovations"a) This addendum to Modification Record 01-02, "Installation of a New Reactor FacilityIntercommunication and Paging System," documents changes to the facilityIntercommunication and Paging System that will enhance communications in Rooms299M, N and 0.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.3. Modification 01-02, Addendum 10; "Intercommunication and Paging System Changes inSupport of MURR Industrial Building (Room 299), Room 243, Room 246 and Room 271Renovations"a) This addendum to Modification Record 01-02, "Installation of a New Reactor FacilityIntercommunication and Paging System," documents changes to the facilityIntercommunication and Paging System that will enhance communications in MURRIndustrial Building (Room 299), Room 243, Room 246 and Room 271B. It also documentsthe relocation of the Health Physics Office staff station from Room 288 to Room 271B.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.4. Modification 04-03, Addendum 1; "Liquid Radioactive Waste System In MURR IndustrialBuilding"a) This addendum to Modification Record 04-03, "Liquid Radioactive Waste Modification,"documents the changes required to incorporate the MURR Industrial Building (MIB)Liquid Radioactive Waste (LRW) system into the existing facility LRW system.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.Page 28 of 40 5. Modification 04-05, Addendum 8; "Cooling Tower Electrical Arc Flash Danger Mitigation"a) This addendum to Modification Record 04-05, "Cooling Tower Electrical UpgradeProject," documents the changes to Motor Control Center 1 in order to provide forimproved arc flash protection and subsequent classification reduction of the cooling towermotor control center.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 8-2, Section 8.1.2, Description of System (1st paragraph, last sentence):Delete: "Substation A houses two main feeder breakers, one feeder breakers provideselectrical power to a Motor Control Center (MCC) also located in the electricalequipment room, while the other breaker is an installed spare."Replace with: "Substation A houses a fused main feeder breaker and an in-line disconnect.These provide electrical power to a Motor Control Center (MCC) also located inthe electrical equipment room."6. Modification 11-03, Addendum 1; "Addition of Blow-Down Meter to the Data AcquisitionMonitoring Systemn"a) This addendum to Modification Record 11-03, "Data Acquisition and Monitoring Systemfor Secondary Coolant System," documents the installation of an additional component tothe Data Acquisition and Monitoring System for the Secondary Coolant System. Asecondary coolant blow-down transmitter and associated indication were installed to assistin monitoring the amount of secondary coolant that is required to be discharged to thesanitary sewer in order to maintain appropriate Secondary Coolant System chemistrycontrol.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.7. Modification 12-01; "Replace PT-944A/B with Rosemount Transmitters"a) This Modification Record documents the replacement of two pressure transmitters, PT-944A and PT-944B, which measures reactor core outlet pressure in the primary coolantsystem. The previous pressure transmitters could not be directly replaced due toobsolescence of both the transmitters and repair parts. The replacement pressuretransmitters meet or exceed the performance specifications of the previous transmitters.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.8. Modification 12-02; "Control Blade Fabrication Alternative Using Laser Welding"a) This Modification Record documents a fabrication alternative for construction of thecontrol blades. An assembly method using laser welding on the edge channels required aPage 29 of 40 change in the edge channel alloy. A more streamlined connection between the topmounting plate and the BORAL absorber plate was also documented.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.9. Modification 13-01; "Replacement of TE-980A and TE-980B Power Supply 2PS5"a) This Modification Record documents replacement of the power supplies for thetemperature instrument channels on Primary Coolant Heat Exchanger outlet temperatures,TE-980A and TE-980B. The previous power supply, 2PS5, was obsolete and unavailablefor purchase. The replacement power supply EP-9 11 C meets or exceeds the performancespecifications of the previous power supplies, and was relocated from behind theInstrument Cabinet to the former General Electric Measurement and Control (GE/MAC)rack on the Instrument Cabinet face.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following wording changes to the SAR are required:Page 7-12/15, Table 7-3, Instrument Panel Instrumentation:Add: "137 Isolated Power Supply (EP 911 C) -TE-980 A/B"10. Modification 13-02; "Replacement of Secondary Chemistry Controllers"a) This Modification Record documents the replacement of the Secondary Coolant System pHand conductivity controllers. The previous model controllers had become obsolete andrepair parts, were no longer available. The replacement controllers meet or exceed theperformance specifications of the existing controllers.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.11. Modification 13-03; "Replacement of the GH and IJ Wedge with a Single 60-Degree Wedge"a) This Modification Record documents the redesign and replacement of the 30-degree "GH"and "IJ" graphite reflector elements with a single 60-degree graphite reflector element(GHIJ). The new reflector element accommodates a 6-inch irradiation position as well as a3-inch, two 2-inch and two 1-inch irradiation positions designated G-6, B-3, B-2 and R-2,G-1 and H-i, respectively. The 6-inch irradiation position is designed such that a sleeveinsert with nickels bands may be installed to allow for manipulation of the flux profile.This insert is bolted securely to the element cover plate, and is inserted and/or removedonly when the reactor is shutdown. The reflector element is constructed of aluminum606 1-T6 with graphite in the void area.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.Page 30 of 40 12. Modification 13-04; "Rod Run-In Monitoring System"a) This Modification Record documents the implementation of a passive monitoring circuit onthe rod run-in system to improve troubleshooting capabilities for rod run-in signals that aretoo short in duration to detect with the annunciator system. The monitoring circuit worksin conjunction with a new jumper panel dedicated to the rod run-in system, and providesadditional unused monitoring capacity for future troubleshooting expansion. Themonitoring circuit was constructed in a manner similar to the reactor scram systemmonitoring circuit.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.13. Modification 13-05; "T-300 & T-301 Level Sensing System"a) This modification to the Reactor Plant Make-Up Water Storage Tank System documentsthe replacement of the previous level sensing and annunciating instrument channels withcurrent loop transmitters that also display the tank levels in the Control Room.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.14. Modification 13-06; "Modifications -to MURR Industrial Building (Room 299) in Support of theNS-99 Project"a) This Modification Record documents the remodeling of portions of the MURR IndustrialBuilding (Room 299) to provide the necessary space needs and services required to supportthe dispensing system for the NS-99 Project.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.Page 31 of 40 FACILITY MODIFICATIONS -YEAR 2014:1. Modification 86-01, Addendum 4; "Replacement of Graphite Reflector Element '51' -Reflector Tank Position 5A/Irradiation Position L6"a) This addendum to Modification Record 86-01, "Reflector Element 5A and 5BReplacement," documents the replacement of reflector element 51; the graphite element thataccommodates irradiation position L6. Addenda I and 3 documented the replacement ofthe same element, which occurred in March 2000 and 2006, respectively. This reflectorelement was replaced with an element of similar design and this Modification Record wasused as documentation for the replacement time, sequence, and pre- and post-maintenancetests. Replacement was due to demonstrated signs of binding between the irradiationsample holder and irradiation position inner wall.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.2. Modification 88-07, Addendum 3; "Exhaust Ventilation in MIB Eastward Expansion"a) This addendum to Modification Record 88-07, "Exhaust Ventilation Upgrade," documentsthe installation of radioactive exhaust ventilation in the newly expanded MURR IndustrialBuilding (MIB). The system consists of charcoal and high efficiency particulate air(HEPA) filter banks, constant volume control valves (CVCVs), hot cell ventilation exhaustfans, flow and pressure measurement devices, and associated ducting and dampers. Themodification to the exhaust system in the MH3 eastward expansion is designed to maintainRooms 299T, 299U and 299V at a slight negative pressure with respect to the surroundingareas; maintain hot cells HC-1 1A, HC- I B and HC-I IC at a negative pressure; provide thenecessary charcoal and HEPA filtration to ensure radioactive airborne being released to theenvironment are kept at minimum concentrations; and provide continuous monitoring of allradioactive airborne releases discharged through the MIB Eastward Expansion exhaustventilation system.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required3. Modification 90-01, Addendum 3; "Evacuation System Changes in Support of the MURRIndustrial Building Eastward Expansion"a) This addendum to Modification Record 90-01, "Evacuation Horns," documents changes tothe facility Evacuation System that are necessary in order to safely occupy the MURRIndustrial Building (MIB) Eastward Expansion. This modification adds three evacuationshorns to the areas in the MIB Eastward Expansion.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.Page 32 of 40 4. Modification 01-02, Addendum 11; "Intercom and Paging System Changes in Support of theMURR Industrial Building Eastward Expansion"a) This addendum to Modification Record 01-02, "Installation of a New Reactor FacilityIntercommunication and Paging System," documents changes to the MURRIntercommunication and Paging System that will enhance communications in the MURRIndustrial Building (MIB) Eastward Expansion through the addition of six paging speakers.The installation of an additional amplifier will reduce loading on existing paging speakeramplifiers throughout the facility, and provide capacity for future system growth facility-wide. It also documents the addition of a speaker in the Laboratory Building, as well ascorrecting minor discrepancies found during a speaker location audit.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.5. Modification 01-09, Addendum 5; "Emergency Electrical in MIB Eastward Expansion"a) This addendum to Modification Record 01-09, "Installation of Emergency Lighting PanelNo. 1," documents the addition of loads to the Emergency Electrical Power System in theMURR Industrial Building (MIB) Eastward Expansion. The addition will provide a single120V circuit, supplied by the Diesel Room Distribution Panel, to the MIB EastwardExpansion for supplying emergency lighting.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.6. Modification 03-03, Addendum 1; "Fire Protection in North Office Addition"a) This addendum to Modification Record 03-03, "Installation of a Facility FireDetection/Suppression System," documents the installation of an additional Fire ProtectionSystem in the North Office Addition (NOA) to the existing MURR FireDetection/Suppression System. The new NOA system provides two functions: a detectionsystem compromised of heat, smoke and remote manual devices, and a suppression systemthat incorporates a traditional sprinkler system with a pre-action system used in areas withsensitive electrical equipment. These systems are integrated with the remainder of theMURR Fire Detection/Suppression System at the new central control panel located in theMain Lobby. The control station continuously monitors each system component and willannunciate if any component is not in its normal condition. The sprinkler system issupplied by the MURR Fire Main Loop.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.7. Modification 03-03, Addendum 4; "Fire Protection System in the Shipping and ReceivingBuilding"a) This addendum to Modification Record 03-03, "Installation of a Facility FireDetection/Suppression System," documents the installation of an additional Fire ProtectionSystem in the new Shipping and Receiving Building (SaRB) to the existing MURR FirePage 33 of 40 Detection/Suppression System. The SaRB system provides two functions: a detectionsystem compromised of heat, smoke and remote manual devices, and a suppression systemthat incorporates a traditional sprinkler system. The sprinkler system is supplied directlyfrom the University water distribution system and is separate from the MURR Fire MainLoop. The detection system is connected to the facility control station in the Main Lobbyand will also annunciate if any component is not in its normal condition.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.8. Modification 03-03, Addendum 5; "Fire Protection System Changes in Support of the MURRIndustrial Building Eastward Expansion"a) This addendum to Modification Record 03-03, "Installation of a Facility FireDetection/Suppression System," documents the installation of a Fire Protection System inthe new MURR Industrial Building (MIB) Eastward Expansion. This phase of themodification only provides the addition of a traditional sprinkler system for the MIBEastward Expansion stairwell and mezzanine areas. The sprinkler system will beconnected to the existing MIB sprinkler header.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.9. Modification 03-03, Addendum 6; "Fire Protection System Changes in Support of the MiIBEastward Expansion Fit-out"a) This addendum to Modification Record 03-03, "Installation of a Facility FireDetection/Suppression System," documents the installation of additional Fire ProtectionSystem equipment in the newly constructed MURR Industrial Building (MIB) EastwardExpansion. The MIB Eastward Expansion system provides two functions: a detectionsystem compromised of heat, smoke and remote manual devices, and a suppression systemthat incorporates a traditional sprinkler system. The sprinkler system is supplied from theMURR Fire Main Loop via the MIB sprinkler header. All of these systems and devicescombine to form a complete Fire Detection/Suppression System and are integrated with theremainder of the MURR Fire Detection/Suppression System at the central control panel inthe Main Lobby.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.10. Modification 04-03, Addendum 2; "Liquid Radioactive Waste in MIB Eastward Expansion"a) This addendum to Modification Record 04-03, "Liquid Radioactive Waste Modification,"documents the changes required to extend facility Liquid Radioactive Waste (LRW) systemto the eastward expansion of the MURR Industrial Building (MIB). This modificationdocuments the installation of two lift stations and an elevator sump with associatedconnections to the existing MIB LRW header. Drainage from a small sink and eyewashstation on the grade level is connected to a small lift station which in turn discharges to aPage 34 of 40 larger duplex lift station located in the MIB Eastward Expansion basement. The basementlift station also receives condensate from the air handling units, cooling coils of the airconditioning system and a sink in the grade level laboratory (Room 299V). The elevatorsump discharges directly to the MIB LRW header.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.11. Modification 14-01; "hIterfacing MURR System Changes in Support of the MURR IndustrialBuilding Eastward Expansion"a) This Modification Record was used to document the basic construction of the MURRIndustrial Building (MIB) Eastward Expansion and as the initiating document to ensure thatall systems related to emergency response have been identified and modified prior to safelyoccupying the facilities MIB Eastward Expansion. Actual modifications to these systems -facility evacuation, fire protection, intercommunication and paging, and emergencyelectrical power -were performed under addendums to previously approved ModificationRecords.The MIB Eastward Expansion provides approximately 2,880 ft2 of usable space to theMURR facility. The building is construction Type II-B with a grade level floor of pouredconcrete designed for a heavy load rated. The basement flooring is also rated for heavyloads. The steel and concrete structure rests on pilings driven to bedrock. The east wall ofthe building has a masonry shield wall in part of the structure to reduce possible dose to thepublic. The building is equipped with standard heating ventilation and air conditioning.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following changes to the SAR are required:Page 1-6, Figure 1.2, Grade Level Plan:Replace with: Updated Figure 1.2, Grade Level Plan (MURR Dwg No. 1145 Sheet 2 of 5)Page 1-10, Figure 1.7, South and West Elevation:Replace with: Updated Figure 1.6, South and West ElevationPage 6-8, Figure 6.2, Grade Level Floor Plan:Replace with: Updated Figure 1.2, Grade Level Plan (MURR Dwg No. 1145 Sheet 2 of 5)12. Modification 14-01, Addendum 1; "Construction of Usable Laboratory Spaces Within theExpanded MURR Industrial Building"a) This addendum to Modification Record 14-01, "Interfacing MURR System Changes inSupport of the MURR Industrial Building Eastward Expansion," documents theconstruction of the usable laboratory spaces within, and extension of MURR systems to,the dedicated laboratory facility in the new eastward expansion to the MURR IndustrialBuilding (MIB). The laboratory contains three adjoined and inter-connected hot cellslocated on the grade level. Each hot cell is heavily shielded with lead. The area to the rearof the cells, the cask loading area, is where the cell support facilities and equipment arePage 35 of 40 located and where cells inputs and outputs occur. The area in front of the cells, theoperator area, is where the cell windows, manipulators, glove boxed and controls arelocated. There is an additional laboratory on the grade level and a full basement beneaththe expansion. The extension of existing systems such as Fire Protection, LiquidRadioactive Waste, Radioactive Exhaust Ventilation and Electrical modifications werecovered by addendums to existing Modifications Records.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) The following changes to the SAR are required:Page 1-6, Figure 1.2, Grade Level Plan:Replace with: Updated Figure 1.2, Grade Level Plan (MURR Dwg No. 1145 Sheet 2 of 5)Page 6-8, Figure 6.2, Grade Level Floor Plan:Replace with: Updated Figure 1.2, Grade Level Plan (MURR Dwg No. 1145 Sheet 2 of 5)13. Modification 14-02; "Normnal Electrical Distribution in MIB Eastward Expansion"a) This Modification Record documents the expansion of the Normal Electrical Power Systemfor the eastward expansion to the MURR Industrial Building (MIfi). Electrical power willbe supplied from the facility 2000-kVA transformer through high voltage panel HVP-3 andthe 120/208V Distribution Center 1 to a newly installed high voltage panel HVP-3A andtwo new low voltage panels designated LP-46 and HC-1 1 Electrical Power Panel. Allelectrical components have sufficient capacity to provide the necessary loads and remainbelow an 80% overall panel loading.b) Modification performed under 10 CFR 50.59.c) No wording changes to the SAR are required.Page 36 of 40 In addition to the above mentioned changes to the SAR, the following changes are also required:Page 1-30, add the following to the end of Section 1.7.3:"Amendment 34 -Date of Issuance: October 10, 2008Amendment 34 authorized the MURR to revise the requirements for the conduct of fueledexperiments. This amendment allowed Technical Specification 3.6.o to be changed such thatfueled experiments, with inventories of iodine-131 through -135 greater than 1.5 curies orstrontium-90 greater than 5 millicuries, could be placed in irradiation containers that satisfy therequirements of Specification 3.6.i.Amendment 35 -Date of Issuance: February 9, 2012Amendment 35 authorized the MURR to implement a flux-trap irradiations safety device to thereactor protective system. This amendment allowed an increase in irradiation capacity in thecenter test hole by removing the reactivity contribution of the sample holder while alsoallowing the use of the 6-barrel sample holder for movable samples.Amendment 36 -Date of Issuance: July 8, 2013Amendment 36 changed Section 2.1, "Reactor Core Safety Limit," of the TechnicalSpecifications. The Safety Limits were revised to correct an error caused by misinterpretingthe definition of "diameter of heated surface" (Di) in the Bernath correlation as. "heateddiameter" (Dh). Additionally, updated peaking factors were used based on modem analyses."Page 1-33, add the following to the end of Section 1.7.4:"December 2006 -Replacement of the Two Primary Coolant System Heat ExchangersThe two existing primary coolant system shell and tube-type heat exchangers (HX 503A andHX 503B) were replaced by heat exchangers of plate-type design. This replacement wasnecessitated by the degradation of the heat transfer capability of the heat exchangers since theywere approaching the end of their design operational lifetime.December 2006 -Replacement of the Pool Coolant System Heat ExchangerThe current plate-type pool coolant heat exchanger was replaced with the exact same modelthat was initially installed in 1995 (with 151 plates). Since installation in 1995, the pressuredrop across the heat exchanger had steadily increased, which resulted in a decrease in total poolcoolant system flow rate. An evaluation of the pool coolant heat exchanger was performed inFebruary 2005 by the Engineering Firm Black & Veatch (B&V), Kansas City, Missouri. In theevaluation B&V states that due to the tight clearances between the plates, the heat exchangerwill act like a filter and collect impurities in the water. Additionally, the maker of the heatexchanger (Graham Corporation) had previously inspected plates that had what appeared to bea thin layer of surface contaminants. Both of these are sufficient to cause an increase in thepressure drop across the heat exchanger. Installation of the new heat exchanger returned totalpool coolant system flow rate to design values. Furthermore, replacement of certain sections ofpool coolant system piping in order to reduce operational system head losses and thereforeincrease available system flow were also performed in conjunction with the replacement ofpool coolant heat exchanger HX-52 1.Page 37 of 40 June 2014 -Construction of the Shipping and Receiving BuildingA Shipping and Receiving Building (SaRB) was constructed on-site to enhance the security atMURR by creating a location external to the main facility where packages are received, openedand examined prior to being transported into the facility.January_ 2012 -Replacement of the Cooling TowerThe old cooling tower, which was a wood-framed, induced-draft, cross-flow type, with threecells and two-speed fan assemblies per cell, was replaced with a stainless steel, induced-draft,cross-flow type, with three cells and two-speed fan assemblies per cell. The new tower isdesigned to cool 5,400 gallons (20,440 1) of water per minute to a temperature of 85 IF (29.4'C) from an initial temperature of 115 IF (46.1 °C) at a maximum wet bulb temperature of 80°F (26.7 °C).June 2014 -Construction of the MURR Industrial Building Eastward ExpansionAn eastward expansion to the MURR Industrial Building (MIB) was constructed in order toprovide additional laboratory space at MURR -1,440 ft2 and 1,432 ft2 of net usable space onthe grade and the below grade levels, respectively. The grade level floor is poured concretedesigned for a 125 lb/ft2 live load with additional steel and concrete framing to support four (4)100,000 lb hot cells positioned next to each other anywhere along the North-South direction.The steel and concrete structure rests on pilings driven to bedrock. The below grade floor isalso poured concrete designed to handle a 125 lb/ft2 live load. Additionally, the floor canhandle a 10,000 lb load on a 6 ft x 6 ft base plate."Modification Records, including the 50.59 Screens which supported these changes, are included asAttachments I through 9 and 19 through 21.Page 38 of 40 b. Provide a description of the review/approval process for the implementation of the significantfacility changes (i.e., 50.59, License Amendment, etc.).As stated in Section a. above, each facility change was performed either under a LicenseAmendment or 10 CFR 50.59. The method of review and approval is listed above.c. Provide a copy of the safety analysis, 50.59 review checklist/evaluation, and/or any updatedSAR information for the significant facility changes. If not applicable, state the basis for thedetermination.Safety analyses and 50.59 Screens are included as attachments. Any changes to the SAR are alsodescribed in Section a. above.d. Provide the relevant infornmation (50.59 review, safety analyses, updated SAR information)for the iodine facility.In addition to the Project Authorization (RL-76) and its 50.59 Screen, which describes theprocessing of iodine and its safety evaluation, the following eleven (11) facility modifications wereperformed in support the iodine facility:1. Modification 14-01; "Interfacing MURR System Changes in Support of the MURR IndustrialBuilding Eastward Expansion" (Attachment 8)2. Modification 14-01, Addendum 1; "Construction of Usable Laboratory Spaces Within theExpanded MURR Industrial Building" (Attachment 9)3. Modification Record 88-07, Addendum 3; "Exhaust Ventilation in MIB Eastward Expansion"(Attachment 10)4. Modification Record 90-0 1, Addendum 3; "Evacuation System Changes in Support of theMURR Industrial Building Eastward Expansion" (Attachment 11)5. Modification Record 0 1-02, Addendum 11; "Intercom and Paging System Changes in Supportof the MURIR Industrial Building Eastward Expansion" (Attachment 12)6. Modification Record 01-09, Addendum 5; "Emergency Electrical in MIB EastwardExpansion" (Attachment 13)7. Modification Record 03-03, Addendum 5; "Fire Protection System Changes in Support of theMURR Industrial Building Eastward Expansion" (Attachment 14)8. Modification Record 03-03, Addendum 6; "Fire Protection System Changes in Support of theMIB Eastward Expansion Fit-out" (Attachment 15)9. Modification Record 04-03, Addendum 2; "Liquid Radioactive Waste in MIB EastwardExpansion" (Attachment 16)10. Modification Record 14-02; "Normal Electrical Distribution in MIB Eastward Expansion"(Attachment 17)Page 39 of 40 11. Modification Record 14-04; "Lab Inpex Iodine Duct Monitor" (Attachment 18)Project RL-76; "Production of 1-131 Radiochemical Sodium Iodide Solution," and 50.59 ScreenNo. 12-07; "Iodine-131 Processing Laboratory," are Attachments 22 and 23,' respectively.Changes to the SAR in support of the iodine facility are described in Section a. above under theModification Records.2. The proposed MURR Technical Specifications (TS) (see letter dated January 27, 2014, ADAMSAccession No. ML14030A132), TS 5.2, "Reactor Coolant Systems, Exceptions" Specifications aand b, do not have supporting information in the SAR necessary to justify the TS Bases for each.Provide support information to explain the basis for TS 5.2, Exception a and b, or justify why nochange is necessary.The bases for Technical Specification 5.2, Exceptions a and b, are implied in the bases forSpecifications 5.2.a and 5.2.e.The basis for 5.2.a states: "Specification 5.2.a as excepted, permits reactor operation at 50% of fullpower in the event of a major component failure in which repairs cannot be accomplished in areasonable period of time. The reactor was designed and has extensive safe operating history foroperation at 50% of 10 MW cooling capacity. In this event, the shutdown system shall be securedin a manner such as to assure system integrity."The word "excepted" in the basis allows, for instance, a component, such as the primary coolantheat exchanger in the shutdown system (one of two parallel legs) to be removed for repairs whilestill allowing 5 MW operation with the operating system while not being in violation ofSpecification 5.2.a. Specification 5.2.c allows for Mode II operation with just one system, or leg.The basis for 5.2.a states: "Specification 5.2.e assures strength and corrosion resistance of thecoolant system components and excepts some components in the instrumentation of the systemwhich are not commercially available in the materials specified. The size of these components issuch that a failure would not result in a hazard to safe operation of the reactor."The word "excepted" in the basis allows "...some components in the instrumentation of the systemwhich are not commercially available in the materials specified. The size of these components issuch that a failure would not result in a hazard to safe operation of the reactor." This exceptionallows for materials other than those stated in Specification 5.2.e.Page 40 of 40 ATTACHMENT 1 AAP-RO-l 15Revision 2MODIFICATION RECORD: LONG FORMModification Number: 05-8Modification Title: Replacement of Primary Coolant System Heat Exchangers HX 503A and HX 503BPage No.12345a-c6789Page TitleModification Record: Long FormModification DescriptionHazards Summary Report EvaluationReactor Safety EvaluationOperator Review and EvaluationOperating Procedure EvaluationCP and PM EvaluationParts RequirementsSpare Parts and Technical ManualRequirementsRequired DateYes No Completed_ 12 0-5K-(I12 -Z- 015"/I e-6 a"ro/-, .- iBy(Initials)50.59 Screen orEvaluation Completed: _(Asst. Reactor Manager -E gneering)Modification Approved:( ReactorMan er)Modification Completed: ,4(Reactor MagDate: /2--- --gDate: /2- -e--ODate: /2-Z'-ocREVIEW AND FOLLOW-UP ACTIONItem No.1234Page TitleReactor Safety Subcommittee ReviewReactor Advisory Committee ReviewU.S. NRC ReviewMURR Prints UpdatedRequiredYes NoDateCompleted.)-?-o7A,,/1, -Documented by(Initials),,d/Z.4IAttachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 1 ORIGINALAP-RO-1 15Revision 2 IModification Number: 05-8MODIFICATION DESCRIPTIONProvide a concise description of the system change. Include any proposed PRE-OPERATIONALTESTS required for this change. (If additional pages are necessary, insert after this page.)The primary coolant system consists of the reactor pressure vessels, two main circulating pumps, two heatexchangers, two automatic isolation valves, a pressurizer, a closed in-pool convective cooling system(decay heat removal system), an in-pool invert loop and anti-siphon system, a fuel element failuremonitoring system, a bypass loop for water clean-up, and associated piping and valves. Instrumentation isinstalled to monitor the system's operation, pressures, water temperatures, and flows.The primary coolant heat exchangers, designated as HX503A and HX503B, are tube-type, water-to-watershell, with removable tube bundles. The primary coolant flow makes two passes through the tube side ofthe heat exchanger with a velocity of no greater than 7 ft/sec. At a maximum of 1,600 gpm of secondarywater flow and an inlet water temperature at 87 OF (31 OC), one heat exchanger is capable of removing17E6 BTU/hr of heat from 1,800 gpm of primary coolant and returning it at 140 OF (60 OC). Two heatexchangers are installed for design power operation.This Modification Record will be used as the initiating document in a coordinated set of Addendums whosepurpose is to replace the existing primary coolant heat exchangers, modify and upgrade existing flowdetectors and associated instrumentation, replace affected primary coolant system piping, and replace andreplumb affected secondary coolant system piping. Each major system modification (i.e. -Instrumentation,primary and secondary coolant system hydraulics) will be documented as a separate Addendum to thisModification Record. Each Addendum will include all of the information that a Long Form ModificationRecord contains: Modification Description, Hazards Summary Report Evaluation (including 50.59 Screeningor Evaluation, if applicable), Reactor Safety Evaluation, Spare Parts Requirements, and any Operating orCompliance Procedure, Print, and/or PM revision required. Additionally, a formal crew evaluation, andsubsequent review and approval by the Reactor Manager will be performed for each Addendum. Thefollowing two Addendums are proposed as the initial scope of work for this Modification Record.Modification Record 05-8, Addendum 1 will detail the instrumentation changes required to implementreplacement of the primary coolant heat exchangers. This addendum primarily documents the changesassociated with relocating two existing reactor safety system flow measurement instruments to newdetectors, and associated changes to the control room Instrument Cabinet.Modification Description continued on Page 2a.2Attachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 1 ORIGINALAP-RO- 115Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8MODIFICATION DESCRIPTION (con't)Addendum 2 will detail the primary coolant system changes required to implement replacementof the primary coolant heat exchangers. This Addendum primarily documents the following fivemodifications: (1) the choice of the replacement heat exchangers; (2) the geometry of theprimary coolant piping required to backfit the replacement heat exchangers; (3) replacement ofthe existing flow orifice flanges to provide additional independent flow detection output; (4) thegeometry of the secondary coolant piping required to backfit the replacement heat exchangers;and (5) installation of additional secondary coolant piping and valves required to providebackflush capability for the new heat exchangers.The addendums described above are planned to be implemented during one week-long outage inDecember of 2006. Additional work coinciding with that outage includes: Replacement of thePool Coolant System Heat Exchanger (Modification Record 94-4; Addendum I); Replacement ofPool Coolant System Piping (Modification Record 05-6); Updating the "White Rat" Overlays(Modification Record 75-16; Addendum 3); and Replacement of Graphite Reflector Elements 6,7 and 8.2aAttachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 1 ORIGINALAP-RO-I 15Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8HAZARDS SUMMARY REPORT EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a modification to the reactor facility as defined in the Hazards SummaryReport'?Yes: ___No: Signature: Date: I___-_ _'-If YES, make an analysis below and provide the suggested revision(s) to the HSR. If NO, outlinethe basis for the decision.This modification does involve a change to the reactor facility as defined in the Hazards Summary Report(HSR) and its addenda.Due to the extensive nature of and multiple systems affected by this modification, an HSR analysis will beperformed for each Addendum and the suggested revisions to the HSR and its addenda, as required, will bedocumented in that Addendum. No specific references or suggestions will be stated here.3Attachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 1ORIGINANAP-RO- 115Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8REACTOR SAFETY EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a revision(s) to the Technical Specifications or a safety hazard as describedin 10 CFR 50.59?NOTE: A licensee may make changes to the facility as described in the HSR without obtaining a license amendmentonly if:(i) A change to the Technical Specifications incorporated in the license is not required, and(ii) The change does not produce any of the following results:I. More than a minimal increase in the frequency of occurrence of an accident previously evaluated inthe HSR;2. More than a minimal increase in the likelihood of occurrence of a malfunction of an SSC important tosafety previously evaluated in the HSR;3. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of an accident previously evaluated in the HSR;4. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of a malfunction of an SSC important to safetypreviously evaluated in the HSR;5. Create a possibility for an accident of a different type than previously evaluated in the HSR;6. Create a possibility for a malfunction of an SSC important to safety with a different result than anypreviously evaluated in the HSR;7. Altering or exceeding a design basis limit for a fission product barrier as described in the HSR;8. A departure from a method of evaluation described in the HSR used in establishing the design bases orthe safety analyses.Yes: No: __Signature: Z4*Date: /z-& -If YES, the change must be performed using a Long Form Modification Record. If NO, outline thebasis for the decision.This modification does not involve a change to the Technical Specifications or a question pursuant to 10 CFR50.59. A 50.59 Screen (06-32) is attached which shows that the proposed activity may be implementedwithout further evaluation or license amendment.Specific impacts related to reactor safety are analysed in each of the planned Addendums to this ModificationRecord. An additional 50.59 Screen will be performed for each of those Addendums as well.Deliberate planning has been done to ensure the following reactor safety elements:1. No significant impact to the thermal-hydraulic characteristics of the Primary Coolant System;2. No new mechanism for initiating a loss of coolant or loss of flow accident;3. No deviation from the Safety System Instrumentation requirements of the Technical Specifications;4. No new or unreviewed mode of failure for the new plate-type heat exchangers or instrumentationcomponents; and5. No deviation from the single failure criteria of IEEE-279.4Attachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 1 ORIGINALAP-RO-l 15Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8OPERATOR REVIEW AND EVALUATIONOperators are asked to comment on any safety and/or operational concerns relating to the proposedchange. Pleas indicate any additions, questions, or changes regarding the Hazards Summary Reportand Reactor Safety evaluations.Name Comments_____.___,, _____,PJO't"5aAttachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 1 ORIGINALAP-RO- 115Revision 2 IModification Number: 05-8OPERATOR REVIEW AND EVALUATION (CONT.)Name Comments5bAttachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 1 ORIGINAIAP-RO-115Revision 2 IModification Number: 05-8OPERATOR REVIEW AND EVALUATION (CONT.)Name Comments5cAttachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 1ORIGINALAP-RO-I 15Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8OPERATING PROCEDURE AND PRINT EVALUATIONIf a revision to, or a new Operating Procedure and/or Print are required in order to implement thechange, note the Procedure or Print Number, Title, and Section and attach a copy of the proposednew or revised procedure or print.OPERATING PROCEDURESNumberN/ATitleSectionRequired revisions to any Operating Procedure will bespecified in the applicable Addendum to this ModificationRecord.PRINTSNumberN/ATitleRequired revisions to any Print will be specified in the applicable Addendum to thisModification Record.6Attachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 1ORIGINALAP-RO-1 15Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8COMPLIANCE AND PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE EVALUATIONIf a revision to, or a new Compliance and/or Preventative Maintenance Procedure are required inorder to implement the change, note the Procedure Number, Title, and Frequency and attach a copyof the proposed new or revised procedure.COMPLIANCF PROCEDI IRESTitleNumberNIAFrequencyRequired revisions to any Compliance Procedure will bespecified in the applicable Addendum to this ModificationRecord.NumberN/APREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURESTitleRequired revisions to any Preventative MaintenanceProcedure will be specified in the applicable Addendumto this ModificationRecord.Frequency7Attachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 1nRIGINALAP-RO-115Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8PARTS REQUIREMENTSList all parts that are required in order to implement the change, noting Part Number, Description,and Quantity.Part NumberNonePart DescriptionRequired Parts will be specified in the applicable Addendum to thisModification Record.PO No.:Ordered From:Date:PO No.:Ordered From:Date:PO No.: Date:Ordered From:PO No.: Date:Ordered From:8Attachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 1nRIGINALAP-RO-l 15Revision 2 IModification Number: 05-8SPARE PARTS and TECHNICAL MANUAL REQUIREMENTSList all spare parts and technical manuals that are required in order to implement the change, notingPart Number, Description, and Quantity, and Manual Title and where ordered from.Part NumberN/ASPARE PARTSPart DescriptionReauired Spare Parts will be specified in the applicableAddendum to this Modification Record.PO No.: Date: PO No.: Date:Ordered From: Ordered From:PO No.: Date: PO No.: Date:Ordered From: Ordered From:TECHNICAL MANUALSManual TitleOrdered FromRequired Technical Manuals will be specified in theapplicable Addendum to this Modification Record.9Ree0FrAttachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 1AP-RR-003Revision 450.59 SCREENActivity Screening Number: 06-32 Page I of 2Title: "Modification Record 05-8, Replacement of Primary Coolant System Heat Exchangers HX503A and HX 503B"Description of Activity (what is being changed and why):This Modification Record is the umbrella record for replacing the Primary System HeatExchangers. Each addendum will also be separately screened based on the specificmodifications described within them.Safety Determination:Does the proposed activity have the potential to adversely affect nuclear safety or safefiiciliity (i.e., xMURR) operations? YES NOIf this question is answered yes, do not continue with this procedure. Identify and report the concern tothe Reactor Manager.50.59 Screening Questions:I. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a design.Junction Xdescribed in the HSR? YES NO2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to a pIrocedurt that adversely affects how HSP Xdescribed SSC design functions are performed, controlled, or tested? YES NO3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an HSR described evaluation methodology Xthat is used in establishing the design bases or used in the safet, analyses? YES NO4. Does the proposed activity involve a test or exvpeirimeut not described in the HSR, where an SSC is Xutilized or controlled in a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for that SSC or YES NOis inconsistent with analyses or descriptions in the HSR?5. Does the proposed activity require a change to the MURR Technical Specifications? XYES NOIt" all screening questions are answered NO, then implement the activity per the applicable approvcdfitclit procedure(s). A LicenseAmendment or a 50.59 Evaluation is not required.If Screcen Question 5 is answered YES, then rcqttest and receive a License Amendment prior to implementation of the activity.If Screen Question 5 is answered NO and Question I, 2, 3, or 4 is answered YES, then complete and attach a 50.59 Evaluation totto.( Refer to Attachment 9.2. ]NOTE: If the conclusion of the screening questions is that a 50.59 Evaluation is not required, provide justification for the "No"determination. In addition, list the documents (-ISR, Technical Specitications, and other Licensing Basis documents) reviewed whererelevant information was found. Include section / page numbers. Use page 2 of this foi-m to document your statements.Print Name Sign Name DatePreparer: Carl A. Herbold /2-7-0o-Reviewer:Reactor Manager: Les P. Foyto /cAttachment 9.1 ATTACHMENT 1AP-RR-003Revision 450.59 SCREEN (Cont.)Activity Screening Number: 06-32 Page 2 of 2Title: "Modification Record 05-8, Replacement of Primary Coolant System Heat Exchangers HX503A and HX 503B"If the conclusion of the five (5) Screening Questions is that a 50.59 Evaluation is not required, providejustification to support this determination: [ Use and attach additional pages as necessamy. ]I. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a designfwrction describcd in theHSR?No. The proposed activity does not involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a designfunction described in the HSR. The replacement heat exchangers and piping arrangement arechosen such that thermal and hydraulic performance will remain essentially unchanged. Thisensures that the design function of the heat exchangers remains unchanged.2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to aprocedure that adversely affects how HSR described SSC designfunctions are performed, controlled, or tested'?No. The proposed activity does not involve a change to a procedure that adversely affects theperformance, control or testing of HSR described SSC design functions. The proceduralchanges required primarily reflect addition and relocation of instrumentation valving andnomenclature. One new procedure SM-RO-105 will provide detailed steps to perform thereplacement. That procedure will also be separately screened for impacts to Reactor Safety.3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an HSI? described evaluation methodology that is used inestablishing the design bases or used in the safrty analyses?No. The proposed activity does not involve revising or replacing an HSR described evaluationmethodology that is used in establishing the design bases or used in the safety analyses. Theheat exchangers were deliberately chosen such that assumptions and conclusions of the safetyand accident analyses remain unchanged.4. Does the proposed activity involve a lest or exyperinient not described in the UISR, where an SSC is used or controlledin a ranner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for that SSC, or is inconsistent with analyses ordescriptions presented in the HSR?No. The proposed activity does not involve a test or experiment not described, outside thereference bounds, or is inconsistent with analyses or descriptions presented in the HSR.Instrumentation testing will be performed using approved post-maintenance and surveillanceprocedures, and the thermal and hydraulic performance testing will be performed using theapproved new procedure SM-RO-105 described above. All testing will be performed within SSCreference bounds described in the HSR.List the documents (HSR, Technical Specifications, and other Licensing Basis documents) reviewed whererelevant information was found. [ Include section / page numbers. ]HSR Section 5.2, 5.4, Figure 5.1, Addendum 3 Section 2.1, Figure 2.2, Addendum 4 Figure A.2,Appendix D, and Appendix E.Black and Veatch -Rep~lacement of Primary Coolant Evaluation Report (Proiect No. 400031)Technical Specifications 3.3, 3.9, 4.4, 5.2, 5.4, and Modification Record 05-8Attachment 9.1 ATTA~f p~AP-RO- 115Revision 2MODIFICATION RECORD: LONG FORMModification Number: 05-8, Addendum 1Modification Title: Replacement of Primary Coolant System Heat Exchan-qers HX 503A and HX 503B-Instrumentation PortionPage No.1345a-c6789Page TitleModification Record: Long FormModification DescriptionHazards Summary Report EvaluationReactor Safety EvaluationOperator Review and EvaluationOperating Procedure EvaluationCP and PM EvaluationParts RequirementsSpare Parts and Technical ManualRequirementsRequired DateYes No Completed7" /2--2-o,____ _____-a-J oc/- __ (2..- By(initials)50.59 Screen orEvaluation Completed:(Asst. Reactor Manager -Engineering)Modification Approved: -4Mant er(Reactor Man er)Modification Completed:(Reactor nager)Date: 1/2--/0-06"Date: /2-/16-o"Date: /2-C-oCREVIEW AND FOLLOW-UP ACTIONItem No.1234Page TitleReactor Safety Subcommittee ReviewReactor Advisory Committee ReviewU.S. NRC ReviewMURR Prints UpdatedRequiredYes No/7DateCompleted3-9e?-07A.. Documented by(InitiasIAttachment 8.2ORIGINAL Aýtd 2AP-RO-115Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8, Addendum 1MODIFICATION DESCRIPTIONProvide a concise description of the system change. Include any proposed PRE-OPERATIONALTESTS required for this change. (If additional pages are necessary, insert after this page.)Primary coolant system flow rate is currently measured at the following locations with the stated FlowTransmitters (FT) and Differential Pressure Sensors (DPS):(a) Downstream of Primary Coolant Heat Exchanger HX 503A -FT-912A;(b) Downstream of Primary Coolant Heat Exchanger HX 503B -FT-912E;(c) Differential pressure across Primary Coolant Heat Exchanger HX 503A -DPS-928A;(d) Differential pressure across Primary Coolant Heat Exchanger HX 503B -DPS-928B; and(e) Differential pressure across the reactor core -DPS-929.Primary coolant flow rate is recorded on a strip-chart, two-pen recorder mounted on the control roomInstrument Panel. Differential pressure across orifice plates (FE-913A and FE-9138) located downstream ofHX 503A and HX 503B is measured by FT-912A and FT-912E, respectively. The output signal generatedby each flow transmitter is directed to a square root converter which provides a linear output signal to therecorder and a dual alarm unit. In addition to providing flow indication, the recorder will initiate a "ReactorLoop Lo Flow" annunciator alarm if primary coolant flow downstream of either heat exchanger decreases to95% of the normal operating value. If primary coolant flow decreases to 90% of the normal value, a reactorscram and a "Reactor Loop Lo Flow Scram" annunciator alarm are initiated. The dual alarm unit for FT-912A opens a contact (K30-2) in the process input string to E4A of the reactor safety system non-coincidence logic units (NCLU), thereby interrupting power to the control blade electromagnets. The dualalarm unit for FT-912E opens a contact (K38-2) in the process input string to E3B of the NCLUs.A primary coolant low flow scram may also be initiated by a low differential pressure across the primarycoolant heat exchangers. Differential pressure across HX 503A and HX 5038, which provides an indicationof flow, is measured by DPS-928A and DPS-928B, respectively. The output signal produced by eachdifferential pressure sensor is directed to an alarm unit. If primary coolant flow decreases to 90% of thenormal operating value, a reactor scram is initiated. The alarm unit for DPS-928A opens a contact in theprocess input string to E3B of the safety system NCLUs, thereby interrupting power to the control bladeelectromagnets. The alarm unit for DPS-928B opens a contact in the process input string to E4A of theNCLUs. The alarm units will also de-energize relays 2K24 and 2K26, which will cause the following actionsto occur:1. "Low Primary HX Delta-P Scram" annunciator alarm is initiated; and2. In-Pool Heat Exchanger Isolation Valves V546A and V546B open.As discussed in Modification Record 05-8, this addendum documents the instrumentation changes that arenecessary to support the replacement of the current shell and tube-type primary coolant heat exchangerswith new plate-type heat exchangers. Addendum 2 documents changes to the hydraulics of the primaryand secondary coolant systems, namely the new heat exchangers and associated piping changes.Modification Description continued on Page 2a.2Attachment 8.20RIGINAL ,IIGJW E2AP-ROIl15Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8. Addendum IMODIFICATION DESCRIPTION (con't)The following instrumentation changes will be performed in support of replacing the primarycoolant heat exchangers:I. Removal of differential pressure sensors DPS-928A and DPS-928B, and their associatedalarm units and electronic meters.2. Installation of new flow transmitters FT-912G and FT-912H, and their associated SquareRoot Converters, Alarm Units, and Flow Recorder. These new flow transmitters willperform all of the safety functions, including the opening of In-Pool Heat ExchangerIsolation Valves V546A and V546B, which DPS-928A and DPS-928B provided.3. Relocation of the Meter Relay Units for TE-980A and TE-980B to the vacated areas fromwhich the electronic meters for DPS-928A and DPS-928B were removed.4. Relocation of the Primary and Pool Coolant Demineralizer Flow Recorder to the vacatedarea from which the Meter Relay Units for TE-98OAand TE-980B were removed.5. Installation of a new Primary Coolant Flow Recorder, which will support new flowtransmitters FT-912G and FT-912H, in the location from which the Demineralizer FlowRecorder was removed.Replacement of the heat exchangers affords the opportunity to replace the current single set ofsensor taps on the flanges for flow elements (orifices) FE-913A and FE-9131B. The new flangeswill have two sets of taps, thus allowing two flow transmitters to be connected to a single floworifice. This type of arrangement was first used at MURR when the pool coolant system heatexchangers were replaced in 1995. Although the MURR Technical Specifications allow the useof either a flow orifice or heat exchanger differential pressure to determine flow (TS 3.3.a, Note1), the use of a calibrated flow orifice is much more desirable than using differential pressureacross a heat exchanger. Installation of the new flanges will allow DPS-928A and DPS-928B,and all of their associated instrumentation, to be removed. The safety analysis to support the useof two flow transmitters on a single flow orifice, specifically conformance with IEEE-279, isdiscussed in detail in the Reactor Safety Evaluation section of this Modification Record.As shown on the Simplified Primarj, Flow Instrumentation Block Diagram found in Attachment5, flow transmitter FT-912E, which is currently connected to FE-913B (Primary 'B' Loop), willbe connected to the second set of sensor taps on flow element FE-913A (Primary 'A' Loop).Two new flow transmitters, FT-912G and FT-912H, will be installed and connected to FE-913B(Primary 'B' Loop). Two new square root converters (designated EP No. 919G and EP No.919H), two new dual alarm units (designated EP No. 920E/F and EP No. 920G/H), and a newflow recorder (designated EP No. 915G/H) will be installed and connected to the flowtransmitters.Dual alarm unit EP No. 920A/B ("Yellow Leg") will actuate relay 2K26, which cause the In-PoolHeat Exchanger Isolation Valves V546A and V546B to open on a primary coolant low flowreactor scram, while dual alarm unit EP No. 920G/H ("Green Leg") will actuate relay 2K24which will cause the same valves to open on the same type of scram.Modification Description continued on Page 2b.2aNRIGINAL Attachment 8.1 ATTýM"[2AP-RO- 115Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8, Addendum 1MODIFICATION DESCRIPTION (con't)The new flow transmitters will be of the same style that are currently installed; Rosemount Model1 151 Differential Pressure Transmitter (0 to 750 inches of water). Rosemount Model 1151 'shave been used at MURR since 1976 with no abnormal or significant failures.The new square root converters will be Moore Industries Square Root Transmitters, the samemodel that replaced the old General Electric Measurement and Control (GE/MAC) square rootconverters for the primary, pool and demineralizer flow transmitters under Addendums 4, 6 and 7to Modification Record 01-4.The new dual alarm units will be Absolute Process Instruments, Inc. Model I0OOG, the samemodel that was installed for the primary and pool flow transmitters under Addendums 10 and 12to Modification Record 01-4.The new flow recorder will be the same model that is currently installed to display and recordprimary coolant flow; a Honeywell Model DPR I OOC installed under Modification Record 99-I.Design specifications and any additional technical information regarding the instrumentation thatwill be added to the reactor systems by this proposed change are contained in the previouslymentioned Modification Records and are not duplicated here. Additionally, all models arecurrently installed at MURR and have some degree of operational history with no abnormal orsignificant failures.Relocation of the meters and recorders to their new locations will ensure that all related processparameters are displayed in a logical order on the control room Instrument Panel.The following Attachments are included in this Modification Record:1. Electronic Shop Review of Instrumentation Changes.2. Index of Changes.3. Instrumentation Changes Procedures.4. MURR Instrumentation Drawings -Pre-Modification.5. MURR Instrumentation Drawings -Post-Modification.6. New Instrumentation Bench Calibration Data.7. Compliance and Operating Procedures Draft Changes.2bIGINf,Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 2S2I GINA LAP-RO-! 115Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8, Addendum 1HAZARDS SUMMARY REPORT EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a modification to the reactor facility as defined in the Hazards SummaryReport?Yes: 7 No: Signatur .--..-' Date: /2-.7-OCIf YES, make an analysis below and o .,e the suggested revision(s) to the HSR. If NO, outlinethe basis for the decision.Yes, this modification does involve a change to the reactor facility as defined in the Hazards Summary Report(HSR) and its addenda.Proposed instrumentation changes that are documented by this Modification Record are described ordepicted in the following sections and prints of the HSR and its addenda:1. Original HSR:a. Figure 5.1 (MURR Print No. 156, Sheet 1 of 1)b. Table 9.2c. Figure 9.3 (MURR Print No. 74, Sheet 12 of 12)d. Figure 9.4 (MURR Print No. 139, Sheet 1 of 1)e. Section Addendum 3:a. Section Section Section Section Addendum 4:a. Section A.3.3.5b. Section A.3.16c. Figure A.1 (MURR Print No. 139, Sheet 1 of 1)d. Figure A.2 (MURR Print No. 156, Sheet 1 of 1)e. Figure A.3 (MURR Print No. 41, Sheet 3 of 4)f. Figure A.4.a (MURR Print No. 42, Sheet 1 of 2)g. Figure A.5 (MURR Print No. 41, Sheet 1 of 4)h. Figure A.6 (MURR Print No. 41, Sheet 2 of 4)i. Figure A.6 (MURR Print No. 138, Sheet 1 of 2)Hazards Summary Report Evaluation continued on Page 3a.3Attachment 8.2ORIGINAL ATTAN E T2Li IAP-RO-1 15Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8, Addendum IHAZARDS SUMMARY REPORT EVALUATION (con't)The following sections and prints of the HSR and its addenda will be revised as follows:1. Original HSR:a. Figure 5.1 (MURR Print No. 156, Sheet I of 1) will be revised as per the attached draftprint.b. Table 9.2 will be revised as follows:Change:"26 Primary Coolant HX503A Outlet Temperature Meter -TE 980A"to"26 Primary & Pool Coolant Demineralizer Flow Recorder -2 Pen"Change:"27 Primary Coolant HX503A Outlet Temperature Meter -TE 980B"to"27 Dual Alarm Unit (EP 920E/F) Primary Low Flow Scram"Change:"43 Square Root Transmitter (EP 919E) -Primary Flow "B" Loop"to"43 Square Root Transmitter (EP 919E) -Primary Flow "A" Loop"Change:"46 Alarm Unit -Pressurizer Water Level"to"46 Square Root Transmitter (EP 919G) -Primary Flow "B" Loop"Change:"89 Primary Coolant System Flow Recorder -2 Pen"to"89 Primary Coolant System "A" Loop Flow Recorder -2 Pen"Change:"190 Pool Coolant System Flow Recorder -2 Pen"to"90 Primary Coolant System "B" Loop Flow Recorder -2 Pen"Change:"91 Primary & Pool Coolant Demineralizer Flow Recorder -2 Pen"to"91 Pool Coolant System Flow Recorder -2 Pen"Change:"100 Primary Coolant HX503A Differential Pressure Meter -DPS 928A"to"100 Primary Coolant HX503A Outlet Temperature Meter -TE 980A"Hazards Summary Report Evaluation continued on Page 3b.3aORIGIN!'Attachment 8.1 ATTA,.-, 1 NT. 2KA L AP-RO-1 15Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8, Addendum IHAZARDS SUMMARY REPORT EVALUATION (con't)Change:"101 Primary Coolant HX503B Differential Pressure Meter -DPS 928B"to"101 Primary Coolant HX503B Outlet Temperature Meter -TE 980B"Add:"133 Dual Alarm Unit (EP 920G/H) Primary Low Flow Scram"Add:"134 Square Root Transmitter (EP 919H) -Primary Flow "B" Loop"c. Figure 9.3 (MURR Print No. 74, Sheet 12 of 12) will be revised as per the attached draftprint.d. Figure 9.4 (MURR Print No. 139, Sheet I of I) will be revised as per the attached draftprint.e. Section will be revised as follows:"The reactor loop flow measurement system includes two orifice plates, one in each ofthe two heat exchanger legs. Flow, as measured by two transmitters connected to eachorifice plate, is recorded on two, two-pen recorders mounted on the control roomInstrument Panel. The orifice plate flow measuring channels will alarm at approximately95% of normal flow. At approximately 90% of normal flow the core isolation valves,reactor convective loop valves, and the siphon break valves operate as the reactorscrams."2. Addendum 3a. Section will be revised by adding the following paragraph at the end of the section:"In December 2006, DPS 928A and DPS 928B were removed as part of the primarycoolant heat exchanger replacement project which consisted of replacing the tube andshell-type heat exchangers with plate-type heat exchangers. New dual tap flanges wereinstalled for flow orifices 913A and 913B, which allowed an additional flow transmitterto be connected to each heat exchanger leg, thus eliminating the need for DPS 928A andDPS 928B."b. Section will be revised by adding the following paragraph at the end of the section:"In December 2006, DPS 928A and DPS 928B were removed as part of the primarycoolant heat exchanger replacement project which consisted of replacing the tube andshell-type heat exchangers with plate-type heat exchangers. New dual tap flanges wereinstalled for flow orifices 913A and 913B, which allowed an additional flow transmitterto be connected to each heat exchanger leg, thus eliminating the need for DPS 928A andDPS 928B."c. Section will be revised by adding the following paragraph at the end of the section:"In December 2006, DPS 928A and DPS 928B were removed as part of the primarycoolant heat exchanger replacement project which consisted of replacing the tube andshell-type heat exchangers with plate-type heat exchangers."Hazards Summary Report Evaluation continued on Page 3c.3bAttachment 8.1RIGINAL ATTA6I1T~p4 2AP-RO- 115Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8, Addendum IHAZARDS SUMMARY REPORT EVALUATION (con't)d. Section will be revised as follows:Add the following three paragraphs after the second paragraph:"In December 2006, as part of the primary coolant heat exchanger replacement project,which consisted of replacing the tube and shell-type heat exchangers with plate-type heatexchangers, new dual tap flanges were installed for flow orifices 913A and 913B. Thisallowed an additional flow transmitter to be connected to each heat exchanger leg. Thefollowing paragraphs describe how flow through the heat exchangers is now monitored.Flow of heat exchanger 503A is monitored by flow element 913A, flow transmitters912A and 912E, square root transmitters 919A and 919E, electronic alarms 920A and920C, and recorder 915A/B.Flow of heat exchanger 503B is monitored by flow element 913B, flow transmitters912G and 912H, square root transmitters 919G and 919H, electronic alarms 920E and920G, and recorder 915G/H."Revise the third paragraph as follows:"Output logic of the dual electronic alarm units EP 920A, EP 920C, EP 920E, and EP920G determine the scram functions, alarms and control circuitry for 5 and 10 MWoperation."e. Section will be revised by adding the following paragraph at the end of the section:"In December 2006, DPS 928A and DPS 928B were removed as part of the primarycoolant heat exchanger replacement project, which consisted of replacing the tube andshell-type heat exchangers with plate-type heat exchangers."3. Addendum 4a. Section A.3.3.5, the second paragraph will be revised as follows:"Reactor flow is the sum of flows through two heat exchangers for 10 MW operation.Flow scram signals are developed by measuring the pressure drop across orifice plateswith multiple taps and generating a trip from any one of the following Alarm Units:920A, 920C, 920E or 920G. Auxiliary or internal relays from these alarm units openinputs E4A and E3B to the noncoincidence logic units (Figure A.])."b. Section A.3.16 will be revised by adding the following paragraph at the end of the section:"In December 2006, DPS 928A and DPS 928B were removed as part of the primarycoolant heat exchanger replacement project; therefore, heat exchanger differentialpressure is no longer used."c. Figure A. I (MURR Print No. 139, Sheet I of 1) will be revised as per the attached draftprint.d. Figure A.2 (MURR Print No. 156, Sheet I of 1) will be revised as per the attached draftprint.e. Figure A.3 (MURR Print No. 41, Sheet 3 of 4) will be revised as per the attached draftprint.Hazards Summary Report Evaluation continued on Page 3d.3cAttachment 8.1? ,IGINAL ATTAPN"A412AP-RO- 115Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8, Addendum IHAZARDS SUMMARY REPORT EVALUATION (con't)f. Figure A.4.a (MURR Print No. 42, Sheet 1 of 2) will be revised as per the attached draftprint.g. Figure A.5 (MURR Print No. 41, Sheet I of 4) will be revised as per the attached draftprint.h. Figure A.6 (MURR Print No. 41, Sheet 2 of 4) will be revised as per the attached draftprint.i. Figure A.7 (MURR Print No. 138, Sheet I of 2) will be revised as per the attached draftprint.NOTE: Addendum 3 was submitted to the Atomic Energy Agency in support of MURR'sapplication for an Amendment to reactor license R-l103 to allow operation at the full designpower of 10 MWs. Much of the information contained in Addendum 3 was of the proposedupgrade design, not the current as-built. Addendum 4 documented the final design; thereforeinformation that is contained in Addendum 3 that does not depict the current design is correctedin Addendum 4.3dAttachment 8.1KIGINAhl, ATTAQJ14 T2AP-RO-l115Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8, Addendum 1REACTOR SAFETY EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a revision(s) to the Technical Specifications or a safety hazard as describedin 10 CFR 50.59?NOTE: A licensee may make changes to the facility as described in the HSR without obtaining a license amendmentonly if:(i) A change to the Technical Specifications incorporated in the license is not required, and(ii) The change does not produce any of the following results:1. More than a minimal increase in the frequency of occurrence of an accident previously evaluated inthe HSR;2. More than a minimal increase in the likelihood of occurrence of a malfunction of an SSC important tosafety previously evaluated in the HSR;3. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of an accident previously evaluated in the HSR;4. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of a malfunction of an SSC important to safetypreviously evaluated in the HSR;5. Create a possibility for an accident of a different type than previously evaluated in the HSR;6. Create a possibility for a malfunction of an SSC important to safety with a different result than anypreviously evaluated in the HSR;7. Altering or exceeding a design basis limit for a fission product barrier as described in the HSR;8. A departure from a method of evaluation described in the HSR used in establishing the design bases orthe safety analyses.Yes: No: v/ Signature: .,a-,---..Date: /s--(If YES, the change must be performed sý g a Long Form Modification Record. If NO, outline thebasis for the decision.This modification does not involve a change to the Technical Specifications or a question pursuant to 10 CFR50.59. A 50.59 Screen (06-33) is attached which shows that the proposed activity may be implementedwithout further evaluation or license amendment.Technical Specification 3.3.a states that four (4) instrument channels are required to provide a primary coolantlow flow scram in Mode 1 (10 MW) operation and two (2) are required for Mode 11 (5 MW) operation. Note (1)of this Specification states: "Flow orifice or heat exchanger delta-P (psi) in each operating heat exchanger legcorresponding to the flow value in the table." The proposed modification will still satisfy the requirements ofTechnical Specification 3.3.a.Primary coolant loss of flow and coolant accidents are analyzed in Appendix D and E of Addendum 4 to theHazards Summary Report, respectively. This modification does not change the assumptions or alter theresults or conclusions of either accident.The proposed modification of connecting two flow transmitters to a single flow orifice must also be evaluatedto ensure the single failure criteria of IEEE-279, "Criterion for Protection Systems for Nuclear PowerGenerating Stations," are still met.Reactor Safety Evaluation continued on Page 4a.4Attachment 8.2,GINAL ATTA~tiAP-RO-1 115Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8. Addendum IREACTOR SAFETY EVALUATION (con't)Appendix A of Addendum 4 describes how the reactor protective system was redesigned for the10 MW upgrade such that the system met all the applicable criteria of IEEE-279. This Appendixwas reviewed in detail to ensure that the proposed instrumentation modification still meets all theapplicable criteria of IEEE-279. The primary coolant low flow scram instrument channels satisfythe definition of Channel Independence in IEEE-279 and would continue to satisfy the singlefailure criteria of the same document. Furthermore, IEEE-279 states, regarding the derivation ofsystem inputs, that "To the extent feasible and practical, protection system inputs shall be derivedfrom signals that are direct measures of the desired variables." Use of a flow orifice instead ofheat exchanger differential pressure to determine system flow rate more closely satisfies thiscriterion.Additionally, the following regulatory documents were also reviewed to ensure that the proposedmodification did not involve a question pursuant to 50.59.The sensing lines for the two transmitters will be located on opposite sides of the flow orificeflange. Each flow transmitter will be connected to the primary coolant flow scram instrumentchannels as described in this Modification Record. The two flow transmitters will not share anycommon sensing lines. This is consistent with the guidance in NRC Regulatory Guide I. 151,Instrument Sensing Lines.The channel independence of the sensing lines connected to the single flow orifice meet theguidance in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.75, Physical Independence of Electrical Systems. ThisRegulatory Guide references and incorporates Draft IEEE Standard, "Criteria for Separation ofClass IE Equipment and Circuits," dated July 20, 1973. Section 5.8.2 of this draft Standard,under the heading Sensor to Process Connections, states: "...redundant pressure taps located onopposite sides of a large pipe may be considered to be separated by the pipe, but the lines leavingthe taps must be protected against damage from a credible common cause unless other redundantor diverse instrumentation is provided."In MURR's case, the sensing lines from each orifice plate to the flow transmitters will be broughtout of opposite sides of the flange and routed so that a credible failure could not disable both setsof sensing lines on each flow orifice. The backup scrams from core differential pressure and theprimary coolant isolation valves V507A and V507B provide additional redundancy.4aAttachment 8.1 ATTACJ"Ft2AP-RO-I 15Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8, Addendum 1OPERATOR REVIEW AND EVALUATIONOperators are asked to comment on any safety and/or operational concerns relating to the proposedchange. Pleas indicate any additions, questions, or changes regarding the Hazards Summary Reportand Reactor Safety evaluations.Name Comments5aAttachment 8.22 G1N/t ATTACHENT 2AP-RO-i 15Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8, Addendum 1OPERATOR REVIEW AND EVALUATION (CONT.)Name Comments5bAttachment 8.2qGINAL ATTACHME 2AP-RO-115Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8, Addendum 1OPERATOR REVIEW AND EVALUATION (CONT.)Name Comments5cAttachment 8.2 ATTAC1NT 2AP-RO-I115Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8, Addendum 1OPERATING PROCEDURE AND PRINT EVALUATIONIf a revision to, or a new Operating Procedure and/or Print are required in order to implement thechange, note the Procedure or Print Number, Title, and Section and attach a copy of the proposednew or revised procedure or print.OPERATING PROCEDURESNumberAP-RO-110FM-43Title"Conduct of Operations""Nuclear and Process Data Sheet"SectionTable 10.2PRINTSNumber41 (Sheet 1 of 4)41 (Sheet 2 of 4)41 (Sheet 3 of 4)42 (Sheet 1 of 2)74 (Sheet 12 of 12)79 (Sheet 1 of 1)138 (Sheet 1 of 2)139 (Sheet 1 of 1)156 (Sheet 1 of 1)1137 (Sheet 1 of 2)1137 (Sheet 2 of 2)1386 (9 Sheets)Title"Process Instrumentation Control & interlock""10 MW Process Instrumentation Control & interlock (Temperature Inst.)""Process Instrumentation Control & interlock""Reactor Control System""Instrument Cabinet""10 MW Annunciator""Annunciator Control 10 MW.""Safety System""Piping & Instrument Diagram""Jumper Board Connections Panel Layout""Jumper Board Connections Jumper Functions""Relay Schedule"6Attachment 8.2:" INAL ATTACHMENT 2.N ALAP-RO-1 15Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8, Addendum 1COMPLIANCE AND PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE EVALUATIONIf a revision to, or a new Compliance and/or Preventative Maintenance Procedure are required inorder to implement the change, note the Procedure Number, Title, and Frequency and attach a copyof the proposed new or revised procedure.COMPLIANCE PROCEDURESNumberCP-23CP-4ACP-4BCP-4CCP-4DTitle"DPS 928A, DPS 928B and DPS 929""Primary Flow Transmitter 912A and Calibration and ScramPoint Check of Flow Alarm 920A""Primary Flow Transmitter 912E and Calibration and ScramPoint Check of Flow Alarm 920C""Primary Flow Transmitter 912G and Calibration and ScramPoint Check of Flow Alarm 920E""Primary Flow Transmitter 912H and Calibration and ScramPoint Check of Flow Alarm 920G"FrequencySemi-AnnualSemi-AnnualSemi-AnnualSemi-AnnualSemi-AnnualPREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURESTitleN umberNo ChangesFrequency7Attachment 8.2dINAL ATTACHMENT 2.NALAP-RO- 115Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8, Addendum 1PARTS REQUIREMENTSList all parts that are required in order to implement the change, noting Part Number,and Quantity.Description,Part NumberSRT/1 0-50ma/1 17ac(AB)API 1000 G -Option LDPR 100CModel 1151 (0-750" H20)Part DescriptionMoore Industries Square Root TransmitterAbsolute Process Instruments, Inc. DC Input Alarm TripHoneywell Chart RecorderRosemount Differential Pressure TransmitterQty.222PO No.: C0000032558 Date: N/AOrdered From: Emerson Process ManagementRosemount, Inc.8200 Market BlvdChanhasChanhassen, MN 55317PO No.: N/A Date: 3/20/06Ordered From: Mod-Tronic1 Delta Park Blvd No. 12Brampton, ON L6T 5G1PO No.: C0000025655 Date: N/AOrdered From: Gateway Controls Inc.1302 West Lark Industrial ParkFenton, MO 63026PO No.:Ordered From:Date:8Attachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 2-iit~AP-RO-1 15Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8, Addendum 1SPARE PARTS and TECHNICAL MANUAL REQUIREMENTSList all spare parts and technical manuals that are required in order to implement the change, notingPart Number, Description, and Quantity, and Manual Title and where ordered from.SPARE PARTSPart Description Qty.Part NumberSRT/1 0-50ma/1 17ac(AB)API 1000 G -Option LDPR 100CModel 1151 (0-750" H201Moore Industries Square Root TransmitterAbsolute Process Instruments, Inc. DC Input Alarm TripHoneywell Chart RecorderRosemount Differential Pressure Transmitter1-I-NOTE: All of the items listed above are Dart of an overall soareparts inventory. All four components are also used in otherinstrumentation systems which support the reactor.PO No.: C0000032558 Date: N/AOrdered From: Emersnn Process Rosemount- Inc,8200 Market BlvdPO No.: N/A Date: 3/20/06Ordered From: Mod-Trnnin1 Delta Park Blvd No- 12Bramoton. ON L6T 5G1PO No.: C0000025655 Date: N/AOrdered From: Gateway -nntrnls Inc1302 West Lark Industrial ParkFenton, MO 63026PO No.:Ordered From:Date:Ordered FromTECHNICAL MANUALSManual TitleOrdered FromDPR 100C Product & Operating ManualAPI 1000/1020 G Installation and Setup InstructionsSRT/1 0-50ma11 17ac(AB) Installation and Setup InstructionsModel 1151 Installation and Setup InstructionsHoneywellProvided with Alarm UnitProvided with Square Root TransmitterProvided with Differential Pressure Transmitter9UALAttachment 8.20 A A(EVT 2AP-RR-003Revision 450.59 SCREENActivity Screening Number: 06-33 Page 1 of 2Title: Modification Record 05-8, Addendum 1; "Replacement of Primary Coolant Heat ExchangersHX 503A and HX 503B -Instrumentation Portion"Description of Activity (what is being changed and why):This Modification Record documents the instrumentation changes associated with replacing theprimary coolant system heat exchangers. The major change is replacing DPS-928A andDPS-928B with FT-912G and FT-912H.Safety Determination:Does the proposed activity have the potential to adversely affect nuclear safety or safe facility (i.e., _'_MURR) operations? YES NOIf this question is answered yes, do not continue with this procedure. Identify and report the concern tothe Reactor Manager.50.59 Screening Questions:I. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a design function ___ __.described in the HSR? YES NO2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to a procedure that adversely affects how HSR '1' !__described SSC design functions are performed, controlled, or tested? YES NO3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an HSR described evaluation methodology -__that is used in establishing the design bases or used in the safety analyses? YES NO4. Does the proposed activity involve a test or experiment not described in the HSR, where an SSC is _ IXutilized or controlled in a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for that SSC or YES NOis inconsistent with analyses or descriptions in the HSR?5. Does the proposed activity require a change to the MURR Technical Specifications? XYES NOIf all screening questions are answered NO, then implement the activity per the applicable approved facility procedure(s). A LicenseAmendment or a 50.59 Evaluation is not required.If Screen Question 5 is answered YES, then request and receive a License Amendment prior to implementation of the activity.If Screen Question 5 is answered NO and Question 1, 2, 3, or 4 is answered YES, then complete and attach a 50.59 Evaluation form.[ Refer to Attachment 9.2. ]NOTE: If the conclusion of the screening questions is that a 50.59 Evaluation is not required, provide justification for the "No"determination. In addition, list the documents (HSR, Technical Specifications, and other Licensing Basis documents) reviewed whererelevant information was found. Include section / page numbers. Use page 2 of this form to document your statements.Print Name Sizý ame DatePreparer: Brian Jacobi _ a:: I" /I*Reviewer: Carl HerboldReactor Manager: Les P. Foyto =Z ,1,1 /,-/C-ocAttachment 9.1 'CH-M T 2AP-RR-003Revision 450.59 SCREEN (Cont.)Activity Screening Number: 06-33 Page 2 of 2Title: Modification Record 05-8, Addendum 1; "Replacement of Primary Coolant Heat ExchangersHX 503A and HX 503B -Instrumentation Portion"If the conclusion of the five (5) Screening Questions is that a 50.59 Evaluation is not required, providejustification to support this determination: [ Use and attach additional pages as necessary. ]1. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a design function described in theHSR?No, the proposed activity involves a change to an SSC that does not adversely affect any HSRdescribed design function. The replacement of DPS-928A and DPS-928B, heat exchangerdifferential pressure sensors, with FT-912G and FT-912H, flow orifice-type detectors andassociated instrumentation, provides for an equal or better flow indication within the bounds ofthe HSR.2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to a procedure that adversely affects how HSR described SSC designfunctions are performed, controlled, or tested?No, the proposed activity does not affect the performance, control or testing of HSR-describedSSC design functions. All procedure changes made via Modification Record 05-8, Addendum 1,merely reflect the listed changes to instrumentation.3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an HSR described evaluation methodology that is used inestablishing the design bases or used in the safety analyses?No, the proposed activity does not involve any evaluation methodology used to establish thedesign bases or used in the safety analyses. The instrumentation changes provides for an equalor better flow indication and response within the bounds of the HSR.4. Does the proposed activity involve a test or experiment not described in the HSR, where an SSC is used or controlledin a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for that SSC, or is inconsistent with analyses ordescriptions presented in the HSR?No, the proposed activity involves no test or experiment outside the reference bounds of theHSR. Instrumentation testing will be performed using approved post-maintenance andsurveillance procedures.List the documents (HSR, Technical Specifications, and other Licensing Basis documents) reviewed whererelevant information was found. [ Include section / page numbers. ]Technical Specifications 3.3.a, 4.4.d, and 5.4; HSR: Figures 5.1, 9.3, and 9.4, Table 9.2, andSection; Addendum 3: Sections,,, and; Addendum 4:Sections A.3.3.5 and A.3.16, and Figures A.1, A.2, A.3, A.4.a, A.5, A.6, and A.7; ModificationRecord 05-8, Addenda 1 and 2Attachment 9. 1 ATTACHMENT 3ORIGINALMODIFICATION RECORD: LONG FORMAP-RO- 115Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8, Addendum 2Modification Title: Replacement of Primary Coolant System Heat Exchangers HX 503A and HX 503B-Heat Exchanger and Piping PortionPage No.12345a-c6789Page TitleModification Record: Long FormModification DescriptionHazards Summary Report EvaluationReactor Safety EvaluationOperator Review and EvaluationOperating Procedure EvaluationCP and PM EvaluationParts RequirementsSpare Parts and Technical ManualRequirementsRequiredYes NoDateCompleted/-y'--o0/ -F-0 C"J- r- o5/2- t-06",Z-d-O&"/2- d"-o O",z.- 6-05By(Initials)50.59 Screen orEvaluation Completed:Modification Approved:Modification Completed:(Asst. Reactor Manager -Engineering)(Reactor M ager)\EV(Reactor F-anager)REVIEW AND FOLLOW-UP ACTIONDate: /Z -7-o ILDate: 1. -&---o£Date: /2-z2A. -oLItem No.1234Page TitleReactor Safety Subcommittee ReviewReactor Advisory Committee ReviewU.S. NRC ReviewMURR Prints UpdatedRequired DateYes No Completed3 ---'I -,-I/~ ~ I -4 -Documented by(Initials)ORIGINALAttachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 3ORIGINAL AP-RO- 15Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8, Addendum 2MODIFICATION DESCRIPTIONProvide a concise description of the system change. Include any proposed PRE-OPERATIONALTESTS required for this change. (If additional pages are necessary, insert after this page.)This Addendum to Modification Record 05-8 will detail the primary and secondary coolant system changesrequired to implement replacement of primary coolant heat exchangers HX 503A and HX 503B as initiallydiscussed in Modification Record 05-8. Addendum 1 documents the instrumentation changes desired andrequired by the heat exchanger replacement. This Addendum will primarily document the following fivehydraulic modifications:a. The choice of the replacement heat exchangers;b. The geometry of the primary coolant piping required to backfit the replacement heat exchangers;c. Replacement of the existing flow orifice flanges to provide additional independent flow detection;d. The geometry of the secondary piping required to backfit the replacement heat exchangers; ande. Installation of additional secondary coolant piping and valves required to provide backflushcapability for the replacement heat exchangers.The current primary coolant heat exchangers are water-to-water shell and tube-type with removable tubebundles. The tubes, and all materials in contact with reactor coolant water, are of stainless steel. Thereactor coolant flows on the tube side of the exchanger with a velocity not in excess of 7 ft/sec. One heatexchanger is capable of removing 17E6 Btu/hr from 1800 gpm of coolant water and returning it at 140 IF,using a maximum of 1600 gpm of secondary water flow with its inlet water temperature at 87 OF. Two suchheat exchangers are installed for design power operation at 10 MW.Differential pressure across HX 503A and HX 503B, which provides an indication of flow, is currentlymeasured by DPS-928A and DPS-928B, respectively. These differential pressure sensors provide a flowsignal which can initiate a reactor scram, annunciate the "Low Primary HX Delta-P Scram," and open In-Pool Heat Exchanger Isolation Valves V546A and V546B.The secondary coolant system provides a flow of cooling water to transfer heat from the primary and poolcoolant system by means of heat exchangers HX 503A, HX 503B, and HX 521, respectively. Secondarycoolant is throttled automatically by automatic temperature control Valve S-1. This valve bypassessecondary coolant around HX 503A and HX 503B to maintain primary coolant return temperature asmeasured by temperature element TE-901A at its desired set point.The shell sides of HX 503A and HX 503B, which are in contact with the secondary coolant, are constructedof carbon steel. These shells have required multiple repairs due to leaks, and are approaching the end oftheir operational lifetime due to the degrading integrity of the carbon steel shells. It is proposed to replacethese heat exchangers with two 50% capacity plate and frame-type heat exchangers.Modification Description continued on Page 2a.2ORIGINAL Attachment 8.2 rfttwA~LT3 AP-RO-I 15Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8, Addendum 2MODIFICATION DESCRIPTION (con't)An evaluation (Attachment I) of the replacement of the primary coolant heat exchangers wasperformed in December, 2004 by the Engineering Firm Black & Veatch (B&V), Kansas City,Missouri. That report concluded that the existing shell and tube-type heat exchangers may bereplaced by two plate and frame-type heat exchangers with equivalent cooling capacity and withminimal piping modifications. Additionally, modeling was performed to verify that the followingthree major operational objectives were accomplished by the proposed design change.1. The existing Primary and Secondary Coolant Pumps are adequate to provide the requiredcooling flow for their respective systems (Attachment 1, pg I-I).2. When operating at 10 MW, the primary coolant heat exchangers maintain primarycoolant Tc at 120 'F with a secondary coolant system that is also maintaining poolcoolant Tc at 100 *F using a heat exchanger with 151 plates, and temperature controlvalves S-I and S-2 in the middle of their flow bands (50%), and outside dew-point at thehighest possible (Attachment i, pg 2-2).3. Heat exchangers chosen such that flow rate versus pressure drop across the primarycoolant side remains essentially unchanged from the existing configuration. This ensuresthat no deviation from the existing Safety Analysis and Accident Analyses occurs. Thereplacement heat exchangers will therefore function as a component replacement fromthe perspective of thernmo-hydraulic performance (Attachment 1, pg 3-4).The Graham Corporation plate and frame-type heat exchangers recommended by B&V are GPE-60 Model heat exchangers with 1200 square feet of heat transfer surface area using 201 plates(Attachment 2). The replacement heat exchangers will occupy roughly the same locations inMechanical Equipment Room 114 as the existing heat exchangers with the exception that they arephysically far smaller. They will retain the existing designations of HX 503A and HX 503B.MURR has a 10 year operational performance history using plate and frame-type heat exchangerssince installation of the existing pool coolant heat exchanger HX 521 in 1995 (See ModificationRecord 94-4).Due to the geometry of the replacement heat exchangers and their piping connections, it isnecessary to replace certain sections of the primary coolant system piping. Detailedspecifications for this piping geometry are provided by B&V and included as Attachment 3.Existing system design requirements were met or exceeded in material specification, fabrication,and integrity evaluation. Detailed documentation for material, fabrication and integrity of thereplacement piping components is included as Attachment 5. Procurement and fabrication of thereplacement piping components was accomplished by MURR. Installation of the pipingcomponents will be accomplished by an outside contractor.Replacement of the heat exchangers affords the opportunity to replace the current single set ofsensor taps on the flanges for flow elements (orifices) FE-913A and FE-913B. The new flangeshave two sets of taps, thus allowing two flow transmitters to be connected to single flow orifice.Sensing lines will have high point vent valves installed to facilitate system venting.Modification Description continued on Page 2b.2aORIGINAL Attachment 8.1 AP-RO- 115Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8, Addendum 2MODIFICATION DESCRIPTION (con't)This results in the addition of the following eight 1/22-inch stainless steel ball valves (shown onrevised MURR Print No. 156): 599AM, 599AN, 599AO, 599AP, 599AQ, 599AR, 599AS, and599AT. The two new flow transmitters FT-912G and FT-912H will have test fitting isolationvalves that were not present with DPS-928A and DPS-928B. This results in the addition of thefollowing four 1/-inch stainless steel ball valves (also shown on revised MURR Print No. 156):599AU, 599AV, 599AW, and 599AX.This type of arrangement is currently in use in measuring pool coolant system flow, and has beenshown to provide superior flow measurement and input to the reactor safety system than the useof differential pressure across a heat exchanger. Installation of the new flanges will allow DPS-928A and DPS-928B to be removed. Detailed explanation and analysis of the instrumentationchanges is available in Modification Record 05-8, Addendum 1.Again, due to the geometry of the replacement heat exchangers and their piping connections, it isnecessary to replace certain sections of the secondary coolant system piping. Detailedspecifications for this piping geometry are provided by B&V and included as Attachment 4.Existing system design requirements were met or exceeded in material specification, fabrication,and integrity evaluation. Procurement, fabrication and installation of the secondary coolantsystem piping components will be accomplished by an outside contractor. One notable exceptionto the replacement piping is the relocation of the existing piping arrangement for temperaturecontrol valve S-I to the North wall of Mechanical Equipment Room 114. Each heat exchangerwill be equipped with a secondary side relief valve to provide overpressure protection when theheat exchanger is isolated. These two relief valves (S-70 and S-71) will be set to 125 psig, as arethe other secondary coolant system relief valvesDue to the tight plate-to-plate clearances in these heat exchangers, the secondary side acts as astrainer and collects impurities over time. To mitigate this strainer effect and maintain optimaloperational flexibility, B&V has provided the piping and valves required to back-flush thereplacement heat exchangers. Back-flushing will be accomplished as required using proceduralsteps specified in the attached draft revision to OP-RO-480, "Secondary Coolant System."The modifications described above are planned to be implemented during one week-long outagein December of 2006. Additional work coinciding with that outage includes: Replacement of thePool Coolant System Heat Exchanger (Modification Record 94-4; Addendum I); Replacement ofPool System Piping (Modification Record 05-6); Revision of "White Rat" Overlays (ModificationRecord 75-16, Addendum3); and replacement of the north side graphite reflector elements (6, 7,and 8).Modification Description continued on Page 2c.ORI&INAL Attachment 8.1 f ýTAý H.C I UAP-RO-1 15Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8. Addendum 2MODIFICATION DESCRIPTION (con't)Attachments:I. Project No. 40003 1, Replacement of Primary Coolant System Evaluation Report,Black & Veatch, December 21, 2004.2. Technical Data -Plate-Type Heat Exchanger (201 plates).3. Project No. 40003 1, Replace Primary Coolant Piping, (Approved for ConstructionDrawings), Black & Veatch, July 25, 2005.4. Project No. 400031, Replace Secondary Coolant Piping, (Approved for ConstructionDrawings), Black & Veatch, July 25, 2005.5. Quality Assurance Report, Replace Primary Coolant Piping, MURR, December,2006.6. Hardware and Parts List, MURR, November, 20062cORIGINALAttachment 8.1 O4TAThMELN31 ^AP-RO-1 15Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8, Addendum 2HAZARDS SUMMARY REPORT EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a modification to the reactor facility as defined in the Hazards SummaryReport?Yes: ___ No: __ Signature: Date: /Z- J-O0If YES, make an analysis below and provide the suggested revision(s) to the HSR. If NO, outlinethe basis for the decision.Yes, this modification does involve a change to the reactor facility as defined in the Hazards Summary Report(HSR) and its addenda.Proposed heat exchanger, piping and valve changes that are documented by this Modification Record aredescribed or depicted in the following sections and figures of the HSR and its addenda:1. Original HSRa. Section 5.2.3b. Section 5.4.2c. Section 5.4.7d. Figure 5.1 (MURR Print No. 156, Sheet 1 of 1)2. Addendum 3a. Section Section Section Section Figure 2.2 (MURR Print No. 502, Sheet 1 of 1)3. Addendum 4a. Figure A.2 (MURR Print No. 156)b. Appendix Dc. Appendix EHazards Summary Report Evaluation continued on page 3a.3Attachment 8.2ORIGINAL 7 1'LN) AP-RO-1 15Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8, Addendum 2HAZARDS SUMMARY REPORT EVALUATION (con't)The following sections and figures of the HSR and its addenda will be revised as follows:I. Original HSR:a. Section 5.2.3 will be revised as follows:"The heat exchangers are plate-type with all surfaces in contact with reactor coolantwater being constructed of stainless steel. One heat exchanger is capable of removing16.9 x 106 BTU/hr of heat from 1800 gpm of coolant water and returning it atapproximately 140 OF, using a maximum of 1600 gpm of secondary water flow at 87 OF.Two such heat exchangers are installed for design power operation."b. Section 5.4.2 will be revised as follows:"The secondary water flows on the opposite plate side of the primary coolant in theprimary coolant heat exchangers and on the opposite plate side of the pool coolant in thepool coolant heat exchanger. In both the primary and pool coolant heat exchangers, thesecondary water flows in a cross-flow configuration to the process water being cooled."c. Figure 5.1 (MURR Print No. 156, Sheet I of 1) will be revised as per the attached draftprint.2. Addendum 3a. Section will be revised by adding the following paragraph at the end of the section:"In December 2006, HX 503B was replaced with a Graham Model GPE-60 plate-typeheat exchanger with 201 plates and 1200 square feet of surface area. This heat exchangeris a duplicate of HX 503A, which was also replaced in December, 2006."b. Section will be revised by adding the following paragraph at the end of the section:"In December 2006, the flow orifice flanges for 913B were replaced with dual-tapflanges to allow for additional flow monitoring sensing points. These flow orifice flangesare identical to those used for 913A, which were also replaced in December, 2006."c. Section will be revised by adding the following paragraph at the end of thesection:"As of December 2006, the valves numbered 595C, 595D, 595E, and 595F are theisolation valves for normally installed but isolated pressure gauges used for long-termtrending of heat exchanger differential pressure."d. Section will be revised by adding the following paragraph at the end of thesection:"As of December 2006, FE 913B is instrumented with valve manifolds 5681 and 568J."e. Figure 2.2 (MURR Print No. 502, Sheet I of I) will be revised as per the attached draftprint.3. Addendum 4a. Figure A.2 (MURR Print No. 156, Sheet I of I) will be revised as per the attached draftprint.Hazards Summary Report Evaluation continued on Page 3b.3aORIGINAL Attachment 8.1 AýTTAIýjNET 3AP-RO- 115Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8, Addendum 2HAZARDS SUMMARY REPORT EVALUATION (con't)NOTE: Addendum 3 was submitted to the Atomic Energy Agency in support of MURR'sapplication for an Amendment to reactor license R-103 to allow operation at the full designpower of 10 M Ws. Much of the information contained in Addendum 3 was of the proposedupgrade design, not the current as-built. Addendum 4 documented the final design; thereforeinformation that is contained in Addendum 3 that does not depict the current design is correctedonly in Addendum 4.3b0P I G INA IAttachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 30 A LAP-RO-] 15Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8, Addendum 2REACTOR SAFETY EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a revision(s) to the Technical Specifications or a safety hazard as describedin 10 CFR 50.59?NOTE: A licensee may make changes to the facility as described in the HSR without obtaining a license amendmentonly if:(i) A change to the Technical Specifications incorporated in the license is not required, and(ii) The change does not produce any of the following results:I. More than a minimal increase in the frequency of occurrence of an accident previously evaluated inthe HSR;2. More than a minimal increase in the likelihood of occurrence of a malfunction of an SSC important tosafety previously evaluated in the HSR;3. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of an accident previously evaluated in the HSR;4. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of a malfunction of an SSC important to safetypreviously evaluated in the HSR;5. Create a possibility for an accident of a different type than previously evaluated in the HSR;6. Create a possibility for a malfunction of an SSC important to safety with a different result than anypreviously evaluated in the HSR;7. Altering or exceeding a design basis limit for a fission product barrier as described in the HSR;8. A departure from a method of evaluation described in the HSR used in establishing the design bases orthe safety analyses.Yes: No:Signature: Date: /- --06"If YES, the change must be performed using a Long Form Modification Record. If NO, outline thebasis for the decision.This modification does not involve a change to the Technical Specifications or a question pursuant to 10 CFR50.59. A 50.59 Screen (06-34) is attached which shows that the proposed activity may be implementedwithout further evaluation or license amendment.Technical Specification 4.4.a. states: "The reactor coolant system shall consist of not less than a reactorpressure vessel, two primary system pumps, primary pressurizer, two primary heat exchangers, two poolsystem pumps, one 100% capacity or two 50% capacity pool system heat exchanger(s), and one pool systemhold-up tank plus all associated piping and valves." Additionally, Technical Specification 4.4.e. states: "Allcoolant system major components in contact with pool or primary water shall be constructed principally ofaluminum alloys or stainless steel." The proposed modification will still satisfy the requirements of theseSpecifications.Primary coolant loss of flow and loss of coolant accidents are discussed in HSR Addendum 4, Appendices Dand E, respectively. By request and by design, the replacement heat exchangers duplicate the thermal-hydraulic performance of the existing heat exchangers and therefore do not change the initial assumptions northe results or conclusions of those analyses.Reactor Safety Evaluation continued on Page 4a.4Attachment 8.2ORIGINAL ATTAC,ýM'TNT 3'Dp ~ v~09 LAP-RO-115Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8, Addendum 2REACTOR SAFETY EVALUATION (con't)The likelihood of the primary to secondary coolant system leak scenario is significantly reducedor even eliminated due to the construction of the plate-type heat exchanger. Plate-type heatexchangers use alternating plate channels separated by gasket material to retain both primarycoolant and secondary water. In this design primary coolant leakage to the secondary coolantsystem is not likely unless one of the stainless steel plates is defective. Any primary coolantleakage would immediately be detected by the secondary coolant monitor.Primary coolant leakage to atmosphere is a more likely scenario than leakage to the secondarycoolant system, in which case the leakage would be evident and directed to the radioactive liquidwaste retention system. The gasketing material of the heat exchangers is EPDM (ethylenepropylene diene monomer) and identical to the material used in the primary coolant isolationvalves V507A and V507B which experience much higher gamma radiation levels. Additionally,the same material is used in the pool coolant heat exchanger, which has been in service since1995 with no leakage occurring.The complete or partial failure of a gasket in a plate-type heat exchanger would be no worse thana complete or partial failure of an end plate gasket on a tube and shell-type heat exchanger. Bothare isolatable from the rest of the system and any leakage would be contained in MechanicalEquipment Room 114 or directed to the radioactive liquid waste retention system. Any leakagefrom the new plate-type heat exchangers, or from the existing tube and shell-type for that matter,would be an operational issue and not a reactor safety concern.Safety analyses relating to the relocation of flow instruments and ensuring the single failurecriteria of IEEE-279 are still met by connecting two flow transmitters to a single flow orifice areperformed in 50.59 Screen No. 06-33, and are associated with Modification Record 05-8;Addendum I.4aORIGINALAttachment 8.1 AP-RO-1 15Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8, Addendum 2OPERATOR REVIEW AND EVALUATIONOperators are asked to comment on any safety and/or operational concerns relating to the proposedchange. Pleas indicate any additions, questions, or changes regarding the Hazards Summary Reportand Reactor Safety evaluations.Name Comments5aAttachment 8.2ORIGINAL 4%TTACHMENT 3AP-RO-1 15Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8, Addendum 2OPERATOR REVIEW AND EVALUATION (CONT.)NameComments5bAttachment 8.2OR!GINAL SATTAG1HMENT 3Modification Number: 05-8, Addendum 2OPERATOR REVIEW AND EVALUATION (CONT.)AP-RO-1 15Revision 2NameComments5cAttachment 8.2ORI( iINAL ATTACHMENT 3AP-RO-1 15Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8, Addendum 2OPERATING PROCEDURE AND PRINT EVALUATIONIf a revision to, or a new Operating Procedure and/or Print are required in order to implement thechange, note the Procedure or Print Number, Title, and Section and attach a copy of the proposednew or revised procedure or print.OPERATING PROCEDURESNumberSM-RO-105SM-RO-100AP-RO-1 10OP-RO-410OP-RO-480Title"REPLACE PRIMARY AND POOL COOLANT SYSTEMHEAT EXCHANGERS AND PIPING""DRAINING AND FILLING THE PRIMARY SYSTEMSIDE OF PRIMARY HEAT EXCHANGERS""CONDUCT OF OPERATIONS""PRIMARY COOLANT SYSTEM""SECONDARY COOLANT SYSTEM"SectionNew ProcedureSection 5Table 10.2Attachment 9.1New Section 5.6PRINTSN umber156 (Sheet 1 of 1)502 (Sheet 1 of 1)Title"Piping and Instrument Diagram""Secondary Coolinq System"6Attachment 8.2ORIGINAL ATTACHMENT 3AP-RO-I115Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8, Addendum 2COMPLIANCE AND PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE EVALUATIONIf a revision to, or a new Compliance and/or Preventative Maintenance Procedure are required inorder to implement the change, note the Procedure Number, Title, and Frequency and attach a copyof the proposed new or revised procedure.COMPLIANCE PROCEDURESNumberNo ChangesTitleFrequencyPREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURESTitleNumberP3-Q1"MEASURE PRIMARY HEAT EXCHANGERDIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE" -New ProcedureFrequencyQuarterly70 ,% U Ri LAttachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 3LBAP-RO-! 15Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8, Addendum 2PARTS REQUIREMENTSList all parts that are required in order to implement the change, noting Part Number, Description,and Quantity.Part NumberM4503A through M4505BM4520 through M4527variousHX-503A and HX 503BPart DescriptionFabricated primary piping as specified in Attachment 3Fabricated secondary pipe and valves as specified in Attachment 4Hardware and Parts as specified in Attachment 6(includes gaskets. nuts, bolts, fittings, etc...)Plate and frame heat exchanger (See Attachment 2 and PO below)Qty.10multiplemultiple2PO No.: Bid C283-5-1 Date: 5-24-05Ordered From: Graham Corp. (Beth Asbury/MU)P.O Box 719Batavia, NY 14021-0719585-343-2216www.graham-mfg.comPO No.:Ordered From:Date:PO No.:Ordered From:Date:PO No.:Ordered From:Date:8Attachment 8.2ORIGINAL ATTACHMENT 3AP-RO- 115Revision 2Modification Number: 05-8, Addendum 2SPARE PARTS and TECHNICAL MANUAL REQUIREMENTSList all spare parts and technical manuals that are required in order to implement the change, notingPart Number, Description, and Quantity, and Manual Title and where ordered from.Part NumberNone RequiredSPARE PARTSPart DescriptionRequired .askets. hardware, etc. currently maintainedin adequate numbers in spare Parts systemN/APO No.:Ordered From:Date:PO No.:Ordered From:Date:PO No.: Date: PO No.: Date:Ordered From: Ordered From:TECHNICAL MANUALSManual TitleOrdered From9ORi A LReset Fbrhi-AAttachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 3kY)LPAP-RR-003Revision 450.59 SCREENActivity Screening Number: 06-34Page 1 of 2Title: "Modification Record 05-8; Addendum 2 -Replacement of Primary Coolant System HeatExchangers HX 503A and HX 503B -Mechanical Portion"Description of Activity (what is being changed and why):This Modification Record documents the mechanical changes associated with replacing thePrimary System heat exchangers. The major changes are replacing HX 503A and HX 503B,associated Primary and Secondary piping changes, and relocation of Safety System flow detector.Safety Determination:Does the proposed activity have the potential to adversely affect nuclear safety or safefacility (i.e.,MURR) operations?If this question is answered yes, do not continue with this procedure. Identify and report the concern tothe Reactor Manager.50.59 Screening Questions:I. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a design functiondescribed in the HSR?2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to a procedure that adversely affects how HSRdescribed SSC design functions are performed, controlled, or tested?3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an HSR described evaluation methodologythat is used in establishing the design bases or used in the safety analyses?4. Does the proposed activity involve a test or experiment not described in the HSR, where an SSC isutilized or controlled in a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for that SSC oris inconsistent with analyses or descriptions in the HSR?5. Does the proposed activity require a change to the MURR Technical Specifications?YESNOF-YESYESr-[7YE-SNONONONONOIf all screening questions are answered NO, then implement the activity per the applicable approved facility procedure(s). A LicenseAmendment or a 50.59 Evaluation is not required.If Screen Question 5 is answered YES, then request and receive a License Amendment prior to implementation of the activity.If Screen Question 5 is answered NO and Question 1, 2, 3, or 4 is answered YES, then complete and attach a 50.59 Evaluation form.[ Refer to Attachment 9.2. ]NOTE: If the conclusion of the screening questions is that a 50.59 Evaluation is not required, provide justification for the "No"determination. In addition, list the documents (HSR, Technical Specifications, and other Licensing Basis documents) reviewed whererelevant information was found. Include section / page numbers. Use page 2 of this form to document your statements.Print Name Sign Name DatePreparer: L. Alex Saale ,Reviewer:Reactor Manager: Les P. Foyto(Attachment 9.1k~AYj2[j~-' Vj ATbQHMEN 3AP-RR-003Revision 450.59 SCREEN (Cont.)Activity Screening Number: 06-34 Page 2 of 2Title: "Modification Record 05-8: Addendum 2 -Replacement of Primary Coolant System Heat ExchangersIIHX 503A and HX 503B -Mechanical Portion"If the conclusion of the five (5) Screening Questions is that a 50.59 Evaluation is not required, providejustification to support this determination: [ Use and attach additional pages asc neces.'sai.1. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a design function described in tileHSR?Nn The propnrr-cd activitv invnlxie n rchnnae tn 'qi that not ndeel' affprt :nay desion fiunctinn The replacement heat exchansyerq and piping rranuriement are chosen such th-t thermnl andhydraulic performance will remain essentially unchanged This ensu'es that the desoon finction of the heatexchangers remains unchanged The modification to the Primnau flow detectors and changes to the SecondarySystem piping arrangement continue to serve their HSR described design function in the same manner.2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to a procedure that adversely affects how HSR described SSC designfunctions are performed, controlled, or tested?No The proposed activity does not affect the perforp'rnce, control or testing of HSPqd.s-rtbhd SSC designfilnrtions The procedural channres required primarilV reflect afddition nd relocatinn nf initr*n1lent.altioll,alvino and nomenclature The new prncedure lu- RflM-W-Il5 which prnvideq detailed _qep- to perfnrm thereplacement will also he separately screened for imparts to Reactor Safety3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an HSR described evaluation methodology that is used inestablishing the design bases or used in the s /ery anah.'ses?No The proposed activity does liot involve any evalntionn rnethl'dology Uzed w O ertin hlivh the rleoic'n noriibed in the safetx, analyses The heat eychanoers were delihernteh, chinen giich rham anumptionn andconclusions of'the afety adaident analses renlain unchanged From the thermal and hydraulicperspective, the replacement heat exchangers are simply component replacements. Relocation of the Primaryflow detectors is considered in detail in Modification Record 05-8: Addendum 1. and in 50.59 Screen 06-33.4. Does the proposed activity involve a test or experiment not described in the HSR, where an SSC is used or controlledin a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for that SSC, or is inconsistent with analyses ordescriptions presented in the HSR?No. The proposed activity involves no test or experiment. Material verification, and piping and piping jointintegritv testing will ensure that existing system design specifications are met or exceeded. The thermal andhydraulic performance testing will be performed using the approved new procedure SM-RO-105 describedabove. All testing will be performed within SSC reference bounds described in the HSR.List the documents (HSR, Technical Specifications, and other Licensing Basis documents) reviewed whererelevant information was found. [ Include section / page numbers. ]HSR Section 5.2.3 5.4.2. Figure 5.1, Addendum 3 Section 2.1.2. Figure 2.2. Addendum 4 Figure A.2Technical Specifications 4.4.a, b. c. and e.

  • 9..5- Zfj~~ , ,, ,-.zV~.~ A ~ ~ ZAttachment IReset FormRee Form Attahmen J=

ATTACHMENT 4ORIGINALAP-RO-l115Revision 2MODIFICATION RECORD: SHORT FORMFOR: I) Addenda to existing Modification Records (e.g., modifications of same nature as onespreviously reviewed and approved).2) Significant modifications to the facility or facility systems that are not described in theHazards Summary Report.3) Modifications that require engineering decisions/implementation in a time frame thatprecludes normal licensed operator review prior to implementation.4) Modifications to non-safety systems; for documentation and review only.NOTE: Licensed operators will review these modifications as part of the OperatorRequalification Program.The Reactor Safety Subcommittee will review these modifications.Modification Number: 94-4, Addendum 1Modification Title: Replacement of Pool Coolant System Heat Exchanger HX 521RequiPage No.I23456Page TitleModification Record: Short FormModification Description(Why Short Form is appropriate)Hazards Summary Report EvaluationReactor Safety EvaluationOP, PM, CP, and Print EvaluationSpare Parts RequirementsYesKKKKXred DateNo Completed______ /Z-I -c',/2--2 -C'_ /2-2 -G.c-K- 1 -___-__._By(Initials)-.z-Lt50.59 Screen Completed: ,,,-, ,(Asst. Reactor Manager -Engineering)Reactor Safety Subcommittee Review:_ f__ _ _ __ _ _ _ _(Asst. Reactor Mianager -n~gineering)Modification Approved: _C(a eC p Leted ' Manager)Modification Completed:(P actor Manager)Date: 12 -d"Date:3 -" ODate: /2-- 7-ODate:_ __-2__-__IAttachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 4 ORIGINALAP-RO-1 15Revision 2 ]Modification Number: 94-4, Addendum 1MODIFICATION DESCRIPTIONProvide a concise description of the system change. Include any proposed PRE-OPERATIONAL TESTS required for this change. (If additional pages are necessary, insert afterthis page.)The pool coolant system consists of two main circulating pumps, a heat exchanger, an automatic isolationvalve, a reflector plenum natural convection valve, a hold-up tank, a return diffuser, a bypass loop for waterclean-up, and associated valves and piping. The pool coolant heat exchanger, designated as HX 521, is awater-to-water plate-type with all surfaces in contact with pool water constructed of stainless steel. Thisheat exchanger is designed to remove 3.6E6 BTU/h of heat from 1,200 gpm of pool coolant and return it at99 OF (37 1C) with a secondary coolant flow rate and inlet temperature of 500 gpm and 87 °F (31 1C),respectively.In 1995, Modification Record 94-4 documented the replacement of the two original, tube and shell-type poolcoolant heat exchangers with a single plate-type consisting of 151 plates. The new heat exchanger wassized to reject the pool coolant system portion (-10%) of the 30 MW heat load that would be generated in apotential future reactor upgrade. A short time after installation, 50 of the 151 plates were removed becausethermal equilibrium with the primary coolant system could not be maintained even with automatictemperature control valve S-2 in the fully open position -essentially the heat exchanger was removing moreheat from the pool coolant system than was desired.Since installation in 1995, the pressure drop across the heat exchanger has steadily increased, which hasresulted in a decrease in total pool coolant system flow rate. An evaluation (Attachment 1) of the poolcoolant heat exchanger was performed in February 2005 by the Engineering Firm Black & Veatch (B&V),Kansas City, Missouri. In the evaluation B&V states that due to the tight clearances between the plates, theheat exchanger will act like a filter and collect impurities in the water. Additionally, the maker of the heatexchanger (Graham Corporation) had previously inspected plates that had what appeared to be a thin layerof surface contaminants. Both of these are sufficient to cause an increase in the pressure drop across theheat exchanger.Modification Description continued on Page 2a.Why a Short Form is appropriate.(At least one of four reasons listed on Page 1, with justification)The short form of the Modification Record is appropriate because (a) this is an Addendum to an existing,previously reviewed and approved Modification Record (94-4), and (b) this is a modification to a non-safetysystem that requires documentation and review only.2Attachment 8. 1 ATTACHMENT 4 ORIGINALAP-RO-I 15Revision 2Modification Number: 94-4: Addendum IMODIFICATION DESCRIPTION (con't)Based on these findings and the discussions with the Graham Corporation, B&V recommendedthe following two corrective options:1. Disassembly and inspection of the heat exchanger, and any damaged plates replaced -thisshould return the heat exchanger to a like new condition,or2. Installation of a new heat exchanger, which may be performed as part of thereconfiguration of the primary coolant system. Essentially, the new pool coolant heatexchanger would be designed to be thermally balanced with the new primary coolant heatexchangers.Relevant pages (Attachment 2) from the evaluation report (Project No. 40003 1, Replacement ofPrimary Coolant System Evaluation Report) for system upgrades to the primary and pool coolantsystems, mainly replacement of the system heat exchangers are attached. On page 2-2, anoperational issue was identified by MURR in which it was desired to maintain primary and poolcoolant temperatures at normal operating values with the highest outside dew-point. Basically,when operating at 10 MW, the primary coolant heat exchangers would maintain primary coolantTc at 120 'F with a secondary coolant system that is also maintaining pool coolant Tc at 100 'Fusing a heat exchanger with 151 plates, and temperature control valves S-I and S-2 in the middleof their flow bands. By increasing the number of plates, which will decrease the pressure dropacross the heat exchanger, coupled with piping improvements to the pool coolant system (SeeModification Record 05-6), this should allow operation at 10 MW with only one pool coolantpump, if so desired. This was the case prior to the removal of the 50 plates from the current heatexchanger.Therefore, this addendum to Modification Record 94-4 documents the replacement of the currentplate-type pool coolant heat exchanger with the exact same model (Attachment 3) that wasinitially installed in 1995 (with 151 plates). Installation of the new heat exchanger should returntotal pool coolant system flow rate to design values.Attachments:I. Pool Heat Exchanger Evaluation, MURR -Replace Primary Cooling System, Project No400031, Black & Veatch, February 18, 2005.2. Selected pages from Project No. 40003 1, Replacement of Primary Coolant SystemEvaluation Report, Black & Veatch, December 21, 2004.3. Technical Data -Plate-Type Heat Exchanger (151 plates).2aAttachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 4 ORIGINALAP-RO-1 15Revision 2Modification Number: 94-4, Addendum 1HAZARDS SUMMARY REPORT EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a modification to the reactor facility as defined in the Hazards SummaryReport?Yes: _ No: _ ' Signature: Date: 1/-0CIf YES, make an analysis below and pr vide the suggested revision(s) to the HSR. If NO, outlinethe basis for the decision.This modification does not involve a change to the reactor facility as defined in the Hazards Summary Report(HSR) and its addenda. The new plate-type heat exchanger is the exact same model as the one that iscurrently installed -the number of plates is not discussed.3Attachment 8.1I ATTACHMENT 4ORIGINALAP-RO- 115Revision 2Modification Number: 94-4, Addendum 1REACTOR SAFETY EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a revision(s) to the Technical Specifications or a safety hazard as describedin 10 CFR 50.59?NOTE: A licensee may make changes to the facility as described in the HSR without obtaining a license amendmentonly if:(i) A change to the Technical Specifications incorporated in the license is not required, and(ii) The change does not produce any of the following results:1. More than a minimal increase in the frequency of occurrence of an accident previously evaluated inthe HSR;2. More than a minimal increase in the likelihood of occurrence of a malfunction of an SSC important tosafety previously evaluated in the HSR;3. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of an accident previously evaluated in the HSR;4. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of a malfunction of an SSC important to safetypreviously evaluated in the HSR;5. Create a possibility for an accident of a different type than previously evaluated in the HSR;6. Create a possibility for a malfunction of an SSC important to safety with a different result than anypreviously evaluated in the HSR;7. Altering or exceeding a design basis limit for a fission product barrier as described in the HSR;8. A departure from a method of evaluation described in the HSR used in establishing the design bases orthe safety analyses.Yes: No: /Signature: ,.L..4/,,( ýDate: /22- 2-C-4If YES, the change must be performed ting a Long Form Modification Record. If NO, outline thebasis for the decision.This modification does not involve a change to the Technical Specifications or a question pursuant to 10 CFR50.59.The proposed modification may be considered a maintenance activity as defined in the "Guidelines for 10CFR 50.59 Implementation," NEI 96-07, Revision 1, November 2000, prepared by the Nuclear EnergyInstitute (NEI). Maintenance activities are activities that restore SSCs to their as-designed condition, includingactivities that implement approved design changes. These activities include troubleshooting, calibration,refurbishment, maintenance-related testing, identical replacements, housekeeping and similar activities thatdo not permanently alter the design, performance requirements, operation or control of SSCs. A 50.59Screen (06-35) is attached which shows that the proposed activity may be implemented without furtherevaluation or license amendment.Additionally, as part of the safety analysis for Modification Record 94-4, the facility submitted a request to theU.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to change the MURR Technical Specifications to support thereplacement of the two original 50% capacity tube and shell-type pool coolant heat exchangers with one100% capacity plate-type heat exchanger. The NRC reviewed the request and the associated safety analysisand issued Amendment No. 27 to Amended Facility License No. R-103 authorizing the modification. Thesafety analysis for this Modification Record falls within the envelope of the safety analysis performed forModification Record 94-4.4Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 4ORIGINALAP-RO-I115Revision 2 IModification Number: 94-4, Addendum 1OPERATING, PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE, AND COMPLIANCE PROCEDURE,AND PRINT EVALUATIONDoes this change require a revision(s) to any Operating, Preventative Maintenance, or ComplianceProcedure, or any Print?Yes: No: 1' Signature:If YES, provide the suggested revision(Date: /2-2-OCOPERATING PROCEDURES:-No revision is required for this modification.PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES:*No revision is required for this modification.COMPLIANCE PROCEDURES:-No revision is required for this modification.PRINTS:-No revision is required for this modification.5Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 4 OFAPR(Modification Number: 94-4, Addendum 1SPARE PARTS REQUIREMENTS EVALUATIONDoes this change require that any new or additional Spare Parts be maintained in inventory'?Yes: No: 7 Signature: Date: /2-2-6(If YES, provide a list of the spare parts.IlGINAM-RO-1 15evision 2CSPARE PARTS:-No spare parts are required for this modification.6Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 4nI)yAP-RR-003Revision 450.59 SCREENActivity Screening Number: 06-35 Page 1 of 2Title: Modification Record 94-4, Addendum 1, "Replacement of Pool Coolant System HeatExchanger HX 521"Description of Activity (what is being changed and why):The current plate-type heat exchanger is being replaced with the exact same model. This is beingdone due to an increasing pressure drop across the plates, which is occurring due to the tightplate clearances acting as a filter and the possibility of surface contaminants.Safety Determination:Does the proposed activity have the potential to adversely affect nuclear safety or safe facility (i.e., [ [xMURR) operations? YES NOIf this question is answered yes, do =o continue with this procedure. Identify and report the concern tothe Reactor Manager.50.59 Screening Questions:I. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a design function C []described in the HSR? YES NO2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to a procedure that adversely affects how HSR C M]described SSC design functions are performed, controlled, or tested? YES NO3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an HSR described evaluation methodology EC M]that is used in establishing the design bases or used in the safety analyses? YES NO4. Does the proposed activity involve a test or experiment not described in the HSR, where an SSC is [- Cutilized or controlled in a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for that SSC or YES NOis inconsistent with analyses or descriptions in the HSR?5. Does the proposed activity require a change to the MURR Technical Specifications?YES NOIf all screening questions are answered NO, then implement the activity per the applicable approved facility procedure(s). A LicenseAmendment or a 50.59 Evaluation is 01 required.If Screen Question 5 is answered YES, then request and receive a License Amendment prior to implementation of the activity.If Screen Question 5 is answered NO and Question 1, 2, 3, or 4 is answered YES, then complete and attach a 50.59 Evaluation form.[ Refer to Attachment 9.2. ]NOTE: If the conclusion of the screening questions is that a 50.59 Evaluation is not required, provide justification for the "No"determination. In addition, list the documents (HSR, Technical Specifications, and other Licensing Basis documents) reviewed whererelevant information was found. Include section / page numbers. Use page 2 of this form to document your statements.Print Name Sign Name DatePreparer: Stephen L. Sample ,=-iReviewer: " _____/ _Reactor Manager: Les P. Foyto /, .7-6,Attachment 9.1 ATTACHMENT 4PYAP-RR-003Revision 450.59 SCREEN (Cont.)Activity Screening Number: 06-35 Page 2 of 2Title: Modification Record 94-4, Addendum 1, "Replacement of Pool Coolant System HeatExchanger HX 521"If the conclusion of the five (5) Screening Questions is that a 50.59 Evaluation is not required, providejustification to support this determination: [ Use and attach additional pages as necessary. ]I. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a design function described in theHSR?No. The proposed activity does not involve a change to any SSC described in the HazardsSummary Report. This modification does not alter the function of the Safety System or createnew modes of failure.2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to a procedure that adversely affects how HSR described SSC designfunctions are performed, controlled, or tested?No. The proposed activity does not affect any procedure.,,k'.1 &acte.we 5M -.-o-t90oy ,0 r. ., o-', , C. gl3rJC '4:J r, 44,,.1/ ,, .3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an HSR described evaluation methodology that is used inestablishing the design bases or used in the safety analyses?No. The proposed activity does not affect any of the design bases or safety analyses described inthe Hazards Summary Report.4. Does the proposed activity involve a test or experiment not described in the HSR, where an SSC is used or controlledin a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for that SSC, or is inconsistent with analyses ordescriptions presented in the HSR?No. The proposed activity does not involve any test or experiment.List the documents (HSR, Technical Specifications, and other Licensing Basis documents) reviewed whererelevant information was found. [ Include section / page numbers. ]Mod. Record 94-4; Mod. Record 94-4 Add. 1; Tech. Spec. 3.3; T.S. 4.4; HSR 5.3; HSR 5.3.5;HSR Add. 3,; HSR Add. 4, Fig. A.2..,, -, -X0 -/o6SAttachment 9.1 ATTACHMENT 4BLACK & VEATCHJ building a world of difference-'ENERGY .WATER

  • INFORMATION .GOVERNMENTUniversity of Missouri -Columbia B&V Project: 138814MURR -Replace Primary Cooling System B&V File 41.0000Project No. 400031 Project Record No.: BV-MURR-2005-0035February 18, 2005University of Missouri System6 Clark HallColumbia, Missouri 65211Subject: Pool Heat Exchanger EvaluationReferences: 1. NoneAttention: Beth AsburyUM Project ManagerAs part of the ongoing work at the MURR facility, B&V has reviewed available performanceinformation on the existing Pool Heat Exchanger. The following table shows a comparison ofthe pressure drop data recorded December 19, 1995 to the data recorded January 19, 2004.December 19, 1995 January 19, 2004Measurement P-508A P-508B Two Pump P-508A P-508B Two PumpPool Flow' 1,027 1,063 1,191 955 947 1,153HX 521 Inlet' 36 37.5 55 39.5 39 51.5HX 521 Outlet" 28 29 44 28 28 36Difference' 8 8.5 11 11.5 11 15,5Notes: 1) Average flow rates in gallons per minute2) Pressures in psig.It can not be determined from the data if the secondary pumps were running when the poolcoolant readings were recorded in 1995. Therefore, the January 19, 2004 data selected forcomparison are from the cases where no secondary coolant pumps running. The recordedpressure drops from 2004 are higher when secondary pumps are running.Since the measured flow rates are lower and the corresponding pressure drops across theheat exchanger are higher in 2004 than in 1995 it is apparent that pressure drop on the poolside has increased over time.B&V has contacted Gary Trumpfheller, Sales Manager, Graham Corporation to discuss heatexchanger performance. Due to the tight clearance between the plates, the heat exchangerwill act like a filter and collect impurities in the water. Contaminants can enter the systemthrough the open reactor pool or with test samples. In the past, Graham Corporation hasinspected plates that have what appears to be a thin layer of contaminants on the surface.This thin layer has been enough to increase the pressure drop across the heat exchanger.Based upon the discussion with the Mr. Trumpfheller, B&V recommends that the pool heatexchanger be disassembled and the plates inspected. Any damaged plates should bereplaced. This should return the heat exchanger to a like new condition. If MURR purchasesand installs a replacement pool heat exchanger, this inspection may be performed as part ofthe reconfiguration of this heat exchanger for the primary coolant service.building a world of difference".

ATTACHMENT 4Page 2University of Missouri -Columbia B&V Project 138814Beth Asbury February 18, 2005In addition. Mr. Trumpfheller stated that the plates are indeed extremely flexible. Therefore,as the pressure increases on one side of the plate, the flow area decreases on the other sideof the plate, resulting in an increase in the pressure drop. This phenomenon has beendemonstrated for the pool heat exchanger by the increase in pressure drop observed on thepool side when the secondary side is operated. Since the flow rate and correspondingpressure drop are by design greater on the pool side of the heat exchanger, some increase inpool water flow can be achieved by decreasing the pressure in the heat exchanger on thesecondary side.From discussions with the MURR staff, secondary coolant valve S-223 is used to throttle flowin Room 114. Since this valve is downstream of the pool heat exchanger, throttling itincreases the pressure on the secondary side of the pool heat exchange. Moving the valve toupstream of the heat exchanger will reduce the pressure on the secondary side of the poolheat exchanger. This may result in a slight decrease in the pressure drop across the heatexchanger.Please contact Bill Luelf at 913-458-7878 or myself at 913-458-4605 should you have anyquestions.Very truly yours,BLACK & VEATCHCarl A. RaineyProject ManagerEnclosures: 1. NoneWCL:mrkcc: Doug SpellmanCharlie McKibbenBob Fraser A (T-7-:, A C EATTACHMENT 4University of Missouri -ColumbiaResearch ReactorProject No. 400031Replacement of Primary CoolantSystem Evaluation ReportDecember 21, 2004122004-1B&V Project 138814RAR-0002BLACK & VEATCH ATTACHMENT 4MURR Introductionreactor was able to operate at 10 MW with a single pool pump in operation. Since plateand frame heat exchangers have multiple parallel flow paths, decreasing the number ofplates proportionally decreased the number of flow paths. Therefore, the pressure dropacross the heat exchanger increased as a result of decreasing the number of plates (anddecreasing flow area). This pressure drop increase caused the unit to require both poolpumps to be running in order to operate the reactor at 10 MW.Another operational issue identified during discussions with MURR was spuriousSCRAMS of the reactor due to changes in differential pressure across the Pool Loop HeatExchanger when the secondary cooling system pumps are started. This has beenattributed to the heat exchanger plates being too flexible, and is to be considered in thedesign of Primary Coolant System Heat Exchangers.A related issue identified by MURR was that the existing piping arrangementresults in a static pressure of approximately 0 psig at the pool pumps suction during poolloop testing. MURR expressed interest in modifications to the piping that would improvethe net positive suction head (NPSH) available for these pumps.A final operational issue identified by MURR was the desire to maintain targetedPool and Primary temperatures with the highest outside dew-point possible. Thereforewhen operating at 10 MW, MURR is interested in having primary heat exchangers thatwill maintain the Primary Coolant Tc at 120 F with a secondary that has maintained thePool Coolant Tc at 100 F using the Pool Heat Exchanger with 151 plates, and S-1 and S-2in the middle of their flow bands.The Primary Coolant Heat Exchangers are not required during a beryllium changeoutage. Therefore, the heat exchanger replacement is planned for the beryllium changeoutage scheduled for January 2006. This outage is expected to be 6 days but the heatexchanger replacement should be performed as quickly as possible. The Pool CoolantSystem is required during the beryllium outage. Therefore, a separate outage is requiredfor the Pool Coolant System modifications. This outage is tentatively scheduled for theend of 2006. The outage should be as short as practical.Finally, a walkdown inspection of Room 114 and immediate vicinity revealed thataccess to Room 114 is limited by the opening in an existing fence gate. The clearopening of the gate is 5 feet 7 inches wide by 7 feet 0 inch high. Although the entire gatemay be removed to allow better access to the adjacent hallway, the existence of conduitand piping in the hallway makes the gate dimensions a practical limit [or any itembrought to or removed from Room 114. As part of this walkdown, and subsequentdiscussions, it is clear that welding on current Primary and Pool piping in Room 114should be minimized or eliminated to minimize the outage.122004-1 2-2122004-12-2 ATTACHMENT 4MURR AnalysisMoving the tank into place as a single unit will result in more of the existing piping beingtemporarily removed.To speed up final assembly, tank turning rolls would be used to keep the tank inan optimum position for welding. By continuously or semi-continuously rolling the tank,the welder will be able to constantly perform a horizontal weld, which is typically theeasiest and fastest weld to make. The use of tank turning rolls when performingcircumferential welded joints should allow the fabrication of a welded tank to becompetitive with a bolted joint.Based on AWWA C207 72 inch diameter flanges, the bolted tank will haveapproximately 60 bolts per connection. Each nut and bolt or stud and bolt assemblycould weigh between 5 and 10 pounds. Therefore, the bolting of each flange will taketime and effort, especially with the bolts on the bottom and on the backside of the tank.Additional discussion will be provided in the Preliminary Cost and ScheduleReport.3.2.5 Demolition ConsiderationsThe demolition of the existing tank is expected to be on the critical path of theoutage. Therefore, any reduction or elimination of work to be performed during theoutage will have a direct impact on outage duration.Discussion with John O'Neil of Chase Environmental has revealed that theexisting tank may be cut apart in about 36 hours. The tank would be cut into sections forremoval from Room 114. The sections would be shipped offsite for decontamination anddisposal. In addition to the time required to cut the tank apart, additional time in Room114 will be necessary to set up and take down radiological controls and for removal oftank sections. Additional discussion will be provided in the Preliminary Cost andSchedule Report.3.3 Pool Coolant System Pressure Drop RecoveryIn Deccmber 1995, 50 plates were removed from the Pool Coolant HeatExchanger. Prior to the removal of the 50 plates. the reactor could be operated at 10 MWwith only a single pool pump in service. After the removal of the plates, due to theincreased differential pressure that resulted from the reduced flow area in the heatexchanger, a single pool pump was not sufficient to supply the coolant flow.3.3.1 Heat Exchanger Pressure Drop EvaluationPredicted differential pressure across the Pool Loop Heat Exchanger wasrequested from the original equipment manufacturer, Graham Corporation., for the cases122004-13-10 ATTACHMENT 4MURR Analysisof 950 gpm, 1,200 gpm, and 1,600 gpm for the current configuration of 101 plates. Thesubmitted data sheets from Graham are included in Appendix A.The predicted data was compared to the measured data provided by MURR insupport of this study (Appendix B) and the values are given in Table 3-5. The valuegiven for the measured pressure drop is based upon the average values recorded for singlepool pump operation with two secondary cooling pumps operating and are corrected toreflect the apparent calibration error of the pressure indicators.Table 3-5Primary Side Pressure Drop for the Pool Loop Heat ExchangerMeasuredNumber of Plates Predicted (2004)151 Plates at 1,100 gpm 4.8 psi Unknown101 Plates at 1,100 gpm 9.9 psi 20.0 psiIt was discovered during the preparation of the preliminary isometric drawingsthat the piping was connected in reverse of that shown on Graham drawings. The actualprimary side inlet piping was connected to what Graham shows as the secondary sideoutlet and the actual secondary side inlet piping was connected to the primary side inlet.MURR confirmed that on the final heat exchanger drawings submitted by Graham, thiswas an approved alternate configuration. MURR provided perfbrmance data for the 101plate configuration dated December 19, 1995 (see Appendix B). The data sheet isannotated with a note reading: "HX differential press is" lower than what Grahampredicted They said 11. 7psi and we have 11 psi." The value attributed to Graham (11.7psi at 1200 gpm) is the same as the predicted performance from Graham for the 101 plateconfiguration at the same flow rate (see Appendix A). Therefore, reversing the directionof flow through the heat exchanger had limited impact on the pressure drop.Comparing the test data recorded in 1995 to that recorded in 2004 indicates thatthe measured pressure drop has increased. This may be due to fouling or foreign mattercollecting in the heat exchanger and reducing the flow area. It is recommended that thisbe investigated further as part of Phase II design activities.It is assumed that with the reinstallation of 50 plates that any issues with foulingor foreign matter will be resolved and the heat exchanger will be restored to its originalcondition. This will allow the reactor to operate at full power on a single pool pump.However, if the degradation of heat exchanger performance as reflected in pressure dropwas the result of fouling, or foreign matter collecting within the heat exchanger. then over122004-13-11 ATTACHMENT 4MURR Analysistime performance may again degrade to the point where two pool pumps are required toprovide sufficient pool cooling flow. This may be alleviated in part by increasing the sizeof some of the pool system piping to offset the change in differential pressure across theheat exchanger.Performance data is not available to determine the actual pressure drop with theoriginal installation of 151 plates. Since the reported pressure drop for 101 plates in 1995was slightly less than the pressure drop predicted by the manufacturer, it is assumed thatactual pressure drop with 151 plates was also slightly less than manufacturer predictedvalues. Therefore, the original as installed pressure drop for the 151 plate installationwill be estimated to be 4.8 psi at a flow rate of 1100 gpm.Review of the available data for 101 plate configuration reveals that the pressuredrop across the pool heat exchanger has increased by a little more than double over thelast nine years (from 9.9 psi to 20 psi at a flow rate of 1100 gpm). The design criteria formodifying the piping is to increase size as necessary to reduce the friction loss in pipingand mechanical devices by 5 psi at a flow rate of 1075 gpm.3.3.2 System AnalysisAFT Fathom software program was again used for the modeling. The basis forthe Pool Coolant System piping model is as described for the Primary Reactor CoolantSystem piping in Subsection 3.1.3.The base scenario for each piping system analyzed reflects the piping as currentlyinstalled and operating. Test data provided by MURR (Appendix B) was used toestimate pressure drop for various components, create boundary and flow conditions, andto reconcile the model with actual system performance. Because the primary concern ofthe analysis is to identify piping and in-line devices to be replaced to reduce systempressure drop, modeling simplifications and techniques discussed in Subsection 3.1.3were used.The calculated properties from AFT Fathom for the pumps for all cases discussedare given in Appendix C. Calculation files showing the spectrum of results are includedon the enclosed CD-ROM. The results of the baseline analysis of the Primary CoolantSystem using AFT Fathom are generally consistent with the as-measured valves providedby MURR. It was previously noted that the data provided by MURR exhibits somescatter. For example, under the no pump case, the pressure indicators on the suction anddischarge of the pool pumps range from 9 psig to 10.5 psig. These instruments are allmeasuring the same condition in this case (static head) and should indicate the samevalue. However. since this scatter does not affect conclusions of this study, furtherinvestigation is not required at this time.122004-13-12 CDcmzwI0H-H-NOZZLE SCHEDULESIZE: 8"TYPE: 1501 STUDDEDN OESCRIPTIONe 3HS OUTLETB- _CSINET"R- C OUTLETS(.3) 3/4"0HOLESCUSTOMER: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI -ICUST ORDER NO.: C0000028494 (2) RELIEF VALVES SUPPLIED (SHIPPEO LOOSE. PIPED BY OTHERS)GRAHAM JOB NO.: 05-52152PE CIRCLE SEAL CONTROLS MODEL HP559B-2M-150 (SET POINT 150 PSIG)DESIGN / CONSTRUCTION: ASME SECT VII,. OIV 1. 2004 ED.. AO4 PLATE HEAT EXCHANGER MATERIAL LISTINSPECTION. CUSTOMER G ASHE , .. PART NAME MATERIAL SPEC. NO.STAMPING: ASME / FIXED COVER CARBON STEEL SA-516-70SURFACE PREPARATION: GRI TBLAST PER SSPC-SP6 MOVABLE COVER CARBON STEEL SA-516-70PAINT (EXT CARBON STL/: IC 8837 GRAHAM BLUE CARRYING BAR CARBON STEEL SA-35TAG:.' PROJECT 1400043. PO C00000284,94 GUIDE BAR STAINLESS STEEL SA-479-304NO. OF PLATES: J51 (173 MAX.)NO TES:1. OVER PRESSURE PROTECTION MUST BE PROVIDED PRIOR TO PLACING VESSEL IN SERVICE.2. PULSATING PUMPS MUS T HAVE ADEQUATE PULSATION DAMPENERS PROVIDEO.3. BOLT HOLES STRADDLE CENTERLINES. I4. MARK ALL CONNECTIONS WITH FLOW LABELS. CERTIFIED CORAEC T5. ALL CONN. ARE 1501 ASHE sTD DRILLING. GRAHAM CORPORATION6. ALUMINUM SHROUD SUPPLIED.HS L1INEH ZIVU 5 TiAJNLb..S STIEEL SA-24U-316CS LINERS/NOZ STAINLESS STEEL SA-240-316PLATES STA INLESS STEEL SA-240-316GASKETS EPOM ----BOL TINS ALLOY STEEL SA-193-87, SA-194-2HGRAHAM CORPORA U.ON20 FLORENCE AVE. BATAVIA. NEW YORKM.A.W.. P TEMPERATURE HYDRO(P.S.I.G.) MONT/OESIGN TESTI IIJGaF) IPgR 1f)tNUMBEROFPARAFSEST'O WGTS. SURFACE(LBS) AREA(SO F T)GPE-60 PLATE HEAT EXCHANGERHOT SIDE 150 0/150 .25 1 EMPTY 3330 SL E DATE OWG. NO. REVCOLD SIDE 150 0/150 225 1 FLOOHED 4090 N-1-05 A-5BO1S-15, 00101105 > K:lA'f~205 J5161 . CDCzwI0HiH/-,CODE SrMSOL LOCA TIONGRAHAM CORPORATIONPLATE HEAT EXCHANGERMODEL NO. GPE-60 _ SURFACE 898 SO. FT.SERIAL NO. 05-52152-I DATE BUILT 1 2005IAG NO. I.2 J CODE I ASME SECT VIJI. DIV IM.A.W.P. 150 PSIG PRoxE-CAT 00043TEST PRESS. 225 PSIG PC ,COOOOo8494DESIGN TEl. 150 FSERVICE DEMIN. WA TER /-WA TERXWF .D4 V.S. 4.PLATE HEAT EXCHANGER NAME PL PER DG." S-3946/1/,r 5-; /CERTIFIED BYHTI GRAHAM CORPORATIONHOTSIDE MAWP 150 PSIG AT 150 "FCOLDSIDE MAWP 150 PSIG AT 150 FMIN DESIGN METAL TEMP AT MAWP:HOTSIDE 0 *F COLOSIDE 0 *FS/N 05-62152-i YEAR 2005ASKE NAME PL FOR PL HEAT EXCHANGERS PER 0WG: S-2054-3ýOTE:01 CONI&CY O.C. F04R N&710ý. 8oio4P N&OEQ.05-62155 PCGRAHAM CORPORATION20 FLORENCE AVE. BATAVIA. NEW YOPXNAMEPLA TE STAMPINGDORIGINAL ISSUE SCALE MADE CHKO DATre DWG. NO. REV.REV ,ESCRIPTION MADE CHKD DATE FULL ICOG EPK B-1-05I B-58015-,3 1 0Oal.a/O5) A. 1 9 t- 1f2OfSlSfl O5 I3.CAD FIXED ENDzwIJ0HHF-<-%, b LcUNIVERSITY OF MISSOURICUST. P.O. COOOOO8494JOB # 05-62152 PEMODEL 6PE-60PASSES HO(SIDE IPASSES COLOSIOE IrAe,. i" 5.-IPLA TE SEQUENCE K, S, L, R.. .CGRAHAM CORPORA TION20 FLORENCE AVE. BA TA VIA, NEW YORKPLA TE HEAT EXCHANGER FLOW DIAGRAM0 ORIGINAL ISSUE ---.. ... SCALE MADE CHKD DATE DWG. NO. ýEV.REV.DESCRIPTIONMADE I CHKODA TENONE I SCG EPK08/01/05 A-58015-21 0SCG 08/01/05 > K. \AcrrvE\2o05\62y52%5a0jS_2JCAD ATTACHMENT 5ORIGINALAP-RO-i 15Revision IMODIFICATION RECORD: SHORT FORMFOR: 1) Addenda to existing Modification Records (e.g., modifications of same nature as onespreviously reviewed and approved).2) Significant modifications to the facility or facility systems that are not described in theHazards Summary Report.3) Modifications that require engineering decisions/implementation in a time frame thatprecludes normal licensed operator review prior to implementation.4) Modifications to non-safety systems; for documentation and review only.NOTE: Licensed operators will review these modifications as part of the OperatorRequalification Program.The Reactor Safety Subcommittee will review these modifications.Modification Number: 05-6Modification Title: Replace Pool Pump PipingPage No.123456Page TitleModification Record: Short FormModification Description(Why Short Form is appropriate)Hazards Summary Report EvaluationReactor Safety EvaluationOP, PM, CP, and Print EvaluationSpare Parts RequirementsRequiredYes NoX.___ _DateCompleted-7-2 -aoC7-za -Ogr7-zo6-deBy(Initials)50.59 Screen Completed: -4¢9,z 25ý,,a #</-"(Asst. Reactor Manager -Engineering)Reactor Safety Subcommittee Review: I,'A? (Asst. Reactor Managero 1.ngineering)Modification Approved: -IN(" / \ , (Reactp~f"Manager)Modification Completed:(Reacto/Manager)Date: _-7_-_-0Date: /'-/03-6/Date: 7-2./-04Date: __-_o-_o_IAttachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 5 ORIGINALAP-RO-! 15Revision IModification Number: 05-6MODIFICATION DESCRIPTIONProvide a concise description of the system change. Include any proposed PRE-OPERATIONAL TESTS required for this change. (If additional pages are necessary, insert afterthis page.)SummaryThis Modification Record replaces certain existing Pool System piping with larger diameter piping. Thismodification will reduce operational head loss and therefore increase available system flow. A futurechange, Modification Record 94-4, Addendum 1, will replace the existing pool heat exchanger to betterbalance the heat transfer capacity of the Pool System and Secondary System, and help to minimize anexisting dynamic effect of Secondary flow on Pool flow.BackgroundThe Pool Coolant System includes the following: The reflector plenum natural convection valve, anautomatic isolation valve, a hold-up tank, main circulating pumps, a plate type heat exchanger, a pool returndiffuser and associated piping and valves.The basic design conditions for the pool loop cooling system are that it will transfer 3.6 x 10A6 BTU/hr(roughly 1 MW) at a flow rate of 1200 gpm.It is desired to increase all four-inch pipe diameters to six-inch pipe diameters for the following reasons:1. Current Pool System flow is typically less than 1100 gpm and due to various factors occasionallyreduces to the chosen low flow alarm value of 1060 gpm.2. The Hazards Summary Report states that pool loop coolant flow rates are adjustable to provide optimumcooling rates for various possible experimental arrangements in the reflector. This statement is onlytrue in part, as no increase in flow is available through throttling.3. While flow assumptions in the reflector are very conservative and no such limits are currently beingapproached, future experiment configurations may require additional cooling capacity.(Modification Description continued on Page 2a)Why a Short Form is appropriate.(At least one of four reasons listed on Page 1, with justification)The short form of the Modification Record is appropriate because this is a modification to a non-safetysystem that requires documentation and review only (Reason No.4).2Attachment 8. 1 ATTACHMENT 5 ORIGINALAP-RO- 115Revision IModification Number: 05-6MODIFICATION DESCRIPTION (con't)4. Current pump suction pressure is typically at or slightly below atmospheric pressure.Increased pipe diameters at the pump suctions can help to increase the NPSH and reducecavitation, resulting in longer pump service life and increased pumping efficiency.5. Reduced head loss in the system may allow single-pump operation of the pool coolantsystem, providing greater maintenance and repair flexibility.Scope of WorkThe modification will consist of fabrication, testing, and installation of various sections of PoolSystem piping, followed by verification of the overall system performance. Black and VeatchEngineering was contracted to analyze and design this piping configuration as part of a largerupgrade to the Pool and Primary systems. MU Project 400031 Mechanical ConstructionSpecifications and Pool and Primary Coolant Piping Drawings contain detailed design data andanalysis supporting the piping being fabricated and installed in this modification.Six-inch diameter aluminum piping will replace four-inch diameter aluminum piping, and whereappropriate, six-inch isolation and check valves will replace four-inch isolation and check valvesin the Mechanical Equipment Room 114. System function and flowpath will remain as existing,though specific pipe routing and pipe hanger locations will change to some degree. Other systemcomponents such as the automatic valve, hold-up tank, circulating pumps, heat exchanger andinterfacing system connections will remain as existing and unchanged by this modification. Thepredicted increase in flow capacity will allow throttling of Pool System Valve 600A to controlsystem flow rather than by physical limitations of the Pool System itself.Pool pump suction and discharge piping that is now four-inch diameter piping will be replacedwith six-inch diameter piping. The pump isolation and check valves will be replaced with six-inch stainless steel gate-type isolation and swing-check valves. Inlet piping to the pump suctionswill be fabricated with two-inch drain lines and equipped with diaphragm-type isolation valves.Existing pump bypass piping configurations will be eliminated. The current HX-521 Inlet Valves522A and 522D are parallel four-inch paths, which will be replaced with a single six-inch pathand a single stainless steel gate-type isolation valve. Connections to piping and pump flanges andvalve flanges will be made consistent with respect to raised-face vs. flat-faced flanges. A pipe teewill be installed and blanked off at the common pump suction to facilitate a possible futureemergency recirculation system.Specific Tasks-Fabricate piping sections per Black and Veatch (UM Project 400031) drawings M-4501Athrough M-4502H (see attached)-Perform and document all required non-destructive testing including radiography andhydrostatic pressure tests-Measure and record pool system performance prior to performing modifications-During a scheduled outage, replace piping sections per approved work sequence-Measure and record pool system performance following modifications-Control Pool System flow by throttling HX-521 Outlet Valve 600AThis work is being performed under MU Project No. 40003 1, Replace Primary Cooling System.2aAttachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 5 ORIGINALAP-RO- 1!5Revision IModification Number: 05-6HAZARDS SUMMARY REPORT EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a modification to the reactor facility as defined in the Hazards SummaryReport?Yes: L/No: Signature: e"e.- g.. Date: "7-2_o-0(CIf YES, make an analysis below and provide the suggestedrevision(s) to the HSR. If NO, outlinethe basis for the decision.This modification involves a change to the reactor facility as defined in the Hazards Summary Report (HSR)and its addenda. The following is a list of Sections and Figures in the HSR and its addenda where the PoolSystem is described or discussed:Original HSR1. Figure 5.1 -MURR Print No. 1562. Section 5.3 -Pool Loop Cooling System3. Section 13 -Accident AnalysisAddendum 31. Section 2.2 -Pool Coolant SystemAddendum 41. Figure A.2 -MURR Print No. 156The following Sections and Figures are affected by this modification and will be revised as follows:Hazards Summary Report1. Figure 5.1 -MURR Print No. 156 Revise to reflect new piping size and configurationAddendum 41. Figure A.2 -MURR Print No. 156 Revise to reflect new piping size and configurationAll other sections within the Hazards Summary Report (HSR) and its addenda will remain unchanged. Theaccident analysis in Chapter 13 deals with boiling within the flux trap and reflector regions, and analyzes apool loop rupture scenario. Both analyses make no specific assumptions about the process side of the poolsystem, only the effects on the reactivity, cooling, and shielding of the core. The 10 MW upgrade descriptionin Addendum 3 discusses specific valves that are affected by this modification, but will remain intact topreserve the detailed examination involved in doubling the cooling capacity of the Pool System at that time.No change of that magnitude is being performed by this modification.3Attachment 8.1I ATTACHMENT 5 ORIGINALAP-RO- 115Revision IModification Number: 05-6REACTOR SAFETY EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a revision(s) to the Technical Specifications or a safety hazard as describedin 10 CFR 50.59?NOTE: A licensee may make changes to the facility as described in the HSR without obtaining a license amendmentonly if:(i) A change to the Technical Specifications incorporated in the license is not required, and(ii) The change does not produce any of the following results:I. More than a minimal increase in the frequency of occurrence of an accident previously evaluated inthe HSR;2. More than a minimal increase in the likelihood of occurrence of a malfunction of an SSC important tosafety previously evaluated in the HSR;3. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of an accident previously evaluated in the HSR;4. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of a malfunction of an SSC important to safetypreviously evaluated in the HSR;5. Create a possibility for an accident of a different type than previously evaluated in the HSR;6. Create a possibility for a malfunction of an SSC important to safety with a different result than anypreviously evaluated in the HSR;7. Altering or exceeding a design basis limit for a fission product barrier as described in the HSR;8. A departure from a method of evaluation described in the HSR used in establishing the design bases orthe safety analyses.Yes: No: ___-_Signature: -.Z J-./4fDate: .7-2z-6o"If YES, the change must be performed using a Long Form Mod-ification Record. If NO, outline thebasis for the decision.This modification does not involve a change to the Technical Specifications or an unreviewed safety hazardas described in 10 CFR 50.59. A 50.59 Screen (06-019) is attached to show that the proposed activity maybe implemented without further evaluation or license amendment.The proposed modification functionally replaces existing piping with minor configuration changes, andpresents no new failure modes.4Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 5 ORIGINALAP-RO- 115Revision IModification Number: 05-6OPERATING, PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE, AND COMPLIANCE PROCEDURE,AND PRINT EVALUATIONDoes this change require a revision(s) to any Operating, Preventative Maintenance, or ComplianceProcedure, or any Print?Yes: --<No: Signature: _ ,,_______ Date: 2-zo -If YES, provide the suggested revision(s).OPERATING PROCEDURES:OP-RO-460 Attachment 9.1 Valve Line-up Revision -See AttachedOP-RO-461 Procedure Revision and Attachment 9.1 Revision as above -See AttachedOP-RO-466 Procedure Revision -See AttachedPREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES:No PM revisions are required for this modificationCOMPLIANCE PROCEDURES:No CP revisions are required for this modificationPRINTS:MURR Print No. 156 -Piping and Instrument DiagramRevise to reflect new piping size and configuration -See attached5Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 5 ORAP-RReviModification Number: 05-6SPARE PARTS REQUIREMENTS EVALUATIONDoes this change require that any new or additional Spare Parts be maintained in inventory?Yes: _"ý No: Signature: ,o¢,x Date: 7-za-o"If YES, provide a list of the spare parts.6-inch Flexitallic Gasket, Stainless Steel, 1501b Class -maintain a minimum of two6-inch Silicone Gasket, high temperature, mesh reinforced (Red Rubber) -maintain a minimum of two6IGINAL0-115ision IAttachment 8.1 ORIGINALATTACHMENT 5rL UJlt iAA[OP-RO-460Revision,6V IIDate:POOL COOLANT SYSTEM VALVE LINE-UPThis checksheet will be completed when required by the Lead Senior Reactor Operator (LSRO). Theoperators performing the check will independently verify the position of each valve and indicate theverification by initialing the checksheet. Where appropriate, the positions of throttled valves are shown ona permanent tag secured to the valve. Note the throttled valve's position on the checksheet. Under thedirection of the LSRO, a valve may be positioned other than listed on this checksheet. If this is required,the operators must ensure that the valve is in the desired position and indicate this position on thischecksheet. If this change of position is not covered by a procedure in use, for example an RTP, SMP, orWork Package, which would return the valve to the normal operating position, then the LSRO will issueand place a Danger Tag on the valve for the duration of time the valve is in the out-of-normal position.LOCATION: ROOM 114VALVEVALVE DESCRIPTIONPOSITION PERFORMER VERIFIERHP/LP open;568F FT-912C Valve Manifold Equalizerclosed599AE FT-912C QDF Isolation Closed599AD FT-912C QDF Isolation Closed515AY Conductivity Cell 932B Isolation Open515AZ Conductivity Cell 932D Isolation Open-4 -P-508B Suction Open-Z5 P-508B Discharge Open51T8AC P-508B-Bypass-- Poain Open518AC P-508B Gauge Isolation Open51l8AD P-508B Gauge Isolation Open595J Pool Cleanup Effluent to Sample Station Open515X P-513B Bypass Closed515N P-513B Discharge Open518G P-513B Gauge Isolation Open518H P-513B Gauge Isolation Open595K Vent (Cleanup Influent) Closed595G Pool Influent to Sample Station OpenPage I of 3Attachment 9.1 ORIGINALATTACHMENT 5i~ Li: /k~k LOP-RO-460Revision6,1~IVALVEVALVE DESCRIPTIONPOSITION PERFORMER VERIFIER--%k- P-508A Suction OpenS_:SP-508A.Discharge .-Open5181 --50-8 Gauge Iso-laton Open-518J P-508A Gauge Isolation Open522C Pool Drain/Fill Closed522B Pool Drain Closed515M Cleanup Suction from Pool Closed515P Cleanup Return to Pool Open515Q Cleanup Return to Loop Closed515T Cleanup Suction from Loop Open599J PS-947 Isolation Open518V Vent (Common Pump Discharge Line) Closed518W Vent (Downstream Y-Strainer) Closed599AA Vent (Common Pump Discharge Line) Closed518AG Y-Strainer Drain ClosedHP/LP open;568C FT-912D Valve Manifold Equalizerclosed599N FT-912D QDF Isolation (Downstream Y- ClosedStrainer)599Q FT-912D QDF Isolation (LP) Closed599P FT-912D QDF Vent (LP) Closed599R FT-912D QDF Vent (HP) ClosedHP/LP open;568D FT-912F Valve Manifold Equalizerclosed599S FT-912F QDF Isolation (HP) Closed599T FT-912F QDF Isolation (LP) Closed599U FT-912F QDF Vent (LP) Closed599X FT-912F QDF Vent (HP) ClosedIPage 2 of 3Attachment 9.1 ORIGINALATTACHMENT 5~'e'. /~~9 L P-R-460 JRevision,~ IVALVEVALVE DESCRIPTIONPOSITIONPERFORMER VERIFIER518U TH Vent Closed518N HUT Vent Isolation Open518K HUT Vent Closed515R HUT Drain Locked Closed514B Hut Outlet Open-. 522-A HX--52-1-Inlet -.. ... .... ... .. ... Open .. .HX-521 Inlet Open515Z HX-521 Drain Closed518AJ HX-521 Vent Closed600A HX-521 Outlet Throttled518AL PI-927 Isolation Open518AK Vent (Capped) Closed518Q Loop Drain (Tunnel) Closed518R Loop Drain (Tunnel) Closed514A V-509 Isolation Open5680 PT-917 Isolation Open599Z PT-917 Vent Closed515AC Spool-piece to WT System (DI Room) ClosedIPage 3 of 3Attachment 9.1 ORIGINALPO'ATTACHMENT 5[ OP-RO-461MURROPERATING PROCEDUREOP-RO-461OL COOLANT SYSTEM -ONE PUMP OPERATIONRESPONSIBLE GROUP: Reactor OperationsPROCEDURE OWNER: Richard SmithMASTER COPYISSUED MAY -2 2006APPROVED BY:Les FoytoDate: 9,-/,-OCThis procedure contains the following:PagesAttachmentsTablesFiguresAppendicesCheck-Off Lists11NoneNoneNoneNonethroughthroughthroughthroughthroughthrough71 ORIGINAL ATTACHMENT 5 &i'q .t," Re'vision 5TABLE OF CONTENTS /Section Page Number1.0 PURPOSE ......................................................................................................................... 32.0 SCOPE ............................................................................................................................. 33.0 PRECAUTION S AND LIM ITATIONS .................................................................... 34.0 PREREQUISITES AND IN ITIAL CONDITIONS .................................................. 35.0 PROCEDURE (STARTUP) ................................................................................... 45.1 PREPA RE SYSTEM FOR STARTUP ........................................................... 45.2 SYSTEM STARTUP .................................................................................... 56.0 PROCEDURE (SH UTDO W N) ............................................................................... 66.] SYSTEM SH UTDOW N ........................................................................... 67.0 REFERENCES .......................................................................................................... 68.0 RECORDS ....................................................................................................................... 79.0 ATTACHM ENTS ....................................................................................................... 72 OR IGINAL ATTACHMENT 5OP-RO-461I~ ~~ !]/s Revision5',POOL COOLANT SYSTEM -ONE PUMP OPERATION /11.0 PURPOSE1.1 Instructions for starting up and shutting down the Pool Coolant System in a onepump operating mode.2.0 SCOPE2.1 Pool Coolant System startup and shutdown using detailed valve and switchpositioning.3.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS3.1 Failure to perform an Area Radiation and Contamination Survey of Room 114prior to entry could result in a worker receiving an unanticipated radiationexposure or becoming contaminated. (ALARA) (HSR 10.3)3.2 The pumps of the pool system shall be instrumented and connected so as to permitsafe operation at five or ten megawatts on either pump or both pumps operatingsimultaneously. (TS 4.4.d)4.0 PREREQUISITES AND INITIAL CONDITIONS4.1 Obtain the Reactor Manager's permission for one Pool Coolant Pump operation.4.2 No Pool Coolant System maintenance has been performed since the last shutdownof the pool system, or4.1.1 If maintenance has been performed on the system, ensure that all affectedcomponents are in their normal positions (Attachment 9. 1 ).4.1.2 The Lead Senior Reactor Operator (LSRO) must determine if a valveline-up checksheet needs to be completed (Attachment 9.1 ).4.3 A Room 114 Area Radiation and Contamination Survey has been completed, or4.2.1 Perform a Room 114 Unscheduled Entry procedure (Reference 7.6).4.4 The following systems are in the proper line-up:* Valve Operation Air System (Reference 7.5)* Drain Collection System (Reference 7.4)a Reactor Demineralizer System (Reference 7.3)3 nwnirwaiATTACHMENT 5'.,I II U I,~ :-, ~.."-OP-RO-461Revisioq5/4.0 PREREQUISITES AND INITIAL CONDITIONS (CONT.)4.5 Power available to Pool Coolant Pump P-508A or P-508B, and PoolDemineralizer Pump P-5 !3B.4.6 Pool level is 29'-4" to 29'-10". The Pool Coolant System may be operated withpool level lowered to below the refuel bridge to perform RTP-2 1.4.7 When the reactor is operating, the Flux Trap Sample Holder or Flux Trap Strainermust be installed. When the reactor is shutdown, this requirement is at thediscretion of the LSRO.4.8 Pool Coolant Temperature Controller S-2 temperature demand SET at 100 OF.4.9 S-2 electro-hydraulic motor power local switch is on.5.0 PROCEDURE (STARTUP)5.1 PREPARE SYSTEM FOR STARTUP:5.1.1 IF Pool Coolant System is running in two pump operation, THENshutdown Pool Coolant System (Reference 7.7).5.1.2 Secure a Pool Coolant Pump:* Tag open breaker for non-operating Pool Coolant Pump P-508A orP-508B.a Depress, AND lock out non-operating Pool Coolant Pump P-508Aor P-508B "Stop" button.* CLOSE, AND Tag-Out non-operating pump Suction Valve-539A(P-508A) or 539G (P-508B).5-/ V Y71e0 CLOSE, AND Tag-Out non-operating pump Discharge Valve -5.2-2F(P-508A) or-52-2.E (P-508B).5.1.3 ENSURE operating pump Suction Valve -5-39A (P-508A) or -539C(P-508B) is open.5.1.4 ENSURE operating pump Discharge Valve-5-2-F (P-508A) or 52-2E(P-508B) is open.5.1.5 OPEN Pool HX-521 Outlet Valve 600A.5.1.6 ENSURE Pool Coolant Flow Recorder is on.II4 ORIGINAL ATTACHMENT 5f7/") OP-RO-461jd ,/~ ".Revision/5" I5.0 PROCEDURE (STARTUP) (CONT.) ,5.1.7 ENSURE Pool Coolant Temperature Recorder is on.5.1.8 ENSURE Primary & Pool Coolant Demineralizer Flow Recorder is on.5.1.9 ENSURE Pool Coolant Flow Bypass Switch 2S40 in 10 MW position.5. 1. 10 Place Master Control Switch IS I to Test.5.2 SYSTEM STARTUP:5.2.1 Place Pool Coolant Isolation Valve 509 switches to Manual/Open.5.2.2 START Pool Coolant Pump P-508A or P-508B.5.2.3 ENSURE flow is between LIO00 gpm and 1,300 gpm.IF flow adjustment is required, THEN adjust flow usingValve 600A.5.2.4 START Pool Demineralizer Pump P-513B, AND ENSURE flowgreater than 42.5 gpm.5.2.5 ENSURE all applicable valve position indication lights are lit.5.2.6 Place Valve 509 switches to Auto/Close.5.2.7 Place Master Control Switch IS I to On.NOTE: Calculation and potentiometer adjustment should be madeafter secondary system is placed in operation.5.2.8 Calculate the pool system input potentiometer setting using the formula(pool flow / 1400), AND adjust as necessary.5.2.9 RECORD Single Pool Coolant Pump operation in Console Log Book.5 ORIGINAL ATTACHMENT 5I ,'OP-RO461" t' L Revisi9,'I6.0 PROCEDURE (SHUTDOWN) "I6.1 SYSTEM SHUTDOWN:CAUTION: The Pool Coolant System must be operated for greater than5 minutes following a reactor shutdown from full power toallow for removal of decay heat.6.1.1 Place Master Control Switch I S I to Test.6.1.2 STOP Pool Coolant Pump P-508A or P-508B.6.1.3 VERIFY Pool Coolant Isolation Valve 509 closes.6.1.4 VERIFY Pool Demineralizer Pump P-513B shuts off.6.1.5 Place Valve 509 switches to Manual/Close.6.1.6 Place Pump 513B switch' to OFF.6.1.7 ENSURE all applicable valve position indication lights are lit.6.1.8 Place Master Control Switch ISI to Off.7.0 REFERENCES7.1 MURR Dwg. 156, "Piping & Instrument Diagram"7.2 MURR Dwg. 41, Sh. 1 of 3, "Process Instrumentation Control and Interlock"7.3 RM-RO-405, "Reactor Demineralizer System"7.4 OP-RO-532, "Drain Collection System"7.5 OP-RO-516, "Valve Operation Air System"7.6 RP-HP-135, "Room 114 Entry -Self Monitored"7.7 OP-RO-460, "Pool Coolant System -Two Pump Operation,"Step 6.1, System Shutdown6 ORIGINALATTACHMENT 5-, -.,'/OP-RO-461IRevision.5' I8.0 RECORDS8.1 Reactor Startup Checksheet -Full Power Operation9.0 ATTACHMENTS9.1 Pool Coolant System -One Pump Operation Valve Line-up Checksheet7 ORIGINALATTACHMENT 5/1lbI.-!I,OP-RO-466Revision.,41I~MURR OPERATING PROCEDUREMATRCPOP-RO-466 ISSUED MAR 1 3 2006POOL LEVEL CONTROL -POOL COOLANT SYSTEMRESPONSIBLE GROUP: Reactor OperationsPROCEDURE OWNER:Richard SmithAPPROVED BY:Les FoytoDate 2-y-oc IThis procedure contains the following:PagesAttachmentsTablesFiguresAppendicesCheck-Off ListsINoneNoneNoneNoneNonethroughthroughthroughthroughthroughthrough8 ORIGINAL ATTACHMENT 5Li'. ~q " .OP-RO-466iJ Revision 4'ITABLE OF CONTENTSSection Page Number1.0 P U R P O S E ............................................................................................................................ 32 .0 SC O P E ................................................................................................................................. 33.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS ........................................................................ 34.0 PREREQUISITES AND INITIAL CONDITIONS ...................................................... 35.0 PROCEDURE (LOWERING) ..................................................................................... 45.1 PREPARATION FOR LOWERING POOL LEVEL ........................................ 45.2 POOL LOWERING ........................................................................................... 46.0 PROCEDURE (RAISING) .......................................................................................... 66.1 FROM TANK T-301 ......................................................................................... 66.2 FROM TANK T-300 AND TANK T-301 ........................................................ 77.0 REFERENCES .......................................................................................................... 88.0 R E C O R D S ........................................................................................................................... 82 ORIGINAL ATTACHMENT 5/lj fL) 7i OP-RO-466.j ,, " ,Reevisio°,4' Itf /1POOL LEVEL CONTROL -POOL COOLANT SYSTEM1.0 PURPOSE1.1 Instructions for raising and lowering the pool level.2.0 SCOPE2.1 Procedural steps and precautions required to raise and lower the pool level usingthe Pool Coolant System.3.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS3.1 Failure to perform an Area Radiation and Contamination Survey of Room 114prior to entry, could result in a worker receiving an unanticipated radiationexposure or contamination. (ALARA) (HSR 10.3)3.2 Health Physics must monitor radiation levels at the Reactor Bridge during thelowering operation. (HSR 10.2)3.3 If the pool level will be lowered to less than 29 feet, a Radiation Work Permit(RWP) must be obtained.3.4 The reactor shall not be operated unless the reactor makeup water system isoperable and connected to a source of at least 2,000 gallons of primary gradewater. (TS 3.10.b)4.0 PREREQUISITES AND INITIAL CONDITIONS4.1 The Reactor is shutdown.4.2 When operating the Pool Coolant System, the Flux Trap Sample Holder or FluxTrap Strainer must be installed. This condition is not required when temporarilyswapping the Flux Trap Sample Holder and Flux Trap Strainer.4.3 Health Physics is stationed at the Reactor Bridge to monitor radiation levels as thepool is being pumped down. (HSR 10.2)4.4 If lowering the pool level to less than 29 feet, a RWP has been obtained.4.5 If the pool level will be lowered greater than 2 feet below the Reactor RefuelBridge, obtain permission from the Reactor Manager.4.6 The Lead Senior Reactor Operator has approved lowering the pool level.3 ORIGINAL ATTACHMENT 5OP-RO-466Revision,41 14.0 PREREQUISITES AND INITIAL CONDITIONS (CONT.)4.7 The Lead Senior Reactor Operator has approved raising the pool level.4.8 Ensure a Room 114 Area Radiation and Contamination Survey has beencompleted. (HSR 10.3)4.9 The Pool Coolant System is ready for operation (Reference 7.1).4.10 Verify Skimmer Pump P-532 is off.5.0 PROCEDURE (LOWERING)5.1 PREPARATION FOR LOWERING POOL LEVEL5.1.1 IF tank T-301 does not have sufficient room to receive pump downvolume as determined by Lead Senior Reactor Operator, THEN5.1.1.1 Fully open Tank T-300 Isolation Valve 539E AND5.1.1.2 place one person with a radio and flashlight at top of Tank T-301in the South Tower to observe rising water level and report toControl Room during pump down.5.1.2 Place one person in Room ESTABLISH communications between Control Room and Room 114 and,if required, with person at the top ofT-301.5.2 POOL LOWERINGCAUTION: If Control Room stop the Pool Coolant Pump at any timeduring this procedure, immediately close Pool Drain/Fill Valve522C and notify Control Room that Valve 522C is closed.-5-2i-14-R-1om-t-l-4-otSlE-Poot-eoo1at-Heat-Exchanger-Inlet-Vaive-5224-5.2 21 Room 114 -CLOSE Pool Coolant Heat Exchanger Inlet Valve-5--2Dtoapproximately 50%.5.2e-3 Control Room -VERIFY Pool Coolant Flow Recorder is operating.5.2,4' Control Room -Place Master Control Switch IS I to Test.4 ORIGINAL ATTACHMENT 5OP-RO-466Revision,45.0 PROCEDURE (LOWERING) (CONT.)5.2.6' Control Room -Place Pool Coolant Isolation Valve 509 switches toManual/Open.5.2.6" Control Room -START Pool Coolant Pump P-508A OR P-508B.5.2.7" Room 114 -OPEN Pool Drain/Fill Valve 522C.NOTE: The normal method of having someone stop at a specific point, is byannouncing a "Mark" command.NOTE: Throttling the pool coolant flow increases the flow rate to TankT-301. Water will flow to Tank T-301 without throttling, butthrottling the pool coolant flow will : triple the flow rate to TankT-301. Pool Coolant System flow is normally throttled to 200 to 300gpm as indicated on the pool flow recorder.5.2.8- Control Room -Direct person in Room 114 to THROTTLE down flowusing Valve -5-2-2-9 until receiving a "Mark."-5-.2-,9f--Room H14-- CLOSE Valve 52-2D until flow-constriction-noise-is-hear4.L14 /4 ý ;l'./ q6." Room H14 -CONTINUE slowly throttling until Control Room gives a"Mark." --75.2.,11 Tank Level Observer -IF tank level observer was placed in the SouthTower, THEN notify Control Room when water level is 5 feet from top ofTank T-301.5.2. 1,2 Control Room -MONITOR flow AND pool level until pool is at desiredlevel.5.2.13 Room 114 -WHEN Control Room notifies that pool level is 1 foot fromdesired level, THEN stand by Valve 522C.5.2.14 Control Room -WHEN pool is at desired level, THEN STOP runningPool Coolant Pump.5.2.1-5 Control Room -Place Pool Coolant Isolation Valve 509 switches toManual/Close.5 ORIGINAL ATTACHMENT 5OP-RO-466Revision,4/I5.0 PROCEDURE (LOWERING) (CONT.)5.2.,16 Room 114 -Immediately CLOSE Valve 522C AND notify Control Roomthat Valve 522C is CLOSED.-29?la--Room.-144---Fully.-OREN-V-alve-522A.5.2.,1-8 Room 114 -Fully OPEN Valve -5-22:5.2.I,9 Tank Level Observer -IF tank level observer was placed in South Tower,THEN CLOSE Valve 539E.5.2.20 Control Room -Place Master Control Switch IS I to Off)5.2:21 Control Room -RECORD pool level in Console Log Book.6.0 PROCEDURE (RAISING)6.1 FROM TANK T-3016.1.1 IF tools were used on and around the Refuel Bridge, THEN INSPECTarea for tools, parts, and uninstalled components.6.1.2 IF Refuel Bridge Ladder was installed, THEN remove Refuel BridgeLadder.6.1.3 ENSURE Tank T-300 Isolation Valve 539E is closed.6.1.4 Place one person in Room 114 AND ESTABLISH communication withthe Control Room.6.1.5 Control Room -Direct person in Room 114 to open Pool Drain/Fill Valve522C.6.1.6 Room 114 -OPEN Valve 522C.6.1.7 Control Room -WHEN pool level is z1 foot from desired level, THENinform person in Room Control Room -WHEN pool level is at desired level, THEN direct personin Room 114 to CLOSE Valve 522C.6.1.9 Room 114 -CLOSE Valve 522C.6.1.10 Control Room -RECORD pool level in Console Log Book.6 ORIGINAL ATTACHMENT 5OP-RO-466Revision/4'I6.0 PROCEDURE (RAISING) (CONT.)6.2 FROM TANK T-300 AND TANK T-3016.2.1 IF tools were used on and around the Refuel Bridge, THEN INSPECTarea for tools, parts, and uninstalled components.6.2.2 IF Refuel Bridge Ladder was installed, THEN remove Refuel BridgeLadder.6.2.3 Place one person in Room 114 AND ESTABLISH communication withthe Control Room.6.2.4 Place one person to observe Tank T-300/301 gauges AND ESTABLISHcommunication with the Control Room.6.2.5 Tank T-300/301 Gauge Observer -OPEN Tank T-300 Isolation Valve539E.6.2.6 Control Room -Direct person in Room 114 to OPEN Pool Drain/FillValve 522C.6.2.7 Room 114 -OPEN Valve 522C.6.2.8 Tank T-300/301 Gauge Observer -WHEN Tank T-300 level indicates3,000 gallons, THEN CLOSE Valve 539E.6.2.9 Control Room -WHEN pool level is 1 foot from desired level, THENinform person in Room Control Room -WHEN pool level is at desired level, THEN direct personin Room 114 to CLOSE Valve 522C.6.2.11 Room 114 -CLOSE Valve 522C.6.2.12 Control Room -RECORD pool level in Console Log Book.6.2.13 ENSURE Tank T-300 level is greater than 2,100 gallons.7 ORIGINAL ATTACHMENT 5OP-RO-466Revisio/4" I7.0 REFERENCES7.1 OP-RO-460, "Pool Coolant System -Two Pump Operation"7.2 MURR Dwg. 911, "Deionized Water System"8.0 RECORDS8.1 Reactor Console Log Book8 ATTACHMENT 5C no PyAP-RR-003Revision I50.59 SCREENActivity Screening Number: 06-019Page 1 of 2Title: "Modification Record 05-6; Replace Pool Pump Piping"Description of Activity (what is being changed and why):Six inch piping will replace four inch piping in selected portions of the Pool Coolant System to reduceoperational head loss and increase available system flow.Safety Determination:Does the proposed activity have the potential to adversely affect nuclear safety or safe facility (i.e.,MURR) operations? YESIf this question is answered yes, do not continue with this procedure. Identify and report the concern tothe Reactor Manager.50.59 Screening Questions:I. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a design functiondescribed in the HSR?2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to a procedure that adversely affects how I-ISRdescribed SSC design functions are performed, controlled, or tested?3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an HSR described evaluation methodologythat is used in establishing the design bases or used in the safety analyses?VNOV/NONONOYES4. Does the proposed activity involve a lest or experiment not described in the HSR, where an SSC isutilized or controlled in a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for that SSC or YESis inconsistent with analyses or descriptions in the HSR?5. Does the proposed activity require a change to the MURR Technical Specifications?If all screening questions are answered NO, then implement the activity per the applicable approved facilit' procedure(s).Amendment or a 50.59 Evaluation is not required.NOA LicenseIf Screen Question 5 is answered YES, then request and receive a License Amendment prior to implementation of the activity.If Screen Question 5 is answered NO and Question 1, 2, 3, or 4 is answered YES, then complete and attach a 50.59 Evaluation form.[ Refer to Attachment 2. )NOTE: If the conclusion of the screening questions is that a 50.59 Evaluation is not required, provide justification for the "No"determination. In addition, list the documents (IHSR, Technical Specifications, and other Licensing Basis docutnents) reviewed whererelevant information was found. Include section /page numbers. Use page 2 of this form to document your statements.Print Name Sign Name DatePreparer: Carl Herbold _____Reviewer: .S0, , / Q.. Reactor Manager: Les Foyto 7-2/-On/Attachment 1 ATTACHMENT 5 oAP-RR-003Revision I50.59 SCREEN (Cont.)Activity Screening Number: 06-019 Page 2 of 2Title: "Modification Record 05-6; Replace Pool Pump Piping"If the conclusion of the five (5) Screening Questions is that a 50.59 Evaluation is not required, providejustification to support this determination: [ Use and attach additional pages as necessali. ]1. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a designfiunction described in theHSR?Nn Thi prnpoitid nttilvity clndo not involpve q rhann tn an qSC that ad;vercely affpeta qn --PR delcriheddesisn finction The repl.ernent piping s functionally eguivalent to the existing piping and the syuternflowpath will remain unchanged2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to a procedure that adversely affects how HSR described SSC designfunctions are performed, controlled, or tested?No The Proposed Actility does not inizolve a cha.rge to a procedure that aduersely affects the perfo.mance,control or testing of HSR descrihel d esign Procedrural revisions, include referencec to ,a vev only2nd pregent nn knorwn ndverie affects3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an HSR described evaluation methodology that is used inestablishing the design bases or used in the safet, analyses?Nn Thle proponvp"l activity does nnt invol revien- or rcnlyino 2n T--c'P dlecrihed evnhution mnthndlogythat is used in eqtnhlihing the design hase, nr in the i.afety annlyicNi Performrncee rnnnitoring andbalancing will he completed following the modification to ensure proper flow and cooling through the flux trapand reflector region4. Does the proposed activity involve a test or experiment not described in the HSR, where an SSC is used or controlledin a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for that SSC, or is inconsistent with analyses ordescriptions presented in the HSR?No. The proposed activity does not involve a test or experiment not described in the HSR. No experiment isassociated with this modification.List the documents (HSR, Technical Specifications, and other Licensing Basis documents) reviewed whererelevant information was found. [ Include section / page numbers. ]MURR Technical Specifications -3.3.a, 4.4.a, 4.4.d, 4.4.eHSR -Fig. 5.1. Section 5.3 and Chapter 13Addendum 3 -Section 2.2Modification Record 05-6: MURR Print No. 156Attachment 1Reset Form -, L. 51 BAH51BAH 1/2,-51WAIA600 ADR FT5w5iCS2"-515PTO SOLENOID VALVE11-t 529C (H-12)AMPLIFIERCONDUC70 C:TYINDICATOR"588" -VALVE BLOCK NUMBER'599' -1/4' NEEDLE VALVEVOP -VALVE OPERATING SYSTEMSEE REF. DWG. MURRf172I FOR PNEUMATIC CONTROL DIAC.------ C.E. 237E£952 ELECTRICAL CONTROL DIAG. ----------G.E. 237E5863 MAIN PARTS LIST--------------- -G.E. 19IX6034.) PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION CONTROL & INTERLOCKDRAFTR -51ýý 'rRel "; /,0 7-A4.1& V.ý7-4e4^76,V7-IIIInI= U ~ it iL -. fr MNAIrK0 ry=Mr. " .T-Mda2kgr abo,0DRAFTI:TMWC 1i~Iii, ~* I~I4U~D~!S¶aAv -1NIIIIU~> F< >r9IPIPING & INSTRUMENT 1DIAGRAM FACILITIES OPERATIONS IIIliorch reoctor toclltyDRAFT ATTACHMENIReview ed By: 19'-C6Assist. Rx Mgr-Engin'eeringr5 ORIGINALReviewed Bt 7-/-0c(3 Reactor h)agerModification Record 05-6Replacement of Pool Suction Piping SequenceInitial Conditions:1. Reactor Secured2. Pool water level between 29'4" and 29' 8".Primary Coolant System secured lAW OP-RO-4104. Dummy load test connectors installed5. No other Pool Coolant System maintenance in progress6. All necessary valves, gaskets and pipe supports on hand7. All new piping sections hydrostatically tested and welding documentationverified complete8. New piping spacer on hand9. RWP initiatedMaintenance Sequence:1. Place the Pool Coolant System in operation IAW OP-RO-460.2. Place the Secondary Coolant System in operation LAW OP-RO-480A.,-13. Pool flow with two Pool Pumps and Secondary flow with two SecondaryPumps in operation -Record pump combination: 2/34. Fully CLOSE valve S-I5. Fully CLOSE valve S-26. Establish 70% load on each of the operating Secondary Coolant PumpsX- 7. Record the following data:S-2 Fully ClosedPool TcPool Flow 1Pool Demin FlowP-508A suction pressure PI 927 AP-508B suction pressure PI 927 FPool HX inlet pressure PI 927 PLTotal Secondary Flowg9,q/091 ~<00174~Pool Th tog.*yPool Flow 2 10q (PT-917 31-KP-508A discharge pressure PI 927 B 63P-508B discharge pressure PI 927 E 6(7Pool HX outlet pressure PI 927 PO L1Secondary Flow thru Pool HX '333"7 --8.x, 9.Establish 80% load on each of the operating Secondary Coolant PumpsRecord the following data:S-2 Fully ClosedPool TcPool Flow IPool Demin FlowP-508A suction pressure P1 927 AP-508B suction pressure PI 927 FPool HX inlet pressure PI 927 PLTotal Secondary Flow0q5-11,08Pool ThPool Flow 2PT-917P-508A discharge pressure PI 927 BP-508B discharge pressure PI 927 EPool HX outlet pressure PI 927 POSecondary Flow thru Pool HX,,V27..Z107C6. 7~3-":170DPage I of 5 ATTACHMENT 5ORIGINALZ?#' 10. Establish 90% load on each of the operating Secondary Coolant Pumps ,11. Record the following data:S-2 Fully ClosedPool TcPool Flow 1Pool Demin FlowP-508A suction pressure PI 927 AP-508B suction pressure PI 927 FPool HX inlet pressure PI 927 PLTotal Secondary FlowqW.q./-05-7<00Pool Th MI1. tPool Flow 2 / 67.PT-917P-508A discharge pressure PI 927 B ,P-508B discharge pressure PI 927 E (7Pool HX outlet pressure PI 927 PO R-Secondary Flow thru Pool HX 371?~-12. Establish FULL load on each of the operating Secondary Coolant Pumps 14 0 We .-o*0Record load: P/90 17 k,13. Record the following data:S-2 Fully ClosedPool TcPool Flow 1Pool Demin FlowP-508A suction pressure PI 927 AP-508B suction pressure PI 927 FPool HX inlet pressure PI 927 PLTotal Secondary FlowPool ThPool Flow 2PT-917P-508A discharge pressure PI 927 BP-508B discharge pressure PI 927 EPool HX outlet pressure PI 927 POSecondary Flow thru Pool HX14. Secure the Secondary Coolant System IAW OP-RO-480J 15. Pool flow with two Pool Pumps and Secondary Coolant System securedPool TcPool Flow 1Pool Demin FlowP-508A suction pressure PI 927 AP-508B suction pressure PI 927 FPool HX inlet pressure PI 927 PL(00Pool ThPool FlomPT-917P-508A dP-508B dPool HX7%- 16. Secure the Pool Coolant System TAW OP-RO-460_-P 17. Danger Tag the following:a. Pool Coolant Pump P-508A Breakerb. Pool Coolant Pump P-508 B Breakerc. Pool Demin Pump P-513B Breakerd. Valve 514B (Hold-Up Tank Outlet)e. Valve 522B (Pool Drain)f. Valve 539A (P-508A Suction)g. Valve 522E (P-508B Discharge)h. Valve 515Q (Cleanup Return to Loop)i. Valve 509 (Pool Hot Leg Isolation)s2ischarge pressure PI 927 Bischarge pressure PI 927 Eoutlet pressure PI 927 POOFF/OPENOFF/OPENOFF/OPENCLOSEDCLOSEDCLOSEDCLOSEDCLOSEDMANUAL/ CLOSE16036 &Page 2 of 5 ATTACHMENT 5ORIGINALAP 18. Connect tygon tubing and funnel from P-508B drain to DCT funnel,z4j 19. Slowly remove the pump drain plug from P-508B_ 20. Remove plug from PI 927 E (P-508 Discharge Pressure Gauge) to vent thesystem during drainingCAUTION: When removing sections of piping, take extra care to collect any residualwater that may have remained in the pipe after draining./1 21.t22.S23.-24.S25." 26.S27.S28.29.' 30.A.. 31._ .c---32.Once the system is drained, remove valve 538C (P-508B Bypass)Install blank flange in place of valve 538C (pump discharge side)Disconnect piping from header to valve 518AD (P-508B Gauge Isolation -Suction Pressure)Remove piping sections between P-508B and valve 539C (P-508B Suction)Remove piping section between valve 539C and combined pool pump suctionheaderTag and discard piping pieces as directed by Health Physics*Install new spacer piece to existing suction piping headerInstall new piping portions between P-508A and combined Pool Pump suctionCLOSE/CHECK CLOSED valve 515AI (newly installed P-508B Drain)Reconnect piping from header to valve 518AD (P-508B Gauge Isolation)Reinstall P-508B drain plug with new Teflon tapeConnect a tygon tube from the plug at PI 927 E (P-508B Discharge PressureGauge) to the DCT funnelNOTE: The system will vent through valve 518AC and the open pipe from PI 927 Eremoval during the filling process. Monitor the air/water flow from the pipeduring the filling operation.33. CLOSE valve 518AC (P-508B Gauge Isolation -Discharge Pressure)__.34. (PMT) Visually verify Pool Coolant System integrity from valve 514B (Hold-Up Tank Outlet) to valve 522E (P-508B Discharge)itt) 35. Clear the Danger Tag on valve 514B in the CLOSED position3 6. Clear the Danger Tag on valve 509 in the MANUAL/CLOSE positionL_ 37. OPEN valve 50938. Refill the pool system piping by slowly OPENING valve 514B39. Vent the piping by THROTTLING OPEN valve 518AC40. (PMT) When a solid stream of water issues from valve 518AC, CLOSE valve518AC and check system for leakage41. Remove tygon tubing and reinstall plug at PI 927 E (P-508 Discharge Gauge)<--2. OPEN valve 51 8ACW 3. CLOSE valve 509.~*0 .4/.// &-/. /aq t,9 h O ,ft / c,,/ Page 3 of 5 ATTACHMENT 5ORIGINAL44. Clear the following Danger Tags:a. Pool Coolant Pump P-508A Breakerb. Pool Coolant Pump P-508B Breakerc. P-513B Breakerd. Valve 522B (Pool Drain)e. Valve 539A (P-508A Suction)f. Valve 522E (P-508B Discharge)g. Valve 515Q (Cleanup Return to Loop)ON/SHUTON/SHUTON/SHUTCLOSEDOPENOPENCLOSEDN Post Maintenance Testing:.4 _(fý45. Vent Pool Flow transmitters FT-912D and FT-912 F as follows:a. For transmitter FT-912D:1. OPEN valve 568C-EQ;Z 2. Crack OPEN valves 599R and 599P until a steady stream of waterissues then CLOSE valves 599R and 599P3. CLOSE valve 568C-EQb. For transmitter FT-912F:1. OPEN valve 568D-EQ2. Crack OPEN valves 599U and 599X until a steady stream of waterissues then CLOSE valves 599U and 599X" 6. 3. CLOSE valve 568D-EQ46. Perform a post maintenance valve line-up,-- -, 47. Place the Pool Coolant System in operation lAW OP-RO-4606---48. Record the following data:Pool TcPool Flow IPool Demin FlowP-508A suction pressure PI 927 AP-508B suction pressure PI 927 FPool HX inlet pressure PI 927 PL-7ZLPool Th /b7. 5-Pool Flow 2 A_3 /PT-917 "3.7P-508A discharge pressure PI 927 B K3P-508B discharge pressure PI 927 E ,57Pool HX outlet pressure PI 927 PO 36-' 49.,- 50.5 51.--52.C=53.c 54.Inspect the Pool Coolant System for leakagePlace the Secondary Coolant System in operation IAW OP-RO-480 with thepump combination recorded in Step 3 -/3Fully CLOSE valve S-IFully CLOSE valve S-2Establish 70% load on each operating Secondary Coolant PumpRecord the following data:S-2 Fully ClosedPool TcPool Flow 1 /_9 _Pool Demin FlowP-508A suction pressure PI 927 A _. 0P-508A discharge pressure PI 927 B e'VPool HX inlet pressure PI 927 PL 5-57-Total Secondary Flow /7. 1ýcPool ThPool Flow 2PT-917P-508B suction pressure PI 927 FP-508B discharge pressure PI 927 EPool HX outlet pressure PI 927 POSecondary Flow thru Pool HX0J3Page 4 of 5 ATTACHMENT 5_ 55. Establish 80% load on each operating Secondary Coolant Pump56. Record the following data:ORIGINALS-2 Fully ClosedPool TcPool Flow IPool Demin FlowP-508A suction pressure PI 927 AP-508A discharge pressure PI 927 BPool HX inlet pressure PI 927 PLTotal Secondary Flow/ 0 ". X.Pool ThPool Flow 2PT-917P-508B suction pressure PI 927 FP-508B discharge pressure PI 927 EPool HX outlet pressure PI 927 POSecondary Flow thru Pool HX.33'c4- 57. Establish 90% load on each operating Secondary Coolant Pump< 58. Record the following data:S-2 Fully ClosedPool TcPool Flow I IA IPool Demin Flow P-508A suction pressure PI 927 A C)P-508A discharge pressure PI 927 B gS-Pool HX inlet pressure PI 927 PL -STotal Secondary Flow /,. ePool ThPool Flow 2PT-917P-508B suction pressure PI 927 FP-508B discharge pressure PI 927 EPool HX outlet pressure PI 927 POSecondary Flow thru Pool HX3.30-%S"103-59. Establish FULL load on each operating Secondary Coolant PumpRecord load: 90. -.-60. Record the following data:S-2 Fully ClosedPool TcPool Flow 1Pool Demin FlowP-508A suction pressure P1 927 AP-508A discharge pressure PI 927Pool HX inlet pressure PI 927 PLTotal Secondary FlowB Cj-/9'. 1ýPool ThPool Flow 2PT-917P-508B suction pressure PI 927 FP-508B discharge pressure PI 927 EPool HX outlet pressure PI 927 POSecondary Flow thru Pool HX0.5'-/ -61. Verify flow data for new piping against data taken prior to replacementC.=, 62. Operate the Secondary Coolant System as required-6""3. Remove dummy load test connectors-Make the reactor ready for operation, reset TAAs and monitor pressures andflows for at least 30 minutes prior to starting up the reactorPage 5 of 5 ATTACHMENT 5ORIGINALPost Maintenance Valve Line-up ChecksheetModification Record 05-6Replacement of Pool Suction PipingDate Performed: VALVEVALVE DESCRIPTIONPOSITIONPERFORMER VERIFIER514B Holdup Tank Outlet OPEN 4-522B Pool Drain CLOSED I515Q Cleanup Return to Loop CLOSED J515AI P-508B Drain CLOSED518AD P-508B Gauge Isolation OPEN518AC P-508B Gauge Isolation OPENPLUG PI-927E; P-508B Discharge Gauge INSTALLED539C P-508B Suction OPEN522E P-508B Discharge OPEN568C FT-912D Valve Manifold HP/LP OPEN; AEQ CLOSED599N FT-912D QDF Isolation (HP) CLOSED599Q FT-912D QDF Isolation (LP) CLOSED599P FT-912D QDF Vent (LP) CLOSED599R FT-912D QDF Vent (HP) CLOSED568D FT-912F Valve Manifold HP/LP OPEN; cEQ CLOSED599S FT-912F QDF Isolation (HP) CLOSED599T FT-912F QDF Isolation (LP) CLOSED599U FT-912F QDF Vent (LP) CLOSED599X FT-912F QDF Vent (HP) CLOSED ATTACHMENT 5Date: September 6, 2007To: File -Modification Record 06-6, Replace Pool Pump PipingFrom: Carl Herbold, Assistant Reactor Manager -EngineeringSubject: Installation of 8" Strainer in Pool PipingDuring the December, 2006 Primary and Pool Heat Exchanger Replacement project, the PoolHeat Exchanger (HX-521) was found to have foreign materials including small solid objectsand fibrous matter in the Pool side inlet plenum. The fibrous material was identified as nylon,possibly the remains of a segment of the nylon rope commonly used in the bulk pool to storeand handle various objects.Due to the nature of the plate-type heat exchanger, the new HX-521 could again accumulatesuch materials over time, resulting in an eventual degradation of flow capacity. The currentPool Coolant System strainer, 597B, is installed downstream of HX-52 1, and so provides noprotection to the heat exchanger against accumulation of foreign materials.To ensure the long-term performance of HX-52 1, an additional strainer will be installed in thePool System piping upstream of HX-521. The strainer, 597D, will be a Mueller Wye Strainer,of cast stainless steel construction, 8" raised-face flanges, 150 psi class, with a 0.062" openingwire mesh tack-welded to the rigid basket insert. It will be installed in the overhead piping inthe pump discharge header to the heat exchanger. Piping fabrication drawings were modifiedand approved for the following Black and Veatch prints: 138814-IPCS-M4502C, and138814-1 PCS-M4502D. These new drawings (attached) supersede the previously approveddrawings of the same designation. The MURR P&ID Print 156 (also attached) now reflectsthe installation of Strainer 597D, as well as the associated '/2" flush/drain, Valve 518Z.The additional head loss introduced by installing this 8" strainer with 0.062" opening mesh ispredicted to be on the order of 1.0 -1.5 psid over the full range of flows, and expected to benear 1.2 psid when operating at the current target flowrate of 1200 gpm. This additional lossis expected to be small, and a net gain is still expected following installation of the new PoolCoolant System piping.The existing Pool Coolant System strainer is not specifically described in the OriginalHazards Summary. Addendum 3, while making specific mention of the existing strainer, istraditionally not revised in order to preserve knowledge of the 10 MW upgrade. Therefore,the only revision required to the Hazards Summary Report will be the revised MURR P&IDPrint 156, reflecting the addition of the strainer.CAl Herbold, Xssistant R oL-rr L oyto, React ManagerManager -Engineering ORIGINALr--I4 aBILL OFl MATERIAL41 I I I S PIPE, 5/STO SKLS. ASIM 7 41 (S51-T6f) ( 01-Il"W J" ELL- W- LN SIlT' , V'" 0:61 MW %P E5 I3 111 6 FLG. RFVN 15I.B S/ST BURE, Asrm 1247 I4 4 1 3/4' KS) STUD BOLTS V/ NUTS, ASIO E93/194 M 1 3 3/4I(\I J1' ipd "url 420 W-Sý. 13 T. 830091 KM 3 IP 7 (21. ML N(ls ý row *= .M,.3. m- u tact" to e C WXn a n usc m nui Go.4. 0 +/- A Or~m G /eS. -c C N Aý = laAý,0 0 '7-,-T- 07 -ýý mEs: me~oaSAPPROVED FORCONSTRUCTIONH0IzHffAM -u-' .ACK &VEATCH INm uSliTy or O COUIT 4 -1.gao~ela, MUR.EIPLAct FwAw cooWsna ITIDI 138aI4-1PCS-M4;a2D 10MEII III I I I 1¶1.'Z .. =1j~OO~ NW? ~A *163056302514*12 pI~l* -wswfiiW---i 40oo3iL_JORI1NAL ORIGINALF--ISau Si S Sii 1 Vir. 0 OcnMI "1 X S -mi. ugSa WK 4-.* , -A.-o7 if-.".WltP55 0635 51,@ slfMMM "al B cRY5 O712 7 w* AGEML n0:Imzci"APPROVED FORCONSTRUCTIONL..JORIGINAL Ufoioiliii!~ MA~~CJ.f'.uCD '-sjKFI Ir IUF1~sg

  • I~h~B IIii' Ivi1 4I'o II'~~I' 4JIIp&L +F1I"I FIoU P I A RFPIN G & IN S T R U M E N T ! I E S O a ap11 ~ DIAGRAM FAIILTE O' RATO]

AO;NA6T 6AP-RO-l 15Revision 3MODIFICATION RECORD: SHORT FORMFOR: 1) Addenda to existing Modification Records (e.g., modifications of same nature as onespreviously reviewed and approved).2) Significant modifications to the facility or facility systems that are not described in theHazards Summary Report.3) Modifications that require engineering decisions/implementation in a time frame thatprecludes normal licensed operator review prior to implementation.4) Modifications to non-safety systems; for documentation and review only.NOTE: Licensed operators will review these modifications as part of the OperatorRequalification Program.The Reactor Safety Subcommittee will review these modifications.Modification Number: 09-1Modification Title: Interfacinq MURR Systems with the Shipping and Receiving BuildingPage No.123456Page TitleModification Record: Short FormModification Description(Why Short Form is appropriate)Hazards Summary Report EvaluationReactor Safety EvaluationOP, PM, CP, and Print EvaluationSpare Parts RequirementsRequired DateYes No CompletedXC E__ -2-/-oKK _____-K-__-K-By(Initials)50.59 Screen Completed:(Asst. Reactor ager -Engineering)Reactor Safety Subcommittee Review: w:_. _(Asst. Reactor Manager t'fngineering)Modification Approved:; Modfiatodeactor Manager)Modification Completed: ,._iDate: e%- 4-9cDate:12-3 -07Date: _ __-2-__-- 0_Date: /0 "Zd6- 0-- T r(Reactor Mknager)IAttachment 8.1ORIGINAL QR04&NT 6AP-RO-I 15Revision 3 IModification Number: 09-1MODIFICATION DESCRIPTIONProvide a concise description of the system change. Include any proposed PRE-OPERATIONAL TESTS required for this change. (If additional pages are necessary, insert afterthis page.)This Modification Record documents the addition of the new Shipping and Receiving Building to the MURRfacility.Several systems within the MURR facility are in place to ensure a prompt and effective response fromMURR staff to an emergency or abnormal condition. These systems will also be required to be in place inorder to safely occupy the Shipping and Receiving Building, which will tentatively be occupied in latesummer 2009.Since multiple systems are involved, this Modification Record will be used as the initiating document toensure all systems related to emergency response have been identified. These systems include:Evacuation Horns, Fire Protection, Intercom System, Emergency Electrical Power, and Normal ElectricalPower. The following addendums to previously approved Modification Records will be used to documentchanges to each of these systems:Modification Record 90-1; Addendum 2 -Evacuation Horns in Shipping and Receiving BuildingModification Record 03-1; Addendum 2 -Fire Protection in Shipping and Receiving BuildingModification Record 01-2; Addendum 3 -Intercom System in Shipping and Receiving BuildingModification Record 01-9; Addendum 3 -Emergency Electrical Power in Shipping and Receiving BuildingModification Record 04-5; Addendum 7 -Normal Electrical Power in Shipping and Receiving BuildingIt should be noted that the functions of the existing Mail Trailer will be integrated into the new Shipping andReceiving Building. The installation of this trailer was documented in Modification Record 01-12. A letter toModification Record 01-12 will be drafted to state that the trailer will be removed following the transfer of itsfunctions to the new building.This Modification Record will NOT provide suggested revisions to the Emergency Procedures.Why a Short Form is appropriate.(At least one of four reasons listed on Page 1, with justification)The short form of the Modification Record is appropriate because this is a modification to a non-safetysystem that requires documentation and review only (Reason No. 4).2Attachment 8.1ORIGINAL j~fjWE N T 6AP-RO- 115Revision 3Modification Number: 09-1HAZARDS SUMMARY REPORT EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a modification to the reactor facility as defined in the Hazards SummaryReport?Yes: No:Signature: AýDate: -,/-_If YES, make an analysis below and provide the suggested (evision(s) to the HSR. If NO, outlinethe basis for the decision.This Modification Record does not involve a change to the reactor facility as defined in the Hazards SummaryReport (HSR) and its addenda. An HSR analysis will be performed and revisions suggested for each of theModification Record Addenda listed on page 2.3Attachment 8.1ORIGINAL QRIShAINT 6AP-RO-1 15Revision 3Modification Number: 09-1REACTOR SAFETY EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a revision(s) to the Technical Specifications or a safety hazard as describedin 10 CFR 50.59?NOTE: A licensee may make changes to the facility as described in the HSR without obtaining a license amendmentonly if.(i) A change to the Technical Specifications incorporated in the license is not required, and(ii) The change does not produce any of the following results:I. More than a minimal increase in the frequency of occurrence of an accident previously evaluated inthe HSR;2. More than a minimal increase in the likelihood of occurrence of a malfunction of an SSC important tosafety previously evaluated in the HSR;3. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of an accident previously evaluated in the HSR;4. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of a malfunction of an SSC important to safetypreviously evaluated in the HSR;5. Create a possibility for an accident of a different type than previously evaluated in the HSR;6. Create a possibility for a malfunction of an SSC important to safety with a different result than anypreviously evaluated in the HSR;7. Altering or exceeding a design basis limit for a fission product barrier as described in the HSR;8. A departure from a method of evaluation described in the HSR used in establishing the design bases orthe safety analyses.Yes: No: i1(Signature:~< eý W/0-Date: 2--7/-02If YES, the change must be performed using a Long Form Modification Record. If NO, outline thebasis for the decision.This modification does not involve a change to the Technical Specifications or create a question pursuant to10 CFR 50.59.A 50.59 screen (09-14) is attached to document that these specific existing MURR systems may be safelyextended to the Shipping and Receiving Building without further review under 10 CFR 50.59.4Attachment 8.1ORIGINAL Ofi~lfLME NT6AP-RO-1 15Revision 3Modification Number: 09-1OPERATING, PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE, AND COMPLIANCE PROCEDURE,AND PRINT EVALUATIONDoes this change require a revision(s) to any Operating, Preventative Maintenance, or ComplianceProcedure, or any Print?Yes: No: xSignature: -Date: ,_F_-__/_--If YES, provide the suggested revision(s).OPERATING PROCEDURES:No revision is required for this modification.Revisions to the Emergency Procedures will be performed independently of this Modification Recordand will also be independently reviewed under 10 CFR 50.59.PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES:No revision is required for this modification.COMPLIANCE PROCEDURES:No revision is required for this modification.PRINTS:No revision is required for this modification.5Attachment 8.1ORIGINAL dftfdftflENT6AP-RO-l 15Revision 3Modification Number: 09-1SPARE PARTS REQUIREMENTS EVALUATIONDoes this change require that any new or additional Spare Parts be maintained in inventory?Yes: No: Signature: c "1,4' 47 Date: F--/-09If YES, provide a list of the spare parts.SPARE PARTS:No spare parts are required for this modification.6Attachment 8.1ORIGINAL AP-RR-003Revision 450.59 SCREENActivity Screening Number: 09-14 Page 1 of 2Title: Modification Record 09-1; Interfacing MURR Systems with Shipping and Receiving BuildingDescription of Activity (what is being changed and why):This Modification Record documents the addition of the new Shipping and Receiving Building tothe MURR facility.Safety Determination:Does the proposed activity have the potential to adversely affect nuclear safety or safe facility (i.e., F 2_-MURR) operations? YES NOIf this question is answered yes, do not continue with this procedure. Identify and report the concern tothe Reactor Manager.50.59 Screening Questions:1. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a design function Ldescribed in the HSR? YES NO2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to a procedure that adversely affects how HSR F-1 FXJdescribed SSC design functions are performed, controlled, or tested? YES NO3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an HSR described evaluation methodology F1Kthat is used in establishing the design bases or used in the safety analyses? YES NO4. Does the proposed activity involve a test or experiment not described in the HSR, where an SSC is F F-utilized or controlled in a manner that is outside .the reference bounds of the design for that SSC or YES NOis inconsistent with analyses or descriptions in the HSR?5. Does the proposed activity require a change to the MURR Technical Specifications? F7 rYES NOIf all screening questions are answered NO, then implement the activity per the applicable approved facility procedure(s). A LicenseAmendment or a 50.59 Evaluation is not required.If Screen Question 5 is answered YES, then request and receive a License Amendment prior to implementation of the activity.If Screen Question 5 is answered NO and Question 1, 2, 3, or 4 is answered YES, then complete and attach a 50.59 Evaluation form.[ Refer to Attachment 9.2. 1NOTE: If the conclusion of the screening questions is that a 50.59 Evaluation is not required, provide justification for the "No"determination. In addition, list the documents (HSR, Technical Specifications, and other Licensing Basis documents) reviewed whererelevant information was found. Include section / page numbers. Use page 2 of this form to document your statements.Print Name Sign Name DatePreparer: C. Herbold 7" _____Reviewer:Reactor Manager: Les'P. Foyto Lý j-7-- TF-1 ______L- fAttachment 9.1 600T6AP-RR-003Revision 450.59 SCREEN (Cont.)Activity Screening Number: 09-14Page 2of 2Title: Modification Record 09-1; Interfacing MURR Systems with Shipping and Receiving BuildingIf the conclusion of the five (5) Screening Questions is that a 50.59 Evaluation is not required, providejustification to support this determination: [ Use and attach additional pages as necessary. ]1. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a design function described in theHSR?No. The proposed activity does not involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects anyHSR-described design function.2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to aprocedure that adversely affects how HSR described SSC designfunctions are performed, controlled, or tested?No. The Shipping and Receiving Building has no procedure that affects the performance, controlor testing of HSR-described SSC design functions.3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an HSR described evaluation methodology that is used inestablishing the design bases or used in the safety analyses?No. The proposed activity does not involve any evaluation methodology used to establish thedesign bases or used in the safety analyses.4. Does the proposed activity involve a test or experiment not described in the HSR, where an SSC is used or controlledin a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for that SSC, or is inconsistent with analyses ordescriptions presented in the HSR?No. The proposed activity involves no test or experiment.List the documents (HSR, Technical Specifications, and other Licensing Basis documents) reviewed whererelevant information was found. [ Include section / page numbers.]Modification Record 09-1Attachment 9.1QO[PV ATTACHMENT 7ORIGINALAP-RO- 115Revision 6MODIFICATION RECORD: SHORT FORMFOR: 1) Addenda to existing Modification Records (e.g., modifications of same nature as onespreviously reviewed and approved).2) Significant modifications to the facility or facility systems that are not described in theHazards Summary Report.3) Modifications that require engineering decisions/implementation in a time frame thatprecludes normal licensed operator review prior to implementation.4) Modifications to non-safety systems; for documentation and review only.Licensed operators will review these modifications as part of the OperatorRequalification Program.The Reactor Safety Subcommittee will review these modifications.Modification Number: 11-2Modification Title: Replace Cooling TowerWAFNumber: 10- I-5SY-)Page No.123456Page TitleModification Record: Short FormModification Description(Why Short Fonn is appropriate)Hazards Summary Report EvaluationReactor Safety EvaluationProcedure, PM, CP, and Print EvaluationSpare Parts RequirementsRequired DateYes No CompletedSV _ /- _Zor- //_ /_ /-/--/--I-1_ ,'_ 21'2-7 d-,,0By(Initials)50.59 Screen Completed: A d<(Asst. Reactor Managt- Engineering)Reactor Safety Subcommittee Review. ,_Z ' ,/Weactor I3anager)Modification Approved: AK' .- ager)Modification Completed:-K < eac or Ytnager)Modification Closed: ./Yeactor Manager)Date: -r4--Date: _3 _ /___Date: k4-Ai-,.Date: _- 2 _-Y _-Date: 1O I sIAttachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 7ORIGINALAP-RO-l 15Revision 6Modification Number: 11-2REVIEW AND FOLLOW-UP ACTIONItem No.I23456Page TitleReactor Safety Subcommittee ReviewOperating Procedures UpdatedPreventive MaintenanceProcedures UpdatedCompliance Procedures UpdatedMURR Prints UpdatedSpare Parts System UpdatedReqYes___x'uired Date Documented byNo Completed (Initials)._ -z-r- z.,5/ -7 -,V /4C -r// 47-C '-) o.4 6J 15-P/ // 7-5-5-02 5H- -/ ,?e / D/-1 Z-1- /5- 0 5, C 67>2-t 41,fDA6)~-25- 02- 4 7 ý )? /1 0/j 7-d6D 2 C.-1/,z -,/66 -/A1r / ?C -DA04-D04 7E2/S- Z5-'/ 2 F- /7-3 -~'/r'laAttachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 7 ORIGINALAP-RO-1 1511-2 Revision 6lModification Number: 11-2_Revision_6MODIFICATION DESCRIPTIONProvide a concise description of the system change. Include any proposed PRE-OPERATIONAL TESTS required for this change. (If additional pages are necessary, insert afterthis page.)This Modification Record documents the replacement of the existing Cooling Tower. The replacement of the CoolingTower will consist of demolition of the existing wood structure, removal of an asbestos containing basin liner,conversion of the existing basin to a structural slab, installation of a steel elevating structure, installation of three (3)current generation stainless steel modular towers, installation of associated piping and electrical components andsupporting instrumentation, as well as repairs to the existing mechanical building.The existing Cooling Tower is a wood-framed, induced-draft, cross-flow type with three cells and two-speed fanassemblies for each cell. The tower is designed to cool 4,632 gallons of water per minute to a temperature of 87degrees-F from an initial temperature of 104 degrees-F at a maximum wet bulb temperature of 77 degrees F. Thistower structure was last renewed in 1998, along with several repair and preservation efforts since, and is approachingthe end of its service life. When the detennination was made to fund the replacement tower, a design engineer wascontracted through Campus to evaluate and recommend the proper approach and end result, based on the current andprojected cooling needs of MURR. The results of the design engineer's conclusions are best shown in the attached setof drawings, and further detailed in the project specifications (not attached).To support this work, Modification Record 09-4; Cooling Tower Temporary Cooling has been implemented, providingtemporary cooling to the Secondary Coolant System. This allows continued operation of the Reactor on a normalschedule during the performance of this replacement work.Since multiple systems are involved, this Modification Record will be used as the initiating document to ensure allchanges to supporting systems or subsystems are documented. This Modification Record will primarily document theStructural, Mechanical and Electrical changes associated with this change.The following Modification Records and addendums to previously approved Modification Records will be used todocument changes to each of these systems:Modification Record 98-2; Addendum I -Sulfuric Acid System Changes in Support of Cooling Tower ReplacementModification Record 03-3; Addendum 3 -Fire Protection System Changes in Support of Cooling Tower ReplacementModification Record 11-3; Data Acquisition and Monitoring System for Secondary Coolant System(Modification Description continued on page 2a.)Why a Short Form is appropriate.(At least one of four reasons listed on Page 1, with justification)The short form of the Modification Record is appropriate because this is a modification to a non-safety system thatrequires documentation and review only (Reason 4).2Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 7 ORIGINALAP-RO- 115Revision 6Modification Number: 11-2MODIFICATION DESCRIPTION (con't)Scope of WorkDEMOLITIONDemolition will be performed in accordance with the 'D' series sheets of the attached drawings. Itwill consist first of connecting and ensuring operable the Temporary Cooling Towers. Then piping,instrument and electrical services will be disconnected, along with the Fire Protection DelugeSystem. The Bulk Acid Tank will be emptied and temporarily relocated. Removal of the existingtower structure will proceed from the west end. When the major structure has been removed, anexisting asbestos-containing liner will be removed from the concrete basin and properly disposed of.The concrete basin walls will be cut down to form a flat slab from the basin. Additional demolitionwork will include removal of the Acid Day Tank and associated piping and removal of the asbestos-containing transite panel wall that currently forms the north wall of the Cooling Tower buildingmechanical room.STRUCTURALStructural work will be performed in accordance with the 'S' series sheets of the attached drawings.It will consist first of anchoring a prefabricated, galvanized steel structural box frame on thefootprint of the basin converted to slab. This steel structure will be primarily bolted members of I-beams sitting on steel columns with welded angle braces. The steel structure will provide a 7-footelevation for the new tower modules to sit on.The tower modules will consist of three SPX Marley towers. These towers are Model NC8414, areprimarily stainless steel construction with PVC integral fill sheets, and are constructed to have allpiping connections be made from underneath the towers. They will remain as induced-draft, cross-flow type with three cells and two-speed fan assemblies for each cell. The fill sheets integrate theinlet louver, fill drip surface area and drift eliminator inner section on one stamped sheet. Thesetowers will have fan motors mounted inside the airstream with a fan access platform for inspectionand maintenance of the fan drivetrain. The towers will be shipped as a lower and upper module, andwill be installed by stacking and bolting the two modules for each of the three cells on the steelsupport frame.Other supporting structures will be installed following installation of the tower modules such asaccess platforms and ladders as well as handrail restraints at the top of the tower modules. The westwall of the Cooling Tower building will be evaluated for necessary repairs and finish options, onceexposed. Currently, the north and center access doors are expected to be blocked, leaving one accessdoor on the south as an egress route from the electrical room. A concrete block wall will be installedat the north wall of the Cooling Tower building mechanical room.MECHANICALMechanical work will be performed in accordance with the 'M' series sheets of the attacheddrawings. It will consist of installing piping and valves to connect the three tower cells to theexisting piping connections.(Modification Description continued on page 2b.)2aAttachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 7 ORIGINAl 'AP-RO-1 15Revision 6Modification Number: 11-2MODIFICATION DESCRIPTION (con't)Several new mechanical features are described as follows:1) The existing six flow distribution valves will be replaced with three current generation flowdistribution valves, one for each tower inlet.2) Since the three tower cells will have three independent basins, additional equalizing piping andvalves will be provided to ensure basin levels remain roughly equal.3) The existing makeup water distribution tree will be modified to provide independent isolationand bypass features for both the Auto-makeup Valve and the makeup flowmeter.4) The existing makeup flowmeter will be replaced with a larger capacity Badger flowmeter, butremain compatible with the existing pulse cycle instrumentation output.5) Makeup water will no longer be fed to a common sump; therefore each of the three basins willhave independent makeup float valves and independent level sensing systems.6) Each basin will be provided with independent overflow and drain piping.7) The existing acid addition drip system will be replaced with an integral injection quill in thecommon cold water header.8) Several temperature and pressure sensing field devices will be installed as described in theattached drawings. Except where noted here, this instrumentation will be used for monitoringpurposes only and will be described in another Modification Record.ELECTRICALElectrical work will be performed in accordance with the 'E' series sheets of the attached drawings.It will consist of installing new 200-amp disconnects adjacent to each tower cell, and feeding fanpower from the existing fan controllers in MCC-1. Control of the fans will remain as two-speedmanual control from the Control Room, with reversing control at each motor controller.Several new electrical features are described as follows:1) A space heater powered from LP-41 installed in each fan motor will be energized any timethat fan motor is secured.2) An additional fan logic interlock will utilize a capacitive sensor to prevent a fan from running ifits gearbox oil level is not high enough.3) The existing low sump cutout float will be replaced with a low header discharge pressure switch.4) The existing steam heat for basin freeze protection will be replaced with 30-kw electrical heatersplaced in each basin, and controlled by independent thermostats. These heaters will be poweredfrom an existing spare breaker in MCC-1 as shown on the 'E' series drawings attached.5) Six lamp posts will be mounted on top of the new tower structure to provide lighting.6) A lightning protection system will be installed on the lamp posts described above, and will have aSurge Protector Device installed in MCC-] as shown on the 'E' series drawings attached.This work is being performed under Campus Project number: CPI 10731.2bAttachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 7 )RIGINAIAP-RO-I 1511-2 Revision 6 [Modification Number: 11-2HAZARDS SUMMARY REPORT EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a modification to the reactor facility as defined in the Hazards SummaryReport?Yes: __ No: _ Signature: --..- -Date: /2k<//If YES, make an analysis below and provide the suggested revision(s) to the HSR. If NO, outlinethe basis for the decision.This modification does involve a change to the reactor facility as defined in the Hazards Summary Report (HSR) and itsaddenda.Proposed system changes documented by this Modification Record are described or depicted in the following sectionsand figures of the HSR and its addenda:I. Original HSRa. Section 5.42. Addendum 3a. Figure 2.2 -MURR Print No. 502, Sheet I of Ib. Figures 2.3.a and 2.3.d -MURR Print No. 522; Sheets I and 4 of 53. Addendum 5a. Figure 2. .a and 2. .d -MURR Print No. 522; Sheets 1 and 4 of 5The following Sections and Figures of the HSR and its addenda will be revised as follows:I. Original HSRa. Section 5.4.3Replace entire section with the following:"The cooling tower is a stainless steel, induced-draft, cross-flow type, with three cells andtwo-speed fan assemblies for each cell. The tower is designed to cool 5,400 gallons (20,440liters) of water per minute to a temperature of 85 degrecs-F (29.4 C) from an initialtemperature of 115 degrees-F (46.1 C) at a maximum wet bulb temperature of 80 degrees F(26.7 C). Vibration and low oil cutout switches are mounted on each fan assembly to securethe associated fan motor to prevent damage to the fan or cooling tower structure should animbalance or low oil level condition develop. The number of fans and fan speed isconfigured as required to provide sufficient cooling for 10-MW operation."2. Addendum 3a. Figure 2.2 MURR Print No. 502, Sheet I of I -revise per attached draft as Figures 2.2.a,bMURR Print No. 502, Sheets 1-2 of 2.b. Figures 2.3.a and 2.3.d -MURR Print No. 522; Sheets I and 4 of 5 -revise per attacheddraft.3. Addendum 5a. Figures 2. .a and 2. I.d -MURR Print No. 522; Sheets I and 4 of 5 -revise per attacheddraft.All other Sections and Figures of the HSR and its addenda are considered correct and will remain the same.3Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 7ORIGINALAP-RO- 1 15Revision 611-2Modification Number:_________REACTOR SAFETY EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a revision(s) to the Technical Specifications or a safety hazard as describedin 10 CFR 50.59?NOTE: A licensee may make changes to the facility as described in the HSR without obtaining a license amendmentonly if:(i) A change to the Technical Specifications incorporated in the license is not required, and(ii) The change does not produce any of the following results:I. More than a minimal increase in the frequency of occurrence of an accident previously evaluated inthe HSR;2. More than a minimal increase in the likelihood of occurrence of a malfunction of an SSC important tosafety previously evaluated in the HSR;3. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of an accident previously evaluated in the HSR;4. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of a malfunction of an SSC important to safetypreviously evaluated in the HSR;5. Create a possibility for an accident of a different type than previously evaluated in the HSR;6. Create a possibility for a malfunction of an SSC important to safety with a different result than anypreviously evaluated in the HSR;7. Altering or exceeding a design basis limit for a fission product barrier as described in the HSR;8. A departure from a method of evaluation described in the HSR used in establishing the design bases orthe safety analyses.Yes:__No: ACSignature: Date: /.?- Z4-//If YES, the change must be performed using a Long Form Modification Record. If NO, outline thebasis for the decision.This modification does not involve a change to Technical Specifications or create a question pursuant to IOCFR 50.59.A 50.59 Screen (1 I- 18) is attached to show that the change may be implemented without further review.4Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 7 ORIGINALAP-RO-1 1511-2 Revision 6 [iModification Number: 11-2OPERATING, PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE, COMPLIANCE PROCEDUREAND PRINT EVALUATIONDoes this change require a revision(s) to any Operating, Preventative Maintenance, or ComplianceProcedure, or any Print?Yes: A- No: _ Signature: -Date: /Z-2L#'//If YES, provide the suggested revision(s).OPERATING PROCEDURES:1. OP-RO-480, "Secondary Coolant System" -revise per attached draft.PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES:I. S I -A3, Change Oil and Inspect Internals of Gear Reducers and Vibration Switches -replace with attached draftSI-Ol.2. SI -S2, Grease Motor Bearings on Cooling Tower Fans I and 2 -revise per attached draft.3. S I-S4, Clean Cooling Tower Basin and Sump -revise per attached draft.4. SI-S6, Tighten and Torque Check bolts and Nuts on CooLing Tower Fans and Drives -revise per attached draft.5. S I-S7, Grease Valve Mechanism -INACTIVATE.COMPLIANCE PROCEDURES:No Compliance Procedure revisions are required to implement this change.PRINTS:1. MURR Print No. 502, Sheet I of I, "Secondary Coolant System" -revise per attached draft containingSheets I and 2 of 2.I. MURR Print No. 522, Sheet I of 5, "Electrical Distribution" -revise per attached draft.3. MURR Print No. 522, Sheet 4 of 5, "Electrical Distribution" -revise per attached draft.5. MURR Print No. 1091, Sheet I of 2, "Domestic Cold Water" -revise per attached draft.5Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 7 ORIGINALAP-RO-l 1511-2 Revision 6 IModification Number: 11-2SPARE PARTS REQUIREMENTS EVALUATIONDoes this change require that any new or additional Spare Parts be maintained in inventory?Yes: No: Signature: Date: 12-4t-/&If YES, provide a list of the spare partsSPARE PARTSI. Gear Reducer -Marley Model 2400 with ISO 150 Synthetic Oil2. Gear Reducer Lubrication Line -field fabricate from existing3. Vibration Switch -Marley M-5 set to 2.5 G4. Oil Level Switch -Capacitive Probe RobertShaw Model 741B5. Motor -Leeson 40 HP, 2 speed (1200/600 rpm) on 365T frame6. Coupling -Marley Model MC097. Heater -Marley standard electric heater package8. Heater sensor -Marley standard RTD9. Float Valve -Marley NC-72-9210. Float -Marley 7" copper on 20" x 3/8" SS rodIL. Level Sensor Assembly6Attachment 8.1 ATTA HAE,AP-R.R-003Revision 750.59 SCREENNumber: 11-18 Page I of 2Title: Modification Record 11-02; "Replace Cooling Tower"Description of Activity (what is being changed and why):The Cooling Tower Cells will be replaced with three stainless steel modular units and associated piping andvalves,Safety Determination:Does the proposed activity have the potential to adversely affect nuclear safety or safefacility (i.e., F__jMURR) operations? YES NOIf this question is answered ycs, do not continue with this procedure. Identify and report the concern to the Reactor Manager.50.59 Screening Questions:I. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a designfimction El. M/1described in the HSR? YES NO2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to a procedure that adversely affects how HSR IIIdescribed SSC design functions are performed, controlled, or tested? YES NO3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an HSR described evaluation methodology FI ithat is used in establishing the design bases or used in the safely analyses? YES NO4. Does the proposed activity involve a test or experiment not described in the HSR, where an SSC is Fi Mutilized or controlled in a manner that is outside the reference bounds ofthe design for that SSC or YES NOis inconsistent with analyses or descriptions in the HSR?5. Does the proposed activity require a change to the MURR Technical Specifications? 111 11YES NOIf all screening questions arc answered NO, then implement the activity per the applicable approvcd facililj'procedure(s). A LicenseAmendment or a 50.59 Evaluation is not required.If Screen Question 5 is answered YES, then request and receive a License Amendment prior to implementation of the activity.If Screen Question 5 is answered NO and Question 1, 2. 3, or 4 is answered YES, then complete and attach a 50.59 Evaluation form.[ Refer to Attachment 9.2. ]NOTE: If the conclusion of the screening questions is that a 50.59 Evaluation is not required, provide justification for the "No"determination. In addition, list the documents (HSR, Technical Specifications, and other Licensing Basis documents) reviewed whererelevant information was found. Include section / page numbers. Use Page 2 ofthis form to document your statements.Print Name Sign Name DatePreparer: C. Herbold /27-LA-/IReviewer:Reactor Manager: J.Fus_________ Submit copy of screen to HSR / SAR file(crl n? eT NAttachment 9.1 ATTACHMENT 7AP-RR-003Revision 750.59 SCREEN (Cont.)Number: 11-18 Page 2 of 2Title: Modification Record 1 1-02: "Replace Cooling Tower"If the conclusion of the five (5) Screening Questions is that a 50.59 Evaluation is not required, providejustification to support this determination: [ Use and attach additional pages as necessary.]I. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a designjfunction described in theHSR?No The propnied activity doie- nnt involve a change to an .SC' that adversely afferts a design fincliondescrihed in ihe H 'R The new conling lower power requirements are ghnwn in he well within the load limilsof the affected load centers- The existing function and failure modes of the new Cooling Tower have notchanged more than minimally, and no new failure modes are introduced.2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to a procedure that adversely affects how HSR described SSC designfunctions are performed, controlled, or tested?No The proposed activity does not involve a cha;io ton pinrncedhrer thal adversely affects the performance.control or tesing of HSqR described SSC design functions None of the affected procednres revised resulted ina review having adverse effects on the operation of the Secondary Coolant System3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an HSR described evaluation methodology that is used inestablishing the design bases or used in the sqfety analyses?No. The proposed activity does not involve revising or replacing an HSR described evaluation methodologythat is used in establishing the design bases or used in the safety analyses. The proposed electrical loadchanges will utilize lighting panels and loads that are not significant to safcty. The proposed cooling capacityof the new cooling tower will be well in excess of the one being replaced.4. Does the proposed activity involve a test or experiment not described in the HSR, where an SSC is used or controlledin a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for that SSC, or is inconsistent with analyses ordescriptions presented in the HSR?No. The proposed activity does not involve a test or experiment not described in the HSR. No test orexperiment is associated with this change.List the documents (HSR, Technical Specifications, and other Licensing Basis documents) reviewed whererelevant information was found. [ Include section / page numbers. ]Technical Specification 4.4.bHSR Section 5.4: Add. 3. Section 2.3Modification Record 11-02MURR Prints 502, 522 (and HSR equivalents) and 1091Attachment 9. 1 ATTACHMENT 7COOLING; 1'ýCHNOLOGlI._SORIGINALMidwest Machinery Company17814 Edison AveCHESTERFIELD, MO 63005-1262636 537.1919/email: vormimldweslnmadh.comProposal to: .Project: Engineer:Mr. Kevin Summers UMC -MURR Mr. Chris Barth P.E.University of Missouri Procurement Services COLUMBIA, MO Rogers-Schmidt Engineering113 Heinkel BuildingColumbia, MO 65211Opportunity I Quote No. (Var): 100422_142231331 1 TROY GLADSTONE1IO405_165443484 (1)April 5, 2011Marley NC8400 TowerTOWER MODEL PERFORMANCE MOTOR DATA TOWER DIMENSIONS WEIGHTSCONDITIONSQuantity of (1) Marley NC Per 3-cell tower. NEMA 40 HP 2 speed / Each cell: (without options) Per cell:Class Diamond Series 6,4Q0 an 1 wind Length 13'- 10 314" Shipping: 25.965 lbmodel NC8414TLS 106.0 IF Hot Water 3 phase 160 Hz 1460v Width 2Z -5" Operating: 54,163 lbfactory assembled 3-Cell 85.0 "F Cold Water 1.15sf/ITEFC Height 27r -1 1/8"crossflow cooling tower 80.0 "F Entering WB 1200/600 RPM Per 3.cell tower.or ,120 volt space heater Per 3-cell tower: (with options) Shipping: 77,894 lb113.0 "F Hot Water Length 50' -7 3/4" Operating: 162,488 lb86.0 "F Cold Water Width 26'- 5"80.0 'F Entering WB Height 27'- 1 1/8. Heaviest Uft 13,946 lbor115.0 °F Hot Water86.0 IF Cold Water80.0 IF Entering WBQuantities shown below are per tower.Base Tower Construction/Equipment:Stainless Steel casing.Stainless Steel structure.Stainless Steel collection basin.Stainless Steel distribution basin.All stainless steel is series 300.Anchorage design selected to meet customer specified design requirements for wind load of 30.0 psf.Quiet fan with aluminum blades.Marley designed Geareducer with 5-year warranty.15 mil PVC film fill with Integral louvers and drift eliminators designed and manufactured by Marley.,Drift rate guaranteed to be no greater than .005% of the design flow rate.CTI certification per STD-201.Factory Mutual ApprovalFor multi-cell towers Purchaser must ensure that the number of cells includes consideration of cell outage due to fire damage, mechanicalfailure and preventive maintenance such that sufficient cooling capacity Is available to enable normal business and manufacturingoperations to continue throughout the year.Fiberglass fan stack.Collection Basin Connections and Accessories:All flanges are to Class 125 ANSI B16.1 standard.All threads are to American Standard Pipe Taper Thread.(3) 10 In (254 mm) diameter depressed side sump outlet(s) with trash screen(s) and anti-vortex plate(s).12 In (305 mm) diameter hole and bolt circle(s) for equalization, One per Cell4 in (102 mm) diameter combination drain and overflow In each cell(3) 1 in (25.4 mm) water make-up float valve(s)Probe type electronic water level sensor with the following events: make-up, low-alarm, high-alarm, low-cutoff, high-cutoff24 kW per cell 480/3 volt/phase electric Immersion heater for freeze protection of the collection basin during cold weather systemshutdownIncludes heater elements, water temperature sensor probe and control boxHeater system disconnect switchHeater system fuse block with fusesDistribution Basin Inlet and Accessories:(1) self-balancing 12 in (305 mm) diameter PVC bottom inlet connection per cell.All internal piping is PVC. External piping is PVC.Page 1 of?. ATTACHMENT 7ORIGINALMidwest Machinery company17814 Edison AveCHESTERFIELD, MO 63005-1262,O LI NG TLC H NOt.OGI.S 636537.19191emall: troyc@nidwesltachmmornVariable flow nozzles.Maintenance & Maintenance Access Features:Tower is designed in accordance with OSHA safety standards.This quotation includes features that will allow safe access on the fan deck while the fan is still operating.External tube line with dipstickLow oil level switchFull face horizontally mounted air Inlet screens for easy access to collection basinConvenient access to the collection basin and plenum area Is provided via a large access door located on each endwall(2) Access door platformsStainless Steel plenum walkway In each cellInternal mechanical equipment access platform In each cellFan deck extensionEasy fitting perimeter guardrail, kneera9 & toeboard(1) Cased face ladderLadder(s) extended 60 In below base of towerEasy fitting ladder safety cage(s)Self closing safety gate(s) Included at the top of the access ladder(s)Control Systems:Mariey M-5 121-110 DPDT Elec & Manua( Reset vibration cutoff switchField Installed Equipment:The field installed portion of the equipment will require approximately 140-190 man-hours of installation time after the tower arrives at thejobsite (based on USA experienced crew). The price to install these components is NOT included in the total price.Total Sell Price ...................................................................................................................... (US Dollar) $ 287,440.00(Freight Included. Installation labor not included. Taxes not included.)OPTIONAL ADDSMidwest Machinery (will require separate PO to Midwest Mahcinery) supplied startup and Installation $ 19,230.00supervision including required spare parts in base bid (Geareducer and Motor) (US Dollar)Commercial / Technical Clarifications1. In general, many of the "boiler plate' documents in the RFQ refer to 'Contractor". We are NOTacting as a contractor on this project: merely an equipment vendor. Much of the language doesnot pertain to a simple material order.2. "General Terms & Conditions" Page 3, Item 3 -We do not Include any taxes in this proposal3. "General Terms & Conditions' Page 5, Item 12 -As this is a "Materials Only" proposal, thisinsurance requirement does not apply.4. 'General Terms & Conditions" Page 5, Item 13 -As this is a "Materials Only" proposal, we havenot included a performance bond.5. "Cooling Towers" Specification 15640-6, Paragraph I -We do not include ANY factory wiring ofelectrical devises.Payment Terms: NET 30 days from date of shipment (subject to credit approval)Freight Terms: F.O.B. SPX plant(s) Olathe, Kansas, USA with freight prepaidShipment Lead-Time After Drawing Approval: 45 business daysThe following options are offered for your consideration:The SPX Cooling Technologies Certification of Limited Warranty ("Warranty $ 29,386.09Certificate") shall include a 5 year labor warranty. All other terms of the WarrantyCertificate remain unchanged and in effect.The SPX Cooling Technologies Certification of Limited Warranty ("Warranty $ 11,801.96Certificate") shall include a 2year labor warranty. All other terms of the WarrantyCertificate remain unchanged and in effect.Page 2 ofR ATTACHMENT 7 ORIGINALUniversity of Missouri-ColumbiaResearch ReactorIntra-Department CorrespondenceDate: October 21, 2011To: Carl HerboldFrom: Ron DobeySubject: Cooling Tower Replacement ProjectIn preparation for and during the cooling tower replacement project MURR Health Physicsanalyzed four separate putential radioactive waste streams prior to demolition. These were:1. Cooling tower sump sludge2. Cooling tower sump liner material3. Underground secondary suction header soil sample4. Underground secondary suction header tritium analysis from soil sample.Items 1-3 above were analyzed for gamma identification using the HP germanium counting systemin lab 213 while item 4 was analyzed for H-3 due to leakage from the secondary system headerusing the Packard 2300 LSC system. In all cases radioactive materials evidence was negative, asthere were no isotopezs identified above background levels. Should you require more or additionalinformation, please do not hesitate to contact me.Cc: John Fruits L4W ME"f 7OP-RO-480Revision 14MURROPERATINGOP-RO-480SECONDARY COOLANT SYSTEMMASTER COPYISSUED JUL 1 1 2811RESPONSIBLE GROUP: Reactor OperationsPROCEDURE OWNER:Eric HoodAPPROVED BY:John Fruits_______________Date IThis procedure contains the following:PagesAttachmentsTablesFiguresAppendicesCheck-Off Lists11NoneNoneNoneNonethroughthroughthroughthroughthroughthrough133IF ATTACHMENT 7 DRAFTOP-RO-480Revision 14 ITABLE OF CONTENTSSection Page Number1.0 P U R P O S E ........................................................................................................................... 32 .0 S C O P E ................................................................................................................................ 33.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS ........................................................................ 34.0 PREREQUISITES AND INITIAL CONDITIONS ..................................................... 35.0 PROCEDURE -COOLANT SYSTEM: NORMAL OPERATION ...................... 45 .1 S ta rtu p ...................................................................................................................... 45.2 Tem perature C ontrol ......................................................................................... 55.3 Shutdow n ....................................................................................................... 75.4 O peration of SP-4 ............................................................................................. 86.0 PROCEDURE -COOLANT SYSTEM: SHUTDOWN OPERATION .................. 86.1 Back-Flush Pool Heat Exchanger 521 ................................................................ 86.2 Back-Flush Primary Heat Exchangers 503A and 503B ................................... 107.0 PROCEDURE -COLD WEATHER OPERATION ..................................................... II7.1 Cold Weather Operation of Pump SP-4 ............................................................ 117 .2 D e ic in g ................................................................................................................... 127.3 Shutdown Operations Greater Than 24 Hours ................................................. 128.0 R E F E R E N C E S .................................................................................................................. 139 .0 R E C O R D S ......................................................................................................................... 1310.0 A T T A C H M E N T S .............................................................................................................. 132 ATTACHMENT 7 DRAFTOP-RO-480Revision 14 ISECONDARY COOLANT SYSTEM1.0 PURPOSE1.1 Instructions for the startup, normal operation and shutdown of the SecondaryCoolant System.2.0 SCOPE2.1 Procedural steps, precautions and prerequisites necessary to startup and shutdownthe Secondary Coolant System.2.2 Procedural steps, precautions and prerequisites necessary to operate theSecondary Coolant Pumps.2.3 Procedural steps, precautions and prerequisites necessary to perform a back-flushof the Pool Heat Exchanger and Primary Heat Exchangers.2.4 Procedural steps, precautions and prerequisites necessary to operate the CoolingTower (CT) Fans.3.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS3.1 With the exception of SP-4, no more than two Secondary Coolant Pumps can berun at the same time.3.2 In cold weather operations, ice must not be allowed to form on the Cooling Towerplastic fill material or the fan blades.3. If the rca tor is shut o an t ut-s-J mpera, re is expect-ed to re"in less.Coo tPum P-4 distri ion should be rer uted ifthe 'I iknin Zlctric-. onditi ing SyS is i perat io ,4.0 PREREQUISITES AND INITIAL COND IONS4.1 No Secondary Coolant System maintenance has been performed since the lastshutdown of the secondary coolant system, OR4.1.1 If maintenance has been performed on the system, ensure that all affectedcomponents are in their normal positions (Attachment 10. 1).4.1.2 The Lead Senior Reactor Operator (LSRO) must determine if a valve line-up checksheet needs to be completed (Attachment 10. I).3 ATTACHMENT 7 DRAFTOP-RO-480Revision 144.0 PREREQUISITES AND INITIAL CONDITIONS (CONT.)4.2 Power available to Secondary Coolant Pumps.4.3 Before starting pumps, CT basin water level is greater than inches.4.4 The following Secondary support systems are in the proper line-up:* Acid and pH control" Conductivity control" Chemical treatment system4.5 Prior to starting CT fans in cold weather operation, the fan blades must be clear ofice build-up.4.6"-- 4-thei building electric air conditioning system inngT , ,' Se";dary.Codiant ",7,-cýtrol switch shall be-lced in the"g'n' postoi 40securing-condafy Coolant Pumps SP-SI,"P-2 and SP-3.5.0 PROCEDURE -COOLANT SYSTEM: NORMAL OPERATION5.1 STARTUP:NOTE: Secondary Coolant Pumps (SP-l, SP-2, SP-3) should be operatedalternately to equalize operation time.5.1. I ENSURE Secondary Temperature/Flow Recorder is ON.NOTE: Starting of Secondary Coolant Pumps should be monitored using theintercom system.5.1.2 START one Secondary Coolant Pump as specified by the LSRO.5.1.3 VERIFY flow has increased on the Secondary Flow Display.5.1.4 WHEN the first Secondary Coolant Pump has run for greater than fiveminutes, THEN start a second Secondary Coolant Pump, if required.5.1.5 VERIFY flow has increased on the Secondary Flow Display.5.1.6 Balance Secondary Coolant Pumps by matching the % Load on therunning pumps.4 ATTACHMENT 7 DRAFTOP-RO-480Revision 145.0 PROCEDURE -COOLANT SYSTEM: NORMAL OPERATION (CONT.)5.2 TEMPERATURE CONTROLNOTE: When possible, S-I should be maintained between its alarm setpoints and S-2 should be maintained between its low and highlimits. Small changes in cooling can be accomplished by adjustingSecondary Coolant Pump speeds. Large changes in cooling can beaccomplished by changing CT Fan configuration.NOTE: At least one CT Fan must be operating in at least slow speed at alltimes.NOTE: Secondary Coolant Pump speeds should be maintained high enoughto prevent any out of specification conditions.5.2.1 Secondary Coolant Pump Operation:NOTE: Secondary Coolant Pumps (SP-I, SP-2, SP-3) should be balancedaccording to % Load. IF changing pump speed, THEN push the raise or lower buttonsof both running pumps so that percent load of both pumps remainwithin approximately 1% of each other. Inform LSRO that pump speed has been changed. VERIFY change in pump speed by OBSERVING a change inPrimary and Secondary Coolant temperatures.5 ATTACHMENT 7 DRAFTOP-RO-480Revision 14 I5.0 PROCEDURE -COOLANT SYSTEM: NORMAL OPERATION (CONT.)5.2.2 Cooling Tower Fan Operation:NOTE: The CT Fan controllers incorporate a fast speed to slow speedcoast down delay timer to allow the fans to coast down to a slowspeed before the slow speed relays energize (- 20 seconds). Fan Operation -Startupa) Obtain permission from the LSRO to start a CT Fan.b) START CT Fan 1, 2 or 3 in slow or fast speed.c) ENSURE CT Fan I, 2 or 3 slow or fast speed indication is lit.d) VERIFY fan(s) running by OBSERVING a change inPrimary and Secondary Coolant temperatures. Fan Operation -Shifting Speeda) Obtain permission from the LSRO to shift a CT Fan to fast orslow speed.b) IF shifting from slow to fast speed, THEN place switch to'Fast.'c) IF shifting from fast to slow speed, THEN:" Place switch to 'Off.'* After greater than 20 seconds, place switch to 'Slow.'d) ENSURE CT Fan 1, 2 or 3 slow or fast speed indication lightis lit.6 ATTACHMENT 7DRAFTOP-RO-480Revision 145.0 PROCEDURE -COOLANT SYSTEM: NORMAL OPERATION (CONT.)5.2.3 Primary and Pool Coolant Temperature Controllers S-I and S-2:I 5NOTE: Normal control of S-1 and S-2 is in the automatic mode.I5.2.3.1 Manual Control of S- I or S-2:CAUTION: A substantial reactivity change can occur whenadjusting Primary Coolant Temperature Controller S-Iposition.a) Depress controller "A/M" button AND VERIFY hand icon islit.b) Adjust S- I or S-2 to desired position using the "<" or ">"buttons.c) Depress controller "A/M" button AND VERIFY circle iconis lit. Adjusting Primary or Pool Coolant Temperature Controller setpoint:CAUTION: A substantial reactivity change can occur whenadjusting Primary Coolant Temperature Controller S-Iset point.a) Obtain permission from LSRO to change CoolantTemperature Controller set pointsb) Adjust Coolant Temperature Controller set point using the"V" or "A" buttons.5.3 SHUTDOWN:'~tcbu i'h ectiarndi, oing ystemn running, T""E"NSU"R-EPumpP is runnin. "K5.3.2 IF CT fan operation is not required, THEN STOP fan(s).5.3.3 IF Secondary Coolant Pumps are not required, THEN STOP SecondaryCoolant Pumps.7 ATTACHMENT 7 DRAFTOP-RO-480Revision 14 I5.0 PROCEDURE -COOLANT SYSTEM (CONT.)5.. ~ TUP5.4. .1 OPEN A/C #2 Inlet Valve S- HECK OPEN A/C #2 Outlet Valve S- STA Secondary Coolant Pump SP4.5.4.2 SHUTDOWN5.4.2.1 ENSURE A/C #2 1 ot in operation. STOP Secondary Coolan ump SP- CLOSE A/C #2 Inlet Valve S- .6.0 PROCEDURE -COOLANT SYSTEM: SHUTDOWN OPERATION6.1 BACK-FLUSH POOL HEAT EXCHANGER 52 1:6.1 ,,F n ~ runn~i" ,' HEN6.1.2 STOP Pumps SP-1, SP-2 and SP-3.6,1.3 Place Primary Coolant Temperature Controller S-I in 'Manual' control.6.1.4 SET Primary Coolant Temperature Controller S-I to 'Full Closed.'6.1.5 Place Pool Coolant Temperature Controller S-2 in 'Manual' control.6.1.6 SET Pool Coolant Temperature Controller S-2 to 'Full Open.'6.1.7 CLOSE Hx-521 Inlet Valve S- CLOSE Hx-521 Outlet Valve S-21 OPEN FT912R Equalizer Valve S- CLOSE FT912R HP Isolation Valve S- CLOSE FT912R LP Isolation Valve S-226.8 ATTACHMENT 7OP-RO-480Revision 14 I6.0 PROCEDURE -COOLANT SYSTEM: SHUTDOWN OPERATION (CONT.)6.1.12 CLOSE Hx-503B Inlet Valve S- CLOSE Hx-503A Inlet Valve S- OPEN S-I Bypass Valve S- RECORD throttle position of Hx52l Inlet Valve S-2326.1.17 OPEN Valve S- START Pump SP-l, SP-2 or SP- WHEN back-flushed for greater than 1 hour, THEN STOP Pump SP-I,SP-2 or SP- OPEN Valve S-2 OPEN Valve S- OPEN Valve S- OPEN Valve S- OPEN Valve S- OPEN Valve S- CLOSE Valve S-27.6. 1.28 Throttle Valve S-232 to position noted in Step 6.1 . Vent FT912R through quick disconnect fittings.6.1.30 CLOSE Valve S- Place Primary Coolant Temperature Controller S- I in 'Automatic' control.6.1.32 Place Pool Coolant Temperature Controller S-2 in 'Automatic' control.6.1.33 Perform valve line-up using Attachment 10.2.9 ATTACHMENT 7OP-RO-480Revision 14 I6.0 PROCEDURE -COOLANT SYSTEM: SHUTDOWN OPERATION (CONT.)6.2 BACK-FLUSH PRIMARY HEAT EXCHANGERS 503A AND 503B:6.2.1 IF the building electric air conditioning system is running, THENENSURE Pump SP-4 is running.6.2.2 STOP Pumps SP-l, SP-2 and SP- Place Primary Coolant Temperature Controller S-I in 'Manual' control.6.2.4 Set Primary Coolant Temperature Controller S-I to 'Full Open.'526.2.6 CLOSE HX-503A and 503B Inlet Valve S- CLOSE Back-Flush Isolation Valve S- OPEN Back-Flush Supply Valve S- OPEN S-I Bypass Valve S- IF HX-503A is being back-flushed, THEN CLOSE HX-503B OutletValve S- IF HX-503B is being back-flushed, THEN CLOSE HX-503A OutletValve S- START Pump SP-1, SP-2 or SP- When back-flushed for greater than one hour, STOP Pump SP- I, SP-2 orSP- IF HX-503B was back-flushed, THEN OPEN HX-503A Outlet ValveS- IF HX-503A was back-flushed, THEN OPEN HX-503B Outlet ValveS- CLOSE S-I Bypass Valve S- CLOSE Back-Flush Supply Valve S- OPEN Back-Flush Isolation Valve S-38.10 ATTACHMENT 7OP-RO-480Revision 146.0 PROCEDURE -COOLANT SYSTEM: SHUTDOWN OPERATION (CONT.)6.2.19 OPEN HX-503A and 503B Inlet Valve S- -j6.2.21 Place Primary Coolant Temperature Controller S-I in 'Automatic' control.6.2.22 Perform valve line-up using Attachment PROCEDURE -COLD WEATHER OPERATION"--7."- "-'"-D'W-EA-AE'R-OPERA'rION..O~iFUM.P, SP."'IN.TE: IF the reactor is shutdown and the outside temperature is expected toremain less than 40 'F, THEN Pump SP-4 flow distribution should mererouted to prevent ice build-up of the Cooling Tower if the b dingelectric air conditioning system is running.7.1.1 OPEN -P,4 Return to Cell #1 Valve S-47A.7.1.2 CLOSE SP-4 Rbtum To CT Distribution Valve 8-47B.K7.1.3 WHEN reactor is operýtipng, THEN restore normal flow distribution line-up as follows: OPEN Valve S-47B. CLOSE Valve S-47A. ENSiJE SP-4 Return Drain Line VaAye S-196 is cracked11 ATTACHMENT 7 -TOP-RO-480Revision 14 I7.0 PROCEDURE -COLD WEATHER OPERATION (CONT.)7.2 DEICING:NOTE: Ice formation can be controlled and minimized by one or more ofthe following operations:* Run one fan only* Run fans in slow speed" Rotate fan operation on an hourly basisNOTE: Reverse operation of Cooling Tower fans should only be used toeliminate ice, not prevent it.NOTE: Reverse operation of the fans may be in fast or slow speed, however,fast speed is recommended. Reverse fan operation should not exceed20 minutes.7.2.1 Obtain permission from LSRO to deice CT Cell 1, 2 or STOP fan for CT Cell to be deiced.7.2.3 WHEN fan has coasted to a stop, THEN place local controller switch in'Reverse.'7.2.4 START fan in 'Fast.'7.2.5 WHEN cell is clear of ice OR 20 minutes has elapsed, THEN STOP fan.7.2.6 WHEN fan has coasted to a stop, THEN place local controller switch to'Forward.'7.2.7 RECORD "Deiced Cooling Tower Cell "in Console Log Book.7.3 SHUTDOWN OPERATIONS GREATER THAN 24 HOURS:7.3.1 ENSURE SP-1, SP-2, SP-3 AND CT Fans are 'Off.'7.3.2 STOP building air conditioners.12 ATTACHMENT 7OP-RO-480Revision 147.0 PROCEDURE -COLD WEATHER OPERATION (CONT.)NOTE: -Swam to the Cooling Tower Basin to prevent freezing is'controlledby,,a thermostats.7.3.pply .. 3TM-30 ;- OPEN.7.3.4 ENSURE CT Basin d, Supply V ilvc.. STM-3, ;1 7.3.5 Prop OPEN CT Sump Makeup Float ValvwQ9gW-2.O to drain makeup lineS7.3.6 ENSURE heat tape is attached to CT Sump Makeup line.7.3.7 Energize heat tapes.8.0 REFERENCES8.1 MURR Dwg. 502, "Secondary Cooling System"8.3 MURR Dwg. 1091, Sh. I of 2, "Domestic Cold Water"8.4 MURR Dwg 2521, "Sulfuric Acid System"8.5 RM-RO-470, "Sulfuric Acid System"9.0 RECORDS9.1 Console Log Book10.0 ATTACHMENTS10. I Secondary Coolant System Valve Line-Up Checksheet10.2 Post HX-521 Backflush Valve Line-Up Checkshect10.3 Post HX-503A/B Backflush Valve Line-Up Checksheet13 ATTACHMENT 7OP-RO-480Revision 14 IDate:SECONDARY COOLANT SYSTEM VALVE LINE-UP CHECKSHEETThis checksheet will be completed when required by the Lead Senior Reactor Operator (LSRO). Theoperators performing the check will independently verify the position of each valve and indicate theverification by initialing the chccksheet. Where appropriate, the position of throttled valves are shownon a permanent tag secured to the valve. Note the throttled valve's position on the checksheet. Underthe direction of the LSRO, a valve may be positioned other than listed on this checksheet. If this isrequired, the operators must ensure that the valve is in the desired position and indicate this position onthis checkshect. If this change of position is not covered by a procedure in use, for example an RTP,SMP, or Work Package, which would return the valve to the normal operating position, then the LSROwill issue and place a Danger Tag on the valve for the duration of time the valve is in the out-of-normalposition.COOLING TOWERVALVEVALVE DESCRIPTIONPOSITIONPERFORMER VERIFIERS-17 Cooling Tower Distribution (Cell i) OpenS-18 Cooling Tower Distribution (Cell 1) OpenS-19 Cooling Tower Distribution (Cell 2) OpenS-20 Cooling Tower Distribution (Cell 2) OpenS-21 Cooling Tower Distribution (Cell 3) OpenS-22 Cooling Tower Distribution (Cell 3) OpenS-176 Air Connection Isolation Upstream of S-46 ClosedS-196 SP4 Return to Cell #1 Drain ThrottledS-47A SP-4 Return to Cell #1 ClosedS-47B SP4 Return to CT Distribution Valves OpenS-128 Cooling Tower Distribution Line Drain ClosedS-129 Drain line OpenS-233 Drain line ClosedS-197 pH Sampling Line Isolation OpenS-198 pH Sampling Line Isolation OpenS-155 Condensate return to secondary ClosedPage I of 7Attachment 10. i ATTACHMENT 7OP-RO-480Revision 14SECONDARY COOLANT SYSTEM VALVE LINE-UP CHECKSHEET (CONT.)COOLING TOWERVALVE VALVE DESCRIPTIONPOSITION PERFORMERVERWIERS-192 Cooling Tower Sump Drain ClosedS-11 SP-4 Suction OpenS-105 SP-4 Strainer Suction Gauge Isolation OpenS-106 SP4 Strainer Discharge Gauge Isolation OpenS-207 SP4 Casing Vent ClosedS-117 SPA Discharge Gauge Isolation OpenS-12 SP4 Discharge OpenS-121 SP4 Line Vent ClosedS-8 SP-1 Suction Locked OpenS-107 SP-1 Strainer Suction Gauge Isolation OpenS-108 SP-i Strainer Discharge Gauge Isolation OpenS-114 SP-I Suction Gauge Isolation OpenS-118 SP-I Discharge Gauge Isolation OpenS-204 SP-I Casing Vent ClosedS-5 SP-I Discharge Locked OpenS-123 SP-I, 2 & 3 Header Vent ClosedS-9 SP-2 Suction Locked OpenS-109 SP-2 Strainer Suction Gauge Isolation OpenS-110 SP-2 Strainer Discharge Gauge Isolation OpenS-115 SP-2 Suction Gauge Isolation OpenS-119 SP-2 Discharge Gauge Isolation OpenS-205 SP-2 Casing Vent ClosedS-6 SP-2 Discharge Locked OpenS-I0 SP-3 Suction Locked OpenS-I 11 SP-3 Strainer Suction Gauge Isolation OpenS-112 SP-3 Strainer Discharge Gauge Isolation OpenPage 2 of 7Attachment 10.1 ATTACHMENT 7 flu rOP-RO-480Revision 14 ISECONDARY COOLANT SYSTEM VALVE LINE-UP CHECKSHEET (CONT.)VALVE VALVE DESCRIPTIONPOSITION PERFORMER VERIFIERS-1 16 SP-3 Suction Gauge Isolation OpenS-120 SP-3 Discharge Gauge Isolation OpenS-206 SP-3 Casing Vent ClosedS-7 SP-3 Discharge Locked OpenS-163 Reliefs S-122 & S-124 Drain OpenS-102 SP-4 Return Line Drain ClosedS-127 SP-4 Line Drain ClosedS-113 Secondary Supply Drain (I") ClosedS-125 Secondary Supply Drain (2") ClosedS-101 Secondary Return Drain (2") ClosedS-126 Secondary Return Drain (I") ClosedROOM 114 PASSAGEWAYVALVE VALVE DESCRIPTION POSITION PERFORMER VERIFIERDCWR-7 DCW From Room I I I ClosedAX-5 Secondary Return Isolation OpenS-195 Return From Waste Heat System ClosedS-202 Corrosion Rack Inlet Isolation OpenS-203 Corrosion Rack Outlet Isolation OpenAX-I Secondary Supply Isolation OpenS-104 Drain ClosedS-103 Drain ClosedS-151 Drain ClosedS-231 SP-4 Check Valve IsolationS-199 Blowdown Isolation OpenS-170 Blowdown Throttle ThrottlediPage 3 of 7Attachment 10. 1 ATTACHMENT 7F~fl~ ~ ~'OP-RO-480Revision 14SECONDARY COOLANT SYSTEM VALVE LINE-UP CHECKSHEET (CONT.)ROOM 114VALVE VALVE DESCRIPTIONPOSITIONPERFORMER VERIFIERS-161 AP Transmitters HP Isolation OpenS-162 AP Transmitters LP Isolation OpenS-182 FT912Q LP Isolation OpenS-183 FT912Q HP Isolation OpenS-184 FT912Q Equalizer ClosedS-185 FT912Q HP Test Connection ClosedS-186 FT912Q LP Test Connection ClosedS-140 FT912Q LP Flush ClosedS-145 FT912Q HP Flush ClosedS-130 FT9I2P HP Isolation OpenS-131 FT912P LP Isolation OpenS-134 FT912P Equalizer ClosedS-132 FT912P HP Test Connection ClosedS-180 FT912P LP Test Connection ClosedS-133 FT912P LP Flush ClosedS-139 FT912P HP Flush ClosedS-135 Hx 503A Vent ClosedS-141 Return Header Vent ClosedS-39 Hx 503A Outlet Locked OpenS-31 S-I Outlet OpenS-136 S-I Drain ClosedS-30 S-I Inlet OpenS-177 S-I Drain ClosedS-27 S-1 Bypass ClosedS-138 Hx 503A Drain ClosedS-23 Hx 503A Inlet Locked OpenPage 4 of 7Attachment 10.1 ATTACHMENT 7OP-RO-480Revision 14 ISECONDARY COOLANT SYSTEM VALVE LINE-UP CHECKSHEET (CONT.)ROOM 114VALVE VALVE DESCRIPTIONPOSITIONPERFORMER VERIFIERS-38 Back-Flush Isolation Locked OpenS-40 Back-Flush Supply LockedClosedS-142 Hx 503B Vent ClosedS-191 Hx 503B Drain ClosedS-41 Hx 503B Outlet Locked OpenS-24 Hx 503B Inlet Locked OpenS-221 Hx 521 Outlet Vent ClosedS-223 Hx 503A &503B Inlet ThrottledS-222 Hx 521 Outlet Drain ClosedS-211 Hx 521 Outlet Locked OpenS-212 Hx 521 Bypass OpenS-34 S-2 Inlet OpenS-215 FT912R LP Flush ClosedS-216 FT912R HP Flush ClosedS-226 FT912R LP Isolation OpenS-227 FT912R HP Isolation OpenS-228 FT912R Equalizer ClosedS-214 Hx 521 Outlet Pressure Indication OpenS-210 Hx 521 Inlet Locked OpenS-218 Hx 521 Outlet Drain ClosedS-220 Hx 521 Inlet Drain ClosedS-217 Flush (Air Connection) ClosedS-213 Hx 521 Inlet Pressure Indication OpenS-232 Hx 521 Inlet ThrottledS-219 Hx 521 Inlet Vent ClosedPage 5 of 7Attachment 10.1 ATTACHMENT 7OP-RO-480Revision 14 ISECONDARY COOLANT SYSTEM VALVE LINE-UP CHECKSHEET (CONT.)ROOM 114VALVE VALVE DESCRIPTIONPOSITION PERFORMER VERIFIERS-229 FT912R LP Clean Out ClosedS-230 FT912R HP Clean Out ClosedWASTE TANK ROOMVALVE VALVE DESCRIPTION POSITION PERFORMER VERIFIERS-169 Waste Tank Isolation ClosedS-42 Blowdown Solenoid Isolation OpenS-43 Blowdown Solenoid Isolation OpenS-144 Blowdown Drain ClosedS-50 Isolation to Sanitary Sewer (West) OpenS-49 Isolation to Sanitary Sewer (East) ClosedROOM 278VALVE VALVE DESCRIPTION POSITION PERFORMER VERIFIERS-58 A/C Unit #1 Outlet ClosedS-60 Drain ClosedS-54 Vent ClosedS-57 A/C Unit #2 Outlet OpenS-200 Flow Sensor Isolation OpenS-201 Flow Sensor Isolation OpenS-61 Drain ClosedS-53 A/C Unit #2 Inlet ClosedS-56 A/C Unit #1 Inlet ClosedS-62 Drain ClosedS-234 Facility Air Compressor Return ClosedS-146 Vent (By DI-300) ClosedS-149 Vent (By DI-300) ClosedPage 6 of 7Attachment 10. I ATTACHMENT7 7 -,OP-RO-480Revision 14 ISECONDARY COOLANT SYSTEM VALVE LINE-UP CHECKSHEET (CONT.)COMMENTS:Page 7 of 7Attachment 10. 1 ATTACHMENT 7ý > A- ,OP-RO-480Revision 14POST HX-521 BACKFLUSH VALVE LINE-UP CHECKSHEETThis checksheet will be completed when required by the Lead Senior Reactor Operator (LSRO). Theoperators performing the check will independently verify the position of each valve and indicate theverification by initialing the checksheet. Where appropriate, the positions of throttled valves are shownon a permanent tag secured to the valve. Note throttled valve's position on the checksheet.Date Performed:VALVEVALVE DESCRIPTIONPOSITION PERFORMER VERIFIERS-210 Hx 521 Inlet LockedOpenS-211 Hx 521 Outlet LockedOpenS-228 FT912R Equalizer ClosedS-227 FT912R HP Isolation OpenS-226 FT912R LP Isolation OpenS-24 Hx 503B Inlet OpenS-23 Hx 503A Inlet OpenS-27 S-1 Bypass ClosedS-232 Hx 521 Inlet ThrottledIPCOMMENTS:Page 1 of IAttachment 10.2 ATTACHMENT 7POST HX-503A/B BACKFLUSH VALVE LINE-UP CHECKSHEETr /OP-RO-480Revision 14tThis checksheet will be completed when required by the Lead Senior Reactor Operator (LSRO). Theoperators performing the check will independently verify the position of each valve and indicate theverification by initialing the checksheet. Where appropriate, the positions of throttled valves are shownon a permanent tag secured to the valve. Note throttled valve's position on the checksheet.Date Performed:VALVEVALVE DESCRIPTIONPOSITION PERFORMER VERIFIERS-223 Hx 503A & 503B Inlet ThrottledS-38 Back Flush Isolation LockedOpenS-40 Back Flush Supply LockedClosedS-39 Hx 503A Outlet LockedI_ OpenS-41 Hx 503B Outlet LockedOpenS-27 S-I Bypass ClosedjCOMMENTS:Page I of IAttachment 10.3 I ATTACHMENT 7I? ~T7L u ic-PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURENUMBER:PAGE:REVISION:S1-A31 OF 15/14/09Preventive Maintenance: PM System: SecondaryChange Oil and Inspect Internals ofGear Reducers and Vibration Switches PM Components: Cooling Tower Fan GearPlant Conditions: Frequency: -Annually- 5 ,/./,EfReactor ShutdownNumber of Men Needed: 2Estimated Time 2 hoursTest Equipment, Tools and Materials1. Safety Harness 5. 9 gallons of Mobil DTE Extra Heavy Oil 9. Pliers2. 314-inch Breaker Bar 6. 4 oz. Sample Bottle 10. Ladder3. Flashlight 7. 9/16-inch Deep Well Socket 11. Magnet4. 12-inch Crescent Wrench 8. 1/2-inch Socket Drive 12. BucketReferencesN/AProcedure1. Danger Tag the following:___ a. Cooling Tower fan #1 breaker in the 'Of position.___ b. Cooling Tower fan #2 breaker in the 'O.f position.c. Cooling Tower fan #3 breaker in the 'Of' position.2. Drain oil AND INSPECT each gear reducer as follows:a. Place collection container under gear reducer drain.b. OPEN drain valve and drain oil to container.c. WHEN all oil is drained from the gear reducer, THEN CLOSE the drain valve.d. INSPECT old oil for metal filings by immersing a magnet in oil.e. INSPECT for suspended particles that attach to magnet.f. Collect a four ounce oil sample for analysis.g. Remove inspection plug AND VISUALLY INSPECT gear teeth for wear.h. INSPECT for unusual wear or markings.i. Install the inspection plug.NOTE: Use MobiW'T'E-E-treaHeav'y Oil.S =,4_-C,-,0?D * ,, -rPc Jo /5,213. Add three gallons of new oil to dipstick housing to each gear reducer.4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for each fan.5. VERIFY control room switches for CT fan #1, CT fan #2, and CT fan #3 are in the 'Offposition.6. Clear the following Danger Tags:a. Cooling Tower fan #1 breaker in the 'O.n' position.b. Cooling Tower fan #2 breaker in the 'On' position.c. Cooling Tower fan #3 breaker in the 'On' position.7. Test run each fan and listen for any anomalies.8. Log PM completed in the console log book and maintenance day book.Date Completed:LSRO Signature:APPROVED:Assistant Reactor Manager ATTACHMENT 7DPA~PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURENUMBER:PAGE:REVISION:Sl-$21 OF 15/20/091Preventive Maintenance: PM System: SecondaryGrease Motor Bearings onCooling Tower Fans 1 and-2 c,(.J PM Components: Cooling Tower Fan Drive MotorsPlant Conditions: Frequency: Semi-AnnuallyReactor ShutdownNumber of Men Needed: 1Estimated Time 1 hourTest Equipment, Tools and Materials1. -1/2-inch-Deep Socket-and-Drive- 4.-Gfeseent-WfVeh-2. Lithium Based Grease 5.-F-Fat-Screwd-iver-3. Grease Gun 6. RagsReferencesN/AProcedureiiIi1. Danger Tag the following:_ a. Cooling tower fan #1 breaker OFF.b. Cooling tower fan #2 breaker OFF.2. Grease CT fan #1 motor bearings as follows:a--Remove-motor-bearing-drain-plug.b; --Remove-any-hardened-grease -from drain-plug-opening.__ c. Clean the zirc fitting. _,d. Add grease to zirc fitting on bearing housing until-new-grease-is-forced-out-the-drain-holeand-wipe-off-zirc-fitting....4 e. VERIFY control room switch for CT fan #1 in the'Off position.f. Clear Danger Tag on CT fan #1 in the 'On' position.g. Run CT fan #1 fer-thirty-(-30-)-minutes , /--h,--Replace-the-drain-plug [-== C.eai ep..piles -of-excess-grease.,3G~rease CT fan #2 motor o owws:a. Remove motor bearing drain plug.__. -Remrove any hardened grease from drain plug ___ c. Clean'the-zirQ fitting.__d. Add grease to zirc fiftihg-on-bearing-housing until new grease is forced out the drain holeand wipe off zirc fitting.-- ---e. VERIFYgontrol room switch for CT fan #2inWe- Off.. position.___ f. -ClearDanger Tag on CT fan #2 in the 'On' position. --Run CT fanr#2fo~rthirity(0) minutevs/-- h. ý-Replace-the-drainplug.i.'-elean-up-piles-of-excess~greae. ------4. nsole log book and maintenance day book.Date Completed:LSRO Signature:,/APPROVED:Assistant Reactor Manager ATTACHMENT 7NUMBER: S-1:S4PAGE: 1 OF4REVISION :4.09/9/111PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDUREIPreventive Maintenance: PM System: SecondaryClean Cooling Tower Basin and SumpPM Components: Cooling TowerPlant Conditions: Frequency: Semi-AnnuallyReactor ShutdownSecondary Coolant System Shutdown Number of Men Needed: 3Estimated Time: 8 hoursTest Equipment, Tools and Materials1. 8-inch Pipe Wrench 6. Cooling Tower Cleaning Visual Inspection Forms2. 24-inch Pipe Wrench 7. Extension Ladder3. Bucket 8. Shovel4. Rope 9. Squeegee5. Fire HoseReferencesOP-RO-480, "Secondary Coolant System"OP-RO-555, "Fire Protection System"Procedure1. ENSURE Reactor Health Physics has analyzed sludge. i',/cvr.__2.--4F-eler~tr~ic-air-conditioner-is -on-ser-vioe4-HEN- secure air-conditioner--and-chill -water-pumps-ý3. IF pumping sludge, THEN CHECK with Reactor Health Physics regarding disposal and whetherto dry prior to disposal._4.-Isolate and drain Cooling Tower- deluge system per- OP-RG-555-"Fire-Protection-System-'I-5. Danger Tag the following in the indicated position:b.C.d.SP-1 Main Circuit Breaker in 'Open' position.SP-2 Main Circuit Breaker in 'Open' position.SP-3 Main Circuit Breaker in 'Open' position.f. SP-1 Suction Valve S-8 in 'Closed' position.g. SP-2 Suction Valve S-9 in 'Closed' position.h. SP-3 Suction Valve S-10 in 'Closed' position.-.e4d4-- &&4,j.k.IAuto Makeup Valve Inlet Isolation Valve DCW-16 in 'Closed' position.Auto Makeup Valve Bypass Valve DCW-19 in 'Closed' position.Aut -akeu A av Byas Valv 1-_DCW--1ýA ý4ý_1- -n -Cosd poiin1.m.n.0.P.q.r.Acid Day-Tank. Isolation Valve SAS-.12 in 'Closed' position.Blowdown Switch in 'Off position. /0Acid Addition Switch in 'Off position.Chemical Addition Pump-1 in 'Unplugged' position.Chemical Addition Pump-2 in 'Unolugaed' position.Air Compressor Drain Valve DCW-152 in 'Open' position.Facility Air Compressor Return S-234 in 'Closed' position.6.7.8.-- vil I ý..L4J1Iy Vu w %WV1' ýJI IýGIII %.-I fv-ývIRL~ib conductivity and pH probes from ENSURE Cooling Tower sump pumps are operable.OPEN Cooling Tower Setup Drain Valve S-4--2 "(_&ý--- .. 2 s- 7,C C=/ ----r. PPROVED:Assistant Reactor Manager ATTACHMENT 7PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURENUMBER: S1-S4PAGE: 2 OF 4REVISION:-1.8W999/9/11I ATTACHMENT 7NUMBER: PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE PAGE: 3 OF 4REVISlON:9I481O99/9/119. W)EN-sump-isufficently-drained,-T.HE-N4emeve-standpipe-CAUTION: Do not damage Cooling Tower deluge system sprinkler heads or pilot airheader activation heads.10. Remove outside box covers.11 CAUTION: Do not spray fire hose directly on fill.11. Thoroughly clean Cooling Tower with fire hose. Do not damage floor or fill.12. Using inspection forms, INSPECT Cooling Tower.13. CLOSE S-92.'fY, 27)l, .,J'2..14. 4astall.standpipe-and re-install box covers.-ean-basement-ler-dain-and-if-necessar'---lean-dr-ir+-vtve-16. Clear Danger Tag and place DCW-16 in 'Open' position.17. Place Auto Make-Up Valve in 'Open' position.18. Re-fill sump.19. Examine and test operation of float valve. /7 rne J /, 2- ,,,'320. CHECK float rod set screwstight.-2-1.-INSP-E-GT-alI-Cooling-Tower-.deluge-systern-pilot-air-header-actuating-heads,----22..-ENSURE-,al-actuating-heads.are-intact-and-undamaged.-2-3-Clear-Danger-Tag-on-F-P--464n-theCIosed'position.-24-.-Return -Cooling.-Tewer-deluge-syste -te-ser.viee-per-OP-RO-555.-Fire-Pfetection-System---Section-64.---25. Clear Danger Tags for the following:a. SP-1 Main Circuit Breaker in 'Closed' position.b. SP-2 Main Circuit Breaker in 'Closed' position.c. SP-3 Main Circuit Breaker in 'Closed' position.Sd-SP-,4-Main-OirAuit-Br-eakser.-i4r-A jdr,4,, f , ,E4,A&e. S-8 in 'Open' position.f. S-9 in 'Open' position.-g. S-10 in 'Open' position.i. DCW-19 in 'Closed' position.j. GAS1 i -j. SAS-,2 in 'Open' position.k. Blowdown Switch in 'Auto' position.I. Acid Addition Switch in 'Auto' position.m. Chemical Addition Pump-1 in 'Plugged' position.n. Chemical Addition Pump-2 in 'Plugged' position.o. DCW-152 in 'Open' position.-p. S-234 in 'Closed' position.q. STM 0 -:e._Erpesitien-26. Return conductivity and pH probes to basi.-_.,'#'(-427. Vent secondary system at high points, using SP-1, SP-2 and SP-3 Header Vent Valve S-1 23.enf-SP-ALnt-Vatve-S-1-24.28. Jog SP-1 and vent SP-1 by opening SP-1 Casing Vent Valve S-204.29. Jog SP-2 and vent SP-2 by opening SP-2 Casing Vent Valve S-205.30. Jog SP-3 and vent SP-3 by opening SP-3 Casing Vent Valve S-206.-4-b-epening-SP-4-Gasing-Vent-Valve-S--20:-32. Run pumps for a period of time to allow strainers to remove suspended debris.33. Backflush pool heat exchanger per OP-RO-480, "Secondary Coolant System." ATTACHMENT 7PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURENUMBER:PAGE: 40F14R EVI SION:Oil-8W099/9/1 134. Individually backflush primary heat exchangers per OP-RO-480, "Secondary Coolant System."35. Schedule strainer to be cleaned. or ,4W.36. Perform post maintenance valve line-up checksheet.-37.-ENSURE-fire-suppression-valve4ine-up cooling deluge-system-has-been-completed-per*GP-RO-555---Fire-Proteetien-System-"38. Log PM completed in the Console Log Book and Maintenance Day Book.Date Completed:LSRO Signature: ATTACHMENT 7NUMBER:PAGE:REVISION:1 of 19/9/11S1-$4 Cooling Tower Visual Inspection FormCell No.DateInspected By.Inform the Assistant Reactor Manager-Engineering for any items which are categorizedas "other".OK OtherOK OtherI. -End-Easing-3. Distribution Systema.---SteefPipingb. Flow Valves4. Distribution Boxesa. Fan Deck Floor Conditionb. Fan Deck Floor Supports-0. Sun-Goverm--d. Distribution Nozzles5. Fan Unitsa. General Steel Components__b--Shroud--c. Vibration Switch Mountsd. Support Beamse. Framing6. Motor and Gear Reducer Mounting9. ,Wooden-Structural Members10. Basina;-- Over flow LineII. Fan Bladesa. Blade Integrityb. Tip Clearancec. Smooth Running (slow)d. Smooth Running (fast)12. Gear Reducera. Runs smooth and quietb. Oil Seal Conditionc. Ventd. Pinion Shaft Playe. Fan Shaft End Play13. Driveshafi, couplers- etc.Following Secondary System Startup:Balance cell flow distribution7. Water Distribution Boxes8. Plastic Tower FillGeneral CommentsApproved: _Assistaht Reactor Manager ATTACHMENT 7NUMBER: 51-5PAGE: 1 of IREVISION: DRAF-9/9/11S1-S4 Cooling Tower Visual Inspection FormCell No.DateInspected By.Inform the Assistant Reactor Manager-Engineering for any items which are categorizedas "other".OK OtherOK OtherI. End Casing2. Louvers3. Distribution Systema. Steel Pipingb. Flow Valves4. Distribution Boxesa. Fan Deck Floor Conditionb. Fan Deck Floor Supportsc. Sun Coversd. Distribution Nozzles5. Fan Unitsa. General Steel Components_b. Shroudc. Vibration Switch Mountsd. Support Beamse. Framing6. Motor and Gear Reducer Mounting9.Wooden Structural Members10. Basina. Concreteb. Tar Sealerc. Steam Lined. Over flow LineII. Fan Bladesa. Blade Integrityb. Tip Clearancec. Smooth Running (slow)d. Smooth Running (fast)12. Gear Reducera. Runs smooth and quietb. Oil Seal Conditionc. Ventd. Pinion Shaft Playe. Fan Shaft End Play13. Driveshaft, couplers, etc.Following Secondary System Startup:Balance cell flow distribution7.8.Water Distribution BoxesPlastic Tower FillGeneral CommentsApproved:Assistant Reactor Manager ATTACHMENT 7PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURENUMBER:PAGE:REVISION:1 OF39/9/11Preventive Maintenance: PM System: SecondaryClean Cooling Tower Basin and SumpPM Components: Cooling TowerPlant Conditions: Frequency: Semi-AnnuallyReactor ShutdownSecondary Coolant System Shutdown Number of Men Needed: 3Estimated Time: 8 hoursTest Equipment, Tools and Materials1. 8-inch Pipe Wrench 6. Cooling Tower Cleaning Visual Inspection Forms2. 24-inch Pipe Wrench 7. Extension Ladder3. Bucket 8. Shovel4. Rope 9. Squeegee5. Fire HoseReferencesOP-RO-480, "Secondary Coolant System"OP-RO-555, "Fire Protection System"Procedure1. ENSURE Reactor Health Physics has analyzed sludge.2. IF electric air conditioner is on service, THEN secure air conditioner and chill water pumps._3. IF pumping sludge, THEN CHECK with Reactor Health Physics regarding disposal and whetherto dry prior to disposal.4. Isolate and drain Cooling Tower deluge system per OP-RO-555, "Fire Protection System,"Section Danger Tag the following in the indicated position:-a. CT Deluge Water Control Valve FP-16 in 'Closed' position.b. SP-1 Main Circuit Breaker in 'Open' position.c. SP-2 Main Circuit Breaker in 'Open' position.d. SP-3 Main Circuit Breaker in 'Oven' position.e. SP-4 Main Circuit Breaker in 'Ooen' position.f. SP-1 Suction Valve S-8 in 'Closed' positionf-g. SP-2 Suction Valve S-9 in 'Closed' position.h. SP-3 Suction Valve S-10 in 'Closed' position.i. SP-4 Suction Valve S-11 in 'Closed' position.-j. Auto Makeup Valve Inlet Isolation Valve DCW-16 in 'Closed' position.k. Auto Makeup Valve Bypass Valve DCW-19 in 'Closed' position.I. Acid Day Tank Isolation Valve SAS-12 in 'Closed' position.m. Blowdown Switch in 'Off position.n. Acid Addition Switch in 'Off' position.o. Chemical Addition Pump-1 in 'Unolugged' position.-p. Chemical Addition Pump-2 in 'Unpluaaed' position.-q. Air Compressor Drain Valve DCW-152 in 'Open' position.r. Facility Air Compressor Return S-234 in 'Closed' position.s. Steam Supply Valve to CT Basin STM-30 in 'Closed' position.6. Remove conductivity and pH probes from basin and store in a bucket of water,7. ENSURE Cooling Tower sump pumps are operable.8. OPEN Cooling Tower Sump Drain Valve S-192.IAPPROVED:___5 .__ _ __ _Asslirant ReaFctor Manager ATTACHMENT 7NUMBER: SI-$4PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE PAGE: 2 OF 3REVISION: 9(9/119. WHEN sump is sufficiently drained, THEN remove standpipe. ICAUTION: Do not damage Cooling Tower deluge system sprinkler heads or pilot airheader activation heads.10. Remove outside box covers.CAUTION: Do not spray fire hose directly on fill.11. Thoroughly clean Cooling Tower with fire hose. Do not damage floor or fill.12. Using inspection forms, INSPECT Cooling Tower.13. CLOSE S-192.14. Install standpipe and re-install box covers.15. Clean basement floor drain and if necessary, clean drain valve.16. Clear Danger Tag and place DCW-16 in 'Open' position.17. Place Auto Make-Up Valve in 'Ooen' position.18. Re-fill sump.19. Examine and test operation of float valve.20. CHECK float rod set screw tight.21. INSPECT all Cooling Tower deluge system pilot air header actuating heads.22. ENSURE all actuating heads are intact and undamaged.23. Clear Danger Tag on FP-16 in the 'Closed' position.24. Return Cooling Tower deluge system to service per OP-RO-555, "Fire Protection System,"Section Clear Danger Tags for the following:a. SP-1 Main Circuit Breaker in 'Closed' position.b. SP-2 Main Circuit Breaker in 'Closed' position.c. SP-3 Main Circuit Breaker in 'Closed' position.d. SP-4 Main Circuit Breaker In 'Closed' position.e. S-8 in '9Oen' position.f. S-9 in '.OQ ' position.g. S-10 in 'Open' position.h. S-11 in 'Oven' position.i. DCW-19 in 'Closed' position.-j. SAS-12 in 'Ope.' position.k. Blowdown Switch in 'Auto' position.I. Acid Addition Switch in 'Auto' position.m. Chemical Addition Pump-1 in 'Plugged' position.n. Chemical Addition Pump-2 in 'Plugged' position.o. DCW-152 in 'Oren' position.-p. S-234 in 'Closed' position.2 q. STM-30 in 'Open' position.26. Return conductivity and pH probes to basin.27. Vent secondary system at high points, using SP-1, SP-2 and SP-3 Header Vent Valve S-123 andSP-4 Vent Valve S-121.28. Jog SP-1 and vent SP-1 by opening SP-1 Casing Vent Valve S-204.29. Jog SP-2 and vent SP-2 by opening SP-2 Casing Vent Valve S-205.30. Jog SP-3 and vent SP-3 by opening SP-3 Casing Vent Valve S-206.31. Jog SP-4 and vent SP-4 by opening SP-4 Casing Vent Valve S-207.32. Run pumps for a period of time to allow strainers to remove suspended debris.33. Backflush pool heat exchanger per OP-RO-480, "Secondary Coolant System." ATTACHMENT 7NUMBER: 81-84PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE PAGE: 3 OF 3REVISION: 9/9/1134. Individually backflush primary heat exchangers per OP-RO-480, "Secondary Coolant System."35. Schedule strainer to be cleaned.36. Perform post maintenance valve line-up checksheet.37. ENSURE fire suppression valve line-up cooling deluge system has been completed perOP-RO-555, "Fire Protection System."38. Log PM completed in the Console Log Book and Maintenance Day Book.Date Completed:LSRO Signature: ATTACHMENT 7NUMBER:PAGE:REVISION:S1-S4I of 19/9111ISI-S4 Post Maintenance Valve Line-Up ChecksheetDate:Valve Description Position Performer VerifierS-8 SP-1 Suction OpenS-9 SP-2 Suction OpenS-10 SP-3 Suction Open-S-1-1- ---SP-4-Suction- ...... ....---- Open--. .....-DCW-17 Auto Make-up Valve OpenDCW-19 Auto Make-up Bypass ClosedDCW-152 Main Air Compressor Floor OpenDrainS-234 Facility Air Compressor Return ClosedS4-92- Cooling Tower .'mew 6rain ClosedSAS-4-2 Acid Day-T-ank Isolation OpenS-123 SP-1, SP-2 and SP-3 Header ClosedVent----8--1-24-- -SP-4-L-ine-Vent .---Ctosed-S-204 SP-1 Casing Vent ClosedS-205 SP-2 Casing Vent ClosedS-206 SP-3 Casing Vent Closed-S-207-- -SP-4-Gasing-Vent-- -.-.- -- -. -Gsed--ST-M-30-.--.SteamS.upply-to-Basin--- -. --Open-DCW-16 Auto Make-Up Isolation OpenApproved:2~~Assista' t Reactor Manager ATTACHMENT 7PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE*~;NUMBER:PAGE:REVISION:S1-$61 OF 18/4/09Preventive Maintenance: PM System: SecondaryTighten and Torque Check Bolts andNuts on Cooling Tower Fans and Drives PM Components: Cooling Tower FansPlant Conditions: Frequency: Semi-AnnuallyReactor ShutdownNumber of Men Needed: 2Estimated Time 2 hoursTest Equipment, Tools and Materials1. Torque Wrench 4. 1-1/2 inch Socket2. Ratchet and Short Extension 5. 9/16-inch Socket and Box3. 15/16-inch Socket and Box 6. 3/4-inch Open End and SocketReferencesN/AProcedure1. Danger Tag the following:a. CT Fan No. 1 breaker in 'Open' position.b. CT Fan No. 2 breaker in 'Open' position.c. CT Fan No. 3 breaker in 'Open' position."UsUa-9/46-inch-so ,nemeve-hub-cever-3. Using 15116-inch socket, torque CHECK blade clamp bolts between 45-50 ft. lbs.4.-Using-9-6-inch-seGcket,.terque-&Gup Koobob.-bseol-25-ft1bs--(six-bolts-per-hub}..5. Using 1-1/2 inch sockeL&IECK-tight-hub bolt. ,- z'--e' 4,,4/1.6. Using 9/16-inch socket and box, torque CHECK shaft seal bolts between 15-20 ft. lbs.7. Using 15/16-inch socket and box, CHECK tight motor hold down bolts and gear reducer holddown bolts.8. IF any blade clamp bolts were loose, THEN perform PM S1-S6.1.Q P----e- eb4-e ,ef--4110.11.Clear the following Danger Tags:a. CT Fan No. 1 breaker in 'Closed' position.b. CT Fan No. 2 breaker in 'Closed' position.c. CT Fan No. 3 breaker in 'Closed' position.Log PM completed in the console log book and maintenance day book.Date Completed:__________LSRO Signature:APPROVED:Assistant Reactor Manager ATTACHMENT 7PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE4NUMBER:PAGE:REVISION:S1-S71 OF 18/4/09Preventive Maintenance: PM System: SecondaryG'ase Valve Mechanism PM Components: Cooling Tower Flow Control Valves\ /Plant Conditions: Frequency: Semi-AnnuallyReactor Shutdown /Number of Men Needed: /1Estimated Time 30 minutesTest Equipment, Tools and Materials1. Grease Gun2. Lithium Based Grease \3. RagsReferencesN/AProcedure I/1. Clean grease fitting first and IF clogged>,THEN unclog or replace fitting.2. Insert two (2) strokes of grease through (ease fitting into the following valves:a. S-17 (Cooling Tower Distribution Vaalve'Cell No. 1)b. S-18 (Cooling Tower DistributiopValve Cell No. 1)c. S-19 (Cooling Tower Distribution Valve Cell\No. 2)d. S-20 (Cooling Tower Distribution Valve Cell No. 2)e. S-21 (Cooling Tower Distribution Valve Cell N. \3)f. S-22 (Cooling Tower Distribution Valve Cell No. 3)3. RECORD the number of turns for each valve to the FOLLY CLOSED position:a. S-17:____,__b. S-18:__.,c. S-19:d. S-20: ./ '.e. S-21: L"f. S-22:.4. Cycle each val,'e to the FULLY CLOSED and OPEN positions AND, return each valve to theoriginal valve/position.5. Clean exce~s grease.6. Balance flpW to cells.7. Log PM completed in the console log book and maintenance day book.Date Completed:LSRO Signature:APPROVED:Assistant Reactor Manager ATTACHMENT 7.4.4*21L.~..c-IT.LTq ~ 0.4 -i,,Z 5-13- AIRLI-tt-t16- o R n `CS TOI9 42 *444-44410w (0S-S.T-4*00 -W0044T ar1UT -*0*0* I xK"- C-PS-TOo S-43r. ---444*C-22 w H 53S-445,4 T9*5* sP *s1 sTO SISO *44..0*5003-SR40-045 0-1Tj~S-~JE T4-4-s A-4"'50*( 4T420' -STE'S *00A,1TOT T75T 00*0(*04) 04P1 0*42 040S'zi0*10 BY4,50TIP*020070a-*0z000U5021I~*2 TEA 40*7 cOOT.,.*0 ~ ~ *0400 _O 44*ST22 **. CHT0 a0 IPPAC, AM54 4/24/W425 cOICHDR 00.00 MIDI40044*.024 M 1- .+/-. !20 REMOVED N0* 500*2 o, " -! O* *0470 oh,.RIN" CAM404C.SO 01ST SZ- SYS-0*4110 104. *40T402TW* .-104*44,LEGENQ-0-p- Coo, 0440W110--000 44-*4- '4-10+/- mom010) *44*441* A/C 0*7*.*047-0 Z. S,46-rr IATTACHMENT 7SEEI ".~n TITG w:4ETE-21 P?S-9J3'sc S-e.CELL UVs-p;'-inS--9S-19S-9JFRLSS ACID SYSTIS'CSEE MUPQ O5 0I'521S-2AIS-2175-3S-PT-IPI"I~?TS-TIC -5 S-OI H,9 5-1S-PI-IT S-M'-930-' HG-TS PSI) 0-100 PUGCT' T I? -S-nI5 3'e-T s-us1 --T S-6S-PT-"S-PT-TI230' IT5-15 PSI6 C-100 PSIG-19 S-20 6' 1 T'S '25;mS-T"15- P-ICS-TI?RE V [Z INSZ.T DESnC :TIIflTS U~IMP~I~ Tt V SCITTPo Ia -S~ jI1MWI1E1,9'"N' DATEM641 1-81OW7- Agg 4 Al,~,'lS~ Ad..,./ ... ---- S--31.39~3-43'-AO ICATS-SIS-31F20L~ KA1 S"P5el!CC 6A6 D.C OWC~3IE Io A,ýD 70 n U4LLATTACHMENT 7fRT5) Mo/\ rE-TpUfll U u 1ý 1 11 111L~~F-'A IV0 40.~~A~1(ýipz-------------------------------------------------------17, 1LIJ-------------- ---------zC.'jQizCvU LUUrar1.,~.* ~-~J ~g-~~2rFS *3T73041731 3', 374553133.73372031 JO. 04117.033.3373.I309.3737 ..d 13033940354.33337.3.4333 33290 % 13 774339 132 3.7.133Afl7I335033a333rf43,7rS.37,3.,I.o.3 3007432L7.43 TI'S I '~""___ ..~ ~ 9' 9333333437 7043 54 33733'433333 ~313207773334 3'7.903333.33300,303I3.7919335,.40373.733.0 773 I '"~33 I 4733I33.4333*43I334.I ITS 37,4W35 00363 10-593. 3435333. 90333 73.I'0. 130.3133.3.. 3403 6133791 373353 475 3343703 II_______________ "~ ~ II 522I ~ sri DATE 1325IR Gý Sy ATS1.75 ATT GWK49=MT 7LP-31 ENTRANCE RM 114 LP-32 RM 105 (seal trenchl)0 J.9333243331 BO 333332333110 33 *F32IORRS 34 F7042 Id33LIRI HTMWER5223LT M,31 31013 PASSAG LIS11113 0333133tti.13 3333314 NEAT FX030N004hA114 REC3PT333332315 R3303PT N 60M13 S, WAUISROECP WASTE STORAGE 03033PUR RNdS -'IRECEP33 IN 4 2WC 232 1 RM I I, DORN RM !mt3 R0VEPTR2JII 203.STAIRS £ -LI 3733RECEPTIN.ASTE TANK_Z ROTCELLRCNOM_.LLTS & ROECEPT WASTE3333 TAN L a03333 Rid 33327 336033373 ENTRANCE*30A8CT3*322 LP-42 INNER PASSAGE (273)28 NTCELL W-003 ,3333 3 333323229 COW,507500333 2 DM Dm33oD-041 COOLING TOWER 3LT5 FOR 22033231023R QASIS DAY TANK6 LT.LP-32A RM 105 (Hotcell)L P-32B RM 105 (HotcelrlLP-43 INNER PASSAGE (273E)I ... .-hLP-33 RM 101 (Beamport. E)LP-44 INER PASSAGE 12785)EP1INRPASSAGE f28'LP-33A RM 101B (Beamport, NELP-33B Rm 101B (Beamport, NV)LP-44A INNER PASSAGE (278)LP-44B INNER PASSAGE (2781-11LP-34 BASEMENT (Norlheast)LP-45 SHIP/RECEIVE BLDG.LP-35 RM 101(Beamport, S)I -T2,L32 EMS3: 3 30.3EL-A BASEMENT (EOG RM PANEL RM 231EAF1DIrzL'UC~3VI_j0 LF-0<0:)I--WLJ5224135 56 B*0ASEMEMILTS9 RECOPT. GRADE3 L EVEL3. 022332 FAN323 REC* T GAC11 EVE1. YANGOLTS17 VMINPRR33'333033C. 333033333*03103CO03TRO3L PAWL3211 BASEMEN33T 003307112 WEST sump3*PPD33go EAST3 SuIpPA125 _%11 .PA P*%3 .13303332333331026 KIM; 3333 2. 533333333 323.332And4 M33323 P- S.o. 3ndc., 5333332S 0 PARE2 T AIR20 3333NE 3333333333323733*0CTF. a, S.T-2333210302323.,33mg T- A--SC 3 3333,333.,333iUIPS-2 RM 302A ELP INNER PASSAGE (280)UPS-3 RM 302AEL-A RM 231B7H m ii0 -T 32330ý3.,30ý~~3~330- 6-i3332,3.333.4331L1 -134 W L-33333 3 I33333133333333A333.33.233.43,0 02:13 .3353333.,2~34333S3*3L3j 033 .30J 3S 2.43 .33,232233333 333IEREV. 3.05CPIPT103031 7ý5 1 ý11- I ý I -- 1111-I J I I r IDR By IDT.,ESCRI3TIODR3. s0 04-1 E ATTACHMENT 75041 suS 1 ."E.11TN s wI I iINSTALL NEW .5ýRLI~C ACIDN (E0018 PUMP040 -- C 0: Christopher .__ -SL. Barto, S .P.EOTIAITTOPY4ER L B*0701 [ROGERS-SCHMIDTENGINEERING CO., P.C.CO SULTING ENGINEERSOF TOWER -- /.SIS.ET0070 DR.~.-2--- -- kUSTATE 6 IDAVID MASON &_______T_____ ASSOCIATES, rNC.870SOIJTTVA4ISEIIEN EST O WSMOlITGR VE PAV 't z To .To -m. VET"ITIG I -01E 11. (DfWARt -COOLING "T"OW'ER.~REPLACE COOILING TO%,%ERPLAN- GADE EVE[;,N1V. OF MfISSOURIP AFORTE CURATORS SOFTHEUN0IVER0IT OF NMISSOURTCOLUMBIA. MISSOURI008A0 104108 PRWOj..i" CP110731REPLACE COOLNG OWEElRIO IGENERAL NOTES: ` ,N-MELAN 1 GRADE LEVEL FOR DJICSRATT. BYE KEY NOTES:INE-'ECTT +O,,n '-----w ...... .0.oU. RPOOJGOT COISOIGENERAL NCCESS LA07070 F___9 GUARDRAIL URN SHTOWiER AND G ATIOS SeiO'Jr 0 RO. fT.E. 9O.-I J'-ITINSTALL PU 5P WIHIN E NS" LT E SHONG .RPOTVOEI , SUPPLEMENTARY SUPPORT STEEL AS 4 E0 UIR00 D. 0OATE0 AS Sfl.-TT4EII I~~~~ CA.STING 0004.04 CLA AND.4 400 4 001400 F00 -10440 COOTI NO 00--0G4 ARRANGEMEIINT_I BULONG 1EX$TlmC0 COATING IS C4.0L80D TO BE YINTUESTER. mI5T1 COOLING TOWVERI.300. 5C0 Ns0 N rROTECTArE COATINGS. 700ELD VEl .24. 1NS- CONC0 ETE P/'UEMNT. S0EE TI. e N 0C-102PLAN -UPPER LEVEL + GA-l01 ATTACHMENT 7EXISTING COOUNGTOEP EN-TEUDNGChristopher -"- -,,,,,, -L. Bartt PE.CHXSrOIn.ER LO THSSSSITTINOI --I 51..ROGERS-SCHMIDTENGINEERING CO.. P.C.CEONSLTING ENGINEERST01M SPNSmT OEC E OR.ST. LOAnS. MO CS 127MISSOCI STATE CERTIFCATEoI AU*CoI-ITOoCDAVID MASON &ASSOCIATES. INC.NOM STOUT AVE.VISMOST STATE GEATIFIGETEA-1 STIAM C NOIWTGAXMURR -COOLING TOWER -REPLACE COOLING TOWERUNIERSITY OF IISSOURITIE CE RTORS" ( THIEIISIVERSIT" N-F MISSOURICO)I.IMBIA. MISSES XRIPROJECTI CPI 10731RN-,ISAS O ___. _",'WSBY I Ba.NRMSICIEET 0T- -CAD -G FED -DnCCINAIAW BY: --bkL -LEGENERAL.ELEVATIONS -COOLING TOWERGA-201ý i3.34%I (ECAS) LDEAJ'# A3OT BOLT M74,HE-S' SEA PUT (GALV)1.s HILTI CAN BALE I' (30455) ""T", fEIXSAETCNEw 3 CELLCOOLING TOE-TESIGTISNGN-SLNABIIOIN-ERIN COOLING1:LADDER ANCHOR DETAILNISKEY NOTES:SECURE LADDER PER ON [HIS STEET04I I I I I I WI i I I-NVISOUTH ELEVATION AT A LINE tk~ffim 8AP-RO-1 15Revision 8MODIFICATION RECORD: SHORT FORMFOR: I) Addenda to existing Modification Records (e.g., modifications of same nature as onespreviously reviewed and approved).2) Significant modifications to the facility or facility systems that are not described in theHazards Summary Report.3) Modifications that require engineering decisions/implementation in a time frame thatprecludes normal licensed operator review prior to implementation.4) Modifications to non-safety systems; for documentation and review only.Licensed operators will review these modifications as part of the OperatorRequalification Program.The Reactor Safety Subcommittee will review these modifications.Modification Number: 14-01WAF Number: 14-11838Modification Title: Interfacing MURR Systems with the MIB Eastward ExpansionPage No.123456Page TitleModification Record: Short FormModification Description(Why Short Form is appropriate)Hazards Summary Report EvaluationReactor Safety EvaluationProcedure, PM, CP, and Print EvaluationSpare Parts RequirementsRequiredYes No__zEl111C~DateCompleted0611612leya06//btZ, 'I001001Y/06116noy/(initials~3"~50.59 Screen Completed: /10LfRtSmsst. Reactor Manager- Engineering)Reactor Safety Subcommittee Review: " "*- " xk.Modification Approved:Modification Completed:.Modification Closed:(Jieactor Ma .ger)(ReActor Manager)/-(Rector Manager)/- X(ff~eactor Manager)Date: 06.71YVYDate: G-I _-_4Date:_,_'__-___-_- 14Date: i_-_-_i__Date: : -. '-4.O)RIGINALAttachment 8. 1 ATTACHMENT 8ALRIGINAIAP-RO-1 15Revision 8Modification Number: 14-01REVIEW AND FOLLOW-UP ACTIONItem No.I23456Page TitleReactor Safety Subcommittee ReviewOperating Procedures UpdatedPreventive MaintenanceProcedures UpdatedCompliance Procedures UpdatedMURR Prints UpdatedSpare Parts System UpdatedRequired DateYes No Completedv7 ___ CU /dVDocumented by(Initials)'I-s,____ V____ /V ____V0m f2'If'4"6~fullI thIM& /I W4W5t/ 114/II a DR IG IN A'Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 8O- I)RICINAL AP-RO-115Modification Number: 14-01_Revision_8MODIFICATION DESCRIPTIONProvide a concise description of the system change. Include any proposed PRE-OPERATIONAL TESTS required for this change. (If additional pages are necessary, insert afterthis page.)Several systems within the facility are in place to ensure a prompt and effective responsefrom MURR staff to an emergency or abnormal condition. These systems will also berequired to be in place in order to safely occupy the Eastward Expansion of the MURRIndustrial Building (MIB).Since multiple systems are involved, Modification Record 14-01 will be used as the initiatingdocument to ensure all systems related to emergency response have been identified. Thefollowing Modification Records will be used to document changes to the individual systems:" Modification Record 90-01; Addendum-62"- Evacuation Horns in MIB EastwardExpansion" Modification Record 03-03; Addendum 05 -Fire Protection in MIB Eastward Expansion* Modification Record 01-02; Addendum 11 -Intercom System in MIB EastwardExpansion* Modification Record 14-02 -Normal Electrical Distribution in MIB Eastward ExpansionIt should be noted that the functions of the existing MIB will not be changed. The Eastwardexpansion of MIB will serve to house additional space for projects and storage. A futuremodification record will document further changes to construct usable laboratory spaceswithin the expansion.This Modification Record will NOT provide suggested revisions to the EmergencyProcedures.Why a Short Form is appropriate.(At least one of four reasons listed on Page 1, with justification)The short form of the Modification Record is appropriate because this is a modification to anon-safety system that requires documentation and review only (Reason No. 4).2 (MRIGINAI Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 8SRIGINAMAP-RO-I 15Revision 8Modification Number: 14-01HAZARDS SUMMARY REPORT EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a modification to the reactor facility as defined in the Hazards SummaryReport?Yes: No: Signature: Y__Date:_______ Date:If YES, make an analysis below and provide the suggested revision(s) to the HSR. If NO, outlinethe basis for the decision.Yes the facility as described in the HSR is changed in the following sections:Original HSR:Figure 2.3 -Site PlanFigure 3.1 -Basement LevelFigure 3.2 -Grade Level PlanFigure 3.3a -Third Level PlanFigure 3.3b -Fourth Level PlanFigure 3.3c -Fifth Level PlanFigure 3.4 -North and East ElevationsFigure 3.5 -South and West ElevationsFigure 3.6 -Building Sections A and BFigure 3.7 -Building Sections C, D, E, F, G, and H(Change as attached)(No change)(Change as attached)(No change)(No change)(No change)(Change as attached)(No change)(No change)(No change)All other Sections and Figures of the HSR and its addenda are correct and will remain thesame.3-Attachment 8.1ORIGINAL (DI3'DEVATTACHMENT 8/RESEARCH REACTOR FACIUTYPpt~L: 2-Hi6iTeF PLA Aw I31EJ1U Ip BmfIIipv~7 a -a----- --- -in -m i~~mmu EDO WIFU~C 5 SO O~'JFP 1,VEL [D 013 & p IfATTACHMENT 8FIE7-11t ¶L.V471 U'Di:f[(DIkI~tiPA6-rr $-It ATTACHMENT 8AP-RO-l 15Revision 814-01Modification Number:REACTOR SAFETY EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a revision(s) to the Technical Specifications or a question pursuant to10 CFR 50.59?NOTE: A licensee may make changes to the facility as described in the HSR without obtaining a license amendmentonly if:(i) A change to the Technical Specifications incorporated in the license is not required, and(ii) The change does not produce any of the following results:I. More than a minimal increase in the frequency of occurrence of an accident previously evaluated inthe HSR;2. More than a minimal increase in the likelihood of occurrence of a malfunction of an SSC important tosafety previously evaluated in the HSR;3. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of an accident previously evaluated in the HSR;4. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of a malfunction of an SSC important to safetypreviously evaluated in the HSR;5. Create a possibility for an accident of a different type than previously evaluated in the HSR;6. Create a possibility for a malfunction of an SSC important to safety with a different result than anypreviously evaluated in the HSR;7. Altering or exceeding a design basis limit for a fission product barrier as described in the HSR;8. A departure from a method of evaluation described in the HSR used in establishing the design bases orthe safety analyses.Yes: No: "Signature: ___Date: 061//14" I1--*If YES, the change must be performed using a Long Form Modification Record. If NO, outline thebasis for the decision.This modification does not involve a change to the Technical Specifications or create aquestion pursuant to 10 CFR 50.59.A 50.59 screen (14-17) is attached to document that these specific existing MURR systemsmay be safely extended to the MURR Industrial Building Eastward Expansion without furtherreview under 10 CFR 50.59.4Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 8AP-RR-003En COPYRevision 850.59 SCREENNumber: 14-17 Page I of 2Title: Madifiration R.rnrd 14-01 Intrfac.inq Ml IRR Syv.t.m, With thF. MIR Fasvtward FxIpan-nicnnDescription of Activity (i,'.;- I. ',:;,; , .! and why):Addition of MIB Eastward Expansion. The addition will have Evacuation horns, Fire Protection, Intercomand Paging, and Electrical Distribution systems extended from MURR to provide prompt and effectivecommunication and response in the event of an emergency.Safety Determination:Does the proposed activity have the potential to adversely affect nuclear safety or safe faci/io' (i.e., DMURR) operations? YES NOIf this question is answered yes, do not continue with this procedure. Identify and report the concern to the Reactor Manager.50.59 Screening Questions:I. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a designfinctiondescribed in the HSR? YES NO2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to a procedure that adversely affects how HSR IIIdescribed SSC design functions are performed, controlled, or tested? YES NO3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an IISR described evaluation methodology Pthat is used in establishing the design bases or used in the safety analyses? YES NO4. Does the proposed activity involve a test or experiment not described in the !/SR, where an S.SC is D W_1utilized or controlled in a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for that SSC or YES NOis inconsistent with analyses or descriptions in the I1SR?5. Does the proposed activity require a change to the MURR Technical Specifications? LYES NOIf all screening questions are answered NO, then implement the activity per the applicable approved facility procedure(s). A LicenseAmendment or a 50.59 Evaluation is not required.If Screen Question 5 is answered YES, then request and receive a License Amendment prior to implementation of the activity.If Screen Question 5 is answered NO and Question 1, 2, 3, or 4 is answered YES, then complete and attach a 50.59 Evaluation form.[ Refer to Attachment 9.2. ]NOTE: If the conclusion of the screening questions is that a 50.59 Evaluation is not required, provide justification for the "No"determination. In addition, list the documents (HSR, Technical Specifications, and other Licensing Basis documents) reviewed whererelevant information was found. Include section / page numbers. Use Page 2 of this form to document your statements.Print Name Sign Name DatePreparer: Sean Schaefer I _,,, _____,.__..,___ 5/18/14Reviewer: ,d .Reactor Manager: John FruitsI Submit copy of screen to HSR /SAR file (circle one. Yes Z o)[I COPYAttachment 9.1 ATTACHMENT 8AP-RR-003co py 50.59 SCREEN (Cot.)Number: 14-17 Page 2 of 2Title: Modification Record 14-01; Interfacing MURR Systems with the MIB Eastward Expansion.If the conclusion of the five (5) Screening Questions is that a 50.59 Evaluation is not required, providejustification to support this determination: [ Use and attach additional pages as necessarY]1. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a designfinction described in theHSR?.N__I the proposed activity does not involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a designfunction described in the HSR. This modification does not change We design function of the affectedsysems nor the manner in which they are performed. , ,1,kk,"n:idxhC0 i-- "\,!-r+V d- CA---ex cr -AA-e- Je '-ire &agcx2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to a procedure that adversely affects how HSR described SSC designfunctions are performed, controlled, or tested?Nn, thp. prnon-.po d arMivity doe-, not involve a change to a pronp.diire that affpckt- how HI-IRdscrihed qSC desin functienn- are performed. ronntrnllpd or testedl FIch system will h. indivkiduly-cr eenpd for consequences using a -50 5Q screen for Pa-h of those- -"yqtem-% 0- &i ; -3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an HSR described evaluation methodology that is used inestablishing the design bases or used in the safety analyses?Non the propose-d activity does not involve revising or replacing qn HSR describehd evaluntionmethodology that is in establishing the dersign hbse.s, or usqepd in the safety analyses Thede..dign bases and s.afety do not rely on the affected .sy.tepmq in their evaluationmethodology4. Does the proposed activity involve a test or experiment not described in the HSR, where an SSC is used or controlledin a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for that SSC, or is inconsistent with analyses ordescriptions presented in the HSR?No. the proposed activity does not involve any test or experiment. Each of the affected systems(Evacuation Horns, Fire Protection, Intercom and Paging, and Electrical Systems) will be screenedindividually for conse uences.List the documents (HSR, Technical Specificdtiuns, andi t,,;,.i Licensing Basis documents) reviewed whererelevant information was found. [ Include section / page numbers. ]FP-RO-13 FIcility Fvacuation: FP-Rt"l-14 FP7 and I;itp Area FIvrc.ationsMopdifirtation Rec.rd 14-01HSR-7 24. 7 2 9, 71 4CO PY Attachment 9.1 ATTACHMENT 8C-Y)R I G I NAtAP-RO-I 15Modification Number: 1401 ev 3 onOPERATING, PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE, COMPLIANCE PROCEDUREAND PRINT EVALUATIONDoes this change require a revision(s) to any Operating, Preventative Maintenance, or ComplianceProcedure, or any Print?No: Signature: Date: 061//1412.W/If YES, provide the suggested revision(s__OPERATING PROCEDURES:No revision is required for this modification.Revisions to the Emergency Procedures will be performed independently of thisModification Record and will also be independently reviewed under 10 CFR 50.59.PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES:No revision is required for this modification.COMPLIANCE PROCEDURES:No revision is required for this modification.PRINTS:MURR Print 2269 Sheet 2 of 5 Update according to attached draftMURR Print 1145 Sheet 2 of 5 Update according to attached draft' O)RIGINALAttachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 8AP-RO-I 1514-01Revision 8Modification Number: 14-01SPARE PARTS REQUIREMENTS EVALUATIONDoes this change require that any new or additional Spare Parts be maintained in inventory?Yes: No: _ Signature: _ Date: e A yIf YES, provide a list of the spare partsNo spare parts are required for this modification.6Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 8Date: October 28, 2014To: File -Modification Record 14-01From: John Fruits, Reactor ManagerSubject: Construction DetailsModification Record 14-01 documented the construction of the MURR Industrial Building(MIB) Eastward Expansion.This letter documents the construction methods and details.The expansion is not directly mentioned in the Hazards Summary Report. The MIB is a partof the Laboratory Building. The extent of inclusion in the Hazards Summary Report is toshow the expansion on the building floor plan drawings.The grade level floor is poured concrete designed for a 125 lb./ft2 live load with additionalsteel and concrete framing to support four (4), 100,000 lb. hot cells positioned next to eachother anywhere along the North-South direction. The steel and concrete structure rests onpilings driven to bedrock. The below grade floor is also poured concrete designed to handle a125 lb./ft.2 live load, additionally, the floor can handle a 10,000 lb. load on a 6 ft. x 6 ft. baseplate.The East outer wall of the building has a masonry shield wall in part of the building as shownon the attached print. This is in place to reduce possible dose to the public from the caskloading taking place in the cask loading side of the hot cells. This wall is concrete block withall voids filled with grout.This expansion will provide an additional 1440 ft2 and 1432 ft2 of net usable space on thegrade, and the below grade levels respectively.The building is construction type II-B. This type of construction utilizes non-combustiblematerials that do not provide a burn rating. There is an external drain tile sump with visualalarm indication of sump high level. This building also has heating ventilation and airconditioning, domestic cold water, domestic hot water, vacuum, and compressed air. Formore information on the individual non-license related systems refer to University of MissouriProject Numbers CP122371 and CP141431.Jo ru-tsReactor ManagerjlsPage 1 of 2 ATTACHMENT 80 1 25 0Page 2 of 2 ATTACHMENT 9ORIGINALAP-RO-l 15Revision 8MODIFICATION RECORD: SHORT FORMFOR: 1) Addenda to existing Modification Records (e.g., modifications of same nature as onespreviously reviewed and approved).2) Significant modifications to the facility or facility systems that are not described in theHazards Summary Report.3) Modifications that require engineering decisions/implementation in a time frame thatprecludes normal licensed operator review prior to implementation.4) Modifications to non-safety systems; for documentation and review only.Licensed operators will review these modifications as part of the OperatorRequalification Program.The Reactor Safety Subcommittee will review these modifications.Modification Number: 14-01 Add. 1WAF Number: 13-11838Modification Title: Construction of Usable Laboratory Spaces Within The Expanded MURR Industrial BuildingPage No.i23456Page TitleModification Record: Short FormModification Description(Why Short Form is appropriate)Hazards Summary Report EvaluationReactor Safety EvaluationProcedure, PM, CP, and Print EvaluationSpare Parts RequirementsRequiredYes NoMT nz1 z1~_ x _ _Date ByCompleted (Initials)I Dae-ll4LU/ZW 11/2.1H IId _ -___Date:___________50.59 Screen Completed:(A4sfeactor Manager -Engineering)Reactor Safety Subcommittee Review:(Reactor Manager)hp§Modification Approved:Modification Completed:/ ,(Reactor Manager)(Reactor Manager)Date:Date:__-_ý_14Date: 1ýrA_- lDate:Modification Closed:(Reactor Manager)IAttachment 8. I ATTACHMENT 9ORIGINALAP-RO-! 15Revision 8 IModification Number: 14-01 Addendum 1REVIEW AND FOLLOW-UP ACTIONItem No.123456Page TitleReactor Safety Subcommittee ReviewOperating Procedures UpdatedPreventive MaintenanceProcedures UpdatedCompliance Procedures UpdatedMURR Prints UpdatedSpare Parts System UpdatedRequiredYes No-xiDateCompleted12,105/I" 4Documented by(Initials)_____ I I2/a~5,:S 4____ X Z ,2fayU/Ll3 ,.2 L- S.laAttachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 9 0 fA 1 L14-01 Add. 1 Revision 8 IModification Number:_________MODIFICATION DESCRIPTIONProvide a concise description of the system change. Include any proposed PRE-OPERATIONAL TESTS required for this change. (If additional pages are necessary, insert afterthis page.)This modification record serves to document the construction of the usable laboratoryspaces within, and extension of MURR systems to, the dedicated laboratory facility in thenew eastward expansion to the MURR Industrial Building (MIB).This laboratory contains three adjoined and inter-connected hot cells located on thegrade level (HC-11A, HC-11B, and HC-11C). HC-11A and HC-11B have 200mm (7.9 in) ofvertical lead shielding while HC-11C has 100mm (3.9 in) of vertical lead shielding. Thearea to the rear of the cells, the cask loading area (Room 299U), is where the cell supportfacilities and equipment are located and where cell inputs and outputs occur. The area infront of the hot cells, the operator area (Room 299T), is where the cell windows,manipulators, glove boxes and controls are located. There is an additional laboratory(Room 299V) on grade level and a full basement under the expansion (Room 199).The following Modification Records will be used to document the individual systems:" Modification Record 90-01; Addendum 03 -Evacuation Horns in MIB EastwardExpansion" Modification Record 01-02; Addendum 11 -Intercom System in MIB EastwardExpansion" Modification Record 03-03; Addendum 06 -Fire Protection in MIB Eastward Expansion* Modification Record 04-03; Addendum 02 -Liquid Radioactive Waste in MIB EastwardExpansion" Modification Record 01-09; Addendum 05 -Emergency Electrical in MIB EastwardExpansion" Modification Record 88-07; Addendum 03 -Exhaust Ventilation in MIB EastwardExpansionThis Modification Record will NOT provide suggested revisions to the EmergencyProcedures.Why a Short Form is appropriate.(At least one of four reasons listed on Page 1, with justification)The short form of the Modification Record is appropriate because this is a modification to anon-safety system that requires documentation and review only (Reason No. 4).2Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 9ORIGINAkAP-RO-I 15Revision 8Modification Number: 14-01 Addendum 1HAZARDS SUMMARY REPORT EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a modification to the reactor facility as defined in the Hazards SummaryReport?Yes:X... No: Signature:o_ 'vllvlz) v' Date: iIUi/iiidZ t4If YES, make an analysis below and pro e' the suggested revision(s) to the HSR. If NO, outlinethe basis for the decision.Yes the facility as described in the HSR is changed in the following sections:Original HSR:Figure 2.3 -Site PlanFigure 3.1 -Basement LevelFigure 3.2 -Grade Level PlanFigure 3.3a -Third Level PlanFigure 3.3b -Fourth Level PlanFigure 3.3c -Fifth Level PlanFigure 3.4 -North and East ElevationsFigure 3.5 -South and West ElevationsFigure 3.6 -Building Sections A and BFigure 3.7 -Building Sections C, D, E, F, G, and H(No change)(Change as attached)(No change)(No change)(No change)(No change)(No change)(No change)(No change)(No change)All other Sections and Figures of the HSR and its addenda are correct and will remain thesame.3Attachment 8.1 CITrIrr199HASDIEWJ OF WE E&T M]nnI1M-na-In"r~:We I S : ! N.T.&..I uIIIerslllly Uo mI oUrI -- COUlU a~lbuidtfng: mURR No.RESEARCH REACTOR dote.7/23/2014level:BASEMENT LEVELsheet1 OF 5 ATTACHMENT 9ORIGINAL.AP-RO-i 1514-01 Addendum 1 Revision 8Modification Number:REACTOR SAFETY EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a revision(s) to the Technical Specifications or a question pursuant to10 CFR 50.59?NOTE: A licensee may make changes to the facility as described in the HSR without obtaining a license amendmentonly if:(i) A change to the Technical Specifications incorporated in the license is not required, and(ii) The change does not produce any of the following results:I. More than a minimal increase in the frequency of occurrence of an accident previously evaluated inthe HSR;2. More than a minimal increase in the likelihood of occurrence of a malfunction of an SSC important tosafety previously evaluated in the HSR;3. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of an accident previously evaluated in the HSR;4. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of a malfunction of an SSC important to safetypreviously evaluated in the HSR;5. Create a possibility for an accident of a different type than previously evaluated in the HSR;6. Create a possibility for a malfunction of an SSC important to safety with a different result than anypreviously evaluated in the HSR;7. Altering or exceeding a design basis limit for a fission product barrier as described in the HSR;8. A departure from a method of evaluation described in the HSR used in establishing the design bases orthe safety analyses.IYes: No: .Signature: WO/W_51 Date: I I/Z1l2ev'4If YES, the change must be performed us ng a Long Form Modification Record. If NO, outline thebasis for the decision.This modification does not involve a change to the Technical Specifications or create aquestion pursuant to 10 CFR 50.59.A 50.59 screen (14-41) is attached to document that these specific existing MURR systemsmay be extended to the MURR Industrial Building Eastward Expansion without further reviewunder 10 CFR 50.59.4Attachment 8.1 ATTXAin' 1h A r-hT 0COPYRevision 950.59 SCREENNumber: 14-41 Page 1 ofTitle: Construction of Usable Laboratory Spaces within thie Expanded MURR Industrial BuildingDescription of Activity (what is being changed and why):Con-truntinn of thA iH.qhltA Iharatnry within, and of MiJRR to. thAdP-di.Ad t.d I hnratnry fainility in the new to tht- MLJRR Indistrial Ruildinp(MIR)Safety Determination:Does the proposed activity have the potential to adversely affect nuclear safety or safe facility (i.e.,MURR) operations? YES NOIf this question is answered yes, do not continue with this procedure. Identify and report the concern to the Reactor Manager.50.59 Screening Questions: 1__I. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a design Junction YES NOdescribed in the HSR?2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to a procedure that adversely affects how HSR j F71described SSC design functions are performed, controlled, or tested? YES NO3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an HSR described evaluation methodology L._.Wthat is used in establishing the design bases or used in the safety analyses? YES NO4. Does the proposed activity involve a test or experiment not described in the HSR, where an SSC is El I1utilized or controlled in a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for that SSC or YES NOis inconsistent with analyses or descriptions in the HSR?.5. Does the proposed activity require a change to the MURR Technical Specifications? D IZIYES NOIf all screening questions are answered NO, then implement the activity per the applicable approvedfacilityproceiur:(s), .iccvlseAmer, emt or a .50.59 Evaluation is not required.If Screen Question 5 is answered YES, then request and receive a License Amendment prior to implementation of the activity.If Screen Question 5 is answered NO and Question I, 2, 3, or 4 is answered YES, then complete and attach a 50.59 Evaluation form.[ Refer to Attachment 9.2. ]NOTE: If the conclusion of the screening questions is that a 50.59 Evaluation is not required, provide justification for the "No"determination. In addition, list the documents (HSR, Technical Specifications, and other Licensing Basis documents) reviewed whererelevant information was found. Include section / page numbers. Use Page 2 of this form to document your statements.Attachment 9.1 ATTACHMENT 9COPYRevision 850.59 SCREEN (Cont.)Number: 14-41 Page 2 of 2Title: Construction of Usable Laboratory Spaces within the Expanded MURR Industrial BuildingIf the conclusion of the five (5) Screening Questions is that a 50.59 Evaluation is not required, providejustification to support this determination: [ Use and attach additional pages as necessary. ]1. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a design function described in theHSR?No. The construction of the usable lab in the eastward expansion of the MURR Industrial Buildingdoes not involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects the design function described in theHSR. The construction of the usable lab space in the MURR Industrial Building is within the scope ofthe ILab building as described in the HSR.2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to a procedure that adversely affects how HSR described SSC designfunctions are performed, controlled, or tested?No Thp prnposed artivity does nnt invply, a change to , ,nrndi ire that advyersel affp.cts how HSRdcri deshin fitnrftionn performed, rontmnIle.l The cnnnstni.tinn of the isbhlelab dnoe not havE a nr'.ediir_ anth. ndy.bte.m q will he evaluated on separate 50 '_QScren -3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an HSR described evaluation methodology that is used inestablishing the design bases or used in the safety analyses?No- The proposed activity daes not involve revising or r.placing an HSR .valhationmJthodology that io used in .tabhlishing the de.ign hae.s nr used in the safety hapse dn not use thp lbhnorton of the yval11tinn mrthndology for the derignhbases. and safety analysVs.!z., the proposed activity involve a test or experiment not described in the HSR, where an SSC is used or coatrolledin a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for that SSC, or is inconsistent with analyses ordescriptions presented in the HSR?No. The proposed activity does not involve a test or experiment not described in the HSR, where theSSC is utilized or controlled in a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for thatSSC or is inconsistent with analyses or descriDtions in the HSR. The construction of usable labspaces is not an experiment.List the d,,-:iments (HSR, Technical Specifications, and other Licensing Basis documents) rcvk, wed whererelevant information was found. [ Include section / page numbers. ]HSR t-tionn_ 9 3 -gd 7 HSRI Addendilm I Sertinn 1 99Attachment 9.1 ATTACHMENT 9ORIGINALAP-RO-1 15Revision 8Modification Number: 14-01 Add. 1OPERATING, PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE, COMPLIANCE PROCEDUREAND PRINT EVALUATIONDoes this change require a revision(s) to any Operating, Preventative Maintenance, or ComplianceProcedure, or any Print?Yes: L No:Signature: 1,71 ,Date: 11/2LI/aVYIf YES, provide the suggested revision(s).OPERATING PROCEDURES:No revision is required for this modification.Revisions to the Emergency Procedures will be performed independently of thisModification Record and will also be independently reviewed under 10 CFR 50.59.PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES:No revision is required for this modification.COMPLIANCE PROCEDURES:No revision is required for this modification.PRINTS:MURR Print 2269 Sheet 1 of 5MURR Print 2269 Sheet 2 of 5MURR Print 1145 Sheet 1 of 5MURR Print 1145 Sheet 2 of 5Update according to attached draftUpdate according to attached draftUpdate according to attached draftUpdate according to attached draft5Attachment 8. I LEGEND.0 FIRE EXTINGUIS"ER -C02A FIRE EDX1NGUISHER -DRY CHEMICALFIRE EXTINGUISHER -HALONIC> EVACUATION ALARM*- INTERCOM SPEAKEREMERGENCY UGHT [A 003 E)GT UGHTAFIRE MAIN OUTLET" E'YE WASH STATION 0("h4 FLASHING EVACUA71ON IGHT c ID,.FIRE BLANKET D0 S MO KE114 101(D FIRST AID KIT -GENERAL USE* FIRST AID KIT EMERGENCY USE ONLY100low>110 , FIRE ALARM BELLOm121(0II~~~2DIX1 11710112AI 10 0AD=E NID EAST RASEMET jD.GN.UPOA1TI PER WAY 11-2373 JDCII.REOWHOSE CA.:ET I ~D."PlACEMENT OF EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT11 8/24/05 CKANGE FIRST AID XiT TO 01IGCY USE ONLY DCAI north:10 6/13/06 O FS AID I- DCIIBASEMENT Of MmB EAST ADITM 9 C HkE A/O~ aMC LARM 70 HORN IN LA III DCII.-Columbia .T.S..MUR No.1145RESEARCH REACTOR de:HVDI1ORIM EVAC / HOMNS AMD UMM1 T 0CMDEMIPn0NBASEMENT LEVELsheet:1 oF 5 0 Fit 07=90 -00 nooy eA FE EXIGU~ -Of ONEAI. Mr. MR RAminaupWK WUNWn -HALON OCTAamAU BMENT Lfl401 £VAC"WALI"umIIFl% MAIN AO131oPulm om~om.Td WE4ri I T1j4 RAM"e 9V~A1UAT LTfso Wcmol e mu E VAOIA1M / KAC"-O KAMSWMA AMTWD-OT-NL UM AED* WT AI 10T 011"US OLY0-I0C)mz"-(ra0a..ftI PLACEMENT OF EMERGENCY EQUIPMENTRESEARCH REACTOR1145dote& 5/12/14a0310 2D 40 r1GRADE LEVELA 2eet2 of 5 Nit "T0199BASElWEJT OF 119 EAST AMMOlN

m ---- -m m--m -mm--- m -mrmz(.0I0'1-Ia 5m Z ~FE ATTACHMENT 90RIGINALAP-RO-I 15Modification Number: 14-01 Addendum 1 Revision 8SPARE PARTS REQUIREMENTS EVALUATIONDoes this change require that any new or additional Spare Parts be maintained in inventory?Yes: No: )C Signature: Date: i1/21/0/If YES, provide a list of the spare partsNo spare parts are required for this modification.6Attachment 8.1 M IATONRCO 10MODIFICATION RECORD: SHORT FORMAP-RO-l 15Revision 8FOR: I) Addenda to existing Modification Records (e.g., modifications of same nature as onespreviously reviewed and approved).2) Significant modifications to the facility or facility systems that are not described in theHazards Summary Report.3) Modifications that require engineering decisions/implementation in a time frame thatprecludes normal licensed operator review prior to implementation.4) Modifications to non-safety systems; for documentation and review only.Licensed operators will review these modifications as part of the OperatorRequalification Program.The Reactor Safety Subcommittee will review these modifications.Modification Number: 88-07; Add. 3WAF Number: IAq" qiModification Title: Exhaust Ventilation in M11B Eastward ExpansionRequiredPage No.123456Page TitleModification Record: Short FormModification Description(Why Short Form is appropriate)Hazards Summary Report EvaluationReactor Safety EvaluationProcedure, PM, CP, and Print EvaluationSpare Parts RequirementsRequiredYes NFA +/-DateCompletedI V/C 26a14I 2 i 91 LI10¢(0%/ Uhql UBy(Initials)-ts50.59 Screen Completed:Manager -Engineering)Reactor Safety Subcommittee Review:-" '&'ae(Keacyt g-iiaer)Modification Approved:_(tactor ManageModification Completed: 77K > (eorMng)Date: 10/&12 tDate: I-' --Date: At -Date:_ __Date:Attachment 8.1(Reaqjor Manager)Modification Closed:(Reactor Manager)O)RIGINAL ATTACHMENT 10Modification Number: 88-07; Add. 3O)RIGINALAP-RO-1 15Revision 8 IREVIEW AND FOLLOW-UP ACTIONItem No.123456Page TitleReactor Safety Subcommittee ReviewOperating Procedures UpdatedPreventive MaintenanceProcedures UpdatedCompliance Procedures UpdatedMURR Prints UpdatedSpare Parts System UpdatedRequiredYes NoX.xK __DateCompletedI Z /(2! OtjAtIA".u/ADocumented by(Initials)tIV/,4MIA,Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 10 OiRIGINALAP-RO-I 1588-0; Ad. 3Revision 8 IModification Number: 88-07; Add. 3MODIFICATION DESCRIPTIONProvide a concise description of the system change. Include any proposed PRE-OPERATIONAL TESTS required for this change. (If additional pages are necessary, insert afterthis page.)This modification record documents the installation of radioactive exhaust ventilation in thenewly expanded MURR Industrial Building (MIB). The system consists of charcoal andhigh efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter banks, constant volume control valves (CVCVs),hot cell ventilation exhaust fans, flow and pressure measurement devices, and associatedducting and dampers.Exhaust air from the containment and laboratory buildings are discharged to atmospherethrough the exhaust stack by either exhaust fan EF-13 or EF-14 in the west tower. Eitherone or the other (EF-13 or EF-14) exhaust fan is on at all times. The other fan is a standby.Failure of the in service fan automatically activates the standby and also activates awarning light in the control room. A failure of both fans activates an alarm in the controlroom. Static pressures are limited by a pressure sensitive relief damper that begins to openat 8" H20 and is full open at 10" H20.The ventilation system, which will support the MIB Expansion, is designed to perform thefollowing radiological control functions:Maintain Rooms 299T, 299U, and 299V at a slightly negative pressure with respect tothe surrounding areas to prevent the spread of radioactive contamination;Maintain hot cells HC-11A, HC-11B, and HC-1 1C at a negative pressure to prevent thespread of radioactive contamination;Provide the necessary charcoal and HEPA filtration to ensure radioactive airborne beingreleased to the environment are kept at minimum concentrations; and(Continued on page 2a)Why a Short Form is appropriate.(At least one of four reasons listed on Page I, with justification)The short form of the Modification Record is appropriate because this is an Addendum toan existing, previously approved Modification Record (Reason 1) and this is a modificationto a non-safety system that requires documentation and review only (Reason 4).2Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 10 qlpjp3 5ALRevision 8Modification Number: 88-07; Addendum 3MODIFICATION DESCRIPTION (cont.)provide continuous monitoring of all radioactive airborne releases discharged throughthe MIB Expansion ventilation exhaust system. Air exiting the MIB Expansion throughthe exhaust ventilation system is continuously monitored for airborne activity by aradiation monitoring system downstream of all of the hot cell and room filtrationsystems.The ventilation system will be utilized in multiple areas of the MIB Expansion as follows:Room 299TThe air will be exhausted through a CVCV, HEPA filter and a (selected) parallelcharcoal filter (one filter on service -one in standby) into the facility mainventilation exhaust system at a rate of approximately 250 cfm.Room 299UThe air will be exhausted through a CVCV and the same HEPA and parallelcharcoal filter system which also supports Room 299T and then into the facilitymain ventilation exhaust system at a rate of approximately 100 cfm.Room 299VThe air will be exhausted from the room through a fume hood, a CVCV, HEPAfilter and a (selected) parallel charcoal filter (one filter on service -one instandby), and then into the facility main ventilation exhaust system at a rate ofapproximately 450 cfm.Hot Cells HC-II A, HC-I IB, and HC-11 CThe exhaust ventilation for hot cells HC-I IA, HC-i lB and HC-I 1C will consistof an intricate combination of HEPA and charcoal filtration systems, two (2)exhaust fans, and flow measurement and control devices.The exhaust systems for each cell will combine to form a common header; eachhot cell will have its own independent filtration system. Air will be exhaustedfrom each hot cell through an internal parallel set of charcoal filters, then througha (selected) external parallel charcoal and HEPA filtration bank (one bank onservice -one in standby), a CVCV, a second (selected) parallel charcoal filter(one filter on service -one in standby), and then through a (selected) parallelexhaust fan into the facility main ventilation exhaust system at a rate ofapproximately 60 cfm (one fan operating -one in standby).(Continued on page 2b)2aAttachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 10 AP4. 'IiGI\ tRevision 8Modification Number: 88-07, Addendum 3MODIFICATION DESCRIPTION (cont.)The exhaust fans will be 3 HP centrifugal models, each controlled by anAdjustable Speed Drive (ASD) that will maintain a constant flow rate throughthe system based on a control signal from a pressure transmitter located betweenthe CVCV and the second set of charcoal filters. The fans will be powered fromlighting panel LP-46 and will be designated HC-1 I Exhaust Fans No. I and 2(HC- I I EF-I and HC-l I EF-2). A loss of electrical power to HC- 11 EFI and 2will not cause an immediate unsafe condition because the facility ventilationexhaust system will continue to operate and maintain a negative cell pressure.There are two glove boxes mounted to the hot cells; one on the north end of HC-I IA and one on the south end of HC-I IC. Air will be exhausted from eachglove box through a charcoal filter and then a HEPA filter. The exhaust ductingfor each glove box will connect to the hot cell common exhaust headerdownstream of the hot cell filtration systems.Room 199Exhaust ventilation will be available in the basement to support future additionof loads within room 199.Filtration and room differential pressures will be monitored by a combination ofMagnehelic& gauges, pressure transmitters, and flow stations. The Magnehelic gaugesare used to measure differential pressure across the filtration systems as well as measuredifferential pressure in Rooms 299T, 299U and 299V. Two of the pressure transmitterswill be used to control HC-1 I EF-1 and HC-1 I EF-2 fan speed.2bAttachment 8.1 IINUNEX0JS YSE"IFDEOU~U61111WSI/I'11-11PITi AlRm 299VNOMALLYCLOSE P4HEPA FLTER WCK~tCOAt FILTEREP~cACWA.&A FITE~RCCPWTMTVOtIAECONTROL ftvCDNTRWIM Fm 0PRE~URE TRWINTERSAC DRAFT U.R 1.-IWAMSY PRESSLIPIRMANIM~RMETASYS FLOW S,.l all3 tES.GNtpQTE I Pj Q9W11'9[ 2 SftUPDATE owI .0 NtkA REVOUU Lip2 O4r7)I4RE OESC$PPT104 B, .3DMRAF 1ATTACHMENT 10 ORIGINALAP-RO-! 15Modification Number: 88-07; Add. 3 Revision 8HAZARDS SUMMARY REPORT EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a modification to the reactor facility as defined in the Hazards SummaryReport?Yes: >' No: Signature: Date: 10/103/22vL/If YES, make an analysis below and provide the suggested revision(s) to the HSR. If NO, outlinethe basis for the decision.This modification does involve a change to the reactor facility as defined in the HazardsSummary Report (HSR) and its addenda.The Laboratory and Containment Building Exhaust Ventilation System is described ordiscussed in the following Sections and Figures of the HSR and its addenda and are notchanged:Original HSR-Section 3.2.7-Section 7.2.7Addendum 1-Question 3.20-Question 3.22-Figure 3.22.1Addendum 2-Question 11+ This question is no longer relevant due to facility Modification Record 88-7. Thisquestion is discussed in Section 5.3.3 of Addendum 3.Addendum 3-Section 3.7-Section 5.3.3The following sections of the HSR will be revised as shown:ORIGINAL HSRFigure 3.22.1 (MURR Print No. 2420 Sheet 1 of 1) will be revised to show the modificationperformed to the ventilation system. All other Sections and Figures of the HSR and itsaddenda are correct and will remain the same.3Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 10OR)IJGINALAP-RO-I 15Revision 888-07: Add. 3Modification Number: .REACTOR SAFETY EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a revision(s) to the Technical Specifications or a question pursuant to10 CFR 50.59?NOTE: A licensee may make changes to the facility as described in the HSR without obtaining a license amendmentonly if:(i) A change to the Technical Specifications incorporated in the license is not required, and(ii) The change does not produce any of the following results:I. More than a minimal increase in the frequency of occurrence of an accident previously evaluated inthe HSR;2. More than a minimal increase in the likelihood of occurrence of a malfunction of an SSC important tosafety previously evaluated in the HSR;3. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of an accident previously evaluated in the HSR;4. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of a malfunction of an SSC important to safetypreviously evaluated in the HSR;5. Create a possibility for an accident of a different type than previously evaluated in the HSR;6. Create a possibility for a malfunction of an SSC important to safety with a different result than anypreviously evaluated in the HSR;7. Altering or exceeding a design basis limit for a fission product barrier as described in the HSR;8. A departure from a method of evaluation described in the HSR used in establishing the design bases orthe safety analyses.Yes:___ No: ).' Signature:Date: .If YES, the change must be performed using a Long Form Modification Record. If NO, outline thebasis for the decision.This modification does not involve a change to the Technical Specifications or create aquestion pursuant to 10 CFR 50.59.A 50.59 screen (14-36) is attached to document that the MURR exhaust ventilation systemmay be safely extended to the MURR Industrial Building Eastward Expansion without furtherreview.4Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 1050.59 SCREENAP-RR-003Revision 9Number: 14-36Page 1 of 2Title: Modification Record 88-07, Addendum 03: Exhaust Ventilation in MIB Eastward ExpansionDeseriptior of Activity (what is being changed and why):In.ttllntinn of rndingwftiy. PxhatLcqt vyntilntinn in thp MHIRR Ruiilding I:Ftw:rd FIxpansninn(MIR Fast)Safety Determination:Does the proposed activity have the potential to adversely affect nuclear safety or safefacility (i.e.,MURR) operations? YESIf this question is answered yes, do not continue with this procedure. Identify and report the concern to the Reactor Manager.NO50.59 Screening Questions:1. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a designf!]nctiondescribed in the HSR?2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to a procedure that adversely affects how HSRdescribed SSC design functions are performed, controlled, or tested?3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an HSR described evaluation methodologythat is used in establishing the design bases or used in the safety analyses?4. Does the proposed activity involve a test or experiment not described in the HSR, where an SSC isutilized or controlled in a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for that SSC oris inconsistent with analyses or descriptions in the HSR?5. Does the proposed activity require a change to the MURR Technical Specifications?NONONONONOE]YESIf all screening questions are answered NO, then implement the activity per the applicable approvedfacilityprocedure(s). A LicenseAmendment or a .50."9 Evaluc:ton is not required.If Screen Question 5 is answered YES, then request and receive a License Amendment prior to implementation of the activity.If Screen Question 5 is answered NO and Question 1, 2, 3, or 4 is answered YES, then complete and attach a 50.59 Evaluation form.[ Refer to Attachment 9.2. ]NOTE: If the conclusion of the screening questions is that a 50.59 Evaluation is not required, provide justification for the "No"determination. In addition, list the documents (HSR, Technical Specifications, and other Licensing Basis documents) reviewed whererelevant information was found. Include section / page numbers. Use Page 2 of this form to document your statements.Print Name A SignName DatePreparer: :\rlc Luebbering /_)_____I/Reviewer: Rob HudsonReactor Manager John FruitsSubmit copy of screen to HSR / SAR file (circle o/e)? Yes NoAttachment 9. I ATTACHMENT 10 COAP-RR-003Revision 950.59 SCREEN (Cont.)Number: 14-36 Page 2 of 2Title: Modification Record 88-07, Addendum 03; Exhaust Ventilation in MIB Eastward ExpansionIf the conclusion of the five (5) Screening Questions is that a 50.59 Evaluation is not required, providejustification to support this determination: [ Use and attach additional pages as necessary. ]1. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a design function described in theHSR?No- The connection of MIR East to the MURR Fxhaijst Ventilation system will not involve changes toan SSC that could adverselv affect edlsion function dascribed in the HSR Fynluations hbv theMl IRR Fanility Enginppr show that exhaust ventilation flow will remain well within thep designrApacity nf the M1JRR Facility Fxhaumt System2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to a procedure that adversely affects how HSR described SSC designfunctions are performed, controlled, or tested?No. The connection of MIB East to the MURR Exhaust Ventilation system will not directly involve anyprocedure changes related to HSR described SSC design functions. The radioactive exhaust design inMIB East is consistent with the design function of the MURR Exhaust Ventilation system. The processingin MIB East itself was evaluated under 50.59 Screen 12-07 "Iodine-1 31 Processing Laboratory"3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an HSR described evaluation methodology that is used inestablishing the design bases or used in the safety analyses?No. The connection of MIB East to the MURR Exhaust Ventilation system will not involve any HSRdescribed evaluation methodoloav used for establishing design bases or used in safety analyses. Theconnection will contain HEPA and charcoal filters to contain any possible particulates from the processesoccurring within MIB East. Due to the additional HEPA and charcoal filtration, additional exhaust stackeffluent is not anticipated.4. Does the proposed activity involve a test or experiment not described in the HSR, where an SSC is used or controlledin a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for that SSC, or is inconsistent with analyses ordescriptions presented in the HSR?No, The connection of MIB East to the MURR Exhaust Ventilation system will not directly involve anytests or experiments not described in the HSR. MIB East will not be exposed to significant radiationfrom the reactor, nor will it be used to measure or monitor reactor characteristics. MIB East will beused in accordance with Reactor License R-1 03, Section 2.B(3) for post-irradiation processing ofexperiment byproduct material as evaluated in 50.59 Screen 12-07.List the documents (HS??. Tedcnical Specifications, and other Licensing Basis documents) reviewed whererelevant information was found. [ Include section / page numbers.]HRR Section 7-2-7 7-3-1 10.4; HSR Addendum 3 Section 3-7Technical Specifications 1.5. 3.7. 6.1 -REP 24 50.59 Screen 12-07 J £--o7,MURR Print #1125 (Sheets 1-4 and proposed Sheet 5)Attachment 9.1 Saddler, Jeffrey L.From: McCracken, Charles B.Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2014 3:02 PMTo: Saddler, Jeffrey L.Cc: Fruits, John L; Allison, Jennifer K.; Saale, Lawrence A.; McCracken, Charles B.Subject: Bob Addition ExhaustTo the File,My analysis of adding the "Fit-Out of the Industrial Building East Addition" CP141431 exhaust modification to the MURRExhaust System indicates that the exhaust loading is within the capacity of the MURR Exhaust System.Brad McCrackenI ATTACHMENT 10 ORIIN IAP-RO-I 1588-07;Add. 3Revision 8Modification Number: 88-07; Add. 3OPERATING, PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE, COMPLIANCE PROCEDUREAND PRINT EVALUATIONDoes this change require a revision(s) to any Operating, Preventative Maintenance, or ComplianceProcedure, or any Print?Yes: j~No:_ Signature____ Date: J~ff1;1Z-ZIf YES, provide the suggested revision(s).OPERATING PROCEDURES:No revisions required for this modification.PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES:No revisions required for this modification.COMPLIANCE PROCEDURES:No revisions required for this modification.PRINTS:The following prints will be revised per the attached draft revisions:MURR Print No. 1125 Sheet 1, "SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF LABORATORY ANDCONTAINMENT BUILDINGS VENTILATION SYSTEM"MURR Print No. 1125 Sheet 2, "MURR SUPPLY AIR SCHEMATIC"MURR Print No. 1125 Sheet 3, "MURR EXHAUST VENTILATION LOADS"MURR Print No. 1125 Sheet 4, "SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF LABORATORY ANDCONTAINMENT BUILDINGS VENTILATION SYSTEMSTACK MONITORSMURR Print No. 2420 (1 of 1), "DIAGRAM OF LABORATORY AND CONTAINMENTBUILDING VENTILATION SYSTEM"The following print will be added per the attached draft:MURR Print No. 1125 Sheet 5, "MIB EAST ADDITION EXHAUST SCHEMATIC"5Attachment 8.I A I IurIIVII-INI IUr .--I C "- -- l a I -'I [OLTa-: j o r I --------:7>-///....£t ii r- II+R TA ru 4 Taralt I ARRITAICi. NLAC V fl ,I -' tP tI I I. i A Ali I I-,a " "---A- .-,--- -I- F --------IO , F{"T O7AIT II.IAA1PA# II.. 1 zO llc'4'Mar--- ------------ ----- ---------I II, , I'Il4 IT I ' ',.I L 4I -ii L --- L A Wlc.o72 _1527To19ell23I LVDA20 ON CODWDA'BTtD PER CiC ltUPDATED PECC COTA-f RnREII0C COTPM-TCCTAtDDvED vOvt M --awk.© nMrDAITt 2/&TCACI.SCOTPADDE PlaC OCOCT-LIPDALIE iE 1VDETECTORSATEVO ADl' S12PTESCRl K-7111041Al 1.. 24 AVIIO*AMC fA6 Ml?A.DDED 2AaVE "MtODWOD .aFTOA PA ~l -GESýEaca ACTC Wfl TC.E T25COANT-DAJACE 0-AMPER LOTIPED AlOFF haT U7/adTO ALTO,0-C 12ADm. IC-IT3. CIC-4M.a ANDP tM DICTAPPD K-117 TO COCýTL3( SK -Ct m. ICMm.CCIC-AttA AWIAMDNA-TlaRD,,CaDAORDCTOOP-i;et7F6111-1976/4129/IA/4t/1M97,13/1W12/05/5IAjL 3/C/dll/H'2T..... -------- --- ---- --I t AA CPAACa..a.CA a TA ACS ACA AC l .LRLAIS1/It/1l7/a7/MAPLIT'CCR011110101 PAKA,zHLiiZI--2:IlJI>-L, -0. <I-H0-4C<L0jUCDLLd 0 _j.. m1125----I -------- J -----IlA t I 0 I ~ l I 5I I-----------------------L ----' + + Ct..1T, ---- / LH ,§VA1/ DAM-PERIS>lQ. DUCT MSMKE DETECTOR&AUTO -DIKt DAMPtER/WI/TH CONTROL SIGNALMIB@PlffEXHAUST TRUNK LINE AIR FLOW tMEASuREHEI.ý7, : -ttF 13 lFAsi PEED Er14 (F-AST SPEEDDIHOT CELL (1e' IDCT) 328 1076SIOUITH (30' DUCT) 11125 13026NORTH (124' 7,0T 7352ROOM 114 (16' DUCT 2M07 7209COIJTOIIIOIl4I (16- DUCl) 7550 2591ITOAL 21341 20558UFA1S, CUSI[ 6E[ I / 411NUTE r00150C KIDT PACIIIOT 8S -7

[OWDITHOWIffDESCRIPTION 7--" mITSBI GL-1.J~'-UEHI) UEH0r~Ei mL~J LZ2~imL~~0R~I1281NW QUA~lDRANlT12813109-1ac-0NE QUADRANT299D -04S299 G8-021HC--S8 G -O 0, 1GS-12.299J GB:-13. 1 29 G8--2HC-07 CB-22HC-A9 GB-2'GB-28299M"O9N...299P -SW QUADRANTHC-10 G--9 'A-2 242 244.. ........ýq V D,-0.-2LLIHEAT-O- VAC. SEI- 4H C.-\ c _ __SE QUADRANTFT]I E OOVol~3&lTLE-K NoT all ATTACHMENT 10n~scrnPTlr~JIREV. WIDESCRIPTIONDR. BY I DATCI w 1 1-24-VioAL-\s' 71140cZcef'.-JCRoof LineRE- Liui4Z0 0~Z F0-~ uAI4xxi UtIw 01125t(JIi31l ATTACHMENT 10DDIBIOU+0j? ocyaZ-5mmlu\~I SYROU~R<ROMEMUIM EXHAUST SYSTEM&6ee ot.,& I1 is SHERT I/I/WIB@9M1TRm 299VLEGLNDNORMALLY CLOSED bNORMALLY OPEN >CHEPA FILTERCHARCOAL FILTERHEPAECHARCOAL FILTER ECONSTANT VOLUMECONTROL VALVECENTRIFICAL FAN (3PRESSURE TRANSMIT`TERBACR DRAF r DAMPERMAGNRHELIC GAUGCMETASYS PRESSURETRANSMLIITERM,1ETASYS r LOW STATON [1 Ir I lrrjIn OKVI.Id m I llllI FI IVI F-- I IUMDhifli1vFROMLABrI -iZ'REACTOR CONTAINMENT BLDG.4 (2) PREFILTERS4HEPA FILTERSQUADRANT FROM"R LABFRLTER i HOODSSUPPLY OF REACTOR AIRCONDITIONED AIR SUPPLY FAN PLITO REACTOR PLENUMSL DG. ' M OTORIZEDRETURN OF -tAIRCONDIllONED AIR -RETUR APNFROM REACTORBLOG.F -Af~O1 MutX~-rlAII 16B16ASEE-EASTTOWERDWG.DATE:4/25/15RE'MTSON NIUiSZRF5oIEVS DATVz0a- .go-050 ()4)1<ZJF- _ -<2 -]D >~Mz0 VFROM MECHANICALEQUIPMENT ROOM114BFROMLABHOODSFIG. 3.22.1MURR NUMBER:5 REMOVED NUCLEPORE JRL 2/I5/10 24204 ADDED PSD ON BEAMPORT DCHJ SI.FF1CH -1 " Q -1EREV.DESCRIPTIONIINIT. IDATElof 1DENRo~O I NT.I AT ATTACHMENT 10ORRIGINALAP-RO-1 152,,,b ;-, IModification Number: 88-07; Add. 3SPARE PARTS REQUIREMENTS EVALUATIONDoes this change require that any new or additional Spare Parts be maintained in inventory?Yes: " No: Signature: _4 Date: 10)/0.3/2c-YLIf YES, provide a list of the spare partsSpare filters for the various locations will be maintained by Health Physics and FacilityEngineering.iv I6Attachment 8.1 6 ECO 11MODIFICATION RECORD: SHORT FORMAP-RO-! 15Revision 8FOR: 1) Addenda to existing Modification Records (e.g., modifications of same nature as onespreviously reviewed and approved).2) Significant modifications to the facility or facility systems that are not described in theHazards Summary Report.3) Modifications that require engineering decisions/implementation in a time frame thatprecludes normal licensed operator review prior to implementation.4) Modifications to non-safety systems; for documentation and review only.NOTE: Licensed operators will review these modifications as part of the OperatorRequalification Program.The Reactor Safety Subcommittee will review these modifications.Modification Number: 90-1; Addendum 3WAF Number: 14-1276Modification Title: Evacuation system Changes in Support of the MURR Industrial Buildiing Eastward ExpansionPage No.123456Page TitleModification Record: Short FormModification Description(Why Short Form is appropriate)Hazards Summary Report EvaluationReactor Safety EvaluationProcedure, PM, CP, and Print EvaluationSpare Parts RequirementsRequiredYes No_-___ hDateCompleteda*tt/wwq~06/1 vIILCILI8stgyI40MtBy(Initials)3A,3 L-.s,TL t.50.59 Screen Completed:(Ass actor Manager -En ineering)Reactor Safety Subcommittee Review:_ _ _ _ _ _ _r(leact r Manager)Modification Approved: e __ _ _/Reactor Manager)Modification Completed:__ _ __ _ _/ (l'eactor Manager)Date: Date: _________Date: Date: 4-Date:Modification Closed:(Reactor Manager)1-IORIGINAL*Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 11kRI G INALAP-RO-I 15Revision 8Modification Number: 90-1; Addendum 3REVIEW AND FOLLOW-UP ACTIONItem No.123456Page TitleReactor Safety Subcommittee ReviewOperating Procedures UpdatedPreventive MaintenanceProcedures UpdatedCompliance Procedures UpdatedMURR Prints UpdatedSpare Parts System UpdatedRequiredYes NoX?"DateCompletedGA /Q ? I I Y1¢(Sbl, / IV10123/111102ie fg fwDocumented by(Initials)3t1'3LSla.Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 11 viR IGINALAP-RO-I 15Modification Number: 90-1; Addendum 3 Revision 8MODIFICATION DESCRIPTIONProvide a concise description of the system change. Include any proposed PRE-OPERATIONAL TESTS required for this change. (If additional pages are necessary, insert afterthis page.)This Modification Record documents changes to the facility Evacuation System that arenecessary in order to safely occupy the MURR Industrial Building Eastward Expansion (MIBEast). This is part of an effort to ensure all systems relating to emergency response areextended to MIB East. The initiating document for installation/extension of those systems isModification Record 14-01, Interfacing MURR Systems with the MIB/BOB EastwardExpansion. Modification Record 90-1, "Evacuation Horns" provided for additionalevacuation horns and lights as part of a major reconfiguration of the system in 1990.The MURR Evacuation System serves to actuate the MURR Containment Isolation System,and to provide an audible and visible indication via horns and lights to evacuate the facilityvia the nearest exit. The system can be manually actuated from either the control room(Room 302) or the facility lobby (Room 210). There is no automatic means to actuate theEvacuation System. The existing Evacuation System horns and lights are powered fromthe Emergency Lighting Panel in the Laboratory building and the North Office AdditionEmergency Lighting Panel in NOA.Previous Modification Record 90-1; Addendum 1 stated that horns and lights may be addedto the Evacuation System with Reactor Manager's approval, and without a separateModification Record. This allows for reconfiguring as needs change within the facility. ThisModification Record is being used to document a larger addition to the system as a result ofthe construction of the new structure.To ensure a prompt and effective response from MURR staff to an emergency or abnormalcondition, the MURR Evacuation System will be extended to MIB East. This will require theaddition of three (3) evacuation horns (see attached drawing).Why a Short Form is appropriate.(At least one of four reasons listed on Page 1, with justification)The short form of the Modification Record is appropriate because this is an addendum to apreviously reviewed and approved Modification Record (Reason No. 1).2Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 11O))RIGINALBasement199I. north:UlBOB/MIB ExpansionEvacuation Horns ATTACHMENT 11API GI NAIAP-RO-1 15Modification Number: 90-1; Addendum 3 %IV,, a IHAZARDS SUMMARY REPORT EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a modification to the reactor facility as defined in the Hazards SummaryReport?Yes: No: X" Signature: , Date: G7/11&/1 L-1If YES, make an analysis below and provide the suggested revision(s) to the HSR. If NO, outlinethe basis for the decision.This Modification Record does not involve a change to the reactor facility as defined in theHazards Summary Report (HSR) and its addenda.The following sections and figures of the HSR and its addenda discuss the EvacuationSystemHSR Addendum 1, Section 3.18 and Figure 3.20.1.All Sections and Figures of the HSR and its Addenda are considered correct and will remainthe same.I3Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 11(IRIGINALAP-RO-1 15Revision 8 IModification Number: 90-1; Addendum 3REACTOR SAFETY EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a revision(s) to the Technical Specifications or a question pursuant to10 CFR 50.59?NOTE: A licensee may make changes to the facility as described in the HSR without obtaining a license amendmentonly if:(i) A change to the Technical Specifications incorporated in the license is not required, and(ii) The change does not produce any of the following results:I. More than a minimal increase in the frequency of occurrence of an accident previously evaluated inthe HSR;2. More than a minimal increase in the likelihood of occurrence of a malfunction of an SSC important tosafety previously evaluated in the HSR;3. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of an accident previously evaluated in the HSR;4. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of a malfunction of an SSC important to safetypreviously evaluated in the HSR;5. Create a possibility for an accident of a different type than previously evaluated in the HSR;6. Create a possibility for a malfunction of an SSC important to safety with a different result than anypreviously evaluated in the HSR;7. Altering or exceeding a design basis limit for a fission product barrier as described in the HSR;8. A departure from a method of evaluation described in the HSR used in establishing the design bases orthe safety analyses.Signature:Yes: No: XDate: /q12c,'4jIf YES, the change must be performed usIng a Long Form Modification Record. If NO, outline thebasis for the decision.This modification does not involve a change to the Technical Specifications or create aquestion pursuant to 10 CFR 50.59.A 50.59 screen (14-29) is attached to document that the MURR Evacuation System may beextended to the MURR Industrial Building Eastward Expansion without a revision to theTechnical Specifications or a question pursuant to 10 CFR 50.59.4Attachment 8.1 ATTAG.HMENT 11.a1Aftok h1marn CpyU LUI'Y61W lw aAP-RR-003Revision 850.59 SCREENNumber: 14-29Page I of 2Title: Modification Record 90-01, Addendum 3 ; Evacuation System Changes in Support of the MIB/BOB EastwardExpansionDe ..i *, * -" Actd; Sky (what is beig changed and why,):Addition of Evacuationi Horns to MIB/BOB Expansion Grad~e and Basement LevelsAdditiýn of Evacuation Horns to IB/B B Expansion Grade and Basement LevelsSafety Determination:Does the proposed activity have the potential to adversely affect nuclear safety or safc.facility (i.e.MURR) operations?0YESNOIf this question is answered yes, do not continue with this procedure. Identify and report the concern to the Reactor Manager.50.59 Screening Questions:I. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a designfinctiondescribed in the 11SR?2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to a procedure that adversely affects how IJSRdescribed SSC design functions are performed, controlled, or tested?3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an 11SR described evaluation methodologythat is used in establishing the design bases or used in the safet: analyses?4. Does the proposed activity involve a test or experiment not described in the IISR, where an SSC isutilized or controlled in a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for that SSC oris inconsistent with analyses or descriptions in the IISR?.5. Does the proposed activity require a change to the MURR Technical Specifications?LiYESFl.YESYESElYESYESNONONONONOIf all screening questions are answered NO, then implement the activity per the applicable approved facility procedure(s). A LicenseAmendment or a 50.59 Evaluation is not required.If Screen Question 5 is answered I EZ), men ,Q.uest and receive a License Amendment prior to implementation of the activity.If Screen Question 5 is answered NO and Question 1, 2, 3, or 4 is answered YES, then complete and attach a 50.59 Evaluation form.[ Refer to Attachment 9.2. ]NOTE: If the conclusion of the screening questions is that a 50.59 Evaluation is not required, provide justification for the "No"determination. In addition, list the documents (11SR, Technical Specifications, and other Licensing Basis documents) reviewed whererelevant information was found. Include section / page numbers. Use Page 2 of this form to document your statements.Print Name Sit-n Name DatePreparer: Jason Carroll 08/01/14Reviewer: ~/ 4 / .& //Reactor M~anager:-SplSubmit copy' of screen to HSR /SAR file (circle re1 YsAttachment 9.1 ATTACHMENT 11AP-RR-003Revision 850.59 SCREEN (Cont.)Number: 14-29 Page 2 of -Title: Modification Record 90-01, Addendum 3 ; Evacuation System Changes in Support of the MIB/BOB EastwardExpansionIf the conclusion of the five (5) Screening Questions is that a 50.59 Evaluation is not required, providejustification to support this determination: [ Use and attach additional pages as necessary. ]1. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a design function described in theHSR?.N~o. The proposed activity does not involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a designfunction described in the HSR. The modificationVAdoes not change the design function of theEvacuation System. This modification will enhance system functio by providing coverage IQ theEast Expansion of the MIB/BOB building.2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to a procedure that adversely affects how SSR described SSC designfunctions are performed, controlled, or tested?No The. Dronpns, d activity does nnt invnlvp, q change to a prncedli re, that advyersely affect.s how HSRdpscrihcd ..SC design finpfionn arre performed cnontrolle.d r tested Prrnoedilrl hanges will reflntthe new horn !ocation. x .. r-, 't Lb- , \oLt\u 04%1'-t4 niri k z:6n.tcJk Vt- .-. o _.3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an HSR described evaluation methodology that is used inestablishing the design bases or used in the safety analyses?No. The proposed nrtivity does not involve revising or replacing an HSR descrihed evaluationmethndpologythat is used in establishing the design bases or used in the safety analyses- Theadditinn of more horns doeos not rhange the evahltition methodology u.sed to estiblish the designhasps and .snfety analyses4. Does the propostu tutivit' iiv.j ie a test or experiment noi described in the HSR, where an SSC is used or controlledin a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for that SSC, or is inconsistent with analyses ordescriptions presented in the HSR?No. The proposed activity does not involve a test or experiment not described in the HSR, where theSSC is utilized or controlled in a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for thatSSC or is inconsistent with analyses or descriptions in the HSR. The proposed activity is not a testor experiment. It is the addition of three horns to the Evacuation System.List the documents (KSR ;*a, X1 pxcifications, wid otlici- L ecss-ig Basis documents) reviewed whererelevant information was found. [ Include section / page numbers. ]HSR A dderndium I ._ection 3 18 and Fig 3 20 1 Mnd reprnrd QO-1 Addendurm 1,2 and 3 CP-.0Attachment 9. I ATTACHMENT 11[J COPYBasement195ornorth:BOB/MIB ExpansionEvacuation Horns O~RIGINALATTACHMENT 11AP-RO-I 15Revision 8Modification Number:90-1; Addendum 3OPERATING, PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE, COMPLIANCE PROCEDUREAND PRINT EVALUATIONDoes this change require a revision(s) to any Operating, Preventative Maintenance, or ComplianceProcedure, or any Print?Yes: X No:If YES, provide tSignature:he suggested revision(s). 1'Date: OPERATING PROCEDURES:Operator Aid OA-20, "Emergency Equipment" will be revised to reflect the addition of thehorns to the Evacuation System. A draft revision is attached.Revisions to the Emergency Procedures will be performed independently of thisModification Record and will also be independently reviewed under 10 CFR 50.59.PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES:No revision is required for this modification.COMPLIANCE PROCEDURES:CP-30 will be revised to update the list of evacuation horns and lights.A draft revision is attached.PRINTS:MURR Print No. 1145, "Placement of Emergency Equipment" will be revised to reflectthe addition of the horns to the Evacuation System. A draft revision is identical to theprint used for OA-20 above.MURR Print No. 524, Evacuation/Isolation System, will be revised to reflect the additionof horns to the Evacuation System. A draft is NOT included with thisModification Record as Print No. 524 is controlled as SAFEGUARDS information.5Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 11DR AFTRevision 17 1MASTER COPYISSUED JUL 1 4 2014MURROPERATOR AIDOA-20EMERGENCY EQUIPMENTRESPONSIBLE GROUP: Reactor OperationsIPROCEDURE OWNER:Reactor ManagerAPPROVED BY:John Fruits__________Date: (P [M APosted at the following locations: Control Room, LobbyAssociated with procedure: Emergency ProceduresThis Operator Aid contains the following:Pages1 through6 I-, ILL,Az-O/CzwI;0C)z[,T,,w,~o Is.,.. 040IC I~dI .flb .1* nan c,*-n Ii.o oxjIi US f-I I.0~ I ~I.JIl 'VW .0.qS~ I..0* IA/I S....a..II..Iba.II .InI a 'Oh. C C O-.I .0 00.Ira 14 -- *..*C aOl.~ Ill_ '.ACErIE\T 0-- ED/,ERGENC ' EOUIPMEZNT....e h "ri II i wsy Gi msoul.~S~ -:o.ýb-a/ bsdc..;. ouR ý; ft n/ RESEARC-i REAC F ,,Ar.F EVELT0--- -; L3 fL11 iIipLizI-I-I]n 1-nz mwmim -W02£FmE DaflhGS -of cml-incy LMNTZ. aInuaa itm0b0.Off urnFM m UrnrM~ %W SrATMmN W-SMNA IDM~EFm SANCET9W AD OKX CSSAV MAL-nm Oq~xU,i n IPLACEMENT OF EMERGENCY EQUIPMENTire Ivuntvr of mWsgaw -columbia sot LT~RESEARCH REACTOR -f)

  • FCLRIN FLOOR t*4W530 510 w 40Fr.

ATTACHMENT 11CP-30COMPLIANCE CHECK PROCEDURE PAGE: 1 OF 6REVISION: 1/10/14Compliance Check: Frequency: MonthlyARMS and 16-Inch Valve Cabinetand Associated Horns and LightsPlant Conditions: Number of Men Needed: 4Reactor ShutdownEstimated Time: 1 HourTest Equipment, Tools and Materials1. Setpoint Toggle Switch Tool 4. Shorted Relays and Jumpers2. Screwdriver 5. Dummy Load Test Connectors3. 16-inch Valve Cabinet Key (Key No. 45) 6. Bypass KeysReferencesTechnical Specification 3.4.a and 5.4.bPrints 203 and 1145FM-21, "ARMS Trip Set Points"Procedure1. install Dummy Load Test Connectors.2. Install jumper G-5 (Power Level Interlock).3. Install jumper G-9 (Rx loop low pressure PT-943).4. Install jumper G-10 (Rx loop low pressure PT-944B).5. Install jumper G-1 1 (Rx loop low flow HX-503B alarm 920G).6. Install jumper G-27 (reflectorAP PT-917).7. Install jumper Y-2 (Rx loop low flow HX-503B alarm 920E).8. Install jumper Y-3 (Valve 509 off open position).9. Install jumper Y-4 (Rx loop low pressure PT-944A).10. Install jumper Y-5 (Power Level Interlock).11. Install jumper Y-1 7 (pool below refuel level LS-966).12. Remove relay K-25 (pressurizer low pressure PS-938) and install shorted relay in K-25 position.13. Remove relay K-26 (pressurizer high pressure PS-939) and install shorted relay in K-26 position.14. Remove relay K-28 (pressurizer low level LC-935) and install shorted relay in K-28 position.15. Remove relay K-30 (Rx loop low flow HX-503A alarm 920A) and install shorted relay in K-30position.16. Remove relay K-31 (pool loop low flow HX-521 alarm 920B) and install shorted relay in K-31position.17. Remove relay K-37 (pool loop low flow HX-521 alarm 920D) and install shorted relay in K-37position.18. Remove relay K-38 (Rx loop low flow HX-503A alarm 920C) and install shorted relay in K-38position.19. Place FIRST Bypass Key Switch 1 S28 to 'BYPASS' position.20. Place FIRST Bypass Key Switch 1S29 to 'BYPASS' position.21. Place Master Control Switch IS1 to 'ON' position.22. Place Magnet Current Switch 1S14 to 'ON' position.23. Reset scram TAAs.24. Announce to the facility that a test of the reactor isolation system will occur.25. Flip down 'Test in Progress' sign by isolation light outside aidock door.NOTE: Check alarm indications in Control Room for all channels, and check buzzerson bridge for bridge and bridge ALARA channels.26. Push test source push button (green light) on air plenum 1 until alarm is received.APPROVEDacto4aneger7/ Rea'ctorhanagerDoER3LipTP ATTACHMENT 11Ri M I If NUMBER: CP-30COMPLIANCE CHECK PROCEDURE PAGE: 2 OF 6REVISION: 1/10/1427. VERIFY a reactor isolation has occurred..28. Complete Reactor Isolation Horns and Light Checklist.29. Place 16-inch valve cutout switch to 'CUTOUT' position.30. Place reactor isolation horns cutout switch to 'CUTOUT' position.31. Place backup doors cutout switch to 'CUTOUT' position.-32. VERIFY scram TAAs and magnet current zero.33. Reset air plenum 1 ARMS alarm.34. Reset scram TAAs.35. Push test source push button (green light) on air plenum 2 until alarm is received.36. VERIFY scram TAAs and magnet current zero.37. Reset air plenum 2 ARMS alarm.38. Place bridge upscale switch in 'NORMAL' (down scale) position.39. Reset scram TAAs.40. Push test source push button (green light) on bridge to ENSURE meter responds.41. Use screwdriver to lower set point until unit trips.42. VERIFY scram TAAs and magnet current zero.43. Use screwdriver and set point toggle tool to reset alarm to set point.44. Reset bridge ARMS alarm.45. Place bridge upscale switch in 'UPSCALE' position.46. Reset scram TAAs.47. Push test source push button (green light) on bridge ALARA to ENSURE meter responds.48. Use screwdriver to lower set point until unit trips.49. VERIFY scram TAAs and magnet current zero.50. Use screwdriver and set point toggle tool to reset alarm to set point.51. Reset bridge ALARA ARMS alarm.52. NOTIFY MU Police Department (MUPD) of 16-inch valve cabinet alarm test.53. Reset scram TAAs.54. Using Key No. 45, OPEN 16-inch valve cabinet door.55. VERIFY scram TAAs and magnet current zero.56. CLOSE and lock 16-inch valve cabinet door.57. Reset scram TAAs.I NOTE: Certain areas may be verified by coordinating with personnel who have day-to-NOE day access in those areas.58. Station operators in the facility to check operation of evacuation horns and lights.(Stations 1, 2, 5, 25, 27 and 28 can be checked remotely)59. Announce to the facility that a test of the facility evacuation system will occur.60. Turn facility evacuation switch 1S16 to 'ON' position.61. Complete the checklist "Evacuation Horns and Lights."_.62. VERIFY scram TAAs and magnet current zero.63. Turn facility evacuation switch 1S16 to 'OFF' position.64. Place 16-inch valves cutout switch to 'NORMAL' position.65. Place reactor isolation horns cutout switch to 'NORMAL' position.66. Place backup doors cutout switch to 'NORMAL' position.67. OPEN Doors 504 and 505.68. VERIFY ventilation fans, Door 504, Door 505 and backup doors in correct configuration.69. Reset 16-inch valve cabinet alarm at keypad.70. NOTIFY MUPD that testing is complete AND VERIFY that their alarm has cleared.71. Place Magnet Current Switch 1S14 to 'OFF' position.72. Place Master Control Switch iS1 to 'OFF' position.73. Place FIRST Bypass Key Switch 1S29 to 'OFF' position and remove key.74. Place FIRST Bypass Key Switch 1S28 to 'OFF' position and remove key.75. Remove jumper Y-17.m LL1 WLii) r-ATTACHMENT 11COMPLIANCE CHECK PROCEDURENUMBER:PAGE:REVISION:CP-303 OF 6111011476. Remove jumper Y-5.77. Remove jumper Y-4.78. Remove jumper Y-3.79. Remove jumper Y-2.80. Remove jumper G-27.81. Remove jumper G-1 1.82. Remove jumper G-10.83. Remove jumper G-9.84. Remove jumper G-5.85. Remove shorted relay from K-38 position and install relay K-38.86. Remove shorted relay from K-37 position and install relay K-37.87. Remove shorted relay from K-31 position and install relay K-31.88. Remove shorted relay from K-30 position and install relay K-30.89. Remove shorted relay from K-28 position and install relay K-28.90. Remove shorted relay from K-26 position and install relay K-26.91. Remove shorted relay from K-25 position and install relay K-25.92. Remove Dummy Load Test Connectors.93. ENSURE all jumpers, shorted relays and Dummy Load Test Connectors are removed.94. Connect control rod drive mechanism cables.94. CHECK air plenum 1, air plenum 2, bridge, and bridge ALARA alarm set points per FM-21,"ARMS Trip Set Points."95. Flip up and lock 'Test in Progress' sign.96. Announce to the facility that reactor isolation and facility evacuation test is complete.97. Log CP complete in Console Log Book and Maintenance Day Book.Date Completed:LSRO Signature:r~r~um~LPJLJflL~1r ATTACHMENT 11NUMBER: CP-30COMPLIANCE CHECK PROCEDURE PAGE: 4 OF 6REVISION: 1/10/14List of Reactor Isolation Horns and Liaht1. Room 101 (CoStar Tower on East Wall Across from HornThermal Column B/P Floor)2. Room 285 (Containment Building Lobby-East Wall) Horn3. Room 301 (3rd Level Stairway) Horn4. Room 401 (4th Level Stairway) Horn5. Room 287 (Outside Airlock Door) LightList of Facility Evacuation Horns and LightsReactor Laboratory Building1. Room 287 (Outside Airlock Door) Horn2. Room 210 (Northeast Corner of Laboratory Building) Horn3. Room 215A Light4. Room 211 (Northwest Corner of Laboratory) Horn5. TOB No. 1 Horn6. TOB No. 2 Horn7. TOB No. 4 Horn8. TOB No. 5 Horn9. Room 2328 Light10. Room 277 Horn11. Room 278 Horn12. Room 238 Hom13. Room 231B Horn14. Room 231E (DG Room) Horn15. Room 231E (DG Room) Light16. Corridor C299A (Industrial Building) Horn* 17. Room 299D (Industrial Building) Horn18. Room 2990 (Industrial Building) Horn* Can be checked remotely* Coordinate with Lab Responsible7A Ii .ATTACHMENT 11NUMBER: CP-30COMPLIANCE CHECK PROCEDURE PAGE: 5 OF 6REVISION: 1/10114List of Facility Evacuation Horns and LightsReactor Laboratory Building* 19. Corridor C299C (Industrial Building) Horn-_

  • 2 oom 242A Horn_____2'1V oom 249 (Southwest Corner of Laboratory Building) Horn___ 2,-Aoom 249 (Immediately Outside Room 246) Horn_____2"3"OB No. 3 Horn24t Room 254 (Southeast Corner of Laboratory Building) Horn2625. Room 105 (Laboratory Basement East Wall) Horn26: Room 111 Horn* _ '7. Room 114 Gate Horn31* 28, Cooling Tower Basement HornList of Facility Evacuation Horns and LightsNorth Office Addition3229. Room 2009A (Cyclotron Vault) Light_30. Corridor C2002 (Cyclotron Suite Corridor) Horn__34.3Lorridor C2000 (North End) Horn3-2.Corndor C2000 (South End) Horn3.3Noom 2008B (South End) Horn34. Room 2041 (East End) Horn3236. Room 2046 (East End) Horn36.Noom 2015 (North End) Horn37, Room 2015 (West End) HornL4138. Room 2015 (South End) Horn______.39.oom 3000 (West Wall) Horn* Can be checked remotely* Coordinate with Lab Responsible,QD. C9QqCA (I=oc.-RIxAL e2jcjLA (ZA.)0(.kT1-PA-L G"L0.FrAf1,) 1CI1 1'17, ýATTACHMENT 11COMPLIANCE CHECK PROCEDURENUMBER:PAGE:REVISION.CP-306OF61110114List of Facility Evacuation Horns and LightsShipping and Receiving BuildingC30 West WallHornComments:rrr~ FDf7~ FflTT DRAFT* gm,3HK0mzHTARM tI W A iS J3-tt- S -S-a a.I PLACEMENT OF EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT11' univlersity of missouri -columbia XTJ&RESEARCH REACTOR date 5/1145E .*. GRADE LEVEL ' 2.15use. a n DRAFTLEGED.,h0 FIRE EiNOJISl4ER -OA FIRE ExTi~ol94ER -DRY O4DicALi FIRE EXTINGUISHER -HALON1> EVACUATION ALARM0- INTECOM PAE= MEGNCY LIGHTCEO DT LICHTFIRE MAIN CUTLETSEY~E WASH STAMMOM FASKING EVACUATION LIGHTFIRE BLANKCETo0 uoc S OKE1E(0 FIRST AID KIT -GENERAL USE0 FIST AID KIT EMERGENCY USE ONFLYALARM IIUNIO.ER SUPPLY AL.AINHz0mz1 1 1 A4 I -C Ml EAMT mASMiT III m"13!l,/titlLIMAMl I' uwA 11-2mrMo.m..12 7 /m/_8_mom_"on _ _ PLACEMENT OF EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT11e/14/08CKANS IlWN AD WrOT CE SCY UKE GWY0."10 S/13/01 RS E? DBT mO1, 7/18/W 1 fiNaMW EiAC / H=4 AM UWIS j a"nOF~:Wm. univ,.rsit- of mnisor -Columb,,ia N.T.S.bucdlng: MURR No.RESEARCH REACTOR dft1Wq I NYEByBASEMENT LEVELidstIOF t5SEW DAIS By BASEMENT LEVEL ATTACHMENT 11ORIGINALAP-RO-115D : :. IModification Number: 90-1; Addendum 3 Iv, o nSPARE PARTS REQUIREMENTS EVALUATIONDoes this change require that any new or additional Spare Parts be maintained in inventory?Yes: No: X Signature: Date: @0?-1/1&12c.If YES, provide a list of the spare partsThe additional horns are the same as the existing system components for which spares arealready maintained, therefore additional spares will not be necessary.I6Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 12AP-RO-1 15Revision 8I..MODIFICATION RECORD: SHORT FORMFOR: I) Addenda to existing Modification Records (e.g., modifications of same nature as onespreviously reviewed and approved).2) Significant modifications to the facility or facility systems that are not described in theHazards Summary Report.3) Modifications that require engineering decisions/implementation in a time frame thatprecludes normal licensed operator review prior to implementation.4) Modifications to non-safety systems; for documentation and review only.Licensed operators will review these modifications as part of the OperatorRequalification Program.The Reactor Safety Subcommittee will review these modifications.Modification Number: 01-02; Addendum 11WAF Number: 14-1277Modification Title: Intercom and Paging System Changes in Support of the MURR Industrial Building Eastward ExpansionPage No.23456Page TitleModification Record: Short FormModification Description(Why Short Form is appropriate)Hazards Summary Report EvaluationReactor Safety EvaluationProcedure, PM, CP, and Print EvaluationSpare Parts RequirementsRequiredYes No-in-iDateCompleted07-12/212,0.14'77 /? 2 / 24.% y07-4 1 /L/20sW0L7*1?-24/By(Initials)5LC,0&'-s50.59 Screen Completed:eact[G or Manager -Engineering)Reactor Safety Subcommittee Review:Modification AlModification C(Date: -1 -A-4Date: J 4-Date:Date: I, l-IDate:Modification Closed:(Reactor Manager)IAttachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 12AP-RO- I15Revision 8Modification Number: 01-02; AddendumREVIEW AND FOLLOW-UP ACTIONItem No.I23456Page TitleReactor Safety Subcommittee ReviewOperating Procedures UpdatedPreventive MaintenanceProcedures UpdatedCompliance Procedures UpdatedMURR Prints UpdatedSpare Parts System UpdatedRequiredYes Nov"7_-V"DateCompletedZ/J1fDocumented by(Initials)"I t.-CI -t--.y,--5V / V__ 1G 1('L4______ 1 f07~af 0-IlaAttachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 12AP-RO-1 15Modification Number: 01-02; Addendum Revision 8MODIFICATION DESCRIPTIONProvide a concise description of the system change. Include any proposed PRE-OPERATIONAL TESTS required for this change. (If additional pages are necessary, insert afterthis page.)This Modification Record documents changes to the MURR Intercommunication andPaging System that will enhance communications in the MURR Industrial Building (MIB)expansion through the addition of paging speakers. The installation of an additionalamplifier will reduce loading on existing paging speaker amplifiers, and provide capacity forfuture system growth facility-wide. It also documents the addition of a speaker in theLaboratory Building, as well as correcting minor discrepancies found during a speakerlocation audit.Modification Record 01-02 documented installation of the current MURRIntercommunication and Paging System. Addenda 1-10 documented modifications andadditions to that system.The MURR facility utilizes two principal communication systems: a computerized telephonesystem, which allows several different telephones to originate a page, and anintercommunication system that allows two-way communication between a master station inthe Control Room (Room 302) and any of several staff stations.To ensure a prompt and effective response from MURR staff to an emergency or abnormalcondition, the MURR Intercommunication and Paging System will be extended to theRooms 199T, C299U, 299U, 299T, and 299V. This will require the addition of six (6)paging speakers as described in the attached revision to the Hazards Summary Report,Table 7.2.(Modification Description continued on Page 2a)Why a Short Form is appropriate.(At least one of four reasons listed on Page I, with justification)The short form of the Modification Record is appropriate because (a) this is an addendumto an existing, previously reviewed and approved Modification Record (Reason No. 1), and(b) this is a modification to a non-safety system that requires documentation and reviewonly (Reason No. 4).2Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 12AP-RO-1 15Revision 8Modification Number: 01-02: Addendum I IMODIFICATION DESCRIPTION (cont.)The existing Laboratory Building and MIB portions of the paging system are supportedby a single BOGEN model TPU-250 watt amplifier. This amplifier is currentlysupplying power to 72 paging speakers totaling 204.39 watts, approximately 81.76% ofrated amplifier capacity. The existing North Office Addition (NOA) portion of thepaging system is supported by a BOGEN model TPU-60 watt amplifier. This amplifier iscurrently supplying power to 38 paging speakers totaling 49 watts, approximately 81.6%of rated amplifier capacity.With the proposed modifications, the BOGEN TPU-60 amplifier currently installed inNOA will be replaced by a BOGEN TPU-250 (the same model as the LaboratoryBuilding amplifier). This change will reduce the percent load on the NOA amplifier toapproximately 19.67% rated amplifier capacity with the same 49 watt loading.The Laboratory Building amplifier (BOGEN TPU-250) will not be replaced; howeverexisting speaker loads for the MIB will be removed from the Laboratory Buildingamplifier. This will reduce the loading on the Laboratory Building amplifier to 63speakers totaling 172.39 watts, approximately 68.96% of rated amplifier capacity.The BOGEN TPU-60 watt amplifier removed from NOA will be installed in the MIB.This amplifier will power the eight MIB loads transferred from the Lab Buildingamplifier as well as six additional speakers required for the eastward expansion of theMIB. This amplifier will have the load from these 14 speakers totaling 27 watts,approximately 45% of rated amplifier capacity.In addition to the MIB expansion area speakers and amplifier installation, thismodification record will also document the installation of one (1) additional speaker inroom 213 powered by the Laboratory Building amplifier.While creating the documentation for this modification record, a speaker location auditwas performed, and minor discrepancies were noted. These discrepancies are beingdocumented as follows:Speaker Location HSR Table 71. Corrective ActionRoom 246 Not Listed Installation has been verified and documented hereRoom 225 Not Listed Installation has been verified and documented hereCorridor C299A Room 299 Room designation verified and documented hereWith this modification, all paging system amplifier loadings will be below therecommended 80% maximum loading thereby making each amplifier more reliable, andproviding capability for future system expansion needs. Along with the reduced loadingof individual amplifiers, the addition of a third amplifier reduces the impact of a failure ofa single amplifier.2aAttachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 12AP-RO-l 15Revision 8Modification Number: 01-02: Addendum 11MODIFICATION DESCRIPTION (cont.)The following tables indicate each amplifier loading and their respective speaker loadingand locations.PROPOSED MURR Paging Speaker Inventory LocationUpdated 7114114General Location1OGE4N TPU-280W ArmoifierSpecific location2 2!0J Q22 7545,%22 2iW0X22 o.2 rJSouth Outer Passeae Outside Rm 244 & 258Weast Outer Passage Outside Rm 228 & 241South Iner PassageSouth West & South EastWest Inner Passage Center of Weal Passage 1sub totalLab&/OfficesRoom 202 old lobby 1Room 212 1Room 213 1Room 215A 1Room216 1Room 218 1Room 224Room 225Room 227 1Room 232B 1Room 238 1Room 231 1Room 231A 1Room 231C IRoom 241 1Room 242 1Room 243 1Room 244 1Room 245Room 246Room 247 1Room 251 1Room 255Room 257 1Room 258 1Room 259 1Room 260 1Room 269 1Room 271 B 1Room 288 1sub totalBasementRoom 114 Gate Entrance tol14 1Room 110 BEaesment Pillar HC-01 area IRoom 111 1Room 103 Acros from door 101¶sub totalCooloing TowerGrade Level 1sub totalContainment BuildingRoom 275A 1Grade Level Containment Lobl1Third Level Top of Stairs5Fourth Level Top of Stairs 1Beamport Floor Door 101 1Beamport Floor BP-C 1Beamport Ftoor Room 101B 1sub total14wvzls0.440.4.10.440.440 2244Via4444444440.514444444414305441.2534120.2?0.2?72bAttachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 12Modification Number: 01-02: Addendum I IMODIFICATION DESCRIPTION (cont.)PROPOSED MURR Paging Speaker Inventory LocationUpdated 7/14/14Temporary Office BuddkigaAP-RO-I115Revision 8TOB-2T08-4 1Tce-5sub totalSlipping & Receiving BL&4ng (SaRS)Room ? East Open Bay 1Room ? West Open Bay 14s6sub total 2Total Tota Watt.BOGEN TPU-250W amplifier 83 172.38BOGE0 TPU-OW amplifierA&lOBU.,Room C299A outside room 299B 1 4Room 299D 1 25Room 299F 1 25Room 299N speaker sersrces rooms M & N 1 5Room 2990 1 2Room 299P 1 2Room C2990 HC-7 & HC-9 Area 1 2Room 2990 NS-99 Dispensing Bay Area 1 1Room 299T Holoell Ops Area Grade level 1 1Room 299U Cask Loading Grade level 1Room C299U Haway Grade levelRoom 299V U.C. Lab 1Room 199T Basemerd 2 2Total Spcak,-s ThW411.BOGEN TPU.40W awiotflter 14 27BOGEN TPU-250W AmplifierNorth Ofice Addfitn (IVOA)Room 210Room 82006Room C2000NONMURR Lobby1Room C2002 2Room 2005 1Room 2006 1Room 2007 1Room 2008 1Room 2008A 1Room 2008C 1Room 2009 1Room 2009A 1Room 2010 1Room 2011 1Room 2015 171W7x 1d7 1724Room 2041 1Room 2045ARoom 2045BRoom 2046Room 2047-AlRoom 20484-11Total Spe.kerS Tatl WMritFCIGI. Tr-L i.a)hCI nW om4r 3s 82Total # of Installed Paging Speakers Total 1162cAttachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 12AP-RO-I 15Modification Number: 01-02; Addendum Revision 8HAZARDS SUMMARY REPORT EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a modification to the reactor facility as defined in the Hazards SummaryReport?Yes: X No: Signature: d Date: "--i4If YES, make an analysis below and provide the suggested revision(s) to the HSR. If NO, outlinethe basis for the decision.This Modification Record involves a change to the reactor facility as defined in the HazardsSummary Report (HSR) and its addenda.The following sections and figures of the HSR and its addenda discuss theIntercommunication and Paging System:HSR Section 7.2.9, Table 7.1 and Table 7.2, "Intercommunication and Paging System"HSR Addendum 5, Section 2.0, "Analysis of a Loss of Electrical Power to the MURR"The following sections and figures of the HSR and its addenda will be revised as describedbelow:Table 7.2, PAGING SYSTEM SPEAKER LOCATIONS, will be revised per the attached draftto reflect the addition of seven paging speakers to the system and correct locationterminology inconsistencies.The remaining Sections and Figures of the HSR and its addenda are considered correct andwill remain unchanged.3Attachment 8. 1 ATTACHMENT 12AP-RO-1 15Revision 8Modification Number: 01-02; AddendumREACTOR SAFETY EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a revision(s) to the Technical Specifications or a question pursuant to10 CFR 50.59?NQTE: A licensee may make changes to the facility as described in the HSR without obtaining a license amendmentonly if:(i) A change to the Technical Specifications incorporated in the license is not required, and(ii) The change does not produce any of the following results:I. More than a minimal increase in the frequency of occurrence of an accident previously evaluated inthe HSR;2. More than a minimal increase in the likelihood of occurrence of a malfunction of an SSC important tosafety previously evaluated in the HSR;3. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of an accident previously evaluated in the HSR;4. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of a malfunction of an SSC important to safetypreviously evaluated in the HSR;5. Create a possibility for an accident of a different type than previously evaluated in the HSR;6. Create a possibility for a malfunction of an SSC important to safety with a different result than anypreviously evaluated in the HSR;7. Altering or exceeding a design basis limit for a fission product barrier as described in the HSR;8. A departure from a method of evaluation described in the HSR used in establishing the design bases orthe safety analyses.Yes: No: K(Signature:Date: 0,/11./2.&Cl-f1- -if YES, the change must be performed using a Long Form Modification Record. If NO, outline thebasis for the decision.A 50.59 screen (14-11) is attached to document that the MURR Intercommunication andPaging System may be safely extended to the MURR Industrial Building expansion, and thatan additional amplifier and speakers may be safely added to the system as indicated.4Attachment 8.1 ATTTAP-RR-003Revision 950.59 SCREENNumber: 14-11 Page I of 2Title: Modification Record 01-02: Addendum 11; Intercom and Paging System Changes in Support of the MURRIndustrial Building Eastward ExpansionDe-cription of Activity (wha! I'S being' and why):The addition of paging speakers in support of the eastward expansion to the MURR Industrial Building (MIB). anadditional paging speaker to improve coverage within the Laboratory Building, and an update to the HazardsSummary Report paging speaker locations table.Safety Determination:Does the proposed activity have the potential to adversely affect nuclear safety or safefacility (i.e., 0 "MURR) operations? YES NOIf this quIestion is answered yes, do not continue with this procedure. Identify and report the concern to the Reactor Manager.50.59 Screening Questions: [-7I. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a design function YES NOdescribed in the HSR?2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to a procedure that adversely affects how HSR [---]described SSC design functions are perfoined, controlled, or tested? YES NO3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an ItSR described evaluation methodology F] Zthat is used in establishing the design bases or used in the safety analyses? YES NO4. Does the proposed activity involve a test or experiment not described in the HSR, where an SSC is Dutilized or controlled in a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for that SSC or YES NOis inconsistent with analyses or descriptions in the [HSR?5. Does the proposed activity require a change to the MURR Technical Specifications? EIIYES NOIf all screening questions are answered NO, then implement the activity per the applicable approvedfacility procedure(s). A LicenseAmendment or a 50.59 Evaluation is not required.If Screen Question 5 is answered YES, then request and receive a License Amendment prior to implementation of the activity.If Screen Question 5 is answered NO and Question 1, 2, 3, or 4 is answered YES, then complete and attach a 50.59 Evaluation form.[ Refer to Attachment 9.2. ]NOTE: If (he conclusion of the screening questions is that a 50.59 Evaluation is not required, provide justification for the "No"determination. In addition, list the documents (HSR, Technical Specifications, and other Licensing Basis documents) reviewed whererelevant information was found. Include section / page numbers. Use Page 2 ofthis form to document your statements.Print Name SSian Name DatePreparer: Jeffrey Saddler 07/23/2014Reviewer: Carl Herbold ".- _ -/__Reactor Manager: John Fruits )-34-IL-Submit copy of screen to HSR / SAR file (circle on' ? Yes / ýNo_.)A\ttachmenit 9.1 ATTACHMENT 1250.59 SCREEN (Cont.)AP-RR-003Revision 9Page 2 of 2INumber: 14-11Title: Modification Record 01-02: Addendum 11; Intercom and Paging System Changes in Support ofthe MURR Industrial Building Eastward ExpansionIf the conclusion of the five (5) Screening Questions is that a 50.59 Evaluation is not required, providejustification to support this determination: [ Use and attach additional pages as necessary ]I. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a design function described in theHSR?No. The proposed activity does involve a change to an SSC. The addition of a third amplifier will allow allpaqinq speaker amplifiers to be maintained below 80% loadinq to improve reliability and provide room forfuture growth. The addition of speakers in the Laboratory Building will improve coverage. The extension of thepaging system to the MIB expansion will further increase system coverage by allowing pages to be heard inthis new section ot the building. I hese changes will improve overall system coverage and reliability,2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to a procedure that adversely affects how HSR described SSC designfunctions are performed, controlled, or tested?No. The Droposed activity does not involve a chanae to a procedure that adversely affects how HSRdesion functions are performed, controlled, or tested. The only channe would he to an adminiktratiw.desion functions are performed controlled or tested The onlv channe would be to an administrativeorocedure, and the chanoe is administrative in nature as it only updates pagina speaker locations.I3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an HSR described evaluation methodology that is used inestablishing the design bases or used in the safety analyses?No The activity dones- not involve thp W-IR descrihed evaluatinn methodology.4. Does the proposed activity involve a test or experiment aut described in the HSR, where an SSC is used or controlledin a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for that SSC, or is inconsistent with analyses ordescriptions presented in the HSR?No. The proposed activity does not involve any tests or experiments.List the documents (HSR, Technical Specif`-,-Pti,,,w. snd other Licensing Basis docurnents) reviewed whererelevant information was found. [ Include section / page ntuibers. ]Original HSR Section 72 2q MIJRR Print #1145Original HRR Table 7 2 OA-90Modificafinon Reconrd 01-09 and it.- addPnda Work Pac-kagep # 14-1277Altachnint 9.1 ATTACHMENT 12AP-RO-1 15Revision 8Modification Number: 01-02; AddendumOPERATING, PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE, COMPLIANCE PROCEDUREAND PRINT EVALUATIONDoes this change require a revision(s) to any Operating, Preventative Maintenance, or ComplianceProcedure, or any Print?Yes:X No:Signature: &V_______Date: d'7/22/2mIqIf YES, provide the suggested revision(s).OPERATING PROCEDURES:1. OPERATOR AID OA-20 EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT -attached draft reflects revisionof MURR Print No. 1145 below.PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES:No revision is required for this modification.COMPLIANCE PROCEDURES:No revision is required for this modification.PRINTS:1. MURR Print No. 1145, Sheet 2; Placement of Emergency Equipment -attached draftreflects addition of seven paging speakers.5Attachment 8.1 ATTACH..ENT 12A i Ott --mlm 4 ca-.m vao un Dsa-mac nansm* lnPas mmc ~ w ucýol mxxn owaME m* SCaw- oa LI WaSclOT 4 l~tCcalaoam flae n OG atZ
  • ycus.'aassiT 14* PUIa-5554 B* I at01 mc amson- n-I, -I--lso -m,ua M a.a aS.Otllnniesiyo aiszoa --coumi o ae NTS4.L~:MUR rsigJm0 Wii 2D a Fr ad a ~sheetI ~-I--- I UGRADE Lt/LL 2 of5 ATTACHMENT 12AP-RO-1 15Modification Number: 01-02; Addendum Revision 8SPARE PARTS REQUIREMENTS EVALUATIONDoes this change require that any new or additional Spare Parts be maintained in inventory?Yes: No: X" Signature: ____,__-__..---_ Date: LIf YES, provide a list of the spare partsThe additional paging speakers are equivalent and interchangeable with the existing pagingspeakers.6Attachment 8. i Ab~qtffA4AP-RO-1 15Revision 8MODIFICATION RECORD: SHORT FORMFOR: I) Addenda to existing Modification Records (e.g., modifications of same nature as onespreviously reviewed and approved).2) Significant modifications to the facility or facility systems that are not described in theHazards Summary Report.3) Modifications that require engineering decisions/implementation in a time frame thatprecludes normal licensed operator review prior to implementation.4) Modifications to non-safety systems; for documentation and review only.Licensed operators will review these modifications as part of the OperatorRequalification Program.The Reactor Safety Subcommittee will review these modifications.Modification Number: 01-09; Add. 5 WAModification Title: Emergency Electrical in MIB Eastward ExpansionF Number: 14-8008Page No.123456Page TitleModification Record: Short FormModification Description(Why Short Form is appropriate)Hazards Summary Report EvaluationReactor Safety EvaluationProcedure, PM, CP, and Print EvaluationSpare Parts RequirementsRequiredYes No__ r_z %z~DateCompletedctA/q /'20AILV ~f/2-0 qfBy(Initials)11"tS50.59 Screen Completed: lvyd&_4;ý,(,st'. Reactor Manager -En ineering)Reactor Safety Subcommittee Review:( 'eactorM ger)Modification Approved:7- (-actor Manager)M odification C om pleted: -T_._-V (Pl'eactor Manager)Modification Close d:(Wa~ctor Manager)Date: WVHLZ24VDate:Date:Date: -ej(Date: 1_3_____Attachment 8. IO)RI G INALC 6)-TO9MNY 14AP-RO-I115Revision 8Modification Number: 01-09; Add. 5REVIEW AND FOLLOW-UP ACTIONItem No.123456Page TitleReactor Safety Subcommittee ReviewOperating Procedures UpdatedPreventive MaintenanceProcedures UpdatedCompliance Procedures UpdatedMURR Prints UpdatedSpare Parts System UpdatedRequired DateYes No Completed7 ___0C12iM,1i4_ _ 1 0fUat/ ILI__ 12.14 fluDocumented by(in itialIs)t-S0r%3IaAttachment 8.1(MR IG INAL

-'7ATfiýq-14AP-RO-! 1501-0; Ad. 5Revision 8Modification Number: 01-09; Add. 5MODIFICATION DESCRIPTIONProvide a concise description of the system change. Include any proposed PRE-OPERATIONAL TESTS required for this change. (If additional pages are necessary, insert afterthis page.)This Modification Record documents the addition of loads to the Emergency ElectricalPower System in the MURR Industrial Building (MIB) Eastward Expansion. The addition willprovide one 120 volt circuits to the MIB Eastward Expansion for emergency power toemergency lighting.Modification Record 01-9, and its addenda document various changes to the EmergencyElectrical System.The Emergency Electrical Power System is designed to provide emergency electrical powerto key essential reactor components in order to monitor systems and assure personnelsafety should the facility experience a loss of normal electrical power. The system includesan Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG), an Auto-transfer bus system, the EmergencyDistribution Center (EDC), its various loads, panels, and low voltage sub-panels.The Emergency Electrical Power System currently provides power to facility loads such asExhaust Fans EF-13 and EF-14, the EDG Distribution Panel, exit and stairway lighting,Intercommunication System, Off-Gas Stack Monitor, specific reactor related loads throughan Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS), and others as described in the Hazards SummaryReport and its addenda.This modification consists of adding one 120 V circuit to breaker 15 of the 120/208 panel"Diesel Room Distribution Panel" located in room 231 E. The circuit will be used to provideemergency lighting for the various rooms within the MIB Eastward Expansion.Why a Short Form is appropriate.(At least one of four reasons listed on Page I, with justification)The short form Modification Record is appropriate because this is an Addendum to anexisting Modification Record (Reason 1) and this is a modification to a non-safety systemand requires documentation and review only (Reason 4).2 Attachment 8.1(DRIGINAL ATdtfiýKKJUAP-RO-I 15Revision 8Modification Number: 01-09; Add. 5HAZARDS SUMMARY REPORT EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a modification to the reactor facility as defined in the Hazards SummaryReport?Yes: )C No:Signature:e:__Date: eA41/J/24114If YES, make an analysis below and provide the suggested revision(s) to the HSR. If NO, outlinethe basis for the decision.This modification does involve a change to the reactor facility as defined in the HazardsSummary Report and its addenda. The Emergency Electrical Power System is discussed inthe following Sections and Figures of the Hazards Summary Report and its addenda:Original Hazards Summary Report: Section 7.1.4Addendum 1: Figure 3.8.1Addendum 3: Figures 2.3.a and 2.3.dAddendum 5: Section 2.4.1 and Figure 2.1The following sections and figures of the HSR and its addenda will be revised as describedbelow:Addendum 1: Section 3.8 Change to read-"3) Diesel Room Distribution Panel which provides power for the EG controls,emergency lighting, and selected receptacles."Addendum 3: Figures 2.3.a and 2.3.d-Revise Figure 2.3.d (MURR Print No. 522, Sheet 4 of 5) per the attached draft.All other sections, tables and figures of the HSR and its addenda are considered correct andwill remain unchanged.3SR1IGINAL-'Attachment 8.1 fTyfilf, "r 14AP-RO-I 15Revision 801-09; Add. 5Modification Number:REACTOR SAFETY EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a revision(s) to the Technical Specifications or a question pursuant to10 CFR 50.59?NOTE: A licensee may make changes to the facility as described in the HSR without obtaining a license amendmentonly if:(i) A change to the Technical Specifications incorporated in the license is not required, and(ii) The change does not produce any of the following results:I. More than a minimal increase in the frequency of occurrence of an accident previously evaluated inthe HSR;2. More than a minimal increase in the likelihood of occurrence of a malfunction of an SSC important tosafety previously evaluated in the HSR;3. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of an accident previously evaluated in the HSR;4. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of a malfunction of an SSC important to safetypreviously evaluated in the HSR;5. Create a possibility for an accident of a different type than previously evaluated in the HSR;6. Create a possibility for a malfunction of an SSC important to safety with a different result than anypreviously evaluated in the HSR;7. Altering or exceeding a design basis limit for a fission product barrier as described in the HSR;8. A departure from a method of evaluation described in the HSR used in establishing the design bases orthe safety analyses.Yes: No:Signature: _ Date: &?/Oq/ 12&L/If YES, the change must be performed using a Long Form Modification Record. If NO, outline thebasis for the decision.This modification does not involve a change to the Technical Specifications or a questionpursuant to 10 CFR 50.59.The Emergency Electrical Power System is discussed in MURR Technical Specifications3.10.a, 4.5, 5.6b, and 5.6c. This modification will not change these Technical Specifications.A 50.59 screen (14-34) is attached and shows that the proposed activity can be implementedwithout further evaluation or a license amendment4D)RIGINAi'Attachment 8. I ATTACHMENT 14[I coPyAP-RR-003Revision 850.59 SCREENNumber: 14-34Page I of2Title: MIVndifiratinn 01-A.q fi: Fmp-rqpnrV FIArin.ral In MIR .F;tward FIpqn-ninnDescription of Activity (what is beinj .... .:--- -):_____Connect Emergency Electrical power connections for the MIB/BOB eastward expansion to theexisting MURR Emergency Electrical Distribution System.Safety Determination:Does the proposed activity have the potential to adversely affect nuclear safety or safe facility (i.e.,MURR) operations?D2YESNOIf this question is answered yes, do not continue with this procedure. Identify and report the concern to the Reactor Manager.50.59 Screening Questions:I. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a design functiondescribed in the IISR?2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to a procedure that adversely affects how HSRdescribed SSC design functions are performed, controlled, or tested?3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an HSR described evaluation methodologythat is used in establishing the design bases or used in the safety analyses?4. Does the proposed activity involve a test or experiment not described in the !ISR, where an SSC isutilized or controlled in a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for that SSC oris inconsistent with analyses or descriptions in the HSR?.5. Does the proposed activity require a change to the MURR Technical Specifications?D1YESLIYESYESYESDYESNONONONONOIf all screening questions are answered NO, then implement the activity per the applicable approved facility procedure(s). A LicenseAmendment or a 50.59 Evaluation is not required.If Screen Question 5 is answered YES, then request and receive a Licensc ,tim,,,,.,ijivi pr',ror to implementation of the activity.If Screen Question 5 is answered NO and Question 1, 2, 3, or 4 is answered YES, then complete and attach a 50.59 Evaluation form.[ Refer to Attachment 9.2. ]NOTE: If the conclusion of the screening questions is that a 50.59 Evaluation is not required, provide justification for the "No"determination. In addition, list the documents (HSR, Technical Specifications, and other Licensing Basis documents) reviewed whererelevant information was found. Include section / page numbers. Use Page 2 of this form to document your statements.Print Name S DatePreparer: Aric Luebbering ___9__J___VReactor Manager: John Fruits ___ _ ___Submit copy of screen to HSR/ SAR file (circle o6e)? Yes/ / No0 coPYAttachment 9.1I ATTACHMENT 14AP-RR-003Revision 850.59 SCREEN (Cont.) r%Number: 14-34 Page2 of 2Title: Modification Record 01-09, Addendum 5; Emergency Electrical In MIB Eastward ExpansionIf the conclusion of the five (5) Screening Questions is that a 50.59 Evaluation is not required, providejustification to support this determination: [ Use and attach additional pages as necessary. ]I. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a design function described in theHSR?No. The connection of these new circuits to the electrical system will not involve changes to an SSC thatcould adversely affect a design function described in the HSR. The addition and utilization of these newcircuits in the MIB Eastward Expansion is within the design function of the Emergency ElectricalDistribution System and will not result in any electrical panel loading exceeding the 80% loadingrequirement. These types of loads are specifically specified in the HSR for this system.2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to a procedure that adversely affects how HSR described SSC designfunctions are performed, controlled, or tested?No- The connection of thepse new circuit to the Emergency Electrical Systerm will not involve anyprocedure changes related to HSR described SSC design functions. These new circuits do affect anySSC design functions, and are wholly within the design function of that system. Reactor EmergencyProcedures (REPs) related to electrical power loss and the Emergency ElectricalA ystem are unaffectedby this change.3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an HSR described evaluation methodology that is used inestablishing the design bases or used in the safety analyses?No. The connection of these new circuits to the Emergency Electrical System will not involve any HSRdescribed evaluation methodology used for establishing design bases or used in safety analyses. Thesafety analysis assumes a total loss of electrical power: an additional load to the system will not changethis methodology. These new circuits are not related to any design bases or safety analyses, and arewithin the design function of the Emergency Electrical System.4. Does the proposed activity involve a test or experiment not descrioea in die ji6R. where an SSC is used or controlledin a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for that SSC, or is inconsistent with analyses ordescriptions presented in the HSR?No. The connection of these new circuits to the Emergency Electrical System will not involve anytests or experiments not described in the HSR. The scope of this Modification Record Addendum isonly the connection of Emergency Electrical Power to the MIB Eastward Expansion and does notinvolve any tests or experiments.List the documents (HSR, Technical Specifications, and other LOi,, b 1,4s u 6,.ents) reviewed whererelevant information was found. [ Include section / page numbers. ]HSR Section 7.1-4- HSR Addendum I- Section 3.87 HSR Addendum 3, Section 2.4;HSR Addendum 5. Section 2.4Technical Specifications 3.10, 4.5, 5.6REP 9,10, 11 MURR Print #522 (Sheet 1 of 5 and Sheet 4 of 5)(f1I Cc .Attachment 9.1 ATTACHMENT 14'ý1MIIB Expansion Emergency Lighting Load10I rn"ý..8/1/14/2006WP# 14-8008MIB Expansion Ernergenc" !.iohiflo Conunection to spare DG panel single pole 20A breaker # 15Based on the attached proposed MIB Expansion Emergency lighting load data and historical datafor the DG emergency power panel, the activity described in WP#14-8008 is within the designspecification of the DG panel and the electrical distribution system.WorkConrolate ManagerWork Control ManagerGrade Level -F32T8 Bulbs(3) three bulb fixtures @ .80 amps each totaling(3) four bulb fixtures @ 1.1 amps each totaling(1) two bulb fixtures @ .53 amps each totalingGrade level total lighting loadStairwell-F32T8 Bulbs(3) two bulb fixtures @ .53 amps each totalingStairwell total lighting loadMaterial Lift Shaft-F32T8 Bulbs(1) two bulb fixtures @ .53 amps each totalingMaterial Lift total lighting loadBasement -F25T5 Bulbs(3) four bulb fixtures @ .83 amps each totalingBasement total lighting load(4) Exit Lights @ .031 amps each totalingExit lights total loadingTotal Emergency Lighting Load2.40 amps3.3amps.53 amps6.23 amps1.59 amps1.59 amp.53 amps.53 amps2.49 amps2.49 amps.U93 amps.093 amps10.93 amps~~*% !%\f ATTACHMENT 14~<'~c)& rig.ek(6~i Fj5po 7'VIjI~&PY! C, haoPage I of IChartA33-32-31.3O292827225242322212011817115141312'11.1'876"4Phase AHKC)mZIH-0>12/9/2003 12:00:00 Am12/10/2003 12:00:00 AM12/11/2003 3.2:00:00 Am32/12/2003 122:00:00 AN' 2/13/2003 '12:00:60 AM 12/14*/2003 112:00:00 Am' 12/15/20031 12:O0:0R4s Currelt -ICAInf5 eo ? Sa 0ý , IStart: 12/8/2003 8:57:25 AM End: 12/15/2003 2:56:55 AM Chart.Page 1 of IA01111111.1111 1 ..mzPhase C~inmi,~iii

  • inm~m~'Y'fl'~fl * ~min*1*12/9/2003 12:00:00 Am 12/10/2003 12:00:00 m 1IStart: 12/8/2003 8:57:25 AM End: 12/15f2003 2:56:55 AMAM 12112/2003 12:00:00 AM-RMS Current --4-( Ax 0-':00:00 AM 1Zfl41/205 11:00:00 AM ]L/151,L:OIi MTMN~t3T 14AP-RO-! 1501-09; Add. 5 Revision 8Modification Number:OPERATING, PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE, COMPLIANCE PROCEDUREAND PRINT EVALUATIONDoes this change require a revision(s) to any Operating, Preventative Maintenance, or ComplianceProcedure, or any Print?Yes: X) No:Signature:Date: Q?10QZ2&r(4If YES, provide the suggested revision(s).OPERATING PROCEDURES:No revisions required for this modification.PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES:No revisions required for this modification.COMPLIANCE PROCEDURES:No revisions required for this modification.PRINTS:The following print will be revised per the attached draft revisions:MURR Print No. 522 (4 of 5), "Electrical Distribution Reactor/Laboratory Panels -2"5O)RIGINALAttachment 8.1 m[P-328 RU 105 IHoWIaNLP-41 COOLING TO(MERKUPS-3 RM 302Atýweld I.1w-l I1ý,-.I .wl'JTlWa217,SEI.7M 7 C ,.LC(T.O~, ~4V 172A7R2CC ~.C 9 Pa. 7.., (CI' *n0IDRAFTI-t086861-op syREV AP.Modification Number: 01-09; Add 5SPARE PARTS REQUIREMENTS EVALUATIONDoes this change require that any new or additional Spare Parts be maintained in inventory?Yes: No: _ Signature: Date: aIf YES, provide a list of the spare partsThere are no spare parts required for this modification.-RO-1 15-vision 8ýW'-/6Attachment 8.1-IORIGINAL MODIFICATION RECORD: SHORT FORMAP-RO-l115Revision 8FOR: I) Addenda to existing Modification Records (e.g., modifications of same nature as onespreviously reviewed and approved).2) Significant modifications to the facility or facility systems that are not described in theHazards Summary Report.3) Modifications that require engineering decisions/implementation in a time frame thatprecludes normal licensed operator review prior to implementation.4) Modifications to non-safety systems; for documentation and review only.Licensed operators will review these modifications as part of the OperatorRequalification Program.The Reactor Safety Subcommittee will review these modifications.Modification Number: 03-03; Addendum 5WAF Number: ILI-12.1AModification Title: Fire Protection System Changes in Support of the MIB Eastward ExpansionPage No.I23456Page TitleModification Record: Short FormModification Description(Why Short Form is appropriate)Hazards Summary Report EvaluationReactor Safety EvaluationProcedure, PM, CP, and Print EvaluationSpare Parts RequirementsRequiredYes No_iL DFiEz+/-1YiiDateCompletedMf341W2FL4e)/130 I-0a6/30 1 2dW"6180124:fq0613ol~agBy(Initials)3,",.7-W3141,Ted50.59 Screen Completed: ___ __/I~sst.. Reactor Manager -En ineering)Reactor Safety Subcommittee Review:(Reactor Manag )Modification Approved: o ved:_ _Modification Comnleted: `e , rDate: Date: -4Date: (oi 4Date: l -4Date: -9_4Modification Closed:/ (Reaftor Manager)o-(Re-tor Manager)W)RIGINALAttachment 8.1 A1TdKj 14AP-RO-1 15Revision 8Modification Number: 03-03; Addendum!REVIEW AND FOLLOW-UP ACTIONItem No.!23456Page TitleReactor Safety Subcommittee ReviewOperating Procedures UpdatedPreventive MaintenanceProcedures UpdatedCompliance Procedures UpdatedMURR Prints UpdatedSpare Parts System UpdatedRequiredYes No-7____ // __/__DateCompletedoff4/dW/406V1N00/af~q/u(OT 42111IDocumented by(Initials)It_5'3 14T31It-.%IaAttachment 8.1WiRIGINAL ATTf T~l~AP-RO-1 15Modification Number: 03-03; Addendum: Revision 8MODIFICATION DESCRIPTIONProvide a concise description of the system change. Include any proposed PRE-OPERATIONAL TESTS required for this change. (If additional pages are necessary, insert afterthis page.)This Modification Record documents the installation of a Fire Protection System in the newMURR Industrial Building (MIB) eastward expansion. It is part of an effort to ensure allsystems relating to emergency response are extended to the MIB expansion. The initiatingdocument for installation/extension of those systems is Modification Record 14-01,Interfacing MURR Systems with the MIB Eastward Expansion.The facility's Fire Protection System is briefly described in Section 7.2.4 of the HSR. Thesystem is designed to protect the facility and staff, and to mitigate any property loss in theevent of a fire. It consists of a combination of several subsystems: (1) a Detection Systemincluding multiple sensors, pull stations, and monitoring panels, and (2) a SuppressionSystem including a pre-action system, a dry fire main system, a traditional flooded sprinklersystem, and a ventilation damper system.The new system in MIB Expansion will likewise provide both functions as well. This phaseof construction, as documented in Modification Record 14-01, will only provide firesuppression to the stairwell and mezzanine areas of the MIB eastward expansion. Firesuppression for the remainder of the building will be installed with the next phase ofconstruction and will be documented with the construction of laboratory spaces within theexpanded MIB. The fire detection system for the entire MIB expansion will be provided atthat time as well.The expansion will utilize a traditional sprinkler system. The system is pressurized withwater and will sprinkle the area when a sprinkler head opens due to high heat. The systemis to be supplied from the 3" Fire Main in the existing MIB structure.(Modification Description continued on Page 2b)Why a Short Form is appropriate.(At least one of four reasons listed on Page 1, with justification)The Short Form of the Modification Record is appropriate because this is and Addendum toa previously reviewed and approved Modification Record (Reason No. 1), and is amodification to a non-safety system that requires documentation and review only (ReasonNo. 4).2 Attachment 8.1WJRIGINAL ATTAWfkhJIJ1LAP-RO-I 15Revision 6Modification Number:MODIFICATION DESCRIPTION (con't)See attached drawing on page 2bAdditional design information and stamped engineering drawings can be obtained byUniversity of Missouri -Columbia construction project number CP122371.(Modification Description continued on Page 2b)2aAttachment 8.2MW I IGINAL DRAFTI-.-BUILDING SECTION A-AUPPR TM UMIMDRAFTflU PIWIIC'flON CINERAL NONE.44541 dIal S inflh,,sr. Ken,. 554fln54,5 s44I44p vIa, 04401,5 154K54 .1*40 Sd It KIN (NJ MINK 5454 LInIaNS4$444(& *4 40544450,541.45 t~54'5I4,4 at 4(51St 44444 4044fl 14 540.. flA 54,450(4(54411 K~1N NISON 4 54 nt45 *54 54*4 K 1s., SOPS 444 (115401. 0400K 045.l *5454)1 000 tn54 544 OIC(* 4(5404545444414 400W 144'I KIWI 54 444..-~ IS 144 4 00444041, 154540 1440 444 4154.1 444 4(pfl0O 14(0. 414(1,4054541 #444.541/4 051.4 41544.4545441 Ia44 5444(544(0 4.44411 4' 541 54401.5454/fl 040 KILN 54444 00 1541071,4.454401450 44' 55.41.445.40045554 445',14 11 ,44 1545.54 .54545454~0144.4 455444410005441.45 4 444*44~.4 -44 .55Il~4455lW54 45154,554 45545 II .1410 4l 444 .154551." 154744415('K PS 54 505441.4144 ('44441.

ATMIJ FJL1 4AP-RO-I 15Modification Number: 03-03; Addendum! Revision 8HAZARDS SUMMARY REPORT EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a modification to the reactor facility as defined in the Hazards SummaryReport?Yes: No: X Signature: _____-- ___ Date: 0613014If YES, make an analysis below and provide the suggested revision(s) to the HSR. If NO, outlinethe basis for the decision.No, this change does involve a modification to the reactor facility as defined in the HazardsSummary Report.The Fire Protection System is described or depicted in the following sections and prints ofthe HSR and its addenda:1. Original HSR, Section 7.2.42. Addendum 5, Section 2.4.1(15)The remaining sections of the HSR and its addenda are correct and will remain the same.3ORIGINA~LAttachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 14O)R IG INALAP-RO-1 15Revision 803-03; Addendum!Modification Number:REACTOR SAFETY EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a revision(s) to the Technical Specifications or a question pursuant to10 CFR 50.59?NOTE: A licensee may make changes to the facility as described in the HSR without obtaining a license amendmentonly if:(i) A change to the Technical Specifications incorporated in the license is not required, and(ii) The change does not produce any of the following results:I. More than a minimal increase in the frequency of occurrence of an accident previously evaluated inthe HSR;2. More than a minimal increase in the likelihood of occurrence of a malfunction of an SSC important tosafety previously evaluated in the HSR;3. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of an accident previously evaluated in the HSR;4. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of a malfunction of an SSC important to safetypreviously evaluated in the HSR;5. Create a possibility for an accident of a different type than previously evaluated in the HSR;6. Create a possibility for a malfunction of an SSC important to safety with a different result than anypreviously evaluated in the HSR;7. Altering or exceeding a design basis limit for a fission product barrier as described in the HSR;8. A departure from a method of evaluation described in the HSR used in establishing the design bases orthe safety analyses.Sitanature: Yes:No: XDate: "6'A0120sLI'V'If YES, the change must be performed using a Long Form Modification Record. If NO, outline thebasis for the decision.This modification does not involve a change to the Technical Specifications or create aquestion pursuant to 10 CFR 50.59A 50.59 screen (14-19) is attached to document that the MURR Fire Protection System maybe safely extended to the MURR Industrial Building Eastward Expansion.4Attachment 8.1O)RIGINAL ATTACHMENT 14PYAP-RR-003Revision 750.59 SCREENNumber: 14-19 Page I of 2Title: Modification Record 03-03. Addendum 5; Fire Protection System changes in support of the MIBEastward Expansion.Description of Activity (hit'iat is being chang., ',..The existing fire protection system is being extended into the MIB Eastward Expansion.Safety Determination:Does the proposed activity have the potential to adversely aflect nuclear safety or safe ftciliit (i.e.,NIURR) operations? YES NOIfthis question is answered yes, do not continue with this procedure. Identify and report the concern to the Reactor Manager.50.59 Screening Questions:I. Does the proposed activity, involve a change to -an SSC that adversely affects a desigtn foiclion L_21described in the U.S!? YES NO2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to a procedvre that adversely affects how lHSR I Wdescribed SSC design functions are performed, controlled, or tested? YES NO3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an HSR described evaluation methodology F] that is used in establishing the design bases or used in the safeO, analyses? YES NO4. Does the proposed activity involve a test or e.vperiment not described in the HSIR, where -in SSC isutilized or controlled in a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for that SSC or YES NOis inconsistent with analyses or descriptions in the HSR?5. Does the proposed activity require a change to the MURR Technical Specifications? LYES NOIf all screening questions are answered NO, then implement the activity per the applicable approvedfiocili', procedure(s). A LicenseAmendment or a 50.59 Evaluation is not required.If Screen Question 5 is answered YES. then request and receive a License Amendment prior to tnF:tementation of the activity.If Screen Question 5 is answered NO and Question 1,2, 3, or 4 is answered YES, then complete and attach a 50.59 Evaluation form.[ Refer to Attachment 9.2. ]NOTE: I fthe conclusion of the screening questions is that a 50.59 Evaluation is not required, provide justification for the "No"determination. In addition, list the documents ([ISR?. Technical Specifications, and other Licensing Basis documents) reviewed whererelevant information was found. Include section / page numbers. Use Page 2 ol'this form to document your statements.Print Name Sign Name DatePreparer: G etecReviewer: R. iudso" "Reactor Manager: J. LruitsSubmit copy ofscree,, to I ISR / S..R file (cir ,I. oiIn COPYAttachment 9. I AP-RR-003Revision 750.59 SCREEN (Cont.)Number: 14-19 Page 2 of 2Title: Modification Record 03-03. Addendum 5: Fire Protection System changes in support of the MIBEastward Expansion.. .... ...If the conclusion of the five (5) Screening Questions is that a 50.59 Evalu/ation is not required, providejustification to support this determination: [ Use and attach additional pages as necessary. ]I. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a desig, function described in theHSR?No the propoged -activitv done nnt involve n ch;nae in an qS, fh..l :.cverselv ifl'euts an I-qR descrihed desgi)nfunctiooThe. dLactiviyt is an expansion of'the existing fire protection system which will involve no_changeto an SSC2. Does the proposed activity innvolve a change to a procedure that adversely affects how HSR described SSC designfunctions are performed, controlled, or tested?No, the proposed activi ly d'oes nnt involve crhanne in " pronedure that adversely mffectis ihe performance.control, or testing of'an IISR described SSC desion function- The proposed activity is an extens ion of thecurrent fire protection system into the MIB Eastward Expansion which does not involve a change to anyprocedures and thereflore does not adversely affect the performance. control. or testing of any HSR describedSSC design function.3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an HSR described evaluation methodology that is used inestablishing the design bases or used in the safety analyses?No. the proposed activity does not involve revising or replacing an I-ISR described evaluation methodolog YjhI.Lis used in establishing the design bases or used in the safety system. The proposed activity is an addition to theexisting fire protection system and will not revise or replace the evaluation methodoloit', used in establishingdesign bases or safety analysis.4. Does the proposed activity involve a test or expmeriment not describea in the nti., where an SSC is used or controlledin a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for that SSC. or is inconsistent wvith analyses ordescriptions presented in the HSR?No- the proposed activity does not involve any tet or experiment where an SSC is used or controlled in amanner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for thai SSC. or is inconsistent with analysis ordescriptions presented in the HSR. The proposed activity is an addition to the existing facility fire protectionsystem and does not involve a test or experiment.List the documents (HSR, Technical Specifications, and other L i3.,., reviewed whererelevant information was found. [ Include section / page numbers. ]1WP# 14-1280 HSR 7.2.4 Fire Protection SystemEP-RO-004 Fire MJIRR Print 11090 (sheet 5 of12)OP-RO-555 Fire Protection System GS-RA-008 MURR Firemain Impairment GuidelinesAddendum 5. Section 2.4.1(15) Fire Protection System11f, Attachment 9.1"J '40I %fm ATTt¶W~T4r iAP-RO-l 1503-03; Addendum! tRevision 8Modification Number:OPERATING, PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE, COMPLIANCE PROCEDUREAND PRINT EVALUATIONDoes this change require a revision(s) to any Operating, Preventative Maintenance, or ComplianceProcedure, or any Print?Yes: X. No: Signature: .Date: DIf YES, provide the suggested revision(s).OPERATING PROCEDURES:NONEPREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES:NONECOMPLIANCE PROCEDURES:No Compliance Procedure revisions are required for this modification.PRINTS:MURR Print No. 1090, "Fire Protection System" This print will be revised to include theinterconnections between systems.a. Sheet 5 of 12, "Fire Protection System (Wet Fire Suppression -TOB's 1, 2, 4, 5 & MIB)Draft attached5 Attachment 8.1ORIGINAL ATRIOW-WAL1 4AP-RO-l115Modification Number: 03-03; Addendum! Revision 8SPARE PARTS REQUIREMENTS EVALUATIONDoes this change require that any new or additional Spare Parts be maintained in inventory?Yes:_ No: X Signature: tu_ Date: 06A' ,7,yIf YES. provide a list of the spare partsSPARE PARTS:-Spare parts will be determined by Campus Maintenance and maintained either at MURR oron campus.6Attachment 8. IORIGINAL ATTACHMENT 14DRAFTBUJILDING BKCTION A-AIi m~m~FIRE PROTECTION PIPING PLANDR A FT-NUMCOKMA . GLOF E VALVE<3LL.44GATE VALVE E><BALL VALVE I 0AERNLE VALVEANGLE VALVELEGENDNORMALLY CLOSED VALVE PRESSURE REGULATOR -7W/ ,ITERNAL SEISINGNORMALLY OPEN VALVEP UE1LOCKED OPEN VALVE 40 psig) as read on pressure gauge FP-PI-10 beforeproceeding. PARTIALLY OPEN Valve FP-29 until full flow develops fromFP- CLOSE Valves FP-244 and FP- OPEN Valve FP- DEPRESS the plunger of manually actuated check ValveFP-317. No water should flow from FP-317 when the plunger ispushed. COMPLETE the "Fire Suppression Valve Line-up, PreactionSystem" (Attachment 8.4). ACKNOWLEDGE and CLEAR all applicable alarms.7 ATTACHMENT 15 DRAFTOP-RO-555Revision 116.0 PROCEDURE (CONT.) NOTIFY MURR Safety Associate that the Preaction SprinklerSystem is operational.6.1.5 Sprinkler System for the North Office Addition6.1.5.1 CLOSE or CHECK CLOSED NOA Sprinkler System SupplyValve FP-8 POSITION all valves except FP-81 to their normal operationalposition as identified on the "Fire Suppression Valve Line-Up,NOA Preaction and Sprinkler System" (Attachment 8.7). OPEN or CHECK OPEN NOA Sprinkler System Drain ValveFP- Refill the system by SLOWLY OPENING Valve FP- WHEN a solid stream of water comes from Valve FP-275,THEN CLOSE Valve FP- COMPLETE the "Fire Suppression Valve Line-Up, NOAPreaction and Sprinkler System" (Attachment 8.7). ACKNOWLEDGE and CLEAR all applicable alarms. NOTIFY MURR Safety Associate that the sprinkler system forthe NOA is operational.6.1.6 Sprinkler System For The Shipping And Receiving Building6.1.6.1 CLOSE or CHECK CLOSED SaRB Main Supply HeaderIsolation Valve FP- POSITION all the valves except FP-15 to their normaloperational position as identified on the "Fire Suppression ValveLine-Up, SaRB Sprinkler System" (Attachment 8.8). OPEN or CHECK OPEN SaRB West Wall External Drain ValveFP- CLOSE or CHECK CLOSED SaRB South Wall Drain ValveFP-225.8 ATTACHMENT 15 DRAFTOP-RO-555Revision I I6.0 PROCEDURE (CONT.) Refill the system by SLOWLY OPENING Valve FP- WHEN a solid stream of water comes from Valve FP-226,THEN CLOSE Valve FP- COMPLETE the "Fire Suppression Valve Line-Up, SaRBSprinkler System" (Attachment 8.8). ACKNOWLEDGE and CLEAR all applicable alarms. NOTIFY MURR Safety Associate that the sprinkler system forthe SaRB is operational.6.2 SYSTEM SHUTDOWN6.2.1 Sprinkler System for TOBs 1, 2. 4. & 5NOTE: No Fire Detection System Fire Alarms should occurunless draining the system. CLOSE Valve FP- NOTIFY MURR Safety Associate that the sprinkler system forTOBs 1, 2, 4, & 5 is out of service.6.2.2 Sprinkler System for Room 299, MIBNOTE: No Fire Detection System Fire Alarms should occurunless draining the system. CLOSE Valve FP- NOTIFY MURR Safety Associate that the sprinkler system forRoom 299, MIB is out of service.9 ATTACHMENT 15DR A F7TOP-RO-555Revision 116.0 PROCEDURE (CONT.)6.2.3 Preaction SystemNOTE: Closing Valve FP-29 will trigger a Fire Detection SystemSupervisory Alarm for the tamper switch. CLOSE Valve FP- OPEN Valves FP-243 and FP-244.NOTE: Closing Valve FP-38 may trigger a Fire Detection SystemFire Alarm for pressure switch FP-PS-l. This alarmtriggers due to low air pressure in the Preaction System. CLOSE Valves FP-31 and FP- OPEN ValveFP- NOTIFY MURR Safety Associate that the Preaction System isout of service.6.2.4 Sprinkler System for the Laboratory Building6.2.4.1 ENSURE the Preaction System is shutdown by completingSection 6.2.3.NOTE: Closing Valves FP-I or FP-14 will trigger a FireDetection System Supervisory Alarm for the tamperswitch. CLOSE Valves FP-I and FP- NOTIFY MURR Safety Associate that the sprinkler system forthe Laboratory Building is out of service.6.2.5 Sprinkler System for the North Office Addition6.2.5.1 CLOSE NOA Sprinkler System Supply Valve FP-8 NOTIFY MURR Safety Associate that the NOA SprinklerSystem is out of service.10 ATTACHMENT 15 AOP-RO-555Revision 116.0 PROCEDURE (CONT.)6.2.6 Sprinkler System for the Shipping and Receiving Building6.2.6.1 CLOSE SaRB Main Supply Header Isolation Valve FP- NOTIFY MURR Safety Associate that the SaRB SprinklerSystem is out of service.6.3 SUPPLEMENTAL OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSrT6.3.1 Isolate Wet Fire MainNOTE: Isolation of the Wet Fire Main prohibits Fire Water frombeing supplied to the Wet Fire Suppression -Grade Level,Preaction Fire Suppression -Grade Level, Room I 10Sprinklers, Room Ill Sprinklers, Room Ill Loft Sprinklersand Dry Fire Main. Isolation also restricts the quantity ofwater available to the Wet Fire Suppression System(Sprinklers) in the Basement, Tunnel and Cooling TowerBasement. CLOSE or CHECK CLOSED Valve FP-I. CLOSE Valve FP- CLOSE Valve FP- ACKNOWLEDGE and SILENCE alarm for Valve FP-1 TamperSwitch. Isolate the following, once the Wet Fire Main has been isolated:* Wet Fire Suppression System Grade Level lAWSection 6.3.3* Preaction System IAW Section 6.3.5* Rooms I 10/I 1 Wet Fire Suppression System lAWSection 6.3.1311 ATTACHMENT 15 DRAFTOP-RO-555Revision 116.0 PROCEDURE (CONT.)6.3.2 Drain Wet Fire Main6.3.2.1 ENSURE the Wet Fire Main is isolated IAW Section 6.3. CONNECT hoses to Valves FP-56 and FP-205. Route hose fromFP-56 to parking lot and hose from FP-205 to slop sink inCustodial Closet. OPEN Valve FP-56 (Fire Hose Connection). OPEN Valve FP-205 to 'Drain' position.6.3.3 Isolate Wet Fire Suppression System -Grade Level6.3.3.1 CLOSE Valve FP- ACKNOWLEDGE and SILENCE alarm for Valve FP-30Tamper Switch.6.3.4 Drain Wet Fire Suppression System -Grade Level6.3.4.1 ENSURE the Wet Fire Suppression System -Grade Level isisolated lAW Section OPEN Valve FP-242 to the Drain' position. OPEN Valves FP-236 and FP- ACKNOWLEDGE and SILENCE alarms for flow switchesFP-FS-5 and FP-FS- Once the system is drained, CLOSE Valves FP-241 and FP- Isolate Preaction System6.3.5.1 CLOSE Valve FP- OPEN Valve FP- CLOSE Valves FP-31 and FP- ACKNOWLEDGE and SILENCE alarms for Valve FP-29Tamper Switch, Air Pressure Supervisory Switch and AlarmPressure Switch.12 ATTACHMENT 15 DPOP-RO-555Revision I I6.0 PROCEDURE (CONT.)6.3.6 Drain Preaction System6.3.6.1 ENSURE the Preaction System is isolated JAW Section OPEN Valves FP-243, FP-33 and FP- OPEN Valve FP-245 to 'Drain' position. Once the system is drained, CLOSE Valve FP-245.NOTE: Valve FP-35 is installed so that the valve is closed whenthe handle is in line with the valve body. SLOWLY OPEN Valve FP-35. WHEN pressure (as read ongauge FP-PI-9) is relieved from the Preaction Valve (FP-32)actuator, THEN CLOSE FP- Isolate Basement Wet Fire Suppression System (Except 110/Ill Area)NOTE: Isolation restricts the quantity of water available to theWet Fire Suppression System (Sprinklers) in the Tunneland the Cooling Tower Basement. CLOSE Valve FP- CLOSE Valve FP- ACKNOWLEDGE and SILENCE alarms for Valves FP-10 andFP- 12 Tamper Switches.6.3.8 Drain Basement Wet Fire Suppression System (Except I 10/Ill Area) ENSURE the Basement Wet Fire Suppression System (except110/111 Area) is isolated lAW Section CONNECT a fire hose to Valve FP-212 and route to sink inCustodial Closet. OPEN Valve FP-212 to 'Drain' position. ACKNOWLEDGE and SILENCE alarm for Flow SwitchFP-FS-I.13 ATTACHMENT 15 D. P AFTOP-RO-555Revision 11 I6.0 PROCEDURE (CONT.)6.3.9 Isolate Cooling Tower Basement & Tunnel Wet Fire Suppression System6.3.9.1 CLOSE Valve FP- CLOSE Valve DCW-145.6.3. 10 Drain Cooling Tower Basement & Tunnel Wet Fire Suppression System6.3.10.1 ENSURE the Cooling Tower Basement & Tunnel Wet FireSuppression System is isolated IAW Section Connect hose to outlet of Valve FP-213 and direct its dischargeto Cooling Tower basement sump. OPEN Valve FP- OPEN Valve FP-214 to 'Drain' position. ACKNOWLEDGE and SILENCE alarms for flow switchesFP-FS-3 and FP-FS- Isolate Room 299, MIB Wet Fire Suppression System6.3.11.1 CLOSE Valve FP- Drain Room 299, MIB Wet Fire Suppression System6.3.12.1 ENSURE Room 299, MIB Wet Fire Suppression System isisolated IAW Section OPEN Valve FP- Isolate Room 110/Ill Wet Fire Suppression System6.3.13.1 CLOSE Valve FP- Drain Room 110/111 Wet Fire Suppression System6.3.14.1 ENSURE Room 110/111 Wet Fire Suppression System isisolated lAW Section CONNECT a fire hose to Valve FP-8 and route to sink inCustodial Closet.14 ATTACHMENT 15 DRAFTOP-RO-555Revision 116.0 PROCEDURE (CONT.) OPEN Valves FP-8 and FP- ACKNOWLEDGE and SILENCE alarm for Basement FirePanel.6.3.15 Isolate TOBs 1, 2, 4, & 5 Wet Fire Suppression System6.3.15.1 CLOSE Valve FP- Drain TOBs 1, 2. 4. & 5 Wet Fire Suppression System6.3.16.1 ENSURE the TOBs 1, 2, 4, & 5 Wet Fire Suppression System isisolated IAW Section OPEN Valves FP-252, FP-255, FP-257 and FP- ACKNOWLEDGE and SILENCE alarm for Flow SwitchesFP-FS-7, FP-FS-8, FP-FS-9 and FP-FS- Isolate TOB 3 Wet Fire Suppression System6.3.17.1 CLOSE Valve FP- ACKNOWLEDGE and SILENCE alarm for Valve FP-52Tamper Switch.6.3.18 Drain TOB 3 Wet Fire Suppression System6.3.18.1 ENSURE TOB 3 Wet Fire Suppression System is isolated IAWSection OPEN Valve FP-241 to 'Drain' position. ACKNOWLEDGE and SILENCE alarm for Flow SwitchFP-FS-6 and/or FP-FS-5.15 ATTACHMENT 15 D 7- TOP-RO-555Revision 116.0 PROCEDURE (CONT.)6.3.19 Operational Test of the Preaction SystemNOTE: This test requires the usage of the Facility Main AirSystem. Request permission from the LSRO to proceed. Announce to the facility that testing of the Fire Suppression Systemis in progress. Disable the facility strobe and alarms functions at the FireControl Panels as follows:a. Unplug terminal connector TB I in Room 204 Fire ControlAlarm Panel (FCAP). This disables communication betweenthe two FCAPs (Room 204 and Lobby).b. Unplug terminal connector TB4 in Room 204 FCAP. Thisdisables communication between Room 204 FCAP and theControl Room's Remote Panel.c. Turn the Notification Appliance Circuit (NAC) switch inRoom 204 FCAP to 'Off.' This disables communicationbetween Room 204 FCAP Room 273 NAC.d. Place Room 204 FCAP in Walk Test Mode.NOTE: FP-29 is to be closed until it is just cracked open.This is to allow sufficient pressure to operate theClaooer Valve.e. CLOSE Valve FP-29 to approximately 90% closed.NOTE: The pressure monitored by gauge FP- I I I abruptlydrops when valve FP-35 is opened. Openingvalve FP-35 trips the Clapper Valve. Thefollowing three steps must be completedimmediately to minimize the amount of water thatflows into the system.f. OPEN Valve FP-35.16 ATTACHMENT 15A-.k.OP-RO-555Revision 116.0 PROCEDURE (CONT.)g. CLOSE Valve FP-29.h. OPEN Valve FP-18.Ii. CLOSE Valve FP-35.j. Once water has completely drained from the system, CLOSEValve FP-18.NOTE: The smoke detectors for the Preaction Systemshould be tested while air pressure is beingrestored to the header.k. Test the smoke detectors for this system for Rooms 212, 233,234, 235, 258, 259, 260 and 289.NOTE: Once air pressure has been restored to the header(Gage FP-1 11, approx. 50 psi), proceed to thenext step. This may take 20 to 30 minutes.1. OPEN Valve FP-29 to the full open position.m. Enable the facility strobe and alarms functions at the FireControl Panels as follows:" Plug the Network terminal connector into TBI in Room204 FCAP." Plug the Control Room terminal connector into TB4 inRoom 204 FCAP." Turn the NAC switch in Room 204 FCAP to 'On.'* Place Room 204 FCAP in Normal Mode.n. Reset the FCAP in the Lobby.o. Acknowledge and silence FCAP alarms for Valve FP-29Tamper Switch, Air Pressure Supervisory Switch and AlarmPressure Switch.p. NOTIFY the Control Room that test is completed.17 ATTACHMENT 15 POP-RO-555Revision 11 I6.0 PROCEDURE (CONT.)q. COMPLETE the "Preaction System Operational Testing ValveLine-Up" (Attachment 8.6).r. Announce to the facility that testing of the Fire SuppressionSystem is complete.6.3.20 Drain the Sprinkler System for the North Office Addition6.3.20.1 ENSURE the NOA Sprinkler System is isolated lAW Section6. Connect fire hose to external drain located on south wall of NOAnext to lobby entrance. Route the hose to the driveway storm-drain. Drain the header by OPENING NOA Sprinkler System DrainValve FP- Drain the Sprinkler System for the Shipping and Receiving Building6.3.21.1 ENSURE the SaRB Sprinkler System is isolated lAW Section6. Drain the header by OPENING SaRB South Wall Drain ValveFP-225.7.0 REFERENCES7.1 MURR Print 1090, "MURR Fire Protection System", Sheets I thru 77.2 Fire Protection System Tech Manual8.0 ATTACHMENTS8.1 Fire Suppression Valve Line-Up, TOBs 1, 2, 4, & 58.2 Fire Suppression Valve Line-Up, Room 299, MURR Industrial Building8.3 Fire Suppression Valve Line-Up, Sprinkler System for the Laboratory Building8.4 Fire Suppression Valve Line-Up, Preaction System8.5 Fire Suppression Valve Line-Up, Dry Fire Main18 ATTACHMENT 15 D -OP-RO-555Revision 11 I8.0 ATTACHMENTS (CONT.)8.6 Preaction System Operational Testing Valve Line-Up8.7 Fire Suppression Valve Line-Up, NOA Preaction and Sprinkler System8.8 Fire Suppression Valve Line-Up, SaRB Sprinkler System19 ATTACHMENT 15J,~OP-RO-555Revision IIFire Suppression Valve Line-UpTOBs 1,2,4,& 5This checksheet will be completed when required by the Lead Senior Reactor Operator (LSRO). Theoperators performing the check will independently verify the position of each valve and indicate theverification by initialing the checksheet. Where appropriate, the positions of throttled valves are shownon a permanent tag secured to the valve. Note the throttled valve's position on the checksheet. Underthe direction of the LSRO, a valve may be positioned other than listed on this checksheet. If this isrequired, the operators must ensure that the valve is in the desired position and indicate this position onthe checksheet. If this change of position is not covered by a procedure in use, for example an RTP,SMP or Work Package, which would return the valve to the normal operating position, then the LSROwill issue and place a Danger Tag on the valve for the duration of time the valve is in the out-of-normalposition.NOTE: Certain valve manipulations must be performed in a specific order during theperfonrance of this procedure. These valve manipulations are listed in bold fontthroughout this procedure and on Attachments 8.1 through 8.5.VALVE VALVE DESCRIPTION POSITION PERFORMER VERIFIERFP-64 TOBs 1, 2, 4, & 5 Fire Water Isolation Locked OpenFP-65 TOBs 1, 2, 4, & 5 Fire Water Isolation Locked OpenTOB # 4 Wet Fire Suppression Sprinkler IsolationFP-66 (East) OpenTOB # 4 Wet Fire Suppression Sprinkler IsolationFP-67 (West) OpenFP-68 TOB # I Wet Fire Suppression Sprinkler Isolation OpenFP-69 TOBs 2 & 5 Fire Water Isolation OpenFP-70 TOB # 2 Wet Fire Suppression Sprinkler Isolation OpenTOB # 5 Wet Fire Suppression Sprinkler IsolationFP-71 (East) OpenTOB N 5 Wet Fire Suppression Sprinkler IsolationFP-72 (West) OpenFP-247 FP-3 19 Test Valve #1 ClosedFP-248 FP-3 19 Test Valve #2 ClosedFP-249 FP-319 Test Valve #3 ClosedFP-250 FP-319 Test Valve #4 ClosedFP-251 TOBs Wet Fire Suppression Flow Test (TOB #4) ClosedFP-252 TOBs Wet Fire Suppression Drain ClosedFP-253 TOBs Wet Fire Suppression Auxiliary Drain ClosedFP-254 TOBs Wet Fire Suppression Auxiliary Drain ClosedPagel of2Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 15OP-RO-555Revision 11Fire Suppression Valve Line-Up (Cont.)TOBs 1, 2,4,&5VALVEVALVE DESCRIPTIONPOSITION PERFORMER VERIFIERTOBs Wet Fire Suppression Flow Test & DrainFP-255 (TOB #1) ClosedFP-256 TOBs Wet Fire Suppression Auxiliary Drain ClosedTOBs Wet Fire Suppression Flow Test & DrainFP-257 (TOB #2) ClosedFP-258 TOBs Wet Fire Suppression Auxiliary Drain ClosedFP-259 TOBs Wet Fire Suppression Flow Test (TOB #5) ClosedFP-260 TOBs Wet Fire Suppression Drain ClosedFP-261 TOBs Wet Fire Suppression Auxiliary Drain ClosedFP-262 TOBs Wet Fire Suppression Auxiliary Drain ClosedTOB #1 Wet Fire Suppression Pressure GaugeFP- 118 Isolation OpenTOB #2 Wet Fire Suppression Pressure GaugeFP-I 19 Isolation OpenPage 2 of 2Attachment 8. 1 r~ ~ATTACHMENT 15OP-RO-555Revision 11Fire Suppression Valve Line-UpRoom 299, MURR Industrial BuildingThis checksheet will be completed when required by the Lead Senior Reactor Operator (LSRO). Theoperators performing the check will independently verify the position of each valve and indicate theverification by initialing the checksheet. Where appropriate, the positions of throttled valves are shownon a permanent tag secured to the valve. Note the throttled valve's position on the checksheet. Underthe direction of the LSRO, a valve may be positioned other than listed on this checksheet. If this isrequired, the operators must ensure that the valve is in the desired position and indicate this position onthe checksheet. If this change of position is not covered by a procedure in use, for example an RTP,SMP or Work Package, which would return the valve to the normal operating position, then the LSROwill issue and place a Danger Tag on the valve for the duration of time the valve is in the out-of-normalposition.NOTE: Certain valve manipulations must be performed in a specific order during theperformnance of this procedure. These valve manipulations are listed in bold fontthroughout this procedure and on Attachments 8.1 through 8.5.VALVE VALVE DESCRIPTION POSITION PERFORMER VERIFIERFP-73 ROOM 299 Fire Water Isolation Locked OpenFP-74 ROOM 299 Fire Water Isolation Locked OpenFP-263 FP-321 Test Valve #1 ClosedFP-264 FP-321 Test Valve #2 ClosedFP-265 FP-32 I Test Valve #3 ClosedFP-266 FP-321 Test Valve #4 ClosedFP-267 ROOM 299 Wet Fire Suppression Drain ClosedFP-268 ROOM 299 Wet Fire Suppression Flow Test & Drain ClosedROOM 299 Wet Fire Suppression Pressure GaugeFP-103 Isolation OpenPost Indicator Valve External Loop Supply IsolationPIV-4 to MIB Locked OpenADO A-fljAcAIc7- VALi c'Page I of IAttachment 8.2 7~ ~ATTACHMENT 15FM-93Revision 5 IPOST MAINTENANCE VALVE LINE-UP CHECKSHEETThis checksheet will be completed when required by the Lead Senior Reactor Operator (LSRO). Tileoperators perfomiling the check will independently verify the position of each valve and indicate tileverification by initialing the checksheet. Where appropriate, the positions of throttled valves areshown on a permanent tag secured to the valve. Note Y..d .-' po:.ition on tile checksheet.Date Performed:VALVEVALVE DESCRIPTIONPOSITION PERFORMER VERIFIERMcAFr-' ItFP-287 MIB East Grade Level Drain CLOSEDFP-288 MIB East Basement Drain CLOSEDFP-289 MIB East Basement Drain CLOSED4 -4 4 4t 4 tI 4---... ICOMMENTS: 'I LATTACHMENT 15OP-RO-555Revision 11Fire Suppression Valve Line-UpSprinkler System for the Laboratory BuildingThis checksheet will be completed when required by the Lead Senior Reactor Operator (LSRO). Theoperators performing the check will independently verify the position of each valve and indicate theverification by initialing the checksheet. Where appropriate, the positions of throttled valves are shownon a permanent tag secured to the valve. Note the throttled valve's position on the checksheet. Underthe direction of the LSRO, a valve may be positioned other than listed on this checksheet. If this isrequired, the operators must ensure that the valve is in the desired position and indicate this position onthe checksheet. If this change of position is not covered by a procedure in use, for example an RTP,SMP or Work Package, which would return the valve to the normal operating position, then the LSROwill issue and place a Danger Tag on the valve for the duration of time the valve is in the out-of-normalposition.NOTE: Certain valve manipulations must be performed in a specific order during theperformance of this procedure. These valve manipulations are listed in bold fontthroughout this procedure and on Attachments 8.1 through 8.5.VALVE VALVE DESCRIPTION POSITION PERFORMER VERIFIERFacility Fire Water Isolation -LaboratoryFP- I Basement OpenFP-2 Facility Fire Water Isolation -Laboratory Basement OpenFP-3 Room 110/Ill Fire Main Isolation OpenFP-4 Facility Fire Main Isolation OpenFP-6 Room 110/111 Fire Main Isolation OpenFP-7 Room I 10 Sprinkler Isolation OpenFP-8 Flow Test Hose Connection Stop ClosedFP-9 Room I II Sprinkler Isolation OpenLaboratory Basement, Tunnel, & Cooling TowerFP-10 Fire Main Isolation OpenFP-I I Freight Elevator Pit Sprinkler Isolation Locked OpenFP-12 Tunnel, & Cooling Tower Fire Main Isolation OpenFacility Fire Water Isolation -Cooling TowerFP- 13 Basement OpenFacility Fire Water Isolation -Cooling TowerFP-14 Basement OpenPagelI of 3Attachment 8.3 ATTACHMENT 15OP-RO-555Revision 11 IFire Suppression Valve Line-Up (Cont.)Sprinkler System for the Laboratory BuildingVALVEVALVE DESCRIPTIONPOSITION PERFORMER VERIFIERFacility Fire Water Isolation -Cooling TowerDCW-145 Basement Locked OpenWet Fire Suppression Freight Elevator SprinklerFP-51 Isolation OpenFP-52 TOB # 3 Wet Fire Suppression Sprinkler Isolation OpenFP-54 Fire Hose Connection Box Stop ClosedFP-282 Wet Fire Suppression Auxiliary Drain ClosedFP-56 Fire Hose Connection Box Stop ClosedFP-57 Fire Hose Connection Box Stop ClosedFP-58 Fire Hose Connection Box Stop ClosedFP-59 Fire Hose Connection Box Stop ClosedFP-60 Fire Hose Connection Box Stop ClosedPost Indicator Valve External Loop Supply IsolationPIV-1 to Fire Protection and Emergency Pool Fill Systems Locked OpenFP-201 FP-301 Test Valve #1 ClosedFP-202 FP-301 Test Valve #2 ClosedFP-203 FP-301 Test Valve #3 ClosedFP-204 FP-301 Test Valve #4 ClosedFP-205 Wet Fire Main Auxiliary Drain ClosedFP-206 Wet Fire Main Vent/Gauge ClosedFP-209 Test Port Isolation ClosedFP-210 Test Port Isolation ClosedWet Fire Suppression Auxiliary Drain (Rin I IlFP-21 I Sprinklers) ClosedBasement Wet Fire Suppression Flow Test &FP-212 Auxiliary Drain ClosedFP-213 Cooling Tower Wet Fire Suppression Auxiliary Drain ClosedCooling Tower Wet Fire Suppression Flow Test &FP-214 Drain ClosedFP-215 FP-302 Test Valve #4 ClosedFP-2 16 FP-302 Test Valve #3 ClosedFP-217 FP-302 Test Valve #2 ClosedPage 2 of 3Attachment 8.3 ATTACHMENT 15OP-RO-555Revision 11 IFire Suppression Valve Line-Up (Cont.)Sprinkler System for the Laboratory BuildingVALVEVALVE DESCRIPTIONPOSITION PERFORMER VERIFIERFP-229 South Storz Drain ClosedFP-230 Wet Fire Main Vent ClosedFP-231 Wet Fire Main Vent ClosedFP-232 Wet Fire Main Vent ClosedFP-233 North Storz Drain ClosedFP-234 Wet Fire Main Vent ClosedFP-236 Wet Fire Suppression Drain ClosedFP-237 Wet Fire Suppression Auxiliary Drain ClosedFP-238 Wet Fire Suppression Auxiliary Drain ClosedFP-239 Wet Fire Suppression Auxiliary Drain ClosedFP-240 Wet Fire Suppression Auxiliary Drain ClosedFP-241 Wet Fire Suppression Flow Test & Drain ClosedFP-242 Wet Fire Suppression Flow Test & Drain ClosedFP-269 Wet Fire Suppression Auxiliary Drain/Gauge (Rm 110) OpenFP-270 FP-302 Test Valve #1 ClosedFP-271 Wet Fire Main Vent ClosedFP-272 Wet Fire Suppression Flow Test (Rm. 110/111) ClosedFP-273 Wet Fire Suppression Preaction System Auxiliary Drain ClosedRoom I 10/ 111 Fire Suppression Pressure GaugeFP-101 Isolation OpenFP-102 Room 110 Fire Suppression Pressure Gauge Isolation OpenFP-104 Wet Fire Main Pressure Gauge Isolation OpenFP-105 Basement Fire Suppression Pressure Gauge Isolation OpenFP-106 Wet Fire Suppression Pressure Gauge Isolation OpenFP-107 Wet Fire Suppression Pressure Gauge Isolation OpenPage 3 of 3Attachment 8.3 ATTACHMENT 15OP-RO-555Revision 11 IFire Suppression Valve Line-UpPreaction SystemThis checksheet will be completed when required by the Lead Senior Reactor Operator (LSRO). Theoperators performing the check will independently verify the position of each valve and indicate theverification by initialing the checksheet. Where appropriate, the positions of throttled valves are shownon a permanent tag secured to the valve. Note the throttled valve's position on the checksheet. Underthe direction of the LSRO, a valve may be positioned other than listed on this checksheet. If this isrequired, the operators must ensure that the valve is in the desired position and indicate this position onthe checksheet. If this change of position is not covered by a procedure in use, for example an RTP,SMP or Work Package, which would return the valve to the normal operating position, then the LSROwill issue and place a Danger Tag on the valve for the duration of time the valve is in the out-of-normalposition.NOTE: Certain valve manipulations must be performed in a specific order during theperformance of this procedure. These valve manipulations are listed in bold fontthroughout this procedure and on Attachments 8.1 through 8.5.VALVE VALVE DESCRIPTION POSITION PERFORMER VERIFIERFP-28 Preaction Fire Suppression Priming Valve OpenFP-29 Preaction Fire Suppression Water Control Valve OpenFP-30 Wet Fire Suppression Control Valve OpenFP-31 Preaction Fire Suppression Priming Valve OpenFP-33 Preaction Fire Suppression Alarm Test Valve ClosedFP-35 Preaction Fire Suppression Emergency Release Closed *Preaction Fire Suppression Air Maintenance DeviceFP-37 Bypass ClosedFP-38 Preaction Air Maintenance Device Inlet Isolation OpenFP-40 Preaction Air Maintenance Device Outlet Stop OpenFP.41 Preaction Supervisory Air Pressure Isolation OpenFP-42 Room 233 Preaction Sprinkler Isolation OpenFP-43 Room 234 Preaction Sprinkler Isolation OpenFP-44 Room 235 Preaction Sprinkler Isolation OpenFP-45 Room 258 Preaction Sprinkler Isolation OpenFP-46 Room 259 Preaction Sprinkler Isolation OpenFP-47 Room 260 Preaction Sprinkler Isolation OpenFP-48 Room 289 Preaction Sprinkler Isolation OpenFP-49 Room 212 Preaction Sprinkler Isolation OpenFP-18 Preaction Fire Suppression Drain ClosedPagelI of 2Attachment 8.4 Ir ý_ 117ATTACHMENT 15OP-RO-555Revision 11Fire Suppression Valve Line-Up (Cont.)Preaction SystemVALVEVALVE DESCRIPTIONPOSITION PERFORMERVERIFIERFP-235 Wet Fire Main Drain ClosedFP-243 Preaction Fire Suppression Auxiliary Drain ClosedFP-244 Preaction Fire Suppression Drain ClosedFP-245 Preaction Fire Suppression Flow Test & Drain ClosedFP-108 Preaction Water Supply Pressure Gauge Isolation OpcnFP- 109 Preaction Priming Pressure Water Gauge Isolation OpenFP-I 10 Preaction Alarm Shutoff Valve OpenFP-I II Preaction Sensing Line Pressure Gauge Isolation OpenFP-120 Preaction System Pressure Gauge Isolation OpenFP- 113 Preaction System Pressure Gauge Isolation Open I* FP-35 is installed so that the valve is closed when the handle is in line with the valve body.Page 2 of 2Attachment 8.4 ATTACHMENT 15OP-RO-555Revision 11Fire Suppression Valve Line-UpDry Fire MainThis checksheet will be completed when required by the Lead Senior Reactor Operator (LSRO). Theoperators performing the check will independently verify the position of each valve and indicate theverification by initialing the checksheet. Where appropriate, the positions of throttled valves are shownon a pennanent tag secured to the valve. Note the throttled valve's position on the checksheet. Underthe direction of the LSRO, a valve may be positioned other than listed on this checksheet. If this isrequired, the operators must ensure that the valve is in the desired position and indicate this position onthe checksheet. If this change of position is not covered by a procedure in use, for example an RTP,SMP or Work Package, which would return the valve to the normal operating position, then the LSROwill issue and place a Danger Tag on the valve for the duration of time the valve is in the out-of-normalposition.NOTE: Certain valve manipulations must be performed in a specific order during theperfonnance of this procedure. These valve manipulations are listed in bold fontthroughout this procedure and on Attachments 8.1 through 8.5.VALVE VALVE DESCRIPTION POSITION PERFORMER VERIFIERFP-5 Containment Dry Fire Main Isolation Locked ClosedFP-61 Fire Hose Box Stop ClosedFP-62 Fire Hose Box Stop ClosedFP-63 Fire Hose Box Stop ClosedFP-207 Dry Fire Main Vent ClosedFP-208 Dry Fire Main Drain ClosedFP-246 Dry Fire Main Vent ClosedPage I of IAttachment 8.5 ATTACHMENT 15OP-RO-555Revision 11Preaction System Operational Testing Valve Line-UpThis checksheet will be completed when required by the Lead Senior Reactor Operator (LSRO). Theoperators performing the check will independently verify the position of each valve and indicate theverification by initialing the checksheet. Where appropriate, the positions of throttled valves are shownon a permanent tag secured to the valve. Note the throttled valve's position on the checksheet. Underthe direction of the LSRO, a valve may be positioned other than listed on this checksheet. If this isrequired, the operators must ensure that the valve is in the desired position and indicate this position onthe checksheet. If this change of position is not covered by a procedure in use, for example an RTP,SMP or Work Package, which would return the valve to the normal operating position, then the LSROwill issue and place a Danger Tag on the valve for the duration of time the valve is in the out-of-normalposition.VALVE VALVE DESCRIPTION POSITION PERFORMER VERIFIERFP-29 Preaction Fire Suppression Water Control Valvc OpenFP-35 Preaction Fire Suppression Emergency Release ClosedFP-18 Prcaction Fire Suppression Drain ClosedPage I of IAttachment 8.6 ATTACHMENT 15OP-RO-555Revision 11Fire Suppression Valve Line-Up, NOA Preaction and Sprinkler SystemThis checksheet will be completed when required by the Lead Senior Reactor Operator (LSRO). Theoperators performing the check will independently verify the position of each valve and indicate theverification by initialing the checksheet. Where appropriate, the positions of throttled valves are shownon a permanent tag secured to the valve. Note the throttled valve's position on the checksheet. Underthe direction of the LSRO, a valve may be positioned other than listed on this checksheet. If this isrequired, the operators must ensure that the valve is in the desired position and indicate this position onthe checksheet. If this change of position is not covered by a procedure in use, for example an RTP,SMP or Work Package, which would return the valve to the normal operating position, then the LSROwill issue and place a Danger Tag on the valve for the duration of time the valve is in the out-of-normalposition.VALVEVALVE DESCRIPTIONPOSITION PERFORMER VERIFIERFP-77 NOA FP Main Supply OpenFP-78 NOA Backflow Preventer Inlet Isolation OpenFP-79 NOA Backflow Preventer Outlet Isolation OpenFP-8 I NOA Sprinkler System Supply OpenFP-82 NOA Preaction Supply OpenFP-83 NOA Priming OpenFP-84 NOA Preaction Flow Control ClosedFP-85 NOA Release Solenoid #1 ClosedFP-86 NOA Release Solenoid #2 ClosedFP-87 NOA Pneumatic Actuator ClosedFP-88 NOA Pressure Operated Relief ClosedFP-1 12 NOA System Pressure Gauge Isolation OpenFP-275 NOA Sprinkler System Drain ClosedFP-276 NOA Preaction System Drain ClosedFP-277 NOA PORV Line Drain ClosedFP-278 NOA Preaction System Drain ClosedFP-279 NOA Emergency Release ClosedFP-281 NOA Preaction System Drain ClosedFP-324 NOA Backflow Preventer OpenFP-17 NOA Cyclotron Preaction Isolation ClosedPage I of IAttachment 8.7 ATTACHMENT 15OP-RO-555Revision 11Fire Suppression Valve Line-Up, SaRB Sprinkler SystemThis checksheet will be completed when required by the Lead Senior Reactor Operator (LSRO). Theoperators performing the check will independently verify the position of each valve and indicate theverification by initialing the checksheet. Where appropriate, the positions of throttled valves are shownon a permanent tag secured to the valve. Note the throttled valve's position on the checksheet. Underthe direction of the LSRO, a valve may be positioned other than listed on this checksheet. If this isrequired, the operators must ensure that the valve is in the desired position and indicate this position onthe checksheet. If this change of position is not covered by a procedure in use, for example an RTP,SMP or Work Package, which would return the valve to the normal operating position, then the LSROwill issue and place a Danger Tag on the valve for the duration of time the valve is in the out-of-normalposition.VALVEVALVE DESCRIPTIONPOSITION PERFORMERVERIFIERFP-1 5 SaRB Main Supply Header Isolation OpenFP- 115 SaRB Pressure Gauge Isolation OpenFP-222 SaRB Backflow Preventer Drain ClosedFP-223 SaRB Backflow Preventer Drain ClosedFP-224 SaRB Backflow Preventer Drain ClosedFP-16 SaRB Backflow Preventer Isolation OpenFP-306 SaRB Storz Connection Check ClosedFP-225 SaRB South Wall Drain ClosedFP-I 14 SaRB Sprinkler Pressure Gauge Isolation OpenFP-226 SaRB West Wall External Drain ClosedPage I of IAttachment 8.8 LEGENDDRAFT Q0EVALV >< WRAL m LWv pm E~FP23 ATE VALVE N:J LOOM OEN D VALVE 1> PRSSRECOIVP- PRESSURE SOCHCP CRAIN (SALL. VALUEI 0 LOCKED MOM VALUE4 VMIWCONNCTI¶ONr U OEIMMY VALVEa ~ ~ T~t: rZW S U7^FP2 VCE A -P -EEGNYPMP-2ISA -1 APNMU VALVE Al DSAMMAM COMIR. VALUE SCPEW C EM -POSTC POICYOVI RiOý 0~ FP -PM TI~AB0CONTROL VALVE D SOLDMO CMRCLO VALVE "M -ONEU or~ vALVEDOOR KIM TO minFP- VP-= 1W IDNEAR -l ROM4 UINVERSITYEMERGENCY __1_NEXTO _M-21______OGP43SHOWER MMf W125--IF-,1-70VP-lIE H7IMXT,* P-ill 10CR J90" rICS-lAFP-207VP-14HO VP-17FP-206 0j O-S VP-3 VP-il-V-AFl-'l -p-M 0*I-VP-204 -p 0 VPiS 4-27 215EI.VtP-toNEAOCWPPL 5-F-2D 0 P-nj -FS- TUNNELP-2 I IM LSry1 FP- VP*F-0-0 (4) _iiiw (8)imm 1-OR OWD I2439 1:: (1) ROO 100. (c3)) : ~LVSVALVE 208 (2)206 ()2050 (1)205A (1)ATTACH-MENT 15FV ný 263A (I)1-42 Cn 2d1A (1)L:251(1)On.. 209A(2Rm. 2099 (2)--.-,. 202A (2--., 204 (1) Z. 203(1)[~n.202 (2) M-4. 0 (2)r- -- --LJ.0-Rm. 213 (3)-R- .214 (2)--,. 215 (1)-Rm. 215A (2)RRm. 216 (3)-R.. 217 (1)-rn. 210 (3)-211 Cwrln (13)--.- 220(l)-Rn. 222 (2)-Rn, 223 (I)R-n. 224 (3)I-. 225(3)R,226 (1)Rn. 227 (3)-Rn, 291 (1)29n.3 (1)MA (I)R. 202 (2)-Rn. 296 (4)L2o0 Cwridw (7)207 Cn,.idw (3)-IRn.. 269 (2)-flR-. 2674 )-I R. 24 (1)-Rn, 207 (1)- Rn. 24(2)--273 PIPE CHASE (4)--R- 213 1 292 (6)--261 CHASE (4)4r 3 281 PIPE CHASE;P-238294 (1)201 C,,,.. (7)221 Cwdn, (5)o -- AUX. 04I4 Mold1AOE JOHNSON;.-723; AIR COMPRTI. 271A (5)--RZ. 2710 (6) -Rn.. 274 AUX. DRAINNEXT TO 274c~ FP-240R.,. 257 (2)-Rn,. 226 (I)-Rn,. 200 (3)-254 Gnwridw (5)-EXTENAL 0DRANNEAR SOUN STORZSP9-242IF272 Conif (7)-270 Cwdft (3)-A U XL O RNELEC A/CRm 279 (3)LOADINDOCK (2)250 Cw,,w1 (2)Rn,. 247 (3)jRn,. 252 (I)--R,,. 244 (1)-R_,. 241 Rn. 242 (I Rn, 244 ()--R.. 242A () , Rn. 254 (0)-2424 (1)-R. 245 (2)Rn,. 242A (I)Rm240 (1)1 Rn,. 241 (3- 240 Cn,.do. (5)-r-ran. 23 (1)-280 PIPE CHASE (2) I-n.277 (l)-R ,. 2310 (4) R. 236 (1)--On,. 220 (3) Rn, 237 (1)-1 7 n.d 2Ri,. 2322 (1i)- 27R 23Rn,. 220 (1)11 Rn, 234 (1 248 Clnd. (8) 205 (1-Rn, 20/1J 20CI~.FP-152102 P9-2412072w (a)-- 0 27C (I)-4 (1)--3.W 297A (1)-a 297b (l)-3X 0(1)-3..20'X (l)III. 207K2(1)-ft, 2020 (2)-OA.. 2974 (1)-On,. 2971 (1)0.6v)i00-0w wOf A-.I T 1 IMS 230O(2)-ZJ] F -03- -1231F (1)_FS9 -51 P IT 70 EX40R44A DR IN2 F )P0404 WETR InO -MNN 23E 5)OFRM ET P IR0ECt 0)2102 000 MURR TO PREACTI2OI GRACE LEVE7L100PAGE ODFINE SUPPRESSION4 SEE 20160IL- P2 pga,E212RMALEGEND02.000 VALVENORMALLY GLOSED VALVE:"CHECK VALVE-- NORM4ALLY OPEN VALVECATE VAL.VE j> ~ LOCKED OPEN4 VALVE[64ALL VALVE 1 01 LOCKED CLOSED VALVEP~BUJTTERFLY VALVE0 MoJ A" SU1CH cANGL1E VALV.E 02J60 OWO.'2..CONTROL. VALVE [ GOL'01CNOID CONTROL VALVEPRIESSURE REGULATORCEW/ OIENTAt. SENSINGCASEPRES0URE S'WITCHCLIP BRAINyrP FORE PROTECTIONSCREW CAP E EMERGENCY POL FLLPIE PLUG -D PIV OST 00CATOR VALVEWV WA1ER VALVCONCIN--0 (#) # OFSRNLE EDHCSE5 391 w 4-2337 ADD SPRIW4LERS T0 RM M6 2/26/14 1.6Rt PATE PAGE NUMBERS 0 /71/3 I -.63 REVISED NUMB ER WOF ER A00 HAS 0//1 2 404'FlouETfID A CT[2 [UPDATED PACE NUMBERS 110/19:1l.6JL... t " jGLOBE VALVECHECK VALVE[:GATE VALVEBALL VALVE I 0 IBUTTERFLY VALVE 1'C.ILEGENDNORMALLY CLOSED VALVE PRESSURE REGULATOR jJW/ INTERNAL SENSINGNORMALLY OPEN VALVE P U APRESSURE SAGECLOCI<ED OPEN VALVE [LOCKED CLOSED VALVE LC PRESSURE SWITCHTAMPER FLOW SWITCHMONI)TORED VALVE FLWTSMCDIAPHRAGM CONTROL VALVE <SCREW CAP -PIPE PLUG SOLENOID CONTROL VALVE [2 HOSE CONNECTION "-0FILTER [F]ORIFICESTRAINER IlCUP DRAINFROM FACIUTY AIR SUPPLY A- 135SEE MURRý flW .' 0JSHEET ."I., > -FP- 0 *FP-37ANGLE VALVECONTROL VALVEFP -FIRE PROTECTIONEPF -EMERGENCY POOL PILLPtV = POST INDICATOR VALVEWV = WATER VALVE(#) # I OF SPRINKLER HEADSROOM 231F-1FP-39233 (1)234 (I)235 (1)258 (I) 110 I259 (3)260 (4)289 (I)212 (4)P-243If l2FROM WET FIRE MAWN. SEEMURR FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMDIWG #1090 PAGE IPSiE KIERNAL DRAINNORTH WALL OF 231Cý PSI ATT-Ar- !PAFNT- 41r I -LEGENDGLOBE VALVECHECK VALVEGATE VALVE1ALL VALVE I0iBUTTERFLY VALVE 1"0,1ANGLE VALVECONTROL VALVENORMALLY CLOSED VALVENORMALLY OPEN VALVELOCKED OPEN VALVELOLOCKED CLOSED VALVE "LCTAMPER SWITCH [<MONITORED VALVE TSDIAPHRAGM CONTROL VALVESOLENOID CONTROL VALVEPRESSURE REGULATORW/ INTERNAL SENSINGPRESSURE GAGEPRESSURE SWITCH ~jFLOW SWITCHSCREW CAPPIPE PLUG -43HOSE CONNECTION -0]ORIFICE --STRAINERCUP DRAINFP = FIRE PROTECTIONEPF = EMERGENCY POOL FILLPIV = POST INDICATOR VALVEWV= WATER VALVE(#) = # OF SPRINKLER HEADSzzF F-i6NORTH WALLTOP OFSTAIRSFP-246w 0 1--FILTER[E5TH LEVEL~6 ] NEARCONTROLROOM DOOR3RD LEVELV)z2LaidA-LdLI-co-) -10941--1ST LEVEL__________ --BASESM-ENT LEVEL7-I- 1.1LFP-207CH-P-6-T] NEARETi ELEVATORWALLFROM WET FIRE MAINSEE MURR FIRE PROTECTIONSYSTEM DWG #1090 PGC' f LC1- .. FP-5I IILSEAL TRENC11FP-2081ýr2 UPDATED PAGE NUMBERS 07/16/13 JKAUPDATED PAGE NUMBERS 10/19/11 JRLREV. DESCRIPTION DATE DR. BY yI I It -firr-141H1110=1011 It ftTi:('A.,a?jGLOBE VALVE ><1CHECK VALVE CGATE VALVElBALL VALVE I 0 IBUT-ERFLY VALVE IANGLE VALVECONTROL VALVEWATER METER @NORMALLY CLOSED VALVENORMALLY OPEN VALVE >1LOCKED OPEN VALVELOCKED CLOSED VALVETAMPER SWITCHDIAPHRAGM CONTROL VALVESOLENOID CONTROL VALVE 2YRACKFLOW PREVENTORGENDPRESSURE REGULATOR [PWB INTERNAL SAENSINGPRESSURE CAGEPRESSURE S lTCHERFLOW SOITCHSCREW CAP -3PIPE PLUG -43HOSE CONNECTION -0FILTER EnSIRARERI7CUP DRAB FP FIRE PROTECTIONEPF = EMERGENCY POOL FLLPIV -POST INDICATOR VALVEWV -WATER VALVE(#) I OP SPRINKLER HEADSMIB/BOBTOBs 1.2.4 & 5IROM UNIVERSITYDCW SUPPLY. SEEMUORR WG f2439F-F -FP-251IV 5FROM SIAMESE CONNECTIONSEE MURR D0G 52439FP-247IP-249 IPP-2501 0R-5-Is**LOFP-64RM 230Lii-- I----------FP-320TO TONSI 7STORM DRAINFP-118).L +/-..L _IRON UNIVERSITYDSW SUPPLY. SEE REV 4 A TON2MURR DWG 02439 O- -L DA2NPIV-4 FP- 3211(NV-TSAR) FP-73 -AEXTENNAL DRAINFP-21 7 EXTERNAL DRAINFP-2---- -- ---1 PP-103 P-P-IS-ITRM 230L--"C -299 72)112.1 0- -1121t299C (41M'P-259 9D (22 : IU (A 1FP-25 I TAX (Il-TE299C (11EXTERNAL DRAIN 929F II)FR-2N -499 III0 IH I(I-71 --FP-72 -) --- __j , , IluHALL (B) HALL (6) IRm. 230 M-13 (I) .R- 230 M-I (2) 2RR (6IRI. 230 M-12 (1) -R-. 2.30 M-7 (1) 2"Q -i 412990T XR-. 230 M-II (I) Rm. 230 M-3 (I) (,) *ooo -IXM299D -I)-= 230 M-1ID (1) Rn,. 230 M-I (I) f. S~~-29W P I--F -XIXT -39 {21in. 230 M -9 (1) .- .. .. .C. I T IN -(2.-,. 230 B -B (1) Rn, 230 A-6 (1) MCfA ' -m u -51WPI1- 0Fin 23V U-1 (I) NIB EAST EXPANSIA/IUPDATE.) PAVE NUMBERS 0716/I OAWAT 3.-AT75 UPDATE FLIR 2RV&PUPDATEI NUMBER OF SNýRIIKLV P HEALISzCloLJiIAZ--LLJV_) -z0IF-- .9Q0a_C01090Z00FP-65 -O FP-67FP-PS-8-HALL (6) -ALL (1)R- R,. 230 K-IS (2) -R, 230 K-I (1)R- Nm 230 K-12 (1) -Rm. 230 K-2 (1)R- N. 230 k-11 (1) -R- 230 (1)-Rm. 230 K-10 (1) R-. 230 K-4 (I)-Rn 230 K-9 (1) R-. 230 K-S (1)-- Rn. 23 K-B (1) Rm 230 K-6 (I)Rm 230 K-7 (I1-HALL (5)RNm. 230B (I-R-. 230 J (I)-Nm, 230K )-Rm 230 I (1)-Rn 230 C (I-A m. LI, A ('-Rn,. 230 N (1i-Rm 230 G (I)-Rm 230 E (I)-Nm. 230 F 2)I- I ,p_ ,o I--- 5 FP-257EON 4 Ent- Il FlP-70 T.-230 L. (2) --P-ISOB 5 EnInes (I)Rm. 230 L-I (2)HALL (6)Nm. 230 Z (1)Rm. 230 N (I)Nm 230 9 (1)R. 230 P (I)Rm. 230 N (1)Rm 2300(I) Ri Rn,. 230 u (,)Rm. 230 U (I-zRn. 230 R (I)RP, 230 V (1) RPI, 230 5 (I)Rn,. 210 1 (I)FP- 25 s FIT* rP-53T* F-5,ITV-TSRP-2 6 'TO8#Se FP-26*TA SS ROOM 2S9E05/1-/12 l{BEINBEIED PIV-5.3 REROVE) 3 ADDED S INCA SITLE 10/12/07 DTOR#.'NOHqIlTO8#2{E" R UPOI"7E 1922/G I TI UI I 5. Al LS, I'F -6 .67'.. 2 J ..... L7.sI-[ ATTAeJ-wIUIMT 14r14-2, 2ICkI.1ACHs 2 R.5%9~.l5-91 R1C.0.,* I91-a f121190.WZIW97 D-IC*d5,oa532 zw4693S-79 K.*7$47 95s-41 v5a1.0Q.491.5,.9 211C5.t.295437 Imi9Se..n7am124. FPt?90.b24.?23O91.35 Tomad59b,0927M4-96 E~o.WM2X.n23g6.9' TO9C..0E95S-33 E.osBW..423*1,15-53 L*T93,27 low9.91 9,.307BR.305.10 T9l"I40 oaloM-99 .4s-28 .01AIVA-qN un .5ka r4C.c~ %l,, Vn.0w& -ur *'r- -"56 .15,,5..-. A,4..,r 15.991. 9.917 291.09 99~I0~..K"-A FP F.5o0I4.,,P.9I F- P- -s9, 1525TA5 5 9.ý. 9.5-1R CCAI' R-.. F- C.,,4 950- P-1 FS F- F14 l PAYM1573C- t.5CI C955T~viC .T..,,,Cs1.... F, .5 -,,.AD 99920 93909994)191437 IW l '1190 flSA-11 wfwas9~2l I NIv I 2C9WT9094 DATE FW ByFIRE PROTEC(iON SYSTEMISAR(H H rALIOR FACILITYuNIV ERITY OF MISS"UI50.0 &'25... mT Pf-I6OF 13 ATTACHMENT 15IWet Fire Suppression.~ na .WA, ~ N N N 06-- N ---1-1 L fMurr Drawina No. 22 Facility Air Supply522 Electrical Dtribution895 Fan Failure Warning System Schematic1091 Domestic Cold Water1125 Schematic Diagram of Laboratory andContainment BuildingsVentilativrý Systcm2303 Fire Sprinkler System for Room #111 & SealTrench Are -Historical Reference2439 Fire Line Loop at the Research Reactor2522 MURR Print Legend, Systems, and Abbreviations2641 Emergency Pool FillDRAFT* ..N.....IUN.n.mN.N.AN~sN.flN.N.fldSprinkler Head InformationSprinkler Temp. Maximum AmbientLocation # Heads Class. lon. Ratinm(FusinaPt Ceitin TemD.BulbColorRm. 231E 3 HighCT Base. & Tunnel 12 HighRm. 2311) 1 Intenned.Loading Dock 2 Inermoed.Remaing Areas N/A Oridintay296 Deg F286 Deg F200 Deg F200 Deg F155 DegF225 Deg F225 Deg F150 DegF150 Deg F100 Deg FBlueBlueGreenGreenRed_______LLLI'T I' I E~E1IHeat DeteLocation Oumnitv Non. Rs~a le<Ahlam Ptter Informuation__________I Pre-Action ire u iress jx~~ x x* x ' I-hNSN2.NLNNflZSUNNt x x --xFreight Elev Shaft IRan 101 1Rut lHlA IRm lI2A I112 Corridor IRm 114 2Rm 119Rm231A IRm 231D IRm231E IRm 299135 Ds F135 DegF135 Deg F135 Deg F135 Deg F200 DegF135 Dzg F135 Deg F135 D-g F135 Dag F135 Deg FLocationRm 299BRm 302ARm 305Rm 307Ran 308Rut 407Rra 408Rm 409RPu 505Rm 507Rm 509Rm 2009Ran 2009AQuanity Non. Rating (Alaum Pt135 Deg F135 DegF135 Deg F135 DegF135 DegF135 Deg FI r,* 1,135 Deg F135 DegF135 Deg F135 Deg F160 Deg F160 Deg FxxxN INI NxxXXXN xXN N X I N I-711/2M1IJKASOPaN-w: I IN/INOAltaTILE:FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMAssoc. Dwp. A ,sI nfo. (System Actku)RESEARCH REACTOR FACILITYUNIVERITY OF MISSOURIDRAFT4NJp&~ bN.d.fl~~*.a5~Ns.d 102a'2N15.RLJ_____ 4IM"%,I3 mr MOVEDJDATBAD MCcCRAENL I.ChWho ftw14 i2 ft0istysil I voN_____ 4 .4.-70OF:13REV. I DESC'RtPTIONDATE IDR. BYr3ANG N0 o"REV. I DESCRIPTION DATE I ULBY 7 Of 13 ATTACHMENT 15S"AC .9 l fbi Ak C~. V.a.FCAP -ft*C WIbM.PIRCW -&WMC." M-.. P I4ý .1 PSto-DRAFTNMSAT . ATTACHMENT 15DRAFTDRAFTMAC N" PýCPr.AP f ý b WS... oSmTwc.C .Th...d Cw.I". -p -.p .ps P-SCT Cdsft T-C.. C*w..PMD.. DIVDbCK2TA~ SOeIALIUA.NC '" ARM5I I 15AITm'-= PROTE CTK*4 SYSTmDETECh1ON & CONTROL -SAB PANEL9O3E ,AI'PJIM Jl ! ! I I W IVIg VA,,0-301) PSFp-120PENTHOUSE ROOM 3000F , .3 0 0 (3 5 )WA 0 1ID- W-0109UOM -C PW[M1401 78-J-Lobby Rm. 210 (12)-V~t It (1)-Vo, Rn V2108 (1)Doo 100PMD(7)FP-28MG-C,,-W C2000 (11)-Corio C2001 (6)-Cclor C2002 (9)-R- 200 (1)-w 2002 (2)-ft 2003 (1)-Nm 2004 (2)-Rft 20o *()-R.,. 2006 (2)--207 (4)2meA, (1)-Ibn. 2009At(11)-ft.. 201MI (2)--f. 20000-I (1)-fto, 200 (6)ern. 2047 (1)V.. 2047A (3)6..2D010 (4)-M.. C2041 (6)-.. am1 (S)-1-. 2012 (2)--. 2014 (4)--. 2014A (4)-1.. 2014 (4)-.. 2M5 (43)--Im. 201 (I)-R.. 20M7 (2)-Ra. 2018 (2)-R- 2019 (I)-Aft 2020 (1)-.. 2021 (1)1-- 2044 (5)-,. 20430 (l)-204M (1)-.. 2045A (3)-N.. 2045 (2)200B (2)-6.. 2M0 (4)-1M. 2041 (22)-A- 2. (1)-irn. 20o (1)-R. 2034 (1)-f 2033 (t)-Am 2D22 ()--r 203 (1)-*- 2m21(1)-Ru.. 2m29(1)-IbN. 2026 (1)-N.. 2027 (1)--2026 (1)-Ibrý 2025%,)-6.. 2024 (1)am.VI)z0wa-i0j~-P- 2M22(I)-ft, 200 (1)9604d NOA POWAICYPO FM=FNOA 070M _ _ __ _moac lTa EA'ITEXTEPINAIL MAN ON__SOM WAL OFMOW TV==DRAFT#v-0847 FRMFROP SEEL MR0,FIRE PAVI9f¶)RO~dOM 2015~ ~LEGEND01.060 VALVE ">J ONMALJLY 0.0000 VAL% NE IW 'iGAlEVALVE LOOCXD CMh VAVED&ALLt~t VALVE 101 LOKE CLSE VL* PESRE w0 DRAINKnO.0 VALVE 1'0,14A FLOWRU SMW -PIPE ILwI -J3 Ply PM 9T 600410 VALVESWV- &WANl VALIIECONTROL. VAL.VE I:1 SOLENOID 001(109. VALVE t1 H000 CONNECTDI-ON 0I OF WW W NIAGSWARER &MERR () ACcFLOW PREVENlCR (3 9.11 m>j.0204l0)Ipm6 PC10 001044 IS2UANCE 0 AJ2361090i'o1 0.,lDESCRIPTIO 1 -A mýr d- M*r 1 flt, I~~I iiTo Atmospher--IFromi Ak jCcnsremor = .MoinUo Atm~wFP-88 DetollGLOBE VALVECHECK VALVEGATE VALVECBALL VALCBUTTERFLY VALVE101ro.iLEGENDNORMALLY CLOSED VALVE PRESSI REGUATAORW/ WINERNAL SENSINNORMALLY OPEN VALVED-LOCKED WPEN VALEM.W RESRECGTAD SNT A f~ FLOW SWITCHIIDIAPHRAGM CONTROL VALWfSRW A -SO(DCW~ O~l~. VLPIPFE PLUJG -SOLEOID ONTRL VAW "MCONNECTION -0FITRrnESTRAINER I7CUP DRAINFP FIRE PROTECTIONEPF EMCERGENCY POOL FILLPly POST INDICATOR VALVEWV -WATER VALIX(0) f OF S'WRIMAE HEADSANGLE VALVECONTROL VALVETO AIMOSPHEREam scucrVM. -oV)z0ii0i~NET FIRE SUPPRESSION.MOMJ NOA WET mW MURI PROWC1IO4POIOB PACE 10 1-7ý-FRM D IE FRE4#FRSS CzLdck:LUc:0U)CL.0~0z1090ow,11,s30 1I nor I in ftII DA11E I DR BY I I AtiAuimLNI i %tvSARB-I ------------- -IFP-JS-130-0-200 P"FP-225T-=-10 0FP-16\ FP-FP-1ff-A WMJOVSAP1-SAM (12)In"W.L.z00-i0N'I FPP0810 SAMB DWW01EX1E3MA DRAWE0SotM WALL 0SAMSsm0----------I., 1DrA:Fmm OE LO W. WDw 02431PALEGENDCLOSE VALVE D>< WMALLY CED VALVE*. PLm EU7AM __COCM VALK fZ:j MOMALLY MEN2 VALVE [1GAIE VALVE tCK LOOMCNN VALVE Do',BALL VALVE 101I LOMb UCLC VALVE "L u M=M SM mpDAWSU11ElY VALVE r-oj uVDLW SUC ,.P -N ROEANGLE VALVE ISAWIAO CAPUO VAWPP-PuP3XDIAPAGMCONTNX ALKEM -AODROCY PM0 FILPIPE PLUGO -j3 PI POS M I CAIOR VALVEWa WA"E VA~LKCMIfRX VALVE SOL.040 CONIRO VA.rLVE HOS OFACII 0 W- O' RLERW IAAWATER PAElO BACIIPLW PREWWU C7)1-110.uL)I-0 U),L ORISNAL HM 7/16/ 1 JAAýN. arel"TIMI DANE I DR. RYI109012.13 ATTACHMENT 15LoopAddressLIMILIM2LIM3LIM4LIS1L152L2S3LI4LIS5LIS6LIS7L158LIS9LISIOLIS11L1S12L1S13Alphanumeric DisplayExitBOBC299UExitsOeRm199BOSM399TAirHandierExitBOBC299TBOBRmI99S1BOBRm199S2BOBRm199S3BOBRm199S4BOBRm199S58OB~m199S68OBRm199S7BOBRrn199S8BOBRmI9959B0BM399SIOBO8M399S11BOBM399S12BOBM399TRetumAirServesCi99U ExitRm 199 ExitAIr lMandler-AHU-2C299T ExitRnsl99RM1l99RM199RmI99RM199RmlS9RnIl99NMI"9RmIl99M299VM2991M299UAHU-2DevicePull StationPull StationRelay (Cutoff)Pull StationPhoto SensorPhoto SensorPhoto SensorPhoto SensorPhoto SensorPhoto SensorPhoto SensorPhoto SensorPhoto SensorPhoto SensorPhoto SensorPhoto SensorDuct Sensor6pAC~r P*AmL(-LocationC299URm 199M399TC299TRm 199 (South, East)Rm 199 (Center, East)Rm 199 (North, East)Rm 199 (North, Center)Rm 199 (Center, Center)Rm 199 (South, Center)Rm 199 (South, West)Rm 199 (Center, West)Rm 199 (North, West)M399V399U (South)399U (North)M399TDRAFT5FcAP. NW.16- -"-a.,-O-W -..*V. W-V wFS FI- -r..,*onk. -P.Ownh-9M AW- b-l522T 1 -a. S-MEPROTECnO0N SYSTrEMDETECTMO & CONTROL -SAMB PANELRMAM-UK IAUUM'IUNIE. IT_ OF. ~ ...........OKKKA W-W &1ý KMWRY.L ..........

  • MODIFICATION RECORD: SHORT FORMAP-RO-1 15Revision 8FOR: I) Addenda to existing Modification Records (e.g., modifications of same nature as onespreviously reviewed and approved).2) Significant modifications to the facility or facility systems that are not described in theHazards Summary Report.3) Modifications that require engineering decisions/implementation in a time frame thatprecludes normal licensed operator review prior to implementation.4) Modifications to non-safety systems; for documentation and review only.Licensed operators will review these modifications as part of the OperatorRequalification Program.The Reactor Safety Subcommittee will review these modifications.Modification Number: 04-03; Addendum 2 WAF bModification Title: Liquid Radioactive Waste in MIB Eastward Expansion4umber: 14-7646ByPaue No.123456Page TitleModification Record: Short FormModification Description(Why Short Form is appropriate)Hazards Summary Report EvaluationReactor Safety EvaluationProcedure, PM, CP, and Print EvaluationSpare Parts RequirementsRequiredYes No_[ _ _ERiDateCompletedft7 ?/7ia(6B91V/2fA'~hIDAWWBy(Initials)3L550.59 Screen Completed:'Asst. Reactor Manager -Engineering)Reactor Safety Subcommittee Review:( eact Manag )Modification Approved: I A ý7-(Reacr Manager)Modification Completed: "Date: q-0.- IDate: G -9- 14Date: c- -j4-IDate: 1'c" "Date:/(RWeactor Manager)Modification Closed:(Reactor Manager)IORIGINAL!Attachment 8.1 AT-&."KWC6AP-RO-1 15Revision 8Modification Number: 04-03; Addendum:REVIEW AND FOLLOW-UP ACTIONItem No.123456Page TitleReactor Safety Subcommittee ReviewOperating Procedures UpdatedPreventive MaintenanceProcedures UpdatedCompliance Procedures UpdatedMURR Prints UpdatedSpare Parts System UpdatedRequiredYes No-L, -Date-CompletedDocumented by(Initials)Iv,_____ / ~g(e6,t'4_____ 'LI _________~1~~_______ ____ J~1iLL5LlaAttachment 8.1 ORTI4thILNT 16AP-RO-1 1504-0; Adendm 'Revision 8Modification Number: 04-03; Addendum:MODIFICATION DESCRIPTIONProvide a concise description of the system change. Include any proposed PRE-OPERATIONAL TESTS required for this change. (If additional pages are necessary, insert afterthis page.)This Modification Record documents the changes required to extend facility LiquidRadioactive Waste (LRW) system to the Eastward expansion of the MURR IndustrialBuilding (MIB).BACKGROUNDModification Record 04-03; "Liquid Radioactive Waste Modification" upgraded the originalsystem of gravity drains and below grade retention system with an above ground drainheader and retention system.Modification Record 04-03; Addendum 1 "Liquid Radioactive Waste System in MURRIndustrial Building" incorporated the MIB LRW system into the facility LRW system.EXISTING FACILITY SYSTEMAll drains for potentially contaminated liquids are delivered to a LRW retention system in thebelow grade area of the reactor building. The liquid waste retention system consists ofthree tanks of approximately 5000 gallons capacity each, and one tank of approximately550 gallons, transfer pumps, filter banks, and associated piping and valves. In addition theMIB houses three additional 150 gallon tanks which also may be used to hold LRW. Liquidwaste is retained or chemically treated until an assay indicates activity levels are less thanthe limits for disposal specified in 10 CFR 20 and then is released into the sanitarysewerage. In addition to having activity levels measured, all liquid waste is circulatedthrough a filter bank to ensure no suspended solids of visible size are present prior torelease.continued on Page 2aWhy a Short Form is appropriate.(At least one of four reasons listed on Page I, with justification)The Short Form of the Modification Record is appropriate because this is an Addendum toa previously reviewed and approved Modification Record (Reason No. 1), and is amodification to a non-safety system that requires documentation and review only (ReasonNo. 4).2Attachment 8.1 AP-RO-I 15Revision 8Modification Number: 04-03; Addendum 2MODIFICATION DESCRIPTION (cont.)SCOPE OF WORKThis modification will require two lift stations and an elevator sump to be installed inorder to service the MIB Eastward Expansion drain needs. The eyewash station and sinklocated in corridor C229U will be connected to a lift station (small retention tank anddischarge pump) which will discharge to the larger duplex lift station located in the MIBeastward expansion basement (Room 199). The basement duplex lift station will alsoreceive condensate water from the air handling units and cooling coils and the Room299V sink. The elevator sump pump will discharge directly to the MIB eastwardexpansion LRW header. The loads and discharge piping arrangement for these liftstations are illustrated on the attached schematic (Page 2b).The electrical work associated with the installation of the lift station and sink are includedin the electrical analysis and documentation of Modification Record 14-02; Addendum 1.2aAttachment 8.1 MISMIS EXPANSION!TO LASB _ TOBUILDING NLIOUIO--IWASTEXNO NNTANK EXPANSIONCr cWT-134 VWT-131 WT-128OR-NTO MISTA14KS WTA27MF I EXPANSION E.EVAfOR PITMIS EXPANSION AHU CONDENSATEMIS EXANSION MIS EXPANSION HALL. SINKWT.124 Wr12 STATION MIS EXPANSION HALL EYE WASHMIS EXPANSIONLIFT STATION MIS EXPANSION OC LAS SINKMIS SOUTH EAST AMU CONDENSATEWT.128 WT-125MIS EXPANSION COOLING COILS CONDENSATE t)M&MhV16AP-RO-1 15Modification Number: 04-03; Addendum: Revision 8HAZARDS SUMMARY REPORT EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a modification to the reactor facility as defined in the Hazards SummaryReport? -, krp5 Yes: lporti Signature: Date: QA/5f2amIf YES, make an analysis below and pro ide the suggested revision(s) to the HSR. If NO, outlinethe basis for the decision.No, this change does not involve a modification to the reactor facility as defined in theHazards Summary Report.The Liquid Radioactive Waste System is only described or discussed in the Original HazardsSummary ReportSection 7.3.3, Liquid Waste Disposal. No changes to the HSR are required.All other Sections and Figures of the HSR and its addenda are correct and will remain thesame.3Attachment 8.1 AJ54f Offl 6AP-RO-I 15Revision 804-03; Addendum:Modification Number:REACTOR SAFETY EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a revision(s) to the Technical Specifications or a question pursuant to10 CFR 50.59?NOTE: A licensee may make changes to the facility as described in the HSR without obtaining a license amendmentonly if:(i) A change to the Technical Specifications incorporated in the license is not required, and(ii) The change does not produce any of the following results:I. More than a minimal increase in the frequency of occurrence of an accident previously evaluated inthe HSR;2. More than a minimal increase in the likelihood of occurrence of a malfunction of an SSC important tosafety previously evaluated in the HSR;3. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of an accident previously evaluated in the HSR;4. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of a malfunction of an SSC important to safetypreviously evaluated in the HSR;5. Create a possibility for an accident of a different type than previously evaluated in the HSR;6. Create a possibility for a malfunction of an SSC important to safety with a different result than anypreviously evaluated in the HSR;7. Altering or exceeding a design basis limit for a fission product barrier as described in the HSR;8. A departure from a method of evaluation described in the HSR used in establishing the design bases orthe safety analyses.Yr I No 1:1 LYes: V"No:"Signature: _______ __--_Date: 7/1204If YES, the change must be performed usi4g a Long Form Modification Record. If NO, outline thebasis for the decision.This modification does not involve a change to the Technical Specifications or an unreviewedquestion pursuant to 10 CFR 50.59.A 50.59 Screen (14-32) is attached to show that the proposed activity may be implementedwithout further evaluation or license amendment.4Attachment 8.1 A II--A 0 RAr IEk I -T A P%/MI I /..ifl-IVIlI-..llI It.)AP-RR-003Revision 950.59 SCREENNumber: 14-32 © © [V Page 1 of 2Title: Lud Ririn tive Wate in MR EaStwbad Epan@sion L.-rDescription of Activity (ithat is being changed and wih))':Fxpandinq I iquid Radinartive Wnste drain inio in. iviiL Fa!Tward FEpxnion via twn lift stations nndan 'Pl&vytnr pumpSafety Determination:Does the proposed activity have the potential to adversely affect nuclear safety or safe facility (i.e., I Z IMURR) operations? YES NOIf this question is answered yes, do not continue with this procedure. Identify and report the concern to the Reactor Manager.50.59 Screening Questions: II1 DI. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a designfiJnction YES NOdescribed in the HSR?2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to a procedure that adversely affects how HSR Ddescribed SSC design functions are performed, controlled, or tested? YES NO3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an HSR described evaluation methodology IIIthat is used in establishing the design bases or used in the safety analyses? YES NO4. Does the proposed activity involve a test or experiment not described in the HSR, where an SSC is Dutilized or controlled in a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for that SSC or YES NOis inconsistent with analyses or descriptions in the HSR?5. Does the proposed activity require a change to the MURR Technical Specifications? DYES NOIf all screening questions are answered NO, then implement the activity per the applicahle annroved faoility procedure(s). A LicenseAmendment or a 50.59 Evaluation is no.t required.If Screen Question 5 is answered YES, then request and receive a License Amendment prior to implementation of the activity.If Screen Question 5 is answered NO and Question 1, 2, 3, or 4 is answered YES, then complete and attach a 50.59 Evaluation form.[ Refer to Attachment 9.2. 1NOTE: If the conclusion of the screening questions is that a 50.59 Evaluation is not required, provide justification for the "No"determination. In addition, list the documents (HSR, Technical Specifications, and other Licensing Basis documents) reviewed whererelevant information was found. Include section / page numbers. Use Page 2 of this form to document your statements.Print Name Sign Name DatePreparer: John Kroeckel -.,,4Reviewer: Mark Corbett '/(-Reactor Manaoer: John FruitsSubmit copy of screen to I-ISR / SAR f ile_,circle cncr)? -- I. NoAttachlment 9. 1 A-rrAf"%UftACIK1rT II.E1tEE I liAP-RR-003Revision 950.59 SCREEN (Cont.)Number: 14-32Page 2 of 2Title: Liquid Radioactive Waste in MIB Eastward ExpansionIf the conclusion of the five (5) Screening Questions is that a 50.59 Evaluation is not required, providejustification to support this determination: [ Use and attach additional pages as necessary. ]I. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a designfienction described in theHSR?No. this activity will not involve i chanoe to q SSC ,that adversely affects the desion functionripcrihPri in thp ROMR Thiq i-, nn 4znqn-ion of n lim jiri rqrdiorc.tive wnqtp s-vistpm n~oni in nlnrin2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to aprocedure that adversely affects how HSR described SSC designft ctions are performed, controlled, or tested?No, 'the waste tank system procedure changes are for operator instruction only. This activity will notchanae a procedure that adversely affects how HSR described SSC desian functions are Derformed.controlled, or tested.3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an I-SR described evaluation methodology that is used inestablishing the design bases or used in the safety analyses?No this, rctiyity will not Pentnil rpevi.sing or rpplacing HR4R rdp..;rihe.d evaluation m.tholdologip.s that qreIsp.d in P.Pthlishin the dp..ign hase.s The waste tank V.-tpm has no impact on the. safpty annlyVsisnr aesign has.e-4. Does the proposed activity involve a test or experiment not described in the HSR, wh'ere an SSC is used or controlledin a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for that SSC, or is inconsistent with analyses ordescriptions presented in the HSR?No. there are no tests or experiments involved with the expansion of the waste tank system.List the documents (HSR, Technical Specifications, and other Licensing Basis documents) reviewed whererelevant information was found. [ Include section / page numbers. ]tP-D-If-7A1 n:nnc 11-1c W~q I int ri\N Wnto nfiennci catfinrn 7 'A 'A nmno 7.99 KAI I1P1 Arcft nrit-i#523 page 3 of 3 WT Filtpr Replacermpent. SMP-RO-1 1 and AppPndice.s Modification RPcord 04-03Ariddendhlm 2 WP#14-7R4R MIR lift StationAtlachnient 9.1 AP-RO-I 15Modification Number: 04-03; Addendum: Revision 8OPERATING, PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE, COMPLIANCE PROCEDUREAND PRINT EVALUATIONDoes this change require a revision(s) to any Operating, Preventative Maintenance, or ComplianceProcedure, or any Print?Yes: V. No: __ Signature: j, Date: 0,/27/26-L/If YES, provide the suggested revision(s).OPERATING PROCEDURES:OP-RO-741 Waste Tank System Operation -Revise per attached draftPREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES:Pumps and motors require no routine maintenanceCOMPLIANCE PROCEDURES:No revision is required for this modificationPRINTS:MURR Print No. 523; Sheet 3 of 3 Revised sheet depicts MIB drain header system perattached draft5Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 16OP-RO-741Revision 15MURROPERATING PROCEDUREOP-RO-741WASTE TANK SYSTEM OPERATIONMASTER COPYISSUED FEB 1 9 2014RESPONSIBLE GROUP: Reactor OperationsPROCEDURE OWNER:APPROVED BY:Mark CorbettJohn Fruit~sokýDate IS-I- 7 ,This procedure contains the following:PagesAttachmentsTablesFiguresAppendicesCheck-Off Lists1NoneNoneNoneNonethroughthroughthroughthroughthroughthrough165 ATTACHMENT 16OP-RO-74 1Revision 15TABLE OF CONTENTSSection Page Number1.0 P U R P O S E ............................................................................................................................ 32 .0 S C O P E ................................................................................................................................. 33.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS ........................................................................ 34.0 PREREQUISITES AND INITIAL CONDITIONS ........................................................ 35.0 P R O C E D U R E ...................................................................................................................... 45.1 DRAINING WASTE TANK #3 TO WASTE TANK #2 ................................... 45.2 RECIRCULATING WASTE TANK #2 ............................................................ 65.3 SAMPLING WASTE TANK #2 ....................................................................... 75.4 PUMPING WASTE TANK #2 TO SANITARY SEWER ................................. 85.5 PUMPING WASTE TANK #2 TO WASTE TANK #3 ................................... 105.6 DUMPING WASTE TANK #3 SLUDGE ........................................................ 115.7 RINSING WASTE TANK #2 ......................................................................... 125.8 FILLING WASTE TANK #2 WITH DOMESTIC COLD WATER ............... 135.9 SWITCHING MURR INDUSTRIAL BUILDING (MIB) DUPLEX LIFTSTATION DISCHARGE TO MIB WASTE TANKSOR WASTE TANK #4 ..................................................................................... 135.10 TRANSFERRING WASTE TANK 299-1, 2 OR 3 TO WASTE TANK #4 ........ 146.0 R E F E R E N C E S .................................................................................................................. 157 .0 R E C O R D S ......................................................................................................................... 158.0 A T T A C H M EN T S .............................................................................................................. 162 ATTACHMENT 16OP-RO-741Revision 15WASTE TANK SYSTEM OPERATION1.0 PURPOSE1.1 Instructions for using the Waste Tank (WT) System.2.0 SCOPE2.1 Procedural steps and precautions required to operate and sample the WT System.3.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS3.1 Unless otherwise directed by the Lead Senior Reactor Operator (LSRO), a WTmust have a level greater than 160 cm before sampling for Health Physicsanalysis.3.2 A pH of 5.5 to 9.5 is required to pump a WT to the sanitary sewer.3.3' The total activity of H-3 shall be less than 10 mCi and all other activities shall beless than 2 mCi before pumping the WT to the sanitary sewer system. TheReactor Manager may authorize discharge to the sanitary sewer system if theselimits are exceeded.3.4 The normal method of receiving and processing wastewater is:3.4.1 Pumping wastewater from WT #4 to WT # Holding wastewater in WT #3 for as long as possible to allow for thesettling of solids.3.4.3 Draining WT #3 wastewater to WT #2 through the standpipe for filteringand sampling.3.4.4 Pumping wastewater from WT #2 to the sanitary sewer.4.0 PREREQUISITES AND INITIAL CONDITIONS4.1 Sanitary Sewer Discharge Valves WD- I and WD-2 are closed.4.2 Obtain LSRO permission prior to performing all Waste Tank System evolutions.4.3 IF sampling a WT, THEN the WT must have recirculated through 0.5 micronfilters for greater than twelve (12) hours.3 ATTACHMENT 16OP-RO-741Revision 154.0 PREREQUISITES AND INITIAL CONDITIONS (CONT.)4.4 IF pumping a WT to the sanitary sewer, THEN:Obtain discharge approvals from the LSRO, Reactor Manager, and HealthPhysics as required on Reactor Health Physics "Waste Tank Sample Analysis"spreadsheet (Record 7.3).4.5 IF dumping WT #3 sludge, THEN:" A Radiation Work Permit (RWP) has been obtained." All Laboratory Hot Sink valves are closed and "Do Not Use" signs are postedover the Laboratory Hot Sinks.* WT #4 pump breakers have been opened and tagged out (Reference 6.3).5.0 PROCEDURE5.1 DRAINING WASTE TANK #3 TO WASTE TANK #2:NOTE: WT #3 is used as a holdup tank. To minimize mixing due toinfluent turbulence, draining from WT #3 to WT #2 should beperformed at night when the volume of wastewater beingpumped from WT #4 to WT #3 is at a minimum.5.1.1 ENSURE WT #4 level is less than 50 cm. IF not, THEN manually pumpWT #4 to less than 50 cm.5.1.2 ENSURE WT System is in proper operational line-up (Attachment 8.1).5.1.3 VERIFY sufficient volume in WT #2 to accept drained volume fromWT #3 (References 6.5 and 6.6). IF insufficient volume in WT #2, THEN MONITOR WT #2 levelduring transfer to prevent overflow.4 ATTACHMENT 16OP-RO-741Revision 155.0 PROCEDURE (CONT.)5.1.4 OPEN WT Pump Bypass Valve WT- OPEN WT Filter Bank #2 Inlet Valve WT- OPEN WT Filter Bank #2 Outlet Valve WT- OPEN WT #2 Inlet/Recirculation Valve WT- CHECK OPEN Demin Recirc Isolation Valve WT# OPEN WT #3 Standpipe Valve WT-3A.5.1 .10 RECORD "Draining WT #3 to WT #2" in Console Log Book.5.1.11 IF draining WT #3 to WT #2 has slowed, THEN* CLOSE WT-65," OPEN DCW Isolation to WT System WT-38,* Wait three or four seconds,* CLOSE WT-38 and* OPEN WT- WHEN draining WT #3 to WT #2 is complete, THEN* CLOSE WT-3A," CLOSE WT-24," CLOSE WT-63,* CLOSE WT-62 and" CLOSE WT-65.5.1. 13 RECORD "Secured Draining WT #3 to WT #2" in Console Log Book.5 ATTACHMENT 16OP-RO-741Revision 155.0 PROCEDURE (CONT.)5,2 RECIRCULATING WASTE TANK #2:5.2.1 ENSURE WT System is in proper operational line-up (Attachment 8.1).5.2.2 OPEN WT #2 Drain Valve WT-2B.5.2.3 OPEN WP-2 Inlet Valve WT- OPEN WP-2 Outlet Valve WT- OPEN Filter Bank #1 Inlet Valve WT- OPEN Filter Bank #1 Outlet Valve WT- CHECK OPEN Demin Recirc Isolation Valve WT # OPEN WT #2 Inlet/Recirculation Valve WT-24.NOTE: WT #2 should not be air sparged during recirculation.NOTE: WP-2 is controlled by a paddle flow switch driven hold-incircuit that shuts the pump off when flow is lost.NOT]5.2.9E: The pump used for all filtering and water transfer operations isWP-2 (50 gpm). WP-2 is selected using the two-way safetyswitch.START WP-2 as follows: ENSURE WP-2 is selected. Depress AND hold "Start" button AND VERIFY flow throughBull's-Eye Flow Indicator. WHEN pump flow and filter differential pressure increase, THENrelease "Start" button.RECORD "Recirculating WT #2" in Console Log Book.Recirculate for greater than 12 hours.. ATTACHMENT 16OP-RO-741Revision 155.0 PROCEDURE (CONT.)5.2.12 IF WT #2 will not be sampled, THEN perform Step 5.3.10, AND THEN5.2.12.1 RECORD "Secured WT #2 Recirculation" in Console Log Book(Record 7.1).5.3 SAMPLING WASTE TANK #2:5.3.1 ENSURE WT #2 has been recirculated for at least twelve (12) hours.5.3.2 IF WT #2 is not recirculating THEN perform Step 5.2.1 throughStep 5.2. 10.NOTE: A WT Sample requires:* One 500 ml poly bottle and cap* One 120 ml sample cup and cape Waste Tank Sample Report sheetNOTE: If suspended or dissolved solids can be seen in the sample,additional recirculation may be necessary. The determination tocontinue recirculating will be made by the Lead Senior ReactorOperator.5.3.3 ENSURE sample bottles are new or clean.5.3.4 OPEN and CLOSE WT System Sample Line Valve WT-22 as necessaryto fill sample bottles.5.3.5 Fill 500 ml poly-bottle.5.3.6 Empty bottle to floor drain.5.3.7 Fill 500 ml poly bottle to top AND cap tightly.5.3.8 Fill 120 ml sample cup to top AND cap tightly.5.3.9 VERIFY Valve WT-22 is CLOSED.7 ATTACHMENT 16OP-RO-741Revision 155.0 PROCEDURE (CONT.)5.3. 10 Depress pump "Stop" button, AND THEN" CLOSE WT #2 Drain Valve WT-2B,* CLOSE WT #2 Inlet/Recirculation Valve WT-24," CLOSE Filter Bank #1 Outlet Valve WT-18," CLOSE Filter Bank #1 Inlet Valve WT-16," CLOSE WP-2 Outlet Valve WT-8 and* CLOSE WP-2 Inlet Valve WT- Complete applicable sections of FM-20, "Waste Tank Sample Report"(Attachment 8.2) (Record 7.2).5.3.12 Deliver WT samples AND FM-20, "Waste Tank Sample Report,"(Attachment 8.2) to Reactor Chemistry Laboratory.5.3.13 Notify Health Physics Group WT sample has been obtained.5.3.14 RECORD "Sampled/Secured Recirculating WT #2" in Console Log Book(Record 7.1 ).5.4 PUMPING WASTE TANK #2 TO SANITARY SEWER:5.4.1 ENSURE Reactor Health Physics "Waste Tank Sample Analysis"spreadsheet (Record 7.3) has been completed and approved.5.4.2 ENSURE WT System is in proper operational line-up (Attachment 8.1).5.4.3 ENSURE WT #4 Disch Isolation Valve to San Sewer Valve WT-68 andWT-47 are closed.5.4.4 OPEN WT #2 Drain Valve WT-2B.5.4.5 OPEN WP-2 Inlet Valve WT- OPEN WP-2 Outlet Valve WT- OPEN Filter Bank #1 Inlet Valve WT- OPEN Filter Bank #1 Outlet Valve WT- OPEN Sanitary Sewer Discharge Valve WD- 1.8 ATTACHMENT 16OP-RO-74 1Revision 155.0 PROCEDURE (CONT.)5.4.10 OPEN Sanitary Sewer Discharge Valve WD- START WP-2 by: ENSURE WP-2 is selected. Depress AND hold "Start" button AND VERIFY flow throughBull's-Eye Flow Indicator. WHEN pump flow and filter differential pressure increase,THEN release "Start" button.5.4.12 RECORD "Pumping WT #2 to the Sanitary Sewer" in Console Log Book(Record 7. 1 ).NOTE: Normally continuous monitoring of the WT pumping process isnot necessary. When WT #2 is empty, the pump will stopautomatically.5.4.13 WHEN pumping is completed, THEN* Depress pump "Stop" button,* CLOSE WD-I,* CLOSE WD-2,* CLOSE WT-18,* CLOSE WT-16,* CLOSE WT-8," CLOSE WT-7 and" CLOSE WT-2B.5.4.14 RECORD "Secured Pumping WT #2 to the Sanitary Sewer" in ConsoleLog Book.5.4.15 Forward completed Reactor Health Physics "Waste Tank SampleAnalysis" spreadsheet to Reactor Health Physics (Attachment 8.5)(Record 7.3).9 ATTACHMENT 16OP-RO-741Revision 155.0 PROCEDURE (CONT.)5.5 PUMPING WASTE TANK #2 TO WASTE TANK #3:NOTE: When moving water from one WT to another, the non-standpipe suction line is normally used so that all of the waterwill be transferred. The standpipe suction valve should only beused if the tank will be used as a sludge holdup tank.5.5.1 ENSURE WT System is in proper shutdown line-up (Attachment 8.1).5.5.2 VERIFY sufficient volume in WT #3 to accept drained volume fromWT # IF insufficient volume in WT #3, THEN MONITOR WT #3 levelduring transfer to prevent overflow.5.5.3 OPEN WT #2 Drain Valve WT-2B.NOTE: The pump used for all filtering and water transfer operations isWP-2 (50 gpm). WP-2 is selected using the two-way safetyswitch.5.5.4 OPEN WP-2 Inlet Valve WT- OPEN WP-2 Outlet Valve WT- OPEN Filter Bank Bypass Valve WT- CHECK OPEN WT # OPEN WT #3 Inlet/Recirculation Valve WT- START WP-2 by: ENSURE WP-2 is selected. Depress AND hold "Start" button AND VERIFY flow throughBull's-Eye Flow Indicator. WHEN pump flow and filter differential pressure increase,THEN release "Start" button.10 ATTACHMENT 16OP-RO-741Revision 155.0 PROCEDURE (CONT.)5.5.10 OPEN WT #2 Air Sparge Valve WT-2C enough to produce a vigorous airsparge without air binding WP- RECORD "Pumping WT #2 to WT #3" in Console Log Book(Record 7. 1).NOTE: Normally continuous monitoring of the WT pumping process isnot necessary. When WT #2 is empty, the pump will stopautomatically.5.5.12 WHEN pumping is completed, THEN" Depress pump "Stop" button* CLOSE WT-2C," CLOSE WT-27," CLOSE WT-5,* CLOSE WT-8,* CLOSE WT-7 and* CLOSE WT-2B.5.5.13 RECORD "Secured Pumping WT #2 to WT #3" in Console Log Book(Record 7. 1 ).5.6 DUMPING WASTE TANK #3 SLUDGE:NOTE: Three drying troughs are available for use if required.5.6.1 Manually pump WT #4 to less than 15 cm.5.6.2 OPEN and danger tag WP-3A and WP-3B breaker (#10) on LP- Position drying troughs under WT # Position large flexible dump hose from WT #3 Sludge Dump IsolationValve WT-3D to first drying trough.11 ATTACHMENT 16OP-RO-741Revision 155.0 PROCEDURE (CONT.)5.6.5 OPEN WT #3 manhole cover.5.6.6 Connect a garden hose to Domestic Cold Water (DCW) Valve DCW-32AND place in WT #3 through manhole.5.6.7 OPEN WT-3D AND MONITOR dumping process.5.6.8 OPEN DCW-32 AND wash out WT #3 with garden hose while dumpingsludge.5.6.9 WHEN first drying trough is full THEN move dump hose to seconddrying trough.5.6.10 WHEN second drying trough is full move dump hose to third dryingtrough.5.6.11 WHEN WT #3 is empty, THEN CLOSE WT-3D.5.6.12 CLOSE DCW-32 AND remove garden hose from WT #3 manhole.5.7 RINSING WASTE TANK #2:NOTE: WT #1 and WT #2 are not normally used as sludge holdup tanks. WT #2 manhole cover.Connect garden hose to Domestic Cold Water (DCW) Valve DCW-32AND place in WT #2 through manhole.OPEN DCW-32.Pump WT #2 to WT #3 using Step 5.5, while rinsing down WT #2 innertank walls.CLOSE DCW-32.DISCONNECT garden hose from DCW-32.CLOSE WT #2 manhole cover.RECORD "Rinsed and Pumped WT #2 to WT #3" in Console Log Book(Record 7.1).12 ATTACHMENT 16OP-RO-74IRevision 155.0 PROCEDURE (CONT.)5.8 FILLING WASTE TANK #2 WITH DOMESTIC COLD WATER:5.8.1 VERIFY WT #3 Standpipe Valve WT-3A is CLOSED.5.8.2 OPEN WT #2 Inlet/Recirculation Valve WT- OPEN Filter Bank Bypass Valve WT- OPEN WT Pump Bypass Valve WT- OPEN DCW Isolation to WT System Valve WT- Monitor WT #2 level until the desired level is reached.5.8.7 WHEN filling is completed, THEN" CLOSE WT-38," CLOSE WT-65," CLOSE WT-5 and" CLOSE WT-24.5.9 SWITCHING MURR INDUSTRIAL BUILDING (MIB) DUPLEX LIFTSTATION DISCHARGE TO MIB WASTE TANKS OR WASTE TANK #4:5.9.1 Discharge to MIB Waste Tanks as follows:a) ENSURE MIB Waste Tank System is in proper operating line-up(Attachment 8.1).b) IF pumping to WT 299-1, THEN OPEN Waste Tank 299-1 Inlet ValveWT-100.c) IF pumping to WT 299-2, THEN OPEN Waste Tank 299-2 Inlet ValveWT- 103.d) IF pumping to WT 299-3, THEN OPEN Waste Tank 299-3 Inlet ValveWT-106.e) OPEN Waste Header to MIB Tank Header Isolation Valve WT-1 14.f) CLOSE Waste Header to WT #4 Isolation Valve WT- 116.13 ATTACHMENT 16OP-RO-74 IRevision 155.0 PROCEDURE (CONT.)5.9.2 Discharge to Waste Tank #4 as follows:a) ENSURE Waste Header to WT #4 Isolation Valve WT-1 16 is OPEN.b) ENSURE Waste Header to MIB Tank Header Isolation Valve WT- 114 isCLOSED.c) CLOSE Waste Tank 299-1 Inlet Valve WT-100.d) CLOSE Waste Tank 299-2 Inlet Valve WT-103.e) CLOSE Waste Tank 299-3 Inlet Valve WT-106.f) ENSURE MIB Waste Tank System is in proper operating line-up(Attachment 8. 1).5.10 TRANSFERRING WASTE TANK 299-1,2 OR 3 TO WASTE TANK #4:5.10.1 ENSURE MIB Waste Tank System is in proper operating line-up(Attachment 8.1).5.10.2 OPEN WT 299 System Discharge Isolation Valve WT-! OPEN WP-33 Discharge Valve WT-l I OPEN WP-33 Suction Valve WT-I IF pumping WT 299-1, THEN OPEN Waste Tank 299-1 Outlet ValveWT- IF pumping WT 299-2, THEN OPEN Waste Tank 299-2 Outlet ValveWT- IF pumping WT 299-3, THEN OPEN Waste Tank 299-3 Outlet ValveWT-108.NOTE: WP-33 is controlled by a flow switch driven hold-in circuit that shutsthe pump off when flow is lost.5.10.8 Depress AND hold "Start" button until flow maintains contacts, THENrelease "Start" button.14 ATTACHMENT 16OP-RO-741Revision 155.0 PROCEDURE (CONT.)5.10.9 WHEN pumping is completed, THEN:* IF pumping WT 299-3, THEN CLOSE Valve WT-108.* IF pumping WT 299-2, THEN CLOSE Valve WT-105." IF pumping WT 299-1, THEN CLOSE Valve WT-102.* CLOSE Valve WT-1 10." CLOSE Valve WT- I 11." CLOSE Valve WT-1 13.6.0 REFERENCES6.1 MURR Print 523, "Liquid Radioactive Waste Disposal System and Waste TankPump Controls"6.2 RM-RO-400, "Waste Tank System Filter Replacement"6.3 AP-RO- 100, "Equipment Tag Out"6.4 MURR Print 1091, "Domestic Cold Water"6.5 MURR Print 1201, Sheet 2 of 4, "Waste Tank I & 2 Volume vs. Height"6.6 MURR Print 1201, Sheet 4 of 4, "Waste Tank 3 Volume vs. Height"6.7 OP-HP-353, "Waste Tank Sample -Analysis"7.0 RECORDS7.1 Console Log Book7.2 FM-20, "Waste Tank Sample Report"7.3 OP-HP-353, Reactor Health Physics Computer Spreadsheet "Waste Tank SampleAnalysis"15 ATTACHMENT 16OP-RO-741Revision 158.0 ATTACHMENTS8.1 Operational Waste Tank System Valve Line-Up8.2 FM-20, "Waste Tank Sample Report" (Obtain "Controlled" copy from MURRIntranet)8.3 MURR Print 1201, Sheets 2 and 4, "Waste Tank I & 2 Volume vs. Height" and"Waste Tank 3 Volume vs. Height"8.4 MURR Print 2658, Sheet 2, "Waste Tank 4 Volume vs. Height"8.5 OP-HP-353, Reactor Health Physics Computer Spreadsheet "Waste Tank SampleAnalysis"16 ATTACHMENT 16OP-RO-741Revision 15Date:OPERATIONAL WASTE TANK SYSTEM VALVE LINE-UPThis checksheet will be completed when required by the Lead Senior Reactor Operator (LSRO). Theoperators performing the check will independently verify the position of each valve and indicate theverification by initialing the checksheet. Where appropriate, the positions of throttled valves areshown on a permanent tag secured to the valve. Note the throttled valve's position on thechecksheet. Under the direction of the LSRO, a valve may be positioned other than listed on thischecksheet. If this is required, the operators must ensure that the valve is in the desired position andindicate this position on this checksheet. If this change of position is not covered by a procedure inuse, for example an RTP, SMP, or Work Package, which would return the valve to the normaloperating position, then the LSRO will issue and place a Danger Tag on the valve for the duration oftime the valve is in the out-of-normal position.LOCATION: WASTE TANK ROOM (Room 112, 112A)VALVEVALVE DESCRIPTIONPOSITION PERFORMER VERIFIERWT- I WT# I Drain to WT#2 (Reach Rod) CLOSEDWT-1A WT #1 Standpipe CLOSEDWT-IB WT #1 Drain CLOSEDWT-IC WT #1 Air Supply CLOSEDWT- ID WT #I Transfer CLOSEDWT-1E WT #1 Top Sightglass Isolation OPENWT-IF WT #1 Bottom Sightglass Isolation OPENWT-2A WT #2 Standpipe CLOSEDWT-2B WT #2 Drain CLOSEDWT-2C WT #2 Air Supply CLOSEDWT-2D WT #2 Transfer CLOSEDWT-2E WT #2 Top Sightglass Isolation OPENWT-2F WT #2 Bottom Sightglass Isolation OPENWT-3A WT #3 Standpipe CLOSEDWT-3B WT #3 Drain CLOSEDWT-3C WT #3 Air Supply CLOSEDIPage I of 6Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 16OP-RO-741Revision 15 ILOCATION: WASTE TANK ROOM (Room 112, 112A) (Cont.)VALVEVALVE DESCRIPTIONPOSITION PERFORMER VERIFIERWT-3D WT #3 Sludge Dump Isolation CLOSEDWT-3E WT #3 Top Sightglass Isolation OPENWT-3F WT #3 Bottom Sightglass Isolation OPENWT-4 WT #4 Dump CLOSEDWT-4A WT #4 Top Sightglass Isolation OPENWT-4B WT #4 Bottom Sightglass Isolation OPENWT-5 Filter Bank Bypass CLOSEDWT-6 WT #4 Drain CLOSEDWT-7 WP-2 Inlet CLOSEDWT-8 WP-2 Outlet CLOSEDWT-9 Demin Recirc Supply CLOSEDWT-10 WP-3A Suction OPENWT-12 Demin Recirc Isolation OPENWT-13 WP-3A Discharge OPENWT-14 WP-3B Suction OPENWT-16 Filter Bank #1 Inlet CLOSEDWT-17 WP-3B Discharge OPENWT-18 Filter Bank #1 Outlet CLOSEDWT-19 WP-3A Recirc CLOSEDWT-20 Filter Bank #1 to Filter Bank #2 Inlet CLOSEDWT-21 WP-3B Recirc CLOSEDWT-22 WT System Sample Line CLOSEDWT-23 WT to Pool System Cross Connect CLOSEDWT-24 WT #2 Inlet/Recirculation CLOSEDWT-25 WT #I Inlet/Recirculation CLOSEDWT-26 WT #1 Inlet/Recirculation CLOSEDWT-27 WT #3 Inlet/Recirculation CLOSEDWT-38 DCW Isolation to WT System CLOSEDPage 2 of 6Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 16OP-RO-74 IRevision 15LOCATION: WASTE TANK ROOM (Room 112, 112A) (Cont.)VALVEVALVE DESCRIPTIONPOSITIONPERFORMER VERIFIERWT-41 WT #4 Recirc Isolation CLOSEDWT-42 WT #1 to WT #2 Isolation CLOSEDWT-44 WT #4 to WT #3 Isolation OPENWT-45 WT #4 to WT #1 Isolation CLOSEDWT--46 WT #4 Filter Recirc CLOSEDWT-47 WT #4 Disch Isol Valve to San Sewer CLOSEDWT-48 WT #4 Filter Outlet Isolation CLOSEDWT-49 Filter Bank #2 Vent CLOSEDWT-50 Filter Bank #2 Vent CLOSEDWT-51 WT Filters Drain CLOSEDWT-52 WT #4 Common Disch Valve to WT #3 OPENWT-53 WT #4 to WT #1 Isolation CLOSEDWT-61 WT Filter Bank #1 Vent CLOSEDWT-62 WT Filter Bank #2 Inlet CLOSEDWT-63 WT Filter Bank #2 Outlet CLOSEDWT-64 WT #4 Filter Inlet Isolation CLOSEDWT-65 WT Pump Bypass CLOSEDWT-68 WT #4 Disch Isolation Valve to San Sewer CLOSEDWT-69 Drain CLOSEDWT-85 WT #4 Sample CLOSEDWT-87 Room 200/202 Drain Isolation OPENWT-88 Room 200/202 Alternate Drain Isolation CLOSEDWT-89 SW, SE, NE Quad & Containment Drain OPENIsolation Valve to WT #4WT-90 SW, SE, NE Quad & Containment Alternate CLOSEDDrain IsolationWT-91 NW Quad Drain Isolation Valve to WT #4 OPENWT-92 NW Quad Alternate Drain Isolation CLOSEDWT-97 Alternate Filter Bypass CLOSEDPage 3 of 6Attachment 8. 1 ATTACHMENT 16OP-RO-74 1Revision 15LOCATION: WASTE TANK ROOM (Room 112, 112A) (Cont.)VALVEVALVE DESCRIPTIONPOSITIONPERFORMER VERIFIERWD-I Sanitary Sewer Discharge CLOSEDWD-2 Sanitary Sewer Discharge CLOSEDLOCATION: SOUTHWEST INNER CORRIDOR (Room 278)VALVE VALVE DESCRIPTION POSITION PERFORMER VERIFIERWT-66 Acid Scrubber Vent CLOSEDWT-67 Acid Scrubber Isolation OPENLOCATION: CONTAINMENT (Room 101)VALVE VALVE DESCRIPTION POSITION PERFORMER VERIFIERWT-71 WP-22 Isolation OPENWT-73 WP-23 Isolation OPENWT-75 WP-15 Isolation OPENWT-77 WP- 14A Isolation OPENWT-79 WP-14B Isolation OPENWT-96 SSP-I Isolation OPENLOCATION:MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT ROOM (Room 114)VALVEVALVE DESCRIPTIONPOSITION PERFORMER VERIFIERWT-84 WP-6A IsolationWT-86 WP-7 IsolationWT-94 WP-6B IsolationPage 4 of 6Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 16OP-RO-741Revision 15LOCATION: BASEMENT JANITOR CLOSET (Room 109)VALVEVALVE DESCRIPTIONPOSITION PERFORMER VERIFIERWT-82 I WP-8 Isolation I OPENLOCATION: MIB WASTE TANK ROOM (Room 299A)VALVE VALVE DESCRIPTION POSITION PERFORMER VERIFIERWT- 100 Waste Tank 299-1 Inlet CLOSEDWT- 101 Waste Tank 299-1 Cross-connect OPENWT- 102 Waste Tank 299-I Outlet CLOSEDWT- 103 Waste Tank 299-2 Inlet CLOSEDWT- 104 Waste Tank 299-2 Cross-connect OPENWT-105 Waste Tank 299-2 Outlet CLOSEDWT- 106 Waste Tank 299-3 Inlet CLOSEDWT- 107 Waste Tank 299-3 Cross-connect OPENWT- 108 Waste Tank 299-3 Outlet CLOSEDWT-109 Waste Tank Outlet Header Drain CLOSEDWT- 110 WP-33 Suction CLOSEDWT-1 I I WP-33 Discharge CLOSEDWT- 113 WT 299 System Discharge Isolation CLOSEDLOCATION: OVERHEAD CATWALK (Room 299L)VALVE VALVE DESCRIPTION POSITION PERFORMER VERIFIERWT- 114 Waste Header to MIB Tank Header Isolation CLOSEDWT- 115 Waste Header to Sanitary Sewer Isolation CLOSEDWT- 116 Waste Header to WT #4 Isolation OPENPage 5 of 6Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 16OP-RO-741Revision 15LOCATION: MIB CLEAN ROOM (299Q)VALVEVALVE DESCRIPTIONPOSITION PERFORMER VERIFIERWT- 117 Waste Header Inlet OPENWT-l 18 Pump Discharge Drain CLOSEDWT- 119 Duplex Pump I Outlet OPENWT- 120 Duplex Pump 2 Outlet OPENWT- 122 Duplex Pump Inlet OPENPage 6 of 6Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 16OP-RO-741Revision 15FM-20Revision 10NVASIE TANK SAMPI,E RE;POR'rTANK NO.: TANK V'OLL:ME: (Liwtr)SAMPLER:(Print Name)TIXIENDI) £rI.NOTE: pIH must bep11 _______________Visible suspended solidst: ITS .NOAttached it) Procedure: O)P- Ro-7.41behveen 5.5 mid 9.5 for release.IIPago I of'lPage 1 of IFM-20Attachment 8.2 OP-RO-74IRevision 15 IWASTE TANKS 1 & 2 VOLUME VS. HEIGHTCM4 LITERS(0zw123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313212336092128168211258307359413470529590654719786855925998107211471224130213821463154516291714180018871976CH LITERS33 206634 215635 224836 234037 243438 252839 262440 272041 281742 291543 301444 .311445 321446 .331547 341748 352049 362350 372751 383252 393753 404354 415055 425756 436357 447358 458159 469160 480061 491062 502163 513264 5244LITERS53555468558056935807592060346148626363786493660867236839695570717187730474207537765377707887800481218238835584728589870688238940CM LITERS97 905798 917499 9291100 9407101 9524102 9640103 9756104 9872105 9988106 10104107 10219108 10335109 10450110 10564111 10679112 10793113 10907114 11021115 11134116 11247117 11359118 11471119 11583120 11695121 11806122 11916123 12026124 12136125 12245126 12354127 12462128 12569CH LITERS129 12676130 12783131 12889132 12994133 13099134 13202135 13306136 13408137 13510138 13611139 13712140 13811141 13910142 14008143 14105144 14201145 14297146 14391147 14485148 14577149 14668150 14759151 14848152 14937153 15024154 15110155 15194156 15278157 15360158 15441159 15521160 15599CM LITERS161 15676162 15751163 15824164 15897165 15967166 16036167 16102168 16167169 16230170 16291171 16350172 16407173 16461174 16513175 16561176 16608177 16650178 16690179 16726180 16757181 16784182 16804182.88 16813HURR 1201Sheet 2 of 4Page I of 2Attachment 8.3 OP-RO-741Revision 15WASTE TANK 3 VOLUME VS. HEIGHT(DzwI0CH-LITERS123463961341762212703223764334935546196857538238969701045112312021282136414481533161917071796188619772070LITERS21642259235524522550264927492849295130543158326233673473358036883796390540154125423643474460457246864800491450295144526053765493LITERS56105728584659646083620263216441656166816802692370447165728674087530765177737896801881408263838585088630875388768998912192439366CH LITERS97 948898 961199 9733100 9855101 9977102 10099103 10221104 10342105 10464106 10585107 10706108 10827109 10947110 11067111 11187112 11307113 11426114 11545115 11664116 11782117 11900118 12018119 12135120 12252121 12368122 12484123 12593124 12714125 12828126 12942127 13055128 13168CH LITERS129 13280130 13392131 13502132 13613133 13722134 13831135 13939136 14047137 14154138 14259139 14365140 14469141 14572142 14675143 14777144 14878145 14977146 15076147 15174148 15271149 15367150 15462151 15555152 15648153 15739154 15829155 15918156 16005157 16092158 16176159 16260160 16342CM LITERS161 16422162 16501163 16578164 16654165 16727166 16799167 16869168 16937169 17003170 17067171 17129172 17188173 17245174 17299175 17350176 17398177 17443178 17485179 17522180 17555181 17583182 17604182.88 17614MURR 1201Sheet 4 of 4Page 2 of 2Attachment 8.3 OP-RO-74 1Revision 15WASTE TANK 4 VOLUME VS. HEIGHTCM LITERS CM LITERSCM LITERS(0zwI17C)123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930510172737485971849711212714416117819721523425427429531633735838040242544747049331323334353637383940414243444546474849505152535455565758596051654056358761163565968370773275678080582985387890292695097561 124062 126463 128964 131365 133866 136267 138668 141069 143570 145971 148372 150773 153074 155475 157876 160177 162478 164779 167080 169281 171582 173783 175884 178085 180186 182287 184288 186289 188290 1900CM LITERS91 191992 193793 195494 197295 198796 200397 201798 203099 2043100 2054101 2066102 2076103 2086104 2096105 2102106 2107107 2111999102310471071109511191143116711911216MURR DWG. #2658 Sheet 2 ot 2Page I of IAttachment 8.4 ATTACHMENT 16OP-RO-741Revision 15Releases to Sewer. IOCFR20 Appendix B. Table 3Page 1 of 1 418/2011Page I of IAttachment 8.5 ATTACHMENT 16DRAFTOP-RO-741Revision DRAFTLOCATION:MIB Basement (199)Date:.Valve Description Position Performer Verifier-- -Duplex Pump 1 Outlet OPENV2-, Duplex Pump 2 Outlet OPEN1_q Lift Station Discharge OPENL " Elevator Sump Outlet OPENElevator Sump Discharge CLOSEDL-iT- \ Header DrainElevator Sump Discharge OPENVT z -Header IsolationLOCATION: OVERHEAD CATWALK (299L)Date:Valve Description Position Performer VerifierMIB -E Waste Header to MIB CLOSED\ Tank Header IsolationMIB -E Waste Header toUJT- c Facility-LiR Header Isolation OPENIL wDRAFTAttachment 8.1 S IEP -- -----'- -- --- ---------DRAFT M " B HEADERr ~~W'E \,. ..."AN[ ...__ _ _ _ ____ ____ _ -{- __ _ \ _ ' 7 I \',cI NCT ONK.TAN NK.... 11 1A NI WT-HlrLOLISTE WATE WASTDRAAINNK TANK-TAN9-1= PA9- 2AS-3SE HlR B231VT-ITO~ME VT WLT.V~l---------------C-C~nem~4 NOMALLYCLOSENORMALY COSEDDRAFT 1S@fNwUT16AP-RO-1 15Modification Number: 04-03; Addendum:SPARE PARTS REQUIREMENTS EVALUATIONDoes this change require that any new or additional Spare Parts be maintained in inventory?Yes: ___ No: V./ Signature: Date: A/I6/-cdL'VIf YES, provide a list of the spare partsll UNo spare parts are required to be maintained for this change.6Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 16SPECIFICATION DATAVertical Centrifugal Pump Lift Stations*rot always common in Standard Featuresties. Wastech's standard pump lift
  • Molded polyethylene tank (16, 32, and 63solution for transferring chemical gallon tanks available)ty drain is not possible.
  • Fabricated polypropylene lid0 One or two pumps-CPVC pump headon comes in either simplex (one
  • Check valve for each pumpvo pumps) configuration. Every
  • 2" side mount inlet connection*w level switch, a level switch for 0 2" top mount vent connectionigh-high level switch. There is a 9 4"x6" view windoww window on the lid so that an
  • Three or four level switchesthe level in the tank at any given
  • NEMA 4X junction box to connect to remoteheck valves on the discharge of c panelmnt liquid from flowing back into the control panels stop. Optional Featurestations include a high-high level
  • Fabricated polypropylene double containmenthigh level alarm. Adding double tank with optic leak switchleak alarm switch and one of our
  • 6' pre-wired flex cable to connect to remoternntrnl nneln nrnoviri- n control panelGravity drains are nmanufacturing facilistations are a greatwaste when a gravitEach pump lift staticpump) or duplex (twsystem has a low-loeach pump, and a h4"x6" clear PVC vieoperator can checktime. We provide cithe pumps to prevetank once the pumpAll of our pump lift sswitch to activate acontainment with astandard pump lift scomplete waste tranoperator safety.isfer package and maximizesRemote control panel sold separately© 2008 Wastech Controls & Engineering80-1001June 2008 ATTACHMENT 16Tank Inside Tank OverallSize Motor Dimensions DimensionsWastech Part Number (gal) HP LxWxH LxWxHSimplex Pump Lift Stations SVPLS-16-003 16 1/3 18"x12"x18" 21"x15"x30"SVPLS-16-005 16 1/2 18"x12"x 18" 21"x15"x30"SVPLS-32-003 32 1/3 24"x18"x18" 27"x21"x30"SVPLS-32-005 32 1/2 24"x18"x18" 27"x21"x30"SVPLS-32-007 32 3/4 24"x18"x18" 27"x21 x30"SVPLS-32-010 32 1 24"x18"x18" 27"x21"x30"SVPLS-63-007 63 3/4 36"x20"x20" 39"x23"x32"SVPLS-63-010 63 1 36"x20'x20" 39"x23"x32"Duplex Pump Lift Stations DVPLS-32-003 32 1/3 24"x18"x18" 27"x21"x30"DVPLS-32-005 32 1/2 24"x 18"x 18" 27"x21"x30"DVPLS-32-007 32 3/4 24N I8"x 18B" 27"x21 "x30"DVPLS-32-010 32 1 24"x 18"x 18" 27"x21"x30"DVPLS-63-007 63 3/4 36"x20"x20" 39"x23"x32"DVPLS-63-010 63 1 36"x20"x20" 39"x23"x32"Pump Lift Station Options -DC (16 gallon) add 1.5"x4"xO.5"S-DC (32?ga!lon)- .add 11.5'x4"xO.5"-DC (63 gallon) add 1.5"x4"xO.5"-FC-DC = Double Containment and includes containment tank and optic leak switch-FC = Flex Connection and includes a 6' pre-wired harness for connection to a remote control panelPower Requirements:115VAC, single phase, 60HzRemote control panel required -please visit our website for pricing.Wastech Controls & Engineering, Inc.21201 Itasca Street 9 Chatsworth, CA 91311 USA+1.818.998.3500 Main 9 +1.818.998.4939 Fax e sales@wastechengineering.comSpecifications subject to change without notice ATT" IAP-RO-l115Revision 8MODIFICATION RECORD: SHORT FORMFOR: I) Addenda to existing Modification Records (e.g., modifications of same nature as onespreviously reviewed and approved).2) Significant modifications to the facility or facility systems that are not described in theHazards Summary Report.3) Modifications that require engineering decisions/implementation in a time frame thatprecludes normal licensed operator review prior to implementation.4) Modifications to non-safety systems; for documentation and review only.Licensed operators will review these modifications as part of the OperatorRequalification Program.The Reactor Safety Subcommittee will review these modifications.Modification Number: 14-02 WAF NunModification Title: Normal Electrical Distribution in MIB Eastward Expansionnber: 14-1278Page No.i23456Page TitleModification Record: Short FormModification Description(Why Short Form is appropriate)Hazards Summary Report EvaluationReactor Safety EvaluationProcedure, PM, CP, and Print EvaluationSpare Parts RequirementsRequiredYes NoFA El5r] n5)(1~DateCompletedde/vLal06r/'.*I vI4606/W1ILBy(Initials)TLsart(50.59 Screen Completed: , /' "(Asst. Reactor Manager -E neering)Reactor Safety Subcommittee Review: -._ ('eactor Mailager)M odification A pproved: -7. .r M a gef-- -( R 'eator M _anager)Modification Completed: _.(Recto Manager)Modification Closed: 2D Yw(R ctor Manager)Date: (A0t'Z7/f0/QDate: 4--Date:Date: ." iA-.[Date: 121A4IDRIGINALAttachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 1.?D)R IGINALAP-RO-1 15Revision 8Modification Number: 14-02REVIEW AND FOLLOW-UP ACTIONItem No.I23456Page TitleReactor Safety Subcommittee ReviewOperating Procedures UpdatedPreventive MaintenanceProcedures UpdatedCompliance Procedures UpdatedMURR Prints UpdatedSpare Parts System UpdatedRequiredYes No_________ ,_____V __DateComp~leted0512Wf4Documented by(Initials)"jt,I a DRIGINALAttachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 1714-02 GINALModification Number:AP-RO-! 15Revision 8MODIFICATION DESCRIPTIONProvide a concise description of the system change. Include any proposed PRE-OPERATIONAL TESTS required for this change. (If additional pages are necessary, insert afterthis page.)This modification record documents the expansion of the Normal Electrical DistributionSystem for the Eastward expansion to the MURR Industrial Building. The power will besupplied by HVP-3 and the 120/208V Distribution Center 1.In order to provide sufficient electrical capacity for future laboratory construction, theEastward Expansion of the MURR Industrial Building will house 3 new electrical distributionpanels; HVP-3A, LP-46, and HC-1 1 Electrical Power Panel. The new high voltage panelHVP-3A will be supplied from a 200 Amp 3 Phase breaker off of HVP-3. The HC-1 1 Paneland LP-46 panels will be supplied from individual 200 Amp 3 Pole breakers off of 120/208VDistribution Center 1.Load has been analyzed for both the 120/208V Distribution Center 1 and the HVP-3 toensure that new loads will be within the capacity of the existing panels. Both panels werefound to have sufficient capacity to provide the necessary loads, and stay below a 80%overall panel loading.Why a Short Form is appropriate.(At least one of four reasons listed on Page 1, with justification)The short form of the Modification Record is appropriate because this is a modification to anon-safety system that requires documentation and review only (Reason No. 4).2 O~RIGINALj'Attachment 8. I ATTACHMENT 17 -ORIGINALAP-RO-I 15Revision 8Modification Number: 14-02HAZARDS SUMMARY REPORT EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a modification to the reactor facility as defined in the Hazards SummaryReport?Yes: X No: Signature: 0____c_'. _ Date: & A LIf YES, make an analysis below and proide the suggested revision(s) to the HSR. If NO, outlinethe basis for the decision.This modification does involve a change to the reactor facility as defined in the HazardsSummary Report (HSR) and its addenda. The Normal Electrical Power System is describedor discussed in the following Sections and Figures of the HSR and its addenda:Original HSRNoneAddendum 1Figure 3.8.1 (No Change Required)Addendum 3Section 2.4Figure 2.3.aFigure 2.3.bFigure 2.3.cFigure 2.3.dFigure 2.3.eFigure 2.4Figure 2.5Addendum 5Section 2.0Figure 2.1(MURR Print #522 Sheet 1 of 5)(MURR Print #522 Sheet 2 of 5)(MURR Print #522 Sheet 3 of 5)(MURR Print #522 Sheet 4 of 5)(MURR Print #522 Sheet 5 of 5)(MURR Print #522 Sheet 1 of 5)(No Change)(Change as Attached)(No Change)(No Change)(Change as Attached)(No Change)(No Change)(No Change)(No Change)(Change as Attached)All other Sections andsame.Figures of the HSR and its addenda are correct and will remain the-GA3 ORIGINAL Attachment 8.1 AiLAj1AUMMt:NI I IW-MA~-- ~~ ------ ---------------rStfK ----------1545Sss 50OMAM. Sc~fnnSO-b 4-0 A, ------- aIVLKI TO~nf CAST.ef ~s 5-------------s 2 \ S. W O--- -- -- --- -- -- ----05 s*5W ~ SdWED~ I ____ PIKVWI. DATOcC-Q P31 1~z:Du-Ju-i-JI-7E--<m4_I--ElHK."Imlv m-CC,5555 550644ISIS 55155154C5IV~bAaE2.~

UTm. */"t'rciCL,.C3:(UI~oJzjCý I--LJ UL.J522*F I %R.-M I2 "v~ ow... U~vs ~ 1940 ~v~.vvva A.dfl5P4 S.asvintNýý I ý.A ,vverlvrvv.vvUS1 tA.,Xft....CA.~,,ow- I ,ýIlllmC& r..a,.s10 1$ .~,van- 4 0121rykx \10 I -1' I --1 1 t I I ~ ~9~i 012012~ ~ 9U:,wOvECeD~EOOV__[v~vwe fl~~0 ~ ~ 9229,12W Ae.doAas.e, p10~0.$ w-w..,909*9r. *1l *.,...9 ALSO nO to&~..r.I11 -L.L..--. m! IREýN "II -_________ -I 4 50 -OR el I rl.T I "ý',IESCWTIONlo flYL --lb ATTACHMENT 17.R IGINALAP-RO-I 15Revision 814-02Modification Number: ....REACTOR SAFETY EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a revision(s) to the Technical Specifications or a question pursuant to10 CFR 50.59?NOTE: A licensee may make changes to the facility as described in the HSR without obtaining a license amendmentonly if:(i) A change to the Technical Specifications incorporated in the license is not required, and(ii) The change does not produce any of the following results:I. More than a minimal increase in the frequency of occurrence of an accident previously evaluated inthe HSR;2. More than a minimal increase in the likelihood of occurrence of a malfunction of an SSC important tosafety previously evaluated in the HSR;3. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of an accident previously evaluated in the HSR;4. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of a malfunction of an SSC important to safetypreviously evaluated in the HSR;5. Create a possibility for an accident of a different type than previously evaluated in the HSR;6. Create a possibility for a malfunction of an SSC important to safety with a different result than anypreviously evaluated in the HSR;7. Altering or exceeding a design basis limit for a fission product barrier as described in the HSR;8. A departure from a method of evaluation described in the HSR used in establishing the design bases orthe safety analyses.Signature: -Yes:No: _XDate: 0 5/27/2.01/Io 'f 7' -If YES, the change must be performed using a Long Form Modification Record. If NO, outline thebasis for the decision.This modification does not involve a change to the Technical Specifications or create aquestion pursuant to 10 CFR 50.59.The MURR Normal Electrical Power System is not discussed in the Technical Specifications.A 50.59 Screen (14-14) is attached to this Modification Record to show that the proposedactivity does not involve a question pursuant to 10 CFR 50.59, and may be implementedwithout further evaluation or license amendment.4 ORIGINAI. Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 17IJl LUPYAP-RR-003Rev'ision 850.59 SCREENNumber: 14-14IoPage 1 of ,'8"Title: Mndific.tinn 14-f1);-.rl a .LFIpntrinrl fI'itrihiifinn 1n MjB, E-,twqrdl FxncninnDescription of Activity (what is being changed and whi):Connect house power electrical connections for the MIB/BOB eastward expansion to the existingMURR Normal Electrical Distribution System.Safety Determination:Does the proposed activity have the potential to adversely affect nuclear safety or safe ficility (i.e.,NMURR) operations?D-YESNOIf this question is answered yes, do not continue with this procedure. Identify and report the concern to the Reactor Manager.50.59 Screening Questions:1. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a designfitnetiondescribed in the IlSR?2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to a procedure that adversely affects how H1SRdescribed SSC design functions arc performed, controlled, or tested?3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an 11SR described evaluation methodologythat is used in establishing the design bases or used in the safety analyses?4. Does the proposed activity involve a test or experiment not described in the HSR, where an SSC isutilized or controlled in a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for that SSC oris inconsistent with analyses or descriptions in the HSR?5. Does the proposed activity require a change to the MURR Technical Specifications?YlYESYESDYESEliYESYESNONONONONOIf all screening questions are answered NO, then implement the activity per the applicable approved fAcility procedure(s). A LicenseAmendment or a 50.59 Evaluation is not required.if Screen Question 5 is answered YES, then request and receive a License Amendment prior to implementation of,!.c activity.If Screen Question 5 is answered NO and Question I, 2, 3, or 4 is answered YES, then complete and attach a 50.59 Evaluation form.[ Refer to Attachment 9.2. ]NOTE: If the conclusion of the screening questions is that a 50.59 Evaluation is not required, provide justification for the "No"determnination. In addition, list the documents (H-lSR, Technical Specifications, and other Licensing Basis documents) reviewed whererelevant information was found. Include section / page numbers. Use Page 2 of this form to document your statements.Print Name .Sign Name DatePreparer: /Aric Luebbering ______I '- /7---...ew er: / c/" Reactor Manager: John Fruits .5-Submit copy of screen to IISR / SAR file (circle onij? Yes[coPyAttachment 9.1 ATTACHMENT 17C1 COPYRevision 850.59 SCREEN (Cont.)itNumber: 14-14 Page 2 of Z e.Title: Modification Record 14-02; Normal Electrical Distribution In MIB Eastward ExpansionIf the conclusion of the five (5) Screening Questions is that a 50.59 Evaluation is not required, providejustification to support this determination: [ Use and attach additional pages as necessary. ]1. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a designfimciion described ill theHSR?No. The connection of these new circuits to the electrical system will not involve changes to an SSCthat could adversely affect a design function described in the HSR. The addition and utilization of thesenew circuits in the MIB Eastward Expansion is within the design function of the electrical distributionsystem and will not result in any electrical panel loading exceeding the 80% loading requirement.2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to a procedure that adversely affects how HSR described SSC designfunctions are performed, controlled, or tested?No Thp connentinn of new cirnuits, tn thp elpetrioal will not invnlveny Irocdtre,changes related to HSR described SSC design functionsn These new rirc uilts do affect any SSC designfunctions- Reactor Emergency Procedures (REPs) related to electrical power loss and the emergencyelectrical system are unaffected by this change. See Page 3 of 3 for additional information3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an I-ISR described evaluation methodology that is used inestablishing the design bases or used in the safet, analyses?No The ronnnetion of th.ep new circuits to the electrical system will not involve any HSR descrrihed_eyvahation methodology iused for estahlishing design haes nr msed in .safety analys-es. The safetyanalysiS assumes a total loss nf Plectrical power an additional Inad ti the.system will not changethism thodnlngy. These,. new circuits are not related tn any dersign hases or safety analyse.* .Does the proposed activity involve a test or experiment not described in the HSR, where an SSC is useo ur controlledin a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for that SSC, or is inconsistent with analyses ordescriptions presented in the MSR?No. The connection of these new circuits to the electrical system will not involve any tests orexperiments not described in the HSR. The scope of this Modification Record is only the connectionof Normal Electrical Power to the MIB Eastward Expansion. See Page 3 of 3 for additionalinformation..ocuments (HSR, Technical Specifications, and other Licensing Basis documents) revweweu wiacferelevant information was found. [ Include section / page numbers. ]HSR Section 7.1.4; HSR Addendum 3, Section 2-4Technical Specifications 3.10, 4.5. 5.6REP 9, 10, 11MURR Print #522 (Sheet 1 of 5 and Sheet 4 of 5).,,, op -/'.7,7[' Attachment 9.1 ATTACHMENT 17AP-RR-003Revision 850.59 SCREEN (Cont.)I)Number: 14-14 Page 3 ot3wTitle: Modification Record 14-02; Normal Electrical Distribution In MIB Eastward ExpansionAdditional notes referenced in Page 2 of 3" It should be noted that the drawings included from MU Campus Facilities include work that isbeyond the scope of this Modification Record, and may or may not be implemented in thefuture. Any work beyond the scope of Work Authorization Form 14-1278 contained inModification Record 14-02 shall be the subject of additional and completely separate review asper MURR Administrative Procedure AP-RR-003 "10 CFR 50.59 Evaluations".o This specific Work Authorization Form and Modification Record are to provide only"Normal Electrical Power" for the shell space of this expansion project. Future proposedwork involving "Emergency Electrical Power" (as referenced above) shall be coveredunder separate Work Authorization Forms and 10 CFR 50.59 Evaluation at such time asrequired if implemented.* Future modifications beyond those mentioned above (if any) and utilization of this space in thefuture is not covered nor evaluated under the scope of 50.59 Screen Number 14-14, and will beevaluated separately.C I I':i .. I IATTACHMENT 171- \I1-.3 3 ,-p- 1s4VS 20! IEr/i,Pone[ PI':IICN.lh,:i (ap~cily tcic Ificoiker (.apaditNP-VI. I 12 00 Amp I 148 W) 1\0VASecr'icd Eioranctc 1200 Amps I 9964 SO VA*Jate 1W'I. mo d (V,,Total Measured Proposed (;, o1 tkerCll orIII Load (VA) ..J Load (VA\) I~ r e Caa It5/6/2014516/2014Stlirlimi114-1278111614178304111614 11%178304 18%Total Connected Load, see proposed panelboard valueC.Total Measured Load, see current pan.lboard valiues.Proposed Demand Load = Most recent Total Measured Load + the change in the Total Connected Load.% of lPanelboard or Breaker Capacity is the Proposed Demand Load divided by thesmaller of the pianelboard or Breaker capacity.5/6/201414-1278 Added Panelboard H1VI-3A and LP-46 (11013 Expansion)Electrical l.o~ad Summnary':The proposed of non-.licrue.ncy elec.rical lIods lssocialed \vil1 \he .A :F.1-12781 modification are within the so% loadime r.eluirl.'me.nt Im t11V ele i',ic supply plcre',ipuiIl" ItIII in 'VolvCd. "IhC i[I1)pl,.1eIICntItlIioI.I oIf this l,.,rIk, ., ,, ... .: :1 .c:,,,.; ." l..',c'iric:dill ,ls1m.'.miol ;alid w.ill not :dxv rsel', :mI'e IlIl ,lclrical di-tl il',utiomm ssmm.m.I\I lg,.('m c rUi.m(l-N,,( rack* HVPI-3 (Rm231 D) 5-6-14WlP 14-1778: 5-6. 1 .ý 1111.311I 'P-3 SlIgilied B%' 1 2011 Atilt Service SwitchIk'wer Per Phase (VAI\ J Pwer Per Phasv (VA C.rtcuilDc:,C~ 0if Bf C____ G ______ A~~~~ ~ [! ~ ~ Dsr~00005'0000)02119515IIVI %- -,AA)OKV A, Trijrsfronncr: Distributio 0)Center-2Spatre5854511975919515399203992001951539920200450400I)00IT,450300K\ rV slitrIFtiIit Ccrttcr- I)1~*1.1II03I)00P~ae Shit~r. L~t 59435 1 59 3klanufa( -er:= = .~59435\lit ~gm AY-S taRnii3PHA IP~anel %Imn, Breake I Am490lY12771 2011 Model NuNoneGESpectra SeriesTotal Connected Load(VA)=Total Measured Load(VA)-0 1 () I -hase, Subtotal. Right5943 594'-35~ 1 =4jTofa per phase WVA)178304 215 w Toual (:n,--cled A rpsE =FLA Load per Phascl VA) I. I -Iý10 () -ITonl FLAX Ampser,4:2rz Iauc I il IATTACHMENT 17I )ist Center -1 : 5-6- 4Capacilics5/8/2014k.- .Lso-1-1 401Panle Vi PalnIhoard pacit y B lrcaker c 1Brcakcr (. paci -- --v-....... .. ... 1--- -....0 -- -----------.. .. ----. .. ....... ....... .....---.- 1 .... A m ,-i ---.. ... -: .--- 4 3 180 8...6 Ct J t 1 ,300 KA .rainst.Ormc,. 300000 VADde W Total Connecwed T, 1;11 Pr~mitt~a oposed Demand %/ of, Panelhoard orLoad (VA) I Load (VA) Breaker Capacitv5/6/2014 Starting 111614 37%5/6!2014 14-1278 8145 119759 40%Total Connected Load, see proposed panelboard valuC.Total Measured Load, see current panelboard values.Proposed Demand Load = Most recent Total Measurcd Load + the change in the Total Connected Load.% of Panelboard or Breaker Capacity is the Proposed Demand Load divided by thesmaller of the panelboard or Breaker capacity.5/6/2014 14-1278 Added LP-46 (BOB Expansion)Electrical Load Summary:The proposed modification of non-emergency electrical loads associated with the WAF14-1278 modification are within the 80% loading re .:.r , ' electric supply powerequilplicne involved. 'he implementation of' this modification is within the limits of the electricalequipment in question and will not adversely aftMct ? lectrical distribution system.Brad McCrackenFacility Enuincer lue. I o IDist Center -I; 5-6-14WP 14-t278; 5-6-14.S2014D~ist. C(ener-I Sunimied 1w 300 KVA TrajnsformterCircuit Power Per Phase (VA) Power Per Phase (A Circuit.. e "- D escriptionDescription A~ B C it A B: DecitI T09 t1.1' I'M1111111iii,.. IC [atingI"tc 'i1. 1PH)'vanc \mnpstiwiel Main 1. :sakcr (Ainr,)i0002715002715000271502002001003200320032000000000000T015TOt-H-.116I S10112216260mZ8145-h=d=~ _______ LJU...JL.......A..........U ______ 4 .1 ~ S JPireSublotal. Leti =1 2715 1 2715 2715Manufictuier:20SY1t 201200 Model Number1200GESpectra SeriesL QL...i--- -Phase Subtotal, RightTotal Connected Load I5 2715 2715 = Total per Phase (VA)(VA)= 8145 23 = Total Connected AmpsTotal Measured Load 1 37663 41570( 32381 = Measured Load per Phase(VA) I(VA)= I 11614 310 -Total Measured Armps-7-0E~.5.-. Pale I o 1 IATTACHMENT 17HV\"-3A (RmC.299U) 5-6-14Caplacitics5 .:S20 14T- .117, t- jtTotl Connected /'rposed Demand ol Panelboard oii Load ('A) I Load (VA) Breaker C1pacity5i6/2014 14-127S; Starting 554'5 58545 35%Total Connected Load, see proposed panelboard value.Total Mieasured Load, see current panclboard values.Proposed Demand Load = Most recent Total Measured Load + the change in the Total Connected Load.% of Panelboard or Breaker Capacity is the Proposed Demand Load divided by thesmaller of the panelboard or Breaker capacity.5/6/201414-1278 Added t-I\FP-3A (BOB Expansion). t did not have manufacturer FLA for Air Handler or ChillWater Pump.Electricail Load SumI1lmary:rhc proposed modi lcation of non-cnaency electrical loads associated \with the WAF14-12781 modi fication are within the 10. loading requirement or the electric eIlpply pooer.qutlilclI t involved. The h plei'lr tt.a i, I:!"' , .. -. c, ., .i inc elcct.calCteIiipmlienlt in LIuhesliol and %%ili nol adlveIscly "lietl I( s 1 lbctricat distrithutio s\ .t,1.' .Il iad ( ,. NICr okcnI lcii ,. t tl,.in .I HVP-3A (RniC299U) 5-6-14WP 14-1278i 5-6-14Siarling< (I4IINIP-A3 Sujpllictd lv HVP-3Girow,N-2t DcscripfionPower Per Phase (VA).I B cnCn: 0Power Per Phase (VA)A 1 13 1 C>.Descrilpinnlhill \\tler lhimp166NO5536055363*597910000571915'71955363979I 0.o010.13971)A ir Ui-,ndl eiA.\ir I-landler Pre-I i c~0)3000001000000000)IT0000)30IPhase Subit,'tal. Left=1 5536 1 5536 1 5536Manuacturer:Miurna: SI c (CuieI A;),np,s4HUY-771200)NohicGESpectra SeriesTotal Comecried Lwadlota) Measured I cadL3979.. '979 1397i = Pluse Suhkeal. ih19515~ ')5 15 1 S 195 TouI per Phnse (VA58545 71 1loin) Connecicd Air_______________________I'LA Lond ra il.e'la I A-I ;-oxib0 0) -'ma FLA P Amupsu.",ldeI NumberI-)0 l'aluc I o' IATTACHMENT 17LI'40: 5-6-14Capacities5,0. 5/8/2014Panel 1 I'anellIoaId Capaci v Brcaker Breaker CalpacityLP-4 6 1200r A 710968 0 VADist Center- I Bkr 200 Amps 7 1968 V ATotal Connected Load, see proposed panelboard value.Total Measured Load, see current panclboard values.Proposed Demand Load = Most recent Total Measured Load + the change in the Total Connected Load.% of Panelboard or Breaker Capacity is the Proposed Demand Load divided by thesmaller of the panelboard or Breaker capacity.Installed a 200 Amp Lighting Panel on Distribution Center -I for BOB East5/6/2014 14-1278 Expansion Project. I did not have manufacturer FLA's For Sump Pump, Snac Panel,Stonn Water Sump Pump and Overhaed Door.Electrical Load Summary:The proposed modification of non-emergencv electrical loads associated with the WAF14-1278 modification arc within the 80% loading rcquirement for the electric supply powerequipment involved. The implementation of this modification is within the limits of the electricalequIipment ill question and will not ad'versely affect BOB's electrical distribution systet .Brad McCrackenIFacility I ngincctr Pare I of ILP46; 5-6- 14Starting5.-W2014I'-P-46 Pafnlbo~rartI Supoijed bv Dist. Center -1(LC~ITC1IDeSCTIPusonPower Per Phase (VA)rn6an1a.Power Per Phasse (VA)ABCAuB3C5 -C ~ -'- 4Q117392YiMaissnal Li'i Sssmp PsssspRecepis.5R P2. -R pi,R..c pis_.fptN6436036036036036036036036036036t00000003603600000020202020_202 00--,y--202020202020202020202020.444444'0202020202020202020202010202020208640003600072010000003137847207203601000864CircuitDescription1BaeetLiIghtBassemsents ReccesSN/SC PanelOlerlicad D~oorSlns_~.'ssrSsrpPumsspz.-510I,-71IS.2624j 2-ImZH-li:simnur AIC RatinsgVolhge (3PH-I PH)Panel AmpsPanel Main Breaker lAmpsPhase Subtotal. L.e -208Y.' 120200None1584 1 1080 720Mantifacturer:Square DI! 1 11:2 Phase Subtotal, RightTotal Connsected Load l 12224 I 20 =Tol per Phase (VA)(VA)= 9145 23 = Total Connected AmpsTotal Measured Load s Measnsed Load per -,'A)(VA)= 0 0 Total Measured Amps .Model Number: NQOD Paselboard"10 V A per Recepi' .1 11 T-8 blhS lis 2%-11 Sms. It hUlhs% -5q5 %asiS5.'5'.' ATTACF I!7,AL'AP-RO-1 1514-02 Revision 8Modification Number:OPERATING, PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE, COMPLIANCE PROCEDUREAND PRINT EVALUATIONDoes this change require a revision(s) to any Operating, Preventative Maintenance, or ComplianceProcedure, or any Print?Yes: )11 No:Signature:Date: tS1271201If YES, provide the suggested revision(s).OPERATING PROCEDURES:No revision is required for this modification.PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES:No revision is required for this modification.COMPLIANCE PROCEDURES:No revision is required for this modification.PRINTS:MURR Print 522 Sheet 1 of 5 (see attached draft)MURR Print 522 Sheet 4 of 5 (see attached draft)5Attachment 8.1ORIGINAL .81 1IAL;MMtNI iUR I- I--------------------WL -------------L -----------------------------------------------ME-wo "ImtoM31- TU MI----------------------- --------- ----picxrmsw~ -XwK33Ml!.T.-zLAJLILUi000LiQ0-- ------- -------- ----. ~¶3¶~ !.*P~ ~ ~ ~F flV*¶3-¶WSTW,"" ...~I ,.. ] op..+/- t ~ ~ r.~ ] -~WP~ 32 20*2 R.....dEtP ,AA.flWtot OW? fiu..,1. S*O 0~0CCPOt 10 ¶320*? 0 S.100 (tpn MC IA0E-SI06 pp. 02110 ..4*037 p.dp¶3.c 04 $.p P I),, .,.ppl.a ¶22,239 23,2 3., IPO UCC I l',3t3334 00 u,2pLP ¶0f!SCPO'lOP¶~* I ~to,V.P ] 0203U?~10 j 042412p.] 100(11700 f 0¶o~522 --31 ENTRANCE RM 114 32 RU 105(S*Wwd tuc) Lp-32A RKvnlm "W1=lL-i'iZjCL-JoWUULi522... I ý '..o..~. 0 lilt bCd.4111P.14 .6a,4WýI -. ~*002 err 000111 III Vfll *11111,i --0100 ll.443,l,2,7 %010000.00*CN',R.~- tlCi-'S j -l*hiiOAdd.110001 ~ I 20.0125'C*.\ \% I -T -IMAII7 --17,.S lSll..M0101*I*THSmI i 101.at11ll0 24.1114 11,111Ev -- 1,11,510111*02 ~I~rfI71 11,211, I ov I,ESCIIIýONOR 86 I D0E4,5I I i ATTACHMENT 17O)RIGINALAP-RO-I 15D :Modification Number: 14-02SPARE PARTS REQUIREMENTS EVALUATIONDoes this change require that any new or additional Spare Parts be maintained in inventory?Yes: No: Yj Signature: / Date:Ifr YES, provide a list of the spare partsNo spare parts are required for this modification.n106O)RIGINALAttachment 8. I ATT~tf.8AP-RO-l115Revision 9MODIFICATION RECORD: SHORT FORMFOR: 1) Addenda to existing Modification Records (e.g., modifications of same nature as onespreviously reviewed and approved).2) Significant modifications to the facility or facility systems that are not described in theHazards Summary Report.3) Modifications that require engineering decisions/implementation in a time frame thatprecludes normal licensed operator review prior to implementation.4) Modifications to non-safety systems; for documentation and review only.Licensed operators will review these modifications as part of the OperatorRequalification Program.The Reactor Safety Subcommittee will review these modifications.Modification Number: 14-04WAF Number:Modification Title: Lab Impex Iodine Duct MonitorPage No.123456Page TitleModification Record: Short FormModification Description(Why Short Form is appropriate)Hazards Summary Report EvaluationReactor Safety EvaluationProcedure, PM, CP, and Print EvaluationSpare Parts RequirementsRequiredYes No71F....L [DateComp~leted12/ri5/2oWWer/,7A720%A/By(Initials)ltLTL-s50.59 Screen Completed:-/'/(Asst. Reactor Manager -Engineering)Reactor Safety Subcommittee Review:Modification Approved:(Reactor Manager)-to _ A0eactor Manager)Date: 12/2 -ai2,rr,!ýDate:Date: _a[5i4Date:Modification Completed:(Reactor Manager)Modification Closed:(Reactor Manager)I O RIGINALDate:Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 18I.,,;R IGI NALModification Number: 14-04REVIEW AND FOLLOW-UP ACTIONAP-RO- 115Revision 9Item No.I23456Page TitleReactor Safety Subcommittee ReviewOperating Procedures UpdatedPreventive MaintenanceProcedures UpdatedCompliance Procedures UpdatedMURR Prints UpdatedSpare Parts System UpdatedRequired DateYes Noo CompletedxDocumented by(Initials)la U3RiGINALAttachment 8. 1 ATTACHMENT 1aI G IN AL AP-RO-115Modification Numbcr: 14-04MODIFICATION DESCRIPTIONProvide a concise description of the system change. Include any proposed PRE-OPERATIONAL TESTS required for this change. (If additional pages are necessary, insert afterthis page.)This Modification Record documents the installation of a permanently installed Lab ImpexIodine Duct Monitoring System for detection of radioactive airborne iodine discharged through theMURR Industrial Building (MIB) Expansion ventilation system to the Laboratory and ContainmentBuilding Exhaust Ventilation System. The installation of the MIB ductwork is included inModification Record 88-07 Addendum 3, "Exhaust Ventilation in MIB Eastward Expansion."The monitoring equipment consists of a single-channel radiation detection system designed tomeasure airborne concentrations of radioactive iodine in the exhaust air that is sampled by ashrouded probe in the ventilation ducting downstream of all of the hot cell and room filtrationssystems. The system will be capable of measuring real-time exhaust flow rate as its basis forrelease concentrations. A pitot tube measurement device and flow transmitter will provide inputto the system. This provides continuous monitoring of all radioactive iodine releases dischargedthrough the MIB Expansion ventilation exhaust system.The system will also be capable of providing measurement data, via a network connection,such as concentration as a function of time, average concentration for specific time periods, andtotal releases for specific time periods. This historical data will be used to determine possiblefiltration degradation over time. It should also be noted that this data will not be used todetermine facility stack effluent release concentrations. That data will continue to be determinedusing the existing facility exhaust stack monitor systems. Historical data will be maintained byHealth Physics personnel via an integral database.The database output may be accessed via a network terminal installed in the Health Physicsoffice. At the discretion of the facility, this output may also be remotely accessed by themanufacturer via Internet connection for troubleshooting purposes. All database outputs are formonitoring only, and provide no control functions.Additional details of the system are provided in the listed attachments:Attachment 1 MURR Print 2777, "MIB East Addition Exhaust Schematic"Attachment 2 MAN0042, "CMS-1 Iodine Operation and Maintenance Manual"Attachment 3 MAN0104, "SmartMCA Operation and Maintenance Manual"Why a Short Form is appropriate.(At least one of four reasons listed on Page 1, with justification)A short for modification is appropriate because this modification is to a non-safety system, fordocumentation and review purposes only. (Reason #4)2 Attachment 8.1SRIG IN AL ATTAC HMNTA 8CIR Ll R TCAP-RO- l115Modification Number: 14-04HAZARDS SUMMARY REPORT EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a modification to the reactor facility as defined in the Hazards SummaryReport?Yes: No: Signature: Date: i2/10-12¢ol,!If YES, make an analysis below and provide the suggested revision(s) to the HSR. If NO, outlinethe basis for the decision.This modification does not involve a change to the reactor facility as defined in the HazardsSummary Report (HSR) and its addenda.The Laboratory and Containment Building Exhaust Ventilation System is described ordiscussed in the following Sections and Figures of the HSR and its addenda:1. HSR -Sections 3.2.7 and 7.2.7;2. Addendum 1 -Questions 3.20 and 3.22, and Figure 3.22.1;3. Addendum 2 -Question 11 (This question is no longer relevant due to facilityModification Record 88-7. This question is discussed in Section 5.3.3 of Addendum 3.); and4. Addendum 3 -Sections 3.7 and 5.3.3.The Off-Gas Radiation Monitoring System is described or discussed in the followingSections and Figures of the HSR and its addenda:1. HSR -Sections 7.3.1 and 9.7.3All sections, tables and figures of the HSR and its addenda are considered correct and willremain unchanged.3 ORIGINAL Attachment 8.1 AJVI MAC18AP-RO-i 15Revision 9Modification Number: 14-04REACTOR SAFETY EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a revision(s) to the Technical Specifications or a question pursuant to10 CFR 50.59?NOTE: A licensee may make changes to the facility as described in the HSR without obtaining a license amendmentonly if:(i) A change to the Technical Specifications incorporated in the license is not required, and(ii) The change does not produce any of the following results:I. More than a minimal increase in the frequency of occurrence of an accident previously evaluated inthe HSR;2. More than a minimal increase in the likelihood of occurrence of a malfunction of an SSC important tosafety previously evaluated in the HSR;3. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of an accident previously evaluated in the I-tSR;4. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of a malfunction of an SSC important to safetypreviously evaluated in the HSR;5. Create a possibility for an accident of a different type than previously evaluated in the HSR;6. Create a possibility for a malfunction of an SSC important to safety with a different result than anypreviously evaluated in the HSR;7. Altering or exceeding a design basis limit for a fission product barrier as described in the HSR;8. A departure from a method of evaluation described in the HSR used in establishing the design bases orthe safety analyses.Yes: No: XSignature: e:____Date: ) If YES, the change must be performed using a Long Form Modification Record. If NO, outline thebasis for the decision.This modification does not involve a change to the Technical Specifications or a questionpursuant to 10 CFR 50.59. A 50.59 Screen (14-42) is attached which shows that theproposed activity may be implemented without further evaluation or license amendment.4~ORIGINALAttachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 18Y AP-RR-003Revision 950.59 SCREENNumber: 14-42 Page I of 3Title: Lab Impex Iodine Duct MonitorDescription of Activity (what is being changed and why):_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _The addition of a permanently installed Lab Impex Iodine Duct Monitoring System for detection of radioactiveairborne iodine discharged through the MURR industrial building Expansion ventillation system to the Laboratoryand Containment Building Exhaust Ventilation System.Safety Determination:Does the proposed activity have the potential to adversely affect nuclear safety or safe facility (i.e., LMURR) operations? YES NOIf this question is answered yes, do not continue with this procedure. Identify and report the concern to the Reactor Manager.50.59 Screening Questions: ]-Z-I. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a designfinction YES NOdescribed in the HSR?2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to a procedure that adversely affects how HISR DF7-described SSC design functions are performed, controlled, or tested? YES NO3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an fISR described evaluation methodology L. D I _that is used in establishing the design bases or used in the safety analyses? YES NO4. Does the proposed activity involve a test or experiment not described in the HSR, where an SSC is E 2Lutilized or controlled in a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for that SSC or YES NOis inconsistent with analyses or descriptions in the HSR?.5. Does the proposed activity require a change to the MURR Technical Specifications? L_..ZYES NOIf all screening questions are answered NO, then implement the activity per the applicable approved facility procedur-(s). A LicenseAmendment or a 50.59 Evaluation is not required.If Screen Question 5 is answered YES, then request and receive a License Amendment prior to implementation of the activity.If Screen Question 5 is answered NO and Question I, 2, 3, or 4 is answered YES, then complete and attach a 50.59 Evaluation form.[ Refer to Attachment 9.2. ]NOTE: If the conclusion of the screening questions is that a 50.59 Evaluation is not required, provide justification for the "No"determination. In addition, list the documents (HSR, Technical Specifications, and other Licensing Basis documents) reviewed whererelevant information was found. Include section / page numbers. Use Page 2 of this form to document your statements.Print Name Sign Name DatePreparer: Caleb Braun ....... 12/10/14Reviewer: Mark Corbett 12/19/14Reactor Moanager: ) o 4 _HRlcc_?_/o______________ Sb it cop), of screen to HSR I SAR file (circle e6)? Y. /,N,.eoPYAttachment 9. I ATTACHMENT 18" --AP-RR-003Revision 950.59 SCREEN (Cont.)Number: 14-42 Page 2 of 3Title: Lab Impex Iodine Duct MonitorIf the conclusion of the five (5) Screening Questions is that a 50.59 Evaluation is not required, providejustification to support this determination: [ Use and attach additional pages as necessary. ]I. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a designfitnction described in theHSR?No. the proposed activity does not involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a design functiondescribed in the HSR. The proposed activity is for the installation of a radiation monitor that will be used tomonitor ventilation systems which will not adversely affect the design functions of any SSC described inthe HSR. This change is not a replacement or addition to the existing Stack Monitors described in theHSR. (Continued on Page #3)2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to a procedure that adversely affects how HSR described SSC designfunctions are performed, controlled, or tested?No. the prooosed activity does not involve a change to a procedure that adversely affects how HSRdescribed SSC functions are performed, controlled, or tested. The only procedural changes that willbe made are the addition of operating procedures for Calibration and Maintenance of the Lab ImpexIodine Duct Monitor and print revisions to MURR Print #1125 sheet 4 of 4.3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an HSR described evaluation methodology that is used inestablishing the design bases or used in the safety analyses?No the pnron;drJ ativity does not involve revising or ranlring en HRR deP.rrihed Pvalihitinnmeithodnloy thet ic t'~ed in P.tehli.qhinn th. deo.inn haee or iimed in the e.Afpetv nly-eN The. d.ignha... end -.fpWty anelv.g.e dn nnt rply nn the I ah Indinp u'ct Mnnitor in their Fy-hyaitionMethodnlnoy-4. Does the proposed activity involve a test or experiment not described in the HSR, where an SSC is used or controlledin a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for that SSC, or is inconsistent with analyses ordescriptions presented in the HSR?No. the proposed activity does not involve a test or experiment not described in the HSR. where anSSC is used or controlled in a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for the SSC,or is inconsistent with analyses or descriptions presented in the HSR. The addition of the Lab ImpexIodine Duct Monitor will monitor Iodine produced in an experiment covered under RUR 440(TeO2 -toproduce 1-131), RUR 449 (Preliminary TeO2 Target Irradiations), and RL-76.List the documents (HSR, Technical Specifications, and other Licensing Basis documents) reviewcd whererelevant information was found. [ Include section / page numbers. ]HSR Sections 3-2-7 (pq 3-7) 7-2_7(p.-7-19);7.3 1(pg 7-24)-9.7.3(pp.9-17)Modification Record 14-04 "Lab Impex Iodine Duct Monitor"MURR Print #1125 Sheets 1-4RUR-440(TeO2 -to Produce 1-131 449 (Preliminary TeO2 Taroet IrradiationsV: RL-76RUR-440(TeO2 -to Produce 1-131)*RUR449 (PreliminaryTe 2TargetIrradoationsIrEL-76Attachment 9.1 PCL XL errorError:Operator:Position:ExtraDataReadimage560 ATTtTpAP-RO-i 15Revision 9MODIFICATION RECORD: SHORT FORMFOR: 1) Addenda to existing Modification Records (e.g., modifications of same nature as onespreviously reviewed and approved).2) Significant modifications to the facility or facility systems that are not described in theHazards Summary Report.3) Modifications that require engineering decisions/implementation in a time frame thatprecludes normal licensed operator review prior to implementation.4) Modifications to non-safety systems; for documentation and review only.Licensed operators will review these modifications as part of the OperatorRequalification Program.The Reactor Safety Subcommittee will review these modifications.Modification Number: 14-04WAF Number:Modification Title: Lab Impex Iodine Duct MonitorPage No.123456Paue TitleModification Record: Short FormModification Description(Why Short Form is appropriate)Hazards Summary Report EvaluationReactor Safety EvaluationProcedure, PM, CP, and Print EvaluationSpare Parts RequirementsRequiredYes NoF-71--oN-__Ii_ -DateComn~leted/2lo rl 20w lI 2/,?AY24a1/By(Initials)-LLYL.ST. Lts50.59 Screen Completed:___ ___ ___ ___ ___/"'(_Asst. Reactor Manager -Engineering)Reactor Safety Subcommittee Review:Date: 12/2 Date:Date: _ _tA_ JI IModification Approved:(Reactor Manager)-" eactor Manager)Modification Completed:(Reactor Manager)Modification Closed:(Reactor Manager)Date:Date:________RI G I NAL'Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 18I., RIGiNAtModification Number: 14-04REVIEW AND FOLLOW-UP ACTIONAP-RO-l 15Revision 9Item No.123456Page TitleReactor Safety Subcommittee ReviewOperating Procedures UpdatedPreventive MaintenanceProcedures UpdatedCompliance Procedures UpdatedMURR Prints UpdatedSpare Parts System UpdatedRequired DateYes No CompletedXDocumented by(Initials)la URGNAAttachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 1-SIUGINALModification Number: 14-04MODIFICATION DESCRIPTIONProvide a concise description of the system change. Include any proposed PRE-OPERATIONAL TESTS required for this change. (If additional pages are necessary, insert afterthis page.)This Modification Record documents the installation of a permanently installed Lab ImpexIodine Duct Monitoring System for detection of radioactive airborne iodine discharged through theMURR Industrial Building (MIB) Expansion ventilation system to the Laboratory and ContainmentBuilding Exhaust Ventilation System. The installation of the MIB ductwork is included inModification Record 88-07 Addendum 3, "Exhaust Ventilation in MIB Eastward Expansion."The monitoring equipment consists of a single-channel radiation detection system designed tomeasure airborne concentrations of radioactive iodine in the exhaust air that is sampled by ashrouded probe in the ventilation ducting downstream of all of the hot cell and room filtrationssystems. The system will be capable of measuring real-time exhaust flow rate as its basis forrelease concentrations. A pitot tube measurement device and flow transmitter will provide inputto the system. This provides continuous monitoring of all radioactive iodine releases dischargedthrough the MIB Expansion ventilation exhaust system.The system will also be capable of providing measurement data, via a network connection,such as concentration as a function of time, average concentration for specific time periods, andtotal releases for specific time periods. This historical data will be used to determine possiblefiltration degradation over time. It should also be noted that this data will not be used todetermine facility stack effluent release concentrations. That data will continue to be determinedusing the existing facility exhaust stack monitor systems. Historical data will be maintained byHealth Physics personnel via an integral database.The database output may be accessed via a network terminal installed in the Health Physicsoffice. At the discretion of the facility, this output may also be remotely accessed by themanufacturer via Internet connection for troubleshooting purposes. All database outputs are formonitoring only, and provide no control functions.Additional details of the system are provided in the listed attachments:Attachment 1 MURR Print 2777, "MIB East Addition Exhaust Schematic"Attachment 2 MAN0042, "CMS-1 Iodine Operation and Maintenance Manual"Attachment 3 MAN0104, 'SmartMCA Operation and Maintenance Manual"Why a Short Form is appropriate.(At least one of four reasons listed on Page 1, with justification)A short for modification is appropriate because this modification is to a non-safety system, fordocumentation and review purposes only. (Reason #4)2 Attachment 8.1c RIGINAL ATTACHMENT. 18AP-RO-l 15Modification Number: 14-04HAZARDS SUMMARY REPORT EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a modification to the reactor facility as defined in the Hazards SummaryReport?Yes: No: Signature: Date: 12/eZ-/2woLiIf YES, make an analysis below and provide the suggested revision(s) to the HSR. If NO, outlinethe basis for the decision.This modification does not involve a change to the reactor facility as defined in the HazardsSummary Report (HSR) and its addenda.The Laboratory and Containment Building Exhaust Ventilation System is described ordiscussed in the following Sections and Figures of the HSR and its addenda:1. HSR -Sections 3.2.7 and 7.2.7;2. Addendum 1 -Questions 3.20 and 3.22, and Figure 3.22.1;3. Addendum 2 -Question 11 (This question is no longer relevant due to facilityModification Record 88-7. This question is discussed in Section 5.3.3 of Addendum 3.); and4. Addendum 3 -Sections 3.7 and 5.3.3.The Off-Gas Radiation Monitoring System is described or discussed in the followingSections and Figures of the HSR and its addenda:1. HSR -Sections 7.3.1 and 9.7.3All sections, tables and figures of the HSR and its addenda are considered correct and willremain unchanged.I ORIGINAL Attachment 8.1 , ý 6 het18AP-RO-l115Revision 9Modification Number: 14-04REACTOR SAFETY EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a revision(s) to the Technical Specifications or a question pursuant to10 CFR 50.59?NOTE: A licensee may make changes to the facility as described in the HSR without obtaining a license amendmentonly if:(i) A change to the Technical Specifications incorporated in the license is not required, and(ii) The change does not produce any of the following results:I. More than a minimal increase in the frequency of occurrence of an accident previously evaluated inthe HSR;2. More than a minimal increase in the likelihood of occurrence of a malfunction of an SSC important tosafety previously evaluated in the HSR;3. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of an accident previously evaluated in the HSR;4. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of a malfunction of an SSC important to safetypreviously evaluated in the HSR;5. Create a possibility for an accident of a different type than previously evaluated in the HSR;6. Create a possibility for a malfunction of an SSC important to safety with a different result than anypreviously evaluated in the HSR;7. Altering or exceeding a design basis limit for a fission product barrier as described in the H-ISR;8. A departure from a method of evaluation described in the HSR used in establishing the design bases orthe safety analyses.Signature: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _Yes: No: XDate: ) 21Z&gYlZWIf YES, the change must be performed using a Long Form Modification Record. If NO, outline thebasis for the decision.This modification does not involve a change to the Technical Specifications or a questionpursuant to 10 CFR 50.59. A 50.59 Screen (14-42) is attached which shows that theproposed activity may be implemented without further evaluation or license amendment.4OWRI G IN ALAttachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 18UlyAP-RR-003Revision 950.59 SCREENNumber: 14-42 Page I of 3tAc4AL&aZZ-\ i-tTitle: Lab Impex Iodine Duct MonitorDescription of Activity (what is being changed and why):The addition of a permanently installed Lab Imoex Iodine Duct Monitoring System for detection of radioactiveairborne iodine discharged through the MURR industrial building Expansion ventillation system to the Laboratoryand Containment Building Exhaust Ventilation System.Safety Determination:Does the proposed activity have the potential to adversely affect nuclear safety or safeficility (i.e., W=1MURR) operations? YES NOIf this question is answered yes, do not continue with this procedure. Identify and report the concern to the Reactor Manager.50.59 Screening Questions: F] 1I. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an IK5C that adversely affects a designfimction YES NOdescribed in the HSR?2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to aprocedure that adversely affects how HSR El F-described SSC design functions are performed, controlled, or tested? YES NO3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an 1ISR described evaluation methodology ] LZthat is used in establishing the design bases or used in the safety analyses? YES NO4. Does the proposed activity involve a test or experiment not described in the HSR, where an SSC is 1 LVutilized or controlled in a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for that SSC or YES NOis inconsistent with analyses or descriptions in the HSR?5. Does the proposed activity require a change to the MURR Technical Specifications? D IizYES NOIf all screening questions are answered NO, then implement the activity per the applicable approved facility procedur.(s). A LicenseAmendment or a 50.59 Evaluation is not required.If Screen Question 5 is answered YES, then request and receive a License Amendment prior to implementation of the activity.If Screen Question 5 is answered NO and Question 1,2, 3, or 4 is answered YES, then complete and attach a 50.59 Evaluation form.[ Refer to Attachment 9.2. ]NOTE: If the conclusion of the screening questions is that a 50.59 Evaluation is not required, provide justification for the "'No"determination. In addition, list the documents (HSR, Technical Specifications, and other Licensing Basis documents) reviewed whererelevant information was found. Include section / page numbers. Use Page 2 of this form to document your statements.I Print Name Sign Name DatePre___er __Caleb Braun 12/10/14Reviewer: Mark Corbett 12/19/14Reactor Manager:HSubmit copy' of screen to HSR I SAR file (circle e)?40)NorCoPYAttachment 9. I ATTACHMENT 18*: AP-RR-003L .- .W- ;0,' uJ Revision 950.59 SCREEN (Cont.)Number: 14-42 Page 2 of 3Title: Lab Impex Iodine Duct MonitorIf the conclusion of the five (5) Screening Questions is that a 50.59 Evaluation is not required, providejustification to support this determination: [ Use and attach additional pages as necessary. ]I. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a design function described in theHSR?No. the proposed activity does not involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a design functiondescribed in the HSR. The proposed activity is for the installation of a radiation monitor that will be used tomonitor ventilation systems which will not adversely affect the design functions of any SSC described inthe HSR. This change is not a replacement or addition to the existing Stack Monitors described in theHSR. (Continued on Page #3)2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to a procedure that adversely affects how HSR described SSC designfunctions are performed, controlled, or tested?No. the proposed activity does not involve a chanqe to a procedure that adversely affects how HSRdescribed SSC functions are performed, controlled, or tested. The only procedural changes that willbe made are the addition of operating procedures for Calibration and Maintenance of the Lab ImpexIodine Duct Monitor and print revisions to MURR Print #1125 sheet 4 of 4.3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an HSR described evaluation methodology that is used inestablishing the design bases or used in the safety analyses?Nn th. pnrnpnnPd antivitv dncp. not invnlvy ryviking nr rnplanlinp an HqR dipgrihad PvAiahfftinrrnmthndnlngv that i6 iqpd in PAtAhlighing the dc.sipn hagp--q or imp"d in the..-f.ty AnAlyAAt Thp d.ipnhaqE.q and dn nnt rPely nn thp I Ah Impp.x lodin. Mlirt Mnnitnr in thpir Fyvali'atinnM~thndnlnov4. Does the proposed activity involve a test or experiment not described in the HSR, where an SSC is used or controlledin a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for that SSC, or is inconsistent with analyses ordescriptions presented in the HSR?No. the proposed activity does not involve a test or experiment not described in the HSR. where anSSC is used or controlled in a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for the SSC.or is inconsistent with analyses or descriptions presented in the HSR. The addition of the Lab ImpexIodine Duct Monitor will monitor Iodine produced in an experiment covered under RUR 440(TeO2 -toproduce 1-131), RUR 449 (Preliminary TeO2 Target Irradiations), and RL-76.List the documents (HSR, Technical Specifications, and other Licensing Basis documents) reviewcd whererelevant information was found. [ Include section / page numbers. ]HSR Sections 3 2 7 (pg 3-7)' 7-2_7(pg 7-19)7.3.1 (pg-7-24);9.7 3(pg 9-17)Modification Record 14-04 "Lab Imp.ex Iodine Duct Monitor"MURR Print #1125 Sheets 1-4RUR-440(TeO2 -to Produce 1-131 ):RUR 449 (Preliminary TeO2 Target Irradiations)v RL-76Attachment 9.1 ATTACHMENT 18Continued from Question 1Page 3 of 3The system will take flow from the ventilation ducting in the MURR Industrial Building EastwardExpansion downstream of all hot cell and room filtration systems using a shrouded probe. The datacollected by the monitor will be used to continuously monitor all airborne radioactive releasesdischarged through the MIB Expansion ventilation exhaust system. This data will not be used todetermine facility stack effluent concentrations. ATT II l 18AP-RO-I 15Revision 9Modification Number: 14-04OPERATING, PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE, COMPLIANCE PROCEDUREAND PRINT EVALUATIONDoes this change require a revision(s) to any Operating, Preventative Maintenance, or ComplianceProcedure, or any Print?Yes: X No: Signature: Date: I,2"/2C UIf YES, provide the suggested revision(s).OPERATING PROCEDURES:CALIBRATION -LAB IMPEX IODINE DUCT MONITOR -FLOW CALIBRATION -newprocedure per attached draftCALIBRATION -LAB IMPEX IODINE DUCT MONITOR -new procedure per attached draftCALIBRATION -LAB IMPEX IODINE DUCT MONITOR -DP2001 -new procedure perattached draftOPERATION -LAB IMPEX IODINE DUCT MONITOR -FILTER CHANGE AND SOURCECHECK -new procedure per attached draftPREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES:No revision is required for this modificationCOMPLIANCE PROCEDURES:No revision is required for this modificationPRINTS:MURR Print No. 1125 Sheet 4 of 4, "Diagram of Laboratory and Containment BuildingVentilation System" revised with the addition of the attached draft-ICI)RIGINAL5Attachment 8.1I ATTACHMENT 18IC-HP-XXXDRAFTMURRINSTRUMENT CALIBRATIONIC-HP-XXXCALIBRATION -LAB IMPEX IODINE DUCT MONITOR -FLOW CALIBRATIONRESPONSIBLE GROUP: Reactor Health PhysicsPROCEDURE OWNER:APPROVED BY:Date:This procedure contains the following:PagesAttachmentsTablesFiguresAppendicesCheck-Off ListsNNoneNoneNoneNoneNonethroughthroughthroughthroughthroughthrough5 ATTACHMENT 18IC-HP-XXXDRAFTTABLE OF CONTENTSSection Page Number1.0 PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................ 32.9 SCOPE ................................................................................................................................. 33.0 DEFIN ITION S ............................................................................................................. 34.0 PRECA UTION S AN D LIM ITA TION S ......................................................................... 35.0 SPECIA L TOO LS OR EQUIPM ENT ............................................................................. 36.0 PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................. 37.0 REFEREN CES ............................................................................................................ 58.0 RECO RD S ........................................................................................................................... 52 ATTACHMENT 18IC-HP-XXXDRAFTCALIBRATION -LAB IMPEX IODINE DUCT MONITOR- FLOWRATE METER1.0 PURPOSE1.1 Establishes a standard method for calibration of the Lab Impex Iodine DuctMonitor Flow rate Meter.2.0 SCOPE2.1 Procedural steps and precautions necessary to perform a calibration of the LabImpex Iodine Duct Monitor Flow rate Meter.2.2 Describes when and how to calibrate the Lab Impex Iodine Duct Monitor and thedocumentation necessary to record the completion.3.0 DEFINITIONS3.1 Annual -Calibration performed every twelve months with a maximum allowedinterval of fourteen months.3.2 Operable -A system or component is operable when it is capable of performingits intended function in a normal manner.4.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS4.1 Calibration MUST be performed at annual intervals.5.0 SPECIAL TOOLS OR EQUIPMENT5.1 DIGITAL MINI CALIBRATOR- Model # MC-75L6.0 PROCEDURENOTE: Because of the way the solid-state flow sensor works there are periods(typically less than a minute) when flow changes are not shownimmediately on the LCD. During these periods the indicated flow doesnot change and is highlighted with asterisks (*). For this reason the flowshould normally be adjusted only when the asterisks (*) are notdisplayed, so that the effects of the adjustment can be seen.6.1 Refer to the "CMS- I Iodine Operation and Maintenance Manual" to perform thefollowing (Reference 7.1).6.1.1 SET "Display Mode" parameter to "Flow Calibration".6.1.2 CHECK that flow configuration is SET to 1.3 ATTACHMENT 18IC-HP-XXXDRAFT6.0 PROCEDURE (CONT.)6.2 Connect the DIGITAL MINI CALIBRATOR to the inlet of the CMS 2000Particulate remote head.6.3 Insert a filter card in the sample head.6.4 SET the airflow calibrator to LPM.CAUTION: DO NOT BLOCK FLOW METER INLET WHEN ON.NOTE: The Temperature reading must not vary during Sections 7.5 to 7.15below.6.5 SET the airflow to XX LPM with the pump valve.6.6 Press the right arrow on each CMS until flow is displayed.6.6.1 Allow the readings to update twice.6.7 RECORD the flow frequency on each CMS (top row in brackets [ 1).6.8 As soon as the

  • appear on the flow display quickly change the airflow meter toXX LPM.6.8.1 When the
  • disappears and the readings update record the flow frequencyon each CMS (top row in brackets [ ]).6.8.2 RECORD the temperature on each CMS (Bottom Row T :).NOTE: PREFORM STEP 7.9 FOR EACH CMS UNIT.6.9 Refer to the "CMS-1 Iodine Operation and Maintenance Manual" to perform thefollowing (Reference 7.1).6.9.1 Enter the Calibration Menu and select "Flow Calibration".6.9.2 Enter the temperature from step 7.8.b and press OK.6.9.3 Enter the frequency for XX LPM from step 7.7 and press OK.6.9.4 Enter the frequency for XX LPM from step 7.8.a and press OK.4 ATTACHMENT 18IC-HP-XXXDRAFT6.0 PROCEDURE (CONT.)NOTE: THE DISPLAY WILL NOW SHOW "OFFSET" AND "CONV"VALUES.6.9.5 RECORD the Offset: value6.9.6 RECORD the Cony: value6.9.7 Press ESC to return to the main menu6.9.8 Select "Parameters" and press OK6.9.9 Enter "Offset:" value6.9.10 Enter "Cony" value6.9.11 Press OK, then ESC twice to return to normal operation6.10 SET the airflow calibrator to XX LPM. Wait until the flow results is updated andverify the value on each CMS is x.xxCFM+10% (x.xx CFM to x.xx CFM ).6.11 RESET the "Display Mode" and "Flow Configuration" to the original settings7.0 REFERENCES7.1 MAN0042 "CMS- 1 Iodine Operation and Maintenance Manual"8.0 RECORDS8.1 Duct Monitor Preventive Maintenance -LAB IMPEX DUCT MONITOR -Checksheet5 ATTACHMENT 18IC-HP-XXXDRAFTa MURRINSTRUMENT CALIBRATIONIC-HP-XXXCALIBRATION -LAB IMPEX IODINE DUCT MONITORRESPONSIBLE GROUP:PROCEDURE OWNER:Reactor Health PhysicsAPPROVED BY:This procedure contains the following:Date:PagesAttachmentsTablesFiguresAppendicesCheck-Off Lists1NoneNoneNoneNonethroughthroughthroughthroughthroughthrough6 ATTACHMENT 18IC-HP-XXXDRAFTTABLE OF CONTENTSSection Pape Number1.0 PU RPO SE ............................................................................................................................ 32.0 SCO PE ................................................................................................................................. 33.0 D EFIN ITION S .............................................................................................................. 34.0 PRECA UTION S AN D LIM ITA TIO N S ......................................................................... 35.0 SPECIA L TO O LS O R EQ U IPM EN T ............................................................................ 36.0 PRO C ED U RE .............................................................................................................. 37.0 REFEREN CES ............................................................................................................. 68.0 RECO RD S ........................................................................................................................... 69.0 A TTA CHM EN TS ............................................................................................................. 62 ATTACHMENT 18IC-HP-XXXDRAFTCALIBRATION -LAB IMPEX IODINE DUCT MONITOR1.0 PURPOSE1.1 To establish a standard method for calibration of the Lab Impex Iodine DuctMonitor.2.0 SCOPE2.1 Provides procedural steps and precautions necessary to perform a calibration ofthe Lab Impex Iodine Duct Monitor.2.2 Describes when and how to calibrate the Lab Impex instrument and thedocumentation necessary to record the completion.3.0 DEFINITIONS3.1 Semi-annual -Calibration performed every six months with a maximum allowedinterval of eight months.3.2 Stock -The isotope used for calibration. Stock can be in diluted or undiluted,liquid or gaseous form.3.3 Operable -A system or component is operable when it is capable of performingits intended function in a normal manner.4.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS4.1 No processing activities may be performed during the calibration4.2 Calibration MUST be performed at semi-annual intervals.4.3 The stack monitor efficiency MUST NOT be changed without permission fromthe Reactor Health Physics Manager.5.0 SPECIAL TOOLS OR EQUIPMENT* Eckert and Ziegler Ba- 133 Source Set* Wire tie to lock open ball valve* New, small plastic bag to store in-service iodine filter6.0 PROCEDURE6.1 SOURCE PREPARATION:6.1.1 RECORD source activity on Duct Monitor Calibration Datasheet(Attachment 9.1 ).3 ATTACHMENT 18IC-HP-XXXDRAFT6.2 DUCT MONITOR PREPARATION:6.2.1 NOTIFY Control Room of intent to turn the system off.6.2.2 STOP sampling pump AND RECORD time.6.2.3 CLOSE Duct Monitor Inlet Valve V-XX.6.2.4 Remove in-service iodine filter from filter holder AND store in plasticbag.6.3 DUCT MONITOR READINGSNOTE: All test readings must be obtained from the localindication or from the 9205 archive system.NOTE: Before taking each test reading, the technician shouldallow the meter reading to increase until it appears tohave stopped. The technician should also allow thereading to return to background level after the source hasbeen removed.6.3.1 Insert empty filter holder into detector chamber to obtain backgroundreadings.6.3.2 RECORD local readings.6.3.3 Count all source standards as specified in the following:a) Remove filter holder AND place source standard into source holderwith source direction arrow pointed into the holder.b) Place holder into detector chamber.c) Count source until reading stops increasing.d) RECORD local reading and time on Duct Monitor CalibrationDatasheet (Attachment 11. 1).6.3.4 WHEN all source standards have been counted, THEN remove the lastsource standard.4 ATTACHMENT 18IC-HP-XXXDRAFT6A4 SYSTEM RESTORATION:6.4.1 Reinstall in-service charcoal Filter.6.4.2 OPEN valve V-XX.6.4.3 START sampling pump AND RECORD time.6.4.4 Adjust flow to x.xx CFM.6.4.5 Notify Control Room that the pump is on.6&5 CALCULATIONS:NOTE: The Reactor Health Physics Spreadsheet Program "DuctMonitor Calibration" will:" compute the efficiency of detection,* compute the average efficiency,* compute and plot linear regression data, and* compute and plot actual readings versus filter standardsactivity.6.5.1 Transfer data from Duct Monitor Calibration Datasheet (Attachment 9.1)to computer spreadsheet program (Record 8.1).5 ATTACHMENT 18IC-HP-XXXDRAFT6.5.2 DETERMINE by linear regression, the slope, intercept, and correlationcoefficient of recorded readings versus activity of filter standards.6.5.3 Using computer program, compute efficiency of detection for each point.6.5.4 IF computer program is unavailable, THEN compute efficiency ofdetection for each point using the following equation:EFF = CPM / DPMEFF Efficiency (CPM / DPM)CPM Local meter readings for filter (CPM)DPM Activity of filter standard (DPM)6.5.5 DETERMINE efficiency from average of all efficiency data points.6.6 REPORT: (Record 8.1)6.6.1 Manually or using computer program, plot results of local meter readingsversus activity of filter standards and note linear regression data on graph.6.6.2 Enter test data in Reactor Health Physics computer spreadsheet(Record 8.1).6.6.3 Provide Reactor Health Physics Manager with the following:" copy of graph" computed efficiencies7.0 REFERENCES7.1 MAN0042, "CMS- 1 Iodine Operation and Maintenance Manual"8.0 RECORDS8.1 Reactor Health Physics Computer Spreadsheet, "Duct Monitor Calibration"9.0 ATTACHMENTS9.1 "Duct Monitor Calibration Datasheet"6 ATTACHMENT 18IC-HP-XXXDRAFTDuct Monitor Calibration DatasheetChannel: Background:Health Physics:Date:Page I of IAttachment 9.1 ATTACHMENT 18AFTIC-HP-XXXDRAFTMURRINSTRUMENT CALIBRATIONIC-HP-XXX-LAB IMPEX IODINE DUCT MONITOR -DP2001Health PhysicsCALIBRATIONRESPONSIBLE GROUP:PROCEDURE OWNER:APPROVED BY:DateThis procedure contains the following:PagesAttachmentsTablesFiguresAppendicesCheck-Off ListsNoneNoneNoneNonethroughthroughthroughthroughthroughthrough115 ATTACHMENT 18IC-HP-XXXDRAFTTABLE OF CONTENTSSection Page Number1.0 PURPOSE ........................................................................................................................... 32.0 SCOPE ................................................................................................................................ 33.0 PRECAUTION S AN D LIM ITATION S ......................................................................... 34.0 PREREQUISITES AND INITIAL CONDITIONS ......................................................... 35.0 SPECIAL TO O LS O R EQUIPM ENT ........................................................................... 36.0 PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................. 47.0 REFEREN CES ................................................................................................................. I18.0 RECORD S ........................................................................................................................ 119.0 ATTACHM EN TS ............................................................................................................. 112 ATTACHMENT 18IC-HP-XXXDRAFTCALIBRATION -LAB IMPEX IODINE DUCT MONITOR -DP20011.0 PURPOSE1.1 To verify the operability of DP2001 Pressure Transducer.2.0 SCOPE2.1 Procedural steps and precautions to perform this calibration.3.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS3.1 Before any work is performed on this system, the equalizing valve on the DP2001Differential Pressure Transducer Manifold must be opened to prevent any damagefrom occurring to the transmitter, caused by over-pressurization. This operationwill cause the DP2001 transmitter to read "no flow".4.0 PREREQUISITES AND INITIAL CONDITIONS4.1 The DP2001 must be in the Square Root Processing Mode as indicated on thesecond line of the display.4.2 The Shortridge Multimeter is at full charge.4.3 The U-Tube Assembly is charged with water.4.4 Performer is familiar with operation of the DP2001 and has reviewed the DP2001User Interface (Attachment 9.1).4.5 Performer is familiar with the operation of the five (5) valve manifold and hasreviewed the DP2001 Valve Manifold (Attachment 9.2).4.6 Calibration MUST be performed at annual intervals.5.0 SPECIAL TOOLS OR EQUIPMENT5.1 Shortridge Multimeter5.2 Pressure Assembly5.3 Fluke Multimeter3 ATTACHMENT 18IC-HP-XXXDRAFT6.0 PROCEDURE6.1 RECORD CURRENT CONFIGURATION:6.1.1 OPEN the clear plastic cover.NOTE: The unit must be in the Square Root Processing Mode asindicated on the second line of the display.6.1.2 Observe for 30 seconds the values displayed on the DP2001 andRECORD the minimum and maximum values observed on DP2001Calibration Readings (Attachment 9.3).6.1.3 Press the menu button until "Menu: 0 Run" appears in the lower line of theLCD. Use the up button to scroll until "Menu: 1 Options" is displayed.6.1.4 Press enter.6.1.5 Use the up button to scroll to Menu 1 "Item: Lock".6.1.6 RECORD the value displayed on DP2001 Calibration Readings(Attachment 9.3). This value should be 4.0 mA.6.1.7 Use the up button to scroll to Menul "Item: Mode".6.1.8 RECORD the value displayed on DP2001 Calibration Readings(Attachment 9.3). This value should be 5.0 mA.6.1.9 Press the menu button until "Menu: 0 Run" appears. Use the up button toscroll to "Menu: 2 Range".6.1 .10 Press enter.6.1.11 Use the up button to scroll the Menu 2 "Item: Range".6.1.12 RECORD the value displayed on DP2001 Calibration Readings(Attachment 9.3). This value should be 5.04 mA.6.1.13 Use the up button to scroll to Menu 2: "Item: EU Select".6.1.14 RECORD the value displayed on DP2001 Calibration Readings(Attachment 9.3). This value should be 250.0 cfs.6.1.15 Use the up button to scroll to Menu 2: "Item: EU Factor".4 ATTACHMENT 18IC-HP-XXXDRAFT6.0 PROCEDURE (CONT.)6.1.16 RECORD the value displayed on DP2001 Calibration Readings(Attachment 9.3). This value should be 250.0 cfs.6.1.17 Press the menu button until "Menu: 0 Run" appears in the lower line of theLCD.6.1 .18 Press enter. "Sq. Root" should appear on the lower line of the LCD.6.1.19 If any recorded value differs from the identified value, stop the test andconsult the Facility Engineer.6.2 VOLTAGE CHECK:CAUTION: If the voltage is outside the 10 to 50 vdc range, stop the test andconsult the Facility Engineer.6.2.1 Set the Fluke Multimeter to the DC voltage setting.6.2.2 Insert the Fluke Multimeter leads into the voltage ports on the DP2001Test Port and CHECK the voltage across the terminals.6.2.3 RECORD the value displayed by the Fluke Multimeter on DP2001Calibration Readings (Attachment 9.3) to the nearest tenth of a volt (0.1 v).6.3 CONFIGURING TRANSMITTER FOR CALIBRATION:6.3.1 Secure power to the transmitter by removing the jumper from the currentports on the DP2001 Test Port.6.3.2 Set the Fluke Multimeter to the DC mA setting.6.3.3 Power the transmitter by inserting the Fluke Multimeter leads into theDP2001 Test Port (current ports) for current readings.6.3.4 Observe for 30 seconds the values displayed on the DP2001 andRECORD the minimum and maximum values observed on DP2001Calibration Readings (Attachment 9.3).5 ATTACHMENT 18IC-HP-XXXDRAFT6.0 PROCEDURE (CONT.)6.3.5 Observe for 30 seconds the values displayed on the Fluke Multimeter andRECORD the minimum and maximum values observed on DP2001Calibration Readings (Attachment 9.3).6.3.6 OPEN Equalizing Valve V-36 on the DP2001 Differential PressureTransducer Manifold.6.3.7 CLOSE the Pitot Tube High Pressure Isolation Valve V-32 on the DP2001Differential Pressure Transducer Manifold.6.3.8 CLOSE the Pitot Tube Low Pressure Isolation Valve V-33 on the DP2001Differential Pressure Transducer Manifold.6.3.9 Remove the caps from the High and Low Pressure Test Ports.6.3.10 OPEN the High Pressure Test Port Isolation Valve V-34 on the DP2001Differential Pressure Transducer Manifold.6.3.11 OPEN the Low Pressure Test Port Isolation Valve V-35 on the DP2001Differential Pressure Transducer Manifold.6.4 4 mA SET CALIBRATION CHECK:6.4.1 Press the menu button until "Menu: 0 Run" appears in the lower line of theLCD.6.4.2 Use the up button to scroll to "Menu: 6 Settings".6.4.3 Press enter button.6.4.4 Use the up button to scroll to Menu 6 "Item: 4mA Set".6.4.5 RECORD the value displayed by the Multimeter on DP2001 CalibrationReadings (Attachment 9.3).NOTE: The Multimeter should read 3.99 to 4.01 mA.6.4.6 IF the meter reading is within this range THEN proceed to step Press enter. The display will now read "Adjust: 4mA Set".6 ATTACHMENT 18IC-HP-XXXDRAFT6.0 PROCEDURE (CONT.)6.4.8 Use the up and down buttons to adjust the display until the Multimeterreads 3.99 to 4.01 mA.6.4.9 Press the enter button, the display will momentary show "Store: 4mA Set"then return to "Item: 4mA Set".6.4.10 RECORD any changes made on DP2001 Calibration Readings(Attachment 9.3).6.4.11 To set the unit back to the working mode press the menu button until"Menu: 0 Run" appears, then press enter.6.5 20 MA SET CALIBRATION CHECK:6.5.1 Press the menu button until "Menu: 0 Run" appears in the lower line of theLCD.6.5.2 Use the up button to scroll to "Menu: 6 Settings".6.5.3 Press enter.6.5.4 Use the up button to scroll to Menu 6 "Item: 20mA Set".6.5.5 RECORD the value displayed by the Multimeter on DP2001 CalibrationReadings (Attachment 9.3).NOTE: The Multimeter should read 19.99 to 20.01 mA.6.5.6 IF the meter reading is within this range THEN proceed to step Press enter. The display will now read "Adjust: 20mA Set".6.5.8 Use the up and down buttons to adjust the display until the Multimeterreads 19.99 to 20.01 mA.6.5.9 Press the enter button, the display will momentarily show "Store: 20mASet" then return to "Item: 20mA Set".6.5.10 RECORD any changes made on DP2001 Calibration Readings(Attachment 9.3).7 ATTACHMENT 18IC-HP-XXXDRAFT6.0 PROCEDURE (CONT.)6.5.11 To set the unit back to the working mode press the menu button until"Menu: 0 Run" appears, then press enter.6.6 TRANSMITTER ZERO CHECK:[ NOTE: Before proceeding review DP2001 Valve Manifold(Attachment 9.2).NOTE: Valves V-XX, V-XX and V-XX, and the test ports shall beopen before performing the Zero Check. At this stage, with theequalization valve open the DP2001 should read zero. If thedisplay indicates a positive or negative off-set, the unit can bezeroed by pressing both the up and down arrow buttonstogether. As the buttons are being pressed the displayedpressure will be driven to zero.6.6.1 Press the menu button until "Menu: 0 Run" appears in the lower line of theLCD.6.6.2 Press enter.6.6.3 Press the up and down buttons together and hold for a few seconds untilthe display reads "0".6.7 TRANSMITTER OUTPUT CHECK:6.7.1 Connect the pressure assembly output to the high pressure test porton the DP2001 Differential Pressure Transducer Manifold.6.7.2 Close Valve V-XX on the DP2001 Differential Pressure TransducerManifold.8 ATTACHMENT 18IC-HP-XXXDRAFT6.0 PROCEDURE (CONT.)CAUTION: Do not exceed 1050 Pascals of applied pressure to theinstrument.NOTE: If any recorded reading is outside the min/max reading for thatpoint as identified by the Graphs of Attachments 9.4-9.6,consult Facility Engineer for appropriate action.NOTE: The full scale flow reading for the transmitter corresponds to119.0 Pascals of input pressure. When applying this inputpressure, the objective is to get within 3 Pascals of the full scalevalue without exceeding that value.6.7.3 Apply a test pressure of 65.0 Pascals (+/- 3 Pascals) AND RECORD theflow (cfs) displayed by the instrument and the mA output measured by theFluke Multimeter on DP2001 Calibration Readings (Attachment 9.3).6.7.4 Apply a test pressure of 119.0 Pascals ( -3 Pascals) AND RECORD theflow (cfs) displayed by the instrument and the mA output measured by theFluke Multimeter on DP2001 Calibration Readings (Attachment 9.3).6.8 CONFIGURING TRANSMITTER FOR OPERATION:NOTE: Before proceeding review DP2001 Valve Manifold(Attachment 9.2).6.8.1 OPEN Valve V-XX on the DP2001 Differential Pressure TransducerManifold.6.8.2 CLOSE Valve V-XX on the DP2001 Differential Pressure TransducerManifold.9 ATTACHMENT 18IC-HP-XXXDRAFT6.0 PROCEDURE (CONT.)6.8.3 CLOSE Valve V-XX on the DP2001 Differential Pressure TransducerManifold.6.8.4 Remove the pressure assembly output from the high pressure testport on the DP2001 Differential Pressure Transducer Manifold.6.8.5 Install the caps on the High and Low Pressure Test Ports.6.8.6 OPEN Valve V-XX on the DP2001 Differential Pressure TransducerManifold.6.8.7 OPEN Valve V-XX on the DP2001 Differential Pressure TransducerManifold.6.8.8 CLOSE Valve V-XX on the DP2001 Differential Pressure TransducerManifold.6.8.9 Press the menu button until "Menu: 0 Run" appears in the lower line of theLCD.6.8.10 Press enter.6.8.11 Observe for 30 seconds the values displayed on the DP2001 andRECORD the minimum and maximum values observed on DP2001Calibration Readings (Attachment 9.3).6.8.12 Observe for 30 seconds the values displayed by the Multimeter andRECORD the minimum and maximum values observed on DP2001Calibration Readings (Attachment 9.3)6.8.13 Secure power to the transmitter by removing the Fluke Multimeter leadsfrom the DP2001 Test Port (current ports).6.8.14 Power the transmitter by inserting the jumer into the DP2001 Test Port(current ports).6.8.15 ENSURE the unit is in working mode, "Menu: 0 Run" appears in thelower line of the LCD. If"Menu: 0 Run" does nto appear, press "menu"until it appears.6.8.16 Press Enter. "Sq. Root" should appear on the lower line of the LCD.10 ATTACHMENT 18IC-HP-XXXDRAFT6.0 PROCEDURE (CONT.)6.8.17 Observe for 30 seconds the values displayed on the DP2001 andRECORD the minimum and maximum values observed on DP2001Calibration Readings (Attachment 9.3).6.8.18 Close the clear plastic cover.6.8.19 Notify the Control Room that the power to the CMS 2000 will be cycled.6.8.20 Cycle power to CMS 2000.6.8.21 Notify Control Room that Calibration is complete.7.0 REFERENCES7.1 MAN0042, "CMS-1 Iodine Operation and Maintenance Manual"8.0 RECORDS8.1 Attachment 9.3, "DP2001 Calibration Readings"9.0 ATTACHMENTS9.1 Reactor DP2001 User Interface9.2 DP2001 Valve Manifold9.3 DP2001 Calibration Readings9.4 Operating Point Graph9.5 Full Scale Point GraphII ATTACHMENT 18IC-HP-XXXDRAFTDP2001 USER INTERFACENOTE: There are a number of adjustable parameters (called Items) in the DP2001. TheItems are arranged in 7 menus, with up to 5 Items under each menu.* To Select a Menu, press Menu until Menu appears in the lower line of the LCD. Theunit is now at Menu level. Use the Up/Down buttons to select the required Menu." Pressing Menu while in Menu Level will reset the unit to Menu O:Run. Pressing Enterwill then go to the Run Item (working mode)." To Scan a selected Menu, press Enter. The unit is now at the Item level. Use theUp/Down buttons to select the required Item. (Do NOT do this in the Run Menu)The name and present value of the Item will show on the LCD." To Adjust a selected Item, press Enter. The unit is now at the Adjust level. (Adjustlevel cannot be entered if the DP2001 is Locked.) Use the Up/Down buttons to adjustthe Item." To Store an adjusted Item, press Enter. "Store" will appear on the LCD. On releasingEnter, the DP2001 reverts to the Item level ready to select another Item.* To Abort the adjustment of an Item, press Menu while in the Adjust level.* To go from the Item level to the Menu level, press Menu.NOTE: Before any work is to be performed on this system the equalizing valve on theDP2001 Differential Pressure Transducer Manifold must be opened to preventany damage from occurring to the transmitter, caused by over-pressurization.This operation will cause the DP2001 transmitter to read "no flow".Page I of IAttachment 9.1 ATTACHMENT 18IC-HP-XXXDRAFTPage I of IAttachment 9.2 ATTACHMENT 18DP2001 Calibration ReadingsIC-HP-XXXDRAFT6.1. Record Current Configuration:6.1.2 Sq. Root Mode Value (cfs)6.1.6 Menul: Lock Value (mA)6.1.8 Menul: Mode Value (mA)6.1.12 Menu2: Range Value (mA)6.1.14 Menu2: EUSelect Value (cfs)6.1.16 Menu2: EUFactor Value (cfs)6.2. Voltage Check:6.2.3 Terminal Voltage Value (volts)6.3. Configuring Transmitter for Calibration:6.3.4 Sq. Root Mode Value (cfs)6.3.5 Fluke Multimeter Reading (mA)6.4. 4 mA Set Calibration Check:6.4.5 Fluke Multimeter Reading (mA)6.4.10 4 mA Set Adjustment Value (mA)6.5. 20 mA Set Calibration Check:6.5.5 Fluke Multimeter Reading (mA)6.5.10 20 mA Set Adjustment Value (mA)6.7 Transmitter Output Check:6.7.3 65 Pascal TestTest Pressure Applied (Pa)Flow Displayed (cfs)Fluke Multimeter Reading (mA)6.7.4 119.0 Pascal TestTest Pressure Applied (Pa)Flow Displayed (cfs)Fluke Multimeter reading (mA)tototo6.8 Configuring Transmitter for Operation:6.8.11 Sq. Root Mode Value (cfs)6.8.12 Multimeter Reading (mA)6.8.17 Sq. Root Menu Value (cfs)Completed by:tototoDate:Page I of IAttachment 9.3 IC-HP-XXXDRAFT16.20 mA.Operating Point1 6 .1 5 rn A .. .......... ..... .............65 62-68 Pa / 11,086 CFM .K _I+16.10--- Pitot Tube "K" Factor 0.6721.... ... !- .............. -..........16.05 mA ., -.4 --..- .. -16.00 mA ------ -.--.--.. -------.---- ------ -- ---159 MA----I15.90OmA >~40-015.80 mA .- .... --- -.-- M15.75 m A --.. ....-- *......15.60 mA~- --- ---,.-- --4--mA (Nominal)MA *m (minimal).,, _!*, " 1-..- -.........mA (maximum)15.40 mA ... ..--- -- t -........... ..... --.. ........ .U ."*- --- -- -----" t -I15.45 .A.- -- -. ..r15.40 mA -' ........J .........62.0 Pa 63.0 Pa 64.0 Pa 65.0 Pa 66.0 Pa 67.0 Pa 68.0 PaPage 1 of 1 Attachment 9.4 IC-HP-XD XDRAFT20.10MA -; ------ -- .Full Scale Point116-119.0 Pa / 15,000 CFMPitot Tube "K" Factor 0.672120.00 mAi --' .:" ...19.95 m A !t. ..... ... .....19.90 mA* -a-. 7,000019.85 mA ..19.80 mA *)>HH0ImZ-Hco,--mA (Nom[nal)l U
  • mA -a-I mA (maximum)19.75 mA. --....... .. ... ............19.70 mA -i19.65 mA .. ........ ..... .-116.0 Pa 116.5 Pa 117.0 Pa 117.5 Pa 118.0 Pa 118.5 Pa 119.0 PaPage I of IAttachment 9.5 ATTACHMENT 18OP-HP-XXXDRAFTMURROPERATINGOP-HP-XXXOPERATION -LAB IMPEX IODINE DUCT MONITOR -FILTER CHANGE ANDSOURCE CHECKRESPONSIBLE GROUP: Reactor Health PhysicsPROCEDURE OWNER:APPROVED BY: _ _____ ____ Date:This procedure contains the following:PagesAttachmentsTablesFiguresAppendicesCheck-Off ListsI1NoneNoneNoneNonethroughthroughthroughthroughthroughthrough71None ATTACHMENT 18OP-HP-XXXDRAFTTABLE OF CONTENTSSection Page Number1.0 PU RPO SE ............................................................................................................................ 32.0 SCO PE ................................................................................................................................. 33.0 D EFIN ITION S ............................................................................................................. 34.0 PRECA UTIO N S A N D LIM ITA TIO N S ......................................................................... 35.0 SPECIA L TO O LS O R EQ U IPM EN T ........................................................................... 46.0 PRO CED U RE ...................................................................................................................... 47.0 REFEREN CES ............................................................................................................. 68.0 RECO RD S ........................................................................................................................... 69.0 A TTA CH M EN TS ............................................................................................................ 62 ATTACHMENT 18OP-HP-XXXDRAFTOPERATION -LAB IMPEX IODINE DUCT MONITOR -FILTER CHANGE ANDSOURCE CHECKS1.0 PURPOSE1.1 Establishes a standard method for changing the Lab Impex Iodine Duct Monitorfilter.1.2 Establishes a standard method for performing a source check of the Lab ImpexIodine Duct Monitor2.0 SCOPE2.1 Procedural steps and precautions necessary to change the filter and performsource check of the Lab Impex Iodine Duct Monitor.2.2 Describes when and how to change the filter of the Lab Impex Iodine DuctMonitor, and how and when to perform source check and the documentationnecessary to RECORD the completion.3.0 DEFINITIONS3.1 Weekly -Performed every seven days between checks with a maximum allowedinterval of nine days.3.2 Operable -A system or component is operable when it is capable of performingits intended function in a normal manner.4.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONSNOTE: Notify Control Room that the Lab Impex Iodine Duct Monitor filterwill be changed.4.1 No processing activities may be performed during the filter change or sourcechecks of the Duct Monitor4.2 Filter should be changed on a weekly interval.4.3 Source Check must be performed on a monthly interval.3 ATTACHMENT 18OP-HP-XXXDRAFT5.0 SPECIAL TOOLS OR EQUIPMENT5.1 FILTER* TEDA-Impregnated Carbon Cartridges (TC-45)5.2 CHECK SOURCES* 05-07-04 Ba-133 Iodine Check Channel Source6.0 PROCEDURE6.1 SECURING SAMPLE AIRFLOW6.1.1 RECORD the CPM readings on all three channels.6.1.2 Use the arrow key on each CMS to scroll to the flow screen.6.1.3 RECORD the flow for Iodine channel.6.1.4 Turn off the sample pump.6.1.5 CLOSE Duct Monitor Inlet Valve V-XX.6.1.6 Press the F4 button on each CMS to silence the audible alarm.6.2 IODINE FILTER REMOVAL AND SOURCE CHECK6.2.1 OPEN the sliding lid and unscrew the detector chamber cap.6.2.2 Remove the filter cartridge and install the Iodine check source.6.2.3 Reinstall the chamber cap and the sliding lid.6.2.4 Wait two minutes for detector to stabilize.6.2.5 Use the arrow key to scroll to the raw count screen.6.2.6 RECORD the raw counts on the top line (A:).6.2.7 OPEN the sliding lid and unscrew the detector chamber cap.6.2.8 Remove the check source and install the new filter cartridge.6.2.9 Reinstall the chamber cap and the sliding lid.4 ATTACHMENT 18OP-HP-XXXDRAFT6.0 PROCEDURE (CONT.)6.3 RESTORING SAMPLE FLOW6.3.1 OPEN valve V- Turn on the sample pump.6.3.3 Use the arrow key on each CMS to scroll to the flow screen.6.3.4 RECORD the flow for the Iodine channel.6.4 RESTORING THE CMS UNITS6.4.1 Restart the CMS unit:a) Turn power switch to the "OFF" position to the CMS unit.b) Turn power switch to the "ON" position to the CMS unit.c) Verify readings.d) Notify Control Room that Source check process is completed and theDuct Monitor is operational.5 ATTACHMENT 18OP-HP-XXXDRAFTREFERENCES6.5 MAN0042 "Lab Impex Stack Monitoring Systems Manual"7.0 RECORDS7.1 "Lab Impex Data Sheet"8.0 ATTACHMENTS8.1 "Lab Impex Data Sheet"6 ATTACHMENT 18OP-HP-XXXDRAFTDUCT MONITOR DATA SHEETDae OffI Lo.lI I Local1g. I odineImelalledCa rlull.II~ IFlow"Ast1C4T1I it ClCCpMCPS Ilaselno30w I jWpm. EIII'IIrIiIr- I- --iI I l l -PagelI of IAttachment 9.1 Roof LineDRAFT ATTACHMENT 18i1ImtzDRAFTIDRAFTTc-IN 'aLC4toý ))Vd KIZ6A4-ATTACHMENT7 18ORRIGINALAP-RO-l115Revision 9Modification Number: 14-04SPARE PARTS REQUIREMENTS EVALUATIONDoes this change require that any new or additional Spare Parts be maintained in inventory?Yes: No: Signature: _ Date: 12k/-12@/tl1//"If YES, provide a list of the spare partsThis equipment is similar to other instruments installed at MURR. No additional spare parts arerequired.DRIGINALAttachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 18DRAFTDRAFT ATTACHMENT 19ORIGINALAP-RO-I 15Revision 3MODIFICATION RECORD: SHORT FORMFOR: 1) Addenda to existing Modification Records (e.g., modifications of same nature as onespreviously reviewed and approved).2) Significant modifications to the facility or facility systems that are not described in theHazards Summary Report.3) Modifications that require engineering decisions/implementation in a time frame thatprecludes normal licensed operator review prior to implementation.4) Modifications to non-safety systems; for documentation and review only.NOTE: Licensed operators will review these modifications as part of the OperatorRequalification Program.The Reactor Safety Subcommittee will review these modifications.Modification Number: 75-16: Addendum 4Modification Title: Reactor Safety System Monitorinq Circuit ("White Rat") Panel -Revision to PanelOverlays in Support of Flux-Trap Irradiations Reactivity Safety Trip (FIRST)Page No.123456Page TitleModification Record: Short FormModification Description(Why Short Form is appropriate)Hazards Summary Report EvaluationReactor Safety EvaluationOP, PM, CP, and Print EvaluationSpare Parts RequirementsYKCRequired Datees No Completed.,__ -2,.p- ?K:K:_____ -- 2P-07By(Initials)-K-50.59 Screen Completed: Ma.Xy /Enginering(Asst. Reactor Man er -Engineering)Reactor Safety Subcommittee Review: Ai(Asst. Reactor Manager -Engineering)Modification Approved-(Rea or ager)Modification Completed:Date: -7-- "- 0 ý_Date: ,7--3/- e.Date: 7-7-o0Date: a-OW -IIAttachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 19 ORIGINALAP-RO-l 15Revision 3Modification Number: 75-16: Addendum 4MODIFICATION DESCRIPTIONProvide a concise description of the system change. Include any proposed PRE-OPERATIONAL TESTS required for this change. (If additional pages are necessary, insert afterthis page.)This Modification Record documents a revision to the Reactor Safety System Monitoring Circuit ("WhiteRat") Panel. New overlays will reflect the addition of a series contact in both the "green leg" and "yellow leg"of the Reactor Safety System. The new contacts provide a SCRAM function from the Flux-Trap IrradiationsReactivity Safety Trip (FIRST) instrument channel as described in the FIRST Preliminary Long-FormModification Record. This modification does not change the function of the "White Rat" Panel itself.The Reactor Safety System Monitoring Circuit was originally installed in October 1973, under ModificationRecord 72-3, as a way of monitoring the reactor scram circuit for spurious scrams that were too short induration to be sensed by the Annunciator or that may have developed in unmonitored sections of thesystem. During the upgrade to 10 MWs, Modification Record 74-10 documented the addition of seven (7)new monitoring points to the "yellow leg" of the safety system. Modification Record 75-16 documented theaddition of two portable units ("White Rats") to the monitoring circuit. Addendum 1 to Modification Record75-16 documented the permanent mounting of fourteen (14) individual monitoring circuits, which werecontained in the portable units, to a sub panel located on the right side of the reactor control roomInstrument Panel. Modification Record 75-16, Addendum 2 documented the relocation of the monitoringcircuit from this subpanel to a subpanel on the left side of the Instrument Panel in support of installing thenew Secondary Cooling System pump control circuit. Modification Record 75-16, Addendum 3 documentedthe revision to the "White Rat" Panel overlays due to the replacement of instrumentation for the replacementPrimary Coolant System heat exchangers HX 503A and 503B.The attached draft of the "White Rat" Panel overlays shows the following revisions:For the "Green Leg" of the Safety System:Add Contact "K62-2" between terminal point P7-F and K26-2 to be worded as "FIRST."For the "Yellow Leg" of the Safety System:Add Contact "K61-2" between terminal point P6-L and K31-2 to be worded as "FIRST."This modification is being performed in support of the FIRST Preliminary Long-Form Modification Record.Why a Short Form is appropriate.(At least one of four reasons listed on Page 1, with justification)The short form of the Modification Record is appropriate because (a) this is an Addendum to an existing,previously reviewed and approved Modification Record, and (b) this is a modification to a non-safety systemthat requires documentation and review only.2Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 19 ORIGINA/AP-RO-I 15Revision 3Modification Number: 75-16: Addendum 4HAZARDS SUMMARY REPORT EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a modification to the reactor facility as defined in the Hazards SummaryReport?Yes:__ No: A4 -Signature: f /4 Date: _-__.____If YES, make an analysis below and provide the suggested revision(s) to the HSR. If NO, outlinethe basis for the decision.This modification does not involve a change to the reactor facility as defined in the Hazards Summary Report(HSR) and its addenda.The Reactor Safety System Monitoring Circuit ("White Rat") Panel is not described or discussed in detail inthe HSR and its addenda. It's name and location are depicted in Table 9.2 and Figure 9.3, respectively of theHSR.These and all other Sections and Figures of the HSR and its addenda are considered correct and will remainthe same.3Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 19ORIGINALAP-RO-l115Revision 3 IModification Number: 75-16: Addendum 4REACTOR SAFETY EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a revision(s) to the Technical Specifications or a safety hazard as describedin 10 CFR 50.59?NOTE: A licensee may make changes to the facility as described in the HSR without obtaining a license amendmentonly if:(i) A change to the Technical Specifications incorporated in the license is not required, and(ii) The change does not produce any of the following results:I. More than a minimal increase in the frequency of occurrence of an accident previously evaluated inthe HSR;2. More than a minimal increase in the likelihood of occurrence of a malfunction of an SSC important tosafety previously evaluated in the HSR;3. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of an accident previously evaluated in the HSR;4. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of a malfunction of an SSC important to safetypreviously evaluated in the HSR;5. Create a possibility for an accident of a different type than previously evaluated in the HSR;6. Create a possibility for a malfunction of an SSC important to safety with a different result than anypreviously evaluated in the HSR;7. Altering or exceeding a design basis limit for a fission product barrier as described in the HSR;8. A departure from a method of evaluation described in the HSR used in establishing the design bases orthe safety analyses.Yes:_ No:Signature: ý'eý ,, d Date: "Z--7_. 4-0.If YES, the change must be performed using a Long Form Modification Record. If NO, outline thebasis for the decision.This modification does not involve a change to the Technical Specifications or a question pursuant to 10 CFR50.59. The Reactor Safety System Monitoring Circuit is not discussed in the Technical Specifications.50.59 Screen (No. 09-06) is attached and shows this modification may be implemented without furtherregulatory review.4Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 19 ORIGINALAP-RO-I 15Revision 3Modification Number: 75-16: Addendum 4OPERATING, PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE, AND COMPLIANCE PROCEDURE,AND PRINT EVALUATIONDoes this change require a revision(s) to any Operating, Preventative Maintenance, or ComplianceProcedure, or any Print?Yes: V No: __ Signature: D-;ýZý Date: S- 7-'-,e3If YES, provide the suggested revision(s).OPERATING PROCEDURES:No revision is required for this modification.PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES:No revision is required for this modification.COMPLIANCE PROCEDURES:No revision is required for this modification.PRINTS:"White Rat" Panel overlays will be revised per the attached revision.5Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 19 ORIGINALAP-RO-1 15Revision 3 IModification Number: 75-16: Addendum 4SPARE PARTS REQUIREMENTS EVALUATIONDoes this change require that any new or additional Spare Parts be maintained in inventory?Yes: No: L Signature: _ _____ Date: i-- -OIf YES, provide a list of the spare parts.SPARE PARTS:No spare parts are required for this modification.6Attachment 8.1 DhAFTop mmmmmmmmmmminmmnnmmmmmmnm40 m100m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m *..mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi00 mmmnm lm nmmnmimniiil nmgm0 m i mom mmmm m imnm mgamnmmm m m m m m+ d mmDRAFmTC)mz-ICD K .L POWER LEVEL11K13 INTERLOCK{ ~ m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m 44L-OOP %2K28 LOW PRESSURE 4,(PT..944B) "m'mmm'mmm'm'mm-'m'm'm'mm'm'mmmI4 RX LOOP942 LOW PRESSURE(PT-943)HI RX LOOP A LOW FLOW918 REFLECTOR DELTA P HX 503ALO (PT-917) K38-2 (ALARM 920C) 'mm mm m mm mm mm m mmmmmm-LO 31121 -amm mmmmmof2I RX BRIDGE OR1(622 FIST j BLDG. AIR PLENUM2KI~r B ~HI ACTIVITYm mmmm mmmmmmmmI PRESSURIZER 1w u,26-2 p q "pp 4 RX BRIDGE ORmzco"lI T% %7UJ5(PS-939)PRESSURIZERLOW LEVEL(LC-935)POOL LOOP LOW FLOWHX 521A (ALARM 920D)K37-2. -2KIA BLDG. AIR PLENUMHI ACTIVITY920G -RX LOOP B LOW FLOWHX 503B (ALARM 920G)980B "J LOOP B HI TEMPTHX 503BRX LOOP A HI TEMP m m m980A T HX 503AIGREEN LEGIII H I I I ID [a 4% IF Ir ATTACHMENT 19 COPYAP-RR-003Revision 450.59 SCREENActivity Screening Number: 09-06 Page I of 2Title: Modification Record 75-16 Addendum 4 Reactor Safety System Monitoring Circuit ("WhiteRat") Panel -Revision to Panel OverlaysDescription of Activity (what is being changed and why):The "White Rat" overlays are being revised due to the addition of the FIRST rig and associatedinstrumentation. The changes to the overlays deal with this change in nomenclature only anddw;`not affect the electronics of the "White Rat" system.Safety Determination:Does the proposed activity have the potential to adversely affect nuclear safety or safefacifity (i.e., F--MURR) operations? YES NOIf this question is answered yes, do not continue with this procedure. Identify and report the concern tothe Reactor Manager.50.59 Screening Questions:1. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a design fiInction__-described in the HSR? YES NO2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to a procedure that adversely affects how HSR F. 1'xdescribed SSC design functions are performed, controlled, or tested? YES NO3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an HSR described evaluation methodology _-- _-Xthat is used in establishing the design bases or used in the safety analyses? YES NO4. Does the proposed activity involve a test or experiment not described in the HSR, where an SSC is F--"utilized or controlled in a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for that SSC or YES NOis inconsistent with analyses or descriptions in the HISR?5. Does the proposed activity require a change to the MURR Technical Specifications? ___ IXYES NOIf all screening questions are answered NO, then implement the activity per the applicable approved facility procedure(s). A LicenseAmendment or a 50.59 Evaluation is not required.If Screen Question 5 is answered YES, then request and receive a License Amendment prior to implementation of the activity.If Screen Question 5 is answered NO and Question 1, 2, 3, or 4 is answered YES, then complete and attach a 50.59 Evahlation form.[ Refer to Attachment 9.2. ]NOTE: If the conclusion of the screening questions is that a 50.59 Evaluation is not required, provide justification for the "No"determination. In addition, list the documents (HSR, Technical Specifications, and other Licensing Basis documents) reviewed whererelevant information was found. Include section / page numbers. Use page 2 of this form to document your statements.Print Name Sign Name DatePreparer: Billy J. White 5- Ze- zoo'Reviewer: L-/-I. ,-c,/ _________Reactor Manager: Les P. Foyto r6-07Attachment 9.1 ATTACHMENT 19IrAP-RR-003Revision 450.59 SCREEN (Cont.)Activity Screening Number:09-06Page 2 of 2Title: Modification Record 75-16 Addendum 4 Reactor Safety System Monitoring Circuit ("WhiteRat") Panel -Revision to Panel OverlaysIf the conclusion of the five (5) Screening Questions is that a 50.59 Evaluation is no__ required, providejustification to support this determination: [ Use and attach additional pages as necessary. II. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a design finction described in theHSR?No. The proposed activity does not involve a change to any SSC described in the HazardsSummary Report. This modification does not alter the function of the Safety System or createnew modes of failure.2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to a procedure that adversely affects how HSR described SSC designfunctions are performed, controlled, or tested?No. The proposed activity does not involve a change to any procedure.3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an HSR described evaluation methodology that is used inestablishing the design bases or used in the safety analyses?No. The proposed activity does not affect any of the design bases or safety analyses describedin the Hazards Summary Report.4. Does the proposed activity involve a test or experiment not described in the HSR, where an SSC is used or controlledin a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for that SSC, or is inconsistent with analyses ordescriptions presented in the HSR?No. The proposed activity does not involve any test or experiment.List the documents (HSR, Technical Specifications, and other Licensing Basis documents) reviewed whererelevant information was found. [ Include section / page numbers. ]Mod. Record 75-12; Mod. Record 75-16 Add. 1; Mod Record 75-16 Add. 2; Mod Record 75-16Add. 3: Mod Record 74-10: Mod Record 72-3: Mod Record 05-8: Mod Record 05-8 Add. 1: ModRecord 05-8 Add. 2; HSR Chapter 9 MURR Drawing 74, Instrument Cabinet.Attachment 9.1 ATTACHMENT 20ORIGINALAP-RO-I 15Revision 3MODIFICATION RECORD: SHORT FORMFOR: 1) Addenda to existing Modification Records (e.g., modifications of same nature as onespreviously reviewed and approved).2) Significant modifications to the facility or facility systems that are not described in theHazards Summary Report.3) Modifications that require engineering decisions/implementation in a time frame thatprecludes normal licensed operator review prior to implementation.4) Modifications to non-safety systems; for documentation and review only.NOTE: Licensed operators will review these modifications as part of the OperatorRequalification Program.The Reactor Safety Subcommittee will review these modifications.Modification Number: 06-3; Addendum 2Modification Title: Replace Flux Trap Holder Wear RingPage No.123456Paue TitleModification Record: Short FormModification Description(Why Short Form is appropriate)Hazards Summary Report EvaluationReactor Safety EvaluationOP, PM, CP, and Print EvaluationSpare Parts RequirementsRequired DateYes No CompletedK 5__/_C_9K _____K -aVBy(Initials)4.,.,/50.59 Screen Completed: <(Asst. Reactor Managqe-i Engineering)Reactor Safety Subcommittee Review: -,,(Asst. Reactor Manager -neering)Date: "7- i".- 0Date: 7-1/-,?Date: 7-6-o0Date: 91- / 5-O0ModificationModification Completed:.(Reactor4.anager)1Z-IAttachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 20 ORIGINALAP-RO- 115Revision 3 IModification Number: 06-3; Addendum 2MODIFICATION DESCRIPTIONProvide a concise description of the system change. Include any proposed PRE-OPERATIONAL TESTS required for this change. (If additional pages are necessary, insert afterthis page.)This Modification Record documents the replacement of the Center Test Hole Canister temporary wear ringwith a different design. The new ring covers a larger circumference of the Flux Trap Holder; ensuringrotation will not disengage the position sensing switches.The Center Test Hole (Flux Trap) is that portion of the reactor through the center of the core bounded by the4.5 inch inside diameter tube and extends 15 inches above and below the core vertical centerline. TheCenter Test Hole Canister is inserted into this region of peak thermal flux (6 x 10A14 n/cmA2-sec) for thepurpose of material irradiations. The flux trap can provide a rather large reactivity effect and is thus subjectto a high degree of administrative control to minimize the possibility of inserting or removing a sample with ahigh reactivity worth during reactor operation. Three center test hole assemblies are designed and approvedfor use at the MURR, the commonly used one being a three-tube, or "three-barrel' test hole canister. Itconsists of three hollow aluminum tubes, a guide foot to maintain alignment, a hold-down fixture to securethe sample contents in the three aluminum tubes, and a latching fixture to secure the holder to the islandtube (inner pressure vessel). A wear ring is attached at the top of the test hole canister to mate with a similarring attached to the island tube. The current temporary ring from Modification Record 06-3; Addendum 1 hastwo tabs attached with threaded fasteners that engage a pair of vertical plunger type switches.This wear ring will be replaced with a wear ring that has a solid extended ring that is fabricated as part of thewear ring. This ring is a 7 inch outside diameter ring that is 0.25 inches thick. This ring extends beyond the4.487 inch outside diameter of the current wear ring. There are two machined gaps in the ring, orientated180 degrees apart, to allow for proper alignment of the handling tool to disengage "latching fingers." These"latching fingers" are attached to the wear ring with threaded fasteners and latch onto the inner pressurevessel to secure the Canter Test Hole Canister when in place. A draft print showing the details of the wearring modification is attached. This installation is being done in support of Preliminary Long Form ModificationRecord, "Flux-Trap Irradiations Reactivity Safety Trip (FIRST) Instrument Channel." The prototype FIRSTsupport rig was installed under Modification Record 08-5, and subsequent details of the FIRST device andits function are provided in Modification Record 08-5.Why a Short Form is appropriate.(At least one of four reasons listed on Page 1, with justification)The short form of the Modification Record is appropriate because this is an addendum to a previouslyreviewed and approved Modification Record (Reason No. 1).2Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 20 ORIGINALAP-RO-I 15Revision 3Modification Number: 06-3; Addendum 2HAZARDS SUMMARY REPORT EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a modification to the reactor facility as defined in the Hazards SummaryReport?Yes: ._- No: Signature: Z Lle Date: "---l/-If YES, make an analysis below and provide the suggested revision(s) to the HSR. If NO, outlinethe basis for the decision.This modification does involve a change to the reactor facility as defiried in the Hazards Summary Report(HSR) and its addenda. The Flux Trap and its use is described or discussed in the following sections of theHSR and its addenda:1. Hazards Summary ReportSection 8.2Figure 8.4 (MURR Print No. 2505, Sheet I of 3)Figure 8.5 (MURR Print No. 2528, Sheet 1 of 3)2. HSR Addendum 1Sect 3.173. HSR Addendum 3Section 3.10The following sections of the HSR and its addenda will be revised:1. Hazards Summary ReportFigure 8.4 (MURR Print No. 2505, Sheet 1 of 3) -revised to reflect the modified wear ring.Figure 8.5 (MURR Print No. 2528, Sheet 1 of 3) -revised to reflect the modified wear ring.3Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 20ORIGINALAP-RO-i 15Revision 3 IModification Number: 06-3; Addendum 2REACTOR SAFETY EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a revision(s) to the Technical Specifications or a safety hazard as describedin 10 CFR 50.59?NOTE: A licensee may make changes to the facility as described in the HSR without obtaining a license amendmentonly if:(i) A change to the Technical Specifications incorporated in the license is not required, and(ii) The change does not produce any of the following results:1. More than a minimal increase in the frequency of occurrence of an accident previously evaluated inthe HSR;2. More than a minimal increase in the likelihood of occurrence of a malfunction of an SSC important tosafety previously evaluated in the HSR;3. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of an accident previously evaluated in the HSR;4. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of a malfunction of an SSC important to safetypreviously evaluated in the HSR;5. Create a possibility for an accident of a different type than previously evaluated in the HSR;6. Create a possibility for a malfunction of an SSC important to safety with a different result than anypreviously evaluated in the HSR;7. Altering or exceeding a design basis limit for a fission product barrier as described in the HSR;8. A departure from a method of evaluation described in the HSR used in establishing the design bases orthe safety analyses.___No: .X Signature: c___1---"",, ..! -/, Date: ,.V--/-072Yes:If YES, the change must be performed using a Long Form Mod tion Record. If NO, outline thebasis for the decision.This modification does not involve a change to the Technical Specifications or a question pursuant to 10 CFR50.59.50.59 Screen (09-05) is attached and shows that the proposed activity can be implemented without furtherevaluation or license amendment.The change to the wear ring design duplicates the existing function and manner of ensuring the flux trapexperiment samples remain secured. Extended circumferential coverage is provided by this ring to ensure thevertical position switches remain engaged under all conditions, and has no impact on its ability to perform itsprimary function.4Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 20ORIGINALAP-RO-1 15Revision 3Modification Number: 06-3; Addendum 2OPERATING, PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE, AND COMPLIANCE PROCEDURE,AND PRINT EVALUATIONDoes this change require a revision(s) to any Operating, Preventative Maintenance, or ComplianceProcedure, or any Print?Yes: Node: t Signature: Date: _sns)If YES, provide the suggested revision(s).OPERATING PROCEDURES:No revision is required for this modification.PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES:No revision is required for this modification.COMPLIANCE PROCEDURES:No revision is required under this modification.PRINTS:MURR Print No. 2505, Sheets 1 through 3 -revised to reflect the modified wear ring.MURR Print No. 2528, Sheets 1 through 3 -revised to reflect the modified wear rng.5Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 20 ORIGINALAP-RO-I 15Revision 3 IModification Number: 06-3; Addendum 2SPARE PARTS REQUIREMENTS EVALUATIONDoes this change require that any new or additional Spare Parts be maintained in inventory?Yes:_ No: AI Signature: Date:If YES, provide a list of the spare parts.No additional parts are required to be maintained in spares to implement this modification.6Attachment 8.1 ATTACHMENT 20ý9(9[pvIAP-RR-003Revision 450.59 SCREENActivity Screening Number: 09-05Page I of 2Title: Modification Record 06-3; Addendum 2, Replace Flux Trap Holder Wear RingDescription of Activity (what is being changed and wh1):_Temporary Flux Trap Holder Wear Ring is being replaced with a final design chanqe in preparationfor Preliminary Long Form Modification Record "Flux-Trap Irradiations Reactivity Safety TripFIRST Instrument Channel. "Safety Determination:Does the proposed activity have the potential to adversely affect nuclear safety or safe facuil.v (i.e.,MURR) operations?If this question is answered yes, do not continue with this procedure. Identify and report the concern tothe Reactor Manager.50.59 Screening Questions:I. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a design fimnctiondescribed in the IISR?2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to a procedure that adversely affects how HSRdescribed SSC design functions are performed, controlled, or tested?3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an HSR described evaluation methodologythat is used in establishing the design bases or used in the safet, analyses?4. Does the proposed activity involve a test or experiment not described in the HSR, where an SSC isutilized or controlled in a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for that SSC oris inconsistent with analyses or descriptions in the IISR?5. Does the proposed activity require a change to the MURR Technical Specifications?YESO-NOF-YESF-YESFYES,r-YESIEYESN-NONONONOIf all screening questions are answered NO, then implement the activity per the applicable approved facility procedure(s).Amendment or a 50.59 Evaluation is not required.A LicenseIf Screen Question 5 is answered YES, then request and receive a License Amendment prior to implementation of the activity.If Screen Question 5 is answered NO and Question 1, 2, 3, or 4 is answered YES, then complete and attach a 50.59 Evahlation form.[ Refer to Attachment 9.2. ]NOTE: If the conclusion of the screening questions is that a 50.59 Evaluation is not required, provide justification for the "No"determination. In addition, list the documents (HSR, Technical Specifications, and other Licensing Basis documents) reviewed whererelevant information was found. Include section / page numbers. Use page 2 of this form to document your statements.Print Name Sign Name .. DatePreparer: c X A / -y'oReactor Manager: Les P. FoytoAttachment 9.1 ATTACHMENT 20AP-RR-003Revision 450.59 SCREEN (Cont.)Activity Screening Number: 09-05 Page 2 of 2Title: Modification Record 06-3; Addendum 2, Replace Flux Trap Holder Wear RingIf the conclusion of the five (5) Screening Questions is that a 50.59 Evaluation is not required, providejustification to support this determination: [ Use and attach additional pages as necessary. I1. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a design fimction described in theHSR?No. The proposed activity does not involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects any HSRdescribed design function. The replacement wear ring will continue to function in a manneridentical to and consistent with the current wear ring. It will have the added feature of anextended upper ring that will engage switches to positively indicate the holder is properly securedand latched.2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to a procedure that adversely affects how HSR described SSC designfunctions are performed, controlled, or tested?No. The proposed activity does not affect the performance, control, or testing of HSR-describedSSC functions. No procedural changes are required to implement the proposed activity.3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an HSR described evaluation methodology that is used inestablishing the design bases or used in the safet, analyses?No. The proposed activity does not involve any evaluation methodology used to establish thedesign bases or used in the safety analyses. While not strictly a Bulk Pool experiment, thisinstallation is a modification that is outside the scope of the design basis and safety analyses.4. Does the proposed activity involve a test or experiment not described in the HSR, where an SSC is used or controlledin a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for that SSC, or is inconsistent with analyses ordescriptions presented in the HSR?No. The proposed activity does not involve a test or experiment not described in the HSR, wherea SSC is used or controlled in a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design forthat SSC, or is inconsistent with analyses or descriptions presented in the HSR. This installationwill conform to the reactivity and materials limitations stated in the Technical Specifications.List the documents (HSR, Technical Specifications, and other Licensing Basis documents) reviewed whererelevant information was found. [ Include section / page numbers.]HSR Sections 8.2, Figures 8.4 and 8.5.Addendum 1, Section 3.17 and Addendum 3 sections 3.5 and 3.10Modification Record 06-3: Addendums 1 and 2. Modification Record 08-5.MURR draft Print No. 2505 Sheets 1 through 3, MURR draft Print No. 2528 Sheets I through 3Attachment 9.1 DRAFTSECTInN THRU3-TUBE FLUX TRAPt/2 SCALEPLANVIEW3-TUBE FLUX TRAPFULL tCI ~~f L ....--------- ---------i--- --- --- -- ---------- ---------- --- ----------- ----- -----" --I.__i__+F ! i--------------------------------- = === -= ----------------------------------------HS3 -SECTION THRU3-TUBE FLUX TRAP -FINISHFULL SCALE DRAFTIM32 X 45"LOL2WC -IANVm0 a; -SETONm F-RWlG -SUETf41 C-CO&RDE -PtM ANVir (ALmzNIl- 52T11 C-C1/32 10&3125IM X 45' CHAl/1 ~ 1.3750+ 002ýOO938FO-2500-F1h~x TimL2pcgS===j laIT0 r A TT * %~ *fl f1& 1t nfl I 3Ai I riMIVIt'H u LUDR020SETO //AkFT9Am e/4M~MAV nlCHM0-Lix <JD I-2505NWm3 a,3i I ... .... .... .i i0500J 0230JX 45"MEAIL -LATCHING FINGER@MATERIAL, MAKE rRtM PLATE A/HICHMEETS CHEMICAL AND MECHANICALREQUIREMENTS OF SPEC. BMOYP44AI-INCI]NEL X -750. HEAT TREAT PERPIOJ-YPIC.

DRAFTSAft I (AED x KMWAMVi. ~4J2.0 5 61 40.875' -6-BARREL FLUX TRAP AM mWDG (4) EMV u&J.u CR~ANIALYG~ROOM IN TH 33T! 34 P~n OFV THE....... ........ _" .1,MSMAL SAPL TW OW0) RSUIE SPACErID CLARITY.PLAN VIEW6-BARREL FLUX TRAPSCALESECTION THRU6-BARREL FLUX TRAP -CONTINUEDNOTE, SOME MI)EM LOSD L BCKIIaCITE5$M r ARE I S4TVA IM FTSU VI1f"R CLARITY.1/4fJ ....SECTION THRU6-BARREL FLUX TRAP -FINISHrULL SCALE lolT, E wIoE LINUES L SACK"DInS Anr NOT IN THIS VIEWrOA 'LARITT.0--gb ATTACHMENT 20Dgn x I*-VU 1 45-JW M- PI AN V1A( W AMG-SCION 11-06250313FI L-MAIJU~ AEAR RIMI~~~~~~~~~o~ TRIP,...~hR~f WADR Pun-~PCHd nRLA IICE- PI AN VXV @ AVCYTTA OttolSME 00 ALL AMNlLNIESAR Nff SHO JRIMAT1413 VVV Pil CLARIYT.'AFTMY&h 7/23/99REVISION NLKN,zpI-LabiC3Ld-i -LL i8L I< bLJ1 Lj C <,1 1fl Cx Wm2528OaI3300.719 2.55'--o oa'301.750CW LOCATIONS 00250' TOOlvmN RomBs 45'MILES. LOCAFTEASS'CORCID sm or C3. Hmm SEE !ELEVATIONFOR SMALL SAMPLIE LON=LOCATIS AS SHMiM.tar MARY.g&LMVN REID HEAD PLAN VIEW0,625lVX45. 00WER;, OL~~ n HEAD _ SE:CTR -LINES ARE MDRT SHOWN INTHUS VDIEV FIR CLA~IITy.45* CIAWERODA ýO. THRU HOLDLIL~..8.L0k2 VI PAS KEYINTU0Lý WATELR HLES BOTTOM Or PLATE,W&LEIEMC RASE CLIP -PL AN VIEVVS 01.750LUCALWT4~ 01.750GEEA TARS -PLAN VIEWNVRASE: OP -SECTIONJ G-GESME OR ALL AIRWAMLINES AIMNI SHOWN RIMTHIP VPEV TOM CARITY.ING TAPS, 3SPETS PEEUIRMt PE WIlAR BOTTM OFASSEMBLY. ERJN.LL SPACEER SETS IN 31OA WAASSEKIARt TACK WELD TAS TR TABSS-I ~ -I R RI /A Rt-ET2o3JI-TACK WELD 1/8 THK PLATE ONROD TO PREVENT THE HOLD DOWNPIN FROM BEING INSERT INCORRECTLY.0,188"10.0000.500-1.375' ni1 X 083 WALL 0.5000.6250-1------------------------------ ------------------__ -__--------------\.60,~\ -60*4' IE -MATERIAL. HAKE FROM PLATE VHICHMEETS CHEMICAL AND MECHANICAL[Y SPEC. 550YP44A1-INCIINEL X -7550 HEAT TREAT PERPISJ-YPIC.0T 0,2500 _I't" I I IIU I0.12515 1.0" ,--.221 DRILL(#2)Cs 80-82 X 7/640.250o- DEEP 2 HOLES-0.5001.000 5.7506 nn7' LUNG, P.UG VIED TO L. Mr SWPE TUIES32 Z' LN., PLUG VELT TD M ID5 F TUESTWPsiTE Tw m rM LOADING SýIE CAN&.SECURING HEAD PIN LHAR PIN KEEPERnrTAIL -LATrHING FINGFR Y ATTACHMENT 21'-RIGINALAP-RO-1 15Revision 6MODIFICATION RECORD: LONG FORMModification Number: 11-1WAF Number: 12-2027Modification Title: Flux-trap Irradiations Reactivity Safety Trip (FIRST) Instrument ChannelsRequPage No.12345a-c6789Page TitleModification Record: Long FormModification DescriptionHazards Summary Report EvaluationReactor Safety EvaluationOperator Review and EvaluationOperating Procedure & Prints EvaluationCP and PM EvaluationParts RequirementsSpare Parts and Technical ManualRequirementsYes-I-xired DateNo Completed"___ i K.- /--2.- -"d-/.22 -.,' -J2____z-'g- By(Initials)d1,,z-50.59 Screen or ,o. ;~ ,, , Ce.Ai.Evaluation Completed: 7/-e --- A/o/ l " (rA rC ,N-t. , /P7.)(Asst. Reactor Manager -Enginpring)Modification Approved: ?re, -(keeaq--r Manager)Modification Completed: DS.e/-(RModification Closed:__-___/- (Retor Man~ager)Date: 7- ZO//-- 2 ,o/2..Date: F-)- 9 69r"Date: A-1,6 -1Date: ) -'Date: 7- z '-- 1 IIAttachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 21ORIGINALAP-RO-1 15Revision 6Modification Number: 11-1REVIEW AND FOLLOW-UP ACTIONItem No. Page Title1 Reactor Safety Subcommittee Review2 Reactor Advisory Committee Review3 U.S. NRC Review4 Operating Procedures Updated5 MURR Prints Updated6 Compliance Procedures Updated7 Preventive MaintenanceProcedures Updated8 Spare Parts System UpdatedRequiredYes NoDateCompleted"3-, f-2.Sa AL-OLAJ"--z-,/-IZDocumented by(Initials)_____//- 2"- /1In-.- 1 .PZL'JT 1 j ?% .P , "C-J. 93 bir 3-- I ol9TT- w- 13/ PAýI a f7/ 1?T, TY a-710L1 , (t 1.11g YCJ," .I "b?re-Fb a-, O- ao I ;.Ml 1T ?-l I'(;k ýX E T .0 ")-DýTCD -7 --7 -ao IIlaAttachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 21 ORIGINALAP-RO-l11511-1 Revision 6 IModification Number:MODIFICATION DESCRIPTIONProvide a concise description of the system change. Include any proposed PRE-OPERATIONALTESTS required for this change. (If additional pages are necessary, insert after this page.)OverviewThe Flux-Trap Irradiations Reactivity Safety Trip (FIRST) is a proposed addition to the Reactor SafetySystem that will ensure that the Center Test Hole Canister, commonly referred to as the Flux TrapHolder, and its contents remain in place during reactor operation. This feature will allow a change inthe methodology that is currently used to calculate the reactivity contribution of samples loaded in theflux trap region.BackgroundThe current method of calculating the total reactivity worth of experiments in the Center Test Holeduring reactor operation includes the reactivity contribution of the Flux Trap Holder. This is aconservative approach that severely limits the total available reactivity of samples loaded into thecanister. Since the flux trap region has a positive void coefficient of reactivity, the empty canister itselfappears as a void in the flux trap, thus adding a significant amount of positive reactivity (0.0036 delta-kfor the 3-barrel holder and 0.0050 delta-k for the 6-barrel holder) to the calculation methodology. TheMURR is considering an alternative methodology in which the reactivity contribution of the Flux TrapHolder is not included, and only the reactivity contribution of the experiment samples is included in thecalculation. To conservatively implement this methodology, it is suggested that instrumentation beprovided such that insertion or removal of the Flux Trap Holder cannot physically be performed duringreactor operation. This instrumentation would provide an input signal to the Reactor Safety Systemsuch that the reactor could not operate unless the Flux Trap Holder, or strainer, is properly installed.Modification Record 08-5; "Install Temporary Prototype of the Flux-trap Irradiations Reactivity SafetyTrip (FIRST) Device," documented the installation of a testing prototype for the FIRST. The prototypewas installed in December 2008, and tested almost continuously since that time. The results of thattesting are described primarily in the "Testing" section below, but are also referred to throughout thisModification Record. Several improvements as a result of the testing have been incorporated into theproposed FIRST device and described in the Preliminary Modification Record.The Preliminary Modification Record was reviewed in accordance with procedure, and producedseveral questions, which are formally answered in this Modification Record. Also included with thoseanswers are answers to questions posed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) through theformal NRC amendment process. During the intervening time, several improvements as a result of bothcontinued testing and the formal review processes have been incorporated into the proposed FIRSTdevice and described in this Modification Record.(Modification Description continued on Page 2a)2Attachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 21 ORIGINALAP-RO-I 15Revision 6Modification Number: 1I-IMODIFICATION DESCRIPTION (con't)Theory of OperationThe FIRST will comprise two new instrument channels using two independent sensors to detectthe position of the Flux Trap Holder. When a sensor is 'made-up,' a relay coil is energized,maintaining a normally open contact in the closed position. This contact is one of several inseries that make up one leg of the 24VDC input to the Safety System Non-Coincidence LogicUnits (NCLU). This configuration is duplicated for the other sensor. When a sensor is no longer'made-up,' the relay coil de-energizes, opening a contact, thus interrupting the 24 VDC inputsignal to the Safety System NCLU. The resulting trip of the NCLU will de-energize the TripActuator Amplifiers (TAAs) and scram the reactor. This action ensures that if the position of theFlux Trap Holder changes from its secured and latched position, reactor operation will cease.Conversely, if the sensors are not 'made-up,' the TAAs cannot be reset. This ensures that theFlux Trap Holder cannot be installed during reactor operation.Layout and DescriptionThe FIRST is two new instrument channels, including sensors, components and modules, whichdetect the position of the Flux Trap Holder and converts that position into a logic input to theReactor Safety System. The FIRST is comprised of the following components: Flux Trap HolderWear Ring, Sensor Switches, Support Rig, Relays and Power Supply, Safety System Interface,and FIRST Bypass Switches.Flux Trap Holder Wear RingThe wear ring is an existing component of the Flux Trap Holder. This wear ring is the top-mostcomponent of the Flux Trap Holder. Its position is fixed with respect to both the holder and theIsland Tube (inner pressure vessel) when the holder is installed. The wear ring will be modifiedto provide a flanged radial extension at its top. This extension will be the reference point forcontact with the sensor switches. Modification Record 06-3; Addendum I, "Install TemporaryFlux Trap Holder Wear Ring," provides a basis for modifying the wear ring to perform thisfunction. Modification Record 06-3; Addendum 2, "Replace Flux Trap Holder Wear Ring,"documents modifications to the wear ring to perform the function described here.Sensor SwitchesThe sensors chosen for this service are waterproofed plunger-type switches with molded cables ofsufficient length to ensure all connections are made above the water line (see attached diagram ofswitch). These switches have been tested over several months and numerous cycles under theirintended service conditions. Further testing description for these switches is provided in the latersection, entitled "Testing."The material used in the fabrication of the instrument cable jacket is a form of neoprene called"Carolprene." As stated in the report Radiation Resistance of Elastomners, neoprene has goodradiation resistant properties up to a fluence of I E8 rads and does not display signs of brittlenessuntil approximately 3E8 rads. As measured directly at IOMWs, the radiation field on the pressurevessel head is approximately 1.3K rads/hr gamma and essentially no neutron. Assuming that thereactor operates on average 150 hours per week, 52 weeks/year at 10 MWs, it would takeapproximately 10 years to reach a fluence of 1 E8 rads.(Modification Description continued on Page 2b)2aAttachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 21 ORIGINALAP-RO-l 15Revision 6Modification Number: 11-1MODIFICATION DESCRIPTION (con't)Full travel of the switch is 3/8-inch, is limited by the protective collars to be roughly 1/4-inch,and is expected to be compressed under service conditions to roughly 3/16-inch.Details of the FIRST device construction including the switches are provided in the attached draftMURR Print No. 2712.Support RigThe support rig will attach to the reactor pressure vessel head via the existing handling ears, andwill support and vertically align the two independent switches that close when the Flux TrapHolder is in its secured and latched position. The support rig will be fabricated in-house from6061-T6 Aluminum and 304 Stainless Steel as described in the attached draft MURR Print No.2712.The support rig will be of welded construction, with the exception of the rack and pinionmechanisms, which must be accessible for inspection and repair. The support rig will have twoextension legs protruding downward from the plate to ensure that the rig cannot tip over duringhandling evolutions at the pressure vessel head. The plate also features two additional '/2-13 UNCthreaded holes for unanticipated handling evolutions.The support rig will use rack and pinion engagement pins to engage the existing handling ears ofthe pressure vessel head, will provide means to be positively installed, removed and stored, andwill allow physical access to all bolts of the vessel head should the device prove unable to bedisengaged and removed underwater. The rack and pinion engagement pins will be operatedusing a 2-inch rotating rod (a common handling tool in the pool), and will have opposed directionof operation to counter any induced moment.The switches will be adjustable in height, held in place using jam nuts, and be providedprotective collars to prevent over travel of the switches. This condition would only occur in theevent of improper handling or improper installation of the support rig. Cables from the switcheswill be attached beneath the support rig plate, and be provided adequate strain relief as they exitthe support rig.Relays and Power SupplyThe relays will be of the standardized K-relay type, commonly used in the Safety System, whichhave an excellent service history. The relays, K-61 in the Yellow Leg and K-62 in the GreenLeg, will be located in the existing K-relay drawer. This enables them to be accessible, use astandardized shorted relay if needed for testing and troubleshooting, and to provide aconfiguration consistent with existing Safety System components and operation.The relay coils will be powered via 24VDC Power Supply 2PS3. This power supply has amplecapacity, is already present in the K-relay drawer, and currently powers all existing K-relays inthe K-relay drawer. This approach will greatly simplify the installation of the new relays andagain provide a configuration consistent with existing Safety System components and operation.(Modification Description continued on Page 2c)2bAttachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 21 ORIGINALAP-RO-l 15Revision 6Modification Number: 11-1MODIFICATION DESCRIPTION (con't)The normally open contact I from each relay will be connected into the existing Annunciatorlogic for the Power Level Interlock Scram. The contacts will be connected in series with theexisting annunciator function to provide a scram annunciation in the event that any of the fourcontacts should open. The existing annunciator window "POWER LEVEL INTERLOCKSCRAM" will be replaced with a new annunciator window "PLI OR FIRST SCRAM." Thenormally open contact 2 from each relay will be connected into the existing Yellow and GreenLegs as described below.Safety System InterfaceTwo contacts will be added to the existing Yellow Leg and Green Leg series inputs to the SafetySystem. These normally open (meaning contacts will open when coil is de-energized) contacts(K-61, contact 2, in the Yellow Leg, and K-62, contact 2, in the Green Leg) will provide theability to interrupt the 24VDC input signal to the Safety System. The resulting trip of therespective NCLU will de-energize the TAAs and scram the reactor. All contacts in the Yellowand Green Legs are shown in the Reactor Safety System Monitoring Circuit (commonly referredto as the "White Rat") Panel Overlays. Modification Record 75-16; Addendum 3, "ReactorSafety System Monitoring Circuit ("White Rat") Panel -Revision to Panel Overlays in Supportof Modification Record 05-8," provides a previous basis for revising the overlays to this panel.Modification Record 75-16; Addendum 4, "Reactor Safety System Monitoring Circuit ("WhiteRat") Panel -Revision to Panel Overlays in Support of Flux-Trap Irradiations Reactivity SafetyTrip (FIRST)," will document revisions to the overlays to this panel to indicate the functiondescribed here.FIRST Bypass SwitchesThe FIRST Bypass Switches (IS29 in the Yellow Leg, and IS28 in the Green Leg) will providethe following two functions: (i) allow testing and troubleshooting capability, and (2) provide theuse of both the proposed methodology and the current methodology for calculating the reactivitycontribution of samples and the holder in the flux trap region.When it is desired to use the current methodology of including the reactivity contribution of theFlux Trap Holder, the First Bypass keys will be inserted and the switches placed in the"BYPASS" position.The bypass switches will be of the standardized keyed-type, currently used in the Safety Systemwith an excellent service history, and labeled I S29 and 1 28. They will be located in the ReactorConsole adjacent to the existing bypass switches. The switches directly jumper each FIRSTsensor switch to energize relay coils on K-61 and K-62. This configuration provides the ReactorOperator a direct and unmistakable indication at the Reactor Console that this Safety Systemfunction is bypassed.Installation of the bypass switches requires relocating the Annunciator RESET and TESTpushbuttons. These pushbuttons will be relocated to directly above the existing AnnunciatorACKNOWLEDGE pushbutton.(Modification Description continued on Page 2d)2cAttachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 21 ORIGINALAP-RO-1 15Revision 6Modification Number: 1l-IMODIFICATION DESCRIPTION (con't)System Layout and Routinga. The support rig is held in place by the lifting ears of the Pressure Vessel Head.b. The switches are supported and aligned by the support rig.c. The Flux Trap Holder wear ring engages the sensor switches.d. Switch leads are routed through the Pool, through an access on the south side of theBridge, and down to a junction box on the Mezzanine.e. Switch leads will continue on through existing chases to the keyed bypass switches, I S29and I S28, on the Reactor Console.f. Switch leads will continue on through existing chases to the Instrument Panel area.g. The switch contacts control the coils of relays K-61 and K-62 in the K-relay drawer.h. The normally open contacts of these K-relays provide an additional series contact in eachof the Yellow and Green Legs of the Reactor Safety System.i. An additional normally open contact in each relay provides an input to the "PLI ORFIRST SCRAM" Annunciation.Redundancy ConsiderationsThe applicable questions addressable in IEEE-279 are outlined in the Hazards Summary ReportEvaluation (page 3) of this Modification Record. These proposed instrument channels are mostsimilar to existing instrument channels that provide a reactor scram in the event that any one ofthe three primary or pool coolant system isolation valves V507A, V507B, or V509 come off theiropen seat. Only failure modes that are conservative and operationally limiting can occur due tothe installation of these instrument channels.TestingA temporary installation was put in place in December 2008. This device was instrumented withthe sensor switches proposed here, but was connected to a digital chart recorder to monitor theoperation and reliability of the switches and their support rig. Detailed assessments of the supportrig and its switches have been performed on several occasions since initial installation.Choosing a suitable and reliable sensor switch was a major focus area for implementing theseinstrument channels. Extensive bench and in-situ testing was performed to ensure the chosenswitch could perform well. Initial testing of the switch was done in a deionized (DI) water bath,where the switch was mechanically cycled many times to verify water-tight integrity. Next,repeatability testing was done to ensure the switch travel and contact break point could beconsistently achieved. Excellent precision was obtained in this testing. As stated above, fulltravel of the switch is 3/8-inch, is limited by the protective collars to be roughly 1/4-inch, and isexpected to be compressed under service conditions to roughly 3/16-inch. Testing revealed thatthe contact closed at roughly 1/8-inch of compression, and opened at roughly 5/64-inch ofcompression. Testing was extremely consistent for any one switch, and varied between switchesby as much as 1/32-inch. These bench tests plus the in-pool support rig testing support the choiceof these switches for their intended service.(Modification Description continued on Page 2e)2dAttachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 21 ORIGINAI.AP-RO- 115Revision 6Modification Number: 1I-!MODIFICATION DESCRIPTION (con't)The intended precedent for establishing switch height in the rig is to allow 3/16-inch travelbetween fully compressed at the protective collar and 'contact-open.' This will allow roughly1/8-inch of vertical travel prior to initiating a FIRST scram if the Flux Trap Holder is moved fromits secured and latched position.See the License Amendment Response section for a detailed discussion of the reactivity responsedue to moving the Flux Trap Holder.Supporting DocumentsThis work will be performed in conjunction with a modification of the wear ring for the "3-barrel" Center Test Hole Canister. Modification Record 06-3; Addendum 2 will document themodification of this wear ring to provide engagement of the wear ring to the switches describedhere.This work will also be performed in conjunction with a modification to the Reactor SafetySystem Monitoring Circuit ("White Rat") Panel Overlays. Modification Record 75-16;Addendum 4 will document revisions to the overlays to this panel to indicate the functiondescribed here.2eAttachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 21 ORIGINALAP-RO- 115i 1-1 Revision 6Modification Number: 1__ 1_Revision_6HAZARDS SUMMARY REPORT EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a modification to the reactor facility as defined in the Hazards SummaryReport?Yes: All No: Signature: Date: __-_-/o"-/If YES, make an analysis below and provide the suggested revision(s) to the HSR. If NO, outlinethe basis for the decision.This modification does involve a change to the reactor facility as defined in the Hazards SummaryReport (HSR) and its addenda. The Center Test Hole, and its use, and the Reactor Safety System, asapplicable to this modification, are described or discussed in the following Sections of the HSR andits addenda:I. HSR: Section 8.2, Figures 8.4, 8.5, and 9.42. Addendum 1: Sections 3.15 and 3.173. Addendum 2: Subject No. 104. Addendum 3: Sections 2.5.5, 3.5, 3.8, 3.10 and 3.13.65. Addendum 4: Sections A.3.10, A.3.14, and Figues A.I and A.76. Addendum 5: Section 3.0The following sections of the HSR and its addenda will be revised as follows:I. HSR: Section 8.2, Figures 8.4 and 8.5, Table 9.1, Figures 9.2 and 9.4, and new Section 9.9a. Revise Section 8.2, "Flux Trap," paragraph I from:"Consequently, use of this facility will be subject to a high degree of administrative control tominimize the possibility of inserting or removing a sample with high reactivity worth duringreactor operation."To read:"Consequently, use of this facility will be interlocked with the Reactor Safety System to ensurethat the reactor will scram should the center test hole canister be removed during reactoroperation. The facility will also be subject to a high degree of administrative control tominimize the possibility of inserting or removing a sample with high reactivity worth duringreactor operation."b. Revise Section 8.2, "Flux Trap," paragraph 2 from:"A latching device located at the top of the canister positively determines the canister position."To read:"A latching device located at the top of the canister positively determines the canister positionand two Reactor Safety System instrument channels positively sense the canister positionduring reactor operation."(Hazards Summary Report Evaluation continued on page 3a)3Attachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 21 DRIGINALAP-RO-1 15Revision 6Modification Number: II-1HAZARDS SUMMARY REPORT EVALUATION (con't)c. Figure 8.4 (MURR Print No. 2505, Sheet I of 3) and Figure 8.5 (MURR Print No. 2528,Sheet I of 3) were revised by Modification Record 06-3, Addendum 2.d. Add the following to the end of Table 9.1 "Control Console Displays and Controls":"61 FIRST "Off-Bypass" 2 Pos. Key Lock""62 FIRST "Off-Bypass" 2 Pos. Key Lock"e. Revise Figure 9.2 "Control Console Layout" per the attached draft.f. Revise Figure 9.4 (MURR Print No. 139, Sheet I of 1) per the attached draft.g. After Section, "Reactor Pressurizer System," add the following new section:"9.9 Center Test Hole InstrumentationThe center test hole instrument channels, called the Flux-Trap Irradiations ReactivitySafety Trip (FIRST), detect the position of the center test hole canister, or strainer, wheninstalled. If these channels do not detect that the center test hole canister, or strainer, is inthe secured and latched position, a scram is initiated."2. HSR Addendum 1a. 3.15 -Step Reactivity Insertion AnalysisThis section will not be revised. The section refers to a step reactivity insertion at 5MWs.b. 3.17 -Description of ExperimentsThis section will not be revised.3. HSR Addendum 2a. Subject No. 10 -Transients from 10 MWsThis section will not be revised. The worst-case insertion accident without fuel damageenvelops the scenario where the Flux Trap Holder is inserted or removed in its entirety.The circuit response time is far less than the stated 400 milliseconds, which itself is farless than the time required for any significant reactivity change to occur as a result of theFlux Trap Holder being inserted or removed.4. HSR Addendum 3Note: To preserve 10MW upgrade information intact, precedence has been established thatAddendum 3 will be revised only to the minimum extent necessary.a. Section 2.5.5, "Safety System"This section will not be revised.b. Section 3.5 "Analysis of Rapid Step Reactivity Insertions from Full Power in the MURR"This section will not be revised.(Hazards Summary Report Evaluation continued on page 3b)3aAttachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 21 ARIGINALAP-RO- 115Revision 6Modification Number: 11-1HAZARDS SUMMARY REPORT EVALUATION (con't)c. Section 3.8, "Single Failure Criterion Analysis"This section will not be revised.d. Section 3.10, "Safety Analysis of the Center Test Hole"This section will not be revised.e. Section 3.13.6, Experiment Reactivity Limits"This section will not be revised.5. HSR Addendum 4a. Add the following at the end of Section A.3.10, paragraph 2, after "Pressurizer level(unmonitored level controller):""Center Test Hole Canister position (limit switches)."b. Revise Section A.3.14, "Indication of Bypasses," paragraph 2 from:"Bypass switches are utilized to change the protective system to correspond to the threemodes of operation (50 kW, 5 MW, or 10 MW)."To read:"Bypass switches are utilized to change the protective system to correspond to the threemodes of operation (50 kW, 5 MW, or 10 MW), and to bypass the center test holeinstrument channels."c. Add the following new section:"A.3.3.15 "Center Test Hole Scram"Protection against an excessive reactivity step insertion in the Flux Trap region isachieved by two independent position sensing switches mounted on a removable supportrig at the top of the pressure vessel head. In the event the Center Test Hole Canisterleaves its secured and latched position, a reactor scram is initiated by either or both ofthese sensing switches, which actuate auxiliary relays K61 and K62, which in turninterrupt logic unit inputs E4A and E3B respectively."d. Revise Figure A.I (MURR Print No. 139, Sheet 1 of 1) per the attached drafte. Revise Figure A.7 (MURR Print No. 138, Sheet 1 of I) per the attached draft.6. HSR Addendum 5a. Section 3.0, "Step Reactivity Insertion Analysis for Determination of ExperimentReactivity Limits"This section will not be revised.All other Sections, Figures, and Tables of the HSR and its addenda are considered correct andwill remain the same.3bAttachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 21ARIGINALAP-RO-! 15Revision 3 IModification Number: 11-1REACTOR SAFETY EVALUATIONDoes this change involve a revision(s) to the Technical Specifications or a safety hazard as describedin 10 CFR 50.59?NOTE: A licensee may make changes to the facility as described in the HSR without obtaining a license amendmentonly if:(i) A change to the Technical Specifications incorporated in the license is not required, and(ii) The change does not produce any of the following results:I. More than a minimal increase in the frequency of occurrence of an accident previously evaluated inthe HSR;2. More than a minimal increase in the likelihood of occurrence of a malfunction of an SSC important tosafety previously evaluated in the HSR;3. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of an accident previously evaluated in the HSR;4. More than a minimal increase in the consequences of a malfunction of an SSC important to safetypreviously evaluated in the H-ISR,5. Create a possibility for an accident of a different type than previously evaluated in the HSR;6. Create a possibility for a malfunction of an SSC important to safety with a different result than anypreviously evaluated in the HSR;7. Altering or exceeding a design basis limit for a fission product barrier as described in the HSR;8. A departure from a method of evaluation described in the HSR used in establishing the design bases orthe safety analyses.Yes: Y_ No:Signature: 45 $ ZDate: ___________If YES, the change must be performed using a Long Form Modification Record. If NO, outline thebasis for the decision.YES, this change does involve a revision to the Technical Specifications and is therefore being performedusing a Long Form Modification Record. Additionally, in order to implement this change, the TechnicalSpecification revision is being performed by application for License Amendment and must be approved by theU.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission prior to implementation.Technical Specification 3.1.g states: "The reactivity worth of each secured removable experiment shall belimited to 0.006 delta-k." Technical Specification 3.1.h states: "The absolute value of the reactivity worth of allexperiments in the center test hole shall not exceed 0.006 delta-k."In the past, MURR has conservatively included the reactivity worth of the sample canister within the definitionof an "experiment" in the center test hole. The intended methodology is to count only the reactivity worth ofthe samples, and not the reactivity worth of the canister, toward the absolute value of the reactivity worth ofthe experiments in the center test hole.Technical Specification 3.3 will be revised to include two instruments, or measuring channels, in the reactorsafety system that will sense the position of the center test hole canister. The capability to bypass thechannel will also be included in the instances where MURR opts to include the reactivity worth of the canister.4Attachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 21ORIGINAL.AP-RO-I 15Revision 6 IModification Number: 11-1OPERATOR REVIEW AND EVALUATIONOperators are asked to comment on any safety and/or operational concerns relating to the proposedchange. Please indicate any additions, questions, or changes regarding the Hazards SummaryReport and Reactor Safety evaluations.NameComments'-~- r T,-~ P PiL. ~ ~ ,~r,~ey- To~.-Vf -,r -* Q -/ cle- r 7-^X5aAttachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 21ORIGINAAP-RO-l 15Revision 6 IModification Number: 11-1OPERATING PROCEDURE AND PRINT EVALUATIONIf a revision to, or a new Operating Procedure and/or Print are required in order to implement thechange, note the Procedure or Print Number, Title, and Section and attach a copy of the proposednew or revised procedure or print.OPERATING PROCEDURESNumberSM-RO-500TitleREPLACEMENT OF FLUX TRAP REACTIVITYSAFETY TRIP (FIRST) SUPPORT RIGSectionNEWPRINTSNumber79, Sheet 1 of 1138, Sheet 1 of 1139, Sheet 1 of 1651, Sheet 1 of 2651, Sheet 2 of 21386, Sheet 5 of 52712, Sheet 1 of 32712, Sheet 2 of 32712, Sheet 3 of 3Title10 MW AnnunciatorAnnunciator Control 10 MWSafety SystemAnnunciator Control 10 MWAnnunciator Control 10 MW (NEW)Relay ScheduleFlux-trap Irradiations Reactivity Safety Trip (NEW)Flux-trap Irradiations Reactivity Safety Trip (NEW)Flux-trap Irradiations Reactivity Safety Trip (NEW)6Attachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 21ORIGINALAP-RO-I 15Revision 6Modification Number: 11-1COMPLIANCE AND PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE EVALUATIONIf a revision to, or a new Compliance and/or Preventative Maintenance Procedure are required inorder to implement the change, note the Procedure Number, Title, and Frequency and attach a copyof the proposed new or revised procedure.COMPLIANCE PROCEDURESTitleNumberCP-36 (NEW)CP-2CP-3CP4 A,B,C,DCP-5CP-6CP-7 A,BCP-8 A,BCP-27CP-30FIRST Scrams (NEW)Pressurizer Level and Pressure ControlPool Low Level Scram -LC-966Primary Flow Transmitters (FT-912 A); (FT-912 E): (FT-912 G): (FT-912 H)PT-917 -10 MWBuilding Evacuation/Isolation Scram, Building Hi Activity ScramPool Flow Orifice 921 (Green Leg); (Yellow Leg, V509 OFF OPEN)Primary RTD's (901 A&B); (980 A&B)Power Level Interlock Static ScramARMS and 16-Inch Valve Cabinet and Associated Horns and LightsFrequencySemi-AnnuallySemi-AnnuallySemi-AnnuallySemi-AnnuallySemi-AnnuallySemi-AnnuallySemi-AnnuallySemi-AnnuallySemi-AnnuallyMonthlyNumberRX-Q2 (NEW)PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURESTitleInspect FIRST RigFrequencyQuarterly7Attachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 21i tW0 a, 4~AP-RO-l 15Revision 6Modification Number: 11-1PARTS REQUIREMENTSList all parts that are required in order to implement the change, noting Part Number, Description,and Quantity.Part NumberPart DescriptionFIRST Support Rig -fabricated per MURR Print No. 2712FIRST sensor switches (SeaCon AU-LS-SD-C) 40' leadsBypass Key Switches (1S29 and 1S28)Qty.262PO No.: Procard Date: Various P0 No.: Procard Date: 5/20/2009Ordered From: various materials vendors were Ordered From: SeaCon APused to procure the component Assembly, Limit Switch, 7 Ampparts for the Support Rig. Where (AU-LS-SD-C)needed, specifications have been Limit Switch (Standard Duty)called out in MURR Print No.2712 40' lead conductorsPO No.:Ordered From:Date:PO No.:Ordered From:Date:8Attachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 21Modification Number: 111ORIGINALAP-RO-1 15Revision 6 ISPARE PARTS and TECHNICAL MANUAL REQUIREMENTSList all spare parts and technical manuals that are required in order to implement the change, notingPart Number, Description, and Quantity, and Manual Title and where ordered from.SPARE PARTSPart Description Qty.Part NumberFIRST Support Rig, Complete Spare with switchesFIRST Sensor Switches (see above)12PO No.: Date: PO No.: Date:Ordered From: Ordered From:PO No.:Ordered From:Date:PO No.:Ordered From:Date:TECHNICAL MANUALSManual TitleOrdered From9Attachment 8.2 ATTACHMENT 21 ORIGINALResponses to Crew Review and Evaluation QuestionsCrew response produced a total of twenty-four questions from six operators. Those questions and theformal response to them are provided below.The original NRC license amendment request was evaluated under the relicensing process. This initialevaluation produced a total of seven questions, to which MURR responded on August 31, 2010.The FIRST portion of the relicensing process was then evaluated as a separate NRC license amendment.This second evaluation produced a total of five questions, to which MURR responded on January 31,2011.Following the above response, a third evaluation produced a total of four questions, to which MURRresponded on July 11, 2011.Following the above response, the NRC requested clarification on the usage of the "center test holeStrainer." MURR responded on December 19, 2011.The four responses to NRC requests for additional information are provided in the following section.Formal Response to Crew Review QuestionsQuestion 1: On page 26, paragraph 4 it refers to isolation relay coils. It might be more clear if it'snoted that this is the type of relay. When I hear isolation I think about an isolation of containment.The term 'isolation', where it refers to the relays, has been removed from the Final Modification Record.Question 2: Secondly. the mod record refers, in several places, including the HSR changes (8.2 andAdd. 4) to instrument channel in the singular. By tech spec definition, 1.7 this should be two instrumentchannels especially as we are including IEEE 2 79 discussion and taking credit for redundancy.The FIRST system should correctly be referred to as two instrument channels. This correction has beenmade throughout the Final Modification Record.Question 3: Along this same line, does only having one bypass key negate that redundancy? After all thetwo channels join together where one failure could take out both trips. The same point should beconsidered for the routing of the wires.MURR has chosen to use two bypass keys. This change has been made throughout the FinalModification Record.Question 4: Finally in the rewrite of HSR add 4 A. 3.3.15 the relays are referred to as 2K61 and 2K62.Unless I've missed something they should be K61 and K62.The correct reference to the relays should be K61 and K62. This error has been corrected in the FinalModification Record. ATTACHMENT 21 ORIGINALQuestion 5: Page #7. New CP is listed as CP-38, but the draft is number CP-36.The correct CP is CP-36. This error has been corrected in the Final Modification Record.Question 6: Could the PM to inspect the FIRST rig also include an inspection of the wire and mounts?This revision has been incorporated into the PM. A draft of this PM is included in the Final ModificationRecord.Question 7: How is the wire to be mounted?The routing of the cables is described in the Final Modification Record. Mounting of the cables isdepicted in MURR Print 2712, Sheet I of 3. A draft of this Print is included in the Final ModificationRecord.Question 8: Print 2712 is referenced as having 3 sheets: however only I (page 3) is includedA draft of MURR Print 2712, Sheets I of 3, 2 of 3, and 3 of 3 are included in the Final ModificationRecord.Question 9: Print 139 -The yellow leg monitoring point 6 should be before the Rx loop B low flowscram.This error has been corrected on Print 139. A draft of the corrected Print is included in the FinalModification Record.Question 10: Print 139 -Since 1S28 bypasses the FIRST scram, should this not also be included in theprint.Bypass Switches I S29 and I S28 bypass the FIRST scrams by powering the coils to relays K61 and K62,which then maintain contacts closed that are depicted on Print 139. The bypass switches and the K-relaycoils they energize are depicted on Print 138, Annunciator Control.Question 11: Page 3 Rev IA: should read "... use of this facility will be interlocked with the reactorsafety system to ensure that the reactor will SCRAM should the center test hole canister be removed..."Agreed. This correction has been made in the Final Modification Record.Question 12: Page 3 Ic, Id." Mod record lists Figure 8.4 and 8.5 as being revised, but they are notincluded in the Mod record Recommend either including the prints or remove them from the Modrecord. This revision is included in the flux trap wear ring mod record.Figure 8.4 and 8.5 were revised by Modification Record 06-3, Addendum 2. These Figures will bereferenced in the Final Modification Record, but not revised.Question 13: Page 3a. IH: Since we are adding section 9.9 do we need to address the change in thefollowing section numbers. ATTACHMENT 21 JRIGINA -Section 9.9 is being added to the end of Chapter 9 of the Original HSR. Following Section numbers inthe combined Original and Addendum volumes will not be revised.Question 14: CP-36 should include section 3.3 as a reference.Technical Specification 3.3 has been included as a reference in the draft of CP-36, which is included inthe Final Modification Record.Question 15: CP-36 uses siandard phrase for placing bypass key to 'OFF'. Steps 26 and 17 shoud read"Place FIRST scram bypass switch 1S28 to "OFF" position.This nomenclature has been standardized throughout the draft of CP-36, which is included in the FinalModification Record.Question 16: CP-36 should we test with 3 barrelflux trap device also?Each of the three holders featuring the flanged wear ring section have been test fit on the support rig andshown to make up the switches regardless of which device is installed. CP-36 will continue to use thestrainer due to ease of installation and removal, but could be adequately performed using any of the threeholders.Question 17: Figure 9.2 need to add labels for 1S28 and new location ofAnn. Test switch.This oversight has been corrected in the draft Figure 9.2, which is included in the Final ModificationRecord.Question 18: CP-36 why not complete this cp with pool and primary systems on line?To remain consistent with current CP methodology, CP-36 will continue to utilize jumpers in place ofsystems on-line. However, a systems on-line alternative could be added to a future CP revision if distinctadvantages to doing doing so emerge after implementation.Question 19. RX-Q2 step 6 remove the "or placed in storage" this would also ensure the installation ofthe rig is checked The rig can be stored ajier completion of the PMWhile this wording was considered, it was determined that proper installation of the support rig should bedetermined prior to each use, and will be performed during Start-Up Checks. The OR portion of step 6will remain to provide the LSRO with flexibility.Question 20: Do we need to fabricate additional shorted relays?No. All CPs can be performed without requiring additional shorted relays. CP-30 will use the most atseven of the eight available.Question 21: Probably need to consider slight revision to definition of '*Experiment" in TS duringamendment request. Otherwise going from 3-barrel to 6-barrel would be a change in "normal" reactorcomponent change. ATTACHMENT 21 OR(. INALThe purpose of the amendment and the FIRST system is to remove the holder from its role as a part of theexperiment, and make it a "normal" part of the reactor. Regardless of which holder or strainer isinstalled, it will be considered and administratively controlled as a "normal" part of the reactor.Question 22: Add a step in startup checks to verify bypass status? The totalflux trap holder and loadingcan have different limits depending on whether FIRST is bypassed or not.During startup checks, the configuration of the FIRST will be administratively determined by the ReactorManager or his designee, and this will be reflected by signature on the Flux Trap Loading Sheet. Ifbypass keys are authorized and in place, this condition will be annotated on the startup checksheet asapproved by the Reactor Manager.Question 23: There are penned corrections on the print.Further revisions including penned corrections to all prints have been incorporated into the draft prints,which are included in the Final Modification Record.Question 24: Also there is a post added to the rigs that have been built that is not reflected on the prints.Print 2712 has been extensively revised to depict several additional features, including the stabilizingposts. A draft of this print is included in the Final Modification Record. ATTACHMENT 21 ORIGINALAugust 31, 2010 Response to NRC regarding seven questionsCHAPTER 1010.5 Section 10.3. 1, Center Test Hole. Related to license amendment request of August 6, 2009.a. Describe any occurrences where the center test hole canister failed to properly latch or whena canister was removed from the reactor when not intended.Each time the center test hole canister is installed, proper latching is verified by two members ofthe Operations staff, one being a licensed senior reactor operator, both visually and physically (bypulling upward on the canister rope). Instances in which the center test hole canister can not beverified latched result in reinstallation or repair followed by verification. The hold-down fixturewithin the canister is also verified latched prior to installation. With the hold-down fixture andthe existing latching means being verified at each installation, no instances of improper latchingor unintended canister removal have occurred.b. Describe any changes to procedures for sample handling or irradiation in the center test holenecessitated by the installation of the flux-trap irradiations reactivity safety trip (FIRIX)system.The existing procedures for sample handling in the center test hole will remain essentiallyunchanged, with the following exception: with the ability to operate the FIRST system inBYPASS, the appropriate administrative reactivity limit must be selected by the loading preparer,and reviewed and approved by the Assistant Reactor Manager-Physics. If the FIRST system is inBYPASS, the reactivity worth of the center test hole sample holder must be included in thecalculation of the absolute value of the reactivity worth of all experiments in the center test hole.BYPASS operation will require Reactor Manager's approval to perform. ATTACHMENT 21c. Describe the possible failure modes of the switches used on the FIRST system.In December, 2008, a temporary, prototype FIRST device and a mock instrument channel wereinstalled to test operation and reliability of the FIRST system, including the switches. This testhas continued to date in order to accumulate operating experience in using the device and tovalidate its long term reliability.Within the first few months of the test, it was determined that the original center test hole canisterwear ring design could potentially prevent proper contact with the switch plungers, thuspreventing the switches from closing and 'making-up' the safety system input. The wear ringwas redesigned to ensure full contact with the switch plungers and no additional problemsregarding proper contact have occurred.The failure mode mentioned above -where a switch failed to close -is conservative in that thesafety system cannot be reset. While the failure mode where a switch cannot open the contact hasnot occurred, the failure of one switch would not prevent the remaining switch from performingits intended safety function.The mode where contact make or break could change with respect to plunger travel ormaladjustment have not been observed but would result in one of the above two failures -notclosing or not opening. However, neither is a reactor safety system failure.Periodic surveillance and maintenance inspections will also reveal maladjustments in switchpositioning or potential switch failures that do not make themselves apparent through nuisancetrips. ATTACHMENT 21d. The SAR states that the cable jacket will display good radiation resistance for about 10 yearsof operation. Discuss the consequences of any potential failure of the FIRST cabling.Degradation of the FIRST cabling is specifically noted during periodic inspections, and cabling isreplaced if signs of degradation are present. Failure modes for the cabling will result in eitheropen circuit, a conservative failure where the safety system cannot be reset, or closed circuit,where the condition would not prevent the remaining circuit from performing its safety function.Periodic surveillance and maintenance inspections are intended to bring to light any cablingdegradation prior to failure, and failure modes can be shown to be conservative.e. Discuss the proposed methodology that will be used to determine sample reactivity when theFIRSTsystem is in use.The current methodology that is used to determine the reactivity present in the flux trap region orcenter test hole involves several independent measurements as described below. The samemethodology will be used to determine sample reactivity values when the FIRST system is in use.The reactivity neutral condition of the reactor, as far as the central flux trap region is concerned,assumes a center test hole filled with just water (at 110 °F) and no individual experimentalsamples or the center test hole canister (also known as the removable experiment sample canisteras defined in TS 1.3) installed.The reactivity contribution of the center test hole canister is first determined by performing twoback-to-back reactor startups; first one with the center test hole empty (only water present) andthe second one with an empty center test hole canister -either the 3 or 6-barrel as described inSection The difference in the control rod heights between the two startups inconjunction with the known integral rod worth curve is then used to determine the reactivitycontribution from the empty test hole canister. Any reactivity contribution due to the temperaturechange is accounted for by the primary and pool coolant temperature coefficients of reactivity andthe corresponding temperature difference between the two critical measurements. ATTACHMENT 21The same methodology is used to determine the total reactivity contribution from a fully loadedsample holder. That is, two back-to-back reactor startups are performed; one with just water inthe central region and the second one with the loaded test hole canister. The difference in controlrod heights is used to determine the reactivity contribution from the loaded center test holecanister.Individual sample materials are irradiated in the central test hole by placing them inside tightlysealed standard sized aluminum cans. Materials that require multiple encapsulations are firstplaced inside smaller sealed quartz or aluminum vials and then placed within the weldedaluminum cans. Typically, several of these individual sample cans are placed inside the tubesthat make up the center test hole canister. The reactivity contribution from these individualsample targets are also measured in a very similar fashion. After estimating the possiblereactivity worth of a new individual sample target to determine no reactivity limits will beexceeded, two back-to-back reactor startups are performed. First, a hollow thin-walled aluminumcan filled with water (referred to as water can) with the same dimensions as the individual samplecan is placed within one of the center test hole canister tubes and a reactor startup is performed.Next the water can is replaced with the sample can of unknown reactivity and a second reactorstartup is performed. The difference in the control rod heights is then used to determine thereactivity worth of the unknown sample.The current methodology that is used to determine the total reactivity present in the flux trapregion, including the reactivity contribution of the center test hole canister itself, will be the samemethodology used when the FIRST system is in BYPASS.The proposed methodology that will be used when the FIRST system is in use does not includethe reactivity worth of the test hole canister, but continues to sum the reactivity worth of theindividual samples. The sum of the individual sample reactivity worth is and will be subject toexisting Technical Specification limits, as well as more restrictive administrative limits, and mustbe approved by the Assistant Reactor Manager and Lead Senior Reactor Operator prior toloading.The methodology is also described in a letter to the NRC, dated August 6, 2009, requesting toamend the Technical Specifications that would allow implementation of the FIRST system. ATTACHMENT 21f. Provide a discussion of how the design of the FIRST system meets the requirements of IEEE-279.The single failure criterion of IEEE-279 is completely met at the component level. The channelindependence criterion of IEEE-279 will in large part be met, but in the case of certaincomponents will not be fully complied with. Detection of the canister position must occur in thesame physical space and from the same physical surface. This is a commonly accepted practice,where the channel independence criterion does not have to be extended to mean independentdetection devices. Certain channel components, such as in-pool cabling and the BYPASSswitch, are not physically separate. Where these proximities are concerned, no credible failurecan be expected to occur that would simultaneously prevent both channels from performing theirsafety functions. Thus the design of the FIRST system effectively meets the intent of IEEE-279.g. There does not appear to be a surveillance requirement to help ensure proper operation ofthe FIRST system. Propose and justify an appropriate surveillance requirement for theFIRST system or explain why a surveillance is not neededAs required by Technical Specification 4.4.a, the FIRST system will be tested for operability on asemiannual basis. A draft surveillance procedure (compliance procedure CP-36, "FIRSTScrams") has been prepared to verify proper operation of the FIRST system with regard to thereactor safety system.A draft preventative maintenance procedure (RX-Q2, "Inspect FIRST Support Rig") has beenprepared to ensure mechanical integrity of the FIRST system, and will be performed quarterly. ATTACHMENT 21DRAFT (changes shown in bold)TABLE 9.1 (Cont.)(b) ControlsORIGINALNumber272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162FunctionRod Control ModeRod Control ModePower Schedule SelectorRegulating Rod OperateRegulating Rod OperateMaster ControlPower Level SelectorControl Rod SelectorControl Rod OperateRegulating Rod OperateAnnunciator AcknowledgeAnnunciator ResetAnnunciator TestScramScram ResetRod Run-InRod Run-In ResetMagnet CurrentReactor IsolationFacility EvacuationHi/Lo Reflector APLow Pressurizer PressureLow Primary PressureVent Tank Low LevelRod Magnet ContactAnt-Siphon High LevelIntrusion AlarmAirlock Door SecurityThermal Column ShutterPneumatic Tube BlowersAirlock Door OpenRange SwitchIntercomBridge Door UnlockFIRSTFIRSTPositions"Manual""Auto""Raise-Off-Lower""Jog In""Jog Out""Off-Test-On""5OkW-5MW- I0MW""A-B-C-D-Gang""In-Normal-Out""In-Normal-Out"N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A"Off-On""Off-On""Off-On""Off-Bypass""Off Bypass""Off-Bypass""Off-Bypass""Off-Bypass""Off Bypass""Off-On""Normal-Closed-Outer Open""Off-On""Off-On""Outer-Inner"N/AN/AN/A"Off-Bypass""Off-Bypass"Type of SwitchPush ButtonPush Button3 Pos. Spring Ret.Push ButtonPush Button3 Pos. Key Lock3 Position5 Position3 Pos. Spring Ret.3 Pos. Spring Ret.Push ButtonPush ButtonPush ButtonPush ButtonPush ButtonPush ButtonPush Button2 Position2 Position2 Position2 Pos. Key Lock2 Pos. Key Lock2 Pos. Key Lock2 Pos. Key Lock2 Pos. Key Lock2 Pos. Key Lock2 Position3 Position2 Position2 Position3 Pos. Spring Ret.18 PositionN/APush Button2 Pos. Key Lock2 Pos. Key LockDRAFT (changes shown in bold)9-5Rev. FIRST ATTACHMENT 21Control Console Layouta -ao-La ATTACHMENT 21SM-RO-500Revision 0MURRSPECIAL MAINTENANCE PROCEDURESM-RO-500REPLACEMENT OF FLUX TRAP REACTIVITY SAFETY TRIP (FIRST) SUPPORT RIGRESPONSIBLE GROUP:DOCUMENT OWNER:APPROVED BY:Reactor OperationsCarl HerboldJohn FruitsDateThis procedure contains the following:PagesAttachmentsTablesFiguresAppendicesCheck-Off ListsNNoneNoneNoneNoneNone-t w-"&At,,-hthroughthroughthroughthroughthrough60 ul-0--ul A IF Tr ATTACHMENT 21SM-RO-500Revision 0TABLE OF CONTENTSSection Page Number1.0 PU RPO SE ............................................................................................................................ .2.0 SCO PE ................................................................................................................................. 33.0 PREREQUISITES AND INITIAL CONDITIONS ......................................................... 34.0 PRO C ED U RE .............................................................................................................. 35.0 REFEREN C ES ........................................................................................................... 56.0 RECO RD S ........................................................................................................................... 62 ATTACHMENT 21SM-RO-500Revision 0REPLACEMENT OF FLUX TRAP REACTIVITY SAFETY TRIP (FIRST)SUPPORT RIG1.0 PURPOSE1.1 To provide instructions to the Operations Group for replacing the Flux TrapIrradiations Reactivity Safety Trip (FIRST) Support Rig.2.0 SCOPE2.1 Provides procedural steps for establishing the proper height of the two (2) sensorswitches in the replacement support rig.2.2 Provides procedural steps for replacement of the in-pool portions of the supportrig.2.3 Identifies and provides guidance on inspections and retest requirements to placethe replacement support rig into service as part of two (2) safety systeminstrument channels.3.0 PREREQUISITES AND INITIAL CONDITIONS3.1 Reactor secured.3.2 Radiation Work Permit (RWP) obtained from Health Physics.3.3 Pool pumped down to refuel level per OP-RO-466, "Pool Level Control-PoolCoolant System" (Reference 5.1).3.4 Replacement sensor switches on hand per Seacon AP (AU-LS-SD-C) with 40-foot leads.3.5 Replacement support rig has been inspected in accordance with PM RX-Q2,"Inspect FIRST Support Rig," through Step 3 (Reference 5.2).4.0 PROCEDURE4.1 ESTABLISHING THE HEIGHT OF THE TWO (2) SENSOR SWITCHESCAUTION: The total travel of the switches is 3/8-inch.4.1.1 INSTALL the switches into the replacement FIRST support rig, attachingthem with the protective collars on top and the jam nuts underneath.3 ATTACHMENT 21SM-RO-500Revision 04.0 PROCEDURE (CONT.)NOTE: When properly adjusted, the switches will be compressed toapproximately 3/16-inch under service conditions.4.1.2 Adjust the installed height of the switches so that each switch has 1/4-inchof travel when compressed to the top of the protective collars.4.1.3 VERIFY switch continuity at a travel of approximately 3/16-inchcompression.4.1.4 Label switch wiring with a 'Y' or 'G' as indicated by its position in thesupport rig.4.1.5 ENSURE protective collars and jam nuts are tight.4.2 REMOVING THE EXISTING SUPPORT RIG4.2.1 Obtain LSRO permission to replace FIRST support rig.4.2.2 OPEN AND Danger Tag breaker #3 on UPS- ENSURE FIRST support rig wiring is properly labeled.4.2.4 Disconnect FIRST support rig wiring from mezzanine junction box.4.2.5 Connect cable snake to disconnected wire ends.4.2.6 Pull cables from the mezzanine side into the pool refuel area.4.2.7 Disconnect cable snake from cables.4.2.8 Remove FIRST support rig from pressure vessel head using the handlingpoles.4.2.9 From the refuel bridge, remove the FIRST support rig from the handlingpoles.4.2.10 Remove old rig and cables from pool area per RP-HP-137, "HandlingRadioactive Material in the Reactor Pool" (Reference 5.4).4 ATTACHMENT 21SM-RO-500Revision 04.0 PROCEDURE (CONT.)4.3 INSTALLING THE REPLACEMENT SUPPORT RIG4.3.1 Label leads on new cable Y 1, Y2, G1 and G2.4.3.2 Connect cable snake to new cables.4.3.3 Pull cables through existing conduit from the refuel bridge to the junctionbox on the mezzanine.4.3.4 Disconnect cable snake from cables.4.3.5 Connect leads to their assigned junction box contacts on mezzanine.4.3.6 ENSURE new cable orientation in the pool will not interfere with nonnalsample handling operation.4.3.7 Using handling poles, lower the FIRST support rig onto pressure vesselhead with cables leaving the rig to the south.4.3.8 Install the FIRST support rig on pressure vessel head AND VERIFYproper fit.4.3.9 Place the FIRST support rig on pressure vessel head OR place into storagelocation.4.3.10 Inform LSRO of completion of the replacement.4.3.11 Clear Danger Tag on Breaker #3 on UPS- Restore pool level as required per OP-RO-466, "Pool Level Control-PoolCoolant System" (Reference 5. 1).4.4 RETEST4.4.1 Perform CP-36, "First Scrams" (Reference 5.3).5.0 REFERENCES5.1 OP-RO-466, "Pool Level Control-Pool Coolant System"5.2 PM RX-Q2, "Inspect FIRST Support Rig"5.3 CP-36, "FIRST Scrams"5.4 RP-HP-137, "Handling Radioactive Material in the Reactor Pool"5 ATTACHMENT 21SM-RO-500Revision 06.0 RECORDS6.1 CP-36, "FIRST Scrams"6 24,750ANNUNCIATOR SEQUENCE~~=3CONDITION TROUBLE NAMEPLATE SIGNAL AUDIBLE__________ CONTACT LAW~S SIL4NAL.NORMAL l4OY4AL-CLOSED OFF OFFALERT ABNMR'AL OPEN fIWIII LASNN6, ONAUDIBLE SILENCED ABNORMAL -OfN StEADY-Ofi [FFeEYLjRN TO NOODTA[ NOMAI.-CLOSED DIM4 FLASHING NRESET 1LCQE O-1OfNAMEPLATEpl.-t 11 750257Ve'tro.,C II410 Sove.igr" ctSut 7mochýstr,- mo601-4400Co,46036 394-6242FAX 636 394-6407OPERATIONAL TEST ATTACHMENT 21I -~ ----- ---_ J,.l ,.. i ., ! ,iiii"~ ~ :.7 ;L222i,, U UTu"fmimmmdUv1 I * '4 I I II-I- : .T- T FITI i]A *r RE=1 "t 1 1 .1 J .I _ __ __\-I.~~kpANNUNCIAlUff L-AK Iim p. ,_li-,z(t)0F:::w01__10F--z0Dzz1381.1)TvmF~1E~JI [- -] REFERENCE DRAWINGS--. 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SEACON Advanced 211321 Nelius RoadPO Box 767Bellville, TX 77418Phone 979-865-8846Fax 979-865-8859E-Mail sales@seacon-ap.comnaMINIMNlgilh'96'st'0010460Ship Date:I University of MissouriH Research Reactor CenterIP 1513 Research Park DriveHT Columbia, MO 65211s University of Missouri Research Reactori01513 Research Park DriveD Columbia, MO 65211LiEx. Works: Bellville, TX 77418 USAI Purchase Order 11 Ship Via I Tracking Number 11 Reference ISerep Entered ByDouglas Charlton 2 FedEx Express SaverKW KW 512/2008L rduct -1AU-LS-SD-C(MCR)(DWG A009-101)IDescriptionQty Ordered Oty BIO2.00 0.00Oty Shipped1200Limit Switch (Standard Duty) 1" Shaft with .440 Thread withmolded RA CableItem 001 of purchase order.Molded to 50 ft. of 18/3 SO Cable.Standard delivery / lead time: shipping 8-10 weeks A R.O.r'.AI..AX... fii 4 4 ffI I I ..Uiellvery Uo- I -UOSHIPPING DETAILS: 06-09-08 )',Pfta,,;:.CARRIER: FED EX (EXPRESS SA ER).TRACKING #: 9513 5702 4673 .-BOX: 12X12X8; WT. 10 LBS. N,S/N: 0010460-01-001 & 001046-01 00 'ON CoC No SS0010460-UOM-001 " W ' .LLj1QF )ct Coordinator Revew:Shipped By: " '., /'.If you have questions regarding this shipment, please contact the Project Coordinator at + 1-979-865-8846.RETURNS: POSITIVELY NO MERCHANDISE MAY BE RETURNEDWITHOUT PRIOR AUTHORIZATION, RMA OR CF #QR 44 ATTACHMENT 21ACO N1321 NELIUS ROADBELLVILLE, TX 77418PHONE: 979-865-8846FAX: 979-865-8859www.sales@seacon-ap.comCERTIFICATE OF CONFORMANCE'VSold To:University of Missouri Research Reactor1513 Research Park DriveColumbia, MO 65211Ship To:University of MissouriResearch Reactor Center1513 Research Park DriveColumbia, MO 65211TEL: 573-882-5256Ship Date: 06-09-08Customer PO #:Doualas CharitonSAPL Sales Order #: 0010460 SWITCHES2N/AAU-LS-SD-C(MCR)A009-101;REV. P30010460-01-0010010460-01-002LIMIT SWITCH (STANDARD DUTY) 1"SHAFT WITH .440 THREAD WITHMOLDED RA CABLE. MOLDED TO 50FT. OF 18/3 SO CABLE.SO# 2384N/AI -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _"CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMANCE"We certify that all materials, processes, parts and/or assemblies shipped herewith under subjectpurchase order conform to specifications as called out in the purchase order and associated documents.PARTS FURNISHED ON THIS ORDER ARE FREE FROM MERCURY CONTAMINATION.All O-rings supplied conform to the ARP5316 and MIL-HDBK-695D elastomer seal component guidelinesbased upon the o-ring cure dates.Qu ity Assurance RepresentativeTitleDateCoC NO SS0010460-LIOM-001 ATTACHMENT 21SE ACO NFinal Acceptance Test Reportlb .V~N.V'~ ¶7/0Positive Action/Limit SwitchesSales Order# Ci Part # A1A-LS-S C b j --Customer , Description L. S'.LCustomer PO (I .efAA __.- Dwg #Customer PN __Shop Order# _ _ _ _ _Material 3 14 i _S Serial No. ---.Switch Contact IdentificationCable Wire Colors Connector.ut (pul!) osition ( When Appfica ble) (Whtn Applicable)1. COMMON 1. Green 1. [2. Normally Closed 2. White 3.4.3. Normally Open 3. Black 5.Switch Testing to Header Contacts (To cable wires or connector pins if applicable)Header Pins I to 2 Pinslto2 Pins I to 3 Pins I to 3 Insulation Resistance Pin to< 1 Ohm >100 >100 <1 Ohm Shell=/>100 Megaohm @ 500Megaohm Megaohm VDCS/N Out=Closed In = Open Out = In In = Closed 1 2 3____f >_ 16_n >_ &A,DVM Meter: S/N kq-Hi Pot Meter: S/N i j TqCalibration Due Date 10 -7S--09Calibration Due Date 2 -2 8- 09Final InspectionQIn pectorDateDateFinal Test Report AUF-PP-SD-C ATTACHMENT 21PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDUREORIGINALNUMBER:PAGE:REVISION:RX-Q21 OF 111/29/11Preventive Maintenance: PM System: Reactor ControlInspect FIRST Support RigPM Components: FIRSTPlant Conditions: Frequency: QuarterlyReactor ShutdownPool Coolant System Shutdown Number of Men Needed: 2Flux Trap Holder and Strainer RemovedEstimated Time: 1 hourTest Equipment, Tools and Materials1. Various hand tools2. Blotter paper3. Contamination controlsReferencesModification Record 11-1, "Flux-trap Irradiations Reactivity Safety Trip (FIRST)"RP-HP-137, "Handling Radioactive Material in the Reactor Pool"Procedure1. Disconnect FIRST support rig from Pressure Vessel Head.2. Raise FIRST support rig to the bridge area per RP-HP-137, "Handling Radioactive Material in theReactor Pool."3. INSPECT FIRST support rig for the following:a. Structural integrity, tightness, and no warpingb. Proper connection and condition of the switch cablesc. Smooth operation of both switchesd. Smooth operation of both engagement mechanisms4. Report any abnormality to the Assistant Reactor Manager -Engineering for further guidance.5. Lower FIRST support rig to the Pressure Vessel Head area.6. Reconnect FIRST support rig on Pressure Vessel Head OR place in storage.7. Log PM completed in the Console Log Book and Maintenance Day Book.Date Completed:LSRO Signature:DU~~AIFssROrED Rateactor~Manager ATTACHMENT 24UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-COLUMBIAMISSOURI UNIVERSITY RESEARCH REACTORPROJECT APPLICATION and HEALTH PHYSICS SAFETY EVALUATION forUTILIZATION OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL/RADIATIONUNDER THE MURR REACTOR LICENSEProject Leader:2. MURR Affiliation:3. Project Name:4. Radioactive Source:Products and ServicesPrinciple RadioisotopeFormQuantity Processed/Day1-131 (8 day ti/,)gas in single distillation:liquid after absorption:solid (tellurium oxide)solid (tellurium oxide)solid (tellurium oxide)Te-127 (9 hour tI/,)Te-127m (109 day t,)Te-131m (32 hour t,.)up to 1200 Curiesup to 11 Curiesup to 44 CuriesNote: Above activities are based on processing with a 24 hour dtactivities renresent the cnmhined calculated activities of in to ERUR Controlling IrradiationRUR #440, Tellurium Dioxide5. Location Requested:A dedicated laboratory in the eastward expansion of the MURR Industrial Building (MIB) hasbeen constructed for this project. The Reactor Manager, Reactor Health Physics Manager and theReactor Safety Subcommittee will review the 10 CFR 50.59 Screen prepared for this laboratoryto help ensure all Reactor License and Technical Specification requirements are met.6. Purpose and General Description of Project: ATTACHMENT 24The following is a brief description of the process:a. The irradiated tellurium dioxide targets will be delivered to the MURR Target and WasteHandling Hot Cell (HHC) where the targets will have their encapsulation removed. The targetmaterial will be placed in crucibles and transferred to the Processing Hot Cell (PHC) via apass through between the cells.c. The bulk product solution will be sealed in a suitable transfer vial and transferred via a pass-through to the HHC for transfer via shielded cask to the Dispensing Hot Cell (DHC) forformulation into final product solution. It will then be dispensed according to customerrequirements into vials suitable for shipping. An aliquot will be taken from the bulk solutionand removed from the DHC for QC analysis.After coolingdown the furnace and removing the expended target material, a second process may beperformed. The expended target material (waste) will be sealed in a can within the PHC. Aftermultiple processes and when the can is full it will be allowed to decay for a sufficient time andthen will be moved via the pass-through to the HHC for interim storage.7. Special Facilities/Utilities/Equipment Required:A hot cell train, specifically designed for containment of 1-131 during the production process, hasbeen constructed. This system of cells and the processing equipment were purchased as a turnkeysystem from a manufacturer with extensive experience with 1-131 production. Details for thesehot cells and their design are included in a 10 CFR 50.59 Screen that will be reviewed by theReactor Manager and Health Physics Manager. The design incorporates multiple barriers to helpensure any potential release of 1-131 will be controlled to well within 10 CFR 20 limits for bothnormal operation and potential accident conditions. Any potential 1-131 release, during normaloperation, will be controlled to be within the goals of the MURR ALARA Program. A descriptionof the 1- 131 Laboratory and equipment follows.A. 1-131 Processing Laboratory LocationThe 1-131 Processing Laboratory will be located within a new two level building addition attached to theMURR Industrial Building (MIB), (Figure 1). The design of the attached building will incorporate thenecessary floor loading for the 1-131 hot cells and the height requirements for the necessary ventilationexhaust system filter banks. Two consultants, one with previous and one with current 1-131 productionexperience, have provided input to the laboratory and process design. ATTACHMENT 24Figure 1- MURR Industrial Building ExpansionB. Design Considerations for the 1-131 Hot CellsThe processing laboratory will contain three adjoined and inter-connected hot cells located on the groundlevel (see Figure 2, next page): a target and waste handling hot cell (HHC); a processing hot cell (PHC);and a dispensing hot cell (DHC). The HHC and the PHC will have 200 mm (7.9 inches) of vertical leadshielding and the DHC will have 100 mm (3.9 inches) of vertical lead shielding. The area to the rear ofthe cells, labeled the cask loading area, is where the cell support facilities and equipment are located andwhere all cell inputs and outputs occur. The area in front of the hot cells, labeled the operator area, iswhere the cell windows, manipulators and controls will be located.The design philosophy for the hot cells is to provide adequate personnel shielding and containment of the]-131, precluding or minimizing any potential release to the individual cells to the reactor facility or toany unrestricted area.The three (3) cell hot cell processing system incorporates a six (6) detector radiation monitoring system(ALMO-6) designed to provide radiation dose level information to the process operators. Three of thedetectors are located at the operator's work station where the hot cell manipulators are located. Thesedetectors provide real time dose rate information to the operators when they are performing a process.The remaining three detectors are located next to the first in a series of charcoal filters located above eachof the three bays of the processing hot cell. These are designed to give the process operators real timeinformation related to the capture and loading of I-131 onto the first charcoal filter in each bank of theindividual cells. This allows the process operators to monitor the condition of the charcoal filters and willalert them of the need to change to an available bank of alternate filters. ATTACHMENT 24rigu1m / -I- Ii I L.ub I I tu ygLil atul y ATTACHMENT 24B1. Target and Waste Handling Hot Cell Design FeaturesThe target and waste handling hot cell (HHC) is designed for two principal purposes: (1) to receiveirradiated targets and house support equipment to remove the target encapsulation and (2) to store processwaste for an interim period. This cell will have a floor access to allow entry of irradiated targets from atarget transfer cask designed to seal with the cell floor port. Here the target encapsulation will be removedand the irradiated TeO2 material will be placed in crucibles and transferred via a pass-through to the PHC.The HHC containment is provided by appropriate negative pressure and an exhaust system that includeshigh efficiency particulate filters (HEPA) and high efficiency gas absorber filters (HEGA).The cell will be designed to have waste materials from the PHC returned via a pass-through chamber forinterim storage. The pass-through will have a door at each side and will be sized to hold any object thatwill be moved to and from the PHC. The waste material from the PHC (e.g., expended target material,contaminated used equipment) will be placed in containers with press-seal lids.The volume of the waste cell will be designed to hold the process waste for approximately 10 half-lives ofthe 1-131 (about 80 days) after which time the cans may be moved to longer term shielded storage. Thecell will have 200 mm (7.9 inches) thick vertical lead shielding with a stainless steel liner and will havetwo master-slave-manipulators (MSM) penetrating the cell from the operator side.B2. Processing Hot Cell Design FeaturesThe processing hot cell (PHC) is where the dry distillation of the TeO2 targets will be performed. Thiscell will have 200 mm (7.9 inches) thick vertical lead shielding with a stainless steel liner and two master-slave manipulators (MSM) which will penetrate the cell from the operator side of the cells. There will bea shielded entry door on the rear of the cell which will be used primarily for the initial setup of processequipment. After process equipment setup and cold testing it will be sealed and any subsequentequipment and consumables will enter the cell through the pass-through from the HHC.The PHC will have a pass-through chamber for moving waste material to the HHC. The sodium iodide (I-131) product solution will be moved to the DHC in a sealed vial via transfer back to the HHC and thenwith a cask to the DHC.The PHC, during processing, will provide three barriers to prevent the release of radioactive material tothe environment: (1) the processing equipment itself, (2) an additional inner containment for theseparation furnace within the PHC with a dedicated iodine filter, and (3) the PHC containment providedby appropriate negative pressure and an exhaust system that includes high efficiency particulate filters(HEPA) and high efficiency gas absorber filters (HEGA). The process is designed to contain 1-131 withinthe process equipment; therefore, there should be minimal release of airborne radioactivity to the hot cell.The hot cell will be connected to the facility exhaust ventilation system so that any releases from the hotcells will be through the ventilation system on the 1-131 processing laboratory (including a dedicatedstack gas monitor), as well as the facility exhaust ventilation system where it is again monitored by thefacility off-gas radiation monitoring system.B3. Dispensing Hot Cell Design FeaturesThe dispensing hot cell (DHC) will be des:.rneciallv desi~med transnort cask_to receive the bulk 1-131 inThis cell will have a sealable floor port for entry ofitems such as product vials, lead pigs, and dispensing equipment. This port will also be the exit point forthe shielded pigs containing 1-131 product. ATTACHMENT 24The dispensing cell will have 100 mm (3.9 inches) of vertical lead shielding and will have two MSMpenetrating the cell from the operations side. Its containment will again be provided by appropriatenegative pressure and an exhaust system that includes high efficiency particulate filters (HEPA) and highefficiency gas absorber filters (HEGA).C. Design Considerations for the 1-131 ProcessC1. Target FabricationThe targets will be fabricated in a laboratory space that includes a dedicated ventilated enclosure to assurethe quality of the targets. Hazards identification in the Sigma-Aldrich Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)indicates that TeO2 has no known OSHA hazards. The same MSDS indicates TeO2 is not a dangeroussubstance according to the Global Harmonization System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals(GHS).'The target mass will be adjusted to the fluence predicted at the target irradiation location to produce apeak 1- 131 activity limited to by the RUR. The techniques for developing the targets formass production while maintaining the necessary QC of the targets are being developed.C2. Target ProcessingMURR plans to remove the two layers of target encapsulation within the HHC using a MURR designedcan opener. The irradiated TeO2 material will then be placed in crucibles and transferred to the PHC viathe pass-through.Below is an example of the processing equipment for the dry distillation of tellurium dioxide for 1-131production. This process is similar to dry distillation processes described in IAEA-TECDOC- 1340, ATTACHMENT 24C3. Target Waste DisposalThe crucibles, containing expended target material after each process, will be placed in a disposalcontainer to reduce the spread of contamination inside the cell. When full, the disposal container will besealed and transferred to the HHC for temporary storage.Health Physics staff has performed an analysis of the waste stream. This analysis is documented in the"Safety and Design Review for the Proposed Production of 1-131 at the MU Research Reactor," and willonly be summarized here. The analysis indicates that expended target material would require a minimumof 52 weeks decay before being considered for disposal. The analysis recommends that adequate storagebe provided to allow a minimum of 1.5 to 2 years decay in order to decrease the handling dose that wouldbe incurred during preparation for shipment and to decrease the cost of disposal. ATTACHMENT 248. Handling Procedures for Radiation Safety Purposes:Written documents related to handling of radioactive materialsProcedures approved by the Project Leader or Co-Project Leader and Health Physics Manager, ordraft procedures with a Radiation Work Permit (RWP) are required for all target processing andactivities involving greater than 100 mCi. Checklists associated with these procedures will becompleted for each performance of these procedures to provide documentation of activities, doserate measurements, dosimeter readings, and other information relevant to the process. Completedprocedure checklists will be filed with Document Control in the project file for reactor licenseproject RL-76.The following activities will be controlled by procedure and will incorporate the StandardOperating Procedures where applicable as required by the Reactor Manager and Reactor HealthPhysics Manager.Quality Control of TeO2 Target MaterialFabrication and Leak Testing of the TeO2 TargetsOnline Iodine Monitoring for Pool Water RadioactivityTarget Transfer from the Main Hot Cell to the 1- 131 Hot CellsTarget Can OpeningTarget Processing & Post Processing Product TestingSOP # Name StatusGMP-BR-501 Tellurium dioxide Target Preparation Batch Record DraftGMP-BR-502 1- 131 Processing Batch Record Number assignedGMP-BR-503 Iodine 131 Process Cleaning and Line Clearance DraftGMP-FAC-501 Placing Iodine 131 Suite in a Safe Condition DraftGMP-FAC-502 HEPA Filters in Iodine 131 Cleanrooms DraftGMP-MCE-029 Operation of 1-131 HC- 11 B and HC- I1C Crimper/Decrimper Approved not IssuedGMP-MCE-031 Operation and Maintenance of Masterflex 77923-70 Peristaltic Pump DraftGMP-MCE-036 Labels for cGMP Iodine 131 Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Products DraftGMP-MCE-037 Cleaning, Maintenance and Operation of HC-11 A/B/C DraftGMP-MCE-064 Operation of the Furnace Assembly DraftGMP-MCE-069 Operation and Maintenance of Quartz Separator DraftGMP-PRC-501 Use of Assembly Apparatus for Iodine 1-131 Production DraftGMP-PRC-502 Setup and Function of Dry Distillation Apparatus Assembly for 1-131 DraftProductionGMP-QC-501 Determination of Radiochemical Purity of 1-131 DraftGMP-QC-502 1-131 Identification and Determination of Radionuclidic Purity DraftGMP-QC-503 pH Determination of 1-131 Radiochemical Solution DraftGMP-QC-504 Determination of the Metal Content and Specific Activity of 1-131 DraftRadiochemical SolutionGMP-QC-505 Activity Concentration Verification of Iodine 131 Solution DraftPost Process Waste Monitoring and Management ATTACHMENT 24Response Procedures for Potential Equipment Failures and AlarmsIRP # Title StatusIRP-1 Failure of Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) ApprovedIRP-2 Failure of Main Electrical Power DraftIRP-3 Failure of Uninterruptible Power Supply ApprovedIRP-4 Failure of the Pneumatic System DraftIRP-5 Failure of the Ventilation System DraftIRP-6 Failure of Quartz Furnace ApprovedIRP-7 Failure of Separator ApprovedIRP-8 Failure of the PLC Touchscreen ApprovedIRP-9 Failure of Trap Pump ApprovedIRP-10 Response to ALMO-6 Alarm Conditions ApprovedIRP-1 1 Failure of Absorber Trap ApprovedIRP-12 Ventilation Filtration Loading: high d/p, high activity DraftIRP-13 Response to Continuous Air Monitor (CAM) Alarm DraftIRP-14 Failure of Containment Filter Pump ApprovedIRP-15 Response to Quartz Furnace Alarm Conditions ApprovedIRP-16 Response to Inflatable Seals Alarm Conditions ApprovedIRP-18 Response to 1-131 Solution Spill Inside of Hot Cells DraftIRP-19 Response to 1-131 Solution Spill Outside of Hot Cells DraftProtective Clothing:Gloves will be worn:Safety Glasses:Monitoring requirements:Lab coats will be worn within the 1-131 Laboratory at alltimes. HP may require additional protective clothing duringspecial evolutions.When handling radioactive samples or performing work inthe laboratory.Will be worn when performing or observing work in thelaboratory.Whole body and ring dosimeters will be worn by allpersonnel. Continuous air monitoring will be set up atpredetermined locations to provide early detection ofpotential loss of hot cell containment. HP personnel will berequired for all transfers into and out of the hot cells.MURR will establish an 1-131 thyroid monitoring programwhich will require all persons who will enter the laboratoryto have a baseline thyroid measurement followed by periodicchecks thereafter at a frequency determined by HP.Special monitoring requirements:The entire processing procedure will initially be covered under an RWP by HP personnel. Earlywarm run and scale-up activities may identify additional monitoring requirements for each step inthe process or activity based on dose rates measured during a portion of the process or at acontainer surface for sam leP2en ssed out of the shielded hot cells. Analytical samples of thefinal product solution will be removed from the DHC for quality purposes.Product solution dispensed for transportation will be removed from the DHC in lead pigs. An HPis required to be present whenever material is introduced or removed from the 1- 131 hot cells. ATTACHMENT 24Processing personnel must check out on frisker or portal monitor when leaving the 1-131Laboratory. Lead shielding of product vial containers will be swipe-checked for contaminationbefore being transferred to the transportation packaging area. Transfer casks used for targetdelivery will be swipe-checked before leaving the 1-131 Laboratory. Any work area suspected ofpotential contamination will be swipe checked in a timely manner.9. Administrative Controls and Training Requirements:Quality Control of the target material is extremely important to prevent the introduction ofunwanted contaminants into the target material. This is important to help ensure the quality of thefinal product as well as providing consistency in correlation of dose rates measured during thewarm runs and scale-ups.Personnel training and approval requirements will be unique to this project and will be reviewedand approved by appropriate supervisors and health physics. The hot cell and equipment supplierswill provide specific training for operation of the hot cells and operation of the process equipmentwithin the hot cells as part of a turn-key contract for the production of 1- 131.Class I training is required for authorized supervisors. Additionally, authorized supervisors musthave comprehensive project related knowledge and experience sufficient for them to superviseand/or train workers to perform project specific procedures.Class II training is required for approved workers under this project. Additional task-specifictraining by an authorized supervisor is conducted in accordance with an approved SOP.10. Anticipated Radiation Doses and Contamination Levels:The HHC and PHC will have 200 mm of lead shielding. Calculations show that if atarget were placed against the 200 mm wall of the cell the resulting dose rate outside the cellwould be less than 20 mR/hr. The 1-131 process equipment will not be adjacent to the wall socontact reading outside the cell will be less and the processing person will have an additionaldistance which will make the dose rate lower at the receptor position. Monitoring of early wannruns will provide actual dose rate to compare to the estimates.Other results for Dose Levels:Microshield Results for Hot Cell ShieldingAssumed 100 Ci of 1-131 and 6 Ci of Te-131m (24 hour decay)HHC and PHC -200 mm Pb DHC -100 mm Pb1-131 Te-131im Total 1-131 onlyDose (mR/hr) with (negligible) 0.09 mR/hr 0.09 mR/hr 0.16 mR/hrsource in middleof hot cellDose (mR/hr) with (negligible) 1.1 mR/hr 1.1 mR/hr 7.9 mR/hrsource at innerwall surface ATTACHMENT 24The 1- 131 target transfer cask is designed to handle up to four, 180 gram TeO2 targets. Thesewill be transferred to the hot cells no sooner than 24 hours post EOI, at which time the significantcontributions to dose are from 1- 131, Te- 131 in and Na-24. Using a conservatively high activitycontent for these isotopes of of 1-131, 20 Ci of Te-131m and 0.15 Ci of Na-24,calculations indicate that the contact dose rate on the transfer cask surface will be andthe dose rate at 1 foot will be ý. Monitoring of early warm runs will be used to confirmthese calculations.Overall, it is anticipated that dose to workers will be similar to doses received by workers onother isotope production projects currently performed at MURR.11. Transfer, Waste Production, and Disposal Requirements:Waste Volume:Description:Long-Lived:Liquid samplesfor assay:Liquid waste is expected to be minimal for this dry distillation process.Liquid waste will be from water or dilute NaOH used for cleaning the cellafter processing. This liquid will be absorbed and contribute to theestimated solid waste stream. Dry active waste is expected to be less than0.5 ft3 per process and comprised of expended target material and paperproduct used for cleaning. The dry waste will be stored in sealed "paint"cans within the processing cell until full and then transferred to the HHCfor interim storage.Solid: expended target material, plastic syringes, QC samples, wastealuminum cans and lidsLong-lived isotopes will be decayed for sufficient time and then sent offsite for disposal. It is anticipated that a minimum decay of 52 weeks forany target material is required to meet disposal criteria. It appears it will bemost cost effective to store the waste for 1.5 to 2 years. Initially the plan isfor waste to be stored in sealed cans within the waste handling hot cell andthen transferred to shielded interim storage, after sufficient decay, prior topreparation for shipment.Liquid analytical samples will be transferred to an appropriate laboratoryfor analysis.12. Other Approvals/Authorizations/Interfaces Required:Review and approval of RUR 440 for irradiation of the tellurium dioxide target. Review andapproval of the 10 CFR 50.59 Screen for the 1-131 Laboratory.13. Revision Analysis:This is a new project. ATTACHMENT 2414. I have read the MURR Radiation Worker Procedures and recognize its application to myrequested project in the utilization of radioactive material/radiation under the MURR ReactorLicense. I recognize my responsibility as a project leader to inform and provide a safe workenvironment for individuals at MURR in accordance with University and NRC requirements. Irecognize my responsibility to maintain proper and current documentation in regard to utilizationof radioactive material/radiation under this project authorization.Evaluation Conducted and Submitted By:Health Physics:Date:Date:Project Leader:15. Approvals:Reactor Manager:Date:Health Physics Manager:Date:________1OSHA has modified the Hazards Communication Standards (HCS) to adopt the GHS to improve safety and healthof workers through more effective communication of chemical hazards. ATTACHMENT 25050.59 SCREENNumber: 12-07Page 1 of 18Title: Iodine -131 Processing LaboratoryDescription of Activity (what is being changed and why):This 50.59 Screen describes and evaluates the newly constructed 1-131 Processing Laboratory locatedadjacent to the MURR Industrial Building. See additional information in the attachment provided.Safety Determination:Does the proposed activity have the potential to adversely affect nuclear safety or safe facility (i.e.,MURR) operations?DYESNOIf this question is answered yes, do not continue with this procedure. Identify and report the concern to the Reactor Manager.50.59 Screening Questions:1. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a designfiunctiondescribed in the HSR?2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to a procedure that adversely affects how HSRdescribed SSC design functions are performed, controlled, or tested?3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an HSR described evaluation methodologythat is used in establishing the design bases or used in the safetv analyses?4. Does the proposed activity involve a test or experiment not described in the HSR, where an SSC isutilized or controlled in a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for that SSC oris inconsistent with analyses or descriptions in the HSR?5. Does the proposed activity require a change to the MURR Technical Specifications?FYESNONONONONODYESIf all screening questions are answered NO, then implement the activity per the applicable approved facility procedure(s). A LicenseAmendment or a 50.59 Evaluation is not required.If Screen Question 5 is answered YES, then request and receive a License Amendment prior to implementation of the activity.If Screen Question 5 is answered NO and Question 1, 2, 3, or 4 is answered YES, then complete and attach a 50.59 Evaluation form.[ Refer to Attachment 9.2. ]NOTE: If the conclusion of the screening questions is that a 50.59 Evaluation is not required, provide justification for the "No"determination. In addition, list the documents (HSR, Technical Specifications, and other Licensing Basis documents) reviewed whererelevant information was found. Include section / page numbers. Use Page 2 of this form to document your statements.Print Name Sign Name DatePreparer: Gregory Gunn nReviewer: Les FoytoReactor Manager: John FruitsI_____ _ ISubmit copy of screen to HSR / SAR file (circle one)? Yes / No /AI I /AU r1VI r-IN I zL050.59 SCREEN (Cont.)Number: 12-07 Page 2 of 18Title: Iodine -131 Processing LaboratoryIf the conclusion of the five (5) Screening Questions is that a 50.59 Evaluation is not required, providejustification to support this determination: [ Use and attach additional pages as necessary. ]1. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an SSC that adversely affects a designfinction described in theHSR?No. This is a new construction addition that connects to the existing facility exhaust system but willnot adversely affect the design function of a system, structure or component (SSC) described in theHSR2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to a procedure that adversely affects how HSR described SSC designfunctions are performed, controlled, or tested?No. HSR, addendum 1, provides guidance for the review of reactor facilities and experiments. Theevaluation of the design and usage of this Processing Laboratory indicates its acceptability and ensuresthat it will operate within the limits and guidelines established by the Technical Specifications and theHSR. The development and use of this facility will be reviewed by both the Reactor Safety Subcommitteeand the Isotope Use Subcommittee which is consistent with HSR guidance.3. Does the proposed activity involve revising or replacing an HSR described evaluation methodology that is used inestablishing the design bases or used in the safety analyses?No- HSR safety for reactor experiments are translated into lic..nse. Technical Specificationlimits that assure experiment safety (T -' 316)- The facilities used to tellurium dioxide targetsfor prodrcing 1-131 will he de.igned to me.t Tpehnical Specification Does the proposed activity involve a test or experiment not described in the HSR, where an SSC is used or controlledin a manner that is outside the reference bounds of the design for that SSC, or is inconsistent with analyses ordescriptions presented in the HSR?No. Neutron irradiation and isotope production experiments are described in original HSR section 8.0and HSR Addendum 1. section 3.17. Reactor License R-103, Section 2.B (3) specifically authorizesMURR "to possess, use, but not separate except for byproduct material produced in reactorexperiments, such byproduct materials as may be produced by operation of the Facility." (Amendment#22 -8/17/92)List the documents (HSR, Technical Specifications, and other Licensing Basis documents) reviewed whererelevant information was found. [ Include section / page numbers. ]HSR section 8.0 Experiment Facilities: HSR section 12.5 Reactor Utilization: HSR section 12.6 InternalSafety Reviews: HSR Addendum 1 section 3.17 Experiment Descriptions: Technical Specification 3.6Experiments; Technical Specification 3.7 Facility Gaseous and Particulate Radioactivity Release: RUR440 (TeO2 -to produce 1-131): RUR 449 (Preliminary TeO2 Tarcget Irradiations): RL-76 ATTACHMENT 25Attachment to 10 CFR 50.59 Screen No. 12-07, "Iodine-131 Processing Laboratory"(In support of RL -76, "Production of 1-131 Radiochemical Sodium Iodide Solution")1.0 IntroductionThe University of Missouri Research Reactor (MURR) has evaluated the safety considerations necessaryto safely irradiate and process tellurium dioxide (TeO2) targets to produce radiochemical sodium iodide(1-131) solution. Preliminary investigation into the feasibility of such an endeavor resulted in thedocument, "Safety and Design Review for the Proposed Production of 1-131 at the MU ResearchReactor." This document, which includes a preliminary assessment of safety, regulations and process,recognized that a significant investment in infrastructure and equipment was necessary to pursue the goalof producing 1- 131 safely and reliably.Using information provided by two consultants with 1-131 experience and literature research of otherfacilities producing 1-131 safely, this 50.59 Screen evaluates the infrastructure and equipment that MURRhas incorporated into the design of the 1-131 Processing Laboratory.2.0 1-131 Processing Laboratory LocationThe 1-131 Processing Laboratory will be located within a new two-level building addition attached to theMURR Industrial Building (MIB) (see Figure 1). The design of the attached building will incorporate thenecessary floor loading for the 1-131 hot cells and the height requirements for the necessary ventilationexhaust system ducting and filter banks. Two consultants, one with previous and one with current 1-131production experience, have provided input to the laboratory and process design.Figure 1 -MURR Industrial Building Expansion ATTACHMENT 253.0 Design Considerations for the 1-131 Hot CellsThe processing laboratory will contain three adjoined and inter-connected hot cells located on the gradelevel (see Figure 2): a target and waste handling hot cell (HHC or HC-1 1A); a processing hot cell (PHCor HC- I1B); and a dispensing hot cell (DHC or HC- I1C). The HHC and the PHC have 200 mm (7.9inches) of vertical lead shielding and the DHC has 100 mm (3.9 inches) of vertical lead shielding. Table1 provides the lead thicknesses of all of the hot cell components in millimeters. The area to the rear of thecells, labeled the cask loading area, is where the cell support facilities and equipment are located andwhere all cell inputs and outputs occur. The area in front of the hot cells, labeled the operator area, iswhere the cell windows, manipulators and controls are located.Table 1 -Hot Cell Lead Shielding(in millimeters)The design philosophy for the hot cells is to provide adequate personnel shielding and containment of the1-131, precluding or minimizing any potential release to the individual cells, or to the reactor facility, or toany unrestricted area. ATTACHMENT 25Figure 2 -1-131 Processing Laboratory ATTACHMENT 253.1 Target and Waste Handling Hot Cell Design FeaturesThe target and waste handling hot cell (HHC or HC-I 1A) is designed for two principal purposes: (1) toreceive irradiated targets and house support equipment to remove the target encapsulation, and (2) to storeprocess waste for an interim period. This cell has a floor access to allow entry of irradiated targets from atarget transfer cask designed to seal with the cell floor port. Here the target encapsulation is removed andthe irradiated TeO2 material is placed in crucibles and transferred via a pass-through to the PHC.The cell is designed to have waste materials from the PHC returned via a pass-through chamber forinterim storage. The pass-through has a door at each side and is sized to hold any object that will bemoved to and from the PHC. The waste material from the PHC (e.g., expended target material,contaminated used equipment) will be placed in containers with press-seal lids.The volume of the cell is designed to hold the process waste for approximately 10 half-lives of the 1-131(about 80 days) after which time the cans may be moved to longer term shielded storage. The cell has 200mm (7.9 inches) thick vertical lead shielding with a stainless steel liner and two master-slave-manipulators (MSM) penetrating the cell from the operator side.This cell will also have a sealable glove box for entry of items such as product vials and processingequipment.3.2 Processing Hot Cell Design FeaturesThe processing hot cell (PHC or HC-1 1B) is where the dry distillation of the TeO2 targets is performed.This cell has 200 mm (7.9 inches) thick vertical lead shielding with a stainless steel liner and two master-slave manipulators (MSM) which penetrate the cell from the operator side of the cells. There is ashielded entry door on the rear of the cell which will be used primarily for the initial setup of processequipment. After process equipment setup and cold testing it will be sealed and any subsequentequipment and consumables will enter the cell through the pass-through from the HHC.The sodium iodide (1-131) product solution will be moved back to the HHC in a sealed vial through apass-through. Note: A pass-through has been designed between the PHC and DHC that could be used inthe future to transfer the product solution from the PHC directly to the DHC.The PHC, during processing, provides three barriers to prevent the release of radioactive material to theenvironment: (1) the processing equipment itself, (2) an additional inner containment for the separationfurnace within the PHC with a dedicated iodine filter, and (3) the PHC containment provided byappropriate negative pressure and an exhaust system that includes high efficiency particulate filters(HEPA) and high efficiency gas absorber filters (HEGA). The process is designed to contain 1-131within the process equipment; therefore, there should be minimal release of airborne radioactivity to thehot cell. The hot cell will be connected to the facility exhaust ventilation system so that any releases fromthe hot cells will be through the facility exhaust ventilation system and monitored by the facility off-gasradiation monitoring system. An additional off-gas radiation monitor will also be installed in the MIBExpansion. ATTACHMENT 253.3. Dispensing Hot Cell Design FeaturesThe dispensing hot cell (DHC or HC-1 IC) will be designed to receive the bulk 1-131 in solution from theHHC in a specially designed transport cask. The bulk sodium iodide-131 radiochemical will then bedispensed in bulk quantities to meet customer order requirements. This cell will also have a sealableglove box for entry of items such as product vials, lead pigs, and dispensing equipment.The dispensing cell has 100 mm (3.9 inches) thick of vertical lead shielding and two MSM penetratingthe cell from the operator side.4.0 Design Considerations for the 1- 131 Process4.1 Target FabricationThe targets will be fabricated in a laboratory space that includes a ventilated glove box to assure thequality of the targets. Hazards identification in the Sigma-Aldrich Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)indicates that TeO2 has no known OSHA hazards. The same MSDS indicates TeO2 is not a dangeroussubstance according to the Global Harmonization System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals(GHS).'The techniques for developing the targets for mass productionwhile maintaining the necessary QC of the targets are being developed.4.2 Target ProcessingMURR plans to remove the two layers of target encapsulation within the HHC using a MURR designedcan opener. The irradiated TeO2 material will then be placed in crucibles and transferred to the PHC viathe pass-through.Below is an example of the planned process equipment for the dry distillation of tellurium oxide for 1-131production. This process is similar to dry distillation processes described in IAEA-TECDOC-1340,"Manual for Reactor Produced Radioisotopes," page 99. ATTACHMENT 25Figure 3 -1-131 Processing Equipment4.3 Target Waste DisposalThe crucibles, containing expended target material after each process, will be placed in a disposalcontainer to reduce the spread of contamination inside the cell. When full, the disposal container will besealed and transferred to the HHC for temporary storage.Reactor Health Physics staff has performed an analysis of the waste stream. This analysis is documentedin the "Safety and Design Review for the Proposed Production of 1-131 at the MU Research Reactor," andwill only be summarized here. The analysis indicates that expended target material would require aminimum of 52 weeks decay before being considered for disposal. The analysis recommends that ATTACHMENT 25adequate storage be provided to allow a minimum of 1.5 to 2 years decay in order to decrease thehandling dose that would be incurred during preparation for shipment and to decrease the cost of disposal.5.0 Design Considerations for the 1-131 Laboratory and Hot Cell Exhaust Ventilation System5.1 IntroductionThe heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning system (HVAC), which supports the MIB Expansion,provides heated and conditioned air for the spaces within that facility, creating an acceptable workingatmosphere for personnel and equipment. The ventilation system is also designed to perfornn thefollowing radiological control functions:* Maintain rooms 299T (hot cell operator area), 299U (hot cell cask handling area), and 299V (QCLaboratory) at a slightly negative pressure with respect to the surrounding areas to prevent thespread of radioactive contamination;" Maintain hot cells HC- I1A (HHC), HC-1 lB (PHC), and HC- I1C (DHC) at a negative pressure toprevent the spread of radioactive contamination;" Provide the necessary air exchanges to ensure that radioactive airborne concentrations aremaintained at levels which are below the limits of 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table 1 forrestricted areas;" Provide the necessary filtration [charcoal and high efficiency particulate air (HEPA)] to ensureany radioactive airborne releases discharged to the environment are kept at minimumconcentrations; and" Provide continuous monitoring of all radioactive airborne releases discharged through the MIBExpansion ventilation exhaust system.The MIB Expansion HVAC system consists of an HVAC unit, Fan Filter Units (FFUs), charcoal andHEPA filter banks, an airborne radiation monitoring system, constant volume control valves (CVCVs),chill water coils, a preheat coil, hot cell exhaust ventilation fans, flow and pressure measurement devices,and associated ducting and dampers (See Figure 4).Air exiting the MIB Expansion through the exhaust ventilation system is continuously monitored forairborne activity by a radiation monitoring system. The monitoring equipment consists of a single-channel radiation detection system designed to measure airborne concentrations of radioactive iodine inthe exhaust air that is sampled by a shrouded probe located in the ventilation ducting downstream of all ofthe hot cell and room filtration systems.The HVAC system in the MIB Expansion is divided into the following six (6) distinct zones or spaces:(1) corridors C299U and C299T, (2) hot cell operator area 299T, (3) hot cell cask handling area 299U, (4) ATTACHMENT 25QC Laboratory 299V, (5) hot cells HC-11A, HC-I lB and HC-I 1C, and (6) basement 199. Each zone orspace is explained in detail below.5.2 Corridors C299U and C299TConditioned air is provided to these spaces by the MIB Expansion HVAC unit. Fresh air is supplied tothe building expansion through a louver located on the north face of the building. Fresh air is mixed withreturn air and conditioned by the HVAC unit and then ducted into corridors C299U and C299T.5.3 Hot Cell Operator Area 299TThe ventilation system for room 299T consists of four (4) FFUs and two (2) chill water coils. Make-upair is supplied to the room through louvers located on the north and south ends of the room FFU header ata rate of approximately 250 cubic feet per minute (cfm). The air is then exhausted through a CVCV,HEPA filter and a (selected) parallel charcoal filter (one filter on service -one in standby) into the facilitymain ventilation exhaust system at a rate of approximately 250 cfm. Air is removed from the room by theexhaust system at a rate of approximately 3 to 5 air changes per hour (ACPH). The make-up and exhaustair flows are adjusted to maintain the room at a slightly negative pressure (approximately 0.05 inches ofH20 or greater) in relationship to the surrounding area. The four (4) FFU's recirculate the air within theroom at a rate of approximately 30 to 60 ACPH through the two (2) chill water coils.5.4 Hot Cell Cask Handling Area 299UThe ventilation system for room 299U is very similar to that of 299T but consists of only three (3) FFUs,two (2) chill water coils and one (1) electric preheat coil. Make-up air is supplied to the room through alouver located on the north end of the room FFU header at a rate of approximately 160 cfm. The air isthen exhausted through a CVCV and the same HEPA and parallel charcoal filter system which alsosupports room 299T and then into the facility main ventilation exhaust system at a rate of approximately100 cfln. The air is also exhausted as make-up air for the hot cells at a rate of approximately 60 cfin. Airis removed from the room by the exhaust system at a rate of approximately 3 to 5 ACPH. The make-upair and exhaust flows are adjusted to maintain the room at a slightly negative pressure (approximately0.05 inches of H20 or greater) in relationship to the surrounding area. The three (3) FFUs recirculate theair within the room at a rate of approximately 30 to 60 ACPH through the two (2) chill water coils and 1preheat coil.5.5 QC Laboratory 299VAir is supplied to room 299V from the HVAC supply ducting at a rate of approximately 450 cfm. The airis exhausted from the room through a fume hood, a CVCV, HEPA filter and a (selected) parallel charcoalfilter (one filter on service -one in standby), and then into the facility main ventilation exhaust system ata rate of approximately 450 cfm. The supply and exhaust flows are adjusted to maintain the room at aslightly negative pressure (approximately 0.05 inches of H20 or greater) in relationship to thesurrounding area. The air is recirculated within the room by two (2) FFUs at a rate of approximately 30to 60 ACPH. ATTACHMENT 255.6 Hot Cells HC-I IA, HC-11B, and HC-11CThe supply and exhaust ventilation for hot cells HC-1 1A, HC-I lB and HC-I I C, which are the handling,processing and dispensing hot cells, respectively, consists of an intricate combination of HEPA andcharcoal filtration systems, two (2) booster fans, and flow measurement and control devices. The supplyand exhaust systems for each cell combine to form a common header, but each hot cell has its ownindependent filtration system. Air is supplied to each hot cell from a common header (suction located inroom 299T) through a HEPA and charcoal filter at a rate of approximately 17 cfm. Air is exhausted fromeach hot cell through an intemal parallel set of charcoal filters, then through a (selected) external parallelcharcoal and HEPA filtration bank (one bank on service -one in standby), a CVCV, a second (selected)parallel charcoal filter (one filter on service -one in standby), and then through a (selected) parallelexhaust fan into the facility main ventilation exhaust system at a rate of approximately 60 cfin (one fanoperating -one in standby). Air is removed from the hot cells by the exhaust system at a rate ofapproximately 10 ACPH. The exhaust fans are 3 HP centrifugal models, each controlled by anAdjustable Speed Drive (ASD) that maintains a constant flow rate of 60 cfm through the system based ona control signal from a pressure transmitter located between the CVCV and the second set of charcoalfilters. The transmitter measures a static pressure of approximately 2 to 8 inches of H20. The fans arepowered from lighting panel LP-46.There are two glove boxes mounted to the hot cells; one on the north end of HC- I1A and one on the southend of HC-I IC. These gloves boxes provide the means of introducing or removing items from the hotcells. Each glove box also has its own independent supply and exhaust system. Air is supplied to eachglove box at a rate of approximately 1.7 cfm through a combination HEPA/charcoal filter. Air isexhausted from each glove box through a charcoal filter and then a HEPA filter. The exhaust ducting foreach glove box connects to the hot cell common exhaust header downstream of the hot cell filtrationsystems.5.7 Basement 199Air is supplied to the basement from the MIB Expansion HVAC supply ducting at a rate of approximately450 cfm. Air is circulated through the area and back up to the grade level through a louver located in thestairwell. ATTACHMENT 25Ii 'I'ii i ~iiiiII11 11 MIB EAST ADDITIONIt I~ EXHAUST SCHEMATICFigure 4 -MURR Industrial Building Exhaust Ventilation System ATTACHMENT 256.0 Evaluation of an 1-131 release in the Processing Hot cellThe PHC will have the highest possible content of volatile 1-131.This is a very conservativeassumption for two reasons: (1)and (2) the furnace isdesigned with a containment which has a dedicated charcoal filter such that minimal 1-131 can escape thefurnace containment to enter the hot cell volume. Any indication of leakage from the process equipmentinto the hot cell (e.g., malfunction of the process equipment) would cause staff to secure the furnaceresulting in the 1-131 evolution to be reduced and then to cease.6.1 High Level EvaluationInitial assumptions regarding 1- 131 release:Technical Specification (TS) 3.7, "Facility Gaseous and Particulate Radioactivity Release," specifies thatthe maximum stack discharge rate shall not exceed MPC (now Air Effluent Concentration -or AEC) fora maximum controlled instantaneous release concentration (averaged over 24 hours) for halogens withhalf-lives greater than 8 days (1-131 half-life is 8.05 days). The AEC for 1-131 in 10 CFR 20, AppendixB, Table 2, column 1 is 2E-10 pCi/ml. This is equivalent to the radionuclide concentration that, if inhaledor ingested continuously over the course of a year, would produce a Total Effective Dose Equivalent(TEDE) of 50 mrem.The MURR exhaust ventilation system, operating at 30,500 cfm, has a flow rate equivalent to 1.24E12ml/day (4.5E14 ml/yr). If one assumes a release at the TS 3.7 limit concentration averaged over one day,this would equate to:(2E- 10 pCi/ml) x (1.24E 12 ml/day) = 248 pCi/dayTo meet TS 3.7 any 1-131 release from the stack, averaged over 24 hours, would need to be less than 248pCi total. For this analysis, the design goal for the hot cell ventilation exhaust system is to limit the 1-131activity to less than this value before the radioactivity enters the facility main ventilation exhaust system.This design goal assumption considers the dilution by the exhaust flow rate but does not take credit forany additional reduction of 1-131 activity (by plate-out or other means) in the facility main ventilationexhaust system. ATTACHMENT 256.2 Conservative Evaluation of Charcoal Filters (intended to bound the assumptions in of theAccident Analysis provided by GSG/ITD)GSG hot cell design provides two charcoal filters in series in the exhaust system for each cell; oneinternal and one external (see attached drawing). Each of these charcoal filters has a stated designefficiency of 99.97% (as derived from the absorption effectiveness of 3E-4 reported in GSG email,12/9/2013). This implies a decontamination factor (DF) of 3333/charcoal filter. For this evaluation theDF will be conservatively assumed to be 1000/charcoal filter (which is a reduction in efficiency to99.9%). [This is the efficiency used for the charcoal filters for the GA experiments].This evaluation focuses on the PHC as the highest potential source of 1-131 gas.RUR 440, "Tellurium Dioxide," limits the maximum targetinventory to such that the accident scenario during target irradiation is bounded by theMaximum Hypothetical Accident (MHA). It appears that yield calculations based on target density mayactually result in an inventory of less than = per target. For this analysis a more conservative 200Ci/batch will be assumed to be in the PHC furnace at one time.[GSG document "Safety Aspects and Troubleshooting" recommends a transmission factor (TF) of I E-3for the emission of 1-131 from the 1-131 iodide solution." Another document published in the Journal ofNuclear Medical Technology, "Volatility of radiopharmacy-prepared sodium iodide-131 capsules,"indicates a release in an experiment of 0.035% of the activity in 24 hours which appears to be consistentwith the TF recommended by GSG/ITD.]iiIf the entire = inventory was released into the PHC the two vendor-supplied charcoal filters in series(one inside and one outside) would provide a DF of 11E6, such that the downstream inventory of 1-131would be a maximum ý entering the part of the ventilation exhaust outside the 1-131 laboratory.This would be sufficient to meet the instantaneous (24-hour) release limit of 248 PtCi/day.GSG has recommended that MURR add at least one charcoal filter beyond their supplied charcoal filtersas a precautionary measure (mainly to protect the main facility ventilation system from residualcontamination). Two different scenarios are shown in the following drawing. The first assumes arelease in the PHC filtered by 3 filter banks (two supplied by GSG and one additional filter bank suppliedby MURR) all operating at decontamination factors of 1000. The resulting release into the MURR stackwould be M. The second scenario assumes degradation of the filters to a DF of 100, resulting in *E release into the stack. ATTACHMENT 25With DF of 100 (99-0% efficiency) the instantaneous release limit shou ld not be exceededThe evaluation above intentionally neglects the added barrier provided by the GSG design where thefurnace is in a containment/confinement with a charcoal filter that could reduce any 1-131 activity withinthe furnace by at least a factor of about 1000 before the activity entered the hot cell volume. Ignoring thisadditional stage of charcoal filtration provides additional conservatism to the release scenario.The evaluation also neglects the fact that the 1-131 evolved from the furnace occurs over a short period oftime (about 1 hour) and is continuously being captured in the = traps. Procedures will dictate that, ifany unexpected 1-131 release were to occur into the cell during a distillation process, the furnace wouldbe secured and 1-131 evolution would be reduced and then cease.Perhaps a more realistic source term could be considered based on the time release of 1-131. During thedistillation process in the furnace the evolution of the target 1-131 inventory occurs roughly6.3 Other ConsiderationsBecause containment (confinement) of 1-131 requires the hot cells to be kept at negative internal pressureat all times, redundant hot cell exhaust fans will be installed. GSG/ITD has provided a procedure bywhich the hot cells can be placed in a condition for exhaust fan maintenance activities but this procedurerequires extensive time consuming clean-up of the cells prior to securing the facility exhaust fans. ATTACHMENT 256.4 Analysis of a Stack Release of 1- 131 from a Spill of 1- 131 Sodium Iodide Solution Outside of theHot Cell (this evaluation is consistent with analysis 2.2.7 of the Accident Analysis provided byGSG/ITD)The scenario involves a spill of 50 Ci of 1-131 Sodium Iodide solution during packaging of productoutside the DHC. This 50 Ci is based upon the assumption that a nominal = shipment to a customer(U3) would be distributed among I vials. 13 has specified a concentration of ý, so 50 Ci wouldoccupy 7.7 ml in the 20 ml vial.During the accident, perhaps a broken vial, the solution flows onto the floor of the laboratory. The valueof possible airborne activity stack release is calculated using an estimated transmission factor (TF) equalto L.OE-3 for the 1-131 release from solution. This evaluation considers a charcoal filter with DF of 1000(supplied by MURR) on the ventilation exhaust from the room.Release to stack = (50E6 1iCi) x TF x DF (MURR laboratory filter)Release to stack = (50E6 jtCi) x (1E-3) x (1E-3) = 50 tiCiThis calculated value is less than the 1-131 24-hour release activity limit.A rough calculation of the airborne activity possible in the 1-131 laboratory indicates about a four (4)minute stay time in the potential concentration before annual limits would be reached (see analysisbelow). Obviously, from an ALARA perspective, any clean-up effort would require persons to userespiratory protection equipment.The DAC for 1-131 is 2E-8 pCi/ml. The estimated volume of the laboratory cask loading area is 2900 ft3,or _ 8.2E7 ml.Applying the TF of 1.0E-3 to the 50 curie spill would result in a release of 5E4 gCi from the solution intothe lab volume. This results in an 1-131 concentration of 6.1 E-4 pCi/ml in the laboratory volume, or:(6.1E-4 pCi/ml / 2E-8 pCi/ml / DAC) = 30,500 DACSince 2000 DAC-hours results in a dose of 50 Rem CDE to the thyroid, the stay time to reach this limit isgiven by:2000 DAC-hours / 30,500 DAC = 0.066 hours or 3.96 minutes or -4 minute stay time.This scenario is very unlikely because the DHC will have interlocks that will only allow product vials tobe removed from the hot cell while in a cask insert. ATTACHMENT 256.5 General Information Regarding Charcoal Adsorption Filtersiva. Elemental iodine is absorbed by attraction of the iodine to the carbon. This is referred to asKinetic adsorption. Kinetic adsorption of a gas molecule or chemical vapor is the physicalattraction of the molecule to the carbon granule by electrostatic forces. These forces, as theyapply to small particles, are termed van der Waals forces.b. The capacity of activated carbon is the percentage of its own weight that an activated carbon canabsorb of a given vapor under certain conditions (vapor concentration, temperature, humidity, airvelocity). One gram of carbon will absorb one milligram of iodine.c. Elemental iodine, once absorbed, usually stays absorbed.d. The lower the concentration of a material, the harder to achieve a high removal percentage.e. With a properly designed HEGA system that includes proper absorber selection, absorbent andresident time, any absorbable contaminant can be filtered and contained. The grade of carbondesignated Grade A is activated 8 x 16 mesh carbon and is used to absorb elemental iodine.f. Carbon filters must exhibit a minimum mechanical efficiency of 99.9%, use high quality coconutshell activated carbon, and be sized for about 0.125 second residence time.g. All filters should be installed in "bag-in/bag-out" housings to protect maintenance personnel.h. Decontamination factor (DF) is the ratio of the concentration (or activity) of a contaminant in theuntreated (unfiltered) air to the concentration (or activity) of the contaminant in the treated air. Itis the reciprocal of the penetration expressed as a fraction. It is calculated from a knownefficiency as: DF = 1 / (1- efficiency). Efficiency is calculated from a known DF as: efficiency= 1-(1/DF).i. Residence time is the term given to the time that a gas stream contacts a carbon bed. The conceptof residence time is very important for the designer because the removal efficiency of an absorberis determined by the type and amount of contaminant in the gas stream, the type and amount ofabsorbent, and the residence time.7.0 References1. IAEA-TECDOC-1340, "Manual for Reactor Produced Radioisotopes," January 2003.2. IAEA-TECDOC-1430, "Radioactive Handling Facilities and Automation of RadioisotopeProduction," December 2004.3. "Safety and Design Review for the Proposed Production of 1-131 at the MU Research Reactor,"R. Butler, K. Brooks, R. Dobey, J. Ernst, M. Flagg, L. Foyto, J. Fruits, D. Robertson, March2012. ATTACHMENT 254. "Airborne Iodine Monitoring at the Radioisotope Test Production Plant, JAERI, Fukada, et al,1969.5. "Dry-Distillation of Iodine-131 from Several Tellurium Compounds," Shikata, et al, 1972.6. "Physiochemical and Radiochemical Aspects of Separation of Radioisotopes from TeO2Targets," Beyer, et al, March 2000.7. DOE-HDBK- 1132-99, "Design Considerations."8. DOE-HDBK-1 169-2003, "DOE Nuclear Air Cleaning Handbook."'OSHA has modified the Hazards Communication Standards (HCS) to adopt the GHS to improve safety and healthof workers through more effective communication of chemical hazards.GSG/ITD document "Safety Aspects and Troubleshooting," provided in email dated December 18, 2013.Bright, J.M., Rees T.T., Baca L.E., Green R.L., "Volatility of radiopharmacy-prepared sodium iodine-131capsules," J Nucl Med Technol 2000 Mar; 28(1):52-55.iv Flanders High Efficiency Gas Adsorber (HEGA) website [ }}