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Univ of Missouri, Submittal of Revised Road Transportation Security Plan for the Shipment of Irradiated Reactor Fuel
Person / Time
Site: University of Missouri-Columbia
Issue date: 07/07/2021
From: Meffert B, Robertson J
Univ of Missouri
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response
Download: ML21215A498 (2)


m University of Miss~t.~,GUARD8 INFORMATION-July 7, 2021 Director, Office of Nuclear Security & Incident Response ATTN: Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738


Docket 50-I 86 University of Missouri-Columbia Research Reactor Renewed Facility Operating License No. R-103 Research Reactor Center 1513 Research Park Drive Columbia, MO 65211 PHONE 573-882-4211 WEB


Submittal of Revised Road Transportation Security Plan for the Shipment of Irradiated Reactor Fuel from the University of Missouri Research Reactor Facility Enclosed is Revision 3 of the Road Transportation Security Plan for the Shipment of Irradiated Reactor Fuel from the University of Missouri Research Reactor Facility.

These changes have been made in response to issues MURR has encountered and experience gained during routine shipments of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) over the past fifteen years, as well as to clean up the overall document for consistency and clarity. MURR believes these changes fully meet the intent of 10 CFR 73.37 and will not decrease the safety and security of SNF shipments originating from MURR or the effectiveness of the Plan. provides a side-by-side comparison of each change, along with justification of each change; contains the revised Plan with track changes; and Attachment 3 contains the revised Plan with changes accepted and revision bars.

If you have any questions regarding this change, please contact me at MeffertBra or by calling (573) 882-5118.


Sincerely, Reviewed and Approved


Reactor Manager

~ David Robertson Reactor Facility Director Documents transmitted herewith contain SAFEGUARDS INFORMATION.

When separated from attachments, this document is decontrolled.

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Mr. Geoffrey Wertz, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mr. Craig Bassett, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attachments:

1. Attachment 1 - Changes and Justification to the Road Transportation Security Plan for the Shipment of Irradiated Reactor Fuel from the University of Missouri Research Reactor Facility
2. Attachment 2 - Road Transportation Security Plan for the Shipment of Irradiated Reactor Fuel from the University of Missouri Research Reactor Facility, Revision 3 dated July 7, 2021 (with track changes)
3. Attachment 3 - Road Transportation Security Plan for the Shipment of Irradiated Reactor Fuel from the University of Missouri Research Reactor Facility, Revision 3 dated July 7, 2021 (with accepted changes, revision bars)

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