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The Cycle 11 core for Oyster Creek consisted of 560 fuel assemblies, the composition of which included Exxon Type VB assemblies and General Electric P8x8R assemblies. The Cycle 12 core will consist of Exxon Type VB assemblies and General Electric P8x8R and GE8x8EB assemblies. The                    !
The Cycle 11 core for Oyster Creek consisted of 560 fuel assemblies, the composition of which included Exxon Type VB assemblies and General Electric P8x8R assemblies. The Cycle 12 core will consist of Exxon Type VB assemblies and General Electric P8x8R and GE8x8EB assemblies. The                    !
GE8X8EB fuel design will be introduced for the first time into the Oyster Creek core for Cycle 12.
GE8X8EB fuel design will be introduced for the first time into the Oyster Creek core for Cycle 12.
By letter dated November 25, 1985 GPU Nuclear conveyed to the NRC its intent of performing the Cycle 12 Reload analysis in-house. Consistent
By {{letter dated|date=November 25, 1985|text=letter dated November 25, 1985}} GPU Nuclear conveyed to the NRC its intent of performing the Cycle 12 Reload analysis in-house. Consistent
,                        with that intent, the following GPU Nuclear Topical Reports (to be used in i                        the Cycle 12 Reload analysis) were submitted fer NRC approval; TR-020
,                        with that intent, the following GPU Nuclear Topical Reports (to be used in i                        the Cycle 12 Reload analysis) were submitted fer NRC approval; TR-020
  -                      "Methods for the Analysis of Boiling Water Reactors lattice Physics",
  -                      "Methods for the Analysis of Boiling Water Reactors lattice Physics",

Latest revision as of 07:31, 11 December 2021

Application for Amend to License DPR-16,changing Tech Spec Section 3.10 to Support Cycle 12 Reload
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 03/30/1988
From: Wilson R
Shared Package
ML19302D386 List:
NUDOCS 8804070005
Download: ML20151A411 (6)



Change Request No. 166 i Docket No. 50-219  :

Applicant submits, by this Technical Specification Change Request No.166 to '

the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Technical Specifications, a change to pages 3.10-1, 3.10-2, 3.10-3, 3.10-4, 3.10-5, 3.10-6, 3.10-10 and 3.10-11.

By :_

R. F. Wilson N ~

Vice President i Technical Functions l r

Sworn and subscribed to before me this (.fo day of h M v 1988.



! A Notary PuMc of New Jersey  !

"  % WT lapires jan.24,1990


!!PS88n8188ljp P

6 L




This is to certify that a copy of Technical Specification Change Request No.

166 for the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Techn! cal Specifications, filed with the United States Nuclear Regulatory Comission on March 30 ,

1988, has this day of March 30 ,1988, been served on the Mayor of .

Lacey Township, Ocean County, New Jersey by deposit in the United States mail, addressed as follows:

The Honorable Christopher Connors Mayor of Lacey Township 818 West Lacey Road Forked River, NJ 08731 By : M '

R. F. Wilson Vice President Technical Functions l



l l

., GPU Nuclear Corporation j g gg{ One Upper Pond Road Parsippany, New Jersey o7054

! 201-316-7000 TELEX 136-482 l Wnter's Direct Dial Nurnber:

March 30, 1988 The Honorable Christopher Connors Mayor of Lacey Township 818 West Lacey Road Forked River, NJ 08731

Dear Mayor Connors:

Enclosed herewith is one copy of the Technical Specification Change Request No.166 for the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Operating Licensing. 4 l

This document was filed with the United States Nuclear Regulatory Comission 1 t

on March 30 ,1988, Very truly yours, W

R. F. Wilson Vice President ,

Technical Functions i l

RFW/JDL/pa Enclosure l

l l

l l

GPU Nuc'ev Corporat:on is a subsd ary ' General Put#c Ut>lt es Corporat.on l 1

GPU Nuclear Corporation 3 L Nuclear  : = ;.": ::,oro,.

M i-316-7aoo TELEX 136- 82 Writer's Direct Dial Number:

March 30, 1983 Mr. David M. Scott, Chief Bureau of Radiation Protection Department of Environmental Protection 380 Scotch Road Trenton, NJ 08628

Dear Mr. Scott:

Subject : Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Provisional Operating License No. DPR-16 Technical Specification Change Request 110. 166 l

Pursuant to 10CFR50.91(b)(1), please f'ind enclosed a copy of the subject document which was filed with the United States Nuclear Regulatory Comission l on March 30 , 1988.

Very truly yours,

[ l R. F. Wilson ,

Vice President Technical Functions l RFW/JDL/pa Enclosure l

l l

GPU Nuclear Corporat on is a subsd ary of General Putsc Uurtes Corporaton E

0YSTER CREEK NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION PROVISIONAL OPERATING LICENSE NO. DPR-16 DOCKET NO. 50-219 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION CHANGE REQUEST NO.166 Applicant hereby requests the Comission to change Appendix A to the above captioned license as indicated below. Pursuant to 10CFR50.91, an analysis concerning the detennination of no significant hazards considerations is also presented:

1. Section to be Changed 3.10 ,
2. Extent of Change Modify Section 3.10 to accommodate the Cycle 12 Reload. Specifically, MCPR and MAPLHGR limits will be changed.
3. Changes Requested As indicated in the attached revised Technical Specification pages 3.10-1, 3.10-2, 3.10-3, 3.10.4, 3.10-5, 3.10-6, 3.10-10 and 3.10-11.
4. Discussion e

The Cycle 11 core for Oyster Creek consisted of 560 fuel assemblies, the composition of which included Exxon Type VB assemblies and General Electric P8x8R assemblies. The Cycle 12 core will consist of Exxon Type VB assemblies and General Electric P8x8R and GE8x8EB assemblies. The  !

GE8X8EB fuel design will be introduced for the first time into the Oyster Creek core for Cycle 12.

By letter dated November 25, 1985 GPU Nuclear conveyed to the NRC its intent of performing the Cycle 12 Reload analysis in-house. Consistent

, with that intent, the following GPU Nuclear Topical Reports (to be used in i the Cycle 12 Reload analysis) were submitted fer NRC approval; TR-020

- "Methods for the Analysis of Boiling Water Reactors lattice Physics",

TR-021 "Methods for the Analysis of Boiling Water Reactors Steady State j Physics", TR-033 "Methods for the Generation of Core Kinetics Data for

RETRAN-02", TR-040 "Steady-State and Quasi-Steady-State Methods used in
the Analysis of Accident and Transients" and TR-045 "BWR-2 Transient Analysis Model using the RETRAN Code". GPU Nuclear Topical Report 049 "Reload Information and Safety Analysis Report for Oyster Creek Cycle 12 Reload" submitted with TSCR #166, is a sumary of the results of the Cycle 12 reload core design and safety analysis.

4 l

6261 f i

Licensing topical report NEDE-30996-P "SAFER MODEL EVALUATION OF LOSS-0F-COOLANT ACCIDENTS FOR JET PUMP AND NON-JET PUMP PLANTS" was submitted for NRC review by the General Electric Company on June 25, 1986. The NRC staff issued its safety evaluation addressing the acceptability of referencing licensing topical report NEDE-30996-P, Volume II, on May 11, 1987. NEDE-1462P "0YSTER CREEK NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION SA"ER/COREC00L/GESTR-LOCA LOSS-0F-COOLANT ACCIDENT ANALYSIS", submitted with TSCR #166, represents the Oyster Creek plant specific application of

.he approved NEDE-30996-P, Volume II methodology. As discussed in NEDE-1462P, the Oyster Creek plant specific SAFER /COREC00L/GESTR-LOCA analysis meets the explicit requirements of the staff's safety evaluation of May 11,1987 and the criteria of 10CFR50.46.

With respect to the proposed MCPR limit, the Turbine Trip Without Bypass transient was the most limiting for Cycle 12 with a maximum Delta-CPR of 0.37. The proposed MCPR value of 1.50 was conservatively chosen based on a safety limit of 1.07, a maximum Delta-CPR of 0.37 and a statistical multiplier of 1.042. This represents an increase from the Cycle 11 MCPR valve which was 1.45.

With respect to the proposed MAPLHGR limits, the analysis demonstrated that the DBA is the PCT limiting break size and resulted in higher MAPI.HGR values of approximately 0.7 KW/ft at low exposure. Operating the Cycle 12 bundles within the proposed MAPLHGR limits insures that the PCT will not exceed the perfomance criteria of 10 CFR 50.46 during e LOCA situation.

The proposed Technical Specifications have been based on the results of the analysis discussed above and thereby provide reasonable assurance that the health and safety of the public will not be endangered by operating in the proposed manner.

5. Detemination GPU Nuclear has detemined that operation of the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station in accordance with the proposed technical specifications does not involve a significant hazard. The changes do not:
1. Involve a significant increase in the prabability or the consequence of an accident previously evaluated. Acceptable methods and procedures have been used to perfom the design and analysis of the Cycle 12 core. The review has considered the fuel mechanical design, nuclear design, themal-hydraulic design and the transient and accident analysis. In addition, the Technical Specification limits chosen will ensure that the plant is operated within the boundary prescribed by the analysis.
2. Create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any previously evaluated. The alteration of the core is an operational necessity that has been considered in the design of the plant and which is evaluated via methods and procedures acceptable to GPU Nuclear and the NRC. The resultant Technical Specifications ensure plant operation within the prescribed bounds.
3. Involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety. The proposed Technical Specifications are based on analysis results which were perfomed in accordance with acceptable methods and procedures. Thus, ensuring that there is not a significant reduction in the margin of safety.
