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4 - Docket No. 50-443                                                        December 4, 1992 LICENSEE: North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation UTILITY:      Seabrook Station, Unit No. 1
OF NOVEMBER 23, 1992, MEETING WITH NORTH ATLANTIC ENERGY SERVICE CORPORATION REGARDING THE TRANSFER OF EMERGENCY PLANNING RESPONSIBILITY TO THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS A meeting was held with North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation (NAESCO, the licensee) in Rockville, Maryland on November 23, 1992. The purpose of the meeting was for the licensee to brief the NRC staff on the progress of their efforts to transfer responsibility for emergency planning and response in Massachusetts communities within the Seabrook Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ).
An agenda for the meeting is provided as Enclosure 1.          A list of attendees is provided as Enclosure 2.
The licensee discussed milestones of the transition process and stated that the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) and Federal Management Agency (FEMA) efforts were all on schedule for a transfer of responsibility to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts by January 1,1993.
A copy of a letter from HEMA to FEMA dated 11/19/92, (Enclosure 3) was provided at the meeting; the letter shows that HEMA is ready to take over the responsibility for offsite emergency planning and response in Masssachusetts communities.
The staff indicated it is monitoring the activities and has been attending meetings with MEMA and FEMA and will continue to closely follow the licensees progress in the transition. The NRC indicated it was planning to document its
,          request for FEMA's evaluation of the MEMA plan in the near future.
1 original signed Sen Gordon Edison,  bykor Project Manager Project Directorate 1-3 Division of Reactor Projects - I/II
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
: 1. Meeting Agenda
: 2. List of Attendees
: 3. Letter dated 11/19/92 E. Fox cc w/ enclosure:                                      W. Butler            F. Kantor See next page                                          G. Edison            B. Erickson
_ DISTRIBUTION:            T. Murley/F. Miraglia      T. Clark              F. Congel Docket File,                J. Partlow                OGC                  ACRS (10)
NRC & Local PDR's          S. Varga                  E. Jordan            V. McCree PD I-3 Reading              J. Calvo                  A. De Agazio        J. Linville
          *See previous concurrence                    n F
0FFICE            PDI-3/LA'i  PDI-3/P[    *PEPB        PDl-3/D,    )
NAME              TCia b ;    GEdison:dt  FKantor      WButler DATE              iT/d /92    lb/t//92      12/04/92    (1 /Y/92 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY                  '
FILENAME: A:\SEMTG.N0T                                                                        ,
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, ,          @ Uo uq jog                            UNITED STATES o            NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
        ;;          e t                      W ASHING TON, D. C. 20555
* '                                                    December 4, 1992 Docket No. 50-443 LICENSEE: North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation UTILITY:    Seabrook Station, Unit No. 1
.            A meeting was held with North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation (NAESCO, the licensee) in Rockville, Maryland on November 23, 1992. The purpose of the meeting was for the licensee to brief the NRC staff on the progress of their efforts to transfer responsibility for emergency planning and response in Massachusetts communities within the Seabrook Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ).
An agenda for the meeting is provided as Enclosure 1.        A list of attendees is provided as Enclosure 2.
:            The licensee discussed milestones of the transition process and stated'that
.            the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) and Federal Emergency
,            Management Agency (FEMA) efforts were all on schedule for a transfer of i
responsibility to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts by January 1,1993.
l            A copy of a letter from MEMA to FEMA dated 11/19/92, (Enclosure 3) was i            provided at the meeting the letter shows that MEMA is ready to take over the 1            responsibility for offsite emergency planning and response in Massachusetts 4
The staff indicated it is monitoring the activities and has been attending meetings with MEMA and FEMA and will continue to closely follow the licensee's progress in the transition. The NRC indicated it was-planning to document its i            request for FEMA's evaluation of the MEMA plan in the near future.
{fL Gordon Edison, Senior Project Manager Project Directorate 1-3 Division of Reactor Projects - I/II Office of Nuclear Reactur Regulation 1
: 1. Meeting Agenda
: 2. List of Attendees
: 3. Letter dated ~11/19/92 cc w/ enclosure:
i            See next page
  -            -            -      ..    -        .- - = . -                      . - -            -            -        --- - - - - . -                                    _ -_
* S'eabrook Station L
F,          cc:                                                                          Mr. Ted_C. Feigenbaum, Senior Vice President' and Chief Nuclear Officer                                                                r North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation
,                                                                                        Post Office Box 300
: j.                                                                                      Seabrook,-New Hampshire 03874 Thomas Dignan, Esq.                                                          Mr. George:L. Iverson, Director
.          John A. Ritsher, Esq.                                                        New Hampshire Office of Emergency F
Ropes and Gray                                                                  _ Management One -International Place                                                    State Office Park South Boston, Massachusetts 02110-2624                                            107 Pleasant Street Concord, New Hag-hire 03301 Assistant Attorney General                                                  Regional Administrator, Region:1 State House, Station #6                                                      U.S.~ Nuclear Regulatory Commmission i
Augusta, Maine 04333                                                        475 Allendale Road King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406
!-          Resident Inspector                              _
.          U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cownission                                          Office of the Attorney General                                                                    -
          ~Seabrook Nuclear Power Station                                              One Ashburton Place Post Office Box 1149                                                        20th-Floor Seabrook,-New Hampshire 03874                                                Boston, Massachusetts 02108 North Atlantic' Energy Service                                              Board of Selectmen Corporation .                                                            _ Town of Amesbury-Seabrook~ Station-                                                          Town Hall Route 1, Lafayette Road                                                      Amesbury,-Massachusetts- 01913 P.O. Box 300
,          Seabrook, New Hampshire 03874                                                Mr. Jack Dolan ATTN: Ted C. Feigenbaum                                                    -Federal Emergenc/ Management Agency-Region I                    .
Mr. T. L. Harpster
                                                                                      - J.W. H-Cormack- Post Office &
North Atlantic Energy Service                                                . Courthouse Building, Room 442 Corporation          _
Boston, Massachusetts -02109 Post Office Box 300 Seabrook, New Hampshire- 03874                                              Mr. David Rodham, Jirector
                                                                                      ' Massachusetts Civil-Defense-Agency Town of Exeter L-400 Worcester Road 10 Front Street                                                              P. O. Box 1496
;          Exeter, New: Hampshire 03823-                                                Framingham, Massachusetts'01701-0317 ATTN: James-Muckerheide
          . Gerald Garfield, Esq.
Day,-Berry and'Howard                                                    - John P. Arnold, Attorney General City Place:          _
G. Dana Bisbee, Associate Attorney-Hartford,: Connecticut            061n3-3499                                      GeneralL                    _
                      .. .                                                              Attorney General's-Office Mr. R. M. Kacich                                                          - 25 Capitol Street i
Northeast. Utilities Service _ Company Concord,'New Hampshire: 03301' P. 0. Box 270 Hartford,: Connecticut 061.41-0270                                          Congressman Nicholas Mavroules U.S. House of Representatives Jane Spector                .
70 Washington' Street-
          -federal l Energy Regulatory Commission                                        Salem, Massachusetts 01970 825 North Capital Street, N.E.
          . Room 8105
          -Mashington,-D.C.              20426
    ---.~        -l. ;        -              e pne    e    . , , , - - + - + , ,,        ,,nr,,n,.      m-ao ,    r,.,:,,-..e,,e~w.,a~v.,r.,s.,'~ -,m,--, ,,,-e-, , we,-<--~n.6.,:n.-
Enclosure 1 i
November 23, 1992 1
.                                      AGENDA I. Purpose of Meetinas Exchange views on (1) status of changes lan relative to six Massachusetts
,                to overall Seabrook communities;        EP p/ nature of associated FEMA /NRC (2) status l                reviews; and (3) relation, or lack thereof, to fu.fillment of biannual exercise requirements.
II. Status of Plan Chanaess
                  . Overall plan remains the same, however, changes to i                      portions of plan are-underway.-
* Process near completion for changing from utility response portion of plan to state and local emergency response for six towns in Massachusetts.
* Excellent coordination and cooperation among local, state and federal agencies involved.                  ,
* Momentum is building and critical milestones have.been met as we move toward 12/31/92 effective date.
i                e    Massachusetts affirms reasonable assurance finding 11/19/92 y
* Remaining technical transition items.
4 III. Review Status:
l I                . Current status of remaining milestones l
FEMA exercise review:                      11/17 i                      -
Coordination meeting to define remaining l
implementing tasks:                      11/30 i
FEMA Plan Review:                      12/11 FEMA Interim Finding:                      12/13
* North Atl6ntic contemplates changes to be effectives
:                      12/31/92.
Submittal of 50.54(q) letter within 30 days.
5 i
_    _ , . , . . , , . . . ~          .        . , - . _ . . ,        . _ . ._ .
e 5*                                                                                      November 23, 1992 What if above milestones do not occur by 1/1/937 Option la  Utility portion of plan could be
!                                  maintained for six Massacnusetts. towns while awaiting FEMA /NRC action.
[                            -
Option 2:  North. Atlantic could go forward and j
!                                  complete transition to local, state response for Massachusetts portion of plan by scheduled date of l                                  12/31/92.
i 4                IV. Biannual Exercise Recuir - nts Under either option, Biannual Exercise requirements for 1992 have been-satisfied by 6/91 exercise.
i f
i t
4 4
4 4
                                  -  ,,,e        ...,.n  ... ,  , - ~ , . . . .        , . . . , . . - . . . , . - , . , . -  ,....n..,              ,-
Enclosure 2 MEETING WITH NAESCO AND N::C DISCUSS EMERGENCY OFFSITE PLANNING November 23. 199.2 NAME                    ORGAN 1?ATION G. E. Edison              NRR R. JEB Deloach            NAESCO Ed Reis                  OGC/NRC Walt Sutler              NRR/PDl-3 Ed Fox                    PEPB/DRSS/NRR A. De Agazio              NRR/PDl-4 Falk Kantor              NRR/DRSS/EPB Bob Erickson              NRR/DRSS/EPB Terry Harpster            NAESCO Jay Gutiierrez            Newman & Holtzinger Don Silverman            Newman & Holtzinger Frank Congel              NRC/NRR r
tOJ-23-1992 12 39 FROr1                                        m t SLPFORT SERVICES      TO                    1512028720581      P.02 k                                                                                                                          Enclosur 3 90
      .                                                                  THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS execunva caparment                                  '
wiw4u r.weto                              MASSACHUSETTS EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY emaca 4.oavio noos4u sesma I
November 19, 1992 Mr. Richard E. Strone Regional Director Federal Emergency Management Agency J.W. McCormack Boston,          l'J 02109.Post Office and courthouse
==Dear Mr. Strome:==
Radiological Emergency Response Plan, as shown on Attachm                                                                  ,for the Seabrook Nuclear Power Station.                                                      The Gocuments shown on Attachment separate cover                                    2 vill due  betotransmitted    on December 4, 1992, under time constraints.
The ccamonwealth bas, through the Massachusetts Emergency Management procedures                                      toAgency      (MEMA), developed these State and local plans and station.                                        These plans to a radiological emergency at seabrook respond describe the commonw energency planning and preparedness program.ealth's radiological used by the Commonwealth and local governments to respo radiological emergency at seabrook station.
It is the opinion of the commonwealth that these offsite i              reasonable assurance that appropriats measures can and taken to protect the health and safety of the public living in Massachusetts radiological enargency                                    in the at  vicinity  of Seabrook in the event of a the site.
date This of                          plantransition    vill become      effective  for Seabrook Station as of the Corporation (NAESCo) the                                        from  the  North Atlantic Energy Service l
official offsite Response Organization responsibleto the commonwealth o emergency planning and preparedness for sembroox.                                                                for offsite is currently scheduled to take place on December 30,                                                          That    transition 1992.
400 Worcestor Pv.d a P.O. Box 1496 4 Framingham, MA 017010317
* 508 820 2000                                  - -                                '
* Fax 508-820-2030
                                        -- -g_                                                  -      - - -                - - _ _ .
As you know, planning is a dynamic process.                                                                        We will continue to review the plans and procedures annually and update them as circumstances require.                                  This continuing process will be done in conjunction      with                  FEMA,                NAESCo,                        state agenciss                                and local governments.
Sincerely, A. David Rodham Director ADR/ jaw Attachment Enclosures                    .
l l
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},                                              DfCUMENT SUSKITTAL LIST
;                1. Massachusetts Radiological Emergency Resporise Plan - Re.11/92*
: t. state EOC (Framingham) Implementing Procedures      Rev. 0.G*
i                                                                                                                          .  .
: 3. Area I Plan and laplementing Procedures . Rev. 0.F*
!                4. Local EPZ Communities' Plans and Impletaanting Procedures          Rev. 0.F'
: 5. Traffic Management Manual - Ray. 0.F*
!                4. , Resource Manual - Rev. 0.8' 4
}                7. Responder Personnel Rosters - Dated 11/17/92 1
: 8. Facility / Equipment. Inventory Lists - Dated 11/18/92
;                9. EPZ Public School Support Plans
* Rev 0
: 10. EPZ School Supert 1.endent Support Plans - Rev. 0                      .
: 11. Host School Support Plans - Rev. 0                      '
,                it. Department of Envirormental Management Support Plan - Rev.11/92*
: 13. Department of Interior (Parker River National Wild 1tfe Refuge) Standard
;                    Operating Procedure for Emergencies at Seabrook Station - Rev. 3*
: 14. MA Public Infor34 tion Material            .
j                    Referprocedure specific  to the CHANGE      INSTRUCTIONS sheet included with each manual for
                                      /page revisions.
1 4
1 TOTC(. P.05 4,          -      -    -                                      enw,,*            ,a, ' ea a mn e e-r-e.-n~c
tm-23-1992 - 12 40 FROM    t+N SUPPORT SERVICES              TO                2512ucurcuS8      P.05
: 1. Wellesley Plan and Isplementing Proceduns                                12/4/92
: 2. Mass care Shelter LOAs                                                  12/4/92
: 3. Transportation Provider LOAs                                            12/4/92 j            4. EPZ Health Can Support Plans                                            12/4/92
: 5. EPZ Private School Support Plans                                        It/4/92
: 6. Host Special Facility (Shriners) Support Plan                            12/4/92 4
9 5
9 4
9 L
l I
  ~ '
                                                                                                          =^-~ , ,,
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i                          3.1          COMMAND AM0 CONTROL Command and control of the New Hampshire Yankee                                          (NNY)
;                                        Offsite Response-Organisation is the responsibility of the l                                        NHY Of f site Response Director.                                      This responsibility f                                        includes overall management of resources within the NET i
Offsite Response Organisation and coordination of those resources with' that of other responding organisations j                                        (e.g., ons,ite, state, federal).                              The NNY Offsite Response Director'is assisted-in these command and control functions k                                        by two Assistant Offsite. Response Directors. Implementing Procedure 1.1, NHT- Offsite Response Director / Assistant, I                                      delineates their -specific responsibilities. State agency i
and local municipal co'unterparts- to the NHY Offsite Response Organization are shown on Tables -2.2-F and 2.2-2,
;                                                                                                                                          4 respectively.                  Functione.11 managers, acting'in an advisory I'
capacity, report to the NHY Offsite Response Director- or ,
f                                      to one of the Assistant Response Directors (refer. to                -
{                                      Figure        2.1-1).            Any decisions rede by-.the hd! Of41te Response. Director and subsequent required actions will be
;                                      carried out' consistent with the. - Seabrook . Plan for c                                    Massachusetts Communities and Implementing Procedures.
Ultimate authority for implementing protective actions for-i-
the public in Massachusetts lies with the Governor. For
[                                    this reason, leg 31 authorization must be obtained from the j                                    Governor or designee- before implementing ~ certain                                    -
provisions of this plan (see e.g. , IP 2.14 at Attachment
{                                    8)._ The NNY CQfsite Response Director' has been authorized-by the President of New Hampshirs- Yankee to commit the-j                        j s.
                ,                    resources of the Company -(n.oney, personnel, facilities, and -
3.1-1                                    Revision 2 6
_ , _ . . - . - . .__.;..__._._.._,_a.-_a.;...,,4-.,_,.._,,._,.,_-,....
tw-mam we Ekun          mr equipment) through the NHY Offsite Response Organization, to respond in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to protect                                                        (
the public (refer to Appendix C).
The NHY Offsite Response Organization will function in'one of three modes of operation during an emergency at the
            .g    Seabrook Station (refer to Figure 3.1-1). These are the l        Standby Mode; Mode 1, to provide only reso ex . (equipment, transportation resources, personnel, eth '                                                            to the state l        and/or local emergency response organizata.ons; or Mode 2, to assume responsibility on behalf of the state / locals (upon authorisation by the Commonwealth) for implementation of the entire eaergency response or integrating specific portions thereof.
The initial action to determine which mode of operation will be    implemented is contacting the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to determine if they have the capabilities to respond. The IJMY Offsite Response Director shall contact                                                        .
the Duty Officer from the Hassachusetts Department of                                                                -
Public Health prior to the activation of the Massachusetts State    EOC  and  shall              contact the                                Director of                  the Massachusetts Civil Defense Agency and Office of Emergency Preparedness (or Senior Duty Officer / Duty Officer) following activation of the Massachusetts State EOC. The NHY Offsite Response Organization also dispatches a rep %.entative to the Massachusetts Department of Public i
Health's Director of the Radiation Control Program or Duty Officer.      The NHY Offsite Response Director briefs the State on the emergency situation (including any PARS); on tho NHY Offsite Response Organization's capabilities; affers    assistance;    and requests authori..ation.                                                            The Governor may verify NHY ORO's response through MCDA's                                                                    {
Nuclear Alert System (NAS) line in the Framingham EOC to Seabrook Station.
3.1-2 Revision 2 1
          . pgsy.gua gases - w;s                                    a wmpw90Pv3ms              V@      1@i202872050f    P.08 The decision-making process used in responding to an                                                        .
emergency situation at Seabrook Station includes direct connunication with all responding organisations. To that end, the NNY Off, site Response Director will receive and review a                                      constant flow of information as to event classification, escalation or doescalation, actual or potential radiation hasards, plant conditions,                                              and-- any recommendations on protective actions condag from the                                                    i Seabrook Station Dnergency _Organisation.                                          The NNY Offsite l      Response Director will provide recomunendations to the l      Governor of the Cossoonwealth of Massachusetts through the -
l      Governor's                                        representatives at the Massachusetts EOC concerning precautionary _ and protective                                                  actions, notification of the general public, and available NHY Offsite Response Organisation resources and response.
l      The Emergency Preparedness Advisor will verify with the Commonwealth of Nassachusetts that the request for federal-assistance was made to FEMA.                                            If the request wasn't made, j
the Emergency Preparednesa Advisor will offer to perform j
the _ notification and to coordinate federal resources as .
Requests to DOI will be made directly through                                                      the notification of the Parker River National Wildlifa Refuge in accordance with the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge Standard Operating Procedures for Daergencies - at Seabrook Station.                                        Requests to the - U.S C o a s t'_ G u a r d and Federal Aviation Administration will be coordinated through-g_            l      the State of New Hampshire.                                                            .
3.1-3                        Revision 2
N                                                                                    M9    LMEPA9istribf1 P.09 l                              Implementing    Procedure      2.14, Emergency    Response l                              Assessment,  describes the actions followed by the NHY          {
l                              Offsite Response Director to determine the extent of the l                              Offsite Response Organization's response that is required l                              and to obtain the authorisation to implement that response.
l                              Implementing Procedure 1.1, NHY Offsite Response Director /
l                              Assistant,  describes the actions followed by the NHY l                              Offsite Response Director and details assistance regarding l                              the interfaces necessary if state, loeml and federal l                              emergency response organizations respond.
)                                                                                                                        .
3.1-4                  Revision 1 l
    +        -
NN-23-a992 128 2 FROM                t4# 9 PPORT SERVICES                              TO                                  15126m[a55tsi                      P.10 i  .
1 FIGURE 3.1-1 EIGRGENCY RESPONSE ASS"WNT AND AUTHORIEATIQBI SCEME s                                                                                      .
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Revision as of 02:22, 24 July 2020

Summary of 921123 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Transfer of Emergency Planning Responsibility to Commonwealth of Ma. Meeting Agenda,List of Attendees & 921119 Ltr to FEMA Encl
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/04/1992
From: Edison G
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 9212160252
Download: ML20125E222 (15)



4 - Docket No. 50-443 December 4, 1992 LICENSEE: North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation UTILITY: Seabrook Station, Unit No. 1



OF NOVEMBER 23, 1992, MEETING WITH NORTH ATLANTIC ENERGY SERVICE CORPORATION REGARDING THE TRANSFER OF EMERGENCY PLANNING RESPONSIBILITY TO THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS A meeting was held with North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation (NAESCO, the licensee) in Rockville, Maryland on November 23, 1992. The purpose of the meeting was for the licensee to brief the NRC staff on the progress of their efforts to transfer responsibility for emergency planning and response in Massachusetts communities within the Seabrook Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ).

An agenda for the meeting is provided as Enclosure 1. A list of attendees is provided as Enclosure 2.

The licensee discussed milestones of the transition process and stated that the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) and Federal Management Agency (FEMA) efforts were all on schedule for a transfer of responsibility to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts by January 1,1993.

A copy of a letter from HEMA to FEMA dated 11/19/92, (Enclosure 3) was provided at the meeting; the letter shows that HEMA is ready to take over the responsibility for offsite emergency planning and response in Masssachusetts communities.

The staff indicated it is monitoring the activities and has been attending meetings with MEMA and FEMA and will continue to closely follow the licensees progress in the transition. The NRC indicated it was planning to document its

, request for FEMA's evaluation of the MEMA plan in the near future.

1 original signed Sen Gordon Edison, bykor Project Manager Project Directorate 1-3 Division of Reactor Projects - I/II


Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

1. Meeting Agenda
2. List of Attendees
3. Letter dated 11/19/92 E. Fox cc w/ enclosure: W. Butler F. Kantor See next page G. Edison B. Erickson

_ DISTRIBUTION: T. Murley/F. Miraglia T. Clark F. Congel Docket File, J. Partlow OGC ACRS (10)

NRC & Local PDR's S. Varga E. Jordan V. McCree PD I-3 Reading J. Calvo A. De Agazio J. Linville

  • See previous concurrence n F

0FFICE PDI-3/LA'i PDI-3/P[ *PEPB PDl-3/D, )

NAME TCia b ; GEdison:dt FKantor WButler DATE iT/d /92 lb/t//92 12/04/92 (1 /Y/92 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY '


) g.

b' . _

140024 T 9212160252 921204 b /' <


ADOCK 05000443 PDR @g\ i l



e t W ASHING TON, D. C. 20555
  • ' December 4, 1992 Docket No. 50-443 LICENSEE: North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation UTILITY: Seabrook Station, Unit No. 1





. A meeting was held with North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation (NAESCO, the licensee) in Rockville, Maryland on November 23, 1992. The purpose of the meeting was for the licensee to brief the NRC staff on the progress of their efforts to transfer responsibility for emergency planning and response in Massachusetts communities within the Seabrook Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ).

An agenda for the meeting is provided as Enclosure 1. A list of attendees is provided as Enclosure 2.

The licensee discussed milestones of the transition process and stated'that

. the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) and Federal Emergency

, Management Agency (FEMA) efforts were all on schedule for a transfer of i

responsibility to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts by January 1,1993.

l A copy of a letter from MEMA to FEMA dated 11/19/92, (Enclosure 3) was i provided at the meeting the letter shows that MEMA is ready to take over the 1 responsibility for offsite emergency planning and response in Massachusetts 4


The staff indicated it is monitoring the activities and has been attending meetings with MEMA and FEMA and will continue to closely follow the licensee's progress in the transition. The NRC indicated it was-planning to document its i request for FEMA's evaluation of the MEMA plan in the near future.


{fL Gordon Edison, Senior Project Manager Project Directorate 1-3 Division of Reactor Projects - I/II Office of Nuclear Reactur Regulation 1


1. Meeting Agenda
2. List of Attendees
3. Letter dated ~11/19/92 cc w/ enclosure:

i See next page

- - - .. - .- - = . - . - - - - --- - - - - . - _ -_


  • S'eabrook Station L

F, cc: Mr. Ted_C. Feigenbaum, Senior Vice President' and Chief Nuclear Officer r North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation

, Post Office Box 300

j. Seabrook,-New Hampshire 03874 Thomas Dignan, Esq. Mr. George:L. Iverson, Director

. John A. Ritsher, Esq. New Hampshire Office of Emergency F

Ropes and Gray _ Management One -International Place State Office Park South Boston, Massachusetts 02110-2624 107 Pleasant Street Concord, New Hag-hire 03301 Assistant Attorney General Regional Administrator, Region:1 State House, Station #6 U.S.~ Nuclear Regulatory Commmission i


Augusta, Maine 04333 475 Allendale Road King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406

!- Resident Inspector _

. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cownission Office of the Attorney General -

~Seabrook Nuclear Power Station One Ashburton Place Post Office Box 1149 20th-Floor Seabrook,-New Hampshire 03874 Boston, Massachusetts 02108 North Atlantic' Energy Service Board of Selectmen Corporation . _ Town of Amesbury-Seabrook~ Station- Town Hall Route 1, Lafayette Road Amesbury,-Massachusetts- 01913 P.O. Box 300

, Seabrook, New Hampshire 03874 Mr. Jack Dolan ATTN: Ted C. Feigenbaum -Federal Emergenc/ Management Agency-Region I .

Mr. T. L. Harpster

- J.W. H-Cormack- Post Office &

North Atlantic Energy Service . Courthouse Building, Room 442 Corporation _

Boston, Massachusetts -02109 Post Office Box 300 Seabrook, New Hampshire- 03874 Mr. David Rodham, Jirector

' Massachusetts Civil-Defense-Agency Town of Exeter L-400 Worcester Road 10 Front Street P. O. Box 1496

Exeter, New
Hampshire 03823- Framingham, Massachusetts'01701-0317 ATTN: James-Muckerheide

. Gerald Garfield, Esq.

Day,-Berry and'Howard - John P. Arnold, Attorney General City Place: _

G. Dana Bisbee, Associate Attorney-Hartford,: Connecticut 061n3-3499 GeneralL _

.. . Attorney General's-Office Mr. R. M. Kacich - 25 Capitol Street i

Northeast. Utilities Service _ Company Concord,'New Hampshire: 03301' P. 0. Box 270 Hartford,: Connecticut 061.41-0270 Congressman Nicholas Mavroules U.S. House of Representatives Jane Spector .

70 Washington' Street-

-federal l Energy Regulatory Commission Salem, Massachusetts 01970 825 North Capital Street, N.E.

. Room 8105

-Mashington,-D.C. 20426


---.~ -l. ; - e pne e . , , , - - + - + , ,, ,,nr,,n,. m-ao , r,.,:,,-..e,,e~w.,a~v.,r.,s.,'~ -,m,--, ,,,-e-, , we,-<--~n.6.,:n.-

Enclosure 1 i

November 23, 1992 1

. AGENDA I. Purpose of Meetinas Exchange views on (1) status of changes lan relative to six Massachusetts

, to overall Seabrook communities; EP p/ nature of associated FEMA /NRC (2) status l reviews; and (3) relation, or lack thereof, to fu.fillment of biannual exercise requirements.

II. Status of Plan Chanaess

. Overall plan remains the same, however, changes to i portions of plan are-underway.-

  • Process near completion for changing from utility response portion of plan to state and local emergency response for six towns in Massachusetts.


  • Excellent coordination and cooperation among local, state and federal agencies involved. ,
  • Momentum is building and critical milestones have.been met as we move toward 12/31/92 effective date.

i e Massachusetts affirms reasonable assurance finding 11/19/92 y

  • Remaining technical transition items.

4 III. Review Status:

l I . Current status of remaining milestones l

FEMA exercise review: 11/17 i -

Coordination meeting to define remaining l

implementing tasks: 11/30 i

FEMA Plan Review: 12/11 FEMA Interim Finding: 12/13

  • North Atl6ntic contemplates changes to be effectives

Submittal of 50.54(q) letter within 30 days.

5 i

_ _ , . , . . , , . . . ~ . . , - . _ . . , . _ . ._ .

e 5* November 23, 1992 What if above milestones do not occur by 1/1/937 Option la Utility portion of plan could be

! maintained for six Massacnusetts. towns while awaiting FEMA /NRC action.

[ -

Option 2: North. Atlantic could go forward and j

! complete transition to local, state response for Massachusetts portion of plan by scheduled date of l 12/31/92.

i 4 IV. Biannual Exercise Recuir - nts Under either option, Biannual Exercise requirements for 1992 have been-satisfied by 6/91 exercise.

i f


i t

4 4

4 4


- ,,,e ...,.n ... , , - ~ , . . . . , . . . , . . - . . . , . - , . , . - ,....n.., ,-

Enclosure 2 MEETING WITH NAESCO AND N::C DISCUSS EMERGENCY OFFSITE PLANNING November 23. 199.2 NAME ORGAN 1?ATION G. E. Edison NRR R. JEB Deloach NAESCO Ed Reis OGC/NRC Walt Sutler NRR/PDl-3 Ed Fox PEPB/DRSS/NRR A. De Agazio NRR/PDl-4 Falk Kantor NRR/DRSS/EPB Bob Erickson NRR/DRSS/EPB Terry Harpster NAESCO Jay Gutiierrez Newman & Holtzinger Don Silverman Newman & Holtzinger Frank Congel NRC/NRR r

tOJ-23-1992 12 39 FROr1 m t SLPFORT SERVICES TO 1512028720581 P.02 k Enclosur 3 90



wiw4u r.weto MASSACHUSETTS EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY emaca 4.oavio noos4u sesma I

November 19, 1992 Mr. Richard E. Strone Regional Director Federal Emergency Management Agency J.W. McCormack Boston, l'J 02109.Post Office and courthouse

Dear Mr. Strome:

Radiological Emergency Response Plan, as shown on Attachm ,for the Seabrook Nuclear Power Station. The Gocuments shown on Attachment separate cover 2 vill due betotransmitted on December 4, 1992, under time constraints.

The ccamonwealth bas, through the Massachusetts Emergency Management procedures toAgency (MEMA), developed these State and local plans and station. These plans to a radiological emergency at seabrook respond describe the commonw energency planning and preparedness program.ealth's radiological used by the Commonwealth and local governments to respo radiological emergency at seabrook station.

It is the opinion of the commonwealth that these offsite i reasonable assurance that appropriats measures can and taken to protect the health and safety of the public living in Massachusetts radiological enargency in the at vicinity of Seabrook in the event of a the site.

date This of plantransition vill become effective for Seabrook Station as of the Corporation (NAESCo) the from the North Atlantic Energy Service l

official offsite Response Organization responsibleto the commonwealth o emergency planning and preparedness for sembroox. for offsite is currently scheduled to take place on December 30, That transition 1992.

400 Worcestor Pv.d a P.O. Box 1496 4 Framingham, MA 017010317

  • 508 820 2000 - - '
  • Fax 508-820-2030

-- -g_ - - - - - - _ _ .

As you know, planning is a dynamic process. We will continue to review the plans and procedures annually and update them as circumstances require. This continuing process will be done in conjunction with FEMA, NAESCo, state agenciss and local governments.

Sincerely, A. David Rodham Director ADR/ jaw Attachment Enclosures .

l l

l l

l l

l l


---co- w,y- * .,easwg-

- p-e,e- * . ,y- y &---,-evygy-u- g*w y 4:w%en i , g-y%ur --W,g ye e gw W-4 y ag 3emWy + yaw yr y- - ,

e .ma-f* .



1. Massachusetts Radiological Emergency Resporise Plan - Re.11/92*
t. state EOC (Framingham) Implementing Procedures Rev. 0.G*

i . .

3. Area I Plan and laplementing Procedures . Rev. 0.F*

! 4. Local EPZ Communities' Plans and Impletaanting Procedures Rev. 0.F'

5. Traffic Management Manual - Ray. 0.F*

! 4. , Resource Manual - Rev. 0.8' 4

} 7. Responder Personnel Rosters - Dated 11/17/92 1

8. Facility / Equipment. Inventory Lists - Dated 11/18/92
9. EPZ Public School Support Plans
  • Rev 0
10. EPZ School Supert 1.endent Support Plans - Rev. 0 .
11. Host School Support Plans - Rev. 0 '

, it. Department of Envirormental Management Support Plan - Rev.11/92*


13. Department of Interior (Parker River National Wild 1tfe Refuge) Standard
Operating Procedure for Emergencies at Seabrook Station - Rev. 3*
14. MA Public Infor34 tion Material .

j Referprocedure specific to the CHANGE INSTRUCTIONS sheet included with each manual for

/page revisions.

1 4

1 TOTC(. P.05 4, - - - enw,,* ,a, ' ea a mn e e-r-e.-n~c

tm-23-1992 - 12 40 FROM t+N SUPPORT SERVICES TO 2512ucurcuS8 P.05

1. Wellesley Plan and Isplementing Proceduns 12/4/92
2. Mass care Shelter LOAs 12/4/92
3. Transportation Provider LOAs 12/4/92 j 4. EPZ Health Can Support Plans 12/4/92
5. EPZ Private School Support Plans It/4/92
6. Host Special Facility (Shriners) Support Plan 12/4/92 4



9 5

9 4

9 L

l I

~ '

=^-~ , ,,

l l

g- 9 gg-- ~ j.--- - 151A[Eb:>tsk -P.06 i

1 . - .


i 3.1 COMMAND AM0 CONTROL Command and control of the New Hampshire Yankee (NNY)

Offsite Response-Organisation is the responsibility of the l NHY Of f site Response Director. This responsibility f includes overall management of resources within the NET i

Offsite Response Organisation and coordination of those resources with' that of other responding organisations j (e.g., ons,ite, state, federal). The NNY Offsite Response Director'is assisted-in these command and control functions k by two Assistant Offsite. Response Directors. Implementing Procedure 1.1, NHT- Offsite Response Director / Assistant, I delineates their -specific responsibilities. State agency i

and local municipal co'unterparts- to the NHY Offsite Response Organization are shown on Tables -2.2-F and 2.2-2,

4 respectively. Functione.11 managers, acting'in an advisory I'

capacity, report to the NHY Offsite Response Director- or ,

f to one of the Assistant Response Directors (refer. to -

{ Figure 2.1-1). Any decisions rede by-.the hd! Of41te Response. Director and subsequent required actions will be

carried out' consistent with the. - Seabrook . Plan for c Massachusetts Communities and Implementing Procedures.

Ultimate authority for implementing protective actions for-i-

the public in Massachusetts lies with the Governor. For

[ this reason, leg 31 authorization must be obtained from the j Governor or designee- before implementing ~ certain -

provisions of this plan (see e.g. , IP 2.14 at Attachment

{ 8)._ The NNY CQfsite Response Director' has been authorized-by the President of New Hampshirs- Yankee to commit the-j j s.

, resources of the Company -(n.oney, personnel, facilities, and -

3.1-1 Revision 2 6

_ , _ . . - . - . .__.;..__._._.._,_a.-_a.;...,,4-.,_,.._,,._,.,_-,....

tw-mam we Ekun mr equipment) through the NHY Offsite Response Organization, to respond in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to protect (

the public (refer to Appendix C).

The NHY Offsite Response Organization will function in'one of three modes of operation during an emergency at the

.g Seabrook Station (refer to Figure 3.1-1). These are the l Standby Mode; Mode 1, to provide only reso ex . (equipment, transportation resources, personnel, eth ' to the state l and/or local emergency response organizata.ons; or Mode 2, to assume responsibility on behalf of the state / locals (upon authorisation by the Commonwealth) for implementation of the entire eaergency response or integrating specific portions thereof.

The initial action to determine which mode of operation will be implemented is contacting the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to determine if they have the capabilities to respond. The IJMY Offsite Response Director shall contact .

the Duty Officer from the Hassachusetts Department of -

Public Health prior to the activation of the Massachusetts State EOC and shall contact the Director of the Massachusetts Civil Defense Agency and Office of Emergency Preparedness (or Senior Duty Officer / Duty Officer) following activation of the Massachusetts State EOC. The NHY Offsite Response Organization also dispatches a rep %.entative to the Massachusetts Department of Public i

Health's Director of the Radiation Control Program or Duty Officer. The NHY Offsite Response Director briefs the State on the emergency situation (including any PARS); on tho NHY Offsite Response Organization's capabilities; affers assistance; and requests authori..ation. The Governor may verify NHY ORO's response through MCDA's {

Nuclear Alert System (NAS) line in the Framingham EOC to Seabrook Station.

3.1-2 Revision 2 1

. pgsy.gua gases - w;s a wmpw90Pv3ms V@ 1@i202872050f P.08 The decision-making process used in responding to an .

emergency situation at Seabrook Station includes direct connunication with all responding organisations. To that end, the NNY Off, site Response Director will receive and review a constant flow of information as to event classification, escalation or doescalation, actual or potential radiation hasards, plant conditions, and-- any recommendations on protective actions condag from the i Seabrook Station Dnergency _Organisation. The NNY Offsite l Response Director will provide recomunendations to the l Governor of the Cossoonwealth of Massachusetts through the -

l Governor's representatives at the Massachusetts EOC concerning precautionary _ and protective actions, notification of the general public, and available NHY Offsite Response Organisation resources and response.

l The Emergency Preparedness Advisor will verify with the Commonwealth of Nassachusetts that the request for federal-assistance was made to FEMA. If the request wasn't made, j

the Emergency Preparednesa Advisor will offer to perform j

the _ notification and to coordinate federal resources as .


Requests to DOI will be made directly through the notification of the Parker River National Wildlifa Refuge in accordance with the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge Standard Operating Procedures for Daergencies - at Seabrook Station. Requests to the - U.S C o a s t'_ G u a r d and Federal Aviation Administration will be coordinated through-g_ l the State of New Hampshire. .

3.1-3 Revision 2

N M9 LMEPA9istribf1 P.09 l Implementing Procedure 2.14, Emergency Response l Assessment, describes the actions followed by the NHY {

l Offsite Response Director to determine the extent of the l Offsite Response Organization's response that is required l and to obtain the authorisation to implement that response.

l Implementing Procedure 1.1, NHY Offsite Response Director /

l Assistant, describes the actions followed by the NHY l Offsite Response Director and details assistance regarding l the interfaces necessary if state, loeml and federal l emergency response organizations respond.

) .

3.1-4 Revision 1 l


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