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{{#Wiki_filter:.*...UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY CCFMISSION I:I THE MATTER OF DCCKET N0. 50-289 LICE'ISE 270. DPR-50 METROPOLITMI EDISCN COLTMiY This is to certify that a copy of Technical Specification Change Recuest
!io. 59, Anendment A to Appendix A of the Operating License for 2 ree Mile Island :Iuclear Station Unit 1, has, on the date given belov, been filed with the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and been served on the chief executives of Londenderry Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania and Dauphin County, Pennsylvania by deposit in the United States mail, addressed as follows:
Mr. Weldon B. Arehart Mr. Harry 3. Reese, Jr.
    .     .
Board of Supervisors of Board of County Commissioners Londonderry Township of Dauphin County R. D. #1, Geyers Church Road Dauphin County Court House Middletowi, Pe.insylvania 17057 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120>ETROPOL"AN EDISON COMPANY sy //i j/Vice President N/Dated: October 26, lo77 CC\lsu!J q911080  
%, Amen hent A This Technical Specificaticn Change Request is submitted in support of Licensee's request to change Appendix A to Operating License No. DPR-50 for Three Mile Island :Iuclear Station Unit 1.
        !io. 59, Anendment A to Appendix A of the Operating License for 2 ree Mile Island :Iuclear Station Unit 1, has, on the date given belov, been filed with the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and been served on the chief executives of Londenderry Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania and Dauphin County, Pennsylvania by deposit in the United States mail, addressed as follows:
As a part of this request, proposed replacement pages for Appendix A are also included.
Mr. Weldon B. Arehart                           Mr. Harry 3. Reese, Jr.
Board of Supervisors of                         Board of County Commissioners Londonderry Township                           of Dauphin County R. D. #1, Geyers Church Road                   Dauphin County Court House Middletowi, Pe.insylvania     17057             Harrisburg, Pennsylvania   17120
/N'.Ry.l, Vice President ,f/V Sworn and subscribed to =e this 28th day of October , 1977 Set. - N1 -f w Notary Public RITA M. POWERS NW/ Putlic, Mdaleterg Twp., Berks Co.
                                                        >ETROPOL"AN EDISON COMPANY sy /       /         i Vice President     N j/
My Ccmmiss:en Empires Sepum::er 20,1978 l II'u'$;u i  
.-.Three Mile Island nuclear Station, Unit 1 Operating Licence No. DPR-50 Docket No. 50-289
Dated: October 26, lo77 CC \
.2nereeney Technical Scecification Change Recuest No. 59, knendment A The licensee requests that the attached revised page replace page 3-22 of the Technical Specifications, Appendix A.
Reasons for Protosed Chance Amend =ent A to Technical Specification Change Request No. 59 vill delete the Section 3.3.2 expiration date of the proposed change and vill revise those portions of the TMI-1 Technical Specifications, Section 3.3.2, to allow an ECCS component to be removed from service such that the affected system train may be inoperable for 72 consecutive hours.
This change is recuested in order to perform the necessary Decay Heat Removal Pump inspections and subsequent repairs, if needed, during power operatien.
METROPOLITMI EDISC:I CCMPA:lY JERSEY CE:ITRAL PCWER & LIGHT CCMPA:Tl kid PE:ESYLVANIA ELECTRIC CCMPANY THREE MILE ISLXID INCLEAR STATIC:I UNIT 1 Operating License :ic. OFR-50 Docket :io. 50-289 Technical S:ecification Change Recuest No. %, Amen hent A This Technical Specificaticn Change Request is submitted in support of Licensee's request to change Appendix A to Operating License No. DPR-50 for Three Mile Island :Iuclear Station Unit 1.             As a part of this request, proposed replacement pages for Appendix A are also included.                                  .
N'                             .
Ry.       l     ,
                                          ,f Vice President
V Sworn and subscribed to =e this       28th     day of         October           , 1977 Set. - N1 -f               w Notary Public RITA M. POWERS NW/ Putlic, Mdaleterg Twp., Berks Co.
My Ccmmiss:en Empires Sepum::er 20,1978 l
                                                                                          ; u i
      -   .
Three Mile Island nuclear Station, Unit 1 Operating Licence No. DPR-50 Docket No. 50-289
2nereeney Technical Scecification Change Recuest No. 59, knendment A The licensee requests that the attached revised page replace page 3-22 of the Technical Specifications, Appendix A.
Reasons for Protosed Chance Amend =ent A to Technical Specification Change Request No. 59 vill delete the Section 3.3.2 expiration date of the proposed change and vill revise those portions of the TMI-1 Technical Specifications, Section 3.3.2, to allow an ECCS component to be removed from service such that the affected system train may be inoperable for 72 consecutive hours. This change is recuested in order to perform the necessary Decay Heat Removal Pump inspections and subsequent repairs, if needed, during power operatien.
Safety Evaluation Justifying Chance This change request does not increase the probability of any accident analyzed in the FSAR in that the time limits for maintenance of these ec=ponents as stated in the bases, has always been 72 hours.
Safety Evaluation Justifying Chance This change request does not increase the probability of any accident analyzed in the FSAR in that the time limits for maintenance of these ec=ponents as stated in the bases, has always been 72 hours.
This change could not increase the consequences of the only accident of concern namely a Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) since at least ene LPI system is demonstrated operable prior to taking the back up LPI system out of service. The operabi''ty demonstration assure that a single failure will not affect the remaining LPI system during the 72 hour exposure period.
This change could not increase the consequences of the only accident of concern namely a Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) since at least ene LPI system is demonstrated operable prior to taking the back up LPI system out of service. The operabi''ty demonstration assure that a single failure will not affect the remaining LPI system during the 72 hour exposure period.
Line 37: Line 58:
Because this change is consistent with the existing bases it does not reduce the margin of safety defined in the technical specification bases.
Because this change is consistent with the existing bases it does not reduce the margin of safety defined in the technical specification bases.
For the reasons given above, this change does not represent any undue risk to the health and safety of the public or an unreviewed safety question.
For the reasons given above, this change does not represent any undue risk to the health and safety of the public or an unreviewed safety question.
1 ;(o' f,\0 C u-: I I.  
~~e.Core flocc est (CFT) vent valves CF-V3A ar.
7F-V3B shall be closed.d the breakers to the CPT vent 1ve motor operators shall be tagged open, except when adjusting
1 C;(o' f,u \0 I
*core flood tank level and/or pressure.
.,_.3 3 1.3 Reactor Building Spray System and Renctor Building Enereenev Cooline System The following components must be operable:
a.Two reactor building spray pumps and their associated spray nozzles headers and two reactor building emergency cooling fans and associated cooling units (one in each
'train).~b.The sodium thiosulfate tank shall contain not less than 3h,000 pounds of sodium thiosulfate and not more than 36,000 pounds of sodium thiosulfate. The sodium thiosulfate vill be stored at a nominal 30 veight percent solution with nominal 1 5 weight percent boric acid-sodium hydroxide buffer at a pH of approximately 9 to 10.
: e. Core flocc   est (CFT) vent valves CF-V3A ar. 7F-V3B shall
The sodium hydroxide tank shall contain not less than 16,000 pounds of sodium hydroxide and not more than 17,000 pounds of sodium hydroxide. The sodium hydroxide vill be stored at a nominal 20 veight percent solution.
c.All manual valves in the discharge lines of the sodium thiosulfate and sodium hydroxide tanks shall be locked open. Cooling Water systems a.Two nuclear service closed cycle cooling water pu=ps must be operable.
be closed   .d the breakers to the CPT vent     1ve motor
b.Two nuclear service river water pumps must be operable.
* operators shall be tagged open, except when adjusting
c.Two decay heat closed cycle cooling water pumps must be operable, d.Two decay heat river water pumps must be operable.
_    .,            core flood tank level and/or pressure.
3 3 1.5 Engineered safeguards Valves and Interlocks Associated with the Systems in specifications, 3 3.1.2,, 3.3.1.h are operable.
3.3.2 Maintenance shall be allowed during power operation on any component (s) in the makeup and purification,' decay heat, RB emergency cooling vater, RB spray, CFT pressure instrumentation, CFT level instrumentation, BWST level instrumentation, or cooling water syste=s which will not remove more than one train of each system frcm service. Cceponents shall not be removed frcm service so that the affected system train is inoperable for more than 72 consecutive hours.
3 3 1.3   Reactor Building Spray System and Renctor Building Enereenev Cooline System The following components must be operable:
If the system llis not restored to meet the requirements of Specifications 3.3.1 within 72 hours, the reactor shall be placed in a cold g shutdown condition within twelve hours.
: a. Two reactor building spray pumps and their associated spray nozzles headers and two reactor building emergency cooling fans and associated cooling units (one in each train).
\79 1co: auo 3-22}}
        '                            ~
: b. The sodium thiosulfate tank shall contain not less than 3h,000 pounds of sodium thiosulfate and not more than 36,000 pounds of sodium thiosulfate. The sodium thiosulfate vill be stored at a nominal 30 veight percent solution with nominal 1 5 weight percent boric acid-sodium hydroxide buffer at a pH of approximately 9 to 10. The sodium hydroxide tank shall contain not less than 16,000 pounds of sodium hydroxide and not more than 17,000 pounds of sodium hydroxide. The sodium hydroxide vill be stored at a nominal 20 veight percent solution.
: c. All manual valves in the discharge lines of the sodium thiosulfate and sodium hydroxide tanks shall be locked open.   Cooling Water systems
: a. Two nuclear service closed cycle cooling water pu=ps must be operable.
: b. Two nuclear service river water pumps must be operable.
: c. Two decay heat closed cycle cooling water pumps must be operable,
: d. Two decay heat river water pumps must be operable.
3 3 1.5   Engineered safeguards Valves and Interlocks Associated with the Systems in specifications, 3 3.1.2,, 3.3.1.h are operable.
3.3.2     Maintenance shall be allowed during power operation on any component (s) in the makeup and purification,' decay heat, RB emergency cooling vater, RB spray, CFT pressure instrumentation, CFT level instrumentation, BWST level instrumentation, or cooling water syste=s which will not remove more than one train of each system frcm service. Cceponents shall not be removed frcm service so that the affected system train is inoperable for more than 72 consecutive hours.     If the system   ll is not restored to meet the requirements of Specifications 3.3.1 within 72 hours, the reactor shall be placed in a cold       g shutdown condition within twelve hours.
auo \79 1co:

Revision as of 14:00, 19 October 2019

Tech Spec Change Request 59,Amend A,To DPR-50,App A,Re ECCS Component Removal.Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/28/1977
From: Herbein J
Shared Package
ML19210B414 List:
NUDOCS 7911080628
Download: ML19210B415 (4)



. .



!io. 59, Anendment A to Appendix A of the Operating License for 2 ree Mile Island :Iuclear Station Unit 1, has, on the date given belov, been filed with the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and been served on the chief executives of Londenderry Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania and Dauphin County, Pennsylvania by deposit in the United States mail, addressed as follows:

Mr. Weldon B. Arehart Mr. Harry 3. Reese, Jr.

Board of Supervisors of Board of County Commissioners Londonderry Township of Dauphin County R. D. #1, Geyers Church Road Dauphin County Court House Middletowi, Pe.insylvania 17057 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120

>ETROPOL"AN EDISON COMPANY sy / / i Vice President N j/


Dated: October 26, lo77 CC J \






METROPOLITMI EDISC:I CCMPA:lY JERSEY CE:ITRAL PCWER & LIGHT CCMPA:Tl kid PE:ESYLVANIA ELECTRIC CCMPANY THREE MILE ISLXID INCLEAR STATIC:I UNIT 1 Operating License :ic. OFR-50 Docket :io. 50-289 Technical S:ecification Change Recuest No. %, Amen hent A This Technical Specificaticn Change Request is submitted in support of Licensee's request to change Appendix A to Operating License No. DPR-50 for Three Mile Island :Iuclear Station Unit 1. As a part of this request, proposed replacement pages for Appendix A are also included. .



N' .

Ry. l ,

,f Vice President


V Sworn and subscribed to =e this 28th day of October , 1977 Set. - N1 -f w Notary Public RITA M. POWERS NW/ Putlic, Mdaleterg Twp., Berks Co.

My Ccmmiss:en Empires Sepum::er 20,1978 l


u i


- .

Three Mile Island nuclear Station, Unit 1 Operating Licence No. DPR-50 Docket No. 50-289


2nereeney Technical Scecification Change Recuest No. 59, knendment A The licensee requests that the attached revised page replace page 3-22 of the Technical Specifications, Appendix A.

Reasons for Protosed Chance Amend =ent A to Technical Specification Change Request No. 59 vill delete the Section 3.3.2 expiration date of the proposed change and vill revise those portions of the TMI-1 Technical Specifications, Section 3.3.2, to allow an ECCS component to be removed from service such that the affected system train may be inoperable for 72 consecutive hours. This change is recuested in order to perform the necessary Decay Heat Removal Pump inspections and subsequent repairs, if needed, during power operatien.

Safety Evaluation Justifying Chance This change request does not increase the probability of any accident analyzed in the FSAR in that the time limits for maintenance of these ec=ponents as stated in the bases, has always been 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />.

This change could not increase the consequences of the only accident of concern namely a Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) since at least ene LPI system is demonstrated operable prior to taking the back up LPI system out of service. The operabity demonstration assure that a single failure will not affect the remaining LPI system during the 72 hour8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> exposure period.

This change does not create the possibility of occurrence of any unanalyzed accidents since no new mode of operation is contemplated or permitted. Only the exposure period with reduced redundancy is extended.

The bases for TMI-1 Technical Specification, Section 3.3, states, "An allowable maintenance period of up to 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> may be utilized if the operability of equipment recundant to that removed from service is demonstrated i= mediately prior to removal".

Because this change is consistent with the existing bases it does not reduce the margin of safety defined in the technical specification bases.

For the reasons given above, this change does not represent any undue risk to the health and safety of the public or an unreviewed safety question.


1 C;(o' f,u \0 I



e. Core flocc est (CFT) vent valves CF-V3A ar. 7F-V3B shall


be closed .d the breakers to the CPT vent 1ve motor

  • operators shall be tagged open, except when adjusting

_ ., core flood tank level and/or pressure.


3 3 1.3 Reactor Building Spray System and Renctor Building Enereenev Cooline System The following components must be operable:

a. Two reactor building spray pumps and their associated spray nozzles headers and two reactor building emergency cooling fans and associated cooling units (one in each train).

' ~

b. The sodium thiosulfate tank shall contain not less than 3h,000 pounds of sodium thiosulfate and not more than 36,000 pounds of sodium thiosulfate. The sodium thiosulfate vill be stored at a nominal 30 veight percent solution with nominal 1 5 weight percent boric acid-sodium hydroxide buffer at a pH of approximately 9 to 10. The sodium hydroxide tank shall contain not less than 16,000 pounds of sodium hydroxide and not more than 17,000 pounds of sodium hydroxide. The sodium hydroxide vill be stored at a nominal 20 veight percent solution.
c. All manual valves in the discharge lines of the sodium thiosulfate and sodium hydroxide tanks shall be locked open. Cooling Water systems

a. Two nuclear service closed cycle cooling water pu=ps must be operable.
b. Two nuclear service river water pumps must be operable.
c. Two decay heat closed cycle cooling water pumps must be operable,
d. Two decay heat river water pumps must be operable.

3 3 1.5 Engineered safeguards Valves and Interlocks Associated with the Systems in specifications, 3 3.1.2,, 3.3.1.h are operable.

3.3.2 Maintenance shall be allowed during power operation on any component (s) in the makeup and purification,' decay heat, RB emergency cooling vater, RB spray, CFT pressure instrumentation, CFT level instrumentation, BWST level instrumentation, or cooling water syste=s which will not remove more than one train of each system frcm service. Cceponents shall not be removed frcm service so that the affected system train is inoperable for more than 72 consecutive hours. If the system ll is not restored to meet the requirements of Specifications 3.3.1 within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />, the reactor shall be placed in a cold g shutdown condition within twelve hours.

auo \79 1co:
