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SLRA - Duke Presubmittal Meeting Slides
Person / Time
Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/26/2021
Shared Package
ML21034A553 List:
Download: ML21034A556 (21)


Duke Energy Oconee Nuclear Station Subsequent License Renewal Safety Application Pre-Submittal Meeting January 26, 2021 1

For Information Purposes Only

Agenda Opening Remarks/Background Overview of Oconee Nuclear Station Safety Application Approach/Management Overview of Integrated Plant Assessments Overview of Aging Management Programs Overview of Time Limited Aging Analyses Questions/Closing Remarks For Information Purposes Only 2

Opening Remarks/



Speakers Rounette Nader (Duke Energy)

Greg Robison (Duke Energy)

Attendees/Safety SLRA Contributors Duke Energy SLR Team Key Vendors Framatome Structural Integrity For Information Purposes Only 3

Opening Remarks/



Rounette Nader Decommissioning Director Nuclear Engineering - License Renewal Project Support Funding Portfolio Ed Asbury Quentin Holston Joyce Roberts Licensing/EHS Greg Robison Richard Browder Paul Guill Reene Gambrell Manager Nuclear Engineering Manager Nuclear Engineering Arun Kapur Subsequent License Renewal License Renewal Implementation Engineering James Thornton Vendors Class1/TLAA Electrical Jason Sisk Structural Integrity Joe Terrell Matthew Walker Mechanical Bert Spear Framatome Daniel Roberts Jeff Lane Chris Saville Steven Graham CERTREC Dave Kulla David Lee Erik Wagner Phil Kohn Programs Mark Hager Civil Lori Hekking David Morris Casey Muggleston Heather Galloway Gary Wald Dave Peltola For Information Purposes Only 4

Opening Remarks/


Duke Energy As we plan to meet our customers future energy needs and continue to reduce our carbon footprint, we are seeking to renew the licenses of the 11 nuclear units we operate at six plant sites in the Carolinas This provides the option to operate these plants for an additional 20 years Relicensing our nuclear fleet is critical to meet Duke Energys goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 We expect to submit the license renewal application for Oconee Nuclear Station in March 2021 For Information Purposes Only 5

Opening Remarks/


Nuclear Fleet Each Duke nuclear unit has obtained renewed licenses to operate beyond 40 years.

Fleet Subsequent License Renewal (SLR) Timeline Duke Energy Carolinas Service Area 2018 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 Catawba McGuire Brunswick Oconee Robinson Duke Energy Progress Service Area X

Overlapping Areas Period of Extended Operation (PEO)

Prepare SLR NRC

  • Duke Energy owns 100% of all units Application Review X except the Catawba units. Period of Extended Operation (PEO)

X Period of Extended Operation (PEO)

X Period of Extended Operation (PEO)

X Period of Extended Operation (PEO)

Harris X

Period of Extended Operation (PEO) 6

Overview of Oconee Nuclear Station: Plant ONS is a three-unit, B&W NSSS, PWR plant Station Output: 2554 MWe ONS Initial Renewed License was issued May 23, 2000 (Pre-GALL Plant)

Emergency power supplied by Keowee Hydro SSF is backup to existing safety systems (additional defense in depth)

OLs 40 Yrs 60 Yrs 80 Yrs MUR LAR submitted Unit 1 1973 2013 2033 2053 February 19, 2020 Unit 2 1973 2013 2033 2053 Unit 3 1974 2014 2034 2054 For Information Purposes Only 7

Overview of Oconee Nuclear Station:

Initial License Renewal Initial License Renewal Application submitted July 7, 1998 and was approved May 23, 2000 IP-71003, Phase 1: Unit 1 completed April 14, 2011; Unit 2 completed November 30, 2011; Unit 3 completed June 2, 2014 IP-71003, Phase 2 completed August 23, 2012 Entered PEO 2013 (Units 1 & 2) and 2014 (Unit 3)

IP-71003, Phase 4 scheduled for June 2022 8

Overview of Oconee Nuclear Station:

Plant Operation Plant Reliability -

2020 capacity factor - 96.02%

Ten-year average capacity factor - 95%

Plant Performance - All three units in Column 1 of NRC Action Matrix Plant Enhancements - Over $4 billion on capital improvements since initial LR approval Notably, last two cycles for Unit 2 have been successive breaker-to-breaker runs with the last Unit 2 reactor scram in 2008 9

Safety Application Approach Use of Contemporary Guidance Comprehensive Scoping & Screening was performed based on NUREG-2192, NEI 17-01, and Regulatory Guide 1.188 Integrated Plant Assessment results will be presented consistent with contemporary style and detail SLR AMPs have been harmonized with NUREG-2191 Use of SLR Lead Plants Lessons Learned Lessons learned from previous SLRA submittals were applied, including review of RAIs to understand current NRC expectations Oconee SLR Team participation in NRC-related SLR meetings and conferences For Information Purposes Only 10

Safety Application Management Peer Reviews Participated in peer reviews of other SLRA submittals A peer review of ONS SLRA is being performed Application Processing CERTREC Electronic Reading Room Portal to support NRC review Support NRC LR Project Manager throughout the NRC Review process Frequent project calls Support in-office and on-site Audits Ensure RAI/RCI Responses meet NRC schedules 11

Overview of Integrated Plant Assessment Scoping & Screening Scoping & Screening ONS approach utilized a full review, not a gap approach Methodology related to (a)(2) scoping was consistent with current standards resulting in more systems scoped-in Screening of electrical and I&C components used a bounding approach as described in NEI 17-01 Selected structural items and electrical components were scoped and screened as commodities and assigned to commodity groups based on NUREG-2192, Table 2.1-6 12

Overview of Integrated Plant Assessment Aging Management Review The aging management review aspects of the Integrated Plant Assessment were performed to current standards NEI 1701 methodology utilized throughout IPA process Results from the aging management review are presented in the standard 9 column table format AMR Highly Consistent with GALL-SLR: > 99% with A through E notes (approximately 9200 line items)

SLRA PlantSpecific reviews for the NUREG-2192 Further Evaluation GALL items provided in SLRA and resulted in aging management considerations 13

Overview of Aging Management Programs Forty-eight (48) AMPs developed to maximize consistency with NUREG-2191 (GALL-SLR)

Enhanced several existing AMPs to be consistent with GALLSLR AMPs AMP Detailed Development Use of GALL-SLR guidance for program elements Informed through review of Industry RAIs and participation in Industry Peer Reviews AMP Effectiveness Reviews performed on existing AMPs using elements of NEI 1412 Industry OE and 10 years of plantspecific OE reviewed Informed and verified effectiveness of AMPs No new aging effects identified 14

Overview of Aging Management Programs Oconee SLR - 47 GALLAMPs & 1 Plant-Specific AMP Consistent Consistent with With Exception With Exception Plant with GALL Enhancement Only and Enhancement Specific Existing 8 18 2 5 1 34 New 13 0 1 0 0 14 Total 48 For Information Purposes Only 15

Overview of Aging Management Programs Key AMP Specifics GALL AMP not required - High Voltage Insulators Structural AMPs address alkali-silica reaction (ASR) and irradiation of concrete NRC Interim Staff Guidance (ISG)

Draft guidance affecting Mechanical, Structural and Electrical AMPs has been addressed Final guidance for the Reactor Internals AMP has not been incorporated. Duke continues to evaluate how best to address Oconee has one plant-specific AMP, Secondary Shield Wall Tendons aging management program.


Overview of Time Limited Aging Analyses TLAA Identification and Evaluation 10CFR 54.21(c) requires that an evaluation of TLAA be provided as part of the Oconee SLR Application The six criteria from 10 CFR 54.3(a) were used to identify the Oconee TLAA evaluated in Section 4 of the Application Forty-two (42) TLAA or categories of TLAA were identified with many evaluations being grouped in order to demonstrate acceptability for 80 years of operation in accordance with 10 CFR 54.21(c)(1)

No exemptions pursuant to 10 CFR 50.12 have been granted based on a TLAA as defined in 10 CFR 54.3 17

Overview of Time Limited Aging Analyses Key TLAA Specifics Reactor vessel Oconee is the first SLR applicant with B&W NSSS, but not first B&W-manufactured reactor vessel reviewed by NRC for SLR TLAA demonstration for the reactor vessel is comprehensive and consistently aligned with ongoing practice at Duke and among the owners of B&W reactor vessels Aging management programs for Reactor Vessel Materials Surveillance and Neutron Fluence Monitoring are cornerstone reactor vessel programs for SLR 18

Overview of Time Limited Aging Analyses Key TLAA Specifics Metal Fatigue TLAA Evaluations include:

Class 1 fatigue analyses Non-class 1 fatigue analyses Environmentally-Assisted Fatigue Various analytical evaluation of flaws - real and postulated, including ISI indications and LBB assumptions Containment Liner Plate Penetration Fatigue Only New SLR TLAA is Reactor Internals materials work related to MRP-227 19

Closing Remarks Oconee SLR application will be consistent with GALL-SLR and Industry Guidance to the greatest extent possible Duke Energy has been engaged with the development of SLR industry guidance and SLR-ISGs Duke Energy has supported recent and SLR application reviews and incorporated recent RAI responses Duke Energy will submit a high quality SLR application to support an 18 month staff review Oconee SLRA submittal remains on schedule to submit 1Q21 20

Acronyms AMP - Aging Management Program NUREG - Nuclear Regulatory Guide AMR - Aging Management Review NSSS - Nuclear Steam Supply System B&W - Babcock and Wilcox OE - Operating Experience CFR - Code of Federal Regulations OL - Operating License GALL - Generic Aging Lesson Learned ONS - Oconee Nuclear Station IP - Inspection Procedure PEO - Period of Extended Operation IPA - Integrated Plant Assessment PWR - Pressurized Water Reactor ISG - Interim Staff Guidance RAI - Request for Additional Information LBB - Leak Before Break RCI - Request for Confirmation of LAR - License Amendment Request Information LR - License Renewal SSF - Standby Shutdown Facility MUR - Measurement Uncertainty SLR - Subsequent License Renewal Recovery SLRA - Subsequent License Renewal NEI - Nuclear Energy Institute Application NRC - Nuclear Regulatory Commission TLAA - Time Limited Aging Analysis For Information Purposes Only 21