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temp. valve problem.
temp. valve problem.
6        83/04/17  F          0.0    11        5            N/A          lill      ZZZZZZ  Extraction steam line repair
6        83/04/17  F          0.0    11        5            N/A          lill      ZZZZZZ  Extraction steam line repair
   ,        7        83/04/22  S          0.0    li        5            N/A          IIH      ZZZZZZ  Extraction steam line inspection
   ,        7        83/04/22  S          0.0    li        5            N/A          IIH      ZZZZZZ  Extraction steam line inspection 1                                                                                                                                                        s l
1                                                                                                                                                        s l
1                                                                                i l
1                                                                                i l
Line 74: Line 72:
   . I                    2                                                    3                                4 F: Forced            Reason:                                              Methoil:                          Exhibit G Instructions
   . I                    2                                                    3                                4 F: Forced            Reason:                                              Methoil:                          Exhibit G Instructions S: Sclieduled      A. Equipment Fallme(Emplain)                          1 -Manual                        In: Preparailun of Data            '
S: Sclieduled      A. Equipment Fallme(Emplain)                          1 -Manual                        In: Preparailun of Data            '
   '                            R. Maintenance of Test                                2-Manual Sciam.                  Entey Sheets for 1.icensee
   '                            R. Maintenance of Test                                2-Manual Sciam.                  Entey Sheets for 1.icensee
   -                            C-RcIncling                                            3 Automatic Sciam.                Event Repini (LER) File INUHl'G-
   -                            C-RcIncling                                            3 Automatic Sciam.                Event Repini (LER) File INUHl'G-
Line 148: Line 144:
l RECIRC.          MG Set Field    Failed to trip    Binding            Cleaned and lub-  Revising Breaker Overhaul        83-13/01T-0
l RECIRC.          MG Set Field    Failed to trip    Binding            Cleaned and lub-  Revising Breaker Overhaul        83-13/01T-0
.                  Breaker                                                ricated            Program and Procedures.
.                  Breaker                                                ricated            Program and Procedures.
;                                                                                                                                                        ,
; CAC              A0-5033B        Would not close Excessive            Rebuilt solenoid  Test frequency increased to as-  83-21/03L-0
; CAC              A0-5033B        Would not close Excessive            Rebuilt solenoid  Test frequency increased to as-  83-21/03L-0
;                                  in required time lubricant                              sure proper ' solenoid operation.
;                                  in required time lubricant                              sure proper ' solenoid operation.
Line 157: Line 152:
  ;HPCI            A0-2301-31      Steam leak        Normal            Replace stem seat  None-routine maintenance        None
  ;HPCI            A0-2301-31      Steam leak        Normal            Replace stem seat  None-routine maintenance        None
]                                                                        gasket and pack-ing                                                                        i j
]                                                                        gasket and pack-ing                                                                        i j
; HPCI            M0-2301-5        Packing leak      Normal            Replaced packing    None-routine maintenance        None j HPCI            Trap 2301-1      Steam leak        Normal            Replaced gasket    None-routine maintenance        None
; HPCI            M0-2301-5        Packing leak      Normal            Replaced packing    None-routine maintenance        None j HPCI            Trap 2301-1      Steam leak        Normal            Replaced gasket    None-routine maintenance        None i
)EMERG.            'A'  Diesel      Fuel oil booster Metal con-          Replaced belt con-  Intend to mainten-    To be issued.          I DIESEL                        pump belt dis-    nec'or  t        nector and rein-    ance procedure.                                        !
)EMERG.            'A'  Diesel      Fuel oil booster Metal con-          Replaced belt con-  Intend to mainten-    To be issued.          I DIESEL                        pump belt dis-    nec'or  t        nector and rein-    ance procedure.                                        !
: GENERATOR                        connected 5        broke              stalled belt l                                                                                                                                                        '
: GENERATOR                        connected 5        broke              stalled belt l                                                                                                                                                        '

Latest revision as of 04:09, 16 February 2020

Monthly Operating Rept for Apr 1983
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 05/13/1983
From: Whitney G
Shared Package
ML20023C665 List:
TASK-2.K.3.03, TASK-TM NUDOCS 8305170532
Download: ML20023C669 (6)






DATE 05/ 13/83 COMPLETED BY G.G. Whitney TELEPHONE 617-746-7900 OPERATING STATUS Pilnrim 1 Notes

1. Unit Name:
2. Reporting Period: April, 1983 1998.
3. LicensedThermalPower(MWt):

l 4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe): 678.

5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): 6ss. ,
6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gens MWe): 6on.
7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): 670.
8. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number-3 Through 7) Since Last Report. Give Reasons:


9. Power Level To Which Restricted. lf Any (Net MWe): Mnno~
10. Reasons For Restrictions,if Any:

N/A his Month Cumulative

11. Hours in Reporting Period 719.0* 2879.0 91079.0 l'2. Number Of Hours Reactor Was Critical 705.4 2824.3 64769.6 0.0 0.0 0.0
13. Reactar Reserve Shutdown Hours
14. Hours Generator On.Line 686.3 2798.1 62677.3
15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours 0.0 0.0 0.0
16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH) 1300488.0 5'608328.0 108121920.0 ,

17 Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) z49200.0 _ _ ,

1881910.0 36208734.0

18. Net Electrical Energy Genersted (MWH) 417136.0 1810979.0 34792490.0
19. Unit Service Factor 95.5 97.2 68.8
20. Unit Availability Factor 95.5 97.2 68.8
21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net) 89.7 93.9 57.0
22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) 91.8 96.0 58.3
23. Unit Forced Outage Rate ,

5.5 2.8 9.4

24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type. Date.and Duntion of Each):

Refuel Outage to commence January, 1984

25. If Shur Down At End Of Report Period. Estimated Date of Startup: Unit operating .
26. Units In Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operation): Forecast Achieved INITIAL CRITICALITY INITIAL ELECTRICITY COMMERCIAL OPERATION
  • Day 11aht Savinns Time adjustment 8305170532 830513 PDR ADOCK 05000293 gnf773 R PDR

f i

DOCKET NO. 50-293

- UNIT SilU1 DOWNS AND POWER REI)UC110NS Pilgrim 1 UNIT NAME I) ATE 05 /13 f83 APRIL, 1983 COMPLETED fly' cA taienov REPORT MONiil TELErl10NE 617-746-790 1

.g ,

.! E 3 ..E t.lcensee E t, "L Cause & Correcilve No. Ihte g 3g  % ,ye Event gg ~8 o

Action to


' F fE 5 j if, g Report # mU g Present Recunence c5 5 83/04/02 F 32.7 A 3 N/A IIF VALVEX liigh flux scram due to stator coolint  ;

temp. valve problem.

6 83/04/17 F 0.0 11 5 N/A lill ZZZZZZ Extraction steam line repair

, 7 83/04/22 S 0.0 li 5 N/A IIH ZZZZZZ Extraction steam line inspection 1 s l

1 i l



i i



. I 2 3 4 F: Forced Reason: Methoil: Exhibit G Instructions S: Sclieduled A. Equipment Fallme(Emplain) 1 -Manual In: Preparailun of Data '

' R. Maintenance of Test 2-Manual Sciam. Entey Sheets for 1.icensee

- C-RcIncling 3 Automatic Sciam. Event Repini (LER) File INUHl'G-

, D Regulatory Restriction 4-Osher (Explain) 0161) i E-Operator Training & IJcense Examination 5-Power Reduction F-Administrative 5 G-Operational Enor (Emplain) Exhibly 1 - Same Source l 1

l'8/77) ll Other (Explain)

AVERAGE DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL DOCKET NO. 50-293 UNIT P41erim 1 DATE 05/11 /83 G.C. Whitney COMPLE'ITD BY TELEPHONE 617-746-7900 MON'DI April, 1983



! 664. 17 498.

353. gg' ggn.

0. 39 664.

3 4 393. ,j 662.

5 597. 21 66s.

6 631.  : 543.

632. 23 478.

7 g,f

  • D.S.T.

3 632. 34 662. 25 665.

9 6ss- 26 665-10 666.  ;; ggs_

II 665. ggs 12 3 665. ,9 665.

l 13 663. 30 665.

14 665. 3g N/A 15


16 665.





On this format.!ist the average dany unit power levelin MWe. Net for esd. in the reporting month. Compute :o l

the nearest whole megswst:.

l l

to mi i


REFUELING INFORMATION The following refueling information is included in the Monthly Report as requested in an NRC letter to BECo dated January 18, 1978:

For your convenience, the information supplied has been enumerated so that each number corresponds to equivalent notation utilized in the request.

1. The name of this facility is Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station, Docket Number 50-293. ,
2. Scheduled date for next Refueling Shutdown: January, 1984
3. Scheduled date for restart following refueling: April, 1984 4.
5. Due to their similarity, requests 4, 5, & 6 are responded to collectively:
6. The fuel, which had been loaded during the 1981 scheduled refueling outage, is of the same P8x8R design, as loaded the previous autage consisting of 112 P8DRB282 assemblies and 60 P8DRB265 assemblies.
7. (a) There are 580 fuel assemblies in the core.

(b) There are 936 fuel assemblies in the spent fuel pool.

8. (a) The station is presently licensed to store 2320 spent fuel assemblies.

The actual spent fuel storage capacity is 1770 fuel assemblies at present.

(b) The planned spent fuel storage capacity is 2320 fuel assemblies.

9. With present spent fuel in storage, the spent fuel pool now has the capacity to accommodate an additional 834 fuel assemblies.

~. _ _ _ _ _ . . .__ - _ _ _ _ _ _



FOR APRIL, 1983 Note: Reactor pressure is limited to 1030 psig due to safety / relief valve simmer margin considerations.

The unit was operating at 100% available reactor power on April 1, until power was reduced to 50% to backwash and heat treat the main condenser.

While at 50% power, 11 control rods were scram timed. On April 2, the stator cooling temperature control valve stayed full open causing turbine runback on high stator temperature which resulted in the unit scramming on high flux. While the unit was off line, it was found that "B" Recirculation Pump MG set field breaker would not trip. (Ref: LER 83-013/01T-0). After minor maintenance, the unit was restarted on April 3. The unit was synchronized onto the grid on April 4 and power was increased to 95%. On April 5, a turbine runback occurred due to stator cooling alarm and power was manually reduced to 50%. Power was subsequently increased to 95% and remained at that level while the investigation of the stator coolant system continued.

The unit returned to 100% power on April 8. A reduction to 70% was made on April 9 when two control rods drifted in during control rod exercises. A return to 100% power was achieved the same day. On April 13 RCIC was de-clared inoperable due to a motor failure on the 1301-17 MOV (Ref: LER 83-022/03L-0).

After the valve was repaired, the system was returned to service on April 15.

A leak in the extraction steam line for the 2nd point heater for the "A" train was found on April 16 and on April 17 power was reduced to 50% to repair the leak and backwash the main condenser. Following this maintenance, the unit was returned to 100% power. On April 20, HPCI was made inoperable for scheduled maintenance and was returned to service the same day.

On April 22, the extraction steam lines were inspected after power was reduced to 50% and while at reduced power, the main condenser was backwashed. On April 23, the unit was again at 100%. The "A" Standby Liquid Control pump was made inoperable for maintenance and was declared operable on April 30 when the unit output was reduced to 70% for control rod exercises. A return to 100% was made the same day.


MONTH OF APRIL, 1983 REQUIREMENT: T.A.P. II.K.3.3 There were no safety / relief valve challenges during the

month of April, 1983.


- =_.-- - . - . _ _ _ _ _





l RECIRC. MG Set Field Failed to trip Binding Cleaned and lub- Revising Breaker Overhaul 83-13/01T-0

. Breaker ricated Program and Procedures.

CAC A0-5033B Would not close Excessive Rebuilt solenoid Test frequency increased to as- 83-21/03L-0
in required time lubricant sure proper ' solenoid operation.
in valve i

! operator I

lSBLC SBLC P207A Packing Leak Normal Replace packing None-routine maintenance None lRWCU H0-1201-204 Hi Steam Leak Normal Repacked- None-routine maintenance None pt. vent RCIC MO-1301-17 Breaker trip Packing Rebuild motor and Repacked valve 83-022/03L-0 (RCIC isolation: Icaking dir- overhauled actu-ectly onto ator vlv.operatot I

RCIC A0-1301-50 Packing leak Normal Replaced packing None-routine maintenance None  !

HPCI A0-2301-31 Steam leak Normal Replace stem seat None-routine maintenance None

] gasket and pack-ing i j

HPCI M0-2301-5 Packing leak Normal Replaced packing None-routine maintenance None j HPCI Trap 2301-1 Steam leak Normal Replaced gasket None-routine maintenance None i

)EMERG. 'A' Diesel Fuel oil booster Metal con- Replaced belt con- Intend to mainten- To be issued. I DIESEL pump belt dis- nec'or t nector and rein- ance procedure.  !

GENERATOR connected 5 broke stalled belt l '

STRUCTURAL Personnel Door Bent seal strip Damaged Straightened seal None-routine maintenance None i and re-screwed to i casing.

j i o

, - -