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{{#Wiki_filter:EVALUATION OFSELECTEDFIREDOORANDDOORFRAMEASSEMBLIES (SUPPLEMENT 1)BySamuelM.KnightPreparedfor:Pennsylvania PowerandLightCompany"Susquehanna SteamElectricStation"RoutellSalemTownship, Pennsylvania 15635August1985ApprovedBy~a-g(]~~P.H.DobsonSeniorEngineerFMRC,850904-85090b021i",
{{#Wiki_filter:EVALUATION OF SELECTED FIRE DOOR AND DOOR FRAME ASSEMBLIES (SUPPLEMENT 1)By Samuel M.Knight Prepared for: Pennsylvania Power and Light Company"Susquehanna Steam Electric Station" Route ll Salem Township, Pennsylvania 15635 August 1985 Approved By~a-g (]~~P.H.Dobson Senior Engineer FMRC , 850904-85090b021i",~000g87.., PDR AgQC5.',...PDR''~Factory Mutual Research 1151 Boston-Providence Turnpike Norwood, Massachusetts 02062 1 1 l 1 1 FACTORY MUTUAL RESEARCH CORPORATION TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title~Pa e PURPOSE

FACTORYMUTUALRESEARCHCORPORATION PURPOSEAnevaluation ofselectedfiredoorsprotecting safetyrelatedareaswasconducted forthePennsylvania, PowerandLightCo.(PP&L)atSusquehanna SteamElectricStation,Units1&,2.Thepurposeoftheevaluation wastoexaminecertainunlabeled doorsandcomparethemwithlabeleddoorconstructions torenderanopinionontheirexpectedfireresistance.
Thisevaluation wasrequested byPP&Lasasupplement totheoriginal'evaluation inaFactoryMutualreportdatedJanuary1985.
FACTORY MUTUAL RESEARCH CORPORATION PURPOSE An evaluation of selected fire doors protecting safety related areas was conducted for the Pennsylvania, Power and Light Co.(PP&L)at Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Units 1&, 2.The purpose of the evaluation was to examine certain unlabeled doors and compare them with labeled door constructions to render an opinion on their expected fire resistance.
This evaluation was requested by PP&L as a supplement to the original'evaluation in a Factory Mutual report dated January 1985.
Thedoormaybe,expected toprovidethatlevelofprotection.
3.DoorNos.111and201,werecomparedtoDoorNo.279andfoundtobeofthesameconstruction andofthesamematerials, andwerejudgedtobeequivalent, hence,maybeexpectedtoprovideupto3hoursoffireresistance.
4.DoorNo.515onLevel749,wascomparedtoDoorNo.421andfoundtobeofthesameconstruction andofthesamematerials andwasjudgedtobeequivalent, hence,maybeexpectedtoprovideupto3hoursoffireresistance.
5.TomeetFMrecommendations, thelouverinDoorNo.606onElevation 779,shouldberemovedandtheopeningprotected.
AND CONCLUSIONS 1.Door No.279 on Level 676, had a 3 hour label attached.The door may be expected to provide that level of protection.
ThedoorwascomparedtoDoorNo.421,andifprotected asnotedinparagraph 2.3,maybeexpectedtoprovideuptol-l/2hour'sfireresistance.
2.Door No.421 on Level 719, had a 3 hour label attached.The door may be ,expected to provide that level of protection.
6.Shoulditbenecessary tohaveadditional doorsatthissiteanalyzedastotheirexpectedfireresistance rating,thismaybeaccomplished byoneofthefollowing procedures:
3.Door Nos.111 and 201, were compared to Door No.279 and found to be of the same construction and of the same materials, and were judged to be equivalent, hence, may be expected to provide up to 3 hours of fire resistance.
a.Fordoorsneedinguptoal-l/2hourequivalency; contactthemanufacturer andobtainwrittenconfirmation thatthedoorsinquestionandatleastonesimilardoorpreviously examinedbythewriterandqualified for1-1/2hourratingwerefabricated totheappropriate PP&Lspecification.
4.Door No.515 on Level 749, was compared to Door No.421 and found to be of the same construction and of the same materials and was judged to be equivalent, hence, may be expected to provide up to 3 hours of fire resistance.
Thisshouldbecorroborated bydetermining thatsizes,facesheetthickness andhingereinforcement thickness arethesame.Installation shallconformtotherequirements ofNFPAStandard80,"FireDoorsandWindows."
5.To meet FM recommendations, the louver in Door No.606 on Elevation 779, should be removed and the opening protected.
b.Fordoorsneedinguptoa3hourequivalency; requestanadditional visitbythewritertodetermine thatperipheral channelframingandlatchreinforcements arethesameandthatinternalstiffener quantityandlocations arethesame.
The door was compared to Door No.421, and if protected as noted in paragraph 2.3, may be expected to provide up to l-l/2 hour's fire resistance.
FACTORYMUTUALRESEARCHCORPORATION INTRODUCTION TheplantwasvisitedonMay7,1985.Thewriterwasaccompanied byMr.D.KohnofPP&L.Fourdoorsandframeswereexaminedduringthisvisit.Theassemblies werelocatedinUnit1and2ReactorBuildings.
6.Should it be necessary to have additional doors at this site analyzed as to their expected fire resistance rating, this may be accomplished by one of the following procedures:
ThewriterisaProjectEngineerwith20years'xperience attheFactoryMutualResearchCorporation (FMRC).ThewriterhasservedontheNationalFireProtection Association "FireDoorsandWindows"Committee (NFPA80)for18years.Hisprimaryresponsibilities are:1)Testinganddetermination offireratingsforfiredoors;and2)Examination ofinstalled unlabeled doorstodetermine theirfireresistance ratingforbuildingauthorities.  
a.For doors needing up to a l-l/2 hour equivalency; contact the manufacturer and obtain written confirmation that the doors in question and at least one similar door previously examined by the writer and qualified for 1-1/2 hour rating were fabricated to the appropriate PP&L specification.
~4fFACTORYMUTUALRESEARCHCORPORATION FIREDOORANDFRAMEEVALUATION Twolabeledfiredoorsandframes,andtwounlabeled firedoorsandframes,wereexaminedduringthisvisittotheSusquehanna SteamElectricStationattherequestofthePennsylvania PowerandLightCompany(PPGL).2.1DoorFrameAssemblies Allframeswerefoundtobefabricated inaccordance withtheAmericanNationalStandards Institute, StandardA155.1,andmaybeexpectedtoprovideupto3hoursfireresistance.
This should be corroborated by determining that sizes, face sheet thickness and hinge reinforcement thickness are the same.Installation shall conform to the requirements of NFPA Standard 80,"Fire Doors and Windows." b.For doors needing up to a 3 hour equivalency; request an additional visit by the writer to determine that peripheral channel framing and latch reinforcements are the same and that internal stiffener quantity and locations are the same.
2.2FireDoorsUnlabeled firedoorswereexaminedbycomparing theirconstruction featureswithlabeledfiredoors.2.2.1DoorNos.111and201'IDoorNos.111and201werere-evaluated duringthisvisit.Theywerepreviously coveredintheFMRCreportdatedJanuary1985.Atthattime,thosedoorswerecomparedagainstal-l/2hourlabeleddoor(No.110atLevel670)and.ouropinionwasthatthesedoorscouldbeexpectedtoprovideatleastal-l/2hourfireresistance.
FACTORY MUTUAL RESEARCH CORPORATION INTRODUCTION The plant was visited on May 7, 1985.The writer was accompanied by Mr.D.Kohn of PP&L.Four doors and frames were examined during this visit.The assemblies were located in Unit 1 and 2 Reactor Buildings.
DoorNo.279on'Level676.bears alabelindicating a3hourfireresistance.
The writer is a Project Engineer with 20 years'xperience at the Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FMRC).The writer has served on the National Fire Protection Association"Fire Doors and Windows" Committee (NFPA 80)for 18 years.His primary responsibilities are: 1)Testing and determination of fire ratings for fire doors;and 2)Examination of installed unlabeled doors to determine their fire resistance rating for building authorities.  
Theconstruction detailsofDoorNo.279werecomparedtoDoorNo.110withthefollowing results:1)Alldoorshadthesamedimensions (height,widthandthickness).
~4 f FACTORY MUTUAL RESEARCH CORPORATION FIRE DOOR AND FRAME EVALUATION Two labeled fire doors and frames, and two unlabeled fire doors and frames, were examined during this visit to the Susquehanna Steam Electric Station at the request of the Pennsylvania Power and Light Company (PPGL).2.1 Door Frame Assemblies All frames were found to be fabricated in accordance with the American National Standards Institute, Standard A155.1, and may be expected to provide up to 3 hours fire resistance.
2)Internal'stiffeners weredetermined tobeapproximately 6in.to8in.oncenter.Thiswasdonebymeansofastethescope.
2.2 Fire Doors Unlabeled fire doors were examined by comparing their construction features with labeled fire doors.2.2.1 Door Nos.111 and 201'I Door Nos.111 and 201 were re-evaluated during this visit.They were previously covered in the FMRC report dated January 1985.At that time, those doors were compared against a l-l/2 hour labeled door (No.110 at Level 670)and.our opinion was that these doors could be expected to provide at least a l-l/2 hour fire resistance.
3)Facesheet,hingereinforcement andperipheral channelframingwerefoundtobeessentially thesame.Thiswasdonebymeansofaspecially adaptedmicrometer.
Door No.279 on'Level 676.bears a label indicating a 3 hour fire resistance.
I FACTORYMUTUALRESEARCHCORPORATION 2.2.2DoorNo.515DoorNo.515,onLevel749,wasnotlabeledandwasexaminedtocompareitsconstruction detailsagainstDoorNo.421usingthecriteriaoutlinedinParagraph 2.2.1.Door421hasa3hourlabel.Bothdoorshaveessentially thesameconstruction details.2.2.3DoorNo606DoorNo.606,onLevel779,wasexaminedtocompareitsconstruction againstDoorNo.421.DoorNo.606contained alouver(6in.x8in.)whichprecludes thedoorframehavinganyfireresistance, unlessmodified.
The construction details of Door No.279 were compared to Door No.110 with the following results: 1)All doors had the same dimensions (height, width and thickness).
AllotherdetailsasoutlinedinParagraph 2.2.1wereessentially thesamebetweenthesetwodoors.DoorNo.421isa3hourratedfiredoor.IfDoorNo.606ismodified, itcanprovideatleast1-1/2hour'sfireresistance.
2)Internal'stiffeners were determined to be approximately 6 8 in.on center.This was done by means of a stethescope.
Themodification shouldconsistofattaching one18gagesteelplatetoeachdoorface.Theplateshouldbelargeenoughtooverlapthelouverby2in.onallsides.Fasteners shouldbesheetmetalscrews,spacednomorethan6in.oncenter.
3)Face sheet, hinge reinforcement and peripheral channel framing were found to be essentially the same.This was done by means of a specially adapted micrometer.
4 FACTORYMUTUALRESEARCHCORPORATION IIIRECOMMENDATIONS 1.Ifafireresistance ratingofupto1-1/2hoursforDoorNo.606,onLevel779,isdesired,thelouvershouldbecoveredonbothfacesby18gagesteelplates,overlapping allsidesby2in.,fastenedbysheetmetalscrewsspacednomorethan6in.oncenter.
I FACTORY MUTUAL RESEARCH CORPORATION 2.2.2 Door No.515 Door No.515, on Level 749, was not labeled and was examined to compare its construction details against Door No.421 using the criteria outlined in Paragraph 2.2.1.Door 421 has a 3 hour label.Both doors have essentially the same construction details.2.2.3 Door No 606 Door No.606, on Level 779, was examined to compare its construction against Door No.421.Door No.606 contained a louver (6 in.x 8 in.)which precludes the door frame having any fire resistance, unless modified.All other details as outlined in Paragraph 2.2.1 were essentially the same between these two doors.Door No.421 is a 3 hour rated fire door.If Door No.606 is modified, it can provide at least 1-1/2 hour's fire resistance.
I&~~E APPENDIXREXEMPTION REUESTWRAPAROUND AREAREQUESTNO.4REASONFOREXEMPTION REUEST:A66footwideWraparound Areaisprovidedbetweenredundant safeshutdownpathsonthenorthandsouthsidesoftheReactorBuildingonthreespecificelevations.
The modification should consist of attaching one 18 gage steel plate to each door face.The plate should be large enough to overlap the louver by 2 in.on all sides.Fasteners should be sheet metal screws, spaced no more than 6 in.on center.
ThisWraparound Areafunctions toseparatethenorthandsouth.portionsofthefirezonesontheseelevations byproviding spatialseparation.
4 FACTORY MUTUAL RESEARCH CORPORATION III RECOMMENDATIONS 1.If a fire resistance rating of up to 1-1/2 hours for Door No.606, on Level 779, is desired, the louver should be covered on both faces by 18 gage steel plates, overlapping all sides by 2 in., fastened by sheet metal screws spaced no more than 6 in.on center.
WithintheWraparound Areabothdivisionareprotected.
I&~~E APPENDIX R EXEMPTION RE UEST WRAPAROUND AREA REQUEST NO.4 REASON FOR EXEMPTION RE UEST: A 66 foot wide Wraparound Area is provided between redundant safe shutdown paths on the north and south sides of the Reactor Building on three specific elevations.
Inaddition, duetothefireprotection featuresorlackofsignificant combustibles intheseareas,itisassumedthatfirespreadisconfinedtoa50'istance.
This Wraparound Area functions to separate the north and south.portions of the fire zones on these elevations by providing spatial separation.
Within the Wraparound Area both division are protected.
In addition, due to the fire protection features or lack of significant combustibles in these areas, it is assumed that fire spread is confined to a 50'istance.
TheWraparound Areaisasubsetofafirezoneandislocatedeastofthecontainment withinthefirezone(seeFigures3.0,4.0and5.0inAppendixB).TheTablebelowprovidesadescription offireprotection featuresandcombustible loadingintheaffectedfirezones.FireZoneProtection ProvidedEssential RacewayCombustible Loading1-3B1-3C1-4A1-5A2-3B2-3C2-4A2-5A1hour/AS3hours1hour/AS3hours1hour/AS3hours1hour/AS1hour/AS20min9min15min19min16minllmin15min18minNotes:The1houror3hourreferstothefireratingoftheracewaywrapforessential safeshutdowncables."AS"indicates automatic sprinkler protection isprovided.
FIRE ZONES AFFECTED: All fire zones are provided with fire detection.
Zone1-3Cand2-3Chaveacalculated in-situcombustible loadingof9and11minutes,andduetothecongestion andhighradiation, transient combustible loadingisexpectedtobeverylow.Therefore automatic sprinkler protection hasnotbeenprovided.
The Wraparound Area is a subset of a fire zone and is located east of the containment within the fire zone (see Figures 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0 in Appendix B).The Table below provides a description of fire protection features and combustible loading in the affected fire zones.Fire Zone Protection Provided Essential Raceway Combustible Loading 1-3B 1-3C 1-4A 1-5A 2-3B 2-3C 2-4A 2-5A 1 hour/AS 3 hours 1 hour/AS 3 hours 1 hour/AS 3 hours 1 hour/AS 1 hour/AS 20 min 9 min 15 min 19 min 16 min ll min 15 min 18 min Notes: The 1 hour or 3 hour refers to the fire rating of the raceway wrap for essential safe shutdown cables."AS" indicates automatic sprinkler protection is provided.Zone 1-3C and 2-3C have a calculated in-situ combustible loading of 9 and 11 minutes, and due to the congestion and high radiation, transient combustible loading is expected to be very low.Therefore automatic sprinkler protection has not been provided.The areas north and south of these wraparound areas have different safe shutdown path available.(i.e.Div.I vs.Div.II).Within the wraparound area, both paths are available since a)either components of both paths do not exist or b)components of both paths are protected with m I l4 I'mp IH il t I, V P N REQUEST NO.4 PAGE 2 either a 3 hour fire rated wrap or a 1 hour fire rated wrap with automatic sprinklers.
Theareasnorthandsouthofthesewraparound areashavedifferent safeshutdownpathavailable.
To ensure a 50 foot wide separation a 66 foot wide area was chosen since conduit locations have a+8 foot tolerance from the location shown on the drawing.JUSTIFICATION:
(i.e.Div.Ivs.Div.II).Withinthewraparound area,bothpathsareavailable sincea)eithercomponents ofbothpathsdonotexistorb)components ofbothpathsareprotected with mIl4I'mpIHiltI,VPN REQUESTNO.4PAGE2eithera3hourfireratedwrapora1hourfireratedwrapwithautomatic sprinklers.
In order to damage redundant shutdown paths fire damage must spread over a distance greater than 50 foot wide.Such damage is not considered feasible, considering the general arrangement, fire protection, fire detection, and low combustible loadings in these areas.EXEMPTIONS RE UEST: A 66 foot wide Wraparound Area provided in Fire Zones 1-3B, 1-3C, 1-4A, 1-5A, 2-3B, 2-3C, 2-4A, and 2-5A provide sufficient protection to separate redundant safe shutdown paths, and, therefore, fire rated barriers are not required.djk/h188c3:del
Toensurea50footwideseparation a66footwideareawaschosensinceconduitlocations havea+8foottolerance fromthelocationshownonthedrawing.JUSTIFICATION:
Inordertodamageredundant shutdownpathsfiredamagemustspreadoveradistancegreaterthan50footwide.Suchdamageisnotconsidered
: feasible, considering thegeneralarrangement, fireprotection, firedetection, andlowcombustible loadingsintheseareas.EXEMPTIONS REUEST:A66footwideWraparound AreaprovidedinFireZones1-3B,1-3C,1-4A,1-5A,2-3B,2-3C,2-4A,and2-5Aprovidesufficient protection toseparateredundant safeshutdownpaths,and,therefore, fireratedbarriersarenotrequired.
pyI4IIII,I"'l'VfPaPIC,nIVN'I'KtI+4IIpIIp'>,IJJIIfp,'hAa'1e'Iilu' APPENDIXREXEMPTION REUESTPARTIALRATINGOFWALLSANDFLOOR/CEILING REQUESTNO.5REASONFOREXEMPTION REUEST:Classical fireprotection practiceprovidescompletewalls,orfloor/ceiling assemblies thatarefireratedasbarriersbetweenadjacentfireareas.TheReactorBuildingFireAreasvaryinsizeandshapefromthosetypically foundinnormalpractice, andtheneedforfireratedfireareaboundaries isbasedontheneedtoseparateredundant paths.Whenfireratingisrequired, onlytheportionoftheboundarycommontothefireareaswithdifferent safeshutdownpathsisfirerated(reference Figures1.0through11.0inAppendixB).FIREZONESAFFECTED:
py I 4 IIII, I"'l'Vf P a PIC ,n IV N'I'K t I+4 II p I Ip'>,I J J I I f p,'h A a'1 e'I il u' APPENDIX R EXEMPTION RE UEST PARTIAL RATING OF WALLS AND FLOOR/CEILING REQUEST NO.5 REASON FOR EXEMPTION RE UEST: Classical fire protection practice provides complete walls, or floor/ceiling assemblies that are fire rated as barriers between adjacent fire areas.The Reactor Building Fire Areas vary in size and shape from those typically found in normal practice, and the need for fire rated fire area boundaries is based on the need to separate redundant paths.When fire rating is required, only the portion of the boundary common to the fire areas with different safe shutdown paths is fire rated (reference Figures 1.0 through 11.0 in Appendix B).FIRE ZONES AFFECTED: For the effected fire zones see Table 5-1.JUSTIFICATION:
Our Fire Barrier Analysis uses a combination of fire rated barriers and spatial separation (wraparound areas)to form fire rated fire area boundaries.
OurFireBarrierAnalysisusesacombination offireratedbarriersandspatialseparation (wraparound areas)toformfireratedfireareaboundaries.
The use of partial rating of walls and floor/ceilings is consistent with our use of spatial separation and explained in Appendix B.EXEMPTION:
Theuseofpartialratingofwallsandfloor/ceilings isconsistent withouruseofspatialseparation andexplained inAppendixB.EXEMPTION:
Fire boundaries when analyzed to be required between fire areas need be protected only for the portions of the wall or floor/ceilings common to the two areas.dgk/h187c3:
Fireboundaries whenanalyzedtoberequiredbetweenfireareasneedbeprotected onlyfortheportionsofthewallorfloor/ceilings commontothetwoareas.dgk/h187c3:
de1 h*a LIST OF PARTIAL.RATING OF'WALLS AND FLOOR/CEILING BARRIER SEPARATING FIRE ZONES Reactor Buildin Unit/ll FIRE ZONE/FIRE ZONE 1-1E/1-3B-W 1-1F/1-3B-W 1-1E/1-3C-W 1-lF/1-3C-W 1-3A/1-4B 1-3A/1-4G 1-4A-W/1-5A-S 1-4A-W/1-5A-W 1-4A-N/1-5A-W 1-5A-S/1-6A 1-5A-S/1-6I 1-5A-W/1-5E REF.FIG.IN APPENDIX B 2,38 9 2,38 9 2, 3 8 10 2, 3&10 3, 4&11 3,4&11 4,5&10 4,5&9 4,5&10 5,6&11 5, 6&11 5&10 TABLE 5-1 dgk/hl87c3:del I I l~4 II/Jh~P P 1 I I I I'f'I~I I L I''r j f k L'I f cl''L I I , I, I f hh'f pg'"I'I'I I I'I LIST OF PARTIAL RATING OF WALLS AND FLOOR/CEILING BARRIER SEPARATING FIRE ZONES Reactor Buildin Unit 82 FIRE ZONE/FIRE ZONE REF.FIG.IN APPENDIX B 2-1E/2-3B-W 2-1F/2-3B-W 2-1E/2-3C-W 2-1F/2-3C-W 2-3B-N/2-4A-S 2-3B-N/2-40 2-4A-W/2-5A-N 2-4A-W/2-5A-W 2-4A-S/2-5A-W 2-6A/2-4G 2-5A-S/2-6A 2-5C/2-6A 2-5A-W/2-5E 2,3&9 2,3&9 2,3&9 2,3&9 3, 4&11 3, 4&ll 4, 5, 9&10 4,5&9 4,5&9 7&11 5,6&11 5, 6&ll 5&10 TABLE 5-1 dgk/h187 c3: del P~4,"u APPENDIX R EXEMPTION RE UEST NON FIREPROOFED STRUCTURAL STEEL REQUEST NO.6 REASON FOR EXEMPTION RE UEST: Within the Unit 1 and 2 Reactor Buildings and Control Structure a few floor/ceiling assemblies are to be upgraded to a 3 hour fiie rating, to separate redundant safe shutdown equipment.
de1 h*a LISTOFPARTIAL.RATINGOF'WALLSANDFLOOR/CEILING BARRIERSEPARATING FIREZONESReactorBuildinUnit/llFIREZONE/FIRE ZONE1-1E/1-3B-W 1-1F/1-3B-W 1-1E/1-3C-W 1-lF/1-3C-W 1-3A/1-4B 1-3A/1-4G1-4A-W/1-5A-S 1-4A-W/1-5A-W 1-4A-N/1-5A-W 1-5A-S/1-6A 1-5A-S/1-6I 1-5A-W/1-5E REF.FIG.INAPPENDIXB2,3892,3892,38102,3&103,4&113,4&114,5&104,5&94,5&105,6&115,6&115&10TABLE5-1dgk/hl87c3:del IIl~4II/Jh~PP1IIII'f'I~IILI''rjfkL'Ifcl''LII,I,Ifhh'fpg'"I'I'III'I LISTOFPARTIALRATINGOFWALLSANDFLOOR/CEILING BARRIERSEPARATING FIREZONESReactorBuildinUnit82FIREZONE/FIRE ZONEREF.FIG.INAPPENDIXB2-1E/2-3B-W 2-1F/2-3B-W 2-1E/2-3C-W 2-1F/2-3C-W 2-3B-N/2-4A-S 2-3B-N/2-40 2-4A-W/2-5A-N 2-4A-W/2-5A-W 2-4A-S/2-5A-W 2-6A/2-4G 2-5A-S/2-6A 2-5C/2-6A 2-5A-W/2-5E 2,3&92,3&92,3&92,3&93,4&113,4&ll4,5,9&104,5&94,5&97&115,6&115,6&ll5&10TABLE5-1dgk/h187c3:del P~4,"u APPENDIXREXEMPTION REUESTNONFIREPROOFED STRUCTURAL STEELREQUESTNO.6REASONFOREXEMPTION REUEST:WithintheUnit1and2ReactorBuildings andControlStructure afewfloor/ceiling assemblies aretobeupgradedtoa3hourfiierating,toseparateredundant safeshutdownequipment.
The structural steel supporting these floors is not prote'cted.
Thestructural steelsupporting thesefloorsisnotprote'cted.
FIRE ZONES AFFECTED: The table below provides a list of the affected fire zones.For, details on the extent of the required fire protection, see Figures 1.0 through 11.0 in Appendix B.FIRE ZONE BELOW/FIRE ZONE ABOVE Unit 81 Reactor Building 1-1E/1-3C-W 1-1E/1-3B-W 1-1F/1-3B-W 1-1F/1-3C-W 1-3A/1-4B 1-3A/1-4G 1-3B-W/1-4C 1-3B-W/1-4D 1-4A-N/1-5A-W 1-4A-W/1-5A-,S 1-4A-W/1-5A-W 1-4A-W/1-5E 1-4A-W/1-5F 1-4A-W/1-5G 1-5A-S/1-6A 1-5A>>S/1-6I SPRINKLER PROTECTION BELOW STRUCTURAL STEEL No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ," Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes COMBUSTIBLE LOADING FOR FIRE ZONE BELOW STRUCTURAL STEEL 12 min 12 min 18 min 18 min 25 min 25 min 20 min 20 min 15 min 15 min 15 min 15 min 15 min 15 min 19 min 19 min Unit 82-Reactor Building 2-1E/2-3B-W 2-1E/2-3C-W 2-1F/2-3B-W 2-1F/2-3C-W No No No No 13 min 13 min 18 min 18 min I I d IP V'I~0 I l1 A le lf FIRE ZONE BELOW/'FIRE ZONE ABOVE SPRINKLER PROTECTION BELOW STRUCTURAL STEEL REQUEST NO.6 PAGE 2 COMBUSTIBLE LOADING Unit 82-Reactor Building (Cont.)2-3B-N/2-4A-S
, 2-3B-N/2-4G 2-3B-W/2-4C 2-3B-W/2-4D 2-4A-S/2-5A-W 2-4A-W/2-5A-N 2-4A-W/2-5A-W 2-4G/2-5B 2-4A-W/2-5E 2-4A-W/2-5F 2-4A-W/2-5G 2-5A-S/2-6A 2-5C/2-6A 2-6A/2-4G Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No 16 min 16 min 16 min 16 min 15 min 15 min 15 min 4 min 15 min 15 min 15 min 6 min 6 min 6 minControl Structure Elevation'54'-0 Support Steel JUSTIFICATION:
Thetablebelowprovidesalistoftheaffectedfirezones.For,detailsontheextentoftherequiredfireprotection, seeFigures1.0through11.0inAppendixB.FIREZONEBELOW/FIREZONEABOVEUnit81ReactorBuilding1-1E/1-3C-W 1-1E/1-3B-W 1-1F/1-3B-W 1-1F/1-3C-W 1-3A/1-4B 1-3A/1-4G 1-3B-W/1-4C 1-3B-W/1-4D 1-4A-N/1-5A-W 1-4A-W/1-5A-,S 1-4A-W/1-5A-W 1-4A-W/1-5E 1-4A-W/1-5F 1-4A-W/1-5G 1-5A-S/1-6A 1-5A>>S/1-6I SPRINKLER PROTECTION BELOWSTRUCTURAL STEELNoNoNoNoYesYesYesYesYesYes,"YesYesYesYesYesYesCOMBUSTIBLE LOADINGFORFIREZONEBELOWSTRUCTURAL STEEL12min12min18min18min25min25min20min20min15min15min15min15min15min15min19min19minUnit82-ReactorBuilding2-1E/2-3B-W 2-1E/2-3C-W 2-1F/2-3B-W 2-1F/2-3C-W NoNoNoNo13min13min18min18min IIdIPV'I~0Il1Alelf FIREZONEBELOW/'FIREZONEABOVESPRINKLER PROTECTION BELOWSTRUCTURAL STEELREQUESTNO.6PAGE2COMBUSTIBLE LOADINGUnit82-ReactorBuilding(Cont.)2-3B-N/2-4A-S
Yes 62 min Unit 81 and f!2 Reactor Buildings:
,2-3B-N/2-4G 2-3B-W/2-4C 2-3B-W/2-4D 2-4A-S/2-5A-W 2-4A-W/2-5A-N 2-4A-W/2-5A-W 2-4G/2-5B 2-4A-W/2-5E 2-4A-W/2-5F 2-4A-W/2-5G 2-5A-S/2-6A 2-5C/2-6A 2-6A/2-4G YesYesYesYesYesYesYesNoYesYesYesYesNoNo16min16min16min16min15min15min15min4min15min15min15min6min6min6minControlStructure Elevation'54'-0 SupportSteelJUSTIFICATION:
All fire zones have sprinkler protection below the exposed structural steel except for Fire Zones l-lE, 1-1F, 2-1E, 2-1F 2-4G, 2-5C and 2-6A.In these fire zones the maximum combustible rating is 18 minutes, and minimal transient combustibles are expected.Finally, the in-situ combustibles in these fire zones are generally located near the floor at a distance from where the structural steel forming the fire area barrier is located.CONTROL STRUCTURE:
Automatic detection and,protection is provided below the exposed structural steel.The ma)ority of the combustibles in,the area below the exposed structural steel are cables.'he majority of the cables are located either below the raised computer floor in the Control Room or in 2 hour fire rated cable chases on the north and south walls of the, control structure where only one structural member is effected.'There is'approximately 20 feet between the raised computer floor and the exposed structural steel supporting elevation 754'-0.Finally, the Control Room comprises the ma)ority of the area beneath this steel and it is continually staffed.Exposed structural steel supporting the identified fire area barriers is acceptable and does not require fire proofing.dgk/h188c3:del  
Allfirezoneshavesprinkler protection belowtheexposedstructural steelexceptforFireZonesl-lE,1-1F,2-1E,2-1F2-4G,2-5Cand2-6A.Inthesefirezonesthemaximumcombustible ratingis18minutes,andminimaltransient combustibles areexpected.
Finally,thein-situcombustibles inthesefirezonesaregenerally locatedneartheflooratadistancefromwherethestructural steelformingthefireareabarrierislocated.CONTROLSTRUCTURE:
Automatic detection and,protection isprovidedbelowtheexposedstructural steel.Thema)orityofthecombustibles in,theareabelowtheexposedstructural steelarecables.'hemajorityofthecablesarelocatedeitherbelowtheraisedcomputerfloorintheControlRoomorin2hourfireratedcablechasesonthenorthandsouthwallsofthe,controlstructure whereonlyonestructural memberiseffected.
'Thereis'approximately 20feetbetweentheraisedcomputerfloorandtheexposedstructural steelsupporting elevation 754'-0.Finally,theControlRoomcomprises thema)orityoftheareabeneaththissteelanditiscontinually staffed.Exposedstructural steelsupporting theidentified fireareabarriersisacceptable anddoesnotrequirefireproofing.
'4APPENDIXREXEMPTION REUESTFIRESPREADLIMITATIONS REQUESTNO.7REASONFOREXEMPTION REUEST:Theanalysis.whichdetermined whichfirezoneboundaries requiredfireratingassumedthatafirestartinginagivenfirezonecoulddamageequipment inthenextad)acentfirezones(horizontally andvertically) unlessfireratedboundaries wereprovided.
'4 APPENDIX R EXEMPTION RE UEST FIRE SPREAD LIMITATIONS REQUEST NO.7 REASON FOR EXEMPTION RE UEST: The analysis.which determined which fire zone boundaries required fire rating assumed that a fire starting in a given fire zone could damage equipment in the next ad)acent fire zones (horizontally and vertically) unless fire rated boundaries were provided.Damage beyond the adjacent zones via a second non-rated boundary was not considered.
Damagebeyondtheadjacentzonesviaasecondnon-rated boundarywasnotconsidered.
FIRE ZONE AFFECTED: This assumption was used generally throughout the Fire Barrier Analysis.JUSTIFICATION:
The non-rated fire zone boundaries have some non-fire rated components such as structural steel, doors, HVAC penetrations, pipe penetrations, and seismic gaps seals.The boundaries themselves, however, are constructed of reinforced concrete in excess of 8 inches, and use 3 hour fire rated cable penetrations.
Thisassumption wasusedgenerally throughout theFireBarrierAnalysis.
The nature of the fire zone boundaries are such that they would be expected to contain minor fires.The NRC provided the following guidance in an April 18, 1985 letter to PP8L: "The reassessment of non-rated construction should be in accordance with guidance presented at the site audit.That is, to provide reasonable assurance that fire propagation will not occur beyond non-fire-rated zone boundaries, the boundaries should be upgraded to be continuous barriers with a fire rating sufficient to withstand the effects of a fire involving in-situ and transient combustibles, with conservative margin.If boundary construction is not upgraded, your reassessment should assume that fire spread will occur into the next most immediate fire zone (horizontally and/or vertically)." EXEMPTION RE UEST: It may be assumed in the case of non-rated fire boundaries that fire spread will only occur into the next most immediate fire zone (horizontally and vertically), and that damage beyond the adjacent zones via a second non-rated boundary need not be considered.
dgk/hl88c3:del Ir v,b).,P 4 J I P b I~I''b)I)p>>I t'J),)$'''~'r'4{<),I b It~Vl tl 1 I"'h I I~{I))i I.~n p I,{4kv)"I...t{)Ii'{, vr))>>A)4 I I).)VI I{,~p{t)I)p,>>rq)ll ,)I I J))Ib)4~h 4 IX 4'I 4 I>>4 f II h.~{44))I I{)))g{'<)')i>>I'",'i1>{{j hippy I b>>L){jtjb~4 I 0 I'*ll il>>p b I h 4 I I'I I>>1~ll>>I II'I 14 i'VV v 4 b, 4')b 41 SUSQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATION-UNITS 1 8 2 FIRE PROTECTION PROGRAM-CONCERN 81 DOCKETS NO.50-387 50-388 APPENDIX B-SiQPLE DOCUMENTATION APPENDIX B Unrated Fire Zone Boundaries in all safety related structures were reviewed to determine whether they functioned as a fire area barrier and as such were required to be upgraded to fire rated status in accordance with Appendix R.For Purposes of this Analysis a fire area was defined as a three dimensional volume bounded on all sides either by floors, walls or ceilings using fire rated construction or by a"buffer" fire zone which precludes the spread of a fire.A"buffer" fire zone was defined as a fire zone which acts as a subdivision of two adjacent fire areas and which, due to the protection provided to the essential cables in the fire zone or the lack of any essential cables in the fire zone, can satisfy the criteria for separating one safe shutdown path in one fire area from another in the ad]acent fire area.A sample set of documentation is provided in Attachment f/1, Figures 1.0 through 11.0, for the Unit ffl and Unit 82 Reactor Buildings.
Thenon-rated firezoneboundaries havesomenon-fireratedcomponents suchasstructural steel,doors,HVACpenetrations, pipepenetrations, andseismicgapsseals.Theboundaries themselves, however,areconstructed ofreinforced concreteinexcessof8inches,anduse3hourfireratedcablepenetrations.
The Figures in Attachment ill show those walls which are currently rated and required to be rated to support our Appendix R Analysis, those walls and floor/ceilings which must be upgraded to support our Appendix R analysis, the Wraparound Areas, and for each fire zone, the paths available for achieving safe shutdown and the in-situ combustible loading.In reviewing these drawings it can readily be seen how the fire areas in Attachment
Thenatureofthefirezoneboundaries aresuchthattheywouldbeexpectedtocontainminorfires.TheNRCprovidedthefollowing guidanceinanApril18,1985lettertoPP8L:"Thereassessment ofnon-rated construction shouldbeinaccordance withguidancepresented atthesiteaudit.Thatis,toprovidereasonable assurance thatfirepropagation willnotoccurbeyondnon-fire-rated zoneboundaries, theboundaries shouldbeupgradedtobecontinuous barrierswithafireratingsufficient towithstand theeffectsofafireinvolving in-situandtransient combustibles, withconservative margin.Ifboundaryconstruction isnotupgraded, yourreassessment shouldassumethatfirespreadwilloccurintothenextmostimmediate firezone(horizontally and/orvertically)."
/32 are formed and that the fire area boundaries meet the criteria described above.There were two types of"Buffer" fire zones used throughout the analysis.The first type is the Wraparound Area.The Wraparound Areas are shown on Figures 3.0, 4.0 5 5.0.In Unit 81 these Wraparound Areas function to separate Fire Area R-1A (Unit Pl)from Fire Area R-1B (Unit f!1).Exemption Request No.4 in Appendix A provides the)ustification for the use of these Wraparound Areas.The second type is best depicted by the use of an example.Refer to Figure 6.0.On this Figure it can be seen how Fire Zone 1-6D.Which contains no essential cables and, therefore, has all paths available, functions as a"buffer" fire zone in separating Fire Zone 1-6C in Fire Area R-1B from Fire Zones 1-6E and 1-2C in Fire Area R-lA.Other"buffer" fire zones are described in Attachment 2.As described above spatial separation is used in two ways throughout the analysis.This use of spatial separation dictates that only portions of some fire area boundaries common to two fire areas need to be fire rated.One such case is shown on Figure 9.0, where the slab on Elevation 683'-0 is protected only in the area of Wraparound Area 1-3B-W.Protection on this portion of the slab is required because the spatial separation between Fire Zone 1-1F in Fire Area R-1A and Fire Zone 1-3B-N in Fire Area R-1B is less than 50 feet.The use of partial rating is justified in Exemption Request No.5 in Appendix B.s Our reanalysis was based upon the concept of using valid fire areas to assure the availability of a safe shutdown path to cold shutdown in the event of a fire in any given fire area.A listing of the fire areas in each safety related building is contained in Attachment 82.tag/h253c3:del' g<<-4<<h)g~1 I, h~3 1'I 4 3 rh'~<<.~S r<<r)p~, SI,, h KK<<h 3 I, 4~r g S<<f (Il<<3 V'll." r Jr)1,".S<<V-1 4 I 4~r 1 I Ir'4 I)II,KK~V Et<<4)II ,Vgl 4 4 I'S.IV I V 4 4~I~~.rT 44 I'I 1>>.)I, lt,'I'I 4>>'I<<I~~g I,)<<V I~4 I~4 4"~4 1 V"4<<,S)VTI I 3 II 3 1 4')S)3 Ih'3 l 43 4 4'4 I I 4 I V(4 I I''<<4 I p ,<<VP'I~~'3 I rh 4<<3 I>>)r~'3ll~'111 kg/JY Ir Sl I<<=I 4<<F.<<I 4',
EXEMPTION REUEST:Itmaybeassumedinthecaseofnon-rated fireboundaries thatfirespreadwillonlyoccurintothenextmostimmediate firezone(horizontally andvertically),
andthatdamagebeyondtheadjacentzonesviaasecondnon-rated boundaryneednotbeconsidered.
~-''I p~'g , Pi'r j LISTING OF FIRE ZONES IN EACH FIRE AREA REACTOR BUILDING UNIT gl FIRE AREA R-lA FIRE AREA R-1B ,FIRE AREA'R-lC 1-lA 1-1F 1-lG 1-2A 1-2C 1-3A'.1-3B-S 1-3B-W*1-3C-S 1-3CM*1-4A-S 1-4A-W',*1-4D 1-4E 1-5A-S 1-5A-W*1-5E 1-5G 1-5H**1-6E 6F**0-6H**7A**B**0-SA**1-lB 1-lc 1-1D 1-1E.1-1I 1-lJ 1-2B 1-2D 1-3B-N 1-3B-W*1-3C-N 1-3C-W*1-4A-N 1-4A-W'1-4B 1-'4C 1-4G 1-5A-N 1-5A-W.*1-5B 1-5C 1-5D 1-5F 1-6A**1-6C**6F**1-6I 0 6G**0-SA*****4F****These fire zone sub-divisions, known as Wraparound Areas, function as a fire rated barrier separating fire area R-lA from R-lB.,**These fire zones contain no safe;,shutdown cables and function as a"buffer" fire zone.***These fire zones are the primary containment and have an inerted atmosphere.  
dgk/hl88c3:del Irv,b).,P4JIPbI~I''b)I)p>>It'J),)$'''~'r'4{<),IbIt~Vltl1I"'hII~{I))iI.~npI,{4kv)"I...t{)Ii'{,vr))>>A)4II).)VII{,~p{t)I)p,>>rq)ll,)IIJ))Ib)4~h4IX4'I4I>>4fIIh.~{44))II{)))g{'<)')i>>I'",'i1>{{jhippyIb>>L){jtjb~4I0I'*llil>>pbIh4II'II>>1~ll>>III'I14i'VVv4b,4')b41 SUSQUEHANNA STEAMELECTRICSTATION-UNITS182FIREPROTECTION PROGRAM-CONCERN81DOCKETSNO.50-38750-388APPENDIXB-SiQPLEDOCUMENTATION APPENDIXBUnratedFireZoneBoundaries inallsafetyrelatedstructures werereviewedtodetermine whethertheyfunctioned asafireareabarrierandassuchwererequiredtobeupgradedtofireratedstatusinaccordance withAppendixR.ForPurposesofthisAnalysisafireareawasdefinedasathreedimensional volumeboundedonallsideseitherbyfloors,wallsorceilingsusingfireratedconstruction orbya"buffer"firezonewhichprecludes thespreadofafire.A"buffer"firezonewasdefinedasafirezonewhichactsasasubdivision oftwoadjacentfireareasandwhich,duetotheprotection providedtotheessential cablesinthefirezoneorthelackofanyessential cablesinthefirezone,cansatisfythecriteriaforseparating onesafeshutdownpathinonefireareafromanotherinthead]acentfirearea.Asamplesetofdocumentation isprovidedinAttachment f/1,Figures1.0through11.0,fortheUnitfflandUnit82ReactorBuildings.
>l A fff, REACTOR BUILDING UNIT 52 FIRE AREA R-2A FIRE AREA R-2B FIRE AREA R-2C 2-1B 2-lF 2-1G, 2-1I 2-2A 2-2C 2-3A 2-3B-W*2-'3B-S 2-3C-W*2-3C-S 2-4A-W*2-4A-S 2-4D 2-4E 2-4G~,2-,5A-W*2-5A-S 2-5C 2-5D 2-5G 2-5H 2-6B**2-6E 6F**2-7A**P 8A**2-lA 2-1C 2-lD 2-1E 2-lJ 2-3B-N 2-3B-W*2-3C-N 2-3C-W*2-4A-N 2-4A-W*2-4B 2-4C 2-5A-N 2-5A-W*2-5B 2-5E'2-5F 2-6A 2-6C 2 6D**6F**, 2 7A**P BA**2c'2B H***4F*4**These fire zone sub-divisions, known as Wraparound Areas, function as a fire rated barrier separating fire area R-2A from R-2B.&**These fire zones contain no safe-shutdown cables and function as a"buffer" fire zone.***These fire zones are the primary containment.
TheFiguresinAttachment illshowthosewallswhicharecurrently ratedandrequiredtoberatedtosupportourAppendixRAnalysis, thosewallsandfloor/ceilings whichmustbeupgradedtosupportourAppendixRanalysis, theWraparound Areas,andforeachfirezone,thepathsavailable forachieving safeshutdownandthein-situcombustible loading.Inreviewing thesedrawingsitcanreadilybeseenhowthefireareasinAttachment
and have an inerted atmosphere.
/32areformedandthatthefireareaboundaries meetthecriteriadescribed above.Thereweretwotypesof"Buffer"firezonesusedthroughout theanalysis.
CONTROL STRUCTURE FIRE AREA FIRE ZONE(S)CS-1 CS-2 CS-3 CS-4 CS-6 CS-7 CS-8 CS-9 CS-10 CS-ll CS-12 CS-13 CS-14 CS-15 CS-16 CS-17 CS-18 CS-19 CS-20 CS-21 CS-22 CS-23 CS-24 CS-25 CS-26 CS-27 CS-28 0-21B, 0-29A 0 22Bg 0 29CgD 0 21Ag 0 22Ag 0 22C~0 23 J 0 24A GJ 0 25AJE 0-24I,L c 0-24K 0 24J~0 25Bg 0 26BgSg 0 27Fg 0 28P 0 24LJM/'25CJDJ 0 26C/D~0 26T/V 0 27GgHg 0 28Q~R 0-28S 0 26Ag E N g P g R 0-27A-E 0-28A Subzone I (Room C-613);.0-28C 0-28E 0-28G 0-28H 0-28J 0-28B Subzone I (Room C-604)0-28M 0-28N 0-28A Subzone II'(Rooms C-611, C-612)0-28T 0-28D 0-28F 0.-28B.Subzone II (Rooms C-605, C-606).0-28I 0-28K 0-28L 0 29B g, 0 30Ag'B f g,'t l' DIESEL GENERATOR FIRE AREA D-1 D-2 D-3 D-4 FIRE ZONE(S)0-41A 0-41B 0-41C 0-41D ESSW PUMPHOUSE E-1 E-2 0-51 0-52 SUSQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATION-UNITS 1&2 FIRE PROTECTION PROGRAM-CONCERN 81 DOCKETS NO.50-387 50-388 APPENDIX C-FIRE BARRIERS TO BE UPGRADED APPENDIX C LISTING OF FIRE ZONE BOUNDARIES RE UIRING UPGRADE UNIT 81-REACTOR BUILDING BARRIER BETWEEN FIRE ZONE/FIRE ZONE TYPE COMBUSTIBLE LOADING FIRE ZONE/FIRE ZONE 1-1A/1-1B 1-lE/1-3B-W 1-1E/1-3C-W 1-lE/1-1F 1-1F/1-3B-W 1-1F/1-3C-M 1-2A/1-2B 1-3A/1-3B-N 1-3A/1-4B 1-3A/1-4G 1-4A-W/1-5A-W 1-4A-N/1-5E 1-4A-M/1-5A-S 1-4A-S/1-4G 1-4G/1-5A-S 1-5A-M/1-5E 1-5A-S/1-5B 1-5A-S/1-6A 1-5A-S/1-6I 1-5D/1-5E 1-3B-W/1-4D 1-3B-M/1-4C 1-4A-N/1-5A-M 1-4A-W/1-5F 1>>4A-W/1-5G Wall Slab Slab Wall Klab Slab Wall Mall Slab Slab Slab Slab Slab Wall Mall Wall Wall Slab Slab Wall Slab Slab Slab Slab Slab 10/10 12/20 12/9 12/18 18/20 18/9 10/5 25/20-25/16 25/4 15/19 15/10 15/19 15/4 4/19 19/10 19/3 19/6 19/5, None/10 20/18*20/20*15/19 15/16*15/10**Structural Steel only (Exemption Request filed).  
ThefirsttypeistheWraparound Area.TheWraparound AreasareshownonFigures3.0,4.055.0.InUnit81theseWraparound AreasfunctiontoseparateFireAreaR-1A(UnitPl)fromFireAreaR-1B(Unitf!1).Exemption RequestNo.4inAppendixAprovidesthe)ustification fortheuseoftheseWraparound Areas.Thesecondtypeisbestdepictedbytheuseofanexample.RefertoFigure6.0.OnthisFigureitcanbeseenhowFireZone1-6D.Whichcontainsnoessential cablesand,therefore, hasallpathsavailable, functions asa"buffer"firezoneinseparating FireZone1-6CinFireAreaR-1BfromFireZones1-6Eand1-2CinFireAreaR-lA.Other"buffer"firezonesaredescribed inAttachment 2.Asdescribed abovespatialseparation isusedintwowaysthroughout theanalysis.
Thisuseofspatialseparation dictatesthatonlyportionsofsomefireareaboundaries commontotwofireareasneedtobefirerated.OnesuchcaseisshownonFigure9.0,wheretheslabonElevation 683'-0isprotected onlyintheareaofWraparound Area1-3B-W.Protection onthisportionoftheslabisrequiredbecausethespatialseparation betweenFireZone1-1FinFireAreaR-1AandFireZone1-3B-NinFireAreaR-1Bislessthan50feet.Theuseofpartialratingisjustified inExemption RequestNo.5inAppendixB.sOurreanalysis wasbasedupontheconceptofusingvalidfireareastoassuretheavailability ofasafeshutdownpathtocoldshutdownintheeventofafireinanygivenfirearea.Alistingofthefireareasineachsafetyrelatedbuildingiscontained inAttachment 82.tag/h253c3:del' g<<-4<<h)g~1I,h~31'I43rh'~<<.~Sr<<r)p~,SI,,hKK<<h3I,4~rgS<<f(Il<<3V'll."rJr)1,".S<<V-14I4~r1IIr'4I)II,KK~VEt<<4)II,Vgl44I'S.IVIV44~I~~.rT44I'I1>>.)I,lt,'I'I4>>'I<<I~~gI,)<<VI~4I~44"~41V"4<<,S)VTII3II314')S)3Ih'3l4344'4II4IV(4II''<<4Ip,<<VP'I~~'3Irh4<<3I>>)r~'3ll~'111kg/JYIrSlI<<=I4<<F.<<I4',
1-4D1-4E1-5A-S1-5A-W*1-5E1-5G1-5H**1-6E6F**0-6H**7A**B**0-SA**1-lB1-lc1-1D1-1E.1-1I1-lJ1-2B1-2D1-3B-N1-3B-W*1-3C-N1-3C-W*1-4A-N1-4A-W'1-4B1-'4C1-4G1-5A-N1-5A-W.*1-5B1-5C1-5D1-5F1-6A**1-6C**6F**1-6I06G**0-SA*****4F****Thesefirezonesub-divisions, knownasWraparound Areas,functionasafireratedbarrierseparating fireareaR-lAfromR-lB.,**Thesefirezonescontainnosafe;,shutdown cablesandfunctionasa"buffer"firezone.***Thesefirezonesaretheprimarycontainment andhaveaninertedatmosphere.  
>lAfff, REACTORBUILDINGUNIT52FIREAREAR-2AFIREAREAR-2BFIREAREAR-2C2-1B2-lF2-1G,2-1I2-2A2-2C2-3A2-3B-W*2-'3B-S2-3C-W*2-3C-S2-4A-W*2-4A-S2-4D2-4E2-4G~,2-,5A-W
*2-5A-S2-5C2-5D2-5G2-5H2-6B**2-6E6F**2-7A**P8A**2-lA2-1C2-lD2-1E2-lJ2-3B-N2-3B-W*2-3C-N2-3C-W*2-4A-N2-4A-W*2-4B2-4C2-5A-N2-5A-W*2-5B2-5E'2-5F2-6A2-6C26D**6F**,27A**PBA**2c'2BH***4F*4**Thesefirezonesub-divisions, knownasWraparound Areas,functionasafireratedbarrierseparating fireareaR-2AfromR-2B.&**Thesefirezonescontainnosafe-shutdowncablesandfunctionasa"buffer"firezone.***Thesefirezonesaretheprimarycontainment.
CONTROLSTRUCTURE FIREAREAFIREZONE(S)CS-1CS-2CS-3CS-4CS-6CS-7CS-8CS-9CS-10CS-llCS-12CS-13CS-14CS-15CS-16CS-17CS-18CS-19CS-20CS-21CS-22CS-23CS-24CS-25CS-26CS-27CS-280-21B,0-29A022Bg029CgD021Ag022Ag022C~023J024AGJ025AJE0-24I,Lc0-24K024J~025Bg026BgSg027Fg028P024LJM/'25CJDJ026C/D~026T/V027GgHg028Q~R0-28S026AgENgPgR0-27A-E0-28ASubzoneI(RoomC-613);.0-28C0-28E0-28G0-28H0-28J0-28BSubzoneI(RoomC-604)0-28M0-28N0-28ASubzoneII'(Rooms C-611,C-612)0-28T0-28D0-28F0.-28B.Subzone II(RoomsC-605,C-606).0-28I0-28K0-28L029Bg,030Ag'B fg,'tl' DIESELGENERATOR FIREAREAD-1D-2D-3D-4FIREZONE(S)0-41A0-41B0-41C0-41DESSWPUMPHOUSE E-1E-20-510-52 SUSQUEHANNA STEAMELECTRICSTATION-UNITS1&2FIREPROTECTION PROGRAM-CONCERN81DOCKETSNO.50-38750-388APPENDIXC-FIREBARRIERSTOBEUPGRADED APPENDIXCLISTINGOFFIREZONEBOUNDARIES REUIRINGUPGRADEUNIT81-REACTORBUILDINGBARRIERBETWEENFIREZONE/FIRE ZONETYPECOMBUSTIBLE LOADINGFIREZONE/FIRE ZONE1-1A/1-1B 1-lE/1-3B-W 1-1E/1-3C-W 1-lE/1-1F 1-1F/1-3B-W 1-1F/1-3C-M 1-2A/1-2B 1-3A/1-3B-N 1-3A/1-4B 1-3A/1-4G 1-4A-W/1-5A-W 1-4A-N/1-5E 1-4A-M/1-5A-S 1-4A-S/1-4G 1-4G/1-5A-S 1-5A-M/1-5E 1-5A-S/1-5B 1-5A-S/1-6A 1-5A-S/1-6I 1-5D/1-5E 1-3B-W/1-4D 1-3B-M/1-4C 1-4A-N/1-5A-M 1-4A-W/1-5F 1>>4A-W/1-5G WallSlabSlabWallKlabSlabWallMallSlabSlabSlabSlabSlabWallMallWallWallSlabSlabWallSlabSlabSlabSlabSlab10/1012/2012/912/1818/2018/910/525/20-25/1625/415/1915/1015/1915/44/1919/1019/319/619/5,None/1020/18*20/20*15/1915/16*15/10**Structural Steelonly(Exemption Requestfiled).  

APPENDIXC-Cont.UNITI/2-REACTORBUILDINGBARRIERBETWEENFIREZONE/FIRE ZONETYPECOMBUSTIBLE LOADINGFIREZONE/FIRE ZONE2-1A/2-1B 2-1E/2-1F 2<<1E/2-3B-W 2-1E/2-3C-W 2-1F/2-3B-W 2-1F/2-3C-W 2-2A/2-2B 2-3A/2-3B;N 2-3B-N/2-4A-S 2-3B-N/2-4G 2-3B-W/2-4C 2-3B-W/2-4D 2-4A-W/2-5A-N 2-4A-W/2-5A-W 2-4A-W/2-5E 2-4A-W/2-5F 2-4A-W/2-5G 2-4A-N/2-4G 2-4A-S/2-5A-W 2-4G/2-4B 2-4G/2-5A-N 2-4G/2-5B 2-4G/2-6A 2-5A-W/2-5E 2-5A-S/2-5B 2-5A-S/2-6A 2-5C/2-6A 2-5D/2-5E WallWallSlabSlabSlabSlab:,WallWallSlabSlabSlabSlabSlabSlabSlabSlabSlabWallSlabWallWallWall/Slab Wall/Slab WallWallSlabSlabWall7/1213/1813/1613/1118/1618/1113/530/1616/1516/416/29*16/24*15/1815/1815/915/16*15/10*15/415/184/164/184/34/618/918/318/66/61/9*Structural Steelonly(Exemption Requestfiled)tag/h253c3:del p'4Ih'lhhH SUSQUEHANNA STEAMELECTRICSTATION-UNITSl52FIREPROTECTION PROGRAM-CONCERNPlDOCKETSNO.50-38750-388APPENDIXD-CONDUIT5RACEWAYREQUIRING PROTECTION APPENDIXDTosupporttheFireBarrierAnalysis, insomecases,existingfirezoneswerereanalyzed becauseofconflicts withadjacentfirezones.Thisreanalysis resultedinadjacentfirezoneswhichcontained thesameshutdownpath.Intheprocessofperforming thisreanalysis, however,itwasdetermined thatcertainracewaysrequiredadditional protection inordertosupportthereanalysis.
APPENDIX C-Cont.UNIT I/2-REACTOR BUILDING BARRIER BETWEEN FIRE ZONE/FIRE ZONE TYPE COMBUSTIBLE LOADING FIRE ZONE/FIRE ZONE 2-1A/2-1B 2-1E/2-1F 2<<1E/2-3B-W 2-1E/2-3C-W 2-1F/2-3B-W 2-1F/2-3C-W 2-2A/2-2B 2-3A/2-3B;N 2-3B-N/2-4A-S 2-3B-N/2-4G 2-3B-W/2-4C 2-3B-W/2-4D 2-4A-W/2-5A-N 2-4A-W/2-5A-W 2-4A-W/2-5E 2-4A-W/2-5F 2-4A-W/2-5G 2-4A-N/2-4G 2-4A-S/2-5A-W 2-4G/2-4B 2-4G/2-5A-N 2-4G/2-5B 2-4G/2-6A 2-5A-W/2-5E 2-5A-S/2-5B 2-5A-S/2-6A 2-5C/2-6A 2-5D/2-5E Wall Wall Slab Slab Slab Slab:,Wall Wall Slab Slab Slab Slab Slab Slab Slab Slab Slab Wall Slab Wall Wall Wall/Slab Wall/Slab Wall Wall Slab Slab Wall 7/12 13/18 13/16 13/11 18/16 18/11 13/5 30/16 16/15 16/4 16/29*16/24*15/18 15/18 15/9 15/16*15/10*15/4 15/18 4/16 4/18 4/3 4/6 18/9 18/3 18/6 6/6 1/9*Structural Steel only (Exemption Request filed)tag/h253c3:del p'4 I h'l h h H SUSQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATION-UNITS l 5 2 FIRE PROTECTION PROGRAM-CONCERN PlDOCKETS NO.50-387 50-388 APPENDIX D-CONDUIT 5 RACEWAY REQUIRING PROTECTION APPENDIX D To support the Fire Barrier Analysis, in some cases, existing fire zones were reanalyzed because of conflicts with adjacent fire zones.This reanalysis resulted in adjacent fire zones which contained the same shutdown path.In the process of performing this reanalysis, however, it was determined that certain raceways required additional protection in order to support the reanalysis.
Table D.l provides a listing of these raceways in those fire zones which were reanalyzed.
TheseracewayswillbewrappedperAppendixRcriteriaunlessadditional systemsanalysis,,can provethatth'eseracewaysareacceptable asis.Inaddition, threeadditional racewayswereidentified asrequiring protection inordertoprovidea.66footwidewraparound AreainFireZone1-5A.TheseracewayswillbewrappedperAppendixRcriteriaandarelistedbelow:D1K010B1K009D1P025 hF),~r,,t*'I4IL'1I~)HH)IKHK'w4HrrK~F~rII44',F~f4,"IrI,Il~~4S\I(I"HF~)444~~4(HIPIg>>~FgI'Iqf4r APPENDIXD(Cont.)FIREZONE1-1D1-3A1-4A-S,EXISTINGPATHDiv.IIADS/CSDiv.IIHPCIDiv.IIHPCINEWPATHANALYZEDFORDiv.IADS/CSDiv.IIADS/CSDiv.IIADS/CSADDITIONAL RACEWAYREQUIRING PROTECTION TOSUPPORTTHEAVAILABILITY OFTHENEWPATHNoneF1KL12,13,14,15 F1KH14,15 F1M321F1K036F1KR21F1KJ01,02,03 F1K1181-4A-WDiv.IADS/CSDiv.IIHPCIDiv.IIADS/CSNone1-3B-N1-3B-W1-3B-S1-6A2-1D2-3B-W2-3B-S2-6DDiv.IRCICDiv.IRCICDiv.IRCICDiv.IRCICDiv.IIADS/CSDiv.IADS/CSDiv.IADS/CSDiv.IADS/CSDiv.IADS/CSDiv.IADS/CSDiv.IIADS/CSDiv.IIADS/CSDiv.IADS/CSDiv.IADS/CSDiv.IIADS/CSDiv.IIADS/CSDiv.IIADS/CSA1P019,E1K954 C1P023,C1K057E1F137,C1F056NoneNoneNoneF2KH29,30,31,32 F2PH29,30,3 1,32NoneNoneTABLED-1tag/h253c3:del  
These raceways will be wrapped per Appendix R criteria unless additional systems analysis,,can prove that th'ese raceways are acceptable as is.In addition, three additional raceways were identified as requiring protection in order to provide a.66 foot wide wraparound Area in Fire Zone 1-5A.These raceways will be wrapped per Appendix R criteria and are listed below: D1K010 B1K009 D1P025 h F),~r,,t*'I 4 I L'1 I~)H H)IK HK'w 4 Hr rK~F~r I I 44', F~f 4," I r I, I l~~4 S\I (I" H F~)4 44~~4(HI PI g>>~F g I'I qf4 r APPENDIX D (Cont.)FIRE ZONE 1-1D 1-3A 1-4A-S , EXISTING PATH Div.II ADS/CS Div.II HPCI Div.II HPCI NEW PATH ANALYZED FOR Div.I ADS/CS Div.II ADS/CS Div.II ADS/CS ADDITIONAL RACEWAY REQUIRING PROTECTION TO SUPPORT THE AVAILABILITY OF THE NEW PATH None F1KL12,13,14,15 F1KH14,15 F1M321 F1K036 F1KR21 F1KJ01,02,03 F1K118 1-4A-W Div.I ADS/CS Div.II HPCI Div.II ADS/CS None 1-3B-N 1-3B-W 1-3B-S 1-6A 2-1D 2-3B-W 2-3B-S 2-6D Div.I RCIC Div.I RCIC Div.I RCIC Div.I RCIC Div.II ADS/CS Div.I ADS/CS Div.I ADS/CS Div.I ADS/CS Div.I ADS/CS Div.I ADS/CS Div.II ADS/CS Div.II ADS/CS Div.I ADS/CS Div.I ADS/CS Div.II ADS/CS Div.II ADS/CS Div.II ADS/CS A1P019,E1K954 C1P023, C1K057 E1F137, C1F056 None None None F2KH29,30,31,32 F2PH29,30,3 1, 3 2 None None TABLE D-1 tag/h253c3:del  
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;3 tP f';, pw (~3 p A gl~I j g~  
~C'0 2-IX 0~04.~lliA~.'Iz EL.2-4B Oi Qz EL'T28'~Oi llr-'OiQ~~le I EL-'Tlh I C..I-iT.Oi 0~0~04~4/A Qo~2-4F.OiO~0~0~4/A~2-4 1-M@Qa~lS L;7l'3'-I Oi0<O~Q~@he AveHable On kpej.tare GItrd YIt V LEL.7e-(-CARIj ,~2-4E.Oi O~02 04 Ml I.2''-G~2-4@W l 2 l&2-40/poa, lpl~a-ac./+Zj/%/~2~i (g 0~Qs Qa~o~E~~-o I~S-o 270'-O" OiO<O>O<IO BA'!5$27-0"=I~l4A H-QI-QS Qa~lB'~l-42/'/I'8<O4oa~ls/~i-oc.~l'5-O 5'5-0 WRkP AROUND PCS'-G," 8/I)ol Q2~2O Qi (y Qs Qa~k!IA 27.5 24.S 22 20.NO.DATE ER.DECIMAL REVISION FRACTIONAL FLOOR PLAIU 6 EL 7/O'-I" Ij CH.BY APPROVED I@I LOCATION CODE ER-ER-SCALE-DATE-DRAWN-CHECKED-LEADER-APPR'D.APPR'D.DESCRIPTION F icuaz 4.o P F N N Yi VAN I A P Oik 0 6 I.I SHT (ON P ANY ALLENTOWN, PA.APPROVED j f" t..')<<Q"J9~l'K)sg I k w,)E fg lII O L U O N OiO<0>0<~Wi A FL.EL-7I'ol,L I 0'-',-5A-S 05~I8 NFL.EL.7(o I'-I'O'/l2-5B I 050~FL.El 7'.'-IO FL.EL 762-'O Oi ,I.FL EL Col'-IO" I-5A-N FL.EL 741-IO Qi 02 05 (y~NI A m 2tl cd~t5A-5-Q~~I8~2-5O OIO<0>04~2-5a-~Oi~I8~I-5O OI(y0~(y~NoNE I-5A;Ili~W a-5A-H QIQ>~I8 I ROOF SLA5~<<r wR T.O.C.6 EL.7C foI 41'2-5E r''i 0 r o~/I p E j j p Pace@y g//2 IJ-1-2C NIA 1-5'0>'04 i io<2.iO/niZ\-5A-8 QIO<04 o4'//0024 ICOS SLAB'T.O.C El.7Coco'I-iZ OI 080504&A~N/A 2-5H Qi020~04~L.l Z.4-co".Z,-SG 0~04--~IO-2,-5F Oi 0>10 5A'Y5 eD-0=2TO-O" I"5H Oi020>0~~el 050~~IO l-5F (D 02.~IIo Ql E 0 X Ql-z I~'J~Q CL O'57.4'34.5'51.5 30,5 27.5 Fl OOR Pi AN R E4.t4'0-1=ER-ER-2l'o.5 Z5 23.5 ZO P@Z'kBII'6
~C'02-IX0~04.~lliA~.'IzEL.2-4BOiQzEL'T28'~Oillr-'OiQ~~leIEL-'TlhIC..I-iT.Oi0~0~04~4/AQo~2-4F.OiO~0~0~4/A~2-41-M@Qa~lSL;7l'3'-I Oi0<O~Q~@heAveHableOnkpej.tare GItrdYItVLEL.7e-(-CARIj,~2-4E.OiO~0204MlI.2''-G~2-4@Wl2l&2-40/poa,lpl~a-ac./+Zj/%/~2~i(g0~QsQa~o~E~~-oI~S-o270'-O"OiO<O>O<IOBA'!5$27-0"=I~l4AH-QI-QSQa~lB'~l-42/'/I'8<O4oa~ls/~i-oc.~l'5-O5'5-0WRkPAROUNDPCS'-G,"8/I)olQ2~2OQi(yQsQa~k!IA27.524.S2220.NO.DATEER.DECIMALREVISIONFRACTIONAL FLOORPLAIU6EL7/O'-I"IjCH.BYAPPROVEDI@ILOCATIONCODEER-ER-SCALE-DATE-DRAWN-CHECKED-LEADER-APPR'D.APPR'D.DESCRIPTION Ficuaz4.oPFNNYiVANIAPOik06I.ISHT(ONPANYALLENTOWN, PA.APPROVED jf"t..')<<Q"J9~l'K)sgIkw,)Efg lIIOLUONOiO<0>0<~WiAFL.EL-7I'ol,LI0'-',-5A-S 05~I8NFL.EL.7(oI'-I'O'/l2-5BI050~FL.El7'.'-IOFL.EL762-'OOi,I.FLELCol'-IO"I-5A-NFL.EL741-IOQi0205(y~NIAm2tlcd~t5A-5-Q~~I8~2-5OOIO<0>04~2-5a-~Oi~I8~I-5OOI(y0~(y~NoNEI-5A;Ili~Wa-5A-HQIQ>~I8IROOFSLA5~<<rwRT.O.C.6EL.7CfoI41'2-5Er''i0ro~/IpEjjpPace@yg//2IJ-1-2CNIA1-5'0>'04iio<2.iO/niZ\-5A-8QIO<04o4'//0024ICOSSLAB'T.O.CEl.7Coco'I-iZOI080504&A~N/A2-5HQi020~04~L.lZ.4-co".Z,-SG0~04--~IO-2,-5FOi0>105A'Y5eD-0=2TO-O"I"5HOi020>0~~el050~~IOl-5F(D02.~IIoQlE0XQl-zI~'J~QCLO'57.4'34.5'51.530,527.5FlOORPiANRE4.t4'0-1=ER-ER-2l'o.5Z523.5ZOP@Z'kBII'6
~g Tr MERYmz p)c,up,s s.o CARD NO.DATE ER.REVISION CH.BY APPROVED SCALE-DATE-DRAWN-CHECKED-LEADER-APPR'D.APPR'D.PENN$YI.VANIA POWER 6 I.IGHT t:OMPANY ALLENTOWN, PA.APPROVED+3170l DECIMAL FRACTIONAL LOCATION CODE DESCRIPTION 1" D T,'4 E 2: Ql L1.C4 LA 2.-l I.0<OzO>4~NIA P Cl el I~2-(AS Ol 020504~s 2-4oA Qiz z-t OIOz 4F 0~04 gA 0~04 OIOz>0 0/5 Or S Q4~No l4 2 I Oi(y~s QI l-SF., 2 0>04 n4/A r 0-4.G Pi'OE's I~NI A/~l-(c A'OIO<.I 1-4F 0~0z, 0~04 1-46, Qi.I~l-<S'0>OzQ>04 I-I2 0~0~0~04~NA Aho AvmbLble On Aperture Card Yf.~ERYIDKE ARIjj I 1-2C 0~04~NI A 0 x~2-Io E QIQzi04~2-I D Ql 05~ll~''0~0<~i-IoD QiQzQ~Q4 1-I 3 OIO~OEOA~~~NIA z-13'>Oz 0~04~NIA IO 5AYS e z'7-0=2,70-0 Ql~2 L-Q Qh O-z I~S E J t$57.4--0 54.5 3 l.5 3O 5 23 27-5 FLQOP, PLIsNe E4.l7~-I ER-ER-SCAI E-DATE-DRAWN-g,2.2O.t'iCuv,E.
~gTrMERYmzp)c,up,ss.oCARDNO.DATEER.REVISIONCH.BYAPPROVEDSCALE-DATE-DRAWN-CHECKED-LEADER-APPR'D.APPR'D.PENN$YI.VANIAPOWER6I.IGHTt:OMPANYALLENTOWN, PA.APPROVED+3170lDECIMALFRACTIONAL LOCATIONCODEDESCRIPTION 1"DT,'4E 2:QlL1.C4LA2.-lI.0<OzO>4~NIAPClelI~2-(ASOl020504~s2-4oAQizz-tOIOz4F0~04gA0~04OIOz>00/5OrSQ4~Nol42IOi(y~sQIl-SF.,20>04n4/Ar0-4.GPi'OE'sI~NIA/~l-(cA'OIO<.I1-4F0~0z,0~041-46,Qi.I~l-<S'0>OzQ>04 I-I20~0~0~04~NAAhoAvmbLbleOnApertureCardYf.~ERYIDKEARIjjI1-2C0~04~NIA0x~2-IoEQIQzi04~2-IDQl05~ll~''0~0<~i-IoDQiQzQ~Q41-I3OIO~OEOA~~~NIAz-13'>Oz0~04~NIAIO5AYSez'7-0=2,70-0Ql~2L-QQhO-zI~SEJt$57.4--054.53l.53O52327-5FLQOP,PLIsNeE4.l7~-IER-ER-SCAIE-DATE-DRAWN-g,2.2O.t'iCuv,E.
4,0-=pgg pc3&6Q//-Q7 blO.DATE R EVISlON CH.eV APPROVED CHECKED-LEADER-APPR'D.APPR'D.PIHN$Yl.VANIA POWER 6 t,l6HT (ONPANY ALLENTOWN, PA.APPROVED DECIMAL FIIACTIONAL LOCATION CODE DESCRIPTION Y I~V'r.l C I 1 t I$aP~s4~J II Cz'L I 2-IX OIOa05 4.~NI A 0 2-CnA t wl-(oA,.(D z-~c 0>0<0>04~NI A OIOz 050~0-6 a O/q~(y O4 N A.BO T.EL.l79-Q" kleo AveQable Oa Apeihsre Card~2-toE 0>0<0504~c./~ww-7A QIOz 0504-~N/A O-l'o,H Oi OaOsQ+~NON E 0~04~N/A I I<-t6>QzQ>0+~i-7 tw Oi0~0504,!~xw Tl~Em'I'UIK CAR9 O'O~O~0~p 2-)$0>0<0>04--~N/A, lo BA'YS 6 2T'-0='70-0 24'-6 0 0'9-.>7.4:.54.: Z4.w 31.5..505;)2'9 V5...265 25.5 22//0.(n N Fl 005 PLA,NI E.4.l'55'-
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Revision as of 03:05, 6 July 2018

Suppl 1 to Evaluation of Selected Fire Door & Door Frame Assemblies.
Person / Time
Site: Susquehanna  Talen Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/31/1985
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ML17139D154 List:
NUDOCS 8509060211
Download: ML18040B119 (79)


{{#Wiki_filter:EVALUATION OF SELECTED FIRE DOOR AND DOOR FRAME ASSEMBLIES (SUPPLEMENT 1)By Samuel M.Knight Prepared for: Pennsylvania Power and Light Company"Susquehanna Steam Electric Station" Route ll Salem Township, Pennsylvania 15635 August 1985 Approved By~a-g (]~~P.H.Dobson Senior Engineer FMRC , 850904-85090b021i",~000g87.., PDR AgQC5.',...PDR~Factory Mutual Research 1151 Boston-Providence Turnpike Norwood, Massachusetts 02062 1 1 l 1 1 FACTORY MUTUAL RESEARCH CORPORATION TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title~Pa e PURPOSE



FACTORY MUTUAL RESEARCH CORPORATION PURPOSE An evaluation of selected fire doors protecting safety related areas was conducted for the Pennsylvania, Power and Light Co.(PP&L)at Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Units 1&, 2.The purpose of the evaluation was to examine certain unlabeled doors and compare them with labeled door constructions to render an opinion on their expected fire resistance. This evaluation was requested by PP&L as a supplement to the original'evaluation in a Factory Mutual report dated January 1985. 0 FACTORY MUTUAL RESEARCH CORPORATION


AND CONCLUSIONS 1.Door No.279 on Level 676, had a 3 hour label attached.The door may be expected to provide that level of protection. 2.Door No.421 on Level 719, had a 3 hour label attached.The door may be ,expected to provide that level of protection. 3.Door Nos.111 and 201, were compared to Door No.279 and found to be of the same construction and of the same materials, and were judged to be equivalent, hence, may be expected to provide up to 3 hours of fire resistance. 4.Door No.515 on Level 749, was compared to Door No.421 and found to be of the same construction and of the same materials and was judged to be equivalent, hence, may be expected to provide up to 3 hours of fire resistance. 5.To meet FM recommendations, the louver in Door No.606 on Elevation 779, should be removed and the opening protected. The door was compared to Door No.421, and if protected as noted in paragraph 2.3, may be expected to provide up to l-l/2 hour's fire resistance. 6.Should it be necessary to have additional doors at this site analyzed as to their expected fire resistance rating, this may be accomplished by one of the following procedures: a.For doors needing up to a l-l/2 hour equivalency; contact the manufacturer and obtain written confirmation that the doors in question and at least one similar door previously examined by the writer and qualified for 1-1/2 hour rating were fabricated to the appropriate PP&L specification. This should be corroborated by determining that sizes, face sheet thickness and hinge reinforcement thickness are the same.Installation shall conform to the requirements of NFPA Standard 80,"Fire Doors and Windows." b.For doors needing up to a 3 hour equivalency; request an additional visit by the writer to determine that peripheral channel framing and latch reinforcements are the same and that internal stiffener quantity and locations are the same. FACTORY MUTUAL RESEARCH CORPORATION INTRODUCTION The plant was visited on May 7, 1985.The writer was accompanied by Mr.D.Kohn of PP&L.Four doors and frames were examined during this visit.The assemblies were located in Unit 1 and 2 Reactor Buildings. The writer is a Project Engineer with 20 years'xperience at the Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FMRC).The writer has served on the National Fire Protection Association"Fire Doors and Windows" Committee (NFPA 80)for 18 years.His primary responsibilities are: 1)Testing and determination of fire ratings for fire doors;and 2)Examination of installed unlabeled doors to determine their fire resistance rating for building authorities. ~4 f FACTORY MUTUAL RESEARCH CORPORATION FIRE DOOR AND FRAME EVALUATION Two labeled fire doors and frames, and two unlabeled fire doors and frames, were examined during this visit to the Susquehanna Steam Electric Station at the request of the Pennsylvania Power and Light Company (PPGL).2.1 Door Frame Assemblies All frames were found to be fabricated in accordance with the American National Standards Institute, Standard A155.1, and may be expected to provide up to 3 hours fire resistance. 2.2 Fire Doors Unlabeled fire doors were examined by comparing their construction features with labeled fire doors.2.2.1 Door Nos.111 and 201'I Door Nos.111 and 201 were re-evaluated during this visit.They were previously covered in the FMRC report dated January 1985.At that time, those doors were compared against a l-l/2 hour labeled door (No.110 at Level 670)and.our opinion was that these doors could be expected to provide at least a l-l/2 hour fire resistance. Door No.279 on'Level 676.bears a label indicating a 3 hour fire resistance. The construction details of Door No.279 were compared to Door No.110 with the following results: 1)All doors had the same dimensions (height, width and thickness). 2)Internal'stiffeners were determined to be approximately 6 8 in.on center.This was done by means of a stethescope. 3)Face sheet, hinge reinforcement and peripheral channel framing were found to be essentially the same.This was done by means of a specially adapted micrometer. I FACTORY MUTUAL RESEARCH CORPORATION 2.2.2 Door No.515 Door No.515, on Level 749, was not labeled and was examined to compare its construction details against Door No.421 using the criteria outlined in Paragraph 2.2.1.Door 421 has a 3 hour label.Both doors have essentially the same construction details.2.2.3 Door No 606 Door No.606, on Level 779, was examined to compare its construction against Door No.421.Door No.606 contained a louver (6 in.x 8 in.)which precludes the door frame having any fire resistance, unless modified.All other details as outlined in Paragraph 2.2.1 were essentially the same between these two doors.Door No.421 is a 3 hour rated fire door.If Door No.606 is modified, it can provide at least 1-1/2 hour's fire resistance. The modification should consist of attaching one 18 gage steel plate to each door face.The plate should be large enough to overlap the louver by 2 in.on all sides.Fasteners should be sheet metal screws, spaced no more than 6 in.on center. 4 FACTORY MUTUAL RESEARCH CORPORATION III RECOMMENDATIONS 1.If a fire resistance rating of up to 1-1/2 hours for Door No.606, on Level 779, is desired, the louver should be covered on both faces by 18 gage steel plates, overlapping all sides by 2 in., fastened by sheet metal screws spaced no more than 6 in.on center. I&~~E APPENDIX R EXEMPTION RE UEST WRAPAROUND AREA REQUEST NO.4 REASON FOR EXEMPTION RE UEST: A 66 foot wide Wraparound Area is provided between redundant safe shutdown paths on the north and south sides of the Reactor Building on three specific elevations. This Wraparound Area functions to separate the north and south.portions of the fire zones on these elevations by providing spatial separation. Within the Wraparound Area both division are protected. In addition, due to the fire protection features or lack of significant combustibles in these areas, it is assumed that fire spread is confined to a 50'istance. FIRE ZONES AFFECTED: All fire zones are provided with fire detection. The Wraparound Area is a subset of a fire zone and is located east of the containment within the fire zone (see Figures 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0 in Appendix B).The Table below provides a description of fire protection features and combustible loading in the affected fire zones.Fire Zone Protection Provided Essential Raceway Combustible Loading 1-3B 1-3C 1-4A 1-5A 2-3B 2-3C 2-4A 2-5A 1 hour/AS 3 hours 1 hour/AS 3 hours 1 hour/AS 3 hours 1 hour/AS 1 hour/AS 20 min 9 min 15 min 19 min 16 min ll min 15 min 18 min Notes: The 1 hour or 3 hour refers to the fire rating of the raceway wrap for essential safe shutdown cables."AS" indicates automatic sprinkler protection is provided.Zone 1-3C and 2-3C have a calculated in-situ combustible loading of 9 and 11 minutes, and due to the congestion and high radiation, transient combustible loading is expected to be very low.Therefore automatic sprinkler protection has not been provided.The areas north and south of these wraparound areas have different safe shutdown path available.(i.e.Div.I vs.Div.II).Within the wraparound area, both paths are available since a)either components of both paths do not exist or b)components of both paths are protected with m I l4 I'mp IH il t I, V P N REQUEST NO.4 PAGE 2 either a 3 hour fire rated wrap or a 1 hour fire rated wrap with automatic sprinklers. To ensure a 50 foot wide separation a 66 foot wide area was chosen since conduit locations have a+8 foot tolerance from the location shown on the drawing.JUSTIFICATION: In order to damage redundant shutdown paths fire damage must spread over a distance greater than 50 foot wide.Such damage is not considered feasible, considering the general arrangement, fire protection, fire detection, and low combustible loadings in these areas.EXEMPTIONS RE UEST: A 66 foot wide Wraparound Area provided in Fire Zones 1-3B, 1-3C, 1-4A, 1-5A, 2-3B, 2-3C, 2-4A, and 2-5A provide sufficient protection to separate redundant safe shutdown paths, and, therefore, fire rated barriers are not required.djk/h188c3:del ~~ py I 4 IIII, I"'l'Vf P a PIC ,n IV N'I'K t I+4 II p I Ip'>,I J J I I f p,'h A a'1 e'I il u' APPENDIX R EXEMPTION RE UEST PARTIAL RATING OF WALLS AND FLOOR/CEILING REQUEST NO.5 REASON FOR EXEMPTION RE UEST: Classical fire protection practice provides complete walls, or floor/ceiling assemblies that are fire rated as barriers between adjacent fire areas.The Reactor Building Fire Areas vary in size and shape from those typically found in normal practice, and the need for fire rated fire area boundaries is based on the need to separate redundant paths.When fire rating is required, only the portion of the boundary common to the fire areas with different safe shutdown paths is fire rated (reference Figures 1.0 through 11.0 in Appendix B).FIRE ZONES AFFECTED: For the effected fire zones see Table 5-1.JUSTIFICATION: Our Fire Barrier Analysis uses a combination of fire rated barriers and spatial separation (wraparound areas)to form fire rated fire area boundaries. The use of partial rating of walls and floor/ceilings is consistent with our use of spatial separation and explained in Appendix B.EXEMPTION: Fire boundaries when analyzed to be required between fire areas need be protected only for the portions of the wall or floor/ceilings common to the two areas.dgk/h187c3: de1 h*a LIST OF PARTIAL.RATING OF'WALLS AND FLOOR/CEILING BARRIER SEPARATING FIRE ZONES Reactor Buildin Unit/ll FIRE ZONE/FIRE ZONE 1-1E/1-3B-W 1-1F/1-3B-W 1-1E/1-3C-W 1-lF/1-3C-W 1-3A/1-4B 1-3A/1-4G 1-4A-W/1-5A-S 1-4A-W/1-5A-W 1-4A-N/1-5A-W 1-5A-S/1-6A 1-5A-S/1-6I 1-5A-W/1-5E REF.FIG.IN APPENDIX B 2,38 9 2,38 9 2, 3 8 10 2, 3&10 3, 4&11 3,4&11 4,5&10 4,5&9 4,5&10 5,6&11 5, 6&11 5&10 TABLE 5-1 dgk/hl87c3:del I I l~4 II/Jh~P P 1 I I I I'f'I~I I L Ir j f k L'I f clL I I , I, I f hh'f pg'"I'I'I I I'I LIST OF PARTIAL RATING OF WALLS AND FLOOR/CEILING BARRIER SEPARATING FIRE ZONES Reactor Buildin Unit 82 FIRE ZONE/FIRE ZONE REF.FIG.IN APPENDIX B 2-1E/2-3B-W 2-1F/2-3B-W 2-1E/2-3C-W 2-1F/2-3C-W 2-3B-N/2-4A-S 2-3B-N/2-40 2-4A-W/2-5A-N 2-4A-W/2-5A-W 2-4A-S/2-5A-W 2-6A/2-4G 2-5A-S/2-6A 2-5C/2-6A 2-5A-W/2-5E 2,3&9 2,3&9 2,3&9 2,3&9 3, 4&11 3, 4&ll 4, 5, 9&10 4,5&9 4,5&9 7&11 5,6&11 5, 6&ll 5&10 TABLE 5-1 dgk/h187 c3: del P~4,"u APPENDIX R EXEMPTION RE UEST NON FIREPROOFED STRUCTURAL STEEL REQUEST NO.6 REASON FOR EXEMPTION RE UEST: Within the Unit 1 and 2 Reactor Buildings and Control Structure a few floor/ceiling assemblies are to be upgraded to a 3 hour fiie rating, to separate redundant safe shutdown equipment. The structural steel supporting these floors is not prote'cted. FIRE ZONES AFFECTED: The table below provides a list of the affected fire zones.For, details on the extent of the required fire protection, see Figures 1.0 through 11.0 in Appendix B.FIRE ZONE BELOW/FIRE ZONE ABOVE Unit 81 Reactor Building 1-1E/1-3C-W 1-1E/1-3B-W 1-1F/1-3B-W 1-1F/1-3C-W 1-3A/1-4B 1-3A/1-4G 1-3B-W/1-4C 1-3B-W/1-4D 1-4A-N/1-5A-W 1-4A-W/1-5A-,S 1-4A-W/1-5A-W 1-4A-W/1-5E 1-4A-W/1-5F 1-4A-W/1-5G 1-5A-S/1-6A 1-5A>>S/1-6I SPRINKLER PROTECTION BELOW STRUCTURAL STEEL No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ," Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes COMBUSTIBLE LOADING FOR FIRE ZONE BELOW STRUCTURAL STEEL 12 min 12 min 18 min 18 min 25 min 25 min 20 min 20 min 15 min 15 min 15 min 15 min 15 min 15 min 19 min 19 min Unit 82-Reactor Building 2-1E/2-3B-W 2-1E/2-3C-W 2-1F/2-3B-W 2-1F/2-3C-W No No No No 13 min 13 min 18 min 18 min I I d IP V'I~0 I l1 A le lf FIRE ZONE BELOW/'FIRE ZONE ABOVE SPRINKLER PROTECTION BELOW STRUCTURAL STEEL REQUEST NO.6 PAGE 2 COMBUSTIBLE LOADING Unit 82-Reactor Building (Cont.)2-3B-N/2-4A-S , 2-3B-N/2-4G 2-3B-W/2-4C 2-3B-W/2-4D 2-4A-S/2-5A-W 2-4A-W/2-5A-N 2-4A-W/2-5A-W 2-4G/2-5B 2-4A-W/2-5E 2-4A-W/2-5F 2-4A-W/2-5G 2-5A-S/2-6A 2-5C/2-6A 2-6A/2-4G Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No 16 min 16 min 16 min 16 min 15 min 15 min 15 min 4 min 15 min 15 min 15 min 6 min 6 min 6 minControl Structure Elevation'54'-0 Support Steel JUSTIFICATION: Yes 62 min Unit 81 and f!2 Reactor Buildings: All fire zones have sprinkler protection below the exposed structural steel except for Fire Zones l-lE, 1-1F, 2-1E, 2-1F 2-4G, 2-5C and 2-6A.In these fire zones the maximum combustible rating is 18 minutes, and minimal transient combustibles are expected.Finally, the in-situ combustibles in these fire zones are generally located near the floor at a distance from where the structural steel forming the fire area barrier is located.CONTROL STRUCTURE: Automatic detection and,protection is provided below the exposed structural steel.The ma)ority of the combustibles in,the area below the exposed structural steel are cables.'he majority of the cables are located either below the raised computer floor in the Control Room or in 2 hour fire rated cable chases on the north and south walls of the, control structure where only one structural member is effected.'There is'approximately 20 feet between the raised computer floor and the exposed structural steel supporting elevation 754'-0.Finally, the Control Room comprises the ma)ority of the area beneath this steel and it is continually staffed.Exposed structural steel supporting the identified fire area barriers is acceptable and does not require fire proofing.dgk/h188c3:del ~~4 '4 APPENDIX R EXEMPTION RE UEST FIRE SPREAD LIMITATIONS REQUEST NO.7 REASON FOR EXEMPTION RE UEST: The analysis.which determined which fire zone boundaries required fire rating assumed that a fire starting in a given fire zone could damage equipment in the next ad)acent fire zones (horizontally and vertically) unless fire rated boundaries were provided.Damage beyond the adjacent zones via a second non-rated boundary was not considered. FIRE ZONE AFFECTED: This assumption was used generally throughout the Fire Barrier Analysis.JUSTIFICATION: The non-rated fire zone boundaries have some non-fire rated components such as structural steel, doors, HVAC penetrations, pipe penetrations, and seismic gaps seals.The boundaries themselves, however, are constructed of reinforced concrete in excess of 8 inches, and use 3 hour fire rated cable penetrations. The nature of the fire zone boundaries are such that they would be expected to contain minor fires.The NRC provided the following guidance in an April 18, 1985 letter to PP8L: "The reassessment of non-rated construction should be in accordance with guidance presented at the site audit.That is, to provide reasonable assurance that fire propagation will not occur beyond non-fire-rated zone boundaries, the boundaries should be upgraded to be continuous barriers with a fire rating sufficient to withstand the effects of a fire involving in-situ and transient combustibles, with conservative margin.If boundary construction is not upgraded, your reassessment should assume that fire spread will occur into the next most immediate fire zone (horizontally and/or vertically)." EXEMPTION RE UEST: It may be assumed in the case of non-rated fire boundaries that fire spread will only occur into the next most immediate fire zone (horizontally and vertically), and that damage beyond the adjacent zones via a second non-rated boundary need not be considered. dgk/hl88c3:del Ir v,b).,P 4 J I P b I~Ib)I)p>>I t'J),)$'~'r'4{<),I b It~Vl tl 1 I"'h I I~{I))i I.~n p I,{4kv)"I...t{)Ii'{, vr))>>A)4 I I).)VI I{,~p{t)I)p,>>rq)ll ,)I I J))Ib)4~h 4 IX 4'I 4 I>>4 f II h.~{44))I I{)))g{'<)')i>>I'",'i1>{{j hippy I b>>L){jtjb~4 I 0 I'*ll il>>p b I h 4 I I'I I>>1~ll>>I II'I 14 i'VV v 4 b, 4')b 41 SUSQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATION-UNITS 1 8 2 FIRE PROTECTION PROGRAM-CONCERN 81 DOCKETS NO.50-387 50-388 APPENDIX B-SiQPLE DOCUMENTATION APPENDIX B Unrated Fire Zone Boundaries in all safety related structures were reviewed to determine whether they functioned as a fire area barrier and as such were required to be upgraded to fire rated status in accordance with Appendix R.For Purposes of this Analysis a fire area was defined as a three dimensional volume bounded on all sides either by floors, walls or ceilings using fire rated construction or by a"buffer" fire zone which precludes the spread of a fire.A"buffer" fire zone was defined as a fire zone which acts as a subdivision of two adjacent fire areas and which, due to the protection provided to the essential cables in the fire zone or the lack of any essential cables in the fire zone, can satisfy the criteria for separating one safe shutdown path in one fire area from another in the ad]acent fire area.A sample set of documentation is provided in Attachment f/1, Figures 1.0 through 11.0, for the Unit ffl and Unit 82 Reactor Buildings. The Figures in Attachment ill show those walls which are currently rated and required to be rated to support our Appendix R Analysis, those walls and floor/ceilings which must be upgraded to support our Appendix R analysis, the Wraparound Areas, and for each fire zone, the paths available for achieving safe shutdown and the in-situ combustible loading.In reviewing these drawings it can readily be seen how the fire areas in Attachment /32 are formed and that the fire area boundaries meet the criteria described above.There were two types of"Buffer" fire zones used throughout the analysis.The first type is the Wraparound Area.The Wraparound Areas are shown on Figures 3.0, 4.0 5 5.0.In Unit 81 these Wraparound Areas function to separate Fire Area R-1A (Unit Pl)from Fire Area R-1B (Unit f!1).Exemption Request No.4 in Appendix A provides the)ustification for the use of these Wraparound Areas.The second type is best depicted by the use of an example.Refer to Figure 6.0.On this Figure it can be seen how Fire Zone 1-6D.Which contains no essential cables and, therefore, has all paths available, functions as a"buffer" fire zone in separating Fire Zone 1-6C in Fire Area R-1B from Fire Zones 1-6E and 1-2C in Fire Area R-lA.Other"buffer" fire zones are described in Attachment 2.As described above spatial separation is used in two ways throughout the analysis.This use of spatial separation dictates that only portions of some fire area boundaries common to two fire areas need to be fire rated.One such case is shown on Figure 9.0, where the slab on Elevation 683'-0 is protected only in the area of Wraparound Area 1-3B-W.Protection on this portion of the slab is required because the spatial separation between Fire Zone 1-1F in Fire Area R-1A and Fire Zone 1-3B-N in Fire Area R-1B is less than 50 feet.The use of partial rating is justified in Exemption Request No.5 in Appendix B.s Our reanalysis was based upon the concept of using valid fire areas to assure the availability of a safe shutdown path to cold shutdown in the event of a fire in any given fire area.A listing of the fire areas in each safety related building is contained in Attachment 82.tag/h253c3:del' g<<-4<<h)g~1 I, h~3 1'I 4 3 rh'~<<.~S r<<r)p~, SI,, h KK<<h 3 I, 4~r g S<<f (Il<<3 V'll." r Jr)1,".S<<V-1 4 I 4~r 1 I Ir'4 I)II,KK~V Et<<4)II ,Vgl 4 4 I'S.IV I V 4 4~I~~.rT 44 I'I 1>>.)I, lt,'I'I 4>>'I<<I~~g I,)<<V I~4 I~4 4"~4 1 V"4<<,S)VTI I 3 II 3 1 4')S)3 Ih'3 l 43 4 4'4 I I 4 I V(4 I I<<4 I p ,<<VP'I~~'3 I rh 4<<3 I>>)r~'3ll~'111 kg/JY Ir Sl I<<=I 4<<F.<<I 4', SUSQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATION-UNITS l 5 2 FIRE PROTECTION PROGRAM-CONCERN f/1 DOCKETS NO.50-387 50-388 APPENDIX B-SAMPLE DOCUMENTATION ATTACHMENT NO.1 fdf,l N I f 1, lf"'I~lfIf II TIf fg I/p f SUSQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATION-UNITS 1&2 FIRE PROTECTION PROGRAM-CONCERN f!1 DOCKETS NO.50-387 50<<'388 APPENDIX B-SAMPLE DOCUMENTATION e ATTACHMENT NO.2 ~-I p~'g , Pi'r j LISTING OF FIRE ZONES IN EACH FIRE AREA REACTOR BUILDING UNIT gl FIRE AREA R-lA FIRE AREA R-1B ,FIRE AREA'R-lC 1-lA 1-1F 1-lG 1-2A 1-2C 1-3A'.1-3B-S 1-3B-W*1-3C-S 1-3CM*1-4A-S 1-4A-W',*1-4D 1-4E 1-5A-S 1-5A-W*1-5E 1-5G 1-5H**1-6E 6F**0-6H**7A**B**0-SA**1-lB 1-lc 1-1D 1-1E.1-1I 1-lJ 1-2B 1-2D 1-3B-N 1-3B-W*1-3C-N 1-3C-W*1-4A-N 1-4A-W'1-4B 1-'4C 1-4G 1-5A-N 1-5A-W.*1-5B 1-5C 1-5D 1-5F 1-6A**1-6C**6F**1-6I 0 6G**0-SA*****4F****These fire zone sub-divisions, known as Wraparound Areas, function as a fire rated barrier separating fire area R-lA from R-lB.,**These fire zones contain no safe;,shutdown cables and function as a"buffer" fire zone.***These fire zones are the primary containment and have an inerted atmosphere. >l A fff, REACTOR BUILDING UNIT 52 FIRE AREA R-2A FIRE AREA R-2B FIRE AREA R-2C 2-1B 2-lF 2-1G, 2-1I 2-2A 2-2C 2-3A 2-3B-W*2-'3B-S 2-3C-W*2-3C-S 2-4A-W*2-4A-S 2-4D 2-4E 2-4G~,2-,5A-W*2-5A-S 2-5C 2-5D 2-5G 2-5H 2-6B**2-6E 6F**2-7A**P 8A**2-lA 2-1C 2-lD 2-1E 2-lJ 2-3B-N 2-3B-W*2-3C-N 2-3C-W*2-4A-N 2-4A-W*2-4B 2-4C 2-5A-N 2-5A-W*2-5B 2-5E'2-5F 2-6A 2-6C 2 6D**6F**, 2 7A**P BA**2c'2B H***4F*4**These fire zone sub-divisions, known as Wraparound Areas, function as a fire rated barrier separating fire area R-2A from R-2B.&**These fire zones contain no safe-shutdown cables and function as a"buffer" fire zone.***These fire zones are the primary containment. and have an inerted atmosphere. CONTROL STRUCTURE FIRE AREA FIRE ZONE(S)CS-1 CS-2 CS-3 CS-4 CS-6 CS-7 CS-8 CS-9 CS-10 CS-ll CS-12 CS-13 CS-14 CS-15 CS-16 CS-17 CS-18 CS-19 CS-20 CS-21 CS-22 CS-23 CS-24 CS-25 CS-26 CS-27 CS-28 0-21B, 0-29A 0 22Bg 0 29CgD 0 21Ag 0 22Ag 0 22C~0 23 J 0 24A GJ 0 25AJE 0-24I,L c 0-24K 0 24J~0 25Bg 0 26BgSg 0 27Fg 0 28P 0 24LJM/'25CJDJ 0 26C/D~0 26T/V 0 27GgHg 0 28Q~R 0-28S 0 26Ag E N g P g R 0-27A-E 0-28A Subzone I (Room C-613);.0-28C 0-28E 0-28G 0-28H 0-28J 0-28B Subzone I (Room C-604)0-28M 0-28N 0-28A Subzone II'(Rooms C-611, C-612)0-28T 0-28D 0-28F 0.-28B.Subzone II (Rooms C-605, C-606).0-28I 0-28K 0-28L 0 29B g, 0 30Ag'B f g,'t l' DIESEL GENERATOR FIRE AREA D-1 D-2 D-3 D-4 FIRE ZONE(S)0-41A 0-41B 0-41C 0-41D ESSW PUMPHOUSE E-1 E-2 0-51 0-52 SUSQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATION-UNITS 1&2 FIRE PROTECTION PROGRAM-CONCERN 81 DOCKETS NO.50-387 50-388 APPENDIX C-FIRE BARRIERS TO BE UPGRADED APPENDIX C LISTING OF FIRE ZONE BOUNDARIES RE UIRING UPGRADE UNIT 81-REACTOR BUILDING BARRIER BETWEEN FIRE ZONE/FIRE ZONE TYPE COMBUSTIBLE LOADING FIRE ZONE/FIRE ZONE 1-1A/1-1B 1-lE/1-3B-W 1-1E/1-3C-W 1-lE/1-1F 1-1F/1-3B-W 1-1F/1-3C-M 1-2A/1-2B 1-3A/1-3B-N 1-3A/1-4B 1-3A/1-4G 1-4A-W/1-5A-W 1-4A-N/1-5E 1-4A-M/1-5A-S 1-4A-S/1-4G 1-4G/1-5A-S 1-5A-M/1-5E 1-5A-S/1-5B 1-5A-S/1-6A 1-5A-S/1-6I 1-5D/1-5E 1-3B-W/1-4D 1-3B-M/1-4C 1-4A-N/1-5A-M 1-4A-W/1-5F 1>>4A-W/1-5G Wall Slab Slab Wall Klab Slab Wall Mall Slab Slab Slab Slab Slab Wall Mall Wall Wall Slab Slab Wall Slab Slab Slab Slab Slab 10/10 12/20 12/9 12/18 18/20 18/9 10/5 25/20-25/16 25/4 15/19 15/10 15/19 15/4 4/19 19/10 19/3 19/6 19/5, None/10 20/18*20/20*15/19 15/16*15/10**Structural Steel only (Exemption Request filed).

APPENDIX C-Cont.UNIT I/2-REACTOR BUILDING BARRIER BETWEEN FIRE ZONE/FIRE ZONE TYPE COMBUSTIBLE LOADING FIRE ZONE/FIRE ZONE 2-1A/2-1B 2-1E/2-1F 2<<1E/2-3B-W 2-1E/2-3C-W 2-1F/2-3B-W 2-1F/2-3C-W 2-2A/2-2B 2-3A/2-3B;N 2-3B-N/2-4A-S 2-3B-N/2-4G 2-3B-W/2-4C 2-3B-W/2-4D 2-4A-W/2-5A-N 2-4A-W/2-5A-W 2-4A-W/2-5E 2-4A-W/2-5F 2-4A-W/2-5G 2-4A-N/2-4G 2-4A-S/2-5A-W 2-4G/2-4B 2-4G/2-5A-N 2-4G/2-5B 2-4G/2-6A 2-5A-W/2-5E 2-5A-S/2-5B 2-5A-S/2-6A 2-5C/2-6A 2-5D/2-5E Wall Wall Slab Slab Slab Slab:,Wall Wall Slab Slab Slab Slab Slab Slab Slab Slab Slab Wall Slab Wall Wall Wall/Slab Wall/Slab Wall Wall Slab Slab Wall 7/12 13/18 13/16 13/11 18/16 18/11 13/5 30/16 16/15 16/4 16/29*16/24*15/18 15/18 15/9 15/16*15/10*15/4 15/18 4/16 4/18 4/3 4/6 18/9 18/3 18/6 6/6 1/9*Structural Steel only (Exemption Request filed)tag/h253c3:del p'4 I h'l h h H SUSQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATION-UNITS l 5 2 FIRE PROTECTION PROGRAM-CONCERN PlDOCKETS NO.50-387 50-388 APPENDIX D-CONDUIT 5 RACEWAY REQUIRING PROTECTION APPENDIX D To support the Fire Barrier Analysis, in some cases, existing fire zones were reanalyzed because of conflicts with adjacent fire zones.This reanalysis resulted in adjacent fire zones which contained the same shutdown path.In the process of performing this reanalysis, however, it was determined that certain raceways required additional protection in order to support the reanalysis. Table D.l provides a listing of these raceways in those fire zones which were reanalyzed. These raceways will be wrapped per Appendix R criteria unless additional systems analysis,,can prove that th'ese raceways are acceptable as is.In addition, three additional raceways were identified as requiring protection in order to provide a.66 foot wide wraparound Area in Fire Zone 1-5A.These raceways will be wrapped per Appendix R criteria and are listed below: D1K010 B1K009 D1P025 h F),~r,,t*'I 4 I L'1 I~)H H)IK HK'w 4 Hr rK~F~r I I 44', F~f 4," I r I, I l~~4 S\I (I" H F~)4 44~~4(HI PI g>>~F g I'I qf4 r APPENDIX D (Cont.)FIRE ZONE 1-1D 1-3A 1-4A-S , EXISTING PATH Div.II ADS/CS Div.II HPCI Div.II HPCI NEW PATH ANALYZED FOR Div.I ADS/CS Div.II ADS/CS Div.II ADS/CS ADDITIONAL RACEWAY REQUIRING PROTECTION TO SUPPORT THE AVAILABILITY OF THE NEW PATH None F1KL12,13,14,15 F1KH14,15 F1M321 F1K036 F1KR21 F1KJ01,02,03 F1K118 1-4A-W Div.I ADS/CS Div.II HPCI Div.II ADS/CS None 1-3B-N 1-3B-W 1-3B-S 1-6A 2-1D 2-3B-W 2-3B-S 2-6D Div.I RCIC Div.I RCIC Div.I RCIC Div.I RCIC Div.II ADS/CS Div.I ADS/CS Div.I ADS/CS Div.I ADS/CS Div.I ADS/CS Div.I ADS/CS Div.II ADS/CS Div.II ADS/CS Div.I ADS/CS Div.I ADS/CS Div.II ADS/CS Div.II ADS/CS Div.II ADS/CS A1P019,E1K954 C1P023, C1K057 E1F137, C1F056 None None None F2KH29,30,31,32 F2PH29,30,3 1, 3 2 None None TABLE D-1 tag/h253c3:del ~f I I l'l'tl-fl a'I"I LEGENO X-XX-X FIRE ZONE IDENTIFICATION OX AVAILABLE SNUTOOBN'PATN: 01 AOS/CS DIVISION.I 02 RCIC DIVISION 03 ADS/CS DIVISION II 04 NPCI DIVISION II~X CONBIIST IDLE LOADING (IN MINUTES~)IN PIRE ZONE INDICATES LIMIT OF WRAP AROUND AREA FIRE RATING CDLOR CODING: RED-INDICATES EXISTI.NG BARRIER ORANGE INDICATES BARRIER TO BE UPGRADED~Ava8M)le 0~4pertm e Gee Tr~ZRYURlF CA~ER.REVISION CH.BY APPROVED ER-ER-SCALE-DATE-DRAWN-CHECKED-LEADER-APPR'D.APPR'D.I$509'o6 DQ(/-a/PING)YLVAttlA POWDER 6 L1681':ONPANY ALLENTOWN, PA.APPROVED DECIMAL FRACTIONAL LOCATION CODE DESCRIPTION 1 k 4 4 J lt pP 5p~, m LA 0 03 2-II Ql 0~0~04~M/A 2-)H Ql Q2 Os Q4g~u/A~2-l 4 0~O~;~7~l-l A 0~0~~la M/A'~l-l8: g~lo I I l~l-le Qi~la, C l-lI@Oz O~O~~el~FL.EL G48'-0".: FL.L'o 46'-0 Ql A~2-lV 0>04~lS 2-IF Ql Q2 O~Q~O~O~~28 0~0<~l8 Ql Qz Ql~C Pe-0 C Ql.'z~i5 CL.Q 57A 2k'->" 2-1 3 O~O~IO BAYS 8 27-0=270'" Z6.5 3t.5 30.Z7.5I 1 FLOO F2 PLAKI;i E'L.Q 4~'-D 25 ER-ER-SCALE-DATE-DRAWN-22 2-t'~e Available 0 sQqpggggge 'CaIcd QI@O~0<~hi/A'jE~Pm'PURE CAIE 0.6 P'FIGURE,>.O p609okc~//-cNO.DATE ER.DECIMAL REVISION RIACTIONAL LOCATION CODE i CH.BY APPROVED CHECKED-LEADER-APPR'D.APPR'D.PENNSYLVANIA POWER 6 LIGHT (ONPAlIV ALLENTOWN, PA.APPROVED DESCRIPTION I l tc 2-LT-QII Q~O~~ma E:L.GS9'-~e (g Qz Qs Qa 2-3k'~O4~so EL.703'-I I"~2-I I4 OI O~'/A~2-3C-I4~2-'ll-II (g/[~<<~i@O~Q~EL.703 ll"-I Qecg QL-Xg O>OI~e~mw~.'+g r 1I.U~.Q>.Ql Q2~co Also Avaggble Om Aperture Qg4'D APER%~CA]RD/r/r///0 Q~a[1~2-3s-3~2-3'lb.y'0<O~04'35-0 HO~2-1z gt O2os g4 3'5'-0 33'-0 Z&'-Co" WRkP AROUND 10 BAAL 82'7-0"=2'70-0 kV,OUZO M'-&Qo Z3.0 27.6 26.P3.ZO I=/GORE'v1FZZAUlhlC FLOOR PLAU 8 E:L.&6'5'-0 ER-ER-SCALE-DATE-DRAWN-g5Q9oca~ir-cp DATE ER.REVISION CH.BY APPROVED CHECKED-LEADER-APPR'D.APPR'D.PENH5VlVANIA POWER 6 I.IGHT (OMPANY ALLENTOWN, PA.APPROVED DECIMAL FRACTIONAL LOCATION COOK DESCRIPTION

3 tP f';, pw (~3 p A gl~I j g~

~C'0 2-IX 0~04.~lliA~.'Iz EL.2-4B Oi Qz EL'T28'~Oi llr-'OiQ~~le I EL-'Tlh I C..I-iT.Oi 0~0~04~4/A Qo~2-4F.OiO~0~0~4/A~2-4 1-M@Qa~lS L;7l'3'-I Oi0<O~Q~@he AveHable On kpej.tare GItrd YIt V LEL.7e-(-CARIj ,~2-4E.Oi O~02 04 Ml I.2-G~2-4@W l 2 l&2-40/poa, lpl~a-ac./+Zj/%/~2~i (g 0~Qs Qa~o~E~~-o I~S-o 270'-O" OiO<O>O<IO BA'!5$27-0"=I~l4A H-QI-QS Qa~lB'~l-42/'/I'8<O4oa~ls/~i-oc.~l'5-O 5'5-0 WRkP AROUND PCS'-G," 8/I)ol Q2~2O Qi (y Qs Qa~k!IA 27.5 24.S 22 20.NO.DATE ER.DECIMAL REVISION FRACTIONAL FLOOR PLAIU 6 EL 7/O'-I" Ij CH.BY APPROVED I@I LOCATION CODE ER-ER-SCALE-DATE-DRAWN-CHECKED-LEADER-APPR'D.APPR'D.DESCRIPTION F icuaz 4.o P F N N Yi VAN I A P Oik 0 6 I.I SHT (ON P ANY ALLENTOWN, PA.APPROVED j f" t..')<<Q"J9~l'K)sg I k w,)E fg lII O L U O N OiO<0>0<~Wi A FL.EL-7I'ol,L I 0'-',-5A-S 05~I8 NFL.EL.7(o I'-I'O'/l2-5B I 050~FL.El 7'.'-IO FL.EL 762-'O Oi ,I.FL EL Col'-IO" I-5A-N FL.EL 741-IO Qi 02 05 (y~NI A m 2tl cd~t5A-5-Q~~I8~2-5O OIO<0>04~2-5a-~Oi~I8~I-5O OI(y0~(y~NoNE I-5A;Ili~W a-5A-H QIQ>~I8 I ROOF SLA5~<<r wR T.O.C.6 EL.7C foI 41'2-5E ri 0 r o~/I p E j j p Pace@y g//2 IJ-1-2C NIA 1-5'0>'04 i io<2.iO/niZ\-5A-8 QIO<04 o4'//0024 ICOS SLAB'T.O.C El.7Coco'I-iZ OI 080504&A~N/A 2-5H Qi020~04~L.l Z.4-co".Z,-SG 0~04--~IO-2,-5F Oi 0>10 5A'Y5 eD-0=2TO-O" I"5H Oi020>0~~el 050~~IO l-5F (D 02.~IIo Ql E 0 X Ql-z I~'J~Q CL O'57.4'34.5'51.5 30,5 27.5 Fl OOR Pi AN R E4.t4'0-1=ER-ER-2l'o.5 Z5 23.5 ZO P@Z'kBII'6 ~g Tr MERYmz p)c,up,s s.o CARD NO.DATE ER.REVISION CH.BY APPROVED SCALE-DATE-DRAWN-CHECKED-LEADER-APPR'D.APPR'D.PENN$YI.VANIA POWER 6 I.IGHT t:OMPANY ALLENTOWN, PA.APPROVED+3170l DECIMAL FRACTIONAL LOCATION CODE DESCRIPTION 1" D T,'4 E 2: Ql L1.C4 LA 2.-l I.0<OzO>4~NIA P Cl el I~2-(AS Ol 020504~s 2-4oA Qiz z-t OIOz 4F 0~04 gA 0~04 OIOz>0 0/5 Or S Q4~No l4 2 I Oi(y~s QI l-SF., 2 0>04 n4/A r 0-4.G Pi'OE's I~NI A/~l-(c A'OIO<.I 1-4F 0~0z, 0~04 1-46, Qi.I~l-<S'0>OzQ>04 I-I2 0~0~0~04~NA Aho AvmbLble On Aperture Card Yf.~ERYIDKE ARIjj I 1-2C 0~04~NI A 0 x~2-Io E QIQzi04~2-I D Ql 05~ll~0~0<~i-IoD QiQzQ~Q4 1-I 3 OIO~OEOA~~~NIA z-13'>Oz 0~04~NIA IO 5AYS e z'7-0=2,70-0 Ql~2 L-Q Qh O-z I~S E J t$57.4--0 54.5 3 l.5 3O 5 23 27-5 FLQOP, PLIsNe E4.l7~-I ER-ER-SCAI E-DATE-DRAWN-g,2.2O.t'iCuv,E. 4,0-=pgg pc3&6Q//-Q7 blO.DATE R EVISlON CH.eV APPROVED CHECKED-LEADER-APPR'D.APPR'D.PIHN$Yl.VANIA POWER 6 t,l6HT (ONPANY ALLENTOWN, PA.APPROVED DECIMAL FIIACTIONAL LOCATION CODE DESCRIPTION Y I~V'r.l C I 1 t I$aP~s4~J II Cz'L I 2-IX OIOa05 4.~NI A 0 2-CnA t wl-(oA,.(D z-~c 0>0<0>04~NI A OIOz 050~0-6 a O/q~(y O4 N A.BO T.EL.l79-Q" kleo AveQable Oa Apeihsre Card~2-toE 0>0<0504~c./~ww-7A QIOz 0504-~N/A O-l'o,H Oi OaOsQ+~NON E 0~04~N/A I I<-t6>QzQ>0+~i-7 tw Oi0~0504,!~xw Tl~Em'I'UIK CAR9 O'O~O~0~p 2-)$0>0<0>04--~N/A, lo BA'YS 6 2T'-0='70-0 24'-6 0 0'9-.>7.4:.54.: Z4.w 31.5..505;)2'9 V5...265 25.5 22//0.(n N Fl 005 PLA,NI E.4.l'55'- )'R-ER-SCALE-DATE-DRAWN-F 1 G U 5 E.7.0 pgg9Q&oao-o p NO.DATE ER.REVISION CH.BY APPROVED CHECKED-LEADER-APPR'D.APPR'D.PENN$YLVAIILIA POWER 6 LIGHT (ONPANY ALLENTOWN, PA.APPROVED DECIMAL FRACTIONAL I LOCATION CODE DESCRIPTION A f cg p)I W (", 1 l~j Z-1X Oio~o>4~MA CV LA: GOT-,'EL.113'1 50'T.E L.ll'\'-0'<<<<<<)5<<<<';" Qo Q1<<"0 C a CA<<r Z.(o-(o (0 Ql~M x~t$CI CL 54.5 Dl.5 50.FLOOR P NO.DATE ER.DEClh1AL<<5 REYISlON FRACTTOHAL LOCATION COOK

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