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4 ATTACilMENT B TO BECo LETTER 91-012 Revised Technical Specification Pages c
9102140205 910206 PDR                                ADOCK 05000293 P                                                                                                          PDR
                                                                                                        'l qw  ,,          e
              ,  3. .A: Primary Containmeni (Con't)        4.7.A    Primary Containmqni (Con't)
Primary Containment Intearity            Primary Containment Integrity 2.a Primary containment integr;ty        2.a -The primary containment integrity 7.4                    shall be maintained at all t;mes        shall be demonstrated by
* when-the reactor is critical oc        performing Primary Containment when the reactor water temperature      Leak Tests in accordance with        l is above 212*F and fuel is in the        10CFR50 Appendix J, with reactor vessel except while            exemptions as approved by the NRC performing "open vessel" physics        and exceptions as follows:
    ,                  test at: power levels not to exceed S Mw(t).                                (1) The main steam line isolation valves shall be tested at a        l Primary containment integrity                  pressure 223 psig, and means that the drywell and                    ncrmalized to a value              j pressure suppression chamber are              equivalent to 45 psig each        ,
intact and that all of the                    operating cycle.
following conditions are satisfied:
(2)  Personnel air lock door seals (1) All manual containment                    shall be tested at a pressure isolation valves on lines                210 psig each operating connected to the reactor                cycle. Results shall be coolant system or-containment            normalized to a value which are not required to be            equivalent to 45 psig, open during accident conditions are closed.            If the total leakage rates listed below are exceeded, repairs and          i (2) At least one door in each            retests shall be performed to airlock is closed and sealed. correct the conditions.
(3) All blind flanges and manways        (1) All double-gasketed seals:          (
are closed.                              10% Lt (X)
(4) All automatic primary                (2) All testable penetrations and containment isolation valves            isolation valves:
and all instrument line flow            60% La (x) check valves are operable except as specified in            (3) Any one penetration or 3.7.A.2.b.                              isolation valve except main        1 steam line isolation valves:
(5) All containment isolation                  5% Lt (x) check valves are operable or at least one' containment          (4) Any one main steam line isolation valve in each line            isolation valve:
having an inoperable valve is            11.5 scf/hr 023 psig.
ser.ured in the isolated position.                        where x - 45 psig L
                                                                              .75 L L a-1.0%byweightofthe contained air @ 45 psig for 24 hrs.
Revision Amendment No. 17, 112                                                      155 L                                                                                                        ;
4 3.7.A  Primary Containment (Con'tl          4.7.A  Primary C,qn.tainment (Con' t)
Primarv _ Containment Isolation Valves        Primary Containment Isolation Valves 2.b. In the event any automatic Pr'imary  2.h.)  The primary containment Containment Isolation-Valve                  isclation valves surveillance becomes inoperable, at least one            shall be performed as follows:
containment isolation valve in each line having an inoperable              a. At least once per operating valve shall be deactivated in the                  cycle the operable primary  1
                    -isolated condition. (This                          containment isolation        l requirement may be satisfied by-                  valves that are power deactivating the inoperable valve                  operated and a9tomatically in the isolated condition.                        initiated shall be tested Deactivation means to electrically                for simulated automatic or pneumatically disarm, or                        initiation and closure otherwise secure the valve.)*                      tlines ,
: b. At least once per quarter:
: 1. All noraally open power operated primary containment isolation valves-(except for the main steam line power operated isolation valves) shall be ully closed and reopened.
: 2. Trip the mair, steat isolation valves individually and verily closure time.
: c. At least twice fer week the main steam line power operated isolation valves shali be exercised by partial closure and subsequent reopening.
: d. At least once per operating cycle-the operability of the reactor coolant system instrument line flow check-valves shall be verified.
* Isolation valves closed to satisfy these requirements may be reopencd on an            2.b.2 Whenever a primary containment intermittent basis under ORC approved administrative controls.
automatic isolation valve, is inoperable, the position of the
isolated valve in each line having an inopcrable valve shall be recorded daily.
Amendment No. 173                                                              155a t.
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Pages 160 through 164 are' deleted                                          ,
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Amendment No. 63, 113                                                                        160 4
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                . MSH:
3.7 A & 4.7 A Primary Con (gihment The primary containment leak rate test frequency is based on maintaining adequate assurance that the leak rate remains within the specification.                                                  The
                      ~1eak rate test frequency is in accordance with 10CFRSO App. J.                                                                    l The penetration and air purge piping leakage test frequency, along with the containment leak rate tests, is adequate to allow detection of leakage trends. Whenever a bolted double-gasketed penetration is broken and remade, the space between the gaskets is pressurized to determine that the seals are performing properly. It is expected that the uajority of the leakage from valves, penetrations and seals would be into the reactor building. However, it is possible that leakage into other parts of the facility could occur.
Such leakage paths that may affect significantiy the consequences of accidents are to be minimized. The personnel air lock is tested at 10 psig, because the inboard door is not designed to shut in the opposite direction.
Primary Containment Isolation Valves Double isolation valves are provided on lines penetrating the primary containment and open to the free space of the containment, Closure of one of the valves in each line would be sufficient to maintain the integrity of the pressure suppression system. Automatic initiation is required to minimize the potential leakage paths from the containment in the event of a loss of coolant accident.
Group 1 - process lines are isolated by reactor vessel low-low water level in order to allow for removal of decay heat subsequent to a scram, yet isolate in time for proper operation of the core standby cooling systems. The valves in graup 1 are also closed when process instrumentation detects excessive main steam line flow, high radiation,, low pressure, main steam space high temperature, or reactor vessel high water level.
Grgu.p_2 - isola-tion valves are closed by reactor vessel low water level or high drywell pressure. The group 2 isolation signal also " isolates" the reactor building and starts the standby gas treatment system. It is not desirable to actuate the group 2 isolation signal by a transient or spurious signal.
Groun 3 - isolation valves can only be opened when the reactor is at low pressure and the core standby cooling systems are not required. Also, since the-reactor vessel could potentially be drained through these process lines, these valves are closed by low water level.
Grgyp 4 and 5 - process lines are designed to remain operable and mitigate the consequences of'an accident which results in the isolation of other process lines. The signals which initiate isolation of group 4 and 5 process lines are therefore indicative of a condition which would render them inoperable.                                                      l Amendment No. 112                                                                                                        168
                                                                -l Annotated Current Technical Specifk? tion Pages  I i
i i
M ko b erd- C klfillBG1019ED&L[pR OPlRG9_N                                        SUMALAN7 REQWMMKB.,
3.7.A filMIy_CQui41DMAt (Con't)                                  4.7 A Primary C.0atA10 Mat (Con't)
EI1Mr.y_fontA31LMat lattgrity                                    filmATLC01talunat._lnif9tity 12.aPrimarycontainmentintegr1ty                                    2.a The primary containment integrity shall be mair'aineo ut all times                                        shall be O m nshtted by when the reh Nr is critical or                                          performing Pri'r.ary Containment when the reactor water temperature                                      Leak Tests in accordance with 10 is above 212'T and fuel is in the                                      CFR 50 Appendix J, as rdd thrv reactor vessel except while                                            & pt, M , ! HO, with exemptions as performing "open vessel" physics                                        approved by the NRC &no exr.eptions test at power levels not to exceed                                      as follows:
5 Mw(t).
(1) The main steam line isolet'on Primary containment integrity                                                    valves shall be tested at a means that the drywell and                                                        pressure ).23 psig, and pressure suppression chamber are                                                normalized to a value intact and that all of the                                                      equivalent to 45 psig each followir .onditions are satisfied:                                              operating cycle.
(1) All manual containment                                                (2) Personnel air lock door seals isolation valves on lines                                                  shall be tested at a pressure connected to the reactor                                                  110 psig each operating coulant system or containment                                              cycle. Results shall be which are not required to be                                              normalized to a value open during accident                                                      (quivalent to 45 psig.
conditions are closed.
If the total leakage rates listed (2) At least one door in each                                            below are exceeded, repairs and airlock is closea and sealed.                                      retests shall be performed to correct the conditions.
( 't)  All blind flanges and manways are closd                                                          (1) All double-gasketed seals:
(4) All automade primary containment isolation valves                                        (2) All testable penetrations and and all instrument line flow                                              isolation valves:
check valves are operable                                              60% La (x) except as specified in 3.7.A.2.b.                                                          (3) Any one penetration or isolation valve except main (5) All containment isolation                                                    steam line isolation valves:
check valves are operable or                                              5% Lt (X) at least one containment isolation valve in each line                                        (4) Any one main steam line having an inoperable valve is                                              isolation valve:
secured in the isolated                                                11.5 scf/hr 923 psig, position.                                                                                ,
where x = 45 psig Lt = .75 La La - 1.0% by weight of the contained air 0 45 psig for 24 hrs.
Revision 116 Amendment No. 77, 113                                                                                      155
M4schmed C.- -                                          .
          .        . LIM 1' RING CONg111QNS FOR OPERAT10!L_                                                      WRYIILLANCE REQUIREMENTS'
                      $.7.A P.rf g ry h tainment (Co d Q                                                          4.7.A Primary COAT 410mtat_(G9 t u 1
Primary Containment _Italation Valvel                                                      Primary Containment Isoittiga.lalyn                                              i M Ut                                                                            .
2.b.                  Intheevent-anyfkrimary                                                2.b.1              The primary containment                                      ,
Containment Isolation Valve                                                              isolation valves surveillance                                  '
that4eceves-en-automatic                                                                shall be performed as follows:
b e!!
* n @:1 'steddfr                                                                                                                                i T:i!: 2.M becomes inoperable,                                                            a. At least once          frimar'f.cWanm            -
at.least one containment                                                                        operating      le the                                  i isolation valve'in each line                                                                    operable solation valves having an inoperable valve                                                                      t1at are power operated shall be deactivated in the                                                                    and automatically isolated condition. (This                                                                      initiated shall be tested requirement may be satisfied by for simulated automatic deactivating the inoperable-                                                                    initiation and closure valve in the isolated                                                                          times.                                                1 condition. Deactivation means                                                                                                                          1 to electrically or                                                                      b. At least once per quarter:                            ,
pneumatically disarm, or                                                                                          r em a d c,yld    nui4='
                                          ~o therwise. secure the valve.)*                                                                1. All norm          en power operated      lation valves (except for the main steam line power operated                          ,
isolation valves) shall be fully closed and                                '
M                                                                                                                            2. Trip the main steam
          '-                                                                                                                                  isolation valves                                  ;
N                                                                                                                              individually.and vertfy                            ;
closure time,
: c. At least twice per week the main steam lins power operated isolation valves shell be exercised by partial closure and-subsequent reopening.
                                                                                                                                    .d.      At least once per-
* operating cycle the          -
operabil.ity of the reactor coolant system instrument line flow                              ~
check valves shall be verified.                            *[g          -
* Isolation valves closed to satisfy                                                        2.b,2- Whenever a primary containment these requirements may be reopened on                                                                          isolation valve, th:t 7:nivw -
an intermittent basis under ORC-                                                                              e =te stic -ho!stica sign:1,                              i approved administrative controls.                                                                              14 5td in T ble 0.7=1 is                                  1
                                                                                                                                    ' inoperable,.the position of the isolated valve in each line ilaving~an inoperable-valve shall be recorded daily.
Revision 116 .
Amendment No. 113                                                                                                                          155a l-
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TABLE 3.7-1 PRIMARY CONTAINMENT AND PEACTOR VESSEL ISOLATION VALVES POWER                                                                                MAXIMUM                                                                ,
'                                                                                                                                                                                    I OPERATLD                                .              .            PENETRATION    OPERATING  NORMAL                          ISOLATION GRELP          VALVE #          SYSTEM & DESCRJPTION                    IPC/0PC      NUMBER      TIME (SEC1 L%ITIM                          POSITION 1        A0-203-      Main Steam Line "A" Isolation Valve          IPC            X-7A          3 sti 5 Open                                Closed 1        A0-203-2AL    ain Steam Line "A" Isolation Valve                OPC        X-7A          3 Sti 5 Open                                Closed 1        A0-203-1B          Steam Line "B" Isolation Yalve_        IPC            X        3 sti 5 Open                                Closed 1          A0-203-28    Main      a Line'"B" Isolation Valve              OPC-      X-78          3 sti 5 Open                                Closed 1        A0-203-1C    Main Stea      ne "C" Isolation Valve  .IPC                X-7C          3 Sti 5 Open                                Closed 1        A0-203-2C    Main Steam Li      "C" Isolation Valve            OPC        X-7C          3 Sts 5 Open                                Closed 1        A0-203-10    Main Steam Line "        lation Valve        IPC            X        3 sts 5 Open                                Closed 1        A0-203-20.  ~ Main-Steam Line "D" Iso      on Valve          -OPC        X-70          3 Its 5 Open                                Closed 1          MO-220-1    Main Steam Drain Isolation          e        IPC            X-8          30      Closed                              Closed 1          MO-220-2    Main Steam Drain Isolation Valv                    OPC        X-8          30      Closed                              Closed II        A0-220-44    Reactor Water Sample Line Valve-              PC            X-41A        10      Open                                Closed 11        A0-220-45    Reactor Water Sample Line Valve                              X-41A        10      Open                                Closed              a
                                                                                                                                                                                )i of                                                                                                    T 23,5 25 A0-5033A A0-5033B Orywell Purge / Makeup Drywell Purge / Makeup OPC        X-26 26 10 10 Closed Closed Closed Closed                y'i 23,5 25 A0-5033C A0-5035A Torus Makeup Drywell Purge / Makeup T ( OPC X-26OPC OPC' X-c          10 5
Closed Closed
                                                                                                                                                        . Closed Closed 25        A0-5035B    Drywell Purge / Makeup                            OPC        X-26          5      Closed                            Closed                i
.          25        A0-5036A    Torus Purge Inlet'                                OPC        X-205          5      Closed                            Closed                p 1          25        A0-5036B    Torus Purge Inlet                                  OPC        X-205                Closed                            Closed 2 3 ,5    A0-5041A    Torus Exhaust Bypass                              OPC        X -227        10      Closed                            Closed 23,5      A0-5041B    Torus Exhaust Bypass                              OPC        X-227        10      Closed                            Closed                    i 25        AO-5042A    Torus Main Exhaust.                                OPC        X-227          5      losed                            Closed                    i 25        A0-5042B    Torus Main Exhaust                                OPC        X-227          5              sed                        Closed 23,5      A0-5043A    Drywell 2" Exhaust Bypass                          OPC        X-25          10      Clo                                Closed 23,5      A0-50438    Drywell 2" Exhaust Bypass                          OPC        X-25          10      Close                              Closed 25        A0-5044A    Drywell Purge Exhaust                              OPC        X-25          5      Closed                            Closed 25        A0-50448    Drywel1-Purge Exhaust                              OPC        X-25          5      Closed                                losed 24        A            TIP Ball - Ball Solenoid Valve                    OPC        X-35          5      Closed                                        sed            i TIP Ball.- Ball Solenoid Valve                                                                                        C1 ed X-35                  Closed 24        8                                                              OPC                      5 24        C            TIP Ball - Ball Solenoid Valve                    OPC        X-35          5      Closed                            Clos l
          '24        0            TIP Ball - Ball' Solenoid Valve                    OPC'      X-35          5      Closed                            Close Revision 116.
Amendment No. 63, 113                                                                                                                                160 l
                                                                                                          .-.            _ - _ _ _ - _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ = _ = _ .
TABLE 3.7-1-(con't)
PRIMARY' CONTAINMENT AND REACTOR VESSEL ISOLATION VALVES POWER                                                                                      MAXIMUM OPERATED                                                              PENETRATION        OPERATING    NORMAL  ISOLATION GR        VALVE #              SYSTEM & DESCRIPTION                  IPC/0PC      LIUMBER          TIME (SEC) POSITION  EQSLT_I_QN_
26    SV-      11A  H2 /02 Analyzer Supply .                              OPC        X-228J          2      Closed  Closed 26    SV-5065-      H2 /02 Analyzer and Leak' Detection Supply          'OPC        X-50A-d          2      Open    Closed 26    SV-5065-14A        /02 Analyzer and Leak Detection Supply          OPC        X-106A-b        2      Open    Closed 26    SV-5065-15B    H2      Analyzer Supply                              OPC        X-228C          2      Closed  Closed 26    SV-5065-18A    H2 /02        er Supply                              OPC        X-228J          2      Closed  Closed 26    SV-5065-208    Hz/02 Anal-      and Leak Detection Supply          GPC        X-50A-d          2      Open    Closed 26    SV-5065-21A    H2 /02 Analyzer        Leak Detection Supply          OPC        X-106A-b        2      Open    Closed 26    SV-5065-228    H2 /02 Analyzer Samp                                  OPC        X-228C          2      Closed  Closed 26    SV-5065-24A    H2/02 and PASS Sample Re                              OPC        X 46F            2      Oper    Closed 26    SV-5065-258    H2 /02 Analyzer Return                                OPC        X-228K          2      Closed  Closed 26    SV-5065-26A    H2/02 and PASS Sample Return                          OPC        X-46F            2      Open    Closed        3 26    SV-5065-278    H2 /02 Analyzer Return                                OPC        X-228K          2      Closed  Closed          g 26    SV-5065-31B    H2 /02 Analyzer Supply                                          X-15E            2      Closed  Closed          [
26    SV-5055-33A    H2 /02 Analyzer and. PASS Supply              p                X-29E            2    Open      Closed          r 26    SV-5065-35B    H2 /02 Analyzer Supply                        A      OPC        X-15E            2      Closed  Closed          g 26    SV-5065-37A    H2 /02 Analyzer and PASS Supply                      OPC            9E          2    Open      Closed          >
26    SV-5065-63. PASS Reactor Sample Jet Pump #15                      OPC      .X            2      Closed  Closed          e 26    SV-5065-64    PASS Reactor Sample Jet Pump #15                      OPC      X-40A-a          2      Closed  Closed          R 26    SV-5065-71    PASS Liquid Sample Return                            OPC      X-22SH            2      Ciosed  Closed 26    SV-5065-72    PASS Liquid Sagle Return                              OPC      X-228H            c    Closed    C1cstd
      ~6  SV-5065-77    PASS Liquid Sample Return                            OPC      X-228G            2      Closed  Closed
    ;6    SV-5065-78    PASS Liquid Sample Return                            OPC      X-228G            2    Closed    Closed 26    SV-5065-85    PASS Reactor Sample Jet Pump #5                      OPC      X-400-c          2        osed  Closed 26    SV-5065-86    PASS Reactor Sample Jet Pump #5                      OPC      X-400-c          2    C1    ed  Closed 2    CV-5065-91    Leak Detection and 02 Analyzer Return                OPC      X-32A            5    Open      Closed 2    CV-5065-92    Leak Detection and.02 Analyzer Return                'OPC      X-32A            5    Open      Closed 2    A0-7011A      R/W Collection D/M Equip. Sump                        OPC        X-19            20    Closed    losed 2    A0-70118      R/M Collection D/M Equip.-Sump                        OPC        X-19            20    Closed      sed 2    A0-7017A.      R/M Collection D/M Floor Sump                        OPC        X-18            20    Closed    Clo d 2    A0-70178      R/M Collection D/M Floor Sump                  -
OPC        X-18            20    Closed    Close 2    MO-1001-21    RHR Discharge to Radwaste                            OPC      None              20    Closed    Closed 2    MD-1001-32    RHR Discharge to Radwaste                            OPC      Mone              20    Closed    Closed        g Revision 116 Amendmerd No. 42,113                                                                                                      161
ABLE 3.7-1 (con't) i PRIMARY CONTAINMENT AND REACTOR VESSEL _IS0_LA_ TION VALLES MAXIMI]M POWER                                                                                NORMAL ISOLATION PENETRATION  OPERATING OPERATED                                                                                  T IPCIOPC    NUMBER      TIME (SEC1 PQSLTIQN POSITIQN_
ROUP    _ VALVE _#_        SYSTEM & DESCRIPTION X-51A          30      Closed  Closed 32          001-29A RHR Injection "A" Loop                    OPC Closed OPC      X-51B          30      Closed 32    MO-1    - 98 RHR Injection "B" Loop                                                    Closed  Cicsed RHR S/D Cooling Suction Valve            OPC      X-12          30 3      M0-1001-4                                                                      30      Closed  Closed
                              /D Cooling Suction Valve        IPC          X-12 3      M0-1001-50                                                                      30      Closed  Closed Reacto - ssel Head Spray                  OPC      X-17 3      MO-1001-60                                                                      30      Closed  Closed Reactor Ves      ead Spray            IPC          X-17 3      MO-1001-63 l                                                              IPC          X-52          25      Open    Closed 4      HO-2301-4    HPCI Steam to Turbine                                                      Open    Closed OPC-    X-52          25 4      M0-2301-5    HPCI Steam to Turbine 5    MO-1301-16    RCIC Steam to Turbine    M              r          X-53 X-53 20 20 Open Open Closed Closed 5      MO-1301-17    RCIC Steam to Turbine 6    MO-1201-2      RHCU Suction                          IPC          -14          25      Open    Closed          j OPC      X-            25      Open    Closed          y 6    MO-1201-5      RHCU Suction                                                              Open    Closed
* OPC      X-9A          30 6    MO-1201-80    RHCU Return OPC. X-219          30      Open    Closed          O 7    MO-2301-33    HPCI Vacuum Breake: Isolatic.a                                            Open    Closed H0-2301-34    HPCI Vacuum Breaker Isolation            OPC      X-219          -
7 IPC          X-9A            -      Open    Process 6-SSA          Feedwater Line A Check Valve                                              . en    Process 6-588          Feedwater Line ? Check Valve          IPC          X-98            -
t                                                                  CPC      X-9A            -      Op -    Process 6-62A          FeeNater Line A Check Valve                                                Open    Process l
6-62B          Feedwater Line B Check Valve              OPC      X-98            -
l                                                              IPC          X 42                    Closed  Process SBLC Injection Check Valve I          1101-15                                                                                  Closed  roc (ss l          1101-16      SBLC Injection Check Valve                OPC      X 42            -
Revision 116                                                                                              162 Amendment No. 57, 113
t NOTES FOR TABLE __3.7-1 Key:  IPC - Inside Primary Containment OPC - Outside Primary Containment ISOLATION SROUPINGS Group 1:              -
valves in this group are closed upon any one of the following conditions.
: 1.            Reactor    -low water level
: 2.            Main Steam L      high radiation
: 3.            Main Steam Line .~ h flow
: 4.            Main Steam Line tunn_ high temperature
: 5.            Main Steam Line low pres ee (in run mode only)
: 6.            rieactor high water level (not in run mode, below 880 psig)                                3 Group 2:              The valves in this group are close      man any one of the following conditions.            Y n
: 1.            Reactor low water level                                                                      b
: 2.            High drywell pressure                                                                        h Group 3:            The valves in this group are closed upon any one ofM e following conditions.                (1
: 1.            Reactor low water level                                                  y
: 2.            High reactor pressure                                                      'p
: 3.            High drywell pressure                                                          Py Group 4:            The valves in this group are closed upon any one of the following con      i on s ..
: 1.            HPCI steam line high flow
: 2.            HPCI steam line area high temperature
: 3.            Low reactor pressure Revision 116 Amendment No. 113                                                                                            163 N -
0 N0LES_f_0R TAB _LE 3.7-1 (con't1 Group 5: The valves in this group are closed upon any one of the following conditions.
: 1. RCIC steara line high flov
: 2. RCIC steam line area high temperature
                                  .' w reactor pressure                                                                            l Group 6: The valves          is group are closed upon any one of the following conditions.
: 1. Reactor 101 water      ve
: 2. Cleanup area high temp (erat    e
: 3. Cleanup inlet high flow Group 7: The valves in this group are closed on t        0110 wing conditions:
: 1. Reactor low Pressure and High Drywell Pressur
;                                                                                                                            b      l g
Eco1Nolts:                                                                                          r i    The Reactor Hater Sample Line Isolation Valves initiate on a Grouq I or a                  j    ,
Group 2 isolation signal.                                                                    ,
MO-1001-29A&B Isolate on reactor icw water level QR high drywell pressur      f            f 2
MD-1001-50 and M0-1001-47 are pat fully closed A_fLD reactor pressure not hig    Y (i .e. , n_oj; >110 psig).
3    In addition to Group 2 isolation, these valves also receive a reactor low-low water level isolation which cannot be bypassed by utilizing the valves emergency open feature.
4    Reactor vessel low water level or high drywell pressure causes automatic withdrawal of TIP probe. When probe is withdrawn beyond these ball valves, these valves automatically close within 5 seconds.
5    In addition to Group 2 isolation, these valves also receive a Refueling Floor High Radiation isolation.
6    Isolation signals are overridden with the keylocked Controi Switch in the
                                " Override" position.
Revision 116                                                                                          164 Amendment No. 113
~.                  _
( Q & .a h u n k L
      -    *gMn:
            , L 7. A & _4,,,,7. A Primary,_ Containment The primary containment leak rate test frequency is based on maintaining adequate assurance that the leak rate remains within the specification. The leak rate test frequency is in accordance with 10 CFR 50 App. A n M 9 W^"? M. 22, in The penetration and air purge piping leakage test frequency, along with the        i containment leak rate tests, is adequate to allow detection of leakage trends. Whenever a bolted double-gasketed penetration is broken and remade, the space between the gaskets is pressurized to determine that the seals are performing properly. It is expected that the majority of the leakage from valves, penetrations and seals would be into the reactor building. However, it is possible that leakage into other parts of the facility could occur.
Such leakage paths that may affect significantly the consequences of accidents are to be minimized. The personnel air lock is tested at 10 psig, because the inboard door is not designed to shut in the opposite direction.
Primary Containment Isolation Valves Double isolation valves are provided on lines penetrating the primary              i containment and open to the free space of the containment. Closure of one of the valves-in each line would be sufficient to maintain the integrity of the        !
pressure sdppression system. Automatic initiation is required to minimize the i
potential leakage paths from the containment in the event of a loss of coolant accident.
Grnup._1 - process lines are isolated by reactor vessel low-low water level in order to allow for removal of decay heat subsequent to a scram, yet isolate in time for proper operation of the core standby cooling systems. The valves in group 1 are also closed when process instrumentation detects excessive main steam line flow, high radiation , low pressure, main steam space high
              ' temperature, or reactor vessel high water level.
Groun 2 - isolation valves are closed by reactor vessel low water level or high drywell pressure. The group 2 isolation signal also " isolates" the reactor building and starts the standby gas treatment system. It is not
              ' desirable to actuate the group 2 1 solation signal by a transient or spurious signal.
Grouo_3 - isolation valves can only be opened when the reactor is at low pressura and the core standby cooling systems are not required. Also, since
                @ r re,+ctor vessel could potentially be drained through these process lines, these valves are closed by low water level.
Grouc 4 and 5 - process lines are designed to remain operable and mitigate the consequences of an accident which results in the isolation of other process
                -lines. The signals which initiate isolation of group 4 and 5 process lines are therefore indicative of a condition which would render them inoperable.
Revision 116 Amendment No. 113                                                          168    i Y                                        _ _ _    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ .}}

Revision as of 20:09, 28 August 2020

Proposed Tech Specs Re Limiting Conditions for Operation & Surveillance Requirements for Primary Containment Integrity & Primary Containment Isolation Valves
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 02/06/1991
Shared Package
ML20067E346 List:
BECO-91-012, BECO-91-12, NUDOCS 9102140205
Download: ML20067E347 (15)


-- _ _ _ _ . ______ ___ _

4 ATTACilMENT B TO BECo LETTER 91-012 Revised Technical Specification Pages c

9102140205 910206 PDR ADOCK 05000293 P PDR

'l qw ,, e


, 3. .A: Primary Containmeni (Con't) 4.7.A Primary Containmqni (Con't)

Primary Containment Intearity Primary Containment Integrity 2.a Primary containment integr;ty 2.a -The primary containment integrity 7.4 shall be maintained at all t;mes shall be demonstrated by

  • when-the reactor is critical oc performing Primary Containment when the reactor water temperature Leak Tests in accordance with l is above 212*F and fuel is in the 10CFR50 Appendix J, with reactor vessel except while exemptions as approved by the NRC performing "open vessel" physics and exceptions as follows:

, test at: power levels not to exceed S Mw(t). (1) The main steam line isolation valves shall be tested at a l Primary containment integrity pressure 223 psig, and means that the drywell and ncrmalized to a value j pressure suppression chamber are equivalent to 45 psig each ,

intact and that all of the operating cycle.

following conditions are satisfied:

(2) Personnel air lock door seals (1) All manual containment shall be tested at a pressure isolation valves on lines 210 psig each operating connected to the reactor cycle. Results shall be coolant system or-containment normalized to a value which are not required to be equivalent to 45 psig, open during accident conditions are closed. If the total leakage rates listed below are exceeded, repairs and i (2) At least one door in each retests shall be performed to airlock is closed and sealed. correct the conditions.

(3) All blind flanges and manways (1) All double-gasketed seals: (

are closed. 10% Lt (X)

(4) All automatic primary (2) All testable penetrations and containment isolation valves isolation valves:

and all instrument line flow 60% La (x) check valves are operable except as specified in (3) Any one penetration or 3.7.A.2.b. isolation valve except main 1 steam line isolation valves:

(5) All containment isolation 5% Lt (x) check valves are operable or at least one' containment (4) Any one main steam line isolation valve in each line isolation valve:

having an inoperable valve is 11.5 scf/hr 023 psig.

ser.ured in the isolated position. where x - 45 psig L


.75 L L a-1.0%byweightofthe contained air @ 45 psig for 24 hrs.

Revision Amendment No. 17, 112 155 L  ;


4 3.7.A Primary Containment (Con'tl 4.7.A Primary C,qn.tainment (Con' t)

Primarv _ Containment Isolation Valves Primary Containment Isolation Valves 2.b. In the event any automatic Pr'imary 2.h.) The primary containment Containment Isolation-Valve isclation valves surveillance becomes inoperable, at least one shall be performed as follows:

containment isolation valve in each line having an inoperable a. At least once per operating valve shall be deactivated in the cycle the operable primary 1

-isolated condition. (This containment isolation l requirement may be satisfied by- valves that are power deactivating the inoperable valve operated and a9tomatically in the isolated condition. initiated shall be tested Deactivation means to electrically for simulated automatic or pneumatically disarm, or initiation and closure otherwise secure the valve.)* tlines ,

b. At least once per quarter:
1. All noraally open power operated primary containment isolation valves-(except for the main steam line power operated isolation valves) shall be ully closed and reopened.
2. Trip the mair, steat isolation valves individually and verily closure time.
c. At least twice fer week the main steam line power operated isolation valves shali be exercised by partial closure and subsequent reopening.
d. At least once per operating cycle-the operability of the reactor coolant system instrument line flow check-valves shall be verified.
  • Isolation valves closed to satisfy these requirements may be reopencd on an 2.b.2 Whenever a primary containment intermittent basis under ORC approved administrative controls.

automatic isolation valve, is inoperable, the position of the


isolated valve in each line having an inopcrable valve shall be recorded daily.

Amendment No. 173 155a t.

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Pages 160 through 164 are' deleted ,

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Amendment No. 63, 113 160 4

e 4Er= --,_Oe- __-E-.~m

. MSH:

3.7 A & 4.7 A Primary Con (gihment The primary containment leak rate test frequency is based on maintaining adequate assurance that the leak rate remains within the specification. The

~1eak rate test frequency is in accordance with 10CFRSO App. J. l The penetration and air purge piping leakage test frequency, along with the containment leak rate tests, is adequate to allow detection of leakage trends. Whenever a bolted double-gasketed penetration is broken and remade, the space between the gaskets is pressurized to determine that the seals are performing properly. It is expected that the uajority of the leakage from valves, penetrations and seals would be into the reactor building. However, it is possible that leakage into other parts of the facility could occur.

Such leakage paths that may affect significantiy the consequences of accidents are to be minimized. The personnel air lock is tested at 10 psig, because the inboard door is not designed to shut in the opposite direction.

Primary Containment Isolation Valves Double isolation valves are provided on lines penetrating the primary containment and open to the free space of the containment, Closure of one of the valves in each line would be sufficient to maintain the integrity of the pressure suppression system. Automatic initiation is required to minimize the potential leakage paths from the containment in the event of a loss of coolant accident.

Group 1 - process lines are isolated by reactor vessel low-low water level in order to allow for removal of decay heat subsequent to a scram, yet isolate in time for proper operation of the core standby cooling systems. The valves in graup 1 are also closed when process instrumentation detects excessive main steam line flow, high radiation,, low pressure, main steam space high temperature, or reactor vessel high water level.

Grgu.p_2 - isola-tion valves are closed by reactor vessel low water level or high drywell pressure. The group 2 isolation signal also " isolates" the reactor building and starts the standby gas treatment system. It is not desirable to actuate the group 2 isolation signal by a transient or spurious signal.

Groun 3 - isolation valves can only be opened when the reactor is at low pressure and the core standby cooling systems are not required. Also, since the-reactor vessel could potentially be drained through these process lines, these valves are closed by low water level.

Grgyp 4 and 5 - process lines are designed to remain operable and mitigate the consequences of'an accident which results in the isolation of other process lines. The signals which initiate isolation of group 4 and 5 process lines are therefore indicative of a condition which would render them inoperable. l Amendment No. 112 168


-l Annotated Current Technical Specifk? tion Pages I i

i i


M ko b erd- C klfillBG1019ED&L[pR OPlRG9_N SUMALAN7 REQWMMKB.,

3.7.A filMIy_CQui41DMAt (Con't) 4.7 A Primary C.0atA10 Mat (Con't)

EI1Mr.y_fontA31LMat lattgrity filmATLC01talunat._lnif9tity 12.aPrimarycontainmentintegr1ty 2.a The primary containment integrity shall be mair'aineo ut all times shall be O m nshtted by when the reh Nr is critical or performing Pri'r.ary Containment when the reactor water temperature Leak Tests in accordance with 10 is above 212'T and fuel is in the CFR 50 Appendix J, as rdd thrv reactor vessel except while & pt, M , ! HO, with exemptions as performing "open vessel" physics approved by the NRC &no exr.eptions test at power levels not to exceed as follows:

5 Mw(t).

(1) The main steam line isolet'on Primary containment integrity valves shall be tested at a means that the drywell and pressure ).23 psig, and pressure suppression chamber are normalized to a value intact and that all of the equivalent to 45 psig each followir .onditions are satisfied: operating cycle.

(1) All manual containment (2) Personnel air lock door seals isolation valves on lines shall be tested at a pressure connected to the reactor 110 psig each operating coulant system or containment cycle. Results shall be which are not required to be normalized to a value open during accident (quivalent to 45 psig.

conditions are closed.

If the total leakage rates listed (2) At least one door in each below are exceeded, repairs and airlock is closea and sealed. retests shall be performed to correct the conditions.

( 't) All blind flanges and manways are closd (1) All double-gasketed seals:

(4) All automade primary containment isolation valves (2) All testable penetrations and and all instrument line flow isolation valves:

check valves are operable 60% La (x) except as specified in 3.7.A.2.b. (3) Any one penetration or isolation valve except main (5) All containment isolation steam line isolation valves:

check valves are operable or 5% Lt (X) at least one containment isolation valve in each line (4) Any one main steam line having an inoperable valve is isolation valve:

secured in the isolated 11.5 scf/hr 923 psig, position. ,

where x = 45 psig Lt = .75 La La - 1.0% by weight of the contained air 0 45 psig for 24 hrs.

Revision 116 Amendment No. 77, 113 155

M4schmed C.- - .



$.7.A P.rf g ry h tainment (Co d Q 4.7.A Primary COAT 410mtat_(G9 t u 1

Primary Containment _Italation Valvel Primary Containment Isoittiga.lalyn i M Ut .


2.b. Intheevent-anyfkrimary 2.b.1 The primary containment ,

Containment Isolation Valve isolation valves surveillance '

that4eceves-en-automatic shall be performed as follows:

b e!!

  • n @:1 'steddfr i T:i!: 2.M becomes inoperable, a. At least once frimar'f.cWanm -

at.least one containment operating le the i isolation valve'in each line operable solation valves having an inoperable valve t1at are power operated shall be deactivated in the and automatically isolated condition. (This initiated shall be tested requirement may be satisfied by for simulated automatic deactivating the inoperable- initiation and closure valve in the isolated times. 1 condition. Deactivation means 1 to electrically or b. At least once per quarter: ,

pneumatically disarm, or r em a d c,yld nui4='

~o therwise. secure the valve.)* 1. All norm en power operated lation valves (except for the main steam line power operated ,

isolation valves) shall be fully closed and '


M 2. Trip the main steam

'- isolation valves  ;

N individually.and vertfy  ;

closure time,

c. At least twice per week the main steam lins power operated isolation valves shell be exercised by partial closure and-subsequent reopening.

.d. At least once per-

  • operating cycle the -

operabil.ity of the reactor coolant system instrument line flow ~

check valves shall be verified. *[g -

  • Isolation valves closed to satisfy 2.b,2- Whenever a primary containment these requirements may be reopened on isolation valve, th:t 7:nivw -

an intermittent basis under ORC- e =te stic -ho!stica sign:1, i approved administrative controls. 14 5td in T ble 0.7=1 is 1

' inoperable,.the position of the isolated valve in each line ilaving~an inoperable-valve shall be recorded daily.

Revision 116 .

Amendment No. 113 155a l-

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' I OPERATLD . . PENETRATION OPERATING NORMAL ISOLATION GRELP VALVE # SYSTEM & DESCRJPTION IPC/0PC NUMBER TIME (SEC1 L%ITIM POSITION 1 A0-203- Main Steam Line "A" Isolation Valve IPC X-7A 3 sti 5 Open Closed 1 A0-203-2AL ain Steam Line "A" Isolation Valve OPC X-7A 3 Sti 5 Open Closed 1 A0-203-1B Steam Line "B" Isolation Yalve_ IPC X 3 sti 5 Open Closed 1 A0-203-28 Main a Line'"B" Isolation Valve OPC- X-78 3 sti 5 Open Closed 1 A0-203-1C Main Stea ne "C" Isolation Valve .IPC X-7C 3 Sti 5 Open Closed 1 A0-203-2C Main Steam Li "C" Isolation Valve OPC X-7C 3 Sts 5 Open Closed 1 A0-203-10 Main Steam Line " lation Valve IPC X 3 sts 5 Open Closed 1 A0-203-20. ~ Main-Steam Line "D" Iso on Valve -OPC X-70 3 Its 5 Open Closed 1 MO-220-1 Main Steam Drain Isolation e IPC X-8 30 Closed Closed 1 MO-220-2 Main Steam Drain Isolation Valv OPC X-8 30 Closed Closed II A0-220-44 Reactor Water Sample Line Valve- PC X-41A 10 Open Closed 11 A0-220-45 Reactor Water Sample Line Valve X-41A 10 Open Closed a

)i of T 23,5 25 A0-5033A A0-5033B Orywell Purge / Makeup Drywell Purge / Makeup OPC X-26 26 10 10 Closed Closed Closed Closed y'i 23,5 25 A0-5033C A0-5035A Torus Makeup Drywell Purge / Makeup T ( OPC X-26OPC OPC' X-c 10 5

Closed Closed

. Closed Closed 25 A0-5035B Drywell Purge / Makeup OPC X-26 5 Closed Closed i

. 25 A0-5036A Torus Purge Inlet' OPC X-205 5 Closed Closed p 1 25 A0-5036B Torus Purge Inlet OPC X-205 Closed Closed 2 3 ,5 A0-5041A Torus Exhaust Bypass OPC X -227 10 Closed Closed 23,5 A0-5041B Torus Exhaust Bypass OPC X-227 10 Closed Closed i 25 AO-5042A Torus Main Exhaust. OPC X-227 5 losed Closed i 25 A0-5042B Torus Main Exhaust OPC X-227 5 sed Closed 23,5 A0-5043A Drywell 2" Exhaust Bypass OPC X-25 10 Clo Closed 23,5 A0-50438 Drywell 2" Exhaust Bypass OPC X-25 10 Close Closed 25 A0-5044A Drywell Purge Exhaust OPC X-25 5 Closed Closed 25 A0-50448 Drywel1-Purge Exhaust OPC X-25 5 Closed losed 24 A TIP Ball - Ball Solenoid Valve OPC X-35 5 Closed sed i TIP Ball.- Ball Solenoid Valve C1 ed X-35 Closed 24 8 OPC 5 24 C TIP Ball - Ball Solenoid Valve OPC X-35 5 Closed Clos l

'24 0 TIP Ball - Ball' Solenoid Valve OPC' X-35 5 Closed Close Revision 116.

Amendment No. 63, 113 160 l


.-. _ - _ _ _ - _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ = _ = _ .

TABLE 3.7-1-(con't)


26 SV- 11A H2 /02 Analyzer Supply . OPC X-228J 2 Closed Closed 26 SV-5065- H2 /02 Analyzer and Leak' Detection Supply 'OPC X-50A-d 2 Open Closed 26 SV-5065-14A /02 Analyzer and Leak Detection Supply OPC X-106A-b 2 Open Closed 26 SV-5065-15B H2 Analyzer Supply OPC X-228C 2 Closed Closed 26 SV-5065-18A H2 /02 er Supply OPC X-228J 2 Closed Closed 26 SV-5065-208 Hz/02 Anal- and Leak Detection Supply GPC X-50A-d 2 Open Closed 26 SV-5065-21A H2 /02 Analyzer Leak Detection Supply OPC X-106A-b 2 Open Closed 26 SV-5065-228 H2 /02 Analyzer Samp OPC X-228C 2 Closed Closed 26 SV-5065-24A H2/02 and PASS Sample Re OPC X 46F 2 Oper Closed 26 SV-5065-258 H2 /02 Analyzer Return OPC X-228K 2 Closed Closed 26 SV-5065-26A H2/02 and PASS Sample Return OPC X-46F 2 Open Closed 3 26 SV-5065-278 H2 /02 Analyzer Return OPC X-228K 2 Closed Closed g 26 SV-5065-31B H2 /02 Analyzer Supply X-15E 2 Closed Closed [

26 SV-5055-33A H2 /02 Analyzer and. PASS Supply p X-29E 2 Open Closed r 26 SV-5065-35B H2 /02 Analyzer Supply A OPC X-15E 2 Closed Closed g 26 SV-5065-37A H2 /02 Analyzer and PASS Supply OPC 9E 2 Open Closed >

26 SV-5065-63. PASS Reactor Sample Jet Pump #15 OPC .X 2 Closed Closed e 26 SV-5065-64 PASS Reactor Sample Jet Pump #15 OPC X-40A-a 2 Closed Closed R 26 SV-5065-71 PASS Liquid Sample Return OPC X-22SH 2 Ciosed Closed 26 SV-5065-72 PASS Liquid Sagle Return OPC X-228H c Closed C1cstd

~6 SV-5065-77 PASS Liquid Sample Return OPC X-228G 2 Closed Closed

6 SV-5065-78 PASS Liquid Sample Return OPC X-228G 2 Closed Closed 26 SV-5065-85 PASS Reactor Sample Jet Pump #5 OPC X-400-c 2 osed Closed 26 SV-5065-86 PASS Reactor Sample Jet Pump #5 OPC X-400-c 2 C1 ed Closed 2 CV-5065-91 Leak Detection and 02 Analyzer Return OPC X-32A 5 Open Closed 2 CV-5065-92 Leak Detection and.02 Analyzer Return 'OPC X-32A 5 Open Closed 2 A0-7011A R/W Collection D/M Equip. Sump OPC X-19 20 Closed losed 2 A0-70118 R/M Collection D/M Equip.-Sump OPC X-19 20 Closed sed 2 A0-7017A. R/M Collection D/M Floor Sump OPC X-18 20 Closed Clo d 2 A0-70178 R/M Collection D/M Floor Sump -

OPC X-18 20 Closed Close 2 MO-1001-21 RHR Discharge to Radwaste OPC None 20 Closed Closed 2 MD-1001-32 RHR Discharge to Radwaste OPC Mone 20 Closed Closed g Revision 116 Amendmerd No. 42,113 161



ROUP _ VALVE _#_ SYSTEM & DESCRIPTION X-51A 30 Closed Closed 32 001-29A RHR Injection "A" Loop OPC Closed OPC X-51B 30 Closed 32 MO-1 - 98 RHR Injection "B" Loop Closed Cicsed RHR S/D Cooling Suction Valve OPC X-12 30 3 M0-1001-4 30 Closed Closed

/D Cooling Suction Valve IPC X-12 3 M0-1001-50 30 Closed Closed Reacto - ssel Head Spray OPC X-17 3 MO-1001-60 30 Closed Closed Reactor Ves ead Spray IPC X-17 3 MO-1001-63 l IPC X-52 25 Open Closed 4 HO-2301-4 HPCI Steam to Turbine Open Closed OPC- X-52 25 4 M0-2301-5 HPCI Steam to Turbine 5 MO-1301-16 RCIC Steam to Turbine M r X-53 X-53 20 20 Open Open Closed Closed 5 MO-1301-17 RCIC Steam to Turbine 6 MO-1201-2 RHCU Suction IPC -14 25 Open Closed j OPC X- 25 Open Closed y 6 MO-1201-5 RHCU Suction Open Closed

  • OPC X-9A 30 6 MO-1201-80 RHCU Return OPC. X-219 30 Open Closed O 7 MO-2301-33 HPCI Vacuum Breake: Isolatic.a Open Closed H0-2301-34 HPCI Vacuum Breaker Isolation OPC X-219 -

7 IPC X-9A - Open Process 6-SSA Feedwater Line A Check Valve . en Process 6-588 Feedwater Line ? Check Valve IPC X-98 -

t CPC X-9A - Op - Process 6-62A FeeNater Line A Check Valve Open Process l

6-62B Feedwater Line B Check Valve OPC X-98 -

l IPC X 42 Closed Process SBLC Injection Check Valve I 1101-15 Closed roc (ss l 1101-16 SBLC Injection Check Valve OPC X 42 -


Revision 116 162 Amendment No. 57, 113

t NOTES FOR TABLE __3.7-1 Key: IPC - Inside Primary Containment OPC - Outside Primary Containment ISOLATION SROUPINGS Group 1: -

valves in this group are closed upon any one of the following conditions.

1. Reactor -low water level
2. Main Steam L high radiation
3. Main Steam Line .~ h flow
4. Main Steam Line tunn_ high temperature
5. Main Steam Line low pres ee (in run mode only)
6. rieactor high water level (not in run mode, below 880 psig) 3 Group 2: The valves in this group are close man any one of the following conditions. Y n
1. Reactor low water level b
2. High drywell pressure h Group 3: The valves in this group are closed upon any one ofM e following conditions. (1
1. Reactor low water level y
2. High reactor pressure 'p
3. High drywell pressure Py Group 4: The valves in this group are closed upon any one of the following con i on s ..
1. HPCI steam line high flow
2. HPCI steam line area high temperature
3. Low reactor pressure Revision 116 Amendment No. 113 163 N -

0 N0LES_f_0R TAB _LE 3.7-1 (con't1 Group 5: The valves in this group are closed upon any one of the following conditions.

1. RCIC steara line high flov
2. RCIC steam line area high temperature

.' w reactor pressure l Group 6: The valves is group are closed upon any one of the following conditions.

1. Reactor 101 water ve
2. Cleanup area high temp (erat e
3. Cleanup inlet high flow Group 7: The valves in this group are closed on t 0110 wing conditions:
1. Reactor low Pressure and High Drywell Pressur
b l g

Eco1Nolts: r i The Reactor Hater Sample Line Isolation Valves initiate on a Grouq I or a j ,

Group 2 isolation signal. ,

MO-1001-29A&B Isolate on reactor icw water level QR high drywell pressur f f 2

MD-1001-50 and M0-1001-47 are pat fully closed A_fLD reactor pressure not hig Y (i .e. , n_oj; >110 psig).

3 In addition to Group 2 isolation, these valves also receive a reactor low-low water level isolation which cannot be bypassed by utilizing the valves emergency open feature.

4 Reactor vessel low water level or high drywell pressure causes automatic withdrawal of TIP probe. When probe is withdrawn beyond these ball valves, these valves automatically close within 5 seconds.

5 In addition to Group 2 isolation, these valves also receive a Refueling Floor High Radiation isolation.

6 Isolation signals are overridden with the keylocked Controi Switch in the

" Override" position.

Revision 116 164 Amendment No. 113

~. _


( Q & .a h u n k L

- *gMn:

, L 7. A & _4,,,,7. A Primary,_ Containment The primary containment leak rate test frequency is based on maintaining adequate assurance that the leak rate remains within the specification. The leak rate test frequency is in accordance with 10 CFR 50 App. A n M 9 W^"? M. 22, in The penetration and air purge piping leakage test frequency, along with the i containment leak rate tests, is adequate to allow detection of leakage trends. Whenever a bolted double-gasketed penetration is broken and remade, the space between the gaskets is pressurized to determine that the seals are performing properly. It is expected that the majority of the leakage from valves, penetrations and seals would be into the reactor building. However, it is possible that leakage into other parts of the facility could occur.

Such leakage paths that may affect significantly the consequences of accidents are to be minimized. The personnel air lock is tested at 10 psig, because the inboard door is not designed to shut in the opposite direction.

Primary Containment Isolation Valves Double isolation valves are provided on lines penetrating the primary i containment and open to the free space of the containment. Closure of one of the valves-in each line would be sufficient to maintain the integrity of the  !

pressure sdppression system. Automatic initiation is required to minimize the i

potential leakage paths from the containment in the event of a loss of coolant accident.

Grnup._1 - process lines are isolated by reactor vessel low-low water level in order to allow for removal of decay heat subsequent to a scram, yet isolate in time for proper operation of the core standby cooling systems. The valves in group 1 are also closed when process instrumentation detects excessive main steam line flow, high radiation , low pressure, main steam space high

' temperature, or reactor vessel high water level.

Groun 2 - isolation valves are closed by reactor vessel low water level or high drywell pressure. The group 2 isolation signal also " isolates" the reactor building and starts the standby gas treatment system. It is not

' desirable to actuate the group 2 1 solation signal by a transient or spurious signal.

Grouo_3 - isolation valves can only be opened when the reactor is at low pressura and the core standby cooling systems are not required. Also, since

@ r re,+ctor vessel could potentially be drained through these process lines, these valves are closed by low water level.

Grouc 4 and 5 - process lines are designed to remain operable and mitigate the consequences of an accident which results in the isolation of other process

-lines. The signals which initiate isolation of group 4 and 5 process lines are therefore indicative of a condition which would render them inoperable.

Revision 116 Amendment No. 113 168 i Y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ .