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FNP-0-t!-007 June 30, 1982 Revision 3 ALABAMA POWER C0tlPANY JOSEPH tl. FARLEY NUCLEAR PLANT FNP-0-li-007 S
E T.
Y EtlERGENCY DOSE CALCULATIONAL tlANUAL (EDCM)                            R E
D Approved:
i l
f D 11. m l /IS Technical Superintendent 4
Date Approved:  7 - F 8 ,A Date of Implementation:      p z ,- a 1 List of Effective Page Page            Rev. #
1- 49            3 EDCt! Disk t
8209030345 820831 l  PDR ADOCK 05000348
!  F                PDR
FNP-0-M-007 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section                                                            Page Table of Contents                                                  i Abstract                                                            1 Section I. Preface Automated Class A Dose Calculational Method      3 Release Rate Model                                            4 X/Q Model                                                    10 Plume Model                                                  13 Dose Rate Model                                              16 Performance                                                  18 Limitations                                                  19 Hardware                                                      20 Software                                                      23 Section II. Preface Manual Emergency Dose Calculational Method      28 Release Rate !!odel X/Q Model                                                    29 Plume Model                                                  31 Dose Rate Model                                              32 Performance                                                  35 l
(      Limitations                                                  38 Section III.      Bases                                            39 l      Figures                                                      50 Class B Dose Calculational Method                      (later)    -
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t                                                                            i
                                                              -FNP-0-M-007-ABSTRACT The automated Class A Dose Calculational Method (DCM) for emergency assessment ind dose projection within the ingestion pathway emergency planning zone (50 mile EPZ) uses a segmented element plume model.
Concentrations within the plume will be calculated from the appropriate
    'X/Q equation (utilizing stability class, release elevation, and-building wake effects). -Every 15 minutes the model will update records for each segment released from defined gaseous effluent. sources (Table 1).
Segment centroids will be tracked along mean wind velocity vectors.
    . Centroid position, time of flight, horizontal and vertical dispersion coefficients, and radioactive decay corrections applied to segment isotopic concentrations yield dose rate assessment and prediction.
Isotopic release rates (Ci/s) will be determined by in-line instrumentation and confirmed by sampling. Segment arrival time at arc boundaries will be predicted using current meteorological conditions.
The manual dose calculational method for emergency assessment and dose projection within the exposure emergency planning zone (10 mile EPZ)
!    uses a continuous point source Gaussian diffusion model. Through simplifying assumptions manual estimates and projections may be made within 15 minutes of the start of an accident and updates may be performed hourly or following significant change in release rate. Concentrations within the plume will be calculated from the appropriate X/Q equation (utilizing I    stability class, release elevation, and building wake effects). This model will predict and assess time average plume size, shape, position 1    -                            Gen. Rev. 3
FNP-0-M-007 and dose rate. Isotopic release rates (Ci/s) will be determined by in-line instrumentation and confirmed by sampling. Plume arrival time at arc boundries will be predicted using current meteorological conditions.
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FNP-0-M-007 1
SECTION I PREFACE AUTOMATED CLASS A EMERGENCY                            l DOSE CALCULATIONAL METHOD The automated Emergency Dose Calculational Method described in this section has been developed to meet the requirements of Appendix 2 of NUREG 0654 Rev. I for a Class A near real-time, site-specific atmospheric transport and diffusion model. The range of the model is expanded to 50 miles to meet the requirements of Milestone 5 of Annex 1 to Appendix 2 of NUREG 0654, Rev. 1.
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FNP-0-?!-007 RELEASE RATE ?!0 DEL Release rate calculations account for radioactive material released from multiple effluent sources. Release rates for each source are calculated, combined and treated as if released from a single virtual release point (VRP, Figure 9). The VRP is on the centerline between containment buildings and less than 100 m from actual release points. Each release point is monitored by in-line instrumentation (1) (Exibit A1) providing, directly or by calculation, effluent concentration. Flonitor readings are obtained at least once per minute and readings from monitors calibrated in counts per minute (CPr!) or millirem per hour (mr/hr) are converted to concentration utilizing:
Y = C [D,  + D i Ln(X) + D 2 (La (X))2)                        (1) where X = monitor reading (CPfl or mr/hr)
Y = concentration ('uCi/ml)
D,D,D2 g    y  = vendor response curve coefficients C = periodically detemined efficiency factor The plant vent stack high range monitor measures noble gas concentrr ion (uCi/ml) directly. Iodine-131, alpha and beta emitting particulate accumulations are also measured. Conversion to concentration is done by calculating accumulation rate and dividing by flow rate. Accumulation rate is obtained by applying a first order least squares fit of one minute average filter activities. Compensation for counting statistics is obtained by inversely weighting each one minute average to its standard deviation. Statistical discrepancies are further reduced by calculating the standard deviation of the least squares fit and eliminating data (1) In order to minimize errors the monitor indications closest to mid-scale are utilized whenever possible.
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FNP-0-M-007 points greater than'1.96 standard deviations from corresponding calculated values. Each fit is initially performed using the previous four minutes data and then extended to the smaller:      1) prior 15 minutes or 2) where the accumulation rate changed such that the 1.96 a criteria.cannot be met. This methodology optimizes statistical reliability while maintaining sensitivity to concentration changes.
After acquisition and conversion, 15 minute averages are calculated and combined with tables defining the effluent isotopic makeup yielding relative isotopic concentrations in each effluent path.        Isotopic tables available for initial use are:(2)
: 1)    Latest routinely determined relative isotopic concentrations of:
a)    Reactor coolant system b)    Waste gas decay tanks c)    Containment atmosphere
: 2)    Expected relative isotopic concentrations available due to fuel failure.
: 3)    Expected relative isotopic concentrations available due to fuel melt.
: 4)    A manually entered relative isotopic concentrations table.
The following modifications for (3) for specific release points will be made:
(2)  Default is the reactor coolant system, latest routinely determined relative isotopic concentrations table.
(3)    Isotopic tables in use are decay corrected every 15 minutes following reactor trip.
5                                Gen. Rev. 3
: 1)  Plant ~ vent stack-a)    all tables, iodine and particulates are reduced by 95%
                          'due to system filtration.
                    'b)    failed or melted fuel tables, iodines'are reduced by 99% due to containment spray.
: 2)  Turbine building vent st'ack iodine is reduced by 95% due to system filtration.
Isotopic tables and instrumentation calibration factors are 4
updated as samples are obtained and analyzed.(4) Monitor readings and relative isotopic concentration tables are used to obtain 15 minutes t      average concentrations at each release point as follows:
4      - 1)    Plant vent stack-high range monitor:
)              a)  I-131 = direct. reading l            b). other iodine isotopes -
                                ~C I-131                                      (2)
            .                I-131 where i
Ci = 15 minute average effluent concentration of ith iodine isotope CI = modified table concentration of ith iodine isotope Cf-131= m dified table concentration of I-131 CI-131 = 15 minute average effluent concentration of I-131 1
(4)  Tables generated by sample analyses are always decay corrected from sample time.
6                              Gen. Rev. 3
FNP-0-M-007 c)    Noble gas isotopes -
C.=Cf.C yg T
I C.1                                            (3)
Noble Gases where Ci = 15 minute average effluent concentration of ith noble gas isotope CI=modifiedtableconcentrationofithnoblegasisotope ICI=sumofallmodifiedtablenoblegasisotopeconcentrations Noble Gases CNG = 15 minute average monitor reading (uCi/ml)
: 2) All other monitors T
              = Cici,all isotopes T
I C.1                                                  (4)
All isotopes where Ci = 15 minute average effluent concentration of ith isotope CI=modifiedtableconcentrationofithisotope ICI=sumofallmodifiedtableisotopeconcentrations All Isotopes 7                                Gen. Rev. 3
FNP-0-N-007 C i,all = 15 minute average monitor reading (uci/ml) isotopes Flow rates are obtained as follows:
: 1)    Plant vent' stack - automatic. input
: 2)    Turbine building vent stack - fixed
: 3)    Steam generator safety valves - calculated using correlation of number of valves'open, steam generator pressure and valve capacity.
: 4)    Turbine driven auxiliary feedwater pump exhaust -calculated using correlation of exhaust and' pump flow rate (manual input)
      ' Isotopic concentrations are multiplied by 15 minute average flow rates to obtain isotopic release rates.
The plant ' cent stack ejection points are greater than, but less than 2.5 times, adjacent strcture height.      In accordance with NRC Regulatory Guide 1.111, Revision 1, when effluent exit velocity is greater than or equal to the average wind speed, the ground level release fraction may
(      be calculated as:
(2.58 - 1.58) N when 1.5 >            > 1.0                        (5) r u                u (0.3 - 0.06)        when 5 >      > 1.5                          (6) u            u 0                  when "    >5                                  (7) u 8                                      Gen. Rev. 3 i
                                                                                                            .FNP-0-M-007 where.
                              'W, = 15 minute average plant vent stack effluent _ exit velocity u = 15 minute. average wind speed.
                      .The plant vent stack's release rate may contribute to ground level and elevated components. Total ground level release rates are_obtained by summing the release rates of 1.) plant vent stacks' ground level components and 2.) the remaining effluent pathways.                                Elevated release rates are obtained by summing the elevated components of the plant vent stacks release rates.
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FNP-0-M-007 f
X/Q MODEL i    X/Q (relative concentration) calculations account for release elevation,
    - building wake effects and existing meteorological conditions.      A single virtual release point is assumed.~ This does not introduce significant i
errors at radial distances of indicated in the section
      " Release Rate Model".
Equations used to estimate X/Q are based on the general Gaussian plume
,    diffusion equation:
I    X(x,y,z,H) =        Q    exp(-0.5(y/oy )2) {exp(-0.5((z-H)/ag )2)      (8) 2nc a 5 y7
                                  + exp (-0.5((z+H)/az ) )}
where, n = 3.14159 X(x,y,z,H) = plume concentration (Ci/m3 )'
x = downwind distance from the source (m) y = crosswind distance from the plume centerline (m) z = vertical distance from the plume centerline (m)
H.= plume centerline height (release height) (m)
U = mean wind velocity (m/s) a,a y
                    = plume dispersion coefficients (m)
Q = release rate (Ci/s) l    For elevated components the release height (H) will be considered equal to He, thus equation (1) reduces to t
10 i                                                                              Gen. Rev. 3 L
FNP-0-M-007 x(x,y,z) =-      1      exp ( 0.5(y/cy )2){exp(-0.5((z-H e
                                                              )/cz ) ) *    (9)
Q          2no y z 46          exP (-0.5((z+He )/az ) )}
where 546listhe15minuteaveragewindspeed(m/s),46metersabove plant grade when the segment leaves the release point,.cy and az          *#*
shown on Figures 1 and 2 (see PLUME MODEL).        Figure 3 shows plume dispersion (elevated release) based on the Gaussian diffusion model.
For ground level releases, H=z=o and the plume dispersion coefficients must be adjusted for building wake effects. Thus equation (1) is rewritten as:
X/Q =                1            exp -y 2                          (10)
                      -                          2 u
10 al I yz 2I-y where 510 = is the 15 minute average windspeed at 10 meters above the plant grade, in m/s when the segment leaves -                      -
the release point.
I = horizontal dispersion coefficient corrected for building y
;            wake effect = (a y2 + X/2n)b i
17 = vertical dispersion (5) coefficient corrected for building wake effect = (a g2 + X/2n)
A=    the smallest vertical plane cross-sectional area
;            of.the containment building or turbine building, as appropriate according to the downwind sector, in m 2, 11                                                '
Gen. Rev. 3
FNP-0-M-007 The' Gaussian diffusion equation with building wake effects has-been shown to be conservative (Meteorology and Atomic Energy 1968, pg. 112).
The plume- tracking methodology proposed, however,- reduces this conversatism since the a and a calculations take into account. meander caused by -
y      z-changes in the 15 minute average wind directions. The results.of this
equation are further reduced by radioactive decay thus minimizing the
  . magnitude of the conservatism.  (see discussion of correction factors under' DOSE RATE MODE 1) i 1
(5)    1 and a are limited < 1000m (Meteorology and Atomic Energy 1968 3        z PP 41).
12 Gen. Rev. 3
FNP-0-M-007 PLUME H0 DEL Plume path, dimensions, and transit times will be calculated by tracking elevated and ground segments release from the virtual release point at At the start of each interval, a ground and an elevated
15-min intervals.
segment are formed; release height for the ground segment is. plant grade. The elevated component release height is calculated according to Regulatory Guide 1.111.      On each_15-min cycle,~ existing segments are moved to revised locations as follows:
                    *j , k * *j , k- 1
* Yx,k  A                            (11)
Yj , k
* Yj , k-1 + h,k    AT                            (12) where:
x jk
                    = x coordinate of segment j at end of interval k' a
j k-1
                    = x ccordinate        f segment j at start of interval k V
:  C mPonent of 15-min average wind velocity prior to end of interval k AT        = Time duration of interval k = 15 min y
                    = y coordinate of segment j at end of interval k y
                    =yc      rdinate of segment j at start of interval k V            Y C mPonent of 15-min average wind velocity prior y,k to end of interval k When wind velocity is less than anemometer minimum measurable velocity (0.45 m/s), minimum measurable velocity is assumed.          Under these conditions the last measureable wind direction will be the assumed wind direction.
                                          ]3                                  Gen. Rev. 3 i
FNP-0-M-007 Segments are. tracked until they move outside'the'50-mile EPZ.          Plume dimensions are calculated based on linear distance traveled by each segment, atmospheric stability classification,-and equations which reproduce'the correlations shown in Figure 1 (o yvs Distance'From Source) and-in Figure 2 (azvs Distance From Source). The correlations used to calculate o-y and az will be in the form:
Log a = C7+C2 L gx + C3 (L 8:x)2                        (13)-
The " distance from source" value (x) to find a for segment j at the end of interval k is defined as:
Y dYJ,
                      . k = D .j,k-1 + [(Vx,k AT)2 + (V y,k AT)2)%          (14)
Emergency Dose Calculation Manual where DY        is the virtual distance necessary to obtain the.o .eal:,y      Ling .
j,k-1 at the start interval k using the o curve for the-stability class at the end of interval k; i.e.,
Log DY          *
* b 8 "y j , k-1 + 3 L 8Uy j ,k-1)    (15) j,k-1            2 C{ C[, and C{ are polynominal coefficients reproducing the curves shown in figure 1 in the form Log x = f (cy ). Similarly for 07:
b d* [-1 = Dij , k-1
* l ( x ,k 0) + ( y,k AT)4                    (16) and                                                                        ,
Log Dij,k-1 =      +C z    g8 z j , k-1 + 3 (L 8 z j ,k-1)      (1 )
D        =d h,k-1 and Dij,k-1 *d j,k-1
                  -                    14                                    Gen. Rev. 3
FNP-0-M-007 If the stability class does not change d Yand d* are equal to the distance traveled by the parcel. If the stability class does change during interval k, the segment is diffused from its size at the start of interval k.using the new stability class without creating a discontinuity in the plume.
Transit times are calculated using plume path and average wind velocity.
Time of plume arrival at selected points is predicted based on current
plume path and average wind velocity.
Predictions will be made using current plume characteristics, meteorological conditions and appropriate time interval.
The plume centerline is defined by connecting the centroid coordinates of consecutive segments and the last segment released to the release point. The width of the plume will be defined as 4.280y (4.281.y for ground-level releases), corresponding to 90 percent of a normal distribution.
The outer dimension of the plume will be defined by tangential-lines connecting the arc of consecutive segments (defined by a radius of 2.14ay (2.141 for ground-level releases)).
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FNP-0-M-007 DOSE RATE MODEL After calculating release concentrations and determining releases rates, dose rates are determined.
The dose rate calculations for noble gases are given by the following formual:
(18) yD=!(RR.)(x/Q)(DF)(DECAY) 1        i i=1 where:
          ,D  = Cumulative dose rate (m-rem /h) i    = Noble gas isotopes ID RR f = Effluent release rates (uCi/s)
X/Q = Dispersion coefficient (s/m3 )
DF j  = Dose factor for tha ith isotope (m-rem / year)/(pCi/m3)
DECAY = Decay constant (see this section)
Iodines and particulate dose rates are given by the following formula:
(19) y D=E(RR.)(x/Q)(DF)(IR)(DECAY) 1          i i=1 where:
D  =  Cumulative dose rate (m-rem /h) i    =  Iodine and particulate isotope ID RR 1
              = Effluent release rates (uCi/s)                          ,
X/Q = Dispersion coefficient (s/m3 )
DF 1
              = Dose factor for the i th isotope (m-rem /pCi)
IR    = Inhalation rate for an infant in I h averaged over an 8-h period DECAY = Decay constant (see this section) 16                                Gen. Rev. 3
FNP-0-M-007 The correction factor applied to equations and for radioactive decay in route is given by the formula:
(DECAY) = (9xi) = e -[(A                                    (20) f )T]
O oi where:
Q x1 =    Effective release rate at distance X from release source of the i th isotope                          1 th isotope Q,1 =      Release rate at release source for the i Ai=        Decay constant for the i th isotope T=        Travel time of segment to poine where X/Q is assessed Total dose rate at any selected point R,0 is determined by summing off-a. sis x/Q contributions frca any segment to the point and from any centroid at a plmne bend which sweeps the point (Figure 10).
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FNP-0-M-007 PERFORMANCE The automated class A EDCM is a near real time monitoring system capable of acquiring data from plant monitors and status devices. The model is integrated into two other major software systems: an isotopic sampling and an offsite dose calculation module.                                                                The isotopic sampling module performs grab sample analysis and posts results to system files.                                                                                                        The offsite dose calculation module calculates and tracks exposure in each sector, at the site boundary.                        Under normal execution the system functions as shown in Exhibit C.
High level indications from effluent monitors (see HARDWARE) will initiate the emergency preliminary notification A " flag" is set indicating that an emergency is in progress, and the process (Exhibit D).                                                                                                    Functions in E::hibit E are performed. Estimates and projections are based upon detector isotopic calibration factors and relative isotopic concentration tables. The Emergency Director may direct that effluent grab samples be taken. The isotopic concentration module may override table concentrations as grab sample analysis results become available.
Projections assume continuation of current meteorological and release rate conditions. Menu driven emergency reporting modules have been designed to minimize the need for detailed user knowledge of system components or operations.
A security system prevents unauthorized access to system data.                                                                                                    I f, radiation monitors failure during an emergency manual data entry is allowed.                    Redundancy exist for meteorological instrumentation.
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FNP-0-N-007-LIMITATIONS The class A dose calculation model is limited in the following manner:
A. The.X/Q Predictions are based on' theoretical calculations temperad with corrective factors which are in turn based on-empirical data. The values obtained represent a time-averaged X/Q. Values at a point within the plume boundary may be                  -
l significantly higher or lower than the predicted value for short periods of time.
B. All meteorological data is based on statistical averages rather than a continuous mean; therefore, all calculations based on meteorological data are subject to the statistical deviations of finite incremental time periods.
C. The plume path is updated with averaged data; therefore, the actual path of the plume may be longer than is estimated.'
i The magnitude of this error is minimized by using a 15-min averages. Meander caused by long-term wind variation is accounted for by the user of linear distance traveled rather than distance from the source.
D. The predicted X/Q, dose rate, and integrated dose values in the outer portions of the EPZ will be high during stability classes A and B when actual effective mixing height is greater than s 1250 m.
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FNP-0-N-007 HARDWARE INPUTS The EDCM processes data for current- 15-min averages of the following radiation monitors for each unit:
. Radiation Monitors              System Utilization.                  Unit RE 29 B                  PVS-iodine, noble gas, particulate            uCi/ml-RE-14                    PVS                                          CPM RE 22                    PVS                                          CPM RE 15A                  SJAEs                                        CPM
RE ISB                  SJAEs                                        m-rem /h RE 15C                  SJAEs-                                      _m-rem /h RE 60A                  MSRVs                                        m-rem /hr RE 60B                  MSRVs                                        m-rem /hr RE 60C                  MSRVs                                        m-rem /hr RE 60D                  Turbine-dirven auxiliary feedwater pumps      m-rem /hr The following combinations of monitors in alarm trigger the automatic EDCM.
: 1. Any two of RE 15A, RE 15 B,'RE 15 C.
: 2. Any two of RE 60 A, RE 60 B, RE 60 C, RE 60 D.
: 3. Any combination of I and 2 above.
: 4. Any combination of RE 29 B with RE 14, RE 21, RE 22.
20                                cen. Rev. 3
                      . ANALYTIC COMPONENTS The J. M. Farley Nuclear Plant Analytical Dat'a Management System (ADMS) includes:
: 1)                          Hewlett-Packard 1000-F with:
A)-  Two Megabytes fault control memory B)  Floating Point Processor C)  Scientific Instruction Set D)-  Vector Instruction Set-E)  RTE - 6/VM operating system F)  Peripherals
: 1)    Disc Mass Storage (444 Megabytes)
: 2)    Graphics Terminals
: 3)    Graphics Printers
: 4)    Plotter
: 5)    Distributed Systems Communications Links
: 6)    Magnetic Tape Device
: 7)    Multichannel Analyzers
: 2)                            Hewlett-Packard 1000-L with:
7 A)  One half megabyte memory B) RTE-XL operating system l                                                        C)  Peripherals 1
: 1)    Disc mass storage (1 megabyte)
: 2)    Data Acquisition Units                            ,
: 3)    Terminal
: 4)    Interface to Plant vent stack high range monitor.
21                                Gen. Rev. 3
FNP-0-M-007 SOFTWARE DATA ACQUISITION Data Acquisition is a continuous process that services the EDCM system.
It's primary function is to poll instruments monitoring meteorological conditions, radiation levels, plant status, validate readings, test for emergency levels and schedule subsequent processes. In addition data averaging / archiving and automatic hardware reconfiguration is performed in the event of system detected errors.
The system is configured to provide redundant data acquisition and processing capability. A configuration option automatically selects input channels that will provide as many required inputs as possible.
Polling is performed on a continuous short interval. Data validation is performed based on user selectable parameters. Determination of Iodine and Noble Gas isotopic concentrations is performed by statistically averaging concentrations acquired through a microprocessor-based radiation detection instrument.
EDCM monitoring is performed by recording the status and values of selected monitors for the plant effluent points. To prevent alarms due to equipment malfunction, logical trigger combinations are required before an emergency state is declared and reported. All system states outside of normal operating conditions are reported to primary ands alternate system monitoring terminals.
Data averaging and archiving is performed, and a data base created.  ,
All significant operator intervention is archived in a response file for review. Data Acquisition is a continuous process, it schedules subsequent processes through the Isotopic Calculation Module.
22                            Gen. Rev. 3
-This module calculates' isotopic concentrations in gaseous effluents for the EDCM and ODCM. Grab sample results and monitor efficiency factors are stored. Scaling factors are calculated utilizing efficiency factors and. current monitor readings. This scaling factor is then used to determine isotopic concentration being released.
New. grab sample results automatically overlay previous results.      The system utilizes routine RCS isotopic sample results, scaled by current monitor readings to determine isotopic concentrations for alarm source pointti. W en monitors are not in alarm, source concentrations will be calculated based on routine isotopic source files and current radiation monitor readings.
Corrections reflecting plant safety features that reduce isotopic concentrations.
in effluents will be applied based on current device status, (i.e.
Containment Spray and charcoal filters).      Isotopic concentrations will be decayed from the' time isotopic production ceases (power level < 3%).
Concentrations based on grab samples taken subsequent to plant. shutdown will be decayed from sample time.
The capability of substituting alternate isotopic concentration files exists. These alternate files contain isotopic concentrations representative of failed and melted fuel conditions based on manufacturer's specifications.
A file may be loaded to reflect manually determined sample results.
23                          Gen. Rev. 3
FNP-0-M-007 PLUlIELPROCESSING The Plume Processing module simulates and tracks gaseous effluent. A segmented element'p1mne is emitted from a centrally located virtual release point. Based on monitored meteorological conditions and release flow rates, segments are tracked as they traverse.the'50 mile Emergency Planning Zone. Plume dispersion and height are determined on a cyclical basis. Changes in meteorological conditions measured at the site are used in each cycle to adjust plume dispersion coefficients. Effect of terrain height on plume rise is also considered.
The Plume Mode.1 utilizes stability class theory to calculate dispersion coefficients. Redundant instrumentation is available to determine stability class reflecting current meteorological conditions. Two alternate methods are available to acquire weather data, one involves manual-input through a utility program, the second a pre-determined default value corresponding to site specific historical. met data.
To determine plume elevation and dispersion, release rates are calculated by monitoring effluent flow rates.      These rates.are also used to determine isotopic concentrations in the plume by associating them with the Curie content data generated by the Isotopic Calculation Module.
Every 15 minutes the plume processing module updates projected arrival times and intersection points with Emergency Planning Zone arc boundaries.
The Model automatically schedules the Emergency Reporting system and
; archives all information generated during an emergency.
f i
24                                Gen. Rev. 3
!                                                                                      FNP-0-M-007 i
i EMERGENCY REPORTING AND GRAPHICS we Reporting of current, projected or simulated emergency information is                                        ~
performed by this module. Doses due to iodines, noble gases and particulates in the plume are calculated and critical organs identified. Immersion
,                    doses are assumed for points in the plume path, doses for points outside the plume path are calculated by adding an off-axis term to the dispersion                                .3 coefficient; this allows doses to be calculated based on the shortest distance from the point to the plume centerline.
i The reporting portion provides tabular and graphical information based                                  ,
on current, projected or predicted conditions. All reporting is also                                    -
l                    available under simulated conditions using current emmission and meteorology.
i Emergency infonnation can be accessed on a demand basis. The system                                ,        ,
l presents a menu of available reports and graphs. As information is updated the menu is also refreshed so that the most current reporting is j                    accessible. Projections of plume location and activity based on current release rates and meteorology are available.        In addition predictions based on user selected isotopic content of current emmissions are allowed.
The tabular information provided includes location of current ground and
!                    elevated plume segments, plume boundaries, dose rates and dispersion coefficients at plume segment centroids, projected plume location and I
dose rates at selected times, and projected arrival times and locations-for the leading edge of the plume at designated arc boundaries, given l
I                    current release rates and meteorology.
Graphical reporting provides displays of current and projected plume L
location, ability to select different backgrounds (10-50 mile EPZ, roads, bodies of water, major population centers, etc.) and ability to zoom in for greater detail.      Additionally the capability to request dose i
rates at selected points within the 50 miles EPZ is supported.
4 Gen. Rev. 3 25
FNP-041-007 T w additional syste.u components provide for controlled termination of an incident through direct intervention from plant emergency personnel,
                      - and for the archiving and retrieval of all information generated by the reporting module during an emergancy.      Interaction between operators and the system are archived for review.
Y u
s 5
                    -                        ~
26                                  Gen. Rev. 3 t-
SECTION II PREFACE MANUAL EMERGENCY DOSE CALCULATIONAL METHOD The manual Emergency Dose Calculational Method described in this section has been developed to mect the requirement of NUREG 0654 Rev. 1 item II.I.6, ("Each licensee shall establish the methodology for determining the release rate / projected doses if the instrumentation used for .ssessment are off-scale or inoperable") as it applies to inoperable hardware used by the automated emergency DCM method.      In accordance with the requirements of NUREG 0654, Rev. 1, Appendix 2, Annex 1, item (3)(ii), that portion of it dealing with the transport and diffusion of gaseous effluents has been developed to be consistent with the characteristics of the Class A Model
!  described in Section I. This manual model will be used if i
the automated model is inoperable.
i Gen. Rev. 3 27 l-l l
1 Gen. Rev. 3 t
FNP-0-M-007 x/Q Model x/Q(relagiveconcentration)calculationsarebasedonthe general Gaussian plume diffusion equation:
x(x,y,z,H) =      Q      exp (-0.5(y/cy)2 ){ exp (-0.5 2noyga 0
((z-H)/a g)2 ) + exp (-0.5((z+H)/o )2  g )}                                  (21) where the terms are defined on page 10.
For manual calculations, all releases are assumed to be ground level releases.                  This simplifies the equation for x/Q at the plume centerline to g = exp -b (y/I y)2 Q    0 1g nz I yz                                                              (22) where the terms are as defined on page 11.                    Since the ratio of x/Q at two fi:ted distances is independent of wind velocity (0 1g and n cancel out) use of this equation is simplified by providing plots of x/Q for a radial distance corresponding to the site boundary, plots of { (x/Q)x/(x/Q) site boundary}
2 versus downwind distance and plots of 1/(21y ) versus downwind distance for each stability class (See Figures 15A-15G and
;                            16A-G).              To allow this, the following simplifying assumptions i
are made:
4 28              Gen. Rev. 3
: 1. All releases are assumed to originato at the midpoint between the Unit 1 and Unit 2 centerlines.
This point is <100m from the farthest actual release point (the turbine building vent stacks) and $30m from the most probable release point (plant vent stacks) and therefore introduces minimal error at radial distances of interest (see Figure 9).
: 2. The area term used for calculating building wake effect is set equal to the height of the containment squared ((40m)2 ) regardless of wind direction.
This is a good approximation since the arrangement of building results in a wake effect for the majority of wind directions and the difference between actual area and assumed area will introduce negligible error at radial distances of interest.
: 3. The site boundary is assumed to be defined by an arc of radius equal to the minimum distance to the boundary.
: 4. I  is limited to < 1000m to account for possible z
limited mixing heights.
I 29              Gen. Rev. 3 l
FNP-0-M-007 PLUME MODEL Plume location is determined by use of an overlay oriented with the centerline in the average downwind direction.      One overlay is provided_for each stability class.      Plume width lines corresponding to 10%, 1%, 0.1%, 0.01% and 0.001% of the centerline x/Q at the site boundary are provided so that plume dimensions may be defined based on dose rate at the site boundary. Examples are provided in Figures 9A through t
In the event that the stability class changes, the overlay is changed to that corresponding to the new stability class.
Development and use of these overlays are based on the same simplifying assumptions as listed for the X/Q Model.
Plume arrival time is obtained by use of a plot of travel time versus wind speed for each radial distance of interest (site boundary and each mile arc at which dose rate exceeds 1 mrem /hr up to the 10 mile arc). Plume position and arrival time calculations will be based on the time at which the release started er the time at which the source term exhibited a major change. Plume travel is assumed to be in a single straight line defined by the assumed source location and the last 15 minute average wind direction.
30                Gen. Rev. 3
FNP-0-M-007 DOSE RATE MODEL Gamma dose rate and iodine dose rate at the site boundary are calculated by multiplying the estimated / projected X/Q value (sec/m 3 ) times the effluent concentration (pCi/ml) times the effluent flow rate (cfm) times a dose conversion factor defined by N
1 YD =                      I    M                                        (  }
Yi    hi (34.33)(60) i=1 where        D = the gamma dose rate conversion factor M        Y dose factor for isotope i Yi                                                            ,
Qyi =    the relative abundance of isotope i N
                  =    Q yi /I      Q yi i=1 where YQ i = the curies of isotope i in the effluent 1
                                    = units conversion factor ("
                                                                          "i" )
3 (34.33)(60)                                      (ft    -
M and    D=          1            I  R i  Q ji                          (24) l                  (34.33)(60)          i=1 l
where      7 D=      thyroid dose rate convercion factor Ri=      thyroid dose' factor for iodine isotope i l
based on infant breathing rate.
.                                      31              Gen. Rev. 3
                    =  the relative abundance of iodine isotope i Qti N
9ti/I    9 yi    f r use with gross effluent i=1        concentration
                    =                    for use with Iodine effluent Q71/I Q71 i=1        concentration the curies of iodine isotope i where Q71 =
in the effluent Dose rates at other locations (x, y) can be calculated as:
Dose Rate = site boundary (X/Q)x                            I    (y2) exp -
(25) dose rate (x/Q) site boundary              x 2
where  {(X/Q)x/(X/Q) site boundary} and (1/[21 ])x are obtained from Figures 16A-G.
To allow rapid initial dose assessment and prediction, the release is initially assumed to consist of a fixed set of i
isotopes whose relative abundance is determined by the timu since reactor shutdown (see BASES).              The dose conversion factors for y dose and thyroid dose are provided graphically l as a function of time since shutdown.
I l Figure 13 shows dose conversion factors for converting gross effluent concentration of filtered and unfiltered effluent to iodine and y dose rates.            Figure 14 A&B shows dose conversion factors for converting effluent concentrations in terms of l
1 noble gas only or iodine only to y and iodine dose rates, respectively.
Dose conversion factors are revised as necessary following l
! sampling and analysis.
32                Gen. Rev. 3 l
FNP-0-M-007 To allow timely manual dose rate projections, isotope decay and deposition during plume travel are neglected. This is done by setting their respective factors equal to one.
33              Gen. Rev. 3
FNP-0-M-007 PERFORMANCE At the onset of an emergency condition as indicated by high readings on effluent monitors if the Class A computer model is not operable the Manual DCM will be performed as follows:
: 1. Atmospheric stability class is determined from the lapse rate (AT/az) shown by the plant meteorological instrumentation or, if that instrumentation is inoperable, by use of Turner's Algorithm (see BASES), wind speed and % cloud cover and ceiling height obtained from the Dothan Airport. Wind direction and wind speed are read from plant instrumentation or, if plant instrumentation is inoperable, they are obtained from the Dothan Airport.
: 2. Release concentration (pCi/ml) is determined using installed instrumentation or, if such equipment is offscale or inoperable, by use of portable monitors as described in FNP-0-RCP-25.
: 3. Release flow rate (cfm) is determined based on the release source:
l          a. For stack release - 75,000 cfm per Aux Bldg l
l                  exhaust fan plus (in the event of a fuel l
handling accident if RE-025 trips) 4000 cfm.
[          b. For steam jet air ejector / Turbine Building release - 1050 cfm.
: c.      For steam generator (S/G) atmospheric reliefs and safeties - determined graphically based on S/G pressure.
Gen. Rev. 3 34
: 4. X/Q (sec/m 3 ) is obtained for the site boundary using a plot of X/Q versus wind speed for the existing stability class.
: 5. Site boundary dose rate is estimated using the X/Q, release concentration, effluent flow rate and estimated dose factors (see DOSE MODEL).
: 6. If the site boundary dose rate is > 1 mrem /hr:
: a.      The dose rate is multiplied by estimated repair time to predict estimated integrated dose at the plume centerline for the site boundary.
: b.      The plume dimension overlay corresponding to the existing stability class is placed over the 10 mile EPZ map and the centerline oriented in the downwind direction. The isodose lines on the overlay are used in conjunction with the dose rate and integrated dose calculated for the site boundary to evaluate predicted dose rates and integrated dose within the 10 mile EPZ.
: c.      Arrival times at the site boundary and at mile arcs out to 10 miles or to a dose rate of i 1 mrem /hr are predicted using a plot of Travel Time versus Wind Speed and time elapsed since the release began.
: 7. Steps 1-6 are repeated as necessary every hour, following any significant change in release rate or if sample results indicate a significant change in dose factors, until the release is terminated.
35            Gen. Rev. 3
: 8. As a long term action field measurement results are utilized to verify prediction accuracy.
Equation 25 is used to calculate estimated dose rates for the field measurement location.        Plume centerline dose rates are calculated from field measurement results as:
(Dose. Rate)X'Y                      (26',
(Dose Rate)* =  exp -      1        (y2 )
21' y    x where (Dose Rate)* =downwind centerlinedistance dose rate x at (Dose Rate)*'Y = dose pointrate  at measurement at downwind  distance x and off-centerline distance y 1/[2Iy]x = value  taken from figures 16A through G for distance      x y=  off-center distance, m l
l l
t l
i l
l 36                  Gen. Rev. 3
I                                                        FNP-0-M-007 LIMITATIONS The Manual Emergency DCM is the following manner:
: 1. The X/Q predictions are based on theoretical calculations.
The values obtained represent the time averaged x/Q.
Values at a point within the plume boundary may be significantly higher or lower than the predicted value for short periods of time.
: 2. All meteorological data is based on statistical averages rather than a' continuous mean. Therefore all calculations based on meteorological data are subject to the statistical deviations of finite incremental time periods.
: 3. The plume path is updated with average data. Therefore the actual path of the plume may be longer than is estimated. Such an occurrance may result in the predicted X/Q value and average dose rate being higher than the time average values observed in the plume.
: 4. All releases are assumed to be at ground elevation.
Plant Vent Stack releases during periods of very low l
!        wind velocity may actually be elevated or mixed-mode releases. Under these conditions the dose rates may be over predicted. This fact should be considered when l
l        recommending protective actions and when evaluating j
field monitoring data.
: 5. The predicted x/Q, dose rate and integrated dose values in the outer portions of the 10 mile EPZ will be high l
l l
i during stability classes A and B when actual effective mixing height is greater than ~1250 m.
37              Gen. Rev. 3
FNP-0-M-007 BASES The equations in this document represent meteorological conditions surrounding the Farley Plant site which has no unusual geophysical constraints affecting the wind and weather.
There are no mountains, canyons, troughs or large bodies of water within the emergency planning zone (EPZ).                                                      The terrain is smoothly varying, intermittently forrested and cleared for farming. Thus the meteorological parameters measured at the site meteorological tower are representative of EPZ parameters.
The following site specific factors have been determined.
: 1. The turbine building steam jet air ejector vents and the main steam relief valve vents are considered ground level release points at all times.                                                      The plant vent stacks may be either elevated or ground level.
For ground level releases equations (8) and (10) contain wake effects, considering the cross-sectional area A of surrounding structures.         
Stuart, G.E., et al.,  " Rancho Seco Building Wake Effects on Atmospheric Diffusion," NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL ARL-69, Air Resources Laboratory, Idaho Falls, Idaho, November 1977, and Slade, D.H., "Meterology and Atomic Energy - 1968," p. 112.
: 2. Since the height of each plant vent stack is only slightly more than the surrounding buildings the release mode is always considered ground level in the Manual DCM Model.        The automated Class A Model assumes elevated releases to occur only when the release is from the plant vent stack and tne Gen. Rev. 3 39
FNP-0-M-007 effluent exit velocity (W g ) is > 5 times the horizontal wind velocity (G). When W o
is > G by <
5 G, the release is assumed to be mixed mode and.
the fraction of the release that is considered to be ground level is defined based on the ratio of Wg  to G. 
Reg. Guide 1.111 Rev. 1.
: 3. All plume diffusion equations for ground level releases use wind speed and direction data taken at 10 meters above terrain elevation.      The 10 meter I
level is considered representative of the depth through which the plume is mixed with building wake effects.
: 4. The stability class for the various calculations will be derived from aT/az in accordance with Table 1 of Reg. Guide 1.23 except for the case where plant meteorological data is not available in which case wind speed, wind direction, % cloud cover and ceiling height will be obtained through the local weather service and the stability class will be determined using the Turner Algorithm described below (
Turner Bruce D., "A Diffusion Model for Urban Areas," Journal of Applied Meteorology, Vol. 3, pg. 90 & 91, Feb.
1964). This is a compensatory action in accordance with NUREG 0654. Following installation of a' backup meteorological tower, wind speed, wind direction, o s and a, will be obtained from the backup instrumentation. This manual will be revised to provide correlations between o0      *"d "Q
and atmospheric stability class.
Gen. Rev. 3 40
FNP-0-M-007  !
l The Turner Algorithm for atmospheric stability        l determines stability class (A thru G) using wind speed and net radiation index based on    % cloud cover, time of day, ceiling height and solar altitude angle.
The net radiation index used with wind speed to 1
obtain Turner's stability class is determined by the following procedure:
l A)    If the total cloud cover is 10/10 and the ceiling height is less than 7,000 feet, use net radiation index equal to 0 (whether day or night).
B)    For nighttime (night is defined as the period from one hour before-sunset to one hour after sunrise):
(1)            If total cloud cover is 14/10, use net radiation index equal to -2.
(2)          If total cloud cover is >4/10, l                      use net radiation index equal to -1.
C)    For daytime:
(1)          Determine the insolation class number (see next paragraph). l l
(2)          If total cloud cover is 15/10, use the net radiation index in l
Figure 11 corresponding to the insolation class number.        I I
Gen. Rev. 3 41
FNP-0-M-007 (3)    If cloud cover is >5/10, modify the insolation class number by following these six steps:
a.)          If ceiling height is <7,000 ft.,
subtract 2.
b.)          If ceiling height is >7,000 ft. but
                    <16,000 ft.,
subtract 1.
c.)          If total cloud cover equals 10/10, subtract
: 1.  (This will only apply-to ceiling heights
                    >7,000 ft. since cases with 10/10 coverage below 7,000 ft. are considered in item A above).
d.)          If insolation class number' has not been modified by steps (1),
42              Gen. Rev. 3
FNP-0-M-007 (2), or (3) above, assume modified class number equal to insolation class number.
e.)          If modified isolation class t                            number is less than 1, let it equal 1.
f.)          Use the net radiation index in Figure 11 corresponding to the modified class number.
The solar altitude angle for FNP is estimated using the equation i
a = arcsin (sin 6 sin & + cos    H-12 n      (21 12 cos 6 cos $)
where & = station latitude (s 31.2 )
H = hour of day (24 hour, clock) and 4
i 43              Gen. Rev. 3 L
FNP-0-M-007 l
6:= arctan {-tan (23.5*) cos 2n(N+10) }          (22)              l 365 where N =    number of days from the beginning of the            !
year Insolation class number is then assigned as:
Solar                                              Insolation Altitude Angle          Insolation                  Class Number    i 60 < a                  Strong                      4 35  <a i 60            Moderate                    3 Slight                      2 15* <a 1 35*
a 1 15*                Weak                        1 For use with the Manual DCM, a plot has been
!        developed from equation (25):      insolation class number based on time of day and month of the year (Figure 12).
i      5. Dose conversion factors are obtained by assuming that the source is composed of the most significant i        isotope contributors that can escape from failed i
fuel in the reactor core following normal power-operation and then become airborne. The initial concentration of each isotope in containment following a loss of coolant accident is calculated i        as:
C = (NI)(EF)(FF)                                        (29 V
!                              44                Gen. Rev. 3
FNP-0-M-007 where NI = core inventory EF = escape fraction FF = failed fuel fraction V = containment volume N
Relative concentrations (C d Cg ) of the i i=1 most significant dose contributors are calculated.
The relative concentrations of iodine isotopes are reduced by 95% in anticipation of ESF charcoal filter I 2  rem Val Prior to release and the resulting new relative concentrations calculated.
For FNP, the following relative concentrations are assumed for a LOCA immediately following normal operation.
Relative Concentrations    Relative Concentrations Isotope      Without Filtering            with Filtering Kr-85      **1.19E-3                      1.67E-3 Kr-85m        5.14E-2                    7.22E-2                '
Kr-87          1.00E-1                    1.40E-1 Kr-88          1.21E-1                    1.70E-1 I-131          3.59E-2                    2.53E-3 I-132          5.14E-2                    3.61E-3 I-133          7.00E-2                    4.918-3 I-134          7.94E-2                    5.57E-3 I-135          6.54E-2                    4.59E-3
* Xe-133        3.51E-1                    4.93E-1 Xe-135        7.25E-2                    1.02E-1 3
  **1.19E-3 = 1.19x10 The relative concentrations are recalculated for various times following shutdown to account for half life differences.        The resulting relative Gen. Rev.'3 45
ENP-0-M-007 concentrations versus time are used to calculato Whole Body and Thyroid dose conversion factors as a function of time since shutdown.
Radiation Analysis Design Manual, Westinghouse 312 Plant, Section 5.
: 6. o y will be derived from the equations producing the graphs in Fig. 1, Lateral diffusion, a y vs.
downwind distance from source for. Pasquill's I
turbulence types.   
Slade, D.H.,  " Meteorology and Atmoic Energy - 1968," p. 102.
: 7. o g will be derived from the equations producing the graphs in Figure 2, Vertical diffusion, o g vs.
downwind distance from source for Pasquill's turbulence types.   
Slade, D.H.,  " Meteorology and Atomic Energy - 1968," p. 103.
The effective plume height, H,    e    (used in'the automated Class A model only)    is defined as follows:
i                                        .
H e
            =h  s
                  +h pr -h g - c where                                      (30) l      h      is the physical height of the release point (height s    of stack above the base) in meters, l
h      is the height of the plume rise, based on Briggs Pr  Jet equation, in meters, i      h      is the maximum height of terrain (relative to 9    plant grade) between the release point and the      '
receptor in meters, c      is the correction for low relative exit velocity, from Regulatory Guide 1.111.        If w g is 11.5 De '
then c = o. Otherwise c is calculated as:
t l
46            Gen. Rev. 3
FNP-0-M-007 c = 3(1.5 - w g/0 )d  e where                                    (31) d  is the effective stack diameter = 1.8 meters, O*  is the average windspeed determined during the time period at at the 46 meter meteorology tower elevation in m/sec, w    is the vertical effluent. velocity in m/sec.
o The Briggs Jet equation is defined as follows:
2 73          1/3 h
pr = 1.44 d
                          *o              x                                    (32) d 0
e subject to the limits h
            > 3.0    "o      d                                                (33)
U e            '
h      < 1.5 p    1/3        S
_1/ 6                              (34) pr              _m U
e where:
d=      effective plant stack diameter = 1.8 m x = linear distance traveled by segment centroid F
* m            *o            N p                  2                                        ,
Po = ratio of ambient air density to effluent p        air density, 1 S=      stability parameter (sec 2) 3 O                      (36)
        =    9.81m/sec 2        g + 9.8 x 10              K/m T            SZ O
T=      ambient air temperature,              K Gen. Rev. 3 47
FNP-0-M-007 AT = differential temperature between upper and lower elevations,  O K
az = vertical displacement between upper and lower temperature sensors (m). This distance is normally 51m but will be 20.5 m during sensor calibration In the event that AT/Az is not available from plant instrumentation it is approximated based on the stability class determined from alternate stability indicators.
9.81 m/sec2 = acceleration due to gravity near the surface of the earth.
9.8 x 10-3 oK/m = adiabatic lapse rate.
V, d
the deposition velocity used in equation (14) is set equal to 0.01.
i I
I r
f*                                                Gen. Rev. 3 48
: 1. Stuart, G.E., et al., " Rancho Seco Building Wake Effects on Atmospheric Diffusion," NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL ARL-69, Air Resources Laboratory, Idaho Falls', Idaho, November 1977.
: 2. Slade, D.H., Heteorology and Atomic Energy, 1968, p 112.
: 3. Turner, B.D., "A Diffusion-Model for Urban Areas,"
Journal of Applied Meteorology, Vol. 3, pp 90 and 91, February 1964.
: 4. Slade, D.H., Meteorology and Atomic Energy, 1968, p 102.
: 5. Slade, D.H., Meteorology and Atomic Energy ,1968, p 103.
: 6. Farley Nuclear Plant Technical Specifications.
: 7. Farley Nuclear Plant Radiological Health Handbook.
49                                Gen. Rev. 3
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ACTUAL IllCIDEllT DATE: 02,'05.'27            FARLEY lluCLEAR PLAllT                    T IllE : 9:46 PRIHARY EllERGEllCY SCREEl4                                      #
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ACTUAL IHCIDEllT DATE: 02/05/27            FARLEY lluCLEAR PLAllT                  TIHE: 9:40 HISCELLAllEOUS REPORTS
I. IllTEGRATED DOSE REPORTING                    '
: 2. EXIT EllTER C1101CE:
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w EXillBIT U AC10Al. lHCIDrHi AND simul.ATIOff (fNP)
(surri 14 or 21)
ACTUAL IllCIDEllT DATE: 62/05.'27                      FARLEY lluCLEAR PLANT                      TillE 9:46 EDCil REPORTIllG CURREllT PLUNE TifE FOLLOUIllG THOULAR REPORIS ARE AVAIL 40LE:
: 4. SUHNARY S. PROJECT 1011 To filliNH Oil YY/NH/DD
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ACTUAL IllCIDEllT DATE: 02/05/27                FARLEY lil1 CLEAR PLAllT                    TIHE: 9:4E EDCH REPORTIllG CljRREllT PLllilE I.'TADllLAR REPORTS
: 2. GRAPillCS
: 4. EXIT                                ..
3 a                                                                                      7 8
a EXillulT B ACTUAL lilCililll Aill) SlHULAT10ll (fNP)                O m                                  (SilLLI 16 0F 21)
ACTUAL IllCIDEllT DATE: 02/05/27                FARLEY litJCLEAR PLAllT                                            T IllE :        9316 EDCil REPORTIllG CURREllT PLUNE TiiE FOLLOUIllG PREDICTORS ARE AVAILABLE:
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a EXillBIT 8 ACTUAL IllCIDEllT AtlD SIMULATI0ri (filP)                ,
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ACTUAL Il4CIDENT DAIE                                                      82/05.'27                FARLEY HUCLEAR PLAllT                              TINE: 9:46
;                                                                                          EDCH REPORTIl1G a                                                                                          PREDICTOR PLUHE
: 2. GRAPilICS
: 3. EHIT i
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ACTUAL IllCIDEllT DATE: 02/05/27                                              FARLEY lluCLEAR PLAllT                        T illE  9:46 CURREllT PLUME IllFORMATIOli as OF lill: Nil Oli YY/NH/DD PRESEllT LOCH 110ll REPORT                                .
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_=                    N A
se                                  x Z                                          N
(x/Q)x                                                              %
    . M-e t
: 1. as. e G                    N                v        c      5        e X = DISTANCE DOWN WIND (MILES)
Fig.ISA        1/(2(r )y2) vs DISTANCE FOR STABILITY CLASS A                                                      ,  ,      ,
i                                      .
i      i i  i      i
                          \                                        i      i  i        !
i  i    i  6        i
                          \                                t
                              \                                      i    l  l        l
                                \              l        i            i    I  !        I 1
                                  \    l l
2I y                                                                            . aa l                              l N:
                                        .      x                          .
                            !          i i          ,        i  N,            ,  i    i  i i          i        !      A          1 i    +
                            !                  i        !                    I l
                            !                  !          i                l i              i i        :        !  t i
l 1        i        i      t i                              l    !  3                i                  !        !        !
a                    N                n        D      o          a X = DISTANCE DOWN WIND (MILES)
Rc-av J
FNP-0-M-007 FIG. 16B                (X/Q)x / (X/Q)SB versus DISTANCE FOR STABILITY CLASS B
: t.    -
i  s l
                                          \                                                              !
l\                                        !                  !
                                            \                                l      l    l            1      I (x/Q)x (x/Q)SB
: t.      .                                                                    I s
                                                    \                  s
                                                                                          ]            6 I              k                            '
I            t
* A                                +            1
                                                            'N        1                                !
                                                                    \                                    I W                l
                        ===3 g __ _
G                    N                    v          0                CD        G X = DISTANCE DOWN WIND < MILES) l i
l l
Fig.169            1/(2(r y) 2) vs Distance FOR STABILITY CLASS B see                                                        l s.os. ==              \
x i 'x        l          ,            ,                        , ,
                                    ;      x    ,          i        i    ,            ,
L i      i i        \l            I        i    !      I    t            I CG          l          h          l            l      l    l            l      l 9      2 y 8. e
x i
m                          i                            x                    i I                                i    !      N                .        i bE            l            l          l        l    l      I    i                    i i                      8 i            i                N 1.88.-87 G                    N                    v          (O              CD        G
FNP-0-M-007 FIG. 16C            (X/Q)x / (X/Q)33 versus DIS M CE FOR STABILITY CLASS C
1 88= "" __-
___.                  \
                                            \                                      l (x/0)x,
(x/Q)sB                                          A s
x i              N        t X    i Ni          l N        i      i
                  ===                                                            \
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: 1. -
G                  N                  4              D      @            G X = DISTANCE DOWN WIND (MILES)
Fig.16C          1/(2(Iy)2) vs Distance FOR STABILITY C'LASS C i.coc os                                                                                __
_- =1.
                    -            \
                    -              s ==    ___
_-                    x x
                                      !        N
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1 9                l          l    h          i l  l                  I
__9_-                                                                                ,
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  ~                                                                  l                                    .
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M xn
                                                  !                I i    !      I      i l,                l                              l, l        ,. s  .                                                        ,
G                    N                  T              C      Q            G
l                                                      X = DISTANCE DOWN WIND (MILES)
Rev. 2
FNP-0-M-007 FIG. 16D        (X/Q)x / (X/Q)SB versus DISTANCE FOR STABILITY CLASS D
: 1. Ese "
                                  ! \
                                      \                                  i    I (xlQ)x (x/Q)33 t                i  N        !                  i
                                        *                ,    x      !    .r      .    .
i                i      ix  6    ,
N      !
h_          w L-    -          1                                            I Q              N                4            0            m              s X = DISTANCE DOWN WIND (MILES)
Fig.160      1/(2(I y)2) vs Distance FOR STABILITY CLASS D 1.oae os 1
                              's                                                      ,
                      #=            \                                    l
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iiiR                                        NI                          I 2 :,7  2.    -
                  . _ = -        ,                                            i                    .
                                                                          -    '            I t        i      i        !    i                    i            !
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Rev. 2
FNP-0-M-007 FIG. 16E            (X/Q)x / (X/Q)SB versus DISTANCE FCR STABILITY CLASS E
: t. an. ~              s ,                                                        ,
si                                                        I i
l\          !                8 i x          i                '      '
sse            i N          I                                i
                                            \l sus (x/Q)x                                              N (X/Q)sa 1.08 -81                                                '
i                      x        .      .
                                                  !                            NI        i  3 N      I  t NI 1                    N I
: t. --
o                    N                  w              c        @          G X = DISTANCE DOWN WIND (MILES)
F1g.16E          1/(2/I y)2) vs Distance FOR STABILITY CLASS E 1.C00-34    __        1 il A
M                  \                  =
          , . .=-                            .
                                                    \  x w_._
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l                        !      l 1.Ess-87                                      i                  !    I      f m                    N                  e              o        e          a
Rev. 2
FNP :4- 00 7 FIG. 16F            (X/Q)x / (X/Q)SB versus DIS M CE FOR STABILITY CLASS F
: s. es. -                    s                                                                            1 N                                                                          :
x                                                                              ;
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                                                                  \ -e'                                                          A x
                                                                                      !  x
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;                                                                                          I          'A I                                                          I sue:
I G                  N                    4            D            3              5 X = DISTANCE DOWN WIND (MILES)
F1g.ISF 1/(2(I 7)2) vs Distance FOR STABILITY CLASS F                                    .
1 00e 03        _ , ,
R i
samu l
t.ooe-os                          \
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l                                                                '                                                    '
                                                                          !  !          t M                  i                              l            !    !                      I K.=m                                              l            I                            i
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                                                                ;        i            l                  l                                                              <                                4 G                  "      X - DISTXNCE DOWN WO4D (MILES)
* 3 Rev. 2 L
    --                                                                                          FNP-0-M-007 FIG. 16G              (x/Q)x / (X/Q)SB versus DIS M CE FOR STABILITY CLASS G
: t.    -
                                      'I T
                                              \                                      l
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                                                    \      s l
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* v          0      W          G
,                                                          X = DISTANCE DOWN WIND (MILES) 9 I
L                              Fig.1SG        1/(2(E7)2) vs Distance
!        t. ooc o3 FOR STABILITY CLASS G l
l t
                      ===          \
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: 1. -                                                                      -
                              "                  "
* 3 X - DISTXNCE DOWN W 940 (MILES) i                                                                                                Rev. 2}}

Revision as of 21:18, 31 March 2020

to Emergency Dose Calculational Manual.
Person / Time
Site: Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/1982
Shared Package
ML20063K319 List:
FNP--M-7, FNP-0-M-007, NUDOCS 8209030345
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FNP-0-t!-007 June 30, 1982 Revision 3 ALABAMA POWER C0tlPANY JOSEPH tl. FARLEY NUCLEAR PLANT FNP-0-li-007 S


E T.




D Approved:

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f D 11. m l /IS Technical Superintendent 4

Date Approved: 7 - F 8 ,A Date of Implementation: p z ,- a 1 List of Effective Page Page Rev. #

1- 49 3 EDCt! Disk t

8209030345 820831 l PDR ADOCK 05000348


FNP-0-M-007 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page Table of Contents i Abstract 1 Section I. Preface Automated Class A Dose Calculational Method 3 Release Rate Model 4 X/Q Model 10 Plume Model 13 Dose Rate Model 16 Performance 18 Limitations 19 Hardware 20 Software 23 Section II. Preface Manual Emergency Dose Calculational Method 28 Release Rate !!odel X/Q Model 29 Plume Model 31 Dose Rate Model 32 Performance 35 l

( Limitations 38 Section III. Bases 39 l Figures 50 Class B Dose Calculational Method (later) -

1 Gen. Rev. 3 l

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-FNP-0-M-007-ABSTRACT The automated Class A Dose Calculational Method (DCM) for emergency assessment ind dose projection within the ingestion pathway emergency planning zone (50 mile EPZ) uses a segmented element plume model.

Concentrations within the plume will be calculated from the appropriate

'X/Q equation (utilizing stability class, release elevation, and-building wake effects). -Every 15 minutes the model will update records for each segment released from defined gaseous effluent. sources (Table 1).

Segment centroids will be tracked along mean wind velocity vectors.

. Centroid position, time of flight, horizontal and vertical dispersion coefficients, and radioactive decay corrections applied to segment isotopic concentrations yield dose rate assessment and prediction.

Isotopic release rates (Ci/s) will be determined by in-line instrumentation and confirmed by sampling. Segment arrival time at arc boundaries will be predicted using current meteorological conditions.

The manual dose calculational method for emergency assessment and dose projection within the exposure emergency planning zone (10 mile EPZ)

! uses a continuous point source Gaussian diffusion model. Through simplifying assumptions manual estimates and projections may be made within 15 minutes of the start of an accident and updates may be performed hourly or following significant change in release rate. Concentrations within the plume will be calculated from the appropriate X/Q equation (utilizing I stability class, release elevation, and building wake effects). This model will predict and assess time average plume size, shape, position 1 - Gen. Rev. 3

FNP-0-M-007 and dose rate. Isotopic release rates (Ci/s) will be determined by in-line instrumentation and confirmed by sampling. Plume arrival time at arc boundries will be predicted using current meteorological conditions.

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2 Gen. Rev. 3

FNP-0-M-007 1

SECTION I PREFACE AUTOMATED CLASS A EMERGENCY l DOSE CALCULATIONAL METHOD The automated Emergency Dose Calculational Method described in this section has been developed to meet the requirements of Appendix 2 of NUREG 0654 Rev. I for a Class A near real-time, site-specific atmospheric transport and diffusion model. The range of the model is expanded to 50 miles to meet the requirements of Milestone 5 of Annex 1 to Appendix 2 of NUREG 0654, Rev. 1.

3 Gen. Rev. 3

FNP-0-?!-007 RELEASE RATE ?!0 DEL Release rate calculations account for radioactive material released from multiple effluent sources. Release rates for each source are calculated, combined and treated as if released from a single virtual release point (VRP, Figure 9). The VRP is on the centerline between containment buildings and less than 100 m from actual release points. Each release point is monitored by in-line instrumentation (1) (Exibit A1) providing, directly or by calculation, effluent concentration. Flonitor readings are obtained at least once per minute and readings from monitors calibrated in counts per minute (CPr!) or millirem per hour (mr/hr) are converted to concentration utilizing:

Y = C [D, + D i Ln(X) + D 2 (La (X))2) (1) where X = monitor reading (CPfl or mr/hr)

Y = concentration ('uCi/ml)

D,D,D2 g y = vendor response curve coefficients C = periodically detemined efficiency factor The plant vent stack high range monitor measures noble gas concentrr ion (uCi/ml) directly. Iodine-131, alpha and beta emitting particulate accumulations are also measured. Conversion to concentration is done by calculating accumulation rate and dividing by flow rate. Accumulation rate is obtained by applying a first order least squares fit of one minute average filter activities. Compensation for counting statistics is obtained by inversely weighting each one minute average to its standard deviation. Statistical discrepancies are further reduced by calculating the standard deviation of the least squares fit and eliminating data (1) In order to minimize errors the monitor indications closest to mid-scale are utilized whenever possible.

Gen. Rev. 3 4

FNP-0-M-007 points greater than'1.96 standard deviations from corresponding calculated values. Each fit is initially performed using the previous four minutes data and then extended to the smaller: 1) prior 15 minutes or 2) where the accumulation rate changed such that the 1.96 a criteria.cannot be met. This methodology optimizes statistical reliability while maintaining sensitivity to concentration changes.

After acquisition and conversion, 15 minute averages are calculated and combined with tables defining the effluent isotopic makeup yielding relative isotopic concentrations in each effluent path. Isotopic tables available for initial use are:(2)

1) Latest routinely determined relative isotopic concentrations of:

a) Reactor coolant system b) Waste gas decay tanks c) Containment atmosphere

2) Expected relative isotopic concentrations available due to fuel failure.
3) Expected relative isotopic concentrations available due to fuel melt.
4) A manually entered relative isotopic concentrations table.

The following modifications for (3) for specific release points will be made:

(2) Default is the reactor coolant system, latest routinely determined relative isotopic concentrations table.

(3) Isotopic tables in use are decay corrected every 15 minutes following reactor trip.

5 Gen. Rev. 3


1) Plant ~ vent stack-a) all tables, iodine and particulates are reduced by 95%


'due to system filtration.

'b) failed or melted fuel tables, iodines'are reduced by 99% due to containment spray.

2) Turbine building vent st'ack iodine is reduced by 95% due to system filtration.

Isotopic tables and instrumentation calibration factors are 4

updated as samples are obtained and analyzed.(4) Monitor readings and relative isotopic concentration tables are used to obtain 15 minutes t average concentrations at each release point as follows:

4 - 1) Plant vent stack-high range monitor:

) a) I-131 = direct. reading l b). other iodine isotopes -


~C I-131 (2)



. I-131 where i

Ci = 15 minute average effluent concentration of ith iodine isotope CI = modified table concentration of ith iodine isotope Cf-131= m dified table concentration of I-131 CI-131 = 15 minute average effluent concentration of I-131 1

(4) Tables generated by sample analyses are always decay corrected from sample time.

6 Gen. Rev. 3

FNP-0-M-007 c) Noble gas isotopes -

C.=Cf.C yg T

I C.1 (3)

Noble Gases where Ci = 15 minute average effluent concentration of ith noble gas isotope CI=modifiedtableconcentrationofithnoblegasisotope ICI=sumofallmodifiedtablenoblegasisotopeconcentrations Noble Gases CNG = 15 minute average monitor reading (uCi/ml)

2) All other monitors T


= Cici,all isotopes T

I C.1 (4)

All isotopes where Ci = 15 minute average effluent concentration of ith isotope CI=modifiedtableconcentrationofithisotope ICI=sumofallmodifiedtableisotopeconcentrations All Isotopes 7 Gen. Rev. 3

FNP-0-N-007 C i,all = 15 minute average monitor reading (uci/ml) isotopes Flow rates are obtained as follows:

1) Plant vent' stack - automatic. input
2) Turbine building vent stack - fixed
3) Steam generator safety valves - calculated using correlation of number of valves'open, steam generator pressure and valve capacity.
4) Turbine driven auxiliary feedwater pump exhaust -calculated using correlation of exhaust and' pump flow rate (manual input)

' Isotopic concentrations are multiplied by 15 minute average flow rates to obtain isotopic release rates.

The plant ' cent stack ejection points are greater than, but less than 2.5 times, adjacent strcture height. In accordance with NRC Regulatory Guide 1.111, Revision 1, when effluent exit velocity is greater than or equal to the average wind speed, the ground level release fraction may

( be calculated as:

(2.58 - 1.58) N when 1.5 > > 1.0 (5) r u u (0.3 - 0.06) when 5 > > 1.5 (6) u u 0 when " >5 (7) u 8 Gen. Rev. 3 i

.FNP-0-M-007 where.

'W, = 15 minute average plant vent stack effluent _ exit velocity u = 15 minute. average wind speed.

.The plant vent stack's release rate may contribute to ground level and elevated components. Total ground level release rates are_obtained by summing the release rates of 1.) plant vent stacks' ground level components and 2.) the remaining effluent pathways. Elevated release rates are obtained by summing the elevated components of the plant vent stacks release rates.

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9 Gen. Rev. 3

FNP-0-M-007 f

X/Q MODEL i X/Q (relative concentration) calculations account for release elevation,

- building wake effects and existing meteorological conditions. A single virtual release point is assumed.~ This does not introduce significant i

errors at radial distances of indicated in the section

" Release Rate Model".

Equations used to estimate X/Q are based on the general Gaussian plume

, diffusion equation:

I X(x,y,z,H) = Q exp(-0.5(y/oy )2) {exp(-0.5((z-H)/ag )2) (8) 2nc a 5 y7

+ exp (-0.5((z+H)/az ) )}

where, n = 3.14159 X(x,y,z,H) = plume concentration (Ci/m3 )'

x = downwind distance from the source (m) y = crosswind distance from the plume centerline (m) z = vertical distance from the plume centerline (m)

H.= plume centerline height (release height) (m)

U = mean wind velocity (m/s) a,a y

= plume dispersion coefficients (m)

Q = release rate (Ci/s) l For elevated components the release height (H) will be considered equal to He, thus equation (1) reduces to t

10 i Gen. Rev. 3 L

FNP-0-M-007 x(x,y,z) =- 1 exp ( 0.5(y/cy )2){exp(-0.5((z-H e

)/cz ) ) * (9)

Q 2no y z 46 exP (-0.5((z+He )/az ) )}


where 546listhe15minuteaveragewindspeed(m/s),46metersabove plant grade when the segment leaves the release point,.cy and az *#*

shown on Figures 1 and 2 (see PLUME MODEL). Figure 3 shows plume dispersion (elevated release) based on the Gaussian diffusion model.

For ground level releases, H=z=o and the plume dispersion coefficients must be adjusted for building wake effects. Thus equation (1) is rewritten as:

X/Q = 1 exp -y 2 (10)

- 2 u

10 al I yz 2I-y where 510 = is the 15 minute average windspeed at 10 meters above the plant grade, in m/s when the segment leaves - -

the release point.

I = horizontal dispersion coefficient corrected for building y

wake effect = (a y2 + X/2n)b i

17 = vertical dispersion (5) coefficient corrected for building wake effect = (a g2 + X/2n)

A= the smallest vertical plane cross-sectional area

of.the containment building or turbine building, as appropriate according to the downwind sector, in m 2, 11 '

Gen. Rev. 3

FNP-0-M-007 The' Gaussian diffusion equation with building wake effects has-been shown to be conservative (Meteorology and Atomic Energy 1968, pg. 112).

The plume- tracking methodology proposed, however,- reduces this conversatism since the a and a calculations take into account. meander caused by -

y z-changes in the 15 minute average wind directions. The results.of this


equation are further reduced by radioactive decay thus minimizing the

. magnitude of the conservatism. (see discussion of correction factors under' DOSE RATE MODE 1) i 1

(5) 1 and a are limited < 1000m (Meteorology and Atomic Energy 1968 3 z PP 41).

12 Gen. Rev. 3

FNP-0-M-007 PLUME H0 DEL Plume path, dimensions, and transit times will be calculated by tracking elevated and ground segments release from the virtual release point at At the start of each interval, a ground and an elevated


15-min intervals.

segment are formed; release height for the ground segment is. plant grade. The elevated component release height is calculated according to Regulatory Guide 1.111. On each_15-min cycle,~ existing segments are moved to revised locations as follows:

  • j , k * *j , k- 1
  • Yx,k A (11)

Yj , k

  • Yj , k-1 + h,k AT (12) where:

x jk

= x coordinate of segment j at end of interval k' a

j k-1

= x ccordinate f segment j at start of interval k V


C mPonent of 15-min average wind velocity prior to end of interval k AT = Time duration of interval k = 15 min y


= y coordinate of segment j at end of interval k y


=yc rdinate of segment j at start of interval k V Y C mPonent of 15-min average wind velocity prior y,k to end of interval k When wind velocity is less than anemometer minimum measurable velocity (0.45 m/s), minimum measurable velocity is assumed. Under these conditions the last measureable wind direction will be the assumed wind direction.


]3 Gen. Rev. 3 i


FNP-0-M-007 Segments are. tracked until they move outside'the'50-mile EPZ. Plume dimensions are calculated based on linear distance traveled by each segment, atmospheric stability classification,-and equations which reproduce'the correlations shown in Figure 1 (o yvs Distance'From Source) and-in Figure 2 (azvs Distance From Source). The correlations used to calculate o-y and az will be in the form:

Log a = C7+C2 L gx + C3 (L 8:x)2 (13)-

The " distance from source" value (x) to find a for segment j at the end of interval k is defined as:

Y dYJ,

. k = D .j,k-1 + [(Vx,k AT)2 + (V y,k AT)2)% (14)

Emergency Dose Calculation Manual where DY is the virtual distance necessary to obtain the.o .eal:,y Ling .

j,k-1 at the start interval k using the o curve for the-stability class at the end of interval k; i.e.,

Log DY *

  • b 8 "y j , k-1 + 3 L 8Uy j ,k-1) (15) j,k-1 2 C{ C[, and C{ are polynominal coefficients reproducing the curves shown in figure 1 in the form Log x = f (cy ). Similarly for 07:

b d* [-1 = Dij , k-1

  • l ( x ,k 0) + ( y,k AT)4 (16) and ,

Log Dij,k-1 = +C z g8 z j , k-1 + 3 (L 8 z j ,k-1) (1 )

D =d h,k-1 and Dij,k-1 *d j,k-1


- 14 Gen. Rev. 3

FNP-0-M-007 If the stability class does not change d Yand d* are equal to the distance traveled by the parcel. If the stability class does change during interval k, the segment is diffused from its size at the start of interval k.using the new stability class without creating a discontinuity in the plume.

Transit times are calculated using plume path and average wind velocity.

Time of plume arrival at selected points is predicted based on current


plume path and average wind velocity.

Predictions will be made using current plume characteristics, meteorological conditions and appropriate time interval.

The plume centerline is defined by connecting the centroid coordinates of consecutive segments and the last segment released to the release point. The width of the plume will be defined as 4.280y (4.281.y for ground-level releases), corresponding to 90 percent of a normal distribution.

The outer dimension of the plume will be defined by tangential-lines connecting the arc of consecutive segments (defined by a radius of 2.14ay (2.141 for ground-level releases)).


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15 Gen. Rev. 3 l


FNP-0-M-007 DOSE RATE MODEL After calculating release concentrations and determining releases rates, dose rates are determined.

The dose rate calculations for noble gases are given by the following formual:

(18) yD=!(RR.)(x/Q)(DF)(DECAY) 1 i i=1 where:

,D = Cumulative dose rate (m-rem /h) i = Noble gas isotopes ID RR f = Effluent release rates (uCi/s)

X/Q = Dispersion coefficient (s/m3 )

DF j = Dose factor for tha ith isotope (m-rem / year)/(pCi/m3)

DECAY = Decay constant (see this section)

Iodines and particulate dose rates are given by the following formula:

(19) y D=E(RR.)(x/Q)(DF)(IR)(DECAY) 1 i i=1 where:

D = Cumulative dose rate (m-rem /h) i = Iodine and particulate isotope ID RR 1

= Effluent release rates (uCi/s) ,

X/Q = Dispersion coefficient (s/m3 )

DF 1

= Dose factor for the i th isotope (m-rem /pCi)

IR = Inhalation rate for an infant in I h averaged over an 8-h period DECAY = Decay constant (see this section) 16 Gen. Rev. 3

FNP-0-M-007 The correction factor applied to equations and for radioactive decay in route is given by the formula:

(DECAY) = (9xi) = e -[(A (20) f )T]

O oi where:

Q x1 = Effective release rate at distance X from release source of the i th isotope 1 th isotope Q,1 = Release rate at release source for the i Ai= Decay constant for the i th isotope T= Travel time of segment to poine where X/Q is assessed Total dose rate at any selected point R,0 is determined by summing off-a. sis x/Q contributions frca any segment to the point and from any centroid at a plmne bend which sweeps the point (Figure 10).

17 Gen. Rev. 3

FNP-0-M-007 PERFORMANCE The automated class A EDCM is a near real time monitoring system capable of acquiring data from plant monitors and status devices. The model is integrated into two other major software systems: an isotopic sampling and an offsite dose calculation module. The isotopic sampling module performs grab sample analysis and posts results to system files. The offsite dose calculation module calculates and tracks exposure in each sector, at the site boundary. Under normal execution the system functions as shown in Exhibit C.

High level indications from effluent monitors (see HARDWARE) will initiate the emergency preliminary notification A " flag" is set indicating that an emergency is in progress, and the process (Exhibit D). Functions in E::hibit E are performed. Estimates and projections are based upon detector isotopic calibration factors and relative isotopic concentration tables. The Emergency Director may direct that effluent grab samples be taken. The isotopic concentration module may override table concentrations as grab sample analysis results become available.

Projections assume continuation of current meteorological and release rate conditions. Menu driven emergency reporting modules have been designed to minimize the need for detailed user knowledge of system components or operations.

A security system prevents unauthorized access to system data. I f, radiation monitors failure during an emergency manual data entry is allowed. Redundancy exist for meteorological instrumentation.

18 Gen. Rev. 3

FNP-0-N-007-LIMITATIONS The class A dose calculation model is limited in the following manner:

A. The.X/Q Predictions are based on' theoretical calculations temperad with corrective factors which are in turn based on-empirical data. The values obtained represent a time-averaged X/Q. Values at a point within the plume boundary may be -

l significantly higher or lower than the predicted value for short periods of time.

B. All meteorological data is based on statistical averages rather than a continuous mean; therefore, all calculations based on meteorological data are subject to the statistical deviations of finite incremental time periods.

C. The plume path is updated with averaged data; therefore, the actual path of the plume may be longer than is estimated.'

i The magnitude of this error is minimized by using a 15-min averages. Meander caused by long-term wind variation is accounted for by the user of linear distance traveled rather than distance from the source.

D. The predicted X/Q, dose rate, and integrated dose values in the outer portions of the EPZ will be high during stability classes A and B when actual effective mixing height is greater than s 1250 m.

19 Gen. Rev. 3 t

FNP-0-N-007 HARDWARE INPUTS The EDCM processes data for current- 15-min averages of the following radiation monitors for each unit:


. Radiation Monitors System Utilization. Unit RE 29 B PVS-iodine, noble gas, particulate uCi/ml-RE-14 PVS CPM RE 22 PVS CPM RE 15A SJAEs CPM


RE ISB SJAEs m-rem /h RE 15C SJAEs- _m-rem /h RE 60A MSRVs m-rem /hr RE 60B MSRVs m-rem /hr RE 60C MSRVs m-rem /hr RE 60D Turbine-dirven auxiliary feedwater pumps m-rem /hr The following combinations of monitors in alarm trigger the automatic EDCM.

1. Any two of RE 15A, RE 15 B,'RE 15 C.
2. Any two of RE 60 A, RE 60 B, RE 60 C, RE 60 D.
3. Any combination of I and 2 above.
4. Any combination of RE 29 B with RE 14, RE 21, RE 22.

20 cen. Rev. 3


. ANALYTIC COMPONENTS The J. M. Farley Nuclear Plant Analytical Dat'a Management System (ADMS) includes:

1) Hewlett-Packard 1000-F with:

A)- Two Megabytes fault control memory B) Floating Point Processor C) Scientific Instruction Set D)- Vector Instruction Set-E) RTE - 6/VM operating system F) Peripherals

1) Disc Mass Storage (444 Megabytes)
2) Graphics Terminals
3) Graphics Printers
4) Plotter
5) Distributed Systems Communications Links
6) Magnetic Tape Device
7) Multichannel Analyzers
2) Hewlett-Packard 1000-L with:

7 A) One half megabyte memory B) RTE-XL operating system l C) Peripherals 1

1) Disc mass storage (1 megabyte)
2) Data Acquisition Units ,
3) Terminal
4) Interface to Plant vent stack high range monitor.

21 Gen. Rev. 3

FNP-0-M-007 SOFTWARE DATA ACQUISITION Data Acquisition is a continuous process that services the EDCM system.

It's primary function is to poll instruments monitoring meteorological conditions, radiation levels, plant status, validate readings, test for emergency levels and schedule subsequent processes. In addition data averaging / archiving and automatic hardware reconfiguration is performed in the event of system detected errors.

The system is configured to provide redundant data acquisition and processing capability. A configuration option automatically selects input channels that will provide as many required inputs as possible.

Polling is performed on a continuous short interval. Data validation is performed based on user selectable parameters. Determination of Iodine and Noble Gas isotopic concentrations is performed by statistically averaging concentrations acquired through a microprocessor-based radiation detection instrument.

EDCM monitoring is performed by recording the status and values of selected monitors for the plant effluent points. To prevent alarms due to equipment malfunction, logical trigger combinations are required before an emergency state is declared and reported. All system states outside of normal operating conditions are reported to primary ands alternate system monitoring terminals.

Data averaging and archiving is performed, and a data base created. ,

All significant operator intervention is archived in a response file for review. Data Acquisition is a continuous process, it schedules subsequent processes through the Isotopic Calculation Module.

22 Gen. Rev. 3



-This module calculates' isotopic concentrations in gaseous effluents for the EDCM and ODCM. Grab sample results and monitor efficiency factors are stored. Scaling factors are calculated utilizing efficiency factors and. current monitor readings. This scaling factor is then used to determine isotopic concentration being released.

New. grab sample results automatically overlay previous results. The system utilizes routine RCS isotopic sample results, scaled by current monitor readings to determine isotopic concentrations for alarm source pointti. W en monitors are not in alarm, source concentrations will be calculated based on routine isotopic source files and current radiation monitor readings.

Corrections reflecting plant safety features that reduce isotopic concentrations.

in effluents will be applied based on current device status, (i.e.

Containment Spray and charcoal filters). Isotopic concentrations will be decayed from the' time isotopic production ceases (power level < 3%).

Concentrations based on grab samples taken subsequent to plant. shutdown will be decayed from sample time.

The capability of substituting alternate isotopic concentration files exists. These alternate files contain isotopic concentrations representative of failed and melted fuel conditions based on manufacturer's specifications.

A file may be loaded to reflect manually determined sample results.

23 Gen. Rev. 3

FNP-0-M-007 PLUlIELPROCESSING The Plume Processing module simulates and tracks gaseous effluent. A segmented element'p1mne is emitted from a centrally located virtual release point. Based on monitored meteorological conditions and release flow rates, segments are tracked as they traverse.the'50 mile Emergency Planning Zone. Plume dispersion and height are determined on a cyclical basis. Changes in meteorological conditions measured at the site are used in each cycle to adjust plume dispersion coefficients. Effect of terrain height on plume rise is also considered.

The Plume Mode.1 utilizes stability class theory to calculate dispersion coefficients. Redundant instrumentation is available to determine stability class reflecting current meteorological conditions. Two alternate methods are available to acquire weather data, one involves manual-input through a utility program, the second a pre-determined default value corresponding to site specific historical. met data.

To determine plume elevation and dispersion, release rates are calculated by monitoring effluent flow rates. These rates.are also used to determine isotopic concentrations in the plume by associating them with the Curie content data generated by the Isotopic Calculation Module.

Every 15 minutes the plume processing module updates projected arrival times and intersection points with Emergency Planning Zone arc boundaries.

The Model automatically schedules the Emergency Reporting system and

archives all information generated during an emergency.

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24 Gen. Rev. 3

! FNP-0-M-007 i

i EMERGENCY REPORTING AND GRAPHICS we Reporting of current, projected or simulated emergency information is ~

performed by this module. Doses due to iodines, noble gases and particulates in the plume are calculated and critical organs identified. Immersion

, doses are assumed for points in the plume path, doses for points outside the plume path are calculated by adding an off-axis term to the dispersion .3 coefficient; this allows doses to be calculated based on the shortest distance from the point to the plume centerline.

i The reporting portion provides tabular and graphical information based ,


on current, projected or predicted conditions. All reporting is also -

l available under simulated conditions using current emmission and meteorology.

i Emergency infonnation can be accessed on a demand basis. The system , ,

l presents a menu of available reports and graphs. As information is updated the menu is also refreshed so that the most current reporting is j accessible. Projections of plume location and activity based on current release rates and meteorology are available. In addition predictions based on user selected isotopic content of current emmissions are allowed.

The tabular information provided includes location of current ground and

! elevated plume segments, plume boundaries, dose rates and dispersion coefficients at plume segment centroids, projected plume location and I

dose rates at selected times, and projected arrival times and locations-for the leading edge of the plume at designated arc boundaries, given l

I current release rates and meteorology.

Graphical reporting provides displays of current and projected plume L

location, ability to select different backgrounds (10-50 mile EPZ, roads, bodies of water, major population centers, etc.) and ability to zoom in for greater detail. Additionally the capability to request dose i

rates at selected points within the 50 miles EPZ is supported.

4 Gen. Rev. 3 25

FNP-041-007 T w additional syste.u components provide for controlled termination of an incident through direct intervention from plant emergency personnel,

- and for the archiving and retrieval of all information generated by the reporting module during an emergancy. Interaction between operators and the system are archived for review.

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26 Gen. Rev. 3 t-

SECTION II PREFACE MANUAL EMERGENCY DOSE CALCULATIONAL METHOD The manual Emergency Dose Calculational Method described in this section has been developed to mect the requirement of NUREG 0654 Rev. 1 item II.I.6, ("Each licensee shall establish the methodology for determining the release rate / projected doses if the instrumentation used for .ssessment are off-scale or inoperable") as it applies to inoperable hardware used by the automated emergency DCM method. In accordance with the requirements of NUREG 0654, Rev. 1, Appendix 2, Annex 1, item (3)(ii), that portion of it dealing with the transport and diffusion of gaseous effluents has been developed to be consistent with the characteristics of the Class A Model

! described in Section I. This manual model will be used if i

the automated model is inoperable.

i Gen. Rev. 3 27 l-l l

1 Gen. Rev. 3 t

FNP-0-M-007 x/Q Model x/Q(relagiveconcentration)calculationsarebasedonthe general Gaussian plume diffusion equation:

x(x,y,z,H) = Q exp (-0.5(y/cy)2 ){ exp (-0.5 2noyga 0

((z-H)/a g)2 ) + exp (-0.5((z+H)/o )2 g )} (21) where the terms are defined on page 10.

For manual calculations, all releases are assumed to be ground level releases. This simplifies the equation for x/Q at the plume centerline to g = exp -b (y/I y)2 Q 0 1g nz I yz (22) where the terms are as defined on page 11. Since the ratio of x/Q at two fi:ted distances is independent of wind velocity (0 1g and n cancel out) use of this equation is simplified by providing plots of x/Q for a radial distance corresponding to the site boundary, plots of { (x/Q)x/(x/Q) site boundary}

2 versus downwind distance and plots of 1/(21y ) versus downwind distance for each stability class (See Figures 15A-15G and

16A-G). To allow this, the following simplifying assumptions i

are made:

4 28 Gen. Rev. 3


1. All releases are assumed to originato at the midpoint between the Unit 1 and Unit 2 centerlines.

This point is <100m from the farthest actual release point (the turbine building vent stacks) and $30m from the most probable release point (plant vent stacks) and therefore introduces minimal error at radial distances of interest (see Figure 9).

2. The area term used for calculating building wake effect is set equal to the height of the containment squared ((40m)2 ) regardless of wind direction.

This is a good approximation since the arrangement of building results in a wake effect for the majority of wind directions and the difference between actual area and assumed area will introduce negligible error at radial distances of interest.

3. The site boundary is assumed to be defined by an arc of radius equal to the minimum distance to the boundary.
4. I is limited to < 1000m to account for possible z

limited mixing heights.

I 29 Gen. Rev. 3 l

FNP-0-M-007 PLUME MODEL Plume location is determined by use of an overlay oriented with the centerline in the average downwind direction. One overlay is provided_for each stability class. Plume width lines corresponding to 10%, 1%, 0.1%, 0.01% and 0.001% of the centerline x/Q at the site boundary are provided so that plume dimensions may be defined based on dose rate at the site boundary. Examples are provided in Figures 9A through t


In the event that the stability class changes, the overlay is changed to that corresponding to the new stability class.

Development and use of these overlays are based on the same simplifying assumptions as listed for the X/Q Model.

Plume arrival time is obtained by use of a plot of travel time versus wind speed for each radial distance of interest (site boundary and each mile arc at which dose rate exceeds 1 mrem /hr up to the 10 mile arc). Plume position and arrival time calculations will be based on the time at which the release started er the time at which the source term exhibited a major change. Plume travel is assumed to be in a single straight line defined by the assumed source location and the last 15 minute average wind direction.

30 Gen. Rev. 3

FNP-0-M-007 DOSE RATE MODEL Gamma dose rate and iodine dose rate at the site boundary are calculated by multiplying the estimated / projected X/Q value (sec/m 3 ) times the effluent concentration (pCi/ml) times the effluent flow rate (cfm) times a dose conversion factor defined by N

1 YD = I M ( }

Yi hi (34.33)(60) i=1 where D = the gamma dose rate conversion factor M Y dose factor for isotope i Yi ,

Qyi = the relative abundance of isotope i N

= Q yi /I Q yi i=1 where YQ i = the curies of isotope i in the effluent 1

= units conversion factor ("

"i" )

3 (34.33)(60) (ft -


M and D= 1 I R i Q ji (24) l (34.33)(60) i=1 l

where 7 D= thyroid dose rate convercion factor Ri= thyroid dose' factor for iodine isotope i l

based on infant breathing rate.

. 31 Gen. Rev. 3


= the relative abundance of iodine isotope i Qti N

9ti/I 9 yi f r use with gross effluent i=1 concentration

for use with Iodine effluent Q71/I Q71 i=1 concentration the curies of iodine isotope i where Q71

in the effluent Dose rates at other locations (x, y) can be calculated as:

Dose Rate = site boundary (X/Q)x I (y2) exp -

(25) dose rate (x/Q) site boundary x 2

where {(X/Q)x/(X/Q) site boundary} and (1/[21 ])x are obtained from Figures 16A-G.

To allow rapid initial dose assessment and prediction, the release is initially assumed to consist of a fixed set of i

isotopes whose relative abundance is determined by the timu since reactor shutdown (see BASES). The dose conversion factors for y dose and thyroid dose are provided graphically l as a function of time since shutdown.

I l Figure 13 shows dose conversion factors for converting gross effluent concentration of filtered and unfiltered effluent to iodine and y dose rates. Figure 14 A&B shows dose conversion factors for converting effluent concentrations in terms of l

1 noble gas only or iodine only to y and iodine dose rates, respectively.

Dose conversion factors are revised as necessary following l

! sampling and analysis.

32 Gen. Rev. 3 l

FNP-0-M-007 To allow timely manual dose rate projections, isotope decay and deposition during plume travel are neglected. This is done by setting their respective factors equal to one.

33 Gen. Rev. 3

FNP-0-M-007 PERFORMANCE At the onset of an emergency condition as indicated by high readings on effluent monitors if the Class A computer model is not operable the Manual DCM will be performed as follows:

1. Atmospheric stability class is determined from the lapse rate (AT/az) shown by the plant meteorological instrumentation or, if that instrumentation is inoperable, by use of Turner's Algorithm (see BASES), wind speed and % cloud cover and ceiling height obtained from the Dothan Airport. Wind direction and wind speed are read from plant instrumentation or, if plant instrumentation is inoperable, they are obtained from the Dothan Airport.
2. Release concentration (pCi/ml) is determined using installed instrumentation or, if such equipment is offscale or inoperable, by use of portable monitors as described in FNP-0-RCP-25.
3. Release flow rate (cfm) is determined based on the release source:

l a. For stack release - 75,000 cfm per Aux Bldg l

l exhaust fan plus (in the event of a fuel l

handling accident if RE-025 trips) 4000 cfm.

[ b. For steam jet air ejector / Turbine Building release - 1050 cfm.

c. For steam generator (S/G) atmospheric reliefs and safeties - determined graphically based on S/G pressure.

Gen. Rev. 3 34


4. X/Q (sec/m 3 ) is obtained for the site boundary using a plot of X/Q versus wind speed for the existing stability class.
5. Site boundary dose rate is estimated using the X/Q, release concentration, effluent flow rate and estimated dose factors (see DOSE MODEL).
6. If the site boundary dose rate is > 1 mrem /hr:
a. The dose rate is multiplied by estimated repair time to predict estimated integrated dose at the plume centerline for the site boundary.
b. The plume dimension overlay corresponding to the existing stability class is placed over the 10 mile EPZ map and the centerline oriented in the downwind direction. The isodose lines on the overlay are used in conjunction with the dose rate and integrated dose calculated for the site boundary to evaluate predicted dose rates and integrated dose within the 10 mile EPZ.
c. Arrival times at the site boundary and at mile arcs out to 10 miles or to a dose rate of i 1 mrem /hr are predicted using a plot of Travel Time versus Wind Speed and time elapsed since the release began.
7. Steps 1-6 are repeated as necessary every hour, following any significant change in release rate or if sample results indicate a significant change in dose factors, until the release is terminated.

35 Gen. Rev. 3


8. As a long term action field measurement results are utilized to verify prediction accuracy.

Equation 25 is used to calculate estimated dose rates for the field measurement location. Plume centerline dose rates are calculated from field measurement results as:

(Dose. Rate)X'Y (26',

(Dose Rate)* = exp - 1 (y2 )

21' y x where (Dose Rate)* =downwind centerlinedistance dose rate x at (Dose Rate)*'Y = dose pointrate at measurement at downwind distance x and off-centerline distance y 1/[2Iy]x = value taken from figures 16A through G for distance x y= off-center distance, m l

l l

t l

i l

l 36 Gen. Rev. 3

I FNP-0-M-007 LIMITATIONS The Manual Emergency DCM is the following manner:

1. The X/Q predictions are based on theoretical calculations.

The values obtained represent the time averaged x/Q.

Values at a point within the plume boundary may be significantly higher or lower than the predicted value for short periods of time.

2. All meteorological data is based on statistical averages rather than a' continuous mean. Therefore all calculations based on meteorological data are subject to the statistical deviations of finite incremental time periods.
3. The plume path is updated with average data. Therefore the actual path of the plume may be longer than is estimated. Such an occurrance may result in the predicted X/Q value and average dose rate being higher than the time average values observed in the plume.
4. All releases are assumed to be at ground elevation.

Plant Vent Stack releases during periods of very low l

! wind velocity may actually be elevated or mixed-mode releases. Under these conditions the dose rates may be over predicted. This fact should be considered when l

l recommending protective actions and when evaluating j

field monitoring data.


5. The predicted x/Q, dose rate and integrated dose values in the outer portions of the 10 mile EPZ will be high l

l l

i during stability classes A and B when actual effective mixing height is greater than ~1250 m.

37 Gen. Rev. 3



FNP-0-M-007 BASES The equations in this document represent meteorological conditions surrounding the Farley Plant site which has no unusual geophysical constraints affecting the wind and weather.

There are no mountains, canyons, troughs or large bodies of water within the emergency planning zone (EPZ). The terrain is smoothly varying, intermittently forrested and cleared for farming. Thus the meteorological parameters measured at the site meteorological tower are representative of EPZ parameters.

The following site specific factors have been determined.

1. The turbine building steam jet air ejector vents and the main steam relief valve vents are considered ground level release points at all times. The plant vent stacks may be either elevated or ground level.

For ground level releases equations (8) and (10) contain wake effects, considering the cross-sectional area A of surrounding structures.


Stuart, G.E., et al., " Rancho Seco Building Wake Effects on Atmospheric Diffusion," NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL ARL-69, Air Resources Laboratory, Idaho Falls, Idaho, November 1977, and Slade, D.H., "Meterology and Atomic Energy - 1968," p. 112.

2. Since the height of each plant vent stack is only slightly more than the surrounding buildings the release mode is always considered ground level in the Manual DCM Model. The automated Class A Model assumes elevated releases to occur only when the release is from the plant vent stack and tne Gen. Rev. 3 39

FNP-0-M-007 effluent exit velocity (W g ) is > 5 times the horizontal wind velocity (G). When W o

is > G by <

5 G, the release is assumed to be mixed mode and.

the fraction of the release that is considered to be ground level is defined based on the ratio of Wg to G.


Reg. Guide 1.111 Rev. 1.

3. All plume diffusion equations for ground level releases use wind speed and direction data taken at 10 meters above terrain elevation. The 10 meter I

level is considered representative of the depth through which the plume is mixed with building wake effects.

4. The stability class for the various calculations will be derived from aT/az in accordance with Table 1 of Reg. Guide 1.23 except for the case where plant meteorological data is not available in which case wind speed, wind direction, % cloud cover and ceiling height will be obtained through the local weather service and the stability class will be determined using the Turner Algorithm described below (


Turner Bruce D., "A Diffusion Model for Urban Areas," Journal of Applied Meteorology, Vol. 3, pg. 90 & 91, Feb.

1964). This is a compensatory action in accordance with NUREG 0654. Following installation of a' backup meteorological tower, wind speed, wind direction, o s and a, will be obtained from the backup instrumentation. This manual will be revised to provide correlations between o0 *"d "Q

and atmospheric stability class.

Gen. Rev. 3 40

FNP-0-M-007  !

l The Turner Algorithm for atmospheric stability l determines stability class (A thru G) using wind speed and net radiation index based on  % cloud cover, time of day, ceiling height and solar altitude angle.

The net radiation index used with wind speed to 1

obtain Turner's stability class is determined by the following procedure:

l A) If the total cloud cover is 10/10 and the ceiling height is less than 7,000 feet, use net radiation index equal to 0 (whether day or night).

B) For nighttime (night is defined as the period from one hour before-sunset to one hour after sunrise):

(1) If total cloud cover is 14/10, use net radiation index equal to -2.

(2) If total cloud cover is >4/10, l use net radiation index equal to -1.

C) For daytime:


(1) Determine the insolation class number (see next paragraph). l l

(2) If total cloud cover is 15/10, use the net radiation index in l

Figure 11 corresponding to the insolation class number. I I

Gen. Rev. 3 41

FNP-0-M-007 (3) If cloud cover is >5/10, modify the insolation class number by following these six steps:

a.) If ceiling height is <7,000 ft.,

subtract 2.

b.) If ceiling height is >7,000 ft. but

<16,000 ft.,

subtract 1.

c.) If total cloud cover equals 10/10, subtract

1. (This will only apply-to ceiling heights

>7,000 ft. since cases with 10/10 coverage below 7,000 ft. are considered in item A above).

d.) If insolation class number' has not been modified by steps (1),

42 Gen. Rev. 3

FNP-0-M-007 (2), or (3) above, assume modified class number equal to insolation class number.

e.) If modified isolation class t number is less than 1, let it equal 1.

f.) Use the net radiation index in Figure 11 corresponding to the modified class number.

The solar altitude angle for FNP is estimated using the equation i

a = arcsin (sin 6 sin & + cos H-12 n (21 12 cos 6 cos $)

where & = station latitude (s 31.2 )

H = hour of day (24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, clock) and 4

i 43 Gen. Rev. 3 L

FNP-0-M-007 l

6:= arctan {-tan (23.5*) cos 2n(N+10) } (22) l 365 where N = number of days from the beginning of the  !

year Insolation class number is then assigned as:

Solar Insolation Altitude Angle Insolation Class Number i 60 < a Strong 4 35 <a i 60 Moderate 3 Slight 2 15* <a 1 35*

a 1 15* Weak 1 For use with the Manual DCM, a plot has been

! developed from equation (25): insolation class number based on time of day and month of the year (Figure 12).

i 5. Dose conversion factors are obtained by assuming that the source is composed of the most significant i isotope contributors that can escape from failed i

fuel in the reactor core following normal power-operation and then become airborne. The initial concentration of each isotope in containment following a loss of coolant accident is calculated i as:

C = (NI)(EF)(FF) (29 V

! 44 Gen. Rev. 3

FNP-0-M-007 where NI = core inventory EF = escape fraction FF = failed fuel fraction V = containment volume N

Relative concentrations (C d Cg ) of the i i=1 most significant dose contributors are calculated.

The relative concentrations of iodine isotopes are reduced by 95% in anticipation of ESF charcoal filter I 2 rem Val Prior to release and the resulting new relative concentrations calculated.

For FNP, the following relative concentrations are assumed for a LOCA immediately following normal operation.

Relative Concentrations Relative Concentrations Isotope Without Filtering with Filtering Kr-85 **1.19E-3 1.67E-3 Kr-85m 5.14E-2 7.22E-2 '

Kr-87 1.00E-1 1.40E-1 Kr-88 1.21E-1 1.70E-1 I-131 3.59E-2 2.53E-3 I-132 5.14E-2 3.61E-3 I-133 7.00E-2 4.918-3 I-134 7.94E-2 5.57E-3 I-135 6.54E-2 4.59E-3

  • Xe-133 3.51E-1 4.93E-1 Xe-135 7.25E-2 1.02E-1 3
    • 1.19E-3 = 1.19x10 The relative concentrations are recalculated for various times following shutdown to account for half life differences. The resulting relative Gen. Rev.'3 45

ENP-0-M-007 concentrations versus time are used to calculato Whole Body and Thyroid dose conversion factors as a function of time since shutdown.


Radiation Analysis Design Manual, Westinghouse 312 Plant, Section 5.

6. o y will be derived from the equations producing the graphs in Fig. 1, Lateral diffusion, a y vs.

downwind distance from source for. Pasquill's I

turbulence types.


Slade, D.H., " Meteorology and Atmoic Energy - 1968," p. 102.

7. o g will be derived from the equations producing the graphs in Figure 2, Vertical diffusion, o g vs.

downwind distance from source for Pasquill's turbulence types.


Slade, D.H., " Meteorology and Atomic Energy - 1968," p. 103.

The effective plume height, H, e (used in'the automated Class A model only) is defined as follows:

i .

H e

=h s

+h pr -h g - c where (30) l h is the physical height of the release point (height s of stack above the base) in meters, l

h is the height of the plume rise, based on Briggs Pr Jet equation, in meters, i h is the maximum height of terrain (relative to 9 plant grade) between the release point and the '

receptor in meters, c is the correction for low relative exit velocity, from Regulatory Guide 1.111. If w g is 11.5 De '

then c = o. Otherwise c is calculated as:

t l

46 Gen. Rev. 3

FNP-0-M-007 c = 3(1.5 - w g/0 )d e where (31) d is the effective stack diameter = 1.8 meters, O* is the average windspeed determined during the time period at at the 46 meter meteorology tower elevation in m/sec, w is the vertical effluent. velocity in m/sec.

o The Briggs Jet equation is defined as follows:

2 73 1/3 h

pr = 1.44 d

  • o x (32) d 0

e subject to the limits h


> 3.0 "o d (33)

U e '

h < 1.5 p 1/3 S

_1/ 6 (34) pr _m U

e where:

d= effective plant stack diameter = 1.8 m x = linear distance traveled by segment centroid F

  • m *o N p 2 ,

Po = ratio of ambient air density to effluent p air density, 1 S= stability parameter (sec 2) 3 O (36)

= 9.81m/sec 2 g + 9.8 x 10 K/m T SZ O

T= ambient air temperature, K Gen. Rev. 3 47

FNP-0-M-007 AT = differential temperature between upper and lower elevations, O K

az = vertical displacement between upper and lower temperature sensors (m). This distance is normally 51m but will be 20.5 m during sensor calibration In the event that AT/Az is not available from plant instrumentation it is approximated based on the stability class determined from alternate stability indicators.

9.81 m/sec2 = acceleration due to gravity near the surface of the earth.

9.8 x 10-3 oK/m = adiabatic lapse rate.

V, d

the deposition velocity used in equation (14) is set equal to 0.01.

i I

I r

f* Gen. Rev. 3 48


1. Stuart, G.E., et al., " Rancho Seco Building Wake Effects on Atmospheric Diffusion," NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL ARL-69, Air Resources Laboratory, Idaho Falls', Idaho, November 1977.
2. Slade, D.H., Heteorology and Atomic Energy, 1968, p 112.
3. Turner, B.D., "A Diffusion-Model for Urban Areas,"

Journal of Applied Meteorology, Vol. 3, pp 90 and 91, February 1964.

4. Slade, D.H., Meteorology and Atomic Energy, 1968, p 102.
5. Slade, D.H., Meteorology and Atomic Energy ,1968, p 103.
6. Farley Nuclear Plant Technical Specifications.
7. Farley Nuclear Plant Radiological Health Handbook.

49 Gen. Rev. 3

F::P-0-M-007 n 3 r1 . t n 1 r---

, u i 1 i

u ^

i at >>

i I

& A 6 l '. g D u i l .



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DATE: 02/05/27 TillE 9 45 CURREllT PLullE 9 18

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                              ,                                                                                                                                            N.                                         1. SCREElf TO PLOTTER /PRIllTER P           .
                                                                                                      .                 . . -.                   .~                                                                5. DOSE RATE AT CURSOR
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                                    '.<              s                    . . . . . l- ' .. ... /~                                                          y.'                                                         FARLEY lluCLEAR PLAllT

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                                                                                                                                                                                              .                              1. LOCAL PRIllTER
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                                                                                               - . .. .; .- .- .. ,..             .... i',               .
                                                                                                                                                                               ,                                            3. PLOTTER WITil DACKGROUllD y                                              /          - .. . . l ... .. . - "' ) ,                                                           '7, .                                              4. EXIT
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                                                                                             . . . , ' . . . . - . . . . . " ' ... \ -               ,                                                                           ENTER CllOICE:


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                                                                                                                                                        .(,.......l.-1/                                             ,

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        .i                                       4. HODIES OF UATER                   OFF
                                                                                                                                                 . . .f. '                     l                'q                                                                                 '
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6. SC11001.S/HED CRTS OFF f .. .- l .


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ACTUAL IllCIDEllT (, , ,.

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DATEl 02/05/27 T il1E i 9 -18

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I. I,  ! I, I- ,i . '. '? .'.. . $2 '. /x . .I! i

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                                                                         ' I.. ' -g \I. .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                ,1            DATE: 82/05/27               T IllE   9810
7. ; ,. - '
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3. EXIT EllTER C110lCE: 7 9 7

?  ? m V 4 2 EXillBIT B ACTUAL lilCIDEllT Afil) SIMULAT10tl (filP) w (SilEEl 13 01: 21)




2. EXIT EllTER C1101CE:
                                                                                      .g :

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E S 5 w EXillBIT U AC10Al. lHCIDrHi AND simul.ATIOff (fNP) (surri 14 or 21)


4. SUHNARY S. PROJECT 1011 To filliNH Oil YY/NH/DD
6. EXIT EllTER Cll0 ICE: m' f y-

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o Y 0 o EXillBIT B ACTUAL lllCll1EllT Afl0 SlHULAT10ft (filP) O m (SilfEI IS OF 21)


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a EXillulT B ACTUAL lilCililll Aill) SlHULAT10ll (fNP) O m (SilLLI 16 0F 21)





ExillBIT B ACTilAL 111C1111'l11~ Afil) SlHill Nil 0li (flil') O , (S11111 17 Ol' 21) m

t 4 i 1 ACTUAL IllCIDEllT

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a EXillBIT 8 ACTUAL IllCIDEllT AtlD SIMULATI0ri (filP) , m (si EE1 la or 21)


I 1 i, i i  ! 7 i ACTUAL Il4CIDENT DAIE 82/05.'27 FARLEY HUCLEAR PLAllT TINE: 9:46

3. EHIT i

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r i0 EXilllllT B ACTUAL litCIDElll' Aflu SiliULATION (IllP) S l' m (S110E1 19 Of 21) 5

ACTUAL IllCIDEllT DATE: 02/05/27 FARLEY lluCLEAR PLAllT T illE 9:46 CURREllT PLUME IllFORMATIOli as OF lill: Nil Oli YY/NH/DD PRESEllT LOCH 110ll REPORT . PUFF -----DOSE RATE----- CRITICAL ORGAll 2.14+SIGilA Cill/' ID tlILE DEG SECT TIllE Ull0LE 00DY lilYROID DOSE RATE ID 4 2 iG S0 360 t6 23:59 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Til 99.9 99.0 0,00E+C e o 7 5  ?

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S C F R li 1 1 I A S A D 3 Of w$- u

FNP-0-M-007 Pnmary & Secondary Nonne tJnsts 1 & 2 Resistoon Moneter & 7%nt b 'I'"9 Meteorology Towers Status Oewone (1 e n octoi C4cusation Fire V T Dete Aversong i (15-men cycsel

                            #                                              AC RedatiorV Sesected Roomtion y        ,,
                                                                                         *4cnrter Resc rg p;;,                                                     .

W v l f isotoons Date Caeculaten Moduee (15een cydel v lentopic To OCCM System Semceng System or  % s Menung Source Term isotopsc input Coni:entration Files v T A v Pfume Pfume I Procueenq - Location Moduse On e asse U EXHIBIT C - l10R ML SYSTEM GPE?ATIC IS Gen. Rev. 3

FNP-0-M-007 Pnmary & Altemate N' 88 Units 1 & 2 Radsstion Monitor & Ptent Meteorology Towers  : PWMg - Statue Devices (Use Most Recent 1 men Reecing) A v m Emergency Leves Radiaten/ Raawtion Monstor Meteorology Rosesng File (1 man seensng) v 7 Isotopse Osta Calcuisten Module v A Source Term Most Remont 15 men isotopsc Concentrution P?ume Segment Data l Filan v y

                                                  .m _                          \

Autometse Reportmg

  • Dismay MWues _

Wermnq Messagen to Emergency { Tor,mne.e o v 00CM On Cemend Emergency # n ,,, Dato _ . Reportmgt Base g;,,m, Data Sase y Creen.. am P'ots v v EXHIBIT 0 - PRELD1IlARY E:!ERGENCY .'10TIFICAT!C:1 Gen. Rev. 3

FNP-0-M-007 e .. a s a .. l vaa. i a 2 R . a u.m.. 4 it.a.

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                                                                                 'n'IND SPEED IN MILES PER HOUR Rev. 2

FNP-0-M-007 Fig.158 site Boundar x/o vs wind speed 0FSTIBIL1Y~ CLASS 8 de & eJ4 . . , . .

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FNP-0-M-007 Ra.150 stee soundary x/q vs wina speea FORSTABILITYCLASS0

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                                                                                        '#DiD SPEED IN MILES PER HOUR i

i ! Rev. 2

FNP-0-M-007 Fig.15E site sounaary x/q vs wina speea FCRSTABILITYCLASSl-1.aee_= _- .

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l Rev. 2

FNP-0-M-007 Fig.15F stee sounaary x/q vs utna speed FORSii.BI!.ITYCl)SSF

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C 1.0 t-Q t.D G LD l ~ ~ (N N WIll0 S?EED Ill MII.ES PER HOUR i

Rev. 2

                                                                                  - -           B                                                                                _

FNP-0-M-007 Fic.15G site Boundary x/q vs wina speed FORSTABILITYCLASSG

1. m -a _. --
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FNP-0-M-007 FIG. 16A (X/Q)x / (X/Q)SB versus DISTANCE FOR STABILITY CLASS A 1.9s. Se ,


_= N A se x Z N


(x/Q)x  %

    . M-e t
1. as. e G N v c 5 e X = DISTANCE DOWN WIND (MILES)

Fig.ISA 1/(2(r )y2) vs DISTANCE FOR STABILITY CLASS A , , , i . i i i i i

                         \                                         i       i  i        !

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G N v 0 CD G X = DISTANCE DOWN WIND < MILES) l i l l Fig.169 1/(2(r y) 2) vs Distance FOR STABILITY CLASS B see l s.os. == \ x i 'x l , , , ,

                                    ;       x    ,          i        i    ,             ,

L i i i \l I i  ! I t I CG l h l l l l l l 9 2 y 8. e


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FNP-0-M-007 FIG. 16C (X/Q)x / (X/Q)33 versus DIS M CE FOR STABILITY CLASS C


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                  ===                                                            \

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G N 4 D @ G X = DISTANCE DOWN WIND (MILES) Fig.16C 1/(2(Iy)2) vs Distance FOR STABILITY C'LASS C i.coc os __ _- =1. S

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h_ w L- - 1 I Q N 4 0 m s X = DISTANCE DOWN WIND (MILES) Fig.160 1/(2(I y)2) vs Distance FOR STABILITY CLASS D 1.oae os 1

                              's                                                      ,
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FNP :4- 00 7 FIG. 16F (X/Q)x / (X/Q)SB versus DIS M CE FOR STABILITY CLASS F

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