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{{#Wiki_filter:0 FPL Nuclear Safety Culture Update January11, 2011 Enclosure 2
* Opening Comments, Introductions                    G. St. Pierre VP Fleet Support
* Nuclear Safety Culture  Values and Principles    G. St. Pierre VP Fleet Support Approach
* Path to Sustainability                            G. St. Pierre VPFleetSupport
* Nuclear Safety Culture Program Status              G. St. Pierre VPFleetSupport
* NSC Dashboards                                    J. Schaffer NSCProjectLead
* Human Resources Update M. Brvce VP Humankesources, Nuclear
* Turkey Point NSC Status                            M. Kiley VP Turkey Point
* St. Lucie NSC Status                              R. Anderson VP St. Lucie
* Employee Concerns Program & Contractor Initiatives D. Lowens Director Nuclear Assurance
* Closing Comments                                  P. Wells VP Organizational Support 2
0  FPL Enclosure 2
FPL Attendees Gene St. Pierre  VP Fleet Support, NSC Sponsor Jennifer Schaffer Nuclear Safety Culture Project Lead Mike Bryce        VP Human Resources, Nuclear Rich Anderson    VP St. Lucie Mike Kiley        VP Turkey Point Dave Lowens      Director Nuclear Assurance Pete Wells        VP Organizational Support, NSC Sponsor Larry Nicholson  Director Licensing Mitch Ross        VP/General Counsel, Nuclear Jim Voorhees      Fleet ECP Manager Mike Waldron      Director Nuclear Communications 3
0 FPL.
Enclosure 2
Timeline May 2009      Concerns with the source of allegations September 2009 FPL initiates root cause evaluation October 2009    First NRC public meeting, FPL presented root cause findings April 2010      Second NRC public meeting, FPL reviewed actions and progress January 2011    Completing commitment for additional update 4
0 FPL Enclosure 2
Nuclear Safety Culture Values and Principles Approach 1                          Nuclear Excellence Model Vision                              We are a team that delivers consistent excellent performance Mission          We will produce energy in a safe, reliable, cost effective way, while caringfor our employees, communities and the environment CooductallactMtlesto                                                                                                  s,ntrvettoo Be a Self-Improving Coltore B                                          Foster a work envlonment vitlere Values    demonstrate a deep respect Batety Guiding Pilnclples              Learning Organization              eiaInivae for Nuclearsalety                                                                                                                          we are the erlthlOyer of choice Corc ctieities Operationally              Passion for                                                    Standardized                Responsive to                      Effective Engaged Leaders Focused                  Excellence                                                      Processeo                  Stabeholders                Worhforce Plernibsg Core Principles                            Effective Long-Range Engaged Eisployees                                          strong Teamwork                Strong Ownership
                                                                                                            & Accountability                  Supervisors            Workilfe Balance Effective Operational Excellence                  Organizational Effectiveness                        Generation Reliability                      Effective Business &
Financial Performance Strategic Focus I
Areas a
                                                              .IIL                                                                                          iiIIl Sustainability through Nuclear Excellence Model Core Values and Principles 5
0 FPL Enclosure 2
Enclosure 2 C.)
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Nuclear Safety Culture Values and Principles Approach Respect for Nuclear Safety                          Our Safety Guiding Principles We are committed to excellence and professionalism in the conduct of our activities, and we endorse the following principles:              1. All injuries are preventable
* Everyone is personally responsible for nuclear safety.
* Leaders demonstrate commitment to safety.            2. Leadership is responsible
* Trust permeates the organization.
* Decision-making reflects safety first.                  for preventing injuries
* Nuclear technology is recognized as special and unique.                                          3. Plan safety into our work
* A questioning attitude is cultivated.
* Organizational learning is embraced.                4. Look out for each other
* Nuclear safety undergoes constant examination.
Conduct all activities to demonstrate a deep respect tar Nuclear Satet 7                                                                                        FPL.
Enclosure 2
Nuclear Safety Culture Values and Principles Approach I
r A Great Work Environment                            Our Five Outage Principles To help ensure that Fleet team members have pride in what they do, enjoy the people they        1. Respect Industrial and Nuclear Safety work with, and trust leadership, FPL Nuclear is committed to:                                          2. No Short Cuts I Rushing V Frequent, timely and candid communications V Support for work-life balance                            3. Be Deliberate V Elimination of low-value work V Performance improvement to minimize crisis                  4. Effective Communication response                                                      and Handoffs V Leadership recognition of employees as our most valuable resource                                          5. Be Prepared V Leadership empowering employees to engage, grow and reach their full potential V  Building trust and acting with integrity Foster a work environment where we are the employer ot choice 8
CFPL Enclosure 2
Nuclear Safety Culture Organization                                                                          April 2010 CNO Nazar Nuclear Safety Culture Oversight Committee Responsibilities                                                                          Project Lead Responsibilities NSCOversht
* Overall project support
* Monitor Fleet NSC activities & actions                                            Project Lead
* Provide NSC oversight
* Project logistics and administration Schaffer
* Process and templates
* Propose I approve NSC actions
* Report-out at CNRB
* Status tracking and monitoring PSL NSC                PTN NSC                  JBNSC          SBKNSC          DAEC NSC            :    PB NSC Team                  Team                    Team          Team            Team II
:      Team Anderson                Kiey                  Schaffer        Freeman -        ostanzoj                Meyer Site Nuclear Safety Teams Responsibilities
* Coordination of NSC initiatives at site
* Sponsor NSC implementation at sites
* Recommend actions to NSC 9
Oversight Committee 0FPL Enclosure 2
Nuclear Safety Culture Organization                                                                  November 2010 CNO Nazar Nuclear Safety Culture Oversight Committee Responsibilities                                                                            Project Lead Responsibilities NSC Oversight
* Overall project support
* Monitor Fleet NSC activities & actions  Committee                      Project Lead
* Provide NSC oversight
* Project logistics and administration
* Propose / approve NSC actions Schaffer
* Process and templates
* Report-out at CNRB                        Wells
* Status tracking and monitoring
* Program turnover to line management
* Convert corporate role to Oversight/Governance PSLNSC          PTNNSC        JBNSC                SBKNSC                DAECNSC                  PBNSC Team          Team          Team                    Team                  Team                    Team Anderson          Kiley        Schaffer              Freeman                Costanzo                  Meyer Site Nuclear Safety Teams Responsibilities
* Coordination of NSC initiatives at site
* Sponsor NSC implementation at sites
* Recommend actions to NSC Oversight Committee 10 0    FPL Enclosure 2
The Path to Sustainability From April 2010 Meeting Root Cause Corrective Actions Closed Since April 2010
      -- NSC Program Implementation at the Northern Sites
      -- Key Communications Initiatives
      -- Nuclear Safety Culture Dashboard Pilot
      -- Safety Culture Training and Awareness
      -- Safety Culture Survey and Organizational Culture Inventory Survey
      -- Nuclear Integrated Resource Planning/Aggregate Impact Index
* Employee Concerns Program Improvements Face to Face Debriefs with Concernees Three Month Follow-up on Effectiveness Monthly Meetings with Site Vice Presidents and CNO Contractor Safety Culture Initiative 11 0 FPL Enclosure 2
The Path to Sustainability 2009 NSC Root Cause Action Status AN Corrective Actions have been completed Final Effectiveness Review scheduled for June 2011 NSC Dashboard Pilot Interim Effectiveness Review Conducted April 2010
        -- Early signs show progress with respect to awareness of NSC program and processes
        -- Consciousness of NSC at the forefront of the leadership team
        -- Mini SCWE survey at PSL and INPO OE Survey indicated that the organization is recognizing and prioritizing NSC
        -- ECP enhancements are improving employee trust and utilization of the program 12                                                                      FPL Enclosure 2
The Path to Sustainability Communications have been a key focus Fleet NSC website Focused 11 % of all Fleet wide communications articles on NSC All Hands Meetings, incorporate NSC updates and sites status progress on NSC actions 2011 Communication plan focus on excellence in work behaviors including enhancements to the NSC NSC is constantly and consistently reinforced as one of our core values 13                                                              FPL Enclosure 2
Outage Core Values and Principles Complete Planned Work                                                                Improved Equipment Reliability (Do What We Said We Were Going To Do)
Prevent Job Stoppage Prevent                                            Prevent Job Rework                                              Delays No Rushing!
No Sort Cuts Respect for Nuclear            Prevent Effective Outage Core      Industry Safety Prevent            Communication                                                    Events Misunderstanding            Hand-offs
                                                \\PIII1cIpIe, Inaccuracies          Turnovers Be Deliberate Be Prepared (Look Ahead & Risk                  Prevent Support Prevent Making            Management)                        Activities from Inappropriate                                                Becoming Decisions                                                    Crisis Prevent Injuries Improved Teamwork                                                                      Increased Safety Margin Lateral Integration Aligning Nuclear Safety Culture with Existing Values and Principles 14                                                                                                                        FPL.
Enclosure 2
St. Lucie & Turkey Point Our individual work behaviors support site & fleet priorities ion Prevent Safety Events                Successfully plan and implement            Optimize Performance              Engage employees in Low Value Enhance Nuclear                                                                                                Improvement (CAP, Equipment through aggressive hazard                    EPU, major projects and                                                        Work Reduction and Safety Culture                                                                                              Reliability, Human Performance, identificaiton                        refueling outages                                                          workload phoritization Change Management)
I Create a highly affective Establish an operationally focused  Strengthen tIre asecufion ot the Work                                                  Ensure siatalnabilty of the    cross-functional team. This includes St.Lucie        organization to ensure escellent    Managsmunf process to assure high          Successfully prepare for and asecuta    imprsvamants in causal analysis, LhWR, alignment with Fleet Staffisg plan, Site Priorities      mafedal csnddion to support      levels of equipment reliability and im              two EPU eutuges.                and impruva implamastaitun of    effective utilization of the resources we lang-farm uafe and reliable operation.          prove worker safely.                                                          Csrrechve Action Program.      bane, and synargies through braaldng down silos and crsss-fanctiooal barriem.
r                                                                                                      Focus resources on EPU Is Use formal processes and          Reinforce standards fur quality uf                                                                                    Create a culture of strung teamwork Turkey Point        fundamentals consistently to        work esacutios to promote safely pave the way tsr successful            Reise the bar on site and through alignment and effective Site Priorities                                                                                      equipment modifications during          Fleet outage performance.
enhance oar nuclearsafety culture.            sod prevent events.                                                                                                      communications.
2012 EPU outages.
* Safety is our #1 Priority
* Use Human Performance Tools                                  Challenge Supervisors & Co-Workers to Work
* Demonstrate Pride in our Work Site
* Align Work Habits to Reflect Our                                                                                                    Follow Procedures & Improve Each Day Behaviors Fundamentals one fleet
* one team
* one goal
* excellence 15 C      FPL Enclosure 2
FPL NSC Dashboards Jennifer Schaffer NSC Project Lead Enclosure 2
NSC Dashboard Pilot Learnings
* FPL and the Industry are evaluating various tools and metrics to measure NSC Continued active engagement with NEI and INPO
* Dashboard based on the 8 INPO Safety Culture Principles
* Current version is still a work in progress
* Indicator color codes Traditional industry indicators use green, white, yellow, red performance criteria based on aggressive top decile/quartile industry performance Non-traditional industry indicators use white and blue criteria based on site specific historic performance
* NSC teams usage of the dashboard Understand culture can not be measured exactly Dashboard is a tool from which we attempt to measure the health of the culture 17 0 FPL Enclosure 2
Nuclear Safety Culture                                    -  Site Dashboard                                                                                              Turkey Point ORGANIZA11ONAL EFFECTIVENESS                                                                                                Month End                                        Quarter End Sponsor                                              Owner                                            Indicator                                                                                                  3Q10 Nov-2010 Mike Kiley                                        Jose Alvarez                                            OE-63 I                                                                                            Site Nuclear Safety Culture Health                                                                                                                              I Everyone is Personally Responsible for                    Leaders Demonstrate Commitment to Trust Permeates the Organization                                        Decision-Making Reflects Safety First Nuclear Safety                                              Safety IERO Diii
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                                                                                                  =12  reorst4        NRC Allegations              Disciplinary action NRC Alfegatienn to No DPOs submitted OSHA Recordable Rate    0DM Process Utilized Persernel COnta,nle Eo.rdu                      101111 MRFF                  Staffing levels        Total P of ECP conoenf I        Grievances Nuclear Safety Culture 1
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Enclosure 2
Nuclear                Safety        Culture            -  Site          Dashboard                                                                                        St.      Lucie ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS                                                                                              Month End                                          Quarter End Sponsor                                            Owner                                              Indicator Nov-2010                                            3Q10 Rich  Anderson                                      Mark Moore                                                OE-63 I                                                                                            Site Nuclear Safety Culture Health                                                                                                                            I Everyone is Personally Responsible for                  Leaders Demonstrate Commitment to Trust Permeates the Organization                                      Decision-Making Reflects Safety First Nuclear Safety                                              Safety ll L Clearance Errors lndeo Safety Workorder Backlog
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A Questioning I  Nuclear Safety      I    I                                              I Nuclear Technology is Recognized as Special and Unique                              Attitude is I I Organizational Learning is Embraced            I  I    Undergoes          I        Behaviors & Actions that Support a Stron I      Constant          I    I            NuClearSafetyCulture              I Cultivated I  I Examination I    I                                              I Non-Oxtage CM BackIo              Open PMCRs LIHejjovaI 4    CR Initiation Rate        Training observationsi axe Procedare Health Index 1
I Regalatory Health mdc Reactivity Manngeneni Eqaipment Reliability                                  Feedback received  vial    Uneocased Training  I          SABM Index I    Station Hornan    I Index                                              NSCWebsite                    Absences                                                Perforvnanco 2
Control Room            Operable bat Degrader      MSPI - Cooling Water                                    Operating Experience        NumberofMajorCbang Deficiencies                    Systems                    System                                                    Index                    Mng Plans Operator Work        I  MSPI  - Emergency AC  I AroundsiBurdens                    Power Open Temporary syste4      ghPmssU Alterations        on Inidicator Key NOTE: This dashboard is governed by AD-AA-1 03 Rev 0 Section 5.2 Based on INPO Principles for a Strong Nuclear Safety Culture                                                                                          Pending r                - -  I 19                                                                                                                                                                                                                              5 FPL Enclosure 2
0PPL Human Resources Update Mike Bryce VP Human Resources, Nuclear Enclosure 2
Nuclear Safety Culture Program Human Resource Actions
* 2010 Organizational Culture Inventory (OCI)
The 001 survey was administered to 3040 employees in 2010.
Utilized the survey results to identify and encourage behaviors that will enhance the desired culture and to eliminate behaviors that detract from the desired culture.
Senior leadership is aligned and committed to the desired behaviors.
* 0 21                                                                  FPL Enclosure 2
Nuclear Safety Culture Program Leadership Behavior Monitoring
* Independent Assessment Contracted with RHR International to assess desired leadership behaviors and appropriate attitudes that encourage and support a strong NSC.
        -- In summary, the Company correctly and appropriately identified unsatisfactory practices and behaviors that were contributing to safety culture challenges. In response, the Company has designed and implemented an organizational-wide initiative and intervention actions to enhance the safety culture.
* Ongoing Monitoring Independent weekly review of supporting and detracting behaviors.
* Exit Interview screening and reporting of NSC concerns and implications.
22                                                                          PPL.
Enclosure 2
0 FPL Nuclear Safety Culture at Turkey Point Mike Kiley VP Turkey Point Enclosure 2
Turkey Point Nuclear Safety Culture
* An individuals belief system drives their individual behaviors
* Behavior changes at the Site:
Station job performance and Training observations has increased from 2008 to 2010 Station goals established that drive:
        -- Reducing Low Value Added Work
        -- Increasing External Industry Engagement
        -- Support Employee Engagement Performance = Behaviors      + Results 24 0FPL.
Enclosure 2
Turkey Point Nuclear Safety Culture
* Behavior changes at the Site Site NSC Committee established with line employees Routine breakfast meetings with Site V.P. and employees Routine 2Cs (Compliments and Concerns) meetings between managers and employees Department written communications such as:
      -- Operations, AOM Notes
      -- Maintenance, The Maintenance Cooler
      -- Engineering, Engineering Corner
      -- Chemistry, Chem-Speak 25 0FPL Enclosure 2
Turkey Point Nuclear Safety Culture
* Improved Employee Engagement Community Involvement Activities
      -- Strong United Way Participation
      -- Salvation Army Angel Tree
      -- Thanksgiving Food Drive
      -- Blood Drives
      -- Employee group involvement in local schools
      -- Site Sponsored Local Christmas Festival Employee Activities at the Site
      -- Dolphin Fish Tournament
      -- Golf Tournament
      -- Childrens Holiday Party! Family Day 26 0FPL Enclosure 2
Turkey Point Nuclear Safety Culture
* Results Attrition rate for voluntary separations at a 7 year low (21 voluntary separations from Turkey Point in 2010)
Strong Improvement in INPOs Organizational Effectiveness survey from 2008 to 2010 April 26th 2010, received an improved INPO rating and removal from special assistance category August 19th 2010, operations training programs accreditation unanimously renewed by the National Academy of Nuclear Training.
Bargaining unit employees are applying for supervisory positions The majority of promotions at the site have been from our succession plan providing career path opportunities.
27 0FPL Enclosure 2
Turkey Point Nuclear Safety Culture
* Challenges Station staff has swef led with major projects and power up-rates at Turkey Point.
      -- 1,457 Contract Employees with protected area access as of 1/3/11 Contract work force is our focus in 2011.
      -- Contractor 2Cs meetings with their site employees
      -- On-site contractor ECP offices
      -- Increased site communications
      -- Supplemental employee training including oral boards that probe aspects of a strong NSC 28 0 PPL Enclosure 2
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FPL Nuclear Safety Culture at St. Lucie Rich Anderson VP St. Lucie Enclosure 2
St. Lucie Nuclear Safety Culture Where We Were in 2009
* Corrective action program focus
* Leadership alignment on priorities
* Prioritization of required work Preventative Maintenance Corrective and Elective Maintenance
* Externally/internally driven
* Goal alignment
* Feedback and dialogue
* Employee communications Implement a Focused Approach to Address Key Safety Culture Inputs 31 0
Enclosure 2
St. Lucie Nuclear Safety Culture Actions We Implemented
* Alignment of goals with fleet nuclear excellence model
* Leadership organizational effectivenesslalignment External resources for accountable organization training
* Strengthened causal analysis and CAP implementation
* Implemented fleet NSC program
* Reinforcing NSC messages in various employee communications
* Revised processes to reinforce NSC Operational Decision-Making Failure Investigation Process Root Cause Evaluations 32 0FPL Enclosure 2
St. Lucie Nuclear Safety Culture Actions We Implemented
* ERIGR assessment I engineering excellence plan
* PM Program implementation improvements
* Outage scope, preparation and execution
* Additional maintenance resources
* External engineering support resources
* Department fundamentals rollout
* Supervisor oversight
* Increased training and qualification for contract supervisors
* Face-to-face meetings with supplemental workers
* Leadership passion for safety
* Using 100 day scorecard 33 0 FPL Enclosure 2
St. Lucie Nuclear Safety Culture Where We are Today
* Improved causal analysis
* No overdue condition reports
* Full participation in NSC Team
* Employees more informed and aligned
* Management awareness of NSC impacts
* Improved decision-making and communication of decisions
* Improved equipment reliability Increased 2010 index scores Reduced component failures Individuals felt personally responsible for nuclear safety at the site and perceived the current management reinforced this message NRC EA-09-0321 St. Lucie Unit 1 95002 Supplemental Inspection Report 34 0 PPL Enclosure 2
St. Lucie Nuclear Safety Culture Preliminary 2010 Safety Culture Survey Strengths I          Focus Areas Communicating that NSC is the sites top priority                  CAP and ECP Programs Employees feel free to raise issues                              Outage Processes Individuals understand their        Workload and Resource responsibilities to report issues    Allocations Continued Focus on Improving lnternal Processes Designed to Address and Correct Issues 35 0FPL.
Enclosure 2
St. Lucie Nuclear Safety Culture Where We are Going Sustainability NSC site team on the ground focused look at performance
        -- Frequent outage meetings
        -- Indicator Dashboard NSC Team providing oversight, challenge, and industry best practices Observations and effectiveness reviews Fleet Oversight and HR Independent Monitoring Achieve Excellence in Equipment Reliability
* Additional Improvements Engaging key contractors Incorporating employee feedback 36                                                              FPL Enclosure 2
PPL Employee Concerns Program Dave Lowens Director Nuclear Assurance Enclosure 2
Employee Concerns Recent Activity St. Lucie Employee Concern Activity                                            Turkey Point Employee Concern Activity 18                                                                            18 16                                                                            16 14                                                                            14 12                                                                            12
                                                                              .E 10 10 08 Li .i1iI.LI.Hi 01-10 02-10 03-10 04-10 05-10 06-10 07-10 08-10 09-10 10-10 11-10 12-10 2010 z
E 2
01-10 02-10 03-10 04-10 05-10 06-10 07-10 08-10 09-1010-10 11-10 12-10 2010 Legend ECP Contacts Employee Concerns NRC Allegations Actions being taken to increase ECP use at Turkey Point 38 0  FPL Enclosure 2
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Employee Concerns Program Contractor Safety Culture Initiative
* CNO met with FPL/NextEra major contractor executives to discuss importance of safety culture initiative.
* ECP performing extensive outreach with supplemental workforce (PTN Fall 2010 outage PSL January 2011 outage).
* New ECP language being placed in supplier contracts applicable to suppliers with their own ECP:
Requires notification to FPL of any safety related/quality issue or HIRD concern submitted to contractor ECP FPL plans follow-up to ensure satisfactory resolution of these concerns
* Quarterly ECP Manager Peer Calls with contractor ECP counterparts (Bechtel, DZNPS, Williams, RSS Wackenhut participating)
First call completed 1/5/11 40 0 FPL Enclosure 2
Employee Concerns Program Drivers For ECP Use PSL Reasons Why Individuals Come to ECP -2010            PTN Reasons Why Individuals Come to ECP -2010 BRaised Issue With              22                        uesire ionTiaentiaiity Supv But No Action I Desire Confidentiality                                  *Raised Issue Wth Supv But No Action DRaised Issue Disagree                                    OQther- Enter in With Response                                            corn rn ants O Fear of Retaliation                                    DAnonyrnous IFrorn Outside the lAnonyrnous                                                Company OReluctantto Discuss Dlssuein CAP But Not                                        With Supv Resolved                                                *Raised ssue Disagree lOther                                                      With Response IWanted Issue on Record a From Outside the Company Working To Understand and Address Underlying Issues 41                                                                                                              FPL.
Enclosure 2
Employee Concerns Program Concerned Individual Feedback
* Goal is facetoface debrief with Cl at time of investigation completion:
Review of the concern investigated Discussion related to discovered facts relative to concern Results of analysis Corrective actions completed or planned
* Standard feedback questions asked at time of ECP debrief (Palo Verde Benchmark):
: 1. Are you satisfied that ECP addressed all of your concern? If not, why?
: 2. Are you satisfied with the resolution of your concerns? If not, why?
: 3. Are you satisfied with ECPs assistance? If not, why?
: 4. If you had a concern in the future would you feel comfortable using the ECP again? If not, why?
: 5. If you had a concern in the future, would you feel comfortable raising the concern to someone in management? If not, why?
42 0 FPL.
Enclosure 2
Employee Concerns Program                          -  2010 Feedback Results ECP Feedback Form Question                          Yes  No
: 1. Are you satisfied that ECP addressed all of your concerns? If not, why?                                                                  89% 11%
: 2. Are you satisfied with the resolution of your concerns? If not, why?  74% 26%
: 3. Are you satisfied with ECPs assistance? If not, why?                  96%  4%
: 4. If you had a concern in the future would you feel comfortable using the ECP again? If not, why?                                            94%  6%
: 5. If you had a concern in the future, would you feel comfortable raising the concern to someone in management? If not, why?                    70% 30%
* 65 ConcernslReferrals closed at PSL and PTN in 2010
* Feedback received on 47 ConcernslReferrals
* Feedback not received on 18 ConcernslReferrals (10 Anonymous, 8 Unable to contact CI)
ECP Customers Generally Satisfied with ECP and Would Use ECP Again 43 0
FPL Enclosure 2
Employee Concerns Program                            2010 Safety Culture Survey Fleet 2010 Safety Culture Survey Results                              PTN        PSL Average I am familiar with the Employee Concerns Program (ECP).                          4.55      4.50        4.51 Nuclear safety and quality issues reported through Employee Concerns Program (ECP) are thoroughly investigated and                            3.74      3.49        3.73 appropriately resolved Upper management supports Employee Concerns Program                              3 89      3 77        3 95 (ECP).
I can use Employee Concerns Program (ECP) without fear of                        3.87        3.7        3.95 retaliation.
Confidentiality of my concern will be maintained by the Employee                  3 81      3 55        3 83 Concerns Program_(ECP) at my_request.
Average      3.97      3.80        3.99 5 = Strongly agree, 4= Somewhat agree, 3= Neither agree or disagree, 2= Somewhat disagree, I = Strongly disagree General Population Has Positive Attitude Towards ECP 44 0  FPLZ Enclosure 2
Employee Concerns Program 2010 Outreach Activity      -
3000                                              3000 2500                                              2500                                      2212 2212 2212 221 2i1 2000 J
                                              /    2000 14$
1500                                              1500 ioiV 1000        694 804 804 824 839 83              1000 543 54
500        3/
50019 14 14/
0  i        I        I    I  I  I I  I  I I    I  I      I      I    I J  F  MAM            J    JASON          D        j  FMAMJ                  JASOND
                                                                            -0  PTII Cumulative number of site employees reached by ECP by month during 2010 Outreach sessions Aggressive Outreach Efforts Will Continue During 2011 45 0  FPL Enclosure 2
0PPL Closing Comments Pete Wells VP Organizational Support, NSC Sponsor Enclosure 2
2011 Nuclear Safety Culture Program Initiatives
* Sustainability through Nuclear Excellence Model Core Values and Principles Approach
* #1 2011 Fleet Initiative Enhance Nuclear Safety Culture
        -- NSC Program Standardization to NEI 09-07 Guidance
        -- NSC Fleet Peer Team Assessments Trending Surveys and Improvement Plans NSC Dashboard Benchmarking and Industry Engagement Driving Employee Trust in Internal Programs and Processes Designed to Address and Effectively Resolve Issues 47 0FPL Enclosure 2
Path to Sustainability
* Nuclear Safety Culture built into our values and principles based Nuclear Excellence Model
* Progress has been made in our programs, processes, passion and commitment Validated by internal, external, and independent assessments
* Understand our challenges and have built in elements to ensure sustainability
* Aligned and involved with new industry NSC initiatives
* Our goal is to become the NSC industry role model Connecting and Engaging the Work Force 48                                                                FPL Enclosure 2}}

Latest revision as of 08:37, 11 March 2020

FPL Meeting Summary Presentation Handouts
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Site: Saint Lucie, Turkey Point  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/11/2011
Florida Power & Light Co
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Download: ML110260406 (48)


0 FPL Nuclear Safety Culture Update January11, 2011 Enclosure 2


  • Opening Comments, Introductions G. St. Pierre VP Fleet Support
  • Nuclear Safety Culture Values and Principles G. St. Pierre VP Fleet Support Approach
  • Path to Sustainability G. St. Pierre VPFleetSupport
  • Nuclear Safety Culture Program Status G. St. Pierre VPFleetSupport
  • NSC Dashboards J. Schaffer NSCProjectLead
  • Human Resources Update M. Brvce VP Humankesources, Nuclear
  • Turkey Point NSC Status M. Kiley VP Turkey Point
  • St. Lucie NSC Status R. Anderson VP St. Lucie
  • Employee Concerns Program & Contractor Initiatives D. Lowens Director Nuclear Assurance
  • Closing Comments P. Wells VP Organizational Support 2

0 FPL Enclosure 2

FPL Attendees Gene St. Pierre VP Fleet Support, NSC Sponsor Jennifer Schaffer Nuclear Safety Culture Project Lead Mike Bryce VP Human Resources, Nuclear Rich Anderson VP St. Lucie Mike Kiley VP Turkey Point Dave Lowens Director Nuclear Assurance Pete Wells VP Organizational Support, NSC Sponsor Larry Nicholson Director Licensing Mitch Ross VP/General Counsel, Nuclear Jim Voorhees Fleet ECP Manager Mike Waldron Director Nuclear Communications 3

0 FPL.

Enclosure 2

Timeline May 2009 Concerns with the source of allegations September 2009 FPL initiates root cause evaluation October 2009 First NRC public meeting, FPL presented root cause findings April 2010 Second NRC public meeting, FPL reviewed actions and progress January 2011 Completing commitment for additional update 4

0 FPL Enclosure 2

Nuclear Safety Culture Values and Principles Approach 1 Nuclear Excellence Model Vision We are a team that delivers consistent excellent performance Mission We will produce energy in a safe, reliable, cost effective way, while caringfor our employees, communities and the environment CooductallactMtlesto s,ntrvettoo Be a Self-Improving Coltore B Foster a work envlonment vitlere Values demonstrate a deep respect Batety Guiding Pilnclples Learning Organization eiaInivae for Nuclearsalety we are the erlthlOyer of choice Corc ctieities Operationally Passion for Standardized Responsive to Effective Engaged Leaders Focused Excellence Processeo Stabeholders Worhforce Plernibsg Core Principles Effective Long-Range Engaged Eisployees strong Teamwork Strong Ownership

& Accountability Supervisors Workilfe Balance Effective Operational Excellence Organizational Effectiveness Generation Reliability Effective Business &

Financial Performance Strategic Focus I

Areas a

.IIL iiIIl Sustainability through Nuclear Excellence Model Core Values and Principles 5

0 FPL Enclosure 2

Enclosure 2 C.)

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Nuclear Safety Culture Values and Principles Approach Respect for Nuclear Safety Our Safety Guiding Principles We are committed to excellence and professionalism in the conduct of our activities, and we endorse the following principles: 1. All injuries are preventable

  • Everyone is personally responsible for nuclear safety.
  • Leaders demonstrate commitment to safety. 2. Leadership is responsible
  • Trust permeates the organization.
  • Decision-making reflects safety first. for preventing injuries
  • Nuclear technology is recognized as special and unique. 3. Plan safety into our work
  • A questioning attitude is cultivated.
  • Organizational learning is embraced. 4. Look out for each other
  • Nuclear safety undergoes constant examination.

Conduct all activities to demonstrate a deep respect tar Nuclear Satet 7 FPL.

Enclosure 2

Nuclear Safety Culture Values and Principles Approach I

r A Great Work Environment Our Five Outage Principles To help ensure that Fleet team members have pride in what they do, enjoy the people they 1. Respect Industrial and Nuclear Safety work with, and trust leadership, FPL Nuclear is committed to: 2. No Short Cuts I Rushing V Frequent, timely and candid communications V Support for work-life balance 3. Be Deliberate V Elimination of low-value work V Performance improvement to minimize crisis 4. Effective Communication response and Handoffs V Leadership recognition of employees as our most valuable resource 5. Be Prepared V Leadership empowering employees to engage, grow and reach their full potential V Building trust and acting with integrity Foster a work environment where we are the employer ot choice 8

CFPL Enclosure 2

Nuclear Safety Culture Organization April 2010 CNO Nazar Nuclear Safety Culture Oversight Committee Responsibilities Project Lead Responsibilities NSCOversht

  • Overall project support
  • Monitor Fleet NSC activities & actions Project Lead
  • Provide NSC oversight
  • Project logistics and administration Schaffer
  • Process and templates
  • Propose I approve NSC actions
  • Report-out at CNRB
  • Status tracking and monitoring PSL NSC PTN NSC JBNSC SBKNSC DAEC NSC  : PB NSC Team Team Team Team Team II
Team Anderson Kiey Schaffer Freeman - ostanzoj Meyer Site Nuclear Safety Teams Responsibilities
  • Coordination of NSC initiatives at site
  • Sponsor NSC implementation at sites
  • Recommend actions to NSC 9

Oversight Committee 0FPL Enclosure 2

Nuclear Safety Culture Organization November 2010 CNO Nazar Nuclear Safety Culture Oversight Committee Responsibilities Project Lead Responsibilities NSC Oversight

  • Overall project support
  • Monitor Fleet NSC activities & actions Committee Project Lead
  • Provide NSC oversight
  • Project logistics and administration
  • Propose / approve NSC actions Schaffer
  • Process and templates
  • Report-out at CNRB Wells
  • Status tracking and monitoring
  • Program turnover to line management
  • Convert corporate role to Oversight/Governance PSLNSC PTNNSC JBNSC SBKNSC DAECNSC PBNSC Team Team Team Team Team Team Anderson Kiley Schaffer Freeman Costanzo Meyer Site Nuclear Safety Teams Responsibilities
  • Coordination of NSC initiatives at site
  • Sponsor NSC implementation at sites
  • Recommend actions to NSC Oversight Committee 10 0 FPL Enclosure 2

The Path to Sustainability From April 2010 Meeting Root Cause Corrective Actions Closed Since April 2010

-- NSC Program Implementation at the Northern Sites

-- Key Communications Initiatives

-- Nuclear Safety Culture Dashboard Pilot

-- Safety Culture Training and Awareness

-- Safety Culture Survey and Organizational Culture Inventory Survey

-- Nuclear Integrated Resource Planning/Aggregate Impact Index

  • Employee Concerns Program Improvements Face to Face Debriefs with Concernees Three Month Follow-up on Effectiveness Monthly Meetings with Site Vice Presidents and CNO Contractor Safety Culture Initiative 11 0 FPL Enclosure 2

The Path to Sustainability 2009 NSC Root Cause Action Status AN Corrective Actions have been completed Final Effectiveness Review scheduled for June 2011 NSC Dashboard Pilot Interim Effectiveness Review Conducted April 2010

-- Early signs show progress with respect to awareness of NSC program and processes

-- Consciousness of NSC at the forefront of the leadership team

-- Mini SCWE survey at PSL and INPO OE Survey indicated that the organization is recognizing and prioritizing NSC

-- ECP enhancements are improving employee trust and utilization of the program 12 FPL Enclosure 2

The Path to Sustainability Communications have been a key focus Fleet NSC website Focused 11 % of all Fleet wide communications articles on NSC All Hands Meetings, incorporate NSC updates and sites status progress on NSC actions 2011 Communication plan focus on excellence in work behaviors including enhancements to the NSC NSC is constantly and consistently reinforced as one of our core values 13 FPL Enclosure 2

Outage Core Values and Principles Complete Planned Work Improved Equipment Reliability (Do What We Said We Were Going To Do)

Prevent Job Stoppage Prevent Prevent Job Rework Delays No Rushing!

No Sort Cuts Respect for Nuclear Prevent Effective Outage Core Industry Safety Prevent Communication Events Misunderstanding Hand-offs

\\PIII1cIpIe, Inaccuracies Turnovers Be Deliberate Be Prepared (Look Ahead & Risk Prevent Support Prevent Making Management) Activities from Inappropriate Becoming Decisions Crisis Prevent Injuries Improved Teamwork Increased Safety Margin Lateral Integration Aligning Nuclear Safety Culture with Existing Values and Principles 14 FPL.

Enclosure 2

St. Lucie & Turkey Point Our individual work behaviors support site & fleet priorities ion Prevent Safety Events Successfully plan and implement Optimize Performance Engage employees in Low Value Enhance Nuclear Improvement (CAP, Equipment through aggressive hazard EPU, major projects and Work Reduction and Safety Culture Reliability, Human Performance, identificaiton refueling outages workload phoritization Change Management)

I Create a highly affective Establish an operationally focused Strengthen tIre asecufion ot the Work Ensure siatalnabilty of the cross-functional team. This includes St.Lucie organization to ensure escellent Managsmunf process to assure high Successfully prepare for and asecuta imprsvamants in causal analysis, LhWR, alignment with Fleet Staffisg plan, Site Priorities mafedal csnddion to support levels of equipment reliability and im two EPU eutuges. and impruva implamastaitun of effective utilization of the resources we lang-farm uafe and reliable operation. prove worker safely. Csrrechve Action Program. bane, and synargies through braaldng down silos and crsss-fanctiooal barriem.

r Focus resources on EPU Is Use formal processes and Reinforce standards fur quality uf Create a culture of strung teamwork Turkey Point fundamentals consistently to work esacutios to promote safely pave the way tsr successful Reise the bar on site and through alignment and effective Site Priorities equipment modifications during Fleet outage performance.

enhance oar nuclearsafety culture. sod prevent events. communications.

2012 EPU outages.

  • Safety is our #1 Priority
  • Use Human Performance Tools Challenge Supervisors & Co-Workers to Work
  • Demonstrate Pride in our Work Site
  • Align Work Habits to Reflect Our Follow Procedures & Improve Each Day Behaviors Fundamentals one fleet
  • one team
  • one goal
  • excellence 15 C FPL Enclosure 2

FPL NSC Dashboards Jennifer Schaffer NSC Project Lead Enclosure 2

NSC Dashboard Pilot Learnings

  • FPL and the Industry are evaluating various tools and metrics to measure NSC Continued active engagement with NEI and INPO
  • Dashboard based on the 8 INPO Safety Culture Principles
  • Current version is still a work in progress
  • Indicator color codes Traditional industry indicators use green, white, yellow, red performance criteria based on aggressive top decile/quartile industry performance Non-traditional industry indicators use white and blue criteria based on site specific historic performance
  • NSC teams usage of the dashboard Understand culture can not be measured exactly Dashboard is a tool from which we attempt to measure the health of the culture 17 0 FPL Enclosure 2

Nuclear Safety Culture - Site Dashboard Turkey Point ORGANIZA11ONAL EFFECTIVENESS Month End Quarter End Sponsor Owner Indicator 3Q10 Nov-2010 Mike Kiley Jose Alvarez OE-63 I Site Nuclear Safety Culture Health I Everyone is Personally Responsible for Leaders Demonstrate Commitment to Trust Permeates the Organization Decision-Making Reflects Safety First Nuclear Safety Safety IERO Diii

[ Clearance Errors lndeuj

[ Safety Workordnr

=12 reorst4 NRC Allegations Disciplinary action NRC Alfegatienn to No DPOs submitted OSHA Recordable Rate 0DM Process Utilized Persernel COnta,nle Eo.rdu 101111 MRFF Staffing levels Total P of ECP conoenf I Grievances Nuclear Safety Culture 1

[ TSAR Component a of Rink Sig Red & Number of 2C meetingr CAP Index Volantary Separations Mispositioning Index Yellow Systems held r.jQfl I I I A Questioning I I Nuclear Safety I

I I Nuclear Technology is Recognized as Special and Unique Aftitude is Organizational Learning is Embraced I I Undergoes Constant I I

I Behaviors & Actions that Support a Stron NuclearSafetyCulture I Cultivated I I Examination I I I I Site Procedure Health Open PMCR5 CR InitiatIon Rate Training 0bseroations

[ Index Regulatory Health Inde, I vial I I I Reactivity Managvnvenl I Equipment Reliability Index Ii 1 1Vfl Feedback received NSCeI,site Unexcused Training Absences I [ SASM Index 2 I Station Human Perfomvance Control Ream Operable but Degraded Operating Experionoa Nun*ee of Major Chajt liiCoofbrltWal Deficiencies I Index Mng Plans Oprl5r ncy Inidicalor Key NOTE: This dashboard is governed by AD-AA-103 Rev 0 Section 5.2 deNo Qoartely: M:nthly Pending Based on I NPO Principles for a Strong Nuclear Safely Culture 18 FPL.

Enclosure 2

Nuclear Safety Culture - Site Dashboard St. Lucie ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS Month End Quarter End Sponsor Owner Indicator Nov-2010 3Q10 Rich Anderson Mark Moore OE-63 I Site Nuclear Safety Culture Health I Everyone is Personally Responsible for Leaders Demonstrate Commitment to Trust Permeates the Organization Decision-Making Reflects Safety First Nuclear Safety Safety ll L Clearance Errors lndeo Safety Workorder Backlog

[ PWO Open se 12 nmon4 NRC Allegations Disciplinary action NRC Allegations to No.jf OSHA Recordable Rate 0DM Process Utibzed Personnel Ccntanietateo t

1 Seantyiggaimle


[ Staffing levels I L Total #01 ECP Concemf Grievances Naclear Safety Caltamej TISAR Nemberot2C meeting 1

VolantarSePamations CAP Index ed OdIntInde ,

A Questioning I Nuclear Safety I I I Nuclear Technology is Recognized as Special and Unique Attitude is I I Organizational Learning is Embraced I I Undergoes I Behaviors & Actions that Support a Stron I Constant I I NuClearSafetyCulture I Cultivated I I Examination I I I Non-Oxtage CM BackIo Open PMCRs LIHejjovaI 4 CR Initiation Rate Training observationsi axe Procedare Health Index 1

I Regalatory Health mdc Reactivity Manngeneni Eqaipment Reliability Feedback received vial Uneocased Training I SABM Index I Station Hornan I Index NSCWebsite Absences Perforvnanco 2

Control Room Operable bat Degrader MSPI - Cooling Water Operating Experience NumberofMajorCbang Deficiencies Systems System Index Mng Plans Operator Work I MSPI - Emergency AC I AroundsiBurdens Power Open Temporary syste4 ghPmssU Alterations on Inidicator Key NOTE: This dashboard is governed by AD-AA-1 03 Rev 0 Section 5.2 Based on INPO Principles for a Strong Nuclear Safety Culture Pending r - - I 19 5 FPL Enclosure 2

0PPL Human Resources Update Mike Bryce VP Human Resources, Nuclear Enclosure 2

Nuclear Safety Culture Program Human Resource Actions

  • 2010 Organizational Culture Inventory (OCI)

The 001 survey was administered to 3040 employees in 2010.

Utilized the survey results to identify and encourage behaviors that will enhance the desired culture and to eliminate behaviors that detract from the desired culture.

Senior leadership is aligned and committed to the desired behaviors.

  • 0 21 FPL Enclosure 2

Nuclear Safety Culture Program Leadership Behavior Monitoring

  • Independent Assessment Contracted with RHR International to assess desired leadership behaviors and appropriate attitudes that encourage and support a strong NSC.

-- In summary, the Company correctly and appropriately identified unsatisfactory practices and behaviors that were contributing to safety culture challenges. In response, the Company has designed and implemented an organizational-wide initiative and intervention actions to enhance the safety culture.

  • Ongoing Monitoring Independent weekly review of supporting and detracting behaviors.
  • Exit Interview screening and reporting of NSC concerns and implications.

22 PPL.

Enclosure 2

0 FPL Nuclear Safety Culture at Turkey Point Mike Kiley VP Turkey Point Enclosure 2

Turkey Point Nuclear Safety Culture

  • An individuals belief system drives their individual behaviors
  • Behavior changes at the Site:

Station job performance and Training observations has increased from 2008 to 2010 Station goals established that drive:

-- Reducing Low Value Added Work

-- Increasing External Industry Engagement

-- Support Employee Engagement Performance = Behaviors + Results 24 0FPL.

Enclosure 2

Turkey Point Nuclear Safety Culture

  • Behavior changes at the Site Site NSC Committee established with line employees Routine breakfast meetings with Site V.P. and employees Routine 2Cs (Compliments and Concerns) meetings between managers and employees Department written communications such as:

-- Operations, AOM Notes

-- Maintenance, The Maintenance Cooler

-- Engineering, Engineering Corner

-- Chemistry, Chem-Speak 25 0FPL Enclosure 2

Turkey Point Nuclear Safety Culture

  • Improved Employee Engagement Community Involvement Activities

-- Strong United Way Participation

-- Salvation Army Angel Tree

-- Thanksgiving Food Drive

-- Blood Drives

-- Employee group involvement in local schools

-- Site Sponsored Local Christmas Festival Employee Activities at the Site

-- Dolphin Fish Tournament

-- Golf Tournament

-- Childrens Holiday Party! Family Day 26 0FPL Enclosure 2

Turkey Point Nuclear Safety Culture

  • Results Attrition rate for voluntary separations at a 7 year low (21 voluntary separations from Turkey Point in 2010)

Strong Improvement in INPOs Organizational Effectiveness survey from 2008 to 2010 April 26th 2010, received an improved INPO rating and removal from special assistance category August 19th 2010, operations training programs accreditation unanimously renewed by the National Academy of Nuclear Training.

Bargaining unit employees are applying for supervisory positions The majority of promotions at the site have been from our succession plan providing career path opportunities.

27 0FPL Enclosure 2

Turkey Point Nuclear Safety Culture

  • Challenges Station staff has swef led with major projects and power up-rates at Turkey Point.

-- 1,457 Contract Employees with protected area access as of 1/3/11 Contract work force is our focus in 2011.

-- Contractor 2Cs meetings with their site employees

-- On-site contractor ECP offices

-- Increased site communications

-- Supplemental employee training including oral boards that probe aspects of a strong NSC 28 0 PPL Enclosure 2

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FPL Nuclear Safety Culture at St. Lucie Rich Anderson VP St. Lucie Enclosure 2

St. Lucie Nuclear Safety Culture Where We Were in 2009

  • Corrective action program focus
  • Leadership alignment on priorities
  • Prioritization of required work Preventative Maintenance Corrective and Elective Maintenance
  • Externally/internally driven
  • Goal alignment
  • Feedback and dialogue
  • Employee communications Implement a Focused Approach to Address Key Safety Culture Inputs 31 0


Enclosure 2

St. Lucie Nuclear Safety Culture Actions We Implemented

  • Alignment of goals with fleet nuclear excellence model
  • Leadership organizational effectivenesslalignment External resources for accountable organization training
  • Strengthened causal analysis and CAP implementation
  • Implemented fleet NSC program
  • Reinforcing NSC messages in various employee communications
  • Revised processes to reinforce NSC Operational Decision-Making Failure Investigation Process Root Cause Evaluations 32 0FPL Enclosure 2

St. Lucie Nuclear Safety Culture Actions We Implemented

  • ERIGR assessment I engineering excellence plan
  • PM Program implementation improvements
  • Outage scope, preparation and execution
  • Additional maintenance resources
  • External engineering support resources
  • Department fundamentals rollout
  • Supervisor oversight
  • Increased training and qualification for contract supervisors
  • Face-to-face meetings with supplemental workers
  • Leadership passion for safety
  • Using 100 day scorecard 33 0 FPL Enclosure 2

St. Lucie Nuclear Safety Culture Where We are Today

  • Improved causal analysis
  • No overdue condition reports
  • Full participation in NSC Team
  • Employees more informed and aligned
  • Management awareness of NSC impacts
  • Improved decision-making and communication of decisions
  • Improved equipment reliability Increased 2010 index scores Reduced component failures Individuals felt personally responsible for nuclear safety at the site and perceived the current management reinforced this message NRC EA-09-0321 St. Lucie Unit 1 95002 Supplemental Inspection Report 34 0 PPL Enclosure 2

St. Lucie Nuclear Safety Culture Preliminary 2010 Safety Culture Survey Strengths I Focus Areas Communicating that NSC is the sites top priority CAP and ECP Programs Employees feel free to raise issues Outage Processes Individuals understand their Workload and Resource responsibilities to report issues Allocations Continued Focus on Improving lnternal Processes Designed to Address and Correct Issues 35 0FPL.

Enclosure 2

St. Lucie Nuclear Safety Culture Where We are Going Sustainability NSC site team on the ground focused look at performance

-- Frequent outage meetings

-- Indicator Dashboard NSC Team providing oversight, challenge, and industry best practices Observations and effectiveness reviews Fleet Oversight and HR Independent Monitoring Achieve Excellence in Equipment Reliability

  • Additional Improvements Engaging key contractors Incorporating employee feedback 36 FPL Enclosure 2

PPL Employee Concerns Program Dave Lowens Director Nuclear Assurance Enclosure 2

Employee Concerns Recent Activity St. Lucie Employee Concern Activity Turkey Point Employee Concern Activity 18 18 16 16 14 14 12 12

.E 10 10 08 Li .i1iI.LI.Hi 01-10 02-10 03-10 04-10 05-10 06-10 07-10 08-10 09-10 10-10 11-10 12-10 2010 z

E 2

01-10 02-10 03-10 04-10 05-10 06-10 07-10 08-10 09-1010-10 11-10 12-10 2010 Legend ECP Contacts Employee Concerns NRC Allegations Actions being taken to increase ECP use at Turkey Point 38 0 FPL Enclosure 2

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Employee Concerns Program Contractor Safety Culture Initiative

  • CNO met with FPL/NextEra major contractor executives to discuss importance of safety culture initiative.
  • ECP performing extensive outreach with supplemental workforce (PTN Fall 2010 outage PSL January 2011 outage).
  • New ECP language being placed in supplier contracts applicable to suppliers with their own ECP:

Requires notification to FPL of any safety related/quality issue or HIRD concern submitted to contractor ECP FPL plans follow-up to ensure satisfactory resolution of these concerns

  • Quarterly ECP Manager Peer Calls with contractor ECP counterparts (Bechtel, DZNPS, Williams, RSS Wackenhut participating)

First call completed 1/5/11 40 0 FPL Enclosure 2

Employee Concerns Program Drivers For ECP Use PSL Reasons Why Individuals Come to ECP -2010 PTN Reasons Why Individuals Come to ECP -2010 BRaised Issue With 22 uesire ionTiaentiaiity Supv But No Action I Desire Confidentiality *Raised Issue Wth Supv But No Action DRaised Issue Disagree OQther- Enter in With Response corn rn ants O Fear of Retaliation DAnonyrnous IFrorn Outside the lAnonyrnous Company OReluctantto Discuss Dlssuein CAP But Not With Supv Resolved *Raised ssue Disagree lOther With Response IWanted Issue on Record a From Outside the Company Working To Understand and Address Underlying Issues 41 FPL.

Enclosure 2

Employee Concerns Program Concerned Individual Feedback

  • Goal is facetoface debrief with Cl at time of investigation completion:

Review of the concern investigated Discussion related to discovered facts relative to concern Results of analysis Corrective actions completed or planned

  • Standard feedback questions asked at time of ECP debrief (Palo Verde Benchmark):
1. Are you satisfied that ECP addressed all of your concern? If not, why?
2. Are you satisfied with the resolution of your concerns? If not, why?
3. Are you satisfied with ECPs assistance? If not, why?
4. If you had a concern in the future would you feel comfortable using the ECP again? If not, why?
5. If you had a concern in the future, would you feel comfortable raising the concern to someone in management? If not, why?

42 0 FPL.

Enclosure 2

Employee Concerns Program - 2010 Feedback Results ECP Feedback Form Question Yes No

1. Are you satisfied that ECP addressed all of your concerns? If not, why? 89% 11%
2. Are you satisfied with the resolution of your concerns? If not, why? 74% 26%
3. Are you satisfied with ECPs assistance? If not, why? 96% 4%
4. If you had a concern in the future would you feel comfortable using the ECP again? If not, why? 94% 6%
5. If you had a concern in the future, would you feel comfortable raising the concern to someone in management? If not, why? 70% 30%
  • 65 ConcernslReferrals closed at PSL and PTN in 2010
  • Feedback received on 47 ConcernslReferrals
  • Feedback not received on 18 ConcernslReferrals (10 Anonymous, 8 Unable to contact CI)

ECP Customers Generally Satisfied with ECP and Would Use ECP Again 43 0

FPL Enclosure 2

Employee Concerns Program 2010 Safety Culture Survey Fleet 2010 Safety Culture Survey Results PTN PSL Average I am familiar with the Employee Concerns Program (ECP). 4.55 4.50 4.51 Nuclear safety and quality issues reported through Employee Concerns Program (ECP) are thoroughly investigated and 3.74 3.49 3.73 appropriately resolved Upper management supports Employee Concerns Program 3 89 3 77 3 95 (ECP).

I can use Employee Concerns Program (ECP) without fear of 3.87 3.7 3.95 retaliation.

Confidentiality of my concern will be maintained by the Employee 3 81 3 55 3 83 Concerns Program_(ECP) at my_request.

Average 3.97 3.80 3.99 5 = Strongly agree, 4= Somewhat agree, 3= Neither agree or disagree, 2= Somewhat disagree, I = Strongly disagree General Population Has Positive Attitude Towards ECP 44 0 FPLZ Enclosure 2

Employee Concerns Program 2010 Outreach Activity -

3000 3000 2500 2500 2212 2212 2212 221 2i1 2000 J

/ 2000 14$

1500 1500 ioiV 1000 694 804 804 824 839 83 1000 543 54


500 3/

50019 14 14/



-0 PTII Cumulative number of site employees reached by ECP by month during 2010 Outreach sessions Aggressive Outreach Efforts Will Continue During 2011 45 0 FPL Enclosure 2

0PPL Closing Comments Pete Wells VP Organizational Support, NSC Sponsor Enclosure 2

2011 Nuclear Safety Culture Program Initiatives

  • Sustainability through Nuclear Excellence Model Core Values and Principles Approach
  • #1 2011 Fleet Initiative Enhance Nuclear Safety Culture

-- NSC Program Standardization to NEI 09-07 Guidance

-- NSC Fleet Peer Team Assessments Trending Surveys and Improvement Plans NSC Dashboard Benchmarking and Industry Engagement Driving Employee Trust in Internal Programs and Processes Designed to Address and Effectively Resolve Issues 47 0FPL Enclosure 2

Path to Sustainability

  • Nuclear Safety Culture built into our values and principles based Nuclear Excellence Model
  • Progress has been made in our programs, processes, passion and commitment Validated by internal, external, and independent assessments
  • Understand our challenges and have built in elements to ensure sustainability
  • Aligned and involved with new industry NSC initiatives
  • Our goal is to become the NSC industry role model Connecting and Engaging the Work Force 48 FPL Enclosure 2