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'l 5 9 AUDIT REPORT Activity Audited: Southwest Fabricating
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&Welding Company, Inc.Houston, Texas Audit Report No.: QAA/702-3 Auditors: A.E.Hall-Lead Auditor T.L.Kosmatin'I Date: March 14-16, 1978'ersons Contacted:
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Southwest Fabricatin
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*B.J.Goodwin-President<N.H, Moerke-Vice President, Engineering (QA/QC),J.E.Harris-.Prospect Manager~R.P, Bomos-Quality Assurance Manager*R.L.Pearson-Manager Welding E.McAnally,-Managex Engineering J.Brinkley-Manager IMaterial,Control M, Finn-,Nuclear Design Engineer H.McAnally-Pipe Yard Foreman*These persons were present during, the postaudit meeting.~Sco e: Guidelines for conducting, the sub5ect audit axe outlined in CP6L Quality, Assurance Audit Procedure QAAP-1, which establishes the methods for auditing the quality system of vendors in accordance with the requirements of CPhL's Corporate QA Pxogram.This audit was conducted in'order to assure that Southwest Fabricating 6 Welding Company, Inc.'s.(SF6W)<quality, assurance program (and its implementation) was, in compliance with the'requirements imposed by Ebasco's P.O.NY435035, Supplements 1 through 5, Specification CAR-SH-M-30, Revision 3;and the associated quality system requirements.
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The ma)or areas of'F6W Quality Assurance System selected for audit are as follows: (1)quality assurance organization and program;(2)design control, including required procedural submittals; (3)procurement document control;(4)document control;(5)control of purchased materials, (6)identification and control of material and components; (7)control of special processes; (8)inspection/test control;(9)control of measuring and test equipment; (10)nonconforming material control/corrective action;(ll)handling, storage, and shipping;(12)quality assurance records;(13)internal audit pro-gram;and (14)implementation of corrective action taken to resolve findings identified in Audit Report QAA/702-2.
2~Suh(ha(SF&W has been contracted to supply the power plant piping syst&#x17d;i including hangers, seismic restraints>
supports~and supporing steal for Units 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the SHNPP.By contract, SF&W is required to provide a quality assurance system which is in com-pliance with Appendix B of 10CFR50, Ebasco's QuaH,ty System Proce-dure CAR-SH-ME-12 (860-72), those portions of Section IIX of 1971 ASME Code, including all addenda thxough Summer 1973, which applies to Code Classes 1, 2, and 3 equipment, and ANSI B31.1.0 for power piping.SF&W's Quality Assurance System applicable to this contract is delineated Xn their QA Manual (QAM), Revision 9, dated 12-9-77.In turn, thc QAM is supplemented by Shop Detail Sheets and Manu-facturing Record Sheets,,which are prepared for each piping spool configuration and serve as, the detail drawing and shop traveler, respectively.
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I To date, SF&W has'egun fabrication fox ASME Code Class 3 fabricated carbon steel yard'piping.SF&W has not been released to begin fabrication on'Code Classes 1 and 2 piping to date.During the course of(this audit, the auditors reviewed the NRC's"White Book" on NRC IE vendor audits of SF&W during 1977 with SF&W quality assurance management personnel.
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The auditors were concerned with the negative inspection results reported by NRC as a result of their, audits conducted 3/14-18/77, 6/13-16/77, and 12-12-77 at SF&W.These three 1977 NRC audits identified:
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(1)three findings;(2)three findings and one unresolved item;and (3)eleven findings and five unresolved items, xespectively.
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The auditors were able to determine by review of these audit records and SF&W response letters that the findings, fox the first,and second 1977 NRC audits of SF&W have been'closed by thc NRC.The third audit of 1977 by NRC of SF&W is still not closed by the NRC, however, the auditors determined that SF&V has responsed to the NRC audit rcport.The NRC has requested, additional response on at least three of the findings.SF&W plans to review, these problems with the NRC during their next visit, which is scheduled for March 27, 1978..I ,I mV'(I'he, auditors reported in the last audit report, QAA/702-2 (March 22-'24, 1977), that a review had'een conducted with SF&W quality assurance management personnel concerning the NRC IE vendor audits at Bergen Paterson Pipe Support Corporation located in Laconia, N.H.As, a point of information, Bergen Paterson (B/P)is SF&W's subsupplier of the pipe hangers and restraints for the SHNPP.As was pointed out in QAA/702-2, SF&W stated they planned to conduct an audit of the B/P, Laconia facility after the NRC scheduled audit.The auditors determined that this audit of B/P had not been accom-plished.In addition, the auditors reviewed an Ebasco letter, dated 7>>20-77, No.EB-S-252 with SF&W management which in part stated,"We therefore request,that SF&W establish a quarterly audit of Bergen Paterson facilities until both Southwest and Ebasco concux e'p s ,o~I I'''I I I eCI'>i".'>
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that an adequate confidence level of the B/P Program implementation has been attained.'" The auditors did learnthat SF&W personnel have visited the B/P engineering facility at Hempstead, N>>Ye~once to audit only their quality assurance system and not B/P's design or design verification capabilities.
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The auditors further learned that SF&W has not visited the fabrication facility of B/P at Laconia, N.H.The auditors discussed with SF&W's pro)ect manager their position in regards to Ebasco's requested quarterly audits of B/P.He stated:SF&W does not intend to comply Ebasco's request, and that he has, called Ebasco and', discussed t'e'SF&W position.It should be pointed out, however, that SF&W has failed to formally answ'er in writing Ebasco's letter No.EB-S-252.e 2 r Implementation of the corrective action taken by SF&W to resolve the Findings 1, 2a,, 2b, 3a, and 3b previously identi,fied in Audit Report QAA/702-2 was audited.The'action taken to resolve these findings was considered sufficient, except one, Finding Item 1, therefore, this finding is reopened in this audit z'eport as Finding Item 1.The remaining Findings,2a, 2b, 3a, and 3b have sufficient action taken and implemented to resolve them and Audit QAA/702-2 is closed." SF&W Quality Assurance Program continues to, be adequate to meet the requirements of P,O.NY435035 when, the findings in this audit zeport are closed.As a result of this audit,,four items were presented at the postaudit meeting as requiring.formal correction action and response by SF&W.Findin s and Corrective Action: During the audit, the following items werc identified as nonconforming findings that will require corr'ective action and formal response.Item':~Re ereememe: 10CFR50 Appendix B, Criterion XI, Quality Assuzancc Program Nonconformance:
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Criterion II requires that the QA Program shall provide for indoc-trination and training of personnel performing activities affecting quality as necessary to assure that suitable proficiency is achieved and maintained'.
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In.reviewing Paragraph of SF&W's QAH, which outlines the procedures
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'for training, it was observed by the auditors that training and indoctrination requirement for engineering personnel and, upper management QA/QC personnel are not presently covered by written procedures.
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This item,was pre-sented in Audit Report QAA/702-2 as Finding Item 1 and is being held open.SF&W still has not provided and implemented corrective action as of this audit.'eel r n e.rt n 2 I>>I+6 r n Pr 1 I nNQ'e'A t: h Acknowled ement and Res onse: SP&W will develop procedure for each and have referenced in Revision 10 of their QAM.They will implement both required procedures prior to'he issuance of Revision 10 of their QAM.Iten 2:~Re ettenent: 10CPR50 Appendix B, Criteria VI, Document Control and V, Instructions, Procedures, and Drawings Nonconformance:
5       I~
1 The auditors were verifying SP&W's response to General Item 1 of'Audit, Report QAA/702-2 and corrective action committed by SP&W's letter, dated 3-.31-77, to CP&L.Their letter stated the Procedure QC-100, Revision 2', dated 6-7-.76,"Nondestruction Examination Per-sonnel," would, be distributed during the week of June 6, 1977.The auditors'determined that SF&W'ad placed this, procedure in their"Procedures Manual." However,,it was, determined by the auditors that SF&W has no;written document control procedure for the issuance and control of these procedures.
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In addition, SF&W does not have a document control record which shows'the distribution>>of these procedures by date issued,,to whom issued,,and by whom distributed.
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Acknowled ement and Res onse: SF&W will developh,a document control procedure for control of these quality documents and develop necessary records for the proper document control.Zten 3: e O.I I+I I.I)1~>>Q 0>>I,>>I~Ra nttenent: SP&W QAM'ection 13, Audits, Paragraph 13.1.2>>4 10CPR50 Appendix B, Criteria XVI, Corrective Action and XVII, Audits r'e Nonconformance:
a.Audi.tors reviewed SP&W internal audit report (12-6-77)performed by R.B.Bhavsar, where the reaudit of corrective action was pcrformcd by N.H.Moerke on 12-12-77.This was documented by initial and date beside each corrective action listed except one, Number Sd, which was not signed or dated as having been reaudited.
h le 1 I I NIE>K, E 5E Et" b.Auditorsreviewed internal, audit report (2-14-78)performed by R.B.Bhavsar.This audit reported five findings.No written corrective action could be, presented to the auditors.This audit was followed by'udit report (3-8-78)by R.B;Bhavsar which does not,document an actual follow-up of'the findings of audit dated 2-14-79.The rcport dated 3-8-78 does not cross-reference or close-out the finding of audit dated 2-14-78, SF&W had, intended the later, audit to close out the previous audit of 2'-14-78 by.not finding any problems in the same areas of those nonconformances.
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, This intention of SF&W does not meet the requirements of, 10CFR50, Appendix B, Criteria.4 4..It Acknowled ement,and Res onse: I SF&W'ill document,each audit finding on a separate page of a new form to be developed.
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This, form, will list for each finding;its-correction action and effective date;and the documentation of corrective action follow-up by signatures and dates.I'5 g-I E" 0 I 4 I (E', LE r IE\E'EE'e'd'-;I'I tII,E>'O E Ile C~Item 4:~Ree>eeeeee:
5 R
10CFR50 Appendix B, Criterion.
II, Quality Assurance Program Nonconformance:
Crit'erion II>'~states in part,,"Management of organizations parti-cipating in',the QA Program shall regularly review the status and adequacy of that part o'f the QA Program which they are executing." The auditors, determined; the requirements of Criterion II, the managers, of various,SF&W Departments whom execute that part of the QA Program for, which, they have responsibility have not formally documented participation in review of the QA Program prior its revisions being issued and implemented.
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Acknowled ament and Res onse: SF&W stated they had reviewed.the QA Program for necessary revision on an informal'asis, and had not documented evidence of their reviews.SF&W, stated,,they will, in the future, document their management reviews of their QA Program and.maintain these records.General: During the postaudit meeting, the following five concerns were discussed:
1.Ebasco s Specification CAR-SH-M-30, Revision 3,"General Power Piping," in Part 2>Paragraph 21.l.c requires"marking pens, ink, and tape shall',be,certified by chemical analysis and I I 1''I."P I"4r ,5" II IL E 5E'4 IE I I I!'t'I 4$t h.~\~h I I , r, approved, by Purchasex for use on st'sinless steel." SF&W~s decided to use different marking pens nnd tape for stainless steel than those for which they obtained approval from Ebnsco to use.The, auditors axe concerned if SF6W has obtained Ebasco's approval for the nev, materials, they plan to use, since no evidence of Ebasco's approval was presented to the auditors during this audit.<<-<<I g'f'f LII r<<'0<*rf I" I'I lr)7 I 1 I I Ij Il 7 vf Q<<, I~.II I I 7l'lt<<V-ll I'r IV+E a!'" Kl Lf'L'uditors are concerned that SF&W does not followmp the corrective actions listed on their"Report of Nonconfor-maces" (RON's)for any significant conditions adverse to quality or'perform any trend nnnlysis of their RON's to determine significant conditions, Ebasco's Specification CAR-SH-ME-12, Revision 0,"Quality Control Requirements, for Suppliers of Equipment and Services," (860-72)in Paxagraph 8.1'tates,"For items and services purchased from subsuppliers, seller shall conduct necessary inspections and tests at points of receipt to verify conformance to applicable physical, chemical, or other technical requirements." The auditors are concerned that SF6W has not established a program for, verifying by outside laboratory analysis, a check against their,subsuppliers chemical and physical test reports.SF&W's management stated-they have not,established such a program because they interpret, the above specification requirement to be met by performing a comparison between their subsupplier's chemical and physical test report and the appropriate ASME or ASTM,material specification.
The auditors agree that the Ebasco requirement as stated above is interpretable.
The auditors are also concerned that this Ebasco specification requirement has, been removed from CAR-SH-ME-12, Revision l.The newer revision of the specification which is required by a later revision of Specification CAR-SH-M-30 has not been made a part of the contract in effect during this audit.The auditors are concerned that there are several instances in SF6W material storage areas vhere carbon steel fittings were being stacked close to stainless steel pipe which was designated for,"gA relate use," (ASME Code Matexial)by blue and pink markings on the material.In one storage area, a quantity of 12-inch carbon steel elis had fallen from theix stack and vere within one inch of touching the stainless steel pipe.The concexn is that other ella could continue to fall from the stack and come in contact with the stainless steel pipe.The auditors are concerned that in some instances SE&W MRS's contained errors after completion and being drawing checked tvice by tvo different draving checkers.Several MRS's vere reviewed by the auditors and the following two identified
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kCtZVLTE C Southwest Fabricating
&Wel,ding Co., Houston, Texas REPORT NO QAA(702-3 AUDIT PROCEDURE QAAP-1 March 14-16, 1978 UALITY ASSURANCE AUDIT CHECK LIST AUDIT SUMECT Implementation of Quality Assurance/Contxol Program R A.E.Hall AUDITOR(S)
T.L.Kosmatin 1.0.CHARACTERISTICS ualit Assurance/Control Pro ran COi&TTS alit/Or anization Pro ram 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1 3 alit/Or anization Pro ran Do SP&W organization charts reflect the current organization7 Verify that an acknowledgement receipt has been received from Ebasco indicating receipt of the most current revision of SF&W QAM.Verify that a review of SP&W QAM has been conducted upon receipt of an ASME code revision or at intervals not exceeding six months.-1 was h curren v o r v.were transmitted to Ebasco on 2/28/78 alon with an acknowled ement sheet for each co.The co sent to B.R.Mazo of Ebasco was returned si ned 3 2/78.The other two copies No.12 to A.Cesnanicius and No.125 to M.S.Brown o Ebasco have not et sent back their acknowledgement sheets.A r view was conducted and documented on 6/6/77 b an audit-w wa.o ducted b J.Harris and W.H.Shemis: however, reviews erformed b the mana ers of the various de artnents who execute that are of the OA Pro ram that they have re-s onsibilit for were not documented and available for audit.i id ified as findin 4 in the audit re ort.Page 1 of 15 Ci ,~'=0 CHARACTERISTICS COMMENTS 1 2 1.2.1 Q.2.2 1.2.3 Desi Control Assure that a pre-)ob conference, to re-viev contractual (design)requirements including current)ob specifications from Ebasco, has been held and the minutes recorded?Assure that SP&W engineering has verifie pressure-temperature limitations for each piping class in the piping specifi-cation?Have the"Detail Sheets" and"Manu-facturing Record Sheets" (MRS)been prepared for P.O.435035 by Engineering?
il bein e otiated between SP&W and Ebasco a d as not et been finalized.
Conferences were held on 1/9/78 and 1 18 78 to list the contract and code re uirements.
Minutes vere not formall ke t but fabrication sheets had been marked u vith notes resultin from the meetin 1.2.2 SP&W mana ement stated that this is not re uired for this contract because the do not have desi n res onsibility.
1.2.3 Yes.Detail Sheets and manufacturin record sheets MRS have been re ared for a roximatel 7000 feet of 30 pipe.This pipe is desi nated for service water, Class 3, and is the only item that has been released for fabrication to date. Yes.The applicable HDE, weld, heat treat, etc.proce ure s identified on the MRS including the latest revision, supp ement and revision, and attachment and revision.2-4 Yes Index sheets have been re ared for the 30" i e identified above.The index sheets list 3301 SW sheets 1-56 3303 SW sheets 1-48.3305 SW sheets 1-74.and 3307 SW sheets 1-74.L y PL S+'.2.3.3.Are the applicable contract procedures included on the Manufacturing Record Sheets, including revisions and supplements thereto?2 In addition to the status of rocedures indicated in audit check list AA 702-2 the follovin status vas verified: G\1.2.4 Has Engineering prepared an"Index Sheet" for this P.O.?1.2.5 Have the following documents been approved by Ebasco and all the comments resolved?Page 2 of 15 0' s
REPORT QAA/702-3 CHARACTERISTICS COMMENTS d a o. Applicable welding procedures and procedure qualification test reports? Meld repaiz procedures.
A 2 77.v v a o 12 77.7 v.A roved bas o 12 77..01.40 Rev.0 A roved b Ebasco 12 9 Rev.0 A roved b Ebasco 12 9/77..01.948 Rev.0 A roved b Ebasco 12 9 Rev.2 A roved b Ebasco 1 20/78.MMC-2 Rev.0 A roved b Ebasco 12/9/ 9 Applicable NDE procedures.
Cleaning, preserving, marking and packing for shipment procedures?
08.08.010 Rev.0 Re ected b Ebasco.08.08.011 Rev.0 Re ected b Ebasco.08.08.008 Rev.1 Re ected b Ebasco.08.08.006 Rev.2 A roved b Ebasco 12/9/ Rev.2 Acce ted with comments b Ebasco 12 9 Rev.2 A roved b Ebasco 12/9/ Rev.3 Acce ted with comments b Ebasco 12 9 Heat treating procedures? Visual inspection procedures? 9-103, Rev, 2, A roved b Ebasco 1 20 78.This is the on y weld re air roceduze that will be used. Status of NDE procedures has not changed.They are all a roved..4 M 001 Rev.1 A roved b Ebasco 1 23 78.1)~r 5 1.3 1.3.1 Procurenent Docunent Control Verify that Material Control has reviewed applicable CP&L-related pur-chase zequisitions and classified thea for processing.
M1001 Rev 2 A roved b Ebasco 3 6 78.EP-7804 Rev.0 A roved b Ebasco 3 8 78.EP-7710 Rev 0 A roved b Ebasco 1/ll 78.EP-7710 Rev.1 A roved b Ebasco 3 8/78.-10-123 Rev;0 A roved b Ebasco 10-124 Rev.0 A roved b Ebasco 10-127 Rev.1 A roved b Ebasco 1/23/78.10-127 Rev.2 Submitted to Ebasco but not et a roved. HT-Pl-1 Rev.3 Submitted to Ebasco 1/25/78 but not et a roved.HT-P8-1 Rev.0 A roved bv Ebasco. 10-118 Rev.0 Submitted 2/10/78 to Ebasco but not yet a roved.Also SF4W stated that all the bending procedures had been a roved b Ebasco...-5 4 1 5'r j Page 3 of 15

I~tt~~~~~I r I REPORX QAA/702;3 CHARACTERISTICS COMMENTS 1 3.2 When purchase requisitions are classifie as"reclassification orders" (RO)for material from SF&W stock, verify that the RO is signed and dated by QA indicating approval, of the material selected for reclassification.
'l 5
Re uisition No.4 dated 5 8 74 for SO-3 Ol-SW w ma was to be removed and reworked for the ro er classification however it was decided at the tine that the material was not needed and the re uisition had been voided.Nevertheless it was verified from this re uisition that A had a roved the RO as re uired b rocedure on 5 9 Are purchase orders reviewed against the 9 requisition and approved by QA prior to issuance.1.3.3 Yes.Re uisition No.48 was reviewed and it was noted that the A Mana er had reviewed and si ned it 1/7/78.When the P O.was corn leted, it was a ain reviewed b A on 2/25/78 to assure it was identical to the re uisition.1.3.4 This was verified b corn arin re uisition No.46 a ainst P.0.No.3301N-5 to Ta lor For e.It was noted that sone s ecial re uirenents had been transferred from the re uisition to the 1.3.4 Verify that the special requirements of this contract are being included in SF&W pufchase documents, as applicable.(App.B, Crit.IV)P.0.The onl material in work at this time is sone carbon steel which has few uni ue re uirenents.
1.3..1 Yes.The purchase acka e includes re uisitions reclassifi-cation orders when applicable, manufacturin work orders.and requisitions for material on manufacturing work orders when applicable; It was verified that all these documents had been Is Material Control forwarding the purchase package to QA for approval?reviewed and signed by QA as noted in the questions above.1.4 1.4.l Document Control Verify that the Manufacturing Record Sheet;(MRS)for this contract is properly completed, i.e., identification number, operation numbers, current revision of procedures, and hold points.1.4.1 It was verified that the identificatio umb r o o Detail S eet and MRS mat h d-W-4 erations had been corn 1 ted and ini ia ed All rocedure revision numbers were included as r u d.the ANI and SF&W hold oints were indicated on the MRS.Eba o had not re uested an on this ITS.However two of he MRSs reviewed did have omissions on them.One was on 3301-SW Sheet 42 Rev.2~here t e reference o PT-1 A a m nt 1 the test acce tance criteria was not referenced.
In addition MRS No.3301-SW Sheet 2 indicated an attachment was to be used with a reference nrocedure but failed to correctlv identif the attachment b its correct number.This is identi-fied as Comment No.5 in the audit re ort.Page 4 of 15
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REPORT HO.AA 702-1.5.3 CHARACTERISTICS Verify that Certified Material Test Reports are recieved with all nuclear class material.(Spec.M-30, App.H, ASME 4442.2)~~This was verified b checkin P.0.3 01 N-4 section is re rinted and.includes a re uireme f ria Test Re orts to be furnished with all materials as was he case with this P.0.This re rinted notes section is attached to all nuclear-related orders.I*'~".~';vP-''.;;:
'/ Verify that the MTRs are reviewed by QA and stamped to signify approval by an individual's QA stamp on the MTR and initial and date on the packing slip.(ASME 4442.2, Spec.ME-12, Par.8.1)Verify that the individual doing the review of the MTRs has the required range of chemical and physical test values available to be used as acceptance criteria.(Spec.1K-12, Par.8)(App.B, Crit.V) This was verified on P.0.3301 N-4 where the ackin sli was initialed and dated b'he receivin ins ector.The ackin sli is ut with the Material Test Re ort MTR and the date is stam ed b the mail room and also the ins ort I-1001A which is also si ned.and dated b the Receivin Ins ector.The acka e is sent to the Ins ection Clerk who corn ares the MTR a ainst the a licable ASTM standard.He then stam s the MZR with his ins actor's stam.1.5 3 2 This was verified when c e Ins ection Clerk has the entire t of A desk and uses them to verif be re uired za m a and h sical tes va ue ar However SF&W has not ab is a la f r v r f the values shown on the kfTRs are accurate b erf rmi a inde endent test..SF&W mana e~nt stated that ave no conducted an tests on this order because the i r-'be s ecification to mean erform a corn arison onl between the MTR and ASTM s andard.The auditors a1so e t s ed con em that this re uirement has been removed from Eba o S ec.CAR=SH-ME-12
.Rev.1 which is sti'll under ne otiation ,c~g%!~l)'./'I f C Q..6 1.6.1 Identification and Control of Material, Parts and Com onents Have measures been established to control stored material and items to assure that only correct materials and items are used for fabrication and to prevent the use of incorrect material or items?(Spec.ME-12, Par.6)1.6 between SF&W and Ebasco.Q, Identification and Contro1 of Material Parts and Com onents ob.The a licable len th of i e also has stam ed on it the heat numbe-serial number and sho order number.The i e material release and rint are cleared b A before use.Page 6 of i this i a e e carbon t e fi a re wer several in-were bein s acked close a s of continued C/w.j 0,'C'r.I I' a~I te T 4 W\l, f 4-+~,".W,,I'1 i.A'.~.'I~I I IDI l~~~~~l~~~~~~~'~I I~I~~I I'l~~1~;~~~~~C~p~~'l~~~~l~l\l~~
~~,~I I~I IX~'~~~~~~~~I~~~~~~~~~'~I~I~~~~~~~~tt~~~~H~~~~~~~~~~II~~I~~~I~~~~'I t~I~I~~~~~~~~~'~~H I~'~~~'~~II~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~~~~~~~I I~~~~~~'~~~t~~~~11~~~~,~~~~I~~'~~~~~~~\~~~~,~,~~~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~~~~~.~'~~~4 l I~~~t~~I~~~~~I~~~~~y~~~~'~~H~~H~~~~~I I~~~~~~~~~I~0
/t RH%1%1.7.2 CHARACTERISTICS Assure ghat veld data records contain the information for veld)oints and repairs as required by Par.6, Appendix G of Specification M-30.COMMENTS 1.7.2 The auditors verified b review of i in subassenbl on MRS 3301-SW, Sheet 42, iece marked Yard-SW-49-19.
All items re uired b Para.6, A endix G, S ec.CAR-SH-M30, Items 6a, 6b, 6d, and 6f are recorded on the MRS.Postveld heat treatment is not applicable to the piping subassenbly.
1..7D Verify that welding naterial identifica-tion, weld procedure used, and welder'synbol is verified by the QC Inspector and entered on the MRS.1.7.3 Verified See 1.-8.2 1.7.4 Not a licable to ASME Section III Class 3 carbon steel i in bein manufactured durin this audit.1.8.1 Yes verified in Is SF&W maintaining Heat Treating Logs for this contract?1.8.2 Verified b review of i e assembl in SF&W we1d sho on MRS 3305-SW-Sheet 42 Serial No.14763 and National Board No.559 ASME Code Class 3.The ins ector had ro er entries on the'MRS and verified velder's sta identification recorded on the MRS=-in fact was stam ed on i e subassembl at veld.oints.1.8 1.8.1 Ins ection Test Control.Is the MRS being completed by the QC Inspector to'indicate-completion of the inspection operations?(ASME NA 4530, ME-12, Par.8.2)1.8.3'Yes SF&W submitted a t ical MRS to Ebasco which has been'eturned vith witness oints.marked, with Ebasco Letter No.10-V=1 dated 1 18 78.Witness oints identified were fit-u of'veld oints, PT or&#xc3;I, and cleanin&,prep to ship er Procedure EP-7710-Rev.1.Verify that the inspection/test and operating status of the.material or part is being maintained throughout manu-facturing.(NA 4540, ME-12, Par.8.2)1.8.3 Has SF&W submitted its fabrication sequence to Ebasco?(Spec.ME-12, Par.8)Page 8 of 15 I
CHARACTERISTICS Yes see 1.8.3.COMMENTS 1~8.3~1 Have the examination or witness points been identified by Ebasco on the fabrication sequence.(Spec.ME-12, Par.8).4 SF&W onl checks wall thickness of"C" bore which is recorded on the MRS. At resent SF&W i in desi ns for ASME Code Classes 1, 2,&3 do not use an cast fittin s.1.8 4 Are there provisions on the Shop Detail Sheet for correct measurement of pressure boundary items for minimum wall thickness' Not a licable see Verified b review of measurin tool recorded in manu-facturin areas and traced to calibration recor s.Ver e were (1)extension micrometer S N , calibrate due for recalibration 3 20 78, 2 Tube micrometer N 1.8-4.1 Does this include measurement of all cas fittings in piping systems (Safety Class 1, 2, or 3)?(Spec.M-30, Par.9.9)calibrated 3 13 78, due for recalibration
, an (3 Inside micrometer S N 11&I , ca rate for recalibration 3 20 7.All were in agreement t calibration labels on instruments an recor car s.ue I.8.4.2 Is the information provided as required-by part one-Specification M-30,-Paragraph 9.9, a through e.1.9 Control of Measurin and Test E ui ment 1.9.1 Verify that calibration rags are placed on each item calibrated and include initial of persons performing calibra-tion, date of calibration, and calibration due date.Page 9 of 15 "i 1 I 1.9.2 1.9.3 1.9.4 CHARACTERISTICS How are personally owned inspection equipment used by SF&W QC personnel controlled?
Verify that inspection instruments are traceable to the QC Inspector using the instrument and to the item measured.Are instruments calibrated using certified standards which are traceable to national standards where such standards exist'?(ASME NA 4610)COMMENTS 1.9.2 SF&W A S"E ui ment tools au es and instrum n Control for acce tance are to be the ro er f 1.9.3 This is covered b SF&W AM Section 8 in Para ra h 8.Was verified b review of Ins ector's lo in weld sho area.Inspector lo ed b sho order number serial number of measurin tool used and date and sheet number of MRS which is all traceable to each i in subassembl manufactured.
Yes, veri ied by review of followin measurin devices and ca ibration records, which did have traceabilit to nationa standards.
1 Ga e Block Set-Serial No.outside laborator due 2 7 79.2 Ton tester We1din Machine Calibra on No.35011-6 calibrated 2 20 78 b o si due 2/20 79.Py4.<<c>>tfy*:j 1.10 Handlin Store e and Shi in 1.10.1 Verified b review of MRS 3301-SW Sheet 42 for n stee1 ASME Ciass 3 ard i in.Exterior of i in cleaned b sand blastin.Per SF&W Procedure EP-7804 and interior of i in cleaned b sand blastin er SF&W Procedure 10-2 Revision 2.I 10.I.Verify that the procedure for cleaning pipe and pipe components prior to 0 shipment is listed on the MRS.(Spec.M-30, Par.9.5)1.10.2 Verify that stainless steel pipe a~siting shipment has flanges, weld ends, and other openings covered with protective covers and are sealed with certified halogen free waterproof tape.1.10.2 Verified b review of SF&W's subsu liers certification of ta e"Pol ken" No.222 made b Kendall Boston Mass.which stated the Halo en corn ounds were less than 250 P.P.M;The auditors determined this ta e is different than the ta e previously approved for use b Ebasco.This a ears in the audit report as General Item 1.I fg nC I g-n Page~of 15 0 0.REPORT?iO.AA 702-3 CHARACTERISTICS Verify that all paints and preservatives being used for this contract have been approved by Ebasco prior to use.(Spec.M-30, Part 2, Par.22.2.d)COMMENTS dures to be used for manu-ard i in.Interior vi io 2 dated 2 27 78 was rior coatin Procedure a a rov d Ebasco 2 13 78.1.11 Nonconformin Material/Corrective Action Verify that SF&W is documenting the cause of reported discrepancies.
view of SF&W's"Re ort of Nonconformance" (RON)rm oth in o en files and closed out files.The cause and corrective action is listed on the RON form Exhibit 10-1, in heir AM..11.2 While a RON is bein reviewed b SF&W material review board, this review determines the need to notif their customer o the nonconformance.
1.11.2 1.11.3 Verify that SF&W has provisions for notifying customers of nonconformances.
Verify that Reports of Nonconformances (RONs)are being logged in by sequential number and the authorized Inspector is notified of the RON.1 11.3 Verified b review of RON lo.SF&W ersonnel 1og n or back RON the RON number, sho order number, date issued, shee t number,.and date of acceptance of rework or repair.1.11.4':=The auditors verified that corrective action is being ocu-.mented, see 1.11.1.However, the corrective action is not verified to revent recurrence.
The auditors are concerne that SF&W does not follow up" the corrective action ste on their RONs for any significant condition a verse to qua ty or erform any trend analysis o their RO s to etermrne-si nificant conditions.
This appears in t e audit report as General Item-2.1.U..4 Is corrective action being documented and verified to prevent recurrence.(NA 4800;App.B, Crit.XVI)Page ll of 15 RH%RX 1 12 CHARACTERISTICS lit Assurance Records na e o ver f ASME Clas car as of i a d t.COMMENTS 1.12 1 1-13.1 1 14 1.14.1 Verify that a check list of documents to be accumulated for the Documentation Package has been made a part of the MRS.Audits Verify that corrective actions to deficiencies found during audits are verified to be corrected by reaudit within one month.Review of Findin s/Corrective Action for Audit AA/702-2 Verify that the training and indoctrina-tion for Engineers and upper QA/QC management personnel is addressed in the SF&W QA Manual.(Finding No.1, qAA/702-2) 1.13.1 The auditors reviewed SF&'W internal audit re ort 12-6-77 erformed b R.B.Bhavsar where the reaudit of corrective action was erformed b N.H.Moerke on 12-12-77.This was document b initial and date beside each corrective action listed exce t one Number 5d which was not si ned or dated as havin beeen reaudited.
This a ears in the audit re ort as Findin Item No.3.The auditors reviewed internal audit re ort (2-14-78)erformed b R.B.Bhavsar.This audit re orted five findin s.No written corrective action could be resented to the auditors.This audit was followed b audit re ort (3-8-78)b R.B.Bhavsar which does not docu-ment an actual follow-u of the findin s of audit dated 2-14-78.The re ort dated 3-8-78 does not cross-reference or close out the findin s of audit dated 2-14-78.SF&W had intended'he later audit to close out the revious audit of 2-14-78 by not'indin an roblem in the same areas of those nonconformances.
This intention of SF&W does not meet the requirements of 10CFR50 Ap endix B, criteria.These two problems appear in the audit report as Finding Item 3a and b.1.14.1 In reviewin the im lenentation of SF&W's corrective action for this findin Iten 1 of AA 702-2 the auditors determined SF&W still has not rovided and im lenented corrective action as of this audit and is bein"'held o en.This a ears in this audit re ort as Findin Item l.1.14.2 Verified b review of records for D.Hartman which now com lv with re uirements of SF&W's Procedure C- Verify that the auditor qualification records of D.Hartman have been revised to reflect his participation in surveys and audits over the past, two years.(Finding 2a, QAA/702-2)
Page 12 of t II'
.~A':~I I IA~~~'~e~8~~~~s I I 4: Ii~I~'~'I~~'~~''~~~~'~~~~~':~~~-I~~~~~~~~~0~~'~~I~~I~~~~~~1I~;~~~~~'I~~~~~'~tl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I4~~~~$~~i I~0~'g~e~o t I~;~~~~~~~~~~I~~~~~''I~~~'~~~'~'~~~~'~~~I'~~~~'I~~~~~It~'\'~~
u Q r+(CE ID<~REPORT'O.QAA/702-3 CHARACTERISTICS COHMENTS Pc 5 t 1.14.6 l.14.7 Verify that procedure QC-100,"Nonde-structive Examination Personnel," Rev.2 dated 6-7-76 has been distributed (General comment No.1, QAA/702-2)
Verify that the qualification records of Inspectors B.Reynolds and G.Baumback have been signed and the date of their qualifications established.(General comment No.2, QAA/702-2)
Verify that the audit program assures planned and periodic audits of the following areas and within the noted time span: W ad a Manua".However i wa SP&W has no written document control rocedure for issuance and control of these rocedures.
In addition SP&W'does not have a document control record which shows the distri-bution of these rocedures b date issued to whom issued and b whom distributed.
This a ears in the audit re ort as Pindin Item Verified b review of both ins ectors which now meet the re uirements of SP&W's rocedures. Verified b review of records which showed reaudit was done on dates 11-7-77 and 3-9- See Auditor qualification records at inter-vals not to exceed six months.(Finding No.2a, QAA/702>>2) Verification that procedures referenced in the QAH reflect the requirenents of the QAM, at intervals not to exceed the time established in audit procedures.(General comment No.1, QAA/702-2)
Page 14 of 0
~I IZI ,k-!Q I~~'~~~~+t".~I~~'~~~~'~~'~~<<w~~~~i I I~~'I~~'~'~~~~'~'~~~~~pic$g~~~', I~~I PI f k;I t P~lp-n l<(lojav,~rona s i~50M I@IRK ,Carolina Power, 8 l.lght Company h"'"df'f'Nb D PILEs Qhh/702-3+
CO$00718'1 I I i'".0 ,I k Mr.Jaha Harrio, Pro5oat Manager Souehsrcot Pabricating 8 Melding Company, Iao.-7525 Sharssna Seroot P.0.Dms,'9449 Hountono Tossea, 77011'AROLIHh.POWER&LICHT'0MPAHT, HARRIS'PlUQF~
1984-86"88-90 3500~MH'-UNITS,Ii 2~'3,h 4 ,REPEREHCESs (Q,Po Oo HT-435035

==Dear Hr.Harrios Rafaranca is mndo to,==
9 AUDIT REPORT Activity Audited:  Southwest Fabricating                & Welding Company, Inc.
SPhW'o Iottar, doted 8/I/78',, uhorein you provided Raviaioa 10,to your Quality coaerol'anual'o satisfy, corrective iceioa for Audie'Pinding 3b of" COL'Audie ReportQAA/P02-3.
Houston, Texas Audit Report No.: QAA/702-3 Auditors: A. E. Hall - Lead Auditor T. L. Kosmatin
The corrective ection haa bean ovaiuaeod ae, eatiofaceory an'd closes,oll, four findinge of the cub5oct audit.Thin cadent,ie hereby, closed'.Should you havo any, qaootiono'ia thin rustter>',pleneo contact cs.L/rhinal'7igncJ hr iuwe/77lc.~I (nnui Si,,NaManue
                                              'I Date:  March 14-16, 1978'ersons Contacted:    Southwest Fabricatin
-Nencger Corporate HuoIeer Safety 8 Qaility Anaareace Audit SM/AEH/j of ccs Mr.John Barrio (2)Mr.L.V.Thiorsrocheor (2)t r.r.bc: Mr.N.J.Chiangi Mr.P.W.Hove, Mr.J.D.E.Jeffries Mr.J, M.Johnson Mr.W.B.Kincaid Mr R'MaytonJr Mr.W.W.Morgen Mr.'S.',D.Smith Mr.M.Fi Thompson, Jr.0 o'/A(f 1
          *B. J. Goodwin              - President
'll k y" E 0,l I l'1i I 1 I';<'a.">>>>L I CAROLINA POPOVER St: LIGHT COMPANY AhLKIGu NORTH ChROLINh'Rif'42 July 1,7,>>1978'P D I I ,0 D Pile>'AA/702<<3
          <N. H, Moerke            -  Vice President,    Engineering (QA/QC)
'1, I I'l I I Mr.John Hnrris, 4 Prefect Manager Southwest Pnbricn<ting&Welding Company,,lna.
            ,J. E. Harris            -.
7525 Sherman Strcat P.0.Box 9449, Houston, Toxna 77011 CO 000680 cc: Mr.John Harris (2)Mr.L.V>>, Tfiiorwechtor (2)I I JJ I c 4'4 CAROLINA POWER,&LIGHT COMPANY ,, HARRIS PROJECT'1984-86-88-,90-3600 MW-UNITS 1>>2, 3'4 , REFERENCES!
Prospect Manager
J(l).P>>, 0>>NY-'435035 (2),SP&W S LETTER>>DATED*'7/12/78 I>>'>>4 Dear.Mr.Harriat'.a Reference ia'mnda to.your latter above wherein you provided corzectiva action to Pinding 3.b.of,CP&L.Audit Repoit QAA/702-.3.
          ~R. P, Bomos              - Quality Assurance Manager
Carolina Power&Light (CP&L)has'completed'vnlu4ntionr Of SW&F'a corroctive'ction'esponse,'and comments concerning thin raviaw are, aa follows: I I l.When wo rocaiva your QA,Manual Revision 10~we will evaluate'orrective action for Pinding 3lb., Xf it ia satisfactory~
          *R. L. Pearson - Manager Welding E. McAnally, - Managex Engineering J. Brinkley - Manager IMaterial,Control M, Finn -,Nuclear Design Engineer H. McAnally          -    Pipe Yard Foreman
we will clone out this Finding 3.b.and,clone out this audit.2.Tha CP&L Corporate Nuclear Safety&Quality, Aasuranco Audit Section done not have tha responsibility for approval of your QA Manual;'owever, wo wi11'forward it,to the proper paoplo who hnvo this responsibility.'r.
*These persons were present during, the                  postaudit meeting.
N.J~Chiangi>Managor-Enginaaring nnd Construction Quality Assurance, supervises thio QA Section.4 Should you have,any additionnl quoationa', please contact me."~, Yours very truly, ,(Jr jqtn<g]'Bar)l)<a)/pt)'NC Inu<,!/I l<.'I/riff<SR S~MCMnnun>Manage>>Corporate Nuclear Safety&Quality Assurance Audit.AEH/ref a IJ~-II I I."<p ,', J ,>>a(>>4 a f 4 ,'pr (I~l p ,''p W<<Lg*..~~9+/
~Sco e:   Guidelines for conducting, the sub5ect audit axe outlined in CP6L Quality, Assurance Audit Procedure QAAP-1, which establishes the methods for auditing the quality system of vendors in accordance with the requirements of CPhL's Corporate QA Pxogram. This audit was conducted in 'order to assure that Southwest Fabricating 6 Welding Company,               Inc.'s  .(SF6W)< quality, assurance program (and its implementation) was, in compliance with the 'requirements imposed by Ebasco's P.O. NY435035, Supplements 1 through 5, Specification CAR-SH-M-30, Revision 3; and the associated quality system requirements. The ma)or areas of'F6W Quality Assurance System selected for audit are as follows: (1) quality assurance organization and program; (2) design control, including required procedural submittals; (3) procurement document control; (4) document control; (5) control of purchased materials, (6) identification and control of material and components; (7) control of special processes; (8) inspection/test control; (9) control of measuring and test equipment; (10) nonconforming material control/corrective action; (ll) handling, storage, and shipping; (12) quality assurance records; (13) internal audit pro-gram; and (14) implementation of corrective action taken to resolve findings identified in Audit Report QAA/702-2.
4'I 4 J'I'l J r vlsu2i2la co.lNc.*4)O)M)o)o ol III II)~)so)4I~I July 12, 1978 2424 She)m)o Swool It'll.4oa 4444 I HO))OOn, Tooo)220ll I ulsl 4204l41 I IwXi 410 44l l400@718194)l7~
0 g+GS~ii o)l G~g pi+q,SS l'1'), l)0 1'I Mr.S.McManus, Manager Corporate Nuclear Safety 6 QA Audits Carolina Power&Light Company P.O.Box 1551 Raleigh, NC 27602 Sub)ect: Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant Our S.0.3301/3308 and 4121/4128'PEW Quality Assurance Manual Revision 10 Ol 42)'l J m l I)11

==Dear Sir:==
In our recent response to findings reported as a result of your QA Audit, we advised you that Revision 10 of our QA'Manual, scheduled to be finalized by July 10, 1978, would address'the
~Suh(ha(    SF&W  has been contracted to supply the power plant piping syst'i including hangers, seismic restraints> supports~ and supporing steal for Units 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the SHNPP. By contract, SF&W is required to provide a quality assurance system which is in com-pliance with Appendix B of 10CFR50, Ebasco 's QuaH,ty System Proce-dure CAR-SH-ME-12 (860-72), those portions of Section IIX of 1971 ASME Code, including all addenda thxough Summer 1973, which applies to Code Classes 1, 2, and 3 equipment, and ANSI B31.1.0 for power piping.
'mat'ter to resolve certain discrepancies'hat weie noted.We further informed you that the changes to the manual were subject to'acceptance by the Inspection Specialist of'our Authorized Inspection'gency.
SF&W's Quality Assurance System applicable to this contract is delineated Xn their QA Manual (QAM), Revision 9, dated 12-9-77.
Our QA Manual Revision 10 dated 7/10/78 has been'accepted by our Authorized Inspection Agency.We are implementing the new provisions into our QA Program.Implementation.will be finalized and Revision 10 will be the effective document'or our QA'rogiam'on July"17, 1978.The changes incorporate requirements through, the Winter 1977 Addenda to ASME III, as well as functional changes, and address.pertinent provisions of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, and ANSI/ASME N45.2.A copy of Revision 10 will be directed to your office as soon as the manual is received from the printer.We shall appreciate your earliest approval of Revision 10 since it is mandatory that the latest QA Manual revision be employed in our QA Program.Very truly yours, N.H.Moerke Vice President-Engineering (QA/QC)L NHM: dc 0
In turn, thc QAM is supplemented by Shop Detail Sheets and Manu-facturing Record Sheets,,which are prepared for each piping spool configuration and serve as, the detail drawing and shop traveler, respectively.             I To  date, SF&W has'egun fabrication fox ASME Code Class 3 fabricated carbon steel yard 'piping. SF&W has not been released to begin fabrication on 'Code Classes 1 and 2 piping to date.
~lL I" f Il.'C,>~~"-~Yorm 21~0%i, A'QK'CAROLINA POWER&LIGHT COMPANY RhLEIGII~NOKTII chROLINh slat k.i 8'fc.Y t I o.~l E COO 633 QAA/702-3 1'.e'.~Mr.-John Barri'a, Pro5ect Manager Southwest Fabricating
During the course of(this audit, the auditors reviewed the NRC's "White Book" on NRC IE vendor audits of SF&W during 1977 with SF&W                        .I
&'elding Company, Inc.7S25~~Sherman Street'.0, Ease 9449 Houston, Tcncaa 770K.,'CAROLINA, POWER"&LIGHT~COMPANY HARRIS PROJECT 1984-86-88-90", 3600 MW-,UNITS 1)2, 3)&'RElfERENCEc (1)P.O.NY43903$'2)SF&W's lottor, dated,6/9/78 A t Dear Mr.Berries Reference is'ade to your letter referenced above, wherein you provided corrective action to Findings 3b and 4 of CP&L Audit Report No.QAA/702-3.
                                                                                                        ,I quality assurance management personnel. The auditors were concerned with the negative inspection results reported by NRC as a result of their, audits conducted 3/14-18/77, 6/13-16/77, and 12-12-77 at                      mV'(I SF&W. These three 1977 NRC audits identified:        (1) three findings; (2) three findings and one unresolved item; and (3) eleven findings and five unresolved items, xespectively.       The auditors were able to determine by review of these audit records and SF&W response letters that the findings, fox the first,and second 1977 NRC audits of SF&W have been 'closed by thc NRC. The third audit of 1977 by NRC of SF&W is   still not closed by the NRC, however, the auditors determined that SF&V has responsed to the NRC audit rcport. The NRC has requested, additional response on at least three of the findings.
Carolina Power&Light'(CP&L)has completed evaluation,of Southwest Pabrica-ting&WaXding Company, Inc.'s (SF&W)corrective"action reaponaoa, and ccrmcents concerning t'his'eview'ro~
SF&W plans to review, these problems with the NRC during their next visit, which is scheduled for March 27, 1978.
ea'follows s ll (f l.Your response to Audit Finding 4'is'considered adequate to prevent recurrence of the,finding.
                                                                                                            'he, auditors reported in the last audit report, QAA/702-2 (March 22-
The'rofora,i Finding 4,la hereby:closed.
        '24, 1977), that a review had'een conducted with SF&W quality assurance management personnel concerning the NRC IE vendor audits at Bergen Paterson Pipe Support Corporation located in Laconia, N. H. As, a point of information, Bergen Paterson (B/P) is SF&W's subsupplier of the pipe hangers and restraints for the SHNPP. As                              e was pointed out in QAA/702-2, SF&W stated they planned to conduct an audit of the B/P, Laconia facility after the NRC scheduled audit.
2.In the case of, Audit Finding 3b, your corroctivo action ia to'bo implemented by 7/10/78 with revision 10'of tho SP&W'A Manual.Therefore, we:,will hold this Finding 3b open until SF&W'an supply evidence this corrective action haabeen implomantod,'t-'a requested that you review'hese comments, to"your"xoaponso and',provide
The auditors determined that this audit of B/P had not been accom-                   'p s plished. In addition, the auditors reviewed an Ebasco letter, dated 7>>20-77, No. EB-S-252 with SF&W management which in part stated,                             ,o "We  therefore request,that  SF&W  establish a  quarterly audit of                  ~I I
'CP&L tho necessary.additional,inforuuxtlon within thirty.'(30)'ays., Your', attention to this.'matter is appreciated, end dhould you have any quodtiona, please contact ma./open~~, CQp I I c~s canus'I~i h S.McManuo;Manager, Corporate Nuclear'Safety
Bergen Paterson    facilities until  both Southwest and Ebasco concux
&" QA Auditv C-l 1','AEH/nchF2 ,des Mr.John Harris (2)Mr~L.'V.~e'xwechter (2)bccs Maaara., N.J.Chiangi P.Wi"Howe J.D.E.Joffrios J.'M.Johnson V.B.Kfncald''.
                                                                                                  '''I I
Rc.Lo Wo W.S.Di Mo Fo Maytonp Jn Morgan Smith Thompson, Jr.  
                                                                                    '> i".'>
I~{'5, 1{{I t{o{I'I~1 I o 0~I>j{'t., gJ~o 1P{r o SQUTI+N~F'A8KCATlNG rr{4{ELDtKl Ca{NC, 4 1~4III{oI1~1 10{4{1{~oII~o~I June 9, 1978)MS Sherman 4{m{I Ol).Ooo OOOO I HOo{{oo, ZOOOa 11014 I V{41 0240{4{/1{NX{0 10 OO{1400 gC3{4 51m 0)a~I~~o o Cp@g Ct/v Pg qIl4{J FOP+68{{81~~Mr.S.hhNanusl Manager Corporate Nuclear Safety,&,Qh Audits Carolina~&Light'Ganpany, Raleigh, NC 27602  
0 I
  ~ (
that  an adequate confidence level    of the B/P Program implementation e
2 r
has been attained.'" The auditors      did learn that  SF&W  personnel have visited the B/P engineering      facility at  Hempstead,   N>> Ye~  once to audit only their quality assurance system and not B/P's design or design verification capabilities. The auditors further learned that SF&W has not visited the fabrication facility of B/P at Laconia, N. H. The auditors discussed with SF&W's pro)ect manager their position in regards to Ebasco's requested quarterly audits of B/P.
He stated:SF&W does not intend to comply Ebasco's request, and that he has, called Ebasco and', discussed t'e 'SF&W position. It should be pointed out, however, that SF&W has failed to formally answ'er  in writing Ebasco's letter    No. EB-S-252.
Implementation of the corrective action taken by SF&W to resolve the Findings 1, 2a,, 2b, 3a, and 3b previously identi,fied in Audit Report QAA/702-2 was audited. The 'action taken to resolve these findings was considered sufficient, except one, Finding Item 1, therefore, this finding is reopened in this audit z'eport as Finding Item 1.
The remaining Findings,2a, 2b, 3a, and 3b have sufficient action taken and implemented to resolve them and Audit QAA/702-2 is closed.
SF&W Quality Assurance Program continues to, be adequate to meet the requirements of P,O. NY435035 when, the findings in this audit zeport are closed.
As a  result of this audit,,four items were presented at the postaudit meeting as requiring .formal correction action and response by SF&W.
Findin s and    Corrective Action:
During the audit, the following items werc        identified  as nonconforming findings that    will require  corr'ective action  and  formal response.
          ~Re  ereememe:                                                                            r n
10CFR50 Appendix B,     Criterion XI, Quality    Assuzancc Program              2 e.rt n I  >>
Nonconformance:                                                                        I
                                                                                            +  6 Criterion    II requires  that the QA Program shall provide for indoc-            r      n trination and training of personnel performing activities affecting quality as necessary to assure that suitable proficiency is achieved and maintained'. In .reviewing Paragraph of SF&W's QAH, which outlines the procedures 'for training,        it  was observed by the auditors that training and indoctrination requirement for engineering personnel and, upper management QA/QC personnel are not presently covered by written procedures. This item,was pre-sented in Audit Report QAA/702-2 as Finding Item 1 and is being held open. SF&W still has not provided and implemented corrective action as of this audit.
Pr 1 nNQ A t: h
                                                                  'e' I
Acknowled ement and Res onse:
SP&W  will develop procedure for each and have referenced in Revision    10 of their  QAM. They will implement both required procedures prior to'he issuance of Revision 10 of their QAM.
Iten 2:
~Re ettenent:
10CPR50 Appendix B, Criteria VI, Document Control and V, Instructions, Procedures, and Drawings Nonconformance:
1 The  auditors were verifying SP&W's response to General Item 1 of                          e
'Audit,Report QAA/702-2 and corrective action committed by SP&W's letter, dated 3-.31-77, to CP&L. Their letter stated the Procedure QC-100, Revision 2', dated 6-7-.76, "Nondestruction Examination Per-sonnel," would, be distributed during the week of June 6, 1977.
The auditors 'determined that SF&W'ad placed this, procedure in their                          O.
  "Procedures Manual." However,,it was, determined by the auditors that SF&W has no;written document control procedure for the issuance and I
I control of these procedures. In addition, SF&W does not have a document                +I I
                                                                                            . I) control record which shows 'the distribution>>of these procedures by                    1 ~
date issued,,to whom issued,,and by whom distributed.
                                                                                            >>Q Acknowled ement and Res onse:
0 SF&W  will developh,a  document control procedure  for control of these                        >>
quality    documents and develop necessary records  for the proper document    control.
I,>>  I Zten 3:
~Ra  nttenent:
r'e SP&W  QAM'ection 13, Audits, Paragraph 13.1.2>>4 10CPR50 Appendix B, Criteria XVI, Corrective Action and XVII, Audits Nonconformance:
: a. Audi.tors reviewed SP&W internal audit report (12-6-77) performed by R. B. Bhavsar, where the reaudit of corrective action was pcrformcd by N. H. Moerke on 12-12-77. This was documented by initial and date beside each corrective action listed except one, Number Sd, which was not signed or dated as having been reaudited.
h le
1 I
5E Et"
: b. Auditorsreviewed internal, audit report (2-14-78) performed by R. B. Bhavsar. This audit reported five findings. No written corrective action could be, presented to the auditors. This audit was followed by'udit report (3-8-78) by R. B; Bhavsar which does not,document an actual follow-up of 'the findings of audit dated 2-14-79. The rcport dated 3-8-78 does not cross-reference or close-out the finding of audit dated 2-14-78, SF&W had, intended the later, audit to close out the previous audit of 2'-14-78 by. not finding any problems in the same areas of those nonconformances. , This intention of SF&W does not meet the requirements of, 10CFR50, Appendix B, Criteria.                                4 4 .. It Acknowled ement,and Res onse:
I SF&W'ill document,each audit finding      on a separate  page  of a new form to be developed. This, form, will list for each finding;    its correction action and effective date; and the documentation of corrective action follow-up by signatures and dates.
I I'                              Item 4:
5 g- I        E"                  ~Ree>eeeeee:
0 4
10CFR50 Appendix B,    Criterion. II, Quality Assurance    Program (E',                                Nonconformance:
I 1' 'I Crit'erion II>'~ states in part,, "Management of organizations parti-                    ."P cipating in',the QA Program shall regularly review the status and          I LE  r IE adequacy of that part o'f the QA Program which they are executing."                    "4r
                      \              The auditors, determined; contrary. to the requirements of Criterion II, the managers, of various,SF&W Departments whom execute that part of the QA Program for, which, they have responsibility have not formally documented participation in review of the QA Program prior its E'
revisions being issued and implemented.
Acknowled ament and Res onse:
SF&W  stated they had reviewed .the QA Program for necessary revision EE    'e                    on an  informal'asis, and had not documented evidence of their reviews.
SF&W, stated,,they will, in the future, document their management reviews of their QA Program and. maintain these records.
During the postaudit meeting, the following five concerns were discussed:
'd'-;                                1. Ebasco s Specification CAR-SH-M-30, Revision 3, "General Power Piping," in Part 2> Paragraph 21.l.c requires "marking pens, ink, and tape shall',be,certified by chemical analysis and I
      'I                                                                                                                    II IL E tII,E                                                                                      5E'4
>'O    E I                                                                                  IE I C~              le
    'I 4
                                        ~ \ ~
approved, by Purchasex for use on st'sinless steel." SF&W ~s h
I decided to use different marking pens nnd tape for stainless I                                  steel than those for which they obtained approval from Ebnsco
                        ,  r, to use. The, auditors axe concerned  if  SF6W has obtained Ebasco's approval for the nev, materials, they plan to use, since no                        <<
evidence of Ebasco's approval was presented to the auditors during this audit.
: 2. The'uditors are    concerned that  SF&W does not  followmp the corrective actions  listed on their "Report of Nonconfor-maces" (RON's)  for any  significant conditions adverse to Lf quality or 'perform any  trend nnnlysis of their RON's to
                                    'L determine significant conditions, g    'f'f
: 3. Ebasco's Specification CAR-SH-ME-12, Revision 0, "Quality Control Requirements, for Suppliers of Equipment and Services," (860-72)
LII        r in Paxagraph 8.1'tates, "For items and services purchased from subsuppliers, seller shall conduct necessary inspections and
                  << '0<*
tests at points of receipt to verify conformance to applicable physical, chemical, or other technical requirements." The rf  I
            "                                    auditors are concerned that SF6W has not established a program I'I lr)7                    for, verifying by outside laboratory analysis, a check against 1
I their,subsuppliers chemical and physical test reports. SF&W's I
I                            management stated -they have not,established such a program Ij because they interpret, the above specification requirement Il                                                to be met by performing a comparison between their subsupplier's 7 vf Q                                        chemical and physical test report and the appropriate ASME or ASTM,material specification. The auditors agree that the                          - f<'
Ebasco requirement as stated above is interpretable.      The auditors are also concerned that this Ebasco specification requirement has, been removed from CAR-SH-ME-12, Revision      l.
        ,  I                                    The newer revision of the specification which is required by a later revision of Specification CAR-SH-M-30 has not been
    ~  .
made a  part of the contract in effect during this audit.
: 4. The auditors are concerned that there are several instances in SF6W material storage areas vhere carbon steel fittings were being I                                              stacked close to stainless steel pipe which was designated for, "gA relate use," (ASME Code Matexial) by blue and pink                      <<<<'
7l'                                  markings on the material. In one storage area, a quantity of 12-inch carbon steel elis had fallen from theix stack and vere within one inch of touching the stainless steel pipe. The concexn is that other ella could continue to fall from the stack and come in contact with the stainless steel pipe.
5 ~ The  auditors are concerned that in some instances SE&W MRS's lt contained errors after completion and being drawing checked tvice by tvo different draving checkers. Several MRS 's vere reviewed by the auditors and the following two identified                        y V- ll              'r I
IV+E a            !'"
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                                                                                          'i{tt  <<I
            ~    i                I'          {   I                          I    ~
                                                                                          'rj i      l  '  ~    ~                          ~ ~      I  l      I~
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Southwest Fabricating      & Wel,ding Co., Houston, Texas                    AUDIT PROCEDURE  QAAP-1 REPORT NO        QAA(702-3 March 14-16, 1978 UALITY ASSURANCE AUDIT CHECK LIST AUDIT SUMECT        Implementation of Quality Assurance/Contxol Program R    A. E. Hall                    AUDITOR(S) T. L. Kosmatin
                      . CHARACTERISTICS                                                          COi&TTS 1.0          ualit    Assurance/Control Pro ran                          alit  /Or anization Pro ram alit  /Or anization Pro ran                                                                                    -1 was h  curren 1.1.1        Do SP&W  organization charts reflect the current organization7 v  o  r v. were  transmitted to Ebasco on 2/28/78    alon with an acknowled ement sheet for each co . The co        sent to B. R. Mazo of Ebasco was 1.1.2        Verify that an acknowledgement receipt has                returned si ned 3 2/78. The other two copies No. 12 to been received from Ebasco indicating                      A. Cesnanicius and No. 125 to M. S. Brown o Ebasco have not receipt of the most current revision of                      et sent back their acknowledgement sheets.
A  r  view was conducted and documented on 6/6/77 b an audit
                                                                        -w        wa. o ducted b J. Harris and W. H. Shemis: however, reviews erformed b the mana ers of the various de artnents 1.1  3      Verify that  a review  of SP&W QAM has been              who execute that are of the OA Pro ram that they have re-conducted upon receipt of an    ASME  code                s  onsibilit for were not documented and available for audit.
revision or at intervals not exceeding six                        i id ified as findin 4 in the audit re ort.
Page  1  of    15
CHARACTERISTICS                                                      COMMENTS 1 2    Desi      Control that a pre-)ob conference, to re-il  bein  e otiated between SP&W and Ebasco et been finalized. Conferences were held on 1/9/78 1.2.1  Assure                                              a d    as not viev  contractual  (design) requirements          and 1 18 78 to list the contract and code re uirements.      Minutes including current )ob specifications                vere not formall ke t but fabrication sheets had been marked u from Ebasco, has been held and the                  vith notes resultin      from the meetin minutes recorded?
1.2.2    SP&W mana  ement stated that this is not re uired for this contract because  the  do not have desi n res onsibility.
Q.2.2    Assure that    SP&W engineering has verifie 1.2.3    Yes. Detail  Sheets and manufacturin record sheets MRS have pressure-temperature limitations for                  been    re ared for a roximatel 7000 feet of 30 pipe. This pipe each piping class in the piping specifi-              is desi nated for service water, Class 3, and is the only item                  L cation?                                              that has been released for fabrication to date.                                    y PL S Yes. The applicable HDE, weld, heat treat, etc. proce ure s identified on the MRS including the latest revision, supp ement 1.2.3  Have  the "Detail Sheets" and "Manu-                and revision, and attachment and revision.
facturing    Record Sheets" (MRS) been prepared for P.O. 435035 by              2-4  Yes    Index sheets have been re ared for the 30"    i e identified Engineering?                                        above. The index sheets list 3301 SW sheets 1-56      3303 SW sheets 1-48. 3305 SW sheets 1-74. and 3307 SW sheets 1-74.          +'.2.3.3.
2      In addition to the status of rocedures indicated in audit check Are the applicable contract procedures included on the Manufacturing Record list AA 702-2 the follovin status vas verified:                                  G
Sheets, including revisions and supplements thereto?
1.2.4  Has  Engineering prepared an "Index Sheet" for this    P.O.?
1.2.5  Have  the following documents been approved by Ebasco and all the comments resolved?
Page  2    of  15 0'
s REPORT QAA/702-3 CHARACTERISTICS                                                        COMMENTS d        a  o.  Applicable welding procedures and                                              A                    2    77.
procedure qualification test reports?                                v              v        a  o 12    77.
7      v.      A roved      bas o 12    77.
                                                                .01. 40      Rev. 0  A roved b Ebasco 12 9 77.
01.01.947      Rev. 0  A roved b Ebasco 12 9/77.  Meld repaiz procedures.                              .01.948      Rev. 0    A roved b Ebasco 12 9 77.
01.08.906        Rev. 2    A roved b Ebasco 1 20/78.
MMC-2      Rev. 0 A        roved b Ebasco 12/9/77.
08.08.010 Rev. 0            Re ected b Ebasco.  Applicable  NDE  procedures.                      08.08.011 Rev. 0            Re ected b Ebasco.
9                                                            08.08.008 Rev. 1 08.08.006 Rev. 2 08.08.009 Rev. 2 Re ected b Ebasco.
A roved b Ebasco 12/9/77.
Acce ted with comments b Ebasco 12 9 77.  Cleaning, preserving, marking and                  08.08.007 Rev. 2            A roved b Ebasco 12/9/77.
packing for shipment procedures?                  08.08.005 Rev. 3            Acce ted with comments b Ebasco 12 9 77.    9-103, Rev, 2, A roved b Ebasco 1 20 78.                This  is  the on y 1)
                                                                                                                                            ~r weld re air roceduze that will be used.                                                  5  Heat treating procedures?    Status of      NDE  procedures has not changed.      They are  all a    roved.  Visual inspection procedures?                .4  M  001    Rev. 1    A    roved b Ebasco 1 23 78.
M1001      Rev  2    A    roved b Ebasco 3 6 78.                              ..-5 EP-7804 Rev. 0 A roved b Ebasco 3 8 78.
EP-7710 Rev 0 A roved b Ebasco                1/ll 78.
EP-7710 Rev. 1 A roved b Ebasco 3 8/78.-                                              4 10-123 Rev; 0 A roved b Ebasco 1.3      Procurenent Docunent Control                        10-124 Rev. 0 A roved b Ebasco 10-127 Rev. 1 A roved b Ebasco 1/23/78.
1.3.1    Verify that Material Control  has                  10-127 Rev. 2 Submitted to Ebasco but not                et  a  roved.
reviewed applicable CP&L-related pur-chase zequisitions and classified thea    HT-Pl-1 Rev.        3    Submitted to Ebasco 1/25/78    but not et                  1 for processing.                                      a roved.
HT-P8-1      Rev. 0      A  roved bv Ebasco.                                    5'r    10-118 Rev. 0          Submitted 2/10/78 to Ebasco but not yet                      j a roved.
Also    SF4W  stated that    all the bending procedures had been a    roved b    Ebasco.
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I ~ tt
      ~ ~        ~ ~
          ~ I r I
REPORX QAA/702;3 CHARACTERISTICS                                                      COMMENTS 1  3.2    When  purchase requisitions are classifie          Re  uisition    No. 4    dated 5 8 74 for SO-3 Ol-SW w          ma as  "reclassification orders" (RO) for              was  to be removed    and reworked for the ro er classification material from SF&W stock, verify that the            however      it was decided at the tine that the material was not uisition had been voided. Nevertheless it RO is signed and dated by QA indicating            needed and the re approval, of the material selected for              was  verified from this re uisition that A had a roved the reclassification.                                    RO  as re uired b        rocedure on 5  9 74.
1.3.3    Yes. Re  uisition  No. 48 was reviewed and    it was noted that the A Mana er had      reviewed and    si ned it 1/7/78. When the P O.
1.3.3    Are purchase orders reviewed against the            was corn leted,      it  was a ain reviewed b      A on 2/25/78 to assure 9          requisition and approved by QA prior to            it was    identical to the re uisition.
1.3.4    This was verified b corn arin re uisition No. 46 a ainst P. 0.
No. 3301N-5 to Ta lor For e.          It was noted that sone s ecial re uirenents had been transferred from the re uisition to the 1.3.4      Verify that the special requirements of            P. 0. The onl material in work at this time is sone carbon this contract are being included in                steel which has few uni ue re uirenents.
SF&W pufchase documents, as applicable.
(App. B,  Crit. IV)                      1.3. .1  Yes. The purchase      acka e includes re uisitions reclassifi-cation orders      when  applicable, manufacturin work orders. and requisitions for material on manufacturing work orders when applicable; It was verified that all these documents had been  Is Material Control forwarding the                  reviewed and signed by        QA as noted in  the questions above.
purchase package to QA for approval?
1.4.1    It was    verified that the identificatio          umb  r o  o Detail    S  eet and  MRS  mat h d      W          4 erations    had been corn 1 ted and ini ia ed 1.4        Document  Control                                  All    rocedure revision numbers were included as r u            d.
the ANI and SF&W hold oints were indicated on the MRS. Eba o 1.4. l    Verify that the Manufacturing Record Sheet; (MRS) for this contract is had not re uested an on this ITS. However two of he MRSs reviewed did have omissions on them. One was on 3301-SW properly completed, i.e., identification            Sheet 42 Rev. 2 ~here t e reference o PT-1 A a m nt 1 number, operation numbers, current                  the test acce tance criteria was not referenced.            In addition revision of procedures, and hold                  MRS No.      3301-SW Sheet 2 indicated an attachment was to be points.                                            used with a reference nrocedure but failed to correctlv identif the attachment b its correct number. This is identi-fied as Comment No. 5 in the audit re ort.
Page  4 of      15
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                                                                                  ~  ~    This was verified b checkin P. 0. 3 01 N-4 1.5.3      Verify that Certified Material Test                        section is re rinted and.includes a re uireme                          f        ria Reports are recieved with all nuclear                      Test Re orts to be furnished with all materials as was he class material. (Spec. M-30, App. H,                      case with this P. 0. This re rinted notes section is ASME  4442.2)                                            attached to all nuclear-related orders.    This    was verified on P. 0. 3301 N-4 where the ackin sli was    initialed and dated b'he receivin ins ector. The    Verify that the      MTRs    are reviewed by                ackin sli is ut with the Material Test Re ort MTR and QA  and stamped    to signify approval    by            the date is stam ed b the mail room and also the ins ection                            .
an individual's QA stamp on the MTR                        re ort I-1001A which is also si ned.and dated b the and  initial  and date on the packing                    Receivin Ins ector. The acka e is sent to the Ins ection slip. (ASME 4442.2, Spec. ME-12,                          Clerk who      corn    ares the MTR a ainst the a licable ASTM Par. 8.1)                                                  standard.      He    then stam s the MZR with his ins actor's stam .                        ,c~
g %!~l 1.5  3 2 This was verified when c e Ins ection Clerk has the entire                    t of  A desk and uses them to verif I  Verify that the individual doing the                                                                      be re  uired za                m  a
              * '~              review of the MTRs has the required                      and h sical tes va ue ar a la f r v r f
" .  ';vP-''.;;:                range of chemical and physical test                                                                  is However SF&W has not
values available to be used as acceptance criteria. (Spec. 1K-12, the values shown on the inde endent test.. SF&W kfTRs mana are accurate b erf rmi a e~nt stated that                ave no
                                                                                                                                                                                              ) '.
Par. 8) (App. B, Crit. V)                                  conducted an          tests  on  this order because the          i      r 'be s  ecification to          mean    erform a corn arison onl between the MTR and ASTM s          andard. The auditors a1so e              t  s ed con    em that this re uirement has been removed from                    Eba    o S ec.
CAR=SH-ME-12        . Rev. 1 which      is sti'll under    ne  otiation between    SF&W    and Ebasco.
                'I Q..6          Identification    and  Control of Material,                                                                                                        Q, f
Parts    and  Com  onents                      1.6        Identification          and Contro1      of Material Parts          and  Com  onents 1.6.1      Have measures    been    established to control stored material and items to assure that only correct materials and items are used for fabrication and to C
prevent the use of incorrect material                        ob. The a      licable len th of          ie    also has stam ed on      it or items?    (Spec. ME-12, Par. 6)                        the heat numbe-            serial number        and sho    order number. The ie    material release          and    rint  are cleared b A before use.
i        this  i                    a      re wer      several in-a  e          e    carbon    t  e  fi          were bein      s acked  close a  s of continued Page    6 of I'
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CHARACTERISTICS                                                        COMMENTS Assure ghat veld data records contain 1.7.2      The  auditors verified b review of        i in subassenbl on 1.7.2                                                          MRS    3301-SW, Sheet 42, iece marked Yard-SW-49-19. All the information for veld )oints and                    items re uired b Para. 6, A endix G, S ec. CAR-SH-M30, repairs as required by Par. 6, Appendix                Items 6a, 6b, 6d, and 6f are recorded on the MRS. Postveld heat G  of Specification M-30.                              treatment is not applicable to the piping subassenbly.
1.7. 3    Verified      See 1.-8.2 1..7D  Verify that welding naterial identifica- 1.7.4          Not a    licable to  ASME Section III  Class 3 carbon steel tion, weld procedure used, and welder'                  i in    bein  manufactured durin    this audit.
synbol is verified by the QC Inspector and entered    on the MRS.
: 1. 8. 1    Yes    verified in 1.8.2.
1.8.2      Verified    b review of    i e assembl  in SF&W we1d sho on MRS      3305-SW-Sheet 42 Serial No. 14763 and National 1.7.4  Is  SF&W  maintaining Heat Treating Logs              Board No. 559 ASME Code Class 3. The ins ector had ro er for this contract?                                      entries on the'MRS and verified velder's sta identification recorded on the MRS=-in fact was stam ed on        i  e subassembl at veld. oints.
1.8    Ins ection Test Control.                    1.8.3    'Yes      SF&W  submitted a t ical MRS to Ebasco which has vith witness oints.marked, with Ebasco Letter    been'eturned 1.8.1  Is the  MRS being completed by the QC                  No. 10    -V=1 dated 1 18 78. Witness oints identified were Inspector to 'indicate-completion of the              fit-u    of 'veld oints, PT or &#xc3;I, and cleanin      &,prep to ship inspection operations? (ASME NA 4530,                    er Procedure EP-7710- Rev. 1.
ME-12, Par. 8.2)
Verify that the inspection/test and operating status of the. material or part is being maintained throughout    manu-facturing.    (NA 4540, ME-12,  Par. 8.2) 1.8.3  Has SF&W  submitted  its fabrication sequence  to Ebasco?    (Spec. ME-12, Par. 8)
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I CHARACTERISTICS                                                        COMMENTS Yes    see  1.8.3.
1~8.3~1  Have  the examination or witness points been  identified by Ebasco on the                  .4  SF&W onl checks wall thickness of "C" bore which  is fabrication  sequence.    (Spec. ME-12,                recorded on the MRS.
Par. 8)  At resent SF&W      i in  desi ns for ASME Code  Classes 1, 2,
                                                                & 3 do not use an      cast fittin s.
1.8  4  Are there provisions on the Shop Detail  Not a    licable  see
Sheet for correct measurement of pressure boundary items for minimum            1.9.1    Verified b review of measurin tool recorded in manu-wall thickness'                                        facturin areas and traced to calibration recor s. Ver            e were (1) extension micrometer S N        , calibrate due for recalibration 3 20 78, 2 Tube micrometer            N calibrated 3 13 78, due for recalibration            , an 1.8-4.1  Does  this include measurement of all    cas          (3 Inside micrometer S N 11 & I , ca        rate            ue fittings in piping systems (Safety                      for recalibration 3 20 7 . All were in agreement          t Class 1, 2, or 3)?    (Spec. M-30,                    calibration labels on instruments an recor car s.
Par. 9.9)
I.8.4.2  Is the information provided    as required-by part one-Specification M-30,-
Paragraph 9.9, a through e.
1.9      Control of Measurin    and Test E  ui ment 1.9.1  Verify that calibration rags are placed on each item calibrated and include initial of persons performing calibra-tion, date of calibration, and calibration due date.
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                                                                                                                                . <<c>> tfy CHARACTERISTICS                                                COMMENTS
                                                                                                                                    *:j 1.9.2  SF&W    A    S 1.9.2                                                    "E  ui  ment    tools au es and instrum n How  are personally owned inspection equipment used by SF&W QC personnel            Control for acce tance are to be the ro er            f controlled?
1.9.3  This  is covered b SF&W AM Section 8 in Para ra h 8.
Was    verified b review of Ins ector's lo in weld sho area.
Inspector lo ed b sho order number serial number of 1.9.3    Verify that inspection instruments are        measurin tool used and date and sheet number of MRS which traceable to the QC Inspector using the        is all traceable to each i in subassembl manufactured.
instrument and to the item measured.
Yes, veri ied by review of      followin measurin    devices and ca ibration records, which      did have traceabilit    to nationa      standards.
1.9.4    Are instruments calibrated using                1    Ga  e Block Set  - Serial  No.
certified standards which are traceable                outside laborator      due 2 7 79.
to national standards where such                2    Ton tester We1din Machine Calibra          on standards exist'? (ASME NA 4610)                      No. 35011-6 calibrated 2 20 78 b o        si due 2/20 79.
1.10.1  Verified    b  review of MRS    3301-SW Sheet 42 for          n stee1  ASME    Ciass 3 ard    i in . Exterior of    i b sand blastin . Per SF&W Procedure EP-7804 and interior in cleaned 1.10    Handlin    Store e  and Shi  in of    i in cleaned b sand blastin er SF&W Procedure 10-2 Revision 2.
I 10.I. Verify that the procedure for cleaning  1.10.2  Verified    b review of SF&W's subsu      liers certification of pipe and pipe components prior to              ta  e  "Pol ken" No. 222 made b Kendall Boston Mass.              I  fg shipment is listed on the MRS.
0        (Spec. M-30, Par. 9.5) which stated the Halo en corn ounds were less than 250 P.P.M; The auditors determined this ta e is different than the ta e previously approved for use b Ebasco. This a ears in the g
I nC audit report as General Item 1.                                                  - n 1.10.2  Verify that stainless steel pipe a~siting shipment has flanges, weld ends, and other openings covered with protective covers and are sealed with certified halogen free waterproof tape.
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?iO. AA 702-3 CHARACTERISTICS                                                            COMMENTS dures to be used for manu-Verify that  all paints  and preservatives                                                            ard  i in . Interior being used  for this  contract have been                                                        vi io 2 dated 2 27 78 was approved by Ebasco prior to use.                                                                  rior coatin Procedure (Spec. M-30, Part 2, Par. 22.2.d)                                          a  a  rov  d    Ebasco 2 13 78.
view of SF&W's    "Re  ort of Nonconformance"  (RON) rm    oth in o en    files and closed out files. The cause and corrective action      is listed on the RON form Exhibit 10-1, in heir      AM.
1.11      Nonconformin    Material/Corrective Action
                                                          .11.2      While a  RON  is bein    reviewed b    SF&W material review board, Verify that SF&W is documenting the                        this review determines the        need  to notif their customer o cause of reported discrepancies.                          the nonconformance.
1  11.3      Verified    b  review of RON lo . SF&W ersonnel 1og n or back  RON  the RON number, sho order number, date issued, 1.11.2    Verify that  SF&W has provisions for                      shee t    number,.and date of acceptance of rework or repair.
notifying  customers of nonconformances.
1.11.4':    = The  auditors verified that corrective action is being ocu-.
mented, see 1.11.1.        However, the corrective action is not verified to revent recurrence. The auditors are concerne 1.11.3    Verify that Reports of Nonconformances                    that SF&W does not follow up" the corrective action ste on (RONs) are being logged in by                            their RONs for any significant condition a verse to qua ty sequential number and the authorized                      or erform any trend analysis o their RO s to etermrne-Inspector is notified of the RON.                          si nificant conditions. This appears in t e audit report as General Item -2.
1.U..4    Is corrective action being documented and verified to prevent recurrence.
(NA 4800; App. B,  Crit. XVI)
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RH%RX CHARACTERISTICS                                                        COMMENTS na  e  o ver  f 1 12        lit  Assurance Records                              ASME    Clas    car as    of  i  a  d t.
1.12 1  Verify that  a check  list  of documents to be accumulated for the Documentation          1.13.1    The    auditors reviewed SF&'W internal audit re ort 12-6-77 Package has been made a part of the                        erformed b R. B. Bhavsar where the reaudit of corrective MRS.                                                    action was erformed b N. H. Moerke on 12-12-77. This was document b initial and date beside each corrective action listed exce t one Number 5d which was not si ned or dated as havin beeen reaudited.      This a ears in the audit re ort as Findin Item No. 3. The auditors reviewed internal audit re ort (2-14-78) erformed b R. B. Bhavsar. This audit Audits                                                  re orted five findin s. No written corrective action could be resented to the auditors.      This audit was followed b 1-13.1  Verify that corrective actions to                        audit re ort (3-8-78) b R. B. Bhavsar which does not docu-deficiencies found during audits are                    ment an actual follow-u of the findin s of audit dated verified to be corrected by reaudit                      2-14-78. The re ort dated 3-8-78 does not cross-reference within one month.                                        or close out the findin s of audit dated 2-14-78. SF&W had intended'he later audit to close out the revious audit of 2-14-78 by not'indin an        roblem in the same areas of those nonconformances. This intention of SF&W does not meet the requirements of 10CFR50 Ap endix B, criteria. These two problems appear in the audit report as Finding Item 3a and 1 14    Review of Findin s/Corrective Action for                  b.
Audit AA/702-2 1.14.1    In reviewin the im lenentation of SF&W's corrective action 1.14.1  Verify that the training and indoctrina-                for this findin Iten 1 of AA 702-2 the auditors determined tion for Engineers and upper QA/QC                      SF&W still has not    rovided and im lenented corrective action management personnel is addressed in                    as of this audit and is bein "'held o en. This a ears in the  SF&W QA  Manual.  (Finding No. 1,                  this audit re ort as Findin Item l.
qAA/702-2) 1.14.2    Verified b review of records for D. Hartman which now com  lv with re uirements of SF&W's Procedure      C-102.
1.14.2  Verify that the auditor qualification records of D. Hartman have been revised to reflect his participation in surveys and  audits over the past, two years.
(Finding 2a, QAA/702-2)
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QAA/702-3 CHARACTERISTICS                                                    COHMENTS Pc 1.14.6        Verify that procedure QC-100, "Nonde-structive Examination Personnel,"
Rev. 2 dated 6-7-76 has been distributed (General comment No. 1, QAA/702-2)
W  ad    a Manua  ". However  i  wa l.14. 7      Verify that the qualification records of            SP&W  has no written document    control rocedure for issuance Inspectors B. Reynolds and G. Baumback              and  control of these    rocedures. In addition SP&W 'does have been signed and the date of their not have a document control record which shows the distri-qualifications established.                        bution of these rocedures b date issued to whom issued and b whom distributed.      This a ears in the audit re ort (General comment No. 2, QAA/702-2) 5                                                                        as Pindin Item 2.
1.14.7    Verified    b  review of both ins ectors which now meet the Verify that the audit program assures              re uirements      of SP&W's rocedures.
planned and periodic audits of the                                                                      reaudit following areas and within the noted Verified    b review of records which showed                was done on dates 11-7-77 and 3-9-78.
t                  time span:  See 1.14.6. Auditor qualification records at inter-vals not to exceed six months.
(Finding No. 2a, QAA/702>>2)    Verification that procedures referenced in  the QAH reflect the requirenents of the QAM, at intervals not to exceed the time established in audit procedures.
(General comment No. 1, QAA/702-2)
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h "'"df'f'Nb PILEs  Qhh/702-3+                                                                  CO $ 00718' Mr. Jaha  Harrio, Pro5oat Manager Souehsrcot Pabricating 8 Melding Company,                Iao.-
7525 Sharssna Seroot P. 0. Dms,'9449 Hountono Tossea, 77011 POWER & LICHT'0MPAHT,
1984-86"88-90    3500~MH'- UNITS,Ii 2~ '3,h 4 1
                      ,REPEREHCESs    (Q,Po  Oo HT-435035 Dear Hr. Harrios Rafaranca is mndo to, SPhW'o Iottar, doted 8/I/78',, uhorein you provided Raviaioa 10,to your Quality coaerol'anual'o satisfy, corrective iceioa for Audie'Pinding 3b of" COL 'Audie ReportQAA/P02-3. The corrective ection haa bean ovaiuaeod ae, eatiofaceory an'd closes,oll, four findinge of the cub5oct audit. Thin cadent,ie hereby, closed'.
Should you havo any, qaootiono            'ia thin rustter>      ',pleneo contact cs.
L  /rhinal'7igncJ I
hr iuwe/ 77lc . I (nnui
I Si,,NaManue    - Nencger i'". 0                                                                              Corporate HuoIeer Safety      8 Qaility Anaareace Audit
  ,I k
SM/AEH/jof ccs  Mr. John Barrio (2)
Mr. L. V. Thiorsrocheor (2) t
: r. r.
bc:  Mr. N. J. Chiangi                            Mr    R'        Mayton Jr Mr. P. W. Hove,                              Mr. W. W.        Morgen Mr. J. D. E. Jeffries                        Mr. 'S.',D. Smith Mr. J, M. Johnson                            Mr. M. Fi Thompson,        Jr.
Mr. W. B. Kincaid 0
                                                                                                                                      '/A(f 1
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                            '1,                                                                                                          ~  -    II a
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Southwest Pnbricn< ting & Welding Company,,lna.
7525 Sherman Strcat                                                                                                                ,',  J P. 0. Box 9449,
                                                                                                                                                                              >> 4 Houston, Toxna 77011                                                                                                            ,>>  a(                      a CAROLINA POWER,& LIGHT COMPANY                                                                                                                        f
        '1984-86-88-,90-3600 MW-UNITS 1>> 2, 3' 4                      ,
REFERENCES!      J(l) .P>>, 0>> NY-'435035 (2),SP&W S LETTER>> DATED*'7/12/78 I
                              >>                  '>>                      4 Dear.Mr. Harriat'          .
a Reference    ia 'mnda to.your latter              above wherein you provided corzectiva action                                                        4 to Pinding 3.b.        of,CP&L        .Audit Repoit QAA/702-.3. Carolina Power & Light (CP&L) has 'completed'vnlu4ntionr              Of SW&F'a    corroctive'ction'esponse,                          'and comments concerning thin raviaw are, aa follows:
I                      I
: l. When wo      rocaiva your QA,Manual Revision 10~ we will evaluate
                  'orrective action for Pinding 3lb., Xf ia satisfactory~ we will clone out this Finding 3.b. and,clone out this audit.
it                                                                              ,
: 2. Tha CP&L Corporate Nuclear Safety & Quality, Aasuranco                                        Audit Section done not have tha responsibility for approval                                        of your                                                  ~l QA Manual; 'owever, wo wi11 'forward it,to the proper paoplo who hnvo this responsibility.'r. N. J~ Chiangi> Managor-Enginaaring nnd Construction Quality Assurance, supervises thio    QA    Section.
                                                                                                                                                                  ,''        p 4
Should you have,any            additionnl quoationa', please contact                        me.    "
Yours very          truly,
                                                                            ,( Jr jqtn<g] 'Bar)l)< a)      /pt)
                                                                                            /I l<.'
                                                                                                                  'NC Inu<,!            I /riff<SR S ~ MCMnnun >        Manage>>
Corporate Nuclear Safety                        &                                                p Quality Assurance Audit.
AEH/ref cc:    Mr. John Harris (2)
Mr. L. V>>, Tfiiorwechtor (2)
,0        I JJ I
4                                                                                            '
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* 4)O)M)o)o ol III II)~ )so)4I ~ I                                                                          @718194)l7~                    '),
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July 12,      1978                                                                                                                                          )0 1'I o)l g+GS~ ii G ~g pi+
q,SS Ol 42)
Mr. S. McManus, Manager                                                                                                                              'l      J Corporate Nuclear Safety                    6 QA      Audits                                                                                    m Carolina Power            &    Light    Company P. O. Box 1551                                                                                                                                l I)
Raleigh, NC 27602 11 Sub)ect:            Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant Our S. 0. 3301/3308 and                        4121/4128'PEW Quality Assurance Manual Revision 10
==Dear  Sir:==
In our recent response to findings reported as a result of your QA Audit, we advised you that Revision 10 of our QA'Manual, scheduled to be finalized by July 10, 1978, would address'the 'mat'ter to resolve certain discrepancies'hat weie noted. We further informed you that the changes to the manual were subject to 'acceptance by the Inspection Specialist of 'our Authorized Inspection'gency.
Our QA Manual Revision 10 dated 7/10/78 has been 'accepted by our Authorized Inspection Agency. We are implementing the new provisions into our QA Program. Implementation .will be finalized and Revision 10 will be the effective document'or our QA'rogiam 'on July"17, 1978.
The changes incorporate requirements through, the Winter 1977 Addenda to ASME III, as well as functional changes, and address .pertinent provisions of          10 CFR 50, Appendix B, and ANSI/ASME N45.2.
A copy    of Revision            10 will be directed to your office as soon as the manual    is received from the printer. We shall appreciate your earliest approval of Revision 10 since it is mandatory that the latest QA Manual revision be employed in our QA Program.
Very  truly yours, L
N. H. Moerke Vice President-Engineering                      (QA/QC)
NHM: dc 0
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Il. 'C,>~  ~"-~
: k. i 8'fc.Y Yorm    21~0%      i, A
                                'QK CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY RhLEIGII NOKTII chROLINh
                                                                                      ~                slat QAA/702-3                                                                                        COO  633 1'.
                  '.      e
                          ~Mr. -John        Barri'a, Pro5ect Manager Southwest Fabricating &'elding Company, Inc.
7S25~~    Sherman    Street'.
0,  Ease 9449 Houston,        Tcncaa          770K.
                          ,'CAROLINA, POWER" &                LIGHT ~COMPANY HARRIS PROJECT 1984-86-88-90", 3600                    MW -,UNITS 1) 2, 3)      &'
RElfERENCEc          (1) P.O.          NY43903$
SF&W's lottor,  '2) dated,6/9/78 t                                                            A                    t Dear Mr. Berries I
: o.                        Reference          is'ade to your letter referenced above, wherein you provided corrective action to Findings 3b and 4 of CP&L Audit Report No. QAA/702-3.
Carolina Power & Light '(CP&L) has completed evaluation,of Southwest Pabrica-ting & WaXding Company, Inc.'s (SF&W) corrective "action reaponaoa, and ccrmcents concerning t'his 'eview'ro~ ea 'follows s
      ~  l        ll                                                                                                                            f
: l.      Your response to Audit Finding 4                  'is 'considered adequate to prevent
recurrence of the,finding. The'rofora,i Finding 4,la hereby:closed.
: 2.      In the case of, Audit Finding 3b, your corroctivo action ia to'bo implemented by 7/10/78 with revision 10 'of tho SP&W'A Manual.
Therefore, we:,will hold this Finding 3b open until SF&W'an supply evidence this corrective action haabeen                      implomantod,'t-'a requested that you review'hese comments, to"your"xoaponso and',provide
                          'CP&L        tho necessary .additional,inforuuxtlon within thirty .'(30)'ays., Your ',
attention to this .'matter is appreciated, end dhould you have any quodtiona, please contact ma.
                                                                                                      'II I c~ ~icanus        s CQp h
S. McManuo; Manager, Corporate Nuclear'Safety                      &" QA Auditv C
                      ', 'AEH/nchF2 1
- l
                        ,des        Mr. John Harris (2)
Mr~ L. 'V. ~e'xwechter (2) bccs          Maaara., N.J. Chiangi                              Rc .Lo  Maytonp Jn P. Wi"Howe                      Wo  W. Morgan J.        Joffrios              S. Di Smith J.      Kfncald''.
D. E.
                                                              'M. Johnson V. B.
Mo Fo    Thompson,                    Jr.
                '5,    1((
                            ~{  ~1 t                          I o
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F'A8KCATlNG                              )MS Sherman 4{m{ I Ol). Ooo      I HOo((oo,ZOOOa 11014 I V{41 0240{4{ /1{NX{0 10 OO{ 1400 rr{4{ELDtKlCa {NC,                                            OOOO 4  1~ 4III{oI1 ~ 1 10 {4{1{~ oII~ o ~ I                                                                        gC3{4 51m 0)
June 9, 1978 a~I~~o o        Cp@g Ct/v Pg          {J qIl4 FOP
  >j {'
gJ    ~
Mr. S. hhNanusl Manager Corporate Nuclear Safety, &,Qh Audits Carolina                       & Light 'Ganpany, Raleigh,         NC       27602

P. 0. NY435035                -  Harn.s Project Units 1, 2,                          3 & 4 o
CP&L      Audit,of,South~st Fabricating                                &  Welding Co., Inc.
1P{    r                                                March 14-16, 1978 o
Dear Mr. McHmus4 In response to your letter of, May 8, 1978 which was directed to Mr.
John Harris, we present the following {ocmrents for your information:
Audit Findin                  3B
    't Revision" 10 of- the 'SF&W QK Manual is scheduled for release and imple-4{entation on or about 7-10-78., 'Ihe revised Internal Audit form which in'ur 1
is described provided the Authorized Inspection Agency                                          a~
May 3 letter will be included in Revision 10, this change.
                                    'The  co~ve                    action described in our May 3 letter has been implemented.
An example of our implementation                                provi~            by the attached form dated 5/31 shcws acceptance of the proposed QA Manual changes by the Chief Engineer.
If you have            any      additional questions, please contact us.
Very  truly yours, N. H.    ~e Vice President-Engineering                              (QhjQC)
NHM:dc encl.
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* p, FORINT 21 50M Carolina'Power      8  light Company flalolgh, M, C. 27C42 Hay 8,, 1978 Pile i  Qhh/702-3                                                              C0800558 Hr. John Harris, Pro/oct Hanngor Southwest Fnbricnting h Molding Conpany,,lnc.
7525,Shaman Street P, 0, Boa 9449 Houston, Toxno 77011'AROLINA POMER 6          LlglfZ CNPhllY HAPJllS PROJECT 1904-86-88 3600 HM UNITS 1, 2, 3, h 4-REFERENCEt      '(1) Po 0. NY435035 (2) SF&M'S LETTERo DATED 5-3-78
                      ,>h Donr Hr. Harriet Reforonce    is made, to your lattor referenced above, wherein you provided corrective action to Findings 1, 2, 3a, 3b, nnd 4 of'PhL Audit Rcport No. Qhh/702-3. Carolina Po'ver 6 Light (CPSL) has completed evaluation of Southeast Fabricating &, Molding Gxrpany, Inc.'a (SPAM) co ectivo action responses, and ccmacnta'oncerning this review nro;                          '.lowed
: l. Your response                to Audit Pindingo '1, 2, and 3a ie considered'adequate to prevent rocurrcnco,of tho findings. Therefore, Findi~~s 1, 2$
and 3a aro hereby closed.
: 2. In tho casa of Audit Finding 3b, your corrective action io considered
                'ndaquatc. However, aa discussed in your'etter reforcncod sbovo, thio corrective action will not be implomentod untie. Revision 10 of your Qh Manual 'ia approved and issued. Therefore, wa .will hold thin Finding 3b open.
: 3. In tha ense of Audit Finding 4, your corrcctivo ection is conaidozcd adequate.      However, na discussed in your letter referenced above, this corroctivo action inpkcncntntion dona not explain whoa by date that this corrective action will be inplomcntod. Therefore, wo will hold thin                Finding    4 epona
P h
      ~ ql I
d S

P.0.NY435035-Harn.s Project Units 1, 2, 3&4  
f                                                          I
:,%7 I
1.1 I
Mr. John Barrio
                                    .Q                                                                            I Nap'> 1970 if  j'lj U
IJ Zt io requested thoR you rovicv thooo ccaacnto to your r~mnaa and provtdacp&L tho necessary cdditiona1 in''cemtion uithin thirQ ($0) days, Your attcnt5m to this tatter io,appreciated, cad ahouId you havo axgr questions,, ploaoo,,contact no, I
v      ru1 L~g,;:Ps"g. 2'sg gplgvs( VlcWLQflvB S. HcManua, Nanagor Corporate Nuclaar Sataty 5 Quaiity'ssurance Audit AZtI>fdcH7 Hr-,, J. 'orrid '(2) cc:
Mr, L', V Thiozvechtcr (2)                                                                              U beat      MassrsU N..      J. 'hiangi,v/a"'ref arencaa                      G., McGovern
                            '''U P. Q.        Maw'a iJeftriasj, Killcaid M. M. Morgan
                                                                                ,8. D. Saith M. P. Thonpaon,"    Jr.
WU  SU Hsytan          Jr.                                                                        I
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May. 8, 1978 tlr,    John          Barrio Zt io rcquoatcd that you reriev those canto to'our roapoaao and provido CPM the necessary additicenX information v5thin thirty ()0) days, . Your attontion to thia eattor ia appreciated, and ohouht you hera any quostiona, p3.oaaa,contaat jmo.
                                                                            'Ng.':PS"g. Pug S. 'Nc&#xc3;anua> Manager h
ih Corporate Nuclear,Safety 6 gua1ity'osuzance Au@it
        ,h hXH>
Hr'. J.'Barris (2)
I Thiearechtcr (2)
bccs          Messrs. N.,J; Chiangi .v/a refcrcnccs,                  C. McGovsrn
                                        'P. W. iiove                                W., W. Morgan J. D. R.      Jaffrias                  ,S. D. Smith
                                        ,V.,B. Kincaid,                            N. F. Thompson, Jr'.
R. 'L. Mayron,        Jr.                  r i'
                                    'j      jj I
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o wfLorN6 r:+rNc,                rets s~~. bier Ir a oo. eve rr~~~o;n.>> llorl /rrrx ere orM r rwx eroeer rroo
A SAsrJlerr ~ I Iv la> ~ <at>4ssl May 3, 1978 Mr. S. htcManus, Manager Corporate Nuclear Safety                      & QA  Audits Carolina Power          &  Light Ctarpany P. O. Box 1551 Raleigh,    NC 27602
P.O. NY435035                 - Harris Project Units 1, 2,                 3 & 4

CP&L Audit, of,South~st Fabricating
CP&L       Au3it of Southwest Fabricating                       & Welding Co., Inc.
&Welding Co., Inc.March 14-16, 1978  
bhrch 14-16, 1978
==Dear Mr. bhKnus:==
In response to your letter dated March 28, 1978, directed to our Mr.
J..E. Harris, we suhnit'our ocrments to the findings that werc reported by your auditors, Messrs. A. E. Hall and T. L. Kosmatin. Our response with co~ve action and implerrentation are outlinod below.
Item 1                                                                                                                            f c
0 E~uirerrent:                                                                                                                    'b 10CER50  Appendix B,                Criterion      II, Quality Assurance            Program                            'th Nonconformance:
Criterion    II requires                that the QA Program shall provide for ixxloctrin-ation'nd training of                    personnel performing activities affecting quality as necessary to assure that suitable proficiency is achieved-and main-tained. In reviewing Paragraph of SF&W's QAM, which outlines the procedures for training,                        it was cbserved by the auditors that train-ing and indoctrination requirement for engineering personnel and upper managerrent Qh/QC personnel are not presently covered by written procedures.
This item was presented in Audit Report Qhh/702-2 as Finding Item 1 and is being held open. SF&W                        still  has not provided and implerrented correc-tive action      as    of this audit.
g I
    & VgLDNQ CO,IHC.
4 lib)Idio)g ~ I Ill N)i)i~ )itiol Mr. S.      h~us/CP&L                                          May 3, 1978 Corrective Action
: l. In accordance with our ccnmitnent to assure that Engineering and upper QA/0 managenent personnel receive training and in-doctrination necessary to assure that suitable proficiency is achieved and maintained, we have prepared and distributed the follaring proacdures:
a)  QC-107, dated 3/15/78,  "Training and Indoctrination of Engineering Personnel."
b)  QC-108, dated 3/15/78,  "Training and Indoctrination of Quality Assurance Personnel."
: 2. Paragraph  of the QA Manual  will be  revised to add QC-107 and QC-108 to the  listing of p~ures.        'Xhis addition will be incorporated in Revision 10 of    the QA Manual that is scheduled to be issued by July 1, 1978.
: 1. QC-107 The  report, "Qualifications of Engineering Personnel," dated 3/24/78 fran R. P. t eber, Chief Drafts', to E. R. McAnally, Chief Engineer, evaluated and updated the canpetency of each person in the departnent. The previous evaluation of individual proficiency was )distributed 5/19/77.
The  report sunmarizes the Engineering Departnent personnel who are classified "Qualified to Nuclear,"'o the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer in, the following disciplines:
Qualified  to Detail Nuclear Qualified  to Take Off Nuclear Qualified  to Check Nuclear Qualified  to be Squad Supervisor/Nuclear
: 2. QC"108 Quality Assurance training and indoctrination neetings have been conducted by the Manager of QA and Assistant Manager of QA. The subjects presented and the list of attendees have been recorded and distributed:
'X J
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==Dear Mr.McHmus4 In response to your letter of,==
1 L
May 8, 1978 which was directed to Mr.John Harris, we present the following{ocmrents for your information:
Audit Findin 3B't 1 Revision" 10 of-the'SF&W QK Manual is scheduled for release and imple-4{entation on or about 7-10-78.,'Ihe revised Internal Audit form which is described in'ur May 3 letter will be included in Revision 10, provided the Authorized Inspection Agency a~this change.'The co~ve action described in our May 3 letter has been implemented.
  'I I
An example of our implementation provi~by the attached form dated 5/31 shcws acceptance of the proposed QA Manual changes by the Chief Engineer.If you have any additional questions, please contact us.Very truly yours, N.H.~e Vice President-Engineering (QhjQC)NHM:dc encl.{'o I ,I
E 1
~0~.Im%I 0-~I~I 0 0 0 00 0~0~0 0 0 0~0~~~~'0~'0~~0~0 0 0~0 0~0 0~0~0~Or'0 0 0 0~~~I 00~00 IOO~~IO 0 0~~~I~~0~~~0~0~00~00~~~~0~~~~0'0 Dl~~~~0~0 0~00~~0~0~~~0~Jl~0~~~0 00~0~0~0~~0 0~A~~00~~
I r~p P FORINT 21 50M k t1'I (*p, Carolina'Power 8 light Company flalolgh, M, C.27C42 Hay 8,, 1978 Pile i Qhh/702-3 C0800558 Hr.John Harris, Pro/oct Hanngor Southwest Fnbricnting h Molding Conpany,,lnc.
7525,Shaman Street P, 0, Boa 9449 Houston, Toxno 77011'AROLINA POMER 6 LlglfZ CNPhllY HAPJllS PROJECT 1904-86-88-90
-3600 HM-UNITS 1, 2, 3, h 4 REFERENCEt
'(1)Po 0.NY435035 (2)SF&M'S LETTERo DATED 5-3-78 ,>h Donr Hr.HarrietReforonce is made, to your lattor referenced above, wherein you provided corrective action to Findings 1, 2, 3a, 3b, nnd 4 of'PhL Audit Rcport No.Qhh/702-3.
Carolina Po'ver 6 Light (CPSL)has completed evaluation of Southeast Fabricating
&, Molding Gxrpany, Inc.'a (SPAM)co ectivo action responses, and ccmacnta'oncerning this review nro;'.lowed l.Your response to Audit Pindingo'1, 2, and 3a ie considered'adequate to prevent rocurrcnco,of tho findings.Therefore, Findi~~s 1, 2$and 3a aro hereby closed.2.In tho casa of Audit Finding 3b, your corrective action io considered
However, aa discussed in your'etter reforcncod sbovo, thio corrective action will not be implomentod untie.Revision 10 of your Qh Manual'ia approved and issued.Therefore, wa.will hold thin Finding 3b open.3.In tha ense of Audit Finding 4, your corrcctivo ection is conaidozcd adequate.However, na discussed in your letter referenced above, this corroctivo action inpkcncntntion dona not explain whoa by date that this corrective action will be inplomcntod.
Therefore, wo will hold thin Finding 4 epona P h~ql I d S Mr.John Barrio f:,%7 I 1.1.Q I I I Nap'>1970if j'lj IJ U Zt io requested thoR you rovicv thooo ccaacnto to your r~mnaa and provtdacp&L tho necessary cdditiona1 in''cemtion uithin thirQ ($0)days, Your attcnt5m to this tatter io,appreciated, cad ahouId you havo axgr questions,, ploaoo,,contact no, I v ru1 L~g,;:Ps"g.
2'sg gplgvs(VlcWLQflvB S.HcManua, Nanagor Corporate Nuclaar Sataty 5 Quaiity'ssurance Audit AZtI>fdcH7 cc: " Hr-,, J.'orrid'(2)Mr,L', V Thiozvechtcr (2)beat MassrsU N..J.'hiangi,v/a"'ref arencaa P.Q.Maw'a'''U iJeftriasj, WU SU Killcaid R'.HsytanJr.G., McGovern M.M.Morgan ,8.D.Saith M.P.Thonpaon," Jr.U I~'I(17 U jf U~fk'*I II U'U:4~U o C 7"j*.C'ff g I'l I'U fk UI., OI U (I U,j~~I"'o f-'P+'UIMUUW.y-g,P'j'ICA',I  
,/A c~t t tlr, John Barrio May.8, 1978 ih h$,h Zt io rcquoatcd that you reriev those canto to'our roapoaao and provido CPM the necessary additicenX information v5thin thirty ()0)days,.Your attontion to thia eattor ia appreciated, and ohouht you hera any quostiona, p3.oaaa,contaat jmo.1'Ng.':PS"g.
Pug S.'Nc&#xc3;anua>Manager Corporate Nuclear,Safety 6 gua1ity'osuzance Au@it hXH>fdcN7'c: Hr'.J.'Barris (2)'fr.L.'.Thiearechtcr (2)I bccs Messrs.N.,J;Chiangi.v/a refcrcnccs,'P.W.iiove J.D.R.Jaffrias ,V.,B.Kincaid, R.'L.Mayron, Jr.i'C.McGovsrn W., W.Morgan ,S.D.Smith N.F.Thompson, Jr'.r n'j jj I 11 k>>E I I('1 n It~I,,
k ll I o wf LorN6 r:+rNc, A SAsrJlerr~I Iv la>~<at>4ssl rets s~~.bier I r a oo.eve~rr~~~o;n.>>
llorl/rrrx ere orM r rwx eroeer rroo'u b r.(May 3, 1978 Mr.S.htcManus, Manager Corporate Nuclear Safety&QA Audits Carolina Power&Light Ctarpany P.O.Box 1551 Raleigh, NC 27602

G SGUTHVlfE5T FABRICATlNG I'f WCLOIIIGCO( IIIC, 6 Sr1(kl ~ (r ~ I IV )r( ~ (rr(lrrrl Mr. S. l4"'4anus/CP&L                                              May 3, 1978
: 2. Paragraph of the QA Manual establishes the locations of the seven volumes of the Procedure Manual that are currently maintained. The distribution, record for all volunes shall be maintained in the office of the QA Technician who is assigned the responsibility for recording and distributing procedures.
: 1. The recoxd    for procedure distribution was initiated on 4/27/78 to provide a doculent to verify issuance of each proceduxe anQ insertion into the Procedure Manuals.
: 2. A revision    to the format of the Procedure Control form was made on 5/3/78.      This revision was made to provide a format that will also provide a suitable record for planned changes in procedure distribution. These      changes. will be incorporated into Revision 10 of the QA Manual,    when accepteQ by  the Authorized Inspection Agency, to impxove the convenience of procedure maintenance and usage by segerating manufacturing procedures frcm administrative p(. Ocedures .
Item      3 Rec(uirenent:
SF&W QAM        Section 13, Audits, Paxagraph 10CFR50        Appendix B, Criteria XVI, Corrective Action and XVIZ, Audits Nonconformance:
: a.        Auditors reviewed      SF&W internal audit report (12-6-77) perfoxmed by R. B. Bhavsar, where      the reaudit of corrective action was perfoxmed by N. H. Ruxke on 12-12-77. This was Qocunented by initial and date beside each corrective action listed except one, Number 5d, which was-not signed, or dated as having'been reaudited.
: b.        Auditors reviewed internal audit report (2-14-78) performed by R. B.
Bhavsar. This audit reported five findings. No written corrective action could be presented to the auditors. This audit was followed by audit report (3-8-78) by R. B. Bhavsar which does not doclment an actual folly-up of the findings of audit dated 2-14-79. The report dateQ 3-8-78 does not cxoss-reference or close-out t)M.'finding of audit dated 2-14-78. SF&W had intended the later audit to close out the previous audit of 2-14-78 by not finding any problans in the sane areas of those nonconfoxmances.        This intention of SF&W does not meet tlat requirements of 10CFR50 Appendix B, Criteria.
0 lg
A                                                                                                                        f
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4 Svln41 ~ Iy ~ I IV l<<t<<I<<etio<<el I
Mr, S, bhNanus/CPEL                                                May 3, 1978 Corrective Action and            lementation                                                                  <<I n!Q
: 1.      Item 3(a) 1, Item Number 5dr 7018 electrode free the shop are stored in the I
I storage rocm without any identification, which was reported
      'IIg'0                  I                                            corrected on 12/6/77, was reverified "as corrected," initialed I:                                                                    and dated 3/14/78.
I, r
: 2.      Item  3 (b)
I I            I The inter-office memorandum dated 2/14/78 (R. B. Bhavsar              to N.
Moerke) xeporting QA discrepancies has been placed in a              file                    I~
                                                                            "QA Surveillance Reports. "
                                                                                                                                                                                'p gs I '1 In accordance with the QA Manual, Paragraph 13.1.3, the intexval between audits shall not exceed six months. Further, as stated I
II                                                        in Paragraph 'arxl pointed out during the audit, "an                                l t
Internal Audit Report (see Rduhit 13-1) shall be ccmpleted as                                  <<t the audit progresses." Therefore, as stated, the observations reported by inter-office rrem dated 2/14/78 (Bhavsar to lkerke)
      ,"    f                                                            was not intended to be interpxeted as an audit to satisfy the I                                                                          QA Manual requirenents.
The recognized QK      Audits during 1977 and 1978, as reported by required Internal Audit Reports, (Exhibit 13-1) were performed f
3/4/77'/10/77 (partial) 7/18/77'2/6/77'lxl 3/8/78 r(,<< !
                                    <<Q<<g    1&%          ~                          implementation of the QA Program auditing practices has
                                                                        'een    completed. A new audit reporting form, has been prepaxed and                            <<J<<
Each finding" will be listed on separate I
>>VCi approved by,man'agerrent.
I-Ig                                                                      pages, together with corrective action and:docunentation of correc-I Q
                                  <Irm WI a~
tive, action,,with appropriate signatures and dates. Presently, with Revision 9 of the QA Manual, the Ir.ternal Audit Report foxm
                                                                          'must be continued until the new format,is accepted by the Author-ized Inspection Agency and included in Revision 10 of the QA bhnual.
I"                                                                Thexefore,    until Uu.s action is ccmpleted, audits, conducted, in the I,Ijr                                                              innediate future will,be sumurized on two foxms.
I J,I Iton      4 Becpirementr I                                                                                                                                                I 10CFR50          Appendix B,    Criterion  II, Quality Assurance Program                                    1 Nonconformance            r I                                            Criterion            II, states    in part, "Managern nt of organizations participating            gl&yIE I.'"                                in the QA            Pxcgram    shall xcgularly review the status and adequacy of that "I
                                                                                                                                                                            'I IQ f
j, 4,
  .    ~
            & jVEUNNG CQ,WC, 4 lAI(t(~ Iy ~ I IV la( ~ Ia ~ Iieaej a
th.        S. lkManus/CP&L'ay                                      3i 1978 part of the QA Program which they are executing." The auditors deter-mined, contrary to the requirennnts of Criterion          II, the managers of various SF&W Departnmnts whcm execute that part of the QA Pxogram for Qjich they have responsibility have not formally docjxjjented participa-tion in review of the Qh, Program prior its revisions being issued and zlplGAented o Corrective Action
                      >j<<'~            When future revisions to the QA Manual are contemplated, written 7<" docjmentaxy evidence acknowledging the change will be solicited fran each department head who is affected by the QK Ihnual change.
Copies of the acknowledgnent will be retained by the QK Departttx'.nt
          ,,  ~v'Secretary.
CONCEITS Ebasco's Specification CAR-SH-M-30,, Revision 3, "General                                              a  I 1.
in Part 2, Paragraph 21.1.c requires "marking pensi inki Pew'iping,"
                                                                                                                                                , Ih and tape, shall be, certified by chemical analysis and approved by Purchaser for use on stainless steel.," SF&W has decided to use different marking, pens and tape, fox'tainless steel than those for
which they obtained approval 'frcm Ebasco to use. The auditors are a    I concerned  if SF&W- has obtained Ebasco's appxoval for the new materials they plan to use, since no evidence of Ebasco's approval was presented to,the auditors during 'this audit.
                                          ~sSonse Mr. J. Harris informally presented the manufacturer's certification                                  ia v to Ebasco for cament and acceptance on April 24, 1978. Formal suhnittal of the certifications for approval will be mailed during the week of May 8, 1978.
: 2.          The  auditors are concerned that SF&W does not follow-up the correc-tive actions listed on their "Report of Nonconfoxmances" (RCN's) for                              ~N. i any significant. conditions adverse to quality or perform any trend                                  'i analysis, of their RCN's to de~e significant conditions.
I'I Copies  of each Report of Nonconfoxmance (RON) issued due to discrepant                ')<< ~O't product or docummtation for a specific material manufacturer or supplier is placed in th vendor's QA record file.                                        p,w' I
These data are reviewed when an, additional. RON is received            to deter-mine  if the deviation is a "repeat" of a prior offense. If, in the                , .PI(I Oa~
1 nJ
A 6 v(ELotNG cQ, INc 4 SAJI4) ~ tg tl IV 4( ~ (P ~ 14  ~)
S. McManus/CP &L                                        May 3, 1978 opinion of  SF&W QA, this i.s a repetitive condition, the vendor is notified of the large number 'of rejects and an explanation of pre-ventive measures is requested. Further, these data are reviewed prior to QA vendor audit to be certain, that the audit plan includes input fran performance histoxy.
: 3.        Bmsoo's Specification CAB-SH-M-12, Revision 0, "Quality Control Requirements for Suppliers of Bpu.ghent and Services," (860-72) in Paragraph 8.1 states, "For items and services purctmsed fran sub-suppliers, seller shall conduct necessary inspections and tests at points of receipt to verify conformance to applicable physical, chemical, or other technical requirenents." The auditors are oon-cerned that SF&W has not established a pxogram for, verifying by outside laboratory anlysis, a check against their subsuppliexs chemical and physical .test,reports. SF&W's managenent stated they have not established such a progxam because they interpret the above specification) requirenerit to be met by performing a cxxnpmison between their subsupplier's chemical and physical test report and the appropriate ASMBor, ANN material specification. The auditors agree .that the Ebasco requixanant as. stated above is interpretable.
The auditors are aLso concerned,that, this Bmsco specification requixerent has, been renaved fxan CAR-SH-ME-12, Revision    l. The nrvr revision of the specification which is required by a latex xevision of Specification CAR-,SH-M-30 has not been  made a  part of the oontract in effect during this audit.
ResEIonse The questions concerning intexpretation of applicability of specifi-cations was referred to R. Georgio of Ebasco by J. E. Harris's letter dated,3/9/78. However, only oral cammts have been received to date.
Also, no schedule for resolution has been established.
t)h)l (
The auditors are concexned that there are several instances in SF&W material storage areas where carbon steel fittings were being stacked close to stainless steel pipe which'was designated for "QA relate
use," (ASME Cede Material) by blue and pink markings on the material.
In one storage area, a quantity of 12-inch carbon steel elis had fallen fxcm their stack and were within one inch of touching the stainless steel pipe. The concern is that other elis could continue to fall fran the stack and ccme in contact with the stainless steel pipe  J Material handling supervision and manufacturing supervision personnel are cognizant    of problems associated  with storage to minimize
                                      ~    'I  ~
                                        . SbUTHNK%''AHA CATlNG r
r wctu>>Na ca,wc.
I                                    0 4A)l4>a)g                        I
                                                        ~ I I)> I ~ ro)ae)l ~ ~ I
r Mr. S. McManus/CP&L                                            May 3, 1978
                                                                            ,  contaminatian. It is a continuing daily enforcement problem to enfarce the discipline with the rapidly nnving inventory of stain-V
                                                                              'less materials in the shop. Therefore, QA surveillance audits are conducted to cantrol this productian problem,. even though not recorded as, an, official internal audit.
: 5.        The  auditors are concerned that in som instances SPEW MRS's con-tained errors'fter canpletion and being drawing checked twice by two  different  drawing>>checkers. Several MRS's were revimM by the auditors; and the following two identified contained errors.
MRS No. Q3301-SW;, Sheet 42, Revision 2, referenced Procedure PT-1
                                                                            'where the p~ure attachment for test acceptance criteria was not referenced's required., In addition, MRS No. Q3301-SW, Sheet 2, indicated'n attachment was to be used with,a reference procedure, but failed to correctly identify the attachment by its correct number.
E es~nse Engineering has been advised    of the apparent checking deficiencies
                                                                            ,and has taken    appropriate action to nunimize recurrence.
Please advise us            if you desire any  additional information.
              )g truly yours, N. H. Nxxke
Vice President-Engineering              (QVQC)
                        .o                                      NHM:dc
                              'r cc:            G. H. Lockwood
                                                                              ,B. J. Goodwin R. P. 'Bornes
                          )r,                                                    Ro L. Pearsan W. P. Knight r)                                                          K. D. Powell Jr  Er  HarriS I)
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FORII NPP-I RATA REPORT'FOB FABRI CATER htlCLEAR PlylbC oLOAEIEqfntJES' (Ao Brqolrrd by)ho Provl&#xb9;loo ~ of.)ho,AEIIE Code Rolrsl                                          ]  )'L]    'g      [") jjJ I  Fabrscasoo oy (tdame aha
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Kcl<<sn                  1C                            ~  ACdenca Dole C.        P 1a73                ~ Case .'Ia geroara      ~I  Ideroofacturersr Desa Repono properll Identified ehd                  ~ ICnad    by Carmiasiasrd lasarnen have been furnsehed for ELL-S hr.FCO TUBE CORPORATION (A) S/ll-. I-8222F-15; Pipe Ihe fotlaorssC sltn ~ Of Ihs ~ rcport f I ol part lltm supper~ qdahufsclurel rlsoe urd ddessllyshc loop)
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lsssrnC    ~    I  eh(r ~ r tsc I wT. LR. ELL I Psrg
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~ )C APR      25      l979                                  EBA5CP [hf(
PP/IEW VEO;.-;,0 BY SHNPP. CONSTR. Q A UNIT.                                                                z~C EP.
o'e crnifv Ihal Iht sl ~ tenenl ~ made fn Ihl ~ rcport arc correct and Ihal Iht labtlcallon of Iht drst ~ Ibtd pipshc conforms wflb Ihr reousremenl ~ of SEC j(Dof Ill Cf lhc ASIAE DOII KR AI(D PRESSURE VESSEL CODE D.l          O      26-/8                                                                          ,(SR)
(F ebrsC ~ Iorl                                                                r C ~ dotrsq    ~ so  of A))shorts ~ Iles    7 rpsrs  ~  uI((                        0 CE(I.TII ICATE PP SIIPP IATSPECTIO.'I I ~ Ihe    uh'    r ~ Icnrd,hafdbsc a      valid  comms    ~ ~ lon  I ~ surd  by Iht ldsslonal Doerd of        Das'r ~  ssd pr ~ ~ sure  vr ~ rl Inspector
                                                                                                                                                ~                      ~            ~
                      ~ ndlar tho          Ssas ~ ar  Provlnt ~ of                                          d      )    d )rh      IZJ          AL ra) hov ~ Inspected qse plpsnc described In thl ~ Das                        ~  Rrpots an~a 9A I9            8 and ~ I ~ I ~ Ibsl s ~ fho be ~ I of my incor(edCe
                      ~ hd    be (fr f,she llrnufrcsuyrr ha ~          caholrucsrC Ihl ~ pr plhc In sccordonct vdslb Ihr ~ t Flit sb'I ~ Sebo ~ tsloss of AShsE Codt, Io~'r S~  cites ID.
Dy    ~ ~ Crust Ihs ~ C ~ rls fleas ~ ~ no Sshet Ihe Ins pre I or nar hl ~ employer ma I ~ any v ~ rre hit, astor ~ s rd or smpl ted, cahrerrr PIP)nC Ih Ihl~ 'Des ~ Repor<<Furthermost ~ no sits ~ r Ihr lnspTClot nar hs ~ rnplayrr shell bo liabl ~ lh Sny rsesntt for ohy Por ~ ohsl ln'ury or properly Comets or ~ 'oo ~ ol any hrhd ers ~ snC fords or canst tied vssh Ihr ~ IhsPtcllan,
                        ~ I~
(tns pectorf                                                                  ~ Isosss hoon, Id ~ I ~ . Provsnc ~ ohd:oo.
      ~ svl Iomehsa(        sne  ~ I~    th !arm of II~ I ~ ~ ~ belches or or ~ <<snc ~ mey be us ed pro"Iced (I) ~ I ~ ~ I ~ tvr"              .~ II", ( I Lsfermesscn hn Iseaa I ~ 2 rhd $
Lhs ~  Cal ~ rsrarq la bnChodod on ~ sch sheet ~ arul (S) ~ ach shs ~ I I ~ nmbet ~ C arel nuhdaor of shrels Is recorded ln Item yo 'emarta"o 435 08~
i"EA'5(pt NPP-I ro
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FORqI    gpp'j'(back)                            ~
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Dtecrlptton s( FI ~ Id Fobtlcotlon                                                                                            ~  ~ ~
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E u' csnlfy that th ~ (laid fobrlcstlon o( the described PIPlng conforms with thr tequttements of SECTION Ql of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSIIRE VESSEL CODEt Clat ~                                ~ Edltlon                        ~ Addend a D st ~                        Case Ho.
Det ~                            ~ 19          Signed (Fabrtc ~ Iot)                                    (  tprterntattvc)
Ovt Crnl(Ication of hlnhorlcatlon Io usr the                                      Symbol Exp(rat                            l9 Ctr.lllcot~ of Author(cotton No.
CERTIFICATE OF FIELD FABRICATIOII INSPECflp.'I I ~ thr lalltrt~ (Cnrd holding ~ valid comml ~ ~ lon I ~ eutd by Ihe Hot(anal Board o( Boiler osd Ptreewt Veto ~ I Inepectot ~ and/or Ih ~ St ~ I ~ rt Ptovttlct 0(
        ~ AC ~ teplsyelt by                                                                    ol hove ctvspottd the ~ t ~ temrnt ~ In thl ~ Manufectuttr ~ Dot ~ Rcport with Ihe dtoctlbtd plplAC end ~ tetr that thr pone rrftnrd Ia o~  EE ~ I ~ It ~ Est                                                , not Included In the cenlf loot ~ o( shop Inspection have bren Ineprctrd by tsr and that Io Iht be ~ I of my ttnowledgt snd bcllef Ihe manufoctutrr hor conettucttd thl ~ piping In ~ econ(ence <<lth Iht ~ I pl(coul ~ ~ ~ ctlon of the ASME CODE SECTIOII            flf.'y
              ~ (going thl ~ certlllc ~ I ~ ntlthct tht Inspector nor hl ~ cltlplot'rt matte ~ ony wenanty    copra ~ ~ rd or Implltd, concrrnlng the ptp tng drecribtd ln thl ~ Manu( ~ Cturtr' Dots Rcport. Funhctmore, nelthrr the Ineprctsr sot ht ~ rrpteyer shall be llabl ~ tn sny mannet (er any personal Infuty or proptny damage ot a loe ~ of ony ttlnd atl ~ Ing (tom or cotrltctrd with thl ~ Inspection, Dot ~                                              l9 Comrsl ~ ~ lone Inspector                                                  Nattonal Bsan4 Stater Provtnco and hot
g o ~~P                ~ry-                                                                                                                            o.. P- 9d'7P Southwest Fabricating & )Yl.'lding Co., Inc.
Shttt tio.                                                                                                                                                iPoge        ol LIQUID PENETRANT INSPECTION REPOflT Procedure No;              ~      CSI CL<<f t ~ I                                                                          MA I CIIIAL OC S ctllr 1 IOH                                          tAATCnl*L TYrc stt:.
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Class 3, 1971 Edition including 1973 Sut"7ter AddEnda, weld x-rayed lOOX per Para UW-51, Sect. VIII, NPT-3 code stamped & inspected, annealed, water quenched to below 800 deg. F within 3 minutes.
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                ]. (a) Manufactured by              SWEPCO TUBE CORPORATIOV I CLIFTON BLVD. CLIFTON, il f      Southwest Fao                    cx  Neldzn                        Houston,                TX
)I      ~
(Name and address        of Manufacturer of completed nuclear component)
Identification-Manufacturer's Serial No. of Part                        M-8222-F                                                Nat'I Bd. No.      N A Dra~ing Prepared by lr    '"
(a) Constructed According to Drawing 'No.
(b) Description cf Part Inspected
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                        'm""" Sr.-403 Section                            III      Class 3'manufacture (R/M SA-240 T-304 Ht. <o-836662), welds x-rayed 100,o per Para UW51, annealed and pickled.
S.N. F. ouo. 3302-N-4.
                      *Swepco pc. nos. SNM-8222-F Pc. 1 thru Sly-8222-F Pc. 16.
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Hendry-Zna.: Coord.
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John 2
Certificate of AudsorlzatfolLNI):                  H-1418                                          Certificate of Authorszation Expires CERTIFICATION OF DESIGN FOR APPURTEscANCE (Nhcrt applicable)
Desiot snfor~tion on file at SL~ss analysis report on file at N/A Destw specifications certified by                                                                          Prof. Eng. State                          Reg. No.
Stress analysis report certU!ed by                                                                        Prof. Eng. State                          Reg. No.
CFRTIFICATL OF SIIOP IssSPECTIDN l, the undersigned, haldlng            a  valid comcsssaion issued by the National Ooord of Boiler snd Plessssre Vessel Inspectors
                  ~ nd/or i'he 5:a'.e or ProvLGCe of                Liew Jersey                              and employed by COMMERCIAL UNION INS"RANCE COMPANf of BOSTON, MA., have hsp.cted the part of a prcssure vessel described in this Manu!ac;uzr's Porial Data Report on 7/Z (0                    19  76,      and state that to the best of csy knowledge and beilrf, the Munulscturer has construcied L:ls por. In accordance with the ASME Code Section III.
By sicr.sng this certificate, neither thc inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or unpiled, cnncerning the port descrsbed in this Manufacturer's Partial Data Report. Furthercsoro, neither the Inspeclor nor his employer shall be Bob:e in sny .=armer for any personal injury or property domal e or a loss of any kind ~ rising fro= or connected with this LspectscsL Ds!e          .      Co 19 Q N. Y. 1813 N.J. 6C6 CH!Q APP'D. PA. CO'!! t Vl C. 26o7 Ccmmissions
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        ]. (a)        L! anufsciured        by      trEPCO TUllE CON VORATION I CLINTON BLVO. ~CLIFTON. N.
(b) V anufoctured Icr                  ~n>~111"            ~t c Pb 6 Ivr                  ldina            Houston TX QC:sni                                  tol P ioe                Houston)
(Na=e    and address of Manufacturer of completed nuclear coioponrnt) 2      Ident>f>cation.Mahufactuter'                      Serial No. of Part                      (e'p      fs    A                                  Nst'I Bd. No.
(s) Constructed According to Drawing No s        12        /4" O.D.            N    3/6 "W                  20'/L                      Weld d~eoir          a.
(b)      Dc  scription of Par: Inspected (c) Applicable ASM Code>Sec Jon IU, Ed                                  '-U "'L em            'A-358 I'lass 1 t Section IIX, Class 3, mansifac"                                                                                        ure (R/M SA240 annealed and
i, T- 304, Ht. Ho. E'80817                                          ), welds x-rayed 100~ per S.W.E'. o. 33-2-F-5.                        Para            PN-51, p') led, hydro tested 0 1324 P.S.I. minimum.
      '=Swepco ho.                            SN      M-2595-8.                      Pc. >Io.            16,17,2$ ,24,25,26,27.
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rr> ihe n ~ ~ sf coll ~,hrclrcrl of Ihe AS>>C Code S ~ c>soh fft.
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Cerif>cate c( Author>-at)>co No.                                                                          Certificate A'Authorizstfoo Expires                                  6/11 79 CEFTIFIQATION OF DESIGN                              FOP. APPl.ilTENANCE (>>hen                        ai>piicnI>IC)
LnformaeJon oo          file at St~as scaly ~ i ~            repcr. on file ~ t hs/A De s: . sp.c:fico t)cns cerJ fied by                                                                              Pro(. Eng. State                                        Res. No S    <a ~ ~ no!ys>s rcport cerdied by                                                                              Pro fr    1 gr Si ~ te                                  Rag. Nch unde>a>~Wed, bOiding              ~ V~
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rthat to thc b st o( my snowledge and bel>e(, the M nufactu~r hs s cons Jctcd By      ~ >going this ccr 'cate,                  nea~~r Uie Inspector nur his employer =ages any warranty, eap:cs ~ r.d or impl>s:d. concern'1g ihr. p    r. deacr:t      .d  us  this    Hanufacts'r        ' Par>ut Dat ~ Rcpor>.              f ur'ncr. ore, neither the Ins;hctor nor his cm loyer sin ~ U bc b'tc 1 ~ 1y . ...c:r (or any psrsonal '1lury or rop<<ly damage or a loss of any ILLnd aria>ng (ross or ccnnecitd wsth t..i ~
W  Y'.  ': 3 RJ. 64fa GH:0 A                r'D. PA. C"".M. >h'. C. "      r7 p~~                                    Commiaaicns Na 1> 0 n a I B c, rs r  ~  I ~ I C ~ P. Ir v in. e C  rn  N Oe
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REVIEWED FOR CORRECTNEISS AND QQ QUBE                                                  ~
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      ],    ( ~)  Lfanufoetured by              S%'EPCO TVDE CORPORATION                          I CLIFTON BLVD.. CLIPTOli. N. I.
(b) h!onufactured for (Name ond address of llanufhcturer of completed nuclear cosrponenl)
I 'cntification Manufacturer's Seri ~ I No. of Part r >-2595-8                                N ~ t I Dde    No Drawing Prepared by
(o) Constructed According to Drawing No.
(b) Desctiptioo of Part Inspected O.D. x 3/8M'                          20'/L                (>t 3.ded oioe)
(c) Applicable ASI(E CodeiSection III,                          Edition~~,                Addenda date                  Cs v                Coar No.                  Class SA-358, Class 1,                                Section XXX, Class 3, manufacture (R/t4 SA-24o 7-304, rit. h'o. F80827),                                            fields x-rayed 10090'er Pa"a PN-51, annealed and
            =i c3(led, nydro tes ted C~                                          1324 P S.X. min'mum. S.N.r., ho. 3302-'~-5 Pc. 1-2-3-5-7-10-11.
St'caco No. Sh I"3-2595-8, S'.. II:I I;  ~
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                                              ~ ~ epoease I9 78 De ~ isn Specihcolioh ond Seer ~ ~ Repen il ihe oppuesos nce.cs Signed        eQ'c elf    Itis< cl .Ss (Manufacturer)
                                                                                                                                  /'-. '.,
J&n Hencry Ene~'oord.
"'1Ce..i!scate of Authorization No.                                      h'-1418                            Ce..if      t    of;h        I  tice      p      s                  6 CERTIFICSITIO.'e OF UESIG.'e FOR APISL'RTE.'cheh'CE (eellcn afsplica41e)
Design snformation on                file at S  ass        analysis report on          fsle  "at          S'ts'I iQ;".'~3G2!:-$
Design        ~ Iketfsections certified by                                                                  Prof. Eng. State                                Reg. Nch
:"Ms 2'27J; ce..ified by                -'O~7GL--';                                  Prof. Eng. State                                Reg. No.
                  ;, thc undersigned,
                  ~                r          ~  holding  n ~ valiC coma reason I surC by !nc .'eef tonal Board of Boiler on(.'ressu~ Vessel inspector ~                        ~
          ~ 14/or the St ~ 'e or Prov'1cc of                          heeln'erSesve            -        onC e..ploved by COethlERCDL UNIO:e D(SURANCE CQh:                                  1 L ANY cf IIO TON, MA., have tns;oectcd the ps                              p rt off a pressure vessel described in this            h    etonufvcls er's pari ~ I Dot ~ Report on                  s
                    >/ ~g        /7~
:his;u A in ccordvnce wc'-". the *SW Code Section III.
ond state tr. ~ t to the ~~st of ...y Lnowleos,e onC belie f, thc eivnufocturerr hns constructed Dy signing this crrttorioate, neither the Inss~ctor nor his ecsPIoyer mat(rs any warranty, vs;Irrs ~ ed or s...Plied. Concerning
        !hc      -vr. described in this I'onufocturer'a Parial Data Repor'urthermore, nc.ither the inst~clos nor his eo.ptohc'r shalt be
:sob;r in any monner for ory personal injeey or proieerty damage or o loss of ny csnd orsssng frem or connected with I-I~  s 3    ~ W              7M tf. Y. ~  I 't    J  ( '6 CIIIO lee'r    O. pA, C(,'e"ec,    '9,        C. ~" 9 7 c ~
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XXKKJO No                      0152 hN-Tlxll l,hll.
t)II I'AI1.I:I) ALAI,)'SIS                          I(l'.I'()lk'1'lall Bl'.VOllT NO. 9213 C(ISTOMf.
N(3 RS'ROl'R Corrected copy VII YS ICALS,                                                  CHEMICAL ANAI YSIS                                    HEAT      Sf(C(tKA OF MATCIIIALSFAOM WIIICII MADE                                                                                                                  'I IOtl Of OR D E S C R IP T I 0 N            ~ ~
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Coils 1 thru 5 I
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C'ENTLEMEN: WF. IIFREAY CERTIFY TIIAT MATERIAL REFFRREO TO ABOVE CONFORMS TO THE PHYSICAL n  n g                                                                                                                                                                                                    , T<>>'
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P.O.NY435035-Harris Project Units 1, 2, 3&4
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fIIOAI WIIK QIHI          l ~ lv              IHCII          lv I      IV AJIO                                                                                                          AAAOE 3/32"    l/8" 5/6'"      Cornbus tio)                                ~llo orl          d                      .072    1.96 .023      . OOI'I .27 21.09      9. 65'          10        ~  11  81998 cb+
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CP&L Au3it of Southwest Fabricating
                                                              ~ l mtsrrurncyvncrss or TccHtrrcnLLY cotsynoLLco wsrsc stnINLcss syccL NrcsscL, r4otrcL,'>cotrcL, ItrcotccL x i4Wa            SYSTEMS                                                                                    I 0 Yl nr I O Y 5 Y C C I 5  sY C Lo I rr o ns I o Y sn I 0 W, M C o I st ter ~ sr I C Cosnl>ustion Enoinccrinrl, Inc.
&Welding Co., Inc.bhrch 14-16, 1978
C.E Wite S22rs Stsscsrrstorrl nohrt m              Norcross. Grorosrr 30093 A                                                                                                                          I/8" ~125"                &    8/6(i" (      g~y.
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Its p                            Southwest I'abricating                                  &, Molding                    ITEM                              cPNslsTLNG or-                06 Kl        Ot X S IIPPEO O      A            TO 7525 Shcrrmn                                                        I Ifouston, Texas 770ll                                                                    50  Coils shipped                  ( 2 skids)
hlu.            Sr.            S.          P.                Nr.      Cu,                  XBZ                            Cts. ~ Ts.      Mo.            Co.
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1"cL  rDc TENSILE STAENGTII                                    V IE I,O ST AENGTII          E LON.      GRAIN SIZE            ROCKWELL                          SIIEAR Ircldi>>p Temper YOU REQUESTED T)<IS IMfsORTANT INI=ORMATION.                                                                                    Very truly yours.
                            .. gP~ may                  .
ol,.. .,).SC Gc,,r:,I;,0
                          ~                                nl LII".0            PLEASE GIVE TO YOUR PURCHASING AGENT.
I I/y  Constr:issleII LII~C tcloy 14, 13r I  I ~ot~<

==Dear Mr.bhKnus:==
a A
, In response to your letter dated March 28, 1978, directed to our Mr.J..E.Harris, we suhnit'our ocrments to the findings that werc reported by your auditors, Messrs.A.E.Hall and T.L.Kosmatin.Our response with co~ve action and implerrentation are outlinod below.Item 1 E~uirerrent:
  'I ~ ~ ~0 L4LI1 l
10CER50 Appendix B, Criterion II, Quality Assurance Program Nonconformance:
              ~ I ~
f c 0'b'th Criterion II requires that the QA Program shall provide for ixxloctrin-ation'nd training of personnel performing activities affecting quality as necessary to assure that suitable proficiency is achieved-and main-tained.In reviewing Paragraph of SF&W's QAM, which outlines the procedures for training, it was cbserved by the auditors that train-ing and indoctrination requirement for engineering personnel and upper managerrent Qh/QC personnel are not presently covered by written procedures.
                      ~; ~
This item was presented in Audit Report Qhh/702-2 as Finding Item 1 and is being held open.SF&W still has not provided and implerrented correc-tive action as of this audit.
                  ~ l
g I
&VgLDNQ CO,IHC.4 lib)Idio)g
~I Ill N)i)i~)itiol'Mr.S.h~us/CP&L May 3, 1978 Corrective Action l.In accordance with our ccnmitnent to assure that Engineering and upper QA/0 managenent personnel receive training and in-doctrination necessary to assure that suitable proficiency is achieved and maintained, we have prepared and distributed the follaring proacdures:
a)b)QC-107, dated 3/15/78,"Training and Indoctrination of Engineering Personnel." QC-108, dated 3/15/78,"Training and Indoctrination of Quality Assurance Personnel." 2.Paragraph of the QA Manual will be revised to add QC-107 and QC-108 to the listing of p~ures.'Xhis addition will be incorporated in Revision 10 of the QA Manual that is scheduled to be issued by July 1, 1978.Implementation 1.QC-107 The report,"Qualifications of Engineering Personnel," dated 3/24/78 fran R.P.t eber, Chief Drafts', to E.R.McAnally, Chief Engineer, evaluated and updated the canpetency of each person in the departnent.
The previous evaluation of individual proficiency was)distributed 5/19/77.The report sunmarizes the Engineering Departnent personnel who are classified"Qualified to Nuclear,"'o the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer in, the following disciplines:
Qualified to Detail Nuclear Qualified to Take Off Nuclear Qualified to Check Nuclear Qualified to be Squad Supervisor/Nuclear 2.QC"108 Quality Assurance training and indoctrination neetings have been conducted by the Manager of QA and Assistant Manager of QA.The subjects presented and the list of attendees have been recorded and distributed:
'X J 0'I~~0~~~~~0 50 tc C~~~~~~~00~0~~~~~~~~~~~000~0~~~i~~~~~'0~~~0 0~~~00~~~~~0~~t~0~~~~00 ,~0~~0~~t OV''0~~0~~~0C0 0~~~~~0~'~V~.~00~~~~~~~~-~II~j~0l~~~0~~~~~~~~0C 0~0~~0~~~~~~~~0~0~~~0.0~~~~~~~~~00 00~~~~~~~~0 0 00~~0~4~0~~tc~~~~0~~~~0 1~c~0 4~~~0~~~0 1 l L'I I E 1 SGUTHVlfE5T FABRICATlNG I'f WCLOIIIG CO(IIIC, 6 Sr1(kl~(r~I IV)r(~(rr(lrrrl G Mr.S.l4"'4anus/CP&L May 3, 1978 2.Paragraph of the QA Manual establishes the locations of the seven volumes of the Procedure Manual that are currently maintained.
The distribution, record for all volunes shall be maintained in the office of the QA Technician who is assigned the responsibility for recording and distributing procedures.
lenentation 1.The recoxd for procedure distribution was initiated on 4/27/78 to provide a doculent to verify issuance of each proceduxe anQ insertion into the Procedure Manuals.2.A revision to the format of the Procedure Control form was made on 5/3/78.This revision was made to provide a format that will also provide a suitable record for planned changes in procedure distribution.
These changes.will be incorporated into Revision 10 of the QA Manual, when accepteQ by the Authorized Inspection Agency, to impxove the convenience of procedure maintenance and usage by segerating manufacturing procedures frcm administrative p(.Ocedures.Item 3 Rec(uirenent:
SF&W QAM Section 13, Audits, Paxagraph 10CFR50 Appendix B, Criteria XVI, Corrective Action and XVIZ, Audits Nonconformance:
a.Auditors reviewed SF&W internal audit report (12-6-77)perfoxmed by R.B.Bhavsar, where the reaudit of corrective action was perfoxmed by N.H.Ruxke on 12-12-77.This was Qocunented by initial and date beside each corrective action listed except one, Number 5d, which was-not signed, or dated as having'been reaudited.
b.Auditors reviewed internal audit report (2-14-78)performed by R.B.Bhavsar.This audit reported five findings.No written corrective action could be presented to the auditors.This audit was followed by audit report (3-8-78)by R.B.Bhavsar which does not doclment an actual folly-up of the findings of audit dated 2-14-79.The report dateQ 3-8-78 does not cxoss-reference or close-out t)M.'finding of audit dated 2-14-78.SF&W had intended the later audit to close out the previous audit of 2-14-78 by not finding any problans in the sane areas of those nonconfoxmances.
This intention of SF&W does not meet tlat requirements of 10CFR50 Appendix B, Criteria.
0 lg A 0.SGUHWIEST FABRICATING I 4 Svln41~Iy~I IV l<<t<<I<<etio<<el I Mr, S, bhNanus/CPEL f~<<May 3, 1978%0<<I$1, I I'IIg'0 I I: I, r jg!I I I<1 gs I'1 I<<II t ," f I I U I<<f>>VCiI I-Ig I Q I" I,I jr I J,I I I I.'""I IIQ f Corrective Action and lementation 1.Item 3(a)Item Number 5dr 7018 electrode free the shop are stored in the storage rocm without any identification, which was reported corrected on 12/6/77, was reverified"as corrected," initialed and dated 3/14/78.2.Item 3 (b)The inter-office memorandum dated 2/14/78 (R.B.Bhavsar to N.Moerke)xeporting QA discrepancies has been placed in a file"QA Surveillance Reports."!r(,<<<<Q<<g 1&%~WI a~<Irm In accordance with the QA Manual, Paragraph 13.1.3, the intexval between audits shall not exceed six months.Further, as stated in Paragraph'arxl pointed out during the audit,"an Internal Audit Report (see Rduhit 13-1)shall be ccmpleted as the audit progresses." Therefore, as stated, the observations reported by inter-office rrem dated 2/14/78 (Bhavsar to lkerke)was not intended to be interpxeted as an audit to satisfy the QA Manual requirenents.
The recognized QK Audits during 1977 and 1978, as reported by required Internal Audit Reports, (Exhibit 13-1)were performed 3/4/77'/10/77 (partial)7/18/77'2/6/77'lxl 3/8/78'urther, implementation of the QA Program auditing practices has'een completed.
A new audit reporting form, has been prepaxed and approved by,man'agerrent.
Each finding" will be listed on separate pages, together with corrective action and:docunentation of correc-tive, action,,with appropriate signatures and dates.Presently, with Revision 9 of the QA Manual, the Ir.ternal Audit Report foxm'must be continued until the new format,is accepted by the Author-ized Inspection Agency and included in Revision 10 of the QA bhnual.Thexefore, until Uu.s action is ccmpleted, audits, conducted, in the innediate future will, be sumurized on two foxms.Iton 4 Becpirementr 10CFR50 Appendix B, Criterion II, Quality Assurance Program Nonconformance r Criterion II, states in part,"Managern nt of organizations participating in the QA Pxcgram shall xcgularly review the status and adequacy of that<<I n!Q I~'p l<<t<<J<<I 1 gl&yIE'I 1-'<<1 I'+~
I V j, 4,.~a&jVEUNNG CQ,WC, 4 lAI(t(~Iy~I IV la(~Ia~Iieaej th.S.lkManus/CP&L'ay 3i 1978')a I part of the QA Program which they are executing." The auditors deter-mined, contrary to the requirennnts of Criterion II, the managers of various SF&W Departnmnts whcm execute that part of the QA Pxogram for Qjich they have responsibility have not formally docjxjjented participa-tion in review of the Qh, Program prior its revisions being issued and zlplGAented o Corrective Action>j<<'~When future revisions to the QA Manual are contemplated, written 7<" docjmentaxy evidence acknowledging the change will be solicited fran each department head who is affected by the QK Ihnual change.Copies of the acknowledgnent will be retained by the QK Departttx'.nt
CONCEITS 1.Ebasco's Specification CAR-SH-M-30,, Revision 3,"General Pew'iping," in Part 2, Paragraph 21.1.c requires"marking pensi inki and tape, shall be, certified by chemical analysis and approved by Purchaser for use on stainless steel.," SF&W has decided to use different marking, pens and tape, fox'tainless steel than those for which they obtained approval'frcm Ebasco to use.The auditors are concerned if SF&W-has obtained Ebasco's appxoval for the new materials they plan to use, since no evidence of Ebasco's approval was presented to,the auditors during'this audit.~sSonse Mr.J.Harris informally presented the manufacturer's certification to Ebasco for cament and acceptance on April 24, 1978.Formal suhnittal of the certifications for approval will be mailed during the week of May 8, 1978.2.The auditors are concerned that SF&W does not follow-up the correc-tive actions listed on their"Report of Nonconfoxmances" (RCN's)for any significant.
conditions adverse to quality or perform any trend analysis, of their RCN's to de~e significant conditions.
Copies of each Report of Nonconfoxmance (RON)issued due to discrepant product or docummtation for a specific material manufacturer or supplier is placed in th vendor's QA record file.These data are reviewed when an, additional.
RON is received to deter-mine if the deviation is a"repeat" of a prior offense.If, in the a I , Ih ia v~N.i I'I'i~O't')<<I p,w',.PI(I Oa~
1 n J ()A 6 v(ELotNG cQ, INc 4 SAJI4)~tg tl IV 4(~(P~14~)S.McManus/CP
&L May 3, 1978 3.opinion of SF&W QA, this i.s a repetitive condition, the vendor is notified of the large number'of rejects and an explanation of pre-ventive measures is requested.
Further, these data are reviewed prior to QA vendor audit to be certain, that the audit plan includes input fran performance histoxy.Bmsoo's Specification CAB-SH-M-12, Revision 0,"Quality Control Requirements for Suppliers of Bpu.ghent and Services," (860-72)in Paragraph 8.1 states,"For items and services purctmsed fran sub-suppliers, seller shall conduct necessary inspections and tests at points of receipt to verify conformance to applicable physical, chemical, or other technical requirenents." The auditors are oon-cerned that SF&W has not established a pxogram for, verifying by outside laboratory anlysis, a check against their subsuppliexs chemical and physical.test,reports.
SF&W's managenent stated they have not established such a progxam because they interpret the above specification) requirenerit to be met by performing a cxxnpmison between their subsupplier's chemical and physical test report and the appropriate ASMBor, ANN material specification.
The auditors agree.that the Ebasco requixanant as.stated above is interpretable.
The auditors are aLso concerned,that, this Bmsco specification requixerent has, been renaved fxan CAR-SH-ME-12, Revision l.The nrvr revision of the specification which is required by a latex xevision of Specification CAR-,SH-M-30 has not been made a part of the oontract in effect during this audit.t)h)l (ResEIonse The questions concerning intexpretation of applicability of specifi-cations was referred to R.Georgio of Ebasco by J.E.Harris's letter dated,3/9/78.
However, only oral cammts have been received to date.Also, no schedule for resolution has been established.
The auditors are concexned that there are several instances in SF&W material storage areas where carbon steel fittings were being stacked close to stainless steel pipe which'was designated for"QA relate use," (ASME Cede Material)by blue and pink markings on the material.In one storage area, a quantity of 12-inch carbon steel elis had fallen fxcm their stack and were within one inch of touching the stainless steel pipe.The concern is that other elis could continue to fall fran the stack and ccme in contact with the stainless steel pipe J Response Material handling supervision and manufacturing supervision personnel are cognizant of problems associated with storage to minimize
*r I)r~'I~.SbUTHNK%''AHA CATlNG r wctu>>Na ca,wc.0 4A)l4>a)g~I I)>I~ro)ae)l~I~I Mr.S.McManus/CP&L May 3, 1978 V , contaminatian.
It is a continuing daily enforcement problem to enfarce the discipline with the rapidly nnving inventory of stain-'less materials in the shop.Therefore, QA surveillance audits are conducted to cantrol this productian problem,.even though not recorded as, an, official internal audit.5.The auditors are concerned that in som instances SPEW MRS's con-tained errors'fter canpletion and being drawing checked twice by two different drawing>>checkers.
Several MRS's were revimM by the auditors;and the following two identified contained errors.MRS No.Q3301-SW;, Sheet 42, Revision 2, referenced Procedure PT-1'where the p~ure attachment for test acceptance criteria was not referenced's required., In addition, MRS No.Q3301-SW, Sheet 2, indicated'n attachment was to be used with,a reference procedure, but failed to correctly identify the attachment by its correct number.I')g)'.o'r)r, r)I))0)))>'0')1)~))'ery;truly yours, N.H.Nxxke Vice President-Engineering (QVQC)NHM:dc cc: G.,B.R.Ro W.K.Jr H.Lockwood J.Goodwin P.'Bornes L.Pearsan P.Knight D.Powell Er HarriS E es~nse Engineering has been advised of the apparent checking deficiencies ,and has taken appropriate action to nunimize recurrence.
Please advise us if you desire any additional information.
rg)o iQ rt 0 e FI:;P!AR~HOtlrp3PhIJ5$
4fy'gt tyt1/T j.-'r'I'Ig'Q+~~~9:;ftfg'IE"-(')(I-I''-'-F)FORII NPP-I RATA REPORT'FOB FABRI CATER htlCLEAR PlylbC oLOAEIEqfntJES'
'(Ao Brqolrrd by)ho Provl&#xb9;loo~of.)ho,AEIIE Code Rolrsl])'L]'g[")jjJ.h (tdame aha Addrr e~~I t'abrscas at)I Fabrscasoo oy r-.Fabncasro Fer (Prana aha Addrr~~)Cu olin!(Pobfer 5 Li ht CO~~.Eoca lon of Pl nt~e e h Orth Carolina SPENT FIdoEL SERIAL 816893 S P'Othe Sytleo Idenssllcslsos
{Dtsel arsctsplson o snlrn~~ord usr mess cessant~It>)))).'330d SP SIIT p d)y~Sout v I 5 M)r).'o'))lf7 66 B~,he e or~rsaf drasfn, conslrus'sion, and vrorbmanahlp comp((e~wslh ASA(E Code Stclloh Dl Clos~Kcl<<sn 1C~ACdenca Dole C.-P 1a73~Case.'Ia geroara~I Ideroofacturersr Desa Repono properll Identified ehd~ICnad by Carmiasiasrd lasarnen have been furnsehed for ELL-S hr.FCO TUBE CORPORATION (A)S/ll-.I-8222F-15; Pipe Ihe fotlaorssC sltn~Of Ihs~rcport f I ol part lltm supper~qdahufsclurel
~rlsoe urd ddessllyshc
S/sd-~II2595-8'-'lf p2 S/'III RSI2)95 8 10&P3)S/N Ys 2595 8 22.,~Shop Kvoass~tlc Te~I ys psl, MK(F3-P 6-2-SF-8-1:
SA<<358 CL.I-TP-304 WLD B Deectspqsah of plplnC Insprcted (Include-warts o, malersal spr nom.pspt~str-scarc)sl
~or Insc\nrss Irnclh 12" (.375"vl)5'-6"&9'-6" LEN S'A"403 MP-304'stlo 12" 90o I STO: lsssrnC~I eh(r~r tsc I wT.LR.ELL rb~~)C I Psrg APR 25 l979"<PR/<Crn!g5 ANO Cp/T'sc)I.EI-fvsE55 EBA5CP[hf(PP/IEW VEO;.-;,0 BY SHNPP.CONSTR.Q A UNIT.z~C EP.o'e crnifv Ihal Iht sl~tenenl~made fn Ihl~rcport arc correct and Ihal Iht labtlcallon of Iht drst~Ibtd pipshc conforms wflb Ihr reousremenl
~of SEC j(Dof Ill Cf lhc ASIAE DOII KR AI(D PRESSURE VESSEL CODE D.l O 26-/8 ,(SR)(F ebrsC~Iorl r C~dotrsq~so of A))shorts~Iles 7 rpsrs~uI((0 CE(I.TII ICATE PP SIIPP IATSPECTIO.'I I~Ihe uh'r~Icnrd,hafdbsc a valid comms~~lon I~surd by Iht ldsslonal Doerd of Das'r~~ssd pr~~sure vr~~rl Inspector~~ndlar tho Ssas~ar Provlnt~of d)d)rh IZJ AL ra)~so~oar)a 9A hov~Inspected qse plpsnc described In thl~Das~Rrpots an~I9 8 and~I~I~Ibsl s~fho be~I of my incor(edCe
~hd be (fr f,she llrnufrcsuyrr ha~caholrucsrC Ihl~pr plhc In sccordonct vdslb Ihr~t Flit sb'I~Sebo~tsloss of AShsE Codt, S~cites ID.D y~~Crust Ihs~C~rls fleas~~no Sshet Ihe Ins pre I or nar hl~employer ma I~any v~rre hit, astor~s rd or smpl ted, cahrerrr PIP)nC Ih Ihl~'Des~Repor<<Furthermost
~no sits~r Ihr lnspTClot nar hs~rnplayrr shell bo liabl~lh Sny rsesntt for ohy Por~ohsl ln'ury or properly Comets or~'oo~ol any hrhd ers~snC fords or canst tied vssh Ihr~IhsPtcllan,~I~(tns pectorf Io~'r~Isosss hoon, Id~I~.Provsnc~ohd:oo.~svl Iomehsa(sne~I~th!arm of II~I~~~belches or or~<<snc~mey be us ed pro"Iced (I)~I~~I~tvr".~II", (I Lsfermesscn hn Iseaa I~2 rhd$Lhs~Cal~rsrarq la bnChodod on~sch sheet~arul (S)~ach shs~I I~nmbet~C arel nuhdaor of shrels Is recorded ln Item yo'emarta"o 435 08~
i"EA'5(pt ro't NPP-I"','",".I"'f~,;".",gPCITO@II~g.
i't"JC~".PI;,s."nl)l'>s'~;)I('jgJgUpi;qg7(fjIlIU/'I'II(Iq f~l~)tI'FORqI gpp'j'(back) 9''I"utf"'"'~~'y Wr~~Dtecrlptton s(FI~Id Fobtlcotlon
'f~~~~~~;b~~1~~~'5~I(5 Fl~ld)(ydtoot~ttc Test E pel~u'csnlfy that th~(laid fobrlcstlon o(the described PIPlng conforms with thr tequttements of SECTION Ql of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSIIRE VESSEL CODEt Clat~~Edltlon~Addend a D st~Case Ho.Det~~19 Signed (Fabrtc~Iot)(tprterntattvc)
Ovt Crnl(Ication of hlnhorlcatlon Io usr the Ctr.lllcot
~of Author(cotton No.Symbol Exp(rat l9 CERTIFICATE OF FIELD FABRICATIOII INSPECflp.'I I~thr lalltrt~(Cnrd holding~valid comml~~lon I~eutd by Ihe Hot(anal Board o(Boiler osd Ptreewt Veto~I Inepectot~and/or Ih~St~I~rt Ptovttlct 0(~AC~teplsyelt by ol hove ctvspottd the~t~temrnt~In thl~Manufectuttr
~Dot~Rcport with Ihe dtoctlbtd plplAC end~tetr that thr pone rrftnrd Ia o~EE~I~It~Est , not Included In the cenlf loot~o(shop Inspection have bren Ineprctrd by tsr and that Io Iht be~I of my ttnowledgt snd bcllef Ihe manufoctutrr hor conettucttd thl~piping In~econ(ence<<lth Iht~I pl(coul~~~ctlon of the ASME CODE SECTIOII flf.'y~(going thl~certlllc~I~ntlthct tht Inspector nor hl~cltlplot'rt matte~ony wenanty copra~~rd or Implltd, concrrnlng the ptp tng drecribtd ln thl~Manu(~Cturtr'Dots Rcport.Funhctmore, nelthrr the Ineprctsr sot ht~rrpteyer shall be llabl~tn sny mannet (er any personal Infuty or proptny damage ot a loe~of ony ttlnd atl~Ing (tom or cotrltctrd with thl~Inspection, Dot~l9 Inspector Comrsl~~lone Nattonal Bsan4 Stater Provtnco and hot

SRRB%t~<<$g o~~P~ry-Shttt tio.Southwest Fabricating
1 ~
&)Yl.'lding Co., Inc.LIQUID PENETRANT INSPECTION REPOflT iPoge ol o..P-9d'7P~CSI Procedure No;CL<<f t~I r~r=-.(~nM~<<S.".~+~
Re o.oble 0 lho}le Spot Check MA I CIIIAL OC S ctllr 1 IOH tAATCnl*L TYrc I I.HC In*It 1 SKI.-S IB SKLw Q mf Oo/~ncMovcn oA Tell Ho 0'cvcLottcn OATCM HO OA TC~I HO SK C.S~~Wote.Q E~g4" gg~>O stt:.f"<<sltnt'Ac c co<<col TSON I CMncnA IVIIC-.o'" I IICCL\A~litt IYI~1.nA~ctt Ho-P r:-c CLCAH1.n OnYIHC TIMC Minvtes 4&@OIICLL 1 IMC Minvles r CH c I HAH T n CMOV AL AI C THOOI Solvent Wiped Pf t<<CMO V Ctl Otl'I IHC I IMC hlinv1~I OCVCLOI I I IMI.hlinvl es rost cl.cAHT.n I i",i H<<tr.Q III v X III 0 Q 0 III 0 0 DESCRIP TION OF INDICATIONS
      ) R
~l&e-<<-v i C A t~/I;VP<<~jIIA;ltd-~~-'V Ivl Q Q I Q 7 IVI 0'In v z
~'/i'i (gQ jPe~)"Cjkggg, PgQ'AV7IAee.~-;
0)SWEPCO TUBE CORPOR TXON QNC CLIFTQee OOVSCVANO~CLISTON.NCW JERSCV 07075 Soutllwest Fab&We'ding P.O.Box 9449 IIouston, Texas 77011 5 H I P T 0 rg"e~o'o'~4-Southwest Fab&Welding 200 No.76th Street)Iouston, Texas 77011~g g CZ e i~7//77 8 I2ot)776 QQQO YWX NO.7IO-Ot)O-7OOO TELEX NO 1SMRI e DI51RIBUTQR g~~C 5 O eusr UE R rg P 0 NUMBER 1~Swepco SP grade f).ttdngs T 304 to ilSI/IE SA 240 a f ASIIE-SA-403, WP-30"W&ASNE Sect.III Class 3, 1971 Edition including 1973 Sut"7ter AddEnda, weld x-rayed lOOX per Para UW-51, Sect.VIII, NPT-3 code stamped&inspected, annealed, water quenched to below 800 deg.F within 3 minutes.~ree ere-~<<~o oE LD wlRE IIEAT NQ,+BED HFg HEAT TREATMENT o~~+0 SOLUTION AIINEALED P IT~dg oF FOR~6'ltiUTES MINIMUM AND RAPID AIR COOLED'WATER DUE tiCIIEO CHEMICAL SIZEI/+'e7 d)e/O Cee('HC44 SWEPCO PC.NOS~SI(Idj r>>Z-C-t ra<O//ANALYSIS HEMIC*L REQUIREMEtiTS
.Q I'lI'E HELD.ttit tiSVERSE~s~~v v E ASCO VQ E XAhIINATIONS keee'LIS*sec S>Cuvl IISICt 1 3 RADIOGRAPHY IILTRASOtetC LIQUID Pt.'N.CORROSION 4S~E-I 7 W+ee/.r/I IMI ACT HYDRO.P.S.I RE Sill,t S IA s'E'/D 7 eb<<<5~Sr~skeSz)Y Q.o/crFI~r oS PNd Pd-PD<rf'C'Io I/I/8'd.b/E FVC rPS De 7 e".RurrsrC D rc)y'r)'8 5 C,//rro=FPCC
+=P<YO NOIAIT FUEIIC QF R 1st/77 (IPert I/SIS~e gy s Ce elillsotevs w v ev/'~E~I~I l,eeoc'~hi~crt tllicolios ollieses isot shove CMTF~Is coirect osd occveoee Isctvdisd oil test'~evil~osd ooeeolioss is coeesliosce reeih I~ele~/sot~riot soecificoeios osd cvsloeser I resvoeiersl
~eee~l,eev ilt<<S~
vh)~krak V~TELE'lO.133321 (201)778 3000",I 44.d (S.Lvkf'Ihh,i~
ffl~~ha REVIEWED FOR CORRECTNESS AND COMPLETENESS SY NO.(201)SS71 d2OQ'Pd c'll)I~SV7 ZPCO TU 33K CO ONE CLI!TTON 8OULKVARO~Cl IFTON4 N R I rt3t8 FOR)I ssi-2 stIAisUFACTURERS DATA REVOIR F.d(61dssd r,, g-p.2 yy EIIASCO V@A REP].(a)Manufactured by SWEPCO TUBE CORPORATIOV I CLIFTON BLVD.CLIFTON, f Southwest Fao cx Neldzn Houston, TX (Name and address of Manufacturer of completed nuclear component)
NAlsICES Identification-Manufacturer's Serial No.of Part M-8222-F Nat'I Bd.No.N A lr'" (a)Constructed According to Drawing'No.Dra~ing Prepared by (b)Description cf Part Inspected*16 I3cs 12 3'D x 3/8 W x 90 de~LR ELLS (welded D'm""" Sr.-403 Section III Class 3'manufacture (R/M SA-240 T-304 Ht.<o-836662), welds x-rayed 100,o per Para UW51, annealed and pickled.S.N.F.ouo.3302-N-4.*Swepco pc.nos.SNM-8222-F Pc.1 thru Sly-8222-F Pc.16.90 deg LR ELLS Length 1 00'Ya Efficiency Vo.of Courses s't coplilv Is)oi Is)t~I~ltmtni~mode in shs~rrpsrl io iht sl'~sl consiiucusn ol the ASMK Code Stetson lll~tTI)t~slslicoslt Dt~icn Ss)tcslscosson ond Stree~Rcport~rt rtss)onslssr fop lunushinc~~tpss~lt Drsicn Spdcihcolion ond lion snd Slit~~Roon.l~rr contcl ond shss vss~ol ad pl os~S)pun mont~~~dtlintd sn Iht Code cshloims nol lht rtopanslbllliy ol the part mondloclwtp An oor)upltnonct msnulociurtr ss Slrtoo RtPOn Sl IS)~OPS)usiassntr S~nDS lshtludrd Sn S)kr hro Otl Dt~ScnSPtCSDCS
,i)4~/~.a~~-;John Hendry-Zna.:
Coord.i 2 Certificate of Authorszation Expires Signed I I C'Manufacturer)
H-1418 Certificate of AudsorlzatfolLNI):
7-304 SR2nO 75000 R h,~l 3/8 c o*(0 1 3)(n (-)4.Sh ll:)l~4 I-T.S.Thl k~~-dll-V.Dl~.-Pk-hk (K'aSp.R)(Rl o(R*4 Sp ill 4)R T comt3lete Girth KT.R.T.CERTIFICATION OF DESIGN FOR APPURTEscANCE (Nhcrt applicable)
Desiot snfor~tion on file at SL~ss analysis report on file at Destw specifications certified by Stress analysis report certU!ed by N/A Prof.Eng.State Prof.Eng.State Reg.No.Reg.No.CFRTIFICATL OF SIIOP IssSPECTIDN l, the undersigned, haldlng a valid comcsssaion issued by the National Ooord of Boiler snd Plessssre Vessel Inspectors
~nd/or i'he 5:a'.e or ProvLGCe of Liew Jersey and employed by COMMERCIAL UNION INS"RANCE COMPANf of BOSTON, MA., have hsp.cted the part of a prcssure vessel described in this Manu!ac;uzr's Porial Data Report on 7/Z (0 19 76, and state that to the best of csy knowledge and beilrf, the Munulscturer has construcied L:ls por.In accordance with the ASME Code Section III.By sicr.sng this certificate, neither thc inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or unpiled, cnncerning the port descrsbed in this Manufacturer's Partial Data Report.Furthercsoro, neither the Inspeclor nor his employer shall be Bob:e in sny.=armer for any personal injury or property domal e or a loss of any kind~rising fro=or connected with this LspectscsL Ds!e.Co 19 Q N.Y.1813 N.J.6C6 CH!Q APP'D.PA.CO'!!t Vl C.26o7-speclor's Signature Ccmmissions National Board, Sl~le, Province src No, i lf'Poativeld Heat Treated I~e I~/'STOMCR Xoc////Mr.-.
r$-I I I C 0 II F I T.I re 0 5 I 2 E (2.0 JOS NO peri THICKN E55 L CNCTH 90 c'H Ez<g MATERIAL TYPC~''"';<<:-''~~it~lfADI6GRAPXICIIASPECTIOX'REPORT'-"<.
'P>>~".f C.'I 3 II/y I/II II II I)It et I~II SPCCIFIE ATION gQ'EIeeI/ZI I A-0 I/@pl rr!/<l/'t.c.d i&i/j~/I/"-C K//V NOe Fll MS F I LM T C 0 HNI DUE~V~E4IMPOSCD Yl arel~/I Gzvr/e/v7-s Q g (C//, Le', C Q DOVIILC Q YCS Q NO lr OURCC 0F 4 ADIAtlON e~X RAY'AMMA RAY MA, FOCAI DIST ANCC C XPOSUR C T IMC/O///z in ii)/.ie,YPC EXPOSURE IteSINCI E WAI I{e OOUGLC WALL PENCT4AME,TC4 THICKNC55 AND OESCRIP TIOW/r'5T/+/O O/o<<POCAL 5 POT SI>>E LEAD 5CREEN5 DI5T ANCE OF FILM t0 00IEE T~yy~.010 PACK 005 PRON t O;-'ERE CN TACE Or x 4 A Y 4 COvIRC0 gOD FILM I CRPRET TION 0 I, 5/)I 7 7 g/8 OATC/0 e 0+e~I 0 0 e V 0 I V V I V'I 0 ee J V 0 re I ee 0 0 a 2 V V 2 0 I 0>>E Y.ll V Ja 2 0~\X 0 V~I 2 0 e V 0 2 Id V E~I Id 0 V E 2 0 BRIEFLY DESCRIBE APPARFHT DEFECT.IF HO DEFECTS, STATE"HO APPAREHT DEFECTS"~/-z.i~i~/, I/i~Q AhtD QO//I L;r=iiI-;S le'i l!~e/P'i g]/Z..'/',/'c.l dt 4 I I r g 4 c",.~~Lr I 0 (vi l~/I e i l l I i Lr//,('gv j-2'Lr'~l 5 v e'e/e et~A'{<<:~I;:.!;<<':{!/'A IM~e<</LM'C-/'I/>u'.w~r$~j-+I l.~I I j i i I I;i i I~i II y e~~rOleM Idg CO Q K~~~*DEPT C B.<UTHCPl ED Ie{5PI{.e{)P
~~Q y~~ggg~~I~~~~~4~~~~~~ERR M~~~al PVVv.'4 V'",'g'V,4'y'bW'(VV',V vvlwVI.":'h~.-agan~
g>~A 4~~f v V VVVV~~'~~~7I by..F~-'$;I~~4 V~jt IJ(V~~(QA VV'44%, S V~~~~Vw"<~~'V P~r q P,(gV 4"V$~>glVyfj'>>A 0~~I~~~h."",;w4;tVV',)f/'-V i, C,rl v4,~~~r~~~~~p~~o o I~~
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~Ca.>FTO>u 6 vV~PCO TL a~CO I@VIEWED FOR CORRECTNESS AND COMPLETENESS BY Et O 515 1 NO (aPOt)et71r5MQ I~"rm u I"()IDI ss-">s(as,'>UI'AC1'L'l(L'llS 0 a, TA I(EI'0ll'I''()
EBASCO VQA REP.ENANCES].(a)L!anufsciured by (b)V anufoctured Icr trEPCO TUllE CON VORATION I CLINTON BLVO.~CLIFTON.N.~n>~111"~t c Pb 6 Ivr ldina Houston TX QC:sni tol P ioe (Na=e and address of Manufacturer of completed nuclear coioponrnt)
Houston)2 Ident>f>cation.Mahufactuter' Serial No.of Part (e'p fs A Nst'I Bd.No.(s)Constructed According to Drawing No (b)Dc scription of Par: Inspected (c)Applicable ASM Code>Sec Jon IU, Ed em'A-358 I'lass 1 t i, T-304, Ht.Ho.E'80817), p')led, hydro tested 0'=Swepco ho.SN M-2595-8.s 12/4" O.D.N 3/6"W 20'/L Weld d~eoir a.'-U-"'L Section IIX, Class 3, mansifac" ure (R/M SA240~welds x-rayed 100~per Para PN-51, annealed and 1324 P.S.I.minimum.S.W.E'.h o.33-2-F-5.Pc.>Io.16,17,2$,24,25,26,27.
te censfy Ihr I Iht~I~>stash>~rh 1st In Ihs~~aport ate con eel~hd Ihss rr>ihe n~~sf coll~,hrclrcrl of Ihe AS>>C Code S~c>soh fft.QYht~pp:stso:~Ce~rih Sorcslscsisoh shd Stir~~Reoori s~e hoi Ihe respohsstsst
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(>>hen ai>piicnI>IC)
Des>gm LnformaeJon oo file at St~as scaly~i~repcr.on file~t De s:-.sp.c:fico t)cns cerJ fied by S<a~~no!ys>s rcport cerdied by hs/A Pro(.Eng.State Pro fr 1 gr Si~te Res.No Rag.Nch ode Section III.Uie Inspector nur his employer=ages any warranty, eap:cs~r.d or impl>s:d.concern'1g
'Par>ut Dat~Rcpor>.f ur'ncr.ore, neither the Ins;hctor nor his cm loyer sin~U bc'1lury or rop<<ly damage or a loss of any ILLnd aria>ng (ross or ccnnecitd wsth t..i~By~>going this ccr'cate, nea~~r ihr.p r.deacr:t.d us this Hanufacts'r
!'b'tc 1~1y.~...c:r (or any psrsonal p~~W Y'.': 3 RJ.64fa GH:0 A r'D.PA.C"".M.>h'.C." r 7 Commiaaicns N a 1>0 n a I B c, rs r~I~I C~P.Ir v in.e C r n N Oe CEIITIFICATC OF Siifir ii~EC>>oi unde>a>~Wed, bOiding~V~lid CcmmiaaiOO ISSued by:1e Nui>pnat BOrrd Of Br>iler<<1d P..SS='e'CSSC!IOSWCI=.E a1d/or'nc'tate ot P oviticc of Es eW Je<<Seser and rrptoycd by CGM>rlERCIAI U:lsON"ISI:RANCE CCM?ANY o(BCSTCN.MA..hsve tnaPcctcd I..e P~re of a Ptessure vessel described in this Stsnufectuter's Pa..>at Data RcPort oo I/5/"t)C 19 I and state rthat to thc b st o(my snowledge and bel>e(, the M nufactu~r hs s cons Jctcd th>a,~..'".I cccrdrnce w>th tbe ASME C

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,, E A QpU)(SNA,"e CES], (~)Lfanufoetured by (b)h!onufactured for S%'EPCO TVDE CORPORATION I CLIFTON BLVD..CLIPTOli.N.I.(Name ond address of llanufhcturer of completed nuclear cosrponenl) r>-2595-8 N~t I Dde No I'cntification Manufacturer's Seri~I No.of Part (o)Constructed According to Drawing No.(b)Desctiptioo of Part Inspected (c)Applicable ASI(E CodeiSection III, Edition~~, Addenda date Cs v Coar No.Class~Drawing Prepared by O.D.x 3/8M'20'/L (>t 3.ded oioe)SA-358, Class 1, 7-304, rit.h'o.F80827), ,=i c3(led, nydro tes ted C~St'caco No.Sh I"3-2595-8, Section XXX, Class 3, manufacture (R/t4 SA-24o fields x-rayed 10090'er Pa"a PN-51, annealed and 1324 P S.X.min'mum.S.N.r., ho.3302-'~-5 Pc.1-2-3-5-7-10-11.
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el T-304 SR2C0 75000 R.~i 3/8 c'1 3('d S'..II:I~I;I-T.S.ll e'.*A II--.Dt~.F\-I.Sih (s d!ese e.s'(If o(R s Seeefo df R.T.Cc,.nleto Sff.;e=(2Q'I G~H.T.R.T.Nc,.of Cc uises'~renliv shel Ihe~I~Iemcnl~node in Ihs~sepoel co ice e~e~ot condsn clion ot ihe ASMC Code Seclson ttt.I he~poler~Sir tie~sin 5 pe est~tees~Cn one Slee~~tc coors~sr~e~sine el,i~ioe iuesehsnc~~epoease De~isn Specihcolioh ond~e.ei~.Dn snc Side~~Repose.l nOl Ihe s~~ptnssastelS ot Ihe Peel sf~I~eiveee An~I puelenvne~snonufoesueee
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./'-.'.,/"Q~~6 J&n Hencry Ene~'oord.
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Ce..if t of;h I tice p s I9 78 Signed eQ'c elf Itis<cl.Ss (Manufacturer) 7'Doie en h'-1418"'1Ce..i!scate of Authorization No.oer corieci end ini~ve~s~I peel oe vrd ur endo r~~~denned en che code ronroeri~CERTIFICSITIO.'e OF UESIG.'e FOR APISL'RTE.'cheh'CE (eellcn afsplica41e)
                                ~                 ~
Design snformation on file at S ass analysis report on fsle"at Design~Iketf sections certified by ce..ified by S'ts'I iQ;".'~3G2!:-$
                                                    ~   I ~
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;, thc undersigned, holding~valiC coma reason I surC by!nc.'eef tonal Board of Boiler on(.'ressu~
0   ~
Vessel inspector~~14/or the St~'e or Prov'1cc of heeln'erSesve
                                                                                              -&#xb9;M55 mmiisam    em Ram o gOlt45~e~e~e~o~o aaaaa        e   ~  ~
-onC e..ploved by COethlERCDL UNIO:e D(SURANCE CQh: ANY cf IIO TON, MA., have tns;oectcd the ps rt of a pressure vessel described in this etonufvcls er's pari~I Dot~Report on s>/~g/7~'9, ond state tr.~t to the~~st of...y Lnowleos,e onC belie f, thc eivnufocturerr hns constructed
:his;u A in~ccordvnce wc'-".the*SW Code Section III.Dy signing this crrttorioate, neither the Inss~ctor nor his ecsPIoyer mat(rs any warranty, vs;Irrs~ed or s...Plied.
!hc-vr.described in this I'onufocturer'a Parial Data Repor'urthermore, nc.ither the inst~clos nor his eo.ptohc'r shalt be:sob;r in any monner for ory personal injeey or proieerty damage or o loss of s ny csnd orsssng frem or connected with I-I~3~W 7M Qefkctor s Sign~'ure if Pcl',v ceo I'Ieat Tres'tcdo c.~~tf.Y.~I't J ('6 CIIIO lee'r O.pA, C(,'e"ec,'9, C.~" 9 7 National Board, St~te, Province ond No c~(e I
)5 FA'S.Ft YlelD HoutSTrtIN.
TCI(AS 12-1 2-Corrected copy hN-Tlxll l,hll.Bl'.VOllT NO.9213 t)II I'AI1.I:I)
ALAI,)'SIS I(l'.I'()lk'1'lall t XXKKJO No C(ISTOMf.RS'ROl'R N(3 0152 D E S C R IP T I 0 N~~~Iitl It t oi NINI~I I 0 tOtal tla lgvtal~al a l(N5N (51N(NCIN f(N 5OV1II(IN(II tlallal III'a(a Iroa aa I tl tl~al~I trN~~ro~~a~tl~VII YS ICALS, OF MATCIIIALS FAOM WIIICII MADE P S SI CR CHEMICAL ANAI YSIS MO Cu HEAT OR (.OT (IIO.Sf(C(tKA'I IOtl Of ((ATTNIN(, f f Ot((f1(ICA 5(NOT 1/8"~132" iooilloor Ioo Ilier.'I'-308 Stainl(iss Steel Weld Report(d 072 Va 1.96 TL cb+Ta.004 Co.27 21.0 Wire.SPecificatinll:
. SFh-5.9 C I ass l'.R-3(N m+ro.071 Va 2.39 Ch ck hl ,Olil.006 cb+Ta Co 21.97 9.93.02 22~'hemical nalysis'or Infor ation,':l IA-m n~q.,-, z o r Irl p. Purposes I 1 nly.,Z Z 0:.o'n fll z ill I I'err;Scl-9%'alcu leff3er D ate(from agr, m.the Cl eck h al is usl IP h.HF.S cti n III Div.Fig.NB 433.1 l'err t e-.everI Gua re thl n 7t57 less th: 10%~i FH ore han 5 les.than 8.I HEREI3Y CERTIFY THIS REPORT TO OE TRUE AND CORRECT ACCORDING TO RECCNDS IN%HE POS+ESSION Of THIS CORPORATION
'C~~(.'r'-0 (~.
4PPt.'j l~n Ot fr 1>>V z tTl~Q rtl U n g 0 O g 0 z>>Q r.l rr<~0 OT n~~PONYER.SYSTEMS Cnn)I)i(llinn Enginec(it)(i.
Iiic.C E Wile (n)2).(<or(<lt(nrr(non>>l Norfrn<L G>>to<nin 300!)3 Mnt<VT ACT V<tf<TS Ot iCCntl<CALLY COtl t(<OLL(t1 W>>tf r in(t(LCSS r I Cfl, t<(C<(CL (<<Otlf'l,<(<COT(CL, tt<CO<tl X Lt)t.'ALI(r Y Tf cLs.~<ELD(t(o ALLovs.Low.(<<cD(vn<.Htot(cvstoM(2(rs on()EA No.i(iO(n(inEA'tl(),"" ()Al T.'Si)ii>>r'(<I)'7-2010 2033 12-2-77 sillrrEO TO Southwest Fabricntil)g C I/cldiTIg 7525 Shcxvnn IIouotorT, Tcmo 7703.l..3./8.".(.125").".rlCII:IChl((<N
.094" usa.'ape: 300 S.S.Meld ui e Spec.SI"A 5.9 MAR KEO: I TEM I CONSISTING OF ll<(5 Coils(1 skid)Coils 1 thru 5 I>>-IiEhT 491999~, C.,0'72 M<l.1.96 Si.027 S..OOII r..023.Ct 21.09 Ni.9.65 C(L.ll hl<h XEZ.OII5 Ti..07 Ch.(Ta..02 hlo.t Cr<.10.oG.Fcrl ite 10FH TENSILE STAENGTII YIELD STAENG TH ELON.GRAIN SIZE I ROCKWELL SI(EhA Melding Temper YOU REQUESTED TIIIS IMPORTANT INFORMATION.
H-., Va.~~>>I.T I'r r ,I>>>><7>>~~r)l;'c (.<<+j"r'g.>>.:<, T<>>'4'Ii~'l Jr@e<<L, t>>'>>t r t>>'--nn.,~''"ft'>>'.'I Qnrr n)L\I<I ,)I'((]<[I P hUTIPIBIZEI)
Ol'f(CIAL P-ASE GIVE TO YOUR PUI)CHASING AGENT.'2 7II-,-FPE3R Mi., hN-Tt)ctt i.h8.uEVO.n No.78-1377 DETAII.RD AHA I,'3'SIS REI'016'OUSTOH, TE')IAS Test IrCIi?Or<I oIO.C\I 5 T 0 IA C A r~OIIOC II AAI5 01~rAv v&#xc3;D E S C B I PT ION~O~<I*I IAIAI QIHI~Ill o tol~I~I~'l O O O O I l~lv IIHIKI 5IHI HCIII OI O I II UAH I IHCII Ale~(~VI llovoo~l Ov lv I rl~Iror~lOVI~llov IV AJIO P II Y 5 I C A L 5 OF MATEIIIALS FAOM Wll:CII MAO'MN SI CB Nl CHEMICAL ANALYSIS MO CU II CAT OA Lot NO.5OE CIEKA IIOII Ol Ilh)ENID fIIOAI WIIK AAAOE 3/32" l/8" 5/6'" Cornbus tio)En5.r.T-308 S tainles.,~llo orl d.072 1.96 Va Ti.023 cb+Tn.OOI'I Co.27 21.09 N 9.65'10~11 81998 Steel Weld Mire. S ecificatlon:
SFh-5.9 Class 1 R-308 30X ST-l00 Flux 11T.8J-27 70K 860 Flux llT 8L-37 n m 7 n 0 0 m 0 0 i'.c'.ll 5 Ill m IAI J 50 m E3.058 2.~)5 Va Ti.05.01 Fezr te 8.ld D.025 cb+Ta 005 o~oS i.013 Co.Ol ulat.50 20.23 N.018 df orna 10.'3.12.09 nal sis'.p.For Infor>>ation535')
Pur oses)nl Chem col Da lg;is i'e d De~sit Us inI Sch ef f1 r Di 3gra.Usin~ASH Se tion III D iv I'i I 13-2 533=1 te'~e Seve n C nore t)~n 7)X Le t T)an lOX FN tore han Le s Tha i 10 5'I HEAFDY CERTIFY THIS AEPOAT TO OE TAUE ANO CORAE ACCOAOING TO AEC ADS IN THE POSSFSSION OF THIS COAPOAATI C~r~
~riser<rrlr~r I~o~oar I rlts~~'~~l i4Wa SYSTEMS mtsrrurncyvncrss or TccHtrrcnLLY cotsynoLLco wsrsc stnINLcss syccL NrcsscL, r4otrcL,'>cotrcL, ItrcotccL x I 0 Yl nr I O Y 5 Y C C I 5 sY C Lo I rr o ns I o Y sn I 0 W, M C o I st ter~sr I C Q gQ cp na Kl O A m A rs r>s O Its p Ot X S Cosnl>ustion Enoinccrinrl, Inc.C.E Wite S22rs Stsscsrrstorrl nohrt Norcross.Grorosrr 30093 cLIETDMEII 5 onoEn No.77-2010 SIIOI'nocn NO.2egg DATE SIIIPPED 12-9-Tl IIPPEO TO Southwest I'abricating
&, Molding 7525 Shcrrmn I Ifouston, Texas 770ll Spec.SPA MAR KFO: ITEM cPNslsTLNG or-06 50 Coils shipped (2 skids)Coil//.6 through 55 I/8"~125"&8/6(i" (g~y.SPECI F ICATION.Ogil')ia~Type;300 S.S.Ifcld Hire GCNTLIthIENI WC I ICACOV CCnrlr V TIIAT MATI:.AIAL AEFCAAED TO ADOV F CONFOllMS TO THC PHYSICAL Af'IO C)INIMICAL TCSTS AS FOLLOWS ANO IS IN ACCOAOANCE WITH 5PECIFICATIONSI-1'1.Vc.Q@PUi.0 j2 hlu.Sr.S.P..27,0011.023 21 0 Nr.Cu, XBZ.045.01 Cts.~Ts.0 Mo.Co.,o6-.-1"cL rDc TENSILE STAENGTII V IE I,O ST AENGTII E LON.GRAIN SIZE ROCKWELL SIIEAR Ircldi>>p Temper YOU REQUESTED T)<IS IMfsORTANT INI=ORMATION.
INC...gP~.may gP~I ol,..~.,).SC Gc,,r:,I;,0 nl LII".0 PLEASE GIVE TO YOUR PURCHASING AGENT.I/y Constr:issleII LII~C tcloy 14, 13r I I~ot~<
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Ka~~~~~~~IRK~~~~MM<<;R Q-t S~>>~Sa Pt~t=t>>t Y 7-a>>*'g'K f 4q 0 1 to Serial: HNP-99-069 Generic Code Data Report for Completion of Code Related Activities in the Spent I'uel Pool Activation Project (2 Pages)
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Carolina Power&Light Co.PO Box 1551, Raleigh, NC 27602-1551 2.Plant: Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant PO Box 165, New Hill, NC 27562-0165 3.Work performed by: Name Address 4.Identification of System 5.Applicable Code of Construction 19 Edition, Addenda, Code Case 6.Identification of Components Constructed Name of Component Name of Manufacturer Manufacturer Serial No.National Board No.Other Identification Year Built ASME Code Stamped?(Yes or No)7.Description of Work WR/JO No.Tests Conducted Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test temperature
'F Remarks Certificate of Inspection I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of , and employed by of have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period to , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with design requirements of the ASME Code, Section III, and Quality Assurance requirements of the Owner's 10CFR50 Appendix B Quality Assurance Program Manual as augmented by the"Supplemental QA Requirements" section of ESR 95-00425 Inspector's Signature Commissions National Board, State, Provide and Endorsements Date 19 Notes: 1)Attach supplemental sheets and sketches as required 2)Applicable manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached. 2 to Serial: HNP-99-069 Representative WDR for Construction of the Units 2 8c 3 Spent Fuel Pool Cooling System (1 Page)
KXEEX~~~~                 ~~~~~E@r ~~ ~hi%~
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REMARKS: cP jL-6 0 v3$7 CRL)bgpfgyA~7/j3//gg DUE.I 1!3I1P F VHT ChAERT'G fv , Q SPEQ C~~~r O7~~  3 to Serial: HNP-99-069 Alternative Plan Letter of Endorsement from The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co.(1 Page)
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4q 0 1 to Serial: HNP-99-069 Generic Code Data Report for Completion of Code Related Activities in the Spent I'uel Pool Activation Project (2 Pages)
: 1. Owner / Constructor: Carolina Power     & Light Co.
PO Box 1551, Raleigh, NC 27602- 1551
: 2.     Plant: Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant PO Box 165, New Hill, NC 27562 - 0165
: 3.     Work performed by:
Name Address
: 4.     Identification of System
: 5.     Applicable Code of Construction                 19   Edition,         Addenda,       Code Case
: 6.     Identification of Components Constructed Name of       Name of           Manufacturer   National      Other            Year Built    ASME Component    Manufacturer     Serial No.     Board No.     Identification                 Code Stamped?
(Yes or No)
: 7. Description of Work WR/JO No.
Tests Conducted             Hydrostatic     Pneumatic         Nominal Operating Pressure Other           Pressure     psi   Test temperature       'F

MAR-8-SS fiOH 17'19 HSB AT EHG FAX HO.7703926252 NAR 88 199cr 16i1'?FR HTFD STEAN ENGINEER 668 722 5538 TO HSBTMT P,02 P.81W1Dr.Richard Ei Fcr Set Vice Prcsidccit Pool-It" Fax NOte 7671 The Hartford Steam Boner Iarpecrioa and reauraiice Co.KO.Box 5024 Oae State Street Eatrord CT 061M<ceo)m sss2 (SN)022-SS30+ex)rrciaeltbmnct Nmail)March 8, 1999 Fax e REt'EIVED MJSIR: 8 1999.Mr, Steve Edwards Manager, SFP Activation Project Carolina Power k Qght Company Harris Nuclear Plant P.O.Box 165 New Hjil NC 27562  
Remarks Certificate of Inspection I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of                          , and employed by                      of have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period to                    , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with design requirements of the ASME Code, Section III, and Quality Assurance requirements of the Owner's 10CFR50 Appendix B Quality Assurance Program Manual as augmented by the "Supplemental QA Requirements" section    of ESR 95-00425 Commissions Inspector's Signature                              National Board, State, Provide and Endorsements Date                          19 Notes:    1) Attach supplemental sheets and sketches as required
: 2) Applicable manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached.
2 to Serial: HNP-99-069 Representative WDR for Construction of the Units 2 8c 3 Spent Fuel Pool Cooling System (1 Page)
P)EI&g Q      OP'~
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3 to Serial: HNP-99-069 Alternative Plan Letter of Endorsement from The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co.
(1 Page)
MAR- 8-SS fiOH 17'19                           HSB AT EHG                             FAX HO. 7703926252                             P,02 NAR 88 199cr 16i1'? FR HTFD STEAN ENGINEER                               668 722 5538 TO HSBTMT                         P. 81W1 Dr. Richard Ei Fcr Set Vice Prcsidccit                                                 Pool-It" Fax NOte       7671 Fax e The Hartford Steam Boner Iarpecrioa and reauraiice Co.
KO. Box 5024 Oae State Street Eatrord CT 061M
(SN) 022-SS30 +ex) m  sss2                                                                  REt'EIVED rrciaeltbmnct Nmail)
MJSIR:     8 1999.
March 8, 1999 Mr, Steve Edwards Manager, SFP Activation Project Carolina Power k Qght Company Harris Nuclear Plant P.O. Box 165 New Hjil NC 27562

lOCFR50.55a Alternative Piaa HH/99-001 HNF-98-]88 0-
10CFR50.55a Alternative Piaa HH/99-001 HNF-98-]88 0-
==Dear Mr. Mwards:==
I have revicvred your letter to Mr. Bobo aad rhe referenced aaachmerits addrcssiag various spent fuel pool plphg systems. I haVe discussed the subject at Ierrgth with Mr, Bobo, who Is in responsible direct charge of Hartford Steam Boiler's (HSB) ASME Section ill and XI inspection activities. Subject to d<<tailed verification of completioa of unfinished tasks aad their compliance with comrnltrnents described. we believe that the plan proposed provides an acceptable alternative to code compliance h accordance with 10CFR50.55(a)g). Our concurrence extends to both disposMonlag Issues related to the as-built condition of the ayatems arid future activlCks under 'Ifi.Alternative Plan for Continuance of Design and Construction.'ur pcs ttton is based pcurcipally on the fotlowiag:
: 1.              Site wide use  of aa integrated QA progara at the site with evidence of adequacy provided by Iiceasiag of Unit I.
: 2.              Consistent reference by final acccprancc documentation, c,g. hydrostatic test reports, of first tier Inspection reports which establish review of records of welder qualification and sirailar code requirements.
: 3.              Plan provisions to verify code compliance or establish technical equivalency..e.g. deposited weld metal analysis.
Very truly yours, Iticliard E. Peigcl, Ph.D.
Vice President, Englneerhg Cc: B. Bobo                    R. Howard LOG GEo

==Dear Mr.Mwards:==
II Pnclosure 14'to Serial: HNP-99-069 Present Corporate (Appendix B) Quality Assurance Manual}}
I have revicvred your letter to Mr.Bobo aad rhe referenced aaachmerits addrcssiag various spent fuel pool plphg systems.I haVe discussed the subject at Ierrgth with Mr, Bobo, who Is in responsible direct charge of Hartford Steam Boiler's (HSB)ASME Section ill and XI inspection activities.
Subject to d<<tailed verification of completioa of unfinished tasks aad their compliance with comrnltrnents described.
we believe that the plan proposed provides an acceptable alternative to code compliance h accordance with lOCFR50.55(a)g).
Our concurrence extends to both disposMonlag Issues related to the as-built condition of the ayatems arid future activlCks under'Ifi.Alternative Plan for Continuance of Design and Construction.'ur pcs ttton is based pcurcipally on the fotlowiag:
1.Site wide use of aa integrated QA progara at the site with evidence of adequacy provided by Iiceasiag of Unit I.2.Consistent reference by final acccprancc documentation, c,g.hydrostatic test reports, of first tier Inspection reports which establish review of records of welder qualification and sirailar code requirements.
3.Plan provisions to verify code compliance or establish technical equivalency..e.g.
deposited weld metal analysis.Very truly yours, Iticliard E.Peigcl, Ph.D.Vice President, Englneerhg Cc: B.Bobo R.Howard LOG GEo II Pnclosure 14'to Serial: HNP-99-069 Present Corporate (Appendix B)Quality Assurance Manual}}

Latest revision as of 00:50, 29 February 2020

QA Audit of Southwest Fabricating & Welding Co,Inc, Conducted on 790314-16
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/28/1978
From: Hall A, Kosmatin T, Sean Mcmanus
Shared Package
ML18016A936 List:
QAA-702-3, NUDOCS 9905050228
Download: ML18016A942 (101)


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9 AUDIT REPORT Activity Audited: Southwest Fabricating & Welding Company, Inc.

Houston, Texas Audit Report No.: QAA/702-3 Auditors: A. E. Hall - Lead Auditor T. L. Kosmatin

'I Date: March 14-16, 1978'ersons Contacted: Southwest Fabricatin

  • B. J. Goodwin - President

<N. H, Moerke - Vice President, Engineering (QA/QC)

,J. E. Harris -.

Prospect Manager

~R. P, Bomos - Quality Assurance Manager

  • R. L. Pearson - Manager Welding E. McAnally, - Managex Engineering J. Brinkley - Manager IMaterial,Control M, Finn -,Nuclear Design Engineer H. McAnally - Pipe Yard Foreman
  • These persons were present during, the postaudit meeting.

~Sco e: Guidelines for conducting, the sub5ect audit axe outlined in CP6L Quality, Assurance Audit Procedure QAAP-1, which establishes the methods for auditing the quality system of vendors in accordance with the requirements of CPhL's Corporate QA Pxogram. This audit was conducted in 'order to assure that Southwest Fabricating 6 Welding Company, Inc.'s .(SF6W)< quality, assurance program (and its implementation) was, in compliance with the 'requirements imposed by Ebasco's P.O. NY435035, Supplements 1 through 5, Specification CAR-SH-M-30, Revision 3; and the associated quality system requirements. The ma)or areas of'F6W Quality Assurance System selected for audit are as follows: (1) quality assurance organization and program; (2) design control, including required procedural submittals; (3) procurement document control; (4) document control; (5) control of purchased materials, (6) identification and control of material and components; (7) control of special processes; (8) inspection/test control; (9) control of measuring and test equipment; (10) nonconforming material control/corrective action; (ll) handling, storage, and shipping; (12) quality assurance records; (13) internal audit pro-gram; and (14) implementation of corrective action taken to resolve findings identified in Audit Report QAA/702-2.


~Suh(ha( SF&W has been contracted to supply the power plant piping syst'i including hangers, seismic restraints> supports~ and supporing steal for Units 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the SHNPP. By contract, SF&W is required to provide a quality assurance system which is in com-pliance with Appendix B of 10CFR50, Ebasco 's QuaH,ty System Proce-dure CAR-SH-ME-12 (860-72), those portions of Section IIX of 1971 ASME Code, including all addenda thxough Summer 1973, which applies to Code Classes 1, 2, and 3 equipment, and ANSI B31.1.0 for power piping.

SF&W's Quality Assurance System applicable to this contract is delineated Xn their QA Manual (QAM), Revision 9, dated 12-9-77.

In turn, thc QAM is supplemented by Shop Detail Sheets and Manu-facturing Record Sheets,,which are prepared for each piping spool configuration and serve as, the detail drawing and shop traveler, respectively. I To date, SF&W has'egun fabrication fox ASME Code Class 3 fabricated carbon steel yard 'piping. SF&W has not been released to begin fabrication on 'Code Classes 1 and 2 piping to date.

During the course of(this audit, the auditors reviewed the NRC's "White Book" on NRC IE vendor audits of SF&W during 1977 with SF&W .I

,I quality assurance management personnel. The auditors were concerned with the negative inspection results reported by NRC as a result of their, audits conducted 3/14-18/77, 6/13-16/77, and 12-12-77 at mV'(I SF&W. These three 1977 NRC audits identified: (1) three findings; (2) three findings and one unresolved item; and (3) eleven findings and five unresolved items, xespectively. The auditors were able to determine by review of these audit records and SF&W response letters that the findings, fox the first,and second 1977 NRC audits of SF&W have been 'closed by thc NRC. The third audit of 1977 by NRC of SF&W is still not closed by the NRC, however, the auditors determined that SF&V has responsed to the NRC audit rcport. The NRC has requested, additional response on at least three of the findings.

SF&W plans to review, these problems with the NRC during their next visit, which is scheduled for March 27, 1978.

'he, auditors reported in the last audit report, QAA/702-2 (March 22-

'24, 1977), that a review had'een conducted with SF&W quality assurance management personnel concerning the NRC IE vendor audits at Bergen Paterson Pipe Support Corporation located in Laconia, N. H. As, a point of information, Bergen Paterson (B/P) is SF&W's subsupplier of the pipe hangers and restraints for the SHNPP. As e was pointed out in QAA/702-2, SF&W stated they planned to conduct an audit of the B/P, Laconia facility after the NRC scheduled audit.

The auditors determined that this audit of B/P had not been accom- 'p s plished. In addition, the auditors reviewed an Ebasco letter, dated 7>>20-77, No. EB-S-252 with SF&W management which in part stated, ,o "We therefore request,that SF&W establish a quarterly audit of ~I I

Bergen Paterson facilities until both Southwest and Ebasco concux



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that an adequate confidence level of the B/P Program implementation e

2 r

has been attained.'" The auditors did learn that SF&W personnel have visited the B/P engineering facility at Hempstead, N>> Ye~ once to audit only their quality assurance system and not B/P's design or design verification capabilities. The auditors further learned that SF&W has not visited the fabrication facility of B/P at Laconia, N. H. The auditors discussed with SF&W's pro)ect manager their position in regards to Ebasco's requested quarterly audits of B/P.

He stated:SF&W does not intend to comply Ebasco's request, and that he has, called Ebasco and', discussed t'e 'SF&W position. It should be pointed out, however, that SF&W has failed to formally answ'er in writing Ebasco's letter No. EB-S-252.

Implementation of the corrective action taken by SF&W to resolve the Findings 1, 2a,, 2b, 3a, and 3b previously identi,fied in Audit Report QAA/702-2 was audited. The 'action taken to resolve these findings was considered sufficient, except one, Finding Item 1, therefore, this finding is reopened in this audit z'eport as Finding Item 1.

The remaining Findings,2a, 2b, 3a, and 3b have sufficient action taken and implemented to resolve them and Audit QAA/702-2 is closed.

SF&W Quality Assurance Program continues to, be adequate to meet the requirements of P,O. NY435035 when, the findings in this audit zeport are closed.

As a result of this audit,,four items were presented at the postaudit meeting as requiring .formal correction action and response by SF&W.

Findin s and Corrective Action:

During the audit, the following items werc identified as nonconforming findings that will require corr'ective action and formal response.



~Re ereememe: r n

10CFR50 Appendix B, Criterion XI, Quality Assuzancc Program 2 e.rt n I >>

Nonconformance: I

+ 6 Criterion II requires that the QA Program shall provide for indoc- r n trination and training of personnel performing activities affecting quality as necessary to assure that suitable proficiency is achieved and maintained'. In .reviewing Paragraph of SF&W's QAH, which outlines the procedures 'for training, it was observed by the auditors that training and indoctrination requirement for engineering personnel and, upper management QA/QC personnel are not presently covered by written procedures. This item,was pre-sented in Audit Report QAA/702-2 as Finding Item 1 and is being held open. SF&W still has not provided and implemented corrective action as of this audit.

Pr 1 nNQ A t: h

'e' I

Acknowled ement and Res onse:

SP&W will develop procedure for each and have referenced in Revision 10 of their QAM. They will implement both required procedures prior to'he issuance of Revision 10 of their QAM.

Iten 2:

~Re ettenent:

10CPR50 Appendix B, Criteria VI, Document Control and V, Instructions, Procedures, and Drawings Nonconformance:

1 The auditors were verifying SP&W's response to General Item 1 of e

'Audit,Report QAA/702-2 and corrective action committed by SP&W's letter, dated 3-.31-77, to CP&L. Their letter stated the Procedure QC-100, Revision 2', dated 6-7-.76, "Nondestruction Examination Per-sonnel," would, be distributed during the week of June 6, 1977.

The auditors 'determined that SF&W'ad placed this, procedure in their O.

"Procedures Manual." However,,it was, determined by the auditors that SF&W has no;written document control procedure for the issuance and I

I control of these procedures. In addition, SF&W does not have a document +I I

. I) control record which shows 'the distribution>>of these procedures by 1 ~

date issued,,to whom issued,,and by whom distributed.

>>Q Acknowled ement and Res onse:

0 SF&W will developh,a document control procedure for control of these >>

quality documents and develop necessary records for the proper document control.

I,>> I Zten 3:

~Ra nttenent:

r'e SP&W QAM'ection 13, Audits, Paragraph 13.1.2>>4 10CPR50 Appendix B, Criteria XVI, Corrective Action and XVII, Audits Nonconformance:

a. Audi.tors reviewed SP&W internal audit report (12-6-77) performed by R. B. Bhavsar, where the reaudit of corrective action was pcrformcd by N. H. Moerke on 12-12-77. This was documented by initial and date beside each corrective action listed except one, Number Sd, which was not signed or dated as having been reaudited.

h le

1 I


5E Et"

b. Auditorsreviewed internal, audit report (2-14-78) performed by R. B. Bhavsar. This audit reported five findings. No written corrective action could be, presented to the auditors. This audit was followed by'udit report (3-8-78) by R. B; Bhavsar which does not,document an actual follow-up of 'the findings of audit dated 2-14-79. The rcport dated 3-8-78 does not cross-reference or close-out the finding of audit dated 2-14-78, SF&W had, intended the later, audit to close out the previous audit of 2'-14-78 by. not finding any problems in the same areas of those nonconformances. , This intention of SF&W does not meet the requirements of, 10CFR50, Appendix B, Criteria. 4 4 .. It Acknowled ement,and Res onse:

I SF&W'ill document,each audit finding on a separate page of a new form to be developed. This, form, will list for each finding; its correction action and effective date; and the documentation of corrective action follow-up by signatures and dates.

I I' Item 4:

5 g- I E" ~Ree>eeeeee:

0 4


10CFR50 Appendix B, Criterion. II, Quality Assurance Program (E', Nonconformance:

I 1' 'I Crit'erion II>'~ states in part,, "Management of organizations parti- ."P cipating in',the QA Program shall regularly review the status and I LE r IE adequacy of that part o'f the QA Program which they are executing." "4r

\ The auditors, determined; contrary. to the requirements of Criterion II, the managers, of various,SF&W Departments whom execute that part of the QA Program for, which, they have responsibility have not formally documented participation in review of the QA Program prior its E'

revisions being issued and implemented.

Acknowled ament and Res onse:

SF&W stated they had reviewed .the QA Program for necessary revision EE 'e on an informal'asis, and had not documented evidence of their reviews.

SF&W, stated,,they will, in the future, document their management reviews of their QA Program and. maintain these records.


During the postaudit meeting, the following five concerns were discussed:

'd'-; 1. Ebasco s Specification CAR-SH-M-30, Revision 3, "General Power Piping," in Part 2> Paragraph 21.l.c requires "marking pens, ink, and tape shall',be,certified by chemical analysis and I


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~ \ ~

approved, by Purchasex for use on st'sinless steel." SF&W ~s h

I decided to use different marking pens nnd tape for stainless I steel than those for which they obtained approval from Ebnsco

, r, to use. The, auditors axe concerned if SF6W has obtained Ebasco's approval for the nev, materials, they plan to use, since no <<

evidence of Ebasco's approval was presented to the auditors during this audit.

2. The'uditors are concerned that SF&W does not followmp the corrective actions listed on their "Report of Nonconfor-maces" (RON's) for any significant conditions adverse to Lf quality or 'perform any trend nnnlysis of their RON's to


'L determine significant conditions, g 'f'f

3. Ebasco's Specification CAR-SH-ME-12, Revision 0, "Quality Control Requirements, for Suppliers of Equipment and Services," (860-72)

LII r in Paxagraph 8.1'tates, "For items and services purchased from subsuppliers, seller shall conduct necessary inspections and

<< '0<*

tests at points of receipt to verify conformance to applicable physical, chemical, or other technical requirements." The rf I

" auditors are concerned that SF6W has not established a program I'I lr)7 for, verifying by outside laboratory analysis, a check against 1

I their,subsuppliers chemical and physical test reports. SF&W's I

I management stated -they have not,established such a program Ij because they interpret, the above specification requirement Il to be met by performing a comparison between their subsupplier's 7 vf Q chemical and physical test report and the appropriate ASME or ASTM,material specification. The auditors agree that the - f<'

Ebasco requirement as stated above is interpretable. The auditors are also concerned that this Ebasco specification requirement has, been removed from CAR-SH-ME-12, Revision l.

, I The newer revision of the specification which is required by a later revision of Specification CAR-SH-M-30 has not been

~ .


made a part of the contract in effect during this audit.

4. The auditors are concerned that there are several instances in SF6W material storage areas vhere carbon steel fittings were being I stacked close to stainless steel pipe which was designated for, "gA relate use," (ASME Code Matexial) by blue and pink <<<<'

7l' markings on the material. In one storage area, a quantity of 12-inch carbon steel elis had fallen from theix stack and vere within one inch of touching the stainless steel pipe. The concexn is that other ella could continue to fall from the stack and come in contact with the stainless steel pipe.

5 ~ The auditors are concerned that in some instances SE&W MRS's lt contained errors after completion and being drawing checked tvice by tvo different draving checkers. Several MRS 's vere reviewed by the auditors and the following two identified y V- ll 'r I

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Southwest Fabricating & Wel,ding Co., Houston, Texas AUDIT PROCEDURE QAAP-1 REPORT NO QAA(702-3 March 14-16, 1978 UALITY ASSURANCE AUDIT CHECK LIST AUDIT SUMECT Implementation of Quality Assurance/Contxol Program R A. E. Hall AUDITOR(S) T. L. Kosmatin

. CHARACTERISTICS COi&TTS 1.0 ualit Assurance/Control Pro ran alit /Or anization Pro ram alit /Or anization Pro ran -1 was h curren 1.1.1 Do SP&W organization charts reflect the current organization7 v o r v. were transmitted to Ebasco on 2/28/78 alon with an acknowled ement sheet for each co . The co sent to B. R. Mazo of Ebasco was 1.1.2 Verify that an acknowledgement receipt has returned si ned 3 2/78. The other two copies No. 12 to been received from Ebasco indicating A. Cesnanicius and No. 125 to M. S. Brown o Ebasco have not receipt of the most current revision of et sent back their acknowledgement sheets.


A r view was conducted and documented on 6/6/77 b an audit

-w wa. o ducted b J. Harris and W. H. Shemis: however, reviews erformed b the mana ers of the various de artnents 1.1 3 Verify that a review of SP&W QAM has been who execute that are of the OA Pro ram that they have re-conducted upon receipt of an ASME code s onsibilit for were not documented and available for audit.

revision or at intervals not exceeding six i id ified as findin 4 in the audit re ort.


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CHARACTERISTICS COMMENTS 1 2 Desi Control that a pre-)ob conference, to re-il bein e otiated between SP&W and Ebasco et been finalized. Conferences were held on 1/9/78 1.2.1 Assure a d as not viev contractual (design) requirements and 1 18 78 to list the contract and code re uirements. Minutes including current )ob specifications vere not formall ke t but fabrication sheets had been marked u from Ebasco, has been held and the vith notes resultin from the meetin minutes recorded?

1.2.2 SP&W mana ement stated that this is not re uired for this contract because the do not have desi n res onsibility.

Q.2.2 Assure that SP&W engineering has verifie 1.2.3 Yes. Detail Sheets and manufacturin record sheets MRS have pressure-temperature limitations for been re ared for a roximatel 7000 feet of 30 pipe. This pipe each piping class in the piping specifi- is desi nated for service water, Class 3, and is the only item L cation? that has been released for fabrication to date. y PL S Yes. The applicable HDE, weld, heat treat, etc. proce ure s identified on the MRS including the latest revision, supp ement 1.2.3 Have the "Detail Sheets" and "Manu- and revision, and attachment and revision.

facturing Record Sheets" (MRS) been prepared for P.O. 435035 by 2-4 Yes Index sheets have been re ared for the 30" i e identified Engineering? above. The index sheets list 3301 SW sheets 1-56 3303 SW sheets 1-48. 3305 SW sheets 1-74. and 3307 SW sheets 1-74. +'.2.3.3.

2 In addition to the status of rocedures indicated in audit check Are the applicable contract procedures included on the Manufacturing Record list AA 702-2 the follovin status vas verified: G


Sheets, including revisions and supplements thereto?

1.2.4 Has Engineering prepared an "Index Sheet" for this P.O.?

1.2.5 Have the following documents been approved by Ebasco and all the comments resolved?

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s REPORT QAA/702-3 CHARACTERISTICS COMMENTS d a o. Applicable welding procedures and A 2 77.

procedure qualification test reports? v v a o 12 77.

7 v. A roved bas o 12 77.

.01. 40 Rev. 0 A roved b Ebasco 12 9 77.

01.01.947 Rev. 0 A roved b Ebasco 12 9/77. Meld repaiz procedures. .01.948 Rev. 0 A roved b Ebasco 12 9 77.

01.08.906 Rev. 2 A roved b Ebasco 1 20/78.

MMC-2 Rev. 0 A roved b Ebasco 12/9/77.

08.08.010 Rev. 0 Re ected b Ebasco. Applicable NDE procedures. 08.08.011 Rev. 0 Re ected b Ebasco.

9 08.08.008 Rev. 1 08.08.006 Rev. 2 08.08.009 Rev. 2 Re ected b Ebasco.

A roved b Ebasco 12/9/77.

Acce ted with comments b Ebasco 12 9 77. Cleaning, preserving, marking and 08.08.007 Rev. 2 A roved b Ebasco 12/9/77.

packing for shipment procedures? 08.08.005 Rev. 3 Acce ted with comments b Ebasco 12 9 77. 9-103, Rev, 2, A roved b Ebasco 1 20 78. This is the on y 1)

~r weld re air roceduze that will be used. 5 Heat treating procedures? Status of NDE procedures has not changed. They are all a roved. Visual inspection procedures? .4 M 001 Rev. 1 A roved b Ebasco 1 23 78.

M1001 Rev 2 A roved b Ebasco 3 6 78. ..-5 EP-7804 Rev. 0 A roved b Ebasco 3 8 78.

EP-7710 Rev 0 A roved b Ebasco 1/ll 78.

EP-7710 Rev. 1 A roved b Ebasco 3 8/78.- 4 10-123 Rev; 0 A roved b Ebasco 1.3 Procurenent Docunent Control 10-124 Rev. 0 A roved b Ebasco 10-127 Rev. 1 A roved b Ebasco 1/23/78.

1.3.1 Verify that Material Control has10-127 Rev. 2 Submitted to Ebasco but not et a roved.

reviewed applicable CP&L-related pur-chase zequisitions and classified thea HT-Pl-1 Rev. 3 Submitted to Ebasco 1/25/78 but not et 1 for processing. a roved.

HT-P8-1 Rev. 0 A roved bv Ebasco. 5'r 10-118 Rev. 0 Submitted 2/10/78 to Ebasco but not yet j a roved.

Also SF4W stated that all the bending procedures had been a roved b Ebasco.

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REPORX QAA/702;3 CHARACTERISTICS COMMENTS 1 3.2 When purchase requisitions are classifie Re uisition No. 4 dated 5 8 74 for SO-3 Ol-SW w ma as "reclassification orders" (RO) for was to be removed and reworked for the ro er classification material from SF&W stock, verify that the however it was decided at the tine that the material was not uisition had been voided. Nevertheless it RO is signed and dated by QA indicating needed and the re approval, of the material selected for was verified from this re uisition that A had a roved the reclassification. RO as re uired b rocedure on 5 9 74.

1.3.3 Yes. Re uisition No. 48 was reviewed and it was noted that the A Mana er had reviewed and si ned it 1/7/78. When the P O.

1.3.3 Are purchase orders reviewed against the was corn leted, it was a ain reviewed b A on 2/25/78 to assure 9 requisition and approved by QA prior to it was identical to the re uisition.


1.3.4 This was verified b corn arin re uisition No. 46 a ainst P. 0.

No. 3301N-5 to Ta lor For e. It was noted that sone s ecial re uirenents had been transferred from the re uisition to the 1.3.4 Verify that the special requirements of P. 0. The onl material in work at this time is sone carbon this contract are being included in steel which has few uni ue re uirenents.

SF&W pufchase documents, as applicable.

(App. B, Crit. IV) 1.3. .1 Yes. The purchase acka e includes re uisitions reclassifi-cation orders when applicable, manufacturin work orders. and requisitions for material on manufacturing work orders when applicable; It was verified that all these documents had been Is Material Control forwarding the reviewed and signed by QA as noted in the questions above.

purchase package to QA for approval?

1.4.1 It was verified that the identificatio umb r o o Detail S eet and MRS mat h d W 4 erations had been corn 1 ted and ini ia ed 1.4 Document Control All rocedure revision numbers were included as r u d.

the ANI and SF&W hold oints were indicated on the MRS. Eba o 1.4. l Verify that the Manufacturing Record Sheet; (MRS) for this contract is had not re uested an on this ITS. However two of he MRSs reviewed did have omissions on them. One was on 3301-SW properly completed, i.e., identification Sheet 42 Rev. 2 ~here t e reference o PT-1 A a m nt 1 number, operation numbers, current the test acce tance criteria was not referenced. In addition revision of procedures, and hold MRS No. 3301-SW Sheet 2 indicated an attachment was to be points. used with a reference nrocedure but failed to correctlv identif the attachment b its correct number. This is identi-fied as Comment No. 5 in the audit re ort.

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~ ~ This was verified b checkin P. 0. 3 01 N-4 1.5.3 Verify that Certified Material Test section is re rinted and.includes a re uireme f ria Reports are recieved with all nuclear Test Re orts to be furnished with all materials as was he class material. (Spec. M-30, App. H, case with this P. 0. This re rinted notes section is ASME 4442.2) attached to all nuclear-related orders. This was verified on P. 0. 3301 N-4 where the ackin sli was initialed and dated b'he receivin ins ector. The Verify that the MTRs are reviewed by ackin sli is ut with the Material Test Re ort MTR and QA and stamped to signify approval by the date is stam ed b the mail room and also the ins ection .

an individual's QA stamp on the MTR re ort I-1001A which is also si ned.and dated b the and initial and date on the packing Receivin Ins ector. The acka e is sent to the Ins ection slip. (ASME 4442.2, Spec. ME-12, Clerk who corn ares the MTR a ainst the a licable ASTM Par. 8.1) standard. He then stam s the MZR with his ins actor's stam . ,c~

g %!~l 1.5 3 2 This was verified when c e Ins ection Clerk has the entire t of A desk and uses them to verif I Verify that the individual doing the be re uired za m a

  • '~ review of the MTRs has the required and h sical tes va ue ar a la f r v r f

" . ';vP-.;;: range of chemical and physical test is However SF&W has not




values available to be used as acceptance criteria. (Spec. 1K-12, the values shown on the inde endent test.. SF&W kfTRs mana are accurate b erf rmi a e~nt stated that ave no

) '.

Par. 8) (App. B, Crit. V) conducted an tests on this order because the i r 'be s ecification to mean erform a corn arison onl between the MTR and ASTM s andard. The auditors a1so e t s ed con em that this re uirement has been removed from Eba o S ec.


CAR=SH-ME-12 . Rev. 1 which is sti'll under ne otiation between SF&W and Ebasco.

'I Q..6 Identification and Control of Material, Q, f

Parts and Com onents 1.6 Identification and Contro1 of Material Parts and Com onents 1.6.1 Have measures been established to control stored material and items to assure that only correct materials and items are used for fabrication and to C

prevent the use of incorrect material ob. The a licable len th of ie also has stam ed on it or items? (Spec. ME-12, Par. 6) the heat numbe- serial number and sho order number. The ie material release and rint are cleared b A before use.

i this i a re wer several in-a e e carbon t e fi were bein s acked close a s of continued Page 6 of I'

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CHARACTERISTICS COMMENTS Assure ghat veld data records contain 1.7.2 The auditors verified b review of i in subassenbl on 1.7.2 MRS 3301-SW, Sheet 42, iece marked Yard-SW-49-19. All the information for veld )oints and items re uired b Para. 6, A endix G, S ec. CAR-SH-M30, repairs as required by Par. 6, Appendix Items 6a, 6b, 6d, and 6f are recorded on the MRS. Postveld heat G of Specification M-30. treatment is not applicable to the piping subassenbly.

1.7. 3 Verified See 1.-8.2 1..7D Verify that welding naterial identifica- 1.7.4 Not a licable to ASME Section III Class 3 carbon steel tion, weld procedure used, and welder' i in bein manufactured durin this audit.

synbol is verified by the QC Inspector and entered on the MRS.

1. 8. 1 Yes verified in 1.8.2.

1.8.2 Verified b review of i e assembl in SF&W we1d sho on MRS 3305-SW-Sheet 42 Serial No. 14763 and National 1.7.4 Is SF&W maintaining Heat Treating Logs Board No. 559 ASME Code Class 3. The ins ector had ro er for this contract? entries on the'MRS and verified velder's sta identification recorded on the MRS=-in fact was stam ed on i e subassembl at veld. oints.

1.8 Ins ection Test Control. 1.8.3 'Yes SF&W submitted a t ical MRS to Ebasco which has vith witness oints.marked, with Ebasco Letter been'eturned 1.8.1 Is the MRS being completed by the QC No. 10 -V=1 dated 1 18 78. Witness oints identified were Inspector to 'indicate-completion of the fit-u of 'veld oints, PT or ÃI, and cleanin &,prep to ship inspection operations? (ASME NA 4530, er Procedure EP-7710- Rev. 1.

ME-12, Par. 8.2)

Verify that the inspection/test and operating status of the. material or part is being maintained throughout manu-facturing. (NA 4540, ME-12, Par. 8.2) 1.8.3 Has SF&W submitted its fabrication sequence to Ebasco? (Spec. ME-12, Par. 8)

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1~8.3~1 Have the examination or witness points been identified by Ebasco on the .4 SF&W onl checks wall thickness of "C" bore which is fabrication sequence. (Spec. ME-12, recorded on the MRS.

Par. 8) At resent SF&W i in desi ns for ASME Code Classes 1, 2,

& 3 do not use an cast fittin s.

1.8 4 Are there provisions on the Shop Detail Not a licable see

Sheet for correct measurement of pressure boundary items for minimum 1.9.1 Verified b review of measurin tool recorded in manu-wall thickness' facturin areas and traced to calibration recor s. Ver e were (1) extension micrometer S N , calibrate due for recalibration 3 20 78, 2 Tube micrometer N calibrated 3 13 78, due for recalibration , an 1.8-4.1 Does this include measurement of all cas (3 Inside micrometer S N 11 & I , ca rate ue fittings in piping systems (Safety for recalibration 3 20 7 . All were in agreement t Class 1, 2, or 3)? (Spec. M-30, calibration labels on instruments an recor car s.

Par. 9.9)

I.8.4.2 Is the information provided as required-by part one-Specification M-30,-

Paragraph 9.9, a through e.

1.9 Control of Measurin and Test E ui ment 1.9.1 Verify that calibration rags are placed on each item calibrated and include initial of persons performing calibra-tion, date of calibration, and calibration due date.

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  • j 1.9.2 SF&W A S 1.9.2 "E ui ment tools au es and instrum n How are personally owned inspection equipment used by SF&W QC personnel Control for acce tance are to be the ro er f controlled?

1.9.3 This is covered b SF&W AM Section 8 in Para ra h 8.

Was verified b review of Ins ector's lo in weld sho area.

Inspector lo ed b sho order number serial number of 1.9.3 Verify that inspection instruments are measurin tool used and date and sheet number of MRS which traceable to the QC Inspector using the is all traceable to each i in subassembl manufactured.

instrument and to the item measured.

Yes, veri ied by review of followin measurin devices and ca ibration records, which did have traceabilit to nationa standards.

1.9.4 Are instruments calibrated using 1 Ga e Block Set - Serial No.

certified standards which are traceable outside laborator due 2 7 79.

to national standards where such 2 Ton tester We1din Machine Calibra on standards exist'? (ASME NA 4610) No. 35011-6 calibrated 2 20 78 b o si due 2/20 79.

1.10.1 Verified b review of MRS 3301-SW Sheet 42 for n stee1 ASME Ciass 3 ard i in . Exterior of i b sand blastin . Per SF&W Procedure EP-7804 and interior in cleaned 1.10 Handlin Store e and Shi in of i in cleaned b sand blastin er SF&W Procedure 10-2 Revision 2.

I 10.I. Verify that the procedure for cleaning 1.10.2 Verified b review of SF&W's subsu liers certification of pipe and pipe components prior to ta e "Pol ken" No. 222 made b Kendall Boston Mass. I fg shipment is listed on the MRS.

0 (Spec. M-30, Par. 9.5) which stated the Halo en corn ounds were less than 250 P.P.M; The auditors determined this ta e is different than the ta e previously approved for use b Ebasco. This a ears in the g

I nC audit report as General Item 1. - n 1.10.2 Verify that stainless steel pipe a~siting shipment has flanges, weld ends, and other openings covered with protective covers and are sealed with certified halogen free waterproof tape.

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?iO. AA 702-3 CHARACTERISTICS COMMENTS dures to be used for manu-Verify that all paints and preservatives ard i in . Interior being used for this contract have been vi io 2 dated 2 27 78 was approved by Ebasco prior to use. rior coatin Procedure (Spec. M-30, Part 2, Par. 22.2.d) a a rov d Ebasco 2 13 78.

view of SF&W's "Re ort of Nonconformance" (RON) rm oth in o en files and closed out files. The cause and corrective action is listed on the RON form Exhibit 10-1, in heir AM.

1.11 Nonconformin Material/Corrective Action

.11.2 While a RON is bein reviewed b SF&W material review board, Verify that SF&W is documenting the this review determines the need to notif their customer o cause of reported discrepancies. the nonconformance.

1 11.3 Verified b review of RON lo . SF&W ersonnel 1og n or back RON the RON number, sho order number, date issued, 1.11.2 Verify that SF&W has provisions for shee t number,.and date of acceptance of rework or repair.

notifying customers of nonconformances.

1.11.4': = The auditors verified that corrective action is being ocu-.

mented, see 1.11.1. However, the corrective action is not verified to revent recurrence. The auditors are concerne 1.11.3 Verify that Reports of Nonconformances that SF&W does not follow up" the corrective action ste on (RONs) are being logged in by their RONs for any significant condition a verse to qua ty sequential number and the authorized or erform any trend analysis o their RO s to etermrne-Inspector is notified of the RON. si nificant conditions. This appears in t e audit report as General Item -2.

1.U..4 Is corrective action being documented and verified to prevent recurrence.

(NA 4800; App. B, Crit. XVI)

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RH%RX CHARACTERISTICS COMMENTS na e o ver f 1 12 lit Assurance Records ASME Clas car as of i a d t.

1.12 1 Verify that a check list of documents to be accumulated for the Documentation 1.13.1 The auditors reviewed SF&'W internal audit re ort 12-6-77 Package has been made a part of the erformed b R. B. Bhavsar where the reaudit of corrective MRS. action was erformed b N. H. Moerke on 12-12-77. This was document b initial and date beside each corrective action listed exce t one Number 5d which was not si ned or dated as havin beeen reaudited. This a ears in the audit re ort as Findin Item No. 3. The auditors reviewed internal audit re ort (2-14-78) erformed b R. B. Bhavsar. This audit Audits re orted five findin s. No written corrective action could be resented to the auditors. This audit was followed b 1-13.1 Verify that corrective actions to audit re ort (3-8-78) b R. B. Bhavsar which does not docu-deficiencies found during audits are ment an actual follow-u of the findin s of audit dated verified to be corrected by reaudit 2-14-78. The re ort dated 3-8-78 does not cross-reference within one month. or close out the findin s of audit dated 2-14-78. SF&W had intended'he later audit to close out the revious audit of 2-14-78 by not'indin an roblem in the same areas of those nonconformances. This intention of SF&W does not meet the requirements of 10CFR50 Ap endix B, criteria. These two problems appear in the audit report as Finding Item 3a and 1 14 Review of Findin s/Corrective Action for b.

Audit AA/702-2 1.14.1 In reviewin the im lenentation of SF&W's corrective action 1.14.1 Verify that the training and indoctrina- for this findin Iten 1 of AA 702-2 the auditors determined tion for Engineers and upper QA/QC SF&W still has not rovided and im lenented corrective action management personnel is addressed in as of this audit and is bein "'held o en. This a ears in the SF&W QA Manual. (Finding No. 1, this audit re ort as Findin Item l.

qAA/702-2) 1.14.2 Verified b review of records for D. Hartman which now com lv with re uirements of SF&W's Procedure C-102.

1.14.2 Verify that the auditor qualification records of D. Hartman have been revised to reflect his participation in surveys and audits over the past, two years.

(Finding 2a, QAA/702-2)

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QAA/702-3 CHARACTERISTICS COHMENTS Pc 1.14.6 Verify that procedure QC-100, "Nonde-structive Examination Personnel,"

Rev. 2 dated 6-7-76 has been distributed (General comment No. 1, QAA/702-2)

W ad a Manua ". However i wa l.14. 7 Verify that the qualification records of SP&W has no written document control rocedure for issuance Inspectors B. Reynolds and G. Baumback and control of these rocedures. In addition SP&W 'does have been signed and the date of their not have a document control record which shows the distri-qualifications established. bution of these rocedures b date issued to whom issued and b whom distributed. This a ears in the audit re ort (General comment No. 2, QAA/702-2) 5 as Pindin Item 2.

1.14.7 Verified b review of both ins ectors which now meet the Verify that the audit program assures re uirements of SP&W's rocedures.

planned and periodic audits of the reaudit following areas and within the noted Verified b review of records which showed was done on dates 11-7-77 and 3-9-78.

t time span: See 1.14.6. Auditor qualification records at inter-vals not to exceed six months.

(Finding No. 2a, QAA/702>>2) Verification that procedures referenced in the QAH reflect the requirenents of the QAM, at intervals not to exceed the time established in audit procedures.

(General comment No. 1, QAA/702-2)

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,Carolina Power, 8 l.lght Company D

h "'"df'f'Nb PILEs Qhh/702-3+ CO $ 00718' Mr. Jaha Harrio, Pro5oat Manager Souehsrcot Pabricating 8 Melding Company, Iao.-

7525 Sharssna Seroot P. 0. Dms,'9449 Hountono Tossea, 77011 POWER & LICHT'0MPAHT,



1984-86"88-90 3500~MH'- UNITS,Ii 2~ '3,h 4 1

,REPEREHCESs (Q,Po Oo HT-435035 Dear Hr. Harrios Rafaranca is mndo to, SPhW'o Iottar, doted 8/I/78',, uhorein you provided Raviaioa 10,to your Quality coaerol'anual'o satisfy, corrective iceioa for Audie'Pinding 3b of" COL 'Audie ReportQAA/P02-3. The corrective ection haa bean ovaiuaeod ae, eatiofaceory an'd closes,oll, four findinge of the cub5oct audit. Thin cadent,ie hereby, closed'.

Should you havo any, qaootiono 'ia thin rustter> ',pleneo contact cs.

L /rhinal'7igncJ I

hr iuwe/ 77lc . I (nnui


I Si,,NaManue - Nencger i'". 0 Corporate HuoIeer Safety 8 Qaility Anaareace Audit

,I k

SM/AEH/jof ccs Mr. John Barrio (2)

Mr. L. V. Thiorsrocheor (2) t

r. r.

bc: Mr. N. J. Chiangi Mr R' Mayton Jr Mr. P. W. Hove, Mr. W. W. Morgen Mr. J. D. E. Jeffries Mr. 'S.',D. Smith Mr. J, M. Johnson Mr. M. Fi Thompson, Jr.

Mr. W. B. Kincaid 0


'/A(f 1

'll k y" E

0, l

I l'


';<'a ." >>>>

I 1




'P D July 1,7, >>1978 Pile>'AA/702<<3 CO 000680

'1, ~ - II a

IJ I I I I'l I I

"<p Mr. John Hnrris, Prefect Manager 4

Southwest Pnbricn< ting & Welding Company,,lna.

7525 Sherman Strcat ,', J P. 0. Box 9449,

>> 4 Houston, Toxna 77011 ,>> a( a CAROLINA POWER,& LIGHT COMPANY f


'1984-86-88-,90-3600 MW-UNITS 1>> 2, 3' 4 ,

REFERENCES! J(l) .P>>, 0>> NY-'435035 (2),SP&W S LETTER>> DATED*'7/12/78 I

>> '>> 4 Dear.Mr. Harriat' .

a Reference ia 'mnda to.your latter above wherein you provided corzectiva action 4 to Pinding 3.b. of,CP&L .Audit Repoit QAA/702-.3. Carolina Power & Light (CP&L) has 'completed'vnlu4ntionr Of SW&F'a corroctive'ction'esponse, 'and comments concerning thin raviaw are, aa follows:


l. When wo rocaiva your QA,Manual Revision 10~ we will evaluate

'orrective action for Pinding 3lb., Xf ia satisfactory~ we will clone out this Finding 3.b. and,clone out this audit.

it ,




2. Tha CP&L Corporate Nuclear Safety & Quality, Aasuranco Audit Section done not have tha responsibility for approval of your ~l QA Manual; 'owever, wo wi11 'forward it,to the proper paoplo who hnvo this responsibility.'r. N. J~ Chiangi> Managor-Enginaaring nnd Construction Quality Assurance, supervises thio QA Section.

, p 4

Should you have,any additionnl quoationa', please contact me. "


Yours very truly,

,( Jr jqtn<g] 'Bar)l)< a) /pt)

/I l<.'

'NC Inu<,! I /riff<SR S ~ MCMnnun > Manage>>

Corporate Nuclear Safety & p Quality Assurance Audit.

AEH/ref cc: Mr. John Harris (2)

Mr. L. V>>, Tfiiorwechtor (2)


,0 I JJ I

4 '

c '

D W<<Lg*..~~9+/



'I 4


'I' l


It'll. l

' 1 r vlsu2i2la co. lNc. 2424 She)m)o Swool 4oa 4444 I HO))OOn, Tooo) 220ll I ulsl 4204l41 I IwXi410 44l l400

  • 4)O)M)o)o ol III II)~ )so)4I ~ I @718194)l7~ '),

l 0

July 12, 1978 )0 1'I o)l g+GS~ ii G ~g pi+

q,SS Ol 42)

Mr. S. McManus, Manager 'l J Corporate Nuclear Safety 6 QA Audits m Carolina Power & Light Company P. O. Box 1551 l I)

Raleigh, NC 27602 11 Sub)ect: Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant Our S. 0. 3301/3308 and 4121/4128'PEW Quality Assurance Manual Revision 10

Dear Sir:

In our recent response to findings reported as a result of your QA Audit, we advised you that Revision 10 of our QA'Manual, scheduled to be finalized by July 10, 1978, would address'the 'mat'ter to resolve certain discrepancies'hat weie noted. We further informed you that the changes to the manual were subject to 'acceptance by the Inspection Specialist of 'our Authorized Inspection'gency.

Our QA Manual Revision 10 dated 7/10/78 has been 'accepted by our Authorized Inspection Agency. We are implementing the new provisions into our QA Program. Implementation .will be finalized and Revision 10 will be the effective document'or our QA'rogiam 'on July"17, 1978.

The changes incorporate requirements through, the Winter 1977 Addenda to ASME III, as well as functional changes, and address .pertinent provisions of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, and ANSI/ASME N45.2.

A copy of Revision 10 will be directed to your office as soon as the manual is received from the printer. We shall appreciate your earliest approval of Revision 10 since it is mandatory that the latest QA Manual revision be employed in our QA Program.

Very truly yours, L

N. H. Moerke Vice President-Engineering (QA/QC)

NHM: dc 0



I" f

Il. 'C,>~ ~"-~

k. i 8'fc.Y Yorm 21~0% i, A


~ slat QAA/702-3 COO 633 1'.

'. e

~Mr. -John Barri'a, Pro5ect Manager Southwest Fabricating &'elding Company, Inc.

7S25~~ Sherman Street'.

0, Ease 9449 Houston, Tcncaa 770K.

,'CAROLINA, POWER" & LIGHT ~COMPANY HARRIS PROJECT 1984-86-88-90", 3600 MW -,UNITS 1) 2, 3) &'

RElfERENCEc (1) P.O. NY43903$

SF&W's lottor, '2) dated,6/9/78 t A t Dear Mr. Berries I

o. Reference is'ade to your letter referenced above, wherein you provided corrective action to Findings 3b and 4 of CP&L Audit Report No. QAA/702-3.

Carolina Power & Light '(CP&L) has completed evaluation,of Southwest Pabrica-ting & WaXding Company, Inc.'s (SF&W) corrective "action reaponaoa, and ccrmcents concerning t'his 'eview'ro~ ea 'follows s

~ l ll f

l. Your response to Audit Finding 4 'is 'considered adequate to prevent


recurrence of the,finding. The'rofora,i Finding 4,la hereby:closed.


2. In the case of, Audit Finding 3b, your corroctivo action ia to'bo implemented by 7/10/78 with revision 10 'of tho SP&W'A Manual.

Therefore, we:,will hold this Finding 3b open until SF&W'an supply evidence this corrective action haabeen implomantod,'t-'a requested that you review'hese comments, to"your"xoaponso and',provide

'CP&L tho necessary .additional,inforuuxtlon within thirty .'(30)'ays., Your ',

attention to this .'matter is appreciated, end dhould you have any quodtiona, please contact ma.


'II I c~ ~icanus s CQp h

S. McManuo; Manager, Corporate Nuclear'Safety &" QA Auditv C

', 'AEH/nchF2 1

- l

,des Mr. John Harris (2)

Mr~ L. 'V. ~e'xwechter (2) bccs Maaara., N.J. Chiangi Rc .Lo Maytonp Jn P. Wi"Howe Wo W. Morgan J. Joffrios S. Di Smith J. Kfncald.

D. E.

'M. Johnson V. B.

Mo Fo Thompson, Jr.





'5, 1((


~{ ~1 t I o

{o { I'I 0


F'A8KCATlNG )MS Sherman 4{m{ I Ol). Ooo I HOo((oo,ZOOOa 11014 I V{41 0240{4{ /1{NX{0 10 OO{ 1400 rr{4{ELDtKlCa {NC, OOOO 4 1~ 4III{oI1 ~ 1 10 {4{1{~ oII~ o ~ I gC3{4 51m 0)

June 9, 1978 a~I~~o o Cp@g Ct/v Pg {J qIl4 FOP

>j {'




gJ ~

Mr. S. hhNanusl Manager Corporate Nuclear Safety, &,Qh Audits Carolina & Light 'Ganpany, Raleigh, NC 27602


P. 0. NY435035 - Harn.s Project Units 1, 2, 3 & 4 o


CP&L Audit,of,South~st Fabricating & Welding Co., Inc.

1P{ r March 14-16, 1978 o

Dear Mr. McHmus4 In response to your letter of, May 8, 1978 which was directed to Mr.

John Harris, we present the following {ocmrents for your information:

Audit Findin 3B

't Revision" 10 of- the 'SF&W QK Manual is scheduled for release and imple-4{entation on or about 7-10-78., 'Ihe revised Internal Audit form which in'ur 1

is described provided the Authorized Inspection Agency a~

May 3 letter will be included in Revision 10, this change.

'The co~ve action described in our May 3 letter has been implemented.

An example of our implementation provi~ by the attached form dated 5/31 shcws acceptance of the proposed QA Manual changes by the Chief Engineer.

If you have any additional questions, please contact us.

Very truly yours, N. H. ~e Vice President-Engineering (QhjQC)

NHM:dc encl.




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  • p, FORINT 21 50M Carolina'Power 8 light Company flalolgh, M, C. 27C42 Hay 8,, 1978 Pile i Qhh/702-3 C0800558 Hr. John Harris, Pro/oct Hanngor Southwest Fnbricnting h Molding Conpany,,lnc.

7525,Shaman Street P, 0, Boa 9449 Houston, Toxno 77011'AROLINA POMER 6 LlglfZ CNPhllY HAPJllS PROJECT 1904-86-88 3600 HM UNITS 1, 2, 3, h 4-REFERENCEt '(1) Po 0. NY435035 (2) SF&M'S LETTERo DATED 5-3-78

,>h Donr Hr. Harriet Reforonce is made, to your lattor referenced above, wherein you provided corrective action to Findings 1, 2, 3a, 3b, nnd 4 of'PhL Audit Rcport No. Qhh/702-3. Carolina Po'ver 6 Light (CPSL) has completed evaluation of Southeast Fabricating &, Molding Gxrpany, Inc.'a (SPAM) co ectivo action responses, and ccmacnta'oncerning this review nro; '.lowed

l. Your response to Audit Pindingo '1, 2, and 3a ie considered'adequate to prevent rocurrcnco,of tho findings. Therefore, Findi~~s 1, 2$

and 3a aro hereby closed.

2. In tho casa of Audit Finding 3b, your corrective action io considered

'ndaquatc. However, aa discussed in your'etter reforcncod sbovo, thio corrective action will not be implomentod untie. Revision 10 of your Qh Manual 'ia approved and issued. Therefore, wa .will hold thin Finding 3b open.

3. In tha ense of Audit Finding 4, your corrcctivo ection is conaidozcd adequate. However, na discussed in your letter referenced above, this corroctivo action inpkcncntntion dona not explain whoa by date that this corrective action will be inplomcntod. Therefore, wo will hold thin Finding 4 epona

P h

~ ql I

d S

f I

,%7 I

1.1 I

Mr. John Barrio

.Q I Nap'> 1970 if j'lj U

IJ Zt io requested thoR you rovicv thooo ccaacnto to your r~mnaa and provtdacp&L tho necessary cdditiona1 incemtion uithin thirQ ($0) days, Your attcnt5m to this tatter io,appreciated, cad ahouId you havo axgr questions,, ploaoo,,contact no, I

v ru1 L~g,;:Ps"g. 2'sg gplgvs( VlcWLQflvB S. HcManua, Nanagor Corporate Nuclaar Sataty 5 Quaiity'ssurance Audit AZtI>fdcH7 Hr-,, J. 'orrid '(2) cc:

Mr, L', V Thiozvechtcr (2) U beat MassrsU N.. J. 'hiangi,v/a"'ref arencaa G., McGovern

U P. Q. Maw'a iJeftriasj, Killcaid M. M. Morgan

,8. D. Saith M. P. Thonpaon," Jr.


WU SU Hsytan Jr. I

~ '


17 U


  • 'U:4 I

II ~U o

C 7 "j*.

U C'

U fk' ff g


UI., O I

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.y- g,P 'j'ICA',I


A c ~

t t

May. 8, 1978 tlr, John Barrio Zt io rcquoatcd that you reriev those canto to'our roapoaao and provido CPM the necessary additicenX information v5thin thirty ()0) days, . Your attontion to thia eattor ia appreciated, and ohouht you hera any quostiona, p3.oaaa,contaat jmo.


'Ng.':PS"g. Pug S. 'NcÃanua> Manager h

ih Corporate Nuclear,Safety 6 gua1ity'osuzance Au@it

,h hXH>


Hr'. J.'Barris (2)


I Thiearechtcr (2)


bccs Messrs. N.,J; Chiangi .v/a refcrcnccs, C. McGovsrn

'P. W. iiove W., W. Morgan J. D. R. Jaffrias ,S. D. Smith

,V.,B. Kincaid, N. F. Thompson, Jr'.

R. 'L. Mayron, Jr. r i'


'j jj I

11 k



1 n It ~ I,,

k ll I

'u b( r.

o wfLorN6 r:+rNc, rets s~~. bier Ir a oo. eve rr~~~o;n.>> llorl /rrrx ere orM r rwx eroeer rroo


A SAsrJlerr ~ I Iv la> ~ <at>4ssl May 3, 1978 Mr. S. htcManus, Manager Corporate Nuclear Safety & QA Audits Carolina Power & Light Ctarpany P. O. Box 1551 Raleigh, NC 27602


P.O. NY435035 - Harris Project Units 1, 2, 3 & 4


CP&L Au3it of Southwest Fabricating & Welding Co., Inc.

bhrch 14-16, 1978

Dear Mr. bhKnus:

In response to your letter dated March 28, 1978, directed to our Mr.

J..E. Harris, we suhnit'our ocrments to the findings that werc reported by your auditors, Messrs. A. E. Hall and T. L. Kosmatin. Our response with co~ve action and implerrentation are outlinod below.

Item 1 f c

0 E~uirerrent: 'b 10CER50 Appendix B, Criterion II, Quality Assurance Program 'th Nonconformance:

Criterion II requires that the QA Program shall provide for ixxloctrin-ation'nd training of personnel performing activities affecting quality as necessary to assure that suitable proficiency is achieved-and main-tained. In reviewing Paragraph of SF&W's QAM, which outlines the procedures for training, it was cbserved by the auditors that train-ing and indoctrination requirement for engineering personnel and upper managerrent Qh/QC personnel are not presently covered by written procedures.

This item was presented in Audit Report Qhh/702-2 as Finding Item 1 and is being held open. SF&W still has not provided and implerrented correc-tive action as of this audit.

g I



4 lib)Idio)g ~ I Ill N)i)i~ )itiol Mr. S. h~us/CP&L May 3, 1978 Corrective Action

l. In accordance with our ccnmitnent to assure that Engineering and upper QA/0 managenent personnel receive training and in-doctrination necessary to assure that suitable proficiency is achieved and maintained, we have prepared and distributed the follaring proacdures:

a) QC-107, dated 3/15/78, "Training and Indoctrination of Engineering Personnel."

b) QC-108, dated 3/15/78, "Training and Indoctrination of Quality Assurance Personnel."

2. Paragraph of the QA Manual will be revised to add QC-107 and QC-108 to the listing of p~ures. 'Xhis addition will be incorporated in Revision 10 of the QA Manual that is scheduled to be issued by July 1, 1978.


1. QC-107 The report, "Qualifications of Engineering Personnel," dated 3/24/78 fran R. P. t eber, Chief Drafts', to E. R. McAnally, Chief Engineer, evaluated and updated the canpetency of each person in the departnent. The previous evaluation of individual proficiency was )distributed 5/19/77.

The report sunmarizes the Engineering Departnent personnel who are classified "Qualified to Nuclear,"'o the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer in, the following disciplines:

Qualified to Detail Nuclear Qualified to Take Off Nuclear Qualified to Check Nuclear Qualified to be Squad Supervisor/Nuclear

2. QC"108 Quality Assurance training and indoctrination neetings have been conducted by the Manager of QA and Assistant Manager of QA. The subjects presented and the list of attendees have been recorded and distributed:

'X J


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G SGUTHVlfE5T FABRICATlNG I'f WCLOIIIGCO( IIIC, 6 Sr1(kl ~ (r ~ I IV )r( ~ (rr(lrrrl Mr. S. l4"'4anus/CP&L May 3, 1978

2. Paragraph of the QA Manual establishes the locations of the seven volumes of the Procedure Manual that are currently maintained. The distribution, record for all volunes shall be maintained in the office of the QA Technician who is assigned the responsibility for recording and distributing procedures.


1. The recoxd for procedure distribution was initiated on 4/27/78 to provide a doculent to verify issuance of each proceduxe anQ insertion into the Procedure Manuals.
2. A revision to the format of the Procedure Control form was made on 5/3/78. This revision was made to provide a format that will also provide a suitable record for planned changes in procedure distribution. These changes. will be incorporated into Revision 10 of the QA Manual, when accepteQ by the Authorized Inspection Agency, to impxove the convenience of procedure maintenance and usage by segerating manufacturing procedures frcm administrative p(. Ocedures .

Item 3 Rec(uirenent:

SF&W QAM Section 13, Audits, Paxagraph 10CFR50 Appendix B, Criteria XVI, Corrective Action and XVIZ, Audits Nonconformance:

a. Auditors reviewed SF&W internal audit report (12-6-77) perfoxmed by R. B. Bhavsar, where the reaudit of corrective action was perfoxmed by N. H. Ruxke on 12-12-77. This was Qocunented by initial and date beside each corrective action listed except one, Number 5d, which was-not signed, or dated as having'been reaudited.
b. Auditors reviewed internal audit report (2-14-78) performed by R. B.

Bhavsar. This audit reported five findings. No written corrective action could be presented to the auditors. This audit was followed by audit report (3-8-78) by R. B. Bhavsar which does not doclment an actual folly-up of the findings of audit dated 2-14-79. The report dateQ 3-8-78 does not cxoss-reference or close-out t)M.'finding of audit dated 2-14-78. SF&W had intended the later audit to close out the previous audit of 2-14-78 by not finding any problans in the sane areas of those nonconfoxmances. This intention of SF&W does not meet tlat requirements of 10CFR50 Appendix B, Criteria.

0 lg

A f

%0 <<




4 Svln41 ~ Iy ~ I IV l<<t<<I<<etio<<el I

Mr, S, bhNanus/CPEL May 3, 1978 Corrective Action and lementation <<I n!Q

1. Item 3(a) 1, Item Number 5dr 7018 electrode free the shop are stored in the I

I storage rocm without any identification, which was reported

'IIg'0 I corrected on 12/6/77, was reverified "as corrected," initialed I: and dated 3/14/78.

I, r


2. Item 3 (b)

I I I The inter-office memorandum dated 2/14/78 (R. B. Bhavsar to N.

Moerke) xeporting QA discrepancies has been placed in a file I~

"QA Surveillance Reports. "


'p gs I '1 In accordance with the QA Manual, Paragraph 13.1.3, the intexval between audits shall not exceed six months. Further, as stated I

II in Paragraph 'arxl pointed out during the audit, "an l t

Internal Audit Report (see Rduhit 13-1) shall be ccmpleted as <<t the audit progresses." Therefore, as stated, the observations reported by inter-office rrem dated 2/14/78 (Bhavsar to lkerke)

," f was not intended to be interpxeted as an audit to satisfy the I QA Manual requirenents.



The recognized QK Audits during 1977 and 1978, as reported by required Internal Audit Reports, (Exhibit 13-1) were performed f

3/4/77'/10/77 (partial) 7/18/77'2/6/77'lxl 3/8/78 r(,<< !

<<Q<<g 1&% ~ implementation of the QA Program auditing practices has


'een completed. A new audit reporting form, has been prepaxed and <<J<<

Each finding" will be listed on separate I

>>VCi approved by,man'agerrent.

I-Ig pages, together with corrective action and:docunentation of correc-I Q

<Irm WI a~

tive, action,,with appropriate signatures and dates. Presently, with Revision 9 of the QA Manual, the Ir.ternal Audit Report foxm

'must be continued until the new format,is accepted by the Author-ized Inspection Agency and included in Revision 10 of the QA bhnual.

I" Thexefore, until Uu.s action is ccmpleted, audits, conducted, in the I,Ijr innediate future will,be sumurized on two foxms.

I J,I Iton 4 Becpirementr I I 10CFR50 Appendix B, Criterion II, Quality Assurance Program 1 Nonconformance r I Criterion II, states in part, "Managern nt of organizations participating gl&yIE I.'" in the QA Pxcgram shall xcgularly review the status and adequacy of that "I


'I IQ f





j, 4,

. ~

& jVEUNNG CQ,WC, 4 lAI(t(~ Iy ~ I IV la( ~ Ia ~ Iieaej a

th. S. lkManus/CP&L'ay 3i 1978 part of the QA Program which they are executing." The auditors deter-mined, contrary to the requirennnts of Criterion II, the managers of various SF&W Departnmnts whcm execute that part of the QA Pxogram for Qjich they have responsibility have not formally docjxjjented participa-tion in review of the Qh, Program prior its revisions being issued and zlplGAented o Corrective Action

>j<<'~ When future revisions to the QA Manual are contemplated, written 7<" docjmentaxy evidence acknowledging the change will be solicited fran each department head who is affected by the QK Ihnual change.

Copies of the acknowledgnent will be retained by the QK Departttx'.nt

,, ~v'Secretary.

CONCEITS Ebasco's Specification CAR-SH-M-30,, Revision 3, "General a I 1.

in Part 2, Paragraph 21.1.c requires "marking pensi inki Pew'iping,"

, Ih and tape, shall be, certified by chemical analysis and approved by Purchaser for use on stainless steel.," SF&W has decided to use different marking, pens and tape, fox'tainless steel than those for


which they obtained approval 'frcm Ebasco to use. The auditors are a I concerned if SF&W- has obtained Ebasco's appxoval for the new materials they plan to use, since no evidence of Ebasco's approval was presented to,the auditors during 'this audit.

~sSonse Mr. J. Harris informally presented the manufacturer's certification ia v to Ebasco for cament and acceptance on April 24, 1978. Formal suhnittal of the certifications for approval will be mailed during the week of May 8, 1978.

2. The auditors are concerned that SF&W does not follow-up the correc-tive actions listed on their "Report of Nonconfoxmances" (RCN's) for ~N. i any significant. conditions adverse to quality or perform any trend 'i analysis, of their RCN's to de~e significant conditions.

I'I Copies of each Report of Nonconfoxmance (RON) issued due to discrepant ')<< ~O't product or docummtation for a specific material manufacturer or supplier is placed in th vendor's QA record file. p,w' I

These data are reviewed when an, additional. RON is received to deter-mine if the deviation is a "repeat" of a prior offense. If, in the , .PI(I Oa~

1 nJ


A 6 v(ELotNG cQ, INc 4 SAJI4) ~ tg tl IV 4( ~ (P ~ 14 ~)

S. McManus/CP &L May 3, 1978 opinion of SF&W QA, this i.s a repetitive condition, the vendor is notified of the large number 'of rejects and an explanation of pre-ventive measures is requested. Further, these data are reviewed prior to QA vendor audit to be certain, that the audit plan includes input fran performance histoxy.

3. Bmsoo's Specification CAB-SH-M-12, Revision 0, "Quality Control Requirements for Suppliers of Bpu.ghent and Services," (860-72) in Paragraph 8.1 states, "For items and services purctmsed fran sub-suppliers, seller shall conduct necessary inspections and tests at points of receipt to verify conformance to applicable physical, chemical, or other technical requirenents." The auditors are oon-cerned that SF&W has not established a pxogram for, verifying by outside laboratory anlysis, a check against their subsuppliexs chemical and physical .test,reports. SF&W's managenent stated they have not established such a progxam because they interpret the above specification) requirenerit to be met by performing a cxxnpmison between their subsupplier's chemical and physical test report and the appropriate ASMBor, ANN material specification. The auditors agree .that the Ebasco requixanant as. stated above is interpretable.

The auditors are aLso concerned,that, this Bmsco specification requixerent has, been renaved fxan CAR-SH-ME-12, Revision l. The nrvr revision of the specification which is required by a latex xevision of Specification CAR-,SH-M-30 has not been made a part of the oontract in effect during this audit.

ResEIonse The questions concerning intexpretation of applicability of specifi-cations was referred to R. Georgio of Ebasco by J. E. Harris's letter dated,3/9/78. However, only oral cammts have been received to date.

Also, no schedule for resolution has been established.

t)h)l (

The auditors are concexned that there are several instances in SF&W material storage areas where carbon steel fittings were being stacked close to stainless steel pipe which'was designated for "QA relate


use," (ASME Cede Material) by blue and pink markings on the material.

In one storage area, a quantity of 12-inch carbon steel elis had fallen fxcm their stack and were within one inch of touching the stainless steel pipe. The concern is that other elis could continue to fall fran the stack and ccme in contact with the stainless steel pipe J Material handling supervision and manufacturing supervision personnel are cognizant of problems associated with storage to minimize

~ 'I ~


r wctu>>Na ca,wc.

I 0 4A)l4>a)g I

~ I I)> I ~ ro)ae)l ~ ~ I


r Mr. S. McManus/CP&L May 3, 1978

, contaminatian. It is a continuing daily enforcement problem to enfarce the discipline with the rapidly nnving inventory of stain-V

'less materials in the shop. Therefore, QA surveillance audits are conducted to cantrol this productian problem,. even though not recorded as, an, official internal audit.

5. The auditors are concerned that in som instances SPEW MRS's con-tained errors'fter canpletion and being drawing checked twice by two different drawing>>checkers. Several MRS's were revimM by the auditors; and the following two identified contained errors.

MRS No. Q3301-SW;, Sheet 42, Revision 2, referenced Procedure PT-1

'where the p~ure attachment for test acceptance criteria was not referenced's required., In addition, MRS No. Q3301-SW, Sheet 2, indicated'n attachment was to be used with,a reference procedure, but failed to correctly identify the attachment by its correct number.

E es~nse Engineering has been advised of the apparent checking deficiencies

,and has taken appropriate action to nunimize recurrence.

Please advise us if you desire any additional information.


)g truly yours, N. H. Nxxke


Vice President-Engineering (QVQC)


.o NHM:dc

'r cc: G. H. Lockwood

,B. J. Goodwin R. P. 'Bornes

)r, Ro L. Pearsan W. P. Knight r) K. D. Powell Jr Er HarriS I)





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FORII NPP-I RATA REPORT'FOB FABRI CATER htlCLEAR PlylbC oLOAEIEqfntJES' (Ao Brqolrrd by)ho Provl¹loo ~ of.)ho,AEIIE Code Rolrsl ] )'L] 'g [") jjJ I Fabrscasoo oy (tdame aha

. h Addrr e ~ ~ I t'abrscas at)

Fabncasro Fer (Prana aha Addrr ~ ~ )

r .

Cu olin!( Pobfer 5 Li ht CO ~ ~ . Eoca lon of Pl nt~e e h Orth Carolina P'Othe Sytleo Idenssllcslsos SPENT FIdoEL SERIAL 816893 S

{Dtsel arsctsplson o snlrn ord

~ usr ~ mess cessant ~ It >

) ) )) .'330d I SP SIIT 5 p d )y~Sout v M

)r).' o ')) lf7 66 B ~,he e or ~ rsaf drasfn, conslrus'sion, and vrorbmanahlp comp((e ~ wslh ASA(E Code Stclloh Dl Clos ~

Kcl<<sn 1C ~ ACdenca Dole C. P 1a73 ~ Case .'Ia geroara ~I Ideroofacturersr Desa Repono properll Identified ehd ~ ICnad by Carmiasiasrd lasarnen have been furnsehed for ELL-S hr.FCO TUBE CORPORATION (A) S/ll-. I-8222F-15; Pipe Ihe fotlaorssC sltn ~ Of Ihs ~ rcport f I ol part lltm supper~ qdahufsclurel rlsoe urd ddessllyshc loop)

~ ~

SnD.CO(P1) S/sd-~II2595-8'-'lf p2 S/'III RSI2)95 8 10 & P3) S/N Ys 2595 8 22.

tlc Te ~ I ys

, ~ Shop Kvoass ~ psl, Deectspqsah of plplnC Insprcted MK( F3-P 6-2-SF-8-1: SA<<358 CL.I- TP-304 WLD B

(Include-warts o, malersal spr nom. pspt ~ str-scarc)sl ~ or Insc\nrss Irnclh 12" (.375"vl) 5'- 6" & 9'- 6" LEN S'A"403 I MP-304 'stlo 12" 90o STO:

lsssrnC ~ I eh(r ~ r tsc I wT. LR. ELL I Psrg

" <PR/<Crn!g5 ANO Cp/T'sc)I.EI-fvsE55 rb ~

~ )C APR 25 l979 EBA5CP [hf(


o'e crnifv Ihal Iht sl ~ tenenl ~ made fn Ihl ~ rcport arc correct and Ihal Iht labtlcallon of Iht drst ~ Ibtd pipshc conforms wflb Ihr reousremenl ~ of SEC j(Dof Ill Cf lhc ASIAE DOII KR AI(D PRESSURE VESSEL CODE D.l O 26-/8 ,(SR)

(F ebrsC ~ Iorl r C ~ dotrsq ~ so of A))shorts ~ Iles 7 rpsrs ~ uI(( 0 CE(I.TII ICATE PP SIIPP IATSPECTIO.'I I ~ Ihe uh' r ~ Icnrd,hafdbsc a valid comms ~ ~ lon I ~ surd by Iht ldsslonal Doerd of Das'r ~ ssd pr ~ ~ sure vr ~ rl Inspector


~ ~ ~

~ ndlar tho Ssas ~ ar Provlnt ~ of d ) d )rh IZJ AL ra) hov ~ Inspected qse plpsnc described In thl ~ Das ~ Rrpots an~a 9A I9 8 and ~ I ~ I ~ Ibsl s ~ fho be ~ I of my incor(edCe

~ hd be (fr f,she llrnufrcsuyrr ha ~ caholrucsrC Ihl ~ pr plhc In sccordonct vdslb Ihr ~ t Flit sb'I ~ Sebo ~ tsloss of AShsE Codt, Io~'r S~ cites ID.

Dy ~ ~ Crust Ihs ~ C ~ rls fleas ~ ~ no Sshet Ihe Ins pre I or nar hl ~ employer ma I ~ any v ~ rre hit, astor ~ s rd or smpl ted, cahrerrr PIP)nC Ih Ihl~ 'Des ~ Repor<<Furthermost ~ no sits ~ r Ihr lnspTClot nar hs ~ rnplayrr shell bo liabl ~ lh Sny rsesntt for ohy Por ~ ohsl ln'ury or properly Comets or ~ 'oo ~ ol any hrhd ers ~ snC fords or canst tied vssh Ihr ~ IhsPtcllan,

~ I~

(tns pectorf ~ Isosss hoon, Id ~ I ~ . Provsnc ~ ohd:oo.

~ svl Iomehsa( sne ~ I~ th !arm of II~ I ~ ~ ~ belches or or ~ <<snc ~ mey be us ed pro"Iced (I) ~ I ~ ~ I ~ tvr" .~ II", ( I Lsfermesscn hn Iseaa I ~ 2 rhd $

Lhs ~ Cal ~ rsrarq la bnChodod on ~ sch sheet ~ arul (S) ~ ach shs ~ I I ~ nmbet ~ C arel nuhdaor of shrels Is recorded ln Item yo 'emarta"o 435 08~

i"EA'5(pt NPP-I ro


','"," .I"'f~,;".",gPCITO@II~g.~giV'ISIONPI'-"".SUBSECVIQN~Nh<P5"'",.


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FORqI gpp'j'(back) ~

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Dtecrlptton s( FI ~ Id Fobtlcotlon ~ ~ ~


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I(5 Fl ~ ld )(ydtoot ~ ttc Test pel ~

E u' csnlfy that th ~ (laid fobrlcstlon o( the described PIPlng conforms with thr tequttements of SECTION Ql of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSIIRE VESSEL CODEt Clat ~ ~ Edltlon ~ Addend a D st ~ Case Ho.

Det ~ ~ 19 Signed (Fabrtc ~ Iot) ( tprterntattvc)

Ovt Crnl(Ication of hlnhorlcatlon Io usr the Symbol Exp(rat l9 Ctr.lllcot~ of Author(cotton No.

CERTIFICATE OF FIELD FABRICATIOII INSPECflp.'I I ~ thr lalltrt~ (Cnrd holding ~ valid comml ~ ~ lon I ~ eutd by Ihe Hot(anal Board o( Boiler osd Ptreewt Veto ~ I Inepectot ~ and/or Ih ~ St ~ I ~ rt Ptovttlct 0(

~ AC ~ teplsyelt by ol hove ctvspottd the ~ t ~ temrnt ~ In thl ~ Manufectuttr ~ Dot ~ Rcport with Ihe dtoctlbtd plplAC end ~ tetr that thr pone rrftnrd Ia o~ EE ~ I ~ It ~ Est , not Included In the cenlf loot ~ o( shop Inspection have bren Ineprctrd by tsr and that Io Iht be ~ I of my ttnowledgt snd bcllef Ihe manufoctutrr hor conettucttd thl ~ piping In ~ econ(ence <<lth Iht ~ I pl(coul ~ ~ ~ ctlon of the ASME CODE SECTIOII flf.'y

~ (going thl ~ certlllc ~ I ~ ntlthct tht Inspector nor hl ~ cltlplot'rt matte ~ ony wenanty copra ~ ~ rd or Implltd, concrrnlng the ptp tng drecribtd ln thl ~ Manu( ~ Cturtr' Dots Rcport. Funhctmore, nelthrr the Ineprctsr sot ht ~ rrpteyer shall be llabl ~ tn sny mannet (er any personal Infuty or proptny damage ot a loe ~ of ony ttlnd atl ~ Ing (tom or cotrltctrd with thl ~ Inspection, Dot ~ l9 Comrsl ~ ~ lone Inspector Nattonal Bsan4 Stater Provtnco and hot



g o ~~P ~ry- o.. P- 9d'7P Southwest Fabricating & )Yl.'lding Co., Inc.

Shttt tio. iPoge ol LIQUID PENETRANT INSPECTION REPOflT Procedure No; ~ CSI CL<<f t ~ I MA I CIIIAL OC S ctllr 1 IOH tAATCnl*L TYrc stt:.

r~r=-.( ~nM~<<S.".~+~ mf Oo/~ f" <<

I I.HC In*It1 OA TC ~ I HO ncMovcn oA Tell Ho 0'cvcLottcn OATCM HO sltnt'Ac c co<<col TSON SKI.-S IB SK C.S Re o.oble 0 lho}le Spot Check SKLw Q ~~ Wote. Q E~g4 " gg~>O I CMncnA IVIIC I IICCL\ A litt IYI 1.


-.o '" -P r:-c 4&@

Minvtes Minvles Solvent Wiped Pf t<<CMO V Ctl Otl 'I IHC I IMC OCVCLOI I I IMI. rost cl.cAHT.n hlinv1 ~ I hlinvl es I i",i H <<tr.



~l&e- <<~jIIA; ltd

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~ CLISTON. NCW JERSCV rg "e~o 'o '~4- 07075 e i ~ 7//77 8 H

Soutllwest Fab & We'ding I Southwest Fab & Welding I2ot) 776 QQQO P.O. Box 9449 P 200 No. 76th Street YWX NO. 7IO-Ot)O-7OOO IIouston, Texas T

)Iouston, Texas TELEX NO 1SMRI 77011 0 77011 ~g g CZ eusr UE R rg e DI51RIBUTQR g~ ~ C 5 O P 0 NUMBER Swepco SP grade f).ttdngs1 T 304 to ilSI/IE SA 240 a f ASIIE-SA-403, WP-30"W & ASNE Sect. III ~

Class 3, 1971 Edition including 1973 Sut"7ter AddEnda, weld x-rayed lOOX per Para UW-51, Sect. VIII, NPT-3 code stamped & inspected, annealed, water quenched to below 800 deg. F within 3 minutes.

HEAT TREATMENT o~ SIZEI /+ 'e7 d) e /O Cee(' HC44

~ ree ere -~ <<~ o SOLUTION AIINEALED P


oE LD wlRE IIEAT NQ, FOR SI( Idj r>>Z-C - t ra<O//




. Ao,oo itEAT *tIALYSIS DID ~ / /7g ~ DR /7 .ODW '5P /l."P 2/ ~ .Zdo ,Dgl

.7RQDUCT AtlAL'Y515 BASE hlETAL UCT AHALYSIS ~ WELD DEPOSIT 9! o /I MICAL REQUIREMFNT5 Weld WiYe 'z,s-, dt3 . 08 Ss.s'/O PR D HL'AT ANALYSIS ~ WELD WIRE . d)&f /I',7 >PA .Do( g/eg I re // ~ ~ 3Z, .IIS'/o aI/O, DrL ~




~ HARDNESS YIELD P.S ~ le eee~slLE p.s.l. ~ ee ei Cero serio I OCleo FLAT I

Net/V IP>


~rAIF~ "



R CVlibV VIRIIlaO 5V PIPE HELD.TRAKSYFRSE I lilt'I reb LD i~cci.'(8/PV.....i




I CORROSION IMI ACT keee'LIS *sec S 7 W+ ee/.r/

> Cuvl IISICt 1 I

RE Sill,t S IA s' E'/D 7 eb

<<<5 ~Sr ~skeSz)Y Q. o/crFI ~r oS PNd Pd-PD <rf'C'Io ~ hi ~ crt tllicolios ollieses isot shove CMTF coirect osd occveoee Isctvdisd oil test I/I/ 8'd.b /E FVC rPS De 7 e".RurrsrC D rc)y'r)'8 ~ Is

' ~ evil ~ osd ooeeolioss is coeesliosce reeih

~ ele ~ /sot ~ riot soecificoeios osd cvsloeser 5 C,//rro=FPCC /d- sr'~rPIF<'P + = P<YO I I resvoeiersl ~,

I NOIAIT FUEIIC QF R ~ $ 7IEPCQ TUBE CORPORATION 1st/77 (IPert I/SIS ~e Ce elillsotevs w v ev /' ~

gy s ~ eee E ~ I ~I l,eeoc' ~ l,eev ilt <<S ~

)~krak V ~

",I 44 . d (S.Lvkf'Ihh,i~ ffl~~ha TELE'lO. 133321 (201) 778 3000 NO. (201) SS71 d2OQ REVIEWED FOR CORRECTNESS vh AND COMPLETENESS SY SV7 ZPCO TU 33K CO


.d(61dssd r,, g-p.2 yy EIIASCO V@A REP FOR)I ssi-2 stIAisUFACTURERS DATA REVOIR F NAlsICES

'll N..

]. (a) Manufactured by SWEPCO TUBE CORPORATIOV I CLIFTON BLVD. CLIFTON, il f Southwest Fao cx Neldzn Houston, TX

)I ~

(Name and address of Manufacturer of completed nuclear component)

Identification-Manufacturer's Serial No. of Part M-8222-F Nat'I Bd. No. N A Dra~ing Prepared by lr '"

(a) Constructed According to Drawing 'No.

(b) Description cf Part Inspected

  • 16 I3cs 12 3' D x 3/8 W x 90 de ~ LR ELLS (welded D

'm""" Sr.-403 Section III Class 3'manufacture (R/M SA-240 T-304 Ht. <o-836662), welds x-rayed 100,o per Para UW51, annealed and pickled.

S.N. F. ouo. 3302-N-4.

  • Swepco pc. nos. SNM-8222-F Pc. 1 thru Sly-8222-F Pc. 16.

(-) 4. Sh ll: )l ~ 4 I 7-304 SR2nO (K'aSp T.S.

.R 75000

) (Rl R

Thl k o(R*

h, ~ l 4

~~ ill c 3/8 Sp dll 4) o*(0 R


T Dl ~ .

comt3lete 1

Pk 3)(n hk Efficiency Length 90 deg LR ELLS 1 00'Ya Girth KT. R.T. Vo. of Courses s't coplilv Is)oi Is)t ~ I ~ ltmtni ~ mode in shs ~ rrpsrl ~ rr contcl ond shss vss ~ ol ad pl os ~ S)pun mont ~ ~ ~ dtlintd sn Iht Code cshloims io iht sl ' ~ sl consiiucusn ol the ASMK Code Stetson lll ~

tTI)t ~ slslicoslt Dt ~ icn Ss)tcslscosson ond Stree ~ Rcport ~ rt nol lht rtopanslbllliy ol the part mondloclwtp An oor)upltnonct msnulociurtr ss rtss)onslssr fop lunushinc ~ ~ tpss ~ lt Drsicn Spdcihcolion ond Slrtoo RtPOn Sl IS) ~ OPS)usiassntr ~ nDS lshtludrd Sn S)kr hro Otl Dt ~ ScnSPtCSDCS lion snd Slit ~ ~ Roon.l Signed II ,i )4~ S


Hendry-Zna.: Coord.

i; C'Manufacturer)

John 2

Certificate of AudsorlzatfolLNI): H-1418 Certificate of Authorszation Expires CERTIFICATION OF DESIGN FOR APPURTEscANCE (Nhcrt applicable)

Desiot snfor~tion on file at SL~ss analysis report on file at N/A Destw specifications certified by Prof. Eng. State Reg. No.

Stress analysis report certU!ed by Prof. Eng. State Reg. No.

CFRTIFICATL OF SIIOP IssSPECTIDN l, the undersigned, haldlng a valid comcsssaion issued by the National Ooord of Boiler snd Plessssre Vessel Inspectors

~ nd/or i'he 5:a'.e or ProvLGCe of Liew Jersey and employed by COMMERCIAL UNION INS"RANCE COMPANf of BOSTON, MA., have hsp.cted the part of a prcssure vessel described in this Manu!ac;uzr's Porial Data Report on 7/Z (0 19 76, and state that to the best of csy knowledge and beilrf, the Munulscturer has construcied L:ls por. In accordance with the ASME Code Section III.

By sicr.sng this certificate, neither thc inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or unpiled, cnncerning the port descrsbed in this Manufacturer's Partial Data Report. Furthercsoro, neither the Inspeclor nor his employer shall be Bob:e in sny .=armer for any personal injury or property domal e or a loss of any kind ~ rising fro= or connected with this LspectscsL Ds!e . Co 19 Q N. Y. 1813 N.J. 6C6 CH!Q APP'D. PA. CO'!! t Vl C. 26o7 Ccmmissions

-speclor's Signature National Board, Sl ~ le, Province src No, i lf 'Poativeld Heat Treated

I e


" ';<<:-~~it~lfADI6GRAPXICIIASPECTIOX'REPORT'-"<.>>St+4+"'F/

'P>> ~".f C. 'I 3



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~ 6 vV~PCO TL a~ CO ON E CUf>TOhf BOVI.KVARO ~ Ca.>FTO>u Et O 515 uI ~"rm EBASCO VQA REP.

I"()IDI ss-" >s(as,'>UI'AC1'L'l(L'llS 0 a, TA I(EI'0ll'I() ENANCES

]. (a) L! anufsciured by trEPCO TUllE CON VORATION I CLINTON BLVO. ~CLIFTON. N.

(b) V anufoctured Icr ~n>~111" ~t c Pb 6 Ivr ldina Houston TX QC:sni tol P ioe Houston)

(Na=e and address of Manufacturer of completed nuclear coioponrnt) 2 Ident>f>cation.Mahufactuter' Serial No. of Part (e'p fs A Nst'I Bd. No.

(s) Constructed According to Drawing No s 12 /4" O.D. N 3/6 "W 20'/L Weld d~eoir a.

(b) Dc scription of Par: Inspected (c) Applicable ASM Code>Sec Jon IU, Ed '-U "'L em 'A-358 I'lass 1 t Section IIX, Class 3, mansifac" ure (R/M SA240 annealed and


i, T- 304, Ht. Ho. E'80817 ), welds x-rayed 100~ per S.W.E'. o. 33-2-F-5. Para PN-51, p') led, hydro tested 0 1324 P.S.I. minimum.

'=Swepco ho. SN M-2595-8. Pc. >Io. 16,17,2$ ,24,25,26,27.

h T 304 S4240 Y ~ teria l 75000 Nombsa) 3/8 corrosion0 in. AUowance >n. 1 fL 3/4 in Length 20 I R/X, I~le

d. She U: T.S. Thictcnc s Di ~ ~.

Spec. No) (MIr- of Range Specified) s . L (K>nd (a I 1 N I

V R T ~t.~sr Ell I 1 IOQ ~e G Lms> H.T. R.T. No. of Cov.rr s r.s te censfy Ihr I Iht ~ I ~ >stash> ~ rh 1st In Ihs ~ ~ aport ate con eel ~ hd Ihss ee ~ ~ ~ I ps ~ I or sppuh rrset ~ ~ ~ Censed sh sht Cade cohforts ~

rr> ihe n ~ ~ sf coll ~,hrclrcrl of Ihe AS>>C Code S ~ c>soh fft.

QYht ~ pp:stso: ~ Ce ~ rih Sorcslscsisoh shd Stir ~ ~ Reoori s ~ e hoi

~ ~ spohsloie ioh Des>gm


g, shd


Srr ~

for fums ~ tltc ~ ~ eprr ~ I ~ t ~ sea Spec>frees>oh shd S>rt ~ s Rtpors sf Ihr ~ pour>oleo

~ ~ Rrpon.i ls 7Q er'rn t>>s=

(Manufacturer) rr O


~s g>

I, ~~

nn .=.encry- En IuJtd sh I ~ e ~ ~


'e Ihe respohsstsst Isy Ol Iht peti 611U>at>ur ~ r An sppurst shet 'rrhlrfaC>urtt ~ S

~ chSptcsl>ca



Cerif>cate c( Author>-at)>co No. Certificate A'Authorizstfoo Expires 6/11 79 CEFTIFIQATION OF DESIGN FOP. APPl.ilTENANCE (>>hen ai>piicnI>IC)

LnformaeJon oo file at St~as scaly ~ i ~ repcr. on file ~ t hs/A De s: . sp.c:fico t)cns cerJ fied by Pro(. Eng. State Res. No S <a ~ ~ no!ys>s rcport cerdied by Pro fr 1 gr Si ~ te Rag. Nch unde>a>~Wed, bOiding ~ V~

CEIITIFICATC OF Siifir ii~ EC>>oi lid CcmmiaaiOO ISSued by:1e Nui>pnat BOrrd Of Br>iler <<1d P..SS = 'e'CSSC! IOSWCI=.E a1d/or 'nc'tate ot P oviticc of Es eW Je <<Seser and rrptoycd by CGM>rlERCIAI U:lsON "ISI:RANCE CCM?ANY o( BCSTCN. MA.. hsve tnaPcctcd I..e P ~ re of a Ptessure vessel described in this Stsnufectuter's Pa..>at Data RcPort oo I / 5/ "t)C 19 I and state th>a,~.. '". I cccrdrnce w>th tbe ASME C ode Section III.

rthat to thc b st o( my snowledge and bel>e(, the M nufactu~r hs s cons Jctcd By ~ >going this ccr 'cate, nea~~r Uie Inspector nur his employer =ages any warranty, eap:cs ~ r.d or impl>s:d. concern'1g ihr. p r. deacr:t .d us this Hanufacts'r ' Par>ut Dat ~ Rcpor>. f ur'ncr. ore, neither the Ins;hctor nor his cm loyer sin ~ U bc b'tc 1 ~ 1y . ...c:r (or any psrsonal '1lury or rop<<ly damage or a loss of any ILLnd aria>ng (ross or ccnnecitd wsth t..i ~


W Y'. ': 3 RJ. 64fa GH:0 A r'D. PA. C"".M. >h'. C. " r7 p~~ Commiaaicns Na 1> 0 n a I B c, rs r ~ I ~ I C ~ P. Ir v in. e C rn N Oe

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I'()I('I1 .'I'-" MitsliL'FAC'FUHE:[C!3!)3tTAHt:lsOlCT I'0 ,, E A QpU)( SNA,"e CES

], ( ~) Lfanufoetured by S%'EPCO TVDE CORPORATION I CLIFTON BLVD.. CLIPTOli. N. I.

(b) h!onufactured for (Name ond address of llanufhcturer of completed nuclear cosrponenl)

I 'cntification Manufacturer's Seri ~ I No. of Part r >-2595-8 N ~ t I Dde No Drawing Prepared by


(o) Constructed According to Drawing No.

(b) Desctiptioo of Part Inspected O.D. x 3/8M' 20'/L (>t 3.ded oioe)

(c) Applicable ASI(E CodeiSection III, Edition~~, Addenda date Cs v Coar No. Class SA-358, Class 1, Section XXX, Class 3, manufacture (R/t4 SA-24o 7-304, rit. h'o. F80827), fields x-rayed 10090'er Pa"a PN-51, annealed and

=i c3(led, nydro tes ted C~ 1324 P S.X. min'mum. S.N.r., ho. 3302-'~-5 Pc. 1-2-3-5-7-10-11.

St'caco No. Sh I"3-2595-8, S'.. II:I I; ~

T-304 I

SR2C0 T.S. 75000 ll e'.

(s d!ese e.s' (If o(R R . ~i s

3/8 Seeefo df c

A II -


. Dt Cc,.nleto


1 F\

3('d Sff .; e I .Sih

=(2Q'I el G~ H.T. R.T. Nc,. of Cc uises

~ renliv shel Ihe ~ I ~ Iemcnl ~ node in Ihs ~ sepoel oer corieci end ini ~ ve ~ s ~ I peel oe vrd ur endo r ~ ~ ~ denned en che code ronroeri ~

co ice e~e ~ ot condsn clion ot ihe ASMC Code Seclson ttt.

I he ~ poler ~ Sir tie ~ sin 5 pe est tees Cn one Slee ~ ~ tc coors ~ sr nOl Ihe s ~ ~ ptnssastelS ot Ihe Peel sf~I ~ eiveee An ~ I puelenvne ~ snonufoesueee ~

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~ ~ epoease I9 78 De ~ isn Specihcolioh ond Seer ~ ~ Repen il ihe oppuesos nce.cs Signed eQ'c elf Itis< cl .Ss (Manufacturer)

/'-. '.,


J&n Hencry Ene~'oord.



"'1Ce..i!scate of Authorization No. h'-1418 Ce..if t of;h I tice p s 6 CERTIFICSITIO.'e OF UESIG.'e FOR APISL'RTE.'cheh'CE (eellcn afsplica41e)

Design snformation on file at S ass analysis report on fsle "at S'ts'I iQ;".'~3G2!:-$

Design ~ Iketfsections certified by Prof. Eng. State Reg. Nch

"Ms 2'27J; ce..ified by -'O~7GL--'; Prof. Eng. State Reg. No.



, thc undersigned,

~ r ~ holding n ~ valiC coma reason I surC by !nc .'eef tonal Board of Boiler on(.'ressu~ Vessel inspector ~ ~

~ 14/or the St ~ 'e or Prov'1cc of heeln'erSesve - onC e..ploved by COethlERCDL UNIO:e D(SURANCE CQh: 1 L ANY cf IIO TON, MA., have tns;oectcd the ps p rt off a pressure vessel described in this h etonufvcls er's pari ~ I Dot ~ Report on s

>/ ~g /7~

his;u A in ccordvnce wc'-". the *SW Code Section III.


ond state tr. ~ t to the ~~st of ...y Lnowleos,e onC belie f, thc eivnufocturerr hns constructed Dy signing this crrttorioate, neither the Inss~ctor nor his ecsPIoyer mat(rs any warranty, vs;Irrs ~ ed or s...Plied. Concerning

!hc -vr. described in this I'onufocturer'a Parial Data Repor'urthermore, nc.ither the inst~clos nor his eo.ptohc'r shalt be

sob;r in any monner for ory personal injeey or proieerty damage or o loss of ny csnd orsssng frem or connected with I-I~ s 3 ~ W 7M tf. Y. ~ I 't J ( '6 CIIIO lee'r O. pA, C(,'e"ec, '9, C. ~" 9 7 c ~

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)5 12-1 2-FA'S HoutSTrtIN. TCI(AS Ft YlelD t

XXKKJO No 0152 hN-Tlxll l,hll.

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En5.r. T-308 S tainles., Va Ti Tn Co N Steel Weld Mire .01 .07 .02 .06 . OII5 S ecificatlon: SFh-5.9 Class 1 R-308 .ld D o~oS i m

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4q 0 1 to Serial: HNP-99-069 Generic Code Data Report for Completion of Code Related Activities in the Spent I'uel Pool Activation Project (2 Pages)


1. Owner / Constructor: Carolina Power & Light Co.

PO Box 1551, Raleigh, NC 27602- 1551

2. Plant: Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant PO Box 165, New Hill, NC 27562 - 0165
3. Work performed by:

Name Address

4. Identification of System
5. Applicable Code of Construction 19 Edition, Addenda, Code Case
6. Identification of Components Constructed Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Built ASME Component Manufacturer Serial No. Board No. Identification Code Stamped?

(Yes or No)

7. Description of Work WR/JO No.

Tests Conducted Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test temperature 'F

Remarks Certificate of Inspection I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of , and employed by of have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period to , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with design requirements of the ASME Code,Section III, and Quality Assurance requirements of the Owner's 10CFR50 Appendix B Quality Assurance Program Manual as augmented by the "Supplemental QA Requirements" section of ESR 95-00425 Commissions Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Provide and Endorsements Date 19 Notes: 1) Attach supplemental sheets and sketches as required

2) Applicable manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached.

2 to Serial: HNP-99-069 Representative WDR for Construction of the Units 2 8c 3 Spent Fuel Pool Cooling System (1 Page)

P)EI&g Q OP'~



REV. 2 5/24/78 (PROCEDURE COC-I9) 8 3 zs r -ig'~sF 'o ~s)I-5l i SYSTKM CAT. ISO. NO. K . OWG. NO. W D 5 l!Nc KS!GN 8'4/


5F 38 GRADE2 SKI fL NO I I c!C'/ )g -I j I+4/ g IA I BASE METAL SPEC. 'Ol IT YoE ~

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- 7 cP jL 6 0 v3$

CRL) bgpfgyA DUE.

~ 7/j3//gg I 1!3I1P

~ ~ ~ r O7 ~ ~

3 to Serial: HNP-99-069 Alternative Plan Letter of Endorsement from The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co.

(1 Page)

MAR- 8-SS fiOH 17'19 HSB AT EHG FAX HO. 7703926252 P,02 NAR 88 199cr 16i1'? FR HTFD STEAN ENGINEER 668 722 5538 TO HSBTMT P. 81W1 Dr. Richard Ei Fcr Set Vice Prcsidccit Pool-It" Fax NOte 7671 Fax e The Hartford Steam Boner Iarpecrioa and reauraiice Co.

KO. Box 5024 Oae State Street Eatrord CT 061M


(SN) 022-SS30 +ex) m sss2 REt'EIVED rrciaeltbmnct Nmail)

MJSIR: 8 1999.

March 8, 1999 Mr, Steve Edwards Manager, SFP Activation Project Carolina Power k Qght Company Harris Nuclear Plant P.O. Box 165 New Hjil NC 27562


10CFR50.55a Alternative Piaa HH/99-001 HNF-98-]88 0-

Dear Mr. Mwards:

I have revicvred your letter to Mr. Bobo aad rhe referenced aaachmerits addrcssiag various spent fuel pool plphg systems. I haVe discussed the subject at Ierrgth with Mr, Bobo, who Is in responsible direct charge of Hartford Steam Boiler's (HSB) ASME Section ill and XI inspection activities. Subject to d<<tailed verification of completioa of unfinished tasks aad their compliance with comrnltrnents described. we believe that the plan proposed provides an acceptable alternative to code compliance h accordance with 10CFR50.55(a)g). Our concurrence extends to both disposMonlag Issues related to the as-built condition of the ayatems arid future activlCks under 'Ifi.Alternative Plan for Continuance of Design and Construction.'ur pcs ttton is based pcurcipally on the fotlowiag:

1. Site wide use of aa integrated QA progara at the site with evidence of adequacy provided by Iiceasiag of Unit I.
2. Consistent reference by final acccprancc documentation, c,g. hydrostatic test reports, of first tier Inspection reports which establish review of records of welder qualification and sirailar code requirements.
3. Plan provisions to verify code compliance or establish technical equivalency..e.g. deposited weld metal analysis.

Very truly yours, Iticliard E. Peigcl, Ph.D.

Vice President, Englneerhg Cc: B. Bobo R. Howard LOG GEo

II Pnclosure 14'to Serial: HNP-99-069 Present Corporate (Appendix B) Quality Assurance Manual