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Board of Supervisors of                            Board of County Cc=issioners Londonderry Township                            of Cauphin County R. D. #1, Geyer: Church Ecad                      Dauphin County Court Ecuse Middletown, Pennsylvania        17057              Harrisburg, Pennsylvania    17120 METROPOLITKi EDISOI CCMFKr?
Board of Supervisors of                            Board of County Cc=issioners Londonderry Township                            of Cauphin County R. D. #1, Geyer: Church Ecad                      Dauphin County Court Ecuse Middletown, Pennsylvania        17057              Harrisburg, Pennsylvania    17120 METROPOLITKi EDISOI CCMFKr?
By /
By /
                                                               /  / Vice President
                                                               /  / Vice President Cated:          ~
: : ;.
Cated:          ~
1583 256
1583 256

Latest revision as of 02:17, 22 February 2020

Tech Spec Change Request 72 to OL DPR-50,App a Re Extension of Cycle 3 Operation.Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 02/17/1978
From: Herbein J
Shared Package
ML19291B565 List:
NUDOCS 7911080682
Download: ML19291B592 (10)



METRCFOLITXI DISCII CC:G%iY JERSEY CE'ITF.AL PCWER L LIGHT CCMPA:rf A'iD FE'i!ISYL7A: IIA ELEC 3IC CCMPA:lY THREE MILE ISLA ID IiUCLEAR STATIC:I U'IIT 1 Operating Licence :10. DFR-50 Decket ?*o. 50-289 Technical Specifi9ation Chance Fequest :Te. 72 "his Technical Specification Change Requect is submitted in support of Licencee's request to change Appendix A to Cpersting License !io. DFR-50 for Three Mile Island Iluelear Station Unit 1. As a part of this request, proposed replacement pages for Appendix A are also included.


Vice President Sworn and subscribed to me this /7 day of 973.



Totary Publi#

NC'ATf PL'CL:C i tsw Jerts Ccoeg. Fi.

  1. r 7,cmm na Ex:-as N:v D. Ing 1583 255 2911080


This is to certify that a copy of Technical Specification Change Fequest

Io. 72 to Appendix A of the Operating License for Three ylle Island
Iuclear Station Unit 1, has, en the date given belev, been filed with the U. S. Nelear Regulatory Cc=issien and been served en the chief executives of Lcndenderry Tcvnship, Cauphin County, Pennsylvania and Dauphin Ccunty, Pennsylvania by deposit in the United States nail, addressed a:: follows:

Mr. 'delden B. Archart Mr. Harry B. Reese, Jr.

Board of Supervisors of Board of County Cc=issioners Londonderry Township of Cauphin County R. D. #1, Geyer: Church Ecad Dauphin County Court Ecuse Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120 METROPOLITKi EDISOI CCMFKr?

By /

/ / Vice President Cated: ~

1583 256

Three Mile Island Nuclear Statien, Unit 1 (TMI-1)

Cperating License No. DPR-50 Decket No. 50-289 Technical Stecification Change Recuest No. 72 The licensee requests that the attached changed pages replace pages vii, 3-3ha, 3-35, 3-35a Figure 3.5-2I, and Figure 3.5-2M, and that Figure 3.5-2N be added to the existing Technical Specifications, Appendix A.

Reascns for Chance Recuest The licensee is requesting an extensien to Cycle 3 operation in order to offset a portion of dependence en coal fired stations whose electrical power generatien has been reduced by the nationwide coal miners strike.

Safety Evaluation Justifyinz Change This Change Request does not result in an unreviewed safety questien in that the Reactor Protection Systems limits are not affected by the cycle 3 extension; the shutdown and regulating rod insertion li=its for operation after 2h6 IFFD are not affected by the cycle 3 extensien; the LOCA power imbalance limits for operation after 246 EFFD do not change except for the positive inbalance limit at 1025 power which changes from +1h.23 to +13.70 percent i= balance; and the APSR operating positions are vell within the new limits of Figure 3.5-2N.

There fore , (1) the probability of occurrence or the consequences of an accident or =alfunction of equipment important to safety previously evaluated in the safety analysis report is not increased; (ii) the possibility of an accident or malfunction of a different type than any evaluated previously in the safety analysis report is not created; (iii) the margin of safety defined in the basis for any technical spec-ificaticn is not reduced.

1583 257

Ficure Title 3.5-2H Operational Power Inbalance Envelope Applicable to Operation from 100110 to 2k6110 EFFD; Cycle 3 3.5-2I Operational Power I: balance Envelope Applicable to Operation from 2h61 10 EFPD to 315 EFFD; Cycle 3 l 3.5-2J LOCA Limited P.aximus Allowable Linear Heat Rate 3.5-2K APSR Position Limits for Operation frce O to 1001 10 EFFD; Cycle 3 3.5-2L APSR Position Limits for Operation fres 1001 10 to 2h61 10 EFFD; Cycle 3 3 5-2M APSR Position Limits for Operation fres 2h61 10 EFFD to 2701 10 EFFD; l Cycle 3 3.5-2N APSR Position Limits for Operation fres 2701 10 EFFDto315EFFD; Cycle 3l 3 5-3 Incore Instru entation Specification 4.2-1 Equipment and Piping Requiring Inservice Inspection in Accordance with Section XI of the ASME Code k.h-1 Ring Girder Surveillance k.h-2 Ring Girder Surveillance Crack Pattern Chart h.h-3 Ring Girder Su-veillance Crack Pattern Chart h.h-b Ring Girder Surveillance Crack Pattern Chart h.h-5 Ring Girder Surveillance Crack Pattern Chart 5-1 Organi::ation Chart 1583 258 vii

2. The control rod group withdrawal limits (Figures 3.5-2A, 3.5-23, 3.5-2C, 3.5-2D, 3.5-2E, 3.5-2F, 3.5-2K, 3 5-2L,
3. 5-2M, and 3. 5-2:0 shall be reduced 2 percent in power for l each 1 percent tilt in excess of the tilt li=it.
3. The operational inhalar.ce limits (Figure 3 5-20, 3 5-2H end 3 5-2I) shall te reduced 2 percent in power for each 1 percent tilt in excess of the tilt limit.
f. Except for physics or diagnostic testing, if quadrant tilt is in excess of +25 28% deter =ined using the full incore detector syste= (FIT), or +2h.09% deter =ined using the =ini=us incere detector systes (MIT) if the FIT is not available, or +21.397, deter =ined using the out of core detector syste= (CCT) when neither the FIT nor MIT are available, the reactor vill be Placed in the hot shutdown condition. Diagnostic testing during pover operation with a quadrant tilt is permitted provided the.t the thernal power allevable is restricted as stated in 3 5 2.h.d above.
g. Quadrant tilt shall be monitored on a =ini=un frequency of once every two hcurs during power operation above 15 percent of rated pover.


1583 259 control B Pos ions: -

a. Operating rod group overicp shall not exceed 25 percent 5 percent, between two sequential groups except for physics tests.
b. Position limits are specified for regulating and axial power shaping control rods. Except for physics tests or exercising control rods, the regulating contrcl red insertion /vithdraval limits are specified en Figures 3.5-2A, 3.5-23, and 3.5-2c for four pump oper-ation and Figures 3.5-2D, 3.5-22, and 3.5-2F for three or two pu=p operation. Also excepting physics tests or exercising centrol reds, the axial power shaping control rod insertien/vithdrawal li=its are specified en Figures 3.5-2K, 3.5-2L, 3.5-2M and 3.5-23. If any of l these centrol rod position limits are exceeded, corrective measures shall be taken in=ediately to achieve an acceptable control rod positicn. Acceptable control rod positiens shall be attained within four hours.
c. Except for physics tests, power shal'. not be increased above the power level cutoff (See Figures 3 5-2A, 3 5-23 and 3.5-2c) unless the xenen reactivity is within 10 percent of the equilibriu=

value for operation at rated power and asy=ptotically approaching stability.

d. Core i= balance sh m be =enitered on a mini =u frequency of once every two hours during power operation above LO percent of rated pover. Except for physics tests, corrective measures (reduction of i= balance by AFSR =cve=ents and/or reduction in reactor .

pover) shall be taken to maintain operation vithin the envelope defined by Fipres 3 5-2G, 3 5-2H and 3 5-2I. If the imbalance is not vithin the envelope defined by Figures 3.5-2G, 3 5-2H end 3 5-2:: corrective =casu es shall be teken to achieve an acceptable i= balance. If an acceptable i= balance is not achieve:i vithin four hours, reactor pc er shall be reduced until imbalance li=its are =et.

e. Safety rod limits are given in The centrol red drive patch panels shall be locked at all times with limited access to be authorized by the superintendent.

3527 A power =ap shall be taken at intervals not to exceed 30 effective fu]l power days using the incore instrunentation detection system to verify the pov2r distribution is within the limits shovn in Figure 3.5-2J.

1583 260 Bases _


The pover-i= balance envelope defined in Figures 3.5-2G, 3.5-2H, and 3 5-2I is based on LOCA analyses which hate defined the =axi=u= linear heat rate (see Figure 3 5-2J) such that the =2xi=u= clad te=perature vill not exceed the Final Acceptance Criteria (22007). Operation outside of the power i=i:alance envelope alone does not constitute a situatien that vould cau:e the Final Acceptance Criteria to be exceeded should a LCCA occur. The power inhalance envelope represents the bounp y of operation li=ited by the Final Acceptance Criteria caly if the centrol rods a-e at the withd aval/insertien li=1ts as defined by b

3-35 D} ]

Figures 3 5-2A, 3.5-23, 3.5-22, 3.5-2D, 3 5-2E, 3.5-2F, 3.5-2K, 2.5-2L, 3 5-2M and 3.5-2N and if quadrant tilt is at the limit. Additional censervatis= is l

introducted by applicatien of:

a. Nuclear uncertainty facters
b. Ther=al calibration uncertainty
c. Fbel densification effects
d. Hot rod =anufacturing tolerance factors.
e. Postulated fuel red bov effects .

The Rod Index versus Allovable Power curves of Figures 3.5-2A, 3.5-2B, 3.5-20, 35-2D,35-2E,35-2F,35-2K,35-21,3.5-2 These three regions are: Mand 3.5-2?Tdescribethreeregions.l

1. Per=issible operating Region
2. Restricted Regions
3. Prohibited Region (Operation in this region is not allowed)

NOTE: Inadvertent operation within the Restricted Region for a period of four hours is not censidered a violation of a li=iting condition for operation. The liniting criteria within the Restricted Region are potential ej ected rod vorth and ICCS power peaking and since the probability of these accidents is very lov especially in a h hour tine frane, inadvertant operation within the Restricted Region for a period of h hours is alleved.

D""D '

'W Qs n ad W a b blfd 1583 261 3-35c

Poner, r, of 2535 MWt RESTRICTED REGION

-31.21.102 13.7.102

-- 100 1

-28.8,90 .- 90 , g,g


70 REGION 60

-- 50 40

-- 30

-- 20

.. 10 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I I

-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 Axial Power Imaalance, ',


i e i i e i i i 6.5.102 49.0.102 100 - -

90 - 2.5.90 -

RESTRiciED REGION 80 2.s 80 -

0.80 70 - -

60 - -
E 49.0.60 100,60 E

C 50 -

'a 40 -



20 -

10 - -

I i i I i i i i  :

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 APSR "s Witnarann APSR POSITION LIMITS FOR OPERATION FROM 246 1 10 EFP0 TO 270 t 10 EFPD TMI-l CYCLE 3 F i gu r e 3. 5 -2M 1583 263

, , a i a i a i a

~12.4.102 42.5.102 100 - -

RESTRICTED 90 - 12.4.90 REGlH _

42.5.90 80 - -

85.70 lo 0.70 -


=a 2 60 - -



j 40 - -


30 - -

20 - -

10 - -

0 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 APSR a Withdraan APSR POSITION LIMITS FOR OPERATION FROM 2701 10 EFPD TO 315 EFPD .

TMl-1 CYCLE 3 Figure 3.5-2N 1583 264