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{{#Wiki_filter:, ,....., ME"ROPOLITA'i EDISON CCMPA'!Y JERSEY CE:U.AL POWER & LIGHT CCMPXIY AND PE'I'ISYLVEIIA ELECTRIC CC!GXIY THREE MILE ISLKID NUCLEAR STATION UNIT 1 Operating License No. DPR-50 Decket No. 50-289 Technical Specification Chsnee Reauest No. 75"his Technical Specification Change Request is submitted in support of Licensee's request to change Appendix A to Operating License No. DFR-50 fcr 2ree Mile Island Nuclear Station Unit 1.
{{#Wiki_filter:.                         ,
As a part of this request, propcsed replace =ent pages for Appendix A are also included.
ME"ROPOLITA'i EDISON CCMPA'!Y JERSEY CE:U.AL POWER & LIGHT CCMPXIY AND PE'I'ISYLVEIIA ELECTRIC CC!GXIY THREE MILE ISLKID NUCLEAR STATION UNIT 1 Operating License No. DPR-50 Decket No. 50-289 Technical Specification Chsnee Reauest No. 75 "his Technical Specification Change Request is submitted in support of Licensee's request to change Appendix A to Operating License No. DFR-50 fcr 2ree Mile Island Nuclear Station Unit 1.               As a part of this request, propcsed replace =ent pages for Appendix A are also included.
F D OPCLITAN EDISCN COMPA'iY 37//'// ice @ resident
/3 4 day of M M , 1978.Sworn and subscribed to me this
                                          // ice @ resident Sworn and subscribed to me this      /3 4 day of M M                   , 1978.
././nM ui Notarf P@ lic
ui Notarf P@ lic
/.///GE %E J. TRCF7211 Notary Put
                                                            /.   /nM /.///
,#c~~~.f c, Peafng. Bcts Co, , cn a ,,,:,.. u, a.,'1584 029 7911080 g  
NotaryGE Put%E J. TRCF7211
                                          ,# c~~~.f c, Peafng. Bcts Co, cn a ,,,:,.. u, a.,
1584 029 7911080             g
.D0CKET NO. 50-289 LICENSE :;0. EPE-50
*ME3CPCLITA'i EDISCN CCIGA:;Y This is to certify that a copy of Technical Specification Change Eequest No. 75 to Appendix A of the Crerating License for Three Mile Island
              ,            :iUCLEAR REGULATORY C0:04ISSION I:i THE MA"'IER CP D0CKET NO. 50-289 LICENSE :;0. EPE-50 ME3CPCLITA'i EDISCN CCIGA:;Y This is to certify that a copy of Technical Specification Change Eequest No. 75 to Appendix A of the Crerating License for Three Mile Island
!iuclear Station Unit 1, has, en the date given belev, been filed with the U. S. Nuclear Regulatcry Cennission and been serted en the chief executives of Lcndenderry Tcvnship, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania and Dauphin County, Pennsylvania by depcsit in the United States sail, addressed as follows:
    !iuclear Station Unit 1, has, en the date given belev, been filed with the U. S. Nuclear Regulatcry Cennission and been serted en the chief executives of Lcndenderry Tcvnship, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania and Dauphin County, Pennsylvania by depcsit in the United States sail, addressed as follows:
Mr. ~4elden 3. Arehart Mr. Harry B. Reese, Jr.
Mr. ~4elden 3. Arehart                           Mr. Harry B. Reese, Jr.
Board of Supervisors of Board of County Conmissioners Lcndenderr/ Tevnship of Dauphin County R. D. #1, Geyers Church Read Dauphin County Court House Middletevn, Pennsylvania 17057 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120 METRCPOLITAi EDISCN CCMPA'iY
Board of Supervisors of                           Board of County Conmissioners Lcndenderr/ Tevnship                           of Dauphin County R. D. #1, Geyers Church Read                     Dauphin County Court House Middletevn, Pennsylvania       17057             Harrisburg, Pennsylvania     17120 METRCPOLITAi EDISCN CCMPA'iY
/" 37 //Vice President
                                                            /                   "
'Cated: March 13. 1078 1584 030  
37 /                           '
.'*e ,.Three ::lle Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1 Opersting License 30. OFR-50 Oceket 30. 50-289 Techniesl Srecificatien Chanra Pecuest No. 75
                                                        /     Vice President Cated: March 13. 1078 1584 030
.Thelicenseerequeststhattheattach$dchangedpagesreplacepagesb-1and h-3 of the existing Technical Specifications.
.Fessens for Chanze Fequest
e Three ::lle Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1 Opersting License 30. OFR-50 Oceket 30. 50-289 Techniesl Srecificatien Chanra Pecuest No. 75   .
.This change was conmitted to in ER 78-01/1T to assure that the difference between the out-of-core instrumentation and the heat balinee is =aintained less than h%.
Thelicenseerequeststhattheattach$dchangedpagesreplacepagesb-1and h-3 of the existing Technical Specifications.
Safety Analysis Justi fying Ch ange This change vill increase the frequency of heat balance checks to assure that the difference between the out-of-core instrumentation and the heat balance remains less than 45. Therefore, (i) the probability of occurrence or the consequences of an accident or =alfunction of equip =ent important to safety previously evaluated in the safety analysis report is not increased;(ii)the possibility of an ac ident or malfunction of a different type than any evaluated previously in the safety analysis report is not created; (iii) the cargin of safety defined in the basis for any technical specification is not reduced.!i i 1584 031  
Fessens for Chanze Fequest                                       .
This change was conmitted to in ER 78-01/1T to assure that the difference between the out-of-core instrumentation and the heat balinee is =aintained less than h%.
'JARDS , , Specif'ied intervals =a.y be adjusted plu: cr minus 25 percent to acec==odate nor=al test schedules.
Safety Analysis Justi fying Ch ange This change vill increase the frequency of heat balance checks to assure that the difference between the out-of-core instrumentation and the heat balance remains less than 45. Therefore, (i) the probability of occurrence or the consequences of an accident or =alfunction of equip =ent important to safety previously evaluated in the safety analysis report is not increased; (ii) the possibility of an ac ident or malfunction of a different type than any evaluated previously in the safety analysis report is not created; (iii) the cargin of safety defined in the basis for any technical specification is not reduced.
i i
1584 031
: h. SURVEILLA..uE S'   'JARDS Specif'ied intervals =a.y be adjusted plu: cr minus 25 percent to acec==odate nor=al test schedules.
h.1 CPERATIO!iAL SAFrY RE7IE'J Arolicability Applies to ite=s directly related to safety limits and limiting conditions for operation.
h.1 CPERATIO!iAL SAFrY RE7IE'J Arolicability Applies to ite=s directly related to safety limits and limiting conditions for operation.
Objective-.To specify the =ini=u= frequency and type of surveillance -to be applied to
Objective                           -
_unit., equi;=ent and conditions.,_,,.
To specify the =ini=u= frequency and type of surveillance -to be applied to unit., equi;=ent and conditions.,_,,.         . _   , ,_         .               . _ _ _ _ ,       ,. _ _ ,
._, ,_.. _ _ _ _ , ,. _ _ ,. - _. - . . -.
                                                                                          . - . . -.                   _..__..y.__
Specification                         ,         ,                     ,   ,             _,
                                                      .             _.       ._.=--w. . ; =~.         .   . -.
, ,. ; =~... -., , ,_,.._.._.=--w...._.- -- .. h .1.-l _. The =ini=u= frequency and type of surveillance . required for reactor a. ' .
                        . h .1.-l _   . The =ini=u= frequency and type of surveillance . required for reactor a. ' .
--. ._ -.. - .. protection syste= and engineered -safety feature-protection syste:
  --                   . ._ -.. - .. protection syste= and engineered -safety feature-protection syste:                                   -
.--instrt=entation when the reactor is critical shall be at staterin Table k.1-1.
instrt=entation when the reactor is critical shall be at staterin
'- ~~-- ..:--_.;..=.h.1.2-- Equipment and sa=pling' test shall be perfor=ed as detailed in. - '-Tables h.1-2 and h.1-3
                                                                                                                          - ~~
--Bases Check Failures such as blevn instru=ent fuses, defective indicators, or faulted a=plifiers which result in " upscale" or "devnscale" indication can be easily recognized by si=ple observation of the functioning of an instrument or syste=.
Table k.1-1.
Furthemore, such failures are, in many cases , revealed by alar = or annunciator action.Cc=paricen of output and/cr state of independent channels =easuring the same variable supple =ents this type of built-in surveillance. Eased on experience in operation of both conventional and nuclear systens, when the unit is in operation, the =ini=u= checking frequency stated is dee=ed adequate for reactor syste= instrumentation.
:                                                                       --_.;..             =.
Calibration Calibration shall be performed to assure the presentation and acquisition of accurate infor=ation.
h.1.2-     - Equipment and sa=pling' test shall be perfor=ed as detailed in                             .-'
':he nuclear flux (power range) channels amplifiers shall be checked and calibrated if necessary, every shift against a heat balance standard. The frequency of heat balance checks vill assure that the difference between the out-of-core instru=entation and the heat balance remains less than ur..'~1584 032.
Tables h.1-2 and h.1-3                         -                                               -
Bases Check Failures such as blevn instru=ent fuses, defective indicators, or faulted a=plifiers which result in " upscale" or "devnscale" indication can be easily recognized by si=ple observation of the functioning of an instrument or syste=.
*g, g g-2.Control Rod Drive NA M NA Trip Breaker 3 Power Range Amplifier D(1)NA (2)(1) When reactor power in gre' iter than 15%.(2) When above 15% reactor pov.r
Furthemore, such failures are, in many cases , revealed by alar = or annunciator action.       Cc=paricen of output and/cr state of independent channels =easuring the same variable supple =ents this type of built-in surveillance. Eased on experience in operation of both conventional and nuclear systens, when the unit is in operation, the =ini=u= checking frequency stated is dee=ed adequate for reactor syste= instrumentation.
'run a heat balaner chock once per chi ft.
Calibration Calibration shall be performed to assure the presentation and acquisition of accurate infor=ation. ':he nuclear flux (power range) channels amplifiers shall be checked and calibrated if necessary, every shift against a heat balance standard. The frequency of heat balance checks vill assure that the difference between the out-of-core instru=entation and the heat balance remains less than ur..
licat balance enlibration chall be pe r fo rwil whenever heat balance excee ic indicated neutron power by more than two percent.
L#u 3 Power Range Channel S M M(1)(2)(1) When reactor power it- r.reat.r 6 than 60% verify imbalance using incore instrumentation.
1584 032
CliAN!!EL DESCRIPTION         CRECK         TEST         CALIBRATE               REMARKS             A O
: 1. Protection Channel                 NA             M           NA             9F      @D    D 3g h L3 #co g MLl n N g D      D Coincidence logic                                                         *g,                             -
: 2. Control Rod Drive                 NA             M           NA Trip Breaker 3   Power Range Amplifier             D(1)           NA           (2)   (1) When reactor power in gre' iter than 15%.
(2) When above 15% reactor pov.r run a heat balaner chock once per chi ft. licat balance enlibration chall be pe r fo rwil whenever heat balance excee ic indicated neutron power by L#                                                                                        more than two percent.
u 36  Power Range Channel               S             M         M(1)(2)   (1) When reactor power it- r.reat.r than 60% verify imbalance using incore instrumentation.
(2) When above 15% renetor power calculate axini orrnet upler
(2) When above 15% renetor power calculate axini orrnet upler
/and lower chamborn art."r erb startup if not done within the previous neven daya.
  /                                                                                       and lower chamborn art."r erb startup if not done within the previous neven daya.
5 Intermediate Range Channel S(1)P NA (1) When in service
5   Intermediate Range Channel     S(1)             P         NA       (1) When in service
, 6.Source Range Channel S(1)P NA (1) When in cervice 7 Reactor Coolant Temperature S M R Channel ,.8.Righ Reactor Coolar.t S M R Prenaure Channel
: 6. Source Range Channel           S(1)             P         NA       (1) When in cervice Reactor Coolant Temperature     S                 M         R 7
.o.I,ov Reactor Coolant S M R l'resnure Channel}}
: 8. Righ Reactor Coolar.t           S                 M           R Prenaure Channel S                M          R
: o. I,ov Reactor Coolant l'resnure Channel}}

Latest revision as of 05:40, 2 February 2020

Tech Spec Change Request 75 to OL DPR-50,App A,Re Revision to Instrument Surveillance Requirements.Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/13/1978
From: Herbein J
Shared Package
ML19210B428 List:
NUDOCS 7911080646
Download: ML19210B429 (5)


. ,

ME"ROPOLITA'i EDISON CCMPA'!Y JERSEY CE:U.AL POWER & LIGHT CCMPXIY AND PE'I'ISYLVEIIA ELECTRIC CC!GXIY THREE MILE ISLKID NUCLEAR STATION UNIT 1 Operating License No. DPR-50 Decket No. 50-289 Technical Specification Chsnee Reauest No. 75 "his Technical Specification Change Request is submitted in support of Licensee's request to change Appendix A to Operating License No. DFR-50 fcr 2ree Mile Island Nuclear Station Unit 1. As a part of this request, propcsed replace =ent pages for Appendix A are also included.


// ice @ resident Sworn and subscribed to me this /3 4 day of M M , 1978.

ui Notarf P@ lic

/. /nM /.///

NotaryGE Put%E J. TRCF7211

,# c~~~.f c, Peafng. Bcts Co, cn a ,,,:,.. u, a.,

1584 029 7911080 g


, :iUCLEAR REGULATORY C0:04ISSION I:i THE MA"'IER CP D0CKET NO. 50-289 LICENSE :;0. EPE-50 ME3CPCLITA'i EDISCN CCIGA:;Y This is to certify that a copy of Technical Specification Change Eequest No. 75 to Appendix A of the Crerating License for Three Mile Island

!iuclear Station Unit 1, has, en the date given belev, been filed with the U. S. Nuclear Regulatcry Cennission and been serted en the chief executives of Lcndenderry Tcvnship, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania and Dauphin County, Pennsylvania by depcsit in the United States sail, addressed as follows:

Mr. ~4elden 3. Arehart Mr. Harry B. Reese, Jr.

Board of Supervisors of Board of County Conmissioners Lcndenderr/ Tevnship of Dauphin County R. D. #1, Geyers Church Read Dauphin County Court House Middletevn, Pennsylvania 17057 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120 METRCPOLITAi EDISCN CCMPA'iY

/ "

37 / '

/ Vice President Cated: March 13. 1078 1584 030

e Three ::lle Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1 Opersting License 30. OFR-50 Oceket 30. 50-289 Techniesl Srecificatien Chanra Pecuest No. 75 .

Thelicenseerequeststhattheattach$dchangedpagesreplacepagesb-1and h-3 of the existing Technical Specifications.

Fessens for Chanze Fequest .

This change was conmitted to in ER 78-01/1T to assure that the difference between the out-of-core instrumentation and the heat balinee is =aintained less than h%.

Safety Analysis Justi fying Ch ange This change vill increase the frequency of heat balance checks to assure that the difference between the out-of-core instrumentation and the heat balance remains less than 45. Therefore, (i) the probability of occurrence or the consequences of an accident or =alfunction of equip =ent important to safety previously evaluated in the safety analysis report is not increased; (ii) the possibility of an ac ident or malfunction of a different type than any evaluated previously in the safety analysis report is not created; (iii) the cargin of safety defined in the basis for any technical specification is not reduced.

i i

1584 031

h. SURVEILLA..uE S' 'JARDS Specif'ied intervals =a.y be adjusted plu: cr minus 25 percent to acec==odate nor=al test schedules.

h.1 CPERATIO!iAL SAFrY RE7IE'J Arolicability Applies to ite=s directly related to safety limits and limiting conditions for operation.

Objective -

To specify the =ini=u= frequency and type of surveillance -to be applied to unit., equi;=ent and conditions.,_,,. . _ , ,_ . . _ _ _ _ , ,. _ _ ,

. - . . -. _..__..y.__

Specification , , , , _,

. _. ._.=--w. . ; =~. . . -.

. h .1.-l _ . The =ini=u= frequency and type of surveillance . required for reactor a. ' .

-- . ._ -.. - .. protection syste= and engineered -safety feature-protection syste: -

instrt=entation when the reactor is critical shall be at staterin

- ~~

Table k.1-1.

--_.;.. =.

h.1.2- - Equipment and sa=pling' test shall be perfor=ed as detailed in .-'

Tables h.1-2 and h.1-3 - -

Bases Check Failures such as blevn instru=ent fuses, defective indicators, or faulted a=plifiers which result in " upscale" or "devnscale" indication can be easily recognized by si=ple observation of the functioning of an instrument or syste=.

Furthemore, such failures are, in many cases , revealed by alar = or annunciator action. Cc=paricen of output and/cr state of independent channels =easuring the same variable supple =ents this type of built-in surveillance. Eased on experience in operation of both conventional and nuclear systens, when the unit is in operation, the =ini=u= checking frequency stated is dee=ed adequate for reactor syste= instrumentation.

Calibration Calibration shall be performed to assure the presentation and acquisition of accurate infor=ation. ':he nuclear flux (power range) channels amplifiers shall be checked and calibrated if necessary, every shift against a heat balance standard. The frequency of heat balance checks vill assure that the difference between the out-of-core instru=entation and the heat balance remains less than ur..


1584 032



1. Protection Channel NA M NA 9F @D D 3g h L3 #co g MLl n N g D D Coincidence logic *g, -
2. Control Rod Drive NA M NA Trip Breaker 3 Power Range Amplifier D(1) NA (2) (1) When reactor power in gre' iter than 15%.

(2) When above 15% reactor pov.r run a heat balaner chock once per chi ft. licat balance enlibration chall be pe r fo rwil whenever heat balance excee ic indicated neutron power by L# more than two percent.

u 36 Power Range Channel S M M(1)(2) (1) When reactor power it- r.reat.r than 60% verify imbalance using incore instrumentation.

(2) When above 15% renetor power calculate axini orrnet upler

/ and lower chamborn art."r erb startup if not done within the previous neven daya.

5 Intermediate Range Channel S(1) P NA (1) When in service

6. Source Range Channel S(1) P NA (1) When in cervice Reactor Coolant Temperature S M R 7


8. Righ Reactor Coolar.t S M R Prenaure Channel S M R
o. I,ov Reactor Coolant l'resnure Channel