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| number = ML081370143
| number = ML081370143
| issue date = 04/08/2008
| issue date = 04/08/2008
| title = Browns Ferry Feb-Mar 05000259/2008301 Exam Final Written Exam Outlines
| title = Feb-Mar 05000259/2008301 Exam Final Written Exam Outlines
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| author name =  
| author affiliation = NRC/RGN-II
| author affiliation = NRC/RGN-II
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See also: [[followed by::IR 05000259/2008301]]
See also: [[see also::IR 05000259/2008301]]

{{#Wiki_filter:Final Submittal
      (Blue Paper)
ES-401                                          Written Examination Outline                                      Form ES-401-1
                                                            n NA-t..
Facility:      0610 NRC Exam Outline                                            Date of Exam: 02/25/2008
                                            RO KJA Category Points                                    SRO-Only Points
    Tier      Group        K    K    K    K    K    K    A    A    A      A    G
                                                                                            Total      A2          G*        Total
                            1    2    3    4    5    6    1    2    3    4    *
      l.            I        3    3      3                    3    4                  4    20        4          3            7
      &            2        1      I    1                      1    2                  1      7        I          2            3
Evolutions                  4      4  4                      4    6                  5    27        5          5          10
                    1        2    3    2    2    2    2    2    3    3      3    2    26        3          2            5
    Plant          2        1    1    1    I    1      2    1      1    1    1    1      12    0    2        1          3
                              3    4    3    3    3      4  3      4    4    4    3    38          5        3            8
                                                  1          2          3          4                1    2    3    4
  3. Generic Knowledge & Abilities
                                                                                              10                                7
                                                  3          2          2            3              I      2    2    2
Note:    l.  Ensure that at least two topics from every applicable KIA category are sampled within each tier of the RO and
              SRO-only outlines (i.e., except for one category in Tier 3 of the SRO-only outline, the "Tier Totals" in each KIA
              category shall not be less than two).
          2.  The point total for each group and tier in the proposed outline must match that specified in the table. The final
              point total for each group and tier may deviate by +/-l from that specified in the table based on NRC revisions.
              The final RO exam must total 75 points and the SRO-only exam must total 25 points.
          3.  Systems/evolutions within each group are identified on the associated outline; systems or evolutions that do not
              apply at the facility should be deleted and justified; operationally important, site-specific systems that are not
              included on the outline should be added. Refer to section D.l.b ofES-401 , for guidance regarding elimination of
              inappropriate KIA statements.
          4.    Select topics from as many systems and evolutions as possible; sample every system or evolution in the group
              before selecting a second topic for any system or evolution.
          5.  Absent a plant specific priority, only those KAs having an importance rating (IR) of2.5 or higher shall be
                selected . Use the RO and SRO ratings for the RO and SRO-only portions, respectively.
          6.    Select SRO topics for Tiers 1 and 2 from the shaded systems and KIA categories.
          7.*  The generic (G) KlAs in Tiers 1 and 2 shall be selected from Section 2 of the KIA Catalog, but the topics must be
                relevant to the applicable evolution or system. Refer to Section D.l.b ofES-401 for the applicable KIA's
          8.    On the following pages, enter the KIA numbers, a brief description of each topic, the topics' importance ratings
                (IR) for the applicable license level, and the point totals (#) for each system and category. Enter the group and
                tier totals for each category in the table above. Iffuel handling equipment is sampled in other than Category A2 or
                G* on the SRO-only exam, enter it on the left side of Column A2 for Tier 2, Group 2 (Note # 1 does not apply).
                Use duplicate pages for RO and SRO-only exams.
          9.    For Tier 3, select topics from Section 2 of the KIA Catalog, and enter the KIA numbers, descriptions, IRs, and
                point totals (#) on Form ES-401-3 . Limit SRO selections to KlAs that are linked to IOCFR55.43
ES-401                                                    2                                                Form ES-401-1
                                              0610 NRC Exam Outline
                                            Written Examination Outline
                              Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier 1 Group 1
~ EAPE # I Name Safety Function          K1 K2  K3  A1 I A2 I  G                    KIATopic(s)                  Imp.  I Q#  ~
                                                                  AA2.01 - Ability to determine and/or interpret
  295006 SCRAM I I                                      X      the following as they apply to SCRAM :          4.6    76
                                                                  Reactor power
                                                                  AA2.07 - Ability to determine and/or interpret
                                                                  the following as they apply to LOSS OF
  29502 I Loss of Shutdown Cooling I 4                  X                                                        3.1    77
                                                                  SHUTDOWN COOLING : Reactor
                                                                  recirculation flow
                                                                  2.I .28 - Conduct of Operations Knowledge of
  295024 High DrywelI Pressure I 5                            X  the purpose and function of major system          3.3    78
                                                                  components and controls.
                                                                    EA2.01 - Ability to determine and/or interpret
  295026 Suppression Pool High Water                            the following as they apply to SUPPRESSION
                                                          X                                                        4.2    79
  Temp . 15                                                      POOL HIGH WATER TEMPERATURE:
                                                                  Suppression pool water temperature
                                                                    EA2.05 - Ability to determine and/or interpret
  295037 SCRAM Condition Present                                the following as they apply to SCRAM
  and Power Above APRM Downscale                          X      CONDITION PRESENT AND REACTOR                    4.3    80
  or Unknown I I                                                  POWER ABOVE APRM DOWNSCALE OR
                                                                  UNKNOWN: Control rod position
                                                                    2.2.22 - Equipment Control Knowledge of
  295038 High Off-site Release Rate 19                        X  limiting conditions for operations and safety    4.1    81
                                                                    2.2.24 - Equipment Control Ability to analyze
  600000 Plant Fire On-site I 8                              X  the affect of maintenance activities on LCO      3.8    82
                                                                    2.I.14 - Conduct of Operations Knowledge of
  29500 I Partial or Complete Loss of
                                                              X  system status criteria which require the          2.5    39
  Forced Core Flow Circulation I I & 4
                                                                  notification of plant personnel.
                                                                    AIG .OI - Knowledge of the reasons for the
                                                                  following responses as they apply to PARTIAL
  295001 Partial or Complete Loss of
                                                X                OR COMPLETE LOSS OF FORCED CORE                  3.4    40
  Forced Core Flow Circulation I I & 4
                                                                  FLOW CIRCULATION: Reactor water level
                                                                    AA2.01 - Ability to determine and/or interpret
  295003 Partial or Complete Loss of                              the following as they apply to PARTIAL OR
                                                          X                                                        3.4    41
  AC/6                                                            COMPLETE LOSS OF <<c. POWER: Cause
                                                                  of partial or complete loss of A.C. power
                                                                    AKl.03 - Knowledge of the operational
                                                                  implications of the following concepts as they
  295004 Partial or Total Loss of DC
                                        X                        apply to PARTIAL OR COMPLETE LOSS OF            2.9    42
                                                                  D.C. POWER: Electrical bus divisional
                                                                  AA1.04 - Ability to operate and/or monitor
  295005 Main Turbine Generator Trip I                            the following as they apply to MAIN
                                                    X                                                              2.7    43
  3                                                                TURBINE GENERATOR TRIP: Main
                                                                  aenerator controls
                                                                  AK3.05 - Knowledge of the reasons for the
                                                                  following responses as they apply to
  295006 SCRAM II                              X                                                                    3.8    44
                                                                  SCRAM: Direct turbine generator trip:
                                                                  AA2.04 - Ability to determine and/or
  295016 Control Room Abandonment!                                interpret the following as they apply to
                                                          X                                                          3.9    45
  7                                                                CONTROL ROOM ABANDONMENT:
                                                                  Suppression pool temperature
                                                                  AK2.01 - Knowledge of the interrelations
  295018 Partial or Total Loss ofCCW I                            between PARTIAL OR COMPLETE LOSS
                                            X                                                                      3.3    46
  8                                                                OF COMPONENT COOLING WATER and
                                                                  the following: System loads
  295019 Partial or Total Loss of inst.                          AA2.02 - Ability to determine and/or
                                                          X                                                          3.6    47
  Air/8                                                            interpret the following as they apply to
ES-401                                                    2                                            Form ES-401-1
                                              0610 NRC Exam Outline
                                            Written Examination Outline
                              Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier 1 Group 1
~ EAPE # / Name Safety Function        K1 K2  K3 I A1 I A2 I  G                    KIA Topic(s)              Imp. I Q#  ~
                                                                  PARTIAL OR COMPLETE LOSS OF
                                                                  INSTRUMENTAIR : Status of safety-
                                                                  related instrument air system loads (see
                                                                  AK2.1 - AK2.19)
                                                                  2.4.50 - Emergency Procedures/ Plan
                                                                  Ability to verify system alarm setpoints and
  295021 Loss of Shutdown Cooling/ 4                          X                                                3.3    48
                                                                  operate controls identified in the alarm
                                                                  response manual.
                                                                  AK1.02 - Knowledge of the operational
  295023 Refueling Ace CoolingMode/                              implications of the following concepts as
                                        X                                                                      3.2    49
  8                                                              they apply to REFUELINGACCIDENTS :
                                                                  Shutdown margin
                                                                  2.1.33 - Conduct of OperationsAbility to
                                                                  recognize indications for system operating
  295024 High Drywell Pressure / 5                            X                                                3.4    50
                                                                  parameters which are entry-level
                                                                  conditions for technical specifications.
                                                                  EK2.08 - Knowledge of the interrelations
                                                                  between HIGH REACTOR PRESSURE
  295025 High Reactor Pressure I 3        X                                                                    3.7  51
                                                                  and the following: Reactor/turbinepressure
                                                                  regulating system: Plant-Specific
                                                                  EA2.01 - Ability to determine and/or
                                                                  interpret the following as they apply to
  295026 Suppression PoolHigh Water
                                                          X      SUPPRESSION POOL HIGHWATER                    4.1  52
  Temp. 15
                                                                  TEMPERATURE: Suppression pool water
                                                                  EK3.04 - Knowledge of the reasons for the
                                                                  following responses as they apply to HIGH
  295028 High Drywell Temperature I 5          X                                                                3.6  53
                                                                  DRYWELL TEMPERATURE : Increased
                                                                  drywell cooling
                                                                  EA1.06 - Ability to operate and/or monitor
                                                                  the following as they apply to LOW
  295030 Low Suppression PoolWater
                                                    X            SUPPRESSION POOL WATER LEVEL:                  3.4  54
                                                                  Condensate storage and transfer (make-up
                                                                  to the suppression pool): Plant-Specific
                                                                  2.4.6 - Emergency Procedures/ Plan
  29503 I Reactor Low Water Level/2                          X  Knowledge symptom based EOP                  3.1  55
                                                                  mitigation strategies.
                                                                  EK2.11 - KnOWledge of the interrelations
  295037 SCRAMCondition Present                                  between SCRAM CONDITION PRESENT
  and Power AboveAPRM Downscale            X                      AND REACTOR POWER ABOVE APRM                  3.8  56
  or Unknown I I                                                  DOWNSCALE OR UNKNOWN and the
                                                                  following: RMCS: Plant-Specific
                                                                  EK1.01 - Knowledge of the operational
                                                                  implications of the following concepts as
  295038 High Off-site Release Rate 19 X                          they apply to HIGH OFF-SITE RELEASE          2.5  57
                                                                  RATE : Biological effects of radioisotope
                                                                  AA1.08 - Ability to operate and / or monitor
                                                                  the following as they apply to PLANT FIRE
  600000 Plant Fire On-site 18                      X                                                          2.6    58
                                                                  ON SITE: Fire fighting equipment used on
                                                                  each class of fire
  KiA Category Totals:                  3  3    3    3    8    7                    Group Point Total:
                                                                                                                  I 20/7
  ES-401                                                3                                                Form ES-401-1
                                                0610 NRC Exam Outline
                                              Written Examination Outline
                            Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier 1 Group 2
II EAPE  # / Name Safety Function        K1 K2  K3  A1 A2  G                    KIA Topic(s)                      Imp.  I Q#  ~
                                                                  2.4.6 - Emergency Procedures/ Plan
  295002 Loss of Main Condenser Vac /3                        X  Knowledge symptombased EOP mitigation                4.0      83
                                                                  2.4.31 - Emergency Procedures/ Plan
  295009 Low Reactor Water Level/2                            X  Knowledge of annunciators alarms and                3.4      84
                                                                  indications, and use of the response instructions.
                                                                  EA2.02- Abilityto determineand / or interpret
                                                                  the following as they apply to HIGH
    500000 High CTMT HydrogenCone. /
                                                          X      PRIMARY CONTAINMENT HYDROGEN                        3.5      85
  5                                                              CONCENTRATIONS: Oxygen monitoring
                                                                  AK2.01 - Knowledge of the interrelations
  295009 Low Reactor Water Level/2          X                  betweenLOWREACTOR WATERLEVEL                        3.9      59
                                                                  and the following: Reactorwater level indication
                                                                  2.2.22 - EquipmentControlKnowledgeof
  295012 High DrywellTemperature/5                            X  limitingconditionsfor operationsand safety          3.4      60
                                                                  AKI.02 - Knowledge of the operational
                                                                  implications of the followingconceptsas they
  295015 IncompleteSCRAM/1                X                                                                          3.9      61
                                                                  apply to INCOMPLETE SCRAM: (CFR41.8 to
                                                                  41.10) Cooldowneffects on reactor power
                                                                  AK3.08- Knowledge of the reasons for the
                                                                  following responsesas they apply to
  295020 InadvertentCont. Isolation/ 5 &
                                                  X              INADVERTENT CONTAINMENT                              3.3    62
                                                                  ISOLATION: Suppressionchamber pressure
                                                                  EAI.OI - Abilityto operate and/or monitorthe
    295032 High SecondaryContainment                              following as they apply to HIGH SECONDARY
                                                      X                                                              3.6      63
  Area Temperature/ 5                                            CONTAINMENT AREATEMPERATURE :
                                                                  Area temperature monitoringsystem
                                                                  EA2.01 - Abilityto determineand/or interpret
    295033 High SecondaryContainment                              the following as they apply to HIGH
                                                          X                                                            3.8      64
  Area Radiation Levels/ 9                                      SECONDARY CONTAINMENT AREA
                                                                  RADIATION LEVELS : Area radiation levels
                                                                  EA2.02 - Abilityto determineand/or interpret
                                                                  the following as they apply to SECONDARY
    295035 SecondaryContainmentHigh
                                                          X      CONTAINMENT HIGH DIFFERENTIAL                        2.8      65
  Differential Pressure/ 5
                                                                  PRESSURE: Off-site releaserate: Plant-
  KIA Category Totals:                    1  1    1  1  3    3  Group PointTotal:
                                                                                                                        I    713
ES-401                                          4                                            Form ES-401-1
                                    0610 NRC Exam Outline
                                  Written Examination Outline
                                Plant Systems - Tier 2 Group 1
                            K K K K K K A    A  A A
System # / Name                                        G                                              Imp.  Q#
                            1 2 3 4 5 6 1    2  3 4
                                                          A2.16 - Ability to (a) predictthe impacts
                                                          of the followingon the RHRlLPCI:
                                                          INJECTION MODE (PLANTSPECIFIC);
203000 RHRILPCI: Injection                                and (b) based on those predictions, use
                                              X                                                        4.5  86
Mode                                                      proceduresto correct,control,or mitigate
                                                          the consequences of those abnormal
                                                          conditionsor operations: Loss of coolant
                                                          2.1.14 - Conductof OperationsKnowledge
2150031RM                                              X of system status criteriawhich requirethe      3.3  87
                                                          notificationof plant personnel.
                                                          2.1.23 - Conductof OperationsAbilityto
259002 ReactorWater Level                                performspecific system and integrated
                                                        X                                                4.0  88
Control                                                  plant proceduresduring all modesof plant
                                                          A2.06 - Abilityto (a) predict the impacts
                                                          of the followingon the SHUTDOWN
                                                          COOLINGSYSTEM(RHR SHUTDOWN
259002 ReactorWater Level                                COOLINGMODE) ; and (b) based on
                                              X                                                          3.5  89
Control                                                  those predictions, use proceduresto correct,
                                                          control, or mitigatethe consequences of
                                                          those abnormalconditionsSDCIRHR
                                                          pump trips
                                                            A2.12 - Abilityto (a) predictthe impacts
                                                          of the followingon the REACTOR
                                                          PROTECTION SYSTEM; and (b) based
259002 ReactorWater Level                                on those predictions, use proceduresto
                                              X                                                        4.1  90
Control                                                  correct, control, or mitigatethe
                                                          consequences of those abnormalconditions
                                                          or operations: Main turbinestop control
                                                          valve closure
                                                            AI.OI - Abilityto predict and/or monitor
                                                          changes in parametersassociated with
203000 RHRlLPCI: Injection
                                            X            operatingthe RHRlLPCI: INJECTION              4.2    I
Mode                                                      MODE (PLANTSPECIFIC)controls
                                                          including: Reactorwater level
                                                          K4.02 - Knowledge of SHUTDOWN
                                                          COOLING SYSTEM (RHR
                                                          SHUTDOWN COOLING MODE)
205000 ShutdownCooling            X                                                                    3.7    2
                                                          design feature(s) and/or interlocks
                                                          which provide for the following: High
                                                          pressure isolation: Plant-Specific
                                                          K6.09 - Knowledge of the effect that a
                                                          loss or malfunction of the following will
                                                          have on the HIGH PRESSURE
206000 HPCI                              X                                                            3.5    3
                                                          COOLANT INJECTION SYSTEM:
                                                          Condensate storage and transfer
                                                          system: BWR-2,3,4
                                                          K5.04 - Knowledge of the operational
                                                          implications of the following concepts
209001 LPCS                          X                  as they apply to LOW PRESSURE                2.8    4
                                                          CORE SPRAY SYSTEM : Heat
                                                          removal (transfer) mechanisms
                                                          K2.01 - Knowledge of electrical power
211000 SLC                    X                                                                          2.9  5
                                                          supplies to the following: SBLC pumps
ES-401                                          4                                          Form ES-401-1
                                      0610 NRC Exam Outline
                                    Written Examination Outline
                                  Plant Systems - Tier 2 Group 1
                            K K K  K  K  K  A A  A A
System # / Name                                        G                                            Imp.  Q#
                            1 2 3  4  5  6  1 2  3 4
                                                          K6.03 - Knowledge of the effect that a
                                                          loss or malfunction of the following will
212000RPS                                  X              have on the REACTOR PROTECTION              3.5  6
                                                          SYSTEM: Nuclear boiler
                                                          A4.04 - Ability to manually operate
2150031RM                                                  and/or monitor in the control room: IRM
                                                    X                                                  3.1  7
                                                          back panel switches, meters, and
                                                          indicatina Iiahts
                                                          A3.03 - Ability to monitor automatic
                                                          operations of the SOURCE RANGE
215004 Source Range Monitor                        X                                                    3.6  8
                                                          MONITOR (SRM) SYSTEM including:
                                                          RPS status
                                                          A2.03 - Ability to (a) predict the impacts
                                                          of the following on the AVERAGE
                                                          POWER RANGE MONITOR/LOCAL
                                                          POWER RANGE MONITOR SYSTEM;
215005 APRM / LPRM                            X          and (b) based on those predictions, use      3.6  9
                                                          procedures to correct , control, or
                                                          mitigate the consequences of those
                                                          abnormal conditions Inoperative trip (all
                                                          K2.03 - Knowledge of electrical power
217000 RCIC                  X                            supplies to the following : RCIC flow        2.7 10
                                                          K1.05 - Knowledge ofthe physical
                                                          connections and/or cause- effect
218000 ADS                  X                              relationsh ips between AUTOMATIC
                                                                                                      3.9  II
                                                          DEPRESSURIZATION SYSTEM and
                                                          the following: Remote shutdown
                                                          system : Plant-Specific
                                                          2.1.24 - Conduct of Operations Ability
218000 ADS                                              X  to obtain and interpret station electrical  2.8 12
                                                          and mechanical drawinas.
                                                          A2.06 - Ability to (a) predict the impacts
                                                          of the following on the PRIMARY
                                                          CONTAINMENT ISOLATION
223002PCISlNuclear Stearn                                  SYSTEM/NUCLEAR STEAM SUPPLY
Supply Shutoff                                X          SHUT-OFF; and (b) based on those            3.0  I3
                                                          predictions, use procedures to correct,
                                                          control, or mitigate the consequences
                                                          of those abn cond or ops . Conta inment
                                                          instrumentation failures
                                                          A3.01 - Ability to monitor automatic
                                                          operations of the PRIMARY
223002PCISlNuclear Stearn                                  CONTAINMENT ISOLATION
Supply Shutoff
                                                  X                                                  3.4  14
                                                          SYSTEM/NUCLEAR STEAM SUPPLY
                                                          SHUT-OFF including : System
                                                          indicatina Iiahts and alarms
                                                          A3.03 - Ability to monitor automatic
239002SRVs                                                operations ofthe RELIEF/SAFETY
                                                  X                                                    3.6  15
                                                          VALVES including : Tail pipe
                                                          A4 .08 - Ability to manually operate
239002 SRVs                                                and/or monitor in the control room:
                                                    X                                                  3.2  16
                                                          Plant air system pressure : Plant-
ES-401                                          4                                            Form ES-401-1
                                    0610 NRC Exam Outline
                                  Written Examination Outline
                                Plant Systems - Tier 2 Group 1
                          K K  K  K  K  K  A  A  A  A
System # / Name                                          G                                              Imp.    Q#
                          1 2  3  4  5  6  1  2  3  4
                                                            A4.03 - Ability to manually operate
                                                            and/or monitor in the control room: All
259002ReactorWater Level
                                                      X    individual component controllers when          3.8    17
                                                            transferring from manual to automatic
                                                            K3.06 - Knowledge of the effect that a
                                                            loss or malfunction of the STANDBY
261000SGTS                    X                            GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM will have                3.0    18
                                                            on following : Primary containment
                                                            oxvcen content: Mark-I&II
                                                            K4.04 - Knowledge of A.C .
                                                            ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION design
26200I AC Electrical
                                  X                        feature(s) and/or interlocks which            2.8    19
                                                            provide for the following : Protective
                                                            A 1.02 - Ability to predict and/or monitor
                                                            changes in parameters associated with
262002 UPS (ACIDC)                          X              operating the UNINTERRUPTABLE                  2.5    20
                                                            POWER SUPPLY (A.C.lD.C.) controls
                                                            includinCl: Motor cenerator cutouts
                                                            K1.02 - Knowledge of the physical
                                                            connections and/or cause- effect
263000 DC Electrical
                          X                                relationships between D.C.                    3.2    21
                                                            ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION and the
                                                            following : Battery charger and battery
                                                            K5.06 - Knowledge of the operat ional
                                                            implications of the follow ing concepts
264000EDGs                            X                    as they apply to EMERGENCY                    3.4    22
                                                            GENERATORS (DIESEUJET) : Load
                                                            K2.02 - Knowledge of electrical power
300000 InstrumentAir      X                                supplies to the following : Emergency        3.0    23
                                                            air comcressor
                                                            K3.01 - Knowledge of the effect that a
                                                            loss or malfunction of the
300000 InstrumentAir          X                            (INSTRUMENT AIR SYSTEM) will                  2.7    24
                                                            have on the following : Containment air
                                                            2.4.31 - Emergency Procedures / Plan
400000 Component Cooling                                    Knowledge of annunciators alarms and
                                                          X                                                3.3    25
Water                                                        indications, and use of the response
                                                            A2 .02 - Ability to (a) predict the impacts
                                                            of the following on the CCWS and (b)
                                                            based on those predictions, use
                                                X            procedures to correct , control, or            2.8    26
Water                                                        mitigate the consequences of those
                                                            abnormal operation : Highllow surge
                                                            tank level
KiA CategoryTotals:      2  3  2  2  2  2  2  6  3  3  4                  Group Point Total:
                                                                                                            I  26/5
ES-401                                              5                                              Form ES-401-1
                                          0610 NRC Exam Outline
                                        Written Examination Outline
                                      Plant Systems - Tier 2 Group 2
                                  K K K  K  K K A  A  A  A
System # / Name                                              G                                              Imp . Q#
                                  1 2 3  4  5 6  1 2  3  4
                                                                A2.01 - Ability to (a) predict the impacts
                                                                of the following on the RADWASTE ; and
                                                                (b) basedon those predictions, use
268000 Radwaste                                    X                                                        3.5  91
                                                                proceduresto correct, control, or mitigate
                                                                the consequences of those abnormal
                                                                conditions or operations: Svstem ruoture
                                                                2.4.36 - EmergencyProcedures / Plan
271000 Off-gas                                              X  Knowledge of chemistry / health physics      2.8  92
                                                                tasksduring emergencv operations.
                                                                A2.03 - Ability to (a) predict the impacts
                                                                of the following on the PLANT
                                                                VENTILATION SYSTEMS; and (b)
                                                                basedon those predictions, use procedures
288000 Plant Ventilation                            X                                                        3.7 93
                                                                to correct, control, or mitigate the
                                                                consequences of those abnormal conditions
                                                                or operations: Loss of coolant accident:
                                                                K3 .03 - Knowledge of the effect that a
201003 Control Rod and Drive                                    loss or malfunction of the CONTROL
                                      X                                                                      3.2 27
Mechanism                                                      ROD AND DRIVE MECHANISM will
                                                                have on following: Shutdown margin
                                                                K4.09 - Knowledge of ROD WORTH
                                                                MINIMIZER SYSTEM (RWM) (pLANT
201006RWM                                X                      SPECIFIC) design feature(s)and/or            3.2 28
                                                                interlocks which provide for the following:
                                                                Systeminitialization: P-Spec(Not-BWR6)
                                                                  K6 .09 - Knowledge of the effect that a
                                                                loss or malfunction of the following will
202001 Recirculation                          X                                                              3.4 29
                                                                have on the RECIRCULATION SYSTEM
                                                                : Reactor water level
                                                                A 1.01 - Ability to predict and/or monitor
                                                                changes in parameters associated with
21500I Traversing In-core Probe                  X            operating the TRAVERSING IN-CORE            2.8  30
                                                                PROBE controls including: Radiation
                                                                levels: (Not-BWR1)
                                                                K1 .10 - Knowledge ofthe physical
                                                                connections and/or cause- effect
                                                                relationships between NUCLEAR
216000 Nuclear Boiler Inst.      X                                                                          3.2  31
                                                                BOILER INSTRUMENTATION and the
                                                                following : Recirculation flow control
219000 RHRILPCI: ToruslPool                                    K2 .02 - Knowledge of electrical power
                                    X                                                                        3.1  32
Cooling Mode                                                    supplies to the following : Pumps
                                                                A4 .12 - Ability to manually operate
226001 RHRILPCI: CTMT Spray
                                                          X      and/or monitor in the control room :        3.8  33
                                                                ContainmenVdrvwell pressure
                                                                2.4.50 - Emergency Procedures / Plan
                                                                Ability to verify system alarm setpoints
234000 Fuel Handling Equipment                              X                                                3.3 34
                                                                and operate controls identified in the
                                                                alarm response manual.
                                                                K6.04 - Knowledge of the effect that a
                                                                loss or malfunction of the following will
245000 Main Turbine Gen. / Aux .              X                have on the MAIN TURBINE                    2.6 35
                                                                GENERATOR AND AUXILIARY
                                                                SYSTEMS : Hydrogen cooling
ES-401                                        5                                          Form ES-401-1
                                    0610 NRC Exam Outline
                                  Written Examination Outline
                                Plant Systems - Tier 2 Group 2
                            K K K  K  K  K A  A  A  A
System # I Name                                        G                                          Imp.  Q#
                            1 2 3  4  5  6 1  2  3  4
                                                          A2.01 - Ability to (a) predict the
                                                          impacts of the following on the
                                                          RADWASTE; and (b) based on those
268000Radwaste                                X          predictions, use procedures to correct,  2.9  36
                                                          control, or mitigate the consequences
                                                          of those abnormal conditions or
                                                          ooerations: SYstem ruoture
                                                          K5.01 - Knowledge of the operational
                                                          implications of the following concepts
                                                          as they apply to RADIATION
272000 Radiation Monitoring          X                                                            3.2  37
                                                          MONITORING SYSTEM : Hydrogen
                                                          injection operation's effect on process
                                                          radiation indications: Plant-Soecific
                                                          A3.01 - Ability to monitor automatic
                                                          operations of the CONTROL ROOM
290003Control Room HV AC                        X                                                  3.3  38
                                                          HVAC including :
KiA CategoryTotals:        1 1 1  1  1  2 1  3  1  1  2                Group Point Total:
                                                                                                      I 12/3
ES-401                  Generic Knowledge and Abilities Outline (Tier3)                  Form ES-401-3
Facility:      0610 NRC Exam Outline                      Date:
                                                                                      RO      SRO-Only
    Category    KJA#                                Topic
                                                                                  IR    Q#  IR  Q#
              2.1.12      Ability to apply technical specifications for a system.            4.0  94
                          Ability to recognize indications for system operating
1.            2.1.33      parameters which are entry-level conditions for          3.4    66
Conduct                  technical specifications.
of Operations              Ability to operate plant phone, paging system, and
                          two-way radio.
                                                                                  2.9    67
                          Ability to make accurate, clear and concise logs,
                          records, status boards, and reports.
                                                                                  2.9    68
              Subtotal                                                                    3        1
                          Knowledge of limiting conditions for operations and
              2.2 .22
                          safety limits.
                                                                                              4.1  95
                          Ability to analyze the affect of maintenance activities
                          on LCO status .
                                                                                              3.8  96
Control      2.2.13      Knowledge of tagging and clearance procedures.          3.6    69
              2.2.33      Knowledge of control rod programming.                  2.5    70
              Subtotal                                                                    2        2
                          Knowledge ofSRO responsibilities for auxiliary
                2.3.3    systems that are outside the control room (e.g., waste              2.9  97
                          disposal and handling systems).
                          Knowledge of the process for performing a
                2.3.9                                                                          3.4 98
                          containment purge.
Radiation                  Ability to perform procedures to reduce excessive
Control        2.3 .10  levels of radiation and guard against personnel          2.9    71
                            Knowle dge of the process for performing a
                2.3.9                                                              2.5    72
                          containment purge.
              Subtotal                                                                    2          2
                            Knowledge of the parameters and logic used to
                          assess the status of safety functions including: I
                2.4.21    Reactivity control 2. Core cooling and heat removal 3.              4.3  99
Procedures /
                          Reactor coolant system integrity 4. Containment
                          conditions 5. Radioactivity release control.
ES-401                      Generic Knowledge and Abilities Outline (Tier3)            Form ES-401-3
                              Knowledge of which events related to system
                    2.4.30  operations/status should be reported to outside                3.6  100
                              Ability to diagnose and recognize trends in an
                    2.4.47  accurate and timely manner utilizing the appropriate 3.4  73
                              control room reference material.
                              Knowledge of communications procedures
                    2.4.15                                                        3.0  74
                              assoc iated with EOP implementation
                              Knowledge of how the event-based
                      2.4.8  emergency/abnormal operating procedures are used in  3.0 75
                              conjunction with the symptom-based EOPs .
                  Subtotal                                                              3        2
Tier 3 Point Total                                                                      10        7
ES-401                        Record of Rejected KIA's                      Form ES-401-4
Tier/ Group Randomly Selected
                                                  Reason for Rejection
    1/1    295016 / AA2.07    Replaced by NRC Chief Examiner
    2/1      218000/2.1.14    Replaced by NRC Chief Examiner
    2/1      600000 / 2.2.25  Replaced by NRC Chief Examiner
    2/1      212000/ A2.17    Replaced by NRC Chief Examiner
    2/1      205000 / A2.04    Replaced by NRC Chief Examiner
    2/1      400000 / 2.4.30  Replaced by NRC Chief Examiner
  Admin                      Replaced due to conflict with independently developed Audit
              A1PM 501
  lPM                        examination.
                P1PM 63      Removed from exam by direction of Chief Examiner.
                P1PM 66      Removed from exam by direction of Chief Examiner.
              PJPM 311      Removed from exam by direction of Chief Examiner.
              PJPM 76F      Removed from exam by direction of Chief Examiner.
              P1PM 1-8        Developed for Unit-l by direction of Chief Examiner.
              PJPM 1-108      Developed for Unit-l by direction of Chief Examiner.
                HLTS 3-3      Revised to remove Event 4 at direction of Chief Examiner.
                HLTS 3-4      Revised to add Event 3 at direction of Chief Examiner.
              A1PM 511      Replaced due to unsat evaluation by Chief Examiner.
Appendix D                              Scenario Outline                            Form ES-D-l
Facility: BFN                Scenario Number: HLTS-3-1                    Op-Test Number: HLT0610
Examiners:                                                  Operators:
Initial Conditions:
Unit 3 has been operating for 192 days. Unit 2 has been operating for 56 days. Unit 1 has been
operating for 274 days . 3ED Diesel Generator is tagged for water jacket leakage repair. Day 2
of the LCO. Expected to be returned to service this shift . Fuelleakers on U3 are currently at
RFI 60,000. Thunderstorms are passing through the region, but no watches are in effect for the
immediate area. The 3C RFP was oscillating approximating 30 RPM during last shift, but is
now working properly and being monitored. The 3C RFP Pump is operating in automatic
in order to collect data for the next 24 hours. A trouble shooting plan is being developed.
Support scheduled maintenance and testing activities. Alternate Stator Cooling Water Pumps per 3-01-
35A, Sect 6.4 per scheduled OPA.
  Event Malfunction                Event                                  Event
Number          Number            Type*                                Description
    la      mrf anOIb reset      N-ATC      The crew will alternate Stator Cooling Water Pumps using 3-
                                    N-BOP      0I-35A.
    lb            N/A            TS-SRO      The US will respond to a HPCI Rupture Diaphragm pressure
                                                switch PS-73-20B failure.
    2        imf fw05b 100        R-ATC      The crew will respond to a 3B HP FW heater isolation using
                    8:00            C-BOP      3-AOI-6-1.
                                    R-SRO      The crew will reduce power to -91 % using a recirc flow
                                                The crew will isolate feedwater to the 3B FW heater string.
                                                The crew will further reduce power to <79% using a recirc
                                                flow reduction.
      3          imfswlOa          C-ATC      The crew will respond to a trip of the 3A Fuel Pool Cooling
                                    C-SRO      pump using 3-AOI-78-1.
      4          imffw13b          C-ATC      The crew will respond to a trip of the 3B Reactor Feedwater
                                    C-BOP      Pump (RFP) using 3-AOI-3-1 and 3-01-3.
      5        bat rfpactrip          M        The crew will respond to a total loss of feedwater and reactor
                                      All      scram.
      6              bat              M        The crew will respond to a RCIC steam leak into secondary
                  HLTS3-1            All      containment and a HPCI 120V AC power failure .
                                                The crew will anticipate Emergency Depressurization or
                                                perform Emergency Depressurization due to secondary
                                                containment high radiation.
*  (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (Imstrument,                  (C)omponent, (M)ajor
AppendixD                            Scenario Outline                          Form ES-D-l
Facility: BFN                Scenario Number: HLTS-3-3                  Op-Test Number: HLT0610
Examiners:                                                Operators:
Initial Conditions:
The HPCI system is tagged out for 14 hours to repair the Auxiliary Oil Pump. It is expected back in 3
hours. Flow indicator 3-78B is out of service. Instrument Mechanics are looking for a new transmitter.
The Main Generator voltage regulator has been placed in Manual for PMs on the Automatic voltage
regulator. The spare RBCCW pump in service to Unit 2.
Reduce power to 95% using recirculation flow due to low system load requirements. PMs on the
voltage regulator are complete. Return the Main Generator voltage regulator to Automatic operation.
Event        Malfunction      Event                                  Event
Number          Number          Type*                              Description
    1 .\oJ          N/A        R-ATC      The ATC operator will reduce reactor power to 95% using
                                R-SRO      recirc flow using 3-01-68.
    1 b            N/A        N-BOP      The BOP operator will return the Main Generator voltage
                                N-SRO      regulator to Automatic using 3-01-47.
    2        ior zdihs7542a    C-BOP      The crew will recognize and respond to an inadvertent start of
                    start      C-SRO      the 3D Core Spray pump.
                                TS-SRO      The SRO will address Tech Specs.
    3        imf rd0718-35    C-ATC      The crew will recognize and respond to a control rod drifting
                                C-SRO      into the core using 3-AOI-85-5.
                                TS-SRO      The SRO will address Tech Specs.
    4            bat NRC/      C-ATC      The crew will recognize and respond to a recirc pump trip,
                HLTSIO-l        C-SRO      power oscillations, scram and ATWS .
    5      . Timed out from      M        The crew will recognize and respond to a fuel failure during
                  batch file        All      the ATWS recovery actions.
*  (N)onnal,        (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument,        (C)omponent, (M)ajor
AppendixD                              Scenario Outline                            Form ES-D-l
Facility: BFN                Scenario Number: HLTS-3-4                    Op-Test Number: HLT0610
Examiners:                                                  Operators:
Initial Conditions:
The unit is starting up following a refuel outage. Reactor power is at - 1%. "C" RFP is uncoupled for
performance of turbine overspeed testing . Currently at step 5.76.8 oO-GOI-IOO-IA.
The 3C RFP is uncoupled and the suction and discharge valves are tagged for performance of turbine
overspeed. Currently at step 5.76.8 oO-GOI-lOO-IA and at step 5.6.13 00-01-3 for warming 3B RFP.
Event        Malfunction        Event                                    Event
Number            Number          Type*                                Description
    1              none        R-ATC      Crew will continue to pull rods to increase power and start
                                  N-BOP        warming up 2B RFP
    2            imfrd14a        I-ATC      Crew will respond to a RWM failure.
                                  I-SRO      SRO references Tech Specs.
    3            imfrdOla        C-ATC        Crew will respond to a trip of 3A CRD pump.
    4          imf sw02a trip    C-BOP        Crew will respond to a RBCCW pump trip
                  7048FTC        C-SRO        Crew manually closes 70-48 after fails to auto close
    5          ior zdihs468a    C-BOP        Crew will respond to feedwater controller malfunction which
                  imfth235        C-SRO      results in cold water injection
    6            imfth235            M        Crew responds to fuel failure after cold water injection
    7          imf cu0425          M        Crew responds to a RWCU line break and scrams reactor
                ior zdihs69 1      All      before any area reaches max safe value.
*  (N)onnal,        (Rjeactivity, (I)nstrument,          (C)omponent, (Mjajor
ES-301                        Administrative Topics Outline                                  Form ES-301-1
Facility: Browns Ferry                                                        Date of Examination: 2/25/08
Examination Level (circle one): RO/SRO                                  Operating Test Number HLT061 0
    Administrative Topic                  Type
                                                                  Describe Activity to be performed
          (see Note)                      Code*
A. Conduct of Operations                      M          Perform 2-SR- Reactor Recirculation Pwnp
                                                          Start Eimitations (RO/SRO)
    0610 AJPM 542
B.  Conduct of Operations                      M          Determination' OfActive/Inactive License Status
    0610 AJPM 504                                        ~O/SRO)
                                              r:                              I,
                                          .              Perform 2-SR- Jet Pump Mismatch and
C. Equipment Control
                                            . P
                                                          Operability (OPERAnON) (RO/SRO)
    0610 AJPM 12G
                                        .                        "                                          "-
      I                          ;\"
                -                                        ...                    ~
D.  Radiation Control                          M        Calculate Stay Time for EmergencyExposure
    0610 AJPM 518                                    .  (RO/SRO)
  }.J        ~'  ~
                      ;  ,          J'"
                                          . "'
                                            -,  ,
                                                                              .      .-    .  ~  . ~;
E.  Emergency Plan                            N/S        Classifythe Event per the REP (Torus exceeds
    0610 AJPM 487TCF                                      PSP Curve)(SRO Only)
NOTE: All items (5 total) are required for SROs. RO applicants require only 4 items unless
they areretakina only the administrative topics, when all 5 are required.
*Type Codes & Criteria:      (C)ontrol room
                            (D)irect from bank (::S 3 for ROs; ::s 4 for SROs & RO retakes)
                            (N)ew or (M)odified from bank (~ 1)
                            (P)revious 2 exams (::s 1; randomly selected)
                                              ES-301, Page 22 of27
ES-301                    Control Roomlln Plant Systems Outline                          Form ES-301-2
Facility: BFN                                                  Date of Examination: 2/25/08
Exam Level (circle one): [RO] / IS RO-~ / SRO-U                Operating Test Number: HLT0610
Control Room Systems (8 for RO; 7for SRO-I; 2 or 3 for SRO-U)
                        System / lPM Title                              Type                  Safety
                                                                        Code*                  Function
A. Respond to a Dual Recirc Pump Trip (OPRM'S Operable)
                                                                        ADES                      1
      (0610 SJPM-61 OF)
B. Perform Control Room Transfer of 4KV Unit Board 2B Power
                                                                            NS                      6
      Supplies (0610 SJPM-222)
C. Restoration to Normal following RPS Bus Power Loss (0610
                                                                          DES                      7
D. Respond to Offaas Post Treat HI HI HI (0610 SJPM-190)                  DSP                      9
E. Respond to Stuck Open SRV (0610 SJPM-3136F)                          AMELS                      3
F.    Placing Standby Steam Jet Air Ejector in Operation (0610
                                                                        AMES                      4
G. Respond to Drywell Pressure and/or Temperature High or
      Excessive Leakage into the Drywell - FAULTED - SBGT C            ADEMS                      5
      Failed (0610 SJPM-3126F)
H. Injection system Iineup-CS SYS I (0610 SJPM-322F)
                                                                        ADELS                      2
In-Plant Systems (3 for RO; 3 for SRO-I ; 3 or 2 for SRO-U)
I.      Place a 250V Battery Charger in Service (0610 PJPM-86)              DL                      6
J.      Vent and Re-pressurize the Scram Pilot Air Header (0610
                                                                          DEPR                      1
        PJPM-I -8)
K. Remove a eRD HCU from Service (06 10 PJPM- I08 )                        NR                      1
                          *Type Codes                              Criteria for RO I SRO-I I SRO-U
(A)ltemate Path                                                      4-6 I 4-6 I 2-3
(C)ontrol Room
(D)irect from bank                                                    ~    I :::8  I  :s4
(E)mergency or abnormal in-plant                                      ~1  I ~l    I  ~1
(L)ow-Power                                                          ~1  I ~1    I  ~1
(N)ew or (M)odified from bank includi ng I(A)                        ~ I ~2      I  ~1
(P)revious 2 exams                                                    53 I :::3    I  :::2
(R)CA                                                                ~l I ~l      I    ~l
(Sli mulator

Latest revision as of 16:37, 14 November 2019

Feb-Mar 05000259/2008301 Exam Final Written Exam Outlines
Person / Time
Site: Browns Ferry Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 04/08/2008
Tennessee Valley Authority
50-259/08-301 50-259/08-301
Download: ML081370143 (18)

See also: IR 05000259/2008301


Final Submittal

(Blue Paper)


ES-401 Written Examination Outline Form ES-401-1

n NA-t..

Facility: 0610 NRC Exam Outline Date of Exam: 02/25/2008

RO KJA Category Points SRO-Only Points

Tier Group K K K K K K A A A A G

Total A2 G* Total

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 *

l. I 3 3 3 3 4 4 20 4 3 7


& 2 1 I 1 1 2 1 7 I 2 3



Evolutions 4 4 4 4 6 5 27 5 5 10


1 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 26 3 2 5


Plant 2 1 1 1 I 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 12 0 2 1 3



3 4 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 4 3 38 5 3 8


1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

3. Generic Knowledge & Abilities

10 7


3 2 2 3 I 2 2 2

Note: l. Ensure that at least two topics from every applicable KIA category are sampled within each tier of the RO and

SRO-only outlines (i.e., except for one category in Tier 3 of the SRO-only outline, the "Tier Totals" in each KIA

category shall not be less than two).

2. The point total for each group and tier in the proposed outline must match that specified in the table. The final

point total for each group and tier may deviate by +/-l from that specified in the table based on NRC revisions.

The final RO exam must total 75 points and the SRO-only exam must total 25 points.

3. Systems/evolutions within each group are identified on the associated outline; systems or evolutions that do not

apply at the facility should be deleted and justified; operationally important, site-specific systems that are not

included on the outline should be added. Refer to section D.l.b ofES-401 , for guidance regarding elimination of

inappropriate KIA statements.

4. Select topics from as many systems and evolutions as possible; sample every system or evolution in the group

before selecting a second topic for any system or evolution.

5. Absent a plant specific priority, only those KAs having an importance rating (IR) of2.5 or higher shall be

selected . Use the RO and SRO ratings for the RO and SRO-only portions, respectively.

6. Select SRO topics for Tiers 1 and 2 from the shaded systems and KIA categories.

7.* The generic (G) KlAs in Tiers 1 and 2 shall be selected from Section 2 of the KIA Catalog, but the topics must be

relevant to the applicable evolution or system. Refer to Section D.l.b ofES-401 for the applicable KIA's

8. On the following pages, enter the KIA numbers, a brief description of each topic, the topics' importance ratings

(IR) for the applicable license level, and the point totals (#) for each system and category. Enter the group and

tier totals for each category in the table above. Iffuel handling equipment is sampled in other than Category A2 or

G* on the SRO-only exam, enter it on the left side of Column A2 for Tier 2, Group 2 (Note # 1 does not apply).

Use duplicate pages for RO and SRO-only exams.

9. For Tier 3, select topics from Section 2 of the KIA Catalog, and enter the KIA numbers, descriptions, IRs, and

point totals (#) on Form ES-401-3 . Limit SRO selections to KlAs that are linked to IOCFR55.43

ES-401 2 Form ES-401-1

0610 NRC Exam Outline

Written Examination Outline

Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier 1 Group 1

~ EAPE # I Name Safety Function K1 K2 K3 A1 I A2 I G KIATopic(s) Imp. I Q# ~

AA2.01 - Ability to determine and/or interpret

295006 SCRAM I I X the following as they apply to SCRAM : 4.6 76

Reactor power

AA2.07 - Ability to determine and/or interpret

the following as they apply to LOSS OF

29502 I Loss of Shutdown Cooling I 4 X 3.1 77


recirculation flow

2.I .28 - Conduct of Operations Knowledge of

295024 High DrywelI Pressure I 5 X the purpose and function of major system 3.3 78

components and controls.

EA2.01 - Ability to determine and/or interpret

295026 Suppression Pool High Water the following as they apply to SUPPRESSION

X 4.2 79


Suppression pool water temperature

EA2.05 - Ability to determine and/or interpret

295037 SCRAM Condition Present the following as they apply to SCRAM

and Power Above APRM Downscale X CONDITION PRESENT AND REACTOR 4.3 80


UNKNOWN: Control rod position

2.2.22 - Equipment Control Knowledge of

295038 High Off-site Release Rate 19 X limiting conditions for operations and safety 4.1 81


2.2.24 - Equipment Control Ability to analyze

600000 Plant Fire On-site I 8 X the affect of maintenance activities on LCO 3.8 82


2.I.14 - Conduct of Operations Knowledge of

29500 I Partial or Complete Loss of

X system status criteria which require the 2.5 39

Forced Core Flow Circulation I I & 4

notification of plant personnel.

AIG .OI - Knowledge of the reasons for the

following responses as they apply to PARTIAL

295001 Partial or Complete Loss of


Forced Core Flow Circulation I I & 4

FLOW CIRCULATION: Reactor water level


AA2.01 - Ability to determine and/or interpret

295003 Partial or Complete Loss of the following as they apply to PARTIAL OR

X 3.4 41


of partial or complete loss of A.C. power

AKl.03 - Knowledge of the operational

implications of the following concepts as they

295004 Partial or Total Loss of DC



D.C. POWER: Electrical bus divisional


AA1.04 - Ability to operate and/or monitor

295005 Main Turbine Generator Trip I the following as they apply to MAIN

X 2.7 43


aenerator controls

AK3.05 - Knowledge of the reasons for the

following responses as they apply to

295006 SCRAM II X 3.8 44

SCRAM: Direct turbine generator trip:


AA2.04 - Ability to determine and/or

295016 Control Room Abandonment! interpret the following as they apply to

X 3.9 45


Suppression pool temperature

AK2.01 - Knowledge of the interrelations

295018 Partial or Total Loss ofCCW I between PARTIAL OR COMPLETE LOSS

X 3.3 46


the following: System loads

295019 Partial or Total Loss of inst. AA2.02 - Ability to determine and/or

X 3.6 47

Air/8 interpret the following as they apply to

ES-401 2 Form ES-401-1

0610 NRC Exam Outline

Written Examination Outline

Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier 1 Group 1

~ EAPE # / Name Safety Function K1 K2 K3 I A1 I A2 I G KIA Topic(s) Imp. I Q# ~


INSTRUMENTAIR : Status of safety-

related instrument air system loads (see

AK2.1 - AK2.19)

2.4.50 - Emergency Procedures/ Plan

Ability to verify system alarm setpoints and

295021 Loss of Shutdown Cooling/ 4 X 3.3 48

operate controls identified in the alarm

response manual.

AK1.02 - Knowledge of the operational

295023 Refueling Ace CoolingMode/ implications of the following concepts as

X 3.2 49

8 they apply to REFUELINGACCIDENTS :

Shutdown margin

2.1.33 - Conduct of OperationsAbility to

recognize indications for system operating

295024 High Drywell Pressure / 5 X 3.4 50

parameters which are entry-level

conditions for technical specifications.

EK2.08 - Knowledge of the interrelations


295025 High Reactor Pressure I 3 X 3.7 51

and the following: Reactor/turbinepressure

regulating system: Plant-Specific

EA2.01 - Ability to determine and/or

interpret the following as they apply to

295026 Suppression PoolHigh Water


Temp. 15

TEMPERATURE: Suppression pool water


EK3.04 - Knowledge of the reasons for the

following responses as they apply to HIGH

295028 High Drywell Temperature I 5 X 3.6 53


drywell cooling

EA1.06 - Ability to operate and/or monitor

the following as they apply to LOW

295030 Low Suppression PoolWater



Condensate storage and transfer (make-up

to the suppression pool): Plant-Specific

2.4.6 - Emergency Procedures/ Plan

29503 I Reactor Low Water Level/2 X Knowledge symptom based EOP 3.1 55

mitigation strategies.

EK2.11 - KnOWledge of the interrelations

295037 SCRAMCondition Present between SCRAM CONDITION PRESENT

and Power AboveAPRM Downscale X AND REACTOR POWER ABOVE APRM 3.8 56

or Unknown I I DOWNSCALE OR UNKNOWN and the

following: RMCS: Plant-Specific

EK1.01 - Knowledge of the operational

implications of the following concepts as

295038 High Off-site Release Rate 19 X they apply to HIGH OFF-SITE RELEASE 2.5 57

RATE : Biological effects of radioisotope


AA1.08 - Ability to operate and / or monitor

the following as they apply to PLANT FIRE

600000 Plant Fire On-site 18 X 2.6 58

ON SITE: Fire fighting equipment used on

each class of fire

KiA Category Totals: 3 3 3 3 8 7 Group Point Total:

I 20/7

ES-401 3 Form ES-401-1

0610 NRC Exam Outline

Written Examination Outline

Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier 1 Group 2

II EAPE # / Name Safety Function K1 K2 K3 A1 A2 G KIA Topic(s) Imp. I Q# ~

2.4.6 - Emergency Procedures/ Plan

295002 Loss of Main Condenser Vac /3 X Knowledge symptombased EOP mitigation 4.0 83


2.4.31 - Emergency Procedures/ Plan

295009 Low Reactor Water Level/2 X Knowledge of annunciators alarms and 3.4 84

indications, and use of the response instructions.

EA2.02- Abilityto determineand / or interpret

the following as they apply to HIGH

500000 High CTMT HydrogenCone. /


5 CONCENTRATIONS: Oxygen monitoring


AK2.01 - Knowledge of the interrelations

295009 Low Reactor Water Level/2 X betweenLOWREACTOR WATERLEVEL 3.9 59

and the following: Reactorwater level indication

2.2.22 - EquipmentControlKnowledgeof

295012 High DrywellTemperature/5 X limitingconditionsfor operationsand safety 3.4 60


AKI.02 - Knowledge of the operational

implications of the followingconceptsas they

295015 IncompleteSCRAM/1 X 3.9 61

apply to INCOMPLETE SCRAM: (CFR41.8 to

41.10) Cooldowneffects on reactor power

AK3.08- Knowledge of the reasons for the

following responsesas they apply to

295020 InadvertentCont. Isolation/ 5 &



ISOLATION: Suppressionchamber pressure


EAI.OI - Abilityto operate and/or monitorthe

295032 High SecondaryContainment following as they apply to HIGH SECONDARY

X 3.6 63


Area temperature monitoringsystem

EA2.01 - Abilityto determineand/or interpret

295033 High SecondaryContainment the following as they apply to HIGH

X 3.8 64


RADIATION LEVELS : Area radiation levels

EA2.02 - Abilityto determineand/or interpret

the following as they apply to SECONDARY

295035 SecondaryContainmentHigh


Differential Pressure/ 5

PRESSURE: Off-site releaserate: Plant-


KIA Category Totals: 1 1 1 1 3 3 Group PointTotal:

I 713

ES-401 4 Form ES-401-1

0610 NRC Exam Outline

Written Examination Outline

Plant Systems - Tier 2 Group 1


System # / Name G Imp. Q#

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4

A2.16 - Ability to (a) predictthe impacts

of the followingon the RHRlLPCI:


203000 RHRILPCI: Injection and (b) based on those predictions, use

X 4.5 86

Mode proceduresto correct,control,or mitigate

the consequences of those abnormal

conditionsor operations: Loss of coolant


2.1.14 - Conductof OperationsKnowledge

2150031RM X of system status criteriawhich requirethe 3.3 87

notificationof plant personnel.

2.1.23 - Conductof OperationsAbilityto

259002 ReactorWater Level performspecific system and integrated

X 4.0 88

Control plant proceduresduring all modesof plant


A2.06 - Abilityto (a) predict the impacts

of the followingon the SHUTDOWN


259002 ReactorWater Level COOLINGMODE) ; and (b) based on

X 3.5 89

Control those predictions, use proceduresto correct,

control, or mitigatethe consequences of

those abnormalconditionsSDCIRHR

pump trips

A2.12 - Abilityto (a) predictthe impacts

of the followingon the REACTOR

PROTECTION SYSTEM; and (b) based

259002 ReactorWater Level on those predictions, use proceduresto

X 4.1 90

Control correct, control, or mitigatethe

consequences of those abnormalconditions

or operations: Main turbinestop control

valve closure

AI.OI - Abilityto predict and/or monitor

changes in parametersassociated with

203000 RHRlLPCI: Injection

X operatingthe RHRlLPCI: INJECTION 4.2 I


including: Reactorwater level

K4.02 - Knowledge of SHUTDOWN



205000 ShutdownCooling X 3.7 2

design feature(s) and/or interlocks

which provide for the following: High

pressure isolation: Plant-Specific

K6.09 - Knowledge of the effect that a

loss or malfunction of the following will

have on the HIGH PRESSURE

206000 HPCI X 3.5 3


Condensate storage and transfer

system: BWR-2,3,4

K5.04 - Knowledge of the operational

implications of the following concepts

209001 LPCS X as they apply to LOW PRESSURE 2.8 4


removal (transfer) mechanisms

K2.01 - Knowledge of electrical power

211000 SLC X 2.9 5

supplies to the following: SBLC pumps

ES-401 4 Form ES-401-1

0610 NRC Exam Outline

Written Examination Outline

Plant Systems - Tier 2 Group 1


System # / Name G Imp. Q#

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4

K6.03 - Knowledge of the effect that a

loss or malfunction of the following will

212000RPS X have on the REACTOR PROTECTION 3.5 6

SYSTEM: Nuclear boiler


A4.04 - Ability to manually operate

2150031RM and/or monitor in the control room: IRM

X 3.1 7

back panel switches, meters, and

indicatina Iiahts

A3.03 - Ability to monitor automatic

operations of the SOURCE RANGE

215004 Source Range Monitor X 3.6 8


RPS status

A2.03 - Ability to (a) predict the impacts

of the following on the AVERAGE



215005 APRM / LPRM X and (b) based on those predictions, use 3.6 9

procedures to correct , control, or

mitigate the consequences of those

abnormal conditions Inoperative trip (all


K2.03 - Knowledge of electrical power

217000 RCIC X supplies to the following : RCIC flow 2.7 10


K1.05 - Knowledge ofthe physical

connections and/or cause- effect

218000 ADS X relationsh ips between AUTOMATIC

3.9 II


the following: Remote shutdown

system : Plant-Specific

2.1.24 - Conduct of Operations Ability

218000 ADS X to obtain and interpret station electrical 2.8 12

and mechanical drawinas.

A2.06 - Ability to (a) predict the impacts

of the following on the PRIMARY



Supply Shutoff X SHUT-OFF; and (b) based on those 3.0 I3

predictions, use procedures to correct,

control, or mitigate the consequences

of those abn cond or ops . Conta inment

instrumentation failures

A3.01 - Ability to monitor automatic

operations of the PRIMARY


Supply Shutoff

X 3.4 14


SHUT-OFF including : System

indicatina Iiahts and alarms

A3.03 - Ability to monitor automatic

239002SRVs operations ofthe RELIEF/SAFETY

X 3.6 15

VALVES including : Tail pipe


A4 .08 - Ability to manually operate

239002 SRVs and/or monitor in the control room:

X 3.2 16

Plant air system pressure : Plant-


ES-401 4 Form ES-401-1

0610 NRC Exam Outline

Written Examination Outline

Plant Systems - Tier 2 Group 1


System # / Name G Imp. Q#

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4

A4.03 - Ability to manually operate

and/or monitor in the control room: All

259002ReactorWater Level

X individual component controllers when 3.8 17


transferring from manual to automatic


K3.06 - Knowledge of the effect that a

loss or malfunction of the STANDBY

261000SGTS X GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM will have 3.0 18

on following : Primary containment

oxvcen content: Mark-I&II

K4.04 - Knowledge of A.C .


26200I AC Electrical

X feature(s) and/or interlocks which 2.8 19


provide for the following : Protective


A 1.02 - Ability to predict and/or monitor

changes in parameters associated with

262002 UPS (ACIDC) X operating the UNINTERRUPTABLE 2.5 20

POWER SUPPLY (A.C.lD.C.) controls

includinCl: Motor cenerator cutouts

K1.02 - Knowledge of the physical

connections and/or cause- effect

263000 DC Electrical

X relationships between D.C. 3.2 21



following : Battery charger and battery

K5.06 - Knowledge of the operat ional

implications of the follow ing concepts

264000EDGs X as they apply to EMERGENCY 3.4 22



K2.02 - Knowledge of electrical power

300000 InstrumentAir X supplies to the following : Emergency 3.0 23

air comcressor

K3.01 - Knowledge of the effect that a

loss or malfunction of the

300000 InstrumentAir X (INSTRUMENT AIR SYSTEM) will 2.7 24

have on the following : Containment air


2.4.31 - Emergency Procedures / Plan

400000 Component Cooling Knowledge of annunciators alarms and

X 3.3 25

Water indications, and use of the response


A2 .02 - Ability to (a) predict the impacts

of the following on the CCWS and (b)

based on those predictions, use


X procedures to correct , control, or 2.8 26

Water mitigate the consequences of those

abnormal operation : Highllow surge

tank level

KiA CategoryTotals: 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 6 3 3 4 Group Point Total:

I 26/5

ES-401 5 Form ES-401-1

0610 NRC Exam Outline

Written Examination Outline

Plant Systems - Tier 2 Group 2


System # / Name G Imp . Q#

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4

A2.01 - Ability to (a) predict the impacts

of the following on the RADWASTE ; and

(b) basedon those predictions, use

268000 Radwaste X 3.5 91

proceduresto correct, control, or mitigate

the consequences of those abnormal

conditions or operations: Svstem ruoture

2.4.36 - EmergencyProcedures / Plan

271000 Off-gas X Knowledge of chemistry / health physics 2.8 92

tasksduring emergencv operations.

A2.03 - Ability to (a) predict the impacts

of the following on the PLANT


basedon those predictions, use procedures

288000 Plant Ventilation X 3.7 93

to correct, control, or mitigate the

consequences of those abnormal conditions

or operations: Loss of coolant accident:


K3 .03 - Knowledge of the effect that a

201003 Control Rod and Drive loss or malfunction of the CONTROL

X 3.2 27


have on following: Shutdown margin

K4.09 - Knowledge of ROD WORTH


201006RWM X SPECIFIC) design feature(s)and/or 3.2 28

interlocks which provide for the following:

Systeminitialization: P-Spec(Not-BWR6)

K6 .09 - Knowledge of the effect that a

loss or malfunction of the following will

202001 Recirculation X 3.4 29


Reactor water level

A 1.01 - Ability to predict and/or monitor

changes in parameters associated with

21500I Traversing In-core Probe X operating the TRAVERSING IN-CORE 2.8 30

PROBE controls including: Radiation

levels: (Not-BWR1)

K1 .10 - Knowledge ofthe physical

connections and/or cause- effect

relationships between NUCLEAR

216000 Nuclear Boiler Inst. X 3.2 31


following : Recirculation flow control


219000 RHRILPCI: ToruslPool K2 .02 - Knowledge of electrical power

X 3.1 32

Cooling Mode supplies to the following : Pumps

A4 .12 - Ability to manually operate

226001 RHRILPCI: CTMT Spray

X and/or monitor in the control room : 3.8 33


ContainmenVdrvwell pressure

2.4.50 - Emergency Procedures / Plan

Ability to verify system alarm setpoints

234000 Fuel Handling Equipment X 3.3 34

and operate controls identified in the

alarm response manual.

K6.04 - Knowledge of the effect that a

loss or malfunction of the following will

245000 Main Turbine Gen. / Aux . X have on the MAIN TURBINE 2.6 35


SYSTEMS : Hydrogen cooling

ES-401 5 Form ES-401-1

0610 NRC Exam Outline

Written Examination Outline

Plant Systems - Tier 2 Group 2


System # I Name G Imp. Q#

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4

A2.01 - Ability to (a) predict the

impacts of the following on the

RADWASTE; and (b) based on those

268000Radwaste X predictions, use procedures to correct, 2.9 36

control, or mitigate the consequences

of those abnormal conditions or

ooerations: SYstem ruoture

K5.01 - Knowledge of the operational

implications of the following concepts

as they apply to RADIATION

272000 Radiation Monitoring X 3.2 37


injection operation's effect on process

radiation indications: Plant-Soecific

A3.01 - Ability to monitor automatic

operations of the CONTROL ROOM

290003Control Room HV AC X 3.3 38

HVAC including :


KiA CategoryTotals: 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 Group Point Total:

I 12/3

ES-401 Generic Knowledge and Abilities Outline (Tier3) Form ES-401-3

Facility: 0610 NRC Exam Outline Date:


Category KJA# Topic


2.1.12 Ability to apply technical specifications for a system. 4.0 94

Ability to recognize indications for system operating

1. 2.1.33 parameters which are entry-level conditions for 3.4 66

Conduct technical specifications.

of Operations Ability to operate plant phone, paging system, and


two-way radio.

2.9 67

Ability to make accurate, clear and concise logs,


records, status boards, and reports.

2.9 68

Subtotal 3 1

Knowledge of limiting conditions for operations and

2.2 .22

safety limits.

4.1 95

Ability to analyze the affect of maintenance activities


on LCO status .

3.8 96



Control 2.2.13 Knowledge of tagging and clearance procedures. 3.6 69

2.2.33 Knowledge of control rod programming. 2.5 70

Subtotal 2 2

Knowledge ofSRO responsibilities for auxiliary

2.3.3 systems that are outside the control room (e.g., waste 2.9 97

disposal and handling systems).

Knowledge of the process for performing a

2.3.9 3.4 98

containment purge.


Radiation Ability to perform procedures to reduce excessive

Control 2.3 .10 levels of radiation and guard against personnel 2.9 71


Knowle dge of the process for performing a

2.3.9 2.5 72

containment purge.

Subtotal 2 2

Knowledge of the parameters and logic used to


assess the status of safety functions including: I


2.4.21 Reactivity control 2. Core cooling and heat removal 3. 4.3 99

Procedures /

Reactor coolant system integrity 4. Containment


conditions 5. Radioactivity release control.

ES-401 Generic Knowledge and Abilities Outline (Tier3) Form ES-401-3

Knowledge of which events related to system

2.4.30 operations/status should be reported to outside 3.6 100


Ability to diagnose and recognize trends in an

2.4.47 accurate and timely manner utilizing the appropriate 3.4 73

control room reference material.

Knowledge of communications procedures

2.4.15 3.0 74

assoc iated with EOP implementation

Knowledge of how the event-based

2.4.8 emergency/abnormal operating procedures are used in 3.0 75

conjunction with the symptom-based EOPs .

Subtotal 3 2

Tier 3 Point Total 10 7

ES-401 Record of Rejected KIA's Form ES-401-4

Tier/ Group Randomly Selected


Reason for Rejection

1/1 295016 / AA2.07 Replaced by NRC Chief Examiner

2/1 218000/2.1.14 Replaced by NRC Chief Examiner

2/1 600000 / 2.2.25 Replaced by NRC Chief Examiner

2/1 212000/ A2.17 Replaced by NRC Chief Examiner

2/1 205000 / A2.04 Replaced by NRC Chief Examiner

2/1 400000 / 2.4.30 Replaced by NRC Chief Examiner

Admin Replaced due to conflict with independently developed Audit

A1PM 501

lPM examination.


P1PM 63 Removed from exam by direction of Chief Examiner.



P1PM 66 Removed from exam by direction of Chief Examiner.



PJPM 311 Removed from exam by direction of Chief Examiner.



PJPM 76F Removed from exam by direction of Chief Examiner.



P1PM 1-8 Developed for Unit-l by direction of Chief Examiner.



PJPM 1-108 Developed for Unit-l by direction of Chief Examiner.



HLTS 3-3 Revised to remove Event 4 at direction of Chief Examiner.



HLTS 3-4 Revised to add Event 3 at direction of Chief Examiner.



A1PM 511 Replaced due to unsat evaluation by Chief Examiner.


Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-l


Facility: BFN Scenario Number: HLTS-3-1 Op-Test Number: HLT0610

Examiners: Operators:

Initial Conditions:

Unit 3 has been operating for 192 days. Unit 2 has been operating for 56 days. Unit 1 has been

operating for 274 days . 3ED Diesel Generator is tagged for water jacket leakage repair. Day 2

of the LCO. Expected to be returned to service this shift . Fuelleakers on U3 are currently at

RFI 60,000. Thunderstorms are passing through the region, but no watches are in effect for the

immediate area. The 3C RFP was oscillating approximating 30 RPM during last shift, but is

now working properly and being monitored. The 3C RFP Pump is operating in automatic

in order to collect data for the next 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. A trouble shooting plan is being developed.


Support scheduled maintenance and testing activities. Alternate Stator Cooling Water Pumps per 3-01-

35A, Sect 6.4 per scheduled OPA.

Event Malfunction Event Event

Number Number Type* Description

la mrf anOIb reset N-ATC The crew will alternate Stator Cooling Water Pumps using 3-

N-BOP 0I-35A.


lb N/A TS-SRO The US will respond to a HPCI Rupture Diaphragm pressure

switch PS-73-20B failure.

2 imf fw05b 100 R-ATC The crew will respond to a 3B HP FW heater isolation using

8:00 C-BOP 3-AOI-6-1.

R-SRO The crew will reduce power to -91 % using a recirc flow


The crew will isolate feedwater to the 3B FW heater string.

The crew will further reduce power to <79% using a recirc

flow reduction.

3 imfswlOa C-ATC The crew will respond to a trip of the 3A Fuel Pool Cooling

C-SRO pump using 3-AOI-78-1.


4 imffw13b C-ATC The crew will respond to a trip of the 3B Reactor Feedwater

C-BOP Pump (RFP) using 3-AOI-3-1 and 3-01-3.


5 bat rfpactrip M The crew will respond to a total loss of feedwater and reactor

All scram.

6 bat M The crew will respond to a RCIC steam leak into secondary

HLTS3-1 All containment and a HPCI 120V AC power failure .

The crew will anticipate Emergency Depressurization or

perform Emergency Depressurization due to secondary

containment high radiation.

  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (Imstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor

AppendixD Scenario Outline Form ES-D-l

Facility: BFN Scenario Number: HLTS-3-3 Op-Test Number: HLT0610

Examiners: Operators:

Initial Conditions:

The HPCI system is tagged out for 14 hours1.62037e-4 days <br />0.00389 hours <br />2.314815e-5 weeks <br />5.327e-6 months <br /> to repair the Auxiliary Oil Pump. It is expected back in 3

hours. Flow indicator 3-78B is out of service. Instrument Mechanics are looking for a new transmitter.

The Main Generator voltage regulator has been placed in Manual for PMs on the Automatic voltage

regulator. The spare RBCCW pump in service to Unit 2.


Reduce power to 95% using recirculation flow due to low system load requirements. PMs on the

voltage regulator are complete. Return the Main Generator voltage regulator to Automatic operation.

Event Malfunction Event Event

Number Number Type* Description

1 .\oJ N/A R-ATC The ATC operator will reduce reactor power to 95% using

R-SRO recirc flow using 3-01-68.

1 b N/A N-BOP The BOP operator will return the Main Generator voltage

N-SRO regulator to Automatic using 3-01-47.

2 ior zdihs7542a C-BOP The crew will recognize and respond to an inadvertent start of

start C-SRO the 3D Core Spray pump.

TS-SRO The SRO will address Tech Specs.

3 imf rd0718-35 C-ATC The crew will recognize and respond to a control rod drifting

C-SRO into the core using 3-AOI-85-5.

TS-SRO The SRO will address Tech Specs.

4 bat NRC/ C-ATC The crew will recognize and respond to a recirc pump trip,

HLTSIO-l C-SRO power oscillations, scram and ATWS .


5 . Timed out from M The crew will recognize and respond to a fuel failure during

batch file All the ATWS recovery actions.

  • (N)onnal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor

AppendixD Scenario Outline Form ES-D-l

Facility: BFN Scenario Number: HLTS-3-4 Op-Test Number: HLT0610

Examiners: Operators:

Initial Conditions:

The unit is starting up following a refuel outage. Reactor power is at - 1%. "C" RFP is uncoupled for

performance of turbine overspeed testing . Currently at step 5.76.8 oO-GOI-IOO-IA.


The 3C RFP is uncoupled and the suction and discharge valves are tagged for performance of turbine

overspeed. Currently at step 5.76.8 oO-GOI-lOO-IA and at step 5.6.13 00-01-3 for warming 3B RFP.

Event Malfunction Event Event

Number Number Type* Description

1 none R-ATC Crew will continue to pull rods to increase power and start

N-BOP warming up 2B RFP


2 imfrd14a I-ATC Crew will respond to a RWM failure.

I-SRO SRO references Tech Specs.


3 imfrdOla C-ATC Crew will respond to a trip of 3A CRD pump.


4 imf sw02a trip C-BOP Crew will respond to a RBCCW pump trip

7048FTC C-SRO Crew manually closes 70-48 after fails to auto close

5 ior zdihs468a C-BOP Crew will respond to feedwater controller malfunction which

imfth235 C-SRO results in cold water injection

6 imfth235 M Crew responds to fuel failure after cold water injection


7 imf cu0425 M Crew responds to a RWCU line break and scrams reactor

ior zdihs69 1 All before any area reaches max safe value.


  • (N)onnal, (Rjeactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (Mjajor

ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-301-1

Facility: Browns Ferry Date of Examination: 2/25/08

Examination Level (circle one): RO/SRO Operating Test Number HLT061 0

Administrative Topic Type

Describe Activity to be performed

(see Note) Code*

A. Conduct of Operations M Perform 2-SR- Reactor Recirculation Pwnp

Start Eimitations (RO/SRO)

0610 AJPM 542


B. Conduct of Operations M Determination' OfActive/Inactive License Status

0610 AJPM 504 ~O/SRO)

r: I,

. Perform 2-SR- Jet Pump Mismatch and

C. Equipment Control



. P

Operability (OPERAnON) (RO/SRO)

0610 AJPM 12G

. " "-


I  ;\"


- ... ~


D. Radiation Control M Calculate Stay Time for EmergencyExposure

0610 AJPM 518 . (RO/SRO)

}.J ~' ~

, J'"

. "'

-, ,


. .- . ~ . ~;

E. Emergency Plan N/S Classifythe Event per the REP (Torus exceeds

0610 AJPM 487TCF PSP Curve)(SRO Only)

NOTE: All items (5 total) are required for SROs. RO applicants require only 4 items unless

they areretakina only the administrative topics, when all 5 are required.

  • Type Codes & Criteria: (C)ontrol room

(D)irect from bank (::S 3 for ROs; ::s 4 for SROs & RO retakes)

(N)ew or (M)odified from bank (~ 1)

(P)revious 2 exams (::s 1; randomly selected)


ES-301, Page 22 of27

ES-301 Control Roomlln Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2


Facility: BFN Date of Examination: 2/25/08

Exam Level (circle one): [RO] / IS RO-~ / SRO-U Operating Test Number: HLT0610

Control Room Systems (8 for RO; 7for SRO-I; 2 or 3 for SRO-U)

System / lPM Title Type Safety

Code* Function

A. Respond to a Dual Recirc Pump Trip (OPRM'S Operable)


(0610 SJPM-61 OF)

B. Perform Control Room Transfer of 4KV Unit Board 2B Power

NS 6

Supplies (0610 SJPM-222)

C. Restoration to Normal following RPS Bus Power Loss (0610



D. Respond to Offaas Post Treat HI HI HI (0610 SJPM-190) DSP 9

E. Respond to Stuck Open SRV (0610 SJPM-3136F) AMELS 3

F. Placing Standby Steam Jet Air Ejector in Operation (0610



G. Respond to Drywell Pressure and/or Temperature High or

Excessive Leakage into the Drywell - FAULTED - SBGT C ADEMS 5

Failed (0610 SJPM-3126F)

H. Injection system Iineup-CS SYS I (0610 SJPM-322F)



In-Plant Systems (3 for RO; 3 for SRO-I ; 3 or 2 for SRO-U)

I. Place a 250V Battery Charger in Service (0610 PJPM-86) DL 6

J. Vent and Re-pressurize the Scram Pilot Air Header (0610


PJPM-I -8)

K. Remove a eRD HCU from Service (06 10 PJPM- I08 ) NR 1

  • Type Codes Criteria for RO I SRO-I I SRO-U

(A)ltemate Path 4-6 I 4-6 I 2-3

(C)ontrol Room

(D)irect from bank ~ I :::8 I :s4

(E)mergency or abnormal in-plant ~1 I ~l I ~1

(L)ow-Power ~1 I ~1 I ~1

(N)ew or (M)odified from bank includi ng I(A) ~ I ~2 I ~1

(P)revious 2 exams 53 I :::3 I  :::2

(R)CA ~l I ~l I ~l

(Sli mulator