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{{#Wiki_filter:1 Status of Davis-Besse Lessons Learned Task Force Recommendations (FINAL UPDATE)
{{#Wiki_filter:Status of Davis-Besse Lessons Learned Task Force Recommendations (FINAL UPDATE): December 2009 Category: Stress Corrosion Cracking LLTF                                                                                                 Target       Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation                        Priority    Category                                          Lead Org.
: December 2009Category: Stress Corrosion Cracking LLTF No.LLTF RecommendationPriorityCategory Target Date Effectiveness Review Lead Org.3.1.1(1)Assemble foreign and domestic information concerning Alloy 600 (and other nickel based alloys)
No.                                                                                                  Date          Review 3.1.1(1)   Assemble foreign and domestic information                     High          SCC          Complete      Not Required    RES (DET) concerning Alloy 600 (and other nickel based alloys)                                                                     for data nozzle cracking and boric acid corrosion. Analyze                                                                        collection nickel based alloy nozzle susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking (SCC), including other susceptible                                                                    NRR (DE) for components, and boric acid corrosion of carbon steel,                                                                    other actions and propose a course of action and an implementation schedule to address the results.
STATUS: Data collection was accomplished in two phases. Collection of information on cracking was completed 03/31/04 (, ML040910354). A test program on boric acid corrosion was completed on 10/22/04 and was published in NUREG/CR-6875, Boric Acid Corrosion of Light Water Reactor Pressure Vessel Material (ML050410026). The information contained in these two reports and a third report on Alloy 600 cracking susceptibility (ML032461221), which was issued on 3/31/04 to address LLTF 3.1.4(1), have been compiled in NUREG-1823, U.S. Plant Experience with Alloy 600 Cracking and Boric Acid Corrosion of Light-Water Reactor Pressure Vessel Materials (ML050390139).
Based on the reports, the staff concluded that additional inspections are warranted for identifying leakage from primary water stress corrosion cracking (PWSCC) and for precluding boric acid corrosion as a result of such through-wall leakage. The RES reports provide a comprehensive set of information that supports and confirms the appropriateness of these conclusions and does not change the staffs basic perception of the problem. The staff concluded that definitive actions are needed to address shortcomings with the current framework for these inspections and proposed a plan and schedule for accomplishing them. This completed the LLTF recommendation. Actions to implement the plan are being tracked through an NRR action plan that addresses stress corrosion cracking and boric acid corrosion issues.
3.2.2(1)  Inspect the adequacy of PWR [pressurized-water                High          SCC          Complete        Complete      NRR (IIPB) reactor] plant boric acid corrosion control programs, including their implementation effectiveness, to determine their acceptability for the identification of boric acid leakage, and their acceptability to ensure that adequate evaluations are performed for identified boric acid leaks.

nozzle cracking and boric acid corrosion. Analyze
LLTF                                                                                               Target      Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation                          Priority    Category                                      Lead Org.
No.                                                                                               Date           Review STATUS: The evaluation of responses to Bulletin 2002-01, which included audits of boric acid corrosion control (BACC) programs at five plants, determined that plants appeared to be complying with requirements at the programmatic level. The results of the evaluation were summarized in Regulatory Issues Summary (RIS) 2003-13 (ML032100653). The RIS concluded that existing monitoring programs may need to be enhanced to ensure early detection and prevention of leakage from the RCPB and provided suggestions for improving existing programs.
nickel based alloy nozzle susceptibility to stress
Subsequent inspections conducted at all operating reactor plants have reviewed licensee BACC programs using new inspection guidelines.
Temporary Instruction (TI) 2515/150, issued on October 18, 2002, which provides guidance for inspecting licensees reactor pressure vessel (RPV) head inspections pursuant to Order EA-03-009, also includes instructions for follow-up on findings of boric acid accumulation.
corrosion cracking (SCC), including other susceptible
Inspection Procedure (IP) 71111.08, Inservice Inspection Activities, was revised on 5/11/04 to add periodic inspection requirements and guidance for BACC. Staff review of inspection results from TI 2515/150 and IP 71111.08 and feedback from Region inspectors indicate that licensees current programs are generally adequate for locating and evaluating and/or correcting boric acid leaks and the NRC inspection guidance is adequate and effective for oversight of BACC programs. All inspection findings have been categorized as very low safety significance. The effectiveness of IP71111.08 will continue to be evaluated as part of annual ROP self-assessment and appropriate improvements will be made as needed.
3.3.2(1)   Develop inspection guidance for the periodic                 High          SCC        Complete        Not required    NRR (IIPB) inspection of PWR plant boric acid corrosion control programs.
components, and boric acid corrosion of carbon steel, and propose a course of action and an implementation
STATUS: Temporary Instruction (TI) 2515/150, issued in 08/03, supports the review of licensees RPV head and vessel head penetration nozzle inspection activities that are implemented in accordance with the requirements of NRC Order EA-03-009. This TI validates that a plant conforms to its inspection commitments and requirements, during refueling outages, using procedures, equipment, and personnel that have been demonstrated to be effective in the detection and sizing of PWSCC in VHP nozzles and detection of RPV head wastage. TI 2515/152, issued in 11/03, provides interim inspection guidance for follow-up to Bulletin 2003-02, which includes BACC programs. In addition, IP 71111.08, Inservice Inspection Activities, was revised in 05/04 to add NRC inspection samples to observe and evaluate licensee inspection of PWR RPV head and VHP nozzle inspection activities on a periodic basis consistent with the guidance in TI 2515/150. This revision also included guidance and requirements to perform a performance based inspection of licensees boric acid program implementation.
schedule to address the results. HighSCCCompleteNot RequiredRES (DET) for data collection NRR (DE) for other actions STATUS:  Data collection was accomplished in two phases. Colle ction of information on cracking was completed 03/31/04 (, ML040910354). A test program on boric acid corrosion was completed on 10/22/04 and was published in NUREG/CR-6875, "Boric Acid Corrosion of Lig ht Water Reactor Pressure Vessel Material" (ML050410026). The information contained in these two reports and a third report on Alloy 60 0 crackingsusceptibility (ML032461221), which was issued on 3/31/04 to address LLTF 3.1.4(1), have been compiled in NUREG-1823, "U.S. Pla nt Experience with Alloy 600 Cracking and Boric Acid Corrosion of Light-Water Reactor Pressure Vessel Materials" (ML050390139).
Based on the reports, the staff concluded that additional inspec tions are warranted for identifying leakage from primary water stress corrosion cracking (PWSCC) and for precluding boric acid corrosion as a resu lt of such through-wall leakage. The RES reports provide a c omprehensive set of information that supports and confirms the appropriatene ss of these conclusions and does not change the staff's basic pe rception of the problem. The staff concluded that definitive actions are needed to address shortcomings with the current framework for these i nspections and proposed a plan and schedule for accomplishing them. This complet ed the LLTF recommendation. Actions to implement the plan ar e being tracked through an NRR action plan that addresses stress corrosion cracking and boric acid corrosion issues.
3.2.2(1)Inspect the adequacy of PWR [pressurized-water reactor] plant boric acid corrosion control programs, including their implementation effectiveness, to
determine their acceptability for the identification of
boric acid leakage, and their acceptability to ensure
that adequate evaluations are performed for identified
boric acid leaks.HighSCCCompleteCompleteNRR (IIPB)
LLTF No.LLTF RecommendationPriorityCategory Target Date Effectiveness Review Lead Org.2 STATUS: The evaluation of responses to Bulletin 2002-01, which included audits of boric acid corrosion control (BACC) programs at five plants, determined that plants appeared to be complying with requirements at the programmatic level. The results of the evaluation wer e summarized in Regulatory Issues Summary (RIS) 2003-13 (ML032100653). The RIS c oncluded that existing monitoring programs may need to be enha nced to ensure early detection and prevention of leakage from the RCPB and provided suggestions for improving existing programs.
Subsequent inspections conducted at all operating reactor plant s have reviewed licensee BACC programs using new inspection guid elines. Temporary Instruction (TI) 2515/150, issued on October 18, 2002, which provides guidance for inspecting licensees' reactor pres sure vessel (RPV) head inspections pursuant to Order EA-03-009, also includes instructions for follow-up on findings of boric acid accumula tion. Inspection Procedure (IP) 71111.08, "Inservice Inspection Activi ties," was revised on 5/11/04 to add periodic inspection requir ements and guidance for BACC. Staff review of inspection results from TI 2515/150 and IP 71111.08 and feedback from Region inspectors ind icate thatlicensees' current programs are generally adequate for locating and evaluating and/or correcting boric acid leaks and the NRC i nspection guidance is adequate and effective for oversight of BACC programs.
All inspection findings have been categorized as very low s afety significance. The effectiveness of IP71111.08 will continue to be evaluated as part of annual ROP self-assessment and appropri ate improvements will be made as needed.
3.3.2(1)Develop inspection guidance for the periodic inspection of PWR plant boric acid corrosion control
programs.HighSCCCompleteNot requiredNRR (IIPB)
STATUS: Temporary Instruction (TI) 2515/150, issued in 08/
03, supports the review of licensees' RPV head and vessel head penet ration nozzle inspection activities that are implemented in accordance with t he requirements of NRC Order EA-03-009. This TI validates that a plant conforms to its inspection commitments and requirements, during refue ling outages, using procedures, equipment, and personnel that have been demonstrated to be effective in the detection and sizing of PWS CC in VHP nozzles and detection of RPV head wastage. TI 2515/15 2, issued in 11/03, provides interim inspection guidance for follow-up to Bulle tin 2003-02, which includes BACC programs. In addition, IP 7 1111.08,"Inservice Inspection Activities", was revised in 05/04 to add NRC inspection samples to observe and evaluate licensee inspecti on of PWR RPV head and VHP nozzle inspection activities on a periodic basis cons istent with the guidance in TI 2515/150. This revision also included guidance and requirements to perform a performance based inspection of licensee's boric acid program implementation.
The effectiveness of these inspection procedures will be evaluated as part of LLTF 3.2.2(1) and a separate effectiveness review is not required.
The effectiveness of these inspection procedures will be evaluated as part of LLTF 3.2.2(1) and a separate effectiveness review is not required.
LLTF No.LLTF RecommendationPriorityCategory Target Date Effectiveness Review Lead Org.3 3.3.4(3)Develop inspection guidance or revise existing guidance to ensure that VHP [vessel head
penetration] nozzles and the RPV head area are
periodically reviewed by the NRC during licensee
ISI [inservice inspection] activities. HighSCCCompleteNot requiredNRR (IIPB)
STATUS:  TI2515/150, issued 08/03, provides interi m inspection guidance for follow-up to Order EA-03-009.
IP 71111.08, "Inservice Inspection Activities," was revised on 5/11/04 to add periodic inspection requirements and guidance for PWR vessel head penetration inspections. The effectiveness of these inspec tion procedures will be evaluated as part of LLTF 3.2.2(1) and a separate effectiveness review is not required.
3.3.4(8)Encourage ASME [American Society of Mechanical Engineers] Code requirement changes for bare metal
inspections of nickel based alloy nozzles for which the
code does not require the removal of insulation for
inspections. Also, encourage ASME Code
requirement changes for the conduct of non-visual
NDE [nondestructive examination] inspections of VHP
nozzles.Alternatively, revise 10 CFR 50.55a to address these areas. HighSCCCompleteNot requiredNRR (DCI)STATUS:  On February 11, 2003, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) issued Order EA-03-009, "Interim Inspection Requirements for Reactor Pressure Vessel Heads at Pressurized Water Reactors."
This order modified licensees' licenses to require specific insp ections of the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) upper head and associated penetration nozzles at pressurized water reactors. In response to inte rnal review and stakeholder input, the NRC issued First Revised Order EA-03-009 (Order), on February 20, 2004, which refined the inspection req uirements ofNRC Order EA-03-009 by taking into account lessons learned from inspections performed from February 2003 to January 2004.
The staff reviewed the results of reactor pressure vessel (R PV) head inspections through Temporary Instruction 2515-150, "React or Pressure Vessel Head and Vessel Head Penetration Nozzles," October 18, 2002, (ADAMS Accession Number ML022940597), and through review of requests for relaxation from the requirements of Order EA 009 and First Revised Order EA-03-009. Permanent inspection guide lines were established through the issuance of ASME Code Case N 729-1, "Alter native Examination Requirements for PWR Reactor Vessel Upper Heads With Nozzles Having Pressure-Retaining Partial-Penetration Weld s Section XI," which was incorporated into Title 10 of the Code of Federal LLTF No.LLTF RecommendationPriorityCategory Target Date Effectiveness Review Lead Org.4 Regulations (10 CFR) Paragraph 50.55a. The technical basis was provided in the Federal Register notice for the proposed rule to incorpora te ASME Code Case N-729-1 into 10 CFR 50.55a (Volume 72, Number 65, pages 16731 - 16741, April 5, 2007). Use of Code Case N-729-1 , with staff conditions, became mandatory on December 31, 2008. Code Ca se N-729-1 addresses inspection requirements for nozzle integrity as well as for potential boric acid corrosion of the reactor pressure vessel upper head.
Separately, the ASME Board on Nuclear Codes and Standards approved Code Case N-722, which recommends bare metal visual examinat ionof all ASME Code Class 1 alloy 600/82/182 components at frequencies that depend on the temperature of the location. The NRC st aff reviewed the adequacy of the requirements of Code Case N-722, along with Code Case N-729-1, and determined them to be acceptable to addr ess potential boric acid corrosion. The technical basis was provided in the Federal Register notice for the proposed rule to incor porate ASME Code Cases N-722 and N 729-1 into 10 CFR 50.55a (Volume 72, Number 65, pages 16731 - 16741, April 5, 2007). The staff implemented r egulations to address potential boric acid corrosion by incorporating ASM E Code Case N-729-1 and N-722, with limitations, into 10 CFR 50.5 5a(g)(6)(ii)(D) and 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(E), respectively. The requirements of 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(E) became mandatory on October 10, 2 008. 3.1.4(1)Determine if it is appropriate to continue using the existing SCC models as a predictor of VHP nozzle
PWSCC [primary water SCC] susceptibility given the
apparent large uncertainties associated with the
models. Determine whether additional analysis and
testing are needed to reduce uncertainties in these
models relative to their continued application in
regulatory decision making.MediumSCCCompleteNot requiredRES (DET)
STATUS:  In its current form, the model is based on time and temperature effects alone and is adequate for prioritizing reactor VHP inspections.
It has been used in the development of inspection requirements in Order EA-03-009 and the bulletins that preceded it. Inspecti on results to date have been consistent with model predictions and do not indicate a need for revising the model in the near term. A report by th e Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, issued 7/21/03 (ML032461224 and ML032461221), identifi ed refinements that could be made to the model. The seimprovements are not needed to satisfy this recommendation and will require research activities that are beyond the scope of th e LLTF recommendation. The report will be issued in a NUREG together with the reports required for LLTF 3.1.1(1).
3.3.7(6)Determine whether ISI summary reports should be submitted to the NRC, and revise the ASME
submission requirement and staff guidance regarding
disposition of the reports, as appropriate. LowSCCCompleteNot RequiredNRR (DE/DLPM)
LLTF No.LLTF RecommendationPriorityCategory Target Date Effectiveness Review Lead Org.5 STATUS:  The staff has reviewed the uses of the ISI reports and concludes that it is appropriate to continue to have the report s submitted to the NRC, so that there is no need to revise the ASME requirements.
In particular, the Regions use the ISI reports for inspection p lanning and to follow up on issues associated with inspection procedure IP 71111.08, "Inservice Inspection Activities."  In addition, the Offi ce of Nuclear Regulatory Research reviews the ISI reports to trend aging effe cts and material degradation, in order to develop recommendation s for codes and standards activities.
The staff has determined, however, that the NRR practice of reviewing the ISI reports is unnecessary. In the future, the NRR s taff will not review the ISI reports; rather, since the reports should still be submi tted for other reasons, the reports will be available when it i s determined that the NRR staff should use them as references in support of the operat ing experience program. No effectiveness review is required.
6Category: Operating Experience LLTF No.LLTF RecommendationPriorityCategory Target Date Effectiveness Review Lead Org.3.1.6(1)Take the following steps to address the effectiveness of programs involving the review of operating experience:  (1) evaluate the agency's capability to
retain operating experience information and to perform
longer-term operating experience reviews; (2)
evaluate thresholds, criteria, and guidance for
initiating generic communications; (3) evaluate
opportunities for additional effectiveness and
efficiency gains stemming from changes in
organizational alignments (e.g., a centralized NRC operational experience "clearing house");
(4) evaluate the effectiveness of the Generic Issues
Program; and (5) evaluate the effectiveness of the
internal dissemination of operating experience to end
users.HighOpECompleteCompleteNRR(IROB) and RES STATUS:  This action required the evaluation of various aspects of the agency's operating experience program. This action item became the foundation of the charter for to Operating Experience Task Fo rce (OETF) [ML031200535]. The OETF documented its evaluation of i tems (1)through (5) of the recommendation in its report dated 11/26/03 (ML033350063). The OETF made 23 recommendations for improving t he effectiveness of the agency's operating experience program that are currently being implemented in accordance with the Operatin g Experience Action Plan dated 4/29/04 (ML041180024).
3.1.6(2)Update NRC operating experience guidance documents.HighOpECompleteCompleteNRR (IROB) and RES STATUS:  This LLTF recommendation is directed at the fact that Management Directive (MD) 8.5, "Analysis and Evaluation of Opera tional Data" had not been updated since the dissolution of the Analysis and Eval uation of Operational Data organization and the transfer of Operating Experience Program responsibilities to NRR and RES. However, NRR Office Instruction, LIC-401, "NRR Operating Experience Progra m," was issued in March 2003 to reflect the current practices of NRR's O perating Experience Section located in the Division of Inspecti on Program Management.
LLTF No.LLTF RecommendationPriorityCategory Target Date Effectiveness Review Lead Org.7 As part of the Operating Experience Action Plan (ML041180024), whic h implemented the recommendations of the Operating Experienc e Task Force (ML033350063), the staff developed MD 8.7, "Reactor O perating Experience Program" (ML043570013, ML043570032) and Revision 1 to NRR Office Instruction, LIC-401 (ML043570075) as the framework for a new operating experience program.
On December 22, 2004, the Office Directors of NRR and RES authorized the staff to begin implementation of MD 8.7, in its draft form for oneyear prior to its final issuance. Also, the Director of NRR authorized implementation of NRR Office Instruction, LIC-401, Rev.
1, in draft form pending completion of final editing and administrative processing.
3.1.6(3)Enhance the effectiveness of NRC processes for the collection, review, assessment, storage, retrieval, and
dissemination of foreign operating experience.HighOpECompleteCompleteNRR (IROB) and RES STATUS:  At the time of this recommendation, foreign operating experience, such as that received through the IAEA Incident Repo rting System(IRS), was only communicated and distributed in an ad hoc fashion. Today, it is a formal element of the NRC Operating Experien ce Section screening process and available on the internal web site.
NRR Office Instruction LIC-401, "NRR Operating Experience Program," was issued on 3/31/03. This office instruction incorporate s action to enhance the effectiveness and utilization of foreign operating experi ence within the Operating Experience Section. This proces s will be further enhanced upon implementation of the Operating Experience Acti on Plan (ML041180024). An overall effectiveness review will be pe rformed approximately one year following implementation of the action plan.
3.2.4(1)Assess the scope and adequacy of requirements governing licensee review of operating experience.HighOpECompleteCompleteNRR (IROB)
STATUS:  This assessment was performed as part of the Operating Experience Task Force Report (ML033350063), which was issued November 26, 2003. Section 5 of this report concludes that the scope and adequacy of the requirements related to the licensee review of operating experience are currently acceptable. Inspection Pr ocedure 71152, "Identification and Resolution of Problems," is the key baseline procedure for evaluating licensee utilization of operating experienc e, and the Operating Task Force found that recent changes t o that procedure (Change Notice 03-032) enhanced NRC baseline inspection efforts.
LLTF No.LLTF RecommendationPriorityCategory Target Date Effectiveness Review Lead Org.8 3.3.1(1)Provide training and reinforce expectations to NRC managers and staff members to address the following
areas:  (1) maintaining a questioning attitude in the
conduct of inspection activities; (2) developing
inspection insights stemming from the DBNPS [Davis-
Besse Nuclear Power Station] event relative to
symptoms and indications of RCS [Reactor Coolant
System] leakage; (3) communicating expectations
regarding the inspection follow-up of the types of
problems that occurred at DBNPS; and

(4) maintaining an awareness of surroundings while
LLTF                                                                                                Target      Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation                        Priority      Category                                      Lead Org.
No.                                                                                                Date          Review 3.3.4(3)  Develop inspection guidance or revise existing                High          SCC        Complete      Not required    NRR (IIPB) guidance to ensure that VHP [vessel head penetration] nozzles and the RPV head area are periodically reviewed by the NRC during licensee ISI [inservice inspection] activities.
STATUS: TI2515/150, issued 08/03, provides interim inspection guidance for follow-up to Order EA-03-009.
IP 71111.08, Inservice Inspection Activities, was revised on 5/11/04 to add periodic inspection requirements and guidance for PWR vessel head penetration inspections. The effectiveness of these inspection procedures will be evaluated as part of LLTF 3.2.2(1) and a separate effectiveness review is not required.
3.3.4(8)   Encourage ASME [American Society of Mechanical                High          SCC        Complete      Not required    NRR (DCI)
Engineers] Code requirement changes for bare metal inspections of nickel based alloy nozzles for which the code does not require the removal of insulation for inspections. Also, encourage ASME Code requirement changes for the conduct of non-visual NDE [nondestructive examination] inspections of VHP nozzles.
Alternatively, revise 10 CFR 50.55a to address these areas.
STATUS: On February 11, 2003, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) issued Order EA-03-009, Interim Inspection Requirements for Reactor Pressure Vessel Heads at Pressurized Water Reactors. This order modified licensees licenses to require specific inspections of the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) upper head and associated penetration nozzles at pressurized water reactors. In response to internal review and stakeholder input, the NRC issued First Revised Order EA-03-009 (Order), on February 20, 2004, which refined the inspection requirements of NRC Order EA-03-009 by taking into account lessons learned from inspections performed from February 2003 to January 2004.
The staff reviewed the results of reactor pressure vessel (RPV) head inspections through Temporary Instruction 2515-150, "Reactor Pressure Vessel Head and Vessel Head Penetration Nozzles," October 18, 2002, (ADAMS Accession Number ML022940597), and through review of requests for relaxation from the requirements of Order EA-03-009 and First Revised Order EA-03-009. Permanent inspection guidelines were established through the issuance of ASME Code Case N 729-1, "Alternative Examination Requirements for PWR Reactor Vessel Upper Heads With Nozzles Having Pressure-Retaining Partial-Penetration Welds Section XI," which was incorporated into Title 10 of the Code of Federal 3

conducting inspections. Training requirements should
LLTF                                                                                                Target      Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation                        Priority  Category                                          Lead Org.
No.                                                                                                Date          Review Regulations (10 CFR) Paragraph 50.55a. The technical basis was provided in the Federal Register notice for the proposed rule to incorporate ASME Code Case N-729-1 into 10 CFR 50.55a (Volume 72, Number 65, pages 16731 - 16741, April 5, 2007). Use of Code Case N-729-1, with staff conditions, became mandatory on December 31, 2008. Code Case N-729-1 addresses inspection requirements for nozzle integrity as well as for potential boric acid corrosion of the reactor pressure vessel upper head.
Separately, the ASME Board on Nuclear Codes and Standards approved Code Case N-722, which recommends bare metal visual examination of all ASME Code Class 1 alloy 600/82/182 components at frequencies that depend on the temperature of the location. The NRC staff reviewed the adequacy of the requirements of Code Case N-722, along with Code Case N-729-1, and determined them to be acceptable to address potential boric acid corrosion. The technical basis was provided in the Federal Register notice for the proposed rule to incorporate ASME Code Cases N-722 and N 729-1 into 10 CFR 50.55a (Volume 72, Number 65, pages 16731 - 16741, April 5, 2007). The staff implemented regulations to address potential boric acid corrosion by incorporating ASME Code Case N-729-1 and N-722, with limitations, into 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(D) and 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(E), respectively. The requirements of 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(E) became mandatory on October 10, 2008.
3.1.4(1)    Determine if it is appropriate to continue using the      Medium        SCC          Complete      Not required      RES (DET) existing SCC models as a predictor of VHP nozzle PWSCC [primary water SCC] susceptibility given the apparent large uncertainties associated with the models. Determine whether additional analysis and testing are needed to reduce uncertainties in these models relative to their continued application in regulatory decision making.
STATUS: In its current form, the model is based on time and temperature effects alone and is adequate for prioritizing reactor VHP inspections.
It has been used in the development of inspection requirements in Order EA-03-009 and the bulletins that preceded it. Inspection results to date have been consistent with model predictions and do not indicate a need for revising the model in the near term. A report by the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, issued 7/21/03 (ML032461224 and ML032461221), identified refinements that could be made to the model. These improvements are not needed to satisfy this recommendation and will require research activities that are beyond the scope of the LLTF recommendation. The report will be issued in a NUREG together with the reports required for LLTF 3.1.1(1).
3.3.7(6)    Determine whether ISI summary reports should be              Low        SCC          Complete      Not Required      NRR submitted to the NRC, and revise the ASME                                                                              (DE/DLPM) submission requirement and staff guidance regarding disposition of the reports, as appropriate.

be evaluated to include the appropriate mix of formal
LLTF                                                                                                    Target        Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation                            Priority    Category                                          Lead Org.
No.                                                                                                    Date            Review STATUS: The staff has reviewed the uses of the ISI reports and concludes that it is appropriate to continue to have the reports submitted to the NRC, so that there is no need to revise the ASME requirements. In particular, the Regions use the ISI reports for inspection planning and to follow up on issues associated with inspection procedure IP 71111.08, Inservice Inspection Activities. In addition, the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research reviews the ISI reports to trend aging effects and material degradation, in order to develop recommendations for codes and standards activities.
The staff has determined, however, that the NRR practice of reviewing the ISI reports is unnecessary. In the future, the NRR staff will not review the ISI reports; rather, since the reports should still be submitted for other reasons, the reports will be available when it is determined that the NRR staff should use them as references in support of the operating experience program. No effectiveness review is required.

training and on-the-job training commensurate with
Category: Operating Experience LLTF                                                                                                            Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation                          Priority    Category    Target Date                        Lead Org.
No.                                                                                                                Review 3.1.6(1)  Take the following steps to address the effectiveness        High          OpE        Complete          Complete      NRR(IROB) of programs involving the review of operating                                                                            and RES experience: (1) evaluate the agencys capability to retain operating experience information and to perform longer-term operating experience reviews; (2) evaluate thresholds, criteria, and guidance for initiating generic communications; (3) evaluate opportunities for additional effectiveness and efficiency gains stemming from changes in organizational alignments (e.g., a centralized NRC operational experience clearing house);
(4) evaluate the effectiveness of the Generic Issues Program; and (5) evaluate the effectiveness of the internal dissemination of operating experience to end users.
STATUS: This action required the evaluation of various aspects of the agencys operating experience program. This action item became the foundation of the charter for to Operating Experience Task Force (OETF) [ML031200535]. The OETF documented its evaluation of items (1) through (5) of the recommendation in its report dated 11/26/03 (ML033350063). The OETF made 23 recommendations for improving the effectiveness of the agencys operating experience program that are currently being implemented in accordance with the Operating Experience Action Plan dated 4/29/04 (ML041180024).
3.1.6(2)  Update NRC operating experience guidance                      High          OpE        Complete          Complete      NRR (IROB) documents.                                                                                                              and RES STATUS: This LLTF recommendation is directed at the fact that Management Directive (MD) 8.5, Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data had not been updated since the dissolution of the Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data organization and the transfer of Operating Experience Program responsibilities to NRR and RES. However, NRR Office Instruction, LIC-401, NRR Operating Experience Program, was issued in March 2003 to reflect the current practices of NRRs Operating Experience Section located in the Division of Inspection Program Management.

experience. Mechanisms should be established to
LLTF                                                                                                              Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation                          Priority    Category    Target Date                        Lead Org.
No.                                                                                                                  Review As part of the Operating Experience Action Plan (ML041180024), which implemented the recommendations of the Operating Experience Task Force (ML033350063), the staff developed MD 8.7, Reactor Operating Experience Program (ML043570013, ML043570032) and Revision 1 to NRR Office Instruction, LIC-401 (ML043570075) as the framework for a new operating experience program.
On December 22, 2004, the Office Directors of NRR and RES authorized the staff to begin implementation of MD 8.7, in its draft form for one year prior to its final issuance. Also, the Director of NRR authorized implementation of NRR Office Instruction, LIC-401, Rev. 1, in draft form pending completion of final editing and administrative processing.
3.1.6(3)    Enhance the effectiveness of NRC processes for the            High          OpE        Complete          Complete      NRR (IROB) collection, review, assessment, storage, retrieval, and                                                                  and RES dissemination of foreign operating experience.
STATUS: At the time of this recommendation, foreign operating experience, such as that received through the IAEA Incident Reporting System (IRS), was only communicated and distributed in an ad hoc fashion. Today, it is a formal element of the NRC Operating Experience Section screening process and available on the internal web site.
NRR Office Instruction LIC-401, NRR Operating Experience Program, was issued on 3/31/03. This office instruction incorporates action to enhance the effectiveness and utilization of foreign operating experience within the Operating Experience Section. This process will be further enhanced upon implementation of the Operating Experience Action Plan (ML041180024). An overall effectiveness review will be performed approximately one year following implementation of the action plan.
3.2.4(1)    Assess the scope and adequacy of requirements                  High          OpE        Complete          Complete      NRR (IROB) governing licensee review of operating experience.
STATUS: This assessment was performed as part of the Operating Experience Task Force Report (ML033350063), which was issued November 26, 2003. Section 5 of this report concludes that the scope and adequacy of the requirements related to the licensee review of operating experience are currently acceptable. Inspection Procedure 71152, Identification and Resolution of Problems, is the key baseline procedure for evaluating licensee utilization of operating experience, and the Operating Task Force found that recent changes to that procedure (Change Notice 03-032) enhanced NRC baseline inspection efforts.

perpetuate these training requirements. HighOpECompleteCompleteNRR (IIPB)
LLTF                                                                                                                  Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation                              Priority    Category      Target Date                        Lead Org.
STATUS: The focus of this recommendation is on regional sta ff. The Inspection Program Branch developed a web-based training c ourse based on the Columbia Space Shuttle Accident to (1) illustrate the importance of maintaining a questioning attitude toward safety and the potential negative consequences that can occur when such a questioning attitude is lost or compromised; (2) provide examples of how issue s concerning an organization's safety culture can lead to technological failures; (3) provide insights into investigation techniques that ca n be used to assesssafety significant issues or events; and (4) illustrate the im portance of a robust corrective action program and highlight the corrective action program weaknesses that contributed to the shuttle accident.
No.                                                                                                                    Review 3.3.1(1)  Provide training and reinforce expectations to NRC              High            OpE          Complete        Complete      NRR (IIPB) managers and staff members to address the following areas: (1) maintaining a questioning attitude in the conduct of inspection activities; (2) developing inspection insights stemming from the DBNPS [Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station] event relative to symptoms and indications of RCS [Reactor Coolant System] leakage; (3) communicating expectations regarding the inspection follow-up of the types of problems that occurred at DBNPS; and (4) maintaining an awareness of surroundings while conducting inspections. Training requirements should be evaluated to include the appropriate mix of formal training and on-the-job training commensurate with experience. Mechanisms should be established to perpetuate these training requirements.
The Regions provided documentation that all managers and inspectors required to complete the training on the Columbia Accident had completed the training. In addition, IMC 1245, "Qualification Pr ogram for the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Programs,"
STATUS: The focus of this recommendation is on regional staff. The Inspection Program Branch developed a web-based training course based on the Columbia Space Shuttle Accident to (1) illustrate the importance of maintaining a questioning attitude toward safety and the potential negative consequences that can occur when such a questioning attitude is lost or compromised; (2) provide examples of how issues concerning an organizations safety culture can lead to technological failures; (3) provide insights into investigation techniques that can be used to assess safety significant issues or events; and (4) illustrate the importance of a robust corrective action program and highlight the corrective action program weaknesses that contributed to the shuttle accident.
was revised to include this web-based training program as an indi vidual study activity for future inspectors.
The Regions provided documentation that all managers and inspectors required to complete the training on the Columbia Accident had completed the training. In addition, IMC 1245, Qualification Program for the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Programs, was revised to include this web-based training program as an individual study activity for future inspectors.
The IMC 1245 Management Steering Group and IMC 1245 Working Group annually review the effectiveness of inspector training throu gh feedback forms submitted, results of the inspector oral boards , and regional experience. Improvements and revisions are recomm ended and implemented as appropriate. In addition, the Regions encour age a questioning attitude during semiannual inspector counterpart meetings, in newsletters discussing value-added findings, and during periodic reactor oversight proce ss refresher training. The training as sociated with thisrecommendation was effectively implemented in 2003 and will be continually reviewed as part of the inspector training program r eviews and regional management attention.
The IMC 1245 Management Steering Group and IMC 1245 Working Group annually review the effectiveness of inspector training through feedback forms submitted, results of the inspector oral boards, and regional experience. Improvements and revisions are recommended and implemented as appropriate. In addition, the Regions encourage a questioning attitude during semiannual inspector counterpart meetings, in newsletters discussing value-added findings, and during periodic reactor oversight process refresher training. The training associated with this recommendation was effectively implemented in 2003 and will be continually reviewed as part of the inspector training program reviews and regional management attention.
LLTF No.LLTF RecommendationPriorityCategory Target Date Effectiveness Review Lead Org.9 3.3.4(2)Strengthen inspection guidance pertaining to the periodic review of operating experience. HighOpECompleteCompleteNRR(IROB and IIPB)STATUS:  The inspection guidance pertaining to the periodic review of operating experience has been strengthened through the re vision of Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Procedure 71152 on 9/
8/03. This revision specifically requires the review, on a sampling basis, of the issues identified through the past NRC generic communicati ons. A fundamental goal of the NRC's reactor oversight proces s is to establish confidence that each licensee is detecting and correcting problems. This inspection procedure's purpose is to supple ment the other baseline inspection procedures and the performance indicators to provide assurance that licensees adequately identify and corre ct problems.
Issues identified through operating experience are an integral part of that assessment. 

The effectiveness of the changes to IP 71152 was reviewed by ve rifying that: (1) the planned procedure revisions were issued an d distributed to inspectors, (2) the latest version of the inspection procedur e was being used, (3) the inspection guidance pertaining to the pe riodic review of operating experience was strengthened, and (4) there were no uni ntended consequences. The staff reviewed 30 inspection reports that documented the results of completing IP 71152 inspections (fi fteen reports each from 2004 and 2005 with a mix from each of the four regions).
LLTF                                                                                                              Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation                          Priority      Category    Target Date                        Lead Org.
The review determined that the four criteria were met. In addition, a pilot inspection program conducted in 2005 resulted in e nhancements to the procedures for inspecting licensee use of operating experience in the design and engineering areas. The staff concluded that t he changes were effectively implemented and the inspection guidance pertaining to the periodic review of operating experience has been strength ened. IP 71152 will continue to be evaluated on an ongoing basis as part of the annual ROP self-assessment process.
No.                                                                                                                  Review 3.3.4(2)    Strengthen inspection guidance pertaining to the              High          OpE        Complete        Complete        NRR(IROB periodic review of operating experience.                                                                                  and IIPB)
3.3.5(1)Maintain expertise in the subject areas by ensuring that NRC inspector training includes: (1) boric acid
STATUS: The inspection guidance pertaining to the periodic review of operating experience has been strengthened through the revision of Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Procedure 71152 on 9/8/03. This revision specifically requires the review, on a sampling basis, of the issues identified through the past NRC generic communications. A fundamental goal of the NRCs reactor oversight process is to establish confidence that each licensee is detecting and correcting problems. This inspection procedures purpose is to supplement the other baseline inspection procedures and the performance indicators to provide assurance that licensees adequately identify and correct problems.
Issues identified through operating experience are an integral part of that assessment.
The effectiveness of the changes to IP 71152 was reviewed by verifying that: (1) the planned procedure revisions were issued and distributed to inspectors, (2) the latest version of the inspection procedure was being used, (3) the inspection guidance pertaining to the periodic review of operating experience was strengthened, and (4) there were no unintended consequences. The staff reviewed 30 inspection reports that documented the results of completing IP 71152 inspections (fifteen reports each from 2004 and 2005 with a mix from each of the four regions).
The review determined that the four criteria were met. In addition, a pilot inspection program conducted in 2005 resulted in enhancements to the procedures for inspecting licensee use of operating experience in the design and engineering areas. The staff concluded that the changes were effectively implemented and the inspection guidance pertaining to the periodic review of operating experience has been strengthened. IP 71152 will continue to be evaluated on an ongoing basis as part of the annual ROP self-assessment process.
3.3.5(1)   Maintain expertise in the subject areas by ensuring           High          OpE        Complete        Complete        NRR (IIPB) that NRC inspector training includes: (1) boric acid corrosion effects and control; and (2) PWSCC of nickel based alloy nozzles.
STATUS: Training modules on these topics have been included in the web-based training described under 3.3.1(1). The training focuses on the current NRC understanding and approach to monitoring boric acid corrosion and shows photographs of the Davis-Besse head and a cutaway drawing of the degradation.
A training module on the Effects of Corrosion, which includes both PWSCC and BACC, was completed by all current inspectors. Also, Inspection Manual Chapter (IMC) 1245, Qualification Program for the Office Of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Programs, Appendix B, General Proficiency-Level Training and Qualification Journal (ML041820014), was revised to include an individual study activity requiring all qualifying inspectors to review the technical subject web-based training, which includes the training on PWSCC and BACC, as well as future web-based training items.

corrosion effects and control; and (2) PWSCC of
LLTF                                                                                                                Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation                        Priority    Category      Target Date                        Lead Org.
No.                                                                                                                  Review This action was effectively implemented in 2004 and the Regions documented that all appropriate managers and inspectors completed the training. In the long term, the training was added to the IMC 1245 requirements. In addition, during 2005, the Inspection Program Branch will work with the Materials Engineering Branch of the Division of Engineering Technology in the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research to update the training material. The training associated with this recommendation will be continually reviewed as part of the inspector training program reviews and regional management attention.
3.1.2(1)  Revise NRC processes to require short-term and              Medium          OpE          Complete          Complete      NRR (IROB) long-term follow-on verification of licensee actions to address significant generic communications (i.e.,
bulletins and GLs).
STATUS: NRR Office Instruction LIC-503, Generic Communications Affecting Nuclear Reactor Licensees, was revised on 7/23/04. This revision incorporates actions to address the requirement for short-term and long-term follow-on verification of licensee actions to address significant generic communications. As part of the development of a bulletin or generic letter, LIC-503 requires the staff to determine what actions will be necessary for closure of the issue.
3.1.2(2)  Establish review guidance for accepting owners group        Medium          OpE          Complete          Complete      NRR and industry resolutions for generic communications                                                                        (DLPM, DE, and generic issues. Guidance should include                                                                                DSSA) provisions for verifying implementation of activities by individual owners groups and licensees.
STATUS: NRR Office Instruction LIC-503, Generic Communications Affecting Nuclear Reactor Licensees, was revised in July 2004 to include guidance regarding review of owners group and industry resolution to generic communications. Guidance for acceptance review was added to the sections addressing origin and closeout of generic communications. The revision requires the staff to establish review guidance for accepting owners group and industry proposals during the preparation of a generic communication and to establish criteria for accepting owners group and industry resolutions during closeout. NRR Office Instruction LIC-105, Managing Regulatory Commitments Made by Licensees to the NRC, was revised in August 2004 to include guidance on accepting regulatory commitments made by third parties such as owners groups.
With regard to verification, LIC-503 requires an assessment of the method to be used for verifying licensee responses during the development of a generic communication. One method is by use of a temporary instruction (TI) and guidance for the preparation of a TI is provided. An alternative to a TI is verification of licensee responses through DLPM Project Managers audits of regulatory commitments, conducted in accordance with LIC-105. LIC-105 provides detailed guidance for conducting the audits. LIC-105 also directs lead PMs for generic communications to provide guidance for verification of owners group or industry commitments in conducting periodic audits, if they were accepted in response to the generic communication, and directs PMs to review generic communication guidance in the selection of the audit 10

nickel based alloy nozzles. HighOpECompleteCompleteNRR (IIPB)
LLTF                                                                                                             Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation                          Priority      Category      Target Date                       Lead Org.
STATUS:  Training modules on these topics have been included in the web-based training described under 3.3.1(1). The training focuses on the current NRC understanding and approach to monitoring boric acid corrosion and shows photographs of the Davis-Besse head and a c utaway drawing of the degradation.
No.                                                                                                                 Review sample.
A training module on the "Effects of Corrosion," which includes bot h PWSCC and BACC, was completed by all current inspectors.
The Commitment Management Program, section of the DLPM Handbook provides an overview of DLPM management expectations and NRR staff guidance for handling regulatory commitments made by licensees for commercial nuclear reactors, and provides a link to LIC-105.
Also, Inspection Manual Chapter (IMC) 1245, "Qualification Program fo r the Office Of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Programs," Appendix B , "General Proficiency-Level Training and Qualificat ion Journal" (ML041820014), was revised to incl ude an individual study activity requir ing all qualifying inspectors to review the technical subject web-based training, which includes the training on PWSCC and BACC, as well as future web-based training items.
The target date for the effectiveness review was extended to allow a full year of experience with the new procedures before starting the review.
LLTF No.LLTF RecommendationPriorityCategory Target Date Effectiveness Review Lead Org.10 This action was effectively implemented in 2004 and the Regions documented that all appropriate managers and inspectors complet ed the training. In the long term, the training was added to the IMC 1245 requirements. In addition, during 2005, the Inspection Pro gram Branch will work with the Materials Engineering Branch of the Division of E ngineering Technology in the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Resear ch to update the training material. The training associated with this recommendation will be continually reviewed as part of the inspector training program reviews and regional management attention.
3.1.2(5)   Conduct follow-on verification of licensee actions         Medium            OpE        Complete      Not Required    NRR (IROB, associated with a sample of other significant generic                                                                       IIPB) communications, with emphasis on those involving generic communication actions that are primarily programmatic in nature.
3.1.2(1)Revise NRC processes to require short-term and long-term follow-on verification of licensee actions to
STATUS: A task force performed a screening process of candidate generic communications in 07/03 using criteria approved by management.
Selection of generic communications and focus areas was completed in 11/03 following management review and input on priorities. Verification plan was presented to NRR LT in 12/03 and revised to address comments. Five focus areas were initially identified. All but one (Service Water) were being addressed by other initiatives. Through TI 2515/159 (issued 7/29/04) a sample review of three plants in each region was conducted to verify licensee actions in response to GL 89-13, Service Water Problems Affecting Safety-Related Equipment. In addition, a follow-up to RIS 2004-05, Grid Reliability and the Impact on Plant Risk and the Operability of Offsite Power, was conducted through TI 2515/156 to determine if the RIS accomplished its purpose of raising industry awareness of the potential impacts of grid operation on nuclear power plants.
address significant generic communications (i.e.,
The staff concluded that GL 89-13 was generally effective in addressing issues associated with service water systems, although some isolated deficiencies exist and licensees continue to address operational issues. The staff believes that the effectiveness of this GL was enhanced by the comprehensive follow-on NRC inspections after the issuance of the GL and by the ongoing inspection program oversight. Additionally, TI2515/159 was an effective method for assessing GL 89-13 effectiveness.
bulletins and GLs).MediumOpECompleteCompleteNRR (IROB)
STATUS:  NRR Office Instruction LIC-503, "Generic Communications Affecting Nuclear Reactor Licensees," was revised on 7/23/04.
This revision incorporates actions to address the requirement fo r short-term and long-term follow-on verification of licensee action s to address significant generic communications. As part of the development of a bulletin or generic letter, LIC-503 requires the staff to determine whatactions will be necessary for closure of the issue.
3.1.2(2)Establish review guidance for accepting owners group and industry resolutions for generic communications
and generic issues. Guidance should include
provisions for verifying implementation of activities by
individual owners groups and licensees.MediumOpEComplete CompleteNRR (DLPM, DE, DSSA)STATUS:  NRR Office Instruction LIC-503, "Generic Communications Affecting Nuclear Reactor Licensees," was revised in July 2004 to include guidance regarding review of owners group and industry resolution to generic communications. Guidance for acceptance review wa s added to the sections addressing origin and closeout of generic communicati ons. The revision requires the staff to establish review gui dance for accepting owners group and industry proposals during the preparation of a generic communication and to establish criteria for a ccepting ownersgroup and industry resolutions during closeout. NRR Office Instruction LIC-105, "Managing Regulatory Commitments Made by Licen sees to the NRC," was revised in August 2004 to include guidance on accepting regulatory commitments made by third parties such as owners g roups.
With regard to verification, LIC-503 requires an assessment of the method to be used for verifying licensee responses during th e development of a generic communication. One method is by use of a temporary instruction (TI) and guidance for the preparation of a TI is prov ided. An alternative to a TI is verification of licensee responses thr ough DLPM Project Managers' audits of regulatory commitments, cond ucted in accordance with LIC-105. LIC-105 provides detailed guidance fo r conducting the audits. LIC-105 also directs lead PMs for gene ric communications to provide guidance for verification of owners group or industry commitments in conducting periodic audits, if t hey were accepted in response to the generic communication, and directs PM s to review generic communication guidance in the selection of the audit LLTF No.LLTF RecommendationPriorityCategory Target Date Effectiveness Review Lead Org.11 sample. The "Commitment Management Program," section of the DLPM Handbook provides an overview of DLPM management expectations and NRR staff guidance for handling regulatory commitments made by licensees for commercial nuclear reactors, and provides a link to LI C-105.The target date for the effectiveness review was extended to allow a full year of experience with the new procedures before sta rting the review.
3.1.2(5)Conduct follow-on verification of licensee actions associated with a sample of other significant generic
communications, with emphasis on those involving
generic communication actions that are primarily
programmatic in nature.MediumOpECompleteNot RequiredNRR (IROB, IIPB)STATUS: A task force performed a screening process of candidate generic communications in 07/03 using criteria approved by man agement. Selection of generic communications and focus areas was comple ted in 11/03 following management review and input on priorities.
Verificationplan was presented to NRR LT in 12/03 and revised to address comments. Five focus areas were initially identified. All but on e (Service Water) were being addressed by other initiatives. Through TI 2515/159 (i ssued 7/29/04) a sample review of three plants in each region was conducted to verify licensee actions in response to GL 89-13, "Service Wa ter Problems Affecting Safety-Related Equipment.In addition, a follow-up toRIS 2004-05, "Grid Reliability and the Impact on Plant Risk and the Operability of Offsite Power," was conducted through TI 251 5/156 to determine if the RIS accomplished its purpose of raising industr y awareness of the potential impacts of grid operation on nucle ar power plants.
The staff concluded that GL 89-13 was generally effective in addr essing issues associated with service water systems, although some isolated deficiencies exist and licensees continue to address operational iss ues. The staff believes that the effectiveness of this GL was enhanced by the comprehensive follow-on NRC inspections after the issuance of the GL and by the ongoing inspection program oversight. Additionally, TI2515/159 was an effective method for assessing GL 89-13 effectiveness.
The staff concluded that RIS 2004-05 was effective in informing licensees of NRC expectations in the area of offsite power in a timely manner.
The staff concluded that RIS 2004-05 was effective in informing licensees of NRC expectations in the area of offsite power in a timely manner.
Additionally, TI 2515/156 was an effective method of collecting additional operational data.
Additionally, TI 2515/156 was an effective method of collecting additional operational data.
LLTF No.LLTF RecommendationPriorityCategory Target Date Effectiveness Review Lead Org.12 3.1.3(2)Conduct follow-on verification of licensee actions pertaining to a sample of resolved GIs.MediumOpECompleteNot RequiredNRR (DLPM, IIPB)STATUS:  The staff obtained a list of all resolved GIs, which i ndicated that 20 GIs have been resolved since 1983. All but thr ee of these were resolved by issuance of generic communications (GCs). One rema ining issue was resolved by plant-specific backfits, and two wer e closed without further action. Thus, a follow-on verification of re solved GIs would essentially require a verification of GCs.
However, a follow-on verification of GCs was conducted separately in response to LLTF Item 3.1.2(5), which selected GCs for review by a screening process of all GCs that considered safety significanc e, risk significance, functional area and other factors, and inc luded input from theNRR, RES and Region Offices in establishing priority for follow-up. Only two of the 19 GCs used to resolve GIs matched those i n the final priority list determined for LLTF Item 3.1.2(5), and one of these is the subject of one of the TIs being used to close out LLTF 3.1.2(5). It was concluded that the response to LLTF 3.1.3(2) would be effectivel y implemented by the completion of LLTF 3.1.2(5) and a separate sampling activity was unnecessary.
3.2.3(1)Review a sample of NRC safety evaluations ofowners' group submissions to identify whether
intended actions that supported the bases of the NRC's conclusions were effectively implemented.MediumOpECompleteNot RequiredNRR (DLPM, IIPB)STATUS:  The basis for this recommendation was a 1993 request from the NRC to pressurized-water reactor owners groups to provid e a safety evaluation (SE) documenting why no unreviewed safety question exis ted for Alloy 600 nozzle cracking. The Babcock & Wilcox (B&W) Owners Group provided a report that included a statement that B&W plant s had developed plans to visually inspect control rod drive noz zles for boric acid deposits. The applicable commitment was not effectively incorporated at Davis-Besse.
In general, the NRC staff does not accept owners' group commi tments on behalf of licensees, and it appears that the particular example cited as the basis for Davis-Besse LLTF recommendation 3.2.3(1) was unique.
The DLPM lead project managers for each of the owners' grou ps, through individual research and discussion with their respective vendors, were unable to identify any other NRC SEs of owners g roup submissions related to a generic issue that required an action to be implemented by industry. The NRR technical staff also sta ted that they did not know of any documentation of this nature.Therefore, after a thorough search by the owners group lead pr oject managers, vendors, and NRR technical staff, it was conclude d that other SEs similar to the one described in the recommendation are not available, and LLTF 3.2.3(1) was closed.
3.2.3(2)Develop general inspection guidance for the periodicMediumOpECompleteCompleteNRR LLTF No.LLTF RecommendationPriorityCategory Target Date Effectiveness Review Lead Org.13 verification of the implementation of owners groups' commitments made on behalf of their members.(DLPM, IIPB)STATUS:  NRR Office Instruction LIC-503, "Generic Communications Affecting Nuclear Reactor Licensees," was revised in July 2004 to include guidance regarding review of owners group and industry resolution to generic communications. Guidance for acceptance review wa s added to the sections addressing origin and closeout of generic communicati ons. The revision requires the staff to establish review gui dance for accepting owners group and industry proposals during the preparation of a generic communication and to establish criteria for a ccepting ownersgroup and industry resolutions during closeout. NRR Office Instruction LIC-105, "Managing Regulatory Commitments Made by Licen sees to the NRC," was revised in August 2004 to include guidance on accepting regulatory commitments made by third parties such as owners g roups.
With regard to verification, LIC-503 requires an assessment of the method to be used for verifying licensee responses during th e development of a generic communication. One method is by use of a temporary instruction (TI) and guidance for the preparation of a TI is prov ided. An alternative to a TI is verification of licensee responses thr ough DLPM Project Managers' audits of regulatory commitments, cond ucted in accordance with LIC-105. LIC-105 provides detailed guidance fo r conducting the audits. LIC-105 also directs lead PMs for gene ric communications to provide guidance for verification of owners group or industry commitments in conducting periodic audits, if t hey were accepted in response to the generic communication, and directs PM s to review generic communication guidance in the selection of the audit sample. The "Commitment Management Program," section of the DLPM Handbook provides an overview of DLPM management expectations and NRR staff guidance for handling regulatory commitments made by licensees for commercial nuclear reactors, and provides a link to LI C-105.The target date for the effectiveness review was extended to allow a full year of experience with the new procedures before sta rting the review.
3.1.2(3)Establish process guidance to ensure that generic requirements or guidance are not inappropriately

affected when making unrelated changes to
LLTF                                                                                                                  Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation                          Priority      Category      Target Date                        Lead Org.
No.                                                                                                                    Review 3.1.3(2)    Conduct follow-on verification of licensee actions          Medium            OpE          Complete      Not Required        NRR pertaining to a sample of resolved GIs.                                                                                      (DLPM, IIPB)
STATUS: The staff obtained a list of all resolved GIs, which indicated that 20 GIs have been resolved since 1983. All but three of these were resolved by issuance of generic communications (GCs). One remaining issue was resolved by plant-specific backfits, and two were closed without further action. Thus, a follow-on verification of resolved GIs would essentially require a verification of GCs.
However, a follow-on verification of GCs was conducted separately in response to LLTF Item 3.1.2(5), which selected GCs for review by a screening process of all GCs that considered safety significance, risk significance, functional area and other factors, and included input from the NRR, RES and Region Offices in establishing priority for follow-up. Only two of the 19 GCs used to resolve GIs matched those in the final priority list determined for LLTF Item 3.1.2(5), and one of these is the subject of one of the TIs being used to close out LLTF 3.1.2(5). It was concluded that the response to LLTF 3.1.3(2) would be effectively implemented by the completion of LLTF 3.1.2(5) and a separate sampling activity was unnecessary.
3.2.3(1)    Review a sample of NRC safety evaluations of                Medium            OpE          Complete      Not Required        NRR owners group submissions to identify whether                                                                                (DLPM, intended actions that supported the bases of the                                                                              IIPB)
NRCs conclusions were effectively implemented.
STATUS: The basis for this recommendation was a 1993 request from the NRC to pressurized-water reactor owners groups to provide a safety evaluation (SE) documenting why no unreviewed safety question existed for Alloy 600 nozzle cracking. The Babcock & Wilcox (B&W) Owners Group provided a report that included a statement that B&W plants had developed plans to visually inspect control rod drive nozzles for boric acid deposits. The applicable commitment was not effectively incorporated at Davis-Besse.
In general, the NRC staff does not accept owners group commitments on behalf of licensees, and it appears that the particular example cited as the basis for Davis-Besse LLTF recommendation 3.2.3(1) was unique. The DLPM lead project managers for each of the owners groups, through individual research and discussion with their respective vendors, were unable to identify any other NRC SEs of owners group submissions related to a generic issue that required an action to be implemented by industry. The NRR technical staff also stated that they did not know of any documentation of this nature.
Therefore, after a thorough search by the owners group lead project managers, vendors, and NRR technical staff, it was concluded that other SEs similar to the one described in the recommendation are not available, and LLTF 3.2.3(1) was closed.
3.2.3(2)    Develop general inspection guidance for the periodic        Medium            OpE          Complete        Complete      NRR 12

processes, guidance, etc. (e.g., deleting inspection
LLTF                                                                                                            Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation                        Priority      Category      Target Date                      Lead Org.
No.                                                                                                                Review verification of the implementation of owners groups                                                                    (DLPM, commitments made on behalf of their members.                                                                            IIPB)
STATUS: NRR Office Instruction LIC-503, Generic Communications Affecting Nuclear Reactor Licensees, was revised in July 2004 to include guidance regarding review of owners group and industry resolution to generic communications. Guidance for acceptance review was added to the sections addressing origin and closeout of generic communications. The revision requires the staff to establish review guidance for accepting owners group and industry proposals during the preparation of a generic communication and to establish criteria for accepting owners group and industry resolutions during closeout. NRR Office Instruction LIC-105, Managing Regulatory Commitments Made by Licensees to the NRC, was revised in August 2004 to include guidance on accepting regulatory commitments made by third parties such as owners groups.
With regard to verification, LIC-503 requires an assessment of the method to be used for verifying licensee responses during the development of a generic communication. One method is by use of a temporary instruction (TI) and guidance for the preparation of a TI is provided. An alternative to a TI is verification of licensee responses through DLPM Project Managers audits of regulatory commitments, conducted in accordance with LIC-105. LIC-105 provides detailed guidance for conducting the audits. LIC-105 also directs lead PMs for generic communications to provide guidance for verification of owners group or industry commitments in conducting periodic audits, if they were accepted in response to the generic communication, and directs PMs to review generic communication guidance in the selection of the audit sample.
The Commitment Management Program, section of the DLPM Handbook provides an overview of DLPM management expectations and NRR staff guidance for handling regulatory commitments made by licensees for commercial nuclear reactors, and provides a link to LIC-105.
The target date for the effectiveness review was extended to allow a full year of experience with the new procedures before starting the review.
3.1.2(3)  Establish process guidance to ensure that generic              Low          OpE          Complete      Complete        NRR (IIPB) requirements or guidance are not inappropriately affected when making unrelated changes to processes, guidance, etc. (e.g., deleting inspection procedures that were developed in response to a generic issue).
STATUS: Language was added to IMC 0040, Preparing, Revising and Issuing Documents for the NRC Inspection Manual to ensure that inspection requirements are not removed that were previously inserted to emphasize licensee performance in areas identified in a Generic Letter or Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Bulletin (IMC 0040, Change Notice 04-003, ADAMS Accession # ML040690184, dated 2/2/04). This is a permanent modification to the NRC Inspection Manual, applicable to all changes.

procedures that were developed in response to a
LLTF                                                                                                            Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation                          Priority    Category    Target Date                      Lead Org.
No.                                                                                                                Review The revised Manual Chapter requires that the previous four (4) years of changes be reviewed. An effectiveness review determined that this is a sufficient period of time to consider.
3.1.3(1)    Evaluate, and revise as necessary, the guidance for          Low            OpE        Complete        Complete          RES proposing candidate GIs.
STATUS: The staff has completed an evaluation of the guidance for proposing candidate Generic Issues (GIs) in Management Directive (MD) 6.4, Generic Issues Program. A revision of the Handbook 6.4 to address the DBLLTF recommendation to enhance and simplify the process was completed by 10/04 and inter-office/regional review and comments were obtained in accordance with MD 1.1, NRC Management Directive System. That action met the intent of DBLLTF recommendation and closed out this task.
3.3.4(7)    Reassess the basis for the cancellation of the                Low            OpE        Complete      Not required    NRR (IIPB) inspection procedures that were deleted by Inspection Manual Chapter, Change Notice 01-017 to determine whether there are deleted inspection procedures that have continuing applicability. Reactivate such procedures, as appropriate.
STATUS: A review of 80 procedures deleted by Change Notice CN01-017 was conducted to determine if there were any deleted inspection procedures that have continuing applicability. Four inspection procedures were determined to have continuing applicability and were reactivated. These were IP56700, Calibration, IP82201, Emergency Detection and Classification, IP82202, Protective Action Decision Making, and IP90700, Feedback of Operating Experience Information at Operating Power Reactors. This action was essentially an effectiveness review of the previous decision and no additional effectiveness review is required. The procedures will be evaluated as part of the annual ROP self-assessment.

generic issue).LowOpECompleteCompleteNRR (IIPB)
Category: Inspection Programs LLTF                                                                                                                  Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation                            Priority    Category      Target Date                          Lead Org.
STATUS: Language was added to IMC 0040, "Preparing, Revising and I ssuing Documents for the NRC Inspection Manual" to ensure th at inspection requirements are not removed that were previously inserted to emphasize licensee performance in areas identified in a Generic Letteror Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Bulletin (IMC 0040, Change Notice 04-003, ADAMS Accession # ML040690184, dated 2/2/04).
No.                                                                                                                      Review 3.2.5(2)   Revise inspection guidance to provide assessments              High          Insp        Complete          Complete        NRR (IIPB) of: (1) the safety implications of long-standing, unresolved problems; (2) corrective actions phased in over several years or refueling outages; and (3) deferred modifications.
This is a permanent modification to the NRC Inspection Manual, applicable to all changes.
STATUS: Inspection Procedure (IP) 71152, Identification and Resolution of Problems, was revised to require the resident inspector to perform a screening review of each item entered into the corrective action program. The intent of this review is to be alert to conditions such as repetitive equipment failures or human performance issues that might warrant additional follow-up through other baseline inspection procedures. IP 71152 was also revised to require a semi-annual review to identify trends that might indicate the existence of a more significant safety issue. Included within the scope of this review are repetitive or closely related issues that may have been documented by the licensee outside the normal corrective action program, such as in trend reports or performance indicators, major equipment problem lists, repetitive and/or rework maintenance lists, departmental problem/challenges lists, system health reports, quality assurance audit/surveillance reports, self-assessment reports, maintenance rule assessments, or corrective action backlog lists.
LLTF No.LLTF RecommendationPriorityCategory Target Date Effectiveness Review Lead Org.14 The revised Manual Chapter requires that the previous four (4) years of changes be reviewed. An effectiveness review determine d that this is a sufficient period of time to consider.
To address the issue of deferred modifications, the staff revised IP 71111.15, Operability Evaluations. The objective of this procedure is to review operability evaluations affecting mitigating systems and barrier integrity to ensure that operability is properly justified and the component or system remains available, such that no unrecognized increase in risk has occurred. The procedure was revised to include deferred modifications as one of the areas an inspector can assess to ensure that structures, systems, and components are capable of performing their design function.
3.1.3(1)Evaluate, and revise as necessary, the guidance for proposing candidate GIs.LowOpECompleteCompleteRES STATUS:  The staff has completed an evaluation of the guidance for proposing candidate Generic Issues (GIs) in Management Direc tive (MD)6.4, "Generic Issues Program."  A revision of the Handbook 6.4 to address the DBLLTF recommendation to enhance and simplify the processwas completed by 10/04 and inter-office/regional review and comments were obtained in accordance with MD 1.1, "NRC Management D irective System."  That action met the intent of DBLLTF recommendation and closed out this task.
The effectiveness of the changes to IP 71152 was discussed during a problem identification and resolution focus group meeting held on March 11, 2005. The consensus of the group members was that the changes have resulted in no unintended consequences, have reinforced expectations that inspectors have a questioning attitude, and provide a method for highlighting issues that might be indicative of a more significant problem. In addition, semiannual trend reviews have successfully identified negative equipment trends. In some cases, these negative trends may not have been documented if the inspection guidance had not been changed. There has been some feedback from inspectors requesting additional guidance on how to conduct the semiannual trend reviews. The inspection guidance in this area was deliberately kept non-prescriptive to afford inspectors ample opportunities to follow up on issues that might not fit well elsewhere in the inspection program. Overall, the changes were effectively implemented and addressed the recommendations. IP 71152 will continue to be evaluated on an ongoing basis as part of the annual ROP assessment process.
3.3.4(7)Reassess the basis for the cancellation of the inspection procedures that were deleted by Inspection

Manual Chapter, Change Notice 01-017 to determine
LLTF                                                                                                            Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation                          Priority    Category      Target Date                    Lead Org.
No.                                                                                                              Review 3.3.5(4)  Develop guidance to address the impacts of IMC 0350          High          Insp        Complete      Complete      NRR (IIPB) implementation on the regional organizational alignment and resource allocation.
STATUS: The Inspection Program Branch completed an evaluation of the IMC 0350, Oversight of Operating Reactor Facilities in a Shutdown Condition with Performance Problems, process in June 2003, (ML031890873). It identified the need for specifically budgeting resources for IMC 0350 inspections and providing prescriptive inspection guidelines for the process. The budget estimate was increased for FY2005 and beyond (ML033010385) to account for one IMC 0350 plant per year. IMC 0350 was revised in December 2003, to provide additional inspection guidelines.
Davis-Besse remained the only plant under the IMC 0350 process during CY 2004. At the time of the effectiveness review, no additional plants had been considered for IMC 0350 oversight since the implementation of the DBLLTF recommendations. However, feedback from the Davis-Besse Oversight Panel and other stakeholders indicated that the procedural and budgetary changes have been generally effective in addressing the concerns noted by the DBLLTF, particularly in the allocation of resources and implementation of the comprehensive inspection and oversight guidance. In addition, in accordance with the guidance in IMC 0350, the Davis-Besse Oversight Panel is developing a report of recommended improvements to the process based on additional lessons learned. Accordingly, the staff will revise IMC 0350 in CY 2005 to address these recommendations and further improve the process. The IMC 0350 process, including these procedural and budgetary changes, will also continue to be evaluated for efficiency and effectiveness as part of the annual ROP self-assessment process.
3.3.7(2)  Establish guidance to ensure that decisions to allow          High          Insp        Complete      Complete          NRR deviations from agency guidelines and                                                                                    (DLPM) recommendations issued in generic communications are adequately documented.
STATUS: Guidance on documenting decision making and a training package containing applicable reference material were issued through a DLPM Handbook update and placed on the Project Managers web site in 02/03. In 04/03, the NRR Director distributed the training package to other NRR divisions by e-mail, and the Deputy EDO for Reactor Programs forwarded it by memorandum (ML030300106) to other offices and the regions.
Office Instruction LIC-503, Generic Communications Affecting Nuclear Reactor Licensees, issued in 06/03, contains guidance on documenting review and closeout of generic communications. A revision in 07/04 added the specific requirement for documenting the basis for allowing deviations from generic communications.

whether there are deleted inspection procedures that
LLTF                                                                                                                Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation                          Priority      Category        Target Date                      Lead Org.
No.                                                                                                                    Review The intent of the LLTF 3.3.7(2) was met by the above actions. An effectiveness review of distributing the guidance indicated a need for refresher training for licensing Project Managers. This was conducted at DLPM staff meetings in 06/04 and 03/05. The guidance has also been included in the Project Manager qualification program, so all new PMs will be made aware of the requirements. An effectiveness review for generic communication closeout recommended more specific guidance in LIC-503, which was added in the 07/04 revision.
3.2.5(1)    Develop inspection guidance to assess scheduler            Medium            Insp        Complete        Complete      NRR (IIPB) influences on outage work scope.
STATUS: Operability of plant structures, systems, and components was considered to be the fundamental operative regulatory requirement.
Therefore, Inspection Procedure (IP) 71111.15, Operability Evaluations, was modified (IP 71111.15, Change Notice 04-003, ML040690184, dated 2/2/04) to include deferred modifications (potentially deferred due to outage scheduler pressure as well as other reasons) as part of the population of items from which to sample for the adequacy of a licensees process for ensuring operability of all plant systems by surveillance and continuous monitoring. In addition, existing IP 71111.20, Refueling and Other Outage Activities assesses the adequacy of the licensees actions to mitigate and control the changes in plant risk during outage activities. The effectiveness of the regional implementation of these inspection procedures are evaluated annually and the results are documented in the annual Reactor Oversight Process self assessment SECY paper.
The staffs review of inspection results and region feedback regarding implementation of these changes did not identify any implementation issues or findings resulting from the IP revisions. IPs 71111.15 and 71111.20 will continue to be evaluated on an ongoing basis as part of the annual ROP assessment process and as part of the procedure feedback process in accordance with IMC 0801, Reactor Oversight Process Feedback Program.
3.3.1(2)    Develop inspection guidance to assess repetitive or        Medium            Insp        Complete        Complete      NRR (IIPB) multiple TS action statement entries, as well as, the radiation dose implications associated with repetitive tasks.
STATUS: IMC 2515, Appendix D, Plant Status, was revised in 05/04 to evaluate licensee actions when operating with multiple or repetitive or unplanned Technical Specification (TS) action statements, and included inspection guidance for assessing radiation dose implications associated with repetitive tasks. These procedure changes were reviewed and commented on by the regional staff and approved for implementation.

have continuing applicability. Reactivate such
LLTF                                                                                                             Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation                        Priority      Category      Target Date                       Lead Org.
No.                                                                                                                 Review The staffs review of inspection results and feedback from each Region regarding the implementation of these changes indicates that the licensees were neither operating with excessive repetitive or multiple TS action statement entries nor causing any significant radiation dose to workers as a result of repetitive tasks. The licensees actions were consistent with TS requirements and occupational radiation exposure guidance. No implementation issues or findings were identified in this area. IMC 2515 will continue to be evaluated on an ongoing basis as part of the annual ROP assessment process and as part of the procedure feedback process in accordance with IMC 0801.
procedures, as appropriate.LowOpECompleteNot requiredNRR (IIPB)
3.3.3(1)   As an additional level of assurance, identify alternative   Medium          Insp          Complete      Complete        NRR (IIPB) mechanisms to independently assess plant performance as a means of self-assessing NRC processes. Once identified, the feasibility of such mechanisms should be determined.
STATUS:  A review of 80 procedures deleted by Change Notice CN 01-017 was conducted to determine if there were any deleted inspe ctionprocedures that have continuing applicability. Four inspection procedures were determined to have continuing applicability and were reactivated. These were IP56700, "Calibration," IP82201, "Eme rgency Detection and Classification," IP82202, "Protective Action Decision Making," and IP90700, "Feedback of Operating Experience Information at Operating Power Reactors."  This action was essentially an effectiveness review of the previous decision and no additional e ffectiveness review is required. The procedures will be evalu ated as part of the annual ROP self-assessment.
STATUS: The staff researched plant assessments performed by independent parties and identified two (Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that could be used as a means of self-assessing the NRC inspection and plant performance assessment process. Inspection Manual Chapter (IMC) 0305, Operating Reactor Assessment Program, was revised on December 21, 2004 (ML043560249), to include consideration of these independent assessments during the mid-cycle and end-of-cycle assessment preparations. During the assessment preparations, the staff will determine if there are possible plant performance deficiencies not identified by the NRC, and if so, make a determination if baseline inspection resources should be directed to evaluate the possible deficiencies.
15Category:  Inspection Programs LLTF No.LLTF RecommendationPriorityCategory Target Date Effectiveness Review Lead Org.3.2.5(2)Revise inspection guidance to provide assessments of:  (1) the safety implications of long-standing, unresolved problems; (2) corrective actions phased in
over several years or refueling outages; and
(3) deferred modifications.HighInspCompleteCompleteNRR (IIPB)
STATUS:  Inspection Procedure (IP) 71152, "Identification and Resolu tion of Problems," was revised to require the resident insp ector to perform a screening review of each item entered into the corrective action pr ogram. The intent of this review is to be alert to condit ions such as repetitive equipment failures or human performance issues that might warr ant additional follow-up through other baseline inspection proced ures. IP 71152 was also revised to require a semi-annual review to identify trends that might indicate the existence of a more significant saf ety issue. Included within the scope of this review are repetitive or closely re lated issues that may have been documented by the licensee outside the normal corrective action program, such as in trend reports or perform ance indicators, major equipment problem lists, repetitive and/or reworkmaintenance lists, departmental problem/challenges lists, system health reports, quality assurance audit/surveillance reports, self-assessment reports, maintenance rule assessments, or corrective action backlog lists.
To address the issue of deferred modifications, the staff revised IP 71111.15, "Operability Evaluations."  The objective of thi s procedure is toreview operability evaluations affecting mitigating systems and barrier integrity to ensure that operability is properly justif ied and the component or system remains available, such that no unrecognized increas e in risk has occurred. The procedure was revised to include def erred modifications as one of the areas an inspector can assess to ensure that structures, systems, and components are capable of per forming their design function.
The effectiveness of the changes to IP 71152 was discussed during a problem identification and resolution focus group meeting h eld on March 11, 2005. The consensus of the group members was t hat the changes have resulted in no unintended consequences, have rein forced expectations that inspectors have a questioning attitude, and prov ide a method for highlighting i ssues that might be indicative of a more significant problem. In addition, semiannual trend reviews have successfully identified negative equipment trends. In some ca ses, these negative trends may not have been documented if the inspection guidance had not been changed. There has been some feedback fro m inspectors requesting additional guidance on how to conduct the semiannual trend reviews. The inspection guidance in this area was deliberately kept non-prescriptive to afford inspectors ample opportunities to follow up on issues that might not fit well else where in the inspection program. Overall, the changes were effectively implemented and addressed the recommendations. IP 71152 will contin ue to be evaluated on an ongoing basis as part of the annual ROP assessment process.
LLTF No.LLTF RecommendationPriorityCategory Target Date Effectiveness Review Lead Org.16 3.3.5(4)Develop guidance to address the impacts of IMC 0350 implementation on the regional organizational
alignment and resource allocation.HighInspCompleteCompleteNRR (IIPB)
STATUS:  The Inspection Program Branch completed an evaluation of the IMC 0350, "Oversight of Operating Reactor Facilities in a Shutdown Condition with Performance Problems," process in June 2003, (ML031890873). It identified the need for specifically budgeting r esources for IMC 0350 inspections and providing prescriptive inspection guideli nes for the process. The budget estimate was increased for F Y2005 and beyond (ML033010385) to account for one IMC 0350 plant per year. IMC 0350 was revised in December 2003, to provide additional inspection guidelines.
Davis-Besse remained the only plant under the IMC 0350 process duri ng CY 2004. At the time of the effectiveness review, no add itional plants had been considered for IMC 0350 oversight since the implementation of the DBLLTF recommendations. However, feedback from the Davis-Besse Oversight Panel and other stakeholders indicated that the procedural and budgetary changes have been generally effective in addressing the concerns noted by the DBLLTF, particularly in the allocati on of resources and implementation of the comprehensive inspectio n and oversight guidance. In addition, in accordance with the guidance in IMC 0350, the Davis-Besse Oversight Panel is developing a report of recommended improvements to the process based on additional lessons learned. Accordingly, the staff will revise IMC 0350 in CY 2005 to add ress these recommendations and further improve the process. The IMC 0350 process, including these procedural and budgetary changes, will also continue to be evaluated for efficiency and effectiveness as part of the annual ROP self-assessment process.
3.3.7(2)Establish guidance to ensure that decisions to allow deviations from agency guidelines and
recommendations issued in generic communications
are adequately documented.
HighInspCompleteCompleteNRR (DLPM)STATUS:  Guidance on documenting decision making and a training pa ckage containing applicable reference material were issued th rough a DLPM Handbook update and placed on the Project Managers web site in 02/03. In 04/03, the NRR Director distributed the training package toother NRR divisions by e-mail, and the Deputy EDO for Reactor Programs forwarded it by memorandum (ML030300106) to other office s and the regions.
Office Instruction LIC-503, "Generic Communications Affecting Nu clear Reactor Licensees," iss ued in 06/03, contains guidance on documenting review and closeout of generic communications. A revision in 07/04 added the specific requirement for documenting the basis fo r allowing deviations from generic communications.
LLTF No.LLTF RecommendationPriorityCategory Target Date Effectiveness Review Lead Org.17 The intent of the LLTF 3.3.7(2) was met by the above actions.
An effectiveness review of distributing the guidance indicated a need for refresher training for licensing Project Managers. This was conducted at DLPM staff meetings in 06/04 and 03/05. The guidance has also been included in the Project Manager qualification program, so all new PMs will be made aware of the requirements. An effectiveness review f or generic communication closeout recommended more specific guidanc e in LIC-503, which was added in the 07/04 revision.
3.2.5(1)Develop inspection guidance to assess scheduler influences on outage work scope.MediumInspCompleteCompleteNRR (IIPB)STATUS:  Operability of plant structures, systems, and components was considered to be the fundamental operative regulatory req uirement.Therefore, Inspection Procedure (IP) 71111.15, "Operability Eval uations," was modified (IP 71111.15, Change Notice 04-003, ML040690184, dated 2/2/04) to include deferred modifications (potentially def erred due to outage scheduler pressure as well as other reasons) as part of thepopulation of items from which to sample for the adequacy of a licensee's process for ensuring operability of all plant systems by surveillance and continuous monitoring. In addition, existing IP 71111.20, "Refueling and Other Outage Activities" assesses the adequacy of the licensee's actions to mitigate and control the changes in plant risk during outage activities. The effectiveness of the regional implemen tation of these inspection procedures are evaluated annually and the results are doc umented in the annual Reactor Oversight Process self assess ment SECY paper.The staff's review of inspection results and region feedback regar ding implementation of these changes did not identify any imp lementation issues or findings resulting from the IP revisions.
IPs 71111.15 and 71111.20 will continue to be evaluated on an ongoing basi s as part of the annual ROP assessment process and as part of the procedure feedback process in accordance with IMC 0801, "Reactor Oversight Pro cess Feedback Program."
3.3.1(2)Develop inspection guidance to assess repetitive or multiple TS action statement entries, as well as, the
radiation dose implications associated with repetitive
tasks.MediumInspCompleteCompleteNRR (IIPB)
STATUS:  IMC 2515, Appendix D, Plant Status, was revised in 05/
04 to evaluate licensee actions when operating with multiple or repetitive or unplanned Technical Specification (TS) action statements, and in cluded inspection guidance for assessing radiation dose implica tions associated with repetitive tasks. These procedure changes were reviewed and commented on by the regional staff and approved fo r implementation.
LLTF No.LLTF RecommendationPriorityCategory Target Date Effectiveness Review Lead Org.18 The staff's review of inspection results and feedback from each Region regarding the implementation of these changes indicates that the licensees were neither operating with excessive repetitive or mult iple TS action statement entries nor causing any significant radiation dose to workers as a result of repetitive tasks. The licensees' actions were consistent with TS requirements and occupational radiatio n exposure guidance. No implementation issues or findings were identif ied in this area. IMC 2515 will continue to be evaluated on an ong oing basis as part of the annual ROP assessment process and as part of the procedure feedback process in accordance with IMC 0801.
3.3.3(1)As an additional level of assurance, identify alternative mechanisms to independently assess plant
performance as a means of self-assessing NRC
processes. Once identified, the feasibility of such
mechanisms should be determined.MediumInspCompleteCompleteNRR (IIPB)
STATUS: The staff researched plant assessments performed by i ndependent parties and identified two (Institute of Nuclear Power Operations(INPO) and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that c ould be used as a means of self-assessing the NRC inspection and pla nt performance assessment process. Inspection Manual Chapter (IMC) 0305, "Operating Reactor Assessment Program," was revised on December 21, 2004 (ML043560249), to include consideration of t hese independent assessments during the mid-cycle and end-of-cycl e assessment preparations. During the assessment preparations, t he staff will determine if there are possible plant performance deficiencies notidentified by the NRC, and if so, make a determination if base line inspection resources should be directed to evaluate the poss ible deficiencies.
In addition, this information will be assessed during the annual reactor oversight process self-assessment to determine if any process changes are warranted.
In addition, this information will be assessed during the annual reactor oversight process self-assessment to determine if any process changes are warranted.
3.3.4(1)Review inspection guidance pertaining to refueling outage activities to determine whether the level of
3.3.4(1)   Review inspection guidance pertaining to refueling           Medium          Insp          Complete      Complete        NRR (IIPB) outage activities to determine whether the level of inspection effort and guidance are sufficient given the typically high level of licensee activity during relatively short outage periods. The impact of extended operating cycles on the opportunity to inspect inside containment and the lack of inspection focus on passive components should be reviewed. This review should also determine whether the guidance and level of effort are sufficient for inspecting other plant areas which are difficult to access or where access is routinely restricted.
inspection effort and guidance are sufficient given the
typically high level of licensee activity during relatively
short outage periods. The impact of extended
operating cycles on the opportunity to inspect inside
containment and the lack of inspection focus on
passive components should be reviewed. This review
should also determine whether the guidance and level
of effort are sufficient for inspecting other plant areas
which are difficult to access or where access is

routinely restricted.MediumInspCompleteCompleteNRR (IIPB)
LLTF                                                                                                                 Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation                            Priority      Category      Target Date                     Lead Org.
LLTF No.LLTF RecommendationPriorityCategory Target Date Effectiveness Review Lead Org.19 STATUS: Inspection Procedure (IP) 71111.20 "Refueling and Other Ou tage Activities" was revised to include containment walkdown s and consideration of walkdowns in other restricted areas (IP 71111.20, Change Notice 04-011, ADAMS Accession #ML041280018, dated 5/
No.                                                                                                                    Review STATUS: Inspection Procedure (IP) 71111.20 Refueling and Other Outage Activities was revised to include containment walkdowns and consideration of walkdowns in other restricted areas (IP 71111.20, Change Notice 04-011, ADAMS Accession #ML041280018, dated 5/6/04). In addition, the inspection of passive component integrity is being increased in response to DBLLTF items 3.3.2(1) and 3.3.4(3), which enhanced inspection of licensee inservice inspection activities, including boric acid corrosion control. The effectiveness of the regional implementation of these inspection procedures are evaluated annually as part of the annual Reactor Oversight Process self assessment.
6/04). In addition, the inspection of passive component integrity is being increased in response to DBLLTF items 3.3.2(1) and 3.3.4(3), w hich enhanced inspection of licensee inservice inspection ac tivities, including boric acid corrosion control. The effectiveness of the regio nal implementation of these inspection procedures are evaluated annually as part of the annual Reactor Oversight Process self assessment.
Region feedback identified a need to expand on the IP 71111.20 guidance to ensure proper focus during outages on structures, systems, and components that are inaccessible during power operations. However, prior to the 5/6/04 revision, the Regions had used outage periods as opportunities to inspect plant areas that are only accessible during outages. This includes inspections under other IPs in the ROP. ALARA and environmental conditions (i.e., high temperature) were identified as limiting factors for containment walkdowns in several boiling water reactors, which indicates that containment type should be factored into containment walkdown guidance. This is being evaluated as a potential IP 71111.20 revision. IP 71111.20 will continue to be evaluated on an ongoing basis as part of the annual ROP assessment process and as part of the procedure feedback process in accordance with IMC 0801.
Region feedback identified a need to expand on the IP 71111.20 guidanc e to ensure proper focus during outages on structures, sy stems, and components that are inaccessible during power operations. Howeve r, prior to the 5/6/04 revision, the Regions had used outage p eriods as opportunities to inspect plant areas that are only accessible dur ing outages. This includes inspections under other IPs in the ROP. ALARA and environmental conditions (i.e., high temperature) were identified as limiting factors for containment walkdowns in several boil ing water reactors, which indicates that containment type should be factored into c ontainment walkdown guidance. This is being evaluated as a pote ntial IP 71111.20 revision. IP 71111.20 will continue to be evaluated on an ongoing basis as part of the annual ROP assessment process and as part of the procedure feedback process in accordance with IMC 0801.
3.3.4(4)   Revise IMC 0350 to permit implementation of IMC               Medium          Insp          Complete        Complete      NRR (IIPB) 0350 without first having established that a significant performance problem exists, as defined by the ROP.
3.3.4(4)Revise IMC 0350 to permit implementation of IMC 0350 without first having established that a significant
STATUS: IMC 0350 was revised 12/31/03 to state that a plant can be considered for oversight under the IMC 0350 process when a significant operational event has occurred. The next revision to IMC 0350 will revise the title to reflect this change.
Davis-Besse remained the only plant under the IMC 0350 process during CY 2004. At the time of the effectiveness review, no additional plants had been considered for IMC 0350 oversight since this change was made in December 2003. However, feedback from the Davis-Besse Oversight Panel and other stakeholders indicates that this change and those noted under DBLLTF item number 3.3.5(4) have been effective in addressing the concerns noted by the DBLLTF, particularly in the allocation of resources and implementation of the comprehensive inspection and oversight guidance. The IMC 0350 process, including this particular change, will continue to be evaluated for efficiency and effectiveness as part of the ROP self-assessment process on an annual basis.

performance problem exists, as defined by the ROP.MediumInspCompleteCompleteNRR (IIPB)
LLTF                                                                                                                Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation                        Priority      Category      Target Date                      Lead Org.
STATUS: IMC 0350 was revised 12/31/03 to state that a plant can be considered for oversight under the IMC 0350 process when a significant operational event has occurred. The next revision to IMC 0350 will revise the title to reflect this change.
No.                                                                                                                    Review 3.3.4(5)    Review the range of NRC baseline inspections and          Medium            Insp        Complete      Not Required    NRR (IIPB) plant assessment processes, as well as other NRC programs, to determine whether sufficient programs and processes are in place to identify and appropriately disposition the types of problems experienced at DBNPS. Additionally, provide more structured and focused inspections to assess licensee employee concerns programs and safety conscious work environment (SCWE).
Davis-Besse remained the only plant under the IMC 0350 process duri ng CY 2004. At the time of the effectiveness review, no add itional plants had been considered for IMC 0350 oversight since this change was made in December 2003. However, feedback from the Davis-Besse
STATUS: The Inspection Program Branch (IIPB) reviewed the NRC baseline inspection program and plant assessment processes as part of the annual Reactor Oversight Process (ROP) self-assessment in April 2004, and also reviewed completed DBLLTF items related to the ROP.
Based on these reviews, the staff has enhanced the baseline inspection program by (1) requiring the screening of all licensee corrective action items, (2) performing a semi-annual trend review focused on recurring equipment issues, (3) requiring containment walkdowns during outages, (4) reviewing deferred modifications, and (5) evaluating licensee actions when operating with multiple, repetitive, or unplanned technical specification action statements. The staff has enhanced the plant assessment process by (1) strengthening the oversight of plants in extended shutdowns, (2) requiring more complete documentation of important staff decisions, and (3) budgeting resources for Inspection Manual Chapter 0350 plants. The staff has also enhanced the ROP by (1) requiring training on boric acid corrosion, stress corrosion cracking, and the importance of a questioning attitude, and (2) requiring annual refresher training on different aspects of the ROP. Based on these actions, the first half of this DBLLTF action item is complete.
Regarding the second half of this item, on August 30, 2004, the Commission issued a Staff Requirements Memorandum (SRM) that disapproved an option to develop an inspection process to systematically assess safety culture. Instead the SRM requires the staff to enhance the ROP treatment of cross-cutting issues to more fully address safety culture. The SRM noted that the staff should rely on inspector observations and other indicators already available to the NRC, should develop tools that allow inspectors to rely on more objective findings, should consider including enhanced problem identification and resolution initiatives, and should ensure that the inspectors are properly trained in the area of safety culture. Based on this direction from the Commission, the staff will work with the appropriate stakeholders to provide more structured inspection and guidance in the area of safety culture, which encompasses SCWE. As a result of the Commissions direction, the DBLLTF item to provide more focused inspections on employee concerns programs and SCWE has been superseded and expanded upon and will be tracked separately in response to the SRM. Therefore, the second half of this recommendation is complete. The effectiveness of any changes made to the ROP will be evaluated as part of the annual ROP self-assessment.

Oversight Panel and other stakeholders indicates that this change and those noted under DBLLTF item number 3.3.5(4) have been e ffective in addressing the concerns noted by the DBLLTF, particularly in t he allocation of resources and implementation of the comprehensiv e inspection and oversight guidance. The IMC 0350 process, including this particular change, will continue to be evaluated for efficiency a nd effectiveness as part of the ROP self-assessment process on an annual basis.
LLTF                                                                                                              Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation                          Priority    Category      Target Date                      Lead Org.
LLTF No.LLTF RecommendationPriorityCategory Target Date Effectiveness Review Lead Org.20 3.3.4(5)Review the range of NRC baseline inspections and plant assessment processes, as well as other NRC
No.                                                                                                                Review 3.3.7(1)   Reinforce expectations for the implementation of            Medium          Insp        Complete        Complete          NRR guidance in the PM handbook for PM site visits,                                                                            (DLPM) coordination between PMs and resident inspectors, and PM assignment duration. Reinforce expectations provided to PMs and their supervisors regarding the questioning of information involving plant operation and conditions. Also, strengthen the guidance related to the license amendment review process to emphasize the need to consider current system conditions, reliability, and performance data in SERs.
In order to improve the licensing decision-making process, the NRC should strengthen its guidance regarding the verification of information provided by licensees.
STATUS: Several of these recommendations are addressed, at least in part, by existing procedures.
The Site Visits section of the DLPM Handbook provides guidance to PMs on activities to be conducted during site visits. The Morning Calls section discusses interactions with Region personnel. Office Instruction LIC-100, Rev. 1 (issued 01/04) provides guidance on considering current conditions during licensing action reviews. Office Instruction LIC-101 provides guidance on the amendment review process and use of Requests for Additional Information (RAI)for obtaining information. IP 71005 (issued 08/03) provides a mechanism for PMs to obtain resident inspector (RI) support in obtaining plant information. In addition, a memo from the DLPM Director to the DLPM staff (6/25/04) provided clarification of management expectations for PM site visits, coordination between PMs and resident inspectors, PM assignment duration, questioning of information, and verifying information provided by licensees. This also has been discussed at division and management meetings. The DLPM handbook and appropriate Office Instructions were updated to include this additional guidance .
The effectiveness review determined that this recommendation was successfully implemented. In general, PMs visited their sites consistent with the expectation, although travel and budget constraints, special assignments such as the security plan review team, and other resource issues resulted in some PMs not visiting their sites.
With regard to PM assignment duration, a review of 34 PM reassignments that occurred between May 2004 and June 2005 revealed that 16 were due to medical reasons, retirements, resignations, permanent rotations to other divisions, and temporary rotations to special task groups.
Of the 18 remaining transfers, the average time the previous PM was assigned to the plant was 3.44 years. PM assignment duration (that was less than the desired length but within the control of the office) was documented in memos from Project Directors.

programs, to determine whether sufficient programs
LLTF                                                                                                                Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation                          Priority      Category      Target Date                      Lead Org.
No.                                                                                                                    Review Most PMs include the Region and RI during the licensing review and when drafting the safety evaluation. Verification of information submitted by licensees is being accomplished, as evidenced by the identification of deficiencies with licensee submittals on a few occasions. Prompt action and attentiveness by several PMs resolved complicated issues by supplying plant operational information to the technical staff before sending the licensee an RAI. Communications between the PM, RI and the technical staff took various forms. Sharing of information between the Resident and the PM led to many successful reviews and the capturing of potential safety issues. Some examples are: PM and RI cooperation on heavy loads accident analysis; an RI provided operational information that the licensees foreign material exclusion (FME) program had deficiencies and the licensee took steps to correct those issues prior to approval of an amendment that relied on its FME program; and, an RI provided information on the lack of margin for the ultimate heat sink and an emergency TS change was denied. These examples demonstrate that the PMs work with RIs and the region to consider current plant conditions, question and verify data provided by licensee, and improve the licensing decision-making process.
APP. F      Conduct an effectiveness review of the actions taken        Medium          Insp          Complete      Not Required    NRR(IIPB) in response to past lessons-learned reviews.
STATUS: A task force conducted the recommended review and issued its report on 8/2/04 (ML042110287). This completed the scope of work required by this LLTF recommendation and, since the Appendix F effort was itself an effectiveness review, an additional effectiveness review is not required. However, the report findings and recommendations are being addressed.
The task force found that, while previous lessons learned reviews were thorough and produced good recommendations, they were not always effectively implemented. It recommended development of an agency-wide corrective action program. This recommendation was accepted by management and endorsed by the Commission in its 12/15/04 SRM (ML043500639). The EDO formed a team to develop a corrective action program that addresses the task force report and the SRM. The team is developing a program that will address lessons learned selected for special attention from high-level, multi-office or agency level lessons that stem from organizational failures. The program will be implemented through a phased approach. Program definition and draft documentation will be developed by December 31, 2005. Following a pilot program and staff training, the base program will be implemented by June 2006. The teams activities are being tracked and reported separately from the Davis-Besse LLTF recommendations.
Specific items from the previous lessons learned reports that were identified for additional follow-up have been entered into the NRR corrective action program and will be tracked to completion by that process.

and processes are in place to identify and
LLTF                                                                                                                Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation                            Priority    Category      Target Date                        Lead Org.
No.                                                                                                                    Review 3.3.2(2)    Revise the overall PI&R inspection approach such that          Low          Insp        Complete        Complete        NRR (IIPB) issues similar to those experienced at DBNPS are reviewed and assessed. Enhance the guidance for these inspections to prescribe the format of information that is screened when determining which specific problems will be reviewed.
STATUS: The Inspection Program Branch issued a revision in 09/03 to Inspection Procedure (IP) 71152, Identification and Resolution of Problems, to include an inspection requirement to perform a semi-annual review to identify trends that might indicate the existence of a more significant safety issue. Training to inform the inspection staff of this change to IP 71152 was conducted using web-based training and follow up conference calls between the regions and the program office. The training was documented as complete in May 2004.
The effectiveness of the changes to IP 71152 addressing the DBLLTF recommendations was discussed during a problem identification and resolution focus group meeting held on March 11, 2005. The consensus of the group members was that the changes have resulted in no unintended consequences, have reinforced expectations that inspectors have a questioning attitude, and provide a method for highlighting issues that might be indicative of a more significant problem. In addition, the regional inspection procedure leads, in conjunction with the NRR program office, have highlighted and communicated semiannual trend reviews that have been successful at identifying negative equipment trends. In some cases, these negative trends may not have been documented if the inspection guidance had not been changed. There has been some feedback from inspectors requesting additional guidance on how to conduct the semiannual trend reviews. The inspection guidance in this area was deliberately kept non-prescriptive to afford inspectors ample opportunities to follow up on issues that might not fit well elsewhere in the inspection program. Overall, the changes were effectively implemented and addressed the recommendations. IP 71152 will continue to be evaluated on an ongoing basis as part of the annual ROP assessment process.
3.3.2(3)    Provide enhanced Inspection Manual Chapter                      Low          Insp        Complete        Complete        NRR (IIPB) guidance to pursue issues and problems identified during plant status reviews.
STATUS: IP 71152, Problem Identification and Resolution, was revised in 09/03 to require the resident inspector to perform a screening review of each item entered into the corrective action program. The intent of this review is to be alert to conditions such as repetitive equipment failures or human performance issues that might warrant additional follow-up through other baseline inspection procedures.
The effectiveness of the changes to IP 71152 addressing the DBLLTF recommendations was discussed during a problem identification and 23

appropriately disposition the types of problems
LLTF                                                                                                                Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation                            Priority    Category        Target Date                        Lead Org.
No.                                                                                                                    Review resolution focus group meeting held on March 11, 2005. The consensus of the group members was that the changes have resulted in no unintended consequences, have reinforced expectations that inspectors have a questioning attitude, and provide a method for highlighting issues that might be indicative of a more significant problem. In addition, the regional inspection procedure leads, in conjunction with the NRR program office, have highlighted and communicated semiannual trend reviews that have been successful at identifying negative equipment trends. In some cases, these negative trends may not have been documented if the inspection guidance had not been changed. There has been some feedback from inspectors requesting additional guidance on how to conduct the semiannual trend reviews. The inspection guidance in this area was deliberately kept non-prescriptive to afford inspectors ample opportunities to follow up on issues that might not fit well elsewhere in the inspection program. Overall, the changes were effectively implemented and addressed the recommendations. IP 71152 will continue to be evaluated on an ongoing basis as part of the annual ROP assessment process.
3.3.2(4)  Revise inspection guidance to provide for the                  Low            Insp        Complete        Complete        NRR (IIPB) longer-term follow-up of issues that have not progressed to a finding.
STATUS: IP 71152, Problem Identification and Resolution, was revised in 09/03 and includes enhanced requirements regarding routine PI&R reviews conducted by the resident inspectors, biennial reviews of longstanding issues, and biennial reviews of licensees operating experience issues.
The effectiveness of the changes to IP 71152 addressing the DBLLTF recommendations was discussed during a problem identification and resolution focus group meeting held on March 11, 2005. The consensus of the group members was that the changes have resulted in no unintended consequences, have reinforced expectations that inspectors have a questioning attitude, and provide a method for highlighting issues that might be indicative of a more significant problem. In addition, the regional inspection procedure leads, in conjunction with the NRR program office, have highlighted and communicated semiannual trend reviews that have been successful at identifying negative equipment trends. In some cases, these negative trends may not have been documented if the inspection guidance had not been changed. There has been some feedback from inspectors requesting additional guidance on how to conduct the semiannual trend reviews. The inspection guidance in this area was deliberately kept non-prescriptive to afford inspectors ample opportunities to follow up on issues that might not fit well elsewhere in the inspection program. Overall, the changes were effectively implemented and addressed the recommendations. IP 71152 will continue to be evaluated on an ongoing basis as part of the annual ROP assessment process.

experienced at DBNPS. Additionally, provide more
LLTF                                                                                                              Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation                        Priority      Category      Target Date                      Lead Org.
No.                                                                                                                Review 3.3.3(2)  Perform a sample review of the plant assessments            Low            Insp        Complete      Not Required    NRR (IIPB) conducted under the interim PPR [Plant Performance Review] assessment process (1998-2000) to determine whether there are plant safety issues that have not been adequately assessed.
STATUS: An audit of eight PPRs (2 PPR per Region) was completed in 06/04. It did not identify any issues that had not been adequately addressed. No additional follow-up is necessary.
3.3.4(6)  Provide ROP refresher training to managers and staff        Low            Insp        Complete        Complete      NRR (IIPB) members.
STATUS: Based on the Davis Besse LLTF Report, ROP Refresher Training was provided at each of the Regional Inspector Counterpart Meetings in 05/04. The topic of the ROP Refresher Training session was an individuals role in developing and maintaining a questioning attitude. The slide presentation can be found at ADAMS (ML041320101).
The IMC1245, Qualification Program For the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Programs (ML04180012), was revised to include a requirement for annual ROP Refresher Training. IMC 1245 requires that topics for ROP refresher training will be solicited during the Spring Regional Inspector Counterpart Meetings. The IMC 1245 Management Steering Group will select the topic(s), determine the method of training, and determine the timing of the training. The NRR Inspection Program Branch will be responsible for ensuring the training is developed and implemented during the fall of each year.
This action was effectively implemented in 2004. The Inspection Program Branch provided the initial ROP refresher training during the spring regional inspector counterpart meetings. The training focused on maintaining a questioning attitude. In the long term, IMC 1245 was revised to include a requirement for annual ROP refresher training.
The IMC 1245 Management Steering Group and IMC 1245 Working Group annually review the effectiveness of inspector training through feedback forms submitted, results of the inspector oral boards, and regional experience. Improvements and revisions are recommended and implemented as appropriate. In addition, the Regions discuss current ROP issues during inspector counterpart meetings and in newsletters discussing value-added findings. Further, the IMC 1245 Management Steering Group, comprised of Regional Division/Deputy Division 25

structured and focused inspections to assess licensee
LLTF                                                                                                                    Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation                          Priority      Category        Target Date                      Lead Org.
No.                                                                                                                      Review Directors, discusses potential ROP refresher training topics and chooses the topic to be discussed during formal training.
In summary, the training associated with this recommendation was effectively implemented and will be continually reviewed as part of the inspector training program reviews and regional management attention.
3.3.5(2)    Reinforce IMC 0102 expectations regarding regional              Low            Insp          Complete        Complete      NRR (IIPB) manager visits to reactor sites.
STATUS: During the July 2003 Regional Division Director Counterpart Meeting, the Inspection Program Branch reinforced the IMC 0102 expectations for site visits. During a general discussion of reactor oversight process topics, a hand out was distributed which outlined the site visit responsibilities for the senior resident and resident inspectors, each line manager, Division of Reactor Project (DRP) managers, the Operator Licensing manager, the DRP Division Director or Deputy, and the Regional Administrator or Deputy Regional Administrator. The site visit responsibilities were discussed and are outlined in detail in IMC 0102,Oversight and Objectivity of Inspectors and Examiners at Reactor Facilities, This action was effectively implemented in 2003. The training was provided during the August 2003 regional Division Directors counterpart meeting and focused on the requirements of IMC 0102. In addition, as part of regional efforts to improve consistency and communicate value-added inspection activities, IMC 0102 is being revised to improve the expectations and requirements for regional managers regarding reactor site visits. In summary, the training associated with this recommendation was effectively implemented and will be continually reviewed as part of the inspector training program reviews and regional management attention.
3.3.5(3)    Establish measurements for resident inspector                  Low            Insp          Complete        Complete      NRR (IIPB) staffing, including the establishment of program expectations to satisfy minimum staffing levels.
STATUS: A Site Staffing metric (ML032410588) was developed in 12/03, with regional input, to monitor gaps in permanent resident and senior resident inspector staffing at reactor sites. This metric was pilot tested in calendar year 2004, adjustments have been made based on the results of the pilot, and a revised metric was issued to the regions in 12/04. A criterion of maintaining at least 90% staffing program-wide has been established for this metric. In addition, any single site that falls below 90% will be specifically evaluated as part of the Reactor Oversight Process self-assessment process. This new metric will be used as an input to the annual Reactor Oversight Process self-assessment process. Since the effectiveness review for this change will be an ongoing assessment of usefulness as the metric is used as an input to the process, no additional effectiveness review is required.

employee concerns programs and safety conscious
LLTF                                                                                                              Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation                          Priority      Category      Target Date                    Lead Org.
No.                                                                                                                  Review 3.3.7(5)  Fully implement Office Letter 900, Managing                    Low            Insp        Complete      Complete      NRR Commitments Made by Licensees to the NRC, or                                                                            (DLPM) revise the guidance if it is determined that the audit of licensees programs is not required.
Further, determine whether the periodic report on commitment changes submitted by licensees to the NRC should continue to be submitted and reviewed.
STATUS: Office Letter 900 was revised and incorporated into NRR Office Instruction LIC-105, Managing Commitments Made by Licensees to the NRC, which was issued on 05/27/03. LIC-105 requires periodic audits (every 3 years) by the DLPM Project Managers (PMs) that consist of two major parts. The first is a verification of the licensees implementation of NRC commitments by reviewing a sample of commitments.
LIC-105 provides criteria for selection of the sample. The second is a verification of the licensees program for managing changes to commitments. Program controls will be verified to be consistent with industry guidelines in Nuclear Energy Institute document NEI 99-04, which has been found by the NRC (SECY-00-045, dated 2/22/00) to provide acceptable guidance for managing regulatory commitments. NEI 99-04 also directs licensees to submit periodic reports of changes to commitments. This part of the audit will be done through additional samples of changes to commitments. It also includes a sample to confirm that the licensees program ensures commitments are maintained following initial implementation. The results of the audit will be documented in a report from the PM.
In the discussion of the basis for this recommendation, the LLTF also noted that the DLPM handbook did not reference the office letter or discuss requirements for periodic audits of licensees commitment management programs. The DLPM Handbook has been revised and the sections on Site Visits and Commitment Management Program reinforce the requirement for the periodic audits by PMs, and provides a link to LIC-105.
The intent of the LLTF recommendation has been met by the issuance of the guidance documents in 2004. An effectiveness review in 2005 found that, consistent with the guidance and management expectations, one-third of the reviews were completed during the first year. Some PMs suggested that having the resident inspectors perform the audits as part of 10 CFR 50.59 reviews would retain the benefit of the audit, improve efficiency, and reduce travel costs. Most PMs were in agreement that the audit documentation requirements should be reduced. These items will be considered and the staff will determine whether changes to the audit procedures are needed when audits have been performed at all sites.
In the course of the audits, PMs generally gained confidence that the licensees commitment management programs are robust and reliable.
Some items identified for future consideration include : (1) Some licensee do not have a dedicated system to track regulatory commitments and, instead, rely on several plant tracking subsystems to manage regulatory commitments, which results in the licensee not having a comprehensive listing and current status of all regulatory commitments, (2) Enforcement of commitments can be difficult since commitments can be eliminated in 27

work environment (SCWE). MediumInspCompleteNot RequiredNRR (IIPB)
LLTF                                                                                                            Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation                            Priority    Category      Target Date                Lead Org.
STATUS:  The Inspection Program Branch (IIPB) reviewed the NRC baseline inspection program and plant assessment processes as pa rt of the annual Reactor Oversight Process (ROP) self-assessment in April 2004, and also reviewed completed DBLLTF items related to the R OP. Based on these reviews, the staff has enhanced the baseline ins pection program by (1) requiring the screening of all licensee c orrective action items, (2) performing a semi-annual trend review focused on recu rring equipment issues, (3) requi ring containment walkdowns dur ing outages, (4) reviewing deferred modifications, and (5) evaluating licens ee actions when operating with multiple, repetitive, or unplanne d technical specification action statements. The staff has enhanced the plant assessment process by (1) strengthening the oversight of pla nts in extended shutdowns, (2) requiring more complete documentation of import ant staff decisions, and (3) budgeting resources for Inspection M anual Chapter 0350 plants. The staff has also enhanced the ROP by (1) requiri ng training on boric acid corrosion, stress corrosion cracking, and the importance of a questioning attitude, and (2) requiring annual refres her training on different aspects of the ROP. Based on th ese actions, the first half of this DBLLTF action item is complete.
No.                                                                                                               Review a 50.59 review, (3) Licensees typically do not formally identify regulatory commitments in submittals to the NRC.
Regarding the second half of this item, on August 30, 2004, the Commission issued a Staff Requirements Memorandum (SRM) that di sapproved an option to develop an inspection process to systematically asse ss safety culture. Instead the SRM requires the staff to enha nce the ROP treatment of cross-cutting issues to more fully address safety culture. The SRM noted that the staff should rely on inspector observations andother indicators already available to the NRC, should develop tools that allow inspectors to rely on more objective findings, s hould consider including enhanced problem identification and resolution initiatives, and should ensure that the inspectors are properly traine d in the area ofsafety culture. Based on this direction from the Commission, the staff will work with the appropriate stakeholders to provide more structured inspection and guidance in the area of safety culture, which encom passes SCWE. As a result of the Commission's direction, the DBLLTF itemto provide more focused inspections on employee conc erns programs and SCWE has been superseded and expanded upon and will be tr acked separately in response to the SRM. Therefore, the second half of this recommendation is complete. The effectiveness of any ch anges made to the ROP will be evaluated as part of the annual ROP self-assessment.
The commitments to evaluate the efficiency of the audit process and the need for procedure changes have been entered into the NRR corrective action program and will be tracked through that process.
LLTF No.LLTF RecommendationPriorityCategory Target Date Effectiveness Review Lead Org.21 3.3.7(1)Reinforce expectations for the implementation of guidance in the PM handbook for PM site visits, coordination between PMs and resident inspectors, and PM assignment duration. Reinforce expectations

provided to PMs and their supervisors regarding the
Category: Barrier Integrity LLTF                                                                                                             Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation                          Priority    Category      Target Date                           Lead Org.
No.                                                                                                                 Review 3.1.5(1)   Determine whether PWR plants should install on-line           High          BI        Complete        Not required    RES (DET) for enhanced leakage detection systems on critical plant                                                                     research report components, which would be capable of detecting                                                                           NRR/RES for leakage rates of significantly less than 1 gpm.                                                                           remaining actions STATUS: This recommendation focuses on determining if improvements can be made in leakage detection requirements. To accomplish this, a comprehensive review and evaluation of plant experiences and current leakage detection systems was performed by updating a similar study that was performed by Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) in the late 1980's. There are three main tasks associated with this effort. The first task is an assessment of the leakage associated with the degradation of various reactor coolant pressure boundary components. The second task is a review of leakage operating experience by developing a database of leakage events. The third task is an evaluation of the capabilities of various leakage detection systems. ANL submitted a draft report in 05/04. The RES and NRR staffs reviewed this draft report and provided comments to ANL. The final report was published as NUREG/CR-6861 in12/04.
questioning of information involving plant operation
and conditions. Also, strengthen the guidance related
to the license amendment review process to
emphasize the need to consider current system
conditions, reliability, and performance data in SERs.
In order to improve the licensing decision-making
process, the NRC should strengthen its guidance
regarding the verification of information provided by
licensees.MediumInspCompleteCompleteNRR (DLPM)STATUS: Several of these recommendations are addressed, at least in part, by existing procedures.
The "Site Visits" section of the DLPM Handbook provides guidance to PMs on activities to be conducted during site visits. The "Morning Calls" section discusses interactions with Region personnel. Office In struction LIC-100, Rev. 1 (issued 01/04) provides guidance on c onsidering current conditions during licensing action reviews. Office Inst ruction LIC-101 provides guidance on the amendment review proce ss and use of Requests for Additional Information (RAI)for obtaining information. IP 71005 (issued 08/03) provides a mechanism for PMs to ob tain resident inspector (RI) support in obtaining plant information. In addition, a memo from the DLPM Director to the DLPM staff (6/25/04) provided clarification of management expectations for PM site visits, coordination between PMs and resident inspectors, PM assignment du ration, questioning of information, and verifying information provided by licensees. This also has been discussed at division and mana gement meetings. The DLPM handbook and appropriate Office Instru ctions were updated to include this additional guidance .
The effectiveness review determined that this recommendation was successfully implemented. In general, PMs visited their sites consistent with the expectation, although travel and budget constraints, special a ssignments such as the security plan review team, and other r esource issues resulted in some PMs not visiting their sites.
With regard to PM assignment duration, a review of 34 PM reassignments that occurred between May 2004 and June 2005 revealed th at 16 were due to medical reasons, retirements, resignations, permanent rotations to other divisions, and temporary rotations to spec ial task groups.
Of the 18 remaining transfers, the average time the previous PM was assigned to the plant was 3.44 years. PM assignment durati on (that was less than the desired length but within the control of the office) was documented in memos from Project Directors.
LLTF No.LLTF RecommendationPriorityCategory Target Date Effectiveness Review Lead Org.22 Most PMs include the Region and RI during the licensing review and when drafting the safety evaluation. Verification of inform ation submitted by licensees is being accomplished, as evidenced by the identific ation of deficiencies with licensee submittals on a few occasi ons. Prompt action and attentiveness by several PMs resolved complicated issues by supplying plant operational information to the technical staff before sending the licensee an RAI. Communications between the PM, RI and t he technical staff took various forms. Sharing of informa tion between the Resident and the PM led to many successful reviews and the captur ing of potential safety issues. Some examples are:  PM an d RI cooperation on heavy loads accident analysis; an RI provided operational information that the licensee's foreign material exclu sion (FME) program had deficiencies and the licensee took steps to correct t hose issues prior to approval of an amendment that relied on i ts FME program; and, an RI provided information on the lack of margin for the ultimate heat sink and an emergency TS change was denied. These examples demonstrate that the PMs work with RIs and the region to consi der current plant conditions, question and verify data provided b y licensee, and improve the licensing decision-making process.
APP. F Conduct an effectiveness review of the actions taken in response to past lessons-learned reviews.MediumInspCompleteNot RequiredNRR(IIPB)
STATUS:  A task force conducted the recommended review and issued its report on 8/2/04 (ML042110287). This completed the scope of work required by this LLTF recommendation and, since the Appendix F e ffort was itself an effectiveness review, an additional effecti veness review is not required. However, the report findings and recommendations are being addressed.
The task force found that, while previous lessons learned re views were thorough and produced good recommendations, they were not always effectively implemented. It recommended development of an agency-wide corrective action program. This recommendation was acce pted by management and endorsed by the Commission in its 12/15/04 SRM (ML043500639). The EDO formed a team to develop a corrective act ion program that addresses the task force report and the SRM. The team is developing a program that will address lessons learned s elected for special attention from high-level, multi-office or agency level lessons that stem from organizational failures. The program wi ll be implementedthrough a phased approach. Program definition and draft documentation will be developed by December 31, 2005. Following a pil ot programand staff training, the base program will be implemented by June 2006.
The team's activities are being tracked and reported se parately from the Davis-Besse LLTF recommendations.
Specific items from the previous lessons learned reports t hat were identified for additional follow-up have been entered into t he NRR correctiveaction program and will be tracked to completion by that process.
LLTF No.LLTF RecommendationPriorityCategory Target Date Effectiveness Review Lead Org.23 3.3.2(2)Revise the overall PI&R inspection approach such that issues similar to those experienced at DBNPS are
reviewed and assessed. Enhance the guidance for
these inspections to prescribe the format of
information that is screened when determining which
specific problems will be reviewed. LowInspCompleteCompleteNRR (IIPB)
STATUS:  The Inspection Program Branch issued a revision in 09/03 to Inspection Procedure (IP) 71152, "Identification and Resol ution of Problems," to include an inspection requirement to perform a semi-annual review to identify trends that might indicate the exis tence of a more significant safety issue. Training to inform the inspection staff of this change to IP 71152 was conducted using web-based tra ining and follow up conference calls between the regions and the program office. The training was documented as complete in May 2004.
The effectiveness of the changes to IP 71152 addressing the DBLL TF recommendations was discussed during a problem identificatio n and resolution focus group meeting held on March 11, 2005. The consens us of the group members was that the changes have resulted i n no unintended consequences, have reinforced expectations that inspecto rs have a questioning attitude, and provide a method for hig hlighting issues that might be indicative of a more significant problem. In addition, the regional inspection procedure leads, in conjun ction with the NRR program office, have highlighted and communicated semiannual tr end reviews that have been successful at identifying negative eq uipment trends. In some cases, these negative trends may not hav e been documented if the inspection guidance had not been changed. Th ere has been some feedback from inspectors requesting additional guidance on how to conduct the semiannual trend reviews. The inspecti on guidance in this area was deliberately kept non-prescriptive to afford inspectors ample opportunities to follow up on issues that might not fit well elsewhere in the inspection program. Overall, the changes were effectively implemented and addressed the recommendations. IP 71152 will continue to be evaluated on an ongoing basis as part of the annual ROP assessment process.
3.3.2(3)Provide enhanced Inspection Manual Chapter guidance to pursue issues and problems identified
during plant status reviews.
LowInspCompleteCompleteNRR (IIPB)
STATUS:  IP 71152, "Problem Identification and Resolution," was re vised in 09/03 to require the resident inspector to perform a screening review of each item entered into the corrective action program. T he intent of this review is to be alert to conditions such as repetitive equipment failures or human performance issues that might warrant addi tional follow-up through other baseline inspection procedures.
The effectiveness of the changes to IP 71152 addressing the DBLL TF recommendations was discussed during a problem identificatio n and LLTF No.LLTF RecommendationPriorityCategory Target Date Effectiveness Review Lead Org.24 resolution focus group meeting held on March 11, 2005. The consens us of the group members was that the changes have resulted i n no unintended consequences, have reinforced expectations that inspecto rs have a questioning attitude, and provide a method for hig hlighting issues that might be indicative of a more significant problem. In addition, the regional inspection procedure leads, in conjun ction with the NRR program office, have highlighted and communicated semiannual tr end reviews that have been successful at identifying negative eq uipment trends. In some cases, these negative trends may not hav e been documented if the inspection guidance had not been changed. Th ere has been some feedback from inspectors requesting additional guidance on how to conduct the semiannual trend reviews. The inspecti on guidance in this area was deliberately kept non-prescriptive to afford inspectors ample opportunities to follow up on issues that might not fit well elsewhere in the inspection program. Overall, the changes were effectively implemented and addressed the recommendations. IP 71152 will continue to be evaluated on an ongoing basis as part of the annual ROP assessment process.
3.3.2(4)Revise inspection guidance to provide for the longer-term follow-up of issues that have not
progressed to a finding.LowInspCompleteCompleteNRR (IIPB)
STATUS:  IP 71152, "Problem Identification and Resolution,"
was revised in 09/03 and includes enhanced requirements regarding r outine PI&R reviews conducted by the resident inspectors, biennial review s of longstanding issues, and biennial reviews of licensees' opera ting experience issues. The effectiveness of the changes to IP 71152 addressing the DBLL TF recommendations was discussed during a problem identificatio n and resolution focus group meeting held on March 11, 2005. The consens us of the group members was that the changes have resulted i n no unintended consequences, have reinforced expectations that inspecto rs have a questioning attitude, and provide a method for hig hlighting issues that might be indicative of a more significant problem. In addition, the regional inspection procedure leads, in conjun ction with the NRR program office, have highlighted and communicated semiannual tr end reviews that have been successful at identifying negative eq uipment trends. In some cases, these negative trends may not hav e been documented if the inspection guidance had not been changed. Th ere has been some feedback from inspectors requesting additional guidance on how to conduct the semiannual trend reviews. The inspecti on guidance in this area was deliberately kept non-prescriptive to afford inspectors ample opportunities to follow up on issues that might not fit well elsewhere in the inspection program. Overall, the changes were effectively implemented and addressed the recommendations. IP 71152 will continue to be evaluated on an ongoing basis as part of the annual ROP assessment process.
LLTF No.LLTF RecommendationPriorityCategory Target Date Effectiveness Review Lead Org.25 3.3.3(2)Perform a sample review of the plant assessments conducted under the interim PPR [Plant Performance
Review] assessment process (1998-2000) to
determine whether there are plant safety issues that
have not been adequately assessed.LowInspCompleteNot RequiredNRR (IIPB)
STATUS:  An audit of eight PPRs (2 PPR per Region) was comple ted in 06/04. It did not identify any issues that had not been ad equately addressed. No additional follow-up is necessary.
3.3.4(6)Provide ROP refresher training to managers and staff members.LowInspCompleteCompleteNRR (IIPB)
STATUS:  Based on the Davis Besse LLTF Report, ROP Refresher Tr aining was provided at each of the Regional Inspector Counterpar t Meetings in 05/04. The topic of the ROP Refresher Training session was an individual's role in developing and maintaining a qu estioning attitude. The slide presentation can be found at ADAMS (ML041320101).
The IMC1245, "Qualification Program For the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Programs" (ML04180012), was revised to include a requirement for annual ROP Refresher Training. IMC 1245 requires that topics for ROP refresher training will be solicited duri ng the Spring Regional Inspector Counterpart Meetings. The IMC 1245 Management Steering Group will select the topic(s), determine the method of training, and determine the timing of the training. The NRR Inspection Pr ogram Branch will be responsible for ensuring the training is d eveloped and implemented during the fall of each year.
This action was effectively implemented in 2004. The Inspecti on Program Branch provided the initial ROP refresher training dur ing the spring regional inspector counterpart meetings. The training focused on maintaining a questioning attitude. In the long term, IMC 12 45 was revised to include a requirement for annual ROP refresher training.
The IMC 1245 Management Steering Group and IMC 1245 Working Group annually review the effectiveness of inspector training throu gh feedback forms submitted, results of the inspector oral boards , and regional experience. Improvements and revisions are recomm ended and implemented as appropriate. In addition, the Regions discuss curr ent ROP issues during inspector counterpart meetings and in n ewsletters discussing value-added findings. Further, the IMC 1245 Management St eering Group, comprised of Regional Division/Deputy Divisi on LLTF No.LLTF RecommendationPriorityCategory Target Date Effectiveness Review Lead Org.26 Directors, discusses potential ROP refresher training topics and chooses the topic to be discussed during formal training. In summary, the training associated with this recommendation was effectively implemented and will be continually reviewed as pa rt of the inspector training program reviews and regional management attention.
3.3.5(2)Reinforce IMC 0102 expectations regarding regional manager visits to reactor sites.LowInspCompleteCompleteNRR (IIPB)
STATUS:  During the July 2003 Regional Division Director Counterpar t Meeting, the Inspection Program Branch reinforced the IMC 0102 expectations for site visits. During a general discussion of r eactor oversight process topics, a hand out was distributed whic h outlined the site visit responsibilities for the senior resident and resident ins pectors, each line manager, Division of Reactor Project (DRP) ma nagers, the Operator Licensing manager, the DRP Division Director or Deputy, and the Regional Administrator or Deputy Regional Administrato
: r. The sitevisit responsibilities were discussed and are outlined in detail in IMC 0102,"Oversight and Objectivity of Inspectors and Exami ners at Reactor Facilities,"
This action was effectively implemented in 2003. The traini ng was provided during the August 2003 regional Division Directors counterpart meeting and focused on the requirements of IMC 0102. In addition, as part of regional efforts to improve consistency and commu nicate value-added inspection activities, IMC 0102 is being revised to improv e the expectations and requirements for regional managers regar ding reactorsite visits. In summary, the training associated with this recommendation was effectively implemented and will be continually reviewed as part of the inspector training program reviews and regional management attention.
3.3.5(3)Establish measurements for resident inspector staffing, including the establishment of program
expectations to satisfy minimum staffing levels.
LowInspCompleteCompleteNRR (IIPB)
STATUS:  A "Site Staffing" metric (ML032410588) was developed in 12/
03, with regional input, to monitor gaps in permanent resid ent and senior resident inspector staffing at reactor sites. This metric was pilot tested in calendar year 2004, adjustments have been made b ased on the results of the pilot, and a revised metric was issued to the regions in 12/04. A criterion of maintaining at least 90% staffing progra m-wide has beenestablished for this metric. In addition, any single site that falls below 90% will be specifically evaluated as part of the R eactor Oversight Process self-assessment process. This new metric will be used as an input to the annual Reactor Oversight Process self-assessment proc ess. Since the effectiveness review for this change will be an ongoing assessment of usefulness as the metric is used as an input to the p rocess, no additional effectiveness review is required.
LLTF No.LLTF RecommendationPriorityCategory Target Date Effectiveness Review Lead Org.27 3.3.7(5)Fully implement Office Letter 900, "ManagingCommitments Made by Licensees to the NRC," or
revise the guidance if it is determined that the audit of licensee's programs is not required.
Further, determine whether the periodic report on
commitment changes submitted by licensees to the
NRC should continue to be submitted and reviewed.LowInspCompleteCompleteNRR (DLPM)STATUS: Office Letter 900 was revised and incorporated into NRR Office Instruction LIC-105, "Managing Commitments Made by Licen sees to the NRC," which was issued on 05/27/03. LIC-105 requires periodic audits (every 3 years) by the DLPM Project Managers (PMs) th at consist of two major parts. The first is a verification of the licensee's implementation of NRC commitments by reviewing a sample of comm itments. LIC-105 provides criteria for selection of the sample. The second is a verification of the licensee's program for managing cha nges to commitments. Program controls will be verified to be consistent with industry guidelines in Nuclear Energy Institute document NEI 99-04, whichhas been found by the NRC (SECY-00-045, dated 2/22/00) to provide acceptable guidance for managing regulatory commitments. NEI 99-04 also directs licensees to submit periodic reports of changes to commitments. This part of the audit will be done through additi onal samples of changes to commitments. It also includes a sample to confirm that the licensee's program ensures commitments are maintained fo llowing initial implementation. The results of the audit will be documented in a report from the PM.
In the discussion of the basis for this recommendation, the LL TF also noted that the DLPM handbook did not reference the office letter or discuss requirements for periodic audits of licensees' commitment management programs. The DLPM Handbook has been revised and the sections on "Site Visits" and "Commitment Management Program" rein force the requirement for the periodic audits by PMs, and pro vides a link to LIC-105.
The intent of the LLTF recommendation has been met by the issuanc e of the guidance documents in 2004. An effectiveness review in 2005 found that, consistent with the guidance and management expectations, one-third of the reviews were completed during the first year. Some PMs suggested that having the resident inspectors perform the audi ts as part of 10 CFR 50.59 reviews would retain the benefit o f the audit, improve efficiency, and reduce travel costs. Most PMs were in agreement that the audit documentation requirements should be re duced. These items will be considered and the staff will determine whether changes to the audit procedures are needed when audits have been performed at all sites.
In the course of the audits, PMs generally gained confidence that the licensees' commitment management programs are robust and reliable.
Some items identified for future consideration include : (1) So me licensee do not have a dedicated system to track regulatory c ommitments and, instead, rely on several plant tracking subsystems to manage r egulatory commitments, which results in the licensee not having a comprehensive listing and current status of all regulatory commitments, (2) En forcement of commitments can be difficult since commitments can be eliminated in LLTF No.LLTF RecommendationPriorityCategory Target Date Effectiveness Review Lead Org.28a 50.59 review, (3) Licensees typically do not formally identify regulatory commitments in submittals to the NRC.
The commitments to evaluate the efficiency of the audit proc ess and the need for procedure changes have been entered into the N RR corrective action program and will be tracked through that process.
29Category:  Barrier Integrity LLTF No.LLTF RecommendationPriorityCategory Target Date Effectiveness Review Lead Org.3.1.5(1)Determine whether PWR plants should install on-line enhanced leakage detection systems on critical plant
components, which would be capable of detecting
leakage rates of significantly less than 1 gpm.HighBICompleteNot requiredRES (DET) for research report
remaining actions STATUS: This recommendation focuses on determining if improvem ents can be made in leakage detection requirements. To accompli sh this, a comprehensive review and evaluation of pl ant experiences and current leakage detecti on systems was performed by updating a simi lar studythat was performed by Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) in the late 1980's. There are three main tasks associated with this ef fort. The first task is an assessment of the leakage associated with the degradati on of various reactor coolant pressure boundary components.
The second task is a review of leakage operating exper ience by developing a database of leakage event
: s. The third task is an evaluation o f the capabilitiesof various leakage detection systems. ANL submitted a draft r eport in 05/04. The RES and NRR staffs reviewed this draft repor t and provided comments to ANL. The final report was published as NUREG/CR-6861 in12/04.
A working group consisting of members of the NRR and RES staff was formed to address this recommendation.
A working group consisting of members of the NRR and RES staff was formed to address this recommendation.
In evaluating the need for additional requirements pertaining to leakage detection, the staff considered past operating experie nce related to reactor coolant system integrity and the performance deficiencies that led to the degradation that occurred at Davis-Besse. Th e staff identified techniques that could improve localized leak detection and on-line monitoring and several areas of possible improvements to lea kage detection requirements that could provide increased confidence that plant s are not operated at power with reactor coolant pressure bounda ry leakage.
In evaluating the need for additional requirements pertaining to leakage detection, the staff considered past operating experience related to reactor coolant system integrity and the performance deficiencies that led to the degradation that occurred at Davis-Besse. The staff identified techniques that could improve localized leak detection and on-line monitoring and several areas of possible improvements to leakage detection requirements that could provide increased confidence that plants are not operated at power with reactor coolant pressure boundary leakage.
However, implementing these increased capabilities would most likely result in a very modest reduction in loss-of-coolant accid ent frequencies.
However, implementing these increased capabilities would most likely result in a very modest reduction in loss-of-coolant accident frequencies.
As a result, the staff concluded that the associated risk reducti on that may be realized would not justify the costs associated with the installation and maintenance of such equipment (i.e., the cost-benefit criteria associated with implementation of the backfit rule [10 CFR 5 0.109] could not be satisfied). Issuance of the working group report complet ed the recommendation and, since no further action was proposed, an effectiveness review is not required.
As a result, the staff concluded that the associated risk reduction that may be realized would not justify the costs associated with the installation and maintenance of such equipment (i.e., the cost-benefit criteria associated with implementation of the backfit rule [10 CFR 50.109] could not be satisfied). Issuance of the working group report completed the recommendation and, since no further action was proposed, an effectiveness review is not required.
3.2.1(1)Improve the requirements pertaining to RCS unidentified leakage and RCPB leakage to ensure that
3.2.1(1)   Improve the requirements pertaining to RCS                   High          BI        Complete        Not required    RES (DET) for unidentified leakage and RCPB leakage to ensure that                                                                     research report they are sufficient to: (1) provide the ability to discriminate between RCS unidentified leakage and                                                                         NRR/RES for RCPB leakage; and (2) provide reasonable assurance                                                                       remaining that plants are not operated at power with RCPB                                                                           actions leakage.
they are sufficient to: (1) provide the ability to
discriminate between RCS unidentified leakage and
RCPB leakage; and (2) provide reasonable assurance
that plants are not operated at power with RCPB
leakage.HighBICompleteNot requiredRES (DET) for research report NRR/RES for remaining actions LLTF No.LLTF RecommendationPriorityCategory Target Date Effectiveness Review Lead Org.30 STATUS:  This item was implemented in conjunction with LLTF 3.1.5(1) above.
In evaluating the need for additional requirements pertaining to leakage detection, the staff considered past operating experie nce related to reactor coolant system integrity and the performance deficiencies that led to the degradation that occurred at Davis-Besse. Th e staff identified techniques that could improve localized leak detection and on-line monitoring and several areas of possible improvements to lea kage detection requirements that could provide increased confidence that plant s are not operated at power with reactor coolant pressure bounda ry leakage.
However, implementing these increased capabilities would most likely result in a very modest reduction in loss-of-coolant accid ent frequencies.
As a result, the staff concluded that the associated risk reducti on that may be realized would not justify the costs associated with the installation and maintenance of such equipment (i.e., the cost-benefit criteria associated with implementation of the backfit rule [10 CFR 5 0.109] could not be satisfied). Since no changes were recommended, an effectiveness review is not required.
3.2.1(2)Develop inspection guidance pertaining to RCS unidentified leakage that includes action levels to
trigger increasing levels of NRC interaction with
licensees in order to assess licensee actions in
response to increasing levels of unidentified RCS
leakage. The action level criteria should identify
adverse trends in RCS unidentified leakage that could
indicate RCPB degradation.HighBICompleteCompleteNRR (IIPB)
STATUS:  IMC 2515, Appendix D, "Plant Status," was revised in 05/04 to require inspectors to trend leak rates and monitor unide ntified leakage for adverse trends, and, if any are noted, to inform licensee management and regional management. The guidance also requires i nspectors to review licensee procedures and action plans to identify source(s) of RCS unidentified leakages when RCS leakages are suspected and to review licensee procedures for action steps, as unidentified leakage approac hes licensee administrative limits or technical specificat ions allowed values. IMC 2515, Appendix D, was revised again in 01/05 to provide gui dance and techniques necessary for assessing potential adverse t rends and action levels in response to increasing levels of RCS unidentifi ed leakage. The effectiveness review was deferred to provide a n adequate period of time to use the new guidance.
LLTF No.LLTF RecommendationPriorityCategory Target Date Effectiveness Review Lead Org.31 3.2.1(3)Inspect plant alarm response procedure requirements for leakage monitoring systems to assess whether
they provide adequate guidance for the identification
of RCPB leakage.HighBICompleteCompleteNRR (IIPB)
STATUS:  To address this recommendation, inspection guidance has been revised to verify that licensees have programs and proces ses in place to (1) monitor plant-specific instrumentation that could indicate potential RCS leakage, (2) meet existing requirements r elated to degraded or inoperable leakage detection instruments, (3) use an inventor y balance check when there is unidentified leakage (4) take app ropriate corrective action for adverse trends in unidentified leak rates, and (5) pay particular attention to changes in unidentified le akage. The revised procedures include Inspection Manual Chapter 2515 Appendix D (Plant Status Review), Inspection Procedure 71111.22, and Inspecti on Procedure 71111.08. These revisions were i ssued in 05/04 and inspections have commenced.
The assessment of the adequacy of licensee procedure requirements was completed as part of the annual ROP self assessment proce ss. The staff's review of inspection results and feedback from each Regi on regarding the implementation of these changes indicated that the licensees' alarm response procedures and operating procedures provide adequat e guidance for the identification and corrective actions for reactor coolant system boundary leakage. No implementation issues or findings were identified in this area. IPs 71111.22 and 71111.08, and IM C 2515 will continue to be evaluated on an ongoing basis as part of the annual ROP assessment process and as part of the procedure feedback process in accordance with IMC 0801.
3.3.3(3)Continue ongoing efforts to review and improve the usefulness of the barrier integrity PIs [Performance
Indicators]. These review efforts should evaluate the
feasibility of establishing a PI which tracks the
number, duration, and rate of primary system leaks

that have been identified but not corrected.HighBICompleteNot RequiredNRR(DIPM)
LLTF                                                                                                              Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation                          Priority    Category      Target Date                          Lead Org.
STATUS: The review and improvement of PIs is on ongoing process, which is performed by a working group that includes NRC and i ndustry representatives. The PI program is a voluntary program for t he industry in that there are no regulatory requirements associate d with theprogram. Changes to the program generally require consensus between the NRC staff and industry. The first part of LLTF 3.3.3(3) is satisfied by the continuation of this ongoing process. The second part of the recommendation requires a feasibility eval uation of establishing an additional PI for tracking number, d uration and rate of LLTF No.LLTF RecommendationPriorityCategory Target Date Effectiveness Review Lead Org.32 primary system leaks. The existing Reactor Coolant System (RCS) Leakage PI already monitors identified leakage as a percentage of the plant technical specifications limit. The intent of the PI is to call attention to those plants that have identified primary system leaks but have not corrected them in a timely manner. Only five plants have cross ed the green-white threshold (greater than 50 percent of TS limit) in five years. The industry and NRC staff established a subgroup composed of NRC staff and industry representatives to assess the feasibility of creating a PI to track the number, duration, and rate of primary system lea ks that have been identified but not corrected. The group conclud ed that it is not feasible at present due, in part, to the difficulty licensees have in determining small leak rates accurately, and, in part, to the quarterly data reporting, which makes it difficult for the staff to determine t he number of leaks, the rate, and the duration. However, the s taff will continue tofollow progress in leak detection capability and industry efforts in this area.
No.                                                                                                                Review STATUS: This item was implemented in conjunction with LLTF 3.1.5(1) above.
As part of the continuing effort to improve usefulness of the barrier integrity PIs and the Reactor Oversight Process, the staf f/industry working group agreed to have the subgroup explore possible improvements to the RCS leakage PI. The subgroup has met on a number of occ asions and is currently interacting with the Westinghouse Owners Group to understand the efforts being undertaken by that group.In summary, the staff has assessed the feasibility of establishing the PI which tracks the number, duration, and rate of primary system leaks that have been identified but not corrected and has determined that it is not feasible at this time. As part of the ongoing efforts to improve the Reactor Oversight Process and PI Program, the staff is working with its external stakeholders and has established an NRC staff/
In evaluating the need for additional requirements pertaining to leakage detection, the staff considered past operating experience related to reactor coolant system integrity and the performance deficiencies that led to the degradation that occurred at Davis-Besse. The staff identified techniques that could improve localized leak detection and on-line monitoring and several areas of possible improvements to leakage detection requirements that could provide increased confidence that plants are not operated at power with reactor coolant pressure boundary leakage.
industry subgroup to explore and possibly improve the RCS Leakage PI. Since this is a continuing process and no specific changes were m ade, there is no need for an effectiveness review.
However, implementing these increased capabilities would most likely result in a very modest reduction in loss-of-coolant accident frequencies.
3.3.4(9)Review PWR plant technical specifications to identify plants that have non-standard RCPB leakage
As a result, the staff concluded that the associated risk reduction that may be realized would not justify the costs associated with the installation and maintenance of such equipment (i.e., the cost-benefit criteria associated with implementation of the backfit rule [10 CFR 50.109] could not be satisfied). Since no changes were recommended, an effectiveness review is not required.
3.2.1(2)  Develop inspection guidance pertaining to RCS                High          BI        Complete          Complete        NRR (IIPB) unidentified leakage that includes action levels to trigger increasing levels of NRC interaction with licensees in order to assess licensee actions in response to increasing levels of unidentified RCS leakage. The action level criteria should identify adverse trends in RCS unidentified leakage that could indicate RCPB degradation.
STATUS: IMC 2515, Appendix D, Plant Status, was revised in 05/04 to require inspectors to trend leak rates and monitor unidentified leakage for adverse trends, and, if any are noted, to inform licensee management and regional management. The guidance also requires inspectors to review licensee procedures and action plans to identify source(s) of RCS unidentified leakages when RCS leakages are suspected and to review licensee procedures for action steps, as unidentified leakage approaches licensee administrative limits or technical specifications allowed values.
IMC 2515, Appendix D, was revised again in 01/05 to provide guidance and techniques necessary for assessing potential adverse trends and action levels in response to increasing levels of RCS unidentified leakage. The effectiveness review was deferred to provide an adequate period of time to use the new guidance.

LLTF                                                                                                              Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation                        Priority    Category        Target Date                      Lead Org.
Pursue changes to those technical specifications to make them consistent among all plants.HighBICompleteNot RequiredNRR (IROB)
No.                                                                                                                  Review 3.2.1(3)    Inspect plant alarm response procedure requirements          High            BI          Complete        Complete      NRR (IIPB) for leakage monitoring systems to assess whether they provide adequate guidance for the identification of RCPB leakage.
STATUS: Plants with nonstandard RCPB technical specifications (TSs) were identified in a 07/03 study (ML031980277). The study indicated that only one plant did not have TSs for RC PB leakage. Subsequently, this plant submi tted a technical specification change req uest that will bring it into alignment with the standard TSs. This change wa s approved on 5/7/04. Now all PWR TSs have RCPB leakage limits c onsistent with standard TSs. The requirements for shutdown, if leakage exis ts, are not identical, but all plants require appropriate cons ervative action to place the plant in cold shutdown within the time frame of the standard TSs.
STATUS: To address this recommendation, inspection guidance has been revised to verify that licensees have programs and processes in place to (1) monitor plant-specific instrumentation that could indicate potential RCS leakage, (2) meet existing requirements related to degraded or inoperable leakage detection instruments, (3) use an inventory balance check when there is unidentified leakage (4) take appropriate corrective action for adverse trends in unidentified leak rates, and (5) pay particular attention to changes in unidentified leakage. The revised procedures include Inspection Manual Chapter 2515 Appendix D (Plant Status Review), Inspection Procedure 71111.22, and Inspection Procedure 71111.08. These revisions were issued in 05/04 and inspections have commenced.
3.3.7(3)Evaluate the adequacy of analysis methods involvingMediumBICompleteCompleteRES LLTF No.LLTF RecommendationPriorityCategory Target Date Effectiveness Review Lead Org.33 the assessment of risk associated with passive component degradation, including the integration of
The assessment of the adequacy of licensee procedure requirements was completed as part of the annual ROP self assessment process. The staffs review of inspection results and feedback from each Region regarding the implementation of these changes indicated that the licensees alarm response procedures and operating procedures provide adequate guidance for the identification and corrective actions for reactor coolant system boundary leakage. No implementation issues or findings were identified in this area. IPs 71111.22 and 71111.08, and IMC 2515 will continue to be evaluated on an ongoing basis as part of the annual ROP assessment process and as part of the procedure feedback process in accordance with IMC 0801.
3.3.3(3)    Continue ongoing efforts to review and improve the            High            BI          Complete      Not Required      NRR(DIPM) usefulness of the barrier integrity PIs [Performance Indicators]. These review efforts should evaluate the feasibility of establishing a PI which tracks the number, duration, and rate of primary system leaks that have been identified but not corrected.
STATUS: The review and improvement of PIs is on ongoing process, which is performed by a working group that includes NRC and industry representatives. The PI program is a voluntary program for the industry in that there are no regulatory requirements associated with the program. Changes to the program generally require consensus between the NRC staff and industry. The first part of LLTF 3.3.3(3) is satisfied by the continuation of this ongoing process.
The second part of the recommendation requires a feasibility evaluation of establishing an additional PI for tracking number, duration and rate of 31

the results of such analyses into the regulatory
LLTF                                                                                                                  Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation                              Priority  Category      Target Date                          Lead Org.
No.                                                                                                                    Review primary system leaks. The existing Reactor Coolant System (RCS) Leakage PI already monitors identified leakage as a percentage of the plant technical specifications limit. The intent of the PI is to call attention to those plants that have identified primary system leaks but have not corrected them in a timely manner. Only five plants have crossed the green-white threshold (greater than 50 percent of TS limit) in five years.
The industry and NRC staff established a subgroup composed of NRC staff and industry representatives to assess the feasibility of creating a PI to track the number, duration, and rate of primary system leaks that have been identified but not corrected. The group concluded that it is not feasible at present due, in part, to the difficulty licensees have in determining small leak rates accurately, and, in part, to the quarterly data reporting, which makes it difficult for the staff to determine the number of leaks, the rate, and the duration. However, the staff will continue to follow progress in leak detection capability and industry efforts in this area.
As part of the continuing effort to improve usefulness of the barrier integrity PIs and the Reactor Oversight Process, the staff/industry working group agreed to have the subgroup explore possible improvements to the RCS leakage PI. The subgroup has met on a number of occasions and is currently interacting with the Westinghouse Owners Group to understand the efforts being undertaken by that group.
In summary, the staff has assessed the feasibility of establishing the PI which tracks the number, duration, and rate of primary system leaks that have been identified but not corrected and has determined that it is not feasible at this time. As part of the ongoing efforts to improve the Reactor Oversight Process and PI Program, the staff is working with its external stakeholders and has established an NRC staff/industry subgroup to explore and possibly improve the RCS Leakage PI. Since this is a continuing process and no specific changes were made, there is no need for an effectiveness review.
3.3.4(9)    Review PWR plant technical specifications to identify            High          BI        Complete        Not Required    NRR (IROB) plants that have non-standard RCPB leakage requirements.
Pursue changes to those technical specifications to make them consistent among all plants.
STATUS: Plants with nonstandard RCPB technical specifications (TSs) were identified in a 07/03 study (ML031980277). The study indicated that only one plant did not have TSs for RCPB leakage. Subsequently, this plant submitted a technical specification change request that will bring it into alignment with the standard TSs. This change was approved on 5/7/04. Now all PWR TSs have RCPB leakage limits consistent with standard TSs. The requirements for shutdown, if leakage exists, are not identical, but all plants require appropriate conservative action to place the plant in cold shutdown within the time frame of the standard TSs.
3.3.7(3)    Evaluate the adequacy of analysis methods involving            Medium          BI        Complete          Complete      RES 32

decision-making process.
LLTF                                                                                                                Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation                            Priority    Category    Target Date                            Lead Org.
STATUS: A working group consisting of members of the NRR and RES staff addressed this recommendation. In general, the working group found that the methods used to assess risk are adequate; however, in most cases there is insufficient data to use those methods to produce robust results. Also, an understanding of the results of any ri sk assessment, as well as its limitations and uncertainties, is paramount for responsible risk-informed regulatory decision making. The wo rking group report, dated March 31, 2005, found that the available risk assessment models alone are usually inadequate to provide strong support for many types of decisions. The portions of the risk models tha t predict degradation rates and structural integrity effects, and the limit ed information about plant-specific conditions often make it d ifficult to make reliable predictions very far beyond the latest available measurements.
No.                                                                                                                    Review the assessment of risk associated with passive component degradation, including the integration of the results of such analyses into the regulatory decision-making process.
However, the working group concluded that decisions made on the basis of a proper combination of inspection results and predictive modeli ng can be successfully used to adequately control the risk to the public. The steam generator tube integrity program that has recently been dev eloped in cooperation with industry, is suggested as a model f or success in other portions of the pressure boundary components that are important to safety.
STATUS: A working group consisting of members of the NRR and RES staff addressed this recommendation. In general, the working group found that the methods used to assess risk are adequate; however, in most cases there is insufficient data to use those methods to produce robust results. Also, an understanding of the results of any risk assessment, as well as its limitations and uncertainties, is paramount for responsible risk-informed regulatory decision making. The working group report, dated March 31, 2005, found that the available risk assessment models alone are usually inadequate to provide strong support for many types of decisions. The portions of the risk models that predict degradation rates and structural integrity effects, and the limited information about plant-specific conditions often make it difficult to make reliable predictions very far beyond the latest available measurements. However, the working group concluded that decisions made on the basis of a proper combination of inspection results and predictive modeling can be successfully used to adequately control the risk to the public. The steam generator tube integrity program that has recently been developed in cooperation with industry, is suggested as a model for success in other portions of the pressure boundary components that are important to safety.
The Division Directors agree that the methods used to assess risk are adequate and data limitations need to be well understood.
The Division Directors agree that the methods used to assess risk are adequate and data limitations need to be well understood. An understanding of the limitations and uncertainties is necessary to make the appropriate decision. Degradation issues are not unique with respect to the need for decision makers to carefully consider the degree of uncertainty of and the level of confidence in the available information and analytical results. But, it is more difficult than usual to do so for degradation issues, because of the greater reliance on predictive models in place of empirical reliability data. Based on the working group findings, the evaluation recommended by DBLLTF 3.3.7(3) is considered complete.
An understanding of the limitations and uncertainties is necessary to make the appropriate decision. Degradation issues are not u nique with respect to the need for decision makers to carefully consider t he degree of uncertainty of and the level of confidence in the a vailable information and analytical results. But, it is more difficult than usual to do so for degradation issues, because of the greater reliance on predictive models inplace of empirical reliability data. Based on the working group findings, the evaluation recommended by DBLLTF 3.3.7(3) is con sidered complete.The Division Directors generally endorsed the working group reco mmendations and noted that the implementation of the recommenda tionsshould be consistent with the NRR/DSSA effort to assess the May 2004 GAO report on the Davis-Besse shutdown. NRR and RES will develop a strategy to implement the training identified by the worki ng group for incorporating the risk assessment results in regulator y decision-making.
The Division Directors generally endorsed the working group recommendations and noted that the implementation of the recommendations should be consistent with the NRR/DSSA effort to assess the May 2004 GAO report on the Davis-Besse shutdown. NRR and RES will develop a strategy to implement the training identified by the working group for incorporating the risk assessment results in regulatory decision-making.
The overall training and other items required to implement thes e recommendations, and the effectiveness review are projected to be completed by September 2006.}}
The overall training and other items required to implement these recommendations, and the effectiveness review are projected to be completed by September 2006.

Latest revision as of 19:47, 13 November 2019

Status of Davis-Besse Lessons Learned Task Force Recommendations (Final Update): December 2009
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 04/16/2010
Division of Policy and Rulemaking
Beaulieu, D P, NRR/DPR, 415-3243
Download: ML101060482 (33)


Status of Davis-Besse Lessons Learned Task Force Recommendations (FINAL UPDATE): December 2009 Category: Stress Corrosion Cracking LLTF Target Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation Priority Category Lead Org.

No. Date Review 3.1.1(1) Assemble foreign and domestic information High SCC Complete Not Required RES (DET) concerning Alloy 600 (and other nickel based alloys) for data nozzle cracking and boric acid corrosion. Analyze collection nickel based alloy nozzle susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking (SCC), including other susceptible NRR (DE) for components, and boric acid corrosion of carbon steel, other actions and propose a course of action and an implementation schedule to address the results.

STATUS: Data collection was accomplished in two phases. Collection of information on cracking was completed 03/31/04 (, ML040910354). A test program on boric acid corrosion was completed on 10/22/04 and was published in NUREG/CR-6875, Boric Acid Corrosion of Light Water Reactor Pressure Vessel Material (ML050410026). The information contained in these two reports and a third report on Alloy 600 cracking susceptibility (ML032461221), which was issued on 3/31/04 to address LLTF 3.1.4(1), have been compiled in NUREG-1823, U.S. Plant Experience with Alloy 600 Cracking and Boric Acid Corrosion of Light-Water Reactor Pressure Vessel Materials (ML050390139).

Based on the reports, the staff concluded that additional inspections are warranted for identifying leakage from primary water stress corrosion cracking (PWSCC) and for precluding boric acid corrosion as a result of such through-wall leakage. The RES reports provide a comprehensive set of information that supports and confirms the appropriateness of these conclusions and does not change the staffs basic perception of the problem. The staff concluded that definitive actions are needed to address shortcomings with the current framework for these inspections and proposed a plan and schedule for accomplishing them. This completed the LLTF recommendation. Actions to implement the plan are being tracked through an NRR action plan that addresses stress corrosion cracking and boric acid corrosion issues.

3.2.2(1) Inspect the adequacy of PWR [pressurized-water High SCC Complete Complete NRR (IIPB) reactor] plant boric acid corrosion control programs, including their implementation effectiveness, to determine their acceptability for the identification of boric acid leakage, and their acceptability to ensure that adequate evaluations are performed for identified boric acid leaks.


LLTF Target Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation Priority Category Lead Org.

No. Date Review STATUS: The evaluation of responses to Bulletin 2002-01, which included audits of boric acid corrosion control (BACC) programs at five plants, determined that plants appeared to be complying with requirements at the programmatic level. The results of the evaluation were summarized in Regulatory Issues Summary (RIS) 2003-13 (ML032100653). The RIS concluded that existing monitoring programs may need to be enhanced to ensure early detection and prevention of leakage from the RCPB and provided suggestions for improving existing programs.

Subsequent inspections conducted at all operating reactor plants have reviewed licensee BACC programs using new inspection guidelines.

Temporary Instruction (TI) 2515/150, issued on October 18, 2002, which provides guidance for inspecting licensees reactor pressure vessel (RPV) head inspections pursuant to Order EA-03-009, also includes instructions for follow-up on findings of boric acid accumulation.

Inspection Procedure (IP) 71111.08, Inservice Inspection Activities, was revised on 5/11/04 to add periodic inspection requirements and guidance for BACC. Staff review of inspection results from TI 2515/150 and IP 71111.08 and feedback from Region inspectors indicate that licensees current programs are generally adequate for locating and evaluating and/or correcting boric acid leaks and the NRC inspection guidance is adequate and effective for oversight of BACC programs. All inspection findings have been categorized as very low safety significance. The effectiveness of IP71111.08 will continue to be evaluated as part of annual ROP self-assessment and appropriate improvements will be made as needed.

3.3.2(1) Develop inspection guidance for the periodic High SCC Complete Not required NRR (IIPB) inspection of PWR plant boric acid corrosion control programs.

STATUS: Temporary Instruction (TI) 2515/150, issued in 08/03, supports the review of licensees RPV head and vessel head penetration nozzle inspection activities that are implemented in accordance with the requirements of NRC Order EA-03-009. This TI validates that a plant conforms to its inspection commitments and requirements, during refueling outages, using procedures, equipment, and personnel that have been demonstrated to be effective in the detection and sizing of PWSCC in VHP nozzles and detection of RPV head wastage. TI 2515/152, issued in 11/03, provides interim inspection guidance for follow-up to Bulletin 2003-02, which includes BACC programs. In addition, IP 71111.08, Inservice Inspection Activities, was revised in 05/04 to add NRC inspection samples to observe and evaluate licensee inspection of PWR RPV head and VHP nozzle inspection activities on a periodic basis consistent with the guidance in TI 2515/150. This revision also included guidance and requirements to perform a performance based inspection of licensees boric acid program implementation.

The effectiveness of these inspection procedures will be evaluated as part of LLTF 3.2.2(1) and a separate effectiveness review is not required.


LLTF Target Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation Priority Category Lead Org.

No. Date Review 3.3.4(3) Develop inspection guidance or revise existing High SCC Complete Not required NRR (IIPB) guidance to ensure that VHP [vessel head penetration] nozzles and the RPV head area are periodically reviewed by the NRC during licensee ISI [inservice inspection] activities.

STATUS: TI2515/150, issued 08/03, provides interim inspection guidance for follow-up to Order EA-03-009.

IP 71111.08, Inservice Inspection Activities, was revised on 5/11/04 to add periodic inspection requirements and guidance for PWR vessel head penetration inspections. The effectiveness of these inspection procedures will be evaluated as part of LLTF 3.2.2(1) and a separate effectiveness review is not required.

3.3.4(8) Encourage ASME [American Society of Mechanical High SCC Complete Not required NRR (DCI)

Engineers] Code requirement changes for bare metal inspections of nickel based alloy nozzles for which the code does not require the removal of insulation for inspections. Also, encourage ASME Code requirement changes for the conduct of non-visual NDE [nondestructive examination] inspections of VHP nozzles.

Alternatively, revise 10 CFR 50.55a to address these areas.

STATUS: On February 11, 2003, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) issued Order EA-03-009, Interim Inspection Requirements for Reactor Pressure Vessel Heads at Pressurized Water Reactors. This order modified licensees licenses to require specific inspections of the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) upper head and associated penetration nozzles at pressurized water reactors. In response to internal review and stakeholder input, the NRC issued First Revised Order EA-03-009 (Order), on February 20, 2004, which refined the inspection requirements of NRC Order EA-03-009 by taking into account lessons learned from inspections performed from February 2003 to January 2004.

The staff reviewed the results of reactor pressure vessel (RPV) head inspections through Temporary Instruction 2515-150, "Reactor Pressure Vessel Head and Vessel Head Penetration Nozzles," October 18, 2002, (ADAMS Accession Number ML022940597), and through review of requests for relaxation from the requirements of Order EA-03-009 and First Revised Order EA-03-009. Permanent inspection guidelines were established through the issuance of ASME Code Case N 729-1, "Alternative Examination Requirements for PWR Reactor Vessel Upper Heads With Nozzles Having Pressure-Retaining Partial-Penetration WeldsSection XI," which was incorporated into Title 10 of the Code of Federal 3

LLTF Target Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation Priority Category Lead Org.

No. Date Review Regulations (10 CFR) Paragraph 50.55a. The technical basis was provided in the Federal Register notice for the proposed rule to incorporate ASME Code Case N-729-1 into 10 CFR 50.55a (Volume 72, Number 65, pages 16731 - 16741, April 5, 2007). Use of Code Case N-729-1, with staff conditions, became mandatory on December 31, 2008. Code Case N-729-1 addresses inspection requirements for nozzle integrity as well as for potential boric acid corrosion of the reactor pressure vessel upper head.

Separately, the ASME Board on Nuclear Codes and Standards approved Code Case N-722, which recommends bare metal visual examination of all ASME Code Class 1 alloy 600/82/182 components at frequencies that depend on the temperature of the location. The NRC staff reviewed the adequacy of the requirements of Code Case N-722, along with Code Case N-729-1, and determined them to be acceptable to address potential boric acid corrosion. The technical basis was provided in the Federal Register notice for the proposed rule to incorporate ASME Code Cases N-722 and N 729-1 into 10 CFR 50.55a (Volume 72, Number 65, pages 16731 - 16741, April 5, 2007). The staff implemented regulations to address potential boric acid corrosion by incorporating ASME Code Case N-729-1 and N-722, with limitations, into 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(D) and 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(E), respectively. The requirements of 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(E) became mandatory on October 10, 2008.

3.1.4(1) Determine if it is appropriate to continue using the Medium SCC Complete Not required RES (DET) existing SCC models as a predictor of VHP nozzle PWSCC [primary water SCC] susceptibility given the apparent large uncertainties associated with the models. Determine whether additional analysis and testing are needed to reduce uncertainties in these models relative to their continued application in regulatory decision making.

STATUS: In its current form, the model is based on time and temperature effects alone and is adequate for prioritizing reactor VHP inspections.

It has been used in the development of inspection requirements in Order EA-03-009 and the bulletins that preceded it. Inspection results to date have been consistent with model predictions and do not indicate a need for revising the model in the near term. A report by the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, issued 7/21/03 (ML032461224 and ML032461221), identified refinements that could be made to the model. These improvements are not needed to satisfy this recommendation and will require research activities that are beyond the scope of the LLTF recommendation. The report will be issued in a NUREG together with the reports required for LLTF 3.1.1(1).

3.3.7(6) Determine whether ISI summary reports should be Low SCC Complete Not Required NRR submitted to the NRC, and revise the ASME (DE/DLPM) submission requirement and staff guidance regarding disposition of the reports, as appropriate.


LLTF Target Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation Priority Category Lead Org.

No. Date Review STATUS: The staff has reviewed the uses of the ISI reports and concludes that it is appropriate to continue to have the reports submitted to the NRC, so that there is no need to revise the ASME requirements. In particular, the Regions use the ISI reports for inspection planning and to follow up on issues associated with inspection procedure IP 71111.08, Inservice Inspection Activities. In addition, the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research reviews the ISI reports to trend aging effects and material degradation, in order to develop recommendations for codes and standards activities.

The staff has determined, however, that the NRR practice of reviewing the ISI reports is unnecessary. In the future, the NRR staff will not review the ISI reports; rather, since the reports should still be submitted for other reasons, the reports will be available when it is determined that the NRR staff should use them as references in support of the operating experience program. No effectiveness review is required.


Category: Operating Experience LLTF Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation Priority Category Target Date Lead Org.

No. Review 3.1.6(1) Take the following steps to address the effectiveness High OpE Complete Complete NRR(IROB) of programs involving the review of operating and RES experience: (1) evaluate the agencys capability to retain operating experience information and to perform longer-term operating experience reviews; (2) evaluate thresholds, criteria, and guidance for initiating generic communications; (3) evaluate opportunities for additional effectiveness and efficiency gains stemming from changes in organizational alignments (e.g., a centralized NRC operational experience clearing house);

(4) evaluate the effectiveness of the Generic Issues Program; and (5) evaluate the effectiveness of the internal dissemination of operating experience to end users.

STATUS: This action required the evaluation of various aspects of the agencys operating experience program. This action item became the foundation of the charter for to Operating Experience Task Force (OETF) [ML031200535]. The OETF documented its evaluation of items (1) through (5) of the recommendation in its report dated 11/26/03 (ML033350063). The OETF made 23 recommendations for improving the effectiveness of the agencys operating experience program that are currently being implemented in accordance with the Operating Experience Action Plan dated 4/29/04 (ML041180024).

3.1.6(2) Update NRC operating experience guidance High OpE Complete Complete NRR (IROB) documents. and RES STATUS: This LLTF recommendation is directed at the fact that Management Directive (MD) 8.5, Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data had not been updated since the dissolution of the Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data organization and the transfer of Operating Experience Program responsibilities to NRR and RES. However, NRR Office Instruction, LIC-401, NRR Operating Experience Program, was issued in March 2003 to reflect the current practices of NRRs Operating Experience Section located in the Division of Inspection Program Management.


LLTF Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation Priority Category Target Date Lead Org.

No. Review As part of the Operating Experience Action Plan (ML041180024), which implemented the recommendations of the Operating Experience Task Force (ML033350063), the staff developed MD 8.7, Reactor Operating Experience Program (ML043570013, ML043570032) and Revision 1 to NRR Office Instruction, LIC-401 (ML043570075) as the framework for a new operating experience program.

On December 22, 2004, the Office Directors of NRR and RES authorized the staff to begin implementation of MD 8.7, in its draft form for one year prior to its final issuance. Also, the Director of NRR authorized implementation of NRR Office Instruction, LIC-401, Rev. 1, in draft form pending completion of final editing and administrative processing.

3.1.6(3) Enhance the effectiveness of NRC processes for the High OpE Complete Complete NRR (IROB) collection, review, assessment, storage, retrieval, and and RES dissemination of foreign operating experience.

STATUS: At the time of this recommendation, foreign operating experience, such as that received through the IAEA Incident Reporting System (IRS), was only communicated and distributed in an ad hoc fashion. Today, it is a formal element of the NRC Operating Experience Section screening process and available on the internal web site.

NRR Office Instruction LIC-401, NRR Operating Experience Program, was issued on 3/31/03. This office instruction incorporates action to enhance the effectiveness and utilization of foreign operating experience within the Operating Experience Section. This process will be further enhanced upon implementation of the Operating Experience Action Plan (ML041180024). An overall effectiveness review will be performed approximately one year following implementation of the action plan.

3.2.4(1) Assess the scope and adequacy of requirements High OpE Complete Complete NRR (IROB) governing licensee review of operating experience.

STATUS: This assessment was performed as part of the Operating Experience Task Force Report (ML033350063), which was issued November 26, 2003. Section 5 of this report concludes that the scope and adequacy of the requirements related to the licensee review of operating experience are currently acceptable. Inspection Procedure 71152, Identification and Resolution of Problems, is the key baseline procedure for evaluating licensee utilization of operating experience, and the Operating Task Force found that recent changes to that procedure (Change Notice 03-032) enhanced NRC baseline inspection efforts.


LLTF Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation Priority Category Target Date Lead Org.

No. Review 3.3.1(1) Provide training and reinforce expectations to NRC High OpE Complete Complete NRR (IIPB) managers and staff members to address the following areas: (1) maintaining a questioning attitude in the conduct of inspection activities; (2) developing inspection insights stemming from the DBNPS [Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station] event relative to symptoms and indications of RCS [Reactor Coolant System] leakage; (3) communicating expectations regarding the inspection follow-up of the types of problems that occurred at DBNPS; and (4) maintaining an awareness of surroundings while conducting inspections. Training requirements should be evaluated to include the appropriate mix of formal training and on-the-job training commensurate with experience. Mechanisms should be established to perpetuate these training requirements.

STATUS: The focus of this recommendation is on regional staff. The Inspection Program Branch developed a web-based training course based on the Columbia Space Shuttle Accident to (1) illustrate the importance of maintaining a questioning attitude toward safety and the potential negative consequences that can occur when such a questioning attitude is lost or compromised; (2) provide examples of how issues concerning an organizations safety culture can lead to technological failures; (3) provide insights into investigation techniques that can be used to assess safety significant issues or events; and (4) illustrate the importance of a robust corrective action program and highlight the corrective action program weaknesses that contributed to the shuttle accident.

The Regions provided documentation that all managers and inspectors required to complete the training on the Columbia Accident had completed the training. In addition, IMC 1245, Qualification Program for the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Programs, was revised to include this web-based training program as an individual study activity for future inspectors.

The IMC 1245 Management Steering Group and IMC 1245 Working Group annually review the effectiveness of inspector training through feedback forms submitted, results of the inspector oral boards, and regional experience. Improvements and revisions are recommended and implemented as appropriate. In addition, the Regions encourage a questioning attitude during semiannual inspector counterpart meetings, in newsletters discussing value-added findings, and during periodic reactor oversight process refresher training. The training associated with this recommendation was effectively implemented in 2003 and will be continually reviewed as part of the inspector training program reviews and regional management attention.


LLTF Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation Priority Category Target Date Lead Org.

No. Review 3.3.4(2) Strengthen inspection guidance pertaining to the High OpE Complete Complete NRR(IROB periodic review of operating experience. and IIPB)

STATUS: The inspection guidance pertaining to the periodic review of operating experience has been strengthened through the revision of Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Procedure 71152 on 9/8/03. This revision specifically requires the review, on a sampling basis, of the issues identified through the past NRC generic communications. A fundamental goal of the NRCs reactor oversight process is to establish confidence that each licensee is detecting and correcting problems. This inspection procedures purpose is to supplement the other baseline inspection procedures and the performance indicators to provide assurance that licensees adequately identify and correct problems.

Issues identified through operating experience are an integral part of that assessment.

The effectiveness of the changes to IP 71152 was reviewed by verifying that: (1) the planned procedure revisions were issued and distributed to inspectors, (2) the latest version of the inspection procedure was being used, (3) the inspection guidance pertaining to the periodic review of operating experience was strengthened, and (4) there were no unintended consequences. The staff reviewed 30 inspection reports that documented the results of completing IP 71152 inspections (fifteen reports each from 2004 and 2005 with a mix from each of the four regions).

The review determined that the four criteria were met. In addition, a pilot inspection program conducted in 2005 resulted in enhancements to the procedures for inspecting licensee use of operating experience in the design and engineering areas. The staff concluded that the changes were effectively implemented and the inspection guidance pertaining to the periodic review of operating experience has been strengthened. IP 71152 will continue to be evaluated on an ongoing basis as part of the annual ROP self-assessment process.

3.3.5(1) Maintain expertise in the subject areas by ensuring High OpE Complete Complete NRR (IIPB) that NRC inspector training includes: (1) boric acid corrosion effects and control; and (2) PWSCC of nickel based alloy nozzles.

STATUS: Training modules on these topics have been included in the web-based training described under 3.3.1(1). The training focuses on the current NRC understanding and approach to monitoring boric acid corrosion and shows photographs of the Davis-Besse head and a cutaway drawing of the degradation.

A training module on the Effects of Corrosion, which includes both PWSCC and BACC, was completed by all current inspectors. Also, Inspection Manual Chapter (IMC) 1245, Qualification Program for the Office Of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Programs, Appendix B, General Proficiency-Level Training and Qualification Journal (ML041820014), was revised to include an individual study activity requiring all qualifying inspectors to review the technical subject web-based training, which includes the training on PWSCC and BACC, as well as future web-based training items.


LLTF Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation Priority Category Target Date Lead Org.

No. Review This action was effectively implemented in 2004 and the Regions documented that all appropriate managers and inspectors completed the training. In the long term, the training was added to the IMC 1245 requirements. In addition, during 2005, the Inspection Program Branch will work with the Materials Engineering Branch of the Division of Engineering Technology in the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research to update the training material. The training associated with this recommendation will be continually reviewed as part of the inspector training program reviews and regional management attention.

3.1.2(1) Revise NRC processes to require short-term and Medium OpE Complete Complete NRR (IROB) long-term follow-on verification of licensee actions to address significant generic communications (i.e.,

bulletins and GLs).

STATUS: NRR Office Instruction LIC-503, Generic Communications Affecting Nuclear Reactor Licensees, was revised on 7/23/04. This revision incorporates actions to address the requirement for short-term and long-term follow-on verification of licensee actions to address significant generic communications. As part of the development of a bulletin or generic letter, LIC-503 requires the staff to determine what actions will be necessary for closure of the issue.

3.1.2(2) Establish review guidance for accepting owners group Medium OpE Complete Complete NRR and industry resolutions for generic communications (DLPM, DE, and generic issues. Guidance should include DSSA) provisions for verifying implementation of activities by individual owners groups and licensees.

STATUS: NRR Office Instruction LIC-503, Generic Communications Affecting Nuclear Reactor Licensees, was revised in July 2004 to include guidance regarding review of owners group and industry resolution to generic communications. Guidance for acceptance review was added to the sections addressing origin and closeout of generic communications. The revision requires the staff to establish review guidance for accepting owners group and industry proposals during the preparation of a generic communication and to establish criteria for accepting owners group and industry resolutions during closeout. NRR Office Instruction LIC-105, Managing Regulatory Commitments Made by Licensees to the NRC, was revised in August 2004 to include guidance on accepting regulatory commitments made by third parties such as owners groups.

With regard to verification, LIC-503 requires an assessment of the method to be used for verifying licensee responses during the development of a generic communication. One method is by use of a temporary instruction (TI) and guidance for the preparation of a TI is provided. An alternative to a TI is verification of licensee responses through DLPM Project Managers audits of regulatory commitments, conducted in accordance with LIC-105. LIC-105 provides detailed guidance for conducting the audits. LIC-105 also directs lead PMs for generic communications to provide guidance for verification of owners group or industry commitments in conducting periodic audits, if they were accepted in response to the generic communication, and directs PMs to review generic communication guidance in the selection of the audit 10

LLTF Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation Priority Category Target Date Lead Org.

No. Review sample.

The Commitment Management Program, section of the DLPM Handbook provides an overview of DLPM management expectations and NRR staff guidance for handling regulatory commitments made by licensees for commercial nuclear reactors, and provides a link to LIC-105.

The target date for the effectiveness review was extended to allow a full year of experience with the new procedures before starting the review.

3.1.2(5) Conduct follow-on verification of licensee actions Medium OpE Complete Not Required NRR (IROB, associated with a sample of other significant generic IIPB) communications, with emphasis on those involving generic communication actions that are primarily programmatic in nature.

STATUS: A task force performed a screening process of candidate generic communications in 07/03 using criteria approved by management.

Selection of generic communications and focus areas was completed in 11/03 following management review and input on priorities. Verification plan was presented to NRR LT in 12/03 and revised to address comments. Five focus areas were initially identified. All but one (Service Water) were being addressed by other initiatives. Through TI 2515/159 (issued 7/29/04) a sample review of three plants in each region was conducted to verify licensee actions in response to GL 89-13, Service Water Problems Affecting Safety-Related Equipment. In addition, a follow-up to RIS 2004-05, Grid Reliability and the Impact on Plant Risk and the Operability of Offsite Power, was conducted through TI 2515/156 to determine if the RIS accomplished its purpose of raising industry awareness of the potential impacts of grid operation on nuclear power plants.

The staff concluded that GL 89-13 was generally effective in addressing issues associated with service water systems, although some isolated deficiencies exist and licensees continue to address operational issues. The staff believes that the effectiveness of this GL was enhanced by the comprehensive follow-on NRC inspections after the issuance of the GL and by the ongoing inspection program oversight. Additionally, TI2515/159 was an effective method for assessing GL 89-13 effectiveness.

The staff concluded that RIS 2004-05 was effective in informing licensees of NRC expectations in the area of offsite power in a timely manner.

Additionally, TI 2515/156 was an effective method of collecting additional operational data.


LLTF Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation Priority Category Target Date Lead Org.

No. Review 3.1.3(2) Conduct follow-on verification of licensee actions Medium OpE Complete Not Required NRR pertaining to a sample of resolved GIs. (DLPM, IIPB)

STATUS: The staff obtained a list of all resolved GIs, which indicated that 20 GIs have been resolved since 1983. All but three of these were resolved by issuance of generic communications (GCs). One remaining issue was resolved by plant-specific backfits, and two were closed without further action. Thus, a follow-on verification of resolved GIs would essentially require a verification of GCs.

However, a follow-on verification of GCs was conducted separately in response to LLTF Item 3.1.2(5), which selected GCs for review by a screening process of all GCs that considered safety significance, risk significance, functional area and other factors, and included input from the NRR, RES and Region Offices in establishing priority for follow-up. Only two of the 19 GCs used to resolve GIs matched those in the final priority list determined for LLTF Item 3.1.2(5), and one of these is the subject of one of the TIs being used to close out LLTF 3.1.2(5). It was concluded that the response to LLTF 3.1.3(2) would be effectively implemented by the completion of LLTF 3.1.2(5) and a separate sampling activity was unnecessary.

3.2.3(1) Review a sample of NRC safety evaluations of Medium OpE Complete Not Required NRR owners group submissions to identify whether (DLPM, intended actions that supported the bases of the IIPB)

NRCs conclusions were effectively implemented.

STATUS: The basis for this recommendation was a 1993 request from the NRC to pressurized-water reactor owners groups to provide a safety evaluation (SE) documenting why no unreviewed safety question existed for Alloy 600 nozzle cracking. The Babcock & Wilcox (B&W) Owners Group provided a report that included a statement that B&W plants had developed plans to visually inspect control rod drive nozzles for boric acid deposits. The applicable commitment was not effectively incorporated at Davis-Besse.

In general, the NRC staff does not accept owners group commitments on behalf of licensees, and it appears that the particular example cited as the basis for Davis-Besse LLTF recommendation 3.2.3(1) was unique. The DLPM lead project managers for each of the owners groups, through individual research and discussion with their respective vendors, were unable to identify any other NRC SEs of owners group submissions related to a generic issue that required an action to be implemented by industry. The NRR technical staff also stated that they did not know of any documentation of this nature.

Therefore, after a thorough search by the owners group lead project managers, vendors, and NRR technical staff, it was concluded that other SEs similar to the one described in the recommendation are not available, and LLTF 3.2.3(1) was closed.

3.2.3(2) Develop general inspection guidance for the periodic Medium OpE Complete Complete NRR 12

LLTF Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation Priority Category Target Date Lead Org.

No. Review verification of the implementation of owners groups (DLPM, commitments made on behalf of their members. IIPB)

STATUS: NRR Office Instruction LIC-503, Generic Communications Affecting Nuclear Reactor Licensees, was revised in July 2004 to include guidance regarding review of owners group and industry resolution to generic communications. Guidance for acceptance review was added to the sections addressing origin and closeout of generic communications. The revision requires the staff to establish review guidance for accepting owners group and industry proposals during the preparation of a generic communication and to establish criteria for accepting owners group and industry resolutions during closeout. NRR Office Instruction LIC-105, Managing Regulatory Commitments Made by Licensees to the NRC, was revised in August 2004 to include guidance on accepting regulatory commitments made by third parties such as owners groups.

With regard to verification, LIC-503 requires an assessment of the method to be used for verifying licensee responses during the development of a generic communication. One method is by use of a temporary instruction (TI) and guidance for the preparation of a TI is provided. An alternative to a TI is verification of licensee responses through DLPM Project Managers audits of regulatory commitments, conducted in accordance with LIC-105. LIC-105 provides detailed guidance for conducting the audits. LIC-105 also directs lead PMs for generic communications to provide guidance for verification of owners group or industry commitments in conducting periodic audits, if they were accepted in response to the generic communication, and directs PMs to review generic communication guidance in the selection of the audit sample.

The Commitment Management Program, section of the DLPM Handbook provides an overview of DLPM management expectations and NRR staff guidance for handling regulatory commitments made by licensees for commercial nuclear reactors, and provides a link to LIC-105.

The target date for the effectiveness review was extended to allow a full year of experience with the new procedures before starting the review.

3.1.2(3) Establish process guidance to ensure that generic Low OpE Complete Complete NRR (IIPB) requirements or guidance are not inappropriately affected when making unrelated changes to processes, guidance, etc. (e.g., deleting inspection procedures that were developed in response to a generic issue).

STATUS: Language was added to IMC 0040, Preparing, Revising and Issuing Documents for the NRC Inspection Manual to ensure that inspection requirements are not removed that were previously inserted to emphasize licensee performance in areas identified in a Generic Letter or Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Bulletin (IMC 0040, Change Notice 04-003, ADAMS Accession # ML040690184, dated 2/2/04). This is a permanent modification to the NRC Inspection Manual, applicable to all changes.


LLTF Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation Priority Category Target Date Lead Org.

No. Review The revised Manual Chapter requires that the previous four (4) years of changes be reviewed. An effectiveness review determined that this is a sufficient period of time to consider.

3.1.3(1) Evaluate, and revise as necessary, the guidance for Low OpE Complete Complete RES proposing candidate GIs.

STATUS: The staff has completed an evaluation of the guidance for proposing candidate Generic Issues (GIs) in Management Directive (MD) 6.4, Generic Issues Program. A revision of the Handbook 6.4 to address the DBLLTF recommendation to enhance and simplify the process was completed by 10/04 and inter-office/regional review and comments were obtained in accordance with MD 1.1, NRC Management Directive System. That action met the intent of DBLLTF recommendation and closed out this task.

3.3.4(7) Reassess the basis for the cancellation of the Low OpE Complete Not required NRR (IIPB) inspection procedures that were deleted by Inspection Manual Chapter, Change Notice 01-017 to determine whether there are deleted inspection procedures that have continuing applicability. Reactivate such procedures, as appropriate.

STATUS: A review of 80 procedures deleted by Change Notice CN01-017 was conducted to determine if there were any deleted inspection procedures that have continuing applicability. Four inspection procedures were determined to have continuing applicability and were reactivated. These were IP56700, Calibration, IP82201, Emergency Detection and Classification, IP82202, Protective Action Decision Making, and IP90700, Feedback of Operating Experience Information at Operating Power Reactors. This action was essentially an effectiveness review of the previous decision and no additional effectiveness review is required. The procedures will be evaluated as part of the annual ROP self-assessment.


Category: Inspection Programs LLTF Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation Priority Category Target Date Lead Org.

No. Review 3.2.5(2) Revise inspection guidance to provide assessments High Insp Complete Complete NRR (IIPB) of: (1) the safety implications of long-standing, unresolved problems; (2) corrective actions phased in over several years or refueling outages; and (3) deferred modifications.

STATUS: Inspection Procedure (IP) 71152, Identification and Resolution of Problems, was revised to require the resident inspector to perform a screening review of each item entered into the corrective action program. The intent of this review is to be alert to conditions such as repetitive equipment failures or human performance issues that might warrant additional follow-up through other baseline inspection procedures. IP 71152 was also revised to require a semi-annual review to identify trends that might indicate the existence of a more significant safety issue. Included within the scope of this review are repetitive or closely related issues that may have been documented by the licensee outside the normal corrective action program, such as in trend reports or performance indicators, major equipment problem lists, repetitive and/or rework maintenance lists, departmental problem/challenges lists, system health reports, quality assurance audit/surveillance reports, self-assessment reports, maintenance rule assessments, or corrective action backlog lists.

To address the issue of deferred modifications, the staff revised IP 71111.15, Operability Evaluations. The objective of this procedure is to review operability evaluations affecting mitigating systems and barrier integrity to ensure that operability is properly justified and the component or system remains available, such that no unrecognized increase in risk has occurred. The procedure was revised to include deferred modifications as one of the areas an inspector can assess to ensure that structures, systems, and components are capable of performing their design function.

The effectiveness of the changes to IP 71152 was discussed during a problem identification and resolution focus group meeting held on March 11, 2005. The consensus of the group members was that the changes have resulted in no unintended consequences, have reinforced expectations that inspectors have a questioning attitude, and provide a method for highlighting issues that might be indicative of a more significant problem. In addition, semiannual trend reviews have successfully identified negative equipment trends. In some cases, these negative trends may not have been documented if the inspection guidance had not been changed. There has been some feedback from inspectors requesting additional guidance on how to conduct the semiannual trend reviews. The inspection guidance in this area was deliberately kept non-prescriptive to afford inspectors ample opportunities to follow up on issues that might not fit well elsewhere in the inspection program. Overall, the changes were effectively implemented and addressed the recommendations. IP 71152 will continue to be evaluated on an ongoing basis as part of the annual ROP assessment process.


LLTF Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation Priority Category Target Date Lead Org.

No. Review 3.3.5(4) Develop guidance to address the impacts of IMC 0350 High Insp Complete Complete NRR (IIPB) implementation on the regional organizational alignment and resource allocation.

STATUS: The Inspection Program Branch completed an evaluation of the IMC 0350, Oversight of Operating Reactor Facilities in a Shutdown Condition with Performance Problems, process in June 2003, (ML031890873). It identified the need for specifically budgeting resources for IMC 0350 inspections and providing prescriptive inspection guidelines for the process. The budget estimate was increased for FY2005 and beyond (ML033010385) to account for one IMC 0350 plant per year. IMC 0350 was revised in December 2003, to provide additional inspection guidelines.

Davis-Besse remained the only plant under the IMC 0350 process during CY 2004. At the time of the effectiveness review, no additional plants had been considered for IMC 0350 oversight since the implementation of the DBLLTF recommendations. However, feedback from the Davis-Besse Oversight Panel and other stakeholders indicated that the procedural and budgetary changes have been generally effective in addressing the concerns noted by the DBLLTF, particularly in the allocation of resources and implementation of the comprehensive inspection and oversight guidance. In addition, in accordance with the guidance in IMC 0350, the Davis-Besse Oversight Panel is developing a report of recommended improvements to the process based on additional lessons learned. Accordingly, the staff will revise IMC 0350 in CY 2005 to address these recommendations and further improve the process. The IMC 0350 process, including these procedural and budgetary changes, will also continue to be evaluated for efficiency and effectiveness as part of the annual ROP self-assessment process.

3.3.7(2) Establish guidance to ensure that decisions to allow High Insp Complete Complete NRR deviations from agency guidelines and (DLPM) recommendations issued in generic communications are adequately documented.

STATUS: Guidance on documenting decision making and a training package containing applicable reference material were issued through a DLPM Handbook update and placed on the Project Managers web site in 02/03. In 04/03, the NRR Director distributed the training package to other NRR divisions by e-mail, and the Deputy EDO for Reactor Programs forwarded it by memorandum (ML030300106) to other offices and the regions.

Office Instruction LIC-503, Generic Communications Affecting Nuclear Reactor Licensees, issued in 06/03, contains guidance on documenting review and closeout of generic communications. A revision in 07/04 added the specific requirement for documenting the basis for allowing deviations from generic communications.


LLTF Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation Priority Category Target Date Lead Org.

No. Review The intent of the LLTF 3.3.7(2) was met by the above actions. An effectiveness review of distributing the guidance indicated a need for refresher training for licensing Project Managers. This was conducted at DLPM staff meetings in 06/04 and 03/05. The guidance has also been included in the Project Manager qualification program, so all new PMs will be made aware of the requirements. An effectiveness review for generic communication closeout recommended more specific guidance in LIC-503, which was added in the 07/04 revision.

3.2.5(1) Develop inspection guidance to assess scheduler Medium Insp Complete Complete NRR (IIPB) influences on outage work scope.

STATUS: Operability of plant structures, systems, and components was considered to be the fundamental operative regulatory requirement.

Therefore, Inspection Procedure (IP) 71111.15, Operability Evaluations, was modified (IP 71111.15, Change Notice 04-003, ML040690184, dated 2/2/04) to include deferred modifications (potentially deferred due to outage scheduler pressure as well as other reasons) as part of the population of items from which to sample for the adequacy of a licensees process for ensuring operability of all plant systems by surveillance and continuous monitoring. In addition, existing IP 71111.20, Refueling and Other Outage Activities assesses the adequacy of the licensees actions to mitigate and control the changes in plant risk during outage activities. The effectiveness of the regional implementation of these inspection procedures are evaluated annually and the results are documented in the annual Reactor Oversight Process self assessment SECY paper.

The staffs review of inspection results and region feedback regarding implementation of these changes did not identify any implementation issues or findings resulting from the IP revisions. IPs 71111.15 and 71111.20 will continue to be evaluated on an ongoing basis as part of the annual ROP assessment process and as part of the procedure feedback process in accordance with IMC 0801, Reactor Oversight Process Feedback Program.

3.3.1(2) Develop inspection guidance to assess repetitive or Medium Insp Complete Complete NRR (IIPB) multiple TS action statement entries, as well as, the radiation dose implications associated with repetitive tasks.

STATUS: IMC 2515, Appendix D, Plant Status, was revised in 05/04 to evaluate licensee actions when operating with multiple or repetitive or unplanned Technical Specification (TS) action statements, and included inspection guidance for assessing radiation dose implications associated with repetitive tasks. These procedure changes were reviewed and commented on by the regional staff and approved for implementation.


LLTF Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation Priority Category Target Date Lead Org.

No. Review The staffs review of inspection results and feedback from each Region regarding the implementation of these changes indicates that the licensees were neither operating with excessive repetitive or multiple TS action statement entries nor causing any significant radiation dose to workers as a result of repetitive tasks. The licensees actions were consistent with TS requirements and occupational radiation exposure guidance. No implementation issues or findings were identified in this area. IMC 2515 will continue to be evaluated on an ongoing basis as part of the annual ROP assessment process and as part of the procedure feedback process in accordance with IMC 0801.

3.3.3(1) As an additional level of assurance, identify alternative Medium Insp Complete Complete NRR (IIPB) mechanisms to independently assess plant performance as a means of self-assessing NRC processes. Once identified, the feasibility of such mechanisms should be determined.

STATUS: The staff researched plant assessments performed by independent parties and identified two (Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that could be used as a means of self-assessing the NRC inspection and plant performance assessment process. Inspection Manual Chapter (IMC) 0305, Operating Reactor Assessment Program, was revised on December 21, 2004 (ML043560249), to include consideration of these independent assessments during the mid-cycle and end-of-cycle assessment preparations. During the assessment preparations, the staff will determine if there are possible plant performance deficiencies not identified by the NRC, and if so, make a determination if baseline inspection resources should be directed to evaluate the possible deficiencies.

In addition, this information will be assessed during the annual reactor oversight process self-assessment to determine if any process changes are warranted.

3.3.4(1) Review inspection guidance pertaining to refueling Medium Insp Complete Complete NRR (IIPB) outage activities to determine whether the level of inspection effort and guidance are sufficient given the typically high level of licensee activity during relatively short outage periods. The impact of extended operating cycles on the opportunity to inspect inside containment and the lack of inspection focus on passive components should be reviewed. This review should also determine whether the guidance and level of effort are sufficient for inspecting other plant areas which are difficult to access or where access is routinely restricted.


LLTF Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation Priority Category Target Date Lead Org.

No. Review STATUS: Inspection Procedure (IP) 71111.20 Refueling and Other Outage Activities was revised to include containment walkdowns and consideration of walkdowns in other restricted areas (IP 71111.20, Change Notice 04-011, ADAMS Accession #ML041280018, dated 5/6/04). In addition, the inspection of passive component integrity is being increased in response to DBLLTF items 3.3.2(1) and 3.3.4(3), which enhanced inspection of licensee inservice inspection activities, including boric acid corrosion control. The effectiveness of the regional implementation of these inspection procedures are evaluated annually as part of the annual Reactor Oversight Process self assessment.

Region feedback identified a need to expand on the IP 71111.20 guidance to ensure proper focus during outages on structures, systems, and components that are inaccessible during power operations. However, prior to the 5/6/04 revision, the Regions had used outage periods as opportunities to inspect plant areas that are only accessible during outages. This includes inspections under other IPs in the ROP. ALARA and environmental conditions (i.e., high temperature) were identified as limiting factors for containment walkdowns in several boiling water reactors, which indicates that containment type should be factored into containment walkdown guidance. This is being evaluated as a potential IP 71111.20 revision. IP 71111.20 will continue to be evaluated on an ongoing basis as part of the annual ROP assessment process and as part of the procedure feedback process in accordance with IMC 0801.

3.3.4(4) Revise IMC 0350 to permit implementation of IMC Medium Insp Complete Complete NRR (IIPB) 0350 without first having established that a significant performance problem exists, as defined by the ROP.

STATUS: IMC 0350 was revised 12/31/03 to state that a plant can be considered for oversight under the IMC 0350 process when a significant operational event has occurred. The next revision to IMC 0350 will revise the title to reflect this change.

Davis-Besse remained the only plant under the IMC 0350 process during CY 2004. At the time of the effectiveness review, no additional plants had been considered for IMC 0350 oversight since this change was made in December 2003. However, feedback from the Davis-Besse Oversight Panel and other stakeholders indicates that this change and those noted under DBLLTF item number 3.3.5(4) have been effective in addressing the concerns noted by the DBLLTF, particularly in the allocation of resources and implementation of the comprehensive inspection and oversight guidance. The IMC 0350 process, including this particular change, will continue to be evaluated for efficiency and effectiveness as part of the ROP self-assessment process on an annual basis.


LLTF Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation Priority Category Target Date Lead Org.

No. Review 3.3.4(5) Review the range of NRC baseline inspections and Medium Insp Complete Not Required NRR (IIPB) plant assessment processes, as well as other NRC programs, to determine whether sufficient programs and processes are in place to identify and appropriately disposition the types of problems experienced at DBNPS. Additionally, provide more structured and focused inspections to assess licensee employee concerns programs and safety conscious work environment (SCWE).

STATUS: The Inspection Program Branch (IIPB) reviewed the NRC baseline inspection program and plant assessment processes as part of the annual Reactor Oversight Process (ROP) self-assessment in April 2004, and also reviewed completed DBLLTF items related to the ROP.

Based on these reviews, the staff has enhanced the baseline inspection program by (1) requiring the screening of all licensee corrective action items, (2) performing a semi-annual trend review focused on recurring equipment issues, (3) requiring containment walkdowns during outages, (4) reviewing deferred modifications, and (5) evaluating licensee actions when operating with multiple, repetitive, or unplanned technical specification action statements. The staff has enhanced the plant assessment process by (1) strengthening the oversight of plants in extended shutdowns, (2) requiring more complete documentation of important staff decisions, and (3) budgeting resources for Inspection Manual Chapter 0350 plants. The staff has also enhanced the ROP by (1) requiring training on boric acid corrosion, stress corrosion cracking, and the importance of a questioning attitude, and (2) requiring annual refresher training on different aspects of the ROP. Based on these actions, the first half of this DBLLTF action item is complete.

Regarding the second half of this item, on August 30, 2004, the Commission issued a Staff Requirements Memorandum (SRM) that disapproved an option to develop an inspection process to systematically assess safety culture. Instead the SRM requires the staff to enhance the ROP treatment of cross-cutting issues to more fully address safety culture. The SRM noted that the staff should rely on inspector observations and other indicators already available to the NRC, should develop tools that allow inspectors to rely on more objective findings, should consider including enhanced problem identification and resolution initiatives, and should ensure that the inspectors are properly trained in the area of safety culture. Based on this direction from the Commission, the staff will work with the appropriate stakeholders to provide more structured inspection and guidance in the area of safety culture, which encompasses SCWE. As a result of the Commissions direction, the DBLLTF item to provide more focused inspections on employee concerns programs and SCWE has been superseded and expanded upon and will be tracked separately in response to the SRM. Therefore, the second half of this recommendation is complete. The effectiveness of any changes made to the ROP will be evaluated as part of the annual ROP self-assessment.


LLTF Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation Priority Category Target Date Lead Org.

No. Review 3.3.7(1) Reinforce expectations for the implementation of Medium Insp Complete Complete NRR guidance in the PM handbook for PM site visits, (DLPM) coordination between PMs and resident inspectors, and PM assignment duration. Reinforce expectations provided to PMs and their supervisors regarding the questioning of information involving plant operation and conditions. Also, strengthen the guidance related to the license amendment review process to emphasize the need to consider current system conditions, reliability, and performance data in SERs.

In order to improve the licensing decision-making process, the NRC should strengthen its guidance regarding the verification of information provided by licensees.

STATUS: Several of these recommendations are addressed, at least in part, by existing procedures.

The Site Visits section of the DLPM Handbook provides guidance to PMs on activities to be conducted during site visits. The Morning Calls section discusses interactions with Region personnel. Office Instruction LIC-100, Rev. 1 (issued 01/04) provides guidance on considering current conditions during licensing action reviews. Office Instruction LIC-101 provides guidance on the amendment review process and use of Requests for Additional Information (RAI)for obtaining information. IP 71005 (issued 08/03) provides a mechanism for PMs to obtain resident inspector (RI) support in obtaining plant information. In addition, a memo from the DLPM Director to the DLPM staff (6/25/04) provided clarification of management expectations for PM site visits, coordination between PMs and resident inspectors, PM assignment duration, questioning of information, and verifying information provided by licensees. This also has been discussed at division and management meetings. The DLPM handbook and appropriate Office Instructions were updated to include this additional guidance .

The effectiveness review determined that this recommendation was successfully implemented. In general, PMs visited their sites consistent with the expectation, although travel and budget constraints, special assignments such as the security plan review team, and other resource issues resulted in some PMs not visiting their sites.

With regard to PM assignment duration, a review of 34 PM reassignments that occurred between May 2004 and June 2005 revealed that 16 were due to medical reasons, retirements, resignations, permanent rotations to other divisions, and temporary rotations to special task groups.

Of the 18 remaining transfers, the average time the previous PM was assigned to the plant was 3.44 years. PM assignment duration (that was less than the desired length but within the control of the office) was documented in memos from Project Directors.


LLTF Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation Priority Category Target Date Lead Org.

No. Review Most PMs include the Region and RI during the licensing review and when drafting the safety evaluation. Verification of information submitted by licensees is being accomplished, as evidenced by the identification of deficiencies with licensee submittals on a few occasions. Prompt action and attentiveness by several PMs resolved complicated issues by supplying plant operational information to the technical staff before sending the licensee an RAI. Communications between the PM, RI and the technical staff took various forms. Sharing of information between the Resident and the PM led to many successful reviews and the capturing of potential safety issues. Some examples are: PM and RI cooperation on heavy loads accident analysis; an RI provided operational information that the licensees foreign material exclusion (FME) program had deficiencies and the licensee took steps to correct those issues prior to approval of an amendment that relied on its FME program; and, an RI provided information on the lack of margin for the ultimate heat sink and an emergency TS change was denied. These examples demonstrate that the PMs work with RIs and the region to consider current plant conditions, question and verify data provided by licensee, and improve the licensing decision-making process.

APP. F Conduct an effectiveness review of the actions taken Medium Insp Complete Not Required NRR(IIPB) in response to past lessons-learned reviews.

STATUS: A task force conducted the recommended review and issued its report on 8/2/04 (ML042110287). This completed the scope of work required by this LLTF recommendation and, since the Appendix F effort was itself an effectiveness review, an additional effectiveness review is not required. However, the report findings and recommendations are being addressed.

The task force found that, while previous lessons learned reviews were thorough and produced good recommendations, they were not always effectively implemented. It recommended development of an agency-wide corrective action program. This recommendation was accepted by management and endorsed by the Commission in its 12/15/04 SRM (ML043500639). The EDO formed a team to develop a corrective action program that addresses the task force report and the SRM. The team is developing a program that will address lessons learned selected for special attention from high-level, multi-office or agency level lessons that stem from organizational failures. The program will be implemented through a phased approach. Program definition and draft documentation will be developed by December 31, 2005. Following a pilot program and staff training, the base program will be implemented by June 2006. The teams activities are being tracked and reported separately from the Davis-Besse LLTF recommendations.

Specific items from the previous lessons learned reports that were identified for additional follow-up have been entered into the NRR corrective action program and will be tracked to completion by that process.


LLTF Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation Priority Category Target Date Lead Org.

No. Review 3.3.2(2) Revise the overall PI&R inspection approach such that Low Insp Complete Complete NRR (IIPB) issues similar to those experienced at DBNPS are reviewed and assessed. Enhance the guidance for these inspections to prescribe the format of information that is screened when determining which specific problems will be reviewed.

STATUS: The Inspection Program Branch issued a revision in 09/03 to Inspection Procedure (IP) 71152, Identification and Resolution of Problems, to include an inspection requirement to perform a semi-annual review to identify trends that might indicate the existence of a more significant safety issue. Training to inform the inspection staff of this change to IP 71152 was conducted using web-based training and follow up conference calls between the regions and the program office. The training was documented as complete in May 2004.

The effectiveness of the changes to IP 71152 addressing the DBLLTF recommendations was discussed during a problem identification and resolution focus group meeting held on March 11, 2005. The consensus of the group members was that the changes have resulted in no unintended consequences, have reinforced expectations that inspectors have a questioning attitude, and provide a method for highlighting issues that might be indicative of a more significant problem. In addition, the regional inspection procedure leads, in conjunction with the NRR program office, have highlighted and communicated semiannual trend reviews that have been successful at identifying negative equipment trends. In some cases, these negative trends may not have been documented if the inspection guidance had not been changed. There has been some feedback from inspectors requesting additional guidance on how to conduct the semiannual trend reviews. The inspection guidance in this area was deliberately kept non-prescriptive to afford inspectors ample opportunities to follow up on issues that might not fit well elsewhere in the inspection program. Overall, the changes were effectively implemented and addressed the recommendations. IP 71152 will continue to be evaluated on an ongoing basis as part of the annual ROP assessment process.

3.3.2(3) Provide enhanced Inspection Manual Chapter Low Insp Complete Complete NRR (IIPB) guidance to pursue issues and problems identified during plant status reviews.

STATUS: IP 71152, Problem Identification and Resolution, was revised in 09/03 to require the resident inspector to perform a screening review of each item entered into the corrective action program. The intent of this review is to be alert to conditions such as repetitive equipment failures or human performance issues that might warrant additional follow-up through other baseline inspection procedures.

The effectiveness of the changes to IP 71152 addressing the DBLLTF recommendations was discussed during a problem identification and 23

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No. Review resolution focus group meeting held on March 11, 2005. The consensus of the group members was that the changes have resulted in no unintended consequences, have reinforced expectations that inspectors have a questioning attitude, and provide a method for highlighting issues that might be indicative of a more significant problem. In addition, the regional inspection procedure leads, in conjunction with the NRR program office, have highlighted and communicated semiannual trend reviews that have been successful at identifying negative equipment trends. In some cases, these negative trends may not have been documented if the inspection guidance had not been changed. There has been some feedback from inspectors requesting additional guidance on how to conduct the semiannual trend reviews. The inspection guidance in this area was deliberately kept non-prescriptive to afford inspectors ample opportunities to follow up on issues that might not fit well elsewhere in the inspection program. Overall, the changes were effectively implemented and addressed the recommendations. IP 71152 will continue to be evaluated on an ongoing basis as part of the annual ROP assessment process.

3.3.2(4) Revise inspection guidance to provide for the Low Insp Complete Complete NRR (IIPB) longer-term follow-up of issues that have not progressed to a finding.

STATUS: IP 71152, Problem Identification and Resolution, was revised in 09/03 and includes enhanced requirements regarding routine PI&R reviews conducted by the resident inspectors, biennial reviews of longstanding issues, and biennial reviews of licensees operating experience issues.

The effectiveness of the changes to IP 71152 addressing the DBLLTF recommendations was discussed during a problem identification and resolution focus group meeting held on March 11, 2005. The consensus of the group members was that the changes have resulted in no unintended consequences, have reinforced expectations that inspectors have a questioning attitude, and provide a method for highlighting issues that might be indicative of a more significant problem. In addition, the regional inspection procedure leads, in conjunction with the NRR program office, have highlighted and communicated semiannual trend reviews that have been successful at identifying negative equipment trends. In some cases, these negative trends may not have been documented if the inspection guidance had not been changed. There has been some feedback from inspectors requesting additional guidance on how to conduct the semiannual trend reviews. The inspection guidance in this area was deliberately kept non-prescriptive to afford inspectors ample opportunities to follow up on issues that might not fit well elsewhere in the inspection program. Overall, the changes were effectively implemented and addressed the recommendations. IP 71152 will continue to be evaluated on an ongoing basis as part of the annual ROP assessment process.


LLTF Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation Priority Category Target Date Lead Org.

No. Review 3.3.3(2) Perform a sample review of the plant assessments Low Insp Complete Not Required NRR (IIPB) conducted under the interim PPR [Plant Performance Review] assessment process (1998-2000) to determine whether there are plant safety issues that have not been adequately assessed.

STATUS: An audit of eight PPRs (2 PPR per Region) was completed in 06/04. It did not identify any issues that had not been adequately addressed. No additional follow-up is necessary.

3.3.4(6) Provide ROP refresher training to managers and staff Low Insp Complete Complete NRR (IIPB) members.

STATUS: Based on the Davis Besse LLTF Report, ROP Refresher Training was provided at each of the Regional Inspector Counterpart Meetings in 05/04. The topic of the ROP Refresher Training session was an individuals role in developing and maintaining a questioning attitude. The slide presentation can be found at ADAMS (ML041320101).

The IMC1245, Qualification Program For the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Programs (ML04180012), was revised to include a requirement for annual ROP Refresher Training. IMC 1245 requires that topics for ROP refresher training will be solicited during the Spring Regional Inspector Counterpart Meetings. The IMC 1245 Management Steering Group will select the topic(s), determine the method of training, and determine the timing of the training. The NRR Inspection Program Branch will be responsible for ensuring the training is developed and implemented during the fall of each year.

This action was effectively implemented in 2004. The Inspection Program Branch provided the initial ROP refresher training during the spring regional inspector counterpart meetings. The training focused on maintaining a questioning attitude. In the long term, IMC 1245 was revised to include a requirement for annual ROP refresher training.

The IMC 1245 Management Steering Group and IMC 1245 Working Group annually review the effectiveness of inspector training through feedback forms submitted, results of the inspector oral boards, and regional experience. Improvements and revisions are recommended and implemented as appropriate. In addition, the Regions discuss current ROP issues during inspector counterpart meetings and in newsletters discussing value-added findings. Further, the IMC 1245 Management Steering Group, comprised of Regional Division/Deputy Division 25

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No. Review Directors, discusses potential ROP refresher training topics and chooses the topic to be discussed during formal training.

In summary, the training associated with this recommendation was effectively implemented and will be continually reviewed as part of the inspector training program reviews and regional management attention.

3.3.5(2) Reinforce IMC 0102 expectations regarding regional Low Insp Complete Complete NRR (IIPB) manager visits to reactor sites.

STATUS: During the July 2003 Regional Division Director Counterpart Meeting, the Inspection Program Branch reinforced the IMC 0102 expectations for site visits. During a general discussion of reactor oversight process topics, a hand out was distributed which outlined the site visit responsibilities for the senior resident and resident inspectors, each line manager, Division of Reactor Project (DRP) managers, the Operator Licensing manager, the DRP Division Director or Deputy, and the Regional Administrator or Deputy Regional Administrator. The site visit responsibilities were discussed and are outlined in detail in IMC 0102,Oversight and Objectivity of Inspectors and Examiners at Reactor Facilities, This action was effectively implemented in 2003. The training was provided during the August 2003 regional Division Directors counterpart meeting and focused on the requirements of IMC 0102. In addition, as part of regional efforts to improve consistency and communicate value-added inspection activities, IMC 0102 is being revised to improve the expectations and requirements for regional managers regarding reactor site visits. In summary, the training associated with this recommendation was effectively implemented and will be continually reviewed as part of the inspector training program reviews and regional management attention.

3.3.5(3) Establish measurements for resident inspector Low Insp Complete Complete NRR (IIPB) staffing, including the establishment of program expectations to satisfy minimum staffing levels.

STATUS: A Site Staffing metric (ML032410588) was developed in 12/03, with regional input, to monitor gaps in permanent resident and senior resident inspector staffing at reactor sites. This metric was pilot tested in calendar year 2004, adjustments have been made based on the results of the pilot, and a revised metric was issued to the regions in 12/04. A criterion of maintaining at least 90% staffing program-wide has been established for this metric. In addition, any single site that falls below 90% will be specifically evaluated as part of the Reactor Oversight Process self-assessment process. This new metric will be used as an input to the annual Reactor Oversight Process self-assessment process. Since the effectiveness review for this change will be an ongoing assessment of usefulness as the metric is used as an input to the process, no additional effectiveness review is required.


LLTF Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation Priority Category Target Date Lead Org.

No. Review 3.3.7(5) Fully implement Office Letter 900, Managing Low Insp Complete Complete NRR Commitments Made by Licensees to the NRC, or (DLPM) revise the guidance if it is determined that the audit of licensees programs is not required.

Further, determine whether the periodic report on commitment changes submitted by licensees to the NRC should continue to be submitted and reviewed.

STATUS: Office Letter 900 was revised and incorporated into NRR Office Instruction LIC-105, Managing Commitments Made by Licensees to the NRC, which was issued on 05/27/03. LIC-105 requires periodic audits (every 3 years) by the DLPM Project Managers (PMs) that consist of two major parts. The first is a verification of the licensees implementation of NRC commitments by reviewing a sample of commitments.

LIC-105 provides criteria for selection of the sample. The second is a verification of the licensees program for managing changes to commitments. Program controls will be verified to be consistent with industry guidelines in Nuclear Energy Institute document NEI 99-04, which has been found by the NRC (SECY-00-045, dated 2/22/00) to provide acceptable guidance for managing regulatory commitments. NEI 99-04 also directs licensees to submit periodic reports of changes to commitments. This part of the audit will be done through additional samples of changes to commitments. It also includes a sample to confirm that the licensees program ensures commitments are maintained following initial implementation. The results of the audit will be documented in a report from the PM.

In the discussion of the basis for this recommendation, the LLTF also noted that the DLPM handbook did not reference the office letter or discuss requirements for periodic audits of licensees commitment management programs. The DLPM Handbook has been revised and the sections on Site Visits and Commitment Management Program reinforce the requirement for the periodic audits by PMs, and provides a link to LIC-105.

The intent of the LLTF recommendation has been met by the issuance of the guidance documents in 2004. An effectiveness review in 2005 found that, consistent with the guidance and management expectations, one-third of the reviews were completed during the first year. Some PMs suggested that having the resident inspectors perform the audits as part of 10 CFR 50.59 reviews would retain the benefit of the audit, improve efficiency, and reduce travel costs. Most PMs were in agreement that the audit documentation requirements should be reduced. These items will be considered and the staff will determine whether changes to the audit procedures are needed when audits have been performed at all sites.

In the course of the audits, PMs generally gained confidence that the licensees commitment management programs are robust and reliable.

Some items identified for future consideration include : (1) Some licensee do not have a dedicated system to track regulatory commitments and, instead, rely on several plant tracking subsystems to manage regulatory commitments, which results in the licensee not having a comprehensive listing and current status of all regulatory commitments, (2) Enforcement of commitments can be difficult since commitments can be eliminated in 27

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No. Review a 50.59 review, (3) Licensees typically do not formally identify regulatory commitments in submittals to the NRC.

The commitments to evaluate the efficiency of the audit process and the need for procedure changes have been entered into the NRR corrective action program and will be tracked through that process.


Category: Barrier Integrity LLTF Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation Priority Category Target Date Lead Org.

No. Review 3.1.5(1) Determine whether PWR plants should install on-line High BI Complete Not required RES (DET) for enhanced leakage detection systems on critical plant research report components, which would be capable of detecting NRR/RES for leakage rates of significantly less than 1 gpm. remaining actions STATUS: This recommendation focuses on determining if improvements can be made in leakage detection requirements. To accomplish this, a comprehensive review and evaluation of plant experiences and current leakage detection systems was performed by updating a similar study that was performed by Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) in the late 1980's. There are three main tasks associated with this effort. The first task is an assessment of the leakage associated with the degradation of various reactor coolant pressure boundary components. The second task is a review of leakage operating experience by developing a database of leakage events. The third task is an evaluation of the capabilities of various leakage detection systems. ANL submitted a draft report in 05/04. The RES and NRR staffs reviewed this draft report and provided comments to ANL. The final report was published as NUREG/CR-6861 in12/04.

A working group consisting of members of the NRR and RES staff was formed to address this recommendation.

In evaluating the need for additional requirements pertaining to leakage detection, the staff considered past operating experience related to reactor coolant system integrity and the performance deficiencies that led to the degradation that occurred at Davis-Besse. The staff identified techniques that could improve localized leak detection and on-line monitoring and several areas of possible improvements to leakage detection requirements that could provide increased confidence that plants are not operated at power with reactor coolant pressure boundary leakage.

However, implementing these increased capabilities would most likely result in a very modest reduction in loss-of-coolant accident frequencies.

As a result, the staff concluded that the associated risk reduction that may be realized would not justify the costs associated with the installation and maintenance of such equipment (i.e., the cost-benefit criteria associated with implementation of the backfit rule [10 CFR 50.109] could not be satisfied). Issuance of the working group report completed the recommendation and, since no further action was proposed, an effectiveness review is not required.

3.2.1(1) Improve the requirements pertaining to RCS High BI Complete Not required RES (DET) for unidentified leakage and RCPB leakage to ensure that research report they are sufficient to: (1) provide the ability to discriminate between RCS unidentified leakage and NRR/RES for RCPB leakage; and (2) provide reasonable assurance remaining that plants are not operated at power with RCPB actions leakage.


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No. Review STATUS: This item was implemented in conjunction with LLTF 3.1.5(1) above.

In evaluating the need for additional requirements pertaining to leakage detection, the staff considered past operating experience related to reactor coolant system integrity and the performance deficiencies that led to the degradation that occurred at Davis-Besse. The staff identified techniques that could improve localized leak detection and on-line monitoring and several areas of possible improvements to leakage detection requirements that could provide increased confidence that plants are not operated at power with reactor coolant pressure boundary leakage.

However, implementing these increased capabilities would most likely result in a very modest reduction in loss-of-coolant accident frequencies.

As a result, the staff concluded that the associated risk reduction that may be realized would not justify the costs associated with the installation and maintenance of such equipment (i.e., the cost-benefit criteria associated with implementation of the backfit rule [10 CFR 50.109] could not be satisfied). Since no changes were recommended, an effectiveness review is not required.

3.2.1(2) Develop inspection guidance pertaining to RCS High BI Complete Complete NRR (IIPB) unidentified leakage that includes action levels to trigger increasing levels of NRC interaction with licensees in order to assess licensee actions in response to increasing levels of unidentified RCS leakage. The action level criteria should identify adverse trends in RCS unidentified leakage that could indicate RCPB degradation.

STATUS: IMC 2515, Appendix D, Plant Status, was revised in 05/04 to require inspectors to trend leak rates and monitor unidentified leakage for adverse trends, and, if any are noted, to inform licensee management and regional management. The guidance also requires inspectors to review licensee procedures and action plans to identify source(s) of RCS unidentified leakages when RCS leakages are suspected and to review licensee procedures for action steps, as unidentified leakage approaches licensee administrative limits or technical specifications allowed values.

IMC 2515, Appendix D, was revised again in 01/05 to provide guidance and techniques necessary for assessing potential adverse trends and action levels in response to increasing levels of RCS unidentified leakage. The effectiveness review was deferred to provide an adequate period of time to use the new guidance.


LLTF Effectiveness LLTF Recommendation Priority Category Target Date Lead Org.

No. Review 3.2.1(3) Inspect plant alarm response procedure requirements High BI Complete Complete NRR (IIPB) for leakage monitoring systems to assess whether they provide adequate guidance for the identification of RCPB leakage.

STATUS: To address this recommendation, inspection guidance has been revised to verify that licensees have programs and processes in place to (1) monitor plant-specific instrumentation that could indicate potential RCS leakage, (2) meet existing requirements related to degraded or inoperable leakage detection instruments, (3) use an inventory balance check when there is unidentified leakage (4) take appropriate corrective action for adverse trends in unidentified leak rates, and (5) pay particular attention to changes in unidentified leakage. The revised procedures include Inspection Manual Chapter 2515 Appendix D (Plant Status Review), Inspection Procedure 71111.22, and Inspection Procedure 71111.08. These revisions were issued in 05/04 and inspections have commenced.

The assessment of the adequacy of licensee procedure requirements was completed as part of the annual ROP self assessment process. The staffs review of inspection results and feedback from each Region regarding the implementation of these changes indicated that the licensees alarm response procedures and operating procedures provide adequate guidance for the identification and corrective actions for reactor coolant system boundary leakage. No implementation issues or findings were identified in this area. IPs 71111.22 and 71111.08, and IMC 2515 will continue to be evaluated on an ongoing basis as part of the annual ROP assessment process and as part of the procedure feedback process in accordance with IMC 0801.

3.3.3(3) Continue ongoing efforts to review and improve the High BI Complete Not Required NRR(DIPM) usefulness of the barrier integrity PIs [Performance Indicators]. These review efforts should evaluate the feasibility of establishing a PI which tracks the number, duration, and rate of primary system leaks that have been identified but not corrected.

STATUS: The review and improvement of PIs is on ongoing process, which is performed by a working group that includes NRC and industry representatives. The PI program is a voluntary program for the industry in that there are no regulatory requirements associated with the program. Changes to the program generally require consensus between the NRC staff and industry. The first part of LLTF 3.3.3(3) is satisfied by the continuation of this ongoing process.

The second part of the recommendation requires a feasibility evaluation of establishing an additional PI for tracking number, duration and rate of 31

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No. Review primary system leaks. The existing Reactor Coolant System (RCS) Leakage PI already monitors identified leakage as a percentage of the plant technical specifications limit. The intent of the PI is to call attention to those plants that have identified primary system leaks but have not corrected them in a timely manner. Only five plants have crossed the green-white threshold (greater than 50 percent of TS limit) in five years.

The industry and NRC staff established a subgroup composed of NRC staff and industry representatives to assess the feasibility of creating a PI to track the number, duration, and rate of primary system leaks that have been identified but not corrected. The group concluded that it is not feasible at present due, in part, to the difficulty licensees have in determining small leak rates accurately, and, in part, to the quarterly data reporting, which makes it difficult for the staff to determine the number of leaks, the rate, and the duration. However, the staff will continue to follow progress in leak detection capability and industry efforts in this area.

As part of the continuing effort to improve usefulness of the barrier integrity PIs and the Reactor Oversight Process, the staff/industry working group agreed to have the subgroup explore possible improvements to the RCS leakage PI. The subgroup has met on a number of occasions and is currently interacting with the Westinghouse Owners Group to understand the efforts being undertaken by that group.

In summary, the staff has assessed the feasibility of establishing the PI which tracks the number, duration, and rate of primary system leaks that have been identified but not corrected and has determined that it is not feasible at this time. As part of the ongoing efforts to improve the Reactor Oversight Process and PI Program, the staff is working with its external stakeholders and has established an NRC staff/industry subgroup to explore and possibly improve the RCS Leakage PI. Since this is a continuing process and no specific changes were made, there is no need for an effectiveness review.

3.3.4(9) Review PWR plant technical specifications to identify High BI Complete Not Required NRR (IROB) plants that have non-standard RCPB leakage requirements.

Pursue changes to those technical specifications to make them consistent among all plants.

STATUS: Plants with nonstandard RCPB technical specifications (TSs) were identified in a 07/03 study (ML031980277). The study indicated that only one plant did not have TSs for RCPB leakage. Subsequently, this plant submitted a technical specification change request that will bring it into alignment with the standard TSs. This change was approved on 5/7/04. Now all PWR TSs have RCPB leakage limits consistent with standard TSs. The requirements for shutdown, if leakage exists, are not identical, but all plants require appropriate conservative action to place the plant in cold shutdown within the time frame of the standard TSs.

3.3.7(3) Evaluate the adequacy of analysis methods involving Medium BI Complete Complete RES 32

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No. Review the assessment of risk associated with passive component degradation, including the integration of the results of such analyses into the regulatory decision-making process.

STATUS: A working group consisting of members of the NRR and RES staff addressed this recommendation. In general, the working group found that the methods used to assess risk are adequate; however, in most cases there is insufficient data to use those methods to produce robust results. Also, an understanding of the results of any risk assessment, as well as its limitations and uncertainties, is paramount for responsible risk-informed regulatory decision making. The working group report, dated March 31, 2005, found that the available risk assessment models alone are usually inadequate to provide strong support for many types of decisions. The portions of the risk models that predict degradation rates and structural integrity effects, and the limited information about plant-specific conditions often make it difficult to make reliable predictions very far beyond the latest available measurements. However, the working group concluded that decisions made on the basis of a proper combination of inspection results and predictive modeling can be successfully used to adequately control the risk to the public. The steam generator tube integrity program that has recently been developed in cooperation with industry, is suggested as a model for success in other portions of the pressure boundary components that are important to safety.

The Division Directors agree that the methods used to assess risk are adequate and data limitations need to be well understood. An understanding of the limitations and uncertainties is necessary to make the appropriate decision. Degradation issues are not unique with respect to the need for decision makers to carefully consider the degree of uncertainty of and the level of confidence in the available information and analytical results. But, it is more difficult than usual to do so for degradation issues, because of the greater reliance on predictive models in place of empirical reliability data. Based on the working group findings, the evaluation recommended by DBLLTF 3.3.7(3) is considered complete.

The Division Directors generally endorsed the working group recommendations and noted that the implementation of the recommendations should be consistent with the NRR/DSSA effort to assess the May 2004 GAO report on the Davis-Besse shutdown. NRR and RES will develop a strategy to implement the training identified by the working group for incorporating the risk assessment results in regulatory decision-making.

The overall training and other items required to implement these recommendations, and the effectiveness review are projected to be completed by September 2006.